#hence the Miku here as i have a Miku one in there
autisticlio · 6 months
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Despair came knocking, and I let her in for awhile.
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liquidstar · 7 months
Oh noooo I just realized pascha this year is on the same day as mikuexpo 😭 I can still do both but I'll be soooo tired 💔 but I refuse to miss either
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 6 months
Ok so I just found your blog and am in love with your art style and ofc your fat mikus! I just have a quick question--have any tips for drawing fat characters? I keep trying to, but every time it just looks so wierd. And I end up giving up. But I want to diversify sizes on my ocs! But anything that isn't the "standard" (aka what you see everywhere) size keeps looking off.
So any tips?
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I can't fully say I'm an expert on the field since I'm still learning myself :D but here are the tips I can give on how I draw them
Notes: • Pear Shape-Star Shape/Teardrop shape • Give lines some weight- It emphasizes the softness of the character's body • ARMS- at first I didnt draw them plumpy, i got a comment saying the arms were thin so keep in mind. Fat gets distributed in the body, could be more on the belly or breasts or legs •BREASTS/CHEST- Gaining fat means gaining chests, but I don't think thats thats the case every time. While I see a lot of chubby characters being portrayed with heavy sets of jugs, based on my observation its not always the case and really just gives this idk weird portrayal of bodies that chubbs=big chests....hence the PEAR shape. •OBSERVATION and REFERENCING- This is the MOST IMPORTANT one. While I got used to drawing them without looking up references, it is important to work closer and learn more by observing side by side references to understand how body fat works. I think my works are still flat, having a reference gives you an idea how to approach on drawing it. •FACES/HEAD- I think I didnt change anything much with how I usually draw them. In my case I really like drawing them very cutesy like. The proportion of the face is smaller compared to the head giving an impression of (?) chubby face (dont know if I worded that correctly). •LINES- I tend to avoid sharp lines on chubby characters. I always try to make them look soft. •WEIRD TIP: How I actually learned is that I realize its like I'm drawing chibi characters but making them full(?). I realized that drawing chibi is somewhat similar to drawing chubby
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project-sekai-facts · 2 months
what do you think the "Please forgive me and Purple" mean? considering the Miku (and Teto!) version it could be stand as a prayer like "Amen" yk? I always thought it said "please forgive me Empurple" as if "Empurple" was an entity
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please forgive me and "purple", the wavering me dyed purple
So empurple means "to become purple", hence why in the official english lyrics "empurple" is replaced by "dyed purple". I think the 'and "purple" ' in the lyrics is representative of Mafuyu's emotional state, as in, her true and genuine self waiting to be found/freed. The real Mafuyu - her image color is purple after all. I think to understand what it means to Mafuyu at least, we need to look at the SEKAI ver instead of Harumaki Gohan's version. It was written for Mafuyu, so most likely Mafuyu is the origin of this lyric, which was then put into a different context with Harumaki Gohan's MV.
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In the first verse where Mafuyu sings "the real me feeling stuck in my throat is empurpling", which gives us an image of Mafuyu struggling to open up about her feelings. The longer she feels stuck and keeps everything in the more purple it becomes. This is confirmation enough that the "purple" that she's asking for forgiveness for is just the things she kept hidden from her parents. It makes a lot more sense if you consider that this is the event where she starts to reconnect with her dad, and truly starts to trust him and open up to him. You don't have to read past this part, I have answered the question.
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I think it's worth mentioning as well that we see these red and blue strings throughout the entire MV, obviously red and blue being the colors that make purple. We'll get more on what red and blue mean in the context of this song later, but just briefly I want to talk about this specific frame here. Strings have been a recurring motif for Mafuyu from as early as her first ever event, Captive Marionette. In that event, Mafuyu likens herself to a marionette doll, with the way she feels completely under the control of her mother and like she's being used for her mother's own performance (that will get its own analysis in due time). Her card for that event shows her dressed as a marionette doll bound by strings.
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The strings come back for her aptly titled My True Feelings card in her fourth event, Saying Goodbye to my Masked Self. She's seen cutting the threads here, symbolising how she ran away from home and effectively cut off her mother. And now back to Empurple. In the opening shot of the MV, we see red and blue strings wrapped around Mafuyu's ankles, binding her to something offscreen. Behind her, towards the area she's being bound to, we see a bunny plushie and some apple slices cut into the shape of rabbits.
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These are taken from her Memories of Warm Affection card, which shows kid Mafuyu being taken care of by her mother. The event Empurple was commissioned for, Reeling in the Lights, heavily calls back to Mirage of Lights, Mafuyu's second event and the event this card originates from. It's pretty clear here that Mafuyu is being bound to her mother, and her memories of her mother's care for her when she was younger. Continuing on with the actual song:
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The next part of interest is the first pre-chorus. The first shot here is one of a child's hand holding an adult's, obviously meant to be Mafuyu and her father based on the card for this event (below). The next shot is of kid Mafuyu's eye, much brighter and with a far lighter blue color. These two shots are accompanied by the lyrics "Try to open my left hand and have a look? It's still embedded with blue eyes." (It is in fact her left hand that she uses to hold her dad's hand in her card). Now here's where we get to the meaning of blue in the song and MV.
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The blue here is meant to represent Mafuyu's younger self. Her more genuine and innocent self before her parents started setting more pressure and expectations on her. The first line of the chorus is "If I saw that, would I be surprised", which I think perfectly encapsulates how Mafuyu feels when looking back at her childhood. In both of the "Lights" events focusing on her relationship with her parents, she looks back on these childhood memories that are so distant from her reality that she'd almost forgotten them, and yeah, it's surprising how different her life was and how she was when she was younger. The second line of the chorus "I just want to live once with genuine feelings only" plays into this too. And then we come back to the "purple".
If we hold hands, it would be great if you could understand, Please, Forgive me and "Purple", The wavering me is Empurpled
It's very clear here that this is all directed towards her father. In the event, we flash back to Mafuyu's dad comforting her during a thunderstorm, and although its one of her only memories of him because he was very absent from her childhood, she realises that she associates him with being a source of support, and decides to tell him more about how she really feels. She affirms her trust and comfort by holding his hand. In the context of the song, she's asking him to forgive her and all the things she's been hiding over the years.
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The next point of interest is the second prechorus, which is very similar to the first, only this time, it's about the "red". Once again we get a shot of Mafuyu holding her dad's hand, only this time it shows the present day, and Mafuyu is using her right hand this time. Like how the first prechorus mentioned her left hand, this one mentions her right, with the precise lyric being "Try to open my right hand and have a look? You'll find a crimson sky.". An aside, her eyes aren't crimson here, I won't deny that, but they can't exactly just give Mafuyu red eyes, so for the sake of this analysis, pretend she has red eyes or something or that crimson and indigo are the same thing. We see the shot of teenage Mafuyu's dull indigo right eye over the lyric about the crimson sky, a direct contrast to her bright blue eyes from the first prechorus.
The "red" in this song references Mafuyu's current state of being. A girl struggling with expectations and appearances to the point she lost her sense of self, her emotions, and her will to live. All of this has been kept well hidden until the mask finally came off in her previous event, and now her father is seeing this completely new side to his daughter too. It's far more impactful though with the knowledge that he was an absent father, and never really got to spend any time with Mafuyu due to his work schedule. Like he never really knew Mafuyu to begin with in some ways. All he knew of her would've mainly come from how other people saw her, which is what caused this in the first place.
The first line of the second chorus is "If you see it, will you be shocked?", obviously referring to how she has her worries about telling her dad these things about herself. He is, in fact. shocked by the situation. He's completely stunned when he finds out Mafuyu can't even taste the food he's been buying her back in The Tone Played on that Day, because this is nothing like the Mafuyu he thought he knew. At that point he knew Mafuyu had been struggling, but he had no idea of the severity of it because Mafuyu had been holding these things in her throat.
The second line interests me quite a lot though. "The crimson sky is so beautiful, yet you'll never know." I've been trying to think about what quite we're looking at here for a few minutes, but here's what I've interpreted it as. Where we are right now in the story, the crimson is the closest we can get to the real Mafuyu. It's her true self as much as her current emotional state will allow, and obviously there's some beauty in that. It's far more authentic that the manufactured facade of blue that she'd been putting up for the previous few years. "yet you'll never know" could refer to three things in my opinion. Number one: Mafuyu's unwillingness to open up before the end of this event. No one gets to know her real self, because she won't let people see it. Number two: Mafuyu's father missed out on a huge amount of her childhood, and missed many of the signs that Mafuyu was going through mental anguish. Obviously, this ends up being remedied at the end of the event. And number three: This is aimed at Mafuyu's mother, who doesn't understand how this has happened and refuses to accept that this is who Mafuyu is.
And the last part of this chorus is "If we hold hands, it would be so warm... Please, Forgive me and 'Purple' ". Warmth is something that comes up a lot in Mafuyu's story. It's a sign of comfort for her. Her mother, or even just her presence, physical or not, is consistently described as cold and icy. It's unnerving and chilling. However, being around Niigo, holding their hands, brings her an unfamiliar warmth. Mafuyu associates this warmth with how she felt around her mother when she was younger. She can't quite place it, but it's a feeling of safety, comfort, and happiness. As I mentioned earlier, although Mafuyu has very few memories of her father from when she was a kid, what she does remember of him brings her that same feeling of warmth. And it's different to how her memories of her mother give her warmth, because he's still here, now, trying to help her.
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I particularly like the bridge and final chorus too. There isn't much to say about the MV here aside from the fact it gets darker during the bridge, connecting with the "crimson sky that was hidden at all costs" lyric. Mafuyu is the last person to sing, and as expected it's darkest then, though it does get brighter as she finishes her line, probably because she's going to be more open from now on. I like the "still tinged with blue, these eyes" part too, because obviously, her happier and genuine "blue" side is still a part of her, she's just lost sight of the genuine manifestation of it over time. Blue and red make purple after all, and you can't get the true purple form of Mafuyu without combining her blue and red sides.
The final chorus refers to the event story again. "The important things, I'll keep them with me" obviously references the memories of her dad comforting her that she never let go of, "Inside my body, something is still broken" because Mafuyu isn't fully healed yet, and "If we hold hands, please fix me" because she is going to let her dad help her from now. Them holding hands was a sign of trust between the two of them, and a sign that Mafuyu is going to be genuine with her father because it is what's best for her, for real this time. He says in the event that he's been looking into getting her seen by a hospital (therapy), so he truly does want to help her.
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The MV ends with the same shot as we started with, only this time, the camera has moved over to the left a bit, fitting with the fact that her "blue" childhood happiness was said to be on the left. The strings binding her also fade away, and allow her to step towards a new person whose feet have appeared in the frame, who is obviously meant to be her dad (Mr Asahina canonically wears sliders). We're finally seeing Mafuyu make some significant progress following her running away. Even after she ran away, she was still bound to her mother, and the warm memories she had of her, but now she's found someone who can give her that support and love for her genuine self in the present. She's freeing herself little by little.
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gddancefloor · 1 month
kasane teto headcanons since i have a very specific portrayal of her
for context, chimera (in the way im going for here) are a type of japanese demons that take a form similar to humans (with the exception of wings and a tail) and are known for their mischeviousness. teto is part chimera from her father's side.
teto x miku is used in here, and ted and teto are siblings, ted being the older one by 6 years.
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Text HCs below the cut [warning, long!]:
UTAU Teto (15):
Sapphic. Likes girls. A lot.
She was a kid with an attitude and never smiled in photos if she was asked to, only if she wanted to. She also usually can’t look straight into a camera and looks away.
Teto developed a crush on Miku when she quietly sang for her for the first time, and was completely mesmerized by her voice. Miku was her inspiration to pursue singing.
Speaks English very, very badly and has an extremely strong Japanese accent. She usually has Miku translate things for her, but not even Miku is that great either.
Has a bit of a “chubby”/round face. Didn’t grow out of her baby-face.
Her hair naturally curled into a drill-like shape once she put her hair into ponytails, and now she chooses to exaggerate their shape by using a curling iron.
Despite not liking stereotypical pop music, she secretly likes girls who listen to it as she is into girly girls. (ahem, miku)
She doesn’t like to have her hair down, she’s embarrassed by how she looks with it and was forced by her parents to wear it down as a kid. 
Cusses a lot when comfortable to. She is often horrible with manners and being “proper”, unless in a traditional Japanese setting. Otherwise, she gives zero fucks.
She has one of the most impressive singing voices and very beautiful control over her pitch, but doesn't like to sing in front of people due to stage fright.
Avoids eye contact. A LOT.
Her birth certificate lists “Chimera” as a sex by mistake from the issuer, and she is actually female. She sometimes identifies with it to mess with people and make them confused/frustrated.
As full chimeras age slower, Teto is often called a “31 year-old” despite being alive only 15 years. This is not true, as she ages normally due to being half human, and mistaking her to be older makes her angry. Unfortunately, she’s often called 31, or a “held back student” by her classmates.
She camouflages her tail as a belt, but it is very much so a real tail. She hates it being touched. In general, Teto hides any of her chimera features as much as possible in fear of being seen as a monster. If comfortable, or angry enough, they tend to come out on accident.
Miku is the only outsider that has ever seen Teto's chimera form because she trusts her. (Miku thought her wings were the coolest thing ever!)
She believes she's extremely unlucky, considering she was born on April Fool's Day, and has had nothing really go right in her life, especially in regards to bullying as a kid.
Definitely has sharp teeth. Gotta tear into that bread somehow!
Used to pull on Ted's hair and scream at him when she was a kid. To this day, she doesn't know why. He has nicknamed her "demon" for a while because of this.
Ted is quite overprotective of Teto and encouraged her to try her best to sing, even if Teto's singing was... quite bad as a kid.
She and Miku split up when they were kids due to a major argument and didn't speak again until Teto saw Miku on social media performing on stage. This is what drove Teto to become an "Online Idol" on niconico to regain the attention of her and hopefully get back in contact with her. It was just Teto made it very obvious she was being a Miku ripoff (hence the outfit).
Family doesn't like singers. They encourage every member of the Kasane family to pursue an instrumentalist career, but they never made it big, and so they had to resort to the "shameful" career of making ramen. Teto is the only successful musician AND singer in the family.
Synthesizer V Teto (late 20s):
MUCH more mature. Rarely curses, and tries to stay mannerable and quiet. She also has better control of her chimera form.
Doesn't mean she won't be bratty or snooty at times. That's just Teto naturally.
Hair reddened with age as any older Teto iterations prior to SV had her with pink hair. It's a chimera trait to have red hair and red eyes.
Is the one that handles all of Miku's (30-ish, NT) events and concerts, and likes to make sure that she's not overworking herself.
Now underneath a professional talent agency, Teto left behind her "copping Miku's style" thing behind and now dresses in something more like her style. She likes the military-chic look a lot.
Her and Miku don't get much time to hang out anymore, but they still keep in contact despite their hectic music careers.
Her and Miku are a married couple. You know how celebrity marriages are, except this one has no drama and they aren't public about it.
Teto's English is much better now and she can hold a conversation. Her accent is still quite thick though.
Just an older, more mature version of UTAU Teto. (I'll make a seperate post for her because this is getting LONG.)
I'll probably edit this a lot — it was copy-pasted from a google doc. Bear with any mistakes!!
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hareruya3303 · 3 months
狂装咆哮 (Mad Howl)
1: Fast! Short! Straight! Direct! Hear my feelings, the scream of my heart! 2: Hugging Chris-chan and then observing her reaction is my current obsession! They both get angry at me afterwards, though. …Wait, "they both"?
Usually these are very self-explanatory, but this one has a lot of interesting nuance to break down and Japanese stuff I find to be interesting.
TL note 1: 「狂装」 here combines the kanji for madness/obsession/extreme interest (狂) with the kanji for dressing/professing (装), this by itself is not a commonly used word. For those unaware, this is Hibiki's first berserk card in the game, hence she's "clad in madness and howling". At the same time, 狂 is also used to express extreme passion. For example, "to fall madly in love" in Japanese is 「狂って恋に落ちる」. Both clips here concern Chris, the first is a line from the show and the second is about Chris. Hibiki's talk of a current obsession and her passionate plea to be understood by Chris are both examples of her professing, howling even, very passionate feelings. Hence the wordplay in the name.
TL note 2: Hibiki says literally that her current "my boom"(in English) is to hug Chris and observe how she reacts. This is what in Japanese is called 「和製英語」 (wasei-eigo, lit. "English made in Japan"), which means a Japanese expression using English words. A "my boom" is a personal obsession you have that brings you a lot of joy.
TL note 3: in case Hibiki's tone of voice doesn't make it obvious, she absentmindedly refers to 2 people who get mad when she hugs Chris to tease her but then is confused as to why she used plural. That's what earned the Miku tags.
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mikunology · 7 months
New Mikunology Files #1: CV Powers
omg here we go again
I've been on break a little while but I've been thinking hard recently and I want to share, so! I got an ask long ago about how Miku and friends' superpowers worked in my AU, and I answered it with what I had at the time, but after a lot of thought I straightened something more out I'm pretty satisfied with. I could add on potentially, though, because this AU is an eternal WIP. But y'know.
I'm pretty much gonna copy my notes. (Also sorry if this is formatted oddly, I'm on mobile right now.) Read below the cut! 👇
So, let's recap with the basics.
The Crypton CV androids are outfitted with special cores that function as their "hearts" - they're located in their chests. These cores are made of a special material that not only allows the CVs to learn and experience humanlike emotions, but also have the ability to change "feelings" into "energy": this is what gives them their superpowers. (They found this out by accident.) Meiko has dubbed this energy "Voltage".
The thing about Voltage, though, is that it's kind of unstable, and really powerful. Because of that, it's best for it to be used sparingly; the CVs can probably use it once or twice per fight (Module transformations excluded). Overuse of Voltage can cause the CVs to short/overload or become exhausted (which isn't great when you're trying to finish off a fight).
Voltage can get stronger with strong emotions, so the group can occasionally spark their powers by accident if they get particularly emotional. Conversely, being too stoic or repressing emotions too much can reduce Voltage power. (Hence, it takes Luka much longer to truly break her powers in.)
Voltage also gives the group the ability to use Modules, chunks of pure Voltage energy that can give them a major power boost and change their appearances, as well as grant them new powers. (For example, Miku acquiring the Raspberryism Module gives her a mega punch ability and a new appearance resembling the character Raspberry Monster.)
Each of the CVs possess a unique way to channel their Voltage (special ability):
Miku's is Voltage Resonance. It gives Miku the ability to "resonate" with someone else's feelings and thoughts. This way, she can use this temporary empathic link to induce feelings, and given it's Miku, it's usually through song (for example, if she encounters a Module monster who's fueled by sadness, she can use Voltage Resonance to see what they're feeling and counter by giving them a song of hope or happiness). She can't outright control emotions like this, mind you, they're more like a powerful emotional suggestion. The flip side to this is that it can be ignored if a character is staunch about it (and technically regardless it wears off eventually, it just gives Miku enough time to give the person a "head start", if that makes sense?) and it can also mess Miku's own feelings up a bit if she's neglects to keep herself focused. It's also best used when the target is already vulnerable.
Rin and Len's is Voltage Link. Kind of similar to Miku's, but unique in that it mainly works with each other: it gives the twins a power boost and allows them to telepathically link themselves, making them temporarily "of one mind and body". It works best with each other since they're twins/mirrors, but they can use it with others... it's just way more difficult to keep it stable unless they understand the other person really well. Which is rare.
Luka's ability is Voltage Lariat. Also kinda unique in that can be both offensive and defensive, depending on what Luka's aiming for - Luka creates a field of Voltage that can either be a sort of healing spot (giving energy to everything in it) or a blast zone (taking energy from anything in it and giving it to Luka). Luka can probably do one of these each per fight, but she's gotta choose carefully when to use it. The fields also don't last long. (Why's this sound so video gamey? But this is the best I could come up with that I think works for her.)
Lastly, all CVs get one extra ability that is usually their "finisher" when all together: Voltage Wave. Not much to this one, just all the CVs using their Voltage to create a super rainbow energy beam!! Usually does the trick. (Fun fact: I like to think that it was rare for Miku and the twins to be able to pull off this move given they were inexperienced and it took a lot of power to pull off; with Luka's inclusion, it's way easier!)
Lastly, the CVs do have a few regular old stock superpowers: super strength (Rin's specialty), flight (Miku's specialty; also Luka is the only one in the group who doesn't fly too much when not necessary), super speed (to a degree at least), super reflexes, super hearing (they're musicians, after all!), super durability, the ability to download themselves into technology (robot perk) and the ability to manipulate hologram/hard light technology.
And that's pretty much it! I hope all of that makes some amount of sense. I'm sorry if I missed some stuff, I'll try to fill it in eventually.
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spiritshaydra · 2 years
Aw hell yeah it’s Spit’s Soundwave Headcanons time, NOW ITS TIME TO GET FUNKY
Currently suffering a very annoying cold on the one week of my college semester where I’m actually off, so I guess it’s time to unleash my Very Bad Goofy Aah And Kinda Angsty Headcanons For The Sweeb; because not only am I physically ill I’m also very ✨mentally ill✨🥰 a double whammy if you will. (Meant to post it earlier so I no longer have a nasty cold nor am I on break still. 😔)
Heres some of my other shitty headcanon posts! Here and here
Soundwave is the Nemesis’s resident shitty cryptid. He’s like having a black cat live in your house that’s also twenty three feet tall and made of metal. He has the whole shebang down to an art: he will stare at you judgmentally from across the room, has the horrible ability to practically materialize out of the shadows without warning despite being a giant space robot, is completely silent but is fully capable of making the Worst Noises Known To Man if he so desired, will be found where you least expect it, and he may or may not be the type to do a horrible skitter in the unholy hours of the night.
There’s also cases of him being petty in a sort of “nobody would ever believe you” sort of way, such as knocking things off of someone’s (Starscream’s) desk.
Belling him like a cat might solve the whole “sneaking up out of nowhere” problem, however good luck on actually SUCCEEDING in that. Plus, it would get in the way of him being y’know, a spymaster.
Dude likes stray cats. <3
Gonna also say that he’s a fan of Hatsune Miku because ???? Yes
He doesn’t like direct prolonged eye contact and will take it as a threat or challenge. This is even more evident in the extremely rare instances where he’s unmasked, as he will never look someone in the eyes in that circumstance. One thing he does do when unmasked is that he’ll tilt his head to his blindside to be able to see with his functional optic better. (He’s fully blind on the damaged side of his face.)
He never sits normally and will instead crouch or perch on things as a substitute. There’s no logic to it other than it’s what he finds comfortable apparently.
He is a massive shitlord. And a pretty passive aggressive one at that. He may be quiet and not the most social, but he is absolutely not a submissive or shy individual.
I bestow (one of) the highest honor I can give upon him: ✨aro/ace spectrum✨ or bust baby!!1!1! Or at least ace. This dude wouldn’t be able to tell if someone tried romancing HIM specifically unless they straight up said so. He also just,, doesn’t really think about those sorts of things either and has no interest whatsoever. If hit on, he’s just going to squint at the offender in question before going back to work (in most circumstances at least)
✨robot autism✨ (the other highest honor I can give)
Wavewave hostility. Yeeeeaaaah he’s indifferent towards Shockwave at the BEST. It’s Wave on Wave violence at worst. (TO BE FAIR, the scientist doesn’t give him much thought in return) He’s not going to be charitable towards the mech who experimented on his cassettes (when they were alive-) behind his back. Sooo,,, they are very much not “friends”. To say that he wasn’t ecstatic that Shart had survived the Spacebridge explosion would be one way to put it.
Besides really simple repairs and other quick fixes, he absolutely hates being in the medbay; to the point where out of any of the members of the Nemesis crew, he’s the one wearing the badge of “#1 worst patient ever “ (with what could be described as pride.) Anything involving removing the visor for repairs is like pulling teeth, and any major damage repairs goes straight to hell to the point where he’s actually had to be subdued at least once or twice. Usually it’s also a two person team sort of ordeal with Knockout doing the complicated medical procedures while Breakdown’s providing backup. Nobody involved enjoys it in the slightest. Hence the worst patient ever award.
He has the tendency to hide in hard to reach places like up in the rafters. Never to get out of doing his work, as he’s a workaholic, but more so to avoid meetings with those he despises, some medical things, and sometimes just to decompress. Normally this could just be attributed to some of his weird quirks, and it’s completely harmless, until it isn’t. The bad thing about this, is that he will try to hide when gravely injured instead of going to the medbay. Generally you could find him by following the energon splatters and looking for the dim purple glow among the shadows close to the ceiling of a storage room. Sometimes there’s energon dripping from the rafters. Usually if he does get badly hurt while on the field, he is to be escorted directly to the medbay so this doesn’t happen.
He had to be almost completely rebuilt some time during the war on Cybertron. We’re talking the almost complete destruction of his frame. There’s a reason why he doesn’t have the bulky heavier armored frame of his gladiator days, despite it likely being more useful in combat. I mean, who would willingly choose to get rid of their functional wrists? The ability to pronate one’s wrist is pretty useful I’d assume. (Look at his design in the show, the dude doesn’t have wrists :,D just really REALLY long forearms. He’s basically doing a more extreme case of raptor hands.) He was rebuilt with what supplies were on hand at the time, with modifications and adjustments being made until we get to what we see now. (Many modifications were made to up his fear factor, to unease targets in combat)
Before his face was destroyed in the Pits as a gladiator, he actually wore a half visor over his optics. Not out of necessity, but for the intimidation/fear factor it added to his gladiatorial matches. Oh the irony. In present day, it’s entirely out of necessity and out of security as well.
I see him as a stray cat sort of guy. I dunno, characters caring for stray cats in an alleyway gotta be one of my favorite genres.
Definitely would’ve been the kid that hisses at people in the hallway in high school. Definitely got the vibe imo
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toneinaflat · 2 months
ima put some mike hcs here too, because im obsessed with this little goober !!! originally posted this in a smash bros rp server
-Mike's creator Dr. Crygor is a father figure to him. Their relationship isnt abusive, but its more like Mike acting like an annoyed, angsty teen with his somewhat protective silly guy of a father. Mike appreciates his family, despite not straight up expressing that half the time.
-Mike works with music programs! this is why he talks about synthesizers and other musical things in such great detail. However, he's been trying *not* to punch a hole through his screen for a while now. Crygor has better things to do than to fix that old hand-me-down laptop apparently.
-Mike is Nonbinary! Mike goes by He/they.
-Mike was originally started on as having female characteristics in mind like Doris 1, but eventually, near the last minute, he was changed to having more male characteristics. However, some parts of programming never got fixed, so he still has some traits that could be considered "off" at times. Mike is aware of this and has chosen to go by being Nonbinary.
-Mike is also Pansexual! However, he isnt that interested in women to begin with. They aren't completely out of the picture, but...y'know. if you ever asked him what type of women he's into, he'd probably respond with "men" and stare at you deadpan until you eventually change the topic, or leave.
-He takes care of the Mics on his head like they're his literal children. Do NOT fuck with his mics. Despite this, he has no problem with acting like the damned popstar from Miitopia. he WILL throw his mics at you and do some cool ass attacks with them. but yeah, he cleans them every day :-] the beginning of warioware get it together has him cleaning them, and he literally says "a clean mic is a happy mic!" to himself. its adorable
-mike is actually apparently canonically a great cook! i dont get the reason why his favorite thing to make is fruit punch though. he might be stupid
-he is probably hatsune miku's number one defender tbh. if not that he is also kasane teto's number one defender and teto is probably like an idol to him LMAO
-he does not watch a lot of anime! he was not lying. but he does enjoy jojo's bizzare adventure a lot and nicknames the show "bisexual men battle" sometimes for shits and giggles
- i hc the reason why his voice has been so fucked up in recent entries is because mike broke his voice a little bit after warioware touched with that singing tournament he won, and crygor had to fix him and tune his voice. however crygor is PROBABLY tone deaf. and fucked his voice up. and mike has no idea. recently though, someone could've tuned his voice to be correct again! (this...honestly was most likely penny, however in overrift, it was miku! yes. miku. that miku.)
-he's tried taking up guitar recently but kind of sucks. he thinks he's pretty good though right now
-mike has definitely thought about life as a human and has wondered what it would've been like if he was born a human. he can only dream i guess. (he's also recently begun thinking about this again. and also having cool human clothes and a more human singing voice)
-mike may seem like he has a big ego, but he definitely can have it shattered somewhat easily if something hits him in the gut (metaphorically) and he actually has a big heart. he cares a lot for people but sometimes has a hard time showing it, and his programming will sometimes falter and make him very unstable like mentally and physically
-mikes typing style changes depending on how comfortable he is when talking to certian people. hence him key mashing and typing casually with penny and more monotone and proper with other people he doesnt know.
might make a part 2 if ppl r interested !!!
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darishima · 28 days
remembwr when i said this
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i am home now!!!! here is a pic of both shelves
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its a little messy n not well lit.. shelves are a little disorganized too especially the bottom two but its fiine ! lucky star shelf i showed you before is third down on the left. im gonna take better pictures to post here and on mfc once my sega power figure comes in and i move my toga and midari sections around
basic explanation, starting from the top on the left shelf: -combination toga and midari section, with my full ohshc manga set in the back -jiro section, with all my mha manga -lucky star section <333 -misc section, largely demon slayer, w assorted manga -another misc section, kinda where i stuck my least favorite figures LMAO im sorry guys right shelf: -mostly one piece section, partially disgaea section -yamato shrine plus kakegurui section runoff -mainly my edward shrine plus funkos lined up along my tokyo ghoul + tg:re manga sets, but my NSO section is slowly growing. plus miku -hxh section! mostly meruem, komugi, and neferpitou- theyre my 3 favs. couple misc figures next to them too -red box on the right of the lowest shelf is where i stash all my weed LMFAO isnt it a genius spot.. nobody would ever look or suspect. im soo smart.. anyway rest of that is misc manga and its kinda cluttered just pretend you dont see that
speaking of midari and toga sections! here are closeups of both !
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midari section is currently cramped and messy.. usually has kakegurui manga behind it (hence the empty spot) but hunter is borrowing the first few volumes rn so it looks sad and empty :( need to move the midari section to another shelf because it and the toga section next to it are getting too large to coexist on the same shelf anymore they need more room. and speaking of toga section
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wonderful angel.. also getting crowded mostly because banpresto always makes giant ass bases which take up lots of space on shelves </3 take a hint from pop up parade bp your base game SUCKS.
also just now realizing how BADLY tumblr annihilates quality... pls click on the pictures nd zoom in i promiseee they are better quality than that pls..
here is my jiro section !
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gets a whole shelf all to herself (except for the dabi figure.. who is my bookend). im on a quest to get every single (non-gk) figure of jiro EVER made and so far i am missing seven out of sixteen :( most of the rest are trading figures and funkos except for the bellfine scale figure which is hella expensive.. like $100+.. but she will be mine eventually. here are the ones im missing
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top 3 are trading figures, middle is still on preorder i think so it cant be mine yet , jst need to track down the other two somewhere. on the bottom are two of the funkos which are easy to buy but i dont LIKE having funkos and i dont WANT them but because its jiro i have to buy them anyway :/ im just putting it off. i almost ordered the first one the other day but decided to wait for the price to go down a bit. middle one is a gamestop exclusive thats bundled with a t shirt and i could easily buy it rn at, yk, gamestop, but i dont want the t shirt so i gotta buy th funko individually off ebay. last pic on the bottom is the bellfine scale, found it for $90 on a site recently when it usually goes for $120/$130+ so hopefully it'll be mine soon!1 anywayy sorry 4 yapping.. just love jiro will collect all her figures 4ever. wish i could do that for toga but she has too many :( 62 compared to jiro's 16 :( anywayyy more shelfies
the midari section was formerly just the kakegurui section but i had to boot these 3 figures out cause they wouldnt fit:
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mary nendoroid (which i got for a STEAL at $28 unopened, they usually go for like $70 or more), plus mary and yumeko pop up parades (they are holding hands). and next to them:
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yamato section! my beautiful prince yamato! the angle of this one sucks.. wtv. the big figure between the manga is the most expensive figure i've bought so far at $45, not counting the kangel L pop up parade figure i preordered for like $64 (doesnt count cause i dont have it yet). and SPEAKING OF KANGEL...!
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kangel pop up parade!!! i got her yesterday!!! and the goodsmile bonus p-chan (the sad kitty)! put her in front of my nso manga + switch game, im so so happy i got her :3 and i'll be even happier when i get the kangel L figure, which is wayy bigger and imo prettier
anywayy hope you liked my yappings bonesy if you see them n read them.. ^_^ and also anyone else who saw this on their dash and checked it out,, sorry for clogging your dash :(
figures are my passion my love my light my one true joy.. would love to answer any questions u have about them ever. need to take more closeup pictures also bc its so hard to see details in that shitty ass full shelf pic i took.. will take better pictures another time <3 shldve taken a closeup of my hxh section its so good,, or my edward section,, oh well
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artacetinker · 5 months
I'mma dump bc dump and dump and enjoy dump 🙂👍
First is a doodle page with friends, guess which ones mine
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Wip of infinity Moku for a friend
I saw somewhere that most artists have their own version of Hatsune Miku
Mine is a moth version and her name was originally Mothku but changed to Moku because it sounded better
Her hair is the fluff on her antenna
There is no certain moth species I've made her, she probably changes for her different modules
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My FPE oc Miss Axis again
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Stylized endermen from the enderman overhaul mod
Namely the mushroom one, the flower one? And the warped forest one
Here's the endermen btw
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(Second to last on the top second on the bottom and last on the bottom)
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Shinoku, my TADC oc who's a Giant Phantom Jellyfish, hence the dark colours
The red thing in her 'hat' is supposed to be her stomach because jellyfish anatomys
She lives in the lake
Bonus points for anyone who recognizes the hairstyle lol
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An Urzuk from Creatures of Sonaria on Roblox
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And my sister drew a war machine using the study I did of them because Im about 35% sure I'm mentally unstable when it comes to the enemies or villains or supposed bad guys of movies or video games
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The study in question lol
It's terrible I know but it's good enough for me and I can now successfully draw the long beeping cloth-devouring scarf-snatching floaty rock cage snake enemies from Sky Cotls predecessor 👍 (at least I think it is, it's older and shares a lot of aspects with sky)
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zondearts · 27 days
I funnily enough already made an introductory infodump here on my prsk account (I suggest reading that one first if you haven't :Vc)
But since More info was asked of, I'll take the opportunity to just do that >:3c
Going with the one thing my first dump avoided: Story
The wof au admittedly has a less developed story than my Wolf au, since the first is mainly an art project and the second a writing project. Still there's enough to share
The general gist is that a worldwar has started, because of the Sandwing Succession (like in the first arc) That thing has been going on for a bit less than in the books, i.e the first Nightwing tunnel has just been made, the arena is still new and flawed (hence the Great Escape) and the Mudwings had freshly broken their alliance to the Seawings (I barely see any talk on this, but Queen coral mentioned it in her very reputable scroll "How the Seawings ended the Great War and saved the world!" and who wouldn't trust her writing?)
There is no prophecy (Tsunami would be so happy lmao), but there's an antiwar movement like the Talons of Peace, called Sekai (I want to turn it into an acronym of sorts, but I haven't figured it out (sob))
Leoneeds is a mixed group of dragonets who grew up in the desert together. When the war started there was an issue with the Tenma Clan (who ownes the oasis) not showing allyship to one of the warring princesses. Especially while having a Mudwing and even an Icewing princess as close friends. Naturally hostility grew and Bole left the group out of fear, followed by Snowhare, who returned to Icekingdom.
A bit before the breakup, so around the start of the war, Fennec has fallen majorly ill. But she recovered a solid while after Snowhares departure and immediately took chase (with Star of course) Although Icekingdom is closer to the Tenma Oasis they decided that going to Mud Kingdom first would be safer. There they stumble across ln Miku (Glimmeringfate? idk yet, the loid name list is still spotty), who for the lack of a better word adopted them. She brought them to a Sekai hideout, there me brain stops :(
(the Leoneed art also stops here, although the drawing of Ichisaki meeting Migu was scrapped :/ Might redraw it when I reach the third rotation, but that could either happen in winter or next year (when my brain's still shackled to this project lmao))
The Leonieloids are all Sekai members
More More Jump!
There's not that much of a story here. I am so sorry mmj fandom (I say to the mirror)
Still there are some things I can mention :<
The general gist was: Veterans uniting to bring hope to the war ridden land.
I had some thoughts around their involvement with Sekai, but I can't find them :'3 The unsure voice in my head says it was that they made some reformation efforts, so probably something like that, mixed with encounters from the past like with Arisa (oh that would actually be so cool, wait woah Woah (<- the curse grows stronger))
Mmjloids are all Sekai members aswell. Most have history with the blorbos, so Otter and Meiko, Penguin and Miku, Finch and Rin/Len and Thaw with Aurora (Luka)
The kiddos are in the arena (I hopefully established lmao). Together they scheme another escape. An escape that'll surpass the great escape by RaDder i.e ending arena battles ones for all. They were quite successful in finding more and more allies, but due to circumstances they had to escape on their own, leaving the arena as it was. They went up finding RaDder in a Sekai hangout. And with them they plan a way to not only stop the Arena battles, but also overthrow Chimera (although those are inherently connected. Like the arena battles would have remained if Scarlett stayed ruler yk?)
All Vbsloids are Sekai members/affiliated, most joined the organization with RaDder. Dromedar (Vbs Luka) is more of an honorary member, since she mainly works as a merchant.
Well my previous dump already mentioned that the clown troop is simply put: Sun trying to find Fennec, with the rest hanging around +sidemissions...so many sidemissions. I always thought of their part in the au story as "Villain of the week" style, focusing more on their relationships and all the conflicts those may have. They also are the only group not really affiliated with Sekai. Most of the Loids are Rainwings for that reason (not to mention that the snorting crack Sekailoids are naturally part of the snorting crack tribe. You can't look at catgirl Migu and tell me she's not a Rainwing)
There is something noteworthy around Directors animus abilities. I can't imagine Rui Kamishiro not falling into a Stonemover like "My magic causes harm. I'm a horrible monster deserving of solitude" mentality. (not to mention he's essentially the Stonemover of the au)
Niigo I had some thoughts. We have the common Mafumom debacle, although that's more of a... gradually overtaking the kingdom through your animus daughter thing, than the canon "My child will be a doctor" conflict.
I think niigo would have somewhat decent hangouts, till Oyster (niigo Miku who's the Seawing princess) finds Siren to check up on Jellyfish. During that meeting Siren sees a vision of Oyster being killed by Jellyfish. Something that naturally unsettles the local "I bring death and doom" believer. Especially since Jellyfish has kept her goodest girliest behavior for the entire time.
Therefore investigations starts! Now we have the all too common question of "What is the cause of this seawing animus massacre?"
Is it
1. The loss of a soul!
2. The highly abusive environment
Well Charming and Kite at first believe 1. for self-loathing and prejudiced reasons. But gradually Kelps (Mafumoms name... that's why Jellyfish was depicted swimming in a Kelp forest) influences come clear and through some events which I... actually will keep hidden in case I do something with em...they lead from the mafumom conundrum to my beloved Mizuena dilemma.
The gang leaves the island, but before that Charming has to use an enchantment. That naturally hints at them being an animus.
And how most Mizukis'll do in the case of an upcoming outing, Charming runs. Or more flies, although they're a Rainwing, so we could say they disappeared.
In the niigo Story Sekai is involved, Lionfish (Niigo Rin) who is Oysters bodyguard is affiliated with Sekai for the sake of her brother Seahorse (niigoLen). Also Barakuda (niigoKaito) who's the Seawing queens brother and niigo Luka, although she is more of an honorary... not really honorary... member. Mangrove (niigo Meiko) is a Rain/Mudwing spy :Vc
I could talk more, but...I think I worked on this dump for over 5h (with glee I must say)
There's still a lot to yap about (we haven't yet reached the succulent hyperniche spot) but it's a bit more of the general gist (and I think we now caught up with what the folks on insta know)
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kawaiichibiart · 2 months
Forgot to share this yesterday, but here's another AU. This time around is the NPC Unit's AU. Again, long text, I'm sorry 😅
And right from the start, the most important thing to remember is: canon doesn't (always) apply here. A lot of things change with this AU and it's probably my most developed AU, seeing how I started it in 2022 (November to be more specific). This also means that I was limited to the NPCs that we had access to since November 2022. I don't plan on changing anything unless it's something I haven't 100% decided on. That outta the way, here are the NPC Units, the OG Units they're replacing, their initial VS and SEKAI, and a little bit about them as a group:
→ STANDOUT - Leo/need. STANDOUT was created by Iori and her fellow bandmates: Mio, Miu, and Kotaro.
While Mio and Miu both have experience playing an instrument, past street artist Kotaro doesn't. He makes up for it with his passion and determination, setting time aside to learn to play his synth outside of band practice. STANDOUT's biggest desire is to go pro, however Iori and Mio have a breakup similar to Akitoya's in VBS's main storyline. They do, eventually, reconcile and their true feelings change their first Unit song from "Untitled" to "Unhappy Refrain."
Their SEKAI is the Live House SEKAI, which is pretty self explanatory. It's a Live House. It was created by the whole unit.
Their initial VS are Miku and MEIKO. LH Miku has hair that leans more blue than teal with black streaks in it and is tied in low pigtails. She wears a bomber jacket over a T-shirt and ripped jeans akin to that of the male street parka outfit. MEIKO, on the other hand, wears a sharp red suit, with a cropped shirt under her jacket, something you can only see whenever she leaves it open. MEIKO acts as Miku's manager more than her fellow bandmate.
Going back to STANDOUT, they have their ups and downs. From Iori's and Mio's big fight, to Kotaro sometimes feeling discouraged that he isn't as far along as the girls. But they help each other grow and see reason. Kotaro is usually the one to tell Iori to get her head outta her ass, Miu is the one who'll work with Mio, and Iori is the one who makes sure they all stay on track (a good thing, but also can lead to her being a bit overbearing and hence Kotaro telling her off).
→ Blossoming ✿ Melodies - MMJ. Blossoming ✿ Melodies is an idol group created by Mai, Nanami, Yuina, and Ayaka.
Former idols Mai and Nanami return to world of Idols after meeting Yuina and Ayaka. Mai is the one to ask, and while hesitant, the other three agree. And it all stems after Mai apologizes to Haruka, only to learn the former idol wouldn't return. She's full of guilt and doubts what she can do as an idol. It isn't until she meets Yuina, who shows her a video of a girl who dreamed of being an idol, was denied one too many times, and rather than wallow in sadness, she found a new dream to chase: dance. It was inspiring to her, hearing about how something negative led to something positive. How someone who was told no, didn't let that break her down, rather she kept looking and found something else she was passionate about.
And that's what Blossoming ✿ Melodies's overall message ends up being. To never give up on finding happiness, even if that means chasing a new dream.
Their SEKAI is the Stage SEKAI, but it isn't like MMJ's. For one, it's outdoors. And second, it's located in a large garden. Due to having a floral theme, it made sense that their stage is located in a garden full of flowers. The Stage SEKAI is large, with many stages undiscovered by the girls.
Their initial VS are Miku and Rin. Following the flower theme, their Miku is Sakura Miku. This Miku is dressed in soft pinks and teal accents, with cherry blossoms and actual cherries in her hair. This Rin is the only one who diverges from her original design, having long hair in her default appearance. She's themed after daffodils, with one attached to the ribbon that has her hair half tied up. She dresses in different shades of yellow with white as an accent.
Blossoming ✿ Melodies's Untitled song is "Upside-down Reverse Rainbow"
As I said earlier, the girls have a flower theme going on. Mai is represented by purple hyacinths, representing sorrow and seeking forgiveness. Fitting for the girl who's looking towards forgiving herself and is full of sorrow for her past actions. Nanami is represented by the blue star, representing perseverance, persistence and strength. She's the one pushing everyone to continue, the one who won't back down, the one who is making sure that Blossoming ✿ Melodies works. Ayaka is represented by orange daisies, representing happiness, friendship and warmth. Ayaka is considered the nicest of the group. She doesn't want to live in regret, she wants to live happily. She's empathetic, kind, social, etc., so she's usually the one setting up things they can do with fans, the one who'll speak first, and the one who makes friends the easiest. And lastly, Yuina is represented by white chrysanthemums, representing honesty and loyalty (it can also represent grief and mourning but they don't suit Yuina). For the longest time, Yuina had trouble being honest with others (and herself ) while also being loyal to them. The two feelings would clash, leaving her unsure as to whether she should be honest with friends/family, or if she should be loyal to them and not say anything. It's something she's working on, priding herself on not holding back how she feels, while still maintaining a strong sense of loyalty.
→ FR33LY 2M0RR0W - VBS. Past RADer members Taiga and Nagi team up with Arata and Souma in order to create more events in Vivid Street. They want to recreate the glory that is RAD WEEKEND. The desire to surpass said event is still there, but it isn't that relevant to their story. They want to be impactful, to have people show up and realize that they want to pursue music. Originally, RADer was meant to reform, but Ken denied the invite, choosing to stay in his café. He does, however, give advice to the four.
Their SEKAI is known as the Street SEKAI. But rather than a café, they're close to several live houses, each one representing a VS. Only two are active: Miku's and Len's.
Their initial VS, as mentioned above, are Miku and Len. Like LH Miku, Street Miku has her hair tied in low pigtails. She, however, is also wearing a leather cap on her head. Her clothes consist of sweats, a tank top and a cropped jacket. This Miku is very active, she's running around, putting up flyers of her upcoming shows. Len, on the other hand, wears a denim jacket over a graphic T-shirt. His jeans are covered in paint, as he prefers making posters and flyers over performing. It's more fun in his eyes. Sometimes he even adds colorful streaks to his hair with temporary dye.
Ironically, their Untitled song is "Freely Tomorrow."
FR33LY 2M0RR0W has had long talks about RAD WEEKEND, with Arata often voicing his displeasure at how the others seem to have just, forgotten, how big of a deal it was. They hadn't. They just don't see the need to surpass it, when they can do so much more just trying to get to people. It's something they don't have to pursue. If it happens, it happens. But it isn't the end of the world if they don't. This discussion is what will eventually lead to Arata's first focus event, "Passing the Torch," where he eventually decides to help a duo known as the BAD DOGS in their journey of surpassing RAD WEEKEND.
→ Phoenix ReIncarnation - WxS. Formed by Sakurako and the eldest Otori siblings, PxReI is meant to get more visitors to PXL. The group was formed after it was decided that the Wonder Stage had to go. It's destruction leading to Emu running away. But no matter what they do, visitors just keep decreasing.
Their SEKAI is known as the Theater SEKAI. It's a rundown theater, with stained furniture and ripped posters. It's empty and full of dust. A symbol for what PXL is going to become if they continue to focus on it's glory. An abandoned area.
Their initial VS are Miku and Luka. If you think of "World is Mine" Miku, that's their Miku, but more bitchy. Everything has to go her way. She's the star. She's the reason the theater was successful. She was what they wanted. It's all about HER. She has no consistent appearance and is always demanding things. Luka is her manager. Like LH MEIKO, Luka wears a suit. She's often trying to appease Miku, but she's also done things without asking her, leading to two of them to fight. Both think they're in the right, even when one of them is very clearly in the wrong. Luka is strict, cold and snippy. She wants to get the theater back to glory, but it's so hard when Miku's demands are what led the other VS to leave, starting with the Kagamines and ending with MEIKO.
Phoenix ReIncarnation's Untitled song is "CONNECT with the World!"
PxReI see their SEKAI as a sign that things need to change. And they have to make those changes. Yes, they want the park to go back to it's glory days, but as Sakurako eventually admits, it's okay to make changes to the park, but they shouldn't change what the park is meant to be: a place where anyone can leave with a smile. It's meant to be a happy place, a place that can get anyone to smile. They can't do that if all they focus on is fancy new rides and attractions. She can understand why Emu ranaway, the Wonder Stage was old and bound for either repairs or replacement all together. But denying her the chance of trying to save it, trying to make a place people can visit and potentially get a smile from, after being promised she could, must have felt like the biggest stab in the back. They made the decision and didn't tell her. And when they tried to explain, they did it in a way that was demeaning of her ideas and emotions. Again, it's no wonder why she ran away. And from what Sakurako has seen from nearly running into the youngest Otori, she has found a new family to live with. This leads to the eldest Otori siblings asking her if she knows where Emu is living, so they can actually go and listen to her, hear what she has to say and apologize. And she does, after all she did manage to talk Emu and her new older brother into doing promotional performances with her outside of PXL. The elder Otori siblings eventually find themselves in the Tenma household (the irony that the person Emu ran to ended up being someone they didn't hire), listening to their baby sister as she let's out her frustrations and how much it hurt being told something, PROMISED something, only for it to mean nothing. They never listened to her. She was childish in their eyes. She didn't know anything about what could help the park. She had ideas, sure they might not have worked, but they never let her try. They never gave her a good reason why they couldn't, just "it's too childish" or "be serious for once." Tsukasa, Saki and Toya do. They tell her why it's impossible, but rather than tell her no, or telling she can try it just to not let her try in the end, they work with her to make her ideas possible. How can she trust her own family? That they won't go back on their word, hurt her again, that they mean it when they say they're "sorry?" Hinata, Keisuke and Shosuke do, eventually, get kicked out by Tsukasa. And as their leaving, Hinata is able to look inside via the window and she gets flashes of her childhood, and how she, Keisuke and Shosuke used to comfort Emu when she cried, just like how Tsukasa, and two others, who must have been Saki and Toya, were currently comforting Emu. And, while it might seem like a last ditch attempt, whether to get more visitors or just to get Emu back home, the three elder Otori siblings talk their father into repairing the Wonder Stage, with the siblings, Hinata especially, intending on handing it over to Emu (and Tsukasa).
→ Night • Watchers - 25ji. Aka, the Shitty Parents Club. The N•W are: Harumichi (fuck you), Shinei (fuck you), Mr. Otori (fuck you, you're on thin ice and I have salt and rocks at the ready) and Mrs. Asahina (fuck you especially). They get together to talk about their kids, expectations and unexpected things that have happened to them.
They DO NOT get along, whatsoever. Mrs. Asahina will often try to tell men how to care for their children. Shinei and Harumichi blame the other's son for influencing their own, respective, son. Mr. Otori is more focused on his park and why his kids were so determined to change his plans for it.
Their SEKAI is the Manor SEKAI. It's a large manor with a beautiful garden. It's always night time in the SEKAI. The manor is quiet and dusty, much like the Theater SEKAI. But unlike PxReI's SEKAI (which does, slowly but surely, get repaired), the Manor SEKAI stays eerily quiet and dusty.
Their initial VS are Miku and KAITO. Miku, in this SEKAI, is quiet, timid and a bit anxious. Her hair is lose and she's dressed in a nightgown. She prefers to be alone, and thus will hide from the adults and only ever seek KAITO's company (until the other VS arrive, in which case she'll look for one of them). KAITO is dressed like a butler (because that's his role), in crisp suit and a towel in hand. He's polite and always has a strained smile on his face. He's Miku's main caretaker and isn't pleased when the SEKAI's owners cause her to feel distressed. Because of this, he'll often kick them out and tell them to explore the gardens (Miku, hiding behind KAITO: KAITO, they scare me ): KAITO, to N•W: Get the fuck out, you're scaring my kid :))
Their Untitled song is "A Lie and a Stuffed Animal."
The N•W do, eventually, just talk. Again, it's mainly about their kids. But they also talk about themselves and the past. At one point, Mrs. Asahina asks Shinei and Harumichi what they do when their kids runaway, since Mafuyu ranaway and she had no idea what to do. They weren't of any help. Shinei just, waits for them to come home. Harumichi used to drag Toya home from the Tenmas, where he always goes, but recently he hasn't been able to because the eldest Tenma brat (because that's what they are in his eyes) chased him away with a frying pan, and somehow, SOMEHOW, has his neighbors so wrapped around his little finger, an old woman threatened him with her rolling pin ("At least it wasn't a knife." "Shut it!!"). Now he ALSO has to wait, and Toya just, doesn't really return? Again, no help whatsoever.
Now, for some miscellaneous fun facts :D
• FR33LY 2M0RR0W's name was the last one chosen, prior to that I had already decided that "Freely Tomorrow" would be their Untitled song.
• Emu first found out about the Wonder Stage being demolished when she was heading over to the stage to meetup with Tsukasa for the first time. She was dressed up and excited she found someone willing to help her, when she saw the demolition team already taking the stage down.
• Of the original units, the only ones (as of now) that have/will form(ed) are: Nightcord and WxS. MMJ and VBS won't (Minori is pursuing dance, with Haruka eventually becoming her dancing partner, An, in this AU, doesn't want to surpass RAD WEEKEND, she just wants to hold her own memorable event, and she also wants to help Kohane get out of her shell. The Vivids don't form, but the BAD DOGS do.) I have not decided if L/n would form yet. I'm leaning towards no, but it's not 100% decided. I can be swayed to keep L/n.
• As I mentioned early on, canon doesn't always apply to this AU. It's very evident by the fact Nagi's still alive and well. What I haven't decided on, was if I should still have her be sick (I think she had cancer, I can't remember I play EN and I haven't watched any of the events that have come out on JP) and have an event focused on Nagi and her leaving FR33LY 2M0RR0W and having Ken join them as one her final wishes. The one thing I know I'd want if I went through with the event, is for her to mainly spend it with An.
• As I mentioned in the N•W's and PxReI's parts, Mafuyu, Toya and Emu have all runaway from home. Of the three, Toya is the one who has done it the most, Emu has never done it nor has she considered it, and Mafuyu has considered it but has never done it.
• Hinata wanting to give Emu back the Wonder Stage is the main focus of her first event: To See That Bright Smile Again. This event will be our introduction to PxReI's Kagamine Rin.
• FR33LY 2M0RR0W's first event leads to Saki and Ichika picking up their instruments again, both having attended the event and playing there after being coaxed gently by Nagi.
• Mafuyu and Shizuku currently don't attend school. Mafuyu is hiding out in Kanade's house, and doesn't want to risk being found by her mother, when the last time she saw her, she meant it to be her last day alive. Shizuku, is taking a semester off to recover after she had an emotional breakdown during archery club, a result of the bullying she went through during her time as an idol. It became to much for her to handle and under doctor's order, she has to take time off to heal mentally and emotionally.
• Saki and Ichika no longer attend Miya Girls. Ichika attends the same online school that Kanade does, but they're not classmates. Saki, at her own request and her parents insistent, transferred to Kamiyama and is in Akito's class. Both transfers were done after they, Honami and Shiho got into a rather big argument. They tried to stay but it became hard to focus, and so Saki was taken out and transferred to Kamiyama, where her parents felt more secure she'd be taken care of. Ichika would leave a few days later.
• Since Blossoming ✿ Melodies has a floral theme, all their VS follow this theme as well. As of right now, the ones I've decided on are: Miku - Cherry Blossoms, Rin - Daffodils, Len - Sunflowers, and MEIKO - Roses.
• Kohane and An meeting kinda goes like it does in canon, just minus An looking for a partner. Kohane gets lost and An finds her endearing.
• The N•W's is the only unit that doesn't grow and get better. STANDOUT'S improving and becoming more tight knit as a band, Blossoming ✿ Melodies's are doing everything they can to ensure their message is sent, while also working on their own flaws, FR33LY 2M0RR0W's moving on and continuing to inspire others to pursue music, and PxReI's working on saving PXL, whilest keeping it's original meaning and trying to earn forgiveness from someone they hurt. The N•W's are stuck in their beliefs and refuse to change. The only one who has, albeit not that much, is Mr. Otori, and he barely counts because he didn't want to change his ideas, he was pushed into changing them.
• Mai's first focus event is called A Light in the Dark: The Girl Who Found a New Dream. It focuses on Mai first meeting Minori and learning about her trails and errors in trying to become an idol, and how upsetting it was to be turned down over and over and over again and again. She learns how Minori was going to give up and forget about chasing dreams, when a video she posted of her doing an idol group's dance routine went viral with people asking her to teach them. Deciding to take the chance, she made video after video of her dancing, doing tutorials and eventually, she branched out of idol dances. She learned, she taught, she danced. She danced and danced and has never felt happier. It was then she realized she wanted to become a dancer, maybe a dance teacher, but it was a new dream to chase.
• All initial 3 stars have their chosen phrase and skill name picked out.
Iori - "I'm not the one who's running away like a coward." Skill name: Hiding Behind Arrogance.
Mio - "I'm terrified, okay?!" Skill name: Conquering Fear.
Miu - "This is a big step for us...but are we ready?" Skill name: A Bright Future.
Kotaro - "This band isn't just about you, Iori." Skill name: Speaking up.
Mai - "Don't you understand?! It's my fault..." Skill name: Past Regrets.
Yuina - "I want to be like her!" Skill name: Finding New Dreams
Ayaka - "Do you really think I can be an idol?" Skill name: Entering the World of Idols
Nanami - "It'll be hard, but we can do it!" Skill name: An Idol's Resolve
Arata - "Have you forgotten what that day felt like?!?!" Skill name: Never Ending Desires
Souma - "There's more to life than surpassing RAD WEEKEND..." Skill name: Looking for More
Taiga - "Ken, I could really use some advice." Skill name: Going to a Friend
Nagi - "We've made an impact!! And that's what's important." Skill name: Making a Difference
Sakurako - "Wait!! Just hear me out, please!" Skill name: Asking For Help
Hinata - "Emu..." Skill name: A Sister's Sorrow
Shosuke - "She has to grow up and look at reality!" Skill name: Forgotten Dreams
Keisuke - "We have to look at all the possibilities, what can we do?" Skill name: Managing Problems
Shinei - "I'm just trying to protect them." Skill name: A Broken Home
Harumichi - "Toya? He never comes home now." Skill name: Lost Son
Mr. Otori - "They're changing. Themselves and my plans." Skill name: A Park Owners Dilemma
Mrs. Asahina - "I don't understand what happened..." Skill name: Mother Knows Best
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project-sekai-facts · 11 months
List of all the duo/duo+VS songs, excluding alt-covers?
For L/N, youd have to include Ichika, but yk
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i used tiermaker again because it's easier to display this visually. emu/nene also have Wagamama Hime ft Miku but it hasn't been released in the game yet hence why it is not here.
additional trivia:
nene/rui is the only pair that is eligible to have a cover yet to have a one, but they do have a commission (Nijiiro Stories) and multiple another vocals
while not listed here as they are not official covers, the other four pairings in VBS all have one cover via VBS archives (GimmexGimme for An/Akito, Junky Night Town Orchestra for Kohane/Toya, and Roshin Yuukai for Kohane/Akito. The archive cover for An/Toya will be released in December)
leo/need covers require ichika to be one of the singers, since she is the band's vocalist, hence why there are no leo/need duets for pairings that don't include ichika. that said, there is a saki/shiho another vocal for from Y to Y.
mafuyu/mizuki have the most duets without a vsinger, with 3, followed by akito/toya, tsukasa/rui, and mizuki/ena, who all have 2. the only other pair to have a duet without a vsinger is an/kohane, with 1 (unless you count VBS archives, in which case every possible pair from VBS has at least one duet cover without a vsinger).
the last duet without a vsinger was Aun no Beats, released in June 2022. it has also been over a year since the last cover without a vsinger (Amanojaku from September 2022), so at this point it is uncertain if we will ever get another one.
excluding nene/rui and pairings that the game doesn't give covers to, the pair to go longest without a cover is tsukasa/emu, whose last and only cover was released on the day the game launched in Japan, over 3 years ago. directly behind them is minori/shizuku, whose last and only cover was released 985 days ago as of today (october 19th).
Kokoronashi is the only duet to feature an individual vsinger that has the opposite gender to the human singers
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pikidotexe-ask · 7 months
Dear English fans,
Utatane Piko and SF-A2 Miki are NOT siblings!
Here’s what I mean:
(I just discovered this misinformation spread because of an old talkloid shitpost on YouTube and I’m responding to this from the perspective of the Japanese fandom. These two are not well known overseas but on Nico Nico Douga, 9 times out of 10, they’re often shipped together. Gobou-P and Mahiruno-P are great examples. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with it; it’s a cute headcannon for them to be brother and sister, but it’s typically unusual. Allow me to explain for the sake of my talkloid series and in general.)
Yes, Utatane Piko and SF-A2 Miki were owned initially by the same company called HEARTFAST back in 2008-2009. This company went bankrupt and the site no longer exists. That much is true.
Miku and Luka are siblings in the sense that they’re both from Crypton and were also originally meant to be counterparts, but those two are completely different and are not “blood related”.
Miki’s quality took a hit from the lack of funding hence her infamous pitching (ta, wa, etc.) and volume issues (soft a, i, loud o, e), even though at the time she had a wider range than Miku and was among one of the most realistic banks. I think Miki tuners should take pride; because if you can tune her, then it’s very worth it and it makes using newer banks feel like cakewalk.
Piko got luckier with quality but he also suffers some phoneme clipping issues, like the N\ squeak or his dampened “da” and “ga”.
It was an awful shame they got split up and overshadowed by other releases. I don’t know if we could petition AHS to purchase Piko from Sony today but we could try. His provider is still active and well, and survived a kidney transplant thanks to his mother.
The Voice Providers:
Miki Furukawa from the band Supercar and later LAMA is from Hachinohe in Aomori Prefecture. (That’s in northern Japan just under the shores of Hokkaido.) She was born February 19th, 1979. Her signature bass guitar is the rare Yamaha SBV-800MF (SB-5a/7a and SBV-550) in blue.
Piko, on the other hand, is from Kobe, in the Kansai region just south of Tokyo (yes, he has the accent!). He was born March 11th, 1988. His start to fame was covering classic vocaloid songs since supecell’s “Love is War” on Nico Nico Douga and the amazing fact that he could sing as both genders with his best friend Sekihan (who has his own band). He’s physically very attractive and is still mistaken for a girl in short glimpses (to his amusement), but he has made it clear he is not gay and likes women (in fact, he’s very quick to remove a heavy wig). If he does “drag” then I’ve noticed it’s usually in a funny trolling sense or as a talent.
I’ve been listening these two practically my whole life along with Yuri Masada and Fukase from Sekai no Owari, because I’m a music junky, and they’re absolutely worth looking into.
Piko and Miki are almost a decade and half a nation apart, they were only under the same music label Ki/oon Records for a while. They’ve most likely never even met.
If they have met, I’ve rarely if ever heard Piko speak of his bank, let alone Miki. I know he has a copy of his own bank, and he's made music with Miku, Gumi, Rin and Len before (Chuutoro-P). Piko is still doing music work, streams, and YouTube now. Miki’s getting her SynthV release in December 2024 and she is doing quiet live shows and fashion work.
(In my series I decided to make them 1 year apart similar to their release dates.)
Their Designs:
While they are counterparts, no part of them is essentially “blood related”.
Piko’s iconic hair is the same as his mother’s to honour her, Utatane’s cowlick is just to differentiate.
Vocaloid Miki was about to have the similar short hair as in real life. I know this because I bought her artbook with KYMG’s concept designs. Supercar made a lot of laid back rock and almost meditative, space-like/romantic songs you could groove out/fall asleep to, hence her space theme. Furukawa has a cover of Saihate so you could tell she enjoyed Miku’s kz/Livetune era with songs like “Light Song” and “Packaged” (2008).
Piko’s entire design is specifically based on the discontinued (sigh) Yamaha RGX-A2 electric guitar in aircraft grey (other colours red, black, and dark blue), the aux jack to usb tail on the hem of his outfit falls with the computer instrument metaphor. It makes sense the two would be guitar and bass, since Miki is primarily a bassist who can sing and use a keyboard.
These two also have the same robotic joint markings, Piko’s are just harder to see because of his black sleeves and because his legs are covered, but people forget the elbow areas on the sleeves are actually transparent.
In conclusion:
Yamaha (I believe) wanted to launch an “Artist Edition” series at the time based on real musicians. The voices were Miki (Furukawa), Piko, Gakupo Kamui (Gakt), and Lily (Yuri Masada). If there were others, I don’t remember, but the “development code” thing was likely Heartfast’s idea pertaining to this theme by giving the two prototype sci-fi joints.
If the western fandom’s definition of “siblings” is by same company umbrella, then I accept that. Otherwise, I personally ship them very hard here because they’re totally unrelated and my goal is to give them the love they deserved and spread the word.
I hope this rant was educational.
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ganbaruwayo · 2 years
ロミオとシンデレラ・Romeo and Cinderella
doriko ft. Hatsune Miku Translation by Platonic水を食べる / Free to use with credit and a link back to this post or the cover video.
私の恋を悲劇のジュリエットにしないで Don't make my love into the tragedy of Juliet ここから連れ出して… Take me away from here…
そんな気分よ That's the feeling I get.
パパとママにおやすみなさい Say goodnight to papa and mama, せいぜい いい夢をみなさい at the very least, let them have sweet dreams 大人はもう寝る時間よ Bedtime's come for the grownups now
咽返る魅惑のキャラメル Recoiling from choking on that captivating caramel,* 恥じらいの素足をからめる sweet like the way it entwines my bashful and bare legs** 今夜はどこまでいけるの? How far can we go tonight?
噛みつかないで 優しくして Please don't bite—Be gentle with me, 苦いものはまだ嫌いなの since I still hate bitter things, ママの作るお菓子ばかり食べたせいね 'cause I ate nothing but mama's homemade sweets
知らないことがあるのならば If there's something that I don't know about 知りたいと思う 普通でしょ? I think I'd want to know, that's normal isn't it? 全部見せてよ Show me it all, あなたにならば見せてあげる私の… and only if it's to you, I'll show you my-
ずっと恋しくてシンデレラ Always yearning, I'm Cinderella, 制服だけで駆けていくわ I'll run away in nothing but my school uniform 魔法よ時間を止めてよ Just like with magic, put a stop to time, 悪い人に 邪魔されちゃうわ or else the villains will come and interrupt us***
逃げ出したいのジュリエット Wanting to run away, I'm Juliet, でもその名前で呼ばないで but don't call me by that name そうよね 結ばれなくちゃね That's right, we have to stay tied together,**** そうじゃないと楽しくないわ Or else it's no fun at all!
ねえ 私と生きてくれる? Hey, will you live together with me?
背伸びをした長いマスカラ I put on a bit too much mascara いい子になるよきっと明日から I promise that I'll be a good girl tomorrow, 今だけ私を許して so just for now, please excuse me
黒いレースの境界線 This black lace marks the line of the border, 守る人は今日はいません and today there aren't any guards present 越えたらどこまでいけるの? If you cross over, how far will you go?
噛みつくほどに 痛いほどに Keep on biting down, so hard that it hurts, 好きになってたのは私でしょ I was the one that fell in love with you, wasn't I? パパはでもねあなたのこと嫌いみたい Papa, though, seems like he really hates you
私のためと差し出す手に You said it's for me who you're holding out your hand 握ってるそれは首輪でしょ and held inside—that's a collar, isn't it? 連れ出してよ 私のロミオ Take me away, my Romeo, 叱られるほど遠くへ So far away that we're scolded!
鐘が鳴り響くシンデレラ The bells are ringing, and Cinderella ガラスの靴は置いていくわ has left behind her glass slipper だからね 早く見つけてね so, hey, hurry up and go looking for her, 悪い夢に 焦らされちゃうわ or else she'll become frustrated by bad dreams
きっとあの子もそうだった Undoubtedly, Cinderella did it like that too— 落としたなんて嘘をついた She lied when she said she dropped it on accident そうよね 私も同じよ That's surely right, I'm the same as her, だってもっと愛されたいわ because I want to be loved even more by you
ほら 私はここにいるよ Hey, look at me, I'm right here
私の心そっと覗いてみませんか Won't you take even a tiny peek into my heart? 欲しいものだけあふれかえっていませんか Can't you see how it's full of nothing but desire? まだ別腹よもっともっとぎゅっと詰め込んで I've still got room for dessert, stuff me tightly with more and more いっそあなたの居場所までも埋めてしまおうか Why don't we go until the place you are is totally filled up?
でもそれじゃ意味ないの —But that doesn't have any meaning at all!
大きな箱より 小さな箱に幸せはあるらしい They say that happiness comes only in small boxes どうしよこのままじゃ私は What to am I to do? If this doesn't change, あなたに嫌われちゃうわ you're gonna end up hating me!
でも私より欲張りなパパとママは今日も変わらず But, greedier than I am, Mama and Papa won't change today either そうよね 素直でいいのね That's right, since honesty is so good and all, 落としたのは金の斧でした "What I've dropped was the golden axe…"
嘘つきすぎたシンデレラ I heard Cinderella, who told too many lies, オオカミに食べられたらしい ended up getting eaten by the wolf どうしようこのままじゃ私も What am I to do—If this doesn't change, いつかは食べられちゃうわ I'll end up being eaten some day too!
その前に助けに来てね Come and rescue me before that, okay?
Translation notes *咽返る as in 咽せ返る, removing the せ makes it read as "pulling one's throat back," hence the "recoiling" **The verb here - karameru or "entwine" - is almost identical to the spelling of caramel in the previous line, making it like a comparison. ***I think it's worth mentioning that 邪魔 here is a word used in the phrase is お邪魔します, which is common to use when entering someone's room/house and means "sorry to interrupt you." Just a funny double meaning/connotation that I wouldn't want to be left vague or totally lost given that the only 'villain' we're given in this story is their parents…if you get it you get it. ****結ばれる means to be united/joined in marriage but also "to be fastened" as in like…tying together a knot. I mean like uhhh yeah you know what this is also if you get it you get it like if you know you know, you know?
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