#her evil queen clothes are generally great
martianbugsbunny · 6 months
Can't find a pic of it but y'all remember that houndstooth dress Regina wore that one time? I love that dress she's so stylish
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our-lord-satanas · 2 months
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In Demonic and Jewish culture, Lilith is the first Eve or wife of Adam, she refused Adams’ advances and attempts to subvert her power, independence, and inherent equality. She is the Queen of Demons and and the wife of Samael, from whom came the succubi. She is the Infernal Moon and Queen of the Infernal Sabbat. She does have an angelic aspect as well, that of being a protectress of mothers and children (duality). Her nature is that of feminine fertility, seduction, and the cycles of the Moon, and perhaps one of the reasons she is considered “evil” being her ability to seduce, to take what she wishes, and disregard those who displease her. She is feminine strength and individualized focus. As Samael (the Serpent) is considered, according to gender, to be the Daemon of Wizards and Warlocks, Lilith is the Patroness and Queen of Witches.
Lilith is the great mother and is also associated with fertility. Food offerings to Lilith should be ritually consumed without delay. Any offerings that are not consumed should be disposed of in a way that shows respect for the spirit of Lilith. For example, the offered food could be left outside for the animals to feed on, or it could be buried in the earth.
Appearance: Lilith's appearance can vary depending on the artistic depiction or interpretation. Generally, she is portrayed as a beautiful and seductive figure, with long dark hair, large expressive eyes, and a seductive and sensual presence. She is often depicted as being bare-chested or wearing revealing clothing, and is often shown as a powerful seducer or seductress. Lilith's appearance is often designed to portray her as an alluring and alluring female figure, who is confident and unapologetic in her sexuality and independence.
Personality: Lilith is typically portrayed as a powerful and dominant figure, who is unapologetic in her sexuality and self-expression. She defies the conventional conventions of society and proudly flaunts her individualism. She is often interpreted as a symbol of the dark feminine, and is therefore linked to concepts such as passion, sexuality, independence, and freedom. She is also associated with independence and strength, and she is not afraid to take risks or speak her mind. Lilith embraces her power and sexuality, and revels in the freedoms that come with it.
Symbols: sword, pentagram, scythe, moon, dragon, snake, crossroad, dark moon, and pentacle
Goddess of: love, demons, beauty, wisdom, life, rebirth, fertility, motherhood, inner-strength, illumination, mysteries, spiritual initiation, the night, and The Evening Star
Culture: Demonic and Jewish
Plants and trees: apple, poisonous plants (like belladonna, hemlock, and mugwort), sandalwood, rose, dandelion, red hibiscus, witch hazel, lilac, and patchouli
Crystals: amethyst, black onyx, rose quartz, garnet, obsidian, clear quartz, red jasper, jet, black moonstone, labradorite, red carnelian, tigers eye, amber, bloodstone, black tourmaline, arsenopyrite, and melanite garnet
Animals: black cats, snakes, owls, dogs, spiders, bats, and goats
Incense: frankincense, dragons blood, jasmine, sandalwood, rose, and black amber
Colours: red, black, purple, blue, green, silver, and gold
Tarot: The Devil
Planets: Mars, Pluto, and Venus
Days: Saturday, Monday, Friday, Beltane, Samhain, Walpurgis, Halloween, and Winter Solstice
Parents: none known
Siblings: none known
Partner: Samael, Lucifer, and Adam (formally)
Children: unnamed succubus’ and incubus’
• Venus: is associated with love, beauty, sexuality, fertility, and femininity, all of which are key aspects of Lilith's spheres of influence.
• Scorpio: the zodiac sign Scorpio is associated with intense energy, power, and transformation, which are all key aspects of Lilith's spheres of influence and her connection to the underworld and the occult.
• Shadows: Lilith is also associated with shadows and the darkness. In many traditions, the Underworld and the realm of the dead are associated with shadows and darkness. This is a reflection of Lilith's role as a Goddess of the Underworld and death, as well as her connection to the occult and the metaphysical realm.
• Feminism: Lilith is the patron Goddess of feminists and feminists organizations, because she is a symbol of strength, independence, and sexual empowerment.
• Stars and crescent: symbolizes her connection to female power and divinity.
• Her rebellious personality, fierce, and independent nature.
• Connections to the dark and mysterious forces of the night.
• Emotional disposition: Lilith's temperamental disposition and personality could also stem from her emotional temperament and internal feelings.
• Snake: she is sometimes depicted as half-woman, half-snake. This symbolizes her connection to the animal kingdom and her fierce and mysterious nature.
• Moon: often associated with Lilith's connection to femininity and the cyclical nature of the female body (menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, etc).
• Purple: also a colour that often symbolizes Lilith's connection to her status as the great Goddess of femininity and female sexuality.
• Crown: Lilith is often depicted as a powerful and majestic Queen, clad in a crown and regalia. This symbolizes her status as a Goddess of power and leadership.
• Bow and Arrow: Lilith is sometimes depicted with a bow and arrow, symbolic of her power and strength and her ability to hunt and kill her enemies.
• Apple: a traditional symbol of knowledge and wisdom, which aligns with Lilith's connection to knowledge and learning.
• Goat: Lilith is also often associated with the goat, which represents her connection to the animal kingdom and her passion and fury.
• Rose: the rose motif is often used to represent Lilith's connection to beauty and her association with love.
• Role: Lilith is the "mother" of demons in Jewish folklore and is said to be the first woman, created from the same dust as Adam but before Eve.
• Origin: she is said to have been banished from the Garden of Eden for not following Adam's commands, and was cast out for being unruly and unwilling to submit.
• Name: Lilith is named after a Hebrew word for "night" or "dark" and is often associated with the night and the Underworld.
• Symbolism: the demon Lilin (also written Lilith, Lilitu, or Lillit) was originally used as the personification of night and darkness.
• Association with night: Lilith is often associated with the night and the darkness, and is believed to be the source of nightmares and evil dreams.
• Connection to demons: she is also believed to be the mother of many demons, including the succubus and the incubus.
• Relationship with Lucifer: Lilith is often associated with the fallen angel, Lucifer and in some versions of the story, they are depicted as being lovers.
• Connections: she is connected to the night demon Pazuzu as his female counterpart, and also to the night demon Lam(a).
• Beliefs: in Jewish mythology, Lilith was originally seen as a demonic figure responsible for infant mortality and miscarriages. The story of Lilith was used to reinforce the patriarchy's view of women as inferior and powerless.
• Evolution: Lilith has gone through many different interpretations and versions, but her status as a symbol of women's empowerment and liberation has been a consistent theme in modern times.
To worship Lilith respectfully, you should approach her with respect and humility. She is a powerful Goddess and has been known to punish those who do not treat her with proper respect. Offer prayers, libations, and offerings to her, and speak to her with respect, awe, and humility. She is a Goddess of darkness and femininity, so you can use the darkness or moonlight in your rituals to create a more intimate and sacred environment. You can also use black candles and other symbols of femininity to further connect with her.
To begin, you can address her by name and say something like:
"Mother Lilith, Lady of the Night, I humbly come before you in search of wisdom and knowledge. I seek enlightenment and freedom, and I am ready to release my fear and self-limiting beliefs. Please guide me on my path, and open my heart to the love and power that you bring. Let me find strength, passion, and purpose in my life, as I strive to live more intentionally and truly.”
"And now I bid you farewell, Mother Lilith. I acknowledge the blessings you have given me, and I thank you for your guidance and teachings. Hail to you, and may we cross paths again in the future. So be it, Hail Lilith.”
If your request to work with Lilith has been accepted, here are some signs that you can look for:
• Strong connection or attraction to Lilith.
• A desire to explore or study Lilith's teachings.
• Wanting to explore your own sexuality and find power and empowerment in your femininity.
• A desire to challenge the patriarchy and embrace your own unique identity.
• Desire to explore your own dark side or find strength in your shadows.
• A feeling of being guided by a force outside yourself.
• Feeling of being called to a higher purpose or feeling like there is more to your life than just everyday existence.
If your request to work with Lilith has not been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• Your intuition may lead you in a different direction and away from their teachings.
• Signs in your life may not align with their teachings or you may feel uneasy or uncertain regarding their energies.
• Your dreams may have a different focus and may not involve them, or you may feel a lack of connection with them in your meditations.
Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request.
• Black candles, black stones, or black crystals.
• Honey.
• Champagne.
• Seductive perfume.
• Fancy jewelry.
• Tea.
• Exercise. 
• Having sex and/or masterbating
• Swords and daggers.
• Pomegranates.
• Dark chocolate.
• Sex toys or other items related to sex and pleasure.
• Dragon’s blood.
• Flowers and herbs: lilies, red roses, sage, basil, mugwort, and rose.
• Dancing.
• Red wine.
• Clay.
• Depictions of owls, snakes, cats, dogs, bats, dragons, and spiders.
• Mirrors.
• Apples.
• Red or black silk.
• Poetry
• Respect the rights and autonomy of women and females.
• Honour your feminine side and your sexuality.
• Nurture your creativity.
• Embrace your dark side and your primal nature.
• Embrace your sexuality and your desires.
• Learn to balance your masculine and feminine energies.
• Be independent and strong.
• Do research on Lilith’s origins.
• Be unapologetic and free.
It is risky to consume offerings given to Lilith. She is often considered a powerful and protective entity associated with the nighttime energy and feminine aspects. Her energies may not be conducive to human consumption. She is also a symbol of rebelliousness and independence, and consuming offerings that have been given to her may cause an imbalance in energy and a disruption in the connection. It is always better to err on the side of caution and avoid eating or drinking offerings that were given to Lilith.
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auld-a · 2 years
TWST Dorms Leaders X Male!EAHRaven!Yuu Head-canons
Sorry for lack of Leona and Azul. I really wanted to add them I just had writer’s block and wanted to get this out before I forgot. I’ll probably add them in a separate post another time
🌹Riddle Rosehearts🌹
In my opinion there’s nothing about you that would stick out to him immediately
Looks wise, you actually fit right in for the school of villains
It would be your kindness that he is drawn to
That and #mommyissues
You are both very damaged individuals who lack control in your lives due to mothers that cared more about your legacy than they did your happiness
But where Riddle craves control, you function generally well without it unless it has great affect on you
Your kind and selfless personality gives him hope he can eventually heal from the childhood he never got to have
He very much appreciates your patience and softness with him, especially in his times of need
You are very used to dealing with extreme personalities
I mean your best friend is the mad hatter’s kid and you attended the same school as the child of THE queen of hearts
Safe to day you know the ropes
When Riddle hears you’ve met the queen of hearts he’ll go FERAL
He’ll hide it of course but will ask tons of questions about her
You will likely discuss over a cup of tea
He gives Nevermore her own chair and teacup
Nevermore and the dormouse are unexpected besties
When you show him your wonderland fit he’d almost cry out of joy
This also makes him that much more upset you’re not in his dorm
You tell him you remind him of a friend of yours, Lizzie Hearts
He doesn’t know who that is but he’s happy he reminds you of someone close to you
🥳Kalim Al-Asim🥳
Met in pop music club
You start talking about each of your individual music tastes and show each other some songs
This encourages him to throw a party dedicated to said songs
He reminds you of Briar bless his heart
Because of his sort of happy go lucky nature you often find yourself being naturally protective of him or just ensuring he doesn’t die doing something dumb
Jamil is incredibly thankful for you
He’ll always compliment your style since it’s kind of the complete opposite of his
You offer to do some darker makeup on him
He can barely sit still with excitement
Refuses to take it off the whole day
He’ll find and give you gothic themed jewelry
You love having someone here who doesn’t care about your power or looks, just your personality
You take him on rides with Nevermore
He feeds Nevermore any of his leftovers so she likes him a lot
You two plus the rest of the pop music club started a band
This band got A LOT of attention
People are always gushing over you and Kalim’s relationship
🦚Vil Schoenheit🦚
He wants to meet your mom so bad
You are the only person he would praise so hard
Not even because of your mom, simply because of your strength and looking fabulous while doing it
You will do each other’s makeup all the time
Only person he trusts with picking out his clothes
You often teach him magic spells or powerful potions
He’s never simped more
He sympathizes with the history you have with your mother
That doesn’t stop him from praising her accomplishments but he keeps it strictly objective
You two bond over having a Snow White themed annoyance in your life
If music is something you want tu pursue in your life he’ll pull any strings he needs to make it happen
He likes Nevermore but more from a distance
She’s undeniably magnificent but he can’t let his clothes get wrinkled
If you tell him that you fought and defeated the Evil Queen
He just might bow at your feet/hj
No but seriously marry him
That’s so attractive
He doesn’t care that he’s in a dorm meant for honoring her you are the epitome of the Evil Queen’s image
But in a nice way
He’s aware you don’t plan on being unnecessarily evil
He’s so in love help him
👾Idia Shroud👾
Idia would remind you of Dexter
Shy but with a heart of gold
Well you assume he has a heart of gold
It’s kinda hard to get to know someone when they keep running from you
But after Idia has done enough running, it gives you the chance to finally strike up a normal conversation
They start off with music since you are quite the fan but slowly go into online forums and video games
Idia thinks you’re hella cool after this
Idia anxiously invites you to play a couple games with him sometime
It’s an enthusiastic yes from on your end
After teaching you the basics you get the hang pretty quickly and start dominating any game you two play
Idia feels you’re finally prepared for the big guns
Meaning shooter games and voice chat with depraved men who live in their momma’s basement😔✊/hj
Idia and you wipe the floor with your opponents
This is when Idia REALLY starts to notice his feelings for you
He will constantly gift you better and better tech to listen to or stream your music
Having a bf who can lift things with their mind is a huge W too
And speaking of magic he is absolutely FLOORED by your power
There are a lot more restrictions to power in his world but if your good enough to handle it, it’s almost like a free for all at EAH
He will bow at your feet and always mumble about how OP you are much to your confusion
You still love him tho :D
Compliment him on his hair or gaming skills, he’ll blush like crazy if it’s coming from you
🐉Malleus Draconia🐉
Relates HEAVILY on what it feels like to be feared due to your ancestors or even just your looks
When you hear all the talk about him being “evil” n such that just makes you all the more determined to actually get to know him
One day you take up Lilia’s offer on approaching their table
You spend lunch with them for the day (Adeuce is horrified and Sebek is staring daggers)
Malleus is both intrigued by your world and boldness
You take any chance you can to sit next to him in classes and he gladly does the same
You introduce him to your music tastes
He doesn’t understand it but he’s trying
In exchange he info dumps about gargoyles to you
He’s ecstatic to have someone that will enthusiastically listen and ask questions
You will often dress him up in styles similar to what you would wear back at EAH
He will dress you up in traditional Briar Valley clothing
Is someone else who is heavily impressed by your magic
Like I said you would probably be one of the most powerful in Twisted Wonderland because of the freedom you have with your abilities
This kind of makes you two the scariest power couple at NRC
If you tell him you defeated one of the great seven he’ll just stare at you like 😀
Nevermore loves him and he spoils her with what he can
He will not hesitate to make you his king of the Valley of Thorns
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mangaka-lanani · 6 months
My predictions about the events of the movie Frozen 3/4
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You know, my friends: I thought a lot about the idea on which the movie Frozen 3/4 would be based. According to Josh Gad and Jennifer Lee. I also collected the idea for each movie from Frozen 1 and Frozen 2. I think I got the general idea of Frozen 3 and 4.
Frozen 1: It was his idea to reveal Elsa's powers to everyone. Frozen 2: It was about Elsa's journey to find out the source of her powers. Frozen 3: It will be about the power of Elsa herself As I previously expected, Elsa's power would grow more according to the troll's words, since Elsa's power is great in this world, and this has now been confirmed by Jennifer Lee in her last interview when she said: Elsa's powers will grow more. This is why Frozen 3 will be about the power of Elsa herself. Elsa will now be facing off against her power, against her magic. This time, it is not fear that will make her power get out of control, nor the love of her sister Anna, which will give Elsa back control of her power. Elsa's power from the beginning is too great for this world, and there will be some source that will stimulate Elsa's magic and make it grow beyond Elsa's ability to contain it. Elsa will face great danger because of her magic. Her magic may swallow her. At the end of the movie Frozen 3, Elsa will lose her humanity and become in a new phase of power, as I previously said in my previous predictions, like this picture:
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The four spirits might not be able to stand up to Elsa Perhaps the four spirits rebel in the events. Elsa's magic this time will pose a great danger to the world. Perhaps the secret is due to ancient events, in my personal belief: In ancient times, there was a magician or ice witch, but because her magic seduced her, her headquarters was Atahulan Magic blinded her insight, and she began to use magic for her personal ambitions. Perhaps there was a certain source that took away the ice magic from her and returned it to its place, which is Atahalan. Decades passed, waiting for a new body to contain the ice magic, and for this body to be the body of a person as pure as white snow. That's why when Iduna saved Agnar, the spirits rewarded Idonna's first born with ice magic because Iduna's seed was as pure as her, which was Elsa. Now, as Elsa grows older, magic will grow with her more and more, and it is a big reality in this world. Once Elsa relaxes her defenses, this magic will interact with her feelings I believe this ice magic is a mirror of its host's emotions. We saw the magic interacting a lot with Elsa's feelings, whether they were feelings of anger, fear, or love. There are feelings that will overwhelm Elsa that will cause her magic to take over her, and here Elsa will lose her humanity and become a danger to the world. And here the movie Frozen 3 ends. In the movie Frozen 4, everyone will have to stand against Elsa or try to help her return to her humanity and save everyone. There will be an epic war in which perhaps old parties will enter, I mean Hans, who may be among those who help Elsa return to her humanity. Perhaps there is an evil party that messed with Elsa and caused her emotions to spiral out of control, which helped her magic possess her. Elsa's clothes will change 3 times in Movie 3 and Movie 4. First: Elsa, at the beginning of Movie 3, will be wearing special clothes for her movements, wearing an abaya and covering her head with the abaya’s hood. After the dangerous events, Elsa's body will change and she will become more like a real ice spirit, like a moving ice statue, without feelings or a human soul. In Movie 4: “Here, when Elsa regains her humanity, her clothes will change and she will wear like a real Snow Queen, an elegant and beautiful dress, and she will wear a special crown on her head. In addition, Elsa will be able to take to the air and fly without needing Gael's help. You all remember Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff. Her powers, just like Elsa's, react to her emotions. It gets stronger with time. Wanda and Elsa's magic depends on their feelings and mental powers. Fear was previously Elsa's enemy and caused her powers to spiral out of control. Grief was Wanda's enemy and caused her powers to spiral out of control. What made matters worse was that Wanda read the book The Dark Hole, which brought darkness into her heart and brought out the Scarlet Witch entity.
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Also, perhaps during one of her trips, Elsa finds a magical book, and when she reads it, darkness enters her heart and causes it to interact with her magic, and here it turns into a disaster that threatens the world. It may be the Book of Ice and it may be hidden inside Atahulan Perhaps an ice witch had used it before her. So the villain causing Elsa's power to spiral out of control may be a magical ice book. Perhaps a war will occur that will cause the destruction of the Kingdom of Arendelle, and perhaps the loss of Anna, and this will cause Elsa sadness and anger that may make her lose her senses, and this will cause her magic to take over her. Anna's loss is not necessarily her death. Elsa will think she lost it. These are my expectations for the events of the film I will provide more details in the coming days.
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sharlmbracta · 7 months
i can't help but think that the two firelords in aang's fever dream would've been ozai's previous, early-staged designs, from the concept of the "firelord" to the concept of "ozai"
this guy literally has fire shaped eyebrows and a fire nation insignia (or what it used to be?) stuck on his forehead. his blatant (stereotypical?) theme from his appearance is powerhungry(small eyes, bulky form), greedy-arrogant(eating grapes as a symbol?), brute-forced(war-themed clothing). I think this could be the very first design of him when creating the first idea of the "ultimate hero" and the "ultimate villain". The marks of the "first" can also be seen from the clothing design (the scarf? napkin? thingy around his chest) and simple color choices (simple red with simple yellow).
also you can see that he was agreed to have a very long and thin beard from the beginning which would feed on the "wisdom" "intelligence" and "strength" propaganda
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again, simple red and simple yellow.
clothing looks rather flashy, which means this look of him was also made at early stages of development and the atla fashion in general hasn't yet been stabilized. (: the flair in his wrists and the thing that goes across his shoulders to his chest. makes no sense. the top half looks like a flashy sleeping robe while the bottom half looks like... an outdoor activity metal skirt?)
he looks older than the previous one. does he? he looks more manipulative though. i think this is where his "slick tongue" personality was established bc a narrow eyes, narrow eyebrows character design kinda points to a stereotypical "rat person". i think. again long beard. that points to his high status or whatever.
this design looks like it was given to an earthbending trainer who haggled on money rather than actual teaching, who was assigned by toph's parents to be her earthbending teacher
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this is the very first time his face is actually shown. in seasons 1 and 2, his face was intentionally hidden, probably a tactic to bubble up the audience as "what could a monster like him look like 😱".
but ironically, he's a very normal looking guy. in fact, the most normal looking guy the designers could ever make intentionally. No part of him that could make anyone go "yep this is the face of the villain." this design of him is meant to convey that looks are often the most deceiving to your judgement. this ALSO shows when the gaang finds his baby picture in his beach house on ember island and mistake him for baby zuko.
it represents that everyone can go crazy with propaganda and an insane amount of power. like aang said, how everyone is capable of "great evil" and "great good".
taking katara's quote on the baby picture, "but he looks so sweet and innocent": his "innocent" look acts like a mask he puts on, as well as the mask of neutral expression, on top of the mask of his slick tongue.
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the only thing that changes from here on is the frame of his face for anatomy i guess
below is also an impacting scene in my viewpoint:
how his face contorts from this
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to this
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in less than a second at azula's proposition of "burning it all to the ground". shows him that he's able to mask everything as he want it to, especially about stuff like neutral-face and power-face as that is NOT his ego-high power-tripping face:
THIS is his ego-high power-tripping face
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and this is him putting back on his slick face right after a moment of being unable to mask his shock-rage and consequently rage-stripping himself
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"now the universe delivers you to me like an 💅act 💅 of 💅 providence 💅" yep the providence that single-handedly blew your fucking ship up
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also i forgot that the scene right after defeating ozai existed, i forgot how much of a drama queen he is:
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and "i AM the phOEnix KING"
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ok girlie fellow girlie
one more thing: he sounds genuinely proud of zuko when he commends him for "slaying" the avatar. and he reprimands aang for being "weak even with all the power in the world". looks like he really does think everything around power and ONLY power. hmm, i wonder who taught him that, hmm? tragic.
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Totally Spies! S1 E10-15
ok we watched these late last night while also a lil high so its a lil hazy. also we have found a new top contender for the worst episode. not for the usual reasons. here ya go
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oh also i rearranged a few of the last ones cuz they were just. wrong.
ok lets get to the notes
Silicon Valley Girls: ai named CHAD starts torturing people who bullied his creator Adam, machine kinda sexyevil like glados?, saying shit to everyone like "you've been a very bad boy. you deserve punishment" also CHAD reprograms Adam
Queen for a Day: fetishization of North African/ Middle Eastern women, kidnapping, bondage, forced dating
Shrinking: honestly not as bad as it could've been, micro/macro stuff, clover does wear doll's clothes at the end tho
Aliens: actually almost fine other than the torture/ murder machine, and also the organization called Gooper? more on this episode later
Wild Style: oh boy! this episode is the Island of Doctor Moreau but with Jimmy Buffet and Buffalo Bill (but a lady), evil fashion lady forcibly turns people into animal people so she can flay them and make clothing out of their fur/skin, she does in fact wear a coat made of human skin, she served cunt tho so i support women's wrongs, oh also clover becomes a catgirl and her outfit rips in some horny ways :/
Ok so now that that's out of the way, I NEED to talk about the geopolitical implications of the totally spies! world. so we see a couple world maps in the episode "Aliens"
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so i have a couple theories for this situation. the breaks in the countries vaguely correspond to real tectonic faults? and we see an earthquake generator in this episode that's the size of a radio? so im thinking since there's basically constant supervillian activities, this may be causing the faults to move rapidly. and also IS CALIFORNIA AN ISLAND??
despite this drastic geologic difference to our earth, we often see a lot of places in this show mostly unchanged. like. Mexico has been Fucked but we still see Mexico City. We see New York twin towers and all. And Beverly Hills of course. There are some made up countries like Kenyopia and Lirobia (i think) but its like. An excuse for them to use weird medieval middle eastern stereotypes for a modern day thingie i guess. There were some others but I'm not going back and watching past episodes. France and Peru and China all exist. Also, Ivy pointed out that the Great Wall of China is still there even though there's a sea there now? We're gonna start noting these things now.
I also have some stuff to say about the music but we'll save that for it's own post.
11 episodes left in Season 1!
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cafalla · 5 months
Pokémon BW Rival Destinies: Wrath of the Legends (2013) Comic Storybook Scans
The second book (here is a link to the first!) is titled "Wrath of the Legends", and is adapted from parts one and two of the episode "Stopping the Rage of Legends!" This book is about Ash and crew going to the Island of Legends, where they get caught up in a battle between the Forces of Nature.
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Ash tries to battle Clay for the Driftveil gym badge, but instead is given a fetch quest to refill the revival herb stock at the gym.
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They set out for Milos island and meet a guy named Lewis, who says the revival herbs are drying out and the grass Pokémon of Milos island are falling ill.
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They learn that the island has a legend involving the revival herbs and the legendary Pokémon Landorus, Thundurus, and Tornadus.
The crew attempt to summon Landorus, who is the peacekeeper of the three, and instead Tornadus shows up.
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Tornadus is here and it is not happy. Apparently an obelisk that protects the island from Tornadus and Thundurus has been destroyed. Thundurus also shows up, and it too, is not happy.
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And of course, these two are both not happy at all to see each other, thus making them each more unhappy. Quite the unhappy bunch we have here.
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Turns out Team Rocket is behind the destroyed obelisks, and all is going according to keikaku for them. And yes, I'm putting this panel out of sequence because it literally says "according to Team Rocket's evil plan…".
All according to keikaku.
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The gang try to fight the feuding legendary Pokémon to no avail.
For some reason, Lewis is sure Landorus will show up if it is summoned by a shrine maiden. He just decides to appoint Iris as a shrine maiden…I guess because she is a girl?
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Apparently any girl dressed up in shrine maiden clothing will work.
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You look great, sweetie! Also just love how Iris looks like she is indoors while the guys reacting to her are outside? Lewis, it already looks like you are back at the shrine. Also love Ash's singular "Wow!" and Cilan's dead open mouth stare.
Iris does look cute in her shrine maiden outfit. Here are a couple more pics of her.
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I'm a sucker for characters getting interesting alternative outfits for plot.
So the gang summon Landorus - Pokémon battles and Team Rocket shenanigans ensue. All that's really important is that the gang defeat Team Rocket, save the legendary Pokémon, and Landorus stops the fighting between Thundurus and Tornadus.
Now I'm going to share some panels of that are meant to be very serious, but are just downright (Darius) hilarious to me.
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I love when there is supposed to be a serious moment between powerful Pokémon and they aren't saying anything besides their names! It's so comical, I love it.
They have such a way with words.
The legendary Pokémon calm down and work together to give life back to the island. The revival herbs and grass Pokémon flourish and heal from their illness while Ash and gang continue on their journey.
And yeah! That's basically it for this book.
I did forget to mention Lewis has a partner Pokémon, Gothorita. Just like Palpitoad in Book #1, Gothorita steals the show for me with her expressions.
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We stan a goth(orita) queen.
That's all I have for now, it was quite fun going through these books. My Pokémon anime experience ends with Pokémon Advance, which took place in Generation 3. I enjoyed revisiting the anime art style!
I'm not sure if there are more books in this series, as I only found these two (link again to the first one!) at the store.
As always, you can read the whole book(s) and view higher quality scans on my Internet Archive account.
Thanks for reading!
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sharpen-your-hatchet · 7 months
What I feel; What I do; What I want || Wenclair fic - Chapter 1
Description: "Frankly, all her life, she has felt separation between what she feels, what she does, and what she actually wants. Being royalty means there's often little room for opinion and desire [...]; Enid wonders how it'll feel to have her ingrained sense of duty be pitted against her unshackled curiosity. "
Six months past her 19th birthday - Enid, princess of The Kingdom of Nevermore, is allowed the chance to travel and explore the world as she sees fit. Unfortunately, it comes with a little caveat... in the form of some unwelcome company for protection. Cue Wednesday Addams, the only knight deemed worthy, and who is now Enid's personal thorn in her side.
Can they work together despite their differences? Or maybe fate has an entirely different plan for them altogether...
Pairing: Wednesday Addams / Enid Sinclair Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 3150
Click Here To Read On AO3 or read below!
The Kingdom Of Nevermore. A proud nation that towers not only in size, but also in the scale of opportunity it offers those who live within it’s borders. It is a magnificent nation, both well governed yet free. Not only this, as Nevermore is also a sprawling landscape with plentiful forests, lakes, and deserts to support the livelihood of almost any race and species. Anyone is welcome – particularly those thrown from their lands by beasts and thieves, or have otherwise been outcast. It is a land of peace and prosperity; a place that anyone may call home.
Within Nevermore’s borders there are a variety of towns, cities, and outposts – all freely explorable to every citizen if they are brave enough, or can find some way to adapt themselves to the local climate!
Some of these homesteads are within the coldest depths of the darkest caves; others amongst the crashing waterfalls of the great lakes that feed every river within the land. One particularly hardy group even find themselves nestled within an expired volcano. It is a sight to see. Not only are there free citizens, but factions too: causes people may align themselves with for a greater purpose. Most are for good, and to make Nevermore stronger… but not all are quite so innocent, though this is best not dwelled on. Unfortunately, corruption and evil can leech into anywhere, and no kingdom can be perfect - but for most, Nevermore is a place to call home and feel safe.
Within the main central city there is a castle. It is a magnificent building that is surrounded by elegant gardens, that only adds to the beauty of its architecture. This castle is the ancestral home of the Nevermore Royal Family, and it is where they still reside to this day. Though there is government, the Royal Family does not rest on their laurels. They take great pride in participating in the growth and maintenance of their land. The current family consists of the queen, prince consort, a myriad of young princes, and their single daughter – Princess Enid.
Today is a special day for the Royal Family, and there is an excitable thrum throughout the castle. Hums and whispers; glances between staff… and it is all to do with the princess herself. The staff that tend the garden look upon her room – easily spotted from the large circular stain-glass window – and wonder when the princess will emerge…
Their wait will not be long. Princess Enid awakes with a summer song in her heart, pulled into the world of the waking from a slither of sunlight piercing the curtains of her study. With a slight twinge in her neck, she groans as she shakes herself awake. Asleep at her desk again, it would seem… With an ancient Nevermorian text acting as her pillow. She must rush to her bed quick before the servants find her like this again. With sleep in her eyes, she stumbles through the short hall connecting the private study to her bedroom, tugging off her slept-in day clothes, before slipping into the relaxing coldness of her bed.
They will never know. She will play the neck ache as a training accident. Genius.
As if on cue, a servant quietly enters the room, a fond but restrained smile on his lips. He carries a tray over to the bed, his smile widening as he catches the sparkle within Enid’s eyes. Placing the tray down on her lap, he steps back then and awaits her commentary.
Enid shuffles one of her plush animals before looking down. It is a decadent array of fruits, some meats, breads, and tea. Delicious no doubt – but excessive. “Quite the platter this morning.” She muses, quirking her brow as she looks amusedly to the servant.
“Ah yes...well, you will not experience such decadence out there in the wild,” He replies, his tone playful but warm. “The kitchen thought it well you have a good hearty meal for your big day.”
Enid takes some of the meat – a sliced ham of sorts – and places it upon some bread before taking a bite. It is savoury and frankly, to die for. She is thankful for the effort, even if she thinks it unnecessary. She must remember to thank the kitchen staff before it’s too late. She grins at the servant “It’s wonderful! Though, definitely too much.”
The servant dips his head, shrugging. “I tried to tell them.”
“Well, I shall tell them myself once I am dressed.”
“Of course. I shall leave you to run your morning, princess.”
The servant smiles and leaves promptly. Enid eats some more of her breakfast platter but finds the excited flutter in her stomach too much. She simply cannot fill up on food when her insides hold too much anticipation...For today is the day.
Today. Is. The. Day!!!
The day she gets her freedom.
It is in all the governing texts – Upon six months passing a princess or prince’s 19th year, they are granted the freedom to discover and explore the lands as they wish. A journey of discovery, or thereabouts. The truth of it is that this exploration is a catalyst. The Royal Family were historically outcasts themselves: werewolves, purged from their lands. Now that the times have changed and they no longer fend amongst the wilderness, a large life-changing journey is necessary to bring forth their ability to shift. It is something Enid has looked forward to tremendously. Not so much for her abilities, but moreso knowing there is so much knowledge, wisdom, and so many stories to be found within this great land of theirs. She can only study books so much before wanting to see the world herself…If her wolf decides to show, that is only an additional benefit.
And now, the date is finally upon her. It has been the longest six months of her life.
Enid scrambles from her bed, eager to start the day. Oh she cannot wait for midday to strike; to be finally leaving the castle walls via the quiet back passages, where she and her trusty steed may gallop into their new adventure. No grand displays, no crowds pouring at her feet for just a glimpse, just her and the endless possibilities of what she’ll discover. She will prove herself a scholar finally – a reporter of the wonders of the land. She’s going to write a compendium. Something both factual and mystical to make her readers crave more!
It’s so close. She can almost taste it.
Enid dances around her room. She hums a tune as she dresses and prepares herself. Her clothing is simple yet refined, paired with a light armour set – handmade by the royal armoury. It is a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Agile, yet strong. It is quite unlike her regular garb; less elegant, but certainly more practical. Her father will be pleased! Her mother less so… though she is not fond of this adventure regardless. Enid falters for a moment but lets the thought pass.
Glancing in the mirror, Enid feels a world away from the princess she has been for the last 19 years of her life. It is thrilling, captivating even! She feels like herself and yet not at all. How exciting.
Briefly, she returns to her study, scrambling to pack away all her precious stationary. Paper, ink, writing quills, pencil lead, and charcoal - she considers more, but all this alongside the few books she is bringing to read, there is little room for more lest she wishes to break her back with the weight. Prioritising is key… but how does one prioritise when all you have known is luxury? Enid scowls at her belongings. Everything is important, and yet somehow forgettable. She thinks it best she not doubt her decisions because there’s always a solution if she’s wrong!
(There isn’t the time for doubt, regardless.)
She traipses back into the main bedroom, having little else to do considering her small pack of essentials has been prepared since a week prior – and then double, tripled checked.
There is perhaps one thing missing, however.
Enid approaches her bed once more. She glances at the array of – perhaps excessive – plush animals. Comfort items… something she should likely not use any more, considering she is an adult, not to mention potentially a queen in the future. But she cannot help herself, for there is a childlike warmth that exists in her heart when those soft and familiar shapes cuddle against her during the dark and cold nights. No one will notice if a small one went along with her… She picks up one of them – a plush depiction of a unicorn – and tucks it amongst the other items within her packed bag.
Despite the land of Nevermore being full of mystical and magical beings, many believe the unicorn to be a myth. Enid intends to prove them wrong. Something so majestic and widely reported surely cannot be false.
At least, that’s what her gut tells her… She’ll find out, one way or another. It’ll make a great report for her compendium!
“Still sneaking around with your childhood toys?” Comes a soft, quiet voice, laughing slightly.
Enid jumps, having not noticed her father quietly sidle in whilst she had packed the unicorn away. She turns to him with a meek smile. Of course she had to get caught out. “Well…” She starts, a faux-innocent grin spreading across her cheeks. “I just need a companion, is all. Something to keep me safe.”
Her father looks at her fondly. He approaches and cups the back of her head as he leans to press a tender kiss to her forehead. “Oh, my Enid…” He sighs wistfully.
Her father’s hands are warm and feel like home. Despite her excitement, Enid feels the slight prick of tears, and she finds herself faltering once more… But it took too much to get here, and there is too much she has prepared for to even consider doubting her choice. She cannot consider any other possibility. Especially not now. Though perhaps a few tears for the sake of missing her Father is not a terrible thing.
“Going to miss me, hm?” She asks, distracting from her tears, and pulling her father into a hug. She presses her wet eyes into his shirt… hopefully he will not notice until he is gone.
“Of course… but this journey is important.”
“Exactly, even if mother almost put a stop to it.”
Her father lets out an indignant hum and pulls away. He looks Enid in the eye, and she feels a slight anxious twinge. She knows that grave look… Why did she have to say that? Ugh.
“Do not bring your mother into this.” Her father scolds. “She had her reasons… Fortunately, she eventually saw sense, but do not tempt fate, Enid.”
Enid nods, feeling suddenly bashful. She drops her father’s gaze. “Will mother be seeing me off?”
Her father turns quiet.
… Of course. She should have expected this.
If anything, it only solidifies her choice. She will likely not experience such freedom otherwise. She must take this chance and run with it. It does not stop the grumble of disappointment at knowing her mother’s less than warm reception, but she knows that within a few days it’ll be at the back of her mind, as she makes her way to greener pastures. Metaphorically speaking of course, as there is little pastures greener than the ones of the castle grounds. Emotionally greener pastures, perhaps, where she can escape the incessant need to be ‘good enough’ for her mother’s approval.
Frankly, all her life, she has felt separation between what she feels, what she does, and what she actually wants. Being royalty means there's often little room for opinion and desire – instead it is replaced with the wants of her parents instead, her mother specifically. Enid wonders how it'll feel to have her ingrained sense of duty be pitted against her unshackled curiosity. She hopes it will feel like a divine choosing of her own fate... And if not that, perhaps at least the weight on her shoulders to choose 'correctly' will err more in her favour, and her mother’s voice will not linger in her ear like a wicked siren song.
Sigh. She wishes her mother’s approval did not mean so much. It shouldn’t… and hopefully soon, it will mean almost nothing.
Enid takes in a deep breath. She must calm her own thoughts. She offers her father a half-hearted smile. “It’s okay. As long as you’re there.”
Her father’s expression warms. “Always,” He confirms, ruffling Enid’s hair slightly. “Now finish up getting ready, it isn’t long to go.”
Enid feels a smile tug back onto her lips, her energy and excitement revived. She nods and hugs her father again before he trundles out of the room, calling the servants to collect Enid’s things. As expected, a few servants enter moments later and collect Enid’s belongings before offering curt bows of their heads. Enid smiles in return, and wordlessly they disappear into the castle hallways. Efficient as always. The door shuts behind them and Enid is then left to her thoughts. Now her father is gone, they whir faster than ever, to the point she can hardly grasp them before another takes its place.
She is excited – that much has been established. Scared perhaps, too. Curious no doubt, and yet perhaps apprehensive at mingling with people who have only known her through paintings, books, and scrolls. It is a high pedestal to be on – that is, being a princess – and she can only hope people will cast aside their judgement of her bubbly, bright, curated exterior, and see that she is a person of substance with a lot to offer beyond her royal ties. People cannot be so shallow, surely?
Hm. She will find out soon enough.
Her eyes cast towards the clock above her dressing table. The time reads 11:30 – much later than she had expected! It really is nearly time!
Enid takes a breath, quickly taking a final scan of her beloved room before making her way out. With a pep in her step, Enid trails through the castle, greeting and smiling at every member of staff she can. She, of course, takes a quick detour to the kitchen to thank the cooks for her breakfast, before heading towards the stables around the back of the castle grounds. It is a short walk and she arrives ten minutes later to a small sending-off party, headed by her father who beams at her proudly. Enid feels her heart swell with happiness and she once again feels affirmed in this choice. She is so ready for this.
Enid goes to approach her horse – a beautiful white stallion named Sol – when her father gently guides her away for a private talk. He smiles at first, but it is empty and his expression soon pales, smile fading as it is replaced by what appears to be guilt. Enid’s stomach drops.
“Your mother and I talked.” He says stiffly.
Enid replies with silence, staring up at him with a confused frown.
“She-… We think it would be best if you took a companion with you on your travels. To keep you safe.”
How convenient.
A companion? Seriously?! Six months of waiting, and training, and learning how to handle herself in the great wilderness… and she is now to take a companion!?! And to be dropped with this information right before her send off! Enid feels her face twitch, a stubborn scowl tugging at her eyebrows. This is unfair – more than unfair, this is an interruption of her birthright!
Perhaps the idea would’ve been loved by her had she been given the freedom to choose her travel partner – better yet, gotten to train with them… but no. Her “freedom” now suddenly hinges on the allowance of some likely brutish knight following her every move. The thought alone fills her with dread.
Enid’s mouth trembles as she tries to form words. How degrading it is that her mother disapproves of this journey and yet must dip her influential hand into it regardless. So much for freedom.
“Father-” Enid starts, only to be cut off harshly. She knows her Father’s pale heart cannot handle such a disagreement, and she can see his heart break as he asserts himself.
“No, Enid. I cannot let your mother – The queen – be disappointed. She is the ruler of us all, even me,” He sighs.
Enid grumbles. Frankly,it’s pointless to argue. “Who is it?”
Her father breathes out and calms himself. Expression brightening, he then places an encouraging hand on Enid’s shoulder before using it to spin her around. Her points with his free hand. “Her.”
… Her?
A...female knight?
At least, that’s what it appears to be. Knight’s armour and garb – though, unusually, a dark black as opposed to their usual royal blue – adorns the small frame of a woman who lurks in the shadow of the stables. Her neat uniform paired with her immaculately braided hair blends in with the dark wood, only really becoming visible when her head tilts upwards to show off the pale skin of her face. But it is not her skin nor her outfit that strikes Enid the most. It is her eyes. Intense, unwavering; a glare that sends a shiver down her spine. It is an inscrutable expression – one that has Enid wondering about this mystery knight. Despite being petite, she appears deadly regardless.
Enid feels herself struck. She simply cannot pull her gaze away.
Upon noticing their staring, the knight walks over with a stiff, but upright posture. She offers no greeting except the slight nod of her head. There’s no smile, barely even the twitch of her brow as she looks upon Enid. This is not a royal knight of which Enid is familiar… though considering the size of their forces, it is perhaps silly of her to think she would know them all.
“Enid,” Her father says with a hopeful tone. “This is Wednesday. She is a knight of a special calibre. She will be joining you for your journey.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Enid offers, holding her hand out. This turn of events is still most highly disappointing, but really she can only make the best of it. It isn’t as though she has much choice… in any case, this knight has certainly caught her attention. Maybe once the shock wears off she’ll feel differently.
But for now, Enid feels that maybe this won’t be the worst thing in the world.
Wednesday glares at her. She glances at Enid’s outstretched hand. “We’re leaving now.” Wednesday grunts, disregarding Enid and turning away. She heads back to the stables with a turn of her heel. Not an ounce of emotion seems to pass her.
Enid suddenly feels she may have been very, very wrong.
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blackcatrph · 1 year
»  ━━  WILLOW  (2022)  QUOTES  :  EPISODE  ONE  :  THE  GALES.  PART  ONE.
quotes  taken  from  the  2022  series  “willow”.  please  alter  any  pronouns  if  required  when  sending.
“In a time of dread, a child was born destined to save our world.”
“___ was a man of pure heart and unfailing courage.” 
“An impossibly conceited thief, liar and rogue.” 
“What can I say? I was young.”
“We thought the war was over.”
“___ had a vision.”
“An ancient evil will rise again and destroy the future empress.”
“Her end would herald a new dark age.” 
“It was the only way I could protect her.”
“I almost had you.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it.”
“You know, there’s skill, then there’s talent. I just happen to have them both.”
“Along with a generous amount of arrogance.” 
“Who knows? In a few years you might beat me.”
“I would have beaten you if it wasn’t for that loose rock.”
“It’s not about mastering the moves, it’s about adapting to your terrain.”
“And i’m just better at that than you.” 
“ Yeah, superior in every way, your highness.”
“Tell me you don’t still think about that, going beyond the barrier, having these wild adventures like… we’ve always talked about.”
“I bring word from the queen.”
“Are we under siege?”
“You need to get dressed for dinner.”
“I take it my brother’s been called on too, to scrub behind his ears?”
“The prince, I believe, is hunting in the western woods.”
“Hunting? I wonder who he’s hunting today.”
“Was that too much?”
“You’re trembling…”
“You just have this effect on me, it’s just like nothing i’ve ever experienced before..”
“I didn’t think you felt that way about me.”
“You’ve got a bit of a reputation.”
“If you heard the things they say about you, things i know aren’t true.”
“Some of them might be true…” 
“That was before! I’m not that guy anymore!”
“___ i love you…”
“Excellent scowling.” 
“Trudging across the western reach looking for you, just how i’d hoped to spend the afternoon.”
“I do what I can for my friends.”
“The king, with a great host, was seen riding into the Vale.”
“And what do we suppose she means by ‘presentable’?”
“Well, I suppose not covered in dirt and grass.”
“Ah, well, she’s so particular.” 
“You know you’re coming tonight, right?”
“You know how I feel about gowns and wearing them.”
“You’re gonna have to suck it up because I’m not gonna be able to survive this thing without you.”
“What did you want to tell me?”
“We can talk about it later.”
“You saw nothing.”
“I saw everything.”
“That’s the kitchen maid, right? That makes those buttered muffins everybody always talks about?”
“I happen to be a great admirer of her muffins!”
“I’m concerned about what she’s going to put in those muffins when you inevitably break her heart!”
“I’m not going to break her heart.”
“Please. You’re going to lose interest and move onto the next. It’s like the one way you’re totally consistent.” 
“She has this ineffable human quality about her soul.”
“You don’t know her name?”
“I know her name!”
“Why do you look like you’ve been rolling around in grass?”
“Training. Tourneys and such.”
“What's that on your neck?”
“Oh! I got bit by a fire moth, which was strange…”
“I don’t like you playing on those rocks. It’s dangerous.”
“Playing? We were actually training!”
“I’ve had them draw you a bath.”
“I’ve laid out a gown for you to wear.”
“You’re picking out my clothes now?”
“What am I, six years old?”
“When you neglect your responsibilities for your hobbies, you leave me no choice.”
“This is what you’ve always wanted, what you’ve worked for, harder than anyone i’ve known.”
“If they’re really your friend, they’ll be happy for you.”
“They’ll feel like I'm abandoning them when they need me the most. Because I am.”
“There were two, but one of them fell out of a tree.”
“I have to marry that one.”
“Have you spoken to him?”
“I curtsied, like a real lady.”
“He sort of grunted and shuffled his feet, like a real… winner…”
“You were saying, skirmishes in the west, beyond the barrier?”
“Nothing to worry yourself about.”
“Except I've heard similar reports from the north. Settlements torched and abandoned. What if it’s something else?”
“Nonsense. Nothing gets through the Barrier, ever.”
“I do pretty much everything around here.”
“I cook, I clean, I heal the sick. I actually made the wine.”
“You know, they say you’re quite the swordsman too.”
“Pfft. Definitely not the best… Second best.”
“My dad, he was great…”
“You’re supposed to be watching the ovens, not gawking at the high borns!”
“Think that countess is pretty? The one with the lips and the face?”
“Oh, don’t be obvious!” 
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.5--Episode 12
I have watched through S1E13; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for those further behind than I am.
So, @abovethemists, I hope this review satisfies your curiosity, I do my best! Your slightly ominous reply had me really anticipating this episode, and I must say I was not disappointed.
—First of all, how many times can I say “sexy” in one post?
—Rumplestiltskin’s saunter is just heavenly. I know I’ve already devoted entirely too much time to agonizing over the beauty of his body language, but that is absolutely the walk of a man who knows he owns whatever room he’s in. Also, that saunter just looks so gosh-darn good on him.
—Bit weird of Rump to always be spinning his web of deals when he could probably just smite everybody. Maybe he just thinks this is more fun? (It is, btw.)
—I love his clothes. Other characters’ costumes, particularly in the fairytale world, are generally mid-tier, with an occasional foray into either excellence or disgusting, but Rump’s clothes are always gorgeous. The leather pants, not everyone could pull off (but he does, trust me). The vests, whether they’re leather, crocodiley, and/or embroidered, have outstanding collars and cuts. Actually, the vests are the highlight of Rump’s wardrobe. And those satiny-type blouses are exactly the kind of blouse I dream of wearing.
—Mr. Gold looks great wearing sunglasses. I love the Rump content; that and coffee power my life at this point, but Mr. Gold has got it going too. So I guess my motivation in life at the moment is about 67% Rumplestiltskin, 12% coffee, and 21% Mr. Gold.
—Mr. Gold’s house is gorgeous. I would love to live there. The stained glass, the green-and-salmon paint on the outside…it’s just exquisite.
—Okay, so we got to see more of Mr. Gold’s mean streak in this episode, which to be honest is the main draw for me. Rump gets to be cutthroat all the time, but this is the first time Mr. Gold has really been ruthless.
—Actually, he’s a bit frightening. I think “menacing” describes him best; he’s surely more subtle than Rump—most of the time—but he’s still scary. I would not double-cross that man.
—Mr. Gold using his cane as a weapon was pretty cool.
—Rump’s house in the fairytale world is even more gorgeous than his “real” world house. I mean, it’s on a snowy mountain, and it’s huge, and very elegantly-decorated. The rugs are beautiful, and I love the sheer size of the rooms. And his furniture, what we’ve seen of it, is highly tasteful. Oh, and the curtains are stunning.
—I have no choice but to stan Belle, as I, too, would fall in love with Rump.
—I appreciate that we’re getting to see a little bit more of Rump and the Evil Queen’s deal in the fairytale world showing through. Although, if all he has to do is say “please” and she does whatever he likes, he could get so much more than he’s currently using that for.
—I’m sorry, but I just can’t take the Evil Queen seriously when Rump is in the same room or vicinity. He’s so much more powerful, and frankly more clever.
—While Mr. Gold became a bit more vicious, Rump got some new feelings. I love a good anguish-of-love storyline (even if I’m not entirely convinced yet that I like the romance angle for Rump). Him being the Beast in Belle’s story is pretty fine, though. I didn’t see that one coming.
—Speaking of pretty fine….
—Just kidding! To hear me talk, you’d think nothing but Rump happened in episode 12 (though he was the most important part) but I’m very happy for Ashley and her guy. They deserve to get married and have their happily-ever-after.
—I have nearly given up on remembering which spelling of Shawn/Sean/Shaun, or if that’s even his name in the “real” world.
—Almost forgot—what the heck is up with the Evil Queen locking Belle in the hospital basement?!! That’s insanely creepy!
—At least now I know for sure that both Mr. Gold and the Evil Queen are aware of who they really are.
—Rump covering all of the mirrors in his house so the Evil Queen can’t spy on him is top-tier brain usage. Although, one might wonder why he keeps mirrors in his house at all.
—Referring to my earlier side note, I have rather complicated feelings on romance being part of Rump’s motivation. On one hand, romance is a wildly cliche motivator for villains. Now, of course I have to acknowledge at this point that I have put Rump on a pretty high pedestal, but he deserves to be there. He’s much better-written, charismatic, and convincing than most villains I’ve seen. However, I’m pleased that romance is not what started him on his villainous path; in fact, having it be a secondary motivator is a somewhat fresh take on the cliche. I also have to add that it adds another dimension to his character, and that having his anger renewed at a point I’m assuming is years after his original turn to villainy is a clever idea. The problem is that when a love story enters the chat, it usually takes over, for any variety of character. If Rump escapes without being depicted as little more than a lovesick weakling, I predict that I will be, in the end, most pleased with the turn his backstory has taken.
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
Rating Beyblade V-Force and movie drip
1) Still no spoilers
2) Still a long ass post
3) The ratings are still relative to the franchise. A 2/10 on this list is the equivalent of a 6/10 irl
4) This is based purely on how good it looks. I’m not going to delve into any symbolism present in these designs
5) Season 1 can be found here
Tyson: 3/10. A direct downgrade from season 1
Uniform Kai: 3/10. Mostly regular clothing. Not bad, but definitely one of the weakest fits for the series. I’m not a fan of the tie, but the earring makes up for it
Kai: 6/10. It’s not as over the top and muscle-showing as his season 1 design, but I do like the arm warmers (and I want a pair of those, which I would not be able to use because I live in the tropics)
Ray: 7/10. Similar to season 1, but I do like the black more than the blue
Max: 2/10. I don’t like how the sweater is so oversized, but the design on it is pretty cool
Kenny: 3/10. I like the red, and it makes him stand out more compared to season 1
Judy: 4/10. It’s better than her regular season 1 look, mainly due to the necklace
DJ: 6/10. It’s good, but not as much as season 1
Mr. Dickenson: 5/10. He loses a lot of the eccentricity he had in his earlier design (like the bow tie). He technically has his hat this season, but appears without it very often
Ryu: 4/10. It’s basically the same as in season 1
Taro: 2/10. It’s a more basic version of season 1
Hilary: 4/10. It works, but nothing special
Athletic wear Hilary: 3/10. It j=doesn’t look as good as her regular outfit
Ozuma: 4/10. I have the same complaints as with season 1 Lee, but Ozuma looks somewhat better
Joseph: 5/10. I like the legwear
Mariam: 4/10. The orange doesn’t work as well for her as it does for Joseph
Dunga: 5/10. I like the ripped sleeves
Saint Shields Elder: 5/10. His clothes are a less colorful version of the Saint Shields and they work well for him
Kane: 2/10. It’s not bad, just uninspired
Psykick Kane: 4/10. It’s not original or unique, but it looks decent
Post-Psykick Kane: 2/10. Same as pre-Psykick
Salima: 2/10. Same as Kane
Jacket Salima: 5/10. That jacket completely makes the fit
Psykick Salima: 4/10. Same as Psykick Kane
Jim: 2/10. Same as Kane and Salima
Psykick Jim: 4/10. All the Psykick outfits look exactly the same
Post-Psykick Jim: 2/10. Same as post-Psykick Kane
Goki: 1/10. It just doesn’t work
Psykick Goki: 4/10. It’s a Psykick outfit
Chameleon: 5/10. The green Psykick uniforms are worse than the purple ones, but the camo pattern makes up for it
Dark Emperor Bat: 5/10. The night vision goggles improve on the uniform
Figel: 6/10. The hair and makeup compensate for the somewhat bland uniform
Daryl: 3/10. The most boring of the Psykick uniforms and nothing to make him stand out even amongst his fellow Psykick bladers
Dr. Zagart: 6/10. The coat and high tech monocle are great
Gideon: 3/10. He wants to look like an old aristocrat but doesn’t quite get there
Doctor B: 2/10. Generic and boring, but not downright ugly
Slim: 2/10. Same as Doctor B
Fatso: 2/10.Same as Doctor B
Snakey: 3/10. Same as Daryl
Gerry: 3/10. Psykick uniform
Wyatt: 3/10. Looks good, but uninspired
Psykick Wyatt: 3/10. It’s a boring Psykick uniform
Zeo: 3/10. It’s a subpar fit, saved only by the hair
Pajamas Zeo: 4/10. Why is this better than his casual clothes?
Evil Zeo: 5/10. This is how you do an evil uniform
Gordo: 5/10. Sleeveless + visor
Net: 4/10. Better uniform than the green Psykick ones, but not better than the purple ones
Jack: 4/10. Same as Net
Dennis: 4/10. Same as the other Zagart bladers
Denny: 4/10. Zagart blader
Foxy: 4/10. Zagart blader
Undercover Doctor K: 4/10. Good but not great
Doctor K under Zagart: 5/10. A slight improvement
Doctor K: 7/10. I love that outfit and want one for myself
Dan: 4/10. 2 of those points come from the sunglasses
William: 3/10. Nothing special
King: 4/10. I have nothing to say besides “it looks neat”
Queen: 4/10. Same as King
Tanner: 1/10. Very boring
Ganta: 1/10. He’s basically a background character so I didn’t expect much
Marcos: 3/10. Surprised by the amount of detail that went into a barely named background character
Sanchez: 3/10. Same as Marcos
Alan: 1/10. Not a fan of this look
Evil Alan: 2/10. Red works better than orange
Armored Alan: 4/10. I like it much more than his regular clothing
Sunny Ronny: 3/10. All 3 points come from the comically large polka-dot bow tie
Ms. Kincaid: 2/10. She’s a background character in design (but not as good as actual background characters Marcos and Sanchez)
Scott: 2/10. It’s just a suit and not a particularly stylish one at that
Mrs. Saien: 2/10. Background character design
Mr. Saien: 1/10. Not as interesting than his wife
Daichi: 3/10. Alright, but not as good as he’d look in G-Rev
Shadow Daichi: 2/10. He just looks like a gremlin
Professor Tengai: 2/10. Almost background character design
Henry: 0/10. It seems minimal effort went into his design here
Shadow Henry: 9/10. I love absolutely everything about this look
Ashley: 0/10. Same as Henry
Shadow Ashley: 9/10. Same as Shadow Henry (I love these evil designs)
Daniel: 1/10. At least the rolled up sleeves are something
Shadow Daniel: 7/10. Not as good as Henry and Ashley, but still great
Steven: 1/10. More detail than Henry and Ashley, but not by much
Shadow Steven: 8/10. I love the evil armored look
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noro-noro-noro · 5 months
god ok I wanted to remember my dream so I repeated it to myself in my head any time I half woke up, which actually just led like 6 or 7 different dreams with various similarities. this kind of shit makes it really hard to write down you know
and to make matters worse thetr was so much of it I only remember a little. whatever that always happens
this one was the first dream I'm p sure. sort of a medieval-ish area. me & my friend hunkering down in an abandoned town trying to hide from this evil bandit leader. she found us obviously & my friend was hurt, so rather than wait for her to decide to kill us, I went to help her out. she liked that I did that. and she was chill enough when she liked you. unfortunately we were put through some kind of trigun wolfeood style grow up fast serum so we were now late 20's when we should have been 16/17. to be fair when she picked us up we were like 10? so real time also did pass. and working for the bandit queen was fun at times! she has.some.morals! we got famous !though she had a nasty little grubby spoiled son who was just gross but he got anything he wanted. also we did get some kind of power from the make us older thing. my forearms & hands were both replaced with metal gauntlets but I still had my fingers. and the gauntlets while really complicated were designed in such a way that in case of a hideous malfunction I'd still be able to use them as normal hands. anyway after a while of living the good life as the left & right arms of the bandit queen, we got to some familiar looking school. the son pointed at a pretty girl maybe 15 named Priscilla & said he wanted her to keep & to play with, so the queen sent us in. my friend froze up. I knew why - he'd had a crush on her when we were both kids going to this school. & we'd both seen the result of girls the son had played with. so I went. i knelt down by Priscilla & said "do you know who I am?" & she said "you're the right hand of the bandit queen" & I said "yes I am & you know I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you, ok?" & she was like "are you sure?" & I laughed & said "you've heard the rumors - don't I draw the line at kids? now hold on" & picked her up & immediately turned to the nasty son & shot something out of my hand gauntlet that pinned him to the wall through his arm. the bandit queen flew into a rage instantly but I was already on the way to being gone. we probably would have to eventually kill her though, she didn't easjly forgive traitors & she'd probably kill Priscilla too out of spite if left alone. she knew me because I talked a lot - she didn't know my friend bc he was more the silent assassination in the shadows type . people knew of him but not anything else.
anyway. the next dream started as like a weirs mobile card game ad. it started out being like .. spades or something. except when the queen of spades claimed the queen of diamonds it cut to her dragging the red queen into her chambers by her hair & then like what looked like gearing up for some hentai style sex ad. the next cutscene was the red queen somehow pregnant & experiencing rather extreme boob growimf bc she was just a little cow that needed to be milked. awesome. do not show this to me. and the game actually downloaded immediately when I went to hit the microscopic X button in the corner. anyway the game was called Tower Of Ruin or something, very generic, & it couldn't be uninstalled until you completed the first act. great. another good sign is that there was like a bratty child princess that you could fully undress, which I did on accident because I got new clothes from a daily log in bonus & I wanted to swap them out bc the starter dress looked really bad, but itwas unnecessarily complicated to do that.
bit of a scene shift and now because I was one of the first 1,000 people to complete ch1 (to uninstall the game) the company mailed me various sexual anime figurines of the characters, which I really, really did not want. I thought about trying to sell them second-hand on Reddit as I was opening the package since they did seem somewhat quality even though the clothes was alsl Velcro and scratchy fabric like old barbie clothes.
after this there was a lot of other dream content. what was it? fuck if I know
something about being on the run thru like..hong Kong. highspeed nighttime car chase. I think it was something like a modern au f the first dream.
there was a high rise hotel with big windows during the day.
from the hotel dream I think the green one ce - I wanted to get home..there was something about some.peolple being turned into large green tinted animals due to overexposure to the green (?) . like a big pond turtle. a rhino was actually the same.size. and there were also mutated freaks of nature like the ??? it looked like a plant almost except with a horrible dripping red mouth. the turtle bit onto the hairs on the rhino as they were running away, but a turn too sharp and the tuetle flew into the bushes and the thing that used to be a person ate the rhino that also used to be a person very disgusting. but didn't see the turtle.
something to do with perler beads also idk there was a lot more of that too
0 notes
bellatrixobsessed1 · 1 year
Mind Mirror (Part 12)
Regina supposes that it was only a matter of time before Emma found out her secret. She also supposes that she hadn’t exactly done a great job of hiding what she has done…rather what she hasn’t been doing. 
Emma sets the bottle of pills on the table with a decently loud clank and a rather deep frown. She leaves a moment of open quiet for Regina to acknowledge what she knows that Emma also knows. “Regina when did you stop taking them?” 
Regina gives an extended exhale and rubs her hands over her face.
“God! No wonder you have been feeling so low! Why did you…”
“You know why!” Regina interrupts. Lowering her voice considerably she mumbles. “You know why, Swan.” She wraps her arms around herself, self-consciously.
There is a fear in her eyes, a desperation and Regina knows that she has put it there; this yearning to make her feel okay but without the faintest inkling as to how to go about doing that. This nagging need to get her to see what she sees–the beauty, the allure.
“Please, Regina, you can’t just stop taking them. You look just fine, I promise. I’m not just saying that. Mr. Gold said that he liked how that dress looked you!” She points out as though it is some amazingly powerful trump card that will solve everything. An opinion that will absolve her of all of the standards that she holds herself too.
“It’s not just about aesthetics, Emma! It’s about my health. I have enough things to worry about, I don’t need to add chronic medical conditions to that list.” And that is true enough, there is a rather notable portion of her that is growing concerned about the physical health ramifications of putting on so much weight so rapidly. Of taking these medications in general, the dizzy spells and the fatigue, the occasional bouts of nausea. They are all taking their toll and she isn’t sure that Emma understands that it isn’t just about weight. 
She thinks that, to a certain point the medications are contributing to her poor mood as much as they are presumably helping it. Just how happy can she be when she is feeling exhausted and faint? Just how happy can she be when things that used to be easy for her become slightly more laborious? 
She doesn’t think that Emma realizes how much little fragments of lifestyle changes add up. How much it chips away at both her comfort and self-esteem each time she has to magic a clothing article to fit her, has to readjust the position of her office chair or her car seat. How much it bothers her to have to alter the length of her morning walks to accommodate for how much energy the medications steal. How dreadful she feels when she forgets that she can’t squeeze through that space between her desk and the wall, how each step it takes to walk around the desk instead hurts. How agitating it is that sleeping on her stomach isn’t as comfortable as it used to be.
How she just doesn’t feel like herself anymore; she has always been at least a touch prone to feeling disconnected from herself. A distinct detachment that exists between Mayor Mills and The Evil Queen. And sometimes a strange dissociation between the body of Mayor Mills and the mind of Mayor Mills. 
Sometimes it feels as though she is watching herself. Her mind is screaming at her body to get up and get on with her day, but her body won’t listen even though it can and should. Her mind screams at her to do something, anything at the same time as it tells her to just stay in bed and cry. 
It is worse these days. 
Back then she could drag herself to the mirror and stare at herself until it finally clicked that her mind belonged to her body. That she could control it. 
These days, the mirror makes things worse. These days she finds that she can’t see herself at all, the mirror sets in stone that her body and mind don’t quite belong together. That she is looking at someone else entirely. Someone that she can’t control. 
 But of course, Emma hasn’t considered that it runs much deeper than aesthetics. Regina herself hadn’t considered that even just a few extra pounds would alter so many things. 
She wishes that she could love and accept herself the way that Emma does. 
She wishes that her mother hadn’t so deeply ingrained this sort of disgust into her mind. 
She wishes that she were capable of adapting and adjusting
She wishes that she was a stronger person. 
“You seem healthy to me.” Emma frowns. 
“I seem healthy to you because you don’t know how I feel. I feel different. It’s not a good different, Emma. I’m so tired and I don’t think that it’s just the depression.” She doesn’t think that it is the extra weight either. She has at least a little more energy when she isn’t taking her medications. Physical energy that is very much overshadowed by a lack of mental energy. She rubs her hands over her face. 
She is starting to become uncertain. Maybe Emma is right, maybe it really is the depression that is causing the fatigue and she is just shifting the blame to the medications because that is easier. But still, she has been depressed before and it has never stolen this much energy from her. 
“Okay.” Emma sighs. “You’re right, I was making assumptions.”
“They weren’t entirely off base, Emma.” She exhales. She stares at her palms, flexing her fingers. “I suppose that I’ve only been mentioning the aesthetic aspects. They’re…” she purses her lips. “They’re a lot easier to explain.” 
Emma takes a seat on the mattress next to her and rubs her back. “Well I have lots of time if you want to explain what else is bothering you.”
“Can we save it for Hopper’s office so that I don’t have to repeat myself? It’s a lot.” 
“Yeah, we can do that.” Emma peers at the clock. “We’ve got an hour to kill, do you want to stop by the Christmas market or go for a walk, my mom mentioned that the trees look really pretty today.”
Regina nods. “We can go for a walk, Emma.” She could use the fresh air. Maybe the sharpness of the cold can revitalize her somehow. Maybe she just needs something peaceful and kind to take the edge off. 
“You know that I am in this with you until the end, right? Even if I get frustrated or angry or sad or stressed. I’m not any of those things at you, I’m those things at the situation.”
Regina bites her lower lips. “I know it, Emma. It just…hard to remember sometimes.” 
Emma gets up and fetches their coats, hats, and scarves.
“You have your gloves, right? I keep telling you to put them back in your pockets and not to just toss them on the floor. Frostbite isn’t a joke…”
Emma laughs. “You always put them back in my pockets for me and I haven’t taken them out.” 
Regina nods. 
Maybe she can’t be emotionally supportive right now but she can do these little things. These little things that she hopes Emma catches. 
The woman makes a point of taking out the gloves and putting them on. Regina rolls her eyes. “You’re supposed to zip your coat first.” She gestures for Emma to move her arms out of the way and zips it for her. She fixes Emma’s hat onto her head and makes sure that her scarf is tied tight enough. 
“Thatnks, Gina.” She smiles. 
“Of course.” Regina gives her cheek a quick kiss and takes her hand.
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thenixkat · 2 years
Popculture dragon review (humanoid) part 1
(For dragons that are either fully humanoid or humanoid from the waist up. Pretty much dragon men, snake skirts, and serpent taurs. Also, yes, fish count as serpents. As do whales.)
Dobrickmon from Digimon
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4/10- An armored dragon man digimon that loves to see the world burn. The head and shoulders are nice, like the toothy armor. The legs look terrible and the gauntlets aren’t much better. And just, no on those titties.
King Koil from Ben 10 (reboot)
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6/10- A dork. A king of serpents and can control reptiles. Decided to make a herpetologist his queen b/c she was nice to snakes. Man really said that he understands the concept of clothing and chooses to go ass out with just a cape and crown. Like the extra arms and his little scale sleeves.
Rani Nagi from The Secret Saturdays
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7/10- I do love a good lady villain. Look at her ugly ass big ass alien ass head. That one strand of hair. Her twiggy ass lil pincher arms. I do like the coiling up of her neck that she does when talking to short people. Is supposed to be a naga, the naga queen, but done in the style of the snake taurs that people call nagas in the west. So points off for that last thing.
Duncan Rosenblatt from Firebreather (film)
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5/10- Hmmm this bitch ugly and not in the way that I like. Visually this boy is very interesting. Like that exposed core in his transformed state and the scaly texture on his human form is neat. Those nail-claws are also interesting. But its just kinda ugly. Something about the facial structure and hair is just not doing it for me. Do like that he eats coal. Also, his fucking dad is the Image comics universe version of fucking Godzilla. His mom fucked Godzilla. And divorced Godzilla.
Ursula from The Little Mermaid
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8/10- She’s thick and working it. Love the vibes. I ain’t notice before but woman got an ass on her. Also she’s magic and a shapeshifter as a proper dragon should be. Also purple and black go great together.
Megidramon from Digimon Tamers
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10/10- Listen, this bitch sexy. It’s so gods damn cool looking. Fucking god dragon of the apocalypse and feel like it. Love the flame like aspects on the arm blades and the wing color. That purple jaw is a nice little contrast. Also love the pseudo double mouth thing its got going on. Ya’ll don’t know how much I LOVE face-’out of control monster’ turns. And the fact that it tried to eat a bitch? I’m in love.
Shendu from Jackie Chan Adventures
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9/10- Speaking of sexy. My man Shendu is the father of an entire generation of furries.  He’s got all the dragon powers. Can control the elements, shapeshift, even astral project and possess people (two dragon powers you really don’t get to see a lot of in pup culture). He’s got a nice face with the row of horns and lil fin mustache. I will say his coloring is kinda... bland. He’s just green with a yellow underbelly. That’s it. Do enjoy that he’s an evil Chinese dragon who can command western (more westerny) dragon minions.
Owlman from The Secret Saturdays
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7/10- What a horrible horrible little bird. Nice.
The Queen of the Lair from She Creature
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10/10- Probably the most gnarly mermaid I’ve seen in mermaid horror films. Her colors are hard to see in the actual film but are pretty nice. Love her weird bulgy squinty eyes. This lady goes out and finds humans to mind control/kill to feed her school. Shapeshifting into a more humanoid/attractive form to seduce humans is very much a very dragon ability.
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lattechans · 3 years
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: any romantic relationships between an elf and a human have dire consequences but you're still willing to try
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: elf!hyunjin x female reader
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut, fluff and a hint of angst
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: praising, piv, marking, nipple play (all in all pretty vanilla love making)
𝐚/𝐧: this is for the collab project created by @binniesthighs and wow i don't think i've ever written anything like this before but i'm quite proud of it! maybe i'll write fantasy more often from now on...
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you were taking notice of the scenery around you; the outline of the kingdom hazy from such a great distance. this place has become like your second home after many years of traveling. as a child, you were always a wanderer, so it surprised no one when you, as an adult, decided to go off and search for the ancient elven realms that only a few humans knew about.
the first time you met an elf was entirely by coincidence, and was the main reason you chose to look for more. hyunjin was his name, and he was the most ethereal being you had ever laid your eyes upon although you found all elves to be eerily beautiful creatures – hyunjin was different.
he had shoulder length dark brown hair, his eyes warm like caramel compared to those of his parents or the other elves, who looked more cold.
only one person truly knew about you and hyunjin, and she was the reason you were able to meet like this without constant concern for others finding out the true colors of your relationship. the two of you could only go so long sneaking around the kingdom, hiding together in the halls or stealing kisses in the library when someone could see you at any moment.
hyunjin knew that if the two of you were caught together like this, you’d be banished from the kingdom without hesitation and he would never be able to see you again.
you see, the elves had no problems with human visitors, nor even friendships. in fact, the royal family was once known for welcoming humans into their family; the queen had married a human decades before you or hyunjin were even born.
however, the times changed as the queen was betrayed by her husband, who stole one of the most treasured relics in the kingdom and killed many of the creatures who lived in the kingdom as he had fled. ever since then, no romantic relationships were allowed between elves and humans as they were believed to only bring wickedness and evil to the kingdom.
it goes without saying that ever since then, elves and humans alike had been punished for such relationships and although, for the humans the consequences were only banishment and shame, for the elves – the consequences were much worse. a true heartbreak would eventually kill an elf. this is why you needed a secluded place just for the two of you, safe from suspicious eyes.
a few months ago, you had approached the lady you had to thank for all this even being possible, aelvavorna, or aelva for short. she was one of the greatest wizards known in all of the realms, her powers stretched even to the human realm. however, even with such great power she preferred to help those in need and keep a low profile, right here in this kingdom.
the surprise wasn’t that you fell for hyunjin. practically anyone from the human realm would be mad not to pine after both his handsome features and his kind, generous demeanour. the surprise, in your mind, was that he somehow fell in love with you.
and aelva understood your relationship as soon as she met the two of you. in fact, aelva was glad to help the two of you; finding the rules of the elven kingdom when it came to elf-human love.
you vividly remember how she grabbed a heavy book and a small metal box from a table and placed them on the great stone table in the middle of the dimly lit room. “i have an enchantment that can create a safe refuge for you and your love.”
she explained the workings of the enchantment to the two of you and opened the metal box, revealing an odd assortment of rings and jewels, most of them old and tattered, and collected from where you'd never know. from the box, she selected a pendant with a dark blue, rectangular stone on a silver chain. she held it aloft for the both of you to see.
“whoever wears the pendant will be the one who can open the door, and who determines what lies inside,” she explained in a whisper.
“who will be the one to keep it?”
hyunjin took your hands in his without hesitation.
“will you?”
aelva fastened the pendant around your neck before pulling out the book of spells and handing it to hyunjin to hold open. she touched delicate fingertips to the pendant that hung against your collarbone, her other hand coming to rest on the book hyunjin held.
with the little light filtering in through the windows from the sliver of moon hanging high in the sky, aelva began to chant in a tongue you’d never heard before, reciting the spell she read from the page. you felt a quick surge of heat that made you gasp, and in moments, it was over.
she studied you carefully, a smile on her lips before giving her final instructions.
“the one who wears the pendant needs only think of what they’d like to find behind the door—a room, a country, anywhere—and when they turn the handle, that is the place they will find inside. only the wearer of the pendant and those that take her hand may enter; all others will not be able to find the door hidden in plain sight. but bear in mind, the pendant creates only illusion. nothing you find beyond this door is real, except for the two of you. but you will be safe here.”
you remember squeezing aelva’s hand, a tear rolling down your cheek. “thank you.”
“anything for true love.”
just before you left, hyunjin leaned down to kiss your lips with a promise. “i’ll meet you there tomorrow night.”
and so he did, not only the next night, but many, many more nights to come.
and now, in the shadow of an ancient tree, the last traces of sunlight were finally falling below the horizon, you watched as the streams of light glimmered across the fields, shining lights of green and yellow trailing behind them.
the tiny creatures living together in the elven kingdom illuminated the landscape as you leaned back against your lover’s chest, letting your head fall back onto his broad shoulder as you looked up toward the sky. his hand, warm and trembling, brushed down the side of your neck and shoulder, pushing the sleeve of your dress away so that he could kiss the bare skin underneath.
you sat between his legs, the smooth material of his dress shirt soft against your back, and you sighed as one of the fluttering lights bounced off a flower just a short distance away. you reached back, placing a delicate hand over hyunjin’s on your shoulder, and sighed. “i wish this could last forever.”
you felt his exhale against your ear. “so do i, my love,” he whispered before pulling your hand up to his lips for a chaste kiss. but alas, your time was running short. you both needed to return home, and if you weren’t back soon, you’d surely be missed.
hyunjin’s fingertips grazed the tiny flower buds he had carefully woven into your hair, placed just so to adorn you. but as the minutes dragged on, though all you wanted was to stay cradled in his arms, you knew it was time to leave the meadow and head for home.
hyunjin helped you to your feet and took up the bag you had brought with you, filled with delicious pastries and fruit, all the while, holding your hand tightly in his. as you walked through the meadow that was located on a far away hill, the glow of the grass and setting sun faded away behind you. it was only a short walk before you came to the door which was only known to you and hyunjin.
as if it had sprouted from the ground, the great door, seemingly wood and iron with an appointed arch over the top, stood in the downhill. as you stepped to the other side, you entered the same meadow that was connected to the kingdom, however, the huge door disappeared behind you.
a simple spell that hid you and hyunjin’s romance from the peering eyes of anyone else. you reached for the small pendant hanging on a chain around your neck and tucked it safely under the collar of your dress.
before parting, hyunjin wrapped his arm around you, his hand resting at the base of your spine, pulling you close for a languid kiss, slow and silent, neither of you wanting to let go. the danger of the kiss making both of you feel lightheaded. a breath passed as he broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours for only a moment, knuckles brushing your cheek. you exchanged no words, but you felt it, his love and passion that you returned tenfold under the cover of the kingdom now wrapped in the night .
you dared to stay long enough on the quiet alley to watch him disappear around the corner before hurrying the opposite way yourself. your heart full but aching.
more months passed this way, your rendezvous with hyunjin becoming more and more frequent. with this secret hideaway you shared, it was easier to spend time together, to crave each other’s presence in a place where no one could separate you. each time you met, hyunjin held your hand in his as you pictured the location you chose to visit on the inside. never did hyunjin make a request, even when you asked him to. it was his gift to you, he said.
“where to tonight, my love?” he asked, a dreamy tone in his voice that lit a small fire in some deep fragment of your soul. you wrapped your fingers around the pendant, concealed under your clothes during the day, and sighed.
you knew exactly where you wanted to go tonight. holding the thought in your mind, you reach for the emptiness, only for the door to erect out of thin air, turning the handle, the fantasy materializing in front of your eyes.
you found yourself in an unfamiliar room with a comfortable air about it. the walls and carpets were dark, rich reds and deep green floral patterns warmed the atmosphere before you. heavy wooden furniture was arranged just so, dark mahogany woods twisting in ornate patterns that looked like the roots of trees that had grown out of the floor. candles burned on the dressing table and a mirrored vanity, tossing shadows across the room, leading your eyes to a bed covered in velvety bedsheets.
“but this is—” hyunjin breathed.
“your bedroom. i wanted to see it.”
with the door safely closed behind you, you led hyunjin to his bed – the illusion of his bed – and sat beside him on the plush bedding. he dropped down beside you, running his hands over the designs on the blanket, an exact replica of the one he slept under every night.
everything in the room was exactly as it would be if he returned to his home at this exact moment. though it was almost uncanny to be sitting there, he felt a fluttering in his chest as he gazed upon you, your form against the backdrop of his most private space.
you, on the other hand, could hardly stop from observing the room, curious as to every detail, even if this was only a false vision of the real thing.
it was as close as you might ever come, and you decided to make it count. an urgency washed over you, the intimacy of peering into hyunjin’s bedroom overcoming your senses with a haze of lust. you reached out to his face, suddenly desperate to touch him, to feel his body, to be near him in the most carnal sense of the word.
you breathed his name before he took you in his arms and pulled you close, your lips crashing into his as instincts began to overcome him as well. this was where you belonged, in his arms, in his bed.
you opened up to him, letting your jaw fall open as he forced his tongue into your heated mouth, breathy moans and gasps escaping the both of you as your body rolled against his. his hands roamed down your back and around to your hips as you clung to his neck, both gripping the other as if you would never let go. clumsily, hyunjin’s slender fingers fumbled with the laces down the sides of your dress, messy in their desperation to remove the layers of clothes separating his body from yours.
“please, my love,” he whispered, hitching your breath in your throat as you realized he wanted you as passionately as you wanted him.
you rose to your knees and began untying the various fastenings of your dress until it fell loosely around your shoulders. hyunjin sat up to help pull the fabric over your head, leaving you in only your white underclothes, an image he held in his mind during lonely nights in this very room, when the two of you could not be together for one reason or another.
he marveled at your body like it was the first time he was seeing it, though this was far from the truth. the glow of your skin in the candlelight left him breathless, the curves of your jaw, your neck, your nearly exposed breasts, and your thighs almost too much for him to handle.
his hands traced the line of your shoulder, down your arms to your wrists, where he took hold and pulled your hands up to his lips, kissing the tips of your fingers as his dark lashes fluttered closed, drinking you in with his lips instead of his eyes.
clothing was discarded piece by piece, flung into a pile somewhere on the floor until the both of you were bare, chests heaving for breath as he kissed you, longing for your taste on his tongue.
you dragged your fingernails over his defined shoulders and chest as he kissed your neck, his teeth digging into the soft flesh he found there.
his hands wandered your hips and thighs, indecisive fingertips squeezing the curves of your legs and the globes of your ass until he couldn’t fight the instincts in his head any longer.
hooking his strong hands under your knees, hyunjin flipped you over on the bed, claiming a position on top of you where he had better access to your body. thick erection pressed tightly against his stomach, he leaned forward and captured one of your breasts in his mouth, sucking the tender flesh of its underside as his hand cupped the other side of your chest.
with nothing to dampen your moans, you cried out in pleasure as his lips moved to cover the hard bud of your nipple, his teeth digging in just enough to bring you to a place of dizziness.
“my love, ” he moaned between wet kisses, lips pressed against your skin with a shudder.
he sucked harder still as his dominant hand pinched your opposite nipple and massaged the mound underneath it in circles. you writhed under him, calling out his name as he ravaged your chest. your fingers burrowed into his locks, your body scrambling for anything to hold on to as if you would float up without doing so.
your ankles came to lock around his lower back, heels pressing into his spine as he nipped at your most sensitive areas, the ones he had come to know so well.
just as your neck was starting to feel unbearably hot from the pleasure, beads of sweat rolling down both your forehead and his back, he finally released your breast with a pop of his lips, gasping as he came up for air. he leaned back on his thighs, sitting upright to survey the traces of love bites and fingertip bruises he’d left across your chest, carefully kept below where the neckline of your dress would cover the next day.
as both of you caught your breath, he stared down at the pendant that gave you this power, which rested perfectly between your breasts, glinting as it caught the light from the nearest candle. it sent hyunjin’s head spinning as he touched his throbbing cock in one hand, preparing himself for you.
“let me fill you, please.” his thighs tensed between your legs, spread wide for him, straining to hold himself back. a glistening bead of pre-cum formed at his tip, but he didn’t break eye contact with you as he spread it over the blushing head of his cock with his thumb.
“please,” you whispered, hardly able to make a sound, as hungry for him as he was for you.
hyunjin released his grip between his legs and instead reached under your knees, folding your legs into your body, knees on either side of your chest. you felt him pressing forward, putting his weight first in his hands against the back of your thighs, spreading you wider in preparation. you wept for him, slick and trembling from his ministrations on your chest and the sight of his impossibly thick cock. you knew he would fit inside you, but only just.
with a sharp inhale, he teased his cock at your hole, the head swiping at your sensitive skin before he started to push himself inside you, inch by inch as he groaned. you felt the delicious burn as his thickness stretched your walls, both inside and out, to accept him.
“that’s it, my good girl, let me fill you,” he grunted, sweat dripping off the tip of his sloped nose and onto your chest as you whined in pleasure. he pulled out slowly before thrusting inside again, this time forcing himself inside you with a singular motion that had you clawing at his shoulders, mewling as his cock filled you completely.
hyunjin moaned deliciously as the pushing and pulling began, the dragging of his thickness creating intense friction between your legs. the sheer size of his cock splitting you in two had your head thrashing from side to side as he began to lose himself, lips moving almost on their own.
his eyes rolled back in his head with a gasp as his hip bones touched your thighs as he continued to pound himself into you. his thrusts came harder and faster yet, the muscles in your thighs trembling from being spread so wide for so long. the wet squelching of his cock sliding in and out of your heat couldn’t drown out hyunjin’s cries.
“y/n, oh my g– mine, my girl. mine” his words fell from his lips like a prayer, begging for salvation but not forgiveness, finally pushing you to release. your thighs bucked up against the strength of his legs as your neck and back arched severely off the bed, head thrown back in a scream as you came on his thick cock.
despite how you gasped, hyunjin didn’t stop, couldn’t stop, until you were filled with him. slick dribbled from your hole, wetting his cock even more as he slid in and out of you, pushing himself past his own limit.
“my love, i love you, i love you,” you panted, reaching to squeeze the muscles of his sturdy arms, impossibly flexed as he thrusted deep inside one last time before coating your insides with his load, his entire body shaking.
he collapsed beside you then, lungs gasping for breath, eventually pulling you into his chest, glistening with sweat and heat. his forehead dropped onto your shoulder and he curled into you, silent sobs wrenching from his lips as he began to cry. numbly, you lifted your arms to encircle his waist before sinking down to the mattress, your bodies slotting together as you held each other..
as soon as he could gather himself again, hyunjin spoke.
“i just want to spend forever with you but–” he didn’t have to say what it was. you didn’t want him to, afraid that admitting it aloud would cause your world of illusion to disappear.
“what will we do?” you asked, your heart breaking at the sight of him. tears welling up in your own eyes.
after a moment of silence, hyunjin slowly placed the pendant around his own neck and took your hand, pulling you up quickly. with one deep breath, he reached for the door the same door you came in from, pulling you alongside him as he lifted the iron handle of his door.
you followed, and with a flash of light, you stood on a green hillside at sunrise, grass under your bare feet, your bare body now covered with a white dress of his creation. you looked up at him and found him dressed not in robes, but in a simple white tunic and pants, the wind touseling the fabric.
he held both your hands as you gazed out behind him, the breathtaking view of the similar countryside dotted with stone fences and thatched roof cottages. everything around you felt calm, including the look in his eyes. “why here?” you asked.
“because,” he replied, “in a place like this, i’m just hyunjin, and you’re just you.”
tears welled in your eyes as he reached up to stroke your cheek. perhaps it was for the last time, you thought with a twinge in your chest, maybe this was the end for the two of you. you couldn’t go on like this. but his lips fluttered lightly over yours, pulling your eyes up to meet him when he released the kiss. his hands found your face, and you waited for the final goodbye.
but you found forever in his eyes. hyunjin tucked the pendant into his shirt and offered you his hand. you took it and began to walk alongside him, over the rolling hill, toward where the sun was now peeking over the horizon.
he squeezed your hand in an unspoken promise.
he’d leave everything behind, the kingdom, everything – to stay here with you. he would wander these pastures by your side for the rest of his days, hand in hand.
maybe this world was merely a fantasy, but it was the place you could be together. it was real as long as you were together.
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S3 ep5
Current emotional status: FEAR
Cthulu Max has been on the rampage for a whole week!?
Ew, the narrator
Oh man, are they sending the airforce after him?
I really like Cthulu Max's design
Momma Bosco 💗
Oh hey, Norrington and Papierwaite are alive.
Superball are you saying you tried to send the Maimtrons up Max's--
Also he's acting president while Max is... deposed of.
Superball is only giving Sam until 6am :(
"Wandering around the moleman tunnels is no fun without Max."
"You got it all wrong, we're trying to help Max." "We will help him... to a generous serving of ass whooping."
"That is one rabbit who will be multiplied... into 2,000 smoldering pieces."
Carol ran off with Blustet
"I only want her to be happy, is all." Aw, Curt
Superball just admitted to having separation anxiety from Max
Ok Momma can't come but Papierwaite and Norringron can.
I like Norrington :)
Is it?
It is!
Oh, she is very pregnant
She was a wizard at one point?
She's gonna help!
Superball there's no such thing as acceptable losses
Abe has his body back
"Four score and seven tons of raw power"
Sybil, I love you, but why did you mod someone else's car???
Grandpa Stinky I love you
Oh, he just handed us the recipe for once.
Asdfff the spore maxes swarming Grandpa
They stole Grandpa's hotdogs
"We must feed the host! Piglets and sphinkters make us stronger!" "We regret nothing!"
Grandpa hasn't slept in three years
Sam just casually taking the last of Grandpa's corndogs
The spores are trying to get it
Lol Sam slapped them
Sal's alive!
He's hiding from Sam :(
Lol we can control Cthulu Max with Corndogs
Ew, the cornstarch got mixed in with the giant puddle 🤢 Looks gross
Love how Sybil completely ignores the Flaming Max head
Also the look of disappointment on the spore's face made me laugh
Fifth trimester???
The way the one Max spore by Grandpa's truck is bobbing in circles with his mouth open is making me laugh.
Sam showing concern for Sybil because she’s preggers 🥺
Her being pregnant with Abe's child implies that statues have working genital in this universe
She put a weiner scented airfreshener in the desoto
At least Sam and a Max spore seem to like that (of course they do)
"Sybil you're the best!" Hell yeah she is!
Sam's mind went to the color bar codes to prevent being traumatized by Sybil's oversharing
We drowned the desoto
Asdfgh Sam just botched slapped one of the spores for trying to say "that's none of your damn buisness."
Ew, Max's spine is pointing out
Oh hey, Satan and Jurgen
Why is Jurgen wearing his old fashioned clothes instead of his emo clothes?
Lol Sam snuck into frame to shout "Go Mets! New York rules!"
"--besides it's just a good and noble thing to do." "You're not familiar with my previous work, are you?"
"Sam, what happened to you to make you so cynical?" Gee, Jurgen, I wonder what could have possibly happened.
Oh so the water tower counts as vegetable oil because Momma did something to it
Pfft we can replace Satan's microphone with a corndog
Omg they jumped off the building to avoid Max
Oh, they're fine, and the oil is in the giant puddle.
I'm thankful to Featherly for giving us an egg but I'd have preferred not to watch him lay it. Granted it was just in a cartoon way but he still made weird noises
"I desperately wanted to see that, sir. Ask him if he'll lay another one."
Oh hey, the Flaming Max heads helped heat up the giant desoto corndog
Since I'm playing this in 2021 the Maimtron's song references are super dated, which defeats Superball's efforts
Oooh! A unique opening sequence???
Oh this music is jazzy af
Sam really doesn't like the Max spores
Sam how do you already know what Max's insides look like???
"Even when he's not a collasal monster Max's food comas can last for weeks."
Ok we wake Max up with the coffee beans, right?
The gi Max spore is so sad he doesn't get to come 😢
"But I'm a horrible monster!"
"I suppose Max's brain always looks like a living room?" "Well, Max is host to all kinds of weird parasites, and he likes to he a good host!" WHAT
No really, this brings up so many questions about lagomorphs. Are they some kind of Symbiote or something?
And a previous episode confirmed Max is amphibious
Max has tumors!!!
It shocked Sam!
"Eugh! Get away fake Max!" "Do you find my warmth... alarming, Sam?"
"What do nightmares taste like, anyway?" "Pepsi"
Max wants to be author 💗
He also writes fanfiction about Flint 🤣
I'd unironically read his books.
Tina Belcher voice: Friend fiction
Max has an experimental fusion jazz band???
"He just killed a great white shark--"
Max being completely unable to describe a woman is very gay of him. Good for him.
Max's brain teleported everyone to different parts of the body.
Found Sybil in the gym/legs
The brain is broadcasting Sam's thoughts???
Sam couldn't think of a joke for the medicine balls :(
"Wow Max is looking pretty buff. Would it be too weird if I asked him to turn around?"
Sam! Stop thinking bad things about Sybil's pregnancy she can hear you you putz!
She's upset with him now
"Can you believe this guy?" "I find the entire situation to be very contrived and misogynistic." Same spore Max, same.
Sam stop being so mean omg!
"I changed Sybil, I totally get the whole parenthood thing now." "Really now?" "Tax deductions."
In Max's inventory now
Y'know, I never really thought about it as a storage house
Hit The Road reference :3
Baby roach hatched in
"Pa..papa?" "Now I am little champion, now I am!"
Max has a Maximus shrine
Sam turned into a roomba!
Aw, he named it Sam Jr 🥺
We won Sybil back through his love of Sam Jr
Found the conjoined twins
Huh, Max lost as eye. Does that mean he has a glass one, or do lagomorphs have regenerative abilities?
Pfft we have to play twister to control his arma
The brain is messing with things again
Oh, we need a roach to operate the game because of radiation
Well, let's kidnap Sal
Oh, poor Girl Stinky. She's really going through it
Aw, Sal feels bad
Honey, are alright?
He's dying???
He's not immune to irradiation!?
Oh no, he's gone
I'm so sad 😞
Gotta pick up Sam Jr. Before I control Max
They mad Max do a magical girl pose
Ugh the narrator is back
Wait, what?
He's Max's brain??? SUPEREGO???
"I was always ignored" Yo if my super ego was as pretentious as you I 'd ignore it too 😤
He wants to kill himself and Max???
I know Max had a self loathing complex but holy shit
The super ego is perfectly fine with destroying half the east coast what a jerk
Just noticed Sam's tie is red. Had no idea about this while drawing PI!Sam lol
We have to help Max get his memories back to use the ASTRO projector
Skunkapes has three Sam clones imprisoned
Sam had canon ocd?
Gasp Gordon???
No, it's Sammun Mak
I love him, little child tyrant
Just make him a mobile brain in a jar and let Sam and Max adopt him
Why is Grandpa here?
He isn't talking like Stinky
Too polite
Sam sees it too
He's a space gorilla
They switched brains?
Found the cloning g chamber
Let's go to Momma's first
Superball is "wracked with guilt"
"Keep it together Superball. Sam will be able to save the day. He always does."
Ok, let's go to the cloning facility
I'm still thinking about poor Sal yo
He's punching space apes!
Girl Stinky really playing up the evil Mistress role
The doggleganger has a bomb on him!!!
Wait so Girl really is a mermaid??? I thought that was just her aestetic
God I love Flint
Haha we tricked Skunkape with scooby doo villain tactics
Got the robot
Her water broke... and it was pennies
Max wants to save Sybil! 😭🥺💕
Super Ego is here
Oh now he wants to save Max
The only thing here are those records
Super Ego waved goodbye
Cthulu Max is cute when he cries
Wait What?
His head is on fire!
The maimtron hit him!
He waved goodbye... and teleported away.
He exploaded!!!!
He promised he'd take Sam with him and he didn't!!!!
I thought the dead Max thing was popular angst fanon fic thingy!
We're cloning Max?
It didn't work 😭😭😭😭😭
Superball ran off crying
Oh God the credits are just Sam walking sadly what the hell
He's not even stopping to fight any crime 😢
God the way he's clinging to himself
The elevator???
he's back???
Past Max???
He blew his Sam up???
Wait hold on I'm glad they're together again but this doesn't fix anything
There's so much trauma from this season
All the horrible things that happened during 301-304 happened in like 3 days tops, then Sam had to deal with Max being a monster for a week before watching him die!
And the new (?) Max had BLOW HIS SAM UP!!!
And they left the franchise like that for a decade????
What the hell?
I want to be happy but this shit is going to consume my brain for the next week at least what the hell
Like maybe they really do just brush it off but it feels unlikely
I know Max has a connection with his other selves so it'll be easier for him to adjust but certainly Sam is going to notice the discrepancies since he doesn't get the same deal
Someone told me there were multiple endings hold on
Aw, they walked off into the sunrise together
But still
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