#her new husbando
ladyjuxtaposition · 2 years
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Ignatz, you got competition, & his name is Brassius. (JK, do a collab together!)
I really REALLY love him! He must be protected AT ALL COST!
Speedpaint Video Here —> https://youtu.be/YiKK8VubqDw
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The first time Luz felt bad for trying to sabotage Camilip is when she overheard Camila saying some very personal feelings to Philip, how she felt that she could finally be herself around him, how he was the first person in a long time who understood her, and how he actually liked Luz for who she is
Philip in turn tells Camila that he feels the same way, that he is glad that fate allowed them to meet, and vows to her that she will never feel alone or unloved ever again
Whatever sabotage Luz had planned immediately went away and she sulks back to her room
Luz: (Exhales a sullen sigh as she leans her back against her bedroom window wall. Closing her eyes, she slowly slides to the floor and sits criss-crossed. She suddenly hears a beeping noise. Reaching a hand into her pocket, she pulls out a small bomb. With another sad sigh, she tosses her sabotage item out of the window without looking back at it. In a matter of seconds, it goes off, but Luz is too sad to react to the explosion).
OKAY, OKAY, but like, in all seriousness, I think once Luz is done sulking, she's going to do the right thing and deliver a sincere apology to both Camila and Beardo Philip.
Starting today, she's tearing out her page of revenge from her book of betterment and starting a new chapter with the two.
One where she's more accepting of their love.
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xitty · 6 months
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Wait, did you film me when I wasn't looking???
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fereldanwench · 6 months
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valerie is a tech + gun lady to her core but every time i see her with a cool katana pose I'm like... could i find a legitimate reason to also make her sword-wielding badass because damn girl
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keeterz · 6 months
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Time to make an updated post on the Guilty Gear artwork I've made up to this point!
First things, gotta include Bridget and Elphelt since these were made this year in 2023. Baiken, Testement, and Giovanna were done back in 2022. I think I'd like to do a Jack-O illustration at some point, and a friend of mine wants to help fund a Ramlethal print, so those might be coming up in the future at some point.
I've made some updates to the chibis as well to include a handful of the male cast! A few noteworthy mentions include an Axl that was inspired by an animation that my friend DoovadHohdan made, a Potemkin that works as a Pot Buster when you use it as a sticker on another sticker, as well as the husbandos in general being paired with plushies of their partners (well, missing Nago and Elphelt because that wasn't a thing at the time)
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A little after the Elphelt illustration I also made an Elphelt chibi as well! This one will be double-sided once I convert it to a charm~
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Finally, a sneak peak at something that isn't Strive related...well, not yet, at least (maybe). Here's a value comp for an ABA illustration I'm working on based on her Accent Core design! Hoping she makes it into Strive at some point.
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I might want to explore doing some Accent Core related artwork in the future. Accent Core is a lot closer to the point of when I first got into the series in my middle school/highschool days, and there are some designs from the older games that are still hecking rad. Plus the music is awesome :D
It's kind of funny; I have to confess that I actually don't play Strive. Truth be told, the GGST movement and limited combo structure never clicked with me when the game first came out (and I was always more of a 3D fighter guy for gameplay with games like Tekken and Soul Calibur). And even though I am pretty sure I would actually thoroughly enjoy playing I-No and Elphelt with the season 3 changes, I just don't really do as much gaming these days since I'm more enamored with making art (and a few other things like biking). Plus I'm kind of just waiting for Tekken 8 at this point (dear god I hope the online is good just this one time god).
But as an artist? You bet your butt I hecking love coming back to Guilty Gear. I've been a fan of the series since the early 2000s (back when I stumbled across an abandonware PC version of Guilty Gear X and became sold on the series). The characters from this series check a lot of boxes for things I love to draw, from the way they are designed and all of their classic rock references all the way down to their zany personalities and backstories. And I feel like Guilty Gear is really special in this regard for me. Even though I'd rather play other fighting games (like Tekken or maybe even SF6), Guilty Gear is probably the one fighting game fandom I want to do art of the most.
If you are a Guilty Gear fan stumbling across this art collection post, hope you are enjoying the art! I will enjoy the series vicariously through you as I get back to working on some Tekken 8 artwork for Frosty Faustings, lmao. And if you're someone who is new to the series, give Strive a try! It's neat and the characters are great.
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bizbat · 4 months
Those Jason crush hcs were so funny (obvi they were cute too) butJason getting so embarrassed he tried to crawl outside with 4 bullet holes and half his blood outside his body was such a mood. Me too dude. Can we have some more of him being delulu about his crush? It was so deliciously embarrassing and funny. What would happen if his wifey/husbando was just boldly was like- “Jason we're not dating, why would you think we were? We're not even having sex?”
EVEN MORE! When They're In Love Headcanons - Jason Todd
🕸️Spiderverse Masterlist🕸️
🐼JJK Masterlist🐼
~ Fem terms used for reader.
~ Mild smut alluded to but nothing explicit.
~ You can find parts One, Two, and Three here!
~ You can find more of my works here.
~ This is gonna be mostly fic bc I am running out of ideas lol. This took an inappropriate amount of time to write omg
~ Jay is kinda toxic so Tw: Unhealthy Relationships Dynamics, mentions of having children, slight violence, Jason is a freak and reader is tired.
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By now, I've made it clear that this man is deep in the delusion.
But I haven't really gone into detail in what I mean by that.
I mean he'll say something teasing in jest, and if you reciprocate that energy even the tiniest bit, he will take that and run with it.
Though that's not even solid, bc if you take everything he says literally, he'd still think you're playing along.
Jason could make a joke with someone and not gaf about their response, but you could say the exact same thing as the person he joked with and he'd get heart eyes.
So far, I've kinda been writing with an oblivious reader in mind but a reader who knows all of Jason's delusions would pretty interesting lol.
You'd probably overhear him talking to Roy or Dick about your "date" last night.
Read: He broke into your apartment while you were at work and surprised you with chinese takeout when you got home.
I think if you confronted him about his delusions, he'd be willfully ignorant, and act like he doesn't know what you mean.
~ Drabble Starts Here. ~
Lian seems so happy, you can't bring yourself to be the bearer of bad news.
You're sat beside the little girl at her even littler table, the handle of a plastic teacup loosely gripped between your thumb and forefinger, your pinky high up in the air. The smile on your face is sincere as she mindlessly babbles, pouring sugar water into your cup.
You can't help but grimace when she encourages you and her stuffed animals to drink up, and you can't help but feel like the girl is being somewhat malicious when she seemingly starts interrogating you, only to push the cup of surgery water back to your lips whenever you to to answer her litany of, frankly, over-personal questions.
Some of the questions you don't mind, they're about as pure and unassuming as the pink princess tiara laying crookedly atop her head. It's when she asks if you and Jason are gonna get married and have babies with the most deadpan face you've ever seen on a child, that finally makes you choke on the (syrup) water.
"Excuse me?!" You ask, wiping away the mess on your face with a embroidered napkin and desperately trying not to hack up the rest of the beverage, undissolved grains of sugar still residing in the back of your throat. "Why would we do that?" You manage between coughs.
Lian glances towards Jason, who is sat at the table across from the two of you, his knees tucked up to his chest, as he hides his face behind his miniature teacup, though it's mostly ineffective, as the cup looks like a shot glass in his massive hand. Lian innocently looks back to you, as if you were the one who'd asked the more confusing question.
"Uncle Jay said you were dating. Isn't that what happens when people date?"
You crane your neck as you slowly turn your head towards Jason, who is avoiding your ice cold gaze like his life depended on it. "Oh, really?" You ask Lian through gritted teeth, though your gaze is solidly planted on Jason. "Did he now?"
"Mm-hmm," The small girl cheerfully nods her head, the dark braids framing either side of her face swinging from the force of her enthusiasm. "He told me you guys were gonna have a bunch of kids so I could have more people to play with!"
You can't help but stare incredulously at the child as she explains. By now, Jason's put down the cup, giving up at his attempt to hide behind it and simply covering his mouth with his hand, sitting silently like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs as he waits for you to start chewing him out. But it never comes.
"You are, right? I really want more friends." Lian's pleading is almost enough to make you change your mind and agree right there. Almost. As if sensing that she hasn't fully convinced you, Lian continues, going on and on about how she would be a really really good big sister or cousin if you had babies, or how much she's always wanted to go to a wedding, and how pretty you'd be as a bride, and-
She knows better than to continue when you gently raise your hand, as if you're silently saying "That's enough, Lian, please stop talking." You do feel a little remorseful as the girl's once happy demeanor changes to a shyer, more somber at the apparent rejection. You sigh and roll your eyes, finishing of the tiny cup of, what is now, pure sugar. "Maybe someday, Lian."
You put your hand up again, bracing her for the next part of your sentence when you see her start to get riled up again. "But absolutely no promises. Uncle Jay and I need to have a very important conversation later about it, though." That's enough to please Lian, as she goes right back to asking you other invasive questions that have nothing to do with your love life.
Jason, though happily surprised by your answer, stays silent over the next few hours. He honestly forgets you were ever even mad at him to begin with. It's not until you leave and the sky turns that familiar dark red, that you punch Jason in the arm as hard as possible, which, in all honesty, he can't really feel.
Though he does wince and hold his arm in the place where you hit him, to keep your ego intact if nothing else.
"What was that for?!" He dramatically gasps, pouting as he rubs the "sore" spot on his upper arm. Somewhere in the back of your mind you recognize it's kinda cute that he plays into your delusions. Just a little.
"Why would you tell Lian of all people we're dating?!" Your hand subtly clenches by your side, though you try to hide the slight pain punching him gave you, at the end of the day, Jason was raised by a detective. "Why would you even say that when you know it's not true?!"
"First of all," He starts, grabbing your hand. "I tell everyone we're dating." He starts soothing your sore knuckles as he tugs you towards your apartment building. He's so confident as he speaks it's genuinely bewildering. "And second, we are dating."
When he sees the utterly gobsmacked look on your face he continues. "We go on dates," (he just shows up at your home once a week. "We get gifts for each other," (he got you a stray kitten he rescued off the street and he steals your underwear). "We have sex-"
"Okay, number one: No we don't," You say, holding your hand out in front of you just like you did with Lian. "Number two: No we don't," You can almost see his eyes glaze over. He listens to every other thing you say, but when you're telling him your not together? That's when he tunes out.
"And number three: that only happened once!" It comes out a harsh whisper. Your face and ears feel hot with embarrassment, but Jason just shrugs. "Three times, actually, but who's counting?" Jason has a sweet, intentionally dopey looking smile.
You're left speechless by his demeanor. "Just kiddin' . . . I'm counting." He thinks the awkward, bewildered silence is hilarious. So he just keeps talking. "I mark it down in my calendar . . . Celebrate it once a month . . . Might get the dates tattooed."
"Jason." You interrupt.
"Go home." He looks over and realizes you're both in front of your apartment door, having talked the whole way. Again, he shrugs, pulling a spare key out of his pocket and moving to unlock your door. "Oh my fucking g-"
"What?" He stops, holding up the key midair. "What's wrong?" "Jason," You groan, rubbing your temples. "Why do you have a key to my apartment?" By now you shouldn't be so surprised, but you are. "Oh, this?" He hold up the key, equally confused that you would even ask. "I had one made when we started dating. How did you think I get in for our dates?"
He can almost smell the exhaustion wafting off you at this point. "Plus I live here."
"Jason you don't-"
"I'm just busy! I know, I know, I should be home more, but when I'm blah blah blah." No longer unused to his inane ramblings, you unlock the door and push past him. You don't even stop him when he follows you inside, still going on about his delusions. You just roll your eyes when he takes of his shoes and jacket and tosses them aside like they he really does live there.
"You shouldn't make dinner, you've had a long day, we can order-"
He's interrupted by yet another sigh. "Jason," you begin, plopping down on the couch. He shuts up and listens intently to every sound coming from your mouth. "I just . . ." You sit up straight. "You don't live here, you're a stalker, and we are not dating." Jason nods as you talk, slowly, as if he's taking in what you said.
"I . . . I understand. I really am sorry I've upset you, but," He kneels on the ground in front of you, gently placing his hand on your thigh. "I am not a stalker." He's incredulous, and you're tired. At this point, what more can you do beside oblige him and his delusions. You sigh again, a deep, deep sigh that instantly drains you of the rest of your energy and makes you deflate into the couch. "Okay, Jay," You say, undressing as you stand and begin walking back to your room. "You win, you're my boyfriend. Goodnight."
Jason just happily nods as he watches you walk to bed. "Yeah, yeah, I win." He's just happy you finally came to your senses. "Night!" He happily calls after you.
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elorathebard · 13 days
Everyone In BG3 Has The Same Ass (PROOF)
This is a follow up post to this one. ALRIGHT here's my photographic evidence that everyone in this game has the same ass. Pictures are under the read more. I revoked penis privileges for all the character models and censored the general crotch area, but there will be bare booty. Consider yourself warned.
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Alright here's all ya men. Models and textures have been ripped straight from the game data, color values are taken from the game's code, and shaders have been painstakingly recreated by the great Volno, with a few slight tweaks by me to get the textures to look better in EEVEE. (Sorry everyone, I don't have the patience to wait 15 minutes per photo to render ass comparisons in cycles)
The black backdrop is there because otherwise y'all would be staring into a featureless bright white void. Dark mode users cry, Astarion's chin disappears, it's just ugly all around.
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Here's the view from the back.
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And here's your side view.
Now, I know you're wondering. Did Elora fuck with the camera angles or use different models, all to convert us to her devious ass-genda? Be comforted, dear viewers, because I came prepared. With measurements.
Now, we know from a tweet from Larian that Astarion is 5' 9". I'm a little skeptical of that number myself, since there's a Githyanki line in the game that puts him at 5' 11". There's also the fact that if you convert the feet to inches, you get The Funny Sex Number. But whatever, I'll play along.
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Here's a ruler that's exactly as tall as Astarion, divided into 69ths. If the number Larian gave us is correct, then each marking will be one inch.
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Here's the same ruler, centered on the cheeks. According to these Incredibly Scientific Calculations, everyone's cake is 14 inches wide and 7 inches tall. Perfectly rectangular.
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If we spin em around, we can see that everyone has a standard Dumper Depth of about 2 inches.
And. since I know someone will ask, no, Wyll does not get a new ass upon demonification.
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Now, I see you Holy Rolan Empire. I see the Gortfuckers. I see the Raphaelites. You are NOT exempt. Because guess what.
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Now before everyone comes at me in the comments, I'm pretty sure this is just a case of BRUTAL video game efficiency. The game's already 130 GB. They need to save on resources wherever they can. In an ideal world, Gale wouldn't have abs, Gortash would have love handles, and everyone would have custom-sculpted derrieres. But unfortunately we live in a timeline where computer hard drives are finite.
I bring this up not to de-legitimize anyone's choice of husbando, but so that we can move past the ass wars and move onto more important discussions. Like whether gnome tavs can canonically turn into mind flayers.
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sena-shi · 1 year
Protector of Teyvat (a troll hell-bent on reviving everyone just for fun) P—2
Isekai’d reader who is hell-bent on reviving everyone using your cheat code as the protector of Teyvat. With great power comes great benefits! Teyvat population stonks
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Note: asmoday is the unknown god, reader also grants gnosis and visions, isekai, slight sagau, op reader
Summary: You are just a regular human being living your best life on Earth, collecting husbandos and waifus in Genshin Impact when all of a sudden you were isekai'd to Teyvat, but not as a traveler, a creator, or an NPC. You were a very close friend of both Celestia and the Unknown God, who is known as the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. You too, hold a very important position of the highest order because unbeknownst to the general populace, you are the Protector of Teyvat from the outside forces. And so imagine the Archon's faces when their dead friend suddenly came back to life just so they can accompany you together with Aether and Paimon on a journey to spit on the Celestia's face
Timeline in Teyvat when you got transmigrated: Before any wars happened. Zhongli is probably sucking on a dragon pacifier or something if that even exists.
Warning: curse words, slight ooc, lore flying over the ocean and going for a swim, author removed the lore from the irminsul so act like you know nothing of it, i'm putting the lore in the cheese grater
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“T-The hilichurls… turned into humans?” Because of what she had just seen, Amber's eyes were completely expanded, and you could almost get the impression that she was on the verge of exploding any moment now.
You find yourself thinking that it is understandable. After all, raising someone from the dead isn't something that happens very often; in fact, not even archons are able to do it.
You chuckled and smiled sarcastically at the three people who were staring at you in complete and utter disbelief.
You stood there with your arms crossed as you looked over at the hilichurls that had been transformed into humans with confused expressions adorning their faces.
"Oh wow…" You said while putting on a show of ignorance regarding what had just taken place. "What a miracle it is that they have been brought back to life!" You delighted everyone by clapping your hands.
"P-Paimon was very certain that it was Y/N who brought them back to life just now..." Paimon mumbled something to herself as she scratched the top of her head.
“Hm? That is ridiculous. I just smacked them across the face with a fried egg, see?" You answered as you moved closer to the hilichurls that had been converted into humans by slapping their faces with a fried egg that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
And as a matter of fact, a noticeable improvement could be seen in the appearance of the other people's skin after the fried egg had been applied to their faces. They let out a sigh of disgust as they observed the yolk splattered all over their faces.
"Paimon had no idea that a fried egg was capable of doing that..."
Aether shook his head at the innocence of his traveling buddy. It was perfectly clear that you were making light of the situation. At least now he is aware that you were telling the truth when you stated that you allowed the Anemo Archon to have a seat in the seven.
“This—” Amber opened her mouth to speak while simultaneously covered her mouth with her palm in shock. "This is really incredible news! You are able to give them a second chance at life!"
"What caused them to become humans?" Aether questioned while frowning in confusion.
You gave a light hum as you brought your hand up to pet him on the top of his head. "Perhaps your sister knows the answer you're looking for.”
“Our benefactor…” As soon as you turned your attention to them, they started talking, and Aether made a low rumbling sound.
You gave them a sideways glance while turning your head to the side since you thought it was likely that they were bewildered by the situation. Their final recollections would be of fighting for their homeland just before the curse took full impact.
They all got on one knee in front of you, which caused you to raise an eyebrow.
"Ah-ah, there's no need to be grateful to me. You probably aren't aware of this, but I'm a very awful person.” You said with a playful tone.
The people around you gave you a disapproving shake of the head as they expressed their dissatisfaction. Who in the devil would even believe a statement like that after what you have done?
“We were in such a painful dream— we are gratefu—"
You made a huffing sound while crossing your arms. "I find it extremely unpleasant when people thank me or express gratitude in any form. You deserve to live, no? I was only performing my duties at the time."
"Paimon speculates that Y/N is simply not accustomed to being thanked at...?"
You let out a sigh and shook your head in a deliberate manner. You looked down at them and they immediately thanked whichever gods were responsible for allowing them the opportunity to finally take a good look at the face of the one who had helped them.
They feel as though fortune was on their side because a God gazed at them with such kindness in their eyes, despite the fact that they were literally citizens from a nation that does not worship any gods.
"How can we possibly repay you...?"
You cocked your head to the side and hummed to yourself while you started to think.
“Brace yourselves.” You spoke.
"Oh, wait, here, have this." You smiled broadly as a variety of visions comprising a range of elements appeared seemingly out of thin air.
They did nothing but blink in bewilderment as they held the small vision in their hands, looking like toddlers who had been given machine guns.
At this very moment, Amber was on the verge of passing out. Witnessing a group of individuals all at once getting their visions is unsettling to say the least. It feels even more wrong to breathe the same air as you!
Oh, my archons, her life is not a sufficient payment to be able to witness such a once-in-a-lifetime event!
 “Let’s all hang out once in awhile, hm? Don’t forget to say hello to Lulu for me!”
Aether raised a brow. Lulu?
With a wave of your hand, they vanished into thin air, and you sent them to a place where Lumine and the Abyss Order are currently staying.
To say that Lumine was horrified to the core when a group of humans suddenly appeared above the head of the abyss mage who was just talking to her would be an enormous understatement.
"Y-You can grant visions too!?" The scream that Paimon let out was so loud that it made you wince.
You indicated with a wave of your hand that everything was fine, and Paimon immediately let out a sigh of relief.
"Aether, do you know her, or is she a stranger?" Amber's lips were covered as she leaned in close to the man and mumbled something. In response, he gave a nod that conveyed something close to uncertainty.
You snorted as you extended your hand in front of Paimon and insisted that she give you, her hand. And as she did, a gnosis appeared in your hand.
"Oh, my dear archons!" Paimon reacted, fixating her gaze intently on the bright object that was floating directly above your palm.
"If we were to sell this, we could make a ton of Mora!"
“What—!?” Amber and Aether shouted at the same time.
You blinked and stroked your chin with your index finger as if you were considering what you had just heard. "If I remember correctly, there was a term for buy one and get one free. What if we double it?"
"No no no! Paimon is not even certain that there is a single person in Teyvat who can afford a gnosis! In addition to that, don't you think the other archons will feel uncomfortable about it?”
"Why should we worry about how they feel?" You huffed as you continued, "The one ruling Inazuma handed her gnosis to a friend, the one ruling Mondstadt doesn't even use it, and the one ruling Liyue will probably give up his gnosis in the near future.
"Well, if we're talking about the wealthiest individual in Teyvat right this minute..." You made a soft mumbling sound.
“Should we offer it for sale to the Tsaritsa? You smiled mischievously while cocking your head ever-so-slightly to the side.
As soon as you uttered that, an excruciating ringing sound immediately started up in your head. You gritted your teeth and squeezed one of your eyes shut.
“Y/N, are you okay?” You heard Aether’s worried voice.
"I thought we were each other's best friends! You should be aware that she wants a fight with me!” You can clearly hear Celestia nitpicking away inside of your head. As is her custom, she is highly dramatic.
“Well, it’s partly your fault that she wants to fight you.”
The three looked at you in surprise and astonishment as your choice of words came out of nowhere. To silence them, all you did was give them your whole attention while pressing a finger to your lips.
“Hmph…” You could hear her dejected voice.
“Oh hush, you have me. Just let them do their own thing for now.”
“Alright, but why are you selling a gnosis?”
"Creating a strategy for one's own survival is the first step toward leading a more fulfilling life," After having a good laugh, you promptly severed your connection with the Celestia before she could even begin to complain again.
“At least come visit us—!”
Oh, your closest friends and their overprotective tendencies when it comes to you. Why won't they just let you breathe and stop figuratively and physically clutching onto you for dear life?
"Your highness, who were you speaking with only a moment ago?" Amber stuttered, and for some reason, despite her outgoing nature, she found herself experiencing sudden feelings of shyness. I mean, really, how could you possibly hold that against her?
She hasn't even entertained the thought of speaking with an archon, and yet here she is having a conversation with someone who is significantly more powerful than the archons!
“Oh please, Y/N is fine,” you gave her a friendly smile and told her, “The Celestia is in full support of our business!”
They were all shocked beyond belief and let out a collective gasp.
As they imagined every people of Teyvat holding a gnosis, everyone in the room began to break out in a cold sweat at the back of their necks. You couldn't possibly be serious, could you? Surely you must have been joking. Right?
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You met three new people along the way, and the four of you set off on a journey to the city that is known for its freedom. They all came to an agreement that the information on your identity and the incident with the hilichurls should not be shared with anybody else.
You trailed closely behind them, periodically turning your head to take in the beautiful surroundings and the people who belonged to your little archon.
“Let me officially introduce the city of wind, dandelions, and freedom— Travelers under the protection of the Knights of Favonius — Welcome to Mondstadt!” Amber grinned broadly as she placed her hand on her chest and cupped her other hand on her hip.
"O-Oh, not that her highness Y/N doesn't already know about Mondstadt...” Amber massaged the back of her head nervously as you made her blush with your laughter.
"I don't. I didn't have enough time to look into it, so I'm grateful for the introduction. Mm, the only figure of this nation that I am familiar with is the archon,” You were able to make her feel better with the words that you spoke, and now Amber can be seen beaming with happiness once more.
That, as well, is a blatant lie. You have completed so many commissions in this nation while you were still a player, so of course you are familiar with every nook and cranny of this city.
You didn't say anything while Amber and Paimon went into great length explaining things to Aether; the only thing you did was hum sometimes in reaction to what they were saying.
You were on the sidelines as Aether received his wind glider and put it through its trials for the first time, which resulted in a successful outcome.
Ha, that kid used to fly around with his very own set of wings before.
You swung your legs around gleefully as you sat precariously perched over the railings.
It is only a matter of time before the city is shrouded by ominous clouds and Dvalin makes another appearance. This means that you will be able to see your little floatie as well.
Aether descended toward Amber, who was standing there waiting for him once more, as the three of them observed that thick clouds and fog had begun to cover the skies above Mondstadt.
“The sky...” Amber uttered those words with a note of apprehension.
People immediately began fleeing to safer areas as Aether and Amber gazed up at you with worried expressions on their faces, as if pleading with you to take some action.
You only smiled at them before speaking the words, “The stormterror is absolutely adorable, no doubt about it, no?
“E—Eh!?” Your response caused Paimon to exclaim, and at that very moment, a wind tornado was closing in on them and ultimately launched Aether into the air.
You heaved a sigh as you stood up from the rails, your palm shining with some unknown power as a barrier began to enclose the city and prevent any harm from approaching.
You sighed again as you began to protect the citizens of the city. However, since you didn't make an effort to clear away the fog, everything will continue to be a mystery.
You cast your sight upward, in the direction of where Aether is floating in the air thanks to Venti's power, and the two people who were observing you followed your gaze in that direction.
"Don't worry, your highness! We will be all right!"
You couldn't help but laugh as you soared to the location of Aether, where you could sense Venti disguising as one of the thousand winds.
“I’m preventing your fall with the power of a thousand winds.”
“Oh? Little floatie came into rescue too?” You teased as the mysterious voice began stammering.
“L-Little floatie…?”
"Alright, alright, let's concentrate on this," You gave Aether a friendly smile while you ruffled his silky locks with your fingertips.
"Don't worry about a thing; little floatie will look after you."
Aether frowned, indicating that he found the idea quite unappealing. "How about you?"
You hummed as you sensed the wind from Venti moving closer to you as though it was also interested in you.
"I'm quite curious to find out if slapping a fried egg on the stormterror's blood clot will be of any assistance."
Aether's jaw dropped in disbelief. You’re still not done with the fried eggs!?
"Hey, what do you think of this idea, little floatie?"
The mysterious voice heaved a cough and mumbled, "Eh..."
After hearing their response, you rolled your eyes at them. They had a feeling that you wouldn't be speaking anytime soon, so Venti made the decision to explain how to make use of the power.
You were observing everything that was going on around Aether as he started to harness the power of the wind.
You made a few comments about how the wind power looked like a machine gun which made Venti cough multiple times to hide his laughter.
“Not enough. Do you want me to slap you with an almond tofu for an increased damage?”
You didn't bother to wait for his approval before presenting him with the plate of almond tofu that magically emerged in your hands and then you gently slapped it in front of his face.
It was such a surprising thing that you could practically feel Venti shaking, which almost caused him to lose control of the wind. It was that shocking.
As Aether took the final shot, Dvalin let out a roar, and you swiftly flew over to the dragon, which appeared to be about to collapse as it was shaking in the wind.
Venti stayed only long enough to watch the softening of your eyes as you stared at the blood clot on the dragon's back. Aether slowly flew down to the area where the others are, but Venti did not leave.
He watched as your bright hands gently caressed the dark crystal, which immediately silenced the dragon's roaring.
You were reluctant to completely remove the blood clot because it was Venti and Aether's responsibility to do it. However, because you are so compassionate toward individuals who are suffering, all you did was relieve the discomfort that the dragon was experiencing.
It is completely up to destiny to decide whether or not the abyss mage will still be able to exert control over the dragon.
"Little floatie," You moved your attention to the wind that was swirling. "The traveler is known to be trustworthy. I have complete faith that you are aware of the next steps."
The strong wind has started to die down, and the only sound that can be heard out is a faint “thank you.”
You led the weakened dragon back to the ground, and as soon as the two of you landed, three abyss mages suddenly appeared. You grimaced when you realized that Lumine must have sent them to seek you out.
"Our gracious benefactor," An abyss mage started things off. "Our princess would want to offer her sincere gratitude to—"
You heaved a sigh as you frowned and crossed your arms while looking at them. "I believed that I conveyed to them that receiving gratitude is not something that I like in any way,"
“Uh… they may have mentioned that.”
You gave your temples a light massage as the headache began to set in and asked, "So why are you here?"
"We would like to make a request that you lend us a hand in the restoration of our once-thriving nation and in rescuing its people from the curse."
"Oh, I had already made preparations to carry out that task," You gave your response, and then proceeded to yawn.
If only they knew that your two friends were the cause of their fall, they probably wouldn't be as friendly with you as they are now if they knew that.
As they drifted closer to you, the abyss mages showed signs of happiness; however, when they heard your next words, "But not right now," their happiness quickly turned to disappointment, and they almost plummeted to the ground.
“But— why?”
"Of what use is a nation if it does not have its people?" As you lounged contentedly on Dvalin's back, a sluggish expression began to appear on your face.
"If I happen to come across one of your own, you can rest assured that I will deliver them to your princess so that she may deal with them." You uttered those words in a languid manner while staring at them. "Focus on gathering your people, since your nation will not all of a sudden grow a foot and run anyways." 
"We are in all sincerity grateful for—"
They abruptly stopped speaking once they were reminded that you do not enjoy receiving gratitude or hearing thank yous in any form.
You are truly a weird God— they think. But kind like their princess, nonetheless.
“Then we shall return.”
You made a careless motion with your hand, indicating for them to leave immediately.
“Tell your princess that she should at least pay a visit to her twin, and if she does that, maybe I'll feel more motivated to assist you.”
Your level of excitement and enthusiasm is to be expected, of course. The sooner they come to an understanding with one another, the sooner they will get the fuck out of Teyvat.
That means, you won't have any more job to do. On the other hand, you get the impression that it won't be all that simple.
Not with the looks that Aether was giving you, and not with Lumine's nature, which dictates that she won't stop until she pays back whoever helped her out.
Just hush and go, okay!? What is it that they have planned for the following step? Bring themselves to their knees and make a formal request for your hand in marriage? You let out a sigh as the thought crossed your mind.
In spite of the fact that you intended to rebuild the once-mighty nation, you wanted to execute it in private. There is no question in your mind that once they discovered who their benefactor is, then and only then will they revere that benefactor. What then will become of a nation that does not believe in God or even worship one?
The mages of the abyss remained silent for a short while as they observed various expressions adorning your face. It turned out to be quite comical. It's no surprise that their princess was so interested in interacting with you that she issued a command to find you.
They continued to observe you while you glared, huffed, and grimaced at the ground, and it wasn't until you frowned at them that they eventually left with a quiet "thank you."
You rolled your eyes. “What a bunch of brats.”
As soon as you arrived back in Mondstadt, you saw the three of them speaking to Kaeya. Although the fog has long since dissipated, the sky itself is still completely dark.
As you made your way slowly towards the folks who were introducing themselves, you waved your hand and the barrier vanished before your eyes. 
“This is Kaeya, our Cavalry Captain.” Amber carried on talking as if she had not noticed your presence and proceeded. “These two are travelers from afar, Aether and Paimon.”
Kaeya looked at the two individuals and gave a nod in acknowledgement. He then made direct eye contact with you and asked, "And who might this young lady possibly be?"
Amber's eyes widened as she shifted her gaze back and forth between Kaeya and you. Kaeya saw the outrider's expression, which seemed to indicate that she was at a loss for words regarding how to introduce you.
Your presence elevated the level of excitement that he felt towards everything.
“Oh, I’m Y/N. I sell visions and gnoses.” You responded with an expression on your face that was completely expressionless, and your voice was completely emotionless, which made the situation even more awkward and unbelievable.
The response that you gave seemed to take Kaeya completely by surprise. You? Selling visions? How in the devil is something like that ever feasible? And just what exactly are gnoses?
“Uh… haha…” Amber, at a complete loss for words, scratched the nape of her neck.
"Oh? I had no idea that lady Y/N is such a practical joker,” Even though Kaeya appeared to be laughing, there was not the slightest indication of humor in his voice.
"Uh-huh, you bet! Paimon is in agreement that Y/N has a tendency to joke around quite a bit!” In a frantic effort to salvage the situation, Paimon quickly nodded her head.
"Well, if you want to buy one, all you have to do is ask me..." You just said it while crossing your arms.
“Oh? I was wondering if you could sell me one then." It appeared as though Kaeya was making fun of you with his charming smile; in fact, it almost felt that way.
You seemed curious about something as you cocked your head to the side and then asked, "Don't you already have a vision though?"
"Well, having two would certainly make things more interesting, wouldn't you say?"
You took a moment to think about it before giving your approval with a nod. As you lifted your hands and opened your palms, visions of several elements, each glowing brightly, suddenly appeared.
Huh? He thought you were just joking the whole time!
It would be an understatement to say that Kaeya was caught off guard by the revelation. Are you a fraud? A magician perhaps? However, the visions you are holding exude such an overwhelming amount of power that it is difficult to even consider the possibility that they are a fake.
“Mm, you’re my first customer, so in appreciation of your patronage, I'll give you a discount if you buy Aether and Paimon a meal. Fair trade, don't you think?”
What fair trade? A simple meal in exchange for a vision? Do you not realize that visions are extraordinarily rare, and that the vast majority of people would give anything — including their lives — to receive one?
Of course you're aware of it; you're just messing with them for the sake of witnessing their reactions. It's likely that protecting Teyvat for thousands of years has had an effect on you, as seen by the fact that you're even doing this for no other reason than boredom.
Kaeya remained motionless in his stance; his eyes riveted on the bright visions that had no owner. After snapping out of his trance, he took off his cloak and wrapped it around you in a tender manner.
You made a sound that indicated that you were confused as he said, "Let's continue this conversation to our headquarters."
"Tch, I really need to bring Crepus back to life so that he can scold his children to death."
"Are you going to use fried eggs for that man too?" Paimon inquired, which caused Kaeya's surprise and horror to reach an even higher level.
Too? Does that mean that this wouldn't be your first time bringing someone back to life?
Now, Kaeya is positive that he wishes he could just pass out right there and then.
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TAGLIST: @valeriele3 @lunarapple @meikoo
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iruiji · 1 year
Aight imma just let it out this one rq because I can't concentrate on my SAGAU and I need a new baby to adopt-
Not proofread or beta-ed because I'm just a lowly peasant who ✨does not know how to do things properly✨ lol
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Honkai Star Rail.
Wasn't really a fan of turn based games, but okay. Downloading it was easy enough, but hot damn you did not expect it to heat your phone like mad.
But anyway.
You started this game out of curiosity, even before you joined the subreddit for it and see the different husbandos/waifus that instantly garnered your attention. Seems you're keeping this one and droping some $$ as well, because, alas, the character designs are too good!
So you start the questline, enjoying walking around as Kafka and using her gorgeous ultimate, and awing at Silver Wolf's ultimate as well (because you play Osu! and appreciate that reference).
Then came your turn on picking the Trailblazer - which, actually took you a few minutes, with Silver Wolf and Kafka talking back and forth with how much you're taking your time.
"Ladies, we must choose carefully, alright? Calm."
You didn't really noticed when the voices stopped abruptly as you lament on who to choose. And after a few minutes, you finally have chosen your own Trailblazer! Greaaat.
What's not so great is Kafka and Silver Wolf leaving. Awww, seems like they're not your comrades on this journey.
And then screaming the next moment because March 7th pulled Dan Heng away from giving you a kiss! Well, granted it was CPR, but come on!
With a pout on your face, you marched on (heh) to finish the first leg of the questline - which involved fangirling at Dan Heng slipping his dead eyes at that one scene and cheering the squad and then Himeko joins the team and then saving March 7th and then defeating the Dragon and then Nanook slipping in and then Welt saving the day! Phew!
You silently watch as the scenes unfold after choosing to board the Astral Express, deeming it would be long enough for you to eat a snack and pressed autoplay.
- - -
Meanwhile, at the Astral Express, the atmosphere is a bit.. suspense. Partly because of what happened back at the Herta Space Station, but mainly because the gaze are still on them.
Aeons are.. godly beings, in more simpler terms. People know about them (mostly), but the information they hold on some were.. inadequate, that people doesn't even know what some looked like - and if there are even others beside the main ones they don't know about.
And this one- they can feel it. This Aeon is new.
The.. warmth it gives off made it vastly different - say, from Nanook - which felt like this intense second of hot shiver that crawls at your back. But this one- this one screamed comfort.
Quite frankly, it just made some of them even more tense because they don't know how to deal with this kind of situation. A glance from an Aeon? Many people have experienced it, but the gaze actually lingering, following their every move?
Unheard of.
As Himeko gave Welt a questioning glance, he just shook his head and started explaining some things to the Trailblazers about what happened at the Space Station, while Dan Heng simply observes the surroundings more attentively. March 7th is still tense, but the Trailblazer was just confused.
"Someone's here."
March 7th nearly toppled him over when she blocked his mouth with her hands. "Ssh! We don't talk about them here!"
The Trailblazer only gave them a look of confusion, and then Welt spoke in a hushed tone. "Please, be more careful. We don't know who or what they are after, so acknowledging them might only give us unnecessary attention. So for now I ask that you do not speak of them so openly unless they, hm, show that they want contact with us."
Still confused, they can only nod in surrender. It wasn't really discussed after that, but the gaze lingered.
For a very long time.
Even when they reached Jarilo-VI.
Welt and Himeko contacted them and after confirming that, indeed, the gaze followed then onto the frozen lands, told them to be more careful now that another Aeon is watching them, and continued their journey.
That is, until, someone under the snow caught their attention.
The Trailblazer initially tried to walk away, but his senses are screaming at him to walk towards the lump of snow, and, deciding he doesn't want to be smote on his place, proceeded to try and talk with the person underneath.
Only to be met with silence.
Huh, okay. What now?
Suddenly, Dan Heng froze from his side, and then suddenly kicked the pile of snow.
And Sampo Koski enters the frame merrily.
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March 7th seemed to agree with you, because when the battle with Gepard started she threatened to strangle him when they see him again and you agree! Damn, asshole Sampo! And to think I trusted you!
I mean, not really. But still!
And then after that you decided to speedrun the whole Belobog questline: from meeting Cocolia and the weird voices, RP-ing in the cabinet about the Hallway Demon (best part, fight me), and then meeting Bronya before the squad went underground and meeting Wildfire and Seele.
You lament on your seat because you decided to skip her for Jing Yuan, but that's alright. At least you can borrow one for farming.
Then the game finally, finally showed the struggle of the knights (poor Geppie), and helping Serval with closure (althought the actual closure didn't happen until very much later). And then finally fighting Cocolia and-
-you nearly dropped your phone in shock when the Trailblazer got stabbed in the chest.
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It was quiet.
The Trailblazer opened their eyes to see a dark place littered with different.. memories..? And as they start walking by and hearing them, they realized the gaze was on them this whole time. They tried to talk to whoever the Aeon it was, but was stopped when the child at the dreamscape beat them to it, and then they felt warmth as they were granted power.
They almost felt a warm hand on their back, as if pushing them to go on and continue.
It seemed intent on saving Belobog, and that aligned with their wish to save the city which holds the last bastion of Jarilo-VIs' humanity as well.
So they did. They all did. Together.
- - -
LOOLLLLL I LITERALLY JUST- okay yeah this went waayy different from what I intended to do, but I'll settle with this for now. Imma focus on the headcannons later. Omg lol. This is just literally me word-vomiting. Idk how tf lore accurately this is but oh my god I already forgot some of the scenes so I'm sorry. If you have like comments or other thought, the comment section, my asks and DM is open.
Aight, cya!
Edit: lol forgot to tag @channelinglament @01011111 @amimo3
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piracytheorist · 8 months
Thoughts on episode 2x01!
I'm so making a crack recap out of this. Idk if it's going to be this week, but I may have to skip all the other episodes up to this point XD
Ok for those of you who don't know, the bullet-in-butt date (which I can finally mention openly as it's not manga spoiler anymore!) was the only manga chapter that hadn't been adapted that I read from very early on, way before I decided to stay anime-only so I knew everything about it. So I expected the beginning. I actually like that we don't see Yor do her slaughter at that place. She's like a ghost, or a legend, as the short-lived survivor calls her.
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Look at her! So cute, covered in the blood of her victims 😌
I do have to say, I was surprised by the amount of blood they showed. I think they actually put the violence up a notch in comparison to the previous season, bringing it much closer to the manga levels of violence.
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It's also a bold choice to like, actually open the season with this. It's serious business and I appreciate that. I'm not too big on violence but I also don't like it when it's "purified" or whatever. We're watching a show where two of the main characters kill people left and right. Blood is a prerequisite at this point.
Anyway! GRANDE upgrade on the animation, oh my god! It's all in the little movements and additional "swerves" of the characters' forms. I don't have the time to make a gif now showing that but it's obvious they took the money they made the previous year and put a lot of it on animation budget! Love it!
Aaaaaaaand new music! Most of the new stuff is quirky and funny, perfect for Anya and Franky's shenanigans :D Looking forward to see what new pieces we'll get with this season!
I had some frail hope they would have titled the episode "Date with a Bullet in the Butt". Can you imagine. We were robbed. Robbed!
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Ever since I read that chapter I went like, Yor says she treated the wound... does that mean she got the bullet out? Or is she actually walking with the bullet in her buttcheek all this time? I mean... it is called the "bullet-in-butt date" after all...
The way all of this could have been solved by Yor going like "I tripped down the stairs and fell on my butt and now it hurts to walk and sit". But then we wouldn't have this! It's the funny miscommunication that makes them, really <3
The way Anya worries about her! I felt a little sad for her because this is the first time she sees her mama so beaten down by a job, I think?
One of the ways you see the upgraded animation: the way Yor trembles as she straightens up after reassuring Anya, and then the dizzy walk to her room as she goes to rest. Awesome.
Yor just walks it off and Anya is like "Mama is actually immortal, wow" meanwhile Loid is losing his absolute shit
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Oh, I adore the different colouring on the memory scene. I also love how the gossip trio just falls on Yor the moment she slips out that oh no they don't do all the conventional couple things!!
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Dude is genuinely confused. BestTM SpyTM of WestalisTM, flabbergasted by a woman with social skills in the negatives.
It was eight in the morning. On a weekend. Yor was way too excited for the date she ran to get ready and they were out all day. My god. When am I gonna get my learning date with my emotionally constipated fake husbando
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Twilight has a smug grin on his face as Franky accepts the cheque as payment to do chores. I love that addition!
As I love this
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Franky grabbing Anya's hand and waving to them for her. They really knew how to handle an already funny chapter and use animation to add more humor to it!
Look at him, starting off so smug but then
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He's truly an intelligence agent, trying to work with the information he has on hand. Since he doesn't have the information that Yor is injured, his plans are doomed to fail.
The way Franky is down with everything crazy Anya proposes. I love that duo.
I also liked the way they allowed Bond to sit this episode out, since that manga chapter takes place before the Doggy Crisis arc and Bond is not yet part of the family. I do have some thoughts about the timing of this episode but I'll get to that later.
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And here we have the angst punch in the gut, as others talked about it, it's a point in Twilight's character to not see anything fun about the spy work that it's not even fun to play spy. Since one of the moments adding to that is an anime only scene (from the part where Anya makes secret codes) and the dialogue here is just slightly different from the same scene in the manga, it looks like it's a deliberate choice to make anime Loid more sensitive about this specific thing. Interesting!
I gotta say, it would be so easy to objectify Yor and her body with where her wound was. But even though they showed her in a pants-tight-enough-to-hurt-your-butt-wound situation, it was still pretty clear what the focus was. I really appreciate that.
Yor says no to the tight pants and Loid apologizes??? Why wasn't that in the translated version of the manga??
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Like here especially, with the face they gave him and the way Eguchi delivered that line it was pretty clear that Yor's reaction made Loid feel like he crossed a line with what he told her. What happened in the manga translation???
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VERY interesting picture choice for the movie poster! Ostania gots propaganda to do, after all!
I love how Anya fell asleep during the film while Franky cried his eyes out. Poor sap XD
And LMAO Anya seeing her parents leaving from the spa and trying to get Franky to move but he's too busy getting a massage! And then some added wackiness with Yor being so tense from her wound that she made a murder glare enough to scare a bear!
And Loid is still like DAFUQ AM I DOING WRONG
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I like though, that he is not blaming Yor at all. He doesn't consider her irrational or ungrateful for the date, he just sees it as him not having done enough research... and in actual reality, he doesn't have all the data needed, specifically the whole "bullet-in-butt" thing. I'm sure he would have planned differently had he known that XD
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Poor Franky XD at least he's finding ways to vent XD
The way they animated Yor's reluctance to sit was great, lol. I'm not sure it was clear she was "hover-sitting" but it was funny in any case.
I loved the tension when we saw the surviving Red Circus member! It was handled so well dropped right in the middle of a funny episode.
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This had no right being this funny. But also. Anya is imagining a "default" kind of guy because even though she's reading the guy's mind she doesn't know how he looks like, so she's just making up a face to play out her imagination. Great detail from the manga already.
Anya imagines Loid saying he'll abandon her if he finds out about Yor being an assassin. That's another angsty punch in the gut but also for another post probably XD
The timing here feels a little weird. This chapter was supposedly long ago, when the family was still getting used to living together. Franky sees Anya worried and goes like "Even though they're a fake family, she worries so much?" and seeing that in the anime, practically two episodes before this one he went like "Hey do you love your dad and mom" and she said she does... idk maybe in the adaptation process some things could be left out so that they can make more sense.
How did neither Yor nor Loid suspect something wrong with the suddenly very thick and muddy cocktail she was offered?
Once again, upgraded animation as Yor drinks the pufferfish poison! I love it! Hopefully it'll keep being that good for the rest of the season :D
I remember the tension I felt when I first read the manga in that moment. I was like oh no! And then I was Anya
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Gremlin Anya is back and I love it
Anya goes ahead and Home-Alones too close to the sun and fucking makes a bomb. That's a whole other level. You really don't want this girl turning evil, she'll take over the world XD
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She should have seen her entrance as Thorn Princess' ally! She was epic!
There was some violence censorship there, as the bad guy in the manga is shown a little burned and bleeding after the explosion, but in the anime he's just... ruffled or whatever.
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Idk they probably decided it would be too much to show that a child caused such violence XD
So does Loid go on thinking that Yor was in a super bad mood and then everything went away as soon as she downed a glass of cocktail? I also just realized she just went bottoms up on it, lol.
The episode was great and the date was funny and cute at the end. But.
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The date ends well and with fun! Then the monster wakes up again the next day.
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Loid's got a lot to learn. Who knew humans can be complicated!
Overall, a great introduction to the second season! I'm happy we got the bullet-in-butt date and I'm so excited to venture into new stuff that I know next to nothing about :D
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ladyjuxtaposition · 2 years
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We just finished the Golden Deer route & I loved Ignatz more than ever! He captured my heart first, so it’s fitting that I married him in the epilogue. ❤️
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Bonus: some Lorenatz HC because I can & will. 😉
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reixtsu · 10 months
𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 - Dazai x Female Reader MasterList
"…𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕤𝕦𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖, 𝔻𝕒𝕫𝕒𝕚."
Y/n L/n, a university student weebo was walking home with a a figurine of one of her husbandos, Osamu Dazai in hand. She had bought it from the nearest anime store. When she opened the package though, the box was…empty? She turned around to find the figure alive and in full human size.
Can she take Dazai back to his universe, or was this destined to happen?
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"𝓗𝓶...𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓪𝓼 𝓲𝓽 𝓪𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓲𝓰𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝔂 𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭. 𝓘 𝓪𝓶 𝓶𝓮, 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓸𝔂." - 𝓓𝓪𝔃𝓪𝓲
How would you react if Dazai appeared out of no where. I'm talking about the Bungou astray Dogs Dazai. I personally would automatically start bowing, drowning him with compliments. Well, in this fanfiction Dazai will be isekai-ed into our world!!! Is this a good thing...?
There will be 20 chapters total. As I write the new chapters, I will list down the summary and link to each chapter below.
𝟙: Click here. Dazai appears in your house when you just bought a figurine of him.
𝟚: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟛: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟜: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟝: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟞: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟟: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟠: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟡: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟙𝟘: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟙𝟙: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟙𝟚: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟙𝟛: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟙𝟜: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟙𝟝: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟙𝟞: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟙𝟟: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟙𝟠: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝟙𝟡: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕦𝕖: ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙ ⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
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I'm sure you know who Dazai is, so let me tell you what you need to know about Y/n L/n and stuff like that.
- Y/n: Your name
- L/n: Last name
- N/n: Nickname
- H/c: Hair color
- E/c: Eye color
- H/l: Hair length
- F/f: Favorite food
- F/d: Favorite drink
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mintytealfox · 2 months
Hi! I'm super new to IDV and keep seeing a lot of art (official and fan) with Fools Gold and Alice! I love it all, but I was wondering is there a canon or fanon reason for their connection, or is it just a ship that developed based on their personalities? :)
EEYYYYYY~ I would LOVE for nortalice to be canon but I will be shocked if they make any coupling canon outside of psychologist (Ada Mesmer) and patient (Emil) and if they throw in Geisha's husbando and AKA mostly those who were already coupled before the manor games~
But I personally think there is potential there~ the Da Capo game (the one they are concentrating on in the main story) heavily leans on the Greek Lore of Orpheus and Eurydice~ with the cast consisting of The confirmed roles are these two: Orpheus: Novelist Eurydice: Alice/Journalist then the potential roles are as follows: Hades: Norton/Prospector/Fool's Gold Persephone: Melly/Entomologist not sure where Frederick goes, he will probably throw a wrench into this entire thing LOL
EDIT: So technically Melly and Norton could fall for each other cause of Hades and Persephone (I wouldn't be opposed to that either honestly cause that ship is my second love LOL I don't necessarily see them as romantic but I wouldn't be upset if they got together cause of the hades and persephone thing. plus whenever they are in anything together they are constantly memeing on the other and trying to get ahead at the cost of the other loool so I think they meme on each other a little too much for things to get romantical lol but who knows they could prove me wrong one day)
but I love em cause of their personalities and I feel like they would balance each other pretty well~
for example, Alice with her OCD would be calmed by Norton's matter of fact and 'it will be fine just work hard' view on things. ((that is what helps me with my OCD anyways lol is someone I trust taking my hands and saying its fine) I have an entire post about hand movements and I went into how Norton's movements are quick and precises and deliberate and Alice would need that for grounding 👀 While Norton needs a gentle touch cause that would be so unfamiliar to him that it would make him stop in his tracks I think~)) ANYWAY OFF TOPIC
Then vice versa with Norton and his gloom view on the world and Alice comes in with optimism and cheery-ness lol. She will protect her lil grumpy people LOL
Alice 👇 Norton👇
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So I guess to answer your question, its definitely on their personalities and completely based on potential~ The potential and nuance is there with what we know about them so far and there is the hope that Norton will turncoat in the story, with Melly convincing him to help her save Alice 👏👏 I just like adding the little bit of spice of 'you two get together and heal together okay' I feel like they would balance each other out well~
Norton needing that softness and Alice needing that wall to lean on. And I think they would work so well together~
I hope I somewhat answered your question, I feel like I was all over the place LOL my baaaad
also I have no idea why they keep having Alice looking so down bad for Fool's Gold 🤣🤣🤣🤣BUT I LOVE IT SO DARN MUUCCHH LOOOOL (and added to the fuel for this raging fire that is my love for Nortalice)👏👏👏🤌🤌🤌🤌💞💞💞but it has me LAUGHING at the fact that on hallucinogens drugs she STILL sees Norton as a knock out BABE -WHEEEZZEEE-
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existslikepristin · 9 months
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Unexpectedly busy week, that was. Except today. Today I got home and ate ice cream
Only two options in the poll this time! Is there a secret reason?! Yes, it's because I didn't have any more ideas The poll is only going to be available for 24 hours, because I should be able to get the next part up tomorrow!
Tags: NSFW, S.M.U.T., genie, microtransactions???
(Story Index)
Anime Girls
"I wish for a harem of anime girls!" you blurt out before you can think.
Joy appears mildly shocked for a moment, but then she gives you a wry smirk. "Look at you, making a wish like that. You perverted weeb."
You frown and put up a finger of protest, but Joy quickly continues, "I know. I know. You're not the first of your kind I've come across, master. Being a weeb is an honored profession nowadays, and you're all special because of your unique waifu and/or husbando selection(s). I know the drill."
The air around you seems to contract and expand simultaneously, and everything in your line of sight briefly tints green. Except, that is, for Joy herself. Even as space bends in front of your very eyes, causing no small amount of queasiness to knot about in the pit of your stomach, Joy remains on the table, sitting up with the same smooth grace she has continuously displayed up to this point and only looking as green as usual, which isn’t all that green, really.
And then it's over. The air feels normal again, and your standard color vision has returned.
"Was that the wish?" you ask.
"Sure was!"
You look around. Nothing has changed. You see no anime girls. Not even your waifu (though, considering Joy told you she can't read your mind, you're not sure how she would have known to pick her). "So, where's the harem?"
"I figured you wouldn't be able to list each and every anime girl you've ever wanted to fuck."
Joy pauses. After a few seconds you say, "That's not a useful explanation."
"Oh. Right. Check your phone."
"My phone?" you inquire, as you reach down to take your phone from the pocket of your discarded shorts.
"Yup! I've noticed that most weebs are very heavily invested in their own tropes, which I appreciate, as you can imagine. And one of the more common tropes in harem anime I've seen is that the protagonist controls some aspect of the world around them with a supernaturally-powered smartphone."
You tap your phone out of sleep mode. "So, I have a phone… harem?"
"No, master. You have a magic app that summons anime girls into your presence, all of which are suspiciously and sexually attracted and devoted to you, of course. This will make your harem as weebly wobbly as you can possibly get!"
You exit your phone's internet browser, where, obviously, you had been reading existslikePristin fanfics, and go to your home screen. A new app does a little inflation animation to let you know of its location. The icon is a silhouette of a lithe woman on a green, circular background, and is not labeled. You tap to open it. There is no waiting on load time. You're immediately taken to a very cluttered generic fantasy town isometric view, with bubbles of text all over the place. You think the text might be Sumerian.
"It's a mobile gacha game!" Joy looks and sounds far too proud of herself. "And with my special djinnfluencer promo code, you get one thousand free shards! And that's not all! You get ten free spins, five billion gold coins, and double daily rewards for the first week!”
Okay, that was exceptionally dumb. Ask if there’s a way to undo a wish.
Whatever. A harem’s a harem. Figure out this app and summon an anime girl.
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magicalink · 1 year
New Year's Resolutions
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Updated for 2024!
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1. Finish these fics:
Catboys in the house ch 2 (venti x reader x xiao) Done! Read here: 💚
Gynecologist Albedo? 70% complete
The Inazuman noblewoman and her butler (Scara x reader) 40% complete
Kazuha and Y/N's first time together! 80% complete!
Sex while high with Kazuha (Kazuha x reader) 50% complete!
Random threesome scene Venti x Xiao x reader 80% complete!
Xiao is willing to give you a baby?! (Xiao x reader) 70% complete!
Fucking with Scara in an alley (Scara x reader) 80% complete!
2. Post requests:
Just what do you think you're doing?? (Ei catches Kuni and Y/N having sex)
Cyno's NSFW Alphabet (On the making)
Al Haitham's NSFW Alphabet (lacking inspo but I'm trying)
3. Empty my drafts tab
4. Answer asks
5. Create playlists:
For Assembled Love
For Better Find Husbandos (One for Y/N, for Venti, for Xiao, for Scara and for Albedo separately. I have the list of songs I just have to make the playlist)
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Can I please request Ei finding out their former lover is still alive, and is very hurt that she just left them with a puppet one day?
Preferably angst 2 forgiveness if possible pls?
-🍳/slushie anon (I have finally had thought for this yay!)
✧ Thank you for the request, Slushie ^w^ it was real fun! <3 ✧ Includes: Raiden Shogun/Ei ✧ Word count: 1415 ✧ Angst to comfort <3 ✧ Extra: I wanna write more for raiden but there's so many husbandos and so little time for the wifeysss
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Even though Ei fully explained her plans to leave to go to the plane of Euthymia but you didn't understand what she meant. But as the days went by afterward, you realized... she abandoned you just like that. Apparently, the puppet was meant to be enough but how could she think that?
The puppet was cold, emotionless, and apathetic. She barely gave you more attention that needed and even when she didn't understand what you wanted. Hugs, cuddles, kisses meant nothing to the puppet and so eventually, you stopped asking for them.
You spent a majority of your time in the castle, just doing things to keep busy. The puppet did hold some concern for your well being as she would ask if you've eaten and rested. But it was the way she spoke and did things. There was no warmth in her touch, no genuine feeling. Just orders she was given to follow.
Every day, you would remember Ei or the things you two did together. Yae Miko visted you every now and then, checking in on you. But she noticed... as the years passed your actions, words, and feelings began to reflect that of the puppet. Your geunine smile and laughter was gone, your days began to blend together, and your eyes had lost the light they used to have.
Yae Miko... she tried hard to help you. She knew it would break Ei's heart to see you like this but there wasn't much she could do. At the end of the day, you didn't want the help either.
The years passed like days, and it wasn't long before a new face showed up in Inazuma. You had heard about the traveler with the little companion. They'd gained your interest and you'd even seen the fight between them and that fatui witch. You tried to bargain with the puppet, claiming that things couldn't stay the same, but she wouldn't listen. Not even to you. Which was the stark contrast between her and Ei. Ei took the time to listen to your feelings and explain what she felt was necessary, why she did what she did, etc. But this puppet was just that. A doll- no feelings.
You hadn't even realized what was taking place- the traveler fighting Ei, herself, in her plane of Euthymia. Supposedly, they had brought up your name, which caused her to falter slightly. Even the traveler noticed that.
At the end of their battle, Ei did ask about you, but neither the traveler nor Paimon knew who you were. When Yae Miko showed up, she was as brutal as usual. She told Ei that you weren't mortal and so you were still alive after all this time. Her plan of leaving and the puppet taking care of you didn't work out and that she needed to go back to you- this instant.
So she did. Without hesitation.
Ei's footsteps were heavy and fast as she searched through the castle for you. Finally... she saw you. You were playing with a small bird, feeding it. You looked... absolutely beautiful, taking her breath away. The way the light fell onto your figure, the way your hair looked, the way you giggled at the bird... everything felt like a dream.
"(Y/n)?" She called, but you didn't look at her. Almost as if you didn't hear here. She was about to call you again, but you interrupted her.
"Yes, Shogun?" Oh, you thought she was the puppet. Her eyes lingered for a moment before she slowly walked over to you. You didn't look at her and your smile had faded, which told Ei exactly how you'd lived your life with the puppet.
"No, i-it's me. Ei." You froze, eyes slowly widened as you heard what she said. Instantly, your vision blurred as you slowly turned to look at Ei. She looked exactly like the puppet but her eyes were different. Wide with tears- will feelings.
"E-Ei?" You asked in a small voice, the bird flying away. She didn't even waste a second before dashing to you and engulfing you in a tight hug. You, however, stood there unable to believe she was here in front of you.
"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you... you'd wait this long." What she meant was, she didn't realize you'd be alive- she thought you'd just forget her and pass away.
"You left me..." you whispered, the tears dripping from your eyes. "Y-you left me!"
Ei had no words as you let out a loud cry, the tears pouring down your cheeks heavily.
"I-I didn't realize..." Ei fell silent as he just held you, unsure if her words would even mean anything after all that had happened. She just squeezed you in her arms, so happy that you were still here. But there was that lingering guilt and sorrow for putting you through what she had. She left you... with that puppet, thinking it would make up for things. But it didn't- she just broke you even more.
Ei gave you that time to cry. She gave you that moment to just let all those pent up emotions out and come to terms with her reappearance. After it all, you were so silent, it was deafening.
"Why did you leave me?" You asked- more like demanded. Ei only sighed, her shoulders slumping as she did.
"I... didn't realize you'd live this long. Miko told me you're immortal... is it true?" She asked, even though it was a stupid question seeing as how you were still standing before her.
"Yes." Your curt response made Ei flinch and she nodded.
"Right... I... I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you'd still be alive. I thought you'd pass away and in the time I was absent, you'd forget me and move on." A scoff escaped your lips as you looked away, shaking your head at her words.
"Awful..." you murmured, sniffling as you tried to calm your anger.
"I'm sorry, (y/n)." Ei said as she took your hands, "I'm so sorry, I never intended to hurt you. I wasn't thinking and you were just caught in my... stupidity."
"Why did you need to leave? I was here. With you, for you- whatever you needed. It's not like you were alone. Yae Miko was here for you too but you just went ahead and sealed yourself in your Plane of Euthymia. We were here for you, so why?"
"I didn't feel it." Ei replied, looking down. She clenched her eyes shut as she spoke. "I didn't feel like I had people around. Maybe that was wrong of me, but I just felt so much despair, I had to go somewhere."
"You would've never come back if it wasn't for the traveler." You stated to which Ei nodded honestly.
"Yes, my eternal meditation was interrupted by them. And without it.. I most likely wouldn't have returned. So I do owe the traveler because they were the reason that I learned about your suffering." Ei moved closer, her hand coming to cup your cheek. "I'm so sorry, my love. I'll do anything to make it up to you. I'll do whatever you want."
You just stared at her, your eyes moving between both of hers as you tried to deduce whether she could be trusted again. Though you were hurt and angry, you still loved her. You often dreamed about days where she would return. You wondered what you would do or say and here she was, before you, asking for another chance.
Your hands slid up her arms and around her shoulders. You finally embraced her once more and just stayed there for a few, long moments.
"Fine. I don't forgive you 100% but I'm willing to try and interact with you to get past this. But you have to promise- promise you'll never leave me again. Ever." Without hesitation, Ei nodded.
"Yes, I swear on my life. I'll stay here with you and I'll work as hard as I can to rebuild our relationship. I love you so much, (y/n)." She said as tears glossed her eyes- tears of joy.
"I'll work with you," you reminded so that she didn't think she'd be alone in fixing this relationship. "I love you too." She kissed you right then, a kiss filled with years of unsaid feelings. A kiss filled with all the love she held for you but accidentally took away.
It was your first kiss in years.
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