#here we see me being a disaster 😔
sstormyskyess ¡ 10 months
omg 16 with poly tf141 would be the greatest thing ever reader brings not one, not two, but four huge beefcakes home to their shitty families holiday party that they only throw to show off their fancy house and shitty interior design, I know that probably wasn't the original idea of the prompt but if you're interested I'd love to see you write it thank you!
Family Affairs
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author's note: i actually got to pull from personal experience with this one tbh, i’m gonna have to go to a party like this near the end of the year. unfortunately, i don’t have four beefcakes to bring with me 😔 at least i can imagine it though! thank you for the request, hope you enjoy!!
cw: poly tf 141, general fluffy stuff, reader has a big family [just like me, i have 14 members in my extended family just on my dad’s side]
word count: 1800+
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TF-141 x GN!Reader
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You groan, burying your face in your hands. You were hoping, praying that you weren't going to get that one little text message that always spelled disaster no matter when it came across your phone screen. It had been a good run, too; you hadn’t suffered this fate in a good few years. But, apparently that winning streak was too good to be true.
You look at the notification on your screen again, re-reading it for about the third time. ‘We hope to see you at the party this year! P.S., please bring your boyfriend along this time, your aunt won’t drop it,’ the message from your mom read. Boyfriend. Little did she know, you in fact had four boyfriends, none of which had met your frustratingly nosy family.
Speak of the devil—or, one of them at least—John walks into the common area, a stack of papers in his hand. “Morning, love.” He shoots you a smile before focusing his attention back on the documents he was scanning. “What’s on your mind?” He takes a seat in the chair opposite you, leaning back and crossing his legs, one ankle on the other leg’s knee.
You think for a bit before sighing. “Off-base things. Family stuff.” It’s clear he was unsatisfied with your vague answer when he met your eyes with a raised brow. You huff, knowing you wouldn’t get away with dancing around the issue for even a moment. “My mom wants me to bring a boyfriend back for my aunt’s holiday party.”
John continues to look at you, his air gone from stern to confused within a second. “You do have a boyfriend. Four of them, actually.” He tilts his head as he states the obvious. You roll your eyes, crossing your arms. “I know that. I just don’t wanna subject any of you to the torture that is being at those pointless parties.”
He just smiles at you again, his eyes returning to whatever was on the papers in his lap. “Maybe we’ll make it better for you. I’m sure the rest of our boys will be glad to accompany you.”
You chew the inside of your cheek, thinking about the prospect. Frankly, it did sound like a good idea on the surface; it would be nice to spend some down time with all the people you love, after all. After another few moments of thought, you nod and stand up from your chair. “You’ve got a point. I’ll go talk to the others, then—see if they’ll be able to come with us.”
John hums in approval, catching your wrist as you walk past toward the door. “Hey. Come here.” You smile, leaning down to kiss him and appreciating the feeling of John’s hand coming up to the nape of your neck, his fingers rubbing a loose circle on your skin. “Things will be fine, darling,” he says after pulling away. “Don’t worry.”
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A deep sense of dread starts to build inside of you as your mini convoy starts to approach your aunt’s house, which is technically more like a mansion based on the size of it. It had already set in the moment Simon convinced the others to let him drive. Yes, he got you to your destination way faster than any of the others would, but that was only because he drives like a maniac.
The dread slowly developing wasn’t caused by Simon almost getting everyone into a wreck at least two or three times, though. It was caused by the fact that you could already see your family’s cars lined up along the road and sitting in the driveway, memories of past parties flooding your head.
Kyle beside you must notice the way you’ve started shrinking into yourself and he wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close to kiss you on the cheek. “I’m excited to meet your family, sweetheart.” An underlying joy is hidden in his voice, which brings a small smile to your face. “You sure?” You chuckle, leaning into him. “They can be a lot.”
“I’ve dealt with worse, no need to worry.” He ensures you, pressing a couple more kisses to your temple and your forehead. Your cheeks warm and you push his face away. “Stop it,” you say playfully.
Johnny helps you out of the car and wraps an arm around your waist when Ghost pulls over to park his car on the side of the street. “Who do you think is gonna be the favorite?” He asks with a grin on his face. You hum, tapping your chin and feigning deep thought. “Probably John. And not you, the responsible John.”
Johnny scoffs, dramatically putting a hand over his heart. “I am responsible! Can’t believe you would say such a thing!” You simply pull him closer and kiss him on the cheek, giggling under your breath. “I’m sorry, baby. Please forgive me—” You’re cut off by him giving you a big kiss on the lips. “Fine, you’re forgiven.” He gives you his bright smile, the one that reaches his eyes and crinkles the corners of them.
Simon walks past and tugs on Johnny’s sleeve, pulling him forward. “Get moving, Johnny.” He grunts, dragging him along and taking you with him in turn.”We’re coming, we’re coming,” Johnny huffs.
You take a deep breath once you reach the front door of your aunt’s house, amping yourself up to face the music head-on. You feel John’s comforting hand between your shoulder blades and you smile, his silent support soothing your nerves and giving you the courage to ring the doorbell, officially sealing your fate. No going back now.
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Surprisingly, the night was actually going well. Just like John said, being able to sit in-between two of your ruggedly handsome partners while the other two were pulling your aunt’s attention away from you was massively more comfortable compared to your other experiences in this house.
Johnny and Simon, seated next to you on either side, chatted with a couple members of your extended family while Kyle was off in the kitchen making a plate of hors d'oeuvres for you, and John was busy entertaining your aunt and mother with various war stories from his yesteryears. It seemed like everyone was having a blast, their easy smiles contagious.
You look up when Kyle sits in the armchair next to the loveseat you, Simon and Johnny were posted up on. You grin when he presents you with a small plate full of various meats and cheeses. He kisses your hand as you reach over and take the plate from him, making your face heat up. You shoot him a pointed look, but he flashes his pretty smile in return. You can’t possibly stay mad at that smile—I mean, have you seen it? You just shake your head, unable to mask the flustered look on your face.
Your grandmother looks away from her conversation with Johnny and turns her attention to Kyle. “Oh my! Who’s this lovely young man?” She listens intently as he introduces himself and then starts up her usual questioning whenever one of her grandbabies brought someone to meet the family.
You let out a long sigh, your senses already getting overwhelmed after the past hour or so of entertaining the party with your boys. You start to pick at your hors d'oeuvres, building a little stack of what looked like some sort of salami and a piece of cheese on a cracker, popping it in your mouth. 
Simon’s hand comes into your downturned gaze and rests on your leg, giving it a firm yet gentle squeeze, a silent check-in. You cover his hand with yours, looking up at him and smiling, effectively quelling his concerns. He nods and intertwines his fingers with yours, an affectionate glint in his gaze. You return the look wholeheartedly and let him pull his hand away to rest in his lap.
You glance up when you hear your name being called across the room and see John and your mother looking over at you. She beckons you over and you sigh, standing up and starting to head over to the two of them. You jump when Johnny’s hand pats the back of your thigh a couple times, smirking up at you. You roll your eyes and mutter a quiet ‘stop that,’ trying to hide the fact that your heart skipped a beat at the smug look on his face.
John wraps an arm around your waist once you get close enough, his hand petting up and down your side. “Your mother wants to know how we met,” he explains. Your mother pipes up, “I also want to know why you were hiding these lovely men from the family for so long.” She gives you a look. The look. You groan, running a hand over your face. “Of course, mom.”
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“I’ve no idea why you were so worried about tonight, bonnie. It was perfectly fine!” Johnny pulls you down to the couch in the living room of the house you and the others had bought recently, his arms tight around you. He held you in place to pepper kisses all over your face. You try to push his face away so you can actually respond to his comment; the effort was futile, but after a few pushes he pulls away on his own. “It seems like they were on their best behavior since you four showed up with me. You’re all pretty imposing, to be fair,” you say, leaning back against Johnny’s chest.
Simon walks in with a handful of mugs filled with warm spiced apple cider, passing them around the room and then sitting in his armchair, his legs crossed loosely. He notices your eyes on him and raises a brow. “You talking about me?” You laugh and shake your head. “Not just you, silly.”
Kyle catches the tail end of the conversation after coming downstairs in his lounging clothes, sitting next to John on the loveseat opposite the couch Johnny had you buried in. “I’m sure it was mostly you, Simon.” He grins, leaning into John’s side. You roll your eyes. “Well, I’m sure most of my family was intimidated by your dashingly handsome looks, good sir.”
John rests his arm on the back of the couch, his fingers playing with the hair on the back of Kyle’s neck. “That’s a good point, darling,” he smirks, taking note of the bashful look that crosses Kyle’s features. He hides his smile by taking a sip from his mug.
“Hopefully your family feels a bit more comfortable around us next year, yeah?” John takes a sip of cider from his own mug, before setting it down on the coffee table and picking up the remote to put something on the TV, probably some shitty holiday movie. The exact kind that he likes.
You hum and hold your warmed up mug in your lap, happily cuddling up with Johnny. “Yeah, hopefully.” There’s a brief pause before you realize what he just said and the implications of it. “Wait—next year?” And once again, that signature sense of dread hits you and you groan, knowing you wouldn’t be able to convince him otherwise.
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𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
279 notes ¡ View notes
1lesbianisms1 ¡ 1 year
Bechloe 😍
Beca couldn’t believe she’d agreed to this. She would’ve preferred staying in, mixing beats and finding more samples for her arrangements, but after Chloe had practically groveled at her feet to come out, Beca couldn’t bring herself to say no. She told herself she’d put her foot down for once, but when Chloe looked at her with that almost mischievous grin, Beca couldn’t bring herself to refuse her.
So, here Beca was getting ready to go to a party at some sorority house she’d never been to. She’d made Chloe promise she wouldn’t leave her to wander aimlessly through the crowds of sweaty, sticky college kids covered in beer and unknown substances. The red-head swore she wouldn’t let Beca out of her sight, but deep down Beca knew as soon as Chloe started to feel the liquor coursing through her system she would stumble away and leave Beca alone in the endless, confining space of the warm sorority house.
Even though Beca knew Chloe wouldn’t keep her word, she liked to hold out hope that Chloe would stay by her side long enough for Beca to feel that subtle, warm buzz while she inevitably waited for Chloe to return. As Beca thought about the familiar scenario and how awful she would feel without Chloe there to distract her, she began to have second thoughts. ‘Maybe I can skip out on this one…’ Beca thought, staring at the outfit that she’d decided to wear to the party. Her dark mauve shirt suddenly felt more constricting than flattering and she was now hyper aware of the necklaces dangling from her neck.
She didn’t want to disappoint Chloe by flaking at the last minute, but she’d rather deal with Chloe’s temporary disappointment than the smothering feeling of being stuck alone in a house full of stupid, drunk college kids, disaster waiting to happen.
Beca fought with the thoughts in her head, and as if on cue, her phone rang with a notification from Chloe.
Chloe: Ur still coming right?? I'm not going by myself again 😔
Beca laughed. Maybe she would go… or maybe she wouldn’t. She couldn’t make up her mind and Chloe’s unintentional guilt tripping didn’t make her come up with a decision any faster. She grabbed her phone, staring at the text bubble for a moment.
Beca: why don’t u ask Stacie? she’ll definitely go with u
Chloe’s response was almost immediate.
Chloe: Because id rather go with u
Chloe: I feel like we don’t hang out nearly as much as we should
Beca agreed, they hadn’t hung out as much as they used to. Beca didn’t know why. She’d assumed it had something to do with Chloe’s schedule. She missed Chloe, but she never said anything. It was comforting knowing that Chloe felt the same.
Beca: ur right we haven’t. I feel like ur always busy
Beca: plus every time we go out it’s always to somewhere loud and obnoxious
Beca: why can’t we hang out somewhere where we can actually have a conversation?
Beca set her phone down while she waited for Chloe’s response. She knew she wouldn’t have to wait long, Chloe was always quick to reply. She played with the silver necklace Jesse had gotten her for their first anniversary. Even though they’d broken up months ago, Beca couldn’t bring herself to get rid of it. It reminded her of the good times with Jesse and distracted her from the explosive arguments that caused their break up. A notification from her phone caught her attention before she reflected too much on her failed relationship.
Chloe: Ik I’m sorry I’ve been trying to catch up on work
Chloe: if I flunk Mr. Bradshaws class you’ll never see me again 😥
Chloe: Why don’t u like parties Beca they’re fun just give them a chance!!
Sigh. Beca loved Chloe. She really did, but she wished Chloe would just see things from her point of view without Beca having to spell it out for her.
Beca: maybe I’d like them more if u didn’t abandon me to go get drunk when u know I only go to those stupid parties for u chlo
This time, Chloe’s response didn’t come as quickly. Beca told herself it was because Chloe was really considering what Beca had told her before responding. The longer she waited the more self conscious she felt about her response. It sounded a bit mean, but Beca had been dealing with this for an entire semester and she was really getting sick of having to be dragged around by Chloe just to be abandoned. And it’s not that she disliked parties completely, but they weren’t as fun when she didn’t know anyone to bounce of off, that’s what Chloe was supposed to be there for.
Chloe: I’m sorry Beca Ik u dont like them
Chloe: I just thought if I brought u to them enough you’d start to warm up to them
Beca stared at her phone, at Chloe’s message. Beca wasn’t as upset as she once was, now she felt… She didn’t know what she felt, but she knew it was a positive feeling.
Beca: it’s fine chlo I just want the two of us to hang out together… alone lol
Beca didn’t know if that sounded flirty or not. She’d added the ‘lol,’ just in case, but she wasn’t sure if that was enough. Sometimes her and Chloe flirted, but it was always innocent and never backed by anything. It was mostly Chloe doing something to Beca and Beca calling her out. Beca never really reacted because she didn’t know how to. She didn’t know if there was any truth behind Chloe’s teases. At first, she thought it was just jokes, but when someone acts a certain way towards you for so long, you start to question if they’re truly being serious.
And if Beca was being serious… she had feelings for Chloe, she had for a while now. She had no idea for how long at this point, there had sort of always been something that attracted Beca to Chloe. She had never been able to tell what, or maybe it was just Chloe’s overall positive aura that drew her in. She thought it might be Chloe’s boldness. I mean, their first real conversation was in the shower, both of them completely naked. Though Beca had been hesitant to look, she had noticed Chloe’s toned physique, something you could tell she worked for. Her core was tight and toned with an aquamarine-encrusted belly button ring.
Her boobs were perky and Beca could tell she’d recently tanned, it was even and bronze and it complemented the color of her hair so well. Or when she had always tried to stick up for Beca to Audrey, though it constantly fell on deaf ears. There was just something about Chloe that drew Beca in and the feeling had always been there, but now that Jesse was out of the picture, she was finally free to explore her attraction.
It’s not like she was just choosing to believe her delusions, either. Chloe had always acted especially friendly towards Beca. She loved to drop hints towards Beca that she wanted to “experiment” or that she “hadn’t experimented enough.” Beca had a feeling she knew what Chloe meant, but did she mean with her? Beca wasn’t sure. Chloe also loved to grope her. At first, she had been hesitant to be that comfortable with someone, but after Chloe had successfully broken Beca's walls, she began to allow the touches, even started to expect them. She could feel a tinge of concern in her stomach when Chloe didn’t touch her in some way.
She felt comfortable in Chloe’s touch. By her supple, tropical-scented hand lotion, or her matching perfume that made her smell like the freshest fruits. Her gold earrings or her wavy strawberry hair. Everything about her was comforting. Beca had never really felt that with any of her previous friends, only with Chloe. It was a new feeling, she didn’t know whether it was a welcome feeling or not.
Beca was brought from her self reflective ramblings by her phone dinging with a notification.
Chloe: Oh so u want alone time together 😏
There was Chloe’s usual flirting. Usually Beca would try to diffuse a situation like this, but for some reason she wanted to lean into it. She wanted to see how far this flirting would get her. Maybe she could convince Chloe to come over and miss the party. They could watch movies, talk, Beca might even confess her somewhat confusing feelings to her. They might even…
Beca didn’t want to get ahead of herself, so for now she decided to test the waters.
Beca: maybe I do 🥱
Beca: u might see if u skip this party and come over 🖤
Beca hadn’t realized how incredibly suggestive that sounded until she sent it, but she didn’t want to unsend it either. She wanted to see what Chloe would say, so she waited with baited breath as Chloe swiftly sent a reply.
Chloe: Are u trying to coerce me Beca 😨
Beca: idk is it working?
Chloe: tbh yeah 👀
Beca: then yes I am
Beca liked where this conversation was headed. She almost wanted to hit herself for not flirting back sooner. If she had, this might have already been a regular thing for her and Chloe. But this new feeling was invigorating and thrilling.
Chloe: Do u really want me to come over?
Chloe: Cause I will
Beca swallowed hard as she read those texts. She did want Chloe to come over, but what would that entail? By the tone of this conversation, they’d most likely take their relationship to a new level. Did Beca want that? Or more so, was she ready for that?
Beca closed her eyes as she imagined making love to Chloe. Her smooth glossed lips leaving cherry-colored kisses all over Beca’s skin. Feeling her warm, lotioned hands beneath her shirt, beneath her bra. Beca clenched her legs at the thought of it, she started to feel really hot all of a sudden but she didn’t want to keep Chloe waiting, so she responded as quickly as she could.
Beca: yeah I do
Beca: I’m tired of parties haha
Beca waited for Chloe’s reply. She could feel herself getting more excited by the second. Kimmy Jin was gone, so they were free to do whatever they wanted without an audience.
Chloe: Ok I’ll be right over
Wow, this was much more simple than Beca thought it would be. She should’ve done this sooner. As she set her phone down, she looked in the mirror. She was still wearing her outfit for the party. Should she change? Beca thought over it for a moment, she’d spent so long getting ready, might as well let someone see it.
Beca laid back, waiting for Chloe to knock on her door. She wasn’t too far, so she wouldn’t take long. Beca was equal parts nerves and excitement. She’d finally be able to tell Chloe how she felt. It was something she almost wanted to celebrate. Maybe with some alcohol to give her the liquid courage she needed.
A couple minutes later, there was a light few knocks on her dorm door. She hopped up, almost embarrassingly quick, and made her way to the door, making sure to fix her hair before opening it. When she opened the door, she was greeted by one of her favorite sights.
Chloe stood there in a dark blue tank top with an even darker colored cropped jacket, it was unzipped to reveal Chloe’s cleavage that was decorated with a golden necklace with a pearl in the middle. She had flared dark blue jeans and heeled boots on. Her winged eyeliner was more dramatic and smudged than usual and she had a dark stain on her lips, it was almost impossible not to stare. It all contrasted her bright hair and made everything mesh together cohesively. She looked amazing as always. Beca tried to make sure her awe wasn’t obvious, giving the red-head a quick once over before focusing on her face again. It was adorned with a bright smile, as usual.
The familiar scent of papaya and coconut wafted towards Beca as Chloe immediately pulled her into a hug. Beca embraced it, more than usual. She snuggled into Chloe’s shoulder more, wrapped her arms around her waist a little tighter, held her hands a little lower…
Beca pulled away, hesitantly at first. She looked at Chloe who seemed chipper as normal, despite her more intense makeup. She obviously eyed Beca up and down as she welcomed her into the dorm. Beca felt both hot and anxious under Chloe’s blatant stare. Though her gaze didn’t last long, the effect it had on Beca did.
“You’re lucky I love you, Bec,” Chloe joked as she casually sat on Beca’s bed. The bed she’d been sure to make before Chloe came. Beca couldn’t help but notice how alluring Chloe looked sitting with her legs crossed like that, in her flared jeans with that dark makeup, looking at Beca so playfully, like she knew where this night would eventually lead. Beca walked towards her, trying not to make the anxious desire rushing through her detectable.
“I know. I must be pretty important for that,” Beca said, sitting beside Chloe on the bed, once again being greeted by her fruity smelling perfume, a scent she never got tired of. Chloe smiled at her before replying.
“You are… plus, I felt bad for alway dragging you out and then leaving you,” Chloe admitted, her confident, laid back attitude partially being interrupted by genuine regret. Beca had already mostly forgiven Chloe for that, but now with her right in front of her, looking at her with that remorseful look in her eyes, all Beca’s anger seemed to melt away.
“It’s ok. I’m just glad I actually get to talk to you now. I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” Beca replied, nervously fidgeting with the layers of bracelets dangling from her wrist. She couldn’t look at Chloe when she had that look in her eyes. It made Beca want to act reckless and there was no room for mistakes tonight. Beca had decided that tonight was the night she would confess her feelings.
“I know, me too, but I’m here now,” Chloe replied. Beca could feel Chloe’s gaze pouring into her and it just made her face feel hotter than it already was. She could feel her lips curling into a nervous smile.
“Yeah, you are. It was easier to get you here than I thought it’d be,” Beca giggled, finally looking up to see Chloe’s smile. It made Beca’s heart speed up, she could feel the rhythmic thumping against her chest, she was almost certain Chloe could hear it, too. Chloe had somehow pulled a bottle of wine from her bag and had already begun opening it. Beca alternated her stare between the bottle and Chloe, she shouldn’t have been surprised but she was. Chloe laughed to herself as she finally got the lid off.
“Did you think it’d be hard or something?” Chloe laughed, taking a sizeable swig from the bottle before passing it to Beca. She wrestled with whether to accept it or not. The liquid courage would help her as long as she didn’t get too drunk. She grabbed the bottle and took a smaller sip than Chloe before handing it back to her.
“I mean, yeah kinda. You don’t like missing parties, Chlo,” Beca said, sitting back against the wall with Chloe soon following suit. Now, they were even closer and Beca could smell the wine beginning to mix with Chloe’s tropical scent. Chloe’s hair fell in framing cascades around her face, the strawberry locks were as soft as fresh linen. Beca wanted nothing more than to run her fingers through it.
“I don’t mind missing a few parties for you, Beca. You know that,” Chloe reiterated, taking another sip of wine and passing it to Beca again. She took it with less hesitation the second time. Beca could tell Chloe was beginning to feel its effects and she wouldn’t let herself fall behind her. Beca was starting to feel herself become more at ease, her shoulders were falling and she could actually make eye contact with Chloe now. She looked as radiant as ever, the alcohol was working to make Beca even more smitten with her best friend. There was a subtle blush to her tan skin, courtesy of the alcohol. With the way the wine was taking effect already, Beca could tell Chloe had pregamed before coming.
“Do I?” Beca joked, eyeing Chloe with a teasing glint in her eyes. Chloe giggled as she put her head down. Beca could see Chloe’s shoulders rise and fall with laughter. When Chloe put her head up, her eyes were sparkly and the red-tinted lip gloss that coated her lips bounced off the lights.
“I know I didn’t make that clear before,” Chloe started, averting Beca’s gaze while turning more red, “but it’s true.” Chloe finished, looking at the brunette with a newfound intensity.
“Well, thanks, Chlo,” Beca responded. She suddenly felt awkward with Chloe so close to her. She wanted a swig of the wine in Chloe’s hand. As Beca reached over for the wine, Chloe pulled it from her grasp. Now, they were closer than ever. Beca could feel the heat between them and Chloe’s eyes made Beca feel… something.
“There’s not much left,” Chloe said, her voice was deep and quiet, maybe because Beca was so close, but that tone of voice didn’t help Beca’s warm face. Beca finally decided it was time to back up, away from that comforting scent. Chloe looked disappointed for a moment, but it was gone as fast as it came.
“D-did you want the last sip or something?” Beca asked, she cursed quietly to herself for stuttering. Chloe’s smile returned as bright as ever. She was clearly enjoying this more than Beca.
“No, you can have it,” Chloe responded, passing the near empty bottle to Beca. She took it, but not without their fingers brushing against each other. Even with that short contact, Beca could already feel the smooth surface of Chloe’s hand.
“If I could have it, why’d you pull it away the first time?” Beca asked, finishing the bottle before setting it on the floor. At some point, Chloe had laid down and put her legs out, covering Beca’s legs with hers. It made Beca suddenly feel a bit better about confessing, clearly Chloe was even more flirty than she was.
Beca knew now was her chance to confess or she’d lose all the courage she’d built up. As the two had a stare down, Beca crept her way up Chloe’s leg, resting just beneath her knee. Chloe tried to make her smile inconspicuous, but Beca could see the corner of her lips curl up.
“I don’t know, I just felt like it,” Chloe teased, eyeing Beca’s hand on her leg before staring at Beca again, taking a detour to gaze at Beca’s lips. Beca scooted closer, careful to make sure Chloe didn’t notice. There was a break of silence between them. Beca supposed she should take advantage of the silence, but the nerves were still holding her back. Chloe had gotten on her phone at this point, giggling at something or someone.
Beca needed to just come out and say it before it ate her alive. “Chlo, I have something to tell you,” Beca started, ignoring the shakiness in her voice. Chloe looked up from her phone immediately like she was waiting for Beca to say something. Chloe set her phone down beside her before sitting up and staring at Beca with intense curiosity. Beca missed the warmth, but this was far more important than that.
“Uhm, the reason I wanted you to come over wasn’t just because I was tired of you leaving me at parties, even though that was annoying,” Beca stated, fidgeting with her hands again to distract herself.
“We haven’t really seen each other lately and I missed you,” Beca continued, she was trying to find the words needed to ease into this, but she couldn’t help but stall. Chloe smiled at Beca’s nervous exterior, she wasn’t really used to seeing Beca’s bashful side… she liked it.
“Aw, I missed you too, Beca,” Chloe responded, waiting for the brunette to continue. She wasn’t trying to rush her, which Beca appreciated, but it meant Beca had to push herself to come out with what she wanted to say.
“Thanks. Uhm… since we haven’t been hanging out as much I’ve been thinking,” Beca almost whispered. Chloe moved closer, simultaneously comforting Beca and making her more nervous.
“About?” Chloe asked, waiting for Beca to finish. There was an anticipating glow in her eyes. Chloe could tell where this was going from the moment she walked in, she just needed Beca to get the courage to say it.
“Us… like, our relationship. Since me and Jesse broke up, it’s made me realize things about myself,” Beca said, finally looking up from her shaky hands to stare at Chloe, her gaze as intense as ever.
“What about our relationship, Beca?” Chloe inquired with a smirk. This was starting to become harder by the minute. Beca knew she should stop beating around the bush, but Chloe didn’t make it easier with her penetrating gaze. She decided it’d just be easier to show Chloe rather than tell her.
Beca stared at Chloe for a moment, unsure. She’d just suddenly stopped talking and she could tell Chloe was starting to get concerned.
“Beca, are you o-“ Chloe started, but before she could finish, Beca bit the bullet and kissed her. Her lips were as soft as Beca imagined and the wine on her tongue made their kiss taste sweet. Chloe melted into the kiss easily, moaning into Beca’s mouth. Beca crawled towards Chloe, holding her back against her. Chloe’s hand was already in Beca’s hair, grazing around her scalp. Her lip gloss was smearing against Beca’s lips, but she couldn’t care less.
Beca’s hand gripped Chloe’s shoulder, pulling her jacket off to expose her freckle-covered shoulder. Beca let out a moan as Chloe spread her legs and pulled her between them. They feel against Beca’s pillows with a thud. Beca pulled away and Chloe was already giggling in the midst of trying to catch her breath.
“Beca… I-I don’t know what to say,” Chloe whispered, pulling Beca closer to her. Beca’s chest was falling and rising in quick succession. She didn’t even know she had that in her. She’d never planned to ambush Chloe with a kiss, but it just seemed easier than stumbling through a confession that could never properly convey her feelings for Chloe anyway. Plus, she finally got to kiss her best friend and that was worth every bit of awkward tension.
Beca gazed down at Chloe. Her breasts were glistening under the light as she caught her breath. Her eyes still had the playful glow that Beca loved so much and her once perfectly glossed lips had smudged and transferred to Beca’s.
“I didn’t either. That’s why I had to show you,” the brunette confessed. She was shocked at herself, but Chloe didn’t seem to be. She acted as if she had expected this at some point. Her smile was so captivating, it made Beca feel like she was on cloud nine each time she caught a glimpse of it.
“I was hoping you would,” Chloe whispered, propping herself on her elbows to give Beca another kiss. It was still as passionate as the last, but much more tender, like they had all the time in the world. Her lips were so soft against Beca’s, it made her want to melt against the redhead. Chloe moaned when Beca’s hand found her way onto her scalp, gently pulling at the silky strands. Chloe wrapped a leg around her, the rough feeling of the jeans grazing Beca’s hip as her shirt lifted slightly. She shouldn’t have been surprised that Chloe was a good kisser, but her imagination truly hadn’t captured the feeling of this moment. All the tension, flirty jokes, times Chloe’s hands had stayed on her for too long finally made sense. Chloe pulled Beca closer, arching into her touch as Beca gripped her hips tightly.
Chloe’s hand traveled to Beca’s shirt, pulling at the bottom as her nails grazed her skin. Before Beca could assist Chloe with her shirt, the door began to twist and rattle. Kimmy Jin. They both looked at each other for a split second before separating. Chloe sat up right and Kimmy Jin came in with her friends, looking at them with disdain, as usual.
“The white girl and her friend are here,” Kimmy Jin said in her permanently monotone voice. Beca stared at Chloe, Chloe stared at Beca, and all Kimmy Jin’s friends stared at them before sitting on Kimmy’s side of the room and starting up some game. Beca really wished she had a single room right about now. Chloe giggled to herself before leaning over to Beca, her lips grazing her neck. Beca tensed, this was reckless.
“My roommate will be out tonight if you wanna come over,” the red-head whispered flirtatiously. She knew Beca wouldn’t refuse her, she didn’t have the strength. She never had. Beca just nodded as she watched Kimmy Jin’s friends closely to make sure they wouldn’t be caught. Chloe looked over at the group for a moment, before turning Beca’s face to hers and leaving a chaste, teasing kiss to her lips. Beca wished it could go on forever, but Chloe got up, grabbed the now empty bottle and headed towards the door with a wave and a wink. Beca smiled and waved back. As she left, Beca fell against her bed, put her headphones on, and waited for nightfall when she could finally show Chloe just how deep her feelings went.
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yakumtsaki ¡ 2 years
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It’s the morning after Felina’s birthday disaster and the bozo bros are interrupted on their way to work-
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-BY TWO SEPARATE THUNDER FIRES. HOLY HELL. Xander, I get that undying loyalty is the dog unique selling point, but could you please stop following these morons as they run towards the fire??
-Oh wow bro, that was a close one! -I cant’ believe none of us has died in a fire yet with how many of them we’re getting! -Tell me about it! It’s like something is trying to kill us!
Um ya, your own stupidity?? Just go to work. 
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-Look at us, Servilia, two old ladies and still so limber, huhu!🌸 
Ok Cyn I’m starting to worry with all your wholesome pet interactions, don’t you wanna hook up with at least iVan?? I mean he’s right there!
-I don’t know, what’s the point of romantic interactions without Don here to catch me cheating?😔💗
Aw Cyn, so loyal, up there with Xander!
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20K?!? FFS SANDY, at this point it’s literally costing us money to keep your dumb zombie ass employed.
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-̵B̴U̶T I̷ G̵O̴T P̴R̴O̵M̵O̶T̷E̷D A̴N̸Y̵W̸A̷Y🧟‍♀️
Ya and made 3k total, so you still owe me 17k!
-̵A̸N̵D̷ Y̴O̶U O̷W̵E̴ M̷E̴ M̸Y L̴I̷F̴E🧟‍♀️
Ok well, we’ll call it even!
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Look who finally managed to get an A+ now that he didn’t opt out of school.
-One day was all it took me, IN YOUR FACE, FAILINA
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-Uncle Sugar look, I finally bested Failina! 
Felina always had good grades, what you did was finally REACH her.
-Great job, buddy! Now go take your nap and Uncle Sugar will be here to train you tomorrow for your big birthday fight!
Your big what?
-Failina is obviously going to counterattack and ruin MY upcoming birthday, idiot, so we’re training for it and I’M GONNA DESTROY HER. MUAHAHAHA. Now if you’ll excuse me it’s time for my nap-nap time with gram-gram.
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Barth how can you be so wholesome and such a demon at the same time, I can’t. 
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-Ah, nothing better than just standing here, getting drunk in this open space while it’s raining!
Sounds good to me, time to leave you unattended for even a second and go wash the dogs with Sophie-
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-um, Sugar, why is your portrait missing from our family panel??
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-With my last breath.. I’m gonna use this death animation as aesthetically as possible.. and slide down the bathroom wall..
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-Ok can you people take this somewhere else, I’m trying to admire myself here. 
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-WAAAAH first my husband and now my nephew noooooo🌸
CYN PLEASE NOT NOW. Bro literally HOW did Sugar die, I feel he was struck by lighting or something and then made it to the bathroom and crawled up to die there?? I mean what the-
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-Hello :)
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-Well all the fires weren’t working so I had to get creative!
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-Great job, grandpa Jojo! Let me just clean all the death stink from in here..
-Grandma Sophie helped too, why do you think she rolled the want to wash the dogs?
OH MY GODDDD YOU ARE ALL PSYCHOS. Well whatever cause you know what?? Where others see a problem.. 
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..I see a romantic opportunity! 
-Please don’t do this, we have suffered enough.
You really haven’t, now get dialing!
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-̶I̵'̵M A̶L̷I̸V̵E̵!!!🧟
You got that about right!
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-W̵H̴Y̴ A̴M ̵I̵ G̷R̸E̸Y. ̸O̵H̸ N̶O.F̴U̶C̴K̷ Y̶O̴U̴, A̷U̸N̴T̵ S̶H̸A̶J🧟
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Welp.. You look great! 
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Real talk, I STILL don’t know how Sugar died, he doesn’t have a memory of seeing a ghost OR being hit by lighting! Spontaneous combustion?? Wtf
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-H̶E̸Y̴ ̵S̵A̷N̴D̸Y̶, N̸O̷T̴I̷C̴E A̵N̶Y̸T̴H̸I̶N̴G̵ D̴I̶F̷F̷E̶R̵E̸N̴T🧟 -I̴ ̸D̵O̵N̸'̴T̷, I̵ A̸L̸W̴A̷Y̵S H̶A̵V̵E T̸H̴I̶S S̵H̸O̵C̷K̴E̵D̵ A̴N̸D̴ A̷P̵P̵A̵L̶L̶E̷D̵ E̶X̸P̸R̶E̵S̸S̴I̷O̴N̷ ̶O̶N̴ M̴Y̸ F̴A̸C̷E🧟‍♀️
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-Y̴O̷U̴'̶R̴E̸ E̵V̷E̷N̸ H̴O̵T̷T̴E̴R̵ N̷O̴W̶, Y̵O̵U̸ ̷B̴I̸G̶ ̵R̶O̷T̸T̴I̵N̴G H̴U̵N̶K🧟‍♀️
OH THANK GOD. Let’s take you crazy zombie kids out on a proper date!!!
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-̴H̸E̶R̴E̶'̵S̴ T̷O̵ U̸S̴ A̴N̵D̵ A̸ ̵C̸L̴A̵S̷S̸Y̴ ̶R̶O̶M̵A̴N̵T̵I̵C E̶V̸E̶N̵I̷N̶G̵🧟 -C̸L̷I̷N̷K̴ ̷C̸L̴I̸N̵K̴🧟‍♀️
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-N̶O̸M̷ ̴N̶O̶M̴🧟‍♀️   -G̶O̶O̴D B̸R̷A̵I̵N̸S̵ T̶O̶N̶I̶G̷H̷T🧟
Ya ok I officially ship it.
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-̴I̷ L̶O̴V̴E̸ Y̷O̷U S̷A̶N̵D̶Y̵, W̸E̵ H̶A̴D̸ T̸O̷ D̴I̷E̵ S̶O̵ W̴E̵ C̷O̸U̷L̶D ̵B̸E̸ T̷O̴G̵E̵T̷H̷E̵R🧟 -W̴E̷L̵L I̸ D̵I̸D̸N̴'̷T H̴A̷V̷E̷ T̸O D̴I̵E T̸W̴I̸C̵E🧟‍♀️ -B̷O̵T̸H̴ Y̴O̶U̷R̸ D̵E̴A̸T̴H̴S̴ W̴E̸R̴E G̴R̷A̶N̷D̶P̴A̵ J̵O̶J̵O̷'̷S̴ F̷A̵U̸L̸T̴ A̸N̶D N̴O̸W̷ H̴E̷ ̷K̶I̷L̸L̸E̴D̴ M̶E T̸O̵O🧟 -Y̶O̷U̶'̵R̸E R̷I̵G̶H̸T̴,W̴E̵ ̵O̶W̷E̸ O̴U̸R̸ H̶A̸P̵P̸I̸N̷E̸S̵S̶ T̸O H̵I̵M🧟‍♀️ -I̶ W̷A̸S A̵L̸W̷A̴Y̴S H̴I̸S F̷A̷V̸O̶R̵I̶T̸E🧟
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sleepy0s ¡ 1 year
Couple issues 😔
I promise this was completely random.
Duos in this: desert duo, husbands. (Martyn and Mumbo)
I saw this and immediately thought of desert duo and when Mumbo and martyn became husbands during last life.
Pearl: Ah, yes. Here we have a beautiful couple...
Martyn: I really care about your feelings!
Mumbo: I really care about YOUR feelings!
Pearl, turning their head: ...and then there's the disaster couple...
Pearl sighed, looking around at the life series “reunion” (it realistically, was just a meet up they had after every game where all life members were invited whether they were there or not) Ren and bigB were currently talking to Lizzie, seeing how she enjoyed her limited life session and how empires was doing, Scott and Cleo were gossiping in a corner, occasionally looking over at etho.
Of course there was all the couple who had been together in the games who were catching up, two couples in particular caught her eye so she walked up to the group around them.
“Ah yes, here we have a beautiful couple..” she began commentating watching the interaction.
“I really care about your feelings!” Martyn put his hands on Mumbo’s shoulders so that he had to look at him.
“I really care about YOUR feelings!” Mumbo looked like he was going to cry. Apparently the two were husbands in last life and were really happy to see each other.
A loud noise made her turn around, joining a circle that was forming around two people.
“Ah yes. And here is the disaster couple.”
The two turned to look at Pearl, and for a second she thought they might attack her, before they looked back at each other and burst out laughing.
Yes, the game participants were a bit weird. But Pearl still loved them all anyway.
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total-drama-brainrot ¡ 7 months
Hello hello ophe 👋😇
How are you going so far? 😊
I just want to say aletrent has taken over my brain and I’m here thinking if I should make it happen for cruise stars but then I remember that I promised the fresh people in the server that AleNoah will happen. I’m here thinking to myself
“😟 damn why do you ship AleTrent? Aren’t you a AleNoah shipper? Alejandro and Trent deadass never even interacted, besides this is gonna be like the last time where you joined a fandom and got brainrotted by a crack pair/rare pair. And Noah and Alejandro’s dynamic is more interesting to write and think about. Besides brain you can shove Trent with Duncan it will be funi 😁.” -me to my Brain 😇 🧠 as I try to keep my brain cells in check
Anyways enough about me taking about stuff that doesn’t matter I finally thought of the main villain(s) for Shitwrecked and I’m really excited to write about them bitches scheming 😈 (but I kinda want to do another idea throwing session sometime again in the future, it was fun to talk and do the funi throw shit together and see what happens 😁, social interaction my enemy😔)
But as always let the brain rot commence as we speak
Lindsay and Noah friendship real tho!
Shitwrecked crap that was on my mind recently-
Emma and Trent friendship- they both are a disaster (lovingly way) one is literally a mess while the other is in the inside (I think in Trent’s bio thing it said that his sprit animal or favorite was a cat and Emma is cat person)
Nemma divorced conformation/rr cameo in a challenge and heather kissing Emma(rr)/j
leonard bringing a horse into the competition
Courtney is remind of Brittney(raccoon) when Zee brings back out lord and savior Oilvia Von Trashpanda
Topher tries to run over Chris with a golf cart
Skyella sweep! Dave becomes more emo as skyella sweep happens
Prillie divorced arc as Millie feel like priya thrown their friendship away for a guy and that priya is hanging out with Caleb more
Hear me out Trent and heather Secret alliance or some shit (I think it sounds funi to me😁) probably not go with it but it was fun to think about tho
Trent being annoy/passive aggressive to Geoff and Justin(oh how who can my favorite character be/j🤪)
Chef probably treating the reboot cast more favorably(no one can stop the Wayne)
Axel being the reason why Duncan is scared of Celine Dion cardboard standees
Gwen having to deal with her golden retriever cousins
Thinking of a scene where Emma is talking with Gwen/courtney about dating advice or something as she describes Axel (Emma doesn’t say name) “they have an eyebrow piercing and they got their ears pierced too. They are all tough as nails and abrasive but they can be surprisingly sweet and caring.” Both Gwen or/and Courtney be thinking to themselves “damn why Duncan of all people?”
Noah with the whole divorce dad look “Owen I miss my wife..”
Don big naturals/j 😈
Damn I think I kinda went a bit off with the rambles😳 brain rot do be hitting harder than the kitchen floor 😔
-Ass Stars anon
Hello hello ASAnon, it's nice to have you back! 👋😊
Alejandro and Trent are very shippable characters, so it was inevitable that someone would start seriously shipping the two despite their complete lack of canon interaction. So long as you're enjoying yourself, who's to judge?
I'm happy to hear you've figured out some of the details of your AU! It can be super hard to figure out what direction you want to take your ideas in, especially for an AU as broad and character-filled as your own.
The brainrot is real and it consumes us all. If these ideas are what make you happiest and/or are the ones that you find the most amusing, then include them in your story! Self-indulgence is half the fun of writing/drawing/creating your own AUs. 😌👍
Don's big naturals are canon though. They're a non-negotiable inclusion in any fan-content. /j
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greypetrel ¡ 1 year
Hey!! 💖
😔 for Raina (I think that's the right face?)
🍳 for canon Aisling (before and after having a kid)
Hey there!
Thank you for asking! Hope your holiday is proceeding fine! :3
Thank you for the Raina one because it just gave me the nicest idea and I think I may keep it as canon...
Tis the prompt list!
😞 = Finding an orphaned child would your muse opt to take them in, find someone more qualified, or just leave them? - Raina
So, Raina may be a walking disaster with awful coping mechanisms, but she's a big softie inside. Probably the most of the three, all in all.
She won't leave the lonely child on their own, of course, and will bring them home with her. She has space, she has money, and even if she doesn't, if three can eat, there's food for one child more, they'll make do with what they have. Will say, and be absolutely convinced about it, that it's just a very temporary solution, that she will find the child the best, most loving family EVER to take care of them properly.
Ignore Merrill with heart-eyes already, which is absolutely not affecting her, no venhan we can't keep them. (Isabela is watching with pop corns, knowing where this is going to end)
Then, a week passes. Nobody seems to be available to adopt the child.
Two weeks pass. She found some people but they were posh nobles she wouldn't rely on to pass her the salt. Let alone a child. The child is nice, they can stay some more, she doesn't particularly mind. Less distructive than Sandal anyway.
Three weeks. More families shows up, but she's unsure about them. Takes time.
A month. She's gripping on blatant excuses to exclude families from the adoption. The child has their own room, Isabela painted it their favourite colour, Merrill is teaching them elvhen. For Raina, it's still just temporary. It's just that she can't find the perfect family, you know? And the child is a good one! They deserve the perfect family! Every child does! They just need to wait for it!
After maybe six months, Raina will wake up one day and propose to Bela and Merrill that you know. They could just keep the child and adopt it. At which they both will produce papers, tell her that they already signed for adoption, and it just needs her signature.
"Oh, we knew from the moment you taught them to pick locks."
The child will be puzzled when they'll tell them. "Wasn't I already adopted by all three? I've been calling Garrett and Fenris uncles for weeks! .O."
*a very broody raccoon in the corner, she's very happy but will sulk just to prove a point.*
🍳 = What kind of family gatherings does your muse prefer and why? - Aisling
Before kids: A big, huge party, everyone around a fire, there are songs and possibly alcohol, just celebrating being together. And then some days later to catch up and talk and whatever. The only thing she insisted on and requested when buying a home after Trespasser was a guest room always at the ready, and she got it. The family reunion lasts for some days, it may be occasional dued to distances and so on, but IT'S BIG.
After kids: Same as above, maybe less flamboyant a party, but still she'll insist on having at least one big ass reunion with both her clan, the Inquisition crew and the Rutherfords. She'll manage. She and Dorian also developed teletransportation without passing from the Crossroads so it's a little easier. And, she'll insist of having a full family dinner each Sunday with whomever is available. Mia lives not so far away, they'll gather. Sera and Dagna are with them so they're here. Bull comes and goes and visit often with the Chargers -they're all included too of course. Dorian jumps out from the mirror with a cart full of Tevinter delicacies because "The children need to learn what's good food, here, apple of my eyes, take this for a snack." *handles Niamh a fried pizza at 11am* (he has a reputation as best uncle to mantain, you see.)
Basically, with the kids she just presses on to have more family reunions so they'll grow up in a close-knit community with lots of personal connections and feeling loved all around. (Add a Cullen that offers a way out of the madness and the bazillion people around when and if things get too much. He enjoys it! He does! But everyone is SO LOUD.)
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yukikorogashi ¡ 9 months
me trying to form words in my pudding mess of a brain rn more like call the heckin police and turn me in... bUT THAT BEING SAID. 2023's ending so it's time to scream !!!
hooboyyyyy where does one even start with becky ??? do i go back to when we first met what felt like decades ago? :0c perhaps i go back to when we were born, yea? EITHER WAY, from the day the world was blessed with your presence, it's been an EXCEPTIONALLY better place, and any of us who get to call you a friend (or even just an acquaintance) are so so sooooooo so so lucky! u.u i will never not be absolutely floored by the fact that i know someone so sweet and so selfless who i get to call a bestie and rely on for so many things... what did i do to deserve you ??? heck if i friggin know, man <3 all i do know is that i'm so grateful that i know you, and it forever means the entire world to me that you forgive my transgressions and continue to support me throughout all of my disasters; thank you
not only that, but you're one of my fave writing partners eternally !! <3 we've discussed this so many times, but i'm just so stoked that we can literally take ANY muses from ANY fandom and throw them together; doesn't matter who they are or how the interaction will work. we make it work !!! and EVERY single time, the dynamic is so incredible and always immediately full of depth that can be difficult to establish without the amount of dedication we put into it ;w; you are so insanely creative and talented, becky, and all of us who get to witness that are the lucky ones here <3 i'm always just squeaking and screeching on my end when i see anything from you on the dash; writing, art, headcanons, ooc posts... you bring such a liveliness and cheer, and i can't thank you enough for brightening my life!!!
i hope you have a fantastic end to 2023, and here's to 2024 treating you right <3
2023 is almost over!
With the final month of the year here, it’s your chance to send the mun or muse something you’ve wanted to tell them! Whether you haven’t had the chance to or you’ve been too shy, now’s the time to say what you feel, and don’t hold back!
Dang gir, if this is you struggling with words, then I can't wait to be further blown away when seeing you at your top game AUEHUAW!!!
Not to be a broken record if not that stubborn returning tennis swerve, but DAMN-- where do I even start when it comes to the magnificence that is my bestie Sammy??? The day we met was truly the beginning of the one of the bestest things that could have ever happened to me. As one of the most gosh darn amazing human being on this very planet was going to end up being such a dear friend of mine. A friend whom I would readily defend with a shovel in hand, if ANYONE does her wrong in anyway! And to be loved so dearly and supported by her too is just... I'm just so lucky tbh. 😔 It's so funny how we both remain so floor and are constantly going "What did we do to deserve them???" @ one another, because lord knows I STILL keep wondering this myself. I just know that I likely did something right, to be blessed like this. 8^)
And, Sammy... you are a treasure... one of the most precious beings in the whole wide world to me... ;; For any rocky roads that we may end up needing to drive through... it's always worth it when we both fight to make it to the end together (... Gdi, I hope that actually made sense, ROFL!!! B-But I think you know what I mean, bestie!!! 😭 You have always been fantastic at deciphering my caveman talk too so AUWEHUAW!!!) And of course I will always support you and all the amazing things that you so generously bring to the table!!! Ya know I'm one of your biggest fans-- and heck, it's not like I'm sneakily fighting in the background with a few others over that number one fan spot so... 🤫
And oh gosh, no matter how many times you say that, catch me here with a hand over my heart! 😭❤️ You know YOU are one of my most favourite of writing partners (LIKE DUH!!!), forever and always! You are one of the most fun beans to scream to about anything, and truly-- the fact that we can take any muses from any fandom and throw them together like THAT really just shows how incredibly well we work together??? And honestly, I can't thank you enough, for always being such a wonderful plotting and writing buddy. Again, I really am one of the lucky ones, though. To work so well with honestly? One of the most talented dang writers I ever have the honour of knowing!!! You are always so fun to talk to about absolutely anything, and how enthusiastic you always are about anything I gotta share always means the world to me. And again, I hope I am able to return that all in some way and properly express how much I truly appreciate you! ;u; ❤️
Hey, I can't thank you enough for just being you, Sammy. For being such a constant blessing in my life over these years. Honestly, I'm just left speechless every time I take a step back to just look at the entirety of this beautiful friendship I have with you. I'm so lucky to know you, we are all so lucky to know you... I love you, gir. ❤️
Have a fantastic year end yourself, bestie! Thank you so much for taking the time to send this like homg-- And well, catch me here already looking forward to spending another year with you!!! Just holds your hands now!!! 😔❤️
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@magnifiico ❤️💕
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thegreymoon ¡ 1 year
Black Wedding
I am taking a break from C-dramas. TTEOTM was such a massive disaster for me that I now find myself reacting with visceral revulsion to seeing the actors from that show even in other dramas (most notably Bai Lu, whose tag and any mentions of her have now been indefinitely blocked on my blog). This is decidedly not healthy, so some distance is required until I regain some balance and perspective. A show being objectively bad should not have affected me to this extent, I should have just stopped watching, but I feel like I was already sliding into a bad place mentally when this dropped and was maybe subconsciously counting on LYX in a costume drama to provide me with the dopamine I needed to crawl out of this state. Well, that clearly did not happen, the show brought me no joy, just more disappointment and frustration, so I slid even further, and here we are. It's been weeks since I've been able to watch anything at all.
So, for something completely different, I am turning to dramas closer to home. I'm normally allergic to ex-Yu productions, everything about them bothers me, from the themes and narrative choices to the actors and their acting styles. I tried to think of a single ex-Yu drama I like and the only one I can think of is a comedy (?) from the 1980s. However, Serbia has had some interesting releases in the last few years that look like they might cater to my interests, so now is as good a time as ever to give them a try.
Starting with the Black Wedding. I am going in unspoiled, hoping for the full effect. Let's see if I'll enjoy it or if it will make me even angrier than TTEOTM.
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Wish me luck!
I'm not from Serbia, but sad, miserable places in various states of disrepair like this one here are soooooo familiar to me 😔
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I can leave my house, walk for ten minutes, and find a building that looks exactly like this. It's... unsettling. I remember, years ago, I went to the cinema to watch Hostel. They had a train at the beginning identical to the one I took every week. It immediately soured the whole movie for me (not that the rest of the movie was enjoyable in any way, but still).
Oh, these are those wax church candles?
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Interesting! I like religious horror. Hoping for a demonic possession or two now 🙏🙏
The intro is promising. Very promising.
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The music is excellent, expectations are rising.
Familiar small town is familiar.
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I always thought I was lucky I had the chance to live in other, bigger places, but it was all temporary and in the end, I always had to come back to this. No wonder I'm depressed.
Ah, Belgrade.
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I've always had the worst luck with this city.
Concrete jungle.
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Oh, me too, my dude. Me too 😔
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Oh, abortion debate? On my Serbian drama? It's more likely than you think!!
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This can go either really well, or really badly.
In my humble opinion, all priests can just die.
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Detestable class of sub-humans. I break out in hives whenever one of them opens their mouth to spout their garbage opinions where I can hear them.
LMAOOOOO, and of course they have her use the two-minute break in the debate to snap a picture of her cooch 🤣🤣
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Of course. Of course!! Why did I even expect them to do anything but try to paint the powerful, educated, liberal, pro-choice woman as some kind of sex-crazed deviant who doesn't even wear underwear? OF COURSE!! She can't even restrain herself from indulging in promiscuous behaviour in public, while debating the right of women to murderize ~innocent babies~ 🙄🙄 How dare.
I spoke too soon when I said this show was shaping up to be good.
Ten minutes in, and already we have the first strike.
It was narratively very important for us to see him adjusting his dirty ballsack 🙄🙄
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Ahahahahaha, her name is Natasha 🤣🤣
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I cannot even 🤣🤣
We've had a spate of horrific femicides in the last few weeks here. One especially hideous case that was followed by a mass shooting also included law enforcement and the judicial system protecting the perpetrator when the wife reported the violence, even though he was a known criminal. He left their baby in a pool of her mother's blood when he went off to murder more people. It was so outrageous, it triggered protests across the country that will, of course, change nothing. Men will continue to abuse and murder women with impunity because the state allows them to.
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A flashback to the 1970s? OK, let's see where that goes.
Oh, so they are Romanian?
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And the husband isn't?
Granny sound unhinged.
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So much hate in this family. Goodness, it's palpable!
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Jesus. He just up and shot them both.
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I cannot with men like this. You don't like your wife? You don't like your MIL? PUT YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND JUST LEAVE.
Oh no. Oh no. He is shooting everyone.
How prophetic, in light of all the shit that has gone down in Serbia this year.
He spared the child.
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He murdered everyone else, tho.
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This actor is fantastic, btw. He has been around forever, acting since he was a child. He is a living cultural icon at this point.
He is also mentally unwell.
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From the hints we've gotten from the state of his apartment, something happened to his son? Also, his wife's (?) picture is still in a prominent place, but there is no wife around. I'm expecting some serious shit there.
OMG, it's been years and years since I've heard the Black Rose mentioned 🙄🙄
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It's a murderous Satanic cult (allegedly) but I've never been sure if it's real or if it was just sensationalistic reporting combined with Satanic panic. I never really believed the stories I read in garbage tabloids that usually reported them.
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What do you mean the shooter has no children?
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So, who were those two who were apparently working day and night and never talking to each other that the crazy MIL was moaning about?
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hekateinhell ¡ 2 years
DA here 🥹 Feeling so blessed this morning, so grateful. FOR ME??? I could never thank you enough, it was everything I was hoping for and more. My rebellious babies being absolute teenage disasters together while the only person in the world who can keep them somewhat grounded is away for two weeks. RABID LITTLE RACCOON. THE TONGUE PIERCING. I feel like Armand totally did that at some point in the 70’s after seeing the Sex Pistols live. Also him being in foster care!?! Hitting me with the feels while reading smutty goodness damn 😔 ever since you mentioned his old wallet I was bracing myself for it. But he has his little found family now 🥹 Louis panicking for a total of 15 seconds only to hide in the bathroom and start telling them what to do like he was born to be a gentle dom the most Louis thing ever. AND Lestat and Armand roaming the streets of NYC while completely hammered and lowkey falling for each other!?! Nah, we don’t deserve you. I might legit cry if you decide to write another chapter!!! Louis coming back home and a proper threesome happens?? 👀🤌🏼
I'm so happy you liked it, babe! 🥹 It was so fun and easy to write, thank you for all the inspo you've been giving me lately lmao I feel like I'm harvesting you and the collective for content (I am).
Listen, if there's one reason to write AUs, it's to give them piercings and tattoos. Hospital AU Lestat has an apadravya, I think.
There absolutely will be Chapter 2! Couldn't sleep last night so I plotted it all out in my head - theme is Armand Loses His Virginity (Properly). Not to give too much away but it'll definitely be a threesome situation. Probably won't get to it until the weekend though, we'll see (real life, RIP).
Hospital and Dungeon AUs take a bit more world-building, but this is a super fun YA-style thingie that takes not too much effort, so thank you for giving it to me so I have something. 🥲🥹
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puppys-rhythm-heaven ¡ 3 years
my last pinned post is from august soooooooooooooo here's a new one i guess.
uhhhh hi i'm puppy and uhhh. rhythm heaven is a v big hyperfixation for me and has been since like. january. maybe february idk. i really love it but also that's an understatement tbh. can't express how much i love it in words.
u h my favorite game's dj school and it's totally just cuz i ship the djs sfkjekljfs- rockers and rockers 2 are both my second favorite (they’re both equally good) and fan club 2's my third favorite (pop singer is simply good h). i'm not sure on my overall least favorite but i really hate quiz show, prequel rhythm rally and polyrhythm 2 (i can't pass it, i’ve been stuck on it since march, help) so it's def one of those.
oh also i have an about page here but just to get the basics from it: i'm queer (agender, ace and lesbian are my primary labels, i use they/them pronouns) and i (most likely) have adhd (no diagnosis but i'm sure of it). so. yeah.
oh also also since i didn’t put this on my about page or anything. for the most part the way i refer to games that use the same names is like. pretty consistent (like. i just indicate it with whatever game they're from at the end in parentheses (for prequels i put prequel at the end, sometimes i also refer to games by their megamix names when talking about them in megamix specifically, so i indicate that with megamix at the end). but there are some i give ✨name privileges✨ because i like them or like. people talk about them a lot- it's mostly remixes but there's some others, here's the list:
tengoku remix 2
all three remix 3's
tengoku night walk
tengoku remix 5
tengoku remix 6
tengoku remix 7
kinda tengoku remix 8? (i always call it tengoku remix 8, including in tags)
ds built to scale
ds remix 4
ds remix 7
remix 8 (the real remix 8)
ds remix 9
ds remix 10
fever remix 8 kinda (i call it not remix 8 cuz it's. not remix 8-)
fever remix 9
fever remix 10
and also megamix's remixes are called their names (in tags i call them just. by their name gay-up (don’t ask) but in posts sometimes i just call them by the first part).
u h . this got really long sorry- ,,, ending posts like this is hard but. that's all. u h . yeah.
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clubatsumu ¡ 2 years
we used to share his tiffin when he hurt his knee and missed clubs. he hated missing sports it but i spent mornings with him talking about everything. now we say hi to each other in the hallways and he's seeing past me. i'm too boring for him, i've realised.
loll i just feel like crap lately 😔👍 how about something with sunarin? i remember u had that romcom series (deskmate suna?) with him n i just need.. a pick me up? sorry if i spammed. love ur stuff tho!
this took an awfully long time lol. hope you feel better soon. the situation youre in is nuts lmao i cant even imagine being in your shoes SO this is all i can do to help and i hope this makes u feel a tiny bit better :)
"it's the retrograde." you nod, closing your eyes and leaning your head back the cheap fluff of the infirmary pillows, the thin scratch of its lime green pillowcase.
suna rintaro is sixteen years old, and he's never heard of that word in his life. he blinks up at the ceiling. "the... what?"
“the retrograde. it’s why you’re so”-- you motion at his body with your eyes– “off-kilter.”
“the gatorade?" he questions again.
“retrograde, genius. it’s when mercury looks like it’s going backwards in its orbit, because it's, like, faster than earth, which makes us think the world is going backwards. it messes up everything.”
you are replied to with nothing but a doubtful, “sure.”
it smells like disinfectant and the cheapest detergent in the store. there’s nothing but the soft hum of birds outside the bright infirmary windows, the whir of the rickety ceiling fan, and the pasty almost-summer morning breeze until –
“my parents divorcing can’t be because of mercury.” suna sputters, topic hanging heavy in the air. 
it's almost comical, the way he does it. everything is comical with him, on a scale so small it’s almost microscopic. the way he says the most ridiculous things. the way he knows the most ridiculous things. the way he has the most ridiculous assumptions about girls. 
he’s kind of ridiculous, and not just in the intrinsic way sixteen year olds can be. his brand stretches further, and without real rhyme or reason, you’re sure he’ll be ridiculous twelve years from now. 
“then what else could it be because of?” you ask, wide-eyed. “don’t forget your twisted ankle, your concussion, and the four stitches you need on your hand. the only good thing is it isn’t your right.” you shift so that you’re leaning on your elbow, body twisting until you’re facing his bed while you occupy your own right beside it. “what could possibly explain your life being this much of a disaster?”
he shifts defensively. “jeez, it’s not a disaster…” he trails off though, because it kind of is. bodily injury is one thing now that pro teams are scouting, but his mother cheating on his father is another separate, larger bag of bones for him to unpack. 
“good thing i don’t live at home, eh?”
you hum, knowing he lives with his aunt here. come to think of it, you know a lot of things about him ever since… well… ever since – look, you’re not proud, but the only reason why you know each other is because the two of you have constant aches and pains… or so you say. you know you’re lying everytime you clutch your stomach, stagger inside the familiar sliding doorway, and say to the nurse, “i’m not feeling so well,” and she rushes you to a bed and gives you a painkiller pill you don’t drink. 
your stomach aches at exactly 2 o’clock, geometry period.
the first time the two of you met, it was when you were already lying on the cot, scrolling through your phone, your mouth playing with the menthol candy you bought from the cafeteria at lunchtime, hugging your pillow. minutes later, from outside the curtain separating you from the world, the doors slid open again, and a voice said, “migraine,” before the cot next to yours got occupied with a boy-grunt and sigh. 
the cots are separated by these semi-sheer-kind-of-not curtains, and when he opened the one between you, you saw suna rintaro for the first-ish time. you’ve seen him around, sure, but the two of you had separate everythings. to be honest, he wasn’t the kind of guy you’d be friends with. something about him radiated very strong woman-hater energy, at least to you. maybe it was the dark undereyes or that he hung around the twins. everyone knew that the twins weren’t fun to be around unless you liked your underwear being pulled up your asscrack. 
“sorry,” he said in a voice that was exactly what you imagined it to be. “thought no one was here.” then the curtains closed with a swish between you. 
“did you know my grandmother is a shaman?” you ask him now. you tap your fingers on your stomach in a steady rhythm of the radio jingle.
“do you know how to… do that stuff… you know, like the praying? dancing?”
“yep,” you pop the p. “i’ve been training since i was a little kid.”
“that’s nice.”
if the attendance logbook was in the infirmary, you and suna rintaro would be star fucking students. 
you saw each other all the time, and like a liar recognizes another one, the two of you kept making excuses that were more desperate  than the last. it evolved from a headache to a toothache to i feel like my appendix might burst, nurse, but i swear, i don’t need the doctor, i just need to rest here for a while and i think i have an ulcer.
there is always a war on who gets to have the bed nearest the window. so, in camaraderie maybe, you say: “my grandma would tell you to let things happen. problems are like waves. some are huge, some not so much, but all waves are impermanent. if you ride all your waves, it won’t matter whether you fall of or stay on top of them, you’ll still end up in the water.”
he blinks, you see from the corner of your vision. his body’s dancing subconsciously to the beat, his bicep flexing from the way he’s reaching up the pillow under his head to hug it. “is it because she’s a shaman? she’s so at peace?”
“it’s because she thinks no one is worth her time. she chased her neighbor with a fork, once.”
that earns you another blink. “you’re kidding.”
“i’m not." you snort. "i’m really not." you admit, "my parents are divorced too, that’s why i live with my grandma.”
“how’d that go?” “i get two presents on my birthday. i have step-siblings on both sides, but i think all of them want nothing to do with me, which is fine, to be honest – i don’t like them all that much either. it sucked at first. i was ten. but then… their life is theirs, mine is mine. they can do whatever the fuck they want with it.”
that sounded way angrier than you intended it to be. you’re sure he notices, if his “huh” is anything to go by.
“well…” you admit, “sometimes i’m still angry. but whatever. nothing we can do can stop it.”
“yeah. we can’t stop it.”
his words are measured, like he’s already somewhere else and only a fraction of his attention is on you. you hum, “can’t control it.”
“can’t control it,” he repeats.
“do you ever get scared of how out of control everything is?”
of course he doesn’t, you roll your eyes. the jingle fades, and a commercial about a hardware store comes on. “i thought so.”
“life’s a wave,” he says. oddly, you think you helped.
“life’s a wave,” you repeat.
“ohayo.” he salutes you in the hallway. you’re a class ahead of him, but you’re really not much better in the student rankings. the two of you are in the same tier, sit in the same proverbial table of nonchalant students that don’t really plan on going to a fancy university or being an alumni success story. 
“hey-o.” you offer a fist, which he bumps with his own. 
suna is your kind-of friend. 
a friend you talk to about things that don’t revolve around sentences like is this cute? i swear, tampons are way easier than pads. what about my hymen? do you think a tampon is as big as a dick? 
you love your friends, truly, with all of your heart, and these conversations are fine. but you and suna talk about – 
“what if pewdiepie stops uploading videos?” 
– which really isn’t better than your girlfriends, but…
none of them hate geometry as much as you do. you answer, “you’ll probably shake and throw up and have the sweats. go through withdrawals.” 
“true,” he agrees. you know he’s playing said channel on his phone. you can hear it because the only setting his earphones are ever on is blasting, so you hear his english drawl from a cot away. 
you rub your socks back and forth the sheets like a snow angel without snow, nothing else to do. 
“what are you gonna do in the future?”
he never asks about the future. you’re not sure the word is really in his vocabulary. after that talk about life being a wave, every minor inconvenience he was met with, you’ve heard him mutter wave, wave, life’s a wave – so no one can blame you if you think he plans on being unemployed. 
“i’ll be a cinematographer.” you pause, surprised. “wow. that’s the first time i’ve said that out loud.”
you have no clue how that came out. you haven’t told anyone about it, just made them believe you’re still figuring things out even though you already had, since you were thirteen. 
“oh wow.” is his only reply. you want to retract it suddenly, that piece of yourself you’ve shared only with him. it’s funny how he didn’t even try, and yet – he knows your secret, and he doesn’t even know the gravity of it.
you bite your candy. “you think i can’t do it?” to be honest, you sometimes think you can’t too. there are a lot of people in this world, and what kind of special do you think you are to hold the place you want? fucking suna. 
“nah. i just didn’t think you liked movies.”
“i do. i just don’t talk ‘bout them to anyone because…” you trail off lamely.
he casts a glance your way. “you don’t mean, like, a cinematographer for… porn… right?”
you tilt your head deeply, frowning. 
“just making sure.” he waves a hand in the air, as if to waft away the discomfort. “what kind of movies do you like?”
“dunno. the usual. hitchcock. nolan. scorsese, but i don’t like goodfellas all that much.” you frown more, not knowing what he’s going to say next. he’s probably going to say ah, and change the topic. you shift in your cot, embarrassed to be talking about this – you already have and no one really gets it the way you do, they all just say ah and move on. it’s a waste of time, really.
“i like psycho. i like the birds more though. don’t know why. so, you're gonna be like hitchcock? like, suspense shit?”
oh, your mouth parts.
oh wow. 
to be completely honest, you didn’t expect suna rinataro the transfer student to be the one to tell your deepest darkest secret, and there was an even lesser expectation that he’d understand. something sparks inside you. something akin to appreciation for him, that the stars collided and put his soul into a vessel of bones and blood and skin, delivered him right beside you in the infirmary of inarizaki high.
you blast him a brilliant smile. “no. not at all! i want to make stuff like yasujiro ozu.”
suna tells you tokyo story made him feel so lonely that he couldn’t finish it. you nod enthusiastically, talking his ear off about how there were so many lines that encase the characters in the frames that they seem to never be able to get out, does that make sense? how singularity is the root of interpersonal struggle?
he looks at you funny, with a huff to his nose, a tilt to his lips, no, it doesn’t.
on a wednesday, the door opens again, but it’s not his voice that wafts up the air, into the brrr of the fan, the static of the low radio drama that the nurse is listening to. 
it’s miya atsumu that says, “i think i sprained my wrist.”
you try to quell the disappointment blooming in your chest. 
the next week, the nurse resigns. rumor has it that she’s moving to the states with her american boyfriend. the new nurse who replaces her doesn’t fall for your headache rouse, and neither does she fall for the appendix excuse. the moment you say it, she looks at you gravely, saying without having to say, you try that shit with me and your grandmother’s hearing about it. 
you attend geometry class for the rest of the year.
when you and suna pass each other in the hallway, he looks at you sourly, and you understand. you mimic it all back. no more infirmary for the two of you. 
when you turn seventeen – when everyone who was sixteen turns seventeen, really – the relationship between you and rintaro gets threadbare. like a shirtsleeve seam that’s being rubbed everywhere, time maybe, different interests, different groups, all compound to the friction that creates the heat that separates the two of you. but unlike heat, nothing is remarkable about the way the two of you stop talking. you just… do. 
you and suna are kind of like tokyo story. within rooms, looking in through doors, but never out of them. 
an unremarkable relationship marked by an unremarkable end. 
you meet the old nurse – the good nurse, the nurse who understood that students shouldn’t sit through geometry if they didn’t want to – again when you are twenty-eight, scrambling for the subway in new york, not knowing shit about the stops. you’re carrying a tripod in your arms, a sling bag full of camera equipment secured across your body. 
nothing’s changed about her, except maybe the appearance of a few white hairs near her hairline that weren’t there ten years ago. she tells you, “i remember you,” and suddenly you are a student again, even though you haven’t been for a while. you smile at her politely, thinking it’d be weirder if she didn’t, seeing as you were in her clinic almost daily. 
“you used to have short hair.” she says. 
“ah, yes, that’s right.”
she narrows her eyes, “and you used to come in with that boy. you and he were chatterboxes, weren’t you? yapping all the time with each other. are you keeping in touch with him?”
it’s been a while since you thought about him, but without a slither of a doubt, you know she’s talking about suna rintaro. “oh, i haven’t talked to him for a long time now. how have you been?”
you look around the cart, seeing a burst of color. there is no monotony here, but somehow, the individualism creates a sense of comfort, a sense of safety knowing no one cares if your hair is firetruck red. they're all reading their books, scrolling through their phones, listening and looking far away. only you and the old nurse are in the cart.
“the same. i’m surprised to see you here.”
“for work." you admit. " and only for a year, and then i’ll go back to japan.”
“ah,” she says, looking at the flickering light above. then she starts gathering her things. “it will be my stop soon. it’s good to see you.”
seeing the nurse was a prophecy, your grandmother would say. or at least, a prelude to something. because when you come back to japan, not a week later you see suna again. 
he wasn’t a missing piece – not the way your best friends would have been if you’d lost touch – but still, there’s a deep seated longing in your bones that hits you so forcefully when you see the side of his head again. a kind of time loop that reverts you back to when you last talked, a nostalgia for all the years that passed, for something you’ve forgotten and recently remembered.
you’re in a hospital emergency room. for an ulcer.
the curtain opens, and there he is. a flicker of surprise mars his features for a second before the nurse closes the curtains again. 
you shift in your bed, wondering if that was really him. it can’t have been. 
the curtain opens again, the sound of metal on metal, and all the questions die in your throat.
“hi,” he says to you. 
you manage to give him a smile. “hello.”
“how are you?” you don’t remember him to be this enthusiastic when you left high school. you have a feeling nothing’s changed, and this anomaly is caused by your sudden reappearance into his life. you know the feeling well.
“i’m okay.” other than the ulcer. “you?”
“great.” other than the obvious cast on his foot. 
“what happened to you?” he asks. he's still ridiculous, nothing has changed, you think in awe.
“ulcer,” you reply. “or so they say. you?”
he lifts his left foot. nothing prepares you for what he says next. a wry smile. “mercury retrograde.”
it’s probably karma that landed the two of you here after so long, in an actual emergency room. still, you can’t help but feel that this is a beginning, a proper one. picking up an open-ended sentence and starting a new page. 
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lastoneout ¡ 2 years
So sorry to hear about your dog 😔❤️ I'm afraid I don't know the PLA characters super well yet to give good headcanons myself since I haven't played the game, but if you feel like talking about any of these here are a few ideas! What would surveyshipping or trainsetshipping (whichever you feel like) do on their ideal date? Everyone's picture of "ideal" might be a bit different lol. How do they take care of each other when hurt/sick? I know you've got some ideas of pokemon Cyllene and Laventon would have, but do you have a hc for what a full team might look like for them? What might a modern au meetcute for them look like? Any other hcs you've had floating around and wanted the chance to talk about? Feel free to talk about any or none of these as it strikes your fancy, and take care of yourself
ahhh no worries these are all so good
I feel like for surveyshipping AND trainsetshipping they are at that point in their lives where the "ideal date" is we get to stay home and relax lmaoo
as for the sick thing, Cyllene would probably be her usual stoic self BUT her actions would almost comically contrast it she would be fussing over the others and checking on them and falling asleep in the chair next to their bed in the medical wing, like full "I wont say anything but ily pls don't die", Lav would probably be the "I'm bringing you food and there's nothing you can do about it" who then just hangs out with the sick one to keep them company/distracted, I think Ingo would probably be a mix of the two, tho leaning more towards the hanging out together end of things.
Tho that just makes me laugh thinking of all three of them getting sick at the same time dkjfdkjf poor Akari left checking on these three 30-something disasters who are trying not to die of a cold(and bringing the wonders of "wearing a fucking mask when you're sick" to Jubilife Village lmaoooo)
Full teams...hmmmmmmmm I'm not the best at those, but I like the idea of Cyllene having pokemon that kinda mirror the ones Cyrus has, as for Lav, he'd just have the most random assortment of pokemon cuz given his field of study I can see some of the ones he studies sticking around. Ingo has his own thing going on I aint touching that lol
If we're talking modern au but still in the pokemon universe, I could see it being remarkably similar tbh with Lav moving to Sinnoh to study the pokemon there and running into Cyllene at some point. Maybe they live in the same building and her Abra starts doing that outdoor cat thing of showing up at someone else's house for food, like Lav is just so excited to be able to see an Abra up close cuz they're skittish and so he gives it berries to bribe it into sticking around for a bit but eventually he realizes no this isn't a wild one it belongs to someone oops and that leads to him meeting Cyllene who is unamused at first but slowly falls for him lol
They meet Ingo when he accidentally gets stranded in Sinnoh Home Alone style and/or due to some unfortunate but thankfully temporary amnesia and they have to help him figure out who he is and how to get home. Bcs that would be fucking hilarious.
That's all I have for rn but thank you I appreciate the distraction <3 <3 and these are also going to live in my head rent free lmao
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dirtpie39 ¡ 4 years
[⚠️SPOILERS⚠️] My review of the Given movie!
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~ Let’s start with the elephant in the room, with the movie only being 59 minutes with lots of stuff to cover it was a disaster in that regard. Which I don’t think is the studio behind the movies fault (whoever made it so it could only be 59 minutes is at fault!!🤬). It wasn’t able to “catch me” like movies like this are supposed to, I couldn’t attach myself to any one scene because they went by too quickly. I couldn’t get emotional when a scene your supposed to be came up for the same reason. When the ending scene (seen after all the credits roll by) was over, I didn’t have any lasting emotion swelled up in me like I usually would after a movie. I felt as if I hadn’t watched a movie to begin with.
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- I don't know how this scene fully went in the manga (or any number of scenes after the initial incident) but I feel like what Akihiko did in this scene was handled WAY TOO casually. He got frighteningly close to assaulting Haruki. With what we saw he basically did, just not to the extent it easily could've gone to if Akihiko hadn't “snapped out of it”. Considering after this manga chapter got put out we saw the rise of a few anti-Akihiko people in the fandom I assume this scene took a much darker or worse turn than it had the time to here.
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- This had some semblance of being a good scene but it still fell flat. We got a sort of montage of domestic Akiharu before the screenshot of the scene above took place which is what gave it that semblance of being a good scene. Akihiko’s words were serious and had the potential to be more hard-hitting if the scene had been able to expand. I did like that he communicated to Haruki that his relationship with Ugetsu wasn't anything official at this point, that it hadn't been anything like a solid relationship in a while.
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- I WISH THIS MAFUYAMA SCENE COULD’VE LASTED LONGER!! I know the focus of the movie was Akiharu but this was the second best scene in the movie in my opinion. Mafuyu’s character development from where we last saw how he was in S1 of the series was nice to see here! Granted it was still not a perfect scene and it still felt rushed but it left a solid impression.
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- The concert scene was the best one of the movie. The song Mafuyu sung was gorgeous and will definitely be on repeat for me. It didn’t hit me even close to as hard as fuyunohanashi did (my eyes were 100% dry) but it was still really really good. Some of the cut scenes felt mismatched but overall fit with the songs flow. Akihiko comparing mafuyu’s performance to that of ugetsu’s was really cool!!
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- This scene? This scene here was a complete and utter disappointment. It had such potential to sweep this movie off its (at this point) trembling legs. To make me violently ball into a pillow but with the movies play time being only 59 minutes, it was probably the most rushed akihiko centered scene of the movie. I could only feel a kernal sized amount of sadness for this scene, which is definitely not what it should’ve been. Akihiko finally breaking off his toxic relationship with Ugetsu to eventually end up with Haruki... Just writing it, you can tell it was extremely emotional in the manga. I’d been hoping for better.
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- Not much to say for this last bit, it was only a minute long after credit scene after all. Nice, sweet and to the point. Can’t wait to read all the manga to help actually make all these scenes and more heart felt. Overall, the Given movie wasn’t worth the watch or hype but had it been more than a mere hour long I think it could have been absolutely amazing. A waste of so much POTENTIAL. 😖😔😖
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all i remember from that show is having a crush on a yellow plastic character and now i can’t remember who it was. i just googled hot ninja go character, i’m not proud of myself
*dances really awkwardly to we are never ever getting back together because i’m a lowkey swiftie*
race to the edge is based of how to train a dragon??? and it came out in 2015- why have i never heard of it! t sounds rlly cool though, i remember being obsessed with astrid. i guess hiccups pretty cute too *shrug*
hmm.. okay i’d like to think that i’d be cordelia cause i’m very much a hopeless romantic but let’s be real i only want to be cordelia cause she has a yellow dress in the cover of coi. i guess that makes you james the incredibly oblivious, quarter demon shadowhunter- good luck
i found them!! their names are amit and aditya and they have a yt channel now :’)
(don’t look at their wedding pictures you will cry cause they’re so beautiful)
i’m absolutely losing it at that description. i hope kinder joy kid is doing okay 😌
i survived the gathering and left with minor casualties lol. respectfully, i hope i never see those bastards again
ilysm here’s a giant hug just for being lovely
mwah! mwah! mwah! mwah! (i will not be outdone /j)
- indi <3
a yellow plastic character BITCH YOU MEAN ALL OF THEM?? i think i had a crush on all of the main ones at different points, though nya i still love ;-;
*dances aggressively bc im highkey a swiftie and i need to assert dominance*
it is! it did! i love it so much, hiccup is the kind of cute that makes me want to slap him. good on astrid for getting her boy in control but i would break him. maybe im not a good judge bc i had (have) a crush on fishlegs 😔 whats it with me and fictional characters?
i wouldnt be james bc i would ditch that bracelet as soon as grace gave it to me bc ✨commitment issues✨ ig we're both cordelia then - messed up disasters made to pine and in love with morons (although having gold eyes would be pretty lit) (aha get it?)
i am searching.... i am crying..... im gonna binge their videos at some point im already in love ;-;
(😭✋🏽 i shouldve listened 😭😭)
one day we will lock eyes and he will have a child on his shoulders and i will choke on a lollipop in shock and we will Know. indian movie winds will blow and i'll run away in fear
omh i get that so much, i'll be punching the universe in your honor
*hugs back and cries bc i havent been hugged in forever* youre lovely too!!!
mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah!! (bring it on, im the most stubborn bastard youll ever meet)
ily <3
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