#heroic high schoolers
bunniewaves · 10 months
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Omg look It's Zelda & Gorgug <3
Looking back on these I think I should draw Zelda again soon. Maybe The Seven designs next?
I saw a tik tok recently that was like start a group spotify session and walk around together while with headphones and stim with your bestie or significant other and I truly imagine them doing that when they're not adventuring
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hellishfig · 4 months
my favorite parts of fantasy high: sophomore year and the seven are at the very end of both seasons
in sophomore year it's the forest of the nightmare king, in the seven it's the necronomikron, but it's when every player has a one-on-one with brennan, who reads them to FILTH
in sophomore year it's about fear. brennan asks each player, "what is your character afraid of?" and they all reply. for some of them he takes what they say and doesn't change much, and it's still devastating. for others he hears what they DON'T say, and it's even MORE devastating bc it hits on something they didn't even realize they were playing out.
in the seven it's supposedly about time, but it's actually also about fear! and he doesn't even ask them this time around, he just takes what he's seen of them and presents what they are afraid of, in the past and future. fear of making the wrong choice, of failure, of having lost something you can never regain. but he also confronts them with what they have already chosen, saying, "this is the path you are walking. this is what you wanted. is it still what you want?"
and yes, this is all incredibly beautiful and heartbreaking
but the actual best part of all of this is the other players seeing their friends going through brennan's psychological torture and, when it's their turn, saying, "actually, i'm good! can we skip my turn? i'm ok with not doing this. let's move on!"
i know they're joking (somewhat), but it's so fucking funny, and i appreciate the jokes when everything else is so sad
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my only hope is to go down in d20 history as the #1 fan of The Seven
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iamaqueer · 1 year
I’m wearing a tie dye shirt and jean shorts and all I can think about is how I’ve got a halfway decent Kristen Applebees cosplay on
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cramdaniel · 1 year
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bruqh · 1 year
god they wanna be the seven so bad
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suzukiblu · 8 months
Day eleven of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
So Tim may’ve accidentally taken Superboy on a very public coffee date in Metropolis that hopefully no one sold paparazzi photos of and then slightly less accidentally asked him out on a shopping date in Gotham by doubling down on the “fashion show” joke, which he intends to spend gently wearing Kon down into having vast amounts of money spent on him by a grateful “stranger”. Kon didn't ever actually ask him how a Gothamite high schooler tracked down a Metropolis superhero to begin with, which is another thing to make sure to mention in the superhero stranger danger refresher course but is currently doing Tim a lot of favors. 
The situation isn't anything serious, anyway; just a little bit of friendly flirting. Kon's always flirting with someone new, after all, and Tim's fine with the idea of being an experiment for a date or two while he wheedles his way into rearranging Kon's entire life and reducing Cadmus to a smoldering pit and stocking up on anti-Superman weaponry. Actually he's probably a little too fine with that idea, but never mind that. 
Tim’s plotting how to most effectively convince Kon to let him buy him things without overwhelming him and scaring him off, which is a bit complicated since Kon’s socialization has been pretty weird, but that just makes it a better thought exercise anyway. Like a handicap in chess, kind of. 
As are the constant interruptions, because he’s currently doing said plotting in the Justice Cave, which means everyone’s been running in and out all afternoon and pestering him to come do increasingly ludicrous things with the rest of them. Most recently, Bart and Suzie had sixteen different Kool-Aid packets and a small armory’s worth of super-soakers and water guns. Tim had decided to take the better part of valor and not ask. 
Kon comes in after a few minutes dripping a rainbow and smelling like pink lemonade, so Tim is pretty sure he chose correctly on that one. 
“So Kool-Aid comes in way more flavors than I actually realized,” Kon says conversationally, plucking at his soaked-through S-shield. Tim just raises an eyebrow at him, even if the mask mutes the expression a little. He heroically does not notice how said S-shield is currently clinging to Kon’s very nice pecs like wet cellophane. Or anywhere else his costume is clinging, while he’s at it. 
That costume is very, very thoroughly soaked. Bart and Suzie must’ve caught him by surprise, otherwise he’d have probably kept himself from getting quite that soaked with his TTK. At least, Tim assumes he could’ve done that, considering. 
“I realize Impulse is incredibly determined when he gets an idea in his head, but how did you get that wet?” Tim says. “I thought they just had regular water guns.” 
“Bart turned up a pack of balloons somewhere,” Kon explains dryly–no pun intended. 
Well, that explains it, Tim supposes. 
“So is the whole base flooded, or . . . ?” he trails off. Kon snorts, raking his wet curls back off his forehead. Tim wants to lick the splattered black cherry Kool-Aid off the perfect arch of his cheekbone and stick his hands in his jacket pockets. He also wants to preserve his personal dignity and professionalism and appropriate level of distance as the leader, though.
“I’d start collecting two of every Super-Cycle if I were you,” Kon advises. Tim doesn’t laugh, because that wouldn’t be very professional of him, but he lets the corner of his mouth quirk up a little.
“How many Super-Cycles do you think there are?” he says. 
“Two, if it’s up to Bart and the great Kool-Aid flood,” Kon says, then glances back over his shoulder for a moment like he’s checking for something. Tim assumes he’s keeping an eye out for Bart and Suzie, though he should really know Bart’s going to outpace him no matter what, so it's not like he's going to be able to dodge him or–“Hey. Can I ask you a favor, man?” 
“A favor?” Tim blinks, a little nonplussed. “What kind of favor?” 
“A Bat kind of favor,” Kon says, stepping a little farther into the room. “Uh. If it’s not too weird.” 
“What do you need?” Tim asks, his attention sharpening. A Bat kind of favor implies Kon needs help with a supervillain or at least a criminal, though if he does need backup he’s not sure why he’s asking just him and not the whole team, that seems–
“I need you to look somebody up for me and make sure he’s not, I don’t know, a creep or a supervillain or a supervillain creep,” Kon says, folding his arms and looking a little awkward about it. “Like I don’t care if he’s maybe related to some supervillain creeps or something, that’s whatever, I just care if he’s one. And he’s from Gotham, he said, so I figured it wouldn’t be too much out of your way anyway.” 
Tim blinks. Tilts his head. Is Kon . . .
“His name’s Tim Drake,” Kon says. “Or that’s what he told me his name was, anyway. Again, he might be a supervillain or something, so who knows.” 
Tim . . . blinks. 
“I can do that,” he says, and–because he can’t help himself and also could use the intel anyway–“Why do you think he might be a supervillain?” 
Kon's face turns pink. Just barely, but still noticeably. 
“I just do,” he says, tightening his arms. “Just, uh–I don’t know.” 
Tim may’ve possibly made too many supervillain jokes at the café, he’s realizing. Or maybe he’d just looked too desperately thirsty when Kon had joked about him recruiting him for his evil plans. His plans aren’t even evil, okay, they’re just rational. And his actual recruitment strategy doesn’t have anything to do with anybody wearing a crop top, either! The crop tops were Kon’s idea! 
Still, Kon’s asking him to look up Tim Drake for him, and at least he actually is bothering to look up Tim Drake, so that could be worse. One less point to go over in the superhero stranger danger refresher course. Tim isn’t sure why Kon's only concerned now, but at least he's being careful. 
“Okay,” Tim says, figuring it's not a big deal either way. If Kon's asking him to check himself out, then all he has to do is provide him with just enough information to make him feel comfortable accepting money from him without worrying about who he might be accepting money from. And rent. And clothes and groceries and bills and–
Well, literally everything, ideally. Just, like–literally every single thing he can get Kon to accept, Tim's intending to give him. An apartment or a condo or a freaking house, if that's what Kon wants. Maybe a cul-de-sac, even. Tim's not above buying him a cul-de-sac. It'd take a little extra bank fraud, probably, but that's just more supervillain practice anyway. 
Kon deserves a stupid cul-de-sac, at this point. Kon deserves a whole neighborhood at this point. 
Tim could arrange that, probably. Especially once he's officially a supervillain, but also just like in general. Again, it'd just take a little bit of bank fraud at the most. 
“Thanks,” Kon says, shifting his weight a little anxiously, for some reason. 
“It's no problem,” Tim replies with a shrug. “I mean, it's probably just paranoia, given our propensity to run into supervillains. I wouldn't worry about it “ 
“Whatever,” Kon says with a shrug, looking–bothered, a little. Tim represses a frown, watching him consideringly. 
“You don't think you're being paranoid,” he translates. “Why?” 
“Uh, because . . . people don’t try to just hang out with me, usually,” Kon replies with an uncomfortable shrug, jamming his hands deep into his jacket pockets. “Not like this guy is, I mean. Usually they . . . want something, you know? Like to meet Superman or get in the tabloids or, uh, steal my DNA and make an asshole with a superiority complex out of it. But I don’t know what this guy wants at all. He just paid for my lunch and asked to hang out again. And like, all I did was save his ass from some dumbass robber, so it wasn't like it was a big deal or anything.” 
“Oh,” Tim says. That’s . . . an incredibly depressing answer, okay. Like . . . incredibly depressing. Wow. “Okay. I'll look into him and get back to you.”
“Thanks,” Kon says again, looking restless, then puts on a slightly forced grin. “It's no big, just keeping an eye out for stupid spy shit or weird undercover types, you know how it is.” 
“Yeah,” Tim agrees, watching him for a long moment. The answer is still incredibly depressing. Nothing that Kon has said has made it any less depressing. Actually, it's just kind of making it worse. 
A lot worse. 
“Thanks,” Kon says again, odd and abrupt, and then suddenly zips out of the room. He left Kool-Aid stains on the floor and they're going to get sticky, but Tim is a little bit too distracted to be annoyed by that fact.
Kon's never asked him to look somebody up for him before. They haven't been teammates that long, so that's not a surprise, but it does make Tim wonder who he asks normally. Actually, does he ask anyone normally, or did Tim just fuck up somewhere here and make Kon suspicious enough to ask a favor from a Bat? 
Fuck, he hopes not. That'll make it way harder to convince Kon to let him buy him a cul-de-sac. 
Tim goes back to his previous Kon-related plotting and also takes half an hour to type up a “report” on himself for him. Just the basics, nothing too damning or too invasive or too interesting. Definitely nothing to connect him to Bruce, for obvious reasons. Better safe than sorry and all, since he's decided to take the risk of involving his civilian identity with Kon. 
Honestly, he probably should've used this as a template for Caroline Hill. Put her in a situation and given Kon the opportunity to save her. He probably would've responded better to an older girl than a guy his own age anyway, considering. 
Tim's still surprised Kon responded to Tim Drake at all, considering. But maybe he really does just flirt with every civilian, no matter who he's really attracted to or not. That seems like something Kon would do. 
Really, for all Tim knows, Kon only flirted with Tim Drake to begin with because he didn't know how else to talk to him. 
Actually, considering how few civilian guys he's seen him talk to, that's probably actually true, isn't it.
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beronicalongcon · 10 months
In honor of the most gorgeous beast of a show to ever air being put in the ground tonight, here are my top 10 Riverdale moments. It was pretty impossible to make this list because I had to leave out so many beautiful things like that time Archie got forged, that time Cheryl was Queen of the Bees, and that time he was looking for the girl next door, but instead he found me.
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Sweaty, unhinged Loser-Jughead hallucinates his literary agent appearing to him as a Dark God of sewer rats. In a bid to save his life, he offers to be the Rat King's personal storyteller, like a Riverdalien Scheherazade. Betty appears to him and guides him out of the underworld and it's revealed that he was in the hospital for RABIES, which is made one billion percent funnier by the fact that rabies is 99% fatal. This made me so happy I was literally riding the high for weeks.
9. Archie boxes Hiram in the secret speakeast while Veronica sings "Daddy Lessons" by Beyonce.
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This is just one of those great Riverdale musical moments - cutting between the blood spatter and bulging muscles of Archie and Hiram's furious machismo coming to fruition and Veronica dressed in gold singing about her terrible and vital love for her insane mob boss Daddykins.
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This whole plotline is great because 1. the auteur making big, clunky comic book caricatures of the main cast and having them relive their traumas through the mode of film with all the edges sanded off is metatastic, 2. Jellybean is the coolest middle schooler ever, and 3. Psycho Killer playing at Prom Night while they all dance around Mr. Honey's corpse is just objectively great television.
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"Haha football war" shut up this is one of the most artistically cohesive and interesting sequences in the entire series. It lays bare the twisted knot of dream logic and aestheticism that governs Riverdale's universe. "Why do all the visual cues point to Archie fighting in WWI if Riverdale is set in 2021?" Because WWI was the period where America most successfully fetishized the IMAGE and AESTHETIC of young men going to war as a MASCULINE IDEAL. "Why are they fighting on a football field?" Because football is another heavily fetishized mode of expressing American masculinity and violence as heroic. "Why is Jughead there?" Because Archie loves Jughead.
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I may not like season 7 but my URL is 'beronicalongcon', and the way this episode reminds us how Betty and Veronica are historically positioned as diametrically opposed forces vying over Archie's love before bringing them together and letting them truly see each other is really nice. Also they kiss in space to symbolize that the world of the narrative by definition cannot allow women to connect independent of men, the only way they can truly be together is by inventing a new universe that is able to hold them.
This got long so I am making another one.
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Could I request the students of Jujutsu Tech meeting Gojo's lovely s/o?
She's a gentle and sweet woman wielding the deadly ability to manipulate threads.
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Another loud crash echo through the building as dust kicked up, then settled, around the coughing, injured high schoolers.
“Damnit! We can’t get close to him!”
“It’s not a question of close you idiot.” Nobara barked at Yuji, holding her shoulder; which she had landed on badly. “It’s that that thing has eyes in the back of its head and a reach for miles. We can’t do an ambush if we can’t sneak up on it.”
The special grade curse gleefully whistled. As if to agree with its prey. The hundreds of eyes littering its head, shoulders, and torso, scaling down its back, all quivered with enthusiasm at the idea of them trying to sneak up on it. Even with three of them, all with difficult tactical abilities, there was no way it seemed to break past it’s literally thousand-yard stare and wavey tentacle talons of arms.
“You guys make a break for it.” Yuji and Nobara both let out surprised grunts as Megumi stood. “Try to head for the front exit and meet Ijichi-san. Maybe he can get you back to campus and find someone else in enough time to still hold the curtain.”
“We’re not going to leave you here!” Yuji snapped. Furious at the idea.
Megumi sighed. Already made his decision that this was the best idea for everyone. His hands were already making the sign for Rabbit Escape, to give Nobara & Yuji coverage to get out, when the curse’s long arm reached out like a deadly accordion right at his head.
The pair called out and caught Megumi’s attention. Causing him to look up just in time to see the hulking claw poised around his head to crush it. Just hanging there. Twitching. Like it was trying to close but couldn’t.
“My, my, my….” The sound of footsteps, and unmistakable voice of [Y/N] echoed through the room as she suddenly came out from the shadows. “I never pegged you for the heroics type, Megumi-kun. If I was a few years younger, I might develop a crush on you.” If the situation wasn’t so direr, Megumi would have blushed at his mentor’s wife complimenting him like that.
“Sorry to keep you kids waiting. Traffic was a bear. Although, I’m sure not as much of one as this guy.” The ‘guy’ in question growled and flailed miserably. Unable to move as it was suspended, apparently not of its own free will, in the air. “Those fools. Sending children to do a grow-ups job. It’s disgraceful.” Her hand reached out to delicately grasp and now visible tread in the room. Literal hundreds of red threads suddenly coming into view. Wrapped tight around the curse and pinned to any surface imaginable to keep it pinned. “Much like you. You’ve had your fun, but now it’s time to go. If you choose to go peacefully, I would have made this easier.” The strings pulled tighter in her grasp. Cutting deeper into the curse in a strangle hold. It’s once gleeful cries now one of painful screams. “But you’ve hurt my husband’s precious students. I can’t let that go unpunished. I’m usually a gentle woman. But since you’ve chosen violence.”
The strings tighten and tighten and tighten. Pockets of flesh bulging at their pinching crosshairs before their burst. The screams becoming a gurgling sound as they tighten around its throat. Until, eventually, the strings all pull together too tight, and the curse was cleaved. A flurry of parts exploded over the room before they eventually burst into cleansing, exorcism fire.
The students of Tokyo Tech stunned.
[Y/N] turned on their heels and faced their shocked faces with a smile that they all recognized. “Who wants ice cream?”
Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi all follow after her still in shock. “Did you know that [Y/N]-chan was that strong?” Yuji whispered to Megumi.
To which Megumi shrugged and said, “I don’t know. Gojo-sensei always said they were. That’s why he married them. But Gojo-sensei says a lot of things.”
They all met Ijichi outside, and [Y/N] instructs him to take them to the nearest ice cream shop. He seemed hesitant, at first. Starting off with a comment of ‘they needed to get back to school’ but quickly clammed up about it.
[Y/N] bought them all ice cream and they sat in a booth until Gojo-sensei showed up. Asking where his sundae was. “Of course, I knew how strong [Y/N] was.” He confirmed when regaled about the story and asked if he knew. “She’s my wife after all.”
The group finishes their ice cream and Ijichi was instructed to take them back to campus. Gojo telling him that they would take the scenic route. “Thanks for saving them.” He said as they watched the taillights fade off into the distance.
[Y/N] continued to smile, but dropped her arm from waving. “Of course. I couldn’t let anything happen to them. They’re your precious students. And I’m pretty fond of them as well.”
“It’s pretty sexy how you went all ‘momma bear’ over them.”
Gojo smirked as [Y/N] elbowed him in the ribs. “Don’t be gross. I may have my conflicts with the school that prevent me from teaching, but I still take my job as a sorcerer and de facto den mother seriously.”
He took a step a head of her with his long legs, then turned and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “That is why I married you.” [Y/N] blushed and returned with a shy smirk. “Let’s go home. I’m sure the kids are worried sick about us already.”
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1moreff-creator · 11 months
DRDT Characters’ Quirks and Roles (BNHA AU)
I made a typo one time calling Hope’s Peak “UA”, so now I have to course correct. In other words, here’s the quirks (essentially superpowers for the uninformed) I think the DRDT cast would have if they were in BNHA, and what roles they would play in the story! Well, this was originally just going to be quirks, but I got carried away and now I have a whole AU. How did this happen.
Get ready for somewhat clear favoritism, especially 1-B supremacy.
Btw, I know DRDT characters are older than high schoolers, but I’m still making them first years so they can fit better in the narrative. And pretend hero course classes have a different number of students allowed. Oh, and I will use first names for DRDT characters and last names for BNHA characters, don’t @ me.
(This is way longer than it should be)
Xander: Rebel Heart
(He can’t stand to do nothing)
Whenever he perceives something he deems an injustice, his eye(s) begins glowing and his strength grows exponentially! Over time, he’s learnt to activate it on command by simply remembering injustices he’s seen. (Credit to @accirax for the idea! Tagging them 'cause they said they wanted to read this if I ever made it)
However, if he loses his temper too much, his body will begin using hysteric strength, which can damage his muscles and bones. Not to the extent of Midoriya, but still pretty bad.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-A. He did not like the stunt Aizawa pulled in the quirk apprehension test. Keep away from Bakugo at all costs. He constantly clashes with people like Iida and Yaoyorozu on ideals, and loves to argue. His enthusiasm does draw in people like Kirishima, Ashido, etc. He's essentially an honorary member of the Bakusquad, but Bakugo and him avoid each other a bit too much for Xander to truly be a member.
He originally joined UA just to ‘fight the bad guys’ and save people, but quickly gets convinced the Hero System is in desperate need for reform, and wants to revolutionize it from within. Over the course of the year(s), he adds people to his cause to completely overhaul the system.
Hero name: Revolution
(Thus starts the trend of me being bad at names)
Charles: Atomic Rearrangement
(Weakness is to be conquered, not ignored)
By touching an object, he can remove electrons, protons and neutrons from its atoms to change its chemical makeup, as well as rearrange the object’s molecular structure! He can later use the removed particles to create small electric shocks, or add them to another object and change its chemical makeup.
(I don’t think that’s how this would work, but pretend with me)
Common tricks include creating carbon-only weapons from the oxygen in the air, though he prefers creating carbon alloys with oxygen and stuff from his hero costume; reducing oxygen to hydrogen and blowing it up with a shock, a la Bakugo (he has to be careful, since he doesn’t have as much blast resistance as the other); vaporizing walls, weapons and armor by reducing their components to noble gasses; among others.
However, his quirk takes a toll on his mind, simply due to the effort of keeping track of the sheer number of particles he manipulates. He can generally fight without much focus, but he gets sloppy after too much use and can even lose the ability to speak for a while. He has lapses in memory when he really overdoes it. It’s a bit like Kaminari, but toned way down, and also, he resents the comparison.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-A. He began with an elitist attitude, only considering a few of his classmates to have have truly heroic quirks. He’s quickly humbled as his hemophobia becomes a problem since the very first time Midoriya uses his quirk. He has to work hard to be able to fight when blood’s involved, but he learns quickly. He gets better over time, in part thanks to his hero costume’s goggles blocking out the red color of blood to help him, but he still prefers his fights as bloodless as possible.
He ends up becoming quite well-liked after that bad first impression. Kaminari and Ashido constantly bother and prank him, but he's still first choice when they struggle with Chemistry. Todoroki and him enjoy just sorta existing near each other. Yaoyorozu and him regularly talk about chemicals no one but them even knows how to pronounce.
1-B and 1-A have a much closer relation in this AU (you'll see why), but the amount of time Charles spends with 1-B is still surprising. Until you realize Whit is in 1-B, and then it makes more sense.
Hero Name: Elemental
(I swear these get better)
Ace: Cavalry
(An unsure jockey will always move forward, but it will be the horse who chooses the path)
(Disclaimer: I know nothing about jockeying)
If he puts his legs over any object, in the same way one would put their legs over a horse, the object will begin flying forwards or backwards (he chooses) at great speeds, like a horse! Or, perhaps more accurately, a witch’s broom. Ace prefers horses for the explanation because as scary as they are, they’re less scary than witches.
His main trick involves jumping and bending his knees, which will trick his quirk into activating on his pants. As soon as he does, his speed will instantly increase to that of a good horse’s top speed, but given enough space to accelerate, he can even rival Hawks. This allows him to quickly and erratically reposition himself in battle, and kicking while flying at these speeds is his most usual form of attack. This leads to an extremely unorthodox, yet weirdly effective fighting style, where Ace constantly swings back and forth in the battlefield, kicking like a wild horse.
(I am not good at coming up with quirks)
UA Hero Course student, class 1-B. But you think he wants to be a hero? Fuck no! That’s scary! But it’s what everyone told him he’d be good at, and he doesn’t want to disappoint them. He hates fighting and especially practicing, which is what makes his actual ability so strange.
He’s really good at both fighting and rescue, despite never wanting to practice for either. He even managed to grab everyone’s headbands during the cavalry battle of the first year Sports Fest, and kept them until the end! That one was awkward. The organizers had to make a tie-breaker game on the fly; 5 people from class A made it through, alongside Shinso, and the rest of the final 16 was all class 1-B, since Ace’s group was just people from his class.
The Common Sense Kings constantly bother him, he's fun to prank. Regularly receives Kendo neck chops. Monoma doesn't like Ace's quirk all that much, and Ace takes that as a point of pride. He will get punched by Kamakiri one day.
Deathly terrified by Pony Tsunotori.
Hero Name: Blowout
(I swear that's a real jockeying term)
Arei: Bowling Queen
(Because that’s what heroes do)
When she touches any object below a certain weight limit with her left hand, she can change its shape to match the size and shape of a bowling ball. She can additionally throw this ball with extreme strength and precision. Doesn’t work on things in direct contact with a person (read: clothes). She carries small marbles on her hero costume to expand into a bowling ball size and destroy her enemies. No real drawback, her arm just gets tired from throwing too much shit.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-B. She goes through a similar arc as she does in the killing game, but with Kendo comforting her instead of David when she breaks down at Eden’s niceness. She does actually get the chance to make it up to her, and she promises to buy support gear from her and only her for as long as she’s a hero. It’s the best support gear out there anyways (according to Arei, at least), so if anyone has any problems with it, they can eat a bowling ball.
Apart from that, she gets along with class B once she becomes nicer. Tokage and her in particular are a menace together. They also occassionally go bowling as a class, and she destroys everyone.
Hero Name: Strikeout
(I hope I’m not fucking up the bowling terminology and this isn’t bad. It just sounds better than ‘striker’ or something)
Rose: Photographic Memory
(An eye for details)
She can perfectly remember everything she’s ever seen, down to the most minute detail, and notice even extremely minor shifts in how things look!
UA Support Course student, class 1-H. She is the early warning system for Hatsume’s explosions (when she’s paying attention, anyways), since she can spot any malfunctions pretty much instantly. Her quirk incidentally allows her to perfectly visualize the things she wants to make, and her artistic abilities let her make incredible sketches. Only issue is she’s a bit of a perfectionist, and absentminded as always, but she’s one of the best students in the Support Course first year.
Eden's her friend, and usually drags her along to talk to the Hero Course. Rose likes hanging out with them, but is usually exhausted after spending too much time there. Rose, Todoroki and Kodai understand each other on a fundamental level, no need to speak.
Support Codename: Photographic Forger
(Get it? Forging like metal and copying art? What? What do you mean support codenames aren’t a thing?)
Hu: Metamorphosis
(Yearning for change; let the future always be brighter than the past)
At will, she can transform parts of her body into those of a giant butterfly. However, she becomes extremely tired if she uses the quirk too much.
+She can manifest large butterfly wings made of pure energy (they go through clothes because I said so). By default, they're neon green, but she can change their color at will, which can be useful for visual communication, among other applications. She can fly with these wings, and with training, she can choose to either fly straight and effectively, or fly with the erratic turbulence butterflies usually do, to make her movements harder to predict.
+She can manifest an extra set of arms under her standard two. These are also made of energy and can go through clothes (can you tell I have a grudge on certain women's quirks), but they always have a neon green outline and are see-through. Obviously useful.
+She can manifest compound eyes over her regular ones, though it's advised she closes her human baseline eyes before doing so. This grants her a 360ª field of vision, and the ability to see UV light.
+She can manifest antennae, granting her extra sensory abilities, mainly in smell and the ability to feel nearby disturbances in the air.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-A. She gets on extremely well with Yaoyorozu, Shoji, Tokoyami, and basically anyone else in that class who doesn’t shout all the time (so like three people), but she’s nice to everyone for the most part. Zither playing is a hobby, but she's obviously extremely good at it, and thus she was part of the Culture Festival band.
Hero Name: Lepidoptera
(I know that’s boring, but it sounds cool)
Eden: Clockwork
(Take your time; you will hear the clock chime again)
She can alter the flow of time on any inanimate object she touches, but only one object can be affected at a time! This effectively means she can slow down or speed up anything. However, whatever effect she applies, the opposite applies to her: she slows down when she speeds something up, and speeds up when she slows something down. She can’t fully reverse time. The gears in her eyes turn when she uses her quirk.
She typically uses Clockwork to test out support gear, slowing them down to observe how they work and what issues they may have, or speeding them up to see how they react to prolonged use.
UA Support Course student, class 1-H. Hatsume worries her sometimes, but they have a ‘blast’ (or several) designing support items together! Their energy cannot be contained when they’re in the mood. Eden establishes a great relationship with Arei after a tumultuous start, but she also gets along well with several Hero Course first years and of course Rose and Levi.
Support Codename: Hourglass
Nico: Mammalian Encyclopedia
(In the end, we are naught but animals)
They can change parts of their body (but never their entire body) to match any mammal they’re aware of! Well, except other primates for some reason. However, their mental faculties and instincts change to more closely match those of the species they transform into, so it’s generally recommended they stick to highly intelligent and non-aggressive species. Their favorites are felines of any kind, however. Also, they get permanent cat ears and whiskers, even if they completely change their head to match another animal.
Their main weapon is using bear paws and jaguar teeth; you sort of don’t need much more than that usually, and those two are intelligent enough to where Nico can suppress predatory instincts from the jaguar. However, their repertoire is immense; horses for kicks, lynx for vision, bats for echolocation and flight, cheetahs for speed (though they have to be particularly careful not to destroy their energy reserves), the list goes on.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-A. They instantly got along with Koda for obvious reasons, and quite quickly got adopted into the 'quiet kid' club. Great friends with Hu, of course. In fact, she helped them figure out how to fly as a bat, since they always struggled with that. Bats aren't very smart.
They hate water, a lot, but they’re actually one of the best in sea rescues alongside Asui. The orca may just be their best transformation, even though since they can’t do full body and always end up looking more like a mermaid. Still, echolocation, strength, speed and practically unimpaired mind make them the only real threat to Asui in water exercises. They also have hippos for lower water level floods, but they’re… dumber. And way too aggressive to be viable for long.
Actually, aggressiveness is a real use. They never go too far with classmates, but they have gotten quite close to killing quite a few villains. The rumors they even tried to kill 1-B student Ace at one point don’t help them.
Sometimes gets the urge to eat Nedzu. Nedzu is slightly scared.
Hero Name: Fauna
Whit: Cupid’s Arrow
(A match made in heaven)
By kissing the air, he can choose to shoot an arrow made of energy, its tip shaped like a heart and leaving a heart shaped trail. When two arrows impact two different targets (be it objects or people), they will be attracted to one another as if pulled by a magnetic force. The effect will wear off when the targets touch, and they will be immune to Cupid’s Arrow for a few seconds after. Overuse of this quirk can lead to acute heartaches and arrhythmia, and may have permanently damaged Whit’s cardiovascular system there is nothing Whit’s classmates have to worry about, he’s perfectly fine :)
UA Hero Course student, class 1-B. One of the driving forces for the two classes being closer than in canon BNHA. They still love to bother Charles the most, but when he’s not around, Monoma, Kuroiro, Shiozaki, Ace, among others, are great targets for puns and teasing. Whit is dubbed a Common Sense King alongside Awase, Tsuburaba, Kaibara and Rin.
Whit may or may not have a cousin with a quirk which magnetizes people based on gender. This cousin may or may not have disappeared a few years before Whit got to UA. Magne from the League of Villains may or may not have had a cousin with a quirk related to shooting heart-tipped arrows by blowing kisses. The Summer Camp attack may or may not have gotten awkward when Magne and Whit met.
Hero Name: Cupid
J: Lights Show
(The brightest lights cast the darkest shadows)
She can perfectly control photons in a radius around her! Sounds simple, but she’s essentially a walking flash-bang, smoke screen, flare system, etc. However, she mostly fights by concentrating light at her fingertips and launching lasers intense enough to create small explosions where they strike; and perhaps even more impressively, by manipulating photons to act as particles for long enough to work as solid matter. Weapons of pure light are one thing, but her mobility and defense thanks to light platforms and shields is impressive.
UA Hero Course Recommendation student, class 1-A (they get three recommendation students per class because I said so). She was recommended by her mom, pro hero Mariabella Rosales, but she hides this from her classmates as long as possible. Yaoyorozu and Todoroki knew, but didn’t say anything until the Sports Festival, where her true name was called out in front of everyone, and all eyes where on her.
Despite her quirk and lineage, she actually wants to go underground. She likes Aizawa pretty much instantly, even after the quirk apprehension fiasco. The same way canon J doesn’t like egocentric actors, BNHA AU J hates flashy heroes. She even has a grudge against All Might, though it slowly goes away as she spends more time around him. Her and Todoroki get along from shared Endeavor hate, though.
She is one of the people most on board with Xander’s idea of revolution of the system, since she’s seen the flaws firsthand. Lots of political drama ends up having her orbiting around, but always just out of the public eye.
Hero Name: J
(She doesn’t see a point of making it more complicated than that, since she’ll be underground and all that)
Veronika: Living Nightmare
(But is it selfish to have fun?)
She can cause people in a certain, mid-range radius around her to hallucinate vividly. Auditory hallucinations are the least energy consuming for her to do, but visual and olfactory aren’t exactly difficult either. Her eyes swirl wildly as she uses her quirk (think trial 1 Komaeda reveal), and her vision even becomes blurry if she puts in a lot of effort at once.
If she doesn’t concentrate, the hallucinations default to horrifying effects such as harsh whispers, large shadows, monsters, bright eyes, darkness, blood, death, etc. If she actually tries, she can fine tune them to be extremely effective. Sounds of opponent teammates shouting for help, “cloning” herself to confuse her opponent, temporarily blinding them with quick flashes of nothing but black, not to mention what she can do if she learns any trauma her opponent may have.
When her quirk awakens, she can even induce tactile hallucinations, though they take much, much more effort than the others. However, it’s worth it; she can make her opponents hallucinate being burned alive, frozen to death, electrocuted, stabbed, all of which they could actually feel. Fighting Veronika becomes nearly impossible without inhuman pain tolerance or a quirk to help resist her tactile hallucinations.
Overuse causes migraines first, but quickly causes her eyes to bleed and for her to cough up blood. Veronika has ridiculously high pain tolerance in this universe, though, so she can fight effectively even while in excruciating pain. But her quirk has… another drawback.
You see, her quirk causes her to hallucinate as well, if she doesn’t use it for a while. This gets especially bad when she’s bored. She despises boredom so much, her body instinctively gives itself horrible hallucinations just to entertain itself. But, these hallucinations can be so vivid, Veronika can act irrationally when afflicted by them.
Had she gotten help early in her life, she really could have lived normally. Her hallucinations would have been manageable, and she may have been just another horror-obsessed girl.
The problem is, she didn’t get the help she needed. Mental health protection systems in the BNHA universe are notoriously lacking. So… you know Toga’s backstory? That the lack of systemic support for her led her to lose control and murder a classmate? Veronika ended up doing something similar to her, if not worse. I’ll let you imagine the details.
The point is, after she broke definitively, society certainly wouldn’t accept her back, so she ran away and became and outcast… until she found Stain’s ideals interesting.
Yep! In this AU, Veronika ends up as a member of the League of Villains! Not because of her condition, mind you, but because it wasn’t treated properly. You didn’t think all these people would be on the heroes’ side, did you?
Well, if you were worried about Veronika’s quirk being overpowered, there’s your explanation. LoV members tend to get stronger quirks to balance out their lower numbers.
Besties with Toga and Twice, naturally. They bond over the systemic failures which led them to where they are. Toga... realistically may end up developing a crush once she sees Veronika crying and coughing blood after using her quirk. It may be reciprocated.
She always analyses the League’s trauma, as expected, and it seriously pisses Dabi off. Although he’s lowkey scared she’s eventually going to find out his identity. She receives the most disintegration threats from Shigaraki, and she wears that as a badge of honor. Spinner is scared of her. Guess who forces the League to watch horror movie marathons?
She had never intentionally killed before joining the League, which causes her to hesitate with it in her first few missions. But after the Meta Liberation arc, when her quirk awakens, she gets rid of the hesitation. Keep in mind, she's much stronger than she looks. She also briefly joined the Haissaikai when Toga and Twice were sent there too, which made the raid a lot more horrifying than it originally was.
Hero Villain Name: Phobia
David: Starry-Eyed
(A beacon of hope)
His pupils turn into stars when he smiles. :)
UA General Education student, class 1-C. He’s the most famous person in the class, as he still creates his motivational speeches in this universe. After all, his quirk is pretty inoffensive, all things considered. Teruko doesn’t like him, and Shinso thinks there’s something off about him as well, but everyone else in his class adores him.
Although he didn’t make it past the race in the Sports Festival, it did make the Hero Course notice him, and a few of the students there, such as Xander, recognized him. He hangs out with the Hero Course a lot after that, and they love him there. Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Kaminari, Midoriya, Hagakure, Fukidashi, Shoda, and more; all big fans of his speeches.
Overall, he just lives a pretty standard life.
Hero Name: N/A
But you don’t really believe all that, do you?
David: Starstruck
(An abyss of despair)
His pupils turn into stars when he smiles. If someone looks him in the eyes while his quirk is active, they will believe anything he says with absolutely no question, as long as it doesn’t contradict their core beliefs too much. Admittedly, that limitation is so vague, not even David has any idea where the limit actually is, but he works around it. The afflicted person must be using both their eyes when looking at David’s for the quirk to work, but Starstruck can even fool other quirks such as Lie Detector. (Credit to @accirax for the idea!)
The reason his quirk is officially listed under ‘Starry-eyed’ is that he fooled the quirk registry people into thinking his quirk really was nothing more than his pupils turning into stars. He originally did it so people wouldn’t be scared of him, but now it’s a good way to cover his… less than legal practices.
Key member of the Meta Liberation Army, later Paranormal Liberation Front. He plays a similar role to Trumpet, an important public figure who secretly helps the MLA. Officially, he helps because he wants people to reach their “full potential”, motivational speaker and all that. His real motivations are unknown, but some speculate he simply wants to be as famous and appreciated as possible, and to do that he needs to be able to reveal what his quirk really is without much backlash, thus he needs Meta Liberation. So he just wants people's love.
(Please, it's so hard to figure out David's motivations-)
He was not present during the MLA-LoV war, however, as his position as an UA alum was deemed too important to risk just for a little bit of backup in a war the MLA was sure to win anyways. When that doesn’t happen, David tries to talk to the League members now in the PLF, but they’re never allowed to see eye to eye for some reason.
(Unbeknownst to him, All for One had been interested in his quirk since it got originally diagnosed, before he made the consultants change it. The eyeless AfO quickly realized he had no use for Starstruck, but David was deemed enough of a threat for the big bad to tell Kurogiri and Shigaraki about the quirk)
David tries to manipulate as many people as he can in Gen Ed, and is annoyed because Shinso and Teruko don't seem to be affected by Starstruck for some reason. He suspects Shinso's quirk gives him a natural resistance to brainwashing-like quirks, but he can't figure out why Teruko is unaffected.
(Turns out, it's actually Teruko's prosopagnosia fucking with the quirk)
However, his ideals are shaken by UA, more specifically, Xander. See, because Xander only has one eye, he’s immune to Starstruck, yet he still likes David. And the way he speaks of his ideals, with such unshakable conviction…
Well. Let’s say if Xander’s revolution ever needs a man in the PLF, someone might be willing to help.
MLA Codename: Megaphone
Min: A+
(Mistakes are meant to be corrected)
She can instantly spot any mistakes anyone in her sight makes, and her quirk also warns her whenever something she’s about to do is a mistake. However, for something to be considered a mistake, she must be able to properly explain why it’s a mistake, meaning she has needed to study a ridiculous amount of battle theory for her quirk to activate in any given fight. To accommodate for the overwhelming amount of information she receives at any given moment, her mind also processes information significantly faster than the average.
(Does this quirk make any sense? No? I don’t care)
As her quirk isn’t physical, she relies on more basic weapons and fighting styles. She is regretfully not allowed a gun yet (even though her quirk says it’s a mistake not to let her have it), but she does have a powerful and compact paintball gun for now. She’s surprisingly effective with it, seeing as she literally cannot miss (her quirk warns her when she would, and she adjusts). Other weapons include a taser, hyper density seals (inspired by Nighteye), grappling gun, retractable baton, and a switchblade she keeps hidden in a pen.
Don’t let her simple fighting style deceive you, though. If there is a single flaw in your strategy, she will exploit it to the maximum. If you attack her and leave a way to dodge, she will. There is no easy way to fool her or distract her, as she makes no mistakes (usually). However, forcing her into a situation where she has to make a mistake (all options are bad), she can be quickly overwhelmed and frozen in indecision.
UA Hero Course recommendation student, class 1-B. No one knows who recommended her, and she’s weirdly tight-lipped about it. Todoroki suspects it was Nedzu (no one believes him, but he may have a point). She’s one of the main reasons classes A and B have such a good relationship, as she deemed it a mistake to antagonize each other. That said, with her as a tutor, class B tends to massively outperform class A, as all their mistakes are quickly corrected.
Elected class rep originally, but she deemed it a mistake to let anyone but Kendo take the position, so Min is the vice-rep. She gets along with everyone in her class, but particularly likes to talk about dinosaurs with Tokage, philosophy with Shiozaki and Yanagi, mushrooms with Komori, literature with Shishida and Kuroiro, and especially insects with Kamakiri and Yanagi again. She’s very knowledgeable.
Min has a secret, however. Although she usually acts as if her quirk is all-knowing, that’s only because doubting her quirk is deemed a mistake… by her quirk. Because of that, most people don’t question it either. However, Min herself doubts her quirk in more complex topics such as the Hero system, and even disagrees with it at times. Her quirk is weirdly obsessed with the status quo, and Min suspects that’s where it gets a lot of things wrong.
However, publicly she never defies her quirk, which makes her clash with Xander pretty much constantly. He’s the only one who absolutely does not trust A+ on anything but the most objective facts. Min sort of admires that, even though it usually ends in Xander doing stupid things she had warned him were stupid in the first place.
(Other times, though, Min finds herself correcting the mistakes in Xander’s arguments not to prove him wrong, but to make the arguments stronger. Maybe they agree on more than they realize)
Hero Name: Straight Ace
Arturo: Perfectionist
(Imperfection isn’t ugliness; some have yet to learn this)
By closing one of his eyes, Arturo can immediately spot imperfections. His left eye spots aesthetic imperfections, his right practical imperfections. One of them is significantly more useful for combat, I’ll let you guess which one. This applies to both objects and people; with his right eye, he can spot both structural weak points in buildings and things like robots, as well as weak areas of a person’s body, quirk or fighting style. This does not require previous knowledge, which actually makes it a powerful aid for A+. Arturo finds the weaknesses, Min knows how to exploit them.
Like Min, his fighting style is quite basic, but centered around intelligence. He also carries a taser and a short-range sharp weapon on the form of a scalpel (no one but him knows why the hell he chose a scalpel), but he prefers to use long range weapons so as to not risk disfigurement in combat as much. Guns aren’t elegant enough for him, so he has a wrist mounted crossbow he uses to shoot specialized arrows, equipped with a laser pointer to shoot precisely. It seems somewhat inoffensive, until you remember he knows exactly where to shoot to make it hurt as much as possible.
(Listen, I didn’t know what to do with him, alright? This is the best I got)
UA Hero Course student, class 1-B. After all, since Min helped tone down the class rivalry and Monoma is actually normal, class B needed a few more mentally unstable people. Arturo considers heroism (read: fame and glory) inherently beautiful, but he still thinks all his classmates are ugly as sin. Yaoyorozu and J post-reveal he would consider beautiful, but, well, I put him in class B for a reason.
Apart from that, he considers a few of his teachers as “beautiful people”, namely Midnight, Present Mic, and All Might. Yes, even after the Kamino fight. All Might just has that effect on people. Other examples are Edgeshot, Miruko, Ryukyu, Hawks, the list goes on.
You may be wondering how his idea of conventional beauty interacts with heteromorphic transformations. The answer’s simple: even people who greatly diverge from the human baseline can be beautiful, though most are no prettier than the average. Kamui Woods is an example of someone Arturo considers beautiful, for instance.
In fact, the most aesthetically perfect person Arturo knows is Wash. No, you don’t get to ask.
Naturally, most of his classmates dislike or straight up hate him at first, but it smooths out over the course of the year. Mainly because Kendo is just too insistent on everyone getting along, and Arturo has enough self-preservation instinct not to mess with her. Also, Tokage and Honenuki have enough connections with the hero world that he decides to put up with them, ugly as they are.
Shiozaki still periodically warns him he’ll go to hell, but he doesn’t really care. The Common Sense Kings constantly fuck with him because he gives great reactions. He also has a surprising amount of medical knowledge, which proves extremely useful, enough so that a lot of his classmates are able to put up with him when Min’s not around.
This medical knowledge also inspires Yanagi to show him movies like ‘Human Centipede’. Because Veronika isn’t here, but he still can’t escape the horror fanatics.
Oh, yeah, Veronika. They meet in Summer Camp, and she almost kills him, but hesitates and doesn't. She haunts his dreams after that, but something about her makes him want to… save her. Or something. I like Verturo, okay? Even though Toga might kill that ship.
Hero Name: Utopia
(That good enough? Not really, but we’re going with it)
Levi: Thread Weaver
(Weaving a protective net, so that no one has to suffer)
He can control threads and fibers near him with immaculate precision! However, they move rather slowly, and the quirk has a strict limit on how much material can be affected at a time. Essentially Best Jeanist’s Fiber Master, except weaker but more precise. No relation to the hero, though.
He can use this quirk to interweave regular fabric with protective fibers far more effectively than any other human or any machine could, making the hero costumes he designs particularly sturdy and durable.
UA Support Course student, class 1-H. His mysterious, dark past is the reason he didn’t pursue heroism, although he still wanted to protect people. With his quirk, he decided the best way to protect others would be by protecting the heroes with essentially armored costumes.
People originally went to him just to reinforce their costumes, but Levi is still the Ultimate Personal Stylist. That means he has better fashion sense than anyone in UA, especially the Hero Course students. Word of his skill quickly spreads, and soon he becomes the consultant for practically all things hero costumes. If you want a gadget or complex mechanical item, you can ask Hatsume or Eden or Rose, but for costumes, you go to this guy.
No matter how good someone’s costume is, not only can Levi reinforce it, but also give advice on how to make it look better. Sometimes he simply reassured the customer their costume is excellent, as was the case with Komori, Kaminari, Kendo, among others. Other times, they aren’t that interested in aesthetics, such was the case of Tokoyami, Kuroiro, Jirou and J. Occasionally, people take his good-natured advice as a personal insult, like Bakugo, Kamakiri and Ace (though Ace still listens, at least). And every now and then…
Every now and then, Levi wants to strangle whoever the hell approved some of these costumes. This king will give Momo and Toru actually decent costumes, you will not stop him.
Support Codename: Needle and Thread
Teruko: Desperate Misfortune
(She makes everything worse)
A passive, reality bending ability, which causes exceedingly unlikely events to constantly occur around her. It follows seven core axioms.
The events originated from this quirk will always be considered extremely bad luck by the user. This can range from simply making Teruko prone to paper cuts all the way to seriously endangering her life.
The quirk acts on individual instances. Once an incident occurs as a result of this quirk, another unlucky event won’t happen until an indeterminate amount of time has passed.
The effects of this quirk cannot be predicted. It does not follow a proper logic, so no amount of analysis will be able to prepare for it. Even other quirks like Foresight are unable to see its effects ahead of time.
The quirk is pervasive and affects everyone around Teruko. In other words, when she’s around, unfortunate events can happen to everyone in the general area.
It comes without warning. An unfortunate event can happen without Teruko noticing, leading to a seeming “stacking” of bad luck. For example, if she gets invited to a summer camp that’s about to be attacked by villains, the invitation itself may be considered bad luck, opening the possibility of further misfortune happening after the attack begins without interfering with axiom 2.
The quirk is immutable, and cannot be interacted with. It cannot be erased, destroyed, rewound out of existence, taken, given away, copied, analyzed, among many other things.
Teruko Tawaki cannot die, no matter what. Upon being put in a perilous situation, all other axioms will be nullified until Teruko’s life is no longer at risk. Instead, her fortune will swing the other way, and the universe itself will tilt on its axis to keep her alive. Lightning, earthquakes, whirlwinds, meteorite strikes, spontaneous combustion of anyone attacking her, the list goes on. Unlikely, even outright impossible events will happen simultaneously until Teruko’s continued survival is guaranteed. In these situations, her luck is simply divine.
UA General Studies Course student, class 1-C. Teruko, a hero, with her luck? Yeah, no chance. However, that doesn’t mean she escapes the plot. She somehow manages to be at the USJ and Summer Camp incidents, hell, she was visiting Kamino the day of All Might’s retirement and almost got killed by All for One. She was kidnapped by the yakuza at one point, and was about to be killed by them. Guess when Nighteye conveniently found a guy who he could Foresight the Shie Haissaikai’s location out of. She cannot escape her protagonist role, evidently.
Incidentally, that means she ends up hanging out with the Hero Course more than Gen Ed, since she manages to be in the middle of every traumatic thing that happens to them. Min’s A+ doesn’t see it as a mistake to hang out with her, meaning the students of 1-A and 1-B are the only people who feel comfortable having her around.
(Teruko doesn’t say it, but she very much thinks A+ is wrong about her. She blames axiom 6 for not letting her quirk be properly analyzed by Min’s)
They mostly interact once the dorms are formed, and they get to spend the days together. However, it’s usually better to keep her away from Bakugo and Todoroki, since they’re essentially walking fire hazards together. Midoriya is fascinated by her quirk, since it’s nothing like anything he’d ever seen before. Shiozaki thinks demons are at fault and has tried to exorcise her, repeatedly. Kuroiro and Yanagi are convinced it’s a curse, and want to study it. Among other hijinks. Teruko would never admit it, but she’s really happy when she’s around the Hero Course (and there isn’t a villain attack going on).
Gen Ed mostly stay away from her, unfortunately. They don’t have Min’s quirk to assure them it’s alright to hang out with Teruko. One of the only exceptions is Shinso. They have a similar sense of humor and bond over “villain quirk” related trauma, and Shinso isn’t too bothered by the bad luck. As stated previously, Teruko is also immune to David’s Starstruck due to her prosopagnosia, so she doesn’t trust how easily everyone seems to adore the guy.
Hero Name: N/A
And that’s it! The main cast is covered!
We’re missing someone, aren’t we?
Mai: Blooming Hope
(She makes everything better)
(I ain’t slick, but I try to be)
She can make every plant around her grow exponentially in size, simply by raising her left arm. The plant’s shape and characteristics can be altered, so Mai can, for example, make grass grow into a field of vines, barberries and poison ivy. She can then reverse the effects, leaving the plants exactly as they were. The tattoo on her left arm is a mutation, and glows when she uses her quirk. She can also make flowers grow out of this tattoo, and then turn them into any useful plant she desires.
Although it may seems similar to Shiozaki’s quirk, Mai’s range is far lower and the strength of the vines she can create is much weaker. However, the versatility of being able to use more than just vines balances it out.
Particularly effective in grassy or mossy environments. Overuse will lead to severe dehydration, and in a worst case scenario, small, non-toxic plants may grow inside her body and cause all sorts of issues.
UA Hero Course student, class 1-A. She gets along with absolutely everyone, Bakugo doesn’t even shout at her after a while. Elected class rep, with Yaoyorozu as vice-rep. The other main reason classes A and B are closer than in canon, as she likes to spend time with everyone she can. She wants the best for everyone, and she’s deeply involved in whatever Xander’s plans for revolution are. Although she usually just makes compromises between Min and him for the actual planning phases.
Since she forgives everyone, she wants to save the League of Villains just as much as their victims. She is the model of what a perfect hero is meant to be.
Had Midoriya not existed, she would have received One for All.
She didn’t foresee the consequences.
Hero Name: Flora
(After she chose the name, Nico asked if they could match. Of course, Mai said yes)
Now that we've covered all the students, I did a recount and found something interesting. 5 DRDT characters went to 1-B, and 6 went to 1-A. You could acommodate this by having 26 student classes and adding someone to 1-B... or you can make 25 student classes and kick someone out of 1-A. And if you know BNHA fanfic, you know who's getting kicked out (hint: Mineta). I see this as an absolute win!
M-MonoTV?!: High Fidelity
(Am I a bear, a cat, a TV? Well, I’m actually a dog!)
MonoTV is actually a dog which was experimented on. Humans gave him a quirk which changed his appearance and made him as smart as a normal person, but no more. He’s from the same laboratory as Nedzu, and resents the principal for escaping without him.
He starts out as a petty criminal, but no matter what the police and heroes try, he always escapes prison. He usually causes a major breach when he does, so they don’t want to send him to Tartarus until they understand what the hell he does to escape.
His crimes grow with time, but the heroes are never too worried, since he’s too incompetent to really be a threat. Some examples of his crimes include:
He let a sludge villain out of prison the day Midoriya met All Might.
He broke the UA gate early in the year.
He robbed a store the day of the USJ incident, slowing down All Might and running down his three hours of hero work.
He was spotted talking to Stain before he attacked Native, presumably telling the villain the location of the hero.
He introduced Giran to a blood obsessed girl, a man with severe burn wounds, and a girl with a hallucination quirk.
Overhaul was spotted following him right before he met Twice.
He helped La Brava hack into UA the day of the Culture Festival.
He watched Endeavor fight a Nomu right after becoming Number One.
He helped the MLA kidnap Giran.
And more...
(You get the idea, right?)
Villain Name: MonoTV
And there we go! God, I was just supposed to do quirks, how did I end up writing so much? Anyways, that’s the basis of my DRDT-BNHA crossover AU. I don’t know whether or not I’ll return to it, seeing as I actually had quite a bit of fun writing this. If you made it this far, that’s impressive! You get the honorary badge of being quirky. Take care!
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turboacek-blog · 3 months
Zutara and Kataang: my thoughts
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Basically Zutara is the enemy to lovers ship
Kataang is the friendship to lover ship
Combine with other things like opposites attract, and love at first site and so on
With the Netflix adaptation stirring things up for this old ship rivalry just wanted to share some general thoughts
General thoughts as you can go anywhere for Zutara hints or why KatAang was actually good and don't need to analyze every moment
Enemies to Lovers
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Disclaimer: I dislike the enemies to lover trope. It’s one of those things I genuinely don’t understand why they would like each other in most cases, as the cases I do like it it’s more like they’re the two friends that don’t gel as well like Sam and Freddie in iCarly not actual enemies on opposing sides of war, but I don’t feel this about Zutara due to Zuko
I brought up the ship tropes before as I think this shows more of the discourse amongst the fans
There’s a ton of people that love the enemies to lovers trope whether it be actual enemies or just the two friends that don’t get along that well and can argue/fight often
As people think things like opposite attracts or that when characters fight and argue and etc it shows their chemistry and potentially (sexual) tension of the two
And this isn’t every enemies to lovers ship but some people are genuinely more into the bad boy or bad girl or bad person, more than then opposite of good boy/girl/person
From appearance wise, some see dark and edgy > simple and clean, personality wise with crazy > generic heroic, to the story aspect as the dark story of the enemy can be more interesting then the normal story of the hero a lot of the time due to complexity and writing quality
Friends to lovers
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On the flip side
Friendship to lovers is the ship that covers the exact opposite of enemies to lovers
As some believe you’re supposed to be with someone similar to you in morals, ethics, spiritually, emotionally, etc
And a way some people find that is through their friends / people in mutual interest group (sports, church, clubs, and so on)
It’s why there are tropes of the person finally realizing their best friend was the one or childhood friend were their perfect match
Let alone some people just like it more when people seem to enjoy being around each other in peace vs the opposite of fighting and arguing a lot
Aang-Katara-Zuko shipping stuff
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So even after all that I do think some understand that and that isn't the cause of the divide for some
and their disagreements become more of a personal thing or how times have changed since the showed aired back in the early 2000s whether socially or just the fan themselves growing up
Like for example as I've seen this a lot, if you’re a girl it can be hard to put yourself in the place of Katara a 14 year old girl (which would be that 9th grader in high school range) being attracted to a 12 years old (essentially a 7th grader middle schooler (Aang) ) especially when that same girl was attracted to seemingly 16 year olds (11th graders before (Haru and Jet))
But I do think it’s not as cut and dry as a teen being attracted to a person two years younger as unbelievable as some also say that's a pretty shallow reason and people write those people off
Some think Aang is cringe for all his especially early attempts at flirting with Katara. Which not nonly ties into the age thing but the whole sometimes being persistent is bad and harassment which is more and more true as the years goes on as a lot of shows back then had that element of boy tries repeatedly and gets rejected repeatedly then eventually “wore her down”
And on the flipside Zuko harmed that group for a long time and even if unjustified Katara saw him as the representation of her hatred for a period which can have its own downsides when compared to things like abuse and not racism exactly but hating that whole nation almost (there’s a word but I can’t think of it)
They both have things against them
Some aspects just don't appear the same to different people
Like a popular example is the fortune teller episode
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Where Katara only thinks of Aang as potential person for her when a fortune teller foresees it
The intention is this cosmic supernatural aspect saying these two are meant for each other
Like on one hand Destiny can be super romantic like this person was destined for me, like this is my perfect match, they were made for me
On the other it can feel like you have no agency, like this is the only person for me? Am I just destined to be with this one person I might have never looked at in that way, am I allowed not to choose them?
Some people like that Katara realized Aang was a potential match via this supernatural aspect
Some hate it as it feels like Katara didn't come to become attracted to Aang naturally
On screen vs potential possibilities
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Like it was kinda obvious Aang and Katara would end up together despite the distractions from guys like Jet. So the series being written that they naturally have more moments which leads to them being the ship makes sense
So whenever Katara kisses Aang cheek is just evidence that this clearly the ship
Even more than Aang and Zuko at times, Katara and Zuko are parallels so they're interactions even if on opposite sides can also be seen as evidence
But I think this on-screen and potential aspect is mostly on the Zutara side because of how the show went, which gives them more what-ifs
Like Zutara has a lot of what ifs like what if Zuko joined them in Ba sing se? Some genuinely think that would of kicked of Zutara for real
Let alone other aspects that I think people mostly like for story potential like if Katara marries Zuko she becomes the Queen of the fire nation which has a lot of story potential
It doesn't even have to be Zutara alone, can say if they did go Zutara for the writing back in Book 2 they could of easily wrote Taang (Toph and Aang) to be Aangs ship
As just minor example but Toph just being attracted to Aang and not Sokka from a writing viewpoint would make people like them as people like Tokka (Toph x Sokka) for similar reasons
Basically the show was building up to Aang x Katara and if they diverted from that there would be a decent amount of disappointed if literally all that changed was that at the end Katara kissed Zuko
But I think when people see the potential chemistry and interactions of different pairs not just Zutara but people like Sokka with Toph or maybe Katara should of just got with Haru they would have liked it if they wrote around those ships vs the KatAang one
Zutara thoughts
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My quick thoughts on zutara is that for me…
I think this is more of a I like Zuko and Katara as characters but not necessarily together
Like I think if the show would of had Zuko with Ty Lee and not Mai people would feel different since Ty Lee is so loved while Mai seems more of an acquired taste and people might not like Zuko with Mai
Like I like Mai but her and Zuko together weren’t handled the best to me, even in the comics they broke up for a period where with Ty Lee at least she would be generally more well liked due to personality differences
Plus people really don’t like how they handled some of the more cringey moments of KatAang which is basically all on Aang which I’ll save for later
So when their main ships are not perfect I see the logic of putting them together along with all the other stuff I mentioned before
I however think what Zuko did while eventually forgiven by Katara doesn’t make him the best option for her but for Zuko Katara is lowkey the best option if we can’t put him with a Ty Lee or somebody like that
As Katara even if not with Aang I could put with someone like Haru or a hypothetically alive Jet whereas if Zuko isn’t with Mai he has the one off characters like the ba sing se girl (I forget her name, the one he went on an actual date with) but no one that comes back making Katara his next option it seems
KatAang thoughts
I don’t mind all the cringey stuff Aang has done lol
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I think people really don’t like the kiss during the play as it’s one of those he kissed her without permission moments that gets people riled up as there are definitely examples and instances where it’s not ok irl and in media
But not even including the time the show came out in which definitely is a different time culturally than now
He kissed her before and didn’t have the same reaction and he’s 12/13 they’re allowed to make these mistakes
Plus even though she was confused and doesn’t outwardly say it all the time like Aang does, Katara did like Aang at this point at least that’s how I read it.
So it’s not like he kissed a girl that didn’t like him. Aang to me was basically asking her to be his girlfriend and she’s like maybe after the WAR, whereas he took it as doubt and tried to reassure her. To me it’s two people that like each other but are prioritizing different things as Aang just wants Katara and Katara wants this war over with
And could go on but all their cringey moments aren’t bad worse thing is how realistic some of it can be lol
I think the whole love at first sight and destiny and all that is take it or leave it though
As I know some people don’t believe in love at first sight or just don’t like that trope and that’s admittedly the basis of this ship
I think while they eventually worked up to it well I can see to some their beginning are just as shaky narratively as Zutara
Also Aang doesn’t really have another ship tbh, like someone pointed out that the only person Aang called pretty was Katara and the Painted Lady who was Katara lol
Like if they would have actually played into Ming from that fortune teller village, Toph the only other character his age or even someone like Ty Lee I can see an argument to not make Katara his main ship
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I think the KatAang ship is harmless especially given their ages, the show release time period and just general point of the ship narratively therefore I think it’s a good ship
But I won’t lie and say especially earlier on that Zutara, Taang, and other possibilities wouldn’t have made some good if not even better stories depending how it was written just off potential
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best-underrated-anime · 3 months
Best Underrated Anime Group J Round 3: #J4 vs #J7
#J4: Kids conquering dungeons to change the world
#J7: Lecherous young man gets engaged to an alien princess
Details and poll under the cut!
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#J4: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
A Magi is a magician whose inclination toward magic is so immense that they can be said to shape the world. With their significant influence, each Magi chooses a worthy candidate to become a king, then helps them conquer strange labyrinths called "Dungeons" and acquire the power of mythical djinns within. Above all else, the Magi supervises their elected representative as they build a country that might one day bring the world to its knees.
Aladdin is a young Magi wandering the world in search of his true self. However, his journey is not a lonely one, as he is accompanied by his friend and mentor Ugo—a djinn he summons using his flute. On his travels, Aladdin also befriends Alibaba Saluja and guides him to a nearby Dungeon. With this newfound friendship, they begin an epic adventure across the world, witnessing various irregularities that seem more frequent than ever.
Propaganda 1:
Imagine characters from Arabian Nights/1001 Nights coming to life in an anime. Even though it is loosely inspired off of the tales, it is a unique time and place from most anime settings. It has action, humor, and deep concepts. One of my favorite parts about Magi is how well-developed the background characters are.
Propaganda 2:
This anime has a lot of philosophical takes on what fate is. Basically, is everything that happened to you caused by a force you can’t control or is it what you make of it? Is there something or rather someone pulling the strings on what should or shouldn’t be? Is the person you are because you were lucky or unlucky to be born in the wealthy family or not? Why are things the way they are? Why was I dealt with a shitty hand in life? Is it because I’ll never amount to anything, or is something doing this to me? Why are we here just to suffer kind of deal, but you know not the meme version, the really sad and real version. Then you have the side of the people who may have not had the best life, but found a way out of it. Why do some people get to feel the light when you went through the same thing, but still lost and in the dark?
Trigger Warnings: Partial nudity and slavery. One of the mains is a slave in the beginning, but the other two mains help free her from that.
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#J7: Urusei Yatsura (2022)
When aliens known as the Oni threaten to invade the Earth, they promise to leave under one condition—a randomly-chosen human must win a one-on-one game of tag against Lum, the beautiful daughter of the Oni leader. The “lucky” person selected happens to be the lustful and unlucky high-schooler Ataru Moroboshi. Given 10 days to attempt to grab Lum’s horns, Ataru realizes how impossible the challenge is as he is faced with Lum’s extraterrestrial powers.
Motivated by a promise of marriage from his childhood friend Shinobu Miyake, Ataru manages to catch Lum off guard. He mistakenly grabs hold of her bikini top first, but he eventually achieves his true goal. Although the game is over, Lum misunderstands that she is the one whom Ataru wants to marry, and she decides to move in with him. The poor student constantly tries to shake off the clingy Lum while doing his best to reconcile with his desired fiancée. After Ataru's heroic feat results in such a disastrous outcome, it is questionable whether luck will ever be on his side.
This anime is actually a reboot; the original came out in the 80s. It honestly does the manga justice compared to the 80s anime. I absolutely love the animation, it really does stick to Rumiko Takahashi’s art style. Though the pacing is a bit different, overall it stays true to its manga counterpart. (It’s honestly too bad the series isn’t very popular in the west, it’s a great comedy/harem type show. And the thing is, it’s not your traditional harem where “the basic guy gets all the girls” which makes the show so much more enjoyable.) Everything about this show really captures the essence of the series. It’s able to be funny while still having its more serious moments. I just really love Urusei Yatsura, it’s so good.
Trigger Warnings: The art style is very colorful and could cause eyestrain
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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i’m gonna be totally fr rn and say that i think the heroic high schoolers are the best cast in d20 history
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quidfree · 1 year
hear me out…. todobaku as villains???
im going to disappoint you anon bc i am not a like... dark & twisted fantasy villain au person. as per quidfree canon what keeps me going is good characterisation and so you will find no undercut tattoo-laden bad boys here.
if you want my two cents on what todobaku villain au would most likely look like though it's under the cut
this one is easy right? touya exists. shouto already has his villain backstory: his dad is a bigshot hero uplifted by society and also an abusive bastard in private. his motivations in hero-oriented society are obvious.
i think shouto probably distinguishes himself from touya in a number of ways, one of which being style of villainy. touya was a lot more unstable emotionally (?tied to his quirk self-harm stuff) and undiscerning in his resentment (see: woman hater) even before he ran away. i think shouto would be a more classic anti-hero type villain, less quick to cause chaos and death to unrelated civilians or high schoolers. they would have an uneasy relationship if and when shouto figured out who dabi was- i think he would retain his empathy for his siblings and mother, but he would disagree with touya’s choices.
i see him as a loner villain, not likely to join the league. early UA shouto appeared to have literally never spoken to another person in ten years, so if he around that age veered off the expected path and went MIA, i think the whole ice prince thing would solidify pretty definitely. and that’s the kind of personality he’d have too- icy, controlled superiority over a core of red-hot rage. no quips here. though some dramatics. he hides it but shouto always has flair.
shouto is a practical guy first and foremost. i think he’d just wear something similar to his plumber fit. maybe something akin to a balaklava to mask his identity, but maybe not, if he wants to make his father aware of his actions. i do think touya-style he might go for a hairdye, but in his case it’d probably be bleach, as a sort of obvious reclaiming of rei’s heritage and rejection of enji’s.
overall as villains go if we are keeping to a world close to canon shouto is probably one of the more morally upright people you will encounter. very scary motherfucker but pretty targeted enemies, so unless you’re involved in maintaining the hero justice system at some pivotal level you’re probably safe. if you are though? rip i guess. prepare to have your home frozen, your limbs stuck to the ground, and an icepick summarily driven through your skull by a teenager.
katsuki is tough because for him it very much depends on setting, and at a basic level when you’re looking at. katsuki fundamentally is not a fuck the system guy- he’s a guy the system loves, and he’s interested in winning it, not destroying it, at least until character development kicks his ass. so really if you want to go early canon for both of them, villain bakugou is just hero bakugou. a katsuki from the start of bnha left to continue on his presumed arc uninterrupted, no deku or kidnapping or war to force him to question himself. arrogant and cruel and uncaring of what heroism is meant to be about. saving big numbers, sure, or at least defeating big ones, but when your defeats involve death or as good as, hard to draw the line.
similarly, in a universe where for some reason heroes have lost their relevance and villains reign, teen katsuki would have very easily risen in that direction, with similar traits.
who would his targets be? whoever’s in his way, pretty much. even in a more anti-hero slant, villain’s goons would not be safe. and anyone who tried to recruit / hire / ally him would inevitably face some kind of betrayal bc katsuki simply got sick of orders and believes he can handle the fall-out.
in terms of looks, katsuki is more style conscious than shouto is, but as lord explosion murder doesn’t necessarily look very heroic i think he wouldn’t look that different. maybe more of the black and winter-suit vibes.
for as insufferable as he would be, he would also be horrifying, yes. i mean, the guy is a starter kit terrorist. even if he was in tantrum ego mode he could level a street. collateral would be nasty if katsuki didn’t care to contain himself.
todobaku villain interaction ???
if we’re going with the above sort of setting? would not stand each other. for bakugou it’s obvious stuff (think sports fest and general canon), but todoroki genuinely would not tolerate villain bakugou at all, given the obvious alarm bells of similarity to endeavor. it’s not his focus but if bakugou died he would not be displeased.
as in any universe they could be begrudgingly forced into cooperation and then be privately disgusted by how well they worked together after the initial predictable faux pas. all of their other villain colleagues are like “can’t we just call that guy in for an assist again” and theyre like *breathing exercises* no.
they are both despite appearances and villainy-amplified dramatics fairly pragmatic so theyd probably not actively seek to cross each other unless they seemed to be getting in the way of their respective goals. they can recognise that this would be getting into it w an unnecessarily big distraction/threat. but i can imagine the “keep out of this” warnings would be fairly inventive. todoroki negligently thwarts one of bakugou’s plots and bakugou turns his entire hideout to rubble. a bunch of todoroki’s contacts are collateral during one of bakugou’s attacks and bakugou wakes up to find all of his security died of hypothermia overnight. lest we forget they both have petty streaks.
hero x villain interaction would be. very funny and very bad. hero todoroki would be So Tired of villain bakugou bc of how frustrating it is that hes actually hard to stop and villain bakugou in turn would resent him immensely. hero bakugou dealing w villain todoroki? that would be (psychologically bizarre) fun. i think for some reason that would be the closest we get to a bakugou w ‘doodling hearts against their own volition’ crush energy. but theyd get along a lot better than the reverse, mainly bc hero bakugou is like a decent person and villain todoroki respects moral integrity. in both duos in a lighter setting the villain of the two might start getting a mild kick out of messing w the hero despite their focus on other things just bc 1) it gives villain todoroki the mildest of entertainment to look forward to every blue moon given he doesn’t necessarily wish bakugou any active harm 2) villain bakugou feels he’s owed some todoroki suffering considering how annoying he personally finds him.
that’s my two cents on it anyways. idk what everyone else has in mind!
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theloganator101 · 8 months
Hi there, I wanted to know your opinion about this.
So what I don't understand is how izuku was the only one who was too afraid in fighting the bots but others never had any of these issues considering none of them had prior experience in fighting bots or anyone that can potentially hurt. I mean MHA laws don't allow people to use their quirks freely without licence so these kids wouldn't in their lifetime be trained to take down these bots with their quirks and combat skills at their current level unless they were too rich like momo or shoto which none of these kids were to begin with. I mean 99% of them were regular kids attending junior high so shouldn't they also be pissing their boots off and have some mental blocks like izuku had? The narrative shows as if the other kids had lots of experience doing combat training and quirk training against bots that use weapons or lasers which to me makes sense considering how the laws are structured in MHA and also these kids wouldn't be having access to training facilities that easily. Haven't seen any being available for a middle schooler in MHAverse till now. Not even their middle school is shown to teach them those.
I get that izuku needs to be shown as an underdog but I feel this was done so poorly and made him look more pathetic while making the other kids look better than they actually were. I mean they should've been ahead of izuku in only quirk control.
A lot in the fandom said it was realistic for izuku to act the way he did since it was his first time fighting but shouldn't this be the same for majority of the characters baring shoto, momo and the loud mouth trash considering he picks fights that gives him minimum fighting skills?
Okay yeah this is actually weird when you think about it.
Now this could be chalked up or brushed off as Izuku having anxiety for the upcoming test, but that also begs the question of why weren't there other kids that shared the same feeling? Why is just Izuku?
Now this probably wouldn't be a problem if it was shown or explained that middle schools/junior highs have classes or even an area where students can train their quirks if they want to go into heroics or an occupation where their quirks can be useful.
Why is Izuku always the odd one out? Why is he always the butt of many jokes? The underdog narrative shouldn't even be present anymore since Izuku should fold everyone like a chair at this point.
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