#hes a killer king
winchwsta · 1 year
Caviar and cigarettes
Well versed in etiquette
Extraordinarily nice
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astronomodome · 10 months
anyway I think zedaph’s like. plotline. character arc whatever is so funny to me. This man shows up to hermitcraft after being in a singleplayer world for 100 episodes and the first thing he does is turn around and build a hole in the ground and not talk to hardly anyone. And the second thing he does is trap the door. Excellent. So then he spends a season or two being a genius and inventing new mental illnesses for his viewers to have and etc etc. Dresses up for Halloween as the embodiment of death and goes up to people and asks them to die. Like. Normal things. He builds another hole in the ground and builds a complicated redstone device that can tell the time for him so he doesn’t have to go outside. And of course he traps the door again. Then in season eight he decides you know what I’m going to start regularly interacting with people other than my two (2) close friends. And you know how I’m going to do it. I’m going to put them in a box and psychologically evaluate them. Awesome. Wonderful. We love to see it. You know what that is? Growth. And so now we’re at season nine and he’s pretty regularly teaming up with the others and being silly and everything. And you know like trying to spy on them without them noticing and normal stuff like that. But at the end of the day he still lives in a hole
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shaylai · 1 year
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That's not who he is anymore, Macaque.
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somegrumpynerd · 13 days
I think it would be so funny if Nightmare had been going to Ccino's cafe for years and casually talking about his boys but Ccino thought they were cats the whole time.
Like I'm picturing at the start him describing Killer like "There's an overactive beast in my castle now, he shreds almost everything and gets distressed when I'm out of sight for too long" so obviously Ccino thinks he got a pet or something. He suggests maybe getting another one to keep him company so he won't be so clingy and Nightmare takes the idea on board.
Then the next time he comes in he's got a bone to pick (pun not intended), that he got another one - this one sleeps all day and hates doing work but they hate each other and won't stop fighting. Ccino nods along because he's been there before and kinda motions to some of his shop cats. "Whenever I bring a new one in here, I always introduce them slowly, you need to give everyone a chance to get used to each other y'know? Understand that the new one isn't a threat". Nightmare assumes he's just using the cats as a metaphor and also takes this in as good advice.
He comes in a while later telling Ccino how he got another one, introduced them more carefully like he said, but this one has a strange relationship with food. He goes on saying how he came from a place where there was very little so he understands, but it's hard manage his eating needs and the whole time Ccino is just really surprised Nightmare is taking in all these poorly stray cats.
He comes in to tell him he took in another one ("another one?? Nightmare, is this four now?" "(sigh) Yes") and he was all alone and such a pit of negativity Nightmare couldn't bring himself to leave him. How the others took to him much faster and he seems so much happier just to have a home again.
This has been going on for years and neither of them realise. Nightmare thinks Ccino is the most knowledgeable mortal out there because he always seems to know what his boys need. Ccino thinks Nightmare has a huge soft spot for 4 little cats who sound like the toughest pets in the multiverse.
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skumhuu · 6 months
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✨👑 Throne 👑✨ pages 9-10
< • >
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katabay · 10 months
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long ago, in a land of heroes and gods and monsters—
or, bedwyr and cei listen to arthur tell a story
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Caitlin R. Green, Concepts of Arthur
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kindaorangey · 1 month
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jean should collect homoerotic codependent partners professionally
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starrynightsxo · 5 months
"I wanted to frighten you, but I never wanted you dead. I never wanted anyone dead."
- Cardan Greenbriar, The Cruel Prince
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Birth of the Yiling Patriarch
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thatumbrellaoni · 29 days
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Deep in my enemy I find the lover;
Scene from a post-DSOD AU (ryou sandwich = tendershipping + gemshipping) I've been picking at for a while.
Part I is detailed here (contains malik/ryou but the relationship ends).
Part II is in progress (the actual tender/gem saga).
Everything will be posted under the #occult killer au tag when it's done. But here's a summary, so major spoilers.
Post-DSOD, supernatural entities start targetting Ryou. While figuring out why, he fights them with the help of his friends. On top of that, Bakura reappears, followed by Thief King Bakhura―and it definitely doesn't help when Ryou instigates/ends up in a very complicated (and physical) relationship with the two.
Eventually, the mystery unravels. The final entity reveals to Ryou that he's been an anomaly for a very long time: He was supposed to die in that car crash as a kid, but due to being Bakura's destined host (the events of YGO needing to happen), the accident took Amane and his mother in exchange. This devastates him.
What Ryou and Yugi initally thought was a "new evil" born because the Millennium Items were disturbed once again during the events of DSOD is really just the Outer Gods now more aggressively trying to restore a long lost balance (Ryou has "died" a total of three times in YGO but is brought back each time because of Bakura/'s influence). As long as Ryou's borrowed lives are not "returned", entities will always be after him/attempt to take the lives of those around him as compensation.
"Death is your gift."
This AU started because of two things: ① the slew of fanart I see of Ryou beating Bakura up/threatening to throw the Ring away, ② Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer reminding me of Bakura 🤭 (demon, pale hair, black coat, Spike dresses like a punk vs JP Bakura talks like a street punk, Buffy is stronger than Spike vs Ryou defeats Bakura in Monster World). I'm like, ah yes. Tendercore jk.
Anyway, the story takes some inspiration from Buffy (scenes and lines are borrowed), but it's not a 1:1 AU. It's not a vampire AU either. This comic is actually inspired by dialogue from Buffy S6E10.
If you're wondering what's up with Bakura's outfit, it's based on Takahashi-sensei's illustration (the IG link there no longer works). It plays a role in this story btw (even the nail polish). It's not just a glowup to me!
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3lizab3t · 9 months
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bro where do these losers keep coming from
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elizakai · 4 months
Every time I draw or think about human Dust sans he has to be trans masc and I simply do not make the rules.
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beeesaliva · 1 month
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i forgot how much i love drawing my glorious blue eyed king
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purplepotatobread · 3 months
I couldn't give two fucks that Kvothe is probably twisting his story to make himself look good, he's doing a really good job of it and I think he deserves me to believe him. He is perfect in my eyes.
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margareit · 9 months
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↳ Favourite Killers
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gildedrosebones · 3 months
they dont take too kindly to strangers round here (shenanigans ensue)
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