#hes so cute :(((
dazednconfused08 · 1 day
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wadewilsonhowlett · 3 days
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pastelpousay · 2 days
Finally some fanart for this stupid stupid idiot in which I love ❤️💗❤️
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Art taglist for some super cool ppl: @re3tro0 @persephoneflowerpetals @maddieinheaven @glacier-alchemist @delicatestringbean @dreamwinged
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amnignsity · 2 days
Help is what you need, And I'm here.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ❣ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
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Hybrid!Yang Jeongin x Human!F!Reader
Mentions of how a woman's month is[Kinda educational I guess], Fluff, A little bit of Angst, ongoing...
No beta read.kinda.
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The clouds darken as you looked up at the sky—hand over your mouth as you breathe against your fingers before rubbing both your hands together to create a friction that could warm them up.
You sighed realizing that it was gonna rain today—Grabbing your phone from your pockets as you turned it on and took a look at the weather forecast. Still being sunny, guessing sometimes it wasn't accurate.
Feeling the drip of water against your hands as you quickly placed your phone back inside your pockets and pulled your jacket up above your head trying not to get wet or you'll get sick—the rain drips down a bit more faster than before, you could see some people and hybrids running for cover under the shops with a roof over the entrance.
You were a bit too far from it so you decided to go at the alleyway that was much closer, the rain was getting heavier by the second making you lift up your jacket even more so as you try to cover yourself from the droplets of water pouring down the darken clouds.
Reaching the alley as you finally get some cover by a closed shop at the back door of it you just stood still looking over the small roof of it—you sighed realizing you might have to stand still for awhile until it dies down seeing how dark it was you doubt it'll be fast.
You crouched down grabbing your phone from your pockets as you lean against the closed steel door - just letting yourself forget about the calming rain for a second before hearing small whimpers close to you making you snap your head upwards towards the noise.
You slowly put your phone back in your pockets as you look around, the alley was slightly dark but you could still see clearly—the small roofs creating small space for you to go towards the sound.
Putting your jacket over your head as you make your way towards the small whimpers that was coming from the end of the alley close behind the trash bins—you walked towards it being careful not to utter a sound.
The box was getting poured by the cold rain making you cover it with your jacket as you stood above it seeing a curled up—cat? dog? pomeranian? you squinted before you eyes widen while letting out a small gasp as it slowly uncurls itself having big ears and big eyes, it makes eye contact with you.
It was a fennec fox you looked at it with a surprised look—mouth slightly hang open while the fox just stares at you before it's eyes widen too immediately leaning against the box much more closer while letting out small growls while you blinked very confused as to who left such an adorable creature here alone in the alley.
Looking around but just deadpanning at yourself for searching when clearly it was an alley. You just glanced at the fox who was weary of you even as far as to growling at you but you just huffed at it before giving it a small smile.
"Don't worry...I won't hurt you...You were uhmm..getting rained on so I just wanted to..." You speaked slowly trying to think of ways to say your intentions seemingly right now your brain was slightly lagging due to the sound of the rain.
The rain was always a comfort for you to slow your brain down finding some sense of safety from it.
"Cover you..." You blinked feeling awkward as you stare at the fox who stares back finally stopping it's growling as it tilts his head to the said seemingly understanding you.
Although it was still weary and you could understand why as you were a stranger—you as well were not fond of strangers, you decide to sat beside the box despite probably getting your clothes dirty and wet the fox was shivering and probably cold.
You could deal with it for a short time then never leaving your apartment again for multiple months before going out again. The fox still cautious at you just stares before laying back down curling itself while the rain drips down against you two with only your jacket being your cover from it.
You sighed closing your eyes before hearing a yelp beside you when thunder suddenly made it's appearance you quickly glanced at the shaking fox who seemed to be even more scared as you gently pulled the box closer making it take a peek at you who closed her eyes as you just held his box close as if you were hugging it and protecting it.
Having a slight gratitude towards you—the fox gently moved it's self close to you, still having a slight small distance as he laid down the box but still enough where it felt it was okay and safe for itself.
"You okay?..." You asked softly against the thunder and rain as you looked down at fox who just let's out a small whimper curling itself—you didn't know what to do so you just stayed still being careful not cross it's boundaries.
You didn't know how long it has been but you could feel the weather slowly calming down with your jacket drenched and you but the fox seemed okay even a bit more dry than before, you took it as an okay job.
Slowly you folded the drenched jacket squeezing it before folding again to remove the excess water it soaked in. You stood up earning an ear perking up at your sudden movement from the fox as it slowly opened it's eyes seeing you stood over it's box—it let's out a small growl probably thinking you'll do something to harm it.
You shake your head slowly backing away while it stares at you confuse tilting it's head to the side. "I'm leaving...Uhm..Don't worry...The weather's cleared up..." You said making the fox look up and indeed it the rain stopped.
You gulped slightly awkward but you just moved even more backwards while the fox looked back down towards you with somewhat big glossy eyes as it moved closer to the side of the box towards you.
"Bye little fox..." You uttered waving it with a small smile over your lips while the fennec fox lets out a sudden small whimper but you didn't hear it—as you slowly turned around taking a step before stopping as you heard rustling behind you turning around once more as you see the fennec fox face planted over the floor with it's box fallen along with him.
You quickly moved towards it crouching down as you gently held it. "Eh?! Are you okay? little fox?..." You held it with the most gentle grasp as it let's out a small whine, while you picked it back up placing it down as it stood up looking up at you—remembering the fennec fox doesn't like strangers as it made you quickly utter apologies.
"O-h... sorry for touching you-...?" You said briefly stopping as you were about to removed your hands off it—it gently rubs it's small head against your hands making your heart skip at how cute it was being. Not being able to keep a smile over your lips you let out a chuckle while the fox made some happy noises back.
"Do you...like it?..." You asked with a soften tone while the fox just huffs letting out a happy noises. You gently gave it head pats before slowly retracting your hand back but the fox just gently bites your hand tugging you by the finger back towards its box that's fallen to the side.
The fox just let's go of your finger for a bit while you looked at it confused as it makes it's way towards the box pushing it back up—before jumping off it as it nibbles your hand again seemingly trying to tug you towards it once again.
"Little fox do you want me in?.." You asked moving towards the fox's tugging while it let's out happy noises still mouth over your finger as it jumps back in its box with your hand over it's mouth giving it a small lick.
You chuckled giving it some more pets while eventually you told it you need to go, earning some whines of protest and growls but getting happy again once you gave it pets.
That's how you met the hybrid not actually knowing it was one at first when you decided to make it your pet at first but eventually knowing it once you guys went to the vet.
It went like this ⤵
The fox nibbled your hands while you gave him pats—currently on the vet to make sure he was alright and safe from any diseases. You found out about his gender when he was laying down on your bed after a warm bath you made for him on that rainy day.
The Fennec fox was just enjoying your soothing pets when the doctor came in immediately earning the fox's attention as his ears perked up—sniffing the air as it growls standing up on your lap sensing a new person coming in.
There wasn't really anyone else at the vet considering it was a weekday mostly everyone would either be at work or school—you held the small fennec fox against your arms gently whispering soothing words.
"It's okay little fox...He's just gonna make sure your okay..Vets are doctors for animals did you know?.." You smiled while the fennec fox looks at you with big eyes before looking back at the vet who seemed to be a hybrid as well.
The Fennec fox nodded slowly although snuggling against your chest even closer—still wary and cautious. The hybrid smiles at the two of you as they lead you towards an office where you both could talk privately.
It was well organized and clean as expected—you sat infront of him while the hybrid vet sat on his own chair behind the table.
"Hello, I'm doctor Kim Seokjin. What seems to be the problem?.." He smiled while he puts on his glasses, you smiled back while gently giving the fox some headpats that he likes earning you happy noises from said fox.
"Uh..hi to you too as well..I would like for this fennec fox to get checked up for any diseases and problems it may have...Uhm..I found him at the alley and he seems attached after that incident.."
You said a bit slowly just making sure he'd understand—the doctor nods as he looks down at the fennec fox who seemed to be just laying down on your lap at the moment.
"Sure no problem.." He responded while he stood up—the little fox staring at him while you also stood up. He tells you to place the fennec fox over a bed he has for check-ups on animals. You sat back down on the chair while the fennec fox gives you a doe eyed look. You gave him a thumbs up while the doctor gives him a check-up.
Thankfully he wasn't too rowdy or stubborn after like 3 minutes, just letting the doctor check him up—although he'd get fussy if the doctor would touch his ears and his tail for a bit too long.
After awhile the doctor said he was alright and that nothing was wrong, feeling some gratitude towards the doctor while paying for his services.
The fennec fox snuggled back into your arms while you held him.
"By the way, the fennec fox hybrid seems to trust you alot. You must've done some good deeds for it, it's rare keep it up." Seokjin smiles at you while you smiled back.
"Ah it was nothing-... wait hybrid?.." You stopped briefly while you looked at him with a dumbfounded expression while Seokjin on the other hand just continued smiling at you. Slowly you looked down at the fennec fox who seems to also be looking up at you especially with those big eyes of his.
Silence makes itself known as you stared at the fennec fox.
"Yes hybrid...Wait did you not know?.." Seokjin looks at you now also confused while you just gave him a dumbfounded look—Seokjin chuckles at your expression.
"His name is Jeongin...Yang Jeongin we did some hybrid talking while you were...uhm how should I say this..dozing? zoning off earlier." Seokjin chuckles while you felt embarrassed— earlier while Seokjin was checking up on said little fox who's name is jeongin, you were clearly zoned off just staring into space comfortably while you waited.
Hybrid talking is like telepathy in a way through gazes and smells only hybrids and animals know—well unlike animals, hybrids can talk through human languages as where to animals talk in animal languages only including body language, noises and scents.
Hybrids created this systems called 'quick tell' for communication to other hybrids although as it says it's only for a short amount of time.
'Quick tell' is used for unbonded hybrids to communicate—it's very different from where they are bonded as they can feel each other's emotions through with a much longer telepathy at any given time despite the long distance.
Hybrids could also use this for their humans if bonded—but if not bonded they can't as it's very special only for that one special person or hybrid.
Feeling embarrassed as you hid your face against jeongin's tummy earning you small licks over your cheek and forehead while he makes happy noises, Seokjin just smiles at you two. You bid your farewells and make your way on your car, placing jeongin at the front passenger seat while you sat on the drivers seat sighing deeply while the fennec fox just looks at you confused.
You smiled at him—he was just the cutest and you couldn't help it. Earning you a nibbled on the fingers and a playful growl as you chuckled at him.
"Let's go home shall we, jeongin?..." You grinned while jeongin stops his playful nibbling and looks at you with sparkling eyes as you said a sentence he has been wishing for every night while he laid down curled up into a ball on that pitiful box.
Home...He's going home..
Gently patting his head while you start the car— Jeongin couldn't help but just stare at you through his big fennec eyes as a warm feeling spreads from his body.
He's really going home...His home, Him and His human going back to their tiny but comfy apartment. The fennec fox huffs making happy noises while you chuckled as you drove.
Such a sweet and memorable moment he could never forget.
Now time has passed since then - you and jeongin have gotten much more closer than before just hanging out and sometimes even playing fight although even if you both were now together for like 5 months as caretaker and hybrid - jeongin still hasn't shown you his human form.
You asked the fennec fox about it and he just tilts his head looking at you confused - you explained it to him what you meant. In the end you were met with huffs and nibbles seemingly the fennec fox was ignoring your words from earlier and now just distracting you with it's adorable playful banter.
You laid sprawled out on the bed just looking at the ceiling - lately you've been feeling cramps over your lower abdomen and somewhat slightly empty too. Looking through tiktok and multiple searching browsers you've discovered you're either in your either into one of the four phases women's go through - Follicular, Ovulation, Luteal, or menstruation.
Follicular : Days 1-13 - post-period until ovulation, naturally you feel much more stronger even as far as to energetic and less bloated, etc...
Ovulation : Around the day 14 but can lasts longer up to 3 days or so - You'll get some discharges here and there and sometimes light cramps, Having a high libido too, etc...
Luteal : Days 15-28 is after ovulation with the next being menstruation - You'll feel less energetic and would preferably just eat more but that's okay, etc...
Menstruation we already know about it. Questioning your symptoms and how you've been doing, you've got some light cramps, maybe sore breasts and stuff nothing unusual and maybe some discharge which means you're probably close to your ovulation week.
You sighed in relief as you know the reason - your hormones are a bit confusing to you but it's fine you still adore your body. Although you couldn't help but get restless, currently jeongin's been also getting rowdy plus being stubborn and your confused, with him snuggling up against your lower abdomen too more frequently.
You had a guest over which was your friend as you both had a project to do and finish by the end of the week - usually jeongin wouldn't let some pathetic random in but unless if its for your projects and stuff.
Also yes he does call them pathetic and randoms cause he dislikes humans and hybrids not you though your his human, your kind and good unlike some. His generous human.
Although there was this guy named Kim Seungmin let's just say the two got a bit close after the man's arrival every day in a week straight cause of a large project you two had to do - he wasn't fond of him no. He was just tolerable unlike the other randoms. He was a puppy hybrid too, small and dainty which easily jeongin could over tower giving him some okay remarks.
Jeongin was currently on the living room sleeping from a very low battery energy level at the moment - you guys played fight for a long time earlier, you were tired to say the least as well considering the fennec fox's energy was high but good thing you finally got him tired.
You could hear your stomach rumbling making you groan as you lazily melted down on your bed onto the cold wooden floors of your apartment - sitting still for a moment as you try to guess what you are currently wanting to eat at this time around. It was close to dinner which probably means you should start cooking up.
Jeongin was probably hungry too but you should ask first - you lazily walked out of your room as you made your way towards the living room where jeongin was sleeping, looking at the couch you could see a man?... A MAN IN YOUR LIVING ROOM?! NAKED!
Your eyes widen as you let out a squeal before shutting your mouth quickly - going to the kitchen to grab a pan, not a knife as you don't have to get into prison just yet...Maybe you should..Actually no it's fine. Slowly making your way back to the living room with your pan up in a swinging stance.
You began overthinking - Maybe this was jeongin? Actually where was that little fox? Did this man eat him?! No jeongin would began screeching and growling, your little fox was a fierce and stubborn fighter, Who is this man?! Probably jeongin- but what if it wasn't him? I don't know man the front door didn't open- okay calm down everybody group meeting!.
You were talking to yourself in your head while you look at the man who seemed to be getting restless - you flinched slightly as your hands began getting shaky and sweaty. You either have two to more possible reasons this could be jeongin.
Slowly towering the man as you look at him, he has ears and a tail. You sighed okay maybe you were overwhelmed by the sudden appearance and maybe scared but it's not like you just see a random dude on a Saturday at 5:37PM sleeping on your couch.
Placing the pan back in the kitchen as you go back to the living room - crouching down as you sat in between your knees, poking the man's cheeks which you confirmed to be jeongin by the sight of the ears twitching and the tail moving a bit.
He seems to be having a nice dream - Jeongin slowly opens his eyes, feeling you poking through his sleep as he makes eyes contact with you. He let's out a screech with widen and panicking eyes. Grabbing a pillow as he hides his face from you also covering his clearly naked lower form with a blanket near the couch - you placed it there for the tiny fennec fox to cuddle with.
"H-human! You shouldn't do that! I-...Don't look at my face!..." Jeongin mumbled while you looked at him confused - why must you not look at his face? You'll understand if he said lower body but face? This man was absolutely breathtaking.
"Jeongin?...why not?.." You asked poking his thighs while he let's out a squeak at your touch - peeking up to see your face not written with disgust but confusion.
"I-...Don't I look horrid to you?..." He mutters while you just stared at him confused as you tilted your head to the side. "Horrid?...What are you talking about, Little fox?..." You asked standing up while jeongin observes my movement. You sat beside him and gently caressed his thighs in a gentle manner earning a small purr from the fox.
Jeongin felt embarrassed to say the least, he had never once introduced you to this form just hiding his face against a pillow. "I-...Don't I look scary?.." Jeongin mumbles quietly, thankfully though you caught on to that as you moved closer. Wrapping your arms around him with the pillow in between still.
"My little fox...Jeongin is never scary to me..You look beautiful, jeongin..I mean it..Human means it.." You said in a gentle manner although slightly awkward when it's comes to comfort and words together combined. Jeongin's eyes sparkled at your words peeking up the pillow as he locked gazes with you. His eyes round and doe - he's so adorable you might just have to sleep forever if he keeps making your heart clench. You cannot handle cute activities from the fennec fox hybrid. No.
"My jeongin is so cute~.." You said cooing him while using a baby tone you always use whenever he was being cute in his hybrid form - slowly jeongin puts the pillow down and placed it over his lap, still shy and embarrassed but let's you coo him and give him kisses all over his face as you always do to his other form. Although he couldn't help but began feeling flustered as his cheeks began getting redder each affection and affirmation you give him.
He hides his face against your neck - grumbling at you but you couldn't help but just chuckle at him. He was big, bigger than you with his clear muscles too. Oh gosh. Why was he so big in human form but small in hybrid form.
"Jeongin?..." Jeongin didn't respond back as he slowly shifts both of you Ina cuddling position with you underneath him and him above you. Wrapping his arms around your waist slowly - you couldn't help but get flustered, the man's hands was huge and placed on your lower back.
"It's almost dinner what do you wanna eat, Little fox?.." You uttered asking him while you run your hands through his orange hair - Jeongin lets out a purr while hiding his face against your neck even more closer. Slowly getting closer like dangerously close to your face, you feel a slight change of pace by your heart somewhat more faster. You couldn't help but get flustered as an attractive man was currently on top of you with his face close to you.
"Human..." Jeongin uttered gently nuzzling his face against your neck, feeling heat creep up against your face as you look at him.
"Yes..J-jeongin?." You cursed yourself for stuttering and maybe for feeling nervous. Jeongin thankfully didn't notice as he was to busy being all up in your neck.
"Can i scent you?..." He asks, his lips close to your skin actually forget close it's already touching - His hands gently caressing your side while he continues hiding his face against your neck.
"I-...Uhmm sure?.." You nodded slowly - gently patting his head making him purr even more. Having a small information about hybrids - it was said that scenting helps a hybrid feel comforted and that's all you know of it. Although it's mostly done with other hybrids and sometimes humans of hybrids who has a close and deep connection with one another, you felt happy as jeongin thought of you as someone close to him.
Jeongin huffs against your neck noticing how happy you are - his nose sensitive as he takes in more of your scent. It was sweet and just right but also addictive to him, rubbing his cheeks against your collarbone and neck while you just let him do what he wants.
You can't lie it was comfy getting affection from the other - jeongin let's out a small growl as he nibbles your skin a bit making you slightly confused as you looked down at jeongin who seems to be looking at the door.
You could hear the door bell ringing - you didn't know who it was, jeongin just nibbles your collarbone slowly holding you tightly against him not letting you go or even move an inch towards the door.
"Jeongin...someone's at the door..i need to answer it-.." You said in a low tone while the hybrid just whines against you - nuzzling your neck being fussy and stubborn. You sighed as you gently patted his head making him look up at you with those big doe eyes of his.
"It can wait" Jeongin muttered softly while leaning closer as he nuzzled his nose against your—your heart slightly fluttered at the soft act while jeongin continue to keep on giving you affection.
You couldn't help but just sigh as his grip on you tight, he didn't wanna let go and you doubt he'll ever want too anyways. For a human to finally accept both his forms, he vows in himself that he'll definitely take care of you.
His human...How precious.
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Author's note: I've wanted to post this for awhile also it's ongoing! If you want I can tag you for the next one, just tell me okay? Thanks for reading! ¦] I kekeke
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strawberrhyyh · 20 hours
A bit late but here’s a little something I did for my precious baby Yizhen’s birthday! 🧡🍁🍂☀️
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macskasbacsi · 4 months
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they mean so much to mee
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anaizzzen · 2 months
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Poof/Peri doodles. I watched the reboot just for him
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xrosaurax · 5 months
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gillyly · 1 month
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I just want to kiss his forehead, he's so adorable :3
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testosteroneb0y · 1 month
Toby has buck teeth GRAAAHH
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Im actually going insane I love him so so so much
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gisellecnz · 2 months
Sometimes your eyes just start welling up with tears by just looking at Satoru—You watched him as he took a bite of a dessert, his eyes sparkling with pure joy at the taste. It was a sight so enchanting that you couldn't help but feel your heart swell with adoration. Why does the world treat him so cruelly? He acts as if he doesn't get treated as a weapon to the jujutsu society—this was all because he was given a power he had never asked for. And not only that, he always had the burden of the world on his shoulders ever since he was born. Your heart absolutely aches at the sight when you know he still puts an effort to put a smile on his face, when deep down he's been through so much pain. .... Oh, you've never felt so bad in your entire life. You'd give this man all the desserts he wants and spoil him with kisses and hugs.
Yet you didn't notice your tears were already streaming down your face as you looked at Satoru, having the time of his life chomping down on some dessert.
"This tastes sooo good!! Hey, sweets, you need to-.....H-huh!? W-whats wrong!? D-did you actually wanted this piece!?!? I'm so sorry!!! Don't cry!!" He panicked with the biggest pout on his face.
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ssaraexposs · 3 months
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Dazai IS a fucking mood
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Vincent Price guest stars on The Muppet Show (1977)
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sainzwife · 10 months
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my man 🤭🤭
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zitgrimes · 5 months
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Let's all just take a minute to look at house in his turtleneck sweater
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nemkero · 5 months
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zuko when i make him my oc (hi)
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