#hes the type of guy to joke about it... says he wants his baba and suck on your tits.........
onismdaydream · 5 months
i wanna give satoru gojo a mommy kink 🧍
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booklin · 1 year
KBTBB High School Headcanons!
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Eisuke - I’d say Eisuke probably had straight A’s without trying. He was every girl's crush at school. All of the teachers loved him, giving their best reviews on report cards. Though, didn't have many friends, despite talking to a school day’s worth of people. The people he did call friends were just those he believed would benefit him in the future. You know the anime, “Haven’t you heard? I’m Sakamoto” basically, he’s a kid who’s perfect. Always ten steps ahead, girls love him, guys respect him, teachers admire his grades, that type of thing. That’s Eisuke. He avoids conflict and is always a step ahead. Pop quiz? He knew about it a week before.
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Soryu - When you first see him you think he’s a bully, which is attractive in a way. Turns out he’s just a quiet kid, though there’s definitely an abnormal strength about him. The person everyone fights to get on their team during gym class. Decent grades, probably would get a B in math if it weren’t for the teacher being scared of him. I can imagine him holding a lot of pain in, especially with his home life. Unapproachable, to say the least. Only has one or two friends at most but keeps everyone at arm's length. He’s, surprisingly, not the fighting type however I can see him getting into one fight if he saw a girl being bullied.
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Shuichi - Him and Eisuke are constantly battling for top marks. Everytime one gets an A- the other mocks them for the entire week. Unlike Eisuke, Shuichi actually studies. Some could argue he doesn’t need too, but still does. His desk is always clean, and his notes are perfect. The teachers always entrust responsibilities to him. They even joke about having him as the principal when he’s older. Probably the type of kid that puts a lot of pressure on himself. That, and he just grew up having high expectations set on him. Doesn’t date. At all. He denies every girl that tries. Has been labeled as an “impossible catch”. Believes studies comes first and would break his concentration.
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Ota - Ota is the popular kid. Everyone’s friends with him. He’s always hanging out with someone. One day it’s the drama club, the next it’s the art club. Did I mention the art teacher loves him? He doesn’t do the best academically, but his art teacher is so impressed, she offers to write a college recommendation letter. Again, everyone loves him. He’s the type of person a fight would break out over in the cafeteria, because everyone wants him at their table. Between him and Eisuke, the girls can’t decide who they want to date first.
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Baba - Baba is the playboy all the girls warn each other about. At last, between his dashing smile and adoring personality, almost every girl has fallen for him once. People probably think he rides a motorcycle. He doesn’t, still, he gives off friends to lovers vibes. Despite his efforts, he always gets dumped due to his flirtatious nature. If anyone were to get pregnant during high school, the chances of him being the dad are 9/10. Quite responsible though. Takes accountability and helps his girlfriend through it. Supports her decision and promises to marry her, if that’s what she wants.
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Mamoru - Mamoru is the kid who barely anyone knows. He sits next to you yet, if someone asked, you’d deny that he was in your class. He’s either not in class or sleeping/barely paying attention. They call him “Big Bromoru” because he acts like everyone’s big brother. “Shouldn’t you be doin your homework instead of talkin in the halls, eh?” Literally to random people in the hallway. Though, for some reason, it makes him admirable. No one dares say anything rude back, knowing they’d have the whole school as a target. He’s respected by all the kids there, even if he isn’t very noticeable.
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theredheaded-stuff · 2 years
So guys today I learned how to make a new type of rice
Carrots + onion + rice = Rice sautéed in carrots and onions
And I'm thinking: Does Jonathan Samuel Kent or Kon/Conner know how to cook rice?
Now I have a subject to make Headcanons :D
Alert : Some of them are Angsty Below the kent boys headcanons
Kon cooks very well, Lex and Ma kent taught him very well how to cook
Ma Kent tried to teach Jon how to cook, but everything he does in the kitchen turns toxic.
Jonathan was banned from the kitchen in the lunch
Jon knows how to cook sweets and desserts but can't cook any "real food"
Kon however is wonderful in the kitchen! Tim loves it when Kon just makes lunch and takes it to him on some missions.
Kon says his mission is to "make Tim eat well",they laughed.
Additionall Headcanons/fanfic stuff
Tim has food problems on account of his parents
• Tim and Kon
Tim has problems with food, due to his parents mostly not calling him he had to eat alone many times, and over time he stopped "feeling hungry" This causes some problems like low blood pressure, so Kon and Alfred always try to keep him fed, even if he doesn't want to eat much.
Tim used to feel like a problem when Kon brought him food in the past, but now he loves and tries to eat a little bit of everything he brings, even if he sometimes fails.
Kon usually changes the lunch or even late dinner menu a lot that he brings to Tim, always having something healthy and something tastier on his dishes.
Kon reduced the amount of food a little bit, when he found out about Tim's eating problem, or rather eating disorder, Kon has never been so mad at dead people.
He already invited Tim to a dinner with Lex, who now I understand the situation always mentions to Kon some healthy and delicious food ideas for him to make to Tim ( yes here lex is not a totally an asshole, he cares to his child's and his child friends)
• Jon and Damian
Jon would make desserts and take them on missions, sometimes he would make desserts with the flavor Damian liked best just to offer him, and see the disgusted face when he denied that he wanted too,Over time, Damian began to accept jon's snacks.
Once Damian and Jon had to be alone in the kitchen, Damian kicked Jon out of the kitchen after he burned ONE NODDLES, And made a dinner that could match Kon's
Damian learned to cook from Talia and Jason who was also learning
• Tim and Damian
Damian doesn't mention Tim's eating disorder often, but when he ends up cooking, he always makes an extra dish for Tim.
Sometimes damian makes desserts with coffee or marshemelhows and leaves it on tim's bedroom door.
Tim pretends not to notice, but is grateful that Damian didn't say anything or make any jokes about it.
Tim always tries to eat more, but most of the time he can't, these times Damian also stops eating early and says he's full, so Tim doesn't leave the table or feel sad
In some of their conversations about mission tactics, Damian blurted out "Sometimes it's not good to push yourself, Baba warned me about that" and Tim knew what he was talking about too.
Damian tries to be receptive to hearing about Tim's problems, even if it doesn't seem like it, he started doing this when he understood that everyone had problems even if they weren't apparent.
(Addition : Damian doesn't joke about anyone's physical or psychological problems.)
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imyourmumloser · 3 years
Trash to Treasure - Eisuke Ichinomiya x reader
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 2 4
It felt like days since I had first arrived in the fancy room yet the ticking clock on the wall said otherwise. The bodyguard was busy typing away on a laptop with furrowed brows. He would spare a glance at me every now and again but otherwise his sight stayed glued to the screen.
In the few hours I had been here two other men had shown up. The tense atmosphere didnt hold up for long with them around as they greeted me in the least serious way possible and joked around with each other while introducing themselves.
"Sor, I didnt think I'd ever find you alone with a pretty lady like this," the one in a red jacket said while nudging him slightly before turning to me. "You can call me Baba, pretty lady," he beamed with a wink. He was definitely a strange man and I didnt hesitate to move away slightly as I eyed him suspiciously. The small gesture of discomfort caused the other man to laugh at Baba as he pouted in rejection. However, it didnt take him long to recover and move closer to me.
"So what do you see in Sor then?" he questioned me while wiggling my eyebrows. Thankfully, I didnt have to reply before Sor dragged him away from me and out of the room with the other man. I couldn't help but silently thank whatever god sent him my way to save me from the situation. Eventually the Sor guy returned alone thankfully and the silence from before the clowns came had returned as well.
More time ticked by yet before I knew it the familiar sound of the elevator opening filled the room and out sauntered a familiar face. My hopes were high as my heart began to pound before I remembered my random, crazy act before and realised this most likely wasn't going to go well. The good thing is that he didnt have a lawyer with him so maybe I wasnt going to end up in prison.
Sor finally looked up to Eisuke who pulled out his phone as he made his way to the sofa. "Come to the lounge and bring Mamoru," he ordered before ending the call without wasting a second of his precious time. He continued over to the raven haired male who showed him his laptop screen. Eisuke's eyes swiftly scanned whatever was on the screen before looking at me. Oh boy.
Just as I gulped and anxiety flooded me, the two clowns from before returned with a sleepy looking man who I'm assuming is the Mamoru that Eisuke ordered to come here. They all sat on the sofas as I felt the breath from my lungs leave. Why did Eisuke want so many people here? Maybe they were his legal team which would mean I was in deep trouble.
The thought made my hands clammy. All I wanted was to carry out my mothers will yet the day just couldn't go as planned and here I was surrounded by men who would most likely change my life. Its moments like this where i would go to my mother for support, comfort and advice but none of it was on the table anymore and I was alone in this world. Eisuke wasnt pleaded in the slightest at me just standing outside his hotel so imagining how he would respond to me acting like a wacko lady and causing a scene sent a shiver down my spine.
As I continued dreading the potential future that was going to be thrown my way they talked among themselves. Even if I was paying attention their voices were hushed enough that it would have been loud enough for me to hear; not that I wanted to hear it though.
"So you're mother is (mother name)?" Eisuke's voice pulls me from my dark thoughts. After processing his question I nodded hesitantly.
"You knew her?" I asked. It didnt click that Eisuke would have known my mother and I didnt really know anyone else who knew her so he would be the first person who I could talk to about her.
"Knew?" he questioned.
Before I could talk, I felt like a pile of bricks had been dropped on me. I hadn't said it out loud yet. I bit my lip as my eyes stung from the familiar heat of tears. I blinked them back as I questioned if I wanted to say it. It was real if I said it. I spent days feeling numb on my own before throwing myself into finding Eisuke so I never got to come to terms with the cold, hard truth.
"She... died," I mumbled back in response. Those two words not only confirmed that she was gone but also dragged a dull atmosphere into the room as a short silence followed suit. My heart ached and I could sense the look of pity on one or two of the mens faces and I hated it so for my sake I tried to move the conversation on.
I took a deep breath to soothe myself and forced the tears back before speaking. "That's why I wanted to talk to you, Mr Ichinomiya," I said as I turned toward him. His brows knitted together in thought as I awkwardly waited in response.
After what felt like the longest few seconds he finally turned towards the other men. "Her safety is to take top priority. Get ready for the meeting for when I'm back," he ordered as he got up and walked towards me. "You, with me," he barked and left before I could respond.
"Where are we going?" I asked but followed anyway despite knowing our destination like a loyal dog.
"Your room. My girlfriend should stay in my penthouse after all," he replied but the answer only fueled my confusion.
"I dont have a room here, I cant afford it. Plus what do I have to do with your girlfriend?" I quizzed yet was only greeted with silence. I turned to the others and noticed the clowns laughing at my confusion. Was it that obvious? I thought over the phrase before it clicked.
"Wait, you mean me?! I'm the girlfriend?" His only response was silence as I was practically running after him to catch up with his long, quick strides. Cold much. After chasing after him we finally arrived in a lounge that felt a little more homely yet still as sophisticated as the room I was in prior.
"Y-you didnt... answer... me back there," I huffed out of breath.
"I shouldn't ask questions you already know the answer to. You'll be staying in the guest room. Dont leave the penthouse without my permission. If you leave then I trust you know what trouble will be waiting for you and if I call you better answer immediately."
"You dont even have my number," I said confused, however, my phone buzzed with a message from an unknown number.
"The only replied I should get from you are yes and okay," he half scolded while putting his phone away and nodding his head in the direction of a door. "That's your room."
Without another word he turned on his heel and went back the way we came. That was short and quick. My brain was baffled by the past week's events. I felt foolish for expecting answers as I stood in the lounge all on my own.
Sighing I turned around and walked towards what would be my new room. None of this sat right with me but it was what my mother wanted so I had no choice but to go through with it and trust that she knew what she was doing when she sent me Eisuke's way even if Eisuke was a bit of a dick.
I closed the door to the room behind me as I scanned over the room. It was as elegant as every other room in the hotel but one thing stuck out to me; my things. Why were they here and how? I shuffled through everything to confirm it was mine and after doing so I stared in shock.
Did he do this in the time I was sat with that bodyguard? How would he have been able to find my address then transport it all here? The bad feeling in my gut only worsened as I felt things were going to go downhill with me knowing these people. Not to mention the fact that he's keeping me here and I didnt even have a say in it. The pile of bricks from before hit me ten times harder as I tried to hold onto faith that my mother would keep me from harm's way.
I sat on the bed as the darkness of the night consumed me just like my thoughts did. Surely I was safe, right? Mother would never put me on harm's way. I continued to try and justify what was happening and before I knew it my eyes were opening to the harsh rays of the sun. I guess I fell asleep at some point last night.
I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as everything came flooding back to me while my gaze wandered around the room, focusing on my things that mysteriously appeared here. As I pulled my body out of bed I noticed the view of Tokyo. The view was breathtaking and looked like something I would never be able to afford even if I saved up five lifetimes. I felt like I was in a trance as I soaked in the modern scenery and ant sized people.
A knock from the door echoed through the otherwise silent room. I turned as the door swung open to reveal a maid in a blue uniform dress that bowed down to me slightly. "Good afternoon Miss L/n. It's time for your appointments. I've been requested to show you to them," she stated as she raised her head to me.
"Appointments? Afternoon?" I seriously overslept.
"Yes. Mr Ichinomiya is waiting for you. He's a busy man as you know. We must hurry," she replied while eyeing my day old, wrinkled clothing. I'm guessing these wont do for his standards.
As I scurried to the bathroom to get dress I wondered about the appointments the maid was going on about. I dont remember being told about any but yesterday is kind of a blur but I did remember him telling me that leaving him waiting would lead to trouble for me so I hurried along and reappeared in front of the maid.
"Ready? We must be quick," the maid said, leaving the room before I could even answer. Do I get a say with anyone in this hotel or am I just a doormat?
We soon arrived in front of an empty boutique. I turned to the maid with a quizzical look but all she did was stand by the door gesturing for me to go in. Eyeing the empty shop suspiciously, I pushed the clean glass door open and looked around in curiosity before my gaze landed on the one and only Eisuke Ichinomiya.
"You're late," he scolded. His brows were furrowed as he looked down at me in disapproval. "Try these on," he ordered. He jerked his head in the direction of several tracks of dresses as confusion took over me slightly.
"Which ones?"
He scoffed in return and as I looked at him I just managed to see him roll his eyes at me. Wasnt he supposed to be my boyfriend? Does he not know that definition of boyfriend or is this how he treats every woman?
"All of them obviously."
My jaw almost dropped in shock as I stared at all the dresses. He wanted me to try all of them on? This was going to be a long day and it was already way into the afternoon.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Aladdin queen fic; John Deacon x reader Chap. 2; A Connection
*Author’s note*
Okay wow been a LONG TIME since I pulled this series back up. But now that other series have been completed, and more requests done, I figured it was about damn time I jumped right back into our Disney!Queen fic don’t you. So to those who are fans of the series, thank you for being PATIENT with me since I had other things going on. I hope to regularly update this series until it is fully complete, and I know this chap. isn’t as long as the last one but I’ll try to make the next one a bit longer but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless.
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After losing the guards, I led the two boys towards my little hideout located at an abandoned roof of an old building.  No one had lived in it for years, so I figured that it would be my personal humble abode.
“Where are we?” asked the brunette.
“You’ll see.” I pulled a lever and soon a hidden stairway came out from the wall.  The two boys were in awe and I said.
“Come on, this way.” I began walking up the pegged wooden stairs till I reached the stone bridge, with the two boys behind me as we entered the building and began walking up the stairs.
“You really live here?” asked the blonde.
“Yep. Just me and Abu. Come and go as we please.” I answered.  As we walked up the small tower we soon reached my humble abode. “Welcome to my humble—” but I saw that the red sheet still covered our home. “Uhh hold on.” I then went over to the rope pully and tugged on it which lifted the blanket to reveal my small table, a sheet and pillow for my bed, and a small pillow that was Abu’s bed. “There, welcome to my humble abode.”
“Wow, you are quite the sorceress.” The blonde stated with a grin. I saw Abu go straight for his pillow and watched as he made himself comfortable while my two white guests looked around.
“Abu! Tea.” I hissed silently but all he did was scratch his stomach and yawn boredly, flatly ignoring my request to fetch our guests some tea. “Tea?”
“Oh yes thank you.” Said the brunette haired boy while I saw the blonde go up to the balcony to stare far out to the city that faced towards the sea.
“Wow. Now this is a view. And you get to see out into the sea every day? Live like this every day? Ducking the guards, avoiding the law.” I looked at the blonde confused.
“You found joy in that?”
“Are you joking? That was the most fun I’ve had in years. And that includes the Versailles twins.” I turned towards the brunette and he shook his head in disgust and whispered.
“You don’t wanna know. Also I want to thank you for—stopping that man.” Now that I was getting a better look at this guy, it turns out that he was—pretty handsome.  His pale complexion made him glisten like the moon, his eyes a unique type of color I didn’t know whether they were blue like the sea or green like emerald jewels.
His long brown hair was wildly long but it was tamed almost like a horse’s mane.
“(Y/n) wasn’t it?” By Allah, even when he said my name with that accent of his it—made my heart flutter. Wait what? Get a grip (y/n) you just met him. Plus you don’t even know his name.
“Yes, you’re welcome uhh….”
“Jim, and the crazy blonde friend of mine is…..”
“Ben.” The blonde introduced himself.
“Jim and Ben. From the palace.”
“How could you tell?” asked Jim.
“Well aside from your skin color you both are not from anywhere in India. And this is the only place in West India that has an English settlement here. Plus only someone from the palace could afford rings like that.” I gestured towards Jim’s fingers. “Also that silk lining is imported to. It comes from the merchant boats straight to the palace. But not to servants, at least not most servants, which means you both must be servant boys to the English Princes.”
“Clever girl.” Ben muttered impressed. “How’d you know that?”
“My—baba was once a merchant. A long, long time ago before he met my mother. Told me all about the places he used to go to, all that he used to sell.” I looked down sadly remembering my baba and ami.  I brushed off my grief before telling Ben, “Besides if you think that’s impressive, you should see the view from up there?” I gestured towards the top of the tower.
He ran right up the steps to where he would see the rest of the kingdom of Agrabah as well as the palace in all its glory. He whistled.
“Jim, you gotta see this.” He turned towards me and I gestured for him to go on up while I prepped the tea.
“Agrabah. It’s so beautiful. Wish we could get out more.”
“Try telling that to the Princes. No one’s seen them since the royal families arrived.” I said.
“They won’t let them. Ever since our…..” Ben started but Jim interrupted him.
“Queens died. The kings have been afraid to lose their sons too. So they’ve been locked away, kept inside the sanctuary of four walls whether on their travels for suitors, or even their own home.”
“Yeah, it was tragic. Losing them to the sea. The people of Agrabah say that out of any English royalties that have ever graced our shores, the Queens of England were the most generous and kindest rulers ever known. We mourned for their deaths just as much as I’m sure people back in your country did.” I said as I poured the tea into three cups.
“They definitely weren’t daffodils that’s for sure. Especially Queen Winifred.” Ben said solemnly.  But just hearing how he said her name, it almost seemed like he knew her personally.
“They were like mother’s to us”. John said as he placed a comforting hand to his friend’s shoulder.  Then as he took a step he knocked into my lute guitar and knocked it over which woke up Abu from his nap.  I softly smiled but hid it from them behind one of the glasses. “Is this yours?” he asked as he picked it up.
“It’s—sorta borrowed.” He picked it up and held it so carefully like he was holding a prized baby calf before gently picking the strings and playing a familiar tune. “My mama used to sing that song to me.”
“Mine did too.” He said as he looked up at me.
“You said your father was once a merchant, right?”
“What of your mother?”
“Just….a seamstress. In fact that’s how she and my baba met each other. He was traveling one day and they just—crossed paths and mama said it was like magic.”
“True love.” Jim said in awe.
“Yeah.” I said softly. “But when I was young I lost them both and I’ve been on my own ever since.”
“We’re so sorry to hear that.” Ben said. I walked up the steps and handed them their tea cups as I said.
“It’s okay, it’s just….so sad. Having a monkey as your only parental authority in your life.” They both chuckled and then Ben continued with as he grabbed his cup.
“Must’ve been a real hit with the boys here.” It was then Abu came up onto my shoulder and he chattered away.
“When he chooses to, my teenage years were probably the worst I’ll admit that. But we get by. Every day I just think things will be different…but it never seems to change. It’s just sometimes I feel like I’m…..”
“Trapped.” Jim finished for me. “Like no matter what you do right people still try to put you in your place.”
“Yeah.” He and I just stared at each other almost entranced when Ben spoke up.
“Okay well I know when I feel like I’m not needed.” He stepped around me but before he could walk another step, the sound of a ship’s horn bellowed and the three of us turned to see a ship coming to port.
It looked like a royal ship from the Northern kingdom of India and that’s when Jim stated urgently.
“We have to get back to the palace!” he suddenly handed me back the tea cup and both he and Ben raced down the steps as I said.
“Uhh, now?”
Jim and Ben were both rushing onward through the crowd of people as the guards were telling everyone to clear a way for the three princesses.
“It just three more princesses coming to court the English Prices.” I told them.
“Yes, and we—have to help them get ready.” Ben said as he and Jim stopped and turned towards me.  “And again (y/n) thank you for the adventure this morning, that is the most fun I’ve had in years.” He praised.
“Anytime Ben.”
“Oh! Before we go, do you still have my ring?”
“Yes, here.” I then began searching my pockets and sleeves but I couldn’t find Jim’s ring anywhere.  “Uhh—just-just give me a second.” They both looked around anxiously before turning back towards me. “Hold on I know I’ve got it here somewhere.”
“You are a thief.” Jim stated coldly.  I don’t know why but just the way he said it really hurt me.
“What? No I-I-I-I swear I have it it’s just…Abu? Did you take it?” he hopped off my shoulder and just looked at me innocently. That damn monkey. “Jim I—I’m sorry I don’t…..”
“My mother gave me that ring before she died.” He said as his eyes harshened and almost grew cold to stare back at.  “I can’t believe this, I’m so naïve. C’mon Ben.”
Soon both he and Ben walked away disappointedly but as I tried to call out to them and walk towards them to catch up, the crowd overpowered me and I lost sight of them.
“GET OUT OF THE WAY!!” I turned to see one of the guard’s horses about to rear downwards on two innocent children so I quickly stepped in and saved them just before the horse could severely injury them.
“Hey! If I were as rich as you I could afford some manners!” I snapped at the guard.
“Are you talking back to me street mouse?!” he snapped.
“At least it takes one to know one. No better yet I’m looking at a dirty ol rat who knows nothing of civilian life!” It was then I felt the sting of a slap across my face.  It was so hard that I ended up on the ground.
“You are a worthless street mouse wench. You were born a street mouse, you will die a street mouse, and only your fleas will born you.” The guard urged his black stallion to continue onward with the escort. Some of the women helped me stand up and I just glared at the guard who trotted off.
“Not every day you see a horse with two rear ends.” I muttered as I dusted myself off. “And I’m not worthless, nor do I have fleas.” I felt Abu come back onto my shoulders and I figured its best to just stay in for the rest of the day.  “C’mon Abu, let’s go home.”
As we headed back and I looked at my outhouse of a home I couldn’t help but think back to what the guard said.  What everyone higher up in the system has ever said to me all my life.
"Riffraff," "Street rat" I don't buy that If only they'd look closer Would they see a poor girl? No, siree They'd find out There's so much more to me...
I now sat along the steps looking out the open space of the wall out towards the palace and thought of Jim.  It was then Abu came sliding down the curtain with Jim’s ring, chittering and grinning smugly.  I sighed and said as I grabbed the ring from him and lectured him.
“Abu. There’s a time we steal, and a time we don’t. This was most definitely a don’t!” he chittered dejectedly but climbed back up the curtain.  But as I stared at the ring, the corners of my mouth slowly raised upward, maybe I would have a chance to make it up to Jim.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 5 years
That unsubstantial death is amorous
Jim fails to stop the dark ritual involving Enrique. He is surprised by the outcome.
Because I was having a hard time writing the sorcerer, I started chapter five of Juliet Dies in This from Jim’s POV before switching to the proper POV. Here is a cleaned-up and lengthened version of that draft (for example, Claire is no longer “the Annexer” as she was back when I wrote this draft)
Title comes from Romeo and Juliet, Act V, Scene iii, Line 112
By using NotEnrique's connection to his familiar, Douxie and Archie had been able to find Enrique; they had texted everyone using the groupchat. It was a good thing that they had set up a separate groupchat for memes, or else Jim would have ignored it.
He stood in front of a relatively nondescript warehouse, like some bad horror movie or action film. First to arrive, he knew he should probably wait for backup. After all, last time he tried to rescue Enrique on his own he had fucked up badly enough that he had released a genocidal warlord.
Then again, last time he tried to rescue Enrique, he had been in the care of someone who needed him safe. The goblins and changelings had needed him safe. They didn't know enough about the spellslinging kidnapper to know if he would try to keep Enrique relatively unharmed, or how long Enrique had to live.
Well, at least the warehouse was near the hospital, should anything go wrong.
Jim cut the lock with his glaives, and then switched to wielding Daylight.
“I know you're in here,” he growled, turning about. "”Where's Enrique?”
A bolt of red magic struck his side. Jim snarled in pain, summoning his shield and turning to where the attack had come from. The sorcerer stepped out of the surely magical shadows, holding Enrique in one arm.
“Oh, the baby?” he drawled. “You'll have to take him from me.”
The sorcerer set down Enrique, a cage forming around Claire's little brother. He then took a few shots at Jim. They left embers on the floor between them; it must have been some sort of fire-type magic. It was a good thing that he had his armor, then.
Jim charged him, and the embers formed chains that forced him into a kneeling position. His hands were bound behind his back.
Jim's breath shook; he tried to remind himself that Merlin was dead, Gunmar was dead, Usurna was dead, all of them were dead. It was hard to do so when the sorcerer approached him with a smile like a cat who found a mouse in the mousetrap. He raised his arm to the ceiling and used it to form a narrow circle of holes. Sunlight streamed through them. Good thing Jim had placed the Daywalking stone into his amulet; as long as it didn't get stolen he'd be okay.
“Not so brave now, eh?” The sorcerer pressed his long, thin fingers into the space between the amulet and the rest of Jim's armor, before tearing it out and placing it in his pocket. Shit. “Try not to burn yourself, okay? I want you to watch this.”
The sorcerer pulled out a glass tube, like one of the ones in the science lab. It was filled with dark purple dust. Could it be Grave Sand? Except no, Grave Sand was more glittery.
The sorcerer popped the cork and began to spread it in a circle. He placed the amulet in the center. He then grabbed Enrique and opened a pocket knife.
Jim tried to break through the bars of sunlight. If he was as small as he had been when he was human, maybe he could have done it. All that happened instead was that Jim cried out in pain.
The runes began to glow with a dark purple light, and Jim looked away from the ritual to see if he could sense any sign of, oh, a group of high school juniors looking for the right warehouse.
“Baba Yaga, Pale Lady, Eldritch Queen,” the sorcerer said. “I bring you the brother of the one who dared to seal you in the Shadow Realm, to do with as you will.”
Maybe Jim could convince the sorcerer that as the trollhunter, he was a better sacrifice than Enrique?
“In return,” the sorcerer continued, “I ask that you impart a fraction of your great power into me.”
If it weren’t for the underlying panic, Jim would’ve joked that the sorcerer needed to talk to Angor Rot about how trying to get magic from Morgana was a bad idea. Maybe it would cure this guy’s ego, or something.
Then again, there was the telltale sound of the clinking of five clawed fingers forcing themselves through the portal and resting on the concrete.
Shit. Jim (and the others, wherever they were) was not ready to face Morgana; not again.
Jim looked back at the portal just in time to see five more clawed fingers forced themselves through the portal. No, it had to be a trick of the light.
It wasn’t. Those two hands clad in purple clawed armor pushed a purple-helmeted head out of the portal, and then shoulders, and then Claire swung herself out of the Shadow Realm.
She was alive. She was alive, and they had left her there. They should have tried harder to find a way to save her.
“Give me back my brother!” Claire said, lunging for the sorcerer. As she did so, she scuffed the runes and kicked the amulet out of the center of the portal, effectively closing it. She grabbed her brother and held him to her chest with one arm. With the arm not holding her brother, she swiped with her claws. When she narrowly missed the sorcerer, thin whips formed from the end of the claws. They raked across the sorcerer’s face.
Jim wanted to warn Claire about the embers, to tell her that he was sorry they hadn’t rescued her, to tell her that he loved he like he should have all those months ago.
All he could say was her name. Her name, and the incantation to join the fight.
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elaera23 · 5 years
A Messy Surprise - Part 1
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Character: Mamoru x Reader
Contains: Humor / Fluff
Summary: MC has a secret crush on Mamoru and Baba wants to set both of them up so they finally take the next step. No smut here, but you’ll get rewarded in the 2nd part 😉
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I'm still not sure why I’m the right choice for this assignment.
“Why would Ayase ask for me? We barely know each other,” I ask Baba not too long ago.
“Mamo himself recommended you to Ayase.”
My eyebrows rise in surprise as I look at him. “You’re kidding.”
“No, I’m serious. I think originally Mamo wanted to ask you himself but he got called off to another undercover mission which he couldn’t decline. So Ayase took over and chose you after Mamo’s recommendation. I mean you are probably the only woman Mamo trusts enough of being capable to go on this mission anyway. Not that there were any other women he would even consider talking to.” Baba chuckles.
“What does that mean, Baba?!”
Without any further explanation and with a wink he gives me a last encouraging pat on the head and leads me into the cab which will bring me to the police station.
Still thinking about Baba’s words I start to feel uneasy about this whole thing. Am I actually that special to Mamoru? I mean, he isn’t wrong, I really am the only woman Mamoru even looks at. He mostly is a grumpy slacker but when it comes to me, his attitude changes. When the other Bidders are around he doesn't tease or insult me the way they do from time to time (even if they don't mean it). And in the rare moments where we are actually alone, he shows me a different, nicer side of his. He even manages to say “please” and “thank you” when he asks me for a drink. “You are the best, kid,” he then replies with a wry smile.
I don't know what it is, but this old slacker kinda found a way into my heart. His laziness and the way he always calls me “kid” gets on my nerves from time to time, but out of all Bidders he was the one I could relate the most to, living in a normal apartment, working in a normal job and be happy with a cup of soba and a drink when he comes home after a busy day.
Up until  now I have just talked with Chisato about the secret crush I have on our VIP guest. I think back to the conversation we just had yesterday.
“You need to tell him,” she recommends for like the 50th time since we first spoke about him.
“I can't and you know that.” A deep sigh escapes my lips and I let my head hang down in frustration. “He is a guest and I'm just his maid. He probably doesn't even see me as a woman, the way he always calls me kid and makes fun of me when I get excited about something.”
“Did he ever say or do something that gave you a clue about his feelings?” Chisato asks me with a thoughtful look.
“Well once there was this situation....”
My mind moves back to said day. We are alone in the penthouse as Eisuke and Soryu are at some business meeting, Ota is in his studio working on the new exhibition items and Baba somewhere in Europe looking for a special necklace he wants to sell at the next auction. Mamoru is still regularly coming by even though the others aren't around.
“Here I can take a nap without bein’ disturbed,” he explains as I look at him with raised eyebrows. “And it smells way better than my apartment,” he adds with a grin which makes me giggle.
“Well if you'd take better care of your home, it wouldn't be so smelly,” I reply with a teasing smile.
“It's not as if anyone would care in what state my apartment is,” he answers in a tone which should sound careless, but I sense that there is more behind it.
Was he actually not joking around for a change? I look at him with a thoughtful expression, actually seeing small crack in the mask of grumpiness which he normally puts on in front of the other guys.
A tender smile blooms on my face and I can feel how my heart starts to race. “I'm sure there is a woman out there which would be very happy to be the reason you'd start to look forward to get home,” I reply as cheerful as I possible despite the knot that is building in my stomach. I hear Mamoru mumbling something to himself, but I'm too far away to understand his words.
Maybe she is nearer as you think, Mamo. I let out a sigh. Ugh, oh well. Maybe after a drink he might see what is directly in front of his eyes, haha. Laying down my cleaning utensils I push back my sarcastic inner voice and make my way into the kitchen to pour him a glass of his favorite whiskey. I search the shelf for that special bottle and find it on the highest shelf so I have to take the stool to get it. Damn you Eisuke for putting it up there!
“Careful, kid. I think that thing is broken since I once threw it at the stupid mobster,” Mamoru opposes as he gets over while I still try to reach for the bottle. Standing on my tiptoes I suddenly feel how the stool starts wavering and I yelp.
“Shit!” The stool falls over and I lose my balance but instead of hitting the hard ground I fall on something soft and warm.
“Ufff. Dammit, Kid! I told ya to be careful.” I hear a muffled voice underneath me.
Turning around I find myself lying on Mamoru’s chest. My cheeks start to burn when I feel the heat spread between our bodies.
“I- I'm so sorry...” Not able to phrase more than that, I look at him and our eyes meet. His irises are dark like a stormy sky and suddenly I realize how pleasant his scent is when he doesn't smell like cigarettes. Looking at his handsome features I see the slightly pink blush and I’m not sure if it is because of my weight or the fact that I’m lying on him. Clumsily I push myself up and straighten my uniform while Mamoru tries to stand up.
“Well, thank you for saving me,” I say in a higher voice than usual while I throw him a wry smile which should cover my embarrassment.
“Always there when ya need a pillow to fall onto, sweetheart.” Slightly chuckling he grabs the whiskey bottle which I desperately have tried to reach and pours himself a glass.
“I think now is the right moment to say: 'I told ya, kid',” Mamoru grins at me while he takes a sip of his glass.  
A dry laugh escapes my throat and I clumsily scratch the back of my head. My cheeks are burning as I retort. “Yeah, yeah, I know... Stupid kid didn't listen to what Daddy told her.” With a mischievous grin I pick up my cleaning utensils and leave the penthouse a little too quickly to not look suspicious. Before my escape I catch a glimpse of Mamoru's dumbstruck expression and how he is mouthing something I didn't get to hear anymore.
“Pfhhh...” As soon as I close the door to the penthouse I burst out in laughter. I seriously can't imagine talking this way to any other of the Bidders. “Soryu would’ve probably shoot me, while Eisuke would’ve given me double shifts for the next three weeks… or wait. Maybe I would’ve gotten a pay raise because I was brave enough to talk to him that way.” Chuckling I move my cleaning utensils to the next suite, still feeling a whiff of Mamoru’s body heat on mine.
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So here I am in this gorgeous dress Baba organized me. It isn't the fancy kind of dress he'd normally choose so I was surprised when handed me that cute but still feminine rose colored piece. It is revealing but doesn’t look cheap and perfectly underlines my cleavage and waistline.
My heart is beating nervously when I enter the building, while my eyes move around, looking for Ayase.
“You can do this, ____. It’s just a mission and Mamoru himself suggested that you go with Detective Ayase... I just hope the detective doesn’t get the wrong idea and tries to make a move on me while we are undercover.”
“Eww.” I grimace when I imagine Ayase laying his arm around my waist or even kissing me. He totally isn’t my type and instead of concentrating on finding him my thoughts automatically move back to Mamoru while I walk through the police station.
“I’d rather be with him on this mission, I’m sure we would have fun.” I smile as I think about his handsome features grinning at me. “Stop it, Mamoru is not here and he trusts you that you’ll do a good job with Ayase!”
With my head held high I straighten my dress once again and take a look around. Surprisingly I find myself standing in front of Mamoru’s office. “How the hell did I get here? Darn, and where is Ayase?!” Annoyed I pull my phone out of my clutch, looking for Ayase’s number. In that moment I hear a noise coming from the other side of Mamoru’s office door.
Meanwhile in Mamoru’s office:
“Ugh, what does the damn thief want at this time of day?” Mamoru grunts as he sees the number on his display. He is sitting in his worn out office chair, working on some reports concerning his latest case.
“Kishi,” he answers with a grumpy tone.
“Hey Mamo! It’s Baba.” He hears the thief’s cheerful voice on the other side of the speaker.
“Whaddya want? I told ya I ain’t talkin’ to Ayase anymore about your case.”
“No, no, I’m not calling because of my case. But good that you mention Ayase, I hope you know he has a huge crush on MC, do you? “ Mamoru could virtually hear his grin through the phone. Why is Baba even telling him this?
“So what? MC has more guts than Ayase, I’m sure she can handle him.”
“Fascinating, I think this is the first time I hear you standing up for someone else then yourself.” Baba chuckles.
“Shaddap, you moron. This ain’t the reason you are callin’, so come to the point.”
“Well, Ayase did have the guts and actually invited MC out on a date.”
“Whaddya mean, he asked her out?” Mamoru asks, exasperated.
“Exactly what I meant, my dear Mamo,” Baba chuckles. “MC actually will just meet up with him any minute in front of the police building.”
“Well- eh… not that I care. She is free to date whoever she wants. Now leave me alone, I need to… get some things done.”
He hangs up and angrily smashes his phone on the office table.
“How dare he ask MC out on a date!” Mamoru shouts, grabbing his phone again. He picks up the jacket and rushes out of his office, his thoughts already swirling around MC and what could happen between her and Ayase.
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SO GOOD TO BE BACK! Thank you for reading so far! Let me know what you think of it as it is my first fanfic in over 6 months now ❤
If you want to find out what happens next, continue with the 2nd part - and I promise you will get rewarded with some quite steamy scenes *wink wink* 😂
Tagging: @voltage-my2dlove @hifftn @rougepetale
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marvelheaux · 6 years
T’challa’s Outside Daughter (Chapter 4)
A/N : Hey Guys!! Sorry for the Long wait. Depression was getting the best of me and plus I wasn’t feeling well at all. But here it is :) Enjoy xx -Lanna
Description : Zyra is the first born of King T’challa. She moved to the states and grew up with her Single mother with hardly any contact with her father. Queen Mother Ramonda decided that with all the drama and secrets going on, that it's time to bring the family together .
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Story Links:
Main Character + Faceclaim
Character List
She met one of her father's  Exes (oneshot)
TOD Prologue , Chp1 , Chp2 , Chp3
Warnings: Possible Grammar Errors, Angst, Strong Language
Words: 2K
     Zyra sadly walked off backstage to the area, where the crowd was seated . She was a bit disappointed because she and her team placed 5th at the 2016 Cheerleading Worlds competition. They had a promising year, until it took two major deductions on day 2 of finals and their bubbles were popped. She walked out into the arena looking for her mom, her frown turned upside down and her face lighted up, when she saw a special guest sitting next to mom. Her grandfather, His majesty King T’chaka, was standing there smiling and clapping. She ran and hugged him tightly. She couldn’t believe he actually came and watched her performance but she felt some type of way because he’s a very busy politician, and he just watched a ‘terrible’ performance.
“Congratulations entle!! I’m so proud of you!”
“Thank you baba! If I had know you were coming, i would’ve pushed a little harder” Zyra said looking at the floor”
King T’chaka took her hands and preached to Zyra
“ You win some, you lose some. Just work on your mistakes and learn from them, so when next year comes, you know what to do. And trust me. Next year IS your year. Trust me.”
Those words stuck with her. Even after his death, she pushed even harder. Those words came into effect when they in fact did win the year after that-
“Zyra wake up….” she felt someone shaking her shoulder gently and speaking in a soft voice.
This made her woke up from her sleep, in the jet cubicle.
“Huh?” She said looking oblivious , whilst wiping the drool off her face.
“We are 5 minutes away from touching down in Wakanda” Nceba, one of the dora members, reassured her.
With that, she quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up. She even was offered breakfast from the jet staff due to her long flight.
“Zyra, you are home.”
She smiled as she got up from her half-eaten breakfast and rushed to the frontal view of the quinjet. It drove through the heavy bushes, then the protective barrier unravelled and revealed Wakanda. Her breath was taken way. Wakanda was beautiful. Even though she wanted to vlog or snapchat what she saw, she decided not to and wanted to be in the moment and take in wakanda and all its glory.
While she was still excited and getting her stuff together, the room suddenly started to become small. She started to feel dizzy and her heart started to race, so she sat down. As the quinjet opened and the Dora was about to escort her out, she started crying and hugging her legs. Nceba saw her crying and came to her aid. Queen Ramonda who was standing on the outside patiently waiting on her granddaughter, became worried as it was taking her along while to come outside. She suspected that something was wrong, and she walked passed the Dora standing outside with her, and found Zyra in her condition.
“Ah Cebisa, sithandwa sam” Ramonda embraced her tightly, rubbing her back and rocking her back and forth, when she noticed that she was having an anxiety attack.
“Breathe with me. In through the nose, out through the mouth.
Zyra struggled to follow suit, bouncing her leg and holding on to her grandmother for comfort.
She was afraid.
She missed her mother.
This is going to be the longest time that she was going to be away from her mother and it made her feel uneasy.
“Worry not my child. We are all happy to see you. We love you and your country misses you. Your mom is proud of you.”
Zyra nodded her head as she tried to take in what her grandmother was saying.
“Do you know home many times, your mother and I wanted me to bring you back here? It was always a fluke because your father was trying to keep you a secret and me and your father were always at loggerheads for that. But not to worry, he will learn and come back to his senses.”
Zyra secretly disagreed because she still feels her father is the scum of the earth.
“Come on dear, the others can’t wait to see you!!”
Zyra suddenly felt like she was going to shit herself as she grabbed her pillowpet and her backpack and  headed for the main entrance of the palace.
She doesn’t remember much but the flamboyant scent of the building tickled her memory. She was finally back home.
The palace was huge and quiet, which was suspicious. Walking down the corridor, she came across an old painting of her grandfather when he was a lot younger and she smiled.
“I miss you baba.”
Zyra heard voices around the corridor, including a familiar voice with a cute accent.
“ Shuri???!” Zyra called out.
Pitter patter of feet became closer and closer and a wild Shuri ran around the corner.
When she saw Zyra, they both screamed and ran towards each other and jumped into each other's arms. They hugged each other tightly, while crying tears of joys.
The dynamic duo was back together.
They have not seen each other since Zyra’s mom side of the family, last vacation trip. Although they were seven seas apart, T’chaka and Ramonda made it their business to bring Shuri to New York for every school vacation, so they can spend time together. 
They broke apart with tears in their eyes, analysing each other.
“I missed you so much!”
“I miss you too! You have no idea”
“ Look at you! Princess Shuri all royal and shit! You are so cute!!” Zyra joked.
“Me?? Look at you!! Melanin poppin, skin glowing, pink in on pink everything in synced” Shuri laughed referring to Zyra’s barbie pink champion jumpsuit and her matching pink timberlands.
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“It wasn’t planneeeeedddd I swear! Its weird cause my bags- WAIT….WHERE MY BAGS AT?” Zyra started running around the place worried.
“SIS RELAXX!!! The attendants have your stuff. Did yo ass  forget you’re royalty too or???”
The both laughed heartily as Shuri grabbed her hand to show her around the rest of the palace.
On the way to Shuri’s lab, she showed Zyra the King’s Office and Quarters and she became hesitant and started to talk the other way.
“Wait where are you going? Nobody’s in there.”
“He’s not in there, they aren’t home.”
“Oh thank God”
“They’re in Maiorca right now, won’t be home until tomorrow I think.
“Maiorca??? Oh they boujie boujie…”
“Don’t worry our traditional 20th birthday parties are going to litttttyyyyy!”
Just like how the spanish community have a quinceanera for the 15th birthday, wakanda had traditional birthday parties for when they turn 20.  She found it funny how he can travel to these lavish places with this “new family” but never wanted to claim her. He was always her source of anxiety and insecurity.
Soon they arrived at Shuri’s lab and Zyra couldn’t believe her eyes. It was like a scientist’s wet dream. One of the million things that they both shared together, was their passion for science and technology. They always shared their ideas and theories together.
“I have something to tell you and please don’t get mad” Shuri clasped her hands nervously.
“What is it?”
Shuri pulled up blueprints of the new black panther suit on the technical board.
“This is the finished product of the suit. Anndddd …..Ikindaddedyourdesignstoit!” Shuri said in one breath whilst squinting her eyes.
“The kinetic energy and adding the different types of vision was such good ideas I couldn’t help it.
“I’m sorry sis!!! I told him i did it!”
“Are you though?”
“I mean no but….”
“I’m suing yo ass for damages” Zyra could help but laugh. This was typical Shuri.
       The girls were relaxing in the balcony pool of the Queen’s Quarters, chatting it up and gazing at the stars. This girl time was needed cause there was alot to catch up on. Zyra got quiet for a moment which made Shuri worry for a bit.
“What’s the matter usisi?”
“I just feel guilty sometimes.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I feel bad about …..being close to my grandparents. Because. I never wanted to take the attention away from you. I know they just felt for me.”
“You shouldn’t feel that way because my father and I always had a good relationship. He felt it was necessary to step in as a grandparent. We’re like sisters remember?”
“Yeah…” Zyra managed to crack a soft smile.
“Besides, T’challa was always the favorite so...you know how that shit goes” Shuri rolled her eyes and backstroked to the pool steps and Zyra dramatically sucked her teeth and laughed.
  After calling her mom back in new york and having a long conversation about wakanda, Zyra decided to hit the sack to catch up on some much needed sleep.
   Zyra was snoring softly in her big comfy duvet when she was woken up by the sounds of constant heavy footsteps and a disturbingly familiar male voice.
“Great...the motley crew is back from their trip.” She thought to herself. “I wish they would stop waking me the fuck up” . Zyra covered her head with pillow, hoping she could go back to sleep.
On the outside, T’challa, Nicolette and their two children walked into the beauty room area  of younger folks Quarter’s, where the attendents were putting Sariyah’s 20 (not really) suitcases and designer clothing away. On the way to the lounge area, Matthew saw a couple of light pink suitcases that were noticeably not belonging to neither his sister nor his mother.
“Wait who's suitcases are these?” Matthew said under his breath.
He noisily checked the suitcase tag. He was taken aback when the tag read “JFK”. “Wait, New York, it's a possibility that his sister is here”
“Wait? Is Zyra here?”
“Yes my prince, she is asleep in her room” one of the dora chimed in.
“What is she doing here?” Sariyah was already annoying to the fullest.
Queen Nicolette was shocked as she looked to T’challa for answers. At this point T’challa was catching cold sweat and suddenly felt nauseous. He had zero notice that she was arriving at all. No words from King T’challa at this point. He just headed to his room quickly and Nicolette followed suit.
“Getting cold feet huh?” Nicolette sat on their matrimonial bed. “I thought we talked about this”
T’challa was hunched over the balcony, trying to get his mind together. You would expect a king of a great nation to have an answer for everything. Not this time though.
“I shouldn’t at this stage tell you how to be a father. Grow a pair.”
T’challa side-eyed his wife .
“Boy stop looking at me like that and cuddle me, I’m sleepy.”
It’s well into the fore-morning and Zyra had had it cause the noise won’t stop. Sariyah thought it was cute to purposely knock on her door and stomp as loudly as she can to aggrevate her. After a couple more loud noises, Zyra suddenly got out of bed and walked out the room wearing an oversized t-shirt , a kente print bonnet on and a pair of socks. She calmly walked into the lounge area where Sariyah was standing.
“Can the person who is knocking on my door stop please?”
“No one is knocking on your door, go back to bed, wannabe”
“Wannabe?” Zyra was starting to get pissed off cause she doesn’t tolerate disrespect.
“Listen lil girl, I aint got time for your bullshit, just shut the fuck up so I can sleep please” she turned on her heels to walk away.
“Why you sound like a man?”
Sariyah was clearly taking a jab at Zy’s strong New York accent.
“Guess what, I sound manly, and these hands manly too. Don’t fucking play with me you rat ass bitch”
Zyra slammed her bedroom door.
sithandwa sam - my love
Usisi - sister
Entle - beautiful
Taglist: @mxrvelous-bxrnes  @kida114 @royallyprincesslilly @dramaqueenamby @randomassfandomwho @jadesid @deansbbysblog @pananegra @janell-r @zakarakillmonger @omgsuperstarg @skysynclair19 @amethyst09 @sisterwifeudaku @bezzywazhere @mbakus-bae @champagnesugamama @kumkaniudaku @brianabreeze @sarahboseman @queennanayaa @ginghampearlsnsweettea @fanwolfgirl @theifandbegger
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heartofsnark · 6 years
NSFW Alphabet: Mamoru
Note: Here’s my favorite grumpy old man, also, other than Ota’s the dirty secret section on all of these kinda turned into Sex Sent Me To The ER: Bidders Edition. I don’t know why I became so preoccupied with them getting hurt during sex. But, here’s this thing. I hope you all like and it actually shows up in the tags. 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He just wants to cuddle up to his partner and pass out. If MC says they need something, or if they clearly need some tending to afterwards, he will, especially if they did something a bit rougher. But, he’s not the type to worry about doing a whole hell of lot after sex, or ever if we’re being honest. He’s happy to just pass out sweaty with cum on him and just deal with cleanup in the morning. Besides, sometimes he wakes up during the night and wants to go again, so not much point in cleaning up, right?
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He isn’t the kind of guy to spend much time thinking about his body or giving any sort of fucks about his appearance. Honestly, if he could he’d spend his life in his old sweatpants and t-shirt. The only time he genuinely gives a shit is if starts thinking MC cares, than he can be a bit insecure. But, if you really forced him to pick something, it’s going to be his dick. He’s pretty happy with what he’s packing.
He’s a boob man, through and through. They’re soft and just feel really nice in his hands. If MC let him, he’d probably be constantly squeezing and playing with their tits. His mouth tends to gravitate towards them, sucking and teasing them. Doesn’t matter the size or anything, he’s content playing with whatever they have to offer there.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He likes creampies the most, he knows it’s not always a great idea, but he honestly loves knowing MC is full of his cum. He can be kind of jealous at times and creampies tend to quell some of that, making it feel like his partner is really his. He cums a lot too, so by the end he’ll have made a complete mess of his partner, which he also loves. MC is more put together than him, who isn’t, so seeing them so wrecked and leaking his cum drives him crazy.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He and his MC have fallen off the bed during sex, he got a bit carried away. For a solid moment, he thought he broke his dick and was terrified. Lucky him, he just kind of bruised it and was out of commission for a while. He spent the entire time in bed with ice on his groin having MC pack and carry to him. It honestly would have been nice if not for the whole hurt dick situation. The next time they had sex they were extra careful.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Moderate, he’s probably had around two girlfriends in the past. As much as he talks about liking provocative women and acting like a perv, he’s honestly not that into casual hookups. He’s had one or two, but that’s about it. He just prefers being physical with someone he cares about, that trust makes it better, not that he’d ever admit that. But, he has a high sex drive, so within those two relationships he did get a decent amount of experience. He has a good grasp on what he likes, what he’s good at, and what pleases his partner. Out of the bidders, he definitely has the most normal sexual history.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Cowgirl type positions tend to be his preference, despite what people might think this isn’t because he’s lazy, honestly it seems like sex is  what he’s been conserving energy for. Even if his MC is on top, he’s thrusting and is honestly probably still setting the pace, he has a hard time keeping still during sex. He mostly likes the view and seeing his partner desire him enough to take any sort of charge. He prefers being able to see and touch their chest, or having full body contact with kisses. These type of positions would be his pick:
Watering Can: http://sexpositions.club/positions/101.htm
Cowgirl (duh): http://sexpositions.club/positions/113.html
Crab:  http://sexpositions.club/positions/77.html
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He might make a few teasing jokes in the build-up, but he veers more towards serious during sex. Mamoru gets very into it and he wants his partner to be the same way, he’d rather his partner moan than laugh. That being said, he isn’t above laughing if something stupid happens. Sex isn’t always some picture perfect experience, things happen and he’d be lying if he said there wasn’t a time or two when he and his partner ended up cracking up laughing during sex over something stupid. He leans more towards serious and won’t try to make his partner laugh, but whatever happens, happens.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Please, he barely gives a fuck about the hair people see. His pubic hair is dark gray, bushy, and thick. I also think he probably has a bit of a happy trail or hair on his stomach. He just lets it grow however it pleases. The only time he really would do anything is when he gets with his MC. He’ll trim a bit more often in general because now someone will, hopefully, be interacting with his junk. But, he’ll only put genuine effort in and try to make it neat is if either MC complains or he starts to feel insecure. He does have those moments when he realizes he’s kind of a disaster of a human being and worries MC might truly regret being with him. Kind of like when he suddenly starts cleaning or slicks his hair back for something. Like a sort of, “See, you didn’t make a horrific mistake, please don’t leave me,” sentiment.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Day to day, Mamoru tends to struggle with being honest about his feelings. Even during sex, unless something traumatic (like MC nearly dying)  has happened, he focuses more on dirty talk than romantic talk. He’s more likely to gush about how he loves MC after they’ve fallen asleep and can’t hear him.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He jerked off fairly often when he was single. With his MC, he only really jacks off when they have to be apart because of work or whatever. Not if they’re fighting though. If his partner isn’t with him because they’re angry, masturbating just makes him feel really pathetic. He uses porn magazines for his material, yes, old man Mamoru doesn’t even use the internet for his porn needs. MC definitely found a sizable collection of them when they cleaned his apartment.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Spanking Kink, he talks a lot about his partner being bratty and needing punishment, so what better way than watching their ass turn red under his hand. 
Domesticity Kink, if that’s a thing, having his partner take care of him and their home makes him feel loved. Also, he seems to like the idea of his partner in a frilly white apron and if they didn’t want to wear anything under it. He wouldn’t be opposed to it. 
Roleplay/Costumes is one he denies, he has an entire bag of costumes Baba has given him since he got with MC. He’s never thrown them away and while he’d never say anything, if his partner wanted to try a few on he wouldn’t be against it. There’s this playboy bunny one that he’d like to see on them. Just admit your kinks, Mamoru!
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
For the most part, he just likes staying in bed and rolling around together all day long. It might be a bit tame, but it’s nice to just be together in the comfort of home. I can also see him being into sex in his car. Pulling over off the side of secluded road and climbing into the backseat together. It’s a little risky, but not too much, and it just feels very Mamoru to me. I don’t have a great justification. He definitely has to clean his car out first, though.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Domesticity, his partner taking care of him means a lot to him and makes him want to take care of them in another kind of way. 
Semi Bratty Behavior/Demandingness, he complains, but he honestly loves when his partner makes little demands and wants to be a bit spoiled. Like when they want so many kisses a day and then get pouty when he pretends to be annoyed. He thinks it’s cute and he likes making excuses to “punish” them. 
Seeing his partner in his clothes, he’s not quite sure why, but it turns him on. It feels like a very normal cozy couple thing and show him just how comfortable they are with him. He prefers it to lingerie, honestly.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Super dangerous stuff is out, obviously he doesn’t want to hurt his partner. He’s not into heavy BDSM; choking, gunplay, shit or piss stuff, sounding, needles, electric play, knife play, CBT, caging, chastity, or anything with rubber or latex. Threesomes, cuckcolding, or anything involving sharing his partner is not his thing, he’s the jealous type and just the thought makes him feel like shit.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He definitely likes and is skilled at giving oral, but he’d rather receive. It feels a little selfish, but he can’t help it. He tends to think of his MC as innocent and seeing them do something so dirty just excites him. If MC is comfortable with it, he’d like to fuck their face, the feel and look of their mouth around his cock is just incredible.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He usually tries to start off a bit slow, but he can pretty much never keep a slow pace. He gets caught up in it, becoming fast and rough before too long. His usual pace can be kind of brutal.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He likes quickies quite a bit. Proper sex is better, but he gets turned on throughout the day. So, if he can get MC to take a break from work and screw around, he’s going for it. If they ever want to come down to the station and take him away for a quickie, he won’t say no. He prefer it to working, that’s for damn sure.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s not that risky, sex in his car and a little teasing in public is about as risky as he is in regards to getting caught. He’s willing to try things out, though he’s not prone to being the one to introduce things, if he does he’ll try to act like he’s just joking. If his partner asks to try something out he’ll act annoyed, but he’s more than willing. Just admit your kinks, Mamoru!
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Ever wonder what he’s always conserving his energy for? Spoiler alert; its sex. He lasts about an average amount of time, but he can cum about three to four times before he needs a break. And after an hour or two of sleep, he’s okay to do it all over again.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t personally own any toys, when it comes to masturbating, he’s fine with his hand. He’s open to getting toys involved though, mostly for his partner. Toys aren’t a huge turn on for him, but if MC wants to use one in front of him or depending on the toy use one on him, he’s willing to try it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Mamo is a tease, he likes seeing his MC all riled up. Seeing them get flustered is fun and turns him on. Though, he’s a ‘can dish it out but can’t take it type’ he gets just as, if not more, flustered if his partner turns the tables on him.. Getting his partner worked up is fun for him.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Talker and grunter. He’s not particularly loud and doesn’t want to be loud. He focuses more on dirty talk, finding things to say that excites his partner. When he’s really feeling good and when he cums he’s has a throaty sort of grunt he makes.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He kind of likes/is turned on by seeing his partner jealous over him. He wants his partner to trust him, obviously, but seeing them get upset over other people hitting on him makes him feel good. It’s really rare, he doesn’t get hit on a whole lot and usually he’s the one getting jealous. Apparently his cute partner is more attractive than him, an unkempt man who looks older than he really is and smells like cigarette smoke, go figure. So, seeing they feel the same way and don’t want to lose him either, means a lot to him. He also might milk it a bit, because sometimes he’s an asshole.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I’m still not sure how to describe dicks! He’s longer than average, about 8 inches. More notable is how thick it is, I generally think of him as a thicker guy if that makes sense, his MC can’t fully wrap their fingers around it. No major curve to it but a slight upward tilt, a few prominent veins run along the shaft. Still not sure if I’m giving good dick descriptions.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is pretty high. When he reluctantly wakes up in the morning, he wants to tease and try to have sex. When he catches MC during work cleaning his suite in the middle of the afternoon, he wants to cop a feel and see if they can have sex. When they get home and get done having dinner, he wants to have sex. When he wakes up during the night and they’re still curled up together, he gets handsy and wants to have sex. He honestly didn’t realize just how high his sex drive was until he was in a relationship, anytime they’re close his hands just start to wander.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Unless there’s some reason not to, he falls asleep pretty quickly after sex. He’s always looking for excuses to sleep for a while. The issue is that with all of his napping during the day, he’s kind of fucked up any semblance of a sleep schedule he might have had. He usually wakes up during the night and might try to go again, or he’ll just hold them close and say all the lovey dovey crap he’s too embarrassed to say when they’re awake.
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sisterwifeudaku · 6 years
King’s Trip
T’Challa , M’Baku, Redeemed! Erik
Warning: Mention of death, slight cursing
Word count: 1,914+ words
Note: This is part one to a fandom collab started by @royallyprincesslilly !! @blackandfair I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!
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"I'm just asking you both the same question I did in family counseling...how are you two going to run Wakanda if you can not get along?" The therapist posed the question making the cousins sit back and digest what was said.
A technique that they had learned during one of their many sessions. Erik was the first to speak up and voice his opinion.
"You right Iyanla. We gotta do better in order to be better for all these nigg- the citizens of Wakanda".
The therapist, actually named Fundiswa laughed lightly at the joke Erik threw her way. After knowing her and sharing his darkest secrets with the woman he felt comfortable enough to crack a little joke here and there. At first she thought he just didn't want to say her name but he later explained why he called her that, "she fixes and saves lives and that's what you're doing. I never had anyone to talk about my feelings with", so you gladly excepted it as a way of him showing that he cares.
T'Challa looked at his cousin and smiled. He had witnessed him battle with his demons from the moment he stepped foot on Wakanda soil and he had come so far.
"My dear cousin you have taken the words out of my mouth. I agree we must do this for not only our Citizens but ourselves as well" the two slapped hands as they sat on the couch.
"Great! Now if I recall M'Baku was a problem for you N'Jadaka correct?" The man nodded and ran a hand over his lowcut fade.
"Ok so why don't you two invite him and go on some type of trip perhaps? That way you can bond and talk about whatever issues that are bothering you." Fundiswa suggested. The royal family did group sessions as well as individual sessions which showed her that they all had secrets that they have yet to share with one another.
" So you saying we should have a guys trip?" Erik spoke rubbing his chin hairs.
"I like it. E it sounds very interesting." T'Challa spoke up before standing and looking at the time.
"Ms. Fundiswa thank you for this suggestion. We might need a How people say brocation-" T'Challa stated only to be cut off.
"Nigga I know you didn't just say brocation. We need a cooler name like Kingcation or some shit." Erik said as he stood up and stretched his limbs.
The two men bid the therapist farewell as they began to walk down the hall towards T'Challa's office.
"Inform Lord M'Baku that I would like to meet with him." T'Challa told his assistant as she nodded and ran off to do what she was told.
"Thank you" he yelled out as she sped walked down the long hallway.
The following day the Royal Family stood waiting for the Great Gorilla to exit the vibranium ship. Being the man that he is, M'Baku chose to make a grand entrance having his soldiers chant and bang on drums.
Shuri and Queen Mother looked at one another with questioning gazes before looking to T'Challa whose face held a smirk as his hands stayed behind his back.
"Brother why is it that every time Lord M'Baku comes to the palace he does something this extra?"
"Well princess" a beat "I am a big man and a big man deserves an even bigger entrance" M'Baku answered walking on the rose petals that were thrown at his feet.
As the large man greeted the Udaku family he stopped at Erik.
"Outsider" he stated with a small nod.
"Mr.T" Erik stated back curtly
Before M'Baku could say anything else T'Challa stepped in and began to talk.
"Before the two of you start to argue let us talk in my office"
Once they made it to the room the two male's bodies possessed the seats on the opposite side of the vibranium desk facing the King. It was quiet as he observed the two in front of him. Sure he had his issues with them both but after a year of therapy and coming to terms with everything that had transpired since he became the king he learned to let go of any and all animosity towards them, mostly his cousin.
"M'Baku" a beat " For years you have been voicing your opinion on how we run things here and once you decided to no longer isolate your people from the rest of us I noticed the hostility towards others." The king spoke as he sat back in his seat.
"Well we believe now that in order for us all to move forward we must put the ill feelings aside. And what better way than to learn more about one another"
"That is not the worst idea I have heard but why is he here" M'Baku asked, pointing to Erik who sat beside him mugging him.
"He is here because he will be learning more about us and vice versa" he responded in a matter of fact tone.
"I see" a few seconds passed before he finished his statement.
"You make a valid point. A true warrior and king must put his feelings to the side and focus on his people". It was silent before he spoke up again.
"So how exactly are we going to do this?"
"N'Jadaka go on and tell him" T'Challa spoke. He had no time to plan anything with his busy schedule so he gave Erik that task along with his trust to ensure that he would make the right decisions for the mini vacation.
"Ok so peep this shit" the man stated as he stood up and clapped his hands.
"So we going on a lil kingcation for 10 days. Starting off in Cali for numerous reasons" he stated before bringing in a chart and laser pointer.
" To show you all where I'm from, California knows how to party, and lastly we can do something at the outreach center so it's not just all play" he listed off folding his arms once he was complete.
"I for one find that to be a good plan. Count me in cousin" the king stated pulling at his father's necklace.
"Perhaps I can attend. Just keep Agent Ross' people away from me" M'Baku stated.
"So that settles it huh? Kings take LA" Erik stated with a smile. He missed home just a little. It wasn't better than Wakanda but it was all he knew for so long.
"Kings take Los Angeles" T'Challa and M'Baku reiterated before M'Baku started to bark.
Here all three of them were walking off the ship with the a decent amount of Dora Milaje and Jabari warriors for protection walking into the outreach center in California.
"Better to get it over with now than to wait until I get you two fucked up off the Henny" Erik said when in reality he just wanted to see the place where his father took his last breath.
The whole time T'Challa showed the two around Erik's mind was racing and when they got to the exact area of where the worst day of his life had happened so did his heartbeat.
He stood there in the entrance as everyone else piled into the room reliving the tragedy.
His chest got tight as he looked over at his cousin who had been trying to get his attention for the last few minutes.
"N'Jadaka what is wrong?" T'Challa questioned as he observed his odd behavior before it clicked in his mind. This must be where his father, T'Chaka, had taken the life of his own baby brother. 
"This is where I became an orphan. Where I saw my father laying in a pool of his own blood." He spoke up as the room fell silent and he continued. He didn’t want to keep talking about the issue but the large range of emotion he felt at the moment made him just blurt everything out. Perhaps it’s what he needed.
"Sometimes Iay awake at night thinking about that day. What time I woke up to my father making me breakfast, he hated cereal and refused to let me eat it. And how we watched Saturday morning cartoons together before he sent me to get dressed and play outside with some kids from the building. That night he let me stay out a little later since Uncle Ja- Zuri came over to talk to him. I was usually asleep when this happened but this time he let me play. I always think of that day and how I wish I was in my bedroom. That way he could have killed me too, taken me with him, or I could have protected my daddy since nobody else would" by the end of his little speech everyone had a sympathetic look on their face and some were even wiping tears.
He didn’t feel completely better but it was a start. He had explained his sorrow infront of his cousin one time and that was when he took the throne in ritual combat. Yet this was the first time Erik noticed how the king and his people cringed at the thought of the previous King’s actions.
"Shit coulda been different man" he spoke before a few tears fell from his eyes. T'Challa looked at him before wrapping an arm around his shoulders leading him to a corner so they could talk.
" I know you are in pain now and this pain may never end but you must know your baba is no longer suffering. I too have lost my baba to a senseless act of violence but I know I must keep moving on, it is fine to cry and express that pain but life must still go on" he spoke as he rubbed his cousin's back.
"N'Jadaka" M'Baku spoke as he made his way towards them.
"I am sorry if I interrupted however I just wanted to give you my condolences. No child should have to go through what you have went through. I don't want you to take this as pity but you have earned my respect sir. You dealt with that tragedy and still managed to live on"
"Good looks man. 'preciate it" he said extending his right hand for a handshake.
"You know what you a ok nigga" Erik responded as they dapped one another up.
"Aye T y'all niggas got a kitchen in here. Crying made a G hungry as hell" he spoke making some of the employees of the center laugh.
"I believe so. Follow me" the king said leading the group towards the cafeteria area.
"Aweee shit is that fried chicken" Erik said as he looked at the kids plate when they walked past.
On his way to get himself a plate Erik saw a speaker and auxiliary cable sitting on a vacant table. He smiled as he pulled out his phone and connected it to the speaker.
All of a sudden the children jumped up to dance as Tupac Shakur's "California Love" blared through the area. "Now let me welcome everybody to the wild Wild West a state that's untouchable like Elliot Ness" the kids and the adults screamed as they jumped and danced. Erik smiled at the sight of people enjoying life. The place he dreaded and felt unsafe in was a place these people loved and felt safe. The place that took so much from him gave so much to the community. It provides education, jobs, sports, and a place for families to prosper. He could deal with his demons if it meant less problems for the youth to endure.
"So how do you like it N'Jadaka?"
"Man T this shit is dope" he spoke before grabbing his tray.
"So you do not want to leave after we eat? You are fine here today?" M'Baku asked raising his brow.
"I'm a hunnid man we can chill out here. They lit" he responded with a genuine smile watching the kids.
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kaneisasleep-blog · 6 years
A PeniLaez Fan Fiction
Tigma – was a youth’s first taste of war or love.
The air is thick because of humidity, a usual ambiance during the near end of a school year. Most of the teens outside at this time can either be seen sitting under the rusted roof of a sari-sari store, sweltering with sweat and dust.
Under Aling Idyang’s store was Placido, elbows resting on a bamboo table and on top was a misted cola and pinned inside was a straw, bubble gurgling which the waiting boy kept on staring at. It was the least he can do since he was waiting for his friend Tadeo to come out from the gates of Unibersidad de Manila.
He knew that his friend will eventually cut class as he usually does, and though he condemns this kind of activity he can’t really change his friend’s mind about its habits, all he can do was to hang out with Tadeo whenever his class is finished. Apparently his 3:00 PM class was cancelled due to his professor’s emergency meeting in another school; this news was eventually spread until Tadeo himself knew about this from another classmate. Then Tadeo messaged Placido if they can meet outside near the gate but he didn’t mention what they will do, and as a good friend Placido just went out and waited for Tadeo.
Placido’s head was bowed down, almost asleep when someone called his name, “Plaz! Uy, buti naman hinintay mo kami, kala ko uuwi ka na eh” it was Tadeo but he was not alone. “Ito nga pala si Juanito, kaklase ko.”
Juanito, a guy from the same strand as Tadeo extended his hand for a shake which Placido shook without even caring that his hands were drenched in sweat, “Basa ah.” Juan pointed out then gave a little laugh, “Ay! –“ Placido wiped his hands on his uniform, “—Sorry.” He replied sheepishly.
He knew Juanito from the intramurals where he was the opponent’s team captain versus their department’s team. He was tall with a slick combed hair with some locks occasionally falls out then he combs it back with his fingers, he has a fair skin but looks a little darker than usual because of the outside trainings he does for the university game.
Unlike Juanito, Placido is somehow naïve and does not partake with their school’s sports activity that much, though he casually drinks beer with his friends after school and plays online games on the side, he have a pretty well academic life which his parents acknowledge.
“Saan ba tayo pupunta?” Placido asked, “Com Shop?” Tadeo replied. He stood up and slung his backpack on his back, buttoned his open shirt and left with Tadeo.
The computer shop was humid, suffocating, and crowded with kids and teens alike, but this is their usual hang out place. Most of the computer shop around their school has a price of 15 pesos per hour but here it is only ten which for the frequent customer is quite a deal.
Playing online games isn’t really Placido’s hobby, he just gets dragged by Tadeo most of the time since Tadeo doesn’t have many friends in their school since most of them consider him a ‘bad influence’ which is partly true but not completely. For Placido, Tadeo is his older brother which does not help him in his academic life but helps him in practical ways street wise. Tadeo introduced him to many things; beer, casual smoking, billiard houses, places around his school that he wasn’t even aware that existed, how to fight, love advices, girls, and porn sites. All of which are Tadeo’s field of expertise, though sometimes Placido always nudge him the fact that they won’t be forever young and that they need to work something out in order for them to have a good future which in reply, Tadeo just smiles and tell Placido that “Everything will sort out soon.”
“7 na ‘tol. Malayo pa uuwian ko, mauna na ako.” Juanito told Tadeo while they were hanging out in the same sari-sari store earlier. “Kala ko ba pwede ka hanggang 9? Talk shit ka naman eh” Tadeo said which made Placido snicker. Even though he was with Juanito for the whole time this was the only moment Juanito acknowledged his existence by lightly punching his arm and said, “Tinatawa-tawa mo?” while flashing a grin.
“Ganyan yan si Placido, patawatawa lang pero sa isip niya kung anu-ano na sinasabi niya sayo.” Tadeo said,
“Uy hindi ah, natawa lang talaga ako kasi sinasabihan mo si Juanito na talk shit eh parang ikaw hindi.” Placido’s unexpected reply to Tadeo’s taunting made Juanito guffawed and in return made Placido laugh as well.
“Parang gago lang ah.” Tadeo responded to Juanito’s laugh, “At least parang lang eh ikaw gago talaga.” Juanito remarked which again made Placido laughed, “Placido wala ka namang inaambag sa usapan eh, tinatawanan mo lang kaming dalawa.” Tadeo said to Placido.
“Alam mo, pinapahaba mo lang usapan Tads eh, uuwi na ako!” Juanito told Tadeo while grabbing his bag from his seat.
“Diba sa tulay daan mo?” Tadeo asked, “Oo, bakit?” Juanito replied, “Oh, pareho lang pala kayo ng dadaanan Plaz eh, sumama ka na kay Juanito.” Tadeo pointed to Placido, “A-ah, pwede rin naman?” Placido replied.
“Taga-saan ka ba Plaz?” Juanito asked. – ‘Plaz’, a nickname that isn’t really supposed to be used by people Placido just met, ‘Plaz’ is a name given by his parents which was adapted by his closest friends and for him this nickname is something that isn’t really supposed to be used by someone who doesn’t fully know him, but why wasn’t he bothered when Juanito called him by his nickname? He can’t comprehend how, but thank God for the creation of the night that hid the sudden flush of red on his cheeks.
“Doon banda sa may 7/11 pa-palengke.” Placido murmured back. “Oh, sa likod ka lang pala eh, pwede pa kita mahatid.” Juanito, in a manner Placido could not decipher if it’s a suggestion or a joke. Tadeo butted in saying, “LOL, ano yan? Kinder 1?”.
“Hindi, gago ka talaga Tadeo. Tara na nga Plaz.” – The mention of Placido’s nickname once again made a jolt inside him. “Paalam na Tadeo, alis na kami.” Juanito said, Placido did not mention anything instead he just waved goodbye to Tadeo and slowly walked away with Juanito.
The jeepney, like all jeepneys are crowded. The orange neon lit jeepney was even warmer because of the said light, It felt as if everyone inside was being squeezed out of moisture, sweat leaking from the neck and the back of the earlobes, and the stench was even worse. Though everyone smelled bad, Juanito on the other hand smelled as if he just got out of shower, Placido thought. Juanito’s perfume is probably those branded oil based ones that stays on your clothing and skin for the rest of the day and Placido was very much intoxicated by the hints of Juanito’s perfume.
Both of them were on their smartphones, Juanito scrolling through his Instagram account and Placido scrolling through his e-reader, nut Placido was being distracted by the shiny drop of sweat in Juanito’s neck that crawls down slowly making him gulp and then quickly shifting his attention back to the e-book he was reading. “Tigilan mo na Placido Penitente” Placido’s thought incessantly blocking what he just saw. Juanito held his phone close to Placido’s face, “’Plaz, tingnan mo ‘to oh, ang ganda ng sapatos, mukha bang bagay sa akin para sa sunod na tournament?”, Juanito showing what seems to be a latest rubber shoe from a well-known brand being sold online. Placido nodded then answered, “Bagay naman, pero mas mukhang bagay sayo yung kulay puti.”, then Juanito tapped the picture of the white colored one and said. “Oo nga, mas mukhang magandang panglaro. Ikaw ba, hindi ka ba naglalaro?” Juanito asked, “Hindi eh, wala akong hilig.” Placido replied only to get an “Aah.” From Juanito then once again silence filled the gaps between their conversations. Oddly enough Placido hinted a fruity smell coming from his mouth, only then he realized that Juanito was chewing some strawberry candy during the time that they were together. Is he going to kiss someone tonight? Placido couldn’t help to think.
In all honesty, Placido wanted Juanito to ask more. He won’t care even if it’s the most daring question being asked because he will surely make up something just for him to answer the question. Juanito’s presecence brought a dense yet soft feeling within Juanito, like how a large pillow feels when it is on top of your stomach. It feels weird, and completely foreign to Placido but he does not fully acknowledged it.
“Para po!” — One passenger said. “Andito na pala tayo. Baba na uy.” Juanito said, Placido quickly stood and got out of the jeepney with Placido with behind him.
They stood beside the 7/11 when Placido said, “Hindi ka ba sasakay ng tricycle?”, “Ah, Oo, bibili lang ako sa 7/11”, “Um, sige na Juanito, paalam, see you sa school.” Placido waved goodbye and walked away from Juanito.
When he was about to make a turn towards their street he realized that there was something on his pocket, it was a strawberry candy. He ran back to 7/11 then saw Juanito crossing the road; this made him curious because why did Juanito even cross the road to ride another jeep if the tricycle station was just across 7/11?
When Placido got home, he searched for Juanito’s name on Facebook, “Juanito Pelaez” he typed. It loads slowly then a profile appeared, the picture was Juanito slam dunking a ball into the ring of the court, and below it was his information. Apparently, he wasn’t from Placido’s place, Juanito’s house was farther maybe a kilometer far but definitely on the same way as Placido’s, this information made Placido unrelentless, queasy and more significantly, happy.
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hotcocosharing · 6 years
No Means No (Disclaimer: Rape Culture)
Fandom: Kissed By The Baddest Bidders Category: Character: Baba / Ota / Mamoru Notes: NO, I don’t think any Voltage canons are rapists but rape culture is literally everywhere.
Even my fav boys- Jensen and Jared from SPN made a freaking rape joke last month! They meant to mock Bill Cosby but that kind of joke was still contributing to rape culture.
Also it’s the ATTITUDE towards women, a general underlying belief about our place / value in society. Same scenario plays out in sex, like in many others things, except in the case of sex its rape / assault / abuse.
So NO MEANS NO- whether it’s men or women, we should all respect that. Trust me, no Mr. Nice Guy or Nice Girl would ever IGNORE your no and do something against your wishes. NOT EVER! PERIOD!
Again, these are just examples- I am not implying our voltage men as villains, the point here isn’t them if that’s not obvious. 
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The Mr. Nice kind of prince charming
Finger tapping on the glass table, you ask yourself again just why on earth have you agreed to a freaking blind date. You aren’t desperate and you are happy with where you’re at. Single, available and free. Going wherever and doing whatever without rules or reporting to a so called boyfriend.
Being single isn’t so bad, you never feel the negativity or down sides even after a list of breakdown from your girl friends. You are certain they mean well, society has somehow taught us that being single at the age of 29 is fearful. Soon getting too old to be married, to have kids, to build a life with a significant other because the man who supposedly spends the rest of his life with you isn’t going to lay eyes on you if you are over certain age?!
Letting out an exhausted sigh, a gentle chuckle comes from behind. “You’re not thinking of bailing, are you my lady?”
It takes every ounce of energy in your body not to roll your eyes at his words, the man in red takes his fedora off and lifts your hand up. “Mitsunari Baba, it’s lovely to meet you, princess.” Testing your limits, your date of the night plants a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
“Just call me _______ is fine. Let’s skip the princess thing.” You almost say through clenched teeth, praying for the night to be over soon.
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Small talks aren’t as bad as you imagine, he’s funny and easy going though you couldn’t shake the feeling of him not revealing his true self but then again who shows people that on the first date anyway. Dinner has gone well with all things considered till he pulls your chair and walks you home. He has toned down with the whole name callings but a huge question mark is hanging over the man’s head. You don’t feel like explaining though, a topic that could easily lead to a thesis.
After saying goodbye politely, Mr. Baba opens his arms and offers a goodbye hug. “It’s okay, I really don’t feel like a hug.” One look at him and you are internally screaming with endless nos, wishing that he wouldn’t ruin the good impressions.
But no, the man closes the gap between you. “Come on, it’s just a hug.”
“No, I don’t want a hug.”
His arms are wrapped around your back and you feel your blood boiling.
“See, you’re okay. It’s just a harmless little hug.”
For the sake of your friends and neighbors, you haven’t caused a scene. You rush upstairs and text your friends to leave your dating life alone.
“But why? He’s such a nice guy.”
You groan, banging your head on the wall. Typing furiously on the phone but never press the send button, a text your friends would never receive or frankly, comprehend.
“No, he is not a nice guy! I said no and he ignored me anyway! That’s fucking rape culture 101!!! I said no! And he had the gut to tell me it’s no big deal, it’s just a hug! I don’t care if it was a handshake, no means no! Any guy who fails to take no for an answer is not a nice guy!”
A joke is a joke
You’ve looked forward to this night, just beer and friends in a familiar bar. After months after months of stressful nights at work, you’d finally have your life back.
Everything’s fine until a guy who tags along starts joking about how “men pretend not to hear girl’s preferences in sex” and when you tell him that consent issue is no joking matter, the pretty blonde immediately gets defensive.
“Girls always say the opposite, their nos actually mean yes.”
“How is that not rape?” Some of the girls join the conversation.
“Because when I ask if they like being fucked like that they say yes!”
With your arms crossed and head shaking, you glare at the young man.
“According to your logic, then their yes actually mean no!”
The smirk on his face quickly disappears as he insists that it’s all a joke and everyone should chill.
“Well, Ota. None of us sitting at this table find any of it funny, disrespecting women isn’t funny. Sexual preference is one thing but ignoring it is another.”
Drowning your drinking in one go, you leave a 20 dollars note and head home. There’s no other place you would rather be in, home- where it’s safe and asshole free.
Are you sure?
It isn’t easy, you’ve thought about it for weeks. Pacing like a maniac every time you walk by but you’re sick and tired of feeling the shame. You are the victim, this shouldn’t be how you feel.
Once you set foot inside, few pairs of eyes are set on you and soon be seated in a private room.
“Are you sure?”
Your mind goes blank, unsure of what it truly means. Why wouldn’t you be sure? How does one ever mistaken something like that?
“What were you wearing?”
You chew your lips, hard. You shouldn’t have come, they must think you are a fool or pulling some sort of prank because the rest of the questions only get crazier.
“What time was it?”
“Did you drink?”
“But how was it possible?”
“Do you understand what you’re accusing of?”
Yes, yes, yes- the same word is on repeat but the tone of your voice escalates from your uncontrollable anger. The stinking room begins to suffocate you and the shock just keeps coming.
“Real men can’t get raped, Mr. Sato. She’s a woman, how’d she rape you?”
Eyes widen with your clenched fists banging on the desk, you snap. “It’s fucking possible, Detective Kishi! She drugged me, tied me up and did it against my will. I said no, she ignored it. How was that not rape? If a woman comes telling you the same thing, would you believe her?”
You’re on fire, yelling from the top of your lungs, taking it out on the cop. “It didn’t matter what we wear or what time it was or whether one drinks or not. No means no! Both men and women can be raped, people like you who blame and doubt the victims, making rape jokes like no big deal, you are just as guilty!”
No one EVER deserved it, no one EVER asked for it. Respect each other and let us remind ourselves that (men and) women are not sex object, we are human beings.
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thedevillord-writes · 6 years
Kissed By The Baddest Bidder: Rewritten - Chapter Three
Eisuke x OC
Debt: a sum of money that is owed or due; the state of owing money; a feeling of gratitude for a service or favour
"Mr. Ichinomiya."
As she did every morning, Haruka placed a cup of coffee (made to Eisuke's taste) in front of her boss while he was reading the morning newspaper. Eisuke, however, did not look up nor did he acknowledge his personal assistant in any way. Haruka let out a silent sigh, standing by the sofa as she went through the emails on her tablet. This had been the norm for the past week or so. Since the auction, Eisuke had not spoken much with her. Even when it was business related, he would only say the bare minimum. Haruka understood though, that this was part of the punishment for yelling at him and asking him for a favour.
After starring the important emails, Haruka handed the tablet over to Eisuke. He sipped his coffee, his eyes glued to the screen of the tablet and after a few minutes, handed it back to Haruka before waving his hand at her. Without a word, Haruka nodded and left his suite, going down the stairs to the penthouse lounge. There, the atmosphere was completely different to how it was in Eisuke's suite. Down here, it was cheerful. It was loud.
Since the day she was put up for auction and eventually bought, Haruna had been coming to the penthouse of Tres Spades with Haruka almost everyday. It seemed a little too coincidental to be true but due to electrical problems at her school, Haruna had time off until further notice. Not wanting to stay home alone, she asked if Haruka could take her to work and since then, she had made friends with the sponsors (mainly Baba and Ota). Everyday, Haruna taught them games that they played in school, told them stories about her teenage life. There was something about being rich and involved in underground matters that made a normal, simple life sound so fascinating.
"So is your school really haunted?" Baba asked.
"Maybe we should organise a trip to your school to see for ourselves," Ota suggested.
"Good idea!"
"Haruka-nee!" Haruna grinned, waving to her sister. Haruka instantly put on a smile and gave her a little nod, joining the group. "I was just telling them about the ghost in the music room in my school," she giggled. "Oh! But do you remember the ghost in our closet?" she asked.
"Of course I do," Haruka laughed. "And you always slept in my bed because it has a protective spell."
Baba and Ota were both suddenly interested in the sisters' conversation. In the years they had known her for, there were still a lot of things that they did not know about Haruka. They never knew she had a sister, for instance. And apparently she had two of them. Baba was more interested, however, in wanting to know things about Haruka that even Eisuke did not know about. Although, it did not seem like it would be hard because even Eisuke was kept in the dark about Haruka's family.
"Tell us more, Nana-chan," Baba grinned. "Haruka never tells us anything about herself."
"Yes!" Ota agreed. "Tell us what young Haruka was like. I'm curious about whether or not she had always been so...obedient."
"I'm more interested in what kind of guys she goes for," Baba smirked. "Tell us about her ex-boyfriends."
As if on cue, Eisuke came down the stairs at the same time. Even Soryu came back at the same time, just in time to catch Baba asking the question and suddenly, everyone was interested in getting to know about Haruka's preference. Haruka's brows knitted together, glancing over to Haruna in hopes that her little sister would keep her mouth shut. But with her new found friends, and riding on all the fun from their previous conversations, Haruna seemed more than excited to share.
"Haruka-nee never dated," Haruna smiled.
Haruka closed her eyes and let out a sigh. It was not exactly a secret that she never dated but it was not something that she liked to share either. Romance was not really a priority in her life. Her sisters were. And for the last few years of her life, all she did was to make sure that her sisters had a comfortable life. Now, at twenty-six, her career was her other priority and it seemed like it was a little too late for her to be wanting romance in her life. And she was pretty sure Baba would never let her live it down now that he knew she never had a boyfriend.
"But she did have a lot of guys confessing to her," Haruna added. "There was a basketball team captain who walked her home everyday. Oh! A tennis team captain too. She went on one date with him. I loved Valentine's Day and White Day back then too, because Haruka-nee would come home with a lot of chocolate and she always shared with us. We used to read the love letters secretly too."
"You read the letters?" Haruka asked.
"Quite the popular girl back in the day," Eisuke smirked.
"Hm...this doesn't really help though," Baba sighed. "I thought we could figure out Haruka's type from her ex-boyfriends."
"Well that's easy, Haruka-nee likes-"
Haruka covered Haruna's mouth just in time, stopping her sister from blabbering any further. Baba and Ota were both protesting, pressing Haruna to finish her sentence. This commotion went on for another minute or so before Eisuke finally stepped in to stop it. "That's enough," he said, looking to Haruka. "Let's get back to business. Remember when I said I was not going to let you off the hook?" Haruka nodded in response. "I just thought of a way to get you off the hook."
Eisuke was never the type to easily let someone off the hook. He might not mention it for a while but Eisuke would always get back to it. Haruka was surprised more than anyone in the room when he suddenly had a proposal to get her off the hook with him. She was skeptical, needless to say, but that did not mean she would not listen to his proposal. "And what would that be, Mr. Ichinomiya?" Working for the next twenty to thirty years to pay off the debt did not seem like the best idea.
"Starting from today, she will be my girlfriend," he said, pointing to Haruna.
"Nana?" Haruka frowned, looking to her sister. Even Haruna had a puzzled look on her face. "Mr. Ichinomiya, Nana is only sixteen. She can't be your girlfriend."
"I didn't know that Boss likes them young," Baba joked.
"It would make more sense for you to date Haruka, Eisuke," Mamoru commented.
"Haruka, call Kenzaki and tell him that I'm heading down to the boutique with your sister."
Without an explanation, Eisuke stood up and buttoned up his suit jacket. As he was leaving the room, he grabbed Haruna by her wrist and dragged her with him. Haruka stared after them with her mouth slightly opened, only when the door to the penthouse closed did she finally snap back to reality and called Kenzaki as instructed by Eisuke. Outside, Haruna followed Eisuke into the elevator though she kept her distance.
In the short time she spent with Haruka, Haruna heard a lot about Eisuke from her sister. And with the time she spent at the penthouse as well, it was easy to say that Haruna found Eisuke rather...intimidating. She never understood how Haruka was able to stand him, even talk to him and have normal conversations. She did not even dare to look Eisuke in the eyes and in the elevator, she kept to one corner while Eisuke stood in the middle.
Eisuke glanced over his shoulder, smirking a little to himself. "You're very different to your sister," he said. His voice was a little softer, Haruna could tell. Was it possible that he sensed her fear so he talked to her in a gentler voice?
"Haruka-nee is ten years older than me."
"Ten years?" Eisuke snickered. "I meant she looks a lot better than you."
In an instant, Haruna's fear dissipated and she was glaring at Eisuke from behind though when he turned his head slightly, she flinched and looked away. Eisuke noticed, the smirk still plastered on his face. The sisters looked alike, there were definitely some familial features they shared but they were complete opposites of each other personality wise. If the circumstances did not force him to choose her, Eisuke would never pick Haruna over Haruka.
When the elevator door opened, Eisuke stepped out as they were greeted by Kenzaki. They were escorted to the boutique where Eisuke picked a whole rack of dresses for Haruna to try on. As he waited for Haruna to change, Eisuke could not help but look over to one particular dress. He walked over and picked the dress up, looking it over before handing it to the salesgirl.
"Shall I let the lady try it on?" the girl asked.
"No need. It's not for her," Eisuke stated. "Put it on the tab."
He did the same when they went over to the shoe store, picking something out but not for Haruna to try on. It was not until when they were in the jewelry store, when Eisuke was looking at a tray of diamond bracelets that he realised why he was picking out a set of everything. When he saw the bracelet that he was now holding in his hand, the first thought that came to mind was that it would look good on Haruka's wrist. That was the same thought that crossed his mind when he saw the dress and the shoes, that his personal assistant would look good in them.
Subconsciously, Eisuke started frowning. Since when did he start thinking like that? Since when did he start thinking that Haruka would look good in this and that?
"Hello?" Haruna's voice snapped Eisuke out of his thoughts. She was waving her hands in front of him, trying to get his attention but he was too deep in his own thoughts to see. "You don't like these?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and showed the set of jewelry the salesgirl picked out. "You think they're a little over the top too, don't you?"
"We'll get this set," Eisuke said, before handing over the bracelet he was holding. "And this one too."
Like the night of the auction when Haruna was on stage, Haruka was pacing up and down the lounge of the penthouse. Eisuke and Haruna were gone for almost three hours now, though it was not out of the ordinary for her boss. Haruka experienced shopping with him many times previously; they only stopped when Eisuke picked something perfect for her. Even as his personal assistant, Eisuke would not allow Haruka to attend events with him wearing anything less than perfect. Now that Haruna was picked as his girlfriend, he was definitely going to make sure she was more than perfect.
Baba and Ota had been sat in the lounge watching Haruka for as long as she had been pacing. They found it amusing, watching the woman walk up and down the room, looking over to the door every so often before going back to pacing. They were waiting for Eisuke and Haruna to return eagerly too, but only because they had a bet; was Haruka worried about Haruna or was she missing Eisuke?
When the door finally opened and in came Eisuke, Haruna, and Kenzaki who was carrying their shopping bags. "Mr. Ichinomiya." Baba smirked, holding his hand out for Ota's money though Ota refused to pay, only silently asking Baba to watch on. "Nana, are you okay?" she asked. This time, Ota was holding his hand out for Baba's money. "Did you cause Mr. Ichinomiya any trouble?" Once again, Baba smirked and held his hand out. Ota sighed and shook his head, handing over the bet money.
"I'm fine...I'm just really tired," Haruna sighed, dragging herself over to a chair and collapsed onto it. Kenzaki dropped off the bags, excusing himself before leaving.
"We'll be heading home soon," Haruka smiled. "I just need to talk to Mr. Ichino- Mr. Ichinomiya!"
Without a word, Eisuke picked up two of the bags Kenzaki dropped off and headed up the stairs to his suite. Instantly, Haruka followed after. Eisuke dropped the bags onto the sofa as he sat down, looking up at Haruka who walked in just then. Although Eisuke did not utter a single word, Haruka went over to the coffee machine and started making a cup of coffee for him. And as Eisuke was taking a sip, Haruka stood beside him, waiting for a chance to speak.
"Mr. Ichinomiya, I would like to talk to you about Nana being your girlfriend," Haruka said. "I understand that you have your reason for suddenly picking Nana to be your girlfriend. I am not asking to know the reason why, I just want to let you know that Nana is only sixteen. She is not suitable for you, even if this is part of a plan. She's just a child, Mr. Ichinomiya. If you need someone to be your girlfriend, I can be- I can find someone for you."
"Give me your hand."
"Your hand."
Obediently, Haruka raised her right hand. Eisuke placed his cup of coffee down and stood up, reaching into his pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box. He took the bracelet he bought when he was shopping with Haruna out and clasped it on Haruka's wrist. "Mr. Ichinomiya?" This was not the first time Haruka had received a 'gift' from Eisuke. The very first present she ever received from Eisuke was a necklace, because there was no way he was going to let her show up to a party wearing 'a piece of string coated in gold paint'.
Every time Eisuke gifted her a piece of jewelry or a dress, it was usually because she needed to attend events and parties with him. He would usually take her down to the boutique like he did with Haruna and make her try everything on until he found something he was satisfied with. This would be the first time he gave her something without taking her down to the store personally, and not for the purpose of an event or party.
"If you are worried about your sister, don't," Eisuke said. "I do have my reason for picking her. Do you believe in me?"
"I do."
"Good." Eisuke reached out, about to touch Haruka's cheek with his fingers when he stopped himself. "Don't take that bracelet off. How can you be my personal assistant if you walk around without a decent piece of jewelry?"
"Yes, Mr. Ichinomiya."
That night, when they got home, Haruna tried on the clothes Eisuke bought her. Despite complaining about how tiring it was to shop with him, the younger girl was still so energetic as she was putting on the dress, the shoes, and even the jewelry set to show off. Haruka watched her from the sofa with a smile, her hands wrapped around her cup of hot chocolate.
"I've never worn a dress as beautiful as this one," Haruna grinned, dropping onto the sofa and leaned on Haruka. "And it's so expensive as well...your boss really goes all out. He bought everything without a blink of an eye. My jaw dropped at the price of those shoes alone. Do you know how much they cost? Do you have any idea how long that money would last us for?"
"I work for him, of course I know," Haruka smiled, giving Haruna's hair a gentle stroke. "But...there's something I want to tell you. Since you'll be acting as Mr. Ichinomiya's girlfriend, there are a few things you will need to know about attending events and parties with him. First of all, don't speak unless he tells you to. Or if the conversation is directed to you. If there's anything you don't know how to reply to, just look at Mr. Ichinomiya and he will help you.
"Secondly, smile. It doesn't matter if you're getting muscle spasm from smiling too much or if someone said something that you didn't like, keep smiling. When you're out with Mr. Ichinomiya, especially as his girlfriend, you represent him. Whether or not he told you to, everything you say or do is an act on his behalf. So make sure you smile and be polite to everyone. Don't do anything to embarrass yourself. Especially don't do anything that will embarrass Mr. Ichinomiya.
"Last but not least, Mr. Ichinomiya would most likely be putting his hand on your waist, his arm around you. Don't be alarmed if he does. But do not put your arms around him. Unless he tells you to. But even then, when whoever he's trying to show off to leaves, that's when you let go. And you don't have to worry, I'll be there with you. If you follow everything I say, you will be fine."
"That sounds like a lot of things," Haruna groaned, kicking her heels off. "How do you do this everyday, Haruka-nee?"
"He's not that hard to get along with."
"Easy for you to say..."
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nikki-romero · 7 years
The Assassins [Hikaru Aihara] ~ Chapter 9
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“Oh come on, it’s not that bad.”
I was lying face down on a table in the cafeteria on campus, my arms outstretched across the table. Yukino sat across from me.
“Yes it is.” I mumbled, looking miserable.
“It’ll blow over,” she tried comforting me.
I sighed. “Why does my life have to be so complicated?”
“Because Eisuke Ichinomiya is your brother.”
“Lucky me,” I muttered sarcastically. I heard my phone ringing and, still lying face down on the table, pressed it to my ear. “What.”
“It’s me,” I heard Eisuke’s voice through the receiver.
“What do you want?”
“Hotaru, I heard a not so great rumour about you,” Baba said.
“And what would that be?”
“According to Baba, people are sayin’ that you’re goin’ out with Aihara,” Kishi replied.
“A workplace romance? Really? That’s so 90s,” Ota teased.
“I’m his boss. It doesn’t count as a workplace romance,” I was barely paying attention to what was coming out of my own mouth.
“It so does,” Ota retorted.
“Plus it’s with a suspicious man we don’t know much about. Why would you get close to someone like that?” Soryu asked. I lifted my head up off the table, now furious.
“Excuse me? I’m so sorry, Lord Soryu.” Yukino looked up at the mention of her brother. “I wasn’t aware I had to run my relationships by you. Oh, that’s right. I don’t. Don’t forget who was it that got you the information you needed to become the boss of your organisation, Soryu. I helped you build your empire. I can tear it down. None of what’s going on concerns you anyway. It concerns me and my brother. The rest of you are nothing but outsiders on the matter. Mind your own business.” I spat at him. There was a slight pause before I finally heard my brother’s voice.
“I’ll make this simple and to the point. There are times when Hikaru and the Mad Hatter switch places.”
“Eisuke gave me a picture of this Aihara... He has the same bone structure as when the Mad Hatter looks different...” Luke added.
“Uh-huh. Your point being?” I responded half-heartedly.
“I don’t know if he’s seduced you or threatened you or wh—” Eisuke started, but I cut him off.
“Seduced me? Threatened me? Are you joking? Just who do you take me for? One of your groupies?”
“Then come clean. You know what kind of contract Hikaru has with the real Mad Hatter, don’t you?”
“Of course I know.”
“What part of let me handle this myself do you apparently not understand?”
“I think your judgement has been clouded,” Eisuke said. At this point it was only the two of us having a conversation.
“You’re going to start doubting me now?”
“You’ve been acting weird.”
“This is my hotel, too. The Ichinomiya group is the most important thing in the world to me. Regardless of anything that happens, I will never aid in leading us to our doom.”
“Hotaru,” I suddenly heard a much softer, kinder voice.
“Ran? You’re there too?” My brother’s fiancé wasn’t often in the penthouse during the day.
“I have a day off. Tell me something. Why did you go out with Hikaru yesterday?”
“...What?” Her question came out of left field; I didn’t know what to say.
“It’s just, you never seem interested in spending time with other guys. And whenever one asks you out, you turn them down. So I was just wondering how this person got you to go out with him.”
I paused. “He... didn’t. I... asked him.”
“I don’t know. I just felt like it.”
“I see... Hotaru, I suggest you wrap this up quickly, for your own good.”
I knew what she was trying to say. If I dragged it out any longer, I would get hurt. I needed to wrap this up, and save Hikaru before the darkness consumed him. Maybe it was presumptuous of me to think I could save anyone, given the type of activities I got up to in the dead of night. But I felt like I had to do something. Hikaru had become important to me. I couldn’t throw him to the wolves. I wouldn’t. 
“Hotaru. You shouldn’t let a bad man deceive you,” Baba’s voice came through the receiver.
“...If you hack into my phone and try to bug it, I’ll kill you.” Not that any of them knew how to do that, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they found a way to do it. I ended the call.
It was nearing the end of the day when I went to the hotel.
“Wow, you and Hikaru were amazing with those VIPs, Miss Ichinomiya,” an employee said to me.
She’s talking about when I personally went to meet the politician and his wife.
“Miss Ichinomiya actually arranged the flowers,” Hikaru said.
“Only because Lorelei was too busy to do it herself.”
“When I saw you too together today, you were totally in sync. Are you sure the rumours aren’t true?”
I turned to her with a bright smile.
“If you ask me that one more time, I’m going to start handing out formal warnings.”
“S-Sorry!” The employee scurried off in a hurry, scared to death.
“Hmph.” Satisfied with myself, I made a beeline for the door.
 Even for this late in the day, the hotel was a madhouse. The growing crowds were starting to get to me and I headed for the stairs to get away.
“Hey. You.”
Looking up, I noticed Hikaru standing at the top of the stairs, when all of a sudden he started looking hazy. My vision was failing me, and so was my body. I felt myself falling backward.
“Hotaru!” I heard Hikaru calling my name.
There was commotion all around us, but it seemed oddly far away. I could hear Hikaru next to me, sounding like he was in pain.
When I opened my eyes again, Hikaru was sitting down, supporting my body with his left arm.
“Oww... Don’t move. You passed out,” he told me.
“Hikaru...?” Cold sweat was dripping down his forehead. I was still getting my bearings when I noticed his injury. “Hikaru, your arm...”
“I called the ambulance! And I brought a stretcher! Hurry!”
“I only hurt my arm. Can you take Miss Ichinomiya?” Hikaru asked.
I was too out of it to protest, and so we ended up being taken to different hospitals.
 “How are you feeling, Alice?” Maddy asked that night.
“Peachy,” I retorted curtly, dumping my bag on a chair like always.
“I’m so glad you weren’t seriously hurt, Alice. Master tore a ligament in his arm and it will take two weeks for him to heal.”
“Yeah, I heard.” I looked up at Hikaru who was leaning against the wall, his right arm wrapped in a sling.
“Mad Hatter. You have a big mouth,” Hikaru snapped.
“You won’t be able to do your job now. I shall cancel all of your assignments,” Maddy said.
“Go ahead.”
“Maybe I should just take them over from you for the time being.” My voice was dry and monotonous as I spoke.
“Forget it. I’m the one who decided to save you,” Hikaru replied. I looked down at my hands resting on top of the table.
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
“I don’t need to tell you why I did it.”
“I didn’t ask.”
Hikaru retreated into his room without responding to me.
“I can be the auctioneer, but it frustrates me that I cannot be a hitman for him. He can switch places with me, but I can’t do anything for him now...” Maddy stated.
“I can. But he won’t accept my help.”
“ Master has always been reckless. Although this might be the first time he has ever had to cancel his assignments. He doesn’t want you to be tainted by sin, Alice.”
I snorted. “I’m an assassin.”
“Even so, you kill wicked people who harm others. Master’s assignments aren’t that honourable.”
Again, I snorted. “You’re pretty naive, aren’t you? There’s no such thing as an honourable killing. It’s my job to dispose of scum. That doesn’t make it justifiable.”
Sighing, I stood up and left the tea room; I didn’t return that night. 
To be continued...
Previous Chapter                                                                     Next Chapter
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stressedoutteenager · 7 years
Waking up together, for the first time, is something Sana and Yousef both cherished and tried to enjoy as long as they could. Sana was lying in Yousef's arms with her hair sometimes covering his face. Did he mind? Not at all. 
Sana turned around to face him, immediately finding his hands and holding them close to herself. They are both tired, they arrived last night. The couple, now a married couple, left for their honeymoon right after their wedding. 
They keep staring into each other’s eyes until Yousef leans forward and kisses Sana shortly but sweetly and lies back onto his pillow. 
"You're beautiful, you know that, right?", Yousef says and is still mesmerized by her beauty like the first time he saw her. Now that they are married, he thinks to himself, he has the privilege to wake up next to her every morning. To see her in her most natural state. Her hair messily falling down her shoulders, her face bare of any make-up, eyes still a little sleepy. 
Sana's eyes only ever leave his when she looks at his face closely. The intimacy of being newly-wed, waking up in the same bed for the first time, makes Sana's skin tingle. Yousef's light fingertips on her hip contribute to that too. She knows he just woke up but his eyes still look so wide and bright. He has light stubble on his jaw even though the groom had his traditional appointment at the barber yesterday morning. 
"It doesn't hurt that you keep reminding me.", Sana answers with a smile. 
They end up lying there too long to still be able to have their breakfast at the hotel but they don't care. They take their time getting ready and when they finally leave the hotel Sana is overwhelmed by the hot weather. She has never been a hot-weather kind-of woman but it doesn't keep her from holding Yousef's hand and intertwining their fingers. Yousef look around and turns to Sana.
"What do you want to do first?", he asks her.
Sana laughs and looks up at her husband. "I don't know, it's my first time in Istanbul. What do I have to have seen of this city?"
She knows Yousef has been here many many times, with his family or with his cousins. Yousef looks down at his wife and thinks for a second. There is so much to see. Some big things he hasn't seen and he has been here many times. "What do you think about exploring the European side of the city today and the Asian side tomorrow? The days after that we can figure out what to do."
Sana nods and she doesn't answer verbally but looks at him in the same loving way he looks at her for some time. Yousef can't get rid of his smile but looks at her confused.
"What?", he asks laughingly. 
"Nothing.", Sana answers. "I'm just really really happy." 
Yousef immediately pulls Sana into hug and holds her close. He can't believe he's lucky enough to have married the most beautiful, intelligent, sweet woman he knows. "Is Sana Acar getting soft?" Sana loves how her newly changed name sounds from his mouth as much as Yousef loves saying it. 
"It's the last name. It has that effect on me.", Sana smirks.
When they part, he holds her hand again and pulls her towards a taxi stop. Yousef says something to the taxi driver but Sana doesn't understand. She just observes as he speaks Turkish. It has something special hearing him speak his mother tongue.
After their late and long breakfast Sana quickly learns that Yousef didn't kid around when he said they were going to explore the city. The streets of Istanbul are busy and so many different types of people walk past Sana and she definitely hears people speak more than Turkish. At one point Sana heard someone talking Arabic and she turned around so quickly that she ran into someone and almost fell over. She surely would have fallen if Yousef didn't catch her in time. Yousef didn't hesitate to make fun of her for that. But it's a weird feeling hearing your mother tongue being spoken somewhere else than at home. In Oslo she knows in which boroughs she can expect people to speak another language than Norwegian. Here it just surprised her. Especially because, in contrast to Yousef, she has no clue what people around her are saying most of the time.
"Babe, please don't do that again. I need you to stay in one piece.", Yousef says with a grin and they keep walking. Sana looks up at him and narrows her eyes playfully but when he looks at her and smiles she breaks out in a smile herself. She is almost too happy, too content with her life to even act like she is mad at her husband. Almost.
"You only say that because Baba and Elias would kill you if something happened to me. Especially during our honeymoon!", Sana exclaims and pulls away her hand out of his hand. He stares at her, looking deeply offended that she would do that and quickly walks over to her and wraps his arm around her shoulder.
"Not true! I plan on being with you for the rest of my life, so please don't sabotage that." Yousef can't stop smiling and starts laughing. Sana joins in with her own laughter but sobers up before Yousef. They've stopped walking. 
Once more she leans away from him and teases Yousef: "See, you're being selfish again! You're only thinking about your own life!"
One more time Yousef looks so offended. He knows that she's just joking but he just married the love of his life and even the slightest thought of not having her with him for the rest of their lives made his heart stop.
"Sana!", he exclaims. "Don't even joke about that! I'm not letting you go for the rest of our lives now that we're finally at this point!"
Sana melts at his words and can't even keep up her game to annoy him. It's so funny to get him all riled up. With a soft smile she gets on her tip toes and places a lingering kiss on Yousef's cheek. She wraps her arms around his neck and whispers: "I love you."
Yousef wraps his arms around her and rests his chin on her head. He wants to tease Sana about being so openly soft with him but he can't bring himself to do that. 
"I love you, too.", he says back and Sana loosens the hug to look  at Yousef. Her husband looks to his right and tells Sana: "We're here, by the way."
Sana follows his gaze and sees a big, old, beautiful building. It's a mosque but to be very honest, Sana doesn't know which one it is. She knows that Turkey in general but also Istanbul has many beautiful mosques. Until now she has only ever seen pictures, partly sent to her by Yousef, and was always mesmerized. 
"It's the Hagia Sophia.", Yousef says. "It was a church first, was changed into a mosque in the Ottoman Empire and is now a museum." 
Sana and Yousef walk up to the entry and the way Sana looks at the facade of the building, how fascinated and interested she is, makes Yousef fall in love with her even deeper.
Before they enter Yousef mentions:" I told you I would take you here sometime."
Sana looks at him, a little confused, with her eyebrows furrowed but as soon as Yousef opens his mouth it dawns on her. But she doesn't interrupt him.
"Years ago, when I missed your pre-Eid party because... well, I was here. You remember?"
Sana nods: "Of course! I can't believe you actually kept that small promise."
"Did I ever not keep a promise I made to you?", Yousef challenges his wife with a small smile. She shakes her head and wonders what she did to deserve this amazing man.
Lunch takes a lot longer than intended. Neither Yousef nor Sana minds though. It's funny actually. Apparently the shop owner that was walking around the restaurant to see if everything is okay got talking with Yousef and when Yousef told him that they were actually on their honeymoon, the restaurant owner waved over a waiter.
Sana could only watch as Yousef shook his head at whatever the older man with greying hair was saying. Their conversation ended with the waiter going to the kitchen and the restaurant owner patting on Yousef's shoulder and smiling politely at Sana.
Then, finally, Yousef turns back to Sana and smiles this distinct smile of his. He's happy but at the same time unsure about something.
"Mentioning you’re newlywed brings out a lot of generosity in that guy. He just told the waiter to go get us a bit from every dessert they have. And it's on the house.", Yousef explains. He manages to look somewhat guilty and honored at the same time.
Sana picks up the menu card and flips through the pages. She then holds up the menu to Yousef and points out: "This dessert list doesn't end!"
They both start laughing and later end up having a bit from every dessert that was brought to their table. Which was a lot because Sana barely was able to find place to put her phone on the table. She took a picture of all of it, featuring Yousef ducking down and grinning to fit into the frame and posted in on Instagram.
"I'm so full.", Sana says and rubs her stomach. Yousef agrees and looks exhausted, from eating.
Then they hear a call for prayer. Not from Sana's phone but from a mosque nearby. Sana and Yousef instantly look up and then to each other. Sana's smile grows and Yousef admires the happiness he sees in Sana's eyes.
Hearing a public call for prayer makes Sana insanely happy. That never happens back home. And it obviously makes sense. Norway is not a Muslim country, it's barely a dominant Christian country but rather secular.
"The Blue Mosque is up this street!", Yousef says and Sana nods. She takes Yousef's hand again.
While Sana prays, Yousef waits outside. The sun is shining, many people are walking around. And a lady that sells flowers approaches Yousef while he is sitting there and scrolling through Instagram. He comes across the picture Sana posted of their lunch with him ducking into the picture and is tagged in. He like the picture and comments a heart.
Sana comes back out and has taken her time praying to enjoy the beautiful atmosphere in the mosque. She immediately finds Yousef who is waiting for her with his hands behind his back and a grin on his face.
Will he ever get used to how beautiful his wife is? It's not only her outer beauty but also her inner beauty that makes her glow.
"Why are you smiling at me like that?", Sana asks him smilingly.
Yousef shrugs and holds out one of his hand for Sana to take and pulls her close to himself. "Let me be happy to see my wife."
"I haven't been gone for long.", Sana laughs and leans in Yousef's side. He draws out his other hand and holds out a rose for Sana. She quickly takes it from his hand and goes to smell it. She looks at Yousef and smiles lovingly.
"I know roses are not your favorites but I still wanted to get it for you."
Sana kisses him on the cheek; she is not a fan of PDA. "Are you kidding? That doesn't even matter. Thank you!"
As their last stop in the city for the first day, the couple goes to the Grand Bazaar. There is no way that they would be able to explore all of it in one day, in the last hours it's still open. But they still have their fun. Sana and Yousef go from store to store, from stand to stand. It's overwhelming at first because there is so much going on but Sana loves it. Yousef tells her this might be one of his favorite places in Istanbul because his grandma would always take him here when they were here.
They walk around but have to stop so many times because either Yousef or Sana sees something they need to get a closer look at.
Their last stop for the day at the Grand Bazaar is a huge sweets stand. There is so much different stuff in so many colors that it's hard to concentrate on one thing. Both look around and eat from a few samples that are given out.
Sana once again notices how someone starts talking to Yousef. She doesn't really listen because she won't understand much. Yousef has taught her a few words already but not nearly enough to understand a conversation. She still hears the woman at the other side of the counter say something after Yousef responded nodding the first time.
"Eşiniz çok güzelmiş, maşallah!"
Sana understands the last word but nothing else. She quickly looks at Yousef who is also looking at her and smiles. Then he looks back at the woman and nods. He responds but Sana doesn't get any of it.
"What did she say?", Sana whispers to him once the woman is preoccupied with another customer.
Yousef hugs her to his side and answers: "She just pointed out how pretty you are."
Sana furrows her eyebrows sceptically. Yousef laughs and kisses her on the top of her head. "Don't look at me like that. Everyone is appreciating your beauty!"
He makes Sana blush and she buries her face in his chest for a second. While Sana is more subtle in showing her love for him, he straight out just compliments her non-stop. Since they became a couple he lost all his filters when it comes to complimenting her. Sana loved that he cared so much but at the same time she is more reserved with showing affection and it made her nervous, but in a good way. Sana's friends just found it adorable.
Sana tilts her head back, her chin still on Yousef's chest, and says with so much adoration for him: "I love you."
Yousef laughs and nods: "I know and I love you, too.", and hugs her close. 
On their way back to the hotel that is very close to the Kilyos beach, both of them are on their phones, checking messages and social media. Neither of them used their phones much the whole day, they mostly just took pictures with them. They both sit in the back of the taxi and Sana starts reading the comments on the picture she posted at lunch.
"Please don't get diabetes! You should share with us to prevent that!", commented Isak.
" Ohh Ahhh!! I'm crashing the honeymoon if the food is so good!", commented Adam.
" Sana, you have the best view you could wish for!!", Noora commented.
"I'm jealous! My best friend and sister enjoying all that without me. I'm offended!", Elias commented. 
Chirs answered to Elias' comment: "Hey, don't give the love birds a guilty conscious! They're on their honeymoon!"
And there are a few more from their friends. Sana laughs and shows her phone to Yousef. He turns his phone to Sana and shows her that he's been reading the same things. 
Instead of going straight to the hotel to eat, they decide to go on a walk on the beach. With their shoes in their hands they walk along the almost empty beach, good thing it's a week-day, and watch the sun set.
"You know, you really have to teach me more Turkish.", Sana says out of nowhere. Yousef looks at her with a smile and nods.
"Of course. You've learned some things already, though!", he had so much fun teaching her. Because let's be honest, he knows Sana is better academically than he is and being able to show her something she doesn't already know was very fun.
Sana laughs and goes closer to the water. "I only know a few words, how to count, more or less, and how to properly say the names of your cousins."
"But you do all that very well!", Yousef laughs and joins her going to the edge of the water.
Sana looks at him acting offended: "It's not enough! I want to be able to talk to your side of our family without you as a translator in-between!"
Yousef's heart grows ten sizes hearing Sana say 'our family'. "You haven't taught me enough Arabic either, yet! How am I going to talk to your side of the family?"
Sana kicks a little bit of water at Yousef and instead of running away from it he gets closer to his wife. She answers: "My problem is more urgent. We're going to see your family this weekend! It's going to be so embarrassing and they're going to think I don't care enough about them to learn the language.", she rambles on and waves around her hands. Yousef catches her hands and brings them close his chest first and then kisses them. He looks back at Sana and shakes his head.
At the end of their honeymoon Sana and Yousef will be visiting Yousef's family members that could not come to the wedding. Some of his and some of her family flew over to Norway to attend the wedding but not all of them could do that.
"Sana, I can assure you nobody is going to think that! They all love you!" 
"They haven't met me, yet. How would they love me if they don't know me?", Sana complains and gets overwhelmed with anxiety in that moment. She tried to be positive but now they are married and what if they don't approve and think she is the wrong person for Yousef. It wouldn't change anything about how Sana loves Yousef but she also knows that family is very important to him.
"Because..", Yousef answers, "I have told them all about you. They've seen you over skype and face-time before. We send them videos from our wedding. Mom and dad told them how much they love you. You have no reason to be worried."
Sana's face softens and she goes to hug Yousef. He also wraps his arms around her but then says mischievously: "Now that that's cleared, let's get back at you for kicking water at me.", and lifts Sana and spins in the water with Sana in his arms. She quickly wraps her arms around his neck and shrieks surprised. 
"Yousef, stop, o God. Don't let me fall!"
Slowly Yousef stops and looks at Sana. She's laughing by now and doesn't really mind this at all. 
"Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I trust you. I wouldn't have married you if I didn't."
"Good. So we trust each other!"
"Yeah, we trust each other!"
Minutes later Yousef finds himself chasing Sana down the beach. Sana laughs uncontrollably which makes her slower than she usually is but that doesn't matter because the same goes for Yousef. Finding seaweed, that doesn't look or feel good, and putting it on your husband's head might make him chase after you. 
Yousef manages to catch her and with his hands around her waist he lifts her and twirls in the sand. When he lets her down, she is a little dizzy and wants to sit down and pulls Yousef down onto the sand with her. They end up lying there, directly on the sand. Sana leaning on Yousef, they're holding hands.
"In which language are we going to raise our children?", Yousef suddenly asks. They've been lying there and just enjoying the light breeze and each other's company without saying anything for the past minutes. 
Sana doesn't move from her position but thinks about it. She thought about having children someday, with Yousef, but never about this specific thing: "I... don't know, to be honest."
"Well, we both grew up bilingual. What if our children grow up with Norwegian, Arabic and Turkish?"
Sana realizes he must have thought about this before. She puts her head on his shoulder and looks up at him with a thoughtful expression. "I mean we grew up with two languages and it only influenced us positively so I guess so."
Sana can't help but imagine little children, their children, running around their home. She really doesn't rush to have children; she has a lot to do career-wise, as does Yousef. 
"We'll look into it when it's time.", Yousef says and Sana agrees with a 'Hmm'. Yousef is not quite done yet, though. "Which is hopefully sooner than later."
Yousef leans up a little and sees Sana smile to herself when he says that but a few seconds later Sana says: "Yousef, we already have a child in our marriage.", she looks at him and smile innocently, "You're mentally a child sometimes."
Yousef gasps in an overly dramatic way: "I'm hurt, Sana Acar!"
"And I somehow still love you.", Sana laughs and sits up. 
Yousef does the same and pats away the sand that's stuck on Sana's light blue hijab. "You better! Because we still need to figure out in which language to raise our children!"
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silnaniewinna · 7 years
Interview with Tomasz Bagiński
I decide to translate it all.
It was supposed to be a movie, it would be a serial. Why?
T.B.: History has grown. In the meantime - and on the Witcher project I'm working four years now - cultural switch has been set. Genre films - apart from the pre-Oscars, when more ambitious production occurs - are increasingly turning into circus shows. It is difficult to think of the "Witcher" as a colorful, thoughtless brawl. So we felt that such deep literature as Andrzej Sapkowski's prose gather  wind in sails  first and foremost on television, multi-episode narrative. Where will not be limited even by the length of the season, because after all, and the number of seasons can be arbitrary, is subject to what dictates the story.
How faithful will you stay to the  books?
T.B.: We will try to rely mainly on the literature of Andrzej Sapkowski, because it is a multi-layered prose. On top of that we actually have a fantasy story full of monsters and action. But when we read deeper, we reach the next layers, up to the level of archetypes, philosophy almost. The unique feature of this series - the world, heroes, Andrzej's entire writing - is that it can be received on so many levels.
This is an event in Polish literature?
T.B.:  It is no big surprise that Sapkowski and his Witcher have become so popular and iconic, not only in Poland but also abroad. It is also no coincidence that this book has become a great basis for a brilliant game that has been a business success. In Polish culture this is a rarity. Polish fantasy literature is a high test, but the character's creation is often limp and the screen is fed primarily by characters. Those whose fate we want to follow with whom we want to stay, which also differ from each other, because after all in Sapkowski every one on this characters  speaks differently, has its own tics, behavior.
What is it in Geralt itself that it is worth making him a serial hero?
T.B: Geralt of Rivia is a moral compass of the world, in which there is no clear division between good and evil, and that is the reality around us. Even in the Cold War, the division was as clear as in "Star Wars" - the empire of evil and noble rebellion. It was known to which groups you should belong.. Today, even the last part of "Star Wars" introduces nuances: rebels are nasty types and they need redemption, and the empire seems to has it’s own rights.  The Witcher is an example of a hero who, in this world of mad, competing ideas, none of which is clearly good or bad - is trying to find the right path. He says: such things you cannot do, such things need to be done, and such choices are necessary. A bit like a guy who will defend the weaker who is beating up in trolley. Archetypal defender. And it is thanks to it there is  something fantastic in him - such characters we want and need.
You say that thanks to it in  Sapkowski there  is something basic Polish. Why?
T.B: Becouse Sapkowski from the beginning described the world from the perspective of Poland, which was always in interface, developed in the clash of East and West. In Poland - contrary to what we are used to say - we are not tribes, you can not qualify us to one particular camp. Even if we start to hold up to something, it soon starts to pinch us - we already have a libertine nature, we are non-controllable. Geralt is similar.
Does the world of the series need clear divisions? Good knights, evil dragons, heroes whom we would like  without hesitation and those we hate from the first meeting?
T.B: If you are watching modern series, you see that this division is long gone - their structure is much more complex, and there is more intelligent psychology out there. The best characters today are those who have good intentions. Another thing is what comes out of this intentions.
  Wait a second what about a "Game of  Thrones"? Is it not it that we know from the beginning which of the Westeros kingdoms are "good" and which are causing us aversion?
T.B: You might be surprised. If I had to interview the audience thoroughly, I am sure that there would be people who understand Cersei, her difficult choices and why she is so cruel. And those who would argue that this entire Ned Stark bunch is an overly sensitive sociopaths who is overly afraid that some sort of winter is coming. People are different - and in modern entertainment the most interesting thing is that it is try to tell the difference.
After the speculation about the actors, you joked that Tomasz Karolak could play the role of kikimore. What about the main actor idea? Which stories will you use,  which you will give up?
T.B: I apologize to our viewers and readers for being such a sphinx guarding the mystery - I know the fans would like to know right now more about our casting ideas, what stories  we want to adapt - but many of these things could influence the later process,  many of them are also tade secret . For all of this time will come.
And how - as far as it can be betrayed - look  the process of working on such a complicated plot that must be "The Witcher"?
T.B: I can not say anything but what is general know. Working on the show, more than the film is a teamwork, also at the stage of creation. Stories are written by many scriptwriters, episodes are directed by a number of directors, everything is consulted with the producers and department heads. Big human machine
You cannot reveal who among the full-blooded heroes of Sapkowski will appear on the show. What about  characters beside Geralt are for you, Tomek Bagiński are the key, the most interesting?
T.B: From all stories or novels I prefer specific moments. And what kind of characters I like, will not be particularly controversial. There are such heroes, without  it is difficult to imagine this story: Ciri, Yennefer or supporting characters: Bonhart, Vilgefortza or Regis. How exactly it will be in the series and what characters appear - here please be patient.
Dragon,  Baba Jaga, Twardowsky - in your work there is recently a whole lot of Slavic legends and clues. Where does it come from?
T.B: I will not tell stories from the plains of Arizona or country music biography, because I do not know anything about them. I was born here, here I live and this is my cultural background. It is not a burden, but a tool that can be used - it is extremely interesting and exotic for the rest of the world. Just as Peter Jackson sits in New Zealand and makes films there, using everything he sees around him, so we can use this great European plain like Poland. I really really strongly believe that at this point in the East and West we have built a strong cultural identity, although our archetypes we do not used for years, we considered them as dump. This Pole is untouchable - it is our greatest strength.
How much do you think the CD Projekt and its "Witcher" contributed to the promulgate of Slavs?
T.B: The CDP guys did a great job with this adaptation, so no one will take that from them.. It was a great game and it was a success. The more such companies and people who are so professionally and reliably approaching their work, the sooner Poland will develop. Games also did not undermine the characters and literacy of Andrzej Sapkowski, although it is true that the policy of some publishers harmed the reputation of the writer himself.
He sometimes talked about the game without much flattering.
T.B: It is worth reading these statements with understanding and in a specific context. These statements are much less controversial than what the media around them has unleashed. There is no easy correlation between games and books between books and series or movies. For example, few people suspect that a book was written after a movie. In the case of games the relationship is less obvious, and books written for games are often very literary second league. The publisher's policy  to add to the books covers from the "The Witcher" games automatic add them to that category and right now it’s necessary to correct that.   That does not change the fact that games were extremely popular and in some markets increased the recognition of the Witcher brand.
Is your experience and cooperation with Netflix a guarantee that everything will go well with the series?
T.B: In life, only taxes and death are guaranteed. But even the latter may soon change 
And the biggest risk you can imagine in relation to this production?
T.B: Media! Because they are taking up the time we could devote to work. ( laugh ). You will be able to write that "Baginski chased journalists, told them nothing. He is a boor and a beet, worse than the infamous writer Andrzej S. " And there will be another Witcher controversy. People will read. that.
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