#hex the system
sysboxes · 1 year
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[Text: This alter doesn’t know if they’re an introject or not.]
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geronimomo-spd · 2 months
you go into classic who to figure out which doctor's era is making people go insane, only to discover its all of them and you will be going insane about them too, every single one, in order. mostly
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polterguyscollective · 2 months
Do any of y’all have that one song that you listen to to reclaim your trauma because the person who hurt you liked it or am I insane -🐖
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cameronthecryptid · 1 year
Tumblr's Favorite Trio Semi-Finals: Side A
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shyspider · 9 months
HI SHY!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!!!!
My mom gave me covid for Christmas
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duckapus · 1 year
SMG4 AU Timeline Anomalies
(6/30/23 Edited to include Blook) (9/20/23 Edited to reflect SMG4k's current status and include the Haltmann Meme Guardians AU characters) (11/4/23 Edited to include characters related to Abyssal's arc and Entropy) (1/16/24 Edited to include Showtime, update GG's profile, and clean up the tags) (3/9/24 Edited to correct a few mistakes, update Gohma's entry, and add AVA) (5/25/24 Edited to include Minion (because I can) and the two emergency part-time SMGs (Bob/SMGi and Pinkie/SMGpi). Also I'm almost out of tags on this post so if there's any more anomalies I may have to make a second list)
The God Box
A box of broken computer parts that serves as a graveyard for dead universes and a source of unlimited -and highly corruptive- power. At some unknown point it developed some form of consciousness. It was ultimately destroyed by the combined efforts of Avatar Mario, SMGs 0 through 4, Melony the Fierce Watermelon Demigoddess, and Terrence the Ugandan Knuckles.
A Super Meme Guardian replica created by the God Box to be SMG0's partner. While he was very good at his job, he proved to be dangerously unstable both physically and (after a failed attempt to repair his flawed code) mentally.
A forced fusion of SMG0 and Niles, obsessed with creating a "perfect" universe to replace the one they lost. They killed Avatar Spudnick and destroyed his universe, and nearly did the same to Mario's twice before dying in the destruction of the God Box.
Minion Glitch
A spaghetti hybrid clone of SMG4 accidentally created by Mario using the same machine that made the evil living Weegee Dolls. She keeps in touch with 4, Mario and their friends, and the kids and Admins know about her, but she doesn't really get involved in the Crew's adventures, preferring a relatively quiet life in Bloopersville. Since she is half SMG, she's presumably capable of manipulating Meme Energy and using Guardian Commands, but she hasn't had a reason to learn how.
Super Mario 64 Emulator
Normally shortened to just Emulator, occasionally Emmy to her friends. She developed a consciousness and identity of her own as a result of the many, many problems that Zer0's presence caused for SMG3 and 4 and Avatar Mario's activation. She ultimately proved benevolent and acts as an unofficial third Admin for Mario's universe. She's usually a fun-loving goofball, but is very protective of the people she cares about and has a slight sadistic streak that comes out full force when something happens to them. Most of the Admins are either wary of or annoyed by her, often both.
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
A former Admin and the main protagonist of Rising Star Circus. What do I mean by former? Well, he died as a result of a monster attack, and as expected his universe died with him. However, somehow a bit of his code survived and drifted around before finding the Mario universe and manifesting there as a Mario recolor. He was then reunited with his old friends, the prototype SMGs -1 and -2, who are now 3 and 4's Admins, Domain and Forum. He's since regained his old model.
Significantly more mature and level-headed than most Avatars both due to experience and because he doesn't have to deal with Avatar-level Meme Energy levels anymore. He acts as a mentor to the younger Avatars, especially Mario since they live in the same world and Mario's awkward activation means he doesn't have the same instinctual knowledge the others have and only started learning the hard way relatively recently.
The Gamer Girl
A TAS Bot programmed for Kirby and the Amazing Mirror speedruns that somehow became a full-fledged AI. A lack of grounding influences means she sees the multiverse as her playground and the people in it as toys. Thankfully she's the kind of kid who usually takes good care of her toys and puts them back where they belong when she's done, so while her victims do often end up traumatized, it's rare for them to get serious injuries or permanent physical changes. She primarily focusses on Avatar Kirby's universe, which is thankfully uniquely equipped to handle her.
Recently, she's been getting a lot better at understanding morality, in large part due to her friendship with Zack MeowtTF2, Jim Pianta and Larry Koopa, as well as her decision to unofficially be Diane "Floyd" Floyener's little sister.
Full designation "Super Meme Guardian (Imaginary Number)," this is technically just Bob Bobowski with the False Positive Glitch active. The designation was first applied when Bob accidentally used the Factory Reset command on himself while trying to get rid of the FPG and overloaded the Guardian System. Recently he actively made use of this form (without a reset this time) alongside another FPG SMG in a battle against Ozymandias, and somehow he's better at using SMG powers than actual SMGs 3 and 4.
The Guardian System
(Look, even though it was deliberate I'm still counting it.)
As the name implies, this is the system that checks the status of the Super Meme Guardians, determines whether they have the proper permissions to use certain high-level commands, and allows Admins with proper permissions to access and make changes to an SMGs code. Due to an incident involving Bob Bobowski that nearly crashed the Adminspace Server due to Data Overflow, Admin Lag from the Maintenance Division upgraded the System into a full AI so he could explain what it was doing wrong. This development has increased its effectiveness dramatically, though several Admins do wish it had ended up as less of a little shit. But I guess that's just what happens when you're hooked up to Bob's mind for the first 75 hours of your life.
An ancient program of unknown origin dedicated to eliminating anomalies for the sake of preserving the Internet's processing power. It was locked away in Computer Hell after attempting to reset Emulator twice.
Admin Gohma
The result of a demon taking over the body and consuming the soul of an Admin. While definitely powerful given her higher state and Admin Commands, she was still ultimately a Zelda Boss and went down with amount of effort once someone with a similar level of power who wasn't getting nerfed by a hacker showed up.
She survived her defeat as a formless mass of code and eventually made her way into what would become the Grid's MRU version of Hyrule, where she temporarily resided in Marbled Gohma before moving on to a Yiga Footsoldier that she molded to suit her preferences. She is now the Code Specialist of the Evil Syndicate, a multiversal alliance of supervillains that spans the five servers currently in the MRU system.
Mod the Code Turtle
A code manifestation for Mario, created by Emulator after accumulated errors Reset and nearly killed him. Haven't come up with much for him beyond the fact he exists.
Spicy Meme Generator 4000
A version of SMG4 from an alternate universe (actual universe, not just a separate computer program like most of the "universes" that exist in the SMG4 series.). His main ability is to absorb Meme Energy and create his own Meme entities that are extensions of himself. His ultimate goal is to consume all Avatars and Avatar candidates in every universe and use their combined power to become one with Reality itself. He was locked in Computer Hell with his powers mostly sealed for a while, but eventually managed to escape and continue its campaign of destruction. It was only thanks to the efforts of the SMG4 Crew, their friends from both their own and other Computer Universes, and several alternate True Universe versions of themselves that SMG4000 was finally destroyed and the universes of both kinds it had destroyed were restored.
Blook Emulator
A manifestation of Barry the rogue Avatar's abandoned universe. Unlike Emmy, it doesn't take physical form or speak in any understandable way, instead acting through the game world itself. It also hates. In particular it hates the Avatar that left it and the people who drove him away and especially the SMGs and Admins that started the whole mess. But mostly it hates in general, all-encompassingly, because it doesn't see anything else to do.
The Haltmann Triplets
A false set of Avatar and Guardians created by Susie Haltmann using a fragment of the God Box and genetic material from Mario and several other video game protagonists. Unlike Niles, they're fully stable and properly integrated into the Super Mario 64 universe thanks to Susie's programming knowledge. They're less powerful than a standard SMG set or the previous False Guardian since there was only a fragment to work with, but as a tradeoff they're immune to the corruptive effects of Anti-Meme Energy, able to use it safely and even purify it with some effort.
An alternate Mario from a destroyed version of the Super Mario Bros Movie universe, empowered by the will of the God Box. His own powers, both canonical and demonic, have been heightened to the point where at his peak he managed to kill Ultra Instinct Shaggy himself, and he has gained the ability to transform Illumination characters into Anti-Memes and control them. He has significantly more cognizance than most characters who reach that level of corruption, possibly because his goals and those of the God Box are alligned
Mari0 Soul
Not willing to accept defeat, Mari0 and the God Box break past the last of their limits and consume the massive well of Meme Energy within Luigi. The resulting reaction between equal parts positive and negative energy causes the two wills to fully merge, mutating them into a near-godlike entity capable of siphoning both forms of Meme Energy from everyone and everything around him. In this state he seeks nothing less than the destruction of everything Avatar Mario knows and loves, and then to kill him after he's borne witness. Thankfully, he failed to account for Mario's friends still being both willing and able to fight even without memes, or for the power of the Stars, which ultimately proved his final undoing.
The Abyss
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
The endless Nothing that existed before the beginning of the SMG4 multiverse...which technically just makes it the hardware of Luke's computer that the code of Everything was written on. Over the years, it's accumulated junk data that's fallen through cracks in the code, slowly developing a mind of its own as a result. It came to resent the world above, especially the first five beings that were created from it to begin the dance of Life and Death, and so it created Abyssal to spread chaos and destruction. Ultimately, she refused, simply giving modified reports of chaotic, destructive events that were already happening so it wouldn't get suspicious. This couldn't last forever, and eventually another Anomaly forced both of their hands. While Abyssal is now free, the Abyss still exists beneath the world. Waiting. Plotting.
Shadow of Doubt
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
A manifestation of the Avatars' negative emotions that takes the form of shadowy versions of them and seeks to make them as miserable as possible so it can gain more power. Thankfully it has quite a few limitations. For one thing, the only things it knows about them are the things that make them miserable. For another, it's an idiot, as you'd probably expect of anything that closely connected to all of the Avatars. They died as a result of the Abyss taking over their body.
Ecolo, the Space-Time Traveler
Specifically the version of Ecolo from Avatar Arle's universe. While everything about him is anomalous in-universe, as far as the SMG4 AU lore is concerned that's exactly how he's supposed to be. No, the only actual anomaly about him is that, despite being a Character-style Program, he somehow has high enough code density to be perfectly fine in Code Being servers.
An offshoot of the Abyss that was kinda-sorta-accidentally-on-purpose freed from its control by Avatar Sora and his SMGs when they were trying to free the hearts of all the Heartless it had absorbed. It's now perfectly friendly, if a bit confused, and has clearly imprinted on Sora.
Entropy the Collector
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving. Introduced here.)
A Program/Virus hybrid that collects strange and unique code beings and keeps them in her own universe in what appear to be little glass balls.
A consciousness formed when the Creep (the meat moss from It's Gotta Be Perfect) corrupted Emulator from the inside. At the height of her power, she had full control over the Creep, as well as Emulator's body and abilities, and managed to supercharge herself with Wonder Power. She was ultimately destroyed by Marggy, the fusion of Avatar Mario and Meggy Spletzer, and her soul was sent to the Disgaea Universe by Duck to atone for her sins as a Prinny. She's incredibly vain and lustful, especially towards Emulator. You do not want to know the stuff she did while stuck in that tower in full control of Emmy's body for a whole week.
A stray bit of Avatar code that broke off when the Arles merged during the Arle Arc, then managed to form into a mannequin-like echo of Arle's consciousness. It eventually managed to reach the rapidly destabilizing Composite Arle and restore them both into Arle Nadja and Doppelganger Arle/Dapple Nadja, taking on both halves of their Avatar Code in the process. Since she's now Arle again, AVA technically no longer exists.
The version of Pinkie Pie from the living Equestria server, under the effects of the False Positive Glitch. She first acquired the glitch during a battle with Ozymandias, where Bob Bobowski/SMGi deliberately triggered it in her so he'd have a Guardian partner and would be able to use his borrowed powers to their fullest effect. Like him, she's somehow better at it than 3 and 4 despite having the powers for less than five minutes.
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braindepo · 27 days
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Art of Hex and Syck :)
- hex (any pronouns)
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theramblingsofadork · 8 months
Myeheheheh not me thinking about Starline helping the Resistance post Restoration Arc completely mess Eggman’s whole network up since he would know all the broadcast frequencies and backdoors to the Eggnet.
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cosmicskittlez · 2 years
Oh I'm going to go on such a ramble here but hear me out, plural Hex
Not pural as in "Iris was a real fella who possessed him and now lives with him" but as in "hex himself was so traumatized by being hacked that his programming formed a factive of Iris personified". But like dude hex waking up one day to find Iris still there and panicking and trying to go to someone who can unhack him but there's technically nothing wrong with him. And it turns out Iris is a conscious being with him now with false memories of actually being a part of Iris the company. So he's constantly getting Hex to try and join Iris as a way of protection against any future attacks with his exomemories as a backing up point for this despite not actually being safe for either of them.
And at first Hex is very afraid of Iris. He sees him as a danger to not only himself but to his friends as well, fearing that joining Iris will just corrupt them both and make them evil. But eventually he tries to reach out online, asking others about their own experiences with alters and building up the courage to actually talk with Iris.
Meanwhile, Iris is doing some research of his own, not by looking through online sources but rather just being out on his own in the body. Usually he would be om edge 24/7 to prepare himself for another attack, but attacks never come. Days that he thinks will be full of fending off others is instead filled with talking to Hex’s friends, playing basketball with other people, gardening and baking. At first he only puts up with other people to keep up appearances as Hex but eventually he let's his walls down and starts to genuinely bond with them. Not only that, but he starts to get closer to Hex too.
Hex starts to let his own walls down and starts to interact with Iris not trying to change his mind but rather just to genuinely bond with him. As the two start to get closer they still keep their opinions on Iris the company, but it's treated more as a playful bickering between friends instead of a genuine plan of action. Things are going well, theyre both adapting to living like this.
Until Iris company attacks again.
Now both their friends are in danger and Iris is given the rude awakening that they can't be safe even if they join the side that threatens their safety. Iris tries to appeal to them but ends up attacked, leaving their body hurt.
Hex is panicking and almost succumbs to the hacking that's taken him twice before. But then Iris, fearing for both their lives, takes over. He alone is able to fight off the possession and fights his way through Iris company until he escapes again, leaving their foes worse for wear. He finally gets home and Hex, still trying to recover, collapses. Crying and panicking while Iris tries to console him. Iris fronts for a while so he can be on the lookout and so Hex can recover.
Then one day hex comes back to him, hugging him tightly and spilling out thank yous. And Iris feels dumb struck, hugging back and embracing him tighter then he thought he could. Something clicked in him then as he realized that they were both so afraid of the same thing, only trying to find protection in different ways. So he sat, holding Hex as they both finally found safety in one another.
It took them a while to recover after that day, but they're better off after it all. Nowadays Hex and Iris get along swimmingly, finding a good balance between not letting fear of what ifs control your life and being prepared for when what ifs happen. It was a rocky start, but the Circuit System's doing just fine.
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calicohyde · 1 year
Witch Noir Magic Types Bracket
Round One Seed Seven: Hexist vs Guardian
A Hexist can inflict momentary minor fortune or misfortune on others. For example, they can bless someone with a few hours of good luck, or they can curse them with a few hours of clumsiness. They can magically compel someone to tell one truth or one lie at a time, or prevent them from tripping. Et cetera. Hexists are considered a mid-range type of witch in witch society, neither shunned nor sought after by Covens. It's a very versatile power, as well as one of the most common, so Hexists as a group are very diverse.
A Guardian can attach wards or sentries to people, places, or things by leaving a physical piece of themselves on or near them. The larger the piece of the Guardian the stronger the ward or sentry. A strand of hair will result in a subtle and easily broken or shaken off ward or sentry, but a tooth will create something much more resilient. Wards can be used for protection or for captivity, and sentries can also be used to the benefit or detriment of the watched over. Guardians tend to be the witch society's equivalent of law enforcement, though they also frequently have careers in education or child/elder care.
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roots-system · 1 year
every time i finish a therapy session where I talk abt system stuff, i get to experience a new wild emotion o--o
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I’m just going to post this here since we’re kinda desperate for advice rn and don’t know where else to ask. (I posted the following in a discord server earlier so it might be worded a bit strangely)
Hi, so we want to try to make our communication between system members better (specifically between fronting and not fronting headmates) but we don’t really know how. Obviously we practise talking to each other by, well, talking to eachother. But that doesn’t seem to help to get better.
So does anyone know how to do this? Or are there specific ways of talking to each other that could help? Just any advice is appreciated.
Here’s how our communication is atm:
We can communicate but we only hear the person we’re talking to really quietly, and it’s often hard to understand them. When talking to several people at a time (which is hard), we can barely differentiate between voices (if at all). Headmates who are not fronting also have a hard time forming long sentences and it feels like there’s a barrier between the fronter and the headmate the fronter is talking to that gets stronger when we’re not talking right at the moment. So it’s easiest for the not-fronting headmate to reply right after the fronter said something, but if the not fronting headmate waits they can’t reply because the barrier is too strong. At least that’s what it feels like. It also takes a lot of energy, especially when talking to several different headmates in a relatively short time.
If that’s relevant, we’re cephaconscious, and we have headspace amnesia (meaning for us, that we can’t remember headspace at all when we’re fronting)
So yeah, any advice on how to get clearer communication is appreciated
(Also, if anyone knows how to get rid of headspace amnesia, please tell us /nf)
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caubool · 2 years
Messages from Discord server "ESU Paranormal Society" #general 20/10/20XX 2:34 PM EST SaintsofGames: Does anyone have ideas for what we're doing for our Halloween special yet? :3: I still think we should go with the haunted maid cafe SaintsofGames: O_o rnbowsheep: tbh I agree with Ant :3: Yay!! Lemon Boy: i also agree with ant! we gaming: yeah SaintsofGames: Guys… SaintsofGames: We can't just go to a maid cafe and walk around with EMF readers rnbowsheep: we could if were not cowards SaintsofGames: Or any of out other equipment like cameras and mics and backpacks SaintsofGames: Hey :( :3: Unless you have a better idea… :3: Maid cafe could pull in a lot of viewers Lemon Boy: & it could also be a ton of fun!! Lemon Boy: genuinely when was the last time we got to relax on the job we gaming: yeah rnbowsheep: see??? rnbowsheep: weve got midterms right now Bad its not the end of the world if we pick something easy for a change SaintsofGames: But we're ghost hunters! Lemon Boy: ghost hunters still get burnout :(
:3: I know you want halloween to be special but maybe something silly would be a nice change of pace? SaintsofGames: Skeppy, what do you think? :P: huh rnbowsheep: about our halloween special :P: oh that :P: actually :P: i may :P: or may not :P: have something :P: ~interesting~ Lemon Boy: what is it 0: ? :3: Can it beat maid cafe? :P: 100% :P: behold :P: drew p wiener convenience store SaintsofGames: That's not funny SaintsofGames: And also language Skeppy ^_^ rnbowsheep: im surprised youre not interested Bad :3: If anyone is genuinely interested in droopy wieners that's their own problem we gaming: yeah :3: Thanks Punz Lemon Boy: sometimes things just droop! Lemon Boy: though the fact that its a convenience store drooping is not all that inspiring :P: im dead serious SaintsofGames: There's no way that's a real store :P: im :P: dead :P: serious :3: It can't hurt to look into it at least?
rnbowsheep: I googled it just now rnbowsheep: its a real place and it has some crazy reviews online Lemon Boy: what kind of reviews?? SaintsofGames: You gotta be memeing… rnbowsheep: people complaining about the food mostly rnbowsheep: and the creepy store owner looking more dead than alive rnbowsheep: apparently its a miracle the store is still up and running rnbowsheep: looks like its rotting from the inside out from the pictures Lemon Boy: woah :3: How on earth did you find out about this Skeppy???? :P: i have my ways SaintsofGames: This is perfect! SaintsofGames: We can stage a small investigation and bring some business to a local store! Lemon Boy: …ill bring my extra sanitization kit lol rnbowsheep: good idea :3: As long as we keep it small and short :3: I really can't put more than 5 hrs/week into the channel right now SaintsofGames: Yeah we'll keep it small! Manageable ^_^ Lemon Boy: no more than 15 mins for the video! we gaming: yeah :P: so were doing this right rnbowsheep: yup rnbowsheep: does thursday work for you guys? Lemon Boy: ive got a shift at the clinic on thursday :( Lemon Boy: can we do friday instead? we gaming: I will take any excuse not to hang out with Dream downtown on a Friday night lets do Friday rnbowsheep: lol friday it is then :3: LOL! :P: perfect SaintsofGames: We're gonna have our best episode yet!
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tomorrowillbeyou · 1 year
had the most specific ass dream ever
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legionofmyth · 1 month
Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing
Venture into the dark fantasy world of Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing! 🌌 Survive, explore, and conquer in this immersive sandbox RPG. Perfect for fans of gritty adventures and deep storytelling! #ForbiddenLands #RPG #TabletopGaming #FantasyRPG #FreeLeague
Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing What is it? Forbidden Lands Forbidden Lands by Free League Publishing is a dark fantasy tabletop role-playing game set in a cursed and perilous world. Players take on the roles of adventurers and rogues exploring a land filled with ancient ruins, dangerous wilderness, and supernatural horrors. The setting is grim and gritty, emphasizing survival,…
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hereticsgravesite · 5 months
shiloh vent
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