#hey have you seen the people in the pride parade?
furiarossa · 6 months
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When outside they're celebrating, but you like to stay in your dirty lair, hiding from the world, in company of just your obsession, judging others for what they do... 
First part of a mixed 'n complex commission for Sydney, the Forbidden one, drawn with black ballpoint pen. Stay tuned for the colored version!
★ Instagram|Facebook|FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices|Tapastic|Pillowfort★
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laroserie · 3 months
— Various x-men characters, with a queer ! reader
— characters ; Scott Summers. Jean Grey. Logan Howlett. Rogue.
— warning ; Reader is implied to be at the very least multisexual in general BUT it's very vague - reader is just not straight. Can be platonic or romantic depend. Include a 'when you come out to them section' but it's also just general headcanons. I included my personal hc about their sexuality. No one is homophobic or anything !
— note ; i said i'd something for pride and poof, there ( yes ... it's the 29th but better late than never! ), yes i do headcanons most xmen characters as multisexual, i wrote this at 3am so if some part doesn't make sense and all sorry
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– Scott Summers.
Now, Scott is bisexual himself (with a little bit of self internalised homophobia) so he'd be very, chill, of course with you being queer. But he sometimes do say stuff that make your eyebrow raise, he isn't exactly the most informed, but he is still very respectful, just a bit clumsy. If you try to correct him on something he said and - or - 'correct' him, he will listen and keep that in mind.
Scott could be the type to start being more inclusive in his language once he knows, like he will say 'partner' or 'spouse' when asking you about your relationship. Or not ask about them at all ( if you aromantic for example ).
He probably accidentally out-ed you at some point, he doesn't think twice and just say what's he thought. He will very much apologize for that, and after the first time it never happens again.
When you come out to him, he gives you a simple 'okay, that neat' and a thumb-up. If you use a label/term he doesn't know, he may ask you about it but probably later, like a day or two, he'll come up to you and ask you 'hey, by the way, what does [label] means ?'.
– Jean Grey
Jean Grey, like Scott, is very chill about it. Sure, she doesn't know much about the community and she only knows the 'basic' terminology, but she still very much support you.
If you need to vent about issues related to your sexuality, she will be there, her arms are wild open for you and she has always a box of tissues on hand. She may not get everything, but she'll try to help you as much as she can, by simply comforting you or by trying to give you advice ( not necessary about the problem in itself, but about how to cope around it ).
Jean is absolutely the type to accompany you to pride, if you want her to of course, she is kinda like those straight mothers that accompany their kid to pride !
When you come out to her, she is the sweetest, she'll listen to you and assure you that it change's nothing to her.
– Logan Howlett
He doesn't gives a fuck, the man has seen all type of people thru the years, it's normal and he obviously accept anyone no matter their sexuality or genders but he just doesn't care that much ( my personal headcanon is that Logan is pan but let's be honest, he himself doesn't give a fuck about his sexuality ).
Logan probably goes to the pride parade once in while, depending on the city he in currently, and he'll probably accept to go with you to them - if it's your first, he'll try to keep you in sigh but if not and that you can be left alone and be okay, he will 'abandon' you and you'll only see him when it's time to leave.
When you come out to him, he looks at you and just drop a 'ok', he may add a 'thanks for telling me ?' if you are visibly confused by his answer.
– Rogue
She'd be very happy knowing you are queer too ! ( again personal headcanon that she is bisexual ) She thinks it's nice to have a friend whose also part of the community and if you are newer to it and the terminology, she'll try to teach you about them as best as she can.
If anyone is a bigot to you about your sexuality, Rogue will be there to comfort you about it and, maybe, perhaps, try to fight the person.
When you come out to you, she will be very happy that you have enough trust in her to tell her, she'll probably give you a big hug before asking you question about it ( like 'when did you know ??' but not in the intrusive weird way )
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Hey trans Florida folks - things suck, but I want to make sure y'all have more info so you can better gauge the urgency and expected risk for a new bill.
This is another long post, but please read because a lot of folks are in a huge panic at some misleading info.
You've probably seen this by now:
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This is misleading. Be incredibly concerned at the path we're on because it is bad, even plan to leave the state (I am), but drag isn't punishable by the death penalty:
From the Twitter screencap: "Florida has now: 1) made drag in public illegal as a 'sex crime against children'."
Misleading. SB 1438 censors drag in front of minors w/vague, subjective language and threatens misdemeanors, fines, and license revocation for violations. This is meant to scare businesses, and even cities. We are already seeing Pride parades canceled in Florida in response:
From the Twitter screencap: "2) made sexual crimes against children punishable by death"
Too broad. Sexual battery against a child is being made into a capital felony (aka, punishable by death) in the currently proposed SB1342 .
The bill says:
"A person 18 years of age or older who commits sexual battery upon, or in an attempt to commit sexual battery injures the sexual organs of, a person less than 12 years of age commits a capital felony".
If we want a definition of "sexual battery" itself, we can jump to Florida statues at:
"Sexual battery” means oral, anal, or female genital penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or female genital penetration of another by any other object; however, sexual battery does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose."
Also of note in this statute:
"Serious personal injury” means great bodily harm or pain, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement."
I am not a lawyer, but to me, this looks like less of an attack against trans people for existing (via conflation with anti-drag bills), and more a way to target those providing gender affirming care -- healthcare providers or even a child's affirming guardians.
Many states are already trying to set up "aiding and abetting" laws (from the anti-abortion playbook) to punish anyone offering any kind of gender affirming care (from general therapy to vocal coaching) to a trans kid.
Florida might be hoping someone applies the "injures the sexual organs of" component of SB1342 to gender-affirming puberty blockers. Yeah, it's a stretch, but I would not be surprised to see someone try it.
Because we are already seeing the HHS committee consider sending subpoenas to gender-affirming clinics:
"House Speaker Paul Renner said he wants the House to examine how the organizations adopted their recommendations. He questioned whether the guidelines were the result of scientific analysis or whether “the integrity of the medical profession has been compromised by a radical gender ideology that stands to cause permanent physical and mental harm to children and adolescents.”
Emphasis mine. Again, I am not a lawyer, but I would not be surprised to see someone try to hold a gender-affirming clinic accountable for "sexual battery" against a child.
All these separate actions paint a grim picture.
Back to our Twitter screencap: "3) Began allowing death penaltymsentencing at at 8-4 vote instead of a unanimous vote"
Yes, true. This one is scary all on its own because it makes it that much easier for the DeSantis administration to target political enemies.
Everyone should be terrified of this:
Back to making child sexual battery a capital felony & SB1342:
Could we eventually see bills proposed that further broaden - via deliberately vague language or otherwise -what kind of "sex crimes" are punishable by death, thus fully targeting trans people?
For sure, we will absolutely see fascists try to get away with whatever they can and I hope we see more resistance against what is happening now to prevent the escalation towards genocide.
But this specific bill isn't targeting drag and it's important we understand the current threat landscape so we can plan accordingly.
Like. I'm still working on my own plan to flee Florida asap (I am a trans man) but I don't feel at risk of the death penalty just yet, so my "leave asap" is "sell the house in a month" instead of "grab the bugout bag and get in the car NOW".
It is very, very important to understand the threats we face so we don't make rash decisions that could have permanent consequences for already vulnerable people. We need to plan and act on plans with haste, but afford ourselves every opportunity to make decisions with as much accurate information as possible.
What's the status of SB1342?
As I type this, still with the senate, but check for updates at the link below. If passed, it would enact October 1, 2023.
In closing
Again, be careful, be safe, be informed. I am not a legal expert; I'm just a little guy, but the risk landscape has enough threats trans people need to respond to without us thinking drag is currently eligible for the death penalty.
Every trans person in the United States, not just Florida, should be watching what is going on across the country and noting how all these bills connect and escalate. And what could become blueprints at the federal level.
Keep hope, but plan for contingencies that could threaten your job, your housing, your liberty, and possibly even your life. Watch the news, watch your local bills, and do your best at figuring out when you need to break that emergency glass.
My biggest advice to be better informed is to learn where your state posts bills and look them up when they hit the news:
Get used to reading bills and noting when they would take effect
Learn how to follow a bill on its way into law - the stages are usually through various committees, then both the House and Senate can file amendments and ultimately vote in separate sessions to approve, then the governor signs it into law
Understand that a lot of reporting on bills can make it sound like it has passed into law, when it might still just be in a committee.
Not all bills pass, and when they do, not all pass as originally proposed. (This can work for or against us.)
Follow trans political commentators like Erin or Alejandra for more context
Again, it all sucks right now and I don't want to underscore the danger so many transgender Americans are already in (and lord knows I am very lucky to be able to leave Florida). But knowing what we're up against is one of the few defenses we have right now.
I have more advice for trans Floridians here.
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voidingintotheshout · 4 months
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OK. I’ve been out of the closet since 1998, but I kind of feel like compared to a lot of other people that are more sexually active or outgoing, I feel like I haven’t really done much with my gay identity. I don’t really have much to show for it. Therefore, I am giving myself a challenge and inviting all of you to do the same this pride month.
30 days of queer gratitude. 30 things. They can be paragraphs or just a few sentences that are part of your queer experience that you are grateful for. It can be someone treating you kindly at the pride parade, a compliment you got that meant a lot more than the person probably intended, a book or a song that made you feel seen. Whatever it is. Just tell people about it. Once per day for the entire month of June.
(Do it however you want but I would suggest on Tumblr re-blogging Yesterday’s post and adding a new entry just so the entire thing stays together.)
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fredwkong · 1 year
Virgo Season: Shane
Today, Virgo is associated most with the astrological sign. Virgos are rigid, conscientious, prudish, stubborn. It is often forgotten that Virgo is the sign of the harvest, when inedible grass turns to edible wheat in a yearly miracle. This plenty inspired the ancients to name innumerable mother goddesses for the harvest, to remind all people that, with patience and care, even the most stubborn ground can be tilled to bear fruit.
When Virgo rules the heavens, it is a time for things that have been growing to ripen and let loose. This is especially true at the Astra, a hotel and conference centre somewhere in central Florida. The cornerstone houses an ancient, mysterious artifact that resonates with the desires of the hotel’s guests, bringing out the things they have been hiding deep within. It is especially powerful in Virgo season.
At 3:32 AM on August 23, 1 hour and 30 minutes before the Sun entered Virgo, Shane Blanco walked out of the elevator and across the lobby, nodding to the dozing receptionist. He tried to act normal, but every few seconds he smoothed back his short blond hair or dried his hands on his conservative black slacks as he stood waiting by the automatic door, belying his nervousness.
Shane and his father, the famous evangelical pastor Adam Blanco, had arrived at the hotel yesterday afternoon. Pastor Blanco was the guest of honour at a month-long conference for his reactionary evangelical organisation, which was to host a parade of noteworthy men from the far right over the next month, including media personalities, politicians, and other evangelical speakers like Pastor Blanco.
His throat dry, Shane checked his Tinder messages again. Nothing yet. Shane was here… well, Shane was here because all of his brothers and sisters had said “not it” faster. He was meant to be the perfect young Republican, his father’s “success story.” It showed in his fresh blond Ivy League cut, his well-tailored suits, his handsome face, and his white, perfect smile. Shane was going to have an aneurysm.
Even entering his twenties, Shane was still terribly repressed. He’d kissed a boy once, under the bleachers during a school football game, and immediately had a panic attack. This trip was the farthest that he had travelled from his little midwestern hometown, and it wasn’t like Pastor Blanco was keeping close track of what he did. If Shane wanted to get the taste of gay life he was desperately craving, now was the time.
He had matched with Rodrigo while sitting in the back seat of the rented SUV Shane and his father had ridden in to the Astra. He was a Latino hunk, his Tinder pictures showing a tantalising carpet of chest hair on his thick chest. There were pictures of him bearing rainbow flags at pride parades, hanging out with other equally undressed guys of all shapes, sizes, and colours, and one where, just at the bottom of the frame, Shane had seen the top few inches of a pair of leather pants. They had been messaging all night.
Rodrigo was at some other nighttime event in town, but he had begged off early and had texted that he was on his way to the Astra. Shane shifted from foot to loafered foot, trying to pretend he didn’t have cold sweat dripping down his back. What if he got stood up? What if Rodrigo was actually working for his father, waiting to catch Shane in an act of temptation? What if Rodrigo had decided that he actually didn’t want to have a hookup with an inexperienced, repressed white prep?
Just as Shane was about to scurry back upstairs, the front door opened and a man in a long leather jacket stepped inside. Rodrigo looked even bigger in person, and even more out of place, a burly, bearded, tan hunk in big combat boots standing in the opulent foyer of the Astra. Shane hurried to his side, trying to look like something other than a gangling prep.
“Hey man.” Rodrigo took Shane firmly by the wrist and walked deeper into the hotel. “Good to see you again. It was a total bitch to find parking around here.” He sounded so natural, like it was perfectly normal for two people as different as them to meet in a hotel lobby at 4 in the morning. He held Shane tight, forcing him to walk briskly, but not urgently. Shane felt leather at his back, and the smell of cigarettes tickled his nose, emanating from the jacket. Rodrigo took a turn into the richly carpeted hallway leading past the conference hall. “You know where we’re going?” he murmured in Shane’s ear. He had to lean down to get close enough, a sensation which made Shane shudder with lust.
“Y-yes,” Shane breathed. While Pastor Blanco had organised the conference hall to his exacting needs, Shane had scouted the whole first floor, and he’d found a mysterious, unlocked door that opened to a set of stairs. He directed Rodrigo there, and the two men stumbled down the dark steps into the sub-basement of the Astra.
Using his phone flashlight, Rodrigo found a light switch. They were in a disused storage room with unfinished cinderblock walls, some of which had some kind of strange carving on them. Shane assumed that they must have been leftovers from the ornate facade on the Astra’s front. There were sinuous patterns, some twisted together to form some kind of indiscernible script.
Grabbing Shane by the shoulders, Rodrigo spun him around, and Shane found himself pressed against the concrete, surrounded by leather and man. “Can I kiss you, cutie?” Rodrigo asked.
Shane nodded desperately, and Rodrigo surged forward, catching Shane’s mouth.
Shane could barely think about anything but the feeling of Rodrigo’s moustache and beard against his face, and the electric sensation of firm, confident lips on his. Then Rodrigo’s tongue was in his mouth, and Shane could taste his saliva, made a little smokey by the cigarette he must have smoked in the car. Shane could feel his cock straining against his briefs as Rodrigo flattened his body against the wall.
“Hold on.” Suddenly, Rodrigo was gone. Shane opened his eyes to see him efficiently stripping off his leather jacket. Underneath, shockingly, was not a shirt, but a leather harness.
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Rodrigo caught Shane’s shocked stare. “Sorry,” he said, looking less than confident for the first time. “The other event I was at was a, uh, kink night at a local club. Didn’t have time to change. I know it’s not a lot of people’s, you know, thing…”
Shane swallowed. Marshalled his thoughts with an effort. “I’m just surprised,” he said. “I think I, uh, like it.”
Rodrigo’s gaze followed Shane’s down to the visible bulge in Shane’s slacks. Rodrigo suddenly grinned. “Wow, you are repressed.”
Shane nodded. “Can I touch it?”
Still grinning, Rodrigo stepped forward, back in range of Shane’s hand.
With shaking fingers, Shane reached out and stroked the supple leather. “God,” he said, “I wish—”
What he was about to say was lost as Rodrigo crowded back against him and kissed him, but he had already said more than enough. A spark arced from the heel of his spare hand, pressed against the wall, into the magical channels carved into the cinderblocks. Shane’s mind suddenly let loose the desires he had repressed for all twenty-two years of his life, half-formed thoughts of leather, rubber, and lycra gear filling his mind as he tugged on the harness’s handle. Newer ideas of hair, dark skin, and the masculine scents of sweat and smoke flowed in too as Rodrigo gently slid Shane’s feet out of his loafers.
The magical artifact responded, and a soft orange glow filled the room, unnoticed by Shane or Rodrigo as Rodrigo’s slick fingers entered Shane’s virgin hole. Shane’s offering, of a mind grown and strengthened by repression suddenly ripened, harvested by sexual experience, unleashed an unexpected magical effect.
Shane lay on his back on Rodrigo’s leather jacket, his polo shirt rucked up under his shoulders as he continued to maintain his grip on Rodrigo’s harness. He moaned as Rodrigo’s fat Latino cock entered him, his own cock rock hard against his belly.
Along with Rodrigo’s dripping cock came some of the power building in the air. Rather than pain or pressure, Shane experienced only blinding pleasure as his hole relaxed, and Rodrigo easily bottomed out. With each thrust, Shane’s skin started to smooth out and darken, first around his hole and across his ass, and then up his belly and down his legs.
When Rodrigo grabbed Shane’s cock, a foreskin suddenly grew from the shaft, and Shane’s eyes rolled back in his head at the sensation of Rodrigo’s firm hand on his newly sensitive cockhead. Shane’s darkening balls tensed, then relaxed lower, growing slightly to match a slightly larger, darker cock. The thatch of sparse blond hair around his cock and balls shrank away, as if shaved with an experienced hand.
Shane’s slight belly dissolved, revealing a toned, but not huge, set of abs, and his pecs became flat and firm, wrapped tight on his toned chest. The blond hair in his armpits vanished like the rest of Shane’s body hair, leaving sparse black stubble. The polo shirt shrank and hardened into a black leather harness.
At the same time, the transformation reached both Shane’s darkening feet and his long, lithe fingers. Only partly aware, Shane watched as his fingers darkened and his feet, up on Rodrigo’s shoulders, flexed just a little larger, with mobile, sensual toes. The nails of both darkened with black nail polish. That was bad, Shane thought, trying to organise his mind through the blinding pleasure of Rodrigo's fucking combined with the magic coursing through his changing body. His… His someone would be upset.
With a thrust that brought Rodrigo’s cock straight home on Shane’s now extra-sensitive prostate, Shane threw back his head and the magic followed. All his thoughts dissolved. His jaw sharpened and his lips filled out as they darkened, matching both the nipples he was using one hand to twist and the cockhead peeking out of Rodrigo’s big, callused hand. His eyes darkened, his brow lowering to give him a hooded, seductive gaze.
Finally, the magic entered Shane’s hair follicles. Beginning from the roots, blond became black, and the strands tore free of the gel Shane had carefully combed in yesterday morning. Tousled curls fell across Shane’s forehead.
Like a flick switched in his mind, Shane suddenly looked up at Rodrigo with a cocky, lustful gaze. “That’s it, you big bear,” he said in a deeper, slightly smokey voice, pulling harder on Rodrigo’s harness to make him gasp. “Fill my slutty boyhole. Take this virgin hole.”
Rodrigo gasped as he was pulled closer to Shane’s torso, the fucking becoming somehow more intense. He suddenly felt close to the edge. “Gonna… cum,” he gasped, trying to pull out. No way this virgin bottom was gonna outlast an experienced guy like him.
Shane pulled harder. “Cum in me,” he growled, dragging a ragged sob from Rodrigo’s throat. “C’mon, I need your load in me.”
At Shane’s command, Rodrigo let go, filling Shane up with his load. He knew he’d put on a condom, but somehow he found himself bare, painting Shane’s insides with cum. At precisely 5:02 AM, as the Sun entered Virgo behind the bulk of the earth, Shane let loose too, painting his lean new torso with a huge, runny load of cum.
Both men made the most powerful offering a living being can make at the exact moment that Virgo entered its greatest power. The power slammed into the magic filling the air, and the unformed wish Shane had inadvertently made was recast into a powerful spell.
I wish… a rush of images and words… cock, leather, sweat, gay, mask, Slut, Rubber, Daddy Latin Fag Stink Gear African Ass Cum MuskSexArabFagJockSlutLeatherAsianCockCockCockCockCOCK.
Shane had ripened, what had been repressed now ready for harvest as he worked his ass to milk Rodrigo’s cock. In a burst of warmth and unseen light, the magic of the Virgo artifact, confined for decades to the small sub-basement room, surged to encompass the Astra hotel.
As Rodrigo pulled out, still gasping, Shane dragged his fingers through the rivulets of cum coating his torso and started to lick it up. He remembered who he had been an hour ago, but that Shane felt like a distant dream. Why bother being so stressed, bound up in what other people thought he should be? The new Shane was a creature of sensuality, totally free to do whatever he desired.
“That was… Were you always…” Rodrigo struggled to articulate himself as he tugged his jeans back on.
“May as well have been.” Shane rolled off Rodrigo’s jacket and grabbed his slacks. The instant he touched them, the cotton flexed and morphed, becoming supple black leather. Shane loved the feeling as his new pants slipped up his hairless legs. “Want to go get breakfast?”
“But your… dad, right?”
Shane didn’t fully understand what had just happened, but the magic was in him, filling him up and reassuring him that his will would be done. “My father’s not a problem,” he said. “I’ll come back to pick him up on September 22. He’ll be fine here.” Shane's fingers were itching. "Lend me a cig. I'll pay you back."
Pastor Blanco and all his far right guests would be more than fine. Shane only had twenty years of repression to fuel his transformation, the youngest of the attendees. Some of the men coming to the hotel, like Pastor Blanco himself, had spent at least fifty years in denial of their basest urges. With the help of the magic permeating the Astra, they would soon be letting it all loose.
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This concept was inspired by @octuscle.
Welcome to Virgo Season! Every three days until September 22, 2023, I will tell the story of another of Pastor Blanco's guests at the Astra Hotel being transformed into a slutty gay kinkster.
This series is my way of celebrating my birthday. If you feel inspired, feel free to write a story set in the Astra Hotel this Virgo Season. Post it @ me and I’ll reblog it.
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fizziepopangel · 1 year
Hey! I really liked your helluva boss headcanons, they're very interesting and realistic! Do you have any for Stolas? 😀
I do actually have a few! Ask and you shall receive, my friend! I hope you enjoy😋
“Oh shit. Am I in danger right now?”
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When he was young, the prince built little communities for the toads and frogs that he found within the garden sometimes. This is what sparked his joy for being in the garden and he still tries his best to make the palace garden comfortable for the small amphibians that he sometimes comes across there.
Despite being a powerful demon, Stolas hates horror movies because he scares far easier than he cares to admit.
He has bald spots from where he's pulled out his feathers during panic attacks or times of overwhelming stress but learned to hide them well over the years.
Stolas is easily excited by small things which can easily be seen through his daughter’s social media where she frequently posts pictures of her father reacting in childlike wonder to things most people wouldn’t think twice about.
Baby Stolas was bathed in a bird bath the same way babies are bathed in the sink sometimes when they're really small.
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Sometimes Stolas will sleep with his old stuffed animal. It brought him comfort as a child and though he's a bit embarrassed to admit it to most people, it still brings him comfort after nightmares.
He understands his duties as a member of the Goetia family, but he always wanted to be an artist or botanist rather than a prince.
Stolas’ primary love language is physical touch which tends to make him a wonderful, affectionate partner and friend…. Unfortunately, the prince also experiences touch starvation quite easily.
The abuse he took from Stella worsened after she became pregnant with Octavia because she soon found he would give in to any demand she had if it meant keeping their daughter safe if she even acted as if she might threaten the child in some way. 
He suffers from migraines due to poor vision because he's struggled with focusing both sets of his eyes at once since he was a kid. His father never took him seriously and he was often teased by others about having one set of eyes closed to both help him focus on things and get rid of his migraines…. He still does this sometimes when he's alone because he's still afraid of being teased or seen as weak.
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He has a deep appreciation for classical music, but he loves dancing around to trashy pop music more than he likes listening to the classics people are used to hearing him listen to.
Blitz can be quite rough with him in bed and despite enjoying it for the most part, he wants something more… sensual sometimes. He had hoped it would be after their date at Ozzie's.
He's put off teaching Via magic because he doesn't want her to grow up just yet but he's found that their magic lessons are often some of their best bonding activities and he learns much more than he thought he would about his daughter with each lesson they stumble through. 
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The demon prince is still afraid of the dark. Only his daughter knows.
He uses his human form to attend pride parades in the human realm. He loves it and has made many human friends in the years he’s attended.
Stolas doesn’t use his full demon form very often because despite how well he hides it, it takes a lot of energy and it leaves him fairly exhausted.
Unbeknownst to everyone aside from Blitz, Stolas keeps a journal of poetry he writes.
Despite the fact that they are one of the lowest classes species in hell, Stolas doesn’t necessarily view imps in that manner because he sees himself as having been raised by them since he was raised more so by the imps who served his family than his parents.
He has a major sweet tooth and chocolate ice cream with whipped cream and cherries on top is his favorite sweet treat.
Stolas tends to his garden daily and has named each and every one of the plants he cares for.
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lisbeth-kk · 4 months
May Prompts (31) Pride
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 31)
Summary: We get glimpses of Joanna Shirley's first year and an emotional trip to the countryside ensures that the circuit is closed.
Thirty-One Years Old
Some months after Joanna’s first birthday, we’re going to Sussex to spend a week with my parents. She has Timothy’s dark hair and my curls. Her eyes are violet-blue and radiant, her social skills are impeccable. Our daughter loves people. When we’re out in the park, at the shops, on the tube or the bus, she babbles to anyone who’s willing to listen. Most people are. During the Pride parade, that became quite evident. 
Molly had bought her a multi-coloured dress. In each hand she had a flag. The traditional rainbow flag in her right, and the bisexual one in her left. Every so often, people in the parade approached her to say hello, and she preened and had the time of her life. Timothy filmed the whole charade to show to our families later.
When she’s used up her charm…let’s just say; her bad temper is as untamed as her good mood…
“Just like her mother,” Dad often points out when I complain.
There’s no sympathy to get from Papa either.
“A tornado is calm compared to your tantrums as a child and teenager, Bee.”
“Ha, bloody ha,” I retort, but I know it’s true.
Having a strong will and principles can be good things, I guess.
Joanna has never seen Papa’s garden and beehives. The last time we visited, it poured down all weekend, so we stayed inside.
She has yet to have taken her first steps, but there have been other firsts. 
First trip inside the city: New Scotland Yard with uncle Greg so he could show her off to all his previous colleagues (he retired two years ago.)
First solid food: corn porridge (she detested oatmeal.)
First tooth: four months (she bit me when I breast fed her.)
First real trip: Sussex to Grandad and Lock. (She refuses to call Papa anything else.)
First BIG toy: an antique rocking horse from the granduncles. (Guess which one searched worldwide for the correct one, a replica from his and Papa’s childhood.)
The second Joanna sees her grandparents, she starts to wriggle in my arms, can’t get to them fast enough.
“Easy, my little octopus,” I mutter and hand her to Dad with a relieved sigh.
“Hey there, princess Shirley,” Dad coos and kisses her cheek.
“Da!” she exclaims and pats his shoulder, before turning eagerly to Papa, stretching out her arms.
“Hello, little Joan,” Papa rumbles, which make her giggle and shout: “Lock!”
“You’ve got to stop calling her that,” Dad protests half-heartedly.
“Nonsense,” Papa says mock serious. “Not until you stop calling her princess Shirley.”
Joanna points at herself when she hears Dad’s name for her.
“Yes, that’s you,” Papa agrees proudly. “My clever girl.”
After lunch and Joanna’s nap, Dad and Papa walk around the garden with her, safely in Dad’s arms to show her the different flowers, letting her smell and touch. Her dazzling smile, and the besotted looks on my fathers’ faces are caught on camera. I decide to get it enlarged and framed as a Christmas present.
Papa points out the beehives, but they stay at a distance lest Joanna’s waving arms disturb the bees. I stifle a sob when she turns and points a finger at me when Papa says the word “bee”.
“Yes, darling. That’s Mummy too,” I say in a choked voice.
“Well done, princess,” Dad praises.
“Cess,” Joanna manages and presses her palm against her chest.
A week later, as a farewell, Papa takes Joanna for another stroll in the garden, which she seemingly can’t get enough of. She took her first steps there two days ago, eager to get her hands on a bee that was resting on a flower petal. When the insect flew away, she turned questioningly at Papa, who had followed in her steps ready to catch her if she lost her balance.
After they’ve finished the circuit, Joanna starts to wail, but Papa’s excited voice and gesticulating hand, gets her attention.
“Let me tell you what I once told your mother when she and Granddad moved to Baker Street,” he starts, and goes through the different stages of human decay, the art of flagging down a taxi in London, and pissing off the likes of Philip Anderson.
Before he’s finished, Joanna has fallen asleep in his arms.
Also available on AO3
You can find the fic that inspired this one here
Here we are. At the end of an amazing month of prompts which have produced ficlets, limericks, heartbreakingly beautiful writing, hilarious new AUs and so much more. Tears have been shed, laughter has been shared, the fandom has shown endless support and love to everyone involved.
Thank you to the wonderful @calaisreno for instigating this marvellous event, and to everyone who has participated, commented, reblogged and cheered along the way.
(P.S There'll be no Rosie at the age of 106 as you requested early in the month @totallysilvergirl because that would ensure the demise of our OTP, and we both know that I don't do that...)
@keirgreeneyes @raina-at @helloliriels
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randymarshiszaddy · 4 months
Ermm since it’s the month when being gay is ok in coprate culture here’s my trolls fruity headcanons cause te hee I’m spreading the woke agenda
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Branch ( they are currently trying different pronouns because buddy had 20 years of paranoia and did not have a moment to think “dam maybe I’m not a boy” anyway poppy is accepting and finds new punny names to use instead of boyfriend . Also I feel like Branch would not care what gender you are all they care about is being accepted. Also maybe cause I’m sick of the pansexual stereotype that we are all out going and bubbly but let’s move on . ( I’m pan)
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Poppy She/Her . She’s got a whole lotta love to share . She would run the parades she will be there helping out any lgbtq member be accepted.
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Barb ( aka my favorite) They/she. Yeah this is a butch is you ever tell me no your wrong. They definitely had a fling with Carol the cheddar whiz troll. She would absolutely hate coprate pride merch from big time companies and bully the hell out of them . They would make everyone know that pride was a riot
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Alright Mr WOOPS let my older brother projection spilt up my family . John Dory is an obnoxious ally and will wear those “ I’m proud of my gay brother” but hey you know with him being a 40 year old guy show a bit of gratitude to him. Wouldn’t really actually care for singing about sex and wanting to hold girls so he and Bruce made an agreement that Bruce would be the headliner hot one for Brozone.
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Clay . He transitioned before brozone started and really wanted to be seen as the fun one so his whole sad book club thing wouldn’t be seen as weak and reminded people that he was afab( he was in his Kalvin Garrah era of internalized misgony and gender roles ) but viva definitely knocked some sense in to him. He definitely is a big ally making sure the put put trolls still had pride events in hiding
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BRUCE . Yeah bi icon right here . Although John Dory at the time of brozone was like “ we already have a gay member you have to be in that closet “ yeah but after the toxicity of brozone Bruce went on a journey of self love and realized that he was finally able to be the sufur chill guy he was always destined to be . Holds the biggest drag show at his bar we’re any drag queen/ king royalty can sign up and perform
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Floyd . Yeah he’s gay that’s it everyone and their mother knew with that one earring . Surprisenly John Dory was fine for him being gay as it gave the band brownie points for being inclusive .( who said that 🫢
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Viva . Yeah she’s transfem fight me . Also pan cause you know what she can be . I feel like she would not care about gender of the person she’s dating . She just can’t wait to have all the sister experiences she misses out on
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Basically canonically accurate . Had a baby plus that baby was a clone of himself so self love king who doesn’t need to settle down for anyone.
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zahri-melitor · 6 days
DC Pride #1 (2021)
Right, I'm reviewing this, largely because 'how many decent stories are in this' is always a consideration for the various themed anthologies.
The ratio of interesting stories to formulaic 'did you notice we are queer?' stories is about right in this. It's one of the hazards of these type of titles: I want queer stories, and stories about queer people, but personally think DC should start keeping house a bit more strongly about how tokenistic some of the stories end up feeling. But this was the first up, and I wanted to see how it started before it evolved.
The Wrong Side of the Looking Glass is a Kate Kane piece that is as much about her identity as a twin as her identity as a lesbian, and how one affected the other. Enjoyable! Gorgeous art! It got a little bit 'there are so many of us who are queer' at the end but I could overlook that in favour of the extremely solid themes.
To the Victors is Midnighter and Extraño fighting a neo-Nazi vampire, and then Constantine picking up Extraño. It's very much a Midnighter story but the violence level could have been higher.
Try the Girl is Renee Montoya as the Question (so not set in exact 2021 canon then hey) where Renee has the hots for a Defence Attorney who's now running for Gotham City Council. Renee thinks she's been kidnapped, Valeria gets herself out of trouble, and Renee gets kissed on the mask (the lipstick stain is pretty funny tbh).
Another Word For a Truck To Move Your Furniture it's the annual unnecessary Harley/Ivy story. Was admittedly probably necessary for the first ever DC Pride to help sell it, but even the team of Mariko Tamaki and Amy Reeder doesn't get it past an 'eh' for me. (DC I am begging you give me some creativity in these stories; we don't need a ship that literally appears regularly in ongoings)
He's The Light Of My Life! is a very necessary attempt to try and fix how glurgy and formulaic Alan Scott's coming out story was in Infinite Frontier #0. This time we actually get Alan and Todd having more of a conversation about things and things being somewhat awkward with the friction between Alan and the way he'd navigated hidden years compared to Todd's far more Millennial attitude to being out, framed around the history of the bar/restaurant they were meeting at. A major improvement.
Clothes Makeup Gift I knew literally nothing about Jess Chambers before reading this, but what I will say is the story's got the same cute incidental feel to it that I've seen in several Wally/Linda short stories in various anthologies, which is a very good association to have when you're also a Flash character. It was lightweight filler but it was charming lightweight filler.
Be Gay, Do Crime honestly if the Kate Kane story hadn't been so great this story would have won best of for me entirely off the back of Hartley's very tired sounding moment when he says "It's...not as simple as that. When you get older, the necessity for systems becomes a bit clearer. Mind-controlling people for quick fixes is not the solution--" because oh wow do I want to say things just like that to a whole lot of people who sound and have attitudes very much like Drummer Boy in this. Amazing characterisation beat, I loved it.
Date Night it's fine, of all the Nia Nal stories I've read in various Pride anthologies so far this was one of the most slight, but I guess it was the very first go around and so that's why it's just another 'running late for a date' story.
Love Life this could have been an email. I am shocked not shocked to discover my least favourite aspect of Pride anthologies, the Justice League Queer, first appeared in my least favourite type of story in that anthology, 'look we're at a Pride Parade!'. It's like a collision of the worst aspects of dull 'hey we exist!' representation without actually bothering to provide a compelling story. It's just so tokenistic and boring.
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
‘The New Girl’
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Koko (black reader :)
Warnings; much fluff, Jake always being such a cutie and boss man and Bob loving on his Koko every day more!!
Summary; So far the only aviators, Bob and Hangman, know Koko. But what happens when curious eyes from the dagger squad catch her bold self amongst their used to be ‘shy little Bob’? What will Jake say to defend the rumors?
Loud music blared in the Hard Deck, cheers over winning games and laughter over silly jokes filled around the corners and the ears of happy people. Koko and Bob currently found themselves amongst the noise as they chatted about their last exciting event at the Pride Parade. Koko had remembered how happy her both best men were, sharing something they all had together and the smiles they wore with true happiness.
When Bob was without Koko, he was usually quiet and kept to himself, but when he was with her, he was the loudest and most funny person. His confidence boosted like no other when she was around him. He smiles were all teeth and his laughter almost made him cry, he’d forget about being in a public area and not be shy about placing a sweet kiss on Koko’s cheek or stealing one on her lips. He’d even wrap his arm around her and make her feel seen and loved, as his touch never lingered off of left her. Warmth spread in her chest at how he could really be when he was comfortable, and she was glad to know he trusted her.
They both were there for a little get together with Jake, who was presumingly running late, but little did they know, that he was actually flattering himself as he chatted away to his curious dagger squad about you two lovers.
“Wait a minute? So that cutie over there is Bob’s girlfriend?”
Jake held a finger up at Coyote as he shook his head and tried to be all tough for Koko,
“Hey hey hey, only I get to call her ‘cutie’! She’s Koko to you unless she says different. But yes, that CUTIE over there is my- his girlfriend.”
Phoenix scrunched her eyebrows and scoffed,
“Did you almost say ‘my girlfriend’?”
Jake’s widened in embarrassment at his little words as he tried to play it off,
“Well yeah- but that’s because she is kinda like my girlfriend. She’s a girl and she’s my friend- equaling- girlfriend. Right?”
Fanboy let out a laugh and tried to give Jake the benefit of the doubt,
“Alright cowboy, whatever you say.”
Jake shook his head and took a sip of a beer he had,
“I’m saying the truth- I mean, why would I want to take Bob’s precious girl? She’s perfect for him- I mean look at how happy he is with her!?”
Phoenix, Payback, and Fanboy all looked at the two happy love birds at the bar, and they could truly see it, how in love the two were. They couldn’t stop giggling and chatting, touching one another somehow or stealing a kiss. Phoenix couldn’t help but smile and admire,
“She must be really special to Bob... I’ve never seen him so open like that.”
Fanboy nodded with agreement,
“You can say that again... I’m jealous.”
Payback mocked the two and promised,
“I’m sure you two will be a ‘Koko and Bob’ one day... along with a Jake too-“
Jake smacked his arm,
“HEY! That’s not funny Payback... but I’ll take it. Proudly.”
Jake smiled to himself knowing how proud he really was to be really close to them, having experienced good times and some things. More than anything he was happy and proud to be the one to share who Koko and Bob were. He then remembered that this is the exact place where it all started, he wrapped his arms around Fanboy and Phoenix as he added,
“I met her first.. here actually. Then I introduced Bob to her, and they fell in love immediately.”
Phoenix awed as she said,
“Ohhh that must be a bummer that she fell for him having met you first?”
Jake smiled and shook his head,
“Actually no, I know I have a very special place in her heart, I’m her best friend, and I’m happy for Bob too, he’s a great guy over all.”
While the dagger squad chatted, Koko had turned her head towards the door telling Bob,
“I wonder why Jake is so late, he’s usually here on time.”
Bob held Koko’s hand as he promised,
“He’ll be here soon, he never forgets the little dates he plans with us- oh.. there he is. He’s actually smiling at you.”
Koko then whipped her head towards where Bob pointed, and there Jake stood in all his glory and Texas charm. Koko waves at him as she told Bob,
“I wonder what he was doing over there?”
Bob knew exactly what that proud smile meant on Jake’s face, so he confidently told Koko,
“He was probably complimenting us as he usually does... or more than anything admiring you beautiful-“
“Aww Bobby.. you think so?”
With a sweet kiss to your cheek Bob replied,
“Of course.. I know so.”
For my sweet dearest : @entertainmentgal8
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wolfboy88 · 1 year
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The street is loud. Really loud. And so bright and colourful even as the sun begins to set. And not to mention jam packed with so many people.
 Theo hates it. But also, maybe kinda doesn’t mind it, not the people part though. Not that he’ll admit that out loud or to Corey either.
 It’s been a red-hot minute since he’s been to one of these pride parades and he’s forgotten how much a giant celebratory party this really is; how it feels when everyone is feeling so liberated and so comfortable in their skin.
 “You alright Theo?” Corey asks, concern creasing the lines of his forehead.
 “I’m fine,” Theo says, still taking in his surroundings as they meander their way through the masses.
 Theo still remembers the first time he snuck out of the house to attend one of these when he was barely sixteen; how giddy with excitement he had been as he soaked up the atmosphere and sights. It had been the best day of his life until it came time to catch the bus home and had a complete a meltdown when he couldn’t get the paint to come off his cheeks from the flags he’d had drawn on his face.
 That’s when a boy, about the same age as him, with the most prettiest and crystal clear blue eyes Theo had ever seen, that reminded him of the ocean when the sun glistened on it, had dabbed the end of his bandana into his water bottle and gently wiped the paint from his face.
 Theo never saw him again, even though he came the next two years in row and caught the same bus home. He really wished he’d gotten the boy’s number or even a name.
 “Theo?” Corey says his name again, snapping Theo from his stupor. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
 Theo nods. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he says as he’s jostled by people moving passed him and his hands clench on instinct, swearing under his breath.
 “We’re almost there,” Corey says, reaching back to help Theo along.
 Theo can only nod. Corey’s boyfriend is a regular volunteer at the pride parades every year and they’re meeting up with him and his friends. He’s met Mason a few times before this, but Theo knows they’re important to his foster brother and he just hopes he doesn’t fuck up this up too. He knows he’s not the easiest person to get along with which is why he promised Corey he’d be on his best behaviour.
 “Hey Mason!” Corey yells out, waving his hand excitedly before jogging to meet his boyfriend on the grass spot they’ve managed to secure.
 There’s a tall blonde man with his arms wrapped around a pretty boy as they sway to the beats of a Madonna classic filling the air. Corey and Mason embrace lovingly and Mason’s short puppy like friend, bouncing on the spot like he’s had too many red bulls, makes a slightly exaggerated ew noise but it’s fond though.
 He has a rainbow flag tied around his waist that moves in time with the sway of his hips. His hair is a little untamed, almost wild in a way and Theo’s breath catches in his throat when the boy turns, he’s met with those ocean blue eyes.
 The boy too, double takes and then a fond smile balloons across his face. Theo knows he’s staring but he can’t help it. The guy has gay pride flags on his each of his cheeks and it looks like the guy’s come on second best to a glitter gun. Theo’s own lips curl of their own accord and it’s only then he realises he’s missed the introductions when he hears Corey say, “And this Liam, Mase’s best friend.”
 “Hey,” Theo manages. “I’m Theo.”
 “Hey Theo,” Liam says back, and he beams, smiling even wider if that’s possible, his blue irises sparkling, and Theo can’t help the way he flushes or the way his stomach flutters warmly. He misses the way Corey and Mason both have knowing smirks as Liam sidles up beside him, almost like he belongs there.
 Liam reaches for his hand, fingers lacing, and Theo lets him.
 “Glad you came back,” Liam says, the first float can be seen on the arise.
“Yeah, me too.”
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Hello again Akhts! Just want to check if you alright for this month, i see the comic for pride parade and that one Anonymous saying that homophobic, like Huh??? It's nothing like that, it's just someone is uncomfortable anything sexual, if you are asexual or not, people still get uncomfortable even LBGT+ people get uncomfortable when it start to get freaky as i think, and to be honest that people from the parade should have control themselves? I'm hopefully not saying anything bad, as a Ally I understand people want to be themselves and be with anyone they desire but sometimes people are not like that like asexual, aromantic for example, and that's okay I think we should respect them for they're comfortability and be their self as well even if they lack of romantic and sexual, that's normal,
I am apologize if I got carried away, I just wanted to say from the mind, take care, stay safe and happy Pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️
Hey bean, I hope you've been well!^^
Some stuff IS getting to me a little bit these days but overall I'm having an awesome pride month, thank you so much for the concern TwT
I DO think everyone at pride events IS controlling themselves, tbh – I mean no offense, but I think "control themselves" is actually a bit of a slippery slope of a phrase, because it may be the kind of thing bigoted people would tell to queer people to force them to mask their non-heteronormative sexuality, ironically the same bigoted people who'd tell us to "get out of our comfort zone" to force us to mask our non-heteronormative sexuality... So I wouldn't go there personally. Everyone should have the right to celebrate in the way they want and feel safe and embraced in. If this can't happen for kink-positive people, heck, if it hadn't started with them, it couldn't happen for us.
I just wish sex-repulsed asexuals wishing for a safe space without heavy sexualization SOMETIMES (again, not ALL OF THE TIME, we're NOT bigoted assholes) wasn't seen as a risk of regression. We ace people began to feel safe expressing our identity thanks to the LGBT people of the past who paved the way for us and showed us it's OK to express a different identity than the heteronormative one. I'd hate for these same people who showed us the way to be the one who repress us.
...Anyway that got heavy. Sorry. Been weighing a bit on my mind. But I had it coming I guess. Guess I got carried away a little too, hehe^^"
But either way, thank you so much for the kind comment and for checking on me, it's super appreciated^^ I hope you're doing good and I hope you're having a lovely pride month!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💜
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idreamofhazeleyes · 29 days
Learning Curve
Part of a giveaway through @spnfanficpond for Misha's 50th birthday.
@impala-dreamer @mrswhozeewhatsis @squirrelnotsam @idreamofplaid @winchestergirl-13
Learning Curve 
Cas’ POV 
I stood just past Aeryn’s door, perplexed by what she was saying to herself. It amazed me what humans say when they believe no one is around. She had mentioned plans to attend some sort of event in a nearby city. Something about a parade. Dean was not supportive in her going alone, but did nothing to stop her. Sam showed more support and a willingness to listen. Neither brother made plans to go with Aeryn. They seemed to know something I did not.  
I rapped on the door, causing Aeryn to spin in place at the noise. She wore an tank top with a tie dye styled blue, pink, and purple colors and shorts that came to mid thigh.  
“Hey, Cas,” she greeted. “What’s up?” 
“I heard you were going to a parade.” 
“Oh, that. It’s a pride event I’ve been wanting to attend for a while now.” She turned back to the mirror to continue working on her makeup.  
My weight shifted as I was not sure how to ask if I could go with her. There had been times in the more recent past where I had questioned myself about who to be attracted to. Ever since I defied heaven and joined Dean and Sam, I had questioned whether the mandate of heaven was right. That our orders were just no matter the cost. Then the little seeds of doubt grew when Dean showed that things were not always what they seemed. Perhaps it was then that there was some part of me that was attracted to him. That grew into something I was not willing to place a name on. 
“Cas, what is it?” Aeryn had stopped and turned to face me.  
For a moment I panicked, thinking she knew. Then I relaxed, remembering she was not a mind reader. She was smarter than most angels and demons give her credit for. Most gave her a wide berth knowing she was, in a way, marked by Death, to see someone’s moment of death.  
“Would it be possible if I came with you?” I asked. “I’ve ... I’ve heard of these events in passing and always wondered about them.” 
“Sure, you can come. Let me finish up here real quick then we can head off.” 
We left within a half hour and were at the event soon after. I scanned the crowd as Aeryn half guided me through security and cash for entry. There were a few hundred people present dressed in normal clothes to some sort of leather gear that left them mostly uncovered.  
“That’s part of being into bondage,” Aeryn explained. She must have seen my questioning gaze after the two men. “I’ll explain all of that later. It’s a ... very in depth subject.” 
“Sweetheart, I love your shirt,” a woman in passing complimented.  
“Thanks.” Aeryn’s hand moved to cover a part of her neck before she pulled it away at the last second. “I made it myself.” 
“You did a wonderful job.” The woman moved off into the crowd and we continued past the vendors.  
“When is this parade?” I questioned after a moment. 
“Tomorrow, I think. The pride event is all weekend.” She glanced at me. “What were you expecting?” 
I was not sure what to expect. I knew people celebrated being something other being attracted to the opposite gender. “Of all the things in the world, this is the area I know the least in.” 
Aeryn gave a chuckle. “Even we all don’t know everything. Like me, I know I’m attracted to both genders. Hell, I’ve been around the block with various pairings. Always got tested afterward.” 
She went on to briefly explain the different orientations. Men and women paid her compliments as we moved through the crowd. One man that seemed to be out of place insisted he buy her a drink. Something about wanting to talk. Aeryn declined and attempted to walk away. My attention was occupied by someone in a costume that was somehow anthropomorphic in nature. It was not something Aeryn mentioned. 
“You’re dead by night’s end, asshole.” Aeryn’s raised voice drew me back.  
Her body posture was one of having something spilled, or tossed, on her. She was also not a fan of announcing someone’s death privately to them, much less out loud like she just had.  
“Is there a problem?” I questioned, stepping over.  
“And who are you? Her Daddy?” the angry  man sneered. “Pervert.” 
My head tilted at the insult. Aeryn had mentioned briefly it was a role within the same community as the men in leather were.  
“And you think I’m a bitch for refusing a beer from you,” Aeryn shot back. “I have no interest in your anti gay rhetoric. Fuck off.” She turned and attempted to walk away. When her arm was grasp, Aeryn spun around, and a fist contacted the intoxicated man. “Touch me again and see what happens.” 
It was a promise. She could will the man to see how he would meet his death. Shouts carried and a few police officers appeared. Witnesses spoke up attesting that the man offered a drink, Aeryn refused, and the man took that as an insult and tossed what remained of his beer on her. She defended herself upon him grabbing her arm. Aeryn was free to go and we walked away as the police handcuffed the intoxicated man. 
“Let’s go home,” she said. “I don’t want to be walking around smelling of beer.” 
“Wait.” I stopped at a vendor booth that had shirts on display. I queried about prices and sizes of a particular shirt. The seller had the size and gave it to me for free. They must have seen Aeryn’s soaked shirt and deemed it a good deed. 
“Here.” I handed the shirt over. “It’s not as good as your tank top. You won’t be smelling of beer.” 
Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Thanks, Cas. Come on, I think I saw some port a Johns’ around here.” 
Once changed, Aeryn wandered and we ended up at a stage that was playing some strange type of music. She started moving to it and joined a small group of people who were moving against each other. It was good to see she was enjoying herself. Seeing her with little care despite what she had gone through brought up feelings that had not fully been there. If I had to name one, it was love. Similar to the love I had for Dean.  
At some point my cell started ringing and I stepped away. “Hello?” 
“Hey, Cas, we got a case,” Dean said. “It’s over in Kentucky. I’m grabbing Aeryn’s things now. Think you two can meet us there? I can send coordinates.” 
I glanced at Aeryn and warred with myself. “I will see what we can do.” 
“Thanks, Cas.” The call ended before I could speak. I was not sure what I loved more; seeing Aeryn happy or Dean. 
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galacticspaceguy · 2 years
Earthspark x Reader Request: platonic human reader teaching Hashtag & Nightshade about pride flags (since we know Nightshade is NB and Hashtag likes femmes.)
You swiped threw your phone, searching the internet for a quality flag. June was approaching. This would be your first pride month in Witwicky.
You’ve seen videos of the town's pride parades, and how the town boomed with activities.
You had your own pride pins, but this year, you really wanted your own flag. But, the internet is an untrustworthy place, and it’s hard to find a good quality pride flag.
You let out a sigh, crossing your legs as you sat in the Maltoes grassy fields.
You’ve been friends with the Maltoes for some time, being one of the only humans to know about the Terrans.
You found a nice looking flag, clicking the screen and zooming in on it.
“What are you doing?” A voice from behind you asked.
Nightshade took a spot on the grass next to you, head resting on their two hands. You wonder why Nightshade was so much bigger than Twitch and Thrash.
“Oh, Nightshade! I’m trying to find a pride flag.” You glanced back at your phone.
They looked at you confused. “What’s a pride flag?”
Were you surprised? A little. But then again, Nightshade is a new cybertronian, they aren’t used to Human concepts yet.
“It’s a flag that shows off your sexuality, showing people you’re proud of who you are, and your identity.”
“What is a sexuality?” Nightshade asked, leaning closer towards your phone.
You moved in closer, making sure your phone was in view for the both of you. “Ok, so sexuality is like, who you like! Some girls like girls, some guys like guys! Some people like to know one at all, some people like all people.”
Nightshade’s eyes sparked in amazement at all the colorful flags you were showing him.
“This pink one is for girls who like girl, Lesbian. The blue one is for boys who like boys, Gay. The blue, purple, and pink on are for people who like both girls and guys. These two, the green and purple on is Aromantic, and Asexual!”
“What is that one?” They pointed their large fingers at a blue, pink, and white flag.
“That’s transgender! It’s for people who were born in the wrong body, so they switch genders. Like a guy is born into a female body, so he changes himself to show who he is on the inside, or a girl who is born into a male body, so she changes herself.”
Nightshade was silent for a moment. “What about…” They paused. “The people who don’t fit into either..?” They tapped their digit on their chest.
You typed into your phone, a yellow, white, purple, and black flag loading up.
“Non-binary, for people who don’t fit into any category.” You lifted the screen closer to their face.
Many images showed humans waving around the flag, smiling. Nightshadd had a name for what they felt, not just a simple feeling too hard to explain. They were non-binary.
“What are you guys doing?” Hashtag knelt down next to you.
“Looking at pride flags, wanna join?”
You patted the grass next to you. Hashtag moved in closer.
“Ooo, what’s that?”
“Let me show you.” You lean the phone in her direction, going over the same things you told Nightshade.
“Hey, that’s like me!” Hashtag gasped after you explained the Lesbian flag. She (sorta) gently shook you around, with one hand. “I like pretty girls too! I mean, have you seen those seeker femmes!?”
You laugh. After Hashtag finishes her little rant, you scroll through your phone more.
“You good, Nightshade? You look like you’re on the verge of tears?” Hashtag asked. Nightshade looked up from the phone.
“I have never been happier, sister.” They sniffed, smiling.
You scrolled down more in the pride shop, still you found something. You gasped. “Oh my god, I got the best ideas!” You nearly screamed.
“What?” The two bots said, simultaneously.
“I’m gonna get you guys bumper stickers!” “You jumped up. “You can stick pride flags onto your alt mode! I’m ordering some right now! Nightshade, non-binary sticker, Hashtag, lesbian sticker. Oh, this is gonna be so good!”
(Might do a part 2)
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awritingcaitlin · 3 months
🔥OC Song Tag
Thanks @sentfromwolves for the tag!
Rules: share a song to describe your character and a song they’d love
Hilariously, even with Heist about music, I think I can do this better for TBW. This is a really fun prompt!
Before I get into all my characters, I'm turning around and tagging: @kaylinalexanderbooks, @kraefishh, @runeseaks, @nanashi23, and @italicised
describes her - run wild by valkyrik
I wanna run wild I wanna run free I wanna move like the stars are a part of me Give in and reach out Fly away with me No one can stop us now
she'd like - magic by jaroslav beck feat. meridith bull
Believe in the magic, the truth is you have it It's yours to break free (ahh, ahh) Oh, we light up like gold I know As I light up like gold
describes him - ship to shore by the stanfields
Just another lowly victim in the struggle for hearts and minds To the fighting sons and daughters In the struggle of their life Guns and pipers Ship to shore Off to fight a rich man's war Like our fathers did before
he'd like - empires by the electric swing circus
Do you recall your papa, when he sat you on his knee Telling you the stories of everything he's seen Parading other people, how they braved the battlefield Taking on an empire, fighting to be free
describes her - random reality shifts by coheed and cambria
All this, I have wanted and more While I live in the blame I wish the past could come take it back, so I can start it all over All this, I have pushed to endure Just to find out, it's breaking me Disgustingly fit into, unhappily, with the absolute questions: Is this what I need? Do I even feel this?
she'd like - little talks by of monsters and men
Though the truth may vary, this Ship will carry our bodies safe to shore Though the truth may vary, this Ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
describes her - shut up and dance by walk the moon
She took my arm I don't know how it happened We took the floor and she said "Oh, don't you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me" I said, "You're holding back" She said, "Shut up and dance with me"
she'd like - clarity by zedd feat. foxes
High dive into frozen waves Where the past comes back to life Fight fear for the selfish pain It was worth it every time
describes her - the one to glow by s/he
I don't want to take away the light I'd rather be the one to glow Yes i, want to feel alive tonight I don't want to be the darkness I would rather be the one to glow…
she'd like - crazy = genius by panic! at the disco
You can set yourself on fire (Hey! Hey!) But you're never gonna burn, burn, burn (Hey! Hey!) You can set yourself on fire (Hey! Hey!) But you're never gonna learn, learn, learn (Hey!)
describes him - lionhearted by porter robinson
No matter what they try, they won't take away our will to fight If you shoot them down, we can make it right, we'll make it right And up against all odds, take a thousands lifes, a thousand lifes So if you shoot them down, we can make it right, we'll make it right
he'd like - could have been me by the struts
I wanna taste love and pain Wanna feel pride and shame I don't wanna take my time Don't wanna waste one line I wanna live better days Never look back and say Could have been me It could have been me Yeah
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indiaalphawhiskey · 2 years
I'm pretty sure ALL the queer baiting talk will come back once again after that quote of his, about things like not happening with people like him, which could mean lots of things but fans are trying to argue on the queer argument. I think it's complicated because we can force people to know every little detail of Harry's history, every lyric, every behavior, clue or quote. So many of the GP are perfectly happy with the info the artist themself provides and + 1
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Hey, love.
I’m really sleepy and crampy right now, so I’ll be honest: I don’t really feel like having this conversation in depth, but I decided to respond because I do have something to say.
I think that one thing Harry learned the hard way about being in his particularly niche situation (and to be clear, I mean: deeply closeted, had his relationship leveraged against him and his partner, is highly sexualized, marketed primarily as a sex symbol and heterosexual fantasy, and made to believe that his sexuality is his primary (if not only) source of value) was that willful ignorance is a thing. (Harry’s tried to be earnest and honest within the confines of his closet. He said he only slept with 2 people, no one believed him. He hasn’t so much as looked at a woman with any sort of sexual interest, people still choose to believe pap shots where he looks like he’s rather lick a public toilet than be around his stunt partner. He flies pride flags at every. fucking. show and constantly talks about feeling safe and being yourself, and welcoming whoever you want to be in this room, and yet the consistency of those messages never weigh heavier than tabloid headlines, etc etc etc.)
Put simply, the people who want to understand will find a way, and the people who don’t just… won’t, no matter how much access and information you give them.
How do I know this? Because we were all part of the GP once, and therefore fed the exact same Harry narrative as the GP is getting - we’ve seen the parade of beards and pap shots, we’ve heard all the seedy groupie rumors… and yet we found ourselves here, actively looking for answers to the questions we couldn’t quiet. (And finding them.)
And so, at this point, I know the queerbaiting questions will come (again) and I know people will conclude the wrong thing (again) and I know he’ll receive undeserved backlash (again), but for me that only reinforces his need for strict boundaries around his personal life and his point about choosing to share his label with whomever he feels is deserving of that knowledge (ie. not the public.)
TL;DR - Harry knows that this life comes with those questions, and he’s chosen to protect his peace, and I’m choosing to protect mine. The people who want answers (real answers, not just answers that fit the salacious narratives they’ve already chosen they actively want to believe) will come find them, and frankly, they’re the only ones I want to celebrate his wins with anyway.
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