#hey if anyone else wants to send in scenarios like this one feel free! These are fun!
Hey, I've read your last yandere Bruce, neglected fam reader and it gave me an idea. What if instead of the reader wasting all that money or luxury, she saved most of it in a closed account and when Bruce bought the apartment she made him sign it in her name as a plan to when the right time comes or if she needs to, she will sell the apartment and use all the money she saved to leave to start over in another country. Imagine Bruce finding out when she reaches the point where she put her apartment for sale, or better, actually selling it to a friend or someone they know and actually leaving.
Yan!batfam with neglected!sister reader leaving the state/country
Anon your mind is fucking golden! I also thought of the reader having the apartment signed in her name just because Bruce wanted her to feel comfortable but I love the layers this adds.
Hopefully these couple of hcs are good enough while I work on pt 2. Also if anyone else has any questions about any other scenarios or certain characters feel free to send them in I'll try to respond whenever I have time and I write for any gender reader.
Word count ; 1073
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ bruce is not happy with this turn of events at all. He wasn't expecting nor did he sense that this was going to happen, you didn't post about it or even reference moving on any of your social media apps which he lovingly stalks watches over to make sure you are content with your life and also because he likes seeing you happy and enjoying all the things he got you. And it hurts him a little that you didn't even say something to him … he knows you don't owe him that, not when your relationship is still in a fragile state but he's trying.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ he only figures out after someone in the fam(most likely dick) broke in dropped by your apartment and likely scared one of your friends shitless.. obviously both parties are shocked but your friend more so as they don't know who the hell just broke into their house, dick is shocked when this random person claims that he's trespassing in their home. After that awkward situation dick immediately reports back to Bruce about this over the comms and with some digging from Tim they're able to find out that you had sold the house and the exact date that you had, approximately a month ago. That sends off alarm bells for the entire batfam, where are you now?! It takes an hour or so of searching to find out exactly where you moved and when they do they can't decide what to do with the information.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚Alfred is the voice of reason in this family, he discourages the batboys from immediately doing everything in their power to bring you home, he advocated for you to live wherever you choose and says that it's your life and that the family cannot choose for you. Alfred loves you dearly you are basically his child he views you the way he views Bruce. He may be a yandere but he's a selfless one he truly only has your best interest in mind. His words are like a slap of reality for some of the Batfam mainly Tim, Steph and Jason all three of then become a lot more hesitant to go through with their plans to bring you home on the other hand dick, bruce, and damian are adamant that you aren't safe unless they can be nearby.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Nobody can come to a decision the night they find out and so they decide to sleep on it until they can come to an agreement the manor will be tense for a week or two at most before they spring into action, they will all eventually cave to their selfish needs even if some feel guilty for doing it. Alfred will sigh disappointedly but ultimately allow them to go through with their plans he only hopes you can forgive him for not doing more
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ you on the other hand will be left unaware to all that's going down you'd gotten a new phone and lived in a whole new state maybe even country! They couldn't bother you here. You were happier than you have been for a long time. Even if you missed your old friends you still tried to keep in touch over the phone.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ as for why you did this? It's likely the other batboys' faults, Bruce is annoying but he's not nearly as demanding of your time as the others, namely dick. Dick is insanely clingy once you're on his radar and he becomes aware of how much his neglect affected you mentally. The guilt for him was all consuming when he found out how much he hurt you and that he neglected you for quite literally no reason, you just didn't matter to him at the time. the thought now makes him sick, of course you matter, what the hell was his problem!! Dick would have constantly broke your boundaries by hugging and touching and cuddling you he feels like he needs to make it up to you by being a good big brother, even if that's not what you need anymore after all it's far too late you're already an adult but he refuses to see it that way you're still his baby sister. He inserts himself into your life constantly and even if he'll pay for things he'll only do so under the circumstances that the money be spent ‘together’ like sure he'll take you to that fancy restaurant but it's going to be made into a sister-brother bonding moment, like yeah he'll let you use his card to go shopping but only if he's going with you. Even if you don't use him for money he will still find ways to insert himself into your life. He's overwhelmingly intense and his behavior mixed with the other overbearing members in the batfam plus the added overwhelming feelings of having people who ignored you all your life suddenly want your time and attention is probably why you felt like you had to leave.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ you won't be gone for more than a month or two before your dragged back to Gotham and back to your family, only this time you've got a metaphorical collar around your neck as now you're likely brought back to the manor always under surveillance and on the off chance you're still allowed to own your own apartment again just know it will be heavily bugged along with your phone courtesy of Tim even if he feels bad about invading your privacy he knows they need to see your texts to make sure you're not planning to leave Gotham again. Oh and now the bat members will each take turn patrolling your house and following you from the shadows to make sure you're safe.
All in all I'd say you'll have your fun for a little while but ultimately you'll just drive them deeper in their obsession and they will likely kidnap and bring you home.
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bones4thecats · 10 months
Hey! I love your writing and have been wondering what the ror characters (Poseidon, Thor, Adam, Hades, etc really your choice) would react to a blue diamond s/o from Steven Universe. As when they cry everyone else surrounding them cries. And their giant size. Sorry if this isn't the right place to request!
A/N: Hello there, thank you for the compliment. I’ve tried my best in keeping my writing skills the same, yet updated based on the scenario. But, I do hope you like how this turned out! I’ll be using the three Gods you had mentioned, and I’ll be leaving Adam out, but if you want another part written with Humans, just send it in! Now, enjoy~~
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🔱 You were part of the new Pantheon that had made their way into Valhalla, representing different gems that were found throughout the world by your ancient people
🔱 When he first met you, many said you would get along, especially Zeus and Hades
🔱 You sat by the edge of the sea, your towering form scaring away any Gods from speaking to you
🔱 He could feel the sadness radiating off you, and when he felt his vision blur, he reached his hand up and noticed he was crying out of free will
🔱 When you noticed him crying behind you, you gasped and apologized, saying it happened whenever someone was around, and even if they were happy, they’d cry
🔱 It took a while, but after you guys got together and married, it was normal to see your husband and you sitting side-by-side
🔱 To have this make a bit more sense, let’s say you can shrink down to his size
🔱 When you do that to rest, he likes to lay his head on your chest where you blue diamond laid, for some reason it calmed him down
🔱 Poseidon and you both were prominent figures in your pantheons, so being apart constantly was normal, but that didn’t stop you from accidentally making him cry
🔱 The way your merciful nature did come at a halt with how humans had started to get themselves tossed into hell made him fall for you more
“ Yes, look down on them, my teardrop. They are nothing. “
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🌩️ Thor fell for you because of how gentle and caring you could be
🌩️ It was something that he lacked to show, but you seemed to thrive showing
🌩️ You were known for your amazing diplomatic skills used through Gods’ Council meetings, and it could make anyone side with you
🌩️ The power you held made him happily look at you behind a dead-looking facade
🌩 Now, with the size difference, he doesn’t really mind it
🌩️ Normally, he’s the larger one, like this guy’s 7’4, he’s pretty much always taller than someone
🌩️ Thor would look up at you and smile lightly, giving you a kiss on your hand as you squatted down to reach his gaze, since you’d be like 25-100ft
🌩️ But, since you do enjoy shrinking down to do things with your husband, you normally go to around 6’5-7’0 most of the time whenever you’re not working with your sisters
🌩️ He noticed how much you seemed to care about this young male on Earth whom you called ‘Pink Diamond’ and he just smiled to himself as you laid down on his chest, telling stories of him and your sisters
🌩️ His favorite part of being married to you is how much you seemed to care about certain humans, as they were innocent and did no wrong, while you despised others and wished for them to die
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💀 Oh yeah, you and him bonded ever since birth
💀 You guys had been together for centuries, and he knew your sisters very well, they even enjoyed having him around
💀 He witness everything happen year-by-year, how much pressure White Diamond had put on you all, Pink Diamond leaving and ‘dying’, Yellow Diamond trying to push the memories of Pink behind her to be perfect, and you going through many essential crises
💀 Hades watched as you went through every single crisis, struggling at times to manage all of the colonies you and your sisters had
💀 So, being the best husband he could, he made sure to have your top superiority manage it while he took you to Helheim to calm you down
💀 When it came to the crying thing, he doesn’t mind it, seeing other Gods try holding themselves back from crying as you sat there doing nothing was quite funny
💀 And your size? Not a problem
💀 Cerberus loves the hell out of you, your big size and his big size (around 15ft) make a fun mix to play
💀 Seeing you shrink down to share a bed was funny at first, and now when he sees your form shrink he smiles gently and hugs you as you sleep
💀 Like Poseidon, he also likes to lay his head on your chest, but instead of laying his head on the gem in your chest, he likes to run his hands on it and mess with your hair that wrapped around your chest
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albentelisa · 8 months
Hey! I've got an ask for you and I don't mind if it takes a while, because I know that you've probably got so many asks in your inbox, but I wanted to know how do you think Jim would (if he ever did) progress to become a villain and no one realises it until too late?
(I'm feeling a bit angsty this week)
Also, btw, I love your hcs- they're actually really cool and really well thought over, and some of them just really get my creative juices flowing. They always make me smile, especially when I've had a bad today so just... thank you 💙)
Hi! Thank you for your kind words ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Actually, I have some 'bad end scenarios' with Jim ending as a villain (or sorta).
Grit-shaka. Let's say, Jim never managed to get to Bular in Young Atlas, so he never realizes the true importance of fear. Sure thing, Grit-shaka caused some complications, but those were more or less minor. Jim decides to use Grit-shaka in battles occasionally. Unfortunately for him, it seems like a great decision at first as he gets several victories (against goblins and several changelings). However, as Grit-shaka is a Gumm-Gumm object, it's actually harmful, not only taking away Jim's fears but slowly eroding his moral brakes, so eventually Jim reaches the point where anyone getting hurt doesn't even matter. That's where Toby and even Draal start to realize the extent of the damage done (Blinky is against Grit-shaka from the very start but no one is listening). However, it's already too late because Jim gets too addicted to Grit-shaka and cannot function without it at all. Grit-shaka also gives him some horrible ideas, culminating in him freeing Gunmar and letting him take over the Trollmarket (and get the power up after absorbing the Heartstone energy) so that Jim can fight Gunmar in his prime. It ends as bad as you can imagine.
Decimaar mind control. So, the trip to the Darklands leaves Jim with an unexpected 'baggage' - it turns out that Gunmar's attempt to mind control him wasn't a total failure. Neither it is a full success, yet Jim has short blackouts sometimes when he cannot remember his actions. It turns out that Gunmar has managed to instill his will upon Jim's soul, basically creating a separate personality who is loyal to Gunmar. Jim isn't aware of it for a long time (he chalks everything to stress and overexhaustion). Meanwhile, his other personality keeps spying for Gunmar and helping him in the incoming takeover of the Trollmarket. When Jim comes to Gunmar for the first time, Gunmar initially wants to make him his puppet, but seeing the second personality who is loyal to him, makes him amused, so he decides to nurture that one instead, strengthening it during each visit. Jim's friends realize that something is very wrong when Jim isn't able to remember some of his actions or conversations they had. However, everyone thinks that it can be an infiltration from a polymorph like Otto. So, the team designs a special code to be able to tell apart the real Jim from the fake. The problem is that Jim's second personality knows code as well, so it's pointless. Eventually, Gunmar takes over the Trollmarket and erases Jim's initial personality, keeping him by his side as his loyal champion.
Aspectus Stone and Hunter Jim. This one isn't much of the villain one, but still nasty for Jim. So, Jim manages to send all of his copies back, and at first, everything is back to normal. However, Jim isn't aware that the experience was damaging to his psyche and now his soul is imbalanced. He turns more mission-focused, gradually losing his other interests. It's pretty minor at first so his team easily chalks it to Jim feeling guilty because of Gunmar's escape. He starts to skip school, refuses fun activities, and is rarely at home at night. Blinky tries to talk to him about it, but Jim just waves him off. Toby starts to panic when Jim stops cooking, and Claire notices how cold Jim becomes towards her and basically everyone else. She encounters him and asks if he is Hunter Jim (as she is the only one who has met that one), but Jim tells her he is the only Jim. That's when everyone realizes that something is really off, but it's too late. Jim cuts ties with everyone and goes alone to fight Gunmar, only to be defeated and fall under his mind control.
Gravesand. So, in this scenario, Blinky doesn't stop Jim's training with gravesand in time, so it causes some permanent damage, leaving Jim with some troll traits and a feral mind. Moreover, Jim gets addicted to the gravesand, stealing it from Strickler (who has already realized his mistake and tries his best to keep it away from Jim). The gravesand makes Jim attack everyone as he gets highly aggressive. He doesn't even remember his role as the protector anymore, simply enjoying battles and carnage. He ends up killing several Gumm-gumms and good trolls and for him, it's no different. Gunmar finds him in this state and finds it amusing, so he decides to keep Jim as his feral pet and force him to fight his enemies.
Merlin taking 'his champion' thing too far. Another not-that-much villain scenario, but well... So in this one, Jim's friends and family never reach him at the rooftop, and Merlin is the one who finds him there. It is the moment of ultimate vulnerability for Jim, and instead of support, he gets the manipulator. Jim confesses that it's too much for him to realize what exactly he has lost (😢) and Merlin proposes the solution - which is basically wiping out all Jim's memories except ones concerning his mission. When everyone reaches Jim, it's already too late, and the irreversible damage is done. In his state Jim has no trouble defeating Gunmar, however, it turns out that he's highly vulnerable to Morgana's manipulations and she makes him change sides, convincing him that she is the one who tries to build the perfect world for trolls (and in Jim's mind, he is the champion of the trollkind, meaning that he has to protect them first). Morgana makes Jim her new champion and uses him to hunt her opponents.
Obsidian shard's corruption. This one is post-Wizards. It turns out that while Claire managed to turn Jim human, the evil influence residue remained. It's unnoticeable at first, with Jim simply being easily annoyed, which everyone explains as a consequence of his transformations and losing the amulet. However, Jim is haunted by his memories of Camelot times and the abuse trolls faced there. Those ignite some rage inside his soul and it takes a while until Jim can calm down (which gradually becomes more and more difficult). He also starts to feel some odd repulsion towards humans. Barbara and Toby suffer from it the most (Claire and Douxie are fine because they are wizards, and Jim doesn't treat them differently). It ends up with the Arcane Order contacting Jim and convincing him to join their side and build a better world for magical beings.
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seblaineworld · 8 months
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Hey, Seblainers! Hellooooo, everyone else!
Seblainintine's Extended Weekend 2024
A fortnight exactly to go, so without further ado, here's what you need to know.
The Rules
The event runs from Wednesday 14th February until 23:59 (of your own timezone) on Sunday 18th February 2024.
Who can take part?
Anyone and everyone who shares our love of Seblaine!
What can we submit?
Anything, as long as it is Seblaine-related! Fics, Graphics, Gifs, Gifsets, Videos, Manips, Playlists, Lyrics - anything you like as long as it fits the themes! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
Please remember to use #seblaineworld and #seblainintines2024 within the first five tags, and also put @seblaineworld somewhere in your posts, since we all know just how flaky Tumblr can be about tags!
Please be sensible and considerate. We're all very well aware that not everyone shares our love of Seblaine, and even within our own tiny (but always fierce!) Seblainer Fandom, there are those who don't enjoy mature content, so please ensure you tag everything that you submit, appropriately.
Can I cross-post/combine themes?
Yes! You can combine any of the three themes that you want. And if your contribution does combine multiple themes, just remember to properly tag all themes used. There are no set days for the three themes this time.
As a reminder, your themes for this event are:
Roses and Chocolate
Love Language
Red and Blue
Perhaps you'll want to write about the journey they take to finally getting together, some of our talented angst-loving Seblainers might want to write or illustrate something relating to one or both of them ending up heartbroken - before putting them back together. Or could it be about Seblaine celebrating Valentine's Day itself? It’s completely up to you, as long as Roses and Chocolate, Love Language, or Red and Blue are clearly shown as the main theme. You can, of course, mix two or all three of the themes in one submission if you like.
I can’t wait to see what you all come up with. They're on a Valentine's vacation in Venice - the other City of Love in the announcement graphic, but I'm sure all of our incredibly talented Seblainers will come up with some wonderful and imaginative scenarios.
Can I post on any day during the event?
Yes! You can post on any day or all five days.
Do I need to submit something for each theme?
Absolutely not. If you want to contribute something for all three themes, then as stated above, of course you can, but it's not a requirement at all. I know everyone has busy lives, so just do what you can when you can.
Can I post a WIP or work that fits the themes even if I started it before the Seblainintine's Extended Weekend 2024 announcement?
Absolutely! I have done this before and feel it's a great way to refresh creativity, so feel free to post anything you've already started, providing it fits the themes!
When do we start posting?
As soon as it becomes Wednesday 14th February 2024 in your own timezone, post your work to your Tumblr blog, and as mentioned above, please tag it #seblaineworld and #seblainintines2024 and make sure those two are in your first five tags. Please also put @seblaineworld somewhere in your post.
If you're going to be posting your work to another site like AO3 or ff.net, post a properly tagged link on your Tumblr.
There will be a Seblainintine's Extended Weekend 2024 Collection added to AO3 next week.
Can I post late?
Yes! I know how time can occasionally run away from us all, so everything posted will be reblogged until Friday February 23rd February.
You haven’t reblogged my work yet!
No problem! Again, because Tumblr can be (very!) erratic, just send us an Ask or message if we haven't reblogged your work within 24 hours of you posting it, and one of us will get onto it right away.
So, that's it! I'm really excited to see all your work, and as always, if you have any questions in the meantime, just drop me an Ask or message. See you all on Wednesday, February 14th!
Ail 💜
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Hey Ryu!! \(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)/ I see u replied to my ask Abt Ortho vs *whoever*. Tho there was no fights I still appreciate how interesting it is to get to know the characters a bit more. But I unfortunately have I whole list of scenarios for Ortho and Shroudcest. (Bc I live the ship so much and I couldn't talk abt it with anyone else bc ik I would be judged and thrown out of society if I even dare say anything Abt it. (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠))
Anyways here I go!
I was sort of thinking Abt robo!Ortho and Human!Ortho. If they would would be against eachother for Idia's love. But I sort of think they would be rivals for fun and or just bc they want to know who's more fitting to have 'the prize'. When it comes to a challenge they compete constantly to have Idia but the minute sum random guy walks up to him and starts flirting/ harassing/assaulting Idia they will work together and act quickly to protect the beautiful prize and eliminate the unwanted pest. Then when they finished they will either comfort Idia or fck him. I would tell u the challenges those 2 would set for eachother but that would take make hours to finish so let me not-
(Also srry if I annoy u with all of the Shroudcest shit. I just never had the chance to express my ideas Abt this fun ship and ur the only person I can rely talk to Abt this. And it's fun to heard ur opinions. So thank u if u see and accept this ask (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡)
Thank u if u see this ask and have a great rest of ur day/night! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
Anon Anon! Sorry for replying so late, I am so happy that you enjoyed the other reply and that you love Shroudcest and want to talk about it more! This is truly delightful. Even though it is unfortunate that you can only discuss it with us and no one else :( If you’re still here (it did take me a long time to reply, after all), please feel free to send more asks. We are happy that you like our opinions and that more people are considering Shroudcest as a fun ship and Ortho as a proper character and not just a pure and untouchable mascot of sorts.
Your perception of interactions between robo!Ortho and human!Ortho are very fun; frankly, I can see these two competing “for sport”, so to speak. Like you said, if there was anyone to give Idia any type of negative (or flirty…) attention, they would work together to eliminate the unwanted pest. But when they are alone and everything is fine, they could either challenge each other to see who’s more fitting for the prize or just to mess with Idia: they know that the idea of his little brothers fighting over him while declaring loudly that they are fighting for the right to kiss him/be with him/do other things with him would be absolutely murderous for Idia. He would get super embarrassed, and Orthox2 love it when he gets all red and stuff.
But also, both of them are very intense, so even when they are legitimately competing, Idia is the main victim of the event. The attention in general + the stimulation (if things get physical and all…) is too unfairly strong for this weak little hikki boy…
I feel like I haven’t said anything new but once again, your idea is fun! So thank you very much for sharing and for waiting for a reply.
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anxious-witch · 8 months
Does anyone else ever feel lonely when people talk about their group chats and discords? There's nothing wrong with that and I'm genuinely happy for people who are making friends , but sometimes I wish that I was too...
Sorry for dumping my feels in your asks, feel free to ignore etc
Hey anon,
I'm really sorry you feel that way. I actually do totally get you, since I found it very hard to talk to people when I was younger too, both online and irl. It's difficult to see people have private jokes when you want that, but aren't talking to anyone from the fandom.
What I can tell you is that while it might feel daunting at first, you just gonna...take the leap sometimes? Message someone you like in the fandom first. You can absolutely message me, I genuinely mean it when I say my dms are always open, especially to talk about fandom stuff.
I also give my discord username pretty liberately if you message me, if that's what you prefer. But yeah genuinely if we are talking about JO/Käärijä fandoms everyone is really welcoming.
To give you a little trick that might help you, since it helped me-if you are unsure what to message at first, find out smth the person has made. Fanfic, fanart, relatable post, a meme, whatever. And send the post and say smth like "hey, I know we didn't talk before but I loved this because of x thing. I thought it was really cool what you did with that." Conversation flows easier after that and like, worst case scenario, even if it doesn't, you just gave someone a compliment. No harm done.
And I know it can be difficult to let go of thinking "but what if they think I'm weird?" scenarios, but I promise you that even if they do, they'll forget about it in like, few minutes. Most people don't dwell on things like these and your embarrassment over smth you said lasts much longer than the memory of that convo for the other person.
And hey, best case scenario is, you made a friend! And usually it becomes easier to expand on your friends once you made one. I only knew two ppl from my current discord gc that I talk here most often. But then I was added in and now I know 7 people. That's how connection often.
And obviously, you don't have to take my advice, but if you do, I wish you best of luck ❤️ and once again, feel free to message me, I am always up to making more friends on here
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purefandomonium · 6 months
It's The Thought That Counts Chapter V
Despite his words as he told Rody to take a day off, Vincent ends up being the one who can’t sleep that night. Hey lays awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling so intently it may as well catch fire. The featureless paint does little more than act as the perfect canvas for the pitiful image of the broken waiter that’s been haunting his thoughts for hours now. His heart clenches with a deep pain he’s forgotten he could feel as he recalls how hurt Rody had sounded. It had taken every bit of willpower he had not to pull the sobbing man into an embrace right then and there.
He can’t help but ponder when he’d become so damn soft. There’s no denying his favoritism for Rody; he can’t argue against his obvious concern for the man as he cried his eyes out in an otherwise peaceful scenario. And even if he could come up with reasonable excuses for either of those points, he doubts he can craft a rebuttal to the fact that he’s laying awake into the wee hours of the morning thinking about what should be just another employee.
…Just another employee that can never seem to do wrong no matter how badly he screws up. Who gets away with so much while anyone else gets shown the door for breathing the wrong way. Who’s barely put together enough to be considered an adult and yet Vince allows the childish and brash behavior to exist in his perfect little world. Rody is just another employee, but one Vince actually enjoys having around somehow.
Ugh, what is he doing?
He shuffles over under the covers with a grunt and turns his glare to the curtained window. No answers await him there either. He wants to just fall asleep, worry about all this nonsense tomorrow or, preferably, never again. His tangled thoughts won’t let the matter go, however. Even if he could calm his jaded mind enough to sleep, he knows the cycle will start over the moment he wakes up.
Because try as he might, he can’t fight against the long-forgotten emotions that have blossomed in his heart, let alone their cause.
So what is it then? What should he do? What can he do in this frustratingly difficult situation? His fondness for Rody extends from the part inside himself he thought he smothered years ago, and it refuses to be shoved into darkness again. Pretending nothing has happened and treating Rody like any other employee is out of the question. Firing him an impossibility that wouldn’t occur even if hell itself froze over.
That leaves him with only two options. Either he follows his logic and continues to give Rody additional chances, free baking lessons, and his own hidden kindness while still keeping him at arm’s length. Or…
Or he follows his twisted heart and lets himself get closer. He’d take small steps at first—test the waters and all that. If things remained calm, then perhaps that would mean he’d have a chance. Maybe he wouldn’t be pushed away, thrown overboard into his flood of emotions and left to drown.
“I… You’re disgusting! I can’t believe you!”
The force of the shove isn’t hard enough to send him to the ground, but the words hit like a truck. His knees buckle and suddenly he feels like he weighs a thousand pounds.
“I always knew you were a freak, but this is-“ it cuts off, as though no words can describe the disgust. “You’re sick… I don’t even know what to say!”
Something inside himself darkens then, and he clenches his fists tight enough for his nails to draw blood. His chest feels heavy and numb as defensive vines wrap around his bleeding heart. “Then don’t say anything.” His voice cuts through the air like a knife and silences any further complaints. “If you do, you’ll regret it for every second of your miserable life.”
Vince gasps and bolts upright at the sound of his alarm. He shakes the hazy memories from his mind with a tired sigh. His arm instinctively quiets the beeping as he sits there, wondering when the hell the time passed so quickly. He groans at having spent a sleepless night thinking about Rody of all things. The damn fool is probably still sound asleep, no doubt about to be late today-
He stops partway out the bed as he recalls giving Rody the day off after his surprise breakdown. He sighs again at the thought of being down his only waiter and hopes there are no call offs. One of the cooks can fill in for Rody and it’s not like they have a ton of reservations today. Still, it’ll be bothersome to deal with. His day’s already less than great and he hasn’t even gotten dressed yet.
***Sunday Morning***
The restaurant’s hours are shorter today, giving patrons enough time for breakfast or brunch before they go about the rest of their weekend. Things should still run smoothly. If they don’t, Vince will find himself out of a few more staff members.
The stifling intensity surrounding their boss doesn’t go unnoticed by the cooks. They go about their routine as Vincent barks at Sebastien to stop his prep work and get to waiting tables. Though they speak as little as possible to the man, they can all tell he’s had a rough night. He’s tired and exceptionally grouchy, not to mention almost eager to berate even the tiniest of offenses. While they get a collective earful for the egregious mistake of allowing a single blueberry to hit the floor, the sound of breaking glass comes from the dining area.
Vince is out of the kitchen doors in an instant, teeth grinding and a vein about to burst as he reminds himself not to yell at his staff in front of the guests. The sight before him gives him pause.
Sebastien is standing at the far end of the dining area, and the cause of the racket is an elderly couple near the front. He gives the fill-in a look before moving to stop the husband from attempting to clean up the glass.
“Please, sir, don’t worry about the mess. I’ll have my waiter bring you a new drink right away,” he says, customer service smile warring against tight muscles. Though his teeth aren’t about to crack anymore the vein in his head is still taut with pressure. He sweeps up the mess before cleaning up the liquid. He tries to ignore the way Sebastien’s hands shake as a fresh glass of wine is placed atop the table above him.
Floor spotless, Vince stands and breezes past Rody’s substitute, ignorant to the way the man nearly melts in relief as he disappears back into the kitchen.
He spends several minutes looking over the cooks and making sure they don’t screw up before the nagging ache behind his eyes gets to him. That vein still feels ready to burst. “I need a minute,” he says before he barges out the back door for air.
No one knows if they should expect him to be calmer or angrier after this.
***After Closing****
Vince bids the cooks farewell with little more than a grunt as he holes up in his office to go over the weekly hours and payroll. This is perhaps his least favorite thing to do, yet he refuses to let anyone else handle the inner workings of the restaurant. Much like a cat hissing at an attempt to take something from it, Vince snarls and sneers whenever anyone dare suggest he hire someone to crunch the numbers for him. This is his restaurant and he doesn’t need some outsider handling it.
A couple hours later and everything is in order, paychecks ready to be given out. He’s tired, not that he’s ever not tired, but today is worse than usual mostly because of the sleepless night he had. He’s ready for a hot bath before collapsing into bed to sleep the remaining day away. He should probably eat too, it’s been—he glances at the clock—several hours. Despite the hunger in his gut, the disgust he feels at having to choke down yet another tasteless mess on a plate makes him consider skipping the meal.
He sighs. This isn’t any better for him than getting hung up on Rody is. Speaking of, he wonders if he’ll be alright for tomorrow’s shift. He’s had a whole day to pull himself together—still does, as it’s only five-thirty. If it were anyone else Vince would say they’d be fine. However, this is Rody, and he’s about as put together as a box of loose Legos at the best of times. Considering last night’s display, it’s probably safe to say the box has been kicked down the stairs. Perhaps he should check up on him, just to be sure.
He brings a hand to his face and lets out a tired groan at letting his thoughts wander back to the waiter. This is getting ridiculous. In all his years, he’s never been so sure of something yet so lost on what to do. He removes his hand to reach for his cigarettes but stops when he catches sight of the landline.
It’s stupid. It’s so incredibly stupid and childish of him to be doing this, and yet…
He dials the number before he can stop himself.
“Hi, Rody.” Vince’s eyes widen when he hears his own voice. Clearing his throat, he speaks louder and firmer, like he’s not at all relieved to talk to the man. “How are you feeling? I wanted to make sure you were fine to come in tomorrow.”
Rody sits up, the shock of being called by his boss out of the blue bringing him to full alertness. He mutes the TV before responding. “I’m ok. Better,” he adds as the embarrassing memory returns to him. “I’ll be in tomorrow.” ‘With a surprise,’ he thinks, glancing at the tray atop the counter. “How were things today? I hope it wasn’t too bad without me.” He grins even though Vince can’t see it.
Maybe it’s his exhausted mind, or even the faint distortion of the phone, but there’s something about the sound of Rody’s voice that makes him want to hear more of it. “It was fine. Nothing I couldn’t handle.” What else is there to say? He’s never been one for conversation, not that he and Rody are close enough for small talk. He doesn’t even feel like talking, he just wants to listen. “I’m glad to hear you’re doing better.” He swallows the sudden tightness in his throat as he shoves down his idiotic thoughts. In retaliation, they prevent him from speaking a goodbye.
Rody listens to the awkward silence on the other end, unsure of how to remedy it. “Everything alright, Vince?” he questions the receiver.
At last his voice returns to him. “Yes… I was just… reading over some papers. I’ll see you tomorrow, Rody. Take care.”
“Bye, Vince.”
He hangs up and holds his head in his hands with a sigh. He just knows that tonight will be another long, sleepless endeavor.
Sure enough, his mind roils with difficult emotions and confusion.
***Monday Morning***
Vince raises a brow at the sound of the back door and is met with a nervous smile from Rody. His eyes soon find the tray he’s holding. “Did you-”
“I didn’t stay up late this time, I promise! Besides, they’re just muffins.”
His smile is much too eager for ‘just muffins’ but Vince relents and peels back the foil. “You frosted them.” It’s messy, and it’s clear he didn’t let them cool enough as most of it has melted or slid off the tops. He still smiles at the sight, though it’s laden with fatigue.
“You good, Vince?” Rody asks as the man takes a bite. “You look more tired than I did the other day.”
He chews slowly as he thinks of an answer. He can’t outright admit he’s been losing sleep because of him. “It’s nothing. I just haven’t slept well.”
“Are you sick?”
“Then what’s wrong?”
“You should let these cool first before you attempt to frost them,” he deflects as he takes another. He stops suddenly.
Rody wants to call him out on the redirect, but before he can Vince interjects.
“You added less lemon,” he states plainly. Beneath the thick goo that can only be store bought frosting he can tell there’s not as sharp a twinge of lemon as there usually is in Rody’s desserts. He’s neither here nor there about it, he just happened to notice.
He sets the tray atop the counter and scratches his head, further messing up his already unkempt hair. The thought of upsetting Vince ends up being the thing that derails his train of thought. “Yeah… I, uh… I wanted to be able to eat some too,” he says meekly.
The image of Rody sputtering and gagging as he chugs two glasses of water reenters his mind, and Vince can’t stop the laughter. In his tired state, it’s infinitely more amusing. “I suppose that’s fair,” he says after he regains control. “Especially since I ate the rest of the pie.” It made for an interesting dinner yesterday, but he has no regrets.
Rody’s taken aback at the unusual display of humor before him. He can’t recall having ever heard Vince laugh, even when he tried to get a reaction with jokes. It’s… weirdly nice. Endearing even. The light smile across his features almost cancels out his exhaustion, and it reaches his eyes with ease. The same eyes that are normally filled with malice and irritation are full of mirth that’s directed at Rody of all people.
And there’s a part of him that likes the attention, that’s just over the moon at how he’s the cause.
The two of them smile at each other in a comfortable silence. Rody snaps out of it first, saying he’s glad Vince still likes the food before he starts getting the dining area ready.
Vincent, having been up much earlier than normal and already finished with his morning tasks, pretends to work as he discretely watches Rody through the kitchen window. Whenever he passes by or turns around, Vince’s focus is on some trivial task that doesn’t need doing. He knows it’s childish and better suited to a schoolgirl than the successful adult he is, but he can’t help it.
Rody knows something’s off with Vince. He might be a little oblivious sometimes—ok, maybe all the time—but he’s not that stupid. Vince laughing is already Twilight Zone levels of bizarre, but the way he’s watching him with an odd level of gentle intensity is just plain unusual. Whenever the waiter chances a peek back at the kitchen window, Vince is looking elsewhere and acting like he’s got better things to do.
An idea pops into his head and he checks the time. They’ve still got twenty minutes before the cooks show up.
“Hey, Vince?” Rody calls as he finishes polishing the last table to the chef’s desired level of perfection. His ears catch the questioning grunt from somewhere in the kitchen. “If you don’t mind, can we maybe do another baking lesson tonight? I found this recipe for cake pops that sounds fun.” The tastiness of cake in the convenience of a bite-sized treat, what’s not to love?
Vince hummed, mentally listing the tools needed for such a recipe. “Do you have the proper trays and sticks for those? Because you can’t just use a regular baking sheet.”
“You can’t?”
He doesn’t stop the eye roll as Rody’s naive confusion reaches his ears. Before he can retort, the waiter reenters the kitchen and Vince is met with the matching expression. His brows knit together as he realizes the idiot means it. “Rody… It’s cake batter you’ll be working with.” He doesn’t bother to hide the incredulity in his voice.
“Well yeah but… Can’t you just, like, shape it a little and then put the sticks in?”
“Wha- No! Rody, it’s…” He glances over at the tray of muffins on the counter. Rody made those and many other treats, and he still hasn’t learned how batter works? “You have to bake it in the shape it needs to be in otherwise it’ll just be a puddle.” There’s no denying his feelings, but he’s certainly questioning how Rody of all people is able to make him feel anything other than irritation. This fool will be the death of him.
Rody shrivels a bit under Vince’s judgmental stare. “Oh,” he says plainly, a hand rubbing the back of his neck.
Needing a break from the pure ridiculousness, Vince’s eyes go to Rody’s tie—or rather, the loose fabric that’s supposed to be a tie. He thinks about it and realizes the waiter’s never once worn the thing correctly. “Fix your tie,” he says to the silence between them.
“Oh! Uh, right.” Now that he thinks, he’s pretty sure it’s never been tied. Oops. His fingers fumble with it as he struggles to figure it out.
He watches the awkward movements keenly. “Do you… not know how?” he questions.
Rody gives a sheepish grin as his hands falter. How can this get any more embarrassing? “I…” He has no excuses to give Vince’s firm stare. “…No,” he sighs. “I never learned.”
He says nothing as he moves closer. Slowly, he brings his hands up. He watches Rody carefully for any signs of discomfort. “Honestly. I don’t know how you still manage to breathe on your own.” The quip is said in his usual flat tone to maintain what little sense of normalcy he has left in the situation.
The waiter flinches a bit at the hands reaching for his neck, only to freeze in place as they begin fixing up his tie. He can't read the expression on the other man's face and his thoughts seize to a halt as he debates if he should be nervous or not. For half a second too long, he finds his gaze hyper focused on Vince's features.
“You know,” Vince begins, expert hands finishing the task in moments, “you do have a dress code to follow.” He keeps his eyes focused on anything but the waiter's as he straightens his collar before smoothing out his shirt and vest. Job done, he lets his hands linger on either of the waiter’s upper arms and is too aware of the firmness beneath the skin.
“Heh… Yeah…” The weak words are all he can get out amidst his confusion at Vince’s sudden act of domesticity. When the chef finally looks at his face and their eyes meet, he swears he sees a flash of something before the younger man backs away. His arms feel cold in his absence.
“I’ll let you know what I figure out for another lesson since you apparently don’t understand anything about baking.” Though his tone is a bit harsh, the small smirk that tugs on his lips is a dead giveaway he doesn’t mean it. His mind roars with inconvenient hopeful thoughts and he goes to move the tray of frosted muffins to his office before they can seep through his mask of indifference. The tray gives him an idea. “How about we try cupcakes this time? Muffins are fine but they aren’t technically supposed to be frosted.”
“Isn’t that what makes them cupcakes?” Rody asks as he snatches one before Vince can cross the threshold. The sigh he receives tells him he’s wrong and the chef is disappointed in his ignorance. He gulps down a bite as he tries to figure out the other man’s flip-flopping emotions. One second he’s sweeter than the cheap icing he bought and the next he’s cold as ice. He doesn’t know what to make of it but the mystery is strangely intriguing. It makes him want to figure it all out.
“Cupcakes and muffins are different, Rody. Perhaps we’ll work on that next.”
He swallows the last bite and wipes the icing smudges from his fingers. Guilty smile in place, he asks, “Can we maybe try strawberry flavor?” He knows he started all this for Vince and his penchant for sour citrus, but he’s getting real sick of the scent and taste of lemon. Any more, and he thinks his sense of taste will be ruined.
Vince ponders that for a moment. ‘Strawberry, huh? I can work with that.’ To Rody, he says, “Sure. Let me get some stuff in order, and perhaps tomorrow night we can work on it.”
As if on cue, the cooks file in and the restaurant soon finds itself in its usual rhythm.
Later that night, after making a run to get the needed goods for their next lesson, Vince lies awake in bed once more. Only this time, his thoughts are a mix of nervous excitement rather than worry and confusion. He might actually have his answer, his motivation to continue to encourage the emotions that have spent too many years buried.
Rody didn’t pull away. He didn’t pull away. Does he suspect anything? Why else wouldn’t he have shied away from his touch? Didn’t he see Vince’s actions as weird? Vince certainly did. He was all too aware of the disconcerting strangeness the moment his hands acted of their own volition. Yet Rody didn’t say or do anything that suggested he found the action offensive. 
He doesn’t know what to make of it. How is someone as hopelessly obvious as Rody so hard to read? He sighs and tries to settle his frantic thoughts. There’s no benefit to getting worked up like a teenage girl with a crush. All he can do is continue along with his original plan of testing the waters and seeing how the waiter reacts. He looks forward to tomorrow’s baking lesson with an odd sort of glee he hasn’t felt in well over ten years.
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startanewdream · 1 year
Hi Mah, I’ve noticed a lot of writers saying their fics aren’t being commented on or reblogged as much as they were before, and that it’s been discouraging. I can’t speak why for everyone but this is my story. I used to comment and reblog everything because I appreciated the hard work everyone put in. I got inspired to write a few fics of my own, hoping I would get the same support or even suggestions on ways I could improve my writing from all the writers I looked up to, but I got nothing. I spent hours and days writing, reading articles, and watching YouTube videos on how to improve your writing, but I never got one comment, like, kudos, or reblog from any of the writers I showed my support to. I started to notice people had their own little friend/support group and would reblog and comment on each other's posts or stories, but not the newer writers unless you were a phenomenal writer. If you weren’t worth their time, then you were unnoticed and not appreciated. It didn’t matter that you wrote long detailed comments on every single chapter of their story and reblogged their stories, hoping it would get more attention to help encourage them. You and one other blogger were the only ones that I got a comment from, and I ended up unfollowing everyone except for you and the other blogger. I stopped writing, deleted my stories on one of my low days, and unfollowed everyone but you and the other blogger. I stayed away from the Harry Potter community for a while. You two are the only ones I will take time out of my day to write comments for. I’ve read other stories, but I don’t comment on theirs unless it's by a new writer. I try to show encouragement and give suggestions in ways I wish I would have gotten them. I just wanted to say thanks, and I've come across some great new writers through your blog. I’ve been absent for a long time, but I’m back now. I hope things have changed and everyone is more supportive of one another. I don’t know if people are hesitant to help other writers but they take 5 minutes out of their day to read their stories and write two lines of encouragement or heck even a pm on ways you think the story could be improved, newbies will appreciate it more than you’ll ever understand. I just think if you want a little love then you need to show a little love too.
Hey, Anon. I went back and forth on how to answer this because yes, I understand it, but also... not?
I really don’t want to sound dismissive; I get it, writing takes time and effort, you put a piece of your heart there, and when people don’t seem to notice it, you take it personally. I've been there as, in a way, all who has ever posted their fan work have been. It’s shitty.
But you cannot control anyone else. If you are writing and posting because you want people to comment and engage; don’t. It will drive you mad, trust me, because there is no bar that will ever suffice. Write for your own joy... and read and review for your own joy.
If you want criticism, ask for it, send a pm to those who answer it. Join a discord. The review section in a fanfic is not the place for it, it would be just rude. And accept that sometimes there is no problem, no reason for why your fic is unnoticed; no one has ever cracked the code for what makes a fic popular, and honestly, I am glad for it. It’s cliche, but true: you are the only one who can write your stories.
Finally, I get the if you want love you need to offer some love, but also... it sounds entitled? Threatening? I am not sure. Fanfics are for free; they are supposed to be fun. When they stop being something that you can enjoy, what is the whole point?
I am sorry you didn’t feel your effort was appreciated. I hope that, despite everything else, you loved giving voice to the characters, crafting a scenario out of nowhere, and spinning words into something that was real and yours. I hope you stick around.
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readerthatreadsss · 2 years
Last updated 07/30/23.
So...my last post has been gaining me a few followers so I thought I'd make a post detailing specific characters that I'll write for.
I'll also copy and paste my past post about what I will and won't write at the end.
Also, anything I write will be X fem! Reader.
(I will be constantly updating this post as I become more comfortable with writing for more characters)
Marvel men
-Miguel O’Hara
-Marc Spector/the rest of the Moon Knight system
-Matt Murdock
-Frank Castle
-Peter Parker (all three)
-Steve Rogers
-Bucky Barnes
Marvel women
-Natasha Romanoff
-Wanda Maximoff
-Shuri (WIFE-sorry lemme calm down)
-Carol Danvers
-Darcy Lewis
Stranger Things (it's a short list cause most of the characters in the show are literally children :)
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Hopper (yup you read that right cause I love DILFS)
-Robin Buckley
Criminal Minds
-Every single one of them. (Nah I'm just playing)
-Spencer Reid
-Emily Prentiss
-Aaron Hotchner
-Jennifer Jareau
-Derek Morgan
-Luke Alvarez
Triple Frontier
-Every character except Ben Affleck's.
TVD (The Vampire Diaries)
-Damon Salvatore
-Stefan Salvatore
-Elijah Mikaelson
-Rebekah Mikaelson
-Klaus Mikaelson
Miscellaneous (characters from random fandoms/movies)
-Javier Peña (Narcos)
-Lloyd Hansen (Gray Man)
-Joel Miller (TLOU)
-Jake 'Hangman' Sersin (Top Gun: Maverick)
-Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw (Top Gun: Maverick)
-Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
-Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
-Castiel (Supernatural)
-Soldier Boy (The Boys)
-Lip Gallagher (Shameless)
-Carmen Berzatto (The Bear)
-Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
-Siobhan Roy (Succession)
-Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson or Christian Bale)
More to be added...
(Looking over this list I have arrived at the conclusion that I am a whore-)
In terms of what exactly I’m open to writing? I can write headcanons, blurbs, and one-shots. Specifically smut, angst, and fluff. The more descriptive you are in your requests, the easier it is for me to write them. But I don't mind the challenge of having to make my own plot.
Kinks/scenarios I’ll write smut for? Almost everything EXCEPT;
-Lactation kink
-pegging (into it in real life but I have no clue how to write it properly I'm sorry)
-Wax play (note I didn't say temperature play because I will write some stuff with Ice)
-Age play (specifically where a character is purposely behaving in a childlike manner/ baby talk. Daddy and Mommy kinks are welcomed tho!)
-CNC and noncon (I’ll definitely write some VERY MILD dubcon if asked tho)
-sexual activities with m1n0rs
-Domestic Vi0lence/ SexuaI abus3 (spanking is a yes tho)
-Scat & Piss
-Race play
-SEVERE knife kink (like I'll write a small knick or slice that barely bleeds or something but anything else is a no for me sorry)
-S3lf Harm/Su1cide (this is not to say that I feel any way towards people who struggle with these issues but I don't think I'm able to effectively represent them in my writing without triggering myself (as someone who has/is struggled with depression) and the last thing I want to do is offend anyone)
Anyways, that’s it for now! Like I said, feel free to make requests or even just send me a regular question or comment to get to know me! 
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rottentiger-art · 1 year
Hey! I hear you are taking requests for Quogan fics! Would love to read an ongoing series of one shots about their married life 🤩
I decided to leave this for after the movie is out, so I have a fresh idea of how their dynamic is like now (in case it has changed), and so I have time to answer the other prompts, I'm excited to start it, and see what ideas the movie inspires.
Also, feel free to send more specific scenarios if you want them to be added to this series!! (this goes to anon as well as anyone else who wants to)
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boundless-iridescence · 11 months
Mun Info
Hello and welcome!! Here like any other reasonable roleplayer; to have fun and delve into interesting depths by taking on characters as a muse, and this blog is my chance to touch on a lot of character muses I have deep fascination and curiosity for through various fandoms. While I do not profess to play these muses to any level of perfect, I will strive to play them satisfactory to others, but most of all to enjoy them by my understand and standards of their characterization. Here, I’ll share some basic info about myself, for anyone who want to know, but you’re also free to pop by my Asks if you’re curious about anything else.
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NAME: Jordan, or Ashton (DarkPrinceInc on Discord)
AGE: 28 (born 1995, in case I don’t keep up with updating age)
GENDER: Genderfluid (She/Her + He/Him pronouns, no preference)
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN ROLEPLAYING?: Both started around age 13, more or less. My writing has been growing since that age, but my more in-depth roleplaying (IE my more passionate efforts in playing canon characters and studying them) started in 2012 when I was 16/17, and has been growing as well since.
WHAT FANDOMS DO YOU RP?: Generally, just the ones with my current muses, as of 2/13/24, which are FF8, Genshin Impact, HP, MHA/BNHA, MCU, and general OC content. More can be applied over time, and more fandoms can flow over, so long as we can plot it out to satisfaction between one another!
ARE YOU OPEN TO AUs?: Always. I might have to turn some down if they don’t catch my interest, but I am open to trying out things! I simply just want to play these character, in all their complexity and depth of emotion. So for any scenarios that allow that, I am on board!!
AM I OPEN TO SHARING HEADCANONS?: Yes, for specific aus, and some I might apply to my version of characters if I like them. But my headcanons are also adaptive, they might apply to one RP, and not the other. Feel free to send me an ask, as I will not, as of yet, be making any list.
AM I OPEN TO OCs?: Yes, though I will say that if I feel the story or muse interest is low, I may have to turn down the originally proposed roleplay, and I do hope you do not take offense. But I am certainly not apposed to OCs interacting with my muses, and I have an OC of my own as well. So long as we can be respectful!
AM I OPEN TO NSFW CONTNET?: Yes, certainly. It can be on here, so long as it’s tagged and formatted appropriately, or on Discord (just DM me for my info). I like to get to know the roleplayer first however, so don’t DM for smut without even interacting first, and generally I go with development to such scenarios, but hey, sometimes mutual muses hit, so it’s cool. But generally, I tend to demand chemistry or else, no smut or even shipping. NSFW also counts for violence and such, though, so as long as it’s discussed so it can be executed comfortably and tagged appropriately as well, I’m find with it. Am I open to asks/memes? Hell yes, hit me up, just make it clear who you’re addressing!
DO I DO THE MAIN ‘THING’?: As in, do I choose select roleplayers for muses and interact with them only–no. Granted, I may develop greater interaction, and therefor preference, of certain peoples interpretations but thus far, I’ve never practiced that and likely won’t. So if you see me interacting with someone and that also happens to be your muse? I am still more than open to interacting with you!
DO NOT TOLERATE:: Anon Hate, Ship war crap/ship judgment (so long as you aren't practicing what you roleplay IRL if it is illegal or toxic, then have at it), racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/any form of queerphobia, as well as queer/ablism/ageism/etc. Just, don’t come near my blog with that shit. I’m rarely political here, but if I ever share anything you don’t agree with, feel free to unfollow, better and healthier for everyone involved.
If there’s any other info you’re like me to update here for you, please let me know!!
0 notes
I'm back with more talon-induced trauma for this weird supersoldier friend from that one request. This time around: They're in battle (they outright demanded that Overwatch let them help) and they casually get in the way of something utterly devastating (think Reaper or Doomfist's ultimate). Questioned? "Takes more than they've got to kill me, you're different." Feel free to do whoever have the most interesting reactions (Aka are the most horrified)
Hello again! So I got carried away and wrote a full mini-fic instead of the normal headcanons. Congratulations, you've just triggered Zenyatta's trauma! He has a really difficult time with people trying to die for him/his beliefs. This one also features Bastion because my hyperfixation never sleeps. Enjoy!
This wasn't the first time the Supersoldier taken the golden gleaming prosthetic to the face- but it was the first time they'd been hit with its "Meteor Strike" configuration, and, not going to lie. . . it was more painful than they had anticipated.
They'd caught the Talon leader as he fell from his orbit, absorbing the impact and then throwing him away from their friends. It'd ruined his entire game plan- the shocked look on his face (that they could catch between the spots swimming in their vision) as they stood their ground and grabbed him had been immensely satisfying.
Satisfying enough that when the darkness took them, they were okay with it. If this was it, then they'd gone out with a bang, and protecting the innocent, most importantly. That's all they ever wanted. Yes, they were okay with it.
That is why the Supersoldier was immensely surprised to wake up in the Overwatch medbay, greeted by the sounds of a heartrate monitor and gentle creole whispered under someone's breath. Their eyes fluttered opened.
"Oh, thank goodness!" Baptiste exclaimed. He came over by the bedside, his hands tracing a check-up in the air above them.
"Are they awake?"
"Bee dee, boop?"
Their vision was still hazy. Their senses honed, however, when a cool metallic hand took their own.
"Welcome back, friend. You gave us quite a scare." Zenyatta spoke quietly.
"Everyone. . . okay?" It was difficult to get words out, but they managed.
"Ana got a few scrapes," Baptiste reported, "D.va lost her mech but she's fine. And the Lindholm tells me that those two-"
He gestured, and the Supersoldier turned their head. Zenyatta, of course, stood alongside them, but behind him was Bastion.
"-are fine as well, thanks to you."
"Yes, what you did was very brave, but. . ." Zenyatta tensed his grasp around their wrist.
They'd been around the monk long enough to be able to pick up on the tension in the air. The smile that had been on their face disappeared, replaced by a thin line.
He sighed. "Friend, your life has just as much value and meaning as anyone else here. What you did was reckless."
And that was the kind of concern the Supersoldier had never gotten used to dealing with. In this moment it was almost irritating. Zenyatta was being gentle but they were still getting admonished for doing what they were built for.
"It worked." They replied simply.
"Yes, but now you are greatly injured. You could have been killed."
"Better me than you."
"Takes more than they've got to kill me. You're different." They hissed.
They felt the gentle joints of the monk's hand in their grasp. If they tightened their grip harder they were almost certain they could bend those joints out of alignment, sheer metal off metal. Such a fragile thing their friend was. And he'd only been out there on the commander's insistence, to deal with any "emotional issues" that arose from being back on the field for the first time since their defection.
Yes, better them than him, they affirmed in their mind.
"Zen's got a point, my friend. That was dangerous, really dangerous. I'm pretty good at my job, but not that good. You can't make this a habit." Baptiste spoke.
They could hear the medic's casual demeanor cracking, and looking over to him revealed an agonized expression painted across his face. He was clenching his fists; the Supersoldier vaguely remembered the same expression being delivered in Mauga's direction once upon a time.
"Especially not for my sake." Zenyatta said.
What the hell was that supposed to mean? Were they supposed to go back to Talon principle, treating everybody around them with the same callous discipline?
"No!" They snatched their hand out of Zenyatta's grasp. "I'll protect you all if it's the last thing I do! If I don't do that, then why am I even here!?"
Baptiste could only stutter a few syllables before turning away. Zenyatta paused. Then he spoke.
"You do not owe us anything, friend. You have inherent worth as a person, and I don't want you to sacrifice that on my behalf. I never want that, from any of my companions! Don't do it again!"
The indignation stung like a hot brand that their confusion only fueled. They'd saved his life, how could he be mad? Before they could respond, Bastion stepped forward and put their hand on his shoulder, whispering soft bits of Omnicode.
"Yes- I-I apologize. Please allow me to calm down."
Zenyatta's footsteps were almost inaudible against the tile floor, and the door swished shut behind him. Baptiste had turned around, pretending to clean off some tool or another with a rag. Only Bastion remained. Cautiously, they stepped to the bedside.
The Supersoldier hadn't know the Bastion unit that well before all this and given their continued unease around combat Omnics, they weren't planning on getting friendly after. But something glinted in that sky blue optic. Bastion actually moved around the bedside to a nearby table. They grabbed pen and paper, and with a practiced maneuver, using their gun barrel to steady the paper, began to write.
The note read, He's a civilian.
The honesty- the sterility -of the statement was like an ice pack to the Supersoldier's anger. They exhaled a hot breath before looking again to Bastion. The Omnic was right, right in an encompassing sort of way, like a broad metaphor, and nothing else needed to pass between them.
Eventually, though, they asked, "Do you get it?"
Bastion nodded.
"You'd die to protect everyone, too."
The curt nod communicated it precisely. Without hesitation.
A strange laugh escaped them. A laugh of empathy, recognition, whatever you wanted to call it- they didn't know. They didn't have Zenyatta's knowledge of those kinds of emotions. That didn't matter right now, though.
Baptiste gently cleared his throat, catching both of their attentions. "You know, there's a reason Ana isn't here right now. She's, uh, used to this kind of thing, too."
Soldiers. He hadn't needed to say it out loud.
"But she did give me this to give to you. Just don't tell Dr. Zeigler."
He dug through his pocket to produce the Supersoldier's favorite chocolate bar. They grinned as he opened the wrapper and broke a chunk off for them. They still weren't used to how sweet it was, how creamy it became in their mouth. They mumbled out a 'thanks' that was hardly comprehensible with their mouth full.
Bastion turned to him and gave an inquisitive chirp.
"Sorry, I don't have anything for you." He shrugged. "You're not the one who took a Doomfist to the face."
They gave an overdramatic whine, causing the Supersoldier to laugh, getting chocolate all over their chin. Soon everyone was laughing, Baptiste's giggles intermixing with Bastion's chortles.
The laughter eventually faded, however. Bastion moved to throw the note they had written on in the trash, before beeping and gesturing to the door.
"Gonna go check on Zen?" Baptiste guessed.
They nodded. They began to leave, tromping against the tile.
"Wait." The Supersoldier called after then.
They swung their torso back around to face them, and they continued.
"Tell him. . . tell him I'll try not to do it again."
The Omnic nodded, before opening the door and stepping out into the hall.
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years
Hello, sorry for asking again but I really loved your post and thanks for making it. 💕 So this time can we get Reiji, Ruki, and Azusa's thoughts when they saw their s/o for the first time?
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💕 Their thoughts when they saw their s/o for the first time—
(ft. Ruki, Carla, Shin, Reiji, and Azusa)
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Hi there, @just-looking-at-stars + Anons!
Thank you all so much for requesting! Oh my goodness, it looks like all of you requested the same thing practically lol. I figured I'd include it all in one post since it's the same scenario. Thank you so much for requesting. Feel free to request again any time. :)
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Oooh vampire Christian Grey activated.
And you’re his Anastasia Steele xDD Jk.
When Ruki saw you for the first time, he was taken back.
And I mean REALLY taken back, and it was honestly so bad that his mind went blank.
He was getting some books out of his locker for next period, his brothers standing by as they hung out for the few minutes they had left to spare, but that was until he saw you walk by.
The way your hair style framed around your face, your fingers delicatly tucking a small strand of hair behind your ear, the small strut you gave while walking—it was all enough to keep him entranced.
Yuma noticed the crane of Ruki’s neck in your direction as you continued to walk on, a smirk on his face as he took in the situation. “Heh, sounds like someone’s interested.”
“Woah, she’s quite the looker. Hey Ruki, you should give it a shot.” Kou would comment, Azusa standing side him watching what was happening.
Ruki snapped out of his trance due to his pride, finding this moment foolish.
“Don’t be silly. There’s much more important matters to attend to.” He’d say, closing his locker and heading off to class.
And to his surprise, he found out you were actually in his next class since you were new at Ryoutei High.
He couldn’t help but sneak stares at you during class. You took notice, but played sly considering you didn’t know him, plus, you were in the middle of class and didn’t want anyone else to notice anything.
You were new, so the last thing you wanted was drama of any sort.
And with you glancing back and playing along with his stares, it only riled him up more to get to know you because your mysteriousness was driving him mad.
“Hm, seems you’re the playing type . . . alright, I’ll play your little game.” He’d think, slightly smirking to himself as he eyed you.
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The day he met you, the chemistry loving vampire was doing a favor for the school he had done quite a few times considering he was an honors student—playing tour guide for the new student.
He honestly found this part about his academic status annoying because even though Reiji was known to demonstrate his intelligence and be known for it, he was honestly just so done with everything (me and @liannelara-dracula have headcanoned this).
It never failed to annoy him whenever he had to show a new student around, especially if they weren’t to his liking, it was even worse in that case.
Plus, it always frustrated him when people couldn’t understand his explanations when it came to directions or where to go if students encountered an issue of some sort.
In short, he just doesn’t have much patience for this job and he hates it when the honor faculty requests him to do it.
He waited in the hall outside the admissions office like he typically did whenever he was expecting a new student, his arms crossed in annoyance.
And it was here where the school’s secretary came out with you and introduced you to Reiji.
While she introduced the both of you, you couldn’t tell but Reiji was definitely resting his gaze on you longer than he typically would with anyone, and his mind was too preoccupied to think any thought since he was checking you out.
He introduced himself as well, and from there, he began to show you around.
And you can best bet that the entire time was spent with him taking in your presence, more so your figure and strut as you walked beside him.
But of course, he concealed this manner of attraction as he didn’t want to come on strong.
He was honestly amused by quite a few things about you, more specifically how fast you were catching on to the school’s whereabouts since most of the time people were just confused by his instruction like I mentioned before.
“I’ll admit, it’s quite surprising to see that someone is comprehending how things work around here the first time around.” He thought.
By the time the tour was over, Reiji even went out of his way as to extend his help to you, something he never does for anyone.
Shh! Don’t tell no one!
He told you where you could typically find him on school grounds in case you ever needed anything and was actually willing to follow through with this commitment.
And part of him honestly wanted you to scope him out.
Rest assured, because Reiji was interested in you, he was going to find one way or another to cross pathes with you again.
And he’d make damned sure of it.
“My, it makes me wonder how she has such an effect . . . she is undeniably stunning, I suppose that’s why.”
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Mmm, the first time this man saw you, he was caught off guard.
No, literally, he was.
In fact, you were thrown off as well considering the abrupt circumstance.
You were running late to school and let’s just say things were getting quite hectic on the way to class.
You ended up losing track of time over the break between your third and fourth period, and were now late for your next class.
Like, really late.
So, you took off running, your figure sprinting through the halls, making it to one of the school’s staircases since your class was on the second floor.
You began to run up the steps, seeing a tall figure descending down them on the opposite side of your own, but a turn of events made things take a turn for the worst.
Through being in such a hurry, to your dismay, you missed a step and started falling backwards.
You awaited for the painful impact, but you soon felt a pair of arms around your form holding you firmly, preventing you from falling further.
Opening your eyes, you looked up to see a male student, long, white hair framing his complexion rather nicely as his gold orbs stared down into your own, a silence resonating around you both.
“Um, sorry.” You said, quickly getting out of his arms as the moment felt quite awkward, soon rushing back up the stairs again in order to head to class.
As for Carla, he honestly found the event amusing as it wasn’t every day that someone magically fell into his arms.
It was enough to get him thinking, plus, he had gotten quite the view of your face in such a vulnerable state, along with the feel of your body in his grasp.
“Hopefully, she’s a little careful next time . . . I’d hate to see her get hurt.” He thought to himself, an ever-so-slight smile twisting on his lips.
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As for Shin, it all started with his usual shenanigans of pranking his brother Carla.
He was planning to have his locker rigged with confetti and paint, that way when Carla would open his locker door, it would explode in his face.
However, things didn’t go quite like Shin had planned.
Shin peeped his head into the corridor and awaited for his brother to show. When Carla finally arrived, Shin was on the edge of his seat, counting down to the moment of when Carla would open his locker.
When Carla did, Shin was honestly confused as to why his prank didn’t work.
You soon showed and were a few lockers down from Carla.
“That’s strange. Is there something wrong with the wiring?” Shin thought, his eyes shifting to you as you were about to open your locker.
And it was here where he realized his mistake. Because the dumbass got his brother’s locker and yours mixed up, you can imagine what happened.
It all happened in the blink of an eye. Upon opening your locker door, it exploded, paint and confetti on your face as you stood there aghast, not knowing how to take it.
You were so upset and it was honestly humiliating.
And here, Shin couldn’t hold back a laugh, leading him to expose himself as the culprit who set it up.
A fire burned in your eyes, your gaze turning towards him as you threw a flurry of insults towards him.
Shin grew up in times where women held their tongue, and was taken back seeing you express such an outburst towards him.
And dare he say it, he was actually turned on by your anger, the way the words slurred off your tongue, the rage behind them along with their power that asserted dominance over the situation.
You stalked off to the nearest bathroom to clean yourself off, leaving him flabbergasted.
“You never fail to cause trouble, do you?” Carla said a few feet behind, having witnessed the entire site.
And literally, Shin’s first thought about you, which he admitted out loud to his brother was, “Damn . . . she’s hot when she’s hot.”
No seriously, just ask @liannelara-dracula. We’ve hc’ed this lol.
Bear in mind that deep down, Shin has a thing for women getting angry at him, like it totally riles him up and finds it hot for some reason.
And from there, Shin didn’t stop bothering you.
He kept pestering you to forgive him in the weeks that came after the incident.
He kept telling you that this was all a big misunderstanding, and would throw a few minor flirts in in between because he’s an ass. Plus, because it would annoy/irk you, he only found it amusing, let alone a turn on.
“Oh c’mon, love. How much longer are you going to be crossed with me?” He’d smirk.
But you didn’t budge, he was going to have to work hard in order for you to accept his apology.
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To be honest, his mind went blank when he first saw you.
He was just so thunderstruck that it felt like his soul left the world for a mere second.
Believe it or not, you two met in the school’s nurse’s office.
You started feeling awful around fourth period because an unexpected monthly visitor showed up days before it was actually due.
A migraine now throbbed the right side of your head, not giving you the strength left to continue the day at school.
You were just waiting for your ride since you knew you couldn't continue on, your hand resting a small ice pack on your head the nurse gave you to ease the pain.
Azusa sat on the bed opposite from your own, tending to his bandages as he had not looked up once since you arrived.
You noticed your ride was running late, the migraine being unbearable as you just wanted to go home. It felt tiresome at the moment to pull out your phone from your backpack, so you figured you’d ask the student nearby.
“Excuse me,” you asked, his hands still attending to his bandages. “Do you know what time it is?”
He gave no answer, his attention still on his wounds. You got up from your bed and went over to him, approaching him gently as you tapped his shoulder.
“Um, sorry to bother you, but do you know what time it is?”
Azusa looked up at you, his eyes taking in your genteel features, the way your hair fell into your face and rested against you, the delicate curves of your lips forming into a lethal asset that left him dumbfounded on the spot.
He felt like time had stopped, your gentle voice continuing to echo in his ears despite it being silent.
After a moment, he answered, “I don’t . . . know . . . sorry.”
You smiled, “It’s okay.”
Azusa smiled in return, your figure sitting down on the bed in front of his again, continuing to wait for your ride.
The silence was k!lling the boy in front of you as he twiddled with his fingers. And from there, he decided to make minor conversation with you, just about little things while you waited for your ride, such as what your name was, why you were here and whatnot.
Soon enough, your ride came, but before you left, he offered you the lollipop the nurse gave him.
You refused since she had given you one as well, but he insisted that you take it anyways, a smile on his face as he placed it in your hand.
You smiled back at his sweet gesture. “Bye, guess I’ll see you around.”
“Bye . . . I hope you . . . feel better.”
Giving him one final wave, you were off, feeling eager to go home and rest.
“She’s . . . cute.” He thought, a small smile on his face after you left.
And deep down, he just hoped he’d see you again, even if it was just from a distance.
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227 notes · View notes
We just needed a drink - Kim Heechul (M)
Summary | After sticking up for you at high school, you developed feelings for Heechul. The feelings are mutual but it takes you both 20 years to finally be truthful about your feelings.
Genre | Smut, fluff, high school friends to lovers, mentions of fuck, the word cock and pussy, alcohol, slight bullying, flashbacks, protected sex.
Warnings | protects sex, mentions the following words: pussy, cock, fuck. Alcohol involved.
Pairing | none.
WC | Around 3 to 4k.
Note | Requested by anon
Original request:
Hello friend~! I love your writing so so much, I saw your requests were open and I wanted to send one in. Could I please request a Heechul x reader smut fic, maybe a best friends to lovers scenario where they've both been pining for each other for a long time and then end up admitting their feelings over drinks at Heechul's place? I don't mind what kind of smut it is, vanilla or not, just do whatever you think fits in the moment? Thank you! xoxo
Masterlist / Request Rules / Upcoming
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Heechul is a man who will do anything for you, starting in high school by standing up for you to modern-day things like bringing coffee to your internship without even asking for it. Heechul is one of those guys who does things that people often feel there is more to it than friends. And if you look at it from a distance, that opinion is fair.
In high school nobody paid attention to him, he was more on his own with one of his best friends and that was that. Sometimes you saw him walk by, and somehow you were attracted to him. Your girlfriends were just making fun of his hair or the way he didn't like the uniform rules. And yet he had a certain aura that made you want to leave him. You didn't want to show too much that something was up, so you ignored his presence most of the time. Until that one day, the day you couldn't avoid it anymore, the day Heechul showed that he's not just anyone.
Like most days you sat outside alone with your homework, nobody paid the slightest attention to you because who does homework at school anyway? Your friends were long gone, but you saw the benefits of doing your homework at school. No homework at home, more free time, and certainly more time to write and draw.
"Look who we have there, all alone." Jake was one of the bullies at school, he never really paid attention to you because you were often surrounded by your girlfriends, one of which he found remarkably interesting. "What do you want Jake?" you asked quietly, your eyes still on your homework.
"There's a party tonight." Jake looked at his friends standing around you, your eyes still on that one question in the book, and you quickly erase a wrong answer.
''So? Have fun," you said nonchalantly, not really in the mood for an argument with Jake or anyone else in his group.
Jake wasn't rude to you most of the time, but he could change his mood so quickly that you sometimes wondered if there was more to him.
"Ah come on, don't you feel like a party? We'll never see you."
"That's for a reason, will you please leave? I think you must get dressed for the party?".
Jake and his group of friends started laughing, so loud that several students realized that Jake was up to something again. As a result, many students walked on quickly, but one remained standing.
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the party with me?". You chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief once the words hit you. He wanted to go to the party with you, sure, and then dump you as soon as he sees his crush.
"Not interested, maybe Mira is still interested?".
"Come on, it's me, Jake. You can't get any better." Sighing, you closed your book, ready to leave, away from men who want nothing but a mirror to look at all day long. Jake grabbed your arm, his eyes on yours.
"You're going to regret this." His grip got harder and tighter, you tried to knock his arm away with your bag. All five boys burst out laughing.
"Hey Y/N, let's go. Did you forget you're having a family reunion?".
That phrase kept haunting your head for months. The way Heechul seemed so confident in front of Jake, like Jake couldn't do anything, made you see Heechul differently than many students thought of him.
After a few weeks, the two of you met after school to get to know each other better. It was the least you could do after he saved you from Jake. What started as a mild friendship, grew after a few months into a permanent friendship where you could count on each other. Your girlfriends used to joke about the fact that you were in love, which was crazy, right? Yet you started to see Heechul differently after graduation, the moment he got his diploma realized that you would see Heechul less because you were both going to college. It broke your heart but you also knew that a friendship like this couldn't be broken easily.
"Where are you with your thoughts?" asks a voice that sounds very familiar. Heechul pushes your Iced Latte into your hand and puts his sunglasses back on. And you have to be honest, it looks good on him. So good that a little butterfly flutters around in your stomach. Heechul shakes his head and pinches your cheek.
"I asked you something, and if you wait any longer I'll drink your coffee." You hide your coffee behind your back as he gets ready to grab the Iced Latte from your hands.
''I thought of the delicious coffee''. Heechul chuckles, he puts an arm around you and you walk towards the park near your old high school.
"I'm glad I never have to go there again," he jokes as he sits down next to you on the wooden bench. He takes a sip of his coffee as he fixes his gaze on the building. "It also looks completely different."
"You have that after almost 20 years." He nods but turns around quickly, his eyes wide and he stares at you with a questioning look. "Am I that old yet?" Heechul puts his coffee down on the bench and begins to feel his face with his hands.
"You don't have any wrinkles yet, old man." You receive a light push to your arm and you think back to the time when you walked around here in your uniform. Like it was yesterday. "Have we been friends for so long?" You ask yourself more than Heechul, but knowing Heechul he answers immediately.
"Too long if you ask me." You burst out laughing as you pat him on the shoulder. You both sit with a coffee in your hand, laughing at whatever is being discussed that afternoon and yet you feel different than usual. That one butterfly is still fluttering around and you wonder if more are coming or if it was just a moment. When Heechul gets up, throws away his empty cup, he comes back and holds out his hand. "Come, I'll take you home."
The moment you take his hand is the moment that that one butterfly is not so alone anymore.
For Heechul it is clear. Ever since he first saw you in the school hallways, he knew you were special. It took Heechul a while to know what those butterflies meant, and by a while, it means about 15 years. Heechul was always afraid that he would ruin the friendship the moment he revealed anything about his feelings. So he made the difficult decision to move on as friends and put his feelings away. It worked for a while, especially when he started dating other women, he forgot about you for a while. Until he was alone, and the first woman that came to mind was you.
He tries to hide his feelings as much as possible now too, unsure if it is mutual and afraid that he will ruin more than necessary, just like before.
Heechul had asked if you wanted to come over to him, just for a chill evening with a movie and some drinks. Nothing special and nothing new for you two. While you are packing your things you will feel the same butterflies fluttering around as before. Every time Heechul calls, sends a message, or shows up at your door it's like a butterfly garden in your stomach. "Alright, you can do this," you mutter to yourself, afraid that the nerves you never really had will make you return home and crawl under your blanket with the excuse that you're not feeling well. But that doesn't help either, because Heechul will be at your door within 15 minutes.
"Hehe, there you are, I wanted to call you if you were feeling well." Heechul presses a kiss to your forehead as he takes your things from your hand. Great, more butterflies.
"Which movie do you want to watch?" you ask as you plop down on the couch with the remote in your hands. You zap back and forth, waiting for Heechul with the snacks and drinks. "As long as it's not a boring romantic Hollywood drama, I'm fine with everything."
"Ah man, was just about to set up The Notebook." Heechul throws some popcorn your way as soon as he walks past you, he puts the snacks on the table and he hands you your glass with whatever he put in it. "Nice tan, are you going to poison me?"
"Would I wait twenty years for that?" You shrug your shoulders and take a sip of the red and orange substance. The sweet taste will make you take another sip, it tastes like strawberry, orange, and coconut. "Okay what's in it?" you ask after three sips. "Malibu, and something else...nice right?"
"Do you want me drunk?" He doesn't answer but grabs the remote from your lap and sits back munching on popcorn. "How about the new Avengers movie?" You nod and make yourself comfortable on the couch.
For about twenty minutes and already two glasses later it is quiet, nobody says anything. You let your eyes wander from Iron Man to Heechul. Dressed in a white oversized shirt, sweatpants and his hair was wild with probably the thought that he wasn't going to leave after all. It suits him well. Too good.
"Is Thor not so attractive anymore?" You are startled from your thoughts when you hear his voice, a chuckle leaves his lips. "What?" you ask nervously, trying to bring your attention back to the television.
"You're staring at me." You don't answer, your focus returns to the television. He shakes his head and like you, his focus returns to the television.
"It's Captain America, by the way," you mumble and grab a handful of popcorn. Heechul does not react and that ensures, partly due to the alcohol, that the next sentence pops out of your mouth without even thinking about it.
"But you're also attractive."
Your hand flies to your mouth in shock that you've just said this, without even being drunk. You hide your face in your hands, knowing the alcohol isn't going to be an excuse. Two glasses are nothing and your third glass is still half full. Heechul knows you need more to get drunk. He laughs and moves closer. He grabs your hands and then stares directly into your eyes.
''Can you repeat that?. I didn't understand very well." You slap him on the shoulder, the blush on your cheeks as you try to hide your face again. Heechul has to be honest with himself he's just glad you said this. But whether it is the truth and not a joke remains to be seen.
"Listen, if this was a joke, fine. Don't worry. But-''. He takes a sip of his drink. "If this is the case, I want to talk about it." You slowly raise your head from your hands, and you bite your lip when Heechul is sitting quite close with his hand folded over your wrist. You say nothing, but rest your chin on your knees. Heechul pauses the film and turns to face you again. 
"I think now is the time when I'm going to be honest, maybe against my better judgment if it turns out that this was still a big joke, but oh well. I'll get over that." He pauses for a moment, arrowing your reaction as you sit up a little straighter across from him. His hand is still wrapped around your wrist.
"Since the first moment I saw you, I knew you were special. The way you were and are yourself, the way you don't care about others, and the way you treated me, especially in high school have made me feel more for you than just friends. It's been like this for a while, but I didn't dare to admit it, afraid that you-''.
You don't let him speak, a sudden burst of confidence washes over you when you place your lips on his. It's a fierce but short kiss, just to shut him up. Heechul is shocked, before he can do anything you let him go.
"It's not a joke." Heechul bites his lower lip, he lets his eyes wander from your lips to your eyes. The eyes he's been crazy about for years. "Let's forget the movie."
Heechul lifts you, you fold your legs around his hips as he carries you to the bedroom. Your lips don't let go, too busy to make up for the missed years. He lets you fall on the bed and you crawl a little further up towards the pillows you let yourself fall on. He pulls his shirt over his head, showing the toned belly you love so much, and he crawls across the bed toward you. You stare into each other's eyes, both seeking consent for this intense step in your pre-existing relationship. Without saying a word he hides his face on your neck, sucking his lips on your sensitive skin. Your hands move from his shoulders to his shoulder blades toward the edge of his joggers.
His hand is soon under your bra, gently kneading your breast as he strokes your nipple with his thumb. A soft whimper leaves your mouth as he sucks on your skin harshly leaving a red mark for everyone to see. You push him over, straddling his hips as you take off your shirt and your bra. His hands immediately find their way to your boobs, caressing and kneading the flesh as you try to hold your hips still. ''Fuck, you're so beautiful'', he whispers before he turns you over again, hovering over you as he still has his hands on your boobs. ''I don't know why I waited this long''.
Heechul wraps his lips around your nipple, sucking on the nub lightly as his other hand wanders towards your leggings, finding their way into your panties soon after. You are so overwhelmed by all the feelings that you almost forget about Heechul, you feel his semi-hard length pressing against your leg and you try to place your hand on his bulge. ''Don't'', is the only thing he says before rubbing figure 8's on your clit. Your hand retracts itself and places itself in Heechul's hair, holding on to the strands tight.
''Fuck this feels s-so good''.
Heechul turns to your other nipple, keeping his eyes on you as he gives the same attention to the nub. His fingers caress your folds, rubbing your clit with his thumb. Heechul knows once he is inside you he won't last long, but he wants to make you feel good without thinking too much about himself. His lips travel from your nipples to your stomach, one of his hands lowering your pants and panties and the same time. He throws them on the ground, leaving your pussy to make himself comfortable between your legs. ''You don't have-''. Heechul places a single kiss on your clit, shutting you up instantly.
He places a few more kisses before diving into your pussy. His tongue flattens and runs up her folds, repeating it a few times as he watches you enjoy the things he is giving to you. His index finger presses itself into her pussy as he uses his tongue to stimulate your clit. You arch your back, a moan leaves your lips as you feel yourself getting more aroused by the second.
You grab his hair with one hand, the other holding the sheets. ''Please watch me -''. Heechul sucks your folds into his mouth, holding it in for a few seconds before releasing it with a pop. ''You are more important''. He gets off the bed, leaving you all bare on the bed. Heechul takes off his pants and underwear. Automatically you are drawn to the sight of his cock, standing tall and proud. The tip is red and covered with pre-cum. You want to touch him, you need to touch him but as Heechul said, that is for another time. He just wants to make you feel good.
He watches you laying there on the mattress, waiting for him as he grabs a condom out of one of his drawers.
He opens the foil and slides the condom around his cock, pumping his cock a few times with his hand before making himself comfortable on the bed and between your legs. One hand slides the tip of his shock through your folds. A groan leaves his lips and it is the first time you hear him let out any sound this evening. And you can't lie, it turns you on more than you thought it would.
Heechul looks at you, checking if you are alright and if you are ready. You just nod, too aroused to even think about stopping. He slowly presses his length against your pussy, sliding in watching your eyes and movements every second. He bottoms out, holding his breath for a second at the feeling of your wall clenching around him.
''You are so tight'', he whispers, slowly moving at a steady pace once you said that you are ready.
His thrusts are slow, letting you feel every movement of his cock inside of you. Your walls are clenching around him and Heechul has to hold himself back to drill into you and to fuck you hard. You notice once you open your eyes, him hovering above you panting at the feeling of being inside of you. You wrap your arms around his neck, your legs around his waist with your heels on his lower back, urging him to go deeper.
''Don't hold back, please'', you whisper and a moan leaves your lips once he starts picking up pace. Moans, grunts, and deep breathing is heard all over the apartment, but you both are too busy with each other to even care.
''Faster baby'', you mumble into his ear, he crashes his lips against yours, tongues fighting over dominance as he again picks up his pace drilling his cock inside of you. The sound of skin slapping, your arousal, and both of your moans make it harder to hold out the tingling feeling in your stomach. You want to hold it in for a while, waiting for Heechul to reach his high as well.
''I'm g-gonna cum'', he groans as soon as he leaves your lips, the feeling of your walls clenching around him has him reaching his high sooner than he thought. You urge him on, whispering that you are close to him. Your hand reaches down to your clit and you start rubbing fast and rough, your other hand holding onto his bicep for support. The burning and tingling feeling inside of your stomach get more intense the more you apply pressure on your clit.
Heechul tries to hold it in, noticing the way you are desperately trying to reach your orgasm. One look at each other, and you both groan at the feeling of finally reaching your high. You arch your back as you also cling onto his body for support. Heechul hides his face into your neck, riding out his orgasm as he hears you coming undone. Both of you are too tired to even speak, let alone get up and get dressed.
''I love you'', he whispers into your ear, placing a kiss on your cheek as he hovers over you tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You chuckle, wrapping your arms around his neck and placing a kiss on his lips.
''I love you too. Maybe this is a weird question, but can we watch the Avengers?" Heechul shakes his head, removing himself from you including the condom which he throws away in the trashcan. ''Are you serious? Thinking about that movie after we had sex?''.
You bite your lip, closing your legs as you giggle.
''Or can we have another round?''.
Copyright © 2022 International-kpopfan. All rights reserved.
Don’t repost without permission.
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griffintail · 4 years
The Lost Ones
Summary: Several of the SMP members find an infant in a place they didn’t expect and decide to care for them.
Pairings: Platonic! Parental! Tommy, Wilbur, Philza, Technoblade, Eret, and Dream x F! Child! Reader
Warnings! : Swearing, Village Raid, Minor Violence, Minor Deaths (Mostly mobs), mentions of blood
A/N : I’m the biggest sap for child readers. Dating back to 2014. I literally couldn’t help myself. Just so everyone knows, I suck at writing in gender neutral terms, that’s why the reader is specifically female in all of these (Including Tommy’s, Minor Spoiler, Tommy’s just an idiot and doesn’t look). So, sorry about that.
I’ll most certainly will make more of these. I won’t always have it just like this, I might write a certain character individually in a scenario. It’s all dependent on my mood. I might add more characters! This is just basically the introduction. So yeah...ENOUGH RAMBLING! Hope you enjoy :)
       Tommy (Before the First Disc War)
        Tommy smirked proudly to himself as he tucked his new disc safely into his inventory bag before starting the walk back to his home. His adventure was successful, he managed to get a rare disc and it was now all his. Walking through the small bit of woods, he rested his hand on his sword handle. It was still night time after all and the monsters were out to play.
        As he could see the lights from the small town of the Dream SMP, he heard a cry. Looking back into the woods, he frowned before grinning.
        Someone is in trouble! He’d save them and get a payment—er— “willing reward” from them. Pulling his sword, he ran over towards the sound of another cry, this time the sound being continued. He rolled his eyes, someone was crying, what a pussy. As the crying was practically on top of him, he frowned in confusion as he only found a skeleton, which was trying to shoot at a basket hanging in a tree. There was no one there to be crying.
        He shrugged regardless, taking his shield off before going for the skeleton. It only managed one arrow before Tommy killed the mob. Looking at the basket, Tommy hummed before putting his weapon and shield away to climb up. As he got to a safe place to reach the basket, the crying now made sense as his eyes went wide.
        “You’re a fucking baby!” He shouted in surprise.
        Said infant noticed the new face and their wails quieted, but small cries still came out.
        “Quiet down. You’re going to bring monsters!” He hushed, moving carefully, getting the basket off, and brought it to himself. “How the hell did you get up here? Who just leaves a baby?”
        He looked down at the baby as he sat back in the tree. He couldn’t help but think how small she was, had he been that small when he was this young?
        “Guess you got nowhere to go huh?” He asked as the child looked up, their cries having gone silent seeing the boy much closer.
        They played with their blanket and he hummed as he held the basket close, making his way down the tree.
        “You’re lucky, a big man saved you! I don’t live far, so you’ll come with me. Of course, I wouldn’t just leave you here again.” Tommy rambled, despite knowing the infant couldn’t respond back. “I’m not some kind of monster!”
        He made it back to his home, putting the basket on his bed, and looked down at the baby with his hands on his hips.
        “If you were left out there like that, you’re alone.” This time, the baby gave a small babble and he couldn’t help the small smile that came on his face. “Well, then I’ll take care of you! I’m a big man and can do it easy! Phil took care of my brothers and me after all and he’s old and stupid. I’m young and very wise, so I can do it. I suppose you’ll need a name now.”
        If anyone had been in the room with Tommy, they’d be surprised how gentle he picked up the small human. Carefully, he held them properly, only knowing how as Phil had once shown him when they were helping a village out after a raid when he had taken the younger boy to trade.
        “Hmm, I’ll call you (Y/N)!” He decided. “And I will be the greatest father ever! And I know the perfect way to celebrate today!”
        Going into his bag, he grinned as he pulled out his new music disc. Putting it on the jukebox, he sat on his bed as the infant looked over at the object making the beautiful sound. His grin went into a gentle smile as he watched (Y/N) listen to the music. They’d both be happy; he’d make sure of it.
        Twenty Minutes Later…
        Tubbo sprinted down the stairs of his house as he heard frantic knocking on his door and the sound of crying. Swinging the door open, he let out a startled noise seeing a distressed Tommy holding a wailing baby.
        Of course, he’d need some help since there was just a little bit of a learning curve.
          Wilbur (Right after Declaration of War)
        Times were hard. Wilbur had just started a new nation to free himself, his friends, and his family from the iron grip of Dream and his friends, but they did not like the loss of power and declared war on him. As well as the war, Fundy had become a rather rebellious teenager and Wilbur wasn’t sure how to handle all of it. He didn’t let it show to the others though. He’d be a strong leader for them.
        He looked over his map of L’Manberg. They needed better defensive points…they fought with their words but Dream fought with weapons of destruction. They needed safe spaces to protect themselves…
        Wilbur jumped, knocking over an ink bottle over on the table when there was pounding on the van door.
        “Damn it.” He grumbled, quickly flipping the bottle back up and moved the map out of the way before going to the door.
        He opened the door to see Eret standing there, making Wilbur raise an eyebrow as Eret was on guard duty at the moment but looked shocked seeing what the other man was holding.
        “Hello, sir. They were just outside the gate. I didn’t see anyone else around.” Eret rapidly explained to his leader, the small infant wiggling in his hold. “I brought them here because they were cold.”
        “Get inside,” Wilbur instructed, going into the back of the van again quickly.
        He heard the door close as he grabbed his spare coat.
        “Hand them over,” Wilbur muttered, Eret carefully transferring his hold to the other man.
        Wilbur saw they had a blanket but it was thin and the child was cold to the touch. Wrapping his coat around them, he instructed Eret to light a furnace, which he did post haste.
        “Hello there, love.” He whispered quietly to the infant, rocking them lightly. “We’re going to get you warmed up and something to fill your stomach, how does that sound?”
        The baby didn’t fuss, too tired and cold to even thinking about making one. Wilbur stood next to the now lit furnace and looked up at Eret.
        “Is anyone out there?” He asked, his proud leader voice coming out.
        “No sir, I was worried about the child.”
        Wilbur nodded. “I commend you for saving their life, but I have it from here. Send someone to fetch milk and then please stand guard again.”
        Eret nodded before leaving the van.
        Once the two were alone, Wilbur sighed heavily as he sat on the floor, still close to the furnace. He felt the child’s forehead, feeling them warm up to his relief.
        “You gave us a scare little one.” He chuckled quietly. “But don’t worry, you’re in a safe place. L’Manberg will care for you. I suppose it was lucky you were left here rather than the Dream SMP.”
        He hummed quietly as he gently rocking the child, their eyes closing as they relaxed in his hold. As they relaxed, he gave a quick check for their gender.
        “Welcome little one. You’re the first woman of L’Manberg.” He smiled lightly.
        For a short while, he was able to forget about everything outside the van. He could relax himself and let his mind clear as he watched the little girl in his arms. They were both at peace.
        After a few minutes, he looked up as he heard the van door open. As he was standing up carefully, his own son Fundy came in holding a bucket.
        “Hey, Eret said you needed…What the hell is that?!” Fundy exclaimed in surprise, startling the girl in his arms, tears appearing in her eyes.
        “Shh, it’s alright,” Wilbur whispered to her as he rocked her again and he wiped her tears away with one hand.
        Fundy cautiously came over, raising an eyebrow. “Who are they?”
        Wilbur paused thinking for a moment, before smiling. “Meet your new little sister my son. (Y/N), the newest member of our great nation.”
          Philza (Right before Wilbur’s Betrayal)
        Phil shook out his wings as he landed in a village. He needed to rest them for a bit before continuing on his journey to L’Manberg. He had gotten word of how the tides had turned badly for his sons in the new nation they made to try and live peacefully. Originally, they hadn’t asked for his aid as Tommy and Wilbur had made contact with Techno and they believed with their older brother, they could surely turn it back. Yet, Tommy had sent him a letter with worry for Wilbur’s state of mind and Phil decided he needed to be there for his sons.
        Yes, he wanted them to learn the world on their own but there were some times when Phil needed to be there to help them.
        Looking at the sky, the night was fast approaching so he managed to get a house in the village for the night. Keeping his sword by his bedside, he went to sleep for the night…
        Startling awake, Phil heard the sounds of the village bell.
        “God damn it,” Phil mumbled, scooping his sword and bag before putting his hat on his head.
        Running out, he saw the cause of the panicked ringing. A pillager raid, and it was already out of control. Fires were crackling madly and blood littered the paths.
        “Shit.” He swore as a pillager spotted him and he dodged the arrow before running them through with his sword.
        The few surviving villagers ran from their homes and Phil went to follow when he heard a wail, the wail of a child. His throat tightened as he looked back to the burning buildings, his fatherly instinct along with his good nature kicked in.
        “God…” He muttered before spreading his wings.
        With ease, he was able to dodge between pillagers and ravagers alike as he followed the sound. Landing at the house that was most certainly ablaze, Phil kicked in the door. Holding his arm to his mouth and nose, he rushed in and found a small nursery, the flames engulfing the walls and ceiling. Rushing to the crib, he found the small child and quickly picked them up.
        “Let’s go kiddo.” He said as he rushed back out.
        Once he was outside, he took flight again and flew high enough to be out of arrow range, and flew far from the village. As he did, he looked the small child, of which he found out was female, over for injures as she screamed and cried. She had no visible injuries but Phil knew she had to have inhaled smoke. So, after a handful of minutes flying, he landed and shushed her quietly.
        “It’s alright kiddo, hang on,” Phil told her quietly as he went into his bag taking out a health potion. “I got something that can help you.”
        Being gentle, he gave them a few drops of the potion to hopefully clear out any smoke and heal the damage it might have done. The little girl gave hiccups and small cries.
        “It’s alright. You’re safe now.” He bounced her lightly, slowing down her cries to nothing. “There we go. We’re ok. Once morning comes, we’ll find the others of the rest of your village and see if we can’t find your parents.”
        The little girl’s eyes merely drooped and he gave smile before he frowned as he looked up to see the fires in the distance. They were a human child and he didn’t remember seeing any humans running away with the survivors but he’d try. And if not…
        “Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of you,” Phil assured the now sleeping infant.
        Technoblade (Start of Retirement)
        Techno shouldered the bag of wood he had gathered over his shoulder, his axe on his belt as he made his way home through the snow. The voices were relatively calm, not hungry for blood at the moment, and Techno was able to have a peaceful moment. As he trudged closer to his house, he slowed to a stop seeing footprints by the stairs and the voices kicked up as his thoughts went wild.
        Phil always gave him notice on his walkie if he was on the way and whoever had been there had gone up the stairs then walked away in a different direction from where they came.
        The voices were bringing up the question of if he was being scouted out. Who could have found his house? How did they find it? They started to demand blood.
        Technoblade took his axe off his belt while putting down the bag of wood. Going towards the porch carefully, he held it ready to expect the worse when he entered his house but he didn’t even go up the stairs to find something. On his doorstep, there sat a large huddle of blankets.
        Furrowing his eyebrows, he came up to the huddle carefully and slowly with his axe raised. Stopping when it was fully in view, he stared in even more confusion.
        “What the hell?” He questioned, lowering his axe slightly as he looked around the snowy tundra. “Who leaves a child on my doorstep!”
        In the middle of the huddle of blankets was a sleeping child, who wiggled slightly at the loudness of his voice.
        They’re an orphan now
        You know how you feel about orphans
        Blood for the Blood God
        Techno winced at the sounds of the voices as he looked at the child. They were right…they were an orphan now. Someone had left them on his doorstep and now they were abandoned. He gripped his axe tightly as he looked down at the infant.
        It’d be quick and easy…
        The small human opened their eyes slightly, squirming slightly as they saw him. Techno’s grip loosened, the voices screaming in protest. They were so small and so defenseless…he wasn’t calling for blood anymore.
        Grunting, he put the axe away, going back down the stairs to grab the bag as he clenched his jaw at the loud noises of the voices before going back and picking up the child with surprising gentleness as the child was startled slightly. He shouldered his door open, dropping the bag of wood next to the unlit fireplace before making his way upstairs to his bedroom. He put the child down, who watched him in silent curiosity as Techno took the walkie off his belt.
        “Phil, you there?” He questioned into it.
        It took a minute but the device crackled.
        “Yeah, what’s going on?”
        “I got a…issue. Come over as soon as you can.”
        “An issue? What kind of issue?” Phil asked in surprise as usually, Technoblade could handle most of his issues.
        “It’s hard to explain, just come over.” Techno rubbed his temple at the screams of the voices.
        “Alright, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
        He put the walkie down as he looked over at the child watching him.
        “What?” He huffed.
        Then the child gave a small giggle, trying to get their hands free to hold them out to him. The man stood there in shock as his heart melted. He had not felt something like that in a long time. Scrunching up his nose slightly before coming over and taking the infant out of the blankets and holding her as he used to with Tommy.
        “What the hell am I going to do with you?” He muttered and the small human held lightly onto his shirt, making even the voices slow down.
        He down a level in his home to wait for Phil, keeping the child in his hold as he just decided to do his normal routine. He started a fire and began to brew a few potions when the knock came on his door.
        “Come in.” He called.
        In stepped his father, who immediately dropped his bag in surprise seeing what Techno was holding as he added a new ingredient to his potion.
        “Hello.” He greeted the older man without looking at him.
        “What the hell did you have?” The older man questioned.
        Techno looked over at him confused. “Blaze powder.”
        Phil took his hat off as he ran a hand through his hair. “I meant the baby!”
        “Oh! Yeah, this.” Techno said casually, the older man freaking out. “Someone left them on my porch.”
        “Oh god…are they ok?” Phil asked, coming over.
        “Yeah, they’re fine. They were swallowed by blankets.”
        The child tried to take a bottle in their hands and Techno simply moved it from them and kept working like it was the most natural thing in the world. Phil stood in surprise at how casual Techno was, he knew about the orphan thing and how vicious the voices in his head could be.
        “What…what are you going to do with the child?”
        “That’s why I called you,” Techno said, before holding the child to the man. “You take it.”
        “What?! Techno, I can’t just take this child. I…” Phil’s hand shook slightly at the thought of Wilbur. “I can’t have another child right now. And L’Manberg will question where I even got them in the first place.”
        “Well then what do I do with it?!” Techno huffed as he was surprised by the quietness of the voices.
        “Well…you could take of them.”
        “I don’t know how to take care of a child. I don’t even like children, have you seen me with Tommy?” Techno rolled his eyes.
        “You seem to like this one.” Phil pointed out as Techno was holding them willingly and at the gentleness, he had with them.
        Techno frowned as he tried to think of a good reason. “That’s because they’re quiet.”
        “Look…I know you don’t want to hear this but maybe you should look after them, even just for a while. I can see if I can find someone who wants a child.”
        No, you found them.
        They’re rather cute…
        Keep them!
        The voices had done a full turn around from when they first saw the child. They were demanding Techno care for them and protect the fragile being. Techno couldn’t disagree with them because in his heart…he wanted to protect the child that had been left on his doorstep.
        “Fine, I’ll take care of them for a while but you need to help me, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”
        Phil chuckled. “Of course, son. We should look them over first to make sure they’re alright.”
        Techno rolled his eyes but agreed, listening to Phil as he told him what to do. The father was smiling proudly as even though Techno was frustrated with the new task, he continued with it. Once she, as they discovered, was checked over, Phil put a hand on his son’s shoulder.
        “What do you want to call her?” Phil asked.
        He looked down at the child, who was giggling as Phil smiled at her.
        “Blood Child.”
        Later, Techno actually decided on (Y/N) and for once, the voices were on his side.
          Eret (Before the founding of L’Manberg)
        Eret chuckled to himself as he walked down the path back towards his castle. Tommy’s antics for the day had been particularly ridiculous that it still brought a chuckle to the older gentleman as he went back to his home. He knew the days around the Dream SMP certainly wouldn’t be boring.
        Walking to his castle, he stopped as he noticed a basket left in front of the door and peered inside.
        “Why hello there.” Eret smiled seeing a small face peering back up at him as they squirmed slightly in discomfort. “What are you doing here little one?”
        He carefully picked up the basket and went inside his castle. As he got to his bedroom, he carefully took the infant out struggling a bit but managed before searching a bit in the basket.
        “Hmm, no note or anything.” He muttered as he looked at the child squirming around. “Well, someone made a mistake leaving you behind. Let’s see if I can’t figure out what’s making you so fussy.”
        After a bit of trying, first checking to see if she needed a diaper, he figured she needed some food and managed to get milk, putting it in a clean potion bottle to help her drink it easier. That also took a few trials, but he managed to help her drink until she stopped fussing.
        “There we go, now I can see your lovely face better.” He smiled as he sat on his bed, wiggling his finger in front of her making her giggle.
        As he played with the small girl, he frowned slightly as he looked over the basket that she had been left in. Why would someone leave someone so precious on the doorstep of his castle? It was truly a shame for those that did leave the little girl as Eret couldn’t help but slowly smile again as the little girl grasped onto his finger.
        “You’re not going to have to worry little one. You can stay here with me and you can be the princess of this castle.” He promised her, hugging her lightly, making her giggle. “I’ll make sure you’re safe and happy. It will take me a little while to learn how to do it all properly but I’ll learn. How does that sound…(Y/N)?”
        He chuckled as he moved his head back as she reached for her glasses. Yeah, this sounded like a beautiful idea.
          Dream (The Very Start)
        Dream rolled his eyes behind his mask as he heard George screaming in the distance, Sapnap laughing wildly in return. Those two never know how to stop.
        “Come on you two! We need to build a house before the night comes.” Dream called to them. “Stop goofing off.”
        Yet, he could still hear George’s high-pitched scream and he just chuckled and shook his head at his friends’ behavior. They were the company he kept and he honestly wouldn’t trade them for anything.
        Eventually, they did stop screwing and they were able to get to work on building their first home of the new land they had. The three of them joked and there was some arguing still between Sapnap and George but it just made it peaceful for the three of them. It was how their lives were.
        Dream went to go look for some sheep to get wool for beds before night fully struck, leaving the two “children” at the house. As he went searching, he jumped when he heard the sound of screaming, but it wasn’t liking George’s scream. It was quieter but still a scream.
        “Hello?!” Dream called as he pulled out his stone sword.
        As he went towards the noise, he realized it wasn’t a scream of terror as he first thought it was. No, it was a screaming cry, the kind a child would make. He started sprinting at that thought and skidded to a stop as he found the infant that was making the sound laid on top of a rock, a group of three zombies trying to get it.
        Dream gripped onto his sword before shouting to get their attention and moved back, quickly taking care of the mobs. He pushed his smiley mask to the side of his face as he finished them off and rushed over to the baby.
        “Hey! Hey. It’s ok now.” He told them as he climbed up next to them, dropping his sword at the bottom. “All the bad things are gone.”
        He gently picked up the baby, shushing them as he put a hand on top of their head. Slowly, they quieted down and Dream smiled wiping their tears away.
        “Hey, there you go. See? There’s nothing to cry about.” He chuckled before screwing his face up to look funny.
        The child giggled and he grinned.
        “There we go. Now, let’s check you out.” He muttered, looking them over. “No injuries. That’s very good princess. Now, what are you doing out here?” He asked as he looked around, seeing no signs of human life other than the two of them.
        Dream’s blood boiled slightly. Someone would just leave a child out here? If it wasn’t for him, she would have died!
        “You got nowhere to go huh? Well, you don’t have to worry.” He said, carefully sliding down.
        He picked up his sword, putting it back in its sheath, before walking back towards his friends.
        “I’ll take care of you. You’ll be the princess of our new land! You, me, and your two idiot uncles.” He laughed, the tiny girl giggling at the sound. “And I’ll make sure you always have a reason to smile.”
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stitch1830 · 3 years
i see a lot of people headcannon Toph as the little sister Zuko always wanted (which I still love) but just imagine a Toph and Azula sibling relationship
The whole
azula: “And since you can't see, I should tell you I'm rolling my eyes.”
toph: “I’ll roll your whole head”
gives off major It’s-your-turn-to-do-the-dishes argument energy
Okay but yes???
Had Toph and Azula had more time on screen together, they have the potential to be the type of siblings that fight all the time and sass each other and everything.
I feel like in a scenario where Zuko is like "Hey Toph, you're my little sister now."
"But don't you have a little sister?"
"Yep. Now I have two little sisters."
That would be a rather comical scene between Azula and Toph.
Toph always has something smart to say, and so does Azula, and when either of them are at a loss for words, they probably just fight each other LOL.
They're both headstrong and if Toph tells Azula to do something, Azula always has something to say to counter Toph. Very much a "it's-your-turn-to-do-the-dishes" bickering moment haha!
I feel like they respect each other, but would never actually admit it to each other's faces, and when it comes to their bending, I think them being "siblings" would challenge them to be a better earthbender or firebender just to one-up each other.
Zuko is just watching them argue all the time and try to fight each other, and I'm sure there were times where he's like "That's it, you two can't be in the same room" and they're like "Why? We're just having fun."
I will say that Toph and Katara have great friendship/sister vibes to me, but an additional sibling relationship between Toph and Azula has amazing potential. They seem to have sibling vibes that are more like "I don't care for you but you're fun to pick on. But if you need my help I gotchu" whereas Toph and Katara's sibling relationship is more "I know you mean well and we're actually similar, but I just need to bother you for my own entertainment. If anyone else hurts you, though, I will attack."
But for real a situation where Toph is both Zuko and Azula's sibling? Imagine the hilarity and the chaos haha I love it!
Thanks for sending in this ask, this headcanon is awesome! :D (feel free to send more hehe) Happy Holidays!
Send me asks about ATLA, or anything, really! :D
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