#high speed thrill coaster
tacoma-narrows · 1 year
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Currently 1am and feeling sad abt wanting to get back on some coasters I haven't ridden in a rlly long time but can't bc they're now defunct </3
Shown here are some of my defunct credits - High Speed Thrill Coaster at Knoebels, closed in 2008 [image credit] - Volcano: The Blast Coaster at Kings Dominion, closed in 2019 [my photo] - Vortex at Kings Island, closed in 2019 [my photo] - Thunder Road at Carowinds, closed in 2015 [image credit]coaster
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Very silly modern AU premise: Ed's the best driving instructor ever and he's absolutely fascinated by the weirdo who keeps getting his license suspended because he can't resist the allure of going for high-speed drives through the city at 3 a.m. chasing the high of running red lights. Ed introduces Stede to lower-risk adrenaline junkie activities (roller coasters, skydiving, etc.) but it turns out that Stede's main thing is he just REALLY likes doing illegal things sometimes. For the thrill. The solution is making a fake ID so Stede can feel like he's being sooooo bad when they go to bars even though no one blinks twice because he's obviously over the legal drinking age, Stede finally gets his license back, and they live happily ever after
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hey-august · 10 hours
Cus saying something about rollercoasters gave me an idea.
What do you think buggy is like if he wants to take his partner to like a fair or theme park or something of the sort. Cus, obv he would. But they're way too afraid to get on most of the rides?
He may tease, sure. That's got to be a given, no? But seeing the terrified look your face after he'd somehow coaxed you into let's say the Ferris wheel? He's holding your hand, telling you it's okay. Describing the pretty lights and stunning view as you slowly get to the top. And while it's stopped all the way up high, you actually look out. Able to relax a bit. It's not so bad. It's pretty, actually. But heights are still terrifying.
Or maybe it's a rollercoaster he had to coax you onto. "Just try it once!"
And maybe he'd regret it just a little. The constant scream right next to him. Absolute death grip on his hand.
Getting on and starting to go up was one thing. The second it sped up just a hair to get to the top is when the screaming started, the tight hold on his hand. Then the screaming got louder as it sped downwards and your hand kept one hell of a death grip on his hand. The only time the screams stopped was so you could take a breath to continue screaming. Once the ride was over though he led you to a nearby bench until you could relax.
Or maybe those teacup rides. Only scared to get on it because.. Well it's buggy. And most people you've been on that type of ride would spin it way too fast and scare the ever loving hell out of you. But he's already dragged you on enough rides and this was one you liked. So he did spin it, but made sure you were okay with the speed. Laughing and spinning it together, enjoying the more peaceful ride.
Though you two did get on it again just to go as fast as possible. Laughing and clinging onto the seat.
I feel like he'd also want to win you a prize. *Of course* it had to be one that was so fucking stupidly hard to get. But he wanted to see you smile, he always did. So he tried. And tried again. And again. And..one more time. *damnit* why was it so difficult? But the second the person who was in charge if the game became distracted with something, even for a mere second, he cheated. Hey, he wanted to get you that prize. And it so happens he can detach limbs. His hand reattaching before anyone can see of course.
Is some of this based on personal experience? Yes. I can't stand rollercoasters, they scare the shit out of me.
My personal story with my first rollercoaster was at Kentucky kingdom. Lightning run. My mother fucking counted. (Yk the count to 3) Just to get my ass on a rollercoaster. I was terrified okay? But, yes, the death grip and screaming was what I did. That was her karma. My loud ass screaming in her ear (I was on her left) and one hell of a death grip. She might have lost a little blood flow for the time being. But she never dragged me on a rollercoaster again. And she never will be able to again.
(I have written more than intended but ideas keep coming)
Heck yes! Buggy would be a MENACE with this. Taunting and goading you into going on the thrilling rides.
PUH-LEASE, only weenies skip the big rides. What's the point in going if you're not gonna ride Mr. Bones' Wild Ride? (okay, maybe skip that one)
Buggy also talks up how the rides aren't even that scary. You eventually give in because:
maybe he's right,
you don't want to miss out on a good ride,
he seems so excited, and
he's getting annoying.
Yeah, the ferris wheel wasn't terrible. A little more shaky that you expected and very high up. But you got to sit next to Buggy. He even bought (stole) you a corndog to enjoy. He ate most of it.
The roller coaster though. Buggy thought he won (what exactly? who knows) when you agreed to go, but a little worm of regret started wiggling when the car reached the apex. Buggy said it was like climbing the ship's rigging on rough waters, but this...did not feel the same. Or maybe it did and he forgot how intense that feels. Both of you had white knuckle grips on the safety bar the whole time.
The tea cup ride was fine. Better. Really nice, actually. Even when it spun wildly, you still enjoyed it. It was less of a competition and more of a cooperative sport to spin the tea cup juuuuust right. Buggy also showed off by using his hands to spin the cup while he leaned back, handless-arms behind his head.
And BIG AGREE to Buggy stealing prizes. He also cheats. A barely-noticeable fingertip knocking over bottles, nudging balls, guiding hoops. He's schmoozing with the game attendees, distracting them from all the other shady shit he's doing. Meanwhile, you stand slightly off to the side and grab whatever Buggy hands you.
Do you need a giant plush sleepy banana? Or five bunny keychains? Or more than three lanyards? Or a frog bucket hat that doesn't fit? Or a bear bucket hat that doesn't fit? Or a cat bucket hat that doesn't fit?
No. But you take them anyways.
I'm also right there with ya with some un-fun ride stories, cyra. 😂 Once when I was a younger kid, I CRIED on the queue for Space Mountain. SOBBING. I was scared but we were going to go on the ride. And then the HORROR - I was supposed to sit at the front. Absolutely not. Thankfully, some older teens took pity and sat in the front.
I got on the ride, continued to cry, and shrunk myself so low that my head knocked on the sides of the ride during sharp turns. It was not ideal.
On a lighter note, there was a time where I was on one of those spinning Gravitron rides. The UFO shaped one. And the ride operator would slow down the spinning and then start it right back up. They said we were almost done more than once but everything kept spinningggg. We were hostages in the UFO and it felt like forever. Honestly, I loved it but omg I felt like I was outside of my body afterwards. I was not the same person.
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retrowave-racer · 5 months
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 1 - TOP THRILL 2
“One of the most common after effects of the anomalies, was many seemingly ordinary humans acquiring inhuman amounts of speed. Rita Ferraro was one of them of course, but found her new ability a mix of a blessing and a curse, thus deciding to join a support group for people like her. It was in this group, she met people like Enzo, a full of himself speedster who she briefly was in a relationship with, only for that to end very soured. Rita however met many others with her ability who were kind and supportive. Topher Thomson was one of them, in the support group since 2003. They were friendly, upbeat and positive, and always trying to uplift and support others who were struggling. Topher themselves was a bit clumsy much like Rita, tending to fall backwards during high speed runs and stumbling. But they never gave up, and Rita admired that. For many years Topher was a visible figure in the support group, helping others come to terms with their new abilities, making sure people were taking care of themselves and drinking and eating enough, tending to injuries of those still clumsy and running into things, and much more. But recently, they vanished for a period of time, worrying a lot in the community. Rita got word something had happened to her friend, and was desperate to run off as fast as she could to find them. But not long later, Topher returned, seeming brighter than ever, with a new sense of style and more control over their powers than before…”
Happy Coaster Maynia Season! Im so so so excited this year, I’ve gotten so much prep done ahead of time, as I want to get the lists done in time! I have a lot coming up at the end of the month anyways so I needed to be ready for it all! But yes, it’s been so fun working on the prompts this year, I’ve been doing these template backgrounds for each day, and plan to write up little blurbs to further develop each character! Also in terms of the best of list, Im prioritizing the main, but do plan to go back to the second one once the first list is done! As I plan to make the art for the best of list a bit more detailed and with backgrounds! Stay tuned for those pieces…..
But yes! Good luck and have fun to everyone else participating, and if you are, share your art with me! I want to share as many other coaster maynia entries to my socials this year!
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marie-was-a-cherub · 5 months
Felix the Fuckboy Part 2
As the two of you finally reach your destination, Felix can't help but notice the excitement written all over your face. "I'm glad you agreed to come with me," he says in a softer tone than before.
You smile at his words and nod your head, feeling grateful for the unexpected adventure. As you both enter through the gates of the amusement park, Felix takes your hand once again and leads you towards one of the roller coasters.
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"Are you ready for this?" Felix asks as he straps himself into a seat beside yours.
You nod vigorously, feeling adrenaline pumping through your veins. As the ride begins to climb up higher and higher, you can't help but feel like everything is moving in slow motion. But as soon as it starts racing down at high speeds with twists and turns throughout its tracks, screams of joy escape from both of you. By now, everything seems like a blur as swirling wind rushes past your ears at 100 km/hour during this thrilling ride.
After several more rides filled with laughter and screams echoing throughout the park, nightfall arrives quickly, signaling that it's time to leave. You thank him for such an amazing day out together before parting ways - not sure what tomorrow would bring but you had a nagging voice in the back of your mind saying that all this was too good to be true, you ignored it.
Before you could leave, Felix grabs hold of your hand and looks at you with a serious expression. "Listen, I know I may come across as someone who's only interested in hooking up but being with you today was different," he says earnestly.
You look at him quizzically, not sure how to react to his sudden change in demeanor.
"I don't wanna play games anymore. I want to get to know you better and see where this goes," Felix continues, sincerity lacing his voice.
Feeling your heart skip a beat, you smile and nod. "I feel the same way," you reply softly.
With that out in the open now, the two of you say goodbye for now before going home. As soon as you're back at your dorm room, Felic follows up by texting: "Thinking about our day makes me really happy <3 Would love to hang out again soon!"
My admin is @marie-is-seein-stars
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nekochan08 · 2 months
Because I have more Hetalia theme park head cannons. Here are some Nordics and Benelux at a theme park.
Here’s part 1 for the Main 8 + Canada & Prussia
And part 2 for Romano, Spain, Lithuania, and Poland
Denmark 🇩🇰: A thrill-seeker for sure! Looking to be upside down most of the time since he likes feeling the blood rushing to his head. The pendulum rides that swing upside down and roller coasters with many loops and corkscrews are his go-to. Rides these same rides in quick succession without breaks. Sleeps like a baby on the way home. Iffy about slingshot rides.
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Norway 🇳🇴: Doesn’t mind speed, doesn’t like heights. Denmark pulled him onto a REALLY tall free-fall ride and hated it. Was actually scared but stayed silent and was shaking when he got off. Goes on the Ferris Wheel a few times with Iceland.
Iceland 🇮🇸: Constantly talking about how he doesn’t wanna be there. That’s a lie he loves theme parks. He goes on a few small roller coasters or go-carts if he se sees them. It’s a hit or miss with him. Goes on the ship ride with Denmark and screams when it swings too high that he’ll never go on it again (he goes on it again).
Finland 🇫🇮: LOVES intense rides. Will go on large roller coasters but scream-cries throughout the ride. He can feel the tears travel away from his eyes towards his ears. He’s totally fine after they’re back at the station “that was fun, we should do it again!”
Sweden 🇸🇪: Nothing is too scary for him. He’ll go on anything. Gets on roller coasters with Finland but just stone faces the entire time. Doesn’t budge at all, just 🗿all the way no matter how hard the ride thrashes him around. Will go on slingshot rides with Denmark to watch him scream in fear.
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Netherlands 🇳🇱: HATES waiting on lines and doesn’t wanna pay for fast passes. He wants to be at the park gates before it even opens to make sure he can get on rides without having long wait times. If the wait is more than 20 minutes then he’s not getting on. Honestly, he’s there because his siblings convinced him to go
Belgium 🇧🇪: Absorbed in the atmosphere of the park. Has to take pictures with any actors/performers she sees. Takes pictures of the cool park desserts and judges if they’re good or not. Likes any ride that spins really fast and free fall rides. Not the tall ones, though. Enjoys funhouse mazes.
Lux 🇱🇺: Always has a fast pass for every ride he goes on. Goes on roller coasters that are big and fast because it makes him feel like he’s flying. Convinces Belgium to go with him on the bigger rides to see her get scared. Has gotten on line for a ride thinking it was a certain ride, but turned out he got on the wrong line and got on a gigacoaster by accident. Most scared he’s ever been on a ride.
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Julie Joyful and Frank Frankly
Playfellow Engineering would love to introduce to you the second most iconic duo in Home! The joyous Julie and frank Frank shows what opposites attract can really mean!
Characters Information Below
Julie Joyful is undoubtedly the neighborhood’s happy and silliest neighbor! Always with a smile and new game to play, Julie is sure to make your time at Neighborhood Park is never a bore! Her cheerfulness is contagious as this excitable rainbow monster dances around sharing the fun of the neighborhood to all who visit! Frank is her best friend, roping him into her daily shenanigans while he provides his frank and grounded perspective to keep things getting too out of hand. Julie loves gifting visitors their own games to play and has a variety of small bundles to hand out to anyone who asks!
Julie’s house is the perfect place for the perfect photoshoot! With props and Julie there to do your hair, visitors can take home fun and memorable photos of their time in the neighborhood! Also inside her home are many indoor playsets for the little ones looking to play away from the sun. Visitors can also gather around Julie’s dining table to make custom bracelets! Speaking of bracelets, complimenting Julie’s charm bracelet will make her feel inclined to give you one of your own. This is that start of Julie’s Charm Hunt! The bracelet she gifts you is empty and there are a total of Nine charms to collect, one for each neighbor. Julie will only give you her charm once visitors have collected the other eight!
Julie has the most thrilling ride in the park! Pedal To the Pedal is a wild ride the speeds and twirls through all of Julie’s favorite flowers! This highspeed floral thrill is one of two rides at the park with the highest measurement requirement. To get to the coaster, visitors will walk through the outdoor playground and fair. Swings, slides, climbs and more alongside a multitude of fair games like balloon darts and high striker!
Eye Color: Orange Height: 5 feet or 60 inches Age: mid 20s Additional Details: high ponytail, flower belt buckle, earrings, dress pockets, charm bracelet, and matching bracelet with Frank
Sentient. Unaware.
Frank Frankly is Home’s most bookish and matter-of-fact neighbor! While he is well read in many subjects, butterflies are his area of expertise. Don’t let that frown fool you, Frank is always delighted to share any insect and butterfly facts to willing ears. Frank is also the grumpiest of our cast of characters, making him the straight man of the bunch. This contrasts well his best friend Julie’s bubbly and energetic personality, keeping her out of (some) trouble while she brings out his playful side! If you ask nicely, Frank will give visitors a small butterfly toy to take home with them, it’s quite accurate to the species!
Inside Frank’s house, visitors will find Neighborhood Park’s quiet and sensory area. A quiet atmosphere with many sensory activities, this quiet area is a perfect way to decompress and treat the senses. The living room is one of the coziest spaces in the neighborhood, with comfortable seats, blankets, and pillows neatly scattered about. Frank’s reading room has a plethora of books available for all ages, and younger visitors can gather around and listen to Frank read stories from his favorite chair.
Behind and connected to Frank’s garden is the Butterfly Garden Maze. This maze is lush and floral with a variety of butterfly species living amongst the plant life. Frank and Julie worked together to create this fun and whimsical attraction for all ages. With two entrances, visitors can enter from between Frank and Barnaby’s home and exit to Julie’s. Or once visitors reach the center garden, they can take the straight path down to Frank’s garden fence and go through the house.
After making your way through the maze, feel free to take a ride with the butterflies on Frank’s butterfly migration ride Butterfly Go By! Supposedly named after an unreleased duet between Frank and Julie, Butterfly Go By takes visitors on a fun and educational journey alongside migrating monarch butterflies!
Eye Color: Yellow Height: 5'7" or 67 inches Age: late 20s Additional Details: simple beetle shaped vest buttons, right breast pocket, shoe buckles with flower buckle, matching bracelet with Julie, beauty mark under left side of bottom lip (i think its a stain lol)
Sentient. Aware.
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rainbowbobatea · 5 days
A California Adventure 🎡
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"Shar, put your hands up!—"
"Already done!"
Mish laughs, her voice carrying off into the wind. "That's my girl!"
Shar's eyes are wide open at the peak of the Incredicoaster, heart soaring as she takes in the view…she can see everything up here—colorful roofs of buildings, the winding paths, and all the people that look like ants from above—
"Oh wow." Her hands fly up in excitement. She didn't know she'd love being this high above. There, in the distance, stands the iconic Mickey coaster—Mickey looks at her with a bright, cheery smile. Encouraging her. Cheering her on for conquering this rollercoaster.
Best decision ever.
"We're at the top, woo!" Mish's arms stretch out, the southern California wind whipping her hair around.
And Shar? She's loving every second. She turns to Hugh who is seated right beside her, grinning from ear to ear.
"You okay, Shar Shar?"
"I'm amazing!"
"Get ready for the drop!!" Mish yells, amplifying Shar's excitement.
Shar's eyes are wide open. All she sees is thousands of feet above ground and they're so high…gloriously high…a thrill of anticipation overtakes her. She grabs Hugh's hand, squeezing it in excitement.
Mish glances at Shar and her enthusiasm grows. She follows Shar's gaze, a matching grin on her face. "You're loving this, aren't you?"
"It's incredible. It's—"
With a thrilling lurch, the roller coaster begins its descent.
The wind whips through their hair as they plunge downward, a mix of excited and exhilarated screams filling the air. Shar's eyes remain wide open, drinking in every moment. As the roller coaster banks around a curve, Shar, Hugh, and Mish all scream in delight. Sitting beside Mish, Channing lets out a piercing scream, his voice reaching high octaves that belied his muscular frame:
As the roller coaster approached the loop-the-loop, they soared through the air, upside down. Mish whooped and hollered, clearly in her element. Meanwhile, Channing's backward cap flew off his head, sending it tumbling through the air.
"BABE, yo hat!" Mish exclaimed, her eyes widening as she watched the cap's trajectory.
The hat sailed through the air, propelled by the wind, and smacked Hugh directly in the face.
"Ahhh!" Hugh exclaimed, his voice muffled as he tried to bat the hat away.
The roller coaster speeds up, racing towards the loop-the-loop. Shards of light flash by as they soar through the air, upside down. Screams echo, and Mish whoops with delight. Shar's long chocolate brown hair flips into her face as they're both flipped over, turning sunny California upside down.
"This is amazing!!!" Shar shouts, her face lit up with pure joy.
The rollercoaster banks again, sending them soaring upwards. Shar throws her hands in the air as they climb, then lets out an exhilarated whoop as they tumble back down, looping once more.
"Again! Let's do it again!" Shar declares, her eyes shining with excitement.
Mish just laughs. "I told you you'd love it! We'll definitely ride it again!"
As the coaster slows, entering the final stretch, Shar already knows she'll be first in line for the next ride. Always.
Just as ride comes to a stop, they step off, legs shaky, hearts pounding, but grins plastered on their faces.
Le Festin’s fry cook.
Aaron sat on the dirty Disneyland ground, completely flattened by Goya's tight grip on his hair, his eyes widening as he felt his blonde strands painfully being pulled from his scalp.
"Ow, bruh!" Aaron exclaimed, his voice a mix of surprise and pain. "Ay, that's my hair you're tugging on!"
"Daddy, you screamed like a girl!" Tre teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he chased little Oscar in circles around Ava’s stroller, their laughter ringing through the air.
Channing deep laughter rumbled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Oh yeah, buddy?"
Shar gently tugged Goya from Aaron's poor noodle body, relieving him. "Thank you so much for taking care of her…it really means a lot."
Aaron stumbled from the ground, offering her a weary smile. He shrugs. "It's all good, Shar. Anytime." He shoots Shar a pair of finger guns.
As Aaron got up, Hugh gave Aaron a subtle look, a silent reminder of the blackmail he was paying Aaron to babysit during their trip.
"Daddy, you also screamed like a girl!" Oscar teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Hugh's deep laughter filled the air as he scooped his son into a playful tickle. "Oh yeah? Well, I think Shar screamed more than me, no?"
Hugh then pulled Shar close, his strong arms enveloping her in a loving embrace. He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, his eyes holding a tenderness that made her heart skip a beat.
"That was fun babe.”
Shar's heart fluttered. "Really?"
"Yeah." Hugh's voice was deep and velvety, his breath warm against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. He leans in even closer, whispering into her ear.
“You know…one of these days, I want to make you scream like that too…"
Shar's jaw drops, a flush creeping up her neck. She quickly looks around the crowded place, hoping no one heard him.
As if on cue, Ava's tiny face crumpled and she let out a wail of protest. Hugh, ever vigilant, turned to Aaron, his eyes narrowing dangerously.
"What did you do to my baby girl while I was gone?"
Aaron held up his hands defensively, his voice cautious. "Nothing, I swear bruh! She's just a baby! Babies…cry."
As Shar and Mish continued talking to the kids, Hugh secretly pressed a mini knife to Aaron's back.
“Make my precious girl happy again…you better, or else you know what will happen to your other hand…”
Aaron's eyes widened, the memory of Hugh stabbing him like a freaking kebab haunting his mind.
"Okay, bruh! I'll get her to stop crying! Sheesh.”
While Aaron got to work shaking a rattle and making silly faces for Ava, Tre was busy jumping up and down, begging to ride the big coaster too. "Can we ride too! Please!"
Mish shook her head. "Not yet, Tre. Let's find a ride that's just your size. C'mon!"
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With laughter, the group set off to explore more of California Adventure. They begin to walk around the park, burning under the sun. Little Ava pipes up in her stroller, pointing at the nearby Grizzly Peak. It glints under the blue sky, the sun rays hitting off the giant structure.
"Oh, you wanna go explore the mountain, huh?" Shar asks, tickling Ava's tiny belly.
The group sets off towards Grizzly Peak, laughter and excited chatter filling the air. Tre and Oscar charges ahead, full of energy, while Goya and Ava giggles in the stroller.
As they walk, Mish leans over to Shar, a playful glint in her eye. "So..."
"So?" Shar asks, catching on to her friend's unspoken question.
"How was the ride?"
Shar shakes her head, letting out a dramatic ugh. "Way too fast for me—"
Mish elbows her, shaking her head. "Nah…I meant the ride from last night…the ride in the hotel. He screaming your name yet?"
"Wha—M-mish!?" Shar's cheeks heat up. She glances around to ensure the kids are out of earshot before replying, a quiet whisper. "Hugh didn't scream my name yet…if that's what you're asking."
Mish raises eyebrows. "Ooh, girl. But y'all been together for a while now."
Shar blushes, clearing her throat. "A-anyways…which ride are we going on now?"
The group decides to skip Grizzly Peak, opting for something a little more kid-friendly. And so they find themselves at the colorful entrance of Toy Story Mania, greeted by life-size cutouts of Woody and Buzz Lightyear. The kids squeal with delight, running ahead.
"This way Tre!" Channing calls out, guiding the kids into the ride. Outside, Aaron watches the babies while Mish and her boyfriend, Mr. Step Up, watches the two wild toddlers: Oscar and Trevon.
They're already crazy bffs.
Meanwhile, Shar and Hugh ride on their own. He slips his hand into his, their fingers intertwining as they follow inside the colorful building. Her heart flutters at the public display of affection—it still feels new. Different. She's so used to doing everything herself in life, that even small things like getting her hand held makes her feel…
…Finally loved.
"Let's go, babe!" Hugh calls out jumping into their own carnival tram, his voice confident. "Winner gets a prize!"
"Oh, it's on!" Shar replies, snapping out of her thoughts.
The game begins, and they're off—virtual plates are smashed, eggs are tossed, and pies are thrown with sharp precision. The sounds of the game fill the air—the click-clack of the shooters, the laughter of the onlookers, and the occasional whoop of victory.
“Yes!!” Shar claps her hand, scoring a point.
Hugh gives her a high five, when it takes every bit of strength not to kiss her for the hundreth time again.
Afterwards, the gang all exits out, bragging about their wins. The late afternoon sun casts a warm glow over the park. They stroll together, the toddlers running ahead once more, their laughter echoing off the vibrant walls of the park.
Mish approaches, little Tre in tow, the boy proudly showing off his score. "Look, Mommy! I got so many points!"
She scoops him up, beaming with pride. "That's my boy!"
"I can't believe I lost," Hugh teases, a hand resting on Shar's lower back. It edges close to her ass, the one he’d been staring at all evening. "Must've taken pity on you, letting you win and all."
Shar elbows him lightly. "Keep dreaming, old man. I beat you fair and square."
"Old man, huh?" Hugh's voice drops, almost a whisper against the loud sounds of the crowd. "Guess you'll have to show me some extra love later to make up for that insult.”
Shar feels her cheeks flush again. She quickly hides behind her hair, squirming under his focused gaze.
Ava, along with her new best friend Goya, both pipe up from their stroller. "Ice cwream! Ice cwream! Pweaase?”
Hugh's attention shifts to his daughter and Goya, his gaze softening. "Ice cream, huh? Think we can find some, princesses?"
Goya and Ava giggle and clap their hands, letting out little whoops. “Yay! Yay!”
A rumbling of stomachs confirm Ava's request. The group decides unanimously on food. The sun shines warmly overhead as they wander towards Paradise Gardens Park, their laughter echoing off the vibrant walls. The savory scent of grilled foods lingers in the air, mingling with the sweet notes of cotton candy and freshly baked treats.
"Hm…I think I'll get that m&m ice cream," Mish declares, leading little Tre by the hand towards the colorful ice cream stand. Channing follows behind with a smirk.
"Oh?" Channing says. "Is it because you wanna visit your twin again?"
Mish swirls around in utter confusion. "Huh? Watchu talkin 'bout babe?"
Channing points to the brown m&m, the one wearing stylish glasses and heels. "Yo twin."
Mish rolls her eyes, elbowing him. "Get outta here!"
Meanwhile, Shar's eyes drift over the array of treats, from ice cream sandwiches to colorful snow cones. "Ooh, I want an ice cream too babe!”
At this, Hugh raises an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Vanilla or strawberry?"
He pays the sweet treat and reaches for the ice cream cone, the soft swirl reminding him of Shar's beautiful skin, the ones he liked to caress at night as he secretly watches her fall asleep, night after night…
After night…
After night.
He holds out the cone, offering it to Shar. "Here. Let me.”
Shar's cheeks flush as she leans forward, feeling self-conscious under the gaze of the bustling crowd. But as the cool, creamy ice cream touches her tongue, she closes her eyes, savoring the sweetness.
Meanwhile, Hugh watches as she savors the ice cream, his eyes intense. His gaze fixes on her pink, delicate tongue, tasting the ice cream. He yearns to replace the dessert with her lips, feeling that soft, mouth explore his mouth once again. As she licks the, his thoughts wander, imagining that tongue grazing against his-
"Oh yeah, that was so good.” She opens her eyes, meeting his intense gaze. Shar's breath hitches, held in that moment.
"Come here." His voice is deep, commanding.
At his words, Shar's movements stutter, her hand pausing in mid-lick. "What?"
Hugh leans closer, his eyes fixed on her mouth. With a swift movement, he wipes a stray drop of ice cream from the corner of her lips. His touch lingers, his thumb gently caressing her soft skin.
Shar freezes, her heart pounding in her chest. She can feel his breath on her face, his intense gaze on her.
"There," he says softly, his voice sending shivers down her spine. "My girl was…a bit dirty.”
Shar's cheeks flame at the touch. "I-I didn't realize..."
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The sun continues its downward descent, casting warm rays over the colorful landscape as the group tries other rides, eventually making their way towards Mater's Junkyard Jamboree. The vibrant tractors and trailers catch little Oscar's eye, and he tugs on his father's hand excitedly.
"I wanna go fast, Daddy!" Oscar exclaims, jumping up and down with excitement.
Hugh ruffles his son's hair fondly. "All right, buddy. Let's show them how it's done."
He places Oscar in the seat next to him, while Channing and Tre settle into another tractor nearby. Mish and Shar stand on the sidelines with Ava, Goya, and poor babysitter Aaron, phones all ready to capture the moment.
The music begins, and the tractors start to spin and whirl.
Oscar's laughter fills the air as their tractor picks up speed, whirling faster and faster. Tre's excited squeals join the melody, his eyes shining with delight.
"You've got this, Tre!" Mish calls out, grinning widely.
"Go, Oscar!" Shar cheers, her phone recording the scene.
However, as the ride continues, Oscar's laughter begins to fade. The spinning tractors, once a source of joy, now seem to whirl too fast for his little stomach to handle. His face sags, and he starts to gag.
"Whoa, you okay?!" Hugh calls out, but it's too late.
Oscar lets out a small groan, and suddenly, he releases the contents of his stomach all over Hugh's shirt. Ice cream and everything. Vomit seeps everywhere.
All the girls gasp on the sidelines. Even Aaron gasps, trying not to laugh, lest he get stabbed again.
“Oh ma gosh?!” Shar screams.
At the same moment, Tre's excited squeals turn to whimpers. Channing barely has time to react before Tre follows suit, vomiting all over Channing's designer t-shirt as well.
"Da hell?!” Channing exclaims, his chill attitude dissappearing.
On the sidelines, Mish and Shar's jaws drop again.
"Oh that's not…" Mish says, sighing and shaking her head.
Shar gasps, her eyes widening. "Babe! Oh my goodness!?"
Hugh and Channing grimace as they both climb out the ride with the two boys, both acting a bit sluggish.
"I think it's time for a change of clothes," Hugh says.
"…And maybe some ginger ale for the kids," Channing adds, patting Tre's back gently.
Shar and Mish both nod their heads, secretly giggling and replaying the video they've just captured.
And so, the group finds themselves heading to Downtown Disney, in search of new shirts and a quick refresh. The lively district buzzes with energy, the walkways filled with shoppers and diners enjoying the evening ambiance.
They enter World of Disney, the largest store in the district, in search of new attire. While Hugh secretly threatens Aaron to keep an eye on the kids outside while the adults shop, Shar browses the racks, her eyes scanning the array of colorful apparel.
The crowd sways and presses in on them as they shuffle inside World of Disney. It's packed wall-to-wall, shoppers scouring the racks for the perfect Disney-themed trinkets.
"Oooo look, try this." Mish holds up a pink shirt with Minnie Mouse on it. "It'll look cute on you."
Shar eyes the shirt, a small smile tugging at her lips. "You think so?"
"Girl, I know so. Now go on, get in there and try it on." Mish gently pushes Shar towards the dressing rooms.
Shar takes a hesitant step forward, her eyes scanning the dressing room area. The curtains are drawn back, revealing taken rooms.
"Aw, man. It's all full."
Hugh, holding a couple new shirts, notices her dilemma. "Here, come with me. I’ll sneak you into the men’s dressing room to try in on over there.”
“Oh, okay.”
Without hesitation, he brings her to the dressing room and slips behind one of the drawn curtains, his movements confident. He doesn't hesitate to start trying on his new shirts with her in the dressing room, pulling his shirt off, exposing the toned body beneath.
Shar's eyes go wide at the sight before her. Hugh's body is a work of art, a landscape of muscle-
But it's the scars that catch her attention. Thin, silvery lines that crisscross his back, a road map of battles fought and won. Even—bullet wounds?!
Alarm bells ring inside her head. "What—what's that?"
Hugh freezes, his shoulders tensing at the question. "It's nothing..." he mutters, his voice tight.
Shar feels her heart twist at the sight of the scars. She reaches out, her fingers brushing the raised skin gently. "Are you sure? It looks painful..."
A beat passes, and Hugh relaxes, a soft sigh escaping him. "It was a long time ago. Water under the bridge."
She gives him a small smile. "Well, I think they're..."
"….Nice," she finishes lamely.
At this, Hugh turns, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Oh yeah? That so love?”
She bites her lip, unsure what to say—her brain stalls with an error screen. "Yeah, like it seems you could…I dunno. Like you’re kinda rough ‘round the edges. Like you…don't hold back…"
He softly touches her chin, tilting her back up. Hugh leans forward, his lips gently brushing against her ear. "You keep teasing me," he whispers. "…you better stop."
Shar swallows, eyes fluttering back on the scars against his abs. "Or else what?"
"Or else…I'll give you what you’re thinking about."
Her heart skips a beat. His eyes lock into hers and suddenly, knees go weak, feeling the warmth of his breath on her neck. A thousand thoughts buzz like hornets in her head, each one louder than the other.
Hugh takes a step back, his intense gaze never leaving her. "Try on that shirt," he says, his voice low and husky.
Shar nods, her fingers trembling slightly as she reaches for the hem of her current top. She slowly pulls it over her head, revealing her lacy bra underneath. Her cheeks flush as she feels Hugh's eyes on her.
Just as she's about to reach for the Minnie Mouse shirt, a blood-curdling scream pierces the air, shattering the moment. It's Mish.
Hugh quickly pulls on a new shirt and runs out with Shar, both facing a distressed Mish, her face pale, and her eyes round with panic.
“Oh my goodness, it's Tre! He...he..."
"What?" Channing demands, following close behind. "What happened to Tre?"
"That fool done ran off with Oscar! I can't find them anywhere at the front."
Hugh and Shar's face pales. The kids, lost in Downtown Disney…every parent's nightmare.
The group freezes in horror. Mish's eyes dart back and forth, frantically scanning the crowded district. "I just went to check on them, and only Aaron was outside!"
The peaceful evening at Downtown Disney shatters as they all burst out of the World of Disney store, their faces etched with worry. They spot Aaron outside, his head bobbing to an unheard rhythm, completely oblivious to the chaos unfolding around him.
As they approach, they can hear the faint sound of music leaking from Aaron's headphones. Aaron is bopping his head, humming along:
"So grab your stuff and lets all go outside
Bang your head to this tune in your ride
Leavin' all your cares right behind, for the summertime!”
Hugh's face contorts with rage as he storms up to Aaron. "Where are the boys?" he bellows, his voice cutting through the ambient noise of the district.
Aaron, lost in his own world, continues to beatbox, his eyes closed, completely unaware of the growing tension around him.
"Aaron!" Mish shouts, her voice cracking with panic. "Where's Tre?"
Channing, usually cool and collected, paces back and forth, his eyes scanning the crowds frantically. Shar stands frozen, her hand covering her mouth in shock, as she watches the scene unfold.
Hugh, his patience wearing thin, reaches out and yanks the headphones off Aaron's head.
"Where. Are. The. Boys?" he growls, each word dripping with barely contained fury.
Aaron blinks, disoriented by the sudden interruption. He looks around, confusion evident on his face.
"Oh... uh..." he stammers, his eyes darting between the angry faces surrounding him.
Hugh's hand clamps down on Aaron's shoulder, his fingers digging in painfully. Without a word, he drags Aaron away from the group, his face a mask of cold fury.
Once they're out of earshot, Hugh leans in close, his voice low and menacing. "Listen here, noodle arms. If we don't find them in ten minutes…then I'm chopping your hand off this time. Then I'll stab your eye and make you a fucking pirate. Got it?”
Aaron's face pales,. "I-I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean to... I'll help look for them, I swear!"
Pulling Aaron back with him towards the frantic group, he clears his throat, gaining everyone's attention.
"We'll find them," Hugh assures, his voice tight with concern. "Let's split up and search. We'll cover more ground that way."
The group immediately disperses, each dashing in different directions through the crowd. The sun sets, casting an orange hue over the bustling district as they frantically search for the missing boys.
Hugh pushes through the crowds, his heart pounding in his chest, He dodges past shoppers and diners, his eyes scanning every face he passes.
"Oscar!" he calls out. "Tre!"
But there's no response.
Only the hum of conversation and the distant sound of music. The sun continues its descent, the sky painting itself with streaks of purple and orange.
Shar sprints ahead, her eyes wild with worry. Her breath comes in short gasps as she weaves through the sea of people, calling out the boys' names too.
"Oscar! Trevon!"
The vibrant lights of the district twinkle in the growing darkness, a stark contrast to the panic that grips her heart. She rounds a corner, nearly colliding with a group of tourists.
"Sorry!" she calls out, her voice tight with anxiety.
"Tre!" Mish's desperate screams echoes through the night. "My baby!"
Channing dashes through the crowds, his eyes darting everywhere, searching for any sign of the boys. "We'll find them, Mish. Don't worry!"
The group continues their frantic search, their calls echoing through the district. The evening grows darker, the lights of the district twinkling like stars against the orange canvas of the evening.
Suddenly, Hugh's sharp eyes spot something.
A parade.
The music and colorful floats captivate the crowds—people of all ages, cheering, their phones raised to take videos and selfies with the characters.
Mickey, Minnie, Cinderella and Prince Charming—all in romantic outfits. The couples dance and wave to the crowd.
And then…
There, on one of the float platforms, Hugh spots two tiny figures.
Oscar and Tre!
"No," Hugh mutters, his eyes widening. “They’re actually in the parade.”
The rest of the group runs towards the parade too, each person looking at Oscar and Tree in complete disbelief.
Shar face palms herself. “Oscar!!”
Mish puts her hand on her hips. "Get yo ass down now!!!" she screams at the boys, not caring who hears.
Channing skids to a stop beside her, his eyes following her frantic gaze. "Ah, shit. How they even get up there?"
But Hugh doesn't wait. He marches straight into the parade, pushing past costumed characters and confused performers. Mickey, in his big mascot head, tries to stop him but Hugh punches Mickey Mouse away.
Hugh is not messing around tonight.
"Hey, stop!" someone yells. "You can't just—"
But Hugh doesn't listen. He climbs onto the float, his eyes fixed on the two boys.
"Daddy!" Oscar cries, his eyes shining with a mix of delight and fear. "We're in the parade!"
Without a word, Hugh scoops up both boys, one under each arm. He jumps down from the float, ignoring the angry shouts of the parade organizers.
Mish rushes forward, grabbing little Tre into her arms. "Don't you ever do that again!" She gasps. "Ever."
Oscar, in Hugh's arms, pipes up. "But Daddy, I wanted to see the parade!"
Hugh's glares. "Well good for you, now we're going home."
Shar sags with relief, her hand covering her heart. "I can't believe they did that. I thought we lost them."
Hugh turns, his eyes flashing dangerously at Aaron. Aaron secretly runs away, his life spared as guards, three of them, walk towards Hugh, their faces stern.
Mickey, holding his abused head, points a gloved finger at Hugh.
"You punched me,” Mickey Mouse says. “You're coming with us, buddy."
Shar steps forward, her eyes flashing defiantly. "Hey, back off! He didn't do anything wrong!"
The guards exchange glances, clearly unsure how to handle the situation. Mickey's head tilts, almost as if in confusion.
"Ma'am, your boyfriend just assaulted a cast member," one of the guards says, his voice tight with irritation. "We're within our rights to detain him."
Shar's heart pounds in her chest, but she stands her ground. "He was just trying to get his son. There were like, a hundred people around. How else was he supposed to get through? Sorry if Mickey got in the way, but why you trying to press charges?"
The guard's eyes narrow. "Now, see here—"
But Shar cuts him off. "No, you see here! Y'all are trying to ruin a little kid's night. He did nothing wrong! He's five! Have some heart!"
The crowd around them begins to whisper, some even recording on their phones. The guards' expressions darken.
"Let's go." Hugh grabs Shar's hand, whisking her away. "We're leaving, right now."
Mickey's points at them, his gloved hands shaking. "Hey! Stop them!"
The guards spring into action, pushing through the crowd in pursuit.
"This way!" Hugh shouts, pulling Shar down a side alley. Together with the kids, they dash through the bustling district, dodging tourists and shoppers.
"We can't let them catch us!" Shar pants, her heart racing.
Hugh's eyes flash with determination. "We won't."
They turn another corner, their feet pounding on the pavement. The sound of the pursuit fades as they put more distance between them and their pursuers.
"Over here!" Mish calls out, waving them over to where she and Channing are waiting with the kids. "Quick, give 'em to us!"
Without hesitation, Hugh and Shar toss Oscar and the baby stroller to Mish, and runs.
"Watch over them!" Shar calls out, her eyes worried.
Mickey, ears and nose bouncing with every step, leads the parade employees on a chase through the alleys. Hugh and Shar cut through groups of tourists, darting and turning, their hearts pounding as they run. They try and spot the nearest store or ride to hop on, searching for a hide out.
Hugh's mafia instincts kicks in. "There. The ferris wheel."
Shar gasps, running fast as the wind. "O-okay!"
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The line is short and they hop on right away. Luckily, they're alone inside the big black-and-red ride; the Ferris wheel slowly begins to move….up, up, up, and away from the chasers.
As they ascend, the lights of the district twinkle below them, a sea of colorful sparks amid the dark canvas of night. Shar's heart pounds in her chest, the adrenaline still coursing through her veins.
Hugh pulls Shar close, his eyes scanning the area below.
"We'll stay here for a bit, make sure they don't follow. Then we'll meet up with Mish and Channing, collect the kids, and get outta here—"
The Ferris wheel comes to a gentle stop, leaving them at the very top, overlooking the dazzling scene below. Shar's eyes widen.
"Oh nah, we're so high..." Her voice trembles, her grip tightening on the metal bar in front of her.
Hugh chuckles softly, a deep rumble that seems to vibrate through her. One hand remains clasped around the bar, while the other gently rests on her thigh. "It's okay, I got you."
Her eyes dart around, taking in the view that seems to stretch on forever. "I-I can't..."
He leans in, his lips brushing her ear as he whispers, "It's all right, baby. Just sit on my lap, you'll feel safer. Go in…sit on my lap.” He pats his jeans.
With a hesitant glance, she nods, shifting to straddle his waist.
As she settles onto his lap, he lets out a low hum. "Taking advantage, huh?"
Hugh's eyes glitter dangerously in the dim light of the wheel car. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, missy." He tilts his head, his eyes roaming over her face. "All damn day, you've been teasing me."
Shar's gaze drops to her lap, her cheeks flaming. "No..." she whispers.
"Don't play innocent with me." His voice drops an octave, taking on a dark, sensual tone. "I know you were teasing me. The way you ate that ice cream…so eager to undress in the dressing room. And now?”
Hugh shakes his head, lust filling his dark eyes as he eyes Shar’s body. “And now,you're rubbing your ass on me." His hand comes down on her cheek with a soft smack. Shar flinches in surprise.
"…You want me to fuck this ass, don't you?"
She lets out a startled gasp, her heart pounding in her chest. "T-the only thing I want is to make sure we get both down so the kids can see their..."
She pauses, swallowing between the last word:
A slight pause hangs between them, heavy with anticipation. Then, without hesitation, Hugh begins to undo his belt.
"You've been acting all naughty," he says, his voice thick with desire. "Now, I’ll give you what you want."
She bites her lip, her eyes flicking to the door of the Ferris wheel car. "B-but what if the ride starts to come down?!”
"Hm…" He pulls her closer, his lips brushing her ear. "Then it'll come down."
He cuts off her protests with a deep, possessive kiss. Greedy. Demanding. His tongue tangos with hers for a moment, before his hand reaches up to grip the back of her neck. Holding her in place, helpless to do anything but accept his movements. His tongue explores her mouth as he tries undoing her pretty little dress.
Her heart pounds as his free hand traces the curve of her waist, slipping beneath the fabric to explore her soft skin.
A subtle shift, a hint of metal, and suddenly she feels the cold kiss of a blade against her stomach. She gasps, her eyes flying open.
"You like that, baby?" Hugh whispers, his hot breath fanning her neck. "You like the feel of my knife?"
She can only nod, her breath coming in short gasps as the blade teases her skin, sending shivers through her body. The knife glides downward, slicing through the fabric of her dress with a soft rip.
He growls. "Nothing but lace underneath?"
The delicate lace of her lingerie does little to hide her naked skin. Hugh flicks the ruined fabric aside, exposing her breasts.
She whimpers, her hands clutching at his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin. His tongue teases her, the blade teases her waist, and she's aware of the hard length of him pressing against her.
With a soft chuckle, he pulls away, his eyes glinting with dark desire. "That mouth of yours, baby. It's gonna be the death of me."
Before she can respond, he shifts, smoothly unzipping his jeans before positioning himself at her entrance. She feels him there, hard and insistent, and her eyes flick to his.
"I want you," she breathes, her voice hoarse with need.
"Yeah?" His expression darkens, and with a gentle hand, he pushes inside her. She gasps, her eyes widening at the sensation.
Hugh's eyes narrow, his jaw clenching as he feels the tight embrace of her virgin body. "Oh?" he grunts. "Now you're punishing daddy with this tight cunt?"
Her cheeks flame, and she whimpers, her eyes squeezing shut as he fills her completely. "N-no, I—"
"Shh, baby." His voice is a silken murmur as he begins to move, his thrusts slow and deep. "Don't play innocent. I know what you're doing."
She whimpers again, her nails digging into his shoulders. "I'm not—oh—"
"Play with that cunt, baby," he whispers, his lips brushing her ear. "You better make yourself come on my dick, or I'll play with it. And I won't go gentle. I'll rub that pretty little clit until you squirt every last drop on my cock."
Her cheeks are on fire, but she does as he says, her hands moving to touch herself. Her fingers find her clit, and she circles it gently, her breath coming in short gasps as she adjusts to her trembling fingers.
"That's my girl," he murmurs, his thrusts becoming more urgent. "Fuck, that's tight. So good, baby, so good."
The big Mickey wheel begins to clunk back into motion, slowly turning to give the riders a panorama of the entire district. The soft swaying of the car only adds to their passions, their hips moving in time with the movement.
Shar gasps, her eyes flashing open at the sensation. Her gaze fixes on the door, her heart pounding.
"Hugh, we're moving now—"
But Hugh silences her with another messy kiss, their skin slaps together as Hugh pushes Shar onto the hard ground. Shar moans, her body arching to meet his rough thrusts.
"You like when Daddy's rough?"
With a brutal growl, he shoves into her again, pressing her back against the wall with a force that made her breath catch. Shar gasps, her breath stolen as he used her body like a fuck toy.
It's too much…feels so good…
"Hugh, I—"
"Don't you fucking 'Hugh' me," he snarled, his eyes blazing with a mixture of desire and anger. "You asked for this, wanted Daddy to give it to you hard. Now take it."
The Ferris wheel groaned in protest as the carriage swayed violently, the aging machinery struggling to bear the weight of their passion. It continued its gentle rotation, showing off the dazzling array of colors stretching into the distance.
But neither Hugh nor Shar pay any mind to the stunning view.
Their world has narrowed to the confines of the Ferris wheel car, their bodies fucking in unison.
His strong hand grips her thigh, pulling her leg up to go even deeper. Little, pretty pants of pleasure escape her lips, each thrust rocking her whole body. His scarred chest rubs against her each time, the healed bullet wounds a reminder of his dark past…
Hugh reaches between them, his fingers finding her clit. He teases the sensitive bud, rubbing circles that send sparks of pleasure through her.
"Oooh!" Shar's words dissolve into a desperate moan, her eyes squeezing shut as pleasure explodes through her. Her body trembles, her inner walls clenching and unclenching around his length.
"Open your eyes, baby," he pants. "Wanna see your pretty brown eyes."
No, she can't, not when the pleasure is so intense, drowning out all her senses. Her body is on fire, alive with sensation, and she whimpers, her hands clawing at his back.
"That's it, baby," he growls, his own release building. "Come for Daddy."
Their cries mingle as their passion peaks, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. The Ferris wheel continues its slow rotation, the lights of the district a blur through their passion-hazed eyes.
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Ok long post buckle in.
I have a friend who's super into theme parks. Or rather, the thrill of a theme park. They're a rollercoaster person. And to this end, they asked if I wanted to take a day trip to one of the more intense regional British theme parks, Thorpe Park, just outside London.
I am not a theme park person. I am deathly afraid of heights, high speeds, drops and helplessness. All of which are fairly core elements of a theme park.
However, I love my friend dearly, so I take them up on it. Best way to conquer your fears is to face them etc.
So Thorpe Park has 5, what I will charitably call, 'nightmare coasters' (in my opinion there are a couple others that fit the bill like Rush, Samurai and Detonator, not really 'rollercoasters' but equally horrifying) that are the main attraction of the park:
1. Swarm:
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2. Colossus:
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3. Nemesis Inferno:
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And 4. Saw
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(I could only find a picture of the outdoor lifthill, there's a lot happening in the woods and inside the warehouse too. You get the general idea.)
These are the four rides that I agree to push myself to go on and get our money's worth.
But wait, keen-eyed readers may be wondering, I thought you said there were 5 nightmare coasters! What happened to the fifth one?
Well, there was one of the five that I had ruled out under any circumstances:
5. Stealth
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Needless to say, fuck that.
However, my friend loves rollercoasters. And one of their favourites there is, of course, Stealth. So after we've ridden Swarm, I decide, while they're waiting for Stealth, that I'll get something else done instead. A smaller thrill before we move on to Colossus. So I head over to the Walking Dead dark ride.
The Walking Dead ride is a heavily story-driven ride about the park being overtaken by Zombies: you make your way though dark corridors to the ride inside, then afterwards you make your way out through a series of passages on the other side, also in near-complete darkness.
I do the ride, and it's fine. Having just done Swarm it was comparably a lot more chill, but it had some cool ambience. I don't, however, do what the people I was riding with did and use the props (ramps, handrails) to do cool parkour sequences: running, jumping, acting like you're really escaping zombies, if only pretending, on the way back out. I mean, they were there for a reason ig, even if I felt a bit self-conscious doing it in an empty room. I'm naturally fairly lawful and it was still early in the day, so I wasn't in a parkoury mood at the time, but I wanted to make the most of the day. So I thought, when I ride this again with my friend later, I'll ask them to do the jumping and running with me and it'll be a blast.
So I head back to Stealth, they've had a wonderful time, and we then spend the next five or so hours exploring the rest of the park: it's a wonderful day, I mostly get over my fear of rollercoasters (to the creators of SAW, FUCK you but you got me good), but we're in the denouement and in the mood for something a little less intense. So I say, hey, did you wanna try the Walking Dead thing?
They said yes, so we headed over. It was way busier than it had been at like 10:30, so they were more focussed on getting people through than doing the whole show thing, but we stumble through the passages at the start and make our way to the ride. It's a blast, have a marvellous time. And then we depart.
And I say 'hey, remember to do the fun parkour stuff on the way out!'
So we head out into the passages.
And as it turns out.
When I had first done the ride, fairly early that morning, the purpose of the bars and handrails had been to pretend like you were fleeing from zombies.
As I discovered during my second ride that afternoon, you weren't meant to fucking pretend.
So you can imagine my reaction when, having departed through a series of empty tunnels that morning, this second run-through, with no advance warning, featured fucking zombie actors. Who fucking chased you. I don't deal well with heights.
So while I had planned to jump and climb and everything, I ended up just holding both hands up and going 'nope, nope, nope, nope' as I weaved my way around the bars.
Thankfully the cast members were super nice and, realising I was not taking this very well, nodded and let me pass (while still not breaking character which was extremely impressive). My friend, not having experienced the previously actor-less departure sequence, was, of course, having a MARVELLOUS time, and was somewhat confused as to why I was dry heaving on the floor on the way out.
To the people of Thorpe Park, 10/10, very cool, I hate all of you.
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cherryrainn · 1 year
the perfect pair {onceler x reader}
.14 | 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐲 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 |
warning; s3lf harm, self-hatred, depression, mental health issues, etc, and A LOT OF ANGST!!
wattpad ver
song to play while reading if you’d like that i think matches this chapter
part before
next part
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note; i just came back from a wedding oh my god why are indian weddings so long. ok anyways here's another chapter that's not full of angst
the sun rose high in the sky, casting a warm and golden glow over the vast theme park. its vibrant colors and the sounds of joyous screams filled the air, promising a day of exciting adventures. you, onceler, bret, and chet stood at the entrance, eagerly anticipating the thrills that awaited you.
as you entered the park, your eyes sparkled with excitement. with the park map in hand, you gathered around a bench, planning your route through the many attractions. onceler's reputation as a successful businessman had granted him special access and experiences, and today was no exception as you embarked on a vip adventure through the park.
your first stop was the towering roller coaster, its twists and turns calling out to you. the queue weaved through a colorful garden, with flowers of all colors blooming beautifully. the scent of freshly popped popcorn filled the air, adding to the festive atmosphere.
onceler looked at you with a mischievous smile. "ready for an adrenaline rush?" " he asked, his voice full of anticipation.
you nodded eagerly. "uh huh, let's go for it."
bret and chet, always enthusiastic about thrilling experiences, exchanged a knowing look. "i'll race ya' to the line!" bret challenged, a playful glimmer in his eyes.
chet laughed, his excitement contagious. "you're on!"
with laughter and friendly banter filling the park, the four of you sprinted towards the roller coaster. adrenaline surged through your veins as you maneuvered through the crowd, the anticipation growing with each step.
finally, you reached the entrance of the roller coaster. the massive structure towered above, its steel tracks intertwining in an impressive display. the click-clack of the ascending cars resonated, adding to the excitement. you secured your seat with onceler in front and bret and chet in the back.
as the attendants checked the safety restraints, onceler reached out and gently took your hand. the touch was reassuring, a silent reminder that you were in this thrilling experience together. his grip was firm yet gentle, a symbol of support.
the coaster started, and the ascent began. slowly but steadily, it climbed higher, offering a breathtaking view of the park's expanse.
at the peak, the world seemed to pause for a moment. then, with a rush of speed, the coaster hurtled downwards, sending your stomach soaring. the wind whipped against your face as the cart twisted and turned, providing moments of weightlessness and heart-pounding drops. onceler's grip on your hand tightened, his fingers interlocking with yours.
in the midst of the wild ride, a sudden gust of wind swept through the air. onceler's sunglasses were ripped from his face, swirling through the chaotic wind like a tiny comet. gasps escaped the group as they watched the shades disappear into the twists and turns of the roller coaster.
his hat followed suit, plucked from his head by the mischievous gust. it sailed through the air, teasingly out of reach, before finding its own thrilling path alongside the roller coaster's tracks.
onceler's eyes widened in surprise, his hand reaching out instinctively, but there was nothing he could do. the sunglasses and hat were lost to the coaster's whirlwind. a mix of astonishment and amusement danced in his eyes.
bret burst into laughter, barely audible over the screams of excitement. "did you see that? onceler just had his own roller coaster fashion show! talk about a wild ride!"
onceler's laughter joined the chorus, a good-natured grin spreading across his face. "well, i guess my sunglasses and hat wanted a taste of the thrill too.."
as the roller coaster gradually slowed down and came to a halt, the once thunderous screams of excitement turned into elated laughter and relieved sighs. the restraints released, allowing you and the others to gather your bearings and step out of the car, adrenaline still coursing through your veins. 
amidst the crowd of exhilarated riders, you noticed onceler's hand still tightly gripping yours. the intensity of his hold didn't waver, even as the excitement of the ride subsided. it was as if he needed that physical connection, a reminder that you were by his side through it all.
you turned to him, affection filling your gaze. "you held on so tightly," you remarked, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
onceler's cheeks flushed, his expression a mix of sheepishness and pride. "i couldn't help it," he confessed, his voice tinged with amusement. "the ride was insane, and i just wanted to make sure I wouldn't slip out."
you and the group decided to go on a nice ride on the ferris wheel. the giant wheel spun gracefully, carrying its passengers higher and higher into the sky, offering pretty views of the surrounding park and beyond.
you couldn't help but be captivated by the sight. the park, full of twinkling lights, stretched out before you, while the distant city skyline shimmered in the fading daylight.
however, bret and chet, seated next to you, seemed less excited. they slouched in their seats, their expressions bored and restless. the constant movement of the ferris wheel did little to capture their attention, and they fidgeted, searching for some form of entertainment.
"you know, this is kinda slow," bret grumbled, his gaze drifting aimlessly. "can we like, just leave?"
chet nodded in agreement, a yawn escaping his lips. "yeah, i mean, you can walk off, ya know, just die!"
you chuckled at their restlessness, enjoying the silliness of their impatience against the calming atmosphere. but your attention was quickly diverted when you noticed onceler sitting across from you. his gaze was fixed on you, an expression of pure admiration etched upon his face.
caught off guard by his intense gaze, you met his eyes, locking gazes for a fleeting moment. heat rushed to onceler's cheeks, and he quickly averted his gaze, a bashful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. he busied himself by pretending to examine the passing scenery, but you could sense his lingering attention.
curiosity and a hint of amusement danced within you as you observed his flustered reaction. It was endearing to see him caught in such a vulnerable moment, his admiration laid bare.
leaning closer to him, you whispered playfully, "caught you staring, didn't i?"
onceler's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of crimson. he stuttered, searching for words. "i, uh... well, this view is nice and all. nut, uh, the view right in front of me is even more breathtaking."
you laughed and gave him a playful punch. "you're so corny!"
after enjoying the pretty ride on the ferris wheel, you all decided to try something more thrilling: the drop tower. the ride stood tall and impressive, beckoning you with its exciting drops and screams of joy.
as you approached, excitement filled the air. bret and chet couldn't contain their anticipation, ready for the stomach-flipping sensation. onceler smiled nervously, grateful that you had chosen such an exhilarating ride.
you joined the line, eagerly waiting for your turn. onceler tapped your arm. "did you forget? we can skip the line, you know?"
"oh..! right."
as you got closer to the front, the ride operator motioned for your group to come forward. you exchanged excited glances, thrilled to embark on this adventure together.
bret nudged onceler, playfully teasing him. "get ready, bud! this ride is gonna be epic!"
onceler grinned, a mix of nerves and excitement in his eyes.
you all took your seats, securing the harnesses tightly. the operator checked everything one last time, and with a loud click, the ride began to ascend.
the ground shrank beneath you as the ride climbed higher and higher. the view became more breathtaking, the park unfolding like a colorful painting below.
at the top, a brief pause built anticipation. onceler held your hand tightly again, seeking comfort as the drop tower prepared to plummet.
then, with a sudden rush, gravity took over, and the ride dropped at a thrilling speed. bret and chet screaming like little girls, the wind rushing past your faces.
in the midst of the excitement, you stole a glance at onceler. his eyes widened, a mix of fear and excitement on his face. his grip on your hand tightened, finding solace in your presence. you squeezed back, silently assuring him that you were right there with him.
finally, the ride slowed, coming to a stop. heart racing, you all stumbled out, still feeling the rush of adrenaline.
bret slapped onceler on the back, a wide grin on his face. "that was awesome! let's do it again!"
chet nodded, still buzzing with excitement. "definitely!"
onceler, catching his breath, laughed. "you guys are crazy."
as you walked away from the drop tower, your hearts still pounding with excitement, the group discussed what ride to conquer next. the sound of laughter and upbeat music filled the air, adding to the lively atmosphere of the theme park.
bret scanned the area, searching for the perfect ride. "how about that one?" he pointed to a spinning, twirling contraption. "it looks wild!"
chet's eyes lit up, eager for another thrilling experience. "i'm in!"
onceler hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. "i don't know if i can handle another ride like that so soon."
you could sense onceler's apprehension and wanted to find a ride that would be enjoyable for everyone. glancing around, your eyes landed on the carousel, a classic ride that exuded charm and a slower pace.
"how about the carousel?" you suggested, a smile tugging at your lips. "it's a calmer ride, but it's still fun."
bret and chet exchanged mischievous grins, their playful spirits accepting the change of pace. "sure, why not?" chet agreed, nudging bret. "we'll let our stomachs settle for a bit."
you all made your way to the carousel, its ornate decorations and vibrant colors capturing your attention. the cheerful melody of the carousel music added to the nostalgic ambiance.
as you approached the line, anticipation grew. you couldn't help but admire the intricately designed horses and the magical atmosphere that surrounded the ride.
onceler's eyes softened as he observed your childlike wonder. he moved closer to you, his voice barely above a whisper. "enjoying the simple things, huh?"
the line moved forward, and it was finally your turn to choose your seat. you chose to sit on a brown horse. the carved details on its frame showcased the mastery of an artisan's hand, capturing the essence of grace and strength in every meticulously etched line.
with a sense of reverence, you gently guided your fingertips along the golden pole that stood as a pillar of splendor, a gray cushion embraced your butt, "bojack," you had named your temporary horse.
the ride began, and the gentle movement lifted your spirits. the carousel spun gracefully, the sights and sounds blending into a mesmerizing symphony.
bret and chet, sitting on neighboring horses, engaged in playful banter, imitating knights in a grand tournament. their laughter filled the air. meanwhile, onceler's gaze never left you. he admired your carefree expression, a twinkle in his eyes. the colorful lights illuminated his face, giving it an nice glow.
as the carousel continued its delightful rotation, onceler couldn't contain his admiration any longer. leaning closer to you, he whispered, "you know, you look like a character straight out of a fairy tale."
you laughed at his words, feeling a warmth spreading through your chest. "and you, onceler, are my charming companion on this enchanting ride!" you replied, your voice carrying a touch of playfulness, you said it with a goofy accent.
you had a good time today, and it's all thanks to onceler and his silly brothers. guess your life doesn't suck that bad..
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Out of curiosity, what would the teetle's favourite amusement park/fair rides be? Part of me thinks Donnie would be more for like, the big spinning swing rides bc its kinda like flying and its also a p chill ride.
The other part of me thinks He'd go on a drop tower bc Leo dared him and it unlocked something unhealthy in his brain that gets him addicted to thrill rides (close to death) so he goes after the sling shots and the insane coasters.
I also feel like if Mikey and Leo get into one of those teacup rides TOGETHER anyone else with them needs out because itll be the 1 (One) Cooperation Time because of their shared goal: Go spinny fast weee weee go so fast go until anyone else with them is hanging on for dear life if someone wouldnt get nauseous from just watching its not fast enough gogogogo.
Why is no one at this amusement park bothering these turtle kids??? Uhhhhh next question dont worry about it.
*has never been to a real amusement park*
i could not even begin to answer this. i dont really see the pleasure in any of these kinds of rides. if i wanted to feel like i was dying i'd call my parents and that doesn't even cost me anything.
yeah so because i don't like amusement park rides, this is something i'd have to think about for a while to figure out the answer to and honestly im not up for that right now.
edit- monster anon has come up with their own theories so im sharing it here:
For that fair park question I can absolutely answer it because I love tiny obscure things that seem completely random but ultimately help build the characters.
First they probably wouldn’t get to go to an amusement park until they’re way older. Mikey and Leo would be hyper competitive with each other over the games and have to take frequent trips to the car to put prizes away and come back.
Raph I feel would be more of a water park guy and even then be more into the lazy river than any high speed rides UNLESS Casey was there. In that case, they’d both be riding all the highest speed rides to see who can ride the most without getting dizzy/vomiting.
Donnie would probably love the 3d fake-coasters that just take you around and shake the cart to make you think it’s dipping and dropping.
There’s also competitive shooter-type coasters that aren’t overwhelmingly fast that I feel they’d all get on to try to see who could get the most points.
They all try park food. Donnie can’t stand any of it because the textures are bad, Mikey gets sick on churros, Leo buys overpriced pizza that makes his stomach upset, and Raph snacks through the whole day without any real “meals”.
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cometcrystal · 2 years
Unfriendly FUCKING reminder
Attention space mountain passengers. Space mountain is a thrilling high speed turbulent roller coaster type ride in the dark
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unofficial-scps · 2 years
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uSCP-7215: The Haunted Amusement Park
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: uSCP-7215 is to be contained within a 5-kilometer perimeter that is fenced off from the public. Any personnel entering uSCP-7215's perimeter must wear protective equipment and be accompanied by at least two armed guards. All personnel must undergo a psychological evaluation before and after their exposure to uSCP-7215.
Description: uSCP-7215 is an abandoned amusement park located in a rural area of the United States. The park was closed in 1977 due to a series of unexplained accidents that resulted in several deaths. Despite the park being abandoned for over 40 years, uSCP-7215 remains active and exhibits anomalous properties.
The park consists of various rides and attractions, including roller coasters, bumper cars, and a haunted house. However, these rides have been modified by uSCP-7215, resulting in unpredictable and dangerous behavior. The roller coasters, for example, have been known to run at high speeds and launch passengers off the tracks, resulting in severe injury or death. The bumper cars have been known to malfunction and crash into each other at high speeds, and the haunted house is reported to have come to life, trapping visitors inside.
In addition to the anomalous behavior of the rides, uSCP-7215 is also haunted by the ghosts of those who died in the accidents that led to the park's closure. The ghosts have been known to appear to visitors and personnel, causing them to experience terrifying hallucinations and panic attacks. The ghosts have also been known to physically attack visitors, leaving them with unexplained injuries.
The source of uSCP-7215's anomalous properties is unknown. However, research has shown that the park's original owner was heavily involved in the occult and may have performed rituals on the grounds. It is believed that these rituals may have awakened an ancient evil or opened a portal to another dimension, which now manifests as the anomalous activity within the park.
Addendum: Despite the dangerous nature of uSCP-7215, several groups of teenagers have been caught attempting to break into the park in search of thrills. Foundation personnel are advised to remain vigilant and enforce the perimeter at all times.
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mightyisthepen · 6 months
would you rather be immune to all poisons, immune to fall damage, or immune to fire
oooh this is a tough one. it's a toss up between fire and fall damage. because like I love fire and love staring into a campfire or candle flame and I would love to know what fire feels like if it's not burning you
on the other hand, I really really love roller coasters and other exciting things like that, and I think it would be so thrilling and fun to be able to jump off of a high bridge or out of an airplane and just experience that rush of air and adrenaline and feel the speed of terminal velocity without having to like. worry about a bungee cord or parachute or something like that. just a giant free fall that you can experience purely as you. but at the bottom youre Fine. being Fine at the bottom is important.
having typed all that, I think I'm gonna go with immune to fall damage
thanks for the ask!
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travellers-wiki · 10 months
"Places for Adrenaline Junkies" is an exhilarating YouTube short that takes viewers on a heart-pumping tour of some of the world's most extreme destinations. The short features four adrenaline-fueled experiences that will leave even the most daring thrill-seekers feeling a rush like no other. First up is The Alpine Coaster in Germany is a thrilling ride that takes visitors on a high-speed journey through the scenic Bavarian Alps. This unique roller coaster features a combination of twists, turns, and drops, allowing riders to experience the thrill of a traditional coaster while taking in breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. With speeds reaching up to 25 miles per hour, the Alpine Coaster is a must-ride attraction for thrill-seekers visiting Germany. The journey then takes us to Shark cage diving in South Africa is an exhilarating experience that allows visitors to witness these majestic predators up close and personal. From inside the safety of a sturdy cage, you can observe great white sharks as they swim gracefully through the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It's an unforgettable adventure that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for these fascinating creatures. Finally, the short concludes with a trip to Gardaland Magic in Italy that is a magical theme park that has something for everyone. The park is divided into different areas, each with its own theme and attractions. You can go on thrilling roller coasters, enjoy live shows, explore themed areas like the medieval castle, and admire stunning gardens. There are also many attractions suitable for younger children, making it a great destination for families. The park is well-maintained and offers a magical atmosphere that will enchant visitors of all ages. This short is sure to leave adrenaline junkies itching for their next adventure, while also offering a glimpse into the stunning natural beauty of these extreme destinations.
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techycatartist · 1 year
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Coastermaynia 2023 Day 31- Your Choice! (High Speed Thrill Coaster at Knoebels). @coastermaynia
The second Coastermaynia submission I have this year— today’s prompt is a “free space” in which you can chose any coaster you want. I chose High Speed Thrill Coaster, Knoebels’ original kiddy coaster (and the very first coaster they installed— all the way back in 1955!) “HSTC” sees himself as the resident “cool dude”…or at least a teenager’s approximation of “cool” (as defined back in the mid 50s). Although presenting himself as a “rebel without a cause”, HSTC is still a kid at heart. Though he mellowed out towards the end of his coaster’s operational life, his familial bond with Phoenix never faltered— Phoe was always proud of his “son”.
(No new outfit bcs I couldn’t think of anything in time lol. But I’m happy to have drawn this guy again! It’s been too long…)
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