#highkey had someone in mind when writing this oops
charlieswrities · 3 years
[ 7:46pm ] "What the heck is so funny? What on earth are you doing?" You asked, not looking up from the half-wrapped present in your hands. Despite trying to sound annoyed, a smile made its way to your lips.
Your boyfriend had been shuffling around the living room behind you, doing God knows what as he giggled like a madman for the past half hour. All the while, you were wrapping gifts at the dining room table.
The smell of freshly baked gingerbread men filled the air as holiday tunes danced through your apartment. The only sources of light were the Christmas tree in the corner—pre-lit but not yet decorated—as well as a tabletop lamp and a handful of candles spread out across the open space.
"Nothing," he teased before humming along to All I Want For Christmas.
You knew he was up to no good but decided to humour him anyway. "Why don't I believe you?"
All of a sudden, the shuffling stopped. But his humming carried on. You began to turn around to see what he was doing when—
"All I want for Christmas is youuuuuuuuuu!" His face appeared just centimeters from your own as he shouted the lyrics.
You shouted in surprise as your heart felt like it would explode. Just when you thought about scolding him, your boyfriend raised one hand above both your heads. You quickly glanced up.
"Mistletoe," he grinned cheekily, "pucker up!"
Finally, a giggle erupted from your throat. You reached out to place a hand on his cheek before gently pushing your lips to his.
"Well, you got me. You really are something else," you comment, wide smile and flushed cheeks betraying your effort to sound stern.
He chuckled, clearly pleased with his plan's success. "But you love me!"
"I most certainly do. Now come help me wrap this present for your parents."
Without another word, he pulled up a chair and placed a loving kiss on your cheek.
requests not open just yet but will be soon! thanks for reading and take care of yourself 🥰
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starglow-xx · 3 years
(About the brother!atsushi) aRE YOU READING MY MIND MISS?! Because that has been on my mind for MONTHS. TYSM For writing it was amazing!! If you don't mind, may I request (if requests are open) atsushi, still an older brother, but with a sister that's 10-13 yrs old? It's totally fine if you don't wanna do it. Keep up the good stories, ily mwuah!
*sobs* you’re so kind thank youu 🤧🤧
i wrote this a bit differently i hope that’s okay anon! at first i planned for this to be mainly abt atsushi and the reader, but i decided to add in relationship hcs with the agency bc i ran out of ideas
if you guys liked this don’t worry! im planning a special part two for this one so be the look out for it hehe
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atsushi with a tween! sister
ft. the armed detective agency
like in my baby sister hcs, you’re still the most important thing to him period
the two of you got picked up by dazai and kunikida when he was 18 (obviously) and when you were 12
for a 12 year old, you were a bit small bc of malnourishment (which makes atsushi feel so bad) so both dazai and kunikida thought you were a bit younger than you actually were
they assumed you were about 9-10ish
you and atsushi both share a favorite food !! chazuke :)
so when kunikida treated the two of you, he made sure you got more bowls bc like i mentioned above, he feels really bad that you were malnourished and under weight
(don’t bring this up but kunikida felt bad too hehe)
when dazai went with your brother to the warehouse, you were with kunikida
imagine the surprise of the other ada members when kunikida came in with a little girl dressed in rags that popped out from behind him
kenji was the one who vocalized his thoughts 
“kunikida-san you have a daughter?! wow! i didn’t know that! :D”
when you found out your brother was a tiger, you were a bit concerned but you were actually kind of excited
you were even more excited when you found out the two of you were going to be taken in by the agency
anything was better than the stupid orphanage
and besides!
you got a tiger for an older brother and a bunch of other super powered agents to take care of you! who could want anything else?
at your age, you’re very impressionable and can be influenced easily so atsushi makes sure to teach you more in depth of good morals and the importance of kindness
his heart swells with pride and relief when he catches you being kind to others
pride bc he’s proud that even after all the two of you have gone through, you still ended up being a good kid and having a bright view of the world
and relief bc he hasn’t failed as a big brother
pfftt like he could ever fail
but please, from time to time reassure him that he’s perfect and the only big brother that you’d ever want bc he rlly needs that kind of validation
with his salary and savings, he tries to buy nice things for you
what a sweetheart 🥺
he saw you eyeing that one dress at a store window? fast forward abt a week and half and it’s inside a pretty gift bag for you
you wanted to try that dessert from the nice bakery? that’s dessert after dinner at one point
but other than buying you things, he sets money aside for you
like all the time
(y/n), here have this, you might need it”
“but nii-san you just gave me—”
“take it”
#1 spoiler
also your #1 confidant and source of physical affection
you tell him anything and everything (except crushies and those kinds of things)
atsushi loves it when you talk abt your day and he can see the big smile on your face and the sparkle in your eyes
it gives him the strength to keep going 😖😖
the two of you aren’t as touch starved as you’d probably think, but that’s only bc the two of you had each other
in your opinion, no one can match the hugs of your big brother
and it got even better bc YAYY he has tiger arms now ٩(◕‿◕)۶
if you ask, he’d carry you around too hehe
you also get nightmares quite often so he’ll always be there ready to calm you down, talk if you need to, and rock you back to sleep
god i love him 🤧🤧
atsushi will do everything in his power to protect you and make sure you get to grow up happy, supported, and loved
port mafia attack? oop he’s already taking you to the nearest escape route
someone is starting to harass you? they just got suckered punched into the next week
you want to go out to have some fun? he’ll go ask the president for a day off
you’re not feeling well? he’ll take another day off and take care of you
whatever you want to do, he’ll do it with you! (as long as it’s within reason)
will always be your #1 supporter! and he’s the president of your fan club hehe
he loves you so so much and will do anything for you; your life and happiness will always be more important to him
you are his reason to keep going
agency head canons !!
atsushi is your big brother, but kunikida is most definitely some sort of father figure
everyone can see it
except kunikida of course
kunikida scolds you lightly if he thinks your manners need work or if you make a mess in the agency
you listen to him of course and in turn as some sort of a reward, he’ll give you pieces of stationary
he always gives you the nice, good quality kind and you’re over the moon
atsushi adores it when you come running to him showing your new notebook or fountain pen and blabbering what you’re going to do with it
sometimes it isn’t even as a reward for being a good child; he’ll just give it to you and he’ll say smth like “i noticed you’ve used up your last notebook quite quickly, so here’s another one” or “did you run out of ink? here have this then”
he usually has a soft spot for children in general, but he most definitely has a soft spot (or a thousand) for you
yosano is kind of like a motherly figure to you
she gives you the guidance a mother should and goes on shopping trips with you!
atsushi always gets dragged along by you, but he thinks it’s worth it seeing you look so happy
yosano being a doctor also tries to teach the things you should know, or things that would be helpful to you
she’ll teach you the basics of cooking, sewing, how to treat a cold/fever, etc
also gives you excellent advice 1000% of the time
“remember (y/n)-chan if someone hurts you come tell me and then i’ll chop them into—”
fukuzawa is like a father to most in the agency but you see him more as a grandfather figure
bi weekly tea and gossip sessions hehe
along with cat talk!
most of the time though, it’s just you talking and him listening to you, but the two of you enjoy it nonetheless
“and then kunikida-san ended up crashing into a pole and dazai-san started to laugh at him and i did too because it was really funny but we ended up getting scolded—”
“hmm i see...”
he’ll let you stay in his office as he fills out paperwork; you’re usually doodling or drawing in your notebooks
sometimes he’ll meditate and you’ll join him, but 4/7 times you’d fall asleep
you always wake up with a blanket over you
dazai is like a cool but a highly concerning and kind of high maintenance uncle
frequently takes you out with him when he ditches work
walks in the park, eating at uzumaki so he has the excuse of treating you so he doesn’t have to pay his tab avoiding kunikida and sometimes chuuya and akutagawa, all that fun stuff
also tries to not talk abt suicide in front of you especially if it’s just the two of you alone
he knows that you mean the world to his pupil and that said pupil would probably hate him for putting suicide inside your brain
he teaches you random but useful things like how to pick a lock, how to steal kunikida’s notebook if you’re looking for some information, how to sweet talk your way out of things, etc.
is also the one to tell you that if you ever get a significant other to introduce them to the agency first
he always wants all of your gossip; some of them work pretty well for blackmail
“dazai-san! dazai-san! did you know that kunikida-san lost his glasses and he was looking for them for nearly an hour when he was just holding them the entire time??”
“woah really (y/n)-chan?! hey hey can you say it again into this recording device so kunikida-kun would believe me when i tell him—”
always ends up giving kunikida a heart attack when he says that you’ve been with him all day
ranpo is also like a cool but a highly concerning and kind of high maintenance uncle
will share some of his snacks, but don’t push it or you might not get anything at all
loves it when you compliment him
if you tagged along with him and your brother on a case, he will show off to impress you
“...and that’s how the crime happened”
atsushi is lowkey and kunikida is highkey stressed that ranpo’s eating habits will rub off on you
“ne (y/n)-chan do you wanna try this highly caffeinated drink and this concerning amount of sugar filled snack?”
“can i really?!”
ranpo definitely does stuff like that on purpose 
the tanizakis are like siblings to you!
a weird set of siblings but siblings nonetheless
the two of them adore you and think you’re precious
atsushi definitely knows how to do your hair whether it’s long or short but he got even better at it when he asked the two
hehe braid trains are definitely a thing + kyouka and kenji (and maybe even dazai)
sometimes you have sibling swap days
you’re with junichiro for most of the day and atsushi is with naomi
strange i know
each of the tanizaki siblings try to make it fun bc they know that the two of you did not at all have a happy upbringing
junichiro likes spending time with you by taking you out to different places that naomi likes to frequent
like the mall, different stores and restaurants, the park, places like those
naomi does the same thing with atsushi so if you ever bump into them, you go out and eat together :)
besides atsushi, the next one in line who spoils you the most would be junichiro (and yosano & kunikida both coming in at a close third)
he honestly can’t help it; you remind him of how naomi was when she was younger
and besides
he’s always been a sucker when it came to the happiness of a little sister
“would you really buy this for me junichiro-san?!”
“of course! don’t worry about it” :)
wanna talk abt boys/girls/celebrity crushes things like that? naomi is your girl
you feel a bit embarrassed to go talking to yosano or your brother abt that and kyouka does not know a thing abt them either
“uwahh naomi-san look at all these people in this magazine! they look so good!”
“right?! but of course onii-sama is still the best—”
you get along with kenji and kyouka quite nicely being roughly the same age as them; they’re also like siblings!
just pure, wholesome vibes from the three of you
you’re over the moon when she finds out that kyouka is staying with you and your brother
atsushi is twice as happy seeing you talk your mouth off and finally having a girl around your age to talk to
“do you think demon snow can change how she looks?”
“hmm... im not sure...”
you and kenji talk abt anything and everything
he even teaches you how to take care of plants!
sometimes the two of you are kind of in the same boat bc you don’t know much abt yokohoma being stuck in the orphanage and kenji doesn’t know much abt cities in general
“wait where are we again kenji-san?”
“ah we’re close to the ports! but im not really sure how close because i don’t know what the symbols on this sign mean”
“don’t worry! neither do i!”
bonus things!
yosano was kind of too late teaching you abt you know what
you’re sobbing in the agency’s bathroom and atsushi is panicking trying to get you to open the door
ranpo overhears and cackles making everyone around him confused
suddenly atsushi bursts in the agency basically on the verge of tears rambling incoherent sentences abt the bathroom, you, and blood
it just clicked for everybody in the room
(im going to pretend that kenji has sisters back home so that atsushi is the only one who remain oblivious here hehe)
atsushi is genuinely confused and sort of concerned that no one is freaking out with him
yosano waves her hand saying smth like that she’d take care of it and junichiro pulls atsushi to the side to talk to him
fast forward like half and hour and dazai and ranpo are cackling on the looks of both of your faces
honestly not sure who’s more traumatized, you or your brother
“why does this have to happen” :(
“ne ne (y/n)-chan!~ you’re too young but at some point you’re not going to have it!”
“uwahh really dazai-san?” :D
“yeah! but first you have to have ANFK—”
next thing you know your ears are being covered by your brother and dazai is thrown across the room by kunikida
you know
the normal
you’re twelve and have never gone to school, but the agency takes care of that
it’s too dangerous to go to school so they teach you what’s necessary and whatever else they can
kunikida takes care of math (obviously)
yosano takes care of science/biology/anatomy/health (whatever you wanna call it)
ranpo even dragged poe to help you with english
atsushi even got lucy to help you out with english too!
as tanizaki and naomi used to be students, they give you their old work books and they try to teach you all the other subjects
sometimes kyouka and kenji are there learing with you too!
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sorry if there’s some errors! i’ll read through it again later :)
and as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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cyaneyesullivan · 3 years
listening to WAP and having thoughts...
i took my interest off petekey for a while to focus on other stuff, but everytime i listen to Fall Out Boy, the wonder and amazement spark back immediately... i’m still completely blown away (among other things) by how much Pete must’ve liked (loved) Mikey to keep up with it for so long -- or how much he feels in general. and even if the songs aren’t about Mikey (i have discussed this briefly), it doesn’t change the fact that Pete is absolutely tormented by his own emotions. it’s kind of fascinating.
with that being said, i’m in the mood to list off all the suspicious lyrics ever written by Pete that makes me go “damn, Mikey really did a disgusting number on him” or like, “poor Pete man”
disclaimer: again, these lyrics, let alone songs, might not be about Mikey, but i choose to believe so. i have to satisfy my fixation and bedazzlement on the fact that petekey highkey happened in the summer of 05. 
i’m only including my favorite songs or i’ll be here all night.
italic = my favorite lines
in no particular order:
Bishops Knife Trick (a LOT to unpack in this one): - And I’m living out of time, eternal heatstroke - Spiritual revolt from the waist down - To the places that we never should have left - I’ve got a feeling inside that I can’t domesticate, it doesn’t want to live in a cage, a feeling that I can’t housebreak - And I’m yours, ‘til the earth starts to crumble and the heavens roll away - I’m struggling to exist with you, and without you - I’m sifting through the sand, sand, sand, sand, looking for pieces of broken hourglass - Trying to get it all back, put it back together, as if the time had never passed - I know I should walk away, know I should walk away - But I just want to let you break my brain - And I can’t seem to get a grip - No, no matter how I live with it
Heaven’s Gate (some interesting elements here that describe Pete’s all-consuming yet destructive love) - If there were any more left of me, I’d give it to you (this one is just a personal favorite, not particularly related to Mikey) - Go out in the world, start over again and again, as many times as you can - ‘Cause everything else is a substitute for your love - I’ve got dreams of my own, but I want to make yours come true (another personal favorite lol) - You’re the one habit I just can’t kick
The Last Of The Real Ones (i adore this song but it leaves a lot of space for vague interpretation, so I’ll just list off my favorite lyrics that give me goosebumps when I think they’re meant for Mikey) - You are the sun and I am just the planets, spinning around you - You were too good to be true, gold plated, but what’s inside you? - I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you but not as much as I do, as much as I do - I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me - That ultra-kind of love you never walk away from - I am a collapsing star with tunnel vision, but only for you - My head is stripped just like a screw that’s been tightened too many times, when I think of you - Just tell me, tell me, tell me I, I am the only one, even if it’s not true, even if it’s not true
Just One Yesterday (oh my lord, this one lmao -- honestly the whole song has this odd vibe that it’s a pointed jab at Mikey) - Anything you say can and will be held against, so only say my name - I’d trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday (any notion that suggests Pete is obsessed with the past is a win) - I want to teach you a lesson in the worst kind of way - I don’t have the right name or the right looks, but I have twice the heart (i just feel like maybe he’s implying he’s not a girl and that does not please no-homo Mikey) - If I spilled my guts, the world would never look at you the same way (lol) - And now I’m here to give you all my love - So I can watch your face as I take it all away
Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet (my ultimate favorite of FOB. unbeatable. i had to put it here if only to honor it) --> i talked about it before -- there are no obvious marks of petekey here, but i made a post on it in the past
Immortals (lolol) - I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (hourglass, time, past, bottom half, Pete is still waiting for Mikey, blabla) - I try to picture me without you but I can’t - ‘Cause we could be immortals, immortals, just not for long, for long - And live with me forever now, pull the black out curtains down (blocking public exposure?) - I’m still comparing your past to my future - It might your wound but, they’re my sutures (Pete’s heartbreak = big inspiration that keeps him writing lyrics therefore having a career?)
Centuries (obviously) - Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold - But you will remember me, remember me for centuries (they must have done super crazy shit back in 05) - And just one mistake, is all it will take, we’ll go down in history (presumably, their story must be so nuts it will end up in a massive gossip explosion) - Mummified my teenage dreams (his songs lol) - No it’s nothing wrong with me, the kids are all wrong, the story’s all off, heavy metal broke my heart - Bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints - Cause I-I am the opposite of amnesia (notable, since there is concrete evidence of their ‘lovestruck summer’ in the form of a million of his lyrics) - You look so pretty but you’re gone so soon - We’ve been here forever, and here’s the frozen proof (again, his lyrics, photographs, dramas, tweets etc)
Irresistible (honestly, the whole song lmao) - Mon cheri (i’m only putting this one down because, little story: i didn’t know about petekey when i first listened to this song, and i’m french, and when i heard this for the first time i was like, wtf, people keep wanting to use french words and end up using them wrong. well, oops. maybe the use this time wasn’t as faulty as i thought)
HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T - I neve really feel a thing, I was kind of too froze - You were the only one, that even kind of came close - I took too many hits off this memory (memory = joint? lmao) - Another day goes by (without Mikey?) - So hold me tight, or don’t (basically, settle or fade) - Oh no, no, no this isn’t how our story ends - I got too high again when I realized I can’t not be with you or be just your friend - I love you to death but I just can’t, I just can’t pretend, we were lovers first - Confidants but never friends, were we ever friends? (interesting point since they never really had a lasting friendship. it’s a well known fact they helped each other with their own monsters (so, confidants), but after the whole summer fiasco, their friendship was at best on and off, and even then, there’s a lot of mourning on Pete’s end. poor guy) - ‘Cause I’m past the limits, the distance between us, it sharpens me like a knife
Jet Pack Blues - I’m the last one that you’ll ever remember - And I’m trying to find my peace of mind - She’s in a long black coat tonight (someone, in a significant night, has been in a long black coat too) - Did you ever love her? Do you know? Or did you never want to be alone? (notable, Pete is questioning whether or not his ‘love’ could stem from loneliness, because this shit happens way too often than should be) - Don’t you remember how we used to split a drink? It never matted what it was - I think our hands were just that close, the sweetness never lasted, no Novocaine (i like this one in particular because it just seems to suggest that Pete will never be finished with this, and will haunt Mikey forever, either to get revenge for being left behind or relive that one unforgettable summer) - I will always land on you like a sucker punch (omg lmao) - I am your worst, I am your worst nightmare - If you knew, knew what the bluebirds sing at you, you would never sing along - Because they took our love and they filled it up, filled it up with novocaine and now I’m just numb - I don’t feel a thing for you (sure) - I’m just a problem that doesn’t wanna be solved - I feel like a photo that’s been overexposed (i wonder if it’s because of all the junk he posted on livejournal) that concludes it! of course, there are so many more obvious songs, like Fourth of July and Bang the Doldrums, but i don’t love those songs, so i didn’t include them. and side note, the lyrics hit that much harder when Patrick is the damn singer and makes everything hurt. but i’ll rant about that in another post, maybe.
(it doesn’t really matter who sees this or doesn’t -- i just wanted to put this out somewhere. petekey will forever be so interesting. the impact Mikey (or whoever Pete wrote about) had on Pete is just unbelievable to me.)
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Hello! Can I request hcs for your top 5 favorite characters when they find out their fem s/o vapes/smokes? Have a nice day~💕
I loved writing these ngl. Also I did six because I have no idea how to choose between these guys. 
Characters: Leona, Ruggie, Floyd, Kalim, Idia, Malleus
Warnings: smoking&vaping, overdramatic teenage boys (leona isn’t a teenager, does malleus count?)
He didn’t peg you to be that kind of person, but there was no doubt that you were vaping
He had smelled the weed on you a few times but didn’t comment. It was common for there to be clouds of vape in the bathrooms at school so he figured you had just walked through one
At first he wouldn’t comment, but he would watch you do it and keep track of how many times you took a hit and how frequently you pulled your pen out during the day
If he felt like there was nothing serious to worry about then he might let it fly a few times only commenting on how he hated the smell to try and persuade you to do it less often
If he was concerned about the amount of vaping you did, he would probably just steal all your stuff at first to see if you would stop
If that didn’t work then he would confront you about it asking why you started and how long you’ve been doing it
It’s unlikely that he’ll be super upset about it but he will ask you to stop and provide you with other solutions if needed
He prefers the you that isn’t higher than the clouds
After learning more about vaping and the fact that by inhaling toxic metals you could potentially die then he would put up more of a fight
If it got to the point where he was really concerned he might take you to a rehab center just so they could get you to stop (even if you weren’t addicted)
Wait what?! You smoke!!!
He stares in shock as you pull the cigarette away from your mouth and blow out a large puff of smoke
No no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!
Already running up to you and snatching the cigarette out of your hands
Absolutely not. He’s seen enough people in the slums turn to smoking or that might even be the reason they were in the slums to begin with. 
He knows the cost. He has seen people die, or get violently sick, or run out of money because they smoke
It is not something he’s gonna watch you go through
Probably gonna yell at you about how awful this is for you before finding all your cigarettes and soaking them before chopping them into little pieces and throwing them away
He’s got a great sense of smell so if he smells nicotine on you again he would get really upset
Ruggie cares about you a lot but would still most definitely threaten you to get you to stop
If he threatens to end your relationship to that means he’s certainly worried about your health
He doesn’t care how you started in the first place he justs wants you to stop
Would totally beg Leona to pay for rehab
Would also totally drag you there
Eh? What’s little shrimpy doing?
Has zero clue what a vape is or how it works, but it looks fun let him try it too
You’re probably hesitant cause he doesn’t know what it is and if Azul and Jade found out they might get mad
He’s gonna try it anyways
Literally has no idea how to use it and probably ends up inhaling his own spit instead
He wants to know how you make clouds with your breath though, and oh! You can make it into shapes!
Definitely gonna ask Azul and his big brother about it
They casually explain what vaping is and what it does. They also tell him that it’s bad for you and he shouldn’t try it
“Huh? But little shrimpy does it all the time?”
Que a further explanation and advice on how to help you stop
He’s gonna pest you about it all the time now
“You didn’t swallow any clouds again today did you?”
“No Floyd I didn’t swallow any clouds”
It’s very easy for him to get you to stop since he’ll just squeeze you everytime he catches you doing it
And when he finds your pen he will pick it up and throw it away
Has he seen your vape? Of course not. Why would Floyd know where your cloud machine went?
Every time you get sick he accuses you of vaping too much
“You wouldn’t be stuck in bed all day if you hadn’t swallowed so many clouds, shrimpy.”
Immediate panic
Literally Jamil does not have time for this
Tells him to calm down and just ask you about it
Ok yeah. Kalim can do that. He’s calm
He’s not calm
Forgets to ask you about it and instead asks if you wanna go for a ride
Legit takes you to a rehab center and cries at the front desk about you for like 40 min
The people ask you a few questions and determine that no you’re not addicted and tell Kalim that everything is gonna be fine
You are literally so confused right now
When you guys get home he can’t stop asking questions and telling you that it’s bad to smoke
Will bribe you to get you to stop
“I’ll buy you whatever you want just don’t do that”
Literally 100x more panicked than any other normal person
Doesn’t want to leave your side in case you do it again when he’s not looking
Jamil is 200% done with the dramatics
“Listen if you don’t stop I’ll actually poison your food. I have a hard enough time dealing with Kalim when he isn’t freaking out.”
Between the two of them it would just be easier to stop
Kalim will throw you a party for stopping
He’s so proud of you
“Baby you make me so proud!”
“Kalim she’s not your daughter *sigh*” - Jamil
Hold up since when did he decide that-
Never mind 
Kalim is just a big drama baby and you love him for it
Probably doesn’t really know what to think about it
On one hand you’re old enough to make your own decisions
On the other hand your decision making skills are obviously not great
Literally spend the next month trying to decide what to do about it
Makes a pros and cons visual board for confronting you about it
Also writes up a list of reactions to his confrontation
Probably also writes up like 17 different scripts all in a choose your own ending type format to include how to deal with every reaction
Ngl he panics a lot cause he knows that vaping is bad but after finding out you do it he can’t stop watching these really concerning youtube videos about how people’s lives turned into a total complete disaster because of vaping
He becomes a nervous wreck every time you smell like weed
Always has you count to ten when he sees you
Likely has visions of you in the hospital or homeless on the street wheezing about how you wished someone had stopped you 
Either you’re gonna catch on and ask him about it, initiating the conversation or he’s gonna have Ortho do it
He’s worried you will leave him for not being supportive
Literally asks you if you’re gonna leave him for this
Obviously you won’t so when you confirm that you’re staying he melts into a puddle and just cries
Highkey he looks more like one of those crazy people from the videos than you
“But Idia you’re addicted to video games and sugar. People say that’s as bad as cocaine”
Figures out that sugar releases the same chemical in your brain as cocaine
“What if you just ate a bunch of candy with me instead? We can be sugar addicts together.” (Idia I’d love to but no amount of candy is worth a break out)
Fine fine fine you’ll stop (but only cause he literally looks like he’s having withdrawals just from worrying about you) it’s ironic
Most dramatic by far
Ngl has zero clue what’s going on until Lilia points it out
“Huh doesn’t smoking kill humans?”
*blink* *blink*
Smoking does what to a human
Seriously thinks that your going to die any minute now
Que the mental breakdown
Calls all the best healers and puts you on bed rest
“Darling I know we’re gonna get through this. Just keep fighting”
Ummm… you have no idea what’s happening
He just kidnapped you from class and put you in a Diasomnia room and started weeping like you were dying
Lowkey he already started looking at ways to preserve your body as long as possible
Also looks at coffins and tombstones
Highkey plans to buy you a large plot of land that looks over the pretty stuff in the valley of thorns
Why? you ask.
Because obviously you deserve a whole cemetery to yourself
“Malleus I’m not gonna-”
“Shhh don’t speak. You’ll only make it harder to heal”
Lilia walks in and finds this
Probably thinks this is super sweet and totally wants to leave you guys like this
But doesn’t want Malleus to suffer and you to be held on house arrest for no reason
“She’s not dying Malleus”
What? Ooooooohhhh… oops
He gets embarrassed af
Has to call back all the people he hired to prepare for your death
“Um hi there. Turns out I don’t need that jewel encrusted coffin. No no the pyramid should still be built, humans have short life spans.”
He is so grateful you’re not dying
But would totally get pissed if you decided to smoke again
Guess that’s the end of that
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cream-and-tea · 4 years
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Why hello there
Well, well, well. If it isn't my oldest enemy, introducing myself to anyone in any capacity. Ok so after lurking around this community since I made my blog and keeping track of (ie: lowkey highkey stalking) a bunch of amazing people with amazing work I've decided to face the Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Known (ie: my anxiety) and make an actual post introducing myself. If for no other reason then to let people know what the hell is up with the idiot behind this screen.
So, what the hell is up with
the idiot behind this screen?
⎯hi yes that's me.
⎯you can call me Créme! Because I didn't pick a proper pen name before and now I'm attached to this one
⎯I've basically always thought about stories and writing for my whole life. But I only really got into it when I was around ten years old and had just started writing poetry. That was basically my gateway drug into all of creative writing lmao
⎯speaking of poetry. I do quite a lot of it and hope to create an anthology of my work someday (^^;;
⎯I like tea (obviously,) mostly herbal kinds that I will put milk in purely out of spite (and because it tastes good)
⎯I also like classic literature and history but probably for all the wrong reasons (hmu if you've got any Good Facts) and abusing my right to use brackets
⎯as for what I write currently it's just a lot of girls losing their morals and then kissing because I'm classy like that
⎯in all (a bit more) seriousness my w.i.ps tend to explore complicated character dynamics (just in general but mostly between friends/lovers or any combination of those two,) society being kind of horrible, and characters who at least try to do good in spite of that (or not.)
⎯speaking of my w.i.ps.......
Oops all gays
(aka the w.i.p pile)
⎯ aka "the superhero one"
⎯ stupidly self indulgent enemies-to-begrudging-allies-to-lovers wlw romance
⎯ seriously the p i n i n g in this book Jesus Christ
⎯ it causes me physical pain and I'm the one writing it
⎯ one mind controlling villain with no idea what the fuck he's doing, six disaster gays with something to prove, superpowers and an apparent death wish, two rival teams working together plus a huge delicious heaping of trauma
⎯ what could possibly go wrong? (Spoilers: literally everything)
⎯ themes include: coping with trauma| redemption| what makes someone a hero| what makes someone a villain| the dangers of obsessive hate and revenge| My Body Is Not My Own It Belongs To The Cause| found family| no one is really the "good guy" but they're trying anyways| the idea of "saving people" and fixing everything and how messed up that can get| and Loving Despite It All(tm)
—this one is basically my child to be honest and I can't wait to share more of it!
⎯ aka "the wtf even is this one"
⎯ a short story told from the pov of a dead girl as she recounts her own murder
⎯ we got an unhinged wlw couple in this one and oooh boy it ain't healthy
⎯ increasingly messy narration as she relives her trauma
⎯ lots of flower/dirt imagery
⎯ themes include: purity and filth| grief and death| coming to terms with a toxic relationship| realizing it was Not Your Fault| some weird religious subtext??? Kinda?? not even I rlly don't know what's going on there
⎯ aka "the! space!! Heist!!!"
⎯ basically three dumbasses get fucked over so they decide to fuck over the government as well (and also kind of sort of save humanity as they know it.)
—creepy!! Mind control! Plants!!
⎯ a little lite dystopia (tm)
⎯ space! Pirates!!
⎯ seriously how much plant based body horror can I shove into this sci-fi set entirely in space (the answer is: as much as possible)
⎯ themes include: collective responsibility| the body as a tool/weapon| autonomy in general| Humanity Is Dying (tm)| but that doesn't mean it's not worth fighting for| also redemption bc I'm trash
⎯ it's actually a lot more underdeveloped than the others but I wanted to let you know it exists
Sooo, yeah....
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writersmacchiato · 4 years
i LOVE interacting with authors like this, and i’ll make sure to do it more often with you!!!! but YES i love meeks he would defiantly be like ‘hahahahaha you got cheated on dumbass’ then 5 minutes later would be holding them while they sob in his arms while loading a gun. i could see that everyone minus knox and todd maybe? (have to see when we get more of him) all having some sort of feelings for the reader because they seem like a consistent person so they probably all just kinda let it happen? they  definitelywould be supportive of the reader when they get into a relationship but the would all be kinda hurt because the person they are with isn’t them. all of them have a prepaired love confession for the reade in their notes app knowing they are never gonna send it. i can imagine meeks writing after george cheats on the reader but stops thinking about it when niel comes along.
i love you. you are every author’s dream come true!! <3
‘you got cheated on lmaooooooooo’ meeks texts as he’s en route to your place with the ultimate breakup kit and your favorite movies ready to cuddle away the sadness. honestly, i highkey modeled meeks after me <3 (that reveals so much about me oop) sO being mean is how he shows his love and affection. does that make sense. no <3 
todd is the reliable n’ responsible friend that lowkey ghosts you but he’s so sweet you forgive him for it. he’s the voice of reason. he’ll always be there to give advice when needed or just listen. we love todd. he’s a real one.
am i the only one who casually develops feelings for someone when we first become friends before i get to know them better and they fade away to feelings of friendship?? relatable right? anyway that’s probably how it happens with everyone. “oh my this very attractive and funny person is talking to me wow <3″ but then they become more and more exposed to the reader and they’re like....you know what, never mind...unless they’re a himbo like neil.
that one meme. “what if we held hands...ahaha just kidding.....unless?” is literally pitts, charlie, meeks, and neil at any given time at varying degrees. if the reader were to ever be like “hey i have feelings for you” they would scream internally and casually whip out their phone that conveniently has their love poem confession ready to go. 
also, um, i think you read my mind?? in the beginning of the series, i had a subplot where meeks confessed to having feelings for reader back in hs but “got” over it. i scratched it and went with something else but WOW! 
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years
college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: III (mark’s pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff pairings: mark+my/n (fem), donghyuk+dy/n (fem), platonic!mark+dy/n, platonic!donghyuk+my/n format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college bf warning: some swearing
or click here to meet your soulmate, paediatrics!donghyuk!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
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III: 별빛이 내린다 샤라랄라랄라라 (2+2=4)
the meeting of two souls: mark & my/n
hi hello good day how are you? i hope you're well today/tonight this is like 3 weeks late isn't it :D pls don't come after me i lost some motivation to write for a while but here i am now so let's get to it!!
aight so you met donghyuk's roommate for the first time yesterday and,,
you honestly had NO IDEA someone could be that cute
highkey regretting not asking for his name but you were so caught up in lingering on the fact that he implied you were pretty , like wHO DOES THAT ASDFKJL
you highkey shouted the verbal equivalent of a keyboard smash with ur roommate and she was all !! oh so this guy cute cute
you were contemplating whether or not to sneakily ask donghyuk for his name but you were worried bc hyuk has,, crazy sense when it comes to reading people and seeing through their words
and honestly you didn’t want to have to deal with hyuk potentially teasing the shit out of u for having a maybe crush on his roommate whom u’d just met
so you just beat your pillow sleep on it after your roommate reminds you it’s getting late and no life decisions should be made after 12am!! live by it
you wake up craving jjajangmyeon but alas if you were to get any satisfaction of that kind of hunger, it was going to have to wait because
~~ we love ~~ packed schedules ~~ in this house ~~
i hopes the sarcasm was noted in that previous sentence bc now u wish for life to cease
4 weeks into the semester and you were drowning in the midst of reports and lab pracs and content and revision
you were ready to ascend to the next life with only regret and an ability to vaguely explain the properties of a prokaryotic cell and endosymbiosis
but honestly donghyuk’s been a big help throughout the past month
your only friend in classes
official study buddy
2am revision session consultant
personal older brother bc he claimed you as his adoptive sister
another reason your roommate told you to go to bed was bc you literally have
a tutorial class + 2 consecutive 1.5 hour lectures + a 3 hour lab class to finish your day off
with no break for lunch in between :’((
looks like you’ll be starving through your library study session with dy/n
but oop
you find that dy/n had stayed up long after you’d fallen asleep writing her essay 
leaving your dorm feeling a twinge of guilt that u might have distracted her from focusing on her work to listen to your rambles and kept her up later than she should have been
but a text from her in the afternoon reassures u that honestly she wasn’t even planning to write that essay and The Feels™ had just hit her last night and that she made it to class
you: oh PHEW that’s good
you: sorry i didn’t wake you up on my way out, u looked so peaceful i couldn’t bear to disturb
dy/n 🦁: dw dw it’s all g i made it n e way
dy/n 🦁: also is it cool if my friend and his friend comes to the study sesh as well we have to go through some lecture content
you: ah yes don’t see why not :)) i’ll probs have my earphones in the entire time anyways lmao won’t affect me
but will it
“who u texting in the middle of diffusion” cue hyuk peering over at the phone you’re hiding in your lap
you click your tongue at him and lock your phone, “someone twice the man you’ll ever be”
he gasps in mock horror like he’d just witnessed a murder as quietly as he can ,,
“you’re texting a guy? in the middle of diffusion?”
“no. my roommate lmao”
“and what? is it me or your roomma—”
“—my roommate” you glance back up at the prof without looking at him
“you dare?”
“if i don’t dare, who will”
and due to this exchange, you miss the osmosis slide
“ah shit what was osmosis again”
“lmfao what makes u think i know that”
“isn't it just.. net movement of free water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration”
sorry my bio neural pathways are being excited again after being revisited for the first time in two years
/stares at him/ “why was that infuriating to hear from u”
after class you prepare to head to your dreaded 3-hour lab class you have with donghyuk but he stands up and stares into the void blankly
“where am i going”
“where do u think”
“oh, hell, most likely”
you scoff at the accuracy and drag him out of the lecture hall
you look at donghyuk and he’s visibly resisting the urge to poke your cheek when he first puts on his gloves
“what’s with you today”
he stares at his hands forlornly, “idk ask that to my timetable”
“week 4 got u dead huh”
he glances at you with a frown, “don’t act like u’re not dying too”
“damn. touché”
to your dismay, the lab class runs later than scheduled and you get out of it 20 minutes after it was meant to finish but luckily it’s your last class
with a quick goodbye to donghyuk and a text letting dy/n know you were going to be a lil late, u stop by ur dorm to pick up ur textbook before rushing to the library
you were highkey exhausted and just. famished by that point
but a promise is a promise and you weren’t going to back out of one now
especially when you felt like you owed your roommate one and it was you who originally suggested a library session
so you get to the library, bag strap slung over your shoulder, checking the photo of the seats dy/n had saved for you in the library
highkey getting lost once or twice but you manage
you get to the general area and spot dy/n sitting at a four-seater (wow how’d they get that) but you
freeze when you see who’s sitting next to her
it’s ??
/error 404/
ur heart goes into panic mode bc
it’s not even kidding it’s donghyuk’s roommate
and despite ur brain short-circuiting
you manage to remember that dy/n had said that mentioned her friend’s.. roommate.. also coming along..
and if her friend was donghyuk’s.. roommate..
you: :                             )
you: oh my god they were roommates
and speak of the devil
“oh hey fancy seeing u here”
you turn around and it’s donghyuk legit chills right there
you barely reply a “hi”
“i thought u were going to ur dorm for dinner”
“ah yeah—no i’m.. gonna go over some.. diffusion”
“oii! over here dude” his roommate whisper-yells out at donghyuk
dy/n waves at you “heYY my/n”
donghyuk waves and turns back to you “welp i’m gonna join a study group.. you could join if you came alone? i’m sure they won’t mind”
“about that”
“u waiting for someone?”
“i’m going over there too”
he glances over at the table and then back to you
“that’s my roommate. right there next to your roommate”
you point her out and then donghyuk’s jaw drops
“what the fUC—” and you both. burst iinto laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation
like ?? how???
“talk about a coincidence.. oh my god my cheekbones hurt” he says as he clutches his side
so you get to the table and dy/n tries to introduce u to donghyuk’s roommate
“mark, this is my/n, my/n this is mark”
ah yes so mark is his name, you think
cute name for a cute boi
“nice to meet you again, mark”
dy/n: “?? again?”
mark gives u a rlly wide smile “yeah we’ve met. hi my/n”
you swear you’ve never had your heart flutter like this
then mark introduces dy/n to donghyuk and they start talking about how they’re your legal guardian and telling the other to “get in line”
leaving you in middle like “ok mum and dad” but also thinking back to when donghyuk was highkey flirting with you,, and now how he’s flirting with dy/n ,, oh dude he’s flirting
and highkey ,,, you don’t have any hard feelings about it ,, you know she’s also got this kind of humour code and she’s far more comfortable with meeting new people
until dy/n jokes about custody rules and donghyuk replies with “who says we’re split”
ok mum and dad
n e ways you came to study and study you will
so you settle down and go through your notes for the day
albeit being a lil distracted by mark who sits right across from you somehow, somewhy,,
somewhy should be a word you can’t tell me how to english
you keep wanting to steal glances at him but you have to physically restrain yourself from doing so
and also donghyuk who keeps poking u under the table and texting u even though he’s right next to you
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
you: wHAT
💩hyuk: nvm lol
you: im boutta slap u. give me my pen back i saw that
💩hyuk: damn
💩hyuk: also r u hungry
you: terribly
you: why
💩hyuk: does ur roommate have any allergies
you: not that i know of
you: again
you: why
you: u buyin?
💩hyuk: 🤡<- you
💩hyuk: 🤡, how do you feel about dinner
you: invalid question. no variable answer
💩hyuk: alright, 🤡. im not buying for u
you glower at him but he isn’t looking at u,, he leans back and laments about how he’s craving chinese food
did he read your damn mind how did he know
and apparently he’s read dy/n’s mind too at how she jumps up at the mention of chinese and agrees profusely
so you find yourself abandoning your studies for the rest of the night and in a restaurant lmfao
“chill,, guys,,, jjajang is fine”
rock paper scissors for the cheque ends in mark’s tears
“no it’s ok. i’m ok it’s our first meeting as a fateful group and it makes sense! for me to pay”
after you satisfy your cravings the boys walk dy/n and you back to your dorm
mark tells dy/n to give him her bag for him to carry and while she practically gives it up to him, he has to insist that he’ll carry yours too
to which you’re like omg no it’s fine i can carry it it’s not that heavy i swear—
until donghyuk takes ur bag off ur shoulder and passes it to mark
because of the narrow path, you’re forced to walk in pairs and you end up walking next to donghyuk who makes happy sounds about how good that food was and how priceless mark’s face was when he lost rock paper scissors
then dy/n takes the initiative to make a group chat for you four,, asking for donghyuk’s number to add
you give her a look like damn gurl but you have no idea if she saw or if she just ignored you on purpose lmfao
also donghyuk looked way too happy afterwards
either way you slapped her when you got back to the dorm like “SINCE WHEN WERE YOU SO ?? BRAVE?”
dy/n: um
dy/n: honey
dy/n: have you met me
and thus the chaos of a group chat was born and just like a real child, you spent hours on it
dy/n 🦁: ok we inside
you: thanks for dinner again mark!
💩hyuk: he says you’re welcome
💩hyuk: i say we “accidentally” lose our purses next time we go out
you: nah you’re paying next
💩hyuk: y
💩hyuk: y, 🤡
dy/n 🦁: yes y, 🤡
dy/n 🦁: HAHAH WHY IS SHE 🤡
💩hyuk: i thought you of all people would know
dy/n 🦁: why is she just as dumb in class as she is in the dorm?
💩hyuk: i knew it
dy/n 🦁: she poured too much hot water into her tea the other day it overflowed and spilt onto her foot
mark: oh no were u okay
💩hyuk: looks like you’re gonna have to study osomsis
💩hyuk: osmoiss
💩hyuk: fuck
you: yes i’m okay it wasn’t that hot i had socks on too
💩hyuk: osmosis
dy/n 🦁: avoided tragedy luckily
💩hyuk: finally
you: there is a reason you’re saved as 💩hyuk on my phone
seriously you just don’t know just how much this group was going to mean to you yet
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click here to meet your soulmate, paediatrics!donghyuk!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
shoot me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in future parts!
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deancaskiss · 4 years
Positive 20 Questions Tag Game
1.) Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
- Tinkerbell (Peter Pan): I very much relate to her, because I also am possessive over the people I love and also need attention all the time or I die hahah. But also she’s sassy and spunky and goes after what she wants, and I love that. She’s persistent and determined and willing to take out anything in her path. And I think all of those things sum up me pretty damn well.
- Dean Winchester (Supernatural): not only have I seen the connection, but my sister and several friends have also told me how similar I am to Dean. The way I bottle things up and avoid dealing with my emotions. How I would die for the people I love because I care for them that strongly that I couldn’t bear to live in a world without them. I’m sarcastic and witty and sassy just like Dean is. Just like Dean, I put up a tough guy front and act like things don’t both me, but really I’m an emotional teddy bear who doesn’t know how to deal with all the things I feel. I also tell ridiculous and stupid jokes and puns and normal get eyerolls from my sister for it, but it’s totally worth it.
- Tony Stark (MCU): I could go on and on about how similar I am to Tony. From wearing my heart on my sleeve to trying to make the right decisions and screwing things up in the process. Just like Tony, I’m sarcastic and smart. But also like Tony, I have a ton of mental baggage. I struggle and suffer with anxiety and panic attacks, too. Just like Tony, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for the people I love. And I hope, like Tony, I learn from my mistakes and try every day to be better and work harder. A lot of my mannerism is just like Tony, the way he uses sarcasm and wit and banter as a front to cover how vulnerable he is. I do the exact same thing. I’m no where near as smart as Tony is, but I’d like to think in difficult situations I let my brain switch into puzzle solving mode just like he does.
- Riley Poole (National Treasure): Riley is my smol bean. I swear he is me in male movie persona. Nerdy and sometimes a little slow on the uptake, but wicked smart in areas most people aren’t. Dedicated and loyal to my friends/family no matter what else is going on. Not always the main hero, but the relatable one everyone loves. Able to do things people don’t expect of me, and to do the things people do expect of me on top of that. Always in the background, working my ass of, just like Riley is. And always seeking the approval of my loved ones, just like Riley. Brave and smart and full of quippy one liners and great comebacks.
2.) Aesthetic?
-  pastel colors, flowers, hippie vibes, glitter and sparkles, sunsets
3.) Favorite musical/play? (If you’ve never seen a musical or play, one you’d be interested in seeing?
- The only musical I’ve ever seen is The Very Potter Musical (oops). I’m not really a musical or play kind of person. I much prefer movies and TV shows. But hey, I can still sing a ton of the songs from AVPM and said references to it so many times even my parents know them.
4.) What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
- either “for some reason you remind me of Marilyn Monroe highkey” or it was this client I was working with as a vet tech assistant and she said to me “you are the best technician I have ever had work with my dog. You are going to be a wonderful and compassionate doctor and I’d love to be your client in the future” and y’all like she literally complimented me so much she even told my boss how much she adored me and my work ethic and I literally went into the back of the clinic and cried after she left because I’ve never felt so strongly that I’m meant to be in the veterinary field.
5.) How many times have you been in love?
- twice. Once was with the girl I had my first kiss with (actually there was many many kisses with her). She was my first love. I mean I really fell for her. She was a lot of firsts for me. And my first boyfriend. He led me on though and played me even though I fell for him and he knew that. So that sucked. 
6.) Embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
- When I was 9, I was running in the playground at school and tripped over this tree stump that was like kept there by the school for some reason (I can’t remember). But I tripped ad badly tore up my left hip. I mean like blood everywhere, massively bandages, the whole 9 yards. It healed over and there’s no scar now, but it was super embarrassing to trip over it in front of my entire class and to really badly hurt myself, and this was all like a month after I had just moved to the town and just started school. Way to make a fool out of myself from the very beginning.
7.) Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
- Peter Pan. See my above answer about why I love Tinkerbell. Peter Pan is also my favorite because I love the idea of being able to escape some place and be young forever and forever free and happy. The idea of being able to just enjoy the simple things in life without the weight of the world on your shoulders.
8.) Favorite flower or plant?
-  Plumerias. They are just absolutely beautiful and they smell amazing and their colors are vibrant and beautiful and I just love them.
9.) What’s your favorite holiday?
- Christmas, without a doubt. My mum adores Christmas and she instilled that same love in me. The music, the lights, the decorations, the cheer, the happiness, the gift giving. All of it. It’s just such a happy time in my household and it’s what I look forward to all year because it’s just warmth and happiness radiating in my family.
10.) Name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
- @deanscastiel79 sending me messages every day to check on me and to see if I’m okay. Nothing makes me happier than someone noticing if I’m being quiet or if I’m MIA and checking on me and sending me things to make me smile.
- Just seeing the amount of likes and reblogs my destiel fics are getting. And the amount of followers I’ve gained since I started posting destiel fics. I’ve literally gained more than 25 followers in a couple weeks. It blows my mind. And seeing like the notes continue to climb on my fics and then having someone reach out to comment and personally message me to tell me how much they liked one of the fics I wrote. It makes me smile so much my cheeks hurt.
- My puppy, Rocket. He’s the biggest goofball in the world. But he’s so damn affectionate it’s unreal. The amount of love and cuddles and kisses he gives me almost hourly every single day literally fills my heart to bursting. On my worst days, he’s the only thing that can make me smile. He makes me feel loved.
11.) What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
- Rare by Selena Gomez. Because you know what? I am rare. I’m special and unique and proud of who I am. And maybe not everyone can see that, but that’s fine, because I can and will find people who do see that and who cherish me and treat me right. “I don’t have it all, I’m not claiming to, but I know that I’m special.” My favorite lyrics of the song. Because I know I don’t have it all, but I do have so much to offer the world, and I’m ready to share that with the right people.
12.) Name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
- I’m a Maladaptive Daydreamer. When I’m most stressed, I’ll let myself go into one of those daydreams until I feel calm again. I let those characters ground me. Either that, or spending some time with Rocket (my puppy mentioned earlier). Because there’s nothing that makes me feel better than puppy cuddles.
13.) What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
- For my undergraduate, I studied and got degrees in Biology and English (Concentration in Creative Writing) with a minor in Chemistry. I’m currently in grad/med school studying Veterinary Medicine and earning my DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine).
14.) This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
- It would either be high waisted shorts and a crop top/tank top/hippie shirt or a summer dress.
15.) What is a quote you live by?
- “Grateful for where I’m at. Excited about where I’m going” and “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
16.) Name the funniest playlist name you have.
- My playlists don’t have weird names. I just have playlists for different artists. I have a playlist called “Soft Songs” for when I’m stressed or need music to sleep to. I had started a playlist called “Down and Dirty” for when I was writing smut fics and needed some inspiration, but the app on my phone wiped it and I was too lazy to remake it again. Maybe I will when I have some more time on my hands so I can have some inspiration to write some destiel smut fics.
17.) Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
- “Why are you looking at me like that?” “Because you’re Skipper Sophie.”
18.) What is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
- Don’t let anyone tell you who you can and can’t be. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, and there is always people who will love and support you. And if your gut tells you something isn’t right, trust it.
19.) Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
- My sister. She’s the one person I can go and talk to about anything and everything. We can talk for hours. She always has my back. She boosts me up when I need it. She’s my inspiration and my support system. I don’t think I could live without her by my side. She’s my rock and I love her with everything in my heart and more.
20.) What’s a secret dream of yours?
- To publish a book. I know I’ve gone down the medical path as a career, but someday I would love to write my own novel and have it published.  
tagging: @deanscastiel79 @singingninja4 @themarvelavenger @seekinsideanimus @fadinglight123 @nonthebinary @pizzamanhedelivers @proudace @beatmetothesnitch @s-l-u-m-p-i-e @vcastiel
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ryncorrect · 5 years
university!au: day6 wonpil
first of all i will definitely do poorly on this because,,, you know,,,,, he’s so precious and i don’t think my words can do it justice ksbdjshs i wanna make the sweetest scenario for him
Tumblr media
but i suck at sweet stuffs smh bye
name: kim wonpil
major: modeling (i still cant believe this is an actual major im living under a rock smh)
other activities: member of music club, keyboardist and main singer of the university band
jae calls him “the backbone” of the music club because wonpil participates in all club events, he always takes part in weekly activities, and he actively finds new recruits
jae on the other side pops up once in a blue moon to play guitar, do shit, then disappears
don’t worry ever since jae starts dating the newest member who happens to be wonpil’s bestie he’s more active now
honestly more than half of their club members joined because wonpil made them to
he’s persuasive and convincing okay you would end up eating rocks if he told you it’s good for health
but he’ll never do that ever bc he speaks no lies okay he’s like the sweetest person in the earth
he’ll cry by the sight of cute puppies, do i have to explain further
wonpil was nominated as the club president but the other candidate park sungjin who’s also his roommate beat him by one vote
well he prefers to be just regular member anyway, that way he can still do a lot of things for the club but with less responsibilities
you see he’s really nice, he’s caring, he’s hardworking, he’s confident, he knows how to present himself and he’s hella attractive
he’s taking modeling as his major do i make myself clear
everyone LOVES wonpil
and i mean sometimes it’s just not only a platonic love but like an “i will give you my heart and soul please marry me” love
too bad he’s oblivious af
someone: i,, i like you wonpil,,,, d-do you like me too?
wonpil: of course!!! you’re my friend!!!!!!!!!
someone: ….oh ok
accidental friendzone
but you know he doesnt actually mean to do that, he just doesn’t think anyone likes him like that
moreover he already has someone in mind
aka the coffee shop girl
aka Y O U
yeah hello guys i am: still lame
the first time he met you was on exams week
everyone was busy and stressed af and running on almost no sleep
except maybe wonpil
not because he was fully prepared but more like he forgot exams week was coming until the day before so he just decided to wing it lol whatevs
anyway his roommate aka sungjin asked him if he could go buy him a double shot espresso so wonpil did
he rarely visits coffee shops tbh and when he does he always orders vanilla latte with extra syrup for himself
wonpil seems to be that kinda person who tries to enjoy coffee but can’t handle the bitter taste its so frickin cute and trust me you think so too
so anywayyyy yeah he never saw you, aka the new barista, before
it was ur first work day as well btw and he was ur first customer
he didn’t know why but watching you being nervous made him nervous too
just imagine a stuttering costumer and a stuttering barista
everyone watched you two with anxiety
but even when wonpil was a nervous wreck he didn’t forget to smile and before leaving he said to you, “thanks, have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!”
honest to god it made your whole day better
anyway let’s move on to the second meeting
he comes back and this time he orders a vanilla latte, but being the clumsy ass that you are, you slightly confused his order
he receives his coffee and takes a sip and he freezes
you ask whats wrong and he’s like,, uh nothing,, the coffee is just,,,, kinda bitter today??? ha,,,hahahhaha,,,,
you stand still
he asked for EXTRA SYRUP not EXTRA SHOT you dumbfucc
you offer to make him a new one and he refuses saying it’s fine!!! but you still feel bad so you insist but he’s like no!!! i gotta stay awake anyway i have an important quiz today i have to study! by the way uhhhh i’ve never seen you around until recently???
you introduce yourself and he introduce himself blablabla it’s awkward and your palms keep sweating for some reason
before wonpil left, he didn’t forget to say “have a great day!! i’ll see you around then!!!”
he’s so sweet uwu
seeing him and making him his vanilla latte (extra syrup) is one of the best parts of your job tbh
and he visits every single time you’re working which makes it better
why is his smile so adorable what the fuck
and there’s something about the way he walks that keeps you looking i mean boiiiii does he know how to present himself holy shit
that feeling when you see someone so beautiful you want to cry
the more you see him the more you want to know about him
what major is he in? what is he usually do outside the class? what kind of person is he? does he have a lot of friends? what’s his hobby? stuffs like that
too bad he always comes when it’s busy at the cafe so you can’t talk too much
neither he ever tries to initiate a conversation with you except his usual “hello! how are you today?” and “thank you, you make the best coffee! have a nice day!! see you!!!”
let’s admit it you highkey have a crush on him and EVERYONE knows
wELL it’s because you always wear that expression like "goddammit why must kim wonpil be so cute if he ain’t gonna ask me on a date” whenever you watch his back as he leaves the cafe
and EVERYONE but YOU knows wonpil’s so into you
whenever someone says something like “just ask him for his number he’ll definitely give it to you” you’re like “wtf nO that’s creepy and he won’t!! he doesn’t even know me!!!”
“he literally only comes when it’s your shift and he always makes sure you’re the one taking his order you oblivious dumbass”
“it’s just a coincidence”
“…..yeah whatever”
but they’re right wonpil’s crushing on you hard
at this point sungjin can even draw a portrait of you although he hasn’t actually met you before
that’s how much wonpil talks about you
from your whole adorable appearance to how cute your little cough is, or how he adores your little smile and the sparks in your eyes when he compliments your coffee, or he’ll describe your apron what the fuck and how he thinks your look so good in white and blue
sungjin’s so done with him
“just ask her out you stalker”
“well i bet she remembers your face by now since you always drop by when she’s there”
“but she meets a lot of people everyday there’s NO WAY she can remember me”
you see the problem now?
then one day jae decides to play matchmaker
by “playing matchmaker” i mean he follows wonpil to the cafe and straight up tells you, in front of wonpil’s face and everyone there, “yo this friend of mine wants to take you on a date and he wonders if you’re interested”
you are: blushing
wonpil is: dead pale
you: o-oh… i’m–
he drags his tall friend aka jae out of the cafe and since then he never visits again :(
im sad now ugh i told you i suck at sweet stuffs like this
fast forward it’s summer and the university wonpil’s attending is holding a summer festival that’s open for public
well,,,,, you decide to go and you ask some of your friends to tag along
you’re not sure what you’re hoping; maybe you just want to see how the place wonpil’s studying at looks like, or maybe you do wish to meet him by accident or something yanno like a drama
you promised yourself that if you don’t see him today, you’ll get over him
but if you do see him, you will ask. him. out.
well jokes on you babe he’s there performing on the stage with the band
he’s,,, he’s singing,,, and playing keyboard,,,, omg his voice
as you already know im uncreative soooo by impossible coincidence somehow his eyes spot you in the crowd
btw i imagine them singing Pouring but i think you can pick any songs you like
he’s so taken aback that one second he’s singing and the next second he sees you and his eyes widen and he’s like “I’m falling for–hUH? why are you here??” to the microphone
don’t worry the others cover for his mistake while trying not to laugh
everyone laughs too while looking around to find the person whom wonpil sees
you’re embarrassed as fuck you want to curl up and hide forever
but your so-called-friends don’t let you get away that easy okay it’s your only chance
dw dude wonpil feels the same he wants to immediately get off the stage and die
but sungjin will literally kill wonpil in his sleep if he doesn’t do anything it’s now or never
poor boi has had enough of this pining shit
so after the band performance wonpil has no choice but to approach you
“h-hey! so you watched our stage!”
“y-yeah! it was great!! didn’t know you can sing so well”
“h-haha thanks”
“y-you’re welcome”
more silence
wonpil clears his throat and, “so…”
you blink fast, “yeah…?”
“um uhhh do you wanna see around? i can take you”
“oH of course”
What Am I Even Writing Anymore
well remember your promise earlier? about asking him out?? no???
is it too late to chicken out and forget the whole thing now
you barely know each other it’s so awkward and he looks so fine today and you really don’t wanna push him even further now but if you hesitate longer who knows someone else will ask him first and just the thought alone breaks your heart a little bit
so it’s time to grow a pair and take risks cmon dude you can do this
it was!! not!!! your voice!!!!
wonpil clears his throat and repeats slower, “i just wonder if you’re uhhhh free next saturday?”
o shit
o fUck YeAH
you cough a bit before answering, “y-y-yeah i guess??”
“ok um i like, have two tickets for movie if you want to come with me”
that’s like the lamest invitation and you yourself gotta admit that lmao
but oh kim wonpil,, dear,,,, there’s no way i would say no
so you two go on a date
or “casual outing” as you two call it
but everyone knows it’s a date okay even though you two didn’t have any skinskip oops
it’s okay it takes a bit of time but you’ll get there
i mean, since then you two go out together almost every weekend so ye it won’t be that long until the awkwardness wears off
wonpil just cherish you so much he’s afraid he’ll scare you or hurt your feeling by accident so he never boldly initiates anything
the first time you two finally holding hands is when you two go skating, and that’s just because you two are so bad at that
gotta hold each other so you won’t keep falling aye romance
you don’t know this but trust me wonpil talks about it for days sungjin almost decides to move out
he’s still insisting it’s not a date tho
“you know what, i can already imagine you two in like 10 years, standing at the altar and be like, do you marry me as a friend or what? unclear”
“do you think we’ll get married?????”
“oh dear god”
but yeah
you two will get there
just take your sweet time and give wonpil all the love in the world i beg you
that’s it YAY i think imma work on sungjin’s next wish me luck im running out of lame cliche ideas now lol bye
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
What if Alec had a praise kink?
is this in response to my “magnus 100 percent has a praise kink” thing
because i believe magnus thoroughly has one and alec LOVES indulging in it 
and i think magnus likes complimenting him too and i’m sure alec likes it
it’s just, not something i write about often, because the whole fandom always waxes poetic about how beautiful alec is when i find him to be like, pretty? but not mind blowing? so i always end up going on and on about magnus ldkfgjldfkgj oops
but in all honesty i can totally see them as both highkey having praise kinks, both in the way of being praised and doing the praising
alec LOVES how magnus reacts when he calls him beautiful or tells him how good he is, and yeah, sue him, he loves it when magnus--this beautiful, amazing man--looks at him with adoration and calls him gorgeous. it’s not something alec ever really expected to have--this absolute fucking angel, this beautiful man, in his arms, and it’s someone who loves him and thinks he’s beautiful, someone who desires him just as much as he desires magnus.
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Headcanons for the Bakusquad and Dekusquad doing group projects?
This ended up being super long, so I'm really sorry :') I just *clenches fist* I love these babies so much
- Kirishima has the biggest house of them all, so before they moved into the dorms, they’d go to his place if they had a project to do.
- After the dorms, they tend to study in one of their rooms.
- Mina’s happens to be the most study-friendly, with armchairs, bean bags, a dope window seat and a snazzy little couch thing. Plus, her bed’s super comfy. Her room becomes the official/unofficial sleepover-study-movie night place for them all. 
- What’s Blu Tack? Glue? Pritt sticks? Sero’s got everyone covered and will 100% be highkey oFFENDED if anyone uses anything but his tape to stick stuff down.
- Mina has so many highlighters? She has pastel ranges, scented ones, glittery ones, thin ones, thick ones, really obscurely-coloured ones (Denki: why the fuck do brown highlighters exist? Mina: why the fuck do you exist sparky. aLSO IT’S HONEY-TINTED CARAMEL)
- Denki makes the BEST playlists? He really loves lo-fi, so he makes his own hand-picked mix to listen to with his buddies.
- Kirishima is the motivator. He’s the one bringing food!! Hugs!! Screaming the harmony to that song!! Rapping the alphabet backwards!! Rapping the facts on the impeccable notes Bakugou has down!! Rapping each individual letter in each person’s name!! Beatboxing as someone tests someone else!! M A N L Y!!
- Bakugou has the most beautiful notes anyone has ever seen. They’re clearly written, colour-coded, key words have a different font to the rest of the writing and there’s diagrams punctuating anything. It makes Mina downright proud.
- Ya boi Blasty McSplody is the one helping everyone with things. If it’s a presentation, he’s the one assigning roles. If they’re making a poster, he’s giving everyone a handmade, laminated information sheet and setting them sections to do. If they’re just revising, he brought flashcards, a whiteboard, and two laptops (he stole Deku’s oops- he 100% knows his password still. It’s been KatsuDekuBFFs123 for 11 years now) so he can both make and take part of Kahoot tests and Quizlet quizzes.
- PRESENTATION BAKUSQUAD:Presenter: KirishimaCo-presenter: MinaScribe: SeroPosters and stuff: DenkiLeader man: Bakugou
- Everyone studies in the library or in Tenya’s room.
- They’re all- with the exception of Ochako- in the top 10 of the class.
- Ochako sometimes feels bad about it, but the rest of the Dekusquad is quick to reassure her that it’s fine! They like tutoring her.
- Flashcards is literally the way that these children work.
- Tsuyu has the best memory out of all of them?? Nobody knows how or why. She always gets 100% on points tests.
- However, Tsuyu doesn’t have much time to revise when she’s at home because she has to take care of her siblings, which is why she’s not closer to the top of the class.
- After they move into the dorms, her techniques start to improve and she starts giving Shouto a run for his money.
- Tenya has a never-ending supply of index cards. He uses them for speeches!! Flashcards!! Little doodle notes!!
- He really just likes to hold them. It makes him feel more intelligent. In fact, his erratic movements calm down just a bit when he’s holding them, because our fast boi feels like a true intellectual with them in his hands.
- Shouto literally has never revised in his life.
- He calls reading through a textbook 15 minutes before an exam at the speed of light heavy revision.
- Light revision is spending 5 minutes highlighting his notes from class.
- Everyone is literally horrified, and they teach him the glory of Quizlet and planning out revision schedules and colours and highlighters.
- Now he has the Quizlet and Kahoot apps on his phone and spends 99% of his time on them.
- None of them particularly like to eat during studying as they find that greasy fingers aren’t too pleasant over their notes, and there’s always a risk of food spilling onto whatever they’re working on.
- Izuku and Ochako have a friendly rivalry about whose notes are better.
- Ochako’s are colourful! Visuals! Fonts! Diagrams! Colours! Boxes! Bubbles! Bullet points in those boxes and bubbles! Studyblr! Different pens!
- Izuku’s are all separated by topic! Underlining! Boxes! Bubbles! One pen for writing, one colour for highlighting! The most colour you’ll find is when he’s highlighting one of his definitions or drawing a box.
- Visual, colourful notes and diagrams are better: Ochako, Shouto
- Linear, bulleted notes are better: Izuku, Tenya, Tsuyu
- Another friendly rivalry is whether mind maps or flashcards are better.
- Mind maps: Ochako, Izuku, Tsuyu
- Flashcards: Tenya, Shouto
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