#his angry little head tilt was perfect
misterbeetleboose · 3 months
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Big fan of the extra scruffy and mean looking Beej Alex was pulling here
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i crumble completely when you cry ; suguru geto
synopsis; after a tense fight with your boyfriend, you flee out into a brewing rainstorm. luckily, suguru is always willing to warm you up again.
word count; 6.2k
contents; suguru geto/reader, gn!reader, copious amounts of hurt/comfort, no really that’s literally all this fic is, sugu snaps at you for worrying about him, (and then promptly spirals), he makes it up to you though :), healthy communication ensues, [name] is used exactly once, switching povs, soft & fluffy ending <33
a/n; going back to my roots (mindless hurt/comfort) 🙏🙏 i just think that if suguru picked me up like a small kitten and put me in his lap it would fix me
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you’re cold.
little shivers run through your body, down your spine, and all you can do is clench your chattering teeth and dig your nails into the skin of your palms. the heavy rain falls down without mercy, going pitter patter as it hits the asphalt. a sudden lightning strike lights up the town, flashing in the reflection of puddles, and you manage a weak jolt.
dark clouds blanket the whole sky, not allowing even a sliver of blue to shine through the darkness of the rainy evening. enveloping you, surrounding you, soft earthy scents — wet asphalt, roses blooming to your left and right, bushes with sweet-smelling flora guiding your path, little petals glistening with droplets and bouncing with the force of the rain.
it’d be comforting, were it not for one simple fact; 
you don’t have an umbrella.
at this point, thirty minutes into your solemn, sniffly walk, you’re absolutely soaked. with only a measly hoodie to cover your body and head, and a tank top sticking to the skin beneath it — you were stupid to think you’d get out of it unscathed. your shoes feel uncomfortable, wet soles sticking to the asphalt, two heavy weights carrying you down the familiar street ahead of you.
you let out a shuddering breath. 
gosh, this was stupid. you knew it was going to rain, but still walked out without a care in the world; despite the weather forecast, despite suguru’s warnings over breakfast, despite the dark clouds covering the milk-blue sky. you just didn’t think it’d be this bad. you just felt so helpless.
you just couldn’t stay there.
some fresh air, and a bit of space. that was all you needed. just that one sliver of comfort.
so, yeah, maybe you weren’t thinking very clearly when you stormed out. maybe you weren’t thinking nearly enough, not enough to even grab one of the umbrellas hanging off the coatrack. hanging there just for you, the cutest little frog umbrella, one suguru bought for you himself. big, googly eyes, and a big smile. the most perfect shade of green. 
(he put it there just for you.)
maybe you weren’t thinking at all. maybe you just needed to get away, away from him, away from the frustration on his features. arguments with suguru are few and far between — it only adds to the sting of his cold voice still ringing in your ears. you bite down on your bottom lip again, just to stop it from wobbling so pitifully. blinking rapidly, tears and raindrops clinging to your lashline.
you were just worried. is that so awful? 
(why did he have to be so fucking mean about it?)
a sigh flows from your lips, heavy and defeated and undeniably tired. you hate feeling like this, this bitter, hate feeling like you’ve done something wrong. more than anything, you hate arguing with him — hate the idea of him being angry with you. hate the way his voice turns colder, just a little sharper, an octave lower. he never raises it, never ever, but somehow he still sounds so scary. 
it bothers you. bothers you how sensitive you are when it comes to him. just that shivering tilt of his voice, coupled with the annoyance in his eyes, was enough to make your eyes a little glassy. one little sentence, and you were close to breaking out into a sob. because suguru was angry with you, and that alone makes you feel like you’ve done nothing right in your life.
so you left. because that was all you could do. 
sure, the sharp pelting of the rain hurts a little, and the thunder is scary, and you’re awfully cold — but anything is better than having suguru see you burst into tears over such a small argument. you know he’d try to soothe you, know he’d feel guilty. but that just makes it all the more embarrassing. 
(all the more pathetic.)
so you left, rushed out of your own apartment, and before you knew it the storm was rolling in above you. rain and thunder, something to rival the ache in your chest. it still hasn’t been that long, a little over half an hour, and you still haven’t fully calmed down. you still don’t know how to face him. but —
but fuck, it’s cold. and an undeniable part of you yearns to run back into his arms, to make up with him, to hear his voice turn warm and see his eyes go soft. you want him to soothe you so, so badly. like he always does. 
another sigh — more resigned this time — slips from out your lips. your bones feel sore, you’re almost certain you’re going to catch a cold, and it’s getting late. you’re all alone, and it’s raining, and you look vulnerable and helpless. 
you want to go home.
it’ll be awkward, but maybe you can sneak in somehow — without him noticing. then you can go straight to sleep, on the couch, and maybe you’ll feel a little better tomorrow. the two of you can talk it out over breakfast, over warm coffee, and you can tell him what you meant to say without stumbling over what words to use or dancing around the subject like a scared little child.
you’re just too tired to argue anymore.
he just made you feel so stupid. so very, very small. suguru’s been working so hard lately, coming home late, exhausting himself. all you wanted was to make sure he was okay. that, and to coax him into relaxing a bit; maybe take a day off to recharge. that was all.
but he just brushed you off.
and, well, maybe you should’ve backed off after that. maybe you should’ve taken that as a sign that suguru didn’t feel up to answering your questions. but you were just so worried, so pitifully anxious, and you just wanted to help him so, so badly.
suguru is always so dependable. always there to help you, to ground you, to console you. even when you push him away or insist you don’t need it. he can be pushy, when he feels like he needs to, when your health is at risk — and it’s frustrating, but you’ve always appreciated it. you just wanted to return the favour. push him, just a little, to show him how much you care. show him that he can depend on you the way he insists you do with him.
but then he grew frustrated.
”suguru… you’ve been working so much, i’m —” you bite down on your bottom lip. ”i’m just worried that you’re overdoing it.” ”… god. how many times do i have to say it? i know my limits, [name].” ”but — you just look so tired —” ”well, i’m sorry for that.” a cold smile. ”am i not living up to your expectations?”
(that’s not what you meant. he knows that’s not what you meant.)
and it makes you feel frustrated, too. pardon you for being worried. for wanting to be there for him, for once, for wanting to be a supportive partner and not just a burden. 
pardon you for feeling a little lonely, with him coming home so late, leaving so early. with him not giving you the affection you’re so used to, and never confiding in you about his stress.
pardon you for wanting him to trust you, a little, even just a sliver more than not at all.
god, you’re exhausted. you just want to sleep — can’t you have that, at least? just that one thing? you don’t mind sleeping on the couch, don’t mind feeling like a stranger in your own home, as long as you get to rest your eyes. just for a little while. 
your brain spins in circles, bitterness and longing heavy on your tongue, as you grumble over what to do or how to feel — 
while your feet have already begun taking you home. moving almost on their own, on instinct, walking past rose bushes and backyards, the smell of glucose and rotting apples. 
and you’re there before you know it: in front of the familiar door to your shared apartment, soaked from head to toe. still feeling a little lost.
for a second, you hesitate.
maybe he’s still angry. maybe he was happy to get some time away from you. maybe you’re just making things worse by doing this, maybe you should just —
but your fingers have already fished out the key from within your pocket, unlocking the door in one swift motion. moving up to curl around the doorknob, a desperation in your veins guiding you closer to his steady warmth.
and before you have the chance to waver again, you pull the door open and step inside.
you move slowly, gentle and careful, almost cautious. softly closing the door behind you and taking a couple quiet steps forward, only to shrug off your hoodie — heavy, soaking wet and discomforting as you pull it over your head. clumsily, you try to get it off you, squirming when the warm indoors air meets your sweaty tank top. it feels soothing on your bare skin, though, ghosting over your shoulders and collarbone, hoodie now clinging to your elbows.
in the middle of the taxing endeavor, you almost fail to notice the presence of a certain someone, standing just a little farther away. 
almost, because it’d be impossible for you to miss him, that heavy gaze of his.
and before you can think the thought to do anything else, you’ve locked eyes with him — arms still tangled up in the wet sleeves of your hoodie, raindrops and sweat sticking to your skin.
(suguru takes a moment to look at you.)
not daring to say anything, afraid to part your lips, you simply stand there. in silence, like a deer in headlights. for some reason, you can’t really read his expression — you’re a little too tired, a little too caught off guard.
you can only blink, worry surely evident in your furrowed brows, as the seconds tick on and on. tense, tense, tense.
and then he’s walking away again. 
crestfallen. that’s probably the best way to describe how you feel right now, watching him disappear around the corner. dejected, as your eyes fall to the floor, and your posture wilts like a dying rose. you finally shake off your hoodie and watch it fall to the floor with a gross, wet plap.
it hurts. you want to cry. you can’t help it. even though a part of you is still upset, even though a part of you fully expected this to happen… 
another part was still hoping he’d be happy to see you. as if just seeing his smile again might’ve fixed everything.
but he didn’t even give you that.
that’s that, then. there’s nothing you can do except proceed with your original plan. you’ll change into some warm, dry clothes, and go to sleep on the couch like the miserable dog you are. you’ll leave everything troublesome and disheartening for tomorrow’s you to handle. 
for now, you just have to worry about getting some sleep. you don’t have to think about suguru, or his cold voice, or the way he just walked away without saying anything. 
you don’t have to think about him at all. 
(don’t think. don’t think. don’t —)
— the soft patter of footsteps breaks you out of your anxious spiral. they come closer and closer, until a certain silhouette enters your vision out of the corner of your eye.
a certain suguru geto, hair down and cascading past his shoulders, wearing a comfortable sweater and loose sweatpants with a fluffy towel in tow.
once again, you can only blink. a vaguely confused deer in headlights. suguru comes closer and closer, until you can clearly see his eyes, amber gold, full of an emotion you finally manage to identify —
before you can say anything, he’s draped the towel around you. it feels nice, a soft texture on your skin, big enough to engulf you completely, cocooning you. cozy and snug. you can’t help but melt a little when suguru places his big hand over the towel and smooths it over your cheek, drying off your skin so gently that you feel like crying again.
”are you cold?” he asks, concern evident in his voice. to your immense relief, it sounds nowhere near as scary as before. ”you’re soaked…”
suguru almost seems to be pouting, bottom lip jutting out the slightest bit, eyebrows furrowed softly. still rubbing the raindrops off your skin. he looks awfully troubled, undeniably anxious, and the way he’s caressing your skin feels so earnestly caring. the towel feels warm, like he went the extra mile to heat it up for you.
and, more than anything, the feeling of suguru’s big hands cupping your face is almost heavenly. even though the touch is indirect, you can’t help but bask in his warmth, almost desperate to cling to it after escaping from the harsh cold of the rain. like he could slip away and leave you again if you don’t stay perfectly still, just like this.
it’s soothing. so, so soothing. but it also makes you feel kind of meek.
you sound sheepish when you answer, voice a little hoarse after your grueling walk. throat dry from all the crying. ”nah, ’m fine…”
the words are tiny, fragile like pieces of glass, and they only make suguru’s brows furrow further, pout turning into a soft frown as he gazes down at you.
(he hates how small you look. like you’re curling in on yourself.)
as soon as you left the apartment, a wave of regret washed over him. it was expected, obviously, because that’s what always happens after the two of you argue — which is almost never, which only makes the cut in his heart run deeper. 
he felt frustrated. and tired, so tired. but when he saw your troubled expression, the way your eyes watered slightly before you rushed out…
he could only feel guilty.
and that sensation only deepened as he sat on the couch and spiraled, over the course of forty long minutes, playing the interaction back inside his head. over and over, thinking about your words, his words, some of which he desperately wishes he could take back. 
and when it started raining? suguru could only feel regret, hot and ugly, dragging him into his own thoughts. could only drown in his worries, look out the window anxiously. thinking of you, his sweet baby, stuck under the onslaught of dark clouds and lightning strikes and heavy rain.
(you didn’t bring an umbrella.)
suguru waited. that was all he could do. 
he didn’t think it was possible for him to feel so useless. fighting with himself, the part of him that wanted to give you the space you needed clashing with the part that yearned to run after you — scoop you up and apologize, hold you tight and protect you from the rainfall. you weren’t answering his calls, and he didn’t want to overwhelm you, didn’t want to make you feel even worse. afraid to scare you off for good.
so he could only sit there and worry, sit there and wait, wallow in his own shame until he heard the faintest sound of the front door unlocking. followed by the sound of it creaking open, slowly — and that was all he needed. 
and there you were. standing by the entrance, entirely soaked, tank top sticking to your skin and that flimsy hoodie hanging off your arms, cheeks a little red from the cold and strands of hair sticking to your skin.
like a tiny kitten left out in the rain.
it made him feel so painfully anxious. his heart aching so deeply, so viscerally, while all he could think about was smothering you in affection. taking care of you, like he always wants to do, needs to do to stay sane. so suguru left, to go grab something to dry you off with —
and now he’s here. in front of you, smothering you with the towel rather than his love, fretting over you like an overprotective mother. 
suguru yearns to soothe you. to take care of you. always, always, always, his hands on your skin and lidded amber eyes staring deeply into yours. offering himself like a shelter to a stray dog, hoping so tenderly that you’ll take the bait.
(he just wants you to feel safe with him again.)
so he stumbles for something, anything to say, afraid of overstepping or making you uncomfortable. you did just argue, and suguru was anything but patient with you. usually he would be; he’d make sure to be. but with work piling up, and exhaustion clinging to every pore of his skin…
he failed at maintaining his composure.
he needs to make it up to you. despite everything — even though he feels a little awkward, a little restless, still drowning a little in shame — he just wants to tend to you. that, and nothing more.
”hang on,” he exhales, stepping back and letting go of the towel. ”i’ll go draw you a bath…”
”ah — no need,” you smile, a little forced, swiftly reassuring him. he can tell you don’t really know how to act after everything that happened; still walking on eggshells. ”i’ll just take a quick shower.”
suguru wants to protest, wants to coax you into taking a proper bath, into letting your cold skin and aching bones relax completely —
but he can only hum, a little unsure. a little sad. 
”… okay. got it.”
perplexed, he tries his hand at another tactic. still so desperate to take care of you in whatever way you’ll allow, like always, but he thinks it’s worse now. even more desperate, after the fight you had, after seeing your frail, shivering self. resisting the urge to scoop you up and coddle you is a struggle.
”i can make you tea?” he tries, inwardly wincing at the way the words spill from his lips; uncertain, awkward. what a mess.
but you smile, slightly more genuinely this time, a soft little thing. it soothes some of the anxiety rotting through his ribs.
”tea would be great, thank you.”
you brush past him, warm towel still hanging off your shoulders. ”i’ll just take a shower in the meantime,” you murmur, and suguru can do nothing but nod, watching you go. 
he swallows thickly.
(that’s that, then.)
tea. right. what kind of tea? something warm, and soothing, and good for your throat. chamomile? peppermint? he’ll add a spoon of honey, just the way you like.
suguru’s mind spins in circles while his feet take him to the kitchen, hands swiftly rummaging through cabinets and getting the electric kettle ready. placing teacups and a teapot on the table, cute little floral designs he couldn’t help but fill your kitchen with. pouring hot peppermint tea into the pot, a strong scent drifting through the kitchen, drowning his senses in bliss.
caught up in his own head, losing track of time, suguru fails to notice you walking from the bathroom — stopping by the threshold of the kitchen, hesitant to make your presence known. a few silent moments pass. with a tiny inhale, mint invading your senses, you take a step forward. calm and sleepy, skin still pleasantly hot from the warm shower, hair still a little damp.
only then does suguru notice you, his gaze drifting to your figure as if instinctively drawn to it.
you’re clad in some comfortable sweatpants, and an oversized hoodie — his hoodie, the one with the unreasonably soft texture, the one you tend to gravitate towards — the one he likes to see you in the most, because you always look so thoroughly comfy in it. almost drowning in the fabric. 
seeing you all warm and cozy, in his clothing no less, sends a tremor of pure warmth running through suguru’s chest. sprouting in his heart and spreading throughout his entire body. he can’t bring himself to resist the soft curl of his lips, gazing at you so fondly he’s almost sure you notice it.
”i made peppermint,” he says, a little breathless, already pouring boiling tea into two cups on the table. ”that okay?”
”yeah,” you answer, instantaneous. stifling a yawn. you’d have been fine with anything, really.
the shower worked wonders for your muddled mind; chasing away the shivers down your spine, that unpleasant chill to your skin. most importantly, it gave you a moment to simply relax, to bask in the peace and quiet. feel the hot water surround you, melt your bones like softened clay. you feel a little better, now. still anxious, more than a little sleepy, but better. and right now, that’s all you need. 
with a groggy kind of pep in your step, you stumble over to the kitchen table, plopping down on the chair across from where suguru is sitting. trying to get comfortable, knees pressed against your chest, muttering a soft thank you while gingerly touching the rim of the cup.
(suguru frowns, just barely, at the sight. usually you’d sit right next to him. but now you’re in front of him, so very far — as if you’re strangers.
it breaks his heart, a little bit.)
a soft hum leaves your lips when you take a sip of the tea — all warm and comforting and minty on your tongue, a vague taste of something sweet. it’s relaxing, more than anything, and it makes you feel a little more okay with everything.
suguru only watches you, drinking absentmindedly from his own cup. not really tasting anything.
finally, he opts to clear his throat — and your attention falls on him instantly.
”hey,” he starts, ready to address the elephant in the room. his voice is gentle, but decisive, firm somehow. ”about before…”
your body tenses, ever so slightly, fingers uncurling around the handle of the teacup. there’s a kind of shift in the air around you, in suguru’s tone of voice — and you were expecting it, waiting for it anxiously, but that doesn’t make it any less harrowing.
here it comes, your mind seems to sing. here comes the moment everything shatters again.
with as much strength as you can muster, you smile. a little sheepish, just a tad forced, refusing to meet his eyes from across the table. staring into the murky green of your cup and hoping in vain that you can somehow escape this discomfort. 
(you just want to rest. you just want to not have to think about anything.)
”it’s fine, suguru,” you cut him off. softly, but there’s a certain tilt to your voice that strikes him as rather cold. ”we can just drop it.”
the decision in his eyes doesn’t waver. you look meek, awfully troubled, and he hates to force you into another discussion when you’re undoubtedly tired — but suguru’s mind is set. he’s been evasive enough, today.
”no. i want to talk about it properly.”
at that, you seem to deflate a little. suguru is nothing if not stubborn, a quality that always manages to coexist with his gentleness, his desire to be a good partner for you. you can tell he won’t allow you to wriggle away, now that you’re both finally calm. he’s not doing it to exhaust you, not doing it to gain some sort of satisfaction out of ”winning” the argument — he’s doing it because he knows it’s the right thing to do. even if it makes you both a little uncomfortable.
communication is important, immensely so. suguru knows it very well.
and you do, too.
so all you do is curl into yourself, shifting in your seat, allowing him to speak his mind and sipping quietly on your tea. biting back a disgruntled huff, gaze lingering on the tablecloth, little calico cats etched into the fabric. he wanted one with yellow stripes, but still bought this one just for you. just like the ugly matching couple mugs you forced him into buying, the green colour of your kitchen wallpaper. he always places you before himself.
(all you wanted was to change that. just for a night, if nothing else. and he got mad at you for it.)
suguru sighs. it sounds fatigued, not frustrated or disappointed. he runs a hand through his hair, and you can’t help but follow the movement, the soft silky strands and the way he smooths them over. practiced, familiar, absentminded. you could watch him do it forever.
”i had a lot of time to think while you were gone,” he begins, recalling the mental gymnastics he went through while you were away. just sitting on the couch and running himself ragged, trying to be impartial, trying to see your point of view without letting his own bias get in the way.
you sink a little further into the chair, eyes downcast. inhaling the scent of peppermint, trying to prepare yourself for what he might say, the ways this could all go wrong.
”and i realized that you were right.”
you blink. once, then twice.
hesitantly, you raise your head, searching for suguru’s gaze. he isn’t looking at you, staring out at the rainfall through the window as if in deep thought. his gaze shifts to meet yours, and something soft flickers through his golden eyes.
he looks troubled, though. trying to find the right words, mind clouded by guilt. chewing at his bottom lip anxiously.
it takes him a moment to gather his thoughts, to weigh the words in his mind, just to make sure he gets them across as smoothly as possible. he’s had more than enough time to verbalize his feelings, to think about what he wants to say to you. it was all he could do while he waited. 
so his voice is earnest, when he continues, sincerely apologetic and thought out.
”i’m always telling you not to overwork yourself. and here i am, doing the same thing…” another sigh. ”you were just worried. i shouldn’t have lashed out — you didn’t deserve that.”
suguru searches for your gaze, and manages to find it. you falter a little under the weight of his eyes, but they’re warm, remorseful. a setting sun.
”i’m sorry.”
a moment of silence passes. then two. three, five. you look down at your cup, the purple hyacinths etched into the porcelain. crumbling under his gaze, at the sound of his genuine apology. 
and suddenly, you feel silly — silly for being so scared, for thinking suguru might still be angry with you. for thinking he wouldn’t spend as much time as needed to properly think about your words, your feelings, even if he might not have been ready to do so when he first heard them.
suguru can be stubborn, if he’s convinced that he’s in the right. but he always, always seeks you out eventually, always makes sure to genuinely look at things from your perspective. 
and, really, it means everything. it means enough to wash away all your leftover irritation, from having him brush you off when you know you didn’t do anything wrong. all the leftover sadness from being pushed away, from not being allowed to take care of him the way he always does for you.
suguru isn’t perfect, but he tries harder than anyone you know. tries his very best to be as close to perfect as he can possibly get — for you, for the both of you. he’s considerate enough, mature enough to take the time he needs to properly communicate. that’s how much he loves you. 
and yes, doing so makes you a little uncomfortable. but when faced with something like that, someone so kind, who loves you like the rain loves the ground — how could you ever bear not to do the same?
”… it’s fine,” you start, softly. ”maybe i overreacted a bit. ’s just —” a gulp. you’re trying your best to verbalize your feelings, the way suguru just did, the way he always does.
and he waits, patiently. for as long as you need. looking at you from across the table softly, already immensely relieved at the lack of tension in the air.
”i don’t like seeing you so tired. i know that your work is important, and i support you, but…” your voice goes quiet, as you trail off, hoping he’ll understand what you mean. ”you know.”
and suguru does. he does understand, he always will. so he hums.
”i know,” he murmurs, softly. ”it wasn’t an overreaction. i just didn’t realize it myself. got too caught up in everything,” a sharp exhale leaves his lips. ”it’s been… a long week. i’m not using that as an excuse, though.”
you listen attentively, eyes softening at his words. you can tell that he means it, that you finally got your message across. all you wanted was for him to take a break, to take care of himself.
to let you take care of him.
suguru continues. he makes it a point to look into your eyes as he speaks — a little intimidating, especially in a situation like this — but you know it reassures him, that it lets him know you really understand what he’s trying to say. 
so you hold his gaze, as steady as you can, glancing down at his collarbone when it becomes just a little too much.
”i’m grateful that i have you,” he says, voice dripping with softness, gazing at you with a fondness that has you crumbling all over again. ”and that you care enough to set me straight when i need it.”
and suguru means it. he means it more than anything else. not once has he ever stopped appreciating you, all the things you do for him; always so sweet and caring, even when it’s subtle. this was no exception. you’re always worried, always looking out for him. he feels awful for getting so defensive. for pushing you away, when you were trying so earnestly to reach him.
but he’ll make up for all of that, starting now.
”i mean it. i appreciate you so much, you have no idea — i’m so sorry if i made you think otherwise.” for a moment, his eyes look a little glassy, swimming in remorse. ”i really, really am.”
(and when he looks at you like that, when he speaks so very gently —
how could you ever bear not to forgive him?)
you shift in your seat again. gazing down, chewing at your bottom lip. his honesty makes you falter, makes it hard for you not to do the same; even if your voice ends up sounding awfully tiny and awfully close to breaking apart. 
”… i was just worried,” you mumble, meekly, shooing away any tears you have left with rapid blinks. 
”i know,” suguru soothes. the smile on his face is genuine, comforting, honey and peppermint and warmth. ”i was being immature. you were right — i’ve been burning myself out.”
you don’t say anything. only letting his words console you, feeling yourself relax at the sound of him opening up a little. just enough to make everything all better again.
”i was thinking of taking tomorrow off,” he continues, searching for your timid gaze and smiling gently once he finds it. ”what do you say?”
you brighten a little, so obvious in the way you sit up straighter, the way something soft and hopeful blossoms in the scope of your iris. the sight coaxes suguru’s patient smile into widening a smidge, his eyes crinkling at your barely contained excitement.
”that’d be nice…” you murmur, averting your gaze once more. but suguru can tell you like the sound of that, that it’s exactly what would finally put your anxious mind at ease.
a smile, bright and fond. suguru opens his arms. 
”then i will.”
for a moment, you simply stare. at him, his outstretched limbs — that soft smile, as he waits for you to get the hint. and you blink. 
you look down at your lap. a little sheepish, almost shy. it takes you another moment to raise your head, again, only to see another gentle flicker in suguru’s eyes — and then you finally get up from your seat.
it feels a little strange. a little awkward, as if some of your bones still can’t help but tread on eggshells, afraid of making him upset again. but it’s suguru, and he loves you, and his arms are waiting patiently to hold you.
and you want that more than anything. 
so you fall into his arms, softly, curling up in his lap and wrapping your arms around his waist. suguru has one hand on the back of your head and the other on the small of your back, rubbing comforting circles into your spine to make you relax.
it works wonders. despite your initial hesitance, you melt into the embrace without putting up a fuss — happy to be in his arms again, to feel the anxiety dissipate when you realize that everything’s finally alright.
and suguru is just as happy, just as content. breathing out a sigh of relief he didn’t know he was holding. he strokes your hair lovingly, and you nuzzle into him a little more; making his lips quirk up, eyes filling with adoration. finally, he can relax. having you in his arms feels so soothing. and you’re so sweet, curling into him, seeking comfort and warmth that he’s more than happy to provide.
how long has it been since he had a chance to hold you like this? he made sure to be affectionate whenever he could, before leaving for work and after coming back — but in the midst of all the paperwork and stress…
suguru sighs, a little sadder this time, watching you bask in the attention he had been robbing you of this whole time. without even realizing it.
”and i’m sorry for neglecting you, too,” he murmurs, barely above a whisper. muffled by your hair as he presses a kiss against the crown of your head.
that certainly gets your attention.
”neglecting me?” you sputter, eyes suddenly wide open and lips parted in disbelief. flustered, heat rushing to your neck and ears. ”wha — what am i, some high-maintenance puppy? you didn’t neglect me.”
suguru only chuckles, biting back a soft coo that he knows would only fluster you more. instead, he pulls away a little, just to look at you, and pecks your forehead softly.
”well, i’m sorry for not being around much, then. i’ll make it up to you. okay?”
hiding away in his collarbone, again, you mutter a soft okay that has suguru’s heart squeezing in his chest. he cradles you close, engulfs you in his embrace, and hopes you can feel his love through the action. hopes you can feel it in the way his arms fit around you like they were always meant to be right there.
and you do feel his love. feel it smooth away the leftover turmoil in your brain, caress your skin softly. it’s soothing, and comforting, and you feel so incredibly safe. here, in suguru’s embrace, with the sound of rain hitting the window and the scent of peppermint wafting through the kitchen — it’d be impossible not to relax.
before you know it, your eyelids have fluttered shut, breathing softening out and heartbeat slowing down. a peaceful rhythm, carrying you away. suguru notices it before you do.
”you sleeping, baby?”
you jolt a little in his arms — murmuring something unintelligible into his neck, and he only chuckles, the sound rumbling through his chest like a soothing thunderstorm.
”c’mon. let’s get you to bed, hm?” 
suguru smooths a hand down your back, arms tightening around you before he scoops you up and gets up from his seat. ”there we go,” he hums, helping you hike your legs around his waist. ”you can sleep, angel. i’ve got you.”
your arms tighten around him, and you inhale his scent; grounding and comforting, raindrops and roses. tomorrow you can bask in it properly, can take care of him properly. you’ll coddle him all day.
but for now, you need to get some rest.
allowing your senses to dull away, clinging to suguru like a makeshift pillow, you absently listen to the storm still raging on outside. faraway, cold and harsh, but comforting when you’re in his steady grasp.
a yawn escapes your honey-soothed throat.
you don’t miss the i love you murmured into your ear, accompanying you into dreamland as your eyes flutter shut.
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raestromboli · 19 days
ヾ₊˚ ୨ৎ — synopsis. chris and matt come over to get their car washed.
ヾ₊˚ ୨ৎ — cw. 18+, dom!chris, college student fem!reader, smut, established relationship, language, clit slapping, fingering, overstim., reader and chris are brats, they get interrupted :c, mdni !!
ヾ₊˚ ୨ৎ — notes. hii guys first post ?? u and chris both have bad tempers im sorry lol😅 but pls like and subscribe, i hope yall enjoy <3
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chris had no reason to beg matt to drive him to a bikini carwash, it wasn’t their scene, but after all it was only because of you.
it was a warm and sunny day, only a few days into the new school year and making it perfect to wear bikinis and host a carwash fundraiser.
your boyfriend’s brother, matt, had always complained that his van was dirty yet was somehow ‘ too busy ‘ to get it washed. and when you mentioned the fundraiser to chris one day, he was up on his feet and blabbering matt’s ear off about it. reluctantly he agreed after many pleases and whines.
chris’ nose was stuck up in the air as he looked amongst the crowd of cars to find you holding a sign up in the air. he snickered to himself once he found you, grinning when he read, ‘ CarWash 4 A Good Cause; 20 Bucks Each Service! ‘
his grin only doubled in size when he saw your face. you clearly were exhausted from the sun, but just as beautiful. your body was a little glowy from sweat, barefoot on the sidewalk and drenched hair framing your pretty face. the tiny orange bikini you had on made his eyes widen like saucers.
his eyes were trained on you the whole time matt was pointed in the direction of lines and lines of cars parked and getting them washed.
chris didn’t care about the flock of girls scurrying to other cars with soap dripping on their thighs and arms, he just watched you in amusement and slight guilt as you wipe your forehead with the back of your hand with a small frown on your face.
your arms dropped with the sign, arms tensing with exhaustion. you remember being excited to get into your bikini one last time and wash your boyfriend’s car, but the sun and lack of water was getting to you. the honking and feminine giggles made you overstimulated so you turned on your heel, deciding to take a break.
tiredly walking up the driveway, it was then that you notice a certain van with a certain somebody in the passenger seat glancing over at you. you giggle to yourself when he offers you a small, tight lipped smile. looking over at the boy in the driver seat, you watch as matt gives you a wave with the hand dangling on the outside of the van. you waved back with a smile growing on your face as you felt your day and energy start to pick back up.
just a few steps later you stood at the passenger's side of the van, bending forward and placing your hands on your mid-thigh as you peer into the vehicle. ”you boys here for the carwash?” you smiled sweetly, knowing the answer but wanting to play the part for your boyfriend’s amusement.
chris grinned meekly, nodding while his eyes shamelessly took in what he could with your position. “yes ma’am.”
you look over your shoulder and back at chris and matt, “well, if you pull up here, i’m sure one of the girls will happily wash your car.” you smiled politely when your boyfriend squinted at you.
he looked over in front of him, matt’s head whipping shamelessly to silently ogle. there were many girls scattering around the sorority house lawn with suds of soap clinging to their half naked body to accommodate other customers. chris sneered, looking something like an angry puppy, and shrugged.
“nah, they seem pretty busy. you’ll help us though, right?” chris tilted his head, peering at you with half lidded eyes and a small smirk.
you purse your lips and pretend to think long and hard about it, even though you’re fighting back a giddy smile. “i guess so,”
you glanced over at matt, who looked slightly uneasy. “don’t worry matt, i’ll have someone here with me.” you giggled when his shoulders puffed out and he let out a thank you.
you called out your sorority sister’s name, watching her wink at the boy she was sweet talking in the lawn before motioning her your way. she instructed matt to pull in and park at a free spot in the driveway.
as you walked, chris prayed that the tent in his pants was not becoming so obvious as his eyes locked in the way your ass peaked out in those bright orange bikini bottoms. he swallowed until his mouth felt dry and looked away, not wanting to get riled up with his brother right next to him.
you and your sorority sister immediately got to work, bending over and dunking your hand into the bucket of cold and refreshing soapy water then pull your hand out with a comically large soaked sponge.
glancing at the girl, she seemed too busy smiling at matt who nervously slipped a folded bill in her bikini top. you bent forward, resting your forearms on the window. “hi handsome.” you greeted chirpily.
chris wasn’t for pet names, but something about the way you call him handsome gets him going.
“hey. sorry we were a little late, this fucking goof had to shit before we left.” chris rolled his eyes and nodded his head towards matt. you laughed his bluntness.
“it’s okay, just glad you could make it.” you smiled. you both were too engrossed in the small conversation that you didn’t notice matt and his little friend staring right at you and chris.
“hey!” she yelled, cackling as she rounded the car, dunking her hand in the bucket and splashing you with water.
squealing, you reluctantly began scrubbing the dirt off matt’s van. your friend mostly cleaned around the driver’s side to flirt with matt, so you hung around stealing fleeting glancing and kisses on the cheek while you scrub the van.
you started off with the hood, maintaining eye contact with doe eyes as you and your sorority sister made a show of leaning over the van, pressing your breasts against it and scrubbing away.
moving round the van, chris gulped when you stood on your toes, ringing soapy water onto the top of the van. he wasn’t able to see your face, but had a solid view of your chest slightly jiggling in that tiny bikini as you scrubbed the dirt off, water dripping off the sponge and landing down your tits and some onto your torso . it felt like a dream to chris.
his skin crawled with lust, eyes glued onto your body. you always had an impact on him and it made him feel so weak, yet in love.
chris cleared his throat, shutting his eyes and exhaling shakily as he glanced over at his brother. if he wasn’t so hot and bothered, he would’ve laughed at the way matt looked just as nervous as he did.
he opened his eyes after attempting to get his mind out the gutter, only to be slapped in the face with the scene in front of him. you were bent down, ass facing him as you soaked more water onto the sponge. the string on your bottoms were thin, so he could see the way your folds slightly peaked out from beneath the material.
“jesus fucking christ.” chris grumbled, taking his hands from his lap and rubbing his warm face in sexual frustration. he heard matt grunt like he couldn’t believe what he was saying.
“don’t use jesus’ name in vain, you dickhead.” he scoffed, slapping his brother’s arm. chris, not wanting to make a scene, rolled his eyes before removing his hands off his face and placing them discreetly over the tent that formed in his blue jeans.
“matt, i’ll fucking kill you.” chris whined in frustration. he wanted so badly to take you up your sorority house and into your tiny bedroom to fuck you gracefully in that even tinier bed, and the fact that he couldn’t made him stubborn and grouchy.
you worked your way to the back of the van with your friend, catching the way she eyed you with amusement.
“what?” you giggled.
“your boyfriend looks like he’s gonna bust in his pants.” she laughed, brows raising at you when you shook your head.
“so does matt, girl. you should ask for his number.”
she shook her head and scrunched her face up, “nah, he’s cute but he talked about his dog way too fucking much.”
you laughed behind your hand, of course he did.
after cleaning the back, your friend brought the hose that snakes throughout the driveway and sprayed the car down. lastly, you took a soft towel and wiped away the small water droplets off their rearview mirrors. you two were finally done, bodies exhausted more than ever.
when you wave goodbye to your friend, you turn your attention to chris who took out a wad of cash in his wallet, fingering out a twenty dollar bill. he held out his hand and gestured two fingers to put yours on top of his. he placed the bill in your palm, taking the rest of his cash and tucking it into the corner of your bikini top.
“chris.” you warned.
“what? it’s a tip.” he giggled. you let it slide, but chris knew you’d slip that cash back into his pockets one way or another.
you watched chris mumble something inaudible to matt before getting out the van and shutting the door, eyeing you down the whole time with half-lidded eyes.
“what’s wrong?” you asked worriedly when your boyfriend wrapped an arm around your bare waist, walking you both up the driveway and towards your sorority house.
chris shook his head, “i can’t leave without fucking you.”
“can you talk any louder?” you squealed, slapping his shoulder and looking around nervously.
he took you up your room and waited no time to close the door behind you, pining you against it and immediately pressing his lips on yours. chris kissed you soft, his pace quickening as his hands wander around your body. he smoothed his large palms around your waist before sneaking down and grabbing a handful of your ass.
you gripped onto the plain, white fabric of his tee as you stood on your toes, whining in his mouth when he spread your legs with his knee and slotted his leg between yours. you felt the rough denim of his jeans scratch against your thighs.
chris trailed his kisses to your cheek and toward your ear. he grabbed onto your wrist, slowly guiding it to his bulge.
“fuck, see what you did to me? been like this ever since i saw your pretty ass.” chris kissed your earlobe and groaned in your ear when you squeezed him gently.
you giggled despite yourself, “‘m sorry.” you cooed, a hand coming up to scratch at his scalp lovingly while he created purple marks on your neck.
chris tapped your waist and you jumped, your boyfriend catching you with his hands under your thighs. he kissed you again all while laying you on your bed, climbing on top of you and resting his forearms on both sides of your head. pulling away, he smirked at the sight of your cheeks red and lips swollen and glossy.
he kissed down your neck, between your breasts, your stomach, and to your thighs. chris spread your legs, pushing them up so he could lay featherlight kisses on your inner thighs. he nipped at the fat while a hand snuck up to rub tight, slow circles over your clit.
“chris, cmon.” you grumbled shyly, raking your hand through his hair. in return, chris gave you a rather hard bite on your thigh and making you yelp before you smacked the back of his head. he giggled before moving up to kiss your pussy lightly over your bikini.
chris licked a bold stripe up your mound, eyes staring up at you with a dead look in his eyes.
you whimpered under your breath as your boyfriend slid your orange bikini to the side, keeping two fingers hooked around it while he spat onto your cunt. then he dove right in. he started off with slow licks around your pussy, ignoring your clit and enjoying the soft pleas that came out your mouth. he left kisses starting from your hole, getting his lips sticky and trailing up to wrap his lips around your clit.
your boyfriend ate you out like there was no tomorrow. his chin was wet, the tip of his nose slick and shiny. he whined against your cunt, mumbling things you couldn’t understand because of the moans that bounced off the thin walls. chris hugged your thighs to spread you open some more.
“fuck. . ‘er so pretty.” chris murmured, removing his face from your pussy and leaving wet kisses on your thigh. he replaced his mouth with his hand, rubbing your clit in soft motions and watching your face contort in pleasure.
“chris.” you gasped, grabbing onto his arm suddenly as you felt your orgasm creeping up on you.
“nah, hold it.” he said, placing hickeys on your thigh and quickening his pace on your clit.
you whined, getting frustrated as the tightness in your lower stomach started becoming harder to ignore. tugging on his hair, chris stopped his motions on your clit and stared at you with a deadpan expression on his face. if you weren’t so worked up, you would’ve laughed at the way half of his face was shiny with your slick.
chris slapped your clit, making you jolt and gasp in surprise. “don’t fuckin’ pull my hair.” he grumbled, slapping your cunt one more time to get his warning across before soothing the sting with diving back in to your pussy.
your orgasm bubbled up quickly, making you reach out and attempt to push his head away. “‘m g-gonna cum.” you whimpered as his assault on your clit never stopped. he didn’t say anything but raise up a hand, letting you intertwine your fingers together. he knew you got squirmy when you were about to cum.
your thigh shook against chris’ head as you came, crying his name out softly as he ate you out through your high. he moaned against your cunt the whole time, only milking you out more.
chris only let you go when you slapped his head. laying his head on your thigh, he smiled at you giddily.
“good?” he asked breathlessly, thumbing swiping across your knuckles in a calming matter.
“if you tell me to hold that shit in one more time, i’m kicking you out.” you glared down at him. chris’ face fell, his hand letting go of yours as he hugged your thighs again.
he glared back at you, “well that’s great ‘cause i’m giving you one more and you’re gonna fuckin’ hold it.”
“wait, no chri—“ you got cut off when your boyfriend spat directly on your clit, gasping at the amount of pleasure it sent through your body. chris knew how sensitive you got after just one orgasm, so having another felt like punishment itself.
he had no mercy on your sensitive pussy, licking your clit ‘til it was puffy and sticking his tongue in your hole before humming like it was the best meal he had ever eaten. safe to say, chris was just as petty and stubborn as you were.
“chrisss, fuck, ‘m sorry.” you whined desperately as tears started to form in your waterline. you felt your orgasm creeping up on you rather quickly, and knowing chris, he was dead serious about having you hold your orgasm in.
he let go of one your legs to tease your hole, letting your slick wet his fingers before pushing one in. chris smirked as you moaned, your voice breaking.
you let tears fall down your cheeks, “baby i’m sorry.” you pouted, holding onto his hair for dear life as you tried your hardest not to cum.
chris started to feel a bit bad, but never stopped his movements on your sweet pussy. “fine, i’ll let you cum.” he giggled, his tone playful as if he wasn’t making you melt into a puddle on your bed. the audacity on this man was crazy.
but as soon as you could thank him, chris completely halted everything. he slid his fingers out of you, making you groan out his name and. he was just as furious as you as he stood up on his knees, taking his clean hand to fish out his phone.
of course, matt just had to ruin the moment. sighing, chris gave you an apologetic look as he answered the phone, putting it on speaker. that didn’t stop him from giving you that second orgasm though, because he started rubbing your clit in figure eight motions. it was like moth to a flame.
“hello? chris?” matt announced, annoyance laced in his tone.
“fuck do you want matt?” chris spoke while he sent a glare down at you, silently telling you to not make a single sound. to make things worse, he quickened his pace.
“i’ve been waiting in this parking lot for ten fucking minutes! where the hell are you?”
chris bit his lip, trying to not outward moan as he took in how fucked out he made you look. “i’ll be right out in a minute. chill out on me you fucking freak.” he rolled his eyes.
matt yelled something inaudible at chris before hanging up. he threw his phone somewhere across the room and smirked down you.
“you gonna cum?” he asked condescending.
you fought back moans to give him an answer, “y-you gonna let me?”
chris didn’t reply, only laying a kiss on your calf and slightly applying more pressure onto your clit. that seemed to be your final straw because you arched your back, hips pushing into the bed to get away from his fingers as you came, hard. you whined your boyfriend’s name like a mantra.
he thought you looked especially pretty right now. your eyes glossy, cheeks pink with a pout on your lips. the orange on your bikini top complimented your skin and it didn’t help the tent in chris’ pants go down any more.
when you came back from your high, chris slid your bottoms back over your puffy cunt, patting it for good measures. he waved bye at it with an innocent smile.
sitting up, you smacked the back of his head, “what the hells wrong with you?” you scowled.
chris, without a beat, gapped at you, “i just gave you head two fucking times and you’re mad at me? i should be given the greatest boyfriend award right now.”
you glared at him, not wanting to give into his antics any longer. suddenly, chris brought his hand up to his face, sucking the finger that was just in you while maintaining eye contact.
“you’re nasty.” you mumbled.
“you can’t even walk, dumbass.” chris retorted. as much as you wanted him to be wrong, he was completely right. your legs felt like jello.
he took his phone out his pocket and sighed when he saw matt blowing up his phone. you peaked over and saw, too.
“i can’t even return the favor?” you pouted.
chris cupped your cheek lovingly, “it’s fine, we won’t have the time to. i love ya’, okay?” he pulled you closer to him so he could coax wet kisses on your cheeks. whining, you gripped onto his chin and pulled him into a kiss.
he tasted like you and strangely, it only made you fall harder for him.
“i love you, too. text me when you get home?” you used all your strength to wrap your arms around his neck, smiling at each other like lovesick idiots.
“yeah—“ chris was about to say something more when he felt his phone buzzing, indicating a call most definitely from matt.
“oh my fucking god!”
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luveline · 1 month
Hey Jade!
I can’t remember if you’ve already written this or not but if not, could you please write bombshell!reader finally joining the BAU? I wanna know how Spencer and everyone else reacted to her finally joining
Thanks lovely :) hope you’re doing well
ty for requesting 💌 fem, 1.3k
The trek from the SCU to the BAU is familiar. If you aren’t being asked to consult, or occasionally brought along on sex crime specific cases, you’ll make any excuse to get there. A broken laptop, an updated reading list, a good cup of coffee. Spencer Reid always provides. 
He just doesn’t get it. You think about it every time you see him, but he can’t understand how nice, kind, and pretty he really is, or he wouldn’t be so shy, and he wouldn’t act surprised to have you seeking him out. 
He’s sitting now behind his desk with a hand over his mouth. You can tell he’s smiling despite it, a warm light to his brown eyes as you approach. 
“Hello,” you say. 
“Hi.” He sniffs, curling his hand into a fist under his nose. His smile is a thousand times more obvious as he tries to hide. “You okay?” 
“Hotch asked me to come. You don’t know what it’s for?” 
His smile finally softens before fading to a more neutral expression. “I have no idea.” 
You wipe your hands down over your hips. “Well, I’m sure it’ll be fine, and not at all like last time.” Hotch has never been angry with you before. It was strange. “I hope he still likes me.” 
“What are you talking about? Of course he does.” 
“What am I talking about?” You agree. “Kiss for luck?” 
“Pucker up,” Morgan says, a coffee cup in hand. Without coffee you’re sure this office would cease to function. 
You shoot him a smile, Spencer a promising look to return, and start up the stairs to the office. You watch your shoes on each step, their shiny black, and you try not to be nervous, but Spencer was acting strange and Hotch has enough reason to revisit his anger. 
Your best defence is a smile, you decide. If you act like nothing happened, you won’t get another rehashing of your mistakes. 
You knock his door. “Hotch? It’s me.” 
“Come in, please.” 
You turn the handle and feel the weight of the door against your elbow as you enter. Hotch sits behind his desk, as usual, but when you’re a few paces from the desk he stand up, which is unusual. 
“How are you?” he asks.
Your eyes widen against your will. “I’m fine. How are you, Hotch? How’s your sweet boy? Did he have fun at little league?” 
“Jack’s perfect. I’m good, I need to talk to you about something.” 
“I assumed.” You wait. Then, neck growing warm, “If it’s about last time, I'm still so sorry.” 
“I’m not going to get angry at you twice for a mistake. But no, that’s not what you’re here for.” 
He’s making you nervous. Is this a guessing game? You lean into your nerves and put your arms behind your back, grasping your wrist as you tilt your head ever so slightly to the side. “It’s not about Spencer, is it? I told you, he’s just a friend. A good friend. But I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise my chances.” 
“It’s about that.” 
You stand straighter. “I do like him,” you confess, which Hotch already knows. Everybody seems to know except for Spencer. It’s not like you’re in love with him, just you could be, maybe. “But I’m really not– I would never do anything–” You start again. “I want this job more than anything. I know I flirt and I make more jokes than I should, but I take the work seriously, I promise. You guys are the most impressive people I know and I might feel like you’re a friend to me, Hotch, but you have to know how much I admire you. I admire Spencer, and I’d never let my feelings impede my professional ability.” 
“Y/N, I’m not reprimanding you for anything.” 
You swallow awkwardly. “You’re not?” 
He raises his eyebrows and turns to his desk. There’s a packet waiting across his outgoings, which he picks up and gives to you. “I need you to fill these in, first and foremost.” 
He’s smiling. Why is he smiling? 
You peer inside cautiously. Chest suddenly aching, thinking, It isn’t what you want, don’t break your own heart, you pull out the very top sheet from inside. FBI letterhead greets you. 
Facilitation of department transfer for Y/N L/N from the Sexual Crimes Unit to the Behavioural Analysis Unit, as requested by Unit Chief Supervisory Special Agent A. Hotchner and approved by Unit Chief S. Peterson. 
You lay it on top of the envelope. All the papers whine under your tight hand. “You requested it?” you ask. 
“Months ago.” 
“And Sandy said yes.” 
“Strauss, finally. If you sign them today, Penelope’s promised to expedite your processing, whether that’s fair or not. Your desk is ready.” 
“Hotch,” you whisper, not without excitement, but sound hard to summon, “are you serious? You’re not messing with me?”
“You deserve it. You have for a long time.” 
You squeeze your eyes closed. For five long seconds, you stand there, and you think about how hard you’ve worked and how badly you’ve wanted this, and how much faith everybody’s had in you the whole time. You’re so thankful. For Hotch, Morgan, and especially for Spencer Reid. 
“Don’t get upset,” Hotch says, taking your arm. He gives it a good squeeze. It’s so friendly and kind you consider jumping up to wrap your arms around him, but you restrain yourself. 
“Thank you,” you say quietly, pressing the packet to your chest. 
“You’re welcome. I didn’t mind fighting for you.” 
“I need to go and tell Spencer.” 
“Spencer, your good friend.” 
Your laugh comes in fractures from a sudden deep breath. “My good friend,” you agree. “Hotch, thank you. Thank you, I’m gonna go tell Spencer. I’ll be right back.” 
“It’s fine. Just make sure you finish those forms before lunch.” 
You leave with some dignity. You close Hotch’s office door, and you walk to the balcony and look down at Spencer where he’s waiting for you. His hair falls against his neck, his head angled up, and he’s smiling so hard he must’ve already known what you were summoned into the office for. 
You rush down the stairs. He, in all his loveliness, stands in time to open his arms. “I can’t believe it,” you say, your laugh like a ring as you lean against him. He holds you tight and hugs right back, forcing you to bend under his weight. “Spencer.” 
He pulls away just as quickly. “Tell me,” he says. 
“I’m gonna be part of the BAU.” It’s so insane to finally say aloud. 
Spencer looks extremely, achingly happy for you, but his second hug still surprises you. Your nose ends up pressed to his hair, strands of it falling from behind his ear as his palm cups your shoulder. 
You close your eyes. Spencer laughs, his lips a hair's width from your cheek. 
Your excitement grows too much. You squirm away from him and wrap your hands around yourself, holding in a girlish, giggly squeal. “I did it. I can’t believe I did it.” 
He takes your hand. You barely notice. “Why can’t you believe that? You’re amazing. You work hard and you didn’t give up.” 
Morgan returns from wherever he’s been with Emily and Garcia in tow. “There she is!” he says. 
It’s possibly the best round of hugs you’ve ever had in your life. The little congratulations cupcake they present you with is the sweetest you’ve ever tasted. Spencer puts a makeshift name tag on your desk and you don’t bother pretending your eyes haven’t filled with tears, but nobody cares or minds. 
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jeongin-lvr · 7 months
💭 ׄ ︵͡ make it fit, h. kai
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꒰ 🗯️ ꒱ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀!𝗂 𝖺𝗆 𝗂𝗇 𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗄𝖺𝗂 𝗇𝗀𝗅,𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗄𝖺𝗂 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀/𝗇𝖾𝖾𝖽𝗒 𝗄𝖺𝗂 𝗇𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝖽,𝗌𝗂𝗓𝖾 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗄 𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖼𝗋𝖺𝗓𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾,𝗌𝗍𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗀𝗍𝗁 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗄 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗊𝗎𝗂𝗇𝗍,𝖻𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀,𝖻𝗋𝗎𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗌,𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗇 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗅,𝖯𝖴𝖱𝖤 𝖥𝖨𝖫𝖳𝖧,𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗅𝗂𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾,𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝖾,𝗉𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗌𝖾.
[ 𝟣𝟣𝟧𝟩 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌 ] ❤︎︎ [ 𝖽𝗈 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 ] ❤︎︎ [ 𝗆.𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 ]
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"𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚- 𝗜 𝗖𝗔𝗡,𝗧-" Kai grunted, pressing your face further into the bed with his big hands, the pressure of his thick & long cock stretching you out almost painfully. Yet he was determined to make it all fit. He was just so big, his cock sopping with lewd fluids and red as if it were angry, desperate to be engulfed in your warmth.
Kai clicked his tongue as if he were disappointed but never stopped pushing his hips forward. He only had about half of his cock in your tiny pussy, yet you were already on the verge of tears.
You clutched the bedsheets as a waterfall of tears slipped down your poor puffy cheeks; you were just as desperate as Kai was to make it fit, but you weren't sure. He was just so fucking big. It hurt yet it felt so good, like ecstasy, like a drug that hazed your vision and clouded your mind.
And you just knew as soon as the rest of his inches were buried inside of you, it'd feel perfect. Like something you've been waiting for— like finally having that final piece you've been longing to feel for so long.
"Fuck, bubs, you gotta loosen up—" Kai tilted his head back, feeling how tight you were was making him hiss and groan. Your boyfriend gripped your hips, forgetting his strength and probably etching bruises into your skin, "I'm gonna fucking cum if you don't... relax, baby, p-please..."
You tried, you were so focused on making it fit. Making all of him fit. Another inch filled you up, and you could already feel his angry red tip kiss your cervix— more like stab it. You flinched and let out a sob, making Kai pause, bending forward and breathing into your neck with worry.
"You alright? Should we stop?" He whispered, kissing your shoulders and cooing. Kai was so gentle yet at the same time powerful. He sometimes forgot he was 6' and incredibly strong, almost letting all his weight pile on top of you, burning your skin with his bare chest and crimson skin.
"No— Ning, please, d-don't stop," You pleaded as another set of tears rolled down you face. Kai kissed it better; lips wet with your salty tears, eyes worried but his body so desperate for you. It was hard to stop his hips from rolling, enamored but the way your cunt took him.
"I wan' it. I wan' it so f-fucking bad!" Another inch sunk into your cunt, wet walls fluttering around him. Kai kissed your cheek again, strong hand pressed by your face and gripping the fabric of the sheets in his knuckles.
Kai's pretty nose dragged across your flushed skin, down your back as he kissed up and down your spine. He used his hand to steady you, resting on your tummy as he felt himself sink deeper and deeper... oh, so deliciously.
"Almost there, you're doing so good," Kai mumbled, resisting the urge to just thrust forward and make it all fit in one go. But he knew better than to do that; he would never intentionally hurt his baby like that.
"Just a little— little bit more to go," Kai looked down at the way his erect cock inserted into your cunt, precum wetting around his length where the last few inches lay exposed. It looked like it was dipped in elixir— like honey, sticky and beautifully shimmering.
"Feels— s' full," You spoke so lazily, a drawl of pleasure in your voice. It was hard to form sentences that made sense when he was so deep inside of you.
"I know, I know, bubs," Kai finally felt your cunt loosen, almost begging him to slot himself fully inside of you, "Holy f-fuck—"
And finally Kai was balls deep inside of you, feeling every inch of your walls envelope his cock like a perfect sleeve. Suddenly everything was right, you let out a long moan, loud enough to bounce off the walls and pleasure his ears.
"That's it, that's my good girl..." Kai tilted his head back, resisting every urge to blow, "Tell me when, okay?"
You nodded, frantically gripping and clawing at any pillow or blanket you could. Your mouth lay open, puddles of drool and tears beneath your face.
"Feels— feels good," You utter out between a breathless whimper, "Ning, m' ready for you."
Kai didn't hesitate to move, only softly with an experimental roll of his hips, instantly your cunt pulsated around him, pulling him in deeper as if you were silently begging for him. Your boyfriend groaned, bending forward to wrap his arms around your tummy, gripping you to his chest.
"Fuck, baby, can't hold back—" Kai's hips couldn't be stopped as he began fucking into you from behind, one frantic thrust after another. Soon, the sound of your soaked cunt filling and emptying of his cock was all that could be heard; apart from your endless moans and whines, that is. It was hard to breathe, Kai barely gave you time to think between each thrust, and it only got quicker and hotter from there.
"F-fuck! Ning, s-slow down!" You tried but Kai didn't listen, which a part of you loved. You loved having him like this, using you as if you were a little flesh light just for his pleasure. And paired with the tender touches and gentle coos of apologies he gave you for his almost unstoppable actions, it was heaven sent. The perfect combo.
"M' sorry, I c-can't," Kai held your stomach and pressed all his weight into your back, sticky sweaty skin rubbing together, "You feel so fucking good— fuck, fuck, I'm cumming!"
Before you could even protest (not that you could. Your brain wasn't functioning right. It felt like it was melting out your ears) Kai spilled his seed into you. Pounding into you with his nose buried in the shallow part of your neck, his own whines leaving you on the verge of cumming yourself.
You shuddered as cum filled you to the brim, leaning out in lewd globs and disgusting sounds as he rode out his exhilarating high.
"Ning— s'full, can't—"
Kai, despite the overstimulation, continued thrust his hips into you. A ring of his own cum pooling at the base of his cock as he did so. To stop his wild whines he bit into your neck, whimpering like a dog in heat as he finally felt that familiar flutter of your walls clenching around him.
And soon you were cumming too; engrossed in the pleasure as your face was swallowed by the blankets and another batch of relentless tears coated the sheets.
After a minute of silence (apart from your moans and his whimpers of pleasure) Kai bent down again, kissing the last tear that felt from your eyes, "Proud of you, baby... took me so well."
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abiatackerman · 19 days
Daddy's little rival
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You flinch as the door swings open making a loud thud.
"It's not fair, mommy! You're playing with daddy, not me! He's not a brat! He doesn't need you to play with him."
You chuckle as you see your son's jealous eyes as he looks at you. He is a perfect mix of genetics. His black hair, blue-grey eyes, and pale skin are from Levi while his cute, slightly rounded features are from you.
"Your mom is mine."
As Levi speaks, he gently kisses your neck while he keeps staring at his son… Trying to get the little tyke rile up.
"Stop teasing your son."
You chuckle as you nudge Levi a little. You smile looking at your son's pouty cute face and open your arms.
"Come to mommy, dear."
Before you can even finish your sentence, your son runs towards your bed and jumps right into your lap and hugs your waist tightly.
"Are you done with your little tantrum now?"
Levi mutters playfully as he watches his baby get cuddled on by you.
Your son mutteres softly. His mood went from angry to adorable in a second just by being cuddled by you. Just like Levi, he is a momma's boy. All it takes one moment for him to start giggling and smiling if you're around. Levi can't help but smile at the sight.
"You're just like your dad. You've got his every single behaviour..."
You chuckle as you caress your son's hair. He grumbles in your chest making you laugh. He doesn't like to be compared with his dad. Not even a little.
Levi tilts his head and watches as his son squirming.
"What's wrong? Scared of being daddy's lil twin?"
He teases, which only seems to make his son even more frustrated.
Your son mutters as he lifts his head up and glares at his dad with a frown. His eyes, which are just as beautiful as Levi’s, seem to glare right into Levi’s heart.
"Hey hey hey... Your daddy is humanity's strongest soldier, don't forget that. You should be proud that you've got his strength and attitude... "
You say patting your son's head.
"That's not something you should be proud of, he's just a grumpy old man!"
Your son muttered playfully sticking his tongue at Levi.
"I think he has a bit of an attitude problem. Maybe you're spoiling him too much, he's becoming cranky…"
Levi speaks in the same playful tone as his son as he flicks his son's head.
"I'm not cranky!"
There the little tyke goes again. Acting exactly like his dad. A mini Levi. His cheeks puffed out as he pouted at his dad, looking like just a younger version of him.
"Whatever, come here brat. Your mom needs to cook. Today's weekend and we're gonna enjoy a delicious dinner cooked by mommy, right? Also it's time for your after lunch lap. Come on."
Your son grumbles in a grumpy tone but let Levi pull him anyway. Levi tickles your son as your son burst out into laughter. You smile as you leave the room letting the father-son have their own time closing the door behind you.
You know both of them will fall asleep  within 30 minutes. Levi will hug his son protectively and your son will cuddle against Levi's chest while they'll sleep.
This is the regular weekend routine of your little Ackerman family.
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worldofkuro · 2 months
Painted Smile
Painted Smile X
Pairing: Alastor x Female! Reader
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Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: I won't lie it was a difficult chapter because Reader's psyche is changing but without this I loved this chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did ! There is fluff but beware there are racism, killing envy and blood. But nothing too bad I think... yet. I really hope you'll love it, it's the turning point of the story !
You woke up against Alastor's naked chest, still enveloped in blankets. You could feel him playing with your hair while humming a song you’ve heard on the radio. You tilted your head toward him, watching his face wearing his usual smile. 
“ Hello, dear.” he whispered. You kissed his cheeks and put your head back against his warm chest. You could feel his body being more tense than usual, maybe being almost naked against each other made him uncomfortable? You tried to sit up but he pushed your head against his chest once again. “ Stay…”
You hummed, caressing his scars. It was strange, the skin color was different depending if there were scars but you were surprised by how smooth it was. You couldn’t tell the difference between his scars and his skin. 
“ Who did this to you..?” you whispered. Even though you both were alone in the cottage, cut from the outside world by the snowstorm you didn’t want to break the comfortable and quiet atmosphere. You felt like, if you began to talk louder, Alastor would shield himself from you. You felt him take a big deep breath before speaking a word you couldn't help but expect.
“ My father.” He sighed.
“ Do you wish to talk about it?”
“ What is there to tell, dear? The man who owned the title of being my father had my mother pregnant, he wanted to be a perfect man so he married her.  It was a gamble that failed. I was born and he would beat me or my mother if we were acting a little too “ black” for him, with his belt, his fists, cold water and so many other things. He teached me how to hunt, how to kill, how to hurt… I know so many things that would make you run away from me, my dear friend…” he hugged you tighter.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt this angry. The man you have met many times, the very man who hurted Alastor, has always been close to you and you’ve never seen it. You tried not to imagine Alastor being alone in his room being beaten hard by his father while trying not to cry while holding onto Eamon. Had you hurted him when you would smash into his arms for a hug? Had you hurted him when you would jump on his back because you didn’t want to be walking because you were oh so tired. Why didn’t you realize that Eamon’s fur was getting redder and redder because Alastor was bleeding on him because of his father. Why did you not realize that Alastor didn’t want to let Marie alone in this house because there was a demon living among them.
“ Dear?”
“ I hope he dies during the war.”
There was a silence before Alastor tilted your head by your chin toward his face. His eyes had the same warm glint but there was something else, something darker that seemed to try to stay hidden. He was looking at you, observing you like he was searching for some kind of answer. You tried to show how angry you were, you wanted your eyes to give the answer Alastor was looking for. 
“ And if I told you I didn’t wish for him to be killed during war?”
Your eyes widened. What? 
“ Alastor.. I know he is your father and maybe you still feel some kind of bond with him but you shouldn’t. He doesn’t even deserve to be killed as a soldier, he should be taken by the enemy, tortured until he can’t even spell his own name. Being eaten by dogs. No, it would be bad meat for the dogs. He should just get his members cut off, his tongue eaten by rats, he shou–” you gasped as Alastor kissed you, pressing your body against his own. Why was he kissing you so passionately when you were talking about how his father should die.
He leaned back with a soft smile, that dangerous glint in his eyes back. You tilted your head, you didn't finish talking, it was rude of him.
“ Aah.. Darling, you are…” he sighed in bliss as you felt his nails dug comfortably into your waist.” What if.. What if I told you I didn't want him to be killed because..” he stared at you a moment before speaking again.”  I want to be the one to kill him.”
You shivered even though you were against Alastor’s warm chest and under several blankets. Alastor wanted to kill his own father? You were staring at him while he was observing you, waiting for your reaction. Alastor wanted to kill his own father? Well, you did want the bastard dead and Alastor deserved his revenge but to kill.. to kill another human being…
“ Killing him…? But …”
“ Don’t see him as living being my dear, he isn’t worth the title. Think of it.. Like I’m going to hunt a dangerous animal that needs to be put down. I’m just like your ideal Prince charming , aren’t I? Killing dangerous people for his loved one?” He tilted his head with a soft smile. 
You couldn’t help but nod. What he was saying was true. Killing his father would be a great thing. You were beginning to scared yourself as you felt no remorse or guilt to think about Alastor killing his father, his own blood. Why would you? He didn’t deserve to live after what he had done to Alastor and Marie. The idea didn’t scare you but your thoughts did. Deep inside you, you knew you weren’t scared because this idea was coming from Alastor. You trusted him with your life.
“ How would you kill him?” you asked, curiously. You giggled as he kissed you everywhere on your face. His body, once tense, was beginning to relax a little. You didn’t know what you had done but it seemed like your gave the answer Alastor was waiting for.
“ How I’m going to kill him, you mean. I have many ideas my dear! By knife, rifle or maybe by strangling him?” he pondered as he stared at the ceiling with a happy grin.
“ Won’t he be able to scream if you strangle him?” you asked. You remembered, when you were playing with your cousins, some would play a little too hard and would “strangle” you. You would just scream so your mother would come and scold your cousins.
“ Oh trust me dear, if you do it right, you can’t scream for help.”
“ How do you know?” 
“ Well, I tried to scream for my mother one day.” he smiled at you and you felt angrier than you were minutes ago. His bastard father had strangled Alastor when he was a kid. What a demon! He really didn’t deserve to be alive! “ I have so many ideas!”
“ You know, If you really happened to kill him, I wouldn’t tell a soul… In fact.. If you need me at that moment.. I promise, I’ll be there.” you said sure of yourself. You did not know if you could handle everything but you’ll be by Alastor’s side from the beginning. You didn’t know if you could kill… It was a thought too far from your morals but helping Alastor if he happened to be injured or something else… That, you would do it.
“ Oh dear.. Don’t tell me that, you’re going to make me say things I’m not ready to tell yet.” he sighed dreamily as he tilted his head backwards. Now, that made you curious. What could Alastor be hiding, he just told you he planned to murder his father, what more could you be hiding ? You smiled as you nipped his neck, making him shiver.
“ Like what? Tell me. Tell me!” you smiled as you kept kissing him on his jaws, his cheeks and his nose. “ Come on now, you just told me you wanted to kill your father, what more can’t you tell me ?” you whined before settling against him once more. You closed your eyes and listened to his heartbeat. It was fast…
“ Fine… Dearest, once I have killed my father,” you hummed while he took your hand in his. “ Would you marry me?”
Oh Lord.
You sat up, staring at him.  He was looking at you, kissing the back of your hand. You were shaking, did he .. did he..?
“ I won’t lie, I still don’t know what Love is about. I just know that I want you to be by my side, I don’t think I could remain sane if I were to see your attention shifting to someone else. Just like Narcissus with his own reflection, I can’t get enough of you and yet I feel so fulfilled when you are by my side. I’m… I think I may be obsessed with you. You are the person who brought my human heart to life, how odd. I know it’s not the love you read about or you wish for.. I don’t even know if this is love. But this is what I feel for you, and I don’t think I’ll be able to feel it for anyone else, heck, I don’t want to feel it for anyone else…I want you caged with me. I want you to think about me just like I’m always thinking about you.” he stared at you, waiting for your answer, caressing your trembling hand. His eyes were shaking but he kept his gaze on you, observing your reactions. “ Would you accept my mad affection?”
You were shaken. You were with Alastor, almost naked, sitting on his pelvis with a blanket around you and a snowstorm outside.You felt hot. So hot. Alastor wanted to marry you. He wanted you to be his wife? It felt like everything clicked in your brain. Each time you were running after him, each time you wanted to make him like you, each time you wanted him to see you as a lady, each time you asked him to let you enter into his mind, each time you felt anger when a woman would come close to him, each time you wanted him to watch you and only you.
You were madly in love and obsessed with Alastor.
You read so many love novels… The prince never asked the princess to marry after telling her he was going to kill his father. The prince never asked the princess to think about him only. Their love was pure, not tainted by obsession, not tainted by the immense need to be by their lover’s side… Their love was not like what was happening right now.
And yet you couldn’t be happier.
You smiled at him, your vision blurry because of the tears blinding your eyes.
“ Alastor.. I may be just a foolish sixteen year old girl. Maybe your obsession will pass when you see I have nothing to offer you but trust me, my affection for you has been present since the day I laid my eyes on you.” you felt him squeeze your hand harder as you continued your confession.” We are both young, so maybe you’ll change your mind. You’ll find a proper woman but I know that you are the only man I wish for in my life. The only man I wish I would marry…” you sobbed as you squeezed his hand back as he stared at you with clear obsession in his eyes. He leaned toward you, whispering against your lips.
“ Say it.. Say it..” he begged.
“ Yes, Alastor, I will marry you.”
He kissed you with a big smile you couldn’t help but imitate. He hugged you against him so hard you felt pain in your chest but you didn't care. You squeezed him as hard as you could, you’ve never felt happier.
“I feel like this is too good to be true…” you heard him say against your skin. You couldn’t help but laugh while wiping your eyes. You leaned back as you took both of his hands in yours.
“ It’s true.. I feel like.. Once we leave this place, everything would be a faraway dream.” you sighed with a soft smile. You felt like you were dreaming right now…
“ I.. May have an idea for that.” he smirked at you as you tilted your head, confused. “ I find myself being interested in voodoo.” he held his hand in front of your mouth as you gasped. “ No worry darling, voodoo is not a barbaric religion. It’s in my blood, I found books about it and where it came from. And, there are some rituals that can bind souls together… Would you like to try it?”
“ For real?” you said, astonished. From what you heard, voodoo was a banned religion because it was witchcraft which came from black people. You didn’t really find yourself into religion, men killed for religion no matter which one. But if voodoo was something Alastor’s looked into and was coming from his ancestors, that could be interesting.
“ Yes indeedy. They wrote it as a curse though but…” you peck his nose before he could continue.
“ Yes, I want to.” you smiled. “ How do we do it?”
“ I don’t have the book with me right now. But it’s very specific.. I’ll need some of your blood.” he said carefully but soon his expression turned to surprise as you ran toward the kitchen and gave back with a knife. “ Well, aren’t you in a hurry to be bound to me body and soul?” he said with a teasing smile.
“ Oh, you are right, we can wait.” you said and smiled delightedly when you saw his expression twitched. You knew that Alastor would be the less patient of the both of you for this kind of thing, for you, which was surprising, he was known to be patient, very patient. “ Here I was, ready to make my ring finger bleed.” you shook your head with a saddened expression. “ How foolish…”
“ Dear…”
“ Seems like I’m in no hurry to become your wife!” you squeaked as Alastor tugged you against his chest with a smile so big it almost looked like inhuman.
“ Dearest, don’t play with me. Not with that.” he gently took the knife from your hand. “ No need for this. If you accepted, I could cut you.” he looked at you, seeming unsure. You tilted your head, cutting yourself seemed scary indeed.
“ It’s going to hurt, right..?” you asked softly.  You watched as he played smoothly  with the knife in his hand. You wished you knew how to do it…
“ I’ll try to make it so you don’t feel anything.” 
“ No. I want to feel it. I want to feel this moment.” you said sure of yourself.  Tonight would mark the first step of becoming Alastor’s wife, body and soul. You would be damned together or go to heaven together, there were no in between. You saw Alastor’s smile widened, it seemed like he was sharing the same feeling as you about this situation.
You looked as he sunk softly the knife’s edge into your skin. You shivered as you bit your lips, you were feeling no pain. You remembered in your romance books, normally the woman would be crying as the prince would pass the ring on her fingers. And yet, here you were, letting Alastor cut your skin and enjoying it. 
He took a napkin from the table and held it against your bleeding finger. 
“ Are you okay?” he asked, observing your reaction once more. You nodded, you don’t think you could feel even better ! He put the napkin on this table with a satisfied smile before you pinned him on the sofa, hugging him against you.
“ I’m the happiest girl in the whole world !” you shouted before leaving the sofa, leaving there a confused smiling Alastor, and you jumped everywhere. You couldn’t wait to tell your mother, your father, Alice ! You squealed in delight as you jumped around under Alastor’s soft gaze.
“ You gave me the best birthday’s present.” he said as he stood up. You grinned at him, his birthday was tomorrow, you needed to prepare the food. Even if you knew nobody would be coming, it was for the better!
You took Marie’s recipes’s book, still with the blankets around you.
“ Let your future wife cook for you!” you smiled confidently.
Alastor let you in the kitchen for 15 minutes before running back because he smelt fire. You just smiled sweetly at him with a burned stove. Alastor sighed with a tender smile before helping you cook. You wanted to try to cook something spicy, that’s why you had asked Alice to bring hot pepper for his birthday.
“ Do you think you could eat one and handle it ?” you teased him. He just looked at you and ate a whole pepper without flinching. You stared at him in shock. He winked at you before giving you a hot pepper with a mocking smile.
“ Could you handle it?”
You scoffed and took the hot pepper in your hands.  If Alastor did it, you could do it! You took the whole hot pepper in your mouth and swallowed it. You waited a little then laughed at Alastor.
“ I had worse at my– Oh my god..” you stopped every movement as your felt pure fire began to grow inside of you. You felt tears streaming down your face as you coughed, holding on Alastor’s arms as he was laughing so hard you could see tears on the side of his eyes. “ Alastor, help me!” you tried to fan your tongue, jumping around as Alastor held himself against the wall, crying of laughter.
“ Haha! Dear, drink milk ! milk!” he laughed as he pointed to the fridge. You ran toward it and slammed its door open. Did you even have milk? Yes! You took the bottle and drank messily the milk until the bottle was half full. “ Oh dear… Would you like a kiss after this horrible experiment?” he smiled as he walked toward you, but as he leaned closer to your face you almost could feel the hot pepper still on his lips.
You ran away, screaming at him. You didn’t want to feel this pain anymore! You were screaming as Alastor ran behind you, his laughter echoing in the little cottage.You couldn’t help but smile, if this scene would represent your future with Alastor, you would love it!
After your battle, easily won by Alastor’s lips against yours, you went back to cooking. Alastor was showing you how to cook and you took notes. It seemed so easy from his movement. You were almost jealous but then you began to smile as you remembered that you would see this scene every day in the future.
“ You have such a big smile dear, does watching me cooking bring you such pleasure?” he asked teasingly. You stuck your tongue at him, you knew he was happier than he let on. His smile was more genuine and his body was more relaxed than you've ever seen him. 
After an hour you went back to the living room, near the fire and ate Alastor’s cooking. You called your mothers to reassure them that everything was good and you were safe. You gossiped, played a few games, like poker and Alastor was way too good about it , you would just throw a pillow at him each time he would wink at you, meaning he knew he had won. You took a nap against Alastor’s chest and when you woke up it was almost midnight. You stood up from his chest and were surprised to see Alastor asleep. Maybe being away from everything, with you had made him relaxed enough that his body could sleep? You smiled and went to the kitchen and took a cake out of the fridge. You tried to make a coffee cake two days ago, you hoped it was still good… You put the candle on the cake and lit them up before walking toward the living room. 
You saw an awaken Alastor turning his head toward you as you sat in front of him on your knees, with a soft smile and whispered in the quiet room.
“ Happy birthday, Alastor”
“ Happy birthday Alastor!” you all cheered and brough your glasses together. You were in a bar with jazz playing, celebrating the new year and Alastor’s 23th birthday. Alice was there, with some of Alastor’s friends, you didn’t really remember all of their names but one, Mimzy. It was a name you never heard of so it stuck with you.
Alastor has become a real man. He was taller than most people, his frame was deceivingly slim, his smile was as broad as ever, his hair were a little longer than when he was younger and as always , he had his glasses on. He was grinning as everyone congratulated him for his birthday. You looked at Alice with a soft smile.
Alice had changed too. Long gone was the sweet innocent looking girl, she was now a beautiful woman who was confident in any way. She had cut her long hair, now they ended toward her shoulder. She looked at you and winked.
“ Another shot?”
You laughed and nodded but Alastor stood up.
“ My dear friend, what a day to celebrate the new year and myself. I have happy news to share.” all of you looked at Alastor, waiting for him to tell you his news. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes with a smile, he was such an attention seeker. “ My voice is going to keep you company most of the day as I have been hired in a radio station.” he said with a proud smirk, his eyes never leaving yours. You shouted of pure happiness, standing up so abruptly the chair fell down behind you. You clapped just like the rest of the people around the table.
“ I knew you would do it, sweetie!” said Mizmy, giving him a side hug.
“ I'm paying for another round of shots!” you exclaimed with a big smile. You didn't even wait for everyone to tell you what they wanted. You were already going toward the barman. You were really walking straight but who cared, everyone here was busted. 
“ Heya doll, whatcha want?”
“ Give me your strongest.” you said while pointing to your table. He nodded and you went back to your table who were still praising Alastor. You sat back down next to Alice.
“ Hearing Alastor’s voice all day? Ugh, I’ll have to endure it.” she said with an amused expression. You laughed, Alastor and Alice always say they didn’t like each other but when it was for you, they would team up. 
“ I can’t wait to hear his voice on the radio. You don’t understand, we’ve been waiting for it since childhood!” you said with a nostalgic smile. You remembered your sleepover and your childish broadcast… Aah, how time flies. You smiled as the waitress put the shots on the table with a whole bottle of whiskey. 
“ Order from the house.” she said flirty before leaving. You all took one shot and drank it. You try not to grimace, this one was really strong. You laughed as you saw Alice’s head fall against the table.
“ Oh, this one was a bitch.” 
“ You need more training, love.” you heard Mimzy say to Alice as she tapped her back. You looked at Alastor who didn’t even flinch. He was talking with one of his friends but you knew better… Those friends must be useful in some way. Your expression lifted up as you heard a song you wanted to dance to. You moved Alastor’s friend out of your way and dragged him on the dancefloor. You laughed as he began to spinned you.
“ Are you sure you can handle me in that state, love?” he taunted you as he spinned you back against his broad chest. You winked at him, you may be more than tipsy but you weren’t drunk yet. You could handle him. You began to dance with Alastor, quickly being the center of all attention. You knew every step by heart, Alastor could throw you in the air you would just close your eyes and wait for him to catch once again.
After a lot of dances, you went back to your table as Alastor danced with Mimzy. You sat next to Alice, making air with your hand. So hot.
“ I won’t lie, there is so much tension between you I don’t know how you don’t just.. jump each other when you both are alone.” Alice said before drinking a glass of whiskey.
You laughed, smacking her arms. There have been moments where Alastor and you would make out so intensely you would get ready to give him your virginity but he always said to be patient and wait for your future wedding night even if it was killing you both. You respected his decision, you would wait for your wedding. The only person who knew what had happened in the cottage, the only one who knew about your promise, for Alastor 17th birthday was Alice, who almost broke every damn mirror with her screams.
“ What? Look at you ! You’re like.. ethereal ! And I’m the one saying that.” she said before slipping her hair to one side of her shoulder. You grinned, you did grow up well. Your mother was so proud of you and even your father. When your father had returned from war he was badly injured so you took upon yourself to be his personal nurse. You weren’t a perfect nurse but you knew how to clean wounds, do stitches, you weren’t disgusted by the sight of blood anymore. And to top it all off, you were used to seeing Alastor bring back dead animals from his hunt now. You weren’t the fragile little girl anymore. Something your parents would missed sometimes, but from your friends point of view and even Alastor’s, you could still be endearingly naive.
“ And what about you Alice? The jewel of New Orleans? No one fancied yet?” you smirked before taking a glass of whiskey. Alice had, as always, so many people who threw themselves to her feet but she didn’t care. 
“ No, which is infuriating , look at me ! Poor little me being single!” she groaned as you laughed before hugging her. You knew Alice would find someone, she deserved it!
You kept celebrating until 3 am before you knew it was time for you to go. You were tired and you knew you would have to take care of your father if needed. He was doing well but he couldn’t stay still so he went to work with the police. What a stubborn man. You kissed Alice on her cheek and smiled when you felt a warm hand on your back.
“ Ready to go, dearest?” Alastor smiled at you, he already had his jacket on his arm. You nodded and said your goodbye before leaving the bar. You were staring at Alastor’s handsome punchable face. He looked down at you with a teasing grin. “ Yes ?”
“ Nothing.. I’m just admiring your face.”
“ Oh, please, do continue.” he chuckled as he walked you to your home. In front of your door you hugged him as he kissed your forehead. You began to turn away from him, ready to catch some sleep but he took your hands.
“ I say I had good news right?”
“ Yes, you are now a radio host.” you smiled before giving him a peck on his lips. “ I’m so proud of you. We’ve been waiting for this, haven't we?”
“ We have, indeedy, dearest. But I have some other news, for both of us.” He took your hand toward his mouth and kissed the back of it, staring into your soul.
“ My father is coming back.”
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
Core, what about a bit of competition with ps! Gaz? Some new girl who think's she's already the darling of the studio takes a liking to Gaz, but finds out about his ties with reader.
The one time she gets to film with Gaz, she overplays her role and absolutely covers his neck, collar, shoulder, everything with hickeys, hoping it will deter the reader.
So imagine her shock when the next day, she pops into his dressing room and finds the reader in there as well, applying foundation over the marks and littered with dozens from Gaz himself. ❤️
(I realize how dumb this sounds as an ask but it's been rotting my brain for days and I desperately need it gone so I can focus on my college classes 😭)
thanks this has also been rotting my brain because i just love putting people in their place (: more ps!gaz here <3
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The crux of your ass sits in perfect place on Kyle's thighs while your legs straddle the expanse of his hips. Warm hands rest on your waist as you manhandle his jaw, tilting his head side to side to get better access to his neck. Thick, round hickeys litter the delicate skin around his throat and down to his shoulders in angry, red pinpoint marks that break the beautiful and even tone of his skin with something revolting. They look like proper bruises rather than the after effects of a... wild video shoot. As if someone had tried to strangle him rather than make love to him.
You remember the video well, along with that new model with her fake blonde hair and even faker tan that they had paired Kyle with to shoot the other day. You had only seen her in person one time, and you vividly recall the way her blue eyes rolled over your body, assessing every inch of you before ultimately deciding you were worth very little time. Confidence was a must when you worked in the porn industry, but her attitude borders on an arrogance you haven't seen since your teenage years in public school.
As you apply yellow color corrector onto the dark marks on his skin, you nearly shiver as the images of her stained lips suckling on Kyle's neck flood your mind. There was little room to feel jealousy about her ravaging your favorite co-star when you were too busy cringing. So childish. Over zealous. You nearly cried tears of laughter when you noticed Kyle's expression, grimacing at the wet tongue and annoying teeth that nipped at him, yet still having to pretend to enjoy it. Even the comments on the video joked about it.
Put him back with the other model.
"If I didn't know any better, I would have thought someone tried to strangle you," you tease.
"She might as well have," Kyle sighs. He adjusts his shoulders against the back of the chair, bare pecs flexing with the movement, bringing your attention to the uncovered marks that line his collarbone. "Haven't been able to go out in public without a goddamn turtleneck 'cause of her."
You chuckle as you finish applying and buffing out the rest of the color corrector along his skin. It leaves him looking sickly and discolored, which oddly enough is an improvement to what it looked like before. Setting the corrector to the side, you grab foundation next, hips swaying as you attempt to get some movement in your aching knees. Holding that position for so long without moving had them burning with fatigue.
"Need a break, doll?" Kyle prompts, hands sliding from your waist to your thighs.
"Don't know if we have time for a break. Got a lot of ground to cover before we start," you humor.
Kyle sits forward, throwing you off balance, yet he doesn't let you sway very far before his arms wrap around you, hands supporting your back. Adoring eyes crease as a grin floods his face. Even without the aid of studio lights he glows like a god as he leans closer and places a kiss on your neck.
"Show can't start without us," he says, teeth grazing your skin as he wanders down to your collarbone. "Could always give you a few hickeys to match, if you want."
He doesn't wait for you to answer before his tongue glides across your clavicles just for his teeth to follow right after. A chuckle rumbles in his chest at the tightening of your legs around his hips, and his hands only pull you closer. It doesn't take much for you to give in. Head rolling back, muscles melting as his lips conquer everything you're willing to give him. It's a delicate softness mixed with a brutal bite, something that leaves you gasping as he pulls the very air from your lungs and feeds on the sounds.
Kyle is more starved for you than usual. Sick of the fake, over dramatic screeching he got last week with that other model, he's hungry for the real thing. Hungry for you.
The unopened foundation falls free from your loose fingers and rolls along the floor into some forgotten corner when his hands wander underneath your shirt. It's a dance he has memorized; unclasping your bra without a second thought and tearing both it and your shirt off in a single, swift motion. He gives you little time to recover before his mouth is on your tits, kissing a sparse trail until he's rolling a perky nipple between his lips.
His bare skin feels like heaven underneath the palm of your hands as you grip his shoulders for stability. He'd take you on the cold, dressing room floors, you knew he would. A part of you wanted him to. Fuck the shoot, they should've learned well enough to put cameras in the dressing rooms by that point with how handsy Kyle Garrick always was with you.
"Can't wait until we get on set to try and undo me?" you ask breathlessly.
"Doll, I'll undo you right here and then again on set if you asked me to," he mumbles into your skin.
A quiet squeak interrupts your moment and the ambiance of the room shifts when the door to Kyle's dressing room opens. His hands grow stiff against your spine as you look over your shoulder at the figure in the doorway. You smell her perfume before you recognize her. Something drowning and floral, like a mall department store. It burns your nose, yet you're too distracted by the slack-mouth surprise etched onto the features of the new blood's face.
It's cute; her confusion. How her eyes flicker over your bare back and Kyle's hands pressed against your skin like he's cradling the only thing he cares for in the world. The dots just can't quite connect in her mind as to why he hasn't completely fallen for her yet, as if the only way she knows how to lure men is by butchering their neck with discolored marks. She can't comprehend why he'd rather have you in his lap than her.
Kyle draws a shocked groan from you when his teeth nip at your shoulder, and your eyes have no choice but to fall away from the woman in the doorway as he pulls you closer to him. His chin gently rests on your shoulder as he stares at the model, hands moving to rest on your hips.
"Need somethin?" he asks, bored.
There is very little you wouldn't have given to see the look on her face, but the small huff followed by the door slamming shut is good enough. Small giggles rattle your body as you lean back to get a better look at Kyle, as if your body would throw a fit if he wasn't within your sight. There's an inexplicable relief that floods his face as he looks up at you, and he mirrors your smile.
"What?" he defends. "Only asked her if she needed somethin."
"I think you broke her heart," you patronize.
"She'll live," he mumbles, lips falling against the crook of your neck again. "Your heart is the only one I care about, anyway."
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bluessmutifyplaylist · 2 months
i am in desperate need of smutty lilia and idia x reader in which it ends up with taking their cocks and giving up on gaming
I don’t really know what this was saying, so I decided to do my own interpretation? I also decided to leave them separate?
Warnings: 18+, Gender-Ambiguous!Reader, oral (character receiving)/blowjob, under the desk situation, pre-established relationship, subby!Idia, dom!Lilia (you give him a blowjob while he’s unmuted… so public?)
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Idia Shroud
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“Just one more game…” You let out another sigh as you laid on his bed. He said that so many times since you arrived at Ignihyde. You were feeling needy… horny… and attention-starved. So what did you do? You got an idea.
While Idia was locking in on his game, you sneakily got down on the floor and crawled underneath his desk. You were careful to not disturb him… until you put your hands on his thighs.
He yelped slightly in surprise, and when he looked under his desk and saw you with that sinister… sexy grin… he’s only ever seen this happen in porn videos! “W-What are you doing?!” His hair went bright red, as did his face, and his stuttering only got worse when you pulled down his sweatpants. 
You always knew that Idia was on the bigger side… always giving big-dick-loser energy… but damn. It was on the limper side right now, but it still had some heft to it. Taking it into your hand, you were able to feel it twitch… and damn if it didn’t make your mouth water.
“P…P-Please…” His whimpers as you started pumping your hand turned you on. He was lucky to have his mic muted… but he already died in-game. It didn’t matter, though, because his significant other was currently jerking him off.
Leaning forward, you put his tip against your tongue, and you would have thought that Idia saw the Heavens. As you started sucking, you were basically taking his soul with it. It took a bit of work to adjust to his size, and you knew your jaw was going to be sore… but his moans were worth it.
Swirling your tongue on the tip before diving in… it tasted not at all like you expected. He definitely kept himself cleaned… maybe he was preparing for something like this to happen. Your mouth started filling with saliva to accommodate for his size, and that’s when he started thrusting.
“Oh, fuck…”
He gripped the arms of his chair as his hips started moving up, jerking his cock into your mouth. It wasn’t choking you… it was actually quite pleasant as you got to really enjoy the taste of his precum. 
It wasn’t long until he was busting a load into your mouth. A raspy whimper, and you felt your mouth be filled with warm cum. It was fairly sticky going down, and it had a somewhat salty taste. It wasn’t surprising, given his poor diet, but it wasn’t absolutely horrible.
Licking your lips and smiling, you look up at Idia, and he was panting as he released his grip on his chair.
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Lilia Vanrouge
The second you crawled under his desk, he knew what you were doing. He didn’t even give you the courtesy of him muting himself. Everyone in the chat was going to hear him praising you while you suck his cock.
As you unzipped his pants, you were teasing him about how it probably looked ancient… only to be met with a very hard, very angry-looking dick… and your mouth immediately wanted it in your mouth.
“Are you going to be a good Prefect and suck the General off?” He tilts his head with a smirk, muting his computer. Never in this time did he mute his mic.
You had no idea what sorcery he was using… but quicker than you can say “Grimm’s annoying”, you had Lilia’s cock in your mouth.
There must have been an aphrodisiac in the air because you nearly immediately became cockdrunk. Within five minutes, you were drooling over Lilia’s cock. He had his hand on the back of your head as he thrust into your mouth, making you choke.
His member hit the back of your throat as he kept thrusting, and he chuckled lowly as he saw you struggling for air. “Are you about to tap out, Prefect? Is that perfect little mouth of yours growing tired? Oh, you poor dear… Perhaps you ought to let me take care of it…” He giggled softly as he held you still while he continued thrusting into your mouth, not letting you take a break until he was shooting his cum down your throat, forcing you to swallow all of it.
“I hope I wasn’t away too long…” He said into his mic as he resumed his game, much to your dismay… and arousal.
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allfearstofallto · 6 days
Ajax’s children are scared of him, Diluc’s daughter loves him, what about Scaramouche? You did write a scenario where his darling had a miscarriage, if it’s in the same universe what type of a father would he be if his child was born? He did seem excited about the baby so I’m curious how he would treat the baby if it was alive.
Quite honestly, I touched on it, but Scaramouche is definitely the hardest father to write for!! But girl dad Scaramouche is what we're going for!
Yandere! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
Forced Marriage AU
TW: mentions of forced pregnancy
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Purple. The color of his hair. The color of his clothes. And apparently, her favorite color as well. She never wanted the yellow spring kimono or the girlish pink one, but always a deep purple. She'd twirl in the mirror in awe of herself, watching intently as you put the many pins and ornaments in her hair.
She inherited his face. You hated Scaramouche more than you could ever express, but you didn't mind the fact that little Momo got his face, even down to his expressions. Her large eyes were sharp, and if it weren't for her wide smile she always had, people would think she was angry. When she was lost in thought, she looked the same way he did when he pondered in silence. And when she ate, she held her chopsticks the exact same way as well. A little mimic of him, only cuter and sweeter, with rounder cheeks and a bigger heart. 
“Will you wear the same color as me today, mommy?” Momo tilted her head back to look up at you, her beaming smile still on her lips.
You nodded. You couldn't say no to her. Not while she was being so sweet and asking as politely as she could. You had a soft spot on your heart for her. More than a soft spot. You loved her more than you could ever imagine, especially something that came from Scaramouche himself. Partially because of the guilt. The disgust you felt with her in your stomach. You remembered wanting to rid your body of her. 
You can't remember what changed in you. Maybe it was that maternal instinct finally kicking in, or maybe it was the loneliness. Laying beside Scaramouche at night still left you with a crippling, crushing feeling of isolation. Until you felt her little foot kicking inside your belly. You'd rest your hand on your tummy and she'd kick again, almost as if telling you that she was with you.
“And father will be wearing the same as well?” She smiled in the mirror as she spoke. So innocent. So naive. In her eyes, you, her and Scaramouche were the perfect family. He was a loving father and husband and you were a doting wife and mother, just like the books she read or the puppet plays she'd watched. There was no way you could bring yourself to tell her otherwise. Not when she herself was too sweet to understand the truth.
“Of course. He loves to match with us,” you'd say with a gleeful smile. And love it he did. He loves anything that meant being closer to you and closer to her as well.
Almost as if he knew he was being spoken of, he entered the room. His face, which would be frightening to anyone else with a deep snarl and furrowed eyebrows, was comforting to little Momo. She beamed up at him, practically bouncing and down and she twirled to show him her kimono with her long flowing sleeves and the many pins in her hair.
“Well aren't you lovely,” he said, kneeling to gently pet her head in the way she loved. His eyes then turned to you, also dressed in that same rich purple, less ornaments adorned your hair, but many bracelets decorated your wrists instead, “And you are breathtaking.” 
Mentally you grimaced at the compliment from him, but physically, you smiled.  He knew how to push your buttons, Momo was his daughter after all and despite her young age, she was rather perceptive. She'd notice immediately if you didn't act like a character in her books, like the loving mother and the caring father. 
With his signature smirk, Scaramouche pressed a kiss against your lips, his other hand on your waist. Just like the characters in Momo’s stories, a romantic kiss between lovers, and for Momo's sake alone, you'd allow it. 
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badbtssmut · 5 months
The reader dates with Taehyung's twin and they have a quarrel. Taehyung pretends to be his twin brother and has sex with the reader like he always dreamed of
Admin note: normally don’t do twins, but liked this idea 🫶
“You were right, y/n. I shouldn’t have kept my ex’s number in my phone. You are right, it would only keep the door open to cheating. I was immature, and I’m sorry.” The man who you thought was your boyfriend, apologized.
You took the flowers Taehyung handed to you.
“Can I come in?” Taehyung asked.
You opened the door wider, and stepped aside.
Taehyung walked into your apartment and sat down on the couch. “I missed you.” He said.
You closed the door and sat beside him.
You sighed and shook your head.
You missed him too. But you had been angry. Angry that he still had his ex-girlfriend in his phone. It had made you question if you could ever really trust him.
Your first real fight. It had been one week since you had seen or spoken to each other.
Unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend had vented to Taehyung how he was sick of how jealous and insecure you were, and how you had accused him of cheating. This was the perfect time for him to make his move. Taehyung convinced his brother to give you some space, and to reconsider the relationship, causing doubt in his mind.
“Y/N, please, I was being immature.” He scooted closer to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
You rested your head against him.
He kissed the top of your head.
You missed this.
You missed him.
“Alright, I don’t want to fight anymore. I forgive you. Just, no more secrets okay? No more lies. You tell me the truth from now on, and I promise to do the same. And no more ex-girlfriends in your phone.”
Taehyung chuckled. “I promise.”
Something was different about your boyfriend.
“Fuck, such a delicious pussy, want to pound into it all night.” Taehyung groaned as he tilted his head back, thrusting into you.
He was rougher, and dirtier.
And you were loving it.
His cock felt like it was splitting you open. It was so big and long. You loved how he filled you up. You loved how he slammed his hips against you. How he gripped your thighs tightly as he pounded you.
“I didn’t know you could fuck me like this…” You whispered, “You’re different, but I like it.” You let out a shaky moan as he groped onto your breasts, kneading them in his hands, before leaning down to lick and suck at them.
His eyes darkened with lust as he watched you arch your back, pushing your breasts against his mouth.
Your boyfriend had gotten more aggressive with his fucking, and a little more dominant.
But you didn't mind.
Taehyung grabbed your ankles, pushing your knees against your chest as he fucked into you, his balls slapping against your ass.
You were dripping.
Dripping wet.
The room was filled with the lewd sounds of sex.
“Pretty girls like you deserve to get filled with cum, don't you agree, princess? You love the feeling of my cock inside of you, don’t you? Look how good you take me, you were made to take my dick.” Fuck, he was so hot.
You felt your pussy milk Taehyung’s cock dry, clenching around him, causing him to spill inside of you.
Taehyung grunted. He held your legs open and thrusted in and out of you as his seed spilled inside of your cunt.
You came down from your high, and watched him pull his cock out, and the cum drip out of your pussy.
His thumb pressed down on your clit. Taehyung then rubbed circles around your clit, and then moved his hand down, sliding two fingers into you and pumping in and out of you, his cum dripping from his fingers.
You shuddered, “More.. please.”
He smiled wickedly.
You loved this new side of him.
"Pretty flowers,” Your boyfriend complimented the bouquet on the table.
“They are, they have been holding up pretty well. Where’d you get them?” You asked as you hugged him.
“Huh?” He frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“Stop joking around,” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m not, what are you talking about? I didn’t get those for you.” He pointed to the flowers.
Your stomach dropped.
“What? Please.. stop, that’s not funny! Are you going to say next that we didn’t fuck either? It was just a dream!? Don't play games with me. I remember it like it was yesterday, are you trying to pick a fight with me?”
Your boyfriend’s face turned pale at your words.
“That fucking asshole, it must’ve been Taehyung, that sneaky motherfucker!” Your boyfriend suddenly shouted, slamming a fist on the table before he ran off, leaving you in confusion.
Wait, you fucked his twin brother?
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tommydarlings · 1 year
Sore Loser | c.l
pairing: mean!dom!charles x sub!wolff!reader
warnings: smut, waking the other person up with sexual acts???, chocking, dacryphilia, edging, spitting, gagging with finger, slapping
w/c: 2.5k
summary: You knew that you were being a tease when you provoked your boyfriend all night that your dad's team got a podium and he doesn’t, but what you didn’t knew was that Charles already had the perfect plan of how to shut your bratty mouth and make you apologise to him. (based off of this request)
check this out: my masterlist <3 // my ko-fi to support me! <3 // my PayPal to support me! <3 // my Patreon to become a member! (get access to +45 works) <3 // Save a Life carrd made by me! <3
“Awww, don’t make that face charli baby, I bet that next time…my dad’s team wins again!” You loudly laughed before you covered your mouth with your hand.
Charles didn’t even say anything anymore, to fed up with your provoking attitude already to even look at you, your boyfriend only squeezed the black wheel of his Ferrari and sighed.
After you stopped laughing, you looked over to your now suddenly very calm and unbothered looking boyfriend, furrowing your brows as you noticed that he doesn’t look angry at all anymore.
“Charles, mon amour?” You mumbled, “Everything alright?” You asked him right before you noticed that you’ve already arrived at the party where your dad decided to celebrate the Mercedes podium that Lewis got today.
The monaguesque stopped the car in a harsh manner, leaning over to unbuckle your seatbelt before he opened his car door and stepped out of the car and made his way over to the passenger side, quickly throwing your door open.
You gulped and furrowed your brows, not once in your relationship you’ve seen Charles acting like that.
“C'mon,” he muttered deeply as he tilted his head towards the entrance of the big building. You briefly licked your lips before you stepped out of the car, quickly checking your bag if you’ve got everything before you made your way towards the building.
Or at least wanted to make your way to the building, sadly you were unable to do that since your dear boyfriend harshly grabbed your upper arm, pulling your ear dangerously close to his mouth,
“Behave,” he whispered into your ear, but you immediately knew that he didn’t only mean that you should behave during the party.
You gulped and nodded before he leaned forward to give you a little goodbye kiss. With your head filled with pathetic excuses that you could tell him later tonight, you made your way into the building.
Absolutely done with life.
That’s the only way you were able to explain your current state, you completely lost track of how many shoots you took with mick, Lewis and carmen, you only knew that you've had enough.
And lewis immediately noticed that as soon as you crashed into his arms and just hugged him, mumbling utter nonsense into his chest.
“Hey y/n,” lewis brushed your hair out of your face, “I’m gonna call Charles and tell him to pick you up, okay?”
You briefly looked up at him before you nodded.
A few seconds after Lewis put his arm around you and made sure that you stay awake and not fall asleep in his arms, he talked to your boyfriend on his phone.
You weren’t able to hear everything, but you were able to some things.
“Yeah, I think she’s pretty wasted Charles — you should definitely come, alright?” Lewis spoke into the phone before you felt him squeezing your shoulder.
“Fifteen minutes? Okay, got it. Yeah, I’m gonna take care for her until you're here, okay? Okay.” The Brit said into the phone before the two drivers exchanged their goodbye's.
You raised your head and looked at Lewis, “I-Is he g-gonna come?”
Lewis nodded.
And after about fifteen minutes, you're not so happy looking boyfriend entered the noisy building and stood right in front of you and Lewis, looking down at your figure tightly hugging the Brit before he raised his gaze to his friend.
“Give her to me,” Charles mumbled to Lewis.
He briefly nodded before he removed your small arms around his waist and put you into Charles’s arms, smiling down at you one last time before he spoke up,
“I'm gonna tell your dad that Charles picked you up and brought you home, okay?” Lewis said.
You nodded, “Thank you, lew.”
“No problem, take care of her,” the Brit spoke to Charles, who only nodded before he looked to at you with… a smile?
You didn’t think much of it as Charles helped you getting into his Ferrari, put the seatbelt around you and gently closed your car door without saying a single word.
As soon as you arrived at Charles's big mansion that he happily lets you live in since the two of you started dating, you removed your shoes and slowly made your way upstairs into the bedroom, stopping right in front the king sized bed as your boyfriend spoke up,
“Mon amour? C’mere,” he demanded in a quiet tone. You gulped before you turned around and made your way over to him, stopping right before him so that your forehead touched his lips.
Charles smiled down at you before he leaned forward and gave you a peck on your cheek, “Goodnight, ma jolie,” he mumbled before he went into bed.
With a frown on your face, you turned around again and put yourself under the covers of the big bed, quickly falling asleep.
You genuinely don’t know how long you’ve slept, but you know that after multiple hours of a pretty deep sleep, you felt a big hand playing with your underwear.
Since it was so hot and you didn’t bother to put any other clothes on since you’re only in bed with your boyfriend, you fell asleep in your black pair of panties and nothing else.
Perfect for your boyfriend who’s laying only in his briefs next to you.
You blinked your eyes open and sighed in a loud tone as you felt Charles's hand slowly pulling your underwear down. With heavy eyes, you you turned your head and saw Charles throwing your thin pair of underwear on the floor, big palms now caressing your thighs.
You groaned, not entirely sure if you are dreaming or not, “Charles?” You spoke up, making him hum, “What are you doing?” You asked him before he lifted your right leg and positioned himself between your warm thighs.
He licked his lips as soon as his face was right in front of your pussy, fingers gliding up and down the skin of your thighs while you pulled your body upwards and balanced yourself on your elbows, looking down at the monaguesque.
“You didn’t seriously think that you would get away with all the provoking and bratty things you’ve said about me, now did you?” He told you in a serious tone, hands now spreading your legs even wider for himself.
You gulped as you slowly started to fell more awake, “W-What are you talking a-about, Charles?” You mumbled before you gasped as he gently kissed your clit.
He chuckled at your answer, fingers now spreading your pussy lips so that he has better access to your clit, “You know exactly what I am talking about baby, don’t play dumb now,” Charles said before he leaned in and flicked his tongue over your clit, making you fist the sheets.
You briefly closed your eyes and whined as he teased your clit with the tip of his tongue, “ I thought t-that you wouldn’t c-care since you haven’t d-done anything earlier,” you cried out as he closed his mouth around your now puffy clit and sucked on it, groaning into your pussy as he did so.
Charles only chuckled again, “Oh no mon amour, I only wanted you to sleep off your drunken state a bit before I teach you how to behave again.”
You gasped as you suddenly felt two of his fingers slowly pushing themselves into your entrance, tongue still playing with your clit as he started to thrust his pointer and middle finger in and out of your wet pussy.
“O-Oh my god, c-charles please!” You cried out as you felt your orgasm already creeping up, making Charles look up at you. After a few seconds of pure panting, whining and crying out, you yourself clenching around his fingers.
“Charles, I-I'm gonna-, you're g-gonna-” you heavily breathed out while tears blurred your vision a bit, making it all even more intense for you while Charles continued to flick and suck on your clit and thrust his long, veiny fingers in and out of your cunt.
Charles quickly retreated his mouth from your clit but didn’t stop his finger movements, he actually only went faster,
“Aww, poor little brat wants to cum, does she? Too bad that brats do not deserve to cum, baby,” he muttered, making you shoot your eyes open again and look down at him looking up at you now, “they don’t deserve to cum mon amour, you don’t deserve to cum,” he whispered in a playful and teasing tone before he spit onto your clit and rather swiftly pulled his slick fingers out of your pussy, making you jump and whine in a loud tone.
After you calmed down a bit again, charles balanced himself on his knees and towered over you, looking down at your wet, big doe eyes before he slowly put his hand around your throat, slightly choking you as his fingers slowly and gently touched your clit, playing with it like it’s a little toy.
You whined again as you wrapped on of your hands around his wrist, fingers squeezing his skin, making him smile down at you.
“Don’t you think that’s fun, baby?” Charles asked you with a smile while his fingertips continued playing with your poor, wet clit, now slowly rubbing it in circles, making you see stars.
You shook your head, whining as he chocked you harder, making it hard to breath now.
“No?” He tilted his head to the side before his fingers teased your entrance again, slowly pushing a few millimetres of his fingers in but then quickly pulling them out again. You were only able to gasp as he mercilessly played with your pussy.
He hummed and furrowed his brows in a playful way, “Well I think that’s it’s so much fun to tease that pathetic little pussy of yours until you're crying, until you're shaking, until you're begging me to stop, until your trembling little hands desperately try to push my hand away, but guess what my love,” Charles muttered in a deep tone, making more tears build up in your eyes as you felt your high coming up again,
“I don’t care, I won’t stop…not until I want to stop,” the monaguesque whispered while he watched your big eyes filling themselves up with tears all over again, making him grin even wider.
Charles noticed your desperation, “You're gonna cum?” He raised his eyebrows, squeezing your throat while he raised his thumb and gently put it on your bottom lip, playing with it a bit as you screamed, tears running down your red cheeks when you felt Charles’s hand removing itself from your clit again, leaving you right on the edge again.
You whined loudly, making Charles frown a bit, “Shh, not so loud mon amour,” he whispered as he shoved his thumb into your open mouth, suprisingly gagging you with it as he shoved it as far as he could down your throat.
“That’s it,” he mumbled under his breath, “You see, I like those sounds way more,” he grinned as he concentrated himself on gagging you with his thumb.
You briefly closed your eyes before you opened them again, tears not running down onto his finger as you desperately tried to talk to him,
“P-Please, Charles…please,” you cried out, hoping he understood you since he’s still shoving his finger down your throat. Charles chuckled at your desperate state, “what did you say my love? I can’t understand you with my finger in your mouth,” he grinned down at your whiny figure.
You were furious as you noticed that he genuinely just doesn’t care, he just loved making fun of you right now, not giving a damn about the fact that you are a crying, shaking and begging mess underneath him.
After sniffling a couple of times, you narrowed your eyes at your boyfriend, gulping as he slightly pulled his thumb out of your mouth. Suddenly, Charles raised his other hand and swiftly slapped your across the face, looking unbelievably mad now after he's seen your gaze.
“Look at me like that again,” he demanded in a deep tone before he repositioned himself, putting his long erection now right in front your clenching entrance now, “C'mon, do it and see what happens,” he told you harshly before he mercilessly pushed his thick cock into you, without giving you a single second to get used to his size.
You gasped before you screamed, throwing your head back and arching your back as he fully entered you, quickly pulling almost entirely out again before harshly thrusting himself back into you, making even more tears and screams escape your body.
Charles quickly reacted and put his hand into the back of your head, intertwining his fingers with the roots of your hair, swiftly pulling your head into his direction, forcing you to be as close as possible to his panting figure.
He gasped as he felt you strongly clenching around him, furrowing his brows while you were only able to continue to cry and let quiet pleads escape your mouth, “Say you're sorry,” the monaguesque demanded deeply, hips not stopping their fast movements.
You sniffled and whined, fresh tears running down your heated cheeks now, “I-I am s-so sorry Charles.”
Your boyfriend bit his lips, nodding at your answer, “I know baby, as you should be,” he whispered as he noticed how your thighs started to shake around his again, making him briefly look down to the spot where the two of you connected.
He raised his head again, pulling your head closer to his one, noses already touching each other, “You're gonna tell me when you're about to-”
You immediately shook your head, breathing getting visibly heavier for you now before you spoke up,
“I-I’m gonna-”
But before you were able to even finish your sentence, Charles stopped his movements and slowly pulled out, briefly squeezing his eyes shut as he did so.
You weren’t even able to complain and scream or give him a nasty stare — no, you were only able to gasp and whine and let the tears escape your big, tired eyes as your legs didn’t stop shaking, making Charles smirk.
“Shh mon amour, calm down — it’s okay, everything's okay my love,” Charles told you in a hush tone, quickly making you look at him.
Charles smiled as he caught your attention again, “Listen ma jolie, I’m gonna run you a warm, bubbly bath with your favourite water bombs, light some of the red candles I got from the store for you a few days ago, and then I can either cook some of your favourite pasta in the evening, or we can go to on of the sushi restaurants you mentioned to me last time, does that sound good?”
After hearing your lovely boyfriend saying that, you smiled up at him, “Y-Yes,” you nodded.
Charles smiled down at you, showing his dimples to you in the process, making you grin even more.
“What?” Charles asked as he noticed your wide grin. You shook your head, “I just love your little dimples,” you laughed before he started to laugh as well, “really?” He asked you before he let his head drop into the crook of your neck, tightly hugging you while he kissed your temple.
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dark-fics-4-you · 6 months
possible rafe request?! rafes gf makes him mad by being too friendly at an event w wards business partners so he fucks her at the event 😈
Golden Boy
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Warnings: domestic violence, noncon, toxic relationship, jealousy,
You chuckled politely, trying not to glare at the thirty-something year old man in front of you. Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t help but put a little venom in your reply, “Well, I actually do have plans outside of my boyfriend. I’m going to college right now, and I’m actually in a paid internship that I got before Rafe and I met.”
The somewhat handsome, but definitely too old to be your type, business partner, whose name you had already forgotten, gave you an annoyed look, not expecting you to respond that way to his poorly hidden dig at you not belonging at this event.
It was true, in some ways. You were far from your side of the island, and no matter how much time you put into your make up and hair or the price tags of the many expensive clothes Rafe had bought you, the Kooks could always sniff out the people who grew up with nothing.
Before he could respond though, you heard your name being called from behind. Peering past the man in front of you, you could see your boyfriend waving at you to come over to him.
You didn’t even bother telling the asshole in front of you that you were exiting the conversation, you just did, quickly returning to Rafe’s side.
“Ugh perfect timing, that guy I was just talking to was a total jerk,” you whispered in his ear as you gave him a hug.
“Baby, didn’t I tell you to try to get along with these guys?” He seemed angry and you could tell that this event was already stressing him out a lot. His hands were clenched into fists at his sides and everything about him was somewhat jittery, like he wasn’t in his right mind.
“I mean, you know I need to look good in front of them while my Dad’s watching. It means a lot to him.” You looked into his eyes at his words and noticed two things. One, Rafe said it meant a lot to his dad, but you knew it was more about how how much it meant to him. And two, his pupils were much wider than they should have been.
Rafe had obviously done some coke before tonight, trying to calm his nerves and give him some confidence, but it was only doing the opposite.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to make you look bad, but I don’t think it’s fair that I can’t defend myself in front of the people here who are looking down on me.” You shot back at him, annoyed for more reasons than one. “I’m being polite to them, but it would probably be easier for me if you were by my side to stop them from being so rude to me.”
You lowered your voice before speaking again, “And also… I don’t think you should be doing so much coke right now.”
Rafe’s burning glare alone was enough to make you regret saying anything, the return of his tight grip on your arm was just a sick formality at this point, reminding you of the previous bruise he had left in that same spot that you had to cover with makeup for this event.
After being with your boyfriend for so long, you knew the lengths he would go to when he felt personally wronged.
You learned very early on that Rafe was never one to hold back on his verbal abuse, and his physical abuse was no different, although he always tried to keep both incredibly private due to the damage that could come to the Cameron name if it ever came out that Ward’s son, the golden boy, was hitting his girlfriend.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, Rafe. I just care for you, that’s all. I promise I’ll be polite to your dad’s friends.” Your meager apology seemed to be good enough for the moment, and your boyfriend gave you a silent nod after staring at you for several unnerving seconds.
“Be polite, don’t share your opinion, and just keep your mouth shut for the most part. Let them talk about themselves, and they’ll probably think it was the best conversation they’ve had all day.” Rafe grumbled, but his mood improved when he tilted your head up, pressing his lips to yours, large hand still resting under your chin. You kissed him back for what you thought was an appropriate amount of time, but when you tried to pull away, he held you in place, tightly wrapping an arm around your waist and forcing you to kiss him back.
By the time he released you, you pulled away to see several people staring at the two of you, and you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
Rafe was always doing things like that in public when he felt like other men were threatening your relationship, he always needed to prove himself and stake his claim on you. Let everyone there know that you belonged to him.
“Remember what I said sweetheart. Just try to act like you belong here.” He smirked at his obvious jab at the very thing you felt the most self conscious about right now, before he calmly turned heel, approaching another group of stuffy, rich assholes across the large room.
Your huff of frustration must have been loud enough to be heard by someone standing near you, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
To your surprise, when you turned around you were greeted by a man who looked to be about your age.
“You’re Y/N, right?” He held out his hand, which you grabbed, giving him a firm handshake, just like Rafe had taught you.
“Yes I am, although I’m not quite sure if we have met before?” You lightheartedly responded.
“Ah, my apologies, you haven’t, I’m James, I work with your boyfriend at Cameron Development. He’s honestly a blast,” the man, James apparently, chuckled as he recalled several stories of work assignments with Rafe. This led to the two of you exchanging several funny work and college tales.
Despite never having met James before, you felt an instant chemistry with him, nothing romantic at all, of course, but you found him very easy to talk to, and to your surprise, after glancing at your watch, you realized that the two of you had been chatting for nearly 25 minutes!
At this realization, your blood instantly ran cold. Where was Rafe? Why hadn’t he checked on you? Had he seen you talking to the same guy for nearly half an hour, clearly enjoying yourself the entire conversation?
As if he could tell that you were thinking of him, Rafe suddenly appeared several yards away from where your conversation with James was taking place. There was a scowl on his face, and you could tell by the way he was advancing on you that he was pissed.
“Hey, Y/N, why don’t I give you my number, just so you have it?” James innocently asked, completely unaware of the anxiety coursing through your veins and the fact that your boyfriend was in earshot, pushing through the small crowd behind him to reach you.
Before you could even open your mouth to politely decline, Rafe was speaking for you, “She’s not interested.”
You didn’t have time to say goodbye, because your boyfriend was dragging you away from your new friend, his grip harshly digging in to your bruised arm.
“What the fuck did I tell you, Y/N?” His voice was even and calculated, but he couldn’t hide the rage simmering beneath the surface.
“You told me to-”
“I told you to get along with them, not to try to get into their pants.” Rafe growled, pushing you into the closest room with a door he could find, which happened to be Ward’s office. You landed on the carpeted floor, wincing in pain when your elbow absorbed most of the fall.
“Rafe, I promise, I was just having a good conversation.” Your voice was beginning to waver, the weight of the situation that you had found yourself in was beginning to sink in. “He’s your coworker, is it so wrong that I talked to him?”
“Stop lying! I know what I saw! You would have to be an idiot to not realize that he’s trying to fuck you too.” You would have been worried that someone could hear your boyfriend berating you, had it not been for the music playing throughout the house, and the thick walls of Ward’s study.
You realized how sad it was that you only knew that because Rafe had now loudly hurled insults at you in every room in the house he could at this point.
The blond stalked towards you, grabbing you by the wrist and yanking you upright. “I mean, did you seriously think I wouldn’t notice? You think that little of me, Y/N?”
“Rafe no, I-”
You felt the air in your lungs disappear as your head snapped to the side, a sharp pain in your cheek blossoming across the now reddened skin.
“You don’t get to talk back to me right now!” Your boyfriend yelled in your face. You had barely processed his slap when you felt him moving you again, although now you felt much more numb.
Numb to Rafe roughly manhandling you before he bent you over his father’s desk, numb to the feeling of the cold, hard wood on your face as Rafe held you down, numb to the feeling of him pushing your fancy dress up and rudely yanking down your panties before harshly pushing two fingers inside you, and numb to the tears that were now spilling onto Ward’s desk.
“Such a fucking slut! You’re soaked,” he darkly chuckled, but there was no hint of humor in his voice. “Is this all for me, or is it for James?” He bitterly wondered aloud, and when you didn’t give him a response fast enough, you cried out at the feeling of him smacking your ass.
“F-for you, Rafe,” you choked out through your tears.
You could hear him removing his belt, the sound of it hitting the floor was enough to trigger your body to begin quaking with fear and anxiety.
“Aw baby,” he cooed, and you flinched when you felt his fingers in your hair, lightly brushing some of it out of your eyes so he could look at you. “Don’t act so scared. I promise I’m not going to hurt you. Well, at least, not until after the party’s over.”
His laughter made you feel sick, but even worse was the shock you felt when Rafe spread your pussy and sheathed himself inside of you without warning.
You saw stars for a few moments, the surprise catching you off guard and he was able to slide deeper into your tight walls.
“Rafe!” You gasped, unable to fight back, as your arms were pinned beneath you, and your boyfriend’s large chest prevented you from moving.
His fingers tangled into your hair, gripping a handful tightly as he pushed your face into the desk. His hips were snapping against your ass, fucking you harder whenever you futilely tried to break from his hold.
Every time you tried to escape mentally, to tear yourself from the reality of what your boyfriend was doing to you, he brought you back, snapping his fingers or groaning your name into your ear as he forced himself deeper into your wet cunt.
You were sure that your hips would be bruised from bumping into Ward’s desk as Rafe fucked you against your will. Another reminder of all the lessons he insisted that he had to teach you by force.
Every sharp thrust was a warning that this was him holding back. This was him being nice. And you knew better than to further aggravate Rafe when he was on a power trip.
And that was exactly what this was all about. The power and privilege that Rafe held over you, that he used to hurt you time and time again, without ever facing any real consequences. This was about reminding you that you belonged to him and at the end of the day, Rafe Cameron was untouchable and unstoppable, the Kook King, the golden boy of one of the richest families in the Outer Banks.
“You are my girlfriend, Y/N,” Rafe growled. “It’s time you started fucking acting like it.”
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cardierreh15 · 2 months
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Zeus Lament
Hold on to your fucking seats y’all! Things get messy! Both for good and for bad!
***I do not give anyone consent to repost, translate or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Angst , Dub-Con Sex , Mind-Control/Mental Manipulation , Infidelity , Mentions of Cheating , Domestic Violence situation , Blood (Golden Celestial) , Nipple Stimulation , Cursing , Spitting , Breeding Kink , Oral (Female Receiving) , Death . PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!!
Pairings: Zeus/Walter Marshall x Angela's (Black!Plus Size Female)
Description: A terrible storm is approaching the city, wonder what could possibly be the cause?
Word Count: 5.8K
Song: Only RY X , Call out my name by The Weeknd.
The man sat across from his wife as she ate her fill and sipped on her wine. Everything but her beauty, disgusted him. But lately, even that was faltering. She was evil, jealous and spiteful. The infamous; Goddess of Marriage herself, Hera. 
‘You are quiet today husband.’ She said blandly as she took another sip of her wine to wash down the food in her throat. 
A reluctant smirk curled on his lips before he glanced away and shook his head. A small, hysterical chuckle left his lips before he rested his elbows on the golden table and rested his face in his palms. 
‘You speak to me as if you don’t know what you’ve done, wife.’ The word had poison behind it. It was no secret that Zeus had a loathe over his wife that no man or immortal had ever seen. Some would say with great reason! She’d proved herself to be murderous and invidious on many occasions. 
But, Zeus wasn’t in the right either. 
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Sleeping around with mortals in different disguises to hide his true form; impregnating and soiling the oats that have been left untamed thousands of years ago. 
Perhaps, he’d driven her over the edge that she couldn’t retract from. 
Hera peeled her eyes away from her plate of food and glared up at her indignant husband. She tilted her head to the side gently, ‘What is it now, Zeus? You’re angry about that little “accident” that you’ve created? Many of what you’ve called them yourself.’ 
Zeus slammed his palm on the golden plated table, standing up to his feet with a baleful scowl written across his dramatic features. ‘THEY WERE MY CHILDREN!’
‘Your children are here!’ Hera spat hatefully. She had no remorse, no regret. ‘On Olympus where they belong. Not with those disgusting mongrels you call humans. Such a pathetic excuse for creations. Just like-’
‘I’d watch my next words, woman.’ His face, carved into perfection like stone and marble. Zeus stood up straight and swallowed hard. 
She stared back up at him, not breaking the glare. ‘Why do you do it? Why do you constantly put me  through this Zeus? Do you think I want to act the way I do? Do you think I thrive off of being bitter and hateful?! I am only this way because you made me this way!’ 
‘No, you only do this because you don’t give a damn about nobody but yourself!’ 
Hera grimaced and slowly stood to her feet, scooting her throne back behind her. ‘Selfish?! While I SIT HERE AND YOU GO OUT AND FROLIC ABOUT BETWEEN THE THIGHS OF THOSE VILE CREATURES!’ Golden tears filled her bright blue orbs. ‘I sit here and I wait for you, ZEUS!’
‘FOR WHAT!?’ he snapped back. Thunder began to roar beyond the walls. ‘DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?! I don’t want you! I haven’t wanted you in centuries! I only married you in the first place because it was a power move. You were a mistake–’
‘Mistake?! Zeus-’ 
‘You will address me as your King.’ He placed his hands on the table and peered across, ‘I won’t stop, Hera. I will not stop until I have found happiness and created a demi-God army of my own.’
‘YOU WILL NOT STOP ME HERA!’ He exclaimed with great disdain in his voice. He began to round the table slowly, his golden heeled sandals clicking and echoing within the walls. 
Hera snatched up the golden blade she’d used to cut into her roasted goose. 
As soon as she found a good grip around the handle, he’d snatched her up by her throat looking down into her eyes. 
‘Ugh!’ She exclaimed at the sudden roughness. Golden tears had fallen down the sides of her face. 
‘If you interfere with my affairs again, My Queen.’ The word burned the back of his throat. Oh he’d do anything to strip her from that title. Hell, he really did hate her enough to kill her himself. She’d taken so much away from him. 
‘I will kill you… do you understand?’ 
Hera turned her gaze away from him, but he tightened up his grasp. 
Her lips trembled as she looked up into his stormy eyes. ‘You wouldn’t dare…’ she choked out. 
‘Then you don’t know me the way you think you do.’ He added monitorily. His warnings always went undone. Leaving ample room for Hera to continue to disobey him. 
He shoved her away from him before the both of them heard the small call of their youngest daughter, Hebe. 
She looked over at the massive golden doors that were cracked open. There she spotted the little face of the tiny goddess. Hera cleared her throat and put on her best smile, ‘Hebe. Darling-’ She approached her with open arms. 
The young one pushed the door open a little further before running towards her mother who was now on her knees. 
‘You’re supposed to be resting my sweet.’ 
‘I couldn’t sleep, mama.’ 
Zeus watched the mother speak to their daughter before he quickly spun off and walked towards the second set of double doors. 
The dark clouds loomed up above. Lightning bolts scattered across the sky like veins. The wind blew hard enough to almost tear her apartment building off of the support beams! 
Storms were quite the norm where Angela was from. The lightning capital of the world, Tampa, Florida. She’d lived through countless hurricanes and tropical storms. 
The news measured it out to be a tropical storm, the first one of the season. But something about this particular storm was different than the rest. 
Thunder shook the floor beneath her feet, causing her to stop in her tracks and wait for it to calm down. Angela had never been so anxious during a storm. Hell, this was her favorite kind of weather! But she had a gut feeling something bad was going to happen. 
The woman ripped open the big bag of ice and poured it into the cooler. Then, she began to stock perishable snacks and foods inside of it. 
Once she was done, she did a head count of her 5 gallon dispenser jugs, found her waterproof flashlight with batteries and made sure she had candles.
Angie placed her hands on her hips and gave herself a firm nod, ‘Alright! What could possibly go wrong?’ Another vociferous thunder clap erupted outside, causing lightning to flicker inside of her apartment. Then, the lights flickered off. 
The power died, causing an eerie silence to fill the air. ‘Dammit, running my mouth. I just fucked the whole building.’ She rolled her eyes and picked up her phone. The battery was on 11%. ‘What?!’ She exclaimed as she looked at the charger adaptor that had never been plugged up into the wall. 
‘You’ve got to be shitting me.’ 
She turned on the light on her phone and loaded up the flashlight with batteries and put her phone on Low Power Mode. Clicking the power on the flashlight. She walked down the hall to the electric breaker and pulled it open. 
Shining the light on the labeled switches, she shifted them to the side one and then back to their original places. But nothing. She assumed whatever generator the apartments management used had gone to shit. 
‘Cheap fucks’ she hissed before the flashlight began to flicker. ‘Uh uh! No, no!’ She began to bang on it, hoping it would keep its power but when it died, she let out a heavy huff. ‘Dammit.’
Angela walked back into the kitchen and began to light candles. 
Once the apartment was decorated with artificial light, she walked into her bedroom and took off her dress. 
She walked over to her dresser, lightning taking its own place in her room this time. Again, thunder followed. Not able to stand the blinding brightness, she walked over to the patio doors to close them. But what she saw in her backyard frightened her. 
Air lodged in her throat so she was unable to breathe out or in, she stared at the tall, dark figure that stood in the grass. Heavy, slanted rain blurred out its features but by the size of its shoulders, it had to be a man. 
Whatever the hell it was… it was massive. 
‘Close. The blinds. Angela. Close the blinds.’ She choked before quickly pulling the stick to the side and twisting them closed. 
Stumbling backwards, she let out a shuddered breath. She was afraid to walk to the kitchen and grab her phone; having the slightest belief that somehow the uncanny being would find its way inside without any aid. 
So, she just sat on the bed and stared. 
‘Wooo. It’s OK. Ain’t nobody gonna come out here in this rain…’ she uttered to herself and pulled her comforter back and tucked her chilly legs beneath. 
Every once in a while she would toss and turn. But she always brought her attention back to the blinds. Her anxiety wouldn’t let her rest for a while, until she just closed her eyes and counted. 
Zeus stood in the shadows of her bedroom. Lightning flickering across his face as he watched the mortal woman sleep soundly. Her soft snores could barely be heard over the rain that beat down against the glass slide door. 
Stepping from the safety of the darkness, Zeus crept over to her bed. His fingertips grazed atop the silky, bronze colored sheets. Once he made it to her, his bright blue eyes searched her face. 
She was a beauty to behold. Full lips, skin brown as cherry wood. Lashes so thick they almost looked like paint brushes. Then, it was her hair. Sprawled out beneath her it was coily and thick. He leaned down carefully, nuzzling his nose within the warmth of her hair. He inhaled deeply, slowly. Taking in her scent. She smelled of Rosemary and Lavender. Two scents he could get lost in forever. 
Pulling away, he grazed his pointy nose over her wide one before gently pressing his lips against hers. Letting his lips settle there, his mustache and beard tickled her chin and nose. Causing her to stir out of her sleep. 
Angela’s dark brown eyes flashed open to see the intruder with a beard and thick dark curly hair hovering over her. Her first reaction was to scream but instead Zeus had tricks of his own. 
‘Shhh, don’t scream.’ 
Her eyes reflected once in gold as she inhaled so hard she thought her head would explode. 
Zeus’ eyes continued to roam her face before traveling down to her neck and then the valley of her breasts. 
‘Wh-who are you? What are you doing in my apartment?’ Angela’s voice was rugged and shaky. But she was careful not to be too loud. 
‘Something you would never be able to comprehend mortal woman.’ His voice was much gentler than how he spoke to Hera just a few days before. 
His eyes broke from her gaze as he carefully ran his palm over her silky flesh; starting from her belly to her thighs but also pulling the blanket off in the process. Revealed onto him was her half naked body, dressed in a white sports bra and matching thong. 
Angela flinched at his cool touch, quickly shifting her hips away from him. ‘Don’t touch—‘ 
‘Don’t fight me.’ He hissed as thunder shook the apartment once again. 
Just like before, she followed his command willingly. She just laid there with tears in her eyes as his large hands began to caress her chubby thighs. ‘Wh-what are you g-gonna do to me?’ Angela stammered. 
‘Anything I please…’ he licked his lips as he looked up at her once again. She was silently sobbing. Tears falling into place of the last on the sides of her head. His thick brows pulled into one before he leaned back over her once again, ‘Oh my sweet one… don’t cry.’ 
Her sobs instantly stopped. 
‘Don’t you know how lucky you are? How special you are?’ Zeus brought his hand up and smooth out her cheek with his knuckles. Then, his index grazed her bottom lip. ‘You don’t have to be scared of me… I won’t hurt you.’
‘I—I have a boyfriend.. we’ve been dating for 3 years and—‘ she lied. ‘And-and he’ll be here soon!’ 
‘Oh? In this weather?’ Zeus said softly as he gently pinched her chin. ‘How romantic or jus plain stupid.’ He purred softly. ‘Tell me sweetheart, have you ever fuck a God?’ 
Angela’s eyes grew slightly, his words rocking her core, ‘N-‘
‘I didn’t think so… you see Angel. You need someone who’s gonna take care of you. In more ways than just… one.’ His index dropped to the valley of her breasts. 
A God?! What the hell was a God doing in her apartment? And why her out of all people? 
‘A God? There’s no way—‘ 
Zeus stared down into her eyes, his eyes flickering a bright gold for a second before fading back to their stormy blue. 
‘Oh my—‘ 
Angela stared up at him; her eyes were a cauldron of fear, disbelief, and slight adoration. She had never seen something— something so graceful. So beautiful. ‘B-but why me?’ 
‘Well isn’t it obvious my little love? I have been watching you for weeks. That little inkling you felt of being watched.. It was me. I have been in your corner. You have enough beauty to my own daughter to shame.’ 
Aphrodite would not like that at all. She was much like her mother. Scorned to hell.
‘You’ve been stalking me?!’ 
‘Stalking, watching? Call it whatever you’d like. Fact of the matter is … you’re mine.’ 
His words nestled within her soul, causing whatever frightened feeling she had left to dissipate. In an instant, she felt protected. Perhaps it was his magic, controlling her mind and messing with her chemical imbalances. Whatever it was… it made her feel good. 
Zeus leaned down once again, lips almost touching hers. ‘Let me have you.’ 
Closing her eyes, ‘Yes.’ She uttered before parting her lips to welcome him in a kiss. 
Without another moment wasted, Zeus took her lips into his. He slithered his thick tongue into her mouth as his hand slithered down between her thighs. He grasped the thin fabric into his fist and tugged it; instantly tearing it to shreds. 
Angela’s fingers instantly found their way in his soft thick, dark locks which seem never ending. She barely noticed the absence of her panties until he was pushing her thighs part. The warmth from ecstasy was keeping her warm until he pressed his cold fingertips against her sensitive nub. 
‘Ooh.’ She gasped softly, her hips buckling for a second. ‘Cold.’
‘Forgive me little love.’ He began to rub at her core before slipping his middle and ring inside of her sticky entrance. 
Angela shuddered out in a moan, goosebumps prickling all over her skin, nipples hardening against her thin bra. 
She ripped her eyes away from his haunting gaze and looked down to watch him knead her from the inside out. She gripped the sheets beneath her. Her chest caving in as she tried to breathe through the pleasure. She wanted so badly to do something with her legs, kick and flail them about but she was still under his command. Don’t fight me. 
‘Ugh!’ She exclaimed as Zeus curled his fingers up and toyed with her G-spot. 
A wicked grin curled on his face as he watched her writhe and buck her hips into his embrace. He pressed his forehead against hers. 
Angela opened her mouth to speak but her words instantly became gibberish and a bed of incoherent moans. 
‘If you want it my sweet, all you have to do is ask.’ 
She felt her lower belly twist and knot, causing her thighs to clench as she felt her climax creeping up. It felt so close yet, so far. Wait, was he controlling that?! 
‘Can I — can I cum, please?’ She placed her hand on his shoulder, her nails gently digging into it through the cloth of his shirt. 
Zeus chuckled menacingly, ‘As you wish.’ 
His words were like some kind of invisible trigger, she was the chemical reaction that shifted the bullet in place and fired off the gunpowder. 
Angela inhaled hard before a satisfied scream erupted from her lungs. Her head fell back against her plush pillow, body trembling as she tried to comprehend that kind of intensity. 
He finally pulled his fingers from the warm home of her. ‘I can provide you with so much more. Would you like that?’ His sticky fingers grazed her neck. 
‘Yes. I-I need you.’ 
That stomach twisting smile curled up once again against his beard. He was to die for. 
Zeus stood up, bringing her small hand in his grasp and bringing her up to her feet. Her legs wobbly from the previous assault on her womb and cunt. 
‘Then you have me, my little love.’ 
He towered over her like a mountain. Him sitting on her bed made him seem so much smaller that way. Zeus leaned down, pressing his lips against hers once more as his clothes disappeared. 
She wrapped her arms around his wide frame as he pulled her chubby body against toned muscles. Angela pulled away from the kiss. Her big brown eyes trailed from his face to his shoulders, and abdomen. ‘Wow…’ her hands slipped from his shoulders and down his abdomen. ‘You’re really… real.’
‘As real as you are my love.’ 
She wasn’t expecting a God, no— the infamous King Of Gods to be so… kind. History made him out to be a spineless shithead. But this being before him was everything but that. 
Or was that what he was making her think? 
‘Lay back. Get comfortable.’ 
Following his command, Angela sat back down on her bed and laid back against her pillows. 
Zeus stood at the end of the bed before crawling in and spreading her thighs. He lowered his head between her legs as he rested on his front side. Then, he planted soft kisses on her inner thighs, navigating his lips to her flower. 
He placed the flattening of his tongue on her slit before lapping up slowly until he found her clit and brought it between his lips. 
‘Mmmm, yess.’ She moaned out as she reached down and found her fingers intertwined in his locks once again. 
He sucked teasingly on her clit before letting it go with a pop, then flicking his tongue over it. He used her pussy as if it were her mouth instead. Licking, and kissing with passion and a purpose. 
‘Ooooh Zeus just like that. Mmmm.’ Angela moaned as she rolled and rocked her hips into his face.
Her words only fueled his desire and want for her. He grabbed her thighs and pushed them back so he could satisfy her in a more efficient way. More exposed, Zeus was about to dip his tongue within her walls and lick her from the inside out. Every once in a while though, his tongue would slip and tickle at her puckered asshole.
Angela leaned up on her elbows, her breathing shallow as she watched this celestial being indulge on her body in the most sinful of ways. He was just wicked in that way. Honestly, if it weren’t for the immense pleasure he was inflicting upon her– she would’ve thought this was a dream. ‘Uhhh fuck!’ 
Zeus relished in her taste. She tasted the most delectable of forbidden treats. He wanted to keep his face buried between her thighs for as long as the Earth rotated but the way his hips grind against the bed to soothe his aching member… Zeus was more than ready to claim her. 
Letting out a gentle grunt at the pleasure that burned at his lower gut, Zeus’ lips ghosted her inner thigh before placing a gentle kiss there. 
She had just begun to recover from her profound orgasms. Her thighs trembled, almost mimicking the sound of thunder outside. ‘Oh! Fuu—‘ 
Zeus brought himself up on his knees. His naked body resembled the ancient marble that were carved in Greece thousands of years ago. Except that one particular thing. 
Humans once believed that men that wielded such large members lacked intelligence and were compared to violent, brainless, sex-crazed creatures.
Actually, Zeus’ cock had been tampered to be quite the insignificant thing but now… it was no wonder he made stupid decisions.
With distinguishable veins traveling over his Adonis belt, that was a sign of healthy blood flow. He was hung like nothing she’d ever seen. The whole package really. 
‘Jesus- oh… I mean…’ Angela whimpered softly as she finally pulled her eyes away from his cock. ‘Wow… you are… not what I expected.’ 
Zeus smirked and began to crawl over her, closing that gap between them. ‘You’ve must’ve seen the statues. Are you afraid?’ His smile had grown slightly bigger. 
She let out a soft breath. Well, she had a lot of reasons to be afraid right now. One of them being that a celestial God that had been known for his treachery was laying between her legs! 
‘Mmm. No.’ She lied again. 
‘Then we shall make haste.’ He said before helping her get her sports bra from over her head. Her breasts were so round, large and supple. His tongue traced over his lips as he tried to calm the beast that was so desperately fighting to get free. 
Then, his eyes flicked up back to hers, ‘Are you ready my sweet?’ 
Swallowing hard, Angela nodded as her hands gently rested against his cool muscular back. 
Zeus had given her a sly smile before adjusting his hips. His thick bell shaped tip against her honey coated pussy. And before he made the final blow, he pressed his lips against hers. Their tongues slipped in one another’s mouth once again for a short moment before he pulled away slightly. 
‘Bite down on me if it hurts…’ 
Angela nodded one more time before bringing him back into another kiss. 
As they kissed, Zeus thrusted his hips forward only slipping just the tip in. A wince left his chest as he felt the piercing pain of her biting down into his bottom lip. It was too late to pull back now. So he began to sink his hips into her further. This earned him a loud wail from her but the piercing continued. 
Gritting his teeth to bear the pain, Zeus let out a groan as he went as deep as he possibly could. 
Angie had released his hold on his lips and looked up at him with terror in her eyes. Half from the brutal stretch and half from his lips and beard coated in shiny gold blood. 
‘Ugh! — Oh My— Zeus, is that? My God— you’re bleeding!’ 
Zeus pressed his fingers against his lips and examined it, ‘Yes. It appears that I am.’
‘Well, are you alright?!’ She exclaimed in worry. 
He couldn’t help the gentle feeling that came over him. The feeling of knowing someone cared for him. He knew that his wife did… but not in the way he felt from Angela. Hera only wanted her throne and position of power. She’d otherwise be nothing without him. But, Angela… no other human woman had shown such compassion and kindness. Even if… some of this was against her will. 
‘I’m fine my little mortal… see?’ 
Zeus brushed his thumb over his wounds and they healed in an instant. Only the blood remained and would serve as a reminder that he could also be hurt too. 
Letting out a breath in relief she grabbed his face and pressed the back of her hand against his bearded jaw. 
He brought back his hips slowly and steadily before thrusting forward once again. He held back a moan that always slipped between his lips. 
But Angela let out a whimper as her nails dug into his flesh a little. 
Zeus soon began to pick up the rhythm of his hips, creating a bit more friction. Now he wasn’t holding back his moans. She felt way too good to front over. 
Angela felt so uncomfortably full at first but then a surge of pleasure began to pump through her body like drugs. She’s had great sex before but nothing could compare to this! Her standards have completely changed and if it wasn’t him… then she didn’t want it. 
‘Ooooo! Zeus, fuck that’s so fucking good baby. Haaa! Don’t stop!’
‘Uhhhh. I’m not my love, we can go for as—URGH! As long as you like.’ 
Their moans echoed throughout her room and was enough to combat the lightning that was striking nearby and the thunder that shook the building. They were in a world of their own at this point. 
Zeus brought up Angela’s thigh and rested her leg over his shoulder. He began to pump deeper, harder and faster. ‘Ooh fuck… you feel so fucking amazing.’ He moaned out before leaning down and wrapping his lips around her hardened nipple. 
‘Zeus, just like that—‘ her fingers slipped through his hair as his tongue tickled and teased over the sensitive flesh. She could feel her womb twisting and turning just the same as it did earlier. ‘Mmm, I’m so close. Fuuuuuuck!’ She called out.
He’d begun to pump his hips faster, groaning and grunting against her breast. 
Her thighs began to tremble as an ineffable climax rocked through her, ‘AUGHHH! FUCK!’ She cried out. 
Leaving one last lick to her nipple, Zeus slowed down his thrusts and brought her lips back in for another kiss as he moaned against them. ‘Fuck you’re so warm. I can stay buried inside you forever.’ He growled before placing wet kisses under her chin and her neck. 
A sheepish grin was casted on Angela’s lips as she just tried to process that vehement orgasm that she’d just passed. Her lips quivered and her chest heaved as she gently clawed down the valley of his spine. ‘Mmmm, My God… I want you here forever.’ 
Zeus began to pick up the pace of his hips once more as his lips began to make their way back up to hers once again. He couldn’t get enough of how she tasted. He couldn’t remember the last time he and The Queen kissed. Probably centuries ago when Hebe was born. Other than the birth of his sweet child, The Goddess of Youth, there was no other reason to remember that day. 
After sending Angela in a whirlwind of mind-bending orgasms, he pulled away to stand on his knees. ‘Lay on your front side.’ On command, she rolled over and got comfortable. He leaned down to press kisses on her shoulder before his cleft nose drug across her misty, prickly skin. She smelled so good and she felt so warm. 
He carefully spread her thighs with his knees as he sat back up. Stroking his throbbing cock, he used his hand to navigate her entrance this time. Time wasn’t wasted this go around, so he thrusted his hips forward into her. 
The both of them let out a synchronized groan; Zeus threw his head back; quickly coming to his senses that he would not last long in this position. He had the perfect bird’s eye view of her ass and his cock sliding in and out. He was no better than a mortal man now. 
‘Mmmm.’ Angela groaned, feeling so much pressure and pleasure against her wet walls. She began to grip the sheets in her fist, knowing that it was going to be a bumpy ride.
Zeus caressed his hands up from her thick thighs to her chubby waist. There, he gripped tightly before he started to accelerate. ‘Ugh, shit- yeah. Haaaah.’ He groaned as he thrusted hard and fast. 
Her pretty dark brown eyes rolled to the back of her head as she could already feel her body betraying her once more. ‘Fuck yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! ZEUS!’ Angela whined out. She slipped her hand beneath herself and began to toy with her clit as he destroyed her from behind. 
The glorious sounds of her angelic songs and his skin crashing and pounding against hers fueled his desire once more. His eyes had shifted from their humanly blue to the color of the blistering sun. His moans were deeper and inhuman. He sounded more of a beast now than he did of a man. Beads of sweat prickled across his forehead, shoulders and his torso. 
His grip on Angela’s hip grew tighter as he reached over and gripped her ponytail, pinning her into her pillow. 
‘Ooh right there baby! Fuck baby you’re gonna make me cum again. Oooh shit!’ 
And just like the flip of a switch, she’d turn into putty in his grasp. But this only encouraged him to keep going. Not like the last time when he decided to give her a break. No, he wanted to rip those orgasms away from her and have her crawling come morning. 
‘OOH DEAR FUCKING– ZEUS!’ Angela wept; tears had soon fallen down the side of her face. 
‘Uh huh! Call out for your God baby.’ 
Orgasm after orgasm, Zeus’ thrusts had become staggered and arrhythmic. He was losing the battle. So, he rested his body atop hers and slowly began to thrust his hips into her. ‘Angela…fuck. I’m gonna give you– ugh! Such a beautiful baby.’ 
She didn’t think, and perhaps she thought he wasn’t serious but when she pressed her ass into him as he nestled deep inside her.
She was sadly mistaken. 
Zeus had finally unraveled, releasing thick and rich ropes of semen inside of her. He throbbed, gently stretching her out as he bred her. His body shook as the thunder roared with a vengeance outside. ‘Uh…’ He couldn’t speak. 
Angela rolled her hips beneath him, milking him from everything he had. She looked back at him just in time to see his golden hues disappear in the darkness of his ghostly blues. His thick curls were slightly damp from the work out and his parted lips had turned up into a relieved smile. Angela returned the smile and stretched her neck up to kiss him. 
The Next Morning… 
Her eyes fluttered open, her tired eyes fixated on the ceiling for a moment. She groaned softly as she slowly turned over to see an empty side of the bed. It was messy, and a telltale sign that he was once here.
She placed her hand on the vacant sheets and ran her hand over them. Still warm… it was then when she’d noticed that her patio blinds were open. The sun had beamed in on that empty space and kept it heated. 
Funny, she had her blinds closed and her window was open across the room. 
Suddenly, she heard a booming voice… deep with a pretty and very familiar accent. 
‘Zeus.’ She uttered excitedly as she scooted herself out of her King sized bed and wrapped the sheets around her. Almost losing her footing, she rushed out her room and down the hall where the voice became distinguishable. He was here! Wow, he was still here! 
Cutting the corner, there he stood in her kitchen with a phone pressed against his ear. He flashed her a bright smile and a wink. 
Returning the gracious smile, her eyes roamed down to his belt where a flashy police badge rested on his hip. Confusion instantly struck her and her smile had faltered. She managed to walk up behind him and sneak his wallet out of his back pocket. When she opened it up, she felt as if air had been snatched out of her lungs. 
Walter Marshall. DOB: 05/05/1983. Issued Date: 07/23/2020 Expiration Date: 05/05/2026 
‘What are you doing with that?’
Almost jumping out of her skin, ‘Huh?’ She looked down at his wallet and looked back up at him. He folded his arms across his massive chest. He’d had this slightly amused smirk curled up on those lips. ‘I-... I don’t know -just…’ She just handed it back to him and swallowed her spit. 
‘Mmmm, maybe you need more rest. You worked double last night, I’m surprised you’re awake!’ He reached over and placed a kiss on her temple. 
‘Yeah? At the hospital? The storm came in and almost destroyed the city.’ Now confusion was written on his face. 
And they were confused together. 
‘...The hospital. Alright… And you were?’
‘I was at the precinct. They had us shelter in place… hey, what’s going on are you feeling alright, Ang?’ 
Angela cleared her throat and let out a sigh. She was just about to tell him about this crazy dream she’d had until she saw a little frame of them on the bartop. She was dressed in a gorgeous white dress and he wore this chic black and white tuxedo. His beard was gone and his hair was cut to perfection. 
She quickly brought up her left hand, gazing at the big sparkly teardrop diamond that sat delicately on her finger. My, it was by far the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. 
Suddenly, a flood of memories brought her back to her current reality. Perhaps the impact of working so hard and that storm had her a little delusional. 
‘I’m alright, Walter. I just had this… crazy dream.’ 
‘Hmph, must’ve been! Here, let’s talk about it over breakfast-’
Walter paused for a second as his thick brows pulled into one.
‘It’s just… Has someone ever told you that you kind of favor Zeus?’
His cheekbones turned pink and glanced to the side, ‘You mean Zeus like the God?’
She nodded. 
‘No, mama. Is that what your dream was about, baby? I was a Greek God?’
When he said it, she just felt so damn stupid. She was embarrassed for even bringing it up. ‘Just forget it.. I don’t want to talk about it.’ 
Walter reached over and grabbed her hand, ‘Aw baby girl, don’t be embarrassed. C’mon we’ve all had silly dreams before… tell me what happened.’ He pulled her close and placed a kiss on her cheek. 
‘Well… we… erm.’ 
He tilted his head to the side as his large hands traced up and down her body. 
Angela cleared her throat as she looked up at him, ‘We were–..’
‘Would you like to show me what we did in the dream? You know I've always learned better by touch and physical interaction.’ 
She stared up at him as a slow grin curled up on her lips. ‘As tempting as that sounds baby, um… i think you’re burning the bacon.’ 
And on cue, the smoke alarm blared in the kitchen. Dark gray smoke floated up to the ceiling. 
‘Shit!’ Walter exclaimed as he gently pushed her away and rushed to the stove. He choked as the stench burned at his throat and lungs. He reached over and turned off the knob and let out a gentle sigh.
‘Woman you’re a distraction…’ He turned half way with a gentle smile on his lips, ‘Get some clothes on. We’re going to breakfast. My treat.’
Inhaling deeply through her nose, she gave him a smile in approval, ‘If there are grits involved then I’m in.’ 
‘Good, I know a spot.’ He said with a smirk, watching her glide back in their bedroom. 
His smirk instantly faded, the glow of gold reflected in his gaze. 
He picked up the pan that was now coated in black soot and threw the scraps in the trash. Then, he dropped the pan in the sink. 
Walter squirted some dish soap over the scrubber and began to do away with the burnt food. Suddenly, a  soft yellow light glowed in his peripheral. He paused his movement, ‘As what do I owe the pleasure,’ he lifted his head, ‘Hera.’ 
The Goddess stood tall, her eerie gaze reflected in her eyes. Her blonde hair had specks of gold in her locks. She wore a royal white satin toga with gold trimmings. Nose and lips swollen and pink from all of the sobbing. He’d been gone for days. Living a fantasy that he’d created. 
‘The children ask of you, Zeus.’ 
‘The children are old enough to take care of themselves. And I thought I told you to address me as, Your King.’ He gently brought a dirty knife from out of the sink and placed it in his belt. 
Hera inhaled deeply, and watched him round the counter to join her in the dining room. ‘It’s Hebe. She misses you… I… miss you. Why can’t you come home? Why can’t you be with your real family? You don’t belong here.’ 
‘And you know where I belong?’
‘Why must you be so cantankerous?! You have a family. And it is your duty as a father, as a King, as a God—‘ 
‘My family is… here. I have everything I could possibly want here. Those insubordinate, spoiled and treacherous adults you call children—‘ 
‘You don’t talk about them that way!’ She exclaimed with tears filling her eyes once more. 
‘I will talk of them however I want. Now, I know when I left Olympus I told you not to stand in my way… and yet you come here… you disturb me.’ He walked closer to her as she took a few steps back. ‘What should I tell our children once they discover that you’re dead hmm.’ 
‘Zeus..’ she trembled as a tear fell down her face, ‘Please… it doesn’t have to be like this.’ 
‘Oh but my vindictive wife… it does. See— you have pushed me away for centuries.. you don’t truly love me. Not really, only when I lie with other women— that’s the only time you actually give a damn. In the meantime, you’ve taken everything’ Zeus hissed through his teeth — ‘from me. Now I have everything I want… and you won’t ever come in between that ever again.’ 
‘My King. Please, I will leave — I will — ugh!’ Hera gasped as she felt a sharp, stabbing pain in her ribs. She hiccuped before looking down to see Zeus’ hand on the handle of a kitchen butcher knife, with the blade delved between her rib cage. ‘Hyuck!’ 
‘Ive started with you, My Queen… my new wife will take your place on the throne and I will rid my bloodline of those foul, demented children you claim belong to me. They will join you soon.’ Zeus snatched the blade from the wound and watched her fall to her knees. 
Hera collapsed on her back; wheezing as her golden blood leaked from her nose and gargled out the side of her mouth. ‘Mmm—mmm.’ She held onto her wound tightly. 
Zeus squatted down, pushing her golden locks out of her face, ‘Don’t fight love. Death is such a beautiful thing. Peaceful if I might add.’ A deranged smile curled on his lips as he watched her take her last breath with a final tear falling down her face. 
Her bright golden eyes had faded to a lifeless gray, her hair turned gray as heavy rain clouds and her once lively skin was deathly pale. 
He pressed his lips together and inhaled deeply, ‘GoodBye Hera.’ 
‘Hey honey I was think—‘ 
Angela had walked down the hallway, plugging her earrings into her ears when she saw the gruesome sight. Her heart had sunk to the pit of her stomach and her mouth had fallen open in shock. 
Zeus snapped his head over his shoulder to look back at her. His eyes still shined their brilliant gold and he still held that bloodied knife in his grip. He defensively stood to his feet. 
‘Wh-wh-wh-‘ she began to hyperventilate. She grabbed the chest of her shirt in her fist as if she could grab her heart itself. Angela stumbled back as tears filled her eyes with fear. 
‘Ooooh my sweet petal.’ He smirked as he tossed the blade to the floor, then his eyes returned to their gentle blue, ‘You weren’t supposed to see that.’
‘That?!’ She gasped, ‘Oh my god— the dream… it was true! It was real! You’re toying with me!’ 
Zeus inhaled deeply, slowly blinking once, ‘As real as you are… you’ve no need to be afraid of me. I told you I’d protect you and I intend on keeping my promise, wifey.’ He brought his hand up, flashing the golden wedding band on his finger. 
‘Who is that woman on my floor?’ Angie shuddered out, placing her hand on her stomach to mellow out her queasiness. 
‘Oh… her? If you must know… Hera. She was my wife. Former Queen.’ 
Angela gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, ‘Wh—what did you do?! Why did you do that to her?!’ 
‘She sought to kill you, woman. Why must you question me!? I SAVED YOUR LIFE!’ 
‘And how do you know?!’
‘BECAUSE I KNOW HER!’ Zeus exploded, ‘Every chance she got to make me miserable and take away those who are near and dear to me, she did and without contrition! In a few days time she would’ve inflicted some rare form of cancer upon you or had one of her loyal servants come and slit your throat or worse…’
‘W-worse?’ Angela murmured. 
Zeus’ tearful gaze had fallen upon her belly before looking down. ‘You are with child, Angela. My child.’ 
Angela gasped at the news, tears filling her eyes and quickly spilling over. ‘No, no. That can’t be!’ 
‘It is Angela and I eliminated her so our child could have the best possible chance to grow and succeed in the future… so I can have the proper heir… from a woman that I truly love and truly adore— Angela, don’t you get it?’ 
He took a step forward and she took a step back. 
‘This. Is. destiny. A start of a new era, a new beginning… I never intended to be with Hera. I never loved her… she doesn’t make me feel the way you do.’ 
A sob ripped through Angela’s chest, ‘And how am I to make you feel? I’m just a mere stranger you came and took advantage of!’ 
‘No! No. You’re much more than that my little love… you make me feel… human. Gentle… fair.’ He approached her carefully with his hands out. ‘My entire ruling as King of Gods, I’ve been used… abused in all aspects of the word… I’ve never been treated normally… but being here with you, Angela. You make me feel heard. When you look at me I don’t see anger or hate.’ 
Angela looked up at him as she wiped her nose with her wrist and sniffed. 
‘I see a bright future,’ he added as he took her hands into his, ‘Where you sit by my side as my Queen… and we rule Olympus and the Overworld… just the way it’s intended to be. Just—‘
She stared up at him, not able to form words because she was so consumed by fear and confusion.  ‘I could make you a Goddess. Make all your dreams come true my little love… just say… yes.’
tags: @critfailroll @itsrubberbisquit @peternoonewantsthat @ellethespaceunicorn @deandoesthingstome @luxeydior @wa-ni @milknhonies @swiss-mrs @angreav @singeramg @ylva-syverson @amesensibles @ramp-it-up @lainiespicewrites @toooldforobsessions @kingliam2019
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blueparadis · 9 months
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⟣ ──┈ · · · + synopsis ➢ After a year of marriage when your confrontation strikes the heart of lord kamisato, he dedices to play fair and by your rules. Certainly, if he does what you ask of him, you would not be angry at him would you now?
⟣ ──┈ · · · + cw ➣ fem!reader, wife!reader, husband!ayato kamisato, trophy wife treatment, terms of endearment, established relationship, marriage of convenience, angst and comfort, enemies to lovers dynamic, sorta hate sex ( but there is no sex. i mean there is but just a little ),drunk!reader, marking, temperature play ( wax play + ice play ), virginity k!nk, foreplay, aftercare >> implied piv sex; 2,2k word count. | blog navigation + koct’23 masterlist. |
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A month has passed since you stepped into the Kamisato estate yet Ayato rarely made time for his wife. Of course, like all other men, he used work as an excuse to avoid you like a plague. How could he not? When you confessed that your father had forced you into this marriage with tears in your eyes and rage in your heart yelling that if you could you would have rather die than be a man like him. It was a bolt from the blue to see someone with whom Ayato had decided to share half of him choose death over him. So, Ayato kept his distance; kept up the mirage of this marriage, and deserted you in your misery. It has been a month since the day you married him and nothing has changed since then.
As usual, after eight, Thoma accompanied his master to the study room. “Tomorrow I have to go somewhere. Thoma, please take care of the household for a day.” His butler listens and nods.
“When will you be back Lord Ayato?” Thoma asked hanging his master’s coat in the rack. “Will your lady accompany you?” Ayato pauses stacking files one upon the other on his hand to ponder and then answers.
“It is just work-related.” Thoma beams at that and leaves his master alone in his room. The part where Ayato stands is just the entrance, where the light is always on. He grabs another candle stand and walks up to his desk in the dark, lighting them up. And, when he turns around his eyes glimmered on you like grapes ripening before the arrival of the season. 
You turn around standing against the window admiring the moon in its glory with a goblet in your hand and a wine bottle kept on your husband’s table. It is empty. You look at your husband, part your lips, and bring the goblet near your soft lips speaking in a calm tone. “You do not seem surprised to see me here.” You take a sip and tilt your head. “Have you been thinking about me—like this: standing here, waiting for you, my love?” Ayato does not break his silence. He just watches like a hawk. He leans against his desk crossing his arms over his chest. 
You slowly walk up to him making sure you do not trip. The moment you move the world takes a quick spin, composing yourself you see your husband inches away from you. Finishing the last bit of wine you keep the glass on the desk. You keep your hands on the desk along his firm stature and lean into his face. “Or were you expecting someone else, my love?” You are clearly drunk and maybe so, because you wanted to confront him since never before have you been this rebellious. 
Ayato has always kept a distance from you, letting you live freely, working the way you want. While  attending parties and get-togethers, you were cautious not to let the curtain of perfect marriage slip and show the world its ugly, rotten side. At times like that, his heart warmed from your vicinity; mind and body at constant battle for you. Of course, what would you know what it is like to love someone, and get nothing in return? That kind of love eats you from the inside.
If you hated him openly he could give you an excuse, perhaps an affair or chronic drinking habit but you are perfect maintaining this marriage. But you suspected him of cheating on you was salt to his wound. It hurt his pride. 
Ayato grabs one of your hands, pushing it away and spinning you to stand behind you. Both of your hands are under his grip. His left hand being free finds its way over your breasts. He does not like them. There is a fair amount of distance between his left hand and your upper body. As he finishes tracing your body and ultimately keeping his gloved hand over your belly button he hoarsely whispered into your ears, “You tell me. For whom are you wearing this flimsy dress? 
He rests his chin over the nook of your shoulders. You release a soft breath. “Or is it because you have been lonely?” You rub your thighs together feeling the warmth of his breath behind your ears. “Did you ask help from Thoma?”
“What? How could you—I’d never— Ayato shuhses you swinging his body a little making you sway, as if calming a crying baby. Then he speaks sternly, “At least I have a name. Who are you accusing me of?” 
“Why are you breathing so hard, love?” He exclaims eye over your belly letting you know how much he can feel your restlessness. 
“Leave me Ayato. Leave my hand.” You murmur. There is still a fight in you despite being hurt. He rubs his nose against your shoulder line making you arch your head a bit. He is trying to remember what triggered you and that you were willing to wash all your pride and shame to come to him. You hear a pop sound and a little later feel the graze of his lips, the hot breaths. He understands now. He understands why, why are you here? Closing his mouth he presses his body against your back.
You turn your head to take a look at his face. Your eyes are burning, eyelids heavy and vision focuses and defocuses often. “Thoma— he will, will be here to serve your dinner.” You drawl, one word toppling over the other. The way you took his butler’s name sounded like you were moaning it. “Please. Please Ayato. Leave me.” You feel his hand that was over your tummy loving away and as you take a sigh of relief you turn your face from him. As you close your eyes to dull the incoming wave of pain, you feel his hands underneath your nightgown, nudging in between your thighs seeking permission.
“What?” Ayato drawls tightening his grip on your wrists at the valley of your waist. “Didn’t you say you hated me on our first night? Then, why are you so wet?” He elongated ‘so’ as he spoke into your ears causing goosebumps to light up your supple skin. Embarrassment and shame bloomed all over your body. Your mind denied him while your body was willing to accept him. Not to mention that you are so wet and just from this? Another lie came into the light. The fact that you told him that you were a virgin to keep him ravaging you away is such a brave and bold move. 
“Aren’t you full of surprises my love?” He pulls out his gloved hand making you whimper and extends it in front of you to show how much you are turned on. Your arousal stuck onto his gloved hands, drips along the base of his palm as he motions his ring and middle finger. “Not only that,” He scooted over to a side shamelessly staring at your breasts, “Your nipples. They are hard.” His lips moved closer to your ears. He whispers, “So hard.” Makes him wanna suck and bruise them.
The wine is doing its job perfectly. Your senses are lithe and loose. There is a tingling feeling all over your skin and wherever his touch graces, the feeling magnifies resonating in between your legs. The grip on your hands that are held at your back is still there, still so strong. You fidget with your hands a little and Ayato shifts his hand, inserting his fingers through the gaps of your of both hands locking them firmly. 
You turn your head, with lust coinciding with desperation in your eyes, and your lips dash onto yours. Ayato is surprised at first but when he notices that your eyes are closed, lips so dedicatedly working against his he returns the favor. You think his instincts are becoming dilute. You slip your tongue trying to dull his senses more so that you can break free from his hold but all you feel is the cold grab of his gloved hand on your breasts over the cloth. Your body curls instantly under his touch making you snatch your mouth away.
“C’mon, it is our one-month anniversary. Let’s celebrate.” He mutters reading into your thoughts and then, pulling his glove by holding it in between his teeth exposing his ivory white skin. When he inclines for a kiss you turn away your head. Your breaths become erratic, heavy, and irregular. He can help you with that but you are being so stubborn. There is a pregnant pause before he bends you over the desk, and towers above you to murmur into your ears. “Fine. Have it your way.”
Ayato stands spreading his legs further against your lower body making you immobile. Still, you manage to turn and face him. You notice him holding a candle in one hand. You could sense what was going on in his mind but before your body could follow the directions of your mind he grabbed your hands, locked them by slipping his fingers into yours and pinning them over your head. He lets a drop of wax fall onto your body. It is good that your robe is still on you. But it does not hurt much, there is a pleasure rapidly following the stinging pain making you greedy for another shot.
“That is no good. You are enjoying it.” He growls and pulls your robe down letting a train of wax fall on your skin. You try to scream, thinking about the amount of pain you will get but Ayato’s lips block you from doing so. Tears rolling from the corner of your eyes yet you do not want to let go of his lips. He is kissing so fervently, hungrily. You did not think your husband was capable of such passion.
Ayato breaks the kiss. The resistive forces in your body have died now. He does not even have to tell you to stay still. He bends the candle to let the wax fall on your skin again holding your garment above your boobs. “Now, my dear wife. Who are you trying to provoke by not wearing anything under? Is it me?” He drawls dramatically letting the wax fall in a trail over your boob writing the letters of his initials. You do not scream, neither protest but rather moan in pleasure. The pleasure is addictive, like the cool Breeze after a storm.
Keeping the candle in its place he pulls you up embracing. A certain while you feel the hot wax on your back again and you bite onto the column of his neck. The more he pours, the stronger your sucks and bites become. Once the candle reduces to half he stops and watching your body so bruised and red makes him mourn but the look on your face turns the table.
“Ayato. Ayato, please. I need you.” you start. Intoxication is still in effect numbing your senses. “I need you inside me, please, I miss you.” you moan and whimper in his arms. Ayato hears a knock. He knows it is Thoma. Must have heard your voices. Slipping his coat over you he takes you into his arms. 
“Lord Ayato—” he gasps, opening the door. Ayato adjusts you in his arms and you curl into his chest. 
He instructs, “Thoma. We are going to have dinner later.” and walks towards the washroom. Thoma asks if he should prepare a bath but Ayato just tells him he needs some ice.
Ayato places you beside the sink, on the slab. He starts undressing himself thinking how he will be inside you for the first time, fuck you witless. The way you are drunk so much, he thinks, you will barely resist or feel the pain, only the pleasure. 
Thoma kept a box of ice outside the door already, Ayato picks them up and he walks towards you naked, with ice in his hands, and rubs them over your back.  With such cold hands, he pulls apart your legs to make himself comfortable in between your legs. His cock is hard and awake. You touch his member, making him moan against your ear. He keeps rubbing your back with those ice cubes as you work up his cock to take him in.
“Eager. Aren’t we?” Ayato says against your ears as you place your hands around him. “You have no idea what you are asking for my wife.”
You buck your hips and push him to feel him inside you. The tip of his cock grazes your entrance. You murmur, “Oh, try me. I'm actually hard to impress.” and feel him push his cock all at once, feeling his base against your inner thighs. You scratch onto his back feeling the momentarily alive pain followed by a great wave of pleasure.
“I’m warning you. I’m going to hurt you if I fuck you.” Ayato rasps.
And you mutter over his lips in erratic breaths. “Oh— you mean — sharing the pain, — my dear husband?” 
“Ummm—hmmm” Ayato coos, kissing your lips. The night is going to be long and memorable.
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jishyucks · 2 months
Crayon Confessions – njm
‣ pairing: na jaemin x reader
‣ genre: fluff, f2l/co'workers'-to-lovers
‣ wc: 2.2k
‣ summary: You have two weaknesses—Gojo and men with kids… and you guess, Jaemin. That would make it three, but he falls under that second category; alternatively, in which you weren’t really planning on developing feelings for Na Jaemin but seeing him work with kids all the time at the local community centre is making it damn hard not to.
‣ warnings: genuinely don't think there's anything, low-key rushed ending
‣ an: this is honestly not my best but FINALLY MY LAST PART OF THE SERIES IM CELEBRATING YIPEEEEEE—yes i know this is set in december and its now may but it's bc this was supposed to be posted during the holidays 😭 my dumbass overestimated my capabilities and school got in the way but all that matters is that i actually finished a 12 part series?? patting myself on the back,, ANYWAYS to those who actually followed my series I thank you so much. PLS ENJOY THIS! <33
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You have two weaknesses—Gojo and men with kids. And within the past few months, Na Jaemin has been fighting his way to the top of that list despite (technically) fitting under that second category. 
The more time you spent with him, the more you were able to make out that Jaemin obviously wanted to make a name for himself rather than being lumped into a handful of men—and you didn’t like it.
You’ve only known the guy just shy of six months, having chosen to volunteer at the community centre since July, and he’s managed to shimmy his way into your life like it was his purpose. And it makes you angry because he was perfect—perhaps as perfect as the dozens of fictional men you’ve crushed on.
Only Jaemin wasn’t fictional. 
In fact, he was sitting two tables away from you, helping the kids spell out the words they needed to include in the holiday greetings cards. 
“You’re staring again.” 
Giselle presses her lips into a tight line to keep her laugh from bursting out. 
Your eyes widened, trying to recollect yourself when you realized that you were, in fact, staring at Jaemin, “Was I being obvious?” 
Giselle hums, tilting her head to muster up an answer, “Mm… a little?”
“Not a little. A lot.” 
You and Giselle turn to Lily, one of the kids you’ve both grown close to over the past few months. You raise a brow at her, “Aren’t you supposed to be making these cards?” 
Lily snickers and goes back to her given task of colouring a poorly printed Santa Claus. You turn back to Giselle, who’s already offering an apologetic look because kids are blunt. 
“Okay, you were more than a little bit obvious but that boy was too oblivious to notice,” she shrugs, “I think, at least.” Giselle taps the pile of finished cards against the table to line them all up before placing them again at the centre of the table.
You groan, tempted to bang your head against the shared table in front of you. “Please tell me you’re joking.” 
“I’m not,” Giselle snorts, “But I really don’t think he saw you. He’s too busy with the kids.” She nods her head in Jaemin’s direction and your eyes follow without a second thought.
The sight was one you’ve seen countless times yet it still makes you swoon every time you lay eyes on the scene. Jaemin’s perfect smile is etched on his face as he leans over one of the youngest kids, fixing the way the boy is holding the marker. The boy lets out a little giggle, reciprocating the smile on the elder’s face.
“Look away before you lose yourself again,” Giselle teases, using her index finger to turn your face away from Jaemin’s direction. Giselle immediately notices the way a look of sheepishness replaces your charmed expression. She pats your shoulder, almost coming in the form of a push, “I bet if you asked him out he would say yes.”
“I’ll only ask him out if I’m sure he likes me back,” you whisper. “I have literal receipts of clues that he does like you back,” Giselle threatens to pull her phone out despite your organizer discouraging the use of any devices during the shifts. 
You shake your head, head mentally raking through all the times you Jaemin had made you feel like sinking into the hard cold cement. “Those were just times I was overthinking everything… I’m sure he’s just naturally nice.”
“Well, he is naturally nice,” Giselle nods, “But you can’t tell me that all the things he’s done were done solely to be nice.” Giselle leans back on her chair and narrows her eyes at you, “He’s too old to be on Santa’s list anyway.” 
“I don’t consider holding the door open for me and bringing me hot chocolate that one time as clues.” 
One of the other little girls pushes an unfinished piece of paper and the small baby safety scissors your way. By reflex, you pick it up from where she started having trouble, snipping away the excess paper before handing it back for her to glue onto construction paper. 
“How about that one time he walked you home?”
“He said he was going to his grandma’s—” you counter.
“Could’ve been an excuse,” Giselle shrugs, “Real reason could be he wanted to spend time with you without having to ask for it.” 
“I was wrong. I think you’re the delusional one here,” you narrow your eyes and tap your feet against the floor underneath you. Jaemin was Jaemin. Soon after meeting him, you caught on to the fact that he was naturally playful, almost coming off as a flirt to everyone he encountered. 
“I’m not being delusional,” Giselle rolls her eyes and leans in closer to you so that whatever comes out of her mouth next can’t be heard by anyone around you, “Do you want me to list everything that’s happened between him and you over the past few months? ‘Cause you’re asking for it.”
You shake your head, already knowing which ones she’d list. Giselle already told you that if she could, she’d make a PowerPoint presentation of Top 10 Jaemin and Y/N Moments for fun, but you were lucky that she had been swamped in both school and volunteer work to even start it. 
“You’re acting like I’m not the one who’s told you these things,” you blink, “And like I said, any of them could be a product of delusion.” 
Giselle peeks over at you through the corners of her eyes and smirks, “Oh, but there are ones that you haven’t seen that I have…”
And just like that, Giselle has all of your attention. It’s like she’s grasping it with the tips of her fingers, playing with it to tease you. 
“Like?” You gesture for her to begin, not wanting to waste a single passing second.
Another kid at the table holds up her card for Giselle to see, “Miss Giselle, how does it look?” 
Giselle’s eyes light up and she smiles, “I love how you coloured the tree, Nari! Do you need help cutting it out?” 
Nari shakes her head, “I’ll try myself first.”
Giselle nods, “Sounds good to me!” Then once she’s sure that Nari is back and busy with the paper tree, she turns back to you, “Do you want it in chronological order?”
Your brows furrow, “It doesn’t matter to me.”
She hums and begins, “You know how you came when me and Jaemin have already been here for a little while?” 
You nod.
“Well, Jaemin, every single day since we both started, kept his things in that one corner locker. He told me once he hated the other lockers with a passion but never really told me why. It was actually hilarious because there was one shift when Jisung came earlier than he did and he snatched it before Jaemin and Jaemin told him off,” Giselle snorted, recalling the memory, “It was stupid. I remember telling Jaemin to let the boy be, but he was… territorial? I don’t know how to word it.” 
“Where are you going with this?” you say impatiently.
“I’m getting there,” she huffs, “Anyway, when you came, you were stuck with that one locker at the top, right?”
You nod again.
“I remember you kept complaining to me about hating the locker—”
“It was too high for me to even reach the hook!” You say.
“I know, but that’s beside the point,” Giselle laughs, “My point is the very next day, Jaemin came early for the shift and instead of taking that corner locker, he claimed that top locker despite his usual one being free. It’s been that way ever since. Now you always take that corner one.”
“What do you mean ‘And?’” Giselle’s jaw drops, “Don’t you see? He was territorial over a damn locker and when you came along, he went out of his way to move lockers just because he saw you were struggling with the top one.” “He’s just being ni—”
“Do I need to remind you that Ningning, who’s shorter than you, literally complained about the same thing and he didn’t do shi—” Giselle catches herself from swearing, remembering the setting, “—Anything to help her?”
You don’t reply and Giselle takes this as a sign to continue, “Then, there have been those days you come to a shift tired because you’ve been awake since dawn because of your eight AMs, right?” You don’t do anything but blink and Giselle continues, “I’ve seen that man go out of his way to take up some of your harder tasks just so your shift is easier and you can relax. But when I come to the shifts tired and you’re not there and he is, he just laughs in my face!” 
You laugh because it just sounds like Giselle’s taking this as an opportunity to rant to you about her playful rivalry with Jaemin. 
“Don’t laugh! Can’t you see where I’m going with my examples?” she whines, “I know you’re smart, Y/N!”
You shake your head, “I need you to explain it more bluntly, Gi.” 
Giselle facepalms, a sigh flying out of her lips, “What I’m saying is that Jaemin pays attention to you more than you think… he treats you a hundred times better than any of us but, obviously, you’re too blind to see it because you’re still hung up on the idea that he’s just ‘being nice’.”
You swallow a pool of spit you didn’t even know was sitting in your mouth and you process your friend’s explanation. The idea of the possibility of Jaemin actually liking you back was something you thought about once in a while, but it was usually in your bed right before you went to sleep giggling. Never did these thoughts appear in broad daylight, much less with Jaemin sitting just yards away.
The thought tickles your stomach and you wanna say something to Giselle, though you’re unsure what. And before you could bring yourself to open your mouth, you felt a light tap against your shoulder.
“Miss Y/N?” 
You’re punted out of your thoughts when one of the little boys from Jaemin’s table appears to your left, entering your line of sight.
“Hi, Junnie! What’s up?” you bend down slightly at the waist, eyeing the card and the crayon he’s holding in his hand. 
He makes no effort to say anything else. Instead, he holds out the two items in his small hands, waiting for you to take them. When you gently do, he takes a step back, holding his arms behind his back to watch you read the card.
The front of the card was just a normal card, the greeting ‘Happy Holidays’ written on the front in a child’s handwriting in red and green crayon. Underneath the words was a Christmas tree, glued on there by, who you assumed was, Junnie. 
Then, when you open it, your heart skips a beat and a half. 
In crayon, in messy yet very cute writing you read: 
Are you a Christmas tree? 
Because I'm really pining fir you!
Dinner date?
“It’s from Mister Jaemin,” Junnie says from behind the card. He’s teetering on the balls of his feet, cheeks being pushed up by his smile.
Your heart is now pounding against your chest because it is all playing out perfectly, like how it would in a movie. With Giselle telling you things you’ve never noticed before, to you denying, and now Junnie was just sent by Jaemin to send you this cute little letter to confess to you—you’re not sure how to react.
“Oh, really?” you question.
“Really?” Giselle gasps from next to you. 
Your eyes immediately dart across the room and to the mentioned boy, who’s awfully pretending to busy himself with the scraps of paper littering the table.
“What’s your answer?” Junnie questions.
Embarrassingly, you don’t even hesitate to scribble down your answer underneath the question. Handing it back to Junnie, you wave for him to come closer and you bring your mouth up to his ear, “Can you help me play a small trick on Mister Jaemin?” 
Junnie nods, a mischievous smile appearing almost instantly on his face.
“When you go over there to give him this, I want you to pretend to be sad, okay? Make him think it’s not a yes.” 
Junnie struggles to contain his smile before nodding once more, then turns to make his way back to Jaemin.
You follow the young boy with your eyes, watching as he does his very best to maintain a poker face. You watch as Jaemin turns to him, a look of confusion surfacing his face when he sees that Junnie is not smiling like he had anticipated and you can’t help but snicker.
The moment Junnie’s within hearing vicinity, Jaemin says something to him that you obviously couldn’t hear. Junnie glances back at you and then reveals your answer to Jaemin and you know he’s done it the second Jaemin’s face lights up. 
You chuckle as Jaemin looks up at you, his face breaking into a wide smile. He waves at you shyly, like a bashful kid, before silently mouthing, "Tomorrow?"
You nod, warmth spreading across your cheeks. Giselle makes a comment over your shoulder but you don’t quite catch it, the cells in your body buzzing in excitement. 
Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.
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taglist: @tytrackfebreze @lovesuhng @hoonieji @niinjo @dinonuguaegi @reignessance
an: 12/12!! This was poorly proofread so I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors or mistakes but I wanted to finish this so I can work on other wips!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED READING THIS,, THANK YOU!
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