#holistic health diet
uncrossedrhyme · 2 years
Meat and Eggs are Health Foods. Ignore Technocratic Misanthropy.
Meat and Eggs are Health Foods. Ignore Technocratic Misanthropy.
Since early 2020, cardiovascular disease has killed almost twice the amount of people as the SARS-Cov-2 virus, and poor cardiovascular health increases the chance of mortality from that virus by 10.5%. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death globally, killing almost 20 million people per year, and rates and resultant mortality continue to rise. We often associate “fatty foods”,…
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oasisr · 7 months
I think that Celiac Disease is a great example of why people prefer to self-diagnose and treat themselves.
Doctors test for Celiac Disease by having a person intentionally eat gluten for three weeks. This is Hell for someone who can't properly digest gluten. It makes the person feel bloated, gassy and sluggish.
In severe cases, it causes nausea, vomiting and brain fog.
Imagine intentionally inducing these symptoms in a patient to see if their body can't handle gluten. This is sick. This is the opposite of healing.
So, many of us are deciding to cut out bread and processed foods on our own. We see that we feel a ton better, have more energy, and our stomachs aren't sticking out for no apparent reason anymore.
I can't tell you how frustrating it is to walk 10,000 steps a day and eat 1,500 to 2,000 calories on average, yet see no results in my body or my weight.
My stomach was hard and inflated no matter what I would do. Finally, I am eating mostly Paleo/Carnivore now, and my stomach feels so much better. It isn't hard to the touch. I couldn't even suck in my stomach. I felt full all the time.
So, the moral of the story is. We are responsible for our health. We have to know our bodies and find ways to heal ourselves. We can no longer trust doctors in this country.
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eatclean-bewhole · 6 months
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crosstheveil · 8 months
Health: Food Recommendations
Fresh, pasture-raised meat: beef, lamb, game, chicken, turkey, duck, and other fowl.
Organ meat: from pastured animals (especially liver).
Seafood: all types from deep sea waters (including salmon, tuna, and swordfish), fresh shellfish in season, and fish eggs.
Poultry: fresh eggs from pastured poultry.
Fermented soy products: organic, in small amounts.
Dairy fat: fresh butter and cream from pasture-fed cows (preferably raw and cultured).
Animal fat: lard and fats from beef, lamb, goose, duck (all from pastured animals).
Oils: extra virgin olive oil, unrefined flax seed oil (in small amounts), coconut oil, and palm oil.
Milk: raw, whole milk from traditional breeds of pasture-fed cows and goats.
Cultured dairy: yogurt, piima milk, kefir, and raw cheese.
Grains: organic whole grain products like oats or barley (properly treated for phytate removal), sourdough, sprouted grain bread, and soaked/sprouted cereal grains.
Legumes: soaked and fermented varieties including lentils, beans, and chickpeas.
Seeds and nuts: sprouted or soaked.
Produce: fresh fruits and vegetables, both raw and cooked, along with fermented vegetables.
Water: filtered, high-mineral water.
Fermented drinks: lacto-fermented drinks from grain or fruit.
Broths: meat stocks and vegetable broths.
Seasonings: unrefined sea salt, raw vinegar, spices (in moderation), and fresh herbs.
Fermented sauces: naturally fermented soy sauce and fish sauce.
Optimization: acerola powder, amalaki powder, azomite mineral powder, bee pollen, bitters, blue-green algae, borage oil or black currant oil, chlorella, cod liver oil, colostrum, evening primrose oil, glandular and organ extracts, kelp, kombucha, noni juice, nutritional yeast, probiotics, spirulina, wheat germ oil.
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The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy: A Deep Dive into Reversing Heart Disease
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Hey there, Tumblr fam!
Today, I want to share a revolutionary program that's changing the game for heart disease: The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy. This isn't your average cholesterol-lowering approach; it tackles the root cause of heart problems: oxidized cholesterol.
What's the big deal about oxidized cholesterol?
Unlike regular LDL (bad cholesterol), oxidized cholesterol is the real villain in plaque buildup, leading to heart attacks and strokes. This program goes beyond just lowering numbers; it focuses on reducing oxidized cholesterol and promoting its removal from your body.
So, how does it work?
The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy rests on four pillars:
Diet: Ditch those oxidized fat sources like vegetable oils and processed foods. Embrace healthy fats like olive oil, butter, and coconut oil instead.
Lifestyle: Get moving! Regular exercise, stress management, and good sleep are key to optimizing cholesterol and boosting your heart health.
Monitoring: Track your progress with cholesterol level monitoring and plaque buildup assessments. This allows for personalized adjustments and ensures you're on the right track.
Holistic Approach: It's not just about cholesterol. This program promotes healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight management for long-term well-being.
Science-backed and success-driven!
This isn't just talk; the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is backed by extensive scientific research. And the results speak for themselves! People are experiencing:
Complete reversal of plaque buildup
Drastic reductions in cholesterol levels
Increased energy and mental clarity
Enhanced appearance and overall well-being
Ready to take control of your heart health?
The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy offers a compelling and effective way to reverse heart disease and improve your overall health. Check out their website for more information and start your journey towards a healthier future!
#OxidizedCholesterol #HeartHealth #Cholesterol #Reversal #SuccessStories #HolisticHealth #Wellbeing
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karribabytarot · 12 days
FLiRT COVID-19 Variant: Impact, Precautions, and Updates
### Staying Safe During the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic With the emergence of new COVID-19 variants such as the FLiRT group, it's important to stay vigilant and proactive in protecting yourself and your loved ones.
New covid variant going around june 2024. As of June 2024, a new group of COVID-19 variants, collectively referred to as the “FLiRT” variants, is circulating. These variants, which descend from the JN.1 Omicron subvariant, include KP.2, KP.1, and KP.3. The KP.2 subvariant, in particular, has gained dominance in several regions, including Canada and the United States​ (Global News)​​ (UKHSA…
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foodsthathealme · 1 year
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Learn the secrets to lemons! This infographic explains how lemons help provide healthy skin, great for cleaning and for weight loss. Check out our website for more health and wellness information and a free 30 min health evaluation. www.SunriseWellnessInstitute.com
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gezondenmooi-net · 1 year
Unlock the Secrets to Health and Beauty: Natural Remedies, Wellness Tips, Skincare Routines, Anti-Aging Solutions, and Cellulite Creams Revealed
Welcome to the ultimate guide to health and beauty! In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about natural remedies, wellness tips, skincare routines, anti-aging solutions, and more.
Let's start with natural remedies. One of the most popular natural remedies for sore muscles and joint pain is horse balm. Horse balm is a natural topical cream that contains menthol, camphor, and other natural ingredients that provide a cooling and soothing effect. It can be found at many stores, including Etos.
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Another natural remedy that has gained popularity in recent years is CBD oil. CBD oil is a natural extract from the cannabis plant that has been found to have many health benefits, including reducing anxiety, relieving pain, and improving sleep. It can be ingested or applied topically, and is available at many health food stores.
Now let's move on to wellness tips. One of the most important things you can do for your overall health is to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help improve your skin, boost your metabolism, and even improve your mood.
Exercise is another important aspect of wellness. Regular exercise can help improve your cardiovascular health, strengthen your muscles, and even reduce stress and anxiety. Find an exercise routine that you enjoy, whether it's yoga, running, or weightlifting, and stick to it.
Skincare is also a crucial component of health and beauty. One of the most important things you can do for your skin is to protect it from the sun. Wear sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days, to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Additionally, make sure to cleanse and moisturize your skin regularly to keep it looking healthy and radiant.
Now let's talk about anti-aging solutions. One of the most effective anti-aging ingredients is retinol. Retinol is a form of vitamin A that has been found to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture, and even out skin tone. Look for skincare products that contain retinol, or talk to your dermatologist about prescription-strength retinoids.
Another popular anti-aging treatment is Botox. Botox is a cosmetic injection that temporarily relaxes the muscles in the face, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It's important to do your research and find a reputable provider if you are considering Botox.
Finally, let's talk about cellulite. Cellulite is a common concern for many people, especially women. While there is no cure for cellulite, there are many creams and gels on the market that can help reduce its appearance.
One popular cellulite gel is the cream against cellulite by Elancyl. This cream contains caffeine and other natural ingredients that help improve circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Another popular cellulite cream is the anti-cellulite cream by Nivea. This cream contains coenzyme Q10 and other natural ingredients that help firm and tone the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite.
When looking for a good cellulite cream, make sure to read reviews and do your research. While there is no miracle cure for cellulite, regular use of a good cellulite cream can help improve the appearance of your skin.
In conclusion, this ultimate guide to health and beauty has covered everything from natural remedies to anti-aging solutions to cellulite creams. Remember to stay hydrated, exercise regularly, and protect your skin from the sun to maintain your health and beauty. And when it comes to cellulite, do your research and find a good cream or gel that works for you. With these tips and tricks, you'll be on your way to looking and feeling your best.
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reachablewellness · 6 months
Green Sea Moss: Vibrant Superfood from the Sea
Are you looking for a natural daily vitamin? Do you use sea moss? My family and I have used sea moss for about two years now and as a mom I love it. Our family usually switches between purple a gold but, have recently discovered the benefits of Green Sea Moss. Green Sea Moss, a lesser-known cousin of the popular red sea moss, is emerging as a superfood with a host of health benefits. As a nurse,…
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healthandholistic · 7 months
In a world where fad diets and quick fixes often take center stage, holistic nutrition stands out as a holistic and sustainable approach to nourishing your body and mind. This article explores the principles of holistic nutrition and how it can lead to a healthier and more balanced life.
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saifullah221290 · 8 months
Healthy lifestyle tips for you...
A healthy lifestyle is one that prioritizes activities, attitudes, and routines that advance one's physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. It is a way of living that takes a holistic approach that considers all facets of life, including social interactions, diet, exercise, and sleep. A healthy lifestyle can have a wide range of advantages and is crucial for preserving long-term health and vigor.
Balanced Diet: is a fundamental component of a healthy lifestyle. Consuming a range of nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, is necessary to achieve this. For the prevention of chronic diseases and to maintain a healthy weight, it is essential to limit the intake of processed meals, sugary drinks, and foods high in sodium.
Regular Exercise: For you to stay physically and mentally well, you must exercise. Regular exercise helps to increase flexibility, muscle mass, mood, and cardiovascular health. As advised by health professionals, strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.
Adequate Sleep: The body renews and restores itself as you sleep. The recommended amount of sleep per night is between seven and nine hours. Numerous health issues, such as reduced cognitive function, weight gain, and a higher chance of developing chronic diseases, can be brought on by lack of sleep.
Stress Management: On both physical and mental health, chronic stress can be harmful. Effective stress management can be achieved by practicing stress-reduction practices like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or spending time in nature.
Hydration: The importance of staying well hydrated cannot be overstated for maintaining excellent health. Drinking enough water maintains good skin, improves digestion, and aids in body temperature regulation. In conclusion, leading a healthy lifestyle entails making deliberate decisions to give priority to one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is a lifetime commitment that calls for self-control and work but has many advantages, such as better health, more energy, and a higher quality of life. People can live a more active and happier life by implementing these healthy practices into their everyday routine.
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eatclean-bewhole · 6 months
🌟Hi my New Year's Resolutioners!🌿
I want to offer you another alternative to putting your body through another diet, more trial and error, or unproductive online/YouTube searches….
It's really about learning how to support your unique body and taking small incremental steps for big wins because feeling good is what it's all about! 💪🏽 You can start to reclaim your health by joining some or all of my “Using Food As Medicine" monthly webinar series starting in 2024! Each time, we'll dive into a new health topic for variety and balance. Each webinar costs less than a bag of groceries! 🛒
As an added bonus, those who join will be invited to connect with me for a free quarterly Q&As for additional support and to keep you invested in your goals.
Prioritize your well-being, embark on a path to holistic wellness, and let's make 2024 the year you achieve optimal health and happiness! 🌈✨ Ready to take the first step? Go here to secure your spot! 👉
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uncrossedrhyme · 2 years
The Extreme Nutritional Benefits of Mushrooms: Varieties and Mechanisms of Anti-Cancer, Anti-Death, Nootropic Effects
The Extreme Nutritional Benefits of Mushrooms: Varieties and Mechanisms of Anti-Cancer, Anti-Death, Nootropic Effects
Mushrooms have been part of the human diet for up to 18,000 years, since the Upper Paleolithic’s Magdalenian phase, possibly beginning with bolete (porcini) variety mushrooms, which are still popular in Italian cuisine today. Delicious and an ample quality-protein source, mushrooms are also extremely beneficial to health in important ways. Generally, they are nootropic brain-protectants,…
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healthyhoss · 9 months
Dopamine Detox: Reclaiming Your Brain and Health
In our fast-paced, modern world, it’s easy to find ourselves trapped in a cycle of instant gratification, with our brains constantly seeking the next dopamine hit. Whether it’s scrolling through social media, indulging in sugary treats, or turning to substances like drugs and alcohol, these habits can wreak havoc on our mental and physical well-being. But fear not, because there’s a powerful…
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laissefaire · 1 year
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Follow my health and wellness page for healthy recipes and lifestyle tips for a more balanced and nourishing life🌱🥑🌎✨
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A Plate of Peace (or peas)
A Plate of Peace (or peas)
Food that Feeds the Soul Written by Christina Major In older times, soul foods were rich and hearty. They focused on what was not plentiful most other times, like meats, fats and fruits. You see, the typical diet of the average person about 100 years ago focused on vegetables. Hence, soul food was richer in nutrients and money. Today, soul foods are the same, the rest of our diet isn’t. That’s…
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