#lion diet
radlissa · 4 months
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oasisr · 11 months
I think that Celiac Disease is a great example of why people prefer to self-diagnose and treat themselves.
Doctors test for Celiac Disease by having a person intentionally eat gluten for three weeks. This is Hell for someone who can't properly digest gluten. It makes the person feel bloated, gassy and sluggish.
In severe cases, it causes nausea, vomiting and brain fog.
Imagine intentionally inducing these symptoms in a patient to see if their body can't handle gluten. This is sick. This is the opposite of healing.
So, many of us are deciding to cut out bread and processed foods on our own. We see that we feel a ton better, have more energy, and our stomachs aren't sticking out for no apparent reason anymore.
I can't tell you how frustrating it is to walk 10,000 steps a day and eat 1,500 to 2,000 calories on average, yet see no results in my body or my weight.
My stomach was hard and inflated no matter what I would do. Finally, I am eating mostly Paleo/Carnivore now, and my stomach feels so much better. It isn't hard to the touch. I couldn't even suck in my stomach. I felt full all the time.
So, the moral of the story is. We are responsible for our health. We have to know our bodies and find ways to heal ourselves. We can no longer trust doctors in this country.
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hawkeyedflame · 2 years
wow so i have never counted calories a day in my life because i do not care but i was listening to some doctor expressing her opinion that people who experience relief from autoimmune issues on a carnivore diet are probably just experiencing food monotony-induced calorie restriction (the tendency to eat less over time when you are given the same exact meal every day) because there is a wealth of literature documenting the benefits of fasting and ketogenic diets for autoimmune issues. weirdly enough she didn’t connect that perhaps the mechanism isn’t calorie restriction but the fact that eating very few or no carbohydrates (as with fasting, keto and carnivore diets) forces the body into ketosis, which has very well documented health benefits.
so out of spite i looked up my approximate daily caloric intake based on what i tend to eat in a given day and. my friends.
i eat almost three thousand calories a day. easily more on some days if i feel particularly hungry.
and i LOST WEIGHT. (i was already thin btw) i lost ten pounds in the first month, and then? i gained back a few pounds and all of it was muscle. no exercise whatsoever. passive weight loss, passive muscle gain. calories in calories out is literally not true lmao. anyways.
today is my three month anniversary of carnivore. my joint pain is gone. my dental problems are gone. my chronic fatigue is gone. my acne is gone. my depression is gone. my anxiety is gone. my brain fog is gone. my chronic headaches and constant neck pain are gone. my blood sugar crashes are gone. my adhd is far more manageable than it’s ever been, and gets smaller every day. i am not experiencing the slightest hint of seasonal depression. i fall asleep without difficulty and, more incredibly, i wake up without struggle. i have so much energy that i recently started exercising because i didn’t know what to do with myself.
eliminating carbohydrates from my diet saved my life. i wish i were being dramatic, but now that i know what healthy feels like i can properly recognize how sick and feeble i’ve been for the past ten years. i never want to feel the way i used to feel ever again. i’m alive. i’m actually alive.
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cunning-matriarch · 5 months
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Kion: theyre in the outlands so they arent our problem anymore Also Kion: regularly goes into the outlands or just outside the pridelands in general to interfere with the hyenas, jackals and other predators hunting Like that isnt your territory!!??
Though this goes for the whole of the guard in general.
They wanna be a pain in the backside to predators in the pridelands that arent in their little clique its their territory but thats way outta line outside the pridelands.
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
Sudden post-waking thought: Imagine if those Lion King sequels had leaned more into a Simba who is still very deeply weird after spending a good chunk of his life with Timone and Puumba.
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Simba: "How can I go back!?
I'm not who I used be!"
Mufasa's ghost: "Remember who
you are. You are my son and the
one true king. Remember who you are.
Disney's The Lion King
Remember Who you are! - the value of being perfect and skinny 🤍
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kaesaaurelia · 2 years
so I had this idea about... what if Nisroc was just. very small.
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Making Brain Broth is best when you use high quality pure lion's mane fruiting body!
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fem-lit · 7 months
In the current epidemic of rich Western women who cannot “choose” to eat, we see the continuation of an older, poorer tradition of women’s relation to food. Modern Western female dieting descends from a long history. Women have always had to eat differently from men: less and worse. In Hellenistic Rome, reports classicist Sarah B. Pomeroy, boys were rationed sixteen measures of meal to twelve measures allotted to girls. In medieval France, according to historian John Boswell, women received two thirds of the grain allocated to men. Throughout history, when there is only so much to eat, women get little, or none: A common explanation among anthropologists for female infanticide is that food shortage provokes it. According to UN publications, where hunger goes, women meet it first: In Bangladesh and Botswana, female infants die more frequently than male, and girls are more often malnourished, because they are given smaller portions. In Turkey, India, Pakistan, North Africa, and the Middle East, men get the lion’s share of what food there is, regardless of women’s caloric needs. “It is not the caloric value of work which is represented in the patterns of food consumption” of men in relation to women in North Africa, “nor is it a question of physiological needs…. Rather these patterns tend to guarantee priority rights to the ‘important’ members of society, that is, adult men.” In Morocco, if women are guests, “they will swear they have eaten already” or that they are not hungry. “Small girls soon learn to offer their share to visitors, to refuse meat and deny hunger.” A North African woman described by anthropologist Vanessa Mahler assured her fellow diners that “she preferred bones to meat.” Men, however, Mahler reports, “are supposed to be exempt from facing scarcity which is shared out among women and children.”
“Third World countries provide examples of undernourished female and well-nourished male children, where what food there is goes to the boys of the family,” a UN report testifies. Two thirds of women in Asia, half of all women in Africa, and a sixth of Latin American women are anemic—through lack of food. Fifty percent more Nepali women than men go blind from lack of food. Cross-culturally, men receive hot meals, more protein, and the first helpings of a dish, while women eat the cooling leftovers, often having to use deceit and cunning to get enough to eat. “Moreover, what food they do receive is consistently less nutritious.”
This pattern is not restricted to the Third World: Most Western women alive today can recall versions of it at their mothers’ or grandmothers’ table: British miners’ wives eating the grease-soaked bread left over after their husbands had eaten the meat; Italian and Jewish wives taking the part of the bird no one else would want.
These patterns of behavior are standard in the affluent West today, perpetuated by the culture of female caloric self-deprivation. A generation ago, the justification for this traditional apportioning shifted: Women still went without, ate leftovers, hoarded food, used deceit to get it—but blamed themselves. Our mothers still exiled themselves from the family circle that was eating cake with silver cutlery off Wedgwood china, and we would come upon them in the kitchen, furtively devouring the remains. The traditional pattern was cloaked in modern shame, but otherwise changed little. Weight control became its rationale once natural inferiority went out of fashion.
— Naomi Wolf (1990) The Beauty Myth
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twst-kumi · 6 days
Sorry please,my English is not very good ( it's not my mother tongue) it's silly but you can do a headcanon on pregnancy ( from the dorm heads) or an alphabet on either of them!
Don't worry, English is not my mother tongue too. I will consider reader is in a relationship with them and that they are the father. Reader is a girl in the story.
Dorm leader with Pregnant reader
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle would be the most shocked if you were pregnant.
You two were still in NRC. IN SCHOOLS! He knew he should have waited for marriage.
Riddle is worried, and rightfully so. He knows nothing about child care, let alone parenthood. He is scared that he won't be a good father. Or worse. What if he becomes like his mother and repeats the trauma circle?
Reader and Trey will need to be the voice of reason here.
Make sure to assure him that everything is alright.
Riddle will gather EVERYTHING he could get about childbirth and childcare.
He will learn everything from start to end. At this point, he knows more about your pregnancy than you do.
Expect him to be there at every doctor's appointment, even better! HE will make those appointments.
Your doctor would be a bit tired tho...
Riddle will ask him a lot of questions. From your diet, to what is needed for the pregnancy, how to make sure you and the baby will be safe.
Reader will be taken care of like a queen.
You will also have to move to Heartlsabyul. Ramshackle is too rundown and dangerous for you or the baby.
Trey mentioned that Mozart was good for the baby's brain development. Care to try it?
Riddle would spend hours talking and reading to your belly.
Will cry before the first ultrasound you did. It's his child's first picture in a way.
Mood swings with Riddle would be funny. He knows it's because your body changes for the child but it's hard sometimes.
Ace would laugh because this time he is the one who has to walk on eggshells.
If you cry, Riddle will be completely helpless. He would panic trying to make you smile.
The one to take care of your food carving would be Trey. Riddle tried to do it, but some of the things you asked for, were unknown.
I think Riddle would be a little jealous of the other. He would feel a little helpless about the situation. And having to rely on others even though he is the father. He should be the one to take care of you!
This would be where Riddle would see the difference between theoretical and practical knowledge.
Marriage will be expected. He will try to at least get a civil marriage. If you have any religion, he will organize a proper wedding following your beliefs once the baby is born.
Riddle's biggest worry is his mom. He doesn't want her to hurt you or the baby.
Riddle will try to take care of everything for you. He isn't the best at it, but he has the spirit.
BONUS Childbirth :
Poor Riddle would definitely want to be there during the birth.
His poor soul didn't support it.
Riddle would either cry or faint. He is sorry he put you through something so painful and potentially traumatic.
You will have to assure him that you are okay.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona with a pregnant reader could be interesting if he was a Yandere.
Lions kill young cubs (not his) to get the lioness more inclined to bear his cub.
But this isn't a Yandere headcanon. So I will keep this in a drawer.
That doesn't mean he wouldn't try to push Grim a little away. Or bribe convince him to leave you and him alone a little longer.
Leona is the first to know you are pregnant. Way before you do.
Cliché but it's true.
He would not try to tell you directly, so he wouldn't sound too insensitive, but he will insist that you take a pregnancy test
Or even better he will try to convince you to do a blood test. It's more accurate than a stick you pee on.
And surprise surprise, you are pregnant.
Leona can't help but be smug about it. He is the father, and if it wasn't obvious before for some stubborn herbivore or... A particular lizard.
Leona is close to his sister-in-law so he had some experience with pregnancy.
But this time he is the father. And the mother is a magicless human.
Unlike beastwomen, you are more weak. This is what worries him.
The first person Leona asks for advice is his sister. Who is the best to ask about pregnancy if it's not someone who experienced it?
This also means that Falena now knows he will be an uncle.
Leona could hear Cheka rambling happily that he would have a younger cousin to everyone he saw.
If you wanted to keep a low profile during the pregnancy, he is sorry. That would be impossible. Say goodbye to your peaceful days.
You must go with him to meet with your in-laws during the weekend.
Leona is a prince. Even if he is just the second prince, he is still from the royal family. Which means, a lot of regulation, tradition, etc...
Leona's family would happily welcome you and try to make you feel accepted.
During the pregnancy, Leona would make sure to get you everything.
You want chocolate and pickles? Of course! Need a massage? The servants are here for you; if you wish, HE would do it.
While in NRC, expect to stay with him. Leona doesn't want you to strain yourself too much.
He will make sure that Ruggie runs errands for him AND you.
Leona will sleep with a hand on your belly. He will never say it but he loves feeling the baby kick.
Another one who will follow you to your ultrasound.
The royal family has their own doctor. And he is your doctor from now on too. You are his royal spouse after all.
BONUS Childbirth :
It's a known fact, that Leona drinks his respected woman's juice every morning.
Well after childbirth? He drinks it morning and night.
Seeing you endure so much pain just because you love him, made him feel even more in love.
Leona could never do what you did.
You are weak compared to beastwomen, but even more brave. As expected of his future wife.
Leona would cradle the baby carefully next to you. He tried not to show it but you could see the small smile on his lips.
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul would be another one shocked. He almost spit his ink.
Floyd and Jade would congratulate and tease him.
It was unexpected but Azul is happy about it.
Don't worry about the future, he saved enough money to care for you and the baby.
For your carving, he will ask the twins for help. Floyd is having a blast with your funny demand.
Azul will accompany you to your doctor's appointment.
He will have done his research before coming with you. And while Riddle would ask the doctor way too many questions.
Azul just takes notes and asks questions only when needed.
He will take you to look for the baby's clothes and maybe even the furniture.
Mood swing with Azul is a nightmare for him and comedy gold for the Leech twins.
No, you are not fat, just full of love.
You are not ugly! You are the prettiest mother who ever existed.
Azul would watch you with bated breath for any outburst.
Please don't mind the contract he asked you to sign. Mariage contract? Don't mind what was written on it.
Bonus Childbirth
Azul would panic the moment your water broke.
He would come in the room, hold your hand as you are pushing the baby out;
And then?... Nothing.
Azul just fainted, he wasn't even able to hold the baby. The tweels will tease him about it.
Kalim Al Asim
Kalim is way too happy, and you can tell from Jamil's face that he is losing 5 years of his life.
Kalim has been poisoned and kidnapped a lot since childhood, and now he has to protect you too.
Poor Jamil can't take a break. And now you are overworking him.
You will obviously move to their dorm because now you are under careful watch.
Kalim is just happy and is already preparing a room for the baby.
Tell him what you want, and he will give you EVERYTHING.
Your Carving? Don't worry, Jamil can make them for you.
You want a midnight snack? Kalim would try to do it but would fail miserably. He will have to wake up Jamil to prepare your snack and clean up the mess. poor guy
Meeting with the Al Asim family would be great.
Usually, they would do a long background check and be suspicious of you. But if even Jamil trusts you. Welcome to the family.
Another one who has a private doctor.
Mood swings with Kalim would be impossible.
He is such a sweetheart, you can't get angry at him. Instead, he will smother you with love.
You would feel frustrated by the constant monitoring but it's for your safety.
Bonus childbirth
Kalim absolutely wanted to come with you in the room.
Jamil stopped him, so he had to wait with his family.
He would be anxiously pacing until they were allowed in.
He is the first at your side to look at your baby.
Kalim would cry and laugh proudly. He is a father now.
Vil Schoenheit
Vil is happy but also worried. He has always wanted to form a family with you.
But just not this soon. He is an actor so he knows how fans can react.
He wants to be present during every step of your pregnancy but can't.
Vil will keep it as private as possible.
He is not ashamed but it's for your safety.
Vil knows how crazy fans can be, I believe he had some stalker, and you can't tell me otherwise.
Vil would be one of the people who wouldn't cave into your carving.
If he deems it as unhealthy, he will refuse to give it to you.
He will be here for you during your mood swings.
About Vil's dad, I don't think he would mind too much. His son is responsible enough for him to trust Vil's decision. He is also excited to be a grandpa.
Will come with you to your doctor's appointment. He isn't there at every appointment but he tries.
Bonus childbirth
Vil is both in awe and worried. Giving birth is both the most beautiful and strong event he could witness.
He would hold your hand, staying by your side every time
Vil would hold the baby with a tender smile. He doesn't say it but you can see he loves the baby already. It's the most beautiful child.
Idia Shroud
Idia would be happy and MORTIFIED. For him, it's a miracle he was able to pull you.
And now, you say you are pregnant???
He fainted.
Idia is happy but it's too much emotion for him.
He is going to be a father... A FATHER! Idia never thought you would be interested by him, let alone share your blood and have a child with him.
He believes he ruined your life and feel guilty for being happy for it. You will not leave him when you are with his child... Right?
Will ask you if you want to keep the child or not. (Please don't say you don't want it, his heart gonna break.)
You will have to reassure him that you are happy and actually want the baby.
Please hug, Idia! He need a lot of PDA.
Idia will work his courage up, to accompany you.
He will be worried about you and the baby. It's to the point he made something to monitor you and the baby. Or just ask Ortho to keep an eye on you.
Any abnormal change would warrant a panic attack in Idia. He is an overthinker.
Mood swings is a nightmare for both of you.
Idia is an anxious guys, so he would cry.
Any carving you have is like a game where he have to be fast.
His family would welcome you with open arms.
They did a background check, surviving 6 Overblot in a row is incredible. Mind if they study you?
Anyway, you are totally welcomed in the Shroud family.
Don't worry about the wedding after the baby's birth. They will take care of it.
Idia's family is wealthy and he is the heir. So don't spare the details for the baby room.
Bonus Childbirth
Idia would go with you in the delivery room.
I can see him cry like he is the one giving birth.
Poor guy tried to focus on you and only you. Holding your hand tightly, kissing your forehead while whispering encouraging word.
But the moment he glanced at what was happening down there?
He is gone! Idia fainted from horror and shock.
How could you support that? It must hurt!
Did you see the size of his head? He is shocked.
Well was, because he fainted.
Malleus Draconia
I'm going to cheat for this one as I'm planning on doing a Yandere headcanon/one shot involving a pregnant reader. (A personal request of a close friend.)
So I will just link it here.
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ry3breadl0rd · 1 year
some titles uncle rick deprived us of
”I Fall To My Death (Again)” for the fall into tartarus
“I Get Mugged by Monsters” that one chapter where leo’s tool belt gets stolen
“Jason Meets his Brother” hercules chapter
“I Obtain A Death Ray” the sphere thing
“Leo Makes a Great First Impression” when he blows up new rome
“I Scare Some Pirates With An Unofficial Sponsorship” that chapter where percy scares off the pirates with diet coke
“A Spider Hates My Mom” annabeth at any point with arachne ngl
“Scrawny Is The New Sizzling Hot” leo+hazel with narcissus
“We Get Slapped to New York” zeus smacking the argo ll to new york
“Nyx Gives Us A Tour” when they convince nyx to not murder them immediately by pretending they’re tourists
“My Evil Great-Grand Mother Wakes Up” self explanatory i hope
“Hazel Orders A Horse From Amazon” hazel meets arion
“I Get Blasted Out Of This World” leo goes to ogygia
“Fleecy Does Us A Solid” when they meet iris
“I Tame A Dragon” leo with argo
“I Vaporize Some Old Ladies” first chapter of son
“I Give My Dad Some Decor Tips” nico and hades conversation
“Piper Talks Her Boyfriend To Life” when piper charm speaks jason back to life
“I Play Roulette With A Blind Man” when percy drinks the gorgons blood
“Piper Sees Dead People (In Her Knife)” i might be remembering wrong but it’s that one where they try to trick piper by showing her how her friends were doing in her knife, like trying to convince her they were all dead
“We Use Adidas To Summon A Goddess” nike chapter
“Mudman, Hazel, and Frank Get Brunch” when they get to alaska
“I Learn The Power Of Positivity” percy and misery
“We Meet A Cool Girl (Literally)” khione chapter
“I’m Leo. You Killed My Mother. It’s My Turn” based on the funny comment:) it’s for when leo blows up gaea
“My Nosebleed Wakes Up My Great-Grandma” when gaea wakes up
“Mr. D Hates Ballet” when he helps percy and jason against the twin giants
“Frank Gets A Blast To The Past” when hazel shares her past with him
“Frank Sets Himself On Fire” with the firewood and freeing thatanos
“I Got A Girlfriend?” jason first chapter
”Why Did It Have To Be Poison?” that chapter with polybotes
“Jason Becomes The Oldest Demigod!” old man jason
“Game Night Goes Too Far” war games in son
“The World Hates Us, Literally” hoh when they’re low key attacked by like everything
“We Traumatize Frank” when percabeth gets caught together
“Lions, and Tigers, and Frank, Oh My!” when frank unlocks his shapeshifting stuff
“I Aquire a Misfortune Cookie” i might be delulu but didn’t nemesis omfg i knew that why did i put nike give leo a fortune cookie to open if he needed help?? but price would not be fun
“The Law is On My Side For Once” percy and terminus vs polybotes
“Being A Dumb Blonde Has Its Perks” annabeth when she drops the knife that one chapter
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 months
Ta-Ashi Neko (Many-Legged Cat)
A fun little Yokai to live in AEIWAM's Spirit World. Warnings for: Long Post, Animal Death Mention, non-graphic discussion of Carnivory
Ta-Ashi Neko (多足猫) or Many legged Cat
The Ta-Ashi Neko is a Monstrous Cat that grows to enormous size and intelligence, and has multiple pairs of legs. It's more elongated and stoutly built than a domestic house-cat, with a thick and plush coat. While extremely rare, the Ta-Ashi that have been observed come in a variety of coat colors that also occur in Domestic Cats.
No one is quite sure what causes a Ta-Ashi to form but rather than the product of Ta-Ashi Neko mating, new Ta-Ashi are born in domestic cat litters. When born, the Ta-Ashi resembles an ordinary kitten save that it has no legs at all, and sort of wiggles around for the first 11 years of it's life, during which it will feed itself by suckling from any animal EXCEPT cats.
On it's 11th birthday, it suddenly sprouts a pair of legs- Like human handedness, 90% of Ta-Ashi sprout their forelegs first, and 10% their hind legs. It can now crawl around more effectively (or in the case of the hind-leg ones, walk about), and continues to do so for 22 years, when it sprouts it's second pair of legs, and goes about looking like a normal, if unusually large and somewhat elongated house-cat.
33 years after that, it's third pair of legs sprout in the middle. 44 years after that, the 4th pair, 55 years after that the 5th pair, and so on. As it develops more legs, it also grows: a 3-pair Ta-Ashi is about the size of a large dog or Lynx, a 4-pair the size of a Lion or other Big Cat, a 5-pair the size of a Horse, and a 6-leg the size of a small bus. Foreleg Ta-Ashi will sprout their 4th pair between their fore and middle legs, then their fifth between the middle and hind legs, alternating thusly. Hindleg Ta-Ashi alternate as well, but start on the middle and hindleg gap.
If a Ta-Ashi manages to live to be 1,001 years old, it will have 13 pairs of legs, and become a full Kami.
The Ta-Ashi is exceptionally intelligent from birth, and by the time they have 2 pairs of legs, they fully understand human speech, but usually don't talk before their third legs grow in. A Ta-Ashi with over 5 pairs of legs is at least 231 years old, and of superhuman intelligence, if peculiar feline priorities.
They are incredibly stealthy, and it's believed older ones learn to become silent and invisible at will, but the Ta-Ashi's greatest weapon is it's speed. Even a 3-pair Ta-Ashi can outpace a Shingami's Shunpo, and as it ages, it only gets faster and better endurance. Hayai Tatakai, a 6-pair Ta-Ashi that lives in the distant districts of the Rukongai, is said to be able to make a complete circuit around the outermost borders of the Rukongai in just under a month.
Ta-Ashi are exceptionally rare, due to both their apparently niche spawning criteria, and the fact that humans have a bad habit of 'mercy killing' what they think are 'deformed' kittens. Even if a Ta-Ashi makes it to Adulthood (The onset of it's third pair of legs), it still faces major challenges: Humans will hunt them out of fear, or for Trophy Animals, and it's diet is peculiarly limited:
The Ta-Ashi eats Other Cats and the Occasional Hunter.
It's a mystery* WHY Ta-Ashi only eat other cats and seemingly random game hunters, even to the Ta-Ashi themselves. Hayai described his desire for feline flesh and not hunger per se, but as an act of rage. The mere scent of another cat would send him into an irrationally furious fugue which would not be assuaged until he had hunted down, killed, and devoured his nemesis. In fact, he rarely felt hungry at all, at least not since he'd been weaned, but on the rare occasions he did, his craving was for milk and cheese, not catmeat.
This has caused some speculation that the Ta-Ashi is not a Cat-spirit at all, but a sort of ironic Vengeful Spirit against cats- not only does it's compulsion to devour include house-cats, but also big cats, bakaneko, two-tailed cats, catfolk, and in one particularly catastrophic incident, a member of the Shihoin clan.
(*The Secret is that Ta-Ashi ARE an Ironic Vengeful Spirit- When the Beast God of the Wilderkin cursed the Shihoin to live among the humans for killing for sadistic pleasure instead of having respect for their prey, the Beast God also created the Ta-Ashi specifically to antagonize them. The Shihoin clan took, and continues to take, immense pride in their strength and speed, so the Beast God created a Feline Yokai that would be faster and stronger than any Shihoin could ever hope to be, and that would spawn anywhere Cats or Humans were hunting without respect for their prey. Even if they don't originally spawn there, Ta-Ashi Neko are drawn to places with an overabundance of cats, or where trophy hunting takes place. This has lead to the peculiar phenomenon that Ta-Ashi are found in either the ass-end of nowhere where some idiot has introduce house-cats or taken a hunting party, or smack in the middle of cities where poor pet and livestock husbandry abounds.)
Despite their fearsome appearance and distressing diet, Ta-Ashi are surprisingly gentle and playful spirits. The vast majority of people living within the territory of a Ta-Ashi never notice and are untroubled by it's presence. Some like to rush by as a sudden gust of wind to tease unwary travelers, or play with laundry left out in an unattended line. When not being actively hunted, some have even proved to be gentle and protective of human children, going so far as to return lost children to the nearest village. They are notably fond of all canines, especially dogs.
Because Ta-Ashi are so stealthy and reclusive until they know they can trust the local humans, the strongest indicators that a Ta-Ashi is in the area are:
A sudden surge in the local population of songbirds, reptiles and frogs (the mice are no longer being hunted either, but the snake population also massively rebounded)
Sudden changes in weather including more intense storms and windy days (the Ta-Ashi traveling about At Speed)
Strange miasmas of absolutely rancid sour odors with no discernible source, especially on remote stretches of road (the Ta-Ashi Marking the borders of its territory)
Some exorcists have attempted to divine the presence of Ta-Ashi Neko by interrogating other local Yokai, especially Tanuki and Kitsune, who can be plied with Sake. However, this method isn't very reliable- given that Kitsune and Tanuki are both canine spirits that are often harassed by Bakaneko or Yokai Trophy Hunters, and often favorite friends of Ta-Ashi, they usually choose to keep the presence of their Good Friend Leggy Boi a secret.
If a Ta-Ashi appears in your area, the best thing to do is keep your cat indoors- Ta-Ashi are extremely reluctant to go inside of any kind of human construction, and it also limits how far the scent of your cat travels. Also, you should be keeping your cat indoors anyway have you SEEN the foxes around here? Not even the Kitsune, the regular ones!
Yushiro Shihoin used to love visiting his Uncles Jushiro and Kaname and going Birdlistening (on account of Kaname being blind and Jushiro being utterly hopeless with the binoculars, they rarely saw the birds, but did have a good time listening to their songs) out in the Greenbelt of old Noble House Land Holdings in the middle of the city.
He came to visit in the mid 1970's after several years away at school at Jushiro's word of improved bird populations, only to feel an awful, intense paranoia that he was being stalked by something. Concerned about assassins, the two captains quickly retreated with him from the wilder parts of the Ukitake clan holdings to the main compound. He hasn't been back since, and soon after even visiting Auntie Soi Fon's heavily forested 2nd Division training grounds gave him a similarly awful case of Heebie-Jeebies.
Unbeknownst to nearly everyone, Mayuri Kurotsuichi had commissioned the capture of a live Ta-Ashi Neko for analysis. In 1973, bounty hunters arrived in the city with a three-leg Ta-Ashi who went ballistic at being exposed to even the faintest hint of Shihoin Reiatsu, broke out of the cage she was being kept in, and has been lurking in the Greenbelt and 2nd Division training grounds since.
Since her return to Soul Society in 2001, Yoruichi thinks that she ought to bond with her Surprise Baby Brother, and that a good way to do that would be for the two of them to sneak into the Kuchiki Compound in the middle of the Greenbelt and camp there while pranking Byakuya until caught.
Kazetsumi, as she calls herself, is over 110 years old now. Her fourth pair of legs has grown in nicely and she has spent the last 27 years learning every. square. inch. of her territory.
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writingwithfolklore · 4 months
Monsters and Creatures
              I love a good monster—who doesn’t? Monsters can be easy antagonists in survival, horror, fantasy (or really any genre) to pose a threat to characters and incite conflict to keep the plot plotting. So how do we create a believable monster? The key is in consideration of the creature’s biology.
Before we get into it, I have an important point:
1. Yes, make them monstrous—but don’t vilify human features
One trend I really hate right now is analog horror using “fake humans” as dangerous, horrible monsters. While I love a doppelganger, what this genre has unfortunately really leaned into is using physical deformations and other natural human features to distinguish between the “good, safe” people and the “bad, dangerous” people.
I’m sure you can see why that’s not okay. Good, loveable, safe, kind and real people have physical deformities, and by only portraying them as evil or monsters in media, these tropes perpetuate harmful thinking towards disability and deformities. Media has never really made progress in being rid of this stereotype, and unfortunately it seems we’re going in the complete opposite direction we should be.
Don’t vilify normal human features. Please.
Okay onto the actual creation:
2. What, how, and how often do they eat?
Likely the first thing you’ll consider when creating a monster, and usually what determines if they’re a threat to humans or relatively harmless.
Is your creature a carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore?
How much do they have to eat? Don’t be fooled by bigger=more, hummingbirds have to eat up to 3x their body weight in food per day because they burn calories, and lions can use one hunt to sustain them for several days.
How do they consume food? Do they have sharp teeth, or tear apart with their claws first? If they’re an omnivore, they need flat, strong molars for breaking down plants as well as sharp front teeth for meat. Do they consume via mouth, tube, or other appendage?
Determine their usual diet when there are no human characters around to hunt.
How do they hunt? Do they have the ability to "clever girl" their prey? What do they use to their advantage in their environment?
2. Where do they live?
Were they grown in a lab? If so, where were the scientists intending to put them, or what were they built for?
Are they supposed to blend in with their surroundings or others of their species? (Think many types of fish, or zebras) Or are they made to stand out (such as brightly coloured fish that are poisonous)
A creature who lives in a green, lush forest that gets heavy rain often is going to look a lot different than one who lives in the desert. Consider how they’d be built to survive their environment and climate.
3. What are their social instincts?
Do they have pack instincts? Or are they solo?
If they do have pack instincts, will they bond with humans? Or other creatures of different species?
What do they do with their young or family?
How do they find a mate to reproduce?
What do they do if they come across another of their species? Or an animal of another species?
4. What do they use to defend themselves?
Are they poisonous to their predators? Do they have a hard shell or quick reflexes?
Consider what might pose a threat to them in their environment, and what they’ve developed to defend themselves against that threat.
If they are the apex predator, consider what they have that makes them so effective in their environment.
5. What are their vulnerabilities?
Or another way to put it--how can they be killed?
Do they bleed? Is chocolate or another food poisonous to them?
Do you need a specific weapon or technique to harm them?
Anything I missed?
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snapdragonessart · 1 month
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Kinda went crazy on dragon teeth anatomy! Biology geeking out under the cut
Bogsneak dragons are very crocodilian in appearance, and the fact that they prefer swampy environments definitely lends to this. Out of all the crocodilians, I’d say they resemble alligators the most due to the thicker, rounded snout, and the way the upper teeth poke out from their jaws; Crocodiles visually show both upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed, while alligators only show upper teeth. Their teeth structure is like alligators; they’d possess around 74-80 sturdy, razor-sharp teeth specialized for vice-gripping their prey. Unlike alligators, Bogsneaks possess a forked tongue. It reminds me very much of a Komodo dragon's tongue, and I imagine they would use it to taste air as well. Bogsneaks eat meat and plants. Alligators are carnivores, but they have also been reported to eat various fruits as well!
Coatls are easy in one sense; they’re obviously snake dragons, but the question is… what snake? I’d argue that they’re visually similar to cobras, with the feather crest resembling a cobra hood, the head being vaguely cobra-shaped, and the fangs poking out of their mouth (cobras have permanently erect fangs). There’s two big differences here though; for one, Coatls are not said to possess venom. For another, Coatls only eat seafood, while cobras eat terrestrial and semi-aquatic prey. However, there are several snakes in the Elapidae family (cobra family) that eat seafood… sea snakes! In fact, there is one type of sea snake that is nonvenomous, but it only eats fish eggs; Coatls would have a diet more similar to other sea snakes, which eat fish, eels, marine gastropods, and other marine invertebrates. Coatl dentition would be a mix of cobras and sea snakes; they’d have the big fangs in the front with several smaller teeth behind the fangs on the upper jaw. 
Fae dragons are insectivorous, and I think they’re most similar to geckos in terms of diet and dentition, as geckos are also insectivores. Faes would have rows of small, sharp, conical teeth on both the upper and lower jaws. I specifically researched geckos for Fae dragons, but if you wanted to go the more mammalian route, I’d say shrews are the best fit.
Fathom dragons are an interesting case. They have external ears like a pinniped, echolocate underwater like cetaceans, have amphibious gills, and travel in pods. I’d say they’re dentition is a mix of sea lions and orcas. They’d have the big canines that sea lions have, but the rest of their teeth would be more similar to orcas; interlocking and conical. However, Fathom dragons are omnivorous and eat plants and seafood; sea lions and orcas are both purely carnivorous and have not been seen eating plant matter of any kind. The plant part of their diet I think would be similar to manatees, which graze on seagrasses and other aquatic plants.
Like Bogsneaks, Guardian dragons look quite crocodilian in their tooth structure. I’d say they lean more towards crocodiles due to their teeth poking from both the upper and lower jaws when the mouth is closed. They’d also have big canines similar to leopard seals. Guardians will eat just about anything; plants, flesh or bugs. Crocodiles mainly eat insects when they’re juveniles, slowly transitioning to bigger prey as they age. Like alligators, they also occasionally consume fruit.
Imperial dragons always looked very fox-like to me, and like foxes they have a diverse diet. Foxes eat mammals, birds, insects, fruits, grains and veggies. Some red foxes have even been observed fishing! That ticks off all the boxes for the Imperial diet. They’d have dentition like a canid as well, with pronounced carnassials for shearing and canines for gripping prey.
There’s a few things to take note of when it comes to Mirrors: they hunt in packs, they run their prey down, they are carnivorous and they originate from The Abiding Boneyard - an arid wasteland. I’d say they’re opportunistic predators, and will scavenge as well as hunt. Their diet and tooth structure would be similar to that of hyenas, and they’d possess bone-crushing premolars that spotted hyenas are well known for. Spotted hyenas also hunt in packs, and are known for their endurance when they hunt, chasing down prey until their quarry is exhausted; a perfect match-up for Mirrors. Their canines would be pointier than a spotted hyenas, and would be more similar to a jackal or wolf in appearance.
Nocturnes are based on bats, which is apparent based on their diet and overall appearance. I think their dentition would be most similar to the spectral bat, the largest carnivorous bat in the world. It consumes birds and rodents as well as insects, which perfectly lines up with Nocturnes!
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bluessmutifyplaylist · 9 months
....... You are about to REGRET opening up request because I am ungodly horny (at all times).
Can I get Ruggie and Rook sharing a GN AFAB reader as their "prey". Lowkey devouring and leaving an obscene amount of marks.
Rook is running the show.... And his mouth.... and Rugs is just happy to put his own mouth to use. Tail wagging. Reader overstimulated and whimpering, but happy to "feed" her boys.
(I apologize for my atrocities. Have fun with this prompt lol.)
I asked for it lol
Warnings: Oral (Rook and Reader receiving), voyeurism (on Rook’s part), Rook is dominant, Ruggie and Reader are subs, Reader has a vagina but uses gender-neutral pronouns, brink of penetration
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Ruggie Bucchi & Rook Hunt
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You don’t remember how you got here. To be fair, you don’t remember much of anything. You were overstimulated beyond belief. However, your moans were muffled because you were gagging on a certain hunter’s dick. You couldn’t squirm much either because a certain hyena kept your hips still as he moaned into your cunt.
Well, if we roll back the tapes, Rook has always been a bit of a voyeur. He loves stalking people, so he was bound to see you and Ruggie having a rather passionate moment. However, you broke away when you asked if he could dominate you this time.
Unfortunately, it is not in a male hyena’s nature to be dominant. He was hesitant, and he was embarrassed that it wasn’t good enough. You pet his ears as you told him that it was alright, which gave the hunter an idea: what if he joined you both? That way you both could be satisfied in a ménage à trois.
When he asked you both, you were totally freaked out that he was spying on you both. But, the idea intrigued you two, and you talked about it. Ruggie agreed to it, and that’s how you ended up in this situation.
You hadn’t even been properly fucked yet, but you were already losing your mind. Now, you would be whimpering and moaning, begging for more, but because you were choking on Rook’s cock. Ruggie was in between your legs, face covered in your juices, tail wagging as he had one hand wrapped around your thigh to keep you still and one hand in his pants jerking himself off.
Eventually, Rook stilled with a groan, and you felt him cumming in your mouth. You would have to thank Vil for making the entire dorm go on a healthy diet, as it really made the Vice Housewarden’s cum taste good… Second thought, maybe you shouldn’t thank Vil.
“Who knew the trickster was so good at listening? They even swallowed without my having to tell them to! And Le Monsieur Dent-de-Lion! I could feel them trying to moan because of the pleasure you were giving them!” You were so confused on how this man was not panting from how hard he was thrusting into your mouth. Your jaw was sore.
“You should be down here next, Rook. They taste like heaven on Earth~” Ruggie snickered, wiping his mouth on his arm.
“I believe I should! Bonne idée!” He exclaimed. However, instead of getting in position to eat you out, he lined his cock up with your entrance. You looked to Ruggie to see if he had any issues with it, but he was already leaning his head back in pleasure as he stroked his own dick at an agonizing pace, waiting for you two to begin.
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bamfkeeper · 2 months
SFW Alphabet : Sabretooth
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a/n: I wanted to write a few of these, obviously I'm writing a Nightcrawler one, but Sabretooth is one of my top favorites so I wanted to write one for him too. Plus I like seeing different points of views for him. So...yeah :) This is also my first time writing Sabretooth publicly, so I hope you like it. I will be doing a nsfw version too. I also want to note that I write characters with the comics and other media in mind so it's not just based on a single source.
Also picked a gif where you can imagine any variant of Sabretooth you want <3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?):
Sabretooth isn't affectionate per say, but he is territorial. Being a primal mutant, he is driven more by his natural instincts than everyone else. Think of him like a lion, he doesn't exactly give out affection like others, but he would accept it silently. Brush up against him, sit or lay close to him, things like that. He will accept it.
Sometimes, I can see him taking initiative and brushing against you, or moving to be closer to you without saying anything. He isn't obvious about affection like hugs or kisses, but he would rub into you as he walks by. Simply letting you be as close as you are to him is his own way of showing his affection.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?):
I don't really see Sabretooth being a 'friend' but more like a wild animal who tolerates your presence. He is still unpredictable, but he tolerates you more than most. I can also see him being like a big cat around you, he would feel comfortable enough to nap around you.
A friendship starting maybe by helping him out if he was somehow wounded (let's ignore his healing factor), or maybe you allow him to stay in your home when he is trying to find someplace to stay. A small show of kindness might catch him off guard, especially if you know who he is and you still offer to help. He might remember you in the back of his mind and it builds from there.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?):
Big cat vibes. Like I mentioned, he isn't super affectionate by typical standards, but he would lay by you like a lion. He is huge, so his body would lay against your back, and he'd practically curl around you. Or he'd let you lay on top of him if he's on his stomach.
I wouldn't say he seeks out cuddling, but he wouldn't mind doing it. You'd never hear him saying his likes it though lol.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?):
WELL. Honestly, I don't think so. He wouldn't want to be tied down and have a family. He's had children in the comics, but he isn't the typical 'dad' you'd imagine. If you somehow managed to get him to 'settle down' he'd still be wild and free to an extent. He might make a deal where he is still able to run about how he likes, but he would always return to you in the end.
Cooking and cleaning...absolutely not. I do like to think he'd be good grilling meat...but his diet is almost exclusively meat and he just eats it fresh from a carcass so...
He'd probably laugh at you for eating a salad. I personally don't think he'd get involved with someone who doesn't eat meat. If he does he'd probably try to force you to change your diet.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?):
He's just straight up leave without a word. He wouldn't say anything to you, he'd just disappear and you wouldn't see him again. It's a habit of his. If you managed to see him again after that, he would tease you about being heartbroken and scold you about who he is and how you should've known better.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?):
I don't see him being into marriage. I do think that if he is sorta sleeping with someone, he might remain with them but in a silent, non-official way. Don't bring it up or he will retract a lot from you.
He wouldn't want his partner to be with anyone else if he is with them though, like I said, he's a pretty territorial dude.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?):
Sabretooth is extremely rough by nature, so gentle is...not exactly something he is familiar with. Physically he's just so large, so even touches he might not mean to hurt will hurt. He might try to grab you without meaning to be rough and it just is due to his size and strength.
Emotionally he is just as rough. He never speaks about feelings in a mushy way. He always blames habits on his instincts or primal nature.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?):
Hugs are hit or miss. He doesn't care about receiving them, he will accept a hug and reciprocate with touching your back or head, but fully hugging back I don't see him doing as often.
Hugging him is like hugging a massive teddy bear, he's so big, and he's naturally warmer than most people. When he does wrap his arms around you, it feels very secure without the hard pressure of squeezing.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?):
You'll never catch him saying it. Sabretooth isn't one to express his lovey dovey feelings with words, but he rather does so with his actions.
Letting you be close to him should say enough. Sleeping together, letting you call him by his name, etc.
He will bring you dead things sometimes, as a way to keep you healthy. Things like deer or rabbits so you can cook them and keep yourself fed. If you don't eat meat, he'd still do it anyway.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?):
Sabretooth doesn't get jealous, but as I mentioned, he is extremely territorial. He doesn't like when other men are around you. It triggers him to become more possessive of you.
If he catches the scent of another man on you, he will move close and seem like he's snuggling you, but in reality he is rubbing his own scent over you to get rid of the one from the stranger. He gets really possessive of you when this happens too, and he wants you to be with him at all times.
If the scent is too strong, he will mark you, and he isn't subtle about it. He will ensure you can't cover it up.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?):
Sabretooth isn't a kissy guy, but when he does, I feel like they'd be rough and they'd leave you breathless. He takes and takes, kissing and biting, plus those fangs of his would leave you with a bloody lip, (he licks it after).
He might rather lick, he likes licking the nape of your neck or the side of your neck. He also nips which are his way of kissing. I can also see him biting onto your hand or arm when you touch him, like sitting close on the couch. He doesn't bite hard to bleed or hurt, but firm enough to hold you in place.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?):
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?):
He is very cat-like so he is naturally more active at night. Mornings can either be spend with him sleeping, or he's still energized.
If you make him food, he will gladly eat it.
Sometimes he is out hunting in the mornings and he comes back with a kill, holding an animal in his jaws or wiping his mouth with the back of his arm from freshly eating a meal.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?):
Like I said above, he is more active at night. So he likes to be out and about. He likes walking around his 'territory' (where his cabin is), and hunting. On nights in, he will sit or lay with you to do whatever. He's pretty open to doing anything, he likes being scratched since he's a pretty hairy guy. Definitely a quality time person.
If you are sleeping, he will sleep curled around you. When he breaths, he makes deep rumbling sounds, almost like purring but deeper. He sleeps closest to the door incase something happens, which is another subtle way of showing he cares.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?):
I don't think he's going to be a very open guy about everything, but he certainly will be upfront with you if you show interest in him. He'd be open about who he is, what he is, and how he is. He wouldn't beat around the bush about his nature, and if you are willing to accept that, then you can't be shocked if he does something in the future that is 'bad' because he warned you about it prior.
I feel like he might make up some lies about his past or childhood if you asked, he might not want to reveal it all to you. It would take a loooong time before he was actually honest about it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?):
Sabretooth has a bad temper, naturally, he is more primal so he is in tune with his aggression. It's shown in almost every iteration of him that he is prone to aggression and violence very easily.
While I don't think he would harm someone he is 'partnered' with, he might accidentally or in an aggression fit where he doesn't actually realize he does it. He might say things he doesn't mean, or purposefully say something to hurt you. Once his temper calms, he might apologize indirectly by doing something nice or being unnaturally more gentle that day.
He will learn to be more patient with you as your relationship develops, so he tolerates you much more than anyone else.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?):
I don't think he would make it his mission to remember a lot of little things, but it would also depend on what you tell him. If you get triggers from things like trauma or anything relating to it, he'd probably remember those. Or if you told him about a bad relationship, he'd keep that in the back of his mind in case you cross paths with that ex.
He might remember things like your favorite foods or animals to eat (if you eat meat ofc), and bring you those when he goes hunting.
He will selectively remember things, it all just depends on what it is.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?):
I think he might remember back to when you first met, I can see him teasing you about how naïve you were to let him in, and how sweet and innocent you seemed to be for being kind to him. But secretly I think he likes to think about that a lot.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?):
He is the epitome of protective. No one is gonna mess with you if they know you're with Sabretooth. Just his presence before a lot of mutants and humans freaks them out. Sabretooth will not hesitate to kill in order to protect you.
If you ever ask him about being protective, he will tell you it's a 'territory thing' but he doesn't want to admit anything else to you. Imagine a male lion and he sees his lioness around other males, he reacts about the same which his immediate reaction is to attack.
A subtle way he protects you is sleeping closest to the door, he patrols around his cabin before bed, and he gets his scent all over you if you leave to go anywhere.
Sabretooth himself doesn't need to be protected, but he'd find it cute if you tried to protect him since he's so massive compared to you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?):
Sabretooth isn't super sentimental. He's more of a subtle quality time type of guy rather than giving you gifts or saying something meaningful. His idea of a good gift is a dead deer on your porch.
I think if the day means a lot to you, he'd at least try to make an effort to spend it with you. He'd probably just go along with whatever you wanted to do.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?):
Aggression. Sabretooth is insanely temperamental. If Logan shows up anywhere near his cabin it's like all logic and critical thinking goes out the window and it's a near death match.
He lives like an animal, while he has a cabin and all that, he isn't super concerned about technology or anything of the sorts. If you want a tv or anything modern, you have to get it yourself. Some people might not find that to be bad, but when his cabin doesn't have an oven or a stove, or running water....it gets a little concerning. (He eventually gets that for you).
He tends to lack empathy, so if you ever get emotional or try to explain something to him that he might've done to upset you, he might not react or take it in the way you expect. He isn't super open to being tender.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?):
Dude licks himself clean so I don't think he is super concerned about his looks.
He will shower at your request lmao.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?):
I mean...maybe? It's hard to say. Sabretooth can be with or without a partner, I don't think he would feel incomplete, but since he can become so attached to you via territorial instincts, he might feel more angry without you. Like he doesn't have something to calm him down, so if you had a fight and you needed space, he would probably become more aggressive in general.
I think overall he would enjoy having a partner. He'd NEVER say that though. Without you around he would be more sulky and tend to me easier to rile up. He'd want space from everyone and he'd be more solitary than normal.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.):
Sabretooth smells like a mixture of fur pelts, pine trees, wet moss, cut wood, and musk.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
If you don't eat meat, he probably won't fwy. He also wouldn't want anyone who would try to change him or tell him what to do.
He'd get annoyed if you got mad at him for doing something that he warned you about at the beginning, whether it be killing or aligning with the 'bad guys' because he warned you, so you should've known better.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?):
Sabretooth sleeps more during the day than at night. He catnaps a lot too, he likes to find secluded places to sleep.
He might find a spot high in a tree to sleep too, like a leopard would do.
He absolutely purrs but will deny it until the day he dies.
Thanks for reading <3
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