#honestly i might make a poll for this
sweeneydino · 7 months
Wanna play Hide and Seek?
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A Blanket for Your Troubles
Kind of forgot about this au along with some others- cough cough - but for the basic gist, Leon didn't make it and is either dead or in a coma.
His spirit is represented by his Tot form and ends up in the 2003(or 2012) universe. While he does have ghost aspects(being able to phase through objects, cold the touch, his wounds), he's still physical even if people can't really see him(most of the time).
He doesn't know that he's not in the prison dimension anymore, so he hides and often causes electricity shortages and moving objects when he's stressed too much.
So naturally, after the mandatory ghost kid fight in horror, the turtles become older brothers to a ghost. Who happens to be a turtle tot. A very damaged turtle tot.
(Dw they'll wrap him up)
Then, it progresses from there into a wholesome family story.
Still debating on either a happy ending or a bittersweet ending.
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ganondoodle · 7 days
one of the things in my totk rewrite that im most confident about is removing the building gimmick (to put it in another game truly build around it, its such a waste here imo) to add the hookshot instead
everyone loves the hookshot, i have never heard anyone say they didnt like it
in a world like botw it would be a perfect fit- it adds a unique and different movement option while-
it does not destroy the world design (like the building aspect does, though the towers also need a different function, letting you fly anywhere and skip everything everywhere all the time, including puzzles in both shrines and dungeons, something like that in a world thats build around climbing and gliding WILL end up destructive to the world design without really careful changes and balances .. that absolutely werent done in the game)
opens up a whole new way to think and do puzzles in a way that wasnt there in botw
preserves the feeling of dread when high up or in the sky, since falling is still a danger even with the parasail ( bc removing almost all warp points up there makes the danger being loss of progress rather than the fall itself- removing the parasail as a whole for the entire game is not an option and it will always be a security to not die by fall damage, so there should be a different danger even if im usually not a fan of loss of progress pressure, the bird mechanic i mentioned in other post would also help you not lose everything even if you make a mistake)
it makes climbing easier WITHOUT making it obsolete or skippable, especially with adding the main way to get up to sky islands as islands to climb up via the hookshot, its just adds another way to interact with the terrain instead of .. not interactign with it at all, the range is still limited and you still have to cling to the wall and get down to shoot it again
it being built into links prosthetic shiekah arm makes it more unique both in looks and mechanic/narrative aspects so i dont think it would be boring to have an old 'item' reused in a new way, especially together with the rest of the abilities- like it being not an instant 'pulls you to the thing' but a reactivatable one instead (so you can grab things to move them if lightweight enough similar to ultrahand)
bosses can benefit from it too, imo one of the coolest things in twilight princess was grabbing onto a boss to pull yourself to and onto them, being able to do that even to smaller ones shadow of the colossus style would be so neat
grabbing onto something moving and not pulling yourself immediately to it opens up not just fun but also funny scenarios aka you being flung around by whatever you grabbed (grab on a dragon ...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- on a lynel ...'ragdoll chaos')
(with the removal of building and thus the majority of all the puzzles being fly thing from point A to point B not being a thing it also makes way for cool kinds of ways to get to the next sky island for example- a thought i had was making the reason they fly and are practically invisible from most angles being that they are swimming in a special kind of cloud that hides them due to breaking of light in certain ways withing them- thus hiding it from below most of the time, eliminating the problem of 'sky too full' which was apprently a reason why they removed alot of them too, and it would be incredibly fun to be able to poof into little clouds (they look a certain way so you know which ones you can swim in) also! lil cloud bridges between islands! a boat to surf on them high up in the sky! mario galaxy vibes!
probably more im forgetting
anytime i think about the hookshot mechanic i get so sad bc i just keep imagining how much you could have done with in totk and desperately want to play that :U
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
 Y’know, I was thinking about like, before the Justice League forms in this au. 
Just slowly rotating Bruce meeting Clark and Diana before they start the league, maybe even help each other out. Need another heavy hitter? Time to call in Clark! Someone mind controls Superman again? Time to call Diana! Need information about some sort of artifact? Diana is there! Want weirdly specific information that no one should know or to get into a place they can’t? Time to call in Bruce! Need a distraction? Boy does Bruce have you covered! Need diplomacy because this alien AI is pissed? Diana pulls on her training as a princess, warrior or not. Need to seem harmless- why, there’s a sunshine alien sweetheart with the same vibes as an overgrown puppy ready to help! 
Honestly it’s a surprise no one has realized they know each other yet, but then again Bruce really embodies being a cryptid and just doesn’t sit still for any potential photos. Sure there are some with Wonder Woman and Superman visible with him hidden in the shadows, but no one outside of Gotham really knows about him. Like I am imagining their friendship being both “two extroverts adopt this introvert” and “we’re coaxing this stray cat with its dozen of kittens over no matter what”
As always, I shall implore you to check out @phoenixcatch7 as this AU is a combo of my cryptid batfam au and theirs, called Possessed Doll
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alectothinker · 6 months
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Beast Wars Rampage
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emdotcom · 4 months
In this hypothetical, the prosthetics are detachable, able to easily be modified or repaired, even customized for visual or fucntional preferences.
Getting them is about as safe as any other major surgery; certain amount of risk, yadda yadda. There's more details that would sway an answer, if this were something currently going on -- like the cost, can you sub out these prosthetics if they ever halt production, do you need medication to retain them, blah blah-- but, here? This is wish fulfillment. If you have something that hurts, or you wish you could just fix or swap out, you get to have it, just this once.
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bismuthburnsblue · 26 days
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1st draft of the wing collar! (or first proper one, anyway- i messed around with some rough draping to get an idea of how to angle things)
to draft this i pretty much just stared at shawl collar patterns and messed around with fabric on my form until i had something i could put on paper. i joined that onto a basic bodice with princess seams pattern & just sort of... guessed about the back collar.
its definitely not where im wanting it, but it taught me a lot! sewing these is very much a trust the process technique, but i think i understand it now?
i think the very first thing i have to adjust is the height of the back collar- i really did just vibe that literally as i was cutting out this mock up (planning on adjusting it as needed) and its way way too high. i think this is the main thing throwing this all off- the collar sits way too tall, which pulls the wings back and the neckline down, which isnt what im going with here. its also causing wrinkles around the curves that i think i should get out by reducing the height.
overall, not a terrible first draft!
(if youre curious, heres what my pattern piece looks like- you can see how i had absolutely NO idea what the back collar was gonna be by how its... not there. just a taped on piece of paper to suggest direction 🙃)
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michimonie · 1 month
If haven't been posting much recently, it's because I've been feeling under the weather since the fair.
That being said, I decided to start on a fanfic a little while ago based on a quick draft I wrote last year.
Basically, "what if Daffy was a part of the McDuck family" and also "multiverse jumping adventure"?
It's the first fanfic I've written in about ten years. If it sounds interesting, feel free to respond to the poll below.
The poll features page numbers from what I've written so far (30 pages). Whichever number wins, I'll post an interesting/funny excerpt from that page.
I'm only about a third of the way through chapter 2, and there's about 9 chapters planned, as well as some after stories... This is gonna take a while.
Side note: I'm sure this isn't like new news considering I haven't exactly been hiding it with some of my polls and asks, but now I feel like I'm comfortable revealing some of it and talking more openly about it.
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buckymorelikefuckme · 5 months
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onepiece-polls · 11 months
I love your polls and it’s great you try to be on both sides to give fair chance to everyone, but the way you talked about shanks/buggy is crazy They’re fine together but in canon they’re brothers and your shipping googles got so tight you actually sounded like you could believe they’re anywhere close to canon which is u know stupid af
lmao, okay, this came out of nowhere 😂 Like... I talked about that months ago. But okay.
Anyway, Shuggy is canon. They're making out behind you right now.
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#Anon please 😂#Calling me stupid because you think I think shuggy is canon#but all the while claiming that the fact that they are brothers IS canon#My dear... neither are canon. It's all in our heads.#as far as I know only the marines said Shanks used to see Buggy as a brother#and what the hell do they know about the relationship between two pirates?#sounds like historians talking about queer relationships by saying 'they were REALLY good friends'#And... I don't usually talk about my ships on this blog but that was for the shipping war#shipping goggles was what the tournament was ABOUT...#But come closer... come look at my main blog...#I assure you you can only enter that blog with shipping goggles on 😂#This is all meant jokingly from my side of course#I don't see any ship but the confirmed ones as canon#even though some might be canon TO ME but that's something else entirely#Why not... you know... let people ship what they want to ship however much they want to ship it?#Do you see me taking offense to people who don't want to ship something?#No everyone is free to see relationships as platonically - even if they're canon confirmed to be married#I just take offense to people calling other people stupid because they don't agree with them on fandom things#Especially when they're claiming THEIR headcanons are actually canon#Honestly imo anyone talking about 'shipping goggles' is just trying to make people who enjoy shipping feel inferior#I'm sorry you can't believe we're all equals no matter what we ship or don't ship#anon#ask#not a poll#I hope you all get that this is not an invitation for you all to send me more messages about this#I don't want to start a discussion#I just want you all to respect each other#shuggy
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fiveredlights · 4 months
A few weeks ago James Vowles picked Alex and Daniel as the drivers her take on a deserted island lmao and talked about how daniels always on/funny/great, even off camera
is that how daniel is when he’s asked anything about drivers. “Who driver would you pick for…?”And daniels picking max like every time….also can’t imagine the amount of times he’ll reference his red bull+max days….
oh i think the first few times he picks max but then RB comms are like daniel you can’t say max more than your own drivers it’s gonna be a problem so he stops… until his own drivers turn against him and find a way to bring max up every time daniel is mentioned
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melit0n · 10 months
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I would just like to say thank you to everyone who interacted with my Sleep Token SFX post in the past 24 hours! I've admittedly had a lot of fun reading through the reblogs, lol.
If you haven't already seen them you can find them here:
Part One -> One, Two, Jaws and The Way That You Were
Part Two -> Sundowning and This Place Will Become Your Tomb
Part Three -> Take Me Back To Eden
Unlike a lot of my other ST posts, this one took a long time to put together, mainly because I found the only spare time I had was late in the evening, and after half an hour I was starting to loose it with headphones on and the music at 60 trying to figure out if there's the sound of knocking or if I'm starting to go a bit off my rocker, so I'm really glad it's gotten the interaction it has.
Also, thank you for pointing out the animal noises in Chokehold! Completely missed those. Further, about Decending and Fallen Down, I'm actually so happy someone else heard it; I thought I was spouting nonsense with that one! I had the joy of listening to some echoed piano version of Fallen Down, and then Decending immediately after, and for a split second I thought I was still listening to Fallen Down. I'm really happy with notes on the SFX in The Offering, Like That, When The Bough Breaks etc are stuff people can actually hear as well, and, again, weren't just me spouting nonsense.
+ For those worried about spam liking/reblogging; don't worry about it! Just let's me know you're interested enough to put your own thoughts into it, let alone to read the other two posts after the one you've already read!
Again, thank you to everybody who's been interacting with those posts; means my hours of staring at my laptop and playing back a song fifteen odd times for some noise I swore I had heard the first eight times but has now disappeared has come to a sort of fruition <3
(Plus! I'm thinking about putting this onto a thread on twt, since some of my other stuff has already been reposted on there, both with and without credit, unfortunately, so if you see this on there under the user '_melit0n', don't worry! That's just me. Might do the same on Reddit if people are interested.)
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kyoupann · 1 year
Hewwwoo pls answer
I'm gonna be selling some handmade bookmarks at this local artsy bazaar (just simple fandom stuff and maybe some original florals) And as I'm waiting for one layer to dry, I wondered if people still actually used them
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scandalouslamb · 2 months
Max's au wife possibly engaging in Gaul's antics is not only funny but pretty believable. I don't know many men who would bat an eye at someone like her but i've seen sapphics willing to destroy small to medium sized nations for a single date with a peculiar woman with murder in her eyes.
I think the polar opposite of that au would be funny, too. I don't know if Volumnia would ever marry, even for political reasons, but imagine having to deal with your wife and her weird commentary about the president. What do you even do, in that situation? He's the PRESIDENT?
That's so true about Gaul! If I was interested in romantic relationships in practice rather than just theory, you better believe I'd risk it all for a peculiar woman with murder in her eyes... Still might. I just also think it would be funny to have Max's wife play the straight man to the insane antics that is whatever's going on. She's like the Squidward to Max-Volumnia's Spongebob and Patrick (this is a cursed comparison but bear in mind Max is normally playing Squidward).
You know, personally, I don't see Volumnia marrying anyone, because I like this idea that she's like "I would never tie myself to someone else so needlessly," but! she already failed, because she and Max are already Like ThatTM without being married.
But if she did marry someone, this person of whatever gender because I don't think she'd be picky might actually have the reverse experience of Max's wife? Volumnia's spouse is like "oh, thank god she's busy with him and not fucking with me!" Volumnia's spouse at a party, elbowing Max like "my wife, am I right?" trying to bond over the mind games she's playing.
I love how in this dynamic Max's wife is lowkey praying that Volumnia is just the other woman (to cope with the possibility of political disaster public murder-suicide). Meanwhile, Volumnia's spouse has just fully accepted Max as Volumnia's other spouse (oh my god, he's literally her work husband).
Anyway, would you rather be Max's wife or Volumnia's spouse?
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
I just listed until I ran out of options. I can keep going. The options are limitless.
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