#honestly they would need to talk this out anyway
noellefan101 · 1 day
Quiet Love
Characters: Xiao, Heizou, Cyno, Wanderer, Albedo x mute!reader
Summary: You're mute, and cant talk? not a problem for your partner, they can find other ways to communicate, and honestly wouldn't have it any other way.
Warnings: mute reader, kissing, most of them dont know sign language bc i said so and it makes this more interesting, idk man
Note: i feel like i accidentally made both the char and reader mute in some of them, I've tried to fix it though, so im sorry for that (and i also messed up some other shit im just missing brain cells n´ down bad) -love you
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Whom talks with you in touches and small notes.
He had seen no problem in your absence of speaking, he likes the quiet nights that you shared with him. The sounds of nature taking over your ears, it was nice, just standing beside you and looking out to the views of Liyue. he reaches out to hold your hand, though still not accustomed to the feeling, he does it anyway. and as his hand lightly squeezes yours, he feels your own squeezing his back, as if saying 'I love you'. your quiet conversations are sweet and only for you two to know about.
He leaves notes scattered around, as you do too. ones with little messages of your schedule and plans. ones written with more love than any other person could comprehend. notes shared between you and him. notes saying 'i loved that dish, could we make it again' and a reply under, 'of course, i'll do anything for you'. it seems simple and dumb, but a nice way to talk to each other anyway.
Who likes when you just listen to him, and let him do anything he kind of wants to since you can't talk back, but he also loves when you just draw your thoughts on paper.
He loves to talk, but mostly loves when he gets to talk to you since you always listen to him so closely. he loves when he can just drag you to to places, but of course he's nice about it (kind of) and ask you if you wanna go to that new ramen shop that opened in the outskirts of Inazuma City, which he kind of answers for you because of course you do! in which you smile at (smile at him or else...)
He likes your little drawings, and especially when its a little puzzle he has to solve so he can understand what you're saying and loves to guess wrong purpose so he can get a reaction out of you. and even has a special sketchbook, that he keeps on him at all times. he also sometimes goes trough it and just smiles at all your little drawings. remembering the time that you drew it, and all the cute little faces you made when he teased you for how bad it looked.
Who helps you talk with small drawings in the sand and learned sign language so he could communicate with you properly.
He's often out in the desert, and from time to time takes you with him. which makes it easy to express yourself when all you need is a stick, sometimes his spear if he lets you, and sand which is already in front of you at all times. the little drawings that symbol your love, so many hearts all over the sand it would be hard to count how many times you drew them. he gave you his cape at night when you were extra cold? you drew a heart around his feet as a 'thank u, i love you', in which he cutely (your words) responded with, "i love you too" right after.
Whom learned sign language just because he felt like you were left out a little, but also learned the wrong one at first so you had to help him and learn him some signs as well. but the first thing you learned him was how to say "i love you", but didn't tell him what it meant so you could do it without him noticing just for a little while longer.
Who hates being touched, but makes you touch his shoulder when you need something and gifts you a book so you can write to him when needed
He, despite hating when people touch him, he cant think of many other ways you could get his attention, so he wants you to touch him when you need him. it doesn't matter if he had an extra bad day, its the best way to get his attention, so touch him all you want. it is you after all, the love of his life, he would let you do whatever you wanted to do, just tap his shoulder and give him a few signs or point at something, anything you want you'll get.
Others would say that he would be annoyed at you for pushing a book up to his face every hour or so, but he surprisingly he doesn't get annoyed at all and "tolerates" you pretty well. in fact he loves when you just stand there and write in your little book, he thinks its adorable when you glare at him as a sign to wait for you to finish.
Who is normally very quiet but when he's with you he loves to talk, but of course, he loves the times when it's just you and him sitting together in silence
He could be seen as quite shy if you didnt know him well, but when around you he was the complete opposite, talking about everything he did that day, was currently doing, what plans he had ext. he loves when you just listen to him, but if you ever tried pointing at smt to ask like yk 'whats this?' he would be overjoyed and you wouldn't be able to make him shut up for hours about that one thing.
He looked at you when you had put your hand in front of his sketchbook, you looked at him sweetly before kissing his cheek, catching him by surprise. he put down his sketchbook and kissed you back on your forehead. it was just a quiet moment between you two and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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thx for reading i hope your day went/goes well, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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buuniebaby · 2 days
your first time with hamzah 🙈🙈
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includes: losing your virginity, awkward sex talk, very sweet sex ! 💝
word count 3.2k purr
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you’re too tired for this.
you and hamzah are becoming sleep deprived, something you usually do together: come over to each others houses, watch a movie, eat food your stomach will regret in the morning. it’s been a tradition since you guys were just friends.
even now as you’re dating, it still feels.. the same. not that you’re complaining; you love having a partner who’s also a best friend to you. it just feels like there should be some sort of change, but you can’t put your finger on it.
it’s 2 in the morning now. you and hamzah have watched about 3 shitty 2000s movies, enjoying every moment of each one. your brain feels absolutely fried, and you can only imagine his is as well.
“are you a virgin?” hamzah spoke suddenly, but also casually. a little too casually. you choke on your own spit at that, face turning red with embarrassment.
“…what?” is all you can reply back. “what- why?” you say, eyebrows furrowing at him. your voice has noticeably pitched up.
“i dunno. just tell me.” hamzah says, rolling his eyes. you hate how confident and sassy he is, but you’re also sort of attracted to it.
“you’re so weird.” you practically squeal, jokingly. you grab onto a pillow as you fall back first onto the bed. “why do you even wanna know? that’s so like, random.” you ask, more genuine this time.
“i guess,” hamzah starts, but then pauses, almost as if he doesn’t know the answer himself.
“i was just kinda thinking. like, we don’t really talk about sex, ever. and we don’t have to- I don’t wanna bring it up if you’re uncomfortable. I’m just like, curious if you’d be down to talk about it.” he rambles, making up his words as he goes. you furrow your brows as he speaks, still kind of confused. you know there had to be something that started it, you just aren’t sure what.
“oh. well like,” you flush, sort of embarrassed to admit what you’re about to say. “yeah, i am.”
“a virgin?” hamzah asks, head tilting like a lost puppy.
“yes, idiot. what else would i be talking about?” you reply back sarcastically.
“you’re right, you’re right,” he banters with you. “I just- I guess I’m surprised.”
you perk back up, sitting yourself upright again.
“surprised.. that im a virgin?” you question, raising an eyebrow.
“i guess.. i dunno. I just feel like you’re like, too pretty to not have found someone who wants you like that.” he rambles. you feel a blush creep onto your cheeks again, knowing he’ll always praise you for your pretty face.
“i mean, I’ve found a lot of people who want me,” you say, rolling your eyes at the thought of a particular ex. “I’m just like, picky, I guess.” your giggling as hamzah somewhat laughs with you, but you watch as his facial expression starts to falter. you know something’s on his mind.
“do you want to?” is all he mutters. again, he keeps this quiet, casual tone that you rarely see with him.
“i mean, yeah, kinda. I just like, don’t know where to start I guess.” you answer honestly. “feels like everyone’s way more experienced than i am anyways.” hamzah turns over to you, looking in the eye. you feel him think for a second, as if he doesn’t know whether he should let his thoughts out or not.
“well, I don’t really have experience either.” he mutters back, scoping for a negative reaction from you. your eyes widen a bit, and he doesn’t know if he should take your body language negatively or positively.
“you’re a virgin too?” you ask, a more shy tone than usual.
“..yeah. well I’ve done like- stuff. just like, never had sex. never had my penis like, in there, y’know-“
“you don’t need to go into detail.” is all you have to say, talking over him.
“-but i would go all the way with you.”
that’s all you remember from that night before blacking out, yet somehow the short memory haunts your mind. it’s eating you up inside, the thought of losing your virginity after so long to him.
you’ve seen all the edits and thirst traps of him online and can admit that they’ve made you feel some type of way about him - hell, you’ve touched yourself to the idea of your boyfriend too. yet for some reason, the thought of actually having sex with him was never really a priority to you. it’s not until now you’ve understood people’s cravings for sex, but god can you feel it now.
you’re making breakfast the next morning while his hands are around your waist and all you can think of is that conversation. when you help him with editing throughout the day, leaning over his shoulder, all you can think about is him having you bent over like that in a different context. you feel like you’re in a haze almost, clouded by the thought of hamzah.
“baby?” hamzah asks, waving a hand in front of your face in an attempt to get your attention. you perk up and face him, slightly embarrassed for spacing out.
“i was just gonna ask if you wanted me to order something for lunch.” he says casually, but his face begins to fade into an expression between concerned and confused. “you okay?”
“what?!” you reply, scrambling at bit as you didn’t think he would pick up on your behavior. “im fine. what do you mean??” you question; rapidly.
“you’ve just been like, really spaced out today. i get like that, where i like dissociate sometimes when something reallyyy bad happens. so i just wanted to make sure.” he rambles a bit, genuine concern in your eyes. despite the horniness driving your body right now, you do feel a bit warmed by the way he cares for you.
“you can always talk to me if something’s up, y’know-“
“did you mean it?” you ask, staring at him blankly.
“mean… what?” he stares back at you, looking at you like you just killed a man in front of him.
“what you said last night. that you’d like- y’know..” you look down shyly, hiding in your hair as a warm blush creeps onto your face.
“that I would..?” hamzah looks at you, genuinely clueless.
“lose it to me hamzah. have sex with me. loose your virginity.” you look up at him, speaking sternly. you’re a little too pent up to take his stupidity today.
you watch as his expression changes, going from confused to something you can’t even put a name on. a mix of shocked, embarrassed, amused - but most prominently, you watch that urge crawl up into his body. you can tell in his eyes that he wants you in the same way you crave him.
“yeah.” he says, breathy. “i want that. like, now though? or like later, what are we doing-“
his words are cut off as your lips land on his. he gasps into the kiss, caught by surprise. you try and swipe your tongue against his slightly parted lips, but he pulls away before you can get it anywhere significant.
you look at him concerned after he pulls away, taking a second to breathe.
“have you like- kissed anyone before?” he asks, and you can tell he’s serious. you giggle a little.
“yes, ive kissed before.” you say, a little smile still formed on your face. “buuut..” you drag on your words to edge him on a bit.
“ive only made out with someone once, and i can already tell you’re the better kisser.” you say, slyly. he likes it when you boost his ego like this - he’s already proud of himself for pulling you, so you make him feel like some sort of greek god.
he smirks before he pulls you into another kiss, this time pressing his lips to yours a lot firmer. it’s more intense this time around, a hand cupping the side of your face, holding you in place for him as his tongue glides inside your mouth.
you kiss until you physically can’t anymore, pulling back when you need a break for air. there’s an awkward silence before he kisses you again, putting his hands on your waist sometimes. you’re taken aback a bit as he lifts you in the air.
your immediate reaction is to hook your legs onto something, hamzah just being the nearest option, of course. your legs wrap around him, straddling his hips. you arms are grabbing onto his shoulders gently. he’s strong enough to hold you without support, but you like the physical aspect of clinging onto him like a koala.
he reaches the room, fumbling with the doorknob as he struggles to lift you at the same time. he kicks the door closed softly behind him when he eventually gets in there. he drops you in the middle of the bed, body landing gracefully.
you sit yourself up into a more comfortable position, and hamzah sits himself right next to you. it’s here when you realize how comfortable you are around him, even if you’re about to reach a life milestone you can never take back with him.
but fuck, you’re never gonna be able to take this back. the anxiety crawls back up into your brain for a second, but the feeling of hamzah’s hand on your thigh relaxes you. a single look into his eyes and you’re already reassuring yourself again. you’re not gonna want to take this back, because god, you love this boy.
“have you ever-“ hamzah pauses mid sentence, stuttering. he does this when he doesn’t know what words to use; it’s one of his mannerisms that you’ve picked up a little yourself over time. “like, felt anyone up? or like- dry hump them, I guess.” he says. you feel him cringe a bit at his own words - he gets embarrassed easily.
“not really,” you say. a smirk creeps onto your face as you have an idea. “but you could show me how.”
hamzah’s eyes widen a bit as his hand moves from your thigh to your waist. he picks you up again like it’s nothing, sitting you down on his lap. his hands massage your waist, moving up briefly past your chest. he runs at your collarbone for a minute, staring at your clothed breasts.
“can i take this off?” he asks in a low voice, toying with the fabric at your shoulders. you bite your lip as you give him a nod, and before you know it whatever garment was covering you before is gone.
“fuckkk,” is all hamzah lets out before a hand is cupping your chest, squeezing at your soft and fleshy skin. instinctively, you push your chest into his hands. you let out a soft noise as he rolls one of your nipples between his fingers.
he’s fully hard now, and you can feel it straining against you. you can tell he’s trying to keep his hips still, not wanting to get worked up too fast.
his hands leave one side of your chest as his mouth attaches to your other nipple. you can’t help but moan at the feeling of him suckling at it. he pulls of for a second, and you can feel his hands fumbling with the fabric of your bottoms for a second.
“take this off for me?” he pleads in a sweet tone, and you can tell he’s starting to get needy. you comply, of course, leaving you in just your underwear. you don’t want to be the only one undressed though, so you shimmy his pants down a bit and get his shirt off too.
you’re left in both just underwear - a weird feeling. there’s not a lot of fabric separating your crotch and hamzah’s, so when he bucks his hips up into yours it feels good. he ducks down to kiss you again, chest pressing to yours, and god, you feel like you’re in heaven. there’s heat burning through your body as your bare skin touched his.
his hands are on your hips as you grind against him, the thin material of his boxers straining against his cock. he reaches down to rub you through your underwear, eliciting a moan as you hide his head in your shoulder.
he stops your grinding for a second, a hand trailing up your thigh. he uses it to spread your legs wide, causing you to make a small noise. he pulls your panties to the side, showing off what he’s wanted all this time.
he’s already settling lower, head balance with your hips, and now you’re nervous. it’s your first time being touched like this - probably his too, and it’s scary. you close your eyes when you feel him plant a kiss on your hip, teasing you. he continues to kiss around, even guiding a hand back up to play with your chest, but it’s not enough.
“please,” you whimper, begging for more stimulation. hamzah takes it as a sign you’re ready, and before you know it, you’re squirming again.
he presses just a single finger inside you, scoping how much you’re able to take. your stomach flips as you feel him spread you open. he adds another finger once the first one is in knuckle deep, then begins to curl them inside of you. you whimper at the feeling as his fingers excel in speed, working you open.
“hamzah- fuck.” you whine, letting out an especially sharp gasp at the feeling of his fingers hitting that spot.
“yeah?” he asks, playfully, curling his fingers to hit the same spot. your pelvis thrusts up at the movement, only motivating him to go further. his hands are so fucking big and he’s so strong when he thrusts his fingers up into you. it burns in the best way possible.
“ah- hamzah!” you squeal, squirming around. you whine when you feel him pull away from him; you were so, so close to finishing. you look up at him and whimper, a sad expression plastered across your face.
“didn’t want you to cum yet,” hamzah mutters under his breath. “not done with you.”
you flush red, his words washing over your body in a hot wave. suddenly hamzah is moving, pulling down his boxers, and god his dick is big. you can’t help but whine at how badly you want it inside you.
“so noisy.” he mumbles, lining his cock up with your folds and sliding the tip between them. you only whine more at his teasing.
“hamzahh,” you complain, eager for him to stop teasing you and just put it in.
“mhm?” he replies, edging you on. he strokes himself a bit, acts as if he’s going to put it in, but then doesn’t. he knows what he’s doing and you hate it. “need something, baby?”
he’s so mean, making you beg.
“I need it so bad, hamzah, pleeasee-“ you beg, desperate. you don’t care how humiliating it is now, you need him.
“need what, baby?” he asks, obviously only to get a reaction out of you. you sigh, but you know what you need to do.
“fuck me, hamzah. i need you - your cock.” you beg, no - demand, firmly.
hamzah doesn’t stall once he’s gotten what he wants. he’s done with the teasing, pressing his tip into you. you let out a shaky moan - it hurts a little when he slides in, like ripping off a bandaid.
“hamzah- hurts.” is all the words you can get out. his hips still inside of you, waiting for you to take a breath before he continues.
“it’s okay baby. gonna feel better once I’m all the way in.” he mutters, caressing your cheek with the hand that isn’t holding him up. he wasn’t lying - it’s painful as he slides himself into you, stretching you out, but once your hip-to-hip with him there’s a comfortable peace to the feeling.
you two lay in that position for a minute, feeling the warmth of connection between your bodies. it’s a soft, loving touch - you feel safe in his arms.
“s’okay if i move now?” he whispers to you, keeping a gentle tone. at the end of the day, he’s here to take care of you.
“yeah. thank you.” you say, genuinely grateful for his patience. you remind yourself that it’s his first time doing this too; you’re not alone in your anxiety.
you clutch onto his shoulders as he nearly pulls out, cock sliding out of you to the tip, then slams back into you.
“h-hamzah!” you whimper, clawing your nails at his back. he keeps a similar pace, thrusting into you deep. even hamzah makes a small noise at the feeling of being inside you, hips stuttering against yours. the sound of skin slapping together and breathy moans fills the room.
you wrap your arms and legs around hamzah as he continues to thrust into you, clinging to him.
“so pretty.” he says, looking down at you. “there’s a reason- fuck- i wanted to fuck you in missionary. pretty face.” he stutters, moving a hand to caress your face. you can’t say anything else but whimper at him, overstimulated from a combination of his thrusts and his words.
you feel a tight feeling build in your stomach, almost like a coil nearing its breaking point. you clench around him, legs beginning to shake.
“aah- hamzah! fuck-“ you practically scream, rolling your hips up into his one last time before you orgasm. he just stares at you, slowing the roll of his own hips, in awe.
you notice as his pace slows after you catch your breath, looking up at him almost disappointed.
“what’re you doing?” you mumble, voice worn out.
“you finished, i don’t wanna-“ he begins to ramble, but you cut him off.
“keep going.” you say firmly.
“want you to cum too.” you say, voice still soft and tired. you roll your hips up into him, still sensitive. he nods, pushing back into you.
he continues to thrust into you rougher and rougher until his hips are slapping against yours with every thrust. every little noise you make turns him on more, until finally, he forces himself to pull out of you.
he strokes himself on top of you, a string of cum landing on your stomach. he’s panting as he finishes all over you, painting your stomach white. you smile at the scene, enjoying the was he’s made you his little art piece.
he collapses next to you, laying on his back, catching his breath.
“glad i waited.” you mumble. he turns over to you, looking into your eyes.
“waited for what?” he asks, tiredly tilting his head.
“like, to have sex. m’glad I waited until you.” you mumble, tiredness apparent in your voice. hamzah thinks his heart melts a little at your words.
he grabs a tissue off of his bedside table and wipes the cum off of you so that he can pull you into his arms, dragging the covers over your body.
“i’m glad i waited for you too.”
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gentlereverie · 2 days
It was a shame how Cressida was treated in season 3 part two.
I’m honestly so disappointed, that to be honest, I lost a lot of happiness with the canon confirmed queer character reveals because it's like, you give us this very relatable sympathetic woman, whose WHOLE thing this season was that she is an old maid who is unlovable and cannot find a husband- whose impending future is so incredibly bleak: impending marriage to a man 3x her age, social ostracization, and outcast away from everything she knows. a woman who has no real friends, a scornful mother and a downright despicable father. so she tries her best to claw her way out of her predicament with the old husband and is not given any sympathy from anyone, and is instead used as comedic relief, berated for being "dumb" and not clever by her mother and everyone in the ton, (which i found so ooc anyway because cressida has always been sharp and observant, ever since season 1 when she was daphne's pseudo villain.) then, at her lowest point, cressida is blown off, casually thrown away & disparaged by eloise once she has reconnected with penelope. eloise, someone cressida was there for and who she considered a true friend?
cressida never gets a real chance to talk to anyone about her feelings, about how scared she was to be caught up in the lady whistledown plot besides lady cowper, who even comments how eloise abandoned her in her time of need. like. hello??? eloise bridgerton (at least the one i thought i knew from the first half of the season) would never do this,,, tbh eloise has felt ooc for a long time in this show (i do blame a lot of this on the bad/rushed pacing of s3.)
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Would you like an AU in this trying time?
Honestly, I can't remember if I sent you this one before because it is an older one from my brain, but I woke up with it on the mind. Rotating in my brain.
Anyway, another Dark Vampire AU for you.
Humans are, in a word, extinct. Not that they aren't around, but they don't exist outside captivity anymore.
When technology advanced and cloning became easy and cheap, Vampires no longer saw any reason to hunt and capture their food. Instead, they captured and controlled the whole world, putting humans in their rightful place as domestic food or tamed pets.
Cloning added in a new fun activity for vampires: Design Lines. Human beings genetically designed to taste delicious and to have easy to manage temperaments. A cross between Designer Dogs and GMO foods. Genetic control for the benefit of Vampire Kind.
There is a whole industry for design lines. The high end lines are seen as a way to flaunt one's wealth. Covens brag over what kind of humans they have in their possession like a rich person would talk about rare vintages of wine. Design Lines are ABSOLUTELY a status symbol.
Not all lines are Design Lines. Not all Vampires are rich or powerful, but they still need to eat. There are fodder lines that just get sold for cheap, just so Vampires can eat. Usually, these fodder lines are just Design Lines that were considered failures. Something went wrong in the genetics that made them imperfect. Imperfections are noticed when the human is pretty young, so they immediately go on discount and are bought by less affluent vamps.
However, it's a pretty big rule that Vampires don't bite human kids. It's not a law, but it's considered pretty taboo and Vamps would look down their nose at that. Kids don't have much blood. A vampire could ruin them before they grow. It would be a WASTE.
So, nobody realized how DELICIOUS the Blade line was until they grew much older.
The Blade line was a “failed” designer line. They came out with Pink hair, which was strange but could be waved off. The bigger issue was the temperament.
The Blade line was downright aggressive!
Why were the human kids so angry at being contained? Why didn't they act all docile and sweet? It's soooo weird. No one would want to purchase such an unruly human. So, the Blade line was sold off for pennies while they were still kids, the research for the line was scrapped, and the company responsible for creating them moved on to different projects.
Only for years later to find out that the Blade line had THE MOST DELICIOUS blood.
It becomes a collectors nightmare as suddenly all of these big name covens want to get their hands on one of the Blade line. It was a test line of only about 100 humans. Quite a few are already dead, drained by stupid or starving vampires. Some were killed just because they really are stubborn as hell and Vampires don't always have patience for that in their food. Many covens don't want to part with their sudden status symbols. Others are more than happy to win favor and trade one of the kids to a more powerful coven. It becomes a bit of a craze to try and get a Blade line. The company that created them tries to recreate them, but it never seems to work well.
It's a bit of a mess. A new item went viral and now no one can purchase it sort of mess.
Technoblade was purchased by a mid-grade Vampire coven when he was a kid. The Vampires in the coven aren't starving but they certainly aren't anyone powerful. They tended to buy fodder lines for food, but that was out of practicality and frugality, not desperation. They didn't needlessly throw away food, either. Only when it got too old to be of use anymore.
Technoblade had never been bitten. He was approaching the age that it would be acceptable and he saw the looks that the Vampires gave him, but he was also given a wary look. He HAD broken one of the Coven's nose when he swung a iron pipe at its face during an escape attempt.
He had been punished for that.
Anyways, the coven's wariness means that he is never bitten before the coven finds out what a TREASURE he is. How much he is worth. The coven argues on what to do with him. Keep him for themselves? Sell him for more wealth? It's debated hotly with the coven.
In the end, the decision is made for them when one of them accidentally offends the Antarctic Coven.
The Antarctic Coven demands recompense and the coven that owns Techno is frantic. So they do the only thing they can think of.
They offer their Blade Line human to repay.
That MIGHT have been completely planned by the Antarctic, but who could say?
So, this coven drags Technoblade along with his AKC paperwork to the Antarctic Coven, who act so very surprised to get a Blade Line human. Such a shock. But of COURSE they could forgive random coven, they have given them such a great gift.
Technoblade is less than enthused. Sure, the rooms are nicer and the clothes are fancier, but Techno is still not happy to be stuck in the home of leeches.
Anytime they try to so much as touch him, he tenses and tries to punch (or bite) them. Very feral kitten coded. Technoblade reacts with anger whenever Phil or Wilbur or Tommy coo over him. Over his hair. Over his eyes. It pisses him off even more when they seem to enjoy his scathing insults or glares.
Those ARE all trademarks of what he is, after all.
They DO have to confirm if he is ACTUALLY a Blade. Papers can be falsified, after all. And he COULD be from one of the failed recreations.
Of course, the easiest test for that is blood. To compare his blood to the records or the Blade line. Technoblade is VIOLENTLY opposed to getting blood drawn, even if it isn't through a bite. He's held down by Tommy and Phil while an expert carefully draws blood to be tested. Not only tested for legitimacy, but also for health, individual genetic anomalies, but they also rank it's flavor against the others in the Blade line. Just because you might as well be competitive about that.
Techno ranks in the top five on that. Wilbur laughs that his temper must be why.
Technoblade throws a vase at his face.
But he…doesn't get punished for that.
Some Vampire covens break the spirit out of their food/pets/humans. The Antarctic Coven doesn't care for that mindset. It's boring. It's weak to have to beat a human into submission.
They prefer a softer route.
It's so easy to make a human feel safe. It's so easy to give them softness and be rewarded with gratitude. They are well practiced in gently guiding a human to accept the collar they weld around their throats. The Antarctic Coven has done it time and time again.
They don’t bite a human until they are allowed. Until the human agrees. And, usually, that's pretty easy to do.
Except Technoblade is SO. Fucking. Stubborn.
He WON'T agree!
So they keep trying, using the ante. Upping the gifts and the seeming kindness. Giving him a soft room(only one door to leave), a beautiful window view (iron bars to prevent him leaving) and anything he could ask for(within reason). So why isn't he baring his neck for them????
And in that confusion, they have to ACTUALLY see Technoblade as a person. It's been CENTURIES since they have seen humans as people. Like, sure, they were human once, but they don't remember it. But they start treating Techno as a person and not a pet and things…shift.
They bond. They genuinely see Techno and they love what they've found.
Technoblade starts to enjoy them, as well. Their requests to drink become an inside joke between them, Techno giving colorful refusals.
Of course, eventually there would be a moment where Techno feels like they were just manipulating his emotions. Maybe he overhears another Vampire complimenting them on their methods, throwing them all back to square one.
Technoblade is angry and hurt and glares at them with hatred. He wants nothing from them. They can just take his blood and leave him alone. Stop with the games. Just bite him and take away the illusion that they actually care.
The Antarctic Coven looks between each other and agrees. They decide to bite Techno. Technoblade is in emotional agony and doesn't really notice how much the initial bites hurt. Especially with how euphoric it becomes as the venom numbs. Technoblade's head swims. And swims. Until he falls unconscious.
The Antarctic Coven decided that Technoblade wouldn't be food. He would become one of them. Changed. The only time they bit him as a human was to make him into one of them.
Technoblade sleeps for a decade, the change very very slow. And there are quite a few people who think that the Antarctic Coven have lost their minds. They gave up a priceless treasure. But The Antarctic Coven sees that Vampirekind lost something when they ruined Humanity. Like, they had truly destroyed Humanity. The concept of Humanity. And the vain and bored Vampires couldn't even see it.
Technoblade is going to be angry when he wakes, but that value that about him, not as a pet but as himself.
Lenn, words can't express how obsessed I've been with this one lately, I've been on a vampire AUs and bloodbag AUs kick lately the concept is so good and can be done in so many ways ranging from hurt/comfort to dark to fluffy and this one is just -ferally tears up the couch cushions-
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bevy-obeyme · 10 hours
What abt a masochistic MC???
Can you do diavolo also 🙌
Also I just realized this is my third request *sigh*
No problem haha! I really should do the side characters more huh? (EXCEPT FOR LUKE OF COURSE, MY SON IS STAYING OUT OF THIS!!)
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Demon brothers and Diavolo with a masochistic MC!! (NSFW) -
- Honestly? It makes his job a lot easier.
- He’s the type to inflict pain and degradation, knowing you’ll love it.
- Most likely takes off his gloves and puts them in your mouth whilst he uses his belt throughout it.
- Sometimes, he’ll be a bit too rough, but the aftercare makes up for it.
- Heyy! A fellow masochist!
- Mammon would probably try to inflict pain, but then he’d feel too guilty.
- So instead, he’d resort to just dominating you and resorting to use his jealousy towards how much time you spend with his brothers to convey his anger with you. And to satisfy your masochism.
- He’d take a pleasure in making it known that he’s your first man. In everything.
- Oh boy. Same deal with Mammon - he can’t deal with inflicting actual pain.
- So he becomes rather pessimistic and makes sure to be rough, all the whilst going into a self loathing monologue and pitying himself all the while degrading you to a ‘’normie.’’
- Like Lucifer, you’re just making his job easier.
- In fact, he loves this aspect of you as he can rest assured that no matter how wrathful he may get, you’ll enjoy it.
- Sometimes he even uses his tail. Whether it’s to whip you or actively fuck you depends on how well you behave.
- Honestly? He’s fine with anything you want to do.
- Whilst Asmo cannot bring himself to do anything to harm your precious body, he’ll make sure to degrade you and tease you for being such a little darling and plaything.
- Just to embarrass you, he’d probably gag you and tie you up to photograph you, hanging the photos over your head like blackmail.
- Now this gentle boy cannot bring himself to harm you. Not physically anyway.
- He cannot bring himself to talk down to you either.
- But, he’ll allow himself to be rougher. With his massive size, that will hurt a lot.
- He does make up for any serious harm done though afterwards by giving you good oral sex though.
- This man, he probably indulges in it too.
- Whilst he’s too lazy to actively harm you, he’ll assert himself and keep you drowsy enough to be completely sensitive yet let up on your throat enough to let you breathe.
- And no secret, he likes degrading you. Especially with you looking so weak.
- Most definitely into size difference. You are a tiny human and he a colossal demon.
- Diavolo usually prefers to be gentle and loving, he makes sure your after care is soothing and affectionate too.
- However, with how busy he gets with his royal duties, sometimes those quickies are needed.
- Most likely a dom due to how he got everything in life given to him, but wouldn’t mind switching.
For a masochistic MC-
- He couldn’t bring himself to hurt you. He was too kind for that.
- But, he wouldn’t say no to being rougher or marking you as his.
- You were the demon lords’ beloved human and lover so you better act like it.
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spenceragnewfics · 2 days
imagine bathroom desperate sex in a barrrrr
I hope this is good and what you were hoping for. Love ya 💕
DATE NIGHT | Spencer Agnew x F!Reader | 18+ MINORS DNI
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TW: Unprotected sex, public sex, light choking
Word Count: 1.1k
Description: After weeks of not being able to spend a night together, Spencer makes a plan to take Y/N out for a date night that quickly turns steamy.
Relationships are never easy. They take work and are especially hard at times when both people are busy. That’s been one of the main problems in Y/N and Spencer’s relationship. The two are so busy that the only time they ever get to be a couple is at home, when both of them are exhausted from the day.
That changes tonight. Y/N and Spencer work at Smosh but in two different departments. He’s in gaming while she’s the main producer for the pit channel. With them both working on different channels, it makes it very hard to have some couple time. So, Spencer made sure that they would have a date night tonight. It had been a couple of weeks since they had one with all the projects going on but tonight is the night.
He told her today at lunch. He had Alex take over directing a video so he could go talk to her. Sneaking up behind her in the pit pod, he wraps his arm around her as she sits at her desk with headphones on. He laughs as she lets out a squeal before seeing the arms wrapped around her.
Y/N turns in her chair and smacks his chest as he chuckles, “You’re such an ass sometimes, Spence!” She scolds while taking off her headphones. “Oh, I’m sorry I’m such an ass for wanting to see my girlfriend.” He says sarcastically, her eyes roll. “That’s not why you’re an ass. You scared your sweet, innocent, and vulnerable girlfriend. That’s why you’re an ass.” She gets out of her chair and pulls him into a hug, happy to be back in his arms even if it’s for a moment.
Spencer wraps his arms around her waist and kisses the top of her head. “You’re free tonight, right?” He asks, his eyes locked onto her’s. “Kinda…I have some editing to do but honestly if I need to I can do it tomorrow, why?” Her eyes are curious, so focused on work and other things she doesn’t pick up the subtleness of his question.
“I was thinking we could have a date night. The two of us going to get some food then maybe get drinks at a bar and finish the night at my place.” He suggests, biting his lip at the thought of a night with just them together. “That sounds amazing, babe. I would love to do that.” 
And that’s exactly what they did. The two went out to a nice restaurant for dinner before heading to a small but popular bar for some drinks. The two are currently sitting at the bar, drinking and chatting while watching people. “I honestly think some people come to bars to just escape. It’s really interesting.” Y/N says as she plays with her straw.
“I don’t know if it’s to escape or to be somewhere they don’t feel judged.” Spencer pipes in, finishing off his drink. “Wanna dance?” She asks, holding out her hand. “You know I’m not the dancing type.” He chuckles but takes her hand anyway, he can’t deny her.
The two walk to the dance floor and enjoy the music. Everything starts off innocently until a Chase Atlantic song starts to play. Spencer smirks as Y/N starts to dance more suggestively. The couple dances closer together as the song continues.
Normally stuff like this doesn’t get Spencer too worked up but it’s been a few weeks since he and Y/N did anything together. He can feel himself getting harder by the second as Y/N’s ass grinds against his dick.
Looking around, he spots a bathroom before grabbing her hand and walking towards the bathroom. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” She asks worried, confused as to why he’s pulling them away from the crowd all of a sudden.
“Just wait.” He says before pushing open the bathroom door. He checks the stalls to see it’s empty. Pulling her into the bathroom, he locks the door before pulling her in by her neck to kiss him.
The kiss is desperate and needy, filling something the two have been needing for a couple weeks. The music is booming from the bar outside as Spencer kisses down her neck, sliding his hand up her skirt. He rubs her through her underwear, earning a moan from Y/N as he touches a spot that’s been neglected for a while.
“Spence, please, just fuck me already!” She whines, not wanting to waste any time. Who is he to deny her the pleasure she deserves? “Are you absolutely sure? I can-” She cuts him off by kissing him. A moment later she pulls back, “Do it, please.”
He doesn’t waste another second, pulling down her underwear and taking off his pants. Pushing her skirt up, he spits in hand before stroking himself a bit. Without another passing moment, he slides inside her.
“Fuck, Spencer!” Y/N practically yells when he slides in. “You feel so good, holy shit.” He groans, his hips moving desperately in and out of her. The sound of skin slapping is almost as loud as the music but thankfully still a bit quieter. Spencer keeps a brutal pace, desperate to feel his girl around him 
Sex is usually slow and sensual between them but tonight it’s desperate and needy. Weeks of stress and not being able to relieve it has finally hit its peak.
Y/N grips Spencer’s hair as he continues his fast pace. Her hands are tangled in his hair as the fuzzy feeling in her brain starts to come. Something she’s only felt with Spencer, something she loves to feel everytime.
“Shit, how am I so close already?” Spencer groans, his thrusts starting to get sloppy. He hasn’t gotten this close so fast since he was in high school. “Please, don’t stop.” She begs as she feels herself get closer to her climax.
Only a few thrusts later both of them cum, looking into each other’s eyes as they breath heavily. Spencer closes the distance between them, kissing her sweetly before resting his forehead on her’s.
“Shit, I forgot a condom.” He says as he slowly pulls out. “It’s okay, I’m on the pill, remember?” She reminds him and he nods. “Yeah, sorry, still coming down.” She laughs before kissing his cheek.
“I think we should head home before someone tries to get in here and we get kicked out.” Y/N says as she puts her underwear on. “Yeah, let’s go home and get some rest.” Spencer and Y/N interlock hands and walk out of the bathroom, hoping no one sees them walking out together as they head for the door.
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thetravelingmaster · 2 days
Short Story: Job Interview
One sided conversation point of view - Powers
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Model : Mikayla Demaiter
Hello there...
If I'm not mistaken, you're the man that hired us for this party, right?
Yeah I thought so!
I'm sorry for springing this on you while the party's still going, but I was talking to one of the other girls hired to huh... Beautify this party...
And huh... Apparently, you host a LOT of parties all year round and if I heard correctly, you are looking to hire a few permanent girls to make sure your parties are always... Beautiful. 
Well if that's true, I'd like to throw my name in the ring, so to speak. I'd LOVE to contract with you for a year of fun parties!
Right! Not a problem! But huh… How do I 'test my compatibility', exactly? I'm pretty willing to try anything to secure such a fun job!
Just look into your eyes? Huh... Sure... Ok...
But why would...
Oh woooowwww....
You're... Eyes...
Are so...
B... Beauti...fu...llll....
Are… Are th…ey… Sp…a…r…k…l…i…n…g…
*Blinks rapidly*
Woah... That felt so weird...
No no!!! A good weird I assure you!
Looking into your eyes made me feel all... Warm... You know?
*Steps off the bench and steps closer*
HHmmm... Anyway...
*Casually unties the knot holding her top*
So... Was that the compatibility thing? Did I pass?
*Removes top*
Did I notice what?
*Looks down at her topless chest*
Oh wow! I didn't even realize I took it off!
*Looks back up with a smile*
*Pushes her chest out proudly, giggling*
Thank you, kind sir!
I’m rather proud of them too, after all, they do get me plenty of jobs in the business.
*Looks back down at her chest*
Part of me can't help but feel this is pretty strange…
Not that I’m ashamed of my tits or anything, but I usually don’t show them off so… Openly…
Especially to a potential employer!
*Looks back up*
What do you mean I should be happy?
Oh! Do you mean to say that it means I’m compatible?
That’s awesome!
*Looks back down at her chest, frowning*
Like... What... Huh... Exactly… Am I compatible for?
Nothing I need to worry about huh?
Yeah... I guess you are right... The important thing I need to focus on is that I AM compatible and that means I'm eligible for the job, right?
It won’t bother me until later because nothing else really matters right now!
*Smiles seductively*
Like… Now that we know I'm eligible...
Is there anything else you need to check before you consider hiring me?
Really? Huh...
Anna didn't mention the job required me to live in your home...
Do you really host THAT many parties?
Oh I see... Yeah that tracks... I mean... If most of your parties are last minute affairs... Like... It WOULD be easier to have your hired pretty girls close by to make sure your reputation for having ‘beautiful’ parties remains unsullied...
Honestly… That's not really the type of gig I was looking for...
You want me to look into your eyes again?
Of course! I always want to look into your eyes!
They're so nice to look at...
So... Ca...pt...i...va...t...i...n...g...
*Blinks rapidly*
HHmm... That felt super nice...
I'm sorry... I got distracted there... What were we saying?
*Unconsciously pulls down her bottom outfit and panties*
Oh that's right!
No no... It makes perfect sense to want your hired girls to live with you. And like... I'd be an idiot not to see the benefits of being lodged while I serve out my contract! Cuts down on my expenses you know?
In fact... I just remembered that I was sort of looking for a job with such awesome benefits so yeah... If you hire me, I'm more than willing to move in while I work for you!
If I like... Live here... Does that mean that I'm expected to work like... ALL the time?
Most of the time huh?
Seems like a lot to sign up for... I mean... Don't get me wrong... Like... The job’s SUPER alluring and all... But it sounds like I won't have that much free time...
I mean... I get that I'd be required to stay close for last minute parties and such...
But if I do stay close... Why would I be required to be IN your home most of the time?
*Smiles mischievously as her hand slips down and rubs her clit*
Oh I get it now... I'd be hired to 'beautify' your parties AND your home. Anna should really have mentioned that part from the start, it would have made things a lot clearer! Especially since I wasn’t even aware ‘beautifying’ a rich man’s home was even a thing!
Not as an official job anyway… 
But huh… Now that I think about it…
Why do I get the feeling you're going to expect a little more from me than just admiring my half naked body every day?
No! I’m not saying you're not handsome enough... Because you certainly are… A girl could be tempted to let things drift towards less... Professional activities…
But I'm afraid you'll be disappointed if you think I won't be able to resist your charms! I mean... I'm just not that kind of girl... Not totally at least... I mean I LOVE to flirt as much as the next gal… I mean... Like... Isn't it all part of being a hired party girl?
What do you mean this particular job requires more than what I'm used to as a party girl? Are you telling me that if you hire me, I'll be expected to like... Put out for you?
Sorry... I think I completely misunderstood the type of job Anna was alluding to. I'm not looking to find a job like THAT! I mean... It sounds a lot like you are looking to hire a call girl or something...
Yeah ok... Sure... You make a good point...
After everything is like... Said and done... You ARE hiring sex objects... I get that... But that doesn't mean there's actual sex involved!
I mean... If that's what's expected of me if I'm hired... Then I don't know if I want to apply...
What do you mean I'm sending mixed signals?
*Looks down at herself*
Oh god! I didn't realize I was... Wow... I'm sooooo sorry!
Well even if you don't mind the show... I mean... I'm not... Like... Masturbating like this on purpose or anything...
Wait... Why can't I stop rubbing myself?
Yeah right... You're handsome and all... But saying you are just too handsome for me to resist touching myself is a bit of a stretch!
Although... I am pretty fucking wet...
When did that happen?
Ok... What's happening to me?
What do you mean 'it's just the results of my high compatibility'?
*Eyes grow wide in realization*
Wait... I went topless without noticing too...
What? No... I'm pretty sure this isn't normal! I would never just... You know... Like this...
Yes... Of course... I always want to look into your eyes...
They're so nice to look at...
Wait... They... Are doing... Some...Thing...
I must... Look away...
I can't...
L...o...o...k... A...w...aaaa...yyy.....
*Blinks rapidly*
Hhhmmm... There's just something so soothing about your eyes...
I just can't help looking into them!
*Looks down at her active fingers and smiles*
I can't believe I'm doing this... But you're right, I just can't help myself...
*Looks up and notices the bulge in his pants*
Looks like you can't quite help yourself either...
Even if I'm super comfortable touching myself in front of you, maybe I should stop
so we can both focus on the interview.
After all... It's the only important thing right now... Right?
No silly!
What kind of girl would I be if it bothered me to see you this aroused while I masturbated nude in front of you? It's fine I assure you!
Anyway... Have I proven myself enough of a good fit to get the job? Or is there more to this impromptu interview?
A talent demonstration? Ok…
I'm huh... Not sure what you expect from me... I mean... You've already seen me at your party tonight... I think I did a pretty good job of 'beautifying' the event...
*Her hips start to sway rhythmically*
Unless... You mean you want to see if I can dance? Like... The party tonight isn't really set up with a dance floor so I couldn't show off my moves.
It's a shame that's not what you need me to demonstrate... But you're right... I'm sure you'll get plenty of opportunities to watch me dance if you hire me.
So if it's not my dance moves you need me to show off, what else can this pretty girl do to prove she deserves to be hired?
*Her left eyebrow lifts in surprise while she continues to sway her hips*
Really? You weren't kidding then...
*Her eyes dart down to his crotch*
I mean... Not that I'm against being a little more than eye candy... Like you said before... Why not have fun while I work right?
I feel like asking me to demonstrate my 'oral talents' during my interview means that the main reason you are hiring me is for the sex rather than just being eye candy for you and your guests.
If it is... Then I'm not sure how I feel about that...
What was that?
*Looks down and realizes she is still masturbating*
*She looks up with a sheepish smile*
Ok well... I can't really fault you for thinking I would be ok with that... Huh... Request... Seeing as I'm still masturbating even though I thought I stopped...
But like... Earlier... You made it sound like the sex was just a fun part of the job... Not an actual requirement... And... If you need me to prove my talents to get the job… Then… Like... Doesn't that imply that it's the other way around and sex IS the actual job I'm applying for right now?
Thought so... Well if that's the case... I'm not sure I'm a good fit for this job...
Don't get me wrong... I'm more than willing to sleep with you during my term when the mood strikes! We are both attractive people... But I'd feel weird... Wrong even... To be like… Hired for the sex I offered...
You know?
No... I'm pretty sure I'm not masturbating because I want to be hired as your sexual plaything... That's just... Wrong... Isn't it?
Look into your lovely eyes?
Sure... I always want to look into your eyes...
So warm... So familiar...
So captivating... I can't resist them...
Something happ...e...nss...
Wh...en... I look... In...to... your... e...y...e...s…
I… Just… C…a…n't...
L...o...o...k... a...w...aaaa...yyy.....
*Blinks rapidly*
HHHHMMMMmmm... Fuck that feels so amazing...
Looking into your eyes is like... I don't know...
Makes me feel so fucking good…
Wait... Are we in your bedroom? Weren't we in your backyard?
That's weird... I don't remember coming here at all...
No of course... You're right... Why should it bother me?
What I really need to focus on is this interview, nothing else should matter to me right now. Not if I want to get the job and I really want this job!
*Looks down at the bulge in his pants and blushes*
So huh... You really weren't kidding right? You know… When you said the job included... Huh... Sex...
No no! Of course I remember! I'm not THAT much of a clueless klutz! It's just... Well... I've never huh... Had a job like that... So... I guess I'm a little nervous...
You know?
Oh I know everything will be fine! I completely trust you and your hiring process! That's not the issue per say… I mean… I’m more than willing to show you my oral talents… 
It’s just...
I'm just not sure...
I mean... I’ve never… You know… Had a job like this before… As fun as it sounds… Something tells me that maybe… I’m not the right girl for the job…
Yeah ok sure... My high compatibility or whatever… Makes me the perfect girl for the job...
But I don't know...
Besides... What DOES that even mean? You haven't answered that yet. What am I highly compatible with?
Your eyes?
Yeah... I know what you mean... It feels so wonderful to look into them...
But... How can being highly compatible with the relaxing effects of your special eyes make me the perfect girl for the job?
*Blinks in disbelief*
Wait wait wait... Back up a minute...
What are you saying exactly? That can't be right... You can't just take control of people like that...
*Looks down at her fully undressed body*
Ok... I... I'll admit I don't remember getting naked...
Wait... You’re serious… Aren’t you?
Oh god… This can’t be happening… I have to leave!
I won't relax and... Look into your eyes… I… I mustn’t… 
You’ll take control again…
*Head lifts up and she looks into his eyes*
Oh god... I can't help it... I... I WANT to look into your eyes...
But I can't... You'll... Do... Things...
Fuuckk... Your eyes... They make me... Feel... So nice...
I... Don't... Want... To look... Away...
So... C...a...p...t...i...v...a...t...i...n...g...
*Blinks rapidly*
HHHmmm... DAMN that feels so incredible… Like a massage for my brain…
It gets better and better...
*She kneels down in front of him sitting on the edge of the bed*
Say... If you do hire me... Will you keep looking into my eyes like that?
You’ll do it to me as much as I want huh? Sounds pretty alluring to me…
*Moves forward and unconsciously places his cock between her tits*
Consider me doubly motivated to prove I'm worth it because I just can't get enough of how they make me feel! 
Right... I vaguely remember you saying something like that… But like... Why should it bother me if you take control of me with your eyes?
*Her hands come up and pushes her tits around his shaft*
Well I can see how some girls wouldn't like that…
But they just don’t know how safe it is to let you take control, that’s all!
*Smiles mischievously*
Besides… I’m sure that if they had a taste of your special control… They’d love how it felt just as much as I do…
*She starts moving her tits up and down his shaft*
Ahhh... Makes sense that I only feel this way because I'm highly compatible...
I'll have to thank my lucky stars then... Not only does it give me a chance to get this amazing job opportunity... But it also allows me to feel the incredible effects of your eyes...
I'll admit that it's still a little unsettling that you can make me do things without me realizing I'm doing them! 
*Looks down at herself and giggles*
Oh my... Now how did THAT get there?
*Licks her lips as she notices the drop of precum on his shaft*
I'll admit, I'm kind of grateful to find myself suddenly stroking your cock like this... It completely bypasses my nervousness from before...
*Looks up and smiles*
I guess we could call it a benefit of being controlled... Right?
Yeah... That was pretty strange to say…
Is that... HHmm... Your doing?
Thought as much!
I guess that means you can control more than just my body! I have to admit... That's equally as frightening as it is fascinating...
*Continues to stroke up and down for a few moments*
So huh... I know I shouldn't be this curious... But since it looks like you'll be sampling my erotic delights regardless of what I would normally decide... May I ask for a favor?
It's nothing much... But so far, it feels like you've subtly used your eyes to make me do and think things without really noticing I was doing it… At first anyway…
I'm not sure if it's even possible... But I'm curious to FEEL your control... I mean... Like... More than what I feel in your eyes… Is… Is that even possible? Or does your strange power only work one way?
It is possible? Great!
So all I have to do now is look into your eyes... Right?
*Smiles broadly as she does*
OOOhhh... I think I just... Felt the difference...
HHmmm... Fuck... That... F...ee...ls... SOO much better...
I... Can... F...e...e...l... my...s...e...l...f... Sl...i...pp...ing...
*Blinks rapidly before licking her lips*
HHHHMMM.... Fuuccckk...
That was... HHmmm... Wow...
*Drools as she looks down to her chest*
Oh god... Your... Your cock!
That's... Oh yes... That's you isn't it?
Oh fuck... I can't...
I NEED it... Pp...Please?
I... need to suck it...
OH GOD thank you... MMMMFFF!
*Her mouth envelops his shaft in one smooth gulp*
*Moans around his girth before lavishing it with attention*
*Sucks up his length*
Fuck... Yes... FUCK yes...
*Looks up while her hands keeps stroking*
You're so fucking right... I... I've never felt so... GOOD... Sucking cock before... That's you too... Right?
Oh god... This is sooooo amazing... I mean... WOW...
It... It almost feels like I'm fucking!
*Kisses and licks his shaft a few times*
Come to think of it...
I... I didn't even think to resist the urge I felt... Fuck...
You were right...
*Licks and kisses his cock as she stroked*
With my high compatibility to your eyes... HHMMM...
*She shivers as she kisses his cock*
It really does make me perfect for the job… Because it's clear you can make me do… HHmm… Or want... Anything you wish...
*She focuses on licking the underside of his helm, making him moan*
I... I know it's wrong to wish for this...
But... Fuck...
This feels too amazing to pass up...
*She smiles seductively up at him*
Yes... Even after I've learned what it means to be hired...
I... I still want you to hire me.
Not that I'd have much of a choice in the matter if you already decided to hire me or not...
After all... I have the sneaking suspicion that you could just as easily fuck my brains out tonight and send me on my way without me finding anything odd or wrong about it.
*Winks playfully*
I might look like a blonde bimbo... But I'd like to think I'm more clever than the average party girl...
*Sucks around the head for a few moments*
Which also allows me to deduce that your 'job offer' is really just an excuse to find pretty compatible girls to fill up your lovely home with what amounts to an obedient little Harem of girls you fully molded to your liking with special power...
That's what I'm REALLY auditioning for right now... Right?
No... I can't say it bothers me that I’m actually interviewing for a… Well… Harem girl position…
I’ll admit that it’s like… Clearly NOT what I expected when I looked for you tonight, but honestly, I’m not disappointed that I am.
*Kisses his cock head*
Especially not after experiencing how amazing your control feels and how pleasurable it can make my...
Expected duties…
*Giggles as she resumes sucking*
*Slowly worships his manhood*
*Looks up in to his eyes, cock still in her mouth* 
*Her up and down moves slow down*
*Her gaze grows vacant*
*Blinks rapidly as shot after shot splashes on her face*
HHmm… OOHHH!!!
That felt so amazing… And god… Waking up to your sudden release…
Wow… Feels like you just claimed me… Christened me even…
*Wipes a big globe from her cheeks and makes of show of tasting it*
Hhmm… If this means what I think it means… Then I’m looking forward to fully converting to my new object of worship…
*Licks her lips while winking seductively*
You know… Your eyes are really amazing because right now, I’m not afraid to say that they turned me into a new convert that is eager to worship your control and I have great faith that my surrender to your special power will bring me infinite pleasures…
What? No! Why would you pay someone you can completely mind control with your eyes? I already feel like you own me… And… Like… Why would you give a salary to someone you own? It makes no sense. 
Especially since the benefits of said ownership feels so damn incredible…
*Smiles brightly*
Thank you! Huh… Sir… I’ll do my very best to live up to your expectation and if I don’t, please feel free to use your eyes on me until I have no choice but to fulfill them.
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fruitgumy · 3 days
one thing i don't like about how hori wrote afo's backstory is that the narration makes it seem like afo was just born evil by saying that he was just born greedy and selfish. a major theme of the series is how otherwise good or even just neutral people become evil because of societal failures, but it's like all of that goes out the window when it comes to afo.
i'm in no way excusing afo, but he was a "meta" born in a time where people hunted his kind for sport. if you're a toddler with a deadly power that both makes you physically different from others and is so powerful that it scares people (spearlike bones) of course you're going to be ostracized. and with that ostracization comes the people who want to kill you. so what do you do? what is the only thing you can do? it becomes kill or be killed. then you become desensitized to killing, you may not even fully understand the weight of a life — you're only, like, 4 years old. you learn that problems can be solved with violence. need something for you and your brother? kill to get it. you realize that what you want can just be taken, not to mention your power incentivizes you to take what you want anyways.
many people point out that yoichi grew up just as poor and abandoned as afo, but there's an important distinction to make. yoichi was thought to be quirkless. he would not have been hunted like afo was. he would not have had the pressure of keeping a weaker, sicker sibling alive. although yoichi's life was no walk in the park, he and yoichi would've had an entirely different worldview. afo craves power because power is what has allowed him to survive his childhood. yoichi's lack of power and victimization because of his weakness leads him to understand the importance of wielding power responsibly. so with that in mind, it must've been hard for him to understand yoichi's talks about justice when they likely only survived because of afo's ruthlessness.
i realize this post makes me sound like afo's #1 dick rider which i kind of am, but i'm not delusional. the man is evil, he chose to stay that way, and he was well past any form of redemption, but i just hate the idea of an inherently evil newborn baby so fucking much. i think that he's like tomura in the sense that with the right guidance, he could have been a somewhat normal person. (that's a whole other post in itself, how he literally gave tomura his own trauma because he knew from experience how it would break him) yes of course it's possible for him to have grown up without becoming evil, but honestly i think anyone, if handed those specific set of circumstances, would more than likely go down a very very bad path.
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logansargey · 3 days
Hii, I saw your fic and I thought that the name is kinda familiar and I was righttt! I read through your blog and I agree with u esp with the ah l*stappen. For me, I don’t really get the lore of the relationship. And tendency is that they usually drag other drivers to further their uhm visions ✨ but not really in a good way.
I am Carlos girlie so it really makes me sad that usually in the blogs that I encountered, altho not only that ship, Carlos is like always the bad guy or they put him in a bad light? I mean it is RPF and I just avoided them but to push it thru real life too is weird 😭. Like i get that u dont like him but to push that agenda when the guy didn’t even do anything and Carlos has both good relationship with them so yea 😞
So u can imagine my frustration when that clip with Checo and Max went viral 😾. Like Checo and Carlos are close friends in the paddok, they said it in an interview, what are u on about 😭.
Anyway i want to ask ur ahh opinion about charlos and carcar? I think you already answered versainz. Im a big fan of them too!! Well anything with carlos really 😸
Sorry it might be long 😅
Anon, you can ask me any long question and I'll read all of it. Also I love Carlos so I'm so glad I get to talk about him. This is also kinda long but I wanted to give my full opinion. ALSO YES ABOUT THE FIC!! I LOVE FLORENCE AND HOPED I WOULD FIND SOMEONE THAT KNOWS THEM
So here are my opinions on the things you've asked me:
1. Charlos: I seriously love them. But recently they remind me of a divorced couple. (I'm a child of divorce. I'm talking about Charlos btw. Not actually a child of divorce) And it HURTS!!! if you told me a year or two ago that I'd be going through this, I'd laugh in your face. But I love Charlos and the angst, the humor, and the clinginess. They're honestly so cute. They're not my fav (we all know who my fav is) but they definitely made it to my top 7. But also, I feel like Carlos fans and Charles fans have different opinions abt Charlos. Most Carlos fans love it and adore it, while most Charles fans ignore Carlos and seem to make him a bad person and compare the two. (Which driver was the only non rb winner last year?)
2. Carcar: IT'S HONESTLY SO GOOD!! It's such a random ship bc it came out of nowhere and we all started loving it. The jokes that are made (check Oscar's tt comment section) are so funny. It's probably in my top 5 because I love random funny ships like them. I also love the whole "we share a mutual good friend who wants us to get along but we low-key don't think we ever will" type trope. But Carlos has come forward and talked about their "rivalry" or lack of, I should say. So I approve of Carcar
3. Versainz: idk if I have talked about them, but if I have, oh well I'm gonna talk about them again. Versainz is the best ever. I miss them being teammates and the whole "we're both nepo-babies that need to make our dad's proud and we're fighting for the same seat" I WISH Carlos got that seat, tho I'm happy for Checo. Ily, Checo 🫶🏼 Versainz gives me that whole "we're low-key in love with each other but can't act on it bc we both have trauma and internalized homophobia." vibe and I love it lmaoo. THE FICS ARE SO GOOD TOO!!
anyways anon, hope I gave you the answers you were looking for and if you have anymore questions, you can ask and I'll gladly answer.
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17x03 Spoilers/Thoughts
(Not very long of a post tbh. There’s just too much to kinda unpack tho)
(TWs bc the show doesn’t really give you much, but self-harm (around 32:00) and talks of p*rn and online exploitation) I think I might make the tws italicized in my spoilers to give that heads up.
This is directed by Adam Rodriguez!
The whole case basically isn’t connected to Gold Star, I don’t think it is. There’s a mask involved now and Tara and Rossi take on the case. Rossi trying to get through the window was pretty funny tho.
Emily is off with her old neighbor (played by Paul F. Tompkins), Brian Garrity. She is trying to get him to take down some misinformation. It’s pretty funny seeing those two actually.
Also Brian gets beaten up by a group of men and Emily finds him and tries to protect him, but the police come in and see her with her gun out, so now…
Emily gets arrested and framed
I kinda barely paid attention to Tyler at this first watch but uhhh he meets a guy named Sebastian Gasper
JJ and Luke team up together but Luke is feeling absolutely guilty of what Emily and Voit told him.
Voit said from ep 2 that there is a BAU Gate, which is a site full of memes and pictures and stuff about the team. But Emily says there’s something that involves JJ in it that Luke couldn’t believe was true.
BAU p*rn. And all of it is of JJ.
JJ and Luke talk to Sydney and on their way, they talk about what’s been bothering him. It’s just so hard for him to not keep it quiet and I feel for him.
JJ talking about how good of a leader Emily is and that she knew it would be for the best anyway.
And her saying whatever Luke doesn’t tell her will be protecting her and what he does tell, she will get hurt.
JJ is aware of the BAU Gate thing since before she was a profiler, so during her liaison days. She thought it was a lot of anime on it and ridiculous stuff of the team, but something on her face the more they talked about it seems like her fear of what Luke tells her later is affecting her when she suspects it.
There’s stuff with Sydney and Voit’s daughters.
Really cute moment with Luke playing soccer which… for the sake of this being the happy thing of it all, Luke and JJ playing soccer together 🥺
Holly(?) is the one having a hard time grappling with the fact that her father is a criminal.
In one scene, she cuts herself before her mom comes in to stop her.
Sydney talks with JJ and Luke after about going into witness protection and everything they need to do.
After that…. Luke finally tells JJ.
It’s honestly better for people to watch the scenes for this upcoming storyline for JJ bc I have no other way to describe it.
But Luke tells her everything he learned from the secret, that the site was flagged by Homeland Security in 2014 (said by Emily) and Voit and his network has an updated version of it.
He tells JJ that it’s not the other agents that were on the site but just JJ.
She was the focal point of it all.
The absolute heartbreak in JJ’s whole being. Everything is just sucked out of her. And if you thought this was bad, the next scene of this is worse.
After everyone leaves the office, JJ closes the blinds to the roundtable room and checks the website for herself. It’s just…. Heartbreaking and haunting are the two words to describe it.
There’s a bunch I have on this probably on a separate post but damn CM. They really went there. And it’s the worst of the worst. (Not to compare storylines or trauma but nothing can really go beyond that)
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sturniolo04 · 9 hours
Request—> Chris going for advice to Matt about how to finger/eat out a girl properly
(Not saying Chris would be bad but maybe there’s a couple of things he could work on or at least that was what the last girl he hooked up with said to him)
A/N: i hope you like it :)
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Bf!Chris xGf!Fem!Reader
Chris never had a hard time pleasuring a girl that was until his last girlfriend, now his ex, said otherwise. It got so bad that it often resulted in her 'faking it' when they had sex most times. It wasn't until they finally ended up having an argument and her finally admitting that that had been the case the whole entire time of their relationship.
So fast forward to current time, Chris finally gaining more confidence to date again, and he finally started dating you. Although his confidence in pleasuring a girl still wasn't fully back to 100%. Every time you and him would be causally be making out, Chris would hit the brakes before it went any further.
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"Okay we should probably go see what we are going to have for dinner, yeah"
he halts your guys actions breaking the heated kiss you were sharing.
" what chris"
you giggle as you try to lean back in to continue to make out with your boyfriend.
"baby you know i love you but you haven't eaten all day"
" chris you cant be serious"
you state simply looking into his glistening orbs showing no sign of lust what so ever puzzling you.
" i dont do it for you do i?"
you huff out getting off of his lap looking at him
"what no god no"
he lies as you let out a sigh believing him.
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Chris hated lying to you so he knew he was eventually going to have to figure out this or get advice from someone and if he was going to get advice why not his own brother, Matt. Matt has been in the same relationship with the same girl for almost 2 years and they are sexually active enough to the point that it annoys him and Nick since the walls are so thin in their house. In reality, he must be doing something right.
"Matt i need to talk to you about something kind of embarrassing"
Chris states mumbling the last part quietly from pure embarrassment of him having to come to his older brother about this subject.
"okayy.. whats up"
matt replies unsurely looking up from his phone momentarily and then shifting his focus back to his phone as Chris took as seat across from him on the couch in their living room on the coffee table.
"so i need some advice on how pleasure a girl properly"
chris trails off as Matt quickly shifts his focus to his brother trying the see if he is being serious about this question.
"chris what the fuck why would you need advice on that you know what to do when it comes to-"
he replies shocked
" not neccessarily-i just want to make sure I am not going to blow it with her"
he states shyly referring to you.
" i just figured you would know something I don't because you and Becca are so annoyingly active with all that shit"
he trails off looking down and fumbling with his fingers.
"fuck you know what never mind this was stupid-"
chris states fully embarrassed attempting to get up and leave this conversation.
"wait no chris its not stupid it's just- i -nevermind so you want some advice"
matt stuttered with his reply as he thought of where to start.
"okay so basically oh god- well i just start out by eating her out; you never just start with your fingers"
matt trails off uncomfortably with this conversation
"honestly the best thing is to just be super communicative with her; see what she likes dude but anyway- when you start first with eating her out just do a lot of figure eights and then occasionally fuck her with your tongue"
Chris replies trying to fully understand where matt was going with this lesson
"yeah so when i guess she is wet enough then you can use your fingers and when that point comes you should use your ring and middle just cause its easier"
"middle and ring okayy"
" and you kind of want to curve them as you go in and out you don't want to go just straight in and out but also add your tongue on her clit occasionally that also makes them feel but I think that's all the advice I can give you"
he trails off causally scratching the back of his head.
" you sure i just dont want to blow it and if I do I'm blaming you then"
" you can blame me if you blow it because that probably means you were half listening to me"
matt rolls his eyes.
"yeah yeah whatever but thanks dude"
he responds before heading back to his room
"for sure i got you bro always"
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Yata and Fushimi have been dating for a while, they're living together, they've talked about taking the next step but no plans have been made. Yata's been picking up more hours at work or working odd jobs where he can to save up money because he wants to buy Fushimi a really nice ring. Fushimi takes it the wrong way (Yata doesn't want to be around him) and argues with Yata the night Yata plans to propose. What happens from there?
Fushimi and fucking up his own life, name a more iconic duo. Imagine the two of them have been living together for a few months and dating for longer than that. Yata’s been thinking about proposing for a while now, which is actually why he suggested they move in together as like a way of ‘testing’ if he was ready to move to the next step. He’s definitely decided that he is too, he wants to propose to Fushimi as soon as possible. Except when he mentions it to the Homra guys and they all congratulate him they ask him what kind of ring he’s buying and Yata’s like ‘…shit.’
Intellectually Yata knows that Fushimi probably wouldn’t care much about jewelry but at the same time Yata wants to get him something, like not because you’re ‘supposed’ to buy engagement rings but because he wants something tangible that he can gift to Fushimi to show how much he wants Fushimi to marry him (and okay, maybe a little possessive, letting that creepy Blue King know that Saruhiko is taken thanks). Yata doesn’t have a lot of money though and maybe for the first time Yata is really aware that he’s never been rich while Fushimi is at least comfortable financially, that Fushimi grew up with rich parents and now has a cushy government job and how lame would it be if Yata gave him some cheap dinky ring. This is how Yata talks himself into getting Fushimi an expensive ring and to pay for it he starts taking extra hours at work, doing some extra errands for Kusanagi around the bar, maybe even adding on like a side hustle all so he can earn enough cash for a good ring.
Meanwhile Fushimi has obviously noticed that Yata isn’t around as much as normal. They probably have trouble finding free time to spend together as it is due to Fushimi’s work so now it’s even worse, some days Fushimi barely even sees Yata. When he asks about it Yata gets noticeably nervous and says he’s just doing some favors for people or that stuff came up at work, Yata probably thinks he’s being suave but he’s actually looking totally dodgy and suspicious. Fushimi being Fushimi he immediately starts suspecting the worst: they’ve only been living together a few months after all and Yata still complains about Fushimi’s diet and bad habits, complaining that he doesn’t do the laundry or that he could help with the cleaning and Fushimi’s suddenly like hyper aware of all his deficiencies, like maybe now that they’re living together Yata’s remembered what a mess Fushimi is and is trying to find a way to get out of this whole relationship.
With Yata being so busy and Fushimi’s own work schedule Yata doesn’t even notice that Fushimi’s been getting quieter and quieter, so focused on his goal that he completely forgets who he’s dating. Fushimi is just quietly going from self loathing spiral to self destructive and he’s started staying later at work to avoid Yata too, convincing himself that this was a stupid idea to begin with and why did he ever think Yata would love him. Finally Yata gets enough money to buy the ring and decides to go home early to surprise Fushimi, all ready to make a nice dinner and propose. Yata’s really nervous but excited, right until he steps into the apartment and sees Fushimi packing his bags.
Yata’s just shocked and also probably pretty hurt, thinking Fushimi was about to do like before and just disappear without telling Yata anything. Fushimi coldly says isn’t this what Yata wants, for Fushimi to leave him alone, and Yata starts to get angry because Fushimi’s just going to break things off without explaining again. Fushimi scoffs that Yata’s the one who was lying and playing pretend, going into full asshole mode to hide his own hurt and Yata starts to give in to his own anger and yell back…and then he puts a hand into his pocket and touches the ring and he stops, and takes a deep breath. 
Yata’s been through this before, after all, and didn’t he promise he wasn’t going to let miscommunication get between them again. So Yata takes a moment to calm himself and he sits down on the bed and asks Fushimi why he thinks Yata doesn’t want to be with him anymore. Fushimi’s caught off guard by this Misaki who won’t rise to the bait and he looks away, Yata reaches over and touches Fushimi’s cheek, making Fushimi look at him. Yata says they’re not gonna do this again right and finally Fushimi sighs and says Yata’s the one who’s been avoiding him.
 All of a sudden Yata realizes what this is about and he sighs and then says he’s sorry. Fushimi is just baffled by that one and Yata gives him a thin smile and says he forgot about how things affect Fushimi and he should know better than to keep stuff from Fushimi, even if it’s for a good reason, because Fushimi thinks too much and assumes the worst. Fushimi tries to act like he wasn’t assuming anything but Yata knows that’s exactly what Fushimi did and he says he’ll try to be better about that, if Fushimi can work on just telling Yata when something upsets him instead of immediately planning his escape. Fushimi shifts, obviously uncomfortable, and Yata says he’s serious, he thought maybe he’d done enough to help Fushimi realize that but there’s still stuff they need to work on, Fushimi can’t just plan to run at the first sign of trouble. Fushimi’s still tense but finally he sighs and mumbles out a ‘fine, I’ll try’ and imagine now he’s being clingy to hide the fact that he knows he did something wrong and doesn’t want to admit it. Yata laughs a little and says good, now do you want to see what I was doing all that time. Yata admits he’d planned something a little more romantic but this’ll have to do as he pulls out the ring, asking if Fushimi will marry him. 
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fox-guardian · 2 months
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[ID: A digital sketchpage of Colin Becher from The Magnus Protocol on a gray background. He is a thin white man with a receding hairline and a blonde mullet that is very long in the back, tied into a low ponytail. He also has a mustache, patchy facial hair, body hair, and blue eyes. In four out of five sketches, Colin is wearing silver stud earrings, rectangular glasses with yellow lenses, a yellow t-shirt under a light blue button down, a light brown zip-up hoodie, blue jeans with brown knee patches, blue and white striped socks, brown sneakers, and bracelets including a braided one with pink and burgundy threads. On the right, there's a shoulder-up sketch of Colin with his body facing to the side while he turns his head to the viewer, looking angry. Below that is a far less detailed doodle of him on all fours like some kind of creature. On the far left is a shoulders-up sketch of him leaning against his hand looking tired with one eyebrow raised. Below that is a drawing of him facing away from the viewer on all fours looking under something with a little dark smudge above him denoting annoyance. In the middle is a full-body drawing of him posed as though sitting with one leg bent as he holds a game controller. He is wearing his glasses and earrings, as well as a white crop top that says "slut.exe" in blue text, yellow underwear, and blue and white thigh-high socks. He looks focused but also relatively relaxed. end ID]
normal about that IT manager
and yes whenever i draw him with striped socks i need you all to know that they're the programmer socks. alice gave them to him mostly as a joke but he actually loves them and that's one reason they're buds in my mind
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Something I like about Leo is that he’s honestly really chill? It’s easy to remember the moments where he’s being obnoxious or excitable but I feel like most of the time he’s incredibly “go with the flow” and has an overall affable demeanor.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#Genuinely speaking I feel like said demeanor is incredibly useful for when he has to charm and/or persuade people into listening to him#I have a whole post talking about Leo’s charm and how he consistently gets people to hear him out even if he’s annoyed or upset them#like they’ll still listen to what he has to say in full#his charisma stat is real and utilized quite often in this series I swear he’s not just a loser cringeboy all the time 😭#if he wants to persuade and/or charm then he honestly sooo often does#me listing the 400th reason why Leo grows up to be the worlds best ninja and a good 365 of those reasons are Leo’s various subterfuge skill#Like most episodes where he’s not the main focus (and even many where he is)#he’s a voice of reason who notices things quickly and is often the one taking point to talk down situations#something interesting I found between Leo and Mikey is that#Mikey tells people what they need to hear#Leo tells people what they want to hear#not only out of his own agenda either#when bullhop was wrecking their home leo was the one that negotiated to make the situation go smoother#even if he would have rather bullhop left#meanwhile Mikey is the one who bluntly tells things as it is#small character moment that means a lot to me#Mikey is an honest boy who is upfront about his feelings#Leo prefers to let people make their own decisions he wants them to through steering the convo in that direction#but he is easily cowed by guilt#regardless leo is a people person - he knows how to talk to them and how to manipulate/persuade#and I like that his bros know this and often push him forward to do the talking if they wanna charm someone into doing what they want#I think Leo’s hope speeches are also an example of this - he’s saying what people really want to hear (and often it’s ALSO what they NEED)#the further the series goes on the higher Leo’s inner stress rises and he just keeps that chill aura anyway#there’s a reason!!! he wanted to go to a SPA so badly!!#literally the first thing he does when he gets in is rest#no joke meditation would do him good? like- it’s a Leo thing and I genuinely think rise leo would be no different here
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daily-odile · 5 months
Odile patting Molly Epithet Erased on the head, you know why
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have two bc i care them
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themyscirah · 29 days
Complaining abt Suicide Squad yet again but the fact that they have Waller exposing the alien community to space racist attacks and talking abt how she got to her position through deceit and being a terrible person and stuff is just. Ahsfiwueh JUST SAY YOU DONT KNOW WALLER.
Anyways literally the 3rd mission of the Squad ever (and the first framed as smth Waller picked and not orders from above) was the Squad discrediting and stopping a rogue vigilante who was only arresting POC and funneling white people into white supremacy groups (of which he was the most prominent member) in SUICIDE SQUAD #4. and it's explicitly framed as this mission being personal for Waller that she's hiding from the government bc its illegal like. Guys. Please why are we having her incite (space bc comics) racist attacks now
Also the whole "Amanda got her position through deceit and being a terrible person" NO. she KEPT her position through being shitty and playing complicated political games!!! She wasn't always that way like there is a difference and it is IMPORTANT ppl PLEASEEEE. In Secret Origins #14 we learn Amanda's backstory and she used to be a normal, caring person! Like even after she entered into working in government and politics she wasn't automatically morally bankrupt like please people. She was originally given control of the Squad by Reagan (*sigh* 80s comics...) to distract and get rid of her because she was so successful at pushing progressive social policy in Congress. Acting like she's this static pillar of evil is such a waste of her character and so fucking uninteresting and disrespectful to her arc it drives me MAD.
Like I am NOT saying Waller is all sunshine and rainbows, she fucking SUCKS (said w love <3) but like there's a human being there. It's a progression, she has a character arc like please, DC, please!!! They've fucked up Waller so bad and made her so opaque and uninteresting she can't even be the protagonist of her own story for fucks sake!
Like I don't know how many times I have to scream it until DC hears me or remembers but WALLER IS THE MAIN CHARACTER OF SUICIDE SQUAD. ITS HER BOOK. yet right now she's a cutout to be used as the villain wherever the writers please. Even in her book we get none of her perspective really displayed, no exploration of her thoughts with any kind of understanding of the role she traditionally has played and was made to play in the story.
#its like youre unable to root for her in any form. which is annoying bc shes actually awesome actually#also having her say “actually im the good guy fuck you'' w/o any actual deep analysis of her psyche or whatever while doing these things#doesnt count as development or showing shes 3 dimensional. its just having 2 dimensional waller say shes right when everyone is obviously#supposed to believe shes wrong#anyways i want real waller back please i miss herrrrrrrr#anyways hope mr john ridley has read secret origins no 14. i know its from 1987 but please guys please. my only hope#also it was a few months ago but i think they tried to push certain elements of a diff backstory in dream team and sorry but fuck that. and#any mention of another waller background like my eyes are closed sry. im a preboot truther#actually im just ignorant of most squad comics outside the original series. im gonna do a readthrough and become knowledgeable on other#stuff i just need to find time. so if im wrong then sorry if its smth factual and if you disagree with my opinion then uh sorry for ur loss#anyways shoutout to the time i had a nerd night w my one friend and she was asking me abt dc and said my favorite villains and i said waller#and silver swan. and she had a “yuck WHY” to waller and a ???? to silver swan. love shouting out my faves and explaining them to the less#informed. didnt say a number 3 but would probably be parallax ig. idk hes kind of slay. or maybe someone else honestly i like hal but waller#and nessie are blorbo level for me i could think abt them for hours#or maybe it wouldnt be parallax actually idk who my 3 would be. hes definitely up there but way below the other 2. maybe the cheetah#interpretation that i personally have. v different from the popular cheetah interpretation esp rucka vers actually. much closer to the pérez#and esp develops some subtext there surrounding barbara and the exploitation and theft of sacred cultural artifacts and pieces but also#like british colonization a lil bit#but i actually despise the cheetah that lives in my head but think shed be interesting to use narratively and see diana fight#vs the other guys who i find interesting and sympathetic and like for themselves#whereas my fave interpretation of cheetah can rot in hell#i got off topic here#blah#swishy rant#also disclaimer that w the main character ik dreamer is the main character of dream team. im talking more in general and that amanda should#always have a huge role as shes the main character of the squad and yet is treated like its villain and not its protag#sui sq
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