#hope this is satisfactory anon...i tried my best
lizthewriter · 1 year
Hi! I love your fan fictions! I was wondering (First time requesting ever) if you could do a FIC for Mattheo or Theodore based on exile and the readers dealing with self hate,anxiety, autsim, adhd, Depression, and they feel so alone and push him away because the readers scared to accept her feelings and afraid she’ll get left, and no one loves or cares about her?
AUTHOR'S NOTE Oh my God, thank you so much for sending in a request! This is actually the first request I have ever received, so this is a first for us both! By exile, I'm assuming you mean the song exile by Taylor Swift. Here's a little blurb just for you anon! And thank you for the compliment, I'm glad you love my fanfics! Sending love and good vibes your way
Honestly, I tried my best with this. I've gone through depression and self-hate, and I am currently dealing with anxiety and ADHD. I don't know too much about autism, but I really tried my hardest to convey what you've requested. I hope this is satisfactory!
exile / mattheo riddle
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PAIRING Mattheo Riddle x fem!Reader
SUMMARY Everything in your life feels like it's going wrong and there's nothing you can do to change it. What once brought you joy only leaves you numb. What once excited you now only bored you. What you loved only saw you as a friend.
Taking shelter in an empty classroom during a panic attack, Mattheo Riddle finds you a sobbing mess on the stone floors. You find out that he likes you more than you think he does.
TAGS Mattheo Riddle x fem!Reader, angst, hurt/comfort, self-hate, depression, anxiety, stress, ADHD, autism, exams, panic attack, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, fluff, happy ending, kissing
"All this time, / we always walked a very thin line, / you didn't even hear me out," - exile, Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver
WRITTEN 23.08.2023
pt. 2 here, karma
You sat in Transfiguration, leg bouncing nervously as you stared down at the test questions. You have always been a terrible test-taker - all the pressure of having to get good marks in such a limited time period and all this weight on your shoulders with the upcoming NEWT's made you more than nervous. Your brows were furrowed in both concentration and confusion. As you were gnawing on the end of your quill, McGonagall announced that it was time for you to place your quills down and pack your things. You let out a shaky sigh, placing down your quill. How could you not answer a simple question? Everyone else seemed to be finding the material easy, why couldn't you? You sat there, beating yourself up as you quickly packed your things away and left class.
You left Transfiguration by yourself and headed back to your dorm. Not only were you doing poorly in your classes, you also happened to be insanely in love with someone in your year. And, of course, you had to fall in love with the most unavailable person. Not only was he not interested in girls, he would never be interested in someone like you. I mean, why would he? What made you so special? And he has referred to you as a mate on so many occasions that if you had a nickel for every one, you'd surely be drowning in an ocean of them. Oh, and not only that, but you didn't really have friends. Most of the people you knew were dating and had at least one best friend. But you? No, you may know a variety of people but you couldn't call any of them a good friend, even. You didn't understand what you were doing wrong. Why was everyone else living happy, productive lives while you were stuck being miserable, alone, and depressed?
I mean, you lost all interest in everything. You couldn't find the joy in reading or taking walks about the grounds anymore. Your schoolwork was taking a turn for worse and you found yourself and bored and tired of your classes. Your grades were slipping, you had no friends, no partner, no nothing. Everything just felt wrong, wrong, wrong. And all you could do was sit there and blame yourself.
You knew you wouldn't be able to make it to your dorm to find the privacy to cry- you quickly ducked into the nearest room, curled up into the corner, and burst into sobs. It was all just too much and too little at the same time. You just felt like you couldn't deal with all this anymore. If you didn't deserve to be happy, than maybe you didn't deserve to be at all. Your hands bunched up into fists, lightly hitting your head at your temples. You hated your thoughts, the way your brain worked. You hated how you could think about everything all at once. You just wanted it all to stop, all to end.
You didn't hear the sounds of footsteps passing the classroom - Mattheo had only been walking by, skipping out on Potions, when he heard you. When he glanced into the classroom and saw you crying there, he couldn't help himself.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
You froze, sniffling, your chest heaving for air. You hadn't heard him and was caught off guard. Quickly, you wiped your face with the edge of your sleeve, collecting your bag from the ground and hiking it up your shoulder. "Nothing - nothing's wrong."
He ducked his head, his lips set into a thin-line as he observed you. "I'm not stupid. I can see that you're crying."
Great. Now you had offended the only person, perhaps, that even cared to talk to you for more than five minutes. He must hate you right now. Depise you. Think you to be cruel. "I didn't mean to say you were stupid." It was hard to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over the threshold. You wiped your eyes with the end of your sleeve again. Why should he care about you? He must be pitying you now, surely he would have no other reason to act so concerned. Even if he did, he would one day realize that you were never as good as he thought you.
His gaze softened, the edges of his lips curling up slightly. He approached you, raising his hand to wipe away a tear that had collected in the inner corner of your eye. "'S all right, darling. Don't cry. Just talk with me about it, hm?"
Your chest heaved as you took in a shaky breath. "W-why do you care? I'm sure you have better things to do." You let out a weak laugh, backing away from his touch. "I mean, come on, don't you have Potions right now?"
"Why do I - I care about you. Do you need a reason why?"
"Yes, I do, actually," you responded, cringing at how snarky you sounded.
Mattheo let out a sigh. "I care about you because you're beautiful, inside and out. I care about you because you make me laugh. And you make me feel better when I've had a shit day. I care about you because no one makes my heart flutter like you do." His voice got smaller as he took a step towards you, and gradually raised his hands to cup your cheeks. He drew your gaze to his eyes, those beautiful brown eyes. His expression was rather serious, as though he were trying to affirm his words. "I care about you cause you're the only person who's ever really cared about me."
You trembled beneath the soft caress of his knuckcles, meeting his eyes for a short moment before shoving him away. A brief moment of hurt echoed through his eyes as you shook your head, backing away from him. "No, no you don't. I don't. And even if you did . . . " You found your voice trailing off. You hiked the strap of your bag up your shoulder again, having slipped down your arm. "I should go. I have History of Magic soon and I don't want to be late."
Mattheo glanced at you and then down at the floor, his jaw clenched. "Fine. I won't stand in your way then."
You spent the majority of your time avoiding Mattheo, but you knew there'd be a day when you would run into him and you couldn't do anything about it. Today was that day, almost two weeks after the aforementioned incident.
You were curled up in the Astronomy Tower, late at night, lying on top of a blanket as you glanced up at the stars. It was perhaps the only moment of peace you had found in a while - maybe it was the whistle of wind or the glittering of the stars.
You should've known he'd be up here. He's always sneaking off places late at night, the highest points of the castle. You heard your name being called and turned around to see a surprised Mattheo. He stood but a few feet from yourself. You weren't exactly sure what to do - in your panic, you did nothing.
"Erm - may I sit down?"
You didn't say anything for a moment, drawing your legs into your chest and resting your head upon your knees. You nodded ever so slightly, glancing away from him as he plopped down next to you. His shoulder brushed up against yours and he leaned forward to try and catch your eyes, mimicking your seated position.
"Hey, I'm sorry about the other day. I should've stayed there with you . . ." His voice trailed off. He let out a sigh as he leaned back on both palms, now spraying out his legs across the blanket. He stared put at the stars, his expression neither upset nor particularly happy. "I don't think you really meant it when you said you didn't care about me. I know you do. I just want to know why you're trying to convince yourself that you don't." He paused, hesitating. "Is it because you think I don't feel the same way about you? 'Cause you can erase that thought from your mind. I like you - really, really like you. And I don't know why exactly you keep pushing me away, but I want you to know that I'm here to listen."
He bathed in your silence, not necessarily perturbed by it. He finally decided to test the waters, raising his hand to gently touch yours. He seemed fascinated with you as he ran his fingernail gently across your skin.
You didn't know whether you wanted to tell him or not. You didn't know if you could trust him. If he wouldn't just laugh in your face, call you a fool, and leave you a pitiful mess. But Salazar, did you want to spill your heart out to him. And in the mental state you were in now, coupled with your fatigue, you didn't even care anymore.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't have any friends. I'm not particularly close with my family. And everytime I did start to make a friend or - or something more, they'd just leave." You wrapped your arms tighter around your legs. "I always wondered, what's wrong with me? Do I say the wrong things? Act the wrong way? Am I really so despisable that people actively go out of their way to ignore me?" You scoffed. "Guess I must be some kind of horrible person then."
"That's not true," Mattheo said immediately, surging forward in anger. "You're an amazing person. Whoever has just left you or treated you like that, they're arseholes. I won't do that to you. Never. I don't care how many times I have to say it 'til it gets through that pretty little head of yours, I like you, I care about you, I want to make you happy . . . and if leaving you alone and pretending like I never admitted that to you makes you happy, then that's what I'll do." He waited for your response, painfully hoping for a verbal one. However, you remained silent. Mattheo felt his heart sink. "Right then. Well."
He began to push himself off the floor to get up, but you quickly grabbed his hand. "Wait!" you exclaimed in alarm, finally meeting his eyes. "I - I lied before. I do care about you. Please don't go. Please."
Mattheo sat back down with an easy-going grin, like he knew he had you right where he wanted you.
"You really like me?" You asked, both breathless and doubtful all at once.
"Do you need me to prove it to you?" His grin grew smug.
"Yes, actually."
"All right then." Mattheo raised his hand to rest under your chin, tilting your head slightly to the side so you were facing him directly. Your eyes widened as he drew closer, his eyes glancing between your eyes and your lips. Breath growing shallow, you tensed as you could feel his humid breath on your lips. "I can prove it to you right now, if you let me."
You wasted no time in smashing your lips against his, hands coming up to cup both of his cheeks. Your eyes were shut tight as you relished in the feeling of his buttery smooth lips running against yours. He was a bit more passionate tha you had expected, but he had been waiting for years to do this. And whatever his imagination could try to conjure, it was nothing compared to the real thing.
Mattheo was the one to pull away but he was soon back to give you a quick peck, sming against your lips. "You're amazing - I don't think I'll ever be leaving you after a kiss like that."
You finally grinned, a true grin, gor the first time in a long time, and brought his face back down to yours to kiss under the stars.
Thank you all for reading! Be sure to like, reblog, and comment! I really appreciate it ^^. If you have any requests, by inbox is open but make sure to check the list of characters I write for here. If you want to be tagged in any upcoming fics/headcanons of mine, let me know. If you want to see more from me, go ahead and check out my masterlist here!
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
𝓢𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓞𝓯 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱
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Xavier Thorpe x Witch Reader
Request: „Hi! I was wondering if you could write a Xavier Thorpe x fem. reader where the reader is a new student at nevermore and sits next to Xavier in Mrs. Thornhills class and he tries to impress her with his powers (like in the scene where he made the spider come to life)‟
A/N: Request from anon. I changed one thing about the reader skills/ powers. It's not my best work but as always I hope you all still gonna like it. 
English is not my native language so I am sorry for any mistakes.
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She felt unwanted eyes on her, again.
However, despite the fact that the situation repeated itself since she set foot in a new school, each time she chose to ignore it. She knew who the irises following her every move belonged to anyway, so she quickened her pace to disappear from their radar, as she had done many times before.
When she found a secluded corner, she leaned against it, sighing. She'd only been here a week and she'd had enough.
Her father told her about possibilities and freedom, oh how easily she was outsmarted by him. Now she was stuck in a strange place, far from home, in a school for "people like her". However, she soon found out that this term was not entirely true.
Nevermore Academy was supposed to be something of a safe oasis for children who were extraordinary, in the worst sense of the word. But Y/n quickly noticed that the teenagers weren't much different from normal people, well, except for the hidden talents they'd inherited. Girl was one of them. 
Being the ancestor of one of Salem's oldest witches had its advantages and disadvantages, although she saw more negatives than positives. That's why she hid her abilities.
-Y/n! - girl's voice called her.
The teenager closed her eyes, only to open them after a moment and turn around to look at the well-known blonde.
-Enid -replied the witch, tilting her head gently to the side, in a silent act announcing that she ,could continue.
-I was looking for you- she replied, smile did not come out of her face - Botany classes will start soon, and you are hiding.
Y/n sometimes wondered how a person could be so happy and carefree. But she was never able to come up with a satisfactory answer.
-Then it's better that they don't wait for us - she said with a slight, almost imperceptible smile, going with the werewolf to class.
Her steps, although slow, still led her to her goal at a much faster pace than she would like. Entering the great conservatory, without stopping, she went to the designated place.
Xavier was already sitting in his seat, lost in his notebook, sketching something Y/n couldn't see. Only when she sat next to him in the field of vision appeared the image of a black spider. Before the boy could see that she was looking his way, her head quickly turned to the desk, making it look like he was looking at her, not the other way around.
It might sound strange, even scary, but the brunette liked to look at her, especially when the teenager was so close to him. Every detail on her face was much clearer then. Her thick and long eyelashes, behind which beautiful irises were hidden, full lips or the flash of her thick hair, which seemed to be soft as silk from a distance. Xavier noticed all this, and day by day he became more and more addicted.
Before he knew it, he was smitten with her, and as if sensing it, she began to run away from him. Each step she took was further away from him, which meant that he was never able to catch her, or talk to her, even for a moment.
When Y/n's eyes finally rested on him, he responded by pushing the notebook towards her. Her brow furrowed in consternation, and he merely smiled at her, extending his hand to hover over the drawing. After a while, the animal came out of the paper, leaving only a gray halo behind. The arthropod moved a few steps. The witch did not let him out of her sight.
-I doubt Y/n will be impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe - said Mrs. Thornhill unexpectedly, when she came to class.
-Admit that you're a little impressed - the green-eyed boy muttered.
The girl didn't answer for a long moment, too focused on the spider. Shivers involuntarily passed over her body and before she could've said something, the animated drawing burst into flames. Most of the students looked at her with a mixture of admiration and surprise, but she didn't care. Holding her hands, she occasionally ran her long fingernails over the rings to distract herself from the outside world.
Xavier cursed under his breath, he thought he would impress her, but all he did was make her hide even more.
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It was nighttime when Y/n received an unexpected message.
With the end of class, she locked herself in her room, content to finally be able to breathe fully. Dressed and refreshed, she spent time on the floor, drowning in the books of witchcraft that she read several times before. The sound of music filled the room as well as the sound of her own voice as she hummed along with the band's lead singer.
Only a quiet but strong blow pulled her out of her bubble.
Standing up, she walked over to a large, tall window. At first glance, everything seemed normal, but when her eyes began to wander, a black cat appeared in the field of her vision, or rather its sketch.
The teenager sighed and opened the window. Curious about the explanations. There was a card in the animal's mouth and an invitation on the paper.
-Meet me at nine o'clock by the fountain - she recited, frowning slightly in thought ,knowing exactly who the sender was.
Thinking, she stared at the landscape outside the window, then she shifted her irises to the cat, who was still waiting, sitting on the windowsill. Involuntarily, she raised her hand and stroked his ear, as if hoping that it would feel something, even though it was only a drawing.
Before she could think carefully about her decision, her legs led her towards the exit. Right underneath the stone construction.
Xavier was already waiting for her. Her school uniform had been replaced with a long-sleeved black mid-thigh dress and leather boots. The boy didn't know what to think, it was the first time he saw the teenage witch in something else, in something close to her comfort zone.
-You really came - he remarked, not hiding the surprise in his voice.
-I really came - she replied, clasping her hands behind her - Your form of invitation was quite interesting. I was wondering if you matched the cat to my species or if it was just a coincidence.
-Yes...I mean no - brunette tangled up in words, pushing himself away from the fountain to approach Y/n - Your reaction to my previous drawing got me thinking. I preferred to create something that you should like this time.
-I'm just not a fan of small, crawling creatures. But I appreciate your gesture - she said honestly, which made Xavier smile.
-I'm glad to hear that - he replied, looking at the girl.
-What is the reason for your invitation? - she asked suddenly.
-I wanted to apologize. I guess you didn't want to show off your abilities - he remarked, scratching the back of his neck.
The gaze of the teenager, who was directed at the fountain near them, moved to the green-eyed boy.
-You have no reason to apologize - she announced -It was my instinct that worked the way it did - she added before taking a few steps back so she could turn freely and head back to the dorm.
-Wait! - Thorpe called her, grabbing her wrist, and she stopped, looking at him with furrowed brows -Would you like to go for a walk?- he asked with a trace of hope in his voice.
The girl shifted her gaze to the building behind her, then back to the tall teenager in front of her, who was awaiting for her response. Y/n nodded with a slight smile.
-I would love to - she said, nodding imperceptibly in confirmation.
The two of them moved forward. The witch put all her trust in the hands of Xavier, who led them to a place known only to him. Her heart was beating hard from the adrenaline, and surprisingly, she welcomed it. She hadn't had so much fun in a long time, even if it was just sneaking through school property.
Eventually they came to something that looked like a shed. Y/n involuntarily approached the body of her companion, looking curiously at the wooden building. When the brunette turned his head to check the girl's condition, he found her close to him, closer than he expected. Satisfied, he lowered his head to be level with her ear.
-This is my studio - he confessed, as if proud of this fact - I cleaned it, so Weems let me use it.
-We are alone - the girl noticed, approaching his face, which involuntarily covered with a blush - You don't have to whisper - she added, then moved away, walking towards the entrance.
Thorpe followed her with his eyes until she had disappeared through the door, then he moved on, quickening his pace so that the girl wouldn't wait. When he entered, Y/n looked around intrigued, but kept her hands to herself, watching from a distance.
-You have talent - she admitted after a long moment.
-Thanks - he said, following her like a shadow. -This is my safe space. Art makes me relax - he added, standing behind her as she paused at another of the many paintings.
-It must be nice to have your own sanctuary - the teenager said - I often dream of something like this, that wouldn't be my dorm room. Life at Nevermore can be...overwhelming - she confessed, rubbing her hands together in comfort.
-Really?- he asked, eager to hear more, happy to finally be able to talk to the object of his interest.
-Yhm- muttered the witch -That's quite an interesting paradox. An outcast feels like an outcast in a school for outcasts - she noticed, looking at him out of the corner of her eye, the boy made her feel surprisingly better, surprisingly calmer.
-You can always talk to me if you want - Xavier said, shrugging -I don't bite.
-I appreciate it - she replied, not sure what else to add.
When silence fell between the two, Y/n realized how close they were, how intimate the situation seemed, and the brunette slowly began to think the same, his green eyes not even for a moment stopping looking at the face in front of him.
Her eyes wandered over the boy's face, trying to find a starting point. Her slightly parted lips as well as the smell of lavender and gooseberry did not help Thorpe concentrate. Only the girl's frown woke him up from his trance.
Following her gaze, the teenager met an image, but not just any image. The canvas depicted a girl sitting on one of the stone benches, lost in thought, her face calm and her eyes distant. There was a sheet next to the easel, which must have been moved by a gust of wind when Y/n stepped inside.
-It's...me - she whispered in shock, walking towards her likeness.
-The first day, I couldn't forget you. So I started painting - he tried to explain, keeping his voice stoic -You surrounded yourself with this mysterious aura that drew me in even more. You were different from the rest...I talk nonsense - he muttered, closing his eyes.
The girl turned to face Xavier. Then , she unexpectedly put her hand around him, standing on her fingers to kiss the corner of his mouth.
-I quite like your nonsense - she confessed ,almost brushing his lips because of the closeness of their faces.
Xavier took her confession as a signal to action. Placing his hands on the witch's waist, he slowly brushed her lips, and seeing no objection, he did it again, and again, and again.
They said romance was dead and Y/n had to agree. But the electrifying touch of the boy's hand, the warmth of his lips, and the addictive scent that surrounded him, made her not disappointed by the death of romanticism. She preferred the version where she could’ve indulge her feelings without having to play cat and mouse.
And now that she had tasted the forbidden fruit, she was not going to stop. 
Neither did he.
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sochawrites · 9 months
Can you please do an rimmer x fem reader fluff or the episode the gun men of the apocalypse where reader and rimmer are dating.
Sure I can! And why not kind of both?
I am so, so, so sorry it took me so long to write this, it has been a very weird year and I just could not manage to put aside some time to write. I can't promise 2024 will be better, but we all can hope, no?
I hope this is at least a bit satisfactory to you, dear anon, or any of you souls, still lurking around looking for some RD content.
What do you guys say on the news about Red Dwarf: Titan? I was there when they screened the teaser trailer, if one would call it that, and honestly? I'm pretty excited!
Also happy Holidays!
Arnold Rimmer x Fem!reader
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None of you could help but cheer as Starbug flew away from the burning moon, escaping certain doom once again. You were slowly getting used to these situations, but near-death experiences are still near-death experiences and while you tried to focus your mind on the fact that you were alive, your body and nerves were of a different idea.
You were shaking in your seat, gripping the handles and hardly holding back the maniacal laughter of survival. You had enough adrenaline for today, it would probably be better for you to go and calm down, maybe even lay down before you start to crash.
Pulling yourself up on your shaky knees, you excused yourself and stumbled to your room, almost falling on the way out of the control room. Fortunately out of the sight of others, or so you thought. You slowly made your way up the stairs to the sleeping quarters, painfully unaware of the pair of concerned eyes watching you.
Deciding the bed would be the best place to crash onto, you crashed into a much more closer chair, back turned to the door and closed your eyes shut. You were breathing heavily and the sound of the ship was being drowned out by the buzz and thuds in your ears.
A knock caught your attention, albeit barely. "Permission to enter?", you hummed in response, knowing fully well your hologram boyfriend would not take no for an answer and not having enough strength to speak. There was a pause before Rimmer went into the room, but as soon as he did, he cautiously made his way towards you. You could only imagine him looming over you as he tapped on your shoulder.
"I brought you some water," Rimmer announced to you nonchalantly, leaving the glass beside you. You thanked him as you reached for the liquid with both of your shaking hands, but you were positive he barely heard you.
"That was quite a ride, wasn't it? The adrenaline, the thrill!" Rimmer walked around as if giving you an inspirational speech, "Although I have a feeling that for some, it may have been a bit too much, wouldn't you say so, my dear Y/N?". He turned to you with the last sentence, a playful smirk on his lip, but sympathy in his eyes.
You just threw him a look, not amused by his remark, "Yeah, well, not everyone can be as brave as the great Dan McGrew, right, Arn?".
He pouted, "Auch", and knelt down in front of you, reaching his palm to your cheeks, gently caressing. It was always a weird sensation to touch light, soft or hard, not really cold, not really warm. Leaning into his touch, you planted a kiss on his hand, a small smile tugging at the lips of both of you. "You're going to get used to all of this, eventually." Rimmer tried to reassure you, but you just shook your head.
"'Eventualy' isn't soon enough, starlight." the hologram traped your hand in his, squeezing. "It never is, but you'll be fine, I know it.".
You reached your still trembling hand to the one cradling your face, feeling the threat of tears from the stress and weariness. "How?" you whispered, "How are you so sure about this?".
"Love, have you ever seen yourself when we face the unknown? You always keep such a stone-cold face, looking so brave, so fearless! Adrenaline is a powerful muse, the tremble and tears, it's not you, it's just your body, nothing more." Rimmer was now cradling your face in both of his hands, semi-standing, looking directly into your eyes.
"It's only a matter of time until you get used to the rush and once you do…" he paused, maybe because he was searching for words, or maybe just to make his encouragement more meaningful, "You'll be braver than anyone we know."
You leaned forward, wrapping your arms around the holographic body, "Even more than Ace?". You felt him hugging you tightly "Even more than him.".
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littledollll · 1 year
May I ask a Lucifer x reader? R struggle with chronic back pain and Lucifer help them feeling better when it happens.
This is totally a self indulgent request.
Thank you 🤍
Love language: acts of service
Lucifer Morningstar x chronically Ill!reader
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A/n: I found I like doing more narrator style fics, so this doesn’t have a lot of dialogue I hope that’s okay!
No warnings
“I could’ve done that myself.” You huffed out. It was hard to feel independent when tasks like lifting or even walking made a stabbing pain shoot down your spine. Lucifer knew that, they tried their best to mediate what tasks you should and shouldn’t be doing, not only because of the pain but for your own health.
“I know you could, but I wanted to help, allow me that my darling.”
Walking around along side them wasn’t the best idea you’ve ever had, you know that. Your back was killing you since a few hours ago honestly, but you were still too stubborn to let them so everything for you.
Lucifer always said regardless of your condition they would be this helpful, you doubted it, but it did offer some comfort. To know it wasn’t because you couldn’t or that they did it out of pity. It’s normal to want to help your partner in every day stuff, after all.
You hated needing assistance, Lucifer knew that too. So instead of always helping, they catered less straining tasks to you. You were quite aware of what they were doing but you still appreciated it, and it did help give you piece of mind that even if it was more simple tasks, you could do them and that was satisfactory enough.
But they also balanced that by doing the most simple tasks. It was true, regardless if you were able to or not they just wanted to help, and if it reassured you then that was simply an extra benefit.
Lucifer’s hand came to rest on your lower back, a soft reminder to fix your posture, you’d be even worse later if you didn’t now.
Once you were finally back home your pain had gotten worse, to be expected with a task filled day but you still dreaded it. What you didn’t expect was Lucifer leading you straight to an already prepared warm bath.
“We had quite the eventful day, I thought a bit of relaxation was an order.” Lucifer explained before you even got the chance to ask where all this came from.
It was perfect, the warm water helping that stabbing pain go away for at least a moment. Their arms wrapped around you and chin rested on your head, as the pain faded away you felt nothing but calm, and nothing but love. You wish you could always feel this relief, this comfort.
“I love you.” There was no need for them to say it, you knew, they showed it more than enough, those sweet three words made you feel so special every time.
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nightlight-writes · 2 years
hey hey! Do you take anon requests? If not please lmk! Anyway i had a distant relative visit with a child and i was wondering, how would the luxiem guys be as parents? Idk, seems comical to me
Luxiem Boys as Parents
Genre: Headcanons
Warnings: slight mention of murder in Luca’s part
Notes: aaaaaa my first request! i don’t really have a father figure so this was interesting to write ^_^ I hope you find this satisfactory.
Vox Akuma
100% the affectionate, but also embarrassing type of parent.
Gives his children hugs and kisses like, every few hours.
Posts about his kids on social media and will happily show their baby pictures if asked.
Would develop a slight filter (ie. no sex jokes).
Everything else is OK though which inevitably leads to them developing a potty mouth.
Especially if they’re playing games together.
Somehow manages to keep up with all those newfangled hobbies his kids are into and wholeheartedly supports them.
That said, he does slightly wish his kids would appreciate “the classics” a teeny bit more…
Always gives out great, if sometimes unsolicited, advice.
By the time his children start moving out of the house, he’ll be in tears (and probably drunk as well).
Sure, he can return to his old lifestyle now, but he’s really gonna miss them…
Often tries to find time in his schedule to attend any important life events and host family reunions.
Whenever he appears, expect him to become the subject of constant gossip among the guests.
As long as he can spend time with his family, he’s happy.
Mysta Rias
Surprisingly, he does a decent job at being a dad.
Can often be seen eating at restaurants with his kids.
He would cook healthier meals for them if possible, but we all know how that turned out.
The only gadgets his children are allowed to own are laptops (for schoolwork) and flip phones (for texts and calls).
He’s not going to talk about his kids on social media and he’s not letting them have social media either.
Highly encourages his children to study hard and develop good financial habits.
Over time, he developed an immunity to tactics like “puppy eyes” and “claiming they REALLY need the shiny new toy”.
If it’s something both of them want though, he’ll be a VERY unbearable customer.
If his kids do well in school, he’ll host watch parties to celebrate.
These almost always end with his kids laughing at him after lots of chaotic banter.
But if anyone else insults him or his kids, they’ll be on the receiving end of a hellish roast.
When his children move out, he’ll call them once a month for life updates.
Every day, he prays that they don’t repeat any of his mistakes in life.
Luca Kaneshiro
Usually absent due to work, but when he DOES visit it’s a blast.
Spoils his kids with whatever they want if they ask nicely.
New clothes? They’re going to the most fashionable malls in town!
Spending the afternoon playing games? He’ll be down for that!
(He WILL get very competitive though.)
As long as the house is clean afterwards, anything is fine.
Speaking of cleaning, Luca would definitely teach his kids practical life skills like cooking and cleaning and fighting.
Would 100% record himself pranking his kids.
Has a massive influence on their life even when NOT present.
Those who pose even the slightest inconvenience must disappear.
No going outside without the protection of bodyguards.
And the shadow of his accomplishments shall always loom over his descendant’s heads.
But Luca would gladly pay any price to be able to create memories, however fleeting, with his family.
Ike Eveland
He’s trying his best.
Tends to fawn over how cute his favorite child is (or just his child if they have no siblings).
Spends a good chunk of the afternoon nerding out about things he liked “back in the day”.
If none of his kids end up liking Vocaloid, then he has failed as a parent.
Yes, he would un-ironically say that things were better back in HIS day.
Ike’s unhealthy eating habits are contagious and will spread to the rest of the family.
Tired to the point of falling asleep while reading bedtime stories.
Currently trying to sell any sussy things he possesses.
A good portion of his search history now consists of parenting forums, parent blogs, etc.
Tries to be patient when giving advice, but it’s surprisingly easy to bring out his blunt side.
This especially applies when he’s talking about relationships and/or sex.
As a result, he fears that he’ll make his kids cry if he tries to comfort them.
Other than that though, he’s mostly gentle when it comes to raising his kids.
Hopes that they will find something to cherish for life one day.
Shu Yamino
Chill and lax kind of parent.
As long as the kids aren’t getting hurt, anything is fine.
Owns a “World’s No. 1 Dad” mug “as a joke”.
Actually succeeds in being ✨hip with the kids✨
Would casually call himself a father on a random social media post without bringing it up ever again.
His advice usually tends to be “do want you want, but be responsible”.
He already has a hard time with romance and sexual topics and adding kids into the mix definitely doesn’t make it easier.
Probably starts leaving the house more often to spend quality time with the kids.
Open to teaching his children a bit of sorcery, but is still on the fence about passing down all of his knowledge.
After all, one’s life can only have so much magic before it stops being “normal”…
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zylophie · 11 months
Can you write a Ichika X reader yandere alphabet B, D, G, T, Y (yandere)? Thank you so much! Have a brilliant day!!!
↳ B, D, G, T & Y
♬ X/ModNene is typing...
↻ Hello Anon~ Thanks for ordering from us! Hope this serving is to your satisfactory~
𝅘𝅥𝅮 If you would like to order a fic, click here and read the writing rules for each writer! ☆
■ Contents: Yandere
► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Ichika Hoshino
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B lackmail - Are they willing to blackmail their darlings/rivals into making you theirs forever?
Blackmailing her rivals has crossed her mind before. However Ichika felt that it would be easier to get you all to herself with just a tiny bit of rumor spreading around.
"Ichi... You won't leave me like the others right?"
Ichika shifted all her attention towards you the moment you said that. It would be a lie if Ichika didn't felt bad for what she did, but if this is the only way she could have you, so be it.
"Of course not [name]! You're amazing, if the others left you for some rumor they don't deserve you!"
"..Do you mean it Ichi?"
"Really! You're such an amazing person, they're wrong to fall for those rumors. I'll always be by your side name!"
Ichika hates to admit this, but it felt good when she knows that she is the only one you could rely on. In this way she could have you all to herself.
D esire - What do they desire to see in their darling? (Returning their affection, genuinely or forced love?)
Ichika desires you to return their affection genuinely. If she didn't, she wouldn't have done drastic measures to make you all alone. Plus you're the only one she needs, and she hopes that you feel the same way.
"Hey Ichi?"
"Yes [name]?"
"I love you so much, you mean the world to me.. You're always there for me and stayed by my side.."
Oh how she loved when you ranted that all you needed was her.
G entle - How gentle are they with their darling?
Ichika's very gentle with you, since she doesn't want you to think of her badly. However she can be quite controlling when you used to have friends before rumors started spreading.
"Hey [name], why did you cancel our hangout?"
"Oh uhm.. My friends invited me to this movie and since they already bought the tickets.. I felt bad for turning it down since they spent money for me."
How she hated your friends from taking your attention away from her.. You only need her and her group of friends. Not anyone else.
"Ichi! I'm sorry, please don't be mad!"
Ichika gave you the silent treatment the whole day, however she would shower you in gifts as a 'sorry' the next day in order to emotionally manipulate you into that you were the one at fault for not treasuring your friends equally. After all, she was the one who asked first..
T ears - How do they feel about seeing their darlings scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Ichika would be surprised, and that surprised slowly turned to fear. After all you had isolated yourself from her. Have you finally found out who spread the rumors?
Ichika could not handle the thought of that. However she tried her best to talk to you.
*knock knock*
"Go away!"
Ichika thought it would be best till you settled down a bit more before trying again.
Her heart pounding feeling a bit anxious about it. Afterall you only needed her... Right?
Y apping - How would they react to their darlings other side?
~> Reader is a Yandere too
Ichika would be surprised at first before feeling relieved to know that you were a Yandere like her! She didn't need to isolate you anymore, feeling really glad you felt the same way as her.
However it was a bit awkward at first with the continuous back and forth statements.
"Ichika, don't trust [name], they're not what they seem.."
"Ichi~ Wanna hangout today~?"
"E-eh? Oh I can't I need to practice with my gro-"
"Ichi! You're always so busy, couldn't you make time for me?"
"But we are going to go pro tog-"
"You've been neglecting me so much. Don't you think it's time to make time for little ol' me? Do you even love me anymore?"
"[name].. I-"
"I thought you love me so much that you even spread those rumors about me to get me all alone..."
Ichika was caught really off-guard. She didn't expected you to know she was the one, after all she tried her best to remain anonymous.
"It was quite easy to tell, after all I must admit I'm sorry for stalking you~ Now hang out with me or-"
I guess skipping practice wouldn't hurt a little.. Afterall who knows what you'll pull next..
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bluebird990 · 2 years
Hot question: in an alternate universe could donald and gray be friends?
Omg I got an ask i got an ask!!! Ahem-
I mean thank you so much for considering me worthy enough to answer your question anon!!! (I definitely was not squealing in a corner after seeing this..)
Anyway I tried my best to provide a satisfactory answer. I hope you like it :D
This got way longer than I was expecting so oops..
So there's two different universes that I can think of rn
A universe where Donald had good parents and Gray hasn't met Stephan yet.
If Donald had had a normal childhood then I'd like to assume that he'd be the kind of typical prince charming character, you know. Good looking, smart, athletic and polite. Tho he doesn't show it, he has a superiority complex and thinks that all the people around him are so not worth his time. They're all just so dumb and ambitionless, it pisses him off.
Then comes the new transfer student. A very pretty boy with an emotionless face. At first, Donald doesn't really care about his existence and continues on with his life. Until the mid term results come out and for the first time in his life, Donald had placed 2nd in an exam. He was so shocked and pissed that his scholarship had been snatched away by some puny little punk.
That was when the war had started. Or rather a one sided rivalry.
I can imagine Donald being extremely frustrated for being beaten every single time. It didn't help that Gray wasn't even trying to beat him. He just studied because he "had nothing better to do" apparently. Gray's lack of a goal and ambition had left Donald dumbstruck. He didn't know what to be more pissed about; the fact that there was someone smarter than him or the fact that this Mr Smartass was gonna waste his potential away without a concrete goal.
Donald had then declared them to be rivals (without asking for Gray's opinion) in hopes of seeing Gray lose his composure because that seemed like a challenge and he would never back out of one.
They were both pretty evenly matched in the department of looks. Gray had only been there for a few months yet he already had a fan club.
Donald had been so giddy and smug to see Gray's awful physical capabilities. He had made sure to subtly stand out a bit more than usual during PE to show off how much better he was but the lack of reaction from Gray had pissed him off immensely.
And to top it off, he still can't seem to beat him in academics. Not a single time. It was either a draw or Gray beating him by a hair.
Overtime, Gray would begrudgingly start acknowledging Donald and going along with his little challenges. After a while Gray starts to enjoy their silly challenges.
He would be receiving physical training from Donald because "omg you are so f**king weak I could easily snap you like the stick you are".
All in all Donald without past trauma would be...very different I guess. It's so difficult to imagine what he'd be like. Less psychotic and more chill I guess??
On a more serious note, what if Gray had met Donald before he started corrupting.
I think that if these two had met earlier in life then they could've definitely been friends.
Pre-stephan Gray had a hard time making friends or feeling any kind of emotions, but I don't think he was heartless. He was just very dissociated with the world and his emotions.
He was from a pretty well off family so all the students kind of respected him for his intelligence and on the other hand, bullied Donald for his because that's just how this world is...
I don't think that Gray would just sit quietly after witnessing the extreme bullying that Donald went through. He wasn't angry per se. He just couldn't understand the irrational behavior of his classmates. Him and Donald were pretty much the same, the only difference being their parents' financial standings.
Now we don't know how Gray's moral compass used to be as a kid. I think that he has such high morals only because he met Stephan. If he hadn't , then I don't really know what choices he'd make.
After seeing Donald get bullied, Gray would either maybe help to lead Donald down a better path than he chose in canon or idk maybe he'd just go along with him and they'd become mafia bosses together or smth XD
Whichever the case, their relationship would be based on the mutual respect they have for each other's intelligence and the subtle rivalry which would help them push each other to much higher grounds.
And that's about it. I hope you like it.
Lmk if you wanna add something more to these or if you disagree with something here!!! Always happy to have a discussion!!
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ms2jfv7os132 · 4 years
Anons are always telling you about their headcanons about Luz. Now, it's your turn! Tell us your Luz headcanons!
alright king some of my personal luz hcs for the masses (stole/got inspiration for some of these from @hellpuppy-king ty gabriel!)
- luz can and will spend hours on end just drawing glyphs in her notebook to prep for when she needs them 
- sometimes she does this absentmindedly while watching soap operas/anime with king in the living room (mostly so she has something to do to keep her from getting bored) 
- howEVER, during the times when she n king get Super Invested in the show, she’ll completely forget about the glyphs, and every once in a while eda will walk in to see luz, notebook and pencil in idle hand, both her n king on the edge of their seats with their eyes glued to the crystal ball, and just smile
- the only other way luz will work on her glyphs is with complete focus and in complete silence. the only noises she will make exceptions for are the distant clanging sounds of eda shuffling around the kitchen and king’s soft snoring if he happens to be sleeping on a pillow next to her bc they’re familiar and comforting sounds. she will not make any exceptions for hooty (and hooty has since learned to respect that)
- i just feel like luz would have a fidget spinner idk why. she’d keep one in her pocket n take it out whenever she needs it, like when she needs something for her hands to do in order to keep nervousness/anxiety in check, when she has a billion too many ideas in her brain, or when she’s just plain bored
- oh also hot take: luz’s “no thoughts head empty” look isnt actually bc no thoughts head empty it’s bc she suddenly got a bunch of ideas at once and she isn’t exactly sure how to handle having so many thoughts in her head so she kinda stands still and gets a blank expression while she sorts thru all her ideas
- maybe luz didn’t have a lot of friends her age, but camila was 100% her best friend and number one. ever since she was little, they’d do EVERYTHING together. they made up a secret code that only the two of them would understand, camila would play along as all the side characters in the make-believe games luz would come up with, and you can Bet every time luz wanted to stop by their favorite cafe for a treat camila would try to be strict only to immediately melt at luz’s adorable baby eyes
-  luz’s first language was spanish no i will not hear any alternatives bc i am right. she didn’t really learn to speak english until she went to preschool, and even now at home she switches constantly and effortlessly between spanish and english with her mom
- as a kid, luz would regularly sit camila down in their living room to watch her reenact all the plots of her favorite books or the weekly fantasy plots she'd make up on her own, complete with a cardboard stage, blankets as curtains, and props ranging from stuffed animals to glitter-covered contraptions she spent hours gluing together. camila would gasp, laugh, and cry along with every performance, and luz would always get an enthusiastic standing ovation at the end of the night without fail
- luz has been BEGGING camila for a pet since the beginning of time. as of the start of canon, she has asked for a cat, a dog, a fish, a bird, a hermit crab, a hamster, a snake, a bearded dragon, a ferret, a hedgehog, a turtle, and a chicken. camila has said no every single time.
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thebookluvrr1816 · 3 years
You always make such beautiful gifs!! I've been trying my hand at gifmaking recently and am running into one big problem: all my gifs turn blurry on tumblr mobile even though they look fine on desktop and (I think) adhere to the 540px width dimension guidelines. If you have any advice on how to create gifs that don't turn into a potato on mobile, I'd appreciate it massively!!
First of all, thank you!!! 🥺 Sweet appreciative messages like this always makes me smile :)
I tried to put together some tips that might be useful when it comes to making clearer gifs :D 
1) Footage If you want your gifs to look really good, try to use 1080p videos for giffing! (or atleast 720p) (DM me and I’ll drop you a link for a collection of 1080p bbc merlin videos if you want :D) Afterwards, you can either use screencapping or you can extract the scene you want as a clip. This tutorial explains the basics of gifmaking (and the process of screencapping) very clearly so do check it out :D (click here)
2) Tumblr Dimensions Dimensions! are! so! important! The width of your gif matters. The height? not so much. I made a gifset for the appropriate sizes below. Always make sure your gifs are sized accordingly. Or tumblr resizes your gifs to fit its dimensions, and that makes them go all wonky and grainy :’)
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3) sharpening This is probably the most important step in the gifmaking process. I use a gaussian blur to soften the gif, but sharpen settings mostly depends on the gifmaker!!!
1) Convert your layers into a smart object. (filter > convert for smart filters)
2) Duplicate the smart object. (now you have 2 layers)
3) Apply smart sharpen to the layer below. [ filter > sharpen > smart sharpen and 500% radius 0.3px (or 0.4px sometimes) I change my sharpen settings according to the scene I’m working on tbh ]
4) Apply a gaussian blur filter to the layer on top. (filter > blur > gaussian blur and 1px. Try playing around with the settings and see what fits your gif best!!) and then you can change the opacity of the blur layer as you wish. (from the slider)
Try not to oversharpen because that might cause gifs to look grainy too :(  (it’s especially tricky when working with season 1/2/3 of merlin because the footage is old and the quality is kinda worse than s4/5.)
Play around with the sharpening settings until you find a satisfactory result. Save a gif you experimented on as a draft and view it from your mobile, and check whether you like how it looks! If not, keep playing with your settings and proceed when you feel like you found the best option!! :D
4) Colouring
When colouring your gif, don’t overdo the colour balance layer. Go  wild with selective colour,(I love using selective colour) but use  colour balance wisely. Overdoing it might cause your gif to be grainy :) 
Using a lot of layers (colouring layers etc.) on your gif might affect its sharpness and quality. It has never been an issue for me, but I’ve seen some gifmakers having problems with it.
5) Save settings Save settings play an important role on the final outcome of your gif. So make sure you choose the best one! These are my save settings :
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You can use “selective” instead of “adaptive” and “diffusion” instead of “pattern” :) Choose the option that looks best on your gif :) and the looping option should be set to “forever” (I have mistakenly set it to “once” in my screenshot) As for the “quality” option below “Bicubic” works just as well as “bicubic sharper.”
I think this covers the major points of sharpening :) I hope you find this useful anon 🥺  and please don’t hesitate to drop me an ask if you need any further help!!! <3 *hugs*
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pray4jensen · 4 years
Are you hopeful about Misha being back and Dean returning Cas' feelings? I don't know what to think anymore but I'm not feeling hopeful and it makes me sad. I'm just having a hard time, I want to believe!
Hi anon! I can see how one could be skeptical because they’ve tried so hard to convince us that he wasn’t there for filming, not to mention that they really went all out with the call backs during Cas’ death scene. There was the hand print, the “wings” as the Empty takes him, and of course what definitely sounded like a deathbed one-sided love confession, but hey, they’ve also dropped a lot of clues to suggest otherwise, too! 
1) In 15.09, when Chuck shows Sam the future, it is one where Cas is dead. Cas’ death is shown directly to be the reason why Dean is hopeless in the future. He gives up completely and when he finally agrees to hunt with Sam, they fail because Dean’s unable to give it his best shot. The consequence of that hopelessness is that they get turned into vampires. A future without Cas means a future where Dean becomes the monster at the end of the book and dies, which means it is a future where Chuck wins. That doesn’t really sound like a show about free will, does it? 
2) To follow this, in 15.04, Becky specifically tells the audience that an ending with Sam and Dean dying and Cas absent is a bad ending. Becky is a fan of Supernatural, just like us, and all season, we’ve been told by the cast and crew that we’re going to get an ending that will please the fans. Chuck’s bad ending definitely wouldn’t fly with any fan of the show.
3) All of the above stresses the importance of Cas in the story. They can’t have a happy ending if he’s dead. Fifteen seasons have gone by, and we know one of the main themes of this show is free will. In 15.17, Chuck tells us that Cas is the only one who’s ever had true free will, who’s the only one who’s ever been able to influence Chuck’s story and break free of his control. By that same logic, Cas is the only one who can finally free Sam and Dean. He is the bringer of true free will and he is the only one who can hand it to humanity. 
4) And just beyond narrative reasons foreshadowing Cas’ return, there’s also what the cast has said. Misha’s confirmed Cas is queer, and if Cas died after coming out, we’d be stuck with the Bury Your Gays trope, a mistake that the writers made with Charlie in 10.21. And anon, fans have literally never let them live it down. I don’t think they’d make the same mistake twice; they were booed at Comic Con that year and the cast all saw the backlash. Misha said in his latest panel that he could see Cas’ death as Bury Your Gays, but that he felt this scene meant something more. If Cas came back and got a happy ending, it wouldn’t be Bury Your Gays anymore
5) Misha is also like...a really bad liar. He also fumbled a lot when asked about whether it was his last episode. He emphasized that that had been the last scene he shot for 15.18, not the last scene of the season. Not to mention the cast put on a little celebration for him when he ended his tenure on the show and we know it couldn’t have happened on the same night as 15.18 because when they wrapped for the episode, Misha talked about nearly dying in a plane crash that same night. This is...what truly makes me believe...it’s Misha’s nervous babbling during the interview...
As for whether I think Dean will also return Cas’ feelings with a love confession, there’s evidence for that, too:
1) In 15.09, when Dean loses Cas in purgatory, Dean tells Cas that he has something to say. Cas tells him he heard his prayer, but the look on Dean’s face strongly suggests otherwise. Whatever he has to say, it isn’t in the prayer we heard. It’s a loose end and a very important one at that. All season they’ve stressed the consequences of Dean’s anger and Dean’s prayer was all about anger and release. Bottling up his feelings and leaving that bit of whatever Dean wanted to say unsaid wouldn’t resolve this storyline in a satisfactory way.
2) Even during the confession itself, Dean wanted to say things. He wanted more time, he told Cas not to do this, and he sobbed when Cas got pulled away. If we don’t hear anything more about Dean’s feelings and what he was going to say, it would be HIGHWAY ROBBERY, and again, an unsatisfactory resolution to his story
3) Not to mention during the same episode as the confession, Charlie and Sam both had their girlfriends taken from them. Dean had his friend taken? Um. Try boyfriend. If Dean never confesses and lets the audience know that Cas is his romantic partner, this would be very strange writing...
4) My last piece of evidence is literally the last 12 years. The mixtape, people asking him if he had a break-up whenever he fights with Cas, people asking him who he’s pining for, people asking him if he can imagine having a romantic partner who understands the life and like, just the fact that he literally loses his will to live whenever anyone tries to take Cas away from him. Like listen, I watched the last seven years of this story unfold week by week. In that manner, it’s actually harder to see how much Dean longs for him. But recently, I’ve been rewatching the show with my roommate. When you’re binging it, Dean’s incessant about it. He’s always asking about Cas when Cas is gone. He’s always hopeless, always broken without him. Sam spends like every episode comforting him about it. It would be incredibly foolish for the writers to not address Dean’s side when they went ahead with Cas’ side. Also, I’ll like literally show up at their houses with a pitchfork.
Will it be anything like Cas’ confession? Will there be a kiss? Frankly, I don’t know, but never in my life did I ever imagine something as textual as Cas’ confession either so I’m HOPEFUL, more hopeful than I’ve been in years. I do think 100% Dean will return Cas’ feelings, but whether it will be as obvious as Cas’ confession and whether the show will depict an actual romantic relationship in the finale remains to be seen. 
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calliecat93 · 3 years
Hi Callie! In your opinion, what are the top ten best Mccoy centric episodes in TOS? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, thanks for reading anyways! ❤️
Ooh, good question! This is a little hard because McCoy, compared to Kirk and Spock, didn’t get a lot of centric episodes. Actually I think he only really got like… two out of 79 episodes (depending on how you view it). But he DOES have a large prescence in others, so let me see here…
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1. The Empath Technically it’s a Triumvirate episode, but this has McCoy’s best moment in the entire show. Like if you want to understand McCoy’s character, this is the episode that you turn to. I already blabbed about why once so I’ll let that go into it for me.
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2. For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky: While some of the execution is a bit iffy, this is still a realy excellent episode. Mainly because DeForest Kelley plays McCoy here with everything that he has and just nails everything, McCoy’s sadness, loneliness, and invevat le fate of dying in a year, masterfully. The episode would be NOWHERE near as good if not for De Kelley.
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3. The Man Trap: This and the last one are the only two McCoy-centric episodes, at least that I recall. This one often gets overlooked since it’s first so I think that the emotional impact gets lost. But God McCoy in this episode is just outright tragic. I wrote a whole post about it because it felt so unfair that it was overlooked because there is SO MUCH there. Also mrke amazing De Kelley acting
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4. All Our Yesterdays: While McCoy does spend a good chunk of it passed out from hypothermia, he is freakin’ excellent in this episode. He’s not only hilarious (“He means it’s cold!”, De’s delivery made me burst out laughing) but when he’s finally awake, he’s just freakin’ awesome. He put himself at GREAT risk to snap Spock out of his mental state and then went ‘screw it’ and tried to find the portal home cause he wants his life back, with or without Spock (but preferably with Spock). He’s just great~!
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5. Return to Tomorrow: This whole episode is super underrated. It’s the one where the alien beings posess Kirk, Spock, and Lady of the Week’s bodies. McCoy is the ONLY rational person in the episode and the one who has to deal with the majority of the problem. He has to both worry about everyone’s minds in the orbs and what the aliens do to their human bodies and is VERY concerned throughout. It also demonstrates how devkted to his profession and oath that he is. He even outright risks Kirk dying for good, as painful as it is for him, because it would mean allowing another to die and like Hell is he doing that. Seriously, this one is so freakin’ overlooked.
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6. Bread and Circuses/The Immunity Syndrome/The Tholian Web: Yeah three way tie cause they all have one thing in common: they feature his complicated relationship with Spock. The first one I wrote a whole meta about already. It’s a Spones analysis, but it reflects why McCoy himself is great in this episode along with all hos geneal grumpy snark throughout. Oh and the ending with him throwing a mattess at a guy… and he wins IIRC. Best underrated comedy moment EVER. With the second, he’s not at all happy with Spock being picked over him to examine the amoeba and that Spock may die. Their whole interaction in the hangar, McCoy waiting until the doors close to wish Spock luck, Spock’s seeming final words, and of course “Shut up Spock! We’re rescuing you!”. The last one of course has Kirk gone and McCoy is angry, grieving, and stressed with everyone losing their minds and Spcok pressuring him to fix it all at the same time and he takes it out on Spock. Then they see Kirk’s final message and we all know what happens after. All three do such a great job showing how much McCoy cares about Spock and showcasing how great they really are together, and not even just the shippy sense. Only reason they’re at six is because of how closely tied to Spock he is in those episodes instead of being the central character, but he IS still central in them and showcase some of his best moments. So I hope I got my point across XD
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7. A Private Little War: The episode’s message is kind of… questionable. But ignoring thay, McCoy is the real freakin’ hero of this story. It’s only because of him that Kirk survived and he’s more than willing to contront him on his questionable decision making. Which is the very thing that Kirk brought him for to begin with. It’s one of the best episode to show how much he cares about Kirk and the lengths he’ll go for him. Oh and he kept Spock from dying along with Chapel and M’Benga. Thank God he has competent medical staff who can do the job without him XD
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8. Journey to Babel: Okay yes this is a Spock episode, but McCoy is VERY prominent throughout. He’s both hilarious in the cold opening and we all remember his reaction to Spock’s ‘teddy bear’ XD. But he managed to conduct a VERY risky surgery that put Spock and Sarek at great risk if he screwed up. A surgery he’s never really conducted. And during a battle that causes frequent rattling to boot. He succeeded and the episode appropriately rewards him by allowing him the final word. It’s not only oen of the best episodes showing why he’s the CMO, but he’s just freakin’ great the whole episode.
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9. Amok Time: Again it’s a Spock episode, but I repeat what I said about Return to Tomorrow: McCoy is the real hero. He’s the one who recognizes that something is horribly wrong, puts up with zero excuses, actually usus logic to get Spock to comply, and of course it was him who saved both Kirk and Spock’s sorry butts. They’d both likely be dead had McCoy not been there. He may have had the least screentime of the three, but he damn wel made up for it.
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10. Operation: Annahilate: It has one of the saddest but strongest McCoy scenes. Through the whole episode he’s super protectice of Spock, running various tests to get rid of the parasites and trying to keep Kirk’s kid nephew alive all at the same time. Then he gets made by Kirk and Spock to risk blinding the latter… and DOES blind him. Then his face when the test result revelaed that he didn’t need to use an jntense light and being outright unresponsive when Kirk calls him later… just ouch. It’s one of those moments I wish it had gone more in depth, but upseide is we have haply McCoy by the end. Want proof of how much he cares for Spock and others? Here you go
And he has really good scenes in other episodes despite varying levels of prominence (Miri, Space Seed, The Galileo Seven, This Side of Pradise, The City on the Edge of Forever, Mirror, Mirror, Friday’s Child, The Ultimate Computer, Spock’s Brain… no seriosuly he’s the biggest bright spot in that and for certain S3 episodes tbh). It’s a HUGE shame that he was treated like the third wheel both in series and the films, and even now gets the raw end of the deal in popular media. But I hope that this was a satisfactory list Anon. Sorry it got all wordy and long, I can’t help myself sometimes XD
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van-zieksy · 2 years
Dear van zieksy,
Hello how are you doing? I’ve been thinking about more questions to ask you about Barok our dear reaper (yes it’s me that anon) but I keep coming short on what to ask since I pretty much been given interesting and I think on point answers before. Nevertheless I couldn’t help myself because I enjoy your writing it feels like I go back few centuries and two and I wish I could become as good writer as you are but that is still work in progress. As I’ve been pondering on what to ask I remembered that we haven’t got much of your insight on Barok’s first true friend from university days - Albert Harebrayne! What do you think how would a normal everyday university life looked like for both Albert and Barok? How did they meet and how their friendship started(I don’t think that was mentioned I scarcely remember they played chess?? I would like your more elaborate insight on that - who used to win the most - not gonna like most likely Barok). I sincerely hope that this question albeit probably not that great would be satisfactory to provife answer on your free time.
I wish you all the best
Yours our dear reaper anon aka Reaper-san
P.S: Maybe I should think of better nickname to be known for but for now I guess calling me Reaper-san shall do
( I tried to write this question in a style of a letter addressed to you I hope you liked it and if you did I can I use this style of writing at our next “encouter” too)
Greetings, Reaper-san! (I like the nickname you have chosen for yourself.)
I do appreciate that you took the time to send me this ask. I like your „letter-style“ ask, so let’s exchange proverbial letters from here on out. :D Please know that I am always glad to hear from you. Any and all questions are appreciated and valid! Further, thank you so much for your kind words! Without further ado, let’s see what we can dig up about Albert’s and Barok’s friendship.
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I have to preface this by saying that we do not know much about their university days, so many of the aspects I am going to mention are headcanons that I have crafted for myself. When you see italicised words, then that refers to something that a character actually said in the game. I think the way they have met was quite unspectacular yet silly. It’s Albert we’re speaking of, so of course it was unconventional! I think they did spend quite a bit of time together, but their time together was still limited due to social obligations, their studies, and so forth. We do know that Barok was – and still is – a gentleman who gladly assists other people. Based on this I have had two scenarios in my head for a while. So let’s dive right in.
1. In this scenario Barok happens across Albert in the library on campus. The young scientist in training is struggling with getting his hands on a particular book that is too high up for someone of his size and hence out of reach, like so many things in his life. That cutting edge screwdriver he saw at the hardware store earlier this week, or his dream of living in Germany to become a scientist worthy of showcasing his latest inventions to the world. If only he were born into a wealthier family. Not that his family is struggling financially, but they aren’t rich nobility either. He lets out a deep sigh. Sadly, there is no ladder nearby. Who constructed this library? They should have asked for his input. A sharply-dressed, tall young man catches a glimpse of this lean, eccentric student with hair reminiscent of cotton candy and can’t help but smile at the desperate but also endearing sight. He decides to approach this curious individual, „Good day, sir. It appears you are in need of assistance. Pray, allow me to help you,“ and he grabs the book from the highest shelf to hand it to Albert. Of course the blonde man is in awe, having never seen a person of such an impressive size and statue, or majestic elegance, for that matter. Without even realising it, he accepts the book. „Thank you...sir...You are too kind...ehm…“ What to say, what to say?!! From what he has read, introducing yourself is always recommended in social situations such as this one. „I am Albert, Albert Harebrayne, but please just call me Albert. Everyone just calls me Albert, because...well...I’m not that special hahaha,“ he says as he nervously scratches the back of his head. „At least not as special as you are. I mean, just look at you. You’re obviously nobility. And a giant...and so fancy...and so…..handsome. Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that! I….“. The other man has to stop Albert there before he can incriminate himself even more but is trying really hard to suppress a chuckle. The distinguished gentleman he is, he simply responds in a polite yet firm tone, „It is alright, good sir. I do not mind. As a matter of fact, people stare at me all the time. I have gotten very good at ignoring the curious masses by now. I am Barok van Zieks, but you may call me Barok. No honorary title, please.“ He bows slightly with a tender smirk on his face. What is it about this regal man that is drawing him in? Albert feels overwhelmed, but in a good way. It’s as if this young lord, or whatever he may be, is absorbing the whole room with his presence, and at the same time he can’t make him out at all. „Pray, allow me to point out that I am not special either. I suggest you do not let my status as a noble scare you away. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Albert Harebrayne.“ „Oh,“ is all Albert can manage to utter as he bites his fingernails, face as red as the red shirt he is wearing under his laboratory coat today. This grandiose, imposing man who looks like he just jumped out of a fashion parade isn’t as self-important as he looks. Maybe they can become friends? Albert doesn’t have any real friends because he’s so preoccupied with his studies. It would be nice to have someone he can rely on, and vice versa, be someone others can count on. This peculiar Barok van Zieks may even be able to solve some of his problems.
2. Once again Albert is in a precarious situation. He wouldn’t be Albert Harebrayne if he weren’t. But this time he ends up dropping all his books as he scurries about on the university grounds trying to make it to his next lesson in time. As Albert is leaning down to pick up his books, a large shadow is slowly approaching and engulfing him from behind. „P-p-please don’t hurt me! I am just a poor scientist with no money!“ A few seconds pass, but to his surprise, no one is attacking him. He then observes the overwhelming shadow slowly move around him until it manifests itself in the form of a very tall, muscular young man dressed in clothing of simple elegance. This man is now standing right in front of him. Even without his iconic stoic face and scar and his ultra-tight prosecutor outfit highlighting every nook and cranny of his toned body, Barok can look intimidating to people, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Albert thinks that this younger version of our prosecutor is another one of those „rowdies who always try to steal people’s lunch money,“ but this time they must have sent the most intimidating guy amongst their ranks. Just as Albert is mentally preparing himself to be knocked to the ground, he lifts up his head ever so slightly and ends up staring into light blue eyes as enchanting and deep as the ocean. Now that he thinks about it, they are actually similar to his eye colour. Those eyes tell him that this person is a gentle, kind soul, and sure enough, the towering figure leans down to pick up the books for him. „Pray forgive the discourtesy of scaring you. It was not my intention. Please allow me to accompany you and carry these books for you.“ Albert is clearly shocked. „B-but why would YOU out of all people do that? You’re obviously one of those, those fancy nobles. I-I think. Just look at your outfit. Everything has its place. It probably cost more than my parents earn in wages in a year! And it looks so gallant on your...well, impressive body.“ Oh no, what did he just say?!! Can he please just sink into the ground? „I didn’t mean it like that! I’m so sorry! Anyway, yes, I have calculated that you must be a lord, even, or whatever they call people like you. In fact, I think I recognise that family crest. I’ve seen it in the newspaper before. It belongs to Lord...Lord...I forget his name. He’s some important figure in the judiciary. So why in the world would you lower yourself to my level just to help me? It’s not even your fault I dropped my stupid books in the first place. Argh.“ The other man stares at him intensely, slighly irritated...or hurt? „Sir, I do believe we have something in common. People judge you and take advantage of your good nature based on your...unassuming appearance. Well, people are also quick to judge me based on my appearance. Despite my build, I am no rowdy who wishes to inflict harm on people. While you are correct in assuming that I am an aristocrat, I would like for you to understand that I do not think of myself as above others. This may be a common occurence amongst people of my kind, but I assure you I am a human being just like you. Neither of us got to choose the families we were born into. I am Barok van Zieks. Barok, for you. There is no need for you to address me by my title.“ Barok offers his gloved right hand to Albert to help him up, which he shyly accepts. After this unexpected gesture of kindness, Albert looks at this new acquaintance of his sheepishly and wonders how he always ends up making a fool out of himself, yet Barok doesn’t seem to mind, an understanding smile now gracing his lips. Yes, this noble is an unassuming, extremely pleasant, all-around nice fellow, Albert just knows it. Maybe they could even become friends. But from now on, he should really think before he opens his mouth. Most importantly, he should take the time to properly study and analyse people before judging them. Yes, this also applies to trusting others. His aloof nature may get him in much greater trouble in the future.
The two young students decided to stay in contact and made a habit of meeting up a few times a week to get to know each other better. While their paths didn’t cross as often as they would have liked because Barok was in the faculty of law, while Albert was in science, they did spend some time together after school and on the weekends. Barok even invited Albert to his manor for him to meet his family. That’s how Albert realised that the Van Zieks name carries a lot of clout. Barok is indeed a man with great aristocratic origins, and based on how loving his family treated him, the little darling of the Van Zieks family. Despite their differences in status and study paths, they became good friends. Barok himself seems to be suprised that they got along so well (to quote him: „But curiously, we got along.“), but it does make sense. They may appear to be the exact opposite of each other on the surface, but they do have quite a few things in common and complement each other well. Both are kind, dedicated, humble, intelligent and gentle souls who are often misunderstood and even taken advantage of. Barok has always been on the more quiet side and exuded this mysterious depth he still has to this day. Yet he learned to navigate social situations well. Albert, on the other hand, is an outgoing individual who carries all of his feelings and thoughts on a tray, but he’s not very good around people. Albert benefitted from Barok’s quiet dignity and experiences, while Barok allowed himself to be less serious around his new friend. Barok never thought of himself as being above Albert. The fact that Albert was not of noble heritage didn’t bother him in the least. Barok must have thought highly of Albert’s family, too, as he refers to them as a respectable family. In fact, I do think that he supported Albert in his endeavours, whether it be the occasional financial support or the continuous emotional support. I am certain Barok did more for Albert than we know.
Whenever Albert is involved, Barok’s protective instincts kick in. Let’s be real, Albert is a menace (affectionate). He does rely on other people to get him out of the most ridiculous situations. Think how he, once again, relied on Barok at the end of the second game when he accidentally ended up in one of the more expensive hotels in London and couldn’t pay for his room. Barok is a protective person who thinks of others before he thinks of himself. Seeing them interact in the games, and how Barok almost adopts a fatherly stance when Albert is involved, is very adorable. During Albert’s trial, Barok was the one who painted him as an honourable man of science because he knew that this was more important to Albert than anything else in his life. Albert didn’t even have to voice his concerns. Barok was the one party involved in the trial that realised from the outset that the whole experiment was a farce, but in order to protect his friend’s reputation and invention, he had to temporarily pretend the whole situation was murder. He put his faith in Ryunosuke and waited on him to open his eyes. He had to wait on the defence to point out in front of its client that everything must have been a scam, so Barok could then work together with Ryuu to establish that Albert was just a victim in this whole ordeal. After Albert has been declared innocent and the whole truth has been revealed, Barok sensed Albert’s mental anguish, so he went on to lift him up. And as much as Barok wanted to spend time with his friend, he knew that he had to send him back to Germany in order to protect him. Albert always knew that Barok had his best interests at heart, just like he always did. Whereas Barok just knew that he had to help his old friend. He never questioned his loyalty to Albert, despite not having seen each other in over ten years, not to mention that Albert wasn’t even aware of the tragedy that has befallen his long-lost friend.
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I imagine Albert was very chatty even during his university days. Due to his overzealous dedication to his studies, he tried to engage Barok in conversations about his experiments and many hypotheses whenever they spent time together. Even though Barok only understood half of what his eccentric friend was talking about, he listened patiently and provided his own input. Sometimes, though, he had to tell Albert to just sit back and relax for his own sake. The young man was so engaged in his studies, he often forgot to eat, sleep and do other everyday things. Every once in a while you could see Barok carry plates with food and tea to Albert’s dormitory room. Oftentimes Albert forgot they were supposed to meet up after dinner, so Barok went to his room only to find him asleep in his chair. Barok would then carry him to bed and leave a handwritten note on his table to let him know what happened: „Good morning, Albert. It seems foolish of me to keep writing these notes every time I encounter you asleep in your room when there must be a more efficient way to let you know that you have once again missed one of our engagements. Please do not overstrain yourself. I do not wish for you to be in pain. I will see you at lunch tomorrow, which—just to be sure—means today for you. With fondest regards, your friend Barok (van Zieks).“
How did they pass their time together? Their outings weren’t particularly exciting. They just enjoyed being in each other’s presence. During the week there wasn’t much time to do anything anyway, so they mainly just talked, went for walks and read together, but on the weekends, Albert would sometimes visit the Van Zieks mansion. This is also when they would attend stage performances or museums together. Albert appreciated performances for their mechanical nature. Everyone involved, every puzzle piece is neatly arranged in a pre-determined order, working together to create a final product where everything make sense in retrospect. During the summers, when Barok spent some of his time at one of his family’s vacation homes, Albert would join them for a week or two. Barok did everything he could to distract Albert from his studies. Some of the activities the interesting pair partook in: lazy strolls through the beautiful countryside, horseback riding (Albert did pretty well, actually!), swimming (with protective clothing, of course), singing/dancing/playing instruments/painting/writing poems (mainly Barok, but Albert would watch or sometimes join in), enjoying lavish meals (Klint was proud to be able to provide some ingredients for those meals, which Barok and Albert weren’t too fond of, but they didn’t have the heart to tell him), cycling (it’s a good thing bikes are sturdy, so Barok did just fine), and so forth. You get the idea.
You have brought up chess. I actually do think that Barok enticed Albert to some rounds of chess. Sadly, it didn’t turn out to be Albert’s favourite pastime. While he enjoyed the abstract idea behind it, the rules did not make much sense to him (how can a pawn become a king or a queen??), so he never won. Well, Barok did let him win once, but of course Albert immediately realised what has happened and scolded his friend for thinking he takes any pride in winning, yet he appreciated the thoughtful gesture nonetheless. We must not forget about the family vineyards. On selected weekends or during his time off, Barok wanted to oversee the growth and harvest and brought Albert along a few times. This didn’t end up the way Barok envisioned it. While Barok handpicked some grapes for his special creations, Albert would do his own harvesting, which entailed nothing more than eating grapes directly from the vines. All this talk about wine making went above his head. Barok didn’t have it within himself to be angry at his companion for satisfying his sweet tooth, so he just let him be. After all, a friendship is about mutual giving and receiving. While Barok did – and still does - most of the giving, he couldn’t deny that his friendship with Albert brought him so much joy, which in itself meant he was also on the „receiving“ end.
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Thank you again for the ask! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
With gratitude,
Ps. As for Albert’s comments on Barok’s appearance: I am not implying—nor denying—a romantic relationship of any kind. People are free to see their relationship as anything they want. I had Albert comment on Barok’s looks because a) he says pretty much anything that comes to mind, b) remember how he complimented another character in the game, so there is a precedent, c) I think it is okay to compliment people—regardless of their gender/orientation/etc.—on their looks/style/personality/etc., even if there is no romantic interest or physical attraction, d) Barok does stand out, so it’s not surprising that people take note. I personally see them as friends, but I also enjoy when people have them be something else.
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autumn-writes · 3 years
Can i get komeada with a Fem! S/o who willingly Claims they're a talentless recourse student, but when he reads her Files later, it turns out she purposely Lied, and is in fact non other than the ULTIMATE hope
certainly! i've been thinking of how to write this request for a while, and with a lot of changes of decision, i decided to make this a one shot. sorry this took a while, hope you're still with me nonnie.
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Hidden Hope
Nagito Komaeda x Reader
Nagito had always thought you were suspicious, ever since the very first day he met you.
"My name is S/O S/N. I... Unfortunately do not have a talent, but I hope to work well with you all."
Confusion. That was all I he could feel about your presence. Why was a talentless person put with a group filled with symbols of hope? Sure, he didn't consider himself a part of the group but at least he had a talent, despite it being trashy.
The announcement of the killing school trip had been a shocker to everyone. Everyone was forced to live their lives on this trip on edge, in fear of the next second possibly being their final.
Nagito didn't know how to act, but he certainly wasn't going to treat you nice. I mean, what worth do you have, possessing no talent that could make you a harbinger of hope for the future? You don't deserve the kindness he would treat others with. Not at all.
The first trial had arrived fast. The death of Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Progeny has happened. Nagito, along with a certain someone was aware of all the things that happened. After all, the Progeny's death was caused by them.
Things seemed hopeless, the situation not going well at all. Clues could barely be scraped and as for the truth? Everyone seemed like they had been thrown into a sea with a metal weight around their leg as they desperately tried their best to swim upwards and survive. Everything was going terribly wrong. This trip wasn't supposed to—
And that's when you spoke up.
"You all can't fall into despair so easily! The truth, we're close. We have to be. Don't lose hope!"
There. The phrase "don't lose hope" left your lips.
Nagito sneered, basically mocking you of your words.
"And what exactly would talentless student know of hope? Please, you probably don't know what you're talking about."
Everyone fell silent at Nagito's words. It wasn't that they agreed with him, they just couldn't—
"If I know one thing, Komaeda, it's that I know hope better than anyone else."
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Since that time, your words have been engraved in Nagito's mind.
"If I know one thing, Komaeda, it's that I know hope better than anyone else."
Something was up with you. The words that you spoke to him, they were filled with so much... Seriousness. It didn't seem like you were messing around when you said that.
Trial after trial had passed, classmates and friends slowly falling like flies. Until, the fourth.
Nekomaru Nidai, who had been turned into a robot, was murdered. And the culprit? One of the students, of course. That's how this game works.
To be of use, Nagito had decided to go through the Final Dead Room, a room where a game of life or death stay present. You either make it out alive, or your corpse rots inside.
The Final Dead Room was no match for the male's deduction. He had gone through the escape room as if it were a breeze.
The door of the room opened, revealing a revolver and some bullets. Ah, so he was supposed to play Russian Roulette.
Not wasting a second, the male loaded the gun with 5 bullets and pointed it to his head before pulling the trigger, despite Monomi's desperate claims for him to stop. Luckily for him, he survived.
Surviving the game at the highest difficulty, Nagito received two prizes from the bear. One being knowledge of funhouse's structure, and second being a file containing all of the students' information.
'This is it,' Nagito thought. He could finally learn the truth. He could finally learn what your talent was. He doubted your claims before, and he sure as hell still didn't believe in them now.
You were mysterious and suspicious from the get-go. There was just no way you could be talentless. The hope that shines in your eyes... It's even more remarkable than the symbols of hope he had come to worship. There was just some things about you that he knew he didn't know,
and he was determined to find out what they were, starting with your true talent.
He had opened the file, his eyes immediately scanning the pages littered with words that had been absorbed by his mind. Each new discovery only becoming worse and worse.
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Leaving the Octagon, Nagito used the secret passage that had been one of his gifts and made his way to Grape House where you, as well as a few others resided for the time being.
Nagito was still flabbergasted from his discoveries. The fact that he and the rest were Remnants of Despair, that they had been using their talents for the despair of mankind, ruining the future. He had found out that Hajime was talentless from the Reserve Course, too.
But that wasn't the most surprising. When he had gotten to your information, he had made a pause before proceeding to read, the words inked on the papers burning into his mind.
'S/O S/N, also known as the Ultimate Hope. They were the only student who had managed to escape the brainwashing performed by the mastermind of it all. S/N, despite doing their best, had failed to pull their classmates out of the Ultimate Despair's hands. Up till today, they most certainly have not given up. They will not stop until Hope is restored within each and every student. At least, that was stated by them.'
Upon reading the information underneath your student profile, Nagito could only think of how he's gotten everything wrong.
He had treated the Ultimate Hope horribly, while the Remnants of Despair had been praised and held up high.
Worthless. Mere dirt on the bottom of your shoe. That was what he was. He'd do anything to make it up to the Ultimate Hope, anything. And that is when his mind had started to think craftily.
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You had made observations on things that had changed noticably. You had made note of Nagito's change of attitude directed towards you.
He seemed to worship the air you breathe and the ground you walk on. He helped you during the fourth trial, disregarding everyone else and even throwing his malice at them.
What was up with him? Why the sudden change? You made another note to confront him about it soon.
So now here you are, resting on your bed. You were thinking of how to approach Nagito about what had happened when all of a sudden, a knock on your door disrupted your thoughts.
Looking up at the clock you had, it was 10:00 in the night. Nighttime, to be more precise.
Cautiously, you walked to the door and opened it, and on the other side, you saw the man that you were just thinking about.
Raising an eyebrow at him, he made a motion as if asking you if he could come in, to which you obliged. He had entered your cottage, clutching what seems to be a file.
He took a few steps in, before dropping down to his knees. The file in his arms opening conveniently to the page where your information is written.
Your eyes widened upon catching sight of what was written underneath your profile. So he knows...
"Why didn't you tell anyone? You didn't have to hide anything, S/N. If you had said you were the Ultimate Hope, I— I would've kissed your boots and let you kick dirt in my mouth-! Ha— AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
Insane. That was one word to describe him as of now. Nagito looked up at you, the swirling insanity in his green-gray eyes being something you were familiar with already.
He clutched onto your arm, as if he were steadying himself before hoisting himself off the ground. He was still wheezing, laughter not dying down at all.
"You are the Ultimate Hope. The person who I admire. For the Hope of mankind, you must- you must escape! But don't you worry sweet, precious hope. I'll be sure to get you out of here. I could let you kill me—! I'll take them all down with me! You'll get out of here, I'm sure of it.
Even if it's the last thing I do."
You are hope hidden from the rest. The one true hope that can save everyone from despair. It didn't matter to Nagito if he had to die. It didn't matter to him if he had to take them down with him. You were needed. After all, you were...
the hidden hope of mankind. you mustn't die. even if a few sacrifices are made, you must live on.
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finally finished this. this took so long anon i'm so so sorry ;;-;; i wasn't contented with the previous endings i've written, so i kept re-writing this till i was finally satisfied with how this went.
i hope you enjoyed this! do tell me if this wasn't to your liking! i'll try my best to re-write it if it wasn't satisfactory. do take care of yourself and stay safe! eat your meals, stay hydrated, and refrain from overworking yourself.
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hitoshiikigai · 4 years
Foreign Feelings
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anon request: Hiya there Sen!! I love your blog and i would love to read more of your writings. Can i request an imagine for being like a first year european shy student and becoming Nekoma’s manager, she slowly develops a crush for kenma but doesn’t know how to express her feelings because of language and because she thinks kenma won’t return her feelings
‪(o_ _)ノ彡☆ a/n 「i made it gender neutral, i hope that's ok and if it's not, i can change it to your liking! also, this is my first romance fic in my whole life, i hope it's satisfactory(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ i feel like i just forgot the slowly part-」
‪pronouns used: they/them
‪word count: 2.8k
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You continuously repeat your introduction in your head as you wait for your turn. It's ok, you can do this, you've learnt this in basic Japanese lessons, it's just a few lines. Nothing too complicated!
The voice of the person behind you breaks the chant in your mind, "I'm Haiba Lev and..." Your thoughts block out the rest of his introduction. Is he a foreigner too? That name definitely does not sound Japanese but you note of his perfect pronunciation- a screech of a chair moving startles you and you're suddenly aware of the eyes of your new classmates staring right at you.
Sucking in a deep breath, you stand up, doing a bow, the Japanese words tumbling clumsily out of your mouth, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)- no wait- (L/N) (Y/N), please just call me (y/n). Nice to meet all of you." You keep your eyes on your desk as you bow once again before sitting back down. You pretend not to notice the murmurs and sounds of interest about the two foreign students in their class, busying yourself by preparing your things for the lesson.
Mechanical pencil on the right. Pencil case right above your notebook. The ruler-
"Psst... Hey, you're not from Japan, right?" You turn around to meet glowing green eyes that somehow made you feel like you were looking into a cat's eyes instead. You nod and he grins in what you could guess as excitement. However, before he could say any more, he was cut off by the teacher signalling the start of class.
Maybe he's a potential friend?
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After a few lessons of trying to keep up with the lessons taught in Japanese, your brain's finally granted with a break from trying to translate and you can't help the sigh that escapes you as you rest your cheek on your table, closing your eyes.
"Hey Y/N! Wanna have lunch with me?" You open your eyes to see your tall classmate looming over you- right, his name's Lev. Or should you call him Haiba?
You quickly weigh the pros and cons of eating with him. He seems like a nice person to be friends with and having a non-Japanese friend in this less-than-familiar country could definitely do you some good, maybe your Japanese can improve faster as well. But... you were planning to just find some nice quiet spot to listen to music in hopes of preventing the growing headache, a result of an overwhelming first day.
Well, there's no harm, you suppose... "Sure, I don't mind," you agree and you search for your wallet in your bag as Lev waits patiently.
Once he sees you're ready, he smiles widely and starts walking to the cafeteria most likely and you follow him, having to walk slightly faster to keep up.
"Where are you from? I'm half-Russian but I can't speak Russian. Oh! I know a few people here already! I visited the school before the school year started and made friends with people from the volleyball team. I'm actually gonna join the team once they start taking in applicants and-" Lev rambles on and you could only hum or nod, insert a few words of your own when he asks a question until you reach the cafeteria.
"Lev! Here! You're late!" You see a student with black messy hair that spikes up everywhere except for the fringe that covers his right eyes waving his arm. Lev bounds up to the table with you in tow and you can already see a few curious eyes examining you. Your gaze sweeps across the table, an uninterested guy playing with a switch catching your eyes a tiny fraction longer than the others before you look down at the floor, shuffling just a bit behind Lev, your current shield.
"This is Y/N, my new friend! They're not from Japan and I thought I could show them around," Lev claps his hands on your shoulders and moves you forward, putting you right in the spotlight.
Oh no. Ok, deep breaths. A simple introduction, no big deal. It's definitely a smaller group, better than a whole class.
"H-hi..." You clear your throat, cursing yourself mentally for the stutter, and repeat yourself with what you hope was a stronger voice. There's a chorus of greetings and before you even realise, you find yourself squished between Lev and a friendly-looking guy with a buzzcut, who you soon come to know as Kai, after a round of introductions.
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How did you end up here? In a gym full of flying balls that could accidentally hit your face anytime? With your arms full of water bottles that you just filled up? You definitely did not sign up for this... Ok, well technically you did, you just didn't know what was in store. Try being a manager just for one practice, they said. Somehow, it feels like you were tricked somewhere along the line.
You hand the water bottles to the boys, jolting slightly when your hand unintentionally brushes against Kenma's. He thanks you quietly and you only nod in acknowledgment, avoiding any form of eye-contact with him and quickly moving on to hand the rest of the water bottles out before going back to the sidelines to watch.
It's really amazing watching them play. Everyone seems so coordinated with each other and the teamwork is seamless. Despite that, there are a few individuals that pique your interest: Yaku who seems to be able to teleport anywhere in the court, Lev with his tall and powerful stature, and more importantly, Kenma with his smart plays. It's like he calls the game, dictating where and how the ball goes and it's a whole experience observing him. Of course, the other members are amazing in their own ways, watching the team play is like watching a well-oiled machine working.
"How are you, Y/N?" Kai asks from beside you, wiping his sweat and giving you a warm smile.
You peel your eyes away from the quiet setter to answer Kai, and also to make sure you aren't caught staring at the certain player, "It's..." You try to find the correct words in your brain as Kai waits patiently for your answer. "It's nice... to watch. Everyone's good." You blush in embarrassment at the simple words you used, not having the full vocabulary to communicate what you really want to say. Kai, being the angel he is, makes a noise of approval and gives another warm smile which at least make you relax.
"If you need help with anything, you can ask any of us," he tells you before going back to the courts. You bow to him which he only waves off, laughing amiably.
After attending a few more practice sessions and having lunch with the team almost every break, you've grown a bit more comfortable with them, especially with Kai and Yaku, along with Lev. The team always tried their best to use simpler words whenever they spoke to you and you're definitely grateful for their efforts. However, there's just one person you've barely interacted with:
Kozume Kenma.
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The third years obviously noticed the lack of interaction, especially Kuroo and he made it his own personal mision to try to get the two of you to talk to each other more, albeit with many difficulties.
"Come on, Kenma. You don't think I don't notice you paying attention anytime Y/N talks? You're not exactly very slick, you always pause your games just for Y/N," Kuroo nudges Kenmas side with his elbow which Kenma slaps away in irritation.
"Shut up Kuroo."
Kuroo leans in closer to Kenma, "You can't tell me you don't notice Y/N staring at you during practice? Blushing whenever you're 5 metres away from each other? Or when-"
"Kuroo, please just shut up," Kenma groans and glares at his switch, clicking away at the buttons and suppressing the urge to scream in anger as the words 'GAME OVER' flash on the screen. Instead, he closes his eyes, inhaling deeply before letting out a long sigh.
Kuroo smiles knowingly before his eyes shift over to something behind Kenma.
"Kuroo-senpai? Kenma-senpai? Has Kai-san arrived yet? I need to ask him something..." Kenma stiffens as your soft voice reaches his ears. He bristles at the 'senpai' title attached to his name, wanting you to just rid of the honorific altogether. He was supposed to tell you, in fact, he had been wanting to tell you to just refer to him casually just like everyone does but he never got the chance. How could he when your conversations only last 30 seconds long each time?
Jump. Jump. Duck. Ju- GAME OVER.
He pressed down his buttons more aggressively, a frown slowly forming on his face. Why couldn't he be more talkative? Why is talking so hard? Why is talking to YOU so hard? Lev does it so easily, Kai too, and Yaku and... and just everyone in the team but him.
You stare in concern as you watch Kenma play angrily with his game and you look to Kuroo for answers only to be met with a shrug.
"Yaku will be running late, some class meeting or something," Kuroo stands up and stretches, walking out of the gym, "Meanwhile, I'll go get my things."
The sounds from Kenma's game filled up the awkward silence and you take a moment to steel yourself, walking towards Kenma. "A-are you okay, Kenma-senpai? You look... angry?" At your question, Kenma's fingers still and the sounds suddenly stopped.
Kenma looks up at you and places his switch on his lap before looking away. "I'm okay... I'm not angry." He mumbles and you smile in relief at his words. "Do you want to play?" He suddenly offers his switch to you and you blink in shock, never really having known or seen him to ever share his switch with someone, simply rejecting anyone- save for that tangerine boy from another school- who tried to even get their hands on his beloved switch.
Noticing your hesitance, he places the gadget on the bench, between the two of you, letting you take your time. You look back to search for anything that will clue you in if he doesn’t actually want to do this, but finding none, you gingerly take it, careful not to drop it or at least try to not leave any embarrassingly sweaty fingerprints. You feel Kenma shifting closer to you to get a closer look at the screen and you don’t know if you feel lightheaded from him being the closest he has ever been that you can actually feel body heat radiating from him or from forgetting to breathe. Trying to focus on the little digital character instead and your fingers clumsily hitting the buttons, a contrast to the way his nimble fingers moved with muscle memory.
And if you felt butterflies in your stomach as he occasionally positioned your fingers on the correct button, the butterflies immediately flew away the moment Lev walks in the gym and you were left with just tingling fingers.
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You cradle the box of apple pie you bought in a rush from the bakery, trying to tidy up the ribbon you tied around it to make it more presentable. You had asked Kai about what Kenma liked because you knew there was no way you could write or even say anything close to romantic in Japanese, so you figured out you could give him little gifts, you know, actions soeak louder than words, that kinda thing? As you think of the many ways you could say something wrong by declaring your feelings to him in a foreign tongue like unknowingly saying something ridiculous, or stupid, or even worse, something dirty! Lev’s incessant teasing and mock-kissing noises only stopped when you reached the gym.
“Oh? Y/N-chan, who’s that apple pie for, I wonder,”Kuroo gives you a knowing look and blatantly stares at Kenma, who just seems unbothered. You try to reason yourself that he was only concentrating on his game. Ignoring Kuroo, you take a tentative step towards Kenma, making sure you’re in his line of sight before thrusting the box to him, “For you Kenma… Uh, enjoy it!” You blurted out before brisk walking to the equipment room to take refuge, not even waiting for his reaction.
You hear the muffled shouts of the boys and you can imagine them crowding Kenma. You wince in sympathy.
During the whole practice, you had to deflect the many looks and questions the boys gave you. Thankfully, Kai managed to stop them before it got too much. A godsend. Before any of them could corner you after practice, you zoomed past the gym doors the moment you were done with your manager duties, forgetting that you had barely paid any attention to Kenma the whole time.
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“Lev, do you know who’s this from?” You ask Lev, holding up the canned drink that was left on your table.
“Oh, that’s from Kenma. He came here earlier to place it there. He honestly could’ve just asked me to pass it to you but he said I would lose it or something. How mean,” Lev huffs but you can only focus on the fact that Kenma went through efforts to make sure you received it.
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“Thank you for the apple pie yesterday. It was really nice,” Kenma took a seat beside you, on the same bench you first played his switch together.
“T-thank you for the drink! It’s my favourite,” you smile shyly. The corner of his lips curl up, just ever so slightly, which you think was the trick of the light.
Kenma gives his switch to you, now a weekly routine for the both of you on days he finishes class earlier. The distance between you and him grew smaller and smaller until your elbows brush against his at any slight movement.
This is it. This is the moment. You made a mental deal with yourself a week ago. If you win this level today, the one where you always lose, you’ll confess to him and if you don’t, you’ll simply leave your feelings hidden and buried deep in the safe in your heart.
Your eyebrows furrow in concentration, refusing any help from Kenma (Kenma just ignored the tiny sting in his heart when you did).
In the meantime, Kenma takes the chance to watch you, sharp, feline eyes studying your features. The stray baby hairs peeking out after a long school day, the slight sheen on your skin from the hot and humid gym, the determination in your eyes. Determination? To beat the level? He restrains himself from chuckling at your cuteness. This felt very different when he watches Shouyo play his video games. Kenma just really feels different any time he’s around you.
You abruptly stand up and cheer, “I did it! Kenma, look!” You show him the screen with the words ‘MISSION COMPLETE’ flashing repeatedly on the screen. You grinned widely at him and he smiles back in fondness.
Suddenly, you go all quiet, which concerned Kenma. “I have something to tell you.” At that, he tilts his head, urging for you to go on.
“I… IlikeyouKenma!” Your words end up being stringed together but from the widening of his eyes, he mostly likely understood.
“You do?”
You nod with pink dusting your cheeks, your fingers fiddling with the ends of your blouse. You’re prepared to get rejected, maybe even move back to Europe and never show your face to him again. And if not, at least you could quit the manager position to avoid any future confrontations with him.
“I like you too, Y/N,” he replies softly, but it was definitely audible in the quiet gym.
And if all else fails- wait what? This time, it’s your turn to look at him wide-eyed, processing what he just said.
“Y/N! Did you leave me for your boyfriend?!” The doors burst open with Lev boisterously shouting, Yaku walking calmly behind him with a twitching eyebrow.
You backpedal away from Kenma, dropping the switch in surprise and you scramble to pick it up, saying a stream of apologies to him, wiping away the dust and checking for any cracks.
Yaku, being more aware of the mood, kicks the back of Lev’s knees, adding a smack to the back of the head for good measure, hissing, “Shut up, you idiot!”
You make eye contact with Kenma before bursting into giggles, him just letting out a snort. You’re just glad you managed to confess before Lev could confess for you.
[1 New Message]
Kenma: wanna beat the next level after practice? you can come over to my house for dinner
You: yes! i’d love to!
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sadclearance · 4 years
could u do male reader's been friends with todoroki from mha for since ua (they're newly pros now) and tells him ily and is like ik ur not good with that stuff tho so it's no big! i don't expect an ily back! and todoroki's like :O and doesn't say it back but later when reader's hurt during a mission todoroki's like oh dang i do love u but it's too late cuz he died
pairing: shoto todoroki x male!reader
summary: todoroki says "i love you" back eventually. it just happens to be too late.
category: angst
warning(s): death
word count: 1649
s/t - skin tone
italicized - text
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he's not sure how he got to this exact moment.
if you had told him at the beginning of his high school years that not even just a year after graduating, he'd be running around a deserted parking lot with the cold breeze of the night air nipping at the skin that wasn't covered by his pajamas--which happen to be from a two-years-old matching christmas set with the person he's trying to catch--todoroki would've looked at you as if you were a lunatic.
never in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine this.
but he thinks this is part of what being friends is, and back then, he never would've dreamt of having one of those either.
he doesn't notice the warm breath right next to his ear until a steady voices says, loud and clear, "i love you."
he turns his head so fast his face almost smacks into y/n's, and y/n laughs out visible puffs in the crisp air.
todoroki doesn't even speak. he just stares with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.
this is all just too new to him, and this came out of absolutely nowhere.
"glad that got your attention," y/n smiles when the silence continues. "you were so lost in your thoughts you just stopped moving. i was starting to think you didn't want your phone back."
todoroki now remembers the reason why he was chasing his best friend of four years around an empty parking lot at this ungodly hour, where half of his body was uncomfortably cold.
he does want his phone back, but he doesn't go back to running.
"was that why you said that?" todoroki eventually asks. was it only for the surprise factor? because if so, he's both relieved and disappointed--two things that he recognizes as contradictory and doesn't understand. well, todoroki's never been too good at understanding feelings, so that's not really news.
"nope," y/n answers without skipping a beat, and if todoroki didn't know better, he'd think y/n wasn't nervous at all. the s/t fingers playing with the edge of todoroki's phone case lets him know otherwise. "don't take it too seriously, though. i get it."
get what?
that answer doesn't make todoroki happy at all. now his brain's just muddled and confused, and he can barely process his surroundings. what's he supposed to make of that interaction? don't take it too seriously? he gets it?
when y/n's ran a lap or two without todoroki making a move to get his phone back, he lies down on the floor.
todoroki settles on "you're going to get dirty" because he wants to get back to the present. his head hurts, and thinking isn't getting him anywhere right now.
"come look at the stars with me," y/n reaches his hand up toward the skies, and he looks ridiculous, but todoroki complies because he wants to enjoy the time they have together for as long as he can. they won't have time to see each other for a while, being busy growing heroes and all. 
"is this considered stargazing?"
"we're gazing at the stars, so yeah, i'd say so," y/n jokes.
and now todoroki's out of things to say that aren't questions about y/n's confession.
y/n turns his head to look at todoroki, and todoroki instinctively does the same.
"you're taking that thing i told you not to take seriously seriously, aren't you?"
"i'm having trouble understanding everything you've said in the past few minutes," todoroki admits, turning his head back to face the stars again.
"okay, well, i love you," y/n says.
"you've said that, but--"
"but i don't want you to take it seriously because i get it."
"again, you've said that in almost those exact words." todoroki feels like a frustrated child who's getting cranky over a math problem he doesn't know how to solve.
"i love you in the way that i want to kiss you and go on dates with you and maybe do more stuff," y/n's face reddens at his own words, but his voice is firm.
todoroki's eyes go back to y/n's, and he opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.
"i know you don't see me that way, and it's all good. i didn't expect anything in return. i just wanted to say it."
"i... i wish i could give you a response, but... you already know that..." todoroki struggles with his words. were these the right ones to say? which are supposed to come out next?
"that you're not good with people stuff. yeah, i remember the first year of me trying to court you into this friendship," y/n laughs.
todoroki wants to laugh while reminiscing the memories too, but he doesn't feel like doing so, especially with how he's pretty sure he just rejected his best friend.
"i told you, no expectations here. just wanted to get that off my chest." y/n rises from the floor and todoroki's eyes follow. "c'mon, we should get going. it's cold, and our schedules are packed for the week. we can't afford to be getting sick."
"yes, it is late," todoroki nods and gets up as well.
the car beeps to signal that the doors are open, and todoroki's about to get into the driver's seat when he sees y/n walking off somewhere else.
"y/n?" todoroki calls out.
"i'm gonna take the bus," y/n answers before todoroki even asks.
"they aren't running at this hour."
"my place is close. i'm gonna walk."
"text me if your schedule clears at all!" y/n waves without turning around to face todoroki.
it's been a week, and todoroki still feels the pressure of having to give a proper response.
y/n said it was fine, but even someone with as little experience with these types of things as todoroki recognizes that it's not kind.
i haven't thought about--
i've never kissed anyone--
human relationships--familial, romantic, platonic, and otherwise are all things that are new to me--
no matter what he types, he feels like the words are all wrong. what's in his drafts are all things that y/n already knows. that's why he said he "gets it".
but todoroki's still so frustrated. he wants to respond properly. he feels like it's only right.
but holy shit is it hard to come up with anything at all.
before he can come up with another poorly worded apology, excuse--whatever it is that he's trying to say--he gets a notification.
assistance required in x prefecture. requesting all available heroes.
todoroki, being the good hero he is, rushes to the sight as soon as possible.
he recognizes the name of the location, but he brushes it off as past experience. after all, within the past year, due to his rising popularity, he's had a lot of opportunities to work in different places.
"what's the situation?" todoroki asks one of the heroes that's trying to stabilize the building that the villain appeared to be in.
"one guy with a geokinesis quirk. he's alone, but his quirk's pretty strong. took out the whole village one town over. we don't know his goal, but the whole building's stone, and we don't want to take any chances."
"is there any way you would like me to help?"
"i'd say ice the whole building, but this guy's got quick reflexes. try going in discretely and trap him in ice when he's caught in surprise."
todoroki nods and is about to enter the building when
"also, try not to ice the other hero in there. i think his name's y/--"
the building crumbles at an incredible speed, and he barely has time to throw both himself and the other hero out of the way.
once the other man is stable, todoroki goes to assess the damage. the rocks are still tumbling down, but they're slower now.
they feel a lot faster when todoroki catches a glimpse of an all too familiar hero costume.
"y/n!" todoroki shouts as he loses the ability to think rationally. he runs with his heart in his throat and a terrible tense feeling that starts to overwhelm his entire body, trying to reach y/n before the large boulder does.
ice spreads from his feet and meets with the chunk of stone before it can fall on y/n's head.
"i'm going to get you out of here," todoroki promises when he makes it to y/n. he calls for help while looking over the pieces of the building on top of y/n's body.
"todoroki," y/n coughs weakly, and todoroki notices a pool of red slowly start to grow on the concrete below them.
"don't talk." todoroki's voice sounds so weak and helpless, and he hates it.
y/n just smiles, but the blood dripping from the corners of his mouth keep it from spreading warmth and happiness within todoroki like it usually does.
todoroki's already seen lots of tragedy in his one year of hero work, but he's never felt so panicked in his entire life.
he tries to shift a rock, but it only makes y/n groan.
"help!" todoroki yells again, but everyone's too preoccupied with catching the villain and tending to their own serious injuries to come and rescue y/n.
"shhh, todoroki," y/n says weakly.
"don't talk!" todoroki yells this time. it's still helpless, but it's loud, and y/n starts to laugh to the best of his ability.
"hard when... when you're just so funny. that's why... i..."
"don't close your eyes." todoroki feels like his heart's stopped.
"i..." y/n's eyes droop.
"look at me!" todoroki shouts with wild eyes.
and so he does. y/n looks at him with tired eyes, but todoroki can tell that he's straining himself to do so.
"i love you," todoroki's eyes feel heavy and his nose burns. "please... i love you, too..."
but it's too late.
the open eyes are quick to lose their life, and y/n's skin loses its color.
"i love you."
deadass i was listening to my discover weekly on spotify and when i was writing the last few sentences i love you by wavves came on
i didn't know what to title it so i just left it
i hope it was satisfactory anon!
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levi-supreme · 3 years
Sfw for Mike zacharias please....?? Her beloved trying to cook a romantic meal for him and end up miserably.. But his too kind and eat all the dinner himself...
Characters: Mike x fem!reader feat. Erwin and Levi (brief mentions)
Warnings: SFW, fluff
A/N: Anon this is so cute omg, I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Also, I do not know your dietary requirements and/or your allergies, so I hope you're okay with the food I'm using here, and I'm sorry if you don't eat them!!
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"Mike, darling, could you help me take out the lasagna?" You shouted from the kitchen to your boyfriend who was working on his company report by the desktop.
You recently signed up for a cooking class, and during your fifth lesson, you learnt how to bake a lasagna. Coincidentally, it was also your boyfriend's favourite food. As such, wanting to practise cooking, as well as making his favourite food, you decided to cook it for dinner one night.
You have never ever cooked before, until meeting your boyfriend, Mike Zacharias. Once, Mike told you that one of his favourite feelings in the world was to have piping hot cooked food on the dining table after coming home from a long day of work; the feeling of home. This has motivated you to pick up cooking.
"Ta-da!!! Doesn't it look good, darling?" You smiled at Mike, pouring two glasses of Chardonnay. You have tried making this at home a few times, and you were confident that the results would be satisfactory. "Wait, let me take a photo for my Instagram!" You excitedly took out your phone and captured a few images, before uploading it to your Instagram Story.
"Yeah baby, it looks really good. Looks like the lessons are worth the money," Mike replied as he took his seat, looking at the dishes on the table. Other than the lasagna, there was also caesar salad, minestrone soup, and toasted garlic bread.
"Okay, let's eat then! Tell me how it is!" You exclaimed after keeping your phone, slicing a portion of lasagna for Mike.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"So how did your dinner go, Mikey my boy?" Erwin, one of Mike's best friend, asked. It was game night, and Mike was on his tenth round of playing Counter Strike with his best friends.
"God, lemme tell you, it was bad," Mike cringed while sniping down an enemy from the roof. "The lasagna was too salty, and the soup was too watery."
"But it looked good in photos though," Levi, Mike's other best friend, mentioned. "The photos on her Story looked appetising."
"Looks can be deceiving bro," using his knife to silence an enemy from behind, Mike looked over to his half-eaten cup of instant noodles, sighing. "It looked delicious, but the taste was far from it."
"Well, I suppose with you being Mr Nice Guy, you told her it was good?" Erwin laughed while reloading his pistol. Levi sniggered as he came out from his cover, killing two opponents along the way.
"Of course, I had to, you guys didn't see that smile of her face when she showed me the finished cooking," Mike sighed again, cursing as got shot and had to wait to respawn. Eating his cup noodles, he glanced to the living room where you were watching Netflix on the television. "She looked so cute and proud of herself, and I didn't want to hurt her."
"Well if you don't tell her soon enough, you're going to have to eat shitty cooking for the rest of your life," Levi mentioned as they won the round. Waiting for the next match, Mike looked at you again from afar, a smile plastered on his face.
"If it makes her happy, then I'm more than willing to eat it."
"Okay Mikey boy, have fun with your salty lasagna sweetheart later. Now we gonna go for our eleventh win."
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