#hope to draw her more in the future. in my mind she is so cool and awesome and I wanna draw her that way too
slaybestieslay946 · 7 months
Oh me gosh can you please do a Luke Castellan x reader fic where he’s just so head over heels for her but she’s so clueless and everyone keeps trying to get her to notice but she won’t and like they’re bests friends🤗🤗
tysm for ur request! if you don't mind I tweaked it a bit so its annabeth and percy trying to set up Luke and reader! hope you enjoy!
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word count: 2000
pairing: Luke Castellan x poseidon!reader
warnings: none!
a/n: Even though this is a daughter of poseidon fic, its not part of my future au! for Luke.
Percy and Annabeth were standing at the edge of the amphitheatre, talking about something mindless when they spotted you and Luke walking towards the entrance, seeming deeping engaged in conversation. 
Annabeth watched as you laughed at something Luke said and a light blush tinged his cheeks, and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Could he get any more obvious?
“Oi, Perce,” She whispered, “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” She asked, nudging him to look in the direction of the pair of you. 
“Yeah, I see my sister with Luke, what about it-” It appeared the realisation finally struck him, “Oh my god, are they-?” 
“I don’t know. He’s definitely into her, I know that.” Annabeth mused, inspecting the pair as they grabbed two wooden swords and began sparring together, laughing as they repeatedly dodged and side-stepped the other. 
“He told you that?” Percy asked, his eyes practically bulging out of his head. 
“Well, no. But it’s pretty obvious, don’t you think?” 
Annabeth then gasped in realisation, startling Percy slightly before he realised it was just another one of her epiphanies. 
“We should get them together!” 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Isn’t that something you leave up to Aphrodite kids?” Percy asked hesitantly. 
“Battle strategy and romantic strategy aren’t all that different.” She shrugged, before dragging him off to draw up new ‘romantic’ battle plans with her. 
Annabeth’s strategy wasn’t all that complicated, and she was pretty certain the most difficult part would be getting Luke to admit his feelings. But, as it turns out, he cracked pretty quickly. 
“Alright, you got me.” He sighed, holding his hands up in surrender, “I do like her, but can you blame me? I mean, she’s so smart, and beautiful, and kind, and-”
“That’s enough lover boy. Cool it.” Percy said, cutting him off with a groan. As much as he had given Annabeth his blessing to go along with this crazy plan, he still didn’t want to hear Luke gushing about how hot his sister is. 
“Sorry man.” Luke chuckled awkwardly, before the pair of boys turned back to Annabeth to lead the conversation. 
“So, now that you’ve admitted it, we need to start brainstorming how we’re gonna get you guys together.” She said, clapping her hands together and producing a roll of paper, with a long list of ideas that she promptly began to read out. 
The list ranged from pretty normal things like ‘take her out on a picnic’ to insane stuff like ‘bring her a monster's head as a gift’. Luke wasn’t so sure you would be a fan of that one, but he had to admit all the other items were pretty good ideas. 
“So what do you suggest, Annie? Work our way down the list?” Luke asked, and his little sister nodded, before outlining which ones she thought would be best. 
“We should start small, you don’t wanna freak her out,” She consulted the list again, thinking to herself, “Ah, here we go, ‘Give her a compliment’.” 
“Ok, I think I can do that.” Luke grinned, his head immediately flooded with things that he loved about you. 
“Just don’t make it weird, or I’ll revoke my blessing.” Percy grumbled, his arms crossed as Luke laughed sheepishly again. 
“Will do.”
The next week mostly consisted of Annabeth and Percy spying on you and Luke at any possible moment. 
The first of his tasks, to give you a compliment seemed to go well. The pair of preteens watched on from their spot behind a tree as the pair of you separated to go to dinner, and Luke complimented your hair. You blushed slightly, and smiled widely, before rushing off to your own table in the dining pavilion. 
Luke quickly whipped around to look at Percy and Annabeth who gave him enthusiastic thumbs ups. 
His next task was to give you a small gift, and he decided that it should take the form of the matching charm bracelets he made with the younger kids. Annabeth and Percy sat with him as he deliberated over specific colours and shapes of bead, until they were nearly sick of his equivocation. 
But, as much as watching him make it was downright annoying, Percy had to admit the way you both wore your charm bracelets everyday afterwards was pretty cute. 
The final task of the week was to bring you flowers, and that whole day Luke could be seen wading through fields of wildflowers looking for the perfect ones to add to his bouquet. This was then snuck onto your nightstand later that night by Percy, who over the course of the week had become very invested in your blossoming relationship, a fact he would deny to the ends of the earth. 
“Alright Luke, time to bring out the big guns.” Annabeth announced, before clearing her throat and reading the list of tasks for the week. 
‘Sit at her table during dinner’
‘At least one compliment a day’
‘One instance of arm-around-the-waist contact’
This was the point at which the Hermes boy began to get slightly nervous. The other stuff before could be pretty easily written off as friendly, but sitting at someone's table at dinner? Only couples did that. 
“Are you sure that’s not moving too fast, I mean-”
“Luke Castellan, don’t be so damn pathetic! Grow some balls, before someone else steals your girl!” Annabeth exclaimed, whacking him over the head with the list. 
He nodded, “Yes Ma’am.”
From then on, he was pretty much unwavering in his determination. He sat at your table every mealtime, slinging an arm around your shoulder, or your waist. Anytime you came up with a capture the flag strategy, he’d praise you intelligence, anytime he saw you, he greeted you with a ‘Morning beautiful’ or a ‘Hey sweetheart’. 
Annabeth and Percy were shocked with his sudden progress, but pretty impressed with the way it was going. At this point, the pair of you were practically dating. 
The only minor setback came in the form of your complete and utter cluelessness. 
Percy had decided to test the waters with you, and gently float the idea of you getting together with Luke. 
“You’ve been spending loads of time with Luke at the moment.” He remarked casually as you both walked back to cabin 3. 
“You’ve just noticed I spend time with my best friend? Well done kid.” You laughed, ruffling his curly blonde hair. 
“That’s not what I meant.” He rolled his eyes, ducking out of your grasp. 
“Then what did you mean?” You asked, hands on your hips, a confused expression on your face. 
“I meant like, you guys being ‘involved’.” He shrugged, trying to make it sound as nonchalant as possible while looking out for your every reaction. He was unreasonably invested at this point, but oh well. 
“What?!” You exclaimed, your voice suddenly going higher pitched, “Nah, no chance! Luke would never.” 
Percy had to stop his jaw from dropping to the floor. It would’ve made sense if you denied having feelings for him, but to be so oblivious of how whipped that boy was for you? He thought you were smart. 
“Yeah, sure. I guess so.” He shrugged once again, before swiftly changing the subject. 
“Guys, we have a problem.” Percy said, bursting in on Luke and Annabeth’s conversation the next morning. 
“What?” The pair asked in sync, concerned expressions on their faces. 
“Y/N is an idiot.” 
“Woah, don’t say that about her-” Luke began, desperate to defend your honour, but was cut off by Annabeth’s harsh glare. 
“What do you mean, Perce?” She asked, her tone level. 
“Luke, man, she has no clue you like her. Like she is convinced it’s impossible.” Percy explained, and Annabeth’s expression also grew confused. 
“Gods, she really is dumb.” She sighed, ignoring Luke’s chiding at insulting you, “We’re gonna have to really turn it up a notch. Luke, it’s time to really bring out the big guns.”
For the next few days, Luke, Annabeth and Percy spent most of their time rushing around preparing for Annabeth’s so-called ‘masterstroke’. 
And then, after much hard work from the trio, it was ready, and Luke was whisking you away from the campfire to the surprise he had prepared for you. 
“Luke, where are we going?!” You laughed as he dragged you along by the wrist, a piece of cloth tied around your head to block your vision. 
“You’ll see.” He chuckled, gently directing you around a tree root as he led you deeper into the forest. 
“I swear, if you’re kidnapping me I am not going to be happy.” You teased that infectious smile he loved so much covering your face. 
“No, no kidnapping tonight.”
You continued to joke around together as he led you towards his destination, until eventually you came to a halt, and he was untying the cloth around your face. 
You gasped in delight as you saw you were by the pier, and in front of you was a picnic blanket set up with all of your favourite food and drink. 
Immediately you grabbed him by the arm and led him to the blanket, thanking him all the way and gushing about how sweet and amazing he was. Meanwhile, Luke was trying not to pass out from the barrage of affection you were giving him. 
The pair of you quickly tucked into the meal, laughing and joking. But all the while, Luke was preparing his confession, and trying not to let his palms get too sweaty. 
Eventually, he decided it was time, and he made his move. 
“Yeah?” You looked up at him with shining eyes, and he had to remind himself to breathe. 
“I’m in-” His love confession was cut off by the sudden boom of fireworks above you both, and he silently cursed himself for forgetting to organise a signal with Annabeth to start them. She really did have bad timing sometimes. 
“Oh my gods! Fireworks!” You exclaimed, nudging Luke to take a closer look, pointing out which ones were your favourites, and clearly any speculation about what Luke was going to say had escaped your mind. 
Eventually the display was over, and you turned to him yet again, gushing about how lucky they were that fireworks were out tonight. He couldn’t help but wonder how someone usually so smart could be so clueless?
“I organised the fireworks, Y/N.” He said, softly, placing his calloused hand over yours. 
“What, really?!” You blinked owlishly at him for a moment before furrowing your brows and asking, “Wait, how come?” 
Luke couldn’t contain his chuckle. 
“Isn’t it obvious by now? I’m in love with you. I’ve been trying to hint at it for weeks, but clearly I wasn’t being obvious enough.”
“What? Why?” You stammered, shock coating your face entirely. 
“Why am I in love with you?” He asked as if it was a stupid question, which to him it was, because he could list a million things that he loved about you. 
“Because you’re beautiful, and smart, and kind, and generous, and every time I see you I can’t help but smile because you're my best friend and I love you more than anything.” He rambled, wiping his slightly clammy palms on his cargos. 
“Now I’d really appreciate it if you’d put me out of my misery and reject me.” He said sheepishly, itching the back of his neck. 
But, of course, the rejection never came. Instead you were rushing forwards to hold his face in your hands and kiss him, slowly and deeply. 
And, about ten metres away, Annabeth and Percy could be seen high-fiving behind a tree, before skipping back to the campfire in glee.
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novaursa · 14 days
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I need this kind of drug please Dareon targaryen x reader velarion Dareon kidnaps his loving niece of dragonstone after he finds out that he will marry jacaerys in 1 moon Dareon and her get married on while she argues with him, she pulls him by the hair so he lets her go, she takes his virtue after the moonlight act If you want you can go wife but you are mine not your brother's oh can you stay uh figure out with me a way to avoid this ridiculous war
Wedded in War
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- Summary: Your uncle steals you from Dragonstone and takes you as his wife; true to his name: Daeron the Daring.
- Paring: niece!reader/Daeron Targaryen
- Note: I hope this is what you had in mind. 🙂
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
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The cool winds of Oldtown bite at your skin, tugging at your gown as Daeron pulls you through the crowded streets, his grip firm on your wrist. The Starry Sept looms ahead, its dark silhouette bathed in the fading light of the setting sun. The scent of salt from the nearby harbor mingles with the distant smell of incense, and despite the beauty of the ancient city, all you can feel is anger seething in your chest.
“How dare you take me from Dragonstone!” you snap, your voice low but filled with fury. You tug against his grasp, but his hand tightens, his pace unrelenting. “You had no right, Daeron! You must take me back. You will take me back.”
His face, pale and sharp in the dwindling light, remains tense. His violet eyes flick to you, but he does not stop, does not yield to your demands. “I couldn't leave you there to marry Jacaerys. You were meant to be mine,” he says, his tone desperate yet determined. “I love you, Y/N. I won’t let you go so easily.”
His words ignite a fire within you, burning with the weight of your stolen future. “This is madness!” you shout. “Do you not see what you’ve done? You’ve stolen me from my home, from my family!”
“You’re Targaryen blood,” he responds, stopping at the steps of the Starry Sept and turning to face you. The people passing by give the two of you strange looks, but you don’t care. All that matters is the rising anger within you and the thrum of your heartbeat. “And Targaryen blood must stay pure.”
Your chest tightens at his words, his intention sinking into you. He had taken you not out of love, but out of duty, out of a belief in keeping the family line strong, unbroken by outsiders. “So, that’s all I am to you?” you spit, your voice shaking with a mix of fury and pain. “A means to an end? A symbol of blood and fire?”
His hands come up to your shoulders, his gaze pleading as he draws closer. “No, you’re more than that, far more. I’ve always loved you. Since we were children.” His voice softens, and you see something in his eyes beyond duty, beyond the pressures of his station. “This isn’t just for the bloodline, Y/N. I will love you, cherish you, protect you. I swear it on my life.”
You hesitate, your heart warring with your mind. There’s truth in his voice, an undeniable sincerity in the way he looks at you. But the weight of what he has done presses on your chest, suffocating and confusing. You had been promised to Jacaerys, and now everything has been turned upside down.
“Please,” he whispers, his voice breaking slightly. “Marry me. Stand by my side, as you were always meant to.”
Your heart skips a beat, caught between his words and the bitter reality of your situation. Can love truly grow from such treachery? You don’t know, but even as your thoughts swirl in chaos, you can feel the pull between you and Daeron, the undeniable bond forged in dragon’s blood and shared history.
With a deep breath, you nod once, barely perceptible, and his shoulders sag with relief. Before you can think further, he pulls you into the Starry Sept, where the High Septon waits.
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The vows are spoken in hushed tones, and your fingers tremble as Daeron slides a silver ring onto your finger, the weight of it foreign and heavy. The Starry Sept is grand and cold, its vaulted ceilings seeming to reach toward the heavens, but it feels like a prison. Your heart aches as you repeat your vows, your mind still reeling from the events of the past few hours. 
When it's done, the ceremony leaves an emptiness within you. You’re no longer the daughter of Rhaenyra, destined for Dragonstone and a future with your brother, Jacaerys. You are now the wife of Daeron Targaryen, bound by the oaths you swore beneath the Seven’s watchful eyes.
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Later, in the solitude of the chambers prepared for your wedding night, you sit by the window, looking out over the darkened city of Oldtown. Daeron stands nearby, silent as he watches you with an unreadable expression. The bed looms in the background, its presence thick with expectation, with the weight of the night ahead.
“Do you hate me?” he asks quietly, his voice almost swallowed by the sounds of the city below.
You don’t answer immediately, unsure of how to put your feelings into words. You look back at him, at the young man who had taken everything from you and offered only himself in return. “I don’t know,” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know what I feel.”
He approaches slowly, cautiously, as though fearing you’ll turn away. His hand brushes against your cheek, and despite everything, there is tenderness there. A part of you wants to flinch away, to push him from you and demand he return you to Dragonstone. But another part, deep inside, wants to believe him, to believe that perhaps, in this dark, twisted way, he loves you as deeply as he claims.
“I swear to you,” he murmurs, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip, “I will never hurt you. I will love you every day, with every breath. You are mine, Y/N, and I am yours.”
The words, soft and full of promise, melt the last of your resistance. You reach up, touching his face, your heart a chaotic mix of anger, confusion, and something that feels dangerously close to love.
The night is a blur of emotion—of whispered vows and lingering touches. You both lose yourselves in the heat of the moment, shedding the weight of your shared innocence in the embrace of one another. The world outside ceases to exist, replaced only by the warmth of his skin against yours, the steady beat of his heart beneath your hand. For a moment, you forget the war, the bloodshed, and the sacrifices.
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Afterward, as Daeron sleeps beside you, his silver hair fanned out against the pillows, you lie awake, staring at the ceiling. The sheets feel too heavy, and the silence too loud.
Will this sacrifice, this union born out of desperation and desire, truly end the war? Can love, even one as complicated and fraught as yours, be enough to save the realm from the fires that rage on the horizon?
You don’t know, but as you drift toward sleep, you find yourself clinging to the fragile hope that perhaps, just perhaps, it might.
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canadianno · 1 month
TCOLC AU Bishop refs!
They're done holy FUCK. The art here is kind of old, so some of the proportions are a little wrong, but I don't really mind all that much. 15 hours and 89 layers later, all 5 bishops are done. On one canvas because... I didn't wanna make new ones I'm ngl.
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Each bishop has an everyday outfit and a crusade outfit! If you're drawing them at any point (now or in the future) and you have questions about the designs, don't be scared to send an ask my way, I'm always happy to clarify stuff.
(Note: I would greatly appreciate it if people didn't make suggestive jokes surrounding any of the designs, I'm not comfortable with them! Love yall <3)
Ramblings below! Edited note: tumblr likes to completely break my posts when I add a cut sometimes, which happened here, so I'm not gonna put one in hopes that it doesn't kill my formatting again. Hopefully it automatically "read more"s this post. If it doesn't I'm very sorry 🙏
🌿 Leshy: It's to be noted that my Leshy is transmasc, literally just because I think he deserves it, it's cool as fuck. I really wanted to give him the classic top-surgery scars because, I'll be honest, they're fun to draw, but I had to find a reasonable explanation for it because he's not a mammal. Anyway that's how I ended up with an entire evolutionary explanation for why he would have those. I will never be given the chance to explain it in the fic ever, so it shall just be random information I have forever. I love him he's silly.
🍄 Heket: While I am a big supporter of tomboy Heket, I also think she deserves to be cool and wear pretty frills whenever the fuck she wants. She's awesome and her shirt is supposed to look like a mushroom. It's also worth noting that the crosses on the bishops heads are specific, with Heket having two crosses with double prongs. She has them like this in-game and there's probably a cooler explanation for it but. I have my own silly headcanons bc I do what I want! Also, since I can't decide for the fucking life of me if she's a toad or a frog, I've decided she's just. Both. Both of them. Her mom was a frog her dad was a toad. Is this possible irl? No but COTL is a fantasy world I do whatever the fuck I want.
🌑 Narinder: Main thing I note for Narinder is that he has distinct facial markings, you just have to look closely. Another note is that his clothes have a repeating cloud motif because of the fog in the gateway- which, trust, it was his own idea. Lamb doesn't know why he chose it but they're not gonna argue. Narinders' main robes are made of wool, but his crusade outfit is made of cotton so it's easier to repair if damaged. His crusade outfit has the Big Pants because he's mostly gotta fight with his feet now, since most of the time his hands don't function reliably enough to hold a weapon.
🪸 Kallamar: Kallamar is funny to me because he's the only one here who's plantigrade, meaning he's got human-esque legs. Another notable design aspect is that he has a tail, when squids do Not Normally Have Those. That's because my Kallamar isn't fully a squid, and you can kinda sorta blame my mutual for that. Not really it's me who gave him the tail. Anyway, no matter how you draw him or what outfit he's in those 3 dark red jewels on the golden chain thing gotta be on him somewhere- they're sentimental to him. He usually wears them as a crown, but in the crusade outfit they're around his neck to be safer. Also, on the crusade outfit, he has stolen a set of Shamuras gloves. Brat little brother <3
🔮 Shamura: Their main outfit really closely resembles their bishop robes and that is intentional! They made the robes themselves, and it would've been close to an exact match had the Lamb banned them from using golden colored cloth. This is only partially because Lamb doesn't like them, but also because they don't want the bishops trying to start a mutiny, and walking around in bishop robes is a pretty easy way to collect weaker followers like flies. Shamuras' crusade outfit is also pretty unique compared to the others, and one of two reasons is that it's meant to resemble their old crusade outfits when they were younger. The second reason is that they look really cool. The outfit is designed for mobility, mostly, and before you say anything, the hip windows are because Shamura usually holds close range weaponry in the second set of arms and hates the way they snag on fabric when its there.
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Dirty Work 18
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: happy weekend.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“How do you like it?” Luciana asks as she spins you to face the mirror.
Your eyes round at your own reflection. You can’t help but lean forward to get a better look at yourself. You never had a haircut like this. Nothing more than the discount trims that were often worse than not just growing it out or your at-home hack job.
“Wow,” is all you can utter.
“I hope that’s a good wow,” she chimes.
“Uh, yes, yes,” you sit back and tear your eyes from the mirror. “Thank you, it’s–”
“Oh, aren’t you so lovely!” Frigga interrupts as her heels click across the salon, “oh, it’s so wonderful. Look at you!”
Before you can react, the chair’s turning again. Frigga sweeps your hands away from under the cape and pulls you to your feet. Luciana moves to undo the long black shroud and swipes it away from your body, littering more hair onto the floor.
“Just a moment,” Luciana girds and brushes the stray bits from the back of your shirt, “there we are.”
“I must say, darling, you are even more stunning than I thought,” she keeps a hold of your right hand, “oh, Eliana, El!” She tweets across the salon, “what about makeup? Hm? Nothing too heavy, maybe a lip and some mascara–”
The platinum blond chuckles, endeared by her demanding client. You see where Laufeyson inherited that; the way the command rather than ask. You could never.
“I’ll take the little fawn,” Eliana agrees, “I have just the thing in mind.” She approaches on her long slender legs, “she has perfect colouring.”
You can’t help but preen at the compliments. You’re not used to them yet, you doubt them. These women are all so put together and gorgeous, surely they’re just being nice. You’re so much the opposite, your like a novelty; a doll for them to dress up.
“Sit,” Eliana points to another chair, “just relax, honey, I’ll take care of you.”
Frigga lets you go and you obey. You climb up into the chair and gasp as the back reclines. Eliana starts by swabbing your face with a cool liquid then pats it dry. Next, she applies a fragrant moisturizer. Her touch is relaxing but strange. You’re not used to anyone touching you.
You close your eyes as she sets to her work. She explains that she’s applying some liner and how to get a little wing at the end. She says you should keep it thin and subtly, then has you check your first eye in the mirror.
“You see, a nice brown, or grey is all you need, black is so harsh,” she shows you the pencil she used.
“Oh, thanks,” you murmur.
“Let’s even that out,” she nudges you back again and you appease her.
As she draws on your other eyelid, you hear a subtle buzz, followed by Frigga’s shrill greeting. She apologises to someone unseen before she carries on her call, heels tapping further and further away. You can hardly focus between her, Eliana’s directions, and the chatter all around you.
“Mmhmm, yes we were thinking of the Garden…” Frigga trails off as the door rings then swiftly blocks out her conversation.
“Mascara, look up,” Eliana directs, again, you obey. There’s nothing else you can do.
As nice as it all is, the hair, the makeup, and all her lovely plans, you can’t help but be embarrassed. Frigga, and Mr. Laufeyson, know you can’t afford all this. It doesn’t feel as much like kindness as it does condescension. As if they are the blessed elite giving you, a noone, with all their privileges. 
It’s not a kind gesture, but a statement. You’re so far below them, you don’t even know what you don’t have. If you are to be anywhere near them, you have to fit their mold.
After the salon, Frigga drags you down the shopping strip. You shy away from the gleaming windows and the faceless mannequins in their luxurious outfits. You couldn’t wear any of it. It wouldn’t look right. Anyone would know in an instant that you don’t belong.
Inside the first shop, you make yourself as small as you can, crossing one arm to cling to the other, folding your shoulders in. You’re frightened of brushing against anything or knocking over that hand display with all the jewelry on it. As you pass a mirror, you nearly trip. You forget for a moment that it’s you staring back.
You shake your head and back away. You don’t like that feeling. You don’t recognize yourself. Even if you never really loved the girl looking back, she was familiar.
“Darling,” Frigga gives you a start as she nears, “how about this? Hm? It’s absolutely adorable.”
She holds up a purple dress; almost like an overall but more refined with three buttons along the right side. She has a plain white blouse behind it. It’s lovely but you don’t know if you like the length. You don’t think you’ve worn a skirt since grade school.
“Oh, it’s… nice.”
“Come on, try it on,” she pleads, “it would look so good on you, darling. With your figure.”
You gulp and blink, looking down at yourself. What figure? The boxy button-up and straight-legged tweed don’t betray much of that. Your body is your body; it’s just there.
“I’ll try,” you relent. It wouldn’t be polite to say no.
“Alright, you take this to a dressing room and I’ll find some shoes,” she shoves the hangers at you, “excuse me,” she turns and waves to the associate who greeted you on entry, “yes, please, she needs a room.”
The woman with ginger curls approaches and you hand over your, or rather, Frigga’s picks. Her name tag reminds you of her introduction; Celia. She guides you into the back to a large room lined with curtained stalls. She takes you to one and hangs the clothing within. You thank her quietly and turn to stare at the lilac fabric.
You sigh and pull the curtain shut. You strip away reluctantly. It’s all so surreal, you don’t want to believe it. You’re wary of the unusual good luck, the unearned generosity. Why would Mr. Laufeyson agree to this? And why would Frigga want to spend time with you, a maid wearing a title beyond her means?
“Darling, are you ready?” Frigga calls through as her heels tap out her arrival.
“Almost,” you call back, shimmying into the purple overall as you try not to rumble the sleeves of the blouse. 
You refuse to look at yourself before you face the curtain and brace yourself. You step out as Frigga waits patiently, sitting on one of the leather poufs with a pair of white loafer flats in her lap, little silver bows clasped by the toe.
“Oh my,” she gasps as she rises, “oh darling, that’s… that becomes you. Oh,” she nears and hands you the shoes, “put these on then. Let’s see the whole look.”
Like most things in life, you let her bowl you over. You just go along with what you’re told. You go through the motions numbly, waiting for it to be over.
You bend to slip into the shoes one at a time. Once you stand, she ushers you around to face the mirror. She squeezes your shoulders before playing with your hair, setting you straights as she stands behind you.
“Look at you, darling,” she purrs. 
You falter as you see the woman staring back at you. That’s you! You can hardly see yourself under it all. You press your hands to the skirt, wishing for a few more inches, and squeak the soles on the floor as you shift awkwardly in the stiff leather.
“This is it. It suits you so well. Sharp collars, cinched here,” she touches your waist, “I think we have a good start.”
“Um, thanks, but er…”
“You can wear that out. It’s a lovely outfit for lunch,” she insists, “but I’m thinking a few boucle jackets, some matching skirts, a splash of pastel,” she rambles on dreamily, “pearls, of course, maybe some rose gold…”
Your brow pinches over your nose. You don’t know what to do. You can’t say no and even if you were brave enough to, you don’t think she’d hear you. She’s like her son, that way. She only sees what she wants and there’s no denying her.
“Oh, thank you so much for humouring me,” she drawls, “you know, ever since the divorce, I’ve been terribly lonely.” You’re startled by her sudden shift. You blink at her, “my own daughter was never one for the shops, at least, not with me but Sif… she… well, c’est la vie.”
“I… I’m sorry.”
“Why? Oh, don’t apologise, it is me who should,” she laughs at herself as she leads you back into the shop room, “to you and your own mother. I have accosted her daughter!”
You nod and seal your lips. You feel the pluck in your chest. You distract yourself with a nearby dress; it’s beige and boring.
“I hate to overstep but Loki did mention your father is sick. I’m certain it can’t be easy,” she hums, “it never is. You and your mother–”
“My mother…” you pipe up, voice cracking. You shake off the wave of dizziness and sigh, “my mother is dead.”
“Oh dear, I’m so sorry,” she touches her chest, “dear me, I didn’t know. I shouldn’t have–”
“I’m not upset. I never knew her,” you shrug and move on to a more colourful dress. “Just me and dad.”
“Well, it’s nice you have each other,” she says.
“Yeah,” you agree dully.
She’s quiet as she browses beside you, sifting through hangers. Tension ripples between you. Neither of you know what to say.
“How about this?” She holds up a satin blouse in a dainty shade of rose, “it would compliment your complexion.”
“Um, sure,” you let the thickness in the air slake away, “I… I’m not picky.”
“Oh, darling, you are too agreeable,” she teases, “you best not let my son play on that. He could always hear a no or two, yes?”
You nod, uncertain what she means. He’s your boss, you don’t tell him no. He doesn’t ask for your input. He just says and you do. That’s why you’re here. He needed a toy to give his mother, and you’re playing along.
The restaurant is just as resplendent and upscale as the shops. You try to keep stride with Frigga as she struts up to the open doors, a hostess standing behind a podium just outside as the sunlight beams down in a mid-afternoon haze. She smiles at the elder blonde as she greets her with enthusiasm.
“Good afternoon, we were hoping for a table outside,” Frigga declares.
“For two?” The hostess asks as she looks down at the tablet in front of her.
“A bigger table, please, we have someone joining us,” she answers.
“Great, we can fit you in,” the woman assures and waves you through the small gate of the patio. 
She takes you to a table near the colourful flower beds and offers the drink menu. Frigga thanks her and sits as you mimic her. You do your best not to fidget despite the persistent displacement zinging through your nerves. She browses the menu and taps her groomed fingernail on the table.
“Is it too early for Zinfandel?” She wonders.
“Oh, I don’t… know,” you put your own menu down, content with a glass of cranberry juice.
“Or perhaps a white?” 
You shrug. You don’t drink. You never have and never really thought of trying it. You rub your cheek and look around, squirming at the other diners in their carefree conversations. What are you doing here?
A new server approaches and takes your orders. Frigga gets her wine and you murmur your request for a glass of juice. You hand over the menus and she checks her slender golden watch.
“Mm, I did say two,” she tuts and takes out her phone.
It’s almost amusing to see someone disappointed in Mr. Laufeyson. To be on the other side of the table. You’re not the one rushing to meet a deadline for once. You twiddle your hands in your lap and peer around at the din.
A table of women sit with cocktails and green salads, gabbing loudly. They are probably your age. Friends. Something you never had. Probably never will.
“Mother,” a voice proclaims across the patio and you wince. It’s familiar but not the timbre you expected. Maybe it’s a coincidence.
“There you are,” Frigga stands and you turn to look over your shoulder at the burly blond. Oh.
You rise too, not wanting to seem rude. Thor hugs his mother and kisses the top of her head, “I was caught behind an accident,” he explains, “oh,” he faces you, “and who… it is the little maid!” He takes you by the shoulders and you flinch as he bends to kiss your cheek, “you remember me, yes?”
You can only nod as you wriggle out of his grip. You resist the urge to wipe your cheek.
“Maid! Do not call her that,” Frigga chides as she sits.
You lower yourself back to your seat. Thor drags out the chair next to you and you try not to show your discomfort. He is almost too wide for the seat as his thigh presses to yours.
“I never got a name, you know? Brother hides everything away,” he sniffs, “so forgive me,” he leans as he tries to look you in the face, “a proper introduction is in order; I am Thor, you recall, hm?”
You nod again and eke out your name. He offers his large hand and you hesitate to take it. You won’t be rude though. His grip swallows your hand up, tight and unyielding. When he finally releases you, you let out a slow breath and stare at the table.
“Speaking of,” Frigga remarks, “he is late.”
“Not surprising, he can hardly be bothered to leave his cave,” Thor scoffs, “what a nice colour.”
He touches the button on your dress and you squeeze your legs together, trying to sidle away without being obvious.
“Thanks,” you murmur.
“Oh, we had a wonderful day shopping,” Frigga supplies, “she’s so sweet.”
“Ah, yes, I’m certain father will be happy to hear you had a spree,” Thor chortles.
“What he doesn’t know…” Frigga giggles.
The server returns and sets down the stemmed glass of dark wine and your juice. Thor orders rye as you lean forward to sip, the tangy flavour tautens your cheeks. You feel your chair shift and sit back, only to meet the curl of his fingers on the back rest. He doesn’t draw away, his leg splaying wider to touch yours again.
“So we are waiting on him?” Thor challenges and slaps his stomach with his other hand, “I’m starving.”
“We’ll give him another ten,” Frigga girds, “perhaps he is also stuck in traffic.”
“Not to worry,” Thor booms, “we can have fun without him, eh. Probably more.”
“Oh, don’t,” Frigga reproaches, “this is supposed to be a nice family meal, you will not start with him again.”
“It wasn’t me. He’s the one who stormed out–”
“Enough,” she interjects, “we are moving past it.”
“I’ve moved on,” Thor insists, “mother, really, I am not the one who keeps picking fights.”
“Mmm,” Frigga purses her lips, “nor do you discourage them.”
“Me?” Thor feigns innocence, his fingertips brushing the back of your collar, “I only said hello and he went out of his mind.”
“Um,” you sit forward, knocking the table slightly, “er, I… is there a bathroom?”
“Oh, yes, darling,” Frigga turns to you as if only then recalling your presence, “just through the front door to the right.”
“Thank you,” you stand, “sorry, uh, excuse me.”
You turn and scurry off, clutching the sides of the dress to keep it from riding up. Once you get inside, you roll your shoulders, trying to shake off the sensation of his touch. You reach back to tug at your collar.
It’s peculiar to think, but you hope Mr. Laufeyson gets there soon.
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mysticmiav · 9 months
I wanna talk about Inej cuz GOD I love her so much. Her intro scene is one that I think goes not talked about enough which I think is a crime against humanity and I WILL be making my case your honour so buckle up.
This concerns scenes from SoC as well as CK, so be warned, a load of spoilers ahead.
So in that first chapter of SoC we are introduced to this absolute badass of a girl. She walks silently, steals secrets and defies gravity. The name they call her? The Wraith. How badass is that? God spared yall (and maybe even me but especially my parents) cuz if I was still doing gymnastics I would've broken my ankle trying to be a fraction of as cool as she is cuz fuck you Newton and fuck your gravity laws.
She is smart and quick witted; the whole scene at the exchange, Kaz counting on her to take care of the second guard, knowing she'll figure it out and manage, and her indeed making it on time.
But no, not only that. This deadly storm of a girl not only holds this guard at knifepoint, saving Kaz's ass from an embarrassing plan gone awry, being shot and possibly even death. She goes on and says, and I quote, "I like it when men beg, but this isn't the time for it."
????? Weird way of asking for my hand in marriage but all the same, yes.
We get to see that deadly, fear-worthy side of her, we see how she's an actual threat people take into account, cue the slippery edges so as to make her climbs harder (fools really, as if some grease and oil would stop her of all things)
But as if that wasn't enough, we also learn of the beliefs she holds dear and her kindness. The way she hesitates about leaving Big Bol alone after everyone else leaves, torn on saving him, getting him help or putting him out of his misery, and ends up sparing him a parting prayer.
She's someone who's been through unimaginably lot of shit, never seemed to catch a break, from being literally ripped away from her family, sent across the ocean and sold to the menagerie, a never ending stream of painful and shameful experiences in her life as an indenture there, and then trading that life for one of killing and stealing, and despite it all, despite all she's gone through and all she's seen, she holds dearly to her faith, to her memories and her hopes of better days, of a world free from this kind of pain. Arguably even more so because of her experiences.
She wonders if her Saints would forgive her if she took Van Eck's life not out of necessity, but out of revenge. Either way, she was willing to spend a lifetime of repenting and take that chance.
But even beyond that, she's faithful beyond belief. Jan-if I ever commit a hate crime it'd be against this miserable excuse of a man-van Eck, while not having actually broken her legs (although his only reason for stopping being Inej's words) it was evident he was willing to, he was going to, and he made it clear he still might on the next day if she doesn't talk by then.
Fast forward to the one and only "I would have come for you, and if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you," scene (am combusting as well I know).
I find it to be heavily implied which lengths Inej was willing to go before Jan managed to draw a word out of her; her asking Kaz if he would have come for her when she couldn't scale walls or steal secrets for him anymore implies, in my opinion, what she already saw as the outcome of her captivity at Van Eck's hands. She already was thinking of that future, not just because of that growing, nagging doubt of her role in Kaz's life (whether she really was only an investment or if he'd cared in any way more than that about her), but also because no matter what, she wouldn't have given her crew away like that. She already made up her mind; she'd give that icky bastard some locations that had nothing to do with this, and Jan could break every bone in her body but will find no words of hers helpful, and I just worry of and for that girl.
She made that six-story high climb up a burning chimney with a tight time span, she climbed silos that are twenty storys high with an even tighter window of time, she walked a wire on that height and would've walked many more had things gone according to plan (thanks, Dunyasha), she climbed up shipping containers with a knife stabbed at her side, more or less to ensure she did her best for the crew that was counting on her. She would rather end it herself than find herself captive in those enemy's hands, this playing both into her loyalty as well as her history with captivity and what it meant for her.
She is the Wraith, with a reputation that proceeds her, and she also knows how crucial her skills are, how much her crew depends on her, how many of the plans center on and are weaved around her abilities, but she is also fully aware of her limits, fully acknowledging of her betters (Dunyasha you scare me, genuinely). She is religious and holds her faith very dear, but has made peace with the lives she's taken and will continue to take.
Many people see her as Dirtyhand's Wraith and fear her for her association with him, for his uses of her and the things she does at his bidding, but she is scary in her own light and I don't think people should fuck with that.
When she came for Pekka that night, carved in knife right above his heart, promised him a second slash if he thinks of coming back to Ketterdam, she made the once-proclaimed king of the barrel remember pain and fear.
And as if that didn't shake the man enough, she also made sure to replace his son's lion stuffed doll with a fucking crow, so that he'd see it when he inevitably ran to check in on his kid amidst his blood and panic. She gave this man enough mental damage to warrant endless psychiatric help and a lifetime of cowering, fear and paranoia (totally warranted am 100% in support)
She wears her heart on her sleeve; not in the sense of being naive, but in the sense of not being scared of displaying her emotions and thoughts. Her sentiments aren't random, because she always made it clear she cares for the people around her, she will go out of her way to protect them at her own expense and she will nurture those friendships she's built. Her suli subverbs and beliefs don't come off as a surprise, not to anyone around her and not to us as readers because she proudly displays her faith.
Many times, it felt like people, even Kaz, saw her faith as her weakness, something to be exploited, her sentiments something to poke fun at and use to taunt her with, but it's what makes her stronger. It's these thoughts and feelings that keep her going and keep her fighting. It's these friendships and heartfelt moments that she pushes herself over the edge for, and it's that dream just out of reach that rekindles her spirits even brighter than ever, and there's something so beautiful and heartwarming in it and about her that I can honestly spend this new year dissecting and talking about because am insufferable with a rotting hyperfixation. Why are you still here? Jkjk thankyou for reading this brain vomit of thoughts see you in my next tedtalk maybe. Btw if it wasn't glaringly clear I love SoC and Inej lol
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frankenfossil · 1 month
Oh! I nearly forgot, but can I ask the significance of this panel?
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It comes directly after Dee explains that he can’t come and see her from the future whenever he wants. (Which is one of my favorite moments where Dee’s true eldritch horror leaks in to the story), so I assume it’s… sort of a metaphor? How Emily finds herself at the foot of something she realizes is much, much bigger than she contemplated before?
(Also, I just wanted to compliment you for this panel)
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(The first time I saw it, I imagined Dee was showing her this on purpose, time traveling from sometime the same day to really show her what it would be like. An object lesson.
The second time I saw it, I started to wonder
Because Dee himself doesn’t really look aware of what is going on behind him.
And maybe, just maybe, this one moment in time has become the only moment that Dee allows himself to come back to to see Emily, the one moment where he can get lost in the crowd with every other time he came back to look. The one moment where he’s explaining why he can’t come back.
Just… Makes me sad, and I wanted to say thank you for that too, because I love these characters and the story they tell, the sweet and bitter.)
(Quick test of my ability to find which chapter stuff happens in)
I love your reading of that Uluru panel!! I think I probably didn’t intend anything that deep with it; these time skip montage style chapters are pretty choppy and I’m usually trying to figure out a way to touch on all these brief scenes or moments that I don’t want to spend a whole chapter on for whatever reason, and arrange them in a way where the cuts aren’t too hideously abrupt. For visual reasons I try to contrast different locations and not put 2 dialogue heavy moments directly next to each other. Mood wise, I don’t really want to cut from something serious and angsty to something that’s a complete backflip on that. I also sometimes just feel like drawing a nice landscape and hope it achieves my aims on these fronts haha.
I think also here I was trying to move from that final sentence, “The present is more than enough”, to demonstrating them appreciating having that present together - being able to go do cool and enriching stuff, something not completely mundane but not completely fantastical either. (I mean... sightseeing within your own country is extremely normal, but going to Uluru from Melbourne... not a convenient day trip, since it’s 2000km; 25 hour solid driving, or you can fly in a few hours but I think you have to go via Sydney, so that makes it take at least twice as long I guess. Not that it's specified how long they're there for. I haven’t been myself but I’d love to one day...)
So, yeah!! More of a mechanical/compositional rationale than an intentional metaphor, but I think your reading makes complete sense and actually improves the page! (Sometimes I do intend visual metaphors... but sometimes they’re just happy accidents.)
And thanks for the compliment re the crowd of Dees!! I also love the moments I can lean into his eldritch qualities... they’re sadly few and far between but maybe that helps them be more surprising?? Definitely your first reading was what I intended, that he zigzagged back pretty quickly, probably even from within the conversation, but there is an inherent ambiguity to Dee’s time travelling where unless I take pains to spell it out, there really is no way to know when he’s come from. Even if he can be assumed to be taking every interaction chronologically, there’s no knowing how much time has passed for him between each visit. I don’t even know how to estimate how long his experience of time is, when he’s zigzagging back so densely all the time; even the number of living things on Earth any moment is an incomprehensibly mind-boggling number. That eldritch horror again!
Truth be told I hadn’t thought of him coming back to this moment and blending in with the crowd for the rest of the future ;_; but that’s so real... he could well be, the sad sack...
I had a different sillier thought from slightly misreading your question on first pass, which is that maybe he doesn’t originally know what’s going on behind him, but then later on as he’s just going about his business he goes “oh I know exactly how to punctuate that thing I said earlier!!!” and then does it as an afterthought. Oh to have the ability to add the things you wish you’d said to an earlier conversation 😂
#kind words#man i could ramble on about dee's time travel for so many words but i PROBABLY shouldn't#there's a page coming up (in chapter 54) where on one panel i have drawn dee multiple times#and for this ONE panel it's supposed to be showing time passing while he does stuff#but because he's a time traveller and every single other time i've ever drawn him multiple times in a panel it's been him doubling up#it's way less obvious a use of that device than it is when I do it with emily!!!#i have also commented on this on the alt text on that page#because i think it's fun and whatever i'll repeat myself i guess#ALSO. deciding when i can imply that dee has teleported off panel and when i feel it needs to be drawn explicitly... tricky!#for the panel above i decided i didn't need to draw it but it sure leaves that ambiguity#on a different page in chapter 54 i originally left it implied but then changed my mind and added it explicitly to the page#idk. ask me about which moment later if u remember and/or care to lol.#and the funny thing is i think there is an in universe version of this#where - in my head at least - dee can teleport and return with great subtlety and precision when he wants to#such that he could do it without people noticing unless they're watching very closely maybe#so he adds a bit of performativity to when he teleports so that emily always knows (or doesn't know that he can be sneaky)#BUT this will probably never come up unless i can either find a clear way to indicate it or for some reason Dee decides to mention it#so it will probably remain non-canon#i only consider the comic itself canon. i say all sorts of stuff outside the comic that i change my mind about later#plus death of the author and whatever
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maximwtf · 1 year
Hello! If it's not too much of a bother - Can you make a part 2 for the peridot x sapphire reader? I really like the story so far. It's completely fine if you don't want to :D.
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Peridot x Sapphire! reader /pt.2/
Pt. 1 - "Watch out!"
words: 1830
google docs pages: 4,5
Warnings: none?
opening: A sapphire has been assigned to join Peridot on her research concerning the kindergartens and the cluster on earth. What is there to do after she reforms?
AN// Agh, I’m sorry this took so long to make! I got very heavily hyperfixated on Striker from Helluva and couldn’t do anything besides draw him + work getting in the way- But, I was finally able to escape all of that and give you all this! :”D
Gif by: me
Not proof read!
                 “Keeping up hopes”
The light from the warp pad faded, allowing you to feel a cool, exotic, breeze on your form. With a firm hand you pressed the green gem tightly in your palm, making sure it was still there before taking a step off the warp pad. No possibilities or futures were swarming your mind, it was all clear. The shock from it all must have stunned your ability to see. 
With that you hurried away from the pad. A safe place to hide was a must, there you could wait until Peridot was ready to reform, and while she was coming back you could think of a plan. It seemed to be clear that the gems from earlier didn’t want you or Peridot around here. While in such deep thought, a cave wall came across your path and on that wall seemed to be an opening. An opening big enough to walk in it, which you did. There your gem began to glow, illuminating a beautiful light against the wet cave walls. With a few rocks on the floor of the cave, you set Peridot’s gem on the most flat one, sitting down next to said rock. It was so quiet, yet no visions were coming to mind. 
Your hands travelled up to your face, moving some of the hair out of the way of your eye. Now, more clearly you could see where you were exactly. From the opening of the cave you could see big green leaves, strong tree trunks and colourful flowers here and there, all different shapes and sizes. Some form of a body of water must have been nearby, since you could hear water slosh somewhere in the distance. From the roof of the cave fell down drops of water, which you could only see against the light that came from outside. They fell down, joining the small puddles on the cave floor. What an odd planet. 
A soft gasp left your mouth when the silent dripping sounds you had gotten used to suddenly got a little louder, and soon took over all sounds near by. The chirping sounds from earlier and the water in the distance disappeared, covered by the millions of water drops. Your gaze stayed on the cave opening, hand over your mouth. All the leaves were moving, bouncing at the force of the water droplets. They fell from the sky at a rapid phase, the dark clouds hiding some of the light from earlier behind them. But somehow, it was nice. 
While admiring the sight, a green glow emitted from right beside you. The green gem had risen up, and the bright light began to take form. This startled you, the hand from your mouth going up to your eye again, brushing the hair over your eye. Just then, the gem had chosen its form and Peridot fell on her legs, only much smaller this time. She swung her arms for a moment, before realising that things were different. “Where are my limb enhancers?!” Came from the green gem, making you bite back a smile at the sight. Professional. “I could not save them.” You replied, looking down for a moment. “I do not know where we are, but we need to move soon. We’re on their planet, which they know better than us.” You shook your head a little, standing up from the ground. Peridot listened, clearly embarrassed by her form, but she didn’t say anything more about it. Her gaze wandered to the opening of the cave, seeing that the sudden rain had almost gone out, just as suddenly as it had started. “We should go.” You suddenly say, as a vision hits you. There might be something here that can help you, but it all depends on Peridot. “Go where? I have no flask robonoids and no way to contact Homeworld.” Peridot whines, desperate. This Peridot really should start trusting you more. “Come. We’ll see.” A hum leaves your lips as you slip out of the cave, feeling the wet ground under you as you walk. By following the vision, it leads the two of you forward. No words are exchanged, not until something appears from behind the leaves and trees. It’s covered in vines and moss, someone walking by might not even see it. It’s an old gem ship, crashed here and left to rot. “There.” You point at it, jumping from the little cliff that the two of you had ended up on, gracefully floating down in front of the ship. Peridot growls silently, murmuring something as she drops her legs down the cliff fist, then allowing herself to drop down, sliding the last half. “We can’t fly this.” She groans, dusting herself off. “No, but we can use parts of it to perhaps build new flask robonoids. If the vision I saw is the most likely one, there should be more old abandoned gem tech like this on this planet.” You reply, going up to the door of the ship. As you approach, the lights near the door barely light up, only flickering under the vines. “Who is we? You’re not assuming I could build more from junk like this?” Peridot complains as she follows along. “I saw a future of you doing so.” You reply, not mentioning the other ones that had flashed by, where it all failed. Without hearing a word from her, you open the door to the ship, hopping in with the green gem following right behind you.
Even the inside had been taken over by nature, vines and different kinds of moss growing in the wreck. “Peridots like me weren’t made for this kind of stuff. Look at me!” She shrugs, seemingly stressed over her new form. “We don’t have many options, I’m afraid.” A sigh comes from your side as you look through for pieces to use. Peridot’s eyes are on you, and with some thinking she nods, even if you can’t see it. She understood to trust you and joined in on looking for usable parts from the ship. 
By moving from warp pad to warp pad the two of you continued to avoid meeting the crystal gems the best you could, while your future vision led you on to find more crashed ships to collect parts from. Peridot seemed to be getting better at piecing together the materials, the newer versions always looking better than the old ones. As time passed like this, the green gem grew more confident in her new found skill to use whatever she had near to build. 
The sound of gears turning got your attention, watching the first usable robonoid take its first steps. You had to bite back a smile yet again, but the ground under you froze a little. “Good job.” You said. Peridot seemed like she had stars in her eyes at the sight, but they soon faded. “We’ll need many…many more of these to fix the galaxy warp.” She sighed, leaning against a tree with her eyes closed. “Are you giving up now? We have everything we need, we just need to be careful.” You said, voice stoic as ever which made you sound so sure of your words. So sure you’d be able to leave soon. But inside your mind, so many of the futures ended badly, no matter how far you got. 
The green gem kept building more of the flask robonoids while you made sure to change your location based on the least likely place for the gems to show up in. From the time you had escaped from the with Peridot’s gem to now, you had only come across them a couple of times, of which only one had they seen the two of you, resulting in another getaway. But now, there was finally enough robonoids. Tonight you’d both either get caught or go back home. 
The same cave this had all started in served as your last resting place. All the robonoids were hidden somewhere in the closeby area, in the case that the gems would show up. Peridot broke the silence. “Do you think they’ll be mad? The diamonds.” She asked. It felt like she had changed as a person while on this ‘venture’. Though, you could say the same about you most likely. Visions came to mind, flashing back and forth. The future was unclear. They’d blame Peridot for failing the mission, and even if you’d walk off here free the truth was that Peridot was most likely going to get the punishment. Yellow Diamond wasn’t one to take it easily if one of the Sapphires was put in danger like this, and there wasn’t much you could see yourself doing about the green gem’s faith. Upsetting. “We’ll be fine.” You said, with a forced smile. 
The night set, but the butterflies in your body didn’t. This could be the end for the both of you, or the end for one of you or..anything could happen. Whatever it was, you were headed straight at it. With the flask robonoids at your feet, you all gathered on the now familiar warp pad and a bright light overtook your forms. It transferred you to the galaxy warp, a cool breeze hitting you in the face as you arrived. Peridot ushers the robonoids to work, all of them starting to slowly fix the warp. The green gem taps her foot against the ground, growling under her breath. You stand a couple steps behind her, mind filled with all the possibilities from before, new ones mixing into those. Suddenly, the robonoides step off and it feels like a millenia passes. The galaxy warp almost ‘blings’ and the cracks on it disappear. A squeal escapes the green gems, but it all soon fades as one of the warp pads illuminates a bright light and transports the gems you had met before on the same platform as the two of you. They don’t take a second to say anything, a clear plan in mind as they charge at you. 
Your eye opens wide, now the most possible future locking in. You lunge forwards and while doing so, you take a hold of Peridot’s hand. Due to her form being smaller now, you’re able to swing her easily to the galaxy warp. With a quick duck you avoid getting hit by one of Pearl’s spears, and with a tight grip of Peridot’s hand you both activate the galaxy warp, making your perfect escape. 
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watercolorfreckles · 2 years
All in Jest (princess x court jester)
The princess watched her jester the way one might watch the stars in the night sky. He struck her with the same wonder as the smear of a bleeding sunset, or the crest of a wave.
His eyes twinkled with mischief, two white diamonds painted on his cheeks. Doing a cartwheel, he straightened just in front of the princess's seat at the head of the table.
She sucked in a soft breath, silverware forgotten with a clatter against her plate.
The jester smiled, holding her gaze. With a twist of his hand, he snapped and revealed a white rose, missing from the table's centerpiece.
The dinner guests murmured their awe, sipping from glittering goblets of wine.
The jester deftly held the flower out to the princess, balancing its stem on the tip of one finger. "Your Highness."
The princess swallowed. She hoped there was no flush to her cheeks as she accepted the rose. When her fingers closed around it, the previously white petals bloomed into a blood red.
The crowd gasped in delight, some displaying their pleasure with dainty claps.
The princess studied the flower, turning it over in her hands, before looking at the jester again.
He tossed her a wink, so brief and privately for her, she could have convinced herself she'd imagined it. He spun away, continuing on with his act.
The jester moved with unmatched fluidity and ease, even as he feigned clumsiness here and there to coax laughs from his willing audience. The princess's eyes never left him for a moment, tracking his every twirl and flip; his every jest, and trick. He was silver-tongued and graceful. Drawing her eye with all the spectacle of a natural phenomenon.
The prince at her side rested a hand over hers, startling her attention away from the jester. The soon-to-be king of a kingdom neighboring her own looked down at her with a slated expression. "I grow bored of these antics, my dear, might we spend a quiet moment alone before retiring to our chambers for the night?"
The princess's excitement wilted, looking at her husband-to-be. She stole a last glance at her jester. Was it her mind playing tricks, or was he watching her even now, through the edge of his gaze, even as his performance carried on?
"Certainly," she answered finally.
The prince rose from his seat, offering her a hand. The princess's fingers closed around his palm as she stood, keeping hold of her rose in her other hand.
He led her away from the tumbling laughs and cheers of the dining hall and down the corridor. The quiet swept the night bare like a creeping tide.
Her heart ached to return to that dining table, to watch her jester dance and jest and tease. So much of her future was decided for her, and even now, the evening did not belong to her.
The two royals stepped out onto the dais, cool air rushing their skin in a velvet caress. The princess had always liked the cold more than most. The air smelled sharp with the promise of snow.
"I know that you are not satisfied with our arrangement," the future king spoke. His voice was different now than it was when he spoke in front of their subjects. It leveled into something a little less diplomatic; less cushion to the blunt teeth of him. "I am to be king and you will be my queen. My father and I have been more than gracious to offer you my hand. For your own kingdom's sake: you would be wise to drag your head down from the clouds and back to the earth where it is... best suited. Under my direction; by my side. You understand, don't you, dearest?"
The princess looked out over the kingdom that was not her own. The rolling hills and valleys twinkled with the village lights beneath a sleeping sky.
"I understand."
"Good. I trust that with time, you will grow to be content here with me." His voice sounded like the color grey. Steely and dull.
"I hope for the same," the princess said in answer.
The king-to-be nodded in her periphery, his fingers slipping from hers. "I bid you goodnight, my dear. Don't stay out too long. You'll catch a chill."
She listened to his footsteps fade.
She stayed on the balcony until the air numbed her face and fingertips. She watched the lazy clouds part, the moon slashing silver light over the world below.
Using its glow, she examined her white-turned-red rose once more.
"Aren't you cold, princess?"
The princess paused, lifting her head. The familiar voice, warm and lilting, seemed to fill the very cracks of her.
"I like the cold," she answered, turning around to face the speaker.
The jester shifted with leisure movements to lean against the rail beside her.
Something sparked in the pit of her belly, to have him so close. If anyone saw... their mere proximity could be considered scandalous.
Still, the princess turned back around, facing the same direction as her jester.
"How did you turn my rose red?" she asked, glancing at him.
The light of the moon highlighted the white diamonds painted over his cheeks as his mouth lifted into a smirk. "You know what they say about magicians and their secrets."
"You are a court jester," she reminded him, "not a magician. Though your tricks are... impressive."
"I impress you, princess?" His smile widened, sly and teasing.
Heat flooded her cheeks and she turned her head to hide it. "I believe that is what I said, yes."
"You didn't see the end of my performance."
Her gaze flicked back to him, eagerness betraying her. His eyes glittered beneath the dance of moonbeams, knowing and patient as he awaited her reply.
The princess's mouth felt slightly dry. "Alright, then."
"You may... repeat the end of your performance for me."
He clasped his hands in front of him, attention still affixed to her. The amusement was clear on his face. "I may?"
The princess's cheeks burned further. "I only mean- If you should like to. I would... I wouldn't deny you."
The jester took a single step closer, and the princess felt as if all the air had vanished from her lungs. "Would you like to see it?" he pressed gently.
She swallowed. "I... Yes. Please."
"I could do more than that," he spoke softly. "I could get you out of here--for a little while, or for good."
The princess turned away. "Don't be foolish."
He reached out, brazen and delicate all at once, to catch her wrist, spinning her back around. His other hand raised to just barely brush a finger down the line of her jaw.
The world around them flickered in a kaleidoscope of color, then vanished all at once. The princess blinked and they were in her own kingdom's village, her castle towering within sight.
The princess spluttered, trembling, and looked at the jester, her jester. She was gripping his hand. "What-"
He grinned, something else--magic--sparking behind his eyes. "I am afraid being the fool is precisely my job, Princess. Now. Your Highness. Anywhere you'd like to go?"
Everywhere, her heart whispered.
The princess stepped close, looking up at the court jester. A million thoughts wanted to flee the confines of her mouth. She looked around at her kingdom; her home.
"Thank you."
This is unedited bc it's 2:49 am, but I'll probably (maybe) edit it tomorrow :) Yay for pushing through writer's block, are ya proud?
General Taglist: @pinned-to-the-wahl  , @valiantlytransparentwhispers  , @distance-does-not-matter  , @redbircl  , @lilaccatholic  , @crazytwentythrees  , @thelazywitchphotographer  , @chibicelloking  , @lolafaiy , @thinkwrite5  , @putridghost  , @tobeornottobeateacher  , @sunflower1000  , @bouncyartist  , @feyriddle  , @yet-another-heathen  , @silverwhisperer1  , @distractedlydistracted  , @pensivespacepirate  , @appleejuicee  , @deflated-bouncingball   @maybe-a-cat42  , @m0chik0furan  , @mercurymomentum , @fairysprinkles  , @vuvulia , @amongtheonedaisy , @rose-pinkie  , @trappedgoose-in-a-writblr-room  , @scorpio-smiles  , @inkygemuwu  , @wolfeyedwitch  , @thewhumpmeisterx3000  , @ikiiryo , @moonquires , @lem-hhn  , @fanastywhump  , @smallangryfish  , @ladybookworm  , @freefallingup13  , @acaiaforrest  , @a-blue-comedy  , @puppyaddict , @a-person-who-likes-musicals  , @talkingsperm  , @qualitychaoslover  , @deckofaces ,@7eselt
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onceuponastory · 1 year
desperately seeking sam - sam wilson x reader
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Plot: After meeting Sam at a festival, Y/N finds herself falling deeply and madly in love with him. When they are forced to go their separate ways, Y/N can't wait to see him again... but there's only one problem. She doesn't know his surname, or even his phone number. But Sam has the perfect idea to find her. Pairing: Sam Wilson x Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of alcohol. As always if I miss any triggers, let me know. Notes: Sam is not the Falcon or Captain America in this, because I figured he'd be really recognisable if he was, and I wanted to add the element of them searching for one another! I saw a poster like this the other day, and thought it would be something Sam would do, so here we are.
Joining the long queue for the bar, Y/N hums along with the music playing from behind her, the sounds of drums and guitars filling the air. Bopping her head to the beat, she steps closer and closer to the front of the line, smiling as the sun beats down on her. Y/N’s been spending the day at a music festival, and despite being alone, she’s actually having a lot of fun. But that may be because of the cocktails they have. After paying for her drink, she turns, ready to go back to the music, not really paying much attention to her surroundings. That is, however, until she collides with someone, the cold liquid of both of their drinks splashing on his chest. Y/N’s eyes widen, shame seeping through her… much like the remnants of her drink. “Oh, my god. I’m so sorry.” She gasps, immediately sobering up. “I’ll pay for a new one… and for that to be dry cleaned.” She expects the person to be angry, but to her pleasant surprise, the man grins, instantly filling her with relief. His smile is so bright, and fills her with such a warm feeling, that her worries soon fade away.
“No! Not at all. It happens.” He reassures her. “I will definitely accept that drink offer, though. Can’t let a pretty lady like yourself feel bad, right?” He flirts, and Y/N chuckles. It’s been so long since someone flirted with her so openly, and she definitely wasn’t expecting to fall in love with someone at a music festival of all places. …But the man is so attractive, she doesn’t seem to mind. “Well, thank you.” She grins as they rejoin the growing queue at the bar, trying to act cool and like she definitely knows what she’s doing, and isn’t woefully inexperienced at flirting. “Can’t let a handsome guy like yourself go without, now can I?” Y/N watches him curiously, waiting to see how he reacts to the line she dropped. Thankfully, he grins. “I like your way of thinking.”
She soon learns the man’s name is Sam, and he’s originally from Delacroix, but lives and works in New York now. He tells her all kinds of stories, and Y/N hangs onto his every word. He’s so interesting. So funny, so charming, so kind.
And honestly, she thinks she’s falling in love with him.
Y/N and Sam spend the rest of the day together, learning more and more about one another in between musical acts. It certainly is the most unorthodox way she’s ever met someone, but that just makes it more exciting, a funny story to tell all their friends and family. If they ever make it that far, that is. And god, she hopes they do. Thinking about their future may be moving on too quickly, but Y/N doesn’t care. She’s just so happy in the moment. That night, as the festival draws to a close, she and Sam go see the headliner, dancing and singing along at the top of their lungs. As the music pounds, almost pumping through her entire body and bloodstream, Y/N has never felt so alive. And it seems Sam feels the same. “Can I kiss you?” He calls over the music. “What?” She asks, wondering if she misheard him. But then he asks her again, and Y/N realises he’s serious. Smiling, she nods. Sam grabs her, pulling her close as the last song reaches its climax. He presses his lips to hers in a passionate kiss, grinning. Y/N cups his cheeks with her hands, pulling Sam even closer to her. Her heart pounds, and her stomach swells. As they kiss, the band turns on their confetti cannon, raining multicoloured pieces down on them, landing on their clothes, their head, their feet.
It’s perfect.
After the last act has ended, Sam walks her back to the train station with the rest of the crowd, keeping a soft, protective hold on her hand. Honestly, Y/N is glad to have it. After their kiss, she feels like she’s walking on air. Sam’s helping to bring her back down to earth again. “It was great to meet you Y/N.” Sam smiles, and Y/N nods, her smile just as wide. Hopefully this dream night lasts forever. “It was wonderful to meet you, too.” She replies. He leads her all the way down to her platform. As her train thunders into the station, he finally lets her hand go. Y/N’s heart sinks, and she reaches out for it again for a moment. Somehow, she already feels at home in his grasp. “Goodnight Sam.” Y/N whispers, pecking his cheek as the train doors open. “Goodnight Y/N.” Y/N almost considers staying there and missing her train, even if it’s just for another second of Sam’s time. As he looks over her, smiling softly. But as the doors' loud beeping, signifying they’re about to close, fills the air, Sam gently nudges her inside. “You better go before you miss your train.” He chuckles. She sits by the window, staring out at the man who changed her night and made her feel incredible. He gives her a wave, and the train slowly pulls out of the station.
But as Sam disappears from view, a horrible realisation dawns on Y/N, spoiling her cheerful mood. Like a rain cloud on a bright, sunny day. “I don’t even know his last name. Or his number. How will I ever see him again?”
“You kissed her? And you didn’t even get her number?!” Bucky gasps in disbelief from across the table, his eyes wide. Sam sighs, nodding. The second he woke up the day after meeting Y/N, after making sure it wasn’t a dream, he headed off to see Bucky and ask for his advice. Or at least… what Bucky classes as advice.
“Yes, I did. And no, I didn’t.” Bucky shakes his head, still in disbelief, which doesn’t make Sam feel any better. “Yes. I know I’m an idiot. But I wasn’t thinking about that sort of stuff, you know? I just was thinking about kissing her, holding her and maybe taking-” 
“Okay, I get it.” Bucky nods, cutting him off. “So, you've already searched through social media for her?" Sam nods. "Well what are you going to do? You can’t exactly camp outside of the train station until she comes back, can you?”
“Can’t I?” Sam jokes, and Bucky frowns. “I know, I know. I’m kidding.” He sighs. And then… an idea strikes. “I know what to do.” Sam grins.
Every day since the festival ended, Y/N hopes and prays that she’ll find Sam again. She scrolls through social media every day, checking for a post or message about her. But each day only brings more and more disappointment. And after a few days with no messages, Y/N just settles back into her regular, mundane existence: going to and from work each day and getting home to enjoy what little time she has to herself before doing it all again the next day.
And trying to ignore the aching feeling in her heart whenever she thinks of Sam, of course. Y/N tries to stop herself from feeling disappointed, telling herself that this is just life. It gives you the best thing in your life… and then snatches it away from you. It may be unfair, but it’s just what happens. Although it may have been foolish, she was still hoping that things for her and Sam would be different, that he’d find her again.
But as the days pass, that seems less and less likely. “You like him.” Her coworker grins, smirking at her from across her desk one day. “You should try to find him.” “How? I don’t even have his number, or his last name. Do you know how many Sams there are in New York alone?” Y/N groans, resting her head in her hands. “I can’t believe that in this world full of technology, you can’t find your true love who you met at a festival. It’s like… some modern Cinderella story or something. And you didn’t even need to lose a shoe!” “Really not helping.” Y/N groans, not even looking up. Deep down, though, she knows her coworker is right. And she’d be lying if she said that despite her disappointment, this whole experience wasn’t exciting her. To have someone searching for her, and to be searching for him just as much, trying every possible route to find one another, like some modern fairytale rom-com mashup.
It doesn’t make the longing for Sam any better, though.
Later that day, after her shift is finally over, Y/N joins the throngs of commuters heading home. Her mind is on other things, like what she’s going to have for dinner, and if her neighbour has actually taken his trash out.
It’s only when she arrives at her train station and notices a group of people huddled around something on the wall that she’s broken out of her thoughts. Curiously, she strains her neck, trying to see what has everyone so interested. Finally, she gets close enough to see what they were looking at. A handwritten poster is on the wall outside the station. When she sees what is written there, her eyes widen.
“To Y/N, the gorgeous woman I bonded with at the festival, yet I was stupid enough to leave without getting her number. Hopefully this works. Keep dancing and call me sometime. Love Sam.” Under the message is a phone number. Y/N smiles, taking out her phone and dialling the number.  He answers right away, of course.
“Hello? Sam?” she asks. “It’s Y/N. …Yeah, I saw your poster. …No, no. I love it! It’s wonderful. Unique for sure.” She laughs. “...Sure, I’d love to meet up for coffee.”
Please follow @onceuponastory-library and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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seelestia · 5 months
who are a few mutuals that you appreciate alot? mutual appreciation day 🥰❤️😊🤩💐✨
OOOO FUNFUNFUN!!! thank u so much for sending this in and for essentially spreading positivity, nonnie. this is appreciated ♡ also, instead of strictly moots, i decided to extend my appreciation to everyone! moots, anons, friends and readers alike ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
some odeliaesqué sappy appreciation under the cut:
@yvnaology - one of my fav facts abt yona was that she's one of the first moots i ever had on tumblr!!! and she's a lyney kisser and a fellow aventurine kisser (#taste). also she's so silly (/aff) and easy to talk to! like u'll feel at ease around her. she deserves good great and awesome things in life, so make sure to water ur yona daily with love <3
@solarisfortuneia - mika wished me congrats when i reached 1k and i still remember it till this day <3 she's friendly in a shy/modest way and suchsuchsuch a good writer! e.g. i cry over this every day actually. mika also has her silly moments sometimes too. someone save her /j
@floraldresvi - simply the sweetest & most supportive moot EVER! vivi is full of love and she's good at giving some of that love to others <3 her selfships are like bottles of serotonin to me. 100% would drop anything and everything in my hands to support her!!! and ik she'd do the same for me <3 mwah mwah 💐💐
@monicahar - the moot who comes online once in a while and drops absolute meals when she does. ate, left no crumbs 🔥🔥 also SUPER FUNNY!!! and unhinged, i'm concerned but amused at the same time. i hope she's having a nice break!! thank u for ur past & future services ma'am. we love u 🤭🤭
@milk-violet - MIREI !!! sunshine personified but also vv precious. i'm the leader of # protecc mirei squad (real). best person to have ever appeared in my notifs and i lovelovelove when her username pops up. take care & good luck with school! IK U CAN DO IT. remember what i said: slay before ur slayed 🗣️
@xianyoon - the butterfly moot 🦋 !!! both socially and aesthetically hehe. sosooso sweet & kind. has creative projects and executes them well at that too. i personally crown her as genshinblr's best hostess™! also, send her a moodboard and she'll cherish u forever - that's one of her love languages <3 ++ her pretty & aesthetic rb's are such a good refresh for my dash. love her for it!!
@hermosacolibri - the name, 'starlight' fits them sm bcs i feel like if we were to take a peek into their mind, stars will burst out!!! /pos (<- unique complimenting skills ik pardon me). their ideas are brilliant and i can tell they put their all into pursuing their vision <3 it's truly an honor to be a witness & reader. if u want to check them out, they write over at @/starlightlacrimosazpsff !!! ★
@wolfhookk - aaaaa ri !!!! booping her x1000 rn bcs i cannot believe boop trend ended when she came online. the discrimination 😔 /j i'll always remember ri as my first ever moot on here like first, 1st, #1!!! i forever thank her for swooping into my inbox back then and she's welcome to do that even now any time she likes <3
@kaiserkisser - skylia is the true angst consumer, the realest of it!! even in different fandoms LOL. she's nice (and gremlin-ish) when u get to know her more and she reciprocates energy really well! i'll never forget the disaster of boops in my notifs /lh
@callilouv - COOL MUTUAL ALERT !!!! cool art & cool interests. truly, picasso w/ the finger and fandoms!! idk if cal still draws with his finger dhjahshsj but still vv mega cool!
@manager-of-the-pudding-bank - the grandpas & old men kisser where art thou 💔 /j loqua has that awkward & silly rizz!!! idk if she still does wax stamps but i still think it's really cool. bcs qua's just cool in general !!! hehe
@calxlu - aaaaa vi!!! the one who enables my rambles and selfships shhshsh i am so thankful <3 rambler 🤝 rambler is the best. i love talking to her and it's super reassuring to know that it's mutual! even if i take some time but i always look forward to seeing her replies in my inbox. it's like we're penpals across the screen talking abt irl stuff and our f/o's ꒰✿´ ꒳ ` ꒱♡
& honorable mention: @/zhongrin. rin does not interact with minors anymore (which i respect and so should everyone!), so we count as former moots. but !!! i still think she's an amazing person regardless <3 (note: her blog is equally as great but plsplspls be mindful of her rules beforehand.)
brainrot anon - A REAL ONE!!! always there when i come back from the grave each time. i get reminded of them whenever i look at my inbox, it's an instinct atp. their brainrots are so fun & random (but that's a charm in itself /pos) !!! tbh i love elaborating them all so never stop sending the brainworms in <3 feel free to treat my inbox as a drop-off for ur thoughts LMAO /gen. come by again soon!
michiki anon - MY COUSINNNMNMN!!! i still love and miss when they'd come into my inbox to chat. it was so nice getting to know someone in a casual way <3 i hope ur doing well wherever u are, michikinon! i'm doing well these days and i hope u are too 🤍
rix anon - their series still has me FLOOOORED. i still think it deserves a proper platform than just thru my lil ol inbox. it deserves more recognition :( but just the fact that i got to help share their writing alone is an honor of its own!!! i hope ur doing well too, rix anon <3
++ everyone who has left a nice feedback / said anything nice in my notifs or my inbox!! even a simple 'cute' or 'this is good' or even just leaving a note means sososo much to me. i'm just a measly guy in my own little corner on this site, really - so thank u thank u thank u all !!! 🫂
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vivipuri · 4 months
✧ vivipuri Fancuries 2024 Nominee Spotlight! ✧
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So this is a bit of awkward timing to be nominated during this time as, admittedly, I’m still prepping for my fanseries so not everything is set in stone. But I happily accept all these nominations!
Viva la Vida! Pretty Cure has been nominated for four categories for the 2024 @fancuries: Best Fanseries Concept, Coolest Cure (Cure Aurea), Favorite Fancure & Prettiest Cure (Cure Platina)!
As Viva la Vida! Pretty Cure is still in its prep stage, I can only relay so much information without going into major spoiler territory, and I can’t guarantee these are all finalized. But please bare with me and I hope you can still consider my fanseries~
Best Fanseries Concept: Life and Death, Magic, Sorcery
The main theme is pretty heavy for Precure, even for a fanseries. But I’d like to take this opportunity as a fan creator to touch on a more mature series if Toei never will. The main girl herself (Yuki) struggles with the concept of death as she herself cannot cope with the death of her mother even years later, and I want to touch on this subject through her journey and the other girls who are yet to be revealed~ Along her time as a Precure and by the end of the series, she and her friends will learn to live life to the fullest (hence the name of this fanseries).
“Long live life”
The subordinates of the main villain are to be based on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, with a motif being based around different horseriders throughout history (old west gunslinger, medieval ages knight, 18th century highwayman, ancient Japan bajutsu). I don’t want to paint death in an entirely bad light as it’s an inevitable fate, so the villains don’t really represent the death to the Precure’s life. They moreso represent rebirth but in a darker sense, but I’ll get into that another day.
Magic and Sorcery play a heavy role in the story of Yuki and the main plague doctor-based villain, Necro. Something to be revealed early on in the series is that Yuki’s late mother was a powerful sorceress, and Yuki will learn to harness this magic source that differs from the power of a Precure. Necro himself is a powerful sorcerer. His goals? I won’t reveal yet, but his character greatly parallels Yuki, especially at the end when Yuki learns to move on. 👀 That is all.
Favorite Fancure & Prettiest Cure: Yuki Ayumu/Cure Platina
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(since VVPC is in its development stage there isn’t much art of the Cures yet! Again please bare with me! ><)
(The main cure of VVPC!)
CV: Kei Shindou
Hobbies: Making art, reading, movies, manga
Specialty: Keen eye for detail, memorizing scripts in media
Favorite food: Cheesecake
Least favorite food: Meat stew
Dislikes: The dark, public speaking
Birthday: December 21st
Height: 156 cm
A tortured artist with a withdrawn and reserved nature, Yuki is unable to live life to the fullest. Venting her emotions on paper, she is constantly searching for the memory of the drawing she drew the day her mother died in hopes of finally moving on. However, behind her turmoil lies a kind and pure heart waiting to be discovered. As the angelic Cure Platina, she serves as the primary support for the team, providing healing through the power of holy light.
Coolest Cure: Maria Takara/Cure Aurea
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(The sixth ranger and the de-facto leader of VVPC!)
CV: Lynn
Hobbies: Magical girl media, fashion
Specialty: Speaking English and French, gemstone knowledge
Favorite food: Chocolate sweets
Least favorite food: Stroganoff
Dislikes: bad fashion sense, inferiority
Birthday: June 25th
Height: 163 cm
The half-French Maria is cool and collected, albeit narrow-minded and easily impressionable. She hails from the Takara family, owners of a successful jewelry designer business, La Takara. Being the youngest daughter of four, she is left with no important position as a means to inherit and help run the business in the future, leading her to find her own purpose. Maria’s heart of gold has led her to become Yuki’s closest friend, but with her overprotective attitude, is there more than meets the eye? As the mysterious Cure Aurea, the power of crystals aid her in her role as an offensive force.
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
And that just about wraps up my spotlight! I hope that wasn’t too much info to digest, I tried making this as short as possible ^^;
You can vote in this year’s Fancuries here, and if you ever consider my fanseries and fancures, well… thank you very much, it means the absolute world to me ;w;
Viva Las Fancuries!
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puhpandas · 3 months
Can I just say that your spider FNAF AU absolutely kicks ass? Those designs are just insanely awesome man. I especially dig gregorys colours, that is some A+ character design! The shorts over his spider suit is such a clever detail since it’s such a gregory thing to do 💀
And cassie’s hood - she looks amazing! Curious though, how did gregory and cassie come across their spiders/powers in your AU?
I’m both a spiderman and FNAF geek so you completely blew my mind when you crossed the two
ahh thank you so much anon I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my au and designs this much!! :)💜
I havent actually thought too much about the origins so I guess I'll brainstorm here!
I 100% know already that I want Gregory and cassie to get their spider bites and powers at the same time, probably by the same spider? they go into this together as a duo and have eachother to lean on while this is happening to them. I'm thinking maybe some sort of summer activity that caused them to come into contact with the spiders? since In the au I'm planning on it starting around the beginning of the school year, when Gregory and cassie tranfer to the nerd school together, so theyd still be out of school
and I know that the spider bites (since I'm basing this pretty much 100% on msm 2017 since it's the most I've seen of any spiderman media and also my fave) take affect almost immediately after you get bit, but I think this time they only come into affect later like the next day or late afternoon
because the concept of Gregory and cassie getting their powers at the exact same time but being apart is so funny. cassie starts sticking to walls and she accidentally popped the head off of her stuffed animal and she fumbles for her phone and calls Gregory immediately screaming her head off. and when Gregory's hands wont let go of his game controller and he splits his bedside table in half he isnt thinking anything except "what the fuck" but then he gets the call
then they just stumble through learning about these powers together. I'm still not sure about how bonnie would die in this au so I'm not sure if Gregory choosing to be spiderboy would be based off of his inaction like in msm 2017. but cassie is for sure the one to throw the idea out after she gets used to her powers because shes so sympathetic by nature she wants to use her powers to help, and Gregory would go along with it because he thinks it's cool. (thatd be when the bonnie thing happens and he decides to take it more seriously)
thanks again anon I hope you enjoyed my little spiel! I'm thinking about this au tons so I might draw more for it in the future ^_^
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hero-of-the-wolf · 3 months
Is there anything you'd like to yap about with your Hyrule Ruins AU? If so, I'd love to hear it!
I have to let you know Faith when I saw this ask I got so excited my brain shut down skavaksbksbsna here’s to hoping I sound coherent lol
Link has the Master Sword, right? but since he got yeeted into the future with it, that means that there is no Master Sword in the future
same with Zelda, since she got yeeted into the future the bloodline of the goddess has been discontinued and the royal family has fallen into obscurity
speaking of Zelda, she’s an aspiring anthropologist!!!!! she's absolutely obsessed with history and her favorite thing to do in the world is to grab Link and drag him out into expeditions around Hyrule to explore old ruins and find cool artifacts. my girl’s a field scientist, she gets really depressed when she’s stuck in the castle for a long time :(
(her father doesn’t know about the expeditions btw)
Link’s not all that interested in history himself but he loves to listen to Zelda infodump bc he loves to see her so happy 🥺 he has all this secondary knowledge through osmosis lol
her book!!!! it’s an old research journal she found in the castle’s library and she’s repurposed it to be her research journal. she’s basically got the whole thing memorized, and she’s always adding her own notes and drawings about the stuff she finds with Link
(she’d also go out to explore on her own, but it’s more fun with a friend, and Link is always so willing to come so they go out together way more often than not)
Link considers it his highest honor that it’s literally his job to make sure his best friend is safe lol
also yeah to me they are best friends 💙 but I don’t really mind if people wanna ship them ik Zelink is a popular ship lol
this is basically me rambling about Zelda and Link now lol but I love themmmm sm they are so special to me holding them gently
oh also the other Link is hiding a secret—
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being-of-rain · 4 months
73 Yards is an episode of Doctor Who. Kinda.
They just put a little horror movie in the middle of the season! And I enjoyed it! I think a big reason I'm really enjoying this season is that it's taking some big swings, trying some unique stuff. Of course I wish we had 13 episodes, but I'd rather 8 episodes that get experimental with it than a hundred by-the-numbers stories (Sorry Nick Briggs). (Sorry for the drive-by at Nick Briggs, it's just hard to resist sometimes).
This episode certainly took advantage of the supernatural available to it, as I hoped this season would. And by playing into the rules of horror (and Doctor Who is allowed to be any genre it wants,) it left a lot up to interpretation, which was very interesting and had my girlfriend and I discussing it for a while after it ended. I thought it was drawing some connection between ancient curses and right-wing politics, which is fair. And watching Ruby weaponise her ancient Welsh curse to make the prime minister resign was very funny and satisfying. I think I saw people somewhere talk about how a common thread through a lot of the situations and horrors was isolation and ostracism, which is a thread I want to pull on next time I watch it. Which might not be soon, because (as I might expect from RTD,) this was a bit bleak for me to be a common rewatch. But I love seeing people's various theories on the episode, keep 'em coming.
As for Ruby... I hate to say it, but I don't think this episode really endeared her to me more than any other. She's still a great performance by Millie Gibson (the youngest-looking 40 year old on the planet, bless this show,) and she's still a very capable protagonist. But personally, I'm just not getting anything more interesting than that from her. I'm glad the show so far hasn't been putting a crazy amount of stress on the fact she's adopted, but it hasn't given her any issues to replace that. I've seen people read some interesting stuff into her after this episode, but I didn't get any of it from the episode itself. I didn't even really know what she was thinking while she was growing old alone; you can assume 'sad,' but the episode didn't pause to give me anything more than assumptions. I should move on instead of saying this every episode, but I was hoping this ep would change my mind. Maybe she's one of the rare companions I just won't really click with. Or maybe, like Ryan, she'll become my favourite just before she leaves. Then again, aren't we getting a second companion next season? I'd love a new dynamic.
What else? Kate! She was a pleasant surprise, being as helpful as ever (sorry Kate) and making this her 10th episode! Which feels weird to say about a character who's had like 48 episodes of her own spin-off audio show. Oh but you know what else is weird to say? Kate's line "I think this timeline might be suspended along your event." What are you talking about Kate?? How would you even know that?! I assume the line's there to future-proof the episode against later Dr Who plots interfering with this one, but since when does Dr Who care about that. The line feels so out-of-place and meta (as well as kind of spoiling the ending by immediately making me think 'oh so this whole timeline is going to get undone then,') that I think they shouldn't have bothered.
Anything else to say? It felt a little weird that the episode takes a stand against the stereotype of rural Welsh people being isolated and insular by having a bunch of rural Welsh people be cruel to a nice person just because she's an outsider. Oh and they acknowledged Susan Twist's appearance in each episode then, I'm curious what that will turn into.
Speaking of season mysteries, I keep seeing the fan-theory 'they're in a TV show' turn up everywhere online. Which is a cool idea that Dr Who could pull off, but I've yet to see a single piece of convincing evidence for it. Keep coming up with bizarre and unsupported theories Who fans, don't ever change.
Oh and here's a really niche and petty complaint! I wish the show would stop using the phrase 'perception filter'. I think when it was first used, in series 3 I think, it was about something relatively specific, technology that Time Lords use to make something not draw attention (unless attention is drawn to it). But since then the phrase has been rolled out for shape-changing, invisibility, natural abilities as well as technology by any species under the suns, it can affect your memories, and hey now magic Welsh curses use it too. Personally, I think it's lost all meaning and feels a lot more like cheap and lazy writing than worldbuilding.
Okay! Those thoughts turned into me saying I loved the episode then listed a bunch of very petty complaints. But I did love it! More magic please. Maybe slightly happier one.
I'm not sure there's anything in the second half of this season I'm really hyped for, but after enjoying the first half a lot, I'm curious what'll turn up!
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bjorkncaddel · 8 months
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⚡︎ — whoa! NEVA BJÖRK CADDEL just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 2 YEARS, working as a/an ART CURATOR. that can’t be easy, especially at only 30 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit IMPULSIVE and COMPUSILVE, but i know them to be OPEN MIND and KIND. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to BROOKLYN!
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name — neva birgitta håkansson björk caddel nickname(s) — normally people calls her neva, gigi for closed friends. name meaning — neva: snow , birgitta: the high one, or strength. & björk:  birch age — thirty date of birth — january, 1st sexual orientation — demisexual/straight/heteroromantic height — 5'6" / 1,68m occupation — art curator (at MET museum) by day, night owl by night. residence — brooklyn birthplace ⏤ stockholm
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mother — linnéa alma née håkansson björk (60)+( former miss world + doctor ) father ⏤ baldur fredrik björk (65 )+( ceo + economist + billionaire ) brothers — elias björk ( 35 ), anders björk (44 ) marital status ⏤ married to ryan hunter caddel. issues ⏤ upcoming. ( expecting twins 7/8 months ) { nils & freya björk-caddel } pets ⏤ boo björk ( ragdoll cat )
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tw: cheating, depression, pregnancy
Neva is the daughter of a doctor and former Miss World, Linnéa, and businessman and economist Baldur Björk. She was born in Stockholm on a blizzard day, hence her name. Even on the news on TV was announced strong blizzard on the day she came. She is the younger of two brothers, and all of them are relatively close. Being the daughter of a beauty queen wasn't easy.
She always had an interest in the arts which was shown from an early age, before she could even learn how to talk, she learned how to draw. During her teen phase, she wasn't popular at school, and hardly had friends. Neva was often alone, but always hid it from her family, she never wanted any of them to worry about her. There wasn't any phase where her grades were bad, she was a good student ( top students ) , and never bragged about it.
When she was 15 she moved to USA in California. Her father was promoted from work ( & live ) and wanted to live abroad. In the very beginning was hard for her, because she liked her life in her hometown, despite not having friends, not other than her own brothers.
Her father was a bit disappointed that she studied 'arts'. He wanted her, just like be like his family following the financial business. Her mother hoped for her to be a doctor, like her family it was also a tradition in her family. She didn't hear neither of them and did what she wanted for herself.
During her college years, she fell in love with a guy, name Liam with whom she thought she would have a life ( they were engaged ), turns out he was cheating on her, with multiple people. They spent 5 years together. She was very heartbroken because she imagined he was her soulmate, and blind in love. Neva began to focus even more on her future in her graduation not wanting to feel the pain of heartbreak anymore.
Since then, she never had any other serious commitment to anyone, focused on her future, and fortunately, she graduated, got a great job with so much effort and soul to get where she got, and also has two p.H.d, she is an art curator at MET museum.
She met a guy named Ryan in one night and she asked him for help. He was off duty ( he is a firefighter ). Their friendship began to bloom ever since, he became her best friend, she didn't think he was into her until one day he declared her feelings to her. When they began dating found out their family knew each other. Despite dating not too long, she found you she's expecting his child.
They decided to move in together in a mansion in Brooklyn, where they raise his three dogs and her cat, and when his divorce was finalized they got engaged and married on the same week while they were on vacation on the babymoon. They planned in have a new big wedding, one for family and friends, once their life is somewhat more settled, after their babies are born. Babies because it's twins. Nils and Freja Björk Caddel.
(more to come)
⚡︎ — CHILDHOOD FRIENDS ; | 2 open | any character that went to high school in California. ⏤ ⚡︎ — PEN PAL ; | open | Someone who maybe could have written either letters, texts, or emails to my character. It could have been a pure internet friend that they maybe met on a social networking site and always promised to meet up and either didn’t or eventually did. ⏤ ⚡︎ — GHOSTED ; | m | During the time she hustled to get where she got in her work, at MET museum, she tried to back on game on dates, but this she thought she would have a nice time, turns out she figured out she wasn't fully prepare for being in dates games again after breaking up with her fiance. Cowardly she ghosted on the y/m, besides as workaholic as she is didn't have time for y/m . ⏤ ⚡︎ — PARTYING BUDDIES ; | closed | a friendship that relies on nothing more then alcohol, drugs, going out and having a wild time. you could add more to this by having them occasionally hook up with intoxicated or something like that. ⏤ taken by honey ⚡︎ — MOM FRIEND ; | 2 open | she is the mom friend to y/m, always checking on them, making sure they had their water and get their daily vitamins lmao ⏤ ⚡︎ — GOOD INFLUENCE ; | 0/2 open | best friend who look out for each other and often act as a conscience to each other. ⚡︎ — STRANGER DANGER? ; | 1 open | someone they met through a friend of a friend. They have definitely heard of each other but was not sure how the other would be like unless they definitely met them for their own. They could end up being the best of friends or the worst enemies the world had ever seen ⚡︎ — DISTANT COUSINS ; | open | self-explanatory. ⚡︎ — CO-WORKERS ; | ?? open | anyone that works at MET museum. ⚡︎ — NEIGHBORS (Brooklyn); | ?? open | ⚡︎ — EX ; | open | self-explanatory. more to come soon.
⚡︎ — RYAN CADDEL; | family friends + best friend + hubby + babies' father. ⚡︎ — OLIVER METCALFE ; | best friend / soul brother ⚡︎ — HONEY LAVERE; | party friend + girl pal + best friend ⚡︎ — ELIAS BJÖRK; | big brother ⚡︎ — ABIGAIL KINGSLEY; | party friend
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thank you so much for the ask!!
I decided to answer the second one first since talking about OCs might take a while…
Rambles (and art!!) under the cut :)
I have a few different answers to this one! I definitely draw Legend from linked universe the most, but my favorite to draw is Link from Skyward Sword (both his normal design and his linked universe one)! But that is just when it comes to faces! My favorite outfit to draw at the moment is ALTTP Zelda’s!
and now on to the dreaded topic of OCs… I have a LOT. Some are connected to a loz au I’m sort of working on every once in a while and the other’s are from an original story that’s been fermenting in my brain since middle school… their designs aren’t finalized and neither are their personalities for the most part. I guess I’ll tell you about some from each?
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ok! Here are Zelda and Link from my au! (These designs are months old and I’ll probably redo them completely at some point)
I don’t have much of the plot and personalities determined yet, with the exception of Zelda’s. She is pretty young and naive at the beginning, and is pretty timid too! She has to grow out of herself a lot and once she moves past her shyness she has a fiery spirit and a strong sense of joy at discovering the world around her. She is also a menace. You’d almost think she’d have the triforce of courage, but she still wields wisdom, though in a more decisive, instinctual way (almost like she is just following her gut) Sheik is a disguise she uses partly to hide from Ganondorf, and partly because she wants Link to think of her as someone more than the scared little girl he rescued a year earlier. Link, on the other hand, I have no idea how to portray. Much like Ganondorf in this au, his personality eludes me. I do know he is a bit grumpier and pretty serious, and has travelled all his life.
I don’t want to write too much, but I do have a lot of ✨thoughts✨ about them, if anyone is curious!
and as for my actually original OCs, I don’t have any good examples of their designs…
I don’t want to describe the entire plot, so I can’t explain most of the characters at all XD
my main villain however (tho he’s not exactly a villain), I can talk about! So the story is set in a sort of fantasy sort of medieval setting but the poor guy (I haven’t figured out a name for him yet) got sealed away for centuries… he used to be the chieftain of the nomadic tribe that dominated the island they live on, but centuries later with a king on the throne he is a bit out of place! (and also furious about losing everything he knew and loved) His main motivation is revenge against those who (to him) usurped his power and killed his wife and their yet to be born son. He is not at all aware that he is in the future and the very usurpers he seeks to destroy are his own descendants.
personality-wise, he’s a little out of his mind, and has a very sharp wit. He is very barbaric and a bit wild, but carries himself like a king. He has a lot of traits of the classic cool and calculating villain, but his main motivation is the love for his family twisted into a primal rage. When he’s angry he becomes hysterical and tends to speak almost softly, almost laughing, before exploding into anger.
oh, and he’s not exactly human anymore. He’s at this point, and through no fault of his own, basically sentient black mist that can talk and change form. He chooses to stay in the form of his human self however, but looks less so the more he gives up what humanity he has left.
he’s probably my favorite part of the story tbh.
ok! That’s it!! Hope I didn’t dump to much info about my OCs; I wasn’t sure how much to share…
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