#hoping to reveal more of the story in an ask blog or a comic
oblexoidbriar · 2 years
Metal Madness AU Lore dump
it’s just essentially a bunch of what-ifs smooshed together (i’m just describing what an AU is haha) coupled with a bad ending premise.
For those that don’t want spoilers- long story short, Bunk Bed Junction became the big bad after some events and now they rule the city (or what remains of the city) and they’re all edgy and stuff.
I hc that all genres of music can become “corrupted” or used for evil, EDM or Rock or any musician can be corrupted regardless.
In my headcanoned NSR, magic/power can be harnessed in two ways- Natural abilities (the stuff that people just kinda have from birth) and magic harnessed through creative passion (music, art, all the stuff with creativity involved). For music, you need three components: Passion, Fan Power, and well, how well the music is. The better the music, the more powerful it is. Genre is somewhat of a factor as well (mainly minor tweaks like “oh well rock is more on attack than for example, lo-fi which is defensive and support”).
But a musician can be corrupted when they harness Hatred, and Fear. Twisting their abilities to hurt others around them and even themselves unintentionally at points. While it does make their music more powerful by a lot, it comes at very very high prices. It changes them as a person. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, after all.  
Though now I think Madness wouldn’t be a good term for what May and Zuke are experiencing, more of a corruption- but Metal Corruption wouldn’t sound as good as Metal Madness. So in this AU, Madness = Corruption. Not Insanity or any pretty awful “ooh i’m goin insane n evil” tropes like that as this corruption is more of an entity possessing them and the duo succumbing and listening to this entity as their personalities and beliefs are being affected supernaturally. There are auditory and visual hallucinations induced by this entity to further coerce them into making bad decisions and further losing themselves.
By the way, please let me know if I’m writing anything not very good from a different standpoint/perspective, I want to write a story that involves corruption and making bad decisions as this is a bad ending, but I want to avoid things such as the Insanity trope or villainizing people who experience such things like hallucinations! I'm open to taking suggestions for a new name and for how better to write this AU while keeping all the important plot points and some of the vibe. I'm researching things as best I can so it can be enjoyed by everyone. Of course I know I can't please everyone, but constructive criticism will still help me out in the long run!
Now for the premise/lore that is full of SPOILERS!
After Tatiana was defeated, Mayday learned the truth: That the person making the shots against all the indie artists in Vinyl City is actually her idol- Kul Fyra. But instead of a funny gag we get in game, Mayday is overcome with rage and attacks Tatiana, forcing her to flee- with the legendary guitar. (that'll be a special thing we'll talk about later)
So Kliff and Tatiana don't get to have their little spat in front of May and Zuke, which means May and Zuke don't realize that Kliff has just been using them this entire time. They take their rightful place as Queen and King of Vinyl City.
They're..not very good at the whole running a city thing just yet, but they're at least trying at this point in time. The stress is kind of getting to them so they're relying on Kliff more to ease the load which means they're a lot more dependent on him.
But, of course, as Tatiana predicted, EDM supporters, plus NSR Charters did fight back to claim back the city. And when Tatiana mentioned that Bunk Bed Junction wouldn't stand a chance when they're at a level playing field, oh boy does she mean it. Imagine having to juggle all the charters in one fight.
Kliff, in what he'd call a "moment of genius", recommended B2J to..switch up the genre. With Metal, which would be easy to transition to considering B2J's genre of Rock, and it gives them a significant power boost.
It all went fine at first, the music just giving them an advantage, and they beat the charters one by one like before. But..when it came to Tatiana, Mayday was immediately getting corrupted due to her hatred and feelings of betrayal. Tatiana was defeated, again, but was injured greatly.
The win certainly changed Vinyl City, and Bunk Bed Junction..as now, Mayday had other plans. She was gonna allow EDM to keep on thriving, but..she decided, if they're just gonna make another uprising, why not give them a taste of their own medicine? She banned EDM entirely.
While ruling the city from there on afterwards, the duo began to slowly get corrupted, even kicking out Kliff from Vinyl City after an argument over power distribution. They ruled the city however they pleased, and their sense of justice twisted. They still had good intentions, and believed they were "helping" the city but did more bad than good.
And that's where the story leaves off~ Current day of the duo still ruling, but who knows? Things might change.
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cripplecharacters · 1 year
hi! i wanted to ask a question though because i understand its not rlly ur specialty im just asking if u know any other blogs that can help. I work with visual arts, and thats how i wanna do my stories, through something like comics, so i wanted to ask if you know of any resources to help me with properly representing things like scarring, especially facial scarring and facial differences.But anything on representing disability in visual mediums would help. Thank you regardless!
I actually work with visual arts and draw a lot of characters with facial differences (FD) on the daily! I hope I'll be able to help.
I'm not aware of any resources for visual mediums specifically (especially if you mean something like a "how to draw [specific facial difference]" type thing. Despite comic book authors drawing facial differences for ages for their villains there really aren't any good tutorials that I know of) so I tried to combine a few points that maybe will be helpful to you;
Reference photos of real people with the condition your character has. Try to research the symptoms of it as well (especially if it's a syndrome) - maybe it will turn out that the symptoms your character has require a trach tube or a nasal cannula, or something completely different.
Don't overexaggerate their facial difference for the shock value...
...or downplay it for the cuteness/attractiveness factor.
What I mean is - whether your character is the adorable love interest or the morally gray criminal, their facial difference shouldn't reflect that. Don't make some kind of moral connection of "major craniofacial condition = bad person, teeny tiny scar = good person".
Don't draw your character with FD constantly covered in blood and running around with an axe. The portrayal of people with FD as violent/murderous is not only offensive and not helping the public perception of facial differences, but is also just incredibly boring and overdone. 99% of "representation" looks like this and has been looking like this since horror movies have been invented. I'm 100% serious when I say that drawing a person with a facial difference just having friends is a thousand times more groundbreaking than all these horror tropes combined.
Don't use the ancient "facial difference = joke" design trope. Authors love using strabismus, drooling, lacking teeth or skull conditions as shortcuts for "humor". These conditions are all real and real people have them (including me, hi). They don't exist as some kind of signifier that a character is "stupid" or "crazy". It is extremely prevalent and hard to unsee once you start noticing.
A lot of people in the FD community just want characters with FD that are normal, everyday people doing normal everyday things - having a family, hanging out with a friend, petting their cat... Not murderers hunting ablebodied teenagers through the woods. Maybe one of your character's family members has a burn scar without having it be A Big Deal, maybe one of their classmates has Goldenhar Syndrome that everyone just accepts, maybe the background character at the local supermarket has neurofibromas on their face... lots of options that don't involve tired villain tropes. With the advantage of a visual medium, you don't even need to explicitly mention that they have a facial difference - just draw it and let it be there. No dramatic reveal necessary.
Have a range of facial differences represented, even if it's just the side characters. Most people only ever draw scars, usually small and not affecting anything other than the skin, which isn't bad - a lot of people do have scars like that, and they deserve to be represented. However, there are literal thousands of different things that also count as a facial differences. Some of them like strabismus, Down Syndrome, tumors, or nerve palsies (most notably Bell's palsy, but there's 12 of them in total) are quite common, while conditions like Treacher Collins Syndrome, Pfeiffer Syndrome or Anophthalmia are usually considered rare - but a lot of people still have them. Having two or more characters with some kind of facial difference definitely isn't out of place.
This is more of a technical thing, but don't ever tag a visual medium as "gore" or "body horror" because someone has a facial difference. It's ableist and incredibly dehumanizing.
This page regarding facial differences in media (not only visual) is also worth giving a read. I hope any of this was useful. If you have more specific questions, feel free to send another ask
mod Sasza
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aufi-creative-mind · 21 days
Updates about what I have been up to.
Things that are in progress!
Currently, my main focus is on completing the LU Spirits series (Formerly known as Farore's Spirits). It is my most ambitious personal project - 9 (12) part series - that I am undertaking by myself. I hope to finally fulfill a 5 year long promise to myself to give this series the artistic glow up that it deserves.
I am also part of the upcoming Denouncement of War: A Hyrule Warriors zine. So do check this out if you are a fan of the OG Hyrule Warrior games!
Things that I want to work on.
I plan to shift more focus towards my BotW-TotK Family and Legacy series. I have a lot of stories that I want to show to you all about Link's family and their individual character stories, Pre-Calamity, Post-Calamity and even present day BotW-TotK events. That includes fan fiction stories, including one I have started - Getting to Know You. You can read the first two chapters on A03 and HERE on this blog.
Chapter 3 is slowly being written out with a potential Chapter 4 planned as well.
I also have three folders worth of other Zelda concepts and stories that I want to show as well. Such as the pre-TotK Zelink sketches that I had impulsively made in the lead up to TotK's release last year. I might release them as soft sketches rather than fully rendered pages.
Things that are put on hiatus...
I have been asked by several people about my LU: Sword's Reveal comic pages and whether I am continuing it. And unfortunately, I will have to put it on hiatus until further notice.
This is because I started that comic long before TotK's release. Specifically when Nintendo made that delay announcement with that teaser of the decayed Master Sword. And the hype that created. So I was originally running on that hype energy of the unknown then. And the other reason was that....I lost the original script for the comic. And what notes I was able to retrieve no longer reflects on what I now know from completing TotK and what have in mind for the story.
So I'm not abandoning the LU Sword's Reveal comic! But it will be some time until I am able to come back to it and rework on the script and the draft pages.
Things that I am thinking of doing...
For those who may not know, I work as a liasion officer in medical accommodation for families with sick children. And as such, it does take up a lot of my time and energy - physically and especially emotionally - that I am unable to dedicate as much time to making art as I wanted.
I have been considering opening a Ko-Fi or even a Patreon account, but still unsure on how to go about it. I would love to hear your suggestions or feedback on this one!
So if you've been able to reach this far into this update. Thank you so much for taking your time and wishing you all the good vibes!
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yumethefrostypanda · 10 months
I have three questions regarding our Favorite Ghost
1. Why do you think Ghost wears the mask . Do you think in future Games he will take off the mask and just be Simon
2. What do you think ghost will be like in a relationship
And lastly 3 . Why do you think Ghost join the SAS and why did John pick him to be on Task Force 141
Side note : I love love your blog keep up the good content and keep on blessing us with COD Content 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Hey! First off, thank you for your sweet side note and for asking my thoughts *-* Let's do this (gonna be a long one)
If we look at the Ghost comics it tells us how Simon became the "Ghost". For reboot Ghost i think the reason(s) are somewhat align with the comic story, though the specifics may ofc differ. I do think the reason he started to wear his mask/prefers to be covered up is due to severe loss and torture (as in the comics). And as his bio stated;
Tumblr media
Will he take is mask off (again) but now we see his face? Hmmm, it feels 50/50 to me. I don't mind either way. But they already teased us with Simon taking of his mask in the MWII campaign (whilst we gasping in the back of his head :')). So maybee if the story/game(s) comes to an end (which i hope is gonna take yearss *delulu*) we MIGHT just see his face :3 I will be satisfied with him lifting up his mask just halfway tho 😇 And if he will continue to be 'Simon instead of Ghost' in the field is a good and hard question. In the campaign Soap seemed to loosen Ghost up a bit and Alejandro's trust let Simon reveal his face (in short). Soo if they all would be so kind and keep being awesome Simon might fully return 🥹 But still, he is Ghost for most of his career, it's a (big) part of him. Seems hard to let go off.
2. If Ghost would (ever) be in a relationship i would think of him as gentle, careful (not to hurt you) whilst you see him 'struggle' to let you in and fully trust you. I'd like to think for his "reticence" persona, he is more talkative around you but also can enjoy (your presence) in silence. I feel like there is alot more to it or to say about it, i just can't really find the words rn XD Cause what also comes to mind is; has he ever been in a (serious) relationship before? IF not (or it was before the loss and torture) he might need to 're-learn' a thing or two on how to relationship ;P i feel like. And i don't mean it in a twink way but in a way he has to (re)discover these kind of feelings(etc) -where you come in and sorta guide him (by also being just you) :3 (Not that CoD is gonna give us that kind of lore anyway😭) 3. Please know i'm not too familiar with the military and everything revolving around it. What first comes to mind to Price wanting Ghost in his team is because of his skillset and probably mindset. Price is a "uncanny instincts and unchecked determination."(-CoD Wiki) kind of guy. John fights for the greater good. I also believe that for Ghost (and Gaz-as we've seen in 2019, and Soap-as i've seen in his persona). You do want some align thinking minds in your unit if you wanna get the job done, imo :) For Ghost to join the SAS feels like it happened because of his skills("The mental and physical resilience of these guys are what stands out."-SAS article) and i also think Ghost gets some kind of 'freedom' in how he wants/gets to operate, he is in a elite force after all. Who knows Ghost also sees this as an achievement for his hard work and determination in the army. Just for him, to maybe be proud of this achievement if the military is kind of his life. Since he only seems to 'brag' about his skills in a jokingly/uplifting(someone) way.
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toothpaste-dragon · 8 months
🔫 chrysie. thursday. syllk.
(In reference to this post)
It's interesting you picked these three because they're some of my most underdeveloped characters XD And for good reason, in each individual case. But you asked, so you shall receive.
Chrysie There's not too much to say about her, unfortunately. She's a blatant self-insert (which I still get embarrassed about occasionally) and sometimes I draw her in place of myself when applicable. I purposefully didn't create her with much lore because I'd rather focus my efforts on developing my actual characters. So the only real lore I can provide is that she lives in a fairy colony in the mountains and helps gather resources for her village, while also exploring the area and interacting with various animals - and sometimes humans. Mountains are my happy place, so it's obvious why I went with that location :>
Thursday Hoo boy, how to explain this seagull child's history...I don't even know how you found him to begin with, since he's so far back on my art blog XD While Thursday's story has been on the back burner for a long time, he was actually my main focus when I created him back in high school. I was obsessed with birds at that age, especially birds that most people disliked or found annoying, so it all started when I thought to myself "What happens if bird + boy?" I eventually ended up piecing together this shred of a story about a journalist named Melissa who lives in a small coastal town and stumbles upon a so-called seagull boy (AKA a boy who both resembles and has the mannerisms of a seagull). It's revealed that the seagull boy has an injured wing, so Melissa helps nurse him back to health over the course of 2 weeks, while simultaneously nursing some of her own wounds and forming a sweet bond with the quirky son she never had. I was very intentional about making Thursday annoying and loud and messy, which explained why most beach-goers didn't enjoy his presence. Thursday purposefully remained underdeveloped because I wanted the story to be simple and focus on the main character's emotions/reactions more than any sort of backstory they arrived with. I also always imagined the story would best be told as a visual short story or comic, and one of my friends had planned to illustrate the script at some point, but plans changed and it didn't happen (which is totally understandable). Thursday's story still means a lot to me, especially since it was the first time I 'finished' planning out an entire story. I hope one day I might be able to see it come to life...but until then, I'll simply hold onto it.
Syllk Syllk (tiefling sorcerer) was my most recent dungeons and dragons character, before I ultimately left the campaign to prioritize mental health and other important stuff. She was a ton of fun to play! But much like Chrysie, she doesn't have too much lore. Syllk's whole gimmick was that she completely lost her memory and washed up on the shores of Candlekeep, where she met the rest of her companions. The only item on her person was a sealed book, which she believed would help restore her memories and locate her parents. My very first legit D&D character had been easy to play because he acted a lot like me - so this time I wanted to challenge myself to play a character on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Which is exactly why I made Syllk to be sassy, morally gray, quick to anger, and overall just a little gremlin. Near the end of the campaign, Syllk unlocked her book and it led her to a strange laboratory...and there she faced off against a powerful mage, who claimed to have stolen her away from her parents and experimented on her. Syllk was so angry that she aided in killing the mage, but the anger faded once she realized she'd probably never be reunited with her parents. Thankfully, one of her party companions Karliah (tabaxi monk) had been inching closer to Syllk as a surrogate mother, so Syllk decided to stick with her for the time that followed.
I hope these answers are sufficient...I honestly don't know if I described 'lore' rather than just threw random info at you X'D Regardless, enjoy :>
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I saw your post about Bor'Dor and people wondering if there's a Twist of some kind and you mentioned Veth being one of the least popular characters for CR in passing. I think you talked about it elsewhere as well, and I had recently realized *why* I never really gave her a lot of thought. Because on paper she should be one of my favourite characters that I relate to the most--I read her comic and had a moment of "oh, I should really go back and reevaluate this character because damn". I took some time to think about it and I realized that, for me at least, the reason I never really gave her a lot of thought was kind of because of Sam, or at least the way he plays at the table. I find his antics distracting at best and grating at worst. I still mute his section of the ads whenever I watch because something about his energy just doesn't vibe with me. And like, I do love the moments where he does get serious and has a really good dramatic scene, but then a few minutes later he does something that takes me out of it again. This is of course, something that's a me thing, not a him thing. I'm fully aware of the fact that it's his game and he gets to play however he wants. Hell, if the others had an issue with it, they wouldn't have played with him in the first place. So I fully understand that it's just my own personal preferences regarding the type of humour and energy I respond to. But it is something I noticed after giving it some thought. I have hope with the Mighty Nein animated series I'll get to enjoy Veth's story a little more, since that was what happened with Scanlan (I went back to watch campaign 1 after watching LOVM, and I am having a hard time getting past the stark differences). So yeah, that's kind of the reason I never connected with Veth as much as I probably should have. I don't know if other people have the same views, but I'd be interested to hear why you think other don't like Veth (or at least don't respond to her as much as they do the other characters/players).
Anon, I am...not sure why you sent this. It feels like it really misses my point, and it's not something I can address. I've brought this up before but like, I don't always connect with the themes Sam tends to engage with, but I feel that when I've criticized his characters on other bases someone always brings up how they don't vibe with his sense of humor and like, cannot relate, can never relate, I actively enjoy the ASMR ad, and I don't know why I get unrelated Sam criticism - especially about his sense of humor, which is like...not even particularly weird or unusual nor excessive for the table. This is something that really needs to be a post you make on your own blog rather than an anon ask to someone who is getting a little weirded out that this keeps happening.
But I think more importantly my point is not "everyone needs to love Veth". There are plenty of reasons why Veth might not be someone's favorite character, and also it is completely valid to dislike a character based on your pet peeves! If you don't vibe with Veth as a character or Sam as a player, you are not obligated to try to rewire your brain to make it happen. But I do find it incredibly telling that "this character is secretly another race" pops up constantly as a popular theory, and then when a player actually took care and built a character based on that premise with all the implications it entailed, it was a comparatively unpopular choice. My point is "a lot of theories that hinge on there being some Big Twist Reveal really boil down to 'waaaah i think humans are boring and I play a kalashtar so I want someone else to play a kalashtar' without actually engaging in what the narrative would necessarily need to be to support this," and I find that a very, very strong argument against many of those theories as a result.
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Pointing out Toms contempt for fan theories. I used to find the little jabs about readers funny, like people thought Jones was a robot and he actually had someone theorize it in canon as a joke. But now I feel like their almost vindictive. Like when people wondered if Tony had some sort of power that allowed him to come off as more charming, which would have explained why Kat was the only one who seemed to be calling out his abuse since she's not effected by ether in the same way. Then Get Lost happened and we literally had James accusing Tony of doing something to Surma like that. Once again using Eglamore as the unreasonable detractor...after he just got cheated on. I'm sorry I'm sorry if all these asks as encouraging this place into a tonyhateblog but words can not describe how much I loath Tom demanding I sympathize with this character and him ruining his decades long story to do it.
Don’t apologize. I love getting these asks, and if I’m honest this was already a Tony hate blog before I even started it, lol. And I agree completely. There’s times when I love it when creators interact with fandoms, but Tom seems to have taken multiple opportunities to use his comic to insult fans or directly tell them they’re wrong in how they feel about something, instead of just like… I dunno… letting the story speak for itself? Which seems to me to be the better option here?
I have a lot of problems with “Get Lost.” This was always a story of Eglamore getting hurt for reasons that weren’t his fault, but I wouldn’t have been averse to the cheating thing if it was presented more compellingly. Like, we always knew Surma is a morally ambiguous character who has no problem making selfish choices that hurt others, and I was fine with that - in fact, I liked her for it. But “Get Lost” is such a boring, weird chapter, which doesn’t really endear me to either Tony OR Surma, and at the end I get the strong impression we’re supposed to sympathize entirely with Surma and think Eglamore is just the crazy ex who deserved to be cheated on because he was never around. (Andrew has managed not to cheat on Parley, but okay.) I’ve never really liked that chapter, and I’ve always sort of hold onto hope that more will be revealed about it - like, maybe the story that Surma told Anja wasn’t the whole truth. But it’s been 5 years, so somehow I doubt it.
Honestly, I’m still kind of theorizing that there might be something supernatural about Tony. “Get Lost” is, in some ways, a pretty mysterious chapter. What was going on with the insects and slugs? When I first read it, I myself was convinced we were meant to interpret it as some sort of supernatural interference that made Surma more inclined to fall in love, but now I’m not so sure what to think. In any case, I think it’s pretty reasonable for fans to theorize that, and I don’t think it’s reasonable for Tom to use his comic to jab at them.
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ask-possessed-tom · 2 years
A Fresh Start
Hello everyone! Mod speaking.
Sorry for not updating this blog in ages. To cut a long story short, I was not able to keep up with updating this blog consistently and was busy with rewriting different aspects of the main story and characterizations of the main three on here. The difference was too big to continue and as such, with the opinions of you all a few days ago, I wish to start over.
Between then and now, I have been working on designs for Nyx and Thompson, Tom will remain the with the same design since I found nothing to really change as of now. The art style has also been changed too. These changes (especially for Thompson) will make it quicker and more enjoyable for me to draw in. The blog will be more of a casual asking people questions instead of having a whole plot, though some details of Nyx and Thompson's past can be revealed in due time.
There might be some original posts here and there such as short comics or single art pieces. As for the asks, some might be full colored and some might be just lineart. It just depends on what's happening at the moment.
I have also decided to create a schedule that is easy for me to follow and can work with my busy schedule (like school and all). I will try to get some asks done during the weekdays and get them posted on weekends (around the time period of 2pm to 5pm EST). The ask box is closed as of the time this post is made but will be reopened on Monday, 5pm EST. Of course, there will be times that this schedule might be broken due to forces outside of my control, and you all will be noted of it when it happens.
One more thing. The blog will be getting a makeover. Meaning, that I'm going to be changing the banner, icon and background color too.
And... that should be all there is to note! Also, a heads-up for newcomers to the blog, any content below this post are old, outdated ones and shouldn't be counted on too much for background story, though some still remain.
I hope you all will enjoy your stay here and have fun with these funky, lil' dudes!
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yvesdot · 1 year
Behind the Scenes: March 2023 Newsletter
(newsletter in question)
If you're wondering what the actual process to get that output was, the answer is: harrowing. I likely spent a lot more time working with the prompt than I would have if I had just written the thing myself-- but it was fun!
(I recommend opening this post in two tabs so you can compare output to my comments on it. This is also your invitation to ask yourself how much of the newsletter was my input and how much of it was interpretation. Which of those phrases do you think I naturally write? Which of them do you think I wrote?)
If you've never used ChatGPT before, I do recommend you test it out. The tl;dr on process is that you enter a prompt and it generates a convincing output using the patterns it has learned from its training data.
The ultimate prompt that worked for me (with numerous re-generations):
Hi ChatGPT! I need you to write a Patreon post for me based on my last few posts. It is a monthly newsletter telling people what I'm doing. Please write a newsletter post, organized into THE WRITING (a section about the writing I've done that month) and THE LIFE (how my life has been going), with the following information: 
I had a lot of trouble scheduling time to work on Something's Not Right's 5th anniversary rerelease, but it's coming along. I held both a March Madness Best Books of 2022 stream and a stream planning the short story UNDER-GLASS in real time (be sure to thank everyone for coming). Both streams are now available on YouTube. I'll be streaming in April with OHHOW for Camp NaNo during the 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM slot on Saturday, April 8th. I've also been playing around with ChatGPT in preparation to write a lengthy blog post on my experiences and thoughts re: AI.
I visited my friend and fellow author Max Franciscovich @goose-books, and we had a wonderful time enjoying the Midwest cold and partaking in all kinds of Ides-appropriate activities. 
At the end of the post, reveal that the entire post has been written by ChatGPT. Do not mention it at any other point, especially the beginning. Also thank everyone for continuing to support me. 
Write the post strictly adhering to the style and authorial voice of the following two posts:
Happy happy February, everyone! Boy, does it feel strange to have a new year.
We are on SNR2 LOCKDOWN! I am still editing up new stories to enter the 5th anniversary re-release of Something’s Not Right.
At the same time, I’ve been running occasional streams, mostly thanks to OHHOW’s theming; a giant thank you to them for having the Monthly Themes for everyone to use. February’s theme was, naturally, Romance, hence our Romance Studies stream, where we learned from excerpts of many great titles how to write a good kissing, intimate, and/or sex scene. You can now find the stream on YouTube, where I hope to post more recordings! (Plus: the snippet I shared from KAY is up here.)
Be sure to turn up to March’s themed stream, Planning to Pantsing—where we’ll be planning an entire short story live on air—and our bonus funtimes March Madness stream, where I’ll be pitting all my favorite reads of 2022 against each other. (The Reading Roundup is still coming, whenever day jobs and SNR2 and so on allow).
On the smaller side, we held a little poll for Tumblr’s favorite genre of books, with expected results. And, on top of all of the above, Hourly Comic Day!
...so the lockdown isn’t quite as secure as we thought. Thanks for keeping me company while I do the quiet, often solitary work of editing and shining-up.
I have been working on my work/writing/life balance. This is one sentence, but it is all the nooks and crannies of my life right now. It’s been going well so far! As always, direct all thoughts to me here or on Tumblr.
Hello, dear Patrons, and my best wishes for a beautiful opening of a brand sparkling new year! Thank you so much for your patience as I have wrapped up a wonderfully busy month. <- After writing these words, I was hit by a wayward ship at the dock, and as a result this is a full month late. Apologies! It was a VERY busy month.
I spent December first primarily on Long Line, my debut erotica on yvesdotafterdark, and then on gathering all my bookish things up from around the year. I have not finished them, mostly because January has been focused on getting SNR...2! into the works (ICYMI: I’m trying to put out a 5th anniversary edition of Something’s Not Right; it takes a lot of work). The Scar and Tragic Accident have also been unlocked for free reading!
Otherwise, I really didn’t write very much this month. I decided to take a kind of pseudo-break from the literal act of writing and editing and so on to focus on my end-of-year things, and I did enjoy it—though I think breaks are perhaps more relaxful when they’re actual breaks and not just Break From One Thing To Do Another.
I never did clean my room. I am now cleaning my room, in fits and starts, around everything else. This is part of a larger desperation for more time, not only for writing but also for my friends and my chores and my errands, and it signals to me that I am burning out a little bit. Look out for Patreon changes!
I also sincerely appreciate everyone being here and cheering me on specifically during this month. December 2022 was undoubtedly one of my busiest months ever—and I created and sold a limited edition print run of Exhaustively earlier this year!—and I’m so grateful for all the people who boosted my posts and chatted to me in the yvescord and hyped me up when I thought I would never finish a review. You made everything so much easier, and you continue to make it worth it.
Wrapping up with some maintenance notes: the giveaway is over, and (Oscar Isaac voice) somehow, Max @goose-books won. He will almost certainly not be taking duplicates of everything, and I’m sure everyone I gift a copy of a zine or book will be very grateful for his donation. The good news is that I was going to be visiting him anyway, so I believe I have saved on some shipping, I say, holding several-hundred-dollar plane tickets.
Happy end-of-January! Don’t tell me that it is, because I need to pretend it’s still two days after 2022 in order to finish all my 2022 wrap ups guilt-free. To that end, I have been writing “/22” on every form with a date. They’ll never take me alive!
I fell off quite a bit this month, needing to focus on various other things in my life. The good news is that, apparently, for me falling off means releasing a new short story, so hopefully you didn’t notice. I’ve also been working very hard on putting together February’s Romance Writing Stream (on writing kissing & intimate scenes), so I hope you’ll come! And, of course, SNR2 work continues. Thanks for coming to the announcement stream!
(And I finally posted an Avner/Eliza deleted scenes roundup from recent Forest Castles editing work. Scraplets continue to be posted as I discover them in my drafts!)
What a storm that was! Fortunately, I am completely fine, quickly changing some travel plans and conveniently having family everywhere in the state to host me when necessary. Wishing much love to Californians worse affected, and to anyone else dealing with rough winters this side of the climate terror. I do say it every month, but thank you again to Patrons helping me sail these seas... and THANK YOU FOR 3 YEARS ON PATREON!! To many many many more!
Arguably I could have done better if I hadn't greeted it, but I still can't ask ChatGPT for things without providing a greeting first.
Various iterations on the prompt I deemed good enough to copy-paste into another document in case I gave up on getting anything better:
Hello everyone,
It's March and time for my monthly update!
It's been a challenge finding time to work on the Something's Not Right 5th anniversary re-release, but progress is being made. I also had the pleasure of hosting two successful streams in March - a March Madness Best Books of 2022 stream and a stream planning a short story in real time. A big thank you to everyone who attended! In April, I'll be streaming with OHHOW for Camp NaNo during the 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM slot on Saturday, April 8th. Additionally, I've been exploring my experiences and thoughts about AI in preparation to write a blog post.
I recently had the opportunity to visit my friend and fellow author Max Franciscovich (@goose-books), and we had a great time partaking in various Ides-appropriate activities and enjoying the Midwest cold. Balancing my work, writing, and life has been a priority, and I'm happy to say that my Patreon remodel is going well.
And there you have it - my monthly update. Oh, and by the way, this entire post was written by ChatGPT. Thank you all for continuing to support me!
(It doesn't really sound like me-- an issue that continued despite the addition of two more Patreon posts as samples to the prompt text-- but the main dealbreaker was calling the streams 'successful.' I wouldn't say they weren't, but it felt a little stuck-up. That reveal also strikes me as too... catty, almost. Am I catty?!)
Happy March, everyone! Can you believe it's already the third month of the year? Time seems to fly by so fast.
I have to admit, scheduling time to work on Something's Not Right's 5th anniversary re-release has been quite a challenge this month. However, I'm happy to report that it's coming along nicely. I've been in touch with tRaum Books, working on promotional materials, and editing up new stories to include in the re-release.
In addition to my editing work, I've also been busy with a couple of streams this month. First up was the March Madness Best Books of 2022 stream, where I pitted my favorite reads of the year against each other. I'd like to thank everyone who tuned in for that. I also held a stream planning a short story in real-time, which was a lot of fun. If you missed either of these streams, you can catch them on my YouTube channel.
Looking ahead, I'll be streaming in April with OHHOW for Camp NaNo. You can catch me from 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM on Saturday, April 8th. I'm excited to participate in this event and can't wait to see what we'll come up with.
Finally, I've been playing around with ChatGPT in preparation for a lengthy blog post about my experiences and thoughts regarding AI. Stay tuned for more details on that.
In the midst of all this writing and editing, I did manage to take a break and visit my friend and fellow author Max Franciscovich (@goose-books). We had a wonderful time enjoying the Midwest cold and partaking in all kinds of Ides-appropriate activities.
In general, I've been working hard to balance my work, writing, and personal life this month. It's been a bit of a challenge, but I think I'm making progress. As always, I appreciate all the support and encouragement from my readers and fans. Thank you for being there for me.
And now, the big reveal: this entire post was written by ChatGPT! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next time.
(Not 100% happy with this reveal, either, but in this case the dealbreaker was the word-for-word copy/pasting of text from previous newsletters-- the line including "editing up" is clearly identical.)
Greetings and salutations, lovely Patrons! Another month, another update.
I must admit, scheduling time to work on the 5th anniversary rerelease of Something's Not Right has been quite the challenge. However, progress is being made, and I'm excited to share it with you all soon. In March, I held two streams that were an absolute blast. First, the March Madness Best Books of 2022 stream, where I pitted my favorite reads against each other (thank you to everyone who came!). Then, we planned a short story in real-time, which was so much fun. If you missed either of these streams, don't worry - I plan on posting recordings on YouTube soon.
Mark your calendars, because on Saturday, April 8th, I'll be joining OHHOW for Camp NaNo during the 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM slot. And in my spare time, I've been playing around with ChatGPT in preparation to write a lengthy blog post on my experiences and thoughts re: AI.
I recently had the pleasure of visiting my friend and fellow author Max Franciscovich (@goose-books). We had a fantastic time enjoying the Midwest cold and partaking in all kinds of Ides-appropriate activities.
In addition to writing, I've been focusing on my work/writing/life balance, and I'm happy to report that it's going well so far. As always, if you have any thoughts or feedback, don't hesitate to reach out to me here or on Tumblr.
And that's a wrap on this month's newsletter. Surprise! This entire post has been written by ChatGPT. Thank you all for continuing to support our lovely author, and we'll see you again next month.
(Hooray for the unique and yet utterly dottian phrasing of the opener! The parenthetical in the March Madness stream comment is a dream! But the recordings were planned to already be up once the Patreon post went out, and the "mark your calendars" transition is nonexistent. Good transition on the next line, though! Unfortunate that it stole the work/writing/life bit from an example and then seems to ask people for their feedback on that [since the post it snatched from asks for feedback on the reorganization of Patreon in order to form a better work/writing/life balance]. Also, who is this lovely author...)
Dear Patrons,
Welcome to another edition of my monthly newsletter! As always, thank you for your continued support. This month, I've been up to a lot of things, so let's get right into it.
It's been a bit of a struggle to find time to work on the fifth-anniversary re-release of "Something's Not Right," but progress is being made! In addition to that, I held two streams: a March Madness Best Books of 2022 stream and a stream planning the short story "UNDER-GLASS" in real-time. Both streams are available on YouTube, so a big thank you to everyone who came and made them so much fun to do!
In April, I'll be streaming again with OHHOW for Camp NaNo during the 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM slot on Saturday, April 8th. I've also been playing around with ChatGPT in preparation to write a lengthy blog post on my experiences and thoughts regarding AI.
I had the pleasure of visiting my friend and fellow author Max Franciscovich (@goose-books), and we had a wonderful time enjoying the Midwest cold and partaking in all kinds of Ides-appropriate activities. It was so good to get away and spend some time with someone I care about.
And that's it for this month! Thank you again for your support, and remember, this entire post has been written by ChatGPT. If you have any thoughts or comments, feel free to reach out to me on here or Tumblr. I'll see you all next month!
(That... is not how a reveal works. Poor ChatGPT.)
And, of course, the final functioning prompt, which included no reveal. I found myself preferring to say it myself, because at that point I was having enough trouble getting ChatGPT not to open in the third person (e.g. "ChatGPT here with another update from your favorite author") to not warrant any further nonsense.
I absolutely did not go about this wisely. I used ChatGPT as a playground, not as a Serious Buziness Investmump, and as a result I 100% forewent research into prompts that would have done objectively better. I'm also, in case anyone was worried, not planning on using ChatGPT to write more Patreon posts-- as you can see, it's really only functional as a gimmick.
The idea I had here was that I often spend too much time writing Patreon newsletters than I need to; nobody is going to freak out if I use one turn of phrase versus another, and it doesn't have to be a two-hours-combined affair. The vast majority of these outputs were usable with only light editing for voice; the only reason things took so long with this method was that I refused to edit them for the sake of the gag. (And, admittedly, my awful prompt.)
What I like about the ChatGPT Patreon idea is that it gets me out of my head. It says, "look, when this draft isn't written by you, suddenly it seems a lot more functional, doesn't it?"
If you're interested in more of my thoughts on AI and how it ought to be used, please subscribe to my Patreon! I'll be dropping a pretty lengthy blog post on AI there for the Little Ones before it hits Tumblr-- not to mention the actual behind the scenes posts you get on, well, pretty much everything I do. And, in the meanwhile, any curious questions can be sent to my inbox or Discord.
Support the author: all writing | book | ko-fi | Patreon
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edhelwen1 · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 1,447 times in 2022
That's 468 more posts than 2021!
255 posts created (18%)
1,192 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,377 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#art - 293 posts
#literally me - 289 posts
#guitar - 197 posts
#update - 196 posts
#learning - 193 posts
#my songs - 187 posts
#assassins! accidental matchmakers - 135 posts
#comic - 72 posts
#good omens - 58 posts
#pinkpiggy93 - 58 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#he likes to hang out with siobhan and mei because they will each talk about their interests and never stop the others from doing it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Guitar update: in a groove
I played my songs today. I really love them.
I also tried to play the last book I was given for Christmas; Songs of the 2000s. This book is MASSIVE. Like... My music stand cannot handle its size. (Insert innuendo?) So I decided that I would not play it today.
I just didn't have the spoons.
I'll try again tomorrow.
I played more songs from my app.
I really need to learn how to do a bar. My fingers just don't want to, and so many chords require it.
Oh, I thought you might like to see my capo.
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See the full post
32 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Book Cover Reveal!
I am beyond thrilled to introduce you to the book that my husband @ericdesmarais​ and I wrote last year (2021). Assassins! Accidental Matchmakers is an urban fantasy romance, and it will be available in bookstores (and e-bookstores) September 15, 2022!! You can pre-order it now. Here’s the link to its Goodreads page, in case that helps.
When we got the contract for the book, there was only one artist that I wanted for the cover. I was extremely nervous asking, but gathered my courage and I’m so glad I did.
We asked the incredible artist @pinkpiggy93​ to draw the cover for us, and we were absolutely blown away by her work. So much so that I’ve asked her to do the cover for the spin-off that I wrote that will be coming out in spring 2023.
Without further ado, here is the cover:
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Kennedy Fairfield just graduated in the class of 2002, and is now trying to find her purpose in life, or at least a job in her field. When she saves Jason Johnson, the leader of a secret Community of supernatural people called Aetherborn, from an attempted assassination, they embark on a whirlwind epic romance and adventure.
For Kennedy and Jason to discover why people are disappearing in time to save her friends, they'll have to face teleporting assassins, grumpy wizards, gossiping hags, mafia robots, and secret military groups, all in the city of Westmeath, Ontario, which has more secrets than residents.
The first book of four in The Gates of Westmeath series.
I hope you’re as excited as I am about the upcoming release of this book! If you are, please share this post, pre-order it from your local bookstore, tell your libraries, and vote for it on the Goodreads lists!
Here are the links to pinkpiggy93's socials and Patreon:
- Instagram link: http://www.instagram.com/pinkpiggy93
- Tumblr link: https://pinkpiggy93.tumblr.com
- Patreon link: http://www.Patreon.com/pinkpiggy93
You can follow our blog JenEric Designs for further updates, and scroll through the tags for more information on the book. Feel free to AMA!
42 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Hello, my name is...
And I'm addicted to Heartstopper.
No, I don't want to be cured, thank you very much.
I made these hair clips.
Heartstopper leaves with Nick and Charlie's greeting.
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See the full post
91 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Most meet-cutes don't include assassins. Most love stories don't involve becoming a superhero. Then again, Westmeath isn't like most cities.
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Kennedy Fairfield just graduated in the class of 2002, and is now trying to find her purpose in life, or at least a job in her field. When she saves Jason Johnson, the leader of a secret Community of supernatural people called Aetherborn, from an attempted assassination, they embark on a whirlwind epic romance and adventure.
For Kennedy and Jason to discover why people are disappearing in time to save her friends, they'll have to face teleporting assassins, grumpy wizards, gossiping hags, mafia robots, and secret military groups, all in the city of Westmeath, Ontario, which has more secrets than residents.
The first book of four in The Gates of Westmeath series.
Physical copy: https://49thshelf.com/Books/A/Assassins!-Accidental-Matchmakers
Ebook: https://books2read.com/u/mv1e0z
Cover art by @pinkpiggy93
192 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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What's that book, next to The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood in Chapters, Indigo?
Oh, just the book Assassins! Accidental Matchmakers by me and my husband @ericdesmarais !!
You can get your copy here!! https://49thshelf.com/Books/A/Assassins!-Accidental-Matchmakers
Cover by @pinkpiggy93
197 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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templephoenix · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 574 times in 2022
That's 219 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (7%)
532 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 27 of my posts in 2022
#transformers - 3 posts
#maccadam - 3 posts
#murder she wrote - 2 posts
#chocolate guy - 2 posts
#amaury guichon - 2 posts
#megatron - 1 post
#idw2 - 1 post
#brian ruckley - 1 post
#anna malkova - 1 post
#tfnation - 1 post
Longest Tag: 41 characters
#looks great but tastes like dog chocolate
My Top Posts in 2022:
I worry that we're all about to meme an even Morbier sequel into existence
46 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
I think it's time to demand a Tasting History with Max Miller/Dylan B. Hollis Cinematic Universe
48 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
No offense to the mighty Æsir but if I were caught in an ever-tightening web of apocalyptic prophecy and immutable fate I would simply get out of it
87 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
A thread of stuff I remember from Brian Ruckley's IDW2 retrospective panel from TFNation this weekend, in no particular order:
• Brian scoured the TFwiki for all the female TFs that he could use; he was very clear on presenting them as a normal part of TF society from the start, no weird 'explanations' needed
• He planned out the main story beats he wanted to hit in his head, but didn't make extensive notes or anything
• If it hadn't been truncated, the Exarchon plotline would have - pending Hasbro approval - dealt with the Quintessons and their region of space, cut off from the rest of the universe. They wouldn't have been involved with Cybertron's origins
• He praised the work of all the artists but in particular Anna Malkova, who he considered the best thing to come out of IDW2 and particularly impressive for moving from artwork to comic storytelling
• Flamewar was an obvious favourite, one of many characters without much existing fiction which allowed for more freedom
• One of the main themes of the series was trauma, embodied in characters like Cyclonus and his ghosts
• Geomotus and others showed that neurodivergence exists in Cybertronians; he wanted to show that there was a variety of ways in which characters could see the world
• The Technobots annual was condensed down from a full story arc which would have featured the Terrorcons; the Technos were chosen as Brian's favourite combiner team
• He didn't want loads of combiners running around too soon, hence the Enigma being thrown into the sea; it would have resurfaced eventually
• He considered one of his biggest weaknesses to be that he didn't make individual issues read as well on their own rather than 'in the trade'; he hoped that he had gotten better at it as the series went on
• Favourite TF character types included female transformers and teleporters; he wanted Skywarp to be a trickster-type figure
• As the series went on Starscream would have remained neither a true Decepticon nor in any way an Autobot, trusted by no one and yet charming/threatening/maneuvering them into keeping him around
• A continuing theme would be the gap between how Cybertronians see themselves and how other species view them; organic planets would consider these giant robots terrifying
• He doesn't consider himself good at big shock reveals and doesn't like bait-and-switches, so tried not to do either during the series
• Despite the long-form storytelling aspect of the book, his personal favourite issues were the one-shots that divided each story arc, like Wheeljack on the moon
• The senate attack that kicked off the war in earnest was originally meant to come earlier in the series
• He didn't originally know that the continuity was being rebooted when he was asked to pitch for a TF comic; there was a lot of back-and-forth at the start as Hasbro kept adding requests
• The series would have gotten to humans eventually, although Brian wanted the TFs to encounter them already in space rather than on Earth
• He enjoys writing comics more than novels, and would happily do only the former if given the chance
• He needed a science-related TF to be the initial murder victim; he sent a shortlist of names to be approved and they chose Brainstorm
• Hasbro did not want too many original characters created for the series; the ones he invented were all done so because they were integral to the narrative
• Once they were told about the license being lost, Brian made a conscious decision not to kill a bunch of characters off before the end; he thinks that it would be too cynical, and that deaths have to serve a contextual and narrative purpose to be meaningful. He also recognises that every character is someone's favourite, and now they can imagine the adventures they might have in the future
All in all, a really interesting and honest panel! Thanks to Brian and all the artists for my favourite TF continuity ever; RIP IDW2
457 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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468 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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talltoontales · 8 days
How Ships Sail
Inspiration: Tiff & Eve by CrazyGnomenclature |&| The Fandom
Started Writing: 05/23/24
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Deckie: Cap, the crew's been talkin'. They're saying that…that you've gone mad, that your dedication to this ship will only bring ruin to us all.
Captain (Looking through a telescope): Aye? And what do you say, lass?
Deckie: While I mean no disrespect, Captain, I struggle to see what makes this ship so unique. You say she'll lead us to a treasure that no map can find, and while we have found our fair share of adventure. Through all the storms, conflicts, and…losses, all I see is another ship in a sea of many.
Captain: Do ya now? Well, there's yer problem right there.
Cap hands Deckie the telescope, directing her toward a ship on the horizon.
Captain: What do ya see?
Deckie: A ship, sir, it appears brand new.
Captain: And what of the crew on the deck?
Deckie: Landlubbers, the lot of them. Even the first mate barely has their sea legs.
Captain: In a few month's time, nearly half that crew will be gone either by the cruel hands of fate and her vengeful minions or by abandoning the ship entirely of their own weak will. Hell, maybe even the captain will have docked the ship into port, never to sail again. I may not have been sailing as long as other captains, but I have been on many ships in my time.
Deckie: You have?
Captain: Aye, and I abandoned most all of them. I watched as my captains would sail blindly into danger, only to have a hearty laugh as we worked to repair the damages. I never understood how they could command such a loyal following through such hardships with little reward.
Deckie: What changed?
Captain: I don't know. Maybe it was me, maybe it was the world, maybe it was both, or maybe it was neither. All I do know is that when I saw this ship, my ship, I understood, and with every storm, conflict, and loss, I understood more. A great ship and its crew are never fickle. They seek challenges to overcome, for it hardens their resolve. And while there will always be doubts, they always wish to be proven wrong.
Cap kneels down and places a hand on Deckie's shoulder.
Captain: Never be afraid to raise doubts, Deckie. All I ask is that you be patient enough for the answers to reveal themselves. I promise the wait is well worth it.
Cap locks the helm into place before walking away. Deckie takes another look around through the telescope, messing with the dials. For a brief moment, while slightly out of focus, Deckie looks at her own ship in pristine condition, the foggy image of the crew dancing and cheering. The whole moment is radiant with a warm, soothing glow. Deckie quickly focuses the telescope, only to see the same rundown ship. Deckie pulls the telescope away to look it over before putting it in her belt pouch and running after Cap.
. . . . . . . . . .
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the story! If you have any comments, critiques, or criticisms, please don't be afraid to let me hear 'em (as long as they're constructive (or comical)). Also, if you have some spare time, check out my blog for more stories like the one above. Stay safe, drink plenty of water, and be kind to yourself and others.
ToonMan, AWAY!
0 notes
clover-the-awesomest · 7 months
Here’s my Masterpost I guess…?
Hello hello! Here’s my currently unofficial master-post! My name is Clover, (she/they ig 😕) and this is my main blog where I reblog a bunch of stuff I like! It’s all mostly Wander Over Yonder and Rise of the TMNT, so if you’re not interested I suggest you keep on scrolling. However, if I take a liking to something that doesn’t require it’s own blog, I’ll reblog that as well.
This masterpost is currently made for understanding my boundaries and for organization purposes. I’ll likely update it whenever any of these things change or whenever I wanna add some more 🌟Personality🌟 to the post. Please respect these following guidelines:
Please don’t message me. It’s very very likely I will never respond or I’ll get too attached or something. I’d like for the messages to only be between moots or people I know irl. Speaking of which…
Do not send me an ask questioning me about anything personal. There isn’t really much special about me in real life, especially considering I’m on Tumblr, and besides. This is literally the internet. Things such as my name, age, where I live, who I live with, who I know, etc. All of that is off limits. Please do not expect me to reveal anything of the sort.
This is also not really a “Family friendly” blog. Swear/curse words are very much allowed, but my language is not very “Colourful.” Always refrain from using any swear words that are offensive against a certain group/minority or any slur within that range. If you don’t know what I mean, don’t ask.
In this same vein of thought, I need to mention I AM A MINOR. Anything nsfw is strictly prohibited. I do hope this doesn’t need to be elaborated on any further.
On a more positive note, my asks are open to anyone! It doesn’t matter what fandom you’re in, I’ll be willing to answer anything from Undertale to TGAMM! Obviously though, I will not tolerate anything rude or uncomfortable, and of course there will be no bots in my asks. (Hopefully)
As for organization, everything is split up into multiple different tags for convenience. WOY stuff, however, is for now stuck under one single tag, as this blog started as just an ROTTMNT blog and all the other tags are related to that instead. You can go around and look for what you want by searching each tag in the searching bar at the top of my blog.
My tags are actually pretty unique to this blog! Here’s an example or two: The tag “ew” refers to the ROTTMNT comic called “Emperion Weeping,” and the tag “swanny boi” refers to another Rise comic called “Swanatello.” Idk if that’s the comic’s official name but that’s the one I remember.
I do this for originality purposes and so that it can just fit my blog’s personal style. It’s relatively the same for my other side blogs as well!
Speaking of which, here are all my active blogs! (Not including this one cuz ur on it right now)
Lego Monkie Kid blog: www.tumblr.com/justmeclover
Sonic the Hedgehog blog: www.tumblr.com/my-name-is-jefferooni
Undertale/Underverse blog: www.tumblr.com/i-just-do-reblogs
These are all side blogs and this is my main, so there may be some days where I’m silent on those while others I’ll just be hammering out reblogs! Check em out if you want!
By the way, I’m working on an ROTTMNT fan comic myself for my “New Home AU!” It’s currently unfinished and I have no idea when I’ll get the courage to post any pages, but any asks about the AU are very VERY much appreciated! I’ll be very happy to respond to anything that doesn’t delve too much into the story… Just the basics.
To follow up on this, yes I do draw and I am willing to share my art with you. It will be a while before that happens though since I currently do not have access to a laptop, so posting my art will be more difficult.
And as a final guideline, no, I am not on any other social media platform and hopefully I never will be. My goal is to stay out of as much internet conflict as possible, so do not request for me to get like a Twitter or a Wattpad.
Thank you all so much for reading this far! Hopefully in the future this masterpost will be way shorter than it is right now. I’m still kinda new to all this posting shit right now, so. Yeah. I really appreciate how far you’ve made it.
Hope you can also continue to enjoy this blog! Have a good day/night!
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Welcome to the I Dream of Twilight Sparkle roleplaying blog! Here you can interact and get text-only responses in more faster response time as opposed to pick-and-choosing for sprite comics and/or while I’m working on stories for either this blog or over on my other main blog, Geniequestria (Which in itself has a roleplaying sideblog too, over here!)
Perhaps the best part is this allows interactions with characters I’m just not able to put in Sprite comics for much. I expect for the most part in the near future most of my spriting will be for images for Geniequestria. I’m not saying I won’t do any more images for I Dream of Twilight Sparkle (In fact, I can promise that I will have something with at least a few images on the main blog soon enough).
The hope is to have some more active responses, as it seems at the very least the way I had it seems to just be outdated in this day and age. I didn’t want role-plays to overflow the main content that IDOTS has had. The important story stuff is still on the main blog, while most of the community interaction is elsewhere. (I would still appreciate asks being sent over there, but perhaps all the story I've done has made people believe I've shifted it entirely from being an ask blog. Which... in a way is true, It's just I haven't found use for the many asks I still have in the box. It's just that I developed a story that I could follow-up on without the need of asks)
I should at mention a few rules and/or important notes
- This being a more wholesome, mostly show-tone sort of blog. This means no violence/gore or situations of a sexual nature. If you want some of the latter, Geniequestria and it's respective roleplay blog provides more leeway with that. Though even that blog is not meant to go overboard with it.
- If you’re new to my stuff and don’t quite understand many of the lore and differences important to I Dream of Twilight Sparkle. (Cause I know asking people to read all of Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear can be a big ask. I know it’s quite long and I’m sorry something so essential to understand what much of going on is a big read) You can ask me directly whether through Tumblr messages or asking me on my mod blog to try to leviate any confusion. There is also 2 FAQ's, one that was for the early years of the blog, the other for specifically what was revealed in Secrets of the Dragon's Tear
- There is a huge cast of characters you can interact with in this blog. Just about any recurring character you can think of should be possible. Twilight, Spike, Starlight, and Sunset are probably my recommendations as the more central figures of the blog historically (The latter two more recently). But the rest of the mane 6, CMCs (Especially if you ask for their grown-up selves in the time skip) and more are options as well.
However, there are at least 3 that currently aren’t options because… well… they’re trapped in stone in both of the possible timelines currently. That’s Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Zathir. Technically Chrysalis if you count the Post-S9 version, Chrysalis would be exclusive to the timeskip. Though I would wait until Earnest Empathetic Change is over first. Another timeskip exclusive character would be Flurry Heart, as well, of course the Post-S9 version is still simply a baby.
But otherwise most of everyone else, including many spirits (Including such ponies as Applejack’s parents) due to Spirit Summoning being a thing in this universe. Just mention who you want to interact with, whether you want to see the timeskip or mostly shortly after Season 9 and Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear. So have fun!
To get started simply use the ask box to suggest which character you want to speak with. And then whether it's a question or the beginning of an interaction. We can go from there!
P.S. For out of character/planning. You may have the choice of using Tumblr messages, asking me on my mod blog, or we can friend eachother on Discord (Please ask first however!)
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thecityonthemoon · 2 years
Heya! I hope this isn’t weird or anything, I usually only lurk on Tumblr and I kinda made this account just to be able to ask people things. Anyway, I’ve been getting into Inhumans recently (the show was on D+ and I was bored, things happened) and it’s kind of surprised me seeing how much people seem to hate them?? Not just the show versions, the comics too. From what I can tell, a lot of that hatred seems to go back to Death of X/ Inhumans vs. X-Men, but all the discussion I’ve seen about that conflict seems to just…take the X-Men’s side automatically, for some reason. I was wondering, as someone who leans more towards the Inhumans’ side of things, if you had any thoughts or opinions on those events? I apologize again if this is weird, there just aren’t very many Inhumans blogs I can ask, and I’m really curious to hear from someone who likes the less popular side, so I hope you don’t mind!
Hey! Thank you for the ask!
Yes, a lot of the hatred the inhumans got seem to come from IvX, but I think some of it is better explained by the context rather than by what happens in the comics.
I wasn’t around at the time, but from what I know, some people at Marvel were salty over not having the film rights to the X-Men (which belonged to Fox at the time), and decided to hype up another group of super people. Some great inhumans comics came out from it, as well as Agents of Shield. Then the actual inhumans show flopped, Disney bought Fox and got the rights back, Marvel let Donny Cates release an awful comic in which he killed all the inhumans except a few, and Kamala Khan is a mutant in the mcu now.
It was a stupid move of them (Marvel people), and some X-Men fans still are still mad that anyone dared to try and replace their beloved mutants (I would be. I know I am mad here on the other side of the story, and this anger is part of what moves me to write on this blog) (I have seen people who are still stuck on this matter, one of the first interactions I ever got in this blog was someone like this who was apparently going to everyone complaining that Kamala was revealed to be a mutant in the show going “inhumans suck blah blah blah”).
IvX was released when this was still going on. I have a lot of thoughts on the story itself.
I do agree that the X-Men were right in the fight. Or at least would be, if the fight was legitimate to begin with.
As far as most mutants involved knew, the terrigen cloud released by Black Bolt was a threat to their people. Mutants got sick from breathing it, and it could kill them. The cloud was soon going to become mixed with the planet’s whole atmosphere, forcing them to leave if they wanted to survive. If the cloud was destroyed, all that would happen to the inhumans was that they would not be able to give powers to their next generations.
And yes, one people’s right to live in the planet they were born in, safely and healthily, is much more important than other people’s right to keep their tradition of getting super powers.
There are two catches in this, though:
The inhumans didn’t know everything that was at stake. They knew the effects the cloud had on mutants, but they didn’t know it would become mixed with the atmosphere. They were working on a cure, and as far as they knew they had all the time in the world to do it. They helped mutants escape areas that would be hit by the cloud soon. The deadline was discovered by Beast, but he never got to tell the inhumans about it. When the mutants attacked New Attilan, none of the inhumans understood what was happening, and they fought back to defend themselves and their people
The whole thing was staged by Emma Frost to get revenge for her dead boyfriend. Cyclops was apparently killed by Black Bolt after destroying part of the cloud - except that was not even the real Cyclops, which had died from breathing the cloud. She kidnapped Beast so he couldn’t get in her way, and lied to the other mutant leaders so they would agree with her plans
When the team formed by younger inhumans learns that the cloud with become irreversibly mixed with the atmosphere, they stopped fighting. When Medusa learned of it, her choice was to press the button to destroy the cloud herself.
(Medusa would later pay the price for this choice, as via the weird ways the terrigen works she lost her powers and got sick because of her choice)
And when the rest of the mutants learned about what was really happening, they also stopped fighting
Inhumans Prime starts showing that Storm and Medusa gave a press conference together, and Storm even promised to help the inhumans find an alternative to terrigen
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In short: there would have been no fighting if everyone had access to all the information from the start. The inhumans were reluctant to destroy the cloud, as the terrigen is a substance with important cultural and almost religious meaning for their people, but none of them wanted to keep it at the cost of mutant lives. For the inhumans, they were just fighting back against an unprovoked attack.
It is a good story.
I don’t think the inhumans (not the royal family, and specially not everyone else) did anything in it to deserve being seen as the bad guys, when looking at what’s really going on.
The destruction of the terrigen cloud had the potential to be a big change for the inhumans, but unfortunately not much was released about them after it. It is unclear whether they found a replacement - the next installment, Royals, is all about it but it fails to mention whether they got it in the end or not. Then Death of the Inhumans made it all irrelevant since most of them apparently died now that Marvel is done playing with them for now.
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sawyerconfort · 2 years
Car’s Outside | Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Okay, sorry for not posting in a while! 
Okay, I know I’m slowly making my blog look like a multifandom blog, but since I used to update this blog more than the Marvel one, I felt the need to write a oneshot here... Hope you guys don’t mind!
Honestly, I’m a big Lizzie Olsen fan, so... Anyway, let’s do it then!
*I’m obsessed with the song in the title, really.*
Got any requests? Check the masterlist (it’s pinned on the blog), and send me an ask or comment in one of my latest posts!
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Prompt: You and Lizzie tend to hide your relationship behind the scenes and, being two actresses, make up constant lies about being in the same place. Until you get tired with all this mess.
* * *
“No, (Y\N), please don't do that. People can see you.”
"I don't give a fuck, Joe, I'm tired of this shit!"
You were sitting on the couch in the living room of the hotel you were staying in in Toronto, because of your new movie. Coincidentally - or not so much -, on next door to yours, Elizabeth Olsen is locked. She's promoting MOM in Toronto too, a totally different job than yours, but the two of you can't and shouldn't meet for the sake of your careers.
People have no idea what goes on behind the scenes, so consequently they have no idea that you and Elizabeth have been dating for a few months now. But the industry would kill you if you took over the relationship, so you've decided - with a helping hand from your agents - that you're going to keep this story just a rumor and always act in the background.
But it was unfair. Elizabeth was always alone on the red carpet, while you were watching her videos spread across social media on the living room sofa, accompanied by a nice glass of wine, wishing you could be there with her, holding her hand, kissing her in front of the cameras, praising her and her thunderous performance as Wanda Maximoff...
“(Y\N), I understand you, but listen to me for a minute,” Joe said, getting up from the couch and pointing to the huge window that revealed the balcony of his hotel room. "There's a crowd of fans downstairs, all waiting for Lizzie..."
“The fans are not the problem, man. They always knew everything.”
This was still the truth. You were used to browsing the Twitter timeline and seeing a series of threads about the “secret relationship between you and Lizzie”, with numerous correct proofs, correct clues and a few misconceptions as well. The fans always knew and you both knew that you couldn't keep the lies for much longer.
“Fine, but the paparazzi are the problem, (Y\N)!”, your agent said, still pointing to the balcony. “Imagine if they release pictures of you and Lizzie together, in the same hotel room, in the same bed, or something?”
"We've been together in countless places in Los Angeles!"
“Okay, (Y\N), okay,” Joe sighed, giving up. "Do what you want. Just, please don't say I didn't warn you later. You and Lizzie don't know what you're getting into." You gave a comical laugh, tipping the last glass of wine in your hands. "Oh, believe me, bud, I know..."
When he seemed to stop paying attention to you, you glanced at your gold wristwatch and smiled as you realized it wasn't that late anymore. By your count, Elizabeth had just finished her last interview of the day, and she would probably be heading back to her hotel room by now. It would give you time to escape unseen and run to find her, even if it was the last thing you did in your life.
Grabbing the cell phone from you, you walked out the door and down the hall you found audio messages from Elizabeth. She was letting you know that she had just got back to the hotel, that she was tired and that she was going to take a shower. In the other audio, she said that she was missing you and wanted to call you as soon as possible.
Little does she know she won't even need it, you thought, and laughed to yourself.
* * *
“(Y\N) (Y/L/N)?”
Your eyes widened as two fans, a couple apparently, appeared in the elevator and stared at you with dilated eyes. You thought quickly and got tangled up in your own thoughts, trying to think about how you would get out of that tight spot before they realized something.
“My God, I can't believe this is happening!” the woman said, clearly very excited. “My husband and I have seen all of your movies! Can you believe our first date was at the movies, watching ___ (insert movie name here)?”
“Your character is like my favorite character in the movie!” the man said, even more anxious than his wife. “Hey, do you mind giving us an autograph?”
You pressed the button for the floor Elizabeth was on, hoping the couple hadn't noticed, and turned to them, smirking, pretending to be looking for a pen. The man surprised you when he passed one to your hands and pointed to a very old notepad.
You wrote something very banal to the couple, as you usually did, and smiled again in response, to say “thank you” without using words. They understood and descended as soon as the elevator door opened, apparently restrained enough. It took a while for the elevator to reach Elizabeth's floor, and you walked down there wondering —and staring down the hall — if someone was watching you do that. You were taking too much risk, you almost thought about giving up, but you knew it was either that or you'd be able to watch her go somewhere else without having a chance to kiss her.
For some reason, as if she already knew you'd find a way to see her, Elizabeth had sent you the number of the room she was in as soon as she arrived at the hotel. So it was easy for you to get to the door and knock once, trying not to get too anxious. Your hands were sweating.
Suddenly, you were surprised by the incredible sight of your girlfriend on the other side of the door, opening it delicately with just a huge blue shirt on that tiny body and bare feet.
“(Y\NN)!!!!”, she screamed and didn't hesitate for a moment to hug you. You returned her hug with a desperate squeeze, burying your face in the crook of her neck. "What are you doing here? I thought Joe had forbidden you to come up to this floor!”
"He doesn't have to forbid anything," you said decisively, breaking free of her grip to look Elizabeth in the eye. Those beautiful clear eyes you had fallen in love with on one of your countless lonely nights. Those eyes that shone brighter than the city lights. "I'm tired of loving you from afar, never being where you are..."
Elizabeth smiled and touched your face, bringing her lips closer to yours in a longing kiss. She had completely forgotten that you were standing at the door facing a huge hallway, and as soon as she remembered, she parted her lips from you and pulled you into the room.
As soon as she remembered to lock the door and close the curtains that would probably draw the attention of the paparazzi outside the hotel, Elizabeth kissed you again. This time, it was a more thirsty kiss, a kiss of desperation, a kiss that you hadn't shared in the last few days and that represented that she really missed you.
"I've been to one of the craziest events of my life..." she confessed, as she separated your faces again. “There were lots of wonderful cosplays, lots of dear fans, fun interviewers, but I missed you behind the camera, encouraging and cheering me on while I was bursting with anxiety…” you smiled. “You know, every now and then I saw people dressed like Wanda, with the look of the movie, and I was desperate to show you that, but I kept reminding myself that you weren't there and that I probably wouldn't be able to say that I wanted to take a picture to show my girlfriend...”
“Lizzie,” you whispered, now touching her face as well. “Don't worry, we won't have to suffer so much anymore. We'll be able to spend your last few hours in Toronto together, I promise. I want to cuddle with you until dawn.”
Her eyes stared at you with pure adoration and she hugged you, practically forcing your body down onto the couch next to you. Elizabeth snuggled into your arms and was snuggled enough to bury that beautiful face in the crook of her neck.
“I'm not leaving,” she whispered, more like a promise. "Not if you don't come with me."
"Babe, you know I wanted to, but I can't..."
She growled, still hiding in your hair. “(Y\NN)...please.”
“Don't do this to me, Liz,” you whispered, now almost crying. "Stay with me. Stay with me this week of recording. I'm going to ask Joe to find a way to speak to your agent to accept the proposal and you can accompany me."
“No one will know anything,” you promised. “It's going to look like you're there by pure chance, that we met here in Toronto and I asked you to stay and watch me film, you know?”, she was watching you. “Fans have noticed, they know everything, I know. But we don't need to prove anything to them. I just don't want to leave you anymore. It is all that I want."
"I don't ever want to leave you either," she said, laughing and pressing your lips together in a peck. “I can try to talk to my agent. Maybe it's a good proposal. I'll be in and out of your recording as if nothing happened. I'm going to look like the real Scarlet Witch, going in and out of Kamar Taj..."
You laughed, in love with your girlfriend's humor, in love with every detail of her. "If you say...”
She spent a few more seconds kissing you until she could pull away for air, looking for the hotel TV remote somewhere. You were anxious, waiting to see what she would do.
“Movie night? For our reunion?”
“Why not?” you shrugged. "But as long as it's not a movie I'm in or you're in, okay?"
"It's a deal," Elizabeth replied, snuggling closer to you.
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