#hormones my beloved
quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
seriously i cannot emphasize enough how awesome T is. is facial hair so so itchy? yes. but is it also amazing and awesome and so cool? definitely. i am either fuzzy or prickly all the time and it's great. very occasionally i am smooth, but it doesn't last very long!
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ftm-radio · 6 months
I love testosterone 🥰
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doubling the image so it doesn't take up your entire dash lol ur welcome
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a year ago, it was night, and chuuya was the only thing in my mind. i was like damn, yk what's better than chuuya? chuuya with piercings.
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akai-anna · 2 months
shinichi: *takes a deep breath* shinichi: i lo- anyone who has spent five seconds around shinichi ever: yes, you love ran, we know, you love mōri ran so much, she's the light of your life, you love her so much, you just love ran, we KNOW , you love ran you fucking love ran ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE MŌRI RAN. WE GET IT.
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davidtennan-t · 4 months
you ever have one of those days where you just feel like:
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aquamonstra · 8 months
DS9 season 7 was giving me sad brain so I paused to watch Insurrection and HOT DAMN not only has this goofy-ass romp healed my scorched soul, but THIS SHIT IS TOPICAL AS HELL Y'ALL???
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Heckin taking a stance on AI replacing labor??
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Also it gave us Leather Jacket Picard THIS IS OBJECTIVELY THE BEST STAR TREK MOVIE.
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lokilysolbitch · 10 months
god bless Jessica kellgren-fozard and any other disabled creator responsible for rewiring my brain at the age of like 15 so that learning im disabled and need mobility aids did not ever feel like a death sentence
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badolmen · 9 months
“I wasn’t assigned female at birth; I was female at birth! A doctor didn’t look at me and decide I was female enough at birth, I’ve been female since the moment of conception.”
*loud buzzer sound*
Given how common the intersex condition is (~2% of the population - how many redheads have you seen?) and the fact that genitalia is not the only physical manifestation of an intersex condition, yes the doctor very much did look at you and decide you looked ‘female enough.’ Indeed your genetic makeup is determined at conception, and your genetic makeup could very well result in the development of an intersex body that may not be externally evident at birth.
Don’t get me wrong, there are issues with the afab/amab dichotomy both colloquially and medically speaking (some people are marked intersex at birth, the dichotomy just reinforces the gender binary with different language, etc.) but it is true that medical assumptions are made at birth based on your external physiology, regardless of genetic or hormonal profile. ‘Biological sex’ is far from binary and pretending otherwise is ignorant at best and dangerously intersexist at worst.
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stressghoul · 2 years
Shower thoughts about Copia pt 1.
i wanna make out with him until the black paint on his lip smudges. i want him to gasp and embarrassingly apologise to me as he attempts to wipe it off my face and ignores his own face. i want to tell him that I couldn’t give a single fuck that it’s on me as i begin to make out with him all over again
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bloodigutz · 9 months
I'm not raising my kids to listen to olivia rodrigo. you either listen to maximum the hormone or you GET OUT
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striffyisme · 10 months
hello beloved trans mutuals, i am looking for some advice please
i've just started on T a couple of days ago and i just wanted to know what y'all's experience with it was like at the beginning? i now a couple of people irl on T already, but i figure having a bigger data pool can't hurt.
so if you have been on T for any length of time then please either reblog this post or send me a message/an ask if you want to share your experience with me! thank you :)))
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ginsoakedgirl80 · 1 year
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some-creep · 2 years
Random Callie and or Marie headcanons in no particular order with some more evidence based than others. They're mostly uh hmm more Serious than the usual list like this.
I think all inklings have skin spots to some extent, some more noticable than others. Callie and Marie are no exception however the current trend is seeming like you have none so they're both covered in concealer. Marie is naturally less patterned than Callie. Callie isn't used to seeing herself without makeup and is often worried Marie doesn't really like her without it on.
Junk food addict Callie probably developed an eating disorder from her time in the spotlight and being forced to maintain a "proper" weight. When she retired, she eventually ended up gaining weight, which she also feels badly about. Marie reassures her she much prefers her healthy. (And thinks Callie is cuter chubby)
Marie no longer speaks to her parents. They thought her idol dreams were a waste of time so she stopped talking to them after she left for Inkopolis. It's also made her weird about money because for a while, it was just whatever she could make an a runaway 14 year old with big dreams trying to support herself and Callie. They worked together, of course, but Marie still felt obligated to take care of her.
Not only that I think they were emotionally neglectful, and Marie much preferred spending time with her grandpa. It's why she picked up chargers and why she usually seems to be the one more concerned about him. (In octo expansion she joins the chat at the end to ask him what she should make them for dinner)
By contrast Callie's parents were very supportive of her dreams, knowing there wasn't much for them in Calamari County. Still, Callie's mom probably worries a lot. I don't think Callie would tell them about being kidnapped because she knows how badly it would freak them out.
Marie has a peculiar Inkling problem that makes her brain fixate on one particular person as a partner. It's a biological leftover from early Inkling society that required strong pair bonds to ensure species survival. It's mostly vanished in modern society and can be treated if tested for early on. Marie wasn't so lucky and developed with it untreated. Now as an adult her brain has decided she's Callie-sexual above all else. This gives her a strangely intimidating vibe to others and no one can ever really pinpoint why. She's basically two degrees from feral walking around acting totally normal.
This causes her a great deal of distress because she worries Callie only agrees to be with her out of a sense of obligation. Callie reminds her not only is that not the case, they got together before she knew anything about this so how could that even be true.
Callie can and has pursued normal relationships before Marie, but Marie makes her happy and understands all of her hangups and faults.
Callie has nightmares semi regularly after being kidnapped (though she holds no resentment to any of the Octoling soldiers she stayed with).
Marie can't fall asleep before Callie because she needs to be sure of exactly where Callie is before she can relax.
Marie is terrified of someone finding out about them in public. Callie doesn't think anyone is gonna notice if they walk arm in arm. Sensationalist tabloids occasionally print stories suggesting they're dating in secret.
All of Callie's close Octoling friends know they're dating because Octarian society is structured differently so it literally does not matter to them.
Callie never bothered to get her driver's license because Marie has hers + they have drivers for important things.
:) and they love each other very much
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y'all i'm up to 23,709 words and I'm only one (1) plot card ahead. the cards are averaging uh. over 3k each, so far.
this is gonna be a Long Book, huh??
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 4 months
Good (insert appropriate time of day), is the filing software still down 👀
The filing software is indeed still down. So I'm working on a drabble from Rhaenyra’s POV because apparently that's all I needed to do to figure out what I was doing with the writing prompt I got sent back in...January? December? A while ago
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shrimpblaster · 2 years
maximum the hormone is like japanese system of a down to me
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