#horrifically explosive man
twizzlers-disliker · 7 months
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manganese heptoxide sludgebi guy thing i dont know man what am i doing
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fairuzfan · 3 months
But the other images I had was like a mass refugee camp. So basically at that point in time, two months ago, about 20,000 people had sought refuge both in the hospital and outside the hospital. And these weren’t tents. They’re still not tents. They’re makeshift shelters with bed sheets or plastic bag sheets. The ones outside sleep on the floor. They’re lucky [if] they get a carpet or a mat. There was one bathroom at the time for about 200 people that they have to share. And inside, the hallways of the hospital were also made into shelters. There was hardly any room to walk, and there’s children running around everywhere. It’s important to remember all these people were not homeless. They all had homes that were destroyed. They’re all displaced people that took shelter in the hospital.
So that’s the kind of mass chaos that I encountered initially, and then I was told that every time there’s a bomb, give it about 15 minutes and the mass casualties come. That was the other thing that at the time shocked me: What we’d been seeing livestreamed on Instagram, on social media or whatever, I actually saw myself and it was worse than I can imagine. I saw scenes that were horrific that I’d never witnessed before and I never want to see again. You have a mother walking in holding her 8, 9-year-old, skinny — because they’re all starving — boy who’s dead, he’s cold and dead and [the mother is] screaming, asking for someone to check his pulse and everybody’s busy in the mass chaos. So that was kind of my initial welcoming scene when I entered Khan Younis the first time.
What I saw — I’m an eye surgeon, an eye plastic surgeon, and so I saw the classic, what I penned “the Gaza shrapnel face,” because in an explosive scenario, you don’t know what’s coming. When there’s an explosion, you don’t go like this [cover your face], you kind of actually, in fact, open your eyes. And so shrapnel’s everywhere. It’s a well-known fact that the Israeli forces are experimenting [with] weapons in Gaza to boost their weapon manufacturing industry. Because if a weapon is battle-tested, it’s more valuable, isn’t it? It’s got a higher value. So basically they’re using these weapons, these missiles that purposely, intently create these large shrapnel fragments that go everywhere. And they cause amputations that are unusual.
Most amputations occur at the weak points, the elbow or the knee, and so they’re better tolerated. But these [shrapnel fragments] are causing mid-thigh, mid-arm amputations that are more difficult, more challenging, and also the rehabilitation afterward is also more challenging. Also these shrapnels [are] unlike a bullet wound. A bullet wound goes in and out; there’s an entry and exit point. Shrapnel stays there. So you gotta take it out. So the injuries I saw were — I mean, I saw people with their eyes blown apart. And when I was there, and this is my experience, I treated all children when I was there the first time. It was kids that [were aged] 2, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, and 16, and 17 were the ones that I treated. And their eyes unfortunately had to be removed. They had shrapnel in their eye sockets that I had to remove and, of course, remove the eye. There’s many patients, many children who had shrapnel in both their eyes. And you can only do so much because right now, because of the aid blockade and because of the destruction of most of Gaza, there’s no equipment available to take shrapnel that’s in the eye out. And so we just leave them alone and they eventually go blind.
I was on the ground, I toured the refugee camps, I went around Rafah, I saw, and if there’s an Israeli invasion, I can’t emphasize enough how catastrophic it’s going to be. It’ll be mass killing, mass destruction, because all these figures come in, 50 dead, 100 wounded. But what people don’t realize is, being wounded is a death sentence. Being wounded in this environment with no health care system, completely collapsed, is a death sentence. And the wounded often will lose everybody, like all family members, so they have no supports, especially children, have nobody left to take care of them, not even aunts and uncles. It will be catastrophic. I don’t know what to say to the world to stop an impending invasion. You’ve got to rein this prime minister of Israel in. You got to do something to stop this stupid invasion that he still wants to do, because it’ll be catastrophic.
I had one young man, about 25 years old, he lost one eye that I took out myself. He spent about five, six, or seven years, basically spent thousands and thousands of dollars in IVF treatment because he got married young and they wanted to have a child and they couldn’t have one. So he spent years on IVF treatment and finally had a baby that was 3 months old. And there was a missile attack by Israel at his home. He lost his entire family, including his baby and his wife and his parents and family. He’s by himself, single guy. I took his one eye out, and he has nobody in this world. He just kind of walks around the tent structures, just kind of walking around with no home and trying to sleep wherever he can.
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razzle-n-dazzle · 4 months
hello, friend!! i saw your adam hcs and i loveddd themmm!! i was hoping to request smth if that’s okay? could we get lucifer with a reader who also struggles with depression like he does (it’s mentioned in episode five if you didn’t know!!) and maybe reader had a practically rough week and gets home from work and just breaks down in tears, and luci find a way to cheer them up? either fem! or gn! reader if that’s chill, tysm for taking your time to consider this even if you don’t get to it!!
— 🪽anon
ᯓ★ "Give Your Corpse Some Smile Lines." Lucifer / Reader | Oneshot TW! Read at your own risk and comfortability! | talks about depression, suicidal topics/actions, overdosing topics/actions, reader breaking down, hurt to comfort, self destruction, abuse
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ᯓ There are days and weeks, sometimes months and years, that prolonged like time, made it appear like it no longer moved and served a purpose. Like time was nothing but a feign idea that was made to torture everyone and anyone who dared think about it, who dared to calculate how it traveled and how long it took to pass a minute. And some days it made people want to break, and some day it made people want to kill other people, and some days it made people overjoyed, and some days it made people excited, and some days it made people nervous, and some days. . . It made you want to die.
ᯓ To be killed in the most brutal fashion known to man, to explode in a death either as silent as taking your own life in your own home or as bright and fantastic as the explosion of fire works. Time for you was never a friend and it continued to taunt you after you had died, overdosing on the pain medication you were prescribed after a horrible accident. Horrific! You had heard people call you, friends and family, after they saw the state of your decaying body after being rammed by a truck who lost control. Monstrous! None of them chose to stay around, none chose to help you when you were at your weakest and worst, when you could barely help yourself. And all you had done back then was help them! Was care for them! Be there for them at any time of the day whenever they needed, whenever they wanted, whenever they asked or called or texted or shouted or pleaded or-
ᯓ And it was a coward move, you were sure. Weak, many would call it, blasphemous and you were sure it was why you never got into Heaven despite having done everything in your power to be okay, to be the perfect person everyone wanted, to be good. But one night, when everything was moving too slow and no one seemed to blink twice at your presence, you would take your own life in silence. To overdose on your own pills, both praying it wouldn't work but gain the attention of someone yet also praying it would kill you and finally let you live in peace. In a world of black nights where you didn't have to open your eyes no longer, where time wouldn't be creeping over your shoulder, where nothing would hurt anymore because dammit. . . everything hurt.
ᯓ And then you ended in hell, and then you realized this would be your life . . . and then you realized you were still stuck with your worst enemy of all: Time. Forever stuck in an eternity after life, forever stuck here by yourself, forever being another face in the crowd or another person on the street for people to pass by and not think about twice. Someone. Just someone! Not even someone, no one. Just a shell, just a person decaying on the streets, decaying for all to see. A pitiful show.
ᯓ You could hardly remember when you met Lucifer; Maybe you were down on your luck one day and was eating cold Ramen out of the streets and he took pity to sit by you, to talk to you. Maybe it was when you were at a bar, downing another drink to forget the fact that you were chained down here, chained to your enemy, chained to your eternity of a never ending moment of the hands of time. Maybe you were working your minimum wage job to barely survive, or maybe you bumped into him. You memory hadn't always been good, party due to your own mental health and a constant flight or fight response, yet you had always knew life to be so bleak before you had met him. And then one day, everything was slightly a bit more okay. And slowly everything was a little more barrable; Even just slightly.
ᯓ And maybe a life can be handled in eternity, and you didn't have to be alone anymore . . .
ᯓ Yet, no matter how much anyone wished, love cannot fix all problems. Love can teach you how to heal, love can teach you how to live, love can teach you how to handle everything inside of you in a better manner than self destruction. But love cannot instantly fix everything wrong with you; You should have realized that sooner.
ᯓ You lived a life nothing short of a fairy tale for the last few months, living life alongside a partner who you could share the weight of the world with. Who felt comfortable enough to share the weight of the world with you. Where in the days you both laughed and played, pushing and pulling each other, peppering kissing on skin and longing ones on the lips. And at night you cuddled against each other, both with the fear of losing, both with longing, both just enjoying the company you now had, that you could now share. You've already shared tears, concerns, worries, troubles. You've both been vulnerable under the other's eyes, staining shirts under the other's careful and cradling hug, broken down and rushed out apologies. You've already both taken care of each other, took your time and held patience with each other and you both tried to heal the broken pieces of one another. Most would call it a disaster, a tragedy, yet for you both . . . it was like some sort of twisted hope, knowing you were no longer alone in your self deprecation. Knowing that even if either of you tried to self destruct everything around you, tried to gain that control that's slipping away, tried to push the other away, they would understand and be there. That in the end of the day you had someone to crawl to.
ᯓ Yet even with constant oxygen and wood, a fire can still grow dim in it's own silence and try to snuff itself out.
ᯓ This week had been long, it had dragged you by the heels and you could no longer put the energy to fight against it's slowing seconds. Working a minimum wage job, even after Lucifer had told you that you never had to again (yet you continued to do so for some sort of feeling of schedule and stability), that you hated and wished you could quite for a paycheck that wasn't even that high to withstand the abuse you had to. Lucifer constantly worried about you, about how the job affected you both physically and mentally. You often came home either drained or hurt, as costumers tended to get rather violent down in Hell. It was common to be stabbed during a shift and having to endure it until your shift was over. Effectively causing you to bleed out while still having to rep a costumer service smile. And the stabbing might not even be the worst part of everything; As you had to try many times to bite back any sort of emotion, ire and frustration and sorrow, as costumers yelled, screamed, tossed shit your way for a mistake you didn't even make. And yet it was your fault. It was always your fault and you couldn't do anything but stand there and take it, as your job would be on the line if you did anything other than stand there and take the anger and take the frustrations and the yelling and the stabbing; Being everyone's personal punching bag without any sort of composition.
ᯓ What was the point of it?
ᯓ The thought had came to you one day after you came home, slugging your shoes off your feet and tossing your keys onto the counter. Lucifer wasn't home, he usually was, yet you guessed he had something better to do than hear your sorrows of the day. You would want to do anything than hear about your sorrows as well, you couldn't blame him for trying to avoid you. So you dragged yourself to the bathroom, heavily sitting down upon the close lid of the toilet before sinking down some. A hand rested upon your stomach, the knife that pierced through your side slid in between your fingers like it didn't draw your blood out. Like it wasn't causing you pain; not even the worst pain in your life, just pain that poked and pricked and brought tears to the eyes, but you were no stranger to tears or to blood. You were no stranger to the bruises that covered your body from angry costumers, from the blisters that grew from harsher treatment, from the blood that seeped and stained. And maybe you should take care of that wound, but it was best to keep a knife into the wound than take it out; It stopped bleeding and you hadn't stained that much, you didn't think, and you were oh so tired so maybe. . .just a nap would help. It didn't have to be a long one, yet something in the back of your mind hoped it would be, and you leaned your head back against the back of the toilet. The light above gave out a buzz, showing it was working, sounding that it was on and here.
ᯓ Yet a nap sounded nice.
ᯓ "Honey! I'm home!" Lucifer shout, a cheerful laugh followed and a careful grin was stretched on his face as he tried to balance the bags of groceries that were in his arms; Trying to make his one round of bringing groceries in to work. He didn't want to drop a single one of them, "I'm sorry I took so long, yet I went to the store and wow! There were a lot of options for things that I was sure I would never make it out of there! Did you know that there's like. . ." Lucifer would pause to count his fingers, having successfully delivered the bags onto the counter without breaking anything, ". . .15 different brands of milk?! And they had like this Milk called Almond milk, where they apparently milk the almond and I don't know how they do that but-" Lucifer's voice fell flat as soon as he noticed you weren't around, at least, not around as usual. By now you would have sprung from the couch, or yelled at him from the bathroom that you were doing your business, or came from the bedroom to wrap him in a hug. Yet your presence was absent and it didn't allude Lucifer, at least, not many more. "H . . . honey?" He would call out again, this time with a more shaken voice and frowned eyebrows; His smile no longer held the confidence of a man who managed to do one round of bringing groceries in with 13 bags.
ᯓ And yet you didn't respond to his call, how could you when your own breath was so shallow your heart was speeding up, stressing, just to pump blood through your body; And Lucifer grew worried. It would triple upon seeing the mess you had left, a mess that hadn't caught his eye until now. . . Your shoes left lazily by the door, your keys stained with blood. Blood that streaked like a hand across the counter top and traveled inward, towards the bathroom and it's door that lingered tauntingly open. And instantly, Lucifer felt his mouth run dry and his feet speed towards the bathroom with nothing but horrible thoughts piling up in his head. You were hurt and you weren't answering his calls. You were hurt and you weren't doing anything to signal to him that you were okay. Are you okay? Are you dead? Oh god he hoped he didn't get to that bathroom door and see your dead body there, all stained and pale. Please don't be dead, please please please. . . "OH MY GOD!-" Lucifer hated to admit the way his body froze in horror by the doorway, one hand clinging onto the frame and the other shot up to cover his mouth. He hated the way his feet stuck to the ground like they were rooted, forcing him to look at your bleeding and barely breathing figure on the floor.
ᯓ And no, he didn't miss the way your blood was smeared on the toilet. He could never miss such a detail when your blood was the last thing he ever wanted to see seep out of your body and pool and stain everything around you.
ᯓ "Oh fuck! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" The words fell out of his lips, fell onto deaf ears, as he ripped his rooted feet off the ground and rushed over to you, to your body. He felt dazed, confused, unsure of himself all of a sudden. What was he supposed to do? What could he do? "Hey, don't be dead come on!-" He didn't realize he was rambling to himself as he kneeled down next to you, not minding the way your blood seeped and stained his white clothes. He shuffled around, looking for your wound, looking for something he could fix to help you! He was so panicked, and had to stich up your wounds so often, that the thought of calling a doctor didn't cross his mind. Lucifer was hesitant to touch you, but didn't want to hurt you, "Wound, wound wound! Where the fuck is your wound?!" He asked before spotting the knife that was jagging out your side. It was mostly covered by your body, as he had happened to kneel down on the opposite side of where your wound pierced in. "Oh fucking duh, it's where the knife is. Nice job Lucifer can't spot a fucking knife when your lover is bleeding out on the floor!- Shit wait I need to actually take care of that. Fuck! Where the hell is the first aid kit?!"
ᯓ To say Lucifer was freaking out during the whole process of taking out the knife, tossing it to the side to be picked up later, disinfecting your wound, trying to stitch it up with shaking hands, and wrapping you up. . . would be an understatement. He was terrified to hold you, afraid he might make the wound worse or he might put you in more pain, yet somehow managed to move you from the bathroom floor to the couch in the living room. He would have put you to bed, at least provided your body a little more comfort, yet he was afraid to leave your side. Afraid that if he took his eyes off of you that something might happen, that you might roll onto the wound and break the sticking, that you might just stop breathing as a whole and leave him alone.
ᯓ He tried calling Charlie to help, yet physicked himself out right before he was going to press the call button. He needed some sort of help, he couldn't go through this alone, yet he didn't want to put his daughter through this either. All he could really do was find himself sitting in front of the couch, head resting upon the cushion, watching your chest rise and fall with heavy eyes; Just to reassure himself you were still here, that you were still alive and you could wake up. Maybe tomorrow? Hopefully. Maybe he should bring you to a hospital. Either way he was here, waiting, hoping.
ᯓ Fuck . . . He didn't know what he would do if you didn't wake up. But you did! By some grace of god you had happened to wake up in the middle of the night, the day after Lucifer had found you. He hadn't been awake, and you were barely moving due to the pain that jabbed at your side. Though you noticed the weight that indented the couch by the edge, slightly turning your head to see Lucifer's crossed arms and nuzzled head into it; He was sleeping, leaning against the couch while sitting on the floor. Drowsy, tired, you glanced over at the couch, wondering why he was sitting down there instead of up here with you. When did you even get to the couch? And then you noticed how you were wearing some of his clothes, with the shirt pulled up to expose your wrapped chest, the bandages still a stained a little crimson red. And you frowned, eyes heavy, looking down at the wound and realizing, at least to some sort of extent, why he wasn't up here. You had scared him . . . A heavy sigh left your lips as you reached a hand out, shaking, as you leaned down into the cushions. Gently, you placed your hand on top of Lucifer's, trying to intertwin your fingers without waking him. If anything, by the way he looked, you were sure he just managed to fall asleep . . . and most likely passed out from exhaustion rather than willingly succumbing to slumber.
ᯓ Though feeling the sudden warmth on his hands, and being half-awake and half-asleep in general, Lucifer's eyes fluttered open despite being rather heavy. He felt heavy, he felt tired . . . yet his hand felt warm, causing his eyes to glance down and notice your hand on top of his. Your hand, your thumb rubbing against his. "Love?. . ." He would mumble out, hoping this wasn't a dream, as he gently raised his head. You noticed the way his eyes sagged a little, his eyelids clearly heavy with eyebags starting to form under his eyes. The frown that had been on his face, tugged down out of pain, began, sluggishly, to tug into a warm smile. "You're awake. . . how are you feeling, do you need anything?" The way his voice croaked, clearly tired and clearly worn from tired and sobbing. His disheveled look, the way his hair was more frazzled than normal and the way his clothes were stained. It all made you upset; Not at him, no, you could never be upset at Lucifer. You were upset at yourself. For causing him so much pain, for making him probably so worried and panicked with the crawling thoughts of your death if he dared to ever take his eyes off of you.
ᯓ Lucifer, waiting for your answer, would gently bring your hand up to his cheek. He had missed your warmth, you had been so cold when he touched you last to move you from the tile of the bathroom floor to the plush cushions of the couch. He was glad that the warmth had returned to body, that he was able to watch your eyes sparkle in the dim lights that flooded in from the kitchen stove hood.
ᯓ His eyes were so gentle, his smile was so genuine, and all you managed to weakly croak out was a, "I'm sorry." And you felt bad feeling the warm tears starting to clump up in your eyes again and spill over. And you felt horrible as Lucifer shot awake, seeing your tears through the light of the kitchen, and rushed to bring his free hand up to your cheek to wipe away your tears. "I'm so sorry Lucifer I. . ." You would choked out, unsure what else to say. How else could you apologize to Lucifer when you knew that you had laid there, on the toilet, with the intention to hopefully die. And you didn't know how to tell Lucifer that to his face, especially when you've never had to tell anyone who's gotten as close to you as Lucifer has that you've thought about killing yourself. That you tried to plan it out in your shared home. Where you knew they would find you. Where you knew. . . "Hey, hey, it's okay. You're-" Lucifer paused for a second, glancing down at the side of your stomach. He had to reassure himself that you were alright before trying to comfort you, "-okay. You're okay now!" Lucifer grinned towards you, a little nervous at first before it fused out into more worry. "You're awake and you're not dying and it's okay! We can. . . talk about it all later okay? Just focus on getting better."
ᯓ You both would sit there in a comfortable, slightly-comfortable, silence as Lucifer stared up at you, and you stared back down at him. His hand, after having cleared your tears, hand reached up to play with your hair, trying to coax you back to sleep. Even when you knew he needed sleep himself, with the way his heavy eyes closed for long periods of time before opening again to meet mine. "Come here. . ." You would mumble, trying to reach for Lucifer, wanting to feel his warmth against yours. He was hesitant to do so, you could tell by the way his eyebrows scrunched upward and the frown that tugged on his lips. It took a while to coax him onto the couch, where even then he gingerly laid on his side and wrapped his arms cautiously a safe place above your bandages and nuzzled his head between the crook of your neck. You were able to play with his hair this time, give him a soft peck on the forehead. A silent apology for all the pain he had to endure because of you without you there to help, without the support he had shown you countless of times without fail.
ᯓ "I. . ." Lucifer's voice warily mumbled out, ". . .thought I was going to lose you." And the way his voice cracked broke your heart into a million pieces. And the only pathetic response you could muster back to him was a soft, shaken, "I'm sorry." As tears silently began to fall down your cheeks, and you could feel the silent tears that fell from Lucifer's eyes stain your neck. "I'm. . . so, so sorry. . ." "It's okay. . ." Lucifer would hug you a little tighter, "We'll work through it together, you're not going to lose me that easily, even if-" He would pause, choking out a bit of laughter between his tears, "-you try yourself."
ᯓ Oh. . . he knew. . .
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ᯓ★ All posts/fanfictions posted under this blog is owned by @razzle-n-dazzle. Please do not steal, copy, or plagiarize the works! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated.
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puppy-steve · 7 months
Between discovering the Russian bunker under Starcourt, discovering their plans to get into the Upside Down, being caught by said Russians and tortured, after making sure Dustin and Erica got out of there, Steve was confident that this was an isolated incident.
Hopper had assured them that El had closed the gate at Hawkins Lab, saw it with his own eyes. So maybe if they (he, Robin, Dustin, and Erica) dealt with this one on their own, it wouldn’t be so bad. There were no monsters this time, at least.
Steve had naive hope that the others wouldn’t have to get involved.
But as the four of them are chased through the mall by a big guy with a gun, Steve and Robin still coming down from a truth serum high, his hope turns into dread.
Because a show car is suddenly flung from the floor and into the group of Russians that have them cornered behind a counter in the food court, and there’s only one person he knows with the ability to do that.
They all slowly peer over the counter, and sure enough, El is standing at the forefront, her hand extended in front of her and her nose bleeding. The other kids plus Nancy, Jonathan, and Eddie are with her. Steve’s stomach drops and the nauseating feeling from earlier is back, but it’s not from the drugs this time.
Eddie makes a beeline toward him and Robin while Dustin greets the others with enthusiasm, Erica a little starstruck over El.
“What the hell happened?” Eddie demands, eyes flitting frantically all over Steve’s face and taking in the worst of the damage. Steve knows he must look like shit– he can’t see that great out of his left eye and that whole side of his face has gone numb.
Billy bashing his face in last year has nothing on the pain he’s feeling now.
“It’s a long story,” Steve says as he leans heavily into Eddie’s space. Eddie’s hands land on his shoulders and he holds him gently, like he’s afraid of hurting him even more. “I’ll tell you after this is all over.”
“Teddy.” Steve pulls back and looks him in the eye, as well as he can. He must have not puked everything out of his system like Robin thought because he still feels a little giddy when he reaches up and taps Eddie on the nose. “Later. I promise.”
There’s really no time to say anything else because Robin and Erica need to be brought up to speed about everything and he and Dustin need to be caught up on what’s happening now, and when they are, Steve desperately wishes that it was just the Russians they had to deal with.
Help comes in the form of Hopper, Ms. Byers, and a balding man that Steve’s never met. While they’re all squabbling and trying to come up with a half baked plan, Eddie finds a first aid kit in one of the kitchens and makes Steve sit on a counter so he can try to patch him up. They don’t speak, but Steve grips Eddie’s unoccupied hand while Eddie stands close between his legs.
There isn’t much time between then and everybody splitting off into groups. Scoops Troop plus Eddie all pile into the TODFTHR (“You sure you’re her daddy, sweetheart?” Eddie teases with a smirk and Steve’s glad the bruising hides his blush.)
Everything gets a little fuzzy after they leave the kids at Weathertop. When he’s asked later, he’ll say he remembers hearing that song from that one movie, but he’s not sure if it actually happened. He’s so hyped up on adrenaline, it’s probably the only thing keeping him conscious.
Steve doesn’t remember making the decision to t-bone Billy’s car, but he does remember the horrific scene inside the mall; the Mindflayer screeching and its tentacle-like appendages swinging this way and that. He remembers pelting it with explosives to distract it from attacking El. He looks down and his stomach lurches when he sees the monster go straight through Billy’s chest.
He hears Eddie let out a strangled curse beside him and Steve has to ignore the bile rising in his throat. He knows there’s been casualties; Barb in ‘83, Ms. Byers’ boyfriend last year, however many people the Mindflayer had killed this year.
This is the first death he’s ever seen in person.
He’s still reeling from it when Owens and the military swarm the building once the monster is finally defeated. They’re all pulled in separate directions for medical attention and questioning. Steve feels downright miserable, sitting in the back of an ambulance with Robin, a shock blanket over his shoulders. He squeezes her hand and gives her a small smile.
“I’m sorry you got dragged into this,” he says.
Robin takes a shaky breath. “Yeah. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all of it. I think for once in my life, I’m speechless.”
Eddie finds them after he’s been looked over and Steve opens his arms to pull him in for a hug, wrapping both of them in the blanket. Eddie presses a kiss to his forehead and Steve sags against him. They take a moment to breathe each other in, basking in the fact that they’re both alive.
“They want to take us to the hospital,” Steve says. “They’re pretty sure I have a concussion but they want to run tests to make sure there isn’t any other damage.” He nods to Robin. “And they wanna keep us under 24 hour observation 'cause of the drugs.”
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie breathes, eyes sliding shut.
Steve frowns and uses the corner of the blanket to brush against Eddie’s cheek comfortingly. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes with a grimace. “This probably wasn’t how you were expecting to spend your birthday.”
Eddie turns his head and kisses his fingers. “No, baby,” he says. “Absolutely nothin’ for you to be sorry about. Had me and Wayne worried sick when you didn’t come home last night, though. I was close to callin’ Hopper when Lucas started screaming code red over the radio.”
Steve doesn’t want to think about how that probably worried them even more. “Your present’s in my car,” he says instead. “You can’t have it until I’m discharged, though. I wanna see your face when you open it.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “That just makes me even more curious, sweetheart.”
He pinches Steve’s side playfully, but gently. Steve stifles a giggle and leans into him more, very aware of how Robin’s watching them like a hawk.
“No peeking,” Steve warns, pointing a finger in Eddie’s face. “It’s a surprise.”
Eddie only nips at his finger. Steve doesn’t even blink. Sighing, Eddie releases his finger and marks a cross over his heart. “I promise I won’t do any snooping.”
Steve pats his cheek. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a shit liar, Munson?”
They break into giggles, their heads bent forward, and Eddie would’ve leaned in for a kiss if it weren’t for Robin clearing her throat rather loudly. Steve curls into Eddie’s front, Eddie’s arm going around his shoulders. God, he’d give anything to be at home and asleep in their bed.
“I’m still very confused about this whole thing,” Robin says, waving a hand in their direction. “I just fought a monster from a whole other dimension, but this is probably the biggest shocker of my life.”
“Strange things follow this group around like a shadow,” Eddie says, like it’s the most casual thing in the world. And for him, it is. “You better get used to it, Buckley, 'cause you’re one of us now.”
written and originally posted for @flowercrowngods birthday 🤍 dio is an absolute treasure and a great friend to have and is my #1 gseb stan. happy belated birthday!!! 💙
🥐☕💕 buy me a coffee?
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lunargrapejuice · 3 months
please be okay
sephiroth (pre nibelheim) x reader with no pronouns used
angst with a happy ending, reader is mentioned being shorter than him
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you felt the momentary shake under your feet before any news of what actually occurred had made its way around the facility. it was a tremor that maybe you shouldn’t have questioned when this deep in a shinra facility, let alone in the public security wing. it’s entirely possible 2nd and 3rd class soldiers are destroying a training room and some of those around you hadn’t even batted an eye but there’s a dreadful pit in your stomach telling you something was so terribly wrong and as quickly as it had come and gone, your walk back to the first class office turned into a full blown run.
“what the hell was that?” your words fill the room the second the doors are open enough and with each quick step you’re making your way to the desk lazard sits behind. as soon as the doors close behind you, the alarms outside begin to blare.
angeal is standing facing lazard, buster sword attached to his back and his arms folded. you can’t see either of their expressions but the seriousness of the situation is evident by how thick the air in the room feels, the tension it builds forcing you to slow your steps. you quickly glance around and note the lack of anyone else around. genesis left for a mission outside of midgar earlier today so that’s to be expected but you saw sephiroth this morning and no other classes of soldiers are around either. it’s only you three.
“a mako line in the building exploded,” lazard answers, his voice seemingly as calm as ever but his brows are drawn in tightly, giving a bit of his emotions away from behind his hands that are folded in front of his face.
your eyes widen. “it exploded?” you ask with emphasis, noting his choice of words. not a leak or even a burst but an explosion.
where is sephiroth? you want to ask immediately after, your stomach already tying in knots, keeping you from asking in fear of the answer but praying to whatever god will listen that either of the men next to you will tell you he’s not in the building for one reason or another.
lazard nods, unfolding his hands and turning his computer monitor to show you a green hued screen displaying the view of the security camera outside of the medical section of this wing. it’s on fire, getting hazy through the smoke clouding the lens but you can make out troopers and other staff struggling to leave for more reasons than just the flames, unable to breathe the little air there was with such high concentration of mako still flowing into it.
you can see the sparkling particles on the screen as it takes over every free bit of space, swirling with the fire like an ethereal flame, and it makes you swallow thickly the longer it unfolds before you but you’re not even breathing at all when angeal finally speaks.
“sephiroth went in to see if the shut off valve made it through the explosion.”
the world follows suit of your lungs and stops completely, only the heavy force of your painfully slow heartbeats giving you any kind of proof that you weren’t frozen in this horrific moment but rather actively living in it. 
when the air returns to your lungs, burning and aching, you don’t say anything to lazard or angeal before running at full speed out the door and into the chaos of public security. your hands are shaking as you reach for your phone in your pocket and dial sephiroths number, holding back the wet sting of your eyes. maybe it’s ridiculous to be nearly in tears worried over shinras strongest soldier and if you were thinking more logically, out of everyone a first class soldier would be the most likely to survive so much mako exposure and get past the flames quickly but it didn’t matter to you.
not when the force of the aching in your heart nearly rips it completely in two because it’s him, the man who has been burned into your very being from the first the moment he captured your heart without even knowing it. he still doesn’t know. would he accept it if he did? you push the thought away. it can’t be at the front of your mind when all this anxious worry uncontrollably swirls within you and is taking over your every thought.
pick up dammit.
the phone rings and rings and rings and you feel the bile in your stomach rolling but when you’re about to hang up, he finally picks up on the other line, calling your name in a way that almost convinces you that it’s okay. but its so very not okay.
“are you somewhere safe?” he asks and you can’t believe how worried about you he seems when he’s the one in danger. he’s not hiding it in his normally deep and collected tone either, you can hear it in his words.
“y-yes,” you try to will it not to but your voice still shakes. “but sephiroth-”
“good,” he interrupts you with relief and the echo of his quick steps fill the split moment of quiet between you. 
you’re trying to find the words to speak into the universe so he’ll make it out of this, make it back to you.  
“stay put,” he requests before hanging up, knowing you well enough by now that you already weren’t doing that but hoping maybe his words would convince you all the same.
your jaw clenches and you pick up the pace, holding your phone at your side as if it was his hand keeping him tethered to you, any part of your sanity echoing what you know to be true; how strong and resilient he is. he could make it through anything.. right? he has to.. 
there’s a barricade of troopers already beginning to form a good distance away from the explosion and you are no exception to their order to not let anyone through. not that it stopped you from trying but you weren’t even sure what your plan was if you did get past them. run into the mako riddled infirmary in search of him? possibly get in his way because there was no way you are as fast as he is? but fuck.. you just needed to be closer. closer to where he’d exit any minute now - because it had to be any minute now right? closer to him in case he called back and needed you, which was a silly thought in and of itself but even if your strength could not match his, you would do anything to help him right now.
“lazard tell them i can get through!” you’re losing it, absolutely helpless and it’s killing you. your tone says as much when your boss comes into view, having chased after you at angeals heels. 
he looks at you with pity or empathy in his eyes, you really can’t tell which it is in your state but it’s a flicker before his face falls back into a serious expression and he’s firm in his answer. “no.”
before you can protest, the bubbling lid barely held over your emotions ready to crash into the ground and spill over, another explosion shakes the floors and walls, harder than the last time now that you’re closer to the source. you easily keep your balance but you feel dizzy at how quickly you turn around to head straight from it and nauseous when you see more smoke billowing down the long hallway.
you don’t make it a single full step before angeals strong grasp is around your wrist, keeping you in place. there’s no hiding what’s within you when it’s so evident in your eyes, all full of anguish and desperation, and no words are shared between you when you look back at him, just a knowing look that tells you about duty and honor above all else. even above love.
biting your bottom lip, you tear your gaze and your hand away from him and use all the willpower you have to keep your feet grounded but every passing moment your muscles scream to move. 
two slow minutes pass by and the security officers blocking the way begin to urge you back more at the orders you hear their commanding officer give them but you don’t budge and leave no room for question with the biting glare you give them when they try to touch you to get you to move. 
another minute ticks by, your brain not keeping up with your racing heart, neither in sync with the other as you take in breath after breath and beg yourself not to cry. this is agony like you had never felt before. like you were losing a part of yourself you had never had a hold of to begin with but there’s no regret. not yet anyway. just painful impatience while you hold onto hope and everything you have ever felt for sephiroth like it's a lifeline, until it’s being crushed in your grasp.
“i’m going in there,” you hear angeal say from behind you.
you’re ready to turn on your heels and demand to go with him when your eyes catch the faintest movement in the smoke. on bated breath you watch a tall frame emerge from the smoke and use all of your strength to not collapse under the weight of your relief when you can see sephiroth clearly, making long strides right towards you. he’s marked in soot, his armor charred and he’s practically dripping in mako from head to toe. it clings to him, falling like snow behind him in his steps but he’s alive and hardly looks fazed or out of breath.
you cannot say the same for yourself. ignoring the yelling of the troopers who demand for you to stay back when your legs carry you as quickly as they can to him, you look the same as the mess you feel inside but you don’t care who's around to see or what they might think. all you can focus on are the cyan eyes of the man you love in front of you and the taut tether that’s pulling you right into his arms.
throwing your arms around his neck, your entire body crashes against his but in his infinite strength, he holds steady. you can feel his arms hesitate to wrap around you in return but when they do, he holds you with such tender strength that both soothes you and breaks down the last of your barely held together demeanor with one arm strong arm wrapped around your middle, his other hand cradling the back of your skull.
“you’re okay,” you choke out like you had to hear it spoken out loud to believe it, feeling a few of your held back tears fall and melt against his cheek pressed against yours. a heartbeat echoes between you and you aren’t sure if it’s yours or his but underneath the smoke you can faintly smell his familiar leather and floral scent. he’s warm, so warm, his hair soft, his breaths steady against your own that try to match his. “you’re okay.”
his hold on you tightens and he shifts to stand nearly at his full height, lifting you onto the very tips of your toes, your bodies now completely flush, but you don’t struggle to hold onto him and he doesn’t let you go a bit. the large hand on the back of your head tangles into your hair and quietly, like the words were only meant for you, he whispers, “i’m okay.”
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comments & reblogs would be so greatly appreciated!<3 thank you for reading ♡
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boombox-fuckboy · 8 months
Hey!!! You commented on my post about limetown haha which is why I’m here. You offered to give podcast recs! What are your favorites?? I’m looking for some new ones
I completely forgot I had this ask, excuse the delay. Here's a selection of 30 podcasts I enjoyed from a broad range of genres: hopefully at least one appeals.
Let me know if you're after something more specific.
Arden: (Investigative, Comedy) On the 25th of December, 2007, heiress and young actress Julie Capsom crashed her car into a tree and fled into a nearby forest clearing, leaving a trail that seemingly vanished into thin air, and a dismembered torso in the trunk. A decade later, Bea, the first reporter on the scene, and Brenda, a detective on the case, are hosting a true crime podcast about it, and neither is remotely impressed with what the other has to say. Arden is also a retelling of various Shakespeare plays.
Desperado: (Supernatural, Adventure, Horror Elements) In a modern world of gods and magic, three young people, all under the patronage of death dieties, embark on the same adventure for different reasons: for safety, for revenge, and to kill The Old Man in the Sky. Fantastic banter and killer action sequences.
The Far Meridian: (Magical Realism) An agoraphobic young woman wakes one day to discover her lighthouse home has travelled to somewhere entirely unfamilar. As this continues to happen day after day, she uses the opportunity to search for her missing brother. A really unique and charming piece of fiction.
Gastronaut: (Sci-Fi) Interstellar travel audio blog of a former food critic as he travels to an active warzone to get firsthand experience with unfamilar cuisine. ft. Disgruntled martian nobility, sinister businessmen, explosive mushrooms, forbidden snacks, rogue revolutionary artists, and the consequences of your actions.
Girl in Space: (Sci-Fi) The Girl In Space lives alone on a space station, doing science, making cheese, rewatching Jurassic Park, and tending to the plants, animals, and artificial sun entrusted to her. It's a little lonely, but not a bad life. Would be a shame if someone came along to ruin it.
The Goblet Wire: (Microfiction, Weird Fiction) A surreal microfiction with horror elements, taking the form of phone calls to an audio-based game in which the voice of the mysterious Dictator leads each player through fantastic and horrific world and story.
Hello From The Hallowoods: (Horror, Supernatural) A dramatic entity beyond your comprehension visits your nightmares to tell stories of the people (in varying degrees of human and alive) that inhabit the strange, deadly, and beautiful Hallowoods, as they find meaning and sometimes eachother.
Hi Nay: (Supernatural Horror) A year after moving to Toronto, sound designer Mari finds herself drawn into helping people around the city with various horrific supernatural encounters due to her babaylan (shaman) family background. It quickly becomes apparent that there's something much more sinister and complicated happening in the background.
Inco: (Microfiction, Sci-Fi) A perpetually exausted interstellar information trader and her peppy AI find a mysterious (read: bratty) boy floating in space and are inadventently pulled into a world political intrigue.
Inn Between: (Fantasy) Ever curious about what the D&D characters get up to at the tavern between sessions? A generally lighter-hearted (with some exceptions) with richly-written and always-growing characters. A really interesting format, too: a lot of the adventure appears in the "next time" and "last time" segments which makes it all flow really nicely. Not a tabletop podcast.
Janus Descending: (Sci-Fi, Horror, Tragedy) A xenoarcheologist and a xenopaleontologist are sent to a study a dead city on a distant world. Nobody likes what they find there. A unique format, with one set of logs presented first to last, and the other last to first. I'd recommend listening to the supercut for this one.
The Kingmaker Histories: (Steampunk, Weird Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy Elements) In the Valorian Socialist Republic 1911, on her 25th birthday, tailor's apprentice Colette experienced the worst headache of her life. As a result, she fleed from town with a human artificer and a fae chef - both now smugglers - pursued by an utterly furious flesh-crafter. I'm not sure I'm selling how good this podcast is but it's very good.
Life With Althaar: (Sci-Fi, Comedy) A human repairman moves to a space station on the edge of human territory that is perpetually on the edge of self-destruction, and ends up with a less-than-ideal last-minute roomate. Althaar is polite, friendly, deeply interested in human culture, and eager to be friends. Unfortunately he belongs to a species that sends humans into a visceral panic at a glance.
Lost Terminal: (Sci-Fi, Hopepunk) Seth is a very lonely AI living on a satellite. His crew were left stranded aboard with no hope of return, and it's been longer than he can count since then. The Earth below him has changed dramatically, and with only a few other AI down there to talk to, he's very lonely. But! He has a plan to make some new friends.
Love and Luck: (Romance, Slice-of-Life and Urban Fantasy Elements) Voice messages cataloguing two young men falling in love and opening a queer dry bar together.
Midnight Radio: (Light Supernatural, Romance) Sybil McIntyre, host of the ever-popular 1950's nightly radio hour, begins exchanging letters with an old fan who has reluctantly returned to visit Sybil's beloved town.
Midst: (Weird Fiction, Western, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Elements) The old-western planetoid islet of Midst floats, rotating steadily, in a sea of reality-warping darkness. Down in the town of Stationary Hill, things are in movement, and vistors from the light above are about to bring unanticipated change. ft a monocycle-riding monster-hunter, radio-famous airship paladins, deadly mica, the universe's peppiest cultist, good dogs, and a really strange businessman.
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality: (Weird Fiction, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy and Horror Elements) A friendly AI tour guide leads you on a tour of the Mistholme Museum, explaining the strange and often alternatural story behind each item.
Monstrous Agonies: (Supernatural, Relationship Advice) An interpersonal advice show for supernatural entities and other people living liminally in the modern world.
Night Shift: (Urban Fantasy, Investigative) Set in a modern world with the addition of magic, which manifests in small inherited skills/traits, can warp people in horrific ways, or can be manipulated with the right science (and intense work) to induce superpowers. Sebastian Fenn is a barista at Night Shift Coffee, but since things are slow he's decided to start a podcast to talk about various mysteries, crimes and conspiracies around the city, and of course finds himself deeper in them than he'd intended.
The Pasithea Powder: (Sci-Fi, Thriller Elements? I think?) The last major interplanetary war was full of atrocities, but none more infamous then the creation of Pasithea Powder, a memory altering drug which was used to horrible effect and landed it's entire team of creators in prison. So when decorated war hero Captain Sophie Green sees one of them wandering free, worlds away from his prison, she gets in touch with a very old, estranged friend: one Dr. Jane Gonzalez, who's behind bars for the very same reason.
SCP: Find Us Alive: (Weird Fiction, Supernatural, Horror and Slice-of-Life elements) You don't need to know anything about SCP to enjoy this. A research team gets trapped in an underground research facility when the complex collapses and the building is dragged into a pocket dimension. The tear it was designed to study begins creating tiny copies of itself, generating strange entities the team needs to deal with. And as if that wasn't enough, the entire situation physically resets itself every 30 days. And yet, this is genuinely also an office comedy.
Second Star to the Left: (Sci-Fi) Audio logs of a scout sent to explore and establish early infastructure new world, and the communications with the minder in charge of keeping her alive.
Seen and Not Heard: (Slice-of-Life, Drama) Seen and Not Heard follows Bet, who's still adjusting to life a year after a bout of severe illness, and the resulting hearing loss it caused. It's about the ways we make connection, and food, and art, and different kinds of grief.
The Silt Verses: (Horror) In a modern world where gods are abundant, frequently both commercialised and restricted, two devotees of an outlawed river god go on a pilgrimage.
SINKHOLE: (Sci-Fi, Weird Fiction) Forum posts from a data restoration community in a near future where the human brain is its own computer and one city hosts a massive void.
Starfall: (Fantasy) Seeking to escape her mysterious past and find some purpose, a young swordswoman joins a travelling actor's troupe. This new life is unfamilar and sometimes stressful, but she's taken under the wing of stagehand Fel, who's determined to help her feel welcome as she experiences the figurative and literal magic of the theatre for the first time.
The Tower: (Weird Fiction) A low-key, meditative podcasy about a young woman who decides to climb a seemingly endless tower. Gorgeous sound design.
The Vesta Clinic: (Sci-Fi) New GP Dr. Fae Underwood, with the expert transcription skills of resident AI Sec, writes up patient reports on human and alien patients of The Vesta Clinic, a medical clinic on the edge of human space. Really comfy and creative.
Victoriocity: (Steampunk, Mystery) Set in the steam-powered Victorian city of Even Greater London, an aspiring journalist and a tired detective find themselves working together to solve a strange murder. I say Victorian but as queen Victoria is now an extensive grandiocity of cyborg components following seven only-kind-of-successful assassinations, you may need to adjust expectations a little.
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hobiebrownismygod · 7 months
Such a Lovely Face Hobie Brown/Spider-Punk x Fem!Reader
~1.5k words
Synopsis: After a bad day, you find yourself sitting on a rooftop to calm down, and end up encountering Hobie Brown. The two of you have a nice conversation.
TW: Mention of police brutality, explosions, slight implication of the reader having depression/being depressed
A/N: I tried something new with the lyrics being a part of the story, so if it doesn't really work I'm sorry 😭. I'm really trying to accustom myself to new writing styles cuz I'm still fairly new to fanfictions, so lmk if it doesn't make sense or could be better!
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On a dark desert highway Cool wind in my hair
You were sitting atop one of the many rooftops in Camden, London, quietly humming one of your favorite songs to yourself as you looked out into the distance. The cool breeze was refreshing compared to the stuffy atmosphere of your tiny apartment downstairs, and you decided you'd stay up here on the rooftop for as long as you could, until of course you were caught by the police for breaking the curfew. It had happened before.
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night
You hugged your knees to your chest and rested your chin atop them, breathing in the night air softly, the moonlight shining onto your face as you looked up at the stars. But you could barely see them, the entire sky covered in a thick layer of fog, gases emitted from the thousands of horrific factories littering the streets of London, courtesy of the one and only President Osborne, a hopeless tyrant with nothing better to do than pollute.
There she stood in the doorway I heard the mission bell
"What're you lookin' at lassie?"
You swiveled your head around, heart beating out of your chest as you stumbled back, nearly falling off the rooftop, searching for where that voice had come from. "Hey, don't worry. I'm not a cop" A man appeared from the shadows with a wink, wearing a bright red and blue costume, completed with a leather jacket and skinny jeans on top. The one and only Spider-punk.
"Whatcha doin' up 'ere all my y'self at this time of nigh'?" He asked, plopping down next to you, mask lit up by the light coming from the night sky. "O-oh just hanging out" you stammered, a bit taken aback by his cool, playful nature. You weren't expecting to meet the vigilante at this time, and you definitely weren't expecting him to take a seat next to you.
And I was thinking to myself This could be heaven or this could be hell
"I heard you singing somethin'." He leaned in toward you slightly, head tilted sideways as he looked down at you. "What song was 't?" You fidgeted with your fingers, sitting in a criss-cross position and keeping your gaze on the distance in front of the two of you. "Hotel California" you said quietly, a smile appearing on your face as the lyrics crossed your mind. "Its a nice song". He nodded, looking out at the distance like you were. "Tha' it is."
Then she lit up a candle And she showed me the way
"You didn't answer m'question though" He said, looking back at you. "What're you doing up at this time of night all by y'self?"
"I was just thinking."
"Thinking 'bout what?"
There were voices down the corridor I thought I heard them say
He blinked. "You gonna keep acting like a priss or are ya gonna tell me?" You shot him a scowl. "There's just a lot going on in my life right now, okay? Besides, I'm sure you don't want to hear about it. There's probably plenty people out there that you need to save" you said somberly, biting the inside of your cheek as you looked away again.
"Look 'ere peng," He said, snapping his fingers at you. "I'm London's friendly neighborhood Spider-man. I'm not just here to save people. Whatever you 'ave to say, I'm here to listen too."
Welcome to the Hotel California
"Really? So I can ask you anything?"
A moment of silence followed, a moment you took to think about what your question should be. And then it hit you.
"Why do you do what you do?"
He looked a bit taken aback by this question, the white eyes of his mask widening slightly. "Jumping right into it, are we?" He asked with a soft chuckle, looking down over the rooftop. His fingers fidgeted, picking at a rip in his jeans as he thought up what his answer would be. He hadn't been expecting you to ask a question that would require such a complicated answer.
"You did say I could ask you anything..." Your voice was slightly cocky, enjoying how tongue-tied he seemed trying to give a response. The question may have seemed innocent, but you were genuinely curious.
Your life wasn't terrible. You came from a fairly well-off family, you attended a good college, you lived in a clean neighborhood in a nice apartment. But you were so sad all the time. There was no reason for it, it was just as if you didn't understand the point of anything you did. Like nothing mattered. Like you didn't matter.
How was this man supporting the weight of the world on his shoulders without voicing a single complaint? How could a person be so strong? Why was he so strong?
"I do this-this Spider-man gig-" He gestured as his suit, "-because if I don't, nobody else will."
He looked back over at you and noticed your head slightly tilted as if you were waiting for a longer response. "Thats it. Tha's my reason."
He stammered for a moment, gears in his head turning as he tried to explain what he was trying to say. "Look, I'm the only Spider-man in this city, right? If I'm gone, what'll happen to the people I'm s'posed to protect?" He pointed out towards the distant lights of the inner city, "The people in the slums, the punks and protestors of London, I'm their voice." He sighed softly, looking up at the stars, the light making the eyes of his mask shine brightly, an almost ethereal glow emanating. "I have to do this. I have to fight for these people. I'm their only hope."
Such a lovely place Such a lovely face
"I see." You said quietly, a slight smile spreading across your face. He wasn't as perfect as he seemed. The poor guy seemed pretty stressed from the look of it. All that pressure..., "I was expecting you to say it was for the freedom. Or the fame." You added in a slightly teasing tone, nudging his shoulder gently to snap him out of his somber trance.
He jumped slightly at the touch before a grin returned to his face. "What fame? Half the city hates me and the other half think I'm a saint." He shook his head. "I'm neither."
"You're not a saint?"
"I'm not a hero."
You were a bit taken aback by this declaration. "What are you talking about? If anyone's a hero it's you." you said, raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckled softly, looking at you, the white of his mask boring into you. "Guess you're part of the second half then."
You rolled your eyes at him. "Mate, you're the sole reason London's not up in flames at this moment. That seems pretty heroic to me."
"I've been the reason for a lot of other things going up in flames, though" he countered teasingly, leaning in towards you slightly, that playful tone returning to his voice.
"Yeah but that's all Osborne's crap. Nobody's complaining about it."
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
"Hah. Damn right."
Another moment of silence followed, the quiet tension almost deafening. "Not as perfect as you seem, hmm pretty boy?"
"You think I'm pretty?" He gave you a sly wink. "You haven't even seen my face. But you're probably right about the perfect part." You smacked his arm playfully, laughing as you did so.
You hadn't expected your spirits to have been lifted so easily, but he just had that effect. A can-do attitude and a cocky tone could do wonders for a bad day. "So? Did your friendly neighborhood Spider-man save yet another boring night?" He asked smugly, tilting his head and putting his hands behind him to support him as he leaned back. "Honestly? Yeah. Thanks." You said, offering him as fist bump. He took it, gently bumping his suited fist against yours and making a pop noise with his mouth as he pulled it away.
Suddenly, you heard an explosion from the distance, probably the result of yet another instance of police brutality, Osborne's pigs being well-known for their trigger-happy fingers and exclusively deadly weaponry. There wasn't a day gone by where something didn't get blown up or a group of people wasn't killed. But that was just life in London. "I suppose that's my cue to leave" Spider-punk said, hopping up and stretching out his arms, cracking his neck to the side. "It was nice meeting you, Ms...?"
"Y/N." he repeated, letting the name roll off his tongue. "Lovely name for a lovely face."
You shook your head at him. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" You asked, suppressing a laugh. "Yeah, yeah. I'll see you around, darling." And he was off.
Anytime of year You can find it here
"See you." you whispered as you watched him swing away, his guitar slung over his shoulder, just barely holding on. You smiled to yourself before you got up, ready to go back inside. You were feeling much better now.
You knew that next time you were feeling down, you'd be sure to call him over. After all, what's the point of having a friendly neighborhood Spider-man if you can't make use of him?
Taglist: @s6onder @therealloopylupin2099 @spiderrinn @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe
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k1ngpin42 · 29 days
This one's actually wild- Ghoul x Reader Fic
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𝔾𝕣𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕖 (𝔹𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕝𝕪)
WARNINGS: Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 has all the smut but read this first u won't regret it :) (unless u do)
Part 2 here: https://shorturl.at/YHk7p
You have been travelling for weeks. Taking meaningless jobs for people for not enough caps and spending them on drinks and a spot of food every now and then. You promised yourself you wouldn’t end up like this. That you’d use your skills in craftsmanship and explosives to help those big organisations clean up the helpless towns you’re always coming across. 
You took a seat on a rusted bench in the center of town, next to some skinny, middle aged man. You eye the synth bartender who has been scrubbing the same mug since you got here. 
“Do you have vodka?” You ask it, and it reaches down, picking up a dusty bottle filled with clear liquid. You nod. 
“Good, how much?” The synth replies in inaudible dialogue and the man besides you smiles.
“He says, 35 caps.”
“For one drink? Pretty steep….” 
“It’s the good stuff.” The man tries. You glare at him.
“‘Good stuff’ huh? It’s got a layer of dust….”
‘It’s…aged.” The man returns with a smile. You roll your eyes. 
“Fine, here.” You say, pouring a small bag of caps into the robots hand. 
He pours you it and you drink it straight without flinching. The man watches you intently. 
“Tough day?”
“Tough life.” You reply, grimly. He nods.
“I hear that.” You nod back, thankful that that unneeded conversation in your life had concluded itself.  “I’m not having the best day myself.” You sigh, having just jinxed yourself. 
“Really?” You ask, acting mildly interested. 
“The group I run with, we protect this town but we’ve been having a time of it lately. This one guy we’re after is relentless. In fact, he’s not even a man he’s a fucking ghoul, and a horrific one at that.”
“Feral?” You question, tapping on the side of your glass to indicate another drink. The robot looks at you, unimpressed. Or at least that’s how you depicted it’s synthetic, lifeless face. You sigh, placing another bag of caps into its hand and getting another swift poor in result.
“No, but he’s the worst type there is. He’ll take out anyone who gets in his way by force.” You tilt your head in confusion. 
“Wait, you’re after a man-“
“Ghoul.” Corrects the man. You sigh at the unneeded correction.
“Ghoul, because he got some people killed in a crossfire? That’s kinda how life is, law-lover.”
 “A man he had conducted business with hadn’t delivered his end of the bargain, and he fed his son to him in soup.” You smirk, surprised. 
“Sheesh. Hardco-“ You return your face to a neutral expression when you notice his look of outrage. You clear your throat.
“How do I find him?” His eyes widen.
“Y- You’re offering?” You roll your eyes.
“No, I said it for shit’s and giggles. There’s a reward I take it?”
“Oh a handsome one- but I’d need proof before the payment can be delivered.” You continue glaring at him.
“I know how a fucking bounty works, Mr…?”
“Your last name is fli - you know what I don’t care. What’s the reward?”
“1000 caps.”  Your ears perk at this, a warm smile coming to your face. 
“I want 200 now. I need money for my weapons and such.”
“If you can’t even cough up 200 how am I meant to believe you’ve got 1000?”
“Fine, here.” He pulls out the caps. “And a drink, on me.” He tells the robot. It nods and you let out an annoyed sigh.
“Knew that fucker could understand English. Why are you trusting me anyway? You don’t even know me.”
“I do, actually. Beautiful young woman in road leathers with a big bag on her back. I take it filled with explosives?” You eye him cautiously. 
“How do you know me?”
“It’s my job to maintain connections in other settlements. I’ve heard you help the odd person with your unique explosives. You build traps, turrets, dirty bombs and such. I trust them, and even if you do just run away with my caps, better than having no hope at all.” You sigh.
“That’s stupid. But I’ll get you your ghoul.”
Even with your advanced tracking skills, the ghoul wasn’t hard to find. He wasn’t exactly subtle, and when he walks in everyone turns, eying him like he’s nothing. He was more handsome than you expected, and to be fair, you hadn’t expected him to be attractive at all. This man wasn’t like any ghoul you had encountered. He looked more put together, and he had a cowboy hat like he had just stepped out of a fucking movie. 
“I’m looking for Adam.” He yells, and you notice the shotgun doing tricks in his hand. 
“To anyone who tries to stop me, I hope today is a good day to die. Although, I suppose it’s as good a day as any…” His accent was unexpected to you. It was deep and real pretty. You wondered why he was the way he was. You always wondered about ghouls, but had never met one you could exchange a sentence with before you had to blow them limb from limb in self defence. 
The bombs were already in place, set to detonate when he got into a certain building. It was made with a fluid ghouls were particularly prone to, and not even a ghoul can survive being transformed into pink mist. Now all you had to do was lure him up there. You had gone with Mr flint from earlier, and were now using him as a cover story. 
“You cock-sucking bastard! I know you took my sister.” He goes along with your story. 
“Took her? She wanted to go.”
“Anyone could want to do anything when their blood is pumped with jet you fuck.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“I know you took her, and I have proof-“
“Oh yeah?” He asks, grabbing you and putting your body against his, running his hands along yours.
“What if I did take her? You wanna join, hm?” The ghoul tilts his head, watching this unfold in the distance. You grab the mans arm and twist it backwards, making him scurry away from the floor. The ghoul smiles.
“Well, well. What do we have here?” He asks, stalking over to you and putting the cold, cracked skin of one of his hands upon yours, kissing your body with goosebumps in consequence.  Flint scurries off to the ambush location, leaving you alone with the ghoul. If there were any others in the town, they certainly weren’t making an appearance with him around. 
“Please don’t hurt me.” You pretend to cry, and he lets out an uninterested groan. 
“I’m not even here for you I-“ He looks at you a little longer and something in his cold eyes change. 
“Fine, what happened, anyway? This man messed with your sister or something?” “He took her, I know he did!”
“Just calm down sweetheart.” He says, putting his hand on your arm. 
“Any idea where?”  You nod, positively surprised that the ghoul fell for the bait. You had heard he had a soft spot when it came to women, children, animals, that sort of thing, at least in certain scenarios, if he cared enough. 
“Yes…that building over there.” You say, pointing at one of the higher buildings. He nods.
“Well….I gotta take care of some business first. You right to stick around? I’m always happy to helps when insects…” He shoots his shotgun from his hip, killing a roach you hadn’t heard approaching. “Needs crushing.” He adds. You tense up a little. The plan was to get him to that building as soon as possible, if anything else triggered the explosion the ghoul would know you had planned to take him out and would likely respond in ways that wouldn’t leave you in one piece. The ghoul becomes more wary at your reaction.
“Everything…alright?” He questions, taking a step away from you. You nod.
“Just…worried about my sister. But I guess I have no idea what’s in that building…I’d probably be dead if it’s filled with giant mutants or gunners or something…” He just stares at you, unimpressed. 
“What makes you think your sister survived then?” You hesitate, maybe you should have expanded your backstory a little before you got here…
“Well…she’s much more equipped at self defence…”
“If that was the case she probably wouldn’t be trapped in a building, now would she?” The unbearable silence is cut short by a machine turret firing at the ghoul. You step back, shocked.  He tilts his head, taking it out with a single shot, along with 4 men who had been aiming at him.
“You know, it’s not nice being interrupted.” He exclaims, storming into the building. You follow him, hiding behind a nearby counter. 
“Adam owed me chems…information….ammo…” The ghoul explains to some scared folk, slowly. 
“We had a good thing going, until he ran away with the caps. At least…he thought he could run away, but a little birdie told me he just had to stop by his hometown and visit his family before he left isn’t that sweet?” He asked, grabbing a woman and putting her into a headlock, aiming his shotgun at the other man. The woman lets out a frightened sound and he puts his hand over her mouth.
“Shh, it’s okay darlin, I’d never hurt an innocent woman.” 
The situation is so tense you’re not sure whether or not you’ve let out a breath since you first saw him.
“However, Adam is your son, and as his mother of course you’d never sell him out or…put him in harms way, but what situation does that put me in gorgeous? M’ I supposed to let an accomplice of a scammer go?”
“Please…I didn’t know, I promise-“ She muffles into his hand. He shakes his head.
“It’s no problem, really….” He mocks, letting her go. 
“Bring me Adam, or the next time you see him will be only his head. Or maybe an arm…or leg, some part of him anyway-“
“You’re sick!” The man besides him spits. The woman doesn’t say anything for a while and the man looks at her in shock.
“Honey, you’re not seriously gonna-“
“He’s upstairs.” She says. The ghoul smirks in a way that sends foreign feelings to areas of your body it probably shouldn’t be sending to, but you try to ignore it as you watch the rest of the situation unfold. 
When you head up there, Adam makes eye contact with you from your hiding spot, grabbing you and putting a gun to your head. You let out a sharp breath. The ghoul rolls his eyes.
“Oh jeez- you can’t just stay out of my way hm?” The ghoul asks you. Your hands are up and you feel helpless. In any other situation, you would have the element of surprise and could take him out with your knife, but you knew if you tried anything, either Adam or the ghoul himself would have your head. You open your mouth to say something. An apology, a plea, anything, but instead you close your eyes, accepting the very real reality that this could be the place you die, the shit hole where some boy too foolish not to know double crossing Cooper Howard was a death sentence, lived. He sighs.
“Let the girl go.” He says, nonchalantly. 
“If…if you leave my family alone, I will.” Adam begs, weakly. Cooper rolls his eyes.
“Your family did the commonwealth an injustice through trying to help your sorry ass. You think I’m going to give free passes to every bum I meet? I could put a bullet right between your eyes right now, and you wouldn’t even have the power to beg me not to.” The ghouls words make Adam sweat even more. 
“If you do that your girlfriend will be dead.” Adam says, and you let out a shaky breath. As if the ghoul would give two shits if you were alive or not. And why would he? Even if you weren’t lying to his face right now, and you actually did have a sister who did in fact need saving, why would that be any of his business. So when the words, “Fine, you have my word.” Leave his mouth, you’ve never been more shocked. 
“I- how can I trust you?” Adam questions. The ghoul groans. 
“Adam, Adam….you speakin of trust after stealing my caps? That’s brave. And real fuckin stupid.”
“D-drop your gun. And I’ll let her go.”
“You really think I care if this smooth skin girl I barely know lives or dies?” Cooper asks, and you sigh. There it is. The ghoul signing your inevitable death warrant. This is what you get for trying to help the commonwealth, you supposed. He shrugs, cocking the gun. This causes Cooper to drop his own, immediately. 
“I’m really starting to dislike you Adam. Give me the girl.” Demands the ghoul, and you can tell Adam was equally as surprised as you are. He hesitantly lets you go, not wanting to cause more bloodshed than needed either. You let out a breath, falling from Adams tight grasp and into the ghouls arms. You quickly push yourself off of him, straightening yourself up and apologising tremendously. He sighs. 
“Don’t fucking mention it. Let’s leave this prick. I believe we have a sister to save.”
“You’re just going to leave him here?” You ask him, softly. He rolls his eyes.
“Unlike some people, I keep my word when I give it.” He doesn’t say anything else before darting straight past you and to the exit of the house.
“Sorry for disturbing you, ma’am.” He tells Adams mum before leaving. 
He still hasn’t said anything, bolting towards the tall building where Mr flint and a room of explosives was awaiting him. You stop walking, partly because you believe if you do not, you would run out breath and surely die to a lack of oxygen, but also partly because you couldn’t stand anymore silence. He saved you, someone he didn’t know, and was now helping you further. He was a harsh being, you weren’t blind to that, but the thought of sending the ghoul to his death right now wasn’t a thought you found very welcoming. He notices you have stopped and gives you a confused and unimpressed glance. 
“You don’t seem to be in much of a rush to save your sister from these ‘giant mutants’ you’re so afraid of seeing.” He exclaims, not looking at you. You shrug, eyeing only the ground at this point.
“I guess I’m a little shaken. Never been held at gunpoint before. Had guns pointed at me, many a time but- well it isn’t quite the same. And then you saved me so I- well I guess my thoughts are elsewhere.” You admit in one clutter of words. He nods. 
“I…guess that’s understandable.” He replies, coldly. You nod, continuing to walk now but at a more reasonable pace.
“Why didn’t you shoot him?” Cooper glares at you, then back at the empty land ahead.
“I told you. I gave my word.” You sigh at his answer.
“Yes, but why…surely I ain’t worth saving. I’m nothing to you.” He laughs at your comment. 
“Spoken like someone who has lots to live for.” He remarks, sarcastically. You can’t help but smile at this.
“I suppose that was a little dull, I just meant….I’ve met ghouls before and they all tried to eat me.” You confess, and he laughs the most gorgeous laugh you’ve ever heard. 
“Well, we ghouls can be unpredictable. I still may eat you yet.” He teases, and you can’t help but put this into a different context in your own mind.
As you two get up to the building, your heart is racing. All of a sudden your mind is foggy, you feel nauseous. This whole thing is a bad idea. This man-ghoul….who knew at this point, had only been in your life a few hours and already saved you twice, spared an entire family and was now about to be sent to your death for what? 1000 caps? Flint could kill him if he must, you were not taking a part of it. The ghoul hadn’t just saved you either. He was attractive, kind enough, and brought a type of adventure and heat that you thought had turned to ash like the rest of the world. 
“Well, no ‘gunners or something’ yet.” The ghoul remarks. You nod. 
“Uh, wait here a moment, I’m gonna check this room.”
“Okay, but look out for traps.” He says. You smile at this.
“You worried about me?” He shakes his head.
“I’m worried you’re gonna do something dumb and set off a series of explosions that will get us both killed, but whatever floats your boat sweetheart.” Sweetheart. The nickname repeats itself in your head as you question why it makes your stomach churn in the best way possible. You hurry into the room and see Flint.
“Amazing work at getting him here, which room has the explosives?” He asks, eagerly. You bring your hand to the back of your neck anxiously. 
“About that…what if we just forgot the ghoul? I mean he didn’t harm that family even though they were the ones who had robbed him so-“ “I will NOT hear of this!” Flint exclaims. “He is a mutant, a terrible reminder of the fuckups people from his time have made. Bring him to me, I’ll kill him myself.” You’re stunned by Flint’s aggression to you, especially after it was your life on the line. He can walk away from this with an injured hand and you walk away knowing you were almost a corpse on Adams floor? This man was seriously starting to get to you. 
You couldn’t believe what you were about to do. It had never occurred to you that you would stoop this low, but after all the shit you had been through in your life, this was the one asshole to push you over the edge. To make you do and say shit past you wouldn’t have been able to fathom like….
“He’s in the room on the third floor. The passage on the right should take you there.” You explain. Only that room would have no ghoul, and rather all the explosives instead.
“Good. Are you coming?” He asks. You shake your head.
“Fine, but I’m keeping the caps then.” He declares. You nod. What a prick…. 
You quickly run to the ghoul, grabbing him by the hands.
“We need to go.” You exclaim, pulling him. He looks at you, confused.
“You found your sister?” He asks. 
“What? Oh- yeah…come on.” You say, and thankfully he follows. You hear a booming explosion behind you and you shut your eyes tight. Cooper looks at you, bewildered.
“Care to explain to me what the fuck that was?” He demands. You stare down at the ground. 
“How…about I tell you over a drink?"
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typicalbrainchaos · 6 months
"We found a young boy.....they put explosives in his stomach..."
A man describes the horrific actions of Israeli forces in northern Gaza.
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farahtissaiamyloves · 3 months
Are your requests on? If so could I request something with Andromache? I love her and there’s not enough fanfiction out there with her
Andromache of Scythia x reader
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Note: I know that I've been gone for months. However, I've been preparing for the most important examinations of my life, and it's been really stressful for me. I hope you enjoy this and thanks again to Ara for the amazing request.
You were looking out of the only window of your room - more like a cell, but you had come to accept that long ago.
You considered yourself lucky - what they did to Quynh was by far worse from what was happening to you.
At least that's what you had convinced yourself.
Dying again and again, only to be brought back to life to die once again deep down the sea, was horrible.
However, being captured for (you had lost count) something more than 4 centuries was even more horrific.
You missed your best friend, of course you did, but the emptiness that washed over you at your wife's absence was something else.
You and Andy were the first immortal warriors. She had found you pretty quickly. You hadn't even understood when you died or what the weird dreams were before she sat you down and explained.
You hadn't been apart ever since. Spending every single day next to her was a privilege and a gift.
You learned so many things from her. After all, Andromache had already been alive for 300 years.
After spending a s couple of decades traveling around the world with her as your only company, it came to no surprise for neither of you when you ended up sleeping together one night.
And that night proved to be the beginning of the most wonderful thing that ever happened to both of your lives.
You loved every second of it.
You being wrapped in her arms while she was kissing the top of your head or you caressing her naked, extremely soft skin as she was wrapping a blanket around the two of you; Andy couldn't have her beloved baby catch a cold.
You teared up recalling your wife. Your beloved wife.
You wrapped your hands around your legs and pushed them against your chest.
You missed her.
You missed her so much.
After 5000 years and a couple of centuries, you were finally divided.
You looked up as you saw the door opening.
A paramedic came in with a huge needle.
Here we go again.
Andy looked at the only building standing in the area. The only building among a plethora of trees and all kinds of plants.
" Alright, Joe, remind us one last time what we are her for. " Andy spoke.
" We are here to save all the girls/women those people experiment on. We don't know more, including the number of either the victims or the security agents, which means that caution is strongly recommended. " The man pointed out.
The rest of the team nodded, listening carefully.
Little did they know about who the real guinea pig was.
They killed, killed, and killed once again.
They found countless of the latest laboratory equipment, yet no girl or woman asking for their help.
The team knew that it wasn't a trap.
No trap would have been equipped with so many tools costing millions.
Andy was growing more and more frustrated.
For a human with that much of an experience, she should have caught on by now.
" Guys, I think I found it. " Nicky whispered, pointing with his gun at the only door of the corridor at their right.
They as silently as they could run to it. The door did look like a cell. A bulletproof door with a password was always placed to hide something important, and the group came to this very same building for something important.
If they weren't able to free any innocents, they could at least learn what the fuck was happening there to put a stop to it.
Joe placed some light explosives on the door, telling everybody to buck off, which they were more than eager to do.
He pushed the button and a loud sound was heard, shortly followed by the sound of the door falling on the floor.
The team immediately raised their weapons and entered the room, shouting that they were armed.
Nile, who was the first to get in, quickly scanned the whole room and announced to everybody what they could already see with their bare eyes. " It's empty. "
Realizing that it was just a simple bedroom, the team was to turn away until Nicky pointed at the bed. " I think someone's sleeping there. "
" Don't be ridiculous. Wouldn't have they heard the explosives ? " Nile jumped in.
" Not if they were dragged. Guys, I think we found our victim. " Andy spoke slowly, walking to the bed.
She noticed that the person was fully covered by the blanket, so she slowly pulled it off only to freeze midway.
Andy knew that sleeping face.
Truth be told, she knew it better than her own face.
She had traced it countless of times with her fingertips.
She had seen all kinds of emotions on that face.
" A-Andy ? Is something wrong ? " Nile inquired, feeling beyond confused with the leader's teared up face.
" Shhhhh. "
Nile turned to look at both Joe and Nicky, giving her stern glances.
" What ? " She asked again, unable to understand where her wrongdoing was.
" Oh my love. I thought you were dead. " Andy whispered, kissing the top of your head.
She, then, turned to the couple. " Me and Nile are going to get her to the safe house. You make sure to clear everybody out and destroy this place. Nobody should know anything concerning our immortality. Was I clear ? "
" Yes, boss. "
" Good. "
You slowly opened your eyes.
Sleeping under the influence of whatever drugs they were giving you had the luck and the curse of having no dreams.
You blinked, taking in your surroundings.
Not again.
You hated when they were changing your room because that meant that they had given you strong enough medication to sleep for days.
Suddenly feeling unwell, you instinctively placed a hand on top of your head, and with the other, you pulled the blanket to cover you completely.
" You've already slept for at least 10 hours, I recommend waking up, eating something, and walking around for a while. " Suddenly, a voice interrupted your thoughts.
Your blood froze for a whole second, thinking that your wife just talked to you.
However, you knew better. Drugs have side effects. They made sure you knew each and every single one.
You didn't move - not even to look, still remembering how heartbroken you had been the last time you did - and closed your eyes to sleep.
" Darling, did you hear me ? " Andy made her voice sweeter, waiting for you to move and see her sitting on the armchair near the bed.
Andromache waited a couple of minutes to watch the lack of reaction. Maybe your hearing had been impacted, or maybe you were still hazy due to being drugged the day prior.
The woman sighed, sitting up.
" Sleep well, sweating. " She wished kissing the top of the blanket - where your forehead was.
You were frozen on the spot. Your mind running a million miles per second.
In the back of your mind you registered her steps and the door opening and closing.
You felt it. You felt her lips through the blanket.
Your wife was here.
She rescued you.
You teared up, unable to resist.
Your wife came for you.
She hadn't forgotten about you.
She still loved you.
Your hand reached the other pillow of the bed. Slowly, as you were still slightly hazy from your sleep, you moved your head on top of it.
It was her.
Her smell.
She had you sleep on her bed.
How long had it been since you shared one.
You immediately wrapped your hands around it and pulled Andy's pillow onto your chest.
You loved her so, so much.
However, still being under the influence of the drug, you quickly fell asleep once again.
This time with your beautiful wife on your mind.
Andromache came back into the room after a couple of hours.
She had to make sure that everything was taken care of as well as cook you some food.
Andy quietly set the tray down at the bedside table and looked at you.
A smile formed on her face as she noticed your figure wrapped around her pillow.
" Darling, you have to wake up. " She whispered with her sweetest voice next yo your ear.
You whined and turned your face away from her, burying your face in her pillow.
Andromache gently shook your shoulder while leaving small kisses wherever she could reach, mainly your shoulder.
You opened your eyes, slowly turning to face your one and true love, the very person to whom you have devoted yourself for a couple of thousand years.
Still feeling dizzy, you sleepily smiled at her as you reached to caress her cheek. " Morning. " Your voice was way too harsh than your normal one, as you realized you had probably spent a day without a single drop of water.
Andy kissed your forehead lovingly. She brought a cup of water to your lips and propelled you to drink some.
You happily did as Andy wanted you to, too dizzy to oppose her (not that you would have, you were quite thirsty).
As Andromache placed the cup of water back to its place, you took the chance to wrap your hands around her waist and bury your head in her neck.
Your wife chuckled at your adorable reaction and embraced you back, pulling your body closer to her.
" God, I thought you were dead. " She whispered, continuing washing your body with kisses.
" I... " You stopped midsentence, not sure about how what you intended to say would sound to her.
Andy gently messaged your sculp, silently propelling you to talk to her.
You took a deep breath as you turned to look at her with teary eyes. " I wish I was... "
Andy took your face in her arms. " No. No. Don't you dare ever say that. "
You shook your head, casting your gaze downward. " But, it's true. "
" If you had died, my love, we would have never reunited, would we ? " Andromache countered.
You hesitantly looked upward, at her beautiful striking eyes. " It was torture. "
Your wife gave you a sad smile. " I know. I know... But the important thing is that you are here, in my arms, safe and sound. "
You nodded reciprocating the gesture. " Indeed. "
" And just like back then.... We have all the time in the world to do whatever we please. " Andy's smile widened as her eyes narrowed meaningfully.
You laughed a little, wondering how could a single person delete 400 years of torture, but then again.
That person was your beloved wife.
Your Andy.
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ragingstillness · 2 years
I’m only now really realizing how utterly insane the end of RE7 must have been for Chris Redfield.
I mean, he’s an experienced BSAA agent. He’s survived the worst bioweapon disasters his world has known. He’s lost friends and whole squads to monsters straight out of people’s nightmares.
Then one afternoon he gets a report, detailing a horrific outbreak where Tyrant-Class Bioweapons have been making people disappear in the Louisiana swamps. There are reports of explosions, fire, gunshots, screams.
Chris hops into a helicopter, mentally preparing for hell on earth. The helicopter reaches the site, Chris looks down, and sees what looks like a giant petrified tree sprouting out of the ruins of a house, destruction in every direction and there, standing in a little clearing near the collapsed tree, holding a rifle, is a Olive Garden breadstick of a man, his hands cupped around his mouth, shouting up to them “hey my wife and I could use some help!”
He’s wearing fucking jeans and a fucking white button down shirt. He looks like a suburban dad coming off of work. He looks like he drives a minivan. He looks like the most excitement he sees is the office Christmas party when his boss hands out free champagne.
He’s blue-eyed and has blonde hair, light skin, he looks like a Sim come to life. Like a mannequin from The Gap.
Chris, still floored, rappels down to the man. He asks his name.
“Ethan,” the guy says with the faintest California accent. He’s smiling exhaustedly.
Chris scans the scene for any monsters. There are none. This fluffy Texas Toast white bread man took out all the monsters? By himself? With a flimsy rifle? That was several years old? While protecting his wife?!
Chris wouldn’t have entered the house without at least three squads. He’s learned his lesson from the mansion outside Raccoon City.
One man. One, regular man. It’s beyond impossible, it’s unbelievable, it can’t be true.
Chris pinches himself to make sure. Yup, not dreaming. “Ethan, are you human?”
Ethan frowns at him like a confused puppy. Chris is reminded of a beagle retriever mix. “I’m pretty sure I am.”
“I’ll check you just to make sure.” Chris runs a scanner up and down Ethan’s body. He looks at the results. “Are you *sure* you’re human?”
Ethan laughs self-deprecatingly. “I did get a lot of that goo on myself but I didn’t eat any of it, pretty sure I’m fine.”
Chris looks back down at the scanner. Incredibly high concentrations of the virus. By all accounts, Ethan should be a morphed bloody mess right now, extra eyes and hands mutating out of his torso, half his face melted. Chris looks back up at Ethan. He’s smiling nervously, happy in his delusion. He reaches up to scratch some dirt out of his hair then winces as he realizes he’s tried to use the arm that appears to have the hand stapled back onto it. Chris googles at it. Regardless of mutations the pain and blood loss from that alone should render Ethan dead. “Why are you here Ethan?”
“I got a cryptic message from my wife who’d been missing for three years. I figured she was in trouble so I went to find her.”
“And when you found her?”
“She’d been infected and cut my hand off with a chainsaw.”
“What did you do then?”
Chris expects Ethan to spin some tale about blundering through the forest and killing an infected tree. Instead, this man looks right at Chris with the eyes of a madman and says “I went and found a cure to save her.”
“Well admittedly Zoe did help me out with that. I hope she was out of the house when it collapsed, she was a great friend.”
“The fuck?” Chris muttered under his breath. Most of the people he knew, including his BSAA teammates, would run for backup upon finding someone they cared for had been infected.
Chris himself had made a promise with Claire that if either of them got infected they’d do each other the honor of a mercy killing.
Cures for any virus outbreak were one in a billion. But Ethan had been totally confident in his ability to rescue his wife and cure her of the infection that caused her to cut his hand off with a chainsaw! “Who the hell are you?”
“Well I’m a systems engineer by trade, originally from LA. God the drive down here was so long.”
Chris blinked. Then again. Then again. Still didn’t seem like he was losing his mind and hallucinating. “I have to make a call, I’ll be right back.”
Chris passed the oblivious Ethan off to one of his lieutenants, instructing him to get Ethan some medical attention.
Jill picked up on the first ring. “Valentine.”
“Jill it’s Chris.”
“What’s up? I heard you were sent out to Louisiana. Rough stuff, I hope you’re alright.”
“Yeah…about that. I need to bring a bioweapon into the BSAA as an agent.”
“Are you out of your mind?! They’ll never go for it!”
Chris looked over at Ethan, now waving a tiny green bottle at one of the medics, demonstrating pouring it onto his injured arm. “I think they’ll make an exception.”
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pickleking8 · 5 months
11 - Adoption Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be - Chapter Eleven
Words: 945
Ao3 Link
Previous - Masterpost
Tw: death of a minor due to beating/fire/explosion, kidnapping, lmk if I missed anything
When Jason Todd was six years old, he believed in magic, and he thought that his father was the most magical of all. His dad, who worked so hard, and always came home late, with a resigned and drawn face, who still made sure to hug him, play with him, tuck him in and tell him a story before bed. Jason loved hearing the soft voice of his father spinning fantastic tales as he slowly slipped into sleep. He had a lot of magic, then. 
When Jason Todd was seven years old, his father went to prison, blamed for a petty crime he didn’t commit, and there was no more soft click of the door as his father came home, and no more stories, and no more soft voice lulling him to sleep. A little magic died, then. 
When Jason Todd was nine and a half (and it’s important never to forget the “and a half”, or he’ll be upset with you), when the house had gotten bare and his mother had gotten quiet, his father was killed in Arkham, in a brawl. Not the nicest way to go, as the drawling man on the phone had said, bored and indifferent. Then, a lot of magic died, to be replaced by sadness and anger. 
When Jason Todd was eleven, his mom died too, taking with her hugs and movie nights and warm tea and homework help, always ever so patient in explaining exponents for the tenth time, and many more numbers of things, including their apartment. She had gotten quieter, and sadder, after his father’s death, and didn’t really get better, but she still made time for him, and loved him the same, and made sure that he knew that. By then, Jason was nearly out of magic, and nearly full of other things, like rage and grief and sorrow and desolation.
When Jason Todd was twelve, after a year of running, from everyone and everything, he stole Batman’s tires and hit him with a tire iron. Right in the stomach, and Batman would deny until the day he died that he yelped. Soon, Gotham met Robin, and stood in admiration at his gaiety and delight with the world. Jason gained magic, then, and gained more and more as time went on and he healed, anger and sadness not gone, but not weighing him down. Jason fell into stories once again, into the magic that they wove, into helping others, into going to school. Jason was happy, and Jason was loved. 
When Jason Todd was fifteen, he died, and it was horrific. He was given hope for his mother, and it was ripped away. He was beaten, pain blossoming across his skin, before an explosion roared and a blast of hot air washed over his already flushed face. He died, wishing, hoping for his dad to come and save him, for his magic to be real, hoping against everything that his end would not be here, on a gritty concrete floor in a dimly lit warehouse. He died, feeling flames lap against his clothes, his fingers, his cheeks, protected not by the tears that ran down them in torrents, leaking from under a mask he believed would save him. He died, accompanied by the sound of sickly sweet, cackling laughter ringing in his ears, and, ever so faintly, so quiet he couldn’t be sure it was actually there, a quiet click of the final door closing, and soft voice telling him stories, lulling him into sleep. 
When Jason Todd had been dead a year and a half (sixteen, he would have been sixteen, a junior, exploring and loving everything in the way that teenagers do), he used up the last splinter of magic, born from hope, and clawed, screaming, choking, and crying, out of his grave, dark clay coating him and his favorite sweater, the bright baby blue smeared with an ugly, dried-blood red. When Jason Todd burst from the crumbling dirt, he was met with a cool, crisp night, fresh air (not rot, it didn’t smell like rot, he didn’t want to smell anything rotting ever again), and a woman, clad in flowing, dark clothing and smiling just like his mother used to. She said her name was Talia, and she helped him up, leading him away with a smile sweet as medicine. 
When Jason Todd had been dead three years (he would have been eighteen, gone to college, studied the books he always loved, learned as he always loved), he came back to Gotham angry and hurting, drowning in betrayal, unable to break the ice holding him down and slowly sinking into frigid depths. He wanted to be avenged (he wanted to be saved), not just for his death but for his childhood, for every moment that was ripped away from him. And if his dad Bruce wouldn’t do it, then he would. It was easy, simple as that (why didn’t he save me?). When Jason Todd was three years and eleven days dead, he watched through the beady red eyes of the manor cameras as his family the Bats snatched a desperate, beaten child, wrenching his hands away from a scraping metal fence, and carried him back into the manor, eyes wide and tears running down a crumbling facade (just like Jason’s had), flinching away from the green-tinted light like it were really a flame that lapped at his skin, his screams echoing just the same as if the manor had been a dim and gritty warehouse. And it may well have been: both places were filled, now, to the brim with bitter and desolate hope, and a resounding call for salvation.
Jason Todd makes his debut! Also, sorry for the long break between updates! The motivation just wasn't there for a while, and school was really busy. And I know I say this every time, but I'm excited to get back into writing, and hopefully this time the motivation gods will favor me and there will be another chapter sooner than three months from now. Anyway, thanks so much for reading!
Taglist: @tkiesai
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yunggoblin · 2 years
Little Slice of Heaven - Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley (18+)
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Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Female!Reader
Summary: While Ghost has PTSD/Shell Shock going on, your teammates tell you to stay away. You have other plans on helping out your friends.
Warnings: 18+, PTSD/Shell Shock, Smut, Foul Language, Creampie, Spanking, Unsafe sex, Mention of guns, Knife usage, Soap walking in, Minors DNI
Word Count: 3,096
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“What the hell was that back there?” You barked out, rushing down the hallway of the safe house towards Soap who was at the end. Your heavy boots clank with each stride, the rotten wood threatening to break underneath you. The mission you were on with your teammates went sideways and fast. Explosives went off once you entered the building, it was a trap and you all barely made it out alive.
Soap quickly approached you as you tried to push past him to see what was going on. It was him and a few other people in guard of one single door. “Y/N go to your room.” Soap commanded. 
“Where’s Ghost?” You furrowed your eyebrows to see Soap’s dark eyes staring down at you. Opening your mouth you were about to ask the Sergeant again only to hear a loud thud hit the wall making you flinch. A few more rough blows were thrown against the wall on the other side of you. “Soap, what the hell is that?” You cautiously asked as your eyes darted from the wall to your left and back to Soap.
“It’s Ghost.” He sighed. “The explosions, they triggered his PTSD and now he’s in somewhat of a shell shock. I want you to stay away from him, Y/N. We all are. He will get through it and come together once he realizes everything is fine.” Two more loud bangs slammed against the wall making you flinch slightly and Soap standing still. “Now go to your room, we have this under control.”
“But, Johnny-”
“That’s an order, Y/N!” Soap shouted, making you frown hard. Never has Soap yelled at you. You both were friends, the closest teammates along with Ghost. You three were the triangle that no one could separate. Shuffling your feet backwards, you then turned on the ball of your heel and made your way to your room, shutting the door right behind you.
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You stared at the dark ceiling, shallow breathing was all around you, your teammates were sound asleep where you couldn’t get a wink in. You tossed and turned but only kept thinking about Ghost. The screaming and loud banging stopped a few hours ago, it was now two in the morning and the howl of the wind outside sounded ten times scarier as everything was finally settled down. It was quiet, too quiet. The wind made the tree limbs clank against the old windows, forming horrific shadows into the room. Sitting up, you rubbed your tired eyes. 
Soap called dibs on the only bed in the room which made you and everyone else sleep on the hard dusty floor. Moving side to side you popped your back making you let out a soft groan. Your eyes looked towards the wall, knowing Ghost was in the other room doing god knows what. Slowly getting onto your feet, you were in somewhat of comfortable clothing, a white tee with sweats that hung low on your hips but hugged your thighs. Tip toeing around the sleeping soldiers as you walked towards the door. 
Looking in the direction where Ghosts’ room was at, your feet started to slowly make their way there. For some reason it was hard to control the shakiness in your step, as if you were scared to find out what was behind that door. You froze as a large creak squeaked throughout the dark hallway. Not moving an inch until you didn’t hear anyone coming you started your movements again, it felt like forever as you slowly made your way towards the other end of the hall. You wanted to be cautious just in case anyone came out to see what you were doing. You needed to see him, your best friend, the man that looked after you and pulled you out of the fire multiple times.
Not only was he your best friend and boss but you fell in love with him the moment you saw him. People run the other direction after getting a glance at him or make fun of him thinking he has an ugly mug hiding his face. Not you. You always thought he was badass but in the most handsomest way. 
‘You have pretty eyes’ You murmured, mostly to yourself but Ghost perked up from your words.
‘Thanks.’ Ghost grunted as he patch you up.
‘You’re welcome.’ You hummed lazily, staring up at him, watching his talented hands go to work. You were shot in the shoulder during a mission and no time to rush back to the safe house and have a medic bandage you. With the loss of blood oozing from your uniform you began to become dizzy and light headed. ‘And plump lips.’ You added
‘Y/N.’ Ghost's voice was gruff but slightly caught off guard. ‘Hold still while I do this.’
‘Anything for you Lt.’ You seductively purred. 
You always liked to make Ghost fluster, it was a funny sight to see especially when you go too far and he’s sometimes speechless to where he has to walk away making you and Soap toss your heads back and laugh. 
You exhaled a breath as you finally came face to face to the old wooden door. Reaching for the door knob you slowly twisted it and pushed it open, cringing slightly as it creaked slowly on its hinges.
“Ghost?” You whispered as you stuck your head in, looking around the dark room, the only light given was from the full moon shining in from the window. Sliding past the slightly open door, you lightly shut it behind you. Your eyes lingered slowly around the room, the messy twin size bed was empty, as your eyes slid across the room more you noticed fist holes in the wall from where Ghost was punching earlier. 
“Ghost?” You whispered again, slowly pushing yourself to walk further into what seemed to be an empty room. A cold sweat ran through your body, thinking Ghost escaped. Stepping backwards to run and tell Soap, your back collided with a large figure whose arms threw themselves around you. A scream threatened to escape your lips but you stopped yourself as you felt a cool blade against your throat.
“Scream and I’ll fucking gut you.” Ghost’s voice sounded so unfamiliar, darker than before and even a little bit hard to understand with his accent being so thick.
“Simon.” You whispered. “It’s me, it’s me, Y/N.” You quickly announced yourself, you reached up and patted his wrist three times that were wrapped around you, one of the ways to notify each other in the dark during missions. “It’s me buddy.” There was silence for quite some time, the only sound being made was your heavy breathing, scared he wouldn’t understand and kill you thinking you were an intruder. Your back was firmly pushed against Ghost’s toned body, waiting for anything. You didn’t move, you’d let him be the first to.
“Y- Y/N?” Ghost questioned his voice being softer, pulling the knife away from your throat. 
You exhaled sharply in relief. “Hey, Lt.” Ghost’s arms released you, giving you freedom to move. Turning around you looked up at him, he looked less feral than what he sounded like but his eyes were bloodshot red and filled with tiredness. There was a small crack on the corner of his mask.
“What- What the fuck happened?” This was the first time you ever heard Ghost confused. He stared at the knife in his hand slightly examining it only to put it back into his carrier on his thigh. 
“Well, you kind of had an episode.” You weren’t sure how to break it to him not knowing how he’d react. 
“What, how?” He asked, his eyes skimming the room as he took in what was all around him. The walls nearly had dozens of fist holes punctured in them, there was even some glass on the floor from a mirror he smashed. His dark eyes landed back to you as you still haven’t given him an answer, too scared he’d get triggered again. “Y/N, how did this happen?” 
“We were on a mission, Lt. There were explosions in the building we were in and well, you kind of just turned.” You frowned to see Ghost shut his eyes in defeat, the tactical black paint over his eyes smeared but still heavily covering them and breathed out a sigh which sounded like he said ‘fuck’.
“You need to leave, Y/N.” Ghost spoke as he walked past you towards the bed. 
“What? No.” You whipped around, watching as he laid on the small bed. “I won’t leave you like this, Simon. Not now, now ever.”
“Y/N, I fucking held a knife against your throat. You can’t be around me. I won’t have it, I won’t have you risk your life to try and save me.” Ghost’s voice became a bit louder and colder.
“I’m not leaving until I know you’re fine.” You crossed your arms at his stubbornness.
“I am fine, god damn it.” Ghost snapped, sitting up he stood from the bed and stalked towards you. Swallowing became hard as your throat tightened while your friend towered over you, not knowing if there was another episode coming or not. “I’m not going to have you sit here while I’m like this, Y/N. Please, you’re my little slice of Heaven out there, you’re the only one to keep me calm and myself in the battlefield, I can’t lose you not when I’m like this. I will never forgive myself.” Ghost’s shoulders slumped as he was now staring at his black boots. 
You slowly reached your right hand upwards, cupping Ghost’s jaw making the man flinch and open his wide eyes. You slightly pulled your hand away, his actions startling yourself. His blue stormy eyes now staring down at you, watching your moves as you reached back up at him again, cupping his jaw underneath his balaclava. You’re now noticing that his skull mask is chipped around his eye and he has a cut slightly below his eye. “Then let me be your little slice of Heaven in here, right now.” You whispered.
Raising your other hand, both of them grabbed at the bottom of his balaclava, slowly pulling it up his neck. You looked up at him, his dark eyes widened at your action. “Trust me.” Your voice was soft, pushing the black fabric further up you pushed it past his lip, stopping there. Your fingers grazed against his stubble jaw as you reached upon your tippy toes and pressed your lips against his. Your soft lips danced against his stilled ones. After a few seconds went by, you got the hint. Slowly pulling away and going flat on your feet you stared at him as his eyes started to slowly flutter open.
His movements were quick as he wrapped his large arms around you, pulling you close to his large frame he pressed his lips back onto yours in a harsher manner. The movements of his lips were a fast and hungry pace you could barely keep up. You moaned softly against them as his tongue slipped inside of your mouth, exploring it. “Simon.” You breathed out softly, his hands traveling south of your body, cupping your ass and pulling you closer to him, your face heated up as his raging boner poked at your lower abdomen. “Don’t you see what you do to me?” His husky voice rang through your ears.
You groaned softly, bucking your hips against him. “You do the same to me, Ghost.” You confessed. With no effort at all, Ghost picked you up. Mindlessly, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he made his way back to his bed, sitting down at the edge of it, your lips still danced along with his. 
“I need you, Ghost.” You mumbled against his lips, rolling your hips against his tactical pants. 
“I know, princess.” The nickname gives you shivers. “But I need you to be in control, I’m scared that if I take over I might hurt you.” He breathed out softly as your lips made your way down his throat, biting and suckling his skin, leaving dark marks. It wasn’t like anyone was going to see them.
“Yes sir.” Pulling away from his marked neck, he pulls down his balaclava as you start to unbutton his pants. Slightly pulling them down just enough to where his cock was free, springing upwards hitting his lower stomach.
“Fucking hell.” He moaned out as the cool air hit the red tip of his cock, already oozing with pre-come, begging to be touched.
“Poor Lt.” You sigh at his horniness. “Been forever since you’ve gotten off, huh?” You teased him as you started to work your sweats off. 
“You’re fucking right it has and I think of you everytime I do.” He moaned as you wrapped your small hand around his hard length. 
“Is that so?” You hummed, stroking him, collecting his pre-come only to drag it down lathering up his cock to help yourself in a moment.
“I think of you all the time.” Ghost grunted, his British accent hitting your ears made you shiver. His eyes looked down at his cock, watching you stroke him only for his dark eyes to snap back up at you. The look he gives you is wild and full of lust. You could tell he was having a hard time controlling himself and not trying to pounce on you as his hands dug into the lumpy mattress. 
As your hand went to stroke his cock faster you leaned forward towards his covered ear. “I think of you too.” You whispered, making Ghost buck his hips into your touch.
“Fuck, I need you now love.” Ghost’s cock pulse in your hand.
Getting more comfortable on his lap you raise yourself up, Ghost placed his hands on your waist, helping you. 
“Holy fuck.” Ghost moaned as you settled upon the tip of his cock slowly pushing past your folds. His fingers digging into the flesh of your waist as you kept pushing yourself to go down, wanting to be full of him. “Slow down love.” Ghost begged in short breaths.
“Sorry, you feel so fucking good.” You didn’t listen to him as you kept sinking down, fully settling on his cock you wiggled your hips against him, feeling snug of his thick dick deep in you.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Ghost’s voice was thick like honey as he slapped your ass and gripped the flesh. 
“Tell me when to move.” You let out a soft whine, knowing it’s been awhile for him being inside anything other than his hand getting him off. 
Ghost was distracting himself as he drew circles and other shapes on your ass cheek, you could hear him control his breathing as he let out one long breath he nodded. “R- Ride me.” 
Those words were like music in your ears as you slowly dragged yourself up. Ghost let out a long moan when you slammed yourself back down. The room now filled with both of your whimpers and moans along with his large cock slamming inside of your wet cunt.
“Fucking shit, you’re so tight around me.” Ghost gripped your waist, helping you bounce on his cock.
“Only for you Lt.” You sobbed, your breasts bouncing from the harsh movements. You slowly pushed yourself up, his cock pulling out of you only for you to slam back down.
“Ohhh shit, just like that.” Ghost’s voice echoed in the room as he leaned back on the bed where his feet were still planted on the floor. “Fuck, ride me just like that baby.” 
Following his command, you placed your hands upon his broad chest, dragging your hips upwards only to roughly slam back down, this time Ghost met up with your thrust, his cock nudging deeply against your cervix making you collapse against him.
“Fuck, Simon!” You cried loudly from the force. 
“Don’t stop now kitten, keep going, make me come.” He panted, his grip on your waist still rough as he kept pumping his hips up into you. Spreading your legs wider, the angle of his cock hit a different position. “Fuck.” The snarl leaving Ghost’s lips was animalistic. “Like that, fuck yeah keep going baby.” His hands left your waist, moving to your ass as he helped you bounce faster on his cock.
“‘Mm gonna come.” You sobbed in the crook of his neck, the way he roughly thrusted inside of you drove your body upwards against his. Your sensitive nipples dragged along his muscular chest made your cunt pulsing around him. 
“Me too baby, gonna come so deep inside of you.” His voice was deeper than before as the wet sounds filled the room along with his moans. The bed springs squeaking while the bed frame creaked against the old wooden floor.
“W- Wait, Ghost-” You quickly placed a hand on his chest, he wasn’t wearing a condom.
“Fuck baby, here it comes.” 
“Ghost-” You tried to stop his movements but they were too fast and too rough along with a tough grip on your ass, he was hitting all the right spots at the same time making your vision blur. A loud moan escaped Ghost’s throat as ropes of his hot come exploded inside of your tight walls. The feeling of his warm thick seed and him slowly pumping his cock sent you into overdrive. Your nails dug into his chest as your body shook, your climax washing over you.
“Simon!” You screamed, your cunt squeezing another load from Ghost making him grunt out in pleasure. The large thick load of come dripped out of your fucked hole and down Ghost’s veiny cock to his emptied balls. 
“Oh fuck, oh fuck.” Ghost was panting heavily underneath the black fabric and his skull mask trying to catch his breath. “You think we woke them?” He asked and just like that the door burst open with Soap pointing a pistol towards the two of you.
“What the fuck man!” Soap quickly shielded his eyes from the sight of his one friend balls deep inside the other naked friend.
“Do you mind?” Ghost chuckled, trying to cover you with his large arms from Soap’s view. 
“I thought you were fucking hurting her, Lt..” Soap put his gun away but still not looking.
“Quite the opposite.” Ghost called back, making you giggle.
Soap quickly left the room, shutting the door behind him and telling the men it was a ‘false alarm’.  
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley’s Masterlist
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archduchessgortash · 5 days
Random Durge and Durgetash thoughts...
I know a lot of people like crazy murder-baby Durge, which is great and makes for some hilarious memes, but am I the only one who likes the idea of a Durge that had the level of control Gortash suggests they did?
Whether they were fighting the Urge pre-tadpole or giving in, it's interesting to me to ponder who they might have been.
In my opinion, Orin does crazy murder-baby better than Durge ever could. It's her niche, and I wouldn't dream of stealing it, so I like Durge a bit... different.
I'm leaning more toward a cross between Hannibal Lecter and Deadpool here. Controlled most of the time, yet funny, and not always in a murdery way.
Gortash brings out the Deadpool in them, because they see his face and know: this man needs to laugh, and I like him, so I'm going to make him laugh if I have to kill half of Baldur's Gate to do it. Or all of it...
I like Durge as being the one who makes Gortash really laugh, in a way that's uncouth and freeing. Their jokes are always inappropriate. I like them having fun in ways that aren't all powerplays and stuff strictly related to being a Bhaalist and a Banite.
Like throwing rotten tomatoes at a horrific clown to see who gets the biggest splat.
Durge subtly spraying ice on the ground right in front of a group of Flaming Fist walking down the road, and the two Chosen watch weapons and shields skating into fruit stands and townspeople, armored mercs wobbling in panic then falling flat and careening down a hill, because of course Durge sprayed the ice at the TOP of a hill...
The only powerplay here is whoever laughs first is buying lunch. And Durge is broke, so... if they laugh first, it's dine and dash. Good thing Dimension Door teleports two people.
What if Gortash really liked combat, but only with Durge watching his back? Durge would have been shooting chain lightning and yeeting enemies around with telekinesis like a Sith Lord. Gortash was flinging explosives and using artificer infusions to shoot his crossbow like a machine gun.
He definitely has a bag of holding loaded with potions and gadgets.
And lube.
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hysteriaww · 6 months
would kai have saved bonnie if damon left her ?
The simple answer imo is yes - the complicated answer would be his *reasons* for saving her.
I feel like if Kai saved Bonnie in 6x22, it would be VERY different from when he saved her in 6x13 on her bday. In 6x13, saving Bonnie was a huge sacrifice Kai made bc of his newfound guilt and other growing feelings about her. But if Kai saved her in 6x22, that man would do it out of SPITE lmfao. Like sure, maybe a *tiny* fragment of leftover post-merge Kai would save her bc he believed she deserved better, but at the mental state that he was in by 6x22, i think a larger part of him would actually be looking to save her out of this petty urge to make bonnie suffer, bc dying would be too easy for her according to his thought process 💀
In canon, remember how Kai got annoyed by damon seemingly deciding to let bonnie die and choosing elena over her super quickly? He complains, saying smthg like "This decision was supposed to torture him," bc he wanted damon to agonize over the bonnie vs elena choice for a long time. Similarly, i think bonnie dying just like that would eliminate a lot of the angst, pain and tension of the situation, so Kai would save her life *just* so bonnie and damon would be forced to live with the uncomfortable reality of damon choosing elena over her and deal with the emotional fallout of that instead of pretending they have the world's best friendship, as they'd been doing for all of S6 (bc Kai would enjoy watching that mess).
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Ofc, that would probably result in Bonnie aiming a lot of her resentment towards Kai for forcing her to face those hard truths, but maybe, after an initial explosion (and a lil nudging from Kai), she might realize that targeting kai is just shooting the messenger rather than addressing the root problem (her toxic friends). If it hadn't been kai, then somebody else would've made bonnie see the truth but either way, that's something she needed to see.
Realistically, even after this realization, i don't think bonnie would've suddenly warmed up to kai, but i think it might've pushed her to ditch damon instead of sticking around Mystic Falls to help him all the time (which would've consequently made Kai suddenly lose interest in Mystic Falls too xD). If Damon then chose to seek her out to beg her (read: force her) to defeat the town's new villains-of-the-week, or if he found her w his humanity off and tried to kill her to get elena back, i think kai might've surprised them all by appearing out of nowhere to get damon off bonnie's case (bc kai being kai was prob keeping tabs on bonnie's whereabouts as soon as she skipped town).
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And maybe Kai's sudden appearance would've led to a bonkai confrontation with Kai realizing he may have saved her out of spite in 6x22, but there is no explanation for why he saved her from damon this time besides.. *wanting* bonnie to get her life away from her friends. And maybe that would've also led him to unsubtly point out that an elena-free existence had actually made bonnie's life better, thanks to kai.
Bon would probably kick his ass halfway across the world after a comment like that but i think it would stick with her, making its way under her skin as it sinks in that the horrific thing Kai did really did end up working out for her in the long run. Bc as we know, even at his lowest, there was always some part of Kai that begrudgingly wanted bonnie's attention and validation and rly resented her friends getting that from her while walking all over her. It would take a long time, but slowly and surely, i think Bonnie's intuition would eventually pick up on that tiny part of Kai that saved her life to show her that she deserved better. It would be very uncomfortable for her to realize that Big Bad Kai could no longer be an easy scapegoat for all her problems, but that might be just what she needs to finally see Kai as a person, rather than a monster. And from there? Well, looots of opportunities and potential would open up from there 😏
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gachawolfiebloom · 2 months
Your Pursuit of Perfection
Story and Artwork By: @GachaWolfieBloom
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Alternate Ending: What have I Done?
Summary: A few months after the events of WOTFI 2023, SMG4 starts having really bad dreams about the "Its gotta be perfect" incident. One night however, his fear allows the nightmares to break through and he gets taken to a horrific dimension. He finally meets the tv adware, who manipulates him into returning to his insane ways, intent on claiming much more than the perfect video. Now it's up to his friends to stop this madness and save SMG4. Can they do it in time or will they lose SMG4 forever? (In case you are unaware this is a sequel to the its gotta be perfect movie)
Tags: angst, its gotta be perfect, love confession, luigi, mario, meggy, melony, nightmares, scary, smg3, smg4, smg34, smg3 x smg4, tari, tv adware
Author's Note: Okay okay I hear you. I have gotten comments on my Tumblr and Wattpad for the bad ending to your pursuit of perfection for quite some time, so here it is! This chapter leaves off right after the rap battle and answers the question lots of fans have been wondering: What would have happened if Smg4 gave in to Mr Puzzles? Warning that there is blood and gruesome descriptions in this.
The TV Adware shields his eyes, but opens them to find that rays of meme powers have hit Smg4. One speaks in a commanding voice to the corrupted man. "Your darkness cannot survive in our energy! Loosen your grip on Smg4's heart and let him speak!" The pink cracks on his face etched in deeper as the man they belonged to struggled to fight it. "NO!" Mr Puzzles had enough of this foolishness as he disappeared into the dark shadows behind him, determined to put a stop to this once and for all.
"This isn't working!" Meggy called out until a familar voice spoke "You...guys came back? You didn't forget about me?" They all tuned to see Four with his soft blue eyes, grieving in pain and speaking in a low croak. Tears formed in his eyes as he asked "You didn't replace or reject me?"
Tari smiled and said "Of course not! Why would you think that?" Four felt a dark cloud surrounding him while he was curled up on his knees. Why wasn't his corrupted form disappearing? "I thought that you would never forgive me for what I did. I wanted to forget it!" Suddenly that voice following him around was echoing through his ears once again. "Smg4...don't let these 'friends' fool you."
"Y-You...It was you that gave me those nightmares." The connection was running out and Four was distraught. "We can't hold it for that much longer!" One called out. When Three heard that, his heroic stupidity took hold as he let go of his fellow meme guardians and rushed towards Four. "THREE NO!" Meggy tried to stop him, but it was too late. Three grabbed his hand and tried to use their connection.
What happened next was quite unfortunate as Three awoke to find himself in Four's mind. He then saw his lover from another life and the tall TV man next to him. Mr Puzzles was whispering conflicting persuasions into his ear that made Three understand why Four was so broken.
"What have they done for you?"
"You could have had the perfect video if you didn't save him."
"You should be ruling this world with me."
"I'm your only friend."
Three's anger started to boil as he yelled "LET HIM GO!" Mr Puzzles chuckled and said "Why should I do that?" Three pulled out a bomb and said "Easy. Because I will KILL YOU!!!" He rushed towards him and threw the bomb, but the entertainer disappeared upon impact. Three looked all around and yelled "SHOW YOURSELF YOU FRICKING TV CRAP!!!"
Mr Puzzles reappeared behind him and said "Over here." Three turned and threw another explosive at him, but once again Mr Puzzles's great vanishing act had happened again. He kept reappearing in several spots for each explosion to happen a few seconds too late.
"Just missed me."
"I could do this for all eternity."
All according to plan.
Mr Puzzles played around with Three's emotions for a few more minutes until he appeared by Four and waved. Three was breathing tirelessly as his body ached with exhaustion. "What's wrong Smg3? Tired already? Aw that's a shame. I was having such a good time." Three could have never foretold what happened next. It would soon become the biggest regret of his life...or even his last moments.
Mr Puzzles face didn't change into shock, but instead to a pleasing expression. "Oh my. Did you hear that Smg4?" Three's eyes widened as he noticed that Four was listening and his face was horrified like nothing Three had ever seen before. "You...hate me?" In a mad panic, Three tried to take back what he said. "NO! I WAS TALKING TO MR PUZZLES! I SWEAR I WOULD NEVER SAY THAT ABOUT YOU FOUR!"
Mr Puzzles placed a hand on his shoulder and said "I'm sorry Smg4, but this was what I was warning you about. Your friends never loved you and they never will." It was all made clear. Everything that Three had done was just what Mr Puzzles had wanted. Four's transformation was never permanent...but now it would be.
"You're right. You both were right. I'm a monster. I have no friends. I'm trapped with my wrongful actions. I'll never be anything more." Three covered his mouth with his hands. If anyone was feeling more immense guilt between the two, it was him. Out of everything he did to Four, this had crossed the line. The smirking Adware clapped his hands and said "Thank you Smg3. You finally admitted your true feelings for Smg4...didn't you."
"NO! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" He couldn't take it anymore as he grabbed Four and admitted "I LOVE YOU SMG4!" He hoped that admitting his real feelings would be enough to repair the damage he had caused, but no matter how much he tried Four was convinced that the opposite of Three's honest feelings was what everyone really thought of him.
Four's hands grew cold and his body shook. Three had hit his breaking point as he grabbed Four and pulled him into an embrace. He shut his eyes tightly, reopening them to find that the bond had broken and One and Two looked like they were about to collapse from exhaustion. Four was grimacing with anger back in his corrupted form. Mr Puzzles saw his opportunity and seized it when he yelled out "YOU ALL HAVE INTERFERED FOR THE LAST TIME! NIGHTMARE FOUR DESTROY THEM!" In a flash, the permanent transformation controlled the movement of a mad dash and Four gripped Three's wrist, growing tighter and tighter.
"Four! You're hurting me! Stop!" Four didn't listen as he could clearly sense what this being had said. "SHUT IT! YOU ALL HAVE TREATED ME LIKE A JOKE! I'LL SHOW YOU THAT I'M MORE POWERFUL THAN ALL OF YOU COMBINED!!!"
"THREE! NOOO!" Meggy cried as a sharp pain filled his wrist. His vision blurred as he looked down and saw that Four had broken his wrist so badly that it was bleeding. The others watched in complete shock. They never had known what Four was capable of until right now.
Three tried to pull himself up, but a strong force pulled him up to their face. "Isn't it ironic that you have threatened to kill me so many times and I was actually the one who did it to you..." His past. He could have used his last bit strength to pull away and end the man's life for good just like his old self had promised. Instead he flashed a weak smile and said with tears "I'm sorry Four...for everything." He deserved to be put out of his misery. No matter how much he tried, his selfishness just made the one he loved suffer more. "If this will make you feel better...I'm ready."
That was the last thing he said before an arm pounded through his chest. A metallic taste filled his mouth and his eyes flickered out. It was his final moments. Four dropped the corpse and looked at the others with a flashing pink eye. "Don't worry, you're next!"
Silence. Sweet silence. Mr Puzzles sat upon his bitter throne while watching over his new kingdom. His partner watched along with him, eyes narrow. He should be happy. Finally no more nightmares. No more pain and suffering. Nobody to tell him he was worthless. These thoughts swarmed him until something else made him feel...different? Everything was shriveled up and the sky was blood red. Reminded him of someone's eyes.
A bunch of corpses lied down in the distance beneath them. One caught his eyes and he sighed. "Isn't this better Smg4?" He nodded and said "I'm going for a walk..." He left his once tranquil castle of the Showgrounds and looked down at the bleeding man. His chest had a huge hole in it and his face looked tired.
Four looked down at his hands, covered with blood. Those memories. Those feelings. Those good times. It was filled with so much more happiness than what had come now. Maybe even better if Three and him had become...
Tears started to stream down his face as he collapsed onto his knees. He held his lover in his arms, looking down at his sweet face. Corpses of his friends surrounded them as sadness and loneliness was the only thing to keep him company now. Gone. Gone forever. A lump in his throat had formed and a shaky voice said the only thought he had left.
"Oh god. What have I done?"
You've made things perfect...
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