#horror discussion
confession time
Normally things don't scare me much anymore. I used to be scared of things such as FNAF, Momo, Slenderman....but I love and hold these scary things dearly. The Other Mother from Coraline scared me when I was younger. When Dr. Facilier got dragged down to the other side, I was scared. But I cherish those moments and realize they've become my favorite things to date.
Occasionally, I great unnerved and freaked out. At first, Alastor's full demon unnerved me (not much anymore, but still). Salad Fingers doesn't scare me, and it more so just creeps/freaks me out.
Infection AUs are my crack at this point. Same thing with analog horror. My boyfriend even recommended Vita Carnis to me. I've yet to watch it.
But genuinely. The one thing that truly freaked me out, and still does, is The Boiled One Phenomenon.
TW: disturbing imagery.
I watched reactions, even a bit of this original video. But holy SHIT.
I'm also kinda freaked out about the dark. I have LED lights in my room for fuck's sake!
But honestly, this video makes me freak out. It's not even the video itself, it's the fuckin goofy ahh creature.
I might grow to enjoy it in the future, but I absolutely enjoy that this is a creation.
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bigautomaton · 5 months
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yoinking the screenshot from twitter but THIS is exactly the kind of horror I want to explore with my art and characters.
Moving to the midwest from a place with plenty of dense forests and tall mountains to be greeted by a flat horizon that almost moves on its own accord was Scary. It just isn't right to be so exposed. I once heard the land is so flat you can watch your dog run away for a week and so long as you can stand staring into nothing it isn't entirely false. Even the modern towns and cities are are spread out from each other the only connection a lot of folks have outside their immediate community is through phone or internet. Who has time to drive two hours to the nearest city for anything other than work these days? This place is empty, lonely, and terrifying. The outside, while a place of beauty is also a volatile beast where a simple evening rain can turn into a tornado in five minutes. Do you really want to risk watching the little raindrops hit your window or are you going to huddle in your storm shelter with whatever you share your home with. The prairie is so simple when looking from the outside, but there is so much more going on under those waves of tall grass.
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caktusjuice-draws · 9 months
can you explain the comparison of Melissa to Boy Jerry?
Absolutely. I find it interesting that people dislike Melissa because of her abuse of Ted and Paul, and many compare it to sexual abuse though that was never quite explicit other than that they were naked like animals.
Boy Jerry explicitly pressured his girlfriend into sex, when she became pregnant he gaslit her to make her believe it was entirely her fault, made her raise the child in secret in the woods, and continues to pressure her up until their deaths. Not to mention driving his son to murder teens.
So I just find it interesting, though it could be because Melissa's story drags on longer with more 1:1 time with Paul.
It feels a little double standard in a way that I can't exactly explain.
Sexual abuse is sexual abuse full stop. It feels as though he gets a pass while Melissa gets absolutely shat on by the fandom.
Edit/after thought: This is good character writing on both parts though. Let them be disgusting let them be flawed in the most horrid way. I just found the way the fandom received them both so differently a bit curious.
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sam-spam-ham · 4 hours
fond of horror/action games where you’re just a regular person and there’s a massive unexplained eldritch or cosmic like horror that you have to take on. that or it’s something that is particularly normal but it’s portrayed in such a way that it’s shown as an unknown horror
bonus points there being no proper way to get out alive, either because the threat could spread or it’s too way to escape the threat without losing a part of you
resident evil seven and eight has this element pretty good in my opinion. the first one really portrays that horror element of the mold spreading, only elevated in my opinion once your point of view switches from ethan to mia on the boat. eighth continues on but with this idea that there is no way out for ethan. like the above while ethan is in control he lost a part of himself. he died to the mold, came back because of the mold, and continued to exist because of it. he was already dying because miranda ripped his heart out, so to stop her (and provide safety to rose), he took it down with him
the first game i’ve played that had this was darkwood. darkwood is a game about an unkown plague causing strange growth within a community and the surrounding forests, leading to the government trapping them in an area. they would send investigation teams to go in and observe the people within the growth, which has grown rapidly causing growth within the trees. the protagonist was one of these investigators, but got captured, later rescued, and then escaped. the thing behind all this is simply the Being, and the protagonist can either succumb to being controlled by it as they seek to escape, or realize what’s happening and burn the Being
the game that sparked this thought though was slimecicle playing through Still Wakes The Deep. the fact that none of what happened is truly explained, and the protagonists eventual realization there’s no getting out but he can protect his daughters on land, was terrific. the setting, the oil rig, also changes every time the protagonist caz changes location
anyway that’s all just fascinated by the use of eldritch and cosmic horrors on characters and worlds where the best course of action is to ensure it doesn’t spread
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raspberry-lava · 1 year
Not the usual shit i post but are people really believing that urbanslug's shitshow on twitter was a publicity stunt? How do you even think to believe that? Nobody says ableist stuff and then calls a horror content creator a cunt just for a publicity stunt.
It just sounds like Slug is trying to cover their ass and doing damage control so that his career doesn't go down the drain.
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paletigers · 1 year
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Had to make a google slides presentation for my feminism and art history class later today :P I figure you horror fans out there might want to read it so here's the link! Movies that are discussed: -The Witch 2015 -Black Christmas -Silence of the Lambs
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
No amount of emotionless walking around or creepy monstery ways to move will ever top the fact that Afton can fucking dance and gracefull spin his way around in a springlock suit. Like just the image of being in one yourself, unable to move or even properly breathe out of fear of setting off the springlocks, in contrast to this guy swinging his arms, hopping and spinning his way across the room.
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wickedwild · 2 years
Hello Slasher and Horror lovers alike!
Join our discord!
(Its pretty cool)
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My good friends here on tumblr have made a horror rp discord server. Any horror icon, from film, video game, internet fairytale, book, or your own imagination welcome! Or if your not into Rp you can just hang out and talk with like minded people about your favorite Blorbos, and horror interests.
This server is 18+ only! However not a dating server, so don't join with such intentions. Sorry I'm a shit advertiser. Just join I like talking about horror and stuff.
@dour-x @hooterhorror
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alan-p-49 · 2 years
I wouldn't call blood boy a cosmic horror webcomic despite having an eldritch god in there and an alien that can noclip in and out of reality
If i would write a cosmic horror it would be about Jesus being up in heaven looking down at earth and questioning why god is an indifferent watcher and the planet earth, that God has created, slowly disintegrate as humanity commits genocide onto itself by constant war and constant degradation of the environment. All that Jesus can do is watch.
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prettyputrified · 2 years
I wish more slasher films played with the idea of the movies existing in universe and being based on the legends of the killers like chucky did it could be interesting
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I'm not a hardcore horror fan (I'm definitely a fan but I'm lacking a lot of the classics and general knowledge, y'know) but it's dress up say for Halloween. Saw someone in a Jason mask walking towards me to go to their seat, which is in front of me.
Slow blinked at them (like cats do to show trust, or I do, also to show trust( despite not really knowing them and not particularly liking them. I just went. "Ah, Jason Voorhees, my friend"
I have never seen Friday the 13th, in fact I had to look up what movie Jason is from.
I blame my father's DNA and also my autism/too much empathy for making me think that horror characters are my friends. I want to get ice cream with slashers. Except. The hipster whos in people's dreams I don't like him. But so often!!! Slashers seem neurodivergent and also like they need a friend so I go "friend. He very strong so he hold me gentle"
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Favorite analogue horror/unreality series?
oooooooo shit!! Got a couple.
Not a series, but I genuinely enjoy the one analog horror about the "Medusa Eyes" infection. Where it like....destroyed humanity? That one is really really good.
I love the Walten Files. I need to rewatch it. The FNAF VHS tape series is good, I need to watch the Mandela Catalogue, I have been DYING to watch it but I just haven't had time or I forgot.
I need to continue watching Vita Carnis too. Also any MLP Infection Series. My fav is My Little Worms, but it's INCREDIBLY fucked. There's also the Black Tree Virus I think? I can't recall.
Trolls Infection AU by chairnoizes (I think that's their name?) on YouTube and TikTok.
And a bunch of others I need to remember/watch!
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what is your favorite... horror based game / gdjdhsjsbdbdnddnxd movie / silly Internet phenomenon for silly reasons <- needs more horror to quell the demons , have you heard of hit series needle mouse bc I think you'd like it :3 maybe
good lord what a question.... what a marvelous questingoug............. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Okay so ~Game Wise~ DBD doesn't really count as a horror game in the traditional sense, so I will actually refrain from saying that. And I think Resident Evil isn't particularly treated as the horror it was meant to be so I'll refrain there too. Actually, you know what? My favorite all time horror game was Outlast, i think. I haven't really touched it in a long time but I think that was one of my big introductions to traditional horror game.
It came out fucking. Forever Ago but i actually watched my dad play it. I remember the locker scene so vividly because my heart was beating so hard I made myself sick. Really inspired me as a kid to get into more Horror based stuff, it was awesome. (I was also big into Layers of Fear!)
If you're thinking more like Indie Horror? Like less based in the gameplay of a big game like Outlast, Tattletail was a HUGE one for me. I fucking LOVED that game, especially since I was a big Furby fan. I've always loved point and clicks like Mr Whiskers.
If you're looking for horror based Visual Novels, I actually have a whole LINE of favorites, lol. Hello Charlotte Series is by far my favorite over anything I've EVER played, for example. In fact I think it's one of my favorite games in the history of ever. Our Wonderland is also an amazing title that actually very recently was updated! I haven't gotten to play the new chapter yet but I'm super hyped about it.
One day I'll make a masterlist of all the free games from their own websites/itch.io that I loved, there's so many.
Horror MOVIES!! Now THAT is much easier: - Smile (2022) , A Haunting In Connecticut (2009), Hereditary (2018), obligatory mention to all classic slashers and the saw franchise, (i personally, LOVE, the 2010 remake of Nightmare On Elmstreet, but i recognize that it's not really everyones cup of tea especially in reference to the original, but goddammit I am weak to the wonders of my favorite guy ever Quenting Smith), I'm also particularly fond of the Scream franchise. Jennifers Body (2009) is a classic too, love that. I'm also, sadly, very fond of IT. lmao. sue me!! I also like. Reanimator (1985) but it was very much a victim of the 80s. It's kind of a hard watch for my friends lol
As for Internet Horrors: - Analog Horror! The Walten Files, Vita Carnis, Blue Channel, Mandela Catalog, Gemini Home Entertainment are all fairly well known and I do actually quite like all of them. Some of them are a bit overrrated but it's for good reason yknow? Popular shit is popular for a reason. I haven't finished looking into Boisvert but what I did see I did like for the most part. Angel Hare, Petscop, and Local 58 are all great too
There's some good horror shorts on youtube if you're looking for a really good quick scare. Other Side Of The Box, "048", and the channel CryptTV has... a couple? pretty decent horror short films. Personally I find these good for a short scare but theyre not as fun in the long run
Honorary Mentions: Fnaf, Fnaf VHStape, Fnaf related media, Happy Meat Farm ARG. DDLC, Marble Hornets and the Slenderverse as a whole, literally any datign sim that involves mass amounts of murder i have likely played and enjoyed. what can i say im a sucker for bloody visual novels
AND FINALLY!! To answer you, I haven't heard of needle mouse!! :O i'll look into it!! :D THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!!!!!!!
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caktusjuice-draws · 9 months
I know most people think it was out of character for Emma to just accept that Paul was cheating on her like that. But I don't think so. Emma is aggressive, we know this already, and when hurt she can be snippy and angry. I think we see this a little bit at the beginning of Black Friday. I think we see it even with cyborg Emma when Paul questions her, and especially with REAL Emma during Forever and Always.
I think it was also meant to imply that Emma and Paul's relationship is new enough that she doesn't know him well enough to understand that he would never do that. So she kind of just ... lashes out with angry acceptance.
Anyway, in the fanfic I am gonna put emphasis on the newness of their relationship and also give Emma more reasons to be willing to believe what Melissa tells her.
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mcyt-cats · 13 days
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Mr Finnegan!
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And Katy Bee :)
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ft. the inevitable consequences of holding cats
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knifearo · 5 months
this year my challenge for everyone is to unlearn the association between love and morality. love is not something that is inherently morally good, and the absence of love is not something that is inherently bad. sex without love isn't morally bankrupt, it's just an action. people without love aren't less kind or less good, they're just people. when we can get past this false (and often unnoticed) dichotomy of good love/evil lovelessness then i think we are going to be able to take leaps and bounds in sex positivity, aro advocacy, certain discussions of mental health...
#and also. not the direct focus. but love doesn't make things good. you can be in love and do terrible terrible things.#people do bad things in the name of love and in despite of love all the time.#but!! imagine a world where people could exist as people and not be demonized.#sex positivity means being cool about All sex. reexamine your internal systems of moral judgement.#this goes for sex workers. for aroallo people. especially aroallo men. for aro people in general who might enjoy sex.#and frankly i think it can easily bleed into discussions about mental health disorders around 'not feeling' certain things#especially demonizing ppl who don't feel as much empathy. i think there's definitely a correlation between that and the emphasis on love.#our support needs to go out to Everybody and i think these things are all structured together in one way or another!!#it might not be immediately obvious but when i tell you it all leads back to amatonormativity..... little bit wild.... large bit wild....#anyway. horror movie psychopath 'oh he can't feel emotions or love' damn alright. well. let's take a closer look at that.#silly that there's an association between lack of love and Murdering. feel like that might affect some stuff.#love is just an emotion/a feeling it doesn't mean anything about you one way or another#same with empathy. you can feel it all you want but it doesn't inherently change the actions you choose to take#anyway. thesis statement. there is a socially constructed link between love and morality. unlearn that.#kiss kiss (<— lovelessly)#aromantic#aromanticism#arospec#talking#aroace#aspec#sex positivity
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