#house cleaning after renovation
dwpostrenovation · 11 months
DW Post Renovation Cleaning Singapore
DW Post Renovation Cleaning Singapore is your go-to choice for reliable post renovation cleaning services in Singapore. Our services include floor deep cleaning services (vinyl floor cleaning, vinyl floor deep cleaning, terrazzo floor cleaning, tile deep cleaning) while our floor polishing services include marble floor polishing, parquet floor polishing, and wood floor polishing. Additionally, our vinyl floor deep cleaning includes protective coating services. This helps to care for your floors and make them shine. Our comprehensive cleaning solutions cover every inch of your property, including the kitchen, living/dining area, bathroom, bedroom, and even your service yard or balcony.
With DW Post Renovation Cleaning Services, you can trust that your property will be spotless and ready for occupancy. Don't hesitate to contact us via WhatsApp at +65 8241 0032 for any of your queries!
1090 Lower Delta Road #04-06E, Singapore 169201
Phone # +65 6232 6903
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xoxoemynn · 4 months
Having one of those days where it feels like I'm doing a million things and nothing all at once, but every time I open this app Ed and Stede are doing gloriously filthy things to each other and god I love sexual Sunday and all of your perfect dirty minds.
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famefound · 2 years
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Thank you for your patience. I had a mini anxiety attack tonight because of things just. Not being right at home at all and it’s stressing me out big time. I know I’m already slow as molasses, but I think I’m going to be even slower for the time being until things just... get back to semi-normal.
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broomservicefan · 1 day
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Basically, it’s discovered that to help stabilize Danielle, aka Ellie, it’d be best to have her be smaller. She refused to be turned into a kid by Frostbite/her own power ability, when Danny remembered the shrink ray his parents made. The side effect is that they’re kind of stuck as humans when they’re that small—they can use some ghost powers, but basically, it’s a weird side effect of the shrink ray. That’s canon, by the fucking way, lmao
Anyways, so Ellie agrees, and Danny will shrink himself with the ray to her size to help her out when needed/when she wants company her size, with Jazz, Sam, and Tucker occasionally helping out. Sam buys one of those really ornate Victorian dollhouses, with wooden everything, and Danny does some… renovations… so that it no longer opens and is a proper house. There’s still some oddities because it’s a dollhouse originally, but it was easier and faster to give her a home. One of the first additions was a water/wastewater system, followed like two hours later by an electrical system. Since it was so small, Danny was able to do it fairly quickly in his big size, occasionally going small and using the small window for using his powers to double check on things.
The water system had to be refilled every week, unless hooked up to a plumbing system in a house, which Danny made some outlets for in Jazz’s room—it was easier and had significantly less questions/didn’t stand out as much if placed in Jazz’s room. They usually did it every three days, though, as the plug-in process was still a bit… hinky. The tanks for holding the water were in the ‘basement’, which was mostly inaccessible from the inside of the dollhouse but basically looked like a big stand the dollhouse stayed on. Like someone ripped a full house out of the ground WITH the basement attached. There was a small access hallway down some stairs in the house for the clean water system, though.
The electric system was fairly simple, as it didn’t cost much energy to light a dollhouse and heat/cool water. There was an AC unit, Ellie’s request, but it hardly was used and was fairly efficient just due to pure size. It was fueled by ecto batteries, which Danny made sure had a few rechargability options—just because it was efficient energy didn’t mean it didn’t ever need recharging. There was a very small ecto filter, but due to its relative small size, was easy to clean and was fairly stable, so they had a whole closet of them just chilling out, both filled and empty. The battery itself could be charged by ecto sources, Danny’s own blood, or ambient ectoplasm gained by using something that looked like a solar panel and a satellite dish had a child that the batter could be placed in. The hookup also allowed for like… normal D cell batteries.
They would buy dollhouse furniture, and occasionally just buy the big version then shrink it down. Ellie had a huge old house to herself, basically, might as well go ham. And she had a fun time with the designer doll clothes Sam liked to get, although the cheap doll clothes from the store were also fun. Best option was just buying normal clothes and shrinking them, but using things that were already small or just making stuff using normal sized objects was fun.
At some point, though, the Fenton siblings decide to go on a trip. Ellie begs to be taken along, and Jazz agrees—there’s a doll showcase in Gotham, and Jazz wanted to see if anything caught Ellie’s interest. Danny, having a room in the dollhouse himself, also went along. Might as well make it a sibling’s trip, right?
Ellie can be full size for small chunks of time, which they did while exploring the expo. They found some cool things to add, and some doll clothes Ellie was far too interested in trying on, as well as some to force on Danny later. He sighed, but like—that’s his little cousin-sister, he’d put up with it. After all, he learned how to plumb an entire (miniature) house in two days when she refused to move in until it had a fully functional bathroom, so.
They have a fun time, and sure, lugging the relatively giant dollhouse was a PAIN, but it was Ellie’s home, and some stabilizing tech made it relatively safe to move without risking everything freaking breaking. They load everything in again, and the dollhouse is now restocked with clothes, tiny furniture, and a lot of shrunken supplies—some foods are just hard to work with full size, and are easier to shrink, okay? Also soap, paper goods, pencils and pens, books, etc. Jazz loads the thing into her car, and Danny offers to stay with Ellie in the dollhouse—so Jazz gets them in, and shrinks them down, holding onto the shrink ray in the meantime.
All is going relatively well in Gotham traffic until there’s a rogue attack.
Go figure.
Jazz ends up unconscious, and Danny and Ellie can’t do anything before the rogue is taken care of and a paramedic team comes up. They hide back in the dollhouse, listening as the medics say she seems to be okay, just unconscious. A relief, but now they’re taking Jazz away. Fenton luck states she’s one of the few actually injured. The Bat Brigade comes by, and Batman notices that there’s a wallet for one Danny Fenton. Red Robin confirms that Jazz was likely here with at least two other people, based on the ticket stubs for the expo. However, there is a strange lack of social media presence, Danny doesn’t have a photo ID, and there’s no way of knowing for SURE that it was just Danny with her, if it was just two other people, or if Danny was in the car with her. Still, as they can’t find him but DO have his sister and his wallet, they assume he might be missing, possibly kidnapped.
The Gotham PD of course take in the car, although it’s pretty trashed. Knowing well and good that the dollhouse and such things are actually quite expensive, Commissioner Gordon mentions that it wouldn’t be a bad idea for Batman to maybe hold onto the Fenton’s things that *aren’t* related to the investigation.
Batman just takes everything. Including a rather peculiar looking gun that seems to have sustained some damage during the attack and car crash.
Gordon sighs. Figures.
So, Danny and Ellie end up in Wayne Manor. Most of the things end up in the Batcave, but Alfred insists that they place the doll things upstairs in the manor proper—the cave isn’t *that* damp, but doll things are small and delicate. So, upstairs they go.
At first, it’s fine. Danny and Ellie are fine in the dollhouse, and it’ll be at least a week before any of the systems NEED to be worked with.
Then Ellie ends up with a massive migraine. She gets them, on occasion, a sort of growing pain. Usually, they just shrink some medicine for her as she needs it, because she’s like—twelve. While they did have some medicine that had been pre-shrunk, when they were stocking up in Gotham, it turns out pain medicine was more expensive there. Not by much, but they figured—they’ll just stock up in Amity Park, they’ll be there in two days.
Haha. Nope.
So, Danny finally has to venture out. He lucks into finding the first aid kit—why there was one in the main living room, he’s not sure—and is currently working on trying to get open the blister packet of an ibuprofen when Alfred finds him.
Alfred stares at this tiny boy with a tiny make-shift knife trying to get into… over the counter pain medication.
Danny stares at this butler guy who had very gently cleaned the outside and noted the strange fact that the dollhouse did not open.
Danny waves at Alfred.
Alfred waves a tiny finger back.
“Hello,” Alfred says softly, which is fantastic because loud noises could get painful—part of the reason for Ellie’s headache was an argument between Tim and Damian. “How do you do?”
Danny hesitates, before he makes an exaggerated so-so gesture.
“You understand me?”
Danny nods—it’s rare for people to understand what he’s saying when he’s 5 inches tall.
“How wonderful,” Alfred smiles. “And how can I help our young guest tonight?”
Danny gestures to the blister packet.
“Pain medication? Isn’t that a little bit large for you.”
The teen thinks for a second on how to communicate. He points to the pill, then makes a slight show of pretending to grind something, like a mortar and pestle.
Thankfully, Alfred got the idea. “Would it be easier if I ground it up for you?”
Danny takes a moment to think before accepting with an enthusiastic nod.
“Very well,” Alfred says, taking the blister packet in one hand. He then hold his other out, palm up, like a platform. “Would you like to come with me?”
Danny ‘his survival instincts died when he did’ Fenton gets into Alfred’s hand.
Alfred grinds up the pill into a fine powder. Danny hands him a tiny bottle—still large in Danny’s hands, as it was not a shrunk bottle—that he had tied around his waist. Alfred fills it, and hands it back.
“I assume you came from the tiny house we have in our living room?”
Danny again nods. Alfred takes him there, setting him down outside the front door. Danny bows, and sure it’s Japanese as hell, and he’s white as all get out, but it’s a generally understood gesture of thanks. He hopes.
Alfred understands it just fine. “I bid you goodnight, then. Perhaps we will talk more, when you are feeling better?”
Danny hesitates, again, but he nods. Alfred had been nice enough, so far.
Danny heads in, quickly measuring out the medicine—shrunk pressure plates and scales and weights made what it was measuring relative—to him the weights on the hand balance scale felt the same weight. Ellie got her medicine, and they both went back to sleep.
He told her in the morning what happened. Ellie was strangely gung-ho about meeting this butler guy, and so—when no one else was around—, she and Danny went onto the tiny balcony as Alfred came in to dust.
“Oh my,” he said. “There’s two of you, now. Should I expect more?”
Both of them did an exaggerated ‘no’ dance.
“Very well, I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself. I’m Alfred Pennyworth, the family butler. Welcome to Wayne Manor.”
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theglamorousferal · 3 months
Just found out about the Enough Stuff Non-Profit in Illinois and it got me thinking about Crime Alley and about if there was a place like that, they’d work hard to keep it going.
Now I’m imagining Danny, ghost king with its coffers, things at relative peace, but not having to actively work. He’d want to still be able to give back I think even if it’s not actively fighting. What if Danny started an Enough Stuff shop. Everything there is free. Everything is donated. It runs on donations. (The first few months it runs on his savings; ghost money translates thankfully).
Danny lives in the apartment above the store and the store has two floors. Sam moves in next door and runs an apothecary and plant store. She ends up running a vegan bakery and coffee shop too. If you perform or write a poem, you get a free coffee and scone. If she has the chance, she’ll teach you about basic herbal remedies and also some basic first aid because while honey is an antibiotic, it doesn’t do shit for something needing stitches. Jazz moves in and opens a free pediatric clinic. Tucker can be found running the business side of the non-profits and pushing Sam to “just get an EMT certification already, you’re more than qualified, and you know you want to.” Val travels a lot, she’s an Olympic martial artist, but when she settles someplace to train it’s usually with the trio in their Frankenstein apartment made up of the top two floors of three connected buildings. Between Danny finding he enjoyed training from his years as a hero and Sam wanting to always be in top form there’s a gym there she can train in and Danny’s usually free. She helps with whoever needs it when she has free time so she doesn’t feel like a mooch for living there only part-time. She ends up saving some kid from a thug and deciding to train him up. This leads to the kid bringing more kids to learn from her. She ends up buying a building on the block and renovating it to be a gym and training facility for her and it gets added to the list of non-profits Tucker is running. (He only leaves his corner office, he insisted, during working hours for lunch or meetings and the occasional lunch meeting).
Tim losing his mind trying to find anything about them. Him constantly hitting firewalls of binary, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Esperanto and some other language he could only describe as auditory Zalgo text. Tim desperately wanting to investigate in person but he promised Jason he’d stay out of it until he asked.
Jason coming back from a long mission with the Outlaws seeing the “cute little trust fund kid’s experiment” not only flourishing, but growing. He goes to research them only to find they’re mostly squeaky clean. There’s some stuff about disturbance of the peace and minor property damage when a teenager, but that doesn’t mean anything for someone setting up in Crime Alley. He watches them for a while, listened to what his guys said about them and the general opinion. He decides they’re above board, but he’d still watch them.
Then he got shot. More accurately, a shot grazed just under his armpit where there was a gap in his armor. He ended up stumbling out of an alleyway and directly into the pathway of one red headed doctor.
Kinda want to add more Amity Parker’s at some point. Debating having Paulina run a fashion house in the fashion district because she couldn’t convince her dad to let her move to a place known as Crime Alley, and just spend a bunch of time at Danny’s shop and maybe drop off ‘fits she made there. Star and Wes running a local radio station. Dash becoming a mechanic (after freaking out about not making it in football). Kwan opens a vet clinic. Eventually the Amity Parker’s own a full two blocks of housing and businesses.
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superbat-love · 2 months
Clark banished Bruce from his apartment after letting him stay for just one night. Bruce left the bed unmade, dropped dirty clothes and towels on the floor after showering, and routinely left used cups and plates on the table. His kitchen was a disaster zone after Bruce tried to make himself an omelette. Worse, he never turned off the appliances, and Clark nearly had a heart attack when he saw the utility bill.
To avoid being responsible for a dead Superman, Bruce promised to clean up and cover the expenses. Unfortunately, he hired a house cleaning slash renovation crew, turning Clark's apartment into Metropolis’ fanciest, complete with a private elevator and a backyard pool. Clark didn't even have a backyard. Now he has to figure out how to explain the whole thing to his landlord.
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gojoest · 1 year
gojo learning what a home smells like, mentions of food, not much dialogue except for the ending, kind of selfship coded bc this was supposed to be a talk post but then i kind of rambled and this came out so it’s not proofread and that’s that
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each home has a specific scent to it.
you know, the one that builds over time, the so-called occupant odor that fills the air after a while of people living in it. it’s the aroma of the ingredients you use and the spices you often put into your dishes, the freshly washed clothes and especially that one detergent that is always a must, the cleaning products you use, and the scent of those who inhabit the house all combined that sticks behind and makes it so distinct. makes it smell like home.
but satoru’s house smelled empty. too empty in fact. it smelled clean, too clean for someone who’s lived there for years now. almost like a newly renovated apartment that’s been deprived of human presence for too long and it’s just the sharp scent of paint and construction materials that hits your nostrils when you walk in. a housekeeper would come by once in a week to take care of the place, not that there was much to do around — it was pretty clean. nobody cooked there — his fridge was almost empty, only water bottles in it. nobody did the laundry — everything was sent to the dry cleaning. nobody was there enough for their scent to sink in, even he himself. his house never felt like home to him. it was simply a place for him to shortly crash at. like a hotel of some sort, a place he’d only use to shower and sleep while for the rest of the time he’d be out going on missions, putting his life in danger.
that was, until you came into his life.
at first it was only short stayovers. you would spend a night or two at his place each week. but it was enough for it to start layering and spreading around — the scent of you, of him, of you together. when you came into his life out of literally nowhere, he would start going out of his way and take on less missions so he could be with you, more — so you would stay over and make dinner, ask about his favorite dish and then cook it for him the next time.
you would make pancakes in the morning. you would get your favorite ingredients and put them in his fridge. you’d get some blueberries and bananas, little bit of feta cheese even. you would place jars of powdered sugar and honey into the empty shelves in his kitchen. and little bit by bit the room would start to fill — some oats and cinnamon for autumn days, peanut butter because it goes so well with apples, a little bit of oregano for when you make baked potatoes, a little bit of garlic because it makes any dish taste better, some olive oil and lemons because that’s your go-to dressing for when you make salads, and some tahini for when you’re feeling posh but then realize it doesn’t taste quite right in some meals but eat it anyway.
little bit by bit his house would start feeling less empty and more like home.
you’d bring extra clothes for the day after the stayover and then forget the old ones there. he would buy you pajamas for when you come by so you don’t have to bring yours every time or wear a shirt of his when you don’t or sleep naked (not that he minds it). you would wash them all in the laundry, together with his clothes and yours, the ones you had left behind from before. but you would always need that one softener, you know, the one you absolutely refuse to wash your clothes without because it smells so good, and then you would put your pajamas and his next to each other on the bed and the clothes — in his wardrobe, and the room would smell so good and it would start feeling like home to him.
no matter how much of yourself you left behind, it still felt kind of empty, especially on days when you weren’t around tiptoeing quickly from the bedroom to the bathroom in the mornings for a quick pee before coming back to bed and nuzzling into his chest, when you weren’t around dancing in his kitchen experimenting with a new salad dressing once again, when you weren’t around asking him to open jars, when you weren’t around for his eyes to see and his arms to embrace in the morning.
it was then when these four walls felt so foreign and nothing like home to him. the house still smelled familiar but not completely. just like a bland dish — you eat it and it gives your body the needed nutrients but doesn’t quite fill you up because there’s just something missing.
and tonight he decided to chase after the missing ingredient.
“so, listen”, he said while casually grabbing some greens through the salad with his chopsticks, “i am going to make you an offer you can’t refuse”
“if it has anything to do with me doing the dishes tonight and you folding the laundry tomorrow, i am out”
“love”, he paused, “who washes dishes by hand when there’s a dishwasher?”
“rich people like you might not know of this, but we, ordinary people, do not use the dishwasher for just three plates. we use our hands, a sponge and a dishwashing liquid”, you flashed a polite but sarcastic smile at him.
“okay, ordinary person that i love so much, then how about this”, he swallowed his bite and continued, “you move in and start being extraordinary with me?”
“we’re not using the dishwasher for three plates”, you raised your chopsticks and brought them threateningly close to his face, “but okay. i can move in here and start using your credit card more reasonably”
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evansboyfriend · 1 month
actually tommy lives on the top floor of a duplex. he's been renting it for years, and the landlady is a sweet old woman who lives alone on the lower floor and is charging him like, 2005 market rates. he's thought about buying his own place, especially after transferring to harbor, something closer to his new workplace, but he's grown attached to the place itself and his landlady. they've developed a good relationship over the years and she does remind him of his late grandmother.
tommy takes care of odd jobs here and there, both in his own place and hers, saves her the hassle and cost of calling a plumber to fix a minor leak that only needs some pipe thread tape, cleans the gutters, drives her places if his work schedules allows. and she doesn't care if he wants to paint the walls or renovate the bathroom to put in a rain shower.
as she gets older tommy starts telling her to get herself a home health aide, offers to help her with the paperwork, but she refuses, insists she can handle herself just fine, thank you very much. tommy tells her "i'm not gonna live here forever, you know, i won't be around to help you, and then who's gonna look after you?" because he's been saving up to buy his own place and after a decade he's got a decent amount saved for a down payment, and alice tells him, "well, get on with it, boy, what are you waiting for? houses aren't getting any cheaper, you realise that?"
evan is so excited to meet her finally, he has no idea what he's in for because she gives him a stern look and asks him half a dozen questions and tommy has to interject and tell her to stop grilling his boyfriend, and alice raises an eyebrow and says, "i will when he puts a ring on your finger," and evan is stammering, scrambling for something to say, and tommy keeps his cool, says, "who's to say i'm not gonna put a ring on his finger?" and evan turns to look at him with that same awestruck expression like when tommy first kissed him, and then his face splits into a grin and it takes everything in him for tommy not to pull him in for a kiss.
alice rolls her eyes like, "oh, i don't know what the rules are with you boys. but i'll be expecting a hand-delivered invite to the wedding, you hear me?" and she sends them off, out the door, tells them to have a good time on their date and behave.
eventually, tommy goes around to her place one day for tea and lemon cake, and offers to buy the property from her, and alice gives him a look and says, "you know, that would save me a lot of hassle actually," and tells him to hurry up and get married and start adopting because she wants to meet her future grandkids before her time is up and tommy gets to his feet and hugs her so tight and when she pats his back and tells him, "oh honey, it's okay," tommy starts full on weeping.
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the-black-manor · 7 months
Within Temptation
Author: The-Black-Manor
Demon x Trans Male Priest (Pre-transition)
Warnings: Rape, unprotected sex, stolen virginity
Kinks: Demon, priest, corruption, blasphemy, oral, excessive cum, oversized cock, monster cock, bondage, belly bulge, rough sex, age difference, size difference
Terms used: Cunt, cock, balls, cervix, chest, nipples, binder, cockhead, crotch, walls, entrance
Words: 4,002
Note: If you find any mistakes, please let me know so I can fix them.
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The young priest didn’t arrive at the old stone church until well after dark. He was exhausted from his long journey, but there was nowhere nearby to rest, and he certainly wasn’t going to rest in the church until he was certain there were no malevolent entities present. He stepped out of the cab and stretched before grabbing his luggage and kit and making his way through the crumbling, overgrown courtyard. The front door was unlocked, and he was silently grateful to the family that lived here that they’d remembered to keep it open for him before they fled.
He pushed the door open and stepped inside. The foyer was dark and foreboding. Previous owners had begun renovating the church into a home years ago, but progress had been halted when strange activity began after unsealing a walled-off room in the cellar. Scaffolding, canvas, tarp, rope, and all sorts of construction equipment had been left behind when the family and crew abandoned the location. There was a large industrial light nearby, and the priest switched it on. The room was no less unsettling bathed in white light. 
As he moved through the home in search of the dining room, dust that had since settled was kicked up once more and made the air hazy. The dining room would work well enough as a sort of “home base” while he investigated the claims of demonic activity. He was no exorcist, just a young priest sent to validate the claims. If he found evidence of activity, he would send for an exorcist. For now, though, all he had was himself, his bible, his crucifix, and his faith.
After he got himself settled, he descended to the cellar, to the newly-excavated room the family claims is a “door to hell”. He scoffed and shook his head. Not likely. A gas leak, perhaps, which is why he had a mask and detector with him. But the detector stayed silent, and when he felt comfortable enough to take his mask off, the air was clean, if a bit stale. He worked his way through the house slowly, paying great attention to each room, making mental notes if anything seemed “off”. 
The only thing he found unusual was that nothing seemed unusual. He shook his head. This was a waste of time. Still, he had a job to do, and he was going to see it through to the end. He kept going. The church was huge, more a castle than anything, and he eventually found his way upstairs to the bedrooms. The doors were all closed, except for one at the very end of the hall.
If there was ever a place to start up here, he supposed that was it. The dusty old runner beneath his feet muffled his footsteps, and he peered into the room as he approached. It was dark inside, but he could make out the silhouette of a bed with a canopy. He hesitated for only the briefest moment before stepping over the threshold and into the master bedroom. The windows either side of the bed were open just a crack, letting in a crisp, fresh night breeze that sent the linen curtains fluttering and rays of silver moonlight that provided just enough light to see by.
This room was different from the rest. There was no dust on the plush red duvet, no cracks in the stone walls or gunk on the windows. No tattered rugs or moth-eaten curtains. Whereas the rest of the church was obviously abandoned, this room looked well cared for. Lived in.
The door closed behind him and the lock fastened with a “click”. He whirled around, and his blood ran cold as his tired gaze met the glowing purple eyes of an undulating shadow. He took a step back. At points, the figure looked almost human, and then its silhouette dissolved and melded with the shadows around it, moving like ink in water.  It was both tangible and intangible, solid and smoke, man and monster.
Its eyes flickered like flame, and it glared at him, and then he thought he saw, for only the briefest moment, the hint of a sharp-toothed smile. 
“Hello, priest,” the entity greeted him. 
Its voice was deep and seemed to burrow into his chest and reverberate around in his rib cage. The priest gripped the crucifix around his neck and lifted it, wielding it like a shield against the darkness. The entity laughed, low and menacing. And then it was gone. Or so the priest thought. He gasped and nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt arms snake around him from behind. The demon pulled him close, pressing its chest against his back, and ran its shadowy clawed hands all over the priest’s chest and stomach. 
“Release me!” the priest insisted, writhing in its vice-like grip. 
“Cute,” it cooed, its breath hot on the shell of his ear. “You think you have authority here…”
“In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to- mmph!”
The demon forced two thick fingers into his mouth, silencing him.
“Hush now,” it breathed as its free hand slid down his stomach to his crotch. 
It grabbed him hard and pulled him back into its bulge. He could feel it hardening against his ass. 
It let out a sound then that was somewhere between a purr and a growl. “What’s this?” it asked as it felt between his legs. “No cock? Does the church know about this?” it chuckled. “No, I think not. They wouldn’t let you be a priest if they did.” 
He held his crucifix so tight that the edges of the cross dug into the soft flesh of his palm. He repeated all the prayers he knew in his head, over and over. He wasn’t afraid, but he couldn’t speak with the fiend’s fingers pressing down on his tongue, so he couldn’t fend it off. All he could do was pray. Its claws dug into the flesh of his inner thigh, and then he was in the air. He landed hard on the bed, and the breath was knocked from his lungs. He propped himself up on his elbows, ready to run, and saw the demon approaching slowly, a predator stalking its prey. This was the most tangible it had been. It looked like a man, around six feet tall, with a slim body and long hair that flowed like smoke. He could make out no facial features except for those gleaming eyes, eyes that burned into his very soul and held him in place, like a deer in the headlights. 
The demon leaned forward to match his level, its face only millimeters from his. It breathed in deep, taking in his scent, and then a long, pointed tongue snaked out from behind sharp, wet teeth to lick a line up his cheek.
“Delicious,” it purred. 
It rested its hand on his chest, over his racing heart, and shoved him onto his back. Claws dug into his flesh as it tore at his vestments and binder and peeled them away. He snapped out of his fear-frozen state, and brought a leg up to try and kick the monster away. Something wrapped around his ankle, then his thigh, then his other leg, his wrists, his biceps. Inky tentacles held him down and spread him open, leaving him bare before the evil he faced. 
“What do you want with me?” he growled, though he was sure he already knew the answer.
“I want your body,” it responded simply, then ran its tongue over its lips. “And it is a beautiful body… Seems a shame to have such stunning assets and not put them to any use.”
He had to get out of here.. He sneered at the demon and began a prayer, voice rising in an attempt to drown out its booming laugh. It didn’t care for his prayers, his faith, his god. It crawled on top of him, and he expected its body to be as hot as the fiery pits that spat it out, but it was icy cold and sent a chill down his spine. His prayer was cut short as the creature forced that long tongue into his mouth and entangled it with his own. He writhed beneath it, trying to free himself from the tentacles’ grasp and the slimy intrusion. One of its teeth nicked his lip, and he tasted blood. The demon must have tasted it too, because another purr-growl rumbled through its chest.
It pulled its tongue from his mouth and licked up the side of his neck while the priest spat, trying to rid himself of its taste. And then its lips replaced its tongue, peppering kisses along his jaw, down his neck, across his collarbone. Its hands touched and grabbed and massaged every inch of him that it could reach, paying special attention to his chest, where it groped the soft mounds and pinched his nipples, rolling them between clawed fingers. Despite his best efforts, the demon’s ministrations were affecting him, and he keened, back arching, when the demon replaced its fingers with soft lips and sucked a sensitive bud into its mouth.
He choked back a moan as fire ignited in his belly. He could feel some sort of wetness leaking from his cunt and pooling on the bed beneath him, but he couldn’t close his legs or reach down to feel. Just then, he felt something hard knock against his cock, and he cried out as electricity shot up his spine. He thought it must have been the demon’s knee, but when he managed to lift his head to look down, the demon was straddling him, its knees on either side of his hips.
“No…” he whimpered, and his head fell back against the mattress. 
When it said it wanted his body, he assumed it meant possession, not…
“Get off of me!” he shouted, struggling with renewed vigor.
The demon didn’t reply, but it released his nipple with a “pop”, and traveled down his belly, kissing and licking every inch of the soft flesh there and on his hips as he made his way lower. The priest squirmed, trying to kick away the tentacles so that he could close his legs, but they only pulled them wider apart. Finally, the demon buried its face in his cunt and inhaled deeply. It flicked his cock with its wicked tongue, and then pressed the strong muscle flat against it. It massaged him expertly, and as his back arched and his hips bucked involuntarily, another tentacle wrapped itself around his midsection to hold him down.
“S-stop…” he panted. 
“Keep praying to your absent father,” the demon mocked. “I’m sure he’ll come to your rescue.”
His cock throbbed, his cunt clenched, his body ached for more.
“Don’t… ahh-”
The tip of its tongue prodded at his entrance, gauging resistance.
“A virgin?” it purred. “I couldn’t have asked for the church to send me a better gift.”
Fighting back was useless, so the priest closed his eyes tight and started up another prayer.
“That’s it,” the demon cooed. “What a good boy. So obedient.”
He cursed the creature silently and continued his prayer while it pushed the tip of its tongue just past his entrance. He groaned and balled his hands into fists. Its tongue was far bigger than a human’s, and he’d never had anything inside of him before. The stretch burned, but there was pleasure there as well, and he hated his body for reacting the way it was. 
It thrust its tongue in and out, in and out, and then buried it deeper. He cried out at the sharp pain, and then stumbled over his prayer as it hit something inside of him - a sensitive spot that sent pleasure shooting up his spine. Its tongue delved deeper, opening his cunt, curling and uncurling, thrusting, massaging, and pressing again and again and again against that spot. 
“Sto-op…” he tried to beg, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. 
Its tongue suddenly retreated until only the tip was inside, and it used the meatiest part to press hard against his cock. 
“Ah!” he cried out in surprise as another shock of pleasure flooded his senses. 
The demon chuckled low, pleased with the reactions it was pulling out of this man of god. Its hands traveled up his sides and it took a breast in each one, kneading them in its large palms and rolling his nipples between its fingers. 
“Fuck-” he swore.
Its tongue plunged deep inside of him once more, all the way, until he could feel its lips and nose against his crotch. 
“Such a dirty mouth for someone so pure,” it mocked. “And you pray to your god with that tongue?”
“Shut up,” he tried to command, but it only laughed again.
“Have you given up on your prayers, little priest? I quite liked hearing them.”
Mocking. Always mocking. It should hate his prayers, not like them. It was only driving home the fact that the priest had no power over it, no weapon against it.
“Sing for me, priest.”
He clenched his jaw.
“I said, sing.”
It dug its claws into the sensitive flesh of his breasts, and he hissed in pain. He could feel warm blood pooling beneath its talons and running in rivulets down his sides.
“Our f-father, who… who art i-in…”
“Good boy,” it praised him, purring happily.
It ran its cold hands up and down his sides, and then traced soft spirals into his hips before it removed its tongue entirely. The priest was given only a moment to breathe before it was climbing over him once more. It pressed its lips to his neck, peppering him in soft kisses while one of its hands gave his cock the same treatment it had given his nipples. His body jerked, and a moan escaped his lips. The demon nipped at his collarbone, then soothed the bite with licks. It dipped a finger inside of his cunt just as it latched onto his neck, sucking a deep bruise into his pale flesh. A second finger joined the first, and then a third, stretching him wider than its tongue had. 
It’s preparing me, he thought. It’s stretching me open so it can fuck me.
And so it was. It added a final finger, opening and closing them with a scissor-like motion inside of him. And then it curled them harshly upward, pressing hard against that sensitive spot. He felt a spurt of something wet gush from his cunt around the demon’s fingers, earning a pleased rumble from its chest. It curled them again, and again, faster, harder, and the priest’s eyes rolled back in his head as he was overcome with pleasure. 
There was a tightening in his lower belly, and he couldn’t stop his hips from bucking, his walls from clenching, his back from arching. The coil tightened quickly, and he shook his head, trying to rid himself of these sensations, to no avail.
“No, please… Don’t!” he begged. “I can’t!” 
He was right on the very edge. One more second, and he’d-
The demon stopped all at once, removing its fingers and its lips, and pushed away from him to stand at the foot of the bed. The priest lay there, quivering and clenching around nothing, his cunt leaking and his chest heaving. 
“Silly boy,” the demon chuckled. “You think I’ll let you cum around anything other than my cock?”
It slapped his cunt hard, and the priest cried out in pain. It grabbed his hips and pulled them off the edge of the bed, then settled itself between his legs. He finally got a good look at what he was dealing with. Its cock was as black as the shadows that made up its body, massive - at least the size of his forearm, with a tapered, pointed head and thick, ridged shaft, pronounced veins, and precum leaking from the tip like a faucet. Below them swung enormous balls, bigger than any he’d seen even on the horses in the stable or the bulls in the pasture.
“Please…” he begged, his voice barely a whisper. 
“Please?” the demon asked. “Please what?”
It lined up and began to prod at his entrance. 
“Please don’t do this…”
It smiled that sharp-toothed smile.
“Ah, and here I thought you were begging me to fuck you.”
He forced the head in all at once, and the priest cried out in pain.
“It won’t fit!” he screamed, but the demon only laughed wickedly.
“I’ll make it fit,” it promised, and forced another inch inside.
The pain was blinding, and he fisted handfuls of the bedding either side of him to ground himself against it. 
“You’re so wet, I can slide right inside,” it teased. 
Another inch, a wider stretch. The priest saw stars every time he opened his eyes.
“Your body wants me,” it told him. “Otherwise your pelvis wouldn’t be opening so readily my cock.”
He shook his head feverishly, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Yes,” it chuckled. “Your pelvis is opening up to allow me easier access, and your wet cunt slicked itself up to make pushing in easier. You want this. You want me.”
It snapped its hips forward, burying itself to the hilt in one swift motion. The priest screamed as it slammed against his cervix, but his voice seemed so far away, muffled by the ringing in his ears. It rutted into him, making itself comfortable inside of his body, the pointed tip of its cockhead nestling itself in the little dimple at the opening of his cervix. The tendril around one of his wrist loosened, and then slipped away, but before he could even think to try and throw a punch, the demon had his wrist in its hand. He was silently grateful for the relief on his shoulder as it guided his hand down, where it pressed his palm against his lower abdomen. There was a bulge there, and it moved beneath his hand as the demon rut into him. 
His cock… it’s so big it’s making my stomach bulge…
He clenched involuntarily at the thought. 
“You like that?” it purred. “I thought you might.”
It rested its hand over his, preventing him from pulling away.
“Why are you doing this?” the priest asked quietly.
“Why does anyone do anything?” the demon asked in reply. “Because I want to. Hush now,” it growled. “Enjoy it.”
But how could he enjoy anything when he was being violated so thoroughly? His body would never be the same after this. He would never be the same.
It gripped his hips tightly, but the priest didn’t move his hand from the bulge. Instead, he pressed down on it, though he wasn’t sure why. The demon hissed and its hips bucked forward harshly, pushing the priest upward on the bed. It pulled him back down and dug its claws into his thighs.
“If you make yourself tighter, you’re only going to make me want to fuck you harder. Unless that’s what you want?” it smirked.
He didn’t know why he pressed down. He didn’t mean to, his hand did it on its own… The demon slid almost all the way out of him, and then pushed back in smoothly. The priest let out a long, low moan. The burning stretch had since given way to a pleasant feeling of fullness, and feeling that bulge in his stomach each time the creature bottomed out was doing something to him, making him feel things he wished he wasn’t feeling. 
It pulled out again, then slid in, then out, then in, setting a slow, steady pace, fucking him with its entire length.
“Sto-o-op,” he moaned, the word broken each time its cockhead hit his cervix.
“I don’t think you really want me to,” it chuckled. “I think you want me to make you cum.”
“No…” he whined, even as embers ignited in his belly. “Please, don’t…”
It laughed, low and menacing as it picked up the pace, fucking him harder, faster. It pulled him back against it with each thrust, burying itself as deep as possible, bruising his virgin cervix. Wet squelching and skin slapping against skin filled the air like a song, and the priest’s little whines and moans harmonized beautifully. The embers quickly ignited into a blaze, and the spring began to tighten once more. The demon’s hands slid from his hips. One slipped between his legs to pinch and massage his hot, hard cock, while the other rested once more over the priest’s own.
He didn’t see the demon’s wicked smile, so tightly his eyes were closed, but he felt its thrusts become harsher, faster, until it was fucking him like an animal, growling and panting, warm drool dripping off of its lolling tongue and onto his belly. It pressed down hard on the bulge. The priest released a high-pitched whine at the added pressure, and the demon growled low. 
“So fucking tight…” it breathed. “There’s nothing better than an innocent little virgin stretched around my fat cock.”
“Huh- uh….”
He couldn’t seem to form words anymore. His senses had narrowed until all his world consisted of was the monster violating his body and the pleasure radiating from his core.
“Hmm? What’s that?” the demon purred. “Use your words.”
“Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh.” His voice broke with each thrust.
“No, I didn’t think so,” it grinned and slammed into him like a jackhammer.
The priest tried to arch his back, but the demon’s hand held him down, and that somehow only made the pleasure more intense. 
“No… no, no, no,” he cried with each thrust as he rocketed toward the edge. “No, please!”
He came hard. His entire body tensed and curled in on itself, his cunt clenched and unclenched around the demon’s member, and he threw his head back and cried out. His eyes rolled back, his tongue lolled out, and his breath caught in his chest. The demon plowed deep, pushed itself in as far as possible, and then stilled as a feral growl rumbled in its throat. He could feel its cock throbbing, feel its heavy balls clenching against his ass as it released inside of him. Its seed was hot, and it flooded his cunt like a waterfall. It painted his walls white and leaked out past the demon’s ridged length to run in rivulets down his ass and pool beneath him, mixing with the slick that had gushed out of him earlier.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, a mixture of pain, pleasure, and grief, and it was all he could do to choke back his sobs in between gasping for air. He came down from his high much sooner than the demon did. It seemed like an eternity before the flood of cum finally stopped. It rubbed his belly softly over his uterus, thrust gently another couple of times, and then was gone.
The tendrils unwound themselves from around his body, the shadows retreated back into the far corners of the room, and the priest was left alone, a trembling, cum-soaked mess. His joints were sore from the unpleasant position he’d been trapped in for… how long had it been? He pushed himself off of the bed and unsteadily to his feet. It was only as a sliver of sunlight through the curtains lit upon his pale face that he realized it was dawn. 
Hours. That creature had violated him for hours. He wiped his tears and used the tattered remains of his vestments to clean himself up before descending the stairs back to the dining room. He got dressed and threw his things together as quickly as he could, then all but sprinted for the door. It slammed behind him of its own accord, but he didn’t look back. He couldn’t. 
All he could do was run and hope that whatever dark entity lived within that old stone church decided not to follow him home.
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angelyuji · 14 days
ghost stan haunting the mystery shack after it closed down years ago.... walk with me.
18+!!!!!! minors dni!!
cw // dubcon (under the cut), monster??ghost sex, reader described with female genitalia????? idk how else to describe it
you moved to gravity falls a longggg time after the mystery shack closed down and the realtor in charge of the shack was sooo hype to just get it off their hands, so u got the place pretty cheap. you'd clean up the place, excited to renovate ur new home and explore the very old mystery spot.
it would start off as cold touches like you’re sweeping and you feel a cold hand on your back, you’re cooking and it feels like an arm wraps around your waist. you ignored it all, knowing the place was old and odd. so you ignored it. you ignored the cold spots, the occasional feel of a hand on your ass, the feel of someone watching you shower, the feeling that someone else was in the house with you because, at the end of the day, nothing bad has happened to you!
you ignored it all until one night. you were wrapped on your covers, warm and peacefully asleep, when a chill runs through your body as your blankets are pulled off. you open your eyes, blearily looking around for your blanket. your eyes focus on a blurry image of a man, standing at the edge of your bed. fear paralyzes you as you register the ….
his hand was cold and rough, almost transparent as he slides it up your leg. you can hear his voice, but nothing registers in your head. he pulls down your pajama bottoms and slides a cold finger up your leg, you couldn’t move, paralyzed in fear. you swallow a moan as he presses a thick finger against your underwear. “w-who are you?” you choke out as he starts to pull your underwear.
“i’ve got a lot of names, baby.” the old man dips his head to your shoulder, whispering into your ear. “mr. mystery is one of my favorites though.” you try to stop him, but your hands go through him, unable to grab hold of him. he laughs at your antics and grips your legs tight. he smiles wide and pushes a cold, thick finger inside you. you clench around him, chills going up your spine. “come on, cutie. just relax and you’ll have fun.” you feel him pull out and push in, slowly, savoring the feel of your cunt clenching around his finger. “fuck,” he grunts, “so fucking hot.” you arch your back, as he pushes two fingers in, freezing you to your core. you moan as he brings you closer and closer to the edge, mind going numb.
but as you clench your thighs together, he pulls his fingers out. you whine, “please, no- i need-” he laughs at your begging. he shoves his fingers into your mouth and you suck them clean, tasting yourself around two translucent fingers.
“i’ll be back, pretty.” he grins. you blink and he’s gone.
ghost stan doesn’t come back for a couple days after that and you notice when you realize no one had felt you up while you were in the shack. you had done some research on the shack in that time and realized that it was not a weird dream but the stan pines who was haunting the place. a couple more days go by, and you were getting restless, hoping to see the man and question him. you try some summoning bs you found on the internet- nothing, you call his name 3 times like beetlejuice in the living room- nothing, and you even try to find his grave or living relatives- nothing. at some point, you gave up and went back to convincing yourself it was just a dream…. until a month later when stan decided to pop back up.
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lemonlover1110 · 8 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝟑𝟖𝟏
Toji Fushiguro
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[Chapter 19] Moving Out
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
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“That’s all, I think.” Toji says as he loads up the last box into the moving truck. The day has finally come, Toji is finally moving out. You’ve been dreading this moment more than anything. You really can’t do anything about it, either way.
You’re still in a relationship with Toji, and you’re happy with him, you shouldn’t be upset. He’s just moving away, and he promises that he’ll see you as much as possible until you finally get married and move in together. That’s what he says at least, and of course you choose to believe it.
“Are you staying with us for the weekend? You know we’d love to have you.” Toji asks, watching as you awkwardly stand by his car. You agreed that you’d drive his car to his new house while he drives the moving truck that he rented for the day. 
“I didn’t pack anything, so–” You begin to answer, but that’s not a good enough excuse for Toji. He doesn’t care how long he has to wait, he’ll wait for you. 
“So, you have to go upstairs to get some stuff for the weekend. Megumi and I will wait for you, isn’t that right, bud?” Toji looks down at his little one, and Megumi nods in response. Megumi will do just about anything to have you by his side, it’s no surprise. You smile at your boys before turning on your heel to go upstairs. 
You’re only staying for a night so you shouldn’t really go overboard with packing but you still do. You could last a week in Toji’s house with clean clothes, and you take your sweet time packing as well– Toji grows impatient, and he shows his annoyance when you go back outside. 
“Did you go to the store too or something? Why the hell did it take so long?” Toji’s clear annoyance makes you laugh. 
“I thought you wanted me to accompany you? Does waiting a couple of minutes make you change your mind?” You respond, and Toji rolls his eyes. Megumi runs to your side, and you take his hand. “Let’s go, baby. This old man is getting annoying.”
“Yeah yeah, I’ll see you two later.” Toji says, walking to the truck. You chuckle as you lead Megumi to his father’s car. You get the little boy into his booster seat (although he claims that he’s old enough to sit in the front with you), and you begin your drive to Toji’s new home. You have no idea why or how Toji trusts you enough to drive to his new house with his son nonetheless; he gave you a couple of driving lessons over the past couple of months, and during a very lucky day, you got your license. You’re still not the best driver although Toji claims that you’re a good one.
“Are you excited to live in your new home, Megumi?” You ask, your eyes going to the rearview mirror to look back at Megumi. He’s looking out the window, watching as the familiar passage turns unknown.
“Will you be with me?” He replies, and you chew on your cheek, wondering how you’ll answer that. Yes… But no. Not in the way that you are now. You won’t see Megumi everyday anymore and you won’t be next door to him so he can run to you whenever he needs something. But you’ll still be one call away, and you’ll find the fastest route to get to him whenever he needs you. And Toji too.
“I will be, Megumi. I just won’t be a door away.” You answer, and that’s good enough for Megumi since he stopped listening after you assured him that you will be with him. You’re still seeing him on weekdays since Toji is still leaving him at daycare with you. Things are changing, but it’s not a drastic change. The only main difference is that Toji won’t be next door. You’re still upset about the changes though.
“Can we listen to music?” Megumi asks, and you hum in response before turning on the radio. 
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Toji’s new home needs some renovations, at least that’s what you notice at first glance. But it has potentia, and without noting the defects of the exterior, it’s a beautiful home. When you get to the front, Toji is already unloading his boxes and putting them in the garage. 
“Where are we?” Megumi asks, his little eyes staring at his new home.
“This is your new home, Megumi.” You inform him as you turn off the car. He tilts his little head, his hands and face pressing against the car window. He fogs up the window as he breathes on it, and you notice it when you get out of the car and open the door for him. You get him out of the car, and ask him, “Do you like it?”
“It’s big.” Is all that he really notices about the home. Toji told you that the house also has a big backyard, and you know Megumi is going to be over the moon when he notices that it’s part of his home.
“You two are so slow!” Toji yells when he finally notices you and Megumi. You can’t help but laugh as you grab Megumi’s hand and walk to the garage to join Toji. Toji crosses his arms when you’re next to him, and he clicks his tongue before shaking his head in disappointment, “I’ve been waiting here for a while.”
“But were you really?” You respond and Toji lets out a chuckle, which is your answer. He just got here as well. Toji picks up Megumi from the floor, kissing his forehead before asking,
“You want a tour of your new home, buddy?” And Megumi nods in response. Toji holds Megumi with one arm, while his free hand goes to your own, intertwining your fingers together before Toji drags you inside. Megumi has an option to decline, you don’t. Your first stop is the kitchen, and it’s extremely nice– You expected the rest of the home to be like the exterior, but at first glance, the interior is almost perfect. It’s rather colorful, with sage green cabinets and white oak floors. Toji then says, “I’ve been working on the inside myself… And with some help.”
“I love it.” You tell him, which brings a smile to his lips. He seeks for your approval more than anything, so hearing that you like the place overfills him with joy. 
Toji drags you around, showing you the living room, the dining room, his bedroom, and Megumi’s bedroom which he painted Megumi’s favorite color (which Megumi still doesn’t comprehend it’s his room). Everything is bare for the moment, but you know that they’ll make it their perfect home in a matter of days. Megumi notices the big backyard from the view that the sliding glass door gives him. He runs to the door, dirtying it with his hands as he looks outside.
“Can I play there?” Megumi asks, and Toji has the biggest smile on his face because he can say yes. Megumi can do absolutely anything he wants. Well obviously not anything he wants because Toji will enforce rules, but if Toji didn’t want to enforce those rules, Megumi is free to do whatever.
“Yeah, you can.” Toji answers, opening the door to let Megumi outside. There isn’t much that Megumi can do to help, so it’s best to just let him outside to help. Toji looks at the dirty glass door, clicking his tongue, “That little rascal is already getting the house dirty.”
“He’s just really excited, Toji. You know how he is.” You tell Toji, wrapping your arms around his waist, nestling into his embrace. Toji kisses the top of your head, hugging you back with so much adoration.  If it weren’t so soon in your relationship, he would ask you to move in with him.
“His excitement better not ruin my new house.” Toji says, and you chuckle. You look up at him with a smile before you press your soft lips against his. Toji feels his cheeks get hot– And fuck, he hates it but he also loves it… He’s just embarrassed that he would fold so easily for you. Toji licks his lips before clearing his throat and telling you, “There’s one room that you have yet to see.”
“Is there?” You respond, knowing damn well that you’ve been staring at the door that’s right next to Megumi’s room. You know it isn’t the bathroom since Toji gave you a thorough tour of the house. Toji grabs your hand and leads you to the final room, and you’re not exactly impressed when he opens it. Just another empty room. It’s similar to Megumi’s room, but it lacks color. You raise your brow before asking, “A guest room?”
“What do you think about a nursery?” He replies which makes your eyes go wide. You then furrow your eyebrows in confusion. 
“A nursery?” You ask, and he nods in confirmation. A lot of questions run through your mind but the first words that leave your lips are, “I thought you didn’t want more kids.”
“I’ve thought about it and… The idea of having a baby with you makes me happy– Whether it’s our own or adopted or whatever. Just another member of the family… Plus, Megumi wouldn’t mind having someone to play with.” Toji tells you, and a foolish smile comes to your lips. Yeah… Toji and Megumi are your family now. And you’re so happy with that. You clear your throat before saying,
“Let’s go. You have a lot of boxes to unload.”
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Toji doesn’t have a lot of furniture, which is how you find yourself sitting on the floor, watching a movie that Megumi picked up. Toji doesn’t have the money to get all necessary furniture right away since he’s saving up for other stuff that’s more important than a couch. Either way, Megumi doesn’t mind sitting on the floor in his pajamas to watch a movie, and neither do you. 
You lay your head on Toji’s lap, your eyes feeling heavy as you watch the kids’ movie. Toji caresses your arm, focusing on the movie which he has taken a liking to. If it was up to him, he’d throw a few curses here and there but it’s not a bad movie– At least not compared to other stuff that Megumi has put on the TV. 
“You like the movie?” Toji asks, looking down at you. You’re almost falling asleep, and it makes him chuckle. It’s not even late, you’re just so tired after helping them out (even though Toji doesn’t think that you did all that much anyway). 
“Yeah… It’s good.” Your words come out slurred as your eyes shut on their own. Within minutes, you’re asleep on his lap. He looks at his son, and he’s surprised that Megumi is still wide awake, though maybe he shouldn’t be so shocked because they’re watching a movie that Megumi picked.
“Are you almost ready to go to bed, Megumi? I’m getting tired.” Toji fakes out a yawn since he’s not really tired, but he just wants to put you to bed and lay down with you. Of course Megumi knows that it isn’t his bedtime yet, so he shakes his head in response. One thing about Megumi is that he’ll refuse to go to bed until his bedtime, even when he’s halfway asleep. 
“I’m not tired. It’s early.” Megumi responds, which makes Toji roll his eyes. It feels like Toji can’t assert authority without being mean to his son, which is not something that he wants to do but it’s the only way Megumi listens. But Toji has learned of the great art of bribery, and maybe it isn’t the best way to raise his son but sometimes he needs to make his life easier.
“If you go to bed now, I’ll let you have ice cream for breakfast.” Toji says, and Megumi takes a long second to think about it. That’s a tempting offer, but is he willing to turn off his movie for it? “You can finish it tomorrow morning, c’mon, let’s go to bed. Your old man is tired.”
“Fine. But you better add sprinkles!” Megumi finally agrees, and Toji will take as much as he can get. He does have to wake up earlier than Megumi to go to the store and get the ice cream and sprinkles, but he’ll get it. Toji takes the remote and turns off the screen, and Megumi pouts as he stands up. 
Megumi begins to walk to Toji’s room, and Toji doesn’t have the heart to tell him that they’ll be sleeping in different rooms from now on. Well, it’s not necessary for them to separate so early. Toji doesn’t need a lot of privacy anyway, plus he loves sleeping with his baby boy. Not that he’d ever admit that, he’d just accuse Megumi of being a scaredy cat and having nightmares.
Toji picks you up and carries you to his bedroom, though you’re lightly sleeping so you’re awakened by him. He’s looking down at you, watching you open your eyes. He smiles at you– Fuck, his smile is awful but you love it. You could watch him smile all day long.
“Go back to sleep.” He tells you as he puts you down on his futon. You keep your eyes on him, for some reason not being able to look away. He’s about to walk away to get you a blanket, but your hand wraps around his ankle to stop him from walking away.
“Toji…” You begin and he looks at you with pure confusion. You really didn’t want to be the first one to say it, but you’re half-asleep, realizing how lucky you are to have him with you. Toji is the ideal man for you. “I love you, Toji.”
His eyes widen, completely shocked at your confession. It takes a minute for it to process in his mind before he kneels down beside you and begins to kiss your face. Megumi, who watches everything, has to stop his father before he kills you with all the kisses. Toji grabs your hand, giving it a light squeeze before responding, “I love you too. So so much.”
It’s a simple confession, yet his heart is overfilled with joy. He never expected to hear it again from a woman, much less from a woman he loves so dearly. 
“What about me?” Megumi cries, somewhat interrupting the sweet moment, but he makes it sweeter. Toji shifts his attention to his son and attempts to hug him, but Megumi pushes him away. Megumi wasn’t talking to Toji.
“Come here, Megumi. Lay down next to me.” You pat the space next to you, and Megumi lays down beside you, allowing you to hug him. You kiss the top of his head. “I love you, my little gumi bear.”
“I love you too.” Megumi answers. You stare at the back of his head before looking at Toji, a smile on your face when you realize that he just kneels beside you in awe.
His family feels complete again.
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a/n: this is the third part of the main series of save a horse but it’ll become a perpetual series i think with some one shots & hcs coming out yayy
part 1 | part 2
pairing: cowgirl!madison beer x f!reader
warnings: smuuuut!! but mostly fluff actually. fingering, strap on usage, masturbation, vibrator usage, pet names.
summary: you never want your time with her to end.
you stood outside the door to madison’s house.
it had been a while since you two started a full fledged romance. after the incident in the barn, she took you out on a proper date, excusing it to her being a gentlewoman.
sure, you didn’t mind your quick steamy encounters but it was also nice to know the girl on a deeper level.
“i want this to be more than just hooking up in the barn.” she said, holding your hand at the edge of the cliff. you were getting better with sitting closer to the edge.
“i feel the same way.” you turned to her, placing a kiss on her cheek. “you’re the best thing about this place…” you said, her lip curled into a smile in response.
that night, she took you for a picnic under the stars in the forest. she made some treats for the two of you. one of which included strawberries to dip in chocolate, which she fed you herself.
you laughed all night, you found solace in her. you never thought you would find yourself this happy outside of home. but then you realised you had found a new home in madison.
and that was how you found yourself here, on madison’s front porch. in your pretty little dress that you bought just for tonight. you bought it in madison’s favorite color, hoping to impress her just as much as you wanted to impress her—
“mom!” she yelled out, rushing to get the door before her mother did but she failed nonetheless.
“hello sweetheart! you look so lovely!” her mom greeted you with a smile that matched her daughter’s.
“i brought pie.” you said, sheepishly smiling and holding up an apple pie you made. baking was your specialty, you did it all the time at home.
madison’s head peeked out from the doorway. oh god, that smile… you loved it so much. you couldn’t help but beam the second she tipped her hat at you. her eyes glazed over what you were wearing and she found herself nearly shoving her mom over just to touch you. she enveloped you in a hug, going as far as picking you up slightly.
“baby! the pie!” you squealed out, letting yourself get set down as madison took it from your hands. “i worked so hard on it.”
madison didn’t hesitated to stick her finger into the filling part of it, licking it clean. “it’s delicious! took no damage.” you smacked her arm and both of you laughed, much to her mom’s amusement.
madison & her mom led you into the house where you noticed for a country house, it was surprisingly modern. they had a marble kitchen and modern appliances.
“we renovated last year. our house was hit by the impact of a tornado so mom decided she wanted to modernize a little bit. she wanted to make it just a bit more stable for all of us in case it happened again.” madison noticed your open-mouthed staring.
“it’s beautiful. she did a really good job.” you nodded. madison set the pie down on the kitchen counter behind you.
“i’m glad you came tonight.” she said, her arms wrapping around you from behind. you placed your hands on hers.
“i wouldn’t miss it for the world.” you turned around to face her, looking up at her and placing your hands on her cheeks. “my gorgeous girl, this is like a dream come true.” you said, she leaned down to kiss you, pulling you closer towards her chest.
“it is for me too.” she smirked. “and you in that dress, baby… oh… the things you do to me.” she said, spinning you around. “you look beautiful.”
“i try, i try.” you teased.
“dinner’s ready!” you heard her mom call out.
you sat next to madison at the table, introducing yourself to her dad & brother as you sat down. you saw her scoot her chair slightly closer to you, rolling your eyes at her as she just shrugged you off. she just wanted to be closer to you.
you observed her dad, it seemed like all three of them fell under his authority pretty quickly. then again, you knew he was a veteran, with that background comes a presence that was unmissable— you understand where madison would have gotten it from. not that he seemed unkind or closed off, but he definitely seemed to be the type of person that would say no phones at the dining table.
her mom seemed to be an absolute sweetheart, serving everyone but herself. madison actually served you, taking the bowl of food from her mother. you tried to protest but she argued that you were their guest, you didn’t have to do anything.
her younger brother seemed almost like a carbon copy of madison. they were both playful, shoving each other from across the table and flinging bits of food at each other.
“what are your plans for the rest of the year?” madison’s mother said, snapping you out of your thoughts.
you hadn’t been asked that question before. your supposed six-month trial run hadn’t come to a close yet so you hadn’t gotten the chance to think about it. madison noticed a shift in your body language, placing a comforting hand on your thigh.
“i actually have no idea.” there was something about her mother’s demeanour that made you think honesty was the best way to go about answering her. “i was only supposed to be here for six months but i honestly don’t know what will happen after.” you confessed. “as much as i miss the city, i like being here. it’s been nice reconnecting with my childhood and my grandparents.” you smiled a little at the thought. “and your daughter was just there to sweeten the deal.” you joked.
her mother laughed at your joke, her father even cracking a smile after being quiet for most of the dinner so far.
“oh you’re too funny, sweetie.” her mom chuckled. she sounded just like madison when she chuckled. “well, whatever you decide, i’m sure madison would follow you to the ends of the earth.” she teased her daughter. “she always brings you up when she can. we were talking about limes and she managed to include you into the conversation.”
you looked over at a red-faced madison, a smirk creeping up onto your face. “is that so?” you nudged her a little bit. “didn’t think you liked me that much, cowgirl.”
“i don’t.” she huffed, clearly lying but embarrassed cause of all the teasing.
“you never shut up about her.” her younger brother chimed in, flicking a grain of rice towards madison. madison stood up quickly in a fit of playful rage, her younger brother immediately leaped out of his seat and ran away towards the living room.
“oi! you have to excuse yourselves to do that!” her father yelled out but there was no use, they were already too far.
a part of you hated madison for leaving you with her parents but you also felt comforted but their presence.
“you’re good for her.” her father spoke, that was the first time he addressed you.
“i try to be, sir.” you nodded. “but i think she’s more good for me. i wasn’t like this when i first came here.”
“she mentioned it. but i wouldn’t have noticed that you were any different.” he said, it was one of the kindest things you’ve ever heard. you were glad that someone noticed your change after you tried your hardest to make a difference.
“thank you, sir. that’s very kind.” you smiled warmly. her mother nodded in agreement with him.
madison & her brother suddenly ran back into the kitchen, sitting back down at their places.
“you done being at each other’s throats?” her father said, finishing his meal. they both nodded at their dad. you noticed madison’s flannel was misbuttoned and another button was missing. her hat was crooked on her head and she looked disheveled.
“you lost that fight, didn’t you?” you teased her.
“no way!” she defended herself while her brother cut her off.
“she totally lost that fight.”
“guess you’re not as tough as you look!” you loved trying to get a reaction out of her.
“shut up.”
you and madison’s family sat outside around the firepit. it was only your girl that was missing.
you had a cardigan over your shoulders, pulling it shut to keep yourself from the cold.
you heard the back door swing open and turned to see madison bringing out a guitar.
since when did she know how to play a guitar?
you looked at her with curiosity. you weren’t complaining, you actually should have known she was able to play. she never failed to surprise you with something new all the time, it was something you admired about her.
she sat down next to you, her arm touching yours as she put the guitar on her lap. the neck of it hovered over your legs but you didn’t mind, you loved being closer to her. you even scooted closer for warmth, holding onto her arm that was used to hold the fretboard.
“didn’t know you were a rockstar.” you said, leaning your head on her shoulder.
“i’m not. but my dad used to play, he taught me how.” she played a couple notes from a riff.
“you amaze me.” your eyes sparkled when you looked up at her.
she started playing the chords to a song you found familiar. you may have heard it in passing.
“i set out on a narrow way, many years ago…”
she can fucking sing?!
your head practically shot up upon hearing her voice.
“hoping i would find true love along the broken road.”
oh my god. her voice. it was like the chorus descending from the heavens. you thought she was kidding, that she would play some silly stupid kid’s song or something.
“but i got lost a time or two. wiped my brow and kept pushing through.”
you didn’t know whether to be mad that she kept this from you— that she had a voice of an angel.
“i couldn’t see how every sign pointed straight to you.”
or mesmerized that the girl you met a couple months ago had a talent you didn’t expect from her. her voice was smooth like butter, she carried the tune with ease.
“that every long lost dream led me to where you are.”
and when she looked at you with those eyes. god, those eyes. you couldn’t help yourself. you were weak in the knees, you’d need help standing up later.
“others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars.”
you. you. she was singing to you. she was looking straight at you while she serenaded you.
“pointing me on my way, into your loving arms.”
and you. you loved her.
“this much i know is true…”
you. loved. her.
“that god blessed the broken road…”
you loved this girl from the country. you loved everything about her. how she cared for you, how she changed you. you loved madison.
“that led me straight to you…”
you wasted no time sitting madison down on her bed when you two got each other alone.
you straddled her lap, kissing her and knocking her hat off.
“god… you… when did you learn how to sing?!” you were frustrated— mentally, sexually, all of it!
“if i had known it would have affected you this much, i would’ve serenaded you ages ago.” she said, untying your dress with her apparently very skillful hands.
“shut up.” you said, practically tearing the rest of the buttons off her flannel when you tore it open. “show me what else you can do with your fingers.”
“don’t have to tell me twice.” she said, placing a hand on your back and knocking you down onto the bed.
she needed no help in taking her own clothes off. you quickly stripped yourself of your dress, throwing it onto the floor. she took her tank top off and unbuckled her jeans.
she sighed out of lust, the view in front of her was more beautiful than the seven wonders to her.
you sprawled out under her just in some lingerie you picked out to surprise her with. she was hovering over you and yet you were still talking.
“i can’t believe you’d do that to me. at your parents’ house!” you complained, she furrowed her brows at you.
“what i did?!” she exclaimed. “what about you?! you and this dress— my favorite color. you knew what you were doing!” the lingerie matched the color of your dress. “and this! you knew you’d get me in bed!” she accused.
“i didn’t expect you to play guitar and sing to me!” you tried to fight until she shut you up with a kiss, you forgot everything you wanted to say. “god… i want you.”
she wanted to punish you for what you did— you purposefully provoked her. but then she looked into your eyes, she saw something else other than the intention of getting her into bed. she saw something unfamiliar, and she saw how much you craved her.
to you, you know exactly what your eyes were saying. love. love her. you love her.
she smashed your lips together in a sloppy kiss, she put most of her weight on top of you but still held herself up a little bit. her right hand found your cunt, she was impatient, she just pushed your panties over to the side and started circling your clit with her fingers.
“oh baby, you really did want me, huh?” she asked, kissing your neck. you nodded through a soft moan as your legs opened wider for her.
“shhh, baby. my family’s next door.” she whispered to you, pecking your lips. “you’ll have to be quiet.”
you wanted to complain, you wanted the entire world to know how madison made you feel. although it became hard to fight back when you felt her slip a finger into you.
“god, you don’t even need foreplay. you’re just ready for me.” she said, sucking the skin of your neck. she’d leave a mark for sure. you whimpered, rutting your hips against her pumping finger. “so very very needy. my needy girl. so good for me.”
your hands tangled themselves in madison’s hair, your face was angled away from her so she could keep kissing your neck. you craved all of this, all of her. you were basically already fucked out from how much she turned you on from earlier.
“mads, i want you to feel it too.” you muttered, turning to look at her finally, pushing her out of your neck. you aimed to please her just as much as she did to you.
“okay, baby. whatever you want.” she nodded and pulled away from you. you started slowly touching yourself while she was turned away, rubbing your clit and groping at your own breast. “stop it.” she said, ordering you.
“how did you even know?!”
“you do it a lot. you’re just too needy sometimes. i know every single time.” she mocked you. she stepped into a harness that she pulled out of her drawer, but you saw her insert something into herself. “got this for us.” she turned back around.
it was a strap-on with a vibrator attachment for her. you two had tried more adventurous things, there wasn’t a lot to do in the country. you grinned at it.
“too sweet.” you giggled softly, still groping at your breasts.
she made her way back over to you, hovering on top of you again. you pulled her down to you for a kiss, you let out a small moan just from it. it turned you on knowing you both were going to satisfy yourselves.
she pressed a button on the base of the silicone cock, moaning when the vibration started inside of her. “woah… okay, fuck. amazing investment.” she laughed.
“where did you even get it?” you asked, pulling her closer.
“uh.. amazon. it was my first order!” you both chuckled softly.
“okay, hurry, hurry.” you grabbed the dick yourself, trying to speed up the process. your core was absolutely throbbing at this point, you needed to ease it before you exploded.
you lined the cock up with your hole and madison pushed it in, slowly. you both groaned when you swallowed it in its entirety.
“taking me so good, baby.” she said, thrusting into you at a medium pace. “fuckk—“ her words were stringing along as she felt herself succumb to the vibration. “you look amazing when you take my cock.” she managed to get out.
“i bet you love fucking me like this, huh?” you ran a hand through her hair. your other hand rested on her shoulder. she nodded as she let out another moan.
you shushed her kindly, remembering that her parents slept in the next room. you would be surprised if they didn’t hear the vibration paired with your noises. the walls seemed awfully thin for a renovated house.
madison had a hard time keeping her composure as the vibrator sent little buzzes up her own core. glands of sweat started to form on her skin, dripping down onto your chest. she palmed one of your boobs, taking the other one into your mouth. your noises spurred her on, her arousal coating the vibrator. you let out little whimpers when she used her teeth to tug at your nipple.
her thrusts increased in pace. your jaw dropped open when you felt the vibration from the base of the cock hit your clit with every thrust. your mixed pleasure with madison was overwhelming, you were cock-drunk on her but you wanted more and more.
her little grunts when she collided into you, her sloppy kisses on your neck, and the sweet nothings she was whispering in your ear.
“oh my baby… this pussy is mine and mine only.” she growled into your ear. “nobody else is ever gonna fuck you this good.”
“mmhm, nobody else.” you repeated after her. her hand made its way to your clit again, a gasp tried to force its way out of you until you smacked your hand over your mouth. “oh god mads! i’m so close.”
“me too baby… cum with me. c’mon… you can do it.” your nails clawed at her back as you reached your peak. you left red scratch marks.
“mads!” you cried out as a moan got caught in your throat as you finished all over her dick, resulting in a gasp that you were certain someone would have heard.
your body jolted up as hers came crashing down on you.
“fuck!” she said, her legs twitching, you know she finished as well. she panted softly, her head in between your breasts as she pulled out of you, stopping the vibrator as she did.
she collapsed next to you, still trying to catch her breath. you both wrapped your arms around each other in a hug.
your chin was on top of her head as she cuddled into you.
“this is the best night of my life.” she said, muffled as her face was still in between your tits.
“oh you…” you shoved her playfully. “you’re so cheeky.
“but you love me for it.” she teased.
“i do.” you don’t know why that suddenly came out.
“what?” she pulled away from you, staring into your eyes.
“i do… love you. i mean.” you said, not being able to control yourself. it was a mix of tiredness and arousal, you thought.
“i love you too, princess.” she said. it was the happiest she’s ever been. she had thought she was incapable of being loved, or loving. but you had proved her so very wrong.
and she had proved you wrong. it wasn’t tiredness or arousal… it was just her.
madison drifted off to sleep quickly. she had put a lot of effort into the day. you heard her snoring and she turned away from you in her sleep. you pouted at first but thought it was good timing for what you planned to do.
you slipped out of bed and put one of her t-shirts on along with a pair of shorts.
you snuck outside, sitting on the porch out the front door.
you had your phone with you. you knew it was late but whether or not they answered, you wanted them to know before you forgot to say anything.
you looked through your contacts and pressed dial on the right one. it took six rings before you got a response.
“hey! sorry we couldn’t get to the phone right now, we’ll call you back when you get the time!”
“hey mom! hey dad!” you started, the cold breeze outside sent a shiver down your spine.
you suddenly saw a figure show itself in the light.
madison had come out to join you after realising you were missing. she had turned over to try and cuddle you but was met with an empty space. she came out to drag you back in but saw you on the phone.
she was beautiful in this light, you almost forgot you were on the phone.
“i’m sorry it’s so late but i wanted to let you know this by tonight.” you snapped back to reality.
“i’ve decided to stay.”
over the next few weeks, your parents made the trip up. they dropped off a couple more of your things that you would need in order to stay the rest of the year.
you had no idea what was in store for after that but you knew you wanted more time with your grandparents and more time with madison.
your parents were so pleased to hear how you had been settling in.
madison was so excited to meet your parents. and your grandparents had spilled the beans about the two of you so your parents were excited to meet her as well.
madison had put on her best flannel, which you thought was incredibly silly but not out of character for her. she had some dirt on her face from working that you had wiped off just as your parents pulled up.
your mom and dad basically came running to you, enveloping you in a group hug.
“i’ve missed you both!” you said, holding back tears. it had been a while since you’ve seen them in person.
“we missed you, honey.” your mom kissed your forehead.
“it’s not the same without you but i guess we’ll just have to settle for it. you look so happy.” your father said, kissing your cheek.
they both turned to look at madison, your father sticking his hand out to her.
“so you’re the girl that has my daughter whipped for the country, huh?” your dad said, madison took his hand and shook it.
“dad!” you exclaimed, nudging his back.
“well, i’m flattered, but what’s not to like about the country? we have cool animals and good music.” madison returned the sentiment.
“i’m with you there!” your mom said.
“when have you ever liked country music?” you asked her as your dad started bringing the luggage down from the back of his truck. madison followed him and offered to help him out, they talked about the truck as they did it.
“i used to play the banjo.” your mom revealed.
“what?! why have you never taught me?!” you gasped.
“because you threw a tantrum when asked to sit still.” she argued.
“she still does!” madison called out.
“oh shut it!” you scolded her and she just rolled her eyes at you with a smile on her face.
“c’mon!” your grandma called from the house. “get inside! the food’s getting cold!”
your mom & dad walked towards the house. despite the fact that madison was carrying suitcases, you pulled her in for a deep kiss.
“c’mon darlin’, i gotta get these suitcases in there so we can get some food in us and take the horses out.” she protested.
“i love when you talk country to me.” you said, a toothy grin forming on your face.
“well you’re not getting rid of me that easy so you’re gonna have to love it.” she pressed a quick kiss to your cheek.
“i love you.” you said, letting her walk faster before her arms got tired out.
“i love you too.” she said, nodding her head once to stimulate tipping her hat.
man, you loved the country.
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broomservicefan · 7 days
עצות מעשיות לעזור בניקיון הבית ולחסוך זמן
גלו עצות מעשיות לעזור בניקיון הבית, לנקות ביעילות ובמהירות וליהנות מסביבה ביתית נעימה ומסודרת יותר.
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pascallftv · 9 months
Girl Next Door
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Next Part Series Masterlist
Dbf!Joel x F!Reader AU
Word count: 5.6k
Summary: You move back into your dad’s farmhouse in the serene countryside after you graduate college. Your dad hires Joel Miller, his best friend and neighbor, to remodel your private bathroom. Your dad is a truck driver and leaves for a work trip for several weeks, leaving Joel in your company to do his renovations and watch over you. Unbeknownst to you, Joel is just as much infatuated with you as you are with him.
Content: This fic will last multiple parts along with plot. It will be slow burn but I promise it’ll be worth it.
Warning: This first part contains mature content but is mostly plot based. (Mentions of masturbation (m and f), dirty thoughts)
This fic will contain a relationship with a 22/48 age gap. Some parts will contain mature content. There is a plot but chapters may be read separately if desired.
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“Hi, babygirl.” Your dad said, pulling you in for a tight hug, swinging back and forth in your driveway.
You had just gotten back from your six hour drive home from your university in Chicago. The past four years of your life were stowed away in your little white compact SUV. Your college career had flown by in a blur; it felt like just yesterday you were a mere freshman on campus without a clue in the world as to what you were doing with the rest of your life. Fast forward and you were moving back home to stay with your father as you began your new fully remote digital marketing job. You were lucky enough to land a full-time position with a digital marketing company after completing an internship with them the summer before your senior year of college. Eventually you saw yourself living in a big city like LA, but for the time being, you decided to move back home to your dad’s house to save up some money.
Besides, you hadn’t seen your father in months. He was a full time truck driver, so your schedules clashed terribly. Over your breaks at school, your dad was conveniently scheduled to do month long drives. You missed him terribly, so you moving back home was going to allow you to rebuild your relationship with your father.
“I’m so happy to see you. I’ve got your bedroom all clean and ready to go.” Your father said as you pulled away from your hug. His eyes were beaming with excitement. Growing up, you had always been extremely close. When your mother left him when you were just three years old, he took on the job of raising you as a single father. Eventually when you were old enough to be left home alone, he landed a job with a trucking company to deliver supplies across the country. The decision was tough because the last thing your dad wanted was to leave you for weeks at a time, but the salary was too good to pass up with you eventually wanting to attend a four year university. Your college education was extremely important to your father, so seeing his baby girl all grown up with a degree and a full-time job made him so proud.
“Great!” You said, looking back at your car. “I have so much shit to carry in. Mind giving me a hand?”
“I guess.” Your dad said, his tone laced with mock dread.
You and your dad spent the next hour and a half carrying all of your belongings to your bedroom. You hadn’t realized how much shit you had collected over the past few years. By the time you were finished, you were both exhausted. You both sat in the living room sofa, biting into delivery pizza and sipping on soda. You sat with your legs perched up on the sofa cushion, and you felt so homey and accomplished. You started your first day of work at the start of next week. You were incredibly nervous for your first day, but you decided to shift your focus on spending time with your dad.
“So,” he began, “you remember Joel, right?”
Of course you remembered Joel. Joel Miller moved into the house next door the summer you graduated high school. You’d see him occasionally that summer, typically when you’d go outside to sunbathe and he was working on various chores in his yard. You both lived in farmhouses on expansive land in the middle of the country. He spent his time doing yard work and various home renovations when he wasn’t doing contractor work for his clients. You’d spoken to him on various occasions when your dad would invite him over for cookouts or to watch football games. He was a rather reserved man, something in his past making him an abrasive person. Joel had never been rude to you, but he hadn’t been overly kind either. However, that was his normal to you.
“Of course.” You said, taking another bite of pizza. Your dad sat his plate down on the coffee table, then settled back down into his couch cushion.
“I decided since you’re going to be living here full time again that I’d hire Joel to renovate your bathroom. It’s so outdated and I’d rather you have a space that’s fully functioning for when I’m gone. Besides, I want your space to be the best it can be.” Your dad explained. You smiled at him setting your pizza crust back onto your plate.
“Aw, well thank you, Dad.” You beamed up at him, setting your plate next to his on the table. “So what will the renovations consist of? Will it be functional or is he ripping it out completely?”
“If he’s going to do it, I’d rather him start from scratch and build you the bathroom to your liking. I’ll have you two sit down and discuss what you want done so he can go shop from supplies and get an idea of what you want. He’s going to get started at the beginning of next week.” He explained further. “But— I leave for a work trip on Monday and I won’t be back for at least five weeks. I figured you two can handle it and Joel is my buddy, so I trust him.”
Your dad went on about how if you needed anything while he was gone with work, that Joel had offered to help you out. Whether that was if you had any issues with repairs in the house, errands, or simply just someone to confide in. It was summer, and the weather typically got bad in your area. Tornadoes and severe weather weren’t strangers in your region, and it made you and your dad feel safer that someone like Joel was on standby.
“Already, honey. I’m beat. I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” Your dad said, standing up from the couch. You stood up next to him and reached out for another hug.
“Goodnight, Dad. Thank you for helping me today. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You said, your dad squeezing you tight.
Your dad normally wasn’t an affectionate guy, so you knew he was ecstatic for you to be home. This warmed your heart.
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The next day, you spent most of the day unpacking most of your belongings. You started with your clothing, and ended with your toiletries and other essentials. When you were finished, you decided to throw on your bikini to go sunbathe in the backyard. It was a beautiful summer day, and you wanted nothing more than to relax and catch a tan before you spent most of your days inside on your computer. You slipped on your black bikini. It was simple, but it was flattering on your curves and showed off your patchwork tattoos. You threw on your black sunglasses, making sure to grab your headphones, then grabbed a towel from your bathroom. Your dad was right— it was very outdated and your shower and sink were showing signs of age. You were surprised both of them still functioned properly.
When you walked outside, you caught eye of your dad sitting across from someone on the patio. The figure sitting in the chair across from your father’s had ashy brown hair with streaks of gray running through it. He was wearing a washed out denim button up and a pair of dark washed jeans, acccompanied with a worn out pair of work boots. You quickly realized it was Joel.
Your dad’s head turned at the sound of you opening and closing the patio door. He immediately cracked and smile and waved at you.
“Hi sweetie.” He squinted at you, the midday sun bright against his bare eyes. Joel turned his head to to the side, locking eyes on you. He observed you with his dark brown eyes and a knit brow. He ran his calloused fingers over his salt and pepper beard as he took in the sight of you in just your skimpy bikini. Your dad introduced you as you walked towards them, you suddenly feeling insecure under his friend’s gaze. You hadn’t realized Joel was over, otherwise you wouldn’t have stepped out in minimal clothing.
“I’m sure you remember each other.” You dad continued, gesturing between the both if you. Joel nodded, his eyes baring into the dim lenses of your sunglasses.
“I do, you’re much more grown now than the last time I’d seen ya.” Joel said, his voice deep and gruff. Your stomach did a flip at his words. Why were you feeling this way?
Get a grip. You told yourself.
“Yeah.” You breathed out. “18 to 22 is a lifetime within itself.”
Joel nodded then looked back towards your father.
“I told her that you’ll be working on her bathroom for the next several weeks while I’m gone. She might run into a hiccup here and there where she might need to call you over for some help. Shouldn’t give ya too much trouble.” Your dad teased, his eyes dancing between the two of you. Joel nodded and took a sip out of the beer bottle in his hand then dropped it to rest on the arm of his chair.
“I won’t have any other gigs lined up while I’m working here. I should be around if you need me.” Joel spoke, his gaze finding yours once again. You sent him a gracious smile.
“Wonderful, thank you.” You replied. After a moment, you glanced down at your attire and cleared your throat. “I won’t keep you. I came out to get some sun before I’m stuck inside working next week.”
Joel’s eyes were still locked on you, his gaze flickering down your body and back up to eye level. Your skin felt on fire under his stare. There was something about how stern and rigorous his aura was that held your attention captive. The newfound attraction you were suddenly feeling for Joel had you puzzled and almost appalled at yourself. He was definitely a handsome man, but he was over twice you age and he was your father’s best friend. You internally scolded yourself. You weren’t sure why you were suddenly feeling this way towards Joel, but you knew you’d have to shun those thoughts away. It was preposterous.
“There’s a chance for storms next week, get that sun while you can.” Your dad said, your eyes moving from Joel to him. You frowned and adjusted the towel in your arms.
“Great.” You said sarcastically. “I’ll leave you guys to it.”
You sent them both a smile and your father waved you off. You ventured off the patio and onto the trimmed green grass of the backyard. You father and Joel’s properties were gorgeous. The expansive land overlooked a spacious field with a forest in the distance. Just before the unruly tall grass of the field was a large manmade pond with a dock that Joel had built the summer he moved in. The country was serene and beautiful. The only sounds were those of the wind whistling and the occasional airplane flying overhead.
You laid your large beach towel down on the grass. You put on your headphones and carefully laid down on your back. The sun already felt amazing on your skin. During the school year, you hadn’t had much free time to do little self care things like this. You knew the sun wasn’t great for your skin in the long run, but it wasn’t often you got to bask in the sunshine.
As you sunbathed, your dad and Joel engaged in random conversations. They discussed the weather, recent football news, the bathroom remodel, and various other things. Your dad did most of the talking while Joel tried his best to interpret what he was saying. Joel’s gaze was fixated on how perfect your breasts looked as you laid on your back taking in the sunshine. Your nipples were peeking through the thin fabric of your bikini top, not leaving much to his imagination. He adjusted in his chair. He felt his cock hardening inside of his jeans, and mentally he was punching himself. You were way too young for him. Not only was the age gap an issue, but you were his best friend’s daughter. Despite how morally distraught these feelings were making him, Joel couldn’t bring himself to take his eyes off of you. He’d avert his gaze to the pasture every so often so your father wouldn’t catch on, but every time he felt his attention reverting right back to your body.
“I hate that I won’t be here when you’re remodeling.” Your father said, rubbing the bottom of his beer bottle in circle on the wooden arm rest of his chair, observing the stains the condensation from the chilled glass left. “But I trust your judgment. And I trust her taste.”
“You know me. I’m a perfectionist.” Joel’s lips twisted into a half smile, lifting his beer to take another sip. Your father smiled back at him, chuckling and shaking his head.
“You’ll probably drive her crazy with how particular you are.” Your dad joked. It went quiet for a second, the both of them sitting in the peaceful quiet in thought.
“You know, I really thought she’d be engaged and off in some big city somewhere by now.” Your dad spoke, his head leaning back and him closing his eyes to feel the sun beating down on his skin. Joel swallowed hard, looking back towards you. You’d flipped on your stomach, your ass on perfect display for him. His cock twitched in his pants, and he quickly adjusted himself before your father reopened his eyes.
“Why’s that?” Joel responded.
“She’s always been such a romantic. Dunno where she got it from, sure as hell wasn’t me. After her mom left, I didn’t even try to date.” He began. “When she was teenager she was obsessed with romance films and novels. She was always crushing on someone.”
Your dad ran a hand through his graying hair and sighed.
“She got her heart broken pretty bad her senior year of high school. She was dating this asshole for two years and then he cheated on her. Since then, I don’t think she’s even tried to date. Makes me sad for her, but then again I guess it let her focus on her school work.” He explained. Joel felt a tightness in his chest at his words. He was almost jealous.
You were one of the most beautiful women Joel had ever laid eyes on. Not only were you pretty, but you were a kind, wise soul. In the times he’d been around you before you left for college, you acted beyond your years. You were intelligent and engaging to speak to. His infatuation with you had started when you were eighteen, but he had always shunned away his attraction for everyone’s sake.
Joel did know one thing for sure. He didn’t know how in the hell he was going to hide his feelings for you for the next several weeks.
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Monday came sooner than you had anticipated. You had said goodbye to your father the night before because you knew Monday was going to be chaotic with him loading up his luggage for his trip while you were making sure your setup was flawless for your first day of remote work. You’d spent the rest of the weekend rearranging you bedroom and workspace while also prioritizing spending time with your father. You were used to rarely seeing him while you were away at college, but it still pained you to see him leave for the next several weeks.
You began work at nine in the morning. You were a digital marketing assistant for a company within the entertainment industry, so your daily tasks consisted of editing social media content. As long as you got your tasks done for the day, you could take breaks and technically end your day whenever you wanted. By two in the afternoon you had already finished your first day of work, and you immediately felt a weight lifted off your shoulders. You were worried for no reason. You were more than qualified and you enjoyed your work.
You and Joel planned to sit down and discuss the plans for your bathroom remodel that evening, so you spent a majority of the rest of the afternoon researching renovation inspiration. You saved several pictures of showers, sinks, and layouts that you liked to show Joel. You were nervous to see Joel. You were normally very good with hiding your attraction for people, but something about Joel made you extra nervous. You were terrified you were going to act weird and make it painfully obvious. You sighed and stood up from your desk, deciding to take one last shower in your bathroom before it was out of service for the next couple months.
You grabbed your waterproof speaker and connected your phone to play some music as you showered. You decided to shuffle your classic rock playlist and turned the water as hot as it could go. One of your flaws was needing scorchingly hot shower water. You hummed along to “Beast of Burden” as you brushed through the tangles in your hair. Your thoughts began to run crazy as you disassociated while prepping for your shower. Your mind drifted off to Joel. You couldn’t help but wonder about his personal life. Was he seeing anyone? Has he ever been married? If so, what happened? Your thoughts were running wild as you stepped into the shower, the water almost being too hot to withstand, but it felt perfect on your skin.
The water ran off your skin, your hair soaking as you emulsified shampoo between your palms. A scenario began to play in your head. You imagined it were Joel’s large, coarse hands scrubbing the shampoo into your scalp. You closed your eyes and parted you lips as you imagined him towering over you from behind, his front touching your backside as he massaged the shampoo into your locks. The shea butter scent filled the steamy shower stall, the suds falling down the soft skin of your body. You felt a rush of arousal send a tingle down your abdomen into your core. You felt naughty having such disgusting thoughts about your dad’s best friend, but you hadn’t felt this aroused in months. You hadn’t had sex since your last high school relationship. You’d gone on a few dates in college, but none of them ever led to anything. The furthest you’d gone with anyone was a few steamy make outs at the club on the weekends when you got a little too drunk, but you never ended up taking anyone home.
You nipples began to harden under the flow of water from your shower head. Your eyes flickered up to inspect the shower head. It wasn’t detachable. You groaned in disappointment. You needed friction immediately. Your hand reached up to your breasts, softly toying with the supple flesh of your nipple. You ran gentle circles around the raised skin, pinching the mound between your fingertips. You exhaled deeply, your folds slowly begging to become coated in arousal. You squeezed your thighs together to try and relieve the discomfort. Your clit was throbbing at the crest of your folds. You slowly lowered your hand down your torso to your clitoral hood, lifting it up ever so softly to graze your sensitive bud. Your legs jolted at the sudden wash of pleasure in your lower abdomen. You carefully danced circles around the bundle of nerves. After teasing your clit for a moment, you lowered your fingers to swipe up your vulva, then teasing the soft skin around the opening of your vagina.
You inserted your index finger into your opening, curling it upwards to run over the rough skin of your g spot. You moaned softly as you began to pump your finger in and out of yourself. You added a second finger as your canal adjusted to the girth of your first finger. You couldn’t remember the last time you masturbated, so the intense pleasure was overcoming your senses exceptionally fast. You free hand moved downwards to press against the flesh of your pelvic bone, pushing your g spot further against your fingertips. You gasped as you felt the estranged feeling of your orgasm creeping up on you. The white heat of you climax was in the distance, and you moved your outer hand to run circles around your clit. The added pleasure of the clitoral stimulation sent you into pure euphoria. Your orgasm hit you suddenly, your pussy clenching around your fingers. Your eyes rolled back in your head as your climax hit you like a train, your legs losing their strength beneath you. You moaned audibly, your hand jutting out to stabilize yourself against the wall of your shower.
What you didn’t realize as you were pleasuring yourself in the shower was Joel had entered your house to meet with you about your bathroom. He’d figured you were finishing up your work day, so he took a seat on the sofa downstairs. He had texted you several minutes ago and you weren’t responding. He tapped his finger against his thigh, soon realizing he could hear the shower running upstairs. His mind drifted off to imagine how your naked body would look covered in suds and glistening from the water in the shower. He felt like a horny teenage boy. You had been infiltrating his thoughts like crazy since the day you sunbathed. Embarrassingly enough, Joel had jacked off two nights in a row over the sight of your tits and ass in that tiny bikini. He wanted nothing more than to explore your body without the obstruction of clothing. He felt vile and disgusting thinking so animalistically about you, but the infatuation was overcoming him.
Joel’s ears perked up when he heard your muffled moans coming from upstairs. His brows knitted together as he tried to decipher what he had just heard. You couldn’t be, could you? His suspicions were confirmed when he heard you moan again. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and his mind began racing again. You were masturbating not even twenty feet away from him. He felt his pants begin to tighten, and he let out a breathy moan as he palmed himself over his jeans. He felt so dirty and desperate. He longed to bound up the stairs and join you, fucking you against the wall of your shower, your soapy breasts shoved up against the glass door. He tipped his head back and he squeezed his penis through his jeans, the tent struggling against the tight material. He could feel himself leaking into his boxers. In a quick decision, Joel pushed himself off the couch and made his way to the downstairs bathroom. He wasn’t sure how long you would take to finish your shower, but he knew he’d have to relieve himself to be able to have a normal conversation with you about this remodel.
Joel closed the bathroom door, locking it behind him. He wasted no time unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, letting them fall to his ankles. He gripped the sink with his free hand, reaching into his boxers to pull out his throbbing cock. Just as he thought, his tip was leaky and sensitive. He ran his middle finger and thumb in a tight ring around the ridge between his mushroom tip and shaft, stroking it firmly. He breathily whimpered as he gripped the counter harder, his knuckles turning white. He began to pump himself up and down, picturing your breathtaking body in that god for saken bikini again. He imagined pushing you back onto your bed in that skimpy little suit, the ties around your hips loosened. He visualized untying the strings, slipping the material off to expose your perfect pussy to him. God, and your perky tits were enough to make his length twitch in his hand. He stroked himself faster, feeling himself getting closer to release. He replayed the sweet sound of your moan in his head, the small detail being enough for his release to jump in hot spurts against his hand. He moaned as he came hard, his abdominal muscles clenching as his climax overcame his senses.
Joel took a moment to catch his breath and come down from his high before grabbing a tissue to clean up his hand and tip. He exhaled deeply as he tucked his softened length back into his boxers. He wondered if you had finished as he washed his hands with citrus scented hand soap.
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You had come downstairs nearly an hour after Joel had finished. That orgasm was exactly what you needed to relax before facing Joel. Sure, you were consciously fighting the remorse after cumming on your fingers to the thought of your neighbor, but you weren’t nearly as nervous as you had been previously.
You’d gotten Joel’s text, and you internally cringed knowing that he was in the house while you were masturbating to the thought of him. You hurried down to greet him, finding him sitting on the sofa. You noticed his cheeks were more flushed than usual, but you assumed he had just been outside doing chores that day and had gotten a little too much sun.
“Hi, I’m so sorry to keep you waiting. I was in the shower and got carried away.” You apologized, sitting down adjacent to Joel. He glanced up at you with his big brown eyes, an emotion running through them that you couldn’t put a finger on.
“No worries.” Joel responded with his gruff voice. He cleared his throat. He seemed stiff, as though something was bothering him. You kept your suspicions to yourself and opened your laptop to show Joel the inspiration pictures you had saved.
“I have a few inspiration pictures for the bathroom.” You said softly, your finger dragging gently across the touchpad of your laptop to navigate to the file where you compiled several pictures of bathrooms you found online. You wouldn’t be very helpful with the actual construction of the bathroom, let alone the shopping for parts, but you had an aesthetic in mind. You turned your laptop so it would be easier for Joel to see, and scooted closer to him. Your thighs were inches apart, and Joel swallowed when he noticed he could feel the heat radiating off your bare thighs. You smelled lovely, like warm vanilla and cashmere. The smell was intoxicating and Joel longed to reach out and touch the soft skin of your leg, but he knew he couldn’t.
The first picture you showed Joel was of a bathroom with white and black checkered floors with forest green tile walls. Your favorite color had always been green, and you loved the retro feel of the checkered flooring. Joel was a very simple man when it came to designs, but he found himself loving the pictures you’d chosen. They were very much you. You swiped through the pictures, briefly explaining what you loved about each one. Joel observed each photo carefully, taking into account what stood out most to you.
“I love the gold and black accents.” Joel said at one of the pictures you showed him. You glanced up at him with a toothy grin.
“I was worried you’d hate it. But I’m so glad you agree.” You beamed, looking back towards your laptop. Seeing your smile made Joel feel warm inside. Something as simple as seeing you smile really made Joel realize the effect you had on him. His attraction was undeniable, but the realization of the situation sent a pang of disappointment through him. You were so young with so much life ahead of you. You’d never settle down for someone at his age. He couldn’t give you the typical life you deserved; he couldn’t bring you kids, and you were just starting your career. He was nearing the end of his. It would be selfish of him to ever try and hold you back from experiencing life. Joel tried his best to push away those dreadful thoughts for the time being and focus on the present. He enjoyed being around you, and he was going to make the most of it without letting his newfound feelings interfere.
“I’ll have to go to the store and scope out some materials. There’s a chance they won’t have everything we need in store and I might have to order online. If I end up ordering online, it won’t be a big deal considering I’ll have to tear out most of your bathroom first.” Joel explained. You listened attentively as he spoke, you gaze focusing on the way the lines in his face moved as he spoke. You could sit and listen to him speak for hours and not get bored.
“Do you mind if I go take a look at your bathroom and take some pictures?” He asked, leaning back to take his phone out of his front pocket. You swallowed hard as your eyes drifted to the crotch of his jeans, observing the protruding outline. You quickly looked back towards his face, but he had noticed. He decided to not address it, but he couldn’t help but feel the electricity strike through him. Maybe he was overthinking it; you were probably looking innocently to see what he was reaching for.
“Oh, yes of course. Help yourself.” You responded, closing your laptop and placing it on the coffee table in front of you. As you leaned forward, Joel’s gaze fell to watch the way your ass peeked out of the bottom of your shorts. He couldn’t help himself. He averted his eyes as you sat back up. He cursed at himself mentally when he felt his dick begin to harden in his boxers.
“Lead the way.” He said, pushing himself off the couch.
He followed you upstairs, his hand immediately falling to his crotch to adjust himself. The friction only made things worse. It didn’t help that he had a perfect view of your ass as you climbed the stairs. He could only hope you wouldn’t notice the tent in his pants once you got to the bathroom.
You lead him through your bedroom, apologizing quietly at the mess since you were still in the process of unpacking all of your belongings. Your room smelled heavenly. It smelled exactly like you and your delicious vanilla perfume. The smell itself made Joel feel weak. When you made it to the bathroom, you stepped aside to give him room to take pictures and observe what needed to be done. You took a moment to really take in his appearance. His shoulders were wide and his muscles were practically protruding through the short sleeves of his button up shirt. His jeans were tight against his muscular thighs, and even tighter against his crotch. You could’ve sworn the bulge in his pants was even larger than you’d observed downstairs, but you looked away quickly. You felt it deep in your core as you thought about the possibility of him being hard around you. You convinced yourself it was impossible.
Joel began snapping pictures of your bathroom, taking close ups of any details he found important. He opened the stall door to your shower, investigating the impurities in its design. It was definitely aged and needed repairs. It was a good thing he would need to rip out the shower entirely to remodel it to your desired design. This remodel would probably take him a couple months. He knew it would challenge his abilities, but it wasn’t anything impossible for him. He knew it was going to take extra time considering he wanted nothing but perfection for you.
“I’ll probably start tearing out the shower and sink tomorrow. I’ll need to go ahead and replace the toilet too. It’ll take me a few days to tear everything out.” Joel exhaled, taking a step back from the bathroom and peering down at you. “I’ll need to go to the store today and order some materials to make sure they’re here by next week. Would you like to come with me to pick out what you want?”
Your belly fluttered at the idea of running to the store with him. It would feel very domestic spending time with him outside of with your father and this remodel. Although it was still for the remodel, you would be able to spend time with him in public and get to know him better.
“Sure, I would love to.” You said, grinning up at him with your doe eyes.
You were close in proximity, and his musky aftershave was intoxicating. If the circumstances were different, you’d waste no time in pulling him into you and kissing him, but you couldn’t do that. You looked away to locate your purse.
“Do you want to go now? Maybe we can get something to eat on the way back?” You said, wandering over to your desk to grab your purse.
“That works.” Joel said, his voice deep and rich. He ran hand through his hair and put his phone in his pocket, replacing it with his keys in his hand.
Joel was nervous. Nervous to spend time with you outside of this project. You were wonderful and he wanted nothing more than to spend time with you, but he knew how dangerous that was for him. He feared the more time spent with you, the more he was going to become infatuated with you. But nonetheless, he led the way to his truck.
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Repair is not simply an aesthetic. Its politics anchor repair in the praxis of doing and responding to the world, thereby charting a different temporal course – one that demands being pursued on its own terms. Recent scholarship in repair studies has celebrated the interventions that acts of maintenance make in a world beset by planned obsolescence and short‑term cultures of use and disposal. Taking time to foreground the ongoing work of cleaners, maintainers and repair workers, this literature carves out a space from which to consider the labour of planetary care that repair performs: cleaning the air, the beach, the forest; rewilding the land. While we have much to learn from this discourse, caution must be paid to the ways in which the cultures of extractive capitalism lay siege to otherwise well‑intentioned acts of repair. Wresting care away from neoliberalised accounts of ‘self‑care’ is a fraught and complex task. We cannot allow repair, after its naturalisation as feminised care work or the unskilled work of manual labour, to be stylised, romanticised and commodified. The proliferation of home improvement television programmes, linking the amateur renovator’s dream directly to increasing the ‘resale value’ of houses while ignoring the unliveable reality of disrepair, point to a very real vulnerability in the concept of repair. Repair is always a question of what it means to break, who is breaking, and who is broken. In her recent book, The Ruse of Repair (2021), Patricia Stuelke warns against repair being ‘implicated in short‑circuiting rather than successfully realising attempts to break with the world as it is in order to create equality’. In other words, repair cannot simply appeal to learning to live with breakdown. New questions of disrepair must be asked: breakdown for whom and by whom? What system of knowledge distinguished that as broken and this as repair? Like Britain’s 19th‑century Luddites, who broke machinery in the name of repairing class relations, a form of repair that breaks the carbon logics that are breaking the planet must be realised. In what style, then, do we repair? By learning, first, how to break better. 
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