#how dot ag
azaleatarupa · 2 years
Greased Duck or Baked Rooster?
Writing Practice.
Note: I am open to any friendly criticism and please excuse the little German I used. I don’t oft show my writing to public so please, have mercy. 
“You’re allowed to fall apart a little.”
It was in the night her sleep was disturbed. Where wind dare not touch any sleeping. A soft knock once then twice was sounded through her room effectively jolting her from her sleep. Elizabeth Von Heigner was a woman of many hidden talents but also a woman who preferred a greased duck compared to oven baked rooster like many women would prefer at any event after hours. She turned and stared at the shabby door, praying, hoping that it was a figment of her imagination or her dreams which she had a hard time recalling at the moment and when she was just about to give up and lay down, another soft knock came from the door and by impulse, she groaned loudly. Throwing the blankets off with a huff and an arm rub to stave off the cold, she forced open the door with a glare and illuminated by the light of the moon shining in her room, it was Vistri Heele a woman of high class and status combined. “Lady Heele, it’s the hour of the serpent, why do you come to my quarters so late into the night?” Elizabeth pondered whilst stepping aside allowing Lady Vistri in.
The door shut for privacy, she guided the woman to sit in her living area near the fireplace which was simmered down to nothing but embers. “Please, excuse me. The fire died down early into the night hence the devil’s cold breath in the room.” Elizabeth complained, feeding the fire with both spare logs beside her fireplace and air from the bellow at the foot of her bed. She sat beside her as the fire both warmed the room and illuminated it. “I would’ve thought you and the Emperor would be swinging in the gardens or galivanting off into the night.” Her teasing words did nothing to uplift the Lady Heele's expression or mood, quickly throwing Elizabeth for a loop, seeing the change in in the room. “Lady Heele-“ “Refrain from naming me by formalities.” The other woman barked. Elizabeth could only lean away, concerned of why Vistri Heele, The Empress of the lands was so angry, especially with her? What had she done to spark the ire in her? She had only done as society allowed her in the presence of the Empress and Emperor and partied and gone to bed like any young eligible ladies in court or high class would. “Lady- Vistri, you know it is inappropriate for me call you by your true name, I am already disobeying law and etiquette by calling you Lady Heele and not Your Majesty or Empress.” Her golden eyes wandered that skin glowing by the fire, those eyes like the night sky, dark and foreboding you could never tell what thought nor emotion swam in those eyes. Maybe that’s what made her a great choice of Empress. Vistri, with her ire filled eyes and tense muscles, whipped to Elizabeth with a snarl. “Do I have to say it or are you going to continue to stay stupid with that clueless face of yours like always!” Now, Elizabeth truly was outright offended and hurt. “Vizzie! What on earth has gotten into you? Did you and the emperor squabble whilst fucking or something?” Golden eyes wide with offense and a snarl pulling her lips. But Vizzie looked away when Elizabeth’s face turned sour in retaliation. “Liz, don’t look at me like that.” Oh, oh now Elizabeth could see what was happening…
“What? Are you that disgusted with the taste of baked rooster and your choices?” She leaned back into the chair across from her, planting her bare feet atop the coffee table separating them. “Do you truly miss the chaste kiss of a greased duck?” From a snarl into a smirk, she allowed her night slip to loosen and show skin as it rode off her legs allowing The Empress a show. “Lizzie!” “Oh, quit acting as if it’s anything new, you’re the one that said you liked how they looked.” Now, Vistri could feel the built spit and restraint from within Lizz was right, she did say that once upon a time. “Liz, I came to you for comfort and only that.” Her voice gentle hoping for an understanding. “You come to me at the hour of the serpent and expect me to not think you’d want something other then comforting words and a shoulder to cry on?” Elizabeth mocked her while throwing her gown back over her legs with a pout. “Don’t tease me, Lizzie.” “It is you that continues to tease thine, Empress.” The raven-haired woman rose a brow to her supposed accusation. “You really think I cannot see the way you eye your maids? The way you grapple their hips like they bore you child?” “You forget, you made me the head of the maiden station, I know everything that happens here in the halls, these girls are loyal to me.” All the woman could do was blink stunned but gawffed at her childhood friend. “That says nothing, Lizzie.” Now it was Elizabeth’s turn to be sly with a raised brow and devilish turn of her lips. “Then I’d suppose you wouldn’t recall the late-night hours you spend with another lowly servant named Elizabeth fairing her golden locks and fair porcelain skin? Of course, hers is nothing compared to mine, right?” The doubt in her voice was all Vistri could hear and leaned closer, if only she could caress her cheek, to dissuade her self-doubts. “Never could compare, Hase.” She knew the words and moves to make Elizabeth melt her hard heartto her, but this was more tamed compared to her other methods. “I thought intruding on someone’s privacy was against your morals, Shatz?”
Holding her head high and pouting, blinking those eyes at her. Elizabeth huffed and smack her lips before speaking. “Not when it comes to the woman who chose a common and cunt spend rooster over me.” Adding in a whine and tears to her theatrics which got Vistri to her side in seconds, smashing her lips into hers and Elizabeth could no longer hold her act and pulled her closer by the hips. “Let me regain what that rooster has stolen from me.” Vistri could only laugh and hold her close by the sides of her face. “Make me scream, mein Elisabet.”
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astralzeraphias · 10 months
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megatron’s holoform
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Meme Prompt 2
Thinkin of feral halfa Jason again. No surprise there.
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st-hedge · 2 months
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It wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card that I’d draw V again. Anyway I’ll go ahead ramble in the tags
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zarla-s · 3 months
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I was cleaning up some broken links on my old silly Pokemon fansite, the Neglected Pokemon Lovers Unite (NPLU), and I realized that it has now been open for 25 years. TWENTY. FIVE. YEARS. That is an ASTONISHING amount of time for a site to stay open! Even if the last substantial update was like back in 2009 lol. The world around it has changed so much, but I think it's still valuable as a time capsule of a certain time on the internet. I wrote up a new essay about it on the site and did some general clean-up here and there.
Anyway to that end, since so much of the fic and art there is so old, I decided to compare Radic's oldest form to his newest! Radic was always a human boy but I just couldn't draw humans at the time so I made him a furry lol. Eventually I figured it out.
I also thought it'd be a neat challenge to mimic my own style back when it was really wonky and bad. And it was! It was kind of fun actually. I don't have too many shots of Radic from back then (it was hard to get art on the internet in the late 90's-early 00's), but I do have a few - hugging Kitsune, two old kiribans if you want to compare. I had a lot more old shots of Parasects though to reference unsurprisingly, they were very triangular lol. I think I did a pretty good job of matching what my art used to look like. I had a clear see-through Gameboy back in the day if you can't tell what Radic is holding lol.
("Isn't Radic the faceless avatar of your gamer self as depicted in Handplates-" yes, but Pokemon!Radic is the only one that actually became his own character, all the rest are shells)
If you do go poking around the NPLU, please keep in mind that almost everything there is very old and most of the fic and art is pretty bad (and shockingly violent). Plz do not judge me! My younger self was a cringey weeb but she was trying very hard. :<
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blacktobackmesa · 10 months
I don't have a sizable enough friend group to do a Science Team group cosplay, but it's my civic duty to announce this idea to the world. If you've cosplayed before, there's a chance that you've had trouble with storing things-- you might not have enough pocket space, you want to buy stuff in the artist alley but carrying a bag doesn't look right with your getup. And if you want to bring your own water and food? God help you.
So I've noticed some people carrying rolling crate carts at conventions to get their wares around. And it gave me an idea.
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also works if you're a solo Tommy cosplayer!
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Everyone says they love a devastatingly painfully slow burn romance until I, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia—
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heavenb3nt · 5 months
Anyways. Academy era designs
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plumfumble · 2 months
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watch pokemon horizons its nice and sweet
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x2whammy · 10 months
i cannot believe that sk8 the infinity invented canadians
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paradoxius · 2 days
Okay so:
Church on Ruby Road concerns Ruby's feelings about being a foundling and not knowing who her biological parents are, and then dramatizes this in a whimsical dreamlike fashion with an adventure about an orphaned infant being abducted by goblins (evoking myths of fairies stealing/replacing babies, thus the cultural fear of babies being displaced from their "rightful" parents)
Space Babies takes place in a society of "babies" (who look like toddlers but are said to be six years old and speak and act like they're at least that old) who, in the socially-created absence of any apparent parents have mythologized "mummy and daddy" as some kind of foretold salvational figures in their weird baby religion
We're gonna ignore The Devil's Chord
Boom features a twelve-year-old girl who, due to some combination of growing up in a high-control religious community and being written poorly, has a bafflingly obsessive, immature, and gormless relationship to her father (and, if we're willing to read against the grain, we can even interpret the episode's cop-out decision to have a father's love instantly delete the puzzle box and end the war as a hyperbolic manifestation of the girl's literally over-the-top devotion to her father)
73 Yards focuses back on Ruby herself—19 years old—and plays out her fear of abandonment as she becomes isolated and alienated from everyone around her, most notably her mother, and must learn to live out her adult life alone
Dot and Bubble is about an exocolony of affluent 17-to-27-year-olds who notably depend on their wealthy parents back on their home planet as a fallback if anything goes bad
If Rogue ends up being about, like, 30-year-olds being pressured by their parents into having kids or whatever, well then I think I may have found a salient theme for this season of Doctor Who
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cashmere-caveman · 9 months
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Hanif Abdurraqib, it’s not like nikola tesla knew all of those people were going to die | Anne Carson, H of H Playbook | Richard Siken, Snow and Dirty Rain | Franz Wright, Heaven | Toby Whithouse, shooting script for Being Human S1E1 | Franz Wright, Heaven | Erin Slaughter, I Hope My Salt Lamp is a Weeping Deity | Richard Siken, Straw House, Straw Dog & My Country: The New Age, Episode 16
image descriptions in alt
#my country: the new age#nam seon-ho#seo hwi#listen guys (gn). the worms have been festering the dots have been connected the illness contracted etc!! this is an exorcism attempt#bro what if we had both been suicidal for years bc we just wanted everything to be over but we repeatedly saved each others lives#even when we were enemies bc even when we were fighting for different visions of this country we were still *each others* countries#and what if in the end we realized we were never meant to be apart in the first place and gave each other permission to finally let go#but gave our deaths meaning by sacrificing our lives so that everyone else could live in a country of peace !!!!#basically what if we went from best friends to enemies to allies to enemies to soulmates and died in each others arms and we were both boys#their dynamic is so. i wanna eat so much dirt i tunnel right through the earth and end up in argentina.#god. GOD. im like 5 years late but is anyone out there still insane like me in pain like me etc hmu#wait maybe i should put some warnings on this bitch uhhh hold on#blood cw#death tw#suicidal ideation cw#<- just in case bc idk how else to tag for the uhhh extremely normal mindset of both of them#i hope thats it? if i missed sth let me know! also if u read this far u'll get to see the business tags i forgot at the top lol#cavetext#mctna#nam seon ho#poetry#seonhwi#caveweb#also u would not Believe the fucking sleuthing i went through to find the source poem for that erin slaughter quote jfc#thats what i get for keeping incomplete notes ig :/#also ive found the franz wright poem as both 'heaven' and 'the heaven' so ?? who knows
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termagax · 9 months
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baby picture :]
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fantasy-costco · 10 months
Okay I'm gonna say it. I rewatched an episode of doctor who last night so I feel comfortable saying it. Everyone saying that there's gonna be a better kiss is season three is putting way to much faith in David Tennants stage kissing ability I am NOT getting my hopes up for that one
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zarla-s · 2 years
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edit: OH I SEE HOW IT IS TUMBLR YOU HID THIS UNTIL IT POSTED TWICE >:| well whatever i’ll have to figure out which one to keep
Today is the 30TH anniversary of Star Control 2: The Ur-Quan Masters! You’ve probably seen me post about StarCon2... a lot... suffice it to say it’s important to me, haha. It was a huge influence on me as a kid! Even today bits of it still show up in stuff I make, like the Orz’s influence on the goopmonster thing/IDF in Handplates, the starmap in the background of some comics, people wearing a StarCon2 shirt, or the bright green of Quasispace for dimensional movement. I just love this game so much! I wanted to do something cool for the anniversary, so I figured hey, why not a big group shot of everyone all together! AND BOY IT TOOK LONG ENOUGH I improvised for a few of the races lower torsos since we never see them in-game, haha.
I love this game so much!!! And you can play it for free RIGHT NOW!!! YOU SHOULD DO IT!!!
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ariesbilly · 2 years
no but actually post season 3 where billy ends up in a coma after starcourt and wakes up and remembers every awful thing he had to do and hes shaking with sobs remembering heather and her being his first victim when all she wanted to do was help him and he feels so guilty about it and max is like “no heather made it, shes alive” and billy doesnt believe her until heather comes walking in with steve and robin (there is much to explain, bills been out a while) 
and at first billys relieved to see her alive but also doesnt want her anywhere near him because hes afraid he’ll hurt her again etc etc but heather just crawls into the hospital bed with him and holds him and reassures him shes fine and its over and theyre gonna be okay now and just.... best friends <3
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