#how it used to be before with all the variants living in the original or something
fauxnotice · 3 days
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ALIEN SKINCARE. v! blue lock/male! reader. originally posted on quotev. masterlist.
Your daily routine is a terribly ordinary, if not a rather dull one. 
That’s fine, however. Its normalcy comes from predictability, and with predictability comes a sense of control. Every and each new possible variant is easily molded to fit into what is already established. 
Days come and go, much like clouds in the sky, and you’re content. You love your painfully droll, boring routine.
Which would be a lie by definition, so to deny your restlessness would be the same as trying to deny that humans need air to survive. Or to deny that the Japanese football team will never win the World Cup. 
But alas, you live. 
One of your classmates, Hamada, you think pensively, since you make a passable effort at remembering names of the people you have to spend considerable hours of the day with, is acting rather friendly today.
You think he wants something from you. That’s probably why he’s asking you to go somewhere with him after school. Sadly, it seems he’s unaware of the few universal truths of life.
That is that you’re never free after classes. 
Everyone in your immediate vicinity is aware of this, so you’re led to believe that Hamada is extraordinarily out of the loop. Or maybe he’s being a contrarian just to appear unique in your eyes. 
Which is not working, by the way.
“Sorry, but I’m busy today.” You say, an apologetical smile creasing your face in a familiar way. 
“Oh.” He recoils, losing confidence at your rejection. “Maybe some other day, then?”
Whatever. He should just steal all of your money and fill your shoes with nails at this point. He should spit at you and kick you until you’re a stain on the floor. Unfortunately, you’re [L/n] [Y/n], so you nod. Kindly. With all the positive hidden implications in the world.
Hamada regains some of his previous enthusiasm. Thankfully, the teacher enters the room before he could take your politeness as an invitation to further communication.
Like a good student, you listen and take notes carefully. This teacher in particular talks very slowly and often loses track of his thoughts, which greatly gets on your nerves. 
That’s okay. You’ll live.
School time passes by comfortably. You demonstrate your gracefulness and virtue at every chance. Some students swoon. Plenty of girls, and curiously, a good chunk of boys as well. Some scoff at your supposed imitation of perfection. Talk about how you’re probably a faker, eager for attention and praise and whatnot. Not that you mind. They must think about you a lot, enough to start making theories on the topic of you and the nuances of your character. 
Not that they'll ever get any confirmation. You let the invested have fun. Do the divine throw bricks at the religious? No. 
Your school’s football team is having a game tomorrow. Obviously, you make your way to practice. Though, ultimately, you believe you’d be making a better use of your time by trying to fold a thousand origami cranes with just your feet and then wishing for a better team. Yet, here you are.
You move across the field like a corpse. Metaphorically, of course. To the other’s untrained eye, it looks like you’re giving it your all. However, in your head, you’re trying to to remember at least the first ten digits of pi (you’re failing), so you switch to creating a satirical retelling of some subpar movie you and Bachira watched at the premiere some time ago (you got reasonably angry at the mediocrity of the so-called social commentary that was flaunted around as “never seen before” and “a heart clenching story that dives into the complexities of our society”, and Bachira got bored, so you both ditched it, wasted money be damned). 
All that, and yet nothing of worth is happening before you. For shame, since you do think your teammates are decent people, in the same way drivers who stop their cars before they hit you are decent people. Except the probably forty something father of two who let you safely cross the street this morning probably had more ball expertise than these frankly appalling clowns throwing themselves around do. 
Of course, you pride yourself on your ever persisting decorum, so you keep your mouth shut as you pass the ball to the guy a bit to your left, since you’re a good teammate and teamwork makes the dreamwork and yadda yadda. Even with your absent minded play, he just needs to push the ball with some semblance of force and boom, it’s a simple and clean goal. 
But as if by some otherworldly intervention, the boy trips. Genuinely gets sent sprawling over the central object of the game. 
It takes you every drop of self control to not lunge at him with the intent of questioning just how does this happen a day! A day! Before the match. Now, keep in mind, this strange specimen is known for his blunders. At least to you, but the rest of the team and the coach seem to hold this guy in some type of high regard. Which is crazy, since you don’t think he’d be able to score a goal without you specifically holding his hand, making the whole predicament even more baffling since you’re the actual ace of the team. 
Now, you think this team could go places, if you had the time to score more, but you have to spend it making sure your companions don’t sabotage the game by playing like it’s their first time seeing a football. You surely have grinded quite a bit of your teeth mass down by pretending to be content with this charade, just so the court jester of a coach wouldn’t call you uncooperative or something similarly humiliating again. God forbid he sends you to meet the bench. 
The comically incapable guy turns to you, after all the shock and laughter has faded from the group. “Ah, I’m sorry for ruining your pass, [L/n]-kun. I guess my nerves have been getting to me, haha.” 
You wish it was “the nerves”. 
“Don’t worry about it.” You respond, channeling every bit of kindness you could find remaining within yourself. “I’m sure you’ll do fine tomorrow.”
Well, he doesn’t do fine, that’s for sure.
The morning of the next day came quickly. As usual, you woke up early, got out of bed, and went through your usual routine with the goal of looking the best you possibly could, which did turn out to be a rather lengthy process, although that was nothing new. You still thought it was an insanely long and dumb.
What meets you next is the sight of your legal guardian, sprawled across the couch, still clad in her work clothes. You conclude that last night was a busy one, so you sneak past her quietly. Making things worse for her is the last thing you want, after all. 
Next is making a nutritious breakfast. As a product of meticulous repetition, you’re quickly done with it, making sure to leave a portion for Sayaka as well, along with a note about your plans for today.
It’s a nice, sunny Saturday. So, like you always do, you set out on a morning jog. Chiba has quite a few pleasing sights, especially when there are no hideous eyesores scrambling around in the form of people. You specifically pick a time when the crowd’s minimal, right after the early workers leave for their job. Beautiful. The fresh air stirs up every fiber of your lungs. 
All this joy and wonder, you almost forgot about the match that’s supposed to be held in the afternoon. In fact, the memory of that shitshow of a football practice from yesterday almost entirely left your mind. From your increasing frustration, you don’t notice how your pleasant jog turned into a full blown sprint. After a good hour or so of this, you notice just how sweaty you were. 
Gross. You’d have to shower again.
Right as you’re about to open the gate of your residence, a weight slams against your back at full force. You remain entirely unbothered, however, as you’re already very well versed in such occurrences. 
Bachira Meguru has his arms wrapped around your back, clinging onto you much like an eccentrically colored koala. It seems like the fabric soggy with your sweat doesn’t bother him at all. He’s always been a bit strange like that. 
“Bachira-kun.” You smile. It comes easier to you. “Good morning.”
“Good morning!” He grins, lips pulling back to reveal the full expanse of teeth. “You didn’t invite me to go jogging! Again!”
Having a conversation in this position, with your posture being as straight as a tree and Bachira acting as some type of a humanoid backpack or a large parasite, would be inconvenient to most, but the two of you have long made this a part of your “normalcy”. 
“That’s because you’re never awake that early.” You retort easily, with a light teasing tone. “I’m surprised you’re even up right now.” 
“My monster got restless, so I wanted to play football.” He says, like that’s a totally normal thing to say. Like pointing out how the weather is nice or such. 
Listen, you genuinely do like Bachira (as far as someone like you is capable of liking), and you suppose he shares the same sentiment to some degree, because his whole “Monster” thing isn’t something that you talk about with just anyone, unless you want to be wheeled off to the nearest institution and shunned forever. You pride yourself on your patience and understanding, so you tend to brush this topic off whenever it comes up in a conversation. Mostly because you have no idea what to say that wouldn’t be extremely harsh. You want to honor Bachira’s companionship and trust in you, which means that him getting upset over something you stupidly spat out without thinking is not on your to-do list.
You do think that seeing a professional sometime in the future would do him some good, though.
Putting that aside, you nod in understanding. “I see. But-” You poke at his leg. “-Can you get off, please? I want to take a shower.”
Bachira hums a long tune, but he makes no move to do what you’ve requested of him. After a passage of silence, he asks a question, even if he knows the answer already. 
“Hey, can we play together? Just for a bit?” 
He can’t see your face, but he can clearly visualize the apologetic expression that graces it. It looks the same, every time he asks. “Sorry, but I need to save energy for later. Maybe next time?” 
There it is again. Despite it being a few years since you two met, both lovers of football and everything football related, you’ve rejected his proposal again and again. You always have an excuse, something about being busy, or not feeling well, or this and that. 
Bachira has been resigned to it. Yet, he still repeats the inquiry, like you’ll change your mind someday. Maybe next time? As if that will ever come.
He lets it go, as he always does.
Finally stepping down, he leans onto your side. He’s rather sweaty too, you notice. “Right! You have a match today! Make sure to score lots of goals, ‘kay? I’ll be there to cheer for you!” 
Bachira thinks you’re not aware of the fondness you let slip into your gaze. It’s for the best, though, since if you knew you’d probably try to mask it with some form of artificial politeness. He likes you the most when you’re honest, in these small tidbits of time, after all.
“Sure.” You say, simply, as some things are.
The tensions are high before the match. For what reason, you don’t know. The match is purely for practice, although you’re curious on how a low tier school such as Kagayaku High managed to schedule a match against some bigshot from Kanagawa. You’d think they’d consider it a waste of time, but you guess not. 
A notification lights up the screen of your phone just as you’re finishing putting your jersey on. 
I’m so sorry that I won’t be able to make it to your game!!!! Work is hell today 𖦹 ´ ᯅ ` 𖦹
But I hope your team does well! Do your best ৻(  •̀ ᗜ •́  ৻)
You snort at the woman’s usage of kaomojis. It was hard to imagine that she was nearly forty years old. Keeping your eye on the clock, you quickly type a response.
Please don’t worry about it! 
Take care of yourself!
You’re too nice to me, haha
The breakfast was delicious, by the way! It really made my day O(≧∇≦)O
I’m gonna make us something to eat later, as a celebration and payback! ᕙ(  •̀ ᗜ •́  )ᕗ
You gnawed at your lip worrieldy. While you truly did appreciate the sentiment, Sayaka’s cooking skills … weren’t something you’d write home about. Her message truly left you worried for the safety of the stove. Before you could try to change her mind (and save the neighborhood from a possible fire), one of your teammates gestures for you to move.
Ah. It’s time.
The game is starting, ttyl
The match goes just as well as you thought it would. 
The opponent’s defense tears through the clumsy guy like a knife through butter within the first few minutes of the game. They’re not too shabby, you have to admit. But the more you watch them, the more holes ripe for exploatation you notice.
The rush of excitement still evades you, as you circle an opposing player who is attempting to take the ball from you. Your mind is still in its autopilot mode, where you make boring, yet entirely rational plays that have carried your team to where it is now. Move your leg and lean to the right, and when the guy is still thinking of his next move, kick the ball between his legs. A safe and classic nutmeg. After that-
A movement leaves you startled; someone dashes past you with unforseen speed and snatches the football right from your possession. You’re forced to be wide awake, left feeling like a bucket of icy water was thrown over your head.
For what seems to be the first time in years, your heartbeat echoes loudly in your ears and shakes your very core.
You gape at the distancing back of the player who had just turned your world around. In bold letters, the name Itoshi acts as a mockery of you. Helpless in your shock, you can do nothing but watch as your newest adversary scores a clean goal into the net, while Kagayaku High’s goalkeeper does nothing.
For once, you don’t blame him.
The clowns of your circus are talking amongst themselves. You think they’re trying to include you as well, but you’re too busy rebooting your brain to care.
You wanted Itoshi gone. An irritation so strong its frightening festers under your skin as you stare, long and hard, at the intruder who had come to ruin everything for you.
But was he truly ruining anything? 
When a teammate of yours moves with the ball, you abandon all uniform strategy. This stupid team could go to hell. Both yours and the enemy’s. This game should be just between you and him. 
Much to the shock of your team, who had probably gotten too comfortable with your usually passive way of playing, you pick up the pace, with the speed and technique built up through many regular torturous sessions of trying to polish yourself to your extremes.
It’s something you had to do, lest you want to be left in the dust when the real threat appears.
Is Itoshi a real threat?
A wispy smile still hangs from your lips. It looks … out of place, possibly, as it’s no longer a carefully planned tool of deceit.
Astonished shouts of your team as you steal the ball from your own comrade is nothing but background noise.
There he comes. His gaze is glacier cold as he weaves between the humanoid obstacles in his path. Surely, he’s wholy confident in his domination of this match. You wait.
Itoshi moves with clear intent of making you crumble under his might. That won’t do. Who does he think he is? Who does he think you are? Does he think you’re a mere bug, a speck of dust on his road to victory? That doesn’t make sense at all.
“Pass to me!” Someone yells at you, as if you weren’t the damned ace, as if you weren’t the one who gave this shitty team the ability to get off the ground in the first place. 
You’re nowhere near the penalty area. The other team’s defense is scattered around, trying to cut off all your routes. Now aware of the possible danger you represent, Itoshi is right by your side, with his eyelash rimmed eyes watching you like he might tear you apart. At least he’s fast on the uptake, you muse, as you almost carelessly roll the ball across the grass.
The angle is terribly narrow, but it’ll do. 
Avoiding Itoshi’s attempt at ridding you of the ball, you raise your leg and deliver a swift kick to it, sending it flying in a rather flimsy arc (your brows furrow slightly at that), which manages to slam into the net at a spot left open.
You stop and take a long look at the goal. That was a five out of ten. Hell, maybe even four. But it seemed like it was enough to make your current “rival” appear like he wants to explode you with his mind.
That makes you … giddy? Edges of your lips wobble as you attempt to keep your expression under control. Even if you just single handedly destroyed the foundation of your team as well as the way its members saw you, you still had appearances to keep. From the corner of your eye, you spot Bachira watching, with a grin so manic it bordered on deranged.
In the end, you lose the game. And yet, to you, it feels like a victory, sweeter than any other. You managed to keep Itoshi from scoring another goal (well, you didn’t score another one either, but that was fine), and you got the front seat to the slow unraveling of his stoic disposition.
His team manages to secure a victory with their goal. But their ace, visibly pissed, makes his way to you. His tone is biting, befitting of an untouchable beauty such as himself.
“Next time, I’ll crush you.”
And then he leaves. One for dramatics, that’s for sure. Mommy’s little edgelord. Deciding to play along, you wave at his retreating back, signature smile set in place. “If you say so, Itoshi.”
Pointedly ignoring the troupe of mongrels, you collect your belongings and make a swift departure. Of course, nothing is that simple for you, because Bachira is waiting for you outside. Predictably, he lunges at you, but is considerate enough to take note of your possible exhaustion and not jump on your back like he usually does, instead opting to sling an arm around your shoulders. 
“That was pretty insane, you know.” He begins, although you note the sharpness of his grin that was unknown to you, up until now. “I never knew you could play like that.”
Then, he goes on to speak more, but you’re already ensnared within your own mind. A familiar thing; anger, ire, all-consuming, starts to ignite your entire being. A combination of many factors give way to its rise, both from Bachira’s subtle and probably unintentional downplaying of your perceived capability, and from … well, everything about the game. Especially Itoshi. What, did they all think you were some insignificant ant? A poser, perhaps? Maybe a-
You pause all thought. Suddenly, your legs feel weak. Not from tiredness, of course not. Embarrassingly, the weight of emotions was always a bigger burden than anything of physical kind. 
That was your weakness. A flaw that you needed to demolish. 
“Bachira,” you gasp out, voice small and uneven. “Bachira-”
The boy in question tilts his head. “Huh? What is it?” 
“Hold me.” You say, just before you collapse.
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No one:
Some random person, every week since July: Has anyone done this yet? *posts meme redraw of Shadow breaking it to Sonic that they’re gonna have to kill Nine and Sonic going "Damn😔"*
#Sonic prime#sonic the hegehog#I'm not putting this in the character tags this time#i just be ramblin#semi vent post?#I'm just kinda tired man#like he would not fucking say that! even if Shadow actually says that next season‚ Sonic is not accepting that he can't save Nine or anyone#else on his LIFE#Tired of the Nine and Sonic (and Nine and his shatterverse friends frankly) relationship erasure here#Let's not pretend here that Shadow is the only person who Sonic will threaten to throw hands with over a threat to their life#And this bit is more personal. But at this point I resent the idea that this entire show is going to end with everything going exactly to#how it used to be before with all the variants living in the original or something#After everything that has happened there's nothing satisfying about that kind of ending to me. do you have no whimsy? do you have no hope?#Do you really think the best end for everyone is one where Sonic has to accept his new friends and his new best friend has to die?#We know from the s3 teaser that part of this season will be about stabilizing the shatterverse#Do you really believe that it makes sense for the story to force Sonic to choose green hill or the shatterverse after all that time spent#keeping it together and keeping all those people protected?#This show is forcing Sonic to contend with the variants being different people with different lives and backstories. it's forcing Sonic to#contend with Tails and Nine not being exactly the same person. Do you think the best end (after all that fighting to be considered more than#just copies of the originals) the variants (especially Nine)#is for them to just accept that they can't be separated from the 'originals' as we consider them to be?#anyways anyways back to the post#point of the post is that I've seen the same tired joke every week since s2 came out and I'm just tired of the 'Shadow and the narrative#will force Sonic to accept that Nine has to die' bit#Like at this point y'all just want Nine to die. just say that#Or at least do some meta/analysis posting. because rn it all sounds like 'Nine is narratively going to die because I think he should and#because I think it makes the most sense. Source? vibes'
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anundyingfidelity · 11 months
FOR ALL TIME, ALWAYS – Loki x female reader
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Summary: Loki escapes the TVA for a moment. Desperate and brokenhearted, he looks for you, his wife, in the Sacred Timeline. Even if you saw him die ten years ago.
Word count: 3.9k.
Warnings: LOTS of angst, some fluff, spoilers of Loki series in general. Language. Maybe I'm not getting how the branches work oops. This is right after the end of 2x02 and before 2x03. My English is also a warning, just in case.
Notes: while looking on the tags I checked a post of someone asking for a TVA Loki fic where he finds the reader but her Loki died in IW (not canon in my head btw). So I wrote it because is such a great idea, but I can't find the original post... ;-; anyway hope you like this!
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
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It's harder to stay...
Wasn't this situation hard enough? Sylvie was right. She had a point. But Loki wanted to do the right thing. Maybe he would find a chance... Again, right? Probably he would make the proper decisions this time.
The TVA was already fucked up, and with it, the thousands of timelines and lives in danger within them. Sometimes, it looked like it didn't matter. In the end, they were trying to fix something that was already broken.
Loki let out a deep breath he didn't realise was holding and walked to talk directly to his partner, Mobius.
"I need a favor," Loki mumbled, so the grey-haired man would be the only person to hear his voice.
Mobius met his eyes. He knew that gaze, it meant he was up to something. "What kind of favor?"
The god motioned Mobius to step away from the newly acknowledged variants and far away from what B-15 was witnessing. The branches were pruned from the whole existence; thousands and millions of lifes lost to the void in just the blink of an eye. Loki knew he had to do something before it got worst. Something for himself.
"I need to go the Sacred Timeline," Loki announced.
"Are you nuts?" Mobius scolded, in the same low voice tone Loki had used.
"Is just- listen, it's something I have to do. I really need to go back there. Need to see someone, make sure everything is okay," Loki insisted.
During all the times Loki showed he was desperate, Mobius was sure this was the peak of all of them. He wasn't explaning more than necessary, he looked serious, and his voice was crisp. Loki knew what he wanted at that moment. Mobius sighed, his hands finding the pockets of his pants, unsure of Loki's request.
"So it's personal..."
"A little, yeah," Loki nodded.
"Promise it'll be quick," Mobius said, taking off the TemPad from his pocket and his hand stopped in the air before the object could lay in the god's grip. "Don't make me regret this."
"I won't."
2029, Sacred Timeline
When Loki arrived to his destination, the nerves got the best from him. New York looked no different from the last time he was there. Shifting his usual clothes he wore at the TVA, he chose a plain suit to go undercover, or at least decided he would try to, considering he was a criminal once in Midgard.
But as he walked through the halls of the familiar building he met decades ago, he didn't really care. He longed for something else. Better say, someone. And it was you.
You, who met him in the past right after Thor's banishment, and even helped him to find the Teseract, only to give up to SHIELD and those idiots that people called 'The Avengers'. Of course his heart hurted for a long time, but Loki tried to deny the feelings blooming inside and instead, he just decided to walk away from you, even if that meant hurting you. It was the best.
At least that was what he believed until he checked further his file; the file that Mobius had prepared for him. His life. Even after what he did to your people and planet, you still held no grudges. And Thor was good enough to seek for yours and the sorcerer's, Stephen Strange, help once Hela appeared in their lives.
Loki would never forget the loving look in your beautiful eyes when you saw him again, after years of parting ways. He really paid attention to you while watching his file, and he found there was only love, protection, and care in you. All for him. Someone who didn't deserve it, he thought.
He felt grateful at least he had the pleasure to enjoy happiness for a moment. Even if that meant Asgard was destroyed. Loki already lost his mother, his father, and he almost lost his brother. He couldn't stand losing you either. The simple idea of living without you - even if he didn't know you further than your Loki did - was unbearable pain.
So while in the ship on the way to Midgard with the asgardians and survivors of the Ragnarok, you held a cozy, small wedding when he asked you to marry him. This was one of the parts Loki would replay again and again from his file, with disbelief that he was actually happy and joyful, enjoying a good time with you, his brother, and all the asgardians who survived. Loki felt full of hope after your wedding, thinking fate had better things to come with you as an oficial part of his life.
Unfortunately, it didn't last long, thanks to the Mad Titan. As his steps got near your door, the memory of his brother and your figure mourning on his lifeless body appeared on his mind. It was an image he couldn't erase that easily. Probably, he would never forget that was his original destiny all the way. That was meant to be. And for now, he could not change it.
Loki stopped outside your apartment. He took a deep breath and raised his shaking hand to reach the doorbell. He waited for a moment, not knowing if seconds or minutes went by, it felt eternal. Until the door opened and he saw you.
The bright smile you had on your lips faded away. Your eyes flooded with tears, your forehead was furrowed, and still, Loki thought you were the most beautiful creature in all the Nine Realms.
"Hi..." Loki barely whispered, his eyes were glossy and a single tear also ran down his pale cheek.
You were clearly in shock. You wanted to get closer and finally touch him, to feel him physically. But even if you wanted to move to take his hand to confirm it wasn't a trick of your ruined mind, your body was stiff and your feet were glued to the ground.
"Is this an illusion?" you trembled.
All Loki could do was shaking his head, before muttering. "No..."
"Loki, I saw you die..."
Tears ran down your face, denying to yourself that this was real. That this was really happening to you. And your mind started to wonder all the possible scenarios and reasons on why him, the god of mischief, the only person you loved dearly with all your mind, body and soul, was standing right in front of your door even if he was gone for you... Long gone now. And that couldn't be undone.
"I know you did, my love."
You tried to smile, even a little bit, as he pronounced those words so dearly. Loki came closer to your figure, carefully placing a trembling hand on your cheek, feeling the tears flowing on your skin. You leaned into his touch, with a simpering smile. Such was the effect you had on him, that a silly smile he also had on his lips.
And you realized Loki was so real... His touch, his heat, his smile, his scent, the way he would hold you... Everything about him was exactly as you remembered. You felt his lips brushing softly against yours, gentle and hesitant, and instantly, you melted into a slow kiss, sure knowing that Loki would taste the salt of your tears running down your face. Leaning in closer as the space between would allow you, you savoured each second your breaths allowed, longing to remain right there for eternity. For all time. Always.
"But now I am here... and I can explain," he whispered once you separated your lips from his in the sweetest way.
You let out a soft chuckle. "Mind to enlighten me, oh, god of mischief?"
Finally you guided him inside your apartment. That old apartment Loki saw his other self visiting a couple of times before you were something. It still had your vibe around it and he loved it. He felt like he was at home after a very long time. Once you closed the door, his arms wrapped around your figure, and you let yourself cry, pressing against his chest and with a tight grip of your hands on his coat.
"You don't have any idea of how much I have missed you all these years," you sobbed and his heart shrank on his chest. "I kept wishing every night and every day to be me instead of you."
"My love," he said softly, separating a little and cupping your cheeks with his warm hands. His eyes were red now because of the tears he was holding back again. "Don't say that... It was supposed to happen."
"What?" you mumbled.
Your hands found his wrists and you pulled his palms away from your cheeks. However you kept the contact with him, you just needed to touch him, to feel he was in the flesh. He was alive right now, wasn't he?
"Look, I am not your Loki. I know what you did, what the Avengers did after Thanos-" his voice broke just a bit but he continued. "I know everything. I just couldn't resist knowing there was someone for me, out there in the Nine Realms, capable to love me for who I am," Loki explained as he watched your face. Was it disappointment? Confusion? He didn't know, but he had to tell you the truth.
Your voice came out as a barely audible whisper. "So... you are saying... you're another Loki? Another him?"
He nodded softly. "I am." Loki thought for a moment on how to explain everything, but he just went for what his heart felt it was right. "It's a little complicated. I did something that wasn't supposed to be, and perhaps will sound like I'm insane, but thanks to that I am kind of trapped in time. With an organization that is not what everyone thought it was, hence a multiverse was created. Sponsored by another me, by the way. You are in what is called the Sacred Timeline, where things flow as how they were supposed to since forever. And I just needed to see you after I found out you were the love of my life."
You took a moment to understand everything he said, wishing that his fate would have been different from what originally happened. Loki gave his best, even in the last worst moments, he was changing for good. For you. For Thor... It wasn't fair.
"Your death was supposed to be then?"
"Yes, it was."
"Oh, Loki," you cried. "You know what, I don't care what's happened. I'm just- I feel happy seeing you here... Please tell me everything you've been through. I want to hear your voice again, to know you're with me right now, to feel you near... I'm not crazy, am I?" you chuckled between tears and Loki curved his lips in a smile, wiping your tears from your face with his thumbs.
Loki granted your wish and explained everything, answering every question you had about the lies of the TVA; the files he found out were his whole life; about Sylvie, Mobius and his variants. He spilled all you wanted to hear, asking like a child, until you understood what was happening. You noticed he truly had changed, just like your Loki did when he reunited with Thor before the Ragnarok took over Asgard. It was a bittersweet feeling however, thinking how much they they seemed to each other. They were the same person after all, but this Loki didn't had the chance to continue his path as it was supposed to.
Taking his hand into yours, you leaned towards him and laid down your head on his shoulder while you both sat comfortable in the couch, just enjoying each others company. Your eyes were dry at this point after crying for what it felt were hours, but his voice helped to soothe you enough.
"I'm glad knowing you have someone like Mobius by your side," you said after a quiet moment. "He sounds like a very good friend," you looked at him, waiting for an answer. "Because that's what he is to you, right?"
"He is a great friend, I'm not alone if that is what is troubling you," Loki affirmed.
You let out a sigh. "That is totally a relief to me."
Loki chuckled softly, leaning to leave a kiss on your hair. "Now you've heard everything about me, would I hear something from you?"
"I'm just a mortal, Loki," you smiled. "Doing the normal shit, not the superhero stuff anymore. I am hating my pretty much normal office job every day; I feed the birds when I go outside at the park, also thinking about adopting a cat or a dog... Maybe a dog."
"Or you could do both."
"Yeah, I might. But my place isn't that big for pets. Sometimes I feel like I'm too alone, very much alone... I would love to have a big farm, or a cabin in the mountains with lots of plants, pets and animals to take care of." The idea did sound good for Loki. Hopefuly you could find peace that way. "Do you remember Pepper?" you said, straighting up on the couch to look at him. He nodded. "Well, after Tony died I still visit her and their daughter, Morgan. She is ten years old, could you believe it?" Loki noticed the sorrow and pain you still carried after all those years of losing your friends, your people... "And I've been missing you and mourning you for ten years as well."
"It's not your fault."
"I know, Loki."
"Do whatever is the best for you, my dear... I would have loved to be here with you now, as the Loki from the Sacred Timeline."
You smiled, but it was a sad smile. "Well, either way, you're here now. It's all that matters to me."
Once again, you shared a loving kiss and took his hand to walk to the kitchen, asking him to take a seat in your breakfast bar, glad he decided to search for you in one of your free days. Otherwise, you would have surely missed his visit. But he was looking for you. Probably Loki would have found you anywhere at this point.
You talked some more while you had some tea and ate some cookies that you saved for special days on the shelfs. The afternoon was pleasant, and this was your turn to speak. Loki, coat long gone, was catching up with you and he asked every single thing about your life now. He smiled more than ever, laughed more than you have ever seen, and it was certainly something you could get used to from now on. Knowing you never continued your life with another person made his heart ache though. However, Loki was no one to blame. He would have done the same thing. No other was like you, no one would have replaced you.
"It's my decision," you finally said, reading his face like an open book. "I have loved you, I love you now and I will love you forever."
He took your hand, lacing your fingers with his. "I know..."
"The day we married you gave me a ring. I always have it with me, today I'm not working, but I use this necklace with your ring," you searched for the necklace hiding inside your shirt and taking it off, you showed him the precious jewel hanging on a fine golden chain. The ring he recognized once was from his mother. "I want you to have it."
"No,I can't-"
"But this is what I want. I know I would have to forget, because you will make me forget about this. About you, coming here, risking everything just to see me. So please, take it."
Loki knew you had made a decision, but then if he left, taking your memories away about this day, what was left for you? He had nothing, and it was okay. He would still know he came to the Sacred Timeline; that he kissed you, that you shared a moment together, that you still loved him. But you will have none of that. And you, as human as you were, would die without the memories and without the ring. You would have nothing and he was sure couldn't bear it.
"Perhaps I can have something else to remember you, I want you to keep this ring as a promise," he closed your hand around the necklace. "My promise that I still love you and I will do it. Forever."
And you sighed, taking the necklace back with a smile. Always so stubborn. "Give me a moment."
Loki saw you leave the kitchen for some minutes. While he was alone, he noticed the sunset through the windows, as it was almost ending to welcome the dark sky around the city. He knew he had to go soon. As much as he didn't want to and the simple thought of runing away was starting to hurt him deep inside.
When you arrived, you stood by his seat on the breakfast bar, putting a small photograph, perfect for a passport, on the surface. It was all in black and white, and you looked what you thought it was nice. Loki took it between his hands, lovingly and with a proud smile on his face.
"I used that when I was taking my Master's degree. Looks pretty decent," you joked.
Loki laughed, tears right at the corner of his eyes. "It's more than that. It's perfect."
His smile faded, knowing this meant he had to leave you again. Loki wasn't supposed to have a happy ending, was he? How he wished to stay there by your side.
You kissed his cheek as a sort of goodbye and comfort at the same time, noticing the sudden change on his face and whispered softly. "So you don't search for me on those files."
"Thank you, love."
Loki got on his feet to put his coat on, like some sort of mental preparation before leaving your apartment and the Sacred Timeline. He saved your photograph on his pocket securely along with Mobius' TemPad, pretending to be strong and swallowing all the pain he was feeling right at that moment. You took his hand, lacing your fingers together one last time and walked until you stood there, in the middle of your living room. He looked at you with loving eyes, trying to save your face and your figure before returning to where he was supposed to be now. And it seemed like time had stopped, as everything Loki could see and feel was you and only you.
"I guess is time now," you began, interrupting his mind.
"I guess it is," Loki nodded, expecting an answer from you. Anything. But it never came. You were also trying to save the moment as much as you could.
So he cupped your cheeks, feeling for the last time your warm, soft skin against his palms. He didn't want to talk, because if he would have said something, it meant you were really saying goodbye forever. What Loki didn't know is that you felt the same thing.
Was there something good to say to your lover, whose destiny was just to bring the best from other people with his cruelty and chaos? To the man who had learn to make things better and, in the end, died trying to protect his people and his wife? Was there anything out there that would bring the god of mischief the happiness and love you always knew he deserved? With these branches and multiverse thing, you hoped deep in your heart there was a universe where he found what he longed for so long. This was just one of many of them. Probably he was happy and living in peace in some others.
"I love you, Loki," you mumbled. He caressed your skin with his thumbs and wiped the small tears that were running on your cheeks.
"I love you too."
Loki leaned to kiss you one last time. You welcomed the kiss with shut eyes, savouring his lips and the taste of your tears, mixing now with his own.
The pain started to bloom; every heartbeat felt like a sledgehammer pounding against his chest. He was not ready to let you go, so this was all he could do. The seidr flowed from his fingers, the green lights covering your body with the help of the spell he casted for you was made to protect you from anything that could get out of hand in the Sacred Timeline, particularly from his own hands, the hands of the TVA, or any other danger that could chase you. Because if something would happen to you due to his stubborn decision, Loki knew he wouldn't forgive himself. What he was sure about though, was that he would still look for you until the end of time.
So when the kiss ended, you fell asleep in seconds. He had to take your sleeping figure with his arms to your bedroom, where he carefully laid you down on the bed. Making sure you were comfortable in your sleep, fixing the pillows and the blankets, Loki remained there, just to take in the serenity emanating from you. It was something you had, the ease and calm your aura projected to everyone in the room. This was the last thing Loki wanted to save from you.
He kissed your forehead and dried the tears on your face before standing up. Once you were to wake up in some hours, you would not be able to know everything was real. Loki made sure you thought it was a dream. So that is what you would have in your head. Something you wished for so long that will only be nothing but thoughts, scenes and emotions that felt absolutely true. As real as life could be.
Loki took the TemPad and opened the timedoor to go back to the TVA, where he knew Mobius would be waiting already since he left for hours. Without looking back to your room, he stepped in and forced to compose himself just in case he would bump into someone else. He sighed, observing through the halls of the headquaters as he made his way back to the room that was assigned to him.
At his door, a worried Mobius was already waiting for him, walking in circles.
"God, Loki I thought you were gone for a second," the analyst breathed out. Loki just handed the TemPad and Mobius took it back. He noticed his weary demeanor and teary eyes. "Thank you. Sorry I doubted you for a second."
"It's fine," Loki shrugged it off, looking for something on his pocket. The photograph slipped from his fingers and fell down to the floor. Mobius was quick enough to pick it up for him, but as he gave it back to his owner he observed it thoroughly.
"So this was the personal thing you did," Mobius said, looking the photograph resting on Loki's hand. He remembered that face from his files.
"Yeah... I guess all set now," Loki sighed.
"Good, I hope you're ready for another trip to the Sacred Timeline." Mobius turned to walk away, deciding it was better to give him some time, but he turned back to Loki before doing so. "And if you're feeling like talking about this any day, only between us, just let me know."
And with that, he walked away. Loki smiled, standing alone outside his door.
You were right. Mobius was a good friend.
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blueteller · 1 month
Hello, Blueteller-nim! I just want to ask what's happening rn in tcf part 2? Who are the new gods that have been introduced (and how many of those newly introduced gods became Cale's enemies)? How many hunters Cale already defeated (and how many more should he defeat)? Is there any news about the Fake Hilsman? Did Cale adopted a new kid? (Pls say yes I want him to adopt more lol)
Hi! I believe this exact question was sent to me before? Sorry it took me so long to reply! Every time I started writing, new lore got dropped and I ended up re-writing this reply from scratch. There's a lot to cover, so brace yourself for tons of SPOILERS
I made a post about TCF gods once already, but turns out, parts of it are outdated! Some new information got revealed that directly contradicts my old assumptions about several of them. But we'll get to it.
First of all, the Hunter families. The plot of Part 2 so far consists of Cale going to different dimensions to deal with them.
So there were originally seven, but by current time there were only five left to deal with. Let's quickly run by each of them one by one.
Black Bloods; residents of the planet Xiaolen – specifically Xiaolen 1 – named Huayans (Fayence in the first raw translations, just in case you've seen that version before), led by Redok. They were human Black Mages who specialized in "White Magic", meaning their variant of Black Magic was more powerful and it looked white. Pretty neat. They flooded Xiaolen with dead mana in order to sacrifice the world and gather its energy called "Karma". Still little detail on how Karma works exactly, but we know it can be gathered by either killing or saving tons of people – guess which method the Hunters use. Cale got a dramatic fire power boost because of some universal balance rules, and defeated them pretty easily. (Xiaolen citizens made Cale a statue in his honor, much to his despair lol)
Blue Bloods; residents of Central Plains, a pretty young world from what we know. They were known as the Blood Cult, lead by a female leader called Blood Demon. They created hundreds of thousands of zombies called Jiangshi and planned to cause a 3-way civil war in order to do the same thing Black Bloods were trying to do. Cale got a water power upgrade because of a dead Dragon and defeated a tsunami with a tsunami and got a splitting headache because of some third eye mumbo jumbo – long story. They were a little harder to defeat than Black Bloods, but they managed in the end. Choi Han got to personally slay the Blood Demon. (Central Plains citizens turned Cale into a folk story/legend and apparently there's already a cult for him hahaha)
Purple Bloods; resident of Aipotu – who consists entirely of Dragons and Dragon-bloods, led by Dragon Lord Neo (yes I'm pretty sure the name is a Matrix reference – love the irony of it so much). Purple Blood's specialty was getting to "inheriting" Dragon powers via some very questionable blood transfusions and heart transplants. Nasty stuff. Neo's Attribute was time, or something quite similar to it, and he used his time powers to mess up Aipotu and the World Tree, intending to transfer himself and all his followers/slaves into a Virtual Reality the Hunters planned to make their own new world. Cale had to use Instant to defeat Neo, turning his own broken plate into dust and eating it to survive (VERY questionable method, Cale!!). Dragon Half-Blood also had to sacrifice himself so Cale set him up as an NPC in the Virtual World and he gets to be reborn from an egg as a legit Half-Dragon named Eden Miru. These has been the most recent events in the story (also Aipotu residents built Cale a church under Clopeh and named it Five Colored Light religion HAHAHAHA). Speaking of Virtual Reality…
Transparent Bloods; residents of Earth 3 – the world where Anh Roh Man lives, the guy who made Alberu's Taerang; leader unknown so far. Apparently ARM's parents are the one who made the Virtual Reality, and the Hunters bought/stole it (and named it "Raising My Very Own Precious Omnipotent God!"??? Which is just hilarious…) So the game wasn't originally designed by them. That matters a lot, because it seems like not only VR is sentient like every other world so far, it has even created an AI specifically against the Hunters and their influence. It seems that VR is, in fact, a real world, capable of containing real people and their souls. So Cale will definitely be heading there next to save it from Transparent Bloods. But before we get to them…
Five-Colored Bloods; no apparent residence, but I have a suspicion… We found out very recently their leader is called the "Wanderer King". Which just screams to me of the whole "Mercenary King" invented by the White Star – the exact same brand of arrogance, really. Their specialty seems to be collecting and transferring power; that's how Dragon Lord Neo was able to get so much power to influence an entire world and the World Tree. They will be a pain to deal with, because they seem to be allied both with certain gods and demons. Which is why, btw, in the most recent chapters Cale went to the freaking Demon Realm. But more on that in a bit~!
White Bloods; all we know about them is from Choi Jung Gun in Sealed God's Temple Test of Sloth. To directly quote him, "The White Blood family betrayed the Hunters and escaped!" (chapter 730) – which I actually mixed up in the past, my bad; I thought it was the Red Blood family that betrayed them and escaped. Speaking of which:
Red Bloods; also known as Thames, last known member being Jour Thames (or is it Drew Thames in the EAP translation? Whatever, I prefer Jour…) and the "Fake Hilsman" who stole Cale's retirement fund. Judging from Jour mentioning her brother when Cale got the Annual Rings of Life Ancient Power, I think it's safe to assume it's that guy. CJG said to Cale that " The Red Blood family perished a long time ago", but he also said that "The Red Blood did not perish", so I think they also betrayed the Hunters and faked their death.
If you're still with me after ALL of that exposition, let me now actually address the actual question: the gods involved in the plot of in Part 2.
There are 5 gods we must talk about, and why I need the Hunter families context first will become clear in a moment.
God of Balance; apparently female, wears heels, and approaches people from behind for intimidation. I'd call her the "gentle in disposition yet extremely scary" grandma type. Basically forcefully summoned Cale to meet her after defeating the Blue Bloods on Central Plains (Cale did not see her face) and told/threatened Cale that he should become a god. One of the "Five Ancient Gods", which seem to be one of the if not THE oldest Gods around who did not retire yet for some reason. Seems like a real piece of work, though doesn't seem evil? More like a strict law enforced or corrupt politician. She did beat up the God of Death over giving Cale the dimension-transporting mirror Divine Item that one time. She also wrote a rulebook on universal balance, apparently. That's why most of Cales powers were sealed and weakened during the Central Plains arc.
God of Hope; I don't believe their gender was ever specified. I think some people assume she's female too, but I found no evidence for it so far? I might be wrong. Anyway – thanks to them visiting Cale to "scare away" the God of Balance, we got tons of info. The God of Hope said: "Including Balance, Chaos, and I, there are a total of five Ancient Gods. We have continued to protect these seats without ever handing it over to another existence. My my, we are all quite greedy. We all desire power as well." So the five Ancient Gods seem to be Balance, Chaos, Hope, and I think the last two are Fate and Blue Wolf? [EDIT: The last two were revealed to be Justice and Injustice in the most recent chapter. My mistake!] Anyway – the God of Hope is sometimes stronger than Balance and that pisses her off. They seem to be one of the most reasonable gods we've met so far, not only admitting that they did not wish to become a god at all but were forced to, but also sincerely cheering on Cale's dream, explaining that Balance wanted Cale to replace Hope and be her lackey. No thanks, Balance, that's never gonna happen. …I mean Cale might still end up a god, with how things are going, but. Definitely not working for Balance.
Blue Wolf; I'm also unsure if the gender ever got specified, though I got the impression that they're probably male so far? In any case, they showed up during the battle on Aipotu. One of the evil Hunter Dragons tried to summon them with a corrupt Divine Item and Lock ended up swallowing a blue flame (yes it was exactly as weird as it sounds). They seem to be the reason why Beast People are able to control their Berserk Transformations at all? Which is quite interesting. Little to no depth on this god's character so far, though, except for apparently liking Lock and making him a successor of some kind.
God of Chaos; we found out a couple of things about them so far in the Aipotu arc. One, their followers are complete freaks; like, Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist level of messed up.  Their followers experiment on people AND themselves, like re-sewing limbs and creating chimeras (which explains lots of Hunter experiments honestly). Two, their representatives are able to use some weird similar-to-Dominating-Aura power which involves creepy Eldritch Horror Eyes? And Cale's gonna try and replicate that with the Donating Aura himself?? Well okay then…? Three, that god's power seems to be characterized by grey color (Dragon Lord Neo intended to use grey stuff to kill Aipotu with. Also worth mentioning; Choi Jung Gun apparently got poisoned by it, so now he's unconscious, slowly turning gray and dying. We'll see if Cale finds a way to save him.) Which – plot twist!! Actually came up in Part 1!! Looks like Sky Eating Water herself was subdued by that very god's power?! Together with God of War, no less, which brings us to the final god on the list…
God of War; turns out they're a double agent, if not a triple agent!! It's quite difficult to figure out what their deal is. Before, I kinda assumed they had to have some good intentions, because they helped created shelters and Cotton was their Holy Maiden and stuff. But nope. God of War is either working FOR or WITH the Hunters, although I'm inclined to think the latter. There seems to be something going behind the scenes, some personal agenda we don't know of yet? We know from Part 1 that God of War gave the people of the north a river, which the Sekka family hoarded selfishly for themselves, turning it into a lake. The God of War emptied the lake in retribution and sent a Divine Item that was a watering can full of fury. However – despite apparently all that good stuff and "breaking the slave chains" from Sky Eater Water, they also forced her to work for them as a Judge, which she hated so much she ran off. We now found out in Part 2 that God of War must have wanted to control Sky Eating Water, because she was so powerful she probably could have defeated the Ancient White Star by herself!! So, God of War teamed up with God of Chaos and chained her down in the lake in the Eastern Continent where Cale eventually got the Ancient Power from. A tragic end for her, but shows how merciless God of War was for his very own chosen one, in the end. God of War was also involved in giving Neo the knowledge on how to control Aipotu's power and the World Tree. There seems to be a lot more going on with the God of War we EVER knew, and the fact that the grey color has been set up back when Cale got Sky Eating water is straight up thrilling for me. I can't wait to find out more!!
So we finally covered all the Hunters and all the gods so far – goodness I'm sorry there's so much, but in my defense, that's about 300 chapters of context for it.
I roughly covered what happened so far through the two lists, but I'll add a few more things:
Cale defeated 3 out of 5 Hunter families so far: Black, Blue and Purple (like beating someone up and leaving colored bruises lol), with Transparent and Five Colors left. Also the ever-mysterious Hunter Leader called "The King's Successor", no idea if that's the Wanderer King or not, but I kind of doubt it. We'll see… (I also totally hope Cale kicks the a** of the God of Chaos, because they're a creep and deserve to burn in hell)
There seems to be another faction aside from Hunters & their supporters, or anti-Hunter gods like God of Death and non-affiliated people – there's a group called "Arbitrators" (raw translation, EAP did not get so far yet), which include Demons?? We don't know what their exact deal is yet, they seem to be about specific Divine/Demonic politics maybe? And Cotton is one of them because she turned her back on God of War?? And now Cale is in the Demon Realm, meeting a middle-aged demon princess named Aurora (whose father got dethroned and another guy took his place so Cale's probably gonna dethrone yet another monarch soon), and it turns out that the Arbitrators are totally BROKE, which kinda explains why Fake Hilsman stole Cale's money if he's one of them… Now Cale is scared because they want him to sponsor them HAHAHA – Alberu is gonna love the irony
No Cale did not officially adopt more kids sadly, but there's been some adorable kid characters showing up, and there's DEFINITELY a ton of new loyal Caleism followers – much to Cale's despair, as they're starting to worship him across dimensions… And with the Virtual Reality apparently being able to connect worlds, it's only the matter of time before Cale's slacker life is utterly screwed by multi-dimensional religion starring him as their Lord and Savior LOL
…So anyway, I hope it's what you've been asking for? Thank for reading this freakishly long post about my rambling on Part 2!
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 1 year
Imagine your dad being a Miguel O’Hara variant and meeting Miguel
Pairing : Platonic! Miguel O'Hara x Earth Bender Reader x Spiderverse
This is really just a really long rant about your dad meeting your dad from a different universe.
Wordcount: 2.2k (oops)
Miguel O’Hara Masterlist || pt.2
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Okay so I'm randomly imagining a variant of Miguel who's also living the spiderman life but hasn't been through nearly as much loss as Miguel. 
Like this Miguel (let's call him Miguel 2) has lost his wife, but not his kid.
For some reason I also imagine this universe to be something like the Avatar universe (the one with the benders) just without the presence of the actual avatar which is why they would also have superheroes. I also imagine Y/N's mum being an earth bender, which was passed down onto Y/N. And they're quite good at it as well.
Miguel 2 was bitten, but still has a few common powers as Miguel. He has no claws, though he does have fangs. He also has natural webbing and can stick to walls.
I imagine Miguel and Miguel 2 meeting because of an anomaly breech in Miguel 2's universe. And Miguel's utter and complete surprise when he meets a spiderman with the same build as him. ( The man lost his wife, of course he goes gym as well.) 
I also imagine the immediate panic Miguel 2 feels when a building collapses on top of you, and a bunch of pedestrians. Like the battle with this misplaced villain would already be raging head on, and suddenly he sees you being buried under a HUGE pile of building and he just sees red. And Miguel isn't sure it's him until Miguel 2 attacks the villain viciously and rips his mask of, using his fangs to knock the villain out with a good amount of venom.
And the surprise Miguel feels in that moment is amazing. Because he never imagined there was another him, never realized in the amount of universes he comes across. His surprise deepens when Miguel 2 runs to the rubble, his movements chaotic and panicky as he pulls rock for rock apart. Miguel 2 is also originally a nonbender, though his parents had been fire benders.
Now imagine Miguel 2's relief when a hole opens up from the ground not too far from him, and you climb out, calling him dad as you help out pedestrians. And now Miguel is surprised, and a little heartbroken. In this universe he doesn't have Gabriella, but he has you.
Miguel 2 helps the pedestrians climb up before pulling you into a hug. You're a little dirty because of the setting, and you've got a few scratches, but otherwise you're unharmed.
Miguel lets the moment happen, only snapping out of it when Lyla reminds him that he should be on his way to HQ.
And he really is about to leave without invading your lives, when Miguel 2 calls out to him and thanks him. Curiously asking who he is and where he's from.
Miguel can't help himself as he explains the entire story. Inviting him on the team. He also glances at you, before inviting you as well.
Now the entire society is surprised when Miguel walks in with not just an anomaly and another spider person, but also you.
And imagine your surprise when he reveals his identity. Only to realize that he's the exact same person as your dad. Your dad is also surprised, but the two are quick to start 'old men talk' as you would dub it. Also, your dad receives a watch, whilst you receive a day pass.
And even though you look physically not anything like your father at all, Miguel still feels that odd connection he felt when he saw Gabriella for the first time. He leads the two of you through the building, paired with an explanation about everything and nothing.
Eventually, he also tells Miguel 2 about Gabriella, and in turn Miguel 2 asks what she'd look like, if she looked at least a little like you, and if he had fallen in love with the same woman. Miguel glances back at you, only to notice you're gone. Miguel 2 simply shakes his hand at your disappearance  adding that you do that often when you're bored. It surprises Miguel how loose Miguel 2 is when it comes to keeping tabs on you, but than again, he did see how you saved yourself and a bunch of people within a matter of time. Miguel eventually answers his earlier question with a shake of his head, telling him Gabriella was more of a physical copy of him, and that he had fallen in love with a different woman all together. Miguel 2 hums, accepting the answer before they start talking more about the multiverse.
Miguel also finds out that Miguel 2 doesn't work for Alcamex, but for a company which specializes in creating medicine. He also finds out a lot about you. You're nearly 16 years old, and have a few close friends. You're horrible at school, unable to sit still in classes. You're also a great bender, and according to Miguel 2, one of the best the world might ever see. Miguel was very confused when he explained that you had fully mastered every subbending technique earth bending offered. From sandbending to metalbending to lava bending, you could do it all.
And Miguel couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Miguel 2 has got to spend more than 15 years with you, while he lost Gabriella at a young age. On top of that you seem to be thriving, and Miguel 2 doesn't need to lie to you. Doesn't have to hide his spiderman identity for you. ( When Miguel asked how Miguel 2 merely smiled and explained that it was a little hard to hide when it was just the two of you, adding on top of that that you share their hard headed trait.)
I can also imagine Y/N managing to find the rest of the teens (Hobie, Miles, Gwen, Margo, Pavitr, really everyone!) in spider HQ, and getting along with them quite easily. They all have a lot of questions about why you're here as a nonspider, and even more when you tell them your dad is coincidentally also Miguel.
I also think Y/N would connect best with Hobie and Ben Reilly (the one from ultimate spiderman- not atsv). Because Hobie does whatever he wants and Ben is continuously grumpy, and distant, a trait that goes well with your laid back extrovert personality. 
I can also imagine Y/N managing to grab a hold of a webshooter somehow, and being taught how to swing through by the rest.
I definitely imagine Y/N casually swinging into the lab and trying to impress her dad and Miguel by trying to swing straight onto the platform. Which you of course would miss, jumping too late and instead plummeting towards the floor. A neon red web shoots out on time to give you a really soft landing though, basically bouncing you on your feet before you're on the ground. 
Miguel had expected Miguel 2 to react as well, but he simply shook his head. When Miguel gives him a judging look, he shrugs, adding a 'trust me, they gotta learn the hard way'. Because Miguel 2 knows how you won't stop unless you fall flat on your face or break something. And so you start swinging again, this time making a funny landing on the platform with an 'oof' as you plop on your butt before getting up and dusting yourself off.
And than Miguel's watching as you and your dad start arguing. " Did you know that most spider people don't have organic webs? They use these things! Hobie let me use his- that reminds me you should meet Hobie!-" You babble on for a bit. Miguel watches as Miguel 2 simply smiles, hanging onto your every word before he replies. " Yeah well, we should be grateful we don't have web shooters in our universe." " Why not? Can't we try to make some? It'd be fun!" " No." " Why not? Give me one good reason-" " You're an earth bender. You're powerless in the sky." " Oh right, forgot about that for a second."
Meanwhile the other teens are all stood below the platform on the ground. Their surprise evident as they see how an exact copy of Miguel is smiling, obviously content with everything around him. It also isn't until you're tugging at your father's arm to meet your new friends that Miguel starts lowering the platform.
Miguel is in turn surprised to see Ben Reilly among the others, considering the male usually prefers to remain by himself. He also can't help but be fond of the way you speak, all enthusiast about introducing your new friends (even introducing Hobie and Ben as your new besties.) 
Eventually the group falls into conversation, and your worlds normalcy about bending the elements is brought up. Which in turn bring up your bending, to which Hobie in turn challenges you, saying you wouldn't be able to win from him. 
Miguel is surprised when you turn to him, asking if there's a space in which you two can spar. Miguel is surprised, having expected that you would ask your dad, but eventually tells you there is. To Miguel's surprise, Miguel 2 puts a hold on it, adding that you're defenseless without wrecking the building. Everyone is confused when you tell him about your wristbands, and showcase your pockets full of rocks in them. Even Miguel himself is skeptical, considering Hobie is definitely has the advantage due to the field. Miguel 2 eventually nods when you showcase your pockets.
And so the group finds themselves downstairs, watching a sparring field from the side. Hobie smirks at you, teasingly adding that you're free to tap out any time and that he'll go easy on you. You in return laugh, before telling him the same, except you won't go easy. Your battle begins and you don't attack straight away. Instead you avoid all Hobie's advances, avoiding kick after punch after elbow. It takes a while before you oppose his attacks. Neither of you have used your powers at this point yet. It isn't until he tries to punch you again that you react, blocking his punch, you throw a punch back yourself, sending him a step back. Hobie's surprised, and eventually takes off. He starts throwing webs at you. Nearly everyone (except for your dad) is excited when your bracelets start deforming with your movements, shaping them and reshaping them from blades to balls, breaking webs or misdirecting them, or sometimes simply jumping out of the way. Eventually, you manage to throw a good hard ball into his stumic, which causes him to let go of his web. Seizing the moment, you take your metal ball again, giving him a final blow to send him to the ground. You're grinning as you stand over him when he's laid on the ground, your body still in a fighting stance whilst your ball has divided into smaller balls, floating around you.
He smiles as he tells you you've admittedly won, and you help him up with a hand. You smile and nod when he tells you that you should come around more often, adding that he wants a rematch. Your dad also gives you that proud smile of his that he rarely gives you.
You and the rest of the teens have started conversation again, and now it's all about your bending. Miguel and Miguel 2 listening instead of participating. Everyone is surprised when you tell them that metal bending isn't your best skill, and the excitement grows as you Tell them about lava bending. Happy to show them your actual skill, you take a few rocks out of your pocket, and let them melt into a ninja star made of lava. Everyone's eyes are big, completely impressed by this skill. Even Miguel is left speechless (which isn't noticeable, but still.) It isn't until Miguel 2 takes a look at his regular watch that he tells you it's time to go.
You pout, and ask if you'll be able to come back sometime. Everyone automatically turns to look at Miguel, and he sighs before telling you you might, adding a lame excuse about how you're good to train with.
And so you'll eventually depart after greeting almost everyone in a hug before you all but jump through.
You might not be a spider person, but spider society is definitely also a place for you.
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" Y'know, I would've left you behind if you would have lost that fight with Hober." Your dad teases you over dinner later that day.
The two of you had decided on simple take out.
" His name's Hobie dad." You roll your eyes with a smile, before taking a bite.
" Besides, that's okay. I would have my hands on some web shooters by now. " You grin.
He sighs.
" You're never going to let that go, will you?" 
" No, I still think we should really give it a shot."
" No."
" Did you at least notice my pun? Shot?"
Your dad shakes his head.
" I should've really followed the instructions on those 'how to raise a kid' books."
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dusterbishop · 22 days
i hear you call my name (and it feels like home)
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summary. || three timelines, you have watched remy lebeau die. you didn't believe you would earn a fourth chance to save him until you find a variant with no memory of his past, lost in a void of existence.
pairing. || gambit x f!reader (past relationship with current enemies-to-lovers)
count. || 6.4k
notes. || posted on ao3 here. warning for character death and violence. this is the end! thank you all for the lovely words of support, it means so much that you all loved this duo as much as i do. i have ideas of oneshots for the future, but for now, i leave you all with this!
part one. || part two. || part three. || part four.
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Your ears are ringing.
Awareness floods you in slow, uneven strokes. You can hear the roar of battle buzzing through the fog in your mind, guttural screams of pain cutting through in sharp starbursts. There’s a staff in your right hand, and you spasm your grip on it, testing its weight.
It is Remy’s.
Once, that staff had been too heavy for you to properly swing around. He had watched you practice with a pained grimace for a week before he surprised you with your own to train with. The two of you were nothing more than colleagues at that point, simply two mismatched X-Men crossing paths by sheer fate. Until he had handed you your own staff, its weight balanced with delicate perfection in the palm of your hand, and showed you how to use it.
You had never told him that you only used the staff because you could see it in every timeline, a slow conversion of your fighting style across lifetimes. Not every life you lived shared Remy, but his influence still lingered at the edges, seeping in like ink. Fighting with a staff, learning to pick locks, using sleight of hand to swap items from timelines with ease. It was all an extension of your life with Remy. Just echoes, over and over, spreading out in rippling waves.
Echoes, which could never replace the thrill that sparks your attention when a blazing playing card whizzes past your ear. There’s a muffled explosion as the card makes contact with the enemy swinging for your head, and you gracefully sidestep the half-dead man that staggers into a collapsed pile at your feet.
“Watch where you goin’, mon coeur,” Gambit calls. Another whistling hum of kinetic energy, another flash of blazing purple as he throws another card and cuts down another blank faced enemy. The base that Nova commands has a strangely illusive layout, and the war-starved bodies seem like an endless, writhing thing to overcome.
Time is a limited resource, after all. You can taste it just as surely as the blood in the back of your mouth.
“Maybe I’m too distracted watching something else,” you call back. You don’t take the time to see the expression on his face, but you hear his delighted laugh before he starts slinging explosives again. It’s easy to fall into battle. Even easier while you’re wearing your old suit, and the fabric is soft and well-worn just as you remember it. The clothes you wore in the Void were fine for travel, but you felt strangely out of place last night watching Remy adjusting his coat for the upcoming battle.
You are one of the X-Men, technically. It’s been more than a lifetime since you felt like one, but you know their colors and their mission. The suit always did feel more like a formality. There is nothing that could prevent you from fighting for people who cannot protect themselves. Everyone else only has one life, and you have an infinity of them. The gold and blue of your suit is meant to inspire hope for the people you are defending, not to boast about your position, and yet Remy had stuttered mid-sentence when he turned to see you suddenly dressed in your original suit, prepared for battle.
Been a’while since Gambit seen you wit’ those colors. Though, Gambit t’inks you look better out of ‘em, too...
“Pot callin’ the kettle black,” Gambit says. He’s closer, now, as if magnetized to the orbit of your battleground. You smash the skull of a man trying to catch a cheapshot to Gambit’s ribs, and Gambit slips an explosive card into the pocket of the man’s coat for good measure. Briefly, his hand catches the curve of your elbow, brushing his fingers over the pulse-point. Even through the sleeve of your suit, you can almost feel the heat of his skin, searing bone-deep.
“Just calling it as I see it, Cajun,” you say. It doesn’t sound as breathless as you feel. Gambit still has that infuriatingly pleased look on his face, though, so you give him a half-hearted shove with a raised brow. “Save the world, remember?”
“Mais la, all bluff no play,” he complains. “S’il vous plait, mon coeur —”
Time slips.
One moment, you take the chance to catch your breath, falling all-too-easy to the lure of sparring with Remy. The next moment, you’re on the ground. There’s blood beneath you, pooling under your head, dripping from your nose and down to the hard-packed soil.
“Remy,” you choke out. Your ears are ringing with echoes of voices, though you assume it’s across timelines based on the range of emotions. You can hear crying as soul-wrenching as fresh grief, and laughing as bright as bells. It’s like picking up a landline and hearing a conversation you’re only privy to as a passing voyeur.
You blink away some of the dirt and sweat stinging your eyes. You’re still on the ground. Something weighty and warm is settled over your back, tucked into the curve of your sides. The scent of smoke and cologne curls around you as familiar as the back of your hand.
Remy draped his coat over you. You spit a wad of bloodied saliva onto the ground, grimacing at the dark thickness. How long have you been out? You don’t remember charging up to leave the timeline.
Even worse, you don’t remember going anywhere. Time may change around you, but your mind keeps itself sharp with a constant awareness. Even when you would travel time in your sleep, you knew you were moving based on the pressure changing in the air. There had been no pressure change, this time. Only standing with Gambit, teasing him in the way that blazed adrenaline through your veins. Then, it is you laying on the ground, curled up underneath his coat, tasting blood.
You blink again. You think you’re shivering, or maybe you’re trembling, because you aren’t cold. That hazy, all-consuming fever pulses across your skin in waves, burning across your every nerve. It takes effort to turn your head just a fraction, searching the scattered battlefield. You’re still in Nova’s compound. You can see Blade and Elektra distracting any enemy seeking the weaker prey, luring them away from where you lay.
It had taken two more days before you and Gambit had met back up with the resistance. Initially, you had been wary of the strange collection of mutants, reflecting their own suspicion of you back like a mirror image. Yet they had seemed relieved that Gambit was back unharmed.
Now, far past the initial skepticism of your arrival, they treat you with the same consideration they give Gambit.
Though Gambit is… the same, and yet he’s more. The way he fights is far different than the way he did during the days when you both worked with the X-Men. He doesn’t linger near the boundaries of the fight anymore. You used to breathe easier knowing he had been prowling the edges of a fight with his cards at the ready, always protecting your back.
Now, when he fights in the Void, he storms the battlefield as a raging violet-blaze tempest. You find him easily through the crowded clusters of skirmishes, his staff humming with kinetic charge. He wields a handful of cards with careful scarcity, and you know it’s because you have his coat draped over you, holding all of his extra ammo.
He is going to get himself killed.
That thought propels you into motion. Your arms tremble as you push yourself to sit up, the back of your mouth filling with blood and nauseating saliva. It hurts to breathe. It feels like there is a shard of glass lodged in your ribs, cutting up your insides. The only blood you can sense is the slow drip from your lips, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t damage you can’t see yet. Something in your being is dismantling in slow, even strokes, cast adrift from the timelines and stranded in the Void.
One of Nova’s henchmen gets too close to Remy and sideswipes him. The soft-muted grunt of pain from Remy sends a chilling lance of fear through your gut, though before you can move, Remy is already turning and taking down the enemy with a swift twirl of his staff.
They are going to kill him if you don’t get him out. You know it, and it hurts so much to move, but you push yourself to your feet with a strangled whine of frustration. Of all the times for your body to fail you, it has to be now, when Remy is exposed to an entire base of people trying to kill him.
His coat is a familiar weight over your shoulders, but that doesn’t quell the violent shiver that runs through you. Neither does it stop the sudden rush of dizzying pain, or the way you have to hunch over and spit out blood onto the dirt. No time. You don’t have any time.
“Remy,” you call out. You fumble to wipe away the blood dripping down your chin just as he turns at the sound of your voice, his face bright with relief. He doesn’t notice the blood. He moves quickly through the battlefield nonetheless, wrapping an arm over the shuddering arch of your shoulders.
“ Mon coeur,” he says, and he must see something in your face that makes him hesitate. “Enjoy your nap, chér ?”
You suck in a sharp breath. It’s always ‘chér ’ when he doesn’t know which version you are.
“Still with you, LeBeau,” you tell him. Your hand reaches up to cradle the curve of his jaw. He’s buzzing with energy beneath your touch, but it’s the simmering fire in his eyes as he gazes back at you that makes you feel set alight.
“Wanna play?” He says softly. One arm is still slung protectively over your back, but he uses his free hand to fasten his coat tighter over your shoulders, his hand lingering at the vulnerable curve of your throat. “I deal you in, mon coeur.”
You’re reluctant to let him go, so you pull him in and press a chaste kiss to his mouth. You don’t let him go deeper than that so he doesn’t taste the blood, even if there’s a savage wanting in your gut to sink deep into his embrace and never resurface. It’s not fair, you think, that you finally found him only to lose him all over again.
“Deal me in, Cajun,” you whisper to him. His fingers drop from the hollow of your collarbone to the seam of his coat sleeve, drawing a card. He flickers it between his fingers to show you his dealt hand — the ace of hearts — before it disappears into the nothingness of time. You let Remy press another kiss to your mouth, and you have to close your eyes to fight back the burn of tears. Even with your eyes closed, you can hear the hoarseness in his voice when he pulls back.
"You an' me, chér, couple'a aces, non?" 
You have to turn your head to hide a sad smile. "A matched pair."
Like that, the two of you separate. He goes into the fray of battle, the air whirring violently with charged energy, and you step back into the shadow, pulling your ace of hearts from the timeline. You have caught nothing but glimpses of Nova since you arrived, but you can feel her presence at the edges of your mind, probing for weakness. 
So you look weak. It’s easy to slouch against the wall, your breathing coming in labored pants, the sleeve of your X-Men suit streaked red with the blood you keep wiping from your chin. Hurt prey is weaker, after all. You know what she must see when she sees you so far from Remy’s orbit: an injured fawn ripened for the kill.
“Don’ ya leave now, the fun just startin’,” Remy laughs. He sweeps his staff in a wide arc, warding off the enemies crowding closer to his position, but he only has eyes for you. He’s watching you, and you know the moment she arrives by the way his eyes harden with venomous hatred.
“Indeed,” Nova says. Her presence is a sudden, harsh strike to your mind. You have to grit your teeth to muffle your shocked gasp. Her hand is lax around your throat, but you are all too aware of the hand gently caressing the back of your skull. You can hear the smile in her voice when she whispers in your ear, “I’ve never seen something like you.”
“Took the words right out of my mouth,” you say. The air whirs in quiet contention around you,  but you’re more focused on the card still clutched in your hand. Come on, come on...
“You’re a little wanderer, aren’t you,” she muses. She runs her fingers through the locks of your hair with gentle fingertips, and it takes all of your self control not to spasm and jolt out of her touch. You clench your empty hands tightly, instead, and try not to stare at Remy when he suddenly tucks his hand into a tight fist, purple light buzzing ravenously through the tight clench of his fingers.
“What are you doing running with the swamp rats, hm?” Nova strokes your head again. “You don’t seem like one of their merry band of misfits.”
Remy makes an indignant sound at that, and just as Nova looks to him, the light in his hand dies to nothingness.
“His name is Gambit,” you say. The playing card in your hand whirs with pitched fervor. Almost there. “Make sure you remember that.”
Time condenses to your will, and you’re looking right at Remy when the ace of hearts detonates, rippling a shockwave through you and Nova. Kinetic energy consumes you in a wildfire, burning through the flesh of your body with fervent hunger. You see the ache of distraught cross his face, and then there is only the movement of timelines shifting in place, carrying you through lifetimes, blurring the world around you into a wash of muddled watercolors.
When you blink, the world rights itself.
When you breathe in, settling back into a body escaped unharmed, you see Remy fall.
“No!” You shout. Or perhaps it is a whisper. Or perhaps it is spread across every timeline, every particle of your being spread thin and calling out in pained fury. You aren’t sure of anything except the way Remy twists, losing grip of his staff, and collapsing to the ground.
A wordless scream of rage tears through you. You can hear its echo filling the air as you yank time into a heel, drawing yourself across the expanse of the field in moments. You aren’t sure where the others are, or if Nova truly perished in the kinetic explosion as you intended. All you can see is Remy, lying in motionless rigor, and the man that took the shot that put him down.
Time scrambles in your mind, but you reach your destination faster than the man can draw his weapon at you. Your hands take his head in a vice grip, the tips of your gloved fingers digging harshly into his dirt-streaked skin.
“How dare you,” you snarl. If you had the chance, you would tear him through time until he disintegrated. You break his neck instead, the sickening crack of his bone fading from your attention the moment you feel his body slip from your grasp. You don’t manipulate time to fall to your knees by Remy’s side, but the space between movements is a blur you don’t care to investigate.
“Remy,” you half-sob. You reach out and grasp his shoulder, turning him over onto his back, and nearly sob again in relief when you see him squinting back at you with dazed annoyance.
“Lucky strike,” he mutters. Your hand flutters down to brush against his side, your heart seizing at the grimace on his face. The warmth of blood against your fingers spreads a numbness through your gut. You only press your hand firmly to the wound, gritting your teeth against the roaring fury building in your throat.
“What happened to ‘the house always wins’?” You snap at him instead. The blood is sticky and warm, and it won’t be staunched by the pressure of your hand alone. He’s going to bleed out.
“Raising the bet,” Remy grunts. There’s a sheen of sweat across his brow, but it’s the ashen pallor of his skin that makes your chest tighten with panic. God, you’re going to lose him.
“I hate you,” you whisper. You hate the Void. You hate Nova, and her violent-driven henchmen. You hate yourself, most of all, for doing this to him. For not being able to do more.
“Tha’ sounds more like love than hate, mon coeur.”
“Just playing the odds,” you bite out. He blinks at you, sluggish, and you realize exactly what you have to do. It’s the only thing you can do for him. You draw your hand back from his side and try not to gag on the smell of it permeating the air. There’s a steady puddle beneath him, soaking the knees of your suit, but you hardly feel it. You can’t feel anything at all, in fact.
Just that whirring buzz of time, and the slowly approaching footsteps of Cassandra Nova coming up behind you.
“Go ahead, Remy,” you breathe. The timeline whirs to life beneath your palms, a composed symphony to the crackling buzz of kinetic energy. You cup his face, thumbs smoothing away the dust beneath his blackened eyes, and you will him to live.
He reaches up to try and catch your wrists. There’s that furrow in his brow, again, like he’s preparing to curse you out for this. He’s a pulsing livewire of humming energy in your hands, simmering with an explosive potential. If he stays here, he will be nothing more than a husk. Dying like a goddamn hero, slaughtered like a martyr upon the altar, just to give you the chance to take down Nova.
So you imagine him at your apartment, in your bed, instead. Tucked under the blankets, his hair mussed from sleep. Figaro curled up on his chest, purring his strange rattling hum, the other two boys stretched out beside him. The world is quiet, and safe. Nothing is there to hurt him.
The timeline sings in your hands. You want to kiss him, but you don’t. Kissing him will feel like goodbye, and you don’t think you could bear the thought of it, not right now. Not before you finish taking down Nova.
Your gaze locks with his. You can see the moment he realizes that you aren’t going with him. The annoyance at being forced to take the retreat cracks out of his expression with sharp, desperate panic. His hands nearly catch you at the wrist, his fingertips brushing against the sleeve of your coat, but then he’s gone. You stare down at the dirt where he once was, fighting to keep your breathing steady. He’s safe.
At least, you tell yourself, one of you made it home.
Yet it still feels like a gaping wound in your side. You betrayed him to save him.
“Touching,” Nova remarks. You can’t bring yourself to move. You’re still kneeling in the remains of Remy’s blood when she strikes you.
The world flickers in and out of focus, spinning in rampant circles. Distantly, you’re aware of your legs kicking weakly in the air, your hands scrabbling desperately at your throat to ease the choking grip she has you in. Except she isn’t touching you, not with her hands.
No, she’s standing just out of arm's reach, smiling like a sphynx.
“I have seen so many variants,” she says idly. You’re choking on nothing, fighting the headache rending through your temples. “There’s been some Jean Grays, a few Rogues. More than a few Gambits. Many, many Deadpools.”
“And yet,” she continues. “I have never found more than one of you.”
The release of the grip she has on your throat makes you gasp out a cry, sucking in air with deep, hoarse wheezing. You hardly feel the impact of your body collapsing to the ground, too relieved in the taste of air. You rub at your throat with shaking fingers, trying to erase the feeling of her grip crushing your windpipe.
“That isn’t the strangest part, however.”
You know where this is going. You close your eyes.
“I could feel you,” she shifts closer to you, but you don’t have the energy to flinch and create distance between the two of you. “In your mind, you are nothing but fragments.”
“Wayfarer,” you whisper. It comes out in a croak, but you are far beyond caring. “I am everywhere and everything.”
“Broken,” she agrees. You open your eyes at that. She looks vindicated, as if admitting your ability has only made you weaker. You suppose, hunched over and wheezing, you don’t look as threatening as you used to during your X-Men days. You must look like nothing but bleeding prey.
Good, you think. You smile at her with bloodied teeth. “Broken things are meant to hurt, you know.”
Like shuffling a deck of cards, you let time flutter through your hands, staggering into a timeline version of yourself where you can breathe without choking. Your body follows the commands of your mind with elegant obedience.
Your hands meet their mark, and latch onto Nova tight enough to turn your knuckles pale. The pair of playing cards pressed against each of your palms sizzle with hunger where they make contact with her body.
Pain lances through your skull, exploding into brilliant light behind your eyes. You think your hands are still clutching onto Nova, but you cannot feel them. The world is bright violet, time shuffling with a charged whir. The kinetic energy ripples down your hands in great, staggering waves, a faint prickle of pain among the agony of time rendering itself apart around you.
Nova is screaming. Distantly, you feel her hands pulling at you, yanking at the lapels of Remy’s coat, hitting your face. She must be trying to delve into your mind. She cannot catch you, though. You are plummeting through every timeline, shuffling from one version of yourself to the next, then the next, then the next. Over and over. Over, and over, and over.
Shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
You think you let go of her.
— shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
No, it’s not your hands that have let go. Your arms are shuddering through time, but your hands keep locked onto her, holding her steady, burning violet. You haven’t let her go, but your body is being torn into pieces.
— shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
Nova isn’t screaming anymore.
— shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
You are.
— shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
You can’t hear it over the roaring of time rushing through you, but you can feel your throat blazing, screaming through every timeline, every version of yourself. This must be what dying feels like. It is infinite across all time. There is no other way out.
— shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
Her body dissolves with slow tendrils of violet light creeping beneath the exposed flesh, tracing whirls with the lines of her veins and arteries. It consumes her from the inside, spreading out with a meticulous, parasitic intensity.
— shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
Remy’s power consumes you, too. You see the light creep up your wrists, then your arms, then your shoulders. You can feel its warmth down to your bones. It almost feels, strangely, like it’s him hugging you. It feels like it did last night, tangled in his arms beneath the sheets, your ear pressed to his chest to listen to the rhythm of his heart.
— shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
You wonder, distantly, if his power is trying to keep your body together. The charge of kinetic energy is concentrated in your hands, but you can still feel the heat of it pooling in the pit of your stomach and scorching the back of your mouth. Remy had been dismissive when you asked him what it felt like to charge something, though you figure he had been exasperated by your own explanation of your ability. You doubt he would have known what it felt like to be torn asunder with only the kinetic lightning crackling through him.
— shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
You think about Remy, for a moment. You think about the apartment that you both signed the lease on, furnished with a thief’s eye of luxury, cluttered with the little bits of memorabilia and creature comforts you curated over the years. You think about the cats that Remy dotes on, your own cats by marriage, all curled up in their favorite spots around the two of you. You think about the couch that you had teased Remy about for the price, only for him to turn around and gloat about the amount of naps you took on it. You think about the movie nights with you two intertwined on that couch, the cats pressed into your sides, the room dim-lit and safe.
— shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
You think about how you would like to do that, again. To be able to sit on the couch with your husband and watch a movie. To be with Remy, and not be caught in this web of unraveling agony.
— shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull, shuffle, draw, pull — 
Like a loose thread, you unravel.
It starts in your hands, with your fingertips, and it spreads from there.
Your eyesight goes last.
You see Remy in every lifetime, looking at you, his outline glimmering with that kinetic violet light. His mouth is moving. It almost looks like your name.
Nothing comes to your mind. Everything comes into pitch black.
Your hands are empty.
Time is empty, now absent when it once was vast. You had been infinite, once. Like time, you had been endless.
You had been lost before you knew what it felt like to be seen. You could never be sure what timeline was originally yours before you switched them. Even the smallest of details could escape your attention if you weren’t looking for it. At a certain point, you realized you had to choose a life to claim as yours and stop wandering. Even a Wayfarer needed an anchor to call home for when it was time to rest.
You had wandered for a long time. Years, perhaps, though your physical bodies changed shape and form in ways you couldn’t predict. The face in the mirror had never been home, anyway. There were too many genetic variables to each timeline to preserve the way you looked. Your body was merely a temporary housing for your time-stepping mind. A body was not an anchor. It was simply a tool to be used and discarded.
An anchor needs to be constant. It needs to be something that will not retreat when time grows teeth and begins to hurt. It needs to be loyal to the cause. It needs to be kind, deep down, even if the surface is skin-deep careless. It needs to make you feel safe.
It’s… warm. Soft.
You bury your face deeper into the pillow with a long, blissful sigh. You will never regret insisting that you splurge and spend the extra money on a memory foam mattress. It feels like floating in the clouds.
A soft, questioning mmrph rumbles next to your ear. It’s your only warning before a small, wet nose presses to your temple. You know it’s Oliver by the way he starts to knead at the pillow next to your head, purring a roaring chorus. There’s another weight on your legs, pinning them down, and a third is nestled into your side. Remy must be up, already, if they’re all stuck to you for warmth.
“Did your father abandon us again, boys?” You mumble sleepily. Oliver purrs louder at the sound of your voice. You can feel the weight on your legs shift, no doubt being that it’s Lucifer standing up to stretch before he starts to walk up the length of your body. He’s purring, too, though he resettles on the spot between your shoulder blades, the hum of his purr radiating across your back. Figaro doesn’t grace you with an acknowledgement, but neither does he unfurl himself from his spot next to your side.
Warm, soft, and safely nestled amongst your cats. It’s nearly heaven. You end up half-dozing back off, lulled to sleep by the purring next to your ear. You feel like you haven’t slept in a lifetime.
You don’t hear the door open, though you know something is wrong by the way Figaro leaps to attention and Oliver’s purr stutters to a stop.
When you open your eyes, it’s half-lit by the morning sun. It must be closer to noon than the time that you usually wake to train. Any trace of lingering sleep drifts away when the bedroom door creeps open with its usual squall of hinges.
You smile and twist to look over your shoulder, dislodging Lucifer despite his soft sound of discontent, and yawn, “Morning. I think.”
Remy is posed in the doorway. Your next words die in your throat as you see the look on his face, the staff still gripped tightly in his hand. He’s dressed in his usual armor, not his civilian clothing like you expected. His hair is longer, tied back carelessly from his face, flyaway strands curling around his temples. His eyes are near-black, both through his irises and the dark shadows collecting beneath them.
He looks like he has spent years surviving an apocalypse.
“Jesus, Remy,” you breathe. You’re sitting up in an instant, one hand out reaching towards him. His armor is dust-streaked and worn from battle. “Are you hurt?”
“Where’d you go, chér?” He rasps. His face is still utterly, terrifyingly still. You have never seen him at the brink of collapse like this, before. He looks like he wants to step further in the room, his hand twitching with a nervous tic of adrenaline, but he stays stock-still. Waiting for you.
“Nowhere,” you say softly. “I’ve been in bed with the boys, love.”
You have to resist the urge to spring out of bed and run your hands along his body to look for any sign of injury. You aren’t entirely sure what’s gotten into him, but if he’s hallucinating or delirious, you should probably reach out to the other X-Men. Maybe the professor would know why Remy’s in full gear and looking battle-worn at this hour. Why would he go without waking you first?
Remy wavers. He looks heartsick. “Don’ lie t’me, chér.”
“Never,” you agree. You offer the spot next to you in bed with a half-pleading, half-alluring gesture. “Come here. You look like hell, Remy.”
“You…” he starts, then stops. Abruptly, he drops his staff with a rattling thud. Within three strides, he’s in your arms, melting into your embrace. You clutch at him just as fiercely, burying your nose into the crown of his hair. He smells like smoke and dust, but there’s no indication of blood and pain. He simply sags in your grip, his breathing quick and unsteady against your collarbone. His fingers curl weakly into the back of your nightshirt, as if that’s all the strength he can muster.
He’s mumbling, even with his face pressed tightly to the curve of your throat, but you can’t make out much more than your name, over and over.
“Shh, Remy, I’m right here with you,” you whisper against his crown. With a free hand, you reach up to pull out the elastic band holding up his hair, letting it fall in uneven waves. When was the last time he took care of himself? Your Remy loved to indulge in fine-smelling soaps and lavish hair routines, surrounding himself in a luxury he earned himself. His appearance was just as much armor as his coat was. You had never been fooled by his demeanor: his weapon of charm was just as sharply honed as his weapon of playing cards.
Yet it’s the length of his hair that sours the back of your throat with nausea. You run your fingers through it, slowly massaging his scalp in the way that makes him pliant and sleepy. It’s not that you haven’t seen Remy with long hair before; it’s simply the fact that you haven’t seen him with long hair in years. Just last night, his hair had been just long enough to curl at the nape of his neck. You had run your fingers through it and mentioned a haircut, and he had been a deadweight in your lap, humming sleepily in acknowledgement.
You swallow thickly. Either this is not the same Remy you went to sleep next to the night before… or you are missing time.
“You should take a bath, love,” you murmur, gently scratching his scalp. You can feel smudged wetness on the collar of your nightshirt from tears, though he hasn’t made a sound other than a few deep, unsteady breaths. Back when you first got together during missions, the shower was the first place you two could unwind and start to sort through your fading adrenaline rush.
He pulls back from your embrace, just a little, and every word of encouragement dies in your throat at the look on his face. Rage. Betrayal.
“You been gon’ awhile, chér,” he says. It’s not an accusation, but there’s a simmering anger beneath that matter-of-fact tone. It’s always ‘chér’ when he doesn’t know which version you are. His eyes burn through you, intent on stripping you raw. You wonder what answers he could possibly expect from you. If it’s answers he wants at all, or rather an apology.
You have to offer him something.
“I —”
“Gambit go lookin’ for you,” he laughs, mirthless. “Got him spending two years lookin’ and you jus’ show up in bed. Like nothin’ happen.”
Two years. There’s a small itch in the back of your mind, like the whisper of a memory raking its claws down your back. There had been an unraveling. Utter destruction. Then it had been you here, you waking up in bed as if nothing had happened.
You blink back at him, struck speechless. You don’t have to offer a word, though, because there’s true anger in his eyes, now.
“I go to de Void,” he says. “I t’ink that’s what it was. Nothin’ left there. Dere’s no life around, hein? Mais, non, not even my wife, only the dead. Ev’rybody dead.”
 His eyes close as if he can ward away the images tormenting his memories. You’re grateful that he can’t see the way your face crumples at that. He went back for you. He had survived the wound, and he found a way back to come for you.
And he had found nothing but death.
“You’re such an idiot,” you choke out. His eyes snap open at that, but you merely cup his face in your hands and draw him in to bump your forehead against his, sucking in a shuddering breath. He is warm and alive under your touch. You didn’t think you could touch him like this again when Nova had been standing above you, prepared to tear you in shreds. “I sent you ahead, but I was coming with you.”
“We stay together,” he tells you. There’s a strain in his voice just as painful as yours, but the way he reaches up to swipe away a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb is careful. As if he’s marveling that he has the chance to touch you at all. “Mais la, don’ tell Gambit he wrote up those vows for nothin’, Mrs. LeBeau.”
“Matched pair,” you whisper back.
“Couple’a aces,” he agrees, and he kisses you just as gently as he wiped away your tears, as if you have all the time in the world.
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betweenlands · 2 years
why you should vote herobrine in every single Tumblr Sexyman poll
he's one of the originals: look, a lot of these upstarts are new to the party. they may be sexy and they may be men, but they lack legacy. not so with herobrine. herobrine's been around. he's been around before sans. he's been around before bill cipher. he's one of the original originals alongside the onceler himself. know your herstory etc etc
he fits more of the criteria: look. i love benrey, i love reigen arataka, i love raymond animalcrossing. but look me in the eyes and tell me: is there a significant portion of people who ship them with themselves? once upon a time that used to be a requirement. and guess who does fit that requirement? that's right. herobrine. i mean, yeah, there's also herosteve i guess, but i was there back in the mid-2010s! i know what i saw! even to this day people will make new herobrine variant ocs! and guess what! sometimes they smooch!
he's a trailblazer: i think quite possibly one of the few more influential video game creepypastas you could cite would be BEN Drowned, but with all my respects -- he does not have the advantage of being in one of the longest-living games of the decade. herobrine, meanwhile? herobrine comes from the same time as first-era MCYT, and no matter how you feel about the phrase "MCYT" as a whole, you should know that interpretive roleplay and storytelling in the confines of video games is very, very cool and very, very important. and the first villain of every 13-year-old's minecraft roleplay? if it wasn't herobrine, he almost certainly made an impact elsewhere.
he's been through a lot: if i had a nickel for every time i saw whitewashed herobrine i would probably be a millionaire. despite being blocks he gets drawn as a stereotypical muscleman (twig herobrines get a pass they have a je ne sais quoi about them). his alive half-brother is a total asshole. people hate him on instinct because some famous jackass or another happens to play the game he's originated from. he's gotten banned from minecraft at least 10 separate times. he doesn't deserve this. he's just really been through the ringer and he really deserves this win.
i love your other guys. i do. except one or two of them but i don't want those guys anywhere near my blog so i'm not naming those fuckers. but for the most part i love like 90% of them and if it were up to me they'd all be given titles for their individual contributions to sexymandom.
but c'mon, y'all, it's herobrine minecraft. someone changed four pixels on the original steve skin and made a complete and utter legend and we can't just let that go unaccoladed forever.
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[ID: an image of Herobrine's skin at a 3/4ths angle facing right. /End ID.]
the universe loves you very much, be gay do minecraft and vote herobrine.
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the-broken-truth · 6 months
Blot-Mates: Yuu & The Overblots [Part 4]
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Summary: Jami is struggling with his innate programming of servitude, but he has no one to serve. Consequently, he is finding it difficult to relax and function properly. What would happen if Yuu decides to teach Jami how to live a life where he is no longer a servant but rather spoiled?
[Note: The Yuu Variant is Male with Enma Yuuken's Body Build, Yuuka Hirasaki's Fighting Skills, and Yuuta Mito's Cooking Skills.]
[Note: This Storyline will be written in Script Format.]
Parts: [Prologue] - [Ri] - [Leo] - [Azu] - [Jami] (Here) - [Vi] - [Idi] - [Mal] - [All] - [Epilogue]
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[Coal-colored eyes were fixed on the ceiling while serpents made of dark locks of hair hissed in irritation or struck at each other, showing their displeasure. Jami placed his hand on his forehead and ran his inked hand through his bangs before sitting up from his bed and perching on the ledge with his head hanging. He lifted his head and looked at the digital clock on the wall of his room: it was 6:45 in the morning. This was usually the time The Prefect would get up to make breakfast for the Overblots. The thought of the Prefect making breakfast for all of them, just as he and his Original Body would make breakfast for Scarabia Dorm and Kalim, was overwhelming. Jami wasn't sure how to cope with it..]
Jami (Hearing something coming downstairs): Prefect... (Stands up and leaves his room)
[Jami walked down the hall and down the stairs as silently as he could to make sure he didn't give away his location. He crept to the opening of the kitchen and hid around the corner while listening to Yuu speak to himself.]
Yuu (On the phone with Sam): Hey, Sam. I know you're getting the shop ready, but do you have cookbooks or teas from the Land of Scalding Sands?
Jami (Thinking): 'The Land of Scalding Sands? Surely, he is not thinking about...'
Yuu (On the phone): Did Ace and Deuce tell you about what happened in Potion's class? Yeah, The Overblots got separated front their original bodies and I offered them to stay at Ramshackle; I wasn't going to make them uncomfortable with dealing with their hosts in their dorms.
Jami (Thinking): 'He cares for our comfort? After we attempted to kill him? (Looks at the ground in shame) After I used him for my personal vendetta?'
Yuu (On the phone): I noticed that Jami seems uneasy and I want to do something to make him more at ease here. I thought of making him some food and tea from the Land of Scalding Sands, as he's not much of a coffee drinker. Also, I noticed a Mancala Board and I'm interested in buying it. Can you tell me how much it is? (Sam Talking) Great, I'll also take the Cookbook, Tea Canister Bundle, and Silk Bundle. I think I can make Jami some new robes with the silk. When can I pick up the items? (Sam Talking) Yes, I'm willing to do all of that for Jami, just like I would for the others. He deserves just as much as the others do. Can I come get the items now? (Sam Talking) Perfect, I'm on my way. (Hangs up phone)
[Jami silently moved away from the kitchen opening and around another corner just as Yuu left the kitchen, grabbed his wallet off the table, and walked out of the first door. Jami looked around the corner and stared at the door for a while before the same question began to haunt his mind.]
Jami: Prefect... Why are you willing to do so much for me...after everything I have done to you? All the pain I caused you? Why are you doing so much for me - A Servant?
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[The front door of Ramshackle opened, and Yuu walked in with his arms filled with stuff; he walked over to the sofa and placed everything down before reaching into a bag and pulling out the Cookbook from the Land of Scalding Sands before he walked around the corner, only to see Jami sitting at the table with his hair snakes constantly hissing.]
Yuu: Jami?
Yuu (Placing the book on the table as he walked over to Jami): Jami, are you okay? I've never seen you up so early.
Jami: I had a hard time sleeping - the snakes are very...aggravated at the moment and their hissing is making it hard to sleep.
Yuu (Looks at the hair snakes with a thinking expression on his face before snapping his fingers with a knowing smile on his face): I know - They are dry.
Jami (Raises an eyebrow at Yuu): Dry?
Yuu: When was the last time you oiled your hair since coming here?
Jami: I... I hadn't.
Yuu: Give me a moment. (Walks over to the bags on the sofa, reaches into one, and pulls out a bottle of Hair Oil that came from the Land of Scalding Sands - Sam gave it to him for free) Found it. (Walks back over to Jami) I'll give you a hand.
[Yuu whistles, gaining the hair snakes' attention as he pours some hair oil into his hand and holds his hand out to the snakes, showing them what is in his hand. Once the first snake came close enough, he rubbed his hands together and rubbed the oil on the hair snake, making it hiss in pleasure. Yuu continues this process with all the hair snakes until he reached the top of Jami's Head and massaged the hair oil into Jami's dry scalp, making the Overblot hiss in pleasure.]
Jami: This... This feels nice...
Yuu (Smiles): I'm glad you like it, Jami. I'll make you some tea after this.
Jami: I have been meaning to ask you about that, Prefect: Why are you doing so much for me after everything I have done to you? Used you for a personal vendetta I had against Kalim? Why do all of this for me, a mere servant?
Yuu: You are not a servant here, Jami. Ramshackle Dorm has no servants and I will not allow you to speak about yourself in such a matter.
Jami: But... My entire life, I have served...
Yuu: And that was a crime done to you. It's no wonder you and Jamil overblotted; who would want to live like that? Forced to hold themselves back for the betterment of someone who doesn't deserve their staion?
Jami: You don't think Kalim deserves to be Housewarden of Scarabia?
Yuu: In all honesty: No, he doesn't. Listen, I have nothings agsint Kalim personally, but he is too immature to hold the position of power he does; constantly throwing parties at the slightest whim and leaving the aftereffect up to you and the other members of Scarabia; it's pitiful, really. The only reason he is in his position of power is because he was from the Asim Family. You are clearly a better choice of Housewarden, considering all the work you do.
Jami: You... You really think so?
Yuu: Of course, you are. Jami, you are skilled in both magic and cooking, your memory is sharper than a blade, you are skilled in multiple languages...
[4 Minutes Later]
Yuu (Making cups of tea and breakfast for Jami from the cookbook): You are able to craft an antidote from plants within a matter of mintues before the poison can actually kill someone, and don't even get me started on your Mancala Tips...
[5 Minutes Later]
Yuu (Placing the food in front of Jami with the tea): All and All, you are a amazing person, Jami.
Jami (Staring at Yuu): Prefect... You just spent 9 minutes praising me...
Yuu: Of course I did. I would say more but we would be here all day and I have to make breakfast for the others. Jami, you deserve every bit of praise I can give you and I shall give you as much as you wish. (Pets the top of Jami's Head) You are brilliant and loved, Jami. (Goes into the kitchen)
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[Later that day]
Ri: No, Rose and I are going to tend to the Roses!
Azu (Shouting downstairs since his pot can't go upstairs): PEARL AND I ARE GOING SWIMMING!
[Inside The Room]
Jami (Moving his stones on the Mancala Board): Your turn, Little Flower.
Yuu (Thinking of his move while Jami's Hair Snakes are wrapped around his waist - preventing him from leaving): Jami, when can I leave? I need to make lunch.
Jami: They can order-in.
Yuu: But...
Jami: You are not leaving me until you beat me in Mancala, Desert Flower. Listen to your brother.
Yuu: Jami, you've beaten me over 20 times. I'm not gonna beat you anytime soon.
Jami: Then, you won't be leaving anytime soon.
Yuu: Okay. (Makes a move on the Mancala Board)
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
“I just really need to have you here right now.”
Maybe reader was about to give birth? And she wants Yelena on her side.
Military!Yelena x Reader
Coming Home
Pairing: Military! Yelena Belova x Fem! Nurse! Reader
Summary: Being married to a soldier and expecting your first child wasn’t easy but you coped.
Angst | Fluff | Mentions of War | Pregnancy | Childbirth | AU Where Doctors Can Combined 2 Women’s Genetics | 2.6K |
Translations: printsessa (princess),
AC: This is literally the only variant of Yelena that I can see having a child and as always, I used the wheel of names to pick the gender! I hope you enjoy this! x 
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As a nurse, you knew the symptoms and you knew it was best to get a second opinion before letting yourself get excited and sharing the news with your wife. So, when your doctor returned with your tests results and a comforting smile, it was no surprise that your eyes began to fill with tears. 
"Are you okay Mrs Belova?" your doctor asked, unsure if the news something good or bad. You grabbed a tissue from the box on her desk and wiped your tears while nodding, "I'm just fine" you smiled, "I'm just very happy" you added. Your doctor smiled, "you had me worried for a moment" she chuckled, "go home, tell your wife. I will make a follow up appointment within a few weeks for a check-up and to make sure everything is going smoothly" she added with a smile, you nodded again as you stood from your chair. 
"Thank you so much, for everything!" You shook her hand. 
"Congratulations" your doctor smiled once more as she shook your hand. 
The whole drive home your mind was racing on how you wanted to tell Yelena the news. Getting to this moment wasn't easy and it took a lot of work and time, but you wouldn't change any of it for the world. Opening the door to your home, you were greeted with the smell of a roast dinner and your two dogs running from the living room to greet you. 
Fanny and Gizmo wagged their tails like crazy as you greeted them with excitement. Fanny was the first dog you and Yelena adopted while Gizmo was a rescue dog that Yelena brought back from one of her deployments. It took a little time for Gizmo to warm up to you and Fanny, but it's been three years since she was brought home and now she's inseparable from Fanny. 
"Mmm" you hummed as you entered the kitchen, "dinner smells amazing" you added as Yelena turned around and smiled before gently pulling you in for a kiss. "I wanted to give you a break from cooking" she replied but something in her tone of voice told you she was hiding something. 
"Is that all?" you asked, giving her a soft smile. Her eyes dropped as she ran her tongue over her lips, "I've gotta go back" she admits and just like that, worry took over your once excited mind. "But you just got back" you frowned slightly, wrapping your arms around the back of her neck. Being married to a soldier was never going to be easy, you knew that but when she got back, you knew you'd have some time with her before the next deployment. 
"I know, but they need me" Yelena replied, looking into your eyes. You could see she was also disappointed. You kissed her once more while playing with the baby hairs on the back of her neck, "I need to tell you something" you spoke softly not wanting that excitement to fade away so quickly. 
"What's wrong?" Yelena asked with worry in her tone. You led her to the dining room and sat across from her, your original plan on how you wanted to tell her the news was no longer a thought. You reached for her hands and smiled softly at her touch. "Baby is everything okay?" she asked, her eyes searching yours for an answer.
"Everything is fine my love, but, when I tell you this, I want you to know I'm telling you because I want too, not because you have to go back, okay?" 
Yelena nodded without saying a word, her full attention was on you. 
"I wasn't out just now having a coffee with a co-worker" you admitted, your stomach fluttered with nerves. "I was at the doctors; I had a couple of tests done and they all came back positive" you added. 
Yelena's eyes shot open and a smile tugged at her lips causing you to smile widely at her as tears filled your eyes once more, "I'm pregnant" the words flew out of your mouth. Yelena jumped from her seat before rushing over to you and picking you up in her arms making you squeal. 
"How far along are you?" your wife asked when she gently placed you back on your feet.
"I'm 6 weeks, I just wanted to be 100% sure before I said anything" 
"And you're feeling okay? Everything is okay? What did the doctor say?" All these questions came flying out of her mouth making you giggle at her excitement. 
"I'm fine, some morning sickness here and there but I'm good, everything is good, we have an appointment for our first ultrasound in 2 weeks"
Yelena sighed, "I won't be here" 
You cupped her face gently, placing a kiss on her forehead, "I know baby, but it's okay because I'll get a tape of it and we can watch it over and over when you come home"
Yelena nodded, even though the thought of not being there for the first ultrasound disappointed her, she didn't let that take away the happiness and feeling of joy she was having right now. 
It's been three months since Yelena was deployed again, the two of you spoke every chance you got, and you updated her on everything about the pregnancy so far. You had decided it was best for you and the baby to step down from your military duties as a nurse and continue to work at the veteran's clinic. The decision also gave Yelena peace of mind that you were safe. 
At 12 weeks, Yelena was bursting to tell Nat about the news. You knew the moment she had told her older sister because Natasha would come to see you every day to make sure you were doing okay and if you needed anything. You didn't mind as much because you knew this was how Yelena was able to protect you from anything being so far away. 
You were waiting at the airport with your hand gently resting on your 5-month showing bump when Yelena came walking out of the arrivals with the softest smile on her lips. She dropped her bag at her feet and wrapped her arms around you instantly, hugging you tightly but not too tight of course. "I missed you so much!" you whispered while tears of happiness filled your eyes. 
Yelena pulled back slightly and wiped your tears before she found both of her hands on your stomach, "I missed you both" she smiled, placing a kiss on your lips, "the webcam didn't do you justice, you're so beautiful" she spoke. You couldn't help but raise a brow, "is that you saying I look bigger in person?" you asked with a playful smirk. Yelena's eyes shot open for a moment as she shook her head, "n-no" she replied before chuckling. 
"You're lucky I love you" you jokingly rolled your eyes, "I have a surprise for you and we have about an hour to get there" you added. Yelena looked at you slightly confused, "what have you done?" she asked. 
"Well, I asked to push back my last ultrasound until today, I have footage of the others for us to watch tonight but I thought we could found out the sex today, together" you explained. 
"You want to know the sex? Are you sure?"
"Yes. Baby, you haven't been able to be there for the others and I want to experience this one with you as our first. I only have you home for a few days before you go back an-" you paused trying to fight back your tears. Since falling pregnant, you've found yourself crying a lot more easily than before. "I w-want you to k-know what we're having in case som-"
"Hey" Yelena pulled you into her chest as she rubbed your back. It was clear now that this was something that had been on your mind for some time and Yelena wasn't sure on how to ease your mind. She placed a kiss on the top of your head before gently making you look up at her, "I'm glad you want to know the sex because I don't think I could wait, even if I wanted too" she said with another soft smile as she wiped your tears once again. "Come on, we don't want to be late" she added before picking up her bag and throwing it over her shoulder. 
Yelena's eyes were glued to the small black and white screen as the doctor took down some notes. "That's our baby" Yelena smiled proudly, you brought her hand to your lips, kissing the top of her hand as she watched every movement the unborn baby was doing. 
"Would you two like to know the sex?" the doctor looked at you both, the two of you nodded with excitement before the room filled with silence as the doctor doubled checked everything. Yelena squeezed your hand with excitement when the doctor looked at you both again. 
"Congratulations, you're having a baby girl" she smiled. 
Yelena went back for a month while she carried out her duties before requesting time off to be there for you during the remainder of your pregnancy. It wasn't easy for her to get the time off but given how loyal she is to her duties; she was given the time off and a little extra. 
You took maternity leave from work and were soaking up the time you now had with your wife, the two of you decorated the nursery, painting the walls in a lavender like purple and Yelena put together the crib while you placed family photos on the walls. Everything was going well until Yelena was called to go back, this time it was urgent but of course, to keep you from worrying she kept that detail to herself. 
Now here you were, in the middle of your 8th month of pregnancy waving off your wife while Natasha and Kate stood beside you. 
"She'll be home before you know it" Nat spoke in hopes to comfort you, but you shook your head at her words, "you don't know that" you replied before making your way back to the car. 
The last few weeks of your pregnancy you thought would be very different, but you found yourself preparing your bag for the hospital alone, getting nervous about giving birth and making sure you everything was ready for when you brought home your daughter. Natasha decided to come stay with you for the remainder of your pregnancy, but it wasn't the same, you wanted your wife, you needed her. 
Your water broke around 10:15pm on a Friday night as you were gently rubbing your swollen stomach and talking to your unborn baby about her mama and how much you missed her and wish she was here right now. Natasha took you to the hospital and waited by your side. 
"I need to call Lena" you looked to Natasha who nodded, "we'll try her and see if she picks up" she replied as she pulled her phone from her back pocket. 
"Natasha, is everything okay?!" 
"Y/n wants to talk to you, can you talk?" 
"Yeah, of course, put her on"
Nat handed you the phone and stepped out of the room to give you some privacy. 
"Hey darling, I got Natasha's messages, how you are you doing? How's our printsessa?"
"We're okay for now, a few contractions here and there but the midwife says I still have a few centimetres to go before they'll take me to the delivery room. I need to know you're okay, that you're going to come home" 
"Baby, I need you to focus on you and our beautiful girl. I'm fine, I'm not going anywhere, okay?" 
"I just really need to have you here right now"
"I know baby, I'm here, I promise"
"But you're not Lena! You're over there, you should be here by my side" 
"I am darling, I'm going to stay on the phone the whole time & I know it's not the same, I wish I could be there, I'd do anything to be there right now"
Yelena was right, it wasn't the same but knowing you still had her somehow, made things seem just a little better. 
After hours of labor, your daughter finally came into the world, screaming and healthy. You heard a quiet sob on the other end of the phone when your daughters first cries entered the world, you knew she was just a happy as you were, and you couldn't wait for Yelena to meet her. 
Natasha smiled at her sister when she entered the waiting room of the hospital, "about time!" she teased the blonde. 
"Getting a flight home was hell, how is she?" Yelena placed her bag on the empty chair besides Natasha. 
"She did amazing, she's resting now" 
"and th-"
"She's perfect, I haven't seen her yet but the midwife told me she arrived healthy and with a set of lungs" Natasha interrupted her sister. Yelena smiled softly, her original plan was to surprise you and be here just in time for the birth but sometimes things just don't work that way but she was just happy she was here now. "Why haven't you seen her yet?" Yelena asked. 
"She deserves to meet her mama first before she meets me and knows that I'm her cool aunt and she won't ever tell you but, I'll be her favourite" she replied with a smirk causing Yelena to raise a brow, "Ha!" she fake chuckled at her sister's joke before the room went silent. 
"Well? What are you waiting for? Go!" Natasha gave Yelena a gently push towards the room you were in, "Room 4, I'll be here" she added before sitting back down next to Yelena's bag. 
When Yelena entered your room, she couldn't help but smile softly to herself when she saw you fast asleep. She wandered over to you quietly and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead just before a nurse popped her head in. 
"Hi, sorry, there's meant to be no visitors" she whispered careful not to wake you. Yelena turned and faced her, "I'm her wife" she replied. 
"Oh, I'm sorry" the nurse smiled, "would you like me to bring up the baby? She's due for a feeding an hour" she added. Yelena nodded knowing it was only a moment before she would meet her daughter. 
Stirring in your sleep, your eyes fluttered awake to the soft sound of a familiar voice. "and that's how I met your mommy. Between you and I, I think I fell in love with her the first time I saw her, but don't tell her that. That's our secret!" Yelena spoke softly with your daughter in her arms looking up at her mama as if she truly understood a single word Yelena was saying. 
"I heard that" you smiled at the sight, "You're here" you added as Yelena carefully walked over to you and sitting on the edge of your bed. "I tried to get here in time for you but trying to get a flight wasn't working, I'm sorry" she replied as she looked up at you. 
"You're here now and I'm sorry I snapped over the phone" 
"Don't be sorry, none of that matters, not now. Not when we have this beautiful girl" Yelena smiled softly once more, "she's so tiny" she added.
"She did not feel that tiny coming out, trust me" you joked as you looked at your daughter falling asleep in Yelena's arms. "Have you made it official yet? Her name?" you asked.
"You sure?" Yelena questioned, you nodded, "I am"
"Well in that case, welcome to the world, Natalia Katherine Belova"
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl  | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok |  @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | 
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quillpokebiology · 10 months
Fidough Facts
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(Art by Tika Matsuno)
(Remake of old post that I might've deleted, I can't remember)
-The scientific name for Fidough is "Pajoes canis" which roughly translates to "Batter dog
-Fidough and Dachsbun have been with humans for thousands of years
-When first hatched, Fidough bodies are very soft and squishy to the point where it can be a danger to them. To harden them out, their Daschbun mothers will warm them up by licking them or cuddling them with her well-baked body
-Fidough will sometimes sleep in furnaces or ovens to keep their bodies warm
-Fidough and Daschbun used to be common all throughout Kalos until a Civil War, where they were accused of eating all the bread and leaving everyone hungry. All the Fidough and Daschbun were then killed out of anger
-Fidough feel little pain on their neck fat, making it a great spot for their mothers to pick them up
-When Fidough are scared, they will puff up their neck fat to appear larger and more intimidating
-Fidough's diet consists mostly of sugar and bread. Unlike most Canine pokemon, Fidough can eat things like Chocolate and grapes
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-Fidough don't have great hearing, so they have a great sense of smell to make up for it
-Wild Fidough are commonly found living in groups throughout cities. In Paldea, Fidough are very loved to the point where it's not uncommon to see wild Fidough on trains or in stores
-Fidough breeding is very common throughout Paldea, where they're bred to resemble different breads and pastries (remeber; not all of these variants are crossbreeds. Just felt the need to clear that out)
-Fidough urine smells like freshly baked cake
-The Fidough line is known to be incredibly stubborn, so it's best to start training them at a young age
-A group of Fidouguh is called a loaf
-While they are very docile now, they were originally bred for hunting small pokemon before people realized how useful their yeast could be. They kept their trait of being good diggers though
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If you're curious, here are some Dachsbun Facts
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Snooza Koopa
Debut: Super Mario Sunshine
Whenever you see sea turtles in media, they are always very well respected! We all love them and are in awe of their majesty, their beauty, their longevity, and more! And a baby sea turtle is such a classic symbol of courageous vulnerability, a precious, helpless little angel who you would be heartless not to root for. Sea turtles and their eggs feel untouchable, off-limits.
And that makes it so very weird that Super Mario Sunshine is one of the only places I have seen sea turtles and their eggs presented in an entirely NEGATIVE light!
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Snooza Koopas only appear in one episode of the game, where Mario must kill them because they are eating some flowers. But it is also much more nuanced than that! Silly.
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These Koopas are chewing on the roots of sunflowers who are PEOPLE, causing them to wilt! People aren’t supposed to wilt! Stop that! You’re scaring me! I like these sunflower people. It is always nice when Mario gets more Friends. But back to the Enemy of the day...
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Snooza Koopas are, as it turns out, an invasive species on the island of Pinna Park, and not only are they not supposed to be eating these sunflowers, but they displaced the native Yoshis! Probably because they look like Yoshi eggs themselves. Maybe they used this resemblance to get close to the Yoshis, and then eat their eggs? Maybe that’s even a Yoshi egg shell they’re wearing as a helmet! I know I would exit the establishment if this exact situation happened to me! And so, Mario must cull this population, and hopefully there are many more out there in the proper environments.
I just love seeing that sea turtles can be Koopas, too! Like in Minecraft! Where Koopas are also sheep.
What a creature! What fun. So unique from the Koopas we most commonly know of! The enemies in Sunshine were created by Bowser Jr. using the Magic Paintbrush, giving an actual, in-universe reason for them looking how they do. They gave lore to this Mario game. These Mario enemies! These WEIRD Mario enemies!!!
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Allow me to explain. Snooza Koopa showcases a great example of why I don’t like the concept! If Bowser Jr. created a new goopa Koopa like this to mess with the Yoshis, that would be fine. That would make sense. A messy little mischief.
But the Yoshis in this game were ALSO made by Bowser Jr., according the the Japanese version of the Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia! In a vacuum, this also makes sense, since they dissolve in water. But then let’s remember the whole situation of Yoshis and Snooza Koopas. Yoshis lived on the island, and Snooza Koopas displaced them. This means that Bowser Jr. must have created these Yoshis- long before the events of the game, and multiple generations ago, if they already have a natural history on the island!- and then created Snooza Koopas to drive away his own earlier creation. It just does not make sense!
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And another example is the Bloopers of this game! Yes, they look different from standard Bloopers, but we know there can simply be variants of the same enemy type. More importantly, though, Piantas are shown to catch and EAT these Bloopers, as well as Jumping Bloopers! If they were made of goop, I do not believe they would be able to die and be dried without turning back into their original goopy state. Also, they spit ink, not goop, which, yeah! They are squids! Ink is an absolutely perfect way to have a non-goop-based creature still spread A goop, to keep the goop mechanics going.
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And we know our dear Cataquack, who is confirmed to be native to Isle Delfino, and who even would reappear in later games, unlike other Sunshine-exclusive enemies! Despite this, they can turn into goop when defeated in some methods, which just makes the whole thing more confusing, and maybe even kind of meaningless if you ask me. Maybe Goop is just some kind of primordial ooze and even Mario is made of it. Even you are!
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So what do I think the deal with Goop is? I think it may come from Piranha Plants naturally! Petey Piranha is heavily associated with Goop, and he is not exclusive to Sunshine, and has been said to be a MUTANT Piranha Plant. I think he was part of Sunshine not because he was made from Goop, but because he is perfect for a Goop-related job!
We also have Proto Piranhas, shown above, which are Piranha Plants born from and entirely made of Goop, even more emphasizing the relation between the two! I’m not sure I think Piranha Plants are all made from Goop to begin with- they lay eggs, silly!- but I absolutely think they are associated with and naturally produce it, and Petey’s mutation allowed him to produce extreme quantities of it. Surely, then, the Magic Paintbrush itself was created as a result of extensive Piranha Plant research by E. Gadd!
And thus is the end of my Goop Rant. Thank you so much for to reading my post. I would like to hear YOUR Goop Takes!
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Roleplaying Races 16: Rougarou
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(art by koutanagamori on DeviantArt)
Well, it’s finally time. Time to do one last week special on the 1st edition ancestries. After this, we’ll have finally covered them all. The end an era on the blog…
…all of which is to say that I’ll probably be doubling up on the Starfinder 1E counterpart to this special for a bit before doing Pathfinder 2E ancestries, probably at a somewhat slower pace, or not. Depends on how I feel.
But we’re not done yet, so let’s talk about these last few entries, starting with the Rougarou!
So, the Rougarou. Humanoid wolves, able to shapeshift into a mundane wolf form, get a bit testy when compared to lycanthropes…
…and yeah, that’s about where the lore dries up with them, as they are yet another case of an ancestry that was introduced in a later bestiary but wasn’t lucky enough to get their lore expanded on later on.
They do, however, have a folkloric origin in the real world, however, being associated with French folklore and the French diaspora in the USA. The name Rougarou is an alternate pronunciation/spelling of loup garou… which is essentially the French word for werewolf. Go figure.
But the Rougarou does branch out a little, being used somewhat as a boogeyman to keep young Catholic cajuns in line and following the practice of Lent, as well as a variant where they drink blood or transfer their curse by bite, the original becoming a normal human while the bit-ee becomes a monster.
And what does that have anything to do with the Pathfinder version? Very little indeed, but it is interesting, and elements of it do exist here and there, such as them being native to wetlands in Arcadia, a reference to their Louisiana origins.
Additionally, they also have elements of the Werewolf of Livonia, which was a case in the 1600’s where a man named Thiess claimed under oath that he transformed into a wolf three nights a year, where he and other werewolves would venture into Hell itself and do battle with the Devil and his servants. This is reflected in the rougarou’s tendency as monster hunters, particularly of evil lycanthropes.
No information about Rougarou origins is given, though I’d imagine it might be similar to catfolk and ratfolk being divine creations made to protect and guard young world in it’s early days. But that’s just speculation on my part.
Unsurprisingly, Rougarou resemble humanoid bipedal wolves, though unlike werewolves, they are naturally in this state and do not feature any elements of a true ancestry being twisted into lycanthropic form. Naturally, their wolf form resembles their humanoid form, making them easy to recognize between the two.
Not much is known of their society either, but we do no they are not very widespread on Golarion, and live in close-nit, orderly and civilized societies, and are very protective of their friends and family. If they are anything like real wolf packs, they are probably led by the elders of a settlement, with possibly the parents of individual families having some say in things under these wizened members.
Rougarou are strong and wise, but their rigid society doesn’t promote innovation.
True to their wolf kin, they sport enhanced night vision and a strong sense of smell.
They also sport the ability to take the form of a true wolf, though usually only once a day before reverting to their true form.
Even in humanoid form, however, they maintain strong jaws which they can put to deadly use in combat.
With their strength and wisdom, Rougarou can fill a lot of roles and classes, everything from rangers and hunters making use of both of those stat boosts, to other combat classes such as fighter and paladin while having a slightly higher than average wisdom score. Combat focused clerics or druids are also a fun option. Being able to transform into a wolf does mean you get a little buff as well, bolstering natural attack builds quite nicely… but it is hampered by the fact that their shapeshifting replicates the effect of beast shape I, meaning that they don’t get the free trip attempts with their bite through this method, which honestly makes the wolf form better as a disguise with some builds, albeit a limited one with the general reaction to wolves in many civilizations being what is was historically. However, their only true weakness is that intelligence penalty, which makes skill builds and certain mages slightly harder, but not impossible to overcome.
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rw-repurposed · 9 months
Chasing Wind's Original Organisms
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So, here are some of Chasing Wind's own original organisms. The critters that existed before he even started repurposing creatures.
Below are all the general descriptions:
Horned Lizard - Lizard, but with extra horns on their body. Pretty self-explanatory. Also, they charge like a green lizard to impale their target.
Needlefish - This organism likes to thrust themselves towards and stab their attacker. Best not to disturb them.
Woold Deer - It's a Wool Deer, what more do you want? It's Rain Deer but Wools. And they come in all shades of wool color. THEY ALSO HAVE RAINBOW VARIANT BITCHES.
Spewing Crow - This bird likes to make noises and spew projectiles on any creatures they find able to be bullied. Best to throw a rock or two at them to chase them off.
Duck Puff - They're spore puffs but ducks. They're fucking adorable and they can swim. If you throw them they'll squeak, puff, and die.
Bumper - This herbivore creature is big and can run fast for its size. Their herd lives across the plain and spacious biome.
Queen Spider - This humongous toxic spider lives in the depths of the Giant Forest. She is the queen of all spiders as she birthed all kinds of spiders from her eggs.
Slither Snake - This snake slithers on all terrain, even walls and underwater. Once they grabbed their prey, they squeezed them and injected their prey with neurotoxins.
Spider Monkey - As their name suggests, this spider species can swing from pole to pole due to their tail. Which can also spew out webs.
Jumpfox - They are a long relative to the slugcats, which came from the same ancestor organism. However, instead of crawling on pipes, they evolved to learn to jump and live in high terrain.
Hoppimu - They were originally used by the ancients as transport between places. However, now the Hoppimu live in herds and open terrain. Although some of them were domesticated by the Scavengers.
Spikehog - Pretty self-explanatory. Spike and hog. They live in dense jungles to avoid being hunted. If they ever do, they would roll towards their hunters with their spikes.
Toucan - Well it's a fucking Toucan, isn't it?
Swamp Hog - These hogs lives in the depths of the Swampland and enjoy most of their lives floating above water doing nothing at all. Quite a simple and content living situation.
Brawler Shark - This brute hunter species lives within the Azure Lake and is a rival predator of the Leviathans. This shark can swim faster than a Leviathan and is more aggressive. However, due to their incredibly fast metabolism, they have to continuously hunt or they will be weakened.
Kelp Turtle - This humongous turtle species grew up so big and so slow that kelps grew on them over time, which is how they got their name. They are valuable as transport across the water.
Mole Hippo - This species of hippo likes living under the mud and can dig underground. Despite their huge form, they are capable diggers and cause a lot of sinkholes.
Starfish - They see everything.
Shadow Owls - They hunt in the night and are able to see in the dark. They're also able to use thermal vision with their eyes.
Plainfish - They're just plain ass fish. What do you expect?
Ok, that's a lot but so worth it.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 1 year
Forever Home
Pairing : Platonic Miguel O' Hara X Teen, Symbiote Reader
Genre : Angst which turns into fluff
Summary : You find yourself afraid to lose your home when Toxin slips up.
Requested/idea by: @jewelk4 ( I altered it a little bit)
Wordcount: 1.2k
Miguel O'Hara Masterlist
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It happens in a fit of rage. You gasp as tears spring to the corners of your eyes, whilst Miguel stills.
Your symbiote's form, Toxin's form, is still wrapped around you. A second layer of skin draped over your own which protects you, leaving out only your head.
You didn't mean to hit Miguel, but Toxin worked to it's own accord sometimes. You were arguing about the symbiote. Miguel wanted to help you 'get rid of it'. When you want nothing of the sort. Before Toxin, you were sick, and spent days in a hospital bed.
You can see Miguel's eyes flicker red at you.
He's mad. He is definitely pissed.
A quick flashback of memories hits you in the face. This is how you lost your parents. You were so happy when you weren't sick anymore. You parents were in the beginning too, until they found out what had cured you. They tried getting Toxin out of you violently back than, offering you up for a few tests from some crazy scientist. You had escaped, but not without leaving a few injured. After that it had been you and Toxin for a while, until an anomaly had popped up. Which in turn lead you to Miguel, who had come to help you only to find out that you were doing the work by yourself without issue.
" Who're you?" Toxin's lower voice hisses at the spiderman who stumbled into your dimension.
Even from beneath the layer of skin, you were watching curiously.
" My name is Miguel O'Hara. I'm spiderman from another dimension. I lead an elite-"
There was no time for his speech as the rhino variant charged again. Spiderman, or Miguel as he says his name is, avoids the hit. Toxin refused to do so.
With incomparable strength, he stops the crazed man in a metallic rhino suit. Reforming his hand into a large spike, he drills it into the machine, making it malfunction.
Miguel watches the scene with wide eyes. The battle ending in a heartbeat as Toxin also squeezes, the suit breaking up into a mess underneath his powerful grip.
Originally,  when Miguel started the society, he didn't want any symbiotes on the team. He had encountered them before. He knew of Venom, and Carnage. Carnage specifically was crazed, and unstable. They were powerful, but all seemed to have a taste for blood. Except for Toxin. Although he seemed to have it as well, he had it paired with a taste for justice. 
Later, Miguel learned that was because he had you. You set the morals. He had been utterly surprised when he had come back to your universe and found out you were it's host. You were barely a teenager. No older than fifteen.
" I-"
" I know who you are." Your voice was guarded.
Miguel had no idea where you stayed, or why you seemed to be alone.
" You're the symbiote's host." 
At his statement, you took a step back. The few people from your world who knew what a symbiote was were dead, all dead by your hands. You didn't have a choice. They tried to kill you first after all.
" Yeah, so?" You ask him, trying to look indifferent.
" I lead an elite strike force dedicated to save the multiverse. I think you could be of great help."
Miguel had tried to form his words carefully. He didn't want to end up in a fight with you.
'Ask him what's in it for us.' Toxin's voice sounded through the back of your mind.
" What's in it for us?"
" A team. A place to stay. Warm meals. A life off the streets.
All it had taken was one look at the world you live in for you to say yes.
And now, a year later, Miguel has found himself caring for you like a father would. He kept a close watch on what you did, where you went, and your schooling which he brought back up. In truth, he gave you an opportunity to live in a normal society again.
An opportunity you were now scared you had failed.
" I-"
You were cut off as Toxin's form engulfed you.
" We remain as a we. Do not try to separate us." Toxin hisses angrily at Miguel as it steps closer, before turning off and webbing out of his lab into the hallway.
Miguel can't help the yell in frustration.
" Layla! What's their location?!" He asks her angrily, ready to chase you down.
" Miguel, I don't think you should. Give them a little time. They're your kid. If you look for them now, you will say something you regret." Layla advised. 
He shot the AI an angry look, but she doesn't budge.
With a deep breath, he buries himself in his work again.
It takes a while, but after a few hours, Layla opens a new holographic screen showcasing surveillance footage of you sitting on the roof of spider HQ upside down.
With a sigh, Miguel makes his way over.
" I thought you'd be here." He greets you, standing on the upside side of the roof above you.
" No you didn't. You probably pulled up a security camera." You huff back, knowing him all too well.
He chuckles, a little embarrassed that he's caught. But then again, you are his kid. Nearly no one knows him better than you.
" Can you come here please? So we can talk." 
You don't reply, but you do come up to him. You look sad, avoiding eye contact as you cross your arms over one another.
He has to tell you the truth.
" I lost a family that wasn't mine to lose. You know that right?" 
You hum, confused by his words.
" I have gained one along the way, again. You. I see you as my kid, Y/N. I'm sorry for my words, but sometimes I crave or a normalcy that we can't have. I got carried away." He tells you.
You give him a glance at you look at him, eyes filled with concern.
" So you're not kicking us off the team?" You ask him, your voice small.
His eyes soften as he looks at you.
" Of course not. Why would I ever do that?" He's genuinely confused by how you came by that idea.
" I just- I don't know. Last time I let Toxin slip it ended a little bad." You admit.
He sighs.
" You have a home here. I promised you that. And this will always be your home.-"
" With you?" You ask him, your eyes showing how vulnerable you feel.
" With me.-" He confirms.
He's surprised as you engulf him in a big hug. You wrap your arms tight around his middle, burying your face in his chest.
" I was scared we messed up." You murmur.
Shock melting off his face, a small smile makes its way as he wraps his arms tightly around you, keeping you close. He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't need to. He'll always be a home for you.
[ A/N: Im working on all the rewuests gimme a while : ) ]
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Tactical Machine Pistol + Pose Pack
Greetings, Customer! In this beautiful day before Christmas I'd like to Presenting you some Good Old Machine Pistol that you folks might Recognized it From Resident Evil 4!! Yay! this also Include The Pose Pack For these Guns :D Yay You Guys Gonna Love this @melbrewer367, @helenofsimblr @bdangkingfish & @igglemouse @exzentra-reblog
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Steyr TMP
The Steyr TMP (Taktische Maschinenpistole/Tactical Machine Pistol) is a 9×19mm Parabellum caliber machine pistol manufactured by Steyr Mannlicher of Austria. The magazines come in 15 or 30 round detachable box types. A suppressor can also be fitted. Though originally intended to be used without a shoulder stock, an optional fixed stock was made available later.
Picture this: it's compact, it's sleek, and it's made by Steyr Mannlicher – those Austrians sure know how to craft some serious firepower. The mags? You've got options, my friend – choose between the 15-round or the 30-round detachable box types. More bullets, more fun, right?
Now, here's the cool part – you can throw a suppressor on this bad boy. Yeah, you heard me right. Stealth mode engaged! Take out the trash without waking up the whole neighborhood.
And get this, it was originally meant to be a hip-firing, no-shoulder-stock-needed kind of deal. But hey, if you're feeling fancy, they later dropped an optional fixed stock. So, whether you're going for the "I'm a secret agent" look or just want a compact powerhouse, the Steyr TMP has your back.
In summary, it's Austrian, it's 9mm, it's got optional Rambo vibes with that stock, and it's perfect for when you need to make a statement – quietly or not, your choice!
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Steyr SPP
The Steyr SPP (Special Purpose Pistol) is a semi-automatic variant of the TMP intended for civilian Markets. The TMP's barrel and barrel jacket lengths were increased slightly so there is a greater length of protruding jacket and barrel. The forward tactical pistol grip was also removed. It is large for a pistol and is constructed mainly from Polyamide 66. Now, they didn't just slap on an "SPP" and call it a day. The SPP got a bit of a makeover. They tweaked the barrel and barrel jacket, making them a bit longer for that extra oomph. It's all about that protruding jacket and barrel, giving it a distinctive look. So, whether you're in the market for a semi-auto powerhouse or just want to feel like you're wielding the future of pistols, the Steyr SPP is your go-to. It's Austrian, it's purposeful, and it's packing some Polyamide 66 coolness. What more could you ask for in a Special Purpose Pistol?
Brügger & Thomet MP9
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in 2001, Steyr decided to pass the torch, or in this case, the design, to none other than Brügger & Thomet. It's like a handoff in the world of guns – a bit like passing the baton in a relay race, but with more firepower.
So, Steyr handed over the blueprints, and Brügger & Thomet took the reins, turning that design into what we now know as the Brügger & Thomet MP9. It's like the TMP's legacy lives on, but with a Swiss twist.
Now, the MP9 isn't your average Joe submachine gun – it's got some serious selective-fire mojo going on. You can choose your flavor of firepower with 15, 20, 25, or 30 round transparent polymer magazines. It's like a buffet of bullets.
Safety first, right? The MP9 takes that seriously with not one, not two, but three safeties. You've got an ambidextrous safety/fire mode selector switch button for manual safety, a trigger safety, and a drop safety. They've basically built a fortress of safety around this thing.
And here's the kicker – it's the lovechild of the Steyr TMP. Brügger & Thomet took that TMP design, shook things up a bit, and voila, the MP9 was born. They made it even cooler with a folding stock that tucks away to the right, an integrated Picatinny rail for all your accessory needs, and a snazzy new trigger safety. Evolution at its finest, right?
So, whether you're into Swiss precision, sleek designs, or just want a submachine gun that's as safe as a bank vault, the MP9 is here to deliver the goods – with a little help from its TMP roots.
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Brügger & Thomet TP9
So, check this out: the TP9, a semi-auto civilian version of the MP9, decided to play by the rules to cozy up with US firearm import laws. They did a little swap dance – out with the forward grip, in with a snazzy underbarrel MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny Rail, right in front of the trigger guard. It's like the gun got a tactical makeover to fit in.
Imagine it's the rebel cousin – looks like the Steyr SPP but with a twist. No more forward grip, just a slick rail. Gotta hand it to them for adapting and keeping it stylish. Guns with a touch of strategy, right?
Now The Best Part.. The Pose Pack!!! well It Contain 10 Poses 5 For Males And 5 Males 3 of them inspired from Resident Evil Thingy and Stockless Variants are Compactible with regular Pistols poses that scattered around tumblrs.. like @pandorassims4cc or @alunedesires (deactivated) and Well It also Included For Left Hand in Case You guys need dual Wield Weapons
Thank You @ts4-poses @littyfinds @cctreasuretrove @exzentra-reblog@sparkiekongreblogsstuff
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the1entirecircus · 7 months
The kind of Pokémon team I think each member of the Justice League would have and why:
Marowak- This one is obvious, but Batman having a Marowak seems like a no-brainer. They both lost their parents at an early age (or at least before Cubone evolved into a Marowak since age does not equal level) and they're both seen as angry fighters.
Crobat- another obvious pick, out of all the bat pokemon, Crobat felt like the best choice as it was the first.
Urshifu (Single-Strike)- I know some are going to feel iffy about me picking a legendary pokemon for Batman. But considering how much in common this pokemon has with the Dark Knight, I had to pick him. It mostly involves the one-punch it took for Batman to knock out Guy Gardner and the fact Batman can surpass most enemy defenses.
Zangoose- To compare his relationship with the joker, Zangoose has the natural rivalry with Seviper.
Dragapult- Dragapult reflects the combined elements of Batman's stealth, his batwing, and his Robins. Sure, batman doesn't launch Dick Grayson at supersonic speeds, but he has him along with the others fight alongside him.
Greninja- A stealthy pokemon which incorporates projectiles into its attacks
I can also see Batman having a direct access to his Pokemon Boxes so he can swap in other pokemon. Knowing him, he'd probably have an Annihilape, Tyrantrum, and a bunch of Zubat and other bat pokemon. He would also have various pokemon that would be useful for crime-fighting like Gumshoos (Although Jim Gordon would most definitely have one already).
Solgaleo- Considering his alien origins, it would be of no surprise that Clark would have obtained an alien pokemon. Especially one that is associated with the Sun. Also, given that Solgaleo is prone to possession from Necrozma, it also reflects Superman's reoccurring problem of being used as an evil character in writing.
Infernape- Given that Infernape is based on Son Goku, the japanese version of Sun Wukong, and that Goku is based on Son Goku, it would be natural for him to have this pokemon.
Krypotnian Boltund- On Krypton, a variant of Boltund existed that could perform similar feats compared to that of the regular Boltund. Except instead of being Electric type, its a fire type. Superman has this pokemon as a reference to Krypto the Super Dog.
Palafin- This one is an obvious choice as Palafin is just a Superman Dolphin. I think Clark would have either been inspired by or found it humorous that its transformation method is similar to his own.
Dragonite- Another obvious pick, given that Superman is seen as an all powerful person, many tend to forget he's also just a nice guy. Dragonite is also a nice fellow that is very powerful.
Snorlax- Superman of course needs a Normal type pokemon to reflect his normalness, and I think that Snorlax is inherently the best option here. Snorlax is often seen as lazy and lethargic but is powerful when needed to be.
Superman would also keep many extra-terrestrial and other kinds of Pokemon in his Fortress of Solitude. He might even lend a few to Ma and Pa Kent. Imagine that! Pa Kent having Buzzwole help him with the farm.
Wonder Woman
Themysciran Nidoqueen- A Fairy/Fighting type, Nidoqueen on Themyscira are more than capable fighters. Their bodily armor on its wrists can withstand many attacks due to a mystical aura they have. They have one of two abilities: Magic Guard or Battle Armor. They even have a new move called Wrist Clang, a special fairy-type move which hits all opponents.
Falinks- Wonder Woman's father is Zeus in the current continuity of DC Comics. Since Falinks is based on the ancient Greek Battle Formation called a Phalanx, its connection to Greece is perfect for Diana. Since, she is also a warrior taught in Greek combat-style.
Armarouge- Another warrior pokemon, Armarouge is meant to reflect the explosion attack Diana can do with her gauntlets.
Chestnaught- Yeah, I know theres type overlap, but Chestnaught is a living shield pokemon, of course I'm going to pick it to replace Diana's shield.
Kangaskan- Everyone remebers Diana's Kangaroo, Kanga, right? Because this is the only Kangaroo-Adjacent pokemon I could choose.
Zacian- On Themyscira, Zacian and Zamazenta are a two sisters rather than a brother and a sister (still genderless in the pokedex tho). In this island hidden away from man, Zacian is regularly a Fairy type, but with the Sword of Athena, her strength is increased ten fold. Different from her counterpart in Galar, this form of Zacian is referred to as the Wondrous Sword. With its new move, Warrior Strike, a critical hit is landed on the enemy.
Most of these pokemon are female as Themyscira is consisted of only women. So, the pokemon of the island would also consist of only female pokemon that would fit Diana's personality. A Salazzle, Tsareena, or a Hatterene wouldn't fit as they don't have attributes that fit Diana (unless we're talking the Frank Miller version, which we aren't).
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Alolan Raichu- This feels like an obvious pick because Raichu's tail resembles the lightning bolt symbol on his chest. I would also say that his Raichu is a meta-pokemon with the Speed-Force Ability, which gives priorty to all attacks.
Midday Lycanroc- Not only is it a quick-moving pokemon, but being a wolf pokemon, its hunting skill would be useful for investigating a crime-scene.
Cinderace- Another pokemon that would be imbued with Speed-Force ability, Cinderace has similar design elements that remind me of the Flash (check his belt).
Pawmot- Barry Allen is often seen as slow-moving until he becomes the Flash in which he is lightning-fast. Its similar acts in battle. You also need to evolve it by walking with it. Barry would've evolved Pawmot in no time.
Linoone- This pokemon would probably be used when Barry is in his civilian form. Yes, Linoone is fast, but thats besides the point
Miraidon- Barry created the cosmic treadmil, which in an alternate universe was bike. Barry's Miraidon has that ability as well, and we're going to say he travels with the speed force naturally.
I wish I had come up with a better team for him, but this is the best I could come up with. I considered pokemon like Gardevoir and Gallade, but neither felt fitting for him to me. Zeraora was chosen because, while a fitting pokemon, felt too obvious to me. Suggestions for Barry's pokemon would be helpful.
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) (Yes, I'm picking him over the others, cry about it)
Garchomp- Being a pilot, Hal having a Garchomp made sense to me considering its also a fast-flying pokemon inspired by a jet plane.
Celesteela- Considering he's a space cop, Hal was bound to run across an Ultra Beast at some point. Celesteela was chosen because of its connection to spaceships.
Shiny Lurantis- Not only does this pokemon reflect the phrase of the GL oath "in brightest day" as this pokemon needs to evolve in the day, but it also reflects green lantern ring constructs. When it was first introduced, Lurantis was shown using its signature move: Solar Blade. a solid green beam which slices its enemies.
Gallade- Given that Gallade can sense thoughts and evolved from a pokemon sensitive to the emotions around it, it feels like a good pokemon for Hal Jordan to have.
Dusknoir- This is a subtle reference to the time when Hal Jordan had to be the Specter after his whole Parallax arc.
Gigalith- Considering that Gigalith is a waking laser canon, this would make sense for Hal. But due to its weak Special Attack, Hal's Gigalith is now a Meta-Pokemon now imbued with immense will power to achieve its new form. The green crystals on its body have provided a stronger special attack.
Like with Barry, this one was a little hard to do. Not a lot of pokemon share similarities with Hal or the Green Lanterns in general.
Passimian- Due to the accident that gave Victor his appearance and abilities, it affected some of his pokemon. One of them being Passimian. Now a Steel/Fighting type, Meta Passimian utilizes spheres of energy to fight. Its new ability Cannon Hand increases the power of special attacks. This pokemon was chosen because of Victor being into sports.
Apokolipsian Bronzong- Bronzong from Apokolips are the ancestors of the Bronzong and Bronzor found on earth. They can open gateways to other worlds, including ultra space. They're a Electric/Psychic type with the ability Levitate/Steelworker. So because of his merging with both the Mother Box and Father Box, Cyborg has lots of cosmic power at hand. So much so that he can create boom and hush tubes as well as have a connection to the multiverse.
Leafeon- I wanted to give him a pokemon that's relatively normal but also reflected one of his powers. And wouldn't you know, Cyborg has the ability to photosynthesize (its a summary of one of his powers, but you get the point).
Golurk- Golurk is a giant machine pokemon said to have a source of infinite energy powering it. Cyborg is also capable of producing infinite energy.
Iron Hands- If you look at the origin of Iron Hands, you can clearly tell that the pokemon is based off Cyborg.
Mega Blastoise- A reflection of Cyborg's cybernetic abilities and his large cannon gun that he can form with his hand.
Initially, I partly struggled with making his team until I did some edits.
Martian Manhunter
Beeheeyem- I wasn't initially certain if I should give this pokemon to J'onn because of how Beeheeyem are sentient Pokemon who can build their own space ships. Then again, humans have Beeheeyem, so why not?
Naganadel- Another alien pokemon, Naganadel's pre-evolution, Poipole, is said to be the starter pokemon of many trainers in Ultra Megalopis. Now, I know that place isn't on Mars, but given that its an alien pokemon, I would not be surprised if they found their way there.
Grappoloct- While not an alien Pokemon, Octopuses are seen as very alien-like animals. I could see M.M.'s Grappoloct being a meta-pokemon with great control of not only its muscular strength but its mind too, being capable of psychic attacks.
Ditto- One of Martian Manhunter's most famous abilities is his capability to Shape-Shift. Ditto is also iconic for this power.
Clefable- Another alien Pokemon, I can see Clefable being one of the first pokemon that J'onn obtained alonged with Beeheeyem.
Deoxys- The Mythical Pokemon Deoxys is known for its ability to change its form to improve its Attack, Defense, and Speed. While Ditto also reflects his ability to shape-shift, Deoxys reflects the form Martian Manhunter takes to better beat down opponents when he needs to get physical.
I'm overall satisfied with what I did here with Martian Manhunter.
Aquaman (Almost forgot about him lol)
Kingdra- Everyone remember's Storm the Seahorse, right?
Wishiwashi- Aquaman's main ability is to command sea life, this ability is reflected through Wishiwashi's ability to form giant creatures.
Poliwrath- "Although its skilled in a style of dynamic swimming that uses all its muscles, for some reason, it lives on land."
Golisopod- Everyone's opinion on Aquaman was initially that he was a wimpy, pathetic, good-for-nothing superhero. That changed obviously
Swampert- Originally I was going to pick Empoleon for his starter, but I realized that Swampert made more sense given that it reflects how Aquaman is a child of both the sea and Land.
Kyogre- He's the king of the sea, of course he has this pokemon
Aquaman's pokemon were fairly easy to do. My only problem is that have type-overlap.
Green Arrow
Decidueye- Oliver Queen's backstory fits very well with Decidueye's evolution line. Specifically with Dartrix being snobby and fussy to evolving into a more deadly pokemon.
Barraskewda- On Starfish island, Oliver gained sustenance from fishing. Given that Arrokewda is partially based on an arrow, this is a reflection of that.
Hitmonchan- Punching glove arrow
Sirfetch'd- Oliver considers himself more honorable that the other heroes.
More pokemon will be added soon.
Meta-Pokemon: Pokemon that have gone through significant alterations during rapid environmental changes, exposure to certain elements, etc. Things that can change in these pokemon vary widely from small stat changes to the changing of types, appearance, and abilities. In the actual Pokemon continuity there are pokemon similar to this discription such as Blood Moon Ursaluna and Rockruff with the ability Own Tempo.
Comment down what you think of these.
Legion of Doom Pokémon Teams
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