#how many more times will i cry before 7pm tomorrow
alwaysneedyforsir · 8 months
when the horny can’t distract me from my stress, that’s when you know it’s real fuckin bad!
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this is my first story, I hope you'll at least enjoy it, it's not perfect, but at least I wrote it from the bottom of my heart, love yaaa❤️😍❤️
Mixed feelings
It's been a year since we found hannah that day I will never forget all that effort, annoying threatening calls ahhh I can't get it out of my head thank god everyone is fine I left my hometown to help my friends find Hannah more specifically now I live in Duskwood I have my job which I love a lot tour guide it took me a long time to recover from everything of course Jessy, Lilly, Dan, Thomas and even Hannah helped me with that. But back to the mine story I don't know why but I don't remember what happened there Alan told me that he found me passed out deep in the forest someone pulled me out before that but how I passed out and why I don't know Alan also told me that he saw a lot of blood in mine that worried me a lot. I was sitting and trying to remember but my thoughts interrupted Jessy "What's wrong with you"
MC:ahhhh nothing nothing just tired
Jessy: she looked at me suspiciously ok if that's the case you need a rest let's go to Aurora
Mc: Ok why not I really need some relaxation Jessy: ok see you at the souvenir shop at 7pm
Me: Ok Jessy see you she just smiled and left…
At three o'clock in the afternoon I came home from work I went to take a shower after the shower I sat on the bed and started thinking again what happened to Jake and richy who took me out.....come on stop thinking about it's time to get ready, I'm not one of those people who wears short skirts and high heels, I opened the closet and took a tight shirt with short sleeves, jeans and sneakers, I put on a little inconspicuous make-up and tied my long thick dark brown hair in a ponytail and I went out and met Cleo who gave me a big hug
Cleo: how are you? I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you when it was the hardest, you know my mother is sick
Me: I know, don't worry, everything is fine now, it's just....I miss him....I don't know where he is, how come he didn't call me, I lowered my head, tears came to my eyes, Cleo hugged me, I started to cry a lot and through the tears, I I told her, you are the only one who knows my feelings, I didn't tell anyone, not even Jessy
Jessy: Ahhhhh what is happening here why are you crying MC What you couldn't tell me
Me: Nothing, I'm just going to wash myself and come back
I entered the house, I washed myself and put on my make-up again, I left and together with Jessy I went to the Aurora bar.
We entered the bar, which was breathtakingly beautiful, on the left side was a dark pink booth, on the right side was the podium where the music was playing, and decorative red, blue, white and green light bulbs hung from the ceiling. I walked around the bar, Jessy was behind me she waited for Phill to come, I couldn't take my eyes off how beautifully everything was arranged from every corner
MC: Here I come, sorry, the bar is really beautiful, I wanted to look around
Jessy: So you like how my brother arranged everything she winked at me😉
Phill: So you gave me the pleasure of meeting the prettiest and smartest girl in Duskwood right Jessy???
Jessy: Hehe that's right she saved Hannah from the mine with the help of that creepy hacker
MC: I blushed and said with a smile, I just helped my friends, nothing special, I don't want to talk about it, let's have something to drink
Phill: For beauty only the best drink he winked
Jessy is smiling and giggling I just rolled my eyes and told her: don't get your silly hopes that there will be something between me and Fill we stayed until 10:30 pm when I looked at the clock I told Jessy that I have to go because I get up early tomorrow for work, I said goodbye to Jessy and Fill, of course I just held out my hand to Phill ,I didn't want to let him touch me, I still have my principles, I left the bar not far from there, my car was parked while I was passing between I don't know how many cars my attention caught some figure standing near my car it was a man for sure, he certainly had a sweatshirt and a hood over the head, I froze in fear and surprise that it might be Jake
(MC thoughts) no no it's not possible you're imagining that means he's following me all the time
The whole time I was looking at the floor when I looked again in the direction of my car the figure disappeared I felt relief I got in the car and went home immediately I instinctively locked the door I went into the room and put on my pajamas and lay down I was very scared and surprised at the same time I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 23:00 pm
(MC thinks to herself) it's time to sleep, calm down, everything will be fine, don't be nervous, I took a breath.
I woke up, I literally jumped out of bed, I opened the curtains through which the sun was peeking...that wonderful sun that tickled my cheeks to wake me up, it was already hot since early morning, since it's summer, I looked at the clock 7:00 in the morning
(MC): okay I have time to get ready and take a shower to look perfect
after showering, I discreetly put on my make-up and put on a blouse, a skirt and sneakers, I took my purse and went to work, there were two colleagues standing at the door of the agency as I approached, they were talking more and more quietly as if they are hiding something when I approached a few meters from them I suspiciously looked at both of them ahhh by nature I have a problem to trust people somehow I gathered my strength and through a sigh I asked them "did something happen"??? My colleague grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to the door and pointed to the girl with her finger" Do you see that girl sitting there??
(MC): Yes, I see her
Colleague: She came five minutes ago and she was only looking for you when she came she came in furiously she literally wanted to break down the door“Are you ok MC??
(MC): Yes, but I wonder why she came angry, I said confused
Colleague: It's not like you're afraid of her, she started giggling
(MC): Do you know who you're talking to, I could throw her out the window, but I'm a lady, I don't do such things
I went inside I glared at that girl and nodded for her to come when she entered the office right from the door she told me she wanted to talk to me she just sat down and bowed her head haughtily I told her to calm down first I approached from the other side the table and sat down, she looked around nervously, then she turned to me, and she says , “I know you won't like what I'm going to tell you... I already understood that something is wrong, I started to shake, "okay, tell me what you have and go, I don't have time, I have work to do" I said
Girl: First let me introduce myself my name is Emma her voice started to shake I...I'm Jake's girlfriend we've been together for a year now if you hadn't come into his life everything would be different he keeps mentioning your name he only talks about you when we have sex he says your name at that moment my phone rang…….I CAN'T DESCRIBE THAT MOMENT IT WAS LIKE SOMEONE POURED ME WITH COLD WATER MY FEELINGS MIXED "you were right MC Jake is not for you he doesn't deserve you I thought in myself
Girl: MC MC!!!!! Your phone is ringing
I jumped off the chair and grabbed the phone "Jake" I just hung up and went back to the table and put my hands on my thighs and turned on the recording I slid the phone down where no one could reach it but close enough to hear the conversation
(MC): You say you're Jake's girlfriend right??
Girl: She just laughed sarcastically and repeated "Yes I am and we've been together for a year and we love each other and you should get away from him," she shouted, "you're bothering us, you're ruining our relationship, and another piece of news for you, I'm pregnant."
I slowly got up from the chair like a real lady and told her "I have nothing to do with him, I just helped him find his sister Hannah and that's it, now get out of here and don't ever come back
The girl just turned and left
in the meantime, I held back tears, I didn't want to show Emma that I was weak😩
(MC): 11 9 12 8 5 18 18 9 7 8 20 14 15 23 (SECRET CODE)😏😅
Jacob: understood
(MC): excellent
Jake: MC!!!!
Jake: What's going on, why aren't you answering my calls?
(MC): I have no more reason to contact you, you will understand why I am sending you a recording that will interest you.
30 minutes later
Jake: I'm coming to talk, I'll explain everything to you!!!!
(MC): No!!!!!! Don't you dare come...it's good that we haven't started a relationship yet and that I found this out in time.... I don't want to be with you how could I even think of being with a guy like you what did you think I wouldn't find out!!!!!!!
I clicked on the block button, I didn't even want to hear his answer because I wasn't even interested
When I went home it was already dark walking down the street alone I felt like someone was watching me "don't think nonsense I thought to myself" as I was getting closer to the house someone grabbed me from behind he literally grabbed my arms so I couldn't defend myself "where did you go girl”, we were supposed to talk today" I tried to defend myself by punching him but he lifted me up and carried me to the door of my house, when he put me down I had my back turned to him he pressed me towards the door and lifted both my hands up and held his hands over my "let me go now" I said he smiled and turned me to him and gently lowered my hands "I'm sorry for everything I've done but that won't stop me from fighting for you I LOVE YOU and no other man can have you remember that" he said through a million tears streaming down his face.
At that moment I was so furious that I didn't realize that my hand had already hit a very hard slap, I turned around and entered the house and immediately locked the door I leaned against the door and remembered the good times I spent here when I was just a tourist a year ago.
A year earlier
I decided to go to Duskwood anything can happen I had a very bad feeling threatening calls will not stop me from going there I was not afraid of anything I am a brave girl who had a very difficult childhood I experienced torture during my childhood and growing up (that's not a lie). While I was sitting in the transport, I was already starting to get nervous. There were still twenty minutes left until Duskwood, when I arrived it was already very late, I looked at the clock on my phone at eight o'clock in the evening, I called a taxi to take me to the nearest hotel as if to spite there was only one hotel in that city and the one where Lilly worked. I know she was insolent and rude towards me, she publicly accused me of kidnapping and even murder, what could be worse than that, on top of all that, her "followers are me" contacted and accused of something I didn't do. Okay MC pull yourself together I thought to myself.
When I entered the hotel, a woman in her forties greeted me and said: room for one, I just nodded my head and smiled, I paid for two days of stay, I entered the room exhausted, took a shower and went to bed, I didn't have the strength to call anyone, I was alone I wanted to fall asleep and forget everything at least for a moment.
When I woke up, the sun was already high in the sky, I looked at the time and saw that I had time to wake up a bit. I took the phone and told Jessy that I arrived late last night and that I didn't have time to call her, she was just short answered "Welcome to Duskwood today we're going to that house you already know...she didn't continue what she wanted to say but I knew very well that richy's disappearance hit her a lot she had feelings for him I guess the same as me but unfortunately for me I wasn't sure if i have feelings for him or jake.
My priority is to find Hannah nothing else I got up packed my few things that I took out last night and took and texted Jessy to send me the exact location of that house. Not even a minute passed, she sent me the location and explained the way to go, since that house is completely hidden and there is only one way to go, I called a taxi and after five minutes I regretted taking a taxi, not only did he not know the way to go but he didn't even know that he had reached the street near the forest, I cursed him out loud the whole time he was driving, the taxi driver got so nervous that he started sweating and started driving fast, I navigated him where to go. When I got to the very the corner of the road that leads to that house, a forest around me and only one dark road, as I said before, I'm not afraid of anything, but literally. I took the phone out of my pocket and turned on the lamp, luckily, the iPhone has a good function. Walking through the forest, the crawling of various animals, the flight of night birds, the howling of an owl, yellow eyes in the distance, uhhh creepy.
I quickened my pace in case I wasn't attacked by an animal, as I quickened my pace I heard familiar voices nearby, I started to approach the house and called Jessy who was sitting outside by the fire, she was very worried that I hadn't arrived yet, she looked in my direction and saw that I had come, that I still fulfilled the promise I made to her, that I would do everything to bring back her friend and Richy. From a distance, I heard her shout to the others, "Here is the MC, she has come, she really has come" the whole time I stood and watched the scene before me, the others got out except for Dan who was in a wheelchair, I ran towards them and hugged them all in a group. After half an hour of conversation in the living room, they asked me everything they could, and I told them everything about myself.
My phone vibrated multiple times “three messages” jake two messages and unknown number one message. My face changed every color and every emotion was visible on my face luckily no one noticed, everyone celebrated my arrival and joked with each other. I got up from the chair and went to the upper floor. I opened Jake's messages first, the first one was:
“Didn't you promise me you wouldn't go to Duskwood? It's too dangerous there, we haven't caught MWF yet. Please come back as soon as possible or I'll have to come.
I just answered him: Jake, I have everything under control, don't worry, don't put yourself in danger, the police are chasing you, please don't do something stupid, they'll catch you.
From the bottom of my soul, I was afraid that something would happen to him, I went around the room and waited for him to answer me, but he did not answer that message. The next message was from an unknown sender "Come to the mine and Hannah and richy are free."
That message worried me, I was afraid that it might not be a trap, what if he doesn't free them, but on the contrary, kills them. I went downstairs to the living room where everyone was gathered, when they turned and saw me, they all changed their expressions, I approached table and told them that I got a message saying that Hannah and Richy will be freed if I go to the mine. Everyone's mouths were open in disbelief of what was happening, then I continued: "I want to do this I will bring them both alive nobody won't stop me".
Jessy: No!!!! You absolutely do not belong in the hands of some madman, Dan interrupted and shouted
I absolutely agree with Jessy you can't risk your life we ​​will come up with a plan please trust me.
Thomas: MC I'm begging you to accept his request and go there this way you can save Hannah and Richy.
Lilly, Jessy, Cleo, Dan: Tomas!!!!!!!!
Jessy: How can you ask her for something like that!!!!
Dan: How dare you!?
Cleo: Thomas please stop.
Thomas: please go, I'm begging you.
MC: Enough!!!!!!!! I shouted.
Shut up, everyone,I'll bring them both alive. I furiously took the phone and sent a message.
MC: I accept your suggestion,let's get this over with.
Unknown: offline.
I sighed deeply, drank some water and headed to the mine. While I was already walking alone through the forest for the second time, not knowing what awaited me, before I set off I installed a map that leads to the mine.A kilometer and a half to the mine, fantastic, I thought to myself as I approached the hidden at the entrance, I looked around in case someone wasn't following me....I sighed deeply and entered that "MWF hideout" it was quite dark, I lit the way and started to walk slowly and cautiously. My sigh was getting heavier and heavier with each step, I felt as if someone was pressing me around the neck. Walking through the cold, dark and wet corridors of the tunnel, I felt as if every corner of these corridors was a witness to the many sufferings and screams of the victims of the 800 people who perished here. Approaching the end of the corridor which was obviously lit I realized that I had come to the place where I would see the true face of the bastard who threatened me and ruined all of our lives,the face that tormented Hannah and Richy.As I approached I gripped my phone so tightly I accidentally let go my favorite song.
a man…not a man the monster that kidnapped two people turned to me with a mask on his head.
Imagine Dragons
Oh, hush, my dear, it's been a difficult year
And terrors don't prey on him
Innocent victims
Trust me, darling, trust me darling
It's been a loveless year
I'm a man of three fears
Integrity, faith and
Crocodile tears
Trust me, darling, trust me, darling
So look me in the eyes
Tell me what you see
Perfect paradise
Tearing at the seams
I wish I could escape
I don't wanna fake it
Wish I could erase it
Make your heart believe... Richy this is... I said through a sigh this is impossible, you lied to us all the time, all the time you pretended that you didn't care..
I APPEAR TO BE A BAD LIAR, the only person who dared to come forward and show feelings is you.
"I'm sorry MC for everything, I didn't want to hurt anyone. He said
MC: Richy it can't be! how could you betray us like this!?
Richy: I didn't want it to be like this, I swear to, I swear!!!!
I ran to him and hugged him tightly, after all, he is my friend whom I knew and with whom I spent a lot of time and in some special way fell in love, even if I didn't want to admit it to myself.
I pulled back a little and started questioning Richy why he did all this. He looked me straight in the eyes for a long time and at one point he put his lips on mine, I didn't push him away from me if you ask me why I don't know, I can't even explain to myself, he brought his head close to my ear and whispered"I'M A BAD LIAR (giggle). In the next moment he pointed to his jacket on the floor and I realized that he was signaling me to sit down. I listened carefully to every word he said every detail about Hannah's kidnapping. He couldn't stand it he grabbed my hands and held them in his. We sat for a long time and talked until at one point I heard footsteps on my right, when I looked I saw Jake himself standing furiously next to us with his hands clenched into fists as if he was going to beat someone up at any moment.He shouted in a menacing voice "Just touch her one more time and I'll break your arms and legs!!"
Richy, who is already visibly provoked, jumped up from where he was sitting and stood in front of Jake: "Come on, I challenge you, do something if you have balls".
At that moment, I was all sweating knowing where this was going, I got up and stood between them for a second, I managed to separate them, but the next moment was the worst, Jake pushed me behind him with his hand, he held his hand straight as if to prevent anyone from coming to me. The two of them glared at each other... in the next moment Jake punched Richy with his fist and that's when the chaos started,i ran towards them assuming that one or the other would end up dead I stood between them for the second time and felt someone pushed me away unintentionally as I fell backwards I hit my head on something, a stone, I don't know, from that moment on I don't remember what happened.
Alan was rubbing his hand nervously all the time, and for the hour and a half I was sitting in the police station, my thoughts were everywhere.
"That's what happened MC" Alan said
MC: "What happened after you found out about all this".
"Listen all the information I got, I got it from Richy. Richy has to pay a for what he did, do I have to tell you what he did?
"Uhhhhhh I understand everything but he's not as guilty as Hannah is..." I said
"Yeah, she's going to pay the as well for murder...I just wonder what your boyfriend would say about all this? He wouldn't be happy if his girlfriend wanted to put his half-sister in jail."
I rolled my eyes and told him shyly "Well, we're not in a relationship yet, not officially" I blushed
Alan: Richy has to go to jail by law you know that.
MC: Is it possible to do anything without going to prison?
Alan: You can testify in court, the murder happened 10 years ago, maybe I can still help you, but you know that I can get fired for this.
MC: Please Alan help me I'll do everything you say I just don't want Richy to go to jail.
Alan: Go home, I'll handle this, maybe I'll call you to testify. It's been five days since I haven't heard a word from Alan, I started to panic, I got ready and left because I couldn't sit and wait for news from Alan anymore, I wanted him to tell me to my face what the situation was.When I arrived at the office Alan was sitting with his arms crossed and thoughtful, I came closer and asked him what was wrong, he answered that there was a new case, some murder, I don't know, I didn't even listen to him because I wasn't interested, I only asked him to give me information about the testimony.
Alan: “Today is the testimony, otherwise I wanted to call you, it starts in an hour and a half”,he laughed.
There was silence in the courtroom, there were the judge, Hannah, Jessy and me. The trial lasted for a very long time I could barely stand I hate trials and prisons that's why I never wanted to visit Fill. At that moment the judge interrupted my thoughts when he said that Richy was not guilty and that he was free. My happiness never ends,knowing that I helped a friend who was always there for me and every time I needed help he was always there for me. He slowly approached me and hugged me "Thank you for everything"
MC: let's get out of here as soon as possible, I don't want to stay here for even a second.
Day after day passed Richy brought a bouquet of flowers every day and if I told him not to do that he didn't give up. I never liked gifts, I don't know why. Richy wants to be as close to me as possible but it's not his fault it's me I didn't want to be in a relationship because I didn't want to hurt him the first thing I was afraid of was that Jake wouldn't make a problem I don't think it's an excuse but deep down I had that fear myself, the second thing I was afraid of was what people would say about me, I'm not one of those "easy" girls, nor will I ever be.
Richy: Don't be stubborn at least try a relationship with me. The only thing you do is work and hanging out with Jessy.
I rolled my eyes and told him, "Richy, I don't get into relationships that easily, I don't want to hurt you or...
Richy: Jake….that's what you meant, you obviously care about him! he shouted
MC: maybe you are right
Richy: As obvious as it is that you want to be in a relationship with someone you don't even know, he stormed out and slammed the door, I understand him wanting to be in a relationship with me, but I don't want him to get hurt. I'll try to talk to him when he calms down.
A month later, Lily told me that Jake called her, that's honestly a bit strange to me, he didn't call me first, but Lilly. She also told me that Jake wanted to finally meet me, of course I'm glad about that. Unfortunately, since Jake's mother is passed away, he decided to secure an apartment for himself, if you're wondering how I know that... well, the bird Lilly told me.
Lilly, Hannah, Jessy and I were occupied with preparing the house and cooking (psss I didn't cook)😂😜 on the way we listened to music and danced... fun, right? Everything was as it should be, the table was set and we were nicely dressed. at that moment someone knocked on the door, Lilly quickly ran to the door and opened it, at that moment I got up and went to the door, there stood a tall, black-haired, sea-colored boy, nothing like Lilly, while Hannah and he looked a lot like twins .Lilly shook me at that moment, I wasn't even aware that I was standing at the door and looking at Lilly and Jake. With the music and talking, the time passed quickly, Jake looked at me from time to time, I honestly wasn't comfortable, but I felt special like never before in my life. At one point, Jake got up and said he had to go, he told us while eating that the police are still chasing him, he needs to finish a hacking job, in short he helps the police with murders by entering data into the computer. My biggest the joy is that he will finally be free, at least he won't end up in prison. When he started to go to the door, he grabbed my waist, pulled me to him and kissed me, I just smiled, everyone was looking at us, but I didn't care anymore what others would say or think.
If someone had told me that I was going to experience this, I wouldn't have believed him, sitting on the floor and crying, I thought about what I did wrong to God, is it possible that I experienced this kind of betrayal. I waited for a fucking year for him to come back from the mission with the police, it was some kind of murder. at least that's what he told me... I have no idea what other mission lasts a year, only if the killer is some mastermind. A lie, everything is a lie from the beginning to the very end, everything was a lie. He slept with that girl, they loved each other, that's why he didn't come. Lies, lies, I'm angry with myself for everything. But I'll solve this problem by myself without anyone's help.
I packed my things and got on the plane with the fact that I work in an agency, I knew every flight. Running away is the only plan I have, the only plan I had was to hide from him and this shame.
Greece is another country besides the one where I was born, which I love very much. It will be nice there, at least I won't think about anything, (I thought to myself). Thinking that I would manage to escape, alas, I didn't, a black BMW car parked in front of me, two guys got out of the car and quickly came to my car, opened the door and pulled me out of the car, at that moment I felt that one of them grabbed me and put a cloth on my nose the next moment I remember being in a dark room full of boxes. I was tied to the bed, I tried to get up a little, but I couldn't, as if someone was draining my strength. My legs and hands were also tied, all I could think of was how to escape from here, how to get out of this situation, in at that moment, I heard footsteps approaching the room where I was and a familiar voice, I knew that damn voice well....Jake, it's not like he kidnapped me. The door opened wide and the man standing behind me was the man I I knew him for a year, he is a man whom I somehow fell in love with and who, believe it or not, I waited for a year, I rejected Richy because of him, I was patient, I told myself I'll wait, it doesn't matter, but after everything that happened to me, one thing is certain, I don't want to be with him. Now the most important thing is to get my head out alive to go far away from here...
At that moment, my thoughts were interrupted by Jake, who covered my mouth and whispered: "Now you'll see what it means to run away from me."At that moment he grabbed my pants and tore them off. I pulled myself up a little and pressed my ass against the bed so he couldn't take me off. I was scared. I didn't want to be raped. I didn't want him to touch me. I got scared and started to panic. I knew what was the best method to defend myself, I pulled those ropes around my arms and legs, I did everything just to free myself, unfortunately Jake managed to take control of me and threw himself with all his weight on me, I scratched him as much as I could , I pulled just to defend myself from him. While he was on me with all his weight, he lowered his shoulders towards my face, then it was my chance to try to push him away from me, I lunged forward a little and bit his shoulder, Jake just gasped and he grabbed me by one hand and pressed me down to the bed and put his right hand over my mouth and said: "Try to do this one more time and you'll see who I am" he said furiously. I answered him in a threatening tone, "You will see who I am if you just try to do something to me, violent sex is not the solution to this problem, let me go home, I don't want to be with you, understand for once!!!!".
Jake and I were very close to each other, I could feel him breathing, as he was above me, he was looking straight into my eyes, his look was sad, he just said to me "I don't want to lose you at the cost of my life, I love you" in that at one moment I felt his hand slide down and he tore my panties at high speed, I felt very uncomfortable, I didn't know what to do to defend myself but I wasn't going to give up. In the next moment I felt that he entered me, I screamed with rage not because of pain or because of anything else, I didn't have any pain during sex, he was gentle, he told me to calm down but I didn't want to, he grabbed me by the waist and pressed his body against mine.
After sex, he stood up and said: "I know what you did with Emma, ​​I know that you killed her, I know everything you do for your criminal activities, selling drugs, catching girls for prostitution, none of that matters..Emma meant nothing to me, she an ordinary slut.
He sat on the bed next to me, I knew that one day he would find out about everything, I wasn't completely surprised, but that he hurt me because of Emma, ​​it hurt me even more, "what did you expect MC, they were together for a year" I thought to myself...
"Why are you silent now if you think this is all because of Emma, ​​it's not...we were once together, it's true, we had sexual relations, but we never had unprotected sex...
"I don't care," I shouted, "I don't want to listen to anything." The truth is I killed Emma I was blind with jealousy if I was smarter I would have let her be with you I should have gotten away from everything I said through tears.
Go away go away!!!!! Do you really think that I wouldn't look for you, do you really think that I would let you run away from me" he said with a smile.
"Damn you!!!, you ruined my life and now you want us to be together, never!!! "I said through tears.
Three days have passed since I was tied up, I didn't eat or drink anything, I didn't want to on purpose. Jake begged me to eat and I refused.
"You have to eat something, you can't be hungry," he said
"I don't want to eat" I said
Sitting on the bed, since I was tied, Jake lowered me to a sitting position to eat, I took that opportunity and grabbed a porcelain plate and hit him on the head with all my strength and took a rope and tied him, I didn't want him to follow me.. I ran to the door and came across on each side of the long hallway there were rooms like in some hotel I walked slowly and looked on each side there was a big mirror in one of the rooms I went in and looked at myself my pants and shirt were torn I went back to the room where I was , and took out a sweatshirt from the closet, put it on and when I got to the door, I heard mumbling behind me...
"Release me now or you will be locked up here forever".
"Dream on prince" I said proudly
Walking through the corridor I felt some relief but on the other hand I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get out, luckily for me I managed to find my way out, there were two guys in black suits standing at the front door so I had to find another way out, each the window was blocked except for one that was completely broken. When I got out, I immediately looked in which direction to run because sooner or later someone will free Jake. The yard is huge, it surrounds the house about 5 hectares "whose house is this" I thought in myself, one path only led to the exit, that's the only main path I can take, but the problem is how to avoid the guards, crouching next to the window, I thought about how to pass without being noticed. Running is not the solution, but fuck it as soon as I get out of here I will get home sooner. I didn't even know where I was and I hope to get there as soon as possible. I quickly ran towards that road and hid behind a tree. From a distance I heard voices shouting "Find her". Standing so scared behind the tree I was thinking what is my next step, I have to get out of here as soon as possible or they will find me, I waited for the first opportunity for the guards to leave so I could continue. When I started running again, I heard Jake shout, find her and bring her to me. I didn't even turn around, I ran as fast as I could, at one point when I was already quite far away I heard a car behind me, I stopped and turned around and saw that a woman was driving. I felt a great relief, I asked her to drive me to the first town, she just nodded her head and motioned for me to get in, during the drive she asked me where I was from, strangely, but I opened up and told her everything
Woman: You know, little one, I wouldn't give that man even a lock of my hair
I just looked at her and smiled
"I didn't even want to, I decided I didn't want to be with him, he betrayed me, he hurt me, I can't forgive him just like that. There is a boy who wanted to be with me, but I turned him down, this is probably karma."
Woman: There is always an opportunity for a new chance, try if you want to be with him, it will be easier to get over this situation. Just be sure to tell him what happened to you, because if you don't tell him, he will say... Jake, is that the boy's name?" Yes" Jake, I said so
"They will say that you willingly slept with him and if that is not the case", said the woman
I know I'm very scared, the two of them had a fight in the mine, but if I get into a relationship with Richy, there will be a big problem, Jake will kill him.
A little while later, I couldn't believe that not only did she bring me to my city, but also right in front of my house, I thanked her and walked quickly to the door, my hands were shaking from nervousness, I couldn't even unlock the door when I went inside and took my mobile phone, holding the phone in my hand, my hands began to shake even more, I pressed Alan's number and called him.
Alan: MC where are you!? I was looking for you..you were gone for days are you ok?
MC: Alan we have to see each other now I have to talk to you!
Alan: Okay, I'll wait for you in the office
I quickly put down the phone and ran outside, got into the car and headed for the police station, it didn't take me long to get there, as I was driving very fast.
"Alan we need to talk seriously"
Alan: Calm down, first tell me what happened, why do you look like that, all your clothes are torn
Out of nervousness and anger, I started walking around the office left and right and finally spoke
"Something very bad has happened" I cried in agony, sat down and put my hands over my head
"Jake raped me," I said hoarsely and through tears
Alan: “Jake did what to you!? "That son of a bitch won't survive if I just get hold of him"
At that moment, Alan ran out and called someone on the phone, I didn't hear anything, I totally lost track of time and space.
A whole month passed and I didn't see anyone in particular except Cleo, Jessy, Hannah sometimes and Richy, they always tried to cheer me up, of course I didn't neglect my work.
It's been a hellish month since Alan chased Jake. I haven't received any news for a month. At that moment, lying on the bed, my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pain in my stomach. I bent my knees and calmed down a bit. I hated myself for everything, I shouldn't have let Jake come to me, but how could I know he had a girlfriend, stop thinking that otherwise I won't be in a relationship with him. I jumped out of bed to calm my nervousness and went for a walk in at that moment my phone rang..
Jacob: We have to see each other urgently, we have a problem.
"What's the problem, you're scaring me, wait, don't tell me anything yet, I'll be right back."
New message
Jacob: I shouldn't have told you, but when you come you'll understand why I called you.
In a different town on a completely different side from Duskwood is our secret hideout of buildings that are modernly furnished nothing like run down buildings that you would imagine to be used for all sorts of things. In my building that my father built in the style of a hotel to let out rooms as I work as a tourist guide, I used that building for other purposes, where girls who were visibly high on drugs were brought in to "receive and hand over goods". I know these things are wrong but they chose their own path" some did some didn't have a choice" if you think MC is bad yes she is bad because she learned to be dangerous.
Every corridor is full, almost all the girls were standing in front of their room waiting for their customers. When they saw me, they all bowed their heads, and I, like a queen dressed in black, with loose wavy hair, raised my head, walked past them.
In the lower part of the hotel, more precisely in the basement, there was a huge room where people who owed me money and people who had done their task wrongly that I gave them "punishment “as I like to say".
Jacob and I headed straight for the basement where I was met with an unpleasant surprise>Emma<. Unable to escape she was tied to a chair with a rope. She will pay for everything she did.
"What does this mean Jacob, why is this girl not dead, what excuse are you going to make so I don't kill you!" I said, with a quick movement I turned towards him, grabbed his neck with my hand and pressed him against the wall "Don't play with fire" I whispered in his ear.
Jacob: I I...listen to me first then do whatever you want please please please he said through tears. You know I have never betrayed you please let me explain.
"You have five minutes," I said
I didn't want to kill her for several reasons. The first reason is adtgf
"What are you talking about? Speak loud and clear, you don't have much time," I shouted.
Jacob: She is not pregnant with Jake, she lied and the father of her baby is David Smith, I examined everything in detail, DNA test confirmed..
"Stop, stop, slowly tell me everything from the beginning".
"Two years ago, before Emma got into a relationship with Jake, she knew that David, her boyfriend at the time, had cheated on her with someone else.. "Get to the point, I'm not interested in her relationship, it's not about this bitch, it's about Jake."
Jacob: When they broke up she got pregnant with David because she knew she wouldn't have any financial support from him, she threw that child at Jake, of course Jake suspected that the child was his. I made this bitch talk and she told me that they didn't had unprotected sex. This bitch here slept with her ex and got pregnant she thought she was going to get him back but he just took advantage and left her. He left with that girl he cheated with.. he whispered in my ear jokingly.You know our people work hard to get various information, we have people listening for us, we have cameras, drones, no information can escape us, said Jacob proudly. The next thing I found out is that Jake wanted to take revenge on you for the kiss with Richy in the mine as he said "He didn't know he was going to lose you" listen to this recording and everything will be clear to you.
Jacob: Now you're going to tell everything nicely from beginning to end why you hurt MC? the only person I love so much how dare you.
I turned to Jacob shocked"You have feelings for me" I said with my mouth half open.
I couldn't believe my ears what I just heard but when I think about it better I was with him instead of waiting for Jake for a year. The difference between Jacob and Jake is that Jacob fights for what he wants, I never noticed before that he has feelings for me, he showed me countless times, I thought that bouquets, chocolates, and other small gifts were just a sign of attention, respect, but that's not the case. While I was waiting for Jake, something else was better waiting for me, only I was blind that I can see that. Jacob is tall with brown hair, green eyes and dimples on his cheek, he really looks breathtaking. I turned to the table and leaned on it with my hands and played the tape.
Jake: Hahahaha you can love her as much as you want MC only loves one and that's me.
I fast forwarded the tape a bit
"Emma is my biggest mistake in my life, I wanted to take revenge on MC because of that damn bastard who kissed her, jealousy boiled in me." After I found out that Emma was pregnant, then I was totally lost, I didn't know what to do, I wanted to to leave her but... but that was over even before I found out she was pregnant. The thing that hit me the most was that the MC found out about Emma, ​​now she will look at me like the biggest piece of trash..(crying)..end of the tape.
"What are you planning next"? I asked
Jacob: I suggest you set her free.
He grabbed my arm and dragged me into another room.
Jacob: The best solution is to bring them together, take them to her house and let them fight among themselves, it's better for you. Jake will run to you like a puppy, but you will choose what is best for you, and that is a man who will respect you, keep you like a queen out of this criminal world, just you and me. I am not jealous of Jake or Richy, they are just two mistakes in your life, you weren't sure who you loved. You didn't love either of them, you were lonely and you thought you loved both of them, you were confused, think a little.
Jacob's words hit me but I'm not ready to face that situation now, revenge first and then everything else.
I turned around and went home. With loud music in the car, after a long time I felt some relief, of course I got my revenge on Emma, ​​she got beaten up a bit by my friends, I'm a bit naughty by nature hehehe.
When I was approaching my house, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as if someone was stabbing me with a knife. I got out of the car and immediately vomited. I remembered the scene when Jake raped me, so I suspected that I might not be pregnant. On the left side, a little further from my car was a pharmacy, I slowly walked towards the pharmacy because the pain was very tight when I entered the pharmacy, I said in a low voice: "Give me a pregnancy test" the pharmacist just looked at me and said $4.68, I paid and slowly left. I entered the house and the first thing I wanted to do was take a warm bath." The bath really helps to ease the pain, I said to myself with a smile."
With music and wine and headphones in my ears, I enjoyed a bubble bath, after that I put on my pajamas and went to bed.
In the morning at 10:30 I stretched and lay on the bed completely relaxed. I didn't go to work that day because there is someone to replace me, the agency is mine so I can take at least one day off, I turned to my bedside table and saw test. Curiosity was stronger than me, I took a pregnancy test and went to check.
Five minutes later, sitting in the tub and holding the test, I watched two lines appear, I didn't know whether to be happy or cry out loud. I put the test in a small bag and threw it in the bin.
"What should I do now" I asked myself holding both hands over my head, if I have an abortion there is a possibility that I will never be able to have children again, and if I give birth I will be tied to Jake for the rest of my life.
The best thing I can do is give myself a break and think.
I prepared some breakfast and ate, after that I got dressed and went for a walk.
When I entered a large park that was surrounded by a forest, suddenly someone grabbed my hand and put his hand over my mouth. I didn't see who it was at that moment, but when he pushed me against a tree, I saw that it was Jake, whose eyes were red and full of tears.
Jake: MC please forgive me for everything I've done to you, I'm begging you, I regret it a lot..(tears)... I'm sorry for everything, give me at least one chance to be together, you'll see that I'll be much better, I'll never disappoint you. I'll do it whatever you want, if is necessary we will get married.
MC: Do you really think I'm going to fall for that story, the old MC doesn't exist anymore! WE don't exist!
Jake(crying) please please give me a chance I can't live without you(sob).
MC: I never want to see you again.period
Jake: Now I'm free, I'm not being chased by the police anymore, I made an agreement that from now on I work for them, I handle all the documents, he smiled.
MC: Can you hear yourself, what you're saying, first you tell me to be together, then you tell me about some work, I don't care about you, your work or your love life. I don't want anything to do with you.
I continued to walk through the park through tears, there were several people with children enjoying playing. I sat down on a bench and at that moment my phone rang.
"Hello, who is that?" I asked confused
"I will take revenge on you for everything you did to me, damned bitch".
"Emma, ​​it's you hahahahaha, I'd really like to see how you're going to take revenge on me. You don't have the power to take revenge on me. I ended the call and put the phone back in my pocket. Jake was standing behind me and heard my conversation, I just glared at him and turned my back to him, but he approached me and whispered:
"I will solve this problem, you will not intervene this time" at that moment he took out the gun that was standing from behind under my shirt and disappeared.
"Aghhh damn you Jake!!!" I shouted
I wanted this revenge to be mine, to finish with that bitch. I got into the car furiously and called Emma.
"What happened, you are afraid to come."
"We have to find another place. Jake comes to you with a not so nice plan for you. "You will wait for me where I will tell you".
I didn't have enough time to go to Jacob to get the gun, I didn't want to get my hands dirty with blood, but anyway I stayed with the knife in my pocket.
"The knife will do the job but it will be a little bloody" I thought to myself.
Emma was standing in front of the warehouse and was waiting for me, thinking that this would only end with a conversation, but I didn't come to talk, but to kill her.
"You finally appeared, I just don't understand why you saved my life".
I was standing in front of her and in my sleeve was the solution to my problem. I pulled out a knife from my sleeve and stabbed it in Emma's neck without a sense of guilt, without any remorse, maybe I'm a monster but in the criminal world everyone gets punished.
Her body fell in front of me, a pool of blood spilled on the concrete, I turned and left. If you are wondering if the police will arrest her(MC).they won't because all the police officers are in their positions. They know very well who she is and they also know who their boss is, no one can stand up to her. Emma's body will rot somewhere in the ground and never be found. they won't know what happened.
Eight months later…
"Your delivery went well, congratulations, you gave birth to a beautiful girl."
Jake found out from Lilly that I gave birth, but I don't know how he found out that the child was his.
In the corridor, I heard loud footsteps and saw someone carrying a bouquet of flowers.
"Why did you come here? Nobody called you”. I said
Jake: I brought you roses I know you love them I didn't come to ask you to forgive me I heard you are in a relationship with Jacob I just want to make a deal about the baby when I can see her? What will it be called?
I motioned for him to sit next to me.
"How about the name Madison, Elizabeth, Aurora, Chiara, Alice, Alessia"
"All the names are beautiful. "Which one would you choose?" he asked with a smile
"Aurora!!!!" I shouted happily
Jake leaned over and hugged me. He accepted the fact that I was in a relationship with someone else and that if I was happy, he would be too, at least that's what he told me.
At that moment, Jessy and Richy came in. They have been together for seven months and found comfort in each other. Lilly and Dan have been dating for a long time and they are about to get married.
Jacob and I have planned to give each other a chance to see how far this relationship will go, hopefully a good one. Just a little Aurora to grow up and hopefully she will have a brother or sister.
A few weeks later…
Jacob and I got ready to go to the celebration, Lilly told us that Aurora's birth must be celebrated.
"Jacob!!! Are you ready" I shouted happily.
"I'm going dear just five more minutes"
While waiting for Jacob to come down, I dressed Aurora in a white dress and put a white ribbon with a big flower on her hair and white shoes.
While I was dressing her, Jacob came up behind me and hugged me.
When we arrived at Lilly's place, she took Aurora with her and kissed her, then she came up to us and pulled us in. Everyone was there, Hannah and Tomas, Jessy and Richy, Lilly and Dan and only one person who doesn't have a partner, and that's Jake. I felt sorry for him but I couldn't get over his betrayal. But he always tried to be positive. We all laughed and joked. Jake felt guilty that we weren't together, but he accepted the fact that it had to be that way.
Aurora spent every day with her real father. Every day he took her to the park, cuddled her, told her stories and lulled her to sleep. Everything ended well in the end.
When Lilly, Jessy, and Hannah went into labor, they all cheered me on, but the presence of one person meant a lot to me, and that was Jake, so I still decided to give him the opportunity to be together. Every day I spend with him meant like air to me, every day he made me beautiful, even when I couldn't get up at night, he got up to feed Aurora and put her to sleep again. I couldn't even imagine a different life than this.
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angela-spasic · 1 year
this is my first story, I hope you'll at least enjoy it, it's not perfect, but at least I wrote it from the bottom of my heart, love yaaa❤️❤️😊😊😊
❤️Mixed feelings❤️
It's been a year since we found hannah that day I will never forget all that effort, annoying threatening calls ahhh I can't get it out of my head thank god everyone is fine I left my hometown to help my friends find Hannah more specifically now I live in Duskwood I have my job which I love a lot tour guide it took me a long time to recover from everything of course Jessy, Lilly, Dan, Thomas and even Hannah helped me with that. But back to the mine story I don't know why but I don't remember what happened there Alan told me that he found me passed out deep in the forest someone pulled me out before that but how I passed out and why I don't know Alan also told me that he saw a lot of blood in mine that worried me a lot. I was sitting and trying to remember but my thoughts interrupted Jessy "What's wrong with you"
MC:ahhhh nothing nothing just tired
Jessy: she looked at me suspiciously ok if that's the case you need a rest let's go to Aurora
Mc: Ok why not I really need some relaxation Jessy: ok see you at the souvenir shop at 7pm
Me: Ok Jessy see you she just smiled and left…
At three o'clock in the afternoon I came home from work I went to take a shower after the shower I sat on the bed and started thinking again what happened to Jake and richy who took me out.....come on stop thinking about it's time to get ready, I'm not one of those people who wears short skirts and high heels, I opened the closet and took a tight shirt with short sleeves, jeans and sneakers, I put on a little inconspicuous make-up and tied my long thick dark brown hair in a ponytail and I went out and met Cleo who gave me a big hug
Cleo: how are you? I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you when it was the hardest, you know my mother is sick
Me: I know, don't worry, everything is fine now, it's just....I miss him....I don't know where he is, how come he didn't call me, I lowered my head, tears came to my eyes, Cleo hugged me, I started to cry a lot and through the tears, I I told her, you are the only one who knows my feelings, I didn't tell anyone, not even Jessy
Jessy: Ahhhhh what is happening here why are you crying MC What you couldn't tell me
Me: Nothing, I'm just going to wash myself and come back
I entered the house, I washed myself and put on my make-up again, I left and together with Jessy I went to the Aurora bar.
We entered the bar, which was breathtakingly beautiful, on the left side was a dark pink booth, on the right side was the podium where the music was playing, and decorative red, blue, white and green light bulbs hung from the ceiling. I walked around the bar, Jessy was behind me she waited for Fill to come, I couldn't take my eyes off how beautifully everything was arranged from every corner
MC: Here I come, sorry, the bar is really beautiful, I wanted to look around
Jessy: So you like how my brother arranged everything she winked at me😉
Fill: So you gave me the pleasure of meeting the prettiest and smartest girl in Duskwood right Jessy???
Jessy: Hehe that's right she saved Hannah from the mine with the help of that creepy hacker
MC: I blushed and said with a smile, I just helped my friends, nothing special, I don't want to talk about it, let's have something to drink
Fill: For beauty only the best drink he winked
Jessy is smiling and giggling I just rolled my eyes and told her: don't get your silly hopes that there will be something between me and Fill we stayed until 10:30 pm when I looked at the clock I told Jessy that I have to go because I get up early tomorrow for work, I said goodbye to Jessy and Fill, of course I just held out my hand to Fill ,I didn't want to let him touch me, I still have my principles, I left the bar not far from there, my car was parked while I was passing between I don't know how many cars my attention caught some figure standing near my car it was a man for sure, he certainly had a sweatshirt and a hood over the head, I froze in fear and surprise that it might be Jake
(MC thoughts) no no it's not possible you're imagining that means he's following me all the time
The whole time I was looking at the floor when I looked again in the direction of my car the figure disappeared I felt relief I got in the car and went home immediately I instinctively locked the door I went into the room and put on my pajamas and lay down I was very scared and surprised at the same time I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 23:00 pm
(MC thinks to herself) it's time to sleep, calm down, everything will be fine, don't be nervous, I took a breath.
I woke up, I literally jumped out of bed, I opened the curtains through which the sun was peeking...that wonderful sun that tickled my cheeks to wake me up, it was already hot since early morning, since it's summer, I looked at the clock 7:00 in the morning
(MC): okay I have time to get ready and take a shower to look perfect
after showering, I discreetly put on my make-up and put on a blouse, a skirt and sneakers, I took my purse and went to work, there were two colleagues standing at the door of the agency as I approached, they were talking more and more quietly as if they are hiding something when I approached a few meters from them I suspiciously looked at both of them ahhh by nature I have a problem to trust people somehow I gathered my strength and through a sigh I asked them "did something happen"??? My colleague grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to the door and pointed to the girl with her finger" Do you see that girl sitting there??
(MC): Yes, I see her
Colleague: She came five minutes ago and she was only looking for you when she came she came in furiously she literally wanted to break down the door“Are you ok MC??
(MC): Yes, but I wonder why she came angry, I said confused
Colleague: It's not like you're afraid of her, she started giggling
(MC): Do you know who you're talking to, I could throw her out the window, but I'm a lady, I don't do such things
I went inside I glared at that girl and nodded for her to come when she entered the office right from the door she told me she wanted to talk to me she just sat down and bowed her head haughtily I told her to calm down first I approached from the other side the table and sat down, she looked around nervously, then she turned to me, and she says , “I know you won't like what I'm going to tell you... I already understood that something is wrong, I started to shake, "okay, tell me what you have and go, I don't have time, I have work to do" I said
Girl: First let me introduce myself my name is Emma her voice started to shake I...I'm Jake's girlfriend we've been together for a year now if you hadn't come into his life everything would be different he keeps mentioning your name he only talks about you when we have sex he says your name at that moment my phone rang…….I CAN'T DESCRIBE THAT MOMENT IT WAS LIKE SOMEONE POURED ME WITH COLD WATER MY FEELINGS MIXED "you were right MC Jake is not for you he doesn't deserve you I thought in myself
Girl: MC MC!!!!! Your phone is ringing
I jumped off the chair and grabbed the phone "Jake" I just hung up and went back to the table and put my hands on my thighs and turned on the recording I slid the phone down where no one could reach it but close enough to hear the conversation
(MC): You say you're Jake's girlfriend right??
Girl: She just laughed sarcastically and repeated "Yes I am and we've been together for a year and we love each other and you should get away from him," she shouted, "you're bothering us, you're ruining our relationship, and another piece of news for you, I'm pregnant."
I slowly got up from the chair like a real lady and told her "I have nothing to do with him, I just helped him find his sister Hannah and that's it, now get out of here and don't ever come back
The girl just turned and left
in the meantime, I held back tears, I didn't want to show Emma that I was weak😩
(MC): 11 9 12 8 5 18 18 9 7 8 20 14 15 23 (SECRET CODE)😏😅
Jacob: understood
(MC): excellent
Jake: MC!!!!
Jake: What's going on, why aren't you answering my calls?
(MC): I have no more reason to contact you, you will understand why I am sending you a recording that will interest you.
30 minutes later
Jake: I'm coming to talk, I'll explain everything to you!!!!
(MC): No!!!!!! Don't you dare come...it's good that we haven't started a relationship yet and that I found this out in time.... I don't want to be with you how could I even think of being with a guy like you what did you think I wouldn't find out!!!!!!!
I clicked on the block button, I didn't even want to hear his answer because I wasn't even interested
When I went home it was already dark walking down the street alone I felt like someone was watching me "don't think nonsense I thought to myself" as I was getting closer to the house someone grabbed me from behind he literally grabbed my arms so I couldn't defend myself "where did you go girl”, we were supposed to talk today" I tried to defend myself by punching him but he lifted me up and carried me to the door of my house, when he put me down I had my back turned to him he pressed me towards the door and lifted both my hands up and held his hands over my "let me go now" I said he smiled and turned me to him and gently lowered my hands "I'm sorry for everything I've done but that won't stop me from fighting for you I LOVE YOU and no other man can have you remember that" he said through a million tears streaming down his face.
At that moment I was so furious that I didn't realize that my hand had already hit a very hard slap, I turned around and entered the house and immediately locked the door I leaned against the door and remembered the good times I spent here when I was just a tourist a year ago.
A year earlier
I decided to go to Duskwood anything can happen I had a very bad feeling threatening calls will not stop me from going there I was not afraid of anything I am a brave girl who had a very difficult childhood I experienced torture during my childhood and growing up (that's not a lie). While I was sitting in the transport, I was already starting to get nervous. There were still twenty minutes left until Duskwood, when I arrived it was already very late, I looked at the clock on my phone at eight o'clock in the evening, I called a taxi to take me to the nearest hotel as if to spite there was only one hotel in that city and the one where Lilly worked. I know she was insolent and rude towards me, she publicly accused me of kidnapping and even murder, what could be worse than that, on top of all that, her "followers are me" contacted and accused of something I didn't do. Okay MC pull yourself together I thought to myself.
When I entered the hotel, a woman in her forties greeted me and said: room for one, I just nodded my head and smiled, I paid for two days of stay, I entered the room exhausted, took a shower and went to bed, I didn't have the strength to call anyone, I was alone I wanted to fall asleep and forget everything at least for a moment.
When I woke up, the sun was already high in the sky, I looked at the time and saw that I had time to wake up a bit. I took the phone and told Jessy that I arrived late last night and that I didn't have time to call her, she was just short answered "Welcome to Duskwood today we're going to that house you already know...she didn't continue what she wanted to say but I knew very well that richy's disappearance hit her a lot she had feelings for him I guess the same as me but unfortunately for me I wasn't sure if i have feelings for him or jake.
My priority is to find Hannah nothing else I got up packed my few things that I took out last night and took and texted Jessy to send me the exact location of that house. Not even a minute passed, she sent me the location and explained the way to go, since that house is completely hidden and there is only one way to go, I called a taxi and after five minutes I regretted taking a taxi, not only did he not know the way to go but he didn't even know that he had reached the street near the forest, I cursed him out loud the whole time he was driving, the taxi driver got so nervous that he started sweating and started driving fast, I navigated him where to go. When I got to the very the corner of the road that leads to that house, a forest around me and only one dark road, as I said before, I'm not afraid of anything, but literally. I took the phone out of my pocket and turned on the lamp, luckily, the iPhone has a good function. Walking through the forest, the crawling of various animals, the flight of night birds, the howling of an owl, yellow eyes in the distance, uhhh creepy.
I quickened my pace in case I wasn't attacked by an animal, as I quickened my pace I heard familiar voices nearby, I started to approach the house and called Jessy who was sitting outside by the fire, she was very worried that I hadn't arrived yet, she looked in my direction and saw that I had come, that I still fulfilled the promise I made to her, that I would do everything to bring back her friend and Richy. From a distance, I heard her shout to the others, "Here is the MC, she has come, she really has come" the whole time I stood and watched the scene before me, the others got out except for Dan who was in a wheelchair, I ran towards them and hugged them all in a group. After half an hour of conversation in the living room, they asked me everything they could, and I told them everything about myself.
My phone vibrated multiple times “three messages” jake two messages and unknown number one message. My face changed every color and every emotion was visible on my face luckily no one noticed, everyone celebrated my arrival and joked with each other. I got up from the chair and went to the upper floor. I opened Jake's messages first, the first one was:
“Didn't you promise me you wouldn't go to Duskwood? It's too dangerous there, we haven't caught MWF yet. Please come back as soon as possible or I'll have to come.
I just answered him: Jake, I have everything under control, don't worry, don't put yourself in danger, the police are chasing you, please don't do something stupid, they'll catch you.
From the bottom of my soul, I was afraid that something would happen to him, I went around the room and waited for him to answer me, but he did not answer that message. The next message was from an unknown sender "Come to the mine and Hannah and richy are free."
That message worried me, I was afraid that it might not be a trap, what if he doesn't free them, but on the contrary, kills them. I went downstairs to the living room where everyone was gathered, when they turned and saw me, they all changed their expressions, I approached table and told them that I got a message saying that Hannah and Richy will be freed if I go to the mine. Everyone's mouths were open in disbelief of what was happening, then I continued: "I want to do this I will bring them both alive nobody won't stop me".
Jessy: No!!!! You absolutely do not belong in the hands of some madman, Dan interrupted and shouted
I absolutely agree with Jessy you can't risk your life we ​​will come up with a plan please trust me.
Thomas: MC I'm begging you to accept his request and go there this way you can save Hannah and Richy.
Lilly, Jessy, Cleo, Dan: Tomas!!!!!!!!
Jessy: How can you ask her for something like that!!!!
Dan: How dare you!?
Cleo: Thomas please stop.
Thomas: please go, I'm begging you.
MC: Enough!!!!!!!! I shouted.
Shut up, everyone,I'll bring them both alive. I furiously took the phone and sent a message.
MC: I accept your suggestion,let's get this over with.
Unknown: offline.
I sighed deeply, drank some water and headed to the mine. While I was already walking alone through the forest for the second time, not knowing what awaited me, before I set off I installed a map that leads to the mine.A kilometer and a half to the mine, fantastic, I thought to myself as I approached the hidden at the entrance, I looked around in case someone wasn't following me....I sighed deeply and entered that "MWF hideout" it was quite dark, I lit the way and started to walk slowly and cautiously. My sigh was getting heavier and heavier with each step, I felt as if someone was pressing me around the neck. Walking through the cold, dark and wet corridors of the tunnel, I felt as if every corner of these corridors was a witness to the many sufferings and screams of the victims of the 800 people who perished here. Approaching the end of the corridor which was obviously lit I realized that I had come to the place where I would see the true face of the bastard who threatened me and ruined all of our lives,the face that tormented Hannah and Richy.As I approached I gripped my phone so tightly I accidentally let go my favorite song.
a man…not a man the monster that kidnapped two people turned to me with a mask on his head.
Oh, hush, my dear, it's been a difficult year
And terrors don't prey on him
Innocent victims
Trust me, darling, trust me darling
It's been a loveless year
I'm a man of three fears
Integrity, faith and
Crocodile tears
Trust me, darling, trust me, darling
So look me in the eyes
Tell me what you see
Perfect paradise
Tearing at the seams
I wish I could escape
I don't wanna fake it
Wish I could erase it
Make your heart believe... Richy this is... I said through a sigh this is impossible, you lied to us all the time, all the time you pretended that you didn't care..
I APPEAR TO BE A BAD LIAR, the only person who dared to come forward and show feelings is you.
"I'm sorry MC for everything, I didn't want to hurt anyone. He said
MC: Richy it can't be! how could you betray us like this!?
Richy: I didn't want it to be like this, I swear to, I swear!!!!
I ran to him and hugged him tightly, after all, he is my friend whom I knew and with whom I spent a lot of time and in some special way fell in love, even if I didn't want to admit it to myself.
I pulled back a little and started questioning Richy why he did all this. He looked me straight in the eyes for a long time and at one point he put his lips on mine, I didn't push him away from me if you ask me why I don't know, I can't even explain to myself, he brought his head close to my ear and whispered"I'M A BAD LIAR (giggle). In the next moment he pointed to his jacket on the floor and I realized that he was signaling me to sit down. I listened carefully to every word he said every detail about Hannah's kidnapping. He couldn't stand it he grabbed my hands and held them in his. We sat for a long time and talked until at one point I heard footsteps on my right, when I looked I saw Jake himself standing furiously next to us with his hands clenched into fists as if he was going to beat someone up at any moment.He shouted in a menacing voice "Just touch her one more time and I'll break your arms and legs!!"
Richy, who is already visibly provoked, jumped up from where he was sitting and stood in front of Jake: "Come on, I challenge you, do something if you have balls".
At that moment, I was all sweating knowing where this was going, I got up and stood between them for a second, I managed to separate them, but the next moment was the worst, Jake pushed me behind him with his hand, he held his hand straight as if to prevent anyone from coming to me. The two of them glared at each other... in the next moment Jake punched Richy with his fist and that's when the chaos started,i ran towards them assuming that one or the other would end up dead I stood between them for the second time and felt someone pushed me away unintentionally as I fell backwards I hit my head on something, a stone, I don't know, from that moment on I don't remember what happened.
Alan was rubbing his hand nervously all the time, and for the hour and a half I was sitting in the police station, my thoughts were everywhere.
"That's what happened MC" Alan said
MC: "What happened after you found out about all this".
"Listen all the information I got, I got it from Richy. Richy has to pay a for what he did, do I have to tell you what he did?
"Uhhhhhh I understand everything but he's not as guilty as Hannah is..." I said
"Yeah, she's going to pay the as well for murder...I just wonder what your boyfriend would say about all this? He wouldn't be happy if his girlfriend wanted to put his half-sister in jail."
I rolled my eyes and told him shyly "Well, we're not in a relationship yet, not officially" I blushed
Alan: Richy has to go to jail by law you know that.
MC: Is it possible to do anything without going to prison?
Alan: You can testify in court, the murder happened 10 years ago, maybe I can still help you, but you know that I can get fired for this.
MC: Please Alan help me I'll do everything you say I just don't want Richy to go to jail.
Alan: Go home, I'll handle this, maybe I'll call you to testify. It's been five days since I haven't heard a word from Alan, I started to panic, I got ready and left because I couldn't sit and wait for news from Alan anymore, I wanted him to tell me to my face what the situation was.When I arrived at the office Alan was sitting with his arms crossed and thoughtful, I came closer and asked him what was wrong, he answered that there was a new case, some murder, I don't know, I didn't even listen to him because I wasn't interested, I only asked him to give me information about the testimony.
Alan: “Today is the testimony, otherwise I wanted to call you, it starts in an hour and a half”,he laughed.
There was silence in the courtroom, there were the judge, Hannah, Jessy and me. The trial lasted for a very long time I could barely stand I hate trials and prisons that's why I never wanted to visit Fill. At that moment the judge interrupted my thoughts when he said that Richy was not guilty and that he was free. My happiness never ends,knowing that I helped a friend who was always there for me and every time I needed help he was always there for me. He slowly approached me and hugged me "Thank you for everything"
MC: let's get out of here as soon as possible, I don't want to stay here for even a second.
Day after day passed Richy brought a bouquet of flowers every day and if I told him not to do that he didn't give up. I never liked gifts, I don't know why. Richy wants to be as close to me as possible but it's not his fault it's me I didn't want to be in a relationship because I didn't want to hurt him the first thing I was afraid of was that Jake wouldn't make a problem I don't think it's an excuse but deep down I had that fear myself, the second thing I was afraid of was what people would say about me, I'm not one of those "easy" girls, nor will I ever be.
Richy: Don't be stubborn at least try a relationship with me. The only thing you do is work and hanging out with Jessy.
I rolled my eyes and told him, "Richy, I don't get into relationships that easily, I don't want to hurt you or...
Richy: Jake….that's what you meant, you obviously care about him! he shouted
MC: maybe you are right
Richy: As obvious as it is that you want to be in a relationship with someone you don't even know, he stormed out and slammed the door, I understand him wanting to be in a relationship with me, but I don't want him to get hurt. I'll try to talk to him when he calms down.
A month later, Lily told me that Jake called her, that's honestly a bit strange to me, he didn't call me first, but Lilly. She also told me that Jake wanted to finally meet me, of course I'm glad about that. Unfortunately, since Jake's mother is passed away, he decided to secure an apartment for himself, if you're wondering how I know that... well, the bird Lilly told me.
Lilly, Hannah, Jessy and I were occupied with preparing the house and cooking (psss I didn't cook)😂😜 on the way we listened to music and danced... fun, right? Everything was as it should be, the table was set and we were nicely dressed. at that moment someone knocked on the door, Lilly quickly ran to the door and opened it, at that moment I got up and went to the door, there stood a tall, black-haired, sea-colored boy, nothing like Lilly, while Hannah and he looked a lot like twins .Lilly shook me at that moment, I wasn't even aware that I was standing at the door and looking at Lilly and Jake. With the music and talking, the time passed quickly, Jake looked at me from time to time, I honestly wasn't comfortable, but I felt special like never before in my life. At one point, Jake got up and said he had to go, he told us while eating that the police are still chasing him, he needs to finish a hacking job, in short he helps the police with murders by entering data into the computer. My biggest the joy is that he will finally be free, at least he won't end up in prison. When he started to go to the door, he grabbed my waist, pulled me to him and kissed me, I just smiled, everyone was looking at us, but I didn't care anymore what others would say or think.
If someone had told me that I was going to experience this, I wouldn't have believed him, sitting on the floor and crying, I thought about what I did wrong to God, is it possible that I experienced this kind of betrayal. I waited for a fucking year for him to come back from the mission with the police, it was some kind of murder. at least that's what he told me... I have no idea what other mission lasts a year, only if the killer is some mastermind. A lie, everything is a lie from the beginning to the very end, everything was a lie. He slept with that girl, they loved each other, that's why he didn't come. Lies, lies, I'm angry with myself for everything. But I'll solve this problem by myself without anyone's help.
I packed my things and got on the plane with the fact that I work in an agency, I knew every flight. Running away is the only plan I have, the only plan I had was to hide from him and this shame.
Greece is another country besides the one where I was born, which I love very much. It will be nice there, at least I won't think about anything, (I thought to myself). Thinking that I would manage to escape, alas, I didn't, a black BMW car parked in front of me, two guys got out of the car and quickly came to my car, opened the door and pulled me out of the car, at that moment I felt that one of them grabbed me and put a cloth on my nose the next moment I remember being in a dark room full of boxes. I was tied to the bed, I tried to get up a little, but I couldn't, as if someone was draining my strength. My legs and hands were also tied, all I could think of was how to escape from here, how to get out of this situation, in at that moment, I heard footsteps approaching the room where I was and a familiar voice, I knew that damn voice well....Jake, it's not like he kidnapped me. The door opened wide and the man standing behind me was the man I I knew him for a year, he is a man whom I somehow fell in love with and who, believe it or not, I waited for a year, I rejected Richy because of him, I was patient, I told myself I'll wait, it doesn't matter, but after everything that happened to me, one thing is certain, I don't want to be with him. Now the most important thing is to get my head out alive to go far away from here...
At that moment, my thoughts were interrupted by Jake, who covered my mouth and whispered: "Now you'll see what it means to run away from me."At that moment he grabbed my pants and tore them off. I pulled myself up a little and pressed my ass against the bed so he couldn't take me off. I was scared. I didn't want to be raped. I didn't want him to touch me. I got scared and started to panic. I knew what was the best method to defend myself, I pulled those ropes around my arms and legs, I did everything just to free myself, unfortunately Jake managed to take control of me and threw himself with all his weight on me, I scratched him as much as I could , I pulled just to defend myself from him. While he was on me with all his weight, he lowered his shoulders towards my face, then it was my chance to try to push him away from me, I lunged forward a little and bit his shoulder, Jake just gasped and he grabbed me by one hand and pressed me down to the bed and put his right hand over my mouth and said: "Try to do this one more time and you'll see who I am" he said furiously. I answered him in a threatening tone, "You will see who I am if you just try to do something to me, violent sex is not the solution to this problem, let me go home, I don't want to be with you, understand for once!!!!".
Jake and I were very close to each other, I could feel him breathing, as he was above me, he was looking straight into my eyes, his look was sad, he just said to me "I don't want to lose you at the cost of my life, I love you" in that at one moment I felt his hand slide down and he tore my panties at high speed, I felt very uncomfortable, I didn't know what to do to defend myself but I wasn't going to give up. In the next moment I felt that he entered me, I screamed with rage not because of pain or because of anything else, I didn't have any pain during sex, he was gentle, he told me to calm down but I didn't want to, he grabbed me by the waist and pressed his body against mine.
After sex, he stood up and said: "I know what you did with Emma, ​​I know that you killed her, I know everything you do for your criminal activities, selling drugs, catching girls for prostitution, none of that matters..Emma meant nothing to me, she an ordinary slut.
He sat on the bed next to me, I knew that one day he would find out about everything, I wasn't completely surprised, but that he hurt me because of Emma, ​​it hurt me even more, "what did you expect MC, they were together for a year" I thought to myself...
"Why are you silent now if you think this is all because of Emma, ​​it's not...we were once together, it's true, we had sexual relations, but we never had unprotected sex...
"I don't care," I shouted, "I don't want to listen to anything." The truth is I killed Emma I was blind with jealousy if I was smarter I would have let her be with you I should have gotten away from everything I said through tears.
Go away go away!!!!! Do you really think that I wouldn't look for you, do you really think that I would let you run away from me" he said with a smile.
"Damn you!!!, you ruined my life and now you want us to be together, never!!! "I said through tears.
Three days have passed since I was tied up, I didn't eat or drink anything, I didn't want to on purpose. Jake begged me to eat and I refused.
"You have to eat something, you can't be hungry," he said
"I don't want to eat" I said
Sitting on the bed, since I was tied, Jake lowered me to a sitting position to eat, I took that opportunity and grabbed a porcelain plate and hit him on the head with all my strength and took a rope and tied him, I didn't want him to follow me.. I ran to the door and came across on each side of the long hallway there were rooms like in some hotel I walked slowly and looked on each side there was a big mirror in one of the rooms I went in and looked at myself my pants and shirt were torn I went back to the room where I was , and took out a sweatshirt from the closet, put it on and when I got to the door, I heard mumbling behind me...
"Release me now or you will be locked up here forever".
"Dream on prince" I said proudly
Walking through the corridor I felt some relief but on the other hand I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get out, luckily for me I managed to find my way out, there were two guys in black suits standing at the front door so I had to find another way out, each the window was blocked except for one that was completely broken. When I got out, I immediately looked in which direction to run because sooner or later someone will free Jake. The yard is huge, it surrounds the house about 5 hectares "whose house is this" I thought in myself, one path only led to the exit, that's the only main path I can take, but the problem is how to avoid the guards, crouching next to the window, I thought about how to pass without being noticed. Running is not the solution, but fuck it as soon as I get out of here I will get home sooner. I didn't even know where I was and I hope to get there as soon as possible. I quickly ran towards that road and hid behind a tree. From a distance I heard voices shouting "Find her". Standing so scared behind the tree I was thinking what is my next step, I have to get out of here as soon as possible or they will find me, I waited for the first opportunity for the guards to leave so I could continue. When I started running again, I heard Jake shout, find her and bring her to me. I didn't even turn around, I ran as fast as I could, at one point when I was already quite far away I heard a car behind me, I stopped and turned around and saw that a woman was driving. I felt a great relief, I asked her to drive me to the first town, she just nodded her head and motioned for me to get in, during the drive she asked me where I was from, strangely, but I opened up and told her everything
Woman: You know, little one, I wouldn't give that man even a lock of my hair
I just looked at her and smiled
"I didn't even want to, I decided I didn't want to be with him, he betrayed me, he hurt me, I can't forgive him just like that. There is a boy who wanted to be with me, but I turned him down, this is probably karma."
Woman: There is always an opportunity for a new chance, try if you want to be with him, it will be easier to get over this situation. Just be sure to tell him what happened to you, because if you don't tell him, he will say... Jake, is that the boy's name?" Yes" Jake, I said so
"They will say that you willingly slept with him and if that is not the case", said the woman
I know I'm very scared, the two of them had a fight in the mine, but if I get into a relationship with Richy, there will be a big problem, Jake will kill him.
A little while later, I couldn't believe that not only did she bring me to my city, but also right in front of my house, I thanked her and walked quickly to the door, my hands were shaking from nervousness, I couldn't even unlock the door when I went inside and took my mobile phone, holding the phone in my hand, my hands began to shake even more, I pressed Alan's number and called him.
Alan: MC where are you!? I was looking for you..you were gone for days are you ok?
MC: Alan we have to see each other now I have to talk to you!
Alan: Okay, I'll wait for you in the office
I quickly put down the phone and ran outside, got into the car and headed for the police station, it didn't take me long to get there, as I was driving very fast.
"Alan we need to talk seriously"
Alan: Calm down, first tell me what happened, why do you look like that, all your clothes are torn
Out of nervousness and anger, I started walking around the office left and right and finally spoke
"Something very bad has happened" I cried in agony, sat down and put my hands over my head
"Jake raped me," I said hoarsely and through tears
Alan: “Jake did what to you!? "That son of a bitch won't survive if I just get hold of him"
At that moment, Alan ran out and called someone on the phone, I didn't hear anything, I totally lost track of time and space.
A whole month passed and I didn't see anyone in particular except Cleo, Jessy, Hannah sometimes and Richy, they always tried to cheer me up, of course I didn't neglect my work.
It's been a hellish month since Alan chased Jake. I haven't received any news for a month. At that moment, lying on the bed, my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pain in my stomach. I bent my knees and calmed down a bit. I hated myself for everything, I shouldn't have let Jake come to me, but how could I know he had a girlfriend, stop thinking that otherwise I won't be in a relationship with him. I jumped out of bed to calm my nervousness and went for a walk in at that moment my phone rang..
Jacob: We have to see each other urgently, we have a problem.
"What's the problem, you're scaring me, wait, don't tell me anything yet, I'll be right back."
New message
Jacob: I shouldn't have told you, but when you come you'll understand why I called you.
In a different town on a completely different side from Duskwood is our secret hideout of buildings that are modernly furnished nothing like run down buildings that you would imagine to be used for all sorts of things. In my building that my father built in the style of a hotel to let out rooms as I work as a tourist guide, I used that building for other purposes, where girls who were visibly high on drugs were brought in to "receive and hand over goods". I know these things are wrong but they chose their own path" some did some didn't have a choice" if you think MC is bad yes she is bad because she learned to be dangerous.
Every corridor is full, almost all the girls were standing in front of their room waiting for their customers. When they saw me, they all bowed their heads, and I, like a queen dressed in black, with loose wavy hair, raised my head, walked past them.
In the lower part of the hotel, more precisely in the basement, there was a huge room where people who owed me money and people who had done their task wrongly that I gave them "punishment “as I like to say".
Jacob and I headed straight for the basement where I was met with an unpleasant surprise>Emma<. Unable to escape she was tied to a chair with a rope. She will pay for everything she did.
"What does this mean Jacob, why is this girl not dead, what excuse are you going to make so I don't kill you!" I said, with a quick movement I turned towards him, grabbed his neck with my hand and pressed him against the wall "Don't play with fire" I whispered in his ear.
Jacob: I I...listen to me first then do whatever you want please please please he said through tears. You know I have never betrayed you please let me explain.
"You have five minutes," I said
I didn't want to kill her for several reasons. The first reason is adtgf
"What are you talking about? Speak loud and clear, you don't have much time," I shouted.
Jacob: She is not pregnant with Jake, she lied and the father of her baby is David Smith, I examined everything in detail, DNA test confirmed..
"Stop, stop, slowly tell me everything from the beginning".
"Two years ago, before Emma got into a relationship with Jake, she knew that David, her boyfriend at the time, had cheated on her with someone else.. "Get to the point, I'm not interested in her relationship, it's not about this bitch, it's about Jake."
Jacob: When they broke up she got pregnant with David because she knew she wouldn't have any financial support from him, she threw that child at Jake, of course Jake suspected that the child was his. I made this bitch talk and she told me that they didn't had unprotected sex. This bitch here slept with her ex and got pregnant she thought she was going to get him back but he just took advantage and left her. He left with that girl he cheated with.. he whispered in my ear jokingly.You know our people work hard to get various information, we have people listening for us, we have cameras, drones, no information can escape us, said Jacob proudly. The next thing I found out is that Jake wanted to take revenge on you for the kiss with Richy in the mine as he said "He didn't know he was going to lose you" listen to this recording and everything will be clear to you.
Jacob: Now you're going to tell everything nicely from beginning to end why you hurt MC? the only person I love so much how dare you.
I turned to Jacob shocked"You have feelings for me" I said with my mouth half open.
I couldn't believe my ears what I just heard but when I think about it better I was with him instead of waiting for Jake for a year. The difference between Jacob and Jake is that Jacob fights for what he wants, I never noticed before that he has feelings for me, he showed me countless times, I thought that bouquets, chocolates, and other small gifts were just a sign of attention, respect, but that's not the case. While I was waiting for Jake, something else was better waiting for me, only I was blind that I can see that. Jacob is tall with brown hair, green eyes and dimples on his cheek, he really looks breathtaking. I turned to the table and leaned on it with my hands and played the tape.
Jake: Hahahaha you can love her as much as you want MC only loves one and that's me.
I fast forwarded the tape a bit
"Emma is my biggest mistake in my life, I wanted to take revenge on MC because of that damn bastard who kissed her, jealousy boiled in me." After I found out that Emma was pregnant, then I was totally lost, I didn't know what to do, I wanted to to leave her but... but that was over even before I found out she was pregnant. The thing that hit me the most was that the MC found out about Emma, ​​now she will look at me like the biggest piece of trash..(crying)..end of the tape.
"What are you planning next"? I asked
Jacob: I suggest you set her free.
He grabbed my arm and dragged me into another room.
Jacob: The best solution is to bring them together, take them to her house and let them fight among themselves, it's better for you. Jake will run to you like a puppy, but you will choose what is best for you, and that is a man who will respect you, keep you like a queen out of this criminal world, just you and me. I am not jealous of Jake or Richy, they are just two mistakes in your life, you weren't sure who you loved. You didn't love either of them, you were lonely and you thought you loved both of them, you were confused, think a little.
Jacob's words hit me but I'm not ready to face that situation now, revenge first and then everything else.
I turned around and went home. With loud music in the car, after a long time I felt some relief, of course I got my revenge on Emma, ​​she got beaten up a bit by my friends, I'm a bit naughty by nature hehehe.😈😈😈
When I was approaching my house, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as if someone was stabbing me with a knife. I got out of the car and immediately vomited. I remembered the scene when Jake raped me, so I suspected that I might not be pregnant. On the left side, a little further from my car was a pharmacy, I slowly walked towards the pharmacy because the pain was very tight when I entered the pharmacy, I said in a low voice: "Give me a pregnancy test" the pharmacist just looked at me and said $4.68, I paid and slowly left. I entered the house and the first thing I wanted to do was take a warm bath." The bath really helps to ease the pain, I said to myself with a smile."
With music and wine and headphones in my ears, I enjoyed a bubble bath, after that I put on my pajamas and went to bed.
In the morning at 10:30 I stretched and lay on the bed completely relaxed. I didn't go to work that day because there is someone to replace me, the agency is mine so I can take at least one day off, I turned to my bedside table and saw test. Curiosity was stronger than me, I took a pregnancy test and went to check.
Five minutes later, sitting in the tub and holding the test, I watched two lines appear, I didn't know whether to be happy or cry out loud. I put the test in a small bag and threw it in the bin.
"What should I do now" I asked myself holding both hands over my head, if I have an abortion there is a possibility that I will never be able to have children again, and if I give birth I will be tied to Jake for the rest of my life.
The best thing I can do is give myself a break and think.
I prepared some breakfast and ate, after that I got dressed and went for a walk.
When I entered a large park that was surrounded by a forest, suddenly someone grabbed my hand and put his hand over my mouth. I didn't see who it was at that moment, but when he pushed me against a tree, I saw that it was Jake, whose eyes were red and full of tears.
Jake: MC please forgive me for everything I've done to you, I'm begging you, I regret it a lot..(tears)... I'm sorry for everything, give me at least one chance to be together, you'll see that I'll be much better, I'll never disappoint you. I'll do it whatever you want, if is necessary we will get married.
MC: Do you really think I'm going to fall for that story, the old MC doesn't exist anymore! WE don't exist!
Jake(crying) please please give me a chance I can't live without you(sob).
MC: I never want to see you again.period
Jake: Now I'm free, I'm not being chased by the police anymore, I made an agreement that from now on I work for them, I handle all the documents, he smiled.
MC: Can you hear yourself, what you're saying, first you tell me to be together, then you tell me about some work, I don't care about you, your work or your love life. I don't want anything to do with you.
I continued to walk through the park through tears, there were several people with children enjoying playing. I sat down on a bench and at that moment my phone rang.
"Hello, who is that?" I asked confused
"I will take revenge on you for everything you did to me, damned bitch".
"Emma, ​​it's you hahahahaha, I'd really like to see how you're going to take revenge on me. You don't have the power to take revenge on me. I ended the call and put the phone back in my pocket. Jake was standing behind me and heard my conversation, I just glared at him and turned my back to him, but he approached me and whispered:
"I will solve this problem, you will not intervene this time" at that moment he took out the gun that was standing from behind under my shirt and disappeared.
"Aghhh damn you Jake!!!" I shouted
I wanted this revenge to be mine, to finish with that bitch. I got into the car furiously and called Emma.
"What happened, you are afraid to come."
"We have to find another place. Jake comes to you with a not so nice plan for you. "You will wait for me where I will tell you".
I didn't have enough time to go to Jacob to get the gun, I didn't want to get my hands dirty with blood, but anyway I stayed with the knife in my pocket.
"The knife will do the job but it will be a little bloody" I thought to myself.
Emma was standing in front of the warehouse and was waiting for me, thinking that this would only end with a conversation, but I didn't come to talk, but to kill her.
"You finally appeared, I just don't understand why you saved my life".
I was standing in front of her and in my sleeve was the solution to my problem. I pulled out a knife from my sleeve and stabbed it in Emma's neck without a sense of guilt, without any remorse, maybe I'm a monster but in the criminal world everyone gets punished.
Her body fell in front of me, a pool of blood spilled on the concrete, I turned and left. If you are wondering if the police will arrest her(MC).they won't because all the police officers are in their positions. They know very well who she is and they also know who their boss is, no one can stand up to her. Emma's body will rot somewhere in the ground and never be found. they won't know what happened.
Eight months later…
"Your delivery went well, congratulations, you gave birth to a beautiful girl."
Jake found out from Lilly that I gave birth, but I don't know how he found out that the child was his.
In the corridor, I heard loud footsteps and saw someone carrying a bouquet of flowers.
"Why did you come here? Nobody called you”. I said
Jake: I brought you roses I know you love them I didn't come to ask you to forgive me I heard you are in a relationship with Jacob I just want to make a deal about the baby when I can see her? What will it be called?
I motioned for him to sit next to me.
"How about the name Madison, Elizabeth, Aurora, Chiara, Alice, Alessia"
"All the names are beautiful. "Which one would you choose?" he asked with a smile
"Aurora!!!!" I shouted happily
Jake leaned over and hugged me. He accepted the fact that I was in a relationship with someone else and that if I was happy, he would be too, at least that's what he told me.
At that moment, Jessy and Richy came in. They have been together for seven months and found comfort in each other. Lilly and Dan have been dating for a long time and they are about to get married.
Jacob and I have planned to give each other a chance to see how far this relationship will go, hopefully a good one. Just a little Aurora to grow up and hopefully she will have a brother or sister.
A few weeks later…
Jacob and I got ready to go to the celebration, Lilly told us that Aurora's birth must be celebrated.
"Jacob!!! Are you ready" I shouted happily.
"I'm going dear just five more minutes"
While waiting for Jacob to come down, I dressed Aurora in a white dress and put a white ribbon with a big flower on her hair and white shoes.
While I was dressing her, Jacob came up behind me and hugged me.
When we arrived at Lilly's place, she took Aurora with her and kissed her, then she came up to us and pulled us in. Everyone was there, Hannah and Tomas, Jessy and Richy, Lilly and Dan and only one person who doesn't have a partner, and that's Jake. I felt sorry for him but I couldn't get over his betrayal. But he always tried to be positive. We all laughed and joked. Jake felt guilty that we weren't together, but he accepted the fact that it had to be that way.
Aurora spent every day with her real father. Every day he took her to the park, cuddled her, told her stories and lulled her to sleep. Everything ended well in the end.
When Lilly, Jessy, and Hannah went into labor, they all cheered me on, but the presence of one person meant a lot to me, and that was Jake, so I still decided to give him the opportunity to be together. Every day I spend with him meant like air to me, every day he made me beautiful, even when I couldn't get up at night, he got up to feed Aurora and put her to sleep again. I couldn't even imagine a different life than this.
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hayleylwong · 1 year
reflection 05-23
9:33pm - today i woke up at like 12:30. this was disappointing bc i was supposed to get up earlier to study for my chem midterm tm. instead i didnt study until like 4 bc i had to go sit outside and talk to people and then i went to class for like five minutes but i left to go study for chem bc i thought that was more important. i went to the schoenberg music practice rooms w my friend that can play piano to take a break from studying and omg the practice room hallway looks and sounds like a psychiatric ward like i swear all the instruments blended together and sounded like clown music and the hallway was long and the doors were all like scary w one little window in them. but i liked hearing my friend play piano. then i met my other friend at feast and ate dumplings and we got to talk i wish i could see her more often. then i went to study some more w my friend from before and we had to check like 15 lounges before we found an empty table. tn im gonna do pomodoro method so i am writing this during one of my breaks. i hope i can get through everything rn i feel like it is doable i bought yerba and celsius earlier so i am prepared for my all nighter. we will see how doable it feels as the night progresses. i am looking forward to 4:00pm tm when i can finally sleep after my midterm and hanging out w people for an hour 3 times in a row.
9:44pm - omg i called today the 21st accidentally. i just realized i cannot sleep at 4 bc of club work due at 5. ughhhh it is only the beginning of the night and i already want to sleep. i have overdone my pomodoro break by 11 minutes now. it is not a good sign.
12:10am - it was not a good sign. i have watched one and a half lectures and am two hours and twenty minutes into my current break. i went to the store and got more yerba mate but it is not working. i have seven lectures left and less than ten hours before my midterm. when am i going to shower. i now cannot sleep until 7pm tomorrow. my eczema is making me itch inside my body i am uncomfortable and everything is irritating me i cannot focus but i will. i will do it i have to otherwise idk what to do no i have to i really have to. only 19 more hours of misery.
3:54am - i have watched one hour of lecture in the last six hours. i am scared. there are other peoples review notes on the white board and i do not recognize some of the words. my friend said theyre important. no position is comfortable i am hella fidgety and my skin is freaking out. i want to shower but i do not have time. my friend is abt to go to sleep and leave me. who will keep me awake. i an beginning to do the thing i used to do where i blink weird and tense my head muscles bc i feel off. i am going to hug my boy. except i just saw his explore page and let me tell you i have never seen so many asian bikini thirst traps in my life. and i scrolled through his for you page and the same girl kept coming up. tell me why when i was scrolling through the explore he said ‘ooh a white one’ like three times. like actually wtf. have i told u guys his ex is white. my chem prof is rly grinding my gears rn. i hope i does not ever find my tumblr. i hope i can focus in the next six hours. oh no that is not enough time. no no no no no
5:16 - i actually cannot think. my head is numb. but the caffeine is finally working and i cannot sleep. i am so f ed. my head does not work. maybe i am just irritable rn. i hate everything. wtf is a nucleophile and how do u tell how strong it is. i just learned but i forget. i am going to cry.
5:26 - my friend is going to sleep soon. what am i gonna do. i was supposed to be done w lec by now and i have six left. i have four hours left before the exam. i have never been so disappointed in myself. i am sad. what am i going to do. i cant cry im too dehydrated and i dont have time for that. what is wrong w me
6:26 - how am i still on the same lecture as an hour ago. i am so miserable. was this quarter really worth it if im gonna fail this class? i wasnt even good at this quarter. but it is too late now bc if i dont go through w that i alr failed. i cant even hear anything shes saying anymore but i barely have time to watch even on 2x speed
6:50 - i am struggling. thinking abt doing anything makes me want to sob. i really really hope my club does not make us do stuff for an extra week bc i actually do not think i can. that week will be spent studying for finals. ik what to prioritize now. they should make that more clear. ughhh my brain is being attacked with words. it does not like it. i hate myself rn. i need to scream
jp updates: sam is feeling good today. he is curious whether or not he asks people for contact information weirdly and is working on changing his phrasing.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Hallu brick^^ so I'm a coward, so I do this anonymously... whatever. So, I had the idea that if Overhaul had a darling he'd totally set times were she'd be supposed to bath and how long she has to be in the bath and he'd get mad if she didn't (probably leading to punishment) and than one day he purposely keeps her from getting into the bath on time so that she'll definitely still be in the bath once it's his turn? Like, he'd be more comfortable to touch her then, because she'd obviously be clean and she just wants to run away but can't cause she's shy and he's stronger and he'd punish her o.o you can do with this whatever you like it was just a random idea that hit me...
Have a nice day,
omg he so would
Will insist that you bathe before him so he doesn’t have to stay up late waiting for you to finish. When you’re done, you have to stay in the bathroom with him, just so he can keep an eye on you. You’re supposed to sit and stay quiet, don’t speak, don’t look at him, don’t breathe too loud.
You’re always supposed to get out at 7pm, water drained and tub scrubbed in preparation for his bath. If you neglect to do so you’re in for a world of hurt, scornful looks, degrading and hateful words about how you’re so stupid and worthless you can’t even do something as simple as cleaning a tub. If Kai is in a particularly bad mood he might slap you, and sneer when you cry.
He keeps giving you task after task one night, and it’s getting later and later and then it’s 6:57 and you’re freaking out, trying to decide whether it’s even worth it to start the water for your bath.
Kai comes in the bathroom, stripping off his gloves and undoing his tie, a shrewd glance thrown your way.
“You’ve finished up?”
How do you tell him you haven’t even started? Your hands are twisted together as you nervously shift from foot to foot by the tub.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” His voice is low, Kai isn’t even looking at you. He’s checking himself in the mirror, trying to decide whether to shave tonight or tomorrow.
“I....You had me helping until just a few minutes ago, there hasn’t been any ti-”
Kai silences you with a raised hand, teeth grinding together as he hunches over the sink. The silence that falls upon the bathroom feels like it’s a death sentence. 
“Fine.” The man finally concludes, straightening up and beginning to remove the rest of his clothes. “You’ll wash with me. There’s no way I’m letting your disgusting self soil the bedsheets with filth.”
And then he’s fully stripping and you want to cry, knowing that if you don’t go along with this there will be pain and suffering ten times over.
Kai makes you shower first, stepping in alongside you to wash himself underneath the spray. He studies the way you clean yourself, each pass of the soaped-up loofah on your skin. It feels like he’s scrutinizing your atoms.
“Hands up and stay still.” Comes an order, and you’re terrified to follow it, terrified to disobey.
Hands go up, Kai takes the loofah from your hands and starts scrubbing away at your skin. Hard enough to leave you raw and your skin hurting, glowing from the abuse.
It especially hurts when he drags the loofah over your chest, across your nipples without a care for the sensitivity of them. He’s getting you clean.
“Turn around, put your hands on the wall and spread your legs.”
It’s humiliating to have him wash you like this, trading out the loofah for a washcloth to clean your privates, fondling all of you without a care. At least he doesn’t seem to be doing it with any sexual intentions - no, he just wants you sparkling clean and didn’t trust you to do it yourself.
When he’s satisfied, only then does he usher you into the heat of the bath, commanding you to sit before he joins you, lean legs bracketing your own.
“Relax.” It’s hard to, with being naked and having a well-known criminal sitting close enough to touch you. At least the burn of the water distracts you from too many dark thoughts, worrying about what he might be thinking of doing to you.
“I said relax. you look stupid when you shake like that.” A hand clamps down on your shoulder and you involuntarily freeze, going stock still. “If you can’t, I’d be more than happy to give you an injection to calm you down.” 
Last time he had pressed a needle to your skin, you hadn’t been able to remember the entirety of the next 24 hours, just bits and pieces that haunted your mind. You didn’t want an injection.
A long breath in, a long breath out, and conscious intending of your shoulders seemed to please Kai, because he sunk lower in the water with a please sigh.
“You really are quite the specimen.” 
The odd comment makes you want to tense up again, especially when it’s paired with a warm, tanned hand stroking up your arm.
“So soft. It’s almost distracting.” His other hand begins to rub at your other arm and you feel trapped. “I’ve seen you nude plenty of times before, but I guess I hadn’t noticed how.... intriguing your body really is.”
The man behind you shuffles closer, water sloshing all around you. You close your eyes tight, as if that would keep out all the scary things you heard in his tone.
“I think it’s time I did a little exploring, especially with you being so clean. It’ll be quite the experiment, seeing how your body works. Don’t get too excited.”
MAN that would just be ahhhhh he’s so creepy and so standoffish. geez, Chisaki gives me goosebumps.
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Please Me: Oikawa's Oasis Part 3
⚠️This Fic is 18+, Minors DNI⚠️
Welcome to week 4 of the Please Me Series!  A collaboration with @axoxtxhxh! This weeks theme is Virginity Loss featuring Oikawa and Goshiki!  This weeks fics are broken into 3 parts! Parts 1 and 2 are linked in the master list below! Please check out Joey’s fic, Guiding Goshiki!  I will also link it in the Please Me master list!  
Warnings: swearing, slight angst, fluffy ending, virginity loss, kissing, male oral receiving, thigh riding, masturbation,  locker room sex, shower sex, unprotected sex, creampie, guided female masturbation, sub! oikawa, fem dom reader, petnames, one hell of a safeword 
Word Count: 5,000
Staring at the wall, you heard your alarm sound the following morning as you slowly arose from your bed.  You hadn’t slept at all since you had arrived home last night.  You couldn’t shake the feeling of shame and guilt for running away from Torū.
You’re feelings were valid, you knew that. But you knew it wasn’t right to run away from him like you did. You should have talked to him.  In a way, you probably made him feel more self conscious then you had your first time.  
You sighed as you got up to shower and head to the gym. You knew you needed to talk with Torū.  You needed to explain to him that none of this was his fault.  
Locking your door, you headed to the gym as you mentally prepared yourself for the conversation that would follow.  You wanted to tell him about how you were afraid you would ruin his first time.  How your first time failed miserably and that you didn’t want him to regret anything.  
Torū had become very special to you as both a teammate and a friend. You didn’t want to make his time with the team awkward in anyway.  You knew the conversation would be a difficult one but you had to do it.  
Arriving at gym you saw several of the other players nursing hangovers and you began setting up for the days practice.  You yawned as you went to the bench, to grab your notes as the teams captain approached.
“You must have really worn Torū out YN” he said nudging your side as you looked at him confused “he texted me this morning telling me he was too ‘worn out’ to come to practice” he said throwing up air quotes “I’m actually surprised you’re here today.”
Hearing the Torū wasn’t coming to practice hit your like a ton of bricks, the feeling guilty washing over you as you felt the urge to cry.  You turned away from the captain as he watched you walk away in silence, going to fill the teams water bottles.  
Stepping from the gym, you felt the tears flow as the guilt and shame of your actions washed over you. How could you act so immature?  How could you just run away?  
You cried as you went to fill the teams water bottles. God I probably made him feel so insecure. I’m such an idiot you thought to yourself as you tried to calm down enough to finish your task and excuse yourself to your office.  You could camp out there the rest of the practice, telling the coach you had some work to catch up on.  At least then you could cry in peace.
Torū groaned as he woke up from his small nap. He hadn’t been able to sleep because of what had transpired between YN and himself.  He felt so shamed, so inadequate.  These were feelings he didn’t often have, causing chaos in his mind as he jolted hearing the sudden ring of his phone.
He answered the FaceTime call to a smiling Iwaizumi as he tried to bring a smile to his glum face.
“Shittykawa what’s the matter with you?  I didn’t expect you to pick up. Don’t you have practice? Iwaizumi says as Oikawa just stared at him.
Iwaizumi was confused. He had known Oikawa for many years and this was the first time he had ever seen the former high school captain so gloomy. Even losing their 3rd year volleyball tournament hadn’t made the captain as sad as he was now.
“I messed up Hajime” Torū said as Iwaizumi reeled back.  Oikawa never used his full name.
“What happened? Are you ok?” He said as Torū tried to hold his composure in. His emotions were all over the place, he had never felt so vulnerable, so destroyed “Hey Torū, are you ok?”
That did it. Iwaizumi saying his name caused Torū to cry like he had never cried before. He wasn’t even embarrassed, not one bit. He didn’t have time to feel embarrassed. He felt too ashamed.
“Hajime” Torū said finally calming down “she- YN doesn’t want me.”
Iwaizumi was stunned.  Never had this ever happened. A girl didn’t want the Torū Oikawa?  What kind of alternative dimension was he living in?
Iwaizumi watched as his friend wiped his face with his palms, trying to figure out what to say.
“Uhh- well umm what happened” he managed to muster up as he tried hard to still comprehend the previous statement made by his friend.
“Last night, I went out with the team.  Things with YN got heated.  We came back to my place.  Everything was going so well.  Then I told her I was a virgin and she freaked out and ran” he said as he looked down, unable to make eye contact with his friend.
Iwaizumi couldn’t help but chuckle to himself and try as he might, he was unable to hold a straight face.  He laughed loudly as Torū’s head whipped up into view, sending glares at him.
“Dude, I'm sorry” he laughed “but please tell me that you just didn’t say ‘YN I’m a virgin’ and expect her to be like ready to rip your v-card from your grasp.”
Iwaizumi laughed loudly as Torū just continued to stare at his friend “I don’t think it’s very funny Iwa-chan” he said he  scuffed at his friends laughter.
“Boy, you really are lame shittykawa” he said chuckling “are you sure you really are good with women?  I mean I don’t blame her one bit!  Taking a guy’s virginity would suck!  I mean men really don’t know shit about pleasuring women so what’s in it for her?”
Torū thought hard while his friend talked. Maybe he had approached it wrong to begin with. Not that he thinks about it, his method of delivery was a bit hasty.  
“Dude, I think you need to just talk to her You don’t really know why she turned you down.  I mean it sounds like she likes you from the way things went last night. Maybe you just made her nervous.”
Torū knew his friend was right. You had never given him any indication that you didn’t like him and he knew that, last night you felt something just like he did.
Torū looked at his friend as he smiled “you’re right Iwa-chan I’ll talk to her tomorrow.” Iwaizumi laughed as he watched the light stream back into his friend’s face.  
“Good luck idiotkawa” he said hanging up as Torū laid his phone down.  It was getting late, well after practice had ended. He knew he should try and get to the gym to practice some before tomorrow. He gathered his gear as he made his way to the gym, hoping someone was still there so he could practice.
You had managed to avoid the team for the entire practice. The coach had bought your excuse and you stayed cooped up in your small office until after practice.  
You signed as you stood up from your chair, tired from sulking and crying the entire afternoon.  You grabbed your bag and locked the office door.  Thankfully it was Friday and you could spend the weekend sleeping.  You were exhausted but yet somehow found the strength to cry for hours on end.  
You approached the gym doors as the all too familiar sounds of volleyball slamming into the floor radiated into your ears.  You checked your phone, nothing that it was 7pm and well past practice time.  You approached the gym doors as you quietly peaked in to see a sweating Torū setting up a serve, smashing it straight into the net  
“UGH DAMMIT” he said shouting as he prepared the throw another one up, once again managing to net the ball.  He leaned over, placing his hands on his knees and he grabbed his towel and headed to the locker rooms.  He had only been practicing for an hour but he was just unable to get into it.  
You watched as he made his way into the locker rooms, following to the doors as you slowly opened them, hearing him shout from inside.
“Torū,you idiot!” he shouted as you winced at his words.  You felt awful. You knew he was like this because of what had transpired between the two of you the previous night.  
You walked in the doors, standing for a moment as you see Oikawa sitting on the bench, a towel placed over his head and his elbows rested on his knees.
You knew you had to say something.  You couldn’t let him think any of this was his fault.  This was all your doing and it was time you owned up to it  
“Hey Torū” you said softly as the locker room door closed behind you and Torū’s head snapped up to meet yours. He looked at you as you walked over to him, sitting directly in across from him on the other bench.
“We need to talk” you said as he put his head down, trying not to cry again.
“It’s ok YN.  There’s nothing to talk about” he said he went to stand up, stopping when you grabbed his forearm.
“No Torū” you said as you sniffles lightly “I need to apologize.”
Torū was confused as he sag back done the bench, removing the towel from his head.  He stared at you questioningly.  What were you apologizing for?
You played with your fingers for a moment as you tried hard to muster up the courage to talk.  You knew what you wanted to say, rather what you needed to say.  
“Torū, I’m sorry I ran out on you.  I shouldn’t have done that.  I- I just got really nervous” you say, still looking down at the floor as you took a deep breath and tried hard not to cry.
“When you told me you were a virgin, it made me nervous.  I remember my first time all too well and I- well I just don’t want your first time to be like mine was” you speak as Torū looks at you, still confused.
The whole time the issue hadn’t been that he was a virgin, it had been that you wanted him to have a good experience?  He was shocked.  Here he though the issue was him, when in reality the issue was your own self doubts. He listened as you continued to talk.
“My first time wasn’t good Torū.  I didn’t know what I was doing and I thought I had feelings for the guy but like he didn’t have feelings for me.  And I really like you Torū and I just don’t want you to regret anything.  The fact that you trusted me with something so special made me nervous and scares” you said as your eyes went up to meet Torū.  
He looked at you, staring into your eyes as he tried hard to comprehend everything you had just said. He felt awful that your first experience wasn’t good but he also knew his feelings for you were valid and now he knew you had feelings for him too. He continued to stare as he worked his way thought the issues in his mind.  
You frowned as you took his silence as a bad sign, sighing as you stood up.  
“Thanks for letting me explain myself Torū.  You are so amazing and you deserve someone special” you said as you went to leave the locker rooms.
Torū snapped from his thoughts as he quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you back into his as he placed a light kiss on your lips. He smiled as you looked at him, very confused as to what had just happened.
Torū put his forehead on yours as you smiled softly.  
“YN, you don’t get it.  I want you to be my first because of how I feel about you” he said as he looked at you softly. You had become an oasis for him. An escape from reality and daily life. You had loved volleyball as much as him and you had always been genuine with him.  
You smiled as you grabbed his neck, kissing him softly again as he pulled your body flush against his as he deepened the kiss.  He placed his hands on your soft waist as he moved his hand up and down your back as you grabbed at his hair pulling him in closer to you.
You break from the kiss, staring at each other as your lips hovered over his.  Your body hearing up as you could feel his erection forming against your thigh.  You kissed his chin to his neck as he pulled your pelvis in closer, grinding where he could, trying hard to gather any amount of friction to ease his aching cock.
He backed away from him as he watched in confusion as you approached the locker room door.
Not again he thought as he heard the lock click, watching you stroll back to him, pulling him back into a full embrace.  He needed you and bad.  He couldn’t stand this pain in his cock anymore. He needed relief and the only medicine was you.
You push him back to the bench as he sits down looking up at you as you smirk down at him.
“Torū do you really want this?” You said as he groans, looking up at your gorgeous figure.  
He nodded frantically as you took his chin in your hand “I need a verbal response Torū” you said as his eyes widened.
“Yes- yes YN I want this” he said as you step back, removing your shirt and leggings, watching him ogle at your nearly naked form.  
“Ok Torū, I want you to pick a safe word just incase things get to be too much for you” you said as he gawked at you in your bra and panties. He was having a hard time concentrating on the task at hand with you standing tall in front of him.
“Torū!” you repeated as you snapped your fingers in front of his eyes, trying to get his attention turned back.
“Oh shit- yeah a safe word, umm how about ‘Kageyama’?” He said as you stared strangely at the word.
“I’ve never heard of ‘Kageyama’?  What does that mean?” You said as he stood up from his spot approaching you as he grabbed at your scantily clad hips.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s just something will definitely snap me out of the mood” he said as you chuckled lightly embracing Torū in a heated kiss.  
Your tongue licked his lips lightly as he granted you access, opening his mouth to your wet muscle as you massaged your tongue against his, pulling light groans from his pretty head.
You tugged on his shirt as he lifted his arms up, letting you pull the shirt from his body as your fingers and palms run up his sculpted chest.  
Your fingers graze lightly over his nipples as he shutters and groans.  His body was so reactive to every touch, every movement. The fact that you were about to engage in intercourse with the setter still made you a bit nervous but you tried hard to cast the self doubt aside, wanting to make the experience memorable for both you and Torū.
As if on queue, Torū looked at you sweetly as he brushed the tip of your nose with his. “you know YN, we could just count this as your virginity loss too.  I mean clearly you are as nervous as I am” he said chuckling as you laughed loudly throwing your head back.  
“That’s a good idea Torū but I am experienced in pleasuring a partner” you said as you push him down to the bench “just be a good boy for me and let me take the lead, ok?”
Torū gulped as he eyes widened at as your form sunk to your knees in front of him.  This was really happening and in the team locker room.  Not an ideal place to lose your virginity but he was not about to interrupt you.
“Umm YN” he said as he looked at you , kneeling before him with your hands placed on your plush thighs “don’t you umm, don’t you want me to make you feel good too?”  
You chuckled lightly as you reached up pulling him into a heated kiss as he gently rubbed his hands along your soft arms.
“How about I show you what I like while I make you feel good, then you can try?” You say as he nods quickly watching your hands go to his gym shorts, pulling his erection free as he shifts his hips upwards, helping you to remove his pesky shorts.
Your eyes widen at his size as you think about all the possible ways his cock will pleasure your wet cunt.  You felt your core heat up as you looked up to Torū.  
He was completely blissed out. Lost in translation between here and fantasy.  He’s eyes sparkled with excitement as you tested the waters, lightly kicking the tips of his hard cock.
Groaning he threw his head back in pleasure as you smirked to yourself, going in for another lick.  Your tongue laying more and more on his stiffened cock as he writhed in pleasure under your control.
Your body headed as you watched his abs contract in the moment, his mouth hanging open as his tongue lolled out in ecstasy.  He watched as your fingers traced lightly from his legs to your own, peering down at your chest as your fingers danced lightly over your clothed clit.
“Fuck YN” he moaned as he tried his hardest not to come from the sensation of your tongue on his cock.
Taking one final lick, you stand up as you slowly remove your panties from your body, revealing your cunt to him as he stares at the wetness coating your inner thighs.  
“Did you- did I” he said staring at you as you laugh, pushing him back on the hard bench, placing one leg on each side as you rub your clit with your fingers.
“Yes Torū you made me this wet” you say as you widen his legs on the bench, his cock standing tall as you bend down, grinding your cunt on his lower thigh.  
“Holy shit-” he groans as you moan throwing your head back as his leg rubs your clit perfect.  He grabs his cock as he slowly begins to stroke himself, trying hard to concentrate on your moments and pleasure as he feels the wetness pool on his legs.  
You lean over, placing two of your wet fingers in his mouth as he sucks violently, causing you to grind faster and harder.  Your orgasm builds as moans and groans fill the air
 Your body heats up rapidly as the cord in your stomach tightens. Your pace quickens as does Torū’s as you feel the cord begin to loosen.
“Oh fuck Torū” you moan as Toru groans deeply, letting go of his aching cock to watch as you tip over the edge.  
“Come on baby, come for me” he says as the pet name tips you over the edge, your cunt pulsing on his thigh as he watches your face contort into pleasure.  
“That was so hot YN” he says he has gently caressed your arm and leg as his cock aches painfully beside you.
“We are just getting started Torū” you say as you adjust yourself over his pelvis, pushing his cock between your wet folds as your grind back and forth, trying hard to ensure your good and ready to take his cock.
“Fuck YN- I, I’m not going to last long” you say as you shush him, halting your movements.
“Hey its OK.  I already came so now we need you to come. How do you want to come Torū?” You say as he bites his lower lip, watching your pussy settle above his cock.
“Please YN- please put it in. I need to be inside of you princess” he squeaks out as you smirk at his request. You knew he wouldn’t last long inside of you.  One thing you prided yourself on sexually was your ability to ride a cock and boy was Torū in for a treat.  
You line his cock up with your wet cunt, slowly bending your knees down as you impaled yourself in his cock.
The stretch was delicious as Torū’s mouth fell open as he groaned and panted beneath you.  You knew he could feel the tightness you felt as you waited for him to adjust to being inside of you.
Torū’s hands flew to your hips as he tried his hardest to remain calm.  Your cunt was so tight and so warm around his cock. The pleasure was unimaginable.  All he wanted was to feel the release.
“Torū are you ok?” You said as you steadied your hands on his chest watching to make sure the man below you was still coherent.
“It’s so tight YN, please” he moaned as his hands went to your hips and you ground a little down on him as his core shuttered, causing his dick to jolt inside you.
“I’m going to go slow ok” you said as he nodded.  Your feet planted firmly on the ground, you pushed lightly on his chest as you propelled your hips up and down, impaling yourself on his cock over and cover again.  
The pace was agonizing for Torū as whimper and moans fell from his mouth.  You could feel your orgasm building and you knew Torū couldn’t hold on much longer.  You needed to go faster.
“Torū” you groan from above him as you continue your leisurely pace “I’m close can I go-”
“GOD PLEASE BABY FUCK ME” he shouts as your hips speed up, jerking his cock as you felt the familiar knot began to unwind “fuck YN I can’t hold out-”
“Almost baby” you moan as you feel the cord snap inside your stomach as your cunt pulses on Toru's cock causing him to groan and grunt.
“FUCK FUCK FUCK-” he shouts as his hips still into you, painting your walls white as he grips your hips firmly, whimpering below you as he tried his hardest to come down from his high.
He felt absolutely spectacular, like his body was floating on air.  He couldn’t believe how amazing his first time had been. He never imagined it would happen the way it did but he wasn’t complaining.  His body and mind were in complete bliss.
Coming down from your high, you laugh as you look at Torū’s blissed out state.  He smiles at you as he opens his eyes slowly caressing your cheek.  
“That was amazing YN” he said, breath shaking as he came down from his high, breathing steadily.
Your chest filled with pride as you felt sheer happiness fluid your body.  You had redeemed yourself and you had made Torū’s first time amazing.
Standing up slowly, Torū watched as his cum leaked down your thigh as you stood in front of him.  His eyes traced your form as he felt his cock jolt to life again, ready for another round.
Standing up, he quickly grabbed you in a bridal carry, running towards the shower as your screamed and laughed as he set you down, turning the water on and pressing your body against the shower wall.
“eww Torū, this wall is gross” you groan as his lips attach to your neck as you feel his erection growing against your pelvis.
“It’s fine YN, I’ll clean you up afterwards” he says as he kisses you deeply, pulling your body against his as he pulls you under the warm water.  
You break the kiss as you smile softly up at his tall form, water cascading down his body as you feel his hardened chest under your hands.
“I need you” he says as you smirk at him, turning around to face the wall.  You grind your ass into his already hard member as he grabs your hips, pulling you firmly into him.
“Then fuck me Torū” you say as you peer over your shoulders, watching Torū’s face fill with excitement as he lines up his cock with your still damp cunt, slowly pushing in as he slowly sinks deep into your hole.
“fuck YN- your pussy is just amazing” he says as he slowly pulls his cock back out, moving at a snails pace in and out of you.
“Torū” you moan as you mouth falls open  “give me your hand” you say as Torū’s hand appears in front of you as you place it between your legs on your hardened clit.  Torū moans when his fingers hit your clit as you rotate his wrist, showing him exactly how you like to be pleasured.  You let go of his hand as he continues to rub tiny fast circles into your clit as you propel yourself faster onto his cock, meeting his thrusts half way.
The air feels with the smell of sex and the sound of skin slapping as your ass meets his hips over and over.  
“Fuck baby” he groans
“I know Torū, just a little more” you squeak out as he picks up his speed, meeting your ass fast and harshly as his fingers speed up on your clit.
“TORŪ FUCK-” You scream as his hips still on your ass as he presses hard, his head falling to your shoulder as he tries to gain control of his breathing.
“Ahhh fucking hell- FUCK” he shouts as he chest heaves in relief as you both come down from your highs as he releases you and you turn to face him, kissing him softly as he grabs you, pulling you into a tight embrace.  
“Thank you YN” he says whispering into your neck as you smile softly.
After cleaning up and getting dressed, Torū helps you clean up the gym as you get ready to leave for the night.  Locking the gym doors, Torū grabs your hand as he pulls you along with him.
“Torū” you say laughing as the brunette pulls you hastily out of the building “my apartment is the other way!”
“Who said the night was over YN-chan?  I need to practice pleasuring you” he smirks as you gulp, following behind him quickly.
You sure were in for a long night ahead.
taglist: @chaotic-nick @yep-seeyalaterbranflakes @serostapesweat @lovelyzabrak-meadow​
174 notes · View notes
kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Same Time (2)
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Part One | Part Two
Pairing: Changbin x Reader / Minho x Reader
Warning: Angst, Smut
Word Count: 3k
Taglist: @binnieboyswhore @f4ncyvelvet @skittlez-area512 @biaswreckingfics @buttvi @imhyvnjin @wheeintaer @rindomo @lizsvcks @zhaqifa @markswifeu
Unable To Tag: @hwly0ung
You're sitting on your couch, binge watching a drama when suddenly there's a pounding on your front door, which makes you jump. You stand up, walking over to your door and stare at the security camera.. A smile spreads across your face as you see Changbin standing on the other side, his hands full, carrying bags of food. 
You open the door, smiling at the man standing before you.
"Hey there." He smiles. "Hungry?" He smirks, raising his eyebrow. 
You let out a soft chuckle as your heart flutters, as do the butterflies floating around in your stomach, the grin on your face is hard to get rid of. "Of course I am. You know me too well." You say. Changbin scurries in, placing the food on your kitchen table for heading to the fridge to get the two of you some wine to enjoy with your meal. You grab the plates at whatever cutlery you need to use, setting two places at your table. Both of you sit down, opening the bags of take out, passing the food around until both your plates are full. 
As the two of you sit there eating and talking, you momentarily forget that you're not actually in a relationship with this man. You forget that to him, you're just his friend, and to everyone else the two of you are only friends. You forget that majority of the time when he's with you and someone calls, he almost always says he's alone or with someone else. You forget that you're not nearly as important to him as he is to you, and for a moment your heart doesn't hurt quite as much.
You're in your own head as you watch this man who has so much of your heart, and you can see why he does. You could never get tired of looking at him, the way he runs his hand through his hair, exposing his forehead. The way his Adam's apple bobs as he takes a sip of his wine, the crinkles in his nose when he laughs too hard at a joke. You wished he looked at you the same way you looked at him, but you could feel that it was never going to happen. You knew this would be as close as you got to a real relationship with Changbin. And you were okay with that. You were okay with being a pussy to cum inside, as long as he was the one doing it. You knew this wasn't healthy though, you knew you were out of your mind doing this, which is why you had said yes when Minho asked you out, and if he asked you out again, you'd say yes. You knew you needed a way out of Changbin's grip on your heart, but a part of you also didn't want to make him let go. 
You shake your head, trying to come out of your own thoughts as you look at him again.  "Hey." You smile at the handsome man. "My shower keeps leaking, can you look at it for me?" You ask. 
"Sure." He smirks. "After dinner, we can go have a shower and I can look at it. There's something I want to try." He chuckles. 
"What's that?" You ask, taking another bite of food. 
"Your shower head is detachable right?" He grins. 
"It is." You say, a little skeptical. 
"Excellent." He whispers. "You know what, we can finish later." He grunts, standing up from the table. He moves around, gripping tightly to your wrist to pull you up, dragging you to the bathroom behind him. 
"Strip." He demands as he turns to turn on your shower, making sure it's warm enough. You quickly discard your clothes, stepping into your shower and under the hot water as Changbin gets undressed before joining you in the shower. He leans down, pressing his lips to yours, taking your head in between both his hands, kissing you passionately and like he felt more towards you then he let on. He moves one hand down your body, dragging his finger over the curvature of your breast, down your stomach and between your legs. He moves his fingers between your legs, tapping your clit. Your knees buckle as he gently rubs you, his partially hard cock pressing against your bare skin. 
Changbin pulls his finger out from between your legs, reaching up to grab your shower head, switching the pressure. 
He turns you around, your back flush against his chest, his cock poking your ass. He lifts up one of your legs, resting it on the edge of the tub as he moves the shower head in front of you, spreading your lips with his free hand. Your body spasms as the hard water hits your clit, causing the jolt. Your rest your head on Changbins shoulder as you move your hips, grinding yourself against the water. 
"Fuck." You hiss, bringing your hand up to squeeze your breast, rolling your nipple between your fingers. 
"You like that?" He asks, whispering in your ear. 
"Oh yeah." You moan. 
You reach your arm behind you, gripping his cock as you stroke him, making him breathe heavily and moan into your ear. 
You clench your pussy as the shower head hits you just right, building your orgasm. You've never been able to cum this fast, or felt like you needed to so urgently. 
"Cum baby." He moans in your ear, nibbling on your lobe. 
"Christ." You cry out, you bend over as your orgasm hits, pulsating through your body as you work through one of the best orgasm you'd ever had. 
Changbin quickly stands you up, pushing you against the wall. He reaches down, pulling your legs. You jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he pushes your back against the wall again. He guides himself to you, pushing his cock inside of you, stretching your walls. No matter how many times Changbin fucked you, it still hurt when he pushed his cock inside of you. 
Changbin snaps his hips, thrusting inside of you as a quick pace. You knew this fuck would be a quick one, since you already came now it was just about him. He rests his head in the crook of your neck as he fucks you. 
You clench your pussy around his dick, making him moan, his warm breath soaking your neck. You wrap your legs around him as tight as you can, helping him push himself inside of you as far as he can. 
"Fuck baby." He groans, his hand wrapping around your neck, squeezing. 
His body stiffens as he cums, shooting his cum inside your pussy. "Oh god." He groans, slowly thrusting as he comes down from his thigh. 
"Fuck your pussy is perfection." He sighs, pulling out of you. You step out of the shower, wrapping yourself up in a towel as Changbin quickly tightens your shower head, stopping the leak. He steps out behind you, with a smile on his face as he wraps himself in a towel. 
You lay in your bed with your towel wrapped around you, your damp hair soaking your pillow as Changbin spoons you, nuzzling his head into the crook of his neck. 
"Ahh." He sighs. "I could stay like this forever." He whispers. 
"With me?" You ask, hoping and pleading for the answer you want. 
"Of course with you." He murmurs, still nuzzled into you. You both lay there for a moment in complete silence, the sound of your heart beating is the only thing you can hear. 
Until his phone begins to ring, loudly. He groans even louder as he rolls over, grabbing his phone. He glances at the caller ID and stands up, mumbling something about taking it in the other room. 
You sit up as you listen intently to the conversation he was having. "Hey man, what's up?" He asks. 
It's quiet for a moment before you hear him laughing. "Nah man, just at some chick's house." He comments. "Nah, her pussy is immaculate, but she's ....." He laughs,”Where do you get these phrases? But yeah... i guess....It's like watching paint dry."
You feel the lump appear in your throat as tears prick in your eyes. Is that how He truly felt about you? Comparing you to drying paint? You were that boring? This felt like a massive kick in the fucking heart, and you were livid. How could you let him treat you like you were nothing, and just sit back because it's him. 
The tears roll down your cheeks just as Changbin rounds the corner, coming back into your room. "Ayn?" He asks, kneeling down so you're face to face. You quickly stand up, knocking him back a bit, leaving him confused. "What's wrong?" He asks. 
"Don't." You spit through gritted teeth. "Just get out." You whisper. 
"What? Why? What did I do?" He asks, standing back up. 
"She's like watching paint dry." You quote, looking at him with such pain in your eyes. 
"That.. that wasn't about you. I'm just trying to make sure no one knows." He says. 
"Yeah, you're really good at making sure no one finds out." You spit. "Just go Changbin." 
"Ayn, come on. You're being dramatic." 
"Get the fuck out of my apartment." You cry, desperately trying to not throw something at him. 
"Fine." He says, putting his hands up. He quickly pulls on his pants and his shirt, heading to the front door to put his shoes on before opening the door. He looks at you one last time to make sure you're serious. You say nothing to him as he scoffs, closing the door behind him with a partial slam. 
You head back to your bed, plopping down as your tears freely flow onto the sheet that he had just been laying in. Your heart hurt and you didn't want it to anymore. As you sniffle your phone rings. You crawl to grab it, immediately perking up when you see that it's Minho calling. You take a large breath before answering his call. 
"Hey you." He says. "How are you?" 
"I'm okay, now." You laugh. "And you?" 
"I'm good.. listen." He pauses. "I had a question for you?"
"Okay?" You reply. 
"Would you have dinner with me tomorrow?" He asks, you can hear the nervousness in his voice through the phone. 
"I'd love to." You eagerly reply. 
"Excellent. I'll pick you up at 7pm. Sleep tight, Ayn." He says before hanging up the phone. 
Suddenly, your heart didn't hurt quite as bad.
The next night you were getting ready for your date with Minho, and you had heard nothing from Changbin all day but were you really surprised after what had happened the night before. As you put on the finishing touches of your lip stick, there's a knock at your door. A smile immediately spreads across your face as you grab your purse and make your way to the door. You open it to reveal a very nicely done up Minho. 
"Hey you." He smiles, reaching out his hand for you to take. "You look absolutely gorgeous." 
Your smile widens at his sincere compliment. You take his hand and allow him to lead you out of your apartment and down to his waiting car. 
On the drive over, you and Minho laughed until you couldn't breathe, and you were never short in conversation. There wasn't a moment in the car where there was any silence, unless it was from the momentarily silent laughter that came from the two of you. 
The restaurant was no different. The two of you were seated at a table and the conversation just continued to flow. Minho was so easy to talk to and he understood your jokes, he laughed at your silly comments and he made you feel alive, something you hadn't felt in a really long time. 
"So then I look at him and I'm like, what the hell are you doing?" He laughs. You took a bite of your food, shaking your head at the story he had just told you, trying to hold in your laughter with your full mouth. 
"You two are too much." You say after swallowing your food and taking a sip of your water. 
Minho looks at you for a second, gently smiling as your eyes lock. "I'm really happy you said yes." He tells you, a blush spreading across his face. 
"So am I. I'm having a really great time." You admit, putting your fork down. You look down at your plate before looking back up, your eyes looking just past Minho and landing on someone who looked very familiar. You squint your eyes, hoping that they're playing tricks on you but they aren't. 
You see Changbin a few tables away, sitting across from a woman with long dark wavy hair and a figure you would die for. They're laughing and drinking, and your mood completely changes. Your heart sinks to your stomach, you can't help but wonder who she is. 
Minho turns his head, looking to where you are and sees Changbin. "Oh hey. I didn't know he was coming here." Minho laughs. 
"Who is he with?" You ask, trying to remain casual. 
"Hwasa. They mess around every now and then, I think he likes her though." Minho laughs. 
You nod your head as you fight the tears that so desperately want to roll down your cheeks. "Are you okay?" Minho asks, looking worried at you. 
"Yeah.. yeah I'm good. Can we go? I just need to go." You say, forcing a smile. 
Minho doesn't say anything else but waves down the waiter, getting both of your food packed up and pays the bill. He slides his arm around your waist as the two of you leave and honestly you felt so comfortable with him being so close to you. You really liked it.
You and Minho sit in his car and you try to think of a way to apologize to him for cutting the date short. "Hey." He starts. "I promised a friend I'd stop by his party for like half an hour. Do you want to come?" He asks, hopeful that you'll say yes. He really wasn't ready to say goodbye to you just yet. 
A smile spreads on your face. "Sounds great." You answer. Minho happily starts the car, heading off to his friend's party. 
You're uncomfortable. 
You follow behind Minho through a crowded house, the smell of weed lingering in the air as well as sweat, from the people dancing in the living room. You're happy the music isn't too loud, you're able to hear important conversations. 
Minho stops, casually greeting a group of women, who begin to whine his name. 
"Minho, my baby." One woman pouts. "Where have you been?" She asks, stroking his arm. 
"Busy with work." He laughs, slyly removing his arm from her grasp. 
"You never called me, like you promised." Another one slurs, waving her finger in his face. She moves her finger down to his chest, resting her hand there. 
You feel even more uncomfortable, like this is definitely something you shouldn't be seeing right now. Maybe this was a mistake coming here, you most definitely felt like the fifth wheel with these three beautiful women standing in front of him. Why would he have asked you out then? He had all these options and he chose to settle with boring you? 
Your intrusive thoughts continued to fill your brain, telling you that you weren't anywhere near good enough for Minho, that he must have been so bored on the date with you. Maybe everything was in your head? The laughing, the jokes, maybe it was all forced on his side. Your head drops as you begin to feel even worse. This night was a bust.. until, Minho seemed to prove you wrong. 
He awkwardly chuckles at the forward advances of the women in front of him, reaching behind him to look for you. You reach your hand out, grabbing onto his and he pulls you forward, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. 
"I've been busy ladies, with this beautiful woman. This is Ayn, my date this evening, and hopefully many more to come." He smiles. "Now if you'll excuse us." He finishes, moving past the shocked looking women, holding you closely as he continues to search for his friend. 
You and Minho sit outside your apartment complex in his car, your hands linked together. You didn't want to let go, you didn't want to go inside and have the date end but you knew it needed to. 
"I had a really great time tonight, Ayn." Minho blushes, looking you in the eyes. 
"Did you?" You whisper. 
"Of course. You're so fun to be with." He grins, which of course makes you smile back at him. 
"Would you.." you pause. "Want to get together in a few days?" You ask, your stomach twisting as you wait for his answer.
"I'd love to, but we have a pretty strict schedule until next week. But you know what, why don't you come and watch us? I'd love to have you there." He exclaims, getting excited about the idea. "I've always wanted to have you come watch me." He shyly says. 
"I would love to!" You pipe up. "Is that allowed?"
"I don't see why not." He chuckles. "Changbin brings Hwasa there all the time." He says, so casually. 
Your heart sinks. 
You really weren't good enough for Changbin, were you? 
You force a smile and nod your head. "So are he and Hwasa like.. serious?" You casually ask. 
Minho laughs. "I've never seen him actually be serious about anyone before. Hwasa is the only one he's ever taken on dates. Not the girls he.." Minho shakes his head and chuckles. "Says are as interesting as watching paint dry." 
Your heart almost stops at hearing that phrase. You had only ever heard it come from one other person, Changbin. 
It was just a coincidence, right? 
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skiyoosmi · 4 years
if fate permits
⤷ chapter nineteen: when it's too late
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Kiyoomi only watched as your eyes became melancholier, as if it were not already in the first place, the longer you stared at the screen of his phone. Probably rereading his conversation with Atsumu, he thinks. Initially, he wasn’t really planning on showing it to you but just like any other day, you decided to be the whipped soulmate (or more like an idiot, at least to him) you were, all while saying “Atsumu is important to me, should I really leave this apartment while not making amends with him?” He almost retched, is this girl really fixated on becoming a saint? How could someone be this lenient? He has no idea. And so, he showed you– that even after all this time, the piss-haired boy will remain as he is; that no matter how many years may pass, Miya Atsumu will be Miya Atsumu.
And he was the exact opposite of you: he was self-centered, conceited, prideful, juvenile, and so many more that it would take Kiyoomi more than a day to list all the things he detested from the boy. He can only remember how much he loathed the boy upon their first proper meeting; not that he likes meeting new people anyway. Kiyoomi was no genius but he knew, right at that moment, that Atsumu was far from being the ‘knight-in-shining-armor’ soulmate his dearest sister was so engrossed to have.
Kiyoomi also knew that he was not the best brother in the world; hell, he is way too far from being a good one even. He couldn’t care less if you have an admirer from afar (like that Iwaizumi who seems to be around you all the time these days), nor when you finally get yourself a suitable boyfriend, not even when you finally get wedded to someone. He wasn’t overprotective... or at least that’s what he believed. But he was only human, after all– now that he contemplates about it, he realizes that he isn’t really fond of seeing you cry.
“Stop hurting yourself over and over again, you fool of a sister,” he said, clicking his tongue afterwards and grabbing your bags after hearing your father call from downstairs, “Know your worth a little, will you? It’s kind of painful for me to watch you get hurt too, you know. It’s not just mom and dad.”
And with that, he left the room, leaving you to tend to your other belongings and perhaps, say goodbye to this little house that managed to etch itself to your heart. Compared to your childhood home, it wasn’t enough to make you sob your heart out dry. But for some reason, tears still found its way on the corner of your eyes as you remembered the fond memories you’ve made here with your boys – the moment you stumbled upon this house when you four were trying to find a place to stay, the smile on your face when you decided that this was the one (cue Atsumu literally hauling you three towards the agent to settle the down payment), the moving day when Kiyoomi and Osamu brawled for the first time in their lives because they both wanted that bedroom that was the only one downstairs, “to be away from the idiot disease” as what they said. You can only wonder if you could make new memories as happy as those in your future home.
“Ah… you really are a fool of a sister, YN,” you whispered to yourself, wiping the tears away and getting the last of your things before proceeding downstairs, finding your father standing by the front door, arms crossed with a face mask adorning his face (you never really questioned where your brother got his traits, it was as clear as the day), “Kiyoomi is already in the car but I think you should bid Osamu-kun a proper farewell first. He’s in the kitchen. We’ll be waiting so just take your time.”
You nodded before proceeding to the said area, finding the gray-haired with his arms already wide open. Your lips quivered before jumping at him, “I’m gonna miss you.”
“We’ll still be seeing each other at school, you damn gorilla,” he chuckled before burying his face in your neck. You clicked your tongue, pouting at his very much realistic reply, “But it’s different! Eating breakfasts together, going to school together, going home together… and drinking wine until we’re brains out! I’m pretty sure my dad won’t let me do that at his house!”
He cackled, releasing you from his hold and flicking you on your forehead, “what an alcoholic woman! Are you sure you’re going to be a student in a prestige university abroad? You’ll be left behind by your classmates if you keep on prioritizing your wines before your studies.”
“Hah! You’ll see, Osamu. Those red wines will be the reason I even become one of the most famous writers in the world. You better wait and I’ll release an autobiography saying a man named Miya Osamu used to bully me to death,” you huffed, smirking after you saw him stare at you in disbelief. Your smile gradually disappeared upon the realization that the center of your heart was not home… even when I’m already leaving, huh?
Osamu frowned as well, scratching the back of his neck because of the sudden silence that indicated your little recognition, “I’m sorry. I told him to go home before 7 but…”
“It’s fine, Samu. We’re still not in the best terms so it’s probably better this way – a more peaceful way of farewell, you know? No fighting or anything else. Besides, I couldn’t tell him anything about my moving, scholarship, and so many things,” The lad didn’t miss the way you quickly wiped your tears away though. Damn you, Atsumu, why are you always making her cry, he thought.
“I’ll see you at school then, Samu. I’ll miss the dinners you cook,” you smiled, walking quietly outside, and shutting the front door. At the same time, a chime resonated from your phone that was in your pocket. Opening it, you released a long sigh… of relief? of anxiety? You didn’t know.
[Haji, 7:15PM]: I did it, YN. My thread, it’s… black.
You looked up at the night sky, finding stars twinkling as if they were gazing back at you.
Should I start moving on too, Haji?
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For the umpteenth time this week, Atsumu heaved yet another deep sigh, hands weaving itself with his hair to ruffle it out of frustration. Today, he couldn’t care less about the girls lurking around the university gym… because for the umpteenth time this week as well, his twin brother expressed his disappointment towards the boy, leaving him in the said place with the same words he had uttered yesterday and even the day before that, accompanied by a threat this time: “You’re such an immature asshole I wouldn’t be surprised if YN finally gives up on being your friend. You better come home before 7PM or else, I will drag you by your feet with my own two hands.”
Clicking his tongue, he grabbed another ball, gripping it so hard his nails almost left a dent on it. 7PM? He only scoffs. No, he won’t go home yet. He doesn’t care if Osamu gets furious at him and drags him nor if you give up on your friendship; all he thinks right now is that he wants to spike this ball straight onto the other side of the court, make it burst if it was even possible. It wasn’t his fault he got mad at you, he’s entitled to his feelings; he’s right, Kiyoomi’s mistaken… you shouldn’t have promised something you would just break in a span of less than thirty seconds. You shouldn’t hav–
But is it really her fault though? A voice in his head refuted him, or is it just because you’re really an immature asshole who can’t be happy for her?
Of course, it’s her fault, he argues. Immature? Him? He’s almost twenty-two, for god’s sake! He has been living in this world for more than two decades, how could Osamu call him underdeveloped? He swears he’s going to give his twin brother a good punch or two once he gets home.
… But she’s just trying to reach for her dreams, why are you not supporting her? She always does that when it comes to you, doesn’t she? Or have you already forgotten?
And at that, everything went perfectly still. The sound of the ball falling from his hands resonated throughout the quiet gym. Even with just hearing words from something or someone he can’t even identify, Atsumu felt as if he was hit on his head with a ton of bricks.
“E-eh…? W-why… why am I crying?” He whispered, fingers going up to touch his cheeks and furrowing his eyebrows when he felt the dampness of the said area.
Because you know you don’t deserve her. You know that it’s your fault. It has ALWAYS been your fault.
“Shut up,” he said to no one, plopping down the floor while he clutched his ears this time to shut the voice out. As it kept talking, he tried hitting his head with his hand, tried talking over it, tried retorting savage remarks back; however, everything was futile for it kept talking, kept torturing his mind with nothing but the truth.
You hurt her, then apologize, then do it again. What are you playing, a tug-of-war? How selfish of you, Miya Atsumu! Are you really her best friend?
“Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!” He screamed, his throat feeling as if it was getting scratched from the rawness of his voice. There was no way he was gonna have a voice tomorrow.
You’re so aggravated whenever you think about losing YN, are you sure you’re not in love with her or something? Yanno… have you never thought about the fact that maybe she’s your sou–
“Atsumu-kun! Wake up!” A voice yelled while grabbing him by his shoulders and shaking him awake, finally bringing him out of his… dream? Was that even considered a dream? Because Atsumu was sure as hell that what happened was just plain torture to him.
“Are you okay, Atsumu-kun? You were having a nightmare,” turning to the girl who kept her hold on him, he finds Yui, who was looking back at him as if he lost the screws in his head. He starts to believe that he, in fact, did after all that weirdness. After all, who in the world would randomly just fall asleep in the middle of an empty gym then proceed to have a nightmare while on it. Surely, there would be no one except for him. How in the world did it happen anyway? As far as he could remember, he was just practicing his serves and tosses a while ago.
“Yui, why are you still here? It’s getting late,” he asks the girl whose eyes just lit up, for some reason, at his question before lifting her hand up and showing… what? She continued to smile though and waved the same hand right in front of Atsumu’s face, much to his slight annoyance. He wasn’t really in the best mood to play guessing games right now, so he only sighs exasperatedly, “Just get to the point, Yui-chan. I’m feeling the exhaustion now.”
“I told you before that I could see my thread, right? Well, it turned black! Me and my soulmate met up a while ago and turns out, he was a Moira, so we performed the mini ritual, which is so weird by the way, before cutting it. He said one of us has to ‘affirm’ their desire to cut the thread, so I did! As far as I know, based on my previous researches about soulmates, it doesn’t really matter because the ‘gods’ know the deepest desires of our hearts but you know, I don’t really care because I’m free!” She exclaimed, squealing afterwards, and flinging her arms around Atsumu’s neck to give him a hug. But the boy stayed still and gaped because how can someone afford to be happy at this situation? His arms remained motionless at his sides, confusing him; wasn’t he just itching to have this weeks ago? In fact, he was just dreaming about it about three days ago. So why? Why couldn’t he bring himself to hug her back?
“Your soulmate cut it. How can you be happy, Yui-chan….?” Before he knew it, his mouth spoke for him faster than his brain could process. He removed himself from the girl’s embrace, watching as confusion begin to form on her face; though it only took her milliseconds before an odd smile showed up on her face once more.
“Because that means I could finally date you without feeling guilty for my soulmate, silly!”
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Atsumu felt like a hundred years had passed in just a single night and yet again, he sighed. If anyone sees him right now, they will probably laugh at his rather pathetic-looking state. Never in his life has he felt this exhausted, not even when Kita Shinsuke would force him to do an unreasonable number of receives and then make him clean the whole gym with the said captain; no, not even that could beat this fatigue and strangely, it makes him miss the captain.
Maybe he should’ve just gone home before 7PM, like Osamu said. He then shudders as he remembers that he still has to face his twin’s wrath.
“Can’t I just go back to being a toddler… like the brats that have no problem in the world?” He whines to himself quietly, relief spreading throughout his whole body as he sees your shared apartment; can already smell the meal Osamu cooked for you four; can visualize the disgusted look your brother will give him once he enters the house, all sweaty and gross-looking. Though, he thinks it’s odd that upon looking at the window of your room and Kiyoomi’s, he finds that they weren’t lit up unlike the usual. Maybe they’re already asleep, he shrugs given that you both love getting your beauty rest as much as you can. Twins, you are.
As careful as possible, he opens the front door, wincing when it makes a sound that would possibly wake up the very sensitive ears of Sakusa Kiyoomi from his room downstairs.
“Don’t bother trying to be quiet, Atsumu. You’re not going to wake anyone up in this house,” The voice of Osamu startles him. Fastly recovering from the mini-scare, he turns to his twin to glare while clutching his chest in hopes to calm his heart down, only to stop when he finds his brother glowering at him with a much worse scowl on his face.
“Samu, I’m sorry. I just got caught up with som–”
“You know, Tsumu, it’s kind of ironic, don’t you think? You always come around when it’s already too late,” Osamu speaks, trying to find the right words to say, “YN and Kiyoomi… they left and went back to their parents’ home. They will be staying there until YN and her mom leaves for abroad which would be in less than a month, right after this semester ends.”
Miya Atsumu was self-centered, conceited, prideful, juvenile, and so many more that it would take Kiyoomi more than a day to list all the things he detested from the boy. He didn’t care if you gave up and break off your friendship with him… at least that’s what he believed. But like Sakusa Kiyoomi, he was also human – and at that moment, as his brother stares at him and waits for a reply, he only stays still. Why is it that instead of the volleyball he was holding at the gym moments ago, it’s his heart that’s about to burst?
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⤷ notes. we didn't have internet connection for a whole day and phew.. this was the result of me being bored out of my wits, i guess? and i apologize in advance for the pain that i keep on giving and WILL keep on giving :>
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queerspacepunk · 3 years
Welcome to DADWC!! How about “A lifetime of laughter, at the expense of the death of a bachelor” (Panic! at the Disco, Death of a Bachelor) for Bull/Dorian?
thank u for the patience friend! I hadn't heard this song before but now I have. (Second @dadrunkwriting fill in one day? :0)
“You’re really going through with this, aren’t you?” “I really am. Are you disappointed?” Felix sighs, “I think you’re an idiot, and that this is a terrible idea but I’m also... strangely proud of you.”
To Blackwall, Cassandra, Cole, and 10 others: I was wondering if you would be free to join me tomorrow evening for... a memorial of sorts, for someone quite close to me.
To Blackwall, Cassandra, Cole, and 9 others: Room booked at the Herald’s Rest, tomorrow, 7PM.
To Sera: Room booked at the Herald’s Rest, tomorrow, 6:30PM.
From Josephine: Oh Dorian, I’m so sorry to hear this, of course we will be there! Might I ask, is this a recent loss?
To Josephine: Your presence is much appreciated. It’s something of a complicated story, I’m sure you won’t mind if I wait to tell you all at once, tomorrow evening.
From Josephine: No, of course not, forgive me for prying. Much love.
“You’re sure you don’t want to call this off?” Felix says through the phone.
“A little late for that now,” Dorian points out, “they’ll all be here shortly. What else can I do? Call them all and say, ‘sorry lied about the whole memorial thing, never mind’?”
“Isn’t the whole point of this that you’re lying to them?”
“Not lying,” Dorian says, “Misleading. It’s different. And I do think they’ll be a little too preoccupied to be mad, afterwards.”
“You’re really going through with this, aren’t you?”
“I really am. Are you disappointed?”
Felix sighs, “I think you’re an idiot, and that this is a terrible idea but I’m also... strangely proud of you.”
“Now, now,” Dorian admonishes gently, “there’s going to be enough sappiness later on, keep it together for me.”
Felix laughs, and Dorian can just about see him shaking his head.
“You sure you don’t want me to video call you in?”
“I’ll give the game away, just send me the recordings after, and Dorian?”
“Yes Felix?”
“Good luck.”
His friends arrive, almost entirely on time for once, in ones and twos and threes. Dorian greets them at the door to the private room, face solemn, and directs them to the seats he’s set out. There’s no faux coffin in the room -- he hadn’t wanted to get quite that morbid, but there is an indulgent spray of funeral flowers set at the front of the room.
Sera tries to ask questions, and is summarily shushed by Josephine. Cole tries to give answers and is dragged aside, informed, and shushed by Dorian. He doesn’t quite get it, but he must have a good feeling about the results because he keeps his mouth shut. Leliana seems to know something’s up, but is entertained enough to not say anything, and Bull gives Dorian a hell of a look, laced with enough concern that Dorian actually feels a little... guilty.
“Thank you all for coming,” Dorian says, once everyone is seated, and pulls out the stack of memorial pamphlets he’s had printed, “I appreciate your presence with me tonight, and your patience with what is a... complicated situation.”
He begins stepping around the circle, handing the pamphlets out.
“Er, Dorian,” Blackwall says, “I think there’s been a mix-up. They’ve put your picture on these.”
“Oh,” Dorian says, turning to the flowers to give him a moment to suppress the grin creeping onto his face, “no, that’s quite correct.”
“You better not be a bloody ghost!” Sera yelps, flinging her pamphlet at him as if to test her hypothesis. It manages, despite being a flat piece of paper that has no business being able to be thrown with any accuracy, to smack Dorian right in the face, which is unpleasant, but does at least seem to reassure her that he isn’t, in fact, a ghost.
None of the others seem particularly concerned that he’s undead, but there is a lot of muttering, and worried looks being pointed his way.
“You need an intervention or something, Pavus?” Krem asks with a frown, “cause I know that cries for help are actually a good thing and shit, and you Magisters-”
“Altus, Soporatus, you know better.”
“-fine, you Altus love your drama, but even this is a bit much.”
“I assure you,” Dorian says to the group at large, “this is not a cry for help.”
“You did just hand us all a funeral pamphlet with your face on it, Sparkler,” Varric points out.
“It’s not a funeral pamphlet, it’s a memorial pamphlet, and-”
“The dates are wrong,” Leliana interrupts, “The death date is a question mark so I cannot comment on that, however this is not your birthdate. You must have been... eighteen? Nineteen?”
“Eighteen,” Dorian confirms, pinching the bridge of his nose and taking a deep breath, “this has all gone rather off-track, hasn’t it. If you would all just hold your questions, and nonsense,” he throws a quick glare at both Sera and Krem, “and allow me to explain things, I think you’ll find it will benefit all of us.”
Bull, Dorian notes, is watching him very, very carefully. They haven’t seen each other since yesterday which isn’t entirely unusual, given Dorian insistence that they maintain their own homes up unto this point, even if he spends most nights in Bull’s bed or with Bull in his own, but he can tell that the fact he’s said nothing about any of this to Bull is concerning him.
Nothing to be done about it now. Nothing but going forward with the plan as intended.
“We are here, this evening,” Dorian says, “to consider, and honour the life of someone I believe we all care about. Someone who has, for many years been the life of our parties, a bringer of spectacular stories and an improver of our collective fashion sense.”
“What happened to ‘im?” Sera interjects. Dorian rolls his eyes but doesn’t grizzle.
“Nothing, as of yet,” Dorian reassures them, “but the bachelor of which we speak has, while not by anyone’s definition a selfless man, has decided that there are certain things worth sacrificing one’s life for.”
They look at him (with the exception of Cole of course, and Vivienne who’s grinning like she knows the answer is is utterly uninterested in giving hints to anyone else) like he’s spouting absolute gibberish. He’d hoped his friends would be a little more advanced in their thinking, but alas. If he has to help them along, so be it.
“How,” he says, “does one kill a bachelor?”
“Shoot ‘im!” Sera suggests.
“Blunt force trauma?” Krem asks, “to the head?”
Leliana hums quietly, “poison?”
“Blessed Maker,” Dorian says aghast, “what is wrong with you?”
“Hate to break it to you,” Herah points out, “but you did invite us all along to what is looking a lot like a fake memorial service for yourself. Your high horse is more of a rocking pony.”
Dorian rolls his eyes, “how long did it take you to think of that?”
Herah pouts, “a couple of minutes.”
“Well done, regardless,” Dorian admits, “now you’ve all had enough time to think. Varric, surely you’ll know. How does one kill a bachelor?
“Oh for-” Dorian throws his hands in the air and turns away from them all, trying to come up with a plan B for how he’s going to make this happen. He can tell them the answer, of course, but it won’t be at all the same and someone figuring it out themselves-
“Oh,” Cassandra says, “of course.”
Dorian spins back to look at her, as does everyone else in the room, and she flushes.
“Isn’t it obvious?” she insists, “to kill a bachelor, you marry him.”
They all stare at Cassandra a moment before turning, slowly, to Dorian, who has taken advantage of their distraction to sink to his knee, and pull the ring box from his pocket.
“The Iron Bull,” he says, and he’s not choking up dammit, of course he isn’t, he’s practiced this too many time for that to happen, “I have been a bachelor for over a decade now, and I have thought for some time that it was something I would never give up. That I could not ask for more than what I had.”
“Dorian-” Bull says and there must be something wrong with the acoustics in here, because now he sounds like his voice is cracking and there’s not way that can be the truth.
“Hush,” Dorian says, gently, “let me finish.”
Bull does, closes his mouth and leans back in his chair but not before taking Dorian’s hand in his own, and holding it.
“Right,” Dorian says, “as I was saying. Bull you have come along and swept everything out from under me. Shown me that there is in fact, a whole other life to be had. A life full of laughter, a life full of love, and safety, and honesty.”
And bugger it all he is crying now, and he can only thank the Maker for the fact that he’s a pretty crier.
“I have realised,” Dorian says, “that this is a life I want, even if it comes at the expense of the death of a bachelor.”
He opens the box. It wasn’t easy convincing someone to make an untinted dawnstone ring, or managing to get the measurements without Bull noticing, but he’s done it.
“The Iron Bull, will you marry me?”
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You're a good girl, well behaved.
Absolutely not the type to rail random guys in nightclubs.
Until you are.
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Aizawa x Reader, eventual polyamorous Erasermic x Reader
Rating: This chapter is Gen, no smut at all. 
Trigger Warnings: None in this chapter.
AO3: Here | Want to support me? I have a Kofi
Chapter: 3/16 (all chapters)
“Good evening, Listeners! It’s 7PM on this fine Wednesday night and I hope you all are doing a-o-kay!”
Hizashi leaned back from his mic and pressed the cheer button on his soundboard.
“Tonight it is my absolute pleasure to announce a brand new segment to our show! I have a guest in my studio tonight. Please raise your hands, paws, flippers and/or wings for (Name), my lovely colleague from UA!”
He waved to you and you leaned forwards towards your own microphone.
“Pleased to meet you everyone,” you said, Hizashi clapping boisterously in the background. “It’s a pleasure to be here.”
“Cute, so cute!”
His excitement was contagious and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“(Name) is a very special guest,” he said, pushing the ‘ooooo’ button on his soundboard. “She’s the guidance counsellor at UA. (Name), why don’t you tell the listeners a little about what you do?”
“Well, the welfare and wellbeing of our students is of course our top priority at UA,” you said, “and so my role is to ensure these needs are being met. If they’re feeling pressured or struggling to find agency opportunities or simply unsure of their futures…”
“Of course,” said Hizashi. “Now, Listeners, (Name) has kindly offered up her time for this new weekly segment, which I’m going to call ‘Support Mic’. If you, my wonderful listeners, or anyone you know have a problem and require a sympathetic ear, please send them anonymously through my website or texting service and (Name) and I will advise to the best of our ability. Sound good, (Name)?”
“Alright then, we’re going to take a short break and after that we’ll go through your submissions,” said Hizashi, bringing up the next song on his playlist. “If you can’t join us, please enjoy your evening, PLUS ULTRA!”
“PLUS ULTRA!” you echoed and Hizashi laughed out loud.
“So CUTE,” he cried out, before muting your microphones and playing music. He pulled off his earphones and you did the same, reaching for a glass of water.
You were now two months into your job at UA and the time had flown by. You had transformed your office into a space that felt more like your own and familiarised yourself with the names and faces of just about every student at the school. The previous guidance counsellor had been a woman in her eighties, retiring as opposed to taking on a new role and as a consequence your resources and day to day activities needed updating to reflect the modern climate.
None of it would have been possible without the help of your colleagues. Even Shouta, who had said at most half a dozen words to you since leaving your house, had sent the rather more vulnerable students in your direction.
The agony aunt segment was your idea and Hizashi only too happy to include it in his regular radio show, with the caveat that you bought him a beer the next time you went to the izakaya.
Truthfully, you didn’t expect very many requests to come in, so it came as a complete shock when you refreshed the website and found thirty had already arrived in the first two minutes.
“P...Plus Ultra,” you murmured.
Support Mic was only a half hour segment, but you could easily have gone on for so much longer. Hizashi had done nothing but coo over you since you left the studio.
“Waaah, (Name), you were a natural!”
You had been so very nervous before the broadcast. You’d expected to stumble over your words or get no questions at all. In the end you answered so many questions and talked so much that it felt like you had swallowed a bucketful of gravel.
“Thank you,” you said, packing up your purse, “for having me, I mean. That was a lot of fun.”
“Did you want me to drive you home? It’s getting late.”
“No, it’s fine, I don’t live far.”
“Well, if you’re sure,” said Hizashi, “see you to-morr-ow, sweet listener!”
You waved goodbye and continued up the street, reaching into your purse for your train pass, only for your blood to run cold when you realised it wasn’t there.
You rummaged through packs of tissues, chewing gum, pepper spray and more to no avail.
“Where is it,” you mumbled, grabbing your miniature torch and shining it on the contents.
You thought back to the last time you had seen it, when you arrived at work that morning. You had dropped your purse down on your desk when you saw Hizashi arriving and hurried after him to verify your studio appointment. It must have fallen out then and you sighed, turning the other way to go back to UA.
As a kid you had always been afraid of the dark. You were the one who squealed at ghost stories during sleepovers and had to hide your face during scary movies.
You liked to think that you had gotten braver as you got older, but that was far from true. You still didn’t like taking late night trains or watching horror movies with your friends. You definitely didn’t enjoy walking the empty corridors of UA.
Pull yourself together, (Name)...
It’s just the school. No one’s here. No one can-
Somewhere in the distance, you heard a door slam.
“Ofuckofuckofuckofuck,” you stammered, picking up your pace and rushing off in the direction of your office. Your shoes clattered against the hard floor and you were sure you heard a second set in pursuit.
You threw yourself into your office and closed the door behind you, immediately rushing to crouch under your desk. Someone, or something, hovered outside. You could practically see the newspaper headlines: Guidance Counsellor Found Dead in Violent Attack .
Every cloud had a silver lining, you supposed. You could see your train pass on the cabinet.
Whoever was outside your office rattled the handle and then stepped inside and you clapped your hands over your mouth to stifle any sound.
What could you do? None of the teachers were around and your quirk wasn’t suitable for fighting. Suddenly, you wished you had agreed to Hizashi walking you home. You took a deep breath, willing yourself to do something. You weren’t a teacher or even a pro hero, but you couldn’t sit by and do nothing.
But what could you do?
The intruder’s footsteps grew closer and you reached for your purse, frantically digging through it for pepper spray. Even if you couldn’t fight off this assailant, you could disable them just enough to get away and raise the alarm.
You tightened your grip on the can and released the cap with your thumbnail.
It was now or never.
You bolted out from underneath the desk with a screech and sprayed the intruder with a faceful of pepper spray, causing them to cry out in pain. You covered your face and ran for the door, only to fall flat on your face, arms and legs bound. You struggled against the bindings, rolling over onto your back to get a good look at your attacker.
You didn’t know what you had expected, but you definitely couldn’t have predicted the sight before you. It wasn’t an intruder...it was Shouta and he was desperately rubbing his eyes and cursing. The material binding you was his scarf.
He paused, lifting an arm from his face and squinting down at you. He took in the sight of you, frozen on the floor with your arms and legs bound in place and sighed, returning it to its regular state.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, getting back to your feet, “I thought-”
“What the hell did you think you were doing?” he snarled.
“I thought you were a villain!”
“That’s really not the problem here,” he said. “What are you even doing here?”
“I...I forgot my train pass,” you said, wringing your hands. “I’m sorry. I should have just bought a new one.”
Shouta continued to rub his eyes with a groan and you reached out for his arm.
“Come with me,” you said, “that’ll just make it worse.”
You weren’t a hero, but there was something you could do.
You guided him to the empty staff room and murmured yet more apologies as you turned on the lights. Shouta curled up on the couch, rubbing his eyes and cursing under his breath.
You stole glances as you ran a cloth under the tap, chewing your bottom lip and feeling more than a little bit guilty.
“Here,” you said, squeezing excess water from the cloth and walking back to the couch. “This should help.”
You knelt down beside him and dabbed the cloth over his eyes as gently as humanly possible, wincing at the sight of how red and puffy they had become. You’d never used pepper spray before and almost certainly used far too much.
Shouta groaned in discomfort the moment the cloth touched him, but remained perfectly still.
This was the first time you had been alone since the reset and you found yourself tongue-tied.
You had slept together twice now, yet you still found it difficult to read him. He was the human embodiment of still waters and you had no doubts that his innermost thoughts were as much of a tangled mess as your own. He was just better at hiding them.
The morning of the reset, you had given up on sleeping. You were unable to stop thinking about the man in your bed; the man you thought you would never see again but would have to see almost every day.
You hadn’t been able to sleep after that, instead putting in a load of laundry and getting an incredibly early start on breakfast. When Shouta rolled out of bed at 6am, you had washed and dried his discarded clothes and folded them on your bedside table, as well as putting together an enormous breakfast and fresh pot of coffee.
“So,” you had said as he rubbed his eyes. “The reset.”
“Yes,” he said, dragging on his shirt and giving it a confused sniff. “Tomorrow is day one.”
That was the last he said on the matter and the longest conversation you had had in months.
Until now, of course.
“Does it still hurt?”
You sat back on your heels and lowered the cloth onto your lap, watching as Shouta squeezed his eyes shut and then, very slowly, attempted to open them. He immediately seemed to regret it, for he flinched and began to squint.
“I’ll get more water, just a-”
You moved to stand up, only for him to take hold of your arm.
“Why would you try and confront a villain without help? You could have gotten yourself killed.”
“I wasn’t going to fight,” you said. “I was going to raise the alarm.”
“Oh, and then what? You’ve exposed yourself to the villain without knowing what their quirk is. They could have set you on fire or gassed you or something.”
You weren’t a student, he wasn’t your teacher, yet somehow it felt like being in detention.
“I don’t know,” you said.
“You need to be more rational in these things,” said Shouta, closing his eyes again. “Running head on into danger gets people killed.”
You were quite glad he’d closed his eyes. You couldn’t stifle the smile breaking out across your face.
He wasn’t angry at you at all. Stern, yes, though only out of concern for your safety.
“Good job I had a big, strong Eraserhead around to protect me,” you said, booping his nose with the cloth before getting to your feet. You expected him to protest, but he stayed silent, barely moving even as you ran the cloth under the cold tap.
“You’re not a pro hero,” he said.
“No, I’m not.”
“Then why are you here...in a school for pro heroes?”
You switched off the tap and squeezed excess water from the cloth.
“Are you questioning my credentials, Professor Aizawa?”
“Not particularly,” he said. “It’s important to know the strengths and weaknesses of your team.”
“You could have looked at my file, you know.”
“Too much hassle. I wanted to ask you in person.”
You returned to the couch, cloth in hand. You got the impression that this was a test. Perhaps he already had looked at your file and was suspicious of you as a result. You wouldn’t blame him in his position, given the nature of your quirk and role in the school. He cared about the students far more than he would ever let on.
“Well,” you said, dabbing his eyes. “It’s true I’m not a pro, but I do have a quirk. It’s not… a particularly conventional one, though.”
Shouta stayed silent, waiting for you to continue.
“My quirk is a lie detector,” you said. “I can force people to tell the truth.”
“How do you activate it?”
“I say a little phrase.”
“Show me.”
He squinted at you, watching your body language. You were familiar with this dance; people learning what your quirk was and immediately wondering if you had used it on them without them realising. You got the feeling it ran deeper with Shouta. He wasn’t as interested in seeing your quirk as how comfortable you were using it on other people. Were you the type to proudly abuse your power? Did you take it lightly?
In truth, you weren’t comfortable using your quirk. Not at all.
“Tell me,” you said, goosebumps breaking out across your skin at the activation. “What’s your happiest memory?”
“There was a roof,” he said, without a moment’s hesitation. “My friends were there-”
You chose that question as you had believed it would be harmless. The horror in his eyes as he realised what he was saying, though, made you wonder if you had made a terrible mistake.
He clamped his mouth shut, eyes shining red.
You realised your skin no longer tingled. He’d erased your quirk.
“I…I’m so sorry,” you said, immediately overwhelmed by guilt. “I didn’t-”
“It’s fine,” he said, closing his eyes. “I’ve given it back now.”
It wasn’t fine, though. You had seen enough to know that. You clenched your hands in your lap, all too aware of the water soaking your skirt.
“I’m sorry,” you said again, unable to think of anything more coherent.
“Answer my question,” he said, far more gently than the first time. “Why did you come to a school for pro heroes?”
You thought about the scars on his body; the flash of horror at what should have been his happiest memory.
“Because,” you said, “heroes are more likely to get lost.”
Shouta glanced at you out of the corner of his eye and you blushed, worried you had said something embarrassing. He reached down into your lap for the cloth and placed it on his face.
“It’s getting late,” he said. “You should go home.”
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry about me,” he said, “I still have some stuff to do.”
“Can I at least make you some coffee?”
You reached for your purse, albeit reluctantly, making sure to check and double check that you had your train pass. You couldn’t believe how much chaos it had caused.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything? I can get you some candy from the vending machine.”
Shouta had rolled over onto his side with his back to you and waved you away.
“Don’t think too much about it, just go.”
The school corridors didn’t seem so scary on your way out. The shadows didn’t seem quite so dark, nor your footsteps so loud. You were too distracted to truly pay attention, racking your brains for some way to make it up to Shouta. Perhaps you’d bring him lunch one day or make him his favourite snacks. Hizashi would know the kinds of things he liked to eat. You decided to ask him in the morning.
The lights were still on in the 1-A homeroom and you peered inside as you passed. From the looks of things, Shouta had been in the middle of marking. That wasn’t what drew your attention, though.
In his haste to leave the room and investigate the commotion, he hadn’t bothered to switch off the radio on his desk, instead leaving it to play to itself. Hizashi’s voice was more than a little distinctive and you knew within seconds that it was his show.
“ Now then, listeners, it’s time for our nightly poll! Tonight is a really difficult one, submitted by user rokstar88. When reborn into your next life, would you rather have no hair on your body at all or be completely hairy, like a yeti? Results are in after this short break.”
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twinklecheeks · 4 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 11
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there is any. I’m just illiterate lmao.  
Side note: Sorry it took me over a week to post this! I just started my last semester of college and I also have a part time job, so I’ve been super tired. I’ll try to be more consistent.
Warnings! Pregnancy, Smut 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10,
Word Count: 2k
Christmas Eve 12/24/2019
Y/n: *Wakes up and stares at Jeff peacefully sleeping*
Jeff: *moans*
Y/n: *looks down and notices Jeff has a boner* Hmmm *gently rubs the swollen tip of Jeff’s cock*
Jeff: *thrusts into y/n’s hand*
Y/n: *Smirks and quietly gets out of bed to lock the door* *Pulls Jeff’s boxer’s down and sees his cock slap against his abs* *Softly licks the base of his Jeff’s cock all the way to the tip and sucks the head*
Jeff: *moans* mmm fuck.
Y/n: *You use the entirety of your palms and fingers with just how big and long he is. You hum greedily as you do this*
Jeff: *wakes up and smirks* I guess it’s a very Merry Christmas to me.
Y/n: I can suck on your cock all day daddy *winks*
Jeff: *groaning at how fast you’re going* F-fuck baby the way you’re moaning. You’re gonna kill me *bucks his hips*
Y/n: Shhh, I don't want them to know I’m sucking your cock ;) *continues to deepthroat feeling him twitch*
Jeff: Oh my fucking god baby yesss. Fuck me, fuck me, over and over. I swear I’d be fucking you every nigh- JESUS FUCK *cums inside her mouth*
Y/n: *swallows and sucks his cock clean* That was a great way to start Christmas.
Jeff: *laughs* Me cumming in you?
Y/n: *smirks* Mhmmm, I love it when you’re in me ;)
Jeff: What time is it?
Y/n: It’s 7:42am. I think your mom is already up cooking.
Jeff: Well if you want to see the Christmas parade at 11 w/ Jonah’s family, round 2 in the shower has to be a quickie.
Y/n: *looks down at his cock* You’re still hard? You just came a bunch in my mouth.
Jeff: I’m always hard for you babe *winks*
*After the Christmas Parade*
Suzie: I loved the parade! New York is so pretty during Christmas.
Vardon: Christmas is also more fun w/ snow.
Jonah: Guys it was fucking freezing outside.
Y/n: It was only 38 degrees.
Jeff’s mom: Oh good you guys are back. Marie (Jonah’s mom) and I are almost done with the food.
Jeff: Ma you’ve been cooking since like 6am. Have you had a break?
Jeff’s mom: We also did some last minute shopping/ gift wrapping. Everybody gets to open one present today and the rest tomorrow.
Y/n: You guys open presents tomorrow?
Jeff’s dad: Yeah, doesn’t everybody?
Y/n: Well in the Hispanic/ Latinx community, we call today Hispanic Christmas. So we open our presents today and then we spend the 25th stuffing our faces in left overs. We open on the 24th cause we’re too impatient and yes, we know Jesus was born on the 25th.
Jeff: Maybe we can do that w/ the girls next year.
Jeff’s mom: *tears up* Oh god you’re going to have daughter’s next year.
Jeff: Maaaa don’t cry again.
Y/n: Oh we are definitely doing hispanic christmas. If my sister comes over, she’d want to open the presents like a week before. She’s the most impatient. One year, she opened presents at like 3-4pm.
Jeff’s mom: I’m such a cry baby. Now help me set up the table!
*everybody helps set the plates and food*
Jeff’s dad: does anybody want to start the prayer?
Jeff: I’ll do it.
Karyn: Really? The last time you did it was Easter 2005 and you couldn’t stop laughing.
Jeff’s mom: Karyn.
*everybody holds hands*
Jeff: oh Heavenly Father, thank you for all that you’ve brought us. I know that Christmas is about you but I’d like to say thanks. Thank you for keeping everybody here in good health because I don’t know where I’d be w/ out them. I’m grateful for the supportive family and friends you have given me and most importantly, y/n. I know we were very rocky until recently but you brought her into my life for a reason. She was changing me into a better person and I was too stubborn to accept it. Now she’s going to be the mother of my 2 amazing daughters. Those babies already have me wrapped around their fingers and they’re not even here yet. I can’t wait for the day y/n and I get married and have however many babies you give us but don’t make it twins each time cause that’s gonna make my hair gray fast
Jeff’s mom: Jeffrey-
Jeff: okay I’m just kidding… kind of but you know what I mean. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and the rest of my family. Amen.
Everybody: Amen
Jeff’s dad: Hun are you crying?
Y/n: *sniffles her nose* NO. Maybe…. I wouldn't have thought Jeff was religious.
Karyn: Only during Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
Jeff’s Dad: Karyn stop teasing your brother. Now that the prayer is over with, let’s eat!
Jeff’s mom: Marie and I spent all morning cooking. Also, since this is y/n’s first Christmas w/ us, I wanted to bring some of the food she eats during the holidays.
Y/n: What food?
Jeff’s mom: *shows the Pernil* (pernil is pork shoulder)
Y/n: NO YOU DIDN’T *tastes the food* AND IT TASTES JUST LIKE OUT MY DAD MAKES IT. How did you make it?!
Jeff: She asked me a couple of days ago what you eat during the holidays and I found your sister on instagram. I got the recipe from her.
Jeff’s mom: I saw that it was a Puerto Rican dish so I asked one of my friends who knows how to make it to show me the steps.
Y/n: Oooo imma try not to cry again but THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Jonah: Can we eat now
After Dinner
Y/n: I ate so much, I think I’m having triplets. But thank you once again. I was pretty nervous to come here because I didn’t know how y’all would react to me.
Karyn: Just know that when we get mad, it’s at Jeff cause he’s always the one that somehow messes up.
Jeff: What time is it?
Suzie: It’s 7pm. Should we watch Christmas movies and then open presents before bed?
Vardon: Let’s watch the Grinch
Jonah: *ignores Vardon* Any other suggestions? Please. ANY OTHER.
Karyn: Y/n what do you watch for Christmas.
Y/n: Well, my personal favorite is Jingle all the Way but the Christmas Line up in my family is usually Home Alone 2, A Diva’s Christmas Carol, A Very Brady Christmas, the I Love Lucy Christmas episode and other’s I can’t remember.
Jeff: I mean, we are in New York. Home Alone 2?
Everybody: Sure.
*After watching Christmas movies*
Jeff’s mom: It’s 9:45pm. I think we should be opening our one present before we go to bed.
Jeff: Youngest to oldest! So my niece goes first, then Vardon, Y/n, Suzie, Jonah, etc.
*Jeff’s nieces and Vardon opens their gifts*
Vardon: No way. Jeff got me airpods! Thank you *Hugs Jeff*
Jeff: You’re welcome. Now time for y/n to open her gift from me.
Y/n: Oooo okay. *opens gift and sees two little gold bracelets* what are these for?
Jeff: I always see babies w/ the small little charm bracelet. You mentioned your sister and you never got that from your parents but your older brother did. I wanted to do that for our girls even though they're not here yet. So once we pick out the names, we’ll get the charms.
Y/n: *sniffles* Dammit why do you keep making me cry.
Jeff: Cause I don’t want you to ever forget how much I love you.
Jonah: Can we move on from this sappy shit so I can open my gift.
Everybody: JONAH.
*After everybody opens their presents*
Y/n: Thank you so much for accepting me on such short notice.
Jeff’s mom: Hun we’re family now. You’ll always be a part of us. Same for the Antonyans. We know how much Jeff misses having us around since he’s been living in LA and y’all have been a family to him.
Jonah’s mom: I love Jeff like he my own son. He help us so much.
Jeff’s Dad: Y’all just have to make sure to visit us often. Get’s kind of lonely here w/ Karyn living in Kentucky, Jeff living in LA. I mean Steven lives in the city w/ his kids but we miss having all of you together here.
Jeff: I’m starting to think that having girls runs in the family. Karyn has a daughter, Steven has twin girls and now I’m gonna have twin girls.
Jeff’s mom: I mean you never know if the nurse made a mistake. They thought your brother was a girl for half my pregnancy. Then they did the last ultrasound a week before I gave birth to him and they said he was a boy.
Y/n: Oh god I don’t even want to think about that. I’m already stressed out about the babies possibly being deaf now I gotta be worried if the nurse misgendered them….
Karyn: The babies are gonna be deaf?
Y/n: Hmm?
Jeff’s dad: You just said there’s a possibility the twins will be born deaf.
Y/n: Fuck. I did say that, didn't I… Jeff, you wanna help me out here?
Jeff: Ummm. Damn we weren’t planning on telling anybody this for a couple of weeks. We got a call a couple of days ago after we did some genetic testing and the doctor said the babies have a high chance of being born hard of hearing/ deaf.
Karyn: My doctors told me the same thing. Luckily my daughter turned out fine
Steven: I wasn’t a carrier for the gene…
Jeff’s mom: We’ll love those babies no matter what. If we have to learn sign language for them, then we’d do it. I’ll fly out to LA once it gets close to the due date to help out.
Jeff: Thanks ma. Means a lot.
Y/n: Thank you so much. I don’t know if my own parents would forgive me by then to be there for the birth.
Jeff’s mom: Anytime sweetheart. My god look at the time, It’s 10:15, we have to go to bed before Santa comes.
Jonah: Haha, but santa isn-
Jeff: Jonah you better better not finish that sentence cause my nieces are here and I don’t wanna see the magic ruined for them.
Jonah: What I was saying was, isn't Santa a little late?… He should’ve been here by now…
Going to bed
Y/n: I am so stuffed. Christmas turned out a lot better than I thought.
Jeff: See, you had nothing to be afraid about. Also, good job on keeping the deaf thing a secret haha.
Y/n: Hey! It’s been on my mind since we found out. WAIT. Jonah and Suzie.
Jeff: What about them?
Y/n: they were there…. What if they tell everybody else.
Jeff: Suzie would never… Jonah on the other hand… I have little faith in him.
Y/n: I’m afraid to check my phone.
Jeff: Same. I haven't looked at it all day. On the count of 3…
Y/n: One….
Jeff: Two.
Y/n & Jeff: Three. *looks at phones*
Y/n’s phone: 82 text messages & 24 missed calls
Jeff’s phone: 77 text messages & 21 missed calls
Vlog Squad GC
David: Was what Jonah said true?
Natalie: Is it serious?
Jason: Y’all I’m so sorry
Zane: There has to be a way to fix it. My babies will be okay right?
Erin: I’ll postpone my wedding until the babies are okay
Carly: Oh no Carly and Erin jr :(
Corinna: The babies are gonna be deaf?
Mariah: Is it confirmed?
Heath: Have y’all seen other doctors?
Matt: Guys they’re busy. I don’t think we should be spamming them on Christmas.
Toddy: We’ll stop one they answer us!
David: I’ll put in whatever money you need for surgeries or anything.
Jason: Guys stop. They’ll tell us everything once they’re ready.
(end of conversation)
Jeff: I’m gonna kill Jonah.
Y/n: Oh hun, so will I…
The next chapter might take a bit because I’m still thinking what will be in it. You guys can give be suggestions and I can give you credit for it!
Comment if you want to be on the taglist!
Taglist: @elvlogsquad​ @siemprestan​ @zavidzobrik​ @galxydefender​ @iminlovewithenchilidadas​ @ilsolee​ @ranprivate @one-sweet-gubler  @sunwardsss @shamalamashams @michellemxndes
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mochideleche · 4 years
captain. | t.oikawa
oikawa x reader
-> synopsis :  you didn't really want to be on seijoh girls volleyball team, let alone become captain. But as a good hearted and dedicated student, you accept the responsibilities that come with the role, especially when it comes to dealing with the boys’ team captain.
“They said what?” you said through gritted teeth feeling the anger rising up within you before you could even comprehend what on earth was being revealed to you. 
“They uhh-” Mitsuah (seijoh girls’ official setter) paused for a moment, wringing her fingers in her hands and trying her best to not make eye contact with you, “they said that practice would prevent them from being able to watch oikawa at his practices, since you know, we have our practices at the same time...”
You closed your eyes to contain the indescribable fury you felt at that moment, What kind of fuckery is this? 
Ever since you had joined aoba johsai, you always found that despite being a powerhouse school for volleyball, the girls team was extremely under looked. 
Sure, you had quickly gotten over the fact that maybe the boys’ team got a bigger crowd since their matches seemed to be more intense and they had three times the amount of members than your club had and they seemed to be glorified way more than your team did but-
you didn’t need an overwhelming crowd of supporters to do well and you knew that. 
But this. 
This was your breaking point. 
Not only did you have to hear about oikawa this, oikawa that amongst the girls in your school every other second, but now he was actually causing your already small ragtag team to decrease even more? 
You hated him, and you hadn’t even had a proper conversation with the guy.
Stupid oikawa with his genius setter skills, tactical mind, amazing game intuition, killer serve, killer smile, pretty face, long sexy legs- 
Uhm, what?
You couldn’t help it, he was the looker but you thought he abused his gorgeous powers to wrap around as many girls as he could around his finger. 
“Well,” you said, surprising calm, shocking both your fellow third years, “we’ll be getting new recruits anyways. did you manage to get the forms from the first years?” 
“Uhm-” your vice captain Ara faltered, taking out the papers she had hidden behind her back. 
Her eyes glanced nervously towards them before handing them to you with a shaky hand, “here they are”
The two girls in front of you winced. 
“hey, at least we have recruits-” Mitsuah tried, but you weren’t finished screaming yet.
“plus a libero” Ara offered but your screaming continued.
You turned back to the girls who were eyeing each other wearily, there was something they didn’t want to tell you, and it was probably for the best unless they wanted you to go kill a man. 
“Y/N, promise not to scream again?” Mitsuah asked and you gave a curt nod. 
It was your first day of being captain, half your team quit and you only get two new members. There couldn’t possibly be anything else to worsen your mood, could there?
“They weren’t at sign up because they were all at the boy’s volleyball practice-”
*que screaming
It’s your last first day of high school and how do you spend it? pumping air into volleyballs all by yourself. 
Of course your friends offered to help but you sent them home with the excuse that they would be the ones playing with the two new first years in the practice match tomorrow. 
you sighed, your club didn’t even own a ball pump and you had to ask iwaizumi if you could borrow the boys’ one. 
you looked at the clock, 7pm already?
You made your way to gym 1, expecting it to be locked since it had been 2 hours since people had gone home, but on approaching you saw that the lights were still on and the door was left open. 
You peeked your head in just to see a ball fly across the court. 
It travelled through the air with such wind breaking speed that you almost thought that you had imagined it, but your eyes soon landed on figure moving at the end of the court. 
His head was focused on the net and even from where you stood you could see the sweat dripping from his chin. His curled hair stuck to the edges of his face as he reached into the trolley for another ball. 
You could tell that he’d been here practicing non-stop, with the amount of balls that were scattered at the opposite end of the gym and the sheer amount of sweat he was drenched in, it was plainly obvious. 
You had to give it to Oikawa, he was a hard worker. 
As he lifted his hand to strike the ball again, his eyes landed on you. 
your heart skipped a beat.
“Oh, well if it isn’t Y/N-chan” he commented, a cheerful smile sliding onto his face.
“Don’t call me that” You say almost reflexively, scared that you had sounded too harsh for someone who you barely knew and was just greeting you.
But it didn’t seem to affect him as he retained amused, his smile never faltering “Well can’t I be friendly with a fellow captain?” he joked, tucking the ball in his hand under his arm, “So what brings you here?” 
You pointed to the ball pump in your hand. 
“Ah, yes, i recall Iwa-chan mentioning you borrowing it, you can put it in there” he said, nodding at the store cupboard.
you gave him a small nod back and made your way to your destination, you couldn’t help but feel his eyes following you as you did and it made you uncomfortable.
After successfully entering the room and locating an empty space on the shelf to which you assumed the pump belonged to, you made your way back into the gym.
Oikawa stood at the edge of the court, right hand out, balancing the ball and his left hand supporting it gently. He began to run, his pace increasing each second and he jumped with such poise and grace that it almost looks like he was dancing. You watched as his back arched in mid air and his hand came up behind to slam the ball over the net and land with such force that it came back up from the ground and ricocheted off the wall. 
you couldn’t help but stand and stare. 
There was a reason why he was called one of the best players in the miyagi prefecture. 
“Hm, impressed?” oikawa mused, placing his hands on his hips.
You nodded, “it was impressive” hating that you were actually increasing this guys ego even higher. 
“Well, my personal motto is ‘if your going to hit it then hit it till it breaks’” he said taking another ball from the trolley and spinning it on his finger.
He must be joking right? i mean, who the hell has a personal motto? 
then suddenly, in the midst of thinking whether this guy was a total wettie or incredibly egotistical, an idea popped into you head. 
“Do you think i could try receiving one of your serves?” you asked, before you lost the nerve to. 
You saw oikawa’s eyebrow quirk up as he caught the spinning ball on his finger and held it in both hands, “Are you sure?” 
You nodded calmly but in you mind you were cursing him for under estimating you.
Oikawa shifted his weight to his right foot as he brought one of his hands up into a half shrug “you know I did say that my motto was “hit it till it-’”
“breaks- i know, and if my arm breaks, it breaks” you finished, leaving oikawa at a loss of words. 
He narrowed his eyes at you and for a second he looked- confused? intrigued? you didn’t know but the sudden loss of his signature grin made you feel like you were being...judged. 
“Well,” he began, composing himself, his cheerful smile returning again, “if you end up getting hurt, feel free to run into my arms and cry your heart out. i’ll make sure to kiss all your injuries away” and he finished off his comment by sending you a wink. 
Was it possible to feel annoyed, shocked and flustered at the same time? 
he began to walk back to the edge of the court and you took this as a signal that you too, should take your position in the centre of the other. 
You realised how much taller the boys’ net was, but would that give you a problem? nope. 
“Okay, ready?” Oikawa shouted and you took your stance.
Knees bent, arms stretched out and eyes on the ball. 
You didn’t see him hit the ball but you heard the echoing collision of his hand on the ball and before you knew it, it was flying straight towards you. 
Such accuracy, you thought as you dropped your torso and braced for impact. 
you felt the ball slam into your arms, leaving a stinging pain, jesus what is he a? machine? you brought your whole body up, pushing with your legs as the ball returned into the air, a perfect receive straight to the setter position. 
Across the court you caught the awe in oikawas face at the fact that you had actually managed to receive the ball. You couldn't help but feel smug. 
But you had no time to dwell because by the time you had stood up straight the ball was already curving down towards the ground. 
you began to sprint towards the net, trying to ignore the slight pain in your arms as you pushed yourself off the floor, your hand coming up to spike. 
Your head barely passed the top of the net as you jumped but you were able to slam the ball down onto the other side of the court.
When your feet made contact with the ground you heard a soft, “huh” from your fellow captain. 
“Well, colour me impress” Oikawa spoke, crossing his arms and looking you up and down with is tongue poking at the side of his mouth. 
You broke eye contact and began walking back to other side of the court. The way he stared at you made you feel like prey, stupid predatorial pretty boy.
“Can you send another one? and this time can you try to block it?” you said over your shoulder trying to cut him back down to size. 
“Sure thing, maybe this time i won't go easy on you” he chuckled.
You were thinking that. maybe he had perhaps been a bit kinder with his serve, but it still hurt like a bitch, might as well see what his full power could do. 
You fought the urge to rub at your arms as you took your position at the end of the court. 
You managed to actually receive the ball first try and not make a fool of yourself which you were incredibly thankful for. if not, you couldn’t imagine the amount of mocking and embarrassment you would have had to endure from oikawa. try not to fail again. 
this time the ball wasn’t aimed straight at you, it curved slightly causing you to slide to the right ( cha cha now y’all ) and drop to the ground. this time your right arm got more of the blow and you physically had to resist shouting out an ‘ow’ 
‘hit it till it breaks’ huh? he wasn’t kidding. 
immediately after the ball had went into the air, both you and oikawa had started your runs towards the net; you weren’t going to let this boy beat you.
Passing the line, you pushed your self up in the air again, eyes on the ball and ready to make impact. Due to the slight curve in the receive, it had less momentum which played to your advantage, now giving you time to think since there was now an obstacle in you way
oikawa had also pushed himself up, his arms stretched above his head, and his eyes strained on you with a smirk on his face. 
He was much taller than you were, at full height of your jump, you only came up to his chin whilst he towered above the net. He stood slightly to the right, exactly in front of your right hand that was prepared to spike- he had you cornered.
at least he thought.
Swiftly, your left hand came up as your right hand lowered and in that split second your saw oikawas smug face falter. 
You slammed the ball to the left, its path completely unblocked, sending it to the left where it bounced off the floor only a millisecond later. 
The two of you landed- silence. 
Oikawas head had snapped behind him, watching the ball roll off to the side. His head then twisted towards you, a look of surprised astonishment painted across his face. 
you raised your eyebrow at him and sent him a smile. 
the brown haired boy swallowed then stood up straight, looked you up and down then placed his hands on his hips, “you’re not what i expected Y/N ” he said softly. 
Because of the net between you, you hadn’t realised exactly how close the two of your were standing. It was only when you felt his breath brush your face did you decided to step back to save yourself from combusting.  
Although you couldn’t help but think of how handsome he looked up close. 
And how his eyes never left yours. 
It was your turn to swallow, turning around and making your way towards the door- you needed to leave immediately before he could say another thing that would make your heart palpitate, “i should go now, and you should too it’s getting late” you rushed out.
You reached the door and turned around, giving him a small bow, “thank you for the ball pump and the serves...” you awkwardly finished, sending him one last cringing smile. 
“It was my pleasure, Y/N-chan” he called out giving you a sending wave. 
you rolled your eyes and began to head out but paused before you left.
“Oh and, Toru-kun?” you called, a grin spreading across your face as you caught the boy freezing in his spot and staring at you with surprised eyes, “don’t underestimate me next time, okay?” you finished sweetly, sending him your own wink over your shoulder. 
When you were a good distance from the gym you allowed yourself to congratulate yourself on your boldness, that ought to put that egotistical maniac in his place. 
“Y/N-chan!” you hear someone call out behind you.
you walk faster. 
But it doesn’t help that a group of girls had stopped right outside your classroom.
You almost break into a run.
“Hey,” oikawa said, coming up next to you. It seemed like he had jogged to catch up and was readjusting his bag strap on his shoulder. 
You stop walking and he stands in front of you, “yes?”
“Well good morning to you too” he jokes, sending you a smile. 
“good morning” you mumble out. You shifted your gaze to see behind him, the girls were definitely watching now. 
“Was there something you needed?” you asked politely, eyes returning back to the tall boy in front of you,  wanting him to just go away and save you the embarrassment and the future interrogation that you knew you were in for. 
“Yes,” he said, looking down at you, “can i see your arms?” 
“What?” you sputtered out.
His smile lessened a little and his tone lost some of his cheeriness, “your arms, show them to me” 
You pursed your lips, you knew what he was asking for, but why? 
You slowly brought up both of your sleeves and held your arms out to him, you watched as his eyes widened and his face contorted into slight distaste.
both of the insides of your forearms were painted a brilliant shade of blue, a little more darker on the right than the left but they were both equally an eye sore. They’d appeared that morning and you realised that Oikawa’s serves were no joke. 
“Oh god, does it hurt?” he asked, taking your right wrist and pulling your arm closer to him. 
“Not much” you said casually.
“I’m so sorry Y/N I should've-”
“don't say sorry” you interrupted, your arm going slack in his hand, “i asked you if i could receive your serve, it’s not your fault so you shouldn’t feel guilty-”
“But that doesn’t stop me from feeling bad, does it?”  he said sternly, his face complete devoid of any playfulness and no longer baring his signature grin. 
You stared at him in stubbornness, not choosing to back down and act like a helpless damsel, but you couldn’t help but be touched at the fact that he cared. 
“i knew this would happen,” he let out, reaching in his bag and revealing a white pack of cooling pads.
Your heart began to warm at the thoughtfulness, maybe he wasn’t all that bad.
Or he had ulterior motives but he's innocent until proven guilty. 
You felt him lift your arm up and you blushed at the fact that he was still holding on to it during your little staring contest. He took one of the gel pads from the packet and brought it up to his mouth with his left hand. He then proceeded to bite down on the edge and pull his hand away, ripping the pack open. 
Oh, that was kind of hot. 
He then carefully placed the edge of the pad on the tip of your bruise, and once it was securely in place, he gently pressed on the rest as to not hurt you. 
You gulped, “I can do the next one by myself” 
“Oh don’t be silly,” he chuckled and he continued to do your other arm. 
As nurse oikawa tended your wounds you let your eyes rest on his face, gosh he looked so much more likeable without that god damn smirk (tbh he looks likeable with any face he makes) . This close, you could smell his perfume, with no doubt it smelt expensive, the scent lingering in your senses even if you turned away. You wish you could, you hoped terribly that you weren’t a messy shade of red and that oikawa couldn’t feel your racing pulse as he held your wrist. 
Once he was done, he let your arm go, allowing you to pull down your sleeves. 
“Thank you so much,” you started, “you really didn’t have to do that” you added again, can’t helping to let your eyes glance behind him where the group of girls where watching.
“It’s alright, i’m just looking out for a fellow captain, it’s what im meant to do right?” he smiled, the cheekiness creeping back into his voice.
you looked up to his eyes which were crinkled slightly due to his smile. You sent him your own one but felt your cheeks heating up so used the act of looking into you bag to turn away. 
“So how much?” you questioned, taking your purse out of your bag.
“What? no- there’s no need to pay me” he rushed, waving his hands out in front of him.
“What? I can’t let you just spend money on me like that, I’ll feel bad. now how much was it?” you defended, unzipping your purse and shuffling for a note.
“Nope, I won’t accept your money” he stated, taking your purse from you, zipping it up and dropping it back in your bag, “but if you want to return the favour in some other way...”
You face scrunched up in disgust, “you absolute-”
“Calm down Y/N-chan, not like that. unless you wanted-”
“Fine, what is it?” you interrupted, already getting annoyed by the smirk that was appearing on his face. 
“Practice with me some time” he said simply, his hands placing themselves on his hips as he leaned back.
you looked at his face, he wasn’t joking. although it sounded like such a plain request. Didn’t he have his own team mates to practice with? 
you nodded, “okay”. In other circumstances you wouldn’t have agreed so quickly but if this was the only way you could repay him back, you were willing. And besides, practice with oikawa might be beneficial, the only question is how long are you going to be able to put up with his antics?
“Excellent, so we have a deal then?” he said, offering you his hand. 
You looked down at it before taking it, “deal”
His hands were much bigger than your own but were holding yours with such gentleness that you couldn’t imagine that it was this hand that caused the bruises on your arms. 
you retracted your arms as you began to walk pass him, “thanks again, I’ll uhm, see you later” your head still turned to him as you walked away.
“See you around Y/N-chan” he cheered and began to head in the other way. 
You rolled your eyes at nickname and finally tore away from your eye contact as you heard him chuckle behind you. 
“Since when were you and oikawa friends?” 
“What did you talk about?”
“I didn’t know you two knew each other” 
With much difficulty you had finally made it to your seat, the group of girls in your class who had watched pretty much the whole of your interaction with the volleyball captain had immediately surrounded you and bombarded you with questions as soon as you stepped foot in the classroom. 
“He was just asking about volleyball things, we’re not friends” you lied, trying your best to set your things out, the girls still gathered around your table. 
“You’re so lucky, you got to talk to him by yourself for a whole three minutes! I only get to talk to him with a bunch of other girls...” one of the girls whined, the others nodding eagerly in agreement. 
Well they believed that easily. 
“Maybe we should join the volleyball club so that we’ll be able to see more of oikawa”  another girls said. 
you couldn’t help but feel slightly annoyed at this comment, now people wanted to join your club just for oikawa? 
but on the other hand you did need more members. 
“I mean, we’re always looking for new members” you let out, evaluating the girl in front of you, she was tall and you knew her to be a fast runner so maybe a wing spiker? 
“but then again i hate moving so it wouldn’t work. Sorry Y/N” she concluded, sending you an awkward smile. 
You waved it off, “it’s fine” 
“So what was he like?” another girl questioned, looking at you with anticipation.
You considered to tell them how much of an arrogant narcissist he was but seeing as you were not really in the mood to crush these girls dreams, you let out a “he’s nice”.
From the side, you heard a scoff. 
“Oh of course he is! he’s like, the perfect man” one of the girls stated and the others gave out a chorus of agreement as they made their ways back to their seats. 
“Nice my ass” 
Your eyes snapped to Iwaizumi who was leaned back in his chair, arms cross and looking at you with an expression of disbelief mixed with amusement. 
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “i didn’t want to break it to them”
He let out a chuckle, “so what did shittykawa want with you then?” 
you sighed, ready to explain your story, “when i went to return the ball pump he was there practicing his serves-”
“That idiot, I told him to go home” Iwaizumi snarled.
“Yeah, well he was there” you continued, “and i asked to receive one of them”
This statement caused iwaizumi to sit up straight and look at your with surprise, “and did you?” 
“Of course I did,” you said proudly, “on first try” 
“Wow” iwaizumi said simply, “how’d he react to that?” 
“shocked” you laughed, “then i asked if i could receive another one and if he could try blocking it when i spiked. He thought he had me cornered but i spiked it with my left hand and it went straight past him. You should've seen the look on his face” you smiled upon the memory. Extreme pride rising up in your chest at the fact you had outsmarted one of miyagi’s best players. 
“yeah he must’ve gone home crying thinking such a small girl defeated him, did he?” Iwaizumi snickered and you shrugged. 
“Anyways, this morning he came up to me and asked to see my arms” 
“Your arms?” 
“yeah, they were bruised like hell” you explained, lifting up your sleeves, “he knew that his serves would’ve done some damage so he bought me cooling pads” 
at this point iwa’s face turned stunned and you couldn't help but blush at the memory of oikawa holding your wrist carefully, ripping open the cooling pad and even just thinking of buying the pack for you. 
“are you sure that was oikawa?” he asked. 
You nodded, “im pretty sure” 
“hmm,” Iwaizumi pondered, “he’s a pain in the ass half the time but that was pretty nice of him” 
“Yeah,” you responded, starting to think more on the sudden kindness “it was” 
You looked over at the boy and you were shocked to find him staring at you with squinted eyes and his chin rested in his hand. 
“What?” you asked.
“Nothing” he stated, returning to leaning back in his chair as the teacher began to call the register. 
You too tried to turned you attention to the front but all you could think about was iwaizumi’s surprise at oikawas actions towards you. 
“Just looking out for a fellow captain”
or could it be...?
you mentally slapped yourself, thinking about how ridiculous that conclusion would be.
besides, he's just a useless flirt right? 
-is what you tried to tell yourself. but you just couldn’t stop gushing over how he stared at you, how close the two of you stood, how gently he held you. 
so throughout the lesson you had the same words repeating over in your head to try to get yourself to snap out of it.
he's just a useless flirt he's just a useless flirt he's just a useless flirt he's just a useless flirt he's just a useless flirt he's just a useless flirt he's just a useless flirt...
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samcrobae · 5 years
Angel meeting his daughter for the 1st time
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Angel x Reader, Angel running into his ex who he was madly in love with while out on a run and finds he has a daughter.
Warnings: language
“Yeah nice turn signal asshole!” You say as you slam your brakes in the parking lot of the grocery store. You pull into a spot, check your makeup, grab your bag and turn to look at your 11 month old daughter, Nora in the back seat. “Are you ready baby?” Nora smiles up at you.
Pulling her out of her car seat and shutting the door you notice a group of bikes parked across the way from you. A wave of nostalgia takes over as you remember the last time you were on the back of a bike.
“Angel! Slow down!”
“Hang on querida!”
Pushing your cart thru the aisles you couldn’t help but think about him. He was the love of your life. He was so rugged and charming. Sexy. Dangerous. More importantly, the father of your daughter. And he had no idea. But you had to leave. You couldn’t raise a baby in Santo Padre. All the shit with the club. The cartel. The rebels. It was too much. An aisle over you heard a voice you knew all too well, and your stomach was in your feet. “Aye Boy Scout, grab some snacks!”
It couldn’t be. Why was he here? Why were THEY here? Was Angel with them? You had to leave.fast. You run to self check out, scan your things and start placing them in bags. That’s when he saw you. He’d recognize that ponytail anywhere. You were too far for him to call out to you. He wasn’t sure if he even wanted you to see him. His heart nearly stopped.
“You look like you seen a ghost.” Coco stepped up next him and Angel looked in his direction. When he return to gaze back at you, you were gone. He scanned the crowd of customers for your face but couldn’t see you anymore.
You put Nora in her seat and shut the door. You began loading your groceries into your car when you heard it. The voice that made you heart stop, Angel.
“Y/N?” You froze in place.
Turning to look up at the man you loved with every inch of you, you spoke. “Hi Angel.”
He clenches his jaw at the sound of his name leaving your lips. “You look good.” Was all he could muster out. You let a quick smirk creep up your lips. “Thank you. So do you.”
“Nahhh.” He waved his hand at you. “I’ve been missing you querida. You just left. I didn’t hear from you. See you. I ain’t got shit from you. All this time, this where you been?” You let a small sigh escape your throat. “I’m staying with my sister. About 15 minutes away you remember where she lives... Angel I need-”
You were cut off by the sound of Nora crying.
Angels gaze shifts from you to the back of the car through the open trunk. “Babysitting?” He asks.
“Umm. No. She’s.... mine.” You could see the hurt, anger, and confusion in his eyes. “Yours? Wow. You uh... you fuckin with me? So you just leave me, break my heart, disappear and have a kid?”
“Angel no. I mean yes. But there’s so much to this that you don’t understand.” “Oh no? So how bout you explain it to me. What the fuck Y/N?”
“Angel. Come to my sisters place. So you can hear what I have to say. If you can escape your entourage. You know where. Look I gotta go. Come by around 5.”
The rest of the afternoon came and went. 4:50 came and you could hear the sound of his bike down the street. You wait outside and when you see his bike pull up you become nervous. He turns the engine off and gets off his bike. Making his way to you. He still had the sexy walk about him, his hair slicked back, a red flannel under his kutte.
“So,” he said, never missing a beat, “let’s hear it, mama.” He emphasizes the word “mama” as if he’s throwing a subtle jab. You both take a seat on the steps of your front porch. He pulls out a cigarette, lights it, then hands it to you, the lights one for himself. Taking a long drag, you breathe in the smoke then let it out. “Angel when I left, the last thing I wanted to do was destroy you. Shit with the club was insane. The cartel. It was a ticking time bomb. So many people were hurt.”
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He rolled his eyes and let out a sarcastic chuckle, “so you were scared and so you ran away? Didn’t think about anyone else but yourself huh? Didn’t think it would fucking break me to wake up to see your side of the bed empty? Your clothes gone ? You ignore my calls, my texts, I had the guys searching for you and this whole time you just been here? Playing house? I never let anyone in, you know that. But you? You knew everything. Knew the way I fuckin love you, knew how much I needed you, knew everything. That’s fucked querida.”
You reach over and take your hand in his and gave it a squeeze “Angel, it was because I knew everything that I needed to go. The day before I left I took a pregnancy test. 4 of them. I was pregnant Angel. I went looking for you, to tell you. But you weren’t home and you weren’t at the yard. I knew if I saw you you would convince me to stay. And I couldn’t do that to our kid. So I called my sister and I’ve been staying here since. I can’t go back Angel.”
Angel moved his hand from yours and stood up so that he was in front of you just a step or two below you. “Are you fucking with me right now? Tell me you’re fucking with me.... you’re telling me-the kid in there, the one you had in the car today, that kid is mine?” Tears formed in Angels eyes as he looked up at you.
“I’m not fucking with you Angel. She’s yours. She’s so amazing. And she’s sassy and has your eyes. She has the best little smile.”
His head shot up “she? It’s a girl? I have a daughter?”
You nod your head and he picks you up off the porch. “I have a fuckin daughter!!!”
“Do you wanna meet her? Nora.”
“Nora.” He repeats.
You look up at him with a smile “Nora Isabel Reyes”.
“She has my last name?”
“She’s your kid Angel why wouldn’t she? Come on.”
You lead him up the stairs and inside to find your sister on the floor playing with Nora. “Hey can you give us a minute? Angel would like to meet his daughter.” She gets up from the floor and heads down the hall. You bend down and pick up the baby placing her on your hip. “Hi mama... look who I brought. It’s your daddy.” Angel has been so angry for your leaving him the way you did. But seeing Nora it all made sense. You needed to keep her safe. Seeing YOU with Nora it all made sense. But now Angel wanted you to come home. To him. Be a family. You held Nora out to Angel and he nervously took her and held her against him.
“Jesus she’s perfect...” he rocked her against his chest for what felt like an eternity before she started crying and he quickly handed her back. You laughed and took her, explaining to him she was probably getting hungry. “You can stay for dinner if you want.”
“Nah mama, I gotta get back.”
You walk him to the door and he turns to look at you. “Come back with me. I miss you more than you know mi dulce. And now that Nora is here... I can keep you safe. You know that. I want this. I need this.”
You stood in silence staring up at him. “Angel, I-“ not leaving you any room to say what he was dreading to hear he protests, “think about it. But not too long, we leave tomorrow night. 7PM.” He places a hand on your waist and he leans down and plants a lingering kiss on your cheek. “You look fuckin good princesa”. He turns and walks down the steps and gets on his bike.
You had talked to your sister about everything that had happened. How you weren’t sure if you wanted to go back but you were sure you wanted a family with Angel. Your sister had said she supported whatever you decided, thought it was great Angel had a chance at being in Nora’s life.
“What do you think bebè? Do you wanna go live with your daddy?” She looked up at you and smiled. Later that night you lay in bed unable to sleep. You reach for your phone and dialed his number. You knew it by memory and you never moved your fingers so fast. It rang 3 times and at the end of the 4th ring he picks up. “Yeah?” His voice heavy with sleep, but a whisper, careful not to wake his brothers.
“Yes.” You said.
“Yes? Yes wha-Y/N? Yes? Yes?!l”
“Yes Angel. Can you meet me tomorrow before you go? Help me pack some things into the car and stuff?”
“Yeah. Be there at 6.”
“Okay. Goodnight Angel.”
“Goodnight mi dulce”.
At 6PM sharp, you heard the rumble of what sounded like several motorcycles coming down your block. “What the hell?” You thought to yourself. You watched them all park in your driveway and in front of your sisters house. You put Nora on your hip and head outside. Angel jumped off his bike and kissed your forehead. “Sorry, she needed to meet her uncles.”
He looked at the guys and they looked at Nora. “Yo, so you guys know Y/N... but.. this- this is Nora. Nora Isabel.... Reyes. My daughter.”
The guys all looked around confused. Bishop walked over to you and smiled. “I’m glad you’re alright kid. She’s beautiful.... alright let’s go! Let’s get them packed up come on!”
The guys all moved to grab bags and boxes and loaded them into your SUV. When they were done, Angel Made his way to you and said “you go. We’ll be right behind you.”
You started your car and looked up to see Nora in the rear view mirror and you were off to start your new chapter as a family with the man you loved.
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wocfics · 5 years
Step By Step
Kim Namjoon Series
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Arranged Marriage Series
Main Masterlist
KNJ x Poc Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2k+
“Shhh...come on YoungMi, please get some sleep for mommy.” You paced around your daughter’s room while rocking her in your arms. You glanced over at the clock that read 2:43 am and took a deep breath. YoungMi whined and cried quietly in your arms. You knew she couldn’t help it since she was sick and the poor thing couldn’t get sleep. After getting prescribed medicine, the doctor said it should work after a couple of hours but Namjoon, being Namjoon, forgot to give it to her before her bedtime and you were left to fix it. It had only been a few minutes since you gave it to her and she started to quiet down.
Ever since that day at the building, you and Namjoon haven’t been on the best of terms. You avoided him as much as possible, only talking to him when it was related to the child you both shared. You didn’t have long to think about the living conditions since all of your stuff had already been moved in anyways. You did what you had to for your baby, wanting nothing but the nest for her. That was a few months ago, of course and now you had to deal with a sick, crying baby. Although you weren’t talking to Namjoon as much, you were able to figure out his schedule since it was a must. 
5 am- Namjoon wakes up and so does YoungMi
5:30- Namjoon has eaten breakfast while you feed the baby as well and let Namjoon hold her for a while before heading to the studio.
6 am- YoungMi goes back down after being tired from waking up so early and you take a shower.
7 am- You cook yourself breakfast and do any cleaning that wasn’t done the night before while learning Korean through an app and books, with help from Jimin.
7:45- YoungMi wakes up and you get her dressed for the day.
Between 8 am and 10 pm you give MiMi her tummy time so she can learn to crawl, feed her and you make a grocery list for later, make lunch and do laundry.
By 12:30 YoungMi is down for her nap while you eat breakfast and learn more Korean, taking notes.
1:15- MiMi wakes up from her nap and is fed again.
2pm: You and the baby go out to the grocery store and spend some time at the Han River.
5pm: You start cooking dinner and brush up on your studies since you’re still waiting for a few phone calls for your esthetician job.
6pm- You feed MiMi again and turn on soft music for her to listen to while she sits in her bouncer and watches you make dinner. 
7pm- You give MiMi her bath
8pm- You eat and put the rest up for Namjoon
9pm- Namjoon comes home and goes right to spend some time with MiMi before bed while you learn more Korean.
10pm- Namjoon takes another shower and goes to bed while you go to bed in the other bedroom.
You had all of this figured out within the 3 months that you’ve been living together. Sometimes Namjoon will send a text to see YoungMi on his lunch break at the building so you bring her there, but you won’t say a word to him and the boys can tell that there’s a lot of tension between the two of you. They don’t speak on it, since most of them have their own issues going on already with their wives. When you do need a break, Namjoon’s mother, the angel that she is, will take the baby to give you some free time in which you do squeeze in a few sessions with a personal trainer since you wanted to get your body back.
Now, in this room with your daughter slowly falling asleep, you sniffled some since she was starting to make you sick, all from taking care of her. You kissed her head a few times, rocking back and forth. Even if your eyes felt heavy and you wanted to sleep, you knew you couldn’t until she was okay. Motherhood was definitely taking its toll on you and your body but you wouldn’t give her up for anything. It was hard, but you knew you could do it and even if you and Namjoon didn’t see eye to eye he was a great dad, a little forgetful but great to MiMi. 
Laying her down in her crib and placing a blanket over her, you walked over to the humidifier in her room and filled it with more water, turned it on and walked back to your own room. Hearing the other door open, you froze and turned to see Namjoon coming out of the room, shirtless and wearing boxers while scratching his chest and staring at you. “She okay? I heard her crying.” He grumbled. God, why does his voice have to be so deep and sexy at this hour? If you didn’t hate him so much right now you would probably be pregnant again. You hadn’t gotten laid since the night your daughter was conceived but you were sure he got his fill while you suffered.
“She’s fine now, you forgot to give her the medicine she was supposed to take hours ago.” He cursed and rubbed his face. “I forgot...I’m sorry. Hectic day and-” “It’s taken care of now, just go back to bed.” You cut him off, not really in the mood to hear what he had to say. Closing your door behind you, taking a deep breath, you sat on the edge of your bed and rubbed the back of your neck and that’s when your door opened and in walked Namjoon, closing it behind him and clasping his hands together. Was he for real? Right now at this hour and still wearing boxers? 
“Y/N...we need to talk about this now. It’s been months and this is getting ridiculous. I know we don’t know much about each other but we do have a daughter together and I would like for us to get along for her sake. There’s an award show coming up and the company wants us to invite the wives, ever since the announcement people have been waiting to see all of you so I need you on this, Y/N, please. There’s already enough stress with this comeback and the new album dropping soon.” He paused for a few seconds and looked at you. “We can talk more about it in the morning, you can even sleep in the bed with me and move your stuff into the room. I want to work this out.” He added. 
He looked like a God when he was begging like this. Blinking a few times, you rolled your eyes twice as hard as he spoke and picked at your pajama shorts before looking up at him. “I want you to apologize. Apologize to me for what you said. You wanted me to stay out of your way, you wanted me to stay in the extra bedroom and not bother you while you work and I gave you exactly what you wanted and now you hate it. I’ve been giving you what you’ve wanted besides this marriage that I had no say in...I just want you to know, that as hard as it is for you it was hard for me too, Namjoon. To be pregnant by myself with no help, drive myself to the hospital and give birth alone and then take care of her for 2 months by myself. No help, just sleeping when she sleeps and eating when she isn’t crying. So, with that, the only thing I want from you is an apology. I’ll fix everything else tomorrow and we can figure something out but I just need you to understand that I’m also overwhelmed too.” You climbed under the blanket and looked at him. 
“Please, let me get some sleep, call your mother in the morning to pick up MiMi and keep her for the day.” Namjoon nodded and gave you a small smile. “This will all work out, I promise. All relationships have obstacles and this is one of many that we will get through. Things will get crazier but I promise I’ll try my best for both of you. Um, goodnight, Y/N.” He nodded his head once again before leaving the room.
Great, now you were stuck staring up at the ceiling and thinking about what he just said. Clearly he needed to redeem himself and you could tell he felt guilty about what you went through while being alone and pregnant. Also, you had forgotten about the award show and even the whole announcement. You stayed away from most of your social media except for Instagram, which you kept extremely private and you wouldn’t dare to go on Twitter even though you had thousands of notifications. What were you gonna wear to this award show anyways?
You and the other wives had your fittings in one dressing room, all matching colors with your husband, your color was gold. You were placed in a short dress, black with gold details, the back was only slightly low and the dress itself stopped at your mid thigh, almost feeling like a second skin. Your jewelry was gold as well, a few rings, earrings, a gold diamond choker and a a bracelet. Your shoes were black, keeping those simple. You did your own hair, keeping your curls but less volume and did a simple smokey eye with a brown lip. 
You waited with the other wives, quietly talking amongst them and taking in how beautiful they all were. Jin’s wife was last to get ready, being the diva that you thought she was but once you all were ready, you waited for the boys. Looking over your fresh manicure that you were not used to having, you played with the rings on your fingers while the boys walked out, all dressed in their own style of suits but they matched the dresses overall. Namjoon stared at you, his eyes looking over your body and you glared at him before getting into the vehicle that was to escort all of you to the red carpet.
The amount of cameras and people that were on the red carpet was overwhelming. You weren’t ready at all but Namjoon, kept you next to him, holding your hand while you all walked and waited to take pictures. The screams were insane, your body tensed up every now and then but you kept a small smile on your face while posing and taking pictures. While the boys spoke, you and the other wives took a few photos together, it was weird that people knew your names and asked you to turn and take photos for them. 
Each couple had their interview, which thankfully you didn’t have to speak much and Namjoon did almost all of the talking. He led you inside, his hand on your lower back and waved at a few people. Once inside, you walked to your seats. “Are you okay?” Namjoon asked and you nodded, confused as to why until you heard the fans from afar, some cheering and others yelling bad things at you and the other wives. Scrunching your eyebrows, you held Namjoon’s hand and squeezed it while staring at the stage as they got things together. 
At one point during the show, the boys got up, more than once to accept awards and then to perform. You sat next to Jimin’s wife who was on your right, dancing in your seats to most of the songs and grinning when the boys performed. The whole night was something you never thought you would have the luxury of being in. The idols were nice, at least most of them, some of them didn’t take the time to say hi but it didn’t bother you. You knew why but you didn’t let it ruin your night.
The boys were phenomenal, winning so many awards that even they were shocked. Although it was long, it finally ended and you were able to go home. As Namjoon walked over to you, sweat on his face, you grabbed a napkin and patted it away for him, fixed his collar and jumped when you heard someone behind you call his name. Jackson Wang, of Got7. He jogged over to you two and briefly spoke to Namjoon, asking him to come to the after party. 
Within the two weeks that you moved back into the main bedroom, worked out your schedules and your daughter got over her cold, things were looking better. The fandom was still shaken up, but on your end, this was what you wanted for your daughter, a great life and even greater parents. 
You nodded to Namjoon, seeing as he was looking at you for confirmation for the after party. Of course, you would be going with him since Jackson insisted. 
The after party was a different atmosphere, more relaxed than the award show. There were drinks, actual food and music playing. The building in which it was being held was beautifully decorated, red carpeting and a chandelier in the middle of the room. The first thing you did was grab a glass of wine and took a sip while Namjoon introduced you to a few people. Jackson made his way back over. “You made it and you brought your beautiful wife.” He cheered and finished his glass of whatever he was drinking and held out his hand to you. He kissed the back of your hand and you full on smiled, giggling. “Wow, Namjoon-ah, you really outdid it. She’s so beautiful. Your dress is amazing.” He commented towards you and you thanked him as he spun you around.
From the corner of your eye, you can see Namjoon’s jaw tighten visibly and he pulled you back to his side and stared down at you. Jackson was still holding onto your hand, looking over your rings and showering you in compliments, your face was burning from it all and Namjoon took your now empty glass from you and went to get you another one.
“So how does it feel to be Mrs. Kim Namjoon, huh? Where did you two meet and how come I didn’t see you first?” He joked and you laughed, explaining that you met in California a little over a year ago. You let go of his hand as he talked about his music and the trips he had lined up, you noticed Namjoon standing by the bar, watching you, carefully and you hugged Jackson goodbye, his hands rubbing your back before letting go.
Once you were in front of Namjoon, he leaned down to your ear. “We’re leaving now.” He ordered and grabbed your hand, pulling you with him out of the building and towards the car that was waiting for you. He sent a quick text and the other members came piling into the car with you and you all drove off.
You didn’t know what caused this sudden change in character for him but something told you he was angry about whatever it was. Maybe Jackson being too friendly or maybe he just wasn’t feeling well. Whatever it was, you were gonna ask him once you two got home anyways.
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trauma-13 · 4 years
Birth story.
I'm posting this mostly so I can remember it down the line when it's not as fresh in my mind.
On may 27th, I had my weekly OB appointment. I was 38 weeks and 2 days. I went in, peed in a cup, and waited for my appt time. I got called back shortly, and had my vitals take. My blood pressure was 128/88. Not bad, but higher than it had been, even just the day before. I honestly didn't think much of it. My provider comes in, says she wants to recheck my BP, draw labs, and schedule me for a induction once I got to 39 weeks. She was concerned because my BP was higher and I had slight protein in my urine-for those not in the medical field reading this, she was concerned I was developing pre-eclampsia which is a very serious complication of pregnancy. So the MA comes back, rechecks my pressure-136/96. I assumed it was from anxiety of now being told I may have pre-eclampsia. My provider was in another room, so the MA had me go to the lab area to start blood work while she waited for the doc to finish in the other room. My doctor walked in the room a couple minutes later and said "nevermind labs, I want you to go to Shea (my delivery hospital)" I immediately started to panic, and asked "why, am I going to be induced?" She told me she didn't know yet, but wanted me to get stat labs, and be monitor vitally and the baby monitored for a couple hours. She said depending on labs would depend if I would be induced. She told me she'd see me at Shea.
Needless to say, I was pure panic. I'm not sure how I didn't burst into tears right then, but I some how didn't. I was terrified. Being a nurse, I know the bad things that can happen, and of course that's all I was focused on. I got to my car, still not crying, and called my husband. I told him to get dressed, and grab stuff to go to Shea, that I was fine and that I would tell him everything when I got home. Still no crying. I called my mom, because well she's my mom and she was going to come and stay with our dogs when I went into labor so they weren't alone for potentially days on end. As soon as mom answered the phone, all the walls came down and I started crying. Not just normal crying, full blown, can't talk, sobbing. She, of course, panics. She knew I had an OB appt, and she assumed the worst. I finally got my self together enough to tell her "I'm fine, the baby is fine," I explained everything that was going on, and that I was heading to the hospital shortly. I talked to her the entire 6 minute car ride home, still crying, and scared. She asked me if I wanted her to come up, and I said yes. She lives 3 hrs away, so it's not like she's close. I didn't know what the next few hours of my life held, and that was terrifying.
I got home, James had grabbed all our stuff, and had made sure to get the extra last minute things too. He asked if I was okay because I'd obviously been crying, I told him physically yes, emotionally no and that I was afraid of the next few hours and the uncertainty. We took the dogs out, stopped to get gas, and headed to Shea.
We get to the hospital around 1pm or so. I told them everything my doc had said, and the tech checking me in said my doc had called ahead and let them know about me. Even more fear sets in. We get back to a room, I give them a urine sample and change into the lovely gown. My nurse comes in and does her exam and tells me the plan. We're going to draw labs, monitor me and the baby and depending on all of the results would determine our next steps. At this point I had let my mother in law, and 3 best friends know what was going on incase we did get admitted for induction.
We sat in the room for a couple hours. I was contracting basically the whole time, but they were about 20 mins apart. I asked the nurse about it, she said they were fairly strong on the monitor, but weren't close enough yet. So around 5pm or so, another nurse comes in, she says my original nurse got pulled into an emergency delivery, but that she was going to discharge me so we could go home. I was a bag of emotions at this point. I had accepted that I'd be induced and would meet our baby soon, and had gotten over the fear and now I was being discharged. I was given strict orders to go home, relax, drink lots of water and "come back in 24 hrs for repeat labs, and make sure to bring your hospital bags when you come tomorrow," to me, that meant we were being induced tomorrow. Apparently it's some insurance thing, that they couldn't induce me that day. No clue.
So we go home. My mom's at the house. I told her everything they said and the plan for the next day.
Fast forward to 4pm the next day, it was time to head back to Shea. We got all of our things together and head over. I got checked into triage and brought back to a triage room. They hooked me up to the monitors, and at that point everything looked okay. Babys strip was great, I wasn't really contracting and my BP was doing okay at 130s/80s. They drew blood and then it was a waiting game.
I had started contracting again about 45 minutes after getting to the hospital. They were strong, and painful, and about 8-10 mins apart. They were painful enough that I was having to completely stop whatever I was doing, and just focus on breathing. I was assuming it was because I was stressed because the same thing had happened the day before. Of course, my blood pressure started to go up. Nothing crazy, but it was higher, about 140s/90s. My doctor came in around 6pm and said she wanted to admit me and induce me. She was concerned that if I went into labor naturally my BP would elevate too much and cause further issues. The plan was to admit me to labor and delivery, start pitocin, do an epidural, and have a baby! My doctor said, "around 4am we'll have this baby, so try to nap and relax once you get to the other room." Shift changed happens at 7pm, so one of the triage nurses started an IV, some fluids and we waited for the night shift nurse to come on for me to go over to the other room.
Around 715-730ish my L&D nurse came over and we headed over to the other room. During the *maybe* 1 minute walk over to the other room I had to stop and just breathe because holy contractions! Again, still convinced I wasn't really in labor. We got to L&D, I sat on the bed, and my nurse started asking me all the normal questions and asked what my plan was reguarding an epidural and if I wanted to do that before or after the pitocin. I was right in the middle of a VERY strong and painful contraction, and I didn't answer her right away. After the contraction passed, she said I looked incredibly uncomfortable and asked if I was okay. I straight up just started crying and told her I was so uncomfortable, and frankly I was terrified of pitocin. James was rubbing my back, and she grabbed my hands and said "don't worry, I'll go page the anaesthesiologist right now and we'll put the epidural in before we even think about pitocin. I want you comfortable first and foremost." I tried to lay down and get as comfy as possible until the doc came in.
Around 8pm he came in, explained the whole procedure and we got it done. It was so quick, and easy and I had such immediate relief. I could finally relax!! Physically and mentally! After the epidural was in, my nurse checked me, I was 4-5cm dialated, 90% effaced and 0 station. My nurse called my doc to ask if we wanted to start pitocin or wait and see what my body did naturally, my doc wanted to start the pitocin just because my BP was still elevated at this point even with the epidural and pain relief. We started the pitocin around 830pm or so, and my water still hadnt broken at this point. The plan was for my doctor to come in at 930pm and break my water if it hadn't happened naturally at that point.
Fast forward to 945ish and my doc comes in to break my water. Weirdest feeling ever. She also put Baby J on one of the internal monitors because he kept coming off the external monitor. At that point I was 5cm, 90%, and still 0 station. My nurse helped me lay on my left side and we were going to try to nap since we were in for a long night. James had started dozing pretty quickly, and I started feeling contractions again. Crazy strong, very frequent, maybe about 1 minute apart or so. I was holding his hand and felt like I was going to break his fingers Everytime I had a contraction. I remember looking at the clock and it being around 1010 and thinking "okay if my nurse hasn't come in by 1015, I'll call her" because DAMN were those contractions painful.
Within a few minutes my nurse came in, I honestly don't know how many minutes it had been because I was busy breathing hah! She said she was going to have the doctor put in an internal contraction monitor as well because she wasn't sure that the external was super accurate. My doc comes in within a few mins, and goes to place the monitor and says "oh, oh, you're complete and we need to push now because he's practically crowning" (apparently all that pain and pressure was my body saying hey let's do this!)
Nothing was ready! We weren't planning on having a baby for another few hours so the birth cart wasn't even in the room. The nurse grabbed one really quick while my doc was putting on shoe covers, she had enough time to throw on the sterile gown and gloves before i felt like I needed to push. My nurse had barely had time to page the baby nurse!
I pushed 3x over that contraction. Definitely yelled fuck, but otherwise, I don't remember saying anything/making any noise at all. My nurse coached me how to push effectively and how to curl my body to help.
Second contraction, pushed 3 more times. The whole time James was holding my left foot and rubbing my shoulder. He was his usual quiet self, which I expect nothing else hah!
Third contraction I pushed 3 more times. At the end of the third one my doc told me to take a big breath and give one big push. So I did. And little dude was born at 1036pm!
I pushed for around 7 minutes total (per James) before our little one was born. I had to get stitches, but I don't even remember it happening. As soon as they put my son on my chest, nothing else mattered. I couldn't stop shaking, or crying. It was completely uncontrollable. I was so overwhelmed! I went from the thought of having a baby hours from now, to having a baby in my arms 7 minutes later! It happened so fast we didn't even have time to tell my mom that it was game time. The plan was to have her on FaceTime so she could help talk to me and support us even though she couldn't physically be there.
Baby J was a few minutes old and I asked James to call my mom on FaceTime. When she answered she immediately started crying once she saw the baby and heard him crying. I kept apologizing for not calling her, I felt so bad even though it's so silly! James told her I started pushing about 10 mins ago and had a baby so quickly we didn't even have time to think about anything else. Of course she wasn't upset at all.
Once I was stitched up, my nurse shut off the epidural and helped clean me up a bit. After she said she was going to step out, and give us time to ourselves with our little one, but to call if we needed her. I held my little boy and just stared at him. He was perfect! The only better thing than holding him myself, was seeing James hold him for the first time. Que crying all over again.
He was born on May 28th, 2020 at 1036pm, 6lbs 1oz, and 19 inches long. I didn't get my June baby, but he's absolute perfection and has our entire hearts. Our little one is turning 7 weeks on Thursday. I can't believe he's been here for 7 weeks already. Motherhood has been the hardest most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life.
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corvo-bianco-lilacs · 4 years
Oh, darling, everybody sees how you look at him. Geralt x Yen ModernAU
Yennefer wouldn’t be hindered by Geralt. Sure, he was absolutely handsome, and the scars on his arms and neck were riddled with stories that she wanted to listen to all night, but she couldn’t let her heart be handed over so easily. He had just gotten out of a relationship with her friend, and she would be damned if she would be that shallow.
So she watched him instead. She joined the gym just so she could glance at him during training sessions. So she could watch him spar with his friends, Eskel and Lambert. So she could see as much of him as she could. Plus, it didn’t hurt to tone up in the process.
At the moment, she was enjoying a coffee and nibbling on a bagel. Triss approached her, taking the seat opposite her with her own coffee and bagel. The auburn-haired woman stretched out a leg and nudged Yen’s foot with her own.
“You’re distracted.” She giggled, earning a frustrated sigh from Yen.
“What is it, Triss?” She questioned, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Well... I’ve heard you joined a gym recently.” She began, elbows on the table as she rested her chin on her folded hands.
“And that Geralt has seen you there practically every time he’s there.” There was teasing in her voice, but Yen knew Triss well enough. This was a serious conversation.
“So? I’m allowed to go to the gym, Triss.” Yen huffed, arms folding across her chest as she gazed across the table at her friend.
“Yes, you are. But come on Yenna… Be honest with yourself for a moment.” Triss whispered, leaning across the table and putting her hand on Yen’s arm.
“I am honest, Triss. I’m going to the gym for me.” Yen bit back, violet eyes focused on cornflower blue. “I’m not going there to see Geralt... I don’t even look at him.”
“Oh, darling... Everybody sees how you look at him.” Triss replied, a soft smile on her lips as Yen’s gaze snapped back to her.
“W-what?” She stuttered, shaking her head and tossing her hair about her shoulders. “I don’t look at him in any kind of special way. He broke up with you. Maybe I’m looking at him because I’m pissed off with him.”
“Yenna, our breakup was a mutual agreement. I don’t hold any resentment towards him.” Triss chuckled, her heart warmed by her dearest friend’s reaction. “But you do look at him a certain way...”
Yen huffed and turned her head to gaze back out of the window. There, across the street, was Geralt gazing back at her. She startled, turning her gaze back to her coffee and half-eaten bagel.
“What is he doing here?”
“I asked him to come.” Triss replied. “Time for you to open up, Yenna.” Triss chuckled, standing from the table and walking over to the door to greet Geralt as he stepped inside. The two of them approached the table and Geralt took a seat between them, his t-shirt straining against his biceps as he reached for the coffee that Triss had bought him. “I’ll see you later, Yenna. I have some work to do before this weekend.”
Before Yen could protest, Triss had already gathered her things and left the coffee shop, leaving Geralt and Yen alone together. Yen felt her cheeks heat up as Geralt took a sip of his coffee, her eyes following the bob of his Adam’s Apple as he swallowed the liquid. He licked his lips, cleaning them of any coffee she would have wished to kiss off. His amber eyes glanced around the room, allowing her a moment to look him over properly.
His arms were toned and powerful, complete with biceps that could make any woman swoon. He was wearing a pair of jeans that fit snugly against his waist, hugging his hips and, presumably, his ass. Triss had always talked him up to her, saying how handsome he was and how perfectly built he was. She wasn’t wrong, as Yen could plainly see now. Geralt turned his head back to her, his ashen hair pulled back into a haircut that she had seen on many of the young men that hung around Iorveth, and startled her, chuckling as he caught sight of her attempt to turn her gaze before he saw her staring at him.
“Tell me Yennefer... What draws you to me?” He questioned, resting his chin on his knuckles as he gazed at her. He could see the brilliant flush on her cheeks, but didn’t mention it to her. Instead, he took her look in.
“I... I don’t know.” She sighed, turning her gaze from him. “I’m still mad at you for hurting Triss.”
“She didn’t tell you that it was a mutual breakup?” He questioned, clearly confused on his ex’s failure to tell her best friend that they had agreed to end their relationship as it had turned into being purely about sex with no real care for each other. “Look Yennefer, Triss and I broke up because our relationship dissolved into just meeting up for sex... That’s it. There was no more love between the two of us.”
“And that makes it better?” She questioned, her gaze now turned back to him. “That makes up for her crying in bed trying to get over you?”
“It doesn’t make it better, no... But we’re no longer hurting each other.” He concluded, a soft sigh pushing past his lips. “But she says that you can’t keep away from me, and from you coming to the gym every time I’m there, I can believe her.” He smiled and she melted at the sight.
“And were she to be right?” She questioned, leaning over and gazing up at him.
“Then I’d consider myself the luckiest man in the world.” He replied, closing the distance between them.
Yen smirked at his smile and offered him her hand. He took it and placed a kiss to her knuckles before leaning back upright.
“So... I’ll see you tomorrow night... 7pm at LA Fitness.” He smiled, standing from the table and leaving a tip for the waitress.
“I’ll see you there.” Yen replied, standing up to walk out with him. “And please... Call me Yen. Yennefer is so formal.”
“Alright Yen... Let me walk you home?”
“With pleasure.”
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