#how’s uhhh how’s that going for you champ??
transmechanicus · 8 months
Brb crying on this friday night
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧(?) 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬, 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 (but patience).
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: A small collection of stories like Batmom! Scarlet Witch as a mother for her children, unintentionally but not by accident, and how it started all with each one.
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Being a member of the Wayne family comes with its quirks.
Being Bruce Wayne's wife has twice the quirks when you consider your husband's nocturnal activities, and it's this second category of quirks that usually concerns you the most.
Or at least that's what you thought would happen when you married him. But, even with being a retired vigilante yourself and already knowing everything that Bruce was Batman implied, it turned out that the other side of the coin was the one that began to bother you the most.
¿Your husband goes out every night dressed as a giant bat and comes back just before the sun rises?
No problem, you handled that like a champ.
¿The city press, who are desperate to know about the woman who finally put Gotham's prodigal son off the market and how the marriage goes every moment of every day?.
Yeah, you hadn't been ready for that.
Over time you got used to the drama and the questions, it helped that you could read their minds before they asked the question for your response planning. But there was one question that haunted you from the first official gala you and Bruce attended after the wedding (which was less than two weeks after the wedding, by the way): ¿When are you going to be pregnant? ¿When do you plan to have a child? ¿Can we soon expect ball gowns to become looser for a bulging belly with a Wayne heir?
And so, on and on, for infinity.
The answer had been maybe or someday, considering that they were both of you still young and in no rush.
In truth, tho, you two had never really considered the possibility of having children. Bruce didn't feel fit to be a father for many reasons. And the possibility of you passing your powers to a biological child was too high to risk. So it was never a card on the table to have children together when you got married, and you both were fine with that. There were talks about adopting as a possibility, but far in the future, like it was almost like a fantasy you two knew that would probably never happen anyway.
But then, things happened…
ACT ONE: a boys tale.
chapter one is Richard “Dick” Grayson
chapter two is Jason “Jay” Todd
chapter three....... (coming soon)
chapter four....... (coming soon)
chapter five....... (coming soon)
ACT TWO: is a girl's world.
chapter six....... (coming soon)
chapter seven....... (coming soon)
chapter eighth....... (coming soon)
TAGLIST: If someone wants to be added or removed from this list, you can request it. The TAG LIST is OPEN.
@some-lovely-day @simonsbluee @yuki-chan23 @miyakana @myst3batz @otchae @d3m0n8ch1ld @marsenbie @mynameisnotlaura @andieperrie18 @totallynotme420 @igotmessymind @amarawayne @calsjack @kodzukenmaaa @mellowdiy @noah-uhhh-what @blarba-girl @dead-sane-stuff @huhuhhuhh @kimmis-stuff @undecided-shipper @thedazzlingburglar @chxrry-blxssxm-tea @stilesxreid @blarba-girl @mellowdiy @noah-uhhh-what @dead-sane-stuff @huhuhhuhh @undecided-shipper @g0shikix3 @athenniene @cluelessteam @urminebutidontwantyou @pato-spoiler-27 @beanpd
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Lee pomni with ler ragatha🥹 I ship them sooo hard
Alrighty then!
The Student becomes The Master
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Summary: Pomni has been picking up some things from Jax and tries them on Ragatha, it doesn’t go well
“Pomni…what are you doing?” Ragatha questioned as she noticed Pomni creeping around cartoon style behind her. “Uhhh nothing! Gotta go!” Pomni chuckled nervously before taking off a few meters then disappearing behind a random corner.
“Jax! She caught meeee!” Pomni told the rabbit from around the corner. Jax only laughed halfheartedly, “Don’t worry about it kid, it’ll take a while before you’re a champ like me. But for now you’re only startin’ out!” Jax laughed, waving the girl off then walking off, Pomni following close behind.
“Where are we going?” Pomni asked, running up to Jax to catch up. “We’re going back to my room, we’re going to plan out our next prank. Hopefully one that won’t let Dollface catch you.” Jax explained, reaching the stairs leading to the living areas and scaling them, reaching his room soon after and opening the door, walking in with Pomni and shutting the door soon after.
“I wonder what that was about..” Ragatha muttered, shrugging and walking up to Caine who was nearby. “Caine!” Ragatha called, walking up to the ringleader who noticed Ragatha calling him and floated down to her level.
“Yes my dear?” He asked her, watching as her expression morphed into a curious one, “Have you seen Pomni and Jax? I saw Pomni creeping around behind me a few minutes ago then when I asked her about it she got super defensive and disappeared around one of the corners.” Ragatha explained, as she spoke that same confused look making its way onto Caine’s face.
“Hmm…no I haven’t seen them but let me go check up on them that does sound rather strange..” Caine hummed before disappearing, leaving Ragatha to herself waiting by the stage where he left her.
“Pomni? Jax?” Caine asked, popping up randomly in Jax’s room. The moment Caine appeared Jax and Pomni’s eyes widened, scrambling to hide the papers they were just talking over and straightening themselves out trying to look as casual as possible.
“Heyyyy Caine, whatcha doing here-?” Jax tried to downplay the brief panic that went down when Caine first arrived, unfortunately Caine noticed. “What was that?” Caine questioned, not buying it for a second.
“Alright we’ll tell you but you have to promise not to tell!” Pomni exclaimed, sighing in relief when Caine nodded. “Okay Jax has been teaching me how to play pranks like him and we’ve been trying to prank Ragatha but my last attempt didn’t work so here we are.” Pomni explained, smiling when Caine nodded in understanding.
“I see, well you guys have fun! Keep it safe though!” Caine told them with finger guns and a wink before disappearing, leaving the two pranksters to their planning.
“So what happened?” Ragatha asked Caine as he reappeared right in front of her. “Oh it’s nothing, don’t worry about it my dear!” Caine assured her, waving a hand in her direction before laughing and disappearing from sight only making Ragatha more suspicious.
“What is up with everyone today…” Ragatha muttered, standing up and going to find the regular trio. She had to wander for a little bit but she finally found them, Zooble and Gamgle sitting with Kinger in a slide while the chess piece jabbered on about his insect collection.
“Hey guys I don’t mean to interrupt but I have a question.” Ragatha told them, approaching the three who turned to look at her. “What is it Ragatha?” Gangle spoke up, her comedy mask thankfully still intact.
“Have you guys seen Jax or Pomni? They’ve been acting strange and I asked Caine but he started acting strange too…” She murmured to herself, beginning to stress the whole situation. “Sorry Rags we haven’t seen them. What happened?” Zooble told her, asking her to get a better idea on the situation.
“Well I was hanging out by myself minding my own business and I noticed Pomni creeping around behind me so I turned around and asked her what she was doing but she started acting super weird and ran off behind a corner before disappearing.” Ragatha explained, watching as their expression quickly became confused.
“That does sound odd…do you have any idea on what it might be?” Kinger spoke next, asking her and trying to get her to calm down since now her emotions started showing on her face. “No I don’t..” She replied, taking deep breaths and calming herself down.
“I’m sure I’ll find out eventually, thanks you guys.” Ragatha told them, smiling softly before turning around and waving goodbye, walking out of the slide and back the way she came.
“Think this is something you’ll be able to pull off pipsqueak?” Jax asked Pomni as she stared at the paper in front of her, maybe finally finding something that was doable for someone like her.
“Yeah! It shouldn’t be that hard…right?” Pomni questioned, starting to second guess herself. “Yeah! It’s just the good ol’ bucket on the door prank! You got this! Plus I’m pretty sure Dollface just went to her room I heard her door so you have it basically all set up for ya! You just gotta put the bucket on the door then you’ll be good!” Jax told her, reassuring her on the prank.
“Alright if you say so.” Pomni told him, looking at the other for confirmation. “Rags usually leaves her door propped open so that’s prime for that kind of thing.” Jax told her, reaching behind him and handing her a bucket full of flour.
“Now go put this on her door and wait for the magic to happen~” Jax grinned, standing up and following her out the door. “Uhhh I can’t reach..” Pomni told Jax, staring up at the top of Ragatha’s door.
“That’s what I’m here for Pipsqueak.” Jax told her, picking her up so she could place the bucket on Ragatha’s door. After the bucket was placed Jax put Pomni back down and knocked on her door before racing back to his room with Pomni, keeping the door propped open so they could watch.
It took a few minutes but Ragatha finally came to her door, grabbing the knob and pushing the door open with a confused noise, that only lasted a few seconds though since the flour bucket came crashing down on her head, her whole being turned white in a matter of minutes.
Ragatha stood there in disbelief for a moment before turning her shocked gaze to Jax’s propped open door where two pairs of eyes were that just ducked quickly behind the door, followed by lots of giggling, “So that’s what Pomni was doing…plotting with Jax.” Ragatha told herself, a small smile forming on her face.
“But that still doesn’t excuse what they did!” Ragatha yelled to herself, storming down the hall earning more laughter from behind Jax’s door.
“Woah what happened to you?!” Zooble exclaimed, trying to hold back laughter as Ragatha came down the hall still covered in flour. “Jax. Jax and Pomni happened.” Ragatha grumbled, storming over to Caine and glaring up at him.
“Caine help me!” Ragatha yelled up at him, catching the ringleader’s attention who was not so lucky in holding back his laughter at her appearance.
“Rahahagathahaha what hahahappended you yohohou?!” Caine cackled, falling from the air and onto the ground where he stood back up, recovering from his laughter when he saw her expression.
“Okahahay okahay!” Caine chuckled, snapping his fingers and all the flour disappeared from Ragatha’s body which she sighed in contentment. “Much better. Thank you.” Ragatha told him, turning around and walking to the dining area since dinner was about to start.
“Jax. Pomni.” Ragatha glared at the two of them who tried to look as casual as possible but were having a hard time holding back their laughter after the previous encounter with her. “Y-Yehes Ragahatha..?” Pomni snickered, looking over at her curiously and almost bursting into full blown laughter at her irritated expression.
“Nevermind.” Ragatha replied, not being able to help the fond smile that made its way onto her face, happy that at least Pomni and Jax were getting along.
“Oh great…” Ragatha muttered as Jax and Pomni started whispering to each other again. “Alright if you’re finished with your food go ahead and go back to whatever you were doing!” Caine announced, disappearing from the room once more.
Immediately Ragatha grew suspicious as Jax and Pomni jumped up from the table simultaneously and ran off towards the living quarters again. “Hopefully their pranks will be on someone else this time…” Ragatha sighed, pushing her chair from the table and standing up, making her way back towards the living quarters.
Once she arrived at her room she looked over her shoulder and noticed that Jax’s door was propped open again so although she’s embarrassed to admit it she decided to spy on them.
She crept up to the propped open door and peeked in, seeing the two of them sitting on the floor in front of a ton of papers. “Alright Pomni we’re doing Ragatha again, what do you think we should do next?” Jax asked the small jester who hummed curiously.
“I’m not sure you’re the expert what do you think?” Pomni asked him and he grinned, “I thought you’d never ask pipsqueak.” Jax answered, starting to draw out the next prank they were going to do on her, the hide two real three.
“I’ve heard of this one, at least I know what they’re planning now.” Ragatha grinned to herself, “Alright Pomni here’s what’s gonna happen, you’re going to do this one yourself. You’re gonna go in her room while she’s not in there and initiate it and come back here okay?” Jax explained, grinning when she mock-saluted at him.
“Got it I can do that! When are we doing so?” Pomni asked him and he replied by pointing to his clock, in 10 minutes which gives you plenty of prep time and plenty of time for Rags to leave her room K?” Jax checked with her and she nodded in understanding.
“Alright so I have 10 minutes…I have an idea.” Ragatha whispered to herself, going back to her room and making a call to Caine.
“Alright 10 minutes is up Pipsqueak!” Ragatha heard Jax yell and soon after heard Pomni start to creep to her room. She was hidden behind the door and she made a call to Caine to dress up as her and leave the room as a decoy, leaving the door propped open practically as an invitation for Pomni to come in.
Once Pomni entered the room and went a little far into it Ragatha kicked the door closed and locked it making Pomni jump. Pomni turned around and met Ragatha’s triumphant look, “H-Hey Ragatha..” Pomni stuttered, growing more nervous as a grin started to form on Ragatha’s face.
“Hey Pomni..” Ragatha began, starting to walk closer to Pomni who started backing away until she hit the front of Ragatha’s bed and fell back on it, “Mind telling me what you’re doing here?” Ragatha leaned over the jester, getting close to her face with a small smirk.
“Uhh…nothing! I came here for a visit!” Pomni tried talking her way out of it but a small nervous smile lifted on her face as she jumped when Ragatha grabbed her sides. “Is that so? So you weren’t coming here to play a prank on me? Don’t think I didn’t hear you planning with Jax I know what you’re actually here for.” Ragatha grinned as Pomni’s smile quickly became wider and more wobbly.
“T-Thehen what about him?! Go gehet Jax!” Pomni tried selling him out but unfortunately that didn’t work either, “Oh yeah I’ll be coming after him later but for now…” Ragatha began, already starting by letting her fingers skitter and flutter over Pomni’s sides, “It’s your turn.”
“Rahahahagathahaha!” Pomni cried, grabbing onto Ragatha’s wrists as she curled in on herself, giggling madly and squirming around. “A little ticklish Pomni? Well it makes sense you’re a jester and laughter is your specialty~” Ragatha teased lightly, moving up to scratch over her ribs making the jester jerk with a gasp before falling into more frantic laughter.
“What happened Pomni? Bad spot?” Ragatha taunted, smiling as Pomni started squirming more, “Nohohohoho I’m fihihihine let me gohohoho!” Pomni whined, batting at the offending fingers.
“I think your face says otherwise, you’re so red it’s so cute!” Ragatha told the other, grinning wider when Pomni’s laughter jumped an octave, thrashing more. Ragatha was about to question why when she looked at her hands, they moved and were now tickling the jester’s underarms.
“RAHAhahagatHAHAHA!!” Pomni laughed harder, unable to control the volume now as one of her worst spots were targeted. “Yes Pomni~?” Ragatha teased, switching her technique to scratching making the other girl throw her head back in mirth, legs kicking futilely behind her.
“SOHOhohohohoHOHOMEWHEHEheheheheHEHERE ELSE PLEHEheheheheHEHEHEASE!!” Pomni cackled, pushing weakly at Ragatha’s hands whereas the doll only chuckled lightheartedly, “Well my hands are kinda trapped you need to lift your arms before I can move them~” Ragatha informed the jester who only whined.
“NOHOhohohoho! Ihihits a trahahahap!” Pomni called her out but she only laughed, “No it’s not trust me!” Ragatha exclaimed, slowing her fingers to a stop so Pomni could trust her more.
With a nervous whine she slowly lifted her arms but immediately slammed them back down when Ragatha dug in harder, “Ragahahahathahaha!” Pomni complained but she only laughed.
“Okay okay I’m sorry I’m serious this time! I need my hands back though.” Ragatha muttered and smiled when Pomni slowly raised her arms again and Ragatha pulled her hands free and moved them up to Pomni’s neck and started fluttering, making the jester scrunch up, laughter dying down to breathy giggles.
“Better?” Ragatha asked, a smile on her face which grew when she nodded, “Yeheheheah.” Pomni giggled, squirming around a little as her neck was playfully attacked. “Rahagathahaha!” Pomni cried, giggling like mad as the doll still didn’t let up.
But seeing as the jester started to get a little tired Ragatha decided to show mercy. “Alright alright I’m done.” She chuckled, slowing her fingers to a stop and climbing off the smaller girl and sitting by her side as she caught her breath.
Once she did she sat up and looked Ragatha in the eye. “When you go to get Jax..can I come?” Pomni asked, a hopeful smile on her face and said smile turning into a grin when Ragatha smirked, turning her eyes to her closed door and then back at her.
(This one was fun! I will be making a part 2 where Ragatha comes after Jax but it’ll be pretty short, more like a drabble since it’s just a small snippet, I hope you enjoyed! ^^)
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So you know how I didn't go to Kitakami?
What happened out there????
- @paldea-champ-n1cki
Uhhh. Where do I start.
It's been pretty quiet lately. Just me showing Kiki all of the games I have on my Switch, and occasionally touching grass when my friends force me to.
...Okay, nah, the festivals aren't that bad. I think I even enjoyed dancing for a bit... as long as I was wearing a Veevee mask nobody could see my face in...
But the first day, this weird little Pokémon called Pecharunt started feeding everyone weird mind-control mochi. ...And used it to make us all do the Combusken Dance and battle my friend. Kinda weird, but I guess not the worst experience...
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
OC (kinda??) x Postal 2 Dude
Photos (Part 1)
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SOO I really like this one official piece of Postal art work & I decided to make some Yaoi based off dude & this random guy 😎 so he’s not really a oc but he has no canon personality or name or anything to my knowledge so yeah!!! Tw ig for g0re mentions. I named him Sam!!!! :3 uhhH let me know if u guys want a part two! Sorry for any mistakes 🫡
“Ah- Shit Dude I told you not to pull so hard.” The blonde grumbled from below Dude, his hand that held onto Dudes arm, tightening in grip. Dude let out a almost sadistic chuckle before loosing his grip on Sams hair. “Well sorry for trying to make your damn pictures look more realistic.” He teased before making some kinda motion similar to ruffling the blondes hair apologetically. However, it only made Sam huff before getting up off the ground and walk over to behind the camera. Dude only watched him for a moment before rolling his eyes and then starring down at the fake blood that drenched his own clothes.
In reality, there was so many different ways Dude could help Sam get more realistic imagery. He could have really roughed Sam up, brought over real blood and gory bits, strike real fear into Sams heart, and really beat the blondes jaw in, but he supposed there was no point in any of that. The photoshoot was to show of Sams skills in special effect makeup for his silly little website he had in hopes that someone, somewhere in the film industry would reach out to him about working on something together. The photos weren’t being took to showcase actual real pain.
He also supposed his fondness of Sam was the main reason he didn’t wanna do anything too crazy and genuinely terrify him. This was his one only genuine good friend he’d had in ages (besides Champ of course). So he had to repress whatever urges sneaked up into his missed up little mind to the best of his abilities unless he wanted to go back to feeling utterly alone in this shitty town again.
Dude was brought out of his thoughts once Sam let out a impressed whistle after a while of the sound of him clicking around to look at each picture. He even has a slight little grin which was rare coming from him. The man usually had a empty, emotionless resting bitch face which fit for him pretty well as a person. Sam was a huge horror nerd, darkly inclined, and loved the paranormal and real true crime stories. The only thing about him that didn’t quite fit that kinda stereotypical person was instead of a mass of messy dark long hair, he had platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes, which Dude made it a point to pick on him for, at least once or twice a week.
“What?” Dude asked as he wiped some of the fake blood off his hand and onto his already ruined shirt. Sam motioned for him to come over behind the camera before making room for him to look at it himself. Once Dude came over, he had to squint at the small picture to see it clearly. It was.. a cool picture he guessed but he wasn’t exactly sure what was so impressive about it. Sam took notice of Dudes confused expression and huffed yet again before pointing to Dudes face in the photo. “Look man! That’s pure insanity on your face right there. You look so fucking cool.” Before moving his finger and yet again examining the picture.
Dude wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about that comment…He definitely wasn’t offended or really anything like that but honestly he didn’t try to put that much energy into the ‘crazed’ look Sam had wanted from him yet. But well…whatever. He knew he just naturally seemed to scare people anyways and if that helped Sam out, then who gives a shit?
“Mm..Guessed ya picked the right type of guy for this project, huh? I know you wouldn’t want my ugly face in your pictures just for no reason.” Dude joked as he reached into his trench coat pocket for his sunglasses. The lighting in the room was killing his eyes, who turns their living room into a makeshift studio of sorts anyways?
Sam glanced up from the camera and back to him, his black expression coming back. “You’re not ugly, Dude. I picked you because you get my vision, you got cool style, and well.. I don’t know anyone around who wouldn’t be a big baby about doing this kinda stuff.”
“So you only picked me because everyone else thinks you’re weird? That’s-”
“Exactly the same boat you’re in?” Sam finished the sentence before yet again, facing back towards the camera. Dude stood still for a moment in silence before biting his bottom lip and faking a karate chop awfully close next to Sams neck, which only caused him to flinch slightly. “mm- You’re soo lucky I like you Sammy.” Dude threatened jokingly with a grin before he stood up right again. “Mhm. Anyways, I think I got some really good pictures I’ll definitely use. So go shower.”
Dude raised a eyebrow. “Huh?”
Turning off the camera for right now, Sam wiped his ‘bloody’ hands across his jeans while looking at Dude. “Put your clothes in the washer and go shower. I’m taking you to dinner.” He clarified, matter-of-factly. Again, Dude just dumbly stood there confused. “I uh- That wasn’t part of the deal. You only said you were going to pay me and-”
“Yeah? I still am but I also wanna take you to dinner.”
Dude still couldn’t really process what was going on. Sure it wasn’t anything crazy but he was making it sound like a-. Dude let out a chuckle at that thought. “You’re making it sound like a date or something Sam.” Dude said, grinning at the ‘bizarre’ idea. But Sam only shrugged. “So? Whatever.”
They both stood there, both secretly thankful for the fake blood and whatever else covering the slight redness coming to their faces. “Eh- uhm. I didn’t bring extra clothes.” Though Dude knew he was supposed to sleep over, he hadn’t really came prepared like it was a ‘sleepover’. He’d spent too much time trying to come up with a lie to tell his wife about why he’d need to be gone overnight and in turn, forgot to pack.
“That’s fine. You can borrow some clothes. I don’t think we wear sizes too different.” Sam replied. ‘Sharing clothes? Damn now things are getting even gayer.’ Dude thought to himself. The thoughts and feelings coming to Dude made him feel slightly sick, especially because it was mixed with another feeling that he didn’t know how to quite describe or wanna admit to for some reason. But.. it wasn’t a particularly bad feeling. “I uh.. Don’t you want the bathroom to yourself? You’re the one with that liquid latex on for the bloody chin thing you got goin’ on..”
“I can just clean myself off in the kitchen sink. Plus, no offense Dude but you needed to shower before I even added the fake blood on you.” He said, with of course a twitch of a smile showing. Dude frowned a tad. “Oh wow. Thanks. That’s really-” but before he could get his sentence out Sam picked up a near by rag and told him to just hurry up before heading to the kitchen. Leaving Dude to let out a sigh. Seems like there’s no way out of this.. and why didn’t Sam deny the accusation that it was a date? That question made Dudes face feel slightly warm again to Dudes dismay. Well whatever. At least it seemed like he was going to get a free meal out of all of this if nothing else.
Sucking it up for now, he finally decided to make his way toward the washer and dryer as he took in his surroundings. The home was filled with Halloween and horror decor that Dude was sure stayed up all year round. The place was just basically a big mancave which he couldn’t help but be slightly jealous of. He wouldn’t hear the end of it from his wife if he wanted to put up stuff similar to what Sam did in their trailer.
Oh yeah.. his wife. Hopefully she wouldn’t spot them out together. But he was doubtful of that happening. The bitch would never run a errand herself. Plus he could come up with some story on the spot if really needed.
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jackiequick · 1 year
Friends over the years [Agent Carter fic]
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Pairing: Jason Grey Underwood and Howard J. Stark
Summary: A friendship that goes beyond a average kinda bond. They loved each other like brothers, treat one another like friends, respected their relationship like a pair of lovers. Sadly it goes downhill due to a stupid painful argument…
Romantic or Platonic Relationship
Fandom: Marvel, Agent Carter
Spoilers for Agent Carter season 1 & season 2. A bit of Iron Man 2.
Warning: Fluff, angst, mention of treason and one side conversations
Characters shown/mentioned: Peggy Carter, Maria Stark, Nurse Violet, Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis, Daniel Sousa, Tony Stark, Hank Pym, Dr. Jason Wilkes, and SHIELD in general.
Note: Glen Powell played Hangman, my HC is that Hangman is BI so will be Jason haha
It started out to tender so sweet then they got me smoking out the window…
“What’s your name, champ?” Said Stark with a classic charming grin, holding out his hand.
“Jason, Mr. Stark.” I replied shaking his hand with a politic accent and smile to go along with it.
“Mr. Stark? Call me Howard everyone does! What brings you by?”
“Uh, Peg said you have new pairs of gun for me?”
“Ah, Peg sent you! Well your in luck pal, cause I have the perfect hand held guns made just today. Better than ones I manufactured back in 42’ I’ll tell you that much.”
“Anything is fine, Howard. As long as it last me up to more than 50 hours a bullet, I’ll be doing just fine.”
“Your my type of man, Jay! Can I call you, Jay or JJ?”
I chuckled, “Of course you can.”
He walked and talked about everything, “Great! You seem familiar, have we met before?”
I chuckled once again, “Actually we have, a charity in the park back in 43’.”
“Don’t remember.” He shrugged.
I sighed, “You were wearing a cherry brown tie and a freshly tailored suit.”
“Ah yes, now I remember! I was looking snazzy in that suit, I remember bringing home a lovely lady that very evening. She was Italian and the champagne was devilishly delicious—”
“Yeah, right! You were saying.”
“I’m here because I’m working with the SSR on a case involving Dorothy Underwood and a Russian therapist who framed you and your weaponry.”
“Ah yes! I invent stuff but I always make sure what I’m doing correctly, what do you got?”
“Easy, we’re tracking them down for each movement. I know where Dorothy is and Peggy is tracking her down while The stupid Russian therapist is currently at SSR headquarters. Before anything gets messy, do you have any relations to any of those two?”
“Uhhh no? I met a lot of people how do you expect me to stay on track with that. I’m a busy man, JJ.”
It took time but he started to connect the dots on how he was related to Dorothy Underwood’s case, then we were on the roll. After what felt like hours with Howard, Peggy and Jarvis we were able to settle down on a plan. Howard was used as bate to lure our bad guys out while Daniel, Jack, Peggy, Jarvis and I were ready to attack. Quickly Howard was kidnapped by them as we raced after him. Once we arrived Howard was flying a plane straight headed near the New York City Harbor as he being mind control by the therapist to his practical deathbed!
Daniel, Jack and I instructed Jarvis to fly the plane as we kept marched up to track down the threats. Peggy was fighting Dottie while all of this was happening, I swear i was getting a headache sooner or later from all of this. Thankfully the day was saved, Howard was brought back to the ground, Jack and Daniel returned back to work and Peggy was giving a seat nearby the stakeholders at the SSR allowing herself to get a more flexible job.
A week later, I headed over to Howard to discuss moving out to LA since it cleared up to see that my sister, Dottie, wasn’t gonna be a huge problem anytime soon. There was always crime to be solved in LA especially after Daniel Sousa offered be a positive choice there, why not take the offer and run with it? So I did!
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-> In Los Angeles, everything felt pretty cool! Howard’s penthouse and other living corners were very much a good fit for me. Breakfast in the morning next to the poolside, a nice walk in the park. Heading to set for movies we’ve decided to film together and afterwards in the afternoon, I spent hours at the SSR for detective and paperwork duties ordered by my friend, now Chef Sousa.
“Morning, handsome.” Howard teased coming up from his workshop, grinning and poured himself a cup of coffee.
“What have i told you about late night in your workshop?” I replied taking a bite of my toast and taking a sip of coffee.
“Uhhh don’t do it?”
“Exactly! I swear I’m one of the reasons you’re still alive today.”
“Heyyy! You love me!”
“Never said I didn’t, hot stuff.”
I stood up and walked over to the kitchen island, standing next to Howard ruffling his hair a bit with a smile. Howard smiled and being his usual flirty self. It results in a laugh and a eye roll.
He moved closed and joked yelling, “Quit it!”
“Be good today.” I joked back sending a charming wink to him, as I walked out grabbing his jacket.
It was good. Real good.
Until it wasn’t.
Sadly, that same week I crashed my car during a horrible lightning storm driving around the countryside of LA to see Peggy and our friends for a unsuspecting case. The weather got chiller and air became thicker as all time froze up, leading me gasp for air after being unconscious for 20 minutes straight.
I was fine and arrived back home with a few cuts in bruises leading to, Nurse Violet, to help patch me up as we all discussed the crime rate activity in LA with the group. I fell for this woman hard. A gentle soul.
-> During the invading investigation which lets everybody working and spending in Howard’s lab for answer on Miss Froster connection to Zero Matter.
Jason was calculating a design for a machine to cover up and consent the rest of issue, especially involving their new friend, Dr. Wilkes, who joked how much Jason and Howard seemed to care each other. The respect they had for one another. He joked back with a shrug saying that Howard was his idiot in more ways than one, at that same time Jason felt a heatwave climb up his jacket and slightly dizzy.
Howard and Peggy noticed and rushed over, lifting Jason off the ground before he fell back. He insisted he was fine but he was tired and overwhelmed, Peggy remember that Jason didn’t even bother to go to hospital after accident.
Jason was given a opportunity for plenty of examinations and refused to say on bed rest that night, until Peggy practically threatened him to do so. Jason was examined again and again, even got a cast on his sprained ankle. But nothing crazy happened and the results came down to a small fever.
Nurse Violet and Ana took care of him that the next few days. Jason would admit he was eternally grateful for that, especially for Violet since she was sassy angel gifted to be by their side. He took his shot and asked her out on a date, but she told him to wait for that time to come. It was a small promise that was made.
Thankfully it was fine and the fever went away, they all assumed it was side effects from the accident, the stress from the case and work in general. And it was.
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Everyone got back to work and weeks went by, months along the way Ms Frost was put away behind bars and Dr. Wilkes was offered a job at the SSR.
One morning after having a moment to actually catch their breath after all that chaos, Howard appeared next to Jason nearby the pool of their house, handing him a beer.
“Thank you.” Jason repiled, taking a sip with a smile, “You alright? A penny for your thoughts?”
“Y-yeah. Just thinking about the future.” He replied with a playfully nudge.
“You’re film? You’re gonna make that happened with Frost public?”
“Maybe? I mean no! Well not that worse idea. I can win an award winning director for that. Can you imagine?!”
“Howard. Focus.”
“Right sorry! I was thinking a bit more closer to the present. Everyone deserves a bit of normal after everything right?”
“Of course they do. But maybe we shouldn’t settle for normal life, domestic romanized life maybe.”
Jason met Howard’s dark brown eyes, and he felt like he was lost for words, in the sweet warm of it all. Damn Jason wanted to test the water and try something a little different. Howard met his eyes seeing a life with him, deep down a part of always smiled knowing shining light in them. Damn Howard could tease the waters with him, he liked his women and men, especially this one. They moved closer to one another with soft grins laced on their faces laughing at the fact how silly they are being about this whole thing.
“What’cha thinking, Howard?” Jason asked with a tease in his voice, “I know that look. Very well.”
It was rare to see Howard this silly, vulnerable and honest. Only ever him and Peggy seen it.
“How much almost I lost you and our friends two weeks ago? I can’t live with myself if I did. I just can’t, JJ!” Howard admitted to him with a sigh and smiles, “Look at me? What am I doing?”
“You’re being honest with me. Your one of my best friends, Howard Stark, maybe even more than that. You will never lose me..I hope?” Jason replied with a chuckle.
Howard joked with a smirk, “Is this the part of the film where the guy kisses the girl?”
“Or so I’m girl in the scenario huh?” Jason joked back with a smirk.
“Well if you insist.”
“Hey wait-!”
Before neither one of them to say a word or even finished that very sentence, Howard leaned in and placed his lips onto his best friend tasting the liquid gold from the beer. Jason chuckled honestly didn’t care who say, locking lips tasting the tequila shots from earlier with him cupping his chin.
They were rather tipsy but won’t admit it. The two stayed like that for a little while, sparking a sweet open love and tender laughter from how ridiculously fun it was.
The two friends knew that the kiss meant nothing, it was just a fun thing of accidental attraction. They laughed about it. They’re young! Besides what’s friendship if you can’t experience and experiment things together?
Over the months, Howard and Jason did almost everything together. It was a very casual thing the two had together, but they cared about one another much. It was a rather open friendship, they dated and talked about who exactly decided to be their lucky ladies. Jason started finally dating Nurse Violet and was admiring their blooming romance.
You could’ve sworn they were like an two old friends or even, old married couple.
But that award went to Maria Stark and her loverboy Howard. Maria, Jason and Howard were a young trio within itself, noticing everything that happened. Along with Peggy, Jarvis and the rest of their friends. Matter a fact, it was Maria and Ana that pointed that Jason’s slight deep wrinkles that were previously made from the smile lines were fading gone and the effectiveness of the curious blew up. As they realized that it seemed over the last few months the aging process stopped completely for him.
Howard, Daniel. and Peggy worked long enough to figure out a way to seek what happened to him. They spend months doing tests, case films and files, examining his every single movement and reading books for answers. But nothing came up, Jason believed it was a giant mistake, a curse that happened due to the lack of caution he reflected on not having.
Maria reassured him that it wasn’t his fault, they couldn’t have known for this to happen. Peggy agreed knowing that they didn’t knowledge this beforehand as Howard was deep into a book, who trying to figure out what went wrong with his equipment and such, agreed.
One night Jason felt defeated and went home to tell his girlfriend, Violet, what pained him.
“Honey, I’m sorry, so sorry. You don’t deserve me..” He said standing in the middle of the living room.
“What do you mean?” She replies knowing what happened, cupping his hands.
He kissed her hand gently and replied, “You deserves somebody who can grow old enough with you. I can’t give you that..”
She nodded looking at him with love in her eyes, “Hey sugar, I know it’s bad for us right now.”
“I don’t want to be a burden on you and have you wake up one day regretting your decision to be with me..”
“Then I’ll love you for as long as you’ll have me..”
Jason smiled softy and didn’t hesitate to lock lips with the woman he loved dearly. That moment he knew, Violet Bolger, would be his girlfriend for as long as they’ll have each other.
—> However being the loyal man he always tried to be and knowing how much he loved Violet, a two and a half years later, he let her go. Their relationship was slowly dying out, he didn’t want to a burden who was holding his sweet girl one down. He wanted to see her happy, loved and most importantly an opportunity for a life where she can travel, grow old and make memories with someone even greater than.
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Years went by the group slowly grew older but Jason stayed the same way. He didn’t mind it too much, yes it pained him very much to not be able to grow old with his friends, who he considered family, and sometimes being seen as the youngest one. However it is what is! At least he had the support of his family and lovers beside him. Maria and Howard.
And when baby Anthony Edward Stark came along, or Tony for short, let’s just say everyone was happy. Poor Edwin Jarvis though, he had to change diapers. Peggy and Ana were delighted to be aunties. Maria was excited to be a mother and Jason was always wanted to be a uncle. The first two years, Howard was very attentive and on top of things when it came to his son. Bring Tony everywhere and anywhere possible, the days he wasn’t working at SHIELD and in his lab downstairs that is.
When Tony became 3 years old, almost 4 however, that’s when the plane started to take off. Bickering, arguments and feelings just either hurt or ignored. Yes it was normal for couples, or in this case, sorta throuple always fought. Especially this one! Howard was always working more than Jason ever did and Maria was always part time working at the jewelry store she co-owned with a friend of hers. They always made time for one another, especially when it came to their family and friends.
One afternoon Jason returned home from a long trip on a mission to Las Vegas, Nevada to collect samples of a metallic suspicious bonds and examine that at SHIELD headquarters. He appeared in the front door to hear running of tiny footsteps, followed by much larger ones. The giggles came along with the footsteps made Jason roll his eyes and chuckle.
The tiny footsteps zipped by and before they can reach the living room, Jason caught him. In his arms lay the giggles and yells from the charmer himself, Anthony Stark, his hair was a mess and in his hands held a toy screwdriver.
“Uncle JJ!” Tony yelled finally registering who’s arms he was in and giggling tightly hugging him, “You’re back!”
He laughed hugging his nephew tightly showing him in plenty required tickles for being gone for too long and asked, “Yeah buddy, I’m back home! Now why were you running? You knew the rules.”
“Jar’vis is making me clean my f-feet!”
It didn’t register in his mind what his nephew meant until he looked down to see the shoeless feet that rested against his button down, that were covered in dirt. He sighed deeply realizing now that he had to clean up a cheeky little 4 year olds dirty, probably muddy, feet from playing in the backyard without his shoes. He carried the young boy into the bathroom and requested for Jarvis to get him some towels as he washed his feet.
Tony explained what he was doing today after attending dentist appointment that his mother had earlier, which involved him building outside, drawing, watching his favorite cartoons and helping his mother with the dishes. He even slipped out that he accidentally found himself in his father’s workshop just wanting to hang out in there as Howard kicked him out, resulting in Tony hearing his mother and father bickering as he was carried out by Jarvis.
Jason sighed deeply once again and internally groaned in annoyance at what happened today. At this point, it didn’t surprise him at all, with the amount of time they fight it surprises him how Maria, him and Howard still live under one same roof. To be honest, they all walked out of this house more than once, due a argument
Tony pouted and spoke up, “A-are you mad at me?”
“Buddy why would i be mad?” He asked, scrubbing his feet gently.
“Cause..i walked into daddy’s workshop..i know i can not go only if you guys let me.”
“For starters we don’t want you in there unless supervised because it can be dangerous and you can accidentally get hurt.”
“Okay..I’m sorry. A-are you gonna talk to daddy and momma?”
“Well why did you do it in the first place?”
“Be..cause i wanna play with daddy but he too busy for me..he don’t love me anymore..”
“No buddy, don’t say that. Of course he loves you, he’s just gets too caught up with work that’s all.”
“I just wanna play with him, uncle J..”
“I know buddy, i know. You’re father does things for a reason, he just keeps carried away sometimes..”
Then Tony asks him a question he didn’t expect for the four year old, then again he was smart for his age, but still. The young boy sighed deeply, sometimes he picked up on from seeing his uncles and aunties doing a lot. Tony asked, “A-are you love, JJ?”
“What?” He asked with a soft smile, adding some more now to his feet.
“Are you love? Momma says that you don’t date anymore..and that you love her and daddy more.”
“Well buddy, i do love them both very much. With all my heart. As for dating, uh it’s hard for your uncle to find himself a girlfriend with work and no one wants to date someone with crazy dance moves..”
Tony giggled at that and yelled, “You do dance funny!”
“You see! Auntie Ana says i dance like a chicken.” Jason replies chuckling, drying off his feet now.
“You dance like a funny chicken who ate too much candy!”
“A chicken on a sugar high?”
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The two laughed, smiling. Yes there was truth to that part to what his uncle told him about not dating, was that he didn’t age and rather not live a life with somebody who can, but Tony doesn’t need to know the whole truth just yet. He was still a child.
Jason place a fresh pair on shoes, thanks to Jarvis, onto Tony’s little feet as he said, “You see! If i went on dates every night I wouldn’t have time to talk with you.”
“You are right! No dating, i do not want a date either! Girls are eww!” Tony replies giggling, walking down the hallways following Jarvis and his uncle downstairs. That resulted in both men to roll their eyes and laugh at the young boys words.
The three of them found Ana and Maria serving lunch greeting the women, as Howard came, slightly late, upstairs to eat with them. It was good, real good for a while. The rest of the day was just fine, per say.
However it soon got to a point where the tension ran high the next few months and possibly even years. The water to the cup started to soon overflow, but Jason kept quiet, it wasn’t his place to talk about certain things. He knew his limits and where he stands, but sometimes it annoyed him. It made him question everything he ever knew…
He noticed how Howard and Maria changed perspective on certain things, Maria got more annoyed about things and Howard kept acting like everything was fine. When clearly he was ignoring stuff around the house and even his son. If those was thing that made Jason’s blood boil was something that involved his friends and family, especially his young nephew who didn’t know any better.
One Wednesday afternoon, he had enough of this bullshit. He knew Maria wouldn’t say anything about it and handles everything her own way, but he wasn’t her. Jason stormed into the lab downstairs that now held so much stuff, it looked like a madhouse in there. No wonder why Jarvis always complains about Howard’s messes!
Howard was working on a few equations and running his fingers across some equipment he’s building to showcase Hank Pym later that week. He didn’t even hear the door shut or the fact that there were rough clapping of footsteps followed up within seconds. He heard a simple ‘can we talk? Now.’ And he only received a half nod in return.
Jason tapped his foot onto the floor, with his arms crossed and waited for his friend to stop what he doing to stand up straight and look at her.
“What?” Howard asked removing his sunglasses and runs his fingers across his hair, “If it’s that i forgot to pick up the presents for Ana’s birthday and forgot to pick up Tony from school, I’m sorry.”
“I-ahhh, that’s not it!” He replied, pinching the bridge of his noses knowing how much a idiot he is, “Actually this is about Tony.”
“Is something wrong with him?”
“Yeah, he’s not being treated fairly by you.”
He scoffed, “Howard you’re more focused on your work than your own family! You’re overworking yourself and literally kick out your poor son whenever you get the chance.”
“HEY! Everything i do is for my son, you know that!” Howard remarked pointing a finger at him, “To give me a future i never had!”
“I know that!”
“So just let in work in peace, huh? You don’t understand what I’m doing here.”
“Oh really? Yeah of course, the futurist everybody! The last few years you have been so disconnected from everything. You barely go on date nights anymore with Maria or watch the stars with her, you don’t give Tony a bedtime story anymore and you just said it yourself—you forgot to pick him up at school!”
“It was a accident. Am i not allowed to make accidents as a parent huh? Everything i do is for my kid.”
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“You just said that and i know. But Howard..” Jason sighed, “Tony doesn’t need any of this, he just needs you. You’re time and energy, that charming smile of yours to shower him in love! Not you working night and day, over and over again where you can’t breath or take a second of your time to relax with us. You’re forgetting sight of who you are!”
Howard growled, “Don’t! Don’t tell me how to raise my son, Jason. He’s not your kid, he’s mine! You’re just his uncle. As for Maria, you don’t need to defend her here, if she has a problem with me then she should just tell me herself!”
“That’s because she’s doesn’t care anymore! I’ve seen that women fight with you over and over again, to the point where she just accepted that, that’s the way you are now.”
“Yes I’ve changed JJ! People are allowed to change, that’s part of human evolution.”
Jason paced back and forth, turning around hearing Howard’s long winded speech about evolution and change. Howard leaned against his desk scoffing and dryly laughing, “You’re hilarious. This is all some joke to you right?”
“I—what did you just say to me?” Jason stopped and whipped his face toward him.
“This is a joke to you. You believe that your right here and I’m wrong, Jason. Just because you live here with us and know how this works, you think your right here.”
“BECAUSE I AM HOWARD! When was the last time you got out of here, huh? When was the last time you told Tony ‘I love you’ or took time to take Maria’s dancing or go bowling with me? Ever seen you started SHIELD, you’ve been noticing but a consuming jerk!”
“Is that really what you think of me? A jerk?! You don’t understand.”
“I don’t understand?!”
“You weren’t acting one in the beginning, but the months and years after, yes you have become a bit of a jerk. One day you’re gonna regret what you’ve done.”
“I won’t.”
“You will!”
Both men were furious at this point, they have been yelling loudly and screaming for more than an hour, bringing up moments from their past. Some stuff was even throw on the floor at this point. That fire due to the years of love, the friendship and the curiosity was going out..or maybe the fire was already gone?
Howard grunted, “I’ve done nothing much work my ass off and made sure to investigate and invent things to make the world a better place. I’m doing what i think is right here! You just don’t see it!”
Jason scoffed, “Yeah and the world has hated you and thanked you for it! Must i remind me about what happened in 56’? Or in 46’, when you were committed for treason for holding glorified weapons and the whole state was after your ass? And we had to save yo—”
“Don’t finished that sentence. What do you want me to do, huh? Give me my lives work? I’m a inventor, if I don’t invent something or work my ass off, i will probably explode. I-is that what you want? What are you gonna do if i do continue this lifestyle? Leave me?”
“If i could i would take Maria and Tony somewhere else, away from you for a while, I would. But we both you would sent the best lawyers possible and god knows what after me, so I won’t. I won’t do that to you..or them.”
“Ah, you know me so well. And i know you..”
“You do and i love you for everything you do. But this…I can’t!”
“Jason..I can’t change what i do Jason, you know that! I just can’t. I’ve come so far and you just don’t see it.”
“Stop it!”
“Stop what?”
“You’re playing the pity card again. You don’t think Maria, Peggy, Jarvis and I don’t see it? We do! Hell, Tony see it!”
“So why don’t you let me do it? Leave me alone to do my work! I’m trying here. Look what at I’ve made and I can’t stop it now.”
“Yes you can!.”
“No, I can’t!”
“Look, I’m not exactly asking you to leave everything behind. But understand this, I rather you show Tony this world of yours, instead of shutting him out! All of us out. Take a break or..”
“Or what?”
“Or you’re gonna lose the people you care for the most…you know what? What’s the point? I can’t do this...”
The next words that escape Howard Stark’s lips came out of pure anger and annoyance, “Do what? You’re gonna leave me? If so, get out. You clearly don’t want to be here anymore.”
“You don’t mean that.” Jason replied with slight shock in her tone and blinked a few times.
“Yes i do. You don’t need to be here unless you don’t want to.”
“Howard stop it. Listen to what you’re saying! I care about this family too much to see it fall apart.”
“This is my family! Not yours. You don’t get the final word, i do.”
“You don’t listen, do you?”
“Enough Jason! Get out.”
“You’re gonna regret this! Don’t come complaining to me when you’re son hates you.”
“Get out! There’s the door.”
If there one thing Jason Underwood was and that was persistent, so before he left. He said, “When are you gonna realized your greatest creation isn’t those weapons you made or SHIELD or anything related to that, it’s your legacy. Your son!”
“I’m not gonna ask again. Please go..I don’t ever want to see you again.” Howard said with a pissed off sigh, blinking a few times.
Those last words hit Howard hard, as he stood up finding one of his older cameras and place it securely on the tripod with a half smile.
One of his friends, the man he once called a love in his life, the uncle to his only son and supporter walked out of that door without a second chance to help his case. Howard sighed deeply with his head in his hands. He was angry, tired, and annoyed. A part of him knew that his friend was right. He’s a workaholic man with no respect or anything like that for other people, depending on the situation. Always focused on the world’s future, but not sure on the future he set for his family. His only concern was Tony and Maria. His greatest creation being his son.
Without a question later, he turned on the camera and started to film himself, try to speak again like the focused, honest and vulnerable man he tended to be. He decided on leaving his door open just in case his wife called or anyone walked in in general.
Meanwhile Jason was packing his overnight bag for possible a two day stay at Jarvis house. He already had a house in Miami but he was only willing to stay with Edwin and Ana for a couple of days to get himself straightened out before leaving for good. Maria tried to convince him to stay, even if a part of her agreed with her husband instead
But his mind was already set on leaving and possibly visit in the future. Jason ripped out a sheet of paper from his notebook and wrote a note to his nephew, one to Maria, as well as one to Howard. He played them secretly onto in places where they knew they’ll find them one day in life. To say Jason was hurt like this was a understatement, breaking up with a girlfriend was one thing but with your friend of almost 20 years or more.
All he wanted to do was save something in this family of theirs, but knew he couldn’t. And that’s what pained him, he wanted to scream and possibly cry, maybe even let out cloud of smoke out the window.
The men may have been on separate grounds of the house, pissed off and hurt from their two hour argument with one another, but they knew one thing. They still somehow had respect, admiration and compassion for each other, no matter how much hatred and annoyance came from that. A part of them knew it.
Over the months and years, their friendship grew sadly apart. Their friends knew it. And what made it more interesting is that they still saw each other, weather they liked it or not. At work, parties, gatherings, birthdays, graduations, a ceremony for some special they were invited to.
Howard would always being pushed to speak to Jason and vise versa, only ending up in small talk between the pair, then walking off to speak to other people. They would be found speak to family members but not one another, Howard even though of not allowing Tony nearby to his uncle for too long, would be better during those events.
It was plainly stupid on both of their parts, but they both had their rights to be angry and bitter. It hurts.
Jason always wanted and most importantly, tried to explain to Howard the situation, hopes for his forgiveness after that nightmare of a week. But Howard’s huge ego, witty jokes, stubbornness and willingness to hold a grudge never let him see the light…
I hope you all enjoyed this story. It was a long and a interesting one to write. Remember to like, comment and share
This was an AU tales of two friends I wrote a long time ago before the whole MCU x Agent Carter fic thing
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @triptuckers @ohgodnotagainn @msrochelleromanofffelton @gcthvile @drspencereidhotch @mandylove1000 @t-nd-rfoot @topgun-imagines @blackheart-beauty @meiramel @eliohasmyheart @rooster-84 @yetanotherwells @blueboirick and etc
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mfuro · 1 year
some more goofy ah ah postal dude headcanons
this is mostly about p2 dude soooo.... (WARNING VERY RAMBLY)
Was and still is one of those people that you could have paid them to make you a geocities website for you if you didnt know how to code
speaking of school i do think he probably has an associates and thats it, went to community college and had a straight 2.0-2.5 GPA and passed for a degree he barely uses (till he gets the RWS job honestly)
i think dude 100% found champ one day, just a really ratty looking puppy full of worms under his trailer one day. thats his dog now
gonna be real honest, dude is probably not the best dog owner but he really tries (for more elaboration you can ask im very passionate about animal care/content because i spent literal hours researching for my fic....)
OH YEAH the bitch, i can see them getting married like, right out of college/soon after, you got to be at least a bit young and dumb to tattoo 'Dude' on your collarbone like she did...
the marriage was most likely for image on dudes part and at first infatuation on the bitch’s part. 
dude needs constant stimulation or else he is forced to think about his life choices and will have a crisis
insomniac, he hasnt been able to sleep on his own bed since the bitch decided it was hers now
dude is very repressed, hes bisexual and kind of refuses to acknowledge that he likes men even a little bit unless he is forced to think about it or has feelings for -gasp- a man
probably genuinely likes krotchy and the whole franchise as a whole
UMMM …. I think he might age-regress in some form or manner if given the chance, he never had a childhood he saw other kids at school or on tv had so he desperately craves for it even if its in the back of his mind 
he definitely is autistic, no way of escaping that assigned neurodivergency
people like writing that he has ‘vibrant’ green eyes but , ngl i see them as very dull and tired, i dont think theres really much energy behind them
probably has a very limited palate for food, comes from a variety of causes
would not know what the fuck to do if given a genuine bit of kindness from someone, hes so used to being forced to pay back for something or for it to go wrong hed be speechless
has body image issues, he thinks hes too tall and too skinny… he hates his red hair and his nose and everything, would be very content on not being perceived by anyone because he is not what he thinks the world expects him to be 
UHHH THATS MOSTLY WHAT IS ON MY MIND AT THE MOMENT BUT I MIGHT TALK SOME MORE ABOUT HIM. also if anyone would be interested in specific headcanons i have about other dudes let me know (i also really dont mind if someone asks me about nsfw hcs because im a pest of an adult. lol)
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panie-wanie-dean-bean · 10 months
Uhhh, so, I made a thing. I guess it's an au??? Basically all of the Sunny Time Crew exist at once. And I wrote a little cozy about them so enjoy! (It's only blocked off since it's a little long ^^;)
Reader uses they/them pronouns, this is all fluff so no bits are mentioned, one flirtatious remark is made by Jack
It’s late, far too late, but you just can’t seem to fall asleep. Now, that could be from scaring yourself with creepy youtube videos, but I mean, that title was too good to pass up! And now you’re here, alone, watching more videos in an attempt to shut your brain up enough for you to pass out
It doesn’t help that you live alone, every creek and shift of your room sends a fresh shot of adrenalin up your spine as you think about what horror could have made them. You know it’s silly, you know it’s just a story, but you just can’t help it. Taking your back off of your pillows only makes things worse, your mind convinced there’s something behind you that will kill you unless you’re against your plush safety net
You wish someone was here to help you but you know you’d never ask even if they were. You need a friend, a best friend, more than that. Someone who knew what you needed more than you did. You needed
“Looking for me, Sunshine?”
Oh god, of course he would show up “Well of course! I couldn’t just leave my Sunshine all alone, now could I?” You have a…love hate relationship with Jack. Sure he’s calming and sweet and helps you out of spots like this but “But I’m ‘too childish for grown-ups’ do we really have to go through this every time I show up?” Yes
He sighs but it’s playful, rolling his eyes before returning them to you, a look of pure adoration on his face “Alright, alright, enough fooling around, we need to get you to bed” But, you are in bed “Well, sure, you’re in your bed but you’re not ready for bed, are you? You don’t even have your pjs on!” You don’t wear pjs, you just sleep in your day clothes “But you have them! And they look so cute on you” You feel like this is just him wanting to play dress up with you “Hmm, while that would be fun, we should save that for when you’re rested up”
Bold of him to assume you being well rested is a when instead of an if but go off you guess “Hey now, no need for that pessimism. I’m sure that we’ll be able to get you nice and cozy in no time!” We? “Of course, Sweetheart. This is more than a one man job” Rory’s arms wrap around your waist as he snuggles into your back. It should surprise you but his presence is so calming you can’t help but lean into his touch “Careful dear, we wouldn’t want to put them to sleep before they get ready” Sue’s deep melodic voice rings out from your bedroom door way, her gentle motherly gaze filling you with a warmth you’ve only ever been able to feel from her “Come on, Champ! Let’s hit the showers” Dan fades in beside your bed, his already huge frame only exaggerated from this angle
You tell Dan you’ll shower in the morning “Oh, right…Well, your teeth still need to hit the showers!” You try to hold back a smile but there’s no use, Dan notices your struggle and makes a silly face to try and make you laugh. It’s annoyingly effective. Pretending like you didn’t need their help was hard enough when only one of them was here, when they gang up like this you just have to let them help you. You try to lean back into Rory but he gently pushes you to sit up
“Dan’s right, you know. Go get your teeth brushed and then we can cuddle, ok?” You sigh and force out an exasperated ‘FINE’ out through your giggles as you get up. It takes you a minute, you don’t know exactly how long you’ve been still for but from the stiffness in your legs and the way your knees pop it’s probably been a while. Sue moves into your room as Dan walks you to your bathroom, keeping his large hand against your back as you move through the dimly lit space
“You’re doin great Champ, nothin’s gonna get you while I’m here” You can feel your anxiety trying to claw its way back into your brain but it doesn’t have a chance. Dan’s the least soothing of the bunch, what with his constant puppy energy, but he’s steady. You trust him. You have to blink a few times, the bright light of your bathroom blinding you as you flip the switch. You hear Dan chuckle beside you, laughing even louder as you lightly elbow him in the side in fake annoyance
As you get your tooth brush ready you do your best to not look in the mirror. While that’s not unusual for you, the reasoning is different when they’re around. While they look and feel real you know they’re all in your head, and something heads aren’t good at replicating is reflections. One look in that mirror and all this safety and calm leaves, and you’ll be all alone again “Uh, you know you have to put the brush in your mouth, right?” You blink, your eyes focusing in on your toothbrush still fully out of your mouth
You shake your head lightly to try and force your thoughts out and begin brushing your teeth “Don’t forget to floss kiddo” You glare at Dan, trying to show him your fatigue through your eyes alone “I know you’re tired, but you still gotta take care of yourself. I know you can Champ!” You roll your eyes but reach for your floss after spitting out your mouthful of foam “There’s my little Champ, I’m so proud of you kiddo”
Dan walks up behind you and places a light kiss on the top of your head. Before you can stop yourself you look in the mirror to try and see him. Panic fills you for a split second only to be replaced with…surprise? Bewilderment?
He’s…there, he’s in the mirror as clear as you are. But that’s not…brains can’t do that, how is it doing that? Sure your brain can make you see and feel things, but reflections? It’s all at the right angle too, no gaps, no weird spots, he’s just…there
“Hm? Don’t let me stop you! You’re doing great, just the bottom row left” Right, flossing, just…focus on the flossing. How did your dentist tell you to do it? Put the floss in and then kind of shimmy it up the sides of on tooth, then the one next to it
“Knock knock~” “Who’s there?” “Noble” “Nobel who?” “Nobel, that’s why I knocked!” You groan, you’ve probably heard every knock knock joke, pun, and dad joke in existence at this point. Ah well, it’s nice to hear them laugh you guess. You throw your floss into the little trash can by the toilet before looking over to Jack and…no. Ok, no. Reflections, sure fine whatever, literally holding your pjs in his hand???
You’ve officially lost it
“Oh come on, don’t look at me like that. We both know this is your favorite pair” He walks over to you and sets your very real, very soft pjs in your hands. He looks over your face before brushing his hand through your hair, a wave of calm following shortly after “We’ll give you some privacy, though if you need help putting them on~” Thank you, Jack. He giggles before walking out of the bathroom with Dan, closing the door behind them
You take a moment to just…think. Ok, ok, your imaginary clown friends are more physical than you originally thought. Or, originally were? That mirror trick used to happen! You would see one of them, look in the mirror, and they were gone, your brain unable to keep up the illusion. So…what the fuck? You can hear them chatting just outside, their quiet giggles and laughs making you feel warm inside
You mean…does it really matter? Like, sure if other people saw them that would start some problems, but for now…so what? They’re your friends, they’ve always been your friends, even if this doesn’t make sense, does it really have to be scary? You slowly take off your clothes and put on your pjs, god you forgot how soft these were, and look they’ve got little cats on em! And they’re real. These are pjs you’ve had for about a year now, they’re from your closet, they’re real…and that’s ok, at least for tonight
You open the bathroom door to find Jack and Dan waiting for you, their eyes light up as they see you. They really care about you. They really love you. And that’s ok. Jack puts a hand on your hip and kisses your cheek “Of course it’s ok, love is a good thing. There’s no reason you shouldn’t let yourself have it. Now come on, let’s get you to bed” Dan turns out the lights as Jack walks you back to your room. Rory’s waiting for you with open arms in bed, and Sue’s set up on a chair beside him, a story book laying ready in her lap
You’re struck by the absurdity of it all before shrugging it off, who cares? If this is what helps you sleep then damn it, you’re gonna cuddle your weird clown friends who may or may not be real. You climb into bed with a little help from Rory, shifting into a comfortable cuddle pile between him and Jack. Sue clears her throat before opening her book, it’s an old story, and you’re sure you’ve heard it somewhere before, but surrounded by all of your friends you can’t help but quickly fall into a good, restful sleep
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yesyourstalker · 6 months
Mahi: so how were the interviews?
Neta: they were good. How's college?
Mahi: It's going well
Neta: are you making friends mahi hmmmm? Making computer friends?
Mahi: shut up. When are we going to meet the new recruits
Neta: Tuesday. The training starts Tuesday I will start scheduling them for individual shifts so they will be working here for a while.... it'll be great I think you'll like them.
Mahi: okay great. I don't have class then. where are you going to be Tuesday? I assume you're not going to be here
Mahi: yeah of course I can neta I'm a store manager remember. You don't have faith in your management. The longest person who's been here.... I can handle it.
Neta: I trust you. You're going to be with Candi and Warabie they're going to help you. If some things people's wrong please call me
Mahi: alright
Neta: ok this is something I need to tell you and it's really really important.
Neta: I have this friend, his name is Stefan. He's a betta. You probably know who he is, he's on the cover of 'kriller coffee'
Mahi: is he the guy that had his coffee shop closed down because he was accused of money laundering?
Neta: yeah him. If he comes into the store, send Vinny to the back.
Mahi: who's Vinny?
Neta: you'll know him when you see him all right. If Stefan comes to the store, send Vinny to the back. They cannot make eye contact. They cannot look at each other. They cannot feel each other's presence look at me. Look at me right now...........they are not allowed to interact.....at all. Okay, simple request.
Mahi: All right, I'll try..... See I hate it when you do that now I'm less confident in my abilities
Neta: you got this champ. I believe in you
Mahi: ok...ok I got this. I'm a manager I'm in charge. They had to do what I say.
Candi: Don't go insane with power mahi It'ill give you wrinkles
Warabie: yeah you want to be old like Neta?
Mahi: shut up both of you! Warabie I'm going to need your help with training. Candi you're pregnant so I guess you can sit down at the register
Candi: how considerate of you
Mahi: ok... now we wait.
Naomi: um hi.....uh.....I'm here...for training
Mahi: oh...... you're.....let me see.. Naomi.
Naomi: yes......hu...... Where's Neta?
Mahi: He's out doing personal things.... you're actually early so you can go hang out in the break room and wait until everyone shows up. Cool
Naomi: oh so he's not here....I see.....all right he said in the back?
Mahi: yep....
Fugue: excuse me, I'm here for training
Mahi: Yes welcome are you......... fugue... Fugu?
Fugue: It's pronounced fugu the E is silent
Mahi: oh. Great ok just head to the back and uh.... Wait for everyone else to show up
Figure: very well
Mahi: he seemed interesting..............oh uh hey.
Mahi: you must be anth-
anemone: Where's the break room?
Mahi:............... Are you antho?
antho: obviously..... stupid question ....where's the break room?
Mahi:........................ In the back next to the dressing rooms
antho: alright
Mahi: hmmm
Vinny: hey how's it going
Mahi: I'm doing great. You must be Vinny
Vinny: yeah yeah
Mahi: ok great everyone is here. .. you can follow me to the break room....... All right everyone. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mahi and I'm your store manager for today. Today we're just going to go through the basics learning how to use the register learning how to fold and organize-
antho: do you paid for this?
Mahi:............ Yes, Yes, you do............... We're going to learn how to use the register, fold and organize clothes. I restock and unpack items. But before that why don't we introduce ourselves and kind of get to know each other. anemone you seem to have a lot to say. Why don't we introduce ourselves
antho:here we go
Mahi: Naomi, you should have first. Why don't you introduce........
Naomi: (shaking head frankly)
Mahi: no?...ok that's fine...uhhh fugue you can go first. Tell her something interesting
antho: get a load of this guy... stick up his ass.
Fugue: well I graduated early from high school as valedictorian. I was also class president for 2 years I have a 96.gpa. I also know how to play 4 instruments
Mahi: wow
Vinny: cool
antho: pfft that's not that impressive
Naomi: ................... What do you play?
Fugue: oh I play violin, piano, French horn and tuba
antho: lame
Naomi: oh that's neat
Fugue: yes I played for many professional orchestras. I was even a background musician for think theory during this summer time orchestra music festival
Naomi: *gasp*.............hmm....he met ink theory
Mahi: That's pretty cool. Maybe one day you can give us a show........ Vinny what about you?
Vinny: uhhhh what do I start? Uhhhh I used to work at a construction site. I was a welder also had a part-time job as a janitor
antho: oh so you didn't finish school?
Vinny: My hobbies include weightlifting and amateur boxing. See this chipped tooth I got it after a match, haha I lost! I actually broke my jaw and was put on an all liquid diet HA which sucked because I so excited to try new food after eating prison food for three years!....
Every one: .........
Vinny: uhhhh hahahah.... yeah I spent 3 years in prison............
antho: finally something interesting
Fugue: hmm
Naomi: prison!?!?
Vinny:..........well actually the food wasn't that bad considering I cooked most of it hahah
antho: what did you cook? Chum loaf?
Vinny: no, I don't eat meat. All of my meals were vegetarian or vegan-based. One of my favorite recipes was tomato soup, a. Temporal medley with rice. I also made a some really good vegetable protein bowls depending on our shipment.
Mahi: that sounds good. Maybe we can go get some dishes stored in the break room
Vinny: hell no I cooked for people for 3 years in that place I ain't cooking anyone but myself........ Unless you pay me.
Mahi: ok anything else?
Vinny: nah..... wait I played drums in D.I.DYE an old band I was in
Mahi: Great! I'm getting a lot of musicians in the store now. That's good. Y'all can answer the hard questions about instruments I know nothing about instruments .......antho what about you? You have anything interesting you want to know about you?
antho: no
antho: *ugh* I play acoustic guitar and I am in a band. That's all you need to know. Not like it was any of y'all's business
Mahi: Neta was right about you.......*sigh* ok...... Hey Naomi, do you want to go now?
Naomi: uhm....ok ......* Inhale* ......* Exhale*....... My name is Naomi I'm 20. I........... I'm an artist. I work for InkPin. I'm publishing. I usually do line art for mangas I'm legally not allowed to disclose which ones I work on without permission hehe but are some of the popular ones?......
Fugue: are you familiar with ink splatter soldiers. It's a slice of life manga of inkling and octoling soldiers integrating into the new military. It's one of my favorite books right now
Naomi: I enjoy that manga myself but I don't work on it like I said I'm not allowed to
Vinny: oh this manga they allowed in it was called Splatana strikers! It's a sport manga about pro turf war players
Naomi: no I like I said I can't disclose
antho: what about the kraken? So my favorite horror mangas
Naomi: I work on romance!................ I usually work on romance mangas....*sigh*........ I don't work and horror, I don't work in sports and I don't work on slice of life. I cannot disclose my work until I get permission for my boss or the series is finished and are canceled......................... I also play the flute and I also enjoy the keyboard. I'm not that good but I do enjoy it.
Vinny: cool
Fugue: fellow piano player
antho: eh... It's interesting I guess
Naomi: hmm hehe... It wasn't so bad
Mahi: All right, great! I think that's everyone......uhhhh.... We did have someone else supposed to come in for training I don't think-
antho: when are we going to get training done?
Mahi: *sigh* okay, I'm going to be honest. I know that Neta said that this was going to be for training, but this is actually orientation. We just needed a quick introduction to ourselves and I have to take your picture and print out your work ID and create your username and password for your schedule app. Soooooooooo
antho: why don't we just do that..... Just wasted 45 minutes of my time
{Neta: antho It's probably going to be the most difficult to deal with Don't let him get to you. He's just being a dick just to be a dick. Don't feed into it be nice to him it'll probably piss him off. It's pretty funny}
Mahi: I just thought it would be a good idea that we all got to know each other first. So who wants to take their picture first?.....Anemone why don't we take your picture first. After the picture go in the back and follow the directions on the bulletin bored to create your account on the schedule app and then you can be out the door. How does that sound?
antho: do I have to smile?
Mahi:.... Come on. Give us a smile. You probably have a nice smile...show us.
Fugue: hehehe yeah show up let's see
Vinny: yeah, let's see those pretty pearly whites
Naomi: hehehe
Mahi: ok! Hehe shit there you go. There's your picture. Go in the bag, make an account and go home...hehe....... Vinny you're next!.....
Vinny: (clap) All right, nice! Am I able to pose like can I flex in my picture.
Mahi: well we're only taking pictures of your face, but you know feel free to give us a show if you want.
Vinny: hey let me just get my good side-
Stefan: so sorry we're late I was training my young apprentice
antho: you look like shit
Toguni: I've been up since 7:00 making cups of coffee non stop.
Stefan: He's already gone through training we just need the photo ID so you just need to put you here...... Excuse me......*ugh* Yes please get out of the way he needs to take a picture.
Vinny: I was here first
Stefan: okay and? You can take a picture after him so please get up and move. Thank you
Vinny: no I won't. I Sat here first so I'm taking my fucking picture first. Got it
Toguni: it's fine he can take his picture first. I don't-
Stefan: No! We are on a tight schedule and he needs his picture taken so you need to get out of the way so we can take his picture. Move!
Vinny: Don't fucking shove me!!
antho: hahahah Glad I stayed
Fugue: betta's aren't really known to be friendly to each other.
Naomi: hmmm
Mahi: ok! Vinny why don't we go to the sales floor to calm down then you can come back-
Stefan: get out of my face or else
Stefan: I would do a lot more than invite you. I would ruin you
Everyone else:..............
Mahi: * inhale* * exhale*...... Stefan. I understand that you are on a tight schedule with your coffee shop
Stefan: thank you.
Mahi: but........ Vinny was here first. The photo is not going to take that long, only a couple minutes not even that. after him I will allow you and.........
Toguni: Toguni
Mahi: Toguni. Nice to meet you Toguni, to skip the line to take the picture so you can get back to your training. Does that sound fair?
Stefan:..............*sigh* very well.... we'll wait.
Mahi: alright...... Vinny sorry you can't flex your muscles right now. We got to take this quick pic and get a move on.
Vinny: eh alright.
Mahi: great.
Candi: Nice managerial skills.
Mahi: how long have you been here?
Candi: since the yelling started, hehe Good on your manager preventing a fight...
Mahi: well that's why he made me the manager. I'm good at managing chaos
Candi: hmmmm sure he did. I'm pretty sure it was just seniority
Mahi: well whatever I'm still doing a good job.
Mahi: All right, everything is in order. Warabie is everything closed up for today?
Warabie: yeah... Everyone's gone. The mall is closed. The food court is still open though. You want to get leftovers for before they throw it away?
Mahi: yeah why not. I don't feel like cooking.
Candi: oh my gosh count me in. I've been craving takoyaki for a hot minute now! Haha hey newbies you guys want to join us at the food courts! They usually give out their leftover food to mall employees for free. You can take some home with you too.
Vinny: hell yeah!!
Fugue: I should have bought my Tupperware
Toguni: that sounds nice
Stefan: I usually don't eat greasy food but we haven't eaten in a while so I will allow it
Naomi............oh antho
anemone: what? I'm going home
Naomi: oh ok........we were heading to the food court......and .......umm....... Do you want to join us? They have tons of leftovers, might want to take some home if you want........ It's up to you though....
antho.......................................................*sigh* ...... Yeah sure.
Mahi: so you wouldn't believe he was in my fucking class
Warabie: who?
Mahi: dead tied
Warabie: what! No way does she recognize you. Did she say anything to you?
Mahi: No but but she does recognize me and she does see me. She's acting like she doesn't
Stefan: excuse I would like to apologize for the scuffle that happened earlier today. It was not my intention... also this is my young employee Toguni he missed orientation but it would still be best if we introduce him now.
Toguni: hey...I'm Toguni... I got hired as the barista upstairs so you have any coffee. I think I'm able to give it to you free...... when Stefan isn't looking... I also have to be trained to work the store as well
Mahi: cool...... He's crazy right?
Toguni: yeah no there is something wrong with him. He's crazy but he's a good boss so
Fugue: I wonder how long training is? [Eating]
antho: I heard for a couple weeks and then we just work here until the store opens.
Vinny: [eating].... I wonder what our schedule will look like?
Stefan: well my best beyond my way... Sorry about the scuffle I'm usually not quick to anger like some betta's are
Vinny: up yours
Stefan: *humpf* you better watch yourself you little ingrate one wrong move it'll be your throat
Vinny: I like to see you try
Stefan: [leaving]
antho: watch this .........[toss]
Stefan:..............................................................................RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HIT ME WITH A FUCKING USED NAPKIN! I DON'T WANT YOUR FILTH ON ME!!
Vinny: huh!...oof! AAAAHHHHH
antho: hahahahahahahahsh!
Mahi: hey HEY!! Break it up!! Break it up! Warabie help!
Warabie: ok ok holy shit what do I do?
Mahi: hold him back!!
Warabie: which one!!?
Mahi: Vinny! Toguni!!!
Toguni: sir please calm down you're causing a sean!!!!
Neta: hello.....hey mahi
Neta: ok technically I did not hire two. I hired one but the other one is a business part-
Neta: please stop yelling.
Warabie: Vinny let go of his fin!!! you're going to rip it!!
Mahi: just come over and help me. Your business partner is strangling the new employee
Nets:Ok ........ok ........ I'll head over there right now!!...... who started the fight?
Mahi: Stefan technically
Neta: ...... Stefan, of course he did. I'm on my way. I'll be right back
antho and mahi are @fish-at-fish-fish-resort kids
Toguni is @conkreetmonkey child
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hi sex witch, coming at you with The Question Tumblr Doesn't Want You To See! namely: counting days of a period, or I guess "when do you say that your period is over?" TMI but basically I get one to three days of misery and uhhh gloop, and then another several with just like brown dried blood -- does that count as the period still, or just what happens after one? Or is it spotting. What's spotting. Help
hi anon, glad this q finally got through! and don't worry, there's no such thing as TMI here - I literally have no idea who you are, and never will! so you can share as much as you like.
I would say that any days you're bleeding count as menstruating and being on your period, no matter how much blood there is - so the last day you observe blood, no matter how minimal, is the last day of your period.
what you're experiencing is fairly typical; few people have the exact same intensity of blood for the entirety of their menstruation and it's normal for it to sort of peter out as the days go by - speaking from personal experience, I rarely bother wearing any sort of menstrual collection device on the last day of my period because there's seldom enough blood to justify it and I don't care if my underwear gets a little stained.
the timeline you're describing - 1-3 days of goop and then a few more days of light bleeding - also sounds pretty solidly average. anything from 3 to 8 days is considered normal and healthy as long as there are no adverse side effects like excessive pain, nausea, vomiting, etc.
to answer your question about spotting - spotting is a term used to refer to bleeding, usually minimal, that takes place outside of the regular menstrual cycle. some people spot when they ovulate, many people experience spotting, also called breakthrough bleeding, when they're on hormonal birth control that disrupts their usual menstrual cycle. so light days of your menstrual cycle wouldn't technically be considered spotting, since it's still a part of your regular cycle.
tl;dr sounds like a pretty normal one you've got there, champ!
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strxnged · 2 years
I think definitely the world would be a better place if we got married what do you say
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OKAY FIRST OF ALL I LOVE YOU LOTS I think that was hopefully already clear BUT. you are so deserving of love and you're literally a ray of the prettiest most reflectiviest most beautiful ethereal light ever okay like u GLEAM AND GLOW AND LET YOUR POWER SHINE ALL AT ONCE!! DANG!! THAT'S PRETTY COOL LOVE
you also. do not have to be so hard on yourself. there are so many places to be at so many times so SLOW DOWN PLS you're doing the best u can and I!! am so proud of you for doing so!! life is hella rough but you're powering through it like a champ SO PLEASE TAKE TIME TO APPRECIATE YOURSELF BC HOLY SMOKES you've dealt with so much alone and now I am very glad you have people to help you!!! AND DEFINITELY KEEP ASKING FOR HELP THERE'S NOTHING WRONG IN DOING THAT BECAause yOU DESERVE TO BE SUPPORTED,🫶🫶🫶🕺🕺🕺
(warning talks of religion ahead 👍) and okay my life has been SO CRAZY BUT WE'RE GETTIN THRU IT??? UHHH WOWOWOW I joined praise team again after avoiding church for like six months 😭😭🫶🫶 and IT IS. DEFINITELY SO HELPFUL because even though I'm still working on it there is something so easing about knowing God's got your back do u feel me?? IM STILL WORKING A LOT ON FINDING MYSELF AFTER THE IDENTITY CRISIS OF 2021-2022 BUT IM still trying out different things and I've learned that is so totally okay !!
AAEJDRJH how about you dude?? I am still praying for you lots and I care about you sm so if you 💥 EVER need anything let me know okay I love you so much
ANYWAYS MY DUDE MAKE SURE TO DRINK A TON OF WATER AND EAT GOOD FOOD AND GET REST (emphasis on get rest sleep before 1 am bro (affectionate)) you're doing so so SO AMAZING fighting through all of your struggles and I hope you keep on fighting YOU'RE DOING SO GREAT BC LOOK AT U GO!! UR STILL ALIVE!! YELL HEAH!! 🫶🫶🕺🕺🕺🕺
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lenn my darling... look, you've written five paragraphs worrying for me and one vaguely concerned with yourself.... DON'T BE A HYPOCRITE, OKAY?? i love to see you sharing the love you have but i hope it's coming from a place of knowing how loved you ARE. so ??? i appreciate you a ton man
the identity crises... yeees, yesssss, we been there. of course it will never quite end, but that's really what teenage years are all about. like, scientifically. we are figurin it out in adolescence.
however, even on days when you don't know who you are, on days where you can't seem to get yourself to fit into anything you thought you should be able to? your #1 identity, beyond anything else, is someone who is loved. ISNT THAT WILD. THATS WHO YOU ARE. THAT IS WHO YOU WERE MADE TO BE. YOU WERE HASHTAG MADE TO BE LOVED. and so APPRECIATE YOURSELF TOO?? OKAY?? and take lots of deep breaths and smile and gosh i know you're working yourself really hard right now!! school be like that!! but your best is enough ofc and dont ever forget that.
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randomplayz · 1 year
When your Dad is your arch-nemesis
D: I’ll kill you if it’s the last thing I’ll do.
F: Ha! You can try!
*Intense battle*
During the battle the villain’s mask gets torn off. The hero is stunned.
D: Dad?!
F: DAD?!?!?!
D: You’re my arch-nemesis?!
F: I’m sorry, who are you?
DAUGHTER takes mask off.
FATHER sudden intake of breath, on full lungs: DAUGHTER?!!?!?
D: So this is the ‘work’ you were doing when you said you wouldn’t be able to buy me chocolate, huh?! Liar!
F: Now, dear. I was busy terrorising innocent civillians.
D: Don’t give me that crap. I know for a fact that you robbed a few banks last week! You could’ve bought some chocolate while running away from police!
F: I couldn’t. You were attacking me from all sides!
D: Don’t be a baby! I threw you into a candy shop! You could have, at the very least, stolen some candies!
F: I was feeling like a decent human being!
D: You’re a criminal. You don’t even know what decency is! See, this is why mom left you!
F: Don’t bring your mother into this!
D: Oh, really?  Try me!
DAUGHTER gone with a whosh and then appears with MOM
MOM looks around, then sees FATHER, her eyes narrow.
M: You. *with venom*
FATHER pales.
F: Hello, dear.
M: I will kill you.
FATHER whimpers.
M: You. You made our baby girl run around fixing your messes? Do you want to die?
F: Now, darling, I told our daughter that playing hero won’t suit her! *quickly, panicked*
D: Hey!  You said I could be whatever I wanted to be!
F: Because I thought you would become a villain!
MOM cracks knuckles and tilts her head. FATHER takes a step back in fear.
M: ...Are you blaming our baby for all the shit you’ve caused?
FATHER look as if death came to greet him early.
F: Not at all, my beautiful, amazing wife! It’s all my fault! I take full responsobility!
FATHER loudly states, looks on the verge of combusting.
D whispers: Loser.
M: Ex-wife. *with killing intent*
F: Ex-wife. *energetically nods his head*
M: So this is where you were, doing “some important stuff ,my love”. *dangerously quiet*
MOM says quietly, filling the air with ice.
DAUGHTER, eating popcorn: OH! You’re in deep shit!
FATHER’s skin prickles.
M: You.
F: Me! *readlily agrees*
FATHER nodded with vigor.
M: I was watching my love-triangle show. And you.
MOM pointed a finger at him.
FATHER was as pale as snowman.
M:You cut off elecricity. For the whole city. I missed the confession scene. I missed the confession scene.
MOM pulls out a remote control.
M: You are dead meat. I’ll cook you for dinner.
That seemed possible. FATHER looked dead. No berating necessary.
Policemen in the distance.
P1:….Is that woman going to beat the most dangerous villain of the world.
Pause for emphasis.
P1, hysterical: With a remote control?
P2: Hey, stop that! That’s toxic masculinity! Don’t underestemate woman. Especially when you get in-between them and their romance shows.
P2 shivers.
P2: They’re scary.
P1: Is she really beating him, with a remote?
P2: Look he’s taking it like a champ! *with mirth*
P2 claps his hands in delight.
P1: Where is the superhero?! Isn’t she, I don’t know, supposed to stop this?
P2: Look, she’s there, eating popcorn.
P1: What?! Isn’t she supposed to, um, protect the woman, uhhh, protect the villain from the woman?
P2: Nah, she lives for the drama. She let a bank robber go so she could see how his wife tore him apart. *shivers* That was a teryffying case. The robber turned himself in, said that he’ll take prison than take his wife. ‘Cause he could only survive one of those. The superhero was there the whole time, sometimes laughing, sometimes clapping her hands, to praise the good show.
P1: So then what do we do?
P2: Nothing.
P1: What?! Why?!
P2: The man’s already dead.
And that was that.
The villain arrived at the police station. Willingly. With a note stuck to his forhead. “Lending you the meat, can be treated roughly, return to me for further cooking”. Even the policemen felt sorry for the man.
This case would baffle police for decades.
The woman will have a statue erected in her honour, for deafeating the most dangerous man on earth, with a remote.
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Hey! ^^ I just realized that it's Sunday night and super late and I still hadn't sent a message to one of my favorite writers! How are you doing? I hope your weekend went Well! Are you feeling healthy...? ♡
As for the writing request, how about "you... you don't even have to love me back, you know?" with Ryan and Dylan (since I'm really obsessed with these two adorable babies) ♡
definitely more than six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
“You know, I for one am proud of you! I mean, sure you could’ve said it to his face, and yeah, there are definitely people out there who’d say texting something that important is definitely the chickeniest chickenshit shit this side of ChickensVille, but me? Ohhh, not me! I’m just so proud that you took this first big step into actually acting like an adult instead of – ”
The second he hit send, Dylan all but threw his phone at Kaitlyn, leaving her to scramble to catch it. “I shouldn’t have done that,” he said, his hands immediately moving up to cover his face. “I shouldn’t have done that. Oh my God why did you let me do that?!”
“Throw your phone at my freaking head? Yeah, I don’t know why I let you do that either.” She gave his shoulder a weak smack before holding the phone back out to him. “Please don’t tell me you literally interrupted my ‘I’m so proud of you for being mature, champ’ pep talk to make me the middle man of your emotional upheaval.”
He scrunched himself up into the corner of the couch like a spider that’d been good and doused in bug spray, his arms and legs curling up around his torso in a protective gesture. “Okay. I definitely won’t tell you that. It’s what I did, but like…I won’t say that out loud.”
“You just did, genius.”
“Yeah, see? I’m really firing on all cylinders today.” He kept his hands held over his face, blocking the rest of the world out, but after a few seconds, curiosity got the better of him and he spread his fingers to peek out. “Did he…answer…?”
Kaitlyn groaned at the very top of her lungs, rolling her head on her shoulders. “You cannot be serious,” she sighed, waking Dylan’s phone up to scroll through the conversation. “Are we in middle school or something? Oh-em-gee, let’s just tee-tee-why-ell and ell-oh-ell until we – oh snap, hang on, he’s typing.”
On the other side of the couch, Dylan made a sound not entirely unlike that of a beached whale. “Don’t tell me what he says.”
“No, wait. You have to tell me what he says.”
“No, don’t.”
If she rolled her eyes any harder, they were going to pop out of her head. Instead of paying attention to Dylan’s existential spiral, she reread the past couple messages, trying to decide just how sappy this story was going to turn out while Ryan took his sweet time responding.
Dylan: hey Ryan: hey Dylan: what’s going on Ryan: same old same Ryan: whats up by you Dylan: oh you know how it goes Dylan: but hey before i forget Dylan: i'm pretty sure i'm in literal love with you. like the mushy gross kind where i don’t think i can imagine what my life would be like without you in it anymore. and that’s…a lot i know but i needed to say it so there. i said it. Dylan: and you don’t have to say it back or anything Dylan: you don’t even have to feel the same way!!!!! if you don’t i mean. which i'll understand. obvs Dylan: you def don’t have to love me back Dylan: but i love you Dylan: so Dylan: there’s that
Yeah, no, her eyes were absolutely going to roll out of her head. “You really are a wordsmith, anyone ever tell you that?”
“Oh like you could do better!”
“I could’ve! If you’d given me the phone then instead of now, maybe we’d have a…” Only that’s when Ryan’s response finally came in, unbelievably short, considering how long it’d taken him to write it. “Uhhh…” Kaitlyn narrowed her eyes as she read it, but she didn’t realize she was making a face until Dylan sat up anxiously beside her.
“What?” he asked. “What did he say?”
“I…” She tilted her head to the side as though that would change what she was reading, but…well, it didn’t. Not even a little. “I’m actually…not sure I should say.”
“What?! Oh my God, no, now you have to, how…who says that, Kaitlyn?!”
“I mean, oookay,” she sighed, grimacing as she read Ryan’s message. “‘I could kill you right now.’”
Dylan opened his mouth. Shut it. Scooted over on the couch so they were shoulder-to-shoulder, reading off the screen as she held it out. “The fuck? What kind of rejection is that?”
“Well, I mean, think about who we’re – oh wait, look, he’s typing.” The two of them waited again in silence, and when Ryan’s next few messages came, they came in a panicked flurry that very nearly had Kaitlyn crying from laughter. “‘Asterisk KISS asterisk. Shit. I meant KISS. I could KISS you right now. Goddammit. Ignore that. Kiss. I meant kiss.’” She had no choice, she had to drop Dylan’s phone onto the couch, if only so she could collapse into giggles, sprawling herself across his lap. “I hate you idiots so much, oh my God!”
“I…those are two completely different sides of the keyboard…” Dylan muttered, picking his phone up and frowning down at it. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, super stoked here, but like…also…”
“Oh, this is a story for the grandkids,” Kaitlyn laughed, dramatically wiping her eye before patting Dylan’s cheek like a proud mother. “I’ll let you take it from here, Romeo. Congrats on the sheer levels of cringe you somehow managed to generate with this one – can’t wait to read your wedding vows if this is what you two are bringing to the table now.”
He pretended to shove her away, more to keep her from noticing the way his face was going red more than anything else. “Jealous,” he accused, holding his phone close as he tried to figure out what to say to Ryan next. “All I’m hearing is jealousy. And for the record, green? Not your color.”
“Wow. Know what? I take my whole ‘I’m so proud of you for being a grown-up, sweetie’ talk back.” She snickered, folding her arms over her chest as she made herself more comfortable on the couch, watching as Dylan bit his lip and shimmied his shoulders and answered Ryan. “Life really is just one big middle school slumber party where you two dorks are involved.”  
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achievechamp · 2 months
Monthly Report - Dawntrail Early Access & July
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Hmm, well, regardless of my feelings on the quality of Dawntrail's MSQ, I certainly did play through all of it and then some. And, as expected, picked up a fair amount of achievements along the way. Whoo boy.
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If you notice any of those are out of order, no you didn't. To spare you the effort of counting them all yourself, that's 69 cheevos (nice). Most of them are Dawntrail-related, but there's a couple of PVP and Custom Deliveries achievements peppered in there as well, plus *squint* a hunt log? Look, I've been having a weird time with this game since Dawntrail came out.
In the future, I expect my achievement hunting to slow down quite a bit, at least for a while. I'm thankfully starting to get my health a little more wrangled again, and that has me wanting to do more activities that involve me, uhhh, not sitting at this computer. The surprising drop in quality with the MSQ writing has also got me kind of burned, and I'm not really champing at the bit for the next patch story-wise (I am excited to see the new gameplay additions, though--DT's combat has been stellar). All that together, and my focus might be more on other projects for the next while, although I still intend to keep this going for as long as I'm earning achievements with Efnisien.
Anyway, onto to the giving.
69 achievements at $0.50 per achievement means a total of $34.50, which I'm just gonna round up to $35 for simplicity's sake. Once again, I'll be putting that money toward UNRWA to support their efforts providing on-the-ground aid to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
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Oh, I nearly forgot to update on my current achievement standings too! My achievement score on Lodestone is now 12,080, I'm ranked #1,104 on my world, and my new rarest achievement is "With Axe in Hand VIII" for completing 125 unique botany levequests (which is all but 5 of the botany levequests in the game). Considering how that one requires doing some of Heavensward's very annoying large levequests, and how unpopular levequests are in general, I don't imagine that one's getting dethroned any time soon.
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muffin-man-marq-lynch · 3 months
It's been almost 24 hours since the pre-show and I feel I'm just finally processing what we just saw? Like were my expectations just set too low for my first live PPV or was that really good for Forbidden Door?
Just off the top of my head and skipping the pre-show:
- MJF gets thrown as a warm up pleaser act for the Long Island crowd in another pleather robe and bright blue and orange gear and tries to crowd-surf.
- MJF then mugs hard with as many of his specials as possible in 10 minutes including one of Adam's finishers and an Ole Ole Kick bit outside the ring straight out of Punk vs Joe 1 & 2.
- The Robe game is so on point for Forbidden Door that Tanahashi came out in something covered in Boas that would make Cruella De Ville jelly (This isn't even touching The Day Glow Eye Robe) and we didn't even notice once Platinum Max dropped the line "I'mma kill you like you killed Okada's Career"
- Elite Hardy Brothers Kissies barely made the top three Kissies this PPV insane
- I loved Mina before this match and I knew she wouldn't win and there was no way they could make it okay is there a loophole where Mariah can just pin the victor and win because we're not allowed to actually have the secret lesbian polyamory endin- oh we are?! And we have!!
- Nigel McGuiness's level of commentary Pettiness for Bryan's match was unmatched and I am so so so glad I caught up on watching This Documentary like a day before the PPV.
- The growing disconnect between commentary and textual on-screen queerness happenings growing wider and wider until it feels deliberate and hilariously played into halfway through like a dubbed Sailor Moon joke. Watching video of Mina and Mariah make out while talking about how they're best friends and Toni is a mother to her. Nigel calling Wheeler Yuta 'Danielson's Young Boy'.
- Gonna be honest I'm not following the Zack Sabre Jr & Orange Cassidy yaoi plotline yet but 'freshly squashed' Orange Cassidy did look very sad when he got fucked hard in front of all those people, forced to safeword, then got handed his sunglasses, and told to call an Uber with no aftercare.
- Absolute tonal whiplash then (or not if you're into that, we do not kinkshame here at AEW) when Samoa Joe's twink of the season forgot his compression shorts and Hook wanders out with a prominent boner?! With some staying power, and I am reminded like three minutes in that his father is one of the commentators and not Mr 'we do not kinkshame here at AEW' so I'm sorry it's all I can think about while they're getting CAMERA angles for the big screen and his dad is talking about how his son is the least experienced of all the guys on the mat
- LADDER MATCH GOOD. Everyone in it so sexy holy shit. Mark Briscoe you feral little demon what was that jump from the chair in the ring? Titty twister. We need to keep Takeshita more often too goddamn, sign something. He should have won. Shocker at who did but eh. No surprise wins this PPV.
- Speaking of, Stephanie Vacquer? Holy shit? Uhhh can we get her vs Mina? Please? Forever?
- Jon Moxley is a puppy and he was so lost they dropped him off at the wrong door and he was wandering around trying to find the ring and say hello everyone for so long.
- When you've been intimately engaged with someone's body 63 times before it says a lot to pull out the toys (Steel Chair) less than 2 minutes into the fight.
- The kind of muted and very split approaches to Swerve vs Will made me really nervous tbh, like were these very casual fans? More New Japan people? I was very worried with Ospreay being a fan fave for so many people that even with him being set up as the heel in this fight, and given the kind of Meh response to the reigning champ who is cool as fuck (but West Coast and black and more of a brawler in his best fights) they were going to do some disrespectful shit and yank it off him like they did to Kofi Kingston to try and help ratings.
- Holy shit can I say that that fear was misplaced? That was a Hell of a fight. Great story. Swerve is SO much better at story than Ospreay and he sold that shit as well as showed off the technical chops that got him the championship but I have Never Liked Will more than after watching him get the shit beaten out of him by Swerve. His selling has always been meh to non-existent, but it was way better here, and some of that is the camera focus on Swerve yeah but the ending? And the Post-PPV clips in the ring and behind the scenes? I am EXCITED for Wednesday. BANGER fight. THAT'S MY CHAMP.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
I will be doing this for the pdudes bc no one asked me to 🥲 just I won’t add the pic part bc I don’t feel like looking for pics.
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Starting off with p1
- I love that he is what carried the creepy themes into the later games. If they just started off with p2 being their first game I doubt I would play postal bc it would just be stupid memes all the time.
-I really hope he isn’t related to current pdude bc that would be lame.
- Do they have the same lines in p1 and redux?? I’m not doing these questions for redux so I’m just gonna say the “here let me warm you up” is my favorite line.
- Bro OTP: P2/p1
-I have no nOTP for him I don’t think.
- OTP: p1/p4.
- Random hc: He likes ‘childish’ food and will only eat that.
- unpopular opinion: I don’t think he was a edge lord all the time like a lot of ppl think.
- Songs: I associate him with sad and angry songs. Stuff like radiohead and nin fits him a lot imo.
-My favorite pic is him holding the g*n looking scared.
- He’s so silly. I love his voice, the way he carries himself, and that he is succhh a dog boy (he goes out and does thing for his stupid ex wife in the hopes she will be happy.)
- I don’t like that the mf lets his phone ring for so long in the weekend dlc both times.. I know he hates talking on the phone like the rest of us but COME ON.. u can’t skip the cutscenes 😑
- my favorite line of his is probably one of the ones he says when he throws a weapon and it comes back to him. I forgot which it is but he sounds so impressed. Silly loser 🤭🤭
- Bro otp: p2/p4
- nOTP: him and his ex wife.
-Otp: p2/p3. I guess.
-Random hc: he secretly hates falling asleep alone. Especially bc he has the bed to himself after his ex left.
-My unpopular opinion on him is uhhh.. that he didn’t actually genuinely care for champ this whole time. I do love the idea that champ is his service dog but I feel like ppl glance over the fact that he kicked champ first thing in p2.. so I really feel like he didn’t care for him until later on.
-I associate music similar to the ones I said for p1. Maybe not like really sad songs tho. More like songs that are about kinda hating life I guess lol. The song that is EXACTLY him is ‘sawed off shotgun’ by the glorious sons.
-My favorite pic of him is probably the one that is currently my header where he’s got that SCARY smile and is hurting some guy.
-I love how lame he is. I also love his voice and that he’s a shithead to p2.
- I don’t like (and DO like) that he’s suddenly insecure about himself a little. P2 would not care about looking gay I PROMISE!!
- my favorite line is him talking about his adhd or “you can haz cheeseburger”.
- bro otp: p3/p4
- nOTP: none that I can think of besides his ex wife again.
- OTP: p1/p3 or p2/p3
-random hc: he spends sooo much time on the internet. He’d be a shut in like p1 if it wasn’t for him being a extrovert.
- my unpopular opinion on him is that his game would have been fine if it played better. Honestly I would probably like it more than p4 if it did.
-I would associate him with stupid songs like Sorry for party rocking
- my favorite picture of him is him hugging krotchy and smiling.
- my favorite thing about him is how chill he is and goofy.
-my least favorite thing about him is I think he could be just a tad bit more fun and snarky tho.
- my favorite line is probably one of the ones he says when trying to find a job and going up to random ppl and promising them ‘extra services ;) ’
- bro OTP: p2/p4
-nOTP: him and the mall lady. She’s terrible and I hate her.
- otp: p1/p4
- random hc: he watches cartoons in the morning.
- my unpopular opinion on him is that I miss his edgy outfit. His new one is fine but I dunno. The trench coats are cool but I guess it keeps things interesting I dunno 🤷‍♀️
- I associate pop songs with him I guess. I think He likes to dance in clubs so 🕺
- my favorite picture of him is him next to p1 on that one album cover
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