#however i still need ro find a man
fishwanderingforest · 4 months
Why the FVCK do only women flirt with me like yes gorgeous thank u for the compliment I'll continue blushing now for the next 5 to 7 business days, as a compliment from a (queer) women is among the highest form of compliment u can get, however sadly I am attracted to men but they simply won't fvcking flirt with me, wtf am I doing wrong, I just want a boyfriend
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How do you feel about writing more Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler? After watching X Men 97, I forgot how charismatic this elf man can be. If possible, I need an introverted reader with barely any social skills who starts to malfunction whenever a certain blue is around. When confronted, reader is basically 'you're too pretty' and almost dies of embarrassment.
Social System Error
Kurt Wagner x reader Words: 1.9K A/N: I changed it a little bit to fit the scenario, but I hope it's still up to your expectations :)
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You wished that the ground would swallow you up. Who knows, maybe you would find a mutant who could grant you that wish, as long as you looked hard enough. Clasping your hands to your face, you felt your cheeks grow hot and slid down the door of the room before sitting on the floor.
Why couldn't you be normal for once? Talk to him normally for once, make small talk and say goodbye elegantly? But you weren't allowed to do that. Instead, you had to run into the next door just because Kurt waved at you and gave you one of his most charming laughs. Instead, you spilled your coffee all over the table just because he entered the room. I
nstead, you couldn't get a word out when he came your way, you just turned around on the spot. It was horrible.
The fact that you had developed a crush on the blue mutant was really no secret and the fact that he hadn't noticed was a real miracle. Or maybe he had found out and just decided not to do anything. You didn't know which option was worse.
So far, you had really done your best to avoid him as much as possible so that he wouldn't think of talking to you, but you could always at least catch a glimpse of the blue mutant out of the corner of your eye. You just couldn't help it, Kurt was wonderful. He was funny, charming, polite, intelligent and incredibly attractive. One look at his face with a beaming smile was enough to make your legs go weak.
And today you had really blown it.
Rogue had finally managed to convince her brother to stay at the school and he had decided to teach some of the classes. You were both thrilled and devastated at the prospect of seeing this wonderful man every day, and probably embarrassing yourself every day after you'd already ogled him more than once.
However, when you had entered the staff room at lunchtime and seen Kurt sitting next to Ro on the sofa in his shirt, suit trousers and loose tie, you had immediately stormed out of the room with a bright red face and gone to the staff bathroom, where no one had been at the time. In hindsight, you really should have locked that door.
You energetically threw another handful of cold water onto your face and rubbed your cheeks several times to be on the safe side, hoping to drive out the redness. "Oh God, oh God, oh God," you mumbled and leaned against the edge of the sink, head bent forward. "How am I supposed to survive this. God, I bet Rogue recommended these clothes to him. Lord help me."
Nervously, you began to pace up and down, ruffling your hair. "Why does he have to look so good? Can't he be ... normal attractive? Not inhumanly, divinely attractive?" You'd embarrass yourself, really embarrass yourself, and he'd never talk to you again. Or worse, think you're pathetic and talk to you out of pity.
You came to a halt in front of the mirror again and looked at your reflection. "No, no." You couldn't bear the thought. "Okay." You exhaled and leaned against the edge of the sink again. "It can't be that difficult. Just be normal. Or whatever," you mumbled. "Just be cool. Kurt's just another teacher, he probably doesn't even know you exist. You just go up to him and start a conversation, that's all."
You exhaled. "You can do this, take it easy." You looked up, meeting your gaze in the mirror, and put on your most believable smile. "'Hi Kurt, how ya doing?' No, no, that's too casual." You paused for a moment and thought. "'Good afternoon, Mr. Wagner, how are you today?' Oh God, far too formal."
You wipe your face in frustration. "Come on, it's just a conversation, nothing more. You can talk to students all day. What's the difference? Apart from the fact that Kurt is a lot more attractive and wonderful and that you have a crush?" You gave a somewhat exasperated and forced laugh. "Nothing more than that. Gambit would laugh at you if he saw you like that." Your fingers drummed on the porcelain of the basin.
"'Hi Kurt, I just wanted to take a minute to say that I really admire you and think you're wonderful and funny and...um I've seen you around here quite a bit and..." Groaning, you threw your hands up in the air. "God, I sound like a crazy person! Or a stalker! Or both! This is way too much too soon. Just... keep it casual. 'Hey, you're Kurt, aren't you? I'm glad you've decided to stay with us'."
You nod and run your fingers through your hair again. "That works, doesn't it? It's not too casual but not too formal and I don't sound like a crazy stalker who's way too obsessed with a stranger. Okay, good, you can do it. Just relax and stay cool. Who knows, maybe he won't even notice you and you won't have to talk-“ As you turn around mid-motion, you freeze in place, your heart skipping a beat. "-with him," you added meekly, your eyes widening in panic as you realize who’s been silently listening to your pep talk. Across from you, leaning against one of the toilet stalls, is Kurt, his arms crossed in front of his chest and an amused smile playing on his lips. His tail whips lightly through the air, as he slowly releases his arms from their twist.
You had to admit that your next move wasn't particularly brave. All the self-confidence you had been trying to build up over the last five minutes had disappeared and you did what was the only logical thing to do: you dashed past Kurt out of the bathroom, sprinting down the corridor, feeling incredibly grateful that you didn't have any more lessons today, meaning that you could hide in your room in the hope that you would never have to face him again.
Just the thought of it made your face flush with shame and you threw yourself onto your bed to release frustrated screams into your pillow. You weren't quite sure how long you'd been lying there, but a knock on your door brought you out of your racing thoughts. You didn't really feel the need to talk right now, but you heaved yourself out of bed anyway when there was a second knock.
You were pretty sure you must look horrible, clothes and hair out of place from the bed, but usually only Gambit or Jean came by and both had seen you in some worse circumstances. Sighing, you opened the door. "Listen, I'm not-" You broke off mid-sentence, looking up wide-eyed at the person in front of you, who was definitely not Gambit or Jean.
"Hello, am I interrupting?" Kurt looked down at you, his lips curled into a sweet smile and your heart instantly beat in your throat as the heat rose in your cheeks. You could only shake your head, causing Kurt to smile even wider. "Wonderful." He stepped slightly towards you, leaning against your doorframe, and you were pretty sure you were going to explode instantly.
"Can I...I help you?" Your voice was barely audible and shaky and you tried your best to avoid eye contact, but it was so incredibly difficult. Kurt's eyes were bright and shining and so attractive that she found it hard to look anywhere else.
"Indeed yes." His smile became more mischievous and you were pretty sure your legs wouldn't be able to hold you up for much longer, they were so weak. "I saw you storming out of the staffroom earlier and I was worried. What if you're ill? Or something is wrong? So I thought I should follow you to make sure you were okay."
It was pure torture. You wanted to sink into the ground, get struck by lightning, anything just to avoid having to have this conversation. Kurt, however, seemed quite determined to do so.
"But when I got to the bathroom, something was revealed to me that I could never have guessed." Ashamed, you turned away, your hands over your face. "I'm so incredibly sorry Kurt, I really am... I'm so unbelievably embarrassed right now. Please, forget I said that."
He raised an eyebrow and looked slightly amused. "You called me wonderful and funny. That's a little hard to forget." You groaned. "God, kill me."
"Ah, ah, ah, let's not start with that," he admonished, raising a finger. His smile softened and he gently stroked a finger over your hand, which was still covering your face. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. There's nothing wrong with it. Even if I don't quite understand why." At that moment, you decided that it couldn't get much worse and that if you were going to be embarrassed, you could at least get it all out at once. That way you would have limited the most embarrassing moment of your life to a few hours and not a period of weeks or months.
"Because I like you and you're incredibly attractive and perfect, but I'm not brave enough to tell you that and so I become a walking mess around you every time and I'm only telling you this so I can get it over with and you only have to reject me once and not twice."
You had spoken quickly and quietly and were pretty sure he wouldn't have been able to understand you, however he seemed to do so as he stepped towards you and slowly stroked your cheek again, this time more tenderly and with a sugary sweet smile on his face.
"Actually, that hadn't quite been the plan, my dear," he murmurs, a gentle lilt to his voice. His tail emerges from behind him, swaying lightly as if adding to the suspense. With widening eyes, you realize he's holding a bouquet of flowers wrapped with it.
Perplexed yet touched by his gesture, you accept the bouquet, feeling the soft petals under your fingertips. His smile broadens, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Can I take you out to dinner? Tonight?"
Your eyes widened, cheeks burning with a mix of surprise and excitement. "What?" you stammered, caught off guard by his unexpected invitation. He chuckled lightly, tapping your chin, which had dropped in astonishment.
"I'm asking you out," he repeated with a playful grin. You were at a loss for words, your mind racing as you tried to process the whirlwind of emotions flooding through you. When you finally managed to utter a "yes," your voice came out as no more than a soft squeak, barely audible over the pounding of your heart.
Kurt smiled contentedly, took your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. "Tomorrow night, eight o'clock. I'll pick you up." With a wink and a slight bounce in his step, he disappeared down the hall, leaving you standing there, bouquet in hand, still trying to comprehend what had just happened.
As the realization sunk in, you hurriedly set the bouquet down on your table and dashed down the corridor to Gambit's room.
You had a date with Kurt Wagner, and the sudden rush of excitement left you with one pressing question: What on earth were you going to wear?
Part 2 (in work)
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thewrothode-if · 9 months
♡ROs dynamic with A tall Mc vs with A short Mc?
Tall Female MC: She finds it extremely hot. Every time you look down at her whenever you have to tell her something, the heat in her stomach burns. This makes it hard for her to keep eye contact with you, because every time she does so, she wants to (if I may say so) fuck. :)
Tall Male MC: She feels a lot more nervous around your tall form. Having to look up at you always makes her shy, which in turn makes her a lot more irritable. So when she throws an insult your way, she doesn’t actually mean it. She’s just a little bashful.
Short Female MC: She feels the need to protect you. She’s a lot more gentle with you, but her insults don’t stop, especially not if you’re a lively personality who loves to jest around. One thing she loves to do is rest a hand on the curve of your back any chance she gets.
Short Male MC: She finds it adorable. She’s a lot more confident around you, though not to the same extent as with a short female MC. If you’re a very tough personality, she will still be very shy around you, but if you’re a shyer personality, she unconsciously becomes more protective of you.
Tall Female MC: He’s kinda intimidated if you’re taller than him, but deep down he loves it. If you’re tall, but not taller than him, he feels powerful, like he’s won a childish game against you. Even if you’re taller than him, he still wants to be the one who protects and takes care of you. He still wants to be a “man” around you.
Tall Male MC: He doesn’t think much about your height. It’s like he doesn’t even notice it. The only time he would ever notice would be when you try to use your height to intimidate him. If you’re a more shy personality, he finds it funny how different you are compared to your intimidating figure. If you’re a bolder personality, he again, wouldn’t comment because it’s what he would’ve expected.
Short Female MC: Oh boy, if he’s gentle to begin with, he’s even more gentle with a short female MC. He is definitely afraid he might break you if he accidentally runs into you or holds you too tight. As much as he loves the size difference between the two of you, he still worries about it a lot.
Short Male MC: Anyone shorter than him gets treated with a gentler hand, however, not as much as a short female MC would. He knows you’re strong, so he isn’t as worried about hurting you, but he would still try to avoid anything that would result in that. I can definitely see him being slightly smug about having a height advantage on you.
Tall Female MC: Similarly to Thyra, he finds it very sexy, but he would never admit it, not to himself and not to you. Whenever he sees you fighting on the battlefield, he gets very hot and bothered. I can see him being shyer around you. This is why he prefers talking with you while sitting down…
Tall Male MC: He notices it, but he doesn’t comment on it (not in the beginning at least). If he gets his memories back, he’s kinda bitter that you ended up being taller than him. Also, once again, he would find it hot. This man just has a thing for tall babes I guess. He loves hugging bigger bodies because it makes him feel safer. So whether he’s doing the hugging or getting hugged, he’s loving every moment of it.
Short Female MC: He has this instinct to protect you. As harsh as it may sound, he wouldn’t have much faith in you on the battlefield. You would need to prove it to him that you can take care of yourself because otherwise he would never let you leave his sight. He really can’t lose you too. I also envision him being more shy with you because he would see himself as having to be the one to take the lead and make advances.
Short Male MC: He’s the same with a short female MC. He wants to protect you. He also ends up worrying a lot about you. He’s still very closed off and shy with you, mostly because he just has no clue how to talk to human beings. Deep down, he would definitely enjoy being taller.
Tall Female MC: She’s kinda intimidated by you, especially if you’re a very flirty type. Your flirting would overstimulated her senses and she would end up running away and pushing you back. Growing a romantic relationship with her as a flirty tall female MC would be more of a challenge because of how out of the norm it is for her.
Tall Male MC: She’s a shy babbling mess. She really can’t take any form of flirting, especially not from such a handsome, tall, rugged man. If she decides she likes you, she would follow you around like a puppy, subtly begging you for attention. When you’re together, she would show you off any chance she gets.
Short Female MC: She feels powerful and is very overjoyed. Finally there’s someone who’s shorter than her. You will never hear the end of it. She will constantly tease you about your height, fondly resting her chin on the top of your head. She would be more daring around you, but only when you aren’t firing shots back. ;)
Short Male MC: She is once again, overjoyed and filled with superiority. She would be more hesitant to tease you but deep down, she’s coming up with so many jokes about your height. She would still not flirt with you outright, because even if you’re shorter, she would be too shy to do anything more than a subtle bashful smile.
Tall Female MC: His first thought would be that he wants to see you kneel. The only thing he can ever think of is always somehow related to sex, so there will be a lot of sex jokes around you. He would feel a lot more powerful to have a taller female MC by his side. He will never stop bragging about being able to bed you (if he manages to).
Tall Male MC: Just like with a taller female MC, he finds it extremely sexy and his whole being urges him to make you into a submissive little doggy he can command around. Having a huge male MC by his side is just as amazing as having a tall female MC by his side.
Short Female MC: He always hooks up with shorter women because that’s just the norm. The women are usually shorter than him so he doesn’t really bat an eye when you are as well. Though, he will enjoy it if you’re a bolder type. A feisty tiny goblin is very fun to play around with!
Short Male MC: This he finds very interesting. He loves it. It makes him feel powerful in a way he can’t really describe. Every time you’re forced to look up at him, he squeals with joy on the inside. You will never be free from his teasing, I promise you that.
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I have a weird but hopefully adorable ask!
RO reaction to receiving the news that they or MC is pregnant with Octuplets?
(For Elio, MC brings 8 kids home and says these are our kids now :)
Woof, Lord have mercy!
Cassandra: When the doctor reported that there was more than 4 heart beats in there... Girly was lightheaded for hours trying to contemplate. You can bet top dollar after this you both are not ever having any more kids, this is the first and last time.
Valeria: Laughs. Laughs in disbelief and wonder, she didn't even think that was humanly possible. I mean, she is a twin herself to having two or even three in one go was plausible but...8? Good Lord grant her patience, because you two can kiss sleep goodbye.
Tomás: Nah, my man definitely passed out for a few moments. Goddamn, 8?! That's insane, normally he would take majority of the 9 months wrapping his head around being a dad, but now he's gotta come to grips he is having 8 in one go? Yikes.
On the plus side however, he would prep like a mf. 8 hand-made cradles and adjustments were made to the dining table to he could fit all 8 of the little ones into makeshift high chairs. He is literally making a blueprint of the house and trying to figure out how he is going to fit them all into their respective rooms when they are older. He kinda wishes he had more money so he could afford to give them all their own rooms, he would low key debate asking his mom for some money but his pride ultimately would not allow it. He settles on separating them by gender for now, it would be funny af if he got 7 boys and one girl though. Heavens know that girl would be a such a daddy's princess.
Ludovica: I worry more on her health tbh, she would worry the whole pregnancy that she would miscarry. So by the end she is so happy they arrived safely and healthy, she honestly would be very overwhelmed by the number of them though. Vica would benefit greatly from having a small family but she would not complain to have all 8. She might make a case that you guys need to hire a few nannies though, she would be very involved with all 8 of her kids but it is all a bit too much for her though.
Aurelio: The best one out of all the RO's that is fit for this situation. He would still 100% throw up upon receiving the news however, goodbye freedom. He would shape up quick and allocate many of his spare rooms in his manor for his kids, no more overnight stays for any party guests that is for sure. He would hire one nanny, aka a governess, for the kids so that he can work comfortably and MC can have some help. His kids will all turn out 100% like him, read that one other RO as parent's ask to see what I mean by that. The havoc these kids will cause on the denizens of Romandi are unspeakable, however I feel like the home life would look a lot like 'The Sound Of Music' (my absolute favorite comfort movie btw) but how the family is at the end. Constant trips, fun games, and a huge loving family. The kids would also probably be similar to those kids from that movie. Putting frogs in people that they don't like clothes lol.
Elio: I mean... He would have questions as to why you suddenly decided that your shared apartment sized home should now be an orphanage. My mans would be shook but also not turn them out, he would at first want to find them all proper homes but I can see he would quickly get attached. He does 100% MC to find or have a job to support all of these kids properly, he would help (by being a house husband) but it would fall mainly on MC to figure out how are you both going to take proper care of these kids in the long term.
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angel4astraea · 1 year
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alhaitham as a partner might be the most confusing thing ever. .
♡ meeting the scholar and scribe of the akademiya wound be purely be for business at first. he's not the type to linger at cafes alone or for leisure often, same with any public place; he'd rather be working, at home where he can read or doing gods know what.
♡ alhaitham isn't known for his affection or anything remotely vulnerable, that's more kaveh's thing. for him, it was his wits and stone faced expression he wears everyday without a moment to breathe. most people i assume wouldn't try to flirt or touch up on him because he'd brush it off or tell the person off.
♡ however, after meeting quite a few times, i believe he'd be open to discussing things in the evenings at a cafe he's specifically used to. anything unknown will feel unsteady and cause him to have cold feet and tight lips. drinking is off the table alongside that, he'd rather keep his brain intact when speaking to a colleague or potential business partner.
♡ i believe that if you're more of an outgoing person like kaveh, he's only going to keep you at an arm's length away. he can't handle overbearing emotions, from what i believe. however if you're like him: composed, logical and possibly having ambitions that are reachable, he's more inclined to allow you into his mind when thinking.
♡ if you do manage to get on his good graces, aka having a good level of trust and reliance for when he needs intel, physical support or general knowledge on topics he hasn't quite covered, that's the beginning of his curiosity about you. he'll observe your actions, sayings and common habits. another thing is that he'll subtly note things he's learnt about you from others mentally. had a rough time with soandso? count yourself lucky because that person will scramble off when they get a whiff of you. somehow, alhaitham knows things better than you . . still.
♡ once he starts watching, he doesn't stop. he keeps a sharp eye on you like an eagle. even if you can protect yourself efficiently, he still feels the need to be on standby. it's almost like he's a shadow himself, lingering here and there where he predicts you'll be. alhaitham does dryly admit to this after a serious occurance happens (which includes eremites and the outskirts of sumeru city). though you might find it unsettling or nerve wracking, he finds his deeds endearing. he wants to make sure you're secure, protected and under his broad wing.
♡ though, if you get past that, he acknowledges that his feelings towards your are actually more than business partners or even friends. he isn't sheepish or anything alike, he states his mind clearly like usual with that monotonous voice. he'll sit you down and state the facts, the possible emotions he had pinpointed in his chest. following that, he'd ask you questions. was this okay? were you interested in this pathway? were you scared?
♡ he leaves the decision up to you, giving you enough space to comprehend what just happened. yeah, you could go off to kaveh and ask if he was genuine but of course, alhaitham would be in the house probably. so, you invite the blond to the usual cafe to get some more details. it's almost like an interrogation of the sort; asking kaveh about how alhaitham works, the deeper meanings between his words and so forth. to which, the blond reveals so much more about the attractive man.
♡ depending on how long you take, he'll keep the meetings relatively normal. alhaitham isn't one to be affectionate, as mentioned above so, doing it with someone he just dropped a huge bomb on? hell no. he might keep some distance though just in case of rejection. he's never had a partner, let alone someone he let in so easily in his eyes. it's an unknown territory he can't go in alone. . especially without you.
♡ if you do start dating the scribe, he'll take you out on formal dates at first. his income leaves him a comfortable amount of room to give you luxury. he's tense about it though, he doesn't know what to do and definitely doesn't want to be caught asking someone about how to love someone. he's figuring it out, be patient.
♡ he keeps this under wraps until you're both comfortable telling others. that could be a couple months up to a year at best. alhaitham isn't one for gossip flying around him about his own life. if he wants to keep it out of sight, he implies demands it to others who suspect something is happening.
♡ when you two come out to your friends, i 100% bet kaveh will be ecstatic, tighnari, collei & nahida will be so proud of him, and cyno will def make puns related to this occasion. but overall, everyone is content with the good match.
♡ after a while, he relaxes with the 'proper' dates and does more casual things. he feel comfortable enough going on walks with you, having nice meals outside, visiting all around sumeru and generally doing more lighthearted activities. one thing i believe he'd love to do is read you his books, petting your hair. it's unusual for others to comprehend what he's saying, especially since it's an advanced literature. but when he hears your soft breathing after falling asleep, i think he'd be the most content.
♡ he wouldn't think of starting a family with you until after the two year point. since it's his first relationship, he probably wouldn't want to rush anything. however, he knows he can support you and whatever children you two have/adopt financially. emotionally however, he might need more time to learn how to give affection to a person so small and without the years of being alive to grasp a basic idea of emotions.
♡ though, he wouldn't mind having a child or two. having too many scares him tbh. he doubts his own skills when it comes to human connection. but if you were to guide him gently and with practice, he'd become accustomed to it. . behind doors of course. he wouldn't bring up the topic itself until you two are past the two year point and are engaged.
♡ when it comes to being engaged, he'd ask after two years and give some thought into it. even though he isn't the sappiest person alive (like kaveh), he'd try his best to make it a night to remember. he'd plan everything and dedicate it to you. depending on which nation you're from originally, he'd add in some cultural things from your family.
♡ engagement would last a year-ish to two. he likes to make sure that this is the person he's binded to forever. when he figures it out, he makes sure the wedding has both cultures involved--which of course makes it lavish.
♡ when y'all are comfortable after the wedding, he'd be open to children. if you can't have children for whatever reason, alhaitham would bring up the topic of adoption. there are definitely orphans that need homes and it would pay off to see you smile, in his opinion.
♡ moving onto the bedroom topic. .
♡ i don't think he's a beast, he's more likely to be closed off to the idea of physical intimacy until he has faith that it's a safe space. yeah he can be cocky if he catches you taking in an eye full but that's about it until his first time.
♡ prob not all that kinky tbh. he might be a top and/or a power bottom. he's okay with you taking the reins when he's tired but that's rare.
♡ office sex. yea. especially when he's acting grand sage. dude is probably so stressed that he can't come home at a normal time to see you.
♡ speaking of, you two might've been caught a few times in office while going at it. some people are scared to enter or go near his office because it. most know to at least knock twice and call out his name to see if it's fine to come in but some don't.
♡ in conclusion, confusing man but good morals!
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seeingstarks · 1 year
authorized (r.r x. r.r drabble)
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summary : rhea finds herself in the midst of the tribal chief himself, roman. what will happen? pairing : rhea ripley × roman reigns cw : cursing, kissing, innuendos, blowjob, hair pulling, nicknames, sub/dom dynamic a/n : just something small i came up with after watching rhea's promo and as much as i wanna see them feud i can't help but imagine how unstoppable they would be together and how much they'd bicker. x) reblogs are very much appreciated! word count : 716 words tag list : @harmshake
"acknowledge me." the aussie's voice echoed throughout the hallway, a familiar phrase only voiced by the tribal chief himself, few having dared to defy him and failed.
rhea wasn't one to back down from a fight, staring down every single member of the bloodline and spearing them in the process. paul heyman being the only person in her way before her true target, roman reigns.
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phone in hand, he dialed up the samoan's number as rhea shook her head with a tsk falling from her dark lips, "i'll do it myself. don't even know why roman keeps you around anyways. you're a useless manager." she yanked the phone from his hands not even caring if she hurt him in the process, fingers pressing down harshly on the keys.
"i'm gonna' bloody kill him! he doesn't mess with dom dom or anyone else for that matter-" rhea was fuming, pacing around the bloodline's locker room which jd had taken over earlier that night, dom was supposed to have matching attire but somehow roman convinced heyman to do his dirty work.
"you wouldn't dare to lay a single hand on heyman, doll. not when i can have those sharp nails wrapped around my neck or proving to the world that mami isn't always on top."
rhea clearly couldn't see roman on the other side of the phone but with how he spoke was with a smirk, smug in tone.
she decided to play along with his so called game, having nothing better to do for the night and get payback for earlier. little did rhea know he was on a jet to see her right now.
"in your nightmares, ro ro. on top no matter the circumstance, bet you're wantin' people to acknowledge you in order to compensate for somethin' else, hm?" rhea had venom in her tone, taunting the samoan with each word however she became more comfortable, laying back against the sofa as she chatted it up more with him, paul making his own quiet leave.
"wouldn't you like to know, sweetheart? good thing you won't have to wait long-" the handle turned and a tall, dark-toned, raven-haired man opened up the door.
rhea jumped up from the sofa, staring daggers into his brown hues. being a few inches shorter than roman the aussie hoped to still intimidate him but roman flashed that shit-eating grin he always did.
instead of it making her stomach turn like usual, it did something else... made rhea press her legs together which roman was quick to take notice.
"look at mami now.. not so immune to me when the tribal chief is infront of her - be a good girl and let daddy take care of you.."
rhea cackled at the man, laughing so hard to the point her ribs hurt and had to catch her breath, "you, my daddy? i'm a grown ass woman, ro. don't need your pencil dick." she scrunched her nose trying to ignore the growing wetness between her legs.
rhea gnawed upon her lower lip, causing some of the black lipstick to smear as she kept eye contact with roman, a few moments passing before they finally pulled one another into a heated kiss battling each other for dominance.
they eventually reached a wall, in which rhea had roman pinned up against it, he could easily reverse her but relished in the fact of being submissive for the woman.
rhea lowered herself as she tugged on his gym shorts and boxers, his exposed length springing free as drool threatened to escape her dark lips, "tell anyone about this and i'll actually kill you."
her lips parted making an "o" shape as her tongue teased the tip of his cock circling it before making way on more of his length, taking it in as roman leaned his head back letting out groans of pleasure.
"that's it, mami." he hummed and reached down to tug at her raven hair before rhea took him deeper, roman starting to thrust his hips against her throat.
"do you acknowledge me now?" he asked with a smirk.
"i acknowledge youmff-" her words were muffled due to having her mouth wrapped around roman's cock, but she was sure he got the point and him calling her mami was icing on the literal cake.
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squiddy-god · 3 months
belphies fasion sho (pt 1) sfw
Re-upload from terminated blog squid-god-supreme
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Opening the door and walking out of your room you quickly strided down the long halls to the dining room. You knew you had to be quick to breakfast or else beel would eat everything. You finally made it down and were greeted by 6 of the demon brothers.
“…hm? Where’s belphie?” lucifer questioned with raised brows. “Now that ya mention it, i ain’t seen him yet.” mammon replied. Beel’s eyes widened. “I thought he’d woken up already. Maybe he went back to bed again?” the 6th born questioned. Lucifer’s brows knitted in a scowl, frown pulling his lips into a thin line. “He’s going to be late for school. Someone go wake him up” the eldest said letting out a deep sigh. “Why not just let him sleep?” you questioned. You were quickly shot down however, “that is out of the question.go and wake him up, y/n”
He grimaced, lips pressing into a thin line and forming a frown. His brows knitted together and he pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a deep sigh. “I’ll go too. It isn’t easy to wake up belphie” beel said giveing you a kind smile.
Lucifer humed before turning back to the 6th born, “oh…i almost forgot, tell belphie to hurry up and clear out the attic” “The attic? alright”. And with that you both set off towards beel and belphies shared room. Making quick strides to keep up with beel you finally reached the large doors to their shared room. You stepped in quietly, smiling at the soft colors of warm oranges and reds, along with the cool purples and dark blues, the room always held a soft glow due to the sun and moon motifs above each of the twins beds.
Laying in bed, covered in thick blankets and surrounded by fluffy pillows and stuffed animals was the 7th born demon brother belphegor. You giggled slightly as you gazed at the mound of blankets, you strided over to the side of the bed, gently calling out to belphie. “Belphie, hey belphie you gotta wake up.” he tossed and turned for a moment, effectively kicking off the deep purple blanket. He let out a groan before turning to you with a sleepy scowl. “You’re too loud y/n” he groaned and rubbed his eyes in a futile attempt to rid them of his eternal drowsiness. “Man, watching belphie is making me sleepy too” you said with a little yawn.
The raven haired demon blushed slightly, cheeks becoming slightly pink as his hand came up to scratch his cheek. “Then why don’t you join me?” you shook your head sadly, “you have to get ready or else lucifer will get mad” you said. “We don’t want you to get in trouble,” Beel said with a tiny worried frown. “But i’m sleepyyyy” belphie wined, still trying to rub the sleep from his dusk colored eyes. “Here, i’ll dress you Belphie” beel said with a kind smile beginning to help the always sleepy belphie get ready.
“There, all that’s left now is the tie,” beel said, large hands reaching to grab belphie’s teal blue tie.”don’t you think you’re coddling him, beel ?” you asked sitting next to him besides the bed. He hummed in agreement before speaking, “i know im coddling him but he can help it, it’s like when im hungry, so i understand what he feels like.” beel said with a warm smile. You smiled and hummed before standing up with the two twins and walking down to the foyer.
Belphie sighed, lips pressed in a frown as he trudged down to the foyer with us, “another exhausting day.” beel frowned looking at his twin. “I wish I could let you sleep, but Lucifer left a message for you,” the tall demon said. “Huh? This can’t be anything good.” belphie said with a slight scowl. Beel had a slightly amused smile, “he said you need to clear out the stuff you’ve been keeping in the attic.” belphie looked to the side awkwardly, “oh, that.”
“I’d like to help you, but i’m hungry. I’m going to go find something to eat.” he said before stalking off to the kitchen inorder to find something to eat. “Well, beel’s gone to the kitchen, so i guess i’ll take a nap.” Belphie said, about to go back to his room. “What about cleaning the attic?” you asked. “But I’m sleepy” he looked at you before he sighed in defeat. “Fine, then you help me. I’ll do it under that condition.” he said, cheeks light pink as he stared at you hopefully. “What do i get in return?” you asked tilting your head to the side. “I’ll think of something, you’re helping me out after all.”
“Well, let’s get to it then. The faster we’re done, the faster i can nap.” belphie said with a light hum and a gentle smile. You returned his smile “yah let’s get going!” with that you both made your way up to the attic, walking up the lare spiraling staircase to the once forbidden room.
When you entered the room it was shockingly messy, things strewn about haphazardly and clothes littering the ground. It looked like a tornado had come through and wrecked the place, you wondered how belphie got the attic this messy, it really seemed like a lot of his things were in here.”right, where should we start?” he asked, looking around the messy room. “Oh, this is my favorite sock. So this is where it went” he said holding up a single cow print sock. You laughed at the state of disarray. It’s no wonder lucifer wanted belphie to clean his stuff up.
You looked over and noticed a fluffy magenta pillow under a pile of various things. “There’s a pillow buried underneath all this” you waved your hand towards the pile dramatically before pulling out the surprisingly soft pillow. Belphies eyes widened slightly and he let out a surprised noise “I thought I’d lost that pillow.” he smiled warmly, swaying slightly as he looked at you, “thanks for finding it”. You looked around the room some more, (e/c) eyes landing on a plushie that sat in the corner. It was a small plump cow, looking at it closer it looked like one of those pillow pet things. “Hey belphie what’s this plushie in the corner” you asked, gently holding the fluffy plushie. “Beel gave me that plushie for my birthday, about a hundred years ago.” he said with a fond smile painted on his lips. “So this is where I’d left it. I was searching all over for this”
“Hey belphie, why is so much of your stuff here?” you questioned. Belphie humed “i suppose i just stash things here without thinking.” he paused, looking around the room. “You know, I should have bad memories after being locked up in this place, but…” he paused. “ For some strange reason, I feel at home here.” he said, letting out a laugh. He looked happy, a smile painted on his face as he looked fondly around the room. “So i end up bringing a lot of stuff here, and this is the result.” he looked shyly around the cluttered attic space. You giggled, he was just as bad as mammon when it came to hoarding things in a stash, almost like a very sleepy dragon.
“I know how you feel,” you said, flashing a dorky grin at the demon. “Right? It makes sense to keep things you might need someplace close, it’s easier that way” he smiled at you. His smile quickly dropped however “to be honest, i’d rather leave things like this, but lucifer keeps hounding me.” he let out a deep sigh before turning to you. “I guess we should tidy things up a little to keep him happy.”
The two of you continued rummaging through the disaster that was Belphie’s mini “horde”. “Wow, this room has more stuff hidden away than I thought.” he said, a little shocked even though he’s the one who stashed away everything. You kept sifting through things when you herd belphie call out to you. “Oh, look, y/n. This box..” there was some crashing from things being moved haphazardly to the side. “These are cosplay outfits.” you shuffled over to sit besides him. “Are they levi’s?” you asked, peering into the box that was practically overflowing with clothes. Belphie scoffed at your question “ there’s no way Levi would stash his precious outfits here. theyre mine. We dress up every year for halloween, so they’re mostly from that.” he rummaged through the box before pulling out a dark blue costume that looked quite intricate.
“Look, here’s my jiangshi costume. It’s from that time we did that haunted house thing together.” he said looking at you with a happy smile.”and this is the yukata I wore for the summer festival.” he said with a dreamy look in his eyes. “These bring back memories, don’t they?” you asked, sticking your hands in the box to rummage through the clothes. “It’s great to have so many memories that I can look back on with you now.” he paused in thought.
“That said, we can’t keep these outfits forever.” a frown pulled at his lips and his brows creased. “But i have no idea which to keep and which to throw away.” he pondered in thought for a moment. “Why not just keep them all?” he chuckled. “I want to do that too, but we’re trying to get rid of things here.”
“I just thought of something. There’s this scene from a movie…” he looked at you smiling. “The character tries on a series of outfits, and his friends decide whether he should wear them again or not. Then they throw away the rejects.” he smiled excitedly at you. “Yeah, that sounds like it’ll work. Y/n, you be the judge” you looked at him and burst out laughing. A look of confusion washed over his face as you held your stomach gasping for breath. “Don’t try to fool me belphie! you just described the closet scene from ‘sex in the city’ word for word!”
He looked away with flushed cheeks and a pout. “Ok so maybe i did, so what?” you had finally calmed down from your giggle fit. “Leave it to me belphie!” he perked up giveing you a closed eye smile. “I knew i could count on you” “or are you getting tired of tidying as well?” he shook his head, two toned locks swaying with the movement. “I guess it doesn’t matter. It’ll be more fun if youre fired up for this” he chuckled, taking your hand and leading you to the bed. “Well then, lets begin my fashion show”.
He shuffled around grabbing the box of costumes and outfits and going behind the thin wooden divider. You giggled and sat on the bed waiting for belphie to come out in the first outfit. Finally he stepped out from behind the divider. He was in the butler’s suit, rich blue toned fabric clashing against black fabric in gentle waves, looking almost as if it was stitched together with rich black fabric. The blue bow around his neck hanging neatly as he stood in front of you.
“Here’s entry no.1, the butler suit” his eyes grew lidded as he put on his best smile, bowing like he had seen barbatos do countless times. “Master, welcome back, would you like some tea?” “keep or toss” he asked, looking down at the suit. You giggled “I’d love to have a butler like you!” “vey well, master, we shall keep this suit,” he said before going back to try the next costume.
“Entry no.2, the animal look” he smiled walking out, now clad in ears and a tail. The bells of the costume jingled slightly as his large brown ears twitched and his huge fluffy tail swished gently back and forth. “Uhh what do foxes sound like again?” you let out a little laugh, “are you asking what the fox says?” he laughed with you before getting closer to you, leaning down and placing his arms on either side of your hips, effectively trapping you. His face was flushed slightly as he looked at you shyly. “Oh well, nevermind. Will you pet me?” you blushed before reaching out your hand and laying it onto his head, petting his soft hair and fluffy ears. “You’re so cute! I’d love to have you as a pet.” He smiled, head leaning into your touch slightly. “I’ll be happy to be your pet, y/n. But you have to take care of me, all right?” you blushed as he pulled away to put on the next outfit.
Next he walked out in a tri-colored yukata, most of it being black but parts fading into white and dusty purple, the sleeves decorated in lilac clouds outlined in golden yellow like the hem of the fabric. “Next one, entry no.3, the yukata.”
“I’ll just give it a twirl…how is it? The patterns are really pretty, aren’t they?” he said twirling around slightly and chuckling. He stopped twirling and blushed looking to the side slightly as his hand came to scratch at his cheek, “it would be nice to go to the summer festival again wearing this.” he said looking at you bashfully. “Yes, lets go!” you said happily. “It’s a promise, then. We could wear matching yukatas and have a yukata date.” he said happily imagining walking with you down the lantern lit streets of the devildom in matching yukatas, another cute way to show that you were his little human. “This next one is the last outfit.” he said as he retreated behind the divider.
Shortly after he emerged, the black crop top hugged his toned chest, gold chains and accessories hanging from his neck and shoulders. The sheer blue fabric draped over his left side and cascading down his back acenting him beautifully, the same fabric puffy and gathered as a sleeve on his left arm, fading from rich blue to light blue. “I’m the genie in the lamp. Your wish is my command.” you smiled looking up at him “i wish for you to stay with me forever.” he smiled, oh if you only knew the things you did to him, he thought. “That’s your wish? Of course I’ll grant it.” he leaned in, once again trapping you between his arms. “But i hope you’re prepared, because i’m never going to leave your side now.” he said with a serious expression, you giggled and booped his nose before he stood up and went to change his clothes.
About two more hours passed and you two finally managed to clean and organize everything. “We’ve managed to tidy up all the stuff that dose not spark joy as well, so it’s much less cluttered now.” he turned to you and smiled, “i wouldn’t have been able to do this without your help. Thanks. Actually, if it were just me, i wouldn’t have even gotten started.” he said with a relieved smile. He flopped onto the soft, blanket covered bed letting out a sigh. “Let’s rest a bit. Come here y/n” he said, patting the space next to him. “I like the bed up here in the attic. It’s not a good bed by any means, but..it fits my body, i guess. Here, try laying down on it.” you smiled and joined him in the bed, crawling to cuddle up next to him. Instantly his arms wrapped around you pulling you closer into his embrace. “It’s comfy.” you mumbled, voice muffled by his chest. “Right? I’m glad you understand this beds charm.”
“You can use it sometimes, if you like” he smiled, squeezing you a little bit in his arms to show his joy. He suddenly perked up, looking at you in his arms. “Oh yeah, I haven’t paid you back for your work today. What would you like?” he asked. You pretended to think for a bit despite already knowing what you wanted. Finally you looked at him and smiled, “a kiss” he smiled back. “You’d like a kiss?well then…” he leaned into you, soft lips locking with yours gently.your lips seemed to melt into his as he deepened the kiss slightly. “…mmn..” he pulled back with a slight pout. “That was meant to be a thanks, but I have a feeling I enjoyed it more than you did. Are you sure that’s enough?” he asked
You shook your head, “no, i want more.” belphies eyes lit up with eagerness, he flipped you onto your back hovering over you, “that’s what I was hoping to hear…just a little more, then.” and with that he kissed you again, deeper this time. He tilted his head to the side slightly for a better angle. He sighed into the kiss before pulling away with flushed cheeks, looking over to the side slightly. “…any more, and i won’t be able to hold myself back. We’ll continue this some other time, okay?” you nodded and he flopped down laying his head on your chest.
“You know, I never realised the attic was so spacious. You helped me clean this place, so i’ll try and keep it in this condition for a while.” he looked up at you with sweet gradient eyes, his cheek squished against your chest as he laid on top of you. He smiled and poked your flushed cheeks. “We wouldn’t want Lucifer getting mad again, would we?” you laughed with him, feeling the light rumble of his airy laugh.
The next day started like any other, you walked down yawning to get breakfast. Only this time there was a very annoyed lucifer waiting in the dining room.
“Belphie.” lucifer said, arms crossed and a scowl on his face. “What?” belphie smiled. “Don’t “what” me” lucifer said with a slight growl, “i thought beel told you to clean up the attic yesterday?” Lucifer questioned the youngest demon brother. “We did clean it up!” you said confused as to why lucifer was so annoyed. “Did you? It didn’t look as though anything had changed.” lucifer said in a stern, almost motherly, tone. “We did clean it up. There was just one teensy problem.” belphie said.
“It would be faster if you came up to see for yourself, y/n.” Lucifer said, shaking his head and crossing his arms.
The three of you walked up the tall staircase to the attic, stepping through the door and into the once again messy room. You stared in shock, it was the same as yesterday. “See? Messy as ever.” “is this a dream?” you asked as you looked across the cluttered attic space. Lucifer let out a long sigh “if only it was.”
You turned towards belphie expecting an explanation. “Well, it was so comfy that i ended up lounging around for a while, and before i knew it, everything was back to how it was.” he said without a single shred of remorse, infact his grin almost looked smug as lucifer sighed. “Belphie.” lucifer sighed.
“Fine, ill tidy it up properly this time, so stop making that scary face.“ Belphie said with a frown, looking towards the ground. Belphie turned to you with a blush, remembering how much fun you had last time. “Hey, y/n. You’ll help me, right?” he looked at you hopefully. Before you could answer, Lucifer piped up. “Don’t rely on y/n for everything” Belphie let out an angry sigh, shooting a venom filled gaze towards the eldest brother. “Eh? Tidying up really is a bother.”
Lucifer walked away, going back to whatever he was doing before. You turned to belphie with a smile, “don’t worry belphie, i’ll help you again…it was, really fun last time.” you said. Belphie smiled. “I’ll “pay” you in more than just kisses and cuddles this time.” he said. And with that you both eagerly started to once again clean up the messy room.
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haydenigmatic · 10 months
Ros reaction to walking in on the mc undressed? (Also the mc isn't flustered or anything their just like "hi") late crush stage
It will be kind of different for some RO's, at least for the ones that have never been in a same sex relationship or a relationship at all.
And might be quite long, so I apologize I seriously tried to not to extend myself but well...enjoy.
His bold and flirty nature might prompt a cheeky grin, and he would meet MC's nonchalant "hi" with a teasing response. He'd appreciate the confidence and familiarity in their demeanour, seeing it as another facet of their charm. Damon's affection for MC runs deep, and this unexpected encounter would only fuel his desire to be with them.
That would be when they are more in on the relationship, mow for the late crush stage will be some versatility if you remember he has nver ever felt romantic feelings towards a male, so here it is.
Female MC: When Damon accidentally walks in on female MC undressed, his bold and flirty nature takes over. He flashes a mischievous grin and quips, "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? You never cease to amaze me, my dear." His confidence and charm remain intact, and he doesn't mind the situation at all. Instead, he revels in the playful, flirty banter that ensues.
Male MC: Walking in on male MC undressed catches Damon off guard. He hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to react, as he's never experienced this with a man before (the feelings). After a brief pause, he offers a friendly, "Oh, my apologies. I didn't mean to intrude." There's a hint of shyness in his voice, quite unlike his usual demeanour. Damon might feel a bit uncertain in this new territory but would quickly regain his composure and carry on with a friendly, albeit slightly more reserved, conversation.
Well my beloved Hanniel is quite awkward, even more so around women or women he fancies, so picture him denying his feelings for a man, at least for a little while as I believe, between him and Damon, Damon would be the one that could be bedding a male MC and still deny he has a thing for men.
For a Female MC: Hanniel, upon accidentally walking in on female MC undressed, would turn several shades of red and immediately avert his gaze, his heart pounding. He'd stammer out an apology, struggling to find the right words and probably knocking something over in his haste to exit the room. His embarrassment would be palpable, and he'd spend the next few hours overthinking the situation and wondering how he could have handled it more gracefully.
For a Male MC: Walking in on a male MC undressed would leave Hanniel feeling a mix of shock and confusion. He'd quickly turn away, his face flushed, and stammer out an apology, refusing to meet the MC's gaze. Inwardly, he would grapple with his own emotions and uncertainties, as this would be an entirely new experience for him. He might need some time to process his feelings and determine how to address the situation, all the while fighting his own internal struggle with unexpected attraction.
Lady Verena, caught off guard by the unexpected sight of the undressed MC, would momentarily raise an eyebrow, concealing any surprise with her typical composed demeanour. A sly smile would play on her lips as she appraises the situation. In her characteristic seductive fashion, she would respond with a teasing remark, perhaps something like, "Well, well, aren't we bold today? I must admit, you wear confidence quite handsomely. Care for a little company?" Her response would be a blend of amusement and subtle flirtation, showcasing her ability to navigate such moments with a mixture of poise and playfulness.
For a Female MC:
Jasira, accustomed to her own boldness, would be momentarily taken aback upon walking in on a female MC undressed. Her immediate reaction might be a raised eyebrow or a smirk, a playful acknowledgment of the unexpected situation. However, beneath her composed exterior, a subtle flutter of surprise and curiosity would stir. She'd quickly regain her composure, offering a nonchalant greeting. Jasira, not easily flustered, would respect MC's casual response but couldn't deny a subtle warmth spreading within, a hint of realization that their relationship has evolved into a stage where such moments are navigated with ease.
For a Male MC:
Similarly, upon entering and finding a male MC undressed, Jasira's initial reaction might be one of brief surprise, her keen eyes catching the unexpected sight. A smirk might play on her lips, revealing a mix of amusement and admiration for MC's nonchalant greeting. Deep down, a subtle appreciation might dawn as the realization of their late crush stage sinks in. She would swiftly transition into casual banter, masking any deeper emotions. Yet, the encounter might linger in her thoughts, planting seeds of further realization about the evolving dynamics between them.
Her initial response is a startled inhale, a brief moment of wide-eyed surprise. However, instead of embarrassment, she is met with MC's nonchalant greeting. Sorin's heart races, caught between the instinct to divert her gaze and the magnetic pull of the moment. The room is charged with a subtle tension as her eyes involuntarily linger, taking in the sight. Yet, maintaining her composed exterior, she raises an eyebrow and smirks, offering a teasing remark to diffuse the unexpected intimacy. Internally, a torrent of conflicting emotions brews — a mix of attraction, curiosity, and a growing awareness of her own feelings for the MC.
For a Female MC:
Walking in on a female MC undressed, would initially exhibit a controlled surprise. Her composed facade might momentarily falter, revealing a subtle flush of colour to her cheeks. However, Nesrin swiftly regains her poise, meeting MC's nonchalant greeting with a raised eyebrow and a knowing smile. She maintains an air of sophistication, responding with a dry quip or a witty remark. Privately, Nesrin would grapple with a mix of fascination and a newfound awareness of her feelings for MC, albeit a little unsure if she should pursue the feeling.
For a Male MC:
Nesrin's composed exterior might momentarily crack, revealing a subtle surprise. However, she quickly recovers, offering a cool nod or a raised eyebrow in response to MC's casual greeting. Nesrin's sharp mind would process the situation, and she'd likely make a dry, clever comment to maintain control. Privately, she would experience a stirring of emotions, perhaps a dawning realization of a deeper attraction. Nesrin would navigate this newfound awareness with grace, concealing any internal turmoil while adjusting to the evolving dynamics between her and a male MC, still considering how to handle her "secret".
For a male MC:
In the late crush stage, if Odette were to accidentally walk in on a undressed male MC, her initial reaction would be a subtle blush, a quick turn of her head, and a polite but flustered apology. Maintaining her composed demeanour, she would likely stammer out an apology and quickly avert her eyes, attempting to preserve the boundaries of propriety. Internally, she would feel a mixture of embarrassment and a heightened awareness of her own feelings, possibly questioning the nature of her growing attraction to the male MC. In subsequent interactions, she might find herself more conscious of their proximity, her heart fluttering with the realization that her feelings for him have deepened.
For a female MC:
If she were to accidentally walk in on a undressed female MC, her reaction would be a momentary pause, her eyes widening with surprise. However, instead of embarrassment, she would likely recover swiftly. Odette might offer a polite greeting or a casual remark, suppressing any signs of fluster. Internally, this unexpected encounter would prompt self-reflection. Finding herself questioning the nature of her feelings, realizing that the boundaries of her affection might be expanding beyond what she had experienced before. As the crush deepens, she may become more attuned to the nuances of her emotions, navigating uncharted territory with a blend of curiosity and self-discovery.
s/he would likely react with a combination of surprise and a little of embarrassment. Their composed exterior may momentarily waver as their eyes widen at the unexpected sight. However, being someone who values dignity and maintains a sense of decorum, swiftly regains their composure. Aurelia/n might offer a subtle, yet genuine, smile in response to MC's nonchalant greeting. While their heartbeat may momentarily quicken, would gracefully navigate the situation, choosing their words carefully. "Ah, my apologies for the intrusion," they might say, a touch of a playful tone betraying the hint of fluster beneath her/his calm exterior. The incident would linger in their thoughts, possibly sparking a newfound layer of intimacy in their developing connection.
Doria/n's initial response would likely be a subtle raise of their eyebrow, a telltale sign of surprise. Their eyes may flicker with a mix of curiosity and a hint of something more, but their composed exterior remains intact. Swiftly, they divert their gaze, maintaining their stoic demeanour. "Interesting timing," they remark, a touch of dry humour in their voice, using wit to mask any flustered feelings that may lurk beneath. While internally they might experience a momentary flutter, externally, Doria/n remains the embodiment of cool composure, poised and unfazed.
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Hiiii ur crossguild x adams family post has me kicking my feet n screaming sksiisksksdj ESP 2 LAST PARTS GRAH
wordy u cant just end it like dat plsss i need to see how enid would interact w the rest of crossguild esp buggy i need my colorful blorbos ro interact 😳🥹👉👈
Enid's opinions of Cross Guild!!!!!
Reminds her of one of her teachers once. Is a little intimidated initially but eventually finds that he's rough around the edges and fun to annoy. He tried doing the Protective Uncle Bit, but very quickly realized Enid would more likely be hurt by Wednesday and turned it into Becoming An Addams 101. Honestly, Croc gets along well enough with her, thinks she has the makings of a shrewd business woman. She enjoys kicking his ass at card games, both for pride points and the inevitable rewards ((He funds her addition to weird cutesy journals and flouncy pens))
Enid took one look at this man and had to fight the strangest urge to bite him. Why? No idea, but something about him made her a little feral. Eventually decides it's the bird-like habits and some weird werewolf thing. She is still trying - and failing - to get Mihaw to spar with her. She absolutely asked him for tips on eyeliner. Overall, he's cool but not her favorite future uncle in law.
Ohhhh boy where do we begin... so first meeting was both FANTASTIC and absolutely abysmal. Buggy probably tried showing off, made a fool of himself, and then managed to somehow pull competence seemingly out of his ass. Most people weren't sure how this would go or if it could be saved.
Ultimately, however, Enid and Buggy become INCREDIBLY close. They bond over past family trauma and the inherent amusement in finding respected boundaries in the most unexpected places. They bond over bright colors, unapologetic authenticity, giggly bits and all. He probably teaches her different methods of fighting to expand on later, and they spend some Bad Days just.... talking. Wednesday is a comfort to Enid, but Buggy just sort of.... GETS it.
Bonus points, he probably also taught her some random circus tricks, and I feel like Enid would adore aerial arts. On the girls' anniversary one year, she even convinced Buggy to help her choreograph a performance just for Wednesday to a song important to then on black silks.
On the topic of Enid however, I DO think she would probably be a big voice in encouraging Buggy to talk to Shanks.
And I think it would be hilarious to give all the Addams a really greasy redhead uncle on their Baba's side, and for the entirety of the family to be. Amusingly protective of these two pirate Emperors.
((Bonus points, this would make Luffy an Addams by proxy, Zoro an Addams by adoption alongside Perona, and man. The hijinks. Nami bats her eyes like "I hear you have mon-" and the family is just like "MONEY YES PLEASE HELP YOURSELF!!!"
Gomez keeps fucking up into success and gets so excited because "finally!!! I can make so many trust funds!!!! This will surely deplete the excess-!!!!" Only it somehow folds back on itself and triples his wealth. He is so upset. He is crying, really, he must hide away into the space between his wife and husband's tender bosoms, he swears the tears are real and not an excuse to burrow into heaven-))
Anyway yeah Enid has Opinions and she might decide she wants to be a pirate one day but that's fine, really :))
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admrlthundrbolt · 11 months
Wait A Minute My Girl (Jayne x Chubby Reader)
After you go through a near death experience, Jayne decides it time that he officially makes you Mrs. Cobb.
Hi guys, I'm back at it again. Firefly has always been a favorite of mine, so it was a lot of fun to finally write something for it. I also enjoyed putting the curses and insults in Mandarin, as an homage to the show.
Also don't be shy, suggestions are always welcome.
You laid in your room, bored to the brink of sleep. After your recent run in with a different bad guy group, you were on bed rest, Dr. Simon's orders. Thankfully everyone else walked away with only scraps and bruises. You however, had an explosive that you were setting up get shot by someone on the other team. It was small, but it still packed a punch.
A sudden noise broke you from your dozing. You were happy to see it was Jayne, checking up on you for the umpteenth time today. He may have a rough exterior, but he was a teddy bear on the inside. Your teddy bear at that.
It wasn't long after being hired as the explosion expert for a one off job, that you became a permanent crew member. Though being able to cook something out of almost nothing, seemed to help the decision along.
It was an even shorter time that Jayne made it clear how attracted he was to you. It felt like every conversation you had was littered with compliments. How he could watch you for the rest of his life and be happy. Or that you had the best child bearing hip he had ever seen. The list went on and on.
So you gave him a chance and it's been the happiest choice you’ve made.
“How you doin' darlin’?“ He strolled your way and sat next to you on the bed.
“I’d be better if I wasn't stuck here all day.” You threw your body in his lap and stared up at him. “It’s already been weeks.”
He smirked down at you. “Barely, today marks two weeks.”
You huddled and rolled your eyes. “Like I said weeks.”
His smile broadened. “How about I carry you up ta the mess and make you something ta eat.”
You perked up, the very thought of getting out of your bunk sounded like a dream. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders you said. “Yes please.”He
Pressing your body against his own, he hefted you off the bed. “Now you hold on tight darlin', wouldn't want ta drop you.”
“You're just saying that so I'll press against you.“
“An' what's wrong with that.” He followed that statement up with a squeeze to your rear.
He couldn't believe how lucky he was. Stirring the pot of nutritional porridge, one of the only things he could manage to cook, he stared at you. You were lounging in the kitchen nook, trying to hide the fact that you were favoring your left side.
To think that he ever offered Vera to Mal for some random woman, when you were out there. Waiting for him to find you. The day you stepped on Serenity, he was a goner. You were the softness to his hard edges. The calm to his storm. You were the clean sheets after a long day, not knowing how comforting they were until you were wrapped in them.
He couldn't tear his gaze from your pillowy form, it was plenty enough to hold his attention.
Until Mal entered the room. “You're burning it, Bèndàn.”
“Lā shī!” He yanked the pot off the heater and stirred it vigorously. “I’m sorry darlin'. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you.”
A smile blossomed on your face, making you glow.
While a sour expression slid into Mal's. “Could you stop it with that lovey dovey fèihuà. “
As your happy look fell from your face, Jayne grew furious. Lately Mal had been laying into him about showing how he felt about you. He had become more public with his displays of affection, but what did he expect. You had almost died and it made Jayne realize how much you meant to him.
Grabbing Mal's elbow, he glanced over at you. “I’ll be right back darlin'. We need to have a quick man ta man conversation.”
You nodded as they left the room.
After dragging him to the cargo bay, kicking and screaming, Jayne turned to face the captain. Before the other man could open his mouth, he said. “Shut up. I don’t give a flyin' tā mā de what you say ta me. But if you go upsetin’ her one more time, were goin’ ta be havin’ more than words the next time. “
Mal's face scrunched up at the accusation. “I didn't say a thing to her.”
“That don’t matter, the way you acted in there made her smile go away.” He prodded a finger in the captain chest. “Just ‘cause your miserable you don’t have someone lovin' like her, don’t mean you can crap all over us for havin’ it. “
He took a step closer to the mercenary, getting in his face. “You think your the only one who almost lost her. That girl means a whole heap to all of us. Yet you’ve been hovering over her since the accident. We need her to Jayne.” He looked away with sagging shoulders. This was the first time he had admitted it to himself, let alone someone else.
Seeing the hardship the other man was going through, Jayne's face softened at the confession. “Well, I never thought of it that way.” He rubbed a rough hand over his head. “You have ta understand Mal, besides my Ma, no one has ever cared about me the way she does. After that whole thing I pull with the Doctor and his siter, I knew I had messed up. I tried ta do better, but she makes me want ta do better. Be the person my Ma always wanted me ta be. “ He took a deep shuddering breath. “Almost losing her was a wake up call.”
He fished around in his pocket and pulled out something metallic. Holding his hand out, he showed the misshapen metal to the captain. “I made it from a round she fired from Vera.”
As Mal took it from his hand and examined it, he shook his head. “Are you trying to cut her finger off? Go see Kaylee and get her help making this thing decent.”
Realizing that this was the closest thing to a blessing the captain would give him, he nodded. Closing the other man’s hand around it he said. “Could you take it ta her and explain. I need ta get (Y/N) back ta bed first.”
Giving him a pat on the shoulder, he headed to the engine room. “Ok, meet us in there soon. You know once Kaylee hears about this it’s only a matter of time before the whole ship catches wind of it.“
With that Jayne rushed to your side.
By the end of the week everyone, except for you, had heard about what was going on. After a brief meeting in the cockpit it was decided that a dinner would be planned. Where Jayne would pop the question during dessert. He wasn't sure there was a time in his life that he felt more prepared and yet anxious ever. If you said yes this would be the best thing that ever happened to him. He was more than prepared to spend the rest of his life with you, but did you feel the same?
Shaking himself from those thoughts, he went to get you from your room. Where he helped you into a ‘nicer’ outfit, though in his option you made a potato sack look good. He had told you that everyone wanted to celebrate your recovery. While they did, they also wanted to make this a special night for other reasons.
“I don’t get why you guys are make such a fuss over me.” Huffing as you pulled on the flowy top, one of the only unstained items you have.
“You mean a lot to us darlin’. All of us. “ He added, thinking over the last few days of everyone's help. While he knew he was a hard person to deal with, the crew would do anything they could to make this go well. And he was thankful for that.
Your eyes became glossy at the sentiment.
“Sorry it’s not the best. You’re honestly the best cook on the ship.” Kaylee ducked her head at the admission. Although they all knew it was the truth. Between supply runs they wouldn't eat much beyond the nutrition packs. Then you came along and would make even those bland blocks somehow taste better.
You placed your hand on hers. “It's great.” Then glancing around the table you smiled. “I’m glad that I get to enjoy this with all of you.“ Your smile seemed to spread across the dinning table.
Then Jayne abruptly shot up. “I can’t wait another second.”
You looked at him in confusion, while the rest of the room gave him grimaces of disbelief.
Mal was the first to speak up. “Now Jayne, we haven't even started yet. Are you sure you can't let us eat first.”
Turning to the captain he shook his head. “If I don’t get this off my chest, I might pass out.” He knelt next to you and took out the ring. It was much more smooth and polished than the previous version. It actually took the entire group of women on board to get it ‘perfect'. “I need you like Vera needs ammo. Without you I feel useless. Like a stick of dynamite missing gunpowder. What i’m trying to say is… will you marry me? “
For the second time that day tears gathered in your eyes. Launching yourself at him, you planted kisses all over his face and repeatedly said yes.
The crew stared at the happy couple and couldn't help but think about how you really did make Jayne a better man.
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Saw requests opened for Kurt and was wondering if you were interested in writing something for x-2 Kurt. Something like the reader is Charles' daughter, who left years before after a massive fight, and when Storm and Jean go to find Kurt, they also find the reader and it is revealed at some point the reader and Kurt are married and everyone is shocked because they are so different( maybe the reader is a necromancer(if a mutation needs to be mentioned)). Hope this isn't as confusing as I think it's coming off. Describing things is not my strong suit. Thank u
Against all Odds
Alan!Kurt Wagner x fem!reader Words: 4.6K A/N: This took so incredibly long?! Really hope it was worth it. I also feel like I kind of messed up in the end, but I wanted to post it anyway.
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It wasn't a smile that was on Jean's lips as Ro turned back to the centre of the church with misty eyes, but it was fascinating to see how quickly her friend could change from nice to scary. A strong wind blew up and caused the tarpaulins in the church to flutter. Pigeons soared as Ro spread her arms, eyes fixed on the bar above them, where the teleporter they had been searching for was perched.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, getting closer and closer, until seemingly out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning flashed through the room and struck the bar he was perched on. A scream escaped him as he fell, but before he could teleport away, Jean raised her hand, catching the mutant in mid-air.
His heavy breathing echoed off the walls and Jean twisted her hand slightly as she stepped closer, causing him to spin in the air.
"Got him?" Jean smiled at Ro from the side. "He's not going anywhere."
By now he was hanging upside down in the air, which allowed them to take a closer look at his face. His blue skin stood out clearly from his strange clothes and his golden eyes travelled rapidly around the room, wide open in panic. "Please, don't hurt me," he pleaded softly, still out of breath. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone."
Ro raised an eyebrow beside her and the sarcasm in her voice highly amused Jean, despite the tense situation. "Where could people have gotten that impression from?" His eyes continued to dart back and forth between them.
"What's your name?"
Before he could answer, however, it became freezing cold in the church. Jean's gaze flew over to Ro, who shook her head. This was not her doing. Her breath became visible and a glance at the mutant in front of them showed her that it wasn't him, but he knew whose doing it was.
All at once she heard whispering. It wasn't much at first, just a lone voice that quickly swelled into a jumble of voices that gave her a headache. There was a cracking sound, similar to breaking bones, and Jean could see Ro turning round, looking for the source of the noise.
"Put me down, please." His voice was calm and he didn't seem remotely afraid, much more concerned for her well-being. "She's not in a good mood today, I don't want to..." Jean would never know what he didn't want, because at that moment a loud, cold, cutting voice echoed through the room.
"How dare you?" It was no more than a hiss, but it echoed off the walls, making it louder many times over. "How dare you threaten him, hurt him, touch him." The voice seemed to come from a corridor next to the altar and it sounded shockingly familiar to Jean, even if she was unable to determine exactly where. The floor began to shake beneath them, cracks appearing across the stone, and Jean had to lean on one of the benches to keep from falling.
The man, still in the air, shouted something she couldn't understand. It made no difference. Jean reached out in her mind for the person, hoping to reach them, but to her surprise was pushed out with a sharp push that gave her another headache. The tremor intensified, but Jean was not afraid. The small glimpse into the person's mind was enough for her to recognise them.
"Reaper, that's enough!" The tremors subsided and the cracks stopped spreading, but the whispering and rustling remained, as did the cold. She looked over to the corridor, from which a shadow finally emerged, slowly approaching. Jean had already realised who it was, but she couldn't truly believe it until the light shining through the church hit her face. Next to her, she heard Ro gasping for air. "Reaper?" A hiss sounded from the woman in front of them, who was now standing almost directly behind the man. "I haven't been a the Reaper for years." Her head turned to Jean. "Now put him down."
Her voice was pressed, almost threatening, and Jean lowered the man carefully. As soon as his feet touched the ground, she stepped to his side and wrapped an arm around him as he slumped to the floor, groaning, taken by the stress Jean had put on him. As she murmured something to him, to which he only nodded, Jean noticed how the whispering slowly subsided and the coldness receded. She glanced at Ro. Neither of them had expected this, not even the professor.
She knelt beside him, her arm on his back, and let her eyes wander over his body, looking for wounds, but couldn't see any. "I told you not to do anything stupid," she murmured, smiling slightly at him. "I can't let you out of my sight now, can I?" His smile was half-hearted, but he returned it. "I'm sorry, Liebling."
Tenderly, she ran her fingers over his cheek, the symbols of his skin under her tips so familiar by now that she could draw them in her sleep. "It's okay, I'll take care of it." She tried to get up, but he held her back by her wrist. "Don't do anything stupid." She smiled down at him and pressed a kiss to the back of his hand. " Oh, I won't."
Kurt grinned slightly and let go of her wrist so that she could stand up. As soon as she turned to the two women, however, her loving smile turned into a mask of coldness. "What do you want?"
Jean stepped lightly on her, disbelief still clearly present on her face. "How long have you lived here? Where have you been? Why-?" She didn't let the redhead finish. "You know exactly why," she hissed quietly, clenching her fists as she slowly pushed herself in front of the injured Kurt. "What I want to know is why you're here?" Jean, still somewhat taken aback, didn't seem to want to answer as Ororo stepped forward instead. "We're here because of him." She nodded over to Kurt. "Your friend has done some things that have put us all in danger."
By now her fingernails were cutting into her palms and she looked at the white-haired woman with narrowed eyes. "You will not touch him. You will not hurt him." The ground began to shake beneath her feet again and she could see the two women exchanging glances, but she didn't care. If necessary, she would fight them both - even if Kurt didn't like it, she would do it on sacred ground.
No one would snatch Kurt from her a second time, no one. Not her, not the government, not anyone else. "He's innocent. Go!" It wasn't a plea and her voice was clearly dripping with venom, which was why Jean raised her hands. "We don't want to hurt him, just talk. Whether you want to realise it or not, he did attack the President of the United States."
She heard Kurt flinch and anger boiled up inside her. It had been a long time since Kurt had even been able to look her in the eye and she wasn't going to let them put the burden of guilt on his shoulders again.
"He's innocent," she hissed and more cracks began to appear across the marble tiles in the floor, though it all came to an end the moment something tentatively wrapped itself around her wrist. Kurt had his tail wrapped around and was shaking his head tentatively. "Please, don't."
Instantly, the hot knot of anger in her stomach disappeared and she could feel her features soften. "Okay." Her gaze slid back to the two women, cold and unyielding, but no longer murderous. "Go, please. It wasn't his fault. He couldn't hurt a fly. Please." She didn't give either of them another glance as she helped Kurt up and led him over to the altar, where he settled down, groaning slightly. She knew that both Jean and Ororo were still in the church, even approaching, but her priority was to tend to Kurt.
She gently helped him out of his coat, jacket and shirt, the latter stained with blood, and shook her head at the sight before her. The security guard's bullet wound was on his arm, but she could see several bruises and smaller wounds scattered across his torso. "You really need to take better care of yourself," she muttered as he lay down and she began to search in her pockets for the disinfectant and cotton pads.
Kurt gave her a weak but sincere smile. "But I have you to fix me up." She gave him a small smile, though she knew she wouldn't be able to remove the worry from her face. Continuing to ignore the two women, she dipped the cotton ball with the tweezers into the disinfectant and looked over at him. "This is going to hurt."
His tail wrapped around her waist and squeezed lightly and confidently. Carefully, though not hesitantly, she pressed the cotton ball onto his wound. His body tensed, stiffened and his back arched up from the altar. A pained groan escaped him and she closed her eyes for a moment so as not to see the agony on his face. It had been five years and she still couldn't bear to see him hurt and in pain.
"It's all right, you're doing great," she murmured and hurried to clean the wound as best she could. Thank goodness the wound wasn't deep, so there was no need for stitches. "Good boy." He snorted in amusement, albeit painfully, and she gave him an equally pained smile.
She gently lifted the cotton pad and another hiss escaped him, which she tried to calm by making soothing noises. She applied the bandage as quickly as she could, even though he still let out the odd groan of pain, but he seemed to grit his teeth. " You see? Already over." She leant forward and pressed a feather-light, barely perceptible kiss over the bandage. "I need to take all this away and get you some new, clean clothes. Can I-?"
She didn't finish the sentence, but a twitch of her eyes in the direction of the two women was enough to convey what she wanted to say. Kurt smiled slightly and gave a barely perceptible nod. "You go ahead. They won't hurt me."
She seemed to look sceptical, which she was, as he groped for her hand and took it in his. "It's okay, Liebling. I can take care of myself." "We've seen that," she murmured, but stroked his forehead affectionately before standing up and glaring at Ro and Jean. "I'm right next door. If one of you even thinks about hurting or touching him, you'll more than regret it." She didn't have to look at them to know that they'd heard her warning, the tension radiating from them a clear sign that the message had been received.
Kurt mumbled something quietly, but it was in German and her knowledge was not yet good enough to understand him at such a mumbled volume. She contented herself with running her hand through his hair and affectionately tugging at a strand in warning before leaving the room.
The rubbish was quickly disposed of and on her way back she grabbed some fresh clothes, hurrying back as fast as she could. Once there, she was disgruntled to realise that Ororo and Jean had moved closer and were now standing right next to him. She could just hear the last words coming out of the redhead's mouth. "- the professor."
Instantly she tensed, still covered by the shadows of the pillars. It didn't take a telepath to know who they were talking about and she didn't like it at all. She had managed without him for five years and she wouldn't need him now.
Kurt, however, seemed curious as he cocked his head slightly. "The professor?" Neither of them answered his question, instead Ororo gently ran her fingers over his torso. Instantly, her grip tightened around his clothes and she had to suppress a snarl. She wasn't territorial or some other primitive instinct, but she didn't like it when people touched Kurt without asking him. Especially when it came to his scars, which were more than a weak spot for him.
"Did you do these yourself?" She closed her eyes, hesitant as to whether she should intervene. It wasn't up to her to talk about it, it was Kurt's business and she didn't want to come across as any more overprotective than she already was, so she continued to keep to the shadows. The rising whispers, however, were hard to ignore.
Kurt didn't seem to want to talk about it though, as he gave nothing more than a faint "yes" before turning round. She slowly emerged from the shadows, but not before Jean had discovered something on the back of his neck. "And what about this?"
"I told you it wasn't his fault." Her voice was sharper and colder than she intended, but she couldn't suppress it any longer as she stepped forward and placed herself between Kurt and the two women.
She hated it when Kurt had to talk about his scars, knowing full well what they meant to him. They had talked about it often and at length, especially coming from her, as such behaviour could not be healthy and it hurt her to see him in pain.
The last scar had been added four years ago. For her sake and after a few hours of intense conversation, which led him to a realisation, he had stopped.
"Mind control?" Jean asked, but she turned her back to her to stroke Kurt's arm reassuringly. "I suppose so. We don't know who, though, so don't bother asking."
There was silence while Kurt changed, supported by her. Jean only spoke up again when Kurt was able to stand next to them.  "Come with us." She laughed snidely. "You're not serious, are you? You know what happened, you know why I left and yet you want to drag me back? Forget it." Kurt's tail wrapped itself gently around her middle and the tip ran soothingly over her side as he felt the floor begin to shake.
"The whole United States is after your friend," Ororo objected and she felt Kurt flinch.
"Let them try," she growled, reaching for Kurt's sleeve. "They won't get him. I won't let them."
"We're just trying to help." Ororo sounded almost desperate, but she knew no mercy as her cold laughter echoed off the walls. "Oh yes, of course. The noble help of you fine people. Our saviours are here, we don't have to worry anymore."
"Liebling," Kurt murmured and put his hand on her shoulder. She looked over at him and realised with a mixture of surprise and dismay that he didn't seem as opposed to the idea as she was. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" She stiffened, anticipating the direction the conversation would take and not liking it at all.
"Kurt, you can't be serious," she hissed, turning away from the two women. "I've told you several times why I left, why I never want to go there again."
"And I understand that," he returned, his tail detaching from her to twitch nervously behind him. She instantly missed his closeness. "And under different circumstances, I would agree with you and watch you chase them away. But the situation has changed. I'm wanted all over the United States. And even if we're not there right now, they'll find me, find us." He stroked her cheek gently. "And I don't like the idea of you getting hurt because of me."
"I wouldn't care. I'd fight them all," she returned, knowing it was useless. "I don't want to. I don't want you to fight for me."
She closed her eyes in agony. "Darling-"
"I know," he murmured, leaning his forehead against hers. "I know it's not fair and I'm sorry. But I just want you to be safe. Please." There was something so pleading about his voice that she knew she wouldn't be able to hold out. She still found it hard to admit. "All right," she murmured, feeling Kurt's tail curling up her leg. "But at the slightest sign of danger, we run."
Of course it became dangerous. And of course they were sitting in an plane at the time, which was threatening to crash, so they couldn't run.
She stared in horror behind her at the gaping hole from which one of the children, she thought her name was Rogue, had just fallen. Kurt squeezed her hand and she spun round to face him. His gaze was pleading and it took no words to understand what he wanted her permission for. She closed her eyes for a moment to stifle the rising panic that threatened to swell inside her before she nodded.
A life was at stake, she couldn't have the luxury of panic. For a fleeting moment, she felt his lips against her forehead before the familiar 'BAMF' sounded and his hand disappeared from hers.
No more than three or four seconds could have passed, but they felt like an eternity before another 'BAMF' sounded and Kurt slammed to the floor of the plane with Rogue in his arms.
She sobbed with relief and forgot for a moment that they were crashing. That was until Jean gasped as the gaping hole behind them began to close of its own accord and the jet slowed down. She didn't have to think long to realise who had caught her so gracefully and she continued to tense up in her seat, even as the jet carefully touched down. It seemed as if her past really was finally coming back to haunt her.
Touching down on Earth, the others began to scurry around Kurt and Rogue and as much as she wanted to get to him, she knew she wasn't going to get there. Instead, she decided to face their welcoming committee.
To say he was surprised would have been an understatement as Erik watched her climb down the ladder towards him. "That I get to see this sight again." A thin line came to her lips, but she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Miracles happen all the time. I never thought I'd see you outside of a plastic cell." His smile turned bitter. "Little Ms Xavier, same mouth as her old man."
"Xavier?" She turned round. The others had left the jet by now, and except for Ororo, Jean and Kurt, the others were staring at her with a variety of emotions on their faces.
Erik stepped closer and her body stiffened. "Yes, Xavier. Don't tell me Reaper didn't tell you about her connection with your dear professor?"
"Don't call me that," she hissed, taking a few steps back so she was standing next to Kurt, whose tail instantly wrapped around her middle. "I left that name behind a long time ago." Erik's gaze lingered on Kurt for a few moments and she didn't like the way he was looking at him. "I can see that."
Before he could talk to her further, however, Ororo stepped forward and his smug smile returned. "I think we should talk." After some back and forth, which she only half-heartedly followed, they seemed to reluctantly agree to follow Erik. She didn't take her eyes off Kurt for a moment. "You scared me to death," she muttered, clutching his arm a little tighter than necessary. "I hate it when you do that."
"I know."
"You did the right thing, though, as much as it makes me sick." She pressed a kiss against his cheek. "I'm proud of you my love." He smiled down at her. "I love you too."
"Are you sure you're okay?" They stood apart from the others, in the shade of several trees, and she let her hand rest anxiously on his cheek. Kurt turned his head slightly and pressed a kiss against her palm. "I'm fine, love." She exhaled and wrapped her arms around him to hold him closer, to feel him as his heart pounded beneath her fingers. Soothingly, his hand ran over her back as his tail wrapped gently around her. He rested his head on hers.
"I hate it when you're in pain. Even if it's mental."
She had been against Jean rummaging around in his memory from the start, but everyone else, including her husband, seemed to be in favour of it, which was why she had been forced to watch Kurt relive the agonising hours of the last few days. "I know," he murmured, pulling her closer to him. "But I feel fine." There was silence for a while as they stood close together under the trees before she lifted her head.
"Promise me you'll be careful tomorrow. Plan or no plan, it always goes wrong. It's kind of a tradition with us." Kurt smiled down at her before taking her hands in his and pressing a kiss to them. "I swear I'll do my best not to get hurt." Playfully, the tip of his tail flicked against her cheek. "I have a very good reason to get out of this alive."
"Charmer," she murmured before leaning up and kissing him gently. His response was just as tender. No tongue, no teeth, just gentle, soft love. At least until they were interrupted by a snort. More annoyed than startled, she looked up to see Logan, the grumpy old man, standing there with a cigar in his mouth, scowling at them. "You do realise there are children present?" She huffed and put an arm around Kurt's waist. "I'm pretty sure some of these 'kids' have done worse things than kiss their partners."
"Pretty sure they're not married, though." Her face seemed to look hilarious as he laughed harshly. "Girl, you may wear a lot of rings, but that one does stand out a bit. Plus, the blue elf isn't exactly subtle with the necklace and ring around his neck."
She clicked her tongue in annoyance and only Kurt's hand on her back and its reassuring circles ensured that she didn't immediately go for his throat. "Problem with that?"
"No." Logan turned away, but she knew he was still grinning broadly. "As long as you don't get too freaky. Might be awkward to explain." Groaning, she buried her face in his shoulder. "I hate him."
"No you don't," Kurt murmured, pulling her closer to him.
Needless to say, things didn't go according to plan. As good as her judgements have been lately, she could be a fortune teller, she grumbled quietly to herself as she turned the next sharp corner. She and Kurt had been separated and, judging by the noises around them, the situation didn't really look good for them either. However, she could hear the children's voices and ran after them, not only because Kurt was also with them, but because she knew that if she could hear them, the soldiers could too.
Just as she turned the last corner, a scream rang out, followed by gunfire. She stood stock-still and looked at what was happening in front of her for a moment. She had come up behind the soldiers. Opposite her were a group of children trying to hide behind the adults. Jean was supporting a battered-looking Scott, who was about to raise his hand. Next to them stood Logan, a child in his arms, claws raised and a grim snarl on his face.
What drew her focus, however, were the other three people. Ororo, together with Kurt, she almost collapsed in relief at the sight of him uninjured, an older man with a bald head. He looked older and frailer than she remembered, but there was no mistaking who the man was: Charles Xavier. Professor X. Her father.
Her throat tightened and, as if he could sense her presence (which he probably could), his gaze drifted over to her and his eyes widened, his expression slipping. Were those tears that made his eyes sparkle?
The moment didn't last long, however, as the soldiers raised their weapons at that moment - and pointed them at Kurt.
A growl escaped her as every corner of her body was flooded with a tingling power that made the floor shake.
"Get your hands off my husband." Her voice was not her own. It was the voice of the hundreds, thousands of souls that were haunting the place and bending to her will.
Cracks formed across the floor and began to gape open before skeletal hands reached for the sky. The children shrieked, but for the moment she didn't care. Her focus was on the soldiers who had managed to locate the source of the quake as they now looked at her.
Her smile was grim. "He's mine."
A dark fog settled over her before she even dared to fight. She wanted to spare the children the sight. The soldiers shouted orders at each other, and the odd stray shot rang out, but in the end, they had no chance. Her methods were merciful—swift, painless, and non-lethal. When the fog cleared, only a few groaning men lay on the ground. "Reaper?" Scott was the first to find his voice. She smiled slightly at him, though her focus remained on Kurt and her father. "Hey, Scott." "You're married?!" he exclaimed. She groaned, picking up one of the children running towards her. "Of course that's what you're hung up on."
"My love." She had to close her eyes for a moment; the sound of her father's voice was too painfully familiar. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she had missed him terribly. "How—?"
"I'm afraid we don't have time for sentimentality." Logan's gruff interruption was a welcome relief. In that moment, she decided Logan was her absolute favorite person. She shot her father a quick sideways glance before starting to walk. "We'll talk later." She could feel his gaze burning into her back the entire way outside.
It felt strange to be back in the mansion. She refused to call it "home," even though the word often lingered on the tip of her tongue, only to be swallowed back. Her room now faced the courtyard, offering a clear view of the people outside. She had been offered her old room but had firmly declined. Below, she watched Jean, badly injured but alive, being carefully led through the garden by Scott. It had been a close call, but Jean had survived the mission. Not far from her, she saw Hank deep in conversation with Kurt. She couldn't make out their words, but seeing her husband so animated and happy brought a smile to her face.
"Your husband seems to like it here." She wasn't startled when her father's voice came from behind her. She was more surprised that he hadn't approached her sooner, likely giving her space or waiting for a moment when she was alone. "Kurt isn't used to being around so many mutants, especially those with such visible mutations. It's good for him." "So, you're going to stay then?" There it was. The question that had clearly been weighing on him, the one he desperately needed to ask. She tore her gaze away from her husband and turned to face her father, folding her arms.
"I don't know," she finally admitted, her voice tinged with frustration. "Everything inside me is screaming to leave this place. And you're not making it any easier." She saw the pain flash across his face, but there was no point in sugarcoating the truth. He knew how she felt, even if he didn't want to acknowledge it.
"You hurt me deeply. More than that. But Kurt loves it here, and I love Kurt." Her eyes bore into his, unflinching. "But I love him more than I despise you." He swallowed hard, a flicker of hope lighting his eyes. "If Kurt wants to stay, I'll stay. For his sake. Not because of you."
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
*takes a deep breath*
I usually do not talk about my khr selfinsert/oc but honestly i AM very interested about your thoughts if i just let you lose, so.
"Rena Paolina" (birthname: Alyona Ivanovna Tsareyev), about the age of Tsuna and his guardians is a young woman with a hand for childcare and a trained theater teacher. She was partially scouted by the Vongola to be part of a mafia centric daycare, for the offspring of the Vongola families memebers (There is also another reason why they keep a close eye on her). She has a knack foe identifying what kids need and how to get them to behave, which was especially helpful with the still young Lambo. She is not a fighter (or so she claims) and she completely focuses on her work at the daycare and her small theater group.
Her origin are only known to CEDEF, Reborn and Dino as Dino was the first person she met when she came to italy. She gets along well with Tsunayoshi and his guardians tho she only really seems to bicker and butt heads with Gokudera. With everyone else she seems to find ways to be on good terms with them.
She is a very righteous person and can be hotheaded when it concerns topics that hit close to home. Then she usually becomes short sighted and so heated she ends up running herself into a corner. Even tho she repeatedly says that children scare her and that she isnt very good at caring for them there have not been many kids who ever disliked her. She openly speaks her mind and opinion even to people that have a standing above her, tho she does adjust her way of speaking to not be too disrespectful. She has a passion for theater and really blooms in theater related projects, happily teaching others about it and helping them discover themselves through the magic of theater. However she does shy away from ever getting too much into public spaces for some reason.
This reason being that she is terrified of someone possibly figuring out where she comes from.
"Rena" is actually the only child of the Leonov families boss Ivan Anatolyevich Tsareyev, a mafia family that is notorious for their incredibly conservative ways. Originally her family was banished, as her father was usurped by his own right hand man and had to flee the country. However as Rena became a teenager her father traveled alone back to his home and through gruesome circumstances he managed to take back leadership, making sure to rule through fear. He wanted ro take his wife and daughter back home, however Rena was very against this new life and she ran away from home finding her way to italy where she begged to be taken in. Reborn decided that considering her age and inexperience with anything related ro the underworld she could be allowed to work for the vongoa tho under strict supervision. Should her family ever become an issue in politics she would make a fine hostage.
But even in her youth as her family was banished she had a boy by her side, about the same age as her by the name of Dimitri. While everyone went against her father, only his bodyguard stood with him and followed her family. It was his son that was early on tasked with protecting Rena even as a civilian and when she decided to run away he saw it as his duty to protect her by allowing her to escape. With the years passing she managed to truly prove herself in her craft and became a valued and beloved caretaker even if there are always the entitled parents that try to make her life a living hell.
Bulletpoint trivia
* Lambo adores her as she manages to thread the needle between pulling him back in reins and engaging in his antics.
* in her fifth year at the vongola she had proven herself enough to turn her small theater group into an actual ensemble, even being provided a small theater where they can properly perform even if only for a small audience.
* Reborn always kept one step in the suspicion territory but after seeing how skilled she is at actually taking care of mafia children he realized that she was a valuable asset to the family.
* While on official documents she is listed as having a storm flame she actually posesses a sky flame.
* she is not a fighter. She can protect herself when it comes down to it but she is definitely more a civi than a fleshed out mafiosi.
* Dima keeps an eye on her from afar. He never dared to actually meet her, but ever so often he makes a trip to italy to watch over her for a day before he returns to other duties. Rena has never noticed this.
* The reason Rena is quite close with the tenth family (or the neo vongola family) is not just their similar age, but also that she was one of the first introduced into the circle as soon as the mafia business really started. She took care of a lot of mundane tasks and took care of Lambo first and foremost.
* She actually kind of enjoys her back and forth with Gokudera tho she isnt sure if he sees it the same way.
* On the outside Rena seems to most like she has everything figured out and knows what she is doing. However in that case she is the true embodiment of "fake it till you make it". She is WAY more anxious than people believe her to be.
So I guess i am not asking for anything specific, i mean you know i ship with dera, but I wanted to just give you an opportunity to give me your opinion? Ideas? Critique??? I dont really know myself.
It is up to you. I just value your opinion in general.
(Also wanted to ask: even if the event ends, can i send you my varia boys profiles once they are done?)
@eternitas I dug this up in the queue before work today, just as I know you've been waiting for it ans it keeps getting sent down in wach new reshuffle! First off, let me just say that I am deeply honored that you feel comfortable sharing your self-insert/OC with me. I know that takes a lot of bravery to do, as these sorts of characters become very meaningful and dear to our hearts. I’m not entirely sure what to really give you back though! Because this reply is published publicly on the blog, I am going to ask if you’re okay with other readers commenting on the beautiful Rena and, if you are, I ask my gorgeous constant readers – do any of you lovelies want to comment or ask questions about the character, other than the ones I will be asking? (Though a reminder that all comments and questions must be respectful, anything that I feel is mean-spirited will not be shared and might earn you a block from the blog because again – sharing these types of characters takes a lot of courage). What I ended up giving you was just my thoughts, sometimes an occasional comment that I had while reading through the description of Rena, but mostly questions on her though because I am always very curious about characters! Oh, so many questions! I hope the questions will make sense and that none of it will come off as rude or nosey!! Even the critiques are more meant as…okay, that’s an interesting writing choice. This is how I always thought about the character/process, so I’m just really interested in why you think this thing instead – because, as a reminder, mine is not the only right way to see things and by asking questions and hearing other people’s views, I get to learn new things and see characters and situations in lights that I might never have considered! (Also, please, please, even if there is no event going on, please feel free to send me profiles for the Varia boys, and please know, to my lovely other readers, that I am always interested in hearing about people’s self-inserts or original characters 😊)
How is Rena pronounced? Like Ray-nah or like Ree-na?
Where Rena has a birthname and a new chosen name, how did she settle on the name Rena Paolina? What drew her to that first and last name? Is there any significance behind it?
Where she does have the birthname and then her new identity, did she legally change her name? Most Mafia families would work with forged documents and would be able to spot fake documents, even well-made ones if the family is experienced enough, so I feel she’d be living dangerously relying on just forged documents. Did she go through something like what Reborn went through after becoming cursed, where he went to some sort of specialist, referred to him through Shamal (or maybe even Shamal himself, who knows) and got her old identity completely erased and a new one constructed for her by the best of the best to avoid any danger?
If Rena is around Tsuna’s age, did she temporarily go on the leave from the Vongola after high school to get her theatre degree? If so, who took over childcare while she was gone? Was her absence really noticed? How much contact did she keep in with her friends, if the theatre school she went to wasn’t in Japan? Did they come to visit her often and if so, who showed the most interest in what she was learning about? (Do you see any of the Guardians or Tsuna’s other family members as being really interested in the theatre and acting?)
Why was she scouted for the Vongola? I can see them keeping an eye on her for potential threats and having the attitude of keeping your enemies closer, but why in particular was she scouted for the position she was scouted for? Why would they entrust her with the next generation of the Vongola if there was that fear about her family? Had she proven herself to them in some way? Was she supervised while in the daycare for the first several years until she had shown her loyalty? Or was it that Tsuna and Timoteo's hyper intuition saw through all and knew Rena had a heart of gold and would never hurt any of them or the Vongola itself?
Lambo would obviously give Rena a run for her money and probably tire her out but what about the other children? How does she get along with I-Pin, who is just as energetic but less rambunctious and trouble-making? What about slightly older children like Fuuta? Especially Fuuta, actually, whose ranking abilities could prove dangerous if they were to reveal something she didn’t want to come out, like who she was in the past?
I actually really, really enjoy the fact that Rena isn’t much of a physical fighter and does such a niche job. It makes her much more relatable, in my opinion, without the worry of her being overpowered or anything along those lines. I also love that she has clear passions and interests of her own, things that she enjoys doing that are completely separate from Mafia life because it makes her feel more realistic as a person and more fleshed out and dimensional as a character.
This is the only critique I have and it’s more a question. If she is indeed part of the Vongola, why are her origins only known to Reborn, Dino, and CEDEF. Reborn and CEDEF have no say as to who becomes Vongola, though Reborn recruits for Tsuna’s family specifically and even then, they kind of need to be invited in by Tsuna or at least accepted by Tsuna as part of his family. So, am I confused, and she’s scouted as part of specifically Tsuna’s generation? Because otherwise Timoteo and his Guardians would know about her, and I could honestly see Timoteo being the most sympathetic to her plight and the one most likely to take her in, while I could see Iemitsu and CEDEF and especially Reborn being the more extremely wary of Rena, because they would view her more of a threat, where Timoteo, especially with the help of Vongola’s Hyper-Intuition, would view Rena more as a child in a bad spot who needs a safe place to be and as a human being who means them no harm, something his Hyper-Intuition tells him in his heart and I could actually see him doing everything in his power to bring her into the fold and provide a stable 'father-like' figure to her.
Or am I confused and this takes place when Tsuna is an adult, though that would make no sense as Lambo would be much too old to need childcare at that point, though some of the family members would have children of their own that might need childcare during that time?
How did she meet Dino, where he’s the first person she met upon arriving in Italy? Why did she choose Italy to flee to? Was it a conscious choice or was it more that that was the first flight she could grab?
What are the topics that hit close to home for her? What are the causes and topics she’s passionate about and that get her heated?
If Rena is someone unafraid to speak her mind to anyone and everyone, how is it that she hasn’t gotten herself ‘bitten to death’ by people like Hibari? Or Xanxus, Bel, and Squalo, should she have ever met them? Are there times when she knows how to keep her opinions to herself, because doing otherwise would lead to danger or possible fights, or is she the impulsive type whose mouth sometimes gets the better of her (which I would sympathize with her on if that's the case because sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my head)?
If Rena doesn’t want to perform in public spaces due to a fear of being found out, does that mean the theatre group only performs for the Vongola? Just wondering as I’m just a little confused as to that, because here at least, even the backstage crew gets pulled onto the stage at the end of the show to get their round of applause. Is it different in other countries and I'm just being ignorant? I can't remember if I asked above, but what role does she play in the theatre troop? Does she direct, act, write original plays, anything? I am so, so, so intensely curious and intrigued by this aspect of her and it's one of my favourite things about her, no lie!!
Is her family Russian Mafia? And what do you mean by conservative ways, precisely? Are we talking stereotypical brutal Russian mob, who terrorizes, extorts, blackmails, and murders those inside their own territory? If so, how was the family not taken apart by the townspeople they subjugated during the internal chaos of the coup d’etat where his right hand man took the Boss’ seat? How did his right-hand man take over a family like that while still leaving the former Boss alive, especially as it would be a huge threat to the right-hand man since the former boss could gather anyone even the least bit loyal to him back to his side and could come gunning for the person who took over his role by force. A point blank killing of Ivan would make more sense to me, so I’m just trying to dig into the world here and figure out if there were reasons he was left behind and how all this turmoil in her family happened.
Where did her family resettle, if they were forced out of the country? Did she like that country? Would she return there? Would she ever return to Russia, if the danger of being found out for who she was was taken away? Like, was her childhood there one that she would have loved if born from a different family?
Since she ran way, does she ever contact her parents from a secure line to let them know she is safe? It seems unreasonably cruel, since there’s no hints that her father or mother were abusive to her, for her to leave them there for years upon years wondering if she was safe, if their child had been killed, and all that. Is there more to this family’s story than what’s being told at first glance? Again, this is such an intriguing, interesting backstory that I want to deep dive into it and learn every little bit of information I can about it, like I would want to deep dive into any characters from published anime/manga!
Why did Dmitri not go with her when she ran away, if his purpose and life’s work was really to be her bodyguard? Why did he not follow her after ensuring she got safely out, meeting her at somewhere they would have agreed upon? There’s no way she could have guaranteed safety as a runaway living on the streets, hoping someone would take her in, so I would think he’d be even more insistent on being able to stay with her and protect her. Was it under her orders, to keep him potentially safe, since I know for sure she does genuinely have a good heart and would deeply care about someone who'd been so close to her?
How does she fake having a Storm Flame to seal these official documents? I don’t think Flame types are officially listed on most paperwork, since the only valid way to prove it for it to be recorded would be to light the flame on a Ring? I have nothing against her being a Sky flame, just wondering how she fakes the Storm Flame or if she just has a weak secondary Storm Flame, which would also make complete sense with her personality!
If Dmitri knows where she is and watches her from afar, why has he just not approached her? If it’s because he could be caught doing so, he’d be caught doing observation and surveillance on her, wouldn’t he? Is he nervous she'd be upset or is he worried he might not fit into her new life??
Now just some random questions because I genuinely do think Rena is adorable, I like the bit of shipping headcanons you’ve shared with her and Gokudera, and I’m interested in learning more about just who she is as a person!!
What are some of Rena’s other hobbies other than theatre? Is there any particular genres she’s really pulled towards for all the media and stage shows she prefers?
What’s one stage production that she has always wanted to be a part of but hasn’t gotten to be a part of yet?
Is she right or left handed? Is she at all superstitious and does she believe in things like astrology, crystals, and psychics?
Would she go ghost-hunting/Bigfoot-spotting, etc. with Gokudera? Does she genuinely believe in all that stuff or is she doing it to humour him and because she knows how much he loves that kind of stuff?
What’s her style? How does she dress? How much care does she take with her appearance? Is she a no makeup kind of person or someone who likes to play around with their makeup?
Who’s her favourite kid out of the main kid trio of Lambo, I-Pin, and Fuuta? What about the Arcobaleno, where they look like babies? Who would she think is the cutest baby?
Does she attend Yamamoto’s baseball games and if so, is she one of the super-loud spectators, cheering him on so everyone can hear or is she more quietly supportive?
Does she have a parent she preferred growing up? (Was she a Daddy’s girl or a Mommy’s girl?) If she didn’t really ever get along with her parents, was there another relative that she really loved and that was her safe space, like an aunt or cousin?
What does Rena look like! I don’t remember it in the description or anything, so I’d love to hear about that aspect of her too!
Does she ever have any relationships prior to getting together with Gokudera or is he her first and only relationship throughout her life? How do they end up getting together? Does someone officially confess or does it just kind of happen naturally?
What is her daily life with Gokudera like? Do they move in together and if so, how soon? What’s her favourite thing about him and what drew her to him and vice versa?
When’s their anniversary? How do they typically celebrate?
How do her and Gokudera resolve fights and arguments they have?
Honestly, just tell me anything and everything about her because I’m really interested in getting to know her!
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Hi, Ro😌❤️I love the new hospital drabble😌❤️
And I also had a good laugh reading that Ari had a hard time trying to explain why he called her his wife in the hospital🤣🤣
Though... it couldn't be the only time that Ari sneaked behind her back and called her wife, no?👀👀👀 like he can be all possessive and claiming when he needs to be😩🤭
Warnings for some spice. I mean, whoops again, gang 🥵😩 I have no one to blame but myself. OH NO. THIS SUCKER IS GETTING THE MATURE LABEL. WC 1.2k
3 x Ari Faked It + the 1st x It Was Real, a terribly titled Bedrock and Blueprints drabble
The hospital was a pretty special circumstance because the nurses weren't going to let him see you if he didn't lie, however, Ari becomes a bit notorious for not correcting anyone who calls you 'Mrs. Levinson.'
Your friends at the bar ask him how 'the misses' is doing when you're not around, and that very small thing usually brings a smile to his face. For a while, Ari thinks to himself that it's just the equivalent of saying 'your girl,' and he just moves on with the conversation.
A reservation for a nice dinner he takes you to on your birthday is under his name, and the woman leads you to the table with a simple "right this way, Mister and Misses Levinson."
Since it's just the hostess walking you from point A to point B thirty feet away, Ari hardly thinks it's worth the time to explain that you two aren't married...and you don't mention that either.
That gets him thinking. Would you take his name?
The idea rattles around in his brain, popping up randomly in between bits of chatting, but he never says anything out loud.
Of course, Ari's in love with you and you're in love with Ari. He loves you and you love him, and he knows that. But you don't...discuss future things with him much because you're trying not to scare the chronic nomad off. It took enough nudging (and then straight-up fighting) to get him to move into a house he was already building for you for fuck's sake.
And yes, Ari is still the type of man who would panic and run to the bar with José and Dimitri if you started talking about wedding things like guest lists and themes and flowers. He's not there, and he doesn't enjoy that even if it's you. He simply isn't that man.
The idea though...
That idea of saying you are his wife is different. That's not a possession in the physical sense. He's never wanted much in the way of 'stuff,' and he didn't put much effort into keeping his family around once he joined the military. Marrying you would not be a big deal to him in terms of ownership.
Nope. What strikes Ari deep in his gut is that you'd claim him as your family, you might want him bound to you in that way, and you might be his permanent home.
Something about that makes Ari feral, and on the way home from your dinner, the instant he pulls his keys out of the ignition, Ari slides across the leather seat and pins you to the door with a hot and heavy kiss.
When you finally convince him it'll be more comfortable to exit the vehicle, he doesn't let you get far, hoisting you up against the side of the truck until your arms stretch over the lip of the flatbed. That shiny little skirt you wear gets pushed up to your waist, and Ari fucks you right there in the dark driveway.
Happy birthday to you indeed.
Um, so then there's the time Ari will never, ever speak of to anyone other than you ever.
Maybe a month or two after you find out you're pregnant, Ari's boss's boss has a big party at a large corporate space the company just completed. The Big Boss's wife thinks you and Ari are married, and again, because it's an unnecessary conversation to have with someone you may never see after that night, you two nod and smile and move on.
There's so much drinking at the party which, of course, you can't partake in. It's not that you aren't having fun and meeting interesting people, but...
Let's put it this way: you are extremely horny during those months after the morning all-day sickness subsides, and Ari is not drinking in solidarity with you. What the hell else are you gonna do but find a random small room to pull your panties down just far enough for him to sink into you from behind? Is he supposed to stop himself from using one hand to support your faint baby bump? Is he gonna not use the other to furiously work your clit? Is he supposed to deny you two orgasms while he gets to watch you pinch at your bigger breasts from over your shoulder?
He's not a monster, so, yeah, he does all those things. He hasn't gotten the chance to figure out how to propose for real, but it works as a really intense turn-on for you, apparently, to hear him praise you as 'Mrs. Levinson' even just once when he whispers for you to be quiet. He does not actually care if you stay quiet, for the record. He kinda just wants the excuse to say it. If he's not mistaken, that made you come pretty fucking hard. Noted.
All in all, he is very courteous of the space, makes sure none of his cum drips out of you before replacing your panties, wipes himself with his handkerchief then pockets it so there's no trash (or evidence), and other than your hands braced on the wall at some point, nothing was touched. Also, Ari thought it was maybe the hottest sex of his life.
He is not, however, going to tell anyone that.
Out of necessity, you two don't spend much money on your wedding. It's a small (we are talking intimately small) Jewish ceremony followed by a huge backyard party with friends. It seemed more important to purchase Ari his coveted grill instead of investing too much in the pomp of a wedding. (Additionally, you couldn't really spend on even a small wedding until after getting a car fit to transport a baby, so Ari sold his beloved truck--to José, thank goodness--and you bought a bigger vehicle with a backseat. You are reluctantly driving now, but it's mainly in case of emergencies. The ultimate plan is for Ari to buy the truck back from José since his friend is also saving for a nicer car himself. It's all very tidy.)
The grill though! Ari's ecstatic. Now he can cook all sorts of stuff for you and little Rachel, your daughter, named after Ari's mother. Rachel, of course, can't eat anything from the grill yet, but that just gives Ari time to master his skills.
If the ceremony had been bigger, you two would have had the yichud--a bit of time together alone before leaving with your guests--but Rachel wakes up from a completely dead sleep in José's arms to demand attention...and you've got to get home to start cooking.
So it turns out that Ari doesn't have any chance to really converse much with you until Rachel is busy being passed around the guests outside and the food is all served. Dimitri is entertaining everyone by leading in lawn games. Ari takes his moment to steal you away to the bedroom.
He's not emotional he's extremely emotional, but he makes sure the first time he ever calls you Mrs. Levinson for real is while tenderly making love on your wedding day.
Well, the first time on your wedding day because there are a few more times after your guests leave and Rachel is put to bed. Just saying.
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Ya know, I have never written any 3+1 or 5+1 fics... Huh. Didn't realize that until now.
Still have zero chill and posted anyway. So sue me, I like reading people's reactions as soon as possible...
Hope you enjoyed this bit of spice, and thank you for reading!
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ffxiv-f13ndish · 12 hours
I'll Kill You
((collab drabble w/ @ro-valerius [Tofu] @sorrel-haven [Kore))
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Was having three people go to the market for groceries and supplies a bit of an overkill? Maybe so, but Miyu thought of it as safety in numbers and whatnot. Though the last thing the Sapphire Avenue Exchange needed was more people, considering how crowded it was currently. Miyu tried to keep close, but found themself lost in the throngs after spending a little too much time staring at a wall as they tried to calm their nerves. Before they knew it, Kore and Tofu were nowhere to be seen.
They slipped away into an alley to get a breather. They leaned against the wall, closing their eyes for a moment. They rested their hand on their shoulder, brow furrowing at the sharp ache that radiated through their arm. An injury healed some time ago, and yet a ghost of pain still lingered. As they took in deep breaths, it began to fade.
Alright, that’s enough hiding away. Time to find Kore and Tofu and get the hell out. Just as they started to leave the alley, they were halted when they felt a resisting tug on their bag.
They looked back in alarm, a more perplexed expression taking place at the sight of a masked Flame recruit.
“Hey, I swear I haven’t stolen anything,” Miyu blurted. Well, they haven’t taken anything today, at least. Other times, however… 
There was no response from the masked man.
“Do you… need something?” they asked, an uneasy chuckle following as they gave the recruit a nervous smile – which quickly disappeared upon hearing an ominous chuckle from the masked man. A very familiar sounding chuckle.
“Yeah. I know what ya can give me again,” the anonymous recruit remarked, lifting up his mask.
Miyu’s eyes went wide. Groceries be damned, Miyu released their hold on the bag. As they attempted to sprint forward, they felt the roegadyn’s arm lock around their waist. They let out a muffled holler as a hand wrapped over their mouth.
“Got some fight in ya, this time I’ll be sure you remember i-” he was cut off with a yell as Miyu bit down into his hand and twisted back the fingers. 
Startled, the man let go, and they fled into the crowd. 
Tofu had been looking for Miyu, he and Kore having split up to search. He had caught sight of them as they struggled out of the grip of a Flame recruit he didn’t recognize. The way that person held them was not part of the Immortal Flame procedures. He wove through the crowd, making sure that he was between Miyu and the man that had accosted them as he glared the man down. Miyu’s steps faltered when a familiar flash of orange and purple came between them and the false Flame.
Without hesitation, he rammed into the man with his shoulder, knocking him to the ground, and wrapping his hands around the roegadyn’s throat.
“There’s no way you’re a real Flame, your actions are reprehensible. Do not touch them,” he growled.
The roegadyn’s eyes widened momentarily. He held up his hands in what appeared to be surrender.
“Hey, now… I’ll back it off, honest. I’m still in trainin’, I just thought I saw ‘em slip something,” the man attempted to reason, his voice straining.
Miyu, who could only stare in a stunned silence, their limbs shaking as they fought to get the words out to call the man a liar. Their voice wouldn’t budge. They didn’t have to say anything. With a sharp pain in his temple, Tofu winced briefly. The man below him…his memories flowed through his head. And what Tofu saw filled him with rage. He glared down at the informant that had drugged his dear one, his eyes holding a dangerous glint.
“I’ll kill you.” His voice was low, beyond rage. In front of him, there was nothing but red. Red and this man who had dared to take advantage of his dearest one.
Kore’s ears twitched towards the alleyway when she heard Tofu. An angry Tofu. She quickly made her way towards the sound of his voice. She took in the scene in the alleyway and rushed to Miyu’s side and protectively pulled them into her arms.
“What happened?” Kore asked as she looked between Tofu and the roegadyn.
Miyu leaned into Kore’s arms, one arm wrapping around her as they held on tight. 
“It’s him. The informant from that night. He was… he…” Miyu trailed off, wincing as they felt their shoulder throb once more. Was it coincidental timing? Or did they need an actual reason to not being able to speak? “I’m sorry. Sorry,” they apologized quietly, eyes pinned towards the ground.
“What night, Rainbow?” she asked softly as she held them closer.
Miyu watched with an uneasy gaze as the roegadyn tried to fight off Tofu. They were confident in Tofu’s ability, but nevertheless worried for his condition – given the still healing reopened wounds.  In their anxiety, they struggled to give a proper response, but an answer came out – quickly, but faintly.
“Few nights… before Tofu looked for me in Forgotten Springs. I went to him to get some information on the Basilisks. He slipped something into my drink and I think…” They faltered, brows furrowing as they recalled how the informant had addressed them, “... I know… he took advantage.” Ah, so it seemed that Virgil could tell a lie, at least to try and spare their pride. 
The roegadyn heaved as he struggled to breathe. Looks like lying won’t get him out of this one. He reached up and punched Tofu hard in the stomach, then grabbed his shoulders as he attempted to flip over. 
Tofu winced as the fist connected - the arrow wounds in his side weren't healing quickly due to the poison that they had been coated with. The momentary distraction caused by the pain was enough for the roegadyn to flip their positions. 
As the informant sought to strangle him in return, Tofu drew his knife, laws be damned. With force, he drove his knife into the roegadyn’s side and sliced upwards across his chest. As the man's face contorted with surprise and pain, Tofu brought his knife across the man's throat, ignoring the blood that sprayed down on him from both wounds. 
As Tofu shoved the body off of him and stood, two Blades and a Flame approached him, shouting for him to halt. He sheathed his knife and held up his hands, a brow quirked as he gestured to the fallen man.
“You had an imposter problem,” he said dryly. The Flame looked down at the man 
“Regardless, we'll have to hold you until the investigation is finished. I'm sure you're used to this by now,” one of the Blades said. Tofu shrugged.
“Yeah yeah, I'm not runnin’ this time,” he grumbled.
“What? No. We will be going home. We’ll come answer your questions later, but my partners were just attacked. I will be taking them home to rest and recover,” Kore asserted, her voice filled with more authority than Tofu or Miyu ever heard of her. She held herself with more cold confidence than she ever had before. This is who her grandmother raised her to be.
“We can’t let you do that, there’s-“
“No, I don't think you understand,” Kore interrupted. “This villain here got a hold of an Immortal Flame uniform and used it to attack our partner. This man attacked them before, Tofu defended them. You take Tofu into custody, I will personally go to Raubahn and Nanamo and instead of our usual tea and cakes I will be making a formal complaint with them about how easily he managed to impersonate a Flame officer.” 
Kore stared defiantly as she reached over and took Tofu’s hand. Tofu squeezed her hand gently, ducking his head slightly to meet her eyes. 
“It’s fine, a crime is a crime, they’ll get the investigation done and I’ll be good to go. It’s not the first time I’ve spent time in a cell, and it wouldn’t be the longest time, either,” he murmured gently. “If it does take too long, by all means, meet with Nanamo and let her know what has transpired. She wouldn’t let me stay in there long.” He let a sigh through his nose, offering a reassuring smile.
“We can’t expect them to take our word for it at face value. I knew what I was getting myself into. The law is the law,” he said evenly, louder so that other people could hear him for testimonial purposes.
Shaken as they were, Miyu wasn’t about to let Tofu get taken away. While something like this could be taken care of the ‘right’ way, Tofu was in no condition to be away in a cell for Gods know how long. And while Raubahn could be trusted, Miyu held no trust for the other Flame members. They marched up over to the body and spit blood on the ground, before they pointed to the blood left smeared around their lips. Miyu then leaned down, picking up the fallen roegdyn’s hand to show the bite mark left behind from earlier to point at.
“He attacked me first. Tofu protected me. If anything, I made the attack first and made him do it. There’s your investigation,” Miyu stated, their voice cold. They stood up straight, standing closer to Tofu.
“If you need more information, I’ll come,” they wearily said, hand clenched at their side. While they’d rather not recount everything, they’ll try and help how they could to speed up the investigation. The Flame and the Blades looked at each other. 
“...You would have to come in, anyway. Both you, and the strong willed woman. And any other witnesses in the area. It’s an investigation, that is how it works. However, in the meantime, your friend here has still committed a crime, a murder, and will still need to be held until the investigation is finished,” the Flame said calmly. Tofu reached over and brushed his fingers across Miyu’s cheek.
“It’s fine, Miyu. This is how it always goes. They’re not going to hurt me, I’ll be fine, it’ll just be a few hours while they ask questions,” he said softly.
“I don’t like it either, Rainbow…” Kore said under her breath as she took hold of Miyu’s hand. Tofu offered Kore and Miyu a reassuring smile before turning back to the Blades and the Flame.
“Same place as usual?” he asked them with a half shrug. One of the Blades sighed heavily. 
“How did you even end up… Yes, yes same place as usual, let’s go,” the Blade grumbled. No one bothered to restrain Tofu this time; they couldn’t hold him if he were set on escape, but he was going along, so there was no point. Tofu allowed himself to be led to the gaol once more.
Miyu watched with a distraught expression as Tofu was led away, their hand giving Kore’s a tight squeeze. They rubbed at their arm with the other hand and let out a tense breath. 
“I should have dealt with it myself,” they mumbled quietly. “If I hadn’t… said anything… It wasn’t even that import…” Miyu trailed off as a Flame to their right walked a little too close for the panicked miqo’te’s comfort. Miyu let go of Kore’s hand and attempted to swing at him. Kore stopped Miyu before the Flame could notice, pulling them in close. 
“Shh, it’s okay, you’re safe,” she murmured into their hair. “Don’t let go of my hand and I will keep you safe.”
Miyu’s fist relaxed. They leaned in, face buried into her neck as they gave a tired sigh. Kore kissed the top of their head.
“Come darling, we’re going to go see Nanamo.” Kore took Miyu’s hand and marched off towards the Chamber of Rule. She didn’t pay any mind to the Blade’s or Flame’s protests.
The Blade shoved Tofu into the cell aggressively enough to knock him off balance and to the ground. Well, he hadn’t been expecting that, but when he thought back to how this particular Blade had been towards him before, his surprise faded as a mild irritation took its place. And of course he had to land on his injured shoulder. With a groan, he pushed himself up and shuffled to the corner, sitting with his uninjured shoulder to the wall. 
Some hours passed, though exactly how many, he couldn’t be sure. Enough that he had rested his head against the wall and almost dozed off. After the silence that had fallen, the sudden clatter of the door and footsteps jolted him awake, though he kept his shoulder to the wall. That was a familiar set of small footsteps…
“Well, a gaol cell is no place for the Warrior of Light. Come now, Tofu, up we go,” Nanamo said as one of the Blades unlocked the cell. Tofu pushed himself to his feet and made his way over to her, offering a deep kneel.
“Thanks for coming for me,” he said softly.
“None of that. It’s the least I can do for all of the good you have done for us. Your… partner was quite adamant about this injustice, and I am inclined to agree with her. And do be heartened that there is an ongoing investigation into the Immortal Flames and this… imposter issue. I assure you, it will be taken care of,” Nanamo explained with a warm smile. Tofu offered a relieved smile in return.
“That does hearten me, yes. Thank you, Your Grace,” he said, moving to stand back up, but she stopped him by putting both hands on his face.
“You look… rough. Is everything alright?” she asked, her brow furrowed as concern lit across her eyes. Tofu blinked and lightly pushed her hands away, extending to his full height and looking away.
“Nothing to concern yourself over,” he said. “I should make my way back to my dear ones. If you’ll excuse me…”
She didn’t try to stop him as he stepped around her and walked away.
Miyu hadn’t budged, nor had they let go of Kore’s hand once while the two of them waited for Tofu’s release. They lifted their gaze upon hearing a familiar pattern of footfalls approaching.
“I’m sorry,” they apologized immediately, hoisting themself off the ground to stand on their feet. “I should’ve acted quicker to take care of it myself. This… could have been avoided.” Their eyes searched Tofu’s expression, but never quite met his gaze. Tofu smiled, but there was no trace of happiness in his eyes.
“Oh, it wouldn’t have mattered. The instant I Saw what he did to you, he was a dead man,” he said. His expression softened. “Besides, this was the most pleasant gaol stay I’ve ever had. Not a single loud-mouthed hyur in the cell beside me, nor a single cocky rat lalafel.”
Kore put a hand on Tofu’s face. “How are your injuries? They didn’t reopen… again?” Tofu shook his head gently.
“Not that I’ve noticed,” he murmured.
Miyu was quiet for a long while. They stared at Tofu, though their eyes were distant. They rubbed their shoulder, expression tensing for a moment. They dropped their hand, reaching over to Tofu’s to give it a squeeze of thanks.
“Best to get home and give it a look, hm?” Miyu suggested with a soft smile. “This has been a long grocery shopping trip.”
Running footsteps approached them, but they were light without a trace of armour. Tofu tilted his head and turned towards them, noting a familiar Hyuran woman with brown hair peeking out from under a cloth hat. Katherine, the woman he had stolen food from in his childhood. Well, the woman who let him think he was stealing from her. She came to a stop in front of them and put her hands to her knees to catch her breath. 
“Oh good, I caught you all before you left!” she said between gasps, straightening up and smiling at them. “You were here on shopping business before all of that, right? Please, allow me to finish up for you, and I’ll have my son deliver everything to your estate. Your miqo friend here looks pretty shaken up, you should get them home before they have a full meltdown.”
Tofu blinked at her in surprise before allowing a relieved smile across his features. “...Thank you. I’ll be sure to pay you back in full.”
Miyu glanced over to the woman who ran over and gave a tense smile in thanks. Embarrassed as they were by the statement, they didn’t have it in them to argue. They stared ahead and said nothing. Kore looked over at Tofu.
“You two should start heading home. I should thank Nanamo and then I’ll catch up.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek.
“Be safe. Don’t make me get arrested again,” he responded, shooting a smile to show jest.
Miyu gave a distracted nod. They stepped closer and gave Kore a quick peck on the cheek. Tofu took Miyu’s hand in his own gently, ducking down to catch their distant eyes to give them a warm smile in what he hoped was an assuring manner. 
“Let’s go home,” he said.
A faint sound of surprise left Miyu when they felt Tofu’s hand grasp around their own. They looked at him with a raise of their brows in wonder. They managed a smile in return and gently squeezed his hand. They lifted his hand to their lips and kissed the back of it, holding it there as they gave a small sigh.
“Mhm.” They glanced over Tofu, noting all the blood that had spilled in the spat that had occurred. “Blomma has a lot of stains to wash out. Maybe I’ll give her a hand, it’s the least I can do after..”
Miyu’s eyes trailed over to Kore, distraught to leave her behind. Nevertheless, they gave Tofu’s hand one more squeeze and started walking.
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hello,how are you? I hope you're having a wonderful day!I am loving the story so far and am really excited for more to come since it's only the beginning,the descriptions are so good and I am really into all the male ROs but mostly Aurelio that I wanted to ask,do you accept fan-arts ?also will throw in an ask,how would the ROs react to a MC that refuses kisses and touching beyond hugging and holding hands untill marriage?
AN: Hello! I'm doing good thank you for asking. 😊
I 1000% accept fan arts if anyone feels benevolent enough to bless me with some. I would also compile them into the masterlist as their own sub masterlist so anyone can find them easily, + w/all the crediting and shout outs the artists want or need. 💙
Now, unto your ask.
Cassandra: And she thought she was romantically strict with what she allows before marriage. But she would respect it, even slightly approve of you setting your boundaries and having such good self control to uphold those boundaries.
Valeria: SInce MC would be her first romantic relationship, they sort of set her standards as to how such relationships are supposed to be. So, she wouldn't question it, too much...
Tomás: Works for him, if you can wait years for him to be comfortable with minimal physical touch; he can wait however long he needs to in order to make you comfortable with whatever it is you need.
Does struggle wanting to touch you more once he realizes he loves you.
Ludovica: Respects it. Even if you didn't want to touch her at all, she would be happy just being in your presence.
Aurelio: LOL
Will think you're kidding until he finds out you're not. He then tells you he will make it his mission to seduce you by any means possible, and boy does he try. He would never make you feel forced but he does want you to want him in that way, just like he wants you.
Does everything in the book; serenades you, buys you stuff, takes you to nice dinners, writes you poetry, dances with you with a rose in his mouth, everything.
Afterwards he fr questions if the problem is just him, ngl you humble him a bit because he thought was irresistibly sexy when he put in maximum effort.
Eventually he calms down but never really gives up because he will still ask you every now and then if you want to go further with little to no expectation that you will ever say yes until he mans up enough to marry you.
Elio: Promptly comes to the conclusion that he's good with just hugs and hand holding. Would he like more? Sure, is he willing to get married just to have that? Hell nah, he's good.
I've said this before but you'll need high persuasion for this man to get married.
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livfastdieyoung69 · 1 year
(Ch.2) A Nikki Sixx Story.
Rowan woke once again to a kick in the ribs with a groan.
“You know I’d be a lot happier if you stopped kicking me every morning.” Rowan grumbled into the same grimey, sweat stained pillow they had a week ago.
“Still not morning. And you have to go to that audition thing that one guy invited you to.”
“His name’s Mick.” They mumbled, moving to look over at their beloved guitar, a shitty worn down Stratorcastor modified to play their signature tone, only to find it missing. “Where the fuck is my guitar?”
“I had to take it last night when you came home at 4 am and started playing Iron Maiden songs as loud as you could turn your amp to.”
“Fuckin’ love Iron Maiden, man..”
“Yeah, I know. Do you know where this is and do I have to drive you? Cause Dotty asked if I could come in and if you want a ride we have to leave in like five minutes.” Holly rambled, her words getting faster as she tossed her light brown waves over her shoulder. Rowan took a minute to process what Holly had said.
“Uh…its..just up the road. I’ll just walk, Hols it's fine.” They finally spoke looking up to the girl towering over her from their place on the mattress.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind driving you.” Holly was always concerned about Rowan, which was fair enough with all of the dumb shit they seemed to do.
“Really it’s fine, I could use a walk. And a smoke.”
“Alright, well, I’m heading out then. Call the diner if you need anything, ok?”
“I will. See you, Hol!”
“See you, Ro!” She yelled before slamming the apartment door shut. Rowan struggled to get up from the mattress with a groan and a few sighs before finally getting ready for the day.
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A harsh knock sounded on the apartment door, bringing the attention of the small group inside. A faint shout could be heard through the poorly built walls before the door knob began to twist. The door almost seemed to wobble as it was opened, a gust of wind giving off from the quickness of the skinny man on the other side.
“What can I do you for, dude?” Maybe man wasn’t such a good word. He was more of a young boy with a shining smile and mop of hair, the same complexity of Hollys, to match. A pair of drumsticks were sticking out of his belt.
“Um, Mick gave me your guys’ address.” They picked their guitar case up from off the ash-covered, cement ground. “I’m the guitarist- rhythm guitarist, I guess.”
“Oh, right on, man! Come on in, Mick just got here too. I’m Tommy and Nikki’s taking a piss but he's the bassist.” Rowan threw Mick a small wave from his place by his amp- M.M. carved subtly into the top. “Oh, and that’s Greg.”
The bathroom door opened to reveal who Rowan guessed was Nikki, still fixing his studded belt back on, and pulling the attention away from the blonde man- supposedly the other rythm guitarist they had at the moment. He looked up after closing the bathroom door behind him and clumsily pointing over at Rowan.
“Who’s this?” The question came out through a sigh as his eyes shifted over to Tommy’s. 
“I’m Rowan. Mick thought my sound would be cool with yours, so..” They finished with a shrug, eyes trailing through the room. 
“Wait- what the hell is this?” Greg spoke, clearly frusturated- or maybe threatened was a better description- by Rowans presence. 
“Chill, dude. They’re just someone Mick knows and we figured- might as well try it out.” Tommy tried to settle the man, the quiet of the apartment quickly returning very awkwardly.
“We have an extra amp if you need it.” Nikki spoke up, carrying an extra amp over to them.
“Uh, yeah thanks. Sorry, I couldn’t carry mine over, but I’ve got the cords and all my pedals.” Rowan finally set their guitar case down and opened it, shoving the cords over to Nikki so he could plug it in and lifting up their guitar- a dark red SG with pinstripe work Rowan had done themselves over many grueling hours and a couple homemade add-ons to the model that gave it just the right sound. 
“Tune that however you want, and we’ve only got one copy of the sheet music so I guess just play whatever feels good.” Rowan tuned the amp- which was smaller than the others, but not by much- as he continued talking. 
“That's fine. Can’t stand that fancy-ass sheet music shit anyways.” They mumbled in response. Nikki glanced over at Tommy’s drum set to find Tommy with the same amused look, mouthing “Mick 2.0” at him. Nikki chuckled at the younger boy before moving his eyes over to Rowan who continued with their tuning. 
“You can tune all your shit and we’ll play with….him first and then when we’re done we’ll play with you. See what sounds better.” He started walking over to his bass while he talked, pulling the strap over his head and strumming the strings of the unplugged instrument while he continued talking. 
They began quickly, Tommy counting the others in. Mick sounded just as good as he always did, which was fucking fantastic, but the Greg guy was too slow. Everyone else was pretty clearly aggrivated everytime he missed a note or fell behind. They didn’t even finish the song, Nikki had gotten annoyed and just stopped playing in the middle of it. 
“I’m ready when you are.” They spoke, flicking their pedals on with what was left of the rubber sole of their worn-down sneakers.  The amps hum grew from behind them, and Nikki seemed to be holding on to any sort of hope that they would sound good. 
The wooden sticks in Tommy’s hand clung together in the correct beat before Mick started strumming his guitar, Tommy and Nikki joining in shortly. Rowan stood with their eyes closed, hands twitching up and down the fretboard as they searched for the perfect note and listened to the others at the same time. As the drums picked up, Rowan waited for their opporunity to jump in, and did so quickly and effortlessly. 
Nikki and Tommy looked at each other once more, amazed at the sound coming from the SG- unheard, and unbelieveable. Mick watched them play with a sense of pride, but Rowan was oblivious to it all with their eyes still closed and mind on nothing but guitar. Nikki couldn’t have found a better fit- it was fucking perfect. Now to get rid of this Greg dipshit. Before Nikki could do anything about, Rowan did. 
“Yeah, so, I’m obviously better. You can, uh..” Rowan trailed off, clicking their tongue and pointing towards the door with their thumb. Greg laughed in a tone as if to say, “unbelievable”.
“Look, I was here first, alright. Tommy, tell them.” The clackering of Tommy’s drum stick made Rowan turn, finding Tommy bent over. “Nikki? Come on!” Nikki only shrugged. Greg didn’t even think of looking at Mick, they weren’t on good terms to start with. “Really?! You’re gonna listen to this weirdo over me?” Rowan gave the man a sardonic smile as he yelled over them at Nikki who only looked to the ground. 
“Then fuck you guys, man! And your shitty fuckin’ band.” He unplugged his guitar, and made a dash towards the door. It kinda sounded like he was crying as he slammed the door. Tommy let out a laugh from behind his drumset. 
“Well. Free amp.” Rowan spoke. They really were a bunch of assholes, huh?
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“So….what's with the eye?” Apparently Tommy had a thing for asking rude questions to guitarists after admitting them into the band. Nikki sent him a frustrated whisper of his name, receiving a clueless look in return.
“What?” Sometimes Rowan forgot their left eye wasn’t normal, or functioning. “Oh! Uh,” Their hand moved to play with the dent left from a scar in their left eyebrow above the once brown, but now a cloudy white eye. “Just- somethin’ that happened when I was a kid.” After Rowan's avoidance of the question, the group of four went back into silence, the sound of Mick’s beer bottle clanging against the patio table set in the living room as one meant for dining
“Anyways..” Nikki looked over to Tommy while he spoke, still iriated with him. “We really need a fuckin’ singer. And I’m not about to settle for some regular looking, normal sounding asshole. We need a dude that looks like David Lee Roth with a vibe like fuckin’ Bowie.”
“So..we’re lookin’ for a skinny, blond fucker.” Mick stated.
“A skinny, blond fucker with moves.” Rowan corrected him, finishing off the rest of their beer, the same clashing that happened seconds earlier reoccurring before Tommy got the chance to respond.
“Wait-wait, I think I know our guy dudes.”
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rowan got that dawg in em winning everyones hearts over in like thirty seconds
I’m actually pretty happy with this, and im really glad to be writing again, i actually think im boutta start writing the next chapter rn nikkis just been on my mind so much recently, my motley obsession comes back at least three times a year and i just reread the herion diaries and got his other two books so thats def not helping (also this is giving me an excuse to rewatch the dirt for all of the lines)
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