#some advice please
fishwanderingforest · 4 months
Why the FVCK do only women flirt with me like yes gorgeous thank u for the compliment I'll continue blushing now for the next 5 to 7 business days, as a compliment from a (queer) women is among the highest form of compliment u can get, however sadly I am attracted to men but they simply won't fvcking flirt with me, wtf am I doing wrong, I just want a boyfriend
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lurukifennecfox · 6 days
Gotham was welcoming of Amity Parkers.
not as loving as with her own but she was way more patient with the people of her friend that any other outsiders.
so the people of Amity those Liminal and aware of her tried to pay her kindness back, to a reasonable degree of course but they could help and she let them stay so they did.
Paulina took it upon herself to make a nice place in the fashion district, she sold some charms to help with the curses as much as she could.
Sam being Sam opened a surprisingly Ivy Approved community garden and was very hard to convince not to join the Eco-terrorist but they managed to, thankfully.
the Fentons designed filters to help the 'Parkers but it was good for the city too if too little to do much.
Val hadn't moved here (yet) but she visited often enough and each visit volunteered somewhere.
Gotham grown to adore them almost as their own, she even hid them from the bats for a while to let them settle (and maybe help her more before her Knight inevitably got paranoid)
Gotham laughed when her King stumbled into her Red Knight, you could hear it in subtle ways the sounds of the night flowed just a little too much like a giggle.
Hood did deserve more good things she's proud of herself!
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canisalbus · 10 months
hi i ride motorcycle year round and wanted to chime in. for vasco's small around-town trips he'd probably be fine with his ears free, but for longer trips at higher speeds or when its cold out he'd want them protected. probably by tucking them under his chin into the collar of a jacket and then putting a scarf or bandana on. also goggles would be helpful if a full helmet wasn't wanted. since they're in europe and around italy specifically he could have a nice ducati (fast rockety sport bikes) or a cafe racer (much more like a motorized bicycle but they can still have a lot of power) a cafe racer would offer a lot of seat space for machete to be thoroughly uncomfortable in lol
i love your ocs they're great thanks for all the cool art :)
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oldbutchdaniel · 1 month
In the midst of RPF summer I think we may have all forgotten the time Assad said he would be quite literally be down for a threesome with old and young Daniel aka Luke and Eric when I don’t think a damn person asked
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literally we always focus on eric's part of this quote. and for good reason. but in context it's literally just assad emphatically pushing his "i need to fuck my costars" agenda and eric blinking twice because he needs help 😭
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t1oui · 1 month
bro at this point i see both sides of the jegulus argument, bc both sides (i specifically mean the people on both sides being aggressive w each other) need to grow up.
if you’re giving someone death threats for shipping jegulus… good lord man what do i even say. i cannot imagine being so upset about someone’s FICTIONAL SHIP of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS that i tell them to DIE. yk that sometimes, if someone hears it enough, it’ll actually happen? if your response to that is “good, their ship was trash” there is genuinely something wrong there.
but at the same time, i can’t imagine calling someone HOMOPHOBIC just for disliking jegulus. like, yeah, if you’re being called a fag or something for liking jegulus and it’s meant in a hostile way, fuck that. but simply NOT LIKING jegulus/wolfstar/what have you is in no way homophobic. babe it’s called having a preference.
are there ships out there i hate? yes. are there ship dynamics as a whole i despise and think are gross? YES. but you know what i do? i don’t interact, i don’t view content, and i don’t get mad! what happened to ship and let ship?
now, before anyone says “but what about mistagging” yes that is a big problem, and it’s really fucking annoying. ik not everybody is going to listen, but hey: if you’re making a post about jegulus, tag jegulus. if you’re making a post about wolfstar, tag wolfstar. jily? tag jily. if you’re making a post about jegulus and tag jily, you do not understand the point of tags. it doesn’t get you more reach, it just annoys people and causes even more hostility between parts of the fandom.
back to the point from earlier, i have also seen a lot of people calling jegulus shippers/slytherin skittles fans misogynists, racists, fascists, etc. that is absolutely bonkers to me. what happened to headcanon and let headcanon? this is the MARAUDERS FANDOM, something you say/do is going to be made up bc we barely have anything to go off of. let people make characters for themselves and write them as they want, and if you don’t like it, DON’T INTERACT. DON’T HATE. you’re not changing anyone’s mind when you send them a message threatening them for liking something that ISN’T ACTUALLY HARMING ANYONE.
yeah, that’s right: shipping jegulus, writing about the skittles, giving them depth? that isn’t actually hurting anybody. you know what does hurt people? telling them to kill themselves.
i’ve also seen an uptick in people being like “jegulus is just jeverus”/“just write jeverus” and “if you can say jegulus happened you can’t deny/hate on snily” and my honest opinions are… ok. i don’t think jegulus and jeverus are the exact same, but i’m not going to hate on either ship, nor will i hate on snily! but more importantly, I’M NOT GOING TO HATE ON SNILY & JEVERUS SHIPPERS. yk why? bc i’m not a hypocrite.
ship and let ship, people. it’s really not that hard. as a multishipper who follows this rule, i have found myself having a very good time in this fandom! i hope we can cut down on hostility soon, bc really, who is it helping? nobody comes out of an argument about FICTIONAL CHARACTERS KISSING happy. if yall really can’t get along, just don’t interact.
and, for the love of god, tag your posts accurately.
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berryzxx · 22 days
How tf do you make friends on the first day of college
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Ok so! I’ve come for some advice on writing- how do people actually follow through with writing?
Like, I have plenty of ideas for my characters that I really wanna write, but it’s hard to put stuff into words. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed at the thought of trying to write a story and end up not writing it at all.
Does anyone have any tips and/or advice for writing stories in general? Or at least on how to not get overwhelmed by writing?
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Covers for the new Hellblazer miniseries we'll be getting in 2024. Written by Si Spurrier with art by Aaron Campbell.
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primejourney · 6 days
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Hey you!! Yes, you!
Now that I've got your attention!: This isn't Sept-Ingo related, but I was wondering if any kind soul(s) out there would be willing to give me some art advice!
Interested? More under the cut
I'm currently working on an animation project starring the lovely smiley choo-choo man himself, Emmet! I don't want to share more since I'd like it to be a surprise, but I'm looking forward to pushing myself to learn After Effects while doing this.
However, still being an art noob of sorts here, I am feeling some indecision about how to do things, lol. Mainly, I am trying to figure out what kind of placement/composition to go for...I'm horribly indecisive, so an outside opinion from more seasoned artists than me would be wonderful!
I have a few options here. You can see my mockups in the Imgur link here (as silly as it sounds, I don't want my cruddy sketches here to clog up my blog feed): https://imgur.com/a/mBRQIr7
I suppose I will have to spill some beans on what I'm planning here: I want to make flowers bloom onto the trees as Emmet's expression changes. I'm stuck on whether I want to put more attention on his face or the trees (i.e., should Emmet be the focus and ergo, bigger...or smaller as we want to focus on the trees?). I also don't know if his placement looks awkward or not (following the rule of thirds or something idk???).
I'm leaning toward making his face the focus, but I would like to hear what others have to say! Thank you!!
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How tf did that get there-
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this is the second time i've seen your art on Pinterest-
wow! that's Theft, and not the good kind! while we're on the topic:
kindly refrain from reposting my art <3
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disgruntled-lifeform · 5 months
People who sell handspun yarn, how do you manage it when the profit margins are so razor thin?
I'm unable to work and money is tight so I've been considering how I can contribute financially and attempt to save up for the future but boy, things look lean.
If you sell your handspun, I'd love to hear from you either in my DMs or the replies/reblogs/tags because I have to make this work somehow...
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purpurussy · 3 months
gang I am feeling like absolute dog shit rn please give me your comfort vid recommendations <3 older vids are especially appreciated since I haven't seen a lot of those yet
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^this is me btw
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taintedcigs · 2 months
so i decided to log in after not being on here for some time... and the first thing i see is someone replying to my fics and complaining about my writing lmao yuck... if you don't like my writing pls do not read! there is a difference bw helpful advice/criticism and just straight up being mean </3
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irhabiya · 3 months
i went to the gym today.....finally
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nashvillethotchicken · 7 months
Matter fact. If I was a vampire and I paid an old friend to interview me before he died and he talked to me and my current husband and talked about my DEAD child and ex husband the way Daniel do? Im doing more than making fun of him, I'm knocking him in his bulbous forehead like he's a beluga fuckin whale
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oxygenisachoice · 1 year
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This is a genuine question— does anyone have any advice for depicting/stylizing spock?
He’s got such a unique look about him that I feel is hard to capture when transferring him into my art style. This is the best I’ve come up with(after many attempts), but I was wondering if anyone with more experience drawing him than I has any pointers.
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