#humanity as a whole has become 'worse' and is in a new and unique state of societal regression
belfrygargoyles · 6 months
Will be real. i dont necessarily think ppl are, as a whole, getting "more rude" or "less polite" or "value etiquette less." I think we're just continually inventing new ways to be annoying as fuck and the second we figure out a way to deal with it, a new way is invented. I think this will continue into infinity
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minnowtank · 1 year
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ok so i was already disappointed with totk's story and now i feel like people are making up things that didnt happen. like how does any of this represent a character progression. when compared to her botw self, totk zelda does not experience character growth. she merely learns that she has to make a sacrifice, then acts on it, with no internal conflict in between. and the sacrifice is basically just a less-bad version of the sacrifice she previously made. nothing she does in totk is connected to her arc in botw; in fact, the game makes a point of not mentioning her conflict in botw at all because it would only serve to highlight the sheer lack of growth she experiences in this game
large spoilers below
totk's story is essentially a watered down and neutered version of botw's story.
-> botw's story leads up to zelda sacrificing her humanity to seal ganon away by entering what is essentially a time prison where she and ganon are trapped, alive and perpetually conscious, in zelda's destroyed childhood home. throughout the story she struggles to learm how to use her magic due to a mental block, has an external conflict with her father that ends up fueling her internal conflict about her magic, is forced to become more mature in the face of tragedy, learns to like and value link, her appointed knight, has to own up to not being able to access her sealing power in time, and ends up being the last person standing. though her father was definitely to blame for worsening the mental block that kept her from learning her magic in time, the death of her father, champions, and the kingdom are her fault, too, because she had her own established flaws (i.e being stubborn contributed to her mental block). so she puts her life on the line to save the last living person she's grown to care about -- link. it's a tragic story, and a cautionary tale, and zelda grows from it. she is a fully realized character with a unique personality.
-> totk's story leads up to zelda sacrificing her humanity to transform into a dragon in order to act as a mobile USB charging port for the master sword; this causes her to go into a coma/dream state for most of it (debatably she gets out of the coma state when it is time to reunite with link except that makes very little sense when you think about how dragonification is explained. however she does say that she was "dreaming"). she learns a new magical ability with relative ease, and does not have any internal conflicts caused by the other characters in the story because they are all nice to her and believe her the whole time. nothing she does affects the story beyond her final act/what happens to rauru and ganondorf because its already "set in stone" and its made extremely clear that none of them could have done anything to stop ganondorf since he was too powerful. there is only one thing she does that COULD be seen as unintentionally assisting in ganondorf's rise to power but that was mostly sonia (& rauru's) fault, and also it's such an uncharacteristically stupid and nonsensical thing that it's clear they literally only act in this way to have the plot move along.*
essentially, zelda repeats a similar sacrificial act at the end of the story but goes through 0 personal journey/arc of her own beyond deciding that shes going to do it and learning a fun new power along the way. but oh no it gets worse. over and over the characters drill into your head that dragonification is permanent and cannot be undone in any way, and that zelda will be giving up her body and mind forever. they say this literally over and over again and then guess what happens. SHES RETURNED TO HUMAN FORM AT THE END. WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS EITHER BTW SHES JUST COMPLETELY RESTORED. because zelda turning into dragonification was a kind of "death" for her since she becomes a husk, this ends up being one of the most drawn-out fakeout deaths i have ever seen in a piece of media. i dont understand why nintendo did this like just COMMIT??! i still wouldnt have liked the overall story, but i wouldve given them credit if they just had zelda stay a dragon forever. at least with botw the entire point of zelda's sealing-ganon-away sacrifice was that she held out hope that link would be healed and come back to save her. so its never meant to be a permanent thing like dragonification. with the dragonification sacrifice the story literally just lies to you. LMAOOOO
anyway i was not satisfied with the story in this game. zelda is once again ripped away from link but the game doesnt have a good reason for it. the game really expects you to be like "yeah we decided to separate zelda from link for the entire game so that she could be used as a charging port for the master sword only to have her come back at the end with no side effects to her sacrifice. this was definitely a better idea than having the player rebuild the destroyed master sword alongside zelda and getting to learn more about zelda and develop her relationship with link. yeah we also decided to not flesh out link at all in this game, like we dont give him any personal motivation or any kind of feeling or the faintest whiff of a backstory to make him feel like a real person that exists and not just a player avatar. oh and he barely emotes in the story cutscenes for no reason again. hes not allowed to smile, and even if theres a point where he could be smiling the cutscene wont let you see it. arent you happy? oh also there are next to no references to the previous game's events and almost all of the sheikah technology has disappeared without a trace and no one brings that up. also zelda never brings up that she sacrificed herself for 100 years when talking about how she is committed to dragonification even though literally anyone in her shoes would bring that up or at least allude to it. also we didnt give any of the zonai characters or sonia any actual flaw and just had it so that ganondorf was just too powerful to beat them without it even really being their fault, but we'll pretend like rauru had "hubris" anyway even though he fucking was, quote, "aware of ganondorf's evil nature." YAYY"
*i am referring to the scene in which sonia and zelda confront the puppet zelda. the scene establishes that they've known that the puppet zelda is in fact a puppet from the start, but for some fucking reason they decide to follow along with it and have the puppet lead them outside the castle interior to an unguarded area (the first line from sonia confirms this). then, and only then, do they reveal that they are in on it, and by that time it is already too late and ganondorf is able to sneak up on sonia, kill her, and take her secret stone. maybe this is supposed to be a representation of the nonexistent "hubris" rauru has but it makes no sense. you know it's a puppet, so why dont you just immediately say that and try to fight the puppet in the guarded castle with rauru? what? why would you LISTEN TO WHAT ITS TELLING YOU TO DO?? these characters are supposed to be smart right? anyway just having it so that nobody knows it's a puppet would have salvaged this entire scene .
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vitanithepure · 7 months
Hey! I'm that anon that asked about the Weave and it's potentials. I'm so happy that you liked the idea because I've actually decided to come up with more ideas!
It's started with me thinking "man, it's a damn shame that there's only one Tav origin story (Dark Urge), it would have been way cooler if there were more options! But maybe I can work something out". So what if this Tav was a unique Weave magic? I've noticed that if you play as a sorcerer and do the magic lesson date with Gale they literally say "that's the deity you wizards adore, Mystra right?" which makes me wonder if sorcerers don't need to worship her since they are born with magic already (maybe some do worship her but I guess it's their choice altogether). Also, we know that Mystra is the goddess of magic but what if there was (potentially) a god of the INNER magic. You know the say (if you ever heard it) that every human is a whole universe. So what if we applied that in "every sentient being is a Weave on its own". What if there was someone (Tav) who can tap not only their inner magic but also other people's inner magic, even to those who don't have a strong connection with arcana/magic this someone can connect you with it like it's second nature and to those who are already well connected with them to amplify it. Not only that but maybe with the help of this Tav the magic that comes out of the person that's being helped is unique and special. What if this Tav, with this mysterious new Weave has also the possibility to become a whole new deity (of inner magic). I bet Mystra would try everything in her power to not have new competition.
Now here comes another idea: What if Tav has this unique Weave because there's been an imbalance with magic/ Mystra is turning into a potential danger? They don't necessarily need to eliminate her, at the very least to expose that something is not right about this version of her (since Mystra was once a mortal has Tav stated to Gale specifically to convince him to not fall for the Crown). Mystra becomes aware that her position as a goddess is in danger (plus the potential risk of another Karsus on the horizon) so either during or after the main story Mystra orders Gale to either bring them to her, or worse kill them either by his hand or by detonating. So, depending on how your relationship with Gale is... will he follow through Mystra's order, or will he finally cut once and for all his ties with her? (to add a sprinkle of angst maybe Mystra makes him unable to use magic forever until Tav helps him find his inner magic). Ohhh the angst potential is big!!
Honestly thought, I would rather have Mystra to just be put to justice since she's been horrible on poor Gale. Not only that but apparently I've heard that even if Gale sacrificed himself it wouldn't resolve the problem of the mind flayer at all, just a convenient thing to get rid of the Crown and the Karsus Weave aka Gale. Also I saw somewhere that apparently where Minsc was born any child with incredible magic where hidden and trained in secret to make sure that Mystra didn't find them and do gods what! Seriously, what the hell is wrong with her and her interest with talented children?!? It's like she finds them just so she can mold them to what she likes and doesn't like?!
So sorry that you have to get another long ask but I couldn't resist myself. Have a nice day!
Hello again!
Sorry it took me ages to respond. That is a lot of things and work is killing me to the point I have almost zero energy for internet-browsing >.<
But first things first. Sorcerers.
From my understanding, nobody needs to worship any god to use the Weave (Shadow Weave aside, as it has the unfortunate side-effect of driving you mad if not protected by Shar, I think?). Being on good terms with Mystra could possibly get you access to some neat abilities, but she doesn't lock the Weave away from your average joe. I'm sure she could, but that would be a micro-management nightmare :D
That being said, I don't think magic works the same way on each Plane? Warlocks come to mind, they can have a Fey patron for example, so my guess would be the Feywild has its own source of magic, parallel to Mystra's Weave? Even if not, headcanoning Tav being Fey themselves sounds very appealing. 
I think stranger things have happened in the Realms than someone from another Plane bringing with them some mysterious force or artifact or…anything. I mean, I think the Dragonborn kind of made their entrance to this world this way? Crash-landing on Faerun and bringing along their gods (very oversimplified, I know!)?
Now, Mystra.
As much as I am ambivalent to outright hostile towards her, depending on her incarnation, I don't think she has much to fear? An upstart god poses literally no threat to her. She has been around for far too long and has way too much power. Would it be a nuisance for her? Sure. D&D Gods have surprisingly fragile egos, I noticed. 
I think it would take some outer-plane god in equal power to make her outright hostile. Like, someone who can wield the magic she locked away or someone who has alternative means to access that destructive level of magic to make another Karsus's Folly situation.
But damn, you have some angsty ideas going on in your head, Anon, I love it :D
As for Gale himself…well, I talked a lot about how inconsiderate and cruel Mystra's role has been in his story. I have no idea if she knew about the Absolute being a Netherbrain or not, but come on…even Elmister says "she's Mystra, of course she knows" and I'm pretty sure this is the case. She knows, but doesn't care. 
To her it's a foolproof plan - the upstart god is gone along with its Chosen and the orb and Crown of Karsus is out of the picture. All it takes is the annihilation of a few mortals, her former Chosen as well, but again - just some mortal - and then a few thousand more when mindflayers will pop-up left and right. 
And again, I don't know much about the 5ed D&D Mystra, but the game doesn't paint a pretty picture of her. Then again, very in character for someone labeled as "lawful neutral". I'd like to see some justice, but that is out of the scope of…well, anyone at this point, I think. Unless she crosses Ao or some really unimaginable things happen, she is pretty much safe from any consequence. As gods usually are.
At this point it's neat to headcanon Tav becoming powerful enough in a century or two and go have a talk with some really powerful beings that were harassing their loved ones :)
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whirligig-girl · 1 year
hii, i want to get into star trek but i dont know where to start
Do you have a particular episode or series you recommend for newbies?
Star Trek: Lower Decks is a pretty good way to get into the series imo. It will introduce you to a lot of the concepts of the series, but with a different style and tone. There's a lot of references to the rest of the franchise, but to those who have only seen lower decks they mostly read as just worldbuilding to make the world seem larger than just one ship.
If you want to know what Star Trek is really like as a whole, I recommend checking out Star Trek: The Next Generation, season one episode one, Encounter at Farpoint. It's not the best Star Trek episode, but it introduces the characters of TNG and some series-long plot arcs, and its plot is pretty typical of the kind of high-concept science fiction the franchise is known for.
Most of the series was designed for syndication in a pre-streaming environment where you don't need to watch it in order if you don't want to. You can kind of skip around if you want. One valid way of watching star trek is just to watch all the pilot episodes of the pre-streaming Trek (to get to know the characters and the premise) and then skip around within each series.
All of the modern star trek shows made for streaming should be watched in order, and Star Trek Deep Space Nine absolutely should be watched in order. DS9 also has the best pilot episode. And is probably the best series; although I feel like it's best enjoyed when you already have a familiarity with this universe through watching other star trek.
appendix: description of the premise of each star trek series, in order of release date.
TOS: Star Trek (1966-1969). Also known as Star Trek (The Original Series). The show follows the first three years out of the five year mission of the United Federation of Planets starship Enterprise under command of Captain Kirk and his science officer Commander Spock, and the doctor "Bones" McCoy, to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life, and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!
TAS: Star Trek: the Animated Series (1973-1974). A cartoon in the animation style/quality of the likes of Scooby Doo. The show follows the final two years of the five year mission, but very quirky and even lower budget.
Star Trek movies 1-6 (1979-1991) continue the story of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and the crew of the Enterprise. People say the odd numbered movies are worse, but I like all of them. Star Trek IV (the one with the whales) is easily the best one--it's a movie in the style of some of the more 'hijinksy' episodes of TOS.
TNG: Star Trek: The Next Generation. (1987-1994). Nearly 100 years after Kirk's Enterprise, Jean-Luc Picard commands the Enterprise-D, an almost city-sized starship going even further and faster than before, with advanced tech like matter replicators and holodeck simulator rooms. His crew includes an empath, an android, a blind pilot with an accessibility aid, starfleet's first Klingon, and idk i guess a couple of regular humans I guess.
DS9: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999). Commander Sisko begrudgingly takes command of a run down space station that had been built as a slave camp during the lizard-nazi occupation of the previously peaceful and spiritual Bajor. The occupation is over and the station now belongs to the Bajorans under Starfleet administration. His second officer is a Bajoran terrorist. The rest of the crew includes the cringiest best doctor in starfleet, a trans woman with a worm in her belly, a slime cop, and a cutthroat capitalist running the station's bar. And who can forget O'brien, the former transporter chief of the Enterprise-D and the Most Normal Guy In The Universe. Things get complicated when, in episode one, a uniquely stable wormhole to the other side of the galaxy opens up, and suddenly this backwater becomes a bustling frontier.
VOY: Star Trek Voyager (1995-2001). A state-of-the-art but otherwise pretty unremarkable starship, Voyager, sets out from DS9 on a quick mission to capture some (mostly human) rebels/terrorists. However, both the terrorist ship and Voyager get transported to the other side of the galaxy (not the same side as the wormhole from DS9, although that would be convenient). Facing a 70 year return trip, they must learn to work together to survive in a harsh part of the galaxy. And if they do a little exploration of strange new worlds while they're at it, that's fine too. Captain Janeway commands her intrepid crew of humans, aliens; terrorists and by-the-books officers. there's also a really cool ex-zombie-cyborg with autism but she doesn't appear until like season 4. Also a brilliant holographic doctor who isn't pleased about the fact that he can be turned on and off at the flick of a switch.
Star Trek movies 7-10 (1994-2002) are the The Next Generation tie-ins. Generations is kinda bad, First Contact is the best one.
ENT: Enterprise (later Star Trek: Enterprise) (2001-2005). 100 years before Kirk's Enterprise, Earth is a client state of the Vulcans, and humans are tiring of the Vulcans' watchful eye. After a diplomatic incident, Captain Archer commands the 'first' Enterprise, the NX-01, on humanity's very first deep-space expedition. Though he'd be a LOT happier if the Vulcans hadn't insisted upon putting a Vulcan Science Officer on the bridge. Phlox, the alien doctor, is one of Star Trek's best characters. Trip, the chief engineer and certified Florida man, is also a delight.
Star Trek movies 11-13 (2009-2016) are the alternate universe "Kelvin Timeline" movies, which take place in a more action-oriented, star-wars-like version of the The Original Series time period. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are back, but played by younger actors. Star Trek (2009) is kind of okay if you like action movies that have nothing to do with what Star Trek is actually about, Into Darkness is kind of bad, and Star Trek Beyond was actually delightful.
side note: the Kelvin Timeline movies are often considered a "reboot," but they're arguably less of a reboot than the Discovery/Strange New Worlds timeline, since there is an in-universe REASON for the kelvin timeline to exist parallel to the television timeline; whereas DSC & SNW just rewrite history and visual design for no reason and expect us to believe it was always this way despite previous callbacks to the TOS era in the franchise generally being faithful to the events and appearance of the original series itself.
DIS (DSC): Star Trek: Discovery (2017-). First in a franchise soft-reboot. The visuals are all different, and though they have tried to imply it's the same universe/timeline/continuity as everything that came before… it is best interpreted as a reboot in a slightly different timeline. The story of a federation starship with a top-secret mushroom-powered teleportation drive, just a decade before Kirk's Enterprise. Or the story of how starfleet's first mutineer learned to trust other people. I don't like this one very much so it's possible im mischaracterizing it.
PIC: Star Trek Picard. (2020-). A Character Study on the elderly Jean-Luc Picard, as he goes on a quest to find the daughter of his late android friend before something terrible happens to her. This one is horrifically violent for some reason and is also horrifyingly ableist in season 2. Season 3 will be a sort of The Next Generation Cast Reunion.
LOW: Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020-). An adult-style cartoon which reimagines Star Trek as a workplace sitcom. On one of Starfleet's low-tier workhorse starships, the U.S.S. Cerritos, on the lower decks, are four nerds who love their jobs (one of them would never admit it though and would be offended if you called her a nerd.) Bradward Boimler, the rule-follower, Beckett Mariner, the badass free-spirit who is clearly suffering from burnout, D'vana Tendi, the delightfully optimistic nurse and scientist, and Samanthan Rutherford, the cyborg engineer who loves crawlin' around in the tubes! This one is sort of star trek self-parody, but in a good way. I love most Star Trek, but as different as this one is, it's my favorite.
PRODIGY: Star Trek: Prodigy (2021-). A 3D-animated cartoon (for all ages, this time). Four alien teenagers, a large alien child, and some kind of goo monster, steal an incredibly fast prototype federation starship, the Protostar. Now, none of them have ever actually heard of the Federation, or… know how to pilot a starship, but they are guided through it by a hologram based on Voyager's Captain Janeway. It starts with a very Star Wars-like tone and gradually shifts to being more and more like Star Trek as the season progresses--which makes sense in the context of the story. SNW: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022-). A soft reboot of TOS based on Captain Pike's appearance in Discovery. (Pike was the captain of the Enterprise just before Kirk was, in the TOS episodes The Cage and The Menagerie). This one has some pretty bad ableism in it, but it's not as overt as PIC's. This one really is just, like, as close to "more of regular star trek" as it gets. Though the tone does feel very different to Star Trek TOS and TNG.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Could you do the Brothers and undatables reacting to MC being poisoned and finding out that Micheal was trying to kill them because he was jealous that MC was close with the brothers. Let me just say your work is great the way you describe the situation before going into the reactions is really interesting. Thank you so much!!!!
I already had this ask half way done but Tumblr decided to delete all my work due to buggy WiFi - I'm currently in pain 😭
I don't know much about poison so bare with me, I just looked at the basic symptoms and went "I'm smart" I've passed out after being ill or just in general quite a few times when younger so I had faith
This also has a bonus Michael part! I've decided to add his response to the boys reactions in its own format or else each one will just have a repeat of the same Michael Response
Warning: angst, implied vomitting, attempted murder, fainting, spoilers of lesson 37 and 16, gore on Michaels part, long
"from Michael...?" You questioned outloud, unsure on how to feel about the parcel you've found.
Your relationship with the angel wasn't a defined one. You didn't hate him but you didn't like him either; there was always something about his presence that made you fearful. You choked it up to be just internalised fear due to hearing the brothers experience of the celestial realm and angels.
You've never met him in person; the first conversation you had of him was when you stabbed yourself with the dagger instead of Lucifer. You saw the light and he spoke to you, surprised and shocked at the love you had for the demons. Even then you never really got to speak to him again, he was a mystery. You've sent a few letters and he's returned some and Simeon is a link between you two. But other than that? You didn't really have a relationship with him.
So why? Why would he send you a gift?
You looked inside to see a packet of apple pieces and herbs inside of a snack shaped teabag. You admired the unique shape and couldn't stop a small smile appearing. It was definitely cute! And you finally got to use the new kettle and cups barbatos got you.
You decided to text Simeon, telling him to thank Michael for your gift. He was surprised by this but agreed, happy you two were connecting.
Whilst your new tea brewed you were trying to figure out a way to repay his kindness. Sure it was simple small gift but he was reaching out - you were giddy! Hopeful this meant he was fully on board to the exchange program.
But you soon would regret drinking that tea. It was so sweet you couldn't stop drinking it; your lips only leaving the cup of a second of breath. It was addicting. The herb covered apples pieces gave it a nice slight bitterness. But it wasn't overbearing but didn't make it taste like sugar in your mouth.
As soon as the last gulp came down; something came up. You hunched over as your stomach churned, a disgusting taste forcing itself up your throat. Your vision growing blurry as you stumbled out of your seat, the light in your room feeling like knives to your eyes. You tried closing them but the effect didn't change. You were barely hunched over on your side releasing everything in your stomach. It stung your throat, your stomach feeling painfully empty.
There was this invisible feeling telling you to go to sleep. You wanted to obey but the light felt too painful. In your dazed state you shakily texted the groupchat a sloppy "help me ASAP, my room" before letting your body go limp, heaving as you just laid there, dragging a nearby jacket over your head and let your vision be consumed by the darkness.
He's heart broken
How did this happen? You were fine and now you're not moving
Your breathing was faint against his neck as he held you
He saw the parcel and connected the dots, Eden's tea
It was a death sentence for any human, a treat for demons and a punishment for angels
He's started a war once, he can do it again
Whilst he knew he couldn't enter the celestial realm he demanded that Michael show himself
When his demands went unanswered, he was ready to break all rules
"He's gone too far, I don't care for his reasons! I WILL DESTORY THE CELESTIAL REALM IF I HAVE TO! HE WILL ANSWER ME!"
when you received a cure all his angers washed away with relief
Happy to have you awake again even if it was for a few moments
All he can think about his how you looked like in the past; dying in his arms
He immediately went to blame belphie but almost tripped over the parcel
He's an idioit but he knew what this tea was
Becomes feral with rage and overly protective of your unconscious body
He's hunched over by your side at all times just growling at anyone who comes near you
He wanted to hurt Michael but he wanted to stay with you
He'd talk to you and tell you how he was going to get payback
"I should of known he'd do something-! I'll never forgive him- DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!! I'M DOING THIS FOR THEM!"
As soon as you get the cure he's hugging you and telling you how much he missed you
When he found you, his heart dropped
It only got worse when he found the parcel and realized what Michael has done
he will remind the celestial realm why he is an admiral of hell's navy
He spends time by the sea communicating with any creature he can get; telling them if things go down he'll need them to flood the gates of heaven
When he isn't planning war he's with you, playing games, trying to ignore how dead you looked
He would remind you what buttons to push when your chatacter didn't move
He broke down sobbing when you woke up after getting a cure
He was convinced you were dead but here you were, alive and awake
He's a detective nerd so of course he scoped out the scene
When he found the parcel and Michaels name - oh boy
Never met the man and pities him for letting their first meeting be the angels demise
It wasn't long before he had to be detained
Screaming and tearing up anything he could, yelling at his brother's for falling
He blamed his brothers, he blamed Michael and he blamed himself
Hated being locked away from you, would course more of a fuss when he couldn't see you
He's only calmed down when you are given a cure and he's told you're alive
Is finally allowed to see you and he holds you tight
When he found you he was sobbing
It only grew worse when he found out what happened
In Denial
Not of Michael, he believed that but in denial you were dead or were dying
Kept insisting you were just tired and sleeping
Destroyed an entire room when one of them insisted you weren't sleeping
He'd help you get ready and pamper you, telling you it's okay and you can thank him when you feel better
Would be seen wiping your face often in hopes it'll get rid of that death like appearance you have
"They're fine but Michael won't be, when my precious darling wakes up I'll make sure they know I'll make everything better."
When you bad your cure he started crying and laughing, telling everyone he was right
Clinged to you and let you sleep
He found the parcel almost immediately
And went into a rage - we all know how his hunger tantrums are
Would've destroyed the whole house if he wasn't restrained
So much guilt, his shoulders are always sagging
Sits by your unconscious body so he feels like he's protecting you
Has tried kissing you awake
Hoping you'll wake up like a fairy tale Character and everything will be fine
"I'm going to kill Michael and I won't let any of you stop me....protect (Y/N) For me."
Was so happy and relieved when you got the cure, sticking to your side at all times even when you were awake
He was quick to help you into bed and on your side
When he found the parcel he was ready to murder
His rage towards Michael massively outweighed his hatred for humanity - even Lucifer!
Beel couldn't keep control of him mostnofnthe time unless he got forceful, belphegor stuck in a headlock screeching bloody murder
Stress sleeping
Like many of the brothers he develops two modes: calm or PLANNING MASS MURDER
Whenever he gets overwhelmed he just forces body to shut down and sleep besides you
"Michael will face me again, I won't let him kill anyone else that I love! He got Lilith killed and he can't do the same for (Y/N)!"
As soon as the cure was found he was by your side
Letting you rest and watched over you
Found out through the brothers
Sees this as an act of war against the peace he's working for
He was normally sweet and forgiving but it seemed Michael wanted to rip to his last nerve
Demanded for every reliable demon to search for a cure
Even had Solomon try to make one
"Barbatos, what is the possibility of Michael coming down to the devildom or the human realm? I want 'discuss' with him what his actions have caused."
As soon he he found out you were alive and safe
He didn't stop his plans but let himself have time with you
So much guilt
Like holy shit
Is just constantly questioning how he didn't prevent this
Asked permission from the lord to just change the timelines so this didn't happen but the brothers were against it
They demanded they didn't avoid this situation and let Michael face punishment
That he couldn't refuse, he was angered by the angel's actions
More than he would ever show
"humans are so fragile and their time is so limited - that's why I'm never going to let anyone cut theirs short again."
Was part of the cure search party, he led the group
Once you were cured he stayed with you
Acting as your butler and made to check each of your foods and drinks
It wasn't a wise decision to piss off a wizard with stupid amount of pacts
To think an angel would do such a thing
But whilst Everyone lost their temper and searched for a cure
He was wondering - why did it happen
He was ordered asked to make you a cure
He was able to do it but the real cure was also found - giving you extra cure wasn't going to harm you
But he did plan to harm Michael
"you'd think he was smarter than this, he didn't even hide he was the one who did it but all it does is make my job easier."
nursed you until you woke up
Making sure you had mini cures to completely magic it out of your system
When he found out he was stunned
Betrayal - that's all he felt
How could Michael do such a thing?
But he knew Michael was a cruel angel, many having to drink Eden's tea as punishment
It burned their insides and had any poor soul sobbing for mercy after a gulp
"Michael you fool, you can get away with things in your league but you've involved the three realms into this....I pray you do not make your demise harder for yourself."
Was apart of the cure search party
Soothed you when you finally woke up, telling you it'll be okay
Let you rest as much as you wanted
They tried to hide it from him but he kept demanding to see you
He wanted to know why everyone was acting strange
When he finally found out he was broken
His mentor
His idol
His everything
The person who always went for permission and knowledge
He thought so highly of him but he's hurt you
He's done more than that! He's tried to kill you!
He's been sobbing for days and locked himself away, he couldn't bare to see you after his once visit
He believed you were dead and they were just keeping your body
"Michael....why....why would you do this.... I thought you loved your brother's....I thought you were kind..!"
When he found out there was a cure he begged to help but they wouldn't let him
He only got to see you when you woke up and he was hugging you, crying
+ bonus Character↓
The angel knew they'd be upset
But 9 demons wanting his blood? One wizard ready to cause mayhem and even his own kind wanting his downfall?
That he didn't expect
In his blind jealousy he didn't expect they'd all care for you this much
Thinking apart of them would be relieved you weren't there
But no
"You were my brother's before you were their partner, I'm simply doing what is right! It was their time to meet him and finally stop controlling all of you! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME! I'M YOUR FAMILY! WHY ARE THEY MORE IMPORTANT?!"
He got his answer
His wings torn to shreds, chunks of flesh bitten off him and slashes all over his body
He was left in human world bleeding and barely recognisable
They didn't hold back
He dread to think what the rest of them would do when they find him
792 notes · View notes
samwisethewitch · 3 years
Pagan Paths: Wicca
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Wicca is the big granddaddy of neopagan religions. Most people who are familiar with modern paganism are specifically familiar with Wicca, and will probably assume that you are Wiccan if you tell them you identify as pagan. Thanks to pop culture and a handful of influential authors, Wicca has become the public face of modern paganism, for better or for worse.
Wicca is also one of the most accessible pagan religions, which is why I chose to begin our exploration of individual paths here. Known for its flexibility and openness, Wicca is about as beginner-friendly as it gets. While it definitely isn’t for everyone, it can be an excellent place to begin your pagan journey if you resonate with core Wiccan beliefs.
This post is not meant to be a complete introduction to Wicca. Instead, my goal here is to give you a taste of what Wiccans believe and do, so you can decide for yourself if further research would be worth your time. In that spirit, I provide book recommendations at the end of this post.
History and Background
Wicca was founded by Gerald Gardner, a British civil servant who developed an interest in the esoteric while living and working in Asia. Gardner claimed that, after returning to England, he was initiated into a coven of witches who taught him their craft. Eventually, he would leave this coven and start his own, at which point he began the work of bringing Wicca to the general public. In 1954, Garner published his book Witchcraft Today, which would have a great impact on the formation of Wicca, as would his 1959 book The Meaning of Witchcraft.
Gardner claimed that the rituals and teachings he received from his coven were incomplete — he attempted to fill in the gaps, which resulted in the creation of Wicca. Author Thea Sabin calls Wicca “a New Old Religion,” which is a good way to think about it. When Gardner wrote the first Wiccan Book of Shadows, he combined ancient and medieval folk practices from the British Isles with ceremonial magic dating back to the Renaissance and with Victorian occultism. These influences combined to create a thoroughly modern religion.
Wicca spread to the United States in the 1960s, at which time several new and completely American traditions were born. Some of these traditions are simply variations on Wicca, while others (like Feri and Reclaiming, which we’ll discuss in future posts) became unique, full-fledged spiritual systems in their own right. In America, Wicca collided with the counter-culture movement, and several activist groups began to combine the two. Wicca has continued to evolve through the decades, and is still changing and growing today.
There are two main “types” of Wicca which take very different approaches to the same deities and core concepts.
Traditional Wicca is Wicca that looks more or less like the practices of Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, Alex Sanders, and other early Wiccan pioneers. Traditional Wiccans practice in ritual groups called covens. Rituals are typically highly formal and borrow heavily from ceremonial magic. Traditional Wicca is an initiatory tradition, which means that new members must be trained and formally inducted into the coven by existing members. This means that if you are interested in Traditional Wicca, you must find a coven or a mentor to train and initiate you. However, most covens do not place any limitations on who can join and be initiated, aside from being willing to learn.
Most Traditional Wiccan covens require initiates to swear an oath of secrecy, which keeps the coven’s central practices from being revealed to outsiders. However, there are traditional Wiccans who have gone public with their practice, such as the authors Janet and Stewart Farrar.
Eclectic Wicca is a solitary, non-initiatory form of Wicca, as made popular by author Scott Cunningham in his book Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. Eclectic Wiccans are self-initiated and may practice alone or with a coven, though coven work will likely be less central in their practice. There are very few rules in Eclectic Wicca, and Wiccans who follow this path often incorporate elements from other spiritual traditions, such as historical pagan religions or modern energy healing. Because of this, there are a wide range of practices that fall under the “Eclectic Wicca” umbrella. Really, this label refers to anyone who considers themselves Wiccan, follows the Wiccan Rede (see below), and does not belong to a Traditional Wiccan coven. The majority of people who self-identify as Wiccan fall into this group.
Core Beliefs and Values
Thea Sabin says in her book Wicca For Beginners that Wicca is a religion with a lot of theology (study and discussion of the nature of the divine) and no dogma (rules imposed by religious structures). As a religion, it offers a lot of room for independence and exploration. This can be incredibly empowering to Wiccans, but it does mean that it’s kind of hard to make a list of things all Wiccans believe or do. However, we can look at some basic concepts that show up in some form in most Wiccan practices.
Virtually all Wiccans live by the Wiccan Rede. This moral statement, originally coined by Doreen Valiente, is often summarized with the phrase, “An’ it harm none, do what ye will.”
Different Wiccans interpret the Rede in slightly different ways. Most can agree on the “harm none” part. Wiccans strive not to cause unnecessary harm or discomfort to any living thing, including themselves. Some Wiccans also interpet the word “will” to be connected to our spiritual drive, the part of us that is constantly reaching for our higher purpose. When interpreted this way, the Rede not only encourages us not to cause harm, but also to live in alignment with our own divine Will.
Wiccans experience the divine as polarity. Wiccans believe that the all-encompassing divinity splits itself (or humans split it into) smaller aspects that we can relate to. The first division of deity is into complimentary opposites: positive and negative, light and dark, life and death, etc. These forces are not antagonistic, but are two halves of a harmonious whole. In Wicca, this polarity is usually embodied by the pairing of the God and Goddess (see below).
Wiccans experience the divine as immanent in daily life. In the words of author Deborah Lipp, “the sacredness of the human being is essential to Wicca.” Wiccans see the divine present in all people and all things. The idea that sacred energy infuses everything in existence is a fundamental part of the Wiccan worldview.
Wiccans believe nature is sacred. In the Wiccan worldview, the earth is a physical manifestation of the divine, particularly the Goddess. By attuning with nature and living in harmony with its cycles, Wiccans attune themselves with the divine. This means that taking care of nature is an important spiritual task for many Wiccans.
Wiccans accept that magic is real and can be used as a ritual tool. Not all Wiccans do magic, but all Wiccans accept that magic exists. For many covens and solitary practitioners, magic is an essential part of religious ritual. For others, magic is a practice that can be used not only to connect with the gods, but also to improve our lives and achieve our goals.
Many Wiccans believe in reincarnation, and some may incorporate past life recall into their spiritual practice. Some Wiccans believe that our souls are made of cosmic energy, which is recycled into a new soul after our deaths. Others believe that our soul survives intact from one lifetime to the next. Many famous Wiccan authors have written about their past lives and how reconnecting with those lives informed their practice.
Important Deities and Spirits
The central deities of Wicca are the Goddess and the God. They are two halves of a greater whole, and are only two of countless possible manifestations of the all-encompassing divine. The God and Goddess are lovers, and all things are born from their union.
Though some Wiccan traditions place a greater emphasis on the Goddess than on the God, the balance between these two expressions of the divine plays an important role in all Wiccan practices (remember, polarity is one of the core values of this religion).
The Goddess is the Divine Mother. She is the source of all life and fertility. She gives birth to all things, yet she is also the one who receives us when we die. Although she forms a duality in her relationship with the God, she also contains the duality of life and death within herself. While the God’s nature is ever-changing, the Goddess is constant and eternal.
The Goddess is strongly associated with both the moon and the earth. As the Earth Mother, she is especially associated with fertility, abundance, and nurturing. As the Moon Goddess, she is associated with wisdom, secret knowledge, and the cycle of life and death.
Some Wiccans see the goddess as having three main aspects: the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. The Maiden is associated with youth, innocence, and new beginnings; she is the embodiment of both the springtime and the waxing moon. The Mother is associated with parenthood and birth (duh), abundance, and fertility; she is the embodiment of the summer (and sometimes fall) and of the full moon. The Crone is associated with death, endings, and wisdom; she is the embodiment of winter and of the waning moon. Some Wiccans believe this Triple Goddess model is an oversimplification, or complain that it is based on outdated views on womanhood, but for others it is the backbone of their practice.
Symbols that are traditionally used to represent the Goddess include a crescent moon or an image of the triple moon (a full moon situated between a waxing and a waning crescent), a cup or chalice, a cauldron, the color silver, and fresh flowers.
The God is the Goddess’s son, lover, and consort. He is equal parts wise and feral, gentle and fierce. He is associated with sex and by extension with potential (it could be said that while the Goddess rules birth, the God rules conception), as well as with the abundance of the harvest. He is the spark of life, which is shaped by the Goddess into all that is.
The God is strongly associated with animals, and he is often depicted with horns to show his association with all things wild. As the Horned God he is especially wild and fierce.
The God is also strongly associated with the sun. As a solar god he is associated with the agricultural year, from the planting and germination to the harvest. While the Goddess is constant, the God’s nature changes with the seasons.
In some Wiccan traditions, the God is associated with plant growth. He may be honored as the Green Man, a being which represents the growth of spring and summer. This vegetation deity walks the forests and fields, with vines and leaves sprouting from his body.
Symbols that are traditionally used to represent the God include phalluses and phallic objects, knives and swords, the color gold, horns and antlers, and ripened grain.
Many covens, both Traditional and Eclectic, have their own unique lore around the God and the Goddess. Usually, this lore is oathbound, meaning it cannot be shared with those outside the group.
Many Wiccans worship other deities besides the God and Goddess. These deities may come from historical pantheons, such as the Greek or Irish pantheon. A Wiccan may work with the God and Goddess with their coven or on special holy days (see below), but work with other deities that are more closely connected to their life and experiences on a daily basis. Wiccans view all deities from all religions and cultures as extensions of the same all-encompassing divine force.
Wiccan Practice
Most Wiccans use the circle as the basis for their rituals. This ritual structure forms a liminal space between the physical and spiritual worlds, and the Wiccan who created the circle can choose what beings or energies are allowed to enter it. The circle also serves the purpose of keeping the energy raised in ritual contained until the Wiccan is ready to release it. Casting a circle is fairly easy and can be done by anyone — simply walk in a clockwise circle around your ritual space, laying down an energetic barrier. Some Wiccans use the circle in every magical or spiritual working, while others only use it when honoring the gods or performing sacred rites.
While it is on one level a practical ritual tool, the circle is also a representation of the Wiccan worldview. Circles are typically cast by calling the four quarters (the four compass points of the cardinal directions), which are associated with the four classical elements: water, earth, fire, and air. Some (but not all) Wiccans also work with a fifth element, called spirit or aether. The combined presence of the elements makes the circle a microcosm of the universe.
Casting a circle requires the Wiccan to attune themselves to these elements and to honor them in a ritual setting. This is referred to as calling the quarters. When a Wiccan calls the quarters, they will move from one cardinal point to the next (usually starting with east or north), greet the spirits associated with that direction/element, and invite them to participate in the ritual. (If spirit/aether is being called, the direction it is associated with is directly up, towards the heavens.) This is done after casting the circle, but before beginning the ritual.
What happens within a Wiccan ritual varies a lot — it depends on the Wiccan, their preferences, and their goals for that ritual. However, nearly all Wiccan religious rites begin with the casting of the circle and calling of the quarters. (Some would argue that a ritual that doesn’t include these elements cannot be called Wiccan.)
When the ritual is completed, the quarters must be dismissed and the circle taken down. Wiccans typically dismiss the quarters by moving from one cardinal point to the next (often in the reverse of the order used to call the quarters), thanking the spirits of that quarter, and politely letting them know that the ritual is over. The circle is taken down (or “taken up,” as it is called in some traditions) in a similar way, with the person who cast the circle moving around it counterclockwise and removing the energetic barrier they created. This effectively ends the ritual.
There are eight main holy days in Wicca, called the sabbats. These celebrations, based on Germanic and Celtic pagan festivals, mark the turning points on the Wheel of the Year, i.e., the cycle of the seasons. By honoring the sabbats, Wiccans attune themselves with the natural rhythms of the earth and actively participate in the turning of the wheel.
The sabbats include:
Samhain (October 31): Considered by many to be the “witch’s new year,” this Celtic fire festival has historic ties to Halloween. Samhain is primarily dedicated to the dead. During this time of year, the otherworld is close at hand, and Wiccans can easily connect with their loved ones who have passed on. Wiccans might celebrate Samhain by building an ancestor altar or holding a feast with an extra plate for the dead. Samhain is the third of the three Wiccan harvest festivals, and it is a joyous occasion despite its association with death. (By the way, this sabbat’s name is pronounced “SOW-en,” not “Sam-HANE” as it appears in many movies and TV shows.)
Yule/Winter Solstice (December 21): Yule is a celebration of the return of light and life on the longest night of the year. Many Wiccans recognize Yule as the symbolic rebirth of the God, heralding the new plant and animal life soon to follow. Yule celebrations are based on Germanic traditions and have a lot in common with modern Christmas celebrations. Wiccans might celebrate Yule by decorating a Yule tree, lighting lots of candles or a Yule log, or exchanging gifts.
Imbolc (February 1): This sabbat, based on an Irish festival, is a celebration of the first stirrings of life beneath the blanket of winter. The spark of light that returned to the world at Yule is beginning to grow. Imcolc is a fire festival, and is often celebrated with the lighting of candles and lanterns. Wiccans may also perform ritual cleansings at this time of year, as purification is another theme of this festival.
Ostara/Spring Equinox (March 21): Ostara is a joyful celebration of the new life of spring, with ties to the Christian celebration of Easter. Plants are beginning to bloom, baby animals are being born, and the God is growing in power. Wiccans might celebrate Ostara by dying eggs or decorating their homes and altars with fresh flowers. In some covens, Ostara celebrations have a special focus on children, and so may be less solemn than other sabbats.
Beltane (May 1): Beltane is a fertility festival, pure and simple. Many Wiccans celebrate the sexual union of the God and Goddess, and the resulting abundance, at this sabbat. This is also one of the Celtic fire festivals, and is often celebrated with bonfires if the weather permits. The fae are said to be especially active at Beltane. Wiccans might celebrate Beltane by making and dancing around a Maypole, honoring the fae, or celebrating a night of R-rated fun with friends and lovers.
Litha/Midsummer/Summer Solstice (June 21): At the Summer Solstice, the God is at the height of his power and the Goddess is said to be pregnant with the harvest. Like Beltane, Midsummer is sometimes celebrated with bonfires and is said to be a time when the fae are especially active. Many Wiccans celebrate Litha as a solar festival, with a special focus on the God as the Sun.
Lughnasadh/Lammas (August 1): Lughnasadh (pronounced “loo-NAW-suh”) is an Irish harvest festival, named after the god Lugh. In Wicca, Lughnasadh/Lammas is a time to give thanks for the bounty of the earth. Lammas comes from “loaf mass,” and hints at this festival’s association with grain and bread. Wiccans might celebrate Lughnasadh by baking bread or by playing games or competitive sports (activities associated with Lugh).
Mabon/Fall Equinox (September 21): Mabon is the second Wiccan harvest festival, sometimes called “Wiccan Thanksgiving,” which should give you a good idea of what Mabon celebrations look like. This is a celebration of the abundance of the harvest, but tinged with the knowledge that winter is coming. Some Wiccans honor the symbolic death of the God at Mabon (others believe this takes place at Samhain or Lughnasadh). Wiccan Mabon celebrations often include a lot of food, and have a focus on giving thanks for the previous year.
Aside from the sabbats, some Wiccans also celebrate esbats, rituals honoring the full moons. Wiccan authors Janet and Stewart Farrar wrote that, while sabbats are public festivals to be celebrated with the coven, esbats are more private and personal. Because of this, esbat celebrations are typically solitary and vary a lot from one Wiccan to the next.
Further Reading
If you want to investigate Wicca further, there are a few books I recommend depending on which approach to Wicca you feel most drawn to. No matter which approach you are most attracted to, I recommend starting with Wicca For Beginners by Thea Sabin. This is an excellent introduction to Wiccan theology and practice, whether you want to practice alone or with a coven.
If you are interested in Traditional Wicca, I recommend checking out A Witches’ Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar after you finish Sabin’s book. Full disclosure: I have a lot of issues with this book. Parts of it were written as far back as the 1970s, and it really hasn’t aged well in terms of politics or social issues. However, it is the most detailed guide to Traditional Wicca I have found, so I recommend it for that reason. Afterwards, I recommend reading Casting a Queer Circle by Thista Minai, which presents a system similar to Traditional Wicca with less emphasis on binary gender. After you learn the basics from the Farrars, Minai’s book can help you figure out how to adjust the Traditional Wiccan system to work for you.
If you are interested in Eclectic Wicca, I recommend Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner and Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham. Cunningham is the author who popularized Eclectic Wicca, and his work remains some of the best on the subject. Wicca is an introduction to solitary Eclectic Wicca, while Living Wicca is a guide for creating your own personalized Wiccan practice.
Wicca For Beginners by Thea Sabin
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham
A Witches’ Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Study of Witchcraft by Deborah Lipp
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cherripeach · 3 years
Chapter 12
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it. Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Chapter 1:9 Fre sha vaca do
Lunch Time Group Chat!
Warnings: Curse words, 
Words: 2.5k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
The glare from the upperclassman Prefect standing behind Ace onto Ace could slowly disintegrate you, which is why you are very appreciative it was not directed at you. 
Cater flashed some finger guns and greeted the new face, “Hey there, Riddle! You look super cute today, too!” He even added a wink for effect. 
Riddle, the new face at your table, scoffed and turned his head to face Cater only to tighten his lips, then, relax them into a sickly smile, “Keep talking like that, Cater, and it will be off with your head, too.” 
Cater held up his hands, “Come on now, please go easy on me.” 
Grim whispered to you, “This is the guy who put that weird collar on me during the Opening Ceremony!” 
“Looks like it,” was your only response, but you were more concerned with how someone so small could have so much anger. Closer to hell is what you always believed. 
Riddle moved his sight onto you and Grim before starting his lecture, “You two are the ones who caused a ruckus yesterday, aren’t you?” He pointed his finger at Grim, “Would you refrain from referring to someone’s unique magic as ‘a weird collar’? Good grief, the Headmaster is too soft. Letting someone off the hook for not following the rules once will break the foundation. All those who don’t follow the rules should just say goodbye to their heads.” He shook his head at the end, but he seemed to talk in a continuous sigh as if everything was bothering him.
You mimicked his sickly smile he demonstrated before and started, “I’m sorry, but please concern yourself with your dorm members and their activities before you come at me.” You closed your eyes and smiled tight for dramatic effect at the end.
Riddle’s mouth flew open as he began to mumble, “Wha..what ever could you mean?”
Ace and Deuce were in a silent conversation below the new Prefect while his eyes were still wide on you. 
“I just thought that bullying and threatening to use magic on campus would be against the rules,” You shrugged your shoulders while frowning. 
A little, ‘Hmph’, came out of Riddle before he decided, “I’ll deal with your issue later, but know that the Headmaster may have forgiven you, but the next time you break the rules, I won’t let you off so easily.” 
You lightly rolled your eyes and drank some of your drink because you knew that this boy would take a while for him to calm down about your past mishaps. 
“Um…” Ace butted into your conversation and your glare off with a question, “By the way, Prefect… Is it possible for you to remove this collar?” His hand directed itself to point at the thing around his neck. 
Riddle nodded his head and answered, “I was thinking of removing it once you’ve repented, but judging from what you said a while ago, it seems like you’ve yet to do so. I’ll have you walk around like that for a while longer.You don’t have to worry.” He shook his head with the brightest smile on his face, “The 1st years’ lessons are focused more on classroom learning rather than magic training. If you can’t use magic, then something like yesterday’s ruckus should be impossible. It’s perfect, isn’t it? Now, if you’re done eating, hurry and go to your next class. Rule #271 of the Queen of Hearts: ‘You must not spend more than 15 minutes sitting at the table after you’ve eaten.’You know what happens when you break the rules, don’t you?” His smile disappeared after that, which brought you much more comfort than it should have. 
Ace sighed in response and muttered, “Another weird rule..”
Riddle voiced out, “Answer me with ‘Yes, Prefect!’”
Ace and Deuce both replied, “Yes, Prefect!”
Riddle nodded and ended with, “Good.”
Trey, the savior of you all, cut into the conversation, “Now, now. I’ll see them off, don’t worry.” His normal smile was far stretched too wide for your liking. 
Riddle scoffed for the fiftieth time you have been in the same conversation as him, “You’re the Vice Prefect, so you better do your job properly. As stated by the Queen of Hearts’ Rule #339, ‘After-meal lemon tea should have nothing more or less than 2 sugar cubes in it.’ In order to protect that rule, I shall need to buy more sugar cubes at the school store. I’ll be taking my leave now.” The Prefect was then found muttering to himself and walking away.
“Wait, man!” You tried to get his attention and even stood up, but the small dude was already on his way, too concerned about whatever he was mumbling about. 
Cater shivered,  “Man, that was scary…” Cater turned to you once you sat down, winked, and whistled, “But since I was here, I protected the sweet, little, new prefect from getting hurt.”
You rolled your eyes and thanked in a bland tone with a smile, “You are so amazing, Cat! I can almost see how respected you are.” 
Grim pulled on your coat to get your attention, “He’s really lookin’ like a bad guy now, yanno? That Prefect.” 
“Hey, that’s very rude!” Deuce seemed to disagree, but considering that he was shaking five seconds ago, you would disagree with him. 
“As much as I would like to say, he isn’t a bad guy. He’s really disproving my point,” You claimed. 
Two students with red bands passed by your table muttering something about a rule, you assumed one of Riddle’s, and how there needs to be a bit more freedom. That was all you could take from it. 
Trey and Cater went silent at that and just stared into space. 
Trey sighed before addressing, “The Dorm Head managed to become the head one week after getting into the school. He’s a little bit sharp-tongued, but he’s only got the dorm’s best intentions in mind, so he’s not really a bad guy…”
Grim shook his head, “People who think like that don’t just put collars on others.”
Cater and Trey both laughed before exhaling at the same time. Neither one of them had a smile on their face. 
You brought up something that has been bothering you, “You are right, Grim. However, my main problem is that the tiny Prefect is creating a space of fear and not safety for these boys at this school. Safety and acceptance should always come first. Fear only destroys.” You place a hand on your chin, “That magic spell thing doesn’t seem to help either.”
Cater tilted his head at your, “Hm? You mean Riddle’s unique magic?”
“Unique… “ Deuce voiced, “Meaning, it’s only exclusive to the Prefect?”
Trey explained, “Putting aside all the other magic in the world, magic that can only be used by one person is called ‘unique magic’. I think you’ll learn about it in detail if you pay attention in class.”
You joined in, “Very unique!”
Deuce and Ace only groaned at your joke. 
Cater furthered Trey’s explanation, “Riddle’s unique magic is being able to seal off another person’s magic for a given time.It’s called…
Off with your head!” The Queen of Hearts flashed in your mind while Cater made a cutting motion across his neck. 
Grim shrieked, “Even the name’s scary!” And clutched your cloak in his paws.
Cater agreed, “It is, especially, since magicians having their magic sealed off is similar to having your head chopped off. That's why, as long as you’re in this dorm, it’s better not to go against Riddle.” He smiled warily at everyone. 
You clicked your teeth with your tongue. 
Trey disputed, “Conversely, as long as you follow the rules, he can be pretty gentle.”
“Oh yeah,” Ace blew on his bangs, “Am I gonna be chased out again if I don’t come back with a tart…?” He smiled showing his teeth, but his eyes were narrow along with his eyebrows being stuck close together. 
Cater frowned, “Pretty much, That’s what Rule #53 says, after all. Oh, and since Riddle was looking forward to getting the first slice of that whole cake, he probably won’t forgive you if you don’t bring the same thing,” He ruffled his own hair and apologized, “Sorry about that.”
Ace huffed, “You said you want to get along, but you won’t let me off that easily, huh?!”
“This and that are different,” Cater objected with a sway of his hands. 
Deuce pointed out, “Still, isn’t a whole tart a little bit expensive?”
Ace groaned and smacked the table with his head, “I don’t have that much money though…” He even lifted his head to gaze at you with puppy eyes. 
You gave him a look of disgust back. 
Cater suggested, “Then why not make some?Those tarts were all made by,” He paused for dramatic effect and pointed both his hands to the green haired upperclassman,  “Trey here, y’know?”
“Ooooh,” You just had to comment, “Cute and can cook. Def husband material.” You giggled at the end of your comment. You were insanely jealous of whoever married him. 
Trey flushed a little at your statement and stammered out, “Well, not.. not really…” He began playing with his glasses after; he even took them off to clean them. 
Ace gasped out, “You made all that Trey-senpai?! Amazing! It’s better than what they sell here!” He stood up and motioned to the room around him, pulling a couple of eyes to the table the group was at. 
Trey, glasses back on,  admitted with a cough, “Thanks. I think I have most of the tools and ingredients here… But I won’t simply offer you my services.” His smile returned as his eyebrows rose up. 
Ace broke out again, “Eh?! You’re gonna ask us to pay you!?” He, finally, decided to sit back down because now even more eyes were on him. 
Trey chuckled and shook his head, “There’s no way I can extort money from a junior, you know? The next tart that Riddle wants to eat requires a lot of chestnuts. Would you mind gathering some for me?” 
Ace pouted, “It’s troublesome either way…! So, how much do you need?” 
“It’s going to be used for the Unbirthday Party,” Trey stopped to think, “So about two to three hundred will do.” He put up three fingers on his hand. 
Grim and deuce spurted out and jumped up, “That much!?”
You tilted your head in thought, “But aren’t they real tiny, so I guess it makes some sense…”You squeezed your thumb and index finger together.
Trey answered, “I’ll have you help me with roasting them and peeling them.” As if any of you knew how to do that. 
Grim whined at you, “Can I go back home? Pleaseeeeee.”
Deuce joined in Grim’s whines directed at you, “Me too.”
You blurted out, “No.”
Ace accused the two, “You traitors!” 
“If anything, I can help out,” You volunteered like the amazing person you are, not because it kinda sounded like free food. Not at all, “I don’t know what to do tho, sorry. But besides, it's not like I have much to do or look forward to from that dorm.” 
Cater clapped his hands in glee, “Making them together and then eating them together will make it more delicious!” He closed his eyes and smiled wide, “It’s that making memories that count. It might even help you start a cooking blog for all we know.”
Trey put a finger up to his lip, “Keep this a secret from the Prefect, but freshly made marron tart is the best. The only ones who can eat it as soon as it gets out of the oven are the ones who made it, you know?”
Grim on the same page as you knew this was free food, “Hey, you boys! Get your rear in gear! We’re gonna go pick some chestnuts ‘til we drop!” Food was the prime motivator for your dorm. 
You smirked at the cat, “Matching vibes, are we?” Turning to your green haired upperclassman, you questioned, “Where would we find these anyway?” 
Trey informed the group, “There are a lot of chestnut trees right by the forest behind the school’s botanical garden.”
Ace gave Trey a thumbs up before turning back to you, Deuce, and Grim, “Alright! Then, let’s gather in front of the greenhouse after school.” 
“Go, go! We’re goin’ chestnut picking!” Grim cheered from the table.
“Wait, does anyone know where the garden even is?” You asked. 
All three of them watched you correcting you, “Shouldn’t you know, Supervisor?”
Frustrated beyond belief at these three you smacked each one on the head and told them to, “Screw off, and never beg for anything from me again!”
Lunch ended peacefully with shoves from both Deuce and Ace, and Grim making your hair even more like a yarn ball the cat would love. 
The rest of the day passed by quickly.
In your first class after lunch, which was astrology where two homerooms were combined for it, you blanked out half the lesson and almost fell asleep, but you can really remember seeing and speaking to the feminine boy from the purple house. He dropped his pencil on the ground, and when you tried to give him his pencil that fell off his desk, he snatched it from your hand and rolled his eyes at you. 
You replied to him, “Okay, who shit in your cornflakes today?” 
The boy turned back to you scoffed and cringed, “I’m sure it was from just seeing your face.” 
You just turned away and slapped your head with the textbook, which was not the best idea as it created a noise that alerted the professor who then stared at you with confusion on his face and because the textbook hurts. 
The feminine boy let out a giggle while you were being lectured by the professor, and you were gonna hold that accomplishment high. 
Your last class of the day which was just an introduction of the school and its history had you stuck next to the tall green haired male from P.E. from another class. He never introduced himself, but whenever he would ask questions he would shoot his hand straight up and practically yell in your ear as if the professor was deaf. 
You basically lost your hearing in your right ear that day. The ear will always live with great achievements. 
He also scolded you whenever you said, “Complete bullshit.” to Ace.
Something about how such language should never come out of anyone who goes to the same school as his ‘young master’ does. Now that was ‘complete bullshit.’
The three of your friends laughed at you the rest of the class for having someone your age scold you like a mother would. 
Classes finally ended, and the three of you made your way to the Hearts dorm to drop your bags off.
You were just happy to receive some food for free.
Life has been a disaster! I’m not dead tho. 
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Here There be Monsters: Mage Basic Intros (Part 2)
She/her, ??? Mage.
Around three hundred years ago, Cybele wanted to help find peace between humans and Creatures. To do this, she found a way to merge with magic itself, change her form, and become something that the world would listen to. From there, with new, unheard-of powers, she formed the Organization and shaped it to work toward her goal and dream. 
While Cybele started out as a remarkably kind, gentle, loving person, her passions reached heights greater than she was meant to handle. Merging with magic turned her into something inhuman, and as it is, she’s slipped into a dream-like mental state where she only sees the reality she wants to. She’s lost in her own head and forgetting the world around her. 
Cybele’s magic is unique in that she can use all seven kinds with near mastery. This should be impossible, however, and the consequence of such power is the slow deterioration of her mental state. 
5′6, early 30′s (physically). Statuesque, shapely build, gentle, pleasing features, and light, rosy skin. Waist-length, golden-blonde, curly/wavy hair with distinct bangs, ocean-blue eyes with a bright sparkle in them. A soft smile almost always graces her lips, and her eyes are kind. 
She/her, Blue Mage.
Born to a high-ranking Mage family, Gisette spent her youth with high expectations. She was supposed to be perfect from day one— with all the constant work that comes with that. Indeed, she grew to reach a powerful position in the Organization, but along the way, she’s become jaded to the world and the supposed purpose of making it better. 
Stern, strict, and severe, Gisette is the kind of person who doesn’t need to be big to be terrifying. She holds high, hard-earned authority, and her very posture makes it clear she knows it. An outstanding strategist, Gisette has spent years with the weight of responsibility heavy on her shoulders, choosing“should” over any “want” she may have had. 
Gisette’s magic involves bringing written messages to life. This mainly suits her work as a strategist and organizer, as she can send moving, encrypted, and physically activated text wherever she pleases. 
5′4, early 50′s. Waist-length, dark brown, almost black hair usually worn in a high bun. Dark gray eyes, pale skin, a fair amount of wrinkles. Usually wears earrings. Despite being a petite woman with a fairly slight build, the way Gisette carries herself shows her status well. 
He/him, Red Mage.
Like Gisette, he was born to a powerful Mage family and experienced much of the same pressure. The two were childhood friends and held feelings for each other from a young age. Maximus was the one who could never quite let go of them, even after Gisette gave up on her personal longings in favor of what she knew she had to do. 
The opposite of Gisette in almost every way, Maximus is animated, dynamic, and imposing. His physical size makes most people cower, but his boisterous nature either sets them at ease or makes it worse. While he’s more than capable of taking things seriously, a beaming smile and openly held passions get him where he wants to be. 
Maximus’s magic involves augmenting his physical strength. Instead of merely utilizing his energy, he doubles it back and ups his capacity for strength and movement, giving him nearly superhuman capabilities. 
6′10, early 50′s. Huge, heavily muscled, powerful build. Shoulder blade-length, curly/fluffy hair a shade of blue so pale it’s almost white, almost always restrained in a low ponytail. Tanned skin, dark crimson eyes, chiseled, handsome features, and a good few wrinkles from age. 
She/her, Green Mage.
Aurora’s older sister. From a young age, she was considered a prodigy at Green magic and was showered in the attention and praise that followed. While she remains a sweet, caring person, Rosaria’s outlook toward the world and other people has been distorted by the way she was treated growing up. She can be quite oblivious and ignorant. 
Charismatic and sociable, Rosaria is the picture of the person everyone loves. Between her gift for magic and her skills with interpersonal relations, she’s well-respected and well-loved by almost everyone around her. Rosaria is quite a friendly, cheerful, and kind person, but she struggles with considering others’ feelings properly. 
Rosaria’s magic is typical Green magic— drawing from the world around her to manifest various effects. In her specific case, she augments both her physical strength and her speed capabilities. 
5′9, late 20′s. Tall, curvaceous build with an hourglass figure. Short-cut, chin-length white hair worn in a bob that frames her face. Wide, deep gray eyes with a slight green tint to them and pale lashes. Her features are quite appealing and she always seems to be wearing a smile. 
He/him, Yellow Mage.
In his early teenage years, Adrian made a mistake with his magic that caused his body to stop aging. He’s forever stuck at the age he was when the incident happened, even though his mind continues to develop. He became a skilled Mage nonetheless... but life seems to never give him a break. An unfortunate incident with a girlfriend was the tipping point. 
Adrian is intellectual, poised, strict, and somewhat snobby. He has the personality of s stuck-up professor, and definitely enough ego to mirror it. Despite being internally depressed and angry with the world, he’s determined to ignore his unpleasant history and pretend like he’s not miserable. He has more than his fair share of pride in himself. 
The magic he uses involves bringing his words to life. When Adrian speaks a command with magical intent, it happens. He has to be quite careful with it, as the exact mechanisms are tricky and complex. 
4′11, late 30′s. Adrian’s body is youthful, small, and unaging. Brown, past chin-length hair in a fairly straight cut, with bangs, and brown eyes only a few shades warmer and more hazel. Carries a near-permanent scowl and posture that conveys his pride and experience. 
She/her, Yellow Mage.
Formerly a Mage of high rank, Gloria’s magic started to affect her mind about a decade ago. From there, it’s been a slow slide into delusions and distorted thinking that have left her with a very different role. When she was younger, she loved her magic for what it could show her and the things she could experience, but now, she can hardly keep track of them.
Gloria used to be a composed, passionate woman who handled her job well and enjoyed every second of it. She was outspoken, bold, and graceful in both speech and mannerisms. After her magic changed her, though, she’s become very disorganized in thought. She has trouble telling what’s real, what’s tangible, and what’s in the present.
The magic that twisted Gloria’s mind is the ability to see into the past and future. While limited, it was highly useful, and she pushed herself too far with it, leading to her mind being unable to handle the information. 
5′5, mid 30′s. Graceful, art-like build with a soft figure and not a lot of muscle. Caramel-brown hair worn in a shoulder-length style with longer sidelocks, shining, golden-hazel eyes, and fair skin. Her eyes have a vacant, spacey look in them more often than not. 
He/him, Blue Mage.
For the most part, Coulson has a normal past. He fought his way through education and training to be as skilled as he currently is, and that fight gave him an unhealthy amount of pride. He’s always been competitive and authoritative, and can’t stand others besting him in any way. He worked his way into the Organization for the sake of power. 
Coulson is strict, self-absorbed, and demanding of others. In his mind, he’s almost always the most capable person in the room and he acts like it. He’s a stickler for rules (when they suit him), dismissive of other people and their opinions, and aggressively fixated on his authority in the chain of command. He takes a lot of pride in his power and abilities. 
For magic, Coulson uses a variety of small tattoos self-engraved into his body to create a variety of effects. He adds new ones quite frequently as he learns new applications and methods of utilizing them. 
6′0, mid 30′s. Tall, somewhat lanky build with unnerving strength for how little muscle is visible. Dark blue, curly hair slicked back on the right side and left loose on the left. Darker blue eyes, pale skin, and two silver piercings (right nostril and right earlobe) connected with a thin chain.
She/they, Brown Mage.
A perpetual hard worker, Rochia grew up with a love of both machinery and magic. She enjoyed experimenting with everything she could get her hands on and seeing what worked. Once she joined the Organization, Rochia wound up assigned to a top-secret project that killed her optimistic view of the world, leaving her bitter and pragmatic.
Sharp-tongued, logical, and no-nonsense, Rochia is dedicated to her work— even when she hates it. She dislikes unrealistic fantasies and people who go against rules and sensible choices and favors those who devote themselves to something tangible with their whole hearts. Despite losing faith in the world, small parts of her still cling to hope. 
Rochia’s magic is something of a mystery. It relates to creating and maintaining magical machines, but the exact nature of what she knows and does is kept secret by the higher-ups of the Organization itself. 
5′2, mid 20′s. Petite and rather stocky in build, with few curves. Dark brown hair worn in a shaggy, somewhat messy pixie cut easily kept out of the way. Gray, brown-tinted eyes with perpetual dark circles underneath, light skin, and forming wrinkles at her brow. 
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s Colours of Rain Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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This date is dedicated to anyone who’s had a tough and tiring week in school or at work 🥰
The date begins with MC heading to the office at the ungodly hour of 6am, right after landing at the airport.
She’s tired but has to sit through a sudden and lengthy meeting with Yuelai Entertainment (“Yuelai”).
Yuelai is a reputable company which suddenly changed its mind regarding establishing a long-term partnership with MC’s company.
The representative from Yuelai bears bad news, saying that a partnership is unlikely due to budget constraints. MC asks for another chance to redo the proposal, but Yuelai gives her a vague response and leaves.
MC feels downcast because her staff members have been working very hard on the proposal, and all their efforts seem to have gone to waste. Anna tells her to rest, but MC wants to create a new proposal to change Yuelai’s mind.
She heads to Victor’s office later in the morning to present her weekly report. She starts dozing off.
A fountain pen taps my forehead. My eyes snap open in shock, and I am faced with an expressionless Victor.
Victor: Don’t get distracted during the meeting.
MC: Only the two of us are here…
I mutter under my breath, letting out a yawn.
Victor: Stayed up late again?
MC: I had a late flight, so I spent most of the night in the airport. And there was a sudden meeting at the office this morning…
I rub my tired eyes, feeling dejected as I recall the bad news from this morning.
Victor stops flipping through the material in his hands, raising his head to look at me.
Victor: Have you been feeling tired recently?
MC: Not really.
I deny instantly. Victor pauses, frowning slightly.
Victor: Just look at your eyebags. Even the pandas in the zoo recognize you as their relative.
MC: It’s just that everything is packed together so I’m busier than usual. I’ll be fine after getting through this period!
Victor: You’re really doing fine?
I nod without hesitation.
MC: Mm, I can handle it!
Goldman showed me Victor’s schedule for these two weeks, and the extent that it is filled to the brim is shocking. Compared to him, my workload is not worth mentioning.
Victor: Do you have any work this afternoon?
MC: Why do you ask?
Victor: I’ve read through your proposal and there aren’t any big issues. Go back and get a good rest. You’re not allowed to stay up late over the next few days.
I pause for a moment, look at the pile of work on Victor’s desk, and take out my laptop.
MC: I’ll stay here with you. Being able to stay with you is my best form of relaxation.
Victor: …up to you.
Victor lets out a sigh, a smile slipping onto his face.
Victor: How’s the deal with Yuelai Entertainment?
MC: This… I’m still not sure about their final decision.
I avert my eyes, even more determined to create a perfect proposal for Yuelai Entertainment.
MC is just about to ask Victor for advice when she receives a call. She has to return to the office to deal with a difficult guest on their talk show.
After that, MC finds one of her staff crying from stress
Thinking of how to comfort her, MC recalls the many trials she faced since Ch 1 of the main storyline, and how she plowed through them all
After that:
I finally have a short break and I rub my sore temples, the fatigue built up over the past few days overwhelming me.
The weather is fine and the leaves are swaying in the breeze. I stare at the clouds and find myself suddenly missing Victor. The time spent with him this morning was probably the only time I felt relaxed in days.
Someone from Yuelai calls MC. While MC’s company crafted a very unique proposal, Yuelai sees no future in having a long-term partnership with a small company like MC’s. Yuelai hangs up on her before she can even negotiate.
Depressed, she decides to walk home because the next bus would only arrive in an hour. To make things worse, it suddenly starts pouring.
The rain is so heavy that the bag she uses to cover her head slips out of her hands, her items falling all over the ground. Her neatly arranged documents get drenched too.
I want to escape from the spotlight. I don’t want to face tomorrow. I want to find an empty corner and just burst into tears. 
The phone lying in the water vibrates, signaling an incoming call. I rub my swollen eyes and reach for my drenched phone.
MC: Hello?
Victor: Where are you?
My voice is lodged in my throat. It never crossed my mind that Victor would call me at this very moment. I take a deep breath and pretend to answer in a relaxed manner. I didn’t want him to hear that I was about to cry.
MC: Why are you calling me at this time? I’ll be home soon, what about you?
Victor: …I see you.
MC: What did you say?
Victor: Turn around.
I follow what he says and am met with blinding headlights.
The car stops. Someone steps out of the car, opens an umbrella, and walks towards me.
Under the amber streetlights, his silhouette becomes clearer in the rain.
I stare dazedly at Victor, thinking that I’m hallucinating. The tears I had been suppressing threaten to overflow.
Victor frowns and looks at me, letting out a sigh.
Victor: How long do you want to stay in the rain? Come here.
I rub my eyes. Not caring how embarrassing I look, I rush into his arms.
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The feeling of acid that has been accumulating in my heart finally escape. I bury my head in his chest and burst into tears.
The umbrella is tossed aside. He places his outercoat over me, and the residual warmth disperses the cold.
Victor: You’re crying so badly. Seems like you’ve suffered a lot.
MC: I’ve already worked so hard… I’ve tried everything… I don’t know what to do… so that I can be even better…
I speak and pause through my tears. Victor pats my back gently, his actions slow and tender.
Victor: I know. You’ve already done very well. I can see that.
His voice is impossibly gentle in the gradually lightening rain.
After some time, the rain finally stops.
I look up at him with my reddened eyes. The Victor standing in front of me still doesn’t seem real.
Water droplets from the trees above pelt onto his shoulder. Even the front of his shirt has a large patch from absorbing my tears.
MC: This isn’t a dream right… you… why are you here?
Victor doesn’t answer. He gently wipes a tearstain off my face.
Victor: To fetch a dummy home.
In the car, MC realizes that she has lost her house keys in the rain so she’s unable to return home.
Victor: We’re heading to my home anyway.
MC: Y-your home?
I suddenly think about the sight of me sobbing my heart out earlier.
MC: Victor…
Victor: What is it?
MC: Can you forget about my whole bawling incident just now?
Victor: Don’t worry, I’ll get my outercoat sent to the dry cleaners tomorrow.
MC: …
Victor: What happened today?
Faced with this sudden question, I don’t know where to begin. Maybe it was the sudden meeting with Yuelai Entertainment this morning, maybe it was dealing with the difficult guest, maybe it was the heavy rain…
Maybe the culmination of all these things left me helpless and made it clear that I am not as strong as I thought.
MC: I realized that I’m not as capable as I thought… the more ambitious I am, the more helpless and small I feel when met with failure… I feel like a good-for-nothing…
Victor: You really are stupid.
MC: Why are we on the topic of my stupidity again.
I mutter softly, but turn to look at him curiously.
MC: You look like you’ve never lost control of your emotions before.
Victor: I have.
In the tranquil evening, his voice becomes quieter.
Victor: I’m no different from you. There are many things I cannot do or force to make happen. It’s okay to not be strong, it’s okay to not do well. You don’t have to bottle up your emotions.
I stare at his side profile, recalling what he had once said to me—
Victor is also an ordinary person.
[Note] She’s making reference to Victor’s Understanding the Human World date
Victor: I won’t tell you to keep holding on no matter what difficulties you face. That isn’t realistic. There will come a time when you will become an even better version of yourself who will have enough courage and experience to deal with all of this.
I suddenly have a realisation.
MC: You are an ordinary Victor, I am a mediocre MC. Everyone will definitely experience joys and sorrows in life. It’s just that people have different thresholds of endurance.
He laughs lightly, not denying my words.
Under the gentle streetlights, he pauses. It is as though an inordinate amount of time passes before his voice reaches my ears, but every word is crystal clear.
Victor: But before that, I hope you can learn to rely on me. At least with me, you always have the right to be vulnerable.
After they reach Victor’s house, he towels her hair dry and covers her with a quilt. Victor prepares to take a shower and asks MC to get him a change of clothes. 
When MC enters the bathroom, Victor is in a state of undress – his shirt is half-open and his tie hangs loosely off his neck.
MC places the clean clothes down, but slips on her way out because - I kid you not - she keeps thinking about how she can see Victor’s abs through his shirt lol
Victor: Be careful!
Victor’s warning comes too late. I lose control of my body, falling against Victor. I hear a pain-filled groan from behind me.
Feeling something warm, I have a bad feeling as I lift up my head.
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Under the bright lights, Victor pushes himself off the ground with his palm, leaning his back against the white tiles. His fringe is messy, beads of water on the tips of his hair.
His wet, half-translucent shirt sticks to his skin, revealing a sculpted abdomen that is usually covered and hidden.
The shower hose is at the side, and the sound of water continues to resound.
My line of sight trails from his leg upwards and finally settle on his handsome face. I feel slightly dazed.
Victor: Seen enough?
MC: No…
I bite my tongue before the words leave my mouth, trembling as I remove the hand that is still on his chest.
MC: One misfortune after another, haha…
Victor: Stand up. How long do you intend to sit on the floor?
Victor stands first before pulling me up. He then retrieves a towel to wipe off the water droplets on me.
Victor: There really isn’t a single moment when I don’t have to worry.
After this, MC chills on the sofa in the living room and looks around.
She sees her proposal on the table. Wondering what criticisms Victor has in store for her, she decides to flip through it:
Unexpectedly, every page is filled with more comments than usual.
“Not bad”
“There’s some improvement”
“Worthy of commendation”
Not only are there praises that I don’t normally see, but there are also extremely detailed examples and analysis.
A CEO who has a thousand things to do each day is so detailed and meticulous?
I can’t help but let out silly laughter, my fingers trembling lightly. I gently touch the handwriting that belongs to him.
In my most fatigued and embarrassing moment, Victor was the one who came to me with a hug.
He is the only island that I, a little boat which has drifted off course, can rely on.
Victor: Why haven’t you gone to sleep?
MC: …I can’t sleep. I was waiting for you.
Victor has stepped out of the bathroom and is now standing behind me.
He wipes his damp hair with a towel, water vapour faintly surrounding him. He looks at me, his line of sight following my actions to the proposal on the table. He looks surprised.
MC: I promise I’m not working. I was just looking around… and saw this.
I nod towards the red-coloured comments and cast him a smile that says: “I understand everything”.
Victor: I was just curious to see whether a silly technique of encouragement would be beneficial to you.
I’m not surprised that he isn’t speaking from the heart…
MC: It’s not silly at all, and it’s extremely effective! I recommend that you use it very often!
He ignores my teasing, walks around the sofa, and sits beside me.
I look at Victor, whose profile has been caged in a halo. Only the sounds of our breathing echo in the quiet air.
Victor: Your eyes are still swollen.
I subconsciously touch my eyelids.
MC: D-does it look ugly?
Victor: Mm, very ugly.
There is a smile in his voice.
MC: …then stop looking!
I lower my head dispiritedly, pulling the quilt over my head.
Victor: You dummy.
He looks even more deeply into my eyes. The breathing that falls on my ear is very gentle, very steady, and very long.
Victor: From now onwards, I’m the only one who can see your crying face.
Phone Calls: First // Second
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Beel's Special Bun
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Those sensitive to talks about pregnancy and birth control should not read this. Nothing is explicitly stated, however if it's not your cup of tea, perhaps this is not for you. Additionally those who have not caught up in the most recent season (3) of the game run the risk of some spoilers. Thank you.
It all started out like any other night since he had started his vacation with his brothers in the human world.
Beel was freshly out of the shower, donning his nightclothes that still clung to his moistened skin. Belphie wasn’t in just yet, likely having found some new, experimental place to take a nap in the human world that had gotten away from him. He’d have to find him, again, as per usual, before settling down for bed himself. 
Well, tonight he was expecting Myreina to drop by. They were due for a midnight snack date, as they had usually gone about naming them, which left him with a warm giddy feeling. 
That’s where the routine ended however, as Myreina burst through the door with urgency.
Beel moved to greet her, not really phased by the sudden entrance until he saw the palid look on her face and his smile fell away.
“Myreina? What’s wrong?”
“I’m late.”
“What? We didn’t agree to any specific time tonight. You don’t have to worry about something like that.”
“No Beel.” She stressed, looking at him with dire seriousness. “I’m late.”
It took a moment for the words to really sink in. He didn’t think much of tardiness and even she wasn’t the type to sweat it this much...no, this matter was far more concerning. And as the possibility finally began to dawn on him, his face slowly paled right along with hers. 
“Wait. Do you mean…?”
Myreina nodded slowly.
Beel took a moment to process that information, slowly digesting it before he took a breath and steadied himself. With a newfound look of resolution, he suddenly felt the need to be just about anywhere else but in this room. Or this house for that matter. He turned to his closet, rifling around in there and crammed his feet into whatever shoes were readily available. He tossed Myreina a coat of his and as she looked up from the oversized piece of clothing threatening to swallow her whole, he approached her slowly and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Let’s take a walk tonight.”
And that was how the two found themselves drifting aimlessly in the streets that night, silent as the dead and about as lost to the nightlife surrounding them.
This hadn’t been a thing he’d thought about. How hadn’t he thought about this? It wasn’t too long ago even that this would have become a concern for them. 
He shook his head. 
No. Focus. This wasn’t all about him right now, it was about the both of them. In fact, maybe even more of them. Which begged the first uncomfortable question of that long night.
“...Is it mine?”
Myreina’s frame went noticeably rigid. 
He understood. After all, Myreina was in a committed relationship with all his brothers, even recently dating Simeon and perhaps even Solomon. Those were the conditions they had all agreed to when deciding to take her on as a partner and they respected that each relationship moved at its own pace. 
However, given the unique quality of their relationship, it begged the question of whether or not his pace had somehow outdone everyone else's. Or at least lined up in this case. Why else appear at his door after all. Unless of course it was actually Belphie she had been trying to say this to, and he just happened to be in the room. 
Would that make this scenario worse or better…? He wasn’t quite sure.
Myreina stumbled along awkwardly while he patiently waited. She seemed so nervous, maybe even scared to talk about it. It didn't make him feel all that great she was undergoing so much pressure. 
“Stay here for a second.” Beel said after a while, escorting her to a bench nearby. “I think I have something that can help.”
Myreina obliged, seating herself at the bench and staring off into open space for a while, organizing her thoughts while Beel ran off somewhere. In that time he was gone, she debated how she felt a little more on the matter, recalling just who it was she was so fortunate to call a partner in this miniature crisis. She didn’t think less of her other partners, of course, however she did know that a couple amongst them may have reactions far less grounded than Beel. So at least in that sense she was wholly thankful.
As Beel approached her again, she felt she had found a sense of calm, assisted only when she discovered the reason for his momentary absence; a pair of small cakes and some portable teas, billowing out a sweet and calming scent amidst the steam. It warmed up her frigid frame little by little as she was carefully handed the tea container and the warmth seeped into her fingers through the carton. 
“Thank you, Beel. So much.”
“Well, we did say we were going to have a midnight snack date tonight, didn’t we?” He sat besides her and blew into his tea, showing far more hesitation than he was usually known for before all but shotglassing the hot beverage back unbothered. “I don’t see why that plan has to change. It’s nice out tonight.”
Myreina giggled, feeling that warmth matched by something blossoming in her chest.
“You’re right. Maybe we should head outside for these midnight snack dates more often? Satan might not be so angry at us in the morning.”
The two giggled quietly, and things felt normal again. Nothing changed, nothing felt like the world was at the verge of collapse, a feeling she actually did have experience with and yet felt so distant from the pressure at hand. Beel hadn’t had the chance to resolve that crisis with his wholesome date method, but it was a lifesaver now.
After a couple of sips, Myreina sighed quietly into the chilly night air. 
“It has to be yours.”
“Are you sure? There’s no one else it could be?”
“Positive.” Myreina nodded. “I um, did have other’s that fit the time frame, but we were the only ones who did it...you know…”
“Right.” Beel recalled. “It was rather sudden.” 
“Yeah. I wasn’t expecting it and got carried away. Plus, we were in a game, maybe I wasn’t thinking the consequences would necessarily carry over.”
“Fair mistake.”
“I think so too. I mean, why would it carry over? It feels weird that it did.”
“I prefer it when fiction and reality have a harder line between them, I don’t know how Levi feels so comfortable blurring the line all the time.”
“Well, Levi is remarkably unique in that way.”
“I think you’re romanticising a very real concern, Myreina.”
Myreina giggled. “Maybe. I can admit to that.” 
She took another few sips of her tea, giving the cake a once over and sighed, passing it over to Beel, which caught his surprise.
“Did you not like it? No, you didn’t even try it?”
“I’m sure I would have but honestly, looking at it right now makes me a little...sick?”
He swallowed the cake in one bite without any further words. 
It wasn’t until a little while after that, that Beel went on to whisper his next concern.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
Beel shuffled about, feeling his face warm up in embarrassment, stretching all the way over the front of his face and over his ears.
“This isn’t...the kind of thing I wanted you to be stuck with when you remembered our first time.” He stammered over the end of his sentence and looked over at her, alarmed. “Not that I think this is something we’re stuck with! Or that, it’s even...something we can’t welcome! It’s just, I...I don’t want you to misunderstand, Myreina. I love you, so I wanted it to be really special, and we waited so long, after all! I just...this isn’t how I wished for things to play out.”
Myreina smiled and leaned into him, letting his tension melt along as it accommodated her body more comfortably. He was always like this. Effortlessly kind and supportive, caring and mindful of his position. Once again, reminding her that this, for all the important discussion it was, didn’t mean the end of the world. Not with him at her side.
“I will never regret that moment, Beel.” Myreina said, nuzzling into his big arm. The action prompted it to lift and wrap around her, bringing her close to him and surrounding her in his warmth. 
“I love you, and this stands no chance against how I feel. It can’t change it. Not my feelings before, not during, not now. So you have nothing to worry about. Our first time together will always be a precious memory to me. Whatever the future that follows.”
She bit her lip.
“That being said…” Myreina took a moment, breathing in and breathing out to settle her nerves then looked up to meet his eyes, awaiting hers in that same, no, possibly more embarrassed gaze. “I...I’m not ready for this. Not now. I have a lot going on for me right now, and I want to give it it’s due attention.” 
Her hands abandoned the tea container and found his big hands, wrapping them and eventually interlacing in the most natural way.
“I want to treasure you and the pace of our relationship right now, I want to become a sorcerer that Solomon and the human world can be proud of...I want to see what role I can play in Lord Diavolo’s plan and, well, I want to keep dancing. There’s just too many things I want to keep doing before I think about adding a baby to the mix.” Myreina shut her eyes a bit, feeling Beel lean his forehead on hers, kisses coming up from her cheeks up to her temple. “It’s just not time for it right now...do you understand?”
She felt his lips form that same, gentle smile against her temple where they had lingered.
“Of course I do. I completely agree.”
Her eyes opened slowly, meeting his and they squinted from her overjoyed smile.
“You do? I mean, with you Beel, maybe...one day, I wouldn’t mind.”
Beel nodded. “With you I could do anything. A kid...I can see that.” 
His smiling lips dipped down, kissing the exposed fingers laced between his. “Just not right now.”
“Beel…” She unlocked her fingers and wrapped her arms around him, feeling his rush to mirror the same, squeezing her lightly. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Myreina.”
Letting the moment rest, they eventually came apart, Beel easily plopping her down onto his lap and the two reestablishing a sense of calm. 
“But I do have a question…” Myreina pressed after a while, turning a new concern over in her brain. “Where...do we go from here? I mean, we have facilities here for human babies, but is it the same for demon/human hybrids? Is that even a thing?”
“It’s more common than you think.” Beel admitted, feeling a little embarrassed. “A lot of demons and humans get intimate when summoned to the human world. After all, a pact doesn’t necessarily need to be negotiated with a soul after all. There are all kinds of arrangements.”
Beel and Myreina laughed awkwardly, feeling themselves flush at the face at the prospect of it.
“But, I don’t know of any facilities in the human world that could accommodate that. We’d have to go to the Devildom, at least if we don’t want to mention this to any of my brothers. Which, I'm going to assume we don’t.”
“You would be right.” Myreina immediately agreed.
“I’ll contact Barbatos to situate a portal for us to the Devildom. I might not be able to evade telling him, especially if I’m already keeping this a secret from everyone else. And he will want to know why he should make a portal for us exclusively…”
“That’s fine. I trust him to be discreet.” Myreina rationalized. “More so even than myself.”
“I don’t think we have to worry, I mean, no one will know you went to the Devildom for the day and if anyone asks where you went, you can say it was a scheduled check up. That’s not technically lying, is it?”
“It’s not lying at all actually.”
She may not be able to tell lies, but she could at least withhold the gorrier details of a truth. After all, she didn’t share every word to her partners. No matter how deeply they interrogated. And as long as no one asked her about being specifically expectant, then there would be nothing more to add to the matter than a simple check up.
Snacks and discussions completed, the two picked up after themselves and began the trek back home, a lot livelier compared to their departure. However, before they could get too close, Myreina stopped and noticed the road back to her original place before moving into the mansion, calling Beel out of his distracted thoughts of procuring a second snack upon their arrival. 
“Something wrong?”
“I just had a thought.” Myreina started, looking at him with a certain glint in her eye. “Our first time was in a game. A fictional world.”
“Yes…?” Beel confirmed, blushing a bit at the sudden recollection. “What about it?”
“Well, do you think that’s actually all that fair? I mean, how are we to know if it feels different in a game?”
“Well, I mean, the consequences carried over just fine…”
Myreina laughed at his slightly bitter tone, something so uncharacteristic for him these days, yet still wholly in character as he missed the greater picture. 
She stood before him, training his eyes to follow her as she gave him a more suggestive look, marveling as his expression slowly started to become more knowing as to what she had been alluding.
“I just think there's a time and place for fiction, and that there ought to be a clear distinction between it and reality.”
Beel smiled a bit, then began to chuckle shyly. “Are...you serious, Myreina?”
“Very much so. I mean, the way I see it, we happen to be in a very fortunate set of circumstances right here and now!”
“How do you figure?”
“Well…” Myreina pointed down a path in the opposite direction of the manor. “My house...happens to be just down that way. You haven’t seen it before, have you? No one has actually...you’d be the first.”
Beel closed the distance between them a bit, planting a large hand onto the small of her back and drawing her flush onto his body, still laughing in modest amusement.
“Is that right?”
“Yup! Not only that...but when you really think about it…” She leaned up and whispered as close to his ear as her tiptoeing could manage, assisted by his full interest leaning him forward to meet her. “You don’t need to protect against a consequence that’s already happened, do you?”
His face practically burned. 
He often forgot how much bolder Myreina had become since accepting them all and leaving behind her inhibitions. He also forgot just how damn good that stood to feel. 
Head filled with a different kind of emerging hunger, he pressed a kiss to her lips which she reciprocated with a steamy, unfiltered passion, only whetting his growing appetite for her. He pulled away, their breaths and mindsets building a heated space between what little they allowed between them. 
“Let’s go.”
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kob131 · 3 years
Rewatching volume 8 I can safely say that they kinda ruined Ironwood's character. To me they made him a cartoony villain by shooting the counsel guy and teaming up with Watts at the start of the volume, as well as him willing to blow up mantle even though Salem was gone. I think they should have taken their time in the volume making Ironwood a villain, Judgemental critter explains how he could have been better in her review. Buuut that's just my opinion
Then I figure you don’t mind if I go into Judgmental Critter’s Ironwood part?
‘Ironwood is an interestingly complex character, both kind and understanding but also stern and harsh.’
... That’s...not unique. Like, at all. That’s like every Sink or Swim Mentor or Stern Father figure. Fuck, Hank Hill came to mind.
‘He was the one who broke the news to Yang, being earnest and disappointed that yang was disqualified. But also put his foot down so there’s no protest from the girls.’
... So? This isn’t the aspect of him that Volumes 7 and 8 are being focused on and this is BEFORE his paranoia and trust issues got validated so of course he’s in a naturally better state.
‘Here’s a man who convinced himself that he built an army that couldn’t be beat.’
Wait, did you just...skip the part where he relates to Yang and implies he has PTSD, indicating he’s not exactly mentally well? ... What the fuck?
And you’d better be considering this when you come to Volume 8, after his army has been beaten and just got stretched thin.
‘In Volume 4, he stands kindly by Weiss’ side, stands up for her against the Atlas elite and when the girls meet him again-’
... *graps Judgmental Critter by the collar as they pass by.* Don’t think I didn’t notice that.
Jacques: You've never trusted anyone other than yourself!
Ironwood: (shouting) And for good reason!
Weiss covers her mouth with her hand as she gasps at the sound of Ironwood slamming his fist onto the desk.
Ironwood: If Oz had just listened to me from the start...
Jacques: You need to get a grip.
Ironwood: That's exactly what I'm doing. Our people need protection. By this time next week, the Kingdom of Atlas will be officially closing its borders. No one in; no one out. Without the council's permission.
Jacques: You mean, without your permission?
Ironwood: And if that becomes the case, I would think you'd want to be on my good side.
Funny you don’t mention this in your summary of him, considering this is portrayed as a deeply personal reveal of the man.
I also remember that you ignored what he said in Volume 2.
Glynda: Trouble sleeping?
Ironwood: (Looking back, gripping his shoulder with the other hand.) Arm was acting up.
Glynda: Of course, so logically, you got out of bed, dressed yourself completely and decided to gaze menacingly out into the distance. (Approaches all the way to his side, then looks at him concerned.) What's wrong?
Ironwood: I've trusted him for years. We both have. I just... I can't help but feel like he's keeping us in the dark.
Glynda: Don't be ridiculous! You know very well that we are not the ones in the dark.
Ironwood: (Laughs humorously.) That makes it worse! I refuse to believe that a man that I've trusted for so long would act so... passively.
Glynda: (Puts a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder.) You're a good person, James. You've always done what you think is best for the people, even against strong protest. It's admirable. But it's high time you stopped talking about trust and started showing it. (Drops her hand as they stare into the distance together.) Ozpin has experience that the rest of us lack. And I think that's something worth remembering.
These things that connect Ironwood’s actions in the past and his actions in the future...
And you don’t mention them despite being big character moments for him? Maybe this is a coinc- 
‘He knelt to spoke to Oscar, which showed his dad energy!’
... *steams starts to rise from my face*
Ironwood: Without him here to guide us, all I can do is use my best judgment.
Behind him, Oscar shifts uncomfortably. As if sensing something, Ironwood stops and looks back.
Ironwood: What is it?
Oscar: Actually, Oz isn't completely gone.
Qrow: Uh, Oscar here is… is the next Ozpin.
Ironwood: Oz?
Smiling, Ironwood quickly and eagerly approaches Oscar, who looks nervous.
Ironwood: I'm so glad you're here. I didn't think you--
Oscar puts his hands up and interrupts Ironwood, as the latter crouches to Oscar's level.
Oscar: Not quite. He's kind of, um, gone... at the moment.
Ironwood's smile fades, and he lowers his head.
That wasn’t him acting like a dad, that was Ironwood being desperate, given a fleeting glimpse of hope that the man he respected and looked to above all others is...there, standing in front of him, where he can finally have an equal again.
That was...so blatant and obvious I am finding it hard to believe you’re not doing this intentionally.
“He spoke to Oscar as if he was a trusted ally despite missing Ozpin’s words of guidance!”
Oscar. Has. Ozpin. In. Him.
Ozpin. The man that James, AGAIN, respects and follows.
No. Fucking. Shit.
“He gave Team RWBY the Huntsman title and upgrades!”
‘Huntsmen’ in Atlas meaning ‘soldiers’. And that is STILL not contradictory to what he does later.
‘He was well meaning and kind...until he found out they lied to him.”
Which was bad of them...but they were also in fault when they treated Ozpin harshly and James did WORSE so what does that tell you?
‘His PTSD comes flooding back!’
You skipped how he refused to trust the council, his PEERS, with the info about Amity or even Robin, whose entire issues with him could have been solved if he TALKED to her, all because of his trust issues.
You have completely shoved his trust-related skeletons into the closest and play up his more pitiable PTSD issues. You’re fucking Mary Sueing him.
‘Was all of it Team RWBY’s fault? They didn’t give him the truth but neither did Ozpin-’
Was it Team RWBY’s fault that the Fall of Beacon or Atlas’ issues happened? No! In fact, James was more culpable in both scenarios (if he listen to Ozpin then the machines COULDN’T attack Vale citizens and if he told the truth and listened to Team RWBY before he had no choice then he could have stopped all that shit!) than them. And just as Ironwood’s issues don’t excuse Team RWBY’s fuck ups- Ozpin’s issues don’t excuse James’ fuck ups.
‘Who can he trust? How many levels of precautions does he need to take?’
You know, I’d buy this shit if not for how the depth of his trust issues isn’t actually shown, how his issues with trust went beyond this and came around to how he was isolating himself. This is still trying to play pity for the man instead of seeing him for who he is.
‘We left Ironwood last Volume as a complex man whose filled dwith grief, guilt and fear-’
And what have we seen as the end result of these emotions time and time again in RWBY?
They cause the person to devole.
Hazel is filled with grief and used that to help justify his shit actions.
Ozpin is filled with guilt and let it distance himself from others.
Yang was filled with fear and couldn’t move on.
And Salem...Salem is all fucking three and we KNOW how she turned out.
The way that ‘complex man’ is portrayed is the same way one says a character is complex as an excuse to ignore their darker issues. She goes onto portray Volume 8′s beginning with Ironwood as somehow not in line with his ‘complexness’ when this has been an issue with him since Volume 2.
And as a special fuck you to that:
Do you have any idea how tempting Ironwood’s position is? To be hurt again and again by others as you try to defer to them? To see yourself as right time and time again but still struggling to see other’s point of view as valid? To resist the temptation to discard what EVERYONE says, to not care about what others say and carve your own path regardless of what others think, feel or say?
I have. Countless times and it is SO HARD to not do what Ironwood did. 
‘In his first scene, Ironwood crossed the line!’
Not really. From Ironwood’s point of view, Slate was standing in his way with Salem at his doorstep and in a worse shape than ever and he can’t afford to waste any time with him. Killing him is rather logical and why would Ironwood care? It’s right in his eyes and the morality of other people has only been chains to him.
‘This isn’t playing on his paranoia!’
Gee, what emotion is it that causes Paranoia again? ... Fear? And Ironwood did this out of what again? ... Fear of Salem?
How is it RWBY can bee so unsubtle to cause blunt force trauma on it’s audience and yet they STILL routinely fail to see it.
‘He’s just a shitty cartoon villain!’
Ah huh. Again, I heard the same about the P5 villains. And they all had real world counterpart (Madrame in particular can be compared to ROOSTER TEETH).
‘Cartoon villain’ is just a buzzword at this point.
‘His personality before was so much more intriguing!’
The personality where you chopped off the stuff that shows this coming?
Yeah headcanons tend to appear that way.
‘Everything he was just thrown away to give us a laughable shell of a character!’
AKA ‘Two Ironwoods’ right?
Newsflash- characters and people can change for the worst. People can reach this point and beyond for the same reasons as James did. Good people can devolve and change. And yet he still had his humanity. He still tried to hold back in some manner before he felt concerned even more. He never took joy in what he did. And he still cared for his people. 
To call all that effort just a ‘shell’ because you BLATANTLY cannot accept this change in a character enrages me beyond what text can show!
‘He didn’t develop into a colder, heartless man-’
Yes. He. Did.
He ignored his people’s concerns and feelings just for a greater goal. He treated people as a whole instead of individuals. He kept secrets more and more. He constantly questioned if his compromises gave Salem the advantage.
He did devolve. You just blinded yourself.
‘I could see this happening!’
Right, if the show jumped through X+1 hoops right?
‘But instead-’
No fuck you, I’m done.
God what is with these twins and pissing me the fuck off?
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skeptomai-krino · 3 years
what does justice look like?
(TW for terrorism, gun violence against children, death, brief discussion of christianity, discussion of prisons and prison statistics, including a brief mention of an opiate use rate. this is a heavy one y’all, highly encourage you to read + reblog if you can.)
bolds have been added for readability
On July 22, a young man in a police uniform took a boat to Utøya, a small island about 38 kilometers away from Oslo’s city centre. He claimed he was there to give a speech about security to the Youth Camp that was taking place there at the time.
He was allowed onto the island with minimal questioning. After all, everything seemed to be in order. His ID looked fine at a first glance, and perhaps most importantly, he moved with the confidence of someone who had done this a million times before. Someone who knew exactly what they were doing. Someone who felt no guilt, or fear, or even excitement.
Why would he? This was just routine.
Wasn’t it?
What happened that day has gone down in Norwegian history. Everyone knows about it. Everyone feels the ripples. The man in the police uniform has become a household name, and almost everyone in Oslo knows someone who was there that fateful day. It’s almost impossible to talk about Norwegian crime and justice without at least mentioning him.
Anders Behring Breivik shot 69 children on Utøya that day, most between the ages of 14 to 20.
It was his second terror attack of the day.
The first was a car bomb, set off in Oslo’s governmental sector, that killed eight people and injured over 109. 
All in all, 77 people were murdered on 22 July.
What sentence would you say such a man deserves? A man who could do such terrible things, and show no remorse? A self-declared anti-immigration fascist, who calls himself a murderer like it’s a badge of pride?
What he got was 21 years, the longest preventative detention sentence in Norway, though it can be extended in five year segments if it is determined that someone is still a threat to society, as Breivik does seem to be, in a prison system that is known among foreigners, especially US Americans, for being, well, cushy.
Prisoners in newer prisons are given ample living space, a flat-screen television, and access to things that are generally found in a normal apartment. Yes, this includes metal cutlery.
According to a statement by the office of the attorney general, Breivik in particular had three rooms in his cells, one for living, one for studying, and one for working out. He also had a television, a gaming console, a computer (without internet access), and was able to make his own food and prepare his own laundry. 
Norwegian prisons are designed to stimulate external life as best as is possible, in order to help facilitate recovery and reintegration, since most prisoners are returned to life outside at some point. And even when they aren’t, there’s no need for inhumane torture.
Let’s take Halden Prison as an example.
Halden is a maximum security prison that was established in 2010, and has a capacity of 252. It has been often called the world’s most humane prison and is Norway’s second largest prison. 
Even its very design is pioneering; greenery surrounds the prison, with ample trees and shrubbery strategically placed to conceal the fence surrounding the prison. It is built campus style, to encourage prisoners to walk around and interact with each other and their environment. Areas look unique, and the prison is built from materials like wood, glass, and cork, in order to reduce echo and allow light. 
Additionally, guard rooms are intentionally designed too small, which encourages guards to step outside and mingle with the prisoners. That may not seem impressive, but a US study from the late 90s found that prisons with direct contact and direct observation between staff and prisoners reduces the rates of violent outbreaks by 246 percent- 36 to 13. 
The entire design of the prison stimulates normalcy and reduces stress, which as you can imagine is relatively important.
While Halden prison itself is relatively new, and most prisons even in Norway do not reach its standards, the ideology and concern for human life that went into it is present in all aspects of the Norwegian justice system, and Norwegian culture as a whole.
The Norwegian Correctional Service, or kriminalomsorgen (which literally translates to something like ‘crime care’ or ‘prison care’) in Norwegian, is based around the concept of turning criminals into good neighbors. It’s an impressive system, and officers say the most important thing in rehabilitative justice is that taking away freedom and autonomy is enough.
Bad people are still people, and just as good people become bad, bad people can change and become good. To use an over-simplified moral standard.
Initially though, the ‘justice’ system was not at all like what we see today. It was very religious and solitary, even to the extent of priests acting as social workers and prisoners being tested on their bible knowledge before release and after initially being confined. Where religion didn’t work, which was pretty much everywhere, prisoners were overmedicated in an attempt to change and control their behaviour.
As one can imagine, this did not go wonderfully. 
To take one statistic, you may have heard of recidivism rates before. They’re the frequency that a criminal will return to prison after being released, though some areas count by reconviction and others by reinprisonment, which can make things a little complicated.
Recidivism in Norway while the penal model was in effect went up to 91%. 91% of prisoners were reimprisoned within two years of their release. This is astronomical.
To put that in perspective, the United States, which is often internationally mocked for its terrible justice system and high recidivism, has a rate of up to 55%. Norway now has it at 20%.
So what changed?
What changed was civil outcry, mostly. The Norwegian Association for Criminal Reform, or KROM, was formed in 1968 to deal with these issues, as well as to abolish  forced labour camps and juvenile delinquency centres- which they were successful at.
Due to concentrated efforts from almost every Norwegian, the effect on the population has been massive.
Not only has the recidivism rate fallen to 20%, the lowest in the world, other statistics have followed suit. The opiate usage rate is at 0.4% (take that Reagan), a murder rate of 0.6, and a prison population of 0.642 out of every 1,000 people.
Comparing this to the US, with school shootings essentially a normal part of life and a murder rate of 5, it seems pretty obvious that rehabilitative justice works. At worst it works better than punitive justice.
While foreigners may joke about traveling to Norway to steal a banana in order to get themselves a nice place to stay, that’s more a problem with the countries they come from, and Norwegians overwhelmingly would rather not end up jailed anywhere. Partly because they also have welfare programs that prevent people needing basic things like food, shelter, and healthcare, and because the people who built the system were right.
Loss of freedom, loss of autonomy, it’s enough. That’s enough of a punishment.
Remember Breivik? He filled a suit claiming that he was being mistreated in prison, and that it was abusive and was making his condition worse. And the court agreed with him. 
They agreed that imprisonment can make problems worse if it’s not given care. Isolation and solitary confinement are especially dangerous. No matter who a person is or what they’ve done, punishment doesn’t help. It doesn’t bring change, and it will never bring back what they took from the world.
No amount of torture and punishment, as deserved as it would be, will ever bring those 77 people home to their families. 
But maybe some kindness can prevent more from being lost.
Norway undeniably has advantages. It’s incredibly small and rather homogenous. But there is more than enough evidence to indicate that a rehabilitative system works, and works a lot better than a punitive one. It’s cheaper too, since while they have to spend more per prisoner, the reduction in prisoners more than makes up for it. Why hasn’t the US followed suit? And why don’t we do that now?
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autumnblogs · 3 years
Day 45: Dead
You are now Caliborn.
The narrative introduces our young villain formally without any humanizing elements. No hobbies, no interests. Caliborn cares about nothing, and wants nothing, except for power.
More after the break.
Jujus serve, I think, as a symbol representing cultural norms - sets of rules and expectations which have no discernible origin, which are seemingly arbitrary, and which can easily ruin our lives if we fail to adhere to them. Being a Cherub is like perpetually being Alice in Wonderland, unable to make heads or tales of the strange grown-ups and their strange ways.
This is the lens that Caliborn grows up viewing the world through, and it is the one he will carry with him into adulthood - or whatever parody of adulthood he ultimately achieves by becoming Lord English.
The primary parallel being drawn between Caliborn and another character here is Karkat of all people! Which I don’t think is wrong. Caliborn is something like a bizarro world Karkat, an angry temperamental piece of shit who really is a complete piece of shit, rather than having solid gold beneath his irascible facade.
He is also aware of the narrative. The narrative denies (unreliably, I might add) that Caliborn is actually cognizant of it, and it does it in such a way that makes me suspect that, like Carapacians, Cherubs’ consciousness exists, to some extent, on the narrative layer.
Or it might be that Caliborn is a Lord and uniquely predisposed to take notice of it.
Or it could be the big goddamn signal tower on his planet with a narrative prompt, making it unmistakable that his thoughts are being authored by a third party.
Mere seconds into this adventure, and friendships are already strained.
Jane is literally at Dirk’s throat.
I’ve never thought to read what is obviously metanarrative shenanigans as Caliborn experiencing Calliope Thoughts as though they were from inside his own noggin before, but I kind of like that reading, and I wonder to what extent it’s true? It’s never hinted at in the text, but the idea is intriguing. Even if he has not properly absorbed his sister’s consciousness in order to become whole, some parts of her nature no doubt linger in the shared body, like a vestigial organ, or the phantom pain from a severed appendage.
Sadly, we don’t have a lot of evidence to work with.
What’s the function of Caliborn having a learning disability? Does he actually have a learning disability? It seems like he does. Is it a case of inspirationally disadvantaged? Are we to find the story of Caliborn’s journey to strength in spite of his inherent disadvantage compelling? That is troubling, especially because of the kind of weirdly ableist judgement that the story passes on Tavros and Jake respectively for more or less failing to be strong in spite of their respective disadvantages (Tavros being a paraplegic is pretty obvious, and I don’t think it’s remotely a stretch to say that Jake has some pretty obvious PTSD). Are we supposed to laugh at him because his disability is another form of misery inflicted on him? That’s even worse. Is it just an extraneous detail? I have a hard time believing that.
Maybe Caliborn’s learning disability is imagined, self-diagnosed, and he’s actually just a stubborn asshole who won’t learn how to do new things.
All troubling possible answers to that question.
I wanna be clear here that I like Homestuck; clearly, or I wouldn’t be writing this. But I think it is at times a troublingly ableist work of fiction.
Andrew seems to confirm the “Inspirationally Disadvantaged” take here.
I’ve gotta tell you, to whatever extent Caliborn is actually a surrogate for the audience, I feel considerably more sympathy for him this time around. My own increasing suspicion of Andrew, and antipathy toward the antagonistic writing of Homestuck.
Andrew’s choice of words here in describing the people who get Yaldabaoth as their Denizen is telling - the Demiurge is reserved as a challenge for Warriors. All kinds of characters in Homestuck fight and some of them who are not warriors are extremely deadly - Kanaya for example - extremely deadly, not a warrior.
A warrior is someone for whom war is their career. It is what they do with their life, and historically, their form of retirement is to grow old and slow and be taken down by younger and more spry adversaries.
While, to invoke my recurring refrain, if you have gotten this far, you probably already know, the Demiurge Yaldabaoth is a figure from Gnostic Religions, early counterparts to Orthodox Christianity, for which a central theme was the idea that the God of the Old Testament was not the same entity as Jesus Christ, but a hostile and extremely powerful spiritual being named Yaldabaoth, a being born into a material world alone as a result of divine reproductive incontinence, believing he was the only thing that existed, and proclaiming himself as God.
An Evil God who attempts to keep all of his subjects in the dark so that they will not achieve Gnosis, and transcend the material confines of the cruel universe he has constructed to torture them. Sound familiar?
So here are a few more things to sum up about Caliborn that aren’t exactly revolutionary, because a lot like Equius, much of the point of Caliborn is to explicitly state a lot of the comic’s antitheses.
Caliborn is extraordinarily morally myopic and hypocritical, and while he sometimes entertains the idea that anything he has done might have been in error, he usually chalks up success to his own skill and “virtue” if it can be said Caliborn is in any way virtuous, while blaming other people, or bad luck, for his misfortune (rather like Vriska does).
Caliborn’s experience of the present is pretty much always miserable; he constantly bitches and complains, and his only real source of entertainment seems to be nostalgia concerning his own exploits - he greatly enjoys engaging in reverie on the subject of his own evil deeds. I believe we’ll find that Caliborn feels equally good about his future, but the present is always miserable for him. He only ever gets to enjoy himself vicariously - looking forward to what he’s going to do, or looking back on what he’s already done. (Kind of the opposite of Karkat’s continuously hostile relatioinship with his past and future selves!)
He regards other people almost entirely in terms of either the utility that they bring to the table, or their ability to gratify him personally. Violence is his absolute first instinct though, when encountering another living being, and he basically only entertains other possibilities if he cannot realistically kill them. At least at this stage.
In any case, we’ll check in on the Alpha Kids tomorrow. For now, Cam signing off, Alive, and Deeply entertained by Caliborn pretty much as always.
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mickibloo · 4 years
Human Rights and Veganism
I speak frequently about my passion for human rights and how this is often dismissed by nonvegans on the basis of me being vegan, and seeing how many other vegans have related to my struggles, I thought it would be useful to compile a list of the human rights issues animal agriculture is responsible for and/or perpetuates. This will not be a list that 100% encapsulates the extent to which human rights are violated by these industries, but I think it is still a really great introduction, if nothing else, to how ubiquitous the oppressive nature of animal agriculture is. This post will be mostly guided by links to sources and some key quotes and phrases from those sources. 
1. Slaughterhouse Workers
Slaughterhouse workers are one of, if not the most, abused, mistreated, and neglected groups of workers to exist within western countries. The traumatization they face as a result of their job is often ignored by almost everyone who is not vegan or who does not research the topic. 
“A Call to Action: Psychological Harm in Slaughterhouse Workers“
“These workers perform a job that, by its very nature, puts them at risk of psychological disorder and pathological sadism. This risk emerges from a combination of many factors of slaughterhouse work, one of which is the stressful environment that slaughtering creates. A large portion of this stress comes from the exceptionally high rates of injury among the workers.
“However, slaughterhouse work is unique among major industries due to its innate violence...one of the most prominent studies investigated the impact of having a slaughterhouse in a community on crime rates within that community, using this as a metric for psychological health... Though the industries they used for comparison were nearly identical in other predictors of changes in crime (namely worker demographics, potential to create social disorganization, and effect on unemployment in the surrounding areas), slaughterhouses outstripped all others in the effect they had on crime. They led not only to a larger increase in overall crime, but, disturbingly, disproportionate increases in violent crime and sexual crime.
“Creating and sustaining oneself with “good” moral character and having another self that can mechanically end lives for hours each day not only serves as another source of psychological stress for workers, but exposes workers to the risk that their pathologically un-empathetic work selves will slip into their community lives. This is another explanation for the “spillover” that affects slaughterhouse workers’ minds and communities.
“Living with the knowledge of their actions causes symptoms similar to those of individuals who are recipients of trauma: substance abuse, anxiety issues, depression, and dissociation from reality.
(Testimonies from slaughterhouse workers): “And then it gets to a point where you’re at a daydream stage. Where you can think about everything else and still do your job. You become emotionally dead.”
“So a lot of guys at Morrell [a major slaughterhouse] just drink and drug their problems away. Some of them end up abusing their spouses because they can’t get rid of the feelings. They leave work with this attitude and they go down to the bar to forget.”
Confessions of a slaughterhouse worker
There are things, though, that have the power to shatter the numbness. For me, it was the heads.
At the end of the slaughter line there was a huge skip, and it was filled with hundreds of cows' heads. Each one of them had been flayed, with all of the saleable flesh removed. But one thing was still attached - their eyeballs.
Whenever I walked past that skip, I couldn't help but feel like I had hundreds of pairs of eyes watching me. Some of them were accusing, knowing that I'd participated in their deaths. Others seemed to be pleading, as if there were some way I could go back in time and save them. It was disgusting, terrifying and heart-breaking, all at the same time. It made me feel guilty."
I know things like this bothered the other workers, too. I'll never forget the day, after I'd been at the abattoir for a few months, when one of the lads cut into a freshly killed cow to gut her - and out fell the foetus of a calf. She was pregnant. He immediately started shouting and throwing his arms about.
I took him into a meeting room to calm him down - and all he could say was, "It's just not right, it's not right," over and over again. These were hard men, and they rarely showed any emotion. But I could see tears prickling his eyes." I remember one day in particular, when I'd been there for about a year or so, when we had to slaughter five calves at the same time.
We tried to keep them within the rails of the pens, but they were so small and bony that they could easily skip out and trot around, slightly wobbly on their newly born legs. They sniffed us, like puppies, because they were young and curious. Some of the boys and I stroked them, and they suckled our fingers.
When the time came to kill them, it was tough, both emotionally and physically. Slaughterhouses are designed for slaughtering really large animals, so the stun boxes are normally just about the right size to hold a cow that weighs about a tonne. When we put the first calf in, it only came about a quarter of a way up the box, if that. We put all five calves in at once. Then we killed them.
America’s Slaughterhouses Aren’t Just Killing Animals
“I’ve seen bleeders, and they’re gushing because they got hit [by a knife] right in the vein, and I mean, they’re almost passing out,” she said, “and here comes the supply guy again, with the bleach, to clean the blood off the floor, but the chain never stops. It never stops.”
In Texas, where private employers are not required to carry workers’-compensation insurance, Tyson has opted out of the state system completely. When a worker gets injured at the Tyson beef slaughterhouse in Amarillo, Texas, in order to get medical care from the company, that person must first sign a document saying:
I hereby voluntarily release, waive, and forever give up all my rights, claims, and causes of action, whether now existing or arising in the future, that I may have against the company, Tyson Foods, Inc., and their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies and all of their officers, directors, owners, employees, and agents that arise out of or are in any way related to injuries (including a subsequent or resulting death) sustained in the course of my employment with the company.
The pressure to sign was enormous. When a worker named Duane Mullin had both of his hands crushed in a hammer mill at the Amarillo slaughterhouse now owned by Tyson, a manager employed by its previous owner persuaded him to sign the waiver with a pen held in his teeth.
'We're modern slaves': How meat plant workers became the new frontline in Covid-19 war
The company is now measuring workers’ temperatures as they report for work, and began supplying surgical facemasks, but, according to Fields and workers interviewed by the Guardian, Tyson continues to suppress information on employees who have tested positive for Covid-19.”
One worker, a central American migrant who spoke on condition of anonymity to protect her job, told the Guardian that the company was not enforcing social distancing. 'We are all given bathroom breaks at the same time and there are hundreds of us waiting to use them. There are only seven bathrooms,' she said. 'They [Tyson] don’t care about the worker. They don’t care if we get sick.' A spokesman for Tyson said the company was taking 'several measures' to allow social distancing but did not address the bathroom break allegations."
One African American worker at a Koch facility that had been targeted by Ice, spoke to the Guardian on condition of anonymity. He alleged that while Koch had recently begun taking workers’ temperatures before shifts, they had also withheld details of any workers who contracted the virus. 'They ain’t offering nobody no disability, no unemployment, no time off,' the worker said. 'I just keep my hands washed up, my face covered up, my whole body covered, and I pray to myself and hope I don’t catch it. The truth is there’s a chance that everybody in [here] will catch it.'
The sociologist Lourdes Gouveia has studied the meatpacking industry for three decades and said the Covid-19 outbreak is simply highlighting again the dangerous conditions in processing plants. Gouveia said the industry has perfected a formula which allows it to maximize profit while producing relatively safe meat by resisting regulations and utilizing low cost, mostly immigrant, labor in unsafe conditions. 'All of these elements are of a highly perfected formula or maximizing profits that is unlikely to change fundamentally,' Gouveia said."
2. Environmental Racism and Classism
Animal agriculture, and factory farms specifically, tend to locate their facilities near poor communities (often black or Hispanic) who do not have the financial means to take them to court over the ways in which these farms affect their health and wellbeing. 
How Swine in North Carolina Affects real People | René Miller Excerpt
“When you go back and you look at where these hog facilities are located, there’s a disproportionate number of them that are located near communities of color, low income communities. It is definitely a human rights issue.”
“Now see, if you lived here, and saw the way they do, you wouldn’t eat no pork. I don’t eat bacon, because I know where it comes from. When they die, they go into a box, and they decompose because they swell in the heat. A truck come and pick them up, take them to the processing plant in Roseo, ground them up into feed, and feed them back to the hogs.
“It hits you right in the face. Smell like something that you had never smell before. Smell worse than a dead body.”
“When we go to the funeral, he used the spray. If we wanna have a cookout on Sunday, he’ll spray. He always sprays Sunday.
“Do you think it’s also a civil rights issue?”
“Yes, I do.”
When We’re Dead and Buried, Our Bones Will Keep Hurting
Like many other hazardous and exhausting low-wage industries in the United States, this work depends on the labor of America’s most marginalized communities. Most workers in the industry are people of color, many are women, and nearly one-third are immigrants.
In 1983, wages for workers in the meat and poultry industry fell, for the first time, below the national average for manufacturing work; in 1985, they were 15 percent lower; in 2002, they were 24 percent lower; today, they are 44 percent lower. Workers earn, on average, less than $15 an hour.
Jobs in the meat and poultry industry have long been a starting point for many groups of new immigrants to the United States as many positions require little formal education, experience, or English-language skills. In 2015, nearly 30 percent of meat and poultry workers were foreign-born non-citizens—about three times more than the percentage of manufacturing workers nationally.
Even immigrants with work authorization can remain vulnerable to coercion from employers, as many are not aware of their workplace rights, may not be familiar with technical terms in English, or are otherwise hesitant to navigate the complex, and potentially costly, procedures to vindicate their rights. The result is a significant part of the low-wage workforce who are less likely to report workplace abuses or even injuries, and are therefore more easily exploitable than US citizens, for fear of their employers’ power to fundamentally disrupt their lives and the lives of their families. “Us workers are afraid to lose our job,” said Rebecca G., an immigrant worker at a poultry plant in Arkansas. “[P]eople don't speak up or say what's wrong about the chemicals, or the speed of the line, or the discrimination.”
3. The displacement and murder of indigenous peoples
The Companies Behind the Burning of the Amazon
The burning of the Amazon and the darkening of skies from Sao Paulo, Brazil, to Santa Cruz, Bolivia, have captured the world’s conscience. Much of the blame for the fires has rightly fallen on Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for directly encouraging the burning of forests and the seizure of Indigenous Peoples’ lands.
But the incentive for the destruction comes from large-scale international meat and soy animal feed companies like JBS and Cargill, and the global brands like Stop & Shop, Costco, McDonald’s, Walmart/Asda, and Sysco that buy from them and sell to the public. It is these companies that are creating the international demand that finances the fires and deforestation.
The transnational nature of their impact can be seen in the current crisis. Their destruction is not confined to Brazil. Just over the border, in the Bolivian Amazon, 2.5 million acres have burned, largely to clear land for new cattle and soy animal feed plantations, in just a few weeks. Paraguay is experiencing similar devastation.
After years of remarkably successful conservation initiatives that cut Brazil’s deforestation rate by two-thirds, Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro has reopened the doors to rampant destruction as a favor to the agribusiness lobby that backs him. That industry is accountable for the atmosphere of lawlessness, deforestation, fires, and the murder of Indigenous peoples that followed. According to data released by Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE), deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon in July 2019 increased 278 percent over the previous July. Bolsonaro responded to this news by firing the head of the INPE. 
I would like to close this post by saying that I understand this may leave nonvegans with some questions; What can consumers do about this? Should consumers be expected to do anything, or would that simply be misplacing the blame for these things? Aren’t all industries awful in similar ways since there is no ethical consumption under capitalism? If you have these questions, I am more than happy to engage in a good-faith conversation about them. The purpose of this post, however, is not to answer such inquiries. I made this purely to raise awareness about these issues because the only people I ever see discuss them are vegans, and these are extremely important topics that I think deserve far more attention than they receive. 
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Top Ten Expensive Transformers
The hiatus is over! Thanks for your patience with last week folks. Something a bit different today Tumblr! Not the long awaited project, but a fun little aside. A while ago, I was scrolling around on Google, and I saw a clickbait article that alleged to discuss ‘the top ten most difficult to obtain Transformers’. I was curious, and, perhaps foolishly, I clicked on it. To my disappointment, the article was merely a list of expensive MISB G1 figures, which is… Well, boring. So, today, I hope to correct that grave injustice with an article about, in a loose order, 10 Transformers that are difficult to obtain, even if you’re willing to lay out a lot of money. 
A couple of rules before we jump in; First, these aren’t the most expensive Transformers or the rarest transformers, because those questions don’t really make sense. How much a figure costs varies from seller to seller, so it’s impossible to establish a list of the absolute most expensive. Also, many figures that are famously expensive are not expensive in absolute terms, but for their price point.  Similarly, with an exception we’ll discuss in a moment, actual rarity can be quite hard to establish. As far as contents of the list go,  Takara Tomy will occasionally create special ‘lucky draw’ figures for contests in magazines and things. How many they produce varies from figure to figure, but it generally is between 50 and 10. These will be excluded from the list, because if they weren’t, the whole list would be lucky draw figures. (Although they’re cool as shit and you should go take a look http://www.luckydrawtransformers.com/)  Similarly, there are a ton of figures like Victory Leokaiser that command a lot of money on the secondary market just because they were japanese exclusive. These would also take up a ton of room on the list, so I’m going to avoid them unless there’s a really good reason to have them on here. Same for convention exclusives. Without further ado, let’s get started! 
10: Action Master Thundercracker 
Normally, when a toy is exclusive to somewhere, it’s Japan. However, as we’ll discuss later, in G1, Europe and other parts of the world saw some strange distribution. (NexusShard17) Towards the end of G1, “the European Hasbro branches continued releasing new toys which the USA would never get.”(NexusShard17) Perhaps the most notorious of these is Action Master Thundercracker, which has one of the most magnificent color schemes ever seen on a transformer. Where Thundercracker is traditionally blue, Action Master Thundercracker is neon pink, lime green, and a bunch of metallic copper paint and baby blue thrown in for good measure. (Geewunling) Because of the exclusivity of the figure, and it’s desirable, awful color scheme, it tends to command quite a bit on the secondary market. 
How do I get one? 
You can reliably find him on ebay in varying states of completeness, which of course impacts the price. For the figure itself with a few accessories, he goes for around 70-80 dollars, ranging to 150 and up for MISB. 
9: Dark of the Moon Wheeljack/Que: 
Wheeljack/Que had a bit part in Dark of the Moon. He was mostly kind of around until he got shot towards the end of the film, for emotions or something. (SFH) He had a toy fully produced, but, when the DOTM line was prematurely axed, Wheeljack’s toy was left in limbo. Takara was eventually able to release Wheeljack in their markets, but he never saw an official US release. (SFH)  
How do I get one? 
Because the toy did actually see an official release somewhere on the planet, it’s not particularly rare, just expensive for a deluxe. You can generally buy one for around $100 on eBay. 
This fate is actually fairly common for toys. Most of the final wave of DOTM was eventually released by Takara. Similarly, although much of the tail end of Transformers: Animated was genuinely axed, figures such as Blackout did see release in Japan.(Abates) (And are also quite expensive.) I mostly picked Wheeljack because he’s the one I always think of. 
8: Masterforce Browning
Browning was exclusive to the Japanese G1 line, Super God Masterforce. However, what really makes him difficult to come by is his alternate mode; Browning turns into a Browning M1910 pistol. (TVsGrady) Not only does he turn into a real model of gun, it’s a pretty convincing alt-mode from a distance; no orange safety cap, just sweet sweet chrome the whole figure over. Obviously, this would not fly in today’s toy market, and that makes a reissue of Browning extremely unlikely.
How do I get one? 
Between the reissue problem, the fact that his alt-mode is honestly really cool and novel, and his limited, Japanese release, it’s tough to even find an original Browning for sale on Ebay. Even when he is available, he tends to command a clean couple hundred. Your best bet would be dedicated trading forums. 
7: Hasbro DOTM Leadfoot 
Much like Wheeljack, Leadfoot had a bit part in DOTM. He showed up for a few scenes with the Wreckers and built a spaceship and made Nascar jokes. Also like Wheeljack, Leadfoot was planned to receive a deluxe class figure, but with the untimely demise of DOTM, it was not to be. Takara did release a version of Leadfoot, and, like Wheeljack, this is expensive, but not unobtainable. What is excruciatingly hard to come by is one of the unreleased Hasbro two-packs of the character, which contained Leadfoot in a different deco from Takara’s, and a deluxe Topspin. Packaged samples are known to exist, but never officially saw release in any market. 
How do I get one? 
Takara’s Leadfoot generally commands $80-150 on eBay, and you can generally find one or two floating around. If you want the Hasbro deco, well… Good luck. The transformers wiki confirms that there was once one listed on eBay.(MSipher) Now, nine years after DOTM, your best bet would be to know someone, to know someone who knows someone, or to have an in at a place where things like this are discussed and trafficked. 
6: Rally Rhinox 
Many of you are likely familiar with the Beast Wars character Rhinox. Many of you are probably not familiar with the promotional toy that character received at local American chain Rally’s. (S.H.I.E.L.D Agent 47) It looks nothing like Rhinox, or even really like a rhino.(S.H.I.E.L.D Agent 47) However, “Most people didn't realize the promotion even existed until after it was over, and the restaurant chain is fairly small and somewhat regional.” (S.H.I.E.L.D Agent 47) Because collectors are how they are, it tends to be quite expensive. 
How do I get one? 
The cursory ebay search I did recently didn’t turn anything up. However, a little more digging found some previous listings on old transformers forums. It appears to have gone for about 100 dollars, which is quite a bit, considering it’s a worse happy meal toy. 
5:Latin American G1 product 
G1’s international distribution was a bit of a mess. Hasbro handled the US, but “The earliest toys released in continental Europe (minus Italy) were distributed by Milton Bradley, which was in the process of being taken over by Hasbro at that point.”(NexusShard17, The Transformers) In Latin America, the situation was even more complex. No fewer than five licensees were producing G1 figures, often in unique and striking color schemes. (Whalermouse) With the passage of time, the exact scope of what was produced has become unclear; for example, “There are supposedly upwards of three dozen different mold/color combinations altogether, many of them unique to the Peruvian line, but the ravages of time have made samples stunningly rare and reliable information scarce.” (Whalermouse) The actual rarity of the figures depends on what specific piece you’re after, but all of them command outrageous sums. 
How do I get one? 
Many of these pieces are available to purchase on ebay. However, even the mini-vehicles tend to command on the order of 300-400 dollars. However, as you can imagine from the fact that it is uncertain what all exists, some individual colors and figures might prove exquisitely difficult to find. 
4: W Cassettebots 
Wouldn’t it be cool if Soundwave had some cassettes that turned into dinosaurs? What if they combined? Well if you lived in Japan in the 80’s, and preferred Blaster, you didn’t have to dream. There were two teams of cassettes that turned into dinosaurs, and that combined, albeit somewhat awkwardly. (M Sipher, W Cassettebot) At the end of the Headmasters, “there were a number of toys exclusive to Japan, most of which today command large sums on the secondary market due to rarity (or at least perceived rarity) in the West.” The W Cassettebots were solidly in that category. However, unlike other such exclusives, the W Cassettebots didn’t see a reissue until 2018-2019. (Interrobang; S.H.I.E.L.D Agent 47) For decades these figures could command 2000-3000 dollars for the pair. Even knock offs would go for several hundred dollars. Although these are expensive simply because of their exclusivity, their notoriety earns them a place on the list. 
How do I get one? 
If you’re a reasonable human being, you buy the reissue. It’s two orders of magnitude cheaper and you can actually play with it.  If you’re actually interested in the real deal, an accepted path is to buy some KOs to familiarize yourself with what those look like, and then… find the boys themselves somewhere? Likely by reaching out to an individual seller; I’ve never even seen a real pair on ebay. 
3: G2 Bomber Megatron 
A toy that essentially anyone can buy, but with a packaging variant that is next to unobtainable? Oh baybee, welcome to this version of G2 Megatron. “A planned-but-more-or-less-canceled redeco of Generation 2 Dreadwing, this two-pack of Megatron and Starscream was only released to test markets in Ohio in very limited quanities, and never saw a wide release… the toy was instead made available, with just a few small deco changes, in the Beast Wars II toyline as BB and Starscream.”(ItsWalky) Why do we care about how difficult this is to obtain? My god, because it’s there. Because it’s there. 
How do I get one? 
I’mma say you don’t. I’d guess less than 500 samples of any sort of this are around, and new in sealed box which is the only thing you’d care about? You’re at the mercy of Ohioese children of the 80s not playing with the cool toy they were bought. Good luck finding one. When you do, be prepared to break your wallet in half. 
2: G2 Defensor and Menasor 
These guys really should be number one on the list (but they’re not quite for a good reason). The place they occupy in transformers culture is legendary. It’s a newsworthy event when a set of these figures even becomes available to buy. Even Hasbro has lampshaded the rarity of these figures in the bio of one Shortround, a Cybertron toy. (KilMichaelMcC; Bronzewolf) Much as the first entry on our list, Action Master Thundercracker, had a phenomenally garish color scheme, Menasor and Defensor were going to be released that way in G2. However, between one thing and another, they were canceled. In spite of that, several samples are known to exist. Imagine it. A G1 combiner, unreleased, with this magnificent, gaudy color scheme, all those delightful little bits and pieces to lose or misplace over the years, a bare handful of extant ones in any event… The stuff of legends, to be sure. 
How do I get one? 
Know someone who knows someone. These tend to go for in the neighborhood of 20000 dollars. If you have the 20k to drop on one of these guys, you probably know someone who can put you in contact with one. They are also, rarely, listed on ebay. 
1: Chrome Optimus Prime
Okay, I know I said no Lucky Draw figures, but this one is special. There aren’t ten, or fifteen, or fifty of these. There are exactly two, as part of a single display. (MasterX224) “Won by TFW2005.com member James Zahn, this one-of-a-kind (well, two-of-a-kind) piece is an almost fully vacuum-metallized Leader-class Optimus Prime in red, silver and blue (based heavily upon Generation 1 Optimus Prime), presented with a custom display base with an embossed silver Autobot insignia and a perspex display case.” (MasterX224) The fact that there are two of this figure catapults it to the absolute stratosphere of rarity. It’s difficult to imagine what figure that actually exists could be rarer than this. Maybe a one-off thing for a valued Takara employee? Maybe the very first prototype of Optimus Prime? Even things like Menasor and Defensor have a handful of samples. What has just two? Well… this Chrome Optimus Prime. 
How do I get one? 
Well it helps to be James Zhan. And… yeah I think that’s really all. He’s certainly not going to give it up any time soon. Maybe if you meet him he’ll let you take a look at it some day? 
I hope you all enjoyed this loose list of some of the rarest/most expensive for what they are Transformers. There’s a ton of other super notorious lads, (cough G1 Raiden cough) that really do deserve to be on here. These are just a few of the ones I thought were interesting and, candidly, know about. I’m not in the circles of those folks who are collecting the rarest of the rare. If there’s anything you know about or would even like to spread rumors about, mention it! I’d love to hear about them. Also, if this caught your fancy, make sure to check out the lucky draw website. They have all sorts of interesting stories up there.
TVsGrady et al. “Browning” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Browning Accessed 11/1/2020
SFH et al. “Wheeljack (Movie)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Que Accessed 11/27/2020
Abates et al. “Blackout (Animated)” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Blackout_(Animated) Accessed 11/27/2020
NexusShard17 et al/ “Transformers: Dark of the Moon (toyline)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:_Dark_of_the_Moon_(toyline) Accessed 11/27/2020
MSipher et al. “Leadfoot (DOTM)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Leadfoot_(DOTM) Accessed 11/27/2020
S.H.I.E.L.D Agent 47 “Rhinox (BW)/toys” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Rhinox_(BW)/toys#Beast_Wars Accessed 11/27/2020
NexusShard17 et al. “ The Transformers (European toyline)” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/The_Transformers_(European_toyline)#1985 Accessed 11/27/2020
Whalermouse et al. “The Transformers (Toyline)” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/The_Transformers_(toyline)#Mexican_.26_South_American_Transformers Accessed 11/27/2020
MSipher et al. “W Cassettebot” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/W_Cassettebot Accessed 11/27/2020
M Sipher et al. “Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers! (toyline)” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:_The_Headmasters_(toyline)#1987_.28The_Headmasters.29 Accessed 11/27/2020
Interrobang et al. “Graphy” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Graphy#Vintage_G1 Accessed 11/27/2020
S.H.I.E.L.D Agent 47 et al. “Dairu” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Dairu#Toys Accessed 11/27/2020
Geewunling et al. “Thundercracker (G1)/toys” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Thundercracker_(G1)/toys#ActionMaster Accessed 11/27/2020
ItsWalky et al. “Megatron (G1)/toys” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Megatron_(G1)/toys#Generation_2 Accessed 11/27/2020
Bronzewolf, “Unreleased G2 Menasor Prototype listed on Ebay again” Siebertron
https://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/unreleased-g2-menasor-prototype-listed-on-ebay-again/36662/ Accessed 11/27/2020
KilMichaelMcC et al. “Generation 2 Defensor and Menasor” TFwiki.
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Generation_2_Defensor_and_Menasor Accessed 11/27/2020
MasterX224 et al. “Optimus Prime (Movie)/toys” TFwiki. 
https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Optimus_Prime_(Movie)/toys#Leader_Class_toys Accessed 11/27/2020
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hencethebravery · 4 years
#writersmth2020 • (12) meet cute
(12) meet cute [ouat, captain charming]
author’s note: about 2 yrs ago i started a captain charming enchanted au that i never finished (surprise, surprise). i had actually stopped writing right before the two first meet, and this seemed like a good opportunity to start working on it again. will i finish it now? no idea, but i enjoyed hopping back in because i was very excited about it initially and i kinda hate that it’s unfinished. you can read the first chapter on tumblr or the archive. oh also for @phiralovesloki​, who never gave up on me or this stupid story.
+ Killian’s adult life, his pre-Prince-from-another-land life, starts like this: With a handful of unfortunate “misunderstandings” with local law enforcement; a worrisome drinking habit that he often ignored; a nebulous, unexamined fear that he’s been left behind; and a large number of fleeting, meaningless relationships that had only become so due to his own infuriating habit of allowing them to be. So, yes, according to most, Killian Jones was living what some would refer to as a “sad life” (or perhaps a lonely life, at the very least).
He might respond that he in fact “liked it that way,” but any discerning sort of person would be able to suss out that lie rather quickly.
If his life were like one of his mother’s wretched storybooks, the otherwise mundane, rainy evening in October when he almost totaled his bike would be considered the “incendiary incident.” The moment when the story really begins—a suggestion that all of the blather leading up to this has been nothing more than literary window dressing. There is an argument to be made however, that the moment in question would indeed feel less like the “inciting action” had it lacked the proper and necessary context.
The real trouble with saturated, dark city roads at night is the fact that they become nothing more than garbled reflections of the circus of light that surrounds them. While they might be perfectly black and impermeable during the day, in darkness they become quite a bit more ominous. Despite the most logical parts of you screaming otherwise, there’s still a niggling concern that if you’re not careful you could take a wrong step and tumble into the odd, rippling echo of an inverted city you’ve never seen before.
Killian’s traversed these same streets on a number of previous evenings, and through worse weather than this, but for whatever reason, on this particular night, it seems to be unusually bad. The wind whips between the buildings creating paralyzing pockets of frigid air, as the drains clog with garbage and leaves, causing the puddles to become dangerously deep; those confounding, reflected surfaces becoming even more unknown and void-like.
He’s only a few blocks from home, on the cusp of admitting to himself the precariousness of current travel conditions when he sees it—a gleam out of the corner of his eye. City lights do not gleam. Soft, yellow light glowing from behind long, sheer curtains also hold no unique, eye-catching sheen. Speeding through city streets on the back of a motorbike requires a certain degree of concentration. If you’re the sort to become easily distracted by twinkling lights and the occasional odd bit of human movement, you’re not fit to be driving. It’s why he thinks of it as a “gleam,” rather than say… a light you might see emanating from a billboard or a traffic stop. Not to mention the fact that if this were any other normal kind of illumination, it wouldn’t have caused him to become distracted enough to completely miss the crater-like pothole on the road in front of him.
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This strange new land is loud—loud enough that he would almost feel compelled to clap his hands over his ears… if not for the bright, flashing lights that look nothing like any open flame he’s ever seen. He would be tempted to shut his eyes… if not for the sight of the tall, tall, tall vertical structures that he would maybe call castles if he weren’t so terribly confident that he wasn’t in his kingdom any longer and they likely weren’t castles at all. If the sights and the sounds weren’t enough to convince him, the throngs of oddly dressed people staring at him as if he were the strange one certainly was. It takes him a few moments amidst the chaos of his new surroundings, but he remembers all the same—the sickeningly red, wet sheets; the sound of his newborn daughter’s cries, and that final glimpse of her in the arms of some nefarious, hooded figure, disappearing into a swirling vortex.
He breaks into a run, his cape flapping heavily behind him.
He has no earthly idea where he’s running to; only that he’s a father who’s lost his only daughter and he is entirely unmoored. Perhaps for the first time in his life. There’s no specific destination in mind but speed has to be a factor, right? After all, he jumped right in after them. Maybe they’re not so far ahead that he can’t catch up, so long as he runs. He’s finally stumbled on a somewhat quieter street when he witnesses the strange metal contraption only just manage to skirt a rather large hole in the ground before emitting an ear-piercing screech and collapsing onto its side. He’s stunned for a moment, and wonders if perhaps it’s some kind of animal, but when it fails to move and he notices the man who seems to have fallen underneath, he rushes over, his curiosity temporarily waylaid in favor of playing in a more familiar role.
It’s difficult to discern in the dark, but at a glance the man in question is dressed almost entirely in black (which doesn’t seem smart in any land), with short, unkempt hair that’s grown over his ears and across his forehead. For a few moments he’s worried that the man is dead, but he emits a small groan and David springs into action, pushing the “beast” away and pulling him off the street.
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As he slowly regains awareness he curses himself for having gone on what feels like a historic bender. Because how could his head hurt this much otherwise? And it’s only when he starts to feel the numerous aches growing elsewhere, along with a distinct lack of dry, soft bed sheets that he starts to remember the painful, confusing reality of a few minutes previous—that bloody gleam, the pothole, the momentary sensation of dreadful weightlessness. Christ, his bike. 
“Hey,” he hears (along with a mild, worrisome ringing), as if from a distance, “Hang in there, okay? You’re gonna be okay.” And then, at a softer pitch, “...I think.”
“Ugh,” Killian manages, a nauseous feeling building in his stomach, “please tell me you didn’t call an ambulance.”
Even in his post-nearly-flattened-by-his-bike state, the thought of cumbersome medical bills on top of the repairs he was certain needed to be made on the bike was a whole other kind of headache he could happily do without.
“You’ll be pleased to know that I don’t know what that is,” replied the deep, noticeably pleasant voice floating somewhere above him. 
In any other circumstance there likely would’ve been a short chuckle after that, but Killian feared some for the state of his ribs at the moment, and merely grunted some more. “Bully for you then mate,” mumbling, “overpriced nonsense. I’ll be fine.”
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This is one of my favorite parts of this story—no matter how many times I’ve heard it. The first time he laid eyes on him. Before all the mess that came after (myself included); before he started to realize the kind of story he was in, the only thing he could see (so he says) was dad’s eyes. Which, as a teenage girl, I am fully ready to believe. And dad does have pretty eyes.
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“Not that I don’t appreciate the help,” Killian started, wincing from the streetlight overhead, “but is that a cape you’re wearing?”
Not just a cape (although really, who just wore a cape these days)—the man hovering over him, his rescuer, for all intents and purposes, who he was slowly beginning to realize might have actually been the cause of his current predicament, was draped in an absurd amount of Renaissance faire finery. From the fur-lined cape to the loose-fitting blouse, Killian began to suspect that the man in question had not been trying to be funny when he claimed to have no knowledge of ambulances. Or perhaps, Killian began to think worriedly, he had ridden in a fair number himself.
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