#Skeptic writes
skeptomai-krino · 2 years
9 people I want to know better tag
Thank you for tagging me, @aravirstudies! 
There are technically two mods on this blog, but Krino hasn’t been around for a while, so I’ll just answer it myself if that’s alright haha.
last song: Your Contract Has Expired by Pascal Michael Stiefel (it was recommended by a friend)
last show: Not sure; I'm not really a movie/show person. It’s been a while haha
currently watching: The Umbrella Academy, but I’m not too actively into it lol it’s just a family activity on the weekends to work on catching up.
currently reading: Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa Sanders
I don’t really have many mutuals to tag, but @demellysstudyblr @sageinthedark @the-real-peace-count @atelolucid @megannabell @deadby420 @aligoo if you’re interested!
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the-witchhunter · 2 months
DP x DC: Fractured Soul
So a common misconception about John is that he sold of pieces of his soul
I just want to point out that a soul isn’t like an object in DC you can just break into pieces without consequences. It’s your spirit, it is your ghost after you die, it is your consciousness, it is YOU
So what a fractured soul would look like isn’t John Constantine
It’s a Fun Danny and Super Danny situation
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This is straight up a fractured soul
Different parts of his personality and various traits separate into two incomplete beings, and probably disturbing on a spiritual level if you think too hard about it
So what I’m saying is, if you were looking for bits of someone’s soul, John or otherwise, then you aren’t looking for an object or contract,
you’re looking for a whole ass person
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astriiformes · 2 months
Hi, i just learned about the scientific revolution in europe at school. Can you tell me why you dont think scientific revolutions exist? im curious!
So I feel like I have to lead with the fact that I'm kind of arguing two different points when I say scientific revolutions aren't really a thing
One is that I'm objecting to a specific, extremely foundational theory of scientific revolutions that was put forth by the philosopher Thomas Kuhn, which I think really misrepresents how science is actually practiced in the name of fitting things to a nice model. The other is that I think the fundamental problem with the idea is that it's too vague to effectively describe an actual process that happens.
It's certainly true that there are important advances in science that get referred to as "revolutions" that fundamentally changed their fields -- the shift from the Ptolemaic model of the Solar System to the Copernican one, Darwin's theory of evolution, etc. But there are historians of science (who I tend to agree with) that feel that terming these advances "revolutions" ignores the fact that science is an continuous, accretional process, and somewhat sensationalizes the process of scientific change in the name of celebrating particular scientists or theories over others.
Kuhn's model that he put forth in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (which is one of those books that itself stirred a great deal of activity in a number of fields) suggests science evolves via what he called "paradigm shifts," where new ideas become fundamentally incompatible with the old model or way of doing things, causing a total overturn in the way scientists see the world, and establishing a new paradigm -- which will eventually cave to another when it, too, ceases to function effectively as a model. This theory became extraordinarily popular when it was published, but it's somewhat telling who it's remained popular with. Economists, political scientists, and literary theorists still use Kuhn, but historians of science, in my experience at least, see his work as historically significant but incompatible with how history is actually studied.
Kuhn posits that between paradigm shifts there are periods of "normal science" where paradigms are unquestioned and anomalies in the current model are largely ignored, until they reach a critical mass and cause a scientific revolution. In reality though, there is often real discussion of those anomalies, and I think the scientific process is not nearly so content to ignore them as Kuhn thinks. Throughout history, we see people expressing a real discontent with unsolved mysteries the current scientific model fails to explain, and glossing over those simply because the individuals in question didn't manage to formulate breakthrough theories to "solve" those problems props up the somewhat infamous "great men" model of history of science, where we focus only on the most famous people in the field as significant instead of acknowledging that science is a social enterprise and no research happens in a vacuum!
Beyond disagreeing with Kuhn specifically though, I think the idea of scientific revolutions vastly simplifies how science evolves and changes, and is ultimately a really ahistorical way of thinking about shifts in thinking. Take the example of the shift from Ptolemaic, geocentric thought to the heliocentric Copernican model of the solar system. When does this supposed "revolution" in thought actually start, and when does it "end" by becoming firmly established? You could argue that the publication of Copernicus' De revolutionibus orbium coelestium in 1543 was the beginning of the shift in thinking -- but of course, then you have the problem of asking where Copernicus' ideas came from in the first place.
The "great men" model of history would suggest Copernicus was a uniquely talented individual who managed to suggest something no one else had ever put forth, but realistically, he was influenced by the scientists who came before him, just like anyone else. There were real objections to the Ptolemaic model during the medieval era! One of the most famous problems in medieval astronomy was the fact that assuming a geocentric model makes the behavior of the planets seem really weird to an observer on Earth, referred to as retrograde motion, which had to be solved with a complicated system of epicycles that people knew wasn't quite working, even if they weren't able to put together exactly why. There were even ancient Greek astronomers who suggested that the sun was at the center of the solar system, going all the way back to Aristarchus of Samos who lived from around 310-230 BCE!
Putting an end point to the Copernican revolution poses similar challenges. Some people opt to suggest that what Copernicus started, either Galileo or Newton finished (which in and of itself means the "revolution" lasted around 100-150 years), but are we defining the shift in terms of new theories, or the consensus of the scientific community? The latter is much harder to pinpoint, and in my opinion as an aspiring historian of science, also much more important. Again, science doesn't happen in a vacuum. Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton may be more famous than their peers, but that doesn't mean the rest of the Renaissance scientific community didn't matter.
Ultimately it's a matter of simple models like Kuhn's (or other definitions of scientific revolutions) being insufficient to explain the complexity of history. Both because science is a complex endeavor, and because it isn't independent from the rest of history. Sure, it's genuinely amazing to consider that Copernicus' De revolutionibus orbium coelestium and the anatomist Andreas Vesalius' similarly influential De humani corporis fabrica were published the same year, and it says something about the intellectual climate of the time. But does it say something about science only, or is it also worth remembering that the introduction of typographic printing a century prior drastically changed how scientists communicated and whose ideas stuck and were remembered? On a similar note, we credit Darwin with suggesting the theory of evolution (and I could write a similarly long response just on the many, many influences in geology and biology both that went into his formulation of said theory), but what does it say that Alfred Russel Wallace independently came up with the theory of natural selection around the same time? Is it sheer coincidence, or does it have more to do with conversations that were already happening in the scientific community both men belonged to that predated the publication of the Origin?
I think that the concept of scientific revolutions is an important part of the history of the history of science, and has its place when talking about how we conceive of certain periods of history. But I'm a skeptic of it being a particularly accurate model, largely on the grounds of objecting to the "great men" model of history and the idea that shifts in thinking can be boiled down to a few important names and dates.
There's a famous Isaac Newton quote (which, fittingly, did not originate with Newton himself, but can be traced back even further to several medieval thinkers) in which he states "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." I would argue that science, as an endeavor, is far more like standing on the shoulder of several hundred thousand other people in a trenchcoat. This social element of research is exactly why it's so hard to pull apart any one particular revolution, even when fairly revolutionary theories change the direction of the research that's happening. Ideas belong to a long evolutionary chain, and even if it occasionally goes through periods of punctuated equilibrium, dividing that history into periods of revolution and stagnancy ignores the rich scientific tradition of the "in-between" periods, and the contributions of scientists who never became famous for their work.
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i-write-things · 5 months
How do you think (Yan or non-yan) Chrollo would react to finding out through Neon in the York New arc that -reader- is their soulmate/the person they are supposed to fall in love with? I'm planning on perhaps writing a fic like this in the future and I'd love your input.
(Of course! I'm always happy to help out another writer! Thanks for the ask, and to anyone else reading this, don't be shy! Send in an ask! And be sure to look at my fandoms list, I don't just write for Chrollo!)
(further requested details for context: Female! Nen user! non-hunter! reader who is similar to Chrollo in that they are skeptical of most people. Strangers to lovers! I wrote for Regular! Chrollo, but it could also be interpreted as Yandere.)
There is very little that someone can do to shock Chrollo. But...this. This does it. A soulmate? No. He is incapable of a love like this. How does he, of all people, have a soulmate? He thought that it was for the select people who wanted love, who sought it out. Has he ever pondered something like this before? Yes, but that was it. A flimsy thought before.....this.
The paper in his hands from Neon's ability that he stole...how? He had to be reading too much into this. He was well known for reading into things much more than necessary.
Humans are curios creatures by nature. They are afraid of the unknown. Which is why they crave answers. To prepare themselves for a haunting truth. But sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction.
Which is exactly why the fortune he wrote out to plan ahead for the next step of his life shocked him. No warnings about a chain user, nothing about a clown. But... someone else. But no amount of warning could have prepared him for this astonishing news he held in his very hands.
'The night rises and falls. A spider and raven meet at last. Both curious of one another, The Spider's head ponders raven's past.'
'Stars burn bright, with cupid's might. A match made in dark, A bond will spark.'
'Time ever flows, The soulmates dance. Here, the spider shows It's in a trance.'
'The night rises and falls. The spider in the raven's nest, Though it could weave webs of deceit. This love was something it could not best.'
...Was he really to love someone? When? Where? How? Truthfully, Chrollo did not take himself as someone to love. Someone who could love. And this raven...would they accept him as he is? His true self, whoever that is, as the Spider's head?
The raven...
He felt his lips quirk up slightly. A part of him wants to avoid this person. After all, this is someone who he would love, given he meets them. He knows his line of work would be dangerous. Then again, would he really fall for someone who couldn't protect themself? He thinks not.
Why fight it? If fate has set for him to have a lover, who was he to deny it? It's not something he could control.
A heavy gust of wind blows the paper out of his hands. Rather than holding onto it, he lets it flow with the wind. He inhales deeply, enjoying the cool, crisp air brought by the gale. He looks up at the night sky, stars shining brightly beside the full moon. Trees sway, creating a peaceful ambiance. The park bench he sits on is cold from the nightly temperatures. He closes his eyes and listens....then he hears it.
The crow of a raven. He opens his eyes and sees a hooded figure in all black walk past along the concrete path. How did he not hear her footsteps? No doubt, she was someone special. Chrollo was an observant man. He knew exactly who this was.
The raven...
The spider quietly rises from his seat and approaches the walking hooded figure. "What brings you to this place at a time like this?" He inquires.
"I have my reasons. I'm pretty sure you do, too. Go about your night as I will mine." She says coldly. There was no emotion to her voice.
"Do you believe in fate?" He asks suddenly. "...Why are you asking me? Don't you have places to be?" She spoke with an icy tone, yet again. She whipped her head around, allowing for him to get a good look at her. Her eyes, skin, hair... He quickly took in it all. So, this is what his soulmate looked like? Funny...he never imagined having one, and yet here she is.
He stoically stares up at the moon. He breathes in another breath of cold air. "Hm...that's quite the question. No, I don't have anywhere to be, other than here. So, the answer is both yes and no at the same time. It's rather interesting how that works, isn't it?"
The girl stops and looks at him, confusion written all over her face. But Chrollo can read people beyond the surface. The eyes are the windows to the soul, as they say. He can see intrigue, as well.
"Who are you?" She demands. Chrollo looks back at her and quietly chuckles to himself in a manner he would had someone challenged him to a fight after losing his Nen. "Who are you?" He smirks, scanning her for any reaction. She isn't afraid. She isn't upset. No, she's completely calm.
"I asked first." She countered. Her face was made of stone as she said this. She showed no emotion during this entire encounter.
"Chrollo." He finally answered, smiling. He was enjoying this. Was he in love? No. That would, inevitably, come with time. But was he drawn to interest? Most definitely. "Hm. Goodbye, Chrollo." She hummed, walking off.
"You didn't give me your name."
"I know."
The raven...
'Humans.....are so very....interesting.'
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brett-is-afraid · 1 year
Shane: Maybe the horrors would be less daunting if we were holding hands. Ryan: With each other or with the horrors? Shane: I have two hands.
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bubblybloob · 2 months
Stubborn, Skeptic, and Contrarian bonding over reading poetry? Maybe Adversary too? Poetry club! :D
(Inspired by that scene in Adversary where Player can be all dramatic like ‘write music notes with our blood!’ or smth like that and both Stubby and Addy get emotional, and that one scene in StrangerReset ending where where she describes the warmth she feels and Contra gets emotional)
(Also I feel like Skeptic would love interpreting poetry)
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I don’t know why this one took so long, nor why it took so much out of me. Either way it’s a cute concept!
Adversary is reconsidering her life decisions talking to Contrarian, and Stubborn is overwhelmed by whatever rant Skeptic has subjected him to.
Some writing below
“You know…” Stubborn shifted, looking at Adversary as she huffed, placing her chin into her open palm. “What the main bird said makes me want to learn how to write poetry.”
Stubborn nodded. “Me too, but I’m no good at anything of that caliber, that’s the thespian and plank of wood’s thing.”
Adversary squinted, seemingly at nothing, before turning to him. “Maybe…”
“Oh why not!” She says, more of an accusation than a question. “You say they’re annoying-“
“-but it can’t be that hard to learn more in depth writing! It’s like- it’s like punching things, yeah? You just- do it.” She gestures with a quick punch of her own, leaving a large, fist imprint in the now broken wall. Oof, Tower will be raging up a storm when she sees the damage.
“Don’t ask me!”
“Then let’s go ask them.”
“No! Skeptic stops speaking any understandable form of English after mere minutes, and Contrarian is just flat annoying.”
“I won’t budge on this.”
“And what makes you think I will either?”
Ultimately their argument would lead to a fight filled with broken horns and ripped feathers. In a moment where his balance was thrown, Stubborn’s scruff would be grabbed; no longer could he easily reach her to pry her off of him, not with his nails dragging down her arm at such an awkward angle. Adversary was forced to drag the fired up bird to the last two faces he wanted to see.
“Ohohoho! What’s this then?”
“Well isn’t this a curious sight.”
Agony, agony was what this was, and agony he’d have to endure for the next few hours of his life.
Dunno what this was. It’s short and pretty shit, but I felt kind of bad after not posting art for a while. So there’s some of my writing, eat or starve.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 4 months
not the "mo xuanyu never sexually harassed jin guangyao, jin guangyao made it all up" discourse again
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sotwk · 6 months
Every so often I run into posts/discussions of people bashing Reader fics and I'm not blaming anyone but istg it gives me gut-punching anxiety every time. Like what am I doing with my life am I just wasting my time here.
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weirdbabs · 4 months
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gonna come right out and say i think sophie s is sophie starchman
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bellabrady · 6 months
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will you still love me if it turns out i'm insane?
Buck should be happier than ever, now that him and Eddie have finally started dating.
And he would be — if not for the fact that he's pretty sure he's being haunted.
aka the angsty poltergeist fic in which i put buck through it
in progress | currently 4 out of 7 chapters | read on ao3
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 3 months
ohhh the whole vibe is completely different!! bojan's voice sounds incredible, the bass slaps, jan on keys nearly made me cry, the whole instrumentals are amazing i loved it!
if anyone wants to listen it's still available here
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swordsonnet · 3 months
really enjoyed the statement (or casement, or whatever we're calling them now) this week! felt very different from what jonny would write, but it's cool to see a guest writer bringing their own unique style to the project
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villain-sympathizer · 8 months
Thank your that smutty skeptic headcanon and prompt.
Now, if it’s not much to ask? Skeptic with a vibrator being strapped to his already, dripping red cock. Since the reader has been teasing him for hours. After begging like a good boy, the reader puts the vibrator in max. Making Tomoyasu let out the all his pent up stress as he cums string after string of thick cum as he lets out a sob or pure bliss with tears streaming down his face.
ooohohoohoo >:)
────── ・ 。゚: .☽ . : 。゚・ ──────
[NSFW Skeptic x Reader/Significant Other drabble]
[Minors DNI]
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“You’re holding up pretty well for someone who hasn’t gotten off in what, two weeks?” [Name]’s voice was taunting, almost a sneer as they watched their lover writhe and squirm in his kneeling position on the floor beneath them.
Tomoyasu was kneeling on the floor, knees spread but ankles bound, showing his messy cock on full display as the bullet vibrator strapped to the underside of its tip buzzed away at its lowest level. His hands were also bound behind his back, a precaution in case he decided to be devious and touch himself. Sweat dripped down his face and torso, making his long hair cling to his skin in various spots, which only added onto his messy and depraved look.
“Just look at the mess you’ve made,” [Name] continues, regarding the ever-growing puddle of precum that had formed on the hardwood floor beneath Tomoyasu’s weeping cock. More beads of precum continued to run down his cock, giving the low   buzzing sound a lewd, wet tone whenever they ran alongside the vibrator. It made the dark-haired man keen, the sight of his cock in such a state only adding on to his pleasure.
[Name] huffs at the state of their partner, a grin creeping across their face as they absentmindedly thumb at the remote to the vibrator. “You have some real resilience, don’t you? Or maybe… you’re jacking off in your office, thinking about how much you’d rather be at home, balls deep in my guts,” they tease him, almost giggling at the way he bucks his hips as his cock throbs, more precum leaking from his tip. “Oh? Are you close?” They hum their question in fake innocence, as if they haven’t been edging the other for nearly an hour. 
When Tomoyasu doesn’t respond, [Name] decides to ‘accidentally’ turn the vibrator up a notch. His reaction was immediate, sucking in a gasping breath as his hips begin to thrust into the air in a messy rhythm. 
“Go on, you know the drill,” [Name] urges, their foot reaching over to gently caress the side of his cock. “Beg me to cum.”
“P-Please,” Tomoyasu manages to croak out, head hung low in an attempt to hide what's left of his shame. He was so, so close, he could feel it. With the way he could feel his balls tighten against him, he knew his partner could tell, too.
[Name] doesn’t respond, merely raising an eyebrow before turning the dial back down. A breathy curse that molds into a desperate whine comes from the other.
“Wait- no- please…!” Tomoyasu practically whimpers, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he feels his approaching orgasm start to die down again and leave him on the edge of climax. “Please, dear- darling- I need to… to cum! Please, oh fuck, please, please!” He nearly cries out, throwing his head back to gaze up at the other, finally showing off his deeply reddened face as his bangs are tossed to the side.
[Name] gives him a wickedly sinister smirk. “Good boy,” they coo, and with that, they turn the dial up to its highest setting.
Tomoyasu’s mouth hangs open in a silent cry, body arching into itself as the feeling of the vibrator completely consumes him, launching him into an intense and prolonged orgasm. Cum practically sprays from his twitching, throbbing cock, passing through his curtain of hair and nearly hitting him in the face. Cum lands in thick, heavy globs across the floor, some even managing to hit his partner’s legs. Choked gasps and whimpers the only sound he could make as his hips frantically thrust up towards nothing.
As he slowly comes down from his high, [Name] turns the vibrator down to its lowest setting while he rides it out, but not turning it off completely. When Tomoyasu starts to keen and try to writhe away from the vibrations as over-sensitivity begins, [Name] merely snickers at him.
“Very, very good boy. Now… do it again.”
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themouthking · 9 months
Smoke and Mirrors is a completed work.
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My cowriter @tripwirealarm, a human who is not myself, and I would like to say thank you to those who've been following along and leaving comments along the way. We hope you enjoy the last chapter!
I'll speak for myself and say, it's really been meaningful for me to see folks sharing about what this story means to them. In the end, we wrote this for us, because it was what we wanted to read, but I'm glad to see it was something y'all wanted to read, too.
Without further a-boo, read chapter 14 HERE.
Or go back to the start with chapter 1 HERE.
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musashi · 4 months
so wack seeing everyone put "i dont like franmaya" as their unpopular ace attorney opinion on these ask games as if franmaya is popular literally at all
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kaywrites23 · 8 months
You know the saying “I would rather to have loved than to never have loved at all.” ?
I beg to differ.
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