#hux mini
rommonoch · 5 months
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Yeah, red flags
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I Miss Your Stupid Face
Characters: Armitage Hux x reader
Summary: He messed up. He knows that he has really messed everything up, but can he catch you to make a very rare apology before you head off on your latest mission, or will he be too late?
Word Count: 1515 words
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As he stared out into the darkness of space, his face was void of all emotion. Anyone observing might have mistaken him for a droid, there was no indication or any hint of humanity in the figure staring at the spot which your fleet had disappeared into hyperdrive from. The last place he had been able to see you. Well, not exactly see you, because you were in the ship and he was here but… that was the spot you had existed in before leaving him forever.
It had been such a short amount of time since your departure, but Armitage missed you. He guessed he should get used to that though, since you were disgusted with him. How could you not be? He was disgusted with himself. He had been so stubborn and stupid. It had been foolish to open himself up, to trust you. Foolish to believe he was worthy of love, after all, his own father couldn’t love him, so how could someone as wonderful as you?
It had been easy to fool himself, easy to hope that it was true because you had made it easy. After his accidental confession, he had found himself at the door to your quarters at some unsociable hour, somehow plucking up the courage to let you know that the ‘she’ in question was, in fact, ‘you’. This had led to shared meals, both in the canteen where you sat opposite each other and kept a professional distance, and in his quarters where food was often forgotten, and stolen kisses turned into passionate embraces on his sofa.
Armitage had insisted that this budding relationship needed to be kept hidden, fearing that Ren would use you against him in any way he could. So, most of your interactions were firmly behind closed doors and he had almost perfected his passive expression whenever your paths crossed while working. Almost. And that is where the problems originated.
Ren had been watching the situation with a blend of curiosity and amusement. The idea that Hux believed he could hide those little thoughts of you that drifted to the forefront of his mind was laughable. The General practically radiated his feelings for you, and Ren decided to use this information to his own advantage. After all, torturing Hux was so much fun.
“I think we need to address fraternization on base once more.” Ren said as he stopped behind Hux on the bridge. “It is causing… distractions.”
“Distractions? I believe productivity and focus has never been so high. I have not seen any indication that there are ‘distractions’.” Hux clenched his jaw, fighting back any thoughts of you in his mind.
“That is because you are distracted, General. I understand that a physical release is required, some way to vent frustrations, but once emotions are involved, that is when it becomes dangerous. Whatever arrangement the two of you have, you and your Captain, you are the one who has caught feelings. Feelings lead to distraction.” Ren warned, smirking beneath his helmet as he spotted you approaching from behind Hux.
“She is not a ‘distraction’. I have no ‘feelings’ for the girl, it is a mutually beneficial physical arrangement, nothing more. She is good at her job and an adequate partner in the bedroom. You have your paramours, allow me mine. My focus is as sharp as ever. Do you really think someone like her could turn my head? Could steal my attention from The Order?”
“So, she simply warms your bed?” Ren asked, raising his eyebrow he watched your expression as you paused, awaiting his answer rather than interrupting the conversation.
“Nothing more.” Hux confirmed with a smug smile, feeling he had fooled Ren into believing him.
You blinked a few times before nodding to yourself and turning to leave. Ren was sending you with a small fleet to deal with a incursion on the outer rim and it had been your intention to say farewell to Armitage, believing that your relationship was more than just a physical release. Now him wanting to keep things secret made so much more sense, and you felt like you had just been punched in the stomach.
Ren waited until he was certain you had gone before shrugging. “Was she aware of that? She seemed rather upset when she heard you define your arrangement in such terms.”
“What?” Hux’s face drained of all colour as he looked around for you.
“I assume the Captain was coming to inform you that she is leaving on her mission. She caught the tail end of our conversation and chose to exit rather than interrupt.”
“Excuse me.” Hux strode from the bridge, he had to get to the docking bay, needed to explain.
His heart pounded as he broke into a run, not caring how desperate it made him look. He needed to get to you, needed to explain that he hadn’t meant any of it, that he was trying to protect you. His boots screeched as he skidded around a corner, a group of Storm Troopers pressing themselves against the wall to allow him to pass. Armitage didn’t even break his stride, not caring what they thought of him, the only person who mattered to him was about to leave and he had to stop that from happening. You couldn’t go while thinking he didn’t care for you, that this had all been an act.
Careening into the docking bay, he screamed out to stop the ship. People jumped at his order, scrambling to try and prevent the launch, but it was too late. Armitage had to stand there and watch your ship speed away. Frantically, he looked around, trying to find a way to get to you. He grabbed a transmitter, rushing over to get a better view, to make sure you were still in sight.
“Captain. Captain! This is your General. Captain, answer your comms.” He barked, his frustration boiling over, his fear coming out as anger. As the silence lengthened, his shoulders slumped and he whispered, “please.”
“General.” Your voice was tight and he knew you were incredibly hurt, but he couldn’t help smiling at the sound of your voice.
“Turn the ship around. I need you to return to base.”
“Is that an order, General, or a request?” There was something in the way you had spat his title that had his brow furrowing. If he told you, it was an order then that would be abusing his position, but that might be the only way to get you in front of him. He was about to tell you that it was indeed an order, but then he realised that would just reinforce what you already thought of him.
“It was a request, darling. Please. I am not asking this as your General, I’m asking this as your… as a man who is incredibly bad at relationships. A man who is navigating unfamiliar territory with all these feelings and I have made a mistake, I do make mistakes, and I probably will continue to make new and different mistakes in the future. I know that I hurt you, that was never my intention. I would rather have my face ripped off by a Wookie than cause you a single moment of pain. Please, don’t leave me.” He stared at the ship which was still moving away from him. The vulnerability in his voice had everyone around him frozen, watching with bated breath because there was a chance that anyone standing near Hux was about to have the weight of his heartbreak focused on them, and nobody wanted to be that guy.
“General, I-“ The communication was broken off as your ship slipped into hyperdrive, taking you out of the range of his comm unit.
A hollow feeling spread through him, heat rising in his cheeks, the familiar pain of humiliation washing over him. How could he have been so naïve to tell you so openly how he felt? Not only that, but so publicly! Everyone had heard his declaration, and your response, or lack of. He knew that confession would leave him defenseless, but part of him had believed you would be there to catch him, now he had nothing but the cruel sting of rejection to contend with.
And so, he stood there, staring at the spot in the darkness that had stolen his chance at happiness from him. If the universe were perfect then you would be here in his embrace, listening to his apologies and reassuring him with your sweet kisses. Armitage realised that he would never get to kiss you again, that he had been robbed of a final parting kiss, that the last time his lips had found yours had been far too brief. If he had known that would be the last time he could kiss you then he would have ensured it lasted an eternity, that he had poured every emotion he felt for you into it, but that was not to be. Instead, he would spend the rest of his life just missing your stupid face.
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ellalba · 2 years
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My drawings for the awesome (and incredibly late 😅, I’m so sorry @kyluxbigbang) Mini Bang I drew for the incredibly awesome @daihaminkay called Belong to Me.
Emperor Kylo Ren finally catches General Brendol Hux, one of the remaining imperial loyalists who would destroy the First Order Kylo wants to build. But before he can get rid of him, he notices his son Armitage and decides immediately he would make an obedient companion out of him.
Even if his knights will have to break him in a bit first.
Really hope you guys like it!!!
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mesmeret · 2 years
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Art for the 2022 Kylux Mini Bang that didn’t come to fruition
Kylo and Hux are frequent teammates in their favorite mmorpg, Star Wars, but blissfully unaware that they live in the same apartment complex. Until a late night fire alarm ruins their game and sends them out into the cold, together. Then it only takes a spark for their online chemistry to transform into a cheeky, real life encounter.
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vegafan69 · 11 days
☆ damihux headcanons !!
gays. i just remembered i have a lot of hcs for them so like why not
sfw ;;
they canonically have cars but take the metros or public transportation often. they'd share earphones and hold hands :3
huxley drinks tea everyday and damien restocks his bf's favorite tea bags
huxley smells like pistachios and damien smells like nothing. he doesn't stink he just doesn't really have a scent to him. he does spray some cologne on tho, probably smells like wine
damien takes cares of their plants when huxley goes for work trips.
huxley types with emojis in almost every sentence, whilst damien occasionally uses 😒🤨 both have very good grammar and punctuation unlike me
damien's mom was strict and would barely let him buy childhood toys. huxley on the other hand loves and buys mini building kits often. (inspired by @youeverjustseeadog <3) they'd spend once or twice a week to build them together and have a whole shelf of their handiworks :3
damien wears rings and bracelets often, which would be too small for huxley. earthy boy tries to fit into them but they get stuck :"( they did manage to find bigger ones for him n they match accessories very often :3
huxley and david are gym buddies idc
damiens loves art galleries and exhibitions. i also think he can sketch. like real good. like he has nice hands and all.
hux's moms will always have cookies and tea ready whenever the boys come over ^o^
nsfw ;;
nothing because i only care about sesbian lex
taglist @infinitelovewiithoutfulfilmentt @laskosprettygirl @annahxredaxted @everything-redacted00 @breezysuffers @ashertickler @porters-fangs @achios @mokozroach @heartf0ul @dukecollinsbf @aurorialwolf @ilovealotofwomen @jaxfart @chmease @yournewmusictaste @marlowlvsu
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omaano · 1 year
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Last one for @bobadinweek's bingo - A Gravity Falls AU for my FREE square! I'll make a whole post to sum up all my contribution to this bingo a bit later (I made 10 artworks for this event in the past year omg!) - but I'm really pleased to end it with this one - just look at how cute they are as babies! There are some musing about this AU (and another variant) under the cut if you're interested ;)
I'll admit that I don't actually know much about Omega (aside from how she appeared in some fics and what I saw of her on this site), but I already felt bad enough for taking her bow and giving it to Boba (if it's up to Grogu he won't be able to keep hold of it for long, lol), so I felt it best to let her keep her hat and give her the journal. She seems more like the type to pour over it, while Boba just jumps headfirst into any and every kind of adventure. (Also imagine Boba with a pig-sized mini rancor. He'd lose a limb to it, but he would also LOVE it!)
I know that it's usually headcanon'd that Din and Boba are about the same-ish age (with usually Boba coming out a year-or-two older), but for the sake of fun here let Din hit puberty and his growth spurt a bit earlier and be just a bit older, and let Boba have his gay little awakening that summer.
(Just imagine that episode where Dipper makes multiple copies of himself (I know the roles don't track perfectly, shush!) to try and ask Wendy out for that dance/date at the party - and make it Boba trying his very awkward best [insert clone joke here], and, say, put an equally teenage Cobb in Robbie's place, except Cobb turns out to be cool, and now Boba is in all kinds of trouble, and surrounded by too many cute boys wow (but Din is still the cutest with his weird frog-eating baby troll). This idea's kept me entertained through the struggles of trying to keep track of my lineart and flat colour layers with the background here lol.)
ALTERNATIVELY I also entertained the idea of Boba and Fennec running a con mystery shack because they try to lie low for some crimes and not get caught (they are just the ideal type of chaotic-dumb-but-secretly-competent combo, who would play super dumb about any supernatural shenanigans going on while casually leaning against a rancor under a way too small sheet in the corner); and Din is the handy man helping out around the shack, trying to cover for his weird slightly green son who should not be allowed near frogs or you will see something you can never unsee after, and baby Rey, Finn and Poe could be the ones to get into all kinds of supernatural trouble (with Hux as Pacifica, and Kylo/Ben as Lil Gideon lol that would even work with Han and Boba having an archnemeses kind of situation going on). Plus Boba has an endless supply of lost competent twins so...
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Okay one of my fucked up morbid headcanons...
Warnings for mentions of contemplated child murder, child and spousal abuse
This kinda goes directly against canon cause per Aftermath Brendol apparently does somehow see potential in Armitage enough to keep him around, but it makes more sense to me, with Brendol's whole eugenics thing and history of condoning child murder, that Brendol would've wanted his exceptionally weak, thin son that he despises and abuses gone. The question would be, then, why didn't he make his son 'disappear'?
For Armitage's first years of life, it's Maratelle. Maratelle is begrudging of the circumstances that brought forth Armitage and she doesn't particularly care for his well-being, but she also suffers Brendol's emotional abuse and a very unhappy marriage. She's looking for any excuse for Brendol to be put in prison, and Brendol knows it. He can't get away with his son disappearing or being killed under unclear circumstances — Maratelle would raise the alarm immediately.
So despite his wishes, and despite his comrades Brooks and Pryde encouraging the idea, all Brendol can do is bitterly believe that other circumstances will take his son out.
Then Armitage has his mini-army of child soldiers who could turn on Brendol without him, and then there's Rae Sloane, and fortunately Brendol loses the opportunity. The fact that his father wanted him dead absolutely haunts young Hux though.
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enkisstories · 10 days
Random shower thought:
Pryde with his ten thousand star destroyers (aka mini death stars) and Hux with Starkiller base shooting through hyperspace are the very embodiement of the "Who would win between 100 ant-sized bears Vs. one bear-sized ant?" meme.
They probably discuss it every day.
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crochetedblorbos · 1 year
"Dying's not so bad. It's staying dead that sucks."
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Character Name: Gerard “Gerry” Keay
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Voiced By: Jon Gracey
Yarn Used: Skin: CraftSmart Value - Off-White Shirt/Trousers/Shoes: Red Heart Super Saver - Black; heidi & jo iron-on applique Hair: CraftSmart Value - Curry; Tulip Colorshot Fabric Spray Paint - Black Face: Park Lane 10mm plastic eyes - hazel; Red Heart Super Saver - Black Tattoos: Red Heart Super Saver - Black
Basic pattern here.
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Okay, so if I’m being honest here, this particular Gerry is 100% influenced by the version in “Awake and Unafraid” by blasphemous-lies-and-deceit, who is amazing and deserves all the love. (Not that I don’t want to hug canon!Gerry too, but holy hell.) I will also confess that I had to undo him at one point; I’d been working on him steadily for a while, and then set him aside in favor of NaNoWriMo, whereupon he promptly got swallowed up by the hellscape miasma that is my room. I finally unearthed him in a moment that can best be described as “I have discovered every single godsdamned thing I have been looking for in the last six MONTHS and also the Ark of the Covenant and Jimmy Hoffa, and yet I cannot find the one specific thing I am looking for and which I only purchased a week ago” and started working on him again. Unfortunately, I had no idea where I was in the pattern and what variants I had actually done, so I unraveled most of his torso and started over. This is why it has taken me almost a year between Hux and Gerry.
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Oh, well. At least I can confidently tell you that I altered the “base” pattern as follows:
Shoes: Black combat boots, baby! Like with Mini and Hux, I kept the color the same, but otherwise the shoes are the same as before.
Trousers: I was trying to give him baggy black jeans, so I wanted them to come down over his shoes. Thus, when I got to the top of the boots, I did a round in the front loop only to give myself a little ridge, then did a round of treble crochet in the front loops of that before going back to sc for the rest of the trousers. (I think. I forgot to write this down as I was doing it and it’s been, as previously mentioned, around six months since then at time of writing.) I also wanted to give him some artistic rips in the knees, so I switched to the white I’m using for his skin and did front-loop in the black around it to give it a bit of texture and make it look like they are, in fact, torn across the knees. Deliberately or not, your call.
Shirt: I wanted Gerry to be wearing a kind of baggy, shapeless shirt, and also to be a bit taller and lankier in the torso, with a slightly longer neck. I also put him in all black because that’s how he’s always described, so I worked him the same way as Joseph (just without changing color) up until R36, and then: R37: Ch 2, hdc in each fpdc around, sl st in first hdc (38 hdc). R38-48: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (38 sc). R49: Ch 1, [sc in next 17 st, inv dec over next 2 st] twice, sl st in first sc (36 sc). R50: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (36 sc). R51: Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, inv dec] 9 times around, sl st in first sc (27 sc). R52-53: Ch 1, sc around, sl st in first sc (27 sc). R54: Ch 1, [sc in first st, inv dec] 9 times around, sl st in first sc (18 sc). R55: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (18 sc). R56: Switch to skin color. Ch 1, sc in back loop of each st around, sl st in first sc (18 sc). R58-59: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (18sc). I also added an iron-on patch to give him a design on his shirt. (Fun fact, I bought three different patches and kept losing them before I could find my iron, which I had stupidly put away where it belonged.)
Head: I always picture Gerry as having a long, thin face and a slightly larger nose, so I followed the base pattern for his head up to what is R60 on the original pattern (but is R64 on this pattern due to previously-made changes), and then: R65-70: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (42 sc). R71: Ch 3, dc in next 26 st, puff st in next st, dc in next 15 st, sl st in first dc (41dc, 1 puff stitch). R72-77: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (42 sc). Continue from R72 on original pattern. Unfortunately, I didn’t stuff him as much as I should have, so his neck is kinda floppy. I’m working on a solution to that.
I also used safety eyes for the first time here! And oh my God they saved so much time. I wasn’t sure they were going to work in the package, but once I got them in his face, I liked them a lot! I embroidered a little smirk for his mouth. Used yarn this time because I finally had a yarn needle to do it with and didn’t feel like digging for my embroidery floss by the time I got to his mouth, and I like it.
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Hair: Yeah, I’m a ginger!Gerry convert, what of it. Anyway, because his hair is always described as “badly dyed”, I initially considered using a variegated yarn, but couldn’t find one that would do what I wanted it to do, I decided to badly dye it myself. I wrapped a hank of yarn around a piece of cardboard, tied it off, and cut it, then spread it out on said cardboard and sprayed it with black fabric spray paint I found in the clearance aisle at Joann Fabric. And, as if it knew why I was doing it, it just…wouldn’t…take. I must’ve sprayed, rearranged, sprayed again, let dry, untangled, discovered that I’d just done the surface, resprayed, moved, and sprayed again about twelve times before I thought I’d got it. I hadn’t. Finally, I gave up and sewed the mottled orange-and-black mess onto his head (which was a headache and a half, especially since I wanted him to have a side part), discovered that it was neither as long nor as thick as it had looked before I put it on his head, debated starting over, decided not to, took him back outside, and covered his face with a paper towel, then sprayed the hair again, this time while it was already on his head. That way a) it dyed the scalp as well, and b) I could hope it stuck. (It also occurred to me that I was doing this on the front porch, right on the EDGE of the porch, and that it was, if not raining, at least very humid, and I wondered if that was affecting it, so once I’d sprayed his head down, I brought him inside and let him cure that way.) The yarn still soaked up a lot of the dye, but at least it’s more or less evenly covered…and it does, in fact, give the effect of a bad dye job, so…success?
Arms: I did Gerry’s arms the same way I did Hux’s, except that I gave him short sleeves rather than long ones. I also made them a little bit longer than normal, partly because Gerry is a little bit taller and partly because I was an idiot and wasn’t counting properly.
Trenchcoat: I may have made this slightly more complicated than necessary, but I like how it came out, so: Ch 48. R1: Dc in third ch from hook, dc in each ch across, turn (46dc). R2-5: Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn (46dc). R6: Ch 3, dc in first 17 st, fpdc around next st, skip next st, inv dec, dc in next 4 st, inv dec. Skip next st, fpdc around next st, dc in same st, dc in next 17 st, turn (43dc, 2 fpdc). R7: Ch 3, dc in first 18 st, bpdc around fpdc from prev row, skip next st, inv dec in back loops, dc in next 2 st, inv dec in back loops. Skip next st, bpdc around fpdc, dc in st behind, dc in next 18 st, turn (41dc, 2bpdc). R8: Ch 3, dc in first 19 st, fpdc around bpdc from prev row, skip next st, inv dec twice. Skip next st, fpdc around fpdc from prev row, dc in same st, dc in next 19 st, turn (39dc, 2fpdc). R9: Ch 3, dc in first 19 st, bpdc around next 2 fpdc, dc in next 19 st, turn (38dc, 2fpdc). R10: Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn (40dc). R11: Ch 1, sc in eacn st across, turn (40sc). R12: Ch 1, sc in first st, ch 1, skip next st, sc in each st across, turn (39sc, 1ch). R13: Ch 3, dc in first 38 st, dc in ch sp, dc in next st, turn (40dc). R14: Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn (40dc). R15: Ch 1, sc in first 38 st, ch 1, skip next st, sc in next st, turn (39sc, 1ch). R16: Ch 3, dc in first st, dc in ch sp, dc in next 38 st, turn (40dc). R17: Ch 3, dc in each st across, turn (40dc). R18: Ch 1, sc in first st, ch 1, skip next st, sc in next 38 st, turn (39sc, 1ch). R19: Ch 3, dc in first 9 st, inv dec, dc in next 18 st, inv dec, dc in next 9 st, turn (38dc). R20: Ch 3, dc in first 9 st, inv dec, dc in next 16 st, inv dec, dc in next 9 st, turn (36dc). R21: Ch 3, [dc in first 8 st, inv dec] three times, dc in next 3 st, turn (33dc). R22: Ch 3, dc in first 6 st, [YO x4, insert hook into next st, pull up loop, YO and pull through 2 loops x6]*, ch 6, skip next 3 st, repeat *, dc in next 11 st, repeat *, ch 6, skip next 3 st, repeat *, dc in next 6 st, turn (23dc, 4 extended stitches, 12ch). R23: Ch 2, hdc in first 7 st, sc in ch sp 6 times, hdc in next 13 st, sc in ch sp 6 times, hdc in next 7 st, turn (27hdc, 12sc). R24: Ch 2, hdc in first 7 st, inv dec in back loops 3 times, hdc in next 13 st, inv dec in back loops only 3 times, hdc in next 7 st, turn (33hdc). R25: Ch 1, sc in first st, hdc in next st, dc in next st, tc in next st, dtc in next st, [YO x4, insert hook into next st, pull up loop, YO and pull through 2 loops x6]*, ch 4, inv dec in hdc 10 times, hdc in next st, ch 4, repeat *, dtc in next st, tc in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next st, turn (13hdc, 2sc, 2dc, 2tc, 2dtc, 2 extended stitches). R26: Sl st in first sc, sc in next 5 st, sc around chain and into edge of extended stitch 4 times, sc in next 11 st, sc around chain and into edge of extended stitch 4 times, sc in next five st, sl st. Fasten off. Sleeves: Join yarn to st in armhole. For row 1, ch 1, sc in first st (mark starting st), sc in next 19 st around, join (20sc). For rows 2-10, ch 3, dc in each st around, join (20dc). Add buttons to sc rows of front opposite ch sp if desired. (I do so desire, I just haven’t done it yet.
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Tattoos: Gerry’s tattoos are embroidered on in backstitch. I only did three (one on each hand and one on the back of his neck), because I was doing it in yarn and it was way too thick for anything tinier, but what the hey, he doesn’t technically have “joints”. (The ones on his knees don’t show because the holes are sagging below the joints. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!)
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
Okay so @kanerallels and @lone-star-ranger said they'd love to see how I would have done the Sequel Trilogy if I had been put in charge of it. This is a mere sampling of how I would abuse the power of frankensteining the movies into my own masterpiece of nonsense:
During Rey's first appearance in TFA, when she's scavenging, she's listening to music on a space walkman in an obvious GotG spoof.
Jacen Syndulla would appear once every movie, but never as a character with the rebellion. just Some Guy In A Situation.
whenever there's background music, at least one extra in the background would be dancing to it.
Poe and Kylo used to be friends as kids and Poe tells everyone he can about all the stupid stuff mini-Ben did when he was little
There would be an option in the extras menu for BB-8 to have subtitles.
pretty sure they deleted a scene where rose bit hux. i'm undeleting it.
I keep the "somehow palpatine returned" line but Poe looks right into the camera as he says it
Rey's past is never revealed. Just to mess with people. I would secretly go online and provide dozens of contradictory "leaks" about who her parents were and then never publicly acknowledge any of them.
someone calls poe's fashion sense "rebel chic"
Finn swears the rebel base is haunted and nobody believes him. turns out he's force-sensitive and it's qui-gon jinn trolling him.
The real reason Han and Leia split up was that Han kept forgetting to put his dishes in the dishwasher
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justsomerandomfanfic · 4 months
Small Fun Poll - 5/16/24
Which fanfic idea/prompt do you like the best? 10 options! May be featured as a Fanfic Friday Fanfic in the future! Read Below The Cut! :P
Klarion (Klarion The Witch Boy) X Female Reader - Mini Angst/Fluff (whipped for the other kind of trope)
Klarion, being the mischievous witch boy the world has ever seen, decides to cause chaos in your favorite cafe. As the world was basically going crazy around you, you go up to the havok-causing witch boy and politely ask him to stop. Klarion is slightly shocked. No one had ever asked him so nicely, almost sincerely, and with a smile on their face. Before you knew it, you not only left a beverage, but with a almost love-sick Klarion and his cat.
2. Gaston LeGume (Live Action Beauty And The Beast) X GN Reader - Slight Angst/Fluff
You work as a barmaid at the tavern that Gaston frequents. Gaston, whenever he enters the tavern, always flirts with you, but you know that he has his heart set on Belle. Your heart yearns for him, but you know you can not have him... But, one night, an old lady gifts you a potion... A love potion. Will you succumb to your broken heart, or will you use the love potion to get what your heart's always desired?
3. Harry Osborn (The Amazing Spider-Man) X Female Reader - Mini Angst/Fluff
You and Harry Osborn have been dating for a long time, ever since you met him at work. Now dating, you are smothered in his love, affection, and constant - constant gifts. Harry would give you random - almost always expensive - things every day. You wanted more meaningful gifts, and convincing Harry to settle down a bit on the gifts was... Well, not easy.
4. Armitage Hux (Star Wars) X GN Reader - Slight Angst/Fluff (somewhat grumpy x sunshine trope)
You and Armitage work together, very closely, Armitage hates it, you love it. You love meeting new people and spending time with the people you find interesting. A lot of people on the Starkiller Base think you are somewhat odd - you being so happy-go-lucky all the time. Armitage doesn't believe that you have anything in common with him; he's proven wrong.
5. Coriolanus Snow (The Hunger Games: Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes) X Female Reader - Angst/Fluff (enemies to lovers trope)
You are the eldest sister of Felix Ravinstill - strikingly beautiful, sharp wit, and extremely rich. Your parents are ready to marry you off. But to whom? Well, there are a few people they could choose... But, to your surprise, Coriolanus Snow is chosen. You're not too happy about the marriage in the beginning, but somewhere down the line, you fall for the young man. Coriolanus though, he only married you to get another step closer to becoming Panem's next president.
6. Jaskier (The Witcher) X Female Reader - Slight Angst/Fluff (Inspired by: Labour by Paris Paloma)
Jaskier and Geralt stop at a small tavern as they were traveling through a small town. They were both glad to be able to rest for a short while, and grab something to eat and drink before trying to find some place to stay for the night. Jaskier was having a grand ol' time, until you walked right up on stage. With a small frown and sad eyes, you sing your song, and Jasker is mesmerized by you instantly.
7. Willy Wonka (Wonka) X GN Reader - Mini Angst/Fluff (friends to lovers trope)
You help Willy and your friends conjure up the plan to stop the Chocolate Cartel. You are worried for Willy, hoping that he wouldn't get caught in his carefully thought-out plan. And though you had only known Willy for a short while - and with the constant worry for his life - the moment you saw him, covered in melt chocolate, you can't help but run into his awaiting arms. But, is this just a beautiful friendship, or is there something sweeter bubbling underneath the surface?
8. Kori/Starfire (Teen Titans) X GN Reader - Fluff
You and Kori just spend a quiet night in - with Silkie of course - playing Just Dance. You both have a lovely time dancing, which may or may not lead into a somewhat awkward - but wonderful - confession from the both of you.
9. Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) X Female Reader - Mini Angst/Fluff (competition/bet trope)
You and Anakin finally get to have a small break from missions and boring Jedi meetings. You and Anakin travel to a planet where - similar to Tatooine - loves pod racing. You surprise Anakin with a small bet, and Anakin won't back down from that; he truly thinks he can beat you. And with your bets on the table, will he win, or will you?
10. Harry Hart (Kingsman) X Fluff Reader - Angst/Fluff
Harry finally introduces Eggsy to you - his secret wife - but after the church incident, Eggsy has the hardest job to do... Tell you that Harry was dead. But, what happens when Eggsy and Merlin find Harry alive in America? Who's going to tell you that your husband has been alive, and has forgotten most of his memories... And has forgotten about you?
To anyone who reads this, you do not have to participate if you do not want to. I just thought it would be fun to make a poll. I haven't done one in a while, and don't really know what to make it about. XD
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I Love Your Stupid Face
Characters: Armitage Hux x reader
Summary: Upon returning from your mission, Hux has had the time to really twist himself into knots over your last interaction. Has he really lost any chance he ever had of finding someone who could possibly like him, or are you more of a surprise than he ever anticipated?
Word Count: 1476 words
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The silence had been deafening. The only communication from your mission had been reports back, and any from you were in writing. He had not heard your voice in what felt like a lifetime, and he wasn’t sure he could survive actually facing you after his humiliation. That moment played in his mind on a loop, especially in the darkness when he was supposed to find sleep, but not even that provided an escape.
Hux had watched your ship return from the viewing port. He couldn’t bring himself to head down to the hanger and actually see you, he knew you would try to let him down gently, but hearing a definitive rejection was something he wanted to avoid for as long as he could manage. So, he took a page from the Kylo Ren way of dealing with things, in that he didn’t.
For the next few days, whenever you entered a room Hux exited. Was it the most mature response, of course not, but he had convinced himself that if he didn’t see you then you couldn’t break him. At least, brake him more than he already was.
The door to his office opened and closed causing Armitage to let out a deep sigh. “Phasma, I really am not in the mood.” He scowled and looked up at the lack of response from his friend. When he saw you standing there, he jumped up from his chair, his heart pounding as his fight or flight responses kicked in.
“What are you doing here?” His eyes darted around the room, trying desperately to find an escape route, but you had effectively pinned him to the spot.
“Why do you keep running away from me?” He could see the confusion and hurt in your eyes, and he bristled. What right did you have to make him feel sorry for you, when it was you who was chasing him down to stomp on the shattered pieces of his broken heart.
“I didn’t run away!” He frowned, his nose scrunching a little. This denial only earned him a raised eyebrow from you, and he shifted his feet as he clasped his hands behind his back. “It was… it was a strategic retreat.”
You took a step towards him, and he instinctively stepped back. If he let you nearer, if you closed this physical gap between the two of you, then you would see how red his eyes were, the dark circles beneath, how much paler and gaunt his face was after your absence.
“We need to talk.” Those four words caused his bottom lip to quiver. He clenched his jaw and stood a little straighter, he couldn’t let you see how much you affected him.
“What is there to talk about? It’s over – I ruined it.” He stated simply, his voice void of any emotion. That should be enough for you to leave. He prayed it was enough for you to leave because he was barely holding himself together.
“Are you sorry for what you said? I mean, what you said about me to Ren?”
“Well, yes. Of course I’m sorry but-“
“Then I forgive you.” There was a beat of silence as Armitage tried to process your words.
“No, no, don’t forgive me! Why would you do that? Why give me another chance to mess things up?” His eyes were filled with confusion, what was this new torture?
“I love you, Armitage.”
“You what?” His voice was little more than a whisper as he stared at you in total incomprehension. Those words had his head spinning. This was not how he had imagined this interaction. You were supposed to be yelling at him, hurling insults and berating him. You should be confirming all the things he believed were his failings, not telling him that you love him! How was he supposed to react to that?
“I tried to tell you, but the comms broke up, and then I realised it was something I needed to tell you face to face. I couldn’t trust myself not to just blurt it out so I kept communication to the mission, kept it written down. I was hurt by what you said to Ren, but I’ve had a lot of time to think about it, about us, and I love you.”
Cautiously, you approached him, fearing he might very well just bolt from the room. Reaching out, you took his hand, which had fallen limp by his side. Bringing your other hand up, you tenderly brushed your fingers against his cheek, frowning slightly as he flinched.
Armitage stood frozen to the spot, his jaw had grown slack and his eyes wide which made him look so young and innocent. How did you not hate him for what he had done? HE hated himself for it. He hated himself so much for causing you even a second of pain, for allowing you to believe that you were not his everything. But, if you didn’t hate him then how could he hate himself? You were the person he had wronged, and you had brushed it aside and shown him understanding and acceptance. This was an entirely alien experience to Hux, and his internal systems seemed to have gone into panic mode. This must be a trap. You were going to hurt him any moment. Weren’t you?
“Armitage, sweetheart, talk to me. What’s going on in that amazing mind of yours.” You whispered, your eyes searching his.
He opened his mouth to speak, but found himself getting lost in your gaze. All thoughts of you hurting him seemed to melt away, but perhaps that was why he needed you, you shattered all his fears; the fear he wasn’t good enough, the fear he would always be alone, the fear that he was unlovable. He had made a mistake and yet you were still right there, your touch so tender and warm. If someone like you could love him, then perhaps there was something redeemable about him.
“You do realise that it is entirely ridiculous to want to be with me, right?” There was a hint of amusement in his tone, but the fear in his eyes showed just how much reassurance he needed.
“I do, but I’m willing to give it a go, if you are.” You tilted your head, a soft smile on your lips.
“Are you sure you don’t want to give up on me?”
“You can be such a moron.” You laughed, shaking your head. “I am sure that I don’t want to give up on you.”
“You really think we could work? This will not be the last time I mess things up. Are you sure you want to forgive me?”
“If I mess up, will you forgive me?”
“Of course.” He said far too quickly with a look of incredulity. How could you even ask that?
“Then, I guess, that means we are a couple.” You smirked, waiting for that idea to finally settle into his mind.
“Are you smirking?” He raised an eyebrow as amusement danced in his eyes, his arms coming to rest around you, his thumb rubbing circles on your lower back.
“I think I’ve earned it, don’t you?”
“Why do I feel like you are laughing at me?” he pouted playfully.
“Because you find it difficult to believe that I am just incredibly happy to be here in your arms?” You hummed as your lips found his, and finally Armitage felt like he could breathe.
Hux felt himself relax, pulling you closer as if he was afraid this was all just a dream. You were so warm and caring, and he was so cold and uptight, the pairing really should not work but somehow you fit. You brightened his world, and he could only hope you felt that way about him. This was not something he thought he could ever have, wasn’t something he had gone in search of, had been the subject of many nightmares if he were honest, but he couldn’t imagine his life without you by his side.
“I love you.” He murmured softly as he nuzzled your nose. Releasing those words brought a goofy smile to his lips and he felt like his entire being was fizzing with happiness.
“Right, well, I think you need to eat something and get a good nights rest. You look like you haven’t slept for eons, Armitage.” You playfully chided, causing him to chuckle.
“We can get some food, but I am not sure how much sleep I will manage. Perhaps you should spend the night, just to keep an eye on me?”
“Maybe I should spend every night.”
“I think that might be best.” He smiled before capturing your lips in a soft, sensual kiss. This was something he could definitely get used to, and he had no intention of ever letting you go.
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tljisthegoat · 5 months
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Stormpilot would've been a nice surprise in TLJ. You could've just explained that they've grown closer since TFA after many missions together, barely making it out alive. After a while, they realize how important it is to be honest with each other since they'll never know if the next day is their last.
Rose can be like a sister to Rey and help her get Ben Solo back.
Also, maybe found out if that guy Hux is dead... Gingerrose will be canon so help me god
They should've made Stormpilot mini series taking place after TLJ. They should've made Rose & Rey have adventures together.
They should've done a lot of things.. lemme not start ranting lol
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wookieejamcrew · 9 months
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Ros Korine, Project Harvester's firstborn and Commandant Hux and the Grand Inquisitor’s eldest adoptee from my fic To Gain the Harbor! Notes/details under the cut ✂️
(also much love and thanks to @ct-hardcase for helping me with the design of her footwear <333 your input is as always invaluable)
Ros was an engineering student at Eriadu Academy before Brendol poached her for Project Harvester. Up until her early-teens, she was training to be a ballerina by her strict stage mother, but there was another path ;)
The "listening needles" on her back are her own engineering invention. They are inspired by the dressmaker pins she used to get poked with as she was fitted for dance outfits.
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Like Brendol's Commandant's Cadets, Ros pledges her loyalty to the Grand Inquisitor and is tasked with protecting him. She spies on the other Inquisitors who seek to usurp him. She sticks these listening needles throughout Nur, and they work like GSM bugs/EDIC mini-recording devices. They also double as torture implements so she can extract info more proactively! Super efficient, Ros, good job 👍
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(translation: Wookiee Strength Hold) (lol)
Ros uses the same brand of pomade as papa #1, Brendol. He gifts it to her. I have a cute little scene I'm brainstorming for Harbor involving her, the Grand Inquisitor, Brendol, and Imp hair-care. Evil family values~
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Ros bandages her hands and feet as she has nervous habits involving her nails. And duh, I wanted to translate some design elements from the labors of ballet craft.
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I'm still designing additional pieces for her final look such as her boat cloak (to hide her needles), helmet, and lightsaber so this is still a WIP technically.
Presently my mood board looks like this:
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moonlightshaiku · 1 year
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Requests? Open
Pair-Up Requests / Prompt Requests
Ao3 / PFP / Dividers
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Harry Potter
Star Trek
All Characters/Mini Series Masterlist
Alice Through the Looking Glass
Kissing Masterlist [grace, silco, sevika, kirk, spock, mccoy, scotty, nyota, phlox, hemmer, gaster, grillby, snape, kylo, hux, aziraphale, crowley + bonus!]
Character's "Type" Masterlist [grace, silco, sevika, kirk, spock, mccoy, scotty, nyota, phlox, hemmer, gaster, grillby, snape, kylo, hux, aziraphale, crowley + bonus!]
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asmrtist-brainrot · 2 years
Hux got big brother energy.
He's immensely protective of Freelancer and is pretty in the business of throwing hands for them at anytime. He's such a softie for them too.
Sneaks them little snacks during class, makes sure they don't overdo it with caffeine or sugary drinks.
Platonic affection is his middle name - including piggyback rides and noogies!
Damien also is a good bro, slightly doting, if not begrudgingly so. The first thing he always asks Freelancer is "have you eaten yet"?
Always the one with the tissues, first aid kit, and extra water bottles because he likes to be prepared. Also carries around sanitation products because of course he does.
Mini-lectures about taking breaks and not spreading yourself too thin.
Very much "they asked for no pickles" type of guy.
Lasko is a nervous type of brother figure, he's definitely older but often times needs help too. Makes you protective of him.
Also intensely protective in turn - genuinely seconds away from shivving whoever is rude to you in front of him.
Generally the type to try and makes things easier for you, chock full of pretty sage advice and a person you turn to for a solution.
Sweetie pie, always memorizing your food and drink preferences to surprise you with them! Actually better/less nervous ordering for you than even himself.
~ Dari
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