#i ! hate ! group projects !
mindfulstudyquest · 6 months
complaining about the degree i chose myself ( season 1 episode 1 )
just finished a big project which will weight ⅓ of the final grade. honestly i'm not satisfied with it at all; i think it could have come out much better, but now alea iacta est. it's not entirely my fault tho. it was a damn group project. conclusion: i hate group projects, i hope it still goes decently.
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greenconverses · 3 months
i wish you all the audacity of the chaptgpt user in my group project texting about some sentences in our final being flagged as AI generated and could we fix it please
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theoculus124 · 1 year
this is clearly a very scientific poll-
Then again i feel like most people on tumblr are ND so....
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theshadowrealmitself · 5 months
Group projects suck
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jogurtjoestar · 2 years
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
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second-stixs · 6 months
Me: “Cooking is so relaxing!!”
Also me when I have to cook with other people:
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alexhasalotofthoughts · 9 months
There is a girl in my school that films vlogs in the sixth form common room and I often think about how Alex wearing comfortable (very ugly) clothes and drinking a travel mug of hot chocolate has probably been posted on YouTube many times.
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curlyfray-art · 8 months
In a group project, tired as shit, have my whiteboard drawings:
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lohkeuncensored · 9 months
Sometimes ranting about my issues help, but you're not obligated to pay attention
I've never failed anything school related; I was close once, back when I was 15, but I've always pulled through with mediocre to high grades.
The way things are going right now, that might change soon.
I'm on the 5th semester of my bachelors and I am so burnt out. I've gotten through a lot by the help of spite, but this semester (which I started out being so excited and interested) have drained me so much. And I blame all of it on my study group.
We are four in the group. Me, Tamara, Klaus and Martin. The class was split into two special lines at the end of the 4th semester, which made it difficult to create my own group for this semester as we were told to, as all the people I talked to chose the other special line of the education.
Tamara asked me if I wanted to group up, which I agreed to. I was just happy to be asked, you know?
The school wanted us to create 3-man groups, but on the first day after summer vacation it turned out that there was two 2-man groups, so we were combined into one 4-man group. I should have protested that.
Klaus was new to the class, as he'd just gotten back from a year with being sick due to stress, so I don't really blame him for anything; I know things can be hard, and I understand the struggles. Basic empathy, right?
The second time he called out from having a bad day, we all told him that we hoped that he'd feel better soon, as you do. And then the other two started talking about him in class, while he was home: they agreed that mental issues was just a bad excuse, and that you just had pull yourself together get past it. So, it was confirmed that I wouldn't be able to talk with them if I had issue, got it.
I told Klaus, privately, to let me know if there was anything I could do to help and that the others weren't as understanding to mental struggles.
We've been projecting a renovation of a 215 year old hospital/school building, and distributed different parts of the building between us. I got the top floor and the roof, and was to find a solution for getting more natural light.
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The building is currently condemned due to mold, so we were geared up like we were in Breaking Bad when we got to go and see it.
Anyway, back to my issue.
I did sketches upon sketches of potential solutions, and we discussed it in the group, as one should with it being a group project, but every time I opened the digital model that we'd started on Martin had been in there and changed things in my work.
"Why is there a glass wall on my floor?" Martin thought that the best way to get natural light in a symmetrical building was to remove the right side of the hipped roof, making the ridge go all the way out the the wall and then put in a glass wall instead of bricks.
"Who moved the gypsum wall on my floor?" Martin thought that I had placed it wrong and moved it without asking.
On the topic of possible solutions for more natural light, I barely managed to suggest a dormer before Martin loudly proclaimed "no" and when asked for a reason, he said "because they're ugly" instead of being constructive.
Besides there being tonnes of more examples like this, he's also said things like "I have a friend who'd siding with Palestine, which is clearly wrong," and it feels like there's been at least one racist or general chauvinist comment on a daily basis, and it's just built up.
When I've complained to the others, they've been understanding and seemingly on my side, until I've tried to confront Martin on his behavior. I understand Klaus not wanting to get into a confrontation; he barely knows us and is still trying to get past his own issues. Tamara on the other hand are "apparently" trying to be neutral and find a middle road, without really noticing that Martin is messing with things that were already approved by the group and ruining several hours of my work without reason. But hey, it's not her work that he's messing with, so it's not that bad, right?
I tried to tell him that if there was things he was unhappy with, he should tell us when it first discussed, instead of bringing it up weeks later, when I'm about to put the finishing touches on my work. He legitimately just dismissed my complaint and ignored me, so yeah, I admit it, I got a bit emotional due to the disrespect. I'm a crier because no one ever taught me how to regulate my emotions, and I don't deal overly well when people won't listen to me.
And then fucking Tamara interfered by, condescendingly, saying "you shouldn't get emotional, Lohke. You're an adult and about to soon enter the workforce and no one wants to hire someone emotional."
Admittedly, I blew a casket.
I stood up and yelled at her "that it just doesn't always work like that, Tamara!" and fucked off to go cry in the bathroom.
I'm the oldest one of the four of us, but honestly Tamara seems to be of the idea that she's the most mature, presumably because she is the only one who has a child.
I can not with people talking down to me like that. I've been in the workforce for close to a freaking decade, and I've never been treated with this level of disrespect from someone who wasn't family before.
The last couple of months since then, I've stopped coming with inputs to the project, because I honestly don't care anymore. Everything has piled up too much and I've fallen into a hole of apathy, that I can't claim out of.
The exam is soon and I'm not overly hopeful.
If you've read this far, please cross your fingers that I'll at least manage a passing grade. Thanks.
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oneforthemunny · 10 months
looking through the show and tell asks bc i'm about to have a nervous breakdown :)
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brine-in-my-eyes · 8 months
.so so tired
still kinda pissed at my stupid passive agressive group leader at an easily fixable mistake i made (so i know communicating in this whole project is gonna be ass) even after i firmly called him out on it
but im trying to get over it. not like for forgiveness or that im tryna see "both sides" but for just me only so i wont have to go to bed mad. i want this anger to stay only on this day, and then tomorrow i won't let it sit with me for more than it has too. its saturday and i do not want to get angry anymore cause i just dont have the energy for it
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comfortstars · 1 year
we have a group project that is making a video for a history subject that i was kind of excited about because i love editing videos and making scrips for them but my classmate is insisting on just using CHAT GPT to make the script for it to "be less stressfull" and i cannot put into words how much i wanna yell at him
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beesholmes · 1 year
i use this site to rant more often than i should
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in the words of my sophomore year classics professor. can someone please take me out back and shoot me
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dudeshusband · 2 years
for me to want a person to be my lab partner, i have to be confident in a person's ability to get us an A, and a person's willingness to do the work. this has never happened.
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