#i WAS that horrible person and it didn't matter what i did i could never make up for that
Now about season 3 of Bridgerton....some thought from a Greys Anatomy fan of the first hour cause I need to get it off my chest :)
I was really excited to see Polins story unfold even though I didn't watch Bridgerton before or read the books but I was swept up by the excitement on tiktok and got invested in their story.
But as soon as I heard Shona was involved I was like okayyyyyy, I gotta keep my expectations in check cause the women is not one to write healthy and lasting relationships and reasonable men who communicate well😬
Looking at how the season played out, I completely understand why so many people are disappointed cause there was so much potential wasted, so many scenes that could have made clear to the viewer what was going on in Colins head. I think I filled in the gaps in my mind but there are still some moments, some things he said and did that were almost character destroying, specially the comment about the entrapment, cause dude, she didn't even know what sex was🙄 Also, not even trying to have a converation with her about why LW started and has such significance to her was not sth Colin would do.
And that's the crux of why I think for many die hard fans, the season was a let down. They didn't show any true discussions or enough moments of passion alongside the argument cause in truth, there was no time with all the unnecessary side plots and so few episodes. If you saw the season you know, I won't list them all but I will say they better put a proper Polin side story and spicy scene in Ben's season cause the amount of pointless threesomes I had to skip through is almost offensive, especially cause it should be clear people want intimate scenes of the main couple😮‍💨
But looking at all of it considering this show is part of Shondaland, I am not the least bit surprised. The number of downright character assasinations I watched on Grey's (and other shows of hers) after over a decade watching the development of some of them is kinda ridiculous. The number of ruined relationships and the horrible ways most of them were ruined (I almost cannot believe I'm saying this now but thank god they killed off Derek before completely undoing who he actually was and what Meredith meant to him😭).
Untimately, Shonda loves the drama and the angst and very clearly doesn't think there is much entertainment value in showing happy couples resolving their issues in a healthy way. If you watch a project she's involved in, you gotta be prepared for the couple to not make it and in that way, Bridgerton fans are rather lucky considering no matter how the seasons play out, it's gonna end with a happy couple that's not gonna split up again.
She also was never gonna just take books and keep to the narrative cause I don't believe that would be any fun to her. Especially this season, since she has said that Pen is her favorite character. I was immediately thinking Colin will be taking a back seat and have moments viewers will hate him for to have Pen in the forefront individually.
I guess I'm gonna take away and rewatch the beautiful moments, even some of the angsty ones and wait for what little side plots Polin will have in future seasons. I don't believe I will watch the entirety of future seasons cause I'm not interested to be disappointed by Shonda Rhimes' story telling anymore. Been there done that😂
But my little obsession with Polin was still worth it cause they're just an amazing fictional couple and I might just read their book now☺️
And I have definitely found a new actress to follow along for her future roles cause Nicola is just amazing as an actress and as a person🥰
(Also find it deeply offensive to make an audience wait for 2 years (!!!) for 8 episodes but that's for another day😅)
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waywardsou2 · 2 days
Crosshair Brain Rot
Guys I cannot get over this...I have been on the Crosshair brain rot for a week straight and I just need to word vomit about this.
@miss-musings said it best but I want to say it again.
Crosshair was abandoned by his brothers. NOW BEFORE YOU GET MAD HEAR ME OUT!
This is not me shitting on the rest of the batch, this is not me saying "teehee I'm a Crosshair girly aha 😍" (I can't believe I just wrote that) This is me explaining my point of view about what happened with Crosshair and his little excursion with the Empire.
First things first. Yes - Crosshair was gunning for them, Yes - Crosshair was trying to get them to join the Empire. Was he a bad guy? For a while, yeah. If you don't acknowledge that then there is no point in defending him at all. He was a bag guy, accept that. But then he did better.
But let's get to the bulk of it. The rest of the Batch never went back for him, sure they told him to "come back to them" whenever they did meet up, but they never actively went looking for him like they did with Omega and Hunter. They never went to find him, to save him and knock some sense into him.
They just went "he made his choice...oh well"
Crosshair actively sought them out several times. I wasn't just when he was ordered to. If they were ever hinted about - he offered to take the mission, if they bumped into each other (like on Ryloth) he tried to talk to them. Sure, he was asking them to join the wrong side. But he still wanted them to be together.
He wanted them back, he felt abandoned.
Yeah he made the wrong choice siding with the Empire but I get the feeling that that was to do with the fact that he was afraid of losing his purpose. He saw what was happening to the Clones and he knew that he had to continue to be loyal and useful if he wanted a purpose as a soldier.
I think the idea of being useless frightened him. Which is why he stayed with the Empire.
Eventually, when he was joined on Tantis by Omega I can assume that she ended up visiting him almost every day (based on the way they talked inside and after Tantis) He was quite mean to her considering she was just trying to seek comfort and stick to the only person she could trust in that place (that is another can of worms I don't have time to open). He constantly was mean to her, rude, saying horrible stuff to drive her away.
Because after all he had done he didn't believe he was worth her time or the risk. He didn't think that after all he had done trying to kidnap her and gun for his brothers that he deserved her kindness.
But Omega is just that awesome that she clung to Crosshair anyway, she knew he was worth it despite everything.
No, not even despite it. She loved him anyway because he was her brother, and she knew what he must've been through to get to where he was now. (Omega is a queen)
But again, this actually shows how much he cares about his family because he's like "I made a mistake, I miss my family, but I don't expect them to ever want me back" (which falls in line with his argument with Hunter later down the line)
There are several other things he did to show that he cares about them
Getting ready to defend Omega whilst she was gambling with that officer
Despite her giving him all the money he still went and followed her to where Batcher had been taken
He made sure that no matter what she got back to Hunter and Wrecker.
When CX-2 followed them to Rex's secret base and they were running through the woods he made sure that she was keeping up, had her gear on her and was prepared.
Like it's obvious how big his capcity to care is.
Then after his fight with Hunter he says this
Crosshair: Hunter? I... I thought I knew what I was getting into with the Empire. I thought I was being a good soldier. Hunter: Nobody really understood what was happening back then. Crosshair: I've done things. I've made mistakes. Hunter: I have regrets too, Crosshair. All we can do is keep trying to be better. And who knows? There just might be hope for us yet.
HE ACTIVELY ADMITS HIS MISTAKE!!! Yeah, he was an idiot choosing the Empire, even despite what I said about him being scared, he chose the Empire. BUT HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID, HE ACKNOWLEDGES IT AND HE APOLOGISES.
This is more of a head canon than anything else but I still think it has some truth to it. Crosshair struggles to convey his emotions and he doesn't know how to directly say what he means. So things get lost between his brain and his mouth and it come out in frustration and his brothers take it as anger or an attack.
Him saying this was a huge step considering he's never said anything in such a sincere manner before.
Anyway I've rambled on long enough but I needed to say this because its been on my mind for ages.
Wayward out!
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feyriejane · 4 months
it turns out that I'm not this horrible manipulative person who's angry all the time ive just been told that my entire life whenever I didn't give someone what they wanted.
#more shocking revelations to come as i finally put REAL effort into processing my trauma#my parents love to talk about how awful i was as a kid#how i was manipulative angry and violent and i never thought of anyone but myself#and i genuinely believed that because no one ever told me any different#i believed that i needed to work hard and sacrifice as much as i can for the people i love in order to make up for them enduring me#now that ive surrounded myself with kind and gentle people#im not angry all the time#disagreements are conversations and even if they get a little emotional sometimes we're not fighting#looking back i don't think its a coincidence that those same insults were hurled towards me when i decided to end a friendship#at the time i took it as proof that my parents and my ex were right#i WAS that horrible person and it didn't matter what i did i could never make up for that#it caused me to relapse into self harm after it had been YEARS since id done that#but ive since come to realize that the actual common denominator in all of the situations where ive been called those things#is when i wasn't doing what the person saying them wanted me to#these were words said to hurt me#to get me to either give in and give them what they wanted or punish myself on their behalf#coming to that conclusion has made a world of difference#this shit is still hard and im still carrying these beliefs about myself around with me#but every day it gets easier to put those down and recognize who i REALLY am#and who i really am is pretty great#personal#self harm mention#tw self harm#tw child abuse#self harm#child abuse#child abuse mention#wanted to cover all my bases with tws#though i don't really expect anyone else to actually read all my tags lol
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choking-on-roses · 1 year
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
Hi! I really liked the Katsukis memories one, so I can suggest you make like Bakugo a few years ago got out of a really toxic relationship and he couldn’t really trust anyone because his last girlfriend or boyfriend used him for his money and fame being the no.2 hero, until he met reader. So now he’s taking them to his old childhood hood to met his parents. Mitsuki also didn’t really trust anyone to be with his baby boy, but when she saw you walk through the door, I feel like she would make a connection and had really good vibes with reader. Thank for reading!🧡💚🖤
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Perfect (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details/Warnings: established relationship, mention of a toxic ex, meeting the parents
Word Count: 1.1k
thank you for your suggestion and your kind comment! this was pretty fun to write so i hope i did it justice. i liked this :)
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When someone you love treats you horribly, it's something you never forget. It scars you, and no matter how hard you try to get over it, that pain and those bad memories are always going to be there.
It takes a lot of time to heal from these kinds of things, but it's possible. For Katsuki, it took three years. His last relationship was great at first. He was happy and in love, and he thought his partner was too until they revealed their true colors.
After a year of dating they made it clear that they were only with him because of his status as a pro hero and his money. This was heart breaking of course. It hurts to find out the person you loved never loved you. Katsuki was angry and hurt, so he ended things immediately and swore to himself that he'd never date anyone again. He avoided any type of romantic relationship for the next three years while he focused on himself, until he met you.
Meeting you was unexpected, like most relationships are. He was very closed off at first and hesitant to get to know you, but you were able to crack open his shell and find him waiting on the inside.
Before you started dating, you didn't know about his past relationship but you knew something must've happened for him to be so guarded. So you made sure to let him take the lead in everything. You didn't want him to feel pressured, so you would let him make all the first moves.
When he eventually asked you to be official you were extremely happy that he trusted you enough to try dating again, since a month prior he told you about his last relationship.
Now, six months later, he wanted you to meet his parents. But they were hesitant too.
"I don't know Katsuki. Are you sure they're not like the last one?" Mitsuki asked.
Katsuki was currently at his parent's house, asking them if he could bring you over this weekend because he wanted them to meet you.
He groaned, "Yes, I'm sure. I knew them for a year before we started dating, and they're really understanding about everything that happened before."
His dad, Masaru, spoke up, "We're just worried about you son. We don't want you to get hurt like last time."
Katsuki looked down, "I know, but just trust me, okay? They're a really great person and I think you'll like them."
His parents looked at each other, then Mitsuki said "Fine. Bring them over this weekend at 5:00 pm. I'll make dinner."
Katsuki smiled.
Fast forward to the weekend, it was now the day you were meeting his parents and to say you were nervous is an understatement. Your boyfriend has mentioned before that his mom was a lot like him, so you were afraid she'd criticize you right away. He did say his dad was much calmer, but you were still afraid.
"I'm scared Katsuki. What if they don't like me?" You asked as you two parked outside of his childhood home.
He put a hand on your head, "Relax babe, I already talked to them. I know they're gonna love ya, alright? And if they don't then they can fuck off-"
"It's true. I know they're my parents but I'm with you, and if they can't respect that then I won't talk to them."
You took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay. Can you hold my hand while we walk in?"
He nodded and did exactly as you asked as you both walked up to the large doors of the house. He knocked loudly twice before opening the door, announcing his arrival.
"Hag, I'm home!" He yelled, "Hey old man." He said to a man with glasses and brown spiky hair that was sitting at the dinner table.
The man was about to speak up but was cut off by a woman yelling, "I told you to stop calling me hag, brat!" Then, a woman that looked just like Katsuki walked out of the kitchen.
"Oh-Hello there! I'm Mistuki." She said and shook your hand.
You smiled and gave her your name, "It's so nice to meet you. You have really beautiful skin."
She laughed loudly, "That's thanks to my quirk, glycerin. Keeps my skin moisturized. Now both of you come and sit down! I made dinner for everyone."
Katsuki continued holding your hand and walked you to the dining table next to the man who you were assuming was his father.
He smiled and held out a hand, "I'm Masaru, Katsuki's father. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you'll excuse my wife, she can be a bit, well-I'm sure you know." He said with a small laugh. You noticed he was much more soft spoken compared to his wife and son.
You continued to talk to him and Katsuki at the table until Mitsuki came and placed the dish on the table. You were able to tell right away that she had made katsu curry.
You each served yourselves, though Katsuki kept insisting he serve you.
"Stop it. I want to do it." You said pushing him lightly.
He kissed his teeth, "Just let me do it will ya?"
"No." You then bumped him with your hip and served yourself, quickly serving him as well, making him sigh.
As you two communicated in your own way, his parents smiled at your interaction. Mitsuki was a little hesitant to, but Masaru rubbed her shoulder almost to let her know he was okay.
During dinner you all talked about everyday things, mostly surrounding you and Katsuki's relationship.
"So, how did you guys meet?" Mitsuki asked.
"We actually met at the public library." You said, "It was in the romance section, coincidentally."
"Yeah and you were picking a shitty book." Katsuki spoke up.
"Hey it wasn't my fault! I didn't even know anything about it."
As dinner went on, his parents, especially his mother, realized that you really were different than his last partner. They could see the way you cared for him just by how you spoke to him and interacted with him. Even the little touches you gave him on his shoulder or arm here and there.
At the end of the night when you said your goodbyes, his parents made sure to see you both out.
Mitsuki hugged you tightly and whispered "Thanks for taking care of my boy." Pulling away, she said "Come back anytime, all right? Don't let this brat convince you I'm crazy."
Katsuki rolled his eyes while you giggled.
Once you both drove away, Masaru asked his wife "So? What do we think?"
She nodded, "I think they're perfect."
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tag list for bakugou fics: @doumadono
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punkshort · 5 months
somewhere to run | 5. first date
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Pairing: sheriff!Joel x f!reader
Chapter Summary: You are left picking up the pieces from the events of the carnival night, in more ways than you expected.
Chapter Warnings: language, angst, PTSD type symptoms, mutual pining, jealousy, domestic violence and implied SA (nothing descriptive), mental and physical abuse, bar-fight type violence
WC: 6.8K
A/N: This is a tough chapter, please heed the warnings and if anyone thinks I need to add anything, please let me know
Series Masterlist
You stared listlessly at the blades of the ceiling fan swirling above your head as you listened to the town waking up outside your window. It was getting harder and harder to force yourself out of bed, the all too familiar feeling of emptiness weighing you down with each passing day.
It's been almost a week since that night at the carnival. Almost a week since you've seen him. You wished you could remember what his lips felt like, but whenever you thought about that night, all you could see was the look on his face when you finally told him the truth. His hands dropped from your waist like you had burned him. His eyes hardened like you had slapped him. And before you even had a chance to explain, he was gone.
It was a miracle you were able to make it home, tears clouding your vision as you drove down the quiet streets back to your little apartment, all alone. At first, you had tried to convince yourself that it was for the best, but after an hour, you weren't so sure anymore. So, you picked up your phone and called him. You weren't even sure what you would say, but you needed to try to make things right. It didn't end up mattering, anyway. He never answered, which should have been telling for what was to come, but you still persisted.
You called him two more times - once more that night, and again the following morning, but still he ignored your calls. Now, you stared at your phone, looking at the unanswered texts you sent, hoping he would be tempted to respond that way, but there was no such luck.
Please call me back, I want to explain.
I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.
Where are you?
The last text was sent Monday afternoon when he didn't show up at the diner for the first time since you started. Even Betty looked shocked, but you wouldn't tell her what happened. How could you?
The rest of the week was the same. Every day you glanced up at the door, hoping to see his familiar frame walk through, hoping that maybe enough time would have passed for him to give you another chance, but all week he was missing.
You overheard Tommy talking with Maria in the kitchen, asking if she had seen his brother. Was he doing this to make things worse for you? Inevitably, the truth would come out if he kept this up, and you would be left to deal with the onslaught of questions. Was he purposely trying to hurt you?
Little did you know, later that evening you would receive your answer.
It was Friday, and you were on the schedule for the dinner shift. At least you had the luxury of laying in bed, sulking with only your overpowering guilt and the enormous stuffed penguin he won for you to keep you company. You stared at it now, wondering why you didn't shove it in your closet so you wouldn't have to look at it every time you walked into your room. But you knew the answer. You were punishing yourself for being selfish, for being dishonest, for being a horrible person who deserved what she got.
Eventually around noon, you pulled yourself out of bed, hunger getting the best of you and the smells from the pizza place downstairs didn't help matters.
You got a reminder on your calendar that you were supposed to go to book club tomorrow night. Aside from work, you hadn't left your apartment all week. You had to cancel. There was no way you would be able to go through with it. You could barely muster the energy to shower, and the only reason you managed to drag yourself to work was for the money. No longer did you have anything to look forward to now that Joel made his feelings crystal clear with his absence. What little enjoyment you had in this new life was long gone.
Deciding that you should take a short walk to try to clear your head and grab a treat from the coffee shop, you tugged on jeans and a T-shirt before pulling your hair back and grabbing a pair of sunglasses before heading down the stairs. At least with the sunglasses you could avoid eye contact.
Right as you were locking up after yourself, you heard your name. You grimaced but turned around and forced a smile when you saw Hailey approaching with a friendly wave.
"Hey," you said, giving her a small hug when she got closer.
"I haven't seen you all week! Have you been sick or something?"
"Something like that," you mumbled, adjusting your sunglasses.
"I've been trying to catch you, I wanted to show you some pics from last weekend. You were there, right? I thought I saw you tagged in something," Hailey said as she scrolled on her phone, presumably looking for pictures she took from the carnival.
"Tagged?" you repeated, confused. She nodded and held up her phone, showing you the Facebook app. You shook your head and frowned.
"I'm not on Facebook," you said to her. She pursed her lips and swiped through a few images before finally stopping on a video. It was terrible lighting and the sound was awful but you could clearly see the yellow dress you were wearing as you watched Joel play the target game. Even from the shitty video you could see the obvious attraction in your eyes as you gazed at him. A chorus of cheers followed after each pull of the trigger, but your eyes remained glued to Joel's back, frozen in place.
"Isn't this your page?" she asked, clicking on your name and showing you the profile. You took the phone from her with shaky hands, scrolling through the information and pictures listed. It was you. Everything listed was correct, but you never created this page. You wouldn't have been that stupid. Then the realization hit you and your blood ran cold.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and went back to the video, noticing at the top the location was tagged along with you, Joel, and a few other people from town you barely recognized.
"Oh my god," you whispered to yourself.
"What's wrong?"
You handed her the phone back, tears burning the back of your eyes.
"I'm sorry, I gotta go," you said, turning back around to fumble with your keys. You raced up the stairs, making sure both doors were double locked before hiding in your bedroom, your phone clutched in your hand as you looked up your fake profile, trying to learn more but you already knew.
Patrick was coming for you.
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You were downright terrified to work that night. If he found you, and it was just a matter of time at this point, he most likely would wait until you were alone. He would wait until he could follow you, find out where you lived, and only then would he make his move. The idea of walking home at night seemed like a really bad idea, so even though it was a ten minute walk, you chose instead to drape yourself in an oversized hoodie with sunglasses and jog to your car, glancing nervously around the parking lot for any suspicious vehicles before sliding into the driver's seat.
Anxiously, you checked your mirrors the whole short drive to the diner, but it didn't appear that you were being followed. You knew once you got to work, you would be safe. Being around other people was your only defense. Then you had the weekend off, so you could hide and figure out what to do. All you had to do was get through your shift.
The diner was busy. It was Friday, and the carnival was no longer in town, so people were going back to their regular routines. Many people in town tended to stop by for dinner before the only movie theater in town ran the 7pm showing, so that typically meant a 5:30 rush.
Fortunately, you were busy. It helped keep your mind off everything: Patrick. Joel. The mess you created everywhere you went. It was all pushed to the back of your mind as you ran around the dining room, dropping off food and wiping down tables. You hadn't even noticed the familiar voice talking to Maria at the hostess stand, even though you had been yearning to hear it all week.
You were filling the ice when you heard him somewhere behind you, and you were so relieved you almost cried. Finally, he came back and you could explain to him what happened. He was the sheriff, after all. And you trusted him. If anybody might be able to do something to help you, it was him.
You turned around with a deep breath, then froze at what you saw. Joel was seated at one of the booths, not at the counter like he typically would be, and gazing adoringly across the table at Nikki.
He was on a date.
You thought you were going to be sick. You clutched your stomach and turned away, blinking back the tears but before you could go hide in the back, Maria spotted you.
"Do you mind taking care of Joel? Gina's got too many tables," she asked. You thought you would faint the way all the blood drained from your face. All you could manage to do was nod, and she hurried back to the hostess stand, completely oblivious.
You forced your feet to move, keeping your gaze down as you pulled out your pad of paper and pen with shaky fingers and forcing a weak smile when you approached their table. You weren't sure if his intention was to have you wait on him, or if he just wanted you to see him with another woman, or maybe he didn't care about you at all. But his reaction gave you nothing to work with since he barely spared you a glance when you greeted them. However, Nikki recognized you and gave you a warm smile.
"I don't think I knew you worked here!" she said, and when Joel realized you knew each other, he finally seemed to react. A muscle in his jaw twitched when he dragged his gaze up to look between the two of you, no playfulness or warmth to be found in his eyes. You swallowed and tried to focus on your job, ignoring Joel as best you could, but Nikki spoke before you could even get the specials out.
"We know each other from book club," she explained to him before turning back to you. "Will I be seeing you tomorrow?"
"Oh, um, no I don't think so," you said nervously, feeling Joel's eyes burning a hole in the side of your head.
"Oh, that's a shame! We had such a fun time last month," she said with a giggle. You had to admit, they made a good match. She was beautiful and seemed very nice. You should be happy for them both, but you knew the moment you got home, you would collapse into tears.
"You should go," Joel said gruffly, and it took all the strength you had to make yourself look at him. He no longer gave you the same look he used to, and it broke your heart. He looked at you like a stranger, like he barely even knew you. It felt more painful than anything Patrick ever did.
"Maybe I will," you said, tearing your eyes away from him. Before Nikki could say anything else, you rambled off the specials, your mind on autopilot. You ripped a hole in your paper with your pen when you saw out of the corner of your eye Nikki link her fingers with his across the table. You mumbled something about being right back and hurried off, tears welling up in your eyes.
This was too cruel. You endured a lot in your time, but this? This was too much.
As you filled up their drinks and flicked away a stray tear from the corner of your eye, you heard Joel's voice clear his throat behind you at the counter. You turned around, drinks in hand. He was leaning over the counter, trying to stay hidden from sight.
"I didn't mean for -"
"It's fine," you said coldly, staring him down. He blinked at you, and for the first time you saw a shred of guilt pass over his features. When he didn't say anything else, you shifted your weight and glanced over his shoulder at Nikki.
"You better go. Your date's looking for you."
His gaze fell and he pinched the bridge of his nose, about to say something else but you didn't let him. You could only take so much. By the time he looked back up, you were halfway across the dining room, setting down their drinks and giving your attention to your other tables.
You drove home that night with hot tears finally trailing down your cheeks, your mind completely fixated now on Joel and Nikki. It hurt how he moved on so quickly. Maybe you misread him. Maybe he was just looking for a conquest and nothing more. What else would possibly explain it? For the first time, you wondered if you were the one better off after all.
Would he kiss her goodnight? Would they have sex?
Did they already have sex?
You parked your car and hunched over the steering wheel, letting the tears flow freely now that you were home and no one was around.
A sharp rap on your window pulled you out of your misery, making you jump. You wiped your cheeks before turning to look, your eyes widening and your heart immediately getting stuck in your throat.
Patrick just shook his head in disappointment, then beckoned you out of the car with his index finger. With a shaky hand, you reached for the door handle and swung it open, sliding out of the seat and taking a deep breath. Just when you thought the day couldn't get any worse.
"When are you gonna learn I'm never gonna give up on us, babe?"
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After he left, you laid there in your bed, staring up at the fan swirling above you once again and the smell of that fucking cologne permeating your sheets. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. You couldn't help but think you brought this on yourself. Maybe if you didn't go to that fucking carnival in the first place, none of this would have happened. Joel wouldn't be icing you out, Patrick wouldn't have found you, and you wouldn't be cleaning up the mess he left between your legs while you sobbed over the bathroom sink. Every time this happened you were eternally grateful for your oldest cousin back home who took you to get birth control at the local clinic behind your husband's back. If not for her, who knows how much worse things would be.
But here you were, finding yourself slipping right back into the same situation you were trying to escape. This time, he promised to go to AA and NA. He promised he would try to get better. Part of you wanted to believe him, because what other choice did you have? He would always find you. And it was encouraging he didn't insist on staying with you at your apartment, nor did he hit you. This time.
Just as you were contemplating whether or not to flee again, your phone buzzed on your nightstand. You sighed and made your way over, your body and mind exhausted, the events of the day catching up with you. You lifted your phone up and froze. Blinking a few times, you sunk down into your mattress and opened up the message.
Joel: I'm sorry about earlier
You sniffled and stared at your phone, having no idea what to say. Had he just texted you the day before, or even that morning, maybe things would have been different. You decided to ignore it for now, turning your phone on silent before crawling under the covers and trying to block out the smell.
After a fitful night's sleep, the next morning you eagerly checked your phone, hoping for another text from Joel, but you only had one from Hailey. Disappointed, you opened it up, reading her message about book club that night and who was hosting. You reluctantly agreed to go at the last minute, figuring you would at least be around people for a little while, meaning you would be safe. Besides, you wouldn't be able to avoid Nikki forever. The town was too small and you were sure everyone was already buzzing about their date last night.
You swiped back to your message with Joel, staring at the words again, wondering if you should respond. What if he wasn't alone? What if Nikki spent the night with him? You put your phone down, choosing once and for all not to reply before burying yourself under the covers again.
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Going to the book club meeting was a mistake. You politely declined a glass of wine, and you regretted it about twenty minutes in when Nikki began telling the whole group about her date with Joel.
You sat there, listening to every word, each one like a stab to the heart while she told all the ladies about how chivalrous he was when he picked her up, what they talked about, what movie they saw. Every minute bringing you closer and closer to tears.
That could have been you if you had just been honest with him, or maybe just stood up for yourself once in a while instead of letting Patrick steamroll you every chance he got for the past five years.
A couple women glanced your way as Nikki spoke. You had to imagine some people saw you together at the carnival. Towards the end of the night, the heat between you was palpable, but you were pretty certain nobody saw you kiss. You did your best to look indifferent, to act like Joel was just a friend and there were no feelings there, but it was hard. At one point, Hailey asked if you were okay and you had to lie about having a headache, hoping it would explain your quiet behavior.
"It was a little strange at the end of the night, though," Nikki said, finally wrapping up her story.
"How so?" one of the older ladies asked, and you could see the flush creeping up her neck before she even spoke.
"Well, he didn't seem to take my hint about coming inside for coffee when he dropped me off. Or maybe he just didn't want to..." she said, trailing off.
"Oh please, who wouldn't want to," Hailey chimed in, making Nikki giggle. "He's probably just so rusty he wouldn't know it unless you made him a big neon sign that said 'Joel, sleep with me'."
That caused a ripple of laughter amongst the women and you took a steadying breath, already planning on announcing you needed to leave early due to your fake headache when Nikki added one more piece of interesting information.
"Yeah, maybe. But even saying good night, it felt like he didn't really want to kiss me."
"But you did kiss?" another woman asked, and she nodded.
"It was... not what I expected," she admitted, pink dusting her cheeks as she took another sip of wine for courage.
"What do you mean?" Hailey asked, and you silently thanked her for being so nosy so you didn't have to ask the same questions that kept popping up in your head.
"I don't know, I thought he would be a better kisser. It was very... boring. Like, there was no passion or excitement."
All the other women murmured to themselves in shock while you remained perfectly silent. That was most definitely not the experience you had kissing Joel.
Fortunately, they moved on from the topic of Joel shortly thereafter, and you decided to force yourself to stay until the end. Given how horrible the whole week had been, you allowed yourself to feel a little bit of hope after Nikki's comment.
He didn't want to kiss her. Maybe you could still figure out a way to fix this.
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Joel groaned as he rolled over in bed and snatched his phone off the charger, glaring at the device and mentally cursing whoever texted him so fucking early on a Sunday. Then his sleep addled brain jolted awake and his heart skipped a beat, wondering if your name was going to pop up on his phone again, but he was met with instant disappointment when he saw Nikki's name instead.
That couldn't be a good sign.
He should be happy to see that Nikki texted him. Deciding to blame it on the early hour and nothing more, he moved past it and set his phone back down to read the message later. He closed his eyes and sighed. Now that he was awake, all of the turmoil from the past week came rushing back to him, always plaguing his every waking moment.
He hadn't realized how much you were hurting until he finally saw you at the diner that night. It was one of his biggest regrets, taking Nikki there. He knew what he was doing, but he did it anyway, and it hurt you. But you didn't deserve that. Even though you nearly shattered his world with your secret, you still didn't deserve it.
His intention was to try to prove he wasn't as hung up on you as he really was. That it was fine that you were married. That he could move on.
It was a little cruel to go right to Nikki. He knew she had feelings for him, and he took advantage of it, all to prove he was over you. And it wasn't even true. He couldn't stop thinking about you. And now he was going to end up hurting two women, just to protect his ego.
So he decided he would try to make it work with Nikki. She was a pretty girl, she was nice and kind. Maybe, in time, he could develop real feelings for her. But when she kissed him the other night, he felt absolutely nothing. Not like what he felt when he kissed you. And that worried him.
If he knew now what he would be missing out on, could he really be happy with someone who didn't give him a fraction of what he felt with you?
He wished more than ever that he didn't let his emotions get the best of him that night. Maybe you had a reasonable explanation. He couldn't fathom what that could be, but he should have at least heard you out. You wouldn't have intentionally hurt him. In fact, you tried to tell him, in your own way. You constantly pushed him away, kept him at arms length, but he just kept coming back for more. Was it even your fault? Did he pressure you so much that you were forced to share something you weren't ready to share?
Letting his desperation win, he picked up his phone again and checked to see if you maybe texted him back in the last five minutes. When he quickly determined you didn't, he opened up Facebook. Maybe you replied to his private message on there.
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Joel didn't get nervous often. He had a steady hand, a level head, and had a knack for seeing two steps ahead. He typically had a calming presence, which fit well for his job when he was able to de-escalate situations naturally and with ease.
But today, he was nervous.
For whatever reason, you didn't respond to his text message the other night, but you did decide to respond to the Facebook message he sent at an ungodly hour in the hopes he could get through to you some other way. And by some miracle, it worked.
You had agreed to meet him for coffee and talk. It was unexpected, he thought he would have to try harder, but you were very agreeable to seeing him.
He wasn't sure what he would say exactly, but he knew he wanted to apologize sincerely and give you the opportunity to explain your situation. If not to get some closure, then to at least make going back to the diner less uncomfortable.
He took a deep breath as he raked his fingers through his hair and swung open the door of the coffee shop. He glanced around the room before his eyes fell on you: hunched over and staring down at a small cup of coffee on the table in front of you.
He took a step forward, then stopped when he saw a man with a buzz cut and a beard sit down across from you. Joel didn't recognize him and he was fairly certain he could recognize just about anybody in town at this point. Something about the way you glanced up at the man across from you set his teeth on edge. You didn't smile. You didn't laugh. You looked pale and your eyes looked tired. He watched as the two of you exchanged a few words, and based on the man's body language, the mood was tense. Then suddenly, he reached his arm out across the table to grab your wrist and you jumped, fear flickering across your face. Even from this distance, Joel could see the whites of the man's knuckles as he squeezed your delicate skin under his firm grip.
Joel's nostrils flared and his jaw clenched and before he knew it, he was marching over to your table. Your eyes flicked up when you noticed him, looking like you had seen a ghost. Your eyes widened and your lips parted as you sat back in your chair. The man you were with noticed your reaction and finally loosened his grip, and you immediately tucked your hands on your lap underneath the table. He turned around and looked up with a scowl just as Joel approached.
"Everythin' alright here?" Joel asked, staring at you. You opened your mouth to reply, but the man across from you stood up, cutting you off.
"Everything's just great, Joel," he said with a sneer. Joel tore his eyes away from you to regard the man you were with. He looked him up and down, sizing him up, before answering.
"Sorry, have we met?"
"In a way," he said, crossing his muscular arms across his chest. Joel glanced at you again, but you were just staring down at your coffee cup, refusing to look at either of them.
"Don't look at her, look at me," he said, and Joel's head snapped back around with a glare.
"Excuse me?"
That was when Joel smelled the man's cologne. The same one Sarah bought for him. The same one you told him you were sensitive to. The wheels began turning in his head as he tried to put the pieces together.
"Patrick," you said quietly, trying to calm them both down when you felt other customers giving you curious looks.
"Shut up," he growled at you, still staring at Joel. Joel stiffened, the anger building low in his stomach, but he fought to keep a clear head.
"Hey, take it easy," Joel tried to interject, but Patrick scoffed. As his anger began to rise, Joel could see his neck splotching with red and veins popping out under his reddened skin.
"Don't stand there and act like you haven't been fucking my wife!" Patrick all but shouted, pulling the attention of everyone in the coffee shop now. Joel balked and took a step back.
"You've got it all wrong, we've never-"
"Patrick, I'm not sleeping with him, get a grip!" you snapped, finally standing up from the table.
"The hell you aren't. Why's he sending you messages in the middle of the night on Facebook saying he misses you and he's sorry and he needs to see you?" Patrick asked, turning on you now.
Your jaw dropped and your cheeks flushed pink, your surprised gaze bouncing between the two men and that was when Joel figured it out. Patrick lured him there to cause a fight, and you looked to be completely in the dark.
Joel glanced around nervously at all the onlookers now, murmuring amongst themselves, gossip he was sure would spread to the ends of town before noon.
"Listen, why don't we go outside and calm down. I can explain, it's not what it looks like," Joel said, lowering his voice.
"I'm staying right here," Patrick said, sitting back down in his chair and jutting his chin out with a glare. He seemed hellbent on doing this his way, and Joel was not in the mood.
"You're disturbin' the peace. These people are tryin' to enjoy their mornin' here. Either come outside with me, or we can do this a different way," Joel replied, pulling the hem of his shirt up to flash the gold star on his belt. Patrick laughed, then leaned over to grab his wallet out of his back pocket, showing Joel his own badge.
"Philly PD. 9th precinct. Wanna try that again, sheriff?"
That bit of information stunned Joel, momentarily at a loss for words.
"Hell, honey, at least you got a type," Patrick muttered to you, putting his wallet away. You grimaced and dropped your head between your shoulders, looking defeated.
"Either way, I gotta ask you to leave," Joel said, standing his ground. He could see the flush rising up Patrick's neck again, his fingers curling into a fist on the table before you stepped to stand between the two men.
"C'mon, Patrick. Let's go," you urged, holding your hand out shakily. Patrick slowly turned his head to look up at you. There was no love in his eyes. No affection or care. All Joel could see was raw anger.
"Why don't you come down to the station with me. We can talk this out, hm?" Joel asked him calmly, not feeling comfortable letting you leave with this man. You turned your head to the side, your eyes unable or unwilling to meet his.
"I got it, Joel. I'm sorry," you said softly over your shoulder.
Joel watched Patrick stand up and mock you under his breath before snatching your hand and pulling you roughly to his side, leading you out the front door. He was scrambling to find another reason to keep you from walking out of there, but he was too late. The pair of you were already halfway down the block by the time Joel was able to gather himself and walk out the door.
He stood on the sidewalk with his hands on his hips, watching as Patrick nearly dragged you up the street. You managed to turn your head once to look at him, your eyes wide and filled with worry before you turned the corner, disappearing from sight.
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Nikki was talking his ear off, all bubbly and excited as she led Joel into one of the few bars in town. A blind man could see she was trying too hard. She was the one who came up with the idea of drinks, turning down dinner beforehand, and wearing one of the shorter dresses he's seen on a woman in a long time.
He realized about half an hour into the night it must have been a real blow to her self esteem when he turned her down after their first date because she was hanging all over him, pushing her chest against him every chance she could and even encouraged him to do a shot with her. He entertained the idea once but stopped her after that. He wasn't lying when he told you he wasn't much of a drinker, and he certainly wasn't interested in having meaningless, sloppy sex with Nikki, so he tried to slow her down and distract her.
"C'mon, why don't we order you somethin' to eat?" Joel said, flagging down the bartender for a menu, but Nikki shook her head and pouted.
"I'm hungry, but not for food, Joel," she whispered in his ear, then brazenly slid her hand over his thigh to try to cup him over his jeans. His hand shot down and grabbed her wrist.
"What are you doin'?" he asked with a nervous chuckle, and she groaned, pulling her hand back to wrap her arms around his shoulders instead.
"Isn't it obvious?" she replied, leaning forward to nibble on his ear. He made a face and untangled her arms from around him, pulling her back to her own stool.
"Listen, Nikki-"
A roar of laughter and some broken glass from the other side of the crowded bar caught Joel's attention. It was a Sunday night, but it was busy. There was a big football game on above the bar and it seemed to pull in all the men in town that evening. It was no wonder Joel didn't notice Patrick until that point.
He watched him through the throngs of bodies as he stumbled around the pool table with a couple other younger men from town. He looked like he was wasted: his eyes were bloodshot, his pupils blown wide, and his face was bright pink. Nikki followed Joel's gaze and turned back to him, confused.
"Who's that?" she asked, but Joel ignored her and instead waved down the bartender again.
"What's up, Joel?" he asked, wiping his hands with a worn out rag.
"What's goin' on over there, Hank?" Joel asked, nodding in Patrick's direction, watching as he grabbed the ass of a blonde girl heading to the bathroom.
"He's been here for hours," Hank said, leaning across the bar to keep his voice as low as possible. "I started waterin' down his drinks around 5, but he keeps gettin' worse and worse. Told one of his friends there to take him outside, I think he's too far gone and won't take kindly to me askin' him to leave."
Joel nodded and continued to watch. His skin looked red and his hair looked damp with sweat.
"What's wrong?" Nikki purred in his ear, trying to get his attention back on her, but he shook his head.
"Somethin' ain't right," he mumbled.
"I think he's married to that new waitress at the diner," Hank continued. Nikki sat back in her seat and said your name, her eyes beginning to clear. Hank snapped his fingers and pointed at her.
"Yep, that's the one. Was sayin' some real god awful stuff earlier 'bout her to those guys. Now you know I hear my fair share of bawdy talk 'round here, but this was enough to even make me blush."
Joel cursed under his breath and stood up from his stool. Nikki grabbed his arm and frowned.
"Where are you going?"
"Just gonna have a talk with him," Joel said, shrugging her hand off as he pushed his way through the crowd. As Joel approached the pool table, Patrick's drunken gaze fell on him and he smirked.
"Well, look who it is boys," Patrick said, his voice too loud as he stumbled to lean against the wall. "If it ain't the sheriff of this here wild west." Patrick laughed at his own joke, but the other three men he was with quieted down when they saw Joel.
"I think you oughta head home. Seems like you've had enough this evenin'," Joel said, his voice steady.
"I don't think I like you telling me what to do," Patrick said, his smile slipping as he pushed off the wall and took a few steps forward. One of the younger men that was playing pool with Patrick set his cue down on the table and spoke up.
"Hey man, let's just head out - "
"Shut the fuck up, I'll handle this asshole," Patrick turned and yelled, causing the whole bar to go quiet. Joel took a deep breath and reached behind him for his handcuffs.
"I don't fucking think so," Patrick said, his eyes locked on Joel's hand, but Joel just shook his head.
"You ain't givin' me much of a choice," he replied, but before he could blink, Patrick reared back and swung, his meaty fist coming in direct contact with Joel's chest, momentarily knocking the air out of his lungs. Luckily, Patrick was too drunk and missed Joel's face. But Joel was still relatively sober, and therefore much quicker. He lunged forward and clocked Patrick right in the nose, making him stumble backwards clutching his face with a pained howl.
People scattered out of the way, some men calling out to Patrick, telling him to stop, but most were just encouraging the fight with drunken excitement.
Once Patrick got his bearings, he ran forward at full speed, aiming to knock Joel down to the ground but he dodged him with ease and instead sent him flying head first into an empty table. He rolled over with a groan, blood trickling from his nose, a bright purple bruise already forming under his eye.
Joel leaned over him with a grin.
"You done?"
Patrick just groaned again, his hands coming up to rub his head. Joel took the opportunity to snatch his wrist and twist him around on the floor. Pressing his knee into Patrick's back, he pulled his other arm around and handcuffed him before pulling out his cell and dialing the number for the station.
Once Joel loaded Patrick into the back of Bobby's cruiser, telling his deputy to book him and he would deal with it in the morning, the rest of the bar went back to watching the football game, the excitement now over and done with. Joel scanned around and found Nikki seated exactly where he left her, but she looked less than pleased. He sighed and pushed his way through the crowd, back to his date.
"Hey, sorry 'bout -"
"I think I'm ready to leave, Joel," she said curtly, standing up and snatching her purse from the bar.
"Alright," he said. He led her outside and was heading to his truck when she stopped in front of a waiting car. He turned to look at her, confused.
"I asked a friend to come get me," she explained, and Joel slowly nodded.
"Hey, I'm sorry 'bout tonight, but sometimes the job just gets in the way."
"Was it the job, Joel? Or was it her?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him. He paused, unsure what to say as he averted his gaze. She looked down at her feet and took a breath before bringing her eyes back up to him.
"This isn't going to work out, is it?" she asked softly. Joel forced himself to look at her again and after a moment, shook his head. He could see the tears welling up in her eyes and he immediately felt guilty. He took a step forward but she sniffled and stepped further away.
"I don't know why I couldn't see it. The whole fucking town sees it. Even after what happened at the coffee shop this morning... I just hoped..." she trailed off and wiped a stray tear from her eye.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, and he truly meant it. He didn't want to hurt her and he felt like shit that it had to come down to this.
"It's fine. I'll get over it," she said, trying to sound strong before turning to her friend's car and sliding into the front seat. He almost reached out, almost asked her to stay, but he stopped because it would have been cruel and selfish. He was only looking to assuage his own guilt. Instead, he watched the car back up and leave the parking lot, a pit growing in his stomach now that he was alone.
He knew it was the right thing to do, that he had to be honest with Nikki. At least he didn't lead her on, and he hoped he didn't hurt her feelings too badly, but he still felt like an asshole.
Then his thoughts drifted to you. What happened today after the coffee shop? Even though the guy was an asshole, it didn't change the fact you were married and he couldn't have you. What was he supposed to do? Pine away for you his whole life? Would he really ever be content with just being your friend?
And what the hell was he going to do with Patrick? He could charge him with assaulting an officer, that should keep him in jail for a few days until he posts bail, but would he ever see any charges actually stick? Or would he make a few phone calls and have them disappear?
He didn't anticipate this ever being a problem. He's never had to deal with another lawman on the receiving side of his job.
He was entering uncharted territory.
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Taglist: @harriedandharassed@merz-8@sarap-77@nandan11@anoverwhelmingdin@fandomscollide@survivingandenduring@honeyedmiller@pedropascalsbbg@southernbe@pedrosfanny@gobaaby-blog-blog @eloquentdreamer @yomiyasxx @mrsparknuts@missladym1981@spacedoutdaydreamer @cosmic006533-blog @prettyinpunk85@maried01 @sunnyskyapplepie @sawymredfox@gobaaby-blog-blog@stevie75@mxtokko@sleepylunarwolf@lizzie-cakes@laurrrra@annieispunk@here4thedilfs @navystandardheatingoilcap @slugz-writes-shit@devilbat@ashleyfilm
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789 notes · View notes
writeroutoftime · 3 months
pawns in your game
pairing: cassian x fem!reader
summary: when you get injured working a job with rhys, your mate - worried for your safety - loses it and finally lets go of his pent up anger
warnings: angst, injury towards reader, cass getting angry at rhys and also rhys kinda being a dick (look I have a lot of thoughts of conversations that never happened in acosf lol - I just hope this isn't horribly ooc)
words: 1.3k
a/n: first cassian fic! honestly, I know I said I'm in love with rhys, but it's the same for cass and az - so this one is for my fellow cassian people! wasn't sure how to wrap this up, so I left it open for a part 2. let me know if anyone is interested and/or has any ideas? but either way, please enjoy!! (also, if you could let me know what you think because I'm so nervous about posting this!)
tagging @captainsophiestark as requested! (hope you're having a lovely day!)
"Cassian, I need you to visit Windhaven and deal with Devlon. I'm getting reports of unrest, and I want this handled before it becomes a problem." Rhys commanded, not looking up from the papers on his desk.
Standing at attention, Cass nodded his head once, sharply. "Of course. I will go and pack, so that y/n and I may leave before the sun sets." He moved to exit the room, holding his hand out for you, but was quickly stopped before either of you got too far.
"Actually, y/n, I need you to accompany me." Rhys interrupted, directing his attention to you.
Your jaw dropped, caught off guard, and you hurried to school your features. It was not that you had to be paired with Cassian for all missions, but it had been that way for at least a century now since your mating ceremony. It served as peace of mind to you and Cass, and usually meant your missions were more successful compared to when you were separated. Surely, Rhys understood that.
"We will be leaving for the Spring Court in the morning, and I need my most trusted courtier with me."
Shock ran through your body, but you nodded your head regardless. It must be a serious matter, for you had not visited the Spring Court in many months. However, you instantly felt a sharp tug of your mating bond followed by waves of anger that poured off of Cassian.
"Spring Court?" he ground out, fists clenched at his side. "Why must you travel to the Spring Court? I thought we put that behind us?"
"Because I have official business to conduct with Tamlin that supersedes our personal desires. And I need the Night Court's courtier present for." Rhys snapped back.
You sent a soothing message down the bond, trying to calm Cass' anger you felt growing with each second that passed. "Cass, it's alright. Both of us will be fine."
"No. Rhys, you know what happened the last time any of us stepped foot there. You really want to risk it? Can't you send anyone else to go? Lucien, Mor, Feyre?"
Now it was Rhys' turn to growl. "Watch it, Cassian. I've told y/n she will accompany to Spring and that's enough."
"But can't you just-"
"I said that's enough!" Rhys shouted, his eyes darkened dangerously as the thread of his patience snapped. "I am your High Lord, and you will not push back against what I command."
A tension so thick that it threatened to choke you immediately filled the room. You kept your eyes locked on the ground, but you didn't have to look to know Cass wore a mask of despair on his face. It had been decades since Rhys had lost his temper like that.
Cassian merely bowed his head in mock respect before dragging you from the room. He did not speak for the next hour, only doing so to whisper his love and goodbye to you, before flying to Windhaven, not saying another word to Rhys.
The next day found yourself in the ruins of the Spring Court. What once was a beautiful court that thrived for all its citizens now lay dilapidated and lonely, a reflection of the court's high lord's own feelings. It had rattled your nerves to set foot on Tamlin's territory considering the rocky history between the Spring and Night courts, but you would not leave Rhys' side.
Now, you were utterly exhausted from mediating with two, stubborn males all day; only for no new development to transpire, meaning you simply wasted a day away from your own court and your mate. Your only relief came from the swift exit Rhys insisted on, making sure you would arrive home before the sun set.
Yet, the tension from the previous day lingered as you and Rhys traveled to the border to be able to winnow out. But as you both walked in silence, you couldn't help but feel uneasy. Like someone, or something was watching you. Before you could communicate any of this to Rhys, you caught a solider out of the corner of your eye with an arrow notched and aimed at your high lord.
"Look out!" you shouted. With such little warning, you knew Rhys wouldn't be able to deflect the arrow on his own. And with a rush of adrenaline, you pushed your body to reach Rhys.
Mere seconds before the arrow could lodge itself in its initial target, your body collided with Rhys', knocking him out of the way and safely to the ground. Instead, the arrow lodged itself deep in your shoulder, burning like a thousand fires. You let out a guttural scream, immediately dropping to the ground. 
Being part of the Inner Circle - the Court of Dreams - meant you were no stranger to pain, but this was unlike anything you ever thought existed. Very briefly, you recognized that Rhys had neutralized the threat and now hovered over your body. 
His face was contorted in pain and tears clouded his eyes. He moved to pull the arrow from your body, but halted the moment he touched it. Your scream reverberated in the stone courtyard. 
"y/n, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he cried, never seeing you like this. Quickly, Rhys gathered you in his arms and winnowed back to Velaris and directly into the med wing. He prayed Madja could mend the wounds, and he blanched at the thought of Cassian discovering the events that had played out. 
Meanwhile, in the Windhaven camp, Cassian was meeting with a handful of males, attempting to negotiate peace. His focus wavered, however, as a blinding wave of agony struck his heart through his bond. He froze on the spot, his heart stopped pumping blood. While on a mission, the two of you had agreed to keep the bond closed - for safety reasons. The fact that he could feel this immense pain, meant something very wrong had occurred. 
"I-I have to go." Cassian mumbled, not bothering to offer any more explanation to the Illyrians - consequences be damned.
Immediately, he took to the skies and started the flight back to Velaris. The already long flight felt like it took an eternity. The wind strung at Cassian's cheeks as he soared, but the pain didn't register like the way the bond sung in pain.
Finally, Cass could see River House in his site, and when he finally entered the house, he was met with the site of his family huddled together in the sitting room. All eyes turned his way, a mixture of pity and concern as they looked at him. 
"What happened? Where is y/n?" he demanded, fully stepping into his role as Lord of Bloodshed, eyes darkened and wings drawn out menacingly.
Before anyone could answer, another scream could be heard from the halls. Cassian's knees buckled, and he would have fallen to the floor if Azriel hadn't been standing by. Rhys blocked his path, unable to meet his brother's eye.
"She was attacked, brother. We were ambushed while visiting the Spring Court." Rhys whispered.
"And they attacked her?" Cass questioned, though he knew deep down that wasn't the case. When Rhys, or anyone else for that matter, refused to speak, Cassian growled. "What happened?"
Unable to speak, Rhysand gently scraped against Cassian's mental shields and projected to him the whole truth of what had happened at the Spring Court; the ambush, you pushing yourself into harm's way for the sake of Rhys, and the pain you felt from the moment the arrow struck your body.
As Rhys withdrew himself from his brother's mind, Cass drew, deep rugged breaths. The silence in the room was so thick it felt suffocating, but no one dared to move or speak first. However, instead of speaking, Cass pushed past everyone and demanded his way into your room to be by your side.
One look at your crumpled form, sent Cassian to his knees by your bedside. He reached out, hesitantly, to grasp your hand in his and allowed the tears to fall. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart." he mumbled.
Madja made herself known from the corner, approaching Cass the way one would a frightened animal. "The arrow she was shot with was laced with a terrible poison - much worse than faebane. I've done my best, but some of the poison already made it to her system."
"When will she wake up?" Cass asked, not allowing the possibility of you never waking to cross his lips.
The healer sighed deeply, looking over the famed general, now brought to his knees at the sight of his mate fighting for her life. "Only the Cauldron and Mother know. It will be up to y/n to bring herself back from the brink." Madja spoke slowly.
With a final, soothing touch to Cass's shoulder, Madja made her exit. Now off to deliver the same news to the rest of your waiting family.
"Please don't leave me. Y-you can't leave me." Cass whispered, clutching your hand. "I'm here with you every step of the way." he vowed.
And that was how it continued for the next four days as your body continued to try and heal itself from the inside out. Cass refused to move from the chair he had dragged to sit by your bed. Unwilling to leave your side for even a moment.
The rest of his family took turns sitting with you and Cass, bringing him meals, forcing him to at least take a bite. He knew that everyone else was suffering as well from your situation, but it felt like his heart was being torn apart, bit by bit, with each hour that passed and you still remained asleep.
He wasn't stupid. He knew the longer you went without improvement, the less likely it became you would heal. Cass heard the hushed conversations Mor and Azriel held outside your door, discussing what to do should the worst happen, Cauldron forbid.
It was on that fourth day that Cassian reached a tipping point. He heard the door creak open behind him, imagining it was Amren who would be sitting with him, based on the previous days' schedule.
What Cass had not anticipated was to see his High Lord approach the bed and pull a chair up on the opposite side of your bed. It was obvious to see the prominent dark circles that overtook Rhys's normally bright face, and the way his body and seemingly sunk into itself. But Cass could not bring himself to care for his brother's guilt or be the first to utter a word.
With a wave of his hand, Rhys summoned a tray of food for Cassian, and only sighed when he rejected the peace offering. Finally, Rhys found a sliver of courage and was the first to break the silence.
"Madja has yet to make headway on identifying the poison y/n was hit with, but she is not giving up. None of us are." he offered, unsure of how to breach the subject.
Rhysand could only imagine what Cassian was experiencing. The pain of losing Feyre had been so immense, but in a twisted sense, at least it had been quick. A blink of an eye and she was gone. Rhys didn't think he would have been strong enough to sit vigil, feeling her fade through the bond with each passing minute.
"Stop looking at me like she's already gone." Cass growled, eyes darkening towards Rhys.
"Brother, I only want to help her, and to support you."
"I think you've done quite enough. It's your fault she's even in this position to begin with." he spat, enjoying the way that Rhys flinched at his words.
"Now that's not fair, Cassian." Rhys tried to counter. "I never asked her to that for me."
Cass could only scoff at the High Lord's response. "Of course, you didn't have to ask. You're the fucking High Lord, of course she was going to risk her life for you. Isn't that we all do here?"
"All of you, y/n including, knew what you were getting into, what the dangers were, when you swore allegiance to my court. You don't get to throw that back on me. You think this doesn't hurt me just as it hurts you?"
"No, it fucking doesn't!" Cassian screamed, his blood boiling at this point. "Because you use us like your puppets to protect you and your mate-"
"Careful how you continue, Cassian." Rhysand warned, not caring for slander against his mate, even in Cass's state of grief.
"Ever since this "death bargain" you and Feyre struck, it's like the rest of us don't matter. All we do is making sure your asses aren't killed because Cauldron forbid the saviors of Prythian are stolen from us." Cassian blazed on. "Yes, you've lost your mate before, Rhys, but she came back to you, and you to her.
"Who will remake y/n if she can't fight this? You and your High Lady are so far up on your pedestal that you don't know what it's like for the rest of us. Yes, we understood what our duties would entail, but that doesn't mean we have to continue to stand for this." Cassian spat, finally allowing years of pent-up fear and anger to spill over.
With one last, murderous, glare, Cassian turned his back on Rhysand, letting his words ring out for all in the House to hear. His wings stretched out behind him, hiding both you and he from Rhys, the Night Court, and the rest of the world. If it was to only be the two of you against everyone else from that point on, so be it.
part 2
a/n: part 2?
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dawndelion-winery · 4 months
Thanks for the Flowers
You send them a little prank thank you text with flowers they never sent
Ft: Alhaitham, Arlechinno, Childe, Scaramouche, Wriothesley
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You thought it would be a funny prank to send him a stock image of flowers and a small thank you
"Glad you like them."
He smiles to himself, but then immediately deleted his message when he sees the attached image
That wasn't the bouquet he sent
His smile drops so fast because who exactly is sending you flowers apart from him?
"Throw those out, they aren't from me. Don't you like the one I sent more? I got your favourites, my love."
He gives the house a cursory scan the moment he steps in through the front door
It's only after you've given him his welcome home kiss and a hug that he starts looking for the bouquet for some trace of who the sender might be
At first he doesn't believe you when you say it's a prank because he wouldn't put it past you to just want to allay his worries
He'll come around though, and then he's annoyed
"That's childish and you know it, you can have my attention if you just ask for it."
This is her sign to publicly announce that you're with her because this sort of idiocy wouldn't be an issue if people knew you were spoken for
Initially chuckles to herself as she glares at the offending image
"Do you like them?"
Of course she's not telling you the weren't from her if you like them
The poor sucker who sent them to you deserves no credit anyway
If anything, they deserve her personal thanks for helping her gift you something!
Of course she needs to know their name and face to express her gratitude in person <33
In a totally genuine and non-threatening way (lie)
She ends up coming home late that day, having scared off any of your potential suitors just to be safe
"Had some unsavoury business come up, dearest, sorry to keep you waiting. Have you had dinner yet? No? Shall we dine together?"
She never brings it up though, so you sorta forget to ever tell her it was a joke
At first he doesn't process that he didn't send you the flowers
It's not like he doesn't pay attention, but he has his subordinates send you so much stuff as he comes across it that it's really hard to keep track
For all he knows it might have been something he came across and spontaneously thought of you liking it
And your likes were pretty much needs to him
"Love you, my pookie <33"
And then he stows his phone away
Only to remember he hasn't gotten you any flowers that day
"My honey drumlet darling-kins, there doesn't happen to be a note attached to the flowers, is there?"
When you insist that no, there isn't, and you've checked thoroughly, he makes a mental note to look into anyone who's ever had a crush on you
For a friendly spar, of course!
He just needs to make sure his competition is even worth noting (they aren't)
He comes home, thoroughly disappointed that none of them could even hold their own against him - few even dared to try, scared shitless by the sudden appearance of a harbinger demanding they fight
Sweaty and tired, he's all over you, whining about his day and how everyone wants you and can't take a hint that you're so happy with him ("You are, aren't you? I'm your favourite.")
Of course you cave and tell him it was only a prank
He scowls at first, but then breaks out giggling as he buried his face in the crook of your neck
"It doesn't really matter because I think they're all scared of me anyway. Some of them took one look at me and blanched. Unlike you, of course; the sight of me excites you, doesn't it?"
Ah. There's your bastard ginger.
"Wrong number, I think you meant to text your side hoe."
Sends you the most unbothered replies
Is actually overthinking
He knows logically this is most likely a joke because he swears he has seen that bouquet somewhere on the internet when looking for flower arrangement inspiration
But what if it's just a really similar layout and someone actually did send it to you?
Horrible. He doesn't want to think about it
But of course he does anyway
Brings you flowers because he planned to sneakily replace the stranger's bouquet
"Honey, please tell me this is a joke."
Seething inside
Who in their right mind dared to covet you while you were happily dating him??
Don't even try evade his interrogation, he needs to know every detail
From the exact time the flowers were sent to the arrangement and paper quality
Don't mind him, it's just a small investigation he'll carry out in his free time
The sooner you come clean the better
Not that you'll go unpunished...but hey, confessing to your crimes must at least lighten the sentence, yeah?
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Taglist: @ryuryuryuyurboat @yinyinggie @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @haliyarobin @irethepotato @boundedbyfate @favonius-captain @aqui-soba @tiredsleep @sadlonelybagel @mastering-procrastinating @lemeowade
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kaerumi · 10 months
Hello dear, I was wondering if you can do some yandere for the very infamous OP men shanks, mihawk,ace,and sabo with normal y/n who's younger than them in separate senariors..
Y/N traits : innocent, sweetheart, warm personality, enchanted beauty with extremely cutie pie face and amazing warm and calm voice that melts the snow from its sweetness it's make anyone feel at ease only by hearing it , it's one of the most reasons why those men had gone insane over her ,why they want to possess her at any cost .
TY and have a good day ☺️.
TW/CW: Yandere, Age gap is up to 3 years, obsession, implied murder, implied poisoning, mention of murder & arson, manipulation (for Sabo)
Notes: I'll be honest I have no clue how to do an innocent reader. And it's gonna be GN Sorry I don't particularly do Female readers Also sorry for not writing in so long :^
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Shanks was a popular Model, he can flirt with anyone without hesitation.
Then there was you, you weren't popular at all. When he saw you he felt the urge to just... Take you.
He felt jealous of the guys around you that soaked in your attention, in your voice and innocence and especially your beauty.
He just needed it. Needed you.
Eventually he started obsessing over you trying to find every photo there was of you, eventually it got worse
Just hope for both your innocence and sanity you don't meet him.
Until you did.
And suddenly you started to notice people around you get killed, you somehow trusted the red bloody haired man with your safety.
"You'll be fine I'm here after all! All you need is me sweetheart."
After all what did you know?
You're innocent after all
And that's what made Shanks' job of getting you to be his more easier.
Mihawk was a famous swordsman and you were always interested in swords so naturally you took interest in Mihawk.
Unfortunately he took a interest in you as well.
You ended always staying behind the classes because of how much trouble you had with sword, you'd have small conversations with Mihawk.
Slowly Mihawk started to know everything about you and wrote of it down in a notebook that was always locked in a case.
When someone annoyed you too much or confessed to you they suddenly would fall ill and be unable to attend.
Due to Mihawk naturally being cold people didn't notice anything different about him and you didn't know better.
Though you slowly started to blame yourself because people around you would get ill and naturally they ended up dying to the illness.
"My dear... It's not your fault, they naturally fell ill. It is not your fault and anyone who is saying such things is a horrible person who is just jealous. It is unfortunate they fell ill yes but there was nothing you could do. My dear..."
You never knew why they fell ill, and you may never know.
Maybe it's better if you never did anyways.
Ace was Ace, he's a popular play boy in the town but all he did was flirt and play with hearts.
That was before you came along.
He knew he needed you once first meeting your eyes.
You were most certainly more cuter than anyone else's hearts he's played with.
He wasn't gonna break your heart, no. He could never, he was gonna make sure he was the only one in your heart not matter what he had to do.
He would do whatever you wanted to do or needed.
He'd gladly kill with no hesitation.
Want him to stab that guy who catcalled you? Done.
Want him to burn down a place that has bad memories? Done before you could mention it.
No one went near Ace when the missing people news started getting known, knowing how cold he got when it came to that, they tried to warn you how cold he could be.
You always laugh it off and hang out with him anyways.
He'd act like nothing was happening.
Why read the news when you already know it before anyone else?
You wake up from your nap when you started hearing the news "Mmmh?" Ace turns off the Tv "Don't worry about it my love just go back to sleep."
Sabo was the second in command of a powerful business.
Once you joined everything changed.
However unlike the other three Sabo wouldn't kill, no. Sabo wouldn't want his hand or gloves dirty and blood stains too.
Sabo would figure out your favorite things to do and food and everything and give it all to you.
He'd spoil you with everything you'd ever wanted.
He'd help you with a lot of things
He sublely manipulates you into being dependent on him and him alone.
No one would dare go near you if they cared for their job or reputation.
No one went near Sabo either, Sabo didn't mind this, it just meant he could give all his attention to you.
He tested it once day by hiding on purpose.
When you realized Sabo wasn't there you got really nervous and got a bit upset, until Sabo popped
 up and helped you again which you immediately calmed down when he did.
Sabo smiled at you, he was glad that his plan was working and working well.
"Please don't leave me alone..." "I promise I won't ever again my angel..." "Thank you Sabo." "Anything for you. My sweet Angel."
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exhaslo · 5 months
(Villain!Miguel x F!Hero!Reader)
Warning: Minors DNI, smut, mentions of sex, violence, blood, murder, twisted thoughts, experimentation, language, wannabe fluff, established friendship?
Five months before D-Day
It was quiet. Something nearly unheard of in the city of Nueva York. Not even a whoosh of wind or a click of a heel could bring noise to this silent room. Especially not after the vulture of the lab had demanded everyone's silence.
You sat in the corner of the lab, quietly tapping against your tablet. You could not even hear another's breathing. That is how powerful the lead of this lab was when he demanded silence. That was how powerful-
"Miguel?" You whispered lowly.
Miguel O'Hara, otherwise known as Mike, due to his father's pestering nicknaming. Miguel O'Hara was the son of Alchemax's CEO, Tyler Stone, and the smartest scientist in the corporation. He was a man of power, and a man to be feared.
"This better be good, (Y/N)" He said with a hiss.
Oh, how you loved it when your name rolled off his tongue. If only he would have said it a little nicer. You raised your head from your tablet, looking ahead at the scene before you. A man, strapped onto a metal table with lights and strange liquid being entered into his blood. A twisted science experiment that never ended well.
Sometimes you questioned your job. You questioned how you found yourself seated as a secretary, recording each horrible experiment Miguel did. This was not for the faint of heart. You started working for Alchemax about two years ago thanks to a friend who helped you out of college.
You met Miguel a year ago, when you were assigned to be his personal assistant. Since, apparently, everyone else refused to take the job. Once you did your first report with him, you immediately found out why, but that wasn't going to stop you.
"According to my report, the subject purposely ate a peach before agreeing to this test." You explained.
"So, the patient is allergic to peaches and is about to go into shock in a matter of minutes now." You huffed.
"Shouldn't affect the procedure."
Oh, how sometimes you wished you could enter Miguel's head and wonder what sick and twisted mind worked in there. Miguel was fascinated with genetic splicing. He always had a new test subject on his table once a week. He wanted to learn how to manipulate their DNA.
However, each experiment always ended in failure and death. The body count Miguel had was enough to lock him up a hundred times over. The man had not a single shred of humanity in him. It was always about the experiment.
You rolled your eyes, wishing you could stop all of this. You had begged for a way to find the light in Miguel. How could someone so handsome be so evil? It almost made you sick the amount of times you had wet dreams about your monster of a boss.
"Another failure, sir. Perhaps we made a mistake-"
"I never make mistakes." Miguel hissed as he watched his now deformed monster patient lie dead on his table, "Get him out of my sight! Now!"
Right as you started to fill out your report, you noticed the patient's stomach start to inflate. You furrowed your brows before yelling out to everyone that the body was going to pop.
Your efforts were for not. Within the second, everyone in the room was covering in disgusting blood and body parts. You had wanted to throw up, but you did your best to hold it all in. Miguel was already throwing a fit about his lab being dirty, you didn't want to add to the mess.
Once you were all cleaned, you made your way back to your office. You still had to finish your reports and send them over to Miguel for review. Miguel always demanded perfection. It was amazing how long you even lasted as his assistant. According to everyone, you were the more insane one.
"Oh, Miguel," You muttered, spotting the tall man in your office. Miguel lazily looked at you,
"Took you long enough," He spat. You placed your tablet down,
"Remember that time I told you that being a female requires more shower time?" You said with a smirk. Miguel scoffed as he placed himself onto your work couch, "Not even a smile," You huffed.
"Get working,"
"Yes, yes, oh chosen one." You teased once more.
The only thing that you could collectively agree on was that you were in love with the mad scientist. Giving Miguel a head massage, you stared down at his gorgeous face. You had been working with Miguel for a year. You knew what he liked, what he didn't like and how he worked.
It was safe to say that you were probably the only person in this whole building who understood Miguel. If only he wasn't evil. You would totally asked him out on a date long ago. Each passing day, you hoped that these feelings would go away.
"(Y/N), do my shoulders too," Miguel whispered in a low and sweet voice.
You folded far too easily. Doing what he asked, you knew that Miguel was using you. You had to be blind not to see that, but shit, you couldn't help it. That, and you physically could not quit your job. Both Miguel and his father made sure that no one would quit.
If you'd try, you'd be drugged.
Perhaps one day, you could bring this place to justice. You wanted Miguel to see the error of his ways. If there was any way to change Miguel to see the light, you would. Of course, taking Alchemax down was going to have to be the first step.
But, that was just a fleeting dream.
Miguel inhaled deeply as you worked on his tense muscles. The only thoughts coursing through his mind were his experiments. How they could have been done differently. Perhaps he needed a different breed of test subjects.
"Let's resume our experiments with spiders," Miguel said with a low groan as you pinched just the right spot. He heard your small whine and scoffed, "We do this every other month."
"I know and you still torture me with it!" You cried softly, moving his to hair. Miguel closed his eyes, enjoying the massage,
"And as usual, I let you pick the next creature to study."
"A seahorse?"
Miguel resisted a chuckle since his first thought was getting males pregnant. How amusing that experiment would be, yet also horrifying. If he were to do that, then he would truly live up to his name as a mad scientist.
You had some dumb and ridiculous ideas. You weren't as smart as the rest of them and Miguel liked that. You were good for him to have around. Someone to remind him that there were those who were just dumb naturally. Of course, he could never say that to your face, or you would start crying.
"Like last time," He whispered ever so softly.
"Hm? Are you thinking rude things again?" You asked with a huff, gently pulling against his hair, "I can always stop this."
"But you won't." Miguel hummed and lazily opened his eyes, "Just be ready for tomorrow. I don't want another disappointment."
Getting himself ready to leave, Miguel fixed up his lab coat before giving you one last glance. He knew that you were attractive. Hell, he had to force his ignorant coworkers to get back to work since all they did was talk about wanting to date you.
Perhaps in another universe, where Miguel wasn't obsessed with his experiments, he would date you. Stepping out of your office, Miguel knew full well what he was doing. He got a rise knowing that he was keeping you all to himself.
Call it villainous, but Miguel enjoyed being selfish. That's how he always got what he wanted. Entering his private office, Miguel's eyes sparkled as he saw a case full of spiders.
"I'll make the perfect specimen, this I swear." He said with a wicked smirk.
You squirmed in place, not ready to deal with today's experiment. You hated spiders. You wanted nothing to do with them, but Miguel loved them. He was so fascinated about the great hero age and about Spiderman.
Slowly making your way inside the lab, you gasped as scientists dashed past you. Everyone was running around in a panicked frenzy. Wondering what was happening, you gasped as you saw Miguel shaking with anger.
His spider enclosure was knocked over.
You wanted to jump and scream, but you knew that would only anger Miguel more. Hesitantly, you approached Miguel to try and distract him. As you did so, you felt something bite the back of your neck. You flinched and slapped your neck, praying that it was a mosquito.
You bit your lower lip, spotting a spider and nearly cried. Quickly shaking the foul creature away, you hurried to Miguel's side and gently tugged on his sleeve. Miguel hissed as he turned towards you violently,
"WHY AREN'T Y-Oh, (Y/N)," He growled. You were still biting your lower lip, glancing away from him,
"I know now isn't the best time, but why don't we-"
"Whatever it is, let's go while these fucking IDIOTS find my spiders," Miguel roared in anger.
You just nodded, leading Miguel out of the room as you quietly prayed for your fellow coworkers. Miguel was not going to let them rest until all of his spiders were found...including the one you just murdered.
"Why don't you tell me what you were going to work on while we go to lunch? I think a meal break would help," You suggested, tapping away on your tablet. Miguel stroked his hand through his hair, cussing lowly in Spanish,
"Sounds like a plan."
You smiled as you led Miguel to your lunch destination. You were proud to say that whenever Miguel was going to have a meltdown, you were able to calm him down someway or another. Call it talent, but you loved being reliable.
However, that talent seemed to be failing you now. You couldn't keep focus during lunch and Miguel seemed to be getting annoyed. You weren't sure what was happening to you, but your body felt like it was on fire. Could it have been from the spider bite?
"Sorry, Miguel...I just...need to..." You whispered before collapsing.
Miguel was growing irritated as he watched you waver in place. You were fine just a moment ago. If there was one thing Miguel hated, it was when someone lost interest in his conversation. This had never happened to you, so why now?
Right as you stood, you immediately came tumbling down. Like instinct, Miguel caught you and noticed that you had a fever. A small scoff escaped his lips as he carried you out of the restaurant and back into his company car.
"Take us to (Y/N)'s apartment. Fool got herself sick,"
Next Chapter
@tojishugetiddies @miguelsfavwife @foulsharkheart @club-danger-zone @ivkygirly @jollystrawberrycycle @amber-content
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
u said ur craving miscommunication fics so i have an idea , eddie x reader , shes such a sweetheart and hes kinda grumpy , he was being bothered by jason and his “goons” one day and she ended up trying to talk to him at the wrong time (max and lucas see from afar) after assuming shes one of them cuz he doesn’t turn around he tells her to go away and never speak to him again or she will regret it. so she accepts it & he’s confused why she stops talking to him and all until max and lucas point out what they saw happen in the hallway
I love this idea
I hope this is what you wanted :)
Never proofread
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The dynamic between Eddie and Y/N didn't make sense to anyone. They were friends, but easy to tell they wanted something more. People didn't understand how a friendship formed between the two. He was dark, grumpy, and hated anything and everything. She was bright, happy, and sweet to everyone in her path.
Eddie disliked her at first. He didn't like the bubbly personality she carried and he didn't like the way he smiled around her. She cracked away his dark exterior and turned him into mush. But she was too adorable to ever be rude to.
He let himself be more open around her and she never wanted to leave. Standing side by side the two clashed horribly, but in a way, they made each other happy.
He wouldn't want to admit it, but he was pretty sure he was falling for her. And that scared him. He knew he was a fuck up, and every minute with her was a ticking bomb of when he'd blow it all up.
Eddie was having a rough morning. He stayed up all night trying to write a song. The lyrics were keeping his mind awake but he couldn't flow the words together smoothly. Once he made it to school, Jason locked in on him. Bothering Eddie with every step he took.
And Jason continued the rest of the morning. His friends joined in, constantly in Eddie's ear. Pushing and shoving him all around. No matter what Eddie did, they didn't bother to leave him alone.
Once lunch rolled around, Eddie was done with the day. He sat alone at a table, far away from hellfire. Craving to have a moment alone.
But, his wish wasn't granted when he heard a voice come from behind him.
Y/N could sense that Eddie wasn't himself today. She watched Jason and his friends picking on him, constantly bothering him every hour. She wanted to step in but she respected Eddie's past wishes to stay out of it.
His shoulders were slumped all morning, and she just wanted to make him feel better. She always packed extra sweets in her lunch to give to him. Eddie had the biggest sweet tooth, and she loved fulfilling it. The way his big eyes got excited and he practically drooled when he smelled the treat.
She planned to give it to him at lunch but was confused when he never made it to the table. She searched all around the cafeteria, looking for the frizzy curls. She smiled in victory when she spotted him, grabbing the container of brownies and walking over to the table.
"Hey, Eddie!" She announced herself and went to move from behind him to the side of him. But the coldness in his voice when he responded made her think otherwise.
"Listen, do not talk to me ever again or it'll be the last thing you do." He snapped. Never once turning around to look at her.
She quickly blinked away the tears that were filling up her eyes.
"Yeah, Sorry" she quietly whispered, turning around and moving as fast as she could to her lunch table. Feeling embarrassed, she didn't bother to finish her lunch. Grabbing her bag and heading out the hallway, letting her table pick around at the brownies.
Max and Lucas watched the whole scene as they were walking past. Max was livid at the way Eddie just blew her off. Y/N was effortlessly the sweetest girl anyone had met, and she for some reason liked Eddie. And he quickly just blew his chance of anything more than a mutual crush.
If there was anyone Eddie wanted to talk to, it was Y/N. But she was nowhere to be found. He never saw her at lunch and didn't run into her in the hallways. He made it a home with the same frown on his face that he left with.
He was hurt that she disappeared from him. Maybe she had a bad day too and needed the space.
Eddie walked into school the next morning, catching Y/N talking to Max. She looked up and caught his stare. She looked away fast, saying something to Max before she quickly left. Max turned to look, and once she saw Eddie she rolled her eyes and followed after her.
Eddie didn't understand what that interaction meant. Why didn't she wave or anything? She just walked away. And Max...that was a pretty normal Max reaction.
Eddie waited until lunch to see if there was any change. Maybe Y/N had a rough morning and wasn't in the mood to be friendly. Eddie's had those days, he understands it.
He sat back at his normal table, secretly missing everyone when he sat alone yesterday. He watched as Max took a seat at the end of the table, Y/N following next to her. Eddie smiled at her arrival but felt disappointed that she sat on the other side. Why didn't she want to sit next to him?
He kept watching her, trying to see if she'll look in his direction.
Y/N felt embarrassed and upset by Eddie's actions yesterday. She thought they were pretty good friends, and liked each other. She doesn't understand what switched within a day. They were fine just the day before, laughing, flirting, and hanging out. He dropped her off and kissed her on the cheek. And then he gave her the cold shoulder and admitted he never wanted to talk again? None of it made sense. Even if he randomly woke up and decided he wasn't interested in her, it wouldn't happen in less than 24 hours.
But whatever happened, it did happen, and he made it clear where they stood.
Eddie gave her space for around three days. He watched her closely, trying to understand her sudden hostility towards him.
But Eddie wasn't one to read between the lines. He wouldn't figure anything out without asking questions. But he wasn't going to ask her, that was just stupid.
No, he went to Max.
"What do you want, loser?" She spat, throwing books in her locker with the most aggression Eddie has ever seen.
Why did he think she would be nicer?
"What's the deal with Y/N?" He asked, not to waste time. He knew Max wouldn't care for beating around the bush.
"You mean why is she pissed off at you after you treated her like shit?" Max asked, her tone was filled with mockery and her eyes were hard.
"What? When did I do that? She hasn't talked to me since we last hung out and I did nothing wrong that night!" Eddie defended himself
"Um in the lunch room? She came up to give you brownies and you totally blew her off." Max scuffed, slamming her locker shut as the books barely fit.
"She didn't come up to me! And I never heard of brownies so I know I definitely didn't talk to her." Eddie defended again, becoming even more confused with the situation.
"Yes you did! You didn't bother to turn around. Just "don't talk to me ever again!" Max mocked his voice, crossing her arms with an annoyed look on her face.
Eddie stared at her, his brain trying to work through her words. Then it hit him. Y/N was the voice coming from behind him.
Eddie slammed his face into his hands, groaning in his throat as he pulled his face away. Looking back at Max, "I didn't know it was her! I thought it was Jason's goons again." Eddie explained frantically. He never would have talked to her like that.
"Maybe you should learn not to snap at people, then." Max shrugged, not feeling bad for Eddie at all.
Eddie watched as she walked out of school, at least now he had answers.
Eddie raced to Y/N's after school, stopping at the store for flowers and a shitty card. He parked his van in her driveway, seeing her bedroom light on.
He searched around her driveway, looking for some type of rock.
"Munson! If you throw a rock at this window you'll break the fucking thing" her voice came from the window.
He quickly dropped the rock and turned around. Looking up to see her leaning over the edge. A teasing smile on her face.
"....that's true." He laughed. Seeing her smile eased his anxiety.
"Can I come up?" He asked, she nodded so he headed to her front door.
Once the door opened, he handed her the flowers and card. She eyed him as she grabbed it.
"This is my shitty way of apologizing. I didn't know that you were trying to talk to me. I thought it was one of Jason's friends and I snapped. It was wrong, and you didn't deserve that at all. I want to say I'm sorry. " Eddie apologized, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets as he watched for her reaction.
Her cheeks lifted slightly as she smiled. She opened the card and laughed immediately.
"Whoopsy about my doozie"
"really?" She laughed
"Oh come on! It's like whoopsy daisy! That's funny" Eddie defended, laughing with her as she held her stomach.
"Well I suppose since you did apologize, and picked out the best card in the whole section, I can forgive you." She smiled
"Thank you. I'd never want to make you upset like that. You mean way too much to me." He admitted
"You mean a lot to me too, Eddie. And I appreciate you explaining what happened."
"Of course, I can't have my girl thinking I never want to hear her pretty voice again." Eddie winked
Y/N felt her cheeks burn and hands get sweaty
"your girl?" She coughed out
"Glad you agree, now let's go on a date." He smirked.
"right now?" She panicked, "I'm not dressed for a date!"
"The date is here! Still got a big selection of movies?" He asked, walking past her into the house.
"Yeah! But no chick flicks, Munson."
"Aw man!"
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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bitterchocoo · 8 months
I Hate/Love You
Imbibitor Lunae . Dan Heng | M. Reader
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"Who are you? Cause you're not the man I fell in love with.. "
Who..? Who is this person? The one standing in front of him? There's something about him... his face? His hair? His clothing? The way he looks at him? The way he talks with him? The man doesn't know why... but it drove him MAD.
This is a story of a man who was drove into madness by——
"Hey." The man turn around and was met by Stelle, she look at her friend with her usual neutral expression, everyone was happy and celebrating in the Express after defeating Phantylia and saving the Luofu but why is he sitting here? all alone. She took a seat next to him, wondering as to why her new friend is acting this way on a supposedly happy and joyful occasion as she look at him, expecting a respond.
"Hello, Stelle. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with the others?" [Name] asked with a confused expression. Stelle isn't supposed to be here. She's supposed to be with the others, enjoying this momentous occasion. "I could say the same to you, why aren't you celebrating with us?" [Name] went silent at Stelle words, he turns back to look at the stary skies outside of the Express his expression turns somber.
"It's nothing."
'Is it.. because of Dan Heng?"
Dan Heng... a name he didn't recognized... a name he wasn't familiar with... who is he again...? He doesn't know anyone by that name. "But isn't this your chance in reconciling with him?" She asked.
Reconcile? Him? Reconciling with Dan Heng? She got to be joking... why would he reconcile with someone he barely knows? 'There's nothing to reconcile." [Name] stated as his gaze turns cold. Stelle was taken aback by his statement she thought that. "But—" "You can't reconcile with someone you don't know, Stelle."
She's visibly flabbergasted by [Name]'s words, didn't... didn't Dan Heng said the two had some history together? Did she misheard it? Did she forgot some detail? "I can't put my finger on it... but every time I look at him.."
"I get angry—no—MAD. It's like I'm consumed by madness."
"Huh?" Stelle looks even more shock at this information. He's also a Vidyadhara, and yet he's dissatisfied with his previous High Elder? Why is that? Didn't the two have some sort of history together? What happened between the two?
Dan Heng... whenever he looks at that man.. he is reminded by his Beloved. Whenever he interact with him, that vision never failed to resurface. He saw Dan Feng talking to him once more. It's such a warm and wonderful feeling... to have your love talk and look at you in such a way. He's in pure bliss... such a serene moment... a moment he doesn't want to end..
But once Dan Feng does something out of character... reality starts to seep through as he is once again reminded that the one he holds dear is no more. And the man who stood there is in fact not Dan Feng... but Dan Heng...
Wha.. he can't... what..? It never failed to surprise him, every time.. he fell for the vision over and over again.. and shocked himself over and over again as he sees the reality seeping through his blissful vision. A vision he desperately clings onto.. every single time..
He fallen for this.. mind trickery... he can't help it..
This continuation of shock and disbelief. Drove him into madness. He had to do something. Anything. Anything to stop this madness!! Anything to get this horrible maddening feeling away from him!!!
"Is something the matter?"
This snapped the Vidyadhara out of his thoughts, a soft yet cold voice he's very familiar with, something he had grown to love. To adore. "It's nothing." [Name] answered calmly, his back facing the other. He doesn't seem to like nor believe [Name]'s words as they huffed in annoyance, crossing his arms.
Such a familiar sound and atmosphere... even with his back facing him, [Name] could feel the slight annoyance yet care in the man. This warm feeling he felt regarding it... such a wonderful feeling.. he want to stay like this forever.. for as long as he live.. before his rebirth cycle..
As a faint smile made it's way to his face [Name] turns around to see the other only for the serene feeling he have to disappear as he was met by someone else. Someone he didn't recognized. Someone he thought was his Beloved. They have the same hair, same voice, same nature... but it's not him.. and never will be. [Name]'s expression hardens before giving the other a small smile as to not come off as rude or impolite. "Ah... Dan Heng.." "I'm fine really."
Dan Heng isn't convinced at all by the man's words. But knowing [Name], he won't tell him a thing. He kept his feelings close to him. Careful as to not let anyone know anything about him and the man who hides under those layers.
So he dropped it.
Returning to the Luofu wasn't exactly a part of the plan but there's no harm in visiting old friends, no? As the crew visits old friends and catching up with them. Dan Heng can't help but think of one particular Vidyadhara, where is he?
So he did what his instincts tells him to do and visit Scalegorge Waterscape, there he was saw the man he remembered but the moment he reach out to him, he said the words he thought he'll never hear came out of his mouth.
"Who are you?"
Dan Heng was stunned. What did he say? Was he hearing things? No... he didn't just--"Oh? Are you perhaps a friend of my previous incarnation?"
Oh... so that's it... that's what happened...
The Vidyadhara he had grown fond of had been reborn. He had undergone his rebirth cycle and is reborn a new.
He had got what he wanted. To get the horrible maddening feeling away from him. In the end, that wish had came true and he is sane once more. No longer plague by the madness he was trapped in. The never ending torment... had finally ended.
And just as the previous High Elder began to feel his heart beating again. His heart was too slow.
But even so... their love will still be inflicted with madness as the other only saw Dan Feng, not Dan Heng and he could never let go of that blissful vision. ever.
The Dan Feng that [Name] knew is gone, and so does the [Name] that Dan Heng knew.
This is a story of a man who was drove into madness by his love for a person who no longer exist.
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radiant-reid · 1 year
just saw the post abt having to explain to spencer the talking stage then an actual relationship and how he overhears her telling someone she doesnt hv a bf maybe a blurb/fic on that idea?
Spencer steals glances at you every morning while you make your coffee and chat with Emily. It's so apparent to everyone what he's doing that JJ and Morgan have taken to stealing things off his desk, seeing how much they can take before he notices.
One day, when you're walking back to your desk you make a comment that has his interest piqued even more. "No, I don't have a boyfriend at the moment. I'm enjoying being single."
Spencer's heart sinks at your words, his mind instantly conjuring images of your dates. Dates that should mean he's your boyfriend, right? So why are you telling everyone you're single?
His head is spinning with confusion, and it's turning to anger pretty quickly. Are you ashamed to be with him? Surely if you're enjoying being single, that means you're dating other people or that you're not even interested in him.
He can't believe it, his emotions swinging from anger to sadness. It's unbelievable and you're breaking his heart.
Before you're even sitting down, Spencer's getting up and rushing to the bathroom to calm his racing heart rate before he has to be sick.
Your conversation doesn't even remain in your mind while you continue your day. What feels odd is Spencer freezing you out. Usually, on boring paperwork days, Spencer will tell you fun facts or dumb science jokes just to break up the repetitive work and horrific nature of your files.
He doesn't. Not a single comment comes your way, not even when you ask very open-ended science questions, basically inviting him to ramble about his favorite topics. None of it entices him.
His sarcastic remarks come just after lunchtime with a snappy attitude that irritates you. You're worried about him, firstly. Something must be wrong in his personal life to have him like this, but you can't help feeling a little angry that it's all being directed at you.
You were just starting to really like him and now he's turned around and shown you who he really is just because you're arguably who he's closest with. He's quickly becoming not the type of person you want to be with.
When you're the last two people in the bullpen, you realize you can't let him stay there all night. No matter how annoying he is, you're his friend, first and foremost, and he's clearly going through something.
So you approach him. "Hey, do you want to get dinner?" You ask.
"Not with you," Spencer replies coldly and totally uncharacteristically.
That's your breaking point. "What's wrong? Seriously, you've been horrible to me all day and I can't think of anything I've done to offend you."
Spencer sighs and it's weirdly more regretful than angry. "I... do you remember what you said this morning?"
You frown, unsure of what exactly he's referencing. "No?" Then you quickly add, "But I want to make things right."
"You said you didn't have a boyfriend." He feels pathetic saying it. The idea that someone like you would never be interested had been slipping from his mind, but now that concern is at the front of his mind.
You're only more confused then. "I don't."
"I thought I..." His cheeks flame up with embarrassment and he puts on a front of nonchalance. "I thought I was your boyfriend, okay? That's it."
You wish you could have given Emily a different answer that morning. You would have proudly told her that Spencer Reid is your boyfriend, but you couldn't.
"You never asked me." You say softly, shuffling awkwardly on your feet.
"Did I need to?" He wonders dumbly, and it's very obvious that he's just unaware.
You shrug, explaining your point of view. "I thought we were still at the talking stage."
"The what?" Spencer asks.
"Like when you're just talking and casually dating, trying to work out if you're friends or if there's a romantic connection." You describe.
He nods softly before his heart sinks again. "I'm sorry, I'm an idiot." You're easily the best thing that's been in his life for a long time, and now he's totally ruined it. If you didn't think he was too inexperienced before, you do now.
"You're not, not provably." You break the awkward silence and tension that's fallen over the room, making him chuckle a little. "And I like you, exclusively."
Spencer's frown is adorable but it's concerning large this time. "Really? Still?"
"Mm-hmm." You assure him. "As long as you promise to talk to me when something's wrong instead of icing me out."
He stands up quickly, nodding. "I swear and I'm really sorry." He promises you. "So would you like to go to dinner? As boyfriend and girlfriend?"
You try to suppress an inappropriately large grin. "I would."
Spencer doesn't hide his smile and he's awkwardly tripping over his bag and feet to meet you around his side of the desk. "Let's do it." He smiles softly at you, offering out his hand for you to hold.
You take it happily, walking to the elevator with him. "Let's do it, boyfriend."
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frickingnerd · 7 months
dearly despised soulmate
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
summary: you never wanted a soulmate, trying your hardest to keep it a secret that you're katsuki's soulmate. but he eventually finds out that you're the one he's been looking for all this time…
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you didn't want a soulmate. 
especially not katsuki bakugou! 
while everyone had always looked forward to meeting their soulmate, you had always dreaded the moment you'd meet yours. his first words were engraved on your skin and while most people had something like a simple "hello" or a compliment they'd receive from their soulmate like "woah, you're beautiful!" the first words your soulmate would say to you weren't nearly as pretty: 
"get out of my way, loser!"
you never looked forward to meeting the one who'd say those words to you and had sworn to yourself that if you knew who your soulmate was, you'd stay as far away as possible from him! 
though on the day you met katsuki bakugou, you realized that would be hard to pull off, since your soulmate was your classmate. and not just that, since living together in the dorms, you two crossed paths quite often. 
despite that, you tried your best to ignore katsuki. you refused to talk to him, no matter the situation. even when he asked you something, you'd turn away or let someone else do the talking for you. 
and for quite a while, it worked. katsuki tried to get you to talk to him time and time again, but never quite realized why you were ignoring him. he even got as far as making the connection that he called you a loser the first time he spoke to you, but never realized that there might be more to it. 
he never even considered that you were his soulmate. because his soulmate was someone sweet and caring, someone he looked forward to meeting one day. at least, that's what the words engraved on his skin made him believe:
"let me protect you this time!"
katsuki was always the strongest, always the one to save and protect the people around him. but the thought of someone doing the same for him… he should hate it, but he longed to have someone who would stand up for him and have his back. 
the day katsuki found out you were his soulmate was the day he almost lost you too. 
class 1A was split into groups, sent out to help ambush a group of villains. katsuki rushed in like always, but this time things went horribly wrong, as he ran right into one of their traps and got himself injured. 
you had rushed after him, knowing he'd do something reckless like that. but with katsuki injured and the two of you split up from the group, you were the only one who could protect the two of you, while you had to wait for backup that might never come…
and that's when you turned to katsuki and said those words he's been longing to hear all this time: 
"let me protect you this time!"
you flashed him a smile, trying to assure the injured boy that you had what it takes to defeat those villains. and you really did defeat them! though not without getting severly injured yourself. 
as you dealt the final blow, the last adrenalin in your body wore off and you finally collapsed in pain. with the last of your strength, you desperately crawled towards katsuki, who had his hand reached out towards you. 
"s-see…? i… protected you…"
your voice was shaky. speaking was exhausting and you barely had the strength to do so. it broke katsuki's heart to see you like this. 
"dumbass…" he huffed, trying to hold back tears from seeing you like this. "you never had anything to prove to me…" 
he inched closer, reaching out his hand towards you. he could almost touch your hand. almost.
"i thought that… i'm a loser…"
you mumbled out, with a faint hint of a smile on your lips. katsuki wasn't sure if you were trying to tease him or if his words had really hurt you that much. 
"you're not a loser… you're my soulmate! you're the most amazing person out there…"
katsuki continued to crawl towards you, before he finally collapsed. he was too weak to move. he had almost reached you, but he couldn't hold you yet. oh how he longed to hold you right now…
"you should've… told me that sooner…"
you slowly reached out your hand towards him and bakugou did the same. just a few inches. a few centimeters. your hand almost reached each other. but almost wasn't enough. 
"i think that… it's too late now…"
katsuki's eyes widened at your words. he raised his head with what little strength he had left. 
"what do you mean?"
but he got no answer. 
"h-hey… what do you mean by that?"
still, no answer. 
"damn it, dumbass! answer me!"
tears began rolling down his cheeks. despite begging you to answer, he knew you wouldn't. 
"please…" katsuki sobbed quietly. "i just found you… i can't lose you already!" 
but no matter what he said, his words didn't reach you. you were right. he should've told you sooner. if only he had known sooner...
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undiscovered-horizon · 7 months
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[Old love never rusts. Mihawk has to face that truth when he meets again the husband of the girl he almost had.]
Mihawk's version | Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request?
Mihawk wants the entire conversation to end before it has even started. He's aware that his heartache and anger are bound to get the better of him. Not to mention Shanks, who will surely gloat and boast beyond tastefulness. Although Mihawk can't exactly blame Shanks for his pride - the Warlord knows that he'd behave identically, if not worse, were their roles reversed.
Shanks knows what's on Mihawk's mind. he can read it on his face, in the sombre gloom that clouds his yellow eyes. Still, the red-haired captain patiently waits for the swordsman to break on his own. It will happen soon enough as the matter of you is the only subject that rids Mihawk of his self-control. He may be a great man, in more ways than one but when it comes to the insatiable love seems unable to let go, the Warlord becomes a young boy at heart, always seeking assurance that his affections are returned. Or not outright rejected, at least. Alas, the consequences of his own selfish actions have finally caught up to him and Mihawk must face the truth - this love is never going to be returned.
"How is she?" Mihawk asks reluctantly. He hates to give Shanks the satisfaction but the famished desire of his heart is a lot stronger than his iron will and pride. "You know of whom I speak."
Shanks gives him a mocking smile, a devilish flame appearing in his brown eyes.
"I also know you have no right to ask that, hawk-eyes," he answers. "Not when you treated her like a backup option."
"I never-" Mihawk hangs his voice. He takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. Agitated negation will only further prove the captain's point. Truth be told, deep inside Mihawk knows that Shanks is right. He did treat as someone who would always be there, waiting for him until he came back from his escapades. Until you grew tired; until you didn't. "Where is she?" he asks angrily. But what he really wants to ask is 'If you're here, who's taking care of her? Who's looking after the one you promised to keep safe and happy?'
"Home with the kids," Shanks retorts casually. Despite his light-hearted tone, there's a hint of something mischievous between his words.
Mihawk feels disgusted. The thought that Shanks got to know you intimately and built a familial life with you fills him with rage so visceral he'd rather claw his own eyes out than think about it. And that red-haired poor excuse of a husband probably considers himself good enough for you.
Laughable, if it wasn't so sad.
"I suppose I should wish you well," Mihawk begrudgingly murmurs. Once again, his words do not quite reflect his actual thoughts. He wishes you well but couldn't care less about Shanks's well-being. Mihawk already knows for a fact that the red-haired captain is incapable of taking care of you properly so it would really be mercy if Shanks had a little accident and Dracule could play the magnificent role of a consoling party.
"You should." Shanks nods. "But I know you won't." He lets out a bitter chuckle. He's disillusioned about Mihawk's perpetual heartbreak. Some part of him still pities the Warlord. After all, how awful must be the torment that can haunt someone like him for a good decade?
"Yes, I won't," Dracule drones his words. There is jealousy, there is envy and then there is the horrible sensation that has been eating him up for the past ten years, slowly turning the man into a bitter, brutal husk of a person. And he shall never find it in him to wish Shanks well after he had shamelessly taken the person the closest to his heart.
Turning on his heel, Mihawk marches away from Shanks. He knows that if he spends another minute around the red-haired man, he will do something he might regret.
He could be a mighty Warlord, the greatest swordsman alive and, perhaps ever - truly a someone. Alas, as a wise man once said: You're nobody until somebody loves you. And everyday of his life, each time he wakes up to a cold bed and a house drowned in deafening silence, Mihawk is reminded that he is less than nobody. For it was his own grandiosity that had ridded him of the person he cares about the most.
Dracule's gnawing loneliness is accompanied only by his own thoughts, only by the rumination of his utmost failure. 'It didn't have to be like this', he reminds himself on the nights when he can't fall asleep, 'You could have had everything'.
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Pairings: Batboys x Reader (platonic)
Summary: Azriel, Cassian, and Rhysand find something that will change their lives forever.
Warnings: Mentions of blood/injuries/abuse/death and violence (nothing too descriptive)
Words: 5.8k
Author's Note: This is the prequel of Second Chance but it can be read as a stand alone if you wish. Also, since the other two parts were more focused on Rhys and Reader, I tried to make this one more focused on Cassian. Enjoy!
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Cassian hated Windhaven. He hated it with all his strength.
No matter how many years, decades, and centuries had passed, he would never forget what he went through in that camp and how he was treated.
How he was still treated, it didn't matter that he had won the title of Carynthian or that he was the General and the Commander.
To them, he was always gonna be a bastard. 
Someone they wouldn't hesitate to disrespect or to spit on if it weren't for the seven red siphons adorning his body.
He hated almost everything about Windhaven. The males - how arrogant and violent they were and how they treated the females. 
Lord Devlon - how he managed the camp and how he treated him and Azriel. 
And the weather - despite growing up here, Cassian preferred the sun of Velaris over the rain and cold of Windhaven any day.
But the biggest reason for him to hate Windhaven as much as he did was how the females were treated.
It reminded him of his mother. His mother, who had to work until her death. His mother, who was taken advantage of. His mother, who was alone for all those years, he was trapped in this horrible camp.
His mother, the one person that he wanted to save the most but couldn't. He couldn't even remember her no matter how much he tried. And all of that, because some stupid male believed he was superior to her.
That's why he was here right now. 
Cassian and his brothers had arrived a few hours ago for another meeting with Devlon regarding the females’ training.
Nothing guaranteed him that he could make a change for those females, but hell, he was sure gonna try it. For her.
The meeting was supposed to end an hour ago, but Devlon's stubbornness kept prolonging it.
It finally ended half an hour later with Rhys' final decision that the females would be training three times a week during two hours before their chores.
Lord Devlon didn't like it, but there's nothing he could do against the High Lord's decision, so he had to 'suck it up', as Cassian made sure to tell him.
As the brothers made their way to the edge of the camp so they could finally leave, Cassian released a long breath letting go of the stress and anger that had built up in his body after seeing Devlon's arrogant face when they first arrived.
"That took longer than I expected," Rhys said, also releasing a long breath.
"It's Devlon. You know he never changes when it comes to the females." Azriel replied.
"Well, once a son of a bitch, always a son of a bitch." Cassian finished for them. 
Cassian's brothers laughed at his words, humming their agreements. 
"Az, I need you to come here for the next few weeks to verify if the training is happening." Rhys told him while they kept walking, "I know you don't like to come here, brother, but with the meetings between the Courts starting in a few days, I'm not gonna have the time." 
"I know, Rhys, I'll do it. Don't worry." Azriel replied indifference settling on his face, trying to hide how uncomfortable he is with these visits, but deep down Cassian and Rhys knew it.
"I'll join you." Cassian said, clapping a hand on his back.
Azriel's only response was a small nod and a weak smile.
When they reached the entrance of the camp, Rhys moved to stand in front of them and extended his hands. "Shall we?"
Cassian looked at the sky before looking towards his brother. "Why don't we fly today?" 
Rhys shot him an incredulous look, "You want to fly all the way over Velaris?" 
Cassian shrugged his shoulders, "Why not? I mean, when was the last time we enjoyed a good flight?"
"I agree with Cass," Azriel spoke this time. "Also, something tells me that we should fly today." 
Rhys lowered his hands, realizing that they were still extended, with furrowed eyebrows he asked "What do you mean? Your shadows?" 
"Yes, they're acting differently today" Azriel paused a second, "I don't know why but they got more restless about an hour ago." 
Confusion set on both Rhys and Cassian's faces, but Azriel just shrugged, not wanting to talk more about it and getting a little uncomfortable at his brothers' gazes.
Noticing this, Cassian changed the topic of the conversation when he saw Rhys was about to talk again "So should we get going?" He looked towards Rhys, a grin appearing on his face and amusement in his voice to match it "Don't tell me your age it's starting to get to you, brother." 
Azriel couldn't help the laughter that escaped his lips.
Rhys chuckled, forgetting what he was about to say to the Shadowsinger. "Cass, not to be mean, but you know you're older than me, right?" 
Cassian's grin didn't break. In fact, it grows even more. "Yeah, but unlike you, High Lord," Cassian bowed, exaggerating the movement before standing to his full height again. "I still train every day." 
Rhys rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Please, I'm still in form, Cass." 
Cassian crossed his arms over his chest, the amusement still present in his voice. "Sure, if you say so." He said while bumping shoulders with Azriel, who was still laughing.
"I am!" Rhys tells them, passing a hand through his black hair "Okay, enough, you two." He raises a hand gesturing to the sky with his wings appearing behind him. "Let's fly." 
Rhys turns around, ready to take off when his brothers’ chuckles reach his ears. Turning again in order to see them, Rhys catches Cassian, making a horrible imitation of him and Azriel not being able to contain his laugh.
Rhys releases a long sigh. "Are you done mocking me?" His eyes looked straight to his General.
Cassian holds his hands in surrender. "Yes, we can go now." A smile never leaving his face. 
As in sync, the three of them stretch their wings wide open before making their way into the sky with the sun already leaving so the moon can take its place for the night.
Cassian had been right. It had been a long time since he had the opportunity to fly just to enjoy it.
Their flight had begun two hours ago, and was going well. Cassian found himself enjoying the little things that only people blessed with wings had the pleasure to witness.
But his favorite thing was the view. That was never going to change. 
He had the perfect view of the sky that was now painted orange and pink with the last rays of sun disappearing in a few minutes.
He saw the sky changing to a purple before giving place to a dark blue that was now shining with the stars.
One more hour and they would be in Velaris. 
Cassian was eager to get home, after the day he had, all he wanted to do was to take a long bath, have dinner and go to bed. Maybe polish some of his swords, that always helped him relax after a hard day.
However, he was pulled from those tempting thoughts when his brother's shadows started acting agitated around their master's shoulders.
"Az," Rhys started, when the three brothers stopped flying and started levitating "what's wrong?" 
"I don't know. They just started doing this''. With Azriel's last words, a small group of his shadows departed from the Shadowsinger and made their way towards the south.
Following that direction could only lead them to two places: the Court of Nightmares or the border.
The males just stared at the shadows flying away, unsure of what to do and it was Cassian who broke the silence "Should we follow them?" 
Rhys focused his eyes on Azriel before asking him "You said your shadows were acting weird today. Could this be the reason?" He said, using his hand to point to where the shadows had been only a few minutes before.
"Maybe. I think..." Azriel wasn't able to finish his sentence after noticing that his shadows were coming back.
One of them made his way to his ear whispering to him the reason for their behavior.
The Shadowsinger eyes widened at the information that one of his little spies had just shared with him. He looked at his brothers before continuing "There's movement at the border." 
That was all it took for the males to resume their flights, now heading to the border instead of home, flying as fast as possible.
Rhys talons scraped their minds gently asking for permission to enter and when the other two males allowed by lowering their minds shields, an order filled their minds. Not from their brother but from their High Lord"Be ready for anything." 
That was the first thing they were able to distinguish when they landed at the border between Night and Day. 
They could tell by the scent lingering in the air that it wasn't much but enough, so whoever or whatever it belonged to, was seriously injured.
Cassian reached for the two swords that occupied his back, he kept one to wield, passing the other to Rhys, seeing that Azriel was already wielding his favorite and precious dagger - Truth Teller.
Grabbing the hilt of his sword tighter, Cassian gave the first step, starting to follow the direction that the scent led him to. His brothers quickly followed him. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Cassian could see that the closer they got to their destination, the more restless and nervous Azriel's shadows became.
He didn't like the behavior the shadows were having, if it was a threat or a creature, they would've known by now, and the shadows wouldn't be acting like this. 
Cassian realized that in all the centuries he had known the Shadowsinger and his little companions, they had never behaved like this and that made him nervous. 
He made a silent prayer to the Mother. "Let it be an animal, please, just let it be an animal."  But deep down, Cassian knew it wasn't. The little bundles of darkness wouldn't be acting like this if it was.
Cassian released a long breath and prepared himself for the worst.
After walking for a few minutes in silence, the scent got stronger, and the General dared to look down. 
A tiny footprint covered in blood marked the ground. His line of sight followed the footprint, and he found more like that previous one. 
His breath got caught in his throat, and he froze for a moment, understanding to whom they belonged.
His brothers called his name, noticing the change in him, Cassian remembered that the males behind him had yet to see the footprints. The tiny little footprints. 
It was Rhys who broke the deadly silence. "Cass, what is it?" 
"It's a child." Cassian heard his brothers gasps, aware of the shock on their faces without having to look. 
"It's a child." He repeated, more to himself than to them, and without a second thought, Cassian ran.
You had run away from your house after your stepfather had hit you again. 
It wasn't the first time or the second, but you had enough and for the first time in years, you decided to do something about it.
You were born in Winter, in a small village near the border with The Middle. 
You grew up with your stepfather, after your mother's passing when you were just a babe. 
Things weren't always bad even though he never liked you. The only reason your mom agreed to marry him was because she had a one night stand with your father that resulted into pregnancy, she didn't want you to be born outside of wedlock and be seen as a bastard. 
So she made a bargain with the male - if he kept the secret about you, she would marry him.
And so she did. She died two years later.
You also grew up with Marion, a old female who used to babysit you. She was kind, sweet and an excellent cook, being in her care was your favorite part of the day. But she was very old and by the time you were five, she had already left this life and begun the next one.
Leaving you with your stepfather.
You tried to hold on for as long as you could. You also tried to ask for help but the adults dismissed you, some saying you were just looking for attention, others saying you should be grateful to have someone taking care of you and not being in the orphanage. 
Although you would prefer the orphanage to that male if you had the choice. You didn't even consider him family, for Cauldron's sake.
That made you angry. So angry that you boiled everything for weeks, only to let it all out that day.
The day you stood up for yourself and fought back.
Unlike some other lesser faeries, you were blessed with ice in your veins. 
You were laying on the ground from the impact of the slap you had just received and when that awful male raised his hand to hit you again, you were quicker than him, grabbed him by the wrist and froze his entire arm.
Shock spread across your face. You knew you had powers, but you didn't know you could do that. 
The truth was that you didn't exactly know what you were capable of or how to use them. You never had anyone to teach you, so your control over them was non-existent.
The male's screams broke through you. Afraid of what he would do to you after that, you ran to your room, freezing the lock, and escaped from the window.
With nothing but a dress, a pair of shoes and a red cheek.
You ran and ran, and didn't dare to stop or to look back.
Cassian had been running for how long he didn't know, but it felt like forever. He knew Azriel and Rhys were right behind him from the shouts of his name that he was able to hear.
From the moment he saw those footprints, all of this felt like a nightmare, one that he couldn't wake up from. 
It was a nightmare that he wanted to end as fast as possible because Cassian wasn't sure if he wanted to find out what those marks were leading him to.
Once again, Cassian sent another silent prayer to the Mother, wishing with all his strength that she was hearing him "Be okay. Please be okay."
When he finally reached his destination, his heart stopped and his face went pale.
Cassian considers himself to be a strong male. Not just physically but also mentally.
He lived through wars, participated in countless battles, killed a lot of enemies, lost soldiers, friends, and a lover. He knew pain, violence, and torture. 
But nothing prepared him for the sight of a little girl laying on her side, with her back facing him, unconscious on the cold earth with blood in her exposed arms and legs, another amount of blood stained her dress and the ends of her white hair. Her feet were fully covered with blood, the size of them matching the footprints he found earlier.
His brothers reached him and stopped by his side. The males put away their weapons, without taking their eyes off the little girl.
From his right, Azriel spoke, "By the Mother. Is she dead?" His voice broke on that last word.
"I...I...I don't...I don't know." Cassian tried to speak, his voice weak, not being able to process what was in front of him.
Understanding his brother, Rhys rested a hand on his left shoulder and gave him a nod before stepping forward.
The High Lord made his way to the little girl - to you. His hands were shaking and his heart was beating faster than it should. 
But, then you moved. A tiny movement almost imperceptible if it weren't for their fae sight.
That made Rhys halt in his steps and the three males took their turns in releasing relieved breaths, a weight being lift from their shoulders.
You were alive. Now the only thing left to know was how injured you were.
Rhys looked behind him to his brothers, giving them a small nod before continuing his walk.
When you were only two steps away from him, Rhys stopped and bent down. From this closure he could only see half of your injuries.
You had cuts on your arms and legs, probably from branches, your feet covered in blood from walking or running on the solid ground, your dress slightly torn, and your skin extremely pale. 
He tried to listen for a heartbeat or a breathing. But all he could hear was the unsteady heartbeats from his own heart and his brothers.
"Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay." Cassian said, his voice betraying him, while taking a few steps forward, Azriel following him.
Rhys looked behind his shoulder, at the males, "I don't know. I can't see the full extent of her wounds." 
"Try to turn her around. Gently." Azriel said to him, his shadows still restless as they swim around their master's shoulders.
Rhys faced you again, he extended one of his hands to grab your shoulder and do what his Shadowsinger had suggested.
But the moment his fingers brushed your tiny shoulder, you opened your eyes and attacked. 
You had lost track of time. You could have been walking for hours or days, you didn't know. 
You didn't know where you were going. You just followed the stones that you found on the ground, at the exit of Winter Court.
They formed a kind of line, like a path, as if someone had placed them there for you, as if showing you the right path. They took you north, to the Solar Courts.
Every time you thought the stones were almost running out, many more appeared, always indicating the way. You thought it was a sign from the Mother.
You didn't think you'd make this far, but apparently you were stronger than you thought. 
Or maybe it was your stubbornness. The people from your village always complained about how stubborn you were, but finding yourself in this situation, you started to think they were right.
Now, you only had a dress to protect you.
You got rid of your shoes a couple miles back when you realized their noise had attracted unwanted attention.
You had the feeling you were being followed and watched, but every time you looked around, you found nothing. Still, you got rid of the shoes for precaution even though the feeling never went away.
Your feet hurt with every step you gave, but you walked through the pain and didn't stop.
Your stomach growled. The last thing you ate was an apple when you climbed a tree for the night, and that was two nights ago, or was it more?
Your throat was dry, the last time you had to drink water was when you passed a river and you couldn't remember when that was or if it even happened.
You didn't know. The only thing you knew was that you were too weak. Your were dragging your feet, your eyes were unfocused, and from time to time, you would lose your balance.
You wanted to stop. You just wanted to lay on the ground and close your eyes, but your instincts and your stubbornness didn't let you. 
But it wasn't just that. The feeling that you were still being watched remained, you weren't sure if you were or if you were just imagining it but you were not about to find out.
So you kept going. You refused to give up. You would rather die here than go back to that house. 
When the sun left and the moon came to replace it, bringing a dark sky with it, you thought of stopping for a few hours and starting again once the sun returned.
But your body beat you to it. Before you knew, you were collapsing on the ground, hunger, thirst, and exhaustion taking over you.
The last thing you remember seeing before closing your eyes, was a skeleton creature with a black cloak watching you from the trees, and you could swear you heard him saying, "Don't worry, child. They're almost here. Rest now, you're going to be fine," right before he dropped a handful of stones - the same ones that led you here.
But you weren't sure if that was real too.
Rhys didn't even realize what was happening until it was too late.
You turned around so fast that he barely saw it. One second you were laying on the floor and the next one, you were biting his hand, right between his index finger and his thumb. 
The High Lord of the Night Court cursed out loud, shock and surprise spreading through his features. He had never been so caught off guard like that before, and especially not by a little girl.
He ripped his hand from your mouth and stood, shaking his hand slightly to the sting that you just caused him.
When he looked down and went to reach for you again, you were already gone. He turned around and saw you ran towards the General.
Cassian bent his knees and extended his arms to try to grab you but you were faster than him.
Before he could close his arms in order to try to wrap you in them, you dodge to the side and when you saw him slightly standing up, you took your opportunity and kicked him in his private parts. 
Cassian didn't have time to react, you were already passing beneath his legs to escape him. 
Your only obstacle now was the Shadowsinger.  Azriel was so busy watching you, this little girl, facing his brothers that he didn't realize it was his turn.
He didn't know what to do, so he followed Cassian's move and try to grab you too, but before he could even try, you launched yourself to his leg wrapping your arms and legs around it and then reached for the shiny dagger that was settled on the top of his hip, pulling it off and grabbing it.
The moment the dagger was in your hand, you let go of his leg and proceeded to walk backwards while raising your arm and pointing it at the three males that now stood in front of you.
Azriel was taken by surprise, how did you do that? He didn't even notice you had taken his dagger from him. Cassian was still bent over from the kick you gave him and Rhys was clutching his hand. 
The males were dumbfounded.
Cassian was the first to talk "What the fuck just happened?" He whispered with an incredulous look on his face.
The males changed looks between them before Rhys took a step forward that led you to take a step back.
He put his hands up in surrender and told you with a soft and calm voice. "It's okay. We're not going to hurt you." 
He tried to take another step forward only for you to repeat your previous movement.
Rhys stopped, and with a hand pressed against his chest, he said, "My name is Rhysand. These are my brothers, Cassian." He gestured to the General, "and Azriel," he gestured to the Shadowsinger. 
"We're not going to hurt you. We just want to help." Cassian said this time.
Your arm never flattered, dagger still pointed at them, your body still running with adrenaline.
Understanding that you wouldn't budge, the High Lord did the only thing he could do - he entered your mind.
He saw everything. Where you were born, your home situation, your stepfather and how you got here. 
Rhys showed your memories to his brothers, the three males now angry for the reason that had forced you to run away.
Before you could find another way to humiliate them, you felt a darkness fill you and put you to sleep.
Falling to the ground one more time, you released your grip from the dagger, letting it fall at your side and entered into a deep slumber.
Azriel was the first to move. He walked towards you and bent down to pick up his dagger and put it back where it belonged. The Shadowsinger glanced at his shadows and saw they were calm, they looked relieved now that you were safe.
Still bent down, he removed the hair from your face before looking at his High Lord "You put her to sleep?" 
Rhys gave him a firm nod "It seemed the only solution. Unless, of course, you wanted her to make us look stupids again," he finished while smiling.
The males chuckled at that, still not believing that you managed to outgrown the three of them.
"I can't believe she actually kicked you in the nuts, Cass," Azriel said, a big laughter erupting from him and Rhys.
Cassian growled "Shut up, Az. At least she didn't disarm me." He told his brother before speaking in a low voice "Idiot." 
Azirel became more serious "Unbelievable isn't it? I only noticed she had Truth Teller when I saw it in her hands, how did she even do that? I mean, look at her," the Shadowsinger said with his hands gesturing to you.
They did. You were a child, and they were three full-grown illyrians males. Warriors. 
Cassian started to laugh again, and at his brothers’ gazes, he explained, "She's a fighter. She could've just ran but she didn't. She decided to face us instead. No other child would've done that." 
"Hum, that is true. I guess that makes her different from the others." Rhys concluded it.
Cassian removed his coat before making his way to you "We're taking her with us." 
Rhys said surprised, "Of course we are." As if leaving you there was even an option.
Azriel lifted you gently so the General could wrap you in his coat before lifting you in his arms.
Now settled on Cassian's arms, you moved closer to his chest, resting your head there and seeking the comfort of his warmth.
Rhys approached Cassian, took off his coat and laid it over you, making sure you were well protected from the cold of the night.
Azriel followed his brothers’ movements and did the same with his, "Since we are all giving her our coats, plus it's much colder up there than down here." He said, remembering that they still had to fly to Velaris.
The males stayed silent for a moment, looking at you to make sure you were fine before they resumed their flights.
"We should go," Rhys said while passing his hand through your head "Mor and Amren must already be worried and wondering why are we taking so long and she needs to be seen by Madja." 
Cassian looked up at the stars, knowing exactly what time it was by them "You're right. We're two hours late."
"Let's go home then." Azriel said for them.
Their flight to Velaris was faster than they thought. You passed the entirety of it sleeping peacefully in the General's arms, who would look at you every few minutes to make sure you were alright.
Before they knew, they were landing on the balcony of the House of Wind. 
Through the glass doors, they could see Rhysand's second and third in command. There was no doubt, the females were agitated with their delay.
The High Lord reached for the door handle before twisting it and opening the double doors.
He was the first to enter with Azriel right behind him leaving Cassian to last.
"Finally." The ancient one was the first to speak, a glass of wine or blood, on her hands.
"Where the hell were you? We were starting to think those bastards illyrians had done something to you." Morrigan yelled.
"Relax Mor, as you can see we're in one piece." Rhys said, trying to make his cousin lower her voice.
"Yeah," Azriel scoffed, "except our pride." He added.
The third in command gave him an angry look "What is that supposed to mean?" She yelled again. 
"Seriously, lower your voice, Mor" Rhys tried again.
"Why?" She said, not lowering her voice at all.
"Because you're going to wake her" it was Cassian's turn to speak, stepping forward with you still asleep in his arms. 
The females went quiet at your sight. The only thing audible was the wind from outside the House. Ironic, considering the House they were in.
Amren broke the silence "Please tell me you didn't kidnap the child." 
The High Lord gave her a confused look "What? No. We found her at the border, she was alone." His talons scraped their minds, and a second later the memories of what had taken place only a few hours ago filled the females minds.
While Amren chuckled at the memories of you standing against the males, Morrigan had tears in her eyes because of the ones of your stepfather.
The blonde knew very well what it was like to be a part of a family that wasn't good to you. But even in that, she was much older than you were. 
Cassian tears her from her thoughts “I'm going to lay her on one of the beds, why don't you go get Madja?" He asked her.
"Okay." Mor said, her voice barely a whisper.
An hour later, you were still in a deep slumber while Madja examined you with the Inner Circle present in the room in silence.
They saw as Madja healed your cuts that were now disappearing, and then moved to your feet that also started to heel. 
With anxiety taking over his body, Cassian can't help but ask "How is she? She's going to be fine, right?" 
The old female faced the General "Yes. All her wounds are already healed. Now, she may stay asleep for a few more days but that's normal. After everything she went through, her body is exhausted and needs resting." She answered him, but Azriel, ever the Spymaster, was able to see the look on the healer's face that said that this wasn't all. 
"But?" He made the first move.
The healer gave a long sigh and continued "She's too skinny. She needs to gain weight. A lot of it" 
"She will. We'll be taking care of her now." Cassian replied. The Inner Circle agreed with him, Rhys put his hand on his shoulder and gave him a light squeeze.
"Very well. Come get me when she wakes up." The healer said after packing her things and making her exit. 
Everyone left the room but the General. He approached the bed and took a seat on your right side.
He pushed your hair out of your face gently and kept passing his hand in your head in a tender gesture while he saw you sleeping peacefully for a few minutes, gathering the courage for his next words.
And when he finally did, he said, his eyes soft and his voice calm "Don't worry, little star, you're safe now. No one is going to hurt you ever again. I promise."
You woke up four days later. When you got out of the bed it was already dark outside.
You noticed you were washed and dressed in a clean set of pajamas, and that you were no longer injured or tired.
Now, you were just hungry, and when the scent of chocolate reached the room you were in, you gathered your courage and made your way downstairs while following the sweet scent.
It lead you to a living room - a fancy and very rich living room.
Several paintings decorated the walls, leather sofas with silk cushions took place at the foot of the fireplace with a coffee table on which a vase of flowers and several books sat. A huge dining table with matching chairs occupied the other side of the room, and in front of you in a long corridor were two closed glass doors that led to a balcony.
Your gaze settled on the chocolate cake that was on top of the table, with a lick of your lips you moved towards it.
You loved chocolate and you were so hungry that you ate half of it. You lifted the fork for another bite before stopping in the middle of it, when your eyes moved to the window. 
Intrigued by the view, you dropped your fork next to the cake and walked to the glass doors.
You opened them and made your way to the balcony.
You weren't tall enough to see beyond it, you tried to stand on your tiptoes but it still didn't do any good. Looking around you, you found a large pot with a plant in the corner and as you moved to use it as a bench, a voice stopped you.
"Already exploring?" 
You turned around and found the General. He was no longer in his leathers, opting for more comfortable clothes and his hair tied in a bun.
He tried again "I'm Cassian but my family calls me Cass. Can you tell me your name?" He said with a smile.
You didn't answer him but you didn't stop looking at him either, almost like challenging him. 
"I presume you're feeling better since you almost ate the entire chocolate cake," He chuckled, and when you gave him a nod of affirmation, his heart skipped a beat.
Progress. It wasn't a word but he was willing to accept anything you had to offer.
His eyes moved to the vase and then to you, understanding what you were trying to do.
"Here," He said while extending his arms, offering to pick you up so you could do what you came here for, "It's safer this way."
He watched you hesitate for a moment, "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."
And then you moved. You put your hands on his arms and let him pick you up.
He moved forward to the edge of the balcony with you secured in his arms again, giving you the perfect view of Velaris and the sky above shining with the stars.
After a few moments of silence, his heart skipped a beat again at your words "Y/N."
He turned his head so fast to meet your eyes but you were already looking at him and with a small smile you added "My name is Y/N." 
Cassian couldn't help but return the smile, his gaze softened and when you turned your head again to gaze at the beauty of Velaris, the General found himself saying "Welcome to the Night Court, Y/N."
Later that night, when you were lying in bed again, after Cassian had made sure that you were no longer eating chocolate cake but meat and vegetables, you heard that creature again.
As soon as you closed your eyes you heard him say "See? I told you you were going to be fine."
And he was right. You were going to be just fine.
You thanked him in silence before felling asleep, safe and sound in your new home.
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Author's Note: Thank you for reading! Comment if you wish to be added to the taglist. 😊
Taglist: @emryb @fantasyandshit @azrielover @shadowsingercassia @brieflyclassymortal @lilah-asteria @lure-of-writing @pruvii @olive-main @mybestfriendmademe
the beautiful dividers belong to @cafekitsune
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