#i absolutely Refuse to react to any posts. or ANY takes. about what goes down in brisbane until i can look at the clip myself.
the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
What its like kissing the creepypasta characters
excluding the characters that im not comfy writing romantic for, for obvious reasons similar to the hugging post this is more so a rating thing instead of actual scenarios! honestly in love with these kinds of posts so im formally asking you guys to give me ideas in this vein because i love making hcs in this format/for general stuff eheheheh
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if youve been on this blog for a while, you would know that i love when characters who dont have mouths/have nontraditional mouths nuzzle and press their face into yours. and i still love the idea, especially with slenderman ! the first time he 'kisses' you its probably the first time hes kissed ANYONE so the movement itself is probably a little... clunky... doesnt press too hard, actually i think he would struggle with the opposite. theyre gentle and fleeting, almost as if his inhuman strength and size would crush you if he let himself truly lean into it. i mean think about it, he hardly ever interacts with humans and when he does its for 'food', he has always only seen them as vulnerable and fragile. and whether malicious or not, he treats you as if youre made of glass. likes kissing the back of your hands too. 7/10, he gets bonus points since hes my fav + its the thought that counts
very eager about showing you any level of affection, probably early in the relationship that he gets bold enough to kiss you. first kiss is probably more of a "in the moment" thing than "i planned this out and im going to ask" thing if that makes sense... similar to slenderman in regards that he presses his mouth to you, as i personally headcannon that his smile isnt exactly.. a real mouth, more so a false one. think like a layer of 'skin' covering his real one that he can rip out at any moment (same case for slenderman btw. same also apply to splendors eyes, more so markings than actual eyes). going back to his energy, hes very eager about it, might even lightly push you back with how much hes putting into it; he doesnt mean to, hes just so excited! likes cheek kisses and nuzzling your noses together 8/10
very wary about kissing you outside of those little pecks, for multiple factors. for one, his teeth. sharp teeth, he can accidentally cut you. other reason thats much darker, given that admin personally hcs that he goes into "frenzies" when hes hungry and reacts to blood like the sharks in finding nemo, if he accidentally cuts you when hes not.. well fed.. for lack of a better term... theres a risk there. REFUSES to kiss when he needs to go 'hunt' soon, not because he doesnt want you or your affection, but he doesnt want to take any risks. outside of that, he doesnt often seek out affection, so youre probably going to have to initiate it, unless hes feeling particularly clingy that day or jealous... hes very cold, please cup your hands on his face and warm him up. likes kissing your lips 6/10
has to lean in at an angle in order to not poke you with his nose. has probably accidentally lightly scratched you with it when he got too excited. likes giving you forehead kisses for this reason because you can just angle your head down and he can go to town like that... sometimes leave lipstick marks on you.. if you personally hc that he can take off his makeup then please offer to fix it! hes going to be absolutely over the moon! likes wrapping his arms around you when he kisses you. does lots of kisses in quick succession rather than singular longer ones. probably wakes you up with kisses and greets you with kisses when you come home 8/10 i love him
nope, sorry. for masky hes not going to be taking off the mask around you at all. so if you want a kiss youre going to have to kiss the mask. though on rare occasions when youre alseep/half awake he will lift up his mask just enough to reveal his mouth and give you a kiss on your face. no particular place that he prefers to kiss you. though as said, its rare when he does this. in fact its not common for masky to seek out affection unless he feels more possessive of you than usual, be it because hes jealous or you are stress or you were just in a dangerous situation. 5/10, not much action but there is still care behind it
now as for tim... i think he would be more willing to give you kisses. probably gives you a quick one before you leave for work or something else, and greets you with one when you return home. thats a sweet thought, i think. more likely to give kisses during cuddle session, tends to kiss your cheek and neck (non sexually) while hes holding you to his chest. ponders. will give you a look if you mess with his sideburns and start giggling 6.5/10 love this man
hoodie is a little more willing to lift up his mask around you, but only really up to the bottom of his nose. also has no preferred place to kiss you, but he seems to kiss your lips more than the other parts of you. sometimes his facial hair scratches against your skin and tickles. between him and brian i think hoodie is a little more blunt and serious about kissing. not to say hes not a little playful, love me some vaguely playful s/o hoodie hcs. probably picks you up off the ground too to 'trap' you, especially if youre fairly shorter than him (personally hc brian/hoodie is 6'') 7/10 love him
very similar to hoodie but i think he would be even more playful when it comes to you. leans into it when his facial hair starts tickling you, in fact i think it would devolve into him just tickling your sides. funny man. put him in the corner/j. like lj, he likes wrapping his arms around you when kissing you, this man is very into physical touch. will touch you any chance he gets; hand holding, cuddling, hugs, ect ect ect... sometimes starts smiling when you guys kiss so you have to give him a minute because he just has this huge grin on his face 8/10
so you know how i said in the hugging post hes kind of a little shit? you know, literally basking in the fact that youre giving your time and self to him? i think that still applies here, maybe even more so since this is explicitly romantic. likes teasing you if you get flustered during your make out sessions, sometimes bombards you with kisses just to see your face redden... has probably leaned down and tapped his cheek as a silent yet teasing gesture, as if taunting you, letting you be the one to kiss him this once. also very cold, like physically. what being a spirit does to a mf. VERY tall, can easily evade any retaliation you throw his way (ie returning the favor of bombarding him with kisses), though im not sure how long he'd be able to resist.. 6/10
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Skeleton's S/O notices a car following them as they walk in the street. Suddenly, the car speeds on them with the clear intent of knocking skeleton over. S/O pushes Skeleton out of the way and Skeleton can't do anything but watch as the car rolls over his partner. For the main 10.
I swear I answered a post like this before, or I asked a similar thing on Ratsoh's blog I don't know xD Anyway, here's your angst.
Undertale Sans - His soul stops beating briefly as he watches his S/O get hit and fly several meters away. Sans quickly recovers from the shock and runs to rescue his S/O. He doesn't care about the car and teleports the both of them to the nearest hospital, screaming for help. The next hours are the scarier of his life as he has no idea how bad are the injuries, and he has to call his brother, his S/O's family, and then Undyne to report what happened. He's quite shaken, but luckily, his S/O got out of it with only a broken leg which could have been way worse. Sans refuses to leave their side while they're recovering, and he's going to have nightmares of this for weeks.
Undertale Papyrus - In a vain attempt to save his S/O, he summons a barrier of bones in front of the car. It didn't stop the car but slowed it enough to prevent his S/O from being seriously injured. By doing that, however, he injured seriously the car driver as a bone pierced the front window and impaled them. Papyrus quickly calls for an ambulance before sitting with his S/O to comfort them. He doesn't give a shit about the man crying for help in the car. Other people are already helping them. Papyrus is just glad you're more or less ok. You get out of here with only bad bruises.
Underswap Sans - He tries to grab your arm to pull you above his head and slams you into the floor behind him, but got too slow. Blue got dragged along with you, still holding you, and he heard several of your bones break. He's horrified and struggles to keep his calm as you're screaming in agony. He calls an ambulance for you and the driver, in a good state still. For now. Blue is enraged and drags him out of the car. When the rescuers come, the man is in a coma, and Blue is compressing his S/O's wounds, covered in blood. He doesn't care if there are consequences. His S/O is severely injured but will heal after long months of recovery.
Underswap Papyrus - He gasps in shock as his S/O is violently thrown into a wall. Honey meets the eyes of the driver, who is quickly not done with them, and he just reacts instinctively, running to protect his S/O with his own body. He takes the second hit bravely as a lot of people starts recording the scene and calls the cops. Poor Blue arrives right to see the man going for a third hit, but he doesn't have time to do it as Blue absolutely destroys the car with blasters. Honey has a few broken ribs and just lays unconscious on his S/O's unconscious body. They both survived with serious injuries, but the doctors said him putting his body in the way definitely saved his S/O so he doesn't care.
Underfell Sans - He goes full protect mode and jumps in front of his S/O with hundreds of bones ready to attack and two huge blasters. Red is eyes in eyes with the guy and he's furious. If the man makes any threatening gesture, he attacks and kills them. Once sure they're not a danger anymore, he goes to check on his S/O and calls an ambulance. He's extremely protective during their recovery, nervous and jumping at any sound.
Underfell Papyrus - He's horrified and immediately feels guilty. He should have been the one protecting you, and yet here you are. Edge has a strong healing magic though so he can quickly relief your pain while the ambulance arrives. He never leaves your side, not even one second. However, as soon as he's sure 100% you're alright, he's leaving for a few days to hunt the man who hurt you down and kill him. An eye for an eye.
Horrortale Sans - He's in shock and triggered by all the blood. No one can approach his S/O as he's attacking on sight, completely distressed and panicked. Despite the pain, S/O slowly manages to calm him down and convince him to let the rescuers get close. He's growling at any suspect gesture, but he lets them help you. He's so worried he even comes to the hospital despite how much he hates the place. The doctors try to make him leave the room sometimes but, uh, that's not going to happen. He's protective during your recovery.
Horrortale Papyrus - He fell on his back and got stuck there, watching in horror as the car hit you. He's crying and screaming your name, unable to move to help you. He's more and more distressed as he sees the blood, and even though kind people try to help, Willow can't calm down. He's freaking out completely and eventually starts to have hallucinations of the Underground because of the pain. The rescuers had to sedate him to calm him down. He's so relieved when he wakes up next to you, alive and fine despite your broken legs. Toriel is already helping to heal them faster with her magic, so you're in safe hands. He goes back to sleep with a light sigh.
Swapfell Sans - No hesitation, he attacks the car with all he has to defend his S/O's life. He empties all of his magic on it actually, before collapsing, panting heavily. He then crawls to his S/O to check on their injuries and calls an ambulance. He then takes off his jacket to put it under your head and talks to you to keep you awake and comfort you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He jumps on the car to avoid you being hit. You manage to get out of the way, but Rus gets carried away at a scary distance before the car violently crashes into a tree, making Rus fly in the air. Luckily, he ends up in a big pile of leaves and doesn't even have a scratch. He's the luckiest bastard ever and he can't believe he's alive. S/O still insists he goes to the hospital for a check-up. The guy of the car got the most serious injuries, but who's going to cry for them.
Fellswap Gold Sans - As the car tries to flee, Wine shoots in the tires and watches coldly as the car rolls over down a hill. He then sits next to his S/O and starts to heal them waiting for an ambulance. He doesn't tell them about the second car, pretending the guy ran away. Once S/O is taken care of, he walks calmly to the guy who hit his S/O, then drags them to his home, never to be seen again.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's completely paralyzed with shock, staring at the blood. His hands are shaking as he tries to wake his S/O up, more and more distressed. He eventually starts to scream for help, not even realizing he's doing it. Some people passing by quickly come to help him. Coffee completely breaks down and calls his brother for help, because he has no idea what to do. Wine quickly joins him to calm him down, then asks Coffee to explain what happened. Of course, knowing someone tried to kill his brother is not going to please Wine, who immediately starts to hunt the driver down. Someone is not going to have fun.
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yarameijer · 2 months
Hello it’s me again 🤭
It’s literally 4am for me right now and I was trying to sleep since I have to be up early tomorrow. But like, I can’t sleep without overthinking something, when I thought of this.
I for one absolutely hated how Shindou and Tsurugi didn’t help Tenma with Inazuma Japan, but instead made his life harder by not being willing to at least trying to adapt to what’s happening since it’s out of their control.
And who knows, maybe tenma doesn’t see the issue and doesn’t think there’s anything to forgive, Tenma is after all, a sweetheart.
But I’d like to think that he did see the issue and that he does hold some kind of resentment towards them because of it.
I’d also like to think that he does confront them about it at some point after they’re Back from space and everything calmed down a bit.
I mean, I for one would definitely talk to my friends and make them promise me to support me and have my back if something like that happened again if I was in his position.
So what do you think? Did tenma ever confront them about it? And if so how did they react?
By the way, I love your work and sense of humor and your take on the characters. Good luck with uni!!
Well, to answer simply: yes.
I've been working for quite a while on a one-shot set in the AR universe, one that's part of a larger arc (I posted another part of it before) focusing specifically on this topic, and I think you'd enjoy a preview of it.
Now, important to note is that this is written from Tsurugi's perspective rather than Tenma's, and Tenma has been bottling up a lot of things for a long time. He will likely seem very OOC here because of this - but it will (hopefully) not be as odd once the entire arc is published!
——— Accidental Reverse: Limits I
Kyousuke has never seen Tenma and Shindou like this.
He’d thought it was the worst it would get at the start of the Grand Celesta Galaxy, when they could barely have a conversation without one of them stepping on the other’s toes.
He was wrong.
‘’This isn’t working, Tenma,’’ Shindou moves with a purpose as he follows behind the young captain, his features twisted into a frown. ‘’And I think you know it too.’’
And that’s- that’s what stands out, to Kyousuke. Because this is how they've handled all team-related issues ever since Tenma became captain, it's no different from how it has been for nearly half a year now and yet he’s never seen his two friends behave like this. It seems that the only thing they can do lately is get on each other’s nerves.
What happened to their instinctive teamwork?
It’s Tenma, this time. He’s refusing to look at his strategist, eyes downcast and arms crossed as if he’s shielding himself from something. In response to the words, he just gives a half-hearted shrug.
Kyousuke winces when he sees Shindou’s eyes narrow.
‘’You could answer me, you know.’’
It’s as if he’s watching a movie with the script right in front of him; Kyousuke can see the exact moment where it goes wrong, and it’s with a quiet resignation that he takes note of Tenma’s eyes flashing. The brunet looks ready to speak in his own defense, but then his face falls. He stays silent.
And that, too, has become familiar in a way that leaves a bitter taste in Kyousuke’s mouth.
When has Tenma started feeling like he can’t talk to them?
(Kyousuke doesn't know.
He knows when he first noticed it, though - that odd phone call, all those months ago.)
They’re interrupted by the door sliding open, all three of them looking up at the new arrivals. It’s Kirino, Nishiki and Sangoku, the former two looking relieved when they spot the trio. ‘’There you are!’’ Nishiki says. ‘’We’ve been looking all over for you.’’
It’s no wonder they couldn’t find them. When Tenma stormed off the field, he didn’t go to any of the usual spots like the clubroom, instead navigating through the hallways of the soccer building until they found him in the guest team changing room.
As if he didn’t want to be found.
The thought leaves a sour taste in Kyousuke's mouth.
‘’What’s going on here?’’ Sangoku asks, expression sharp and voice sharper. He’s watching them carefully, taking in Shindou’s obvious frustration and Tenma’s odd hesitance, the younger brunet having turned away from the rest of the room.
When it becomes clear the captain won’t answer, Shindou lets out a sigh. ‘’We were talking about the new training regime for after the holidays,’’ he says, casting a glance at Tenma. At least the strategist seems to have cooled down a bit with the arrival of the others. ‘’Trying to, at least.’’
‘’Shindou-san,’’ Kyousuke interjects sharply.
The game maker sets his jaw and truthfully, at this point, part of Kyousuke could cry. Why are they all so stubborn? It’s one of Raimon’s best qualities as a team, but not if they’re fighting with each other.
‘’I’m only telling it how it is,’’ Shindou retorts, daring Kyousuke to go against him again. ‘’I can’t have a conversation with someone who refuses to even look at me.’’
What really strikes Kyousuke is that the game maker doesn’t sound mad. He sounds frustrated, sure, but it doesn’t seem to be about the training regime – honestly, the striker doubts Shindou even really cares about that.
They both know Tenma.
And it’s clear as day that something is upsetting him.
But getting Tenma to talk about his problems is like pulling teeth; he shuts down and refuses to say a word, covering it up with a smile and a clever distraction instead. And if it’s already driving Kyousuke crazy, he can’t think of how it must be for Shindou.
Because Shindou is Tenma’s go-to person whenever he needs advice, or support, or even just a hug. The two of them have always had their own subtle way of communicating that’s become a bit of a running joke in the team – it always fills them with fond amusement, to see the two brunets who used to disagree simply by being in the same room back when the team first started out, now only needing to glance at each other to know what they have in mind. It’s a great addition during matches, and outside of that it’s just kind of cute to see Tenma following their strategist around like a lost puppy and Shindou trying not to show how much he really depends on the younger’s general cheerfulness.
And now Tenma’s refusing to talk to Shindou.
Because Shindou is the problem, and the strategist is smart enough to realize it too.
‘’I think we all need a break,’’ Kirino interferes, shooting his best friend an encouraging smile. ‘’We don’t have any matches anymore until January, so maybe we should take it easy with training and do something fun.’’ He looks around, trying to find some support.
Nishiki’s nodding along. ‘’Sounds good to me, we’ve been at it for a while already. Let’s go get ramen!’’
For a long minute, Shindou doesn’t back down. He’s silent, gaze flitting between Kirino, Nishiki and Tenma, thinking it over before he finally nods. ‘’Alright. Sounds fun.’’ He doesn’t sound excited at all but that doesn’t matter; at least the situation is defused for now.
Maybe it really is that simple. The winter holidays are just around the corner, and from the moment Earth Eleven returned from space their normal school lives continued. The Winter Road is starting soon as well and they’ve been both training for that and having friendly matches with other teams each week, so maybe it really is just the case of the two brunets needing some time to relax and wind down. They’d been discussing a new training regime for the Winter Road when this disagreement started, after all.
‘’Is everyone coming?’’ Shindou asks, correctly assuming Kirino already planned for this earlier.
‘’Yup, no more practice for today. Coach Endou already agreed to it.’’
And that could’ve been the end of it, would’ve been the end of it – because the tension in Shindou’s expression is fading and Sangoku is starting to smile, and even Tenma, still turned away from them all, seems to slump in relief – if Shindou didn’t say, ‘’let’s hope we’re all more rational about this tomorrow.’’
Admittedly, it’s a poor attempt at a joke and the game maker knows it too, smiling sheepishly.
As it is, no one is prepared for the soft sound that escapes their captain.
Kyousuke doesn’t care about the alarm clear in his voice when he asks, ‘’Tenma?’’ because he can’t see his best friend’s face from here and that sounded suspiciously like he’s about to cry.
He’s seen Tenma cry maybe twice before, but it’s never fun when it happens. He thinks it’s because the brunet doesn’t want to bother them with it, and it leaves him all the more worried, because when it happens it means Tenma’s truly at his limit.
The senpai have frozen, just as taken aback by the sudden change as the forward. Shindou has taken half a step forward, reacting physically before his mind really catches up, but unsure of how to continue now. ‘’Tenma?’’ he asks, and that’s what sets him off.
Tenma whips around at breakneck speed, eyes red but dry. He looks furious. ‘’If all you’re going to do is question my judgement, why did you choose me to be captain?’’ he snaps, words directed at Shindou, but his misery is betrayed by his wavering voice. ‘’I can’t do anything right in your eyes anymore!’’
‘’I-‘’ the older brunet stares at him, lost for words for a few seconds. ‘’Pardon?’’
Kyousuke would flinch if he wasn’t still so stunned by Tenma’s sudden outburst – Shindou resorting to formal language with any of them is never a good sign.
‘’All you’ve been doing is telling me how I’m wrong! Well, I’m sorry for not living up to your standards!’’
‘’Matsukaze Tenma!’’ Sangoku snaps. ‘’You don’t talk to your elders like that!’’
And never, never has Tenma raised his voice against Sangoku – he respects the keeper, possibly more than he respects anyone else on the team, but right now he doesn’t seem to care at all. ‘’But he does get to talk to me like this?’’ he retorts sharply, shoulders drawn so tight it seems physically uncomfortable. ‘’How is that fair!’’
‘’Don’t talk about me like I’m not here,’’ Shindou suddenly interferes, having found his voice again, and Tenma crosses his arms as he looks away, refusing to meet the strategist’s gaze. At that, Kyousuke really does flinch, and for good reason – because it takes their elder friend a mere second to break out of his shock and lash out. ‘’So now you’re going back to ignoring me? Real mature, Matsukaze.’’
Kyousuke has always been thankful for their former captain’s sharp tongue. This might be the first time he’s anything but.
Why did their smartest member also need to possess such a short fuse?
From the corner of his eye, he sees Nishiki wince, and Kirino roll his eyes – and then sees their expression fall into shock, no doubt mirroring his own, as Tenma suddenly gives a humorless laugh.
‘’You want to talk about maturity, Shindou-san?’’ grey eyes are ablaze with both fury and hurt, the brunet gripping his arms so tightly his tanned skin is drained of blood. None of them have ever heard such venom in his voice before. ‘’At least I don’t bully others because of a childish grudge! Grow up already, senpai.’’
For a second, Shindou’s face falls, although his expression hardens again immediately afterwards.
Instead of the angry shout from before, this time he sounds clipped and cold as he says, ‘’I don’t think I’m the one here who needs to grow up. Why do you think I question your judgement when you behave like this?’’ It seems like he wants to add more, but Kirino’s hand on his arm stops him. The defender mutely shakes his head when angry brown eyes find his own, and after a moment, Shindou sighs.
Kyousuke barely notices that, though. His attention is trained on Tenma, mind racing with questions.
It’s why he sees how Tenma angrily averts his gaze from the interaction between his two senpai, why the young captain suddenly notices his attention. It’s why he sees him waver, for just a moment, before his shoulders draw up defensively again and his face hardens as he stares unwaveringly at the forward. A challenge, if he’d ever seen one.
Kyousuke doesn’t understand why.
And he’s always used his words sparingly, but that doesn’t mean he’s afraid to speak his mind. It’s why he dares to ask, ‘’What’s wrong with you?’’
He tried to make his voice sound a bit softer, because his intention wasn’t to attack – this is his best friend, his first friend, why would he ever want to hurt him? – but Yuuichi has always told him to practice his people skills and suddenly he understands why.
‘’Are you serious?’’ Tenma asks, and then he shakes his head and turns away without saying anything else.
The forward finds himself at a loss for words – just what has made the brunet so upset? And what do he and Shindou have to do with it? Because it’s becoming more and more obvious that Tenma isn’t only shutting their elder friend out.
He’s pushing Kyousuke away too.
‘’Tenma,’’ Sangoku says, and he sounds stern enough that it gets the captain to look at him. ‘’Shindou.’’ He crosses his arms and gives both brunets a sharp look. ‘’I don’t know what’s got the both of you so upset with each other, but you need to talk it out. It’s messing up the team, and,’’ he stresses the last word when he notices their captain averting his gaze again, ‘’it’s hurting you both. Don’t let your stubbornness ruin your friendship.’’
At least it seems Shindou is considering his words, however miffed he may still look.
But, again, it’s Tenma who is frowning, who is refusing to look at any of them. Instead he keeps his eyes trained on the floor and asks, ‘’May I be excused?’’ and despite his polite words, he sounds strained.
Sangoku shares a troubled look with Kirino and Nishiki, but then he sighs and gives the go-ahead. The next second, their young captain is brushing past them all and disappearing through the door, leaving them to stare at his retreating back.
For a few moments, silence falls between the remaining players, no one quite knowing what to say. Sure, Kyousuke has noticed signs of this weeks ago already – maybe even before that – but it’s never been this bad.
He huffs, and shakes his head. Leave it to Tenma to get inside his head like this, to get them all so wound up for some unknown reason.
And yet, even as Kyousuke and the others begin to make their way back to the clubroom, he can’t ignore the dread settling in the back of his throat.
No matter how hard he tries to ignore it, he can’t get the furious look on Tenma’s face out of his mind.
I hope you enjoyed it! It doesn't quite answer your questions, sorry for that, but this is only a sneak peek of a larger series of one-shots - titled ''Limits'' - that I will hopefully post one day soon! This is directly related to Tenma's interactions with Shindou (and in part Tsurugi) during Galaxy - and beyond that, to the very start of the anime.
Remember how Raimon wasn't exactly the greatest team in the first few episodes? Yeah, Tenma does too.
Which is interesting because he doesn't seem like the person to hold a grudge, instead bottling it all up - until he's pushed to the limit and, well, the above happens.
I know it's not a complete answer, but I hope you're satisfied with this!
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xxlemon-chanxx · 6 months
heyy I have a question abt Philip and/or Belos and idk if it's stupid or not but imma ask it anyway :)
Soo imagine Philip/Belos has a partner who got prego and it's childbirth time, how would he react?
Also another question, would he treat his partner differently after childbirth?
Last question I promise, how do u think he would treat his child??
These are all fantastic questions and they're all things I've had long, in-depth discussions about! I have a lot of thoughts on this.
1. Childbirth
Philip during child birth is pretty useless. He doesn't know what to do but also doesn't trust any witches or demons near his S/O enough to let one assist in the birth. (though, if the birth is truly horrible and there's tons of complications, he will run to fetch a healer. If it comes down to choosing between his partner and the baby if things go horribly wrong, he's almost always going to choose his partner to be the one to survive.
Belos during childbirth is a lot more competent. He’s going to be a lot more calm and isn't going to just be running around like a chicken with its head cut off. This is mainly because now he has an entire hospital wing’s worth of healers attending to you at any given time. He absolutely refuses to leave the room, though. For any reason. If his S/O doesn't want men present in the room, he thinks he is the exception because he is the father, if S/O tries to tell him directly to get out, he chalks it up to hysteria and stays anyway. (side note on Belos: he takes the baby immediately after birth and cuts it's ears to match it's parents’ ears. He’s the first one who gets to hold the baby, so the S/O doesn't see the baby until it has little gauz wrapped around its head.)
The childbirth discussion was one I had with @sariacreedsthirst and was inspired by the AO3 story “And In Her Gilded Cage, She Sang”
2. Post-partem
Philip would give his partner a few days/weeks to recover until they weren't literally bedridden from a massive, gaping, bleeding hole that just shot out something the size of a watermelon. He's definitely more inclined to lay next to his partner, resting his forehead against theirs, caressing them lovingly, etc. Just overall being far more romantic and gentle with them than he ever would be otherwise. This lasts for a couple of months before he slowly goes back to his old self.
Belos would treat his partner like they were made of glass or fine china. He did this during the pregnancy too, but especially now with them being so bedridden and exhausted after the birth.
3. Parenthood.
I think no matter what Belos/Philip would be a “I put food on your plate, clothes on your back, and a roof over your head, be GRATEFUL” parent.
But when the children are babies he's sooooo much more affectionate with them. And then when they get older he starts to turn stricter, just in different ways.
I can also imagine him using prayer as a form of punishment because it's God’s will for children to obey their parents, so I imagine him saying this at some point: "Be thankful for what you have here. You have a roof over your head, a comfortable bed to sleep in, food in your belly. The only reason you have any sort of life in this place is because I grant you those things. Now, you are going to go up to your room and pray for forgiveness for defying God and his word by not honoring your father, *understand*?"
Also, physical punishment is very much his cup of tea because, well… *gestures wildly at Hunter.*
I've always thought that he would expect his daughter to grow out of “playing” much faster than he would a son. Like, it's super unfortunate, but when his daughter is a baby/toddler he practically fawns over her. She can do no wrong, she is the apple of his eye…but then she turns ten/eleven and she's expected to act like a proper lady while his son would be able to act like a kid and play in the dirt for a few more years. Her punishments aren't as severe when she gets in trouble, but she will get in trouble far more often over stuff that wouldn't even matter if she were a boy, like getting dirty, roughhousing, wanting to go out and play in general.
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rickfucker · 2 years
Here’s a Prickcest first kiss drabble, inspired by this post by the lovely @trucknoisettes​ :)
Rick Sanchez/Rick Prime 654 Words - SFW CW for Explicit language & Sexual themes
Another hot-ass day on another hot-ass planet. The two of them sit drinking beer and shooting the shit, the way they do most summer evenings. 
Prime sheds himself of his t-shirt before leaning back in his lawn chair. Rick rips away the label on his beer bottle without realizing, blankly staring at Prime’s exposed skin. He’s noticed it before; the way Prime bulks up more muscle than he can. He originally thought he was only jealous. Prime looks like he could kick some ass and he can. Rick was the underestimated type.
Prime’s chest has a sheen of sweat that catches on the light from an oversized sun setting. He looks divine. Rick refuses to think about it any more. 
“Take a picture, asshole. Or, you know. Look in a mirror,” Prime snickers through a grin.
Rick blushes, flitting his gaze away in shame. “Sorry,” he mumbles, busying himself by downing his bottle of beer.
Prime actually laughs, then, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his legs. “What’s the big deal, bro? Nothin’ wrong with checking yourself out.” His smile is absolutely shit eating, and Rick can’t tell if he’s fucking with him or not.
He opts for a non-committal grunt as his answer. He’s drained the bottle, getting up to grab another. An easy escape from Prime’s knowing eyes. 
Prime is on his feet, though, following close behind on the way to the cooler. Rick rolls his eyes as he grabs a new bottle from the ice. Prime swiftly traps Rick against the table's edge with an arm at either side of him. 
Rick inhales sharply, Prime twisting over his shoulder to make Rick look at him. “You’re no fun, you know that,” his breath fans over the skin of his neck. Rick knows of his petulance from experience, but for some reason it’s never bothered him. He always found it endearing on Prime. Something stirs in his stomach.
Rick turns to look at Prime head on, embarrassment giving way to annoyance. “What do you want?” he snaps. 
Prime doesn’t give any indication that he noticed or cares. “I want you to say it.” 
Rick frowns, hand going numb from the frozen glass. “Say what?”
Prime squints, his grin forming something a little more sinister. He tenses. There are only inches between their faces, breathing the same air.
“You wanna fuck me.”
Rick didn’t think he would say it. His response is honest, slapping one of Prime’s arms away to escape him with an, “Oh, Jesus Christ!”
Prime reacts quickly, caging him in again in an instant, only with both of Rick’s wrists held tightly together behind his back, and no more air space between their bodies. He drops the bottle in the process, the glass shattering at their feet. He can’t even react. Prime’s hot skin is pressing firmly into his own and he goes stupid. 
Prime holds eye contact as Rick flips through emotions, not sure how he’s supposed to feel. Confused? Angry? Horny?
“Think about it, Rick. We have the same brain.”
“I- I don’t know if I’d go that far…”
“Stop talking, dipshit. I’m you. If you want to fuck yourself, chances are...”
His words hang in the air. For a stretch, they stare at each other silently, Rick’s mind running too fast to think straight, willing himself with pure self-hatred to avoid getting a hard-on. 
Prime lets up on the hold of his wrists but he doesn’t step back. Rick immediately goes to rub at the skin of his now free arms, unable to look away from Prime’s intense gaze.
Eventually Prime gives up. He rolls his eyes, finally taking one step back out of his personal space. “God, you are such a prude-”
Rick knows he’s many things, but a prude has never been one of them.
He instantly kicks into gear, gripping Prime’s jaw on either side of his face and finally closing the space between them.
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featherlouise · 1 year
How does PK react to Hollow's death in the HFD au??
POORLY, to say the least
Like, we already know how WL and PK deal with grief in canon, with WL shutting herself in her gardens and PK fucking off to the dream realm with his palace in tow, and that's after the infection presumably slows down for a bit bc of the sealing.
In the Hollow Fkin Dies au (which is what I'm now calling it if I post any more about it so ty for that lmao) I doubt they'd really get the chance to properly react bc Radi just kinda goes apeshit.
I think maybe with the realisation that Hollow wasn't actually hollow would probably bring PK and WL together in their grief, at least enough for WL to end up staying in the palace, which ends up being a terrible fking idea.
At least her gardens were secluded, but the city is densely populated, and by the time she realises that pretty much everyone is infected, it's too late to make her way to her gardens, so she's effectively stuck. PK would be absolutely RACKED with guilt, and would probably shut himself in his workshop for days at a time, feeling every time one of his people's minds is ripped away from them (hc that he's the god of the mind I figure he can tell when his gift is torn away from one of his people).
He'd be constantly fending off assassination attempts from infected citizens, and it doesn't take long for him to be paranoid enough to bring a small squad of kingsmoulds with him everywhere he goes. With this in mind, I'm gonna retcon him being killed by a random infected person.
After Hollow's death, I figure he'd be haunted by the question of 'if the pure vessel wasn't hollow, who's to say any of them were,' and eventually would find himself venturing into the abyss for the first time since the pure vessel emerged.
By this point, any surviving vessels have either escaped or died, and all he finds at the bottom is thousands of children's corpses, and a bunch of very angry shades. Idk maybe he throws himself into the void sea or something, refusing to allow the Radiance the satisfaction of killing him herself. Maybe he's just a coward. Maybe the guilt becomes too much.
Radi doesn't really have any quarrel with WL, so leaves her to her grief, and she roots herself down inside the palace.
As for Hollow's body?? PK makes a fkin shrine snow white style, where their body is preserved. PK spends a lot of time just sitting in there, staring at them, trying to memorise their face, recontextualising all the little moments during their childhood where they let a sliver of their personality shine through, bc PK never really knew his child, and now he never will.
Alternatively: seeing his child succumb to infection could be the last straw for PK, and after centuries of burying his past as a Wyrm, he shows her what it really means to be an angry god. No I won't elaborate on the alt ending bc I've put exactly zero thought into it and have no clue where to take it lmfao
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dreaminginvelaris · 3 years
A Response to a Feyre Anti
I made a post recently explaining the dread of having to watch Feyre be abused by her sisters and father, in the Tv adaption. And a Feyre anti made a response, to something that should not be criticized at all considering what I said was just the truth? Feyre was abused. Not only that but they went on and completely twisted the narrative to fit their own ideas and in the process made Feyre out to be cruel and Nesta a saint. complete bull.
I will not be tagging the anti bc they have me blocked (shocker), but also I do not want anyone to go after them, if you come across the post, I don't want it to be through me. it's as much respect I can give to them.
I usually do not respond to those who have something to say with a post of mine or are blatantly talking about me on their blog, unless they're just spreading absolute lies about me or what i "said", it's usually a waste of time to do so. but this post attacked Feyre with outrageous lies and a complete backward interpretation of what actually happened in acotar, so as respectful as I can be, I will be analyzing the anti-response and what truly happened in acotar.
"the audience will only see two sisters fighting-not abuse" "it’s not Nesta you need to worry about. It’s audiences calling Feyre a big dumbass and a bitch" -from anti
if the audience has basic human compassion and empathy for humans IRL or fictional, they will see what's obvious from the start. Feyres abuse. how is it going to look, when they see Feyre walking through the woods, shaking from the cold, starving from hunger, and struggling to find food for her family? only to later see Nesta's treatment of Feyre?"
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in the anti's post, they said Feyre was just as "heinous" to Nesta.
is Feyre the one calling Nesta a pig? a smelly pig? ordering her to take her clothes off?
no, it's not, it's dear Nesta. the text goes as "I took my time, swallowing the words I wanted to bark at her" oh yes... how cruel of Feyre. how heinous of Feyre to...stay quiet... at the verbal abuse.
in the same image we see Feyre ask Nesta to do something (kindly might I add) and then inquire why she didn't chop wood like she needs to.
what does Nesta do? acts like a brat and insults Feyre...once again.
considering I'm going off by the story and not the actual screenplay, and assuming they stay true to the story; will the audience not be disgusted by Nesta's behavior? I mean they just saw Feyre struggle to find food and they expect Feyre to go home to a family happy and appreciative of Feyre but instead, they get this familial abuse.
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the anti said Feyre basically tells Nesta this:
"If you keep bitching at everyone like this no one will want to be around you or you can’t marry this guy because you’re a waste of space to me"
but what do we see?
"Believe me... the day you want to marry someone worthy, I'll march up to his house and hand you over. But you're not going to marry Tomas."
the word worthy, did that not catch your eye? Feyre said Nesta will have to marry someone worthy, someone, who will treat Nesta kindly and give her the life Feyre thinks her sisters deserve. bc Feyre does think that IDK why anti feyres think Feyre despised Nesta so much, Feyre loved her sisters.
what the anti fails to realize here is that Nesta marrying Tomas would have been actually pretty great for Feyre. in the sense that, Feyre would no longer carry the burden of her sister. Feyre would not have to worry about feeding one more mouth. or worrying about Nesta's constant stealing of Feyre's money. Feyre does not think Nesta is a "waste of space" to her, if she did, it would have been easy for Feyre to discard Nesta, and allow her to marry Tomas. the anti has that twisted.
but that is not even the worst part of the scene. did you see the shameless slut-shaming that came out of Nesta's mouth? how will the audience take to that? do you think most of the younger generation will take it lightly to see a sister slut-shame a sister? a woman putting down another woman? in this social climate? where the feminism movement is alive and flourishing. will they be okay with it? will they still blame Feyre and be mad at her the way the anti says they will be? I hope not otherwise I'm losing faith in humanity.
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Lovely words Nesta spews at Feyre. I admit Feyre should have told her then and there that Tomas is abusive. but let's think: Feyre is 19 years old, the youngest, has never had any raising by a parental figure, has been neglected by her whole family, where would Feyre learn to calmly talk to an overgrown brat like Nesta? Feyre telling Nesta who Tomas truly is the duty of a parent, not a sister. I will not condemn Feyre for not knowing that was the perfect time to tell Nesta who Tomas is. especially when Feyre is being tormented and verbally/emotionally abused, its kinda hard to think about something else while you're being told all these horrible words. to us its easy to see where Feyre went wrong but unless you're in the exact position Feyre was in. no one has any room to talk. and even then, every person is different in situations like these.
this part was me analyzing the interactions between Feyre and Nesta since anti had reasons to believe Feyre was just as bad to Nesta and that the audience would see that and hate Feyre. I am now going to respond to the second part of the Feyre Anti's response.
"How will an audience of non-fans react to her not reaching out to her family to tell them she was okay after the reconciliation between her and Nesta? Or not inviting them to the wedding?"- from anti
moving onto acomaf now.
Idk maybe the audience will see Feyre, a depressed, lonely, individual in an abusive relationship while being manipulated by other individuals she called friends, and understand and empathize with her. all throughout the beginning and half of acomaf, Feyre is in critical depression. she wholeheartedly believes she should not be alive. that she is not worthy. she doesn't eat, all she does is sleep, self-care is not important to her or others so why would letting a family know she's okay, a family who BARELY ever cared about her, be a priority? it doesn't seem like Nesta or elain or her father was really fazed by Feyre's lack of communication. her father left on a trip, elain got engaged and Nesta, well we didn't see a tearful welcoming to Feyre on Nesta's part did we?
anti, where is the outcry of her "family" not even really caring if Feyre was safe or not, of what happened to her? it's not like they thought she had died, otherwise, where was the mourning or funeral? no, they just didn't care.
see this is where I know when anti is just full of bullshit. why, WHY, would Feyre invite her family to wedding full of fae? the creatures elain and Nesta fear and hate? for all the talk many anti's spew about Feyre being inconsiderate to Nesta, to her family, you would think Feyre maybe just knows a fae wedding would be the last thing they would want? even then, does Feyre owe them an invitation to her wedding? does she owe them an update on her life? nope. Feyre owed them nothing.
"How about her shit-talking Nesta to a bunch of strangers then having the audacity to ask her to get involved in a war. Oh! This is after she comes into her house and insults their hospitality." - from anti
I hardly think Feyre confiding in individuals who she learned to care about and laying out all the trauma Feyre endured with her family is "shit-talking" but for argument's sake, let's say it is. I still don't see what's wrong? after years of pent-up anger and hurt, would you not let go of everything you withheld inside and explain what was done to you? how you felt? Feyre telling the IC her life story, which contains Nesta's abuse and her family's neglect, was a form of therapy for Feyre. I never read a line where Feyre calls Nesta a "cold-hearted bitch" or called elain "a lazy ditz" she just said the truth. no added embellishments. Cassian was the one who shit-talked Nesta during the dinner scene, never Feyre.
I still don't understand why antis are so against Feyre asking her sisters for help? like the war didn't involve them? they're humans, and you know what the war was about? Hybern wanting to take control of the human lands like they once did and turn them into slaves. those humans included Nesta and elain.
"They could have left the continent" correct, except elain was engaged and refused to leave Grayson. which meant Nesta refused to leave elain. but even so, isn't it the duty of humans to band together and work to overthrow a race of people who want to torture and keep them as slaves? the queens certainly weren't doing their jobs. Feyre asked to use "their" house to meet the queens bc where else would they do it? the queens trust the fae less than Nesta or elain did. but even so, Feyre asking to use their house was a courtesy, that house is rightfully Feyre's. she is the one who sacrificed herself to leave with Tamlin. she did it bravely, courageously, and they got that house thanks to her. they owed Feyre everything. and the only one who acknowledged that was Elain.
that war involved elain and Nesta whether they or Feyre or the anti's liked it or not. not even considering that Nesta and elain are Feyre Archerons sisters, yeah, their family name alone puts a target on their back.
How did Feyre or the court insult Elain's and Nesta's hospitality? You mean when Feyre realized human food differed from fae food? something she did not know about bc she's barely been turned to fae and only had eaten fae dishes? Feyre's grimace towards the human food was an involuntary reaction to someone who is still learning their new body. or was it when Cassian called out Nesta for her cold treatment towards Feyre? if that's the case then fuck decency, I would call out a fake bitch in my presence from minute one. you cant call what Nesta did "hospitality" when all she did was insult Feyre when she didn't even care that Feyre had died, or lost her love bc of abuse, or that her body was changed against her will.
hospitality: the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.
did y'all read something different bc this for sure was nothing Nesta gave to her guests?
the rest of the anti post moves towards Rhysand and his actions UTM which I won't go into because I'm mainly just addressing the false interpretations this anti had to say about Feyre and her family.
I'm not sure how to sign off now lol, but I guess just that I hope this was enough to show how this anti's arguments were completely ludicrous and have absolutely no compassion for Feyre, and instead all the compassion for Feyre's abusers. This anti had a real spin on what the actual story was, and I hope the evidence I provided was enough to show that. Anyways yeah my brain is fried, and I'm done arguing with Feyre anti's for a while now, I need to go praise my queen Feyre so I can receive some semblance of peace.
anyways, stan Feyre for clear skin xx
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popi-the-fatui · 3 years
(that no one asked for but here they are anyways)
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A/N: this man needs some luv. Long post, there is a whole iceberg under the “read more”. Also, I tried to keep a Gender Neutral reader so pls DM me if there are any mistakes!!
🐋 Let’s bust some myths first: contrary to popular belief, Childe has no experience at relationships or intimacy at all. Non. Cero. The Venn diagram of romantic/intimate stuff and things Childe has done is a void. But it’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just that he hasn’t had the time to experience any of these things because he is a busy man: between fighting, training and being a Harbinger, there is not a minute left for him to indulge in other things. 
🐋 The problem with this is that Tartaglia is a people’s person. He WANTS to be able to have someone that he can do these things with. At the end of the day, when he comes home tired after a mission, all he wants is someone to be waiting for him with cuddles, hugs, kisses, reassurance, caresses, or just a simple “how did your day go?” Because of this, he has a lot of pent-up love that he has not been able to give. 
🐋 In that note, he is also incredibly touch-starved: not only does he want someone to give that love to, but Childe also craves to receive it. When was the last time he was touched by someone in a context that was not a fight? He loves fighting, obviously: he has trained for a big part of his life to be able to defeat everything and everyone. But he is also just a human, and there are limits to how long a person can go without a loving touch. 
🐋 So when he finally falls victim to the first signs of infatuation, this poor whale man will have an internal battle: do I reach for them? Would they be better off if they never meet me? Will they accept me? Has my reputation already ruined this for me before it even began? How do I approach them? Do I look presentable? Am I going to scare them away? Childe will be torn between wanting to protect you from himself (as the Fatui business is not an easy pill to swallow for everyone) and protect himself from you (his heart would not handle rejection/disgust very well), and wanting to KISS YOU AND HUG YOU AND KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU BECAUSE ARGH WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO ADORABLE.
🐋 So he finally decides to compromise between these two stances, and let YOU decide whether you want him as a friend, a lover or a stranger. He starts greeting you whenever he sees you in the streets, subtly asking if you would like him to join you in your commissions, inviting you for lunch/dinner after a mission so you can recharge your energy, asking if you want to go and share drinks with him and Zhongli. You know, friendly stuff friends do. And he doesn’t even try to hide the happy smile that escapes him whenever you say yes to him: when it comes to you, there is nothing he needs to hide. Well, except for that one thing. 
🐋 He knows that you know he is somehow associated with the Fatui, if his constant trips to the Northland Bank aren’t enough to tell. Usually, Childe dislikes going around things as he much rather hit straight to the point (being the point a fight, a deal or just a simple conversation). But he has grown so addicted to the sensations you make him feel that he can’t help but to try to postpone that tiny little detail about himself for later. He has never had anyone who genuinely wants to spend time with him and that can keep up with him. Childe knows he can be quite intense and that rumors about him aren’t really rumors but WARNINGS, and to finally have someone, even if you’re just friends, that is actively trying to get to know the real him means so much, and he doesn’t want to let that go as selfish as he knows it is because there’s a chance you could get hurt (emotionally and physically). 
🐋 Unfortunately for him, everything that goes up must go down, and that fateful day comes when his plans to take Rex Lapis’ Gnosis blows back to him. After that brief, tense conversation with La Signora and Zhongli, Childe’s ego can’t be any lower: it’s not often that he loses, and much less often that he loses while feeling like a fool. He wants to scream, fight, punch, kick. Anything to take out the impotence and anger he is feeling right now. 
🐋 You found him in this state while you were looking for him to see if he was alright because a WHOLE ASS PALACE JUST FELL FROM THE SKY and you’re very concerned for him as you haven’t had any news directly from him and all you know is that apparently Childe was the cause of it?
🐋 As soon as he sees you, his blood-lust disappears and he no longer wants to fight something: he wants to cry from shame. Shame at being found in this state. Shame at failing. Shame at what you would think of him now that the cat’s out of the bag because from the look in your face is EVIDENT that now you know how far his relationship with the Fatui goes. 
🐋 He falls to the ground, tears finally coming out and he is crying ugly sobs while hiccuping nonsense about how he is a weak, pathetic, disgusting failure and it’s not fair it’s not FAIR IT’S NOT FAIR IT’S NOT-
🐋 “Look at me” you softly call to him, but he is panicking and hyperventilating and not responding to anything that’s outside of his head, so you decide to sit on your knees in front of him, gently cupping his face with your hands, caressing his tears away with your thumbs. 
🐋 “Childe, look at me. Please?” You try again, carefulness in your tone as to not startle him. And when he finally reacts and looks up, you don’t see Tartaglia the 11th Harbinger, nor Childe the fatui flirt. All you see is a broken man that carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, exhausted from constantly fighting against everything the world has thrown at him, and your heart aches for him and wonders how long this man has suffered alone, how long has he suffered in silence. 
🐋 “It’s okay, Childe. You’re okay. Can you breathe for me?” You position yourself behind him and put your hands on his shoulders, rubbing circles with your fingers to further calm him. “Breath with me, yeah just like that. Now hold it for a bit and then release it. Keep going, I’ll do it with you. I’m here”
🐋 Childe finds himself finding it easier to breathe with each inhale and exhale, and when he is finally going down from his high, catharsis hits him HARD. Is this what he has been missing all of his life? Is releasing all that pent-up frustration supposed to feel this good? And he feels a little selfish, because he knows he doesn’t deserve your comfort after the stunt he pulled, but Childe can’t help but become putty under your tender touches and your soft words, and he wishes for a different context, for a different past in which he never fell into the abyss, never joined the Fatui, never felt that the only way to survive was to fight. Instead, he wishes for a past in which he is traveling because he wants to, and he meets you, and he courts you and makes your cheeks heat up at something he said. And you are not touching him because he had a panic crisis that he himself caused. No, he imagines the both of you after a dinner date in Liyue. The sky is dark and the stars are shining but the streets are still full of people laughing and talking and the light from the lamps are reflecting beautifully in your hair. You are walking near the harbor, and you are holding his hand and he is giving you a kiss on your forehead because he can’t help himself. In another life, he would have found you and loved you the way you deserve and the way he needs. 
🐋 But he knows that now is too late, and all he has left is a mind full of regret because he did, in fact, hurt you. How could you trust him after this? How could you WANT him after this? So imagine his surprise when the first thing that comes out of your mouth is a soft “Are you ok now, Childe?”
🐋 “I- how- what?” He mutters in disbelief. Why are YOU asking HIM that? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
🐋 “You had me very worried back there. I thought you would stop breathing at any moment. You are not hurt, are you?”
🐋 And he laughs. A high-pitched, almost maniac laugh. “You know I was the cause of all of…” he says, moving his arms to signal, well, everywhere “...this, right? I believe you now must know what my real business in Liyue was, and that I’m not just some random Fatui officer”
🐋 “Well… I kind of suspected it? How many ‘random Fatui officers’ are carrying a Vision, huge amounts of Mora and have so many ‘meetings’ at the Northland Bank with the Qixing themselves? I mean, I didn’t know you were a Harbinger, but I did know that you were a higher up in the organization. I’m not dumb, you know?” you answer light-heartedly. 
🐋 “Then why would you keep hanging out with me? If you knew all of that, then you for sure must have known that people tend to keep me in a ‘do not trust’ list. People are wary around me, and they should! If you knew of the things I’ve seen, the things I’ve DONE. The reputation surrounding the Fatui, especially the Harbingers, wasn’t built on nothing, you know?”
🐋 “Don’t get me wrong. I do have somewhat of an idea of the things you do for a living. And let me be clear: I certainly do not condone it. And to be honest, I know that things between us would be easier if you weren’t a Fatui and I actually wish you weren’t one” you can feel how his whole body deflated at that, and even if you are sitting behind him, you just know he has a pout on his face, so you resolve for hugging him from behind and rest the side of your face between his shoulder blades, and continue. 
🐋 “But in the past weeks, I also had the opportunity to get to know you. Not Fatui you. But human you. I know that you have a family that you love very much and you do everything in your power to protect them. I know that you haven’t had it easy, and that some scars you have still hurt. I know that you absolutely can’t eat with chopsticks, but your pride refuses to give up and you try anyway. I know that you’re a passionate man that holds his dearest people close to his heart. I know that you hate when I’m sad so you’re willing to make a fool of yourself if that means I’ll end up laughing. I know how you wait outside of my building until my window lights up after you get me home so you are sure nothing happened to me. I know by the way you sometimes disassociate from the world around you that you are thinking of home and returning to your family” as you speak, you feel something wet falling on your upper arms, and realize that Childe is silently crying. You have half a mind to stop, but you also know that he needs to hear this, so you tighten your hug a little in reassurance. 
🐋 “I also know that whenever I see you with a new wound, I can’t help but worry for you and my first instinct is to check if you are okay. I’m now familiar with the way my heart skips a beat whenever I get to see one of your genuine smiles, especially when the reason behind them is that you get to spend some time with me. I know my eyes soften when I see you talking about something you’re passionate about. The truth is, I care for you, Childe. I really do, Fatui or not. Harbinger or not. And yes, while I would rather you not be one, I still can’t help but long for your company because you make me happy. Because I love you. So don’t underestimate me. I’m strong and so are my feelings. You being a Fatui is not gonna change that”. After this, you two sit in silence for a few minutes, but it’s not an awkward one despite your confession. You know he is gathering his thoughts so you move one of your arms that is wrapped around Childe’s torso to card your fingers through his hair, mindful of the knots that had appeared after the battle. If he doesn’t believe your words, then you sure hope he trusts your actions. 
🐋 Childe is the one who breaks the silence when he asks “How could you possibly love someone like me?”. If you weren’t sitting that close to him, you wouldn’t have heard it. He says this so softly, so gently, almost as if he was trying to convince himself and not you. 
🐋 “Silly boy” you laugh warmly. “Did you hear anything I just said?” You ruffle his hair, and finally, FINALLY, you can hear him giggle a little. “You don’t get to decide who I love. That’s my choice, and I choose to love you”
🐋 No kisses were shared that day. No grand, magnificent romantic gestures were made. Only the silent promise of two young lovers to love and cherish each other as they were. And maybe, just maybe, you could work things out, together, to build yourselves a brighter future. 
🐋 So after all has been said and done: congrats! You are now the proud s/o of Teyvat’s biggest simp. 
🐋 Childe is your number one fan. Everything you do is carefully recorded in his mind for later use. He has to go on a mission away from you? Be prepared to be pampered and being taken on several dates the previous week so this clingy man has something to hold on to. 
🐋 Also: he is shameless. He will not be afraid of making out with you in plain daylight on a busy street. But fear not! If you happen to not be a fan of PDA, he will try to be low-profile. You are, afterall, a person he treasures and can’t live without, so your comfort comes before his needs. Now, I say “try” because he will still demand to hold your hand and give you the random kiss on your cheek. 
🐋 HUGS. FROM. BEHIND. Watch him giving you hugs like Oprah. You are buying something? Cooking? Chilling? Expect to feel a pair of long limbs wrapping from behind you in a tight hug like a koala. It’s his hourly vibe check. 
🐋 Very jealous and protective of you. He is very afraid that one day you’ll realize there are plenty of people better than him and you’ll leave him, so please remind this simp that he is more than enough for you. 
🐋 He also has nightmares from the time he spent in the abyss and will take sometime for him to realize that he is no longer there, so give him a few minutes for him to come to his senses and then please for the love of the Tsaritsa cuddle the life out of him. Also on this note, I have the headcanon that he prefers being the little spoon. That, or facing each other and he rests his face in the crook of your neck while leaving little pecks there. 
🐋 Also you discover, to your surprise and as stated at the beginning , that this man has absolutely no idea how to do relationships. To compensate for this and to give you only the best of the best (as you deserve), he spends time in his travels to read romantic novels to have an idea of what to do, so don’t be surprised if he says or does something corny or cringey. 
🐋 The most chaotic “meet the family” you’ll ever have. As soon as he takes you to Snezhnaya, you will have all of his siblings running and tackling you into a bear hug (he sends A LOT of letters to his family about you and if you read them you would not be sure if he is talking about you or a deity).
🐋 He also tries to keep you out of anything regarding the Fatui. It’s a relief that you finally know about how deep his person runs in the organization, but he also wants to spare you from the details of what he does unless something is really bothering him. 
🐋 All in all, this golden retriever is your biggest hype man and the most loyal boyfriend. You will never get bored with Childe, as everyday is an adventure with him and he will make sure you to make you as happy and loved as you make him feel.
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
I'm sending this assuming that requests are open. If not, feel free to ignore this, haha
Can I request the bros reacting to mc getting annoyed and worried during a thunderstorm, and when they ask why mc answers with something akin to "my dog is terrified of thunderstorms, so it's become instinct to find him and comfort him"?
I've been slow to answer requests lately. Sorry, this took so long.
Your constant pacing is annoying him. Lucifer can’t figure out why you are so agitated, and your pacing is starting to distract him from the paperwork he has to have done by morning. “It’s just a thunderstorm, Mc please.”
You whip around to glare at him so quickly he is taken aback.
Nothing in your expression says fear, and to be honest, Lucifer is relieved you don’t seem to be afraid of the storm. He hadn’t handled the situation well and he wouldn’t ever want you to think he cares so little for you that he would brush aside your fears as if they meant nothing.
Now that he is thinking clearly again he changes tactics.
“Mc, my dear, what has got you so upset?”
“My dog hates thunder, and I always have to comfort him during a storm. He’s not here. But I can’t help but worry. And it’s just instinct now I guess.
Lucifer seriously considers bringing your dog to the Devildom.
But the trouble that would get him into, the paperwork, Diavolo, the chance that some sort of harm could come to your pet dissuades him from that idea.
“I’m sorry mc.” and he really does look distressed that he can’t help you.
Until he realizes that Cerberus isn’t the biggest fan of thunder either. Cerberus’s room is more protected from the noise of the storm but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like attention and comfort during a storm.
Lucifer takes your hand and silently leads you down to Cerberus.
You are understandably reluctant at first but Lucifer assures you that Cerberus is completely docile while he is around.
Soon you are snuggled up against the three-headed dog and Lucifer is finishing his work on the ground next to you.
Mammon bluntly asks you what has you so annoyed
“Oi human, what’s got ya all antsy?”
The way he says it makes you want to fight him just a little.
But he’s a demon and there’s no way a human could scare him with a little glare. Well normally your glare might scare him just a bit, but the look in your eyes now is tempered by the worry that is so clear on your face.
He drags you to his room and has you explain exactly why you are so worried.
Mammon asks you all about your dog.
He somehow distracts you by getting you to tell him all kinds of cute and funny stories about your dog.
You end up sitting with Mammon for hours, music playing in the background, almost completely forgetting about the storm.
He definitely wants to meet your dog now.
He’ll even go to Lucifer to get permission to visit your home in the human realm so you can both see your dog.
You are distracting him from his gaming and it takes Levi a second to process that you might need his comfort.
“If you are going to be a distracting normie, could you at least not pace in front of the screen Mc?”
You apologetically move away from the screen towards the door.
“W-Wait! I didn’t mean you should leave! What’s wrong?”
You hesitate not sure if you want to tell him now, but then you spot Henry in his fishbowl.
“My dog hates thunder,” you say refusing to look at Levi and staring at the fishbowl instead “I usually have to go find him when a storm starts. But he’s not here, and I dunno… I think it’s just like instinct to comfort him but I cant so…”
Levi gets it.
He has so much love for his pets. Even the ones that grew into giant demon-eating monsters that don’t even recognize him.
He’d do almost anything for them.
You can’t go comfort your dog, but maybe Levi can comfort you?
He’ll try, even if he is blushy and nervous.
You’ll spend the storm exchanging stories about your pets and watching animes that are eerily similar to your situation. Like ‘My demon dog hates storms but I’m in the human realm and now the storms make me anxious because I can’t help but worry about him.’ and ‘My crush is worried about her pets and I almost messed everything up, but don’t worry I think I can help!’
It’s no secret this demon is more of a cat lover.
But he still cares about your dog because he cares about you.
Blunt demon 2.0
Straight up asks you about your behavior as soon as you start acting weird. Although he is much more polite about it than Mammon.
“Mc, is there something you want to talk about? You seem distressed.”
“No!” you snap “Yes? Maybe? I don’t know Satan. This storm is driving me crazy! Every fiber of my being tells me I need to go find him. But he’s not here and I can’t help but worry and I know you mean well but there is nothing you can do to fix this.”
“Oh, well I don’t know if I would say there is nothing I can do. But who is he, kitten?” he asks gently, trying to understand
“My dog.”
You stare at him as he goes rummaging through the piles on one of his bookcases. After several minutes he turns triumphantly to you holding an ornamental metal hand mirror out to you.
It looks beyond old, and it’s surprisingly heavy and sturdy when he hands it to you.
“Just think of your dog and look in the mirror.”
“Like beauty and the beast?” you joke.
“Where do you think the ‘beast got the mirror in the first place?” Satan asks.
“I-What? You mean you-”
Satan’s eyes glint “That’s a story for another time, but yes I gave the ‘beast’ his magic mirror. But the fairy tales butchered the actual story,” He sighs.
You look in the mirror as instructed and see your dog with your family, tale wagging, dashing across a grassy field after a ball.
You smile “Thank you, Satan. This really helps.”
“Anytime Mc”
Asmo is telling you about his latest Devilgram post and how his followers “simply loved seeing the picture of you on the Ferris wheel with him,” when the first clap of thunder rolls through the air above the house of lamentation.
When you jump up at the sound Asmo thinks you’re afraid of the storm.
He carefully places the top to the nail polish he was using back on the bottle before focusing on you. “Darling, are you ok?”
You shake your head, pacing to the door then back to your vacated seat on Asmo’s bed.
“Mc darling can you tell me what’s wrong?” Asmo analyses your expression quickly, he’s looking for fear but doesn’t find any.
“It’s the storm,” you murmur “My dog can’t stand thunder and I’m used to going to find him when a storm starts. But I can’t really do that here so I’m stuck not knowing what to do with myself.”
“Oh Mc, that’s absolutely adorable!”
You glare half-heartedly at the demon.
“Don’t look at me like that!” Asmo pouts “I can’t help but react when you act so sweet.” he hums in thought for a moment.
“Is there someone taking care of him now?”
You nod “Yes, but I still worry sometimes.”
“I know darling. How about we go ask Lucifer if you can go for a visit tomorrow?”
You perk up at the thought and Asmo grins “Good, then we’ll do that first thing tomorrow morning. But for now, do you think we can distract you with a movie and some facemasks?”
Beel doesn’t want to intrude, but he can’t help it when your mood starts affecting him.
He can’t enjoy the snacks he just bought when you seem so upset.
“Mc… will you tell me how I can help you?”
The sincerity of his question shocks you for a moment.
You blink up at him, feeling heat blooming in your cheeks.
“I’m sorry Beel, I didn’t mean to ruin your snacks”
“It’s ok Mc, you're more important.”
“It’s just that storms bother me. My dog hates them and when I can’t be there to comfort him I get… well like this.”
Beel nods and asks if you’d like to do something to take your mind off the storm.
“I don’t really know if I can just forget about the storm, you know?”
“That’s ok, how about we make some comfort foods then?”
Beel has you choose some music to play in hope of concealing the sound of thunder and you end up talking about your dog and cooking your favorite foods.
Beel is content helping out even if you aren't in the best of moods as long as he can help cheer you up just a bit.
Belphie is already annoyed that the thunder is keeping him from sleeping.
So your mood fits right in with his.
You can both be anxious/ annoyed little terrors together.
The rest of the brothers are giving you both plenty of space.
Somehow having someone in a similar mood as your own is helpful.
You can both be a little snappy without the other being offended or impatient.
You probably end up in a pile of pillows and blankets with Belphie. You're both a little restless but eventually, the comfort of the blankets and Belphie’s warmth calm you.
He’ll make sure you’re ok, with gently probing questions to find out what caused your mood.
He can’t exactly help your situation, after all, he doesn’t have the power to bring your dog to the Devildom and he doubts Lucifer would let him anyways.
But he can, and will let you talk if you want, and if not he’ll support you in silence.
He likes it best when you are happy but he knows there are problems he can’t solve.
He’ll ask if you’d like to dream about being home with your dog and if so he’ll influence your dreams.
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ober-affen-geil · 3 years
It should come as absolutely no surprise that Malex is the reason I finally have my meta hat on this season so let’s skip the intro and dive STRAIGHT INTO THE GROWTH THIS EPISODE SERVED US HUH?
*Disclaimer that once again, my metas are my thoughts and opinions and nothing else. CW for brief mentions of child abuse and trauma as well as unhealthy relationships. Also a warning that this is going to mention Michael slamming Alex’s car door in a positive light, as well as Alex physically grabbing Michael’s hand to prevent him using his powers. If that bothers you I’m not offended, but this meta may not be for you.*
So a quick recap of my thoughts on Malex, for a post s2/pre s3 summary see here. The main point, imo, that Michael and Alex actually “broke up” (in the sense that any relationship going forward would not happen without real development) was in 2x01 when Michael told Alex he was saying “no” to him because he was tired of being pushed around. This was the start of Michael really breaking their unhealthy cycle of miscommunication and failure to really *talk* to each other. 
In 3x06, we see him stand firm on that when he refuses to let Alex leave without giving him some answers. He can *see* that Alex is blowing him off and this is important to him. So he makes Alex listen to him, forces him to communicate which is really all he wanted to begin with.
He tells Alex “no”.
In this episode that conversation is briefly rehashed, because Alex is doing it again. He isn’t communicating with Michael about why or what his decisions are, he’s just making a broad statement and expecting Michael to do what he says. He’s failing to treat Michael as an equal.
Michael says “no” again. Keep in mind, this isn’t a “no” to be contrary, this is a “no, I need more information than that.” Michael is willing to trust Alex, but Alex is showing Michael he is not willing to do the same. A relationship, of any kind, based on that foundation is not an equal one.
So Alex concedes. He shares his reasoning with Michael, explains his own plan, and off they go with no more pushback. Because again, Michael is not being contrary here. He has every right to know and understand where Alex is coming from and what he’s doing and why and Alex knows it. So when Alex communicates, Michael is pacified. Because it’s all he wanted anyway. It’s the start of truly building real trust between them as equals.
Alex, stubborn as he is, is smart enough to see that too. Because Michael starts getting restless and Alex shuts him down hard. He’s right, and Michael knows it, but he’s not happy about it. So he doesn’t quite give Alex a “no” outright, but Alex can see that he wants to. Michael is not directly pushing, but Alex feels pressure nonetheless.
So he makes a difficult personal decision and opens up to Michael about something more than The Plan. He shares the reason *why* he is so insistent on sticking to it, because he’s seen what happens when the plan goes wrong. This is a huge display of trust on Alex’s part, and Michael immediately recognizes the vulnerability for the olive branch it is.
When we get to the porch at the Pony though, this is where the real growth hits. Because Alex didn’t HAVE to share that information. There was no situational pressure, Michael wasn’t forcing him to communicate with him, there was no real reason he had to tell Michael about the Lockhart Machine. Except that he thought Michael deserved to know.
Alex *volunteers* information and that is the final step they needed to get in sync. ...Except it’s kind of not. Because a relationship is a two way street, and Michael has been growing this episode too. So let’s look at his side.
Michael, outside of Alex, has a real issue with trusting people outside of himself. This is...not surprising given his upbringing, but his renewing of his relationship with Max and Isobel has been helping. So did his relationship with Maria, who gave him her own “no”s about his harmfully independent behavior. Michael has been learning how to lean on other people, to trust in ways both similar and different than how Alex needs to learn as well.
In this episode, we see that in his reactions to Alex. At the truck in the beginning, he concedes the plan to get Max away from Jones to Alex. After getting the details from him, of course, as is reasonable, but it’s still a concession. It’s a “I will let you do this even though I think I could do it myself”. For Michael, that’s progress. 
When they find Jones, Michael makes another concession. Because the thing is, the sword is *right there*. It would be so EASY for Michael to take it like he’d planned. To not have to rely on Alex to help him. And he nearly does it too. But Alex stops him, grabs his hand, and that is ENOUGH to make him stop. There are few things on Earth that could prevent Michael from acting immediately to save his brother, Alex is one of them.
Because Michael knows he’s right. He knows Alex’s plan is more strategic and safer, and has a higher likelyhood of working without anyone dying. It’s still an enormous display of trust for Michael to not react by pushing Alex away from him or arguing with him on the spot.
Again though, like Alex, the real growth is on the porch at the Pony. Alex showed his trust in Michael by volunteering information he didn’t have to. Michael shows his trust in Alex by making his own decision to stay away from Deep Sky.
Alex has already told him he doesn’t want Michael around what he’s doing there, and this episode he tells him why (you are the one piece I cannot lose). Michael understands and respects this, but also understands the impracticality of him wanting to get involved at all. Never mind that Ramos as much as told Alex they were trying to use him to recruit an alien to work on the machine. Michael draws his own conclusions and makes his own choice to step away from Deep Sky. From his mother’s machine.
This entire episode has been the two of them building trust with each other.
Alex giving Deep Sky details to Michael at the beginning says I trust you to listen. Alex sharing his reason for staying on plan says I trust you with my past. Alex telling Michael about the Lockhart Machine says I trust you with my job.
Michael listening to Alex and letting him take charge at the beginning says I trust you to share. Michael allowing Alex to prevent him from using his powers on the sword right away say I trust you with my brother. Michael stepping away from trying to get into Deep Sky says I trust you with my mother.
And finally, at the end, they speak as one:
I trust you with myself
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What if post-books Edward gets implanted into twilight Edward's body? How would the story alter?
Oh, that’s a tough one, anon, very interesting question.
Well, we have a few things. One, this is an Edward who now knows that he will fall deeply in love with Bella Swan. Per Renesmee, he also has realized that vampires do in fact have souls and that, if all goes well, he will have the world’s most precious daughter in his life.
While I’m sure Edward’s extremely conflicted on making Bella a vampire he also wouldn’t want to wipe Renesmee out of existence. However, this is Edward we’re talking about, so he might very well convince himself that they’ll just do the Renesmee thing better this time.
Bella will get pregnant, they’ll make sure the C-section goes according to plan, and somehow Bella will miraculously stay human. (Does this make sense/is this possible? No. Will Edward desperately think this anyway like the lunatic that he is? Yes.)
However, Edward is a proper gentleman, which means he will not wed Bella before she’s at least eighteen and legal. Until then, he will court her, and revel in their romance.
Or he would, but first he’s got to hunt down and murder James, Victoria, and Laurent. It doesn’t matter that they have yet to even hear of this girl Bella Swan, their continued existence and future threat to Bella cannot be allowed (even though Edward could just as easily have Bella stay home from the fateful baseball game).
Edward doesn’t go to Biology that first day but instead leaves school to go find James, Victoria, and Laurent who he knows will be in the area within only a few weeks. He explains none of this to anyone, leaving everyone very confused nad anxious, Esme in particular is an absolute wreck.
In his mind, Bella is the Penelope to his Odysseus, waiting faithfully for his return no matter which suitors beat down her door. He forgets that this Bella has never met him, nor even seen him, before. When Bella gets the run down at lunch all the Cullens are pointed out to her and at the missing seat Jessica says, “Huh, I guess Edward’s sick, well, he’s the ginger whenever he gets back in.”
Because Edward is an awful tracker, he fails to find the three vampires, even in weeks of searching. He starts to get nervous, the day of the baseball game is fast approaching, will he really have to backtrack? Is he really going to allow Bella to be in that much danger?
Bella, meanwhile, has only noticed Edward as that guy who’s supposed to sit next to her in Biology but has been for a few weeks. According to rumor, he has mono (desperately fabricated by Carlisle who has no idea where the fuck Edward is or what’s even happening).
Bella’s vaguely intrigued by the sound of him, a very hot loner, but ultimately it’s of no interest to her.
Instead, it’s the mysterious Alice Cullen who draws her interest.
You see, Bella was nearly hit by a truck, but without Edward around Alice had to act herself and saved Bella. Bella now knows the beautiful, mysterious, Alice is not human and spends her time thinking about her mysterious savior.
Alice uncomfortably acknowledges that the girl who was supposed to be for Edward appears to be falling for her instead. She’s actually not all that conflicted by this, but it will make things a little awkward when Edward returns.
Bella flirts with Jake to get the Cold Ones story and figures out the Cullens are vampires, has a romantic Italian dinner with Alice when Alice saves her from almost being raped in Port Angeles, and Alice tries to tell Bella what an awesome guy this Edward that she’s never met is.
Seriously, he’s amazing, Bella will love him, Alice knows, she sees the future! Alice doesn’t invite Bella to the house or to baseball because she feels that’s Edward’s role. Except, Edward’s not answering her phone calls, and she’s getting increasingly antsy. HE’S RUINING EVERYTHING!
Edward shows up to the baseball game, guns blazing, and... Bella’s not there. The Cullens are having a nice game of baseball with James, Laurent, and Victoria.
Edward blurts out that James is the reason Alice is a vampire, sic him Jasper! Everyone continues to stare at Edward, but James is weirded out enough to attack, it’s an all out brawl but ultimately the Cullens win.
James, Laurent, and Victoria have been torn apart. Edward burns their bodies before anyone can even ask, much to Carlisle’s horror. Edward just tells them that it’s cool, Edward saw their thoughts and they were super evil.
How you been, family? Now, if you don’t mind, Edward’s going to see his wife.
Edward climbs through Bella’s window in the middle of the night and she reacts in terror. This vampire she doesn’t know has just climbed through her window in the middle of the night. She calls Alice in desperation and Alice has to explain, through a very strained smile, that no worries this is Edward. Yes, the Edward, Bella will just adore him. Alice sees the future.
Bella’s not feeling the love and Edward realizes something has gone wrong.
He was so certain of Bella’s love, it’s so fundamental to him, that he had forgotten there was ever a point where she didn’t know him. He was born loving Bella Swan and he assumed she’d be the same. But this Bella has no idea who he is, he’s an utter stranger to her, and in the mean time it seems she’s been buddying up to Alice.
Edward asks her “What the hell, Alice?” And Alice tries desperately to defend herself AND YOU WERE GONE FOR WEEKS, EDWARD. 
Edward has a crisis much like he did in Eclipse, everything’s out of his control and he doesn’t like it one bit. He forbids Jasper from spending any second ever near Bella for fear of another New Moon disaster. Now that James and Victoria are eliminated Edward debates leaving Bella while she’s human again, the only thing stopping him from giving it a third try is Renesmee, he can’t have his daughter not existing.
Which means he spends the time between then and Bella’s 18th birthday being insufferable. Worse is that Bella thinks he’s a weird creep.
He’s no longer charming, he’s aggressive, wanting her to be in love with him right this second and blaming her when she isn’t. And for all Alice’s assurances, she doesn’t like this guy sneaking into her room at night and staring at her nor does she like the idea that she’s doomed to fall in love whether she likes it or not. Bella sticks to Alice like glue and avoids Edward whenever possible.
Bella’s eighteenth birthday comes and, rather than having a party, Edward kidnaps Bella to a church. Congratulations, we’re getting married, then we will have sex and you will give birth to my beautiful half-vampire daughter. Don’t worry, you’ll stay human.
Bella bolts out of the car screaming at the top of her lungs, calling desperately for Alice, who cannot believe Edward fucked up this badly. Edward utterly panics, having no idea what has gone wrong, but having the sinking feeling that he’s ruined everything.
He begs Bella to take him back, but every time she sees him she starts screaming in terror.
After Bella graduates, the question comes up if Bella should be turned and continue to be involved with the family. Alice insists that it will happen if they like it or not, I imagine the family tries to separate, but Edward refuses to now that Bella’s so close to leaving him. He can’t leave until he’s certain she loves him. Eventually, an accident happens in which one of them attacks Bella and she gets seriously injured, it’s simply a matter of time. Bella is then turned.
She ends up dating Alice, Jasper not sure if he’s even married to Alice anymore, and Edward never forgives Alice who he blames for all of this. Because it’s certainly not his fault.
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can you do a hc of the bros and would they help mc feel better. like mc is sad and what would the brothers say and do to make them feel better. idk if this has been done so yeah :)
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Lol, let's see if I remember what being sick is like, haven't caught a single cold since the start of the year, and thank fuck for that too-
Also, once again, one more time, third time actually, it's hard to focus things on the MC as I try to make it possible for many to put themselves in the story (I know I have written one on MC liking insects but that was very self indulgent lol)
I will change things up a bit on the request, but if it was with my own MC, she would be fairly practicle, checking up on the brothers, giving them water and asking if they wanted food, even keeping company if not contagious. It will look like she is just being considerate but it actually pains her to see them sick, it's just that she is used to expressing herself in acts of service.
When Your Seven Demons Get Sick
Warning: a LOT of uncensored swearing
We all know this can go two ways: either this piece of shit refuses to acknowledge that he is coughing like a damn nuclear explosion or he responsably takes his work home and refuses to fully rest because he needs to keep and eye on not only his brothers but also on the man child he works under that he somehow has come to fondly call a best friend.
So, yeah, tomato tomato.
His stress is reaching levels higher than celestial realm and he definetelly has been staring at a piece of document for way too long and not making any progress.
You will have to literally german suplex this man into his bed if you want him to get more than 5 seconds of shut eye.
It will take a while for his brain to process that 'oh yeah he can trust you to keep at least 10% of the house intact while he recovers'.
He may be a bit insufferable as he will attempt to work again, but it is a very adorable sight to have him whining, being way too happy at small gestures, and of course, his squishy cheeks as he sleeps soundly.
As long as he is being dramatic about it, you know he will live.
Though he probably won't realize he even is ferverish until someone points it out that his responses are much slower than normal.
Like, it took him one second too long to screech in terror and start running for his life when he spotted Levi's all nighter dying body crawling out of his bedroom!
And oh yes was he delighted to be deprived of his obligation to go to RAD until he got back to his full health.
Until he was not allowed to not do anything but rest for the entire day that is.
Yes he will be restess and willing to do anything just to be allowed to stand on the front porch for five seconds and yes you will end up threatening to tie him to the bed in a non kinky way and yes you will only be half joking.
Just make sure to keep close attention to his levels of drama so that you can spoil him properly when he truly feels bad.
With him it can also go two ways: either he also doesn't fully realize until someone points it out or he will immediatelly let you a "Oh hell no" the moment he gives out a single cough that feels just a little bit out of the ordinary.
How he will take care of himself, if at all, will depend of the situation.
If there is absolutely nothing to lose from being sick other than the hability to breathe through his nose he would definetelly spent the entire recovering process binge watching slice of life animes while laying confortably on his tub.
If he had plans related to the things he is passionate about though?
I wish you luck because he is definetelly not backing down and will consequently make himself even more sick afterwards.
Although the extremelly satisfied expression we wears even when he can barely laugh without having a coughing fit kind of makes it all worthy in the end.
The most chill sick person you will ever encounter and will always make sure to be responsable and nurture himself back to full health.
The catch though?
This big brained idiot definetelly doesn't know how to judge between what is small cold and straight up dying when it's about his own body.
So yes he is the kind of person who will always take some painkillers, drink water, lay on bed and read a book until he falls asleep no matter what the fuck he actually has.
So much for knowledge is power smh.
First off, he deserves to be vibe checked with the thickest medicine book you can find in the cluttered mess he calls a bedroom.
Second off, he is so much more prone to being pissy when he's sick. It's almost funny how fast he goes from :) to >:( in half a second the moment someone who isn't you steps inside his bedroom.
And last but not least, cat videos. No further explanation needed.
Oh someone have pity on this poor baby. He took so much care to not get himself sick and has managed to avoid even the worst of pandemies for centuries! So why now?!
He is basically so desperate to recover to the point he actually makes it take longer due to him stressing things out.
And he feels so sticky, he will basically want to take 5 showers per day.
Also his voice is basically gone?? And that just makes him want to s c r e a m ????
Locks himself inside his bedroom and throws a pity party.
Many of his posts on the media are something like "Oh no! I think I got sick? I am feeling a bit under the weather right now so, will you nurse me back to health~? Pretty please~ ❤" while in real life he is pretty much sneezing and coughing at the same time every 5 minutes.
If you bring him consolation sweets he might cry. Both because you're making him happy and because he is definetelly going to have to lose those extra calories later.
As much as he wants to cuddle he doesn't let you too close in case it's contagious and damn if he isn't rocking the pale skin, runny nose and swollen eyes.
He doesn't agree.
Big boy is definetelly one of the easiest demons to take care of when sick seeing he will to his most to not feel like a chore to you.
Yes he will lie when he feels unwell so that you don't worry.
And that's when you should vibe check him with a spoon.
Like yes you may be getting out of your way to take care of him but no it's no problem at all because yes you love him a lot and would do anything to see him get better and you know he would to the same if not more for you if switched places.
Happiness is the re ocurring 'aah's as you spoon feed your bed ridden man and watching as he keeps on smiling throughout each bite and eats everything like a good boy.
But you can't tell me he doesn't manage to get drunk on cough syrup though.
He is definetelly not as hungry as usual but damn this cough syrup tastes great.
The results are Beel going on a cursed chain of crypid comments in which he makes sure to whisper them in the strangeat ways you could imagine at the most random times always giving a happy smile once he is done.
He apparently doesn't recall any of it the next day-
How he reacts to being sick completely depends on who is close enough to hear him whine.
Most of the time, whenever he feels anything out of ordinary, he will immediately text Beel in case this is just one more of their cases of twin-powers.
If he is actually sick though?
He will not stop whining, but then he gives a cute smile when he sees you and even makes a motion closely resembling grabby hands with his fingers as he raises one arm in your direction while saying some shit like "I missed you" when you literally were only gone for exactly 2 minutes to go grab him a cup of water and I think you can understand the power this little of shit has.
Be prepared to roll your eyes so much your eyes will probably start hurting.
The good side though? He is the only brother who listens exactly to what you tell him to do without feeling bad about being a burden. Though it's all because he doesn't wants you to worry about him any further than necessary.
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
This my first post ever, but I just had a tooth removed so here is, my favorite male danganronpa characters and how I think they would react to having their S/O tooth removed. (Also I use she/her pronouns. Sorry boys!)
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Nagito Komeada
Nagito is a caring guy and I think he would be the guy to go with you when you go to get it removed
He is constantly asking if you feel any pain even though the dentist are already asking that.
He just wants to make sure his hope is not in pain 🥰
After the tooth is removed and you leave your body feels really light, and you can’t feel your face
You also can’t eat for a while and you’ll talk really funny
You feel really embarrassed cause you think you look like an idiot. You also feel ugly cause that one tooth missing
Nagito being the sweetheart as he is will reassure you that your aren’t ugly
“My hope your still very beautiful, I think you look more beautiful everyday. I can’t wait to see how beautiful your hopeful smile will look like when your tooth grows back.”
It makes you feel a bit better
When you get home and your able to eat again he Cook’s your favorite meal
You and him even cuddle up and watch your favorite show/movie to get your mind of your missing tooth and numb face.
He’ll also bring some ice when the soreness comes to your mouth. Along with a pain numbing medicine.
“Nagito…do you still really think I’m still okay looking like this?” You ask
“My hope I would never lie to you! So when I say I think your beautiful, I think your beautiful! Don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise.” He responded
“Thank you Nagito, I love you!” You tell him cuddling up closer
“Your welcome, I love you too.” He said kissing the top your head and wrapping his arms around you tighter
Uggh I just…Love him so much 😫😍
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Kokichi oma
Don’t even try to deny it! This boy would be a nightmare at the dentist. So you go by yourself since you already knew this.
When you come back from the dentist. Kokichi was in the room just glaring at you. Apparently when you told shuichi (cause he asked where you were going.) he told Kokichi when he asked him where you were.
“S/O your supposed to tell your supreme leader everything! I need to know where my queen is! WAAAAHHH!! S/O YOUR SO MEAN!! Don’t you love me!?!”
You knew this was all an act, you knew the tears were also fake
“Kichi, babe, can we not do this right now. I can’t feel my face and I can feel the soreness of where my tooth is missing coming on.”
He instantly stopped and came to you and started poking your face! And smirking
“So you can’t feel this! Or this! Or this!”
Yes you couldn’t feel it, but you were still pretty annoyed by it!
“Where is your tooth missing? Come on show me!”
You showed him since you knew he would bother you all day if you didn’t. And you didn’t want a headache with this terrible soreness is your gums and numbness in your face.
“Wow that’s pretty ugly! I suggest you don’t smile with your teeth for a while nishishishi!”
Even though you knew it was a joke. It still kinda a hurt your feeling and made you a little mad. You started to tear up
his shot open when he heard a quiet sniffle coming from you. He didn’t expect you to start crying since it was just a joke.
But before he started to apologize. You grabbed a pillow and threw at his face and yell “Your a real jerk! You know that!” Then running of to your room. Locking the door behind you
He came to your door and knocking on it nonstop
“S/O come on it was just a joke!”
“As your supreme leader I order you to open this door!”
“S/O come on, we can cuddle if you want!”
“We can play whatever game you want if you open this door.”
You remained silent on your side
Kokichi absolutely hated being ignored. He hates that his lover is ignoring him.
Even though he rather jump off a cliff then admit it!
He actually likes it when you give him attention! He loves when you give him affection like kisses or cuddles, or simply saying “I love you”
But he was stubborn he wasn’t going to cave that easily
“You know what fine! Ignore me all you want!” He said walking off
Everybody seemed to notice the mood Kokichi was in.
Shuichi already though it Might have to do with you and the dentist appointment you had
He came and asked you and you told him what Kokichi had said and why you were ignoring him.
Kirumi, heard about your dentist appointment and came to bring you things to help with the soreness in your mouth. Sine you know…she’s the ultimate maid and all.
Kokichi wasn’t going to beg for you to pay attention to him, he wasn’t that easy to break.
…30 minutes later
There he was at your door begging for you to let him in
You weren’t letting him in until he apologized
“S/O, my queen, let me in please!”
Still nothing.
He checked to see if anybody was coming and then took a deep breath
“S/O I’m really sorry for what I said. Your still my gorgeous queen. Please…let me in…”
You were surprised by how genuine it’s sounded
You open it just a little so you could see him and you were shocked by what you saw
He was looking at you with tears in his eyes. Genuine tears!
“I really am sorry. Please. Let me in.”
You couldn’t refuse
He instantly lighten up when he saw you completely open you door.
“Nishishishi! I knew you couldn’t ignore me for long! After all, who could resist their handsome supreme leader!”
“Yeah yeah…do you wanna cuddle?”
“Yes. Later let’s play a prank on kaito or keebo!”
“Instead how about we nap.”
“Fine…that’s sound so boring though”
“I could take one by myself-“
“No! We are taking a nap together!”
No matter how annoying he gets! You couldn’t resist your cute purple boyfriend
He annoying…but he so adorable 😍
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Makoto Naegi
This cute cinnamon roll has no idea what to do
He their during the removal and makes sure that nothing goes wrong
The dentist tells him what you can and cannot do for a certain amount of time.
You don’t like how you can’t feel your face and you think that tooth missing makes you ugly.
“S/O please don’t worry about that tooth missing. It’ll grow back. Also your not ugly your still as pretty as ever.”
He gives you a wet paper towel to bite down on. To numb the soreness (like how your author is doing right now) he also gives you pain reduce medicine.
He lays on your chest as you play with his hair. You like playing with it considering how soft it is and you just love his little ahoge! Kawaii!
“Do you need anything else S/O? Just say the word.”
“No, all I need right now it my cute boyfriend!”
“Wha?! C-cute! I’m no- that- um...”
He shoved his face into your chest to hid his embarrassment
“Thank you though naegi. I love you”
“Of course, I love you too!”
“I love you more!”
“No…I love you more!”
You both giggled the night away
Aaaahhh!! He just so cuuuuutttteee! ❤️❤️
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Hajime Hinata
Hajime is a little bit…what the word…complicated…in certain…situations…
Just like the one he’s in
He there so your less scared but he just mostly watches. He honestly just feels kinda awkward
After you leave, he gets you an ice pack for the soreness in your gums later on, and of course pain reducing medicine
You kept touching your face cause of the numbness in your face, you were a little bit fascinated by the feeling. Hajime noticed
“Why do you keep touching your face?”
“Half of my face is numb I’m kinda interested in the feeling.”
He awkwardly laughed. He thought it was kinda weird but also found it cute.
“Hajime can we cuddle please!”
Hajime wasn’t the best at relationships, you guys have been dating for about a 2-3 months and he was still getting used to cuddling.
You noticed the nervousness in his face
“We don’t have to…I’m sorr-“
“No! No. we can cuddle.”
“Are you sure? You look a little nervous.”
“I know. I’m still getting used to this whole ‘relationship’ thing”
You giggled and snuggled up with him and just talked about different subjects until the soreness in your gums came along. Then you two sat in comfortable silence.
You were starting to get a bit sleepy
“Hey Hajime. I know your still new to this whole thing with us. I just want you to know I really do love you. Thank you for being here with me today
“I…I really love you too. It’s just I’m so afraid of screwing this up. I don’t want to lose you. And your welcome, I’d be happy this anytime.”
He kissed you on top of the head and both of you feel into a deep slumber.
You and Hajime, might have some weird moments but your both trying your best.
I really hope that was not trashy and I hope I got his character right.
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shihalyfie · 4 years
A meta on Mimi and her character
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Today’s spotlight character is Mimi! While the Adventure characters are all written to subvert character stereotypes (no, really), I feel this is particularly enhanced for Mimi, whose surface demeanor and the first impression you get from her suggest an almost opposite character to whom she actually is.
Disclaimer before we continue: While not to the same extent as Daisuke, Mimi’s disposition and personality have some significant differences in the American English dub compared to the original Japanese. As usual, this is not meant to be any particular comment about the dub’s changes, but simply that if you’ve only seen that dub, are reading this post, and are thinking “that doesn’t seem right?” that would probably be why.
Mimi’s family background and attitude prior to Adventure
Like with any of the other Adventure characters, understanding Mimi’s personality and why she acts the way she does is most easily done by starting with her family background.
We first meet Mimi’s family in Adventure episode 35.
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There is a lot to unpack with only this scene alone, so let’s get started!
Mimi’s family is quite well-to-do. They’re not filthy rich or anything, but they’re well-to-do enough for Mimi’s father to work freelancer (he works in music). This means that Mimi grew up with a fairly “comfortable” life, probably getting pretty much anything she asked for -- in other words, she’s spoiled. It also explains why she’s actually pretty impeccably polite to everyone -- she adheres very firmly to honorifics when speaking to both elders and younger people, and never, ever speaks roughly or aggressively, because her parents have basically been raising her like a “lady of the house” (ojousama) or princess. (She does use casual-form Japanese, but she never lets up on the honorifics.)
They’re very open-minded. We learn in this episode that Mimi’s bizarre food tastes in liking natto on her eggs with sugar (from Adventure episode 6) most likely come from her mother, Satoe, cooking things like kimchi fried rice with whipped cream and strawberries. In other words, the family is very into the idea of “unconventional and strange” and has no qualms about it.
While Mimi in 02 is portrayed as liking practically any kind of fashion aesthetic imaginable, both her room and the overall decor of the apartment suggest that “in-your-face cute” is the generally favored one.
Mimi’s family is also extremely affectionate. They smother each other in lovey-dovey words, her father actively likes Satoe’s weird cooking ideas, and it’s a household where everyone seems to dote on and mutually love and support each other (Mimi’s parents are almost embarrassingly lovey-dovey) without restraint.
The result is that Mimi ends up “spoiled sweet” -- she’s pampered and used to a comfortable life where everyone dotes on her, but because of the family dynamic being so built on “affection” and “open-mindedness”, she also never develops a streak towards condescension or malice.
What does that mean, you might ask?
Mimi in Adventure
A lot of people remember Mimi by the fact that she was “whining a lot” in the early stages of Adventure, and the fact that she’s a “girly-girl” with some of the associated stereotypes. As a result, one may be surprised to hear that her behavior is actually supposed to be mostly representative of an average child in her situation, and she’s often described in press materials as “someone who can befriend anyone” or “someone who can get along with anyone”. Even her official website profile talks about how pretty much everyone considers her likeable.
This may seem difficult to believe at first, but you might actually notice a pattern when it comes to her “complaining” -- it pretty much always boils down to one of the following, or something along these lines:
I’m scared
I’m tired
I don’t like this/I don’t want that
I want a bath/bed/food/(some other home comfort)
I want to go home
In other words, Mimi is basically reacting like an average child would when thrown into another world out of nowhere! All of her complaints are out of low tolerance and high sensitivity -- all of these scary and uncomfortable things around her are making her feel bad, and she’s not hesitating to make that clear with her words.
However -- and this is very important -- these are all things she’s saying specifically because she’s now in a dangerous, unfamiliar situation in another world. All of these things are things she says defensively, because she’s sensitive to being uncomfortable or hurt, but she is also never aggressive towards others. In completely normal situations -- ones where all she’s doing is socializing at school -- it’s not hard to believe that she would actually be one of the nicest and most considerate people on the planet and that she would be instantly likeable to anyone she meets. Why? Because she lacks condescension or malice. She’s a very nice person who, if not for being under heavy stress, would never step on anyone’s toes. Even during those early episodes of Adventure, whenever there’s “down time” and they’re not in an uncomfortable situation or being chased by something, she goes back to being polite and respectful of others (remember: she’s one of the most adherent to honorifics among the cast), and is perfectly kind and agreeable with them.
As much as she may sometimes get demanding during the early episodes of Adventure, she also doesn’t expect her peers to cater to her nor does she look down on them. One of the biggest examples comes from the Adventure novel:
Mi–chan was pointing at the front of the bus, where a boy wearing a long–sleeved orange shirt was about to get off. Even Mimi knew who he was. They hardly ever talked together, but he was her classmate, Koushiro Izumi. Mi–chan wanted them to look at what Koushiro was carrying on his back – a wireless laptop. “Isn’t he so weird for bringing that all the way to camp?” Mi–chan sneered with mocking laughter, but Mimi didn’t laugh. She simply didn’t find any reason to.
In a situation where people are mocking this weirdo kid for bringing his laptop to camp, Mimi “sees no reason” to look down on him. To her, what’s the point? It’s not fun to be malicious towards others, and she sees no benefit in dunking on him. Hence, because she’s actually very polite and open-minded towards others, and doesn’t see any reason to be mean, she’s not mean, and so you can see why everyone would like her -- after all, she’s not only bright and cheerful, she’s also polite and kind! Who wouldn’t like such a nice person?
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Mimi’s first “focus episode” is Adventure episode 6, and we already see a lot of these traits in action. Mimi gets to see the other kids making absolute fools of themselves under Monzaemon’s brainwashing, but the most she has to say is just observing that they seem to not be having fun, and being worried about their well-being. Once she finds out the truth behind what he did to them, she gets extremely angry on her friends’ behalf -- she actually calls them her “friends”, despite them barely knowing each other at this point!
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And then when the Numemon step in to fight for her, despite her initially having been turned off by them (mainly because they make her uncomfortable, both by indulging in literal poop around her presence and by invading her personal space by flirting with her), she actually almost breaks down in tears over them!
What this all means is that Mimi’s “high sensitivity” also translates to something else: Mimi has extremely high empathy for others. In terms of being “sensitive”, she’s also sensitive to how other people feel. She worries about others’ welfare constantly, even when they’re poop-throwing slime monsters who had just flirted with her, or near-stranger classmates who just happen to have been thrown onto this adventure with her whom she barely knows. That’s why she’s so nice to other people -- she feels for them, and she constantly empathizes with others’ emotions, so that’s why she’s never rude to others nor does she step on their toes.
It’s also why, even after Koushirou rubs her the wrong way and momentarily causes her to lash out at him for being insensitive about her feelings in Adventure episode 10, she also never seems to hold a grudge against him thereafter (especially since, for as much as he was acting pretty frustrating, she understands he was doing it out of good intentions). In fact, Mimi is pretty much incapable of holding a grudge at all. (More on this later!)
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Mimi’s most famous incident of “succumbing to her vices” is Adventure episode 25, when she ends up letting the Geckomon and Otamamon pamper her while stringing along and refusing to do the job they’d needed her for in the first place (singing to wake TonosamaGeckomon). Let’s go over what led to Mimi getting in this situation:
Mimi was basically at her limit. She had been in the Digital World for what had been implied to be months. Going that long without her bath or soft bed or comfort, it’s understandable that she finally let stress overcome her and succumbed to her vices in full. This is basically Mimi at one of her worst possible breaking points, not her most of the time.
Taichi, Jou, and their partners never gave her a very good reason why they should leave (Taichi never explained the problems going on in the real world, nor that he’d even taken a pit stop there) and now, for all she knows, they’re trapped in the Digital World forever, so when she sees an offer to make it all stop hurting, she naturally takes it -- especially when the people telling her to leave aren’t giving her any reason why except that she should.
Even despite all that, Mimi has a complete mental breakdown after her tantrum ends up throwing everyone in jail, dreaming about how everyone must hate her now and how even the Geckomon and Otamamon are tiring of her (the fact this pops up in her dream implies that she’d had a feeling this was coming for a while now). Sora comes to give her a little encouragement, but even she says that Mimi already really knows what she should be doing now. Mimi ends up bringing everyone out to apologize to them and fulfill her duty before the night is even over.
So let’s recap: Mimi is so empathetic and worried about other people’s feelings and what they think of her that, even in arguably one of the worst mental health crashes we’ve ever seen her have on screen, she still breaks down at the prospect of disappointing everyone and making them hate her to the point she immediately recognizes how far she’s fallen and takes it back before the night’s even over. That is how much other people, ranging from Taichi to a crowd of Digimon she’s only vaguely acquainted with, matter to her.
The full “payoff” for this episode in terms of the light of the Crest of Purity glowing and achieving Lilimon evolution does not happen until Adventure episode 35.
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It is interesting for a lot of reasons, mainly because it involves all of the events happening in response to things that don’t sound very virtuous on their face (early in the episode, Mimi insensitively comments on Palmon being “bad taste”, and later in the episode she starts considering the Digimon tormenting others unforgivable).
The “Crest of Purity” (sometimes “Innocence”) is something that’s often been difficult to translate, mainly because the easiest words that come to mind often have other unwanted implications, but the real point of it is that, again, Mimi is lacking in malice. The way she talks to Palmon at the beginning of the episode indicates she really didn’t think Palmon would take it seriously (she even urges her to “not think too much into it”), only to find out at the end of the episode that she sort of kind of did. (Trust me, she’s very sorry about it.) The other thing is that, when she starts protesting at the Digimon at the end of the episode, she’s doing this specifically because she’s weeping on behalf of all of the tormented civilians (including her family) that are being caught in the crossfire. She’s so constantly empathetic towards other people that seeing other people hurt, regardless of how well she knows them, just eats her inside. So for her, those who cause that kind of suffering are unforgivable, because they’re inflicting that pain on others.
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This is also what leads to her breakdown near the three-quarters mark of the series. Like with how she eventually came to empathize with the Numemon who fought on her behalf, Mimi holds no grudge against Scumon and Chuumon despite them having flirted with her earlier, and Chuumon taking a hit for her hurts her the deepest among all of the other kids. Because Mimi is so empathetic towards others, every death starts tearing away further until she finally can’t take it anymore. 
Mimi is fundamentally the kind of person who hates fighting, and even from day one she’d never liked it -- her way of “encouraging” fighting was more like hoping that Palmon (or her evolved forms) could survive. If she wanted to win, it was in the sense of wanting everyone to Not Die; she was never belligerent. But now that the actual body count of people she considers friends is rising, she associates fighting so deeply with that body count that the pain gets to her, and the last straw breaks in Adventure episode 45 in the form of two people she considers friends, Taichi and Yamato, getting in a fight. Everyone around her is hurt. Everyone around her is pain. The naturally empathetic Mimi feels all of this, and she thus decides to pull back from the fighting.
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Mimi being such a firm pacifist does have its benefits -- not only does it mean that she holds no grudge against Ogremon in Adventure episode 46 and bid for treating his wounds even though Jou (understandably!) is initially more skeptical because of how he’d initially tried to kill them, she also creates a major dent in Ogremon’s “fated rival” philosophy towards Leomon by forcing him to question: so what if you do defeat your rival? Then what? What’s the point of fighting? Does it actually make you feel better to try and prove your strength this way? (Even Leomon, for all he’s portrayed as noble, is still shown to have a petty investment in his conflict with Ogremon in the following episode.) Ogremon tries not to think too hard about it, but Mimi questioning “what he would do if Leomon were gone” becomes a question he really does have to confront when Leomon dies in the next episode...
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...which is also an important learning lesson for Mimi herself as well: fighting may cause collateral damage, but not fighting doesn’t help things either, because when less-than-virtuous forces are at work, casualties will happen either way. In fact, it’s even worse to be a sitting duck, because now you’re just doing nothing when people die right in front of you. Which is a lesson that Jou had wanted to tell her earlier, but didn’t know how to describe to her in words because of his own complicated feelings:
What he wanted to tell her was this: that he didn’t see any likelihood of co-existing with the Dark Masters, and that they had no other choice but to fight them. Even a neutral country like Switzerland had a military. They would be invaded by enemy countries without one. It would be nice and ideal if they used the nonviolent resistance approach as Ghandi did. But that didn’t mean it was okay to just be killed without lifting a finger… But not even he could find a good answer.
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However, Mimi is still a pacifist. Even if she finally understands that fighting is necessary, that should not mean that she should now force herself to become someone gung-ho and enthusiastic about it. This is why, in Adventure episode 50, Jou contemplates different ways they can productively contribute to the fight -- because Mimi should not be obligated to personally fight herself when it’s not in her fundamental nature, and Jou personally does not feel that he’s very good at it. But Jou, having put some thought into “one’s own path”, realizes that literal physical violence fighting isn’t the only way to be “part of the fight” -- and so while Jou starts to realize that his unique role is becoming someone who can be a capable healer and doctor for those who are wounded, Mimi has her own talents that she can use to bring Digimon and other allies together. Because Mimi is a kind and charismatic person whom everyone finds likeable and would be willing to come along with, and since she holds no grudges against anyone, nobody would hold any grudges against her, so she’s perfect for the role of “bringing people together for the sake of what they want to protect”.
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And she does. Adventure being a series that respects the contributions of those who don’t necessarily participate by direct fighting, Mimi’s rallying together of the Digimon becomes key to saving everyone in Adventure episode 52, and the fact that everyone’s together in the end makes for a great group photo.
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Speaking of the final episode, in case the point hadn’t been driven home enough that Mimi’s the most empathetic and emotionally sensitive of the entire cast, the series famously ends on her very emotionally compromised farewell with Palmon. Of course, Palmon’s the one who kind of initiated it (she’s the one who initially refuses to see Mimi because she’s too emotionally compromised), but, after all, the series ends on Mimi being so frazzled about it that she loses her hat.
Mimi in 02 and beyond
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As with the other Adventure kids, Mimi’s character arc continues in 02, and we learn a lot about her before she even makes her first personal appearance!
Firstly, we learn that Mimi’s moved to America. The in-universe reason is that it’s for her father’s work...or, at least, ostensibly so, because 02 episode 40 implies that the actual reason was that her parents wanted them to be away from Digimon incidents. (Which, of course, didn’t last very long.) The meta reason for Mimi moving, however, very likely has to do with the fact that 02 involves a subplot of Chosen Children appearing all over the world, and Mimi’s character involves an innate talent for bringing people together.
We learn in Two-and-a-Half Year Break that Mimi moved in 2001, only one year before 02′s events, and eventually got caught in the 9/11 incident -- where she met a number of other American Chosen Children in New York and, now much stronger of heart since the events of Adventure, was able to help them in the recovery efforts, despite there being a language barrier. With this, and the fact she’s shown at a huge party in 02 episode 14: they’re not kidding when they say Mimi can become friends with pretty much anyone. Even going to an entirely different country and dealing with a language and cultural barrier, Mimi is such a naturally kind and compassionate person that she immediately doesn’t have any problem fitting in. (Because, really, someone that level of kind and friendly is hard to dislike.) And in a world where international solidarity between Chosen Children is getting more and more important, that is a very valuable role to have.
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The other thing we find out early about Mimi in 02 episode 2 is that Sora catches on that Miyako is a lot like Mimi, based on the fact that Miyako also is empathetic and has an aversion to fighting. And Sora’s completely right, because when Mimi does come into the picture, the similarities -- and differences -- between her and Miyako say a lot about both characters.
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When Mimi arrives in Japan in 02 episode 6 (for her cousin’s wedding), she and Miyako immediately get along with each other, and Miyako instantly role-models her, to the point of claiming her as an honorary older sister (despite already having older sisters herself!). It’s not surprising; Mimi and Miyako are both very bright and cheerful people, and Miyako even shares the background of being slightly pampered by her family (although presumably more due to her being the youngest of several siblings). Mimi, for her part, continues her trend of being likeable and fond of pretty much everything (including even her beloved tuna-mayo onigiri that she hadn’t had for so long), and is perfectly happy to be tight with Miyako.
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The Digitamamon incident in 02 episode 14, however, adds an extra layer into why Miyako idolizes Mimi so much besides Mimi just being cool in general: Mimi is kind, forgiving, mature, and incapable of holding a grudge -- to the point her pacifistic tendencies kick in even when Digitamamon gets hit by a Evil Spiral and she refuses to fight him, despite him literally starting to beat her up. Again, Mimi came to understand the inevitability of having to fight back in Adventure, but Digitamamon is, to her, a friend who was trying his hardest to turn over a new leaf -- so, naturally, she tries to see if she can appeal to his heart instead. Miyako, on the other hand, is on the opposite extreme -- she’s so judgmental about her poor first impression with Digitamamon that, despite fully knowing well that Evil Spirals cause their victims to lose their ability to have reason, keeps trying to use it as evidence that Digitamamon was a traitor from the get-go.
Considering that the “secondary Digimentals” arc is largely about Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori coming to terms with their deficiencies in their respective traits and aspiring to do better, Miyako unfavorably compares herself to Mimi because Mimi is everything she wants to be and currently isn’t. Unlike Mimi, Miyako is aggressive, in-your-face, occasionally judgmental, belligerent, sometimes insensitive (not by choice), and often shallow, which she fully admits to in this episode. Of course, the reason Miyako gets the Digimental of Purity (Mimi’s trait) is because she hates this about herself -- even in 02 episode 31, she gives herself no shortage of grief for her foot-in-mouth syndrome and the fact she’s not as “kind” of a person she wants to be, and she herself is also fundamentally devoid of malice, just quick to jump to conclusions and a bit sidetracked by first impressions. (After all, Mimi was guilty of being accidentally insensitive when she called Palmon lacking in taste back in Adventure; the point is that when both of them do it, they really don’t mean badly, and end up sorry for it later.)
But that’s a story for another post about Miyako; more importantly, the reason Miyako is harsh on herself about this in this episode is that, in many ways, she’s everything Mimi is not, because Mimi is empathetic and mature and polite and never steps on anyone’s toes.
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02 episode 25 gives us more to work with; first of all, she’s depicted in yet another completely different hair and fashion style (which she brings up another of during the winter season), and her drastic shifts in style indicate more of her “open-mindedness”; she’s open to trying out tons of new things and is willing to like just about anything. More importantly, however, she turns out to be completely open-minded about recruiting Ken to help out, even though she’s well aware of what he’d done as the Kaiser (and, again, Miyako sees her ability to be forgiving as something to look up to). Because, again, Mimi doesn’t hold a grudge; she doesn’t send anything accusatory or forceful to Ken, but simply believes that he should be given the chance to know what’s going on and help out if he so chooses, which becomes key to Miyako herself also choosing to accept Ken at the end of the episode.
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Given that Mimi is portrayed as so open-minded towards trying all sorts of things, it’s probably no surprise that her “career” in Kizuna is so different from what we eventually know she’ll be doing in the epilogue -- instead of her cooking show, we see her running an online shopping business. After all, with her being so open-minded about wanting to do potentially anything, it’s very like her to "dabble” in a few different experimental things before (or perhaps “without”!) settling for something. What we know about this business is also quite on brand for her; her business specializes in “cute” (her preferred aesthetic, which she also shamelessly dresses in), and she’s established as setting up business all over the world to the point she has to constantly travel. Presumably, her natural charisma made it easy for her to set up connections.
Interestingly, her website profile also omits any discussion of any kind of university or other post-secondary education, implying that, unlike the others, she chose to dive directly into her career after high school. Again, it’s quite like her to find something she wanted to do and pursue it the moment it was in front of her -- no matter what it is, as long as it’s interesting.
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Mimi’s largest amount of focus in regards to the movie is in To Sora, where she’s seen checking in on Sora after noticing she hasn’t been in the group chat in a while -- again, as someone constantly empathetic to how her friends are doing, it’s natural that she’s the one who catches on and decides she needs to check in. As someone who loves uplifting and supporting her friends first and foremost, she happens to be fully aware of what everyone’s currently up to (compare how Taichi had to be actively updated on Sora and Takeru’s status from Yamato in the movie proper), and also provides nothing but positive supportiveness to Sora’s troubles during their conversation -- as usual, always respectful and polite, and never condescending.
And, of course, she naturally empathizes with Sora having hesitation about fighting -- both because she’s been busy herself, but also because she, of course, understands exactly how it feels for fighting to be emotionally taxing -- and declares that she’ll support Sora with whatever she does, just like how she found her own path back in Adventure by choosing to contribute by bringing people together instead of fighting. She makes do on this promise as well, considering that she keeps up with supporting Sora during her exhibition.
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By the time of the 02 epilogue, Mimi has decided to change tracks entirely and go for cooking, which, while being very different, is also very on-brand. This time, the part about “cooking” is something that comes from her family, since, after all, experimental cooking (...of some kind) was something Satoe got the whole family to embrace. The exact nature of her job is literally “culinary researcher”, which is a Japanese catch-all to refer to the sort of “food critic” who experiments with food and writes extensively (or, in this case, runs a TV show) about different ways you can enjoy and put together food, which also goes in mind with her streak of “open-mindedness”. The common point is, really, that everything Mimi does comes out of positivity, supportiveness, and love.
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pen-observing · 4 years
I finished my fic with this theme and I did the brothers reacting to this. So how could I, an undatables enthusiast, not make this? It took a while but it’s here. Some brain cells were involved in the making of this post,,,, I guess?
How the undatables react/pursue you after Diavolo cheats on you while married
Why is he here? Well you see-- why not
In the human world some believe that the ultimate proof of love is giving the cheater another chance, fighting to salvage a relationship
In all honesty, Diavolo never expects that from you, nor does he hope such a thing can happen
He curses himself for a momentary weakness. A prince, a ruler, so easily swayed and influence does not carry any nobility or respect
He may be the most influential, the most powerful- but he starts seeing himself as weak
He hides away from his thoughts in work, in new holidays, in friendships and partnerships and in excuses
He tries not to give those thoughts space to grow
But, the damage has been done
Diavolo’s worst enemy and worst critic, the one who judges him the most is himself
He knows that with this one deed (some may call it a momentary lapse in judgement) he has undone all the work it took years to build
He knows that falling into temptation is the biggest mistake he has ever made; especially because he cannot bear to have you hate him when he loves you so much
Diavolo has no guts to admit that after what he did, he believes he has no right to claim it face-to-face
So, he randomly visits Lucifer to see you, ask about you. He tasks Barbatos with keeping you safe. Little Ds are ordered to make your life easier without being noticed
Because of what happened, he doubts that he deserves the place and title of a King
And, you notice that the most- in the smiles, in the speeches, in the doubt and guilt that radiates off from him
The only way to salvage this and get back together lies with you. If you, after so much time can forgive but not forget. If you can wish to grow into a union once more.  
He goes along with your wish for divorce just as quickly as he goes for your wish of reconciliation.  
He does not force you, he respects whatever you decide.
Probably the one which would provide the most material for gossip and speculation, in theory
In practice, it’s like a 500k slow burn romance
Here is why; Barbatos is a man of duty and loyalty to the person that hurt you. He finds no amusement in being the center of gossip nor does he wish for you to go through the dirt. Devildom is such a cruel place, you cannot even imagine what could come your way if the relationship was established early on.
Besides, it is even hard for you to not have Barbatos remind you of Diavolo once the relationship first breaks
Babratos gives you time to heal and move on before he does anything which can show his romantic interest
He knows how charming you are, he knows your habits and he knows that he must be patient before a true connection can be established
So, how does it happen? Well, after healing from Diavolo you naturally, through fate or the wonder of time, need to spend some time in the same circle
Obligations, work and friendships bring you together in a weird way
The balls and parties are something you must attend and because Barbatos knows you, he knows just what you like
The perfect place for you to sit which is neither too warm nor too hot, a place far away from people you do not like in their world but close enough so that you do not miss anything important or fun. For some reason, it always smells like your favorite scent too
The perfect place, the perfect tea, the delicious food with small hidden notes which do not give away his intention but do show his affection  
It just grows more and more unbearable  
The lingering stares, the short but warm goodbyes, the way his hands just brush against yours for a moment longer than usual when he takes your coat
It creates a magical attraction inside that long game, which, as expected, Barbatos is better at than you
You try to find him alone and, in those moments; inside the kitchen or under the stairs while everyone is far away dancing, it becomes just the world of you two
His tone is warmer, he is more direct. You sometimes, inside such short pauses, are able to exchange warmth. In conversations, in the longing looks, in the way his hand holds yours. In the way he gently takes your wrist, puts his hand on the small of your back to guide you back inside a world which is overabundant in fancy but doesn’t feel meaningful without him in it
Sometimes, it can even hold a soft kiss
But, it becomes torture. Enough is enough. His privacy starts to seem like secrecy to you for all the wrong reasons. As a human, you aren’t patient enough to wait 4 years until something, anything happens  
So, you seek him out at the next party. They’re too rare in your opinion now. You seek him out and find him on the stairs as he goes to complete another task.
Bravery or foolishness, it does not matter which of the two makes you stop him. Makes you ask him; when? When will this secrecy end?
In reality, it doesn’t really matter. He would probably kabedon you on the stairs (as a true gentleman! don’t get it twisted!)
He holds time itself in his hands and yet you asked him.  
He whispers: “All in good time, my love. All in good time.”  
And leaves you like that.
So, what is the good time?  
It is already the point where you forgot about Diavolo but; has Diavolo forgotten about you?
That is what Barbatos waits for. He sees no need to ask his lord such a thing. Diavolo notices it himself. How could he not? Diavolo also knows that he does not love you anymore.
So, the next time Diavolo comes to the kitchen and sees your favorite tea (the one he never drinks) he gives Barbatos the permission, the freedom to go pursue you.  
After all, it is time.
The most empathic out of everyone.  
The best choice even
Why? With him, you would only feel compassion and care.
There is no drama that could follow you when you turn to him.
He has not sworn loyalty to Diavolo. He is not his partner. He lives in a completely different realm.  
It is really the exact change that you need. At first, it seems so odd because you are used to a completely different world but; it is comfort. It is care. It is everything that helps you heal
In truth, Simeon’s instinct gravitates towards that. It gravitates towards making sure that you heal in all aspects. Physically, emotionally- most importantly- your soul should shine like it used to
After you start that process it brings long conversations where you two ponder over what it means to live and love. You discuss theories and opinions. Simeon has loved longer than you, he has seen countless love stories- he even wrote some.
This process can even inspire him to flesh out a new character
In actuality, Simeon warned both Diavolo and you with masqueraded words about what marriage truly means before you got married
So now, he doesn’t say ‘I told you so’ or ‘Why didn’t you listen to me’. He just hopes that you won’t grow to hate the whole institution and tradition that marriage is
And honestly? Simeon shows you unrequited love so, how could you ever think that with him?
Here, you will be the first to realize your emotions and you will probably need to act on them first as well
He is somewhere in the human world, inside a secret room of an abandoned castle just thinking of new spells when he gets a text from Asmo about what happened
Dramatic as fuck gasp while his potion drops to the floor and now the floor is pink
Solomon, with all the years that he has been alive, with all the pacts and mistakes he has made- still is more human than the rest of them
This does not mean that he will be the best at comforting you but he already packed the most important things to go and see you. Is that not enough to show immediate care?
Instead of comforting you by himself he spends time in the House of Lamantation, working with the rest of the brothers  
Time has passed, you both have changed so it takes a bit for him to get familiar with you again and to work out your habits
Probably tries to joke like: “Even if that red tree branch offered me to make a pact with him I would refuse for your sake.”
It shows that, despite all the flaws and morally gray actions, he stands on your side- not his
But, life inside that house has to move on. He can’t really stay calm and tied down to it for months and as he is preparing for his next trip- he asks you to go with him
It is a true change of pace. You will experience new things you never dreamed of. He can teach you magic. He can show you places in the human world full of it
He promises to make sure that you are safe
So you set off with him
It is a grand adventure. It holds both comfort and new things that only make you grow.  
It holds his teasing as well but he never lets anything bad happen to you
He realizes his affections before you but you are so busy taking in the world’s wonders that he keeps them a secret for just a while longer because you are so excited. Your eyes shine and he just knows you have new stories to remember and uncover at the same time
You don’t realize yours until Solomon makes it clear to you, in a sly way.
You stand outside of enchanted ruins. The sky is bright blue with pink lines. Solomon says: “And who would have thought that one of the most powerful witches got cheated on by the man who allegedly enchanted this ruin when he was young? Hmm?~”
And really, who would? You realize then how that did not even cross your mind. How could it? Here you are with Solomon on another adventure that sparked more love as the sky dances for your new story.
Has it been years since you got married? Yes
Has Luke grown to love demons? Absolutely not. Are you kidding me?
He throws his little hat to the ground when he finds out
Never trust their kind.  That's what he says
Sure Diavolo had a noble goal once but after this? Once Luke’s good opinion is lost it is lost forever
Baby is very dramatic about the whole thing
How dare that evil creature hurt you? Luke was teary eyed at your wedding and he is teary eyed the next time he sees you  
He tries his best. He really does.
He doesn’t have wisdom like Simeon. But he asks him for advice.  
Best believe the only way Diavolo will taste one of his treats again is if Luke yeets it in his face 
Firstly, tumblr better fix their tags because it is unbearable! Now you may ask; yooo why is Barbatos’ so long? Cus thats my boo and he is the main reason I decided to write these reactions in general
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uhlikzsuzsanna · 3 years
Richard E. Grant Reveals Whether Classic Loki Is Gone for Good: 'How Do You Top That?' (Exclusive)
[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for Loki Season 1, Episode 5, “Journey Into Mystery.”]
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Richard E. Grant seems the ideal candidate to be conscripted into Marvel's cinematic universe: He's an Oscar nominee (Can You Ever Forgive Me?) who doesn't take himself too seriously (he's been in two Hitman's Bodyguard movies) and he's already on the Disney payroll (having joined the Star Wars franchise for The Rise of Skywalker). Yet, the actor says he and Marvel had never discussed his entrée into the MCU until Loki.
"I'd been in Logan, but that's completely separate," he told me over Zoom. "I'd joked on and off down the years with Tom Hiddleston, because of some vague similarity in the way that we look -- me, a much older version of course -- about working together as father and son in something. I assumed because I was asked to play Old Loki, I thought, 'Oh, this is the call finally,' because of the physical similarity. So, that's as much as I knew."
Grant made his Loki debut in the post-credits scene of episode 4 as "Classic" Loki, a Variant of our Hiddleston's God of Mischief who dons Loki's comics-accurate green and gold getup and ultimately goes out in a blaze of magical glory in the penultimate episode. Ahead of the Loki finale, Grant chatted with ET about answering Marvel's call, his one major complaint with his costume and whether Classic Loki is gone for good.
ET: Beyond you looking Hiddleston-y or him looking Richard E. Grant-y, what was it about this character in this story that you knew, "Yes, this is my part in the MCU"?
Richard E. Grant: Well, the key is in Old Loki, because being 64, I was older than anybody on the entire crew or cast. So, that was the clue in, I thought, "Old Loki, that's it -- I'm in the old age roles now."
What else were you told about him in that initial pitch? And was the costume part of it? Because it seems so much part of the character.
Yeah. And when the costume designer showed me my face on this costume that she designed and I saw the Jack Kirby drawings from the '60s, I thought, "Oh, great! As I have no muscles" -- as you can see -- "I'm finally going to be in a muscle suit. I'm going to have muscles like Tom has got!" And of course, I got there and I said, "Well, where's the muscle suit?" They said, "You don't have a muscle suit. This is what you're wearing." I said, "But this is like Kermit the Frog. There's no muscles. There's nothing here! How can I fight in Asgard?" [Laughs] "No, no, it's your magic that counts!" And I said, "Help me. Just give me the muscle suit," but they refused. So, I'm still sore headed that I was never given a muscle suit to fight Asgard as in all the drawings. I still don't really why they didn't do that, but maybe they wanted withered Loki. Who knows?
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So, what was your reaction the first time you got all the garb on and saw yourself in the mirror?
Horrified, because I had no muscles! I was standing there like sort of a geek with these Y-fronts. I remember when I was a kid in the back of all the comics, they used to have these little drawing adverts with a skinny kid having sand kicked in his face. And they used to have these chest expanders, they said, "Send off for one of these chest expanders and you too could look like Thor!" Well, I never did, and I thought, well, finally, when I'm cast as Old Loki, this is going to be my chance. And damn, they took it away from me in that too. So I'm pissed at them for that.
How did Hiddleston react when he first saw you in it?
He said, "You have no idea what kind of response this is going to elicit when it comes out." I said, "That doesn't sound too positive or hopeful to me without the muscles, Tom." And he said, "No, no, believe me, I've been playing this part and there's a universe of people who are so obsessed and so ready to see Classic Loki. Be prepared for it." I didn't really take him seriously. I thought, "Well it's a TV series. How many people will watch this on a new channel?" Yada, yada. And how right he was looking into the crystal ball and how wrong I was, because since it came out last Wednesday, I have been absolutely flabbergasted by the response. My Twitter feed and Instagram have increased in vast numbers, and the response has been pretty astonishing. I'm amazed and grateful that it hasn't been negative so far.
I loved your post, by the way, about how your father would have reacted to this costume.
Well, he was right! I'm still at 64 earning my crust by wearing makeup and green tights. [Laughs]
I have to assume this was also your first time with an alligator as your scene partner?
It was. And in reality it was three stuffed cushions sewn together. Sort of fun to hold!
Alligator Loki is such a breakout star and I loved seeing the blue plushy you used on set. What was it like filming those scenes? Did it feel absolutely ridiculous?
No, because I was grateful. Very often you'd have dots or crosses or just a tennis ball on a stick to react to, so the fact that we actually had the soft cushioned shape of something alligator-like was a help. But it's just the nature of being an actor. You know that the CGI and the graphics and production design department, they come up with something amazing. What I didn't take on board is that, of course, he'd have these beautiful gold horns on top of his alligator sideways eyes. I love that. I've only seen the stills of it, but it looks amazing.
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Your final moment in the episode is so powerful. I'll tell you, it brought tears to my eyes. On set, I imagine you're probably in front of a blue screen having to use your imagination. Tell me about capturing that emotion and how you and Kate Herron found that moment together?
The camera was on a big sort of jig crane thing that was at the highest section of the studio and I would follow a mark on that and they had, I think, three or four aircraft-sized wind machines blowing the Bajesus out of everything. And I thought, having wondered whether the helmets and the horns had to be quite so tight, I was grateful for them on that day because they did not move despite the amount of wind that was blowing at me. It was scripted to say, "He's laughing and shortly and cackling in the face of his own imminent, catastrophic death in the mouth of [Alioth]," it was very empowering to be able to just give it the full welly at doing that. So, I enjoyed that hugely.
You said you've only seen stills of Alligator Loki. Have you seen the episode yet?
So, you haven't seen how the scene looks with all the CGI yet?
I've seen stills that I'm holding up the city, so I've seen that. I have never got used to watching myself on screen. I love watching other people, but when I come on, I just-- I'm astonished that I get any work. So, I've learned decades ago just to never watch. So, when you see a still, you don't have the horror of your shortcomings to mull over.
Well, I will tell you, you looked pretty bad ass in that moment.
Good. Thank you, John!
This seems like the end for Classic Loki, but if this series has taught us one thing, it's that Lokis survive. Do you think we could see him again someday? And are you down to play him again?
As you just said, everything's possible. But I think that's because his sacrifice is so huge and it's going out with such a bang, how do you top that if he had to come back? I have no idea. You know, it's not within my arena to do that. But I wouldn't say no, if asked. Put it that way.
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