#i also listen to these songs the most while drawing these aus
c0smiccl0wn · 1 year
dca aus and the songs i associate them to
stranded lullaby: musical miracle - cherub au by @starrspice
kaleidoskull: lemon demon - crystal au by @kandidandi
christmas kids: roar - sleuth jesters by @naffeclipse
september: sparky deathcap - scars and scales by @intistone
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hee0soo · 6 months
Match with you!
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Pairing — Kang YeosangxTattooArtist!gnreader
Summary — You didn´t know what you expected to happen but this was definitly not it...
Genre — Idol! AU, TattooArtist! AU
Warnings — toothrotting fluff and feels
Note — This is my Secret Santa gift for @i-luvsang
I hope you like what your christmas fairy came up with...✨
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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In between recording songs, vocal and dance practice or filming content, it was rare that Yeosang had time to meet up with any friends he had! The fact that most of his friends were also idols who had their own schedules definitely did not help with that in the slightest!
The only person he did have time for no matter how busy his day was, was you!
You who he met during his early trainee days. You who managed to keep his best friend in check with a simple glance in his direction. You who always listened to his worries no matter how early in the morning it was. You who had the Idol wrapped around your pinky finger just by being yourself!
When he had first met you, Yeosang had not approached you for months and neither had you what reason did you have? To you, he was just another classmate of yours!
Only when you were partnered up for a project did you get closer. At first you were apprehensive which he could understand. All of his fellow students knew that he was a trainee under BigHit and While he did his best to stay on top of his classes he could see why you were hesitant to work with him, fearing that he would be to busy to contribute to the project and that you were going to be stuck working on it alone.
He had quickly proven you wrong and with every little snack he brought you l the boy with the heart of gold managed to worm himself into your heart.
From there on the two of you met up regularly to walk home together. Or well, you went home and Yeosang went to the company. It even went so far that you would purposely sit together in class.
That's also how he found out how well you could draw and sketch. Watching you doodle on the side of your note pad while the teacher went on with speech was the highlight of his school day!
"How can you draw so well?" he had asked in awe  the first time he admired the motives on your paper.
You had only shrugged back then, not really knowing what to answer to that.
"I don't know."
And with that you had turned back to the little dragon flying around your notes, ignoring the feeling of Yeosang watching closely over your shoulder.
Time flew by and the two of you grew older. While Yeosang had continued training, meeting Wooyoung and eventually debut under a different label, you had stuck to drawing, starting an internship at an Tattoo parlor...
Fast forward to 2023, your skin was now covered in tattoos and you had a loyal clientele that visited the shop you worked at regularly to add to the collections on their skin!
The hobby you had as a student turned into a job and even when your parents had frowned at you and threatened to disown you, Yeosang had always been supportive! Never once doubting you!
It got so far that even Hongjoong, San and Wooyoung had been on the other side of your tattooing gun once or twice. The iconic soulmate tattoo on WooSan's knees being one of your pieces...
"y/nnn?" the deep drawl of Yeosang's voice broke through the trance you had found yourself in while drawing a commission request from a client. The outline of a snake wrapping its body around a bunch of roses appearing on the paper in front of you.
"Hmmm?" you hummed, not taking your eyes away from the paper as you hunched over it on practice room floor at the company building.
"y/nnn?!" he tried again as he lounged on his back, head resting against the armrest of the couch standing right behind you and more then unsatisfied that you had yet to react to his plea for attention.
Letting out a playfully suffering sigh as you turned your head towards the currently blond man, you shot him an amused scolding glare, finding yourself face to face with your best friends sparkly brown eyes.
"Yes Sangie?"
A pout formed on his lips. In the few hours he had been busy going over some of the groups old choreos, wanting to freshen up his memory a little before the stress of preparing for the next comeback could hit him in full. But as soon as you had wandered in, decked out in bags of snacks, drinks and drawing supplies, all plans of practicing had flown right out of the window and now, an hour later, he found himself in his current predicament.
Bored and unsatisfied as you ignored the puppy eyes he stared at the back of your head with!
Your mouth curved up into a teasing smile when you saw the soft glare that resembled a Maltese more then the Doberman he always tried to be for his fans!
"You're ignoring me!" he stated, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"I'm working." you huffed and turned back to your drawing.
Yeosang grumbled, unhappy about having lost your attention again.
It fell silent again as you returned to focusing on your commission. Your best friend let out a suffering sigh as his eyes followed the movements of the pencil in-between your fingers, glide smoothly over the paper. He trailed is eyes up to admire the profile of your face  over the slope of your nose down to your mouth, where your teeth were gently nibbling on your lower lip in concentration.
How your eyes lit up at the prospect of finishing your sketch, how they just seemed to shine brighter doing something you loved...
Oh how Yeosang whished you would look at him like that at least once!
The snakes face grew in depth as you worked on it's slitted eyes and the vocalist was once again stunned by your ability to breath life into something as simple as a drawing.
"Would you give me one?"
Whipping your head around to look at his handsome face. You weren't blind! Of course you knew that he was handsome, ethereally beautiful even, always had been even as a young boy! He was, after all, an Idol known for his deep voice, dance ability and statue like beauty!
Still, that had never been the reason why you were so whipped for this man! It was the kindness he radiated that had drawn you to him in the first place. If you had to describe Yeosang in words, they would by kind, hard working, gentle, funny, intelligent and so many more...
The aloof demeanor he put on only being a facade to hide from prying eyes, hiding a man only few got the privilege to see...
His deep brown orbs were starring right back at you as you gaped at him like fish on land, waiting for an answer from you.
"You want a tattoo?"
Yeosang hummed in agreement, his baritone voice sending the butterflies in your stomach flying.
"Have you, uhm, talked to your manager about it? Like-"
"Not really but I trust you."
The statement meant more to you then you would like to admit. The words had left him as easily as breathing.
"I don't want to get you in trouble Sang-ah..."
Yeosang carefully studied your face. Worry for him was written all over your face.
He thought for a moment, remembering the contents of your bag like the back of his hand.
"What about a non-permanent one for now? With body markers?"
You put down your pencil, pushed  everything to the side and turned your body to face him entirely.
"Did you have something in mind? Or do you want me to choose?"
"I want to match with you!"
His eyes wandered over your collarbone, down to your arms, littered with ink until he stopped at the small picture of a paw print. It was by far not your biggest or most astonishing tattoo but the one that meant the most to you. The one that was meant to represent the paw of a puppy. The one that was meant to represent him and the one you refused to tell him if it was supposed to be a Maltese or Doberman.
Yeosang sat up on the couch.
"You want a paw print too?" you asked confused.
He shook his head, bright blonde hair falling gently into his face.
"I want to have a kitten, so you have the puppy paw for me and I have the cat for you..."
His ears turned red at the admission and your best friend hid behind his hand, an awkward laugh ringing through the practice room.
"Sorry, it was just an idea and-"
"I'll do it!" you cut him off, giddy to start already. You patted the empty space next to you, urging him to sit there before reaching for the pencil case in your bag where you kept the markers.
"Come here and give me your hand!"
Yeosang did as he was told dutifully. He gingerly put his hand in yours and drew the outline of a tiny cat.
It was only a small drawing so you were quick to finish and looked up only to  stare directly into the eyes of your best friend. Just inches away from your face!
Your eyes widened in surprise and his close proximity caused your heart flutter.
*When did he get so close?*
"Uhm? Yeo you-?"
Cut of by his lips softly pressing against your own, dropped the marker still sitting in your hand.
 The touch was light like a feather and over again before you could react to his ministrations.
"I'm sorry y/n, I just..." Yeosang murmured as he pulled away, gazing at you with a dazed expression. The man didn't know what to say and neither did you.
Only then did you notice his hand still holding yours while his thumb was gently brushing over your skin there. He tried pulling his hand away but you didn't let him, instead you laced your fingers with his.
"Please don't be sorry!" you croaked, voice almost to quiet for him to hear.
"No y/n, please can we just forget this happened?"
Suddenly much less euphoric then before, you pulled away. His words hurt and suddenly you wanted to disappear. Did he, really think kissing you was a mistake?
"What if I don't want to forget it tho?"
 Pain was evident with the way your voice wavered.
Yeosang didn't look away from you for even a second and he swore that he could hear something shatter inside of him. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you in any way but it seemed that he had managed to do exactly that.
The kiss wasn't a mistake in his eyes and while he wished it didn't happen like this, he didn't regret it at all!
"You don't?"
He was unsure if he had heard you correctly but a tiny part of him felt hope clawing, trying to be set free.
You shook your head. Instead of answering you leaned forward to catch his lips with yours. This time it was Yeosang who looked surprised.
"Does this answer your question?" you exhaled, tone breaking at the end.
Your best friend looked completely baffled by the kiss you had initiated and all he could do was nod while a dazed smile appeared on his lips.
"Yes, it does...”
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Taglist: @marirose25
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hierba-picante · 2 months
Your pony-fied Moon! Does he do contortion?
For the older sibling au: What songs were you thinking of for the DCA to play? Do they serenade the older sibling?? Also when Sun and Moon learn that Gregory is related to Y/N, do a lot of things about them suddenly make more sense?
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Hi hi!! Yes pony Moon does do contortion! How he doesn't break his pony bones-- I don't know! But boy does he love pretending to be a pretzel! A few songs I have in mind as of now are-- The Platters: Twilight Time, Bobby Vee: The Night Has A Thousand Eyes, The Del-Vikings: Come And Go With Me, Frankie Valli and The Four Season: Ronnie, The Beatles: I Want To Hold Your Hand, The Turtles: Eleanor, The Beach Boys: Be True To Your School, The Penguins: Earth Angel, Paul Anka: Put Your Head On My Shoulder- I have many more in mind, but these were the ones I kept listening to today!! Sun and Moon would play guitar and bass! There's I think 2 or 3 songs in the list that are from the 60's so-- I'll keep the DCAs' range at that! 50s-60s music! :D As for them reacting to y/n being Gregory's older sibling- I'd imagine they're horrified at first. But! Once they get to know y/n better, they can't help but feel dumb at all the similarities that went over their heads! One similarity is y/n's clumsiness- they always have a band aid on somewhere, or their quick wit at comebacks! That's probably their favorite!! :] I can't wait to have more time to finish up drawings andfanfic to share with you guys!! This au has given me more reason and fun with drawing and writing! The most I've had in a while!! :]]
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taintedtort · 1 year
prompt ✧ boyfriend xiao
character ✧ xiao… duh ^^
warnings ✧ gn!reader, modern!AU, these are headcannons
a/n ✧ havent written for almost a week?! my fault, but im back.. and with a username change! tuxstew to taintedtort ?!?!!?
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boyfriend!xiao who loves loves loves when you draw or write on him. if its a very pretty drawing, he‘ll intentionally try to keep it on his skin as long as possible. he‘ll also take a photo of it before it completely goes away.
boyfriend!xiao who holds your pinkie while the two of you walk together, not letting you stray too far from him as you chat his ear off.
boyfriend!xiao who knows all your orders at your usual restaurants and will pick you up food on the way to your house.
boyfriend!xiao who makes you two a shared playlist, all of yours and his favorite songs mixed together. its his favorite one to listen to.
boyfriend!xiao who’s soft and gentle when he kisses you, barely even placing his lips against yours.
boyfriend!xiao who has an album in his camera roll completely dedicated to you.
boyfriend!xiao who will watch your favorite shows or movies with you, no matter what the genre. he mainly watches them because he wants to have a clue about what you ramble on and on to him about.
boyfriend!xiao who lends you his jacket without you even needing to ask.
boyfriend!xiao who wouldnt even care if you stole his clothes, they looked better on you anyway.
boyfriend!xiao who stares at you with the most loving gaze whenever you do anything. to him, you look perfect doing even the most basic tasks.
boyfriend!xiao who has your favorite games downloaded on his phone for you. sometimes he’ll play them, but theyre mostly for you.
boyfriend!xiao who has an instagram highlight of just you and him.
boyfriend!xiao who patiently waits for you to finish your clothes shopping as he holds your bags.
boyfriend!xiao who will order for you at restaurants.
boyfriend!xiao who wrote 'i love you' on your arm before actually saying it out loud to you.
boyfriend!xiao who blushes way too easily.
boyfriend!xiao who loves helping you pick out your outfits, giving really good fashion advice in the process.
boyfriend!xiao who will drop everything once you call or text him, not wanting to make you wait or worry.
boyfriend!xiao who demands you tell him once you got home safe.
boyfriend!xiao who loves you more than anything.
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jakes3resin · 2 months
Well, it's still Friday for me so I thought I'd do a MOTA Fic Rec Friday!
The links take you to AO3, though I know some of these authors have cross posted their works here as well, so I'll try to link them later :)
Also, most of these are Clegan fics, sorry (they're the ones I reread the most, which was the criteria I used for this fic rec)
Moonlight Serenade by Anonymous
Listen folks, this is The Clegan A/B/O fic for me. I post about every new chapter. I adore every line and will happily discuss how I've become a Jamie Truther, while still hoping Gale gets off his ass and treats Bucky right. Bucky has so many secrets in this fic, and you'll be on the edge of your seat waiting to unravel them all. There's also so much to be said about Bucky's emotions and how he feels so so much, often to his own detriment, and how it's presented in this fic.
an image of disquietude by bruce_the_shark
This was actually I think the first MOTA fic I ever read. I'd been watching the show, but I hadn't yet joined the fandom, so to speak. It's outsider POV with Benny and Brady building off of each other watching the infamous baseball scene in the stalag. This fic made me look up who Brady was on tumblr, and it got me into the fandom. Highly recommend. The dynamics between the copilots and the Majors draws you in as each person has a different way of showing their fear and concern.
A Kiss with a Fist by Perpetual Motion
I won't lie I recommend every single thing written by this writer. If you haven't gone on a reading binge of their stuff, what is stopping you? This fic twists canon just a bit so it's Buck fighting the RAF guys not Curt. It's honestly a love letter from Buck to Bucky and his touch, for me it is at least. It's also where I fully drank the Kool Aid that Buck is feral and protective of Bucky.
Ghost of You by BeeMaya
I once described this fic as Crosby's version of the Les Mis song 'Empty Chairs at Empty Tables' because it's just as heartbreaking to me as that song. Harry being the last man to remember the light that used to exist on base now that the officer's club feels darkened, and when you're the last one all you see are ghosts and what once was. There's a profound sadness to telling stories about the departed even when they're good stories, even when you laughed once at those stories. It's sad because you miss them and know you can never go back.
don't take that sinner away from me by cloudystars
Another author I can't recommend enough. I love a Gale POV, and I love a Western AU. So if you're like me you'll love this fic. Gale is so tender with John in this as the pair of them try to piece themselves together after the traumas they both went through.
I'll stop there, I guess! Short but these fics are really so amazing! I love reading other people's fic recs, so I thought I'd list a few I adore 🧡
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crushedsweets · 2 months
ok this is like 30+ asks LOL its mostly stuff about me/my art with a little crp sprinkled in im sorry... ill make a post thats actually answering the crp asks with real answers that arent "ILL DO IT EVENTUALLY I SWEAR" lololol
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YOURE BOTH SO SWEET i havent been this passionate about smth in so long so hopefully im here for a while... thank u guys for indulging me. it makes me happy to post LOL
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with love pls dont call me that buuuut. ninakate. ticciwork. ninatoby. ticcijack. ninajack. notice how its all in the same group...
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hiii i dont plan to anytime soon! IF I WERE TO, cody and rouge are probably 'next in line' to being put in my AU, but i have no plans to actually commit to that
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omg ok its funny cuz rn i HAVE ONE but its just me in it cuz im too lazy to organize all the bots and verification and whatnot. im also nervous about making a server cuz of some online occurrences that happened after u sent this HAHA so i'm kinda putting it off... but i reblogged tombs server and im sometimes active in there if u wanna join that one!
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no ur right theyre such a power couple. i know we joke about toby being useless bf and clocky being badass gf but they're both really cool together.
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I FORGOT I MADE THE TWILIGHT COMMENT LMFAAAOOOOOO I NEED i need. i need toby to find a random twilight shirt at a thrift and snag it for kate.
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ME TOOOO its so delightful. i have so much fun playing with them like barbies.. making them kiss n whatever. LMFAOOOO so silly but yk
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JEFF STANS ARE SO FUNNYYYYYYYYY i like you guys. laughing jack stans scare me but thats cuz that damn clown scares me... nothing that yall have done. youre just braver than me. LOL
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i will not do this...
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no literally its really bad. i hold horrible grudges BAHAHA but im working on it. im getting over my purple beef
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omg. i listened to it and that was really cool. i like that thank u sm for sharing
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IM SORRYYYY im so sorry. i feel like this fandom is so small and most of the fans dont really ship in general so it suuuucks shipping here.. but i love them..
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oh my god i need to i keep forgetting. the nina art i jus tposted of her holding th eknife was kinda.. kinda referencing her behaviors..
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i do too!!! ive been neglecting them so bad im so sorry..
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like the IEPFB tea party scene
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is this a song
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i have not! i havent read alot of stories actually... i kinda like doing my own thing with them HAHA
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omfg i had a clocknina drawing but i ended up privating but i think i should unprivate it...
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ok actually im sorry i just am bad at requests omfg LMFAOO IM SORRY im so focused on nina ... forgive me...
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THANK YOUUUU youre very sweet i appreciate you!!! <3
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YEAH he's...one of the more tragic people. 100%. all loss
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wdym ? !
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THANK YOU CUPCAKE i really like nina.. or my version i gues si dunno.. i like everyone else's nina too. i like this nina we got going on together
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ok i keep grouping these together but also making them seperate im so bad at organizing these asks but HAHA I LOVE THEM TOO i swear ill try to get some ticciwork stuff out soon!!! my spring semester is almost over so hopefullyyy..
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this is how you know i suck ass cuz this was christmas time and im replying NOW. im so sorry. i initially planned to draw them hanging around a tree but i didnt get around to it then got embarassed and never replied.... but i agree it would have been cute. ha di notfailed. LOL
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silverorchideon · 1 year
"いいこ いいこ とってもいいこ"
"Good child, good child. You're such a good child."
Okay, so it's been a while, and I haven't posted much because this thing's been sitting in flipalip for a bit.
There's a lot to say, but know that this is not my au, and in fact belongs to @13thdoodle! I got into the au the same time I started listening to this song again, and while it may not work in the canon of the au, I just wanted to animate something with it. Do support them, and thanks so much for the brainrot!
Now it'll be a bit, so I'll put the rest under a cut to make things easier.
The song is "The Good Child and the Fox Spirit" by Kikuo!
This took forever to do because of the shading and backgrounds. It's my first ever fully colored and shaded animation, so there's that!
Some of the animation is a bit janky, especially with our little fox here, and I'll be the first to admit that. I realized halfway through the lineart that I can't draw animals, and that was almost enough for me to scrap this altogether, but a flawed result is still better than a result never received, so there's that.
Don't even get me started on the shading, though. There was no clipping masks, or add layers. I settled for a hard light, but man.
Oh, but most importantly! Note that the Japanese on the "Possess me, possess me, did you possess me?" Could be a little inaccurate since I mostly got the Japanese from the vocaloid wiki, and had to seperate it in the animation captions. I'm not sure if I had cut it properly, so it may be inaccurate.
Also, there wasn't an extra "lonely" in the 3rd line, but I decided to add it in because it felt better for keeping the rhythm.
I also debated adding the Romaji text, but decided against it since I felt like it would clutter the animation.
I can't believe I wanted to make this a full animation of the entire song at first. I'm glad I didn't, honestly.
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hazmatazz · 1 year
speedrunning byler soulmate au ideas (long post)
au where you're able to see where your soulmate is hurt physically as it's marked on your body.
miwi + lonnie. when will is in the upside down. mike or will immediately going to the other when they know they're hurt. mike or will being sad they can't help the other when will is in lenora.
half of a quote on eachother.
mike having "together" tatted on him and thinking it's a different phrase while will has "crazy" and knows what's up. "it's not my fault" can apply to mike with how he's sometimes at fault for things he didn't do + "that you don't like girls" little will struggling with that
There's a marker on your skin the first time you touch your soulmate
Mike and Will have matching prints on their palm from where they met (hc they shook hands). or, mike gave will a hug so he's always surrounded by his love
your soulmark is the most recent drawing your soulmate has made for you
will loves making grand drawings because then he can see his dragon trailing up mike's back or a bouquet of flowers covering his forearm (he always looks so pretty). will with little doodled hearts littering his skin because mike stole his homework and drew hearts all over it (imagine one lands on his mole and mike traces it amused). miwi...mike always getting excited... mike always loves his art and it's even better seeing will's love on his skin. them not getting new drawings because will is in lenora or mike getting a heart shield randomly with no context (him kicking his feet knowing will is still drawing for him)
sharing a dream space
miwi playing like kids there. sharing kisses and moments there because it's where they're the safest (hidden. also imagine miwi first kisses there). maybe when will is in lenora and mike is in hawkins and they're not talking they avoid eachother in their dreams
soulmate's birthday is tatted on you
hurts will more that mike has forgotten his birthday. maybe, birthdaygate, the tattoo has disappeared (maybe...mike forgets will is his soulmate like birthdaygate)
everytime your soulmate lies it's written on you
mike assumes because he has like literally nothing on him that his soulmate is el. when it comes out that el lied while in lenora he's surprised to find nothing on him. the entire monolog will gave him is tattooed on his back (he's super distressed about that. maybe eventually he gets a tattoo done that changes the wording so it's what will wanted to say instead)
first words your soulmate say to you appears on your 15th (?) birthday
will knows that his soulmate is mike immediately "do you want to be friends". mike gets a simple "yes" on his wrist which doesn't help him at. all. will keeps from mike his words
the music your soulmate is listening to/singing in stuck in your head
mike only hears should i stay or should i go when will is missing (while he likes knowing will is alive hearing his shakily recite the song haunts him). will being excited his soulmate is listening to smalltown boy, the gayest song ever, on repeat.
if your soulmate loses something it ends up in your possession
will/mike returning the items in school. mike/will cherishing the iteams they get when will is in lenora/mike is in hawkins. will painting the items mike loses (making mike try to purposefully lose things)
you feel warmer when you're close to your soulmate and colder when far away
mike knows something is wrong in s1 ep1 when he suddenly feels frigid. mike and will being constantly cold when will is in lenora. will and mike meeting up in winter and being soooo warm <3
they share a book/can write on eachother's skin
i think they should be both in love with their soulmates but also in love with eachother outside of knowing the other is their soulmate. like jealous of the other's soulmates and shit <3. also domestic byler writing shopping lists or love notes <3<3
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I honestly would love to hear more about JD and Branch time in the country, classic, the bounty hunters and the rock troll band. During the time they were trying to find the new pop village in the FTYWB Au ( For this you were born)
Even if it's just small tidbits.
You got it! It's not a ton at the moment, since that AU hasn't exactly been at the forefront of the mind lately (crying) but there is some things I do know.
JD and Branch spent the most time in Lonesome Flatts than any of the others. There was a brief moment where they almost didn’t even leave. It was an actual consideration. They made friends there and Branch was thriving with the friends and animals and such.
Holly and Pete specifically help JD and Branch learn more survival skills, along with traps, hunting, etc. They also help with identifying good plants and even how to kind of get an idea on what the weather may be like.
Holly has a bit of a crush on Branch. This won’t go anywhere and it’ll fade but well, yeah.
Delta knows about the Bergens and did not want JD and Branch to go back to the Tree. She understands why he feels he has to but she did not like it. She made him promise to come back.
Delta made JD a guitar. It’s beautiful. They didn’t have Rhonda at the time so she still has it.
Dickory finds JD and Branch when they are passing through mountains. It was cold more than they expected so once they got down to Classical/Symphonyville, they almost had frostbite. So they stayed there for a couple weeks. Dickory didn’t stay long, mostly gave directions but it wasn’t long until they met again.
The classical trolls were nice and accommodating but it was still weird because they are very different. They fly everywhere and are a lot smaller than other trolls and don’t do hugs. Which more upset Branch than it did JD at this point.
Minuette is kinda obsessive and constantly trying to show people what she can do and play. Most others have gotten bored of it since she’s constantly doing it - but JD and Branch are new so they listen to whatever she’s learning/mastering at the time. She and her family kind of let JD and Branch stay with them while they recover.
When JD and Branch leave Classical territory, they get close to Rock and that’s where they meet Dickory again, as well as his teenage brother, Hickory. They do help Dickory get a rock troll bounty but it ends poorly when they bring him in to the Rock Trolls. At this time, Barb especially, rock trolls don’t like pop trolls and since she’s a bratty kid, she freaked out and pretty much ran them out of town. Dickory and Hickory help them and they end up having to part ways.
JD and Branch do find some friendly to pop trolls rock trolls in a small traveling group that wants to become a band. Well, they are starting a band. Brozone doesn't exist in this au, but JD is a bit musically inclined in the writing area of music so he accidentally helps Billy (the leader) finish one of his songs. They kind of hit it off - JD and Branch with Billy and the band) and so in exchange for some help with song writing, the band lets JD and Branch travel with them. This is how JD and Branch get out of Rock Territory without being hunted down by Barb and any bounty hunter she tries to hire.
JD and Branch come across Rhonda not long before they find the tree. They kind of use her as transportation, instead of seeing her as a pet (this comes later) but Rhonda sees these boys and goes lol mine now.
After they come to the tree and find it dead, there is some panic but somehow they kind of figure out there was an escape and hope that everyone made it out. I'm not entirely sure how. Between finding the tree and finding Troll Village, about a week passes. They are in Rhonda a fair amount, Branch has decorated with the items they have managed to collect and keep on them. Even some stuff from their old home, that was left behind.
They didn't keep a ton of stuff on them but they had a few of Branch's doodles and drawings since paper wasn't very heavy but in that time after finding Rhonda and before finding the village, Branch is constantly doodling and drawing to decorate the walls. He's also trying to keep a brave face on because JD is kind of internally freaking out after finding the dead and abandoned tree.
Uhm... i think that's all I got for now
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Stan Marsh headcanons?
first i love my main au stan because he's so !! and because he goes thru lots of changes as he grows up,,
Tw for alcoholism, depression, s/h, attempted sewerslide, hospitalization...its stan what did you expect
Most popular stan hc ever: he's an alcoholic. But like,,, till he's like, 12-13, he only drinks in the mornings so it helps him get through the day, like antidepressants but bad 💀
When he's 12-13 some people his age start drinking for fun, and so he sees it's socially ok so he starts doing it too
Yeah everything is way less shitty in the moment, but when he's sober it's even worse than before. Oops
Well anyway his friends don't really notice he's doing this, sure they're kinda concerned when they hang out and he's getting drunk, but yk,, typical Stan it's not that bad
This is an obvious one but he's depressed asf
And btw. All sp kids have gotten something misdiagnosed in their lives, like this is canon the medical system in that town sucks
So Stan has anxiety, but it was misdiagnosed as asthma (haha not me projecting)
He didn't get it diagnosed right until he was in his teens
But he doesn't have it anymore
He also has insomnia and BPD
The amount of times he's split on Kyle is insane
Anyway about his depression !!
It remained undiagnosed for a Long while
It got better and worse and better and worse and yeah you get it
On the worst episodes he would spend weeks not getting out of bed
At the beginning he'd say he's sick but at some point he gave up and stopped with excuses
His friends (Kyle mostly) would check on him but he wouldn't really talk to them much (on another episode of: stan giving up on life!)
Also he would spend time with the goth kids sometimes, mainly when he was at the worst points
The goths were kinda pissed he would leave them every time he felt better, but Stan's kinda their adopted kid lmao they have a soft spot for him<3
Welp anyway he starts s/h-ing at 11-12
At first it's not really noticeable but soon it gets worse
He covers it with wristbands but eventually the wristbands don't cover it all
And so, after his parents find out, at 13 he goes to the psych ward for the 1st time
It's only for a couple weeks, but it gets him to get so much worse
Nobody at school knows what he was doing for those weeks, besides Kyle because Stan went to him first thing after he got let out
Kyle is Worried. btw.
He gets hospitalized 2 more times after that
Once at 15 after he attempts
And another at 16, after a huge ass breakdown in which he asked his parents to take him there because he was scared of what he'd do otherwise
People in town only know about the one of when he was 15 (it was big news)
Besides Kyle and Kenny, Kyle because Stan tells him every time and Kenny because,,,he's Kenny he just Knows
After the 2nd hospitalization, he starts taking actual antidepressants
They don't do That Much but they still work better than nothing
Short after the 3rd time he goes to the psych ward, he finally manages to stop s/h
And slowly he stops covering his scars, as they're a reminder of how he's healing :)
Since he's 14, he starts bleaching his hair every few months
Now it's closer to straw than to hair but whatever issok
It's also incredibly greasy, so much it's insane
When it's really really bad he wears a dark blue beanie with some pins of obscure bands and some his friends gave him
His clothes are mostly black, and the ones that aren't are still alt
He wears eyeshadow all the time
And his parents don't allow him to get tattoos so he and his friends draw on himself instead
He's still in Crimson Dawn, he's the main singer and guitarist :)
His guitar is red and he takes so much care of it
The same can't be said about its case, that thing's fucked up
He's also the one who writes most songs, it's become kind of a coping mechanism for him<3
They're not famous, but they're not completely unknown either - they've played in some cities besides South Park, and they have a bunch of listeners on Spotify
They're the kind of band that almost nobody knows but the ones who do are the most loyal fans ever
"wHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW CD??? You gotta listen to them Right Now"
By the way Stan is late to every practice
The days when he's not arrived at least 10 minutes late are almost non-existent
Same for school
At school his worst subject is definitely math
(He probably has dyscalculia but he doesn't have it diagnosed)
He likes music best obviously
He's also pretty good at history and English
Btw he has a musicals phase for a year or two
His favorites are the historical ones, like Hamilton and Les Miserables
His family life isn't the best
He stays at Tedrigri farms on weekends, the rest of the time he spends it at his mother's
Shelly's kinda physically abusive still, but not as much as when they were kids
Btw he fucking hates staying at Tedigri so most nights he cycles to Kyle's or Kenny's instead
Fun fact he has a scar on his side from when he was 13
The m4 were jumping a fence to get to this one abandoned house (Butters was grounded)
And when it was Stan's turn he got cut with the fence and fell
That scar is huge and he's super insecure about it
Another fun fact he plays Brawl Stars
His favorite brawlers are Brock and Kit
And in general also the ones with attacks like Shelly's and Bull's
He's bisexual :) and ultimately broke up with Wendy when he was 16
(one of the things that triggered that huge breakdown btw)
He also had so many gender crisis, finally he decided he's just non-binary (he/him) because everything else was way too confusing
Aaaand i think that's it? Tell me what you think :D
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justhereformilgram · 2 months
Why yes I do find myself becoming enthralled with multimedia stories primarily told through songs and sometimes manga and other ways with characters labeled numbers one to ten who are all so complicated and deep <3
Under the cut is spoilers/speculation for the Kagerou Project and trial one and trial two of the MILGRAM project! If you’re a fan of one of these I recommend checking the other two out! Also discussion of suicide topics and general dark content considering these tragic characters
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Ok those up above are just paired by number (prison number and order of joining the mekkakushi dan) but here is how I’d pair them based on power/themes + explanations, maybe even if there was a crossover or au sort of thing. The ones with the blue squares are what I think definitely fit while the others I had to go back and forth on
prepare for a ton of yapping. Lol. Lmao.
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Kido and Haruka: Abandonment and attention issues + the power to conceal yourself so you don’t get noticed is really interesting to me… Kido is more confident and blunt than Haruka, and yet, I do think they match up fairly well.
Seto and Mahiru: I was debating on giving Seto’s power to Yuno or even Es since it’s like. I don’t know people pleasing/the whole motif of trying to see inside of people’s minds but Mahiru having mind reading powers compels me, since she’s so empathetic. It would also make her indirect murder so much more messy since she would have likely tried to show her love more if she could viscerally sense her boyfriend struggling, but ough.
Kano and Kazui: now this. This fits like a glove. They’re all about lies and pain baybeee… Yobanashi Decieve is such a perfect Kazui song it’s not even funny. (Using the Will Stetson Eng Lyrics but like. Come on)
“Act normal and all of that, but my heart’s still rushing fast so easily”
“I bit the fruit (apple motif!!) and the snake burrowed inside of me”
“But that’s only right, cause I’m a monster in kind”
“Listen closely to this coward’s beating heart, a selfish face that’s seeped in pain, the only me that remains”
“Though I say I’m really lonely, nothing’s ever gonna change”
Mary and Amane : Okay this is a more of a hear me out but hear me out. Both sheltered from the outside/real world, albeit for different reasons, Amane by her religious organization, Mary by her mom since she has Medusa blood. Petrification as a power would be helpful for amane in that murder and/or not getting hurt again, and/or punishing sinners. Also I think Amane would judge Mary since she’s all about stopping the natural cycle of death with all those timeloops
Muu and Momo: Simply they are both popular and that power of drawing eyes is so perfect for that. Less good for Muu once everyone turns on her but it still works.
Ene and Fuuta: This is so just because digital media like video games and twitter are so important to Fuuta like yes go into the computer buddy and cyberbully on another level. They also have similar outward prickliness <3
Shintaro and ES: this is really just about main characters and retaining eyes probably going to Es…? Wasn’t too sure of this one myself tbh
Hibiya and Mikoto (and John): Ok Focusing eyes I couldn’t really think of anyone since it’s very niche but ehh..? Graphic artist??? I do think a kagerou daze situation with Mikoto and John of John trying to save Mikoto in a death loop would fit them before the twist that oh no, sacrificing yourself just continues a different cycle…
Konoha and Kotoko: they can PUNCH. mostly did this one because kotoko would love to have the power to punch people to death and also. Well. Most inter-party kills. In konoha’s case due to possession but Kotoko would prob use hers for cold hard Justice
Hiyori and Shidou: ok this was Clearing Eyes since timeline shenanigans makes it so that Hiyori isn’t part of the group most loops. Maybe I should’ve put Kenjirou instead… well… welp. Shidou would go that far for his wife, that’s all I’ll say, and also the snake of knowledge fits him
Ayano and Yuno: Wasn’t sure about this one, since tbh Novel ES (the girl one) probably fits Ayano better, but Yuno having such a emotional power, able to express her feelings to another, while having everything she has going on could be interesting. Maybe Yuno matches Hiyori better I don’t know LOL Ayano is my favorite of the kagepro bunch though
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threepoint14art · 9 months
Loon drawing :D love her im killing her
Heavily inspider by the song "Bouquet Garni" by nilfruits! it's really good I reccomend checking it out :9
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hey girl, ever have breakdowns and the only way you can somehow hold yourself back from going full insane is thinking back to all the shitty videogames you consume in the comfort of your own room? if so then you have something in common with her !1!1! hasashgihasg breakdown (videogame flavored)
I'll go a bit more in depth on him under the cut since I figured we changed quite a tad about her and I want to spread wisdom (our AU) to the world
So I'll start with design choices and then I'll move to his general character ヾ(≧▽≦*)o So:
The things coming out from his neck are antennae! they make her have really good hearing which SUCKS when you are overwhelmed (which she is, always) so rip!
His eyes have no pupil because arthropods and insects have them freaky eyes now <3
He has blue and red dyed hair to match the animatronics color scheme (thought the red is not very obvious here since he's tilting his head), though the white bits of his hair are not actually dyed! they are like that because he's a ladybug and they have those white spots on the sides of their little heads!
-His hands are segmented like that because of an arbitrary rule I made to make arthropods more recognizable amongst them bears and foxes and allat, since a arthropods are segmented I applied that to their articulations! fun fact, insects like Loon or Cami (We made her a mantis I'm sorry) have a division on their neck, while arthropods that are NOT insects, like Owynn, completely lack that! that's because insects are divided in 3 parts (head thorax and abdomen) arachnids are divided in 2 (thorax and abdomen) ((not exactly called that but semantics)).
-He has little ladybug earrings and actually he matches with Malva!(Usagi) ((we changed her name lol)) ((her last name is visco haha get it malva-visco))
-In general I made his hair darker, gave him a bit of acne amongst the freckles and made him more tan because we love melanin in this house
Now for,, character changes,,,
So first of all, he/she swag, bigender, Loon when masc and JJ when fem though it fluctuates too, good for her gettem. We obliterated that Malva crush, gone, exploded into pieces, and also she's ecuadorian now, gettem.
We turned that pathetic nervous shy thing of his into something way worse </3 She is still introverted and all that, but the main thing is that she does not like going outside! gamer goes outside challenge impossible, she does NOT like leaving his house shut-in guy who if outside for long enough has a breakdown, clings to Malva because they are best friends and she's like "safe" she's like a safe zone. Loon cannot function in social/public settings at all and just clings, which is also why a lot of people mistake him as "having a crush on her" even though they are a bajillion percent platonic
He's a bit of a cringefail loser and also a bit creepy lmao, always on her phone always trying to zone the hell out and think about a silly videogame, but also just nosy, hit antennae and insect stuff lets him 1) look wherever without people being able to tell, and 2) listen to stuff. So yeah, his ass sorta psychoanalyzes people and snoops through stuff to kinda distract herself from the horrors of being outside, which is why in this AU she's dating Owynn T-T sorta like the animatronic she isn't like actually out to get you, but instead acts like some sort of aid for the real enemy, which is Owynn, so yeah. Enabler and snoops through shit AKA has good info for Owynn's insane as shit ideas, insane of her but whatever.
Also given how in this Au we cranked the animal motifs to a thousand, being a little "bug" and then being next to like, a bear is terrifying to her, so besides being scared of just existing outside, she's also scared of people as a whole because little insect vs big animal, rip.
And i think that's most of it, if anyone read all of this and has any questions feel free to ask T-T sorry if the formatting SUCKS it's the first time I've tried putting something this long on tumblr <//3
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20 questions for writers
tagged by @pia-writes-things - thank you! :D
(under the cut to save your dash)
How many works do you have on AO3?
64 at the moment!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
145,151 in eleven years... same as with drawing I don't post 90% of what I do lol whoops
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently TES has been getting the gears going the most, but ER is my perennial love - and once in a blue moon I am compelled to do something TLU! SM is still very dear to my heart but I've been pretty dry on fic inspiration/drive for it for a while now :(
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
these are ALL OLDER PIECES haha so don't look too closely: it still burns - fluffy OPM piece for Knight c: what else can I say! too cold for you here and now - fluffy little Makoami piece (are you sensing a pattern already...) featuring terrible puns, because I have always loved characters trying to make each other laugh you do it for her (that is to say you do it for him) - another one written for Knight; OPM/SM crossover. with TWO chapters! left, left, left right left - introspective Romano piece re: arm. I actually now disagree with some character choices I made in this one so seeing it still getting attention has me like no... this doesn't represent me... Across the Western Ocean I Must Wander - Makoami pirate AU. also not a oneshot! (shock!) I don't think it holds up as well as I'd like, but the premise still compels me and there's some cute moments :'D still VIVIDLY remember being up late on a class night listening to one song on repeat while working on The Kissing Scene™
5. Do you respond to comments?
almost always! it may take me a bit sometimes, but I do try to make sure I do
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
frankly idek - being completely honest, "angst" just as a word at this point turns me off so immediately and so hard that I can't engage with the concept that way. I prefer endings with some hope, but I like some emotional complexity too! all my baggage about fandom and "angst" is for. ANOTHER TIME
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
again I'm not totally sure how to answer this one! I guess Ocean? doesn't get much more stereotypically happily-ever-after than "and then they ran away together the end"
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thankfully! I've gotten the occasional comment here and there that make me go "??" but more just sort of confusing, not malicious as far as I can tell lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
sdlkghlsj sex-repulsed asexual here and not for the first time I say: I am reasonably confident nobody wants me doing that. it can happen but offscreen to spare me the inevitable mortification... fade-to-black is about as far as we go in the House Of Mouse sorry!!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have before! it's not my preferred stomping grounds but I like a good one. I don't know about "craziest" but wouldn't do us any harm I think is probably the funniest of the handful I've shared (again: written primarily for Knight! warning that it is from 2016 LOL)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
also not to my knowledge!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
yes! baby Mouse ran a fic awards "show" (in the written medium obviously) with a friend back in like 2010 or 2011 on FFN... it was loads of fun!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
just one?? if I have to choose then: Lizzie & the Bald Boys... my little driftwood raft that I've finally convinced a handful of other people aboard c':
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Makoami Princess and the Goblin AU :( still means a lot to me but SM just hasn't been where I've been drawn to write for a while!
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue + characterization is most often what I get compliments on (<3) - I'd like to think I have a fairly decent hand for little meaningful details too, but I think these more often than not end up just being for my own benefit because I like my symbolism subtle aha
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
LONGFORM... plugging together things into ordered chapters and maintaining momentum over longer spaces is my greatest struggle. I've had to come to terms with the fact that I'm much more a sprinter than a marathon runner, and it's been very freeing letting myself step outside of needing all the surrounding context to just do things as I come to them and then getting to string it all into chronology via series ordering
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
done well I find it really impressive! it's very hard to do well though ahaha.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
without the context of "fandom", the first story I ever wrote was about the Boxcar Children hanging out with me at age 6 (the entirety of chapter three was all of us singing the alphabet together and it was narratively crucial that this happen. for some reason.). with the context of knowing about fandom though, Scooby Doo at 11-12!
20. Favorite fic you've written?
of what's posted: Ocean has a lot of personal meaning because it was the first multichapter piece I was able to finish in several years, but on a technical level I've been really proud of some of the more layered pieces I've been practicing in the last year or so: Thermal Equilibrium and skipping stones I think are good examples of that :')
tagging: @knightnightwrite (I AM GOING TO GET YOU TO DO ONE OF THESE SOMEDAY <3 <3 <3), @wispstalk, @ehlnofay, @wonderofasunrise, and anyone else who wants to do it!! as always no obligation if you've been tagged and don't want to! except for Knight. beloved I am knocking on your door come PLAY WITH ME
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saysike-skedoodles · 2 months
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I felt like I was never going to finish this. But I did! I got addicted to the song "Everybody Likes You" by Lemon Demon again and found myself associating the song with Bex. So what do I do when I associate a song with an OC? I draw some art based off of it obviously. Bex just can't catch a break, can she? Anyways, I still don't really know why I associate a song as sporadic and crazy as this one with Bex. Most of my reasons for when I associate songs with OCs is just "probably something they'd listen to/sing". But in this case I genuinely don't know why I think it's a "Bex song". I guess what the art here suggests is that, uh, it's relating to her trying to calm down when she is struggling to stay calm.... yeah. I've also been on a bit of an MLP high at the moment and I'm pretty sure stuff like Pinkie Pie in the episode Party of One and Twilight in Lesson Zero also indirectly inspired this. Honestly the more early 2010s and before stuff that I find that inspired TMM the more I realised this show should've just been made in the 2010s full stop HAH. I also think I'm possibly fuelling some unknown TMM creepypasta fire once I post this. I can almost see the "TMM CREEPYPASTA WHERE BEX GOES INSANE AND PULLS AN MLP CUPCAKES OOOOOOOOH SCARY OOOOOOH ISN'T THIS SCARY THAT A PLUSHIE CAT IS GOING STABBY STAB OOOOOOH-" Would be pretty funny tho not gonna lie and would add to the whole "TMM being a show from the 2010s" feel LOL. Also thanks to one of my friends that helped me out with suggesting ideas on this. This drawing actually underwent a redraw during the process cuz I didn't like how it turned out the first time so shoutout to them.
also uhhhh I feel like I should clarify here while I still can cuz I'm a bit paranoid of stuff like this but don't take my word for gospel and start drawing a fuck ton of gorey/REALLY edgy TMM creepypasta art- honestly it would be best if you ask before hand and don't be surprised if i give a "no" answer. Just wanted to mention that since I know I joke about "OOOH TMM CREEPYPASTA OOOOH EDGY TMM FAN CONTENT" but I don't want people to just instantly assume I would be fine with it. We're just here for 2010 fun and games and to also joke about the edginess of the 2010s that I'm pretty sure we were all apart of (I'm not lying I loved the dark mlp stuff). I know TMM is a multi coloured magic animal show but let's keep the dark stuff on the down low- (i say that and the MLP infection AUs have been spreading like wildfire)
I'm gonna shut up now I have a lot of thoughts in regards to art I make- I dunno if people even read through the entirety of my unhinged ramblings ehehhehehehwijhhwehewfiuhewfhiuehf-
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[all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 year
Oh you thought I would be normal
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I swear everytime I draw Hanabee her hair gets more and more poofy.
She's probably the gangs gunsman. Spefically a sniper for targets that need to be killed quickly and silently. Of course that doesn't mean she's all calm! She's very chaotic and loud when she's not needed at the moment. If she's not working out, trying to be the strongest as she calls it, she's most likely causing chaos with Sally or Barnaby, every once in a while with Robbie as well.
She's also really good at multitasking with her weapons
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She lost her arm in a in something she doesn't really remember.. everything before The Family is all foggy.
She respects NO ONE (besides boss..) so she can and will be a complete asshole if she doesn't like you.
She also tends to be Eddie's guard, willingly I might add.
She will listen to 50-60s music religiously.
Also when I was drawing the thing above the song be my baby by the rounettes was playing lol.
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tamelee · 1 year
Hi Tamelee!! 💕
You know, I really love your headcanons about Naruto and Sasuke. So I wanted to ask, what kind of music would they listen to, in your opinion? Do they play any instrument themselves? Are they even interested in music?
Anyway, I hope you’re doing good and that you’re taking care of yourself! Your art is amazing, and it’s great to see how your drawing style is evolving. I send you a lot of love (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
Hi @fille-de-skroa dear!! 💕 Oh I love this so much!! 🥹
LONG(!) AU!HEADCANON POST! 🎶 (With pics & music)
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So, in a Naruto&Sasuke-are-into-music!AU, I've always kinda headcanon'd Naruto as a singer. As a young, neglected boy he loved grabbing people's attention by joining rock/punk-bands and talent shows as much as possible as he wanted people to hear him. And nothing is as loud as his voice. (Or the orange in his clothing..)
It became a way for him to scream out his dissatisfaction toward that very same audience, people who criticized him, but because he did it in such a rebellious way he wasn't very liked nor very good yet either. Despite him feeling it was an unfair assessment back then and having the need to scream even louder, he understood that he needed practice. Never mind the annoying black-haired bassist he shared a stage with, that constantly egged him on about how much of a dumbass Naruto was while he played his instrument flawlessly. Oh, that did it! He was going to show him regardless of the situation!! But.. he tripped over a cable while he went to kick his ass DURING a performance and accidentally kissed the dude.. of course everyone saw and people were filming... The bassists' fans made Naruto's life a living hell. It seemed like he was loved by everyone, so Naruto made him a rival out of envy (and not because the kiss got him curious, shh!) instead of befriending him as he actually wanted to.. and improved ever since because secretly he wanted to impress this guy the most for some reason.
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He did find himself enjoying the punk/rock scene and the lyrics from the music as well as writing his own helped him get through tough times tremendously. Because of it Naruto journals through voice recordings.
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Naruto, as much as he can and as often as he can makes noises. Whether it is by tapping his foot, utensils, humming a tune or even talking to himself- anything to overcompensate the fact that he grew up in an environment where he felt much too lonely. No noise scares him, solitude does too and even this weird thought of him abandoning himself as many have done to him and his vision for the future- so he talks.. and talks.. and talks, then hopes one day someone will listen.
After this phase he toned it down a little because he found a mentor who was a master of 'Kabuki'. (Traditional Japanese theatre.) He never would've thought to do this on his own, yet practiced this for 2.5 years which helped him a lot to calm down, put his energy into practicing his dancing skills, social developments, musical instruments, but most of all his voice!
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As someone who can't stand being alone, doesn't like quiet places, he'd listen to a lot of music. He most definitely has a premium Spotify account and makes all sorts of playlists for himself but also for Sasuke whom he later gets in a relationship with, trips, certain travels together, places-
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they all get their own playlists because it is sorta nostalgic when those songs remind him of that time.
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He loves to "set moods" whatever that means, in an extra effort to enhance him being romantic or help Sasuke relax whenever he's stressed about something. It often earns him an eye-roll but when he doesn't look, Sasuke smiles softly about it anyway because he does appreciate it. In that sense, Naruto's efforts, although sometimes a lot to take when you're not good at accepting your own vulnerability- it's helpful. It feels warm. Especially when Naruto is experimenting with new tracks or ballads he's writing through his laptop and small keyboard which is attached to it. He doesn't play any other instruments otherwise even though he did play the Taiko drums during his 'Kabuki'-years-
- he creates his music digitally now, writes songs and charmed his way through the industry with both his friendly, easy-going nature and his talents. Artists/musicians love to work together with him. Despite his energetic nature, I can see his music being surprisingly mellow and full with emotion. He's musically gifted but had to work extremely hard in order to get where he's at especially because of people's initial presumptions. His skill required much effort.
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Sasuke notices that he's often the topic of Naruto's songs and that his music is an outlet for perhaps frustration/conflict, things Naruto finds hard to say to him directly. Sometimes it is difficult for him to be honest with himself or uses vague analogies, gets too embarrassed or brushes it off before it is fully resolved, but with music he can't hide how he feels and it is something they both came to accept. Admittedly it took them a while.
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Love by Nathan Wagner
Most of the time though, Naruto hums out happy tunes. And when I say "most of time" I mean, most of the time, you can't miss him when he's around as there is always some sort of noise coming out of his mouth, hence why Naruto and Sasuke luckily live in an apartment where Sasuke created his own space in a separate room where he can have time for himself when needed. You can have a healthy relationship all you want, but some people need time for themselves to harvest energy. Naruto harvests a few small plants/herbs and enjoys to be outdoors most of the time anyway so when they don't spend time together, through the balcony- nature and the people below enjoy the tunes he's humming or as he's showering he'll belt out songs as loud as he can. Often, Sasuke joins him to shut him up if it's too early, though, that doesn't necessarily work, iykwim. Then, Sasuke doesn't mind. The neighbors do. They move to a bigger house where land surrounds them, Naruto can have a real garden and Sasuke has more peace. It's a win-win for everyone until Naruto decides to learn to play the Taiko drums again and insists on playing together because he created a song about 9 different beasts- or something?
Sasuke suggested a different place to practice instead of 'home' and Naruto understood luckily. After a few weeks, as Naruto was shirtless, humming happy tunes to his herbs under the scorching sun, Sasuke couldn't help but appreciate the extra defined muscles that formed because of the Taiko drums.
Naruto at some point has a successful singing career, a few hit singles, 7 albums, did tours, but ultimately decided to become and stay a songwriter who easily gets inspired from his environment, the people he meets and his lover, his most important person:
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The Uchiha family would be well-known in the music-industry and the pressure of doing/performing well was a lot of responsibility for Sasuke even at a young age. It resulted in his father scolding him for the tiniest mistakes and errors that not even teachers could pick up on. Worse, his brother in his parent's eyes was perfect, seen as a prodigy and could not just play one instrument at a professional level at the age of 13, but three.
When Sasuke reached that age he was able to play two. The Shinobue Flute for which he often played impressive solo's during high-class performances-
-and the bass guitar. The latter he always kept a secret from his family as it was an instrument associated with music and lyricism that wasn't very appreciated by the rest of the members as it lacked tradition and manners (according to them), although he suspected that his brother knew. Of course he did. And so, his parents, although loving and supportive at the time, held an aura of disappointment surrounding them as they thought Sasuke could only play the Shinobue Flute while at night he was absolutely killing it on stage in front of many people and a crowd of his own fans- uh, screaming fan-girls, with his self-made band called: Taka.
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(Yes I just Headcanon'd Band Taka as TFK 😆 let me live please, cuz lyrics..! No? Okay, well-) When Suigetsu got over-hydrated which resulted in water intoxication and was hospitalized for it, Taka was in desperate need for a new singer as they needed to perform in a few days. Naruto, a foul-mouthed kid around Sasuke's age whom already had some experience was available. (See previous TFK song in Naruto's part.) He didn't think Naruto was bad nor very good, but he had potential with some practice, however, no way he was going to tell him that. His behavior at the time was a little off-putting, let alone having the dumbass stumble over cables during the performance and land on his face which resulted in... a kiss... what was that all about anyway!? Naturally, Taka didn't ask Naruto to perform with them anymore.
Sasuke started to miss him somewhat although he didn't really understand why. Maybe Naruto's goofy behavior and indirect warmth lingered a bit too long, bickering with the guy strangely was.. fun. It was almost too easy, unique even, but regardless, Sasuke had goals on his own and needed to focus.
Taka disbands. Eventually I can see Sasuke start to associate trauma with his instruments. He enjoyed playing the Shinobue Flute and genuinely wanted to get better and better at it, surpassing his brother, but didn't see a point now that he's missing and his parents passed away. The soft melodies of the flute don't sound peaceful at all, it somehow screeches through his ears like nails on a chalkboard and there is a false sense of guilt surrounding his bass guitar that he always hid from his family. Logically he knows that whatever happened to them isn't his fault, but he can't play without feeling bad. He can't shake it off no matter what he tells himself.
Contrasting Naruto, Sasuke's world goes quiet.
I can actually see Sasuke enjoy silence more than him putting on music like Naruto who'd be walking around with headphones or EarPods. It is possible that there is more reason to it, perhaps lyrics, instead of it being a source of distraction/entertainment- can be more often than not- triggering. As Sasuke ventures out into new interests I can imagine him at times listening to instrumental pieces that feel like he's going on a new journey, someplace else. Either Lo-Fi like JazzyCal, piano/violin (Dark Academia style) or something with a foreign language that he doesn't understand so the lyrics won't affect him but sounds nice anyway.
But as Naruto and Sasuke find each other, slowly Sasuke starts to warm up again to a world that holds all sorts of melodies and is a lot more colorful. This doesn't come without fear or insecurities as one day Sasuke holds the obnoxious brightly colored hoodie which somehow smells like safety, comfort... and grass, that Naruto left in his bedroom after a stupid argument that frankly was just a misunderstanding rooted from both their trauma.
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In fact, he wants nothing to do with his own instruments until the day Naruto and Sasuke start moving to a bigger home and he finds them stuffed away. He thinks about his family, as he often did and although he tried to ignore all the talk in the media surrounding them it was futile. The name 'Uchiha' followed him around anywhere and him being quiet about the situation only resulted in people making up strange stories on their own, ridiculous reasons as to why Sasuke wasn't playing anymore. To be honest, he did miss the feeling of getting lost in the music while playing his instruments.
When Naruto suggested he'd wanted to play the Taiko drums again and almost ordered one that most certainly wouldn't fit through any of their doors, not even in their new home, Sasuke called Juugo. He prepared a place for them both which surprised Naruto at first, but when he arrived and saw Sasuke already standing next to his drums with his Shinobue Flute.. he couldn't possibly look any happier. Even more so because after playing together for a few times and having the time of their lives, Sasuke told him that it would be good to have a goal to challenge themselves and so, they were going to perform at a festival.
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Drums, singing, flute-
It was just so fun to do what you love with the one you love. And as Sasuke glanced over at Naruto who was enjoying himself so much as he was flexing his whole body to hit the drums, smiling and singing- then suddenly making eye-contact with Sasuke- he couldn't help but think something within was overflowing.
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Sasuke would always listen to Naruto who in turn would always have his melodies be about Sasuke or them together, proudly shouting it from every mountain if he'd have to.
Yeah, I Headcanon Naruto and Sasuke with music.
Thankyou for this wonderful ask, this was a lot of fun @fille-de-skroa !! 🥰 I hope you're doing well too, please take care of yourself as well, and I'm very happy to know about my art ;-; ily
I hope this is somewhat what you expected? (And not too long >.<! Sorry about that!)
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