#i also sobbed when viktor came out
fearandregret · 2 years
idk if anybody else counted how many times they cried during tua s3, but i definitely cried more than probably a normal amount
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pathetic-sapphic · 8 months
viktor with a gf who’s usually positive and cheery but is going through a bad time in a lot of ways so she’s trying to hide it but not doing good at that either~ sorry ik it’s a lot
Our Love Will Be Passed On
Viktor x Fem!Reader
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Something was going on and he wasn't sure what. Viktor always hated not having an answer to different questions and problems. His whole life and job revolved around finding solutions and he was usually very good at that. Science, engineering and theory came naturally to Viktor. But you... you weren't any of those things.
Quite the opposite actually. You were unpredictable, soft, warm, kind and so happy all the time. So what happened? What changed? He wracked his head with these questions for days, his mind constantly replaying your tired eyes, slouched posture and sorrowful demeanor.
He hated nagging you or overwhelming you. He knew that you hated worrying others, always so dead set on carrying your burdens alone. It's funny, for all the lectures you've given him about leaning on others and letting others help him, you were truly terrible at taking your own advice.
He wanted to let you come to him, at least he hoped you would. Viktor didn't like to pry into other people's business, but... you weren't other people. You were his, his girlfriend, his best friend, his sweetheart. You were his darling girl, and you were sad, maybe even depressed. No matter how much he wanted to trust you and give you time to confide in him, he wasn't sure he could endure seeing that crestfallen look on your face once more.
So, after finishing his work early for the day, Viktor put on his coat and headed towards your apartment. He made sure to pick up a lovely bouquet with your favorite flowers and your usual order from your favorite takeout place. Before he knew it, he was at your front door. Balancing the food and bouquet with one hand, while also trying to hold onto his cane, Viktor barely managed to ring your doorbell with his elbow, cursing when he almost slipped on the icy pavement.
After almost half a minute, the door slowly opened and Viktor was greeted by the sight of your teary, flushed face. Your usually sparkling eyes now only had a gloss of sadness over them, cheeks splotched red and lips trembling. He knew you must have seen him through the peephole because you'd never let anyone else ever see you like this.
In fact, he was surprised you even let him see you like this, you were always so stubborn and headstrong, not to mention a professional when it came to putting on a fake smile. So he cannot imagine just how awful you must feel to let him in like this. Nonetheless, he is grateful. Janna knows how many times you stood by his side, reassuring and comforting him, you were always a kind and joyful presence, lifting him up when he was so sure he had hit rock bottom.
His thoughts are interrupted when he hears you let out a sob before you tackle him into a hug, tears immediately rolling down your cheeks. He tries to hold you and get you inside, closing your front door with his good leg and depositing the flowers and food onto shelf next to you. Viktor immediately puts his arms around you, shushing you gently, one hand cradling your head protectively while the other rubs your back.
''Oh, miláček. Why didn't you come to me sooner, hm? It hurts to see you so sad and in pain.'' He asks gently, looking down at your teary face. Even as you sob and sniffle, your eyes red with snot and tears running down your face, you're the most beautiful thing in the whole world to him. He presses a gentle kiss against your forehead as you gather your bearings, trying to control your breathing.
''I-I just... I didn't want to bother you. I thought that I could get through this on my own.'' You admit shyly, embarrassed at being seen by your boyfriend while in this state. You never planned on letting him see you like this, surely he'd think you were pathetic and needy. At least that's what your mind told you. Often times, you forgot just how loving and kind your dear Viktor was and he was to prove that once more, telling you; ''Oh my love, you know you could never bother me. I want to be there for you, when you're happy or sad, it doesn't matter to me. I want to hear you laugh and I want to hold you as you cry. Please, no more hiding your feelings and hurt. Let me take care of you, yes?'' Viktor asks with a soft smile on his handsome face.
You can't do anything but nod slowly, your face pressed up against his chest. You cringed at the realization that you were dirtying up his coat with your snot and tears but he didn't seem to care. Viktor held you in his embrace for a while longer before slightly pulling away to look at you. ''Now, how about we get cozy and have a movie night together? I got you your favorite and you can pick out whatever you wish, how does that sound?'' He asks, his thumb caressing your cheek and wiping away the remaining tears.
A slight smile appears on your face at his words. ''Can we watch something animated?'' You ask shyly at which Viktor grins in agreement, happy to see the old you coming back. ''Of course, my love. Pick out what you want us to watch and I'll heat up our food, okay?'' You nod, picking up the flowers he brought you, planning to put them in a vase.
Before you leave, you give Viktor a soft kiss. ''Thank you, for everything.'' You whisper as the two of you pull apart, holding the bouquet carefully against your chest so that you don't crush the flowers. Viktor lifts up one of your hands to his lips, kissing it gently. ''Anything for you, darling. I'll always be here, for better or for worse.''
''I love you, Viktor,''
''And I love you, more than anything.''
a/n: woah this came as a good small break from writing smut all the time lol. thank you for this request anon, i'm sorry that it took some time but i hope that it was worth it and that you're doing okay. feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk to <3
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multi-fandom-imagine · 3 months
Lmfaooo yes like a crybaby sorry for not making that clear😭
A/n: Please do not apologize! I was half asleep.
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A cry baby, that is what everyone tended to call you, a little cry baby. Viktor knew it too, he wasn't blind to the fact that you seemed to sob over the littlest things.
You hated bugs and yet you cry if someone would step on one. You didn't like getting yelled at often breaking down when someone did and yet despite being a cry baby you were also kind. You'd often go out of your way to help others. Even when he got shot you were by his side helping, even remaining to stay as he recovered.
He remembered hearing your soft sobs, Viktor came to hate it when you cried. Not because he hated it, no it was due to the fact that he couldn't do anything about it.
He didn't know when he fell for you, but relief flooded through him when you returned his feelings. Even now, seeing you exhausted from the birth of your child. Holding one of his daughters in his arms he was memorized by how small she was. He didn't even realize that a few tears escaped his good eye as he held her.
"Hehe...cry baby."
Hearing your light laugh, Viktor gave you a wiry smile. "Vhat?"
"Cry baby." You teased.
Shaking his head, Viktor sat down next to you glancing at his other daughter sleeping in the crib. "Now vhat if wrong with that?"
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triptychgrip · 16 days
Post-canon Viktuuri intimacy: my love of writing the most tender filth imaginable
I think I'll always love writing post-canon Viktuuri smut, because in my fluffy little head, Yuuri and Viktor have the most filthy yet tender sex imaginable. It's particularly fun to write about their kink life, imagining what a few years' experience of unraveling Viktor time and time again might do for Yuuri's confidence...
If you've read my work before, I imagine you know I love writing Dom Yuuri. The most recent chapter of my married Viktuuri 2018/2022 Olympic Games fic -- Chapter 17, meaning there are only 4 chapters left until the end of part 1! -- features a pretty lengthy sex scene, and given the heightened emotionality of this particular day (i.e. the one right before Yuuri's last ever competitive skate), it was really fun to write.
It also includes mention of one of my favorite headcanons in the overall 300K+ word fic series: that Yuuri is not only a talented athlete, but singer as well. In fact, since gaining confidence in his skating as well as his relationship with Viktor, it's long been a dream of his to skate to his own music one day in competition. He finally does so in his last ever competitive season, which culminates with the Bejing 2022 Olympic Games.
Below is an excerpt from this most recent chapter, which I hope piques your interest in checking out this story or my other YOI works (which are basically all explicit...lol, what can I say?).
Note: content warning for explicit sexual content, Dom/sub power exchange
Note of context: on this particular day, Viktor is in a feminine mindset. She came out as genderfluid post-retirement, and sometimes uses she/her/hers pronouns
Given Yuuri's impressive stamina, Viktor decided to help things along by beginning to twist her wrist and pulled off for a few seconds so that she could administer a few full strokes.
“I love making you feel good…that’s all I ever want to do,” she whispered, glad when her husband opened his eyes so that they were looking at one another. “You deserve it, you were so beautiful yesterday. And not only your skating, but your singing, too.”
Her eyes actually grew wet when she said the words, but she knew Yuuri would understand the sudden onslaught of emotion.
Viktor had been hearing ‘Gold’ all season long, but never in a million years would she have guessed that Yuuri had recorded a surprise version of it: one that featured his own lead vocals instead of Yukimi’s. Though her love had skated to the sound of his own voice before (at the 2018 World Championships, in a tribute during her last competition), this was the first instance in which Yuuri had skated to a song of his own creation.
It had long been a dream of his to do so, and Viktor hadn’t even really been able to pay attention to the first thirty seconds of Yuuri’s performance yesterday, what with the way she’d broken down, sobbing. Her uninhibited reaction had been the subject of quite a lot of memes, but she couldn’t bring herself to feel even the slightest bit embarrassed. She hadn’t even realized that she’d grabbed Phichit’s sweaty arm – he had literally just come off of the ice after his own stellar performance – and had been grateful that he hadn’t minded when she’d begun to blubber all over him (then again, Phichit had cried a bit, too).
It spoke volumes about their relationship that even with the very wanton activities they were currently engaged in, a distinct softness entered Yuuri’s beautiful, gold-flecked and chestnut colored gaze.
“I could never have done it, if not for you watching me, Viten’ka,” he whispered, bringing his forehead slightly down to meet her own. “I’m so happy I got to surprise you like that.”
Viktor was proud that even as her vision grew blurry, she managed to keep up her ministrations. She giggled quietly at the sweet way her spouse kissed at some of the tears that spilled over, but the sudden heightened emotion receded, replaced with the earlier eroticism when she gave a particularly deft twist of her wrist.
She recomposed herself, bringing her mouth back down and attempting to fit the entirety of Yuuri’s dick inside. When it hit the back of her throat, she hummed, satisfied at the second loud thunk! that resounded.
“Ah! Vitya!!”
Viktor immediately pulled off with an unabashed slurping sound, but before Yuuri could protest, she sunk back down, taking his cock all the way to the back of her throat, yet again.
“Swallow around me, honey,” he ordered, the firm directive sending another heady pulse of fuzziness right to her brain.
She did so with enthusiasm, nearly losing her goddamn mind when her husband brought his hand up to her throat, lightly massaging it so that he could feel himself inside of her.
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aah my bad! 3 with Vi, Ekko, and Viktor perhaps? ^^ thank you!
Heyo! Sorry this took some time I was feeling a bit lazy, lmao. Anyways, here ya go, enjoy!!
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You had been a kid taken in by Vander
And he was friends with a man named Benzo, who had also taken a kid under his wing
So, you had always been close to Ekko and Powder most out of all the kids
Being closer to their age and all
You all were together everyday, never leaving each other's side
You and Ekko were hanging out one day when you saw a strange man come into the shop
You both could tell he wasn't from the Undercity
And he paid Ekko in gold, Ekko charged him double price with your convincing
And after you both followed him to his pretty apartment in Piltover
And you could tell he was rich, or had rich connections
So when you guys came back you told Vi, she was proud as hell of you both
And her, Powder, Claggor and Mylo left to rob the apartment
That was the start of it all
Vander was taken, Benzo was killed and in the middle of the night after staying with Ekko to help him, you felt the ground shake
You panicked, telling Ekko to stay there in the shop as you ran like hell
When you got there Vi was leaning against a wall as she sobbed
You kneeled down beside her to check on her, worried as she looked at you shocked
Then you both looked up, seeing the man recognized as Silco standing above your best friend on the ground
You both bolted, standing up to go get her before you were hit on the head
You fell to the ground, your conscious abandoning you
When you woke up, you were in a stone cell with Vi shaking you
You both were in prison, you thought they couldn't keep you there without trial o question
But you were wrong
Simply because you were from the Undercity, they kept you both there
For seven years
Vi kept you safe, you were all she had
But you both wanted out
And one day you got it
When a certain someone came around with a drawing of a monkey
You finally came back to the Undercity, looking for Powder and Ekko
And you found Powder, just not in the way you thought
And then you were ambushed by people in masks
One you swore you saw before, lingering in the shadows
And then you woke up in a random room
The one in the mask leaning against a wall
You opened your eyes, your head hurt like hell from being knocked out. You groaned as you sat up, rubbing your head as you looked around. You looked in the corner, a ray of light seeping in until you saw something.
Leaning against a wall, in the shadows a man with a white owl mask leaned against a wall.
You glared, standing up as you balled your fists.
"Who the hell are you?" You asked, your guard fully up as he slowly stepped out of the shadows.
"Why the hell am I here? Why won't you fucking answer?!" You yelled, impatient as he just kept staring at you. 
You then intently watched as he reached up to his mask, your eyes widening as you saw he was taking it off.
His head faced to the ground, his mask hissing as he dropped it to his side. He then stepped into the light, looking up as your eyes found familiarity in his face.
"...Ekko?" You breathed out, shocked as you stepped forward once. You then stopped as he looked at you with a blank stare. "Where the hell have you been?" He asked.
"What? Where am I? What the hell is all this?" You asked, panicking as you looked around.
You didn't like not knowing stuff, feeling paranoid of what was to come. 
"What do you know about this?" He asked, opening a case to a blue stone.
"Nothing! Powder had it, I don't know why but- shit, oh my god." You said, pacing back and forth as you tried to calm down.
"Where have you been? Where have you and Vi been? And why the hell were you with Jinx and-"
Everything felt like it was spinning, Ekko's questions coming in fast and you couldn't keep up.
You felt tears pooling in your eyes, your hands meeting your head as you tried to get the feeling of nausea to pass. 
You wanted to know where you were, what happened while you were gone and what the hell happened to Powder.
"Ekko! Jus-Just shut the hell up!" You cut him off, yelling as he paused and looked at you worried. 
You looked tired, your entire body shaking as you tried to make sense of what was happening.
Everything was so fast and you couldn't keep up.
"What the hell is going on?! What happened?! Me and Vi, w-we were thrown in Still- Prison and-"
Ekko's eyes widened at your confession, Prison?
What the hell did you mean Prison?
"Prison?! What the hell do you mean by Prison, Y/n?" He asked, you looking at him.
"Yeah, we were thrown in Stillwater. No trial, nothing for seven fucking years!" You yelled, closing your eyes as you backed up into a pole.
You breathed heavily as you tried to ground yourself. 
"What happened while we were gone?! Powder- or Jinx, or whoever the fuck! What happened to her?! What happened to my best friend…"
you trailed off, beginning to sob as everything sunk in.
Through the years you never actually had time to sit and think so it was all coming in like waves.
Vander had died, Benzo died, Claggor and Mylo died. You and VI were thrown in jail without question. 
When you got out Powder was someone else, Silco flooded the lanes and took your guys' home. And Ekko was fucking yelling at you.
You hated being yelled at, it was something your birth parents did before leaving you to rot and it stuck with you.
Ekko looked at you sadly, his eyes filled with sympathy and guilt as he remembered you hated being yelled at.
He slowly steps toward you, grabbing your hand and softly pulling you close to him.
"It's okay, everything's fine, I'm here…" he quietly stated, you holding onto him for dear life as your breathing calmed down.
"What happened while we were gone…?" You quietly asked, looking up at Ekko. He sighed, shaking his head.
"A lot, Y/n. A lot." He stated.
You examined his face, lifting your palm to his right cheek as you sniffled.
"Aw, Little man isn't little anymore." You laughed softly, Ekko rolling his eyes at you amusedly.
You slowly pulled back into the hig, your ear rested against his chest where his heart was. 
You found Ekko, and for now you would live in the moment. At least for a bit, because at least he was okay.
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You had been taken in by Benzo when young
And met Vi a couple days after
You two were stuck together by the hip
You were close in age and liked being together
You were the calm one while she was the harsh one
Still, match made in heaven
She liked being with you because you were calming
You liked being with her because she was her
And everything was great
Until the apartment heist
Everything went wrong after that
Benzo died
And so did Vander, Mylo and Claggor
What didn't help was Vi had went missing and Powder became Jinx
She never messed with you, visiting you when she could 
But she didn't like being reminded of Powder
She clung to you still because you were all she had left, and you were like her other big sister growing up
You came to terms Vi was dead, you had to survive though
So Babbette offered you a job, at the Brothel
Wasn't your ideal job but you took it
Everything was a bit peaceful in your life for a while
Until the past came knocking
You cleaned up your room in the brothel, your last client had come in and left after about 30 minutes and you were done for the day.
You were tired as hell and just wanted to get to Jericho's, eat and come back and sleep until forever.
You had changed into something a bit more comfortable, grabbing your keys and about to head out until you heard the door open.
It then clicked closed just as you reached for your keys. You sighed, talking over your shoulder.
"Wrong room. I'm done for the day, sorry." You said, walking forward as your hand grasped your keychain.
"Aw, too bad. You sure you don't have time for me, sweetheart?"
That voice…you heard it before. You froze, you felt like you couldn't move at all.
You recognized it but you didn't want to accept it.
Over the years your mind played tricks on you, a glimpse in your peripheral had you thinking Vi was around the corner.
A whisper in your ear made you flinch thinking it was her only to come back to earth a second later.
You shook your head, not looking behind you.
"Enough with the games, brain. She's not here…" you mumbled to yourself, resuming what you had been doing.
"But it's not a game. It's me, Y/n." She said again, this time you felt like crying as you realized she didn't go away.
She would've left by now if it was a game.
You slowly turned around, your eyes finding the woman now grown up standing in front of you.
She stared back at you with a small smile, her eyes looked you up and down.
"...Vi?" You whispered, afraid to talk as if she would disappear.
She nodded her head, stepping closer to you.
You gave a small sniffle, as she got closer you lunged at her.
You knocked her back a fre steps before she stabled herself.
She gave a small chuckle mixed with a sniffle. She hugged you back, missing your touch over the years.
"You're okay.. How in hell are you alive?" You asked, your head not leaving her chest.
"Believe me, I don't even know." She mumbled, resting her chin on top of your head as she closed her eyes.
She felt a little peace in that moment, holding you.
Maybe the seven years of hoping and praying paid off, because you were actually here.
Alive. And with her now. 
And god, she was never letting you go, ever again.
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Your dad was Singed, and you met him when his boat flowed through the cavern
That's when you first saw him, you sat next to Rio as it knocked against your foot
He then stepped into your vision
He was hesitant until your dad beckoned him towards you guys as he held his toy boat in his hand
You then noticed his cane, tilting your head at it but shaking it off
Wasn't anything new, and was best not to ask
He was a loner, not being able to play with the other kids
You didn't like playing with them, thought they were idiots who were even ruder than their parents
You preferred staying with your dad and helping Rio
And eventually you three became loners together
You and Viktor grew up close together
You were stuck to the other like glue
You also both helped your dad with his gadgetry and projects
Everything was good, until Rio got worse
You begged your dad to let her go, but he always said the same thing
"The mutation must survive"
But Viktor didn't like it
And he left
You never saw him again for a long time
Viktor sat in his lab, Jayce gone for the day for whatever he did. He was messing with Hex tech, trying to improve it as he heard the lab door open.
"Sorry, Jayce is not here. And I am quite busy." He called over his shoulder, not looking back as he went back to his gadget.
He heard a sigh from behind him. 'Must be Sky.' He thought, not paying anymore mind until a voice broke the silence.
"Aw, not even enough time for little 'ol me?" He paused, it couldn't be. He hadn't seen you for years.
And in Piltover? His lab nonetheless?
He turned around, shocked as he saw your smirking face standing at the middle counter of the lab. 
"Y/n!" He exclaimed, smiling as he stood up and grabbed his cane.
You laughed, walking towards him and meeting him halfway.
You wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I haven't seen you in years." He smiled, you pulling away as you laughed.
"Yeah, about time, huh?" He nodded his head. "Yes, how did you know I was here?" He asked.
"I got in contact with your lab partner, Jayce. He was excited to help." You explained, nudging his cheek as he shook his head.
"Remind me to thank him, for once." He joked.
"Wow, Piltover really has a hold on you. You have humour now?" You teased, the man rolling his eyes at you amusedly as he pulled away.
"Come, I should show you my creation." He walked over to his desk, you following him
You always wondered what his life was in Piltover, now you could be apart of it.
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it came out at like 4am my time which is really sad so i’ve only just seen it…
First it has them walking in the mansion? Is that their mansion? Their mansion is in disrepair!!!!!!!
This is Reginald’s speech from the fucking bank robbery sequence?????? REGINALD’S SPEECH FROM THE BANK ROBBERY SEQUENCE????? S1E1??? Circular structure?????? CIRCULAR NARRATIVW??? I love a circular narrative i pricked my ears like a terrier when I noticed that 😂
Wait one second
“Hargreeves’ home for wayward boys”
It’s not any academy, it’s an orphanage????? Who are the orphans? Is this designed to have Five in it? I’ve read whump fics where Five gets kidnapped and taken to an evil orphanage run by Reggie. Canon,???
Ohhh a subway station. Interesting. I love some good train imagery I do
Viktor and Five collab huzzah!!! Or is that Ben sitting at the bar? Is this non-time travelling Ben as was seen in the s3 finale?
What did Ben do to get himself in prison?
WHO is that woman by the piñata and why is it not Lila?
LUTHEE IS GOING TO SPACE AGAIN… oh God, that’s going to be really difficult for him due to the general trauma of being left on the moon. :(
this is the bad photo that Luther took btw:
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allison looks so cool 👌 the hair and shoes and coat are awesome. also I like Five’s design this season- it’s better than the godawful side part at least!
So we have Five and Allison walking together first. That makes sense, they’re obviously the ones who make decisions and do sensible things for the most part, Allison’s character change in s3 notwithstanding. Followed then by Lila and Viktor. Idk if there is any significance to that.
When they’re walking, you can see Five, Allison, Lila, Viktor and Ben. Not anybody else. 🤔 Intriguing! Where are Klaus and Diego!
The shouting getting in the van is so in character I love them
“HELL YES LETS GO KILL THIS BITCHHHH” “This is a rescue mission.” And Klaus has a paper bag. Why does Klaus have a paper bag?
EVIL REGINALD DRONES CANON??? :( that seems boring ngl can’t have them fighting evil drones!
WAit. Lila is looking at this train map. The station is empty. AHAT IF THE TRAIN IS THE TELEVATOR?????? It’s certainly not just a train, they’ve all been on it alone and it does something very interesting. I want to know about the train. Televator is a solid theory I think.
Allison and Luther walking up to a mansion… I feel this has something to do with Claire. Maybe Claire or Ray is in the mansion and Luther is for emotional support?
Is that Ben that Viktor’s beating up ???? Viktor beating someone up is in and of itself very novel. What’s going on with that?
oooh Diego and Five? Five would win no doubt. I’ve not seen any of his powers this trailer though… which is curious.
Oh who are these dancing people? Maybe this is Gene and Jean Thibideau.
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I can’t see them clearly sadly. I’ll have a look on Netflix rather than Youtube, see if I can identify them, but can’t take screenshots on Netflix.
Is that Five and Lila in the apocalypse? God, I would quite like to see Five have a mental breakdown over being once again in the apocalypse. Tbh I would quite like to see Five have a mental breakdown full stop. If they put him there and don’t have him crumble I’m gonna be annoyed.
Woman in a burger shop producing guns? Agnes Rofa?
WAIT A FUCKING SECOND. Lila is absolutely sobbing into Five’s shoulder. What happened? Did her and Diego’s child die? Did Diego die? Do I need to get annoyed at Five being kind to an out-of-character extent? I MUST KNOW ALL. Either way, between this and the apocalypse moment I’m glad to see some Five/Lila bonding time.
Is this a Hargreeves family Christmas I see going on?
GUYS ITS OKAY FIVE TELEPORTED. it’s okay. Five teleported. Is he in the paradox-proof room? Commission origin story? Well, that shot is promising, as Five Commission origin story is soemthing I’m itching to hear.
Dare I ask why Santa has guns?
Is that a child’s arm with an Umbrella Academy tattoo? Is it Five? Are there new children again? EXPLINNNN PLEASE
Klaus running a séance. Is he going to be a scam fortune teller person? That would be so cool, he’d thrive doing that.
The car sans Viktor and everybody looking horrified. What does that mean for Viktor? Is he the one who dies? It would make the most sense I fear.
Okay between Luther in a ball pit and Diego by the piñata, there’s definitely a child’s birthday party that happens. Claire’s? Or Diego and Lila’s child’s? We will find out. I look forward to it in either case, that will doubtless be very entertaining.
Whose hands are those making the sinister looking deal?
Why are Viktor’s powers gold now? They were blue.
Is that Jean Thibideau that Luther’s throwing through a window?
I think this last sequence is just showing them all using their powers.
I gotta say I’m disappointed that there aren’t any moments that made me giggle like there were in the other trailers. :/. Is this season gonna be unfunny?
Also I’m annoyed that Five seems to be sticking with his much calmer s3 personality rather than being his usual unhinged self that we know and love.
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allisoooon · 1 year
I love that Klaus specifically tells Five because everyone knows that he calls the shots around here. (Also interesting observation: When Allison picks him up, Klaus reaches out for her but then immediately looks to where Diego is coming from, and doesn't start telling everyone that he's fine until he sees Lila lead Diego towards him. Lila, who was with Viktor at first and then did a detour to get Diego, who actually saw Klaus first but came last. Makes me think Diego had a freakout off-screen.)
Diego's freakout was on-screen, and it was at Lila over daring to leave the closet he locked her in. She rightfully smacked him.
On the one hand, Lila being able to get out of a closet taking priority over Klaus coming back to life seems a little callous of Diego. However, as much as I wish we'd get proper Klaus-Diego bonding like in s1, we have seen their relationship take an arc. In s1, Diego is very protective of Klaus in a kind of patronizing way. Initially, he won't let him be part of the action. As time goes on, all the siblings seem to be more and more willing to let him fight.
Still, this one bothers me more than the first time Diego saw Klaus come back to life. The first time, Diego was barely holding himself together for Stan's sake, having a breakthrough in his parenting, and sobbing in relief at the end. It bothers me more partly because of how callous it seems, but mostly because my only gripe with Dilila as a ship is that Diego's time has gotten so utterly sucked away from his siblings as a result. Luther's relationship with Sloane actually gave him some reasons to interact with his siblings, whereas Diego's relationship seems to come at the expense of his relationships with his siblings. So seeing him divert from his brother's miraculous recovery to Lila's predictable escape bugged the shit out of me.
Don't get me wrong, I love Dilila, I love Lila, but the execution occasionally bothers me, especially this season.
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findmeinthelake · 1 year
Steel (Jayvik Fanfic)
Chapter One: Transformation
Note: This is also posted to my Ao3, which is under the exact same username
Jayce x Viktor (Arcane), tension, angst, Viktor becoming Machine Herald, Machine Herald
"Those stupid words that came out of Jayce's lips... fuck."
“Jayce will understand.”
His previous choice of words still stuck in his head, bouncing off his skull and causing yet another headache. 
Viktor sighed.
Jayce did not understand, yet here Viktor stood- next to his friend whom he loved dearly. Why did he do these things for Jayce when he got nothing in return?
Love. Unconditional love. 
“Mel?” Jayce called, coughing and covering his eyes, shielding them from the dust that clouded the room. 
Soft groans came from the rubble, the remnants of the council chambers shifting as those who survived cried out for help.
The Golden Boy dove at the stones, trying to find his lover. He sifted through the pile, looking for any sign of life. 
“Please, Mel…” Jayce whispered, “Please.”
For a while, there was nothing but the sound of falling rocks and the pitter patter of enforcer footsteps. 
Then came the sobs, awful screams of agony. No one could tell if it was a trapped soul, or the one who found their body.
That, right there, was his biggest mistake.
Dark grey rocks crumbled as Viktor tried moving his already weakened limbs. This was going to get nowhere.
He inhaled sharply, holding back coughs of dust to listen in. Faintly, Viktor could hear Jayce calling out. 
His amber eyes lit up as he gained hope, thinking, no, knowing, his partner was looking for him. Viktor could finally smile.
“Mel… please.”
Viktor barely heard the whispers from under the rubble, struggling to free his left arm that had become pinned between two pieces of metal. 
Those stupid words that came out of Jayce’s lips… fuck.
No one was looking for him.
No one cared.
The lab was just like how he left it- messy. Good. He knew where everything was left.
Viktor limped over, not wearing the glove that had previously concealed his augmented hand. He dropped his crutch, gathering his supplies.
He frantically scooped up blueprints and materials, shoving them into a bag. Jayce will miss none of this. He thought to himself. 
Jayce never noticed anything anymore.
Viktor sighed, double-checking that he grabbed everything of importance. Yup.
He was good to go.
“Home sweet home.” Viktor murmured, walking down the entrance of the cave. He carried his belongings in a heavy bag, straining his shoulder.
“I assume he didn’t.” The Doctor spoke, bandages covering his mouth as he answered the statement from days ago.
Viktor shook his head in disappointment. “He… he did not.” He calmly spoke, setting his bag of stuff down.
Singed had a history with Viktor, as they had met when the young boy stumbled into his lab. They didn’t see entirely eye to eye on things, but, ends could be met.
The older man didn’t have to ask. He eyed Viktor’s altered leg, examining the purple and black skin. “Are you willing to give up valuable things?”
“Like what?” Viktor asked, cocking his head. He had already lost his friend, his lab, and his trust in people.
Flicking a vial, Singed replied with two words. A horrifying trade.
“Your humanity.”
Viktor gave a slow nod, accepting the consequences. 
Singed smiled, glad his old friend was beginning to agree with him. 
“Get rid of all of it. I want it all gone.” Viktor muttered, “Every last part that renders me slower- more of a, how do you put this, risk? Anything you can do, do it.”
The chemist nodded, walking over towards Viktor. “It will take a toll on you. Emotions are what drive the mind, boy.”
Viktor closed his watery eyes, whispering “I don’t want to be human anymore.”
“As you wish.” Singed replied, tracing Viktor’s arm with the needle. He flicked the scientist’s small tricep, squeezing around his arm to find the vein. 
The needle had a cool sensation. Viktor didn’t question what was being injected in him, as he didn’t wish to know the pain he would endure. Yet. All things have a price. His amber eyes got heavy, weighing down on his face. He watched Singed grab a small saw, blinking rapidly as the restraints were tightened.
Was it real gold? Or was it fake, just in place to make Piltover, The City of Progress, look exquisite? 
Why is this the shit I ponder? Jayce scolded himself. He could be doing something important- something worthwhile. But no. He sat and stared at the fancy ass door that should’ve been opened over an hour ago.
“Mr. Talis?” A voice called, the sharp steps echoing around the room. 
Jayce perked up, scratching at the side of his face where the cut was. “Yes?” He asked, standing up and turning towards the enforcer. He wiped the small amount of blood off his cheek. The stupid thing kept reopening… constant reminder that he failed.
The enforcer coughed, crumpling the piece of paper. “There is still no sign of Viktor.” She paused, watching the Councilor’s expression turn from hopeful to blank. “He is now presumed dead, most likely caught in the blast of the explosion and, well, vaporized.”
With a quickened heartbeat, Jayce whimpered. No… that can’t be true. Not Vik… A tear ran down his cheek, running over the small cut. First Mel, now this?
“You’re certain?”
“Yes, sir. Viktor is dead.”
The world froze. Nothing mattered anymore. Years down the drain… Everything was so real now, coming into the limelight and falling onto him. He never got to say goodbye.
Without another word, Jayce headed out the door. Surely there would be some clues in the lab, right? Work Viktor left behind?
Jayce opened the door, twisting the familiar key in his hand. He peered in, wide-eyed and half expecting to see his old partner at work on one of their many projects. 
He walked along the lengthy desk, tracing his index finger in the dust, drawing obscure shapes. Maybe if he had paid more attention to Viktor, he would know where to look. 
The hexcore was gone, but even when Vik was… alive… it was gone. Maybe Heimerdinger had it destroyed in secret? 
“We could have done so much together…” Jayce whispered to the nothingness in the room, waiting for a response that wouldn’t come. 
If only you didn’t leave him- and for a girl of all things. Maybe he would have trusted you more. Confided in you. But NO. 
Jayce winced, clawing at his temples and tearing the wound on his upper cheek open. “Go away… please.” He whimpered, staring at the center of the room. He contemplated grabbing the pistol he now carried.
Nothing responded.
He was alone. No one was left to do his work, look after him, let him lean on them- they were all fucking gone because of him. He could’ve done more.
Progress isn’t something that comes to those who don’t strive for it. The future is now, and the past needs to be left behind. The dawn of tomorrow is coming, and Jayce doesn’t want to be left behind.
That is his greatest fear.
Viktor grunted, struggling against the restraints. He didn’t say anything- didn’t want to see. His eyes were wide with excitement, but also regret. 
“You’re awake?” Singed spoke, walking over to the boy and grabbing him by the jaw, using a small flashlight to look into his pupils. 
The Inventor nodded, a million thoughts surging through his mind. Did it go well? How far along was he? Is he gone?
Singed undid the restraints, occasionally glancing up at the man he operated on. “It’s just your legs for now.” He paused, undoing the last restraint and pointing at the ground, “Test them out, go on.” 
Viktor furrowed his brows, asking “Why not the other parts-” 
“I need to see how your body reacts to the change. I know you mixed magic and science by carving runes into yourself, and by doing that, you made yourself the one controlled variable we are allowed.” The Chemist explained, blankly stating what he found to be quite obvious. 
Cold. Viktor traced the steel with his fingers, standing up and shaking. It would take him a minute to find his balance, but he could walk. 
He grinned.
The new limbs were quite nice indeed. He paced around the room, flexing the metal limbs. “They’re beautiful.” He whispered, “More, please, doctor.” He asked, sitting on the table once more.
“I cannot pair your nerves with the mechanics- you will never be able to feel anything with your hands again.” Singed muttered, his mask slipping. He almost felt bad for the boy. 
Viktor nodded. “My organs- can you replace them too?”
Singed silently agreed.
Viktor leaned back, closing his eyes as Singed flooded his bloodstream with shimmer. Now would hopefully be the final time.
An orange glow tinted the room, only the experiment tubes providing other light. The steady sound of creaking filled the space, water dripping from somewhere above. 
Without a word, Viktor opened his eyes. He moved his limbs, noticing he wasn’t tethered down to the operating table like before.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d wake up.”
Viktor looked towards the Chemist, standing up. “How long has it been?” He asked, blankly stating the question. 
Singed sighed, “Almost one month. Your body took quite the toll.” He explained, finding a mirror for the boy to look into. “The shimmer has a fair share of side effects, which would explain your prolonged sleep.”
The face in the mirror was not one Viktor recognized. His eyes were a milky shade of black, only having his amber pupils to stand out. Cheeks that were once colorless were now replaced with steel. A neck with many unique marks was covered in sections of metal, moving smoothly on itself. 
“I hope you like it.” Singed whispered, watching Viktor touch his new face with metal fingertips.
“I am satisfied.” Viktor replied, a faint smile cracking on his lips. He ran his new hands through his fluffy brown hair, twisting it around his fingers like he used to as a boy. 
Nothing. He felt nothing. 
The Mechanical Man unbuttoned his shirt, looking at his torso. He still had some skin, but his ribcage was guarded by a steel chamber, along with his spine that ran up the back of his head.
Singed explained “I hope you don’t mind the small changes. I had to extend it slightly up the back of your skull after I… altered your brain.”
Viktor felt at the back of his head, hearing only the sound of metal on metal. His brown waves that were previously there were cut, replaced by the steel plating. He still had most of his hair, but the sections near the metal were cut extremely short to account for the surgery.
“It’s only a small section that is hidden.” Viktor replied, shrugging before putting his shirt back on. “Even then, it doesn’t matter.”
“Then it worked.” Singed smirked. “Before, you would have thrown a small fit.” 
The Scientist nodded. “Good. Then I look relatively the same, aside from the sides of my cheeks and eyes?”
Singed coughed, “Yes.” He murmured, handing Viktor a small metal mask. “This is so you aren’t… how should I say this… ostracized? Society won’t like you like this.”
Viktor took the mask, examining it. It was beautifully crafted as a gift for him. “Thank you, Doctor.” He smiled, “But society didn’t like me before, it will be no different now.”
“They will hate you.”
“So be it.” Viktor muttered, attaching the mask to his face. It heavily altered his voice, giving it more of a… robotic feel. “I have things I need from my lab.”
Jayce walked down the hallway, doing his nightly walk. 
It was a new routine for him- pace around and think.
He passed the lab twice now. Jayce avoided the door like the disease it was- it had ruined his life once, and he wasn’t going to let it ruin it again. 
A rattling sound came from the lab, followed by a string of angry curse words. 
Jayce stood in front of the door, his hand inches away from the handle. Should he open it? What if it is bad?
His curiosity got the best of him. Jayce twisted the knob, entering the room. His hazel eyes met an orange glow coming from the desk as someone, or something, rummaged through the drawers. 
“Show yourself!” Jayce barked, ordering the thief to step into the light. “I’m armed!” He yelled, holding the weapon at his side.
The stranger walked over, revealing a mask of steel. He stared at Jayce, watching him tremble. 
Jayce shook, eyeing the tufts of brown hair that stuck out into a similar fashion that Viktor’s did. “Vik?” He whispered, lowering the gun. 
“What?” Viktor mumbled, his voice masked by metal. “Did you really th- OW FUCK.” He yelled, holding his side.
Jayce panicked, looking at the gun he just fired. “Oh my god…”
Viktor swatted at Jayce, “Get away from me, traitor!” He grunted, shoving more stuff into his bag with gloved hands.
“They told me you were dead…” Jayce cried, dropping the gun. “I thought I lost you.”
“You have.” Viktor blankly stated, eyeing the ‘Golden Boy’. “Now, leave.”
Jayce shook his head, “No, absolutely- absolutely not!” He yelled, walking rapidly towards Viktor and jumping at his face. 
Trying to shake him off, Viktor grabbed at Jayce. “Get off me, dammit!” 
“What did they do to you?” Jayce yelled, pulling at the mask. “I can help you, Vik, we all can- the city will help you. I am here for-”
Jayce went silent as he fell to the floor, carrying the mask with him. He looked up at his old friend’s face, seeing his altered eyes and the steel on his cheeks and neck. 
“I did this to myself.” Viktor answered, staring at Jayce on the floor, taking off his gloves and revealing his metal limbs. “It’s quite nice, actually.”
“Vik…” Jayce whispered, tearing up as he looked more and more. He stood up, walking over and grabbing Viktor’s steel hands. “We will make this work… it will take time, but we will make it work.”
Viktor watched as Jayce traced his hands. “Stop.” He ordered.
Jayce looked down at him, his brows knitting together. “What?”
“I can no longer feel the sand under my feet. Never again can I feel the warmth and touch of someone’s hand on my own. It means nothing to me.”
Jayce shook his head, unable to believe this was the same person as before. “Vik, I love you. I always have.”
Viktor tilted his head, taking his mask back and sealing the bag he carried. 
“Love is conditional, Jayce.”
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itrin · 2 years
TUA S3 (spoilers) 
first of all, holy shit????? like holy shit!!! this was by-far the most incredible season, in terms of acting, cgi, characterisation, sound and music, cinematography -- just intense and overwhelming and gripping and I ate it up in less than a day but anyways here are some of my specific thoughts, haphazardly listed and unsolicited:
viktor coming out and how it was handled was A++ like everyone was normal and chill and so readily accepting with some appropriate humour thrown in but also everyone still gave him shit regardless LMAO
like five "proud of u Viktor, ur an idiot though"
Five "pull this shit again and viktor, ill kill u myself" Hargreeves everybody, supportive but threatening
idk how to feel abt five telling viktor he's there for him but also telling him he'll kill him like??? asshole but I love him regardless, no-- because of it
on that note, never deadnaming viktor even in the heat of a brutal argument isn't something to be praised like it is -- it was a relief that no one deadnamed him even though they were furious and hurt ngl but also this is how its supposed to be!! bare minimum!! u dont deadname trans people even if, especially if, ur pissed at them
tua did an outstanding job handling viktor coming out, A+ for that, could not have asked for better
Luther wanting to give viktor mini sandwiches and throw him a brotherhood party!!! good!!
also that flashback of Allison telling viktor she'd love him no matter what juxtaposed with Allison telling viktor they should've left him in the basement: yikes
AND OMFG ALLISON!!! S3 ALLISON HARGREEVES!! ive genuinely never been more sacred for or of a fictional character like her actress, Emmy, was absolutely phenomenal
characters who're "good" and calm and always say/advocate for the "right" thing and are depended on to be, like, the glue of a group -- these characters falling apart in catastrophic ways will always be a fav of mine because thats Allison Hargreaves man she fell apart catastrophically and her hurt came at the expense of everyone
idc what anyone says I love how Allison was characterised this season I love how she was pushed to her breaking point and fucking broke: she lost her daughter in season 1 because she kept rumouring her rather than parenting her, and she didn't rumour in season 2 until she did and she went mad with power (not that I disagree with who that power was used against, yes queen make the racists burn themselves), and in season 3 she really, really fell into the depths of her power and self-destruction. she used it against viktor (good parallel to that season 1 confrontation in the cabin), used her power against Harlan to kill him, used it on herself
the Luther SA scene was fucked up and unnecessary imo and I had to skip it when I realized where it was going but again: holy fucking shit
also Allison trying to use her powers on herself??? to rumour herself to be happy?? yeah that was fucking heartbreaking like shit
again: Emmy's acting was spectacular like all the dark, hard looks, the screaming "shut your mouth," the breaking-down-and-sobbing just everything like I cannot applaud enough
okay Diego and Lila and Stan and the unborn baby was Wow. A Thing. Very Lila and Diego like ngl and Stan rlly did grow on me and then he fucking got obliterated but seeing Diego come to grips with being a father was so good; at first, he pushed Stan away and out of his sight bc he was busy and had other, more important things to worry about but then Stan came to him for affection and hugged him and cried in front of him when Klaus died and just!! it was good!
Lila has a special place in my heart but her idea of lying to Diego about who Stan is to test him as a father but very in-character and wow both of them reassuring each other they'll be good parents was lovely to see
ANOTHER THING THAT WAS LOVELY TO SEE WAS LUTHER AND SLOANE AND THEM FALLING IN LOVE AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE Luther deserves good things and seeing him basically say "fuck you" to Reginald constantly was great and therapeutic for me as much as it probably was for him
man oh man oh man poor viktor fucccccc like this guy cant catch a break as much as five can; constantly being blamed for ending the world even though the root cause was Reginald and viktor didn't have as much time with his powers as the rest did and its a hugely destructive power too (not always, as seen with Harlan) and its always the factors around viktor that cause the apocalypse -- someone manipulates them, pushes them, until he triggers and loses control and he's shit on for it even though he couldn't control what others did to him?? viktor was using him powers for only a handful of days, significantly less than anyone else, he barely knows what he can do with him or how it affects others yknow
and I dont, cant, even blame Harlan bc he was in the same boat as viktor -- no one to help him figure out how to control his powers, its just reaction after reaction, accidents and no one on the planet would even know how to help him
but it was an interesting choice to give viktor Harlan back, his kid, and take away Allison's kid-
poor five also like not even a seconds rest LMAO and everyone, especially Allison, blames him for all his time traveling mishaps but like?? he was a kid when he first time traveled and he's taken every chance to do what's best for his family and the world, including killing the Board of Directors like this man is flying by the seat of his pants in almost every apocalypse trying to save everyone
KLAUS MY BELOVED IM SO SORRY U HAD TO DIE A HUNDRED TIMES BUT IM SO HAPPY TO SEE HOW MF POWERFUL U ARE!!! immortal?? immortal!! and can dispel spirits as well as summon them!! wow A Mf Man.
Ben was actually v interesting this season bc yeah he's an asshole in the first half but, when it comes down to just 10 people left alive in all of existence, he shows himself as riddled with Daddy Issues, as the name Sparrow being the only thing in his life, as sensitive to rejection ig?? big mad about not being invited to party and also very curious about the "other ben" the umbrella academy is familiar with
Reginald Reginald Reginald; first off, the actor who plays is A+ and I love seeing him on screen. Drugged!Reginald was so sad to see at first, it was so fucking sad to see that, but after finishing the season I can say with my whole chest that drugged!reginald was the best Reginald like Pogo had the right idea. and even I was rooting for Reginald to turn out good and own up to the mistakes of TUA!Reginald and idk if not be a good dad then at least be a good person and encourage the kids and IDK I WANTED HIM TO BE GOOD HERE BC ITS WHAT EVERYONE ELSE DESERVED BUT I WAS DUPED!!! I WAS DUPED AND BLINDED LIKE KLAUS!! im so- and Klaus was so happy and felt loved by him and excited for everyone else to connect with him too and he just turns around and locks him out of the corridor and leaves him to die and Klaus was forced to kill himself
I wonder how Allison felt about both Luther and Klaus dying due to her deal with Reginald (I mean I dont fully blame her for their deaths it was Reginalds fault 100%) but I wonder if she convinced herself that it was "for the greater good" or if it was all gonna ve fixed or worth it later when she got her daughter back
"do u trust me?" BITCH NO????? I actually dont know how Allison could ask viktor that actually maybe cognitive dissonance I mean girl was at sanity's edge but I wonder how much Reginald even told her about the button and the machine?? like how did she know the button would lead to a new universe or smth
the irony of killing Harlan but also using the powers that were boosted by him
now about that ending: im a lil confused but ill take it
its a new universe I think not a reset one bc wouldn't a reset universe let everyone keep their powers?? maybe when Allison pushed the button it got imbued with her desires to not have powers or smth?? did Reginald tinker with the fabric of the universe so humans didn't have powers like these? this alien bitch has a human looking wife?? is she an alien or does she have human skin like Reginald which would mean they've been on earth for a while and when she died Reginald put her on the moon For Some Reason??? what was Luther supposed to her guarding her casket pod on the dark side of the moon from?
did Reginald cause the end of worlds for centuries or do apocalypses follow him too and everywhere he goes, worlds die???
also where the fuck did these "particles" that powered the machine even come from?? what the fuck are these particles?
what does it mean that Five has both arms again?? is he still going to be the founder? has he escaped his fate or??
where is Sloane? give Luther a goddamn break
okay so Allison has her happy ending after everything she pulled, after the relationships she damaged severely and destroyed -- nw what happens? because clearly the umbrella academy isn't done with Reginald and his wife seemingly ruling the world or smth (or at least enjoying very powerful positions, as seen by "Hargreaves" on multiple buildings) so they'll all be pulled together again
(I hope Luther and viktor dont forgive Allison or at least call her out let them cut each other till bones bleed, I say)
let five get a hug?? maybe? a sibling group hug?
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Careful, Tidy Stitches
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: Viktor's hands aren't quite as steady as Grace's, but that doesn't stop him from helping. Warnings: Major character injury and blood Word Count: 669 Ship(s): Ben Hargreeves/Viktor Hargreeves
Archive link!
Viktor felt like his heart was being torn out of his chest when he saw all of his siblings returning form the mission that they had just been sent on covered in blood. Their father usually made them clean up before they left the building that they had been doing the mission in so that if the press found them then they would be presentable. The only time that they came back to the house in this state of disarray was when something horrible had happened. The sinking feeling in Viktor’s stomach led him to believe that it was worse than he could even imagine. 
His siblings all tried to keep him shielded away from the things that they were forced to do when they went on missions, today was no exception. He had been standing on the balcony that oversaw the living room while looking down at the front door where they were entering. They were all muttering amongst each other until they noticed that he was there, when they immediately huddled together and moved as a group. Viktor wasn’t stupid, though, he could tell that they were hiding something from them.
He waited until they had all dispersed to be debriefed by their father and clean the blood from their skin before he made his way to the infirmary. He didn’t even have to get the attention the robot that had been taking care of them since they were children anymore. She simply moved over on the bench next to the bed where the newest injured person was laying. Viktor washed his hands quickly and then grabbed the second set of surgical tools so that he could get to work on helping her.
He knew that his siblings were trying their best to protect him from the horrors that they faced, but he was already aware of a lot of them. He had been doing this, helping their mother bandage them up after missions, since right after Five left. It was a way for him to forget the worries that he had about them earlier in the day and since Ben was the one that was hurt the most often, it also allowed him to be closer to his boyfriend.
They technically hadn’t defined their relationship as anything yet, but they slept in each other’s beds more often than not, they kissed and held hands and cuddled, and Ben sought Viktor out before anyone else.
The non-superpowered member of the Umbrella Academy allowed himself to melt away into the rhythmic stitches. He pulled the needle and snipped it whenever it was required as he got all of the washed cuts closed so that they could begin to heal. He wished that Ben wasn’t put in situations that would result in him being hurt like this, but there was actually very little that he could do about it.
Grace finished doing the majority of the cuts and then left Viktor alone. She seemed to know that Ben would wake calmer and be less likely to hurt himself if she wasn’t in the room and the only person he had to worry about was Viktor.
The aforementioned teenage boy slipped into the hospital bed beside his lover. He was able to shift them around so that he was pressed into Ben’s side without being on any of his injuries. He pulled and tucked until the blanket and hospital gown were covering all of Ben’s body so that he wouldn’t get cold. Viktor then tucked his face away in Ben’s shoulder and cried and cried until there was nothing left anymore.
Almost an hour later, he heard a small groan of pain before Ben asked, “Vik?”
“I’m here,” the smaller, meeker teenager replied. He let out a hiccuping sob as the tears returned. “We have to leave, I don’t think I can stomach seeing you that messed up again.”
He expected Ben to fight, to object and protest that the Academy needed him, but instead all he got was, “Okay.”
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time-is-standing · 10 months
top 10 songs of july
aka a late & very special edition. as you might know I'm hungarian and I've been editing out all the hungarian songs through the years. it's been more & more difficult lately, but as of the 31 of july, there's nothing but hungarian songs in my top 37 so well... hungarian top 10 it is! also I'll have a hungarian version of this post as well. hope you enjoy.
1. Tánc by Hanoi
Hanoi is one of the bands I've gotten to know on one of my Téveszme concerts. it was the band's officical last concert because they speparated. but in the very moment the singer said "who here has already regretted only getting to know us on our last night together as a band?" and I knew I fucked up. it was so catchy, I love the raspy voice of the singer, I love their band so so much.
2. Hullócsillagok by Mudfield
my bf wanted to attend this band's conxert, I've been hating on them as a joke for months so he insisted we went. when the day of the concert came, I was super hyped, but he was tired so I went with other friends and had so much fun! it was a super energetic concert with great vibes and loads of jumping around. this is one of the sadder songs and I'm obsessed with it (as always, lol).
3. Maradj így by Bagossy Brothers Company
antoher sad song from a concert I never intended to attend. one of my friends here in the big city wanted to go and asked me to join. the ticket was free so I said I'd go and had fun, but this is not one of my fav bands. however this song, this is a masterpiece.
4. Százszorbátrak, viharverők (A gyertya harmadik vége) by Téveszme
Téveszme, my dearest love. I have already told stories of the relationship I have with the band and some old firends, but I'll dig around to find them for the hungarian post. I love this band with so much passion I'm travelling through the whole country to see them. Viktor is the best, and in the latest concert he was super obsessed with my bf knowing every single word of their lyrics so we all had fun lol.
5. Egy garabonicás visszatörölt chat-panaszai by Téveszme
my current fav. it's about a long distance relationship and as of now I'm in a kinda ldr, we have to travel like 3 hours to get to each others and are moving in soon. we can't wait for it to finally happen. I hope we won't end up like the couple in this song.
6. Komorebi by PETOFI
oh, petøfi. I love the vibes, the sadness, the screaming, the messages. this song especially has a super catchy chorus, so I'd a 100% would recommend listening to it. I love it so much, I even made one scene of the videoclip my computer background. this is one of the newer songs but I enjoy everything that comes out under this name. I AM OBSESSED so let's move on.
7. Az idő esete by PETOFI
one of the older songs, I always joke around with this band being given as a present to me because... that's exactly what happened. I was real suprised at my first petofi concert when I ended up sobbing on the floor after screaming the lyrics to this and Süket füledre... such powerful lines, such powerful memories.
8. Kiseper by Anchorless Bodies
oh this is a special one. you have to listen to it to realize but this is the kind of poetry/music I enjoy the most: when not only do we play with words but the tempo, the beat and every single breath we take to give the listeners a message. 10/1000 stars for this one.
9. Az adás megszakad by Satelles
I love the mindset and vibes of this song as well. a random band I don't know as well as the others but this song is quite close to my heart if I'm being honest.
10. Ül és vár by 30Y
superise: I wasn't meant to be attending this cocnert either. I had a huge fight with my bf who left me alone for the weekend and decided I'm not going to cry through antoher night alone so I went to the best sounding concert in my area. I sobbed through this whole song and the speech Zoli gave. I still live by his words "everything we have in life is lent to us by someone".
0 notes
imajinxnation · 2 years
Singer S/O - Arcane Headcanon
Warning: Fluff
I've been wanting to make this for awhile, I wanted to do this as an imagine, but I couldn't think of a good enough storyline
Fun fact about me: I have actually performed a few times in my town, the two songs I sang were I Will Survive, and Snowflakes
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He loves your singing!
Definitely lets you perform at The Last Drop.
He also asks for private performances sometimes when he needs something to take the stress away.
He heard you singing this song once when you were in your shared bedroom.
He asked you about it the next day and you told him you wrote it when your ex was trying to get you back.
He kinda freaked out inside when he came to find out that this was not too long ago.
Probably sends Sevika to make sure your ex doesn't bother you again.
Don't be surprised if you see missing person posters of your ex a day or two later.
Kinda interested in learning your process of making lyrics and rhythms.
Not because he wants to help you... no, not at all.
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Use your singing to your advantage, cause he refuses to sleep if you don't sing for him!
He doesn't like big crowds in concerts, so he always asks you to perform a private concert for him.
He heard you making this song one time and asked you what it was about.
The bitch nearly cried when he heard that it was inspired because of him.
You keep the song between you two only.
Like your own little love song.
He loves when you make music references when you and him are talking and everyone around you guys are just like, "Why are they laughing?"
When you know he is overworking himself and needs a sleep break, all ya gotta do is sing to him and he'll be out like a light.
Best bring him to a couch or his bed first, though, or else he gonna smack his head on his desk.
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Loves listening to all your music, whether they be lighter or heavier, she doesn't care as long as it's from you.
Has your music on full blast in her hideout CONSTANTLY.
Silco comes in sometimes and all he can hear is the sound of your voice and Jinx bopping out while tinkering.
You were in her hideout with her one day, she was busy with her bombs while you were writing a new song.
She loves how pumped you get while making a song.
When she heard the new song you wrote, of course she loved it, and of course she was gonna ask for her own personal copy.
If you ever make her a love song, she will fucking SOB.
Make it a private concert for her, and she'll fucking die.
She never thought she could love you any more than she already does, she was so wrong.
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honeydazai · 2 years
the Arcane characters overstimulating you
feat.: Viktor, Jayce Talis, Silco, Vander, Vi, Jinx, Ekko, Sevika
warnings: nsfw content, sub!reader, oral sex, sex toys, thigh riding
requested?: yes & yes! | reblogs appreciated!
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You always knew that VIKTOR took pleasure in eating you out but, oh, you had no idea that he enjoyed it quite this much until now. You're on your back with your legs spread wide, Viktor laying between them as his tongue laps at your clit, drawing tiny circles around it that have you gasping.
The second he pushes two lithe fingers into your dripping cunt, you arch your spine and throw your head back as a high-pitched mewl tears itself from your throat, and Viktor chuckles against your wet folds. The added vibrations have you whimpering as you reach your third orgasm and, fuck, it's too much but so good.
Viktor pulls back for a moment to smirk at you, mischief sparkling in his eyes as he mocks the state you're currently in — all flushed cheeks and eyes glassy with tears. While he loves pleasing you, he can't resist teasing you with sarcastic comments and dry observations of how aroused you seem to be either.
“You're so wet already, love. Quite literally soaking, I would say — and to think that you said you were too sensitive just a few minutes ago. Now you seem to be enjoying yourself quite a lot. That's lewd.”
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With JAYCE it's more of an accident than anything else — he didn't plan on overstimulating you, but right now, he's thrusting into you, his dick getting squeezed by your tight heat with each and every movement of his hips, and he can't possibly stop.
You already came once, your arousal dripping down your inner thighs and you're starting to squirm with how sensitive you're feeling, the overwhelming pleasure starting to mingle with the slightest bit of pain, but, fuck, the noises Jayce lets out, both low groans and high-pitched whimpers, as the head of his dick nudges against your cervix, make heat curl in your stomach.
You're clawing at his back at this point, nails digging into his skin as tears well up in your eyes, but he doesn't seem to care much. He's way too needy to stop his mindless thrusts, and you can't deny that it still feels oh so good, even though it's also too much.
“Ah, princess, fuck, you're so hot—, you feel so fucking good around me, so damn tight, oh my god. 'm so close, so close, babe.”
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SILCO stares at you with an expression almost like disdain as he curls his fingers inside of you, perfectly hitting that one spot that has you gasping and arching your back. Overstimulation serves as a perfect punishment to correct your occasional misbehaviour with, and, well, you can't deny that it's working — it's barely been two orgasms and you're already whimpering and whining for his forgiveness.
Your legs are shaking visibly as he grinds his thumb against your overly sensitive clit, the sensation bordering on seriously painful, and Silco's lips curl into a smirk when you, despite still begging him to stop, to have mercy, cum once more.
He pulls his fingers out a second later, pushing them in between your lips for you to lick them clean, and just as you think you've made it through your whole punishment, the head of his dick presses against your hole. Silco definitely relishes in the choked out moan that tears itself from your throat as he thrusts into you.
“Ah, you didn't seriously think we were done already, did you, dear? That's a pity. You seem to think of me as a much more merciful man than I truly am.”
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VANDER doesn't overstimulate you with the goal of seeing you sob and cry with pain, the opposite, actually — he just coaxes orgasm after orgasm out of you because he wants you to feel as good as possible.
You came for the first time while he was fucking you, all hard thrusts until you both orgasmed, but your whimpers as he pushes some of his dripping cum back into you are too good to resist, and soon enough, he's thrusting three, then four of his thick fingers into you again.
The high-pitched noises you're making almost have him hard again, though he's not that young anymore — perhaps he's ready to go for a second round by the time he's made you cum again. He's got one big hand on your hip to pin you down, solely because of how much you're squirming, and he just can't have that, can he?
“Fuck, doll, you feel so good. That look on your face is almost enough to get me hard again, you're so gorgeous. Come on, don't you want to cum for me again, darl? Let me make you feel good.”
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You're sitting on VI's lap, your legs on either side of hers, and with each grind of your hips against her thigh, you're choking on another sob. At this point, the only word to properly describe how you're feeling is sore; your thighs are shaking with exhaustion and your clit feels rubbed raw with for how long you've been grinding against her leg.
Vi smirks, her eyes half-lidded as she places her hands on your hips to aid your movements — or to ensure that you don't stop moving before she allows you to.
There's some teasing comments rolling off her tongue while she reaches down to rub circles around your clit, the sensation making you cry out, and she chuckles mockingly with every whimper you make.
“Damn, I wish you could look at yourself right now, darl — you look so exhausted already, I almost feel bad for you. Well, almost. Come on, I'm sure you can cum for me once more, right? Not like you have much of a choice, anyway.”
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Let's face it, JINX simply loves seeing you writhe and squirm under her touch, tears forming in your eyes and dripping down your flushed cheeks. She chuckles as you ask her to stop again, as if you seriously hope that she'll listen to you — you're really not a fast learner, even though it should be obvious that she's not keen on being merciful.
Jinx enjoys using toys, whether for your or her own pleasure, so it's no surprise that she's also using one now; there's a vibrator placed against your clit, making you whimper while she thrusts two lithe fingers into you, and both sensations at the same time have you gasping for breath, your chest heaving.
While you're left sobbing as you reach your third orgasm that night, this one just outright painful, she's all teasing comments and sarcastic taunts that have you blushing.
“Look at you, sugar, you're all sobbing already! That's just funny, isn't it? Still, I gotta disappoint ya — I'm not stopping any time soon, especially when you look this hot when crying and begging!”
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Honestly, EKKO is pretty new to the concept of intentional overstimulation, but he doesn't mind trying it out after you've mentioned it to him once. Now, he finds that he quite likes the way him thrusting into you makes you whimper and arch your back.
He ate you out just a few moments before, making you cum in a matter of a few minutes through deft licking and strong sucking on your clit that made your sight blur for a moment. Now, however, after he himself got more than a little aroused by your pleasure, he's fucking you with abandon.
Ekko's hands are grabbing your thighs, his grip strong enough to possibly bruise with how he's pressing them down, almost making your knees touch your own shoulders, and the mating press position really isn't the most comfortable for you, but it's nearly impossible to focus on anything but how sensitive you are, how good you feel despite it just being too much.
“Fuck, baby, you feel good, hm? You like that? Let me hear those moans, come on, babe. 'm gonna make you cum on my dick, gonna make you feel so good I won't even need to touch you.”
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SEVIKA sees your current position — you, on your back with your legs spread wide, three of her fingers plunging into your dripping cunt while her thumb feathers over your clit relentlessly — as pure vengeance. You did the same to her just yesterday, and now it's her turn to tease and punish you.
Your thighs are twitching as you instinctively try and close them, though to no avail; with how Sevika has arranged them to be on either side of her own waist, you're basically defenseless. She's smirking as you cry out, your body tensing as you cum yet again.
Honestly, no amount of begging or pleading is going to make her let you off more easily. You're going to take what she's going to give you, nothing more, nothing less, no matter how much you're whimpering.
“What's that, babe? Begging already? That's just pathetic. Come on, I lasted five times as long as you did, if not longer. Guess you've got no choice but to take what I'm giving you like a proper whore would.”
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notes: i planned on writing multiple short Valentine's Day drabbles but one escalated, i'm already at 1,5k words and it's nowhere near to done yet help me
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queerenteen · 2 years
Arcane reaction
episode 1-3 (Welcome to the Playground, Some Mysteries are Better Left Unsolved, The Base Violence Necessary for Change)
Started arcane, came for the sapphics but the gays and their crazy science hijinks intrigue me
The sapphics are still my favs though there's just something about a tragic romance that really appeals to me y'know
Man I can already tell that Vi and Powder and going to make me very sad over broken sisterhood
Like seriously how does the rift between them grow so much? They adore each other (looking back this hurts)
Damn that councilman with the gold flecks over her cheeks is so hot
I feel like you can tell a lot about me from how excited I am by the mad science in this show
Nothing gets you to spill your guts faster than people thinking you're an idiot when you know you're not
Damn is Vi going to inherit those badass gauntlets?
Come for the badass warrior sapphics, but also discover the mad scientist gays, best of both worlds
Now that I think about it, there are a couple of parallels between the four already, I wonder how it will pan out
,,, she's going to lose her father figure, isn't she?
The shift from trauma to science husbands left me reeling okay
It took him literally five minutes to go 'our dream' boy you're gay is showing
'Wait this isn't my bedroom--" fucking cackling at the implications of that
Yee they floaty
Holy shit Powder you really should have just stayed put
No no no not the father figure sacrificing everything including their most deeply held morals for their kid dammit it hasn't even been three episodes and I'm going to fucking sob
No please no please don't turn on each other no no no
I know you needed space but this a fucking villain origin story guys come on
Oh no even when she resents Powder she's still her little sister and she immediately goes to help her even when it would kill her
That's why Jinx exists, she thought that her sister abandoned her but she didn't, she loved her so much she had to be dragged away from her and I'm a fucking mess rn no one touch me
'She left me' No she didn't please someone stop this is like watching a car crash in slow motion
'She is not my sister anymore' That was a stab at the heart man
Jesus fuck the similarities between Silco and Vander and Jinx and Vi, god it hurts
Dammit Marcus if you hadn't dragged Vi away--
I am literally three episodes in and this show is giving me so many feelings what the fuck
,,, I'm going to binge this entire thing in like a day huh
episode 4: Happy Progress Day!
Jinx has a solid handle on her personal brand and I respect that
God no, more flashbacks to the past I couldn’t take it the first time and I still can’t
The intro is fucking fabulous
Jayce and Caitlyn’s sibling bond is precious
Science husbands really revolutionized the world huh
I get what the professor means, the gemstone is raw power and we already saw how badly it has affected people
I hate Caitlyn’s cap with a burning vendetta
The music score for this is amazing
No no what did they do to Vander’s bar?? It's nothing like it used to be
‘You should come with me. We’re partners.’ He’s so earnest about him, it’s so sweet.
That tiny floofball is adorable
Fickelty of fame
Is Viktor going to go up on stage? I feel like that’s where this is heading
Oh, he just, doesn’t unveil it. Wasn’t expecting that
Every time I hear a childish voice, I assume it’s Jinx behind it
Look who was right
Caitlyn. Muscles. Me gay
Wait isn’t Marcus the one who saved Vi? Where is she?
Oh, is she in the prison?
Welp, I wasn’t expecting straight up murder
I guess not straight up murder then but that is 100% Vi
I am loving the tattoos that Jinx and Vi have
Well that caught me in hook, line and sinker
episode 5: Everybody wants to be my Enemy
I appreciate the similarities and yet stark dissonance in Caitlyn and Jinx’s fighting styles
Like even how they learnt shooting is so completely different from each other
One is completely on the lawful side of the spectrum and the other is on completely the chaotic
I really liked Grayson’s character; really sad that we didn’t get to see more of her
What are you shooting for?
It’s going to come completely full-circle with that line, isn’t it?
I think Marcus feels like he’s following in Grayson’s footsteps and maintaining peace with the undercity but he’s really not
Viktor wants revolution to reach the undercity too, I wonder what happened to him there
Oh, shit his health is getting worse, how the fuck has no one else noticed
Vi parkouring over the rooftops and Caitlyn is just slowly scooting her way
Should Caitlyn really be wearing her enforcer uniform here?
‘Are you sure this is safe?’ ‘Of course not’ I’m cackling
Oof loved the parallels to Jinx and young Vi
Mel knows exactly how to manipulate people to get how she wants
A brothel? Wasn’t expecting that
You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this line
*presses her up against the wall* So man or woman?
So many platonic implications
Her smirk when she sees that Caitlyn chose woman. *they seem to be very good friends*
So, we went from science husbands to political couple. Really?
Blood being the key is very interesting
Silco definitely sees a lot of himself in Jinx
Oh, that was a clever screen cut between Mel and Viktor
The prosthetics in the undercity remind me of upgraded automail
‘I’m an excellent shot’
‘But you’re so sweet. Like a cupcake.’ *pterodactyl screeches*
‘She’s back’ ‘From the dead?’
Fuck yeah she’s back
episode 6: When These Walls Come Tumbling Down
We’re getting some Viktor backstory, I’m very curious to see what made him believe in magic and Jayce when no one else did
Rio looks like an axolotl
‘Viktor saved my life once’ I’m not crying, you are
‘He’s like my brother’ And there’s the sound of my ship drowning
Jinx is the embodiment of chaos, it’s great
Caitlyn: We can look for a safer way to get down—
Vi: *makes her way down a cliff with a stab wound*
Caitlyn: *no longer has an excuse*
Fuck you Sevika
Lmao Jinx just sneezed in her face
Oh, he faked Vi’s death; did not expect that
When Vi is hallucinating and seeing Powder and says 'I should never have left' and Caitlyn thinks that Vi is talking to her and is vulnerable in return?
When Caitlyn hugs him? That was really sweet
I mean, the whole reason Jayce is doing all of this is for Viktor, and no matter how you view their relationship, I hardly think that counts as greed or arrogance
I feel bad for the professor
'Easy easy easy' omfg that was so soft i think I'm going to cry
Caitlyn, honey, we need to improve on your people skills
caitlyn: *tries to shove the giant sign with all her weight and it doesn't move* vi: *cracks it in a single punch*
he was extracting something from rio? that is so fucked up
'i understand now' please viktor no--
wow i really wish caitlyn hadn't shown up
jinx and vi fighting back to back is something that can be so personal
jinx's quiet 'vi?' at the end broke me
episode 7: The Boy Saviour
Caitlyn screaming for Vi, they didn’t have to do that to me first thing on a Monday morning but here we are
‘I missed you little man’ I’m not crying, you are
‘Jayce will understand’ Boy, if he doesn’t imma gonna beat him up myself
‘First, I have to save Viktor’ Then get on it!
Mel is so hot, why is everyone in this so hot
Silco really cares for Jinx and I don’t know how to feel about that
Like the part where he says he thought Vi was Vander’s prodigy but Jinx surpasses anything he could have thought of? Impeccable
Ekko managed to build a safe place in the Lanes for kids like Vander had done for him—
Fuck, that mural is stunning
When someone says ‘partner’ I can never tell if they mean professionally or,,, y’know,,,
‘My hero’—
‘It’s inspired’ God can someone write the au where Viktor finds Jinx instead of Silco, that would great
,,, are they going to go from science husbands to vigilante duo?
‘It’s been real, Cupcake. Thanks for everything”—
Woah those firelight bombs were insane
No no Ekko please be okay
They just, keep touching each other’s faces so often, there is no heterosexual explanation for this
This showdown is fucking epic
Oh shit, he can’t do it because it’s Powder, no matter what he’s been telling Vi
Ekko please be okay—
episode 8: Oil and Water
Holy shit, Mel—
I feel so conflicted every time I see Silco and Jinx because on one hand, he absolutely adores her but on the other, well…
One thing that is really well done in this is how every character had a line that they weren’t willing to cross when they were younger but now, they will. First Viktor, now Mel
‘This is Vi’
Caitlyn telling her mother that she was wrong, that the entire council was wrong, was so powerful
It worked?? Good for you
Your *pause* friend
Silco’s panicked ‘Jinx!’ hurt, okay?
‘She won’t die Doctor. She can’t’ *sobs* I didn’t think going into this that I would have so many feelings about this but I really fucking do
‘I too, once had a daughter’
‘Jinx gets a whim, and suddenly his spine is jelly.’ You know what, it really fucking is
Vi is just, waiting for Caitlyn in her bed *such good friends*
‘No monster is going to get you when I’m here’ jfc how many times are you going to make me cry
*gentle face touch* so soft, I adore them
Caitlyn being the literal face of Jinx’s nightmares because she thinks she’s going to take Vi away from her—I came her for the gay, and now I’m losing my mind of traumatised sisters
The professor looks like a lost puppy wondering around the undercity like that
Omfg Mel’s mom is like, the antithesis of Mel
You know, most political discussions probably take place with clothes on
‘Oil and water’ I mean, there are emulsions (I’m just going to show myself out now)
No no why??
Viktor saving himself and running under the stars—I have many feels about this scene
Did,,, sky get vapourised?
Out of all the possibilities I thought of, Jayce and Vi teaming up was not one of them
Really sticking to that hammer aesthetic huh?
Oh fuck the kid
In an abrupt tonal shift, we now have shower thoughts: gay edition
Why,,, is your fucking shower knob made of gold that is insane
Is Jinx in her shower, I mean, boundaries man
episode 9: The Monster You Created
Jayce, she was already ridiculously strong and now she has hextech gauntlets, you aren’t going to win
I get where Jayce is coming from, but Vi has a point. He had the privilege of never being part of the undercity. You can’t just walk away from it and hope it disappears
The designs of the undercity characters are so unique omg
Holy shit the Medardas are a fucking mess
‘In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good.’
‘I still believe in loyalty’ I did not expect that
Silco was ready to dismantle his entire fucking empire but not give up Jinx
Wait is that a statue of Vander?
‘Is there anything so undoing as a daughter?’ She was the vulnerable point for both Vander and Silco
‘That’s my girl’ Why must you play with my emotions like this??
‘But he didn’t make Jinx. You did.’ This episode just keeps throwing out the emotional sucker punches
‘You’re the reason I’m still alive’
I don’t even have words anymore
‘Are we still sisters?’ ‘Nothing is ever going to change that.’ *cries*
This scene gives family dinner from hell a new meaning
‘I’m not that crazy’ I mean, evidence says otherwise Jinx
Silco’s like, only redeeming quality is his love for Jinx; and he’s pretty fucking consistent about it
‘You’re perfect’ Just stab me in the heart, why don’t you?
This has consumed me omfg
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arcanescribbles · 2 years
(im so sorry this is so long but please. please take my brainrot)
You took his face in your hands and pressed yourself close, the tip of your nose in the crook of his, breath ghosting over shaky breath. Delicately, as though afraid he would hurt you, you felt his fingers curl into your hair.
“Cолнце– cолнце–" He said his nickname for you once, twice, like a prayer, like the ravings of a mad man, like a desperate wish. His eyes fluttered closed and you felt the wisps of his eyelashes against your temple.
“Viktor,” you whispered in response, reverent. Worshipping. Your voice cracked. “Viktor. You are– you– you’re–"
“What? Cолнце, what is it?”
“Everything.” It came out as a gasp. “You’re everything. Everything in the entire world, you’re– oh, gods, if I could– I can’t believe I get to– to look at you, to hear you speak, to– to touch you–"
“You can do whatever you want,” he said. His hand moved from the back of your head to your cheek. When he swept his thumb over your cheekbone, you had to choke back a sob. “Anything you want. Oh, cолнце, you are brilliant, you are– you are so warm– so good–"
A strangled sound escaped you, high and wanton. Embarrassment burned in your chest, but you paid it no mind– instead you pressed yourself ever closer to him, as though maybe if you just held him tight enough, you could disappear within him entirely. He smelled of ink and lavender. His skin was so soft beneath your fingertips. Before you knew it, the words you swore you would never voice out loud spilled from your lips like ambrosia, forbidden and intoxicating.
“I would let you do such horrible things to me.”
Viktor stilled. His fingers, still placed gently on your cheek, twitched, the movement so slight you could almost convince yourself you'd imagined it.
“.. What?”
You flinched. Cold, icy regret washed over you, and you brought your eyes up quickly to scan his expression. “I– I mean– oh, gods, I’m sorry, that was weird, that was– that was a weird thing to say, just– oh, fuck, just forget I even said that, I–"
Viktor tightened his grip on the side of your face, his thumb moving down to brace against your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze directly. You were centimeters apart– so close you could see the flecks of gold his irises.
“Cолнце,” he said softly, the emotion in his voice all-consuming. “Don’t apologize. Please.”
You swallowed. Your skin was prickling with something unidentifiable. “... Okay. I.. I won’t.”
“Good,” Viktor murmured, and you suppressed a shiver. “Now..” His tone dipped, low and hot and burning, and you felt your breath leave you. “What sort of horrible things?”
Wow, my goodness……..
Your writing is so eloquent and romantic, passionate…..
Okay whoever you are can you please fucking message me and tell me who you are and also where the rest of your writing is because right now you’re being SUCH A TEASE!!! THIS WAS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭😭😭👑😭😭😭😭😭😭😭👑👑👑👑👑👑
The author of this beautiful writing is @im-glowing-in-the-darkness
What sort of horrible things???!!!! Oh you really don’t want to know vik-
Edit edit: also LOL please never ever apologize for making my entire evening better
Edit edit edit I’m feeling extremely overwhelmed that you sent this to little old ME of all people?????? Why??? Why did you pick me… I feel so… so chosen and so special to have this in my inbox………. 🥺
Okay i have a song for this
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
In your zuan family au, how do you think I'd go down if viktor came back to the house *sobbing*, like something actually serious has happened and he needs confort. Like how would vander, silco or the other kids react. Xoxx love your blog BTW xx
I've been looking for an excuse to write Viktor coming home after an argument with Jayce so thank you for that, it's under the cut (just Vander focused but I feel like I need to give him some time with his kids as well).
So no matter the situation behind it Viktor's siblings are murderous. They want to fight whoever or whatever has made their big brother cry (which, you know, gets almost funny the more abstract the reason for the tears are). It's very much a posturing behaviour but they don't know what else to do so violence it is.
Vander is very much the hugs + favourite food/drink + cry it out on my shoulder until you can talk it out parent. He’s not happy about it of course, and if it was ever someone from Zaun he’s definitively going to have a talk to them about it (actual talk but like... kind of talk where said person is waiting for it to not just be words anymore), but he also knows there are problems he can’t solve for his kids.
Silco kind of depends on what exactly is the cause of it but assuming it's something to do with Piltover than he's very frustrated. Because he did definitively warn Viktor that they would be cruel way back when Viktor first asked to study there and he definitively didn’t raise his children to not be proud people and keep their heads up. But he also hates that his son is so distressed and while comforting I think his gets the tone of you’re better then them/it don’t let them/it bring you down. 
In the slightly longer term if it is serious, well, Silco is going to handle whatever made his son cry.
Viktor’s knee hurts as he stands in front of the last drop composing himself enough to go in. Naph at his side, his poor pup clearly exhausted from the walk from the bridge down into the Lanes that normally Jayce carries him for.
They had made it though, even if the dimming of the signs along the street tell that it is nearly closing time and far past Naph’s bedtime.
The door swings open and Viktor’s dad fills the open space. Looking down at them with worried eyes.
“Are you okay?”
No. Viktor feels far from okay. But he only managed to get his tears under control to get them down here and he isn’t ready to admit what had happened to his father just yet.
“Can we stay here tonight?” He doesn’t know if he will be ready to go back tomorrow but he can deal with that after he hopefully gets some sleep.
“Of course,” Vander says, picking Naph up who rests his head onto his grandfather’s chest, almost immediately starting to fall asleep. Vander slinging the bag Viktor brought with them over his shoulder. “There will always be space for you here.”
“Thank you,” Viktor says, ignoring his own pain and fatigue to follow his father into the bar. He’s much too old to be carried himself. Much too old to be bringing his problems to his parent’s doorstep.
“I’ll get him into bed, you just sit for a minute,” Vander says and Viktor doesn’t have the energy to fight him so sits at one of the tables near the back of the room as far as he feels his legs will take him.
The bar is already mostly empty from the hour it is. But the few patrons that remain glance at him before closing their tab and leaving for the night. Viktor might care more about ruining their nights from how terrible he must look if his own exhaustion wasn’t overtaking him. Forcing him to lean over his crutch to keep himself from falling asleep on the table.
His father returns with a mug of sweet milk for him. Putting it on the table before pulling Viktor into a hug.
The warmth and familiar safety of his father’s arms around him makes it too hard to keep holding himself together. The tears sting his already tired eyes as they fall.
“My poor boy,” Vander says, rubbing along Viktor’s back as he sobs against his father’s chest. “What happened?”
“I- we-“ The words feel almost impossible to form, especially with his Vander’s warmth around him and his father’s voice telling him it’s alright, take your time. “Jayce and I had an argument.”
“What else would it be?” Other than the looming threat on the horizon and question of what might have to be done to protect their borders and people.
Viktor may be the child of two Revolutionaries but he hated the idea of going into an arms race. And Jayce, who had never seen true violence in his life, would turn their life’s work into weapons.
He glances up at his father to see the sympathetic look his explanation has earned him.
“I couldn’t be around him.” So he had taken their son and come back home.
“You can stay as long as you need,” Vander promises as Viktor lets himself relax into his father’s arms.
“Thank you.”
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