#i also think it's awesome that the singer is a professor
thefloorisbalaclava · 24 days
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charkyzombicorn · 10 months
Modern au what jobs I think the straw has would have became Oda picked some really stupid jobs
Robin Historian or archeologist
Franky mechanic
Sanji still a cook
Nami meteorologist or weather woman
Brook musician
Chopper doctor
Usopp botanist
Jinbe still a helmsman
Luffy boxer
Zoro body Guard or someone who works in security 
I can concur - the jobs given were a bit odd. I'm gonna share my own takes and expand on these
Robin's a historian and archaeologist, she may spend some years as an anthropology and archeology professor, she's always taking night school or online school to learn more tho, she's got like 7-8 degrees before she hits 30, she uses her knowledge of criminology to freak people out
Franky is Definitely a mechanic and he's got Weird ideas but they're all awesome and Robin's got the most decked out car because Franky loves her
Sanji is the sous chef at his dad's resturaunt and used to live above it but then moved in with Usopp when he wanted a bit more independance. Now he works at a different fancy resturaunt which is second best in the country only to his dad's resturaunt (for now). He would be head chef but he wants the freedom to take vacations so the head chef just let's him do what he wants
Nami is a meteorologist!!! A damned good one too, and she helps Nojiko at the orchard every other weekend, usually dragging the whole crew with her for free labor. Sometimes she subs for the weather person for fun, but not regularly
Brook is a famous musician, he's like Elton John famous, he met Jimbe in a brief-turned-year-long stint as a drag lounge singer and they're married now.
Chopper is 17 now he's still in med school (graduated highschool at 14) but he's gonna be a general practitioner with a minor in pharmacology when he gets into the workforce.
Usopp has multiple sources of income he works in a college greenhouse but he also works as a biology/botany TA and makes little tools and art on the side for his small online business called 'Usopp's Market'. Also Yasopp sends him a lot of money assuming Usopp is a broke college kid like he was and funds Usopp's giant apartment
Jimbe is still a helmsman! He's worked at the same dock since he was 16, he's the heart and soul of the small shipping company. For his 35th birthday his buddies took him to a drag lounge where he met his husband, so he started visiting every day after work even though he was the only person in that bar in a raincoat, stone sober and looking at the entertainment like he hung the moon and the stars
Luffy's had a bunch of odd jobs, his resume could be 6 pages long, he works where he wants to and his charisma let's him get away with it before he quits and moves to something else. Garp tried to forcibly enlist him but Luffy's heart condition means he can't. Luffy sees this as an absolute win. Usually Luffy just does grunt work, he'll never be rich but he meets a lot of people
Zoro has trouble finding work. Literally. He forgets where he works. Luffy is a godsend, Zoro just works wherever Luffy works, and they walk together. Zoro's had better luck with the 3-month at a time jobs with Luffy than he ever had with previous jobs he would have been fine to work years in
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littlejeanniebean · 3 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favourite Works
tagged by @theroomofreq and @blitheringmcgonagall <3 read their amazing wrapped lists here and here!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
1. Dancing Around You (Jily Hogwarts era canon-compliant) - you’re probably tired of hearing me talk about this one but IT WAS MY FIRST JILYTOBER OK?? I didn’t expect it to turn out that well and YET! :D Especially because at first, I was writing one or two chapters a day, but then my weekdays started to get really busy so I binge-wrote like, 5 or 6 chapters over the weekends...
2. I’ll Go the Distance (Jily Wolfstar Dorlene College AU texting fic) - again, heavily rec’d already but I still love this fic for all the banter-writing practice it gave me! I also got to make James a singer in his college a cappella group and Fleamont is Lily’s chem professor, so what’s not to love? I’ve also managed to fool people into thinking I’m funny with this, so that’s always great :P
3. Up to No Good / Mischief Managed (Jily Wolfstar Band AU) - I made so many friends through this fic, 3 spin-off fics, and over 2 albums worth of magic-themed songs for the Marauders (that’s their band name, ofc). Really, I just had the best time writing this fic right around when the pandemic first hit and it was only supposed to be 10 chapters but I take my readers’ feedback and suggestions very siriusly so it’s now 25/25 ;)
4. Not Throwing Away My (One-)Shot (Harry Potter/Marauders drabbles/ficlets) - I really like this collection because until I started taking requests, I had no idea just how fast I could write (apparently it’s pretty fast if I’m in the proper mood) and if I have nothing else to my name when I die an untimely death, at least I have that :’) (I’ll be updating this with all my #12daystochristmas drabbles soon!)
5. The Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee (post-war golden trio era) - I really wanted to write a fic about the years just after ‘97 because it seems like there would be so much to deal with and process for everyone. I think I also have a record number of well-developed OCs in this fic and they’re my babies. Anyway, this fic is very long (73,821 words), still not done, but I went in with a plan and we’re 5 chapters away from the end so here’s to finishing it in 2021! 
I have no idea who’s already been tagged, but here goes! @elanev91 @xomarauders @authorsmberry @pareidolian @solstilla @thejilyship @mollymarymarie @mickisketch @chierafied @charmingwillow @sirrriusblack @e-of-west-glendia @comaraudery @jamesandthedog @fightfortherightsofhouseelves @gryffindormischief <3
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yoongsisbae · 3 years
Get to know me!
Thank you for the tag @smasmashin you’re cute, after reading your answers I think I love you more now 💕
when is your birthday? I'm a libra and think fall is the best season, to give you an idea of when I was birthed.
what is your favorite color? blackpink (black and pink really is tho)
what’s your lucky number? I think anything 6 figures and above would be pretty lucky
do you have any pets? I have kitties. I am a cat mom.
how tall are you? 5'6" or 171 cm
how many pairs of shoes do you own? I went through a period where I needed all the wacky alt shoes influencers wore, so I have about 30 pairs of overpriced heels and boots I cannot part with, and now I love slides because ✨ comfort ✨ so around 10 pairs of sandals and sneakers.
favorite song? How dare you make me choose just one. I guess at the moment Patrick Watson - Je Te Laisserai Des Mots. Of all time? Probably Love in the Ice by TVXQ, but it has to be the live version.
favorite movie? I love Inception too! I've watched it way too many times. And Cruel Intentions. And Requiem for a Dream. Sexy mindfucks are my thing.
what would be your ideal partner? Someone who can make me laugh all the time, someone who is smarter than me, who can beat me in an argument (a panty dropper), likes to explore, artistic or who appreciates art so I can drag them to museums, dominant, why do I feel like I am describing Kim Namjoon.....BTS really be the standard huh.
do you want children? nah
have you gotten in trouble with the law? don't ever have car sex, police will somehow find your car every. single. time. 😭😭😭😭
what color socks are you wearing? I'm not wearing any socks, but if I was they would be black.
bath or shower? bubble bath 🛁
favorite type of music? I like anything between rock and classical 😌 as long as it's not country 🤮
how many pillows do you sleep with? 6 not an exaggeration
which position do you sleep in? on my side clinging to aforementioned 6 pillows
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping? I don't like pants. I need my legs bare.
what do you have for breakfast? coffee with a side of coffee
have you ever tried archery? back in grade school. I'm aight. I'm no katniss, we might starve to death if I have to actually shoot something.
favorite fruit? banana, cucumber, eggplant....actually it's mango.
favorite swear word? Fuck (n.) ex: you stupid dumb fuck; you fuck; you fucking fuck.
do you have any scars? I have cuts on my legs because I'm clumsy and trip and bump into everything.
are you a good liar? Hmm maybe 😏
what’s your personality type? INFP - the mediator
what’s your favorite type of girl? me thinking, there are different types? I thought we were all just type awesome.
left or right handed? left handed
favorite food? dumplings
are you clean or messy? messy, but I clean a lot, why is it always so messy 😭😭
favorite foreign food? thai too! or korean
how long does it take for you to get ready? an hour unless it's for work then 5 minutes
most used phrase? "you're annoying/I’m annoyed” also “I love you” 😅😅
are you a good singer? nah I wish, I’ll leave the singing to BTS.
do you sing to yourself? yes, mostly in the car with the music blaring to drown out my off key notes
biggest fear? dying alone (dark turn there)
do you like long or short hair? long hair, but I am always tempted to chop it off.
are you into gossips? is it about me? no? then no.
extrovert or introvert? introvert
favorite school subject? in grade school, writing (shocker). In university, philosophy, mainly because philosophy professors come from a different planet I swear.
what makes you nervous? phone calls, why can't I just text my doctor? 🥲
who was your first real crush? the most popular boy in 6th grade who I thought was the cutest boy I've ever seen even if he did have a big ass head, and if I can flex for my shy introverted kid self for a moment, he did not like me at all until I talked to him alone and turned on my charm and he had to be dragged away by the popular girls because I was making him laugh too much and they were definitely jealous he was paying attention to the shy quiet girl. In the end I was rejected, but that boy had a brief crisis for enjoying my company so much so I wasn’t even upset about it 🥲
how many piercings do you have? how fast can you run? I mean I did a 5k like 4 years ago, and I had a yellow number so I wasn't complete shit. I have 4 piercings.
what makes you angry? The news. God I miss Colbert and Jon Stewart, they made the news at least bearable, laughing through the pain was the only way.
do you like your own name? I mean, I didn't get to choose it.
what are your weaknesses? so you can use them against me? No thank you. One of my weaknesses might be extreme paranoia.
what are your strengths? I am quick to fix problems under pressure, while people are freaking out, I already figured out a solution, the hardest part is to get them to stop freaking out 😅😅.
what is the color of your bedspread? White
color of your room? Off white
I tag: @inkofyoongi @birchandspruce @aliceoracleollormusic @kiwilogical @joonie-tunes @bangtan-army @aviwasabi21 @gukieater 💜💜💜
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twstedoven · 4 years
Monday Melancholy Deuce x Reader.
word count: 942
Author’s note;
This one-shot based off Honey works Monday Melancholy cause I'm a sucker for Amatsuki voice. That boy vocal is a punch in the gut, especially when he hit those high notes. I apologize for taking a while. It was hard thinking of a character who would suit the song until I thought of Deuce. I also apologize if there wasn't much interaction between the reader and Deuce. I only based it off the first few verses of the song, so I recommend listening to the song before reading. Because let's be honest, we all simping over a love that will never exist. *cough* all the twisted boys *cough*. Anyway, constructive criticism is helpful.
Among the audience, buzzing with excitement, sat a cobalt-haired adolescent boy gripping tightly on his denim's rough fabric. Bright highlighted pink and green shifts with the air, creating a light source, as the screams of many chanted the lyrics of a well-known song. There she was centered in the middle, dancing in exhilaration. Her slender finger pointed towards his direction, provoking her fans even more. That small interaction initiated a reddened color to spread on his cheeks as he swiftly diverts his attention to the metal flooring. How did this even happen? Ace's invitation to a  concert for an artist he wasn't familiar with.  It was all fine then until she made her presence. The God's gifted him a genuine angel, as her voice seize his attention like the sirens luring in the hapless sailors trapped in the ethereal waves. Simultaneously, the tight fluffy dress hugged her figure while moving to the beat of her song. His eyes entrap with (e/c) ones. Deuce maintained his make-belief world with just the two of them, not overzealous supporters or the wide gap between them.
Only him and (Y/N)
"I've got a spare ticket to sweet apple. Wanna come?"
Ace leaned his chest against the sturdy wooden chair. His eyes flutter at his classmates individually, each engrossed with their own conversations. Last period recently concluded as Professor Divus wrapped up his remaining magic class with the first years. The blue-haired teenager silently sat in his seat, writing down notes from the lecture. Fed up with the neglect, Ace slammed his palm on the hard wooden surface, with his eyebrow twitching in annoyance. "Oi! Are you even listening!?" he snarled. "I'm sorry were you saying something, Ace?" Deuce politely query the cherry red-head. Rolling his eyes, Ace shoved a small card into his direction. "One of my favorite artists is performing in Twisted Wonderland, and I do happen to have a spare ticket." "And because I'm such a good friend, I'm honoring you to come and watch." He smirked at his self proclaim statement, viewing Deuce as a simpleton. Deuce read the ticket's context, a shiny paper with bold letters providing the seat number and date.
"Sweet Apple?"
"Pretty awesome for a stage name, right?"
"I guess, but who is Sweet Apple?"
Stunned, Ace gawk at him, waiting for Deuce to say it was all a joke. However, his curious expression did not waver. "Your kidding right, you seriously don't know who is Sweet Apple?" He shook his head, sighing. "Am I supposed to know her--"
"Of you are!" Ace abruptly stood up from his chair, quickly reaching for his phone situated on his desk. "She's like that singer who sang honey love."
"I don't know that song."
Soon a soft feminine voice overtook their discussion. "This song, you don't know? It was like playing everywhere right now." Deuce stared at his friend, as Ace was mindless scrolling on his device, attempting to trigger a familiarity within his friend's mind. "Here, this is Sweet Apple" He shoved it in front of his view. A photo of a petite girl posing at the camera. Her fingers formed a heart shape; at the same time, she winked. "Look, just come to the stadium this Saturday." Ace begrudgingly stood up; his bones clicked into place from accommodating one position too long. Deuce was about to protest, "but what about my-"
"look, just show up, and I'll buy you lunch on Monday." The mischievous boy waved his hand lazily. Deuce glance at the ticket laying untouched, he sighed, finally caving in his friend demand.
Now he was in this position, although Deuce stuck between Ace and another sweaty fan. He couldn't help but enthralled by the singer. Deuce posed stiff as a stick, with his back slightly hunched forward and his clammy palms rested upon his knees. Ace caught his awkward posture and handed him a green light stick. "Oi, just swinging it back and forth."
"You look lame doing nothing." Deuce stared at the glowing rod, slowly he raised it, waving in one motion. Gradually he joined the off singing fans shouting the lyrics of her songs. Although he mumbles most parts, due to unfamiliarity, he had fun. He'll admit he was about to leave and abandon Ace cause he was bored as hell. Nothing seemed to happen except the excited mutters begging for the (h/c) girl to appear on stage. The seating was also awful, as they were placed on the last row, barely seeing anything but a figure. However, there was a giant screen to make up for that. Overall the start of the concert was uneventful until she finally showed her appearance. She was glistening in sweat, with determination like she was in a battle undefeated. As their eyes made contact, he felt butterflies.
The concert ended not long ago; the pair exited the stadium exhausted from all the screaming. Stars painted the sky. Meanwhile, the crickets replaced the bird's melody. Ace stretched his arm in relief, "man; I'm beat." "Don't you agree that was the best concert ever? You don't need to thank me, by the way." Deuce still gazes at the plastic light, reminiscing the recent event.  "You can keep that by the way; I have another back in the dorm." His train of thought was interrupted, watching Ace walking away from him. A blush adored his face again, he won't admit it out loud, but he fell in love with a love that'll never be.
He grinned at that thought. Deuce began to sprint over to Ace.
Look's like he'll be attending the concert next week.
This Monday will be melancholy.
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mychemicalficrecs · 4 years
Hiya! Not sure if you do this, but would you be able to suggest some non-ao3 finished frerard fics? It seems I've read ao3's entire collection 😅 Thank you so much, you're honestly my favourite blog on here xx
Thanks for your kind words, Nonny! And... congratz on reading the entire ao3 tag, there are a lot of works there :D
Frank/Gerard is such a popular ship that I was actually able to find quite a lot from outside ao3.
Non-AO3 Frank/Gerard
Thing-Thing by sinsense, 43k, NC-17. When Gerard signed the admissions paperwork for the Fordhaven School for Boys, he knew he was signing up for four years of sexual frustration. No one was gay at Fordhaven. Gerard was all-too-aware that he would be a virgin until he graduated. In his senior year, though, this stupid gay freshman disproves Fordhaven's straightness, and throws Gerard's entire world off-kilter. Now, in between drawing, avoiding bullies, running an incredibly serious tabletop RP game, failing out of math, and hanging out with friends, Gerard is also busy kind of falling for this asshole who's way too young for him. It's not what he planned on, but it's what's happening. In conclusion: high school sucks.
I Think I Thought (I Saw You Try) by thatsfinewithus, ~3,000, NC-17. Welcome to some weird AU world in which Gee only does awesome comics and Frank is a vampire.
They Came From Outer Jersey! by thatsfinewithus, 25k, R. New London Fire is an elite fringe government force assigned the task of protecting the earth from some of its more interesting threats: those from beyond the atmosphere or even the universe. They've handled dangerous cases before, but they've never seen anything like...ZOMBIES FROM SPACE. Vampires, long hunted in lore and legend, are now the earth's only saviors. There is little information as to who sent the creatures until Mikey Way, head of the NLF, finds out more by being abducted. Is it too late for him? Is it too late for the earth? Find out how six vampires, one government general, and one frustrated comic book artist save the earth in...THEY CAME FROM OUTER JERSEY!!
I never told you what I do for a living. by not0_fuckin_kay, 60k+, PG-13 to NC-17. Frank Iero, male nurse at Pete Wentz's private hospital and possibly more to one new patient he can't keep his eyes off of. When a new pateint is brought in with amnesia, just days before Christmas, and with nothing but the clothes on his back and a strange drawing, it's left to Frank to find out who he is and what happened to him. When he does, it changes Frank's life forever, as he's thrust into love and health scares he never thought would complicate his life. This is the story of how he tries to make it through, juggling his job and his love-life and just trying to make things better. With Patrick the doctor, Bob the ward supervisor, Travis the unlikely therapist, and Mikey, the sometimes wannabe homicidal geek.
Of All The Hidden Corners by moneyes, ~44K, PG-13. An epic, adventurous tale filled with alternate universes, lords, mischief, magical powers, snark, boyfriends, and luck of the bad kind.
All We Are by lightisbreaking, 21k, R. Set in the future, where humans are on the brink of evolution. For the select few born with a special awareness of their own minds - an awareness which gives them abilities beyond the norm, life is suddenly a very dangerous thing. Frightened of what this could mean, the government set out to make this new race of humans extinct, telling the public that these people are mentally unstable defectives and must be kept under observation for the safety of the public. All of this brings together a rather odd troupe of people, hiding from the government and eventually having to protect one of their own when he's taken into custody. Superpowers AU!
Tell Us a Story by bexless, imogenedisease, 32k, NC-17. The world as these kids know it is ending, and Gabe Saporta is throwing the party. High school AU based on the movie Can't Hardly Wait.
Stay Right Here by idktbh, swagneto, 28k, R. Frank is involved in an accident which renders him paralyzed from the waist down. When Frank begins to withdraw into himself, his relationship with Gerard crumbles and the band faces the hardest decision they'll ever make: whether to continue playing or not. This is a story about how MCR copes with the biggest obstacle of their career so far.
Return to Spirit Lake by inpurity, 22k, R. Gerard Way has left Spirit Lake when he was eighteen to study to become a veterinary surgeon, and with no intention of ever coming back. Twelve years later he is back, carrying secrets of a life spent away from his family and friends, and the weight of a dark, painful sorrow. His old home town has not changed, but his life, and the lives of the people he will meet along the way, will never be the same.
These Friday Night Lights by faux-disco-sins, 21k, PG-13. Gerard is the head cheerleader and wears the cheer skirt, Frank is on the football team, Pete is the school mascot, Ryan is the school’s hobo journalist, Jon does photography for the yearbook, Spencer and Patrick are in the marching band, Gabe and Ray are AV techs who do a ESPN spin-off for the school, Bob is the big scary lineman, and Mikey tries to fit in while ignoring the fact that his older brother is wearing a skirt in public.
Of Love And Superpowers by mcrnut, 20k, NC-17. Seventeen year old Frank Iero is in his last year at Mutant High. He has a couple of good friends, is doing okay in school and even though he has some issues with his Mother, life is pretty great. That is, until one day, when he overhears some of the professors talking about the well-known Anti-Mutant organization HSA and how they have already broken into two Mutant Academies and are heading their way. Frank and his friends have to stick their heads together and try to solve the mystery, and as if Frank didn't have enough to think about already, he finds himself falling for his friend's older brother, Gerard.
Cypress Grove by slashxyouxup, 24k+, NC17. My Chemical Romance fight off a town of sperm hoarding, men hating, PMSing maniac women in order to save themselves from certain doom! Also, Frank and Gerard get closer than close while pretending to not be completely in love with each other. Mikeyway is not amused.
Sleepwalker by lyrical_tragedy, 73k, NC-17. Frank Iero is one of the best cops in New Jersey so it’s only natural that his boss dumps a seemingly unsolvable case on him and his colleague Bob Bryar. With no leads whatsoever Frank enlists the help of Gerard Way, a reclusive young man who experiences strong visions and dreams of events from the past and visions of the future. However, none of them could ever begin to expect the terrifying chain of events that come into play once they delve deeper into the unknown, questioning Frank’s very beliefs on what the world actually holds. A story of visions, sacrifices, over protective brothers and love all in the midst of the attempted destruction of the world. The devil’s got your number and he will come calling, until it’s nothing more than hell on earth.
Patience Is A Virtue (You Might Be Good Looking, But You Can’t Sleep With Yourself Tonight) by eflorentino, 22k, NC-17. Frank Iero’s biggest hero is Gerard Way; the outspoken, obnoxious lead singer of the multi-platinum selling band My Chemical Romance. His world changes completely when he finds himself suddenly shoved into the limelight, playing sell-out shows every night and earning more than his usual $6 an hour. However, the infamously homophobic frontman isn’t what Frank expects, and after mixed signals and unsolved revelations he learns that, with Gerard Way, things are never simple.
But Nobody Cares If You're Losing Yourself by red_ones_fly, 16k, NC-17. It took me a while to work out that there was something wrong with Gerard, he kept it hidden well and, really, he didn’t even know something was wrong with him. To him it seemed like normal, everyday stuff. He never found any of his behaviour out of the ordinary. To him it was just reality.’ After Gerard's grandma passes away his behaviour becomes strange. He becomes less outgoing and more paranoid. As Frank tries to work out what’s going on with his friend/love interest, between school, learning psychology and dealing with the jocks, he doesn’t realise just how bad it is.
Parks and Recreation by vinvy, 35k+, PG-13. Gerard Way is an art school drop out with no prospects, student loans to pay off, and a dead end job. His mother works too hard and his little brother Mikey is keeping secrets. His boss runs shady contracts and smiles too much. It's nothing special and he tells himself that he'll learn to make peace with that- in the meantime he's got to carve out a living that doesn't involve artwork. Really, he's going to be okay. Then a crazy homeless kid comes along and screws up Gerard's Adventures in Normal Employment with his hippie magic and soulless eyes. Gerard can't shake the feeling that this guy "isn't quite right" but he's too busy fending off the freak accidents that are following him around to worry about that particular winged freak.
Empire Boys by noctecaelum, 30k, NC-17. In the city that never sleeps, it's tough to get your foot in the door. While Gabe Saporta may find it easy to blend into the socialite scene; Gerard Way spends his day blending eyeshadow at Bloomingdales. As newcomer Frank triumphs in Women's Lingerie, Gerard sparks a bitter rivalry in the vicinity of Lexington and 59th; but there's no use crying over spilt coffee because things are about to fire up. Meanwhile, on the Upper East Side, Gabe Saporta is none too pleased to read a socialite-bashing article, but when confronting the writer, he doesn't expect to meet fresh faced, pretty-boy William Beckett, who turns out to be the biggest tease this side of the Downtown Dunkin' Donuts.
The Evolution Index by theficisalie, 32k, NC-17. In a world where superpowers are just another thing that can get you sent to boarding school, Frank Iero and his friends know what it's like to operate under heavy levels of stress. After all, they did spend their formative years under the wings of the United States Government's most widespread and successful initiatives; a program that was created to protect and train young Americans with superpowers to become functioning members of society. And, as a side-benefit, the government realized that not only were telepaths great at taking drink orders, but they could also be trained to be highly successful secret agents. Under the guidance of Frank's volatile and (literally) power-hungry boyfriend Gerard Way; Frank, Mikey Way, and Ray Toro are an accomplished team of super spies. When a handful of people from Frank's sordid past crop up during an investigation of rash Superhuman disappearances across the country, the team finds themselves challenged both on and off the field as they fight to solve the mysteries plaguing their beloved nation. Frank knows all too much about uncovering things that he'd rather keep hidden, but can he and his team unravel the intricate web of crime and kidnapping surrounding Chicago without losing themselves in the process?
A Good Ocean Gone Wrong by xoxxblitz7, 32k, NC-17. Titanic AU - The Way's are one of the richest families in America and sometimes being an artist requires the need to travel. On the doomed maiden voyage of Titanic old friends are found, new love is formed and put to the test and the most luxurious crossing of the Atlantic ocean becomes a fight for survival.
A Fanfiction (In Which Gerard Has A Secret Stash of Star Wars Fanfiction) by sparklefap, 10k, R. Frank finds Gerard's bizarrely erotic Star Wars fanfiction, and is both disturbed and aroused by it. Those feelings won't do for Frank. He seeks revenge.
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30 day self-care challenge I’m starting today
I’m starting a self-made 30 day self-care challenge. I will update you on my Snapchat about my journey: @aristocratebabe (well, everyday except day 4, see bellow).
Day 1 - get glamed up and take a hot selfie
Make yourself feel glowed up. Put the nicest outfit on, do your makeup, do your hair and take that selfie. Or find someone to take your photos, even better.
Day 2 - get 8 hours of sleep and wake up by 9 am
As a person who got used to waking up at noon, I feel like I’m done with this. I love nighttime, but I feel so guilty when I wake up late. So join me in this challenge and wake up by 9 am if your sleep schedule is crushed like mine or 1 hour earlier if you already wake up at 9 am. Just make sure to get 9 hours of sleep.
Day 3 - go for a hike/swim/run/speed walk with friend/s
Do some fitness activity outdoors, but make sure to so it with a friend or two. Why? If you’re an overthinker and you want to start taking care of yourself, socializing will help you so much. And also, taking a good workout will help you get the dopamine boost and you’ll get one step closer to your healthier self.
Day 4 - don’t go on social media for a full day
Social media isn’t the root of all evil, but it can be the root of envy and comparison. Today do not check your social media at all. Remember, it’s just one day, you’ll be back at it tomorrow. Tell your friends and family to text you on Whatsapp or other messaging app or simply call you, because you won’t be available on it this particular day. Extra challenge: at the end of a day, journal how you feel without Facebook, insta or tiktok. Is there a difference in your day? What did you do instead of checking SM?
Day 5 - Meditate & visualize
Do this challenge right after your previous challenge. Why? Social media might make you think that you want some things that you actually don’t want. When you visualize your life, you should visualize what YOU want, not what a random person in your hometown wants. This is YOUR life. Live it for yourself. And meditate before you visualize to ground yourself better.
Day 6 - Reach out to someone new in your field
Go to Linkedin or somewhere where professionals you want to be like reside, and reach out to them. Whether is it an e-mail or a Linkedin message. Do this. Tell them you’d like to be in their position once and if they could give you any advice. Try this with someone who seems active online.
Day 7 - Invite someone for coffee with whom you’d really like to meet
Maybe you already know this person, maybe not. But today you will invite someone you’d be wanting to become friends with or simply engage in conversation with. If you already have someone in mind, keep them and do it.
Day 8 - Make dinner for friends or family
Today you will connect better with your friends or family by making a special dinner. Or if you really don’t know how to cook, take them out and put the bill on yourself.
Day 9 - Make a gratitude list
Something easier than a few previous days, but today make a gratitude list. Write down everything you’re grateful for. It can be the birds in the sky or having a home to live in. Or it can be something more, anything you want, write it down!
Day 10 - Ask someone who seems “out of your league” on a date
I’m pretty sure everybody has that someone with whom they’d like to go on a date with. But maybe they are too scared that they are “out of your league”. First of all, if you’re a woman who takes care of herself (and by this day, you really are), no man is out of your league! Same goes for men and everyone else. If you’re taking care of yourself, loving yourself and getting your vibes up, no one is out of your league. Text them!
Day 11 - Read a book with topic that is unfamiliar to you
Knowledge is power. And it really is. Read any book (non-fiction) which is centered around a theme which is quiet unfamiliar to you. For this, I will go for a finance book. Because I definitely need to work on my money management!
Day 12 - Eat super clean
You need a detox. I’m pretty sure. On this day, you have to cut out all processed foods, added salt, sugar or saturated fats. You’re going on a detox. If you’re a smoker, you can’t smoke today. Just one day. I’m a smoker, too, so I completely understand the difficult this challenge might present, but that is what challenges are for.
Day 13 - Share this challenge with a friend or someone you know
Nobody likes to feel alone. You don’t have to keep this challenge a secret, you’re already on day 13. Tell someone you’re doing it and ask them to join you. Tell them how much your life has changed since doing this challenge.
Day 14 - No complaints
“But how am I gonna do this? I’m complaining all the time.” - stop it, sweetie. I know you’re complaining a lot and where did all these complaints lead you to? You were miserable, let’s see what’s gonna happen after this “no complaints” day ends.
Day 15 - Apply for a job position you dream of
I desire to be a model for example. But I have never felt eligible to apply for a modeling job before. I’m sure there’s a job position which you have been dreaming of for a while, but you didn’t even dare to apply. Today, you have to.
Day 16 - Do something creative
Pretend you’re an artist, musician, singer, photographer or other arts professional. Make a music video, take great photos, paint a full picture, write a short story. Today you will explore your artistic abilities.
Day 17 - Visit a place in your town where you usually don’t go
Choose a different coffee shop, place or a restaurant which you usually don’t visit in your area. Explore new places.
Day 18 - Do a brain dump
Write every idea, thought, memory, regret etc. that is on your mind. Get clarity and get inspired.
Day 19 - Track everything you did today
Track every activity you do this day and at which time. This can feel obsessive, but is extremly effective for your time management.
Day 20 - Write down your bucket list
The craziest, most exciting and thrilling things you will achieve in your life will be written here. Write about places you want to go to, activities you want to experience, romantic pleasures, financial goals... this is an extended brain dump.
Day 21 - Flirt with a stranger you find attractive
If this isn’t on your bucket list, i don’t know what is. Maybe you’re dating that person from day 10, if so, flirt with them and make them feel like they’re living in a movie. Dress up nicely, move like a siren, and talk seductively. Find your flirting style this way. Do something similar with an attractive stranger in your grocery store.
Day 22 - Plan your day so the majority of it you spend outside
Try not to stay so much inside your home today. If you’re working or going to school/University, after those, don’t go home. Go to a park, sit by the beach or anywhere to be outside. Invite a collegue with you. Or grab coffee with them. Just try to be outside more than inside today.
Day 23 - Do something out of your comfort zone at work/school/University today
During a lecture, answer to professor’s question or ask him something in front of everyone. At work, think of something you want to do so badly, but didn’t have the guts to make it. Today you have.
Day 24 - Join a class where you can learn a new and valuable skill
Whether it’s a dancing, yoga, improv, digital marketing, language or any other class where you can learn a new skill. Do it. And I know it’s corona happening now, but try to do it where you can be connected with other attendees. If it’s done on Zoom, make sure it’s a public class and nothing private. You want to be around people. This could also mean joining a gym.
Day 25 - Get a tattoo or a piercing you’ve been wanting to have for a long time
It’s important to get out of your comfort zone and make things happen in this self-care challenge. If you’ve been wanting to get a tattoo, but you delayed it because you didn’t know which one, brainstorm today and make an appointment. Same thing for piercing. If you don’t want this, dress the way you have always wanted to dress today. Treat yourself with style of your choice.
Day 26 - Do not use any technology
On day 4, you didn’t use social media, today you won’t be using your phone, laptop, tablet, play station, TV or any other tech device. Be analog and vintage. Let’s see how it goes. Note: announce this to your friends, family, partner.
Day 27 - Plan a country you will absolutely visit in the near future
If corona is stopping you at this, do this the next year. Plan a vacation for a foreign country that you absolutely will visit in the near future. You don’t have to have the whole itinerary planned, but set the date.
Day 28 - Learn an easy dance
Imagine when you go to the next party and show your friends those new moves! Learn some simple dance today, take an hour out of your day and broaden your experience.
Day 29 - Make a vision board
In the past 28 days, you have challenged yourself enough to get the idea of where your life should go. You stepped out of your comfort zone and took care of yourself. Maybe some of these habits remained with you. So today make a vision board. Vision boards are awesome because they help you focus on what lifestyle suits you and your goals. And the more you see it, the more your subconcious will think you already have it, and that is the key to manifesting goals.
Day 30 - Challenge your beliefs
For the last day of this challenge, take initiative and do something yourself. When you wake up today, ask yourself: “if I could do anything today, what would I do?” Find the closest possible solution to that problem and do something different today. Something which is very specific for you situation.
And there they are! My 30-day challenge is done. It’s a mix of self-care, productivity, and social challenges. All essentials for one’s growth and happiness.
Check my Snapchat: @aristocratebabe where I will update my progress!
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nazariolahela · 5 years
Something Domestic: Chapter 9
A/N: Hey y’all! This story is told in first-person narrative, from Riley’s (MC) POV. There will likely be smidges of canon in this, but not too much. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
This chapter ended up being longer than anticipated, so it will essentially be split into two. Whoops!
Catch up here
Series Tags: @burnsoslow​ @aworldoffandoms​ @dcbbw​ @ladyangel70​ @texaskitten30​ @sunandlemons​ @jlynn12273​ @indiacater​ @jared2612​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @drakesensworld​ @badchoicesposts​ @msjr0119​ @katurrade​ @blackcoffee85​ @cynicalworlds-blog​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @beardedoafdonutwagon​ @cmestrella​ @sugarandspice-milkandhoney​ @superharrietsuper​​
Synopsis: When Riley Brooks takes a new job as a nanny for the affluent Rhys family in New York’s Upper East Side, she assumes she’s just going to care for the children of the couple who hired her. But instead of just school pick-ups and afternoon snacks, she also finds herself spending time with Liam, the handsome divorced dad. Can Riley control her feelings for Liam while still performing the job she was hired for?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: Manhattan puts on its best-dressed for an annual fundraiser, and all eyes are on Riley.
The next week had come and with little drama. Charlotte started her first day of school on Monday, which she was surprisingly unhappy about. I wonder if she had overheard Liam and Madeleine’s fight Friday evening. I showed up early that day to make sure she had everything she needed. Liam stayed mostly out of sight as I got her ready for school. No doubt he was having second thoughts about our steamy makeout session. Or maybe he was embarrassed. Nevertheless, he was gone before the kids and I left. After I dropped Charlotte off at school, Philip and I spent the day doing fun stuff. Museums, painting classes, even a stop for some dairy-free ice cream. Madeleine actually showed up on time from work to relieve me of my duties, and I was gone before Liam got home. Tuesday through Thursday were much of the same. Arrive early, get Charlotte off to school, spend time with Philip, pick up Charlotte from school, spend time with them until their mother arrived, then head for home.
Now, it’s Thursday evening, and Hana and I are sitting in our apartment eating takeout. She’s sitting in the recliner, cell phone in hand, texting Meghan. I hold the remote and flip through Netflix, trying to find a movie for us to watch. I find one that might be interesting to me and turn to her. “Wanna watch this one?”
She looks up from her phone to the TV and frowns. “Watched it with Meghan last night. What else is there?”
I flip through to find another one then turn back to her, “How about this one?” She shakes her head no. I sigh and toss the remote on the couch next to me. “I got nothing then.”
“How about we go shopping for the banquet on Saturday?’ she pipes up. I give her a grin, and we both slip on our shoes, grab our purses and head outside to hail a cab. Hana and I scored invitations to the Enrique M. Vasquez Memorial Scholarship Banquet. It’s the largest fundraiser for New York Private Schools in the state. Every year, the richest and most powerful in New York society show up, rub elbows with each other, and donate a shit ton of money for scholarships to some of the most prestigious private elementary, middle, and high schools. Last year, more than $500,000 in scholarships were handed out.
Hana and I arrive at Carmina — an upscale dress shop in Manhattan — 30 minutes later. We browse through the racks, picking out a selection of gowns to try on. Most of these dresses cost at least a month’s salary, but they’re so pretty, I have to force myself to overlook the price tag. Gowns in hand, we retreat to the dressing rooms. After a few minutes, Hana steps out in a stunning shimmery gold number, with a sweetheart neckline. My jaw drops as she does a little twirl. Damn, my best friend is hot.
“I don’t know what other dresses you have in there, but don’t bother trying them on. That’s the one.”
Hana laughs. “Take a picture of me. I wanna send it to Meghan and get her opinion on it.” I snap the picture with her phone and hand it back to her. A few moments later, her phone buzzes, and I peek over her shoulder to see Meghan’s reply.
That dress is beautiful. I can’t wait to see what it looks like on my bedroom floor.
“Ooooh!” I say, reading the message. Hana tucks the phone into her chest, her cheeks turning crimson.
“Get out of here, nosy and go try on your own dresses.”
I snicker and return to my dressing room. “So how are things going with you and Meghan?” I ask her.
“Pretty good. I know it’s only been a week, but I really like her.”
“That’s wonderful, Hana. You two seem to be getting along well. She’s certainly smitten. Have you two… ya know…”
“RILEY!” she shrieks. She pauses for a few beats, then replies. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes. Yes, we have.”
Half dressed, I rip the door open to my dressing room and find her sitting on one of the elaborate couches. “What?! Really?! That’s great!” I rush over to her and grab her hands. “You have to tell me all about it. Well, not all about it, but you know.”
Hana giggles, pushing me away from her. “Go get dressed, you perv. We don’t have all night.” I stick my tongue out at her and move back into the dressing room. I try on the three dresses I chose. The first one is a purple halter dress with a slit up the leg that damn near shows everything. The second one is a black cap sleeve number that would look better for a funeral than a benefit dinner. The third dress is a beautiful glittery blue gown with a plunging neckline. I emerge from the dressing room and hear Hana audibly gasp.
“Oh, my gods. That’s it. That’s the one.”
I smile. “You think so?”
“I know so! You look breathtaking!”
I clap my hands together. “Awesome! Let’s pay for these and get out of here. I have to find a pair of shoes to go with this baby!” We pay for our gowns and my credit card weeps. As we are leaving the dress shop, Hana’s phone chimes with a text.
“It’s from Meghan. She wants to go get a drink.” She frowns. “But I don’t want to ditch you.”
I turn to her, shaking my head. “Don’t worry about it. Go see your woman. One of us deserves to get laid.”
She laughs and pulls me into a hug. “I’ll see you at the apartment later, ‘kay?” I nod as she gets into a cab and takes off. I hail my own cab and make my way back to the apartment, clutching the dress in my arms. I think about how I’m going to style my hair, and what accessories I’m going to pair with it. I’m going to look so hot, no man there will be able to take his eyes off me. My mind wanders to the only man who’s eyes I want on me. I know he’s going to be there on Saturday. His company is an annual sponsor and of course, he donates a lot of money to the scholarship fund. I remember that he’s also been avoiding me all week. Maybe if I can get a few minutes alone with him, we can at least talk about what happened.
Saturday rolls around and Hana and I are at our apartment getting ready for the evening. The two of us are crowded in our tiny bathroom, doing each other’s hair and makeup. When we’ve finished primping and priming, we head to our bedrooms to get dressed. After I’m dressed, I assess myself in the full-length mirror behind my door. Looking good, Riley. I shout at Hana from the other side of the wall. “What time is the car picking us up?”
“6:30. There’s a cocktail hour at 7, and dinner starts at 8.”
I check my phone. It’s already 6:25. “You about ready?”
She giggles. “Yep. You?”
I open my door at the same time she opens hers. We step out into the hall and dramatically present ourselves. “Ta-da!” she sing-songs. 
“Gahddamn, we look good! Ready to go break some hearts and raise some money?”
“You know it!” she replies. We grab our things and head downstairs to meet the car. On the ride there, Hana and I chat about who we might run into tonight. She mentions that her college advisor is expected to make an appearance, and she hopes they can get together and visit. I think about running into Liam and what I’m going to say to him. The car stops in front of The Celestial Hotel & Resort, and a valet rushes to open our door for us. We climb out and make our way inside, walking the “red carpet.” I roll my eyes as the paparazzi snap pictures of Manhattan’s biggest names. All this for a scholarship benefit?!
We enter the Grand Ballroom and are taken aback by how elaborate the setup is. Roughly 50 tables are set up with white tablecloths and ornate centerpieces. Each table has eight chairs, and place cards on bright white cardstock with gold accents. There’s a bar set up to the left of the room, and a stage at the back. The right side of the room features several floor-to-ceiling windows, showcasing the New York skyline. 
My eyes scan the room, looking for someone I might know. I see Dr. Ethan Ramsey chatting with famous author Marianne D'Arneaux. Near the bar, fashion designer Lancelin St. Claire and actor Ryan Summers laugh at something comedian Josh Morello said. Across the room, singers Raleigh Carrera and Cady Dorian are locked in a heated embrace. Talk about little fish in a big pond. I read about all these people in my favorite tabloid magazines, and now I’m in the same room as they are. It’s not all celebrities though. I see several New York educators, school administrators, and faculty members. I even spot one of my professors from Steinhardt. I remind myself to say hello to him later.
“I found our table,” Hana says, grabbing my arm and guiding me to where we’ll be sitting for the evening. I look at the placeholders and notice a few big names seated with us. Matt Rodriguez and his wife Jessica Clark; and Avery Wilshire. The Manhattan School District superintendent; the dean of Barnard College; and the principal of Hana’s school, Vera Thompson are also seated at our table. We take our seats and wait for the other occupants to arrive.
“I feel so out of place here. Maybe we should go,” I say, fidgeting with my napkin.
“What? No! This event is the biggest fundraiser of the year. Think of the connections we could make. Plus, Dr. Ramsey is the guest speaker tonight. Don’t you want to stick around for that?” I can tell this event is important to her, so I decide to just suck it up and stay. We make our way to the bar and order a couple of whiskey sours. Thank gods this event has an open bar. I take a sip of my drink and frown. These don’t taste nearly as good as the ones Drake makes. Speak of the devil. I spot Drake and Maxwell making their way toward the bar. Maxwell is wearing the most amazing suit I’ve ever seen. It’s light blue with tentacles stretching the length of the jacket. His bowtie is an orange squid. Drake is a tad more casual in black slacks and a blue button-up with a tie.
“Ladies! What are you doing here this fine evening? This doesn’t seem like the type of party you like to crash,” Maxwell says, winking at us.
Drake rolls his eyes. “Hey girls. Fancy party, huh? This is not what I was expecting when I signed up to be a sponsor.”
“You’re a sponsor?” Hana questions. Drake cocks an eyebrow at her as if to ask, “What does that mean?”
“We both are,” Maxwell replies. “Been giving money to this program for years.”
Drake nods. “This state has a lot of really good private schools, and it’s only fair that every kid has the opportunity to attend them. I like that kids of all economic status can get scholarships for them. I wouldn’t give money to the program otherwise.”
Hana smiles, satisfied, and sips her drink. Maxwell orders two glasses of champagne and hands one to Drake. Drake takes the glass, frowning. “What am I supposed to do with this?
“Drink it. What else would you do?” Drake brings the glass to his lips and takes a small sip. He makes a face before knocking it back and setting the glass back on the bar.
“So where’s the third member of your Motley Crew?” I ask. Just then, the crowd parts and Olivia herself appears. She saunters toward us — her trademark smirk plastered across her face — in a red sequined gown. A man with dark hair and an all-black suit trails behind her, holding two glasses of champagne.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the hot nanny. You clean up nicely. I’ll give you that. That’s quite the gown. Liam’s going to shit himself.” She turns to the man behind her and plucks one of the champagne glasses from his hand, downing it in two gulps, then sets it on the bar. “What is a nanny doing at a scholarship benefit? Shouldn’t you be watching the kids?”
“I don’t have them on weekends. I actually don't know where they are. I haven’t spoken to Liam or Madeleine tonight,” I state matter-of-factly.
She chuckles. “I’m glad the she-witch lets you have some free time. It’s not like she watches her own kids. Why else would she have hired you?”
“Olivia,” Drake snaps.
She turns to him and smirks. “Hello, Drake. I see you couldn’t be bothered to find a suit for this little soirée? I doubt it would have killed you to put on a damn jacket. At least the babysitter wore a nice dress.” She laughs and turns to the man behind her, snapping her fingers. “Come, Ray.” The two of them disappear into the crowd and all four of us breathe a sigh of relief.
Hana scowls. “Oh my gods, she’s so brash? How do you put up with her?”
“Lots and lots of alcohol,” Drake answers.
Maxwell snorts and takes a drink of his champagne. “Don’t mind her. It’s a defense mechanism. Once you get to know her, she’s actually a ray of sunshine. Except to Drake. Pretty sure she still hates you for junior year, man.”
Hana and I exchange a look. I turn to Maxwell. “So, who are most of these people? I recognize the celebrities and some of the educators, but I have no idea who everyone else is.” He slings an arm around my shoulder and turns my body toward the crowd. He points toward the podium near the stage where two older men and a woman about my age are holding a conversation. and I recognize one of the men as Maxwell’s brother.
“You remember Bertrand. Well, the woman on his arm is his wife, Savannah. The blonde guy next to him is Liam’s older brother Leo.” I squint and immediately see the resemblance. Maxwell moves his hand over to two women giggling. “The woman in the purple dress with the narwhal necklace is Penelope, and the one next to her in the black dress with feathers on the shoulders is Kiara. They’re Madeleine’s best friends from college. And if they’re here, that means she’s not too far away. Those three are attached at the hip.”
“So I’ve heard.”
He chuckles. Sure enough, a woman with a blonde bob and a stunning cold-shoulder emerald green dress struts up to the two women. Yep, that’s her alright. If she’s here, then that means… I scan the ballroom for any sign of him. From the corner of my eye, I see Hana ducking behind Maxwell.
“Oh my gods, he’s here. Hide me!”
“Who?” I ask her, confused. She points toward the center of the room where a man with slicked-back hair and a permanent scowl stands. He’s wearing a brown blazer over a blue pullover, and brown slacks.
“It’s Neville,” she whispers as if he can hear us from across the room. After scanning my face for signs of recognition, she continues. “The trust-fund douche my parents have been trying to set me up with. He’s been texting me for a few weeks now, even after I told him I’m dating someone. I didn’t know he’d be here, but I guess it’s not surprising. His father owns Cormery Isle vacation rentals, so I’m sure he donates a lot of money to this program.” She groans, taking my hand. “Will you please be my buffer this evening? I don’t want to be anywhere near him.”
“I got you, boo!” I reply, patting her arm. I turn back to Maxwell. “Dinner is starting soon, so we’re going to go take our seats. We’ll catch up to you later.” He smiles and gives us a wave before taking off towards his table. Hana and I link arms and make our way to ours, where most of our tablemates have already been seated. As Hana strikes up a conversation with them, I look around the ballroom for any sighting of Liam.
I give up after a few minutes, and excuse myself to hit the ladies room. After getting directions from a member of the waitstaff, I leave the ballroom and walk down a long hallway to the restrooms at the end. Thankfully, I’m alone. I do my business and check my reflection in the mirror. At least I still look good. Too bad there’s no one here to appreciate it. As I exit the bathroom and make my way back toward the banquet, a pair of strong arms wraps around my waist and pulls me into a dark conference room. He pins me against the closed door. The weight of his masculine body feels like heaven.
“I was hoping to run into you tonight,” Liam’s voice whispers in my ear, setting my skin on fire. His hot breath on the back of my neck makes my knees go weak.  
“Where have you been all night?” I ask, turning to face him. He rubs his nose along the base of my throat.
“Waiting for my opportunity to get you alone. And can I say? That dress…” he says, tugging the collar down so he can kiss my shoulder. “If it weren’t for all these people, I would have taken you right there in the middle of that ballroom.” My breath hitches and I run my hands down his broad chest, feeling every muscle beneath his dress shirt. My fingers slip beneath the waistband of his pants and I tug the hem loose, grazing his bare stomach. His body quivers beneath my touch.
I glide my hand back up to his neck to his hair, where I weave my fingers through the short strands. I pull his head down to mine and brush my lips against his. “You’ve been avoiding me all week. What’s up with that, Mr. Rhys?”
He groans and presses his lips to mine. His tongue slips in and caresses mine as he grips my ass in his hands and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist. His erection presses hard against my core as he nibbles on my collarbone. “It’s all I could do to keep myself from ravishing you. My lawyers called me last week. We finally have a date for the hearing. If we ensure that there are no unresolved matters and the judge approves our agreement, the divorce becomes final on Wednesday. After that, you’re mine.” His lips travel down my neck and his teeth graze my pulse and I feel sparks shoot throughout my body. He moves one of his hands up to my breast, making me arch into his touch. “I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.” He pauses, then looks around the room. “Think we can be quiet?” he whispers.
“I can’t make any promises,” I reply. He smirks and moves from the door to the conference table and places me on top of it. I lay back and watch him in the dark as he slowly undoes his belt. I hitch up the skirt of my dress around my waist. I rest on my elbows as he unzips his pants painfully slow as if to tease me. I sit up to reach for him when the sound of a cell phone ringing from his pocket interrupts us. “Ignore it,” I say.
He nods and rubs his hands up the inside of my thighs. His thumbs graze the outside of my underwear, and I inhale sharply. He rubs his thumb over my clit in slow, agonizing circles. I gasp and drop my head back, feeling my body hum. The phone rings again and he sighs. “...One second.” He pulls it out and answers it. After spitting out a series of short answers, he hangs up and slips the phone back in his jacket pocket, frowning. “I’m sorry. I have to go. We’ll continue this later?”
I nod and swallow, sliding down off the table and fixing my dress. “I’ll go first. Come find me later.” I lean in and kiss him before opening the door and peeking out to make sure no one is around. I slip out of the conference room and hustle back into the ballroom to my seat. Hana eyes me suspiciously. “Sorry about that. The line for the bathroom was long. What did I miss?”
She opens her mouth to reply when the squealing of a microphone cuts through the room. The emcee announces that dinner will be served in a few short minutes. I notice out of the corner of my eye, Liam slipping back into the ballroom and taking his place next to Madeleine at their table. She smiles at him, the fakest smile I’ve ever seen. He leans in to whisper something in her ear, then rests his arm on the back of her chair and plants a kiss her on the cheek. I’m suddenly seeing red. Not five minutes ago, his tongue was down my throat and his hands were all over my body. Now, he’s cozying up to his ex-wife.
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CAAAAAAAAAATH 350 followers congrats lovely I am so happy for you!!!! And a new writing blog!!! So awesome 😊 Can I please have 💐 ✏️ 👑 😍 🍭 🦄? I love you so much darling 💛💛💛💛💛
💐 - Name Aesthetic - Em
Cartwheels / laughing so hard you can’t breathe / fizzy drinks / taking off tinted sunglasses and seeing everything a different color / going to Disneyworld for the first time / trying to eat a popsicle before it melts all over your hands / running straight into your best friend’s arms
✏️ - Snippet from one of my WIPs
It’s a sad song… It’s a sad tale… It’s a tragedy. It’s a sad song… But we sing it anyway.
Jeremy Knox’s voice can move mountains; that is, until he meets Jean Moreau. From then on, Jeremy longs to move him instead. But the changing winds carry his melodies down below…
… six feet under, down below.
~ Description for Someone I Have Always Known (a Jerejean Hadestown AU)
👑 - Book Quote Blog Rate
Harry Potter -
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live / I solemnly swear I am up to no good / Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light / No need to call me sir, Professor / You’re just as sane as I am / After all this time? Always
Six of Crows -
No mourners, no funerals / The heart is an arrow. It demands to land true / The water hears and understands. The ice does not forgive / You’re better than waffles, Matthias Helvar / This action will have no echo / I don’t know! Maybe I liked your stupid face
Red White and Royal Blue -
History, huh? Bet we could make some / I love him on purpose / Sometimes you just jump and hope it’s not a cliff / But the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable / You are, he says, the absolute worst idea I’ve ever had / Never tell me the odds
The Song of Achilles -
Philtatos — most beloved / I would know him in death, at the end of the world / Name one hero who was happy. You can’t / And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone / We were like gods at the dawning of the world / I am made of memories
All For The Game -
Hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing, but he thought perhaps he liked it / I’m not a hallucination. You are a pipe dream / Thank you, you were amazing / This king’s ruled long enough — it’s time to tear his castle down / They were worth every cut and bruise and scream / It sounded like a dream, it tasted like damnation
Anne of Green Gables -
Kindred spirits are not so sparse as I used to think / Dear old world, she murmured, you are very lovely and I am glad to be alive in you / Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it.. yet / It’s delightful when your imaginations come true, isn’t it? / The world calls them its singers and poets and artists and storytellers; but they are just people who never forgot the way to fairyland / Do you think amethysts can be the souls of good violets?
Little Women -
I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to steer my ship / I’ve got the key to my castle in the air, but whether I can unlock the door remains to be seen / Let us be elegant or die! / Don’t try to make me grow up before my time / Be comforted, dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds / Life and love are very precious when both are in full bloom
😍 - Blog Compliment
Em you are such a darling!! We talk all the time, and I’m always so happy to hear from you!! Whether it’s planning a hypothetical trip to Disney or screaming about the Try Guys, we have so much fun together! You are so kind and such an overall lovely person and I’m so glad to be your friend! ❤️
🍭 - Favorite Interaction
I could never choose one, but I love exchanging pictures of food we’ve made!! (Even If it makes me hungry at inopportune times)
🦄 - Personalized Bouquet of Flowers
Sunflowers (adoration and loyalty), Magnolias (love of nature), and daisies (innocence) wrapped up in a pale pink ribbon
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jacintatveit · 5 years
Fotogramas Magazine June 2019
This is the google translate version of the Spanish interview. I just manually type the Spanish words into google translate.
And it’s so good!I urge all of you to read it! 
A not so clear version of the scan here: x
License to mutate
Hey, did you hear anything from Disney? 
To me, nothing at all. While reporting on the second coffee of the day, James McAvoy throws the glove at Michael Fassbender. 
Me neither. Nothing, answer this, before the two break to laugh. 
If X-Men: Dark Phoenix - the last film based on the comics created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and the fourth joint adventure of these two monsters of the scene - is a farewell, at least it comes loaded with good vibes. 
It seems that this is going to be the last. Or, at least, we feel it, even if you know, says the last Charles Xavier. 
I also have that feeling, replies Magneto's alter ego. I think that with this film, the circle closes. At least, for us. Surely, in a while, the saga returns with younger people and much more prepared. Improved versions of ourselves. 
Mutant chronicles
With X-Men: Dark Phoenix, the directorial debut of Simon Kinberg - a regular screenwriter and producer of the series -, ends 19 years of mutant chronicles. We are facing the twelfth film of a universe that has known a pair of casts, a temporary reset and several spin-offs. A closure that comes after accumulating delays in the premiere, endless extra filming sessions and problems with viewing tests, and after circumventing the controversy surrounding for years Bryan Singer, promoter and director of four installments of the franchise. And that, without mentioning that it will be the first comic strip to be released after the box office armageddon that Avengers has supposed: Endgame.
But none of that alters the mood of McAvoy and Fassbender when FOTOGRAMAS sits down with them. On the contrary, the feeling of the two actors is, above all, gratitude.
Is that X-Men has been something very good, has a strong Scottish accent McAvoy. I think I speak for both when I say that it has given us a lot of freedom, as well as a good salary.
Fassbender talks while playing with his huge wedding ring - in the fall of 2017 he married, in Ibiza, with Alicia - It has been like a home ... and it has allowed us to pay for our houses. And also my mother's, jokes before let McAvoy take over: 
It has paid for the houses of enough people around us. It is strange to say something like that, but X-Men has been the pillar that has sustained my last ten years as an actor. When you have something so salty in the bedroom, you can afford to risk your trade, but also make vital decisions like buying a house or even being a father. I guess it would have been very different from having to go from work to work, trying to make everything right. It has been a luxury, a fucking splendid luxury.
Crossed destinies
The end of his days as Professor X and Magneto puts a dilemma to the duo mutant fans: they need to find a new project that will allow them to continue working together. 
Or, Fassbender points out, we could stay and hang out there. Is not that better, James? 
And McAvoy answers: Much better. Going out on the spree and acting on something together just because yes, because we feel like it. I love collaborating with Fassy. But, to tell the truth, we have only done it in X-men: First generation and a little in X-Men: Days of the future past. Outside of that, we have hardly had a fucking scene together. I miss him!
Fassbender agrees: We only see each other when one arrives and the other leaves. The right time to get a little up-to-date, roll: Hey, how are you, dude?  How are you doing? 
And, when we agreed, it was always more or less the same scene, continues McAvoy. He tries to mess it up. I ask him to stop and reconsider, and he says nanay. In the end, Erik, your character, just wants to lead a quiet life. It's not bad dude, but something always happens that fucks the existence! What the fuck you have! 
To which Fassbender agrees: It is to think twice before going around with him. Because he's a fucking magnet for misfortunes, he laughs.
The two jump like a spring when we ask them when was the first time they heard about each other. In the shooting of Blood Brothers, they point out referring to the HBO miniseries. 
It's been 19 years now, Fassbender snorted. I was part of the cast, and he came to act in an episode. I remember how much James impressed me then. Behind the cameras, the thing was like in front of them: the new recruits and the veterans platoon. James was the rookie on duty with a suicide mission: a very complicated scene with the toughest of the company. But the guy came with that confidence of his, that chunky air that he knows is good. I thought: This guy I like. 
McAvoy replies: Chulesco? It was all facade. I had a bad time because of the scene, but also because one of the protagonists, I'm not going to say who, was dedicated to making my life impossible. It was an integral cocoon. You, on the other hand, were very nice. Dexter Fletcher too. And Robin Laing. It was weird because, shortly after arriving, I already had a scene ... and with dialogues! Meanwhile, some of the cast members had been there for months and had not had any.
The (Blessed) Crisis of the 40
(James did a lot of movies in the recent years.) 
Meanwhile, Fassbender ... 
He has not done anything !, ends the phrase the Scot. And it was always the other way around. At the time I had made a play or filmed a movie, Michael had acted in ... I do not know, 20? I'm happy that I can explore other interests, but ... 
The reply of Fassbender is not long in coming: Since I was a kid I dreamed of being a racing driver. I always thought that if everything went well, when I turned 40, I would try to change my goals a bit, so I did that.
From 2018, the Irish competes in the Ferrari Challenge, at the wheel of a model 488 of 670 horsepower. 
It is very difficult to get insurance that allows me to pilot and interpret at the same time. So I've decided to focus on cars, but I'm still working on behind-the-scenes projects with my production company, DMC Film. And, if there is something that I can shoot in the months when there are no races, then I am open.
McAvoy cuts him off: It's the most fucking awesome excuse for not acting. I can not shoot because they do not assure me because I'm a fucking racing driver. Will it be possible ?, he asks himself, and both laugh eagerly. My hobby is to stay at home looking at the walls. In shorts, the Scot jokes.
Fassbender protests, teasing him: It's not true. You also play football very badly, do not you?
And, when the laughter fades, McAvoy picks up the thread to make the final point to the meeting: The 40 is a stage ... interesting. Right now, I am in a vital moment in which I rethink a lot of things, because, who knows, maybe I have already gone through the middle of my life. Have you seen the one of people who die at 70? Sometimes I think: Fuck, you have to make it worth it! And I am clear that not everything must be work ... so I think I have to do it too, take some time for me.
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jawnjendes · 5 years
something more than me | shawn mendes
university au, shawn x goth gf. if there’s anything else yall wanna see regarding this series, let me know!
masterlist | series playlist
These days, the only way you could get me out of the dorm room apart from class and work was if you needed a buddy to travel with at night. What I’m trying to say is my roommate, Stella, wanted to go to a coffee shop after the sun went down. She would have gone alone if it wasn’t in a questionable part of downtown. It was also a coffee shop neither of us had been to before, and it was far from campus. She wanted me to go with her because I was always preaching about travelling in pairs at night.
The only thing is, Stella told me we were going out about fifteen minutes before she intended to head out the door. She was already dressed in a hoodie and leggings, a red beanie over her brown hair. She had her boots on and keys in hand. She was ready, while I was the opposite. The moment I woke up today, I decided to throw the whole day away. No interaction, no makeup, no pants.
“Come on!” Stella snapped, pulling off the comforter I was lying under.
I’ll admit, I was a bit under the weather these days. I had been waiting for a prescription refill on my antidepressants. Sleep evaded me, and when it wasn’t, I was having nightmares. Aside from that, my digestive system was giving me a hard time, which added to the mental stress. Finally, there was the fact that I was still in a gloom from, for lack of a better phrase, “breaking up” with my toxic fuck buddy, Luca. You could imagine how much I did not want to go out tonight.
“Isn’t that place, like, on the other side of town?” I asked, mumbling into my pillow. “Why not just go to Starbucks?”
“Because Shawn and Camila are performing at this place and I promised I’d go!” Stella hastily replied as she reached down to the floor to grab my jeans. “Now get dressed so we can go!”
“I don’t know those people…”
“You know Camila!” My pants were thrown at me. “Cover up your granny panties and let’s go!”
I vaguely knew Camila. She sat in the front of my stats class, always chatting to the professor. I was always in the back, close to the exit, staying as invisible as possible. We weren’t friends.
Stella was persistent, so I rolled out of my small bed and pulled my jeans on. “At least it’s not a bar.”
We showed up to the coffee shop after the show had started. People were spilling out the door, but Stella pushed her way in with me on her tail. A boppy tune was booming through the vicinity, and two distinct voices were singing passionately accompanied by an acoustic guitar.
Stella dragged me past the cashier/barista, claiming that there would be time for that later. She stopped near the front of where the singers were; A short girl who was fully jamming to her own song, and a tall guy with a guitar singing beside her.
I knew the short girl was Camila. Who could forget her beauty and voice that was talked about all over campus? I did not recognize the tall curly haired guy, though it was easy to tell he liked the group of girls sitting directly in front of his singing space.
My body was there, but I felt out of place. I thought that only happened at bars and night clubs. I wasn’t fond of being in a crowded space, or out of my dorm. My therapist said it was good for me, though. Being surrounded by strangers is better than being isolated, even if you feel alone in that crowd. Those are her words, not mine.
I snapped back into reality when the song ended and everyone started clapping. I joined in, trying not to look like an obvious stick in the mud. Come on, we can do this.
“Thanks, guys!” said Camila into her microphone. “I’m gonna leave it to my friend Shawn now!”
The girls in front were certainly happy about that. That Shawn guy was too. Must be a Leo.
Stella flagged down her friend as soon as she was offstage. Camila excitedly approached us and hugged us both. I tensed up at the touch, and my nose itched at the scent of her perfume, but she didn’t notice.
“I’m so glad you guys made it!” she exclaimed.
I’ve talked to you exactly once.
She and Stella chatted for a little bit before the next song started. Now, instead of holding a guitar and standing at the microphone, Shawn sat down in front of a keyboard set up. I internally prepared to barf at the incoming slow love song.
Thirty seconds into it, I learned to not judge conventionally handsome singers and assume they only live to make ladies swoon. This song was fucking sad and poking at my own wounds.
“You’ve got ahold of me Don’t even know your power I stand a hundred feet But I fall when I’m around you”
I got that cold ache in my chest just like I did two months ago. My throat burned and tightened up. I was immediately sucked into the song, and mildly resenting it. How dare a handsome singing man make a song that I actually like.
Someone hurting you so bad that you’re begging them for mercy… That feeling was my best friend and worst enemy. She knocked the wind out of me many times, so I had to kick her to the curb. You can find the will to leave someone toxic, but no one ever tells you how hard it is to deal with the sadness and aches that come after. I just couldn’t pinpoint why it was happening. I cut off the toxicity, I removed the bad thing. Why was I so fucking sad?
Applause rippled through the crowd as Shawn hit the bridge. I let out a soft breath and clapped as well. This guy certainly knew how to move a crowd with his voice.
“I’m prepared to sacrifice my life, I would gladly do it twice”
If I was the type to smoke cigarettes, I would have stepped outside to do so. My eyes were starting to sweat, so I looked at the floor and tried to suck it up. The toxic ex was making his was into my brain again. It was bad enough I still saw him at work…
The show ended with that last song. Shawn thanked the audience and waved at the girls in front. As soon as he stepped off the stage, everyone in the shop rushed to the barista to order drinks and whatnot. That was when Stella grabbed my wrist and ushered us back outside. Camila followed close behind, her hands on my waist. Didn’t have boundaries, I guess.
“Y’all are getting popular,” Stella said when we were finally out in the chilly night.
Camila was beaming. “Amazing, right? We had no idea it would turn out like this!”
“So when are you and Shawn tying the knot, eh?” Stella nudged her friend.
“Ha! You’re so funny!” Camila replied with an eyeroll. “We’re looking, just not for each other!”
That made Stella smile mischievously, and she glanced at me. “Inch resting.”
The two girls talked some more, while I merely listened. This was still better than being at a bar… Or alone in my dorm for the millionth time on a Saturday night. Maybe I needed someone, or something more than me. Something to push me to… I don’t know? Something better, I suppose. Stella was good at that when she wasn’t in Full Extrovert Mode. I couldn’t demand she always “takes care” of me, though. She deserved a good time as much as anyone else did.
For convenient timing, the singing man emerged from the overcrowded coffee shop. He spotted Camila and joined our circle. He had a drink holder in his hands, and a big smile on his face.
“Hey guys, I brought drinks!” he greeted, looking at all of us. His face was much kinder when it wasn’t hidden by dim lights.
I also couldn’t look directly at him when he gave me a cup. Nope, we’re looking at the ground now, laid ease.
Stella, on the other hand, was not having it with my quiet, introverted ass. She nudged my arm to make me look up and then she properly introduced me to Shawn.
“Oh, you’re the goth roommate!” he said. “It’s nice to meet you!”
Will I ever be able to trust Stella to make me seem like a normal person to other people? Probably not. At least she was trying to get me out of the shell I made for myself.
“You too,” I replied with an awkward smile. “Good set.”
“Thanks. I saw you tearing up in the crowd.”
“That’s impossible, I don’t do tears,” I said without thinking. Okay, edgelord. You’re so edgy. So original.
Shawn chuckled. “Maybe it was the other girl with black lipstick and the Underoath t-shirt.”
And we’re looking at the ground again!
“Hey, aren’t you and Shawn doing the same major?” Stella asked, nudging me once again.
“Music?” Shawn guessed, looking intrigued.
I was puzzled, glancing at Stella once. “Um. No. Psychology.”
“Oops. Had a brain fart.” My insane roommate giggled.
“It’s cool.” Shawn smiled and lied his stupidly cute eyes on me once again. “A psych major, eh? Are you analyzing my every move?”
Funny joke. First time hearing that one.
“No, but I can for three hundred dollars,” I said back.
“Is that how much a shrink is?” Camila piped up.
“No!” Shawn answered. “Free healthcare!”
Yeah… yeah, he got me there.
“Somehow, I still think I’m in the States,” I said timidly.
After that, Stella and Camila strolled down the street. That pretty much ended Stella’s Safe Buddy Duty. I felt quite out of place once again as she babbled away to Camila in Spanish. It’s not that I didn’t speak the language, I just really am as much of a hermit as I’m told.
Shawn thought different as we walked someways behind them. “They always do that in class. You can’t understand them either, eh?”
“¿Y porque piensas eso?” I replied, once again without thought. “Simplemente soy muy callada y casi nunca me salgo de la casa. Nomas estoy un poca incomoda con personas que no conozco.”
“Awesome,” he said after a moment of silence. “So… you’re from the US?”
“Yup. Southern California.”
“What made you want to come all the way over here for college?”
“Simple: I don’t like the desert. Or heat. Or the sun.”
I had my eyes on the sidewalk I stepped on until I realized Shawn hadn’t replied. I looked up only to realize he was looking back at me in disbelief.
“That’s it? You moved countries because of the weather?”
What is he expecting, my life story?
Before I could talk back, Stella piped up from in front of us. “She’s a goth, she’s allergic to the sun!”
“Ah, so it was for your own health,” Shawn replied. “I get it now.”
The next time I saw this guy was at a bus stop just outside of campus. I had seen him from where I parked my car, and I secretly hoped he would have forgotten me by now. I made sure to have my headphones on as I walked past him, but he touched my shoulder and stopped me. So much for remaining invisible.
“Do you always look at the floor when you walk?” he asked, amused.
“How else will I know where to step?” I said in return.
He laughed, which was then followed by silence. Why did he stop me? Just to say hi? What kind of fuckery-
“You’re not wearing the black lipstick,” he pointed out.
I shrugged, feeling… inadequate. “Didn’t want people constantly reminding me of my lip color.”
“Well, it looked really cool the other night. It’s kinda what made me notice you.” He offered a smile, to which I changed the subject.
“So, where you headed?”
“Work. I work at this flower shop in the middle of town.” Shawn looked both ways, noticing the empty roads. “I think the bus is late.”
The bus is late. He works with flowers. The bus is late. Flowers.
“Are you running late?” I asked. Don’t do it. Oh god, don’t do it.
“Uh…” Shawn checked the time on his phone. “No, I should be fine. I like to be early.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“I have a question.”
“Uhh…” I said stupidly.
“What really made you want to come here for college?” he prompted.
Someone clearly didn’t forget my lack of interest from the other night. Why was this question so important to him?
“Why are you here for college?” I said back.
“I live here. Now you.”
God fuckign-
“Wanted to travel, I guess. I’ve been in one place my whole life.” I shrugged, looking anywhere except him yet again.
“Hm. Okay. What are you listening to?”
“Five sauce.”
“Aren’t you a goth, though?”
I rolled my eyes and made a noise between a scoff and a laugh. “Firstly, Stella calls me that, I don’t. Secondly, you ask a lot of questions.”
“Well, I just wanna get to know you.”
Any normal, naive person would have been swayed by Shawn’s sweet tone and charming smile. I, however, learned that there’s more than what meets the eye. He doesn’t really want to know you, he just wants something. He doesn’t care, he just wants to make you think he does.
I narrowed my eyes. “You need to unlock level forty seven friendship to know anything,” I told him.
“And how far am I?”
“We’ve talked one time before this. You’re not even on level one!”
“Okay, so we’ll hang out sometime so I can make progress.” Shawn’s grin was now very smug. Then he looked to the street. “Oh, right on time.”
The bus just so happened to pull up right about now. My eyes were still narrow and furious, and I was making sure Shawn knew it. How dare he trap me! How dare he ask questions about me! Just say you wanna use me for sex and go!
He was still grinning as he went to the bus entrance. “I’ll let you know when I’m free to hang out. I’ll see you later!”
This motherfu-
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howareyanowpod · 5 years
The Letterkenny Leave
How Are Ya Now? Podcast Spotify Playlist - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1IDa578R0Drfh6WflJxMFU Guest Host:  Genesis Nunlee This weeks band:  Lizzie Boredom Pre-show stuff (00:00 - 09:58):
Indiegogo campaign:  https://igg.me/at/podscure/x/22323938#/
Please help us get our gear upgraded before the end of the month.
Growth:  25%
Cosplay contest:  https://howareyanowpod.com/how-are-ya-now-cosplay-contest/
New Patreon subscriber:  Shaine Wynsma https://www.patreon.com/HowAreYaNowPod
Happy Saturday Dean, And my best to your lovely wife Tiara. Congrats on all of your success! I have been listening for a couple of weeks and just finished the Season 3 wrap up. The interview with Tyler was amazing. As are you guys, not surprised it has taken off the way it has. I would love to be on the show. Watching, actually re-watching, S6 E1 right now. Which is the one I would pick, between us girls. But I am gonna takes you up on your offer of promoting something. Cuz that’s what’s I appreciates about yous. Sept 7 and 8th, I am going to be riding 200 miles in the Ride for Life Chicago. The Ride benefits TPAN, an HIV/AIDS outreach group in Chicago. It is 100 mile ride from Chicago to Sawyer, Michigan. A very Letterkenny type town in West Michigan, not sure of it population, but it has its problems. Then 100 miles back on the 8th. More information on TPAN is available at TPAN.org. This will be my 9th time doing this ride and raising funds for them. If any of the degens out there would like to donate, any amount is fine, my ride donation page link is http://support.tpan.com/goto/Shainemw. All the money goes into TPAN’s general fund. If they let me know they heard it from you, I’ll make reference to How Are Ya Now.  Over an Out, ShainePlease donate ANYTHING you can to Shaine's ride and let 'em know that you heard about it from us!!!
This is a big feminist episode!
Facebook Group - Professor Tricia Would Literally Shit a Brick
Episode dive (09:58- 0:48:00):
Recap:   Letterkenny Talent Show
Deep dive of this episode:  The Letterkenny Leave
Thoughts/Theories/Trivia/Questions (0:48:00 - 1:07:20):
"Meaty" episode
Hockey players and Skids BOTH had A LOT of dialog
Dean's never played "Never Have I Ever"
Thoughts/Questions/Observations from our degens: Bobby from JB’s Meme’s via Twitter stated: Also. Reilly and Jonesy's blackboard. The chubby stick figure and it says "Shoresy = fat " 😂And then: This is possibly the first episode, not written by Jared and Jacob. I could be wrong.Well, I then brought in “Awesome” (our Trivia Maven) to fact check. Her response was: “the first episode of #letterkenny to be written by someone other than @jaredkeeso  and @jacobtierney79 was s03e04 Les Hiques, by @TorrensJonathan” Victoria McCabe - Facebook (New admin for FB pages/groups) Even more Wayne autism evidence. Why is Katy still annoyed at McMurray in the later episode after this (I mean granted the phrasing was awful)? Does this answer last week's had she had both question? Ever played never have I ever? If so, best or worst thing you ever revealed or had revealed? Ever done or had done any of the mentioned goodbyes? Are there any ones you can think of that they didn't mention in that? That girl doesn't need to be on drugs, prob a good idea she read and didn't take the steroids. Poor poor trusting hockey players. Valerie Lopez - Facebook Soooo, didjya ever notiiiice (I'm doing terrific there bud) that Tanis'ssssses didn't partake of the hot tub party? Why is that? Why wouldn't the McMurray's have invited her given they know that it would have made Wayne uncomfortable to have her in the hot tub with him and they thrive on that. Just my own theory that the McMurray's thrive on discomfort and would have loved watching that happen.. And 2nd point --- does anyone REALLY believe that Pastor Glen had noooos ideas whats was happenings? It was such a fun contradiction to watch play out. Additionally, Valerie is a Patreon patron and now our HIGHEST contributor on our Indiegogo campaign!As you may remember, she heads-up the Comedy Wham podcast. She has now done three separate episodes on Comedy Wham that are in reference to Letterkenny.If you go to comedywham.com and put “Letterkeny” in their search box, you’ll find four articles!  Check ‘em out! Thank you so much, Valerie!  We love you to pieces! 
Glen and Gail being both oversexualized and undersexualized at the same time.
How white is Canada?
Racism:  North vs South vs Canada
Is Wayne into horror books?
What would happen if Wayne and Dary fought?
Mrs. McMurray looked really bummed when Dan got out of the hot tub. Trivia 
R&J reference "Charlotte gains, bro" and "Serge of gains, bro".  Those are references to:  Charlotte (English-French actress and singer) and Serge Gainsbourg (father of Charlotte, French singer and songwriter ) 
Soft-pass:  Opposite of a Hard-pass.  Something that you're interested in but just can't do.
Mrs. McMurray references being in (Aca)'pulco until "fellas started getting' haved from bridges with their dinks cutt off".  This was something that actually happened down in Acapulco in 2017/18 from rival drug gangs.
All of the baseball players mentioned had careers sullied by their use of steroids
Roger Clemens
Sammy Sosa
Jose Canseco
Anabolic steroids come in the form of tablets, capsules, a solution for injection and a cream or gel to rub into the skin. Weightlifters and bodybuilders who use steroids often take doses that are up to 100 times greater than those used to treat medical conditions.
Both books mentioned in this episode are real books.
Carrie Originally published: April 5, 1974 Author: Stephen King
The Boy at the Leafs Camp  Originally published: 1963 Author: Scott Young
Fuck - Fight - FERDA! (1:07:20 - 1:28:52)
Fuck:  Dan, the McMurrays (TOGETHER ONLY), Gail, and Tanis
Fight:  The FIRST time we've had NO scraps!!!
FERDA:   Everyone else.
Farewells and Outro:  (1:28:52 - 1:36:31) Next Episode: Great Day for Thunder Bay Artist of the week:  Lizzie Boredom Location:  Dallas, TX
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lizzieboredomband/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lizzieboredomtx
Instagram: https://instagram.com/lizzieboredom.band
Bandcamp: https://lizzieboredom.bandcamp.com/
****************** Intro: Song: Problem Album: Dead Men Can't Catcall Outro: Song: Dead Men Can't Catcall Album: Dead Men Can't Catcall ******************
★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
source https://share.transistor.fm/s/705f713e
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cowardcouch · 5 years
Chapter 5
She spoke to him before the world fell apart.
Hey, are you still asleep?
Thomas shifted in his bed, felt darkness around him like air turned solid, pressing in.
Seo Hyun got goosebumps as she continued reading the ‘holy book’. It’s been a while since she read Scorch Trials. Who doesn’t love The Maze Runner Series? She remembers spending her pocket money to buy the books. The last time she read the book, she was nineteen. Adventure thrillers and sci-fi were her things. She even attempted writing fan fiction about it but after the disaster, it turned out to be, she swore never to disturb the purity of this book.
No matter how many times she reads it, she can’t get enough of it. Books were her favorite heaven. Just how the strings of words made her smile enthralled her. One of her goals is to write a book before she dies. After books, her favorite comfort was chocolates. Who doesn’t love chocolates? Her love for chocolates was evident from the fact that she was eating chocolate while reading the books. Seeing her favorite books in Baekhyun’s room made her nostalgic. It was hard to resist the temptation so she decided to read it. She just wished Baekhyun wouldn’t mind it.
 Baekhyun was exhausted. He couldn’t walk properly. The pain was shooting all the way from his neck to his limbs. He swore to God that he would never go out on a date with that lady again in his life. That was the biggest mistake of his life. He just wanted to go and hit the bed. He could barely keep his eyes open. He was grateful for the fact that tomorrow is Sunday and he doesn’t have to go to school. He took little steps as he entered the apartment and threw its key on the couch. His eyes landed on the girl who had been staying with them for three weeks now.
She was all snuggled up in the blankets on her bed. Her concentration was on the book which she was holding, her brows furrowed. Slowly she took a bite of the chocolate she was holding in her hand. She looked too cute to be ignored and Baekhyun couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He totally forgot about his exhaustion and walked towards her room. He stood by the door frame and knocked on her door. The first time he did it, she didn’t pay attention so he decided to call her name. The light brown eyes met his dark brown eyes. Her cute expression sparked something inside him which he couldn’t explain. Maybe it was because of the fact that he had a horrible date and because of it he was hallucinating and feeling ‘things’.
“How was your date?” Seo Hyun propped her face on her hands and leaned forward. “Don’t ask me about it. It went horrible. It was the worst date I’ve ever gone to.” He replied and lied down on the edge of the bed. Seo Hyun frowned. “What happened? What did you do?” She folded her arms. “It’s not what I did. It’s what Lizzy did. I picked up her at the house and then took her to the movie as it was decided. It was going well but then she started getting too close to me, her hands going to different places. I felt attacked and uncomfortable so I yanked her hand away but then she started crying so I apologized to her. She said she wanted to go to the club so I took her there but then she was too close to me and she was dancing so hard that hair kept on slapping me. She got so drunk that I had to carry her home. I was so scared that I ran away from there. I think she is just a pretty singer.” He finished and sighed.
Seo Hyun was trying to hold back her laughter. She felt horrible for Baekhyun but at the same time the whole incident was really funny. Baekhyun on hearing no response from the girl and looked at her. “Are you laughing?” No longer did Baekhyun say this than she started laughing. “You think this is funny?!!” He looked at her in disbelief. “I’m s-sorry; I couldn’t stop m-myself.” She said in between the laughs. He glared at her and threw a pillow at her. She couldn’t dodge and continued laughing.
“What are you reading?” He tried to change the topic. Seo Hyun had calmed down by then and returned to the normal state. She laughed one last time but Baekhyun silenced her with his glare. “The Scorch Trials.” She showed him the book. “I’m sorry I took it from your shelf. I am a nerd and I love books so I couldn’t stop myself.” She smiled sheepishly at him. “It’s alright. I am a sucker for books too. I was disappointed when I learned that Chanyeol hated reading. I wanted to kill him.” He said. “I understand you completely. He had even torn some of my books. We should make a plan to make him read one someday. You know what, let’s do that.” She said which made Baekhyun sit up. “We should do that.” He high-fived with her.
“I was surprised when I found a book in your room. You don’t look like someone who reads books.” She confessed. “I have heard that a lot of times. It was when I was nine, I got my first book. I wasn’t interested but I read it anyway and it was amazing. I have been reading novels since then.” He said.
And the whole night they talked about books. It was the night of the book lovers. Baekhyun had completely forgotten about his exhaustion and the horrible date and Seo Hyun had completely forgotten about her chocolate. It’s been a while since she felt this excited and happy. She had never imagined that her brother’s roommate was so cool and nice. It was a night that she would remember always. And the same was for Baekhyun, who felt like staying in the room for a little longer and was disappointed to know that their discussion will soon be over.
 “What are you smiling about?”
Chanyeol grabbed the apple kept on the kitchen counter and took a bite. “Is there anything special today?” He always had a habit of talking while eating and Seo Hyun always reprimanded him for that but being stubborn he would never listen to her. He would do that just to irritate him. “You’ll never stop speaking while eating, will you?” Seo Hyun smacked him on his head, and the male winced in pain. “And you forgot, I told you today is my restaurant’s 50th anniversary and Baekhyun and you are invited.” She answered his previous question and continued preparing herself.
Seo Hyun was so excited for today. Well, she was nervous too. She had been working for four years at Reclina and she was looking forward to today. There will be a full-fledged celebration filled with colors and happiness for the people. She was so excited to share this with everyone. She acted like a fourteen-year-old teenager who was going out with her friends. “Be there by five.” She shouted before leaving the apartment and heading for work.
 “Listening to music does not mean just letting the words enter your ears; it means letting the words consume your senses and attending to the meaning those words convey. So, that’s it for today class. I hope your assignments will be ready by next week.” Baekhyun smiled at the students and started winding up the things. Being a music professor was fun for him; he didn’t know about others. Talking about the thing he loved for hours does sound exhausting but he enjoyed every second of it. He loved the part when his students would get deeply involved with him in the topic and start debates with him. He loved it when they would make impromptu songs sometimes.
He reached the staff room where he met Chanyeol. “How was the class?” He asked while placing his books on the table. “Engaging. What about you?” Baekhyun asked the taller male and took a seat. “Boring. I don’t get how the students put up with me.” Chanyeol answered while taking the seat next to his friend. Baekhyun didn’t agree with him. Philosophy was Chanyeol’s forte. Nobody could teach it better than him. He remembers the first day when he met Chanyeol. It was in his philosophy class. He listened to the entire lecture because he was so good. He felt he could listen to Chanyeol the whole day. That’s how they became friends. Their friendship deepened when they discovered their mutual interest in music. Baekhyun needed an apartment and he had arrived at the right address.
“You do remember that we need to visit Seo Hyun. There is a party at her restaurant.” Chanyeol spoke as he took a bite from his burger.  “Hmm. I remember.” Baekhyun answered and continued eating his own lunch. He was really eager to attend a party for a long time.
 Seo Hyun’s eyes scanned the place. It was hustling and bustling with the crowd which had gathered at the restaurant today. She made sure everyone had their meals with a smile on their face. The walls were decorated and balloons were scattered on the floor. She really enjoyed today. “It has already been 50 years?” Her eyes shifted to Sehun, who was looking at the family sitting in the corner. “Here, cheers to us.” He handed her a glass of wine and clunked their glasses together. Her eyes were still searching for her brother and his roommate. Her parents could not make it today and her brother was the only one who could come.
Her eyes lit up when she saw two familiar males enter the restaurant. She called their names and raced towards them. “So, how does it look?”
“It looks awesome. Now when are we getting the food?” She laughed at Baekhyun’s question and rushed to the kitchen to get them some ‘food’. When their order was done, she went towards their table and saw Sehun talking to the males. “And that’s how I won PUBG.”
“Oh My God! Baekhyun, do you also play that stupid game?” She asked in surprise.
“It’s not stupid.” Both Baekhyun and Sehun yelled together. Surprised at their collective response and bumped their fists and continued ‘fanboying’ about the game. Seo Hyun scoffed at their reaction and went back to work.
Sehun made a new friend today.
 “What do you mean by you can’t come? It is important. Lizzy, I even texted you several times because you weren’t answering my calls. What do you mean by the fact- Hello! Hello!” Seo Hyun looked at her phone in disbelief. She couldn’t believe how someone could be so lax and reckless. Lizzy was supposed to prepare a special performance for the customers and now she just bailed upon them. She just abruptly hung up the call. Seo Hyun made sure to take care of Lizzy once she comes back. For now, she had to decide what to do. “Did she pick up the call?” Chanyeol asked. The poor boy had been trying to stall the performance by entertaining them with joked but the people were impatient. Though he didn’t work at that place, the least he could do was to help his sister
“She did but then she hung up on me. I don’t know what to do. I-“She stopped in the middle of her sentence when she heard a soft, a too-familiar voice outside. The siblings slowly moved towards the main hall. Her light brown eyes landed on the male who was singing, his fingers doing magic on the keys of the piano. She was so rapt and caught up in the moment that she couldn’t move her feet and stood still.
Baekhyun seemed to have drowned in his own voice. No one could blame him though; the people seemed to be in awe. Occasionally, he would smile and then would go back to closing his eyes. Seo Hyun felt that she had never heard a voice so beautiful and euphonious before. It was like honey; it was light like clouds. Baekhyun was whimsical most of the times but when he sings, he becomes serious. Seo Hyun had never seen Baekhyun sing before and now that she had seen it, she felt that he looked attractive. It was a charm that she found ethereal. His slender fingers played the keys and he tapped his foot according to the beat.
Baekhyun’s eyes now looked into hers and it lingered there for a while. Seo Hyun couldn’t seem to break the eye contact and continued looking towards him. It was like it was just the two of them and the tik-tok of the clock had stopped. It was like he was telling a story with his eyes only she could understand. There was something in his eyes that made her smile. Something inside her fluttered when he smiled at her and dropped his gaze to his piano.
That was the first time Seo Hyun felt the ‘thing’.
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MoonToffee A monster in Paris AU
The full timeline and some notes ( contains swearing and gets kinda lazy towards the end! ) (( another note Chauncey although mentioned sometimes doesn’t come up much in the AU cause there wasn’t much need, so sorry pig-goat lovers! ))
- Moon = Lucille - Toffee = Francoeur ( both monsters toffee's just a lot more cunning but I think in this AU he's going to be a lot more open and slightly naive because of the circumstances ) - River = Raoul / Emile ( Raoul's place in the story-ish and Emile's more cautious behavior but without his romance of Maud. ) - Mina = Victor ( the antagonist that's pretty full of themselves and could potentially/go mad, I think they fit each other pretty well ) - No one = Maud ( since river is going to be following after Raoul in terms of loving Moon/Lucille there is no need for a Maud plus no one really fits her much anyway ) - Count Mildrew = Albert ( both background characters and kinda up their respective asses ) - A solarian soldier = Pate ( Pate is the inspector/right hand man of Victor btw ) - Comet = Carlotta ( both the main female leads mum/mother figure ) - Chauncey = Charles ( Chauncey in this AU of course still belongs to moon but she tells him to keep an eye on the river, plus she lets him hang out with the professor cause they both have fun together, aka the prof needed a smart animal companion (( mad scientist aesthetic man )) and Chauncey wanted more food than moon gave him )
Loose plot
- River wakes up daydreaming about being together with moon then is like oh i forgot something ( you can choose what he forgot ) so he goes downstairs. - his dad is like "hey son can you help me run some errands?" obviously this was not a question so river hops in his dad's car and they drive off to do the thing. - his dad drops him off at the lab to deliver some eggs and says he needs to go do some other task and that hes gonna go and he will pick him up when hes done, and River is like "dad I’m just giving some dude eggs i can go with ya" - so his dad goes well actually the guy is out of the country and hes sure they dude wouldn't mind if river went in and looked around, wink wink nudge nudge. - river gets the message and his dad drives away. - He goes in and is like okay I'm glad I went to do chores today this is awesome, and then a pig starts chewing on his trousers and hes like " Chauncey?? what are you doing, does moon know you're here?!?" and Chauncey says nothing cause he's a pig but he tries to push river to the exit but river doesn’t pick up on this hint. - so river goes "Oooh do you wanna explore with me little buddy?" and Chauncey is like 'no leave' but river goes into the lab anyway. - the look around for a bit and river starts drawing stuff that looks cool ( the drawing is bad but he wants to  remember what stuff looks like ) -he finds some potions and is like "ooh I wonder what they do???" so tests one out on a seed that says "instant growth potion " on a label. - it of course grows and he's like wow but walks back to see it better and knocks some potions over. - Chauncey goes to try and stop the potions but steps on a lizards tail and it gets scared and runs under where the potions are falling ( river of course doesn't notice this ) - crash, boom, smoke! - river gets up and sees the shadow of a lizard man and is like " AHHHHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" so it runs away so river draws it before he forgets then runs out to the front to get home, not caring that his dad said he would pick him up he's not waiting for that thing to get him! - unfortunately he drops a handkerchief which crudely had his name stitched into it and leaves back to his house. - A couple of days pass and the lizard monster starts showing up in the papers. - an investigation is started over the mysterious explosion at the lab and the new monster that appeared the very same night. - the cheif investigator tells mina loveberry 'bout this and she's like "yes, now is my chance to rise to the top!" - they look around and find River's handkerchief.
- Cut to moon, and her club is looking for a new act/singer and it's not going well. - so one of the waiters, a real smug bastard, is auditioning and it's just him singing badly about how amazing he is and telling her that she's welcome for the free performance of a god. - and she's like "yeah... no thanks I don't really think the club is really the right fit for you." - so hes like " FINE I'M TOO TALENTED FOR THIS LITTLE CLUB I'LL GO FORM MY OWN CLUB! ( *bender voice* with blackjack and hookers! ) - so she's like " yep you are way too good for us, I worry if you joined I would be out of a job. goodbye now! " - Cue Mildrew seeing toffee and freaking out trying to go back in but still being really vain ( ' PLEASE LET ME IN I'LL EVEN SIGN YOU AN AUTOGRAPH!!! ' ) - It doesn't work out so he jumps a nearby fence and books it. - Toffee is like what is that awful ringing noise is it this? and then proceeds to ring the doorbell a million times just too ' make sure it's this '. - So Moon opens the finally all like " YES Mildrew what is it- of holy fudging schnitzels " - she accidentally hits it with the door and is apologizing profusely as she goes to help the ' person ' up. - sees its the lizard person and freaks out, bolts and locks the door. - hears it singing a sad song ( more bitter about the people than the original though ) and is like oh it can talk???? also it has a godly voice???? - she gets an umbrella and tentatively opens the door and apologizes and welcomes this creature in out the rain. - he is suspicious but goes in anyway because its better than freezing to death in the rain - so she awkwardly starts conversation " Soo I'm sorry about hitting you with the door and leaving like that, I just got a bit.... panicked. but might as well start with names, mines moon " - and he just kinda sits there and she picks up that ‘oops he doesn't have one’ so she looks around and is like I have to call him something. - then she looks at a box of toffees a fan had given her and is like " Since you don't seem to have a name would you like me to call you toffee? I'm not the best with names but I need to call you something. " - so he goes ok, and she says that if he wants to stay in Paris he should probably have a disguise.
-cut back to river and someone knocks on his door. - he goes and opens it and it reveals officers who see his drawing of the monster in the lab on his wall and he is arrested. - they bring him to mina, and he starts pleading not to go to prison and that it was all an accident. - ( they also brought Chauncey who was staying with River) - he panicking blames the pig and chauncy narrows his eyes as this will be remembered for later.... - Mina tells him not to worry and that by creating a monster he has actually helped her in one of her secret projects and she gives him a badge of honor. - River leaves and then is like "now that I have this badge I have the confidence to go to one of moons shows and maybe I can try and woo her with my badge!" - so he goes to see her and due to the fact that Mildread is still pissed at moon he gives river the best seats in the house cause he is bad at revenge, so river thinks its his lucky day! - he sees the show and was hypnotized by moons song so he decides to push his luck by going to talk to her back stage. - during the time river was being arrested moon got to see a lot of what Toffee could do and who he is;
. he has a pretty wry sense of humor . he is rather naive in the way of society and social cues . he's also really smart and a quick learner . she also gives him his disguise ( his hair isn't a wig ) . he is pretty fuckin' strong . really stubborn . takes a while for him to trust her but when he does he's pretty clingy . he is vain about his hair and constantly brushes it to lay flat, it always curls at the ends anyway. . he REALLY likes suits. and is rather cuddly.
- so the performance is about to start but he doesn't want to leave her side and sit with the band so cue the scene in the movie. - they actually perform and they end up dancing together on stage, and she refuses to admit to her self that her face felt a little warm when he looked at her with such a loving look while dancing. - back to after the performance and river comes over nervously to congratulate her for the awesome performance, and goes to shake toffee's hands when he spots his tail. - he shrieks and moon puts her hand over his mouth and drags him and toffee back to her dressing room. - she tries to tell him that she knows he's the monster and he's not awful at all. - but river starts freaking out so she slaps him and tells him to get a grip man! - he calms down a little but is still like how are you so calm - so moon tells him why toffee is not dangerous and he calms down properly. - unfortunately for them Mildrew overhears and he now has a better idea for revenge against moon...
- the police arrive soon moon leaves to greet them and try to distract them, while river has to hide toffee. - so Moon goes to the door and is like " oh Mina I wasn't expecting you, what are you doing here? " - And Mina's like " sorry mud sister but this is serious business, where are you hiding it? " - and Moons like fuck she already knows its here somewhere. so she plays dumb " hiding what? I don't have anything to hide. " ( as she sweats bullets ) - and Mina already knowing that moons lying just barges through with the inspector and the 'troops' - Mina instantly tries to go to moons dressing room but moon cuts her off " okay Mina I'm sorry but if you go in there we can't  be mud sisters it's a blatant breach of my privacy. " - and Mina calls her bluff and goes in anyway. - Moon is like fuck everything's over they found him... crud. - so when she goes in to make her last stand she is surprised that they are nowhere to be found, and so is Mina. ( surprised that is ) - the inspector comes in and says they haven't found anything so Mina stands silently for a while then goes and pleads to moon to be mud sisters again. - moon still a bit high on adrenaline from then panic says yes just to get her out of the room and they leave after arresting Mildrew for basically pissing Mina off. - moon sighs and says that they can come out and the cost is clear after Mina and the others leave. - she then gets spooked as toffee pops out of her piano, so she lends him a hand and then checks to make sure nothing's broken in her piano. ( storing lizard men in your pianos isn’t a good for pianos kids ) - river then falls down the chimney coughing from all the soot and toffee warily gives him a hand up. ( the start of a beautiful friendship! )
- the next day Mina opens the Montmartre Funicular ( its a escalator/elevator thing on a hill I think ) - the trio ( plus Chauncey ) planned last night that they are going to fake toffee's death on the opening day so people won't look for him and he can live a normal life. - so Mina introduces moon who is going to sing for the opening. - so halfway through singing river loudly shouts " oh my god it's the monster oooh nooo! " - so the crowd starts panicking and Mina is like ' It’s my time to shine! ' - then Toffee hops down and picks up moon bridal style and roars viciously - and moon is all like " oh noooo it's got me, whatever shall I do? " - one of the 'soldiers' tries to shoot toffee but Mina tells him not to as he could hit her blood sister. - then she remembers that river had conveniently given some ' anti monster grenade ' earlier so she throws it and smoke spreads everywhere. - when the smoke clears the monster is gone and the crowd rejoices their savior (the crowd lead by river and moon of course ) - but then Mina spots a scarf caught in the trapdoor and opens it to reveal toffee.
- moon freaks out so her and river shout at toffee to run, as they themselves make a break for it. - river had conveniently brought his dads car/van to get there ( with his dad's permission of course ) so they hopped in and booked it as toffee went the other way so there would be less people chasing him. - luckily Chauncey had already been waiting in the car so they didn't need to wait for him to get in. - so they speed down the street narrowly avoiding obstacles, one of which ended up making river loose his ' fashionable ' straw coat to a horse. - unfortunately for them a hook ends up grabbing their car and they look up and who is it other than Mina and an exhausted looking soldier peddling their FREAKING AIRSHIP LIKE MINA YOU REALLY DIDN'T NEED A WHOLE FUC- - so moon has to climb out and try and get rid of it cause river is driving. - unfortunately for her it's way to heavy and she almost ends up falling off several times, but fortunately ( finally something good for these poor characters ) toffee was making his getaway very near to them so he hopped down on the cars bonnet to help moon pull off the hook. - but because things can never be easy it doesn't work and Mina ends up lifting the car off the ground. ( also moon falls back onto toffee's chest, cue blushy blushy BS when they think back on this at a later date,a scenario which I have obviously not written ) - so they are currently panicking as moon and toffee precariously make their way back inside the van so when they inevitably fall they won’t be as injured. - so Mina drops them in to the seine to try and drown toffee, currently forgetting that her mud sister ( however traitorous she may be ) was in there. - luckily when they start sinking river's father had been planning a boating trip so he had oars in the back. - they paddle to the Eiffel tower before they drown and make it, only loosing River's dad's car along the way. which in the end maybe worse than drowning in the long run. ( for River at least )
- river mourns the car and they make their way up the tower unsure what to really do now other than try and get as far away from Mina as possible. - Mina shoots the airship and she lands on the Eiffel tower, the soldier only just making it out alive by jumping into the seine. - the trio reaches the top when toffee starts to feel weak and moon notices that a lot of his scales are falling off, and she gets worried but slings his arm over her shoulder and asks river to help her carry him to the top. - they are almost at the top when they are stopped when moon placed toffee down for a bit to rest her arms and she hears a gun click. - Mina demands they hand over the monster and toffee makes a run for it up a ladder to the very top of the tower, so Mina brushes harshly past moon to run after toffee. - unfortunately for moon she was standing too close to an edge and got pushed over but managed to grab the edge. - so river goes to try and help moon but somehow also falls over, hanging only onto a spare belt he tried to lower down. ( hey it’s always handy to have a spare belt y’know? ) - luckily they forgot Chauncey was there because he was trailing behind them the whole way up the tower, so he pulls them both up and moon rushes for the ladder after hugging River and Chauncey. - River goes up too but a bit slower and more careful, after almost falling to his death he didn’t really wanna take another chance after all. - Moon goes up there only to see toffee get shot by Mina and fall to a lower level. - before Mina can look over and make sure he's dead the police inspector comes over and arrests her after the ‘soldier’ who was peddling the airship called the other police officers to arrest Mina for leaving him for dead. - moon vaguely sees this but doesn't stick around long, she rushes back down past river (who had only just gotten up here) to find where toffee fell. - she only found his clothes and no body. - It doesn't really register that he could have escaped because of the shock so she just cries - river finds her and comforts her and she brings the clothes back to her dressing room as to not forget him.
- the next day she realizes she has to perform but she is still overcome by grief, so she picks up his scarf to at least wear if she has to perform when she feels wiggling. - she carefully unwinds the scarf and inside there is a lizard. a lizard missing its middle finger. - overwhelmed by joy she tells river and him and Chauncey go to get a potion that will turn him back to his bipedal form permanently. - so he turns back and after hugging him really hard and him apologizing ( what for though? upsetting her? IDK ask him ) she asks if he wants to go sing with her and he says yes. - they perform and at the almost end of the dance she kisses him, just a light peck but a kiss none the less. - river is semi-heart broken yet had kind of seen it coming for a while now. - and toffee goes beet red as the crowd whistles. - while her mum squeals that her baby had finally found a partner! - END
Notes + extras
- Moon cuts off toffees finger when she was cooking with him at one point but then constantly apologizes for it later, he of course forgives her but she does it anyway and he likes making little jokes and jabs at her about it. - Although when we first see River it looks like he's bad with the cold due to the amount of clothes he's wearing, he is actually really good with the cold and was constantly almost overheating but wanted to impress moon with clothing items that his friends told him were cool. of course they weren't very cool all in one outfit. - when toffee first transformed he got his hair, he doesn't know where from but he thinks there may have been some hair on the floor when he got hit by the potion. - Moon takes star's role as Mina's mud sister since star isn't here in this AU. - cause river was distracted when he was watching moon performance before he knew toffee he didn't see the way they ( moon + toffee ) looked at each other but looking back he can definitely see 'it'.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - due to the potion making toffee human it also increased his regenerative ability from being a lizard to new heights ( for example, if an ant were human sized it would have super strength ) (( no this doesn’t really come into play into the story )) - after the kiss on stage Toffee and moon share another kiss in her dressing room ( nothing like that get your mind out of the gutter! ) - Chauncey was staying with River before he got arrested because when he left the lab scared he brought him so he wouldn't get hurt but then was too shy to give him back to Moon. - Mina calls the police her ' troops ' in reference to the solarian warriors. possibly why no one wants her as mayor...
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daughterofsinsloth · 6 years
Hi!!!! Can you reccomend some AU soukoku fics?
hello anon-chan!
sorry for the wait!!!
lets see some great au !!!
A Simple Secret to Happiness by setosdarkness:
a cute au for starts! still bsd canon but skk are parents here! flangist but unberably amazing
A mad Tea Party by Amathalya:
alice in wonderland au and what more can i say?? gorgeous!
Five Times Chuuya Received Flowers by DgrayZephyr:
okay i cried in this one! ma heart ma soul! bsd canon but mute!dazai au who never left the mafia. anon! this fic
Flawed. by Maruchan08:
on-going but you have to read it!!!! God this fic is soooo promising . i loved it! robot!chuuya au
The Beautiful Courtesan by doubleblack:
keeping the angust hight! here we have prostitution au. basically chuuya got abdact by shibushawa, was a prostituted for years, had a kid with in the middle time with dazai, who was kouyou’s undercover to find chuuya. well who cares about that? oda is alive and he is the boss of the mafia!
sweet as can be, baby of mine by 3rdgymbros:
back to fluff with aya as skk lovechild au. mother chuuya is the best chuuya!!
Catch A Tiger By The Toe by Memos:
this one is really cute and funny! modern au where sskk and kyouka are skk children. dazai is a uni professor and takes atsushi to work only to lost him! the little tiger will live a big adventure!
Fair Enough by hybridempress:
okay this is hanahaki au. normally i dont recommend it but this fic is great! modern au and flangst.
Vermillion by rustingroses:
lets have some mystery!!! mermaid au but with deep meanings
the flower vase on your desk by munchmuffins:
a favorite fic. real-authors au. deep and angst
To You, I Swear My Heart by Witheryvine:
aaaaaah i love this fic! hedes/persephony au. its sweet with a really nice feeling in it.
Fire in the Night by ChubbyHippo:
this one. abandon everything and read this one. brothel au
Touch Me by murderousprey:
here is some smut coz why not? militery/teacher au, historical. its a nice story and the writer has a ongoing sequal of this.
Shared Gravity by writingfromtheshadows, ZODIACHUUYA:
college au. a really nice story.
two player game by photography_tea:
harry potter au. cute, awesome, sweet and funny! a favorite.
The art of paint by Konoha79:
i will always and forever recommend this fic. best of the best. sweetness overload. shuuji the love child au and im weak! absolutely beautiful
Promise by sodenoshirayuki_23:
too many fluff recs. here is some angst to cry… with happy ending tho. ghost!dazai au
Read EVERYTHING by  izanyas
ambrosia by setosdarkness:
fantasy au or the oh my feels au.
centrifugal/centripetal by TopHat69 :
also a favorite. omegaverse and canon diverse au. amazing and majestic.
ought to take oath by setosdarkness:
doctor! chuuya au. what more to say?
Coeur de Noir by AliceinHyruleBastion:
in the france night club dazai meets singer!chuuya and yosano is the best matchmaker: the au! also sskk coz hella yeah!!!
Daddy’s Little Girl by hellosweetie17:
another loveshild au with lots of humor!!
The Day by setosdarkness:
her/villian au! cuuuuuute and awesome
Wrapped up in You by quinnlocke:
zoo au! flangst but ultra sweet!
good times, bad decisions by amsves:
an idol au is always needed and this one is great!!
Escapism by hypermoyashi:
video game au! awsome writing!!
I Need You To Stay (Right Where You Are Beside Me) by physicmindfreaks:
this one is very sweet and has a warm feeling in it! its a modern au
Connected through Music by Amathalya :
a beautiful but funny music au.
A cure for loneliness by purplesan:
fox spirit au. flagist but really sweet. ongoing
I’ve Fallen (for you) by evie_maria:
a tennis player au! this is great! nice story and fluff
read EVERYTHING by Insomnia_Productions
okay i will stop here coz i will find more cant find a certain fic! :’(
anyway i hope that you liked my recs! have a nice reading anon-chan! if you need anything please tell me! also tell me what you think!
be well! :)
have a nice day
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musicmixtapes · 6 years
Halloween Mix (October 31 ‘18)
Happy Halloween to all my favorite witches, vampires and ghouls--This week's mix is pretty self explanatory but I had so much fun making it and think that it can be listened to even when it's not Halloween because we all have spooky hearts year round
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1. Witch by the bird and the bee - The beginning of this song with the xylophone sounds already sets us up for some interesting tones and makes it all the more spooky vibed throughout, which was automatically very ear catching when I first listened to it. But other than that, the entire love-lust-desire themed song of a witch entrapping someone in their spell and taking names without mercy is such a great trope for female empowered music. There are so many references to the "spells" "biddings" "conjurings" "hauntings" in this piece which makes it a classic halloween song. But I didn't find this during witching season, in fact, I discovered it over the summer which goes to show that it holds the test of time and can be enjoyed not just on this specific day (although I highly recommend it going on your own Halloween mix for sure). There is also another really cool instrumental segment in the mid part of the song where an electric guitar or string instrument of some sort is introduced followed by the step down chords of the synthesized creepy piano/string sound that is recurring in this piece. 
2. Ungodly Fruit by Wax Tailor - This artist, who I have featured one other time on a previous mixtape, produces some of the the smartest and most unique pieces that I have had the pleasure of hearing with unworthy ears. There are not many words in this piece and in Wax Tailor true character, the words in the song are samples from different films. The first lyrics heard are Sampled from Professor Alexander Siletsky in the 1942 film To Be or Not to Be. The second portion of lyric is sampled from the 1934 film The Man Who Knew Too Much. Listening to the extravagant horns throughout the piece along with the interesting harp and assorted strings woven through create a vintage love/horror movie vibe that perfectly aligns with the samples of the movie lines that are showcased. 
3. Black Magic Woman by Fleetwood Mac - Please for the love of halloween and all things magical, do not try and tell me that this is a cover of Santana's song because it is the other way around actually. His much popularized cover is quite fantastic, I agree, but there is something special and essential Fleetwood Mac about this piece that sets up the vibe of the band from very early on in the metamorphosis of the group. Now, if you are only familiar with the more recent group, you would be confused by this track because it sounds different and queen Stevie Nicks is not anywhere to be found. The group used to consist of Peter Green, Mick Fleetwood and Jeremy Spencer before the grouping was changed to what we know now. Honestly, this song is just a prediction about the queen witch that would later grace the band, but also a desire song about a mystifying woman.
4. Monster Mash by Bobby Boris Pickett & The Crypt Kickers - If you have been living under a rock for every October since you were born, then you don't know this awesomely spooky hit. Otherwise, I'm absolutely sure you've sung, you've danced, you've enjoyed this graveyard smash of a song that has created a rippling effect over halloweens for over fifty years. I remember being in kindergarten at my Halloween parade and walking around showing off my angel costume to this song, so yes, it has had a lasting effect on me for sure. Lou Simon, senior director of music programming at SiriusXM Radio, says, “‘Monster Mash’ has timeless appeal. The generations who grew up with it have fond memories of the song from the ’60s and again from its ’70s renaissance. The familiar arrangement is uncomplicated and delightful. It’s just one of those records that wears well and makes people happy.”
5. The Boy With The Thorn In His Side by The Smiths - Ok starting this one off with a literary definition, just in case you don't know exactly what Morrissey is referring to... To have a thorn in one's side is to have something or someone that continually causes problems for you; my definition of this is when someone will not quit pissing you off and making life hell even if they are unaware of doing so, we all have one of these and they are utterly unshakeable such is the way of life. When asked if this song was inspired by Oscar Wilde in an interview, Morrissey replied: "No, that’s not true. The thorn is the music industry and all those people who never believed anything I said, tried to get rid of me and wouldn’t play the records. So I think we’ve reached a stage where we feel: if they don’t believe me now, will they ever believe me? What more can a poor boy do?" 
6. Leave Me Be by Beau - This is one of two songs on this week's mix that does not exactly conform to theme I laid out but there was no way I was going to leave it out because the sounds and emotions included in this piece is perfectly in line with the general feeling of the playlist. The singer's voice is so weird and unique, I have not heard anything like it before, but it definitely reminds me a bit of Lene Lovich's (80s singer) voice when she does those big jumps in range and pitch in the chorus of the song. I guess the voyeuristic image of someone bothering the speaker of the song and pestering her like an impetuous ghost following one around does conform to the theme of ghoulish natures and general halloween-ness. My favourite line from the song is the repeated phrase "All I ever wanted was just to be left alone/All I ever wanted was something to call my own" because me too... me too. 
7. The Piano Duet by Danny Elfman (Corpse Bride) - Sitting in the piano room of my college dorm in the East Village on a Monday night a couple of weeks ago, I was exhausted of studying statistics and needed something to bring me to a peaceful state of mind. At first, I tried playing other pieces of music, but they proved too complex for my muddle mind at the time. Then I came across this simple and wonderful piece hailing from the classic animated king of Halloween, Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride. I was fascinated by the wandering notes that can be played with literally one finger which turns into this complex two handed piano piece that takes more time than I had to learn in its entirety. Danny Elfman has composed a lot of music for Burton which has become well loved and renowned but this short piece is striking and emotional for me. If you have the chance and a piano, you should play around with it because I think it is so satisfying to play. 8. Agony by Yung Lean - Originally I found this song in another version, one that was done by the alternative band Beach Fossils and I was hesitant not to put that version on the mix, but in the end decided the original needed to be heard and loved more. Coming from the Swedish hip hop/rap/emo/etc performed and artist Yung Lean, this vulnerable piece of music which describes how it feels to become unraveled is unrivalled by a lot of other songs about chaos that traps you in your own mind. What's more is that the song comes from a place of truth because the artist, Jonatan Hastard's (Yung Lean), spent time in a psychiatric facility due to mental health issues which were making him unable to live successfully. I think that it is so important that mental illness be represented in the music industry because it shows not only that having illness is okay, but that you can deal with it and get through it. So, thank you for showing us yourself, Hastard, and encouraging us to do the same. 
9. Skeletons (Acoustic) by Yeah Yeah Yeahs - How fitting for this celebratory day with none other than the queen of being spooky and distorted. In this track, the speaker asks her lover to basically tear her apart, to destroy her by any means necessary because she has already been destroyed by the love she has experienced. Now, one of the most important things to remember about a song that has very few lyrics is that the ones that are there, are there for a particular reason. The phrase "frost or flame" returns more than once, and it is due to the reference to the poem by Robert Frost "Fire and Ice" in which he details which way the world ending would be better. The speaker relates this to the way that her lover can destroy her: either by burning her or icing her out. I am going to include the poem because I love it so much: Some say the world will end in fire/Some say in ice/From what I’ve tasted of desire/I hold with those who favor fire/But if it had to perish twice/I think I know enough of hate/To say that for destruction ice/Is also great/And would suffice.
10. Femme Fatale by The Velvet Underground - I'm sure you've heard of this phrase before, but do you know why and when is became such an iconic phrase? No? I didn't either until I heard this wonderful song. This phrase has actually been around since the turn of the 19th century with the mass popularization of the gothic type of novel, but it resurfaced with this song in the 60s and has stayed relevant to this day. What I didn't know about the 'femme fatale' is what I found from contributors on Genius music (I use this all the time for insightful explanations): "Edie Sedgwick was an American socialite, actress, and model that came from a very wealthy and prestigious family. She was a part of Andy Warhol’s “factory” crew, and became one his closest friends and muses as Warhol brought her to fame." I think that this tribute to a friend and inspiration makes for the perfect song and gives a deeper meaning to a tale of a heartbreaker and 'take no prisoners' woman that is depicted here. 11. I Put A Spell On You by Annie Lennox - Classic. Breathtaking. Magical. Three words that describe this song and specifically the Lennox cover of this song. Something about the way the high chords of the keyboard are struck in the beginning of the piece is so gratifying, I just knew I would be in love with listening to this in the first few seconds. Honestly, and I never thought I would be saying this but, I have to thank whoever put together the 50 Shades of Grey film because that is the reason the cover of this song exists, which is kind of annoying. Nonetheless, it thankfully exists, and tells about a man who cannot be faithful to the woman who is telling the story in the song. So, she puts a spell over the man so he will not leave her and remains faithful to her instead. Despite having such amazing music to go behind it, this is such a wicked sentiment and fits perfectly with the season. 
12. Found Love In A Graveyard by Veronica Falls - This song is really, really sad. And I wasn't sure I was going to include it because it is really striking and makes me feel very emotional due to the intense meaning behind it. But, I think that music is, yes, supposed to uplift you and put you in a good mood, but not always. Sometimes, songs have a power to touch the things deep and dark inside of us that are untouchable by anything else, and this is a beautiful concept; sad, but still beautiful. The minor and eerie chords and drumbeat that start the song off with the discordant "ooohs" let us know this is not going to be one of those sunny, uplifting songs, but one of the darker ones. This piece can very well be about the literal sense of finding love in a graveyard with someone who is no longer alive, but I think it's about finding love in someone who is not present in one's life and wanting them so much but not being able to have them anymore. Listen with caution if you are already in your feelings. 
13. Zombie by The Cranberries - Let me paint a picture for you: it was summertime five years ago. A thirteen year old girl who was just discovering her musical genre for singing and listening alike stepped onto an outdoor stage in mid-June. The heavy guitar of a somber rock song come on and she begins to sing; surprise, the song is this one, and the girl is also this one who is writing to you. This song particularly has had more influence over my own writing and singing style than any other in this mix, both because it is beautifully metaphorical and because it is truthful to the point of tears in some respects. The song tells about the Troubles which occurred in Northern Ireland between the unionists and nationalists, the tensions and violence which spanned over decades and literally tore families apart. Dolores O'Riordan, the writer and singer of this song said, "This song is our cry against man’s inhumanity to man, inhumanity to child."
14. Time Warp from The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Not going to lie, I first heard this song and saw the scene performed when I was 12 and discovered the wonderful television program that is Glee. After that, though, I further investigated the chaotic goodness that is the Rocky Horror Picture Show and became enamoured with the explicit messages of open sexuality, breaking social norms and utter weirdness that makes up the show. This song is the most recognisable from the show, but by no means diminishes the other pieces that are performed. If possible, I really suggest either seeing a live performance or watching one online because all of the different characters, which you can hear in the recording are produced on the stage; the visuals make all the difference in the holistic experience of listening and I think in this instance, enhances the value you will hold with the song particularly the ever shifting point of views and voice sounds exhibited.
15. Werewolves Of London by Warren Zevon - First and foremost, all credits for this song being in my life go to my father because I have been listening to this with him since before I could write, much less write about music on a blog for my friends and family. Because it was such an integral part of my music experience from a young age, I enjoy examining not just what it means, but what it means to me.  The song is based on the 1953 film "Werewolf Of London" and if you haven't seen it, I recommend the viewing of this, because it's a really good movie, but either way you can enjoy the song separately because it stands on it's own. It describes and details a werewolf doing all normal human behaviour and a man meeting him and being like "wow this is really strange". Even just the first line of the song depicting a werewolf getting chinese food at the store is so funny and strange, and then talks about in the next lines a woman being mutilated by werewolves. I love the contrasting images outlined in this piece with such a simple 3-chord progression that is so catchy. 
16. Voodoo Child (Slight Return) by Jimi Hendrix - The distortion of the guitar in the intro for this track is so awesome, I cannot get enough of it and it is quintessential Jimi Hendrix  classic rock. Hendrix's gruff and raw rock voice comes through amazingly in this song and tells us a story about psychedelic experience of exaggeration with voodoo practice that was popularized especially during the 1960s and 1970s. The image of chopping a mountain down with the edge of one's hand presented in the first verse suggests that this is a drug induced experience in which the narrator is having an out of body vision of this happening, or so we can assume (I don't think Jimi chopped down a mountain, but who knows). As for the much iconic phrase 'voodoo child', I attributed this notion to the feeling of some of the African heritage and cultural spirituality that centers around practice of voodoo which has traced back through centuries. The intervention of God given to shamans or mediums, the servants of the spirits, results in a magic of spiritual nature. 
17. Blood In The Bathtub by Bonny Doon - I think the only scary thing pertaining to this song is the title and matching phrase that is repeated in the chorus of this low key song, but otherwise it is really of a loving, sensitive nature for year round enjoyment. Again, the guitar in this song is so present and the riffs included are indicative of some blues inspiration which is really nice and adds a lot of colour. As for the meaning, I ascertained that the speaker feels bad about his actions towards the end of his and the subject's relationship and is trying to explain his feelings about their demise. The aspect I appreciate about this song is that the speaker isn't trying to get back or win the affection of the subject, but instead agree that they have the right to leave and be lost or confused, which is a really valid feeling. The blood can be many things, but I like to see it as an impurity where the goodness (water) of the relationship was supposed to be. 
18. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) by David Bowie - I often find that this spectacularly strange man can describe feelings that we all have in surreal ways no one would think to, yet do it so precisely we can't help but love it. This is a description I found online for the piece that I think is really perfect and I couldn't say it better myself: "The song title was inspired by a Kellogg’s Corn Flakes ad campaign: “Scary Monsters and Super Heroes”. It describes the feelings of an obsessive man when he gets a shy girlfriend. Though his influence on her initially works out well for the relationship, it becomes too much for her. She soon becomes a recluse, leaves the man, and descends into madness, seeing all strangers as ‘scary monsters’." I love this thought of being terrified of strangers and can relate on days in the city when I don't feel like talking to anyone.
19. Monster by ALASKALASKA - A new song for this mix, which was hard because surprisingly, not many artists cater to the halloween aesthetic genre of songs. I impose the thought that we need some bands/artists that only write for this holiday and season because I want more halloween music, not just the same old same old. This song is not about making someone else the monster, but the other way around of someone making you out to be a monster in order to place blame and flip the script. If you've ever been in a relationship where someone uses an ugly aspect of you in and twists the conversation to make you look bad, you can definitely relate to this song. The electro indie sounds in this song which are discordant and not so pretty go perfectly in line with the songwriter's intentions of meaning, in my opinion. 
20. Which Witch by Florence + The Machine - A bonus track and a demo from the How Big How Blue How Beautiful album and quite possibly my favourite song from the album at the same time. This song makes so much sense coming from Welch because she exudes the witchy nature in every way and writes about pagan nature and deity folklore a lot in her music which is so outside the realm of regular music that we are used to, which makes her so likeable and a force in the music industry. This track describes a two fold witch trial: one in the realistic and historical sense of witches being put on trial for having sinister ways and doing unexpected things for women for their time period. The other is her having her heart put on trial for loving in a way that was not desirable from her lover, even though she never tried to hide what she was. Now that she is escaping from the relationship, she explains she has no regret for what has happened, no matter what the man says in retaliation to her opinions. 
Thanks for listening and reading!
See you next week,
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