#i also very much should bleed. i dont deserve anything better than that
bulle-blackhole · 10 months
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lokorum · 10 months
1 ,6 , 10, 12, 22, 36, 37, 57, 77 for Gortash x Isa ?👀
oh oh ooooooooohhhh thank you so much for your ask!! i hope you'll enjoy reading it!! <;3
1. who’s the primary protector of the two?
hmm, i can easily see at least a couple of reasons why tav if they are durge - gonna be fiercely protective of gortash and vice versa since they're the only two "survivors" of aaaaaall this mess they themselves created years ago. so i think they are kinda on the same lvl here? (especially after events of bg3 uuhhh)
but also - their understanding of "protection" is very different. for isa it's all about making sure that no one in the same room with gortash has access to sharp objects. (he kills rivals, neutralizes threats -that kind of stuff). while enver on the other hand protects through being extra thoughtful - he double checks all possible drawbacks of their plans; willingly spends time to manipulate\misinform people about anything related to bhaal's church; makes sure isa has the best gear and equipment, all that jazz!!
6. who holds a grudge the longest? definitely 10000% i'm absolutely certain - its gortash. if he turns out not to be the most vengeful bitch across the whole sword coast (and the one with a very good memory too) - i'm guilty of misinterpreting this character and should be punished by romancing someone super cute and kind (please dont do this to me).
what made me think that way is a sweet combo of his delusional perception of the world + his self-esteem, i guess? though in more close relationships i imagine him being the kind of person who, when offended, either becomes cold and distant, basically silent-treats you, or acts like nothing happened bc he can't\doesn't have time to process the situation. healthy coop mechanisms? i bet this stinky lil men never heard about them.
isa, well, isa is more of a "i deserve to bleed" kinda person............
10. which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen? ohhhhhh on any day of the week - gortash is a talkative one!! and isa are getting their "very good boi" badge and a cake for saying more than 100 words in one day (it rarely happens) 
12. which of the two rolls their eyes the most often? gortash thinks it's him but he is wrong. 
22. Who gets more easily embarrassed? gortash thinks it's not him, but it is. 
36.  who’s better at dealing with emotional trauma? WELL to paraphrase wendigoon: between planning to usurp all toril and going to the therapy - they chose violence.
37. who’s more foulmouthed? since isa's vocabulary consists mostly of "um", "ha?" and "heh", gortash once again is our winner! i think his criminal past left a mark on his speech, no matter how he plays all lordy and nobly these days. piss him off - and im 99,9% sure you'll hear something coooooolourful. 
57. who’s got the highest pain tolerance? ohhh definitely isa for this one!! they can go days and days without treating their wounds, and they are horrible at realising they're wounded in the first place! broken bones, broken and exposed bones, deep cuts, bruises, concussions, knocked out teeth, burned skin, sliced skin, frostbitten skin, you name it - they had it. the way isa treats their body deeply horrified enver when he noticed the pattern but tbh??? sometimes i look at enver and think that he is one of those ppl who will lie down and cry if you slap them 
77. who's more likely to execute their threats? both!! it's a family activity. 
phphph ive made memes...............................................................................................................................................
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iamnotbored · 2 years
To my star 2: on love and forgiveness
watching this show as it was airing and seeing all the “hate” towards jiwoo was a revelation, a lot of viewers thought that seojoon forgave jiwoo too easily, and i get that, jiwoo was so harsh on him, seriously who ghostes their bf with a f’cking post-it? on their birthday?! and if i was seojoons friend i would scream at jiwoo til his ears bleed.
but seojoon loves and seojoon forgives, that is who he is and that how he has been since the beginning. when his actor friend tried to put the blame on him for the fight, he didn’t say anything to anyone, not even pilhyun and homin, he waited it out believing that his friend would come clean, not many people would do that. but seojoon is not a pushover, he knows his limits and he will let go when he is ready. 
when it comes to jiwoo, seojoon is not blind to his shortcomings, he likes him despite those, because to seojoon (who knows jiwoo better than any of us) jiwoo is not defined by his misstakes. 
“you hide away as if you are the only sad person in this world. you don’t think about facing the problem and solving it. you have unnecessary pride and you never tell people your real feelings, making people go crazy!” 
“but still, i’m saying i like you” 
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seojoon only gave up when he was convinced that jiwoo wanted to be with his ex, and that he is standing in the way of jiwoos happiness, as long as jiwoo loves him he would have continue to pursue him, again this man loves jiwoo more than jiwoo loves himself 
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for those who thinks that seojoon deserve better, i also get that, “jiwoo hurt seojoon this much so seojoon should hurts him just as much before they can get back together”...i used to believed that input and output of love should be equal in a relationship, but how do you keep score when one person is swimming and the other is playing badminton? seojoon and jiwoo are very different people and they have different love languages, and so when we say for better or worst, this is jiwoo at his worst, this is where seojoon get to decide if their relationship could survive this, and because this is seojoon and he knows how hard those steps jiwoo took were, he choose to love and forgive 
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some of my favourites lines are these, 
“if you keep pushing me away, i can’t continue to chase after you like you did for me” 
“is that a threat?”
“no, i’m begging you”
this perfectly showed us how different these two are and how their traumas and history shape who they are as people today, jiwoo doesn’t love seojoon any less than seojoon loves him, but sometimes we messed up and we hurt the people who loves us the most. and this is when we need those people to say “its ok, when is hard i will go to you” and i will love you and i will fight for us
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i want bring up one last thing, should they take a break to get some therapy before getting back together? uhm, yes to therapy always, but no on the separation, i dont believe in the idea that we have to be healed and complete before we are allowed to be in a relationships, who is to say that we can be 100% healed from our traumas? aren’t we just learning to live with it and not let it get the better of us as we go? to love and be loved is a big part of our journey to heal, you don’t have to struggle all by yourself untill you are fit to be loved. 
life is short, if you have found your forever person, don’t let them go. as much as we should cut out toxic people from our lives, we should hold on to the people that makes us happy. i dont know if those among us who identify with jiwoo will ever find their own seojoon, god i hope we do, but i think that if we all just learn from seojoon to love and forgive more we would be one step closer to our own happiness. 
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credit of the wonderful pictures: twitter user @_ouruniverse09
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selamat-linting · 1 year
there was a few things i missed and got wrong on my homestuck liveblog yesterday. first of all, i mistook terezi with kanaya with that morallegiance chat with vriska. makes sense, they used to be roleplay buddies until that mess of an incident. not taking away vriska's responsibility from that clusterfuck but, wonder how much of it is doc scratch influence. good god girl, why are you gambling with a literal god? also WHY rose is trusting that white ball asshole? i dont like him at all. he's basically responsible to a lot of the mess the trolls and beta kids is going through.
anyway, at the last page i left off, terezi and vriska's attitude towards each other is largely shown in the boy-off with dave and john. with karkat screaming in the background (he always screams in the background). so its easy to miss that theyre very much in a weird complicated, frenemy state with each other. that in between space where you're not sure if theyre genuinely fucking hates each other or theyre ribbing on each other like two meanspirited friends do. i've been there sister, i've been there.
speaking of vriska (again, because she is my child who has every disease), oh her relationship/friendship with tavros is very conflicted and, i dare say, delicious? this is something that im sure would hit even harder if tavros wasnt relegated to the butt of ableist jokes more than he's treated as a character but. trust me. imagine youre tavros. your friend(?) is vriska. she crippled you, she saved your life, she berates you at every turn, she kissed you. deep down she only wants best for you. she wanted you to kill her. she wanted you to hate her enough to do it. she doesnt want to bleed to death alone. she's begging you to kill her. she's could have forced you to do it but she doesnt. because this is for you both to grow stronger and survive. thats all she wanted all along. for you both to thrive in a world that eats you alive. she needs you to kill her. oh god *head in hands*
-so its really really sad to see vriska being so lonely after killing tavros. she dug a hole too deep to get out alone and the remaining friends she had that could have accepted her again are all dead or too burned out of her. i wish they both can meet each other again. just to talk and find closure. like, tavros deserves to be angry with vriska and he deserves to have that peace he always wanted from her. and vriska deserves to start being a better person and getting some peace of mind. she deserves a chance, is all im saying. like, its okay if tavros cant give it to her. but some of her friends could. maybe terezi? the worst they ever do to each other in terms of direct harm is the eye injury. or maybe karkat? oh god i dont want to hear them arguing, i would go deaf!
-at least vriska has john! its nice to see them being friends with each other. Tbh john has been a breath of fresh air (hehe) in all the doom and gloom. im not looking forward to him meeting his dead dad but right now, my boy is walking around the village with one of the finest music i heard so far. and then he drive a flying car with WV. its just, he is so positive and amidst a set of characters who lost all of their innocence, he remains as the one guy who tries to enjoy the game and take everything in stride. he felt smug when the salamanders keep referencing in his title, he bought everyone hats and snacks, he gave moral support to vriska. the harley and egbert family is so positive about everything and its so endearing!
-AND JADE! fuck yeah she's starting to show how awesome she is. YES JADE say fuck you to karkat! its been long overdue!!! she also should say fuck you to vriska too as a treat. and fuck you to tavros too. and fuck you to that prince of hope (more like doom lol) who blew up her computer. she deserve monetary compensation to deal with that troll polycruel.
-special mention to dave btw. i dont remember him doing anything particularly exciting lately but i believe he's the one carrying the team. john and jade had to do their quest to be effective in defeating the english demon guy (the brits are all demons lol) and rose had to be their prime researcher and strategist, so he basically did the save everyone's ass part. i cant wait to see him hang out with terezi. Also is it bad of me to want him go godtier? Like, it would be interesting.
-and other time aspect characters i want to appreciate, aradia! babygirl have finally get rid of her hopelessness and come back to life! and now she's bringing the gang back together!!! and putting the pieces on why gamzee suddenly breaks. too bad gamzee never had a chance to show his personality. anyway, im starting to think i was wrong about lil cal. like, i think it was posessed but oh no its just bro moving him around, but somehow that fucking puppet is the one wrapped up in literally everything. aradia finds that shitty doll and somehow its connected to gamzee losing it and the game sgurb and doc scratch and... whats going on????
-in conclusion, timebound kids are always the one carrying the team. they are hard to find but theyre the one who could determine how you win or lose the game.
-but how can i forget? kanaya! she came through. i really thought she was dead! but she is alive, and she kills people with a chainsaw than apply lipstick to her bloodstreak lips. she is trying so hard to be Hinged. final girl behavior fr. i wonder how she's going to meet rose again. i hope she talked rose out of that suicide mission.
-and can we talk about karkat? man, imagine leading an army of kids who did kill and maim each other before the game even starts. imagine being the lowest of the social hierarchy and trying to make the most toxic friendgroup filled with racists and murderers to listen to you. imagine being able to do that despite all the odds, bring them to victory, and have the price right on your hands only for it to be ripped away and your friends devolve into chaos and murder several hours later. its a failure of untold magnitude. no wonder he's so disturbed and angry at himself and everyone.
-okay now that im done with the characters. i want to compliment how good everyone looks. the art and the fashions are all sooo amazing. the talksprite is also wonderful. im inclined to change my pfp into feferi's talksprite because i like her design so much. also because hooray! She's just dead, not corrupted by horrorterrors. in my mind she is laughing at tavros and doomed dave rap battle while surrounded by beautiful scenery
-also, i cant believe infinite stairs are referenced AGAIN with sollux and karkat. and SMUPPET ASS JOKE? on tavros dead body? lmao. okay i need to see smuppet ass on dave again. he was just so funny with it. and karkat shipping craze with jadesprite and jade. the jokes are really good, fr
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mxtantrights · 3 years
The magic-spy and the bird
the best friends brother trope is in my top 5 tropes. but I've also got a thing for angst. So here we areeeee. enjoy! <3
dick Grayson x f!reader
Jason Todd had asked you specifically to ask his brother out. And he did use the word brother, which you made a point to bring up. He shot it down but still decided to push his message towards you. You should ask Dick out. It wasn’t that simple.
“Jay I don’t think you’ve thought this through.” you said.
He chuckled, “Of course I did. I wouldn’t say it out loud if it wasn’t a well-cooked plan.” 
You made a face at him.
“Okay look, all I'm saying is you’ve got nothing to lose. If anything you're way out of his league.” he said and then gulped down the rest of his beer.
You didn’t like beer and so you worked on a Pina colada. You had done the whole beer thing for years now. As a trained spy it was your go-to for missions at bars. Safe to say you were sick of ales, craft beers and everything in between.
“Ah yes, the magic using spy.” you nodded your head.
Jason nodded along with you. 
“Exactly. Bird brains would eat that up.” he said.
“And when would I tell him that I knew about his secret identity? Before I tell him about mine or after?” you asked. 
Jason sighed and raised his hand for another beer. You rolled your eyes at this. Once he had a thought it was very hard for him to let it go. Especially when it included a thought about people he cared for- no matter how much he claimed the opposite. 
“All Im saying is, you never know until you try.” 
“What are you a fortune cookie?” 
“Fuck off. I’m being serious and I do give great advice you can ask Duke.” 
You look at Caliban with bated breath. He had just gotten info on a magic-based rebellion. Work was tight when you rolled with the good guys for too long of a time. You blame that on two men on your life, Jason and Constantine. 
“I’ll put in a good word for you.” he says.
“Thank you, I really appreciate it. And any-”
Before you can finish telling Caliban that he can call in a favor from you at anytime your surroundings change. In a flash you go from one of the underworld crime bars to a room you’ve never been in before.
You look around and sure enough you see the culprit. Constantine.
“There she is!” he smiles.
Not only did he summon you, he did so in front of an audience. Circled around him is Gotham’s crime fighting family. All of them except Jason, Cass and Duke. All of which know about your secret identity and would’ve stopped Constantine from summoning you. The rest of the family are all looking at you liked you’ve grown a second head.
You look down at what you’re wearing. The long sleeve off the shoulder skin tight black dress was the perfect choice for the club you were supposed to be in. Maybe not so much for a meeting with the Bats and his birds.
You look right ahead at Constantine, “I don’t like being summoned.” 
“Ah, but you’re the best person I know for this job. I had to get you over here.” he says.
You take a quick look at all the other people in the room. Then at the screen behind them. Your information is plastered on it. Well, the information that you’ve decided to let the government think was yours. Your codename was at the top of the screen.
“Constantine says that you’re the best way into the underworld.” Batman says.
You’re confused to say the least. Constantine was Constantine, why would he call you in order to get them into the underworld when he can do it himself? It defeats the purpose of having to call him.
“I’m sorry,” you direct to Batman and then look at your friend, “I need you to state specifically what I’m needed for.” 
Constantine moved from the family over to you. As he did you watched as Nightwing followed him with his own eyes. Now Dick knows you’re not just Jason’s friend from around Gotham. Great.
“Bats got intel that something it going down with this magic group, the-” he starts. “hex mutiny.” you finish.
“You already know about them?” Nightwing says.
“I was just getting someone to put in a good word for me with them before you summoned me here. You’ve got great timing you know that?” you say to Constantine.
He smiles, “Well then it seems like you can be of great service, spygames.”
“And what exactly would I be doing, if I can even get a spot with them?” you throw out the question to the family.
Red Robin crosses his arms, “We need someone on the inside to tell us what they are planning for Gotham.”
“I doubt they’d let a newbie in on their plans.”
“Good thing you won’t be a newbie.” Batman says.
Constantine conjures an amulet in his hand. You want to hit him over the head. He could really be a pain in the ass. You grab it from him.
“With this, you’ll be in the perfect position to get in and get out. Easy.” he says.
You shake your head, “Every time you say that I get a new scar.” 
“I promise sweetheart. No scars this time.” 
“Yeah yeah, you owe me for this.”
You knew you would end up wounded. Typically with Constantine it was nothing deadly, or nothing your own magic couldn’t fix. But you knew that your luck had to run out some day. And it wasn't his fault.
After finding out what the group was really up to you couldn’t just let them operate. They weren’t really rebels. No they used that name to paint a narrative. They were fascists.
You held the wound to your waist to stop the bleeding. This would have to be the farthest you could go. There was no way you could run out of this. Not with the blood seeping through the cracks of your fingers.
At least you brunt the members down to the ash. It took a lot out of you. And that’s why you weren’t prepared for a hit that tore right through you. 
“Why aren’t you moving?” Jason, or Redhood, said through the comms.
You leaned against the hallway wall.
At least you’d die someplace pretty. When you first came in you didn't notice how clean and meticulous everything was. There were painting of famous magicians on the walls. Along with some stolen art, a Van Gogh or two. 
You ripped the amulet off your neck and felt the illusion fade. The necklace fell to the floor and you let out a pained breath.
“I think,” you coughed and on the clean wall was not splatters of blood, “this is it.”
You could hear Jason shouting on the other end. He was calling out your name, calling out for Constantine to come and help you. Duke was calling for you too. And you could’ve sworn you heard Cass say your name once. 
With your only free hand you tried to open a portal out of the base. You knew it would be useless as you had a mortal wound and portal magic works best under no stress and panic, or blood loss. The usual light from your hands glowed faintly until it didn’t.
“Constantine can’t summon you?” Dick asked.
At that you let your body drag down the wall until you reached the floor. When you did sit down more blood came out. So you decided to lay down horizontally. 
“Hey hey- I told you I wasn’t gonna let anything happen to you.” you hear Constantine through the comms.
You want to laugh, but it ends out more of a chocked gargle.
“I screwed up the mission. I deserve it.” you said.
“You did good. Better than any of us.” Batman said.
“Constantine you need to call in whatever favors you have to get her out of there. Now!” Jason shouted.
“Dont,” you started.
“No. We’re getting you out of there-”
“Jason, I’m not a saint. I never would’ve imagined going out like this.” you said.
Once you were born you were thrusted in this world. All you knew was to use magic as a weapon. To get ahead, to get power, to get the glory. And that lasted you until you turned 19. 
Then Constantine crossed paths with you. He was the one to show you that magic has other uses. Such as helping and healing. You learned the best stuff from him.  And you took what you learned and began to help in ways you could.
You didn’t go on the straight and narrow. Never did you consider yourself a morally correct person. Sometimes the lines were blurred, or they need to be blurred. And so you took down seedy organizations, went on recon missions all over the world.
It wasn’t justice. But it was close enough that you could sleep at night or the odd hours of the morning for more than four hours.
“Sweetheart I don’t break my promises.” Constantine said finally.
You were just beginning to feel your eyes grow heavy. The pain was starting to be comfortably numb. Then above you appeared someone you weren’t expecting in the slightest. 
“Caliban?” you asked.
“You owe me double.”
When you woke up you felt battered and weak You weren’t used to these feelings and you weren’t used to being so close to death. Everyday was a new experience when you’re the Priestess of Espionage.
You cracked open one eye to find a couple of deviants at your side. Jason, Duke and Cass. The youngest took the chair next to you while Duke and Jason seemed to take the floor. Since they weren’t in their gear you guessed that you were out for longer than a couple of hours.
“Not my version of hell but I’ll allow it.” you say in a raspy voice.
It wakes everyone up.
Jason and Duke bolt to your bedside.
“Why’d you almost die on me?” and “Are you feeling okay?” come from them both, respectively. It makes you want to laugh but when you feel the ache in your waist you stop yourself.
“I’m alive, so there’s that. Positives.” you answer.
Jason shoots his younger siblings a look and they scurry out the room. You try to sit up to ask what it was for but he puts his hands up for you to stop any movement. So you lay back down.
“He would kill me if you tore your stitches.” 
You shut your eyes, “Jason I don’t think Constantine would kill you per say.”
You hear the door opening so you decide to open your eyes. And sure enough you see Jason leaving the room and someone coming in. Dick Grayson, out of his suit as well. 
As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t read his face. Besides the clear betrayal that was there. He definitely knew that you knew he’s Nightwing.
“Hi.” you say.
His face softens, “Hi.”
“I just want to say that I would’ve told you about who I am. Sooner that you think actually but this mission kinda derailed all of that.” you say.
With his arm crossed over his chest he nods, “How long did you know I was Nightwing?”
You wince.
“For about two years now. Once Jason told me he was Red it was hard to not notice the similarities of the Wayne family and the Bat one.” 
He laughs at that and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. It must be going good if he wants to laugh. 
“And when did he tell you that I like you?” he asks.
“He didn’t explicitly say that.” 
There’s a beat of silence. You’re looking at him and he’s looking at you. But he’s the one who seems to be holding his breath this time. You try to hide the smirk you feel forming on your lips.
“What?” he asks.
“Jason had told me that I should ask you out. He didn’t say anything about you liking me.” you answer him.
The red tint that covered Dick Grayson was absolutely adorable.
He nods his head to himself. Twice.
“I- I’m gonna get Jason for you.” he moved to the door.  And you don’t really know what to say. All your words get jumbled in your brain and you can’t put them together in a way that is smooth enough so you deicide to just try your best.
“If you were to ask me out, I would say yes.” you say.
He looks directly at you. Then his signature smirk appears.
“I’ll bring back some food for later.” he says.
“it’s a date.” you answer.
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 3 years
Teaching Sanji how to make a meal he’s never heard of
Did this for randomly for fun, idk the idea hit me as i was drinking coffee at 5am. this is completely unrevised and unedited so its probably all over the place knowing my tired self. 
Also a few of my irl friends know this acc and im suddenly im kinda hella embarrassed to post anything lmao
hrng theres always so much dialogue but im to lazy to add a background and stuff for a proper one shot aaaaa
it was a lazy day on the sunny
the next island was still quite a ways away so everyone was doing there own thing to pass the time
but you were feeling kinda hungry, so of course you call sanji over
arriving at your side in record breaking speeds he smiled as he grabbed your hand and kissed it
“how may i help you my love?”
you returned his smile and laughed
“im feelin kinda hungry, do you think you can make me something to eat?”
he seemed to glow at your request and nodded his head
“Of course i can y/n-swan! Do you have something in mind or should i just make the usual”
you tilted your head in thought as you thought of the dish
“Actually i do have an idea”
You told him the dish and expected him to immediately run off like always but instead he blinked
“Erm...can you repeat that please?”
Telling it to him once more, the blond frowned and closed his eyes in thought
“I don’t believe i’ve ever heard of this dish, do you think you can describe it?”
“Sanji, don’t tell me you’ve never heard of this dish before?!” you say, eyes wide with shock
And now he feels even more guilty than before
He knows that there are food and meals out there he’s never heard of, but now when your requesting one of them and he cant do anything about it? He feels awful
“I apologize y/n-swan. I’ll make you some--” you interrupt him by poking his chest “Nope you’re not gonna cook anything now” 
This time he’s the one whos surprised
“Bu-” “Alright Sanji, today im going to teach you one of the best meals out there” 
Grabbing his hand, you lead him to the kitchen with a smile
“Y/n-swan...you can cook??” “Of course i can! I may not be a pro like you are, but i know a couple dishes pretty well. Only reason you don’t ever see me in the kitchen is simply because im lazy. Plus i prefer your cooking more, feels like im eating food that only royalty deserves”
His heart seemed to explode at that, he quickly pulled you back into a tight hug
“Y/n-swaaaaan~! What did i do to deserve an angel like you?” you laughed and hugged him back equally as tight
Once you finally made it to the kitchen, the chef grew excited
Excited to learn a new dish, excited that you are the one teaching it to him, excited to taste his lovely s/o’s cooking for the first time
You turned to him and crossed your arms
“Alright, how do you want to do this? Do you want to do it while i explain the steps, or do you want to just watch me make it?”
He thought for a few moments. While he was tempted to do it himself, he really wanted to try your cooking 
“I’ll watch you do the cooking, but i’ll help prep if thats alright with you. Just tell me what to grab and ill get it!”
You nodded your head and begun to list the ingredients
Throughout the whole process, Sanji was much quieter than you had initially thought he would be
Much less fawning over your actions, and more determination and focus as his blue eyes watched every little thing you did
Every now and then he would ask some questions or clarification but he didn’t say much else
Though actually, i think he would randomly give compliments to you while you cooked 
Soon enough the meal was complete, and suddenly you became slightly self conscious about your cooking
“Alright Sanji, the plating is a bit messy, and the flavors are probably not up to your standards but-” “Nonsense. I’m sure it tastes amazing, after all you were the one to make it”
You sigh and place the dish in front of him
He inspects the dish for a few seconds, turning it around and smelling it, sometimes gave it a light poke or two before finally taking a bite
He closes his eyes as he chewed but they suddenly shot open
“This is really good!”
“Really? You don’t have to be nice you know, its fine if you dont like it” you say but he shakes his head
“No no, this is seriously really delicious! Amazing job y/n-swan! The seasoning is amazing and the texture is very nice, the flavor isn’t too strong or light its just right. This is a great dish that I will definitely try to make in the future”
You can’t help but get a bit flustered at the compliments
“Thats..thats very sweet of you to say thank you” 
You lean over the table and kiss his cheek
From that alone he had to fight against getting a nose bleed honestly
“Now eat up, i believe you were the hungry one after all” he says and you nod
“Sure, lemme just grab another plate and fork and we can split it” you say but he quickly stands up “Here, let me grab it for you. Its the least i can do”
Standing up, he walks towards where the dishes and silverware is but pauses
“Instead of dirtying more things, how about you let me feed you?” he asks with a cheeky smile
You roll your eyes with a smile, deciding to indulge him of his request you nod
“You know what? Sure why not”
Later on he would practice the dish and have you taste it to see if it was correct/to your liking
Unsurprisingly, It only took him a few attempts to nail it 
Another one to add his own flair to it and make it even better
And man, the proud grin he had when he served you this dish
Like many of his other dishes, he practiced it to the point where he could probably make this perfectly blind folded
He gives you a sincere thank you for teaching him a new dish
Will make it for you whenever you ask
But please make him more food, he absolutely loved your cooking and hope it wasn’t a one time thing
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Son of none
Based off this post: Aka Percy Weasley was abandoned by his family and I don’t think they realised just how much danger an 18 civilian blood traitor son would be when stuck behind enemy lines. Well never fear, a fic is here as if I don’t have any other drafts...any whoooo
Warning for blood, torture, self loathing. Mentions of bullying and neglect. Cursing.
(Also while writing this I was listening to Polaris by Natewantstobattle and...yeah if you want more angst while reading this listen to them and think of Percy :)  )
Percy deserved this.
Knowing that didn't change things. It didn’t make it easier to make it duck past the office that had once belonged to Barty Crouch Sr without feeling dread and greif. As harsh as the man could be and that he had not bothered to learn Percy's name... Percy still mourned his loss. For all that he was, Barty Crouch Sr had been a good man.
Life at the ministry taught him quickly, that kind of wizard was few and far between.
He wondered if the look Barty Crouch Sr had shared with his son before his death wax the same his father had shared with him the day he left.
Maybe it wasn't wise to compare yourself to a deranged murderer, but if that's the kind of wizard his family thought he was...
It was stern, drenched in spite that was not unlike his old potions professor. But sadly even Snapes treatment of him in class did not hold a candle to what was happening now.
Percy lifted his head, it felt heavy. Infact all of him felt that he was on fire. The figure infront of him came into focus, not that Perch could quite recall his name. Edward? No that didn't seem right. Not Edward was his wand in hand and looked very annoyed, his dark mark was on full display.
Percy became very well aware in that moment that he couldn't move. He was bound to a chair in a room that looked very much like a cellar. He was still in his ministry robes, though they were dirty and tattered and stained in something.
It took Percy longer than he should've to realise it was his own blood. Not that he knew where he was bleeding from. "You Gryffindors and your bloody stubbornness" sneered Not Edward, he was a broad man, towering over Percy.
"You're wasting my time, and yours of you don't hurry up and tell me where your family is hiding." Percy shook his head, defiantly even if his body protested at the sudden movement. "Like I said before, even if I did know, I would never tell you." 
And than Not Edward would shout profanities all the while using his subordinates to use Percy as target practice till he passed out. That had been the cycle for... Well he wasn't sure for how long. Apart from the first time when Percy had weaved a convincing story about the family heading to Romania to hide away with Charlie...a whole false hunt that ended with the brand he now had on his arm. 
But this time was different.
Not Edward smirked "thought you'd say that, no matter. We've found out how to get there attention, and they'll hand themselves over." Percy laughed, it was a strangled and it sent another wave of pain through his body.
Not Edward was still smirking, in fact if anything his confidence grew. "And better yet, you're going to the bait that brings them here." And that stopped Percy laughing at once, he was quieter. "What makes you think they'd come" the words were barely above a whisper that echoed throughout the room.
Not Edward (Percy really needed to learn this man's name for his own internal monologue's sake) rolled his eyes "don't pull that on me, you Weasely's are more attached than a bunch of grapes. Rest assured, they'll be coming one way or another."
With that he left. Percy tried not to think about the fact a death eater had more confidence in his families arrival than he did. His mind wandered to the day he left, guilt pooled in his stomach. No amount of head trauma would erase the disgust and rage in Arthur’s eyes, Percy knew at that moment he had lost all right to call the man father. 
He could never look him in the eye again, he couldn’t even look himself in the mirror without seeing him staring back. His mothers eyes haunted him, she’d been the only one to try to reach out but he had slammed that back in her face. Not that Percy should have been surprised, he’d always been a parasite. 
If anything they must’ve been relived to be rid of him. 
They wouldn’t come, he knew that. Than why did his heart race, did tears threaten to fall and his stomach churn at the thought? Percy thought of his siblings, young and old...they wouldn’t have given him a second thought. Fred and George would mourn the loss of their favourite target, but they would move on they all would if they hadn’t already. 
For Percy though, this was the end of the line. 
Weasley family dinners were always something else, Bill knew this better than most. He smiled to Fleur who sat at his side, amusement on her face as they both watched Molly do as she does best. It was organised chaos at its finest, and while Shell cottage was a far cry from the Burrow, somehow it all came together. Harry was laughing at a story Ginny and the twins were telling, Charlie and Hermione were actually helping Molly along with Arthur. 
But even with how familiar it was, it was missing a certain brother rolling his eyes at the story and telling the true ending to the annoyance of the twins. Who would than direct the others to helping out with dinner to there mothers amusement. 
Ever since the watch, a muggle watch at that had arrived on his wedding day, with no name for the sender but only Bill’s name signed by an all too familiar handwriting...Bill hadn’t been able to take his mind of his little brother. His absence at his wedding and just seeing him around the house stuck out like a sore thumb to Bill. He wasn’t the only one either, he could see how his Mum would pause her eyes searching before looking down and moving onto something else.
Much like now when she put down the plates and realised that she’d left a little extra to the side. “Mum, I get that you miss him but you can’t keep doing this. Percy’s not coming back” the first to say it was Charlie, his voice soft like he was talking to an irate dragon. “Good riddance” that came from Ginny, in that whisper that wasn’t even trying to be quiet. 
Instantly Molly became much like a dragon. “Ginevera Molly Weasley, don’t you dare speak about your brother like that!” She yelled, hot tears burning in her eyes. “Molly...” Interjected Arthur, putting a calming hand on his wife’s shoulder “you can’t blame her for her anger. Come on, let’s dig in.” And that should have been the end of it but Molly turned to him, her own temper boiling. 
“Don’t you start, Arthur. Don’t you tell me I should be sat eating dinner while my son is out all alone.” She spat. “Mum, it’s fine Percy’s probably having high tea with the new minister, talking about the importance of  cauldron bottoms” snickered Fred, “pfft yeah, just sat around telling the dark lord about his book report” agreed George. Bill frowned, as did Fleur but that was nothing compared to Molly. 
Her gaze hardened and the twins shut up instantly, they’d never seen her this mad. “I dont care if you hate him, I don’t care if this isn’t my home...you speak of my son following HIM, get out of my sight now.” She said, slumping into a nearby chair. Bill stood up, putting his own hand in his mums which she took gratefully. “Percy may be the most ambitious lion around, but he wouldn’t join you know who. He left to join the ministry because that's what he believed in, death eaters isn’t even in the equation.”
And Bill meant those words. More than he ever thought he would. 
“Though is there any difference between the death eaters and the ministry anymore?” Asked Harry, the place was filled with them after all. “Yeah? Might be but they’ve kept the employees, not that I know what’s going on in there anymore.” Said Arthur, adding his 2 galleon’s into the mix. “And there not going to take kindly to a Weasley” Said Hermione, making everyone look down as if they hadn’t just realised that. 
It didn’t matter if Percy had disowned himself, his family was very much publicly fighting the people he was now stuck with. 
And that was when fate decided to be extra cruel and the radio burst into life. 
“Greetings from the Ministry. Our daily transmission has already been received today but we have an exceptional treat for the wizarding public. We will be instead hosting an interview with one of our newest employees, give a hand folks to Percival Ignatius Weasley.”
Everyone in the room froze, and yet Ron who was the only one of the family minus Fleur not to speak, ran to the radio and put the volume as loud as he could. 
“Say hello your family, Percival.” Taunted the voice, it was very gleeful as it spoke. No response was heard. “Oh, silly me I forgot how many hours you young people work, not to worry let’s get him up boys.” 
A splash was heard and a shuddering scream. “Morning Percival, sorry do you prefer Percy? Don’t care, lets start the interview. So Percival, how are you finding the ministry?” Everyone sat with baited breathe.
And yet it was there Percy who, through shuddered breaths managed to whisper a “fuck you...fuck you and your ministry”
“Well that is very rude, and here I thought your mother would have taught you manners” “don’t...don’t you talk about her.” Said Percy, Molly broke down into tears and Bill held her close. Unable to tear his gaze from the radio, no one could. 
“What do you want to say them? I’m sure they’ve missed you. In fact, just for you we’ll be hosting a party. And there all invited to the ministry, so long as they bring a certain Mr Potter.” 
There was a silence before “don’t come...don’t. Whatever you do, don’t... it’s fine. I’m fine, I love it here.” He laughed, everyone cringed at the sound he made, as if he was choking. “It’s fine, don’t come...parties are overrated yeah.” The transmission started cutting off, Ron frantically along with the twins tried to get it working. 
They heard “too busy. Don’t come, Harry don’t...stay where you are!” Before the  transmission cut off.
No one could speak, horror was etched into all of there faces. The twins were scrabbling over themselves with wand in hand to track where the transmission had come from. 
The Ministry. 
“We’re going...now” said Molly, standing up. Her tears were gone, grabbing for her wand and coat. “Molly...be rationale, we need to plan this.” Said Arthur, Molly spun on her heel and glared. “I am not going to sit here while those...monsters torture MY son! Planning will take to long, did you hear him Arthur?! Did you hear your son crying out in pain...he doesn’t have long left...” Arthur looked down, unable to respond. 
Molly looked at the rest of the family, her gaze saying it all: You can come with me or you can stay. The first to stand was Bill, closely followed by Fleur who met his thankful gaze with a determined smile. Charlie and Ron were next, grabbing there wands with Harry and Hermione following. Ginny and the twins exchanged guilty looks but stood. Arthur couldn’t look at any of them, he simply picked up his wand. 
“Harry, I understand if you wish to stay” said Molly, he shook his head. “I might not know him well but Percy’s family 2...I cant sit here while you guys go even with the danger.” He replied, and somehow that was all it was, Percy was family...enough said. 
And so the family of lions got up and left, to find the one they left behind. 
Percy was terrified.
A part of him argued that he should be grateful they came at all for him. Maybe it was out of pity, out of ensuring that he wasn't able to be used against them.
Yes, that's all it was. He was nothing afterall, he was merely a civilian in a war.
And yet hearing Molly tearfully and frantically whisper his name. Hearing Hermione yell the counterspell to his imprisonment to Ron who did so perfectly. Seeing the light of spells cast by Ginny and the twins to stun Not Edward... (Who was apparently called Edgar... Eh close enough.)
Feeling Charlie carry him in his arms, mumbling curse words. Smelling Arthur's cologne.
It all felt right. It was warmth that he couldn't remember experiencing. It was enough to lull him to a facade that everything was fine.
But when his wounds were healed and he saw them all looking at him... Percy knew he had to shelf that dream. "I told you not to come" was the first thing he said, averting his gaze. (Couldn't look them in the eye)
"And you must've lost a few screws if you thought we wouldn't" said Bill, meeting Percy's gaze. "You shouldn't have" is all he replied. "And what, let you be killed by the ministry?" Gaped Ginny. Percy shrugged "wouldn't have made much difference, you've only gone and put yourselves in more danger."
"Are you... Are you fucking with us right now?" Asked Fred, incredously. "No, im too busy ranting about cauldron bottoms to do that." And if Fred paused, Percy didn't see it.
Seeing as no one was getting anyway, Bill sat beside Percy who immediately felt on edge. "Thanks for the watch" he said simply. Everyone blinked in confusion and than realisation as no one has known where Bill's new watch had come from. Percy smiled faintly "You're welcome, reminded me of you."
"Although, I do wish you could've gave it in person" continued Bill, testing the waters. Percy surprised him by shaking his head "no you wouldn't have. It was your day, I wasn't going to ruin it." Bill frowned "is that what you think?" Percy shrugged again "it's what I've been told."
"You are way to chill after being tortured" said Charlie, Percy looked at his bandaged arms and snorted. "Eh? It's nothing new. That guy was just there for the theatrics, sadist if you ask me." Charlie raised an eyebrow "nothing new?" Percy nodded "yeah, what you think the ministry that's so far up Voldermorts ass would allow me to work there without some 'interviews'."
Everyone paled.
"But than why stay there?" Asked Arthur, Percy froze. Steeling himself, switching from calm to panic to calm in an instant but they all saw. "I've got business there, things I need to get done and ensure are done. Speaking of which, thanks for the rescue but I should be off."
He didn't belong here. Not anymore.
"Percy, you can stay." Said Molly, already standing up to get his room prepared. "No, I can't. I have work, I have a duty... And I'm no longer part of this family." When he said that, Percy felt like the wind was knocked out of him but stood his ground. "Percy... That's not true.."
Percy met Arthur's gaze, his father's eyes. "Really? Than pray tell why did no one tell me you were all in hiding... Or a warning? And don't say it was impossible because I managed to send a parcel to a location I didn't even know about nor knew existed."
No one could answer that.
"I'll be off, and don't worry I won't tell them anything. Just do what you do best, and leave me alone." Arthur managed to grab Percy's wrist though he hissed in pain and pulled his arm back like he'd been burnt. "Don't.. Touch me, Arthur Weasely."
Arthur recoiled, Percy looked away. "I spent my whole life wanting to be someone you could be proud off...I listened to all the critism and yes I was a prat. But the moment I made my own choice you already made me aware I didn't belong in my own house. I’m sorry...that I’m not athletic like Ginny, I’m not smart like Ron or as successful as Bill and Charlie, I’m not a hero like a Ron or fun like Fred and George. That I’m just plain ol prat Percy.”
He began to walk away. Just like he did before.
"That choice was against following Dumbledor, turning against the light." Said Molly, wanting him to understand. Percy laughed, with no humour at all but glaring hard. Rage emanated from him.
"I'm sorry if I choose not to stand behind an old coot who routinely sends an abused boy to his abusers, who nearly got 3 11 yearolds killed because he wanted to weed out a possibility. Who nearly got thousands of children killed and did nothing to save Ginny with the chamber. The man who wouldn't give an innocent man a trial and got him sent to the worst prison for 12 years... Who put teenagers in a death game and let an underage kid join because why not. That man is a monster and I refuse to follow someone like that. But no that means I'm blindly following authority." He sneered, staring at them all.
"And the ministry? Because as corrupt and fucked up as it is I know I can do something. That changes can be made in the systems to benefit everyone, Dumbledor is someone who breeds child solider’s and let's a known abuser teach at his school and somehow I’m the only one who isn't okay with that."
And with that Percy left, no one knew what to say. They simply sat in silence, absorbing everything they just heard. Ginny thought about how Percy had profusely apologised after she was free from the chamber, how he’d made time for her since than. Ron thought of all the times they’d have an adventure and Percy would watch over them like a mother hen. 
Bill and Charlie recalled when Percy would still come to them for help before he started Hogwarts. When they found him bruised and broken from bullies except this was because of them. “He really thinks that doesn’t he...?” Said Fred, George nodded. Neither could smile, guilt pooled in their hearts that they didn’t think he felt like that. 
Molly sobbed for her son who was once again lost and Arthur wondered where he had gone wrong to lose his son all over again. 
Meanwhile Percy entered a muggle flat in London. Alone again just like he belonged, laying on his bed and looking at the brand on his arm.
'Son of none'
And if that didn't hurt most of all.
Suffice to say they all things to think about for when they’d meet again. 
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dreamrecorder · 3 years
Hey, I love love love your stuff! I noticed you had your requests open and I hope this isn't too much to ask and of course if it is you can just ignore it!
But I recently made the decision to finally get a hysterectomy this summer after eight years of struggling with endometriosis and adenomyosis, and even though I know I never want kids anyway it's still kind of been nerve wracking and it's also been making me insecure? Its like... Also a lack of choices for my future? Idk it's a little complicated and I wouldn't blame you for turning this request down, but do you think you could write some zhongli fluff and comfort for me? I just kinda want something to read when I'm feeling nervous and insecure and could use some serotonin. Tysm, love your stuff a lot
Have a great day! Ily
Always You
Zhongli x F!Reader
I honestly dont know if this was fluff enough because i kinda relate about some stuff here ksks- but pls pls pleeease i hope you would enjoy reading this- and if you need to talk to someone- i'll have my ears open ily- it was very brave of you to come up with that tough decision and i am proud uwu you are so so so strong i hope you know that
Bleed*** - menstruation basically but i kept things vague
You came from a very traditional family, whose roots dated back during the early years of Liyue. As such, your family also have equally traditional views on womanhood. One of these is that, it is your duty to bear children for your future husband. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to bring honor to your family.
When you became of the expected age to have bled- you never did. You and your parents waited for months for any signs of your first bleeding- any sign that you can bear children. But you never bleed.
You remember the horror in your mother's face. The disappointment in your father's.
That day, you seethed at yourself for being who you are but you made a decision to keep your head high. A woman has more capabilities than simply bearing children. It was a motivation that kept you going through the years- however there are times when you would gaze upon women smiling on their children,
There was this twist in your heart- prominent realizations that you can never have what they have…
Zhongli became a blooming point in your life. He was gentle and kind, smart and handsome- all qualities that any woman would want. He was so understanding and patient, but you never told him your secret. Yes, you trusted the man- yet you were scared- what would he do when you told him your secret?
Despise you? Leave you? Hate you? Those thoughts only intensified when you see him telling a story to the children that surrounded him one day in the harbor.
It was very subtle, but Zhongli noticed how anxious you behaved these days. You stutter at the simplest questions. You become easily surprised at the smallest unexpected noise. How you also avoided his eyes while you play with the hems of your clothes. Aside from those, he also noticed how you began to put distance between the two of you. At first, he decided not to intervene, for he trusted you that you would tell him your troubles when you are ready. However, when he entered your shared bedroom one night with your eyes glistening with tears- Zhongli knew he should have approached you sooner than have your feelings explode up.
With swift movements, the man went to you. Once close enough, he sat next to you as he gently lift your face for him to see. The way he, wiped your tears away, it made you release a small sob.
"Name, dear, what's wrong? Please tell me. Did I do anything to upset you?" Zhongli spoke with worry lacing his voice as he mulled over any reasons of your distress in his head. But you only shook your head. The man noticed your hesitance, and to resolve that, he simply placed a kiss on your forehead. After which, Zhongli snaked his hand hand to yours so that he could kiss every knuckle. He had hoped that these would ease your tension in your mind.
You needed to tell him the truth, now or never. 
After a few moments, you managed to steady your breathing as you held onto his hand tightly, scared that he would go away.
"I...I cannot bear your children." Was all you said in a whisper- looking away from him, not wanting to see the anger that would surface in his eyes. As for the man, himself- Zhongli was completely confused. He already knew that you didn't want to have kids in the future- and he respected that… After all, the labor of pregnancy will be carried by you- and he respected your views about children- So how did this topic of bearing him children broke you down so much?
"Name, I believe we already spoke about our decision about children. What brought this on? Please, Name, you can tell me anything."
At the question, Zhongli felt your hand grip his tighter. He watched you release a deep breath as you tried to organize your thoughts. With some semblance of calmness in your nerves, you told him you story about not having bled during you teens 'til now.
"I know I don't want kids, Zhongli- b-but…" you voice faded as your insecurities rose, but you felt the comforting touch and gaze your love gave you. A deep sigh and you continued, "But there's also a possibility that our decision might change. Like… I always felt that my choices are limited because of my condition. But you- you just had to choose me and I don't want to limit your life, too. You… you deserve a family, Zhongli."
You spoke the last sentence with your voice cracking. The thought of Zhongli leaving you for a better life- but with all your heart you didn't want to hold him back from having a proper family- A proper wife… Insecurities were rising again- fear, anxiety, loneline-
Your train of thoughts was stopped by the feeling of his lips plant into yours. And all you could do was melt in his arms with tears streaming once more. Both in relief and in sadness. Relief that he would still choose you, and in sadness that you can never be a proper wife he deserves. Once the man pulled away, he looked at you with those very same kind amber eyes that you fell in love with when you met him.
"Name, first of all- I love you, regardless of your condition. Just because you cannot bear me children does not make you any less of a person- Much more make me love you any less. I love you for you being who you are, and that will never change."
As soon as Zhongli had finished his declarations of love, happy tears flowed from your beautiful eyes. When he saw your lips rising into a smile that he adored so much, he whispered, "It will always be you."
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bunnykitty13 · 3 years
I'm so late to the party I know. Did Paulie die?? How?? When?? Like... Wha???
What would've happened if he had stayed, well, dead? Would that be even possible? Hopefully the question isn't that crazy.
TW: in depth depictions of death, blood, and grief
OKAY SO. This is something that has been in DOA for literally so long, I cannot force myself to write it out. I'm very stubborn about keeping it in so bare with me here as I'm still fitting some pieces together logic wise HEHE
(Theres a LOT I need to explain for full context so I'm sowwy for this being so long... Head Full Many Thought ) 
I'm hoping that by the time I reach this scene, I'll have new readers who dont know it's going to happen and that it will be a shock. I'm also hoping that leading up to this point, the reader is well invested in Eliot's headspace and under the impression that his logic mirrors the narrative's logic, because that's what protagonists are for, right?
Eliot (at this point in the story) tends to believe that everything is fate, and a demise like that must be deserved. because no hero or good person had ever suffered something like that and didnt make it out alive in his fairy tale books. This journey into Ashwood he had brought paulie along on was fueled by his own escapism and denial of reality, so when paulie ends up dead (by pure accident, which I'll explain) he is completely caught off guard and left to either 1. Turn back home and admit that his naivety has gotten someone killed AGAIN (his father being the first, technically), or 2.) spiral into denial more and figure out a way to undo it.
It's by pure chance that it was vin's arrow trap, and that vin had woken up to investigate the absolute /wailing/ sound eliot was making after Paulie stopped breathing. This single arrow trap was a means to intimidate, as most Ash Wood citizens know to not to lurk during the night around shops, of all places. The only reason paulie had been unfortunate enough to catch it at the wrong angle (his right lung, specifically) was because he knew eliot was just not fast enough to move out of the way himself. It was a split second decision to push him out of the way, and they both paid for it regardless. Paulie, with his life.
Its not really a quick death, either. I mean, its "quick" but it is definitely drawn out by being a single arrow to one lung. He essentially drowns in his own blood and eliot can do nothing but watch, and pretend like theres something he can do to stop the bleeding. I think paulie knows right away that he is not getting out of it alive, so even in his last moments (in typical paulie fashion putting others needs first) he is desperate to comfort eliot, but it comes off more disturbing than anything. Hes gurgling up blood while he tries to cradle eliots face and push his hair to get a better look at his face, and this definitely only makes eliot weep harder.
I say its lucky that its vin who indirectly did this, because vin has extensive knowledge of the many things magic can do. They have books in their store filled with secrets and lore that is completely unheard of in amber. And amongst these books, is magic in medicine, an idea that is laughable in amber Kingdom. But when eliot threatens to take an eye for an eye when vin approaches him, they mention this book. It's never been done on the deceased before, but its not like paulie can get any dead-er
The only reason this magic even works on Paulie's deceased body is because eliot is so naturally gifted with magic. It works in the sense that he impromptu uses his own blood (which has INCREDIBLE amounts of magic inside) while doing this blood magic to get Paulie's wounds to rapidly heal at a cellular level. It takes a LOT of energy to produce that much magic that quickly, and it makes eliot very very sick for a little bit. (Think like, if you had given a lot more blood than you should have. That's what it does to him.)
He nearly passes out multiple times during the process, and vin does suggest that its likely a lost cause and not worth hurting himself, as the living take priority over the dead. Eliot is a stubborn ass though and he probably would have kept going until it killed him himself 1JAJDUDJSJFJ, it was just real lucky that it worked
I won't go too much into this fact but paulie is having his own "the view from the halfway down" style moment which explains some stuff as well >w>
if paulie had stayed dead, I doubt eliot would have went on to be the protagonist he grows into. He just would not have had the same willingness to fight malorin, and that would be a BIG problem considering how eliot is extremely important to DOA's endgame.
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-03-12
I have been told only a few things about the upd8 that just landed, over Discord by two people:
upd19 feat. 4,901,157 read it. now. note: the featuring note is accurate if in a different base than what you might be expecting
What the fuck does that even mean.
Okay Pretty good chapter.
...from another friend who VERY dislikes HS^2?  Oh shit.
I also glimpsed a post that may or may not have been about Homestuck at all at the top of my Tumblr feed for an instant that said “YES YES YES YES YES” in huge bold print.  I have no idea whether to be excited or nervous.
Okay, it’s not a Bonus update... let me comb through from an earlier page to be careful not to get a spoilerlook at the pagecount...
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...huh.  That seems... like a conversation that would be up my alley, but not necessarily unique so far or worth all this crowing about.  I thought we were about to get Dirk-aliens with a full Horschestra backing... are we getting something else?
> CHAPTER 6. A Conversation Regarding Relevance
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Hmmmmmmmm.  With the contrast between their reactions and this ominous buildup, there’s got to be a serious fun-twist coming.  Right?  --I’ll stop with that talk for the moment though.
space is vast. an unproductive statement, almost a tautology. [...]
Alright, that and the starry background are riffing the fuck off Star Trek.  Nice homage to Andrew’s roots.
the lives of the many are far too volatile and instinct-driven
Alt!Callie what the fuck are you doing.  This is intentional now.  You can’t play this off as “what’s a Star Trek”.
tautologies are, in general, reserved for stories. for narrative device. for finding new and inventive ways to tell an audience that which they already know.
God damnit she’s still doing it
neither of us ever able to convince the other of the righteousness of our stance. we were never meant to agree. it isn’t in our blood.
Blah blah overanalyzing classpect blah
when they scoff at my tautology ‘space is vast’, what do they really know? nothing. as far as any of them have experienced, space does not exist.
It’s still nice to see some real personality leak through on Alt!Callie.  We definitely know from her other self that she can develop quite a relatable and colorful one.  Have the years helped?
> ==>
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dramantic pouse... ........
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-look at that collar.  Damn, Callie, that is a collar
very few have stood and looked into the abyss, the true gulf of nothingness that spreads out around the single point of consciousness adrift in a constellation. all the combined weight of sentient endeavour would quail underneath that sheer, irresistible truth. the realization that they are so small, that the universe cares about their puny lives so very little. sitting in the glowing light of the stars this becomes even more apparent
In the official aspect quiz I never took the time to analyze, the aspects were put on a wheel where Space was a neighbor to Void, if I recall correctly.  I wonder how much those aspects engender feelings of goddamnit I’m doing it again aren’t I
are we out of orange juice?
Yesss let more personality Alt!Callie bleed through, more of it~
Wait, does Alt!Callie even taste through Jade?  Isn’t this remote control?  Is she vicariously drawing pleasure from Jade’s not-just-meat-or-candy mostly-human taste buds or?
> ==>
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JADE: are you talking to me? JADE: because if you are i would like to remind you that i hate!! orange juice!!
no you don’t.
JADE: well i guess i never really had a strong opinion on it before JADE: but now i cant stand it!! JADE: its all you drink!
i like the pulp.
JADE: its my body and i dont want orange juice! JADE: i hate pulp, and i didnt just make that up to spite you JADE: who wants strings in their juice?
i do.
JADE: ughhhhhhhhh
I have had friends hopefully fantasize about and/or therapeutically roleplay this exact situation with Jade breaking through and arguing with Alt!Callie’s control to make this all a fair bit more palatable but I didn’t dare to hope we’d get even THIS much
Maybe the HS^2 authors DO care about not leaving us wallowing in hopeless witness to the characters’ constant torture and existential turbosuffering!!!! :#D
i realize that jade’s situation is less than ideal from a characterization perspective, but i still politely point out that nobody likes a whiner.
Fuck you, this isn’t CALIBORN you’re trying to repress you asshole!  Leave Jade some AGENCY!!!!!  She deserves it!!
JADE: fuck you rude calliope inside my head!
JADE: why dont you try being possessed by the spirit of some other version of a good friend of yours, and floated around a spaceship full of people you love JADE: unable to affect anything or say hello to anyone! JADE: then tell me about whiners!
i killed my brother and consumed him.
JADE: sounds like a you problem
Compromise and give her some agency finally come on compromise and give her some agency you red-text twatwaffle
i suggest to the witch that i have spent untold eons in the void between universes, waiting for the moment i would be needed to prevent the dissipation of reality as we know it. her appeals to emotion will not help her. i will remain unmoved.
Oh god damnit.
JADE: well i had to watch my boyfriend and my brother die in front of me on a tiny scaled version of a world that i shrunk for them! JADE: and then spend the next three years talking to myself, wracked with guilt that id killed them!
Oh. God. Damnit.  This had better not be where the Suicide trigger warning was coming from.  Are there going to be any characters left who DIDN’T emerge from this mess feeling suicidal?!?  (I mean if there were any understandable case it would be three years alone on the golden ship Jade but-- I mean COME ON, we have to discuss that in our FIRST GLIMPSE at her since the epilogues?!?)
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i remind the witch that my time was in the void, which is far darker and lonelier [...]
Oh fuck you don’t compare suffering as an excuse to COMPLETELY body-enslave and squash the agency of someone when you probably don’t have to.  You’re just doing what’s COMFORTABLE alt!Callie admit it.  There’s a way you could give her some leeway, I’m almost positive.
JADE: even if i had the powers of a first guardian, my brain still worked in modules of human pattern recognition! JADE: three years is a long time for a human teenager, i dont care how many of her molecules are made of a god!
(i love it when jade talks smart, that bit of the epilogues was a treat too, plz reveal more of the big brain on jade)
It seems Jade can’t see or quite understand the full import of there being a “narrative”.  Or THINKS she cant, because she still says:
JADE: your voice is impossible to read and i cant see your face
If she’s “reading” alt!Callie’s remarks, that means she’s breaking through to understand the narrative to SOME extent.  She might be one of the ones who learns to do that a little more and better in the future, especially with alt!Callie almost unintentionally training her to see it.
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Oh, good.  So A!C’s not above being considerate.  That’s a step in the right direction.
> ==>
D’aww, Jade conceding and trying to empathize like her usual self.  I appreciate it.  :)  --but Alt!Callie’s definitely in the wrong here.
JADE: but i think it is a very natural thing to be silly when you are used to being able to control your own body, but now cant
i will allow that, yes.
Thanks.  Learn some damned reason.
jade smiles. dave and karkat will always be a source of pain for her, a low ache somewhere in her center of gravity, but she is happy for them. she knows that there is really no other alternative for how to be. they chose each other over her, and they always will. they are the two people who matter to her the most in every universe, and that will not change, no matter how much she wishes it would, no matter how--
JADE: do you actually know that?
pardon me?
Oh, shit.
JADE: do you actually know that im doomed to pine over dave and karkat across every iteration of reality? JADE: like, can you actually see that? JADE: because youre a space player, like i am. JADE: i know that you are more powerful than me, but i dont think you can see other timelines any better than i can JADE: so i think you are just being dramatic JADE: for the “audience”, whatever the heck that means
i experience a moment of unease as jade looks at me. keeping her out of my thoughts is proving to be more difficult than i had first assumed it would be.
That’s a damned interesting question.  I was giving the narrative the benefit of the doubt, but given everything the Epilogues warned us about when it came to the narrators and alt!Callie’s occasional slips into her own bias, I really should have known better.
i had begun confident that i could keep her consciousness sleeping peacefully inside the shell of her body, tamed and quiescent, but she has proved to be more irascible than i initially gave her credit for.
JADE: heheh JADE: i have never been particularly tamable, and my consciousness is huge!
This might end up playing out more like my friend’s Jade-breaks-out roleplays than I initially assumed.  (What does she mean “huge consciousness” though?  Superpowered due to part-First-Guardian, like she alluded earlier in the conversation?  That never got much play before, so it’s great to see that potential realized here a bit...)
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...I’m a fucking idiot.  Of COURSE “huge consciousness” and the whole line around it was just an unsubtle double-entendre.  A small part of me actually wondered if it was and dismissed it as a clumsy reading in an instant.  How stupid am I?  Jade is the best.
If only this sort of thing worked on Cherubs.
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Yeah.  It really doesn’t.
...Alt!Callie, you are a fucking war-criminal for bottling all these double-entendres up where none of the others can appreciate them.
> ==>
JADE: you are a pretty tough crowd, evil callie JADE: but yes, i can hear most of what you are thinking to yourself JADE: it took a little while to separate it from my own thoughts, just like it did with dirk JADE: because thats what he was doing the whole time, wasnt it? JADE: controlling our thoughts JADE: making us believe things we never would, things he thought we SHOULD believe
Fucking excellent.  She’s definitely training herself on this shit.  The more people who have a harder time getting fooled by this nonsense the better.
jade knows all of this, i don’t have to tell her. she is a very bright girl, and even if she didn’t have partial access to my thoughts, she is good at compiling data and using it to fill in gaps. as she herself had rather licentiously mentioned, her brain is quite large.
and all of these reasons are why i know i can count on her to be reasonable and realistic about her situation. i need a body to continue interfacing with this timeline, and her body is the only one that will do.
Dammit.  Trying to get her to logic her way back into keeping Alt!Callie in complete control.  That’s a tactic that will probably work.  :(
what about [kanaya], jade? she is a space player, it is true, but her powers are nothing compared to yours. for one, she isn’t god tier, and for two, she is dead. a living dead, but dead nonetheless.
Hm.  Are you saying she maybe has less relevance, less of an effect on her surroundings because she spent some of her “cred” on unconventional partial resurrection?  To the extent where she’d make a less influential vessel?  Hmm.
For that to even matter, you have to be planning to use Jade’s Space powers too.  Taking a far more active role in things than narrative beacon.
and a sylph’s specializations lie on a different end of the spectrum from my own. a witch is a far closer match.
Sounds like details of the classpect system that we don’t know will have relevance in HS^2, and we’re indeed gonna possibly get some actual new, clearer details about the system Andrew invented unlike the dearth of new info the Epilogues brought us.  That is... promising.
no, jade understands and sympathizes with my assurance that her body, and her body alone, will do for my purposes.
JADE: um...no i dont!
YES.  Jade is now officially immune to absolute command! :D :D :D
she does. after all, she would not wish this sort of state of being on anyone else, and especially not on one of her friends. jade may have undergone a lopsided number of narrative hardships in her life, but at least she is used to them. why spread that suffering to another?
What the fucking shit???  You’re using that on her?  You think it’ll WORK?!
jade understands and accepts her place in the story, which has always been to enable events to play out around her, just as it has been mine.
..........yeah Jade’s gonna bust the fuck out on the very next page, isn’t she.
What the fuck is Alt!Callie thinking, here?  Wasn’t the other Calliope the one to let us know that the Witch is one of the most active classes there is??  ...what exactly does a Witch officially do anyway, for Alt!Callie to think saying such a thing wasn’t dead wrong?  This sounds MUCH more like the sort of statement someone might make after breezing through Homestuck and confusing the old Jade (cough) for the person she grew up into.
And the fact that you’re phrasing this as a narrative command to try and make her forcibly THINK this way deserves you a smack in the non-literal depictive face.  Let’s see if you get one:
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Oh wow, no smack yet?!  That’s some restraint!
because what is a story, truly? nothing but a series of misadventures and connections, actions spurring reactions, tumbling into one another, over and over and over. with so many competing interests, clearly the story cannot account for all perspectives, for all threads? it would be laughable, childish, even selfish, to demand that they do.
in other words, not everyone will achieve a happy ending. this is a truth that jade had come to grips with a long time ago.
JADE: wait. JADE: stop. JADE: why are you saying all of this?
Ohh.  Because she still had even MORE smackworthy stuff left to say, to make the smack even SMACKIER, didn’t she.  Alt!Callie you asshole.  If this gets you kicked out of her almost entirely and jeopardizes the crew as Jade struggles to combat Dirk’s narrative influence on her OWN, then I’m fucking blaming YOU!  Do you realize how horrible it’ll be if Dirk gets to almost singlehandedly write the whole story around her and the others for the first section of HS^2 with only one or two characters aware and trying to mentally avert it??  We already TRIED that in the Epilogues!  It was awful!
jade’s body is my vessel, and it is through this realization that she will understand her true role in the story. her true relevance.
Go fuck yourself, Alt!Callie.  Read the audience a bit!
if i released my hold on her consciousness, there would be no guarantee that i would be allowed in again. therefore i cannot permit her the control of herself that she so desperately craves, and she understands that.
THAT’S your reasoning your used-to-surpressing-Caliborn ignorant--!??
JADE: wait. so...you could give me my body back, and then just hop back in when you need to?
in theory, yes.
JADE: then what the hell callie!
because i don’t trust you to cooperate when the time comes.
(or real existing equivalent that’s just off the top of my head)
JADE: why not? JADE: i thought you said i was a reasonable girl with a huge brain!
you are, to an extent.
she is. but the truth of the matter remains that humans are capricious and emotional. and even jade herself can admit that she hasn’t been the most...committed example of her species in the last few years.
Oh my fucking god.  I know they’re trying to make this more satisfying when she actually DOES take control in a few panels, but, Alt!Callie, seriously, get more on your other self’s level!!!
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Yes, please >:O some more
moving from lover to lover, job to job, interest to interest. over the last few years jade had found herself listless, unable to settle and unwilling to commit to anything or anyone. she knows there’s nothing wrong with that on a moral level, but on a personal level she’s always believed that she could be more, could do better. be better. and now, because of this, she realizes that sacrifices must be made.
and that she, as a space player, is uniquely built for sacrifice.
JADE: yeah JADE: i guess youre right JADE: i have been such a silly little slut! JADE: hey callie
yes, jade?
JADE: oh my god, whats that!!!!
You are so fucking screwed Alt!Callie.
this space is utterly under my control. jade could control it too, if she had any access to her own powers. but with my grip around her cortex, there is no chance of that.
(Wait, there’s an extent to which this space is “real” and not imaginary?  Or does holding her space powers in check also mean keeping her imaginary space powers in check?)
Anyway, here comes the smack.  And, though Alt!Callie deserves this, I hope Dirk isn’t let in too often amidst the others as a result.
> ==>
Yup, poising to pounce...
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I thought there was a weird infinity symbol underneath them but it’s just two spotlights and a shadow cast by her head.
and here i make my first mistake.
No you made your first mistakes WAAAY earlier in this conversation.  And what you did to Jade in general.  She’s a hero/player for a reason, she doesn’t take stuff lying down forever.
but bringing her into a place where we can both physically manifest has left me, foolishly, vulnerable.
First, physically manifest?  This isn’t pure imaginationspace?  And second, she’s going to blame her polite concession to Jade for this and hold on even tighter the next time, isn’t she.  God damnit, not looking forward to that.  Alt!Callie won’t learn her lesson til the end, will she?  :(
her fingers tear at my throat, trying to find purchase. she won’t be able to kill me here, but it is certainly unpleasant, and not to mention slightly repetitive. we just saw this in the previous chapter, although this particular fight will not end as amorously as the last one did. so don’t get your hopes up.
JADE: who! JADE: are you talking to!
I really hope Jade ends up with full narrative powerOOOOOHHHH FUCK THEY COULD GO FOR THAT HUH
Dirk was able to become an Ultimate Self in his own body because it was the uniting of an irrepressible “self” that he always unbreakably represented.  The others had more trouble.
But Jade
has a BIG PART-GOD BRAIN as reinforced in the narrative repeatedly!!
Meaning that later, SHE could Ultimate Self without ANY PHYSICAL CONSEQUENCE.  :D
I was hoping Jade would end up with full narrative-dictating-and-reading power when she wants to use it, at some point, but I might’ve been aiming too low! :D :D :D
Now all the playfully-horny omnipotent Jade fanfics are true, what that totally isn’t part of why I love this go ahead and admit she doesn’t deserve it
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Yesss flashy gif struggle against control!  (Though, not as elegant as one of Andrew’s might’ve been. Gotta say.)
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Blinky-eyes about to resolve normal-Jade-colored....!
> ==>
Wait, what?  I thought Jade was about to snap in and--
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during the ship’s trip through space, there have been numerous experiments; modifications to the nutrition output of the various machines designed to create sustenance for the various species on board. i myself have been content with orange juice and synthetic proteins, but dave and roxy have both expressed longing for various ‘earth snacks’, and so the trials and errors began.
What the fuck?  I don’t even know where this is going if it’s punways.
Is there like a dog treat somewhere that’s gonna push her over the edge?  Where is this headed even.
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the results were mixed. as roxy told us in a previous chapter, alchemized food all sort of tastes the same, although the visuals really help to bring about the flavor. and at the end of the day, isn’t it the journey that is more important than the destination? the stories you tell as you create the strangely flavored nutritional paste?
JADE: ????????????
Um??  What’s even going on.
so far, everyone’s favorite attempt has been a vaguely peanut-butter and chocolate flavored creation called "Rices'". nobody eats them really. they just sit in a bowl on the counter.
i’m not actually sure what the witch is trying to accomplish here.
Is Jade trying to humorously gross Alt!Callie out of her body with a candy she doesn’t like or?  But, “suicide threat”? Why joke--
JADE: you dont? JADE: really?
i don’t know what she is trying to accomplish, because surely she would not be doing what it appears she is trying to do. making such a meaningless threat.
JADE: meaningless? JADE: do you even know anything about the body you stole? JADE: shouldnt you have run some sort of psychic physical before you possessed it? JADE: its definitely what i would have done!
Oh SHIT.  You mean Jade has the same peanut allergy JOHN does?!?
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jade must know that i am well-aware of her family-wide peanut allergy. a story thread that has been extremely important and weighed in on in multiple parts of the narrative. how could i have forgotten such a key detail?
...yes, she totally forgot, but more than that.
I’m betting John is the ONLY one with a peanut allergy.  That Jade is USING that fact to bluff like hell.  :D
(Allergies aren’t usually inherited that way you alien!)
there is nothing remotely just or heroic about dying from self-imposed anaphylactic shock in the throes of a childish tantrum. at the most i’ll get a relaxing few minutes of sleep.
Is Alt!Callie bluffing now?  Even a resurrecting death could throw her off.
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JADE: do you really want to risk it?
what are you talking about, jade? i just said--
(i say in the most witch-connotatively and non-classpect-related way)
JADE: i dont know, callie JADE: ive never really understood the rules that govern the death of a god tier, have you? JADE: it seems pretty arbitrary from where im standing JADE: who makes the decision whether or not something is heroic or just?
...that’s unclear. but it certainly isn’t you.
JADE: right, of course not JADE: but are you so confident that youre a good guy? JADE: are you sure that the alpha timeline WANTS you to be here?
JADE: youve done some stuff, callie JADE: im only saying you shouldnt be so quick to assume that me killing you wouldnt be just JADE: and that taking my own life to do it wouldnt be heroic
Even with JUST this one fucking situation Alt!Callie put her in, throwing off her control forever by dying would be shortsighted but HELLA JUST.  What Alt!Callie is doing to her is a crime.
Oh shit!?!?
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What is this, HTML5?  *clicks play*
...for a second, I thought this was gonna launch into a huge thing with that clock ticking song from the Felt album.
Having Rose and Dirk’s colors competing here really reinforces that... Prospit vs Derse vibe that was feeding the whole this-is-the-basis-for-the-game’s-structure-and-the-birth-of-Paradox-Space theory more earlier.
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i don’t let the witch manipulate me. i refuse to falter in the face of her whispers. without my careful planning and swift action, the prince would have taken full control over this timeline. none of my friends could even begin to imagine the turmoil.
In the end, you’re ignoring what’s right and brave in this instance to instead do something EXPEDIENT, to the exclusion of trust and compassion when things COULD work out just as well without taking the worst actions -- which is textbook villainous.
> ==>
JADE: they arent your friends!! JADE: you took them from me!
Now isn’t THAT a way to put it. :D :D :D
Alt!Callie is sinning almost as badly as Dirk, here.  Viewing everyone else as characters in a story, the only way she’s ever viewed “friends”, and her as the not-so-humble narrator doing what’s best for all of them.  If she’s going to win against Dirk -- or if that victory is going to MEAN anything -- she will HAVE to realize that she needs to be different.
JADE: you keep saying that youre doing all of this for my own good, but youre just lonely! JADE: i know you are, because so am i!
Will Alt!Callie force her to swallow it?
JADE: you said that being a space player is all about sacrifice JADE: well
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JADE: bet
...I guess she really might have an allergy.
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Aaaand the candy drops.  A W A K E ! ! ! !
Yaaaaay Jade is BACK and we’ll get to see even more of her!!!
...please tell me on the next page she grabs the candy, noms it, and mentions she doesn’t have a peanut allergy after all.  That would be sweet.
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Nope, you just leave us on a sad.  Dammit, why do you gotta be all adult and showin’ us both sides in a moment of triumph, HS^2.  Shucks.
Anyway, YAY JADE!  C:
I am happy by this, if slightly too emotionally-rollercoastered by the past 24-hours to give this the full-rejoicing it deserves.  That, and worried about the openings Dirk will get because of this... joy now for potential frustration later, even if Jade tries her best to let Alt!Callie back in in-time.
See y’all next time!  And, uhm.  I guess I’ll comment on whatever other asks I promised to comment on another less-eventful day.  Keep reminding me and holding me to it though!
31 notes · View notes
ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Hiii again. I figured that submit option would be easier for this. ^^ 
I love your matchups, they’re so accurate and thought through.❤️ Can I have one too? My name’s Emily, I have blue hair and blue “husky” eyes, got two tattoos and plan to have more, I’m very pale and I hate people saying things like “you look like a ghost, go get a tan” I usually dress like a witch, but sometimes i doll myself up as a pinup girl to feel pretty.I’m autistic, depressed, have ADHD & ptsd (nice combo, ha?^^) I’m also sarcastic, reserved and have a dark sense of humor.I’m oversensitive to lights and noises. I don’t like being hugged or touched by strangers, but once i get comfortable with someone I transform into their koala.^^ My life is a bit messy, I try to do tasks on time and remember important things, but it’s hard. I have two kids cats, Lilith I found under the bridge and Harold in woods. I’m a big spooky fun, I love horror movies and Halloween. I like drawing (my arts are creepy tho, def not for everyone to see), playing guitar, singing, reading books, running and walking in the woods. I’m interested in psychology & astrophysics and I love when people want me to teach them something. I can’t live without music and my cats. @dont-be-alarmed
Hi, my love! 💙 Thank you so much, I spend a lot of time on matchups and it means a lot that you, one of my favourite writers, find them accurate! I hope this one lives up to your kind words and that you enjoy it! 💜 (I’m happy to redo it if not, angel!) I wanted to give back to you after all you’ve ever done for me and for this community, and so I went on your other blog and scrolled through; I found a post about yourself and Arthur and I’ve tried to incorporate pieces of that in here to make it as… emotionally you as I could. I hope that you don’t mind! 💚
Total word count: 3, 785.
Arthur // wc: 1, 755.
Arthur is… completely in awe of you. You caught his attention due to your bright blue hair; such a vibrant colour in the grimy streets of Gotham which are made up of much the same; grey concrete, grey walls, grey buildings, grey sky, is unusual and eye-catching. Arthur wants to be seen and he admires the courage you possess in having such a hair colour. And your eyes, oh… It’s canon that Arthur likes to touch people’s cheeks and he holds people’s faces in his hands, and when sea green meet your blues, the entire world stops and Arthur can only sink into you; for if eyes are windows to the soul then surely yours is radiant. You’re not afraid to paint the blank canvas which is your body and Arthur likes to trace your tattoos with a careful finger, his lips moving silently as he thinks to himself; he wants to know if there are stories behind them, why you got them, how badly they hurt, what they mean to you… if the mind is an ocean then Arthur wants to dive right into yours and discover your murkiest depths now. But he holds back; he doesn’t want to ruin what he’s building with you, and so every day when he discovers something new does he only fall deeper and deeper in love with you. You’re very pale and people are quick to point it out. If it happens in front of Arthur, he’s quick to frown, “Don’t say things like that to her, Emily’s perfect just as she is!”. He won’t tell people off when they say bad things about him, but about you? He has to stop himself from going feral and he contents himself with snapping at them or, if it’s something which is truly nasty, Arthur gives them such a look it’s like he’s trying to kill them without even touching them. His knees will bounce and he’ll giggle around his cigarette, but he’ll only be concerned for you. Arthur would do anything for you. No matter what you were, Arthur always compliments you sincerely; his voice soft and raspy because he’s barely able to speak through the rising laughing in his throat. Such is the effect you have on him.  
You and Arthur have so much in common. Sometimes when you talk to each other, it’s like you’re talking to yourself but you’re hearing it in a different voice. You have shared many experiences and there’s so much about Arthur which exists within yourself; you are both so worthy of love and you are both capable of being loved for exactly who you are, and in the early days first of friendship (though you begin to date quickly, both of you so eager to discover what may exist between you),  you mostly bond together over your shared dark sense of humour. Over the weeks which bleed into months, Arthur’s comedy material becomes more tailored to your sense of humour; for what you find funny and making you smile means more to him than anyone else. He could have a crowd at Pogo’s captivated but your smile would be the only one which he has eyes for. The both of you are so tried and tired, so weary and you’ve both been through so much more than people should ever have to go through, but you help each other and you’re there for each other as much as you can be every single day. You’re over sensitive to lights and to noises so when you’re out in public together, Arthur keeps a close eye on you. He learns the signs for when it’s becoming too much and the two of you talk often; late night discussions with dimmed lamps and a turned down volume on the TV, and the two of you learn how to help each other and how to be more open together. It’s a shared journey, this love between you, and it’s once in a lifetime. Neither of you could ever want this with anyone else. Arthur was almost shocked by the difference in you from when he first met you to when you became comfortable with him and all the ways in which you showed affection changed and became more intimate, but he takes it as a compliment. You’re so comfortable with him and he cherishes that information above anything else. He’s just as comfortable with you, and he tries to show you every single day the depths of the love which he holds for you.  
Your life is as messy as Arthur’s is busy, but the two of you make it work as best as you can. You do your best to remember important things but it’s hard, and for everything you forget is Arthur there to remind you. Sometimes he has to leave the apartment before you so he’ll leave a quickly scrawled note taped to the front door in big letters so you can see it even from a distance, or he’ll make sure that you’ve got everything ready in the same place, like right next to or on top of your shoes so they can’t be forgotten. Your two kitties, Lilith and Harold, are doted upon by yourself and by Arthur. He had always wanted a pet, someone or something to come home to whom was happy to see him, and now he has three beings who love him: you, Lilith and Harold. The fact that you rescued both of your children shows the true depths of your heart and Arthur’s in awe of you. He adores watching you interact with them. It always makes him coo and the ice in his heart which is left over from the day melts away and then evaporates completely at the touch of your hand and the sound of your voice. You love horror films and Hallowe’en and Arthur loves watching how excited you get when October rolls around! Carving pumpkins together, creating decorations and the jokes just get darker and more morbid… he comes to love the holiday as much as you do, though he’s not as fond of horror films as you are. Life is horrifying enough and if he wants to be scared, he’ll just watch the news - but when you’re more comfortable together and you’re his koala, he likes to cling to you and hide his face in your neck as a way of becoming closer to you. Arthur cherishes the few scant hours he gets with you every night. It’s yours and his favourite time of day and it only makes your daily hardships almost worth it.   
You are… extremely creative. Your writing is so descriptive and so vivid, your drawing is beautiful, you can sing, you play an instrument… music runs through your soul just as surely as it does within Arthur, and one night when Arthur was much too shy to tell you that he loved you, he instead said, “you are the music in me”. It’s an admission which, years later, still haunts you in the best way. If you ever let him read what you have written or view what you have created, though he may be creeped out, he would still compliment you sincerely and ask you some questions, wanting to see things through your beautiful blue eyes. If you’re open to the idea, Arthur would love to sit down and listen to you sing and play the guitar; and if you have ever written any songs for him, they would bring tears to his eyes and he would find himself choking down laughter. How can you love him this much? Just as much as you have become more open and kinder to yourself in loving Arthur, so has he because of your love, and the two of you walk hand in hand down the path of life together, leading each other into your better selves; such is the power of love. When you read, Arthur likes to write in his journal and the sounds of his scrawling are the perfect accompaniment to the sounds of your turning the pages of the book you cradle in the palm of your hands as surely as you hold Arthur’s heart in your hands. Though he never asks, Arthur would love to go with you on a walk through the woods. You can see it in his eyes sometimes, how desperately he wants to go with you, but he’s too afraid of rejection and too shy. When you come back from your running, the bathroom is all ready for you to have a shower, there are clean clothes out for you and dinner is ready. Arthur does everything he can to take the best care of you possible; for truly do you deserve nothing less than the best of everything in life. 
You’re interested in a variety of subjects and as a way to engage with you, for he so loves the way your eyes and face light up when you’re talking about the things you’re passionate about, Arthur would sit down with you and ask you questions. Even if he doesn’t fully understand what you’re talking about, especially with astrophysics, he still sits and he listens and Arthur engages with you. And if you have a hyperfixation, then he’s right there with you. He validates your interests and wants to know as much as you’re willing to share with him! It’s just another way for him to spend time with you, to get to know you, to tell you that he loves you. You’ve spent many a night talking the time away about your interests and you have so much in common that it’s unsurprising that you feel like you have known each other forever. Music and cats are your life and Arthur protects everything that he knows about you, because you mean the entire world to him and you deserve to know just how much he loves you! No matter where you go, what you do or who you become, Arthur loves you for all of you - he’s learned all the ways to help you through your various struggles, through the things which you go through (including the ones only you know about), and he does everything he can to help you, to love you the way that you deserve to be. Even when he’s so, so tired, the two of you pull each other through life with your joined hands, fingers interlocked… and neither of you will ever let go of the other.
Joker // wc: 2, 030.
By now,  you and Joker know each other like the backs of your hands. There isn’t much that you don’t know about each other, though of course is it impossible to ever really know someone in their entirety, so every day do you discover something new about one another which only makes you fall deeper in love with each other. Even though you know each other so well, Joker still finds himself wanting to completely dive into who you are to find out everything all at once; to view the tapestry of your life in its entirety without having to wait for the discovery of something else. He loves you so much it hurts him in the best way. Your name is Joker’s favourite word and he sometimes catches himself whispering it when he needs some extra strength or a reason to slow the rage in his veins, which threatens to poison his heart and turn his soul away from the goodness which still exists in his very core, unchanged is he deep inside himself where he is safest. You were there with Arthur through it all and you only loved him more as the man he was now. With your bright blue hair and Joker’s electric green hair, the two of you catch people’s attention when you’re out in public; Gothamites aren’t known for their courageous self expression, so wearied and beaten are they by the soulless and relentless demands of the city. The two of you like to redye your hair together; even if Joker’s hair has faded back into his naturally dark curls, he will wait for you to need to redye your hair. Joker dyes your hair and you dye his and the flecks of blue and green blend and merge together in the bathroom sink; Joker likes to get messy so green runs all down his back and pools into the waistband of his baggy underwear, and he ends up making more mess than you do. Joker adores your tattoos and he knows the reasons and stories behind them as well as you do and he gets excited when you talk about having more. Joker’s less forgiving now when people make comments about how pale you are, and he’s not afraid to narrow his eyes, his nostrils flaring slightly in anger, and fire back a few well-timed insults of his own. Whether you dress like a witch or as a pinup girl, Joker is in awe of you and sometimes he literally chokes on air because he’s just so stunned by you and all that you are; you’re so beautiful inside and out and he just can’t believe, even now, how lucky he is to be loved by you. 
Just because Joker gave up on his own mental health - he stopped taking his medications, he stopped taking care of himself and he stopped caring - it didn’t mean that he would ever allow you to do the same. Joker wanted nothing but the best for you and he would do anything he could for you. This, combined with the fact that Joker knows exactly how to support you and how to look after you when you need to be loved extra hard. Both of you are worthy of being loved for exactly who you are, and when you feel like you’re unwanted and not capable of being loved, Joker cradles you on his lap - your favourite seat - and  tucks your head into his chest, his heartbeat pounding in your ear to ground you and to calm you. He knows how to hold you, how to talk to you, how to comfort you, and he even knows how to ground himself and also you in the same touches. If anyone understands you and what you go through every single day, it’s Arthur, and that’s never been and would never be any different. You’re sarcastic and Joker enjoys playful banter between the two of you. He knows when you’re being sarcastic because you’re having fun and when you’re being sarcastic because your mood is low, but either way will Joker snap back. He enjoys swapping comments with you if that’s something you like to do, and by now his dark humour is perfectly tailored to your own. Of all the citizens in Gotham, your smile is the only one which matters and your laughter is the only one Joker closes his eyes to fully savour. You are Joker’s koala now and he loves every touch which you gift him with. Coming home to you is the absolute favourite part of Joker’s every day and sometimes he stays away for just a little longer so that he can get an extra enthusiastic hug or some clingy touches. You’re over sensitive to lights and noises and Joker is used to keeping the TV on a certain volume and to buying a certain type of light bulb so that the lamps are always dim enough for you. You are always Joker’s main priority and that will never be any different. You’re his entire world and when he cups your face in his hands to kiss you, he likes to say, “I’ve got the whole world in my hands, Emily. Look after it for me, okay?”. The first time you did it back to him, he almost sobbed with love for you even as he nodded and said, “mm-hm”. The sound was smug even with how overwhelmed he was in that moment and your stomach swooped; as again did you only love him more.
Your life is still a bit messy but oh, you do your best. Joker knows better than anybody how it can feel to do your best and to still feel like you’re not doing enough, like you’re not trying enough, like you’re not good enough for all of the demands and responsibilities which are daily placed on you without reprieve or without a break, and he continues to do everything he can to help you, to be there for you and to support you. He leaves notes lying around to help you remember to do things, to not forget things, and if ever you do forget something, Joker’s there to do it for you. There is only ever love in the things he does. Looking after you and being there for you and loving you is the reason Joker does what he does, the reason he tries every single day to reconnect with the man you first fell in love with. Oh, but he was still that man; he had only stopped caring, he had only succumbed to all that was making him numb, and every day did you love him just as fiercely and just as strongly as you always had. Your two cats are spoiled rotten by the both of you; Joker still loves to watch you interact with them and when chaos is shut away, when his suit is hung up and his face is washed, Joker likes to sit on the sofa with you to watch the news with your children around you; his fingers in their fur or in your hair, and the two of you talk quietly. About your days, about the things you need to do tomorrow, how you have been feeling... the evenings are ticked away in this way, with the two of you indulging only in each other. You love horror films and Hallowe’en and still does Joker love how excited you get! He joins in with you now with the celebration and the decorations, but instead of hiding within you now while you watch horror films, scared did he used to be, he now watches you with them and cracks dark jokes. In one film, the screaming victim got decapitated and Joker snorted and said, “Talk about losing your head when it gets crazy out there”. It’s up to you if you join in with him but if you do, he will turn to the side to give you his attention, only just watching whatever is on the old and grainy screen. He loves to cuddle with you and if you ever get scared of the things you watch, Joker assumes the protective role as he cuddles you. “Nothing’s going to hurt you, Emily. Joker’s here.”. He would die for you, kill for you... you’re his entire world and he loves you with everything that he is, everything that he has. 
You are very creative and to this day, Joker is still in awe of everything that you’re able to do. Your writing is so beautiful and everything that you create is beautiful. Your arts are creepy but Joker’s not creeped out by them anymore. Long ago did he stare into the abyss and see it staring back, so what used to negatively affect him rarely does now. “Awh, that’s sweet.” // “Joker, it’s - there’s blood all over the - “ // “Yeah,” He shrugs, “But it’s sweet in a morbid way, you know?” You thought you did, but you weren’t entirely sure. Either way, you were just glad that he liked your arts. His support meant the world to you. You have an entire playlist of songs you would like to play for Joker, and when you ask if you can play for him, Joker beams and practically runs across the room to sit down for you, running a hand through those dyed green curls which bounce gently against the tops of his shoulders as he does so. Joker is transfixed by the way you play the guitar; your hands are one of his favourite parts of you because they create pure magic every single day. You love to read and when you do, Joker tends to read through his old journal. It’s a quiet time for the both of you and it’s most likely that Joker will want to cuddle with you while you do these things; so that you can spend time together... separately. Occasionally, Joker might read a joke out loud; they’ll be dark jokes, ones which make you laugh because you know not how else to react, and he’ll soak in your response. Don’t fake your laughter, though, Joker will notice and he won’t appreciate that. By now, he’s used to your routine when it comes to running and walking in the woods, so he doesn’t ask if he can go with you - he’ll know if you want him to join you by the way you said goodbye to him. If you linger near him, he’ll know that you want him to join you; but if you’re quickly out of the door, then he knows he should stay. When you come home, everything is ready for you to get clean and comfortable; for Joker will always do what he can to look after you, no matter what!
On the nights when everything he’s ever said and done catches up to him, or when the world is just too loud and you need everything and everyone to go away, the two of you hole up in the bedroom. If Joker is the one who needs comforting, then you’re the one who reads to him or tells him about anything you’re currently hyperfixated on or curious about, but if you’re the one who needs comforting then Joker reads from his old journal or reads your current book to you. You can’t live without music or your cats and that’s precisely why Joker protects everything that you hold most dear to you, and that includes his own self. The both of you are so similar in so many ways and you have both shared many of the same experiences. You have so much love between you, so much need to be seen, known and loved, and you both have a dark sense of humour. You’re both strong and brave, creative and so full of love, and no matter what happens or who you both become, you will fall together again and again... and again. You’re soulmates and you’re truly meant to be, and that’s all that matters. Arthur Fleck loves you for all of you, through every rise and fall!
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punkranger · 4 years
Wip monday...? was tagged by @jaffa-keksi and @dep-yo-tee, tyy^^
I don’t have any art wips atm so here’s some writing, it’s almost done but it’s the only piece of writing i dont hate atm
Basically it’s Antoine and Daniel hanging out on a roof
"Do you ever feel lonely?" 
Daniel is looking dazedly out over the city, half-empty beer bottle held loosely in one hand, legs dangling over the edge of the roof. The question was soft, as if he was talking to himself. 
You don't reply immediately and he shakes his head, throwing you a look and a half-embarrassed smile, as if he just remembered you were there. Or that it was you. After all, he knows your answer to that question already. 
But this time it's not really about you, something which you are grateful for. Talking about yourself, or your past self specifically, always leaves you in a bad mood and with a headache. 
So, you humor him. 
"Do you?" You ask, looking at him while taking a swig from your own bottle. 
He starts, perhaps surprised that you decided to continue the conversation, instead of deflecting and changing the subject like you usually do. 
You really want to know, though. If he's lonely. He's got friends, coworkers that are almost like family. Or so you thought. You, if anyone, can tell he's usually happy, at least when he's been with you. 
Daniel has been quiet for a while now, looking down at his lap. His thoughts are calm, soft like summer clouds, but there is a hint of hurt there. 
It's a small, quiet word that you hear almost more as a thought than out loud. You take his hand, running your thumb over his knuckles, feeling the scars. 
"I know that I have had a good life, have a good life. I should be happy, counting all the things that I do have, the friends I have and you…" He looks up at you, smiling a little, but it quickly disappears, the sun hidden behind clouds. "You were always my hero and I couldn't believe how lucky I was to meet you, to train with you. And then you became my friend too and I got to know another you, the real you… " 
You avoid his eyes now. Does he know the real you? To be honest you don't know. You don't know anymore, if the real you is the one you've been trying to build up on the ruins of your old self, or if it's just a facade. 
Or perhaps the real you is the one that shows up through your instincts, lashing out, hurting people, friends. You clench your hands, forcing your attention back to him. You can at least pretend to be a good person when you're not wearing the suit. 
"...But still. Yes, there are times when I feel lonely. And I hate myself for it, for wanting more when I already have so much." He's not noticed your change in mood, as he's focused inward, trying to express his thoughts. 
And you know that feeling, that emptiness inside that won't let you feel fulfilled, that keeps demanding more, that something is missing. You've also realized that it will never be satisfied. But perhaps that's okay, perhaps it's alright to feel like something is missing. If someone like him does, Daniel, who is the best person you know. If you think he deserves to feel a little lonely, then it should be alright for you as well. 
You let out a sigh, this is getting uncomfortably similar to those therapy sessions. Fishing in your pocket, you pull out your packet of cigarettes and the lighter. 
"Danny." You say to catch his attention, while lighting the cigarette. He looks back at you, a small spark in his eyes lighting up at the nickname. "You can feel lonely. No one can tell you what you are allowed to feel. Or well, they can tell you, but they are wrong and it won't change your feelings."
"It's not that someone's exactly told me that I can't feel lonely. It's more that they assume-" 
"That's what I mean, same thing." You interrupt him, waving your hand vaguely. "Most people are very good at not really saying things, but making you think they have done so anyway. Makes them even less right since they're too cowardly to say things right out."
Too much anger bleeds into your voice, you can tell it makes him uncomfortable. Not that he's afraid of you - he should be - but he is still sad to hear how little faith you have in people. Despite your best efforts to hide it, to forget, the bitterness at the world is still there. 
He doesn't say anything for a while, and you don't look at him, just watch the smoke curling up at the sky. It twists and turns, following the wind, eventually dispersing. You wonder if that will be your fate as well. 
With a smile you flick the rest of the cigarette over the edge. You like it up here, it wouldn't be so bad to be part of the sky. Even if it would be lonely. 
But you're not lonely now. Daniel is here.
His thoughts should be a constant reminder, but lately they have become less obtrusive. In fact, you notice it more when he's not there, like a streetlamp, that when broken suddenly becomes apparent in its absence. 
Leaving you in the dark. 
You feel Daniel take your hand. Standing on the edge of the abyss, or already drowning. Either way you’ll probably take him with you, and he thinks he wants it. Maybe you should just tell him everything. Take the dive. The least you can hope for is meeting water.
It may be crushing, but it’s better than ground. Maybe. 
But you’re still too selfish to do that. You want this to last a little longer, even if the fall will hurt more for both of you the higher you get.
You laugh suddenly. Because what else can you do? 
Cry, scream, beg… You've done it all, so why not laugh. At yourself, at the world, at the ones who hurt you. 
Daniel looks at you in surprise, smiling a little even though he doesn't know why you're laughing. You laugh at that too, but it's different. Not defiant, not desperate. Just happy. 
You're happy, because he's here, because you made him smile. 
And he's happy too. Not trying to be. For you, for the team, for the media. Just for himself.
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nithr · 5 years
A Second Chance
Summary: 'Who are you?' He wanted to know, know every single thing about her, things that one shouldn't want to know about a person who holds a gun on them. A second chance at love for the ones that were robbed of it.
It had been days since he had had a good nights sleep free from dreams. He didn't know why but since his childhood he had dreams that had followed the same theme. A world full of fantasy, honour and war. In his childhood those dreams seemed like an entry into the unknown, a world full of wonders and action that a little boy thoroughly enjoyed and embraced. But as he had grown older, had gotten better at understanding the world around himself , the dreams changed, their meanings changed. Cheerful laughter and abundance of love that shone through the dreams changed. The first time he experienced a life leaving its body through his own hands, he was fourteen. Waking up screaming he had thoroughly frightened his parents. Chalking it up to nightmares didn't seem to work in their household because once is a chance, twice is a coincidence but repeatedly for past how many ever years that he had started speaking from, explaining to his parents a world from history books that they attributed to his imagination, that had frightened them. A slew of doctors came and went, medicines consumed but the dreams didn't seem to stop. He stopped taking those medicines when he had accidentally overdosed due to him being delirious with not having slept in three days. It was a great fight with his parents but slowly he had them accept that those medicines were not improving him at all. Turning to yoga and meditation brought him a sense of calm but those dreams, those dreams where he was an royal, the feeling of a sword slicing the air around him, an all encompassing feeling of motherly love and devotion , the feeling of complete content and happiness as if he had found his soulmate, they never left and to tell the truth , he would rather have them along with sleepless nights with nightmares than do without them.
Inspite of all this he had an loving childhood, and a promising career. His family owns the prestigious Mahismathi Industries, a pioneer in the field of technology. Being the only heir apparent of MI , his life and future is set. But the thirst of knowledge and the fire to prove that he deserves the position made him an overachiever in his studies and in the work he started doing for MI. His parents seem to be happy that he is thriving despite his struggles in mental health and that has lead to what is now a big problem for him. Marriage. The thing he totally despises. Don't get him wrong he has no qualms about love, and he had gone on dates and had a few one night stands. But marriage is different. It's a partnership more than anything else. What was he to say to his future wife, that he has recurring dreams and nightmares and that he'll wake up screaming somedays, babble in a strange language on others, sometimes wake up kicking and punching so would you please learn some self defense or sorry we cant sleep in the same bed. Or should he say I'll try to love you but sorry I think I can't because I already love someone, oh it's just someone I dream of regularly, and no she's not real, yes I'm pretty sure, no I would not like an admittance to a mental hospital thanks. He would be really glad when this marriage talk comes to an end.
He prays for this recent bout of sleeplessness to end , he is getting sick of his own growchiness. Hearing his alarm blare out he groans and covers himself with his sheets willing the world to just disappear away. A few minutes later hearing the second alarm go off he huffs before throwing away his sheets and stumbles to the bathroom. He considers calling in sick for a few moments after he sees his reflection in the mirror, he really looks like a zombie, but then he curses himself for his very own good work ethics. Besides the vultures at the company would swoop in at just a peak of a mistake to point and complain. It was getting ridiculous, he was only in a mid management position now, both him and his parents agreeing that he should start low at the food chain, getting an experience at different levels in the company. But some people at the board still try to sabotage him at every turn. The thing was they knew his place at the top is cemented but they still try at every chance they get. He could even appreciate the ones that go about it in a clever way, because they could be useful for him in the long term but those stupid ones, he just doesn't know what to do about them.
Cursing the board members mentally, he got ready and hurried out of his house hoping he won't be late. Just as he was about to start the car his cellphone went off. Seeing that it was his mother calling and wondering she would at this time of the day he answered the call,
'Amma, good morning, why are you calling this early, any problem?' He inquired.
'Amar, good morning my son, did you sleep well'
'Ya ma, got some sleep , what's the matter , is everything ok?' It wasnt like his mother to call him in the early hours of the day. This call was making him a bit worried.
'Yes, good, everything is fine, don't worry and stop being a pessimist '
'Tell that to my mother who calls early in the morning to a son who she's going to see probably in an hour or so' he countered back.
'Stop sassing me, lord knows I get enough of that from your father and stop chuckling, like father like son', He tries vainly to cover his laughs. Like father, as if, he hasn't seen anyone in his life actually verbally spar with his mother and come out unscathed.
'Ok ok sorry, I'm stopping so why did you call' If he doesn't stop his mother now he would still be getting told off an hour from now.
'Oh that, I just wanted to ask you to collect a package from Ragupathy uncle on the way. Its the family heirloom from Andhra that got lost and was got back in an auction, uncle has it and he said he would deliver it personally, but it seems he has an urgent business meeting coming up and wont be able to come by so he asked me to send you by to pick it up'
'Cant you ask someone else ma, I'm getting pretty late, and if it really has to be me I can even pick it up in the evening' he tries.
'Amarnath, didn't I already say your uncle is going away on a business trip , and no I cant send anyone else because it's a family heirloom and it costs twenty two millions. And how many times do I have to say you are the boss of MI and you are allowed to be late sometimes. '
'Cool down cool down, dont get tensed, your blood pressure is already high, I'll go ok, and i really shouldn't be late even when I'm the boss' This was an age old argument in their home and today wasnt the day that it was going to be resolved.
'Really cant change you dear, but that is also why you are the heir to MI and your cousin Balla is not'
'Dont you get started on him now amma, and got to go now if I'm getting your package too along the way '
'Dont grumble too much will you, doesn't suit you'
'Ok amma got to go bye'
'Hmm , drive safely dear , bye'.
Ending the call with his mother , he started the car and turned it towards his uncle's home. Arriving in under twenty minutes, he rushed to the door and rang the bell. The door opened to reveal panja aunty a maid in his uncles home who welcomed him warmly. Asking for his uncle he was directed to the study in the upper floor. Knocking on the door and entering he found his uncle rushing around trying to fit as many things as he could in the bag of his.
'Amarnath, thank you my son for coming so quickly , I really didn't know who to trust with such an important piece of item. Thank God you're here'
'Its no problem uncle, mom said you have an antique piece for her?'he ended it as a question, trying not to let his frustrations show about how late it was getting.
Giving a confirmation his uncle went to the safe in the corner and brought an ornately carved box about the size of a shoe box.
'Take great care of this Amar, this thing does not only contain our family's money but also our history and legacy. Be careful will you?'
'I'll be careful uncle, it's already 7 isn't your flight at 7.30'
'Yes , yes I'll go , dont want to make you late' his uncle finished with a laugh. His entire family knew what a workaholic he was and took great pleasure in teasing him at any given chance.
Seeing his uncle off , he secured the package carefully in the trunk so that it wont jolst too much on the drive and started the car. It was a solid hour travel to his office from his uncle's home and he wanted to shave off whatever minutes he could so he took the smaller streets that wound through the city rather than the highway.
Later he would wish he had paid more attention to the road and to the car that was tailing him rather than speeding. But it had brought him to her and he wouldn't want it any other way.
It was halfway through, on a stretch of road that had sporadically placed houses and rather bare in terms of human activity that it happened. It wasn't that he wasn't paying attention to the road but when he noticed a man laying on the ground with his bike toppled over it was difficult to stop with the way he was speeding. He didn't think he had hit the stranger but it really was too close for his comfort. Berating himself and lamenting the consequences for his momentary lapse in judgement he hurried out of the car to check on the stranger.
It really had been a close call, he observed, if he had been even a second late in applying the breaks , the man would have died and he would have become a murderer. Walking over to the man on the ground he saw no evidence of bleeding , which was good. Crouching down , he laid his fingers to the man's neck to check for his pulse. Noticing that he had a good , strong pulse, he started to try to wake the man. With no amount of him trying getting any results, he decided to call the ambulance.
As concerned with the stranger as he was, he hadn't heard the scuffles coming from behind his car. But a strange loud thud from the near vicinity of his car startled him from his position. More wary now than he had been before , he tried to get up and check what the noise had been about. But before he could even stand fully, he was grabbed by the ankles and pushed to the ground. With his winds knocked out and reasonably confused he saw the man on the ground get up grinning. With a dawning sense of realisation coming upon him he turned his attention to the car to see four men with clothes tied over their faces trying to force open the trunk. He realised It had been a ploy to get him off the car.
It took him longer than he would be willing to admit, to get sense of the situation. Three by the car, forcefully trying to open the trunk, and an another who had tricked him, who now that he focused was swinging his leg back to deliver a kick. The kick landed hard on his abdomen knocking his breath out. Pain for many would cloud their senses but for him it sharpend them. When the next kick contacted with his abdomen he held on to the leg and pulled. Bringing down his assailant he crouched on the top of him and delivered a swift punch to his face. With the following two more the man was knocked out cold. Suddenly hands grappled on the back of his shirt pulling him away from the man. Allowing his weight to freefall on the assailant he got away from the hold and faced his three opponents. Breathing in and out and centering his mind he got into a battle stance.
In his childhood while other children opted for sports or games Amar was always fascinated by martial arts. After much cajoling to his parents he joined them, and never looked back. Fighting came easy to him, he raised through the ranks and joined even more different types of martial arts classes. It gave him peace and happiness that couldn't be found in his life plenty. So this situation of him facing three goons that seemed to be amateurs at best did not panic him as it would any other. They came at him from all sides, trying to overpower him , but he side steps and fights. The fight finishes in mere minutes. Panting heavily he carefully notes what he could about these thugs. From the way they way laid him and opened his car without any power tools he could tell they were well accomplished thieves, but their fighting left a lot to be desired. They weren't fighters , just thieves, good ones but just thieves .
A sudden feeling of a cold hardness pressed against his skull brought him up from his thoughts. With the realisation dawning on him he scolded himself for not checking up on the other thug he knocked out at the start. The gun pressed against him trembled making him more nervous that that idiot would shoot him without even meaning to. Seeing that he had not been shot at already he tried talking to the man who had his life in his hands. 'Listen buddy, there's no need for weapons here. Lower your gun and I'll let you guys go without even letting the police involved. But if you shoot and then got caught it would be life sentence for you. Your whole life would be behing the bars. Think that through. Put your gun away and I'll let you take your guys away. '
The gun pressing even harder against his head made him stop . The hand that was trembling till now steadied. The gun pressed firmly against the back of his head steadied. The click of the guns safety rang across the empty road sounding to him as if it was the conch sounding at his funeral. The safety had been on before , he could have tried to escape but there was no use lamenting about things that could have been. He knew in a few moments he would be no more. As many say, his whole life did not flash before his eyes , but his dreams did. Times he was happy and content in his dreams came to the forefront of his mind. He could totally ignore the gun behind him and he could go out with thoughts that made him smile. More than the fear of death , the wait for when the bullet will tear through him was what scared him. In the silence that made even death noisy , he heard the creak of the trigger being pressed. Then the shot rang through.
The pain he expected was not there, nor was the feeling of either heaven or hell. Slowly opening his eyes which he seemed to have closed , he turned around to see what the hell had happened. There on the ground laid the man who had held a gun to his head , with a bleeding shoulder. The gun laid on the ground and was now being picked up. Following the hand he saw the other held a gun too which seemed to be the source of the shot that he heard. Moving his eyes upwards he stopped short. Because there with guns in her hands, in a plain shirt and pants was the girl he was intimately familiar with. Eyes sharp as razors, beautiful red lips turned into a scowl, a face that shone even when it screamed murderous intent, she was there, every inch a perfect copy of the dreams that he had.
'Deva' his mind whispered, 'Deva'.
He wanted to pinch himself awake but he knew that this was real because even in his dreams he could never get the magnetism that shone off her eyes right, that was being directed at him. He didn't even mind the gun that was now pointed at him, again.
'Who are you , what the hell happend here ' she asked with a voice filled with authority. He found himself smiling hearing her voice. It was just as enchanting as he had always imagined it to be. 'What are you smiling for' she asked again with more force now. His smile had infuriated her.
'Who are you?' He wanted to know, know every single thing about her, things that one shouldn't want to know about a person who holds a gun on them.
'Devika Rajendran , deputy inspector of police , now give me your name or be ready to be dragged off to jail' she stated with a raised eyebrow and a relaxed stance. The confidence that she carried with her, it sent shivers down his spine making him want to needle her so much more, so that he could watch the way she got wound up and let go.
''Amarnath Chandran, software engineer at Mahismathi Industries ' he replied , holding back his true position at MI. He wanted her to look at him as if he was just any other normal guy, not the heir to a multibillion dollar company. It was experience that had him introducing himself as an IT guy rather than his true self. But looking at her he somehow doubted that she would bend down or simper at him. And it was that which made her even more attractive in his eyes.
'Well Mister Amarnath' he cut her off before she could finish the sentence,' its Amar, call me Amar'
If possible she looked even more less impressed by that statement. 'Mister Amarnath, I have to ask you , why was this guy pointing a gun at you' a hint of coldness seeped into her tone.
'I have no idea who these people are , they hijacked my car and tried to steal the antique that i had in my trunk, and trust me no way am i involved in any shady business Devika' and seeing the expression on her face become frostier he hastily added 'Maam, Devika Maam'.
'Cut off the name calling and show me your ID' she neared him and held out her hands.
He didn't know what was going through his mind. It probably was "she's here, she's real" and not "let's go to jail today". His response should have been "sure, let me get it from my car" and not what he said.
'I dont have it on my person at this moment but I could bring it to you by noon today. Your office is at the city headquarters isn't it'
If it had been him at her place , he probably would have done worse than slap the cuffs on his had and dump him in the back of the police jeep with the other thugs. He didn't care much for it, but at least the view was nice, or the back of her that he could see.
It took his mother half an hour to get the news and come to the station with a lawyer to get him out, the time which he spent most enjoyably watching her in her true environment. He seemed to infuriate her, smiling wider every time she managed to catch his look and glare at him. It was good that his mother came when she did or he didn't know what she would have done to him. But as soon as his mother came her entire ire transferred to his mother. Watching both the woman verbally battle he was glad that he wasnt caught in between but he would gladly accept that and more if only she could be in his life. They were two strong women who didn't want to give each other an inch of leeway. Finally Devika stomped towards the holding cell and opened the door with such a force that nobody could mistake her anger for anything else.
But before she could leave he grabbed her wrists making her turn towards him with such an anger in her face. It made him want to go to her and pull her in a tight hug and never let her leave. But he had an apology to deliver. Letting her go he lifted his hands up in an apology.
'I'm sorry I touched you without your permission, I just wanted your attention for a second. I'm sorry that I deceived you, it's my fault. The reason for it is simple. I didn't want to be away from your company just yet. You captivate me Devika, from your confidence to your inner strength that shows just as bright as your beauty, I wanted to spend more time with you. Your strength is beautiful, you are beautiful. Will you please accept my apology as a dinner tonight. Just an apology dinner, nothing else and if you never want to see me again you dont have to'.
Seeing the anger fade away from her face, and a confused look entering in, he smiled.
'Don't need to give me an answer now, tonight 7 PM at Jonas restaurant at the city centre, I'll be waiting, and if you dont show up I'll understand ' leaving the cell he started to walk out of the room and fortunately for him his mother seemed to have left already. Stopping midway he turned back to see her still standing in the same position. 'I don't know what you will decide tonight Devika, but either way have a good life officer'. He turned back and strode out of the room, whatever tonight may bring he was content in a way that he had never been. She may never come looking for him, but knowing that she was real, and that she lived a happy life somewhere was enough for him.
A smirk tugged at his lips, he definitely did notice the blush that stained her cheeks when she was with him.
Thank you @carminavulcana and @mayavanavihariniharini for welcoming me into this wonderful fandom.
Ao3 link
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femmesupportgroup · 5 years
Things like media and porn really do teach afab people really arent normal, sexy or "worth it" if they dont do penetrative sex. If it hurts or they dont get pleasure from it they must just be hard to please. I used to think i must be broken cause i didnt like it and/or it hurt.
ur very right, anonny. there's also the rly harmful notion that's oddly pervasive in our society that it's "supposed" to hurt, so I'm gonna use this ask to make some rly important remarks:
penetrative sex isn't "supposed" to hurt, n there definitely should not be blood. if it hurts, u likely either haven't done enough foreplay, or u haven't used enough lube.
when in doubt, err on the side of caution. always use more lube. too much lube is a lot better than running the danger of too little lube.
if there's bleeding, stop immediately. this can happen with fingering, n it more than likely isn't serious, but u likely have a small tear somewhere. ur body will patch itself up, but in the meantime, u don't need to let the possible bacteria on another person's hand or strap or on any toys ur using get into that tear, as u might get an infection.
never force urself to do anything u aren't ready to do or aren't comfortable with. it's ok to have boundaries, n no one is worth crossing ur boundaries.
u have nothing to be ashamed about. if ur nervous or it hurts or it turns out something u thought u'd be ok with isn't ok for u anymore, plz tell ur sexual partner. sex is only good n safe sex if it is good n safe for everyone involved. anyone who tries to shame u for asserting ur boundaries or prioritizing ur safety is not someone u should be having sex with.
ur safety n comfort comes first. u deserve to have sexual experiences that r safe n comfortable for u. no one is allowed to take either of those things away from u.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
more abt hxh bc my last post was too long n i had to split it off holla
so i left off talking abt when gon woke up....i love how polite gon is to pretty much everyone - hes such a good lad all the time. s/o to his aunt for raising him right (tho i think hes also just a rlly good boy inherently too)
also is he named gon bc ging was like ha ha im boutta be GONe lol seeya kid!!!! like ????
i find it interesting that kurapika and hisoka fought....we really havent seen them interact at all yet. also hisoka is so smirk-y i hate that bitch...what did he say to kurapika?????? 
this poor red shirt old guy lmao hisoka is SO clearly uninterested in fighting him and then he fucking dies. rip mdude
what did hisoka whisper to HIM??? guess we’ll never know #RIPLegend
oh mannnn if killua had just won against pokkle then he wouldnt have had to deal with illumi doing That to him :( my smug son......
leorio is such a good dude....also its so funny to me how tall and lanky leorio is, espec compared to the other 3 main characters lmaoooo
or maybe those 3 are just rlly short??? i mean gon and killua are literally 12, but whats kurapikas excuse
GODDDD I HATE THIS BIIIIITCH. FUCK OFFFFFFF tho the evil piano music slaps. but jeeeeesus illumi is so creepy and awful, and seeing him take off his disguise is not any better a second time...he and hisoka truly deserve each other wrow
does illumi have hair powers??? cause it kinda looks like it. or maybe hes just gay and dramatic 
ok but the sick electric guitar riff (?) that played when illumis face was revealed was lowkey kinda hilarious
man i was so wrong abt killua knowing that that was illumi :( poor kid
killua is immediately freaking out and meanwhile illumi looks bored as hell. dude ur the worst 
killua: [freaking out] illumi, completely blank-faced: hey 
I HATE HIMMMM even tho his catman design is regrettably kinda cute
why do illumi and hisoka both have such snatched waists i hate this
wtf so killua has another different brother??? i assumed he attacked illumi....how many fuckgin zoldyk sibling are there?????
leorio ur too normie for this conversation lmao. also wow fucked up family huh
killua looks so like...small and helpless, which is so at odds from what we’ve seen of him so far :( this poor kid
illumi totally has some weird brain powers man callin it now 
gon: wow killuas family sounds wack...  satotz: oh lmao you havent even heard the rest 
this poor baby assassin :( :( :(
meanwhile gon decided he and killua are BEST FRIENDS like 10 mins after they met. GOD 
like in the recap ep he called killua his best friend ;_; and meanwhile killua doesnt even think they ARE friends god destroy me 
this calming classical music is throwing me off vbhjfjhbsdkgndks
i sense that leorio and kurapika are rapidly acquiring a new son
DAMN THIS IS SO FUUUUCKEDDDDD illumi is such a crusty bitch wow. leave killua alone asshole 
all that stuff abt killua like, only thinking he wants to befriend gon but really wanting to kill him....that sure sounds like some ‘worst fears’ type of shit for someone like killua....illumi is such a classic abuser wow
i have 2 know is satotz like, repeating this entire conversation verbatim in a calming monotone to gon rn. like....
LEORIOOOOO I LOVE UUUUUUUU AUGHHHH him telling killua it doesnt matter if illumi is his brother, fuck that guy, beat him up as usual and leave.....ooooughhhh leorio is such a good dude ;_; 
and the OF COURSE him saying the obvious - that gon and killua are ALREADY friends....i love this, i feel like leorio said all the exact things the audience is thinking...yet it still didnt get thru to killua bc hes so rattled by illumi appearing, and the abuse in general 
i think if gon were there things wouldve gone much differently 
of COURSE crusty bitch illumi is like oh ok now i have to kill gon.....biiiiitch i hate uuuuu 
also that just shows that hes lying to killua (which we already knew obvs), bc if it were inevitable that killua would kill gon to like, test himself or w/e, then why not just wait for that to happen? that would have a much bigger impact on killua than illumi killing gon....its obvious that illumi is just manipulating him, but killua is too BSOD to be able to tell (also, hes 12)
ok bitch illumi is preaching abt not needing friends but he and hisoka are definitely fucking and theyve been teamed up for the entire hunter exam it seems.....what a hypocrite. hate this guy
god im so glad we didnt rlly get to see whatever the fuck illumi did to that random hunter examiner guy’s face. jeeeeesus. also i cant tell but i wonder if him forcing that info out of the guy was the result of his freaky mind powers or if the guy was just like oof ouch pins in me face
LEORIO AND KURAPIKAAAA THE PROTECT GON SQUAD!! and joined by new member hanzo!!! who ironically beat gon up for 3 hours str8 like, a very short amount of time ago lmao. but still i love that sm
illumi u dumb bitch.....tho i dont buy for a minute that he didnt already realize that killing gon would disqualify him...he defs just wanted to get under killuas skin even more :^( 
KILLUAAAA ;_; when he goes to step back from illumi but illumi tells him not to....ughhh HATE this guy, leave this poor kid alone. no wonder he wanted to leave
illumi saying theres only 1 way that killua can stop him - does he mean by killing him, or something more specific, like some forbidden zoldyk murder technique? 
‘your beloved gon’ wow gay. theyre 12 and theyre dating ok. killua is literally that kid whos like wow i wonder if gon likes me...and meanwhile gon is like wow cant believe me and killua have been dating for 3 months now
leorio saying ‘we wont let him kill you or gon’ ;_; leorio ily sm...thats like the exact right thing to say - hes offering protection and reassurance as an adult figure...unfortunately killua is clearly too freaked out to even process anything outside of illumis gaslighting and abuse 
also illumi is defs doing something to killua w/his eyes via his freaky mind powers. js
illumi i hate you stop being weirdly cute. augh 
classic abuse tactics, being like ha ha nvm i wasnt gonna kill gon! jk!
killua just shutting down completely after that :( :( noooo
and then he kills that old guy and leaves, ‘proving’ that illumi is right....noooooOOOO
and now we boutta see gon go FULL shounen protag for the first time, oh FUCKKKKKK yesssss
this is the first time we’ve seen gon angry oooh man and of COURSE its on killuas behalf,....im so fuckign emo already looooord
god ok the episode preview where its gon saying ‘do leorio and i look alike?’ YES U DO LOL youre father and son so jot that down 
oof, gon and illumi have such fundamentally different POVs on like, family and life and morals, and you can tell by their 4-line exchange before gon does the ICONIC one-handed grab’n’fling
AUGHHHH gon saying hes gonna rescue killua....SO good...he recognizes that killuas family is wack as hell and killua shouldnt be w/them - the classic ingrained ‘found family is more important than blood family’ stuff
tho thats an interesting contrast to gon himself, whos looking for his deadbeat dad
‘but it wasnt his choice’ that so good ily gon BEST boy, hes so perceptive and good......he knows that killuas hand was forced and that he needs to be RESCUED (love that word choice) from his shitty abusive family
of course kurapika and leorio voiced complaints ;_; best parents 
kurapika should be a lawyer tbh 
leorioooo ;_; such a good dude, saying he should be disqualified instead 
HOW is leorio a stronger combatant than that old dude hvbajufjbsja that guy had some moves it seemed, and leorio has,....a knife? a briefcase? the classic premed attitude of ‘fuck it, i could die anytime, lets do this’? like.....cmon vhabjdfjbhsf i refuse to believe this man is of any use in a fight. ill believe it when i see it
pokkle pls ur not plot-important enough to be jumping into this convo rn
tho i am curious abt what hisoka said to kurapika. tho i agree that thats irrelevant to the discussion 
gon repeating satotz’s wisdom :’) and saying that killua will definitely pass if he takes the exam again...ough
gon is SO GOOD i cant get over it !!!!!!!!! AUGHHHH....recusing killua from his abusive family and making it so killua never has to see them again is like...so good. what a good good perfect boy.
also thats like, the perfect response to this. killing illumi would just start a ton of drama, and killua would be conflicted abt that....but removing killua from his situation is perfect 
ok ive ranted a lot ill talk abt the rest later woohoo
i predict that hisoka will show up in this upcoming zoldyk arc somewhere bc illumis gonna be in it (i assume) and theyre dating. also hisoka is a central character so itd make sense for him to show up in the second major arc. tho tbh this could end up being completely false and i wouldnt be that shocked lmao
i think leorio is gonna get Big Sad someday bc hes like, so normal compared to the other MCs, and also hes suuuuch a bleeding heart (i love him....) so i feel like thats gonna lead to some sadness for him once his friends start doing crazy shit or w/e 
also i predict that if he gets nen itll be like healing nen or st. does that even exist??? idk jack shit abt nen lmao 
i think that illumi has hypnosis powers or something, even just based on design alone. it could defs be for aesthetic (character design in hxh is wild), but his eyes look noticeably different from any other characters. also he was doing some freaky shit to killua. also i held this prediction before seeing the part where this is brought up so we’ll see if its right lmao 
as for this upcoming arc -  ruth and i are wondering if itll be similar to the vinsmoke drama in one piece - character goes back to abusive family, squad goes to rescue them...and then character refuses to be recused. w/sanji it was partially bc the vinsmokes threatened to kill zeff, his TRUE dad, but i predict in this case it could be more like the zoldyks saying ‘look killua these 3 weirdos showed up looking for you, convince them to leave or we’ll kill them’ and killua will be like, oh shit bc like.....think abt it. the vinsmokes targeted zeff (and not the strawhats) bc they knew they could easily kill him. same goes here, i assume - a family of trained assassins vs Good Good Fishing Rod Smell-Power Boy (who hasnt thrown a single punch yet), Lanky Dr Man With A Switchblade We Havent Seen Him Use Onscreen, and Mx 2 Wooden Sticks, Bloodlust, and Arachnophobia - 3 For 1 Deal! its a no-contest. so thats one thing i could see happening, potentially 
im way too tired to remember my other predictions rip lmao
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blackarmyslave · 5 years
//a smile of defeat//
Written for Day 1 of the appreciation week for the love of my life, the peanut to my butter, my bae, my sweetie pie, the yin to my yang, my boo, my baby, my daddy, my boss, my honeybunch and my whole fucking cosmos Ray Blackwell!  Tagging @ikerev-appreciation uwu
➵ Theme: Trust
➵ Genre: ANGST
➵ Word count: 992
➵ Notes: my first time writing angst, please dont kill me ahjmcec. Also, the read more isn't working, again, so you're all stuck with this decently long fic lol
“Will you marry me?”
Ray’s heart pounded so loudly in his ears, it was nearly deafening. His fists were clenched in an attempt to cease their shaking. Eyes thickly layered with a calm, indifferent facade that hid the fear actually eating away at him.
And no. He wasn’t the one proposing.
Right now, Alice’s boyfriend for over a year, Malcolm, was the one popping the question. He was down on one knee, diamond ring outstreched. Alice had her hands over her mouth in shock. Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears. The plaza, where said proposal was currently unfolding, was filled by spectators eagerly awaiting Alice’s answer. But of course eyes would be on them. For weeks on end, people have been gossiping about Malcolm - an esteemed artist - possibly proposing to Alice who came from another world. It certainly is quite the rumor. And now it's really happening.
His worst fear had came to reality.
Ray felt like throwing a fit and shoving Malcolm aside to take his place. Not just his place at the moment, but forevermore. He wanted to be the one to love Alice. He wanted to be the source of that bright, radiant light dancing in her ocean eyes. He wanted to wait for her on the other end of the aisle. He wanted to be the one to stand by her side.
Because he knew Alice deserves someone better. And he knew he could do better.
He would take her to the most beautiful spot in all of Cradle rather than a plain ol' plaza. He would get her a ring much grander than the one Malcolm's currently offering her. He would prepare a long speech explaining why he loves Alice, and just how much she means to him, instead of just blandly jumping right into it. His love for her was much greater than any force on Earth.
Which is also exactly why he chose to do none of those.
Ray chose to set her free instead. He chose to break up with her her three years ago. He knew that he loves her the most, true... but he was also scared. He'd once hurt people with his innate magical capabilities. He’d hurt before, and he was afraid of that happening again. Especially with Alice.
He can’t afford to become a monster with her in his arms. God, anything but that. He can take anything and everything save for that one thing.
It wasn’t just him in general. As the King of Spades; as a soldier, he lived a dangerous life. There’s no telling just what would happen. He might die on the battlefield. Or Alice might be taken hostage and Ray would have to choose between her of the safety and freedom of all of Cradle. He would have to choose between the two most precious things in his life, and the thought of it made his stomach churn.
And here he was. Merely closing his eyes in agony when Alice said yes to Malcolm.
Ray felt everything go numb. He could hear everyone clapping and cheering, yet some part of his brain hadn’t really processed that. Felt the sun’s shine turn cold rather than warm. Felt like the ground under his feet collapse. All he could process was the fact that his heart stopped, the way he unclenched his fists and couldn't feel his hands afterwards. He’d bitten his inner cheeks at one point and now it was bleeding; he could feel a foreign liquid in his mouth. Yet it tasted absolutely nothing, not metallic like how it should be. His heartbeat was alike to that of someone dying: slow and with each beat far apart.
Rage, jealousy, bitterness, regret... so many emotions had crashed over him like tidal waves, drowning him and then making him go numb to every other sensation. It was almost like--
"Ray?" That voice. It made his eyes snap open again.
And he nearly forgot how to breathe. There she was; Alice, in that same blinding beauty, the feel of thousand familiar volts zapping the air around them. He had to remind himself to speak.
"Alice... congratulations with Malcolm."
"Oh, uhm. Thank you." A shy little smile played on her lips, and Ray couldn’t refuse to return it.
The least he could do for her was feign a smile. At the very least, he should support her, like how she’d been there for him during her first month here in Cradle, when they’d still been friends... and more.
"I truly think you’ll be happy by his side, Alice. Malcolm looks like a good guy."
"Why, thank you, King of Spades." Malcolm had been the one to cheerily answer this time, not Alice. He approached them, and then put an arm around the girl’s shoulders, obviously proud to have her as his wife.
How badly Ray wanted to switch places with someone at that very moment.
"Well," Alice abruptly spoke up, eyes turning soft for a moment. "We'll be going ahead, Ray. Thanks again for the support."
Ray nodded and the couple left, along with his happiness. There it went, out the window, along with his hopes of being Alice's man. It felt like a part of him died.
But he'd be willing to try Malcolm. Ray decided the guy deserves a shot. So he called out, "Yo, Malcolm?"
Malcolm looked back in answer. And Ray pulled the fakest, bitterest, saddest smile in history, a smile of pure defeat and resignation and surrender. Both corners of his lips tugging upwards to convey one message: he was now raising the white flag. For Alice. If marrying Malcolm and not him is what's best for her, if that’s what will keep her safe and happy; then, without a qualm nor a second thought, he’ll raise the white flag with a smile. The very same smile on his lips now.
A smile of defeat.
"I trust you'll treat Alice right."
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