#i am gonna cry now and maybe ride my bike anyway if i have some time before the pizza hut person drops by
panb1mbo · 8 months
i was so brave today bc people were mean to me but i didn’t hurt them and wasn’t mean back and also i got so many dishes and so much laundry done. dinner is on the way. i did not get to do what i wanted to do for myself today. being an adult is kinda very difficult sometimes.
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scoops-aboy86 · 26 days
🧠🪱Wiggly Wednesday🪱🧠
Thanks for tagging me, @wheneverfeasible!
This is not fully formed at all, I was just listening to For Whom The Bell Tolls earlier and thought “Tolls for Thee” would be a cool fic title and also a good opportunity for a road toll pun. 
Cw for… major character death, I guess? It’s Eddie. 😔 It might be temporary. 
So Eddie gets attacked by the bats at the end of season four. He's proud of himself when he tells Dustin he didn’t run. And yeah, he’s bleeding and crying and dying and doesn’t even get a chance to close his eyes before slipping, but he knows he did the right thing and that makes it *his year.* 
Next thing he knows, he’s in the passenger seat of Wayne’s truck. He recognizes the road; this is the drive they took from where Wayne picked him up after Al’s arrest, heading back to Hawkins. At the time, twelve years old and full of restless frustration at having so little say in his own life (wanted a bike and Al got him one, but then pawned it; wanted to stay in his current school with the couple of friends he’d managed to make since the last move but child welfare had other ideas; wanted a guitar but like hell anyone was ever going to trust his clumsy ass with one; and so on), Eddie had spent the entire ride staring straight ahead at the End Of The Line, Dead End, Hawkins, Indiana. 
The truck pulls up to a toll station, and a familiar voice asks, “Got any change?”
Except, that’s not Wayne. 
Eddie startles and whips his head around to stare at Steve Harrington, looking like he had when driving the hot-wired RV. Still wearing the battle vest and torn shirt bandages, chest distractingly bare. 
“Hey,” Steve says, good-naturedly snapping his fingers in front of Eddie’s face. “My eyes are up here, man. You got any change or not?” When Eddie shakes his head, Steve just shrugs. “Me neither. Well, fuck it!” 
He floors it, tires shrieking as they speed past the booth without paying. And, fuck it, Eddie whoops and laughs along with him. What had he been so tense and sad about a minute ago? 
Oh. Right. 
“Am I dead?” Eddie asks, rolling his window up so there’s less wind to drown out the answer. On the other side of the truck cab, Steve does the same. 
“Eh,” Steve responds, wavering his hand in the air between them in a *kinda sorta* gesture. “It could go either way right now, but.” He nods forward, at the road. “We’re getting there.”
A pit opens in Eddie’s stomach. “We?”
“Well, you.” Steve flashes him an apologetic smile, the kind Eddie had seen in school whenever the guy had called Tommy to heel after something that crossed the line. “I’m just along for the ride. To keep you company, you know? Everyone has to do this alone, but there’s like… this instinct, you know? To have some sort of connection along the way. So, here I am.”
He’s a figment of Eddie’s imagination, then. It figures. Eddie has never had any actual one on one time with Steve except in the bad-dark-wrong version of the woods around Hawkins, displaced into a hostile alternate dimension and crawling with Vecna vines. Which maybe explains the choice in outfit, and the smudges of dirt and blood on the guy. 
“Sorry,” Eddie mutters anyway. Even though it’s not really Steve, and he can’t really apologize for the way he’s left Dustin holding his dying body. It does make him feel a little better, is the thing—which is the whole point. Closure. “You told me not to be a hero, and I guess I kind of fucked that up.”
“You sure did,” Steve says, sounding both amused and exasperated at the same time. 
“Still,” Eddie adds thoughtfully, “at least the company’s not too bad.” 
That’s all I’ve got. Maybe they hold hands for a bit. Maybe they get to the end of the line and before Eddie gets out of the truck he kisses Steve—which turns into Steve giving him the kiss of life back in the land of the living and Eddie is in the back of some vehicle that’s just pulling up to the ER. 
Who knows? Not me. Someone else write the rest, I’m tired. 
So tired I’m just gonna do my permanent tag list and call it a night. If you’re not so much with the writing, tell me a wiggly worm of something you’d like to read, idk. (Don’t say more of this, that’s cheating. 😭)
@hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @irishvampireboy @oatmilk-vampire
@hamiltonswiftie @grtwdsmwhr @yesdangerpls @theseaofdespair
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loverrrgirl · 2 years
KISMET- Austin Butler x reader- PART 6
If you read the old part five you’re going to have deja vu. I skipped a part like a dumb dumb. But if you felt like there were plot holes, it’s because I slipped right over them. All fixed now!
Warnings: talk of car accident, hospital, etc. May eventually contain smut so minors back awayyyyy. I’ll warn you on the smutty chapters though. Promise.
Next chapters will have snippets of Austin’s point of view.
Here’s a masterlist
We pulled in to a parking lot with a colorful little building. There was beautiful art on the side walls of it. Someone definitely took their time to add all the details to the flowers. It was so cute on the outside.
Austin parked the car and got out. Before I even processed what he was doing, he was over on the passenger side opening the door for me. "You're gonna love this place. It's been family owned for 25 years." He said as he finished pulling my door open. He held his hand out so I could use it as leverage to pull myself out of my seat. Once I was out, he closed the door behind me and clicked the lock button.
"It's so cute out here. I wish it was warmer so we could sit outside." I said with a smile. He smiled back and opened the door for me to go in. It was a small, intimate building. The colors were bright and every table had fresh flowers and the smell of fresh food took over the room.
We ordered our food and sat down in a booth in the back corner. It wasn't super busy, maybe three or four other tables full.
"So how'd you find this place anyways?" I asked.
"A good friend of mine brought me here and I come back whenever I can now." He smiled. It seemed like a very fond memory he had.
Chatting with him was nice. It was effortless.
"So Stella, what do you do in your free time while you're here?" He asked.
"Well it's my first time back since I left actually. So I'm not sure what I'll do other than be at the hospital. But before I moved, I spent a lot of time at the beach reading, or walking, or sleeping. It's just a 15 minute bike ride from my house" I smiled thinking about all the times Jude and would go once he got in to high school. Most of the time he used me as an excuse to stay out late with his friends. But the rides to the beach were full of laughter and jokes and sarcastic comments.
Oh god. The hospital. How am I even finding myself enjoying this conversation when I should be rushing there?
I started to feel flush. I think Austin responded to me but I couldn't hear him. My heart was pounding and I was starting to feel like I couldn't breathe.
"Stella. Stella!" He said sharply, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay?"
"You know what, I actually think I need a minute. I don't think I can eat right now I'm so sorry. I'm going to go outside for some air." I replied, not sure if my sentences were making any sense.
"Okay. Yeah. Of course. Here, take my keys so you can at least get in the car. It's cold out there." He said to me as he put his car key in to my hand. And I'm not even sure I responded. The next thing I knew, I was sitting in the passenger seat counting things I could see, things I could hear, things I could feel.
This is not the time for an anxiety attack Stella. We can do this later. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
My breaths were starting to slow. And although I wasn't feeling any better and my cheeks were tingling from starting to hyperventilate, I could tell I had saved myself from a full blown attack. For now. And I was feeling HOT. I was shaking, but I was warm. I took my cardigan off and let it fall behind my back against the seat. And I just laid my head against the headrest and closed my eyes so I could continue to breathe. I let a few tears fall, and quickly wiped them away. This was also not the time to be crying.
How fucking embarrassing. Oh well. I guess no one ever knows how to act in a situation they never thought they'd be in. Going to the car was better than having a panic attack in the middle of the cutest taco place I've ever seen. 30 more minutes and you can have a whole panic attack in a hospital bathroom if you want to Stella. The world is almost your oyster.
I was startled by a tap on the driver window. I forgot I was even in Austin's car. I unlocked the door to let him in. He was carrying 2 bags of food with him.
I know this man did not just miss out on eating his lunch fresh to bring me my box of food.
"Hey. Sorry it took so long. They brought our food and then I wrapped everything up and put it in a bag for you. You might feel hungry later." He said to me in a low voice. "How're you doing?"
I looked at him, wide eyed and mouth slightly parted. Although I had inconvenienced him multiple times today, he was still thoughtful enough to bring me my food. I realized I should probably stop staring and explain myself. "I just thought about the hospital and how I should be there and I got very overwhelmed. I'm sorry to have left suddenly like that but I didn't want to cause a bigger scene than I probably did."
I didn't want him to know I was also feeling guilty for enjoying his company and the time we had spent together. He was being so accommodating to a complete stranger who he met in an absolute crisis. I just needed him to drop me off so I could stop feeling this way and focus on my dad and my brother.
"You don't have to apologize. Today is a hard day and it makes sense to feel scared about it. Let's get you to your family." Austin said. He reached over and gave my forearm a gentle squeeze, reassuring me that everything would be okay. He started the car and drove out of the parking lot. And just like that, I was almost to the place I wanted to be but also dreaded to be.
"So you said your house is a 15 minute bike ride from the beach? Which beach?" He asked, breaking the silence.
"Laguna Beach! I grew up just down the street from it. Have you been?" I said, probably a little more excited than I should have. It was just my favorite beach.
"I've been there once or twice, yeah. It's a good one. I usually frequented Little Corona Del Mar Beach. Strictly because it's a little more secluded, but it's also beautiful." He smiled. I could tell he really liked the beach.
"Hmmmm. I haven't been to that one. I'll try to check it out while I'm here." I said, hoping I didn't forget the name of it by the time the car ride was over. Which happened to be in about 5 minutes.
As he made his last few turns, I could tell he deep in thought. He was doing that thing again. When he rubs his lip with his thumb. I could watch him get lost in thought all day if it was like this every time. As we pulled in to the hospital parking lot, he finally decided to let me in on what he was thinking. "I just wanted to tell you that you got this. And whatever happens, you're strong. And you'll get through it. I just know it" he said in a low voice. Like he wasn't sure he should be saying it to me but it seemed like he felt like he had to. And I didn't know it, but I needed him to.
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eternalmx · 4 years
error. | im changkyun. (pt. 1)
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☁️a/n: for @kyunsies;; because she said if I wrote it she will cry so I'm waiting for the tears. sksksk jk but I hope you enjoy it angel. ily♡ also;; highly recommend listen to so beautiful by dpr Ian while reading okay? definitely takes it to the next level. I'm bringing back eyebrow piercing kyun for this jdjdjd. I had to it was only right to do so.
✒ summary : Be honest. He's every father's worst nightmare. Black hair, tattoos, dresses in all black, rides a motorcycle. But is he really the stereotypical bad boy? Or he's just got a soft spot for this one girl?
warnings : none.
wc | 1,017
9:15𝓹𝓶 • "C'mon babe! It'll be fun" he says through the phone.
"Kyun... I don't think that's a good idea. If I get caught sneaking out I'll be in so much trouble not to mention my father already hates you. It won't do us any good" she says, fighting the urge to sneak out with him.
"I won't force you if you don't want to but I promise you it'll be worth it. You'll love what I have plan" he said, you can practically see the pout on his face as you heard him whine through the phone.
"How fast can you be here?" she sighed, pushing herself off the bed and going to her closet to get changed.
"I knew you couldn't resist me! I'll be there in twenty, be ready okay?" he said, quickly hanging up. The weather wasn't the best a bit foggy as it's been raining all the. The street lights reflecting on the water puddles in the street. She made her way around the house, careful not to make any noise. She packed a bag with some water bottles and snacks just in case they went far. After she went back t wait in her room she heard tapping at the window only to find Kyun smiling at her. His long black hair slicked back slightly, most likely from he remainder or rain. His leather jacket suiting his attire well. The small lamp in you room illuminating his features and his eyebrow piercing.
"Hey, you put it back in" she said softly, hand moving over the cold metal.
"I thought I'd pop in back in for a change and I kind of missed it" he said, smiling.
"You know I could walk out the front door right?" she said, realizing the path he decided to take to get to her. He was sitting comfortably on the little raised roof by her window.
"But where would the fun be? This is more romantic and mysterious. We look like troubled teens" he said, making her laugh. She clicked off the lamp and he helped her out onto the awning.
"Be careful pls, it's slippery" he said, as soon as you foot slipped slightly making him grab you roughly and pull you against him.
"We haven't even left and I already almost died. Maybe my dad's onto something?" she said, giggling softly and holding his hand tightly.
"Not funny. Here give me your backpack" he says, helping her remove it. "What's in here anyways?" he asked, as they walk slowly towards the end of the awning.
"Snacks and juice boxes and water" she said, she was serious in the statement but when he heard her say juice boxes he lost it.
"Shuuuuu! He'll hear us!" she said, turning to hit him softly. "It's not that funny" she whined, in a harsh whisper.
"It is. Be honest, were sneaking you out of your house and your dad hates me. we're gonna get on my motorcycle and then when we get to where were going we're going to drink juice boxes? That's a plot twist. I like it though. It's messing with my bad boy image I've got going for me but I'll let it slide because I love you" he whispered back, making her smile to herself. They finally reached the end of the awning when he stopped you as the light to her father's bedroom flickered on.
"We gotta go now" he whispered. Him going first down the wooden ladder. She rushed down almost missing a few steps but he was there to catch her if she fell. When she finally reached him he had his hands on her waist and spun her to face him.
"Well, are we just gonna stand here?" she asked, as he stares at her. He leaned in to kiss her but ended up pushing her against the house as the heard a window opening.
"Hello? Who's there?" her father yelled. The porch lights turning on as they both moved around the house. "You better get out of here!" he yelled.
Her eyes were wide and changkyun gave an apologetic smile to her. She grabbed his hand reassuringly as they waited for the lights to turn off after they heard the window shut closed.
"Are you cold?" he asked, taking off his leather jacket.
"A little, I was busy packing the snack I forgot to grab a sweater" she said, rubbing her hands over her arms as he placed his jacket around her.
"Better?" he asked, pushing his hair back.
"Much better." she said, nodding her head and doing a little happy dance.
"You just wanted the jacket didn't you?" he asked.
"Yes and no. I actually am cold but the jacket is a bonus. It was a test. You passed. Now I'll sneak out with you. I know you'll take care of me if it all goes wrong" she said, smiling and grabbing his hand. They began running down the street to his parked motorcycle.
"Thanks for trusting me." he said, as they reached his bike.
"Why wouldn't I?" she asked, placing the extra helmet on before standing in front of him.
"I don't know. I'm sure it's not easy. Especially because your father already has his mind made up about me" he says, leaning against his bike.
"Babe, what he thinks matters to me. Of course it does, but you aren't what he has his mind made up about. I know you more than what's on the outside and soon he'll come around but don't thank me. I should be thanking you if anything. It's Friday night and i was gonna be couped up studying but instead here I am. With my handsome boyfriend about to go to an undisclosed location with snacks and juice boxes. This is the high life" she said, giggling softly. She got on the bike and wrapped her arms around him.
"I love you" he said, before starting to rev the engine.
"I love you more babe" she said, kissing his cheek.
"Ready!" she said, squeezing tightly against him as he pulled out the spot.
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
Will sees Billy kind of like a father/ another parental figure (bcoz fuck lonnie). He has Jonathan of course (and Hopper and Steve), but Billy is the one who teaches him how to play basketball, change a tire, throw a punch, etc. a lot of stuff fathers in the 80’s would generally teach their kids
will has a hard time adjusting to changes in his life.
when his father first left, even though he was a piece of shit, it was weird to lose him. he got so used to the occasional affection that he grew to miss that fatherly figure.
jonathan was still a kid, too. he was dealing with their dad leaving as well, and he didn’t need the responsibility of acting like a dad to will.
joyce was amazing, but she’s a helicopter mom. she’s tactical and confident, but in a mom way, and there’s just some things a woman can’t teach her son as well as a man can (the puberty talk was scarring, to say the least)
bob was kind, bob gave will a chance and didn’t look at him any differently, and will thought that maybe, just maybe he could get a father figure out of him, but we all know what happened with that.
then steve came into their small group, but when and dustin had a very close relationship and steve didn’t care to interact with the other kids.
hopper was kind and amazing, but he didn’t have a super close connection with will. he just wasn’t openly warm and fuzzy and they just didn’t connect.
it shouldn’t have been anyone but lonnie’s responsibility to be will’s dad, but he still wanted someone to fill that hole in his heart, left shattered after the first time lonnie called him gay for crying.
and will wasn’t expecting jack shit out of billy. he was loud and obnoxious and crude and selfish and will wanted nothing to do with the californian.
until the day their av club ran late and, as all the boys were picked up, max and will were the only ones left standing on the steps.
billy’s car was sitting in the high school parking lot, among others, who were staying after for basketball practice or other extra curriuculars.
but jonathan’s car wasn’t there and his mom had the late shift and will wasn’t allowed to ride his bike to school anymore, a stern rule from his mom.
max was waiting on the steps of the middle school since billys practice went until 5:00 and there was still a good ten minutes, plus she didn’t want to leave will alone
when billy eventually came strutting out of the school to his car, 10 minutes later than usual, will was still waiting with max.
“do you need a ride? i can force billy to take you home,” max gave a sheepish smile
“do you think he’ll get mad?”
max shrugged her shoulders in a careless manner before starting to walk down the sidewalk to billy
will followed a step behind and overthought this whole situation. he wasn’t all to sure he wanted to be in a car with the guy who almost ran the party over.
but he had to get home somehow.
“billy, will needs a ride home,” max said, as if there was no room for questioning.
“doesn’t your group ride bikes?”
“i got driven to school today,” wills said, almost inaudibly
billy sighed and took a drag of his cigarette before giving max a glare, then getting into his car, meaning max won the argument.
billy was mean but he’s been left at school because of a careless parent one too many times before getting his liscence.
billy asked only twice which way to go, because he’d only ever driven there from the wheelers, not the school (which was in the opposite direction from the wheelers, but just a mile or two farther than the hargrove-mayfield home)
billy flinched at each rock hit the side of his car as he drove down the bumpy dirt road that led to the byers, cursing at the work he would have to do to clean his car later.
will, who was patiently sat in the back, unbuckled before the car fully stopped an max was getting out, leaning the seat foreward, and letting will go into his house.
billy rolled down the window before will walked in, “hey kid!”
will turned to look at billy cautiously, raising his eyebrows in question
“if you ever need another ride home, i’m expecting you to wash my car after!”
will looked at the car, seeing how muddy the wheels and bottom few inches of the car had gotten compared to the pristine condition of the rest of his car
he nodded and billy rolled up his window, waiting until will got inside before driving away.
max snickered from the passenger seat, “you’re such a softie,”
“am not,”
“i doubt will’s ever washed a car in his life,”
“seriously?” billy raised an eyebrow, glancing over to max
she shrugged, “don’t know,”
two or so months later, billy has developed a routine of driving will home every other tuesday, when joyce and jon are too busy to pick him up.
this one particular tuesday, however, max is home sick, so it’s just going to be the two of them
billy doesn’t see it as being so bad. the av club ends about half an hour before basketball practice does, so will and max usually wait by the car, and when billy walks out, will is looking down at one of his tires
as he gets closer, billy sees that his tire was slashed and completely flat by now, he puffed out a breath angrily as he got closer, and will flinched as he heard billy
“i didn’t do it, i swear, billy—“
“yeah, i know you didn’t do it, kid,”
billy takes a moment to push his anger to that little dark spot in his mind before unlocking his trunk, where he kept a spare tire and car jack
“what’s that?” will asked, referring to the car jack
“what? you’ve never changed a tire before?”
will shook his head no.
billy instructed him to put his bag in the car, then showed will how to position the car jack, then get the car up, then remove and replace the tire.
will’s eyes lit up as he helped billy out the new tire on, never having had a person show him classic-guy things like this. jon just would have called a service or something.
it didn’t end there, though. will started to really enjoy billys company.
he was rough and tough around the edges but very patient with will and understood that he didn’t have much experience in normal life things.
billy even offered to teach will how to shoot a basketball one day when practice was running behind.
it’s not until winter falls into spring that billy teaches will another fantastic life skill.
will comes trudging to the car with max one day in march, head bowed and hoodie covering his face.
billy and max have a silent conversation of ‘what’s up with will’ and ‘don’t ask’
billy doesn’t see it until he’s driving down the road to will’s house and looks in his rear view mirror. there’s a big, blue/red/purple mark on his cheek.
it takes every ounce of power in billy’s body to not track down and kill an 8th grader. but he’s better than that.
as wills getting out of the car to go to his house, billy gets out too, tells max to stay in the car.
“what happened?”
will sighed in defeat, he knew he couldn’t hide it forever, “troy, he’s a dick in my grade and just, hit me today, its not a big deal,”
will looked so dejected at the recap of his day that billy almost hugged him. almost. he had a reputation to upkeep, you know.
“so did you hit him back?”
“i probably would have hurt my hand more than his face if i tried,”
“you don’t know how to punch?”
“do you really think my mom would have taught me how?”
“good point,” billy nodded, taking a moment of silence to think, “are you doing anything this sunday?”
will’s face scrunched up, but he shook his head no. billy had a wicked grin growing on his face.
“perfect. i’m going to teach you how to hit that piece of shit back. i’ll pick you up sunday at one, sound good?”
before will could get a word in, billy was turned around and walking back to the car.
the saturday meet-up wasn’t as bad as wills thought it was gonna be.
billy had picked him up, one on the dot, and driven them out to the old junkyard, bringing a pillow and his toolbox out with him.
he held a pillow to his chest and looked at will. “hit me,”
“you wont hurt me, but i brought the pillow so now you especially can’t hurt me, so do it. hit me!”
will gave a weak punch and billy corrected him from there. moved his thumb so he wouldn’t hurt himself, changed the approach, and showed him how to get more power into his hits.
will was a pro by the end of the hour.
“so what’s the toolbox for?” will asked as they were sitting on the hood of a rusty, old car, taking a break
“ahh, the fun part of the afternoon, you mean,”
will raised an eyebrow and watched as billy pulled out a crowbar from the box, handing it to will
“what am i doing with this?”
“hit the car,” billy looked way too excited for this.
when will didn’t move, billy’s shoulders sagged.
“look, it’s therapeutic and these are all dump cars anyway, just start hittin’ it!”
will did, he hit a junky, old, red car as hard as he could and was elated by the huge dent that was pushed in as a result.
“there you go! do it again!” billy encouraged
will did. he hit the car over and over and over.
billy was right, it was therapeutic. every time he had an angry thought, be it about his dad or his bullies, he hit the car and a string that kept him all tied up snapped.
will didn’t even realize he was slowing down until his muscles stopped moving and he had his arms hanging to his sides, crowbar still grasped tightly in his hand.
“feel good?” billy asked, walking closer and taking the crowbar, putting it in the toolbox and locking it, then picking up it and the pillow.
“feels good,” will nodded
billy motioned for will to start walking to where he’d parked the car, only a bit away, so they could go home.
“thank you,” will said as they were driving down the road, music quieter than billy usually played it and a peaceful silence between the two
“what for?”
“doing this... like, manly stuff, i guess. i never knew how to punch or change a tire or play sports before, and it’s been cool hanging out with you,”
will has his whole body turned towards billy (who was peaking glances at him while keeping his eyes on the road).
“i’m glad i can help you out kid. i used to get pushed around a lot, believe it or not, and i wish someone had helped me out and i didn’t have to go it alone, ya know?”
will nodded, glancing out the window and seeing that they were pulling onto his street.
“i’m glad i get to help you out, kid.” billy reached the end of the driveway and parked the car, “let me know if you ever... need a ride to the arcade or something, ok? never be afraid to ask.”
will thanked him again and pushed the door open, going into his house, listening to the camaro’s engine rev after he’d shut the door.
he hadn’t ever had a stable father figure, and he knew billy was too young to be his dad in any sense, but doing things like this made the gap in his heart grow smaller and smaller every day.
because who needs a dad when you’ve got billy hargrove?
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howlingday · 4 years
About Jaune ships...
I have opinions. You may not agree, but they are mine. They may change in time, but not now.
The old tried and true. I mean, what's not to like? Cute girl falls for first guy she meets at Beacon? Classic romance trope, and after reading how much Ruby loves romance stories (I consider certain parts in the manga canon), it makes sense. In fact, after Arkos sank (A moment of silence, please . . . Thank you), many moved to Lancaster, which isn't bad. Happens all the time in fandoms. Sad thing, though, is far I think she'll last. If we're talking Volume 5 or earlier, then maybe. However, I feel if Ruby were to have an endgame in romance, it would be RoseGarden (I have opinions on that as well, but today isn't the day to discuss that), mostly because Oscar bumped Jaune's role from male lead to male side. Not to mention that while Jaune is becoming a beast in his own right, Ruby is a different creature altogether and evolving her character more rapidly and chaotically than anyone else (Must be all that screentime).
TLDR: I want it to be canon, but I might just be hoping.
Doofus in tin foil meets princess who hates daddy (Am I in the romance section of the library? You know, the corner for adults only?) No, but I do like this ship. I'm always a sucker for the fantasy genre, and using a zero to hero male makes it relatable. I also kind of ship it because the same reason I ship NaruSaku in the Naruto fandom: he likes her and he's willing to go the distance. But enough about that; instead let's talk about canon. Will they hook up? It's a soft maybe for me, for two reasons. 1. Rosegarden is most likely to be endgame, and after Ruby and Pyrrha, I'd say Weiss is Jaune's next to be his love interest. 2. Weiss has warmed up to Jaune. Sure, not lover or crush level (Yet), but she's definitely changed her opinion on him. In Volume 1, Jaune was bugging her, like all the time, which I could see as him getting mixed signals on (Exhibit A: Tall, blonde, and scraggly). When Volume 5 came around, everyone jumped onboard because he saved her life (Don't lie, because I'll admit that I did it, too). Not the best reason, but still reason enough, I'd say. Then in Volume 7, she hangs out with him and Oscar to the movies (It was either that or awkward Bumbleby all night. I feel ya, sister). Nothing romantic happens, but it does show how much their relationship has developed. If Weiss is Jaune's endgame, then they have set the pieces up perfectly to do so.
TLDR: High likelihood to be canon and I'm a sucker for Knight/Princess ships.
This is the part where I say definitely not. Not in a million years, but I'll explain why I like the ship, though. As for why it won't work, the answer is Bumbleby. They haven't kissed yet, but you know they're going to eventually (Because if they don't, the fans will attack like a swarm of hornets). But here's the question you might be asking now: why do I ship this? Well, it's part of the allure of "opposites attract" ('Cause I'm dressed like a cat!). Blake is an intelligent, outspoken, and agile ninja with a criminal history of terrorism who spends her free time reading novels. Jaune is a B at best on his tests, soft-hearted, and ground-based knight who's worst crime is fraud (Still a crime, but peanuts compared to literal terrorism) and spends his free time hanging out with his team. Day and night. But they also tried that with Sun for a season and a half and it didn't last (BECAUSE BEES).
TLDR: Not even a snowball's chance in the summer sun, but so much story potential if you do (Which I do)!
This, I would say, is the opposite of Knightshade, where Jaune is the day and Blake is night, here Yang is the Sun and Jaune is the Moon (Like their crests! Remember those? Y'know, when they were relevant?) Will it work? Even less so than Knightshade. However, it does open up some interesting paths considering how... provocative Yang can be, and Jaune, compared to the other guys, is the nerdiest, geekiest dude at Beacon. It's like the cheerleader/nerd romance, except the cheerleader is the captain of every sports team... and rides a motorcycle. The Volume 8 preview introduced us to Yang and Jaune riding motorcycles and we went nuts over it. Yang was back in her element, roaring down the street, riding on walls, popping off tricks with Oscar riding- Back to what I was saying, people were asking, "How did he know how to ride a motorcycle?" and the elementary answer is "He didn't." He almost fell off his bike from a small box in the road. True, anyone would, but look at how he reacts: he stiffens, he refocuses on the road. This kid literally started riding at breakfast, and I DARE you to prove me wrong. But hey, great fic material right there, though, eh?
TLDR: Never gonna happen, but I don't care. All I care about is writing that they love each other. And they also fu-!
I'm sorry, I need a moment. . . . Alright. Do it for her. This ship... was perfect. Probably the best ship out them all. I legit almost cry every time I think about Volume 3. Pyrrha was everyone's favorite. Her background, her interactions, her choreography, everything! But, of course, like everything in our lives, she was too good to be true. But let's honor her memory by talking about her ship, Arkos. Pyrrha was the champion of the world, the Brothers' and Oums' gift to Remnant. She could do no wrong and she HATED it. Her plight was with how she was seen. Everybody knew her! Everybody, except Jaune. And he only figured out she was "a big deal" was because Weiss had to spell it out for him! As time went on, they became the best of friends, two peas in a pod, the perfect odd couple! They worked together and trusted each other, they cared for and supported each other, they lo- No. No, I can't say it. It's been years, and it still hurts. So, I'll explain something else: the reason why Jaune SHOULD NOT be shipped right now. That reason is Pyrrha. Jaune was helpless to save her. He's suffering from survivor's guilt and he's still grieving. In Volume 4, he would sneak away and train until late at night to scroll recording of her. In Volume 5, he confronted Cinder and got Weiss almost killed because he let his grief for Pyrrha take control of him and let his emotions run wild. In Volume 6, he finds the Pyrrha statue and he... I don't know how to say this, but he let's go. He accepts that Pyrrha is gone and he's starting the healing process. He's finally ready to move forward.
TLDR: T.T I never felt that it was wise to wish too much~
I'll be honest, I don't really ship it. Yeah, it's cute, and it falls perfectly into the "if I had to pick a guy" part of me, but to be honest, I don't ship it. 10% because Renora and 90% it just doesn't click with me. They both just seem too soft, too quiet, too introverted. Best friends? Yes, definitely! But lovers? Eeeeeh, not really.
TLDR: I will only ship as neccessary.
I've only just got in this deep with the fandom only recently, so I don't know if a lot of you know me. Heck, I'm probably just some RWBY fan you happen to spot as you move through your dash. However, old or new, I want to be made absolutely positively clear on this. Of all the ships here, this has got to be my-
Wow! Never thought I'd feel so strongly about a crack ship like this. And yes, as sad it is to say, this is a crack ship. Renora was planned from day one, so it can't be helped. At least it didn't blast me in the face all of the sudden (OH NO, NOT THE BEES! AAAAARGH! THEY'RE IN MY EYES!). But why this ship? Well, for one thing, it's that whole opposites attract thing with Nora as the bubbly, outspoken, airhead powerhouse and Jaune as the soft spoken, introverted, nerd tactician. But wait, there's more to this trope, because it can go deeper: Order VS Chaos! Who makes all the messes? Who cleans up those messes? Who follows all the rules? Who makes their own doors? It's just. So. Damn! GOOD! One sad thing about this ship though is that it's not only not canon because of Renora, it's anti-canon because Renora. Every fan fic of Nora's Arc requires an explanation for Ren and Nora to not be together-together, like you have to write a formal apology to the FNDM for liking something that's different from what is canon or commonly accepted. If that's the case, then I'll be the anarchist here!
TLDR: I LOVE IT! What's that? Not canon? Who gives a damn?! I just explained why Jaune won't be shipped anyways! Now, if you'll excuse, I have some fan fics to find.
Oh, here it goes! Now, if we're talking ships that'll never happen, this is where we find better reasons than "it's not canon" and "character development". No, this... This is a declaration of war. Allow me to explain. Cinder Fall is evil. Like, down to her core. She wants power and she'll cut through anyone to get to it. Including Pyrrha. This woman sank Arkos by means other than "X and Y kissed, so..." She killed X, leaving Y alone. And her interactions with Jaune tell me she wouldn't even be worth a hate-bang. But, as Momma always, there's a thin line between love and hate. This is where the appeal comes in. Cinder is evil with no past, which leaves the previous chapter's of her life story blank to be filled in. Jaune is good with a troublesome, albeit easy past, but untapped potential for more. It's another opposites attract, but different from INTRO VS EXTRO and CHAOS VS ORDER; this is GOOD VS EVIL. Who will win this battle of wills; will our hero purify the tainted heart, or will he slip deeper into darkness, never to return to the light?
TLDR: Should be a NOTP, and yet the allure pulls me in.
What do y'all think? Do you agree? Let me know!
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villainscomplex · 3 years
could cry just thinkin about you
anyway i actually started working on @asanoyaweek21 like halfway through july after i finished my camp nano word count, but then i tripped and fell back into my princess tutu pit and ,,,,,,,,,,, yeah im late already 
anyway asanoya week day one: soulmate au / the broom bc i will never get over the homoeroticism of the broom fight 
Also on: AO3
When Nishinoya Yuu is a child, he’s a coward. 
He’s little, and there’s this ever present bundle of fear and anxiety writhing around in his chest. It means he’s scared, he concludes, and so he cries when he rides a bike for the first time, and then when he gets lost in the woods near his house, and then again when he comes across a dog bigger than he is. 
It’s strange, he begins to think, as he grows. He’s sure that feeling must be his own, but sometimes he’s suddenly, explicitly happy, and sometimes when he thinks he should be happy, he’s so painfully sad that it aches in every fiber of his being. 
When he’s eight, Yuu scrapes his leg from knee to mid-shin when he falls out of a tree. The pain is the first sensation he’s aware of, arm twisted awkwardly beneath him where it’d made a futile attempt to cushion his fall. Underneath it, concern spikes, bubbling with that familiar chill of anxiety. Yuu is too busy thinking about how much his arm and leg hurt to give it too much thought at the time. 
Yuu is eight the first time he breaks his arm, and the cast itches so much that he’s tempted to tear it off the moment it’s on. Yuu is eight when he’s sitting in the passenger seat of his grandfather’s car, a cast on one arm and ice cream in his other hand. He thinks the scrape down his leg is going to leave a nasty scar, but it’ll look cool and he can tell people whatever he wants about its origin. 
“You don’t seem excited about your ice cream,” his grandfather remarks with a little chuckle, lips tugging up.
Yuu huffs. “I am! I’m super excited!”
He thinks he is, at least. Yuu loves ice cream, and he always gets excited when he gets it, but that tugging little concern is still nestled deep in his chest and Yuu doesn’t really know what to do with it. He’s so used to it, like second nature, but somehow it feels foreign nowadays. 
His grandpa laughs again. “I bet your soulmate is worried about you, always causing yourself trouble like this.” 
Yuu stares back at him, ice cream halfway to his mouth. “Huh?”
“Your soulmate,” the man says again, “everyone’s got one. Not necessarily romantic, mind ya. You can feel their emotions. It’s a little inconvenient sometimes, but you miss it when it’s gone. You’re always hurting yourself, so your soulmate is probably worried about you.”
Yuu thinks about his grandmother. His memories of her are faint, at best. He’d barely been old enough to remember her face when she’d passed, but he remembers how strange his grandfather had acted after, like something was missing from the core of his being. Yuu thinks about the word  soulmate . There’s someone out there meant to be in his life specifically, and he’s meant to be in theirs. Yuu thinks about the little bundle of emotion in his chest, and he realizes that must be his soulmate.
He hadn’t thought to try and distinguish them until now, but it has him tracking his memories back as far back as he can, seeking that feeling in them all. Sure enough, the anxiety is ever present. Sometimes, it’s duller than others, muffled beneath other emotions, but it’s always there. 
“I think my soulmate is a scaredy-cat,” Yuu announces, and then shrieks when his cold ice cream drips onto his exposed knee. 
His grandfather laughs, and Yuu whines as he shoves the top of the cone into his mouth in a futile attempt to save the rest of it. 
When he’s a child, Nishinoya Yuu is a coward. When he’s eight, his grandfather tells him about  soulmates  , and Yuu thinks  my soulmate is scared of everything.  It keeps him up that night, staring at the ceiling in a way that feels too ancient for a boy his age, but he’s come to a conclusion. If his soulmate is a scaredy-cat, then Yuu will just have to be the brave one for the both of them. 
He tries to reach out to that little bundle of feeling with his resolve, wanting to sooth the turmoil there. It doesn’t change, but Yuu is determined. He’ll become strong enough for the both of them, and then he’ll protect his soulmate so they never have to worry again. 
“From now on,” he tells the air, sitting up and jumping off his bed, “I’m going to be the bravest person ever! Then my soulmate will never have to worry again!”
His bravery starts by yelling past his bedtime. He tells himself that he isn’t scared when his mother shouts from the other room, he’s just being respectful by listening to her and crawling back into his bed, hiding under his blanket. If his heart is pounding in his ears, then that’s a secret between him and his soulmate. 
With his new resolve, Yuu grows. He becomes bold and eccentric, loud and outspoken. He becomes a lionhearted boy, too much brilliance to fit inside a body as small as his remains. He becomes stubborn and strong-willed, never backing down from a challenge regardless of how much trouble it will get him into. Yuu embraces everything he has to offer, but he refuses to be sad. 
That ever present pit of broiling emotions is constant, nestled deep in his chest like a second heart, and he doesn’t want to make his soulmate worry ever again. 
Some days, it’s calmer than others. There’s times he nearly forgets it’s there, in the wake of some other hesitant, but excited emotion, and there’s times where it’s so strong that it wakes him even from a dead sleep. Those nights are the worst because he  knows  there’s nothing he can do as is, and his soulmate is having to suffer alone. 
He tries to encourage them as best he can, wondering if they feel his emotions as strongly as he often feels their’s. 
Yuu is in his last year of middle school when things begin to change. He’s taken to volleyball like a moth to flame. There’s something about being behind everyone like the final line of defense, the one everyone depends on to keep the ball in play; it’s thrilling, keeping his blood rushing in his veins and his heart pounding in his ears. 
He wins an award, and he’s so full of pride that he nearly misses the faint little swell of happiness that comes from that bundle of feelings in the back of his chest. Maybe his soulmate does feel his emotions just as strongly. 
The first time he meets Azumane Asahi, Yuu doesn’t think much of him. His hair is a little past his ears, curling up beneath the lobes and sticking up in the back like he’d recently been laying on it. His first impression is that Azumane looks as if he’s waiting for the entire world to come down on his shoulders. He easily dwarfs everyone, but he stands with his shoulders curled in, hands clasped complacently in front of him and gaze down, as if trying to avoid notice. 
Yuu isn’t sure why, but it pisses him off, seeing someone who looks as big and strong as Azumane looking like such a coward. 
He says as much to Azumane’s face exactly a week later.
Azumane balks. “What.” 
Yuu puts his hands on his hips. “You’re huge and super strong, but you act like a total coward. You look like a skittish dog or something!” 
“A dog…” Azumane visibly slouches lower.
Yuu would say his dejected expression is almost comical, if it hadn’t been the exact opposite of what he’d been wanting. Azumane reminds him of how he’d been when he was a child, anxiety ridden and glass hearted. 
“Okay!” Yuu announces. “We’re gonna practice together!” 
Azumane doesn’t even get out a response before Yuu is towing him back towards the court, determined to teach this boy the ways of reckless bravery and intense practice.
Yuu doesn’t know when or where he lost the plot, but somehow this becomes second nature. He finds himself seeking Azumane out in the hallway, barreling into the larger boy, or towing him behind himself from time to time. He meets Ryu and he meets Kiyoko; the former becomes his friend early on and both boys adamantly say they’re crushing on the latter.
It feels like a performance. Yuu knows Kiyoko isn’t his soulmate. She’s gentle and anxiously soft-spoken, but not in the same way that his soulmate feels like they should be. He doesn’t admit that maybe there’s this half formed idea about Azumane tucked away in the back of his mind, and everyone is better for it. 
He wants to be sure. He has to be. 
“I think I should trim my hair soon,” Asahi remarks offhandedly one day, when they’re leaving practice.
Yuu watches his fingers card through the wavy brown strands, a little contemplative frown fixed on his face. He tries to imagine Asahi with short hair like most of the others, and the image just won’t come to mind. Maybe he’s biased.
“No way, Asahi-san!” Yuu grins, reaching out to slap the other man on the back. “I think long hair suits you! It makes you look kinda wild, don’t you think? It’s cool!”
Asahi slouches into himself a little, curling a strand of hair around his finger. He hums noncommittally, allowing the strand to fall away, but he doesn’t comment on Yuu’s words. He just looks a little more thoughtful.
Yuu is only a little surprised when he really  looks  at Asahi one day and his hair is just past his shoulders. He’s got a little facial hair now, too, and something about it makes him feel more mature, older, like he’s finally growing into himself. Yuu takes a running leap onto his back the moment he sees him in practice that afternoon, and Asahi hardly sways beneath him. 
The realization settles in; this isn’t going to last forever. He won’t always be able to be with everyone like this. Asahi has grown and filled out, fitting into the broadness of his shoulders. He’s steady and unyielding, and Yuu isn’t sure when he started to become something like this. 
That pit of anxiety still lingers in his chest. It wavers, sometimes. 
They go against Date Tech. Their defeat is crushing and miserable for everyone involved, but when Asahi doesn’t call out for the last spike, Yuu feels it like an anchor in the hollow of his chest. It’s painful, near suffocating, and he can see the sheer weight of it coming down on Asahi’s shoulders. Those negative feelings swirl up into his chest again, fought only by his own fury - fury at Asahi, for not calling for the spike. 
Fury at himself, for not retrieving them. 
He hates it. 
“Why won’t you blame me?” 
Yuu feels the anger before he witnesses it. This is his confirmation, he’s sure. There’s no doubt anymore; these emotions living alongside his own are Asahi’s. The first time he feels Asahi’s anger, it feels cold, like ice in his veins. There’s something sad about it, something self-sacrificing, like Asahi wants to shoulder everything and leave nothing to be spared for the rest of them. His fury comes like a wave of ocean water, painful when it enters his lungs.
Yuu turns on his heel. Asahi stands - no, Asahi hunches - in front of him. He looks like he had when Noya had first met him, shoulders curled into himself, back bent like the world itself is coming down on it. Maybe it is, this time. Yuu doesn’t know if Asahi has realized that they’re soulmates. Yuu doesn’t know if Asahi would even accept it. 
Asahi doesn’t seem to be in a very accepting mood right now, and Yuu is in no mindset for motivation. 
They fight. They fight before they’re even anything, before Yuu can say anything, before he can even confess to himself that he would have been willing to leave his soulmate behind for Asahi, even if the other boy hadn’t ended up being them. He doesn’t tell Asahi how he used to be a coward. He doesn’t tell him that the reason he works so hard and never stops moving forward is because he’d made a promise to both of them a long time ago. 
He doesn’t tell Asahi that he’s terrified to lose him.
All he knows is that if Asahi’s anger is like ice, then his is like flames, raging and all-consuming. All he knows is that he’s furious, and he’s yelling, and then there’s a  snap , and suddenly everything goes cold. Asahi’s feelings drop to the pit of his stomach and become cold there, and Yuu feels like the tightrope he’s been walking has finally given way. 
Ryu holds him back, and all he can do is watch Asahi walk away. 
He doesn’t cry. 
Asahi doesn’t show up for practice the next day, and his lack of presence doesn’t go unnoticed. Yuu corners him in the hall. He feels like this is starting to become a cycle now, arguing and fighting over trivial things. It’d be easy to solve if Asahi just had a little more faith, but Yuu knows better. He knows how Asahi feels too well. 
Yuu doesn’t care what others think. He bleaches his hair because he thinks it looks cool. When people tell him he’s too loud, he gets louder. He refuses to be looked down upon and spoken over. He’s been in detention more times than he can count, but it never stops him from repeated offenses. 
Yuu doesn’t care what others think, but when Asahi walks away from him, it feels final. It feels like the end of something that never began. Nishinoya Yuu never cries. 
(The people in the hall that day are silent witnesses to his tears, but nobody says a thing about them.) 
Yuu isn’t much for thinking, so he spends all of his time in suspension doing, instead. He works and works and works some more, trying not to think of Asahi turning his back on them. On him. All he can do is hope Asahi will come to his senses by the time Yuu is back. 
He doesn’t. Yuu goes back, and Asahi is still gone, so he leaves again. He loves volleyball, but he won’t be a part of it if it means leaving Asahi behind. Asahi may believe that he’s unnecessary, but they all know better. 
It isn’t until he’s staring at the broad expanse of Asahi’s back again in the practice match that he really  realizes,  and for the second time, he feels like he’s really seeing Asahi. He sees someone who is trying for the people he cares about, someone who is finally learning to try for  himself  and he thinks  that’s all I wanted.  
They fix the broom together. 
“We’re soulmates,” Yuu tells him, so abruptly that Asahi’s surprised flinch dislodges the two pieces again. 
Asahi glances down. “I know.”
Yuu stares at him. “What.”
“I know,” Asahi says again, gaze soft and hesitant. “I’ve known since we met. You aren’t exactly quiet about your emotions, y’know. I never said anything because you liked Shimizu. You deserved better than someone like me.”
“Asahi-san,” Yuu intones, “you’re the  only  person I’ve ever liked.”
“Oh my god.”
When Asahi laughs, it lights up his whole face. Yuu stares for a long moment, watching Asahi’s shoulders tremble. He feels Asahi’s relief wash over him like a second skin, settling into his bones themselves. The warmth of his joy is like a blanket. 
“Well,” Asahi says, “I guess we’re both a little dumb then, huh?”
“To be fair,” Yuu huffs, “I didn’t realize till after the Date Tech match.” 
Asahi laughs again, and Yuu thinks that everything is going to be okay after all. Asahi is finally starting to have some sort of belief in himself, and while Yuu knows his doubt and anxiety won’t go away overnight, they’re taking baby steps. 
And if Ryu and Daichi give Suga and Kiyoko ten dollars each when they admit their newest revelation, then nobody is any the wiser. 
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
I’m here for the ‘swords not as pets’ agenda. Swords as cars: solid, get you from place to place, potentially dangerous, customizable, something people name. Wwx losing his license taking the fall for a mistake jc made (idk, dui maybe?) and just choosing to mod the hell out of a self-balancing scooter or segway or something so it goes dangerously fast. Alternatively: spending 3 months inventing the first functional actual levitating hoverboard, with an insane top speed. 3 months in the (1/2)
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sawdfert this is delightful!! i saw segway and i immediately started wheezing,, there was no time for laughing i went straight to the wheezing. i think it would make more sense if wwx lost his car and got a motorcycle? like hoverboards and segways are cool but motorcycles have that big reputation of being dangerous and there’s the whole ‘rebellious teen gets a motorcycle and becomes a delinquent’ thing? like motorcycles are fast and if you crash it’s so much worse than if you were in a car and there’s no airbags or anything. but also?? wwx rocking up to school on a segway while playing his flute like the shittiest entrance ever? iconic. but let’s stick with chenqing as a motorcycle/scooter (motorcycle-esque scooter not the ones that try and take out your ankles).
okay so all the major sects are super rich so in a modern au it would make sense for all the sect heirs to get cars. i’m not saying that jc and wwx complain about jzx being stuck-up bc he was given a porsche for his birthday even though they were also given cars for their birthdays,,, but i am. at first it would have been this major point of contention between yzy and jfm bc wwx isn’t even their son so why is he getting a car too but wwx is like ah it’s so i can drive jc and jyl to school! you wouldn’t want their cars being left outside the school all day would you? someone in my maths class had their car get keyed and it was super expensive to fix,, and yzy is like yes wwx may have a car only to protect my children from parking hassles,, also wwx must pay for his own parking. so wwx and jc both get given cars for their bdays.
now wwx gets bored easily,, so you could translate him being a cultivation genius to him being really good at driving. im talking that jc is still getting the hang of switching gears and wwx is out there casually drifting around corners. (this does mean he has to get new tyres really frequently but he’s friends with wen ning, whose family runs the mechanics that wwx likes to go to so he just helps around the shop for a bit and gets a discount (yes its the family discount)). anyway wwx really enjoys driving, also! he just rocks up to wen ning’s place one day and is like dude, i wanna pimp my ride, wanna help and wen ning is like heck yeah. so wwx pays for some upgrades with his own money and he spends hours doing some custom work to make it look cool,,
it’s all going well until wwx and jc go to wen chao’s party one night and jc gets absolutely sloshed,,, like completely hammered. wwx had walked in, grabbed a cup of lemonade or something and was gonna hang with his friends but lwj was there for some reason so he spent the entire night talking to him in the back garden. which means that when jc wanted to leave he saw wwx hanging out with lwj and went ew gross and just decided to drive home himself. he crashes and when wwx comes home the next day jc gets super pissed at him bc he was meant to be the designated driver and if he hadnt been screwing around with lwj jc wouldnt have tried to drive home and now his parents will be super pissed and wwx is like woah chill my grandmother is a mechanic and she can fix this up just give me a couple of days. 
so wwx goes to baoshan sanren mechanics (which is just the back entrance to the wen sibling’s mechanics) and spends the next three days getting rid of all of his customisations and mods so his car looks exactly like jc’s. does he cry when he has to spend like five mins spraying the inside of the car with axe body spray to get the jc stench going on? maybe a little. but he does it and returns the car to jc! and jc is like oh wow my car is fixed, your grandma is a miracle worker and wwx is like haha yeah (:
anyway wwx mysteriously and suddenly discovers a passion for public transport,, it’s a good way to stay humble jiang cheng, he says, also i used all my petrol money buying porn from nhs or whatever. anyway wwx is doing the whole pt to school thing but then one afternoon wen chao and wzh find him and idk maybe the party got too rowdy so the cops came and wc got in trouble with his dad? he assumes wwx called the cops on him so he shoves wwx into his car and drives him out to the middle of no where and dumps him in the burial mounds scrap metal recycling place or whatever. 
the train line isn’t running that day and there’s no phone service either so wwx is stuck there overnight. he gets super bored. so what does he do? he finds an abandoned scooter and starts scavenging for parts. he’s not expecting it to actually work but by the time the sun rises he’s found some actually decent parts and he thinks that he could get it working. tbh he kinda forgets to go back home and just walks into town to buy some food and then goes back and continues fiddling with the scooter. he doesnt live there for the three months but the people in yiling just accept that this random teenager has all but moved into their scrap heap and adopt him anyway. so he goes and visits the burial mounds every day after school so none of his friends or family really see him anymore. 
until! one day he rocks up to school on his scooter. scooters,, are kinda like sad pathetic motorcycles,, but wwx mods his scooter with like a powerful engine and new steering and everything so people see it and go oh! a motorcycle! even though it’s not actually (can you do that with a scooter? idk but suspend your disbelief pls). so lwj is like hnnngg wwx in a leather jacket on a motorcycle but also wei ying, stop riding a motorcycle, *enter statistics about motorcycle crashes here* and wwx is like no! you cant take chenqing away from me. and jc is pissed bc they were meant to be brothers and have matching cars and be able to work on them and give them cool paint jobs together! but now wwx has this bike which has been modded to hell and back and refuses to drive his car bc it’s not as cool as his bike. so we get to have the whole ‘everyone thinks wwx is doing something dumb and dangerous’ bc he has a motorcycle and why isnt he just driving his car anymore? but we also get to keep some of the nuance of the demonic cultivation bc yeah it’s more dangerous than driving in a car but wwx doesnt have a car anymore and scooters are a loottt safer than motorcycles (if my two seconds of research is correct).
so! wwx won’t abandon chenqing and he did most of his work using scrap parts so he goes back to the wens and is like wen ning my best bro check her out and he’s like oooooooh and they start modding chenqing together. wen qing doesnt know why wwx is constantly over at their shop all the time but jc keeps arguing with wwx and wwx grows more distant with his family and friends bc he’s making ~bad decisions~ and a motorcycle is a gateway to idk teen delinquent shenanigans like smoking and doing graffiti so he’s kinda ousted from respectable rich people society and wen qing is like i have two (2) brothers now and they’re adorable not that i’ll ever tell them that. and wwx modding chenqing got him a reputation in yiling like everyone saw him walk in one day and then drive out with this sexy sexy bike so people start coming to him for mods and stuff and wwx earns the title yiling patriarch and wen ning, his trusted best friend and helper, gets called the ghost general bc idk he helps a lot but the customers never meet him. so they become some dynamic duo for car and bike mods!
anyway,, yzy delivers him an ultimatum one day: the car or the bike (or more accurately: the family or the bike) but wwx can’t drive the car anymore so he just gets quietly disowned and drops out of school. (we’ll save jzxuan the suffering in this au he can keep his car). he goes to the wens and theyre like hey whats up? wait no you cant live in a scrap heap,, not even if you buy a tent,,, just live with us please. and then wwx gets adopted by the wens and idk i want them to have a happy ending so wwx and wn go off and do some actual mechanic and modding training with some expert (sqdcfgt imagine if it was the real baoshan sanren who just happened to be in the market for some apprentices and saw wwx and wn’s work and was like them and then later realised it was her grandson). so they get their apprenticeship and they disappear off somewhere for a year or two - when wwx had been disowned he’d deleted everyone’s contacts and was like if they text me i’ll add them back but im not gonna have a contact list cemetery. (no one contacts him). 
eventually the 13 years pass and wwx has been helping the wens raise their little nephew a-yuan who is showing a real aptitude for being a mechanic even though he’s just a kid and just generally enjoying the quiet life of being a mechanic while doing fun mods and lil baby projects. then one day lwj’s car breaks down while he’s driving through the area and he calls up the local mechanic and guess who rocks up? it’s wwx. and then we get to have them dance around each other and wwx being like lwj doesnt trust me, he’s just sitting here and watching me work all day ): and lwj is like dont let him go dont let him go dont let him go,, and eventually they get their romance but this is way too long already so im im gonna end this here
i didnt mean to make this an entire au but i adored your idea so much anon so i kinda had to!!
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
That's life || Steve Harrington
Chapter eight
November 10, 1983
Y/N's pov
"Dustin what's wrong?" He threw the door closed.
"Mike and Lucas fought and won't talk to each other" we sat on the sofa.
"and what happened?" I turned to face him.
"We searched after the gate."
"The new north?"
"Yeah and at some point Luke's compass showed another North than mine. Luke said that Eleven would manipulate them. Mike and him discussed over half an hour and then it escalated El threw Luke with his power against a car and Luke drove away. He never left us like that when he and Mike argued. I lost my party. I've got nothing left."
"You have me." I laughed to brighten him a bit up but it failed and he started to cry.
"Dusti, sweatheart everything will be fine. I know it. You all have this inseperable bond and no one will ever break it. You have to convince Mike to apoloize to Luke and then it'll be alrigth, trust me." he burried in my arms as we lay down on the sofa.
"I hope so. I can't loose another friends beside Will."
We lay in silence when our parents entered the room, yeah their travel week has end today.
I think by the time they entered Dustin was asleep. As my mother stood by the couch she mouthed 'is he?" and I only nodded. My dad came to us and carried Dustin in his arms to his room upstairs. Dustin is a deep sleeper in the second he fell asleep the world could end and he would'nt wake up. When my dad was out of the room my mom sat down next to me.
"So what happened?" I told my mother something on the phone but not everything, she shouldn't be involved too much.
"As I told you. Will went missing and a few days after he was found in the Lake. Two days ago we were on his funeral. Dustin is really damaged through this accident. He feels sorry that he couldn't protect Will. And today Luke and Mike argued and Dusti fears that his party is falling apart." she looked shocked at me after telling the events we went through the whole week alone.
"You don't have to worry mom. Dustin and I are fine. We have got each other and he knows I'm helping him with everything."
"I'm proud that you both love each other so much." she gave me a kiss on the forehead and left.
On the next day when I arrived at school there was this tension, I can't describe it but it was there. It was because of the funeral a few days ago but not that everyone was involved.
It was only the three of us, Nancy, Jonathan and me.
At lunch we sat in the nearst corner so nobody could eavesdrop our conversation.
"Ok so Nancy and I want to buy weapons and go for a hunt."
"This afternoon." Nancy adds after Jonathon doesn't seem to speak on.
"This afternoon? Why? I don't know if I can. I have to ask my mom. Maybe we could meet there or I'm coming where you're getting ready."
"Jonathan and I went to the forest behind Steve's house and there was something, we want to hunt." they both nodded as the school bell rang.
"See you later" we seperate and I went to my math class but have to stop at my locker before.
No one was in the hallway what was kind of creepy because otherwise it was full because students wanted to delay the break.
"Y/N." Someone touched my shoulder but I know exactly who it was.
"What?" I turned to face him.
"Why are Nanc and Jonathan hanging out so much lately?"
"I don't know. Ask her yourself I suggest"
"Do you know something? I saw them yesterday in Nanc' bedroom."
"Steve." I shut my locker and turn to him, "I really don't know even if I'd, I don't care about it."
"Why are you so harsh?"
"Why do you even care at all?"
"Because" he came closer and whispered, "I'm still caring about you. I still worry about you. I'm still your best friend"
He is what?! Where was he when I lost my grandmother, when Barb went missing?
"Ah no, Stephen. I don't believe you. You were my best friend yeah that's right but I wouldn't call you a friend anymore. So excuse me." I began to walk to my classroom and bumped intentionally his shoulder.
During my bike drive to the Byers house I listened to my favourite music on my Walkman including 'eye of the tiger' and 'under pressure'.
When I arrived at the location there were no one not even miss Byers.
Through the window I can see some Christmas lights hanging around in the living room and letters written on the wall.
I took my bike and drove away.
When I drove by at the supermarket I saw Steve and his best friends standing around his car. Steve held a cola bottle to his eyes.
What happened there?
I didn't even notice that my feet were riding my bike to the entry of the market. As I arrived there Steven jumped up from his car and walked towards me.
"Y/N, hey there" he tried to hug me.
"What happened to your face" I pointed at his eye.
"Ah my friend Jonathan and I beat each other up. Nothing to worry about"
"someone has to nurse it." He approached to me.
"Maybe you could. I trust you" I just laughed. "Please it hurts really bad and my friend over there aren't a good help."
"Fine but only this time. We meet at my house, Harrington" he nodded and I began to ride home.
"What took you so long" he walked to the door.
"Thomas and I fought a bit but it's okay. He's an asshole"
oh really
"jup he is" I opened the door and we walked into the house. Mews came running to us and Steve cuddled her immediately.
"I missed her really bad" I just nodded and walked upstairs to my room.
"you coming?" I heard footsteps on the stairs and moments later Steve stand next to me.
"Sit down. Feel yourself home."
"I'm always feeling home when you're around." He held my wrist
"Steve please." The tension between us is thick you could cut it.
"I'm getting ice and some band aid." I walked to the bathroom and when I arrived in my room I saw that Steve was reading something.
"What are you doing?" He frightened as he heard me.
"I was just" he laid the paper down. "I'm sorry" he sat down on my bed and put his hand next to him to show that I should sit next to him.
"What did you read?"
"Your homework?" I walked over to desk and picked the book which declares to be my diary.
What? He didn't. Wait.
"Did you read my diary"
"I'm so sorry Y/N. I didn't want to."
"You saw that it wasn't a normal book but you didn't stop. Steve I wanted to help you but now" I grow angry and couldn't held my anger back. "Steve you're an asshole I can't believe I was so naive to help you. Leave!" I shout at him but he didn't go.
He stood up and walked over to me.
"Y/N I'm so sorry I was and still am an asshole. I was so stupid to let you down. I'm so dumb. I can't believe I left you only to be popular, to become a completely asshole. I'm so sorry to hurt you. You were my best friend and I still hope we can be friends again." By now I started to cry and Steve embraced me.
"I read the letter you wrote and I'm so sorry. I always look at our pictures we made. I miss you everytime I see you in school I want to go to you and talk. Nancy often talks to me about you how you seem to be alone and cold towards her and Barbara and I think it's my fault. Its all my fault." I let out a sob.
"Y/N I was such a dumb boy" I heard Steve sobbing too.
"I can't believe you didn't want to say all the things to me. You know you can always tell me everything. Why didn't you told me that you love me?" I gathered my courage and spoke the first time in forever
"It's not that easy Steve."
"First when I'm talking to you everyone would stare at us and call me a whore because I'm talking to a boy in a relationship. And second you wouldn't have cared about it. You would have left for Nancy anyways. You had liked her since ever."
"Ok wait. Nancy is hanging out with Jonathan lately I don't even think I'm her boyfriend anymore. And second because I loved you too but I was afraid to tell you"
"But you love Nancy right?"
"Yeah but it's difficult" by now I began to cry and he sat down on my bed next to me.
"I'm so sorry Steve. I couldn't handle it. And it's my fault I lost you. I wasn't enough for you."
"No.. no you were and you are still perfect" he gently put a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked down onto the floor but felt his graze on me.
"And why did you fought with Jon?"
"Tommy and Carol thought they would be funny if they would let Nancy be starring in the movie theater. They called Nancy a slut after I told them she was with Jonathan yesterday in her room. Jonathan backed up for her. He's at the police station."
"What the hell" I ran my finger through my y/hc hair.
"Nancy slapped me and then Jonathan came and threw his fist in my face and it escalated."
"You're an idiot Harrington." I rolled my eyes. Slowly it feels like it's going to be normal even after the talk before.
Don't let him in again.
"Steve you should go." He nodded and walked toward the door.
"See you in school Y/N" I only nodded as and he left.
Dearest Steve,
Thanks for the memories that you gave me over all those years. I really appreciate that we were friends until Tommy our biggest enemy brought us apart. I did everything for you even if it seemed impossible and crazy. I love you from the very first day and I always gonna love you.
Even if you'll never get this letter I want you to know that you're my everything, my life and my best friend.
I hate being apart from you and not talking to you kills me. Every time I see you and Nancy kissing it kills myself. I'm dead inside and you left. You gave me power to live to hold on but then you left. Puberty really changed you just as Tommy did.
I miss the time when we lay under the stars and talked about our wishes and dreams. My dream now is to go back; to have my Steve back. I had loved it when you were around and we acted like we don't care what others are thinking mostly when we did the weirdest things. I was proud that my best friend is a year over me at school and still likes to meet me.
But the horrible thing is that we see us at school and don't even look at each other. I miss your beautiful brown eyes which light up when you were laughing over my bad jokes. I miss your fluffy hair and your crazy secret behind it. I would love to go back but I can't and I know it. I know I treat you like shit but its just to protect myself not to be hurt again.
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1dffchallenges · 4 years
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Growing Pains
Written By: @rosegoldsweetpea​
Characters: (Daniella/Harry)
Summary: When a wish on a sixteenth birthday candle goes wrong, Daniella finds herself ten years into the future. Navigating a new boyfriend, her best friend who is no longer her best friend, and her crumbling relationship with her family, Daniella finds out that adulthood is not everything she ever imagined.
A “13 Going on 30″ AU
Warnings: Language
I had boobs.
I should preface this by saying that I’ve technically always had boobs. They existed before this moment. But they had always been tiny. They were what my mother affectionately called “mosquito bites.” As I held my new boobs in my hands, however, I could tell these were not mosquito bites. These were actual boobs that I saw on models in magazines. I wasn’t wearing a bra— which I hadn’t needed to wear anyway because the size of my boobs had always left something to be desired. Lifting my silk sleep shirt away from my boobs, I examined every inch of them. Sure enough, there was a small scar underneath, like someone had cut my boob open with a knife. 
“I got a boob job?” I whispered to myself.
“What did you say, babe?”
Along with suddenly having boobs, apparently there was someone in my house.
I screamed at the top of my lungs, the one thing my father taught me to do whenever there was a stranger around me. The man standing behind me had floppy brunette hair and tattoos covering his arms. Definitely not someone who would ever be allowed in my house, per my father’s rules. In fact, I think my father would have an aneurysm if I ever brought home a boy that had tattoos. This mystery boy’s eyes widened when I screamed in his face. “Babe, are you okay?” He moved like he was going to rush over to me and I took an immediate leap back.
“Who are you? Why are you in my house?” My voice screeched out, reaching an octave I knew was probably unpleasant to his ears. 
His eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” He moved again, but I was quick to mirror his movements, scooting backwards. I nearly fell on my ass because there was a couch in the way of my step, but I managed to right myself before I did any real damage. “Daniella, are you okay?”
“How do you know my name?” I asked, grabbing the nearest object to use as a weapon. It happened to be a pillow, so it wasn’t very effective, but it made me feel better. I could throw it at him and block his vision while I found the kitchen in this place and got a knife. “Who are you?” I asked again.
“Liam. Your boyfriend of three and a half years.”
“I don’t know a Liam!” I argued, throwing the pillow in his direction. I didn’t stick around to see if he caught it or not before I was tumbling through the house. I wasn’t familiar with the layout of this house, like I had been with the floorplan of my childhood home, which I was fairly certain I had fallen asleep in last night. This was some kind of apartment, decorated with too many neutrals for my taste. There was a giant mirror I passed by, decorated around its edge with swirling cream wood and gold accents. I managed only a glance in its reflection as I moved, but what I saw made me stop in my tracks. 
In the reflection was me, only it wasn’t me. Last I remembered, I did not have a boob job, my hair was short, and my eyebrows had looked horrendous because I had accidentally plucked them too much. This Daniella had long hair that fell to her lower back and her eyebrows looked like they had been recently waxed. And then there was, obviously, the boob job. “What the hell is going on?” I exclaimed, sure that this mirror was some fancy one that only Bill Gates owned. It showed you what you wanted to look like. Or, if it was a real mirror and not a billionaire one, it was obviously broken or something. 
“Daniella, sit down,” Liam said placatingly, his voice soft and soothing. He didn’t touch me, which I appreciated, but he kept his arms out in the likely case that I would fall to my knees as I dragged myself to the tan couch in the middle of the living room of the random apartment. “Do you need water? Did you have a bad dream?”
“I don’t know what’s happening,” I stuttered out, my breathing coming quickly. I hadn’t had a panic attack since I was thirteen, when I had thought my best friend Harry was going to move away. “Where am I?”
“You’re in your apartment.” Liam gently sat on the couch next to me. “I woke up and you were gone. Then I came out here and you’re just standing in the living room. Do you think you had a sleepwalking episode?”
I didn’t sleepwalk. At least, I didn’t think I did. But this Liam guy was insinuating that I did, in fact, sleepwalk often enough for him to be concerned about it. “You’re really my boyfriend?” I asked hesitantly, my breathing still shallow. “You didn’t try to drug me and kidnap me, right?”
“What?” The word left his mouth in such a surprised and offended tone that I knew it wasn’t true. “No.”
“Tell me facts about myself, so I know you aren’t just lying,” I demanded, trying to keep my tears at bay and my breath from coming in and out shallowly.
He didn’t even take a second to think. “Your name is Daniella Araceli Rodriguez. Your birthday is February first. Your mother’s name is Alejandra. You once threw up on a cast member at Disneyland. When you were younger, you wanted to be a veterinarian, but then found out that they were the ones who euthanized animals and you started crying. You broke your arm in the seventh grade because your old best friend Harry dared you to flip over some monkey bars and you fell.” 
Okay, so obviously this boy knew me. Either that, or he was a fantastic stalker. 
“Liam, I think I’m going crazy,” I whispered, assured at least a little that this Liam guy actually knew me. “The last thing I remember is my sixteenth birthday. My friend Harry was there, and some girls from my school. Gianna’s brother was bringing beer...” I trailed off.
“How about I call Gianna? I’m sure she’d be able to help you. I want you to stay on the couch until she gets here, okay? I don’t think it’s a good thing you can’t remember anything.”
“I’m still friends with Gianna?” I asked breathlessly.
Liam’s brows furrowed again. “Babe, Gianna is your best friend. I’m gonna go call her, okay? Maybe she can call into work for the two of you.”
I could do nothing but nod as Liam stood from the couch and made his way over to the kitchen counter. I could see his phone resting there and a little tiny key rack with two sets of keys in it. Obviously, this Liam guy and I were very close. Close enough, I noticed, for us to live together. Upon my survey of the apartment, I realized there were pictures of us plastered everywhere, as well as a pretty cocoa-skinned girl with wild curls. Her face was familiar to me, albeit a little bit older. So Liam hadn’t been lying. I was really still friends with Gianna.
Harry was nowhere in the pictures.
This was weird to me for two reasons. First of all, Harry loved being in photos. Though we had both been pretty nerdy in high school, he was the life of the party. So I found it hard to believe he would have stayed out of the pictures that were now decorating my living room. The second reason I found it weird was because Harry was my best friend in the entire world. 
The circumstances of my friendship with Harry went as follows: we met in kindergarten when a nasty first grader had stolen my lunch in the cafeteria and Harry had stood up to him. The first grader ended up punching him in the nose. I had felt so bad that I had burst into tears and held up the end of my shirt for Harry to use as a tissue to block the blood as we awkwardly stumbled to the nurse’s office. Our mothers had arrived there at the same time, Anne Styles freaking out because her son’s nose was bleeding and my own mother Alejandra freaking out because the bottom of my shirt was bloody.
The next day, I asked my mother to make another sandwich and pack extra oreos. I sat next to Harry at lunch and thanked him for being so nice. And thus, our friendship had begun. 
It only grew stronger when I realized that he lived down my street, just a short walk and even shorter bike ride away. There wasn’t a day that went by where I wasn’t begging my parents to ride down to Harry’s house. Their answer was usually different renditions of “if Anne is okay with it, then we are too” and since Anne Styles was an angel on Earth, she was usually okay with it. 
“Babe,” I heard Liam say from the kitchen. He seemed to be off the phone, if him holding it in his hand was anything to go by. “Gianna called the both of you out of work and is on her way here.”
“Okay,” I mumbled, “are you gonna be here too?”
A guilty look crossed his face. “I...can be if you need me.”
“What do you do?”
He looked concerned again. As he should be. If he was telling the truth and we had been dating for the past three and a half years, shouldn’t I know what he did for work? “I’m a foster care recruiter.”
My mouth fell open. I was sure I looked like a fish. I was apparently dating someone who was incredibly good-looking, seemed nice, and worked as a foster care recruiter? “That sounds like a pretty important job. You should go.”
“You’re pretty important to me, too,” he argued.
“I’ll be fine. Really. I...remember Gianna and I’ll probably be more comfortable with her around anyway.” He still looked hesitant, so I reached out and grabbed his hand in my own. His fingers dwarfed mine. “Go. I’m fine. Hopefully Gianna can help me sort this out.”
He looked like he wanted to kiss me, but thought better of it. Instead, he pressed a hesitant kiss to my knuckles. “Alright. I’ll be back around six, okay? If you need me at all, call me. I’m serious, babe. My boss will understand.”
“I will.” Releasing his hand, I gave him a wobbly smile. I wondered if he could tell I was about to burst into tears. “I promise.”
Liam seemed as if he’d rather be shot in the foot than leave my side when I was so obviously going through something neither of us knew how to deal with, but he nodded and stood from the couch. He grabbed one set of the keys on the little rack and put his phone in the pocket, grabbing a blazer from a fancy and antique looking coat rack near the front door. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Okay,” I whispered pathetically.
And then the door closed behind him.
I spent the next twenty minutes trying to think about the last thing I remembered. We were having a sixteenth birthday party for me in the basement of my childhood home, and I had invited Gianna and a couple of her friends over. Obviously, Harry was there. We were setting up beer pong because Gianna insisted her brother would get us actual beer to play with. Harry had given me a beautiful mini-model of the house he was working on for his theatre tech class. It was pretty much his dream to become a set designer for theatre and cinema. He had produced a small strawberry cupcake from the fridge we had in the basement, which was my absolute favorite flavor in the world. 
What the hell had I wished for when I had blown out the candle? I couldn’t remember.
A knock on the door cleared the fog of my memory, and it was like I couldn’t stand up fast enough. It also felt like my legs were like jelly. By the time I made it to the door, I wouldn’t have been surprised if two minutes had passed even though the walk was only about twenty feet. Yanking it open, I was met with the familiar face of my friend from high school, holding two iced coffees and a little bakery bag. The second she saw me, she smiled.
“Hi, sweetie. You remember me, right? Liam said you were fuzzy on some things.”
I didn’t answer. I just threw myself into her arms.
“Oh thank God,” she cried out, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me as tightly as she could manage. “I would have burst into tears if you said you didn’t remember me.” We stood there clinging to each other, forgetting that the iced coffee was melting and dripping condensation down my back. “I brought you an orange cranberry scone, your favorite. Hopefully this helps.”
I didn’t remember orange cranberry being my favorite. But this was Gianna, and I trusted her a hell of a lot more than I trusted myself right now.
“What is the last thing you remember?” she asked me when we settled onto my couch, the coffee and scone putting something in my empty stomach and making me feel a little better. “And don’t even worry about Nick being upset. I told him that you were having a family emergency.” I didn’t know exactly who Nick was, but using context clues, I was able to guess he was my boss.
“The last thing I remember is my sixteenth birthday party.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Funny. I would have thought you wouldn’t remember that. We got absolutely plastered.”
I didn’t even remember that. Harry gave me his mini-model house, I blew out the candle on my cupcake, my mother and I got into an argument about something…
“I wished my mom would start treating me like an adult,” I said to myself, the words finally clicking into my head. Harry’s fingers, wrapped around the bottom of the cupcake wrapper, grinning as I closed my eyes and blew out through my mouth. Harry complained because I spit on him, but had gotten his revenge when he smashed the cupcake into my face.
“What?” Gianna asked.
“Nothing. Sorry.” My head was spinning. “What do we do?”
“We’re designers for Nicholas Jennings. We’re currently working on some pieces for his summer showcase.”
“Nicholas Jennings?” I breathed out. Nicholas Jennings had just been starting out his career when I was sixteen, but he had already been predicted to be one of the top designers by the end of the decade. He was known for his avant-garde looks that were still wearable for the workplace. “We work for Nicholas Jennings?”
“Work for him? Sweetie, you’re basically his muse,” Gianna stated excitedly. “His entire winter collection was based on that movie you recommended to him. The Iron Giant?”
Another thing that was familiar. Harry and I would sit on the couch in my basement and watch Iron Giant at least twice a week. He always made fun of me for crying, but I knew it made him tear up too. I could only imagine what Nicholas Jennings had come up with if he were using the film as a concept for an entire clothing collection. However, I doubted Nicholas Jennings had fattened himself up with oversalted and greasy, buttered popcorn when watching the movie like Harry and I had.
“And…” I leaned forward, as if it were a secret, whispering even though it was only the two of us in the apartment. “And I got a boob job?”
“And they look fantastic. I know you’re insecure about the scarring it left, but Liam doesn’t mind and your tits look great.”
My hands went up to cup them again, sure I was still imagining this whole thing. Gianna just laughed. 
“Listen, we are going to take today and research what’s going on, yeah? I was reading something about Kleine Levin Syndrome last week, which could be it, but Liam said you weren’t sleepwalking…”
Gianna’s voice trailed off as a lightbulb went off in my head. Research. Research like contacting the only person who could talk me through what the hell was going on at this moment in time. I ignored Gianna’s surprise when I abruptly stood from the couch and walked to the kitchen counter, where my phone was resting. I had an iPhone when I was sixteen, but this was some fancy one that didn’t have a home button. It took me at least six tries to get it open, but when it finally did, I didn’t hesitate to click the phone button.
Gianna stared at me as the other line rang, the little intervals between obnoxious dial tones spent biting my thumb nail. 
“Hey, it’s Harry. Sorry I can’t get to the phone, but leave a message and I’ll get back to you later.”
“Harry!” I shouted, surprised that he still had the same phone number and excited that this meant I could talk to one person who knew me better than anyone else. “It’s Daniella. I really need to talk to you, so call me back when you can. I have the same number. Er, if you don’t remember the number, it’s 205-1340.” I awkwardly pressed the end call button and tossed my phone back onto the counter.
“Harry Styles? That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
Gianna stared at me with sympathetic eyes. “Sweetie, we haven’t talked to Harry since high school.”
I think she was expecting me to gasp or something, but instead I snorted. Yeah, right. Harry and I not talking? There was a higher chance I would spontaneously combust. Maybe we weren’t as close as we used to be when I was sixteen, but even that was highly unlikely. Harry was the one person I told everything to. “Okay,” I said, just to placate her, but I was still chuckling a little bit in disbelief.
She gave me a look. “Okay, but...don’t be surprised if he doesn’t call back, okay?”
“He’ll call,” I promised, more certain about this fact than anything else in my life. The most serious fight Harry and I had ever gotten into was when I had accidentally killed his goldfish. He hadn’t spoken to me for three weeks, and the only reason he finally did was because I went to go apologize and burst into tears. Harry was awful when someone was crying. 
“Which reminds me,” Gianna said after several moments, pulling out her phone, “I need to call Nick and say that we’re not going to make it to the party tonight.”
“Party?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah. We were invited to the launch of Christian Siriano’s new collection. But Nick will completely understand if you aren’t feeling well.”
I was invited to a collection launch party? I felt the smile on the face widen. At least in the midst of waking up ten years older, I had a pretty decent life. “We don’t have to cancel. As long as you stick by my side, it should be okay.”
“I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“I want to go,” I promised. “Maybe it’ll help me remember something.”
Gianna looked uncertain, but also was biting her lip like she was considering my idea. After a few moments of considering me, she groaned. “Fine. But Liam will want to come to make sure that you’re alright. I’ll call Nick and Rachael.”
“Your assistant.”
“Right.” I had an assistant. Sixteen-year-old Daniella was snorting at me right now. “I can call Rachael, if you want to call Nick. What time is the party?”
“Not until eight.” She looked at her watch and sighed. “I’ve got to head out. I’m meeting a potential new employee for lunch. You’ll be okay here by yourself, right?” She looked so worried that I sent her a small grin. 
“I’m doing better. Seeing a familiar face helped. And I know Harry will call back and he’ll help.”
Her face fell. “Right. Harry will call.” She didn’t sound convinced. “Well, if you’re sure you’ll be okay, then I’m off. Call me if you need anything, okay? Or Liam.”
“I will, Gianna. I promise.” I couldn’t stop myself from reaching forward and giving her a giant hug. I honestly didn’t know what I would have done if she hadn’t been here to calm me down. “Thank you.”
“I’m always here for you, sweetie,” she whispered, squeezing me back before releasing. “I’ll see you tonight. I’ll have my driver pick you up at around seven forty-five so you don’t have to worry about getting an Uber or anything.”
Gianna left, shutting the door behind her quietly. I could do nothing but stand in the middle of my apartment, staring at the home I’d somehow managed to create for myself, despite my not remembering it. I tried searching through the pictures on my wall to see if I had any with my mother and father, but before I could I remembered Gianna’s words about calling Rachael and took my phone out.
She answered on the second ring. “Hello Miss Rodriguez. How can I help you?”
It was then I realized I had absolutely nothing to say to her. “What are you doing tonight?” was the only thing that blurted out of my mouth.
“Um...staying here to work on that collection concept you asked me to?”
“Oh. Why aren’t you going to the party?” I questioned. If Rachael worked there as my assistant, then wouldn’t she have gotten an invite? Why would she willingly choose to stay and work when there was a freaking Christian Siriano launch party?
“I wasn’t invited, Miss Rodriguez.”
“Well that’s stupid,” I claimed. “I am officially inviting you.”
“You’re...you’re inviting me to a launch party?” She sounded confused, like I’d never interacted with her before. Which was insane. Had Gianna been wrong when she said Rachael was my assistant? “You’ve never done that before.”
“Sure I have!” I did not, in fact, know if I ever had. Then, I had the best idea ever. “Oh! Can you do me a huge favor please?”
“Yes ma’am. What do you need?”
“Could you find out where Harry Styles lives?” Surely Harry wouldn’t mind if I dropped by. I was getting a little anxious as the minutes ticked by without a reply, as Harry usually had his phone glued to him. Since we were both apparently twenty-six now, it was entirely possible he was at work, but I would still feel comfortable knowing I could see him in person rather than texting over the phone. 
“Of course. I’ll email you his address. Is there anything else you need, Miss Rodriguez?”
“Nope, that’s it, Rachael. Thank you! I’ll see you tonight!”
“Right…see you tonight, Miss Rodriguez.”
When I hung up the phone, I had no clue what to do. Being in a body I didn’t really know, in an apartment I wasn’t familiar with, was terrifying. So I decided to take the time to snoop around my own place, starting in the kitchen. I opened up cupboards and drawers, finding fancy chrome silverware and glass plates that were neatly stacked in the cupboard above my kitchen sink. The entire kitchen was decorated with black paint and dark wood, something I never thought my own kitchen would look like. It was sleek and modern and so far from my colorful blue-cabinet and white tile kitchen at my childhood home that it was almost shocking.
Opening up the fridge, I examined its contents. Inside was nothing but vegetables and almond milk. I was pretty sure I had never once had almond milk and there were purple vegetables in one of the drawers. Did purple vegetables even exist? I closed it, suddenly frightened of what Liam and I seemed to eat on a day-to-day basis. Moving out from my kitchen, I examined the living room with passing interest. The one thing I was really concerned about was my bedroom.
This room was nearly as dark as the kitchen, with canned lights dimmed when I flicked the light switch on. It was attached to a bathroom which had a heavenly looking tub. Deciding to start in the bathroom, I rummaged through some of the drawers, finding an expensive Tom Ford cologne that I assumed belonged to Liam. in my own drawers there was a variety of face creams and serums that I had only ever dreamed about purchasing when I was sixteen. 
Before I could examine my bedroom too closely, my phone chirped. I had honestly forgotten I was holding it, so the sound made me jump before I realized it was probably Rachael with Harry’s information. I tried to hurriedly unlock my phone again, still struggling a little with the technology, but managed to get Rachael’s new email opened.
Harry Styles, 515 W 52nd Street. Avalon Clinton apartment complex.
Grinning, I managed to quickly strip my silk sleepwear off and change into the first outfit I found, not bothering to even zip up my boots all the way as I exited my building.
Harry’s apartment complex was an incredible building. My jaw dropped when I saw it, figuring that to live somewhere like this, he must have been doing pretty well at whatever he was doing. 
I found the intercom well enough, pressing the button that had H. Styles written on it in cursive script. It crackled to life underneath my touch, and just like drinking a cool sip of water after being dehydrated for thirty days, hearing the deep baritone of Harry’s voice instantly soothed me. “Hello? Who is it?”
“It’s me!” I screamed, nearly sinking in the relief that this was the Harry that I was looking for. “Daniella!” 
“Shit, the fucking thing’s broken again. I can’t hear you, but ring twice if you’re from Amazon. I’ve been waiting on that package for days.”
I didn’t know what he had bought on Amazon and it was most likely important, but I didn’t care. I hit the button twice and the door immediately opened up. Once I checked to make sure I was headed towards the right floor, I scurried inside and into the lobby.
There was a front desk, and the concierge smiled at me when I walked in, but I was on a mission. I hastily made my way to the elevators, pressing the fifth floor button and willing the doors to close faster than they were. Sure I resembled a drunk cheetah with the rush in which I was moving, I almost crashed into Harry’s door when the elevator finally stopped and let me off on his floor.
“Harry!” I demanded, pounding on the door in a series of succinct knocks that portrayed my urgency.
The door swung open and I immediately took a step back. There, standing on the other side of the door, was my best friend in the entire world. Long gone were the shoulder-length strands of curly brown hair that I had grown up with, instead cut short. He had some glasses perched on his nose and something that looked like paint on his hand. He was wearing comfortable looking jogger pants and a white shirt, no shoes or socks on his feet.
In my pleasure to see him, it took me a couple of moments to realize that he did not look equally as pleased to see me.
“Daniella,” he said stiffly, opening the door a little wider and leaning on the threshold. “I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting this.”
I launched myself at him.
He let out a “oof” when our bodies collided, but I was holding onto Harry and suddenly everything seemed okay in the world. My arms wrapped around his neck in a vice-like grip, holding him to me like he might disappear if I loosened my hold even a little. He robotically moved his arms around my shoulders to hug me back, but his stiff posture turned soothing when he realized that on top of squeezing him with all my might, I was also sobbing. 
I prided myself on not being a weepy person, but this entire morning had warranted a good cry, in my personal opinion.
“C’mon inside,” he said softly, gently prying my hands off him. Once we were both inside his apartment, he shut the door and moved to his kitchen. I wondered if I should follow him. Just when I had mustered up enough nerve to take a step, however, he had returned with a tissue in his fingers. “Want to sit?”
I nodded and let him lead me to the colorful orange couch he had in the middle of his living room. Well...living room was a little bit of an overstatement. He lived in a studio apartment, so everything was an open floor plan, save for the small door I saw that led to a bathroom. His place had much more color than mine did, and I found myself jealous at the styling choices. This place was much more me.
“Feeling better?” Harry asked, sitting on the opposite end of the couch. This in itself was weird, considering sitting on a couch with Harry almost always ended up with us sitting as close as we physically could. This was because we were both blanket-hoggers and being close meant neither one of us was trying to jip the other out of their respective half of the blanket. 
“I don’t know what’s going on, H,” I told him, my voice cracking as the emotions of this morning hit me all at once. “I...I think I’ve got amnesia or something. I don’t remember anything past my sixteenth birthday. And then I’ve got Gianna telling me that you and I don’t talk anymore?” I looked over at him and let out a crazed laugh. “How crazy is that?”
“We don’t talk anymore, Daniella,” he replied. “We stopped being friends shortly after your sixteenth birthday.”
Tears gathered in my eyes again. “No, I refuse to believe that. We’re Harry and Daniella. You’re my best friend in the entire world.”
He looked genuinely sorry to be telling me this, but shook his head. “No, Daniella. Not anymore.”
This time, I let the tears fall. My fingers curled in on themselves, balling into fists as I tried to stop myself from biting them or ripping my hair out. We sat in silence for several moments, my heart racing in anxiety because here was Harry, the person I knew most in the world and who knew me in return, and he was saying that we weren’t friends anymore. The bike rides, the late nights watching movies, the careful and soothing hugs he gave me...they were all gone. This Harry didn’t know me, not like I knew him. And who was to say I even knew him anymore?
“Why?” It was the only question I could seem to let escape.
Harry sighed, rubbing his hands over the thighs of his jeans. “I don’t know, Daniella. We just grew apart.” 
“People like us don’t just grow apart, H.”
“We did.”
“There’s got to be a reason!” I exclaimed, and I could hear that my breathing was labored. My chest felt like it was constricting, like someone had taken hold of my lungs and was crushing them between their hands.
He sensed the anxious change in my breathing and his eyes widened. “Hey, hey, Daniella. Take deep breaths for me, okay?” His body shifted off the couch and suddenly he was on his knees in front of me, holding my arms in his hands. He was tall enough to nearly be at eye-level with me. “C’mon, Dani. Breathe. Can you tell me five things you see?”
I was sure I looked a mess, with tears streaming down my cheeks and on the verge of a mental breakdown. “What?” 
“Tell me five things you see, Dani. Count them for me.”
I still couldn’t breathe properly, so his words sounded muffled like we were underwater. But I managed to get the point of his demand. My eyes shifted from his impossibly green ones to find something to latch onto. “You’ve got yellow and red throw pillows on your bed.”
“Good. Count four more for me.”
It was impossible to ignore the soft cadence of his voice. “You’ve got granite countertops. You’ve got playbills on your bookshelf.” It made me wonder if his dreams of designing sets had really worked out. “You’ve got clay on the counter. And there are sculpting tools next to it.”
“There she is,” he said softly, a hand hesitantly raising to brush my hair back from my face, where it was sticking because of the tears. “Now count five things you can feel.”
“The couch. My nail polish. Your shirt.” I brushed my finger against the shoulder of it. “My hair. The paint on your hands.”
He looked down at them, as if remembering. “I scrubbed, but it wouldn’t come off.”
“Typical,” I choked out, giving him a tight smile. My breathing was beginning to even out and return to normal, but I still felt like someone had placed the weight of the world on my shoulders. “What happened, H? Tell me.” I had to know. I had to know why we suddenly weren’t friends, like we had been for our entire lives.
I heard a sigh escape him, but luckily his fingers didn’t retreat. I think if he pulled away, I might have started up on the attack again. “I don’t know, Daniella. We just grew apart. I guess it was you hanging out with Gianna in high school. You just stopped bothering with me. Or maybe it was the funeral—”
“What funeral?” I interrupted.
“C’mon Dani,” he whispered brokenly, “you know what funeral. Don’t make me say it.”
“I don’t remember anything, Harry. I swear to you. I woke up this morning and my...my boyfriend of three and a half years that I don’t remember at all was trying to get me to calm down because I didn’t know who I was. I look like me and feel like me, but at the same time...I don’t? For Christ’s sake, Harry, I’ve gone and gotten myself a boob job!”
He cleared his throat, his cheeks turning pink. “Obviously I hadn’t noticed, Dani. I’m not looking there.”
“It’s hard to miss them!” I was glad this seemed to get a laugh out of him, but he turned serious once again.
“You really don’t remember anything?”
“Not a thing past the night of my sixteenth birthday. The last thing I remember is you giving me my cupcake and then blowing out the candle and you trying to smash it in my face and then...nothing.”
His thumbs on my shoulders began to rub across the fabric of my jacket. It was cold in his apartment, but it was a comfortable kind of cool. To be honest, I hadn’t felt as comfortable this morning as I was sitting here now, with my best friend looking at me like I was something fragile that was about to shatter. At this moment, I didn’t care if he thought I was weak. If it meant that he would explain what the hell was going on and tell me that we could be friends again, I would cry a thousand more tears.
“Dani,” he whispered in a tiny voice, “I’m so sorry.”
“What funeral?” I asked again.
He flinched, like he was avoiding the question. Then, his arms moved to caress my face, anticipating my reaction to his next words. He cradled my cheeks like I was going to fall apart. “Your dad’s.”
I couldn’t speak. I just stared at him, processing his words. That couldn’t be right. I had just spoken to my father less than twelve hours ago, when he had helped me set up a board game table in our basement as asked if we had a couple minutes for a quick round of Operation. My father was always a sore winner. He had purposely jostled the table so I would hit the metal and lose my turn. 
“No, you’re lying,” I mumbled, but I knew deep down that Harry would never lie to me. He was honest to a fault.
“You...you weren’t at the funeral. You and he were in an argument of some kind and you didn’t show up.”
I shook my head, his hands moving with me as he cupped my cheeks. He anticipated the tears, catching them with his thumb the second they started to fall. “No, H,” I groaned out, the feeling of panic twelve times worse with the new news. “No, no, no.” I was a blubbering mess. He didn’t move from his spot, slotted between my thighs and holding my face tightly in his hands. “No, there’s got to be some mistake. I would have gone. I would have.”
“Maybe you did,” he said in a soothing voice, brushing my tears away. “I left pretty early. Maybe you just showed up late.” But we both knew his words were empty. He didn’t truly mean them. “Let’s get you a glass of water, yeah?”
“No!” I clutched onto his fingers, gripping them tight enough to leave bruises. He didn’t pull away or wince in pain. 
“Alright,” he said soothingly, “I won’t go anywhere.”
He allowed me to sit on his couch, crying my eyes out until there were no more tears that could possibly come. Last night, I went to bed with everyone I ever loved in the world content and safe. Now, I had lost my friendship with Harry, I didn’t remember this insanely nice boyfriend I apparently had, and my father was dead. I hadn’t gone to his funeral because of some stupid argument. What argument could have been enough to keep me from attending his funeral?
“What have I done to ruin everything?” I questioned in a teary voice, shaking my head at myself. What the fuck had I done in my life to deserve this? There had to be a reason.
“Don’t think like that, Dani. It wasn’t your fault.”
But obviously it was. Obviously there was something I had done to piss off the universe so much that they took the most important people away from my life. I stood up quickly, suddenly feeling like Harry’s apartment was suffocating me. He let me go without question, but his eyes were trained on me like he was afraid I was going to have another panic attack. “I have to go,” I stuttered out, my body moving towards the door before the sentence fully left my mouth. 
“I think you should stay here until you feel better,” Harry said, kind enough to worry about me even though apparently we weren’t friends anymore.
“I’m sorry for showing up unexpectedly.” They were the only sentiments I managed to get out before I was out of his apartment, rushing towards the elevator. I didn’t know why I was running away from Harry. All I knew was that it was imperative that I get out of his apartment and away from the life I’d apparently fucked up.
The elevator doors were closing when I heard him call my name. 
I let the tears fall once again.
Since I was a little girl, I had dreamed of getting invited to a party as fancy as a Christian Siriano launch party. Now, here I was, waiting for Gianna to pick me up for said party, and I felt like shit.
I had reluctantly gotten ready for the party, pulling out a fancy dress and one of my many pairs of heels that I already wanted to rip off my feet. I was already missing the Vans my mother had gotten me for my birthday that I had been wearing when whatever this weird dream had happened to me. Due to my low mood, I hadn’t felt like doing much to my hair, so it was just up in a high ponytail that would have to do. This weird twenty-six-year-old skin of mine didn’t need foundation, but I made sure to coat my eyelashes in waterproof mascara in case I started sobbing again, which I had in spurts since leaving Harry’s apartment.
My father was dead. The only reason I was even going to this stupid party and not on the soonest train ride back to my mother was because maybe something at this party would shake my memory loose and I would remember something. In reality, I wanted to curl up in a corner and cry some more. Still, when Gianna’s limo pulled up in front of my building, I plastered a smile on my face and opened the door with mock enthusiasm.
“You look amazing, sweetie!” Gianna said excitedly when I opened the door. She was wearing a bright yellow dress that set off the dark color of her skin perfectly, along with gold accessories. “Love that color on you!”
The first dress I had picked was a bright fire-engine red high-necked dress with tulle puffed sleeves. The shoes were a satin material in the same color as the dress. If I had been in a better headspace, I would have screamed because the label on the dress said Versace, but right now it didn’t matter who the hell had made the dress. I plastered on a smile. “Thanks. You look fantastic.”
“Get your ass in the car! Nick is so happy you decided to come tonight. Christian is looking forward to it, too!” She slid over in the seat as I situated myself inside the car. The second the door shut behind me, her driver was taking off to the destination of the launch party. “Liam is coming tonight, too. He texted me and said he wanted to surprise you, but I figured that with everything going on, a surprise is the last thing you needed.”
This was smart of her. If Liam showed up and started being as incredibly kind and sweet as he had been this morning, I might have thrown up. Did he know about my father? Had I talked to him about the mysterious argument that had estranged us? I felt the tears welling in my eyes again at the thought of it, so I choked them back and tried to focus on Gianna, who was talking a mile a minute about who would be at the launch.
“Rachael is coming too. She said that you invited her this morning,” Gianna said, looking at me to confirm. When I nodded, I was surprised to see a frown grace her features. “Sweetie, that’s fine and all, I’ve got no problem with Rachael. But she hasn’t exactly been to one of these before. And she’s a bit meek. They might eat her alive.”
I frowned. “Rachael is nice. I wanted to invite her.” I had no clue if Rachael was actually nice, but I knew she shouldn’t be excluded from the party even if she was meek and hadn’t been to one before. “Besides, she did a big favor for me this morning. She found Harry’s address.”
Gianna’s eyes widened. “No shit. Did you go and see him?”
“Yeah. You were right. We aren’t friends anymore.” The words hurt even saying them out loud. “When he answered the door and saw me...he looked annoyed, like I was something from his past he couldn’t shake off.” I guess that’s what I was, now. And even though he had been so sweet, trying to comfort me and holding me tightly, it didn’t change the fact that he hadn’t wanted to see me when I knocked at his door.
“Oh, sweetie. Things will work out, I’m sure of it.”
I wondered if Gianna calling me “sweetie” was a normal thing. I hated it.
We pulled up to the party, smiling fakely at photographers that were loitering outside as we walked into the building, clearing the security easily. The inside was decorated in bright avant garde styles, bleeding color into every corner of the venue. It was a beautiful setup that I would have been dying to explore if I hadn’t been so muddled emotionally. I was so wrapped up in the decorating that I jumped when arms wrapped around my waist from behind, pulling me close to a hard body.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, babe,” I heard Liam say in my ear. “You look absolutely beautiful.” I turned in his arms, immediately throwing them around his neck. I didn’t know anything about this man, but he had offered me kindness and hadn’t given up on me this morning, despite how hard I knew it must have been. He looked extremely pleased at my reception towards him, pressing a delicate kiss on the top of my head. “You need a drink?”
As soon as he had appeared, he was gone, Gianna headed over to the bar with him. And then I was alone, standing in the middle of the launch party twiddling my thumbs and feeling like I belonged anywhere but there at that moment. I saw someone moving towards me, a timid looking blonde with giant glasses taking up half her face. Still, she looked wonderful in her pale blue dress. 
“Hi, Miss Rodriguez. Thanks for inviting me,” she said softly when she made her way over towards me. Ah, so this was Rachael. She looked every bit as nice as her voice sounded, and I sent her a genuine smile.
“It’s nothing at all, Rachael. You look great.”
Her eyes lit up, and I wondered how terrible I had to usually be to have her look so terrified of me. “Oh, thank you Miss Rodriguez!”
“You can call me Daniella, Rachael. We’re co-workers, aren’t we?”
“Oh.” She looked surprised. “You told me to never call you Daniella.”
As if my night couldn’t get any worse. “Right. I wasn’t feeling myself that day. I apologize. Feel free to call me Daniella.” Suddenly uncomfortable with the revered way she was looking at me, like I was some kind of fashion god giving her access into the world I lived in, I gestured towards the bar. “Want a drink?”
“Sure!” she said quickly, smiling brightly. “Mind if I go with you? I don’t really know anyone here.”
Me neither, I wanted to say, but refrained. “Of course. C’mon.” Following in the direction Liam and Gianna had disappeared to, we made it to the bar with ease. “What do you want?”
“I’ll take a strawberry martini.”
I had no idea what cocktail I wanted. My alcohol experience consisted of sneaking shitty beer into my basement and champagne at my cousin’s wedding. “Make that two,” I told the bartender, smiling softly as he got to work. “Hey, Rachael, can I ask you something?”
“Of course, Miss Ro—Daniella,” she corrected herself. The bartender handed our drinks over and she immediately took a sip. I didn’t bother with mine yet, on a mission.
“Do you know why I wasn’t talking to my father when he died?”
She flinched. “Ah...no. I just remember reminding you about the funeral and...um...you weren’t too happy.”
How selfish was I in this new life that the idea of my father’s funeral made me angry? “Right. If you’ll excuse me, I’m just...going to go powder my nose.”
I left Rachael nodding after me as I walked through the venue. I saw my boss (I still couldn’t believe I worked for Nicholas Jennings) and tried my best to stay out of his sight, lest he greet me and ask me questions I didn’t know the answer to. Walking into different hallways and still not able to find the bathroom, I decided to just lean up against a pillar on the second floor of the building, looking down at the launch with a sense of bittersweetness.
I had seemingly gotten everything I wanted. At what cost?
The second I heard whispers, I ducked behind the pillar, not willing to join in conversation with people. However, I recognized the voices almost immediately as Liam and Gianna.
“I still don’t know what happened to her, Gianna. It worries me.”
“I know. It worries me too. But...we’re still going to tell her, right?”
I peeked out from the pillar and saw them standing at the entrance of the hallway, Liam’s hands wrapped around Gianna’s wrists. The lights were reflecting brilliantly off her dress.
“You want to tell her that we’ve been having an affair for eleven months when just this morning she didn’t recognize either of us?” Liam asked incredulously.
“I know the timing is shit. I know it, Liam. But I can’t hold my feelings in any longer. Besides, you know she was seeing Rachael’s boyfriend for that little three-month period a couple years back.”
“And we discussed that. I forgave her. Sleeping with your assistant’s boyfriend twice isn’t really the same as sleeping with your best friend’s boyfriend of almost four years.”
I couldn’t take it anymore. I pushed off the pillar, walking in the opposite direction on my tiptoes so I didn’t draw attention to myself. The hallway swung back around in a circle to the staircase, so I quickly rushed down them when I was in the clear and made my way out of the building, letting the New York air cool my skin.
I hadn’t thought going to this party would make me feel worse, but I had been proven wrong.
Without thinking, I pulled out my phone and called Harry.
He picked up on the second ring. “Dani? Thank god. I was worried when you left earlier. That wasn’t exactly the best news to hear.”
“Do you want to get dinner with me?” I asked bluntly, ignoring his concerns. “I just...I need to get away from reality for a while.”
The other line was silent, and I was terrified he was going to reject me. He would remind me that we weren’t friends, that he hated me and thought I was selfish, and then tell me that he never wanted to see me again. The longer I heard nothing but his breathing, the more certain I was that these events were about to unfold. So I was surprised when I heard him say, “Sure. Meet me at Blue Elephant. It’s the Thai place a couple of blocks down from my apartment.”
For the first time that night, I felt a genuine smile spread across my features.
I tried not to laugh when the noodle from Harry’s pad thai dangled from his mouth, but the snort escaped me before I could stop it.
He had gotten to the restaurant much quicker than I had. He wasn’t lying when he had told me it was just down a couple blocks. He had raised a brow at my fancy attire, since he was just in jeans and a black shirt splattered with tiny little paint flecks. His fingernails had clay under them, which would have been gross if I hadn’t known it was because Harry spent nearly all his free time sculpting. The comfort of this sight nearly had me in tears again, but I shrugged it off in favor of ordering what Harry suggested from the menu. I had ended up with what the restaurant called “glass noodles,” which was their low-carb options that had lots of vegetables mixed in. Harry had gone for the classic pad thai, which if the way he was slurping was any indication, he enjoyed.
“How are you doing?” Harry asked hesitantly, like he was unsure how to ask the question.
I shrugged. “I woke up this morning not knowing anything about my life, not being friends with you, finding out my father is dead, and seeing Liam and Gianna discuss how they were going to tell me that they’re having an affair.”
“Shit. That’s terrible, Dani.”
The wry laugh left my lips before I could stop it. “The thing that kills me is that I deserve it. I let a stupid, petty argument that I can’t even remember keep me from the funeral. Apparently I slept with someone in a relationship. It was my assistant’s boyfriend, by the way. And I don’t know what I did to ruin our friendship, but obviously it was my fault.” I twirled some of my pasta around my fork. “I work for Nicholas Jennings as a designer. I just came from a Christian Siriano launch party. I managed to get everything I’ve ever wanted, but it feels terrible.”
“You didn’t ruin our friendship single handedly,” Harry assured. “It was the both of us.”
“I can’t even argue with you, because I don’t remember.”
He sighed, pushing his plate away from him. “It was your party. Everyone had left to go get beer with Gianna’s brother.” I sat up eagerly in my chair, ready to hear his version of events so I could decipher when it all went wrong. “I had just given you the mini-model for my theatre class and then I let you blow out the cupcake and smashed it in your face.”
“And?” I asked impatiently. “And then what? That’s the last thing I remember.”
His hand reached up to rub the back of his neck. “And then I kissed you.”
My mouth had been open, ready to comment on whatever he had said, but no sound came out. I stared at my best friend, who suddenly looked so embarrassed and small, and my heart ached in my chest. “You kissed me?” I whispered, food completely forgotten in front of me.
“I kissed you,” he repeated. “You had strawberry frosting on your face and you just...looked so beautiful. I’ve always thought you were. And there was a moment when you were trying to wipe it off that I thought I might have seen something in your eyes...but I was wrong. I kissed you and you pulled away. You looked so regretful, like you were running through a thousand ways to let me down easy in your head because you were always too kind to me. I tried to tell you to forget it, that it didn’t mean anything, but you were determined to talk about it.”
“Did we?” I asked.
“I wouldn’t let you. I knew the second I pulled away I had made a mistake. But you kept...pushing. And I got angry, said some things I didn’t mean. You got angry back, and said some other things. Then you shoved the mini-model in my hands and told me to leave. The glue was shit, so it crumbled a little. I’m sure it was an accident, but...after the rejection, it felt like it was on purpose.”
“Harry, I would have never—”
“I know,” he interrupted, giving me a hesitant smile. “I know, Dani. It was just me being pathetically in love with you.”
The words made me wish the ground would swallow me whole. “In love with me?” My voice was so quiet, I was surprised he heard it.
“Yeah, Dani. In love with you.”
The Harry from my memories suddenly shifted, as if with his confession I was seeing him in a new life. My quinceañera, when I had asked him to be my escort and he had to help me zip the back of my dress up. The first day of high school, when he had ridden his bike to my house and looked at me like he was seeing someone new. That moment he had just told me about, looking at him with strawberry frosting on his chin because I had managed to swipe some there.
Was there some other emotion hiding in those eyes every time he looked at me?
“I’m sorry,” I said, unable to say anything else.
“You don’t have to be sorry for not loving me, Dani. It wasn’t your responsibility.”
“But I should have fought harder for your forgiveness.” The tears did come then. I felt like that was all I had done today, just sob and sob. “I should have fought for us. I don’t want to be the person that doesn’t fight.”
I stood from my chair, slapping down a twenty dollar bill to cover the price of my meal. He watched me with clouded eyes, part-betrayed that I was leaving him once again and part-understanding that being in that restaurant was going to suffocate me with the weight of what had happened today. As I made my way towards the exit, he let me go.
I wondered if he would have before the night of my sixteenth birthday.
My lip wobbled as I hailed a cab, pulling out my phone to see all of the missed text messages from both Gianna and Liam. There was even one from Rachael, who had seen me leave in a hurry and asked if I was alright. My heart clenched in my chest when I saw her name across the screen. I wondered if she had any clue that I had apparently slept with her boyfriend. Assuming that she would have quit if she had known, I was going to guess she didn’t know. The texts from Liam were all variations of him asking me where I was. 
I couldn’t even be angry with him for cheating on me with Gianna. Who knew what kind of person I was now? What if I had pushed him away, like I had with Harry, like I had with my father? If he found comfort and love in Gianna, who was I to tell him he was wrong? 
My feet were carrying me somewhere I didn’t know, walking in the direction of my apartment that wasn’t home. When the first drop of rain splattered on my nose, I didn’t even feel it. 
I just felt numb.
The house before me was very non-threatening. It was a small thing, brick on the outside and a bright red door. When I was younger, the kids at school used to tease me and call it the “Three Little Pig” house, the one left standing at the end of the story that the wolf couldn’t blow down. I hated it when I was little, but I found it comforting now. Even with all that had changed in my life, this seemed to still be the same.
Knocking on the door shouldn’t have been terrifying, but it was suddenly the most scary thing I’d ever done. Before my fist could meet it for a third time, the red door swung open to reveal my mother, looking at me with a softness in her eyes that I was sure I didn’t deserve.
“Harry called me earlier. Said you might be coming here.” Her words were matter-of-fact, like there was no arguing. And there wasn’t. I wasn’t entirely sure how Harry had guessed that I was going to visit my mother, but I supposed he still knew me like the back of my hand. “Said you’ve got amnesia?”
I couldn’t stop the laugh that came from my throat. Amnesia was a weird way of putting it, but it was the only explanation I could give. I was sure “I’m really sixteen and just woke up in twenty-six-year-old Dani’s body” wouldn’t work with my mother. And then I was flinging myself into her arms and sobbing, like I constantly did now. “He said I didn’t come to Dad’s funeral,” I cried out.
“You didn’t,” she replied simply, but she held me in her arms and squeezed my shoulders like she had when I was younger. I hadn’t felt more like myself than in that moment, except maybe talking with Harry. 
“But why? That doesn’t make sense.” I clutched her to me, wanting nothing more than to melt into her skin and disappear forever. 
She sighed, rubbing my shoulders. “Come inside. We’ll talk.”
Minutes later I was sitting at the familiar circular dark wooden table from my childhood. My mother had poured us iced tea, a drink I had forgotten I loved until I took a cautious sip of it. We sat in silence for a few moments, just drinking as she stared at the wall across from me. Just as I was about to open my mouth and ask again what had happened, she began to speak.
“You really don’t remember anything?”
“No,” I promised. “The last thing I remember is Harry shoving a cupcake into my face at my sixteenth birthday party after I made a wish.”
She nodded thoughtfully. “What’d you wish for?”
I smiled grimly. “For you to treat me like an adult.” Awkwardly picking at a loose thread on my sweater, I looked away from my mother. I didn’t want to see the disappointment or hurt on her face when my words registered. “I...I didn’t mean it.”
“Yeah, you did. And you were right. Maybe if I had treated you like an adult, you would have...you would have come to the funeral.” She took a long sip of the tea, steadying herself. “You’ve got to know that we always planned on telling you. But we just never did. And that was on us. And you’d always struggled so much with your identity. Remember when you used to come home from school and cry just because you felt like you didn’t know yourself?”
I remembered those days well. The last one I could remember had been two days before my birthday. Harry seemed to fit in so well with everyone he met, and I just didn’t have that skill. I had come home crying to my mom, asking why Harry could manage to fit in everywhere but I couldn’t. 
“Two Christmases ago you were looking in the attic to help find some tree topper I had bought. You came down from the attic with that piece of paper in your hand and my heart stopped. I knew right then and there that you’d never forgive us.”
“Mom, it can’t be that bad.”
“Believe me, it is.” There were tears in her eyes now as she set her glass down. Her hands shook. “You...found adoption papers and letters from your birth mother. She had written to you every year on your birthday. Your father and I never showed them to you. And obviously...we never told you about the adoption.”
If there was one thing I did not expect for my mother to say, it was that.
“What?” I managed to stutter out, blinking at her in disbelief.
Her tears fell now, streaking the mascara on her bottom lashes and leaving horrible black lines down her face. “We always meant to tell you, you...you have to believe that. And you got so, so angry with us. You said you never wanted to talk to us again. You marched out and went back to New York to stay with Liam. And then your father got sick and I...I just thought we would have so much more time to make things right with you before he died. I called you to tell you about the funeral and you just didn’t care. And the shitty part was that I couldn’t blame you.”
My tears had stopped, simply because I was trying hard to process what she had just told me. My mother, the one who braided my hair when I was younger and kissed my knee when I skinned it, wasn’t my actual mother. And my father, who read me bedtime stories with funny voices and made me pancakes when I was feeling sad, he wasn’t my actual father. I had never felt less like I knew myself.
I laughed.
It was a short, stark sound in the silence between us. My mother had been staring at the ground and she looked up at me in surprise when she heard it. I couldn’t help it. I laughed again. I laughed until there were angry and frustrated tears falling out of my eyes. 
“Do you know what kind of person I am?” I didn’t give her the chance to answer before I started speaking again. “I’ve spoken more to Harry in the past two days than I have in the last ten years. I let him feel like I hated him. I slept with my assistant’s boyfriend and apparently haven’t told her about it. But I did tell my boyfriend, who is currently having sex with my best friend because of something I did, I guess. And now I find out I didn’t go to my father’s funeral because I was being an absolute bitch?”
“You had every right to be upset—”
“No! I didn’t have the right to not go to the funeral!” My lower lip quivered. The reality of the words set in with me then. I had missed my father’s funeral because of something as stupid as me being adopted. That didn’t change the fact that he had gone to all the little father-daughter dances my school held when I was young. That he had taught me how to swim and clapped when I could jump into the pool with no problems. That he had held me when the boy I liked called me ugly. “I didn’t go to the funeral,” I whispered brokenly.
My mother’s arms were around me before I had time to blink. She flung herself across the table and wrapped me in her embrace. I felt her tears on my shoulder, the tears the both of us had apparently needed to cry since two Christmases ago. When the pain got too uncomfortable, I moved out of my chair so I could be closer to her, on my knees on the kitchen floor. She slid out of her own seat, grabbing onto my shoulders and kissing my head.
“I’m sorry,” she kept saying, over and over again. “I’m so sorry.”
“I missed the funeral,” I repeated, my fingers digging painfully into her shoulder blades. If she was in pain, she didn’t show it. She just held me harder as we both kneeled on the kitchen floor.
New York was having a good weather day. 
I was sitting outside a little cafe, munching on an ice cream cone. It had been only hours since I’d left my mother’s house. We had talked, cried, drank wine that she had stashed in a cupboard, and cried some more. Even before the freak accident in which I had aged ten years overnight, it was the most I’d really talked to her in a long while. There was a dull ache in my heart because I wanted my father to be there, but my mother had kissed my forehead in the way he used to when I was headed out the door. 
“I love you, Dani,” she had said, with so much conviction that it had nearly brought me to my knees.
“I love you too, Mom,” I had replied. She smiled that big grin of hers, the one I used to tell her could light up the world. 
Now I was waiting for Liam and Gianna to arrive. I had called them both the second I got into a taxi from my mom’s house and was waiting to meet them. The cafe was the first one I had found (though it wasn’t as if they were lacking in New York), so I didn’t know if it was any good or not. If the ice cream was any indicator, it was fantastic.
“Thank god you’re okay,” Liam said from somewhere behind me, and then I was forced out of my sesat and engulfed in a huge bear hug. Liam’s hugs were nice, I decided. Maybe if I had met him when this weird thing hadn’t happened, I would have loved him. “Why didn’t you return any of my calls?”
“I was visiting my mom. Sorry,” I mumbled into his shoulder.
He pulled away immediately. “Your mom? Is everything okay? You haven’t spoken in—”
“Two years,” I interrupted, nodding my head. “Everything’s fine, just needed to talk some stuff out with her.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay.” He pulled me back into another hug, rubbing his hand on my back. “Do you want to sit? Have you ordered anything?”
“Not yet. I was waiting for you and Gianna to get here.”
“You don’t have to wait much longer.” Gianna appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and gave me a small hug. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, sweetie. Did you ever figure out what the hell was going on yesterday? Memory all back?”
“Not at all.” And that was still the frustrating part. I gestured to the little bistro table and watched the two of them as they moved towards their seats. I had never really had to examine how two people moved together before, but they moved like they were magnets. Liam hesitantly reached out his hand for me to hold and I saw the quick glimpse of something akin to heartbreak on Gianna’s face.
At least I knew the two really loved each other.
“So, what did you and your mom talk about?” Liam asked, his thumb making circles on the back of my hand. 
“Life. How things didn’t really work out the way I wanted them to.”
Gianna’s brow raised. “What do you mean, sweetie? You work for Nicholas Jennings. That’s like your dream job.”
“Yeah.” And look where that dream had gotten me. “But I mean in my personal life, not really my professional life.”
It was quiet for a few seconds. Liam awkwardly smiled. “We don’t really know what you mean, babe.”
“I know.” I composed my thoughts for a moment before hesitantly reaching out my other hand to stretch it across the table. Gianna was quick to grab it, but I could tell she still looked a little confused. “I’m not a good person. I see that. I don’t know how you two put up with me. But I like to think I deserve better than my boyfriend and best friend lying to me.” The color drained out of Liam’s face and Gianna was gaping like a fish, opening and closing her mouth as if she’d find something to say. “And you deserve better than the way I’ve obviously treated you.”
“Dani,” Liam said brokenly, but I shook my head.
“It’s okay. We’ve all got things we need to work on, I guess.”
And that was the truth. If there was anything I’d learned from the last two days, it was that I had to work to not be the bitch I had so obviously become in the ten years I’d missed. I pat Liam’s hand comfortingly before standing from the little table, allowing Gianna and Liam to digest what I’d just sprung on them as I walked away. 
I was in a city I genuinely loved. The sky was pretty and blue and I felt a little bit of the ice cream cone in my hand dripping on my fingers. Things were okay with my mom and I. I would never get back the memories I’d lost with my father, but I’d use him as an example on how to be better. I wished for nothing more than to go back in time to my sixteen year-old self to tell her what she was missing when she wished on that stupid candle. 
But maybe it wasn’t all bad, I decided, when I stopped at a hot dog stand to ask for some napkins and saw Harry ordering on the other side.
“Dani,” he said, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Hey. What are you doing?”
“Walking,” I replied, gesturing to his hot dog. “Looks good.”
“I’d ask you if you wanted a bite, but I know you don’t like mustard.”
The fact that he’d remembered something so insignificant made me smile. “Right.”
He finished up his hot dog and took one of the napkins I offered. “What’re you doing today?”
“Nothing much. Why?”
“Mind if I join you on your walk?”
I pretended to think about it for a moment, but it truly was just pretending. My mind was made up the second the question had left his mouth. “Only if you tell me what you’re doing for work. Don’t think I missed all the clay and stuff in your apartment.”
He flushed, the apples of his cheeks turning a cute pink color. I wanted to poke them, like I used to when we were kids, but didn’t know if it would be welcome or not. “You don’t want to hear about my job,” he said, like he had already decided it was going to be a boring topic.
“Harry, I always want to hear about what you’re doing.”
It was a statement he must not have heard from me in ten years, because he gave me a soft and hesitant smile, the kind of smile I imagined he had given me as kids through the lens of someone in love with me. It made my stomach warm to see it.
“Really?” At my enthusiastic nod, his smile widened a little bit and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Okay. Well, shortly after high school I was just working for the theater department at the community college. It didn’t pay much, but it was a good experience for the resume. I worked there for about three years and then got into sculpting.”
“Which explains the clay,” I joked, reaching for his hand. I lifted it between us and gestured to the clay caked underneath his nails. He laughed, nodding his head at my observation.
His laughter came up short when he realized that we were skin-to-skin, my fingers dancing across his knuckles to get a view of the clay. It turned his skin a light gray color, somewhat matching the color of the shirt he wore. “Yeah,” he said, and his voice sounded a little breathless. “Yeah, that explains the clay.”
I was hesitant to release his fingers, but I did. He didn’t move his hand away, however, just stared at me with those impossibly green eyes of his. I had always been jealous of them when we were younger. “Harry?”
“If I were to hold your hand, would you hate me?”
His smile was quick and soft, and I realized there was a tiny little speck of mustard on his top lip. “If you had asked me at sixteen, I would have jumped at the opportunity. And maybe faint.”
I laughed. “I’m not asking sixteen year-old Harry, though. I’m asking twenty-six year-old Harry.”
“Right. Semantics. I suppose he’s fine with it too, if it means you’ll go out to dinner with him.”
Our fingers threaded together, still awkwardly hanging in front of us. His hand was warm and callused, and I could feel the texture of the clay. “I would love to go to dinner tonight. You can regale me with stories about how you fell in love with me when we were kids.”
He laughed, and our hands dropped to fit more comfortably between us. “It’s not very hard to fall in love with you, Dani.”
I was used to getting ready for a friend hang-out with Harry. For those, I knew what I would wear. It would be some variation of comfy jeans or leggings, a graphic tee of one of my favorite bands, and some Vans. I was familiar with that ensemble.
It was a little different getting ready for a date with Harry.
He had followed me back to my apartment, where I saw some of Liam’s stuff was already gone. It seems he wasted no time in seeking shelter with Gianna. I was honestly happy for him, if he was happier with Gianna. Harry sat on my couch and laughed while I tried on different outfits, seeing which one would fit his surprise restaurant better since he wouldn’t tell me where we were going. In each dress, he twirled his finger to signal he wanted me to turn in the dress before he disagreed and sent me back.
“Could you at least give me a hint on what to wear?”
“Do you have jeans at all?”
I poked my head out of the door to my bedroom, giving him a look. “I would never wear jeans on a date.”
“It’s a date with me. You know I don’t care what you look like.”
That made the butterflies in my stomach set off. Apparently, however, twenty-six year-old Daniella didn’t own a pair of jeans, so I settled on a casual sundress and slipped it on. It was a pretty orange color that looked good with my skin, and had little yellow flowers printed at the bottom. When I walked out into the living room, Harry grinned.
“Perfect,” he said, standing from my couch. “You look beautiful.”
If I were still sixteen and Harry was just a friend, the words wouldn’t have such an effect on me. But the truth of the matter was, my skin was warming, butterflies were flying, and my eyes were looking at Harry in a new light. “Thank you.”
“I have always wanted to say that to you and not have you punch me in the shoulder.”
“I wouldn’t have punched you in the shoulder!”
“Yeah...but you wouldn’t have looked at me like that, either.”
I wondered what expression was on my face to make his eyes go slightly dark and hazy. Letting out a short, breathless laugh, I grabbed his hand and led him out of my apartment. “Lead the way, since I have no idea where we’re going.”
The walk to the restaurant was spent talking about old memories from the past, Harry’s fingers intertwined with mine. There were several points where we had to stop walking so the two of us could laugh, bending over at the waist as we remembered when Gemma had put makeup on Harry or I had fallen into a puddle of mud at one of our family get-togethers. When we got to our destination, I stared at the theatre in front of us with a look of awe on my face.
“C’mon, I told the guys that I needed this place to myself tonight. I’ll give you a grand tour.”
He took the keys out of his pocket and opened the door. The lights were automatic, turning on when they sensed movement. We were in the lobby of the theatre, with programs from all the productions hung on every inch of the walls. Harry laughed when I took in the colors of all of them as he opened the door to the main stage.
“You’re a giant softie,” I breathed out when I saw that there was a picnic set up on the stage. “I’m telling Gemma.”
“She’ll never let me live it down.”
“That’s the point, Harry.” But I squeezed his fingers even tighter in mine. “It’s perfect.”
The theatre itself was beautiful. Unlike the harsh white lights of the lobby, the stage was lit with warm stage lighting that gave the place a pretty yellow glow. I took the stairs up to the main stage and sat down on a pillow Harry had placed there beforehand, unwilling to let our grip break when he moved to sit down on his own pillow. It was only when he started moving towards the picnic basket that I relinquished my hold on his hand. 
“Okay, I’ve got some pasta, a little cucumber salad, and wine. Because we all need wine.” He made a plate for me and then himself before reaching back into the picnic basket. “And for dessert…”
I wanted to laugh at the little cupcake, nearly identical to the one he had given me on my sixteenth birthday. I could tell it was what he was expecting. But I just stared at it, my throat going dry. Eventually, the smile slipped off his face and he set the cupcake on the stage. “I didn’t mean to make you sad.”
“I know you didn’t,” I whispered, shaking my head. “I just...you deserve so much better, Harry.”
“Maybe. But who are we to decide that?”
“You deserve someone who hasn’t treated you like shit. Which is what I treated you like. I shouldn’t have let our friendship go just because I was scared that loving you would ruin things for us.”
“Dani,” he said softly, reaching out to take my hand in his. “It’s all in the past.”
“But it’s not. Not for me. For me, it was two days ago. And I know that it sounds crazy and you don’t believe me, but I...I’ve obviously made some choices that have hurt a lot of people and I don’t remember making any of them. I hurt you.”
“Yeah, you did. Look at where we are now, though. Look at where you are.”
“I just don’t want you to wake up and regret this tomorrow because you’re holding onto a sixteen year-old version of me.”
And that was the point of all of this. I couldn’t just forget that this weird time blip had happened, and I couldn’t forget that apparently I had made shitty choices for the past ten years of my life. I wished more than anything that I could go back to the night of my sixteenth birthday and just tell Harry that while I didn’t love him at that exact moment, I would be willing to give us a shot because really, it was Harry. I knew that I could fall in love with him if I just had the time. Maybe I already had been, secretly, and was just scared.
“We’re just...we’re not sixteen anymore, Harry.”
He nodded, his mouth tight-lipped and his eyes sad. I think it was because he knew what I was saying was true. We couldn’t change the past. “I know,” he whispered. “I just...having you back in my life was like this out of reach dream.”
“I don’t want to go the next ten years not talking to you, Harry. But I think you’ll be so much happier with someone else. Someone who doesn’t run away when you tell them you love them.”
The wry smile on his face made my heart break. He gently slid towards the end of the stage and jumped off, his feet hitting the ground with a thudding sound that echoed in my ears. He made it to the back of the theatre before he turned around, tears in his eyes and a small smile on his face. “Maybe in a parallel universe, then. I’ll see you around, Dani.”
The tears were already on my cheeks when the door shut behind him.
I didn’t feel like eating anything after Harry’s departure, but I picked up the cupcake gently, willing it to bring me back to the night of my sixteenth birthday, before I had royally screwed myself over. Setting it down with a sigh, I started to pick up the food items so Harry wouldn’t get in trouble for leaving food on the stage. It was only then that I saw the candle and lighter in the basket.
I cried as I stuck the candle into the cupcake and lit it with the lighter.
“I wish I could go back and do this all over,” I mumbled to myself. Shutting my eyes, I softly blew out the flame of the candle.
I kept them shut as I leaned back and lay on the stage, letting myself fall asleep.
“Dani?” I heard, and I opened my eyes slowly. The theatre was gone, the soft yellow light something harsh and white again. I took in my surroundings, noting the Jonas Brothers poster on the wall and the ugly pink color of them. I sat up quickly, looking around the room before I gasped and looked down at my chest.
No boobs. 
“Dani, you awake?” I heard someone say from the other side of the door. Immediately I was up, shooting like a bottle rocket as I flung my door open. Harry stood there, sixteen year-old Harry with his head of floppy curls and the spot of acne on his chin. He was holding something wrapped in a pretty pink box.
His eyebrows furrowed as he stepped into my room, setting the pink box on my bed as I shut the door behind him. “You okay?” he asked. “You seem off.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” I said, still looking around my room to reassure myself that I was actually here. “I...I think I had a really weird dream.”
“What was it about?”
“It was terrible, H. We weren’t friends anymore.” He sat on my bed and I moved to sit next to him, careful of the pink box that I somehow knew contained a little theatre set he had made me.
“Well, that’ll never happen,” he snorted. “But, let’s focus on something happy. Open up.” He handed me the box. I pulled apart the purple ribbon and opened it up. It was in an Amazon box, but sure enough, it was a beautiful stage designing set. “It’s Wicked, since I know that’s your favorite musical.”
“Harry,” I whispered, “it’s gorgeous.”
“You like it?” When I nodded enthusiastically, he relaxed. “Oh good. I was worried. Also, I got you something else.”
From behind his back he produced a pretty pink strawberry cupcake, complete with a candle. He took a lighter out of his pocket and held it up to me. “Make a wish, Dani.”
When the flame was lit, I closed my eyes. I didn’t bother to make one. There wasn’t anything more that I needed.
I was expecting the smash, and the cool feeling that followed. I was expecting Harry to double over in laughter as pink goop fell from my face. I was even expecting my own laugh as I wiped it from my eyes so it wouldn’t burn them. What I wasn’t expecting was for Harry to suddenly take my face in his hands and kiss me, the minty taste of his breath mingling with the strawberry of the frosting coating my mouth. The kiss was over before it had begun, and Harry stared at me in fear, like I was going to reject him.
Instead, I smiled.
“Harry,” I said softly, reaching out my hand to him. His own hands shook when he placed his fingers in mine. “Do you want to go on a date?”
When his shoulders sagged in relief and he nodded, I knew.
“Oh, and I really need to go talk to my dad.”
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If this is the last time- Calum Hood
A/N: first 5sos fic! Calum hood x y/n. Y/n’s gender is female for this fic, it just made it easier to write, my apologies to anyone it might upset, but you can always request. based off of If This Is The Last Time by LANY. Feel free to correct any mistakes! i don’t know if anyone will like this, but i do soooo.
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plot: Entries for y/n’s last diary/book.
2077 words. * marks song lyrics 
y/n’s diary:
(June 8th 2081) There's nothing better than the support of your family, so imagine having been admitted to the hospital and having every person you’ve grown to know as family waiting for you to leave the hospital. We knew it was coming, that one of us would have to go, but we didn’t know who and when. It’s me and soon. I’m not afraid though. My family’s strong, I know they are. Today he told me I looked beautiful, like he has every day of our life together, but it felt different. It was like a reassurance that no matter what, he meant his vows. Everything felt different today, even the simple touch of his hands while he drove me to the hospital.  Especially the way our children said they loved me this morning. I’m ready. There's no point in fighting the cancer, it’s too far along and I'm far too old.
*I know we're gettin' old*
(January 15th 2082) It had begun after the boys last tour, the realization that we were no longer as young as we used to be. Our children started high school and y/s/n starting his own band, following in his father’s footsteps. y/d/n was too, but she had taken the football/soccer approach. They were good at it too. y/s/n having the same beautiful voice as Calum, but preferred the drums. He learned from a young age, he never really stopped admiring his uncle Ash. Which was really Ashton’s fault, almost spoiled him as much as Luke did y/d/n. Luke never got the girl he wanted, so he treated her as if he was one of his own. All the boys did, but Luke was like a second father to her. Which didn’t help with the Cake rumors during touring.
*the lines on our hands have changed, But you still look at me the same*
(September 29th 2082)  My life has been amazing, maybe not from the start, but from the moment I laid my eyes on Calum Hood, the past didn’t matter. Nothing matters, nothing but him. Well until my  children of course...and then my grandchildren. He stood by me for all of it and I love him for it. He promised forever and that's what we got. There's nothing I could ever do to repay him, or at least in my eyes. 
*Hey, mom, guess what? You're really tough.*
(November 15th 2082) This is for my children, I hope you’re reading. I love you, I'll always love you because there’s no way not to. From the moment you were both born to the moment your children were born, I was amazed by the amount of growth possible. I hope one day you’ll have the same joy I did watching your grandchildren being raised by the amazing creatures you created. I hope that one day when you pass, it’ll be surrounded by the ones you love.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love you, I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm very grateful. 
*And I know you did all you could. Just to make sure my life was good*
(December 25th 2082) It was worth it, all of it. The pain, the tears, the blood. My life is complete.
*Sorry for the fights and the tone of my voice, Sorry for the nights when I made the wrong choice*
(January 1st 2083) Not a lot of people know, but Calum and i’s relationship was almost torn apart when our children were in high school. It had nothing to do with them of course, but life for Cal had been stressful. He had confessed he felt like he had no purpose now that he thought his career was over. Of course it wasn’t true, but he was like a bull in a china shop. After many nights of hushed fighting, y/s/n had gotten into it. He had convinced his father to start therapy and got him into football/soccer again. From then on, y/d/n got him to become her team's coach and he stayed there until retirement, he said he felt complete after retirement. 
*Life is flyin' by and it's hittin' me now. I hope it's not, but*
(January 5th 2083) Sitting here rereading all of my old diaries, has me regretting not taking the course of treatment. I'm gonna miss everyone. That might be hard to believe considering I will no longer be roaming the planet, but everyone means so much to me.
*If this is the last time, please come close*
(January 12th 2083) It's too soon.
*I love you with all my heart, you know. I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye*
(January 13th 2083) This is my written goodbye for those who I love. 
Michael you’ve always been my best friend. I appreciate you taking me in like you knew me forever, like I was there with you and Calum throughout school. I'm sorry I didn't give you another niece to spoil, I know you wanted one you didn’t have to say it. With everything in me, I hope you're the last one of us here, I trust you the most other than Calum to take care of our families. If you are, I hope I don't tear you apart, we’ll all be up here waiting for you.
Luke, where do i start, i owe you 30 bucks. You always said that I would go before Cal, you were right. Don't worry, no hard feelings, none of us actually expected it so soon. But you better be there when my first great-grandchild is born. Make y/d/n name them after me. I'm just kidding, although…… 
 Ashton, thank you for being the big brother I didn't know I needed. Thank you for loving my family like your own and for taking care of Cal when I couldn't. I’m coming to join you right now, see you soon brother.
Kristal, Sierra, and kay-kay…...Bye my bitches, see you soon. I'm just messing with you, you better keep your stubborn asses on this planet a while more. I'll be taking care of ashton for you kay.
For the fans, who have loved my not so small family, there will be a 5sos reunion waiting for you when you pass, but not too soon.
y/d/n and y/s/n stick together or you grounded. I love you, I already said everything I needed to say to you, take care of my grandchildren.
Now Calum, i don’t think i need to write anything for you, we’ve always been honest with each other. Don’t come see me until you’ve met our great-grandchild, stay there for a while until you have enough memories to share with me. Hold our children tight, i know i won’t get to anymore. Just because I'm leaving doesn’t mean you don’t get to spend more time with me, I'll be watching you. When you join me, we’ll get to spend more decades together, and just like the first time you met me, you won’t be able to get away
*If this is the last time,Then let's do the things we always do,Like go to the mall and buy some shoes*
(January 16th 2083) My last day before I'm on bed rest, for the rest of my life in fact. y/d/n was determined to take everyone in the family to the mall. I didn’t get anything of course, but I did suggest a couple of clothing items for my funeral. My funeral, that’s weird to think about. I did get Calum a pair of shoes though. His feet will not walk in with the raggedy old shoes he loves so much.
*I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye. If this is the last time*
(January 21st 2083) Here I am, on my deathbed, writing what will probably be my last entry. Calum on the other bed in the room, of course he had it pushed next to mine. “We haven’t slept apart in decades, why start now.” I hope he doesn’t take it hard, but I can feel it coming. I can feel the pull. Watching the monitors and seeing the numbers change drastically. We've been saying goodbyes for a while now. As much as it pains me to say this is my final goodbye. Goodbye.
*Hey, dad, what's up? Miss you so much
Yeah, the shade of your hair has changed
But I look up to you the same*
(March 20th 2085) y/n asked us to turn her diary’s into a book series, we had, this is my continuation of the last one. y/s/n has promised to keep publishing them after i’m gone. He said he knew how much it would mean to his mother. Unfortunately this is my last entry as well. I will be joining y/n soon, i knew i wouldn’t make it long without her, i was right. They say i’ll probably die in my sleep sometime this week. I have our children staying with me, waiting till I go. I already said my goodbyes to our grandchildren and my brothers. My mother has been gone for a while, I can't wait to see her again. Mali wished me luck and said she would see us again. I hope it’s not too soon, I want her to be there while y/s/n and y/d/n grieve a second death. y/n said she wasn’t afraid, i understand now. Anyways, I guess this is goodbye. 
*Taught me how to fish, taught me how to ride a bike*
(July 25th 2086) Hey guys, it’s y/s/n and y/d/n this time. I hope you enjoyed reading mom, and some of dad's writings. I'm not quite passing yet, but my sister and I thought this last book is not quite done yet. We wanted to add our goodbyes to mom and dad as well. Maybe we shouldn’t write it here, but it feels right. We wanted to say thank you to all the fans who have supported our parents for decades, or even the newer ones. So thank you, you made our parents who they were and in return, made us and our families who they are. We love it thank you. So, goodbye dad. It might be a few decades till we see each other, but we are currently teaching my son how to ride his bike, just like you did me all those years ago, thank you for that. y/d/n is teaching hers to fish, we know it wasn’t mom's idea of fun, but she always did it with us, so now we are doing it with our families.
*Taught me how to love, how to treat a woman right. Life is flyin' by and it's hittin' me now*
(September 6th 2086)  y/g/d/n here, i asked mom if i could write something as well, just wanted to thank my grandparents for everything! That's a lot to thank for, I know, but I forgot before they passed. I also wanted to inform them that I finally started college, makes me think of what they would have done if they were here.
*If this is the last time, please come close
I love you with all my heart, you know
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time
Then let's do the things we always do
Like go for a drive or watch the news
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time*
(May 7th 2090) The last entry of the last book of my grandmother’s series. It’s y/g/s/n for your information. The last written update, it’s been years since grandma wrote in this book, but she got what she wanted, uncle Michael truly was the last of the bunch. He’s here waiting for his turn, but he did what was asked of him….and Luke. My first child wasn’t named after grandma, but when we were having our second Michael jumped at the opportunity, he’s holding y/n right now. He said she looks like a young grandma, so i guess it’s fitting. He’s on his way to join our family right now, I'm the last to say goodbye. I know you probably heard it a lot in this book, but thank you guys for everything, we love you.
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For A Bunch Of Profilers (JJ x Reader)
I know this is done a bunch, but I freaking love them because, honestly, I feel like the team would be fucking oblivious
Rating: PG
Warnings: Maybe a cuss word or two
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Y/N smiled as JJ told the team what Henry did as he learned to ride his bike. “I tried to get him to just jump off, but he wouldn’t, that was until we go to to the tree and for some reason he jumped up and just grabbed it. I tried to help him but I couldn’t stop laughing.”
“Please tell me you got a video of it?” 
JJ shook her head when Penelope asked. Technically, she did have a video, but Y/N took it and well, that would be hard to explain. It was quite funny how for a bunch of profilers none of them realized the two were dating, well engaged.
“How hard is it to train him on how to ride a bike? It was difficult to train Jack, thought he would never learn.”
JJ shrugged, “Not that hard, plus I have Y/N that I can always call. Who knows how much experience she has in that department.”
The women of said experience laughed, “Perks of being the oldest, even better when the one closet to your age is 5 years younger. And then being a babysitter and practically living at one of the houses pays off.”
“Now I wish you had transferred 3 years earlier.” She  softly laughed at Hotch’s comment.
“Well, I’m sorry for not feeling the need to do so. Anyways, I am going to head home. I have a bottle of wine that’s calling my name.” She grabbed my bag as she walked out, “If you need me, I will probably be crying over something stupid.” Or cuddling JJ, she wasn’t sure which, but she knew she was a cuddly drunk.
JJ grabbed her bag and spoke, “Wait, you’re my ride home, remember? My car needs a new tire and you agreed to go with me tomorrow.”
They tried their best to stifle their laughs, “Oh yeah, forgot, c’mon then, I guess the wine can wait. Bye guys!”
They walked to the elevator and as soon as the doors closed they began to die of laughter. When the doors opened back up they had their arms wrapped around each other. “Y’know, for a bunch of profilers, they really are stupid.”
“Yeah, but we’re also lucky that neither of us have really gotten hurt since dating. Or else we would have to explain that.”
JJ nodded at Y/N’s comment, “Even more since getting engaged. Well, here’s the car,” They got in and Y/N started the car, “When will we tell them? I mean, truly, the cheapest thing to do would be to have it at Rossi’s and let him plan the most of it.”
She laughed, “True, true, who knows. I’m surprised Rossi didn’t plan for a ‘family’ night tomorrow, he usually does on the Saturdays we have off.”
JJ nodded, “How bout this, we start sending more and more hints that we are and then see if they’ve figured it out?”
Y/N nodded, the rest of the drive home was mostly quite. The sound of the radio filling the car. JJ casually having her right hand laying on top of Y/N’s, rubbing soft patterns with her thumb.
It had been about a month since that conversation. The team had been on at least 2 cases a week since and never had time to really do anything. But they were still throwing out more and more hints. Like calling each other nicknames more. Doing work while one of you is in the others lap. Or kissing the other on random places (besides the lips).
They both thought the team hadn’t noticed until they over heard a certain conversation. 
“Alright, I bet 20 that Y/N makes the first move.” 
“I’m with Derek here, Y/N is much more confident when it comes to these things.” They tried not to laugh as Emily and Derek bet that Y/N made the first move, which wasn’t wrong. She did.
“Okay then, 20 that JJ made the first move.” 
“Poor Penelope, she’s gonna be loosing 40 dollars.”
JJ quietly laughed at my comment. “Hey, why don’t we go ahead and put the misery out of the way, besides, I already found the perfect dress. It may or may not have been my mothers.”
Y/N smiled at JJ’s comment, “Yeah, let’s do it.” They walked out and Y/N was the one who spoke, “Penny, just give them both 20, I asked first, what was it, 10 months ago? Then I asked first 3 months ago.”
Penelope groaned, “Really? I’m happy but I was wanting to win this.”
Derek and Emily were laughing until Spencer spoke, “You said then again 3 months ago, what do you mean?”
“Oh my god! You’re engaged!” As soon as she finished squealing Penelope ran over to JJ and Y/N and hugged them. “Congrats guys!”
She let go and the other two agents and the doctors gave their congrats. “You guys finally came out? When do I need to plane the wedding for?”
Y/N began to laugh and JJ gave Rossi a confused look. “You knew?”
“I did help create the BAU.” Everyone laughed a little at that.
“Love how we got passed a few profilers for 10 months.”
TAGLIST (just say if you want off the JJ one)
@vivianabakshani @criminalmindsmoodrn @h-burner @criminalmindsfanatic @criminallminds
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dnvrsmedia · 4 years
You’ll Get Better
Rue Bennett x reader
summary: you meet Rue at a party, and hit things off. Things slowly take a turn, but no matter what you’re always there for her.
warnings : under aged drinking, & substance abuse.
AN : if this fic offends anyone in anyway please let me know & i’ll gladly take it down! i have no ill intentions! i was trying to make it as close to the show was possible so i am sorry if it does hurt and or offend anyone. my request are still open!
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Fez is more of a brother to you than a friend at this point. When you were 15, your parents kicked you out when you were outed at school. Since the town isn’t that big, news traveled pretty quickly. You were given an hour to take all of your belongings and move out of your childhood home.
You didn’t know who to turn to, since you originally didn’t have many friends. You ended up calling your sisters ex, Fez for help. You and Fez always have been cool even after their messy breakup. He was the first person you came out to and the person who taught you how to skate. Within the next ten minutes Fez shows up and helps you load your things in his car. You were so upset about it all you barley said anything about the cituation.
When you got to Fez’s house, he tells you that you could stay for however long that you needed. He even went to the lengths of almost giving up his bed to make sure that you were okay. After minutes of telling him that you’d take the blow up mattress instead, he finally agreed.
A year and a half later, you’re still living at Fez’s house. One day Fez finally convinces you to go to one of the parties he’s “working”. Parties weren’t truly your scene, but you’ve had a though past couple of months, so you give in. You follow Fez’s lead as the both of you walk around the party. You’ve told Fez before that you’d be willing to sell to help him out, since he’s done so much for you, but like the big brother he is he didn’t want you involving yourself in it.
After getting bored of standing around next to Fez as he “works”, you decide to head to the kitchen to get a drink. You pass a few of you peers and say hi back to who all acknowledged you. As you get into the kitchen and grab some shitty cheap beer, you notice one of the prettiest girls you’ve ever seen in your life. She had the most beautiful chestnut eyes and the most perfect clear skin you’ve ever seen . She was talking to some people around her who you noticed were the Howard sisters. You had a classes with the sisters, and you would say that they were the closest things that you had to friends. You took a swig of your disgusting beer, and walked your ass over there.
Lexi, who was visibly tipsy, saw you walking over & squealed. “Y/n! hi oh my god you came.”
Lexi slung her body on you and gave you a hug as you stood there awkwardly. You saw both the beautiful girl and Cassie try not to laugh loudly as Lexi separates from the hug. You smile and say hey to Cassie.
“Yeah i’m here with Fez tonight he’s working if you know what I mean. If y’all need anything just let me know.” You smirk and turn to Rue.”
“Wait, I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Y/n.” You say as you stick your hand out to dap her up.
“Y/n... hmm i’ve heard of you, but we’ve never met. You’re Fez’s sis right? I’m Rue.” She lazily smiles.
The two of you hit it off that night and ended up spending all of your free time together. Sleepovers almost everyday, riding bikes for hours together, or even just being in the same room together. One day you finally had the balls to ask her out, and you both have been together ever since.
You didnt notice that Rue was using a little bit more than the frequent having fun at a party until she showed up at the doorstep of your home at 3am. You had no idea how she even got to your house since she was so cross faded, but you knew that she couldn’t go home like this. You took her phone and shot her mom a quick text telling her that she’s with you and forgot to text her before falling asleep.
You tried not to wake up Fez, but since Rue wasn’t in the right state of mind, she ended up being pretty loud. Fez walks out to see you trying to get Rue on the couch and gives you a hand.
“Y/n man, I know it sounds dumb as hell coming from me, but I think this shit got serious now. You gotta talk to her in the morning.” Fez hugs you.
“I know, and I can’t help but feel guilty. Maybe I’m not good for her.” you separate from the hug trying your best not to cry.
“Listen, when you to met, she already was using at parties and shit you know that. It couldn’t possibly be your fault. All you gotta do is stay by her side. I know what this shit is like and it’s not the best. She’s gonna need your support. Now, get some rest kid.” Fez responds and walks back to your shared room.
You sit on the couch and watch Rue sleep. You know that she’s hurting, and you wish you could fix it all. You couldn’t help but notice how innocent and at peace she looked while she was sleeping. You cuddle up the best you could next to her and drift off to sleep.
The next couple of months have been extra rough. After Rue came back from rehab things felt like they were starting to get normal. From what you knew, she went to her NA meetings and was staying sober. You couldn’t have been more proud of her, so you took her out on a surprise date. Things were looking up until that day.
You were out getting groceries for the house when Fez called you in a panic. When you heard that Rue was tripping on fentanyl you booked it the fastest you could to the Bennett’s. Lucky, Rue’s mom was at work, and Gia was over at a friends when you brought Rue into her room. You didn’t talk much to her. The only words you shared were telling her to lift her arms up and down or to sit down so that you could change her out of her dirty clothes.
When you finish, you lay her down on her bed. You go out to her kitchen to get her a glass of water. As you reach up to get the glass, you break down in tears. Not wanting Rue to start to wonder where you went, you wipe you tears and head back to her room with the glass in hand. You set it down on her night stand and cuddle your girlfriend.
“Baby...” Rue says and you look at her. “I’m so sorry.” she broke the silence and cuddled into you more. You knew that this journey wasn’t going to be easy, but she’s the love of your life.
“I know baby, I know.” you coo. “I’m here with you no matter what. I just wished you came to me before you felt like this. I’m always gonna be here for you. You’ll get better I promise, I love you, Rue Rue..” You kiss her head and caress her arm.
“I love you, y/n.” She says as she drifts off to sleep.
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janevx · 4 years
unnoticed| jung jaehyun
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 friends - to lovers au
paring jung jaehyunxreader
word count: 2466
You and Jaehyun were friends since high school. You two have been trough so much things, so you both trusted you the most in the world. He was only person who was next to you when you was left alone with pregnancy. You gave birth to girl five years ago when you were 18. 
– Jiyong! Please, we are gonna be late!
– Wait mom!
 A 5 year old girl was coming from upstairs to you. She hugged you and smilled at you.
– Are you ready to new school day?
– Yes mommy!
 Both of yoy left their apartament and went to Jiyongs school. Before little girl left, ske kissed your cheek.
 You were in short relationship with Johnny Suh, who was known as a non-regular guy who likes fun. You didn’t care and were stupid when you had sex with him. When he heart news he was mad and simply said to you “fuck off” and left you like this. Your family was kinda mad and didn’t want to help you, but you had at your side the most precious guy in the whole world  – Jung Jaehyun. He was angel to you. Never left your side and take care of you and your daughter; He didn’t care that you did it with the most known fuckboy. He didn’t care about this, because he care about you two. He was doing eveyrthing he could to help you. You wished to have boyfriend like this, but you knew that he is out of your league and he would never look at you as someone more than a friends. It was only your though. 
 Your day at work was really stressed. Your CEO was mad at you, because you did few mistakes in rapport that was very important to her company. When you were about to leave office, you had call from Jaehyun.
– Hello swettie! What are you doing?
– Hi Jaehyun, I uhm. Actually going to take back Jiyong from school, why?
– I was just thinkig that you two could go to me. I did some brownies and I know that Jiyong loves them and some hot chocolate for all of us. If you want to of course!! If you have some others things to do it’s okay, I’m gonna eat it by myself.  – He chuckled.
– Are you crazy?! Of course we gonna come! Jiyong loves you and would never miss a chance to meet her favourite uncle Jaehyunnie.
– Nice! I’m waiting for you ladies.
 You were so happy. that Jaehyun offered you and your daughter a meet. He come back from his trip to Spain. He always wants to go there, so when I had chance he didn’t missed it. 
 Your daughter was very happy, when she heard about this that you two are going to Jaehyuns place. She loves her uncle as her daddy, but she have never deared to call him “dad”, because her mother said that she doesn’t have dad, maybe in future.
 Jiyong was running to door and was waiting till Jaehyun open them to you. You were standing next to your daughter and with her waiting for handsome guy to open the door.
– Ah my favourites ladies, come in!
 Little girl hugged really tight Jaehyun. It melts your heart. You always wanted to Jiyong to have father. Have someone to learn her how to ride a bike. To laugh at her mommy. Someone who0 would kick butts of boys from her class if they would be mean to her. But kinda Jaehyun did this. He would never let Jiyong to feel alone and aback from kids from her class. He always take care of her to not feel bad.
– Uncle I miss you! 
– I miss you too sweatheart! Look what I’ve done to you, my little girl.
 When Jiyong saw brownies she passed out. She loves this american style, that her uncle has. When she also saw her uncles dog named Johnatan she left you and Jaehyun for ourselfs.
– So how was at Spain? Did you see a lot latina girls?
– It was amazing! Such a pity, that you couldn’t see Spaiin. And yeah, I met some girl, but.. This ain’t my type.
– Jaehyun you need to find yourself a girlfriend.
– But I don’t want to! I have cool best friend and her daughter, that’s enough for me.
– Aish, this man. 
– It was amazing but I missed you two. You know, Jiyong always call me at 8 p.m asking about me and what did I do this day. It feels weird without her voice.
To be honest he didn’t miss your daughter voice only, he also missed you. You were so important to him like no one. You were his light in the dark, but he couldn’t admit this, because he thinks that you see him as only bestfriend who wasn’t left them.
– Jiyong missed you as well. She even cried first day, when you left.
– Oh no! I hat when one of you cry. It’s breaks my heart.
– But when she realized that you gonna come back, she let out. She really loves you, doesn’t she?
– I geuss so.
 Jaehyun wished it was he, who was father of your daughter.
– By the way, can I ask you something?
– Sure, go ahed y/n.
– Could you take care of Jiyong in friday? I asked about it Yuta, but he said that Jiyong is daughter of satan and he won’t dare to take care of her.
 Both of you laughed. In friday you going to have date with guy named Kim Doyoung. You met him in ice cream store and it ends with asking out.
– Sure, I have nothing to do anyway. But wat are you going to do on Friday?
– I have date!
 His gaze was different and you noticed it.
– Ah, date. A lot happend when I was off.
– Kinda yes. I met him at ice cream store and this ends like this, so..
 You were getting ready/ You wore red dress and beautiful black heels. Jaehyun should be at your place about 5 minutes. It was 8 p.m and your daughter was watching some cartoons waiting for her uncle. When both of you heard knocking trough the door you knew who it was.
– Jaehyun!
 He smilled and were shocked when he saw your outfut. In his eyes you looked really amazing.
– Oh y/n, you look so good today.
– You think so? Isn’t it bad?
– It’s not. You are really pretty tonight.
 You blushed at his words. 
– Okay, Doyoung is there, so I need to go. Jiyong listen to uncle Jaehyun and be nice to him!
– I always am.
 You left this to to themselfs.
 Jaehyun was kinda jalous when you left. He was curious about this “doyoung” who the hell he was? Nevermind. Now he have to take care of this sweat little girl.
– Unclee! I haven’t eaten supper yet, can we do some sandwiches? Please.
– Of course we can! I’m hungry too, so we can make it, but.. You have to help me Jiyong, okay?
– Okay!
 She was so happy. It’s melting Jaehyuns heart when he saw her that happy from simplest things. He loves spending time with 5 year old girl. He would do everything for her and her mommy. 
 It’s been month since you and Doyoung was datting. He was really kind guy and Jiyong looks like was liking him. You liked it. Because you didn’t want to your daughter hates guy, who you date.
 Today is Jiyongs 6th birthday and at your place gonna be only you, Doyoung, Jiyong and Jaehyun, because party for kids gonna be in saturday. You cooked a cake for her and bought her some clothes and doll. Doyoung boiught her books about fashion, because Jiyong really enjoying fashion. You three were waiting for Jaehyun.
Aish Jaehyun.
 He hates your boyfriend. He always gives him cold stares and ingors him as most as he could. Doyoung was for him not that good. Jaehyun knew that somethings going on with guy, who “fell in love” with girl with kjid. He didn’t know what’s happening but he gonna know.
 When Jaehyun arrived everyone were sitting. He smiled at Jiyong.
– My little girl has birthday, doesn’t she? Come here Jiyong!
 He hugged her and lift her, just to turn aroung with her. He was happy, but when he say another guy his face drops a little. But he couldn’t show it, so smiles appears on his face immadietaly.
– Jaehyun, sit down. We waited with cake for you.
 You smilled at him. He nodded and take place next to your daughter. Jalous was really hiogh in him. He was mad that Doyoung was there, but he can’t help this feeling. 
 When atmoshpehere was getting better it comes time for gifts to little girl. First was you. You wished all the best for your daughter and gave her a kiss. Next was Doyoung and she said something what was shocking.
– Can you come to my fathers day competition at school?
– Of course Jiyong!
You looked at Jaehyun and at your daughter. Her eyes was shining when she was looking at Doyoung with amaze. Jaehyun face drops and his heart breaks into pieces. It was only him, who attend this kind of events. He was going to these competitions since Jiyong was 4. He get used to it. Now he was feeling really sad and bad. He took little teddy bear at the table and stand next to little girl. It was hard to him, that it’s not him now.
– Sunny I wish you all the best and health. I hope you are gonna be really happy and have good time. Also, I hope  you are gonna have the best grades! I’m really sorry, but I forgot that I have some meeting today to arrive, I’m sorry honey.
 You were shock at what you heard. You mjade sure that Jaeyun is free today and now he gotta go. Jiyong looks kinda upset too that Jaehyun was with her only half of an hour.  You didn’t really know that your daughter question made him sad and useless. 
Between you and Doyoung was okaty, but not that good as you wish. You were thikiong that maybe you need time to fall for him, but it’s been some time and you still haven’t change. 
 Today is day when fathers competition is. You and Jiyong were at school waiting for Doyoung. He should be there 15 minutes ago,. but he stiil wasn’t there. You called him.
– Shit y/n I’m sorry. I can’t be there today. I have meeting and not have much time. I’m really sorry for Jiyong.
– What? If she would knew, she gonna cry! You promised this to her. what I’m gonna do right now?
– I don’t know. I’m really sorry, but I have to go.
 About 30 miniutes this competition gonna start and you didn’t know what to do. You can’t leave her like this. Maybe Yuta? No, he is athletic, but your daughter always makje fun of him and it’s pissed him off. Maybe Jaehyun? You hesitate to call him, becuase since your daughter birthday he doesn’t contact you. With shaking hand you called him.
– y/n? What’s up? Aren’t you supposed to be at school with your dumbass boyfrend and Jiyong?
– Doyoung won’t come. Please, I need someone today. It’s breaks Jiyong heart if she not gonna be part of Father Day.
 When he heart that Doyoung left you two like this he was really pissed off. He knew that it was really important day for Jiyong as for him. He didn’t waste much time.
– I’ll be there in 10.
And he was. He arrived with smile. When 6 year old girl saw him she hugged her a lot.
– Where is Doyoubng?
– This asshole couldn’t come.
– Jaehyun! Doyoun can’t because of work, honey.
 When you were watching Jaehyun and Jiyong run, painting, and do another activitaes it makes sure to you that you love another man. And it wasn’t Doyoung. It was Jaehyun. It’s always been Jaehyun. You knew that you need to end everything with Doyoung as soon as possible.
 At the end of competitions Jaehyun and Jiyoung won and were at the first place! You couldn’t realize that you were crying at the sight. You were so proud of them. Also, Jaehyun looks so proud next to your daughter. 
 You were at Doyoungs place. He was sitting at the couch and at the same time both ouf you spoke.
– We need to end this.
– Yes, y/n you are right. I’m not used to being father and I geuss we aren’t mean to us.
– I thinlk so. You are really nice guy, but 
– You loves Jaehyun? It’s clear. 
– Yeah. I should go. I hope you find someone, who will love you and who you will love.
– Thankjs.
 You were happy that now you could face Jaehyun.
 He waz at your place taking care again of Jiyong. You asked him about this. When you arrived she was sleeping and Jaehyun was almost asleep at the couch, but when he saw you he stood up.
– I’m going now. She is asleep and  –
– I broke up with Doyoung.
 He was shocked.
– What? Why?
– I don’t love him. I love another guy.
– Damn y/n. Is there any other? How much do I have to do to make it more obvious? I love you y/n! I’m fuckin unnoticed by you by 6years now. I love you about 6 years. You have never noticed me, haven’t you? Damn and when you had started dating this jerk Doyoung I was mad. I was sad that now Jiyong would call him daddy not me. Aish, nevermind. I’m sorry, I know that you see me only as a friend and  –
– I love you Jaehyun.
– What? R-really?
– Yes! I thought you see me only as female friend who need to have someone by her side. I thought i’m out of your league.
– Shit, y/n you are amazing! You are the most prettiest woman I have ever met! And I love you and Jiyong the most in the world. Will you give us a chance?
– Of course I will!
– Now uncled Jaehyun will be my daddy? Yes! I love you daddy!
  Jiyong ran to your direction and hugged both of you. It looks so perfect. since now you have your small family.
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prolestariwrites · 4 years
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The Wish [1]
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Dante, Vergil, Nero, V, Lady, Eva, Sparda, OC  Rating: General  Tags: Family, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Typical demon hunting violence
Summary: A demon gives Dante the chance to have his greatest desires made real. When he finds himself in a seemingly idyllic life, all seems well until it starts to unravel. Will he sacrifice himself to save the family he lost, or will he choose to give them up for the truth?
A/N: Hooray for a new story! This story takes place sometime between DMC4 and DMC5. Thank you to @solynacea for reading and lending her OC for this fic. If you’re read Promise Me Forever you might recognize Lir, but she is completely different in this fic, so I hope you like it! I’ll be publishing about every week since I’m mostly finished. Your comments are always appreciated, and you can check this out on AO3 and FFNet too!
Chapter 1: Be Careful What You Wish For
“Nero!” Dante’s voice echoes down the hallway as he peers through the rush of demons, swinging Rebellion as best as he is able as he scans for him. “You good?”
“Need help already?” The kid sounds nearby, but down a ways, and Dante snorts at the smart-aleck response. He bites back a response, remembering what it was like to be nineteen and feel invincible, to have power and stamina and enjoy the rush of killing demons.
It’s different now that he is older, the moves as familiar as breathing, the enemies mundane as paint drying. Meeting Nero and getting to know the kid, training him, especially with his suspicions all but confirmed, has breathed new life into the legendary devil hunter: but it’s still just a regular Friday night, clearing out another warehouse that houses another cell of demons for another client that’s just going to bitch about the holes left in the walls.
Dante continues pushing forward, slicing off arms and heads as he goes. There has to be a queen mother up ahead; no way this many slipped through a portal, these babies were bred. Maybe getting to the big bad will be interesting, and then he and Nero can stop before going into Fortuna to get a drink or six. Maybe he’ll even let Dante crash on the couch, now that he and Kyrie have set up in a house in town and have the room.
The drone of Red Queen suddenly cuts off, the lack of white noise catching his attention. “Nero?” he calls again, but this time instead of a snarky comment two shots ring out in response, followed by the entire building shaking as a roar goes up from inside. “Nero!” Dante shouts, slicing as he doubles his speed, actually trying now so he can find the kid and find out why the hell he needed his gun in such close quarters. Either he forgot one of Dante’s rules for demon hunting (“don’t shoot a gun in a tight space, dumbass”) or he’s in trouble.
Turns out it’s trouble—well, sort of. They are on the third floor, having been going methodically through each level to clear it out, and when Dante skids to a stop in the central part where the elevators are, he finds them gone. Instead, there is a huge hole where the elevators used to be, the concrete and iron in a heap below them where it had collapsed.
He looks up to see Nero on the other side of the giant hole, wiping his brow with his forearm. “You okay, kid?” Dante calls over.
“Yeah,” Nero shouts with a bit of a laugh. “I got them corralled but I guess the weight was too much. Just managed to jump out of the way.”
Dante shakes his head. “Stay there and I’ll come get you.”
“Nah, I got this. There’s gotta be a set of fire stairs at the end.” Nero points Red Queen towards the dark hallway behind him. “Let’s make sure that was the last of them. I’ll meet you at the bottom.”
“Yeah.” Dante sighs as he watches Nero go, and then looks around at where the floor and elevators had broken from the supports and given way. No way the weight made this happen; you could probably park a semi in here and it would hold. The building is structurally sound, supposed to be anyway, and it would take more than a few dozen demons to knock a hole in it. No, something made the floor collapse, and his gaze goes upwards, wondering where the queen bee could be hiding.
Dante doubles back and finds his staircase, taking the steps two at a time upwards. The hallways are eerily empty after the deluge in the bottom floors, and he stalks carefully through, checking each office. The damn place has a thousand places to hide, so there is no telling where the big bad could be.
On the top floor, lucky number seven, he hits the jackpot. The second he steps out from the stairwell Ebony and Ivory are drawn as he picks his way through the nest that covers the walls and floor and even ceiling. The emergency lights give a weird glow to everything, but his demon eyes can see clearly in the dim light as he listens carefully for movement.
He finds the demon in the corner office, thinking it has good taste and laughing at his own joke. At first he doesn’t see the queen, but a shift in the air catches his eye and he fires both guns into the dark, smiling at the sound of bullets making their impact.
With a wail it emerges from the shadow, clutching its chest. “What did you do that for?” the demon yells.
“Eviction notice, numbnuts,” he says. “Time to head back to wherever the fuck you came from.”
“I can’t,” the demon argues. “I have my eggs to hatch, my babies to look after—”
“Babies?” Dante chuckles, scratching his head as he places his other hand on his hip. “Sorry, I think I killed all of ‘em.”
The demon snarls. But instead of threatening him, Dante is surprised when it asks, “What do you want?”
“What?” he blinks.
“What do you want? To leave me alone?”
Dante huffs. “Don’t work like that, sweetheart.”
The demon moves closer and he aims his guns again. It starts to unfold itself from its spot, and Dante’s eyebrows go up to see it’s probably almost seventeen feet tall, completely squished into the office. “My name is Veguaniel,” it says. “I am the demon of fortune.”
“Good for you.”
“How much do you want?” the demon asks. “How much are you being paid to kill me? I can double it. Triple it even.”
“Are you serious?” he groans. “I don’t do this for the money.”
The demon looks him up and down. “That’s obvious.”
“Watch it.” He points the guns at its head, and the demon shrinks back a bit.
“I want to pay you! I can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams! You’d never have to slaughter the innocents like me again!” Dante snorts as it tilts its head. “You can’t possibly like doing this.”
He cocks the hammer on each gun. “Not about liking it. About paying the bills.”
The demon gives an annoyed huff. “This is what I’m saying. I can make you rich. I can buy you whatever you want. There’s got to be something you’d rather be doing than this. Would you like a mansion? A yacht? How about a palace?”
Dante chuckles to himself, but admits it’s almost tempting. Suppose this demon has some fortune granting power? He tries to think of himself as some fancy millionaire and fails. To be honest, all he would really want is a nice house and a nicer bike. Maybe work on engines, build things? Meet a pretty girl with a sharp wit and killer smile and settle down, like Nero and Kyrie have.
“This is stupid,” he says. “Not gonna happen.”
“So why do you do it?” it asks. “There must be something a god of fortune can give you for one tiny, little favor.”
Dante growls under his breath, his patience out. “I’m a devil hunter because I’ve been hunted by demons my whole life,” he snaps. “Ever since you fuckers came down on my house when I was a kid, killed my family, and then made my life miserable. Getting paid is just a bonus.”
“Hmmm.” A tentacle slithers out and taps on the demon’s cheek, as if it is thinking. “Did that make you sad?”
“Did losing your family and all that make you sad?”
“What the hell? Of course it did!” Dante snaps. “But I don’t see why—”
“So you wouldn’t be a demon hunter if they hadn’t died, is that it?” The demon’s voice trails off, and Dante frowns. “I can grant you a fortune that has nothing to do with money. Would you like your family back?”
He grits his teeth, anger starting to bubble. “Shut the hell up.”
The demon bares its teeth in a grotesque smile. “Done.”
The floor gives way, and Dante shouts as he falls, firing upwards. He gets a glance of the demon waving to him just moments before he lands headfirst on the concrete and the world goes black.
The squeak of the shower turning on wakes him. Dante opens his eyes and immediately regrets it, pain piercing his temples like an ice pick to the brain. “Damn it,” he sighs, reaching up to rub his forehead.
The ceiling is white, not the faded yellow of his place, so he figures he must be at Nero’s. Damn, did the kid have to find him and save his ass? He’ll never live this down, and as he stretches his stiff limbs he sighs and closes his eyes again.
He remembers the warehouse and the demons, and Nero getting separated. Then he had found the head at the top of the building and it had… asked him about his family? Dante frowns, pressing the heel of his hand against his eyes. Demons are getting fucking weirder by the day.
He enjoys the few minutes of quiet until the shower turns off. Dante sighs, moving to roll over and sit up. Either Nero or Kyrie are in there, so he figures he’ll go downstairs and give them privacy, but when he sits up he notices two things. First, he’s in just his boxers, which is weird because that means Nero undressed him. Also, he doesn’t own boxers, preferring to let his junk ride free, knowing the ladies liked how it looked in tight denim.
Second, their bedroom is way different than it was. He’s been there a few times but he helped Nero paint the house and their bedroom was definitely green. Dante remembers this because Nero had bitched about the color to him because he couldn’t to Kyrie. But the bedroom is now a soft shade of blue, and he wonders if the kid finally confessed that the color sage reminded him of puke.
The door to the bathroom opens and a woman walks out wrapped in a towel. He blinks when it’s immediately obvious it is not Kyrie: this one is shorter, slimmer, her platinum hair almost white like his and falling in a trendy bob style at her shoulders. The woman takes no notice of him, moving to a set of drawers and opening the top one.
“Uh, excuse me?” Dante says.
The woman looks over her shoulder. “Yeah?”
“Who are you?” he asks.
She rolls her eyes. “Har har, very funny.” She goes back to pulling out clothes and says, “I know I said I’d never work on a Saturday, but Jenny’s kid is sick and I didn’t have the heart to make her come in. But I promise it’s only a half shift, and I’ll be home by two.”
That doesn’t answer his question at all, but before he can point that out she drops the towel. Dante spins quickly, his heart pounding as he yanks the sheet up over his lap, hissing, “What are you doing?”
“I told you, I’m covering for Jenny. It’ll be easy enough for a Saturday. It’s a nice day out, nobody goes to the library when it’s sunny.” Dante peeks over to see her thankfully wearing a bra and panties, which he stares at for a moment before remembering he shouldn’t be staring. He looks down at his own lack of clothes and frowns, wondering if it’s her house he slept in. Does that mean they had sex? Maybe he and Nero made it to the bar after all and he got lucky?
Not bad, he thinks as he looks back to where she is shimmying on a pair of jeans. She’s cute enough at least, gorgeous even, although he wishes he could remember her name. “Hey, uh—”
“Don’t forget to be ready by five,” she says, rolling on deodorant. Then she glances over at him and frowns. “You okay?”
“No. Yes. Sorry, five?”
Dante frowns and she laughs. “Yes. Reservations are at five-thirty and you know if we’re a minute late your brother will start complaining.”
That gets his attention, and Dante feels the blood drain from his face. “My… brother?”
“Yes. It’s your parents’ anniversary. Remember?” Dressed now, she runs a brush through her hair as she sighs. “Please tell me you didn’t forget. This has been planned for weeks.”
Dante jumps up and stalks towards her, pulling the brush from her hand and grabbing her elbow to turn her. She only comes up to about his shoulders, and his expression goes menacing as he glares down at her surprised one. “What do you know about my parents?”
“Dante, what in the world? What is wrong with you?” The concern in her voice tempers him a bit, and she pulls her arm away to press a palm to his cheek. She examines his eyes closely as she asks, “Are you feeling okay? Did you hit your head or something? You look strange.”
“I…” I fell, he wants to say, but she brushes his jaw gently. “Why don’t you take it easy today? You’ll have the whole house to yourself. Get some coffee and just relax, and when I get home we’ll see how you feel, okay?”
Did losing your family and all that make you sad? Where did that come from? “What about my parents?” he asks again harshly.
She takes a steady breath. “It’s the thirteenth. Their fiftieth wedding anniversary. We’re all going out to dinner to celebrate.” Then she rubs his arm gently, and it’s then that he notices the band on her ring finger. His eyes go wide, and startled, he looks at his own left hand, where a matching gold band sits on his fourth finger.
His blood is pounding in his ears so loudly he barely hears her goodbye. “Just stay home and relax,” she says, and when she reaches up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek it pulls Dante back to the present.
He watches her walk through the room and grab her purse just as she reaches the door. Then he is left blinking as the door shuts, the sound of his raging heartbeat still thundering in his ears.
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Yandere! Ignis Scientia- No One Can Keep Me Away (Part 1)
So I’m feeling pissed off and like i want to push someone off a bridge/ jump off a bridge onto some spikes because my life is going in a downward spiral and I’m losing control of everything....so here some more yandere stuff.
This is a long one folks...buckle up. 
Plus Ignis is bae.....fuck y’all mean, this one gets a little steamy so if that isn’t your thing thennnn you gotta go. I’m super proud of this and I haven’t felt that way about an entry in a long time so I hope those of you who choose to read this all the way through like it as well!
The smell of blood and leftover cologne filled the room. Dried blood decorated the hotel room walls which contrasted it’s pristine white and gold decorated paint. What a shame.
The silent cries almost echoed throughout the room, pleas almost. “W-why are you doing this?”
A man silently paced back and forth, his leather shoes padding against the wooden floors. He was tall and confident. Then again, who would expect someone like that to not be? The stranger pushed his spectacles up higher on his nose bridge, letting out a single huff followed by a simple. “Hm, and why wouldn’t I? Tis the better question here, wouldn’t you say?”
The man slammed his foot down onto the stranger’s face, colliding with their nose. A louder cry echoed throughout the room, making him smirk at his damage. Good.
“See where foolish questions get you?” he asked, shaking his hands. “It’s a shame I have to get my hands so bloody, but you’ve tested my patience enough.”
“I never d-did anything to you!” his opponent cried. “I don’t even know you.”
“Ah, ah , ah.” the man cooed. “What did I say about your tone!” he barked, slamming his foot down on the already beat up stranger. “Even vermin such as yourself should know about manners...how tragic. Now I will say this again. If you admit your wrong-doings, then you won’t suffer too much.”
“I don’t even know who this girl is that you’re talkin’ about man! I don’t know no Y/N girl!”
“Ah...But you do. You’ve been causing quite a bit of trouble-��
“I ain’t cause no damn trouble!”
“Like I said....Manners.”
Today was like many others. You were doing your dues as “that girl who liked to bring flowers to people for no reason.” Sure, it didn’t really reward you with any currency, but it was nice to see people’s faces brighten up. Even if you did see them every other day.
You were walking up the road, humming to yourself. You were on your way into town, Lestallum where you usually frequent. You would drop flowers off by all the best spots and doing some shopping of your own. You didn’t live far, just enough to either bike or walk.
“Flowers, check. Sweets, Check...giant monster charging for m- Giant monster!?!” You had to do a double take as you looked up to meet the eyes of what looked like a giant beast with horns. You were basically on the road when you felt the ground shake, then suddenly some crazy animal was charging right for you
Your first instinct was to jump back in a fright.
“Oh my gosh!” You tried to heave yourself back from the monster- whatever it was. “Not exactly what I expected to run into this morning.” you prepared yourself for the worst. 
Now, you knew how to fight...you just didn’t like doing it. Your dual silver daggers were hidden at the bottom of your flower basket, you couldn’t reach them in time. Unless this thing was super allergic to flowers, you’d be kind of screwed. The horned beast raised one of its clawed fists and slammed with down in front of you. 
You screamed and jumped back, watching it sort of rumbled through your flowers, stepping on every single one.
 Now would have been a good time to run- 
“HEY YOU! GET DOWN!” you turned around to find a group of guys charging straight for you, or at least the monster. One of them, a blonde drew a gun which enough to make you drop instantly.
“Why does this always happen to me?” you groaned as you covered your ears. You could feel them all jump over you (quite literally). “Can I have a normal day just once?” you groaned. You heard noises for a few seconds before there was nothing but complete silence. “Is it safe to peek now!?” you called. 
“Allow me...” you heard a voice in front of you. The first thing you saw upon opening your eyes was another pair of emerald like eyes. That, and a hand outstretched towards you. They seemed cold and almost distant. You must have been staring because a strange look appeared on his face. “Are you going to take my hand or stare at it as if you’ve never seen one before?”
“On second thought I think I can get up myself.” You scoffed, standing to your feet. “...Ugh are you kidding me?!?!” you snapped.
“What?!” a black haired boy had asked, almost looking annoyed.
“ That little rat with horns ruined my flowers!” You sighed, picking up the wilted remnants of all your hard work, somehow he had also managed to dinge up and break your silver daggers. One was completely snapped at the blade and the other was too wilted and worn to even use. “....Oh no.” you felt your heart snap in two.
“You were almost killed, and you’re worried about a few weeds.” the biggest and tallest one concluded. “Geez lady, you need to get your priorities straight.”
“Well I was supposed to take this into Lestallum to deliver them, but since you know everything about my priorities, why don’t I stand here and let you enlighten me.” you crossed your arms. “And I have a name, it’s definitely not Lady!”
The man in glasses hadn’t said a word since you had began speaking. He just studied you. As you went back and forth with those other three men-children. You stature, something about it. The way you weren’t afraid to walk back to men that seemed so much more bigger and intimidating than you despite only having flower stems to defend yourself. Maybe it was bravery, maybe stupidity. He admired it nonetheless.
“Great.” you sighed, throwing the remnants of your broken weapons into the basket. “Now what?”
You still had to go to Lestallum, it would just be less of a favorable visit.
“Hm.” Ignis finally voiced his thoughts aloud. “I think I’ve seen you before.” he commented.
Of course he has, he had seen you around for days now. His eyes would follow you as you skipped through town, giving assorted flowers to every clerk, restaurant owner and shopkeep you saw. It was purely “coincidental” he had just so happen to figure out a “short cut” when he saw you get on your bike to go home one night.
But that would have been silly, it was technically your first time seeing him.
“You probably have if you visit Lestallum often...but” you raised an eyebrow. “I would remember seeing a bunch of guys in...weird clothes though. Not that you’re outfits are weird, it’s just...a lot a black for such a sunny place.”
“It’s my style.” The angsty raven-haired boy grumbled.
“I’m sure it is.” you crossed your arms. “I suppose I owe you a thank you for saving my life.” you sighed, beginning to dig to the bottom of your little basket. “I hope I wrapped them up- Aha!” You pulled out a container of muffins. “It’s not Gil, or anything valuable but consider it a token of gratitude.” you held out the container towards him. When he didn’t take it, the blonde one did. At least that beat hadn’t messed with the baked goods you spent hours on, so it was still a victory.
“Gee thanks! I like you already!” He laughed, cracking open the lid. “Muffins! Sweet! What’s your name anyways?”
“...Y/N....” you replied. “Y/N L/N of (Insert city here...any city).”
“Nice. I’m Prompto. This cranky guy here is Noctis. The big, scary muscle head is Gladiolus-”
“You can call me Gladio.” his gruff voice cut Prompto off. “It’s easier for some people.”
“Right! Hehe and Specs right here is Ignis!” he finally finished, motioning to the guy who had so rudely commented on your staring.
“Nice to meet you...I suppose.” you stared down at your feet.
“Likewise.” something about the way he spoke interested you. Where was he from?
“Hey, You said you were going to Lestallum, right? We are too! Why don’t we give you a ride?” Prompto suggested.
“Hey! Why would you offer a ride to a stranger! She could be dangerous!” That Noctis guy snapped.
“I mean...I don’t have any weapons or magic. What am I gonna do other than throw flower petals at you.” you asked. Yeah it wouldn’t hurt, but it would be extremely annoying. “...And muffins, I don’t use baked goods for evil.”
“Hm, it does seem like a long walk all the way from here.” Ignis jumped in. “Maybe for your safety, we should. I read somewhere than there will be a spike in beats lurking around. I’m afraid that this is only the first wave.”
Of course, he’d be more than happy to make short work of whatever mindless creatures were dumb enough to roam during the day. He just couldn’t tell you that.
“Fine, but I’m driving.” Noctis concluded. “Hope you don’t mind the back seat.”
“Thank you, really.” you grabbed your basket. You looked inside to make sure the other containers were in there when something caught your eye. A red rose, a perfectly untouched one. How did it get there? It wasn’t before. You didn’t pick roses that often, let alone full bloomed ones like these. You felt lucky though.
“Are you comin’?” Gladiolus got your attention. You noticed them walking towards a black car.
“Oh, yes. Of course.” you shook off your confusion.
“May I carry your basket?” Ignis offered, holding out his gloved hand.
“Oh...sure.” you trailed off. It was only now that you had managed to get a good look at his face. “H-here.” Oh yes, He was handsome alright.
“Hm, then off we go then?” a slight smirk found its way to his lips. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you it was rude to stare?”
“Huh?” you raised an eyebrow. You had only realized you were looking too hard....again. “Sorry.” You mumbled, walking past him.
Hopefully this ride to Lestallum wouldn’t be too much longer.
“Uh...Did you just take a picture of me?” you heard a click and flash go off. You looked up from your hands at Prompto who had a camera in his hands.
“Yep! I like to make memories.” he shrugged. “Wait! I got it! Ignis! Get a little closer to Y/N!”
Wait what!?
“Er...Is that really necessary?” you asked, feeling your heart rate pick up a little. “Isn’t one enough?”
“Prompto likes grabbing snaps of everything. It’s better to not question it.” Gladio laughed.
“Come on, get closer you two!” Prompto urged. “This shot will be perfect, I can just feel it!”
“Really now.” Ignis sighed with an annoyed look on his face. Feeling a little iffy yourself, you turned to look at Ignis, ready to say something when your eyes met again. Your face immediately softened. Not because you forgot what you were gonna say, but because you were just now made aware of how close you both really were.
“That chemistry.” Prompto mumbled to himself, clicking away at his camera. “You guys almost look like a couple!”
“I’ll forget you said that.” You mumbled.
Ignis watched as you turned your head away to look down at your hands again. He though aimlessly to himself. You were much more shy now than ever. He always assumed you to be more talkative and outspoken when confronted with something like this. 
“Now this is a photo.” Prompto showed your what was on the camera screen. Even with the wind blowing your hair in all different directions, the shot still managed to capture you and Ignis’s little staredown. You noticed his jaw seemed to be clenched, but why?
“WOAH!” Prompto outburst again.
‘What now?!” Gladio grunted, slamming whatever book he had been reading shut.
“These muffins are amazing!!” Prompto spoke, with his mouth full. “You gotta try these!”
“Fine, hand em’ over.” Gladiolus sighed as Prompto basically stood on his knees in his seat. “Hm...For once you aren’t wrong about something, these aren’t bad.”
“Ignis, I think you’ve met your match!” Prompto laughed. “Iggy here loves to cook, he gets cranky whenever we like someone’s cooking other than his.”
“I do not!, It’s just that your tastes are abysmal is all!” he turned his nose away. “No offense but they can’t be that amazing.” he huffed. Ignis snatched the muffin that Prompto had been sticking in his face for a while now.
Of course he had to stay in character, the way your face scrunched up hearing his talk didn’t make him happy, but he had to keep up appearances for what he was known for.
“Take your time.” You mumbled turning away. You stared into your basket, glaring at your broken daggers. You knew they couldn’t be fixed, so you’d have no choice but to trash them. Shame.
“I dare say I could make this at camp!” he said, taking you by surprise.
“Huh?!” You were surprised at his words. Plus his outburst had scared you a bit.
 “Would you be opposed to sharing your recipe with me?”
“Oh..Um sure. Do you have a pen I can borrow?” you raised an eyebrow, sort of weirded out that he had asked for it so abruptly. It was just a simple recipe, nothing too special. 
As you scribbled from memory on a little card, you realized how eerily quiet it had gotten in the car. When you looked up, you noticed everyone (excluding Noctis who was driving) was staring right at you. “What?” You had just now noticed your jacket sleeve had fallen down. Without missing a beat you pulled it back up. “...Fighting gets messy Y’know?”
You knew exactly what they were staring at.
“Thank you so much, it means a lot.” you climbed out of the car, stretching your limbs. The air in Lestallum was so much different from your town, it was more open and airy. It was kind of the reason you came everyday. You always found something new.
“Sure I guess. If Prompto likes ya, you can’t be that bad.” Noctis grumbled.
“I knew you’d come around.” you said jokingly. “May we cross paths again!” you saluted to the four men who had helped you so graciously.
“Likewise.” Gladio grunted. You waved again before turning to run off.
“Y/N! Wait!” You turned again to find Ignis running up to you.
“Yes?” you tilted your head to the side cutely.
“Um, may I ask about your weapons?” he suddenly asked, making you frown a little.”I couldn’t help but notice you seemed quite upset whenever you look at them.”
“Stupid beast broke them.” you shook your head. “I’ll just trash them.”
“Are they of importance to you?”
“Well yeah...it does seem a shame to throw them out...why don’t you take them?” you suggested. 
“Me?” Ignis seemed surprised. “Why?”
“The handles are probably worth something, you could sell them for some Gil, I know someone would love to melt them down and make new weapons.” You took out to dual weapons. “If you don’t need them, feel free to throw them out. I just don’t want to look at them anymore, it would just-....nevermind.”
Ignis’s face fell, he could tell you were saddened by the loss of your weapons, they were probably more important than you think.
“Also...as a thank you.” you took out the single red rose that seemed to have survived that whole messed up episode. “It’s not much but...here.”
“Thank you Y/N. I’ll be sure to treasure it for a long time” he smiled. He was telling the truth too. Something like this, from you. After all this time after finally noticing him. “I bid you a safe farewell.”
“You as well.” you nodded respectfully before running off.
To say you crossed paths with these four men too many times to count was a complete understatement of words. It seemed as if every single day you had managed to run into one, two, or all four of them.
It was strange seeing Prompto carrying a huge bag of Chocobo feed up the road, sure. It was even stranger seeing Noctis and Gladio ‘scoping out’ a local diner and just so happen to run into you. The funny part was you knew they were spying, but they wanted to pretend they weren’t. You had seen Ignis near a waterfall once, but he didn’t seem to notice you.
Pretty soon you found yourself just being in the same places they were. From Lestallum, to literally anywhere. It was almost like somehow a fate would bring your together. You never questioned it. 
It was another day, same any any. You had just left a vendor after delivering some pink and white flowers to the clerk. You waved off, relishing in the sight of his smiling face. 
You were quite literally skipping down the stone path. It was about to be dark soon. Luckily you had prepared since you knew you were going to be out all day. It seemed as if luck wasn’t really on your side. You kept going through mishaps or something. It didn’t help that you began feeling like these mishaps were connected to those four...somehow. But that would be crazy, wouldn’t it?
“That will be 400 gil.”
“Here you go.” you smiled at the man behind the counter.
“Hey! it’s you!” 
You turned towards the door, seeing Prompto jog inside. “Um Yes, it’s me! Hello.”
“Hey. Fancy seein’ you here.” Gladio followed. 
“Not really. I see you guys everywhere.” you scoffed, shaking your head.
“And not a moment too soon. We’re right on schedule, aren’t we?” you heard Ignis walk in.
“I suppose.”
Call it shameless flirting, but there was some sort of rift between you and Ignis. Even the smallest of small-talk always left you feeling like you had some sort of unfinished business. 
“Here’s your key mam’.” The man behind the desk caught your attention.
“Ah, thank you! And if you four don’t feel like being locked in a room trying not to kill each other, feel free to pay me a visit.” you picked your woven basket off the floor.
“Y/N, I’d be careful with that type of invitation, you never know who might take such advice a little too close to heart.” you could hear Ignis from behind as you began ascending the staircase to find your room.
“I can take care of myself. Plus my endeavors thrive on invitations...I wouldn’t forget that if I were you.” you said without turning around.
After a long awaited and deserved shower, you sat in front of a mirror with dripping wet hair looking like some crazy creature from a horror movie. You had made sure to put a ‘knock first’ sign outside the door just incase. You stared back at your reflection. “UgH!” you snapped, resting your head in your hands.
It was only then, that you heard a knock at the door, followed by a “Excuse me, Y/N...is everything alright in there? I would ask if I could enter but if I’m not mistaken-”
“You can come in Ignis.” You laughed to yourself, trying to squeeze the water out of your hair. You were in a bathrobe anyways, it’s not like it would look weird.
Ignis peeked inside the door and saw you running your hands through your soaking wet hair. “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize...”
“It’s fine, did you need something?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I just came to thank you for your recipe. I realize I didn’t thank you then.”” He spoke, looking everywhere but you. 
“No worries, Ignis. Anytime.”
“Of course...Y/N...Did you always have that scar on your shoulder?” You turned around in confusion and followed Ignis’s eyes, which just so happened to be pointed at your left shoulder. You had looked where your bathrobe had fallen to see what was left of a deep scar that started at your heart and ended behind your shoulder.
“...Yeah, got it in a fight.” you waved it off. “No big deal.” It was completely healed now, but the mark it left was still visible. You pulled the robe sleeve onto your shoulder. “It was a long time ago.”
“It is indeed a ‘big deal’ Y/N...How did you obtain such a bruise and with whom?!” he walked up to you, seeming to ignore the fact that you were merely in a bathrobe and nothing else except undergarments.
“Why does it matter?”
“Something like that could have been fatal.”
“But it wasn’t.” You winked knowingly. “I’m still here aren’t I?” you sighed. “Anyways the girl who did this to me doesn’t even know if I’m alive or not, I’d prefer to keep it that way, It keeps me from thinking about what would happen if we did meet face to face again..”
“All the more reason to know.” Ignis turned you around in your seat and grabbed your shoulders. “I need you to tell me.”
You stared back into his eyes, reading nothing but seriousness and urgency. He was dead serious. “Why do you want to know so bad?”
“So I may protect you if it happens again.”
 “....Her name is Sennen...We got into a huge argument a few years back and when I wasn’t looking she threw her sword at me.”You confessed. “Slashed right across my heart and left me for dead.”
You ended up waking next to a running river with bandages all over you and your father worried sick. You never told him Sennen was responsible, and you didn’t plan on it either.
Hearing your story caused Ignis to clench his fists. How dare anyone ever THINK of-
“She took something from me too.” you sighed. It was your prized possession, something that was once of a kind that no one else had. She had taken it from you. In her own words. ‘You certainly have no use for it anymore, think of it as a parting gift.’
“What did she take?” he asked, his face softening.
“It’s just...something that helped me fight a little better. It’s been so long I can probably fight without it, but my father gave it to me...it’s important y’know.” You shrugged, standing up. “Was that all you wanted? To almost see me undressed and ask me about my past?”
“Well...why do you give flowers to people? I never asked.” Ignis raised an eyebrow curiously.
“It makes me happy to make others happy.” you simply put it. “No other reason.” You crossed your arms. “If you can’t put a smile on someone’s faces, then what can you do.” you shrugged.
“Well...You certainly are doing an impeccable job. You always seem to put a grin on my face.” he chuckled. You crossed your arms, shaking your head.
“You’re just saying that.” you denied.
“Actually...I mean it. I mean every word of what I say, Y/N...remember that for me, won’t you? Hm, I’ve almost forgotten! I’ve also came to return these to you.”
You noticed there was a box by Ignis’s feet. 
“Return?” You asked in confusion. “I don’t underst-”
“Open it.” he handed you the box. The outside was engraved and carved with some sort of design. You flipped the tiny latch and opened the box. You could almost gasp as you saw two glimmering silver daggers staring back at you. The more you stared, the more familiar they looked. Wait....were these your old ones?
“Magnificent aren’t they?” 
You looked up, more shocked than confused now.
“Ignis-...Did you do this? I said they were beyond repair.” you were taken aback. “I’m...-”
“When one has connections like I do, anything is possible, Y/N.” he smirked knowingly. He had been proud of his handy work and seeing the look on your face stroked his ego even more. “Plus, I figure if these are your only means of defense, you might as well fight with style as I always say.” he watched your eyes gaze and sweep across the perimeter of the mirror-like blades. The handles, which used to be bronze were brushed with some sort of gold etching that was followed by a single ruby gem at the end of each one.
“Ignis, Why did you do this?” you found yourself confused. 
“You mentioned you’ve been through a lot with just these weapons...and I figured that it would be a shame for you to part ways with them so soon.”
You slowly closed the box and latch and set it gently on the floor at the end of the bed.
“I don’t know what to say...t-thank you.”
“Consider it a token of gratitude.” he smirked.
“My lips are sealed.” he again in that tone that only stroked his ego even more.
It was only now that you realize how close Ignis had gotten to you. You took his his smell. It was unfamiliar yet...inviting. 
“Ignis?” you looked up at him. If his glasses weren’t in the way, you might have felt like your soul was being ripped out.
“Hm, Yes?” 
“Um...You’re standing really close.” you stammered over your words.
“I’m aware.” he chuckled. “Is that a problem?”
“Um...no actually.” You whispered. “It’s just...is it normal for my heart to be racing like this?”
“I’m not sure, but if it’s any consolation, my heart hasn’t stopped racing yet.”
“...Cool.” you breathed. (This is where I get too in my feelings. Steamy shit ahead fam!)
Ignis ended up making the first move, twisting a handful of your hair in his fist before crashing his mouth over yours. He could barely hold himself back anymore, he had waited long enough. A loud groan had erupted from his throat sending vibrations all throughout your body.
You had almost fallen back from the impact. That and the fact that your feet almost collapsed. You had grabbed onto his jacket in time as your returned his affections, moving your lips against his in mixed harmonies. 
“See what happens when people take heed to your invites, naughty little girl.” Ignis fake-scolded you, beginning to trail his lips down your jawline and neck. “Look where we are now.” he grunted. “What do you intend to do now?” he growled. While his voice was low and urgent with hints of demand lacing his every word, they way his fingers drew and traced circles on your bare upper thigh had you seeing two totally different sides of this man at once. He had gripped the hem of your bathrobe in his fist, slowly but surely pulling it down.
As soon as the faded scar was visible, there was a moment where he kissed your shoulder gingerly. He waited....He waited for you to say something, our push him away in a haste or in fear that someone could show up any minute. You simply melted into his arms. He smiled to himself seeing the goosebumps rise on your skin. A reaction he himself caused. 
You saw Ignis furiously kick off his shoes before hoisting you up. As if second nature, you wrapped your legs around his torso. Ignis crashed his hot mouth over yours again, this time being less calculated in his movements. In the process, he had managed to free himself of his jacket and shirt.  
You landed on the bed with a thud, staring up at Ignis. Your robe was long gone and it left you in merely your undergarments. You were positive you didn’t look too attractive in a bra with little bats on them, however Ignis didn’t seem to care.
“I hope you don’t mind my haste...but I fear someone may come up and wonder what we’re up to.” 
You looked up again and had noticed that Ignis had taken off his glasses. It gave you a view of his beautiful face. Your eyes bore into his emerald green irises. You weren’t sure if it was the blood pumping to your brain or your own mind deceiving you, but when you stared into his eyes...you could see something. Something strange.
“...Hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s rude to stare?” He smirked. “Or do I have to take care of that problem too?”
Before you could answer, your eyes had traveled lower. His body. Was it even real? No, it couldn’t have been. His body was godly, a definite sight for sore eyes. 
“Do you like what you see?” he caught your attention. It was only now that you noticed how painfully tight his jeans looked. “Because I very much am enjoying my own view.” 
Ignis studied the rise and fall of your chest, it was almost as if he could hear your heart beating below the palms of his hands. This was all his doing, it made him feel even more selfish. He fumbled with his leather belt buckle, becoming impatient with himself. 
He wanted- No, needed you, right now.
“Knowing those pests they’re probably eavesdropping as we speak, so you’ll have to be quiet, my love. Do you think you can do that?” he asked urgently. He grabbed the edge of your panties and yanked at it harshly, tearing it to shreds and leaving it as just a piece of cloth that flew somewhere on the floor. 
“I d-don’t know.” you were in shock at Ignis’s movements, but still found yourself succumbing to his fingers. “It depends.”
That phrase alone made Ignis laugh as he yanked his pants down. You almost squeaked in shock seeing his member free of it’s restraint. “Holy sh-” you slapped a hand over your mouth. 
“Hm, are you impressed?” he smirked again. “Are you ready for me?”
It was like the sound echoed through the room, teasing your ears and mocking your brain.
You buried your head into Ignis’s neck and ran your hands through his hair. You had to be quiet, you had to be-
A gasp ripped through your throat and Ignis thrust into you. So much for being quiet. Your legs had hooked around his torso as if it was second nature. It felt right, like this was how it’s meant to be. 
“I-Ignis.” you gasped. “If you do that, I don’t think I can be...q-qui-et.” you whimpered, feeling his thrusts again and again.
“Y-Y/N!” Ignis groaned right into your ear. “You’re mine, all mine, do you hear me?”
Ignis found his resolve to be gentle wearing thin. He pinned your arms above your head and growled with a low predatory voice. “Look at me when I fuck you.” He thrust again, this time his strength had managed to move the entire bed. Who ever was passing by was surely listening in now.
You were embarrassed, you face heating up intently at such a demand. Of those you’ve been with, none of them compared to Ignis. Not even close. His eyes bore into yours. You found it impossible to look away for even a minute despite the rush of embarrassment rushing to your cheeks. You could feel tears sting your eyes at the intensity of Ignis burying himself deep within you
“Are you all mine?” you heard his whimper in your ear. “Tell me you’re all mine, Y/N. I want to hear it.”
“I-ignis?” You were surprised, but what else was new.
“Say yes...please?” his voice wavered unevenly. “I w-want to hear you say it before we come undone.”
“Y-yes.” you mewled. “Yours, all yours Iggy...”
“F-F-FUCK!” you heard him growl out loud. He balled his fists on either side of your head, his arms shaking. Ignis’s knuckled were turning white with how tightly he clenched the crisp sheets in his hands. No, he couldn’t go completely crazy with you yet, he wouldn’t. “Y/N...” he whispered lowly. 
You could feel that cord like sensation right at the bottom of your stomach, it was ready to snap, you could tell. More importantly, Ignis could too. From the way he began moving faster and faster. He slammed his lips over yours again, shoving his tongue through your the gap in your lips to invade your mouth. This time it was your turn to get loud. 
Ignis swallowed your moans, your whimpers, and those half-words you struggled to get out. He could tell you were close to that edge.
He fully intended to shove you right off it.
“Y/N!” he grunted. 
You were first, feeling your own walls throb and tighten so hard around Ignis’s member. The sound of running water made you blush even harder in embarrassment. It was definitely loud enough for him to hear. Ignis was next in pursuit. He yanked his cock right from you, the contents spilling out everywhere from the bedsheets, to your stomach, to even the floor.
Ignis gently hovered his lips over yours softly, wrapping his arms around you. “Shhh, you’re shaking, Y/N.” he chuckled. “Did it feel that good?”
You wordlessly nodded, unable to find the words. With another laugh, he kissed your forehead. “Allow me to stay a while longer?” Another wordless nod.
“That was completely out of my character.” Ignis exhaled as he collapsed right next to you. “But I don’t care, not anymore..”
You were still recovering from the shaking in your legs to even think. It was completely out of your character too...
“Just like I don’t care that those insolent pests have been listening in on us the entire time.” Ignis chucked. 
“How did you-”
“I’ve known those three my entire life, I wouldn’t put it past them Y/N.” Ignis replied. “But enough about them, just lay here in my arms....”
“Y/N...you know what this means, correct?” Ignis draped a tired arm around your body, pulling you closer to his chest. You could feel the rise and fall of each breath as you laid across one of his broad shoulders.
“I’m pretty sure, yeah.” you sighed. You certainly didn’t expect this, but you didn’t hate it.
Little did you know that in Ignis’s brain, he was going absolutely crazy. He had underestimated just how much he had pictured your screaming and needy body below him. Something within his soul went ablaze, and it had been worth every second he spent watching you.
“So....tell me more about this...Sennen character.” 
Without giving another thought to him, you began unraveling your past with your old foe. Little did you know, Ignis was taking notes in his mind.
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