#i am holding him in my hands like a guinea pig
yourdicc · 2 years
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prongspoet · 9 months
broken hearted | luke castellan.
first time writing for luke, so hope this is okay! tell me what u think in the reblogs i would love to know and get more luke asks!
summary: the curse of cabin 10 makes aphrodite!reader pretend to date her best friend so she doesn't have to cause a heartbreak to her actual crush. even though, at the end of it, she's the only one who had her heart broken. major inspo from this concept.
"You're staring." y/n' best friend, luke castellan, head counselor of the hermes cabin, pointed the fact out, side eying the girl right at his side, after looking at the boy sword training in front of them.
"he's staring back." the aphrodite girl said with a grin. the sunlight bathing her head making it comfortingly warm. luke would know, since he was the one caressing it while she laid down next to him. both of them on the grass, enjoying the late afternoon at camp. "so..."
michael dawson, ares' kid, was, in fact, staring. luke couldn't blame him, the way his best friend looked made everyone pay attention to her. she didn't even had to try. and still, the swordfighting happening in front of them made luke even more sure that mike needed a way so she could notice him. not naturally, but somehow, it worked, since the girl payed attention to him as soon as he started.
"oh well, like mother like daughter, huh. " he continued, in a mocking tone, holding his laugh, raising himself by his elbows, before taking one of his hands to the girl's arm. "your siblings wouldn't be too happy to see the goody two shoes dating an ares' kid, would they?"
"gods, don't fucking say that." she giggled, hiding her face with both of her hands. she went quiet for a second, still staring at the boy. "ares' kid or not.." y/n sighed, pouting slightly. "mike's nicer than the others, he wouldn't deserve to be a guinea pig."
"what do you mean?"
"you know what i have to do.” the girl muttered, with a soft sigh. she couldn't blame her mother, she worshipped aphrodite; her beauty, her power, her knowledge and her actions. that didn't mean that she enjoyed the judgment. the need to make someone else feel miserable just because she could. it wasn't fair. "the first love heart break thing."
"i'm glad i'm not in his shoes, that's for sure." the boy whispered, with a chuckle, still trying to be as quiet as possible. his thumb caressing her arm incessantly. it made her skin burn. in a second, y/n abruptly raised her chin, getting supported by her elbows, getting muffled groan from luke, once it hit his ribs. "what is it?"
"you could be!"
"am i your first love, daisy?" he raised one of his eyebrows, with a mischievous grin stamped on the boys face. the scar in his eye making itself more clear. "you should have told me sooner- ouch!"
"shut up, hero. listen to me!" he knew that tone. and as anyone else who had a single bit of sense, he kept quiet, wanting nothing more to hear her insane idea. "we could pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend." the smile on her delicate face kept getting bigger as she explained her brilliant - yet not completely effective - idea. "i could pretend to break your heart. no one gets hurt, i can stay with mike after is over, and my mom ends up being proud of me!"
the aphrodite girl stared at him expectedly, hoping he would buy her insane plan, hoping he could save her from doing something he never imagined her doing it. luke got quiet for a minute. his eyes were darker than usual. he couldn't stand that. y/n knew her best friend well enough to know that he meant to say something. he never truly did. "you shouldn't be looking for her approval."
"i'm not searching for approval i'm just trying to prove myself.."
"you don't have to prove your devotion to her by doing this." his tone stern, more quiet. colder. "you burn offerings for her every single day. you pray, you're always expressing how incredible she is."
"you don't have to do it if you don't want to."
and suddenly, the idea seemed more appealing than ever. she wasn't using her charmspeak on him. no, luke knew how sugary and sweet y/n's words could be when she wanted to. at that moment, his best friend was just being honest. and even though he could retribute that feeling, luke felt that he needed to do it. just for her.
"yeah," he nodded. defeated. "fine, i'll do it."
"really?" the girl hugged him tight. more excited than ever. "thank you boyfriend!"
"yeah, yeah." he grinned, letting her rest her head on his chest, carefully watching y/n closing her eyes, like nothing else would ever bother her. "just don't be too mean when you dump me."
pretending was easy.
they've always been stuck to each other. having dinner with each other. burning offerings with each other. planning capture the flag with each other. training, swimming, talking, sneaking out to parties. always with one right after the other.
it wasn't supposed to be different, they just had to make it more believable.
"we should be holding hands," y/n pointed out as the couple walked calmly to the main area, where dinner was starting. "silena asked me why we never hold hands if we're dating, so i thought we could make it more..."
"real, yeah." luke nodded, grabbing her hand right the next second she spoke. "c'mon, girlfriend, hurry up." he grinned, and she couldn't help but grin back. "i'm starving."
luke could do that. he could kiss her in front of people, and tell everyone the way they got together. he could hold hands with her, caress her back and almost have a heart attack when she kissed him behind his ear. he could live with that, yeah. it was normal. it was pretending.
until it started to change. suddenly. quickly.
he noticed her. the eyes, the shape of her face, the way her eyebrows moved when she laughed, and the look she gave him every single time she entered a room he was already in, and luke couldn't help but pay attention at her soft hair, how excited she became while looking at pretty flowers, and especially, how her fingers felt against his own scalp when they needed to do some pretending. she was an aphrodite kid after all. y/n was charming. y/n was lovely. y/n was his girlfriend, at least for a while.
and she couldn't help but notice him either. how his scar looked more bright when they. the subtle, yet attentive and gentle way he taught her how to hold a sword, how to train, how to fight. the infuriating way at how he held her chin up slightly, every single time, before sealing his lips against hers.
and for once, neither of them were pretending.
the bonfire started earlier that night, but the couple came to it late; y/n helped one of her sisters who was in a small crises, and her sweet caring boyfriend waited for her by the aphrodite cabin's door, holding her hand as soon as she got out, so they could sit together at one of the logs, full of campers, chartering, telling stories, and enjoying the peacefulness that the simple event emanate.
luke choose one of the back logs for a reason, it was darker, harder to anyone else to see them. even so, as soon as the boy started to leave little pecks at her jaw, he was able to hear some whistles and exclamations. teenagers were gonna be teenagers after all.
"alright," y/n sat upstraight, taking a deep breath before continuing. "you can't do that here."
"i'm just having fun!" the boy said with a mischievous grin. he knew way to well what he was doing. she hoped he would do it forever. the teasing, the almost getting caught made her heart sink every time. "you are my girlfriend after all."
"don't get ahead of yourself, hero." she muttered, grinning at him, before sealing lips with him again. "i still have to break your heart."
"are you sure about that?" he furrowed his eyebrows, pretending to be offended, but getting right back at his job pretty quickly. "i'll just enjoy it until the time comes then."
she laughed, taking her head back so he could have full access to her neck, delicately taking one of her hands to his scalp. and he noticed how much he loved that sound. so much in a way he wished he could bottle it up so he could taste it every time he felt miserable. that wasn't possible. but y/n promised that as long as they were together, he was allowed to make her laugh any time he wanted to, if if meant getting him happy.
that's why it hurt even more when he did what he did.
when he revealed himself to be the traitor.
"come with me."
"i'm sorry, what the hell are you doing?" she cried out, feeling her heart beating faster than ever. "you're not thinking straight. you're not. you're not like this, i-" the words got caught up in her throat. y/n felt like she could pass out at any minute. "i know you luke." her voice was a mere pleading by then, hoping with all her soul he would hear. "you wouldn't do this to me."
"you mean a lot to me, daisy, but this is fucking different."
he was different, and she finally noticed. his eyes darker, his tone stern, and the way he held himself up, like he was prepared for a fight.
y/n would never fight him.
and he would never fight her, right?
and when luke turned his back against her, letting the aphrodite girl caught up with a sob, furrowing her eyebrows, feeling the tears already soaking up her eyes, y/n thought she understood.
maybe aphrodite didn't buy it. and even if she did, she knew it started out with a lie. y/n was playing house. thinking she could be smarter than her mom, she could prove it to everyone else how that curse was a lie, and that nothing would happen to the one that didn't completed it.
but it did happend.
no demigod could ever stand out a god. y/n was no exception.
and she finally understood that.
by the end of the day, y/n went back to her well known cabin, shamefully, missing her radiant aura and pretty smile, hiding a shattered heart in her pocket.
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fategoflatass · 8 months
I used to be so against the slow burn trope. Not because I thought it was shit; it's just, I usually don't have the patience to wait whatever-amount-superior-to-three damn chapters for my dear ship to finally be able to look at each other without blushing and/or hold hands. Thus why you often times see me reading oneshots or fics with the "Established Relationship" tag on them.
So you can imagine just how surprised—or maybe not, maybe I just didn't think enough about it—I was when I realized my newest fixation's main pairing is—canonically—the embodiment of slow burn. Because holy shit they're taking their time.
Nothing against how Kusuriya develops its love story—quite the opposite, actually. The relationship between Jinshi and Maomao, two characters that are written as beautifully as their romance, is a rather realistic approach as to how the same or a similar dynamic would developed in real life. In such a complicated situation, with such complex feelings about emotions—both external and their own—and attachment, makes sense that it takes so long for the relationship to finally sail.
The problem is, I didn't know I was signing with the Devil the moment I decided to pick up the light novel. Ten volumes and nothing has happened. Nothing.
And you can say that technically things have happened, because they have. I mean, Jinshi is just so desperate for Maomao to give him the time of day, you know what I mean? And even that isn't enough anymore and thus he has committed some of the craziest shit I've seen in any romance. Which okay, I don't usually read these type of romances but still.
What I mean by "nothing" is just, their relationship hasn't changed status. I could also say that it seems to go nowhere, but that'd be lying. Since, you know, it has changed quite a lot—just not in the way my impatient ass wanted it to. Because he can be as honest with his feelings as he pleases, and those around them might be heavely conscious of the tension and thus constantly tease those lovebirds (as they should), but babygirl's not helping, you know?
And I get it, Maomao's not the best at expressing and understanding herself, and she's also way too busy worrying about going as unnoticed as possible (she should give up on that one already, tbh) while keeping her head where it should be. But like, I can't help feeling frustrated over it like ‼‼
But she won't. She'll take her sweet ass time being in denial about both Jinshi's and her own feelings, then maybe she'll proceed to analize herself and find out that maybe, just maybe, that affection that she'd been feeling for that loser became something else. Did said affection also become something more complicated? Absolutely. Does she know how to deal with it? Hell no, but fuck it. If I learned something from school is that you always leave the hardest parts for later.
Now you see why I was so against reading slow burn?
And you wanna know the worst part? I loved it—I loved every second of it, every word, every page. Every scene that seemed to help the relationship advance, only for Maomao to say nope and leave like she owns the place, which at this point she fucking might.
It feels like I, as the reader, am in the middle of a heatwave and some sadistic bastard won't stop teasing me with ice cream—they put it in front of my face, close enough that I can smell the cold. Then take a spoon and eat little by little while staring directly to my eyes. At times they seem to show mercy and feed me a spoon, only for it to be a rather small quantity of serving—serving that tastes so damn good at first, only for it to have such a bitter aftertaste. But if I gotta have something in common with Jinshi is that I'll never be able to beat the masochist allegations, so I'll wait patiently for the next spoon and its corresponding and seemingly enless teasing from that faceless being.
So yeah, I'm still against it, only that now I understand the appeal—even if I have yet to find out about the whereabouts of my sanity while still mananing with the little I've left.
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chocolatetittymilk · 7 months
Heart Burn | Alhaitham
Tears run down your face as you stare him in the eyes. You shouldn’t be so surprised, nor hurt. in all honesty it should be funny, that you decided to keep things going.
Alhaitham looks down at you, a condescending look if anything. Still the stern lifeless expression as usual, just a bit more irritation. how typical. “Why are you being so emotional over trivial matters.” He states, clearly over this whole ordeal.
You sniffle a bit, “Well I guess what hurt me most of all, you were playing with my heart…” you say, you look down tears spilling onto the pavement. Fists clenched with anger and regret.
months running around sumeru with him, being his little academic guinea pig. Yet, there was still some sort of spark right? He smiled, and even laughed with you, even would give you your favorite book if you mentioned it…
Days where you’d sit on your couch and banter over a scandal or a story between you two. Alhaitham’s eyes crinkling ever so slightly when you make an odd comment joke.
“Tell me why am I emotional…” You look up at him, his turquoise eyes gleaming with something behind them. His expression still not changing, only faltering just a little on edge. You laugh a bit, the whole thing right in your face.
Yet every time you got closer, he’d push you aside. Left you wanting more each and every time. Knowing full well that you wanted to kiss him, to hold his hand. It was like a game.
Swallowing all of your pride, as others would whisper about the acting grand sage, how handsome and smart he is. You knew he heard it all but he didn’t care in the slightest. He told you, ‘You’re one of the rare finds i can trust in.’
“…when i knew it from the start.” You whisper, finally realizing you had played yourself. Alhaitham clenched his jaw, not sure what to say.
Part of you knew that someone like Alhaitham couldn’t have been with you… You narrow your teary eyes at him, wondering where this part of him came from… Maybe it was hidden in the shallows of his eyes.
You turn around, handing him the books that he had given you and walk away. Knowing that this was the end, knowing that your heart burned.
my genshin master list : m!list link
2024 © chocolatetittymilk : do not repost or translate my works anywhere. do not copy or use my works in any site.
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 3 months
Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x Reader
Word count: 7.7k
Notes: No cause actually I’m just finishing this now and it comes out Thursday how could I do this to myself it’s Tuesday. And more importantly why is it so LONG cause it’s cute that’s why and this is the SET UP chapter okay
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Episode 6: Beach Blanket Bingo
Approximately three weeks after your first date Buck has the third one all set up and ready to go
He did not want to wait, in fact, he wanted to plan five dates in five days which would have been cute but Eddie said no. He had to take his time and show you that he cared about you so he went along with it because Eddie was his patience.  
Eddie helped him set the whole thing up, they went to Target and had a little shopping spree. They bought a cute pink blanket, a checkerboard print picnic basket, and two beach chairs. Eddie threw in a few other things, A couple of portable silverware sets, and a strawberry-shaped serving bowl. Actually, he got two of those because he really wanted one too. 
Everything they have is very colorful and Buck hopes you like it. Eddie knows a private beach area, from a friend and he got that spot for Buck just for tomorrow 
“You really think she’s gonna like a beach date? What if she secretly hates water or something”
“Did she tell you she secretly hated water?” Eddie asks as he cuts up the strawberries for the fruit salad they’re making 
“If it’s a secret how am I gonna know” he makes a dumb face at Eddie and Eddie has to take a second, just to remember why they’re friends and why he loves this man 
“Yeah…you’re so right” He puts his head down, returning to cutting the strawberries. 
“Anyway” Buck throws some grapes he cleaned off into the bowl and pops one in his mouth 
“I should probably get cooking. You mind being my guinea pig?” 
“For what?” Eddie asks warily as he slides the strawberries off his cutting board and into the bowl 
“I’m trying out a new seasoning mix for burgers I want to know if it’s good and I can’t eat it myself because then I won’t be hungry later!” 
Eddie rolls his eyes as he starts on the watermelon 
“Fine, I suppose I can suffer through this,” He says sarcastically, but his growling stomach gives him away 
Buck is so particular with the way he cooks these burgers, he’s so careful about how he seasons and what he seasons with and Eddie sits on the counter, handing him things and watching him. He even times how long he cooks each side and puts the bacon in the oven 
“You’re doing great dude,” Eddie says as he holds out the plate Buck puts the toasted bun on 
“You think so?” 
“I have literally no idea how this could suck. Like it’s beautiful” He hops off the counter, setting the plate down and Buck plates it exactly how he wants it to be and takes a couple pictures
“Ketchup or not?” He teases him and Buck rolls his eyes as he hands him the ketchup
“After you try it plain. You probably won’t even want it!!” 
“Oh, we’ll see about that” Eddie pokes at his side before picking the burger up and taking a bite out of it. Buck puts his hands to his face, nervously watching as Eddie takes his time considering it. He sets it back down and puts his hands on Buck's shoulder 
“That’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever made me in our entire lives and you’re right I don’t want ketchup”
Buck has four swimsuits he could possibly wear and a speedo Eddie said that he should burn and it literally didn’t even fit his junk properly 
Not his fault he’s too big for it
So he and Eddie settle on his shortest pair because it shows off his thighs the best and they’re really short and they make his butt look good and they really think you’ll appreciate that
Not to mention they have super cool sharks on them. 
“You nervous?” Eddie asks as he blows up the cute pink and white beach ball that Buck bought especially for you 
“Incredibly. Like what if I mess this up?? You’re usually there to save me, what if she thinks I’m like a freak or something, or what if I accidentally drown her”
“How?? How would you accidentally drown her?” 
“It’s called an “accident” Eddie! I don’t know! Oh god, what if she can’t swim?!” 
“Then you get to hold her in the water? You haven’t asked her if she can swim?”
“Oh god, I should have asked oh my god. Eddie!! I’m already ruining this!!”
Eddie rolls his eyes and takes out his phone, dialing your number “You’re not ruining anything Buck you’re putting way too much on yourself, she would not have accepted a beach date if she couldn’t-“ 
“Oh hey!” Eddie holds the phone up between him and Buck “Just a silly, crazy, cute lil question… can you swim?”
“Uhhh” He hears through the phone and he looks horrified as you take too damn long to answer this question 
“Y/N” Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose and you nervously giggle, Buck looks like he’s about to have a heart attack. In fact, he sits down on the floor just staring at his hands 
“Yes, Eddie?” You say so sweetly he’s sure his teeth just rotted 
“You can’t swim, can you?” 
“Okay okay hear me out-“
“Hear me out!!” You yell and Eddie groans loudly as Buck lays out on the floor, waiting for death to take him 
“I’m not a strong swimmer okay!! But you know… I can… float and do little kicks….”
“Jesus fuc-“
“Besides!!! I figured you know… um… see okay I was thinking that I could just tell Buck when we went into the water and just ask him if he didn’t mind holding onto me you know?? I just- I thought hey maybe he’d want to and- and that way like-“
“Are you telling me you’re using the fact that you can’t swim to get Buck to have to keep his hands on you??”
“For safety!!” 
Eddie hears May laugh and you shush her, he looks down at Buck who’s got his hands over his face and he can’t tell what he’s feeling. 
“Don’t tell him okay?? He might back out if he knows” 
“I don’t think he’d back out, he’d rather die than cancel a date ”
“Promise me you won’t tell him!!” You whine and he rolls his eyes 
“Fine. God. Goodbye, Brat.”
“Bye, bestest friend in the entire world!!!”
Eddie scoffs as he hangs up, nudging Buck's foot with his.
“God sometimes I think you two dumbasses really were made for each other…Well?” 
Buck squeals at a level only dogs can hear and Eddie slaps his hand over his face 
“She wants me to hold her!!” 
“I’m packing water wings” 
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This was such a bad idea, this was the worst idea he and Eddie could have ever come up with. Why did he think he could do this? 
He and Eddie picked you up together from the house, Eddie came with you as a decoy because Buck just had to pick you up from the house. 
Eddie lets out a low whistle as they look up from their phones, Buck’s mouth drops open and Eddie closes it for him 
You’re walking towards them, a little skip in your step. You’d just bought a new swimsuit anyway so Buck’s idea of going to the beach was perfect. The red material clings to your body, it's low on your chest and cut high on your hips. May called it your Baywatch swimsuit as you spun around giggling while showing it to her the other day. 
“Are you gonna be okay?” Eddie asks as they watch you walking over to them. That bounce in each step is causing him to feel things 
“Huh?” He mumbles, still staring at you. It feels like it’s taking years for you to get to the car, Oh okay he kinda understands the slow-motion runs now. 
“Hi, guys!” You say as you open the front door and climb into the jeep. Eddie wolf whistles and you giggle, handing him your bag to put in the back 
“Damn, Pamela” He jokes and you roll your eyes, pulling your cover-up tighter around your body 
“That’s literally what May said. I think it’s cute!” 
“Oh trust me I’m not disagreeing in the slightest,” He says, putting his arms on the backs of your seats 
“You think he’s ever gonna snap out of it?” You turn your body towards Buck and Eddie and Eddie shrugs 
“Eventually… this one really is a banger though sweetheart it might take him a minute”
“Does he even know I’m in the car?” 
Buck’s hands are on the steering wheel, his palms are sweaty, and his stomach flutters like crazy… maybe he’s sick. He’s definitely sick, he’s gotta be sick. He should cancel the date he doesn’t wanna make you sick 
“Buck?” You poke at his arm 
“Breathe… dude” Eddie rubs his shoulders and Buck starts to relax slowly 
His voice is robotic and plain, and his hands grip the wheel tighter
“Hello, you look nice. Are you ready to go?” 
Eddie falls back in his seat laughing and you pull him into your chest, hugging him
“Buck come on!” You whine as you smother him like he does to you 
“Snap out of it so we can have fun!” 
He groans loudly and wraps his arms around you, nuzzling his head into your bare chest, definitely getting glitter all over his face and hair 
“You look So. Damn. Good. I swear Y/N I could just eat you up right here right now” 
“Please don’t do that. We’re still in the driveway” Eddie says from the backseat, reminding you both oh yeah he’s still here 
“Wait the driveway is your problem?” Buck turns to face Eddie, still keeping his head on your chest 
“Why did you say it like that” Eddie slaps his arm and Buck starts giggling as he finally pulls away, he starts up the jeep again and leaves the driveway to drop Eddie back off at home 
“It’s fun to harass you” 
He reaches for you as soon as he gets to a stop sign, cupping your face in his hands, he lets everyone go first as he kisses you, sliding his tongue in your mouth and wrapping it around yours. Your cheeks flush deeply, the butterflies in your stomach going wild as you kiss him back, fighting him for dominance 
“Oh my god, do you want me to freaking drive? Go!” Eddie yells at Buck as cars start to honk behind him and he pulls away quickly, hitting the gas. 
You hook your phone up to his Bluetooth and pull up the playlist he’d made for you. Jessie’s Girl plays through the speakers and you squeal, turning up the volume. You play the guitar while Eddie does the drums and Buck looks over at you, enjoying the way you sing into your fake microphone and cue Eddie for his drum solo 
“You’re singing this, way too intensely” Buck looks down over his sunglasses into the rearview mirror at Eddie as you and he sing together and he bursts out laughing, falling over in the backseat as you kick your legs, hiss laughing 
“Shut up!” 
After your little laughing fit you mostly talk with Eddie as you drive back to his place, he’s not coming with so you give him a little extra attention, but that doesn’t stop you from cuddling up to Buck and blowing in his ear softly. At first, it tickles and he’s trying to fight you off with one hand while you giggle and keep blowing. But one particular moment sends a spark of electricity down his spine and he’s fighting a boner with every… bone in his body. He shifts awkwardly and his eyes shoot up to Eddie’s in the review mirror, silently begging him to save him and he shrugs, getting your attention back easily and Buck can finally breathe again.
Which isn’t even easy in the first place because you smell good. He wonders what it is, he could bathe in it. Maybe you’ll spray some on his pillow for him, he’d do it for you in a heartbeat if you asked. 
He’d do a lot of things for you if you asked. 
Once you pull into Eddie’s driveway he hops out and you open the door, giving him a big hug. He winks at Buck who rolls his eyes and flips him off 
“I’ll see you two later! Enjoy your day!” He steps back from the Jeep waving as Buck pulls out of the driveway 
“Bye, Eddie!! Have a good day!!” You wave back as you speed off toward the beach. 
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Buck and Eddie showed up earlier and got everything all set up so when he grabs the picnic basket from the backseat and takes your hand his nerves quiet just a little. He really wants this date to go well, Eddie was right, he wants to show you how much he cares. 
“Buck this is really cute,” You say as you kneel down on the blanket and reach out for the basket. He hands it to you before sitting down and straightening out the blanket a little 
“I can’t take all the credit, Eddie helped set things up” He watches you take out the food and set it out. You grab a plate and serve him first and he blushes, it’s so domestic and it makes his heart do flips 
“I should be doing that for you” He takes the spoon from your hand and puts some of the fruit salad on a plate for you and you sit with your legs out in front of you 
“You did everything else, the least you can let me do is serve you, it’s not that difficult you know” 
“I know… but I want to do it anyway. He hands you the plate and you smile, leaning forward and kissing him sweetly
“Thank you, for everything”
“It’s my pleasure, Doll,” He says, kissing your nose and sitting back with his plate 
You and Buck eat the fruit salad first because it’s your favorite part and you taste even sweeter when he kisses you again. His hand trails up your smooth thigh, pulling you closer to him by your hip. He nuzzles his head against yours and you melt into his touch. He smiles, pulls away, and goes back into the basket 
“You know we should probably actually eat” 
“Personally I think there are more interesting things to taste but okay” You shrug and his cheeks turn red 
“Oh haha, very funny” He sticks his tongue out and you bat your eyelashes playfully 
“What can I say, I’m a slut for a dirty joke” you quote him from earlier and he slaps your thigh, handing you a warm bowl. You take off the lid and there’s a delicious-looking burger inside. 
“Where did you get this” Your mouth is already watering as you put the little container up to your face, inhaling the delicious aroma 
“I made them myself! But wait-“ he grabs a couple of buns from a bag and hands you one “I didn’t want these getting soggy” 
You carefully take the burger from the container and put it on the bun, he hands you a napkin, and you wipe your hands off before putting the bacon on and wiggling a little 
“It’s gorgeous,” you say through fake sniffles and he rolls his eyes smirking when you take a bite. Your eyes widen before rolling back in your skull and you sigh 
“Oh Buck” you moan and his cheeks flush deeply. He knows you mean his cooking but like…. Like could you just do that again??
“I think I’m in love” You giggle as you eat and he opens the bag of chips for you both 
“Well that makes two of us” he winks and you blush as you take the chips and nibble on one 
It’s quiet when you’re eating and you can’t help it, because it’s good and who even knew Buck could cook, because he hadn’t cooked for you before and now you wish he would again, or maybe you could cook for him next time, you set your empty container aside, leaning back in your chair a little as you chew the tip of your sunglasses in deep thought 
“What are you thinking about?” Buck asks as he sips his capri sun “You kinda zoned out a little there” he chuckles and you shrug 
“Maybe… for one of our dates? I could do something for you. I want to do our next date okay? You can have the last one!” 
“Awww you don’t have to! I like spoiling you” He boops your nose and you giggle, wiping off your hands grabbing the hand sanitizer, and spraying it 
“I want to Buck!! You deserve to be spoiled too” 
“I can think of other ways you could spoil me,” he says dreamily and you roll your eyes as you stand up and stretch out for a second before bending over to grab a drink from the cooler. You fall out of your top a little and stop for a second, putting your hand over your chest 
“Hey! That was one of them” 
“Oh shut up!!” You swat his thigh and stand tall, opening your little drink 
He eases himself out of his chair and onto the ground, pushing his chair away a little, and opens his arms
“C’mere cutie” 
You step over him and he looks up at you, goddamn are you a sight to behold as you straddle his lap and sit down. 
“There we go! Nice and comfy” he smirks and you wrap your arms around his neck 
“Oh yeah, soooo comfy,” you say as his hands slide down to your ass and squeeze gently 
“Oh? Is this not to your liking?” He slides his hands up your sides while laying back and bringing you with him. You blush as you’re laid out on him 
“How about this?” 
“Even better” you purr and he sighs, his hands shaking a little as he feels you up 
“You wanna go swimming soon?” He cups your face in his hands, mushing it around and making silly faces and you snicker, pushing his hands away
“Yeah!! But um… I gotta tell you something about that” You say quietly and he slaps his hands on your butt, making you jump and yelp and you punch his chest 
“And what would that be?” He starts tapping out a little beat on your butt and you reach behind you trying to bat his hands away but he just smacks your butt 
“Would you quit that!!” You wriggle on him and he gasps, his hands stalling. 
“Oh? Oh, you like that huh?” You smirk evilly 
“I mean you’re literally inadvertently grinding on me so yeah I think I like that” 
“You want me to do it on purpose?” You ask quietly, reaching up to twirl his hair with your finger. His mouth drops open 
“Wait- seriously?” 
“If you don’t want-“ You start to get up and he shakes his head fast, pushing you down against him by your ass 
“No- no!! I want, I want!!” He says pleadingly and you laugh, burying your face in his neck for a moment before you start to roll your hips. His breath hitches and he sighs, melting into the sand below him 
“Mmmm that’s my girl,” He says quietly as you sit up, putting more pressure on his cock 
“Did I mention you look super, super good today?” you say and he blushes 
“Uh huh, your sharks are so cute” 
Buck perks up a little as he holds your hips 
“You really think so??” He sounds so cute and excited and it makes you blush at how adorable he’s being
 “I named this one Kevin!!” He points to one of the sharks on his swim trunks and you stop grinding for a second to look down 
“Hi Kevin” you giggle and wave at the little hammerhead shark and Buck sits up now, looking at Kevin 
“Yeah he’s pretty cool… just don’t tell the others” He whispers in your ear and you bite your lip before kissing him, knocking him backward into the sand again. He moans quietly, wrapping his arms around you and squishing you down onto him a bit. He laps at your tongue, tangling his with yours as he kisses you passionately and downright dirty 
“God you’re just so cute sometimes” You pant in between kisses and he pushes down on your ass as you start to grind on him again, he chuckles, grinding back against you and you gasp against his lips 
“Cute huh? I don’t wanna be cute right now…” He rolls you over onto your back and grinds into you, bending down and kissing you breathless. Your body shudders as he’s a little more aggressive with his movements now, thrusting his hips gently into yours. 
You tug on his hair, your hands tangling through it as you open your legs to him more, lost in the moment of pleasure he’s giving you. You can tell by the way he’s angling his hips he’s after one thing 
And he’s hitting it over and over again. 
Oh, he’s definitely boyfriend material. 
He gasps in your ear, a soft little pathetic noise that sends a shiver straight up your spine. Your heart flutters and your pussy clenches around nothing desperately 
“Jesus Buck” you pant, wrapping your legs around his waist and he chuckles darkly as he ruts his hips harder into yours. 
His phone rings and he completely ignores it while you claw at his back, egging him on. The heated desire between the two of you could practically make glass underneath you. You slide your hands down his lower back, going to ease his shorts down-
It starts to ring again and you turn to look at it “Who is that??” Your chest bounces with each of his thrusts and he’s practically mesmerized by the way you look underneath him 
“Uh I’m not-“ He moans desperately, letting his head fall onto your shoulder “Fuck it’s Eddie” He bites down and your body arches into him
“Shouldn’t you answer it?” You pant softly as you look over at it 
“I’m kinda busy??”
You laugh as you reach your arm out toward his phone, wiggling your fingers to grab it and answer it. He stops for a second, grabs it, hands it to you, and goes right back to kissing your shoulder and leaving hickeys across your chest 
He’s definitely not going to stop this time, in fact, he makes it worse by pulling the front of your swimsuit down 
“Buck!!” You shriek as his hands cup your breasts, he places featherlight kisses on them, trying to refrain from biting 
“Yes, beautiful?” 
“Put the phone up to his ear” Eddie hisses and you do as he says 
“I swear to god if you fuck her in the middle of this beach”
“How do you know what I’m-“
Buck's hips freeze in place and you can hear Eddie laughing his head off 
“What did he say??” You ask and Buck looks around frantically “Uhh nothing baby nothing” He gets up, tossing a towel over your chest, and awkwardly pats it 
“I really really need to take this call,” he tells you and you nod fast handing him over the phone 
“No, go ahead!” 
He jogs away a few feet closer to the ocean so you can’t hear him 
“Where are you?!” 
“Actually pretty far, you were so nervous I thought I’d show up for a bit and make sure you were okay… and now I really wish I hadn’t” 
“Did you see…her-“ He gestures around his chest and Eddie laughs
“No, I looked away. But it seems like you don’t need me, man. So… I’m going to Chipotle”
“Wait bring me home some queso” 
“Oh yeah sure okay. I’ll send you my locaysh so you don’t have to be paranoid I’m still here”
“Wow, thanks how’d you know I would be?!” 
“Because I know you better than you do buddy. Also, she’s going toward the water, 9 o’clock”
“Mmmm I can’t tell time” Buck turns around 
“Jes- Goodbye” 
Buck jogs back over to your little picnic and tosses his phone down. He looks over at you as you walk towards the water, your backside covered in sand… god he loved that swimsuit. 
He follows after you, walking right next to your footsteps and semi-fangirling over the way they look so cute together 
“Is everything okay?” You look up at him and god you really have given him a size kink 
You’re. Just. So. Petite. He could pick you up and throw you. God okay he doesn’t wanna actually throw you. But you’re like five feet tall and that’s cute 
“Earth to Buck” you wave your hand in front of his face and he flinches “You good”
“Huh?? Oh. Oh yeah sorry I was just thinking about throwing you” 
You blink at him and he blinks back, narrowing his eyes and pursing his lips for a moment really just thinking  
“…Just gonna leave that there huh buddy?” 
“Leave what where?” He asks, looking around 
“You- you just said you wanted to throw me?” 
“Oh shit! No fuck no!! Shit god no that’s!?? That’s weird I just- no I meant like you- you’re just so tiny and-“
You’re letting him dig his hole deeper as he fumbles over his words 
“And-and like so easy to pick up and like no god no I’d never throw you I- know I would never hurt you” 
You shake your head, listening to him with a wide grin on your face 
“I’m- I’m making this worse aren’t I” 
“Yes” you shake your head giggling and he groans loudly, spinning around in a little circle and throwing a tiny tantrum 
“It’s like when you see something just so darn cute you wanna squish it forever!!” 
“So you’re saying you think I’m so cute you just wanna throw me?” 
“Yes!!!” He throws his arms out and you nod 
“Yeah no okay I get it now. Like how I want to be Lady Dimitrescu’s vanity” 
“Goddamn, what I wouldn’t give to be that” Buck wholeheartedly agrees and you both stand there for a moment, just… dreaming. 
“So you wanna get in the water?” Buck asks 
Maybe Eddie was right, maybe you were made for each other. 
The bimbo to his himbo 
Buck sighs dreamily as he takes your hand, pulling you closer to the water. What a match made in heaven. 
You nearly drown in a wave that knocks you flat on your butt. 
You forgot to tell Buck you couldn’t swim and Buck forgot to remember you couldn’t swim. 
Both of you blame it on the messing around earlier. 
Buck pulls you up the beach before flopping down on the sand next to you, both of you panting heavily 
“You terrified of the ocean yet?” 
“I think I just swallowed half of it” 
You look over at him, you look like a drowned rat. The cutest drowned rat he’s ever seen. He chuckles as he leans into you, kissing you slowly and putting his arm over your waist 
“You wanna try that again?” 
“You promise you’ll hold onto me?” 
“I promise baby” He kisses your nose and you blush 
“Okay…” you get up, bending over to brush the sand from your legs and Buck smacks your ass 
“Hey!” You yelp and shoot up straight and he puts his hands up in mock defense 
“I was just trying to help” He pats his eyelashes sweetly 
“You’re groping me way too much today” You scold him as he takes your hand again and leads you back to the water, it seems to have calmed down 
“Honestly, if it’s too much please ask me to stop and I absolutely will. On the other hand… if you like it. You know you can do it right back, right?” He smirks as you look at him, a light blush dusting your cheeks 
“Huh?” You say and he takes both your hands, walking backward into the water 
“Might I remind you I have a butt too? A very cute one” 
You giggle as he walks you out a little deeper so you’re floating and he’s still standing 
“I also have- you know,….something else if that’s to your liking” He winks and you roll your eyes, wrapping your arms securely around his neck. He stops at a safe distance and bends his knees so he’s floating with you on top of him 
“I’m just saying… I’m giving you permission you know… if that’s something you’re interested in and you know now that I’m saying that I’m sorry I didn’t ask to use your booty as bongos”
You laugh into his shoulder and pull back again to look at him 
“It’s okay, you’ve got pretty good rhythm, and I’ve got a pretty nice ass”
“Oh boy do you” He sighs softly, tilting his head cutely “I just can’t get enough of you, my sweet, sweet little bunny” 
“Bunny huh? What happened to Doll?” You ask, booping his nose and he nods 
“It's Bunny when I’m ready to take a bite out of you” He growls and nips at your finger and you squeal, pulling away from him and he pulls you back closer
“No-no-no!!” You try to push him away from him laughing loudly “Don’t eat me!!” 
“You better watch out or my sharks are gonna get you!!” 
He purposely drags you to shallower water and lets you go and you run away 
“I can’t tell if that was an innuendo or not!!” You call over your shoulder and he nearly trips from laughing so hard 
“Oh my god, I didn’t even think about that!! Now that’s exactly what I mean!” 
You know he’s running so much slower than he really can, no matter how hard your little legs pump you know he could catch you if he really wanted… and maybe that’s what you both like about it so much. For as much as you run and dodge his lunges you know he’s just toying with you at this point and you sort of do feel like a little bunny, like his prey. 
“Awww come on! You’re starting to slow down bunny! I thought this was gonna be more of a chase!” His voice is borderline sinister? And that’s hot. 
What a great distraction. 
You shriek as his hand grabs the back of your swimsuit and yanks you backward, pulling you down into the sand with him, the waves lap against your bodies as he pins you to the ground and stares at you, his pretty eyes, dark and stormy now 
“Well, well, well, look what I’ve caught” He runs his finger down your cheek as you pant beneath him, his eyes roll back slowly as his hips connect with yours, grinding against you 
“You gorgeous, gorgeous little bunny. I like watching you run from me” He whispers in your ear, his voice dripping with a seductive husky tone. Your eyes widen as you shove him off of you, sitting up fast. He falls onto his butt, stunned for a second, and looks at you 
“Too far??” He asks worriedly and you run your hands over your hair, they’re shaking so hard he can see them 
“That was the hottest damn thing I have ever experienced in my entire life I need a minute,” you tell him and he falls backward laughing loudly 
“You scared me! You brat!!” 
“Oh, I’m just supposed to be completely normal. When you treat me like prey?? And you’re all “Grrr, I’m…I’m some sort of…”I don’t know what kind of animal do you wanna be?” 
“I’ll be a wolf, it’s funny” 
You giggle into your hands as you fall back into the sand “Okay, my very own werewolf boyfriend, Nice!” 
“Hey I’m on TikTok, I know what booktok is okay. You’re into it” 
You burst out laughing, throwing wet sand on his chest “Are you kidding me?!” 
“Let me see your Kindle unlimited Y/N!! Let. Me. See. It” 
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Buck has another little surprise but you have to wait for it to get darker he says so instead you guys go for a walk down the beach. He’s picking up little random pieces of wood as you go 
“So you think we could have a sleepover sometime?”
He asks as he picks up another and you shrug, smiling “It sounds nice, but how are we gonna get around that one?” 
“If Eddie’s there I’m sure Bobby won’t mind” 
“Right…right Having a sleepover with two, grown, attractive, men! That totally sounds like something he’d go for!” You poke his side and he giggles 
“Maybe we can say May is invited too! She’d cover for us” 
“I could always ask her, you think Eddie will be available?” 
“Yeah to cover for us, no way am I having my best friend come over when I’m trying to have a completely innocent, wonderfully pure, amazingly sinless sleepover with my girlfriend” 
“Oh, we’re gonna fuck huh?” 
Buck bursts out laughing, grabbing your arm as he almost falls to the ground and you steady him, laughing with him. He giggles and kicks the sand, trying to stop laughing all the way back to your little slice of heaven. He drops the wood he was collecting and plops down in his chair 
“I hate you so much” 
You snort as you sit down next to him “It was funny!! You’re the one who laughed for six hours” 
He kicks some sand on your leg and you slap his thigh, to which he slaps yours. Your mouth opens a little and he sticks his tongue out at you. 
“You wanna go? Because I’ll fight you right here right now” you tell him and he flicks you off with both fingers 
“Come at me, Princess” 
He doesn’t know what he expected, even though if he was actually paying attention he would have known. You tackle him out of his seat and he yelps as you two go rolling in the sand. He screams laughing as you tickle him and kick his legs as you end up back on top of him 
“Stop!! Stop I’m gonna pee!!” He screams and bucks his hips trying to knock you off but you just hold on tighter, attacking him more
“Nice try! But I’ve won the bull riding contest at Lucky Jacks four times!!”
He grips your wrists, holding you off “Wait you’ve what???” He pants harshly, holding you back as you struggle 
“Yeah! I’m actually really good at it” 
“Are you telling me with a straight face you’re good at riding” 
You stop wriggling so much and think for a second, humming softly 
“Yeah okay, I’ll go with it. I’m amazing at riding” you purr seductively and he groans, rolling his eyes back and letting your wrists go 
“Oh god you’re my dream woman” He sighs and you giggle, bracing your hands on his chest 
“Are you good at taking it?” You ask, letting your head tilt to the side as you look down at him 
“A-am I what?” His voice is hoarse and his eyes turn wide as saucers 
“Are you good… at taking it?” You ask again and his heart nearly shoots out of his chest 
“I wouldn’t know,” he says simply, quietly. But damn is he starting to think he wants to find out 
“Are we talking about the same thing?” You giggle and he shrugs because he’s sure he’s got little hearts radiating in his eyes right now 
“I don’t know” 
You both leave it at that (much to his dismay) and you get off of him, going back over to your little setup and grabbing a dry towel from the pile Buck brought 
“Suns just about right for some last-minute tanning!” You say as you spread it out and grab another, spreading it out next to yours for him 
“Hey uh…just how private is this beach?” You ask and he looks up from the cooler where he’s grabbing two water bottles 
“Extremely, they kinda keep a tight lid on this but rent it out for parties and stuff sometimes” 
“So…there’s no danger of anyone showing up expectedly?” 
“None at all, Why?”
“I don’t really like tan lines” 
You turn away from Buck, slipping the straps of your swimsuit off and rolling it down your body so it looks like it’s just a pair of bottoms and he has to turn away before his sharks start to get a little too tight. 
He walks past you to his towel and you turn again, covering your chest with your arms 
“No peeking,” you say and he closes his eyes 
“Didn’t I literally full-on grab them earlier?” he asks and you kick his thigh lightly as you lay on your stomach, it’s not a sustainable position but it’ll be fine for a little while at least 
“Yeah, you did. You can look now” 
He looks over at you, laid out on your tummy with your legs crossed and your head resting on your hands and he smiles, shaking his head before looking up at the sky 
“I ever tell you how pretty you are?” 
You blush and shrug, “Not nearly enough” you tease 
He chuckles and scoots closer to you, your faces so close you can feel each breath he takes 
“You are the most stunning little thing I’ve ever met” His voice is husky as he turns over, trailing his fingertips down your back and you shiver under his touch “So beautiful and I get you all to myself”
“How lucky you are” you tease and he leans closer, kissing you softly 
“Damn right I am” 
You lay together in the sun for a while, just relaxing and occasionally talking. He likes to listen to you talk, he especially likes to listen to you laugh. He’s falling faster and faster every second and he’s starting to not care about Eddie saying he needs to wait to tell you he loves you 
As the sun finally starts to set, Buck gets up and dusts off his legs 
“You ready for your lil surprise?” He asks excitedly and you perk up, carefully sitting up and keeping your chest covered 
He turns around so you can fix your top again and picks up his towel, shaking it out 
“I wanted to just leave you here and surprise you more but to be honest I kind of want to show off” 
You snort as you get up, shaking out your own towel and taking his hand to walk back over to the chairs 
“Well whatever it is I’m excited about it” 
“You can help if you want! Or I can do it myself” 
“Well if you’d just tell me whatever it is, I’m sure I’d be happy to help” you tease him and he smirks as you both toss your towels down. He brings you a little ways away from your stuff and there’s a little pile of rocks and his sticks 
“Just make a big circle with the rocks in the sand alright? Brat” he smacks your butt and you swat his hand away, putting the rocks in a circle as he told you to, you make them pretty, setting them out nicely as he arranges his sticks in the middle 
“You know…” you start to help him pile his sticks “I’m pretty sure I know where this is going now and a firefighter starting a fire is pretty funny” 
“I’m an expert!! Trust me I can even start it with two sticks okay you’ll be so impressed!!” 
He gets up with a little pail and goes running off to the water and you watch him, shaking your head and groaning softly 
“Why is everything he does so damn cute???” 
You finish setting up the sticks for him as he comes back, setting the pail down. He can indeed start a fire with two sticks, and it is actually pretty impressive as the fire roars to life. He slowly throws some more sticks on it, feeding it carefully and you scoot next to him, putting your head on his shoulder 
“That’s pretty hot,” you tell him and he looks down at you
“Oh? Do you wanna scoot back??” 
You giggle and push him a little “No, Buck. You’re hot” 
His cheeks flush as he looks at the fire in front of you both and rolls his eyes “Oh, thanks” 
You wrap your arms around his and snuggle against him “No, thank you. Today was really really great” 
“You think so?” He pulls his arm away for a second, putting it around you instead and cuddling up with you. He kisses your head and you blush 
“Yeah I know so, I’ve never been so happy with someone before,” you say quietly and he smiles, laying his cheek on your head 
“Yeah me either” 
The sun finally sets, the air around you becoming colder as you cuddle in front of the fire. He reaches behind him and pulls over the cutest little box in the shape of a giant s’more and you laugh 
“Oh my god I love that” you smile as he hands you a skewer with a marshmallow on it and you put it over the fire 
“I saw it at Target and have never put something in my cart so fast it’s literally so cute and a total waste of money” 
You toast your marshmallows to a nice brown while Buck literally sets four on fire and this doesn’t surprise you in the least. He likes making them almost as much as he likes eating them. He looks over at you, a wide grin on his marshmallow-covered cheeks and you giggle, sitting on your knees in front of him and licking his cheek 
He snorts and tosses his head back “You could have just given me a napkin”
“No this is way funnier” You give his other cheek a little lick and he reaches forward, yanking you into his lap 
“Maybe I’ll just use you as a napkin!!” You squeak as he kisses all over your face before kissing your lips, he tastes good, like the sweet marshmallows and dark chocolate, and a little summery and warm. 
“Mmmph” You whimper against his lips and his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He can’t get enough of your body, enough of your existence. 
“So gorgeous” He mumbles against your lips and you grin, nodding along with him 
“Damn right you are”
His cheeks flush as he gets a bit shy and pulls away some
“Why do you compliment me so much?” 
You look at him curiously, pulling away now too “What do you mean?”
“I just… you tell me I’m gorgeous or- or handsome” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” You look taken aback 
“I mean- why would you??” He asks quietly, looking up at the night sky and shrugging and you take a second, looking down at the sand before looking back at him and cupping his cheek to tilt his face to you… kind of understanding now where he’s coming from 
Evan Buckley is a breathtaking man. And you’re not sure anyone’s ever told him that he’s so much more than his looks. 
“Evan Buckley, you’re one of the sweetest, most caring guys I’ve ever met. You’re funny and sensitive. And I know you try your hardest with everything you do… I’m not- I'm not just into you for your looks Buck. I’m into you for your heart and the way you care for everyone around you with every last breath in your body. You save lives every day Buck! You’re a hero, you’re my hero” 
He didn’t mean to tear up, but he couldn’t help it, no one… no one really sees him for him when he goes on dates, sometimes his friends don’t even see him.
But you do. 
He wipes at his eyes quickly, clearing his throat and rolling his eyes trying to reign himself in before looking away from you 
“You’re such a sappy baby” 
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Buck lays back, propping himself up on his elbows as he stares up at the stars. That’s his real surprise, how dark it is over here. You can see more than you ever have before. He looks over at you, watching the sky like he is and his heart melts. Your eyes are so wide and sweet, there are literal stars in your eyes
He can’t stop thinking about what you’d said, or the way you tackled him over after he called you a baby and tickled him until he had to run to the ocean to pee to which you screamed in horror and he started chasing you around the fire. 
“I love you” 
You look over at him, the fire illuminating your soft honeyed skin, and he’s sure he’s seeing an angel all over again. His heart hurts with how badly he wants you, the air is sucked from his lungs the longer he stares at you 
“I know” 
“You don’t have to say it back, we aren’t even together yet and you know today was amazing but we still have a lot to learn about each other and I love you.”
You smirk at him as he rambles, because honestly? Truly? It’s on the tip of your tongue too. 
“Eddie’s gonna kill me for this”
“I won’t tell if you won’t” You put out your pinky finger and he smiles, linking his with yours 
He drops you off at home around 2 again and he knows Athena is definitely gonna kill him for this. He always brings you home way too late. You make him park down the street from the house so you can climb into his lap and make out with him one more time before going in. It’s a bit messy, he doesn’t bother being proper as he feels you up, his hands sliding up and down your sides and over your ass. It makes you giggle against his lips and nip at them while pulling his hair back. 
“So you’ll come over tomorrow, right? Since we stayed out so late today and you’ll sleep over? Just me and you?” He looks so sweet and hopeful as he asks, like a cute little puppy wagging his tail for treats 
“That sounds like a perfect plan,” you tell him just as excitedly and he squeezes you, hugging you dramatically 
“I can’t wait to spend the night with you”
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sharkinthetoilet · 2 years
How abt general headcanons of Tweek and Craig having another bf(like poly🤝) and what they would do on the daily etc etc 👍and said Bf/reader is very crafty and often makes them stuff like necklaces,Hats, and more
creek x reader; general headcanons
I actually can't express how happy I am to write this, tweek and craig my Skrunklies
gender: masculine
warnings: talk about anxiety
☆-day to day life with craig and tweek:
hang out with them is a daily routine, really
days, where you don't go to one of your houses, are very rare
both aren't very big on affection
except for physical
always holding hands, always hugging, always having an arm slung one another, physical affection is their way of showing they appreciate you
you always pair up in group works- most teachers allow you to do a group of 3, since the class isn't even anyways
on the rare occasion that you can't do a group of 3, you mourn over it, like you guys are never seeing each other again
if any of you 3 get sick, the other 2 will come and nurse them back to health
you guys always find a way to listen to music together
and awkwardly sing along to it
the whole class hates you guys for doing that
movie/series marathons every month
sleepovers are normally at craig's house
tweek's house is a taboo ( last time you were there, craig nearly attacked tweeks parents)
also they love your little handmade gifts
tweek displays them openly (not that you can see them, like I said, tweeks house is a taboo)
craig, while trying to act all cool and not completely touched by it, has a box filled with all the stuff you made him, that has hearts drawn all over it
both aren't necessarily people that try to payback with anything big
occasional dates planned by both of them (filled with tweek worrying, it's not good enough for you) or a bouquet of flowers, they split the bill for
as father nr.3 you get stripe every third week (1. craig 2. tweek 3. you)
once you built stripe the cutest guinea pig cage and your boyfriends officially gave you the title, of the person that keeps the house in order ( malewife reader? 🤨 /j)
craigs family loves you btw
I like to imagine that craig and tweek balance out perfectly, when it comes to helping you with stuff
tweek is more understanding, more emotionally connected and craig is the more logical one, that gives great advice
definitely a chaotic relationship, but both love you genuinely and are big cutie patooties
me rambling about being a silly little gay guy
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vanfleeter · 26 days
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Bound For Earth: Chapter 4
Characters: Jake Kiszka, Josh Kiszka, Sam Kiszka, Daniel Wagner, Marlie (Star) Warnings: 18+ || Language. Fluff. Brotherly banter. Teasing. Angst. Secrets. Lies. Feelings of frustration, anger, and resentment. Allusion to possible violence. Jealousy (if you squint).
Bound For Earth Masterlist
Life on the cruiser felt just like it did living on the station. Mom made sure that no matter what we still did our testing. Our monitors were checked at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day. Blood tests were still the same and everything. Still feeling like a damn guinea pig. But we made it to the four month mark, only two to four more months to go.
I managed to get access to a computer about a month ago so I was able to contact Marlie. She was surprised at first when I first messaged her. Eventually our messages turned into video calls so we could see each other. Her hair had grown slightly longer in the handful of months that we haven’t seen or spoken to each other.
I couldn’t wait to get to her. I couldn’t wait to do everything with her. I’ve been dreaming about walking the beach with her. In my dreams, the mystery woman was finally replaced with Marlie. The trip seemed to be taking forever and we’re only halfway to Earth.
“Jake and Marlie, sitting in a tree–”
“You better shut up..” I say as I whirl around to face Josh.
“You haven’t met this woman and you’re in so deep..”
“So what if I am?”
“You’re from two different planets,” Josh chuckles. “Eventually you’ll be going back to Mars and she’ll be staying on Earth.”
“Do you have to be such a downer?”
“I’m only stating the facts.” Josh says.
“Can’t you just let me have this?” Jake says.
“I’m letting you have a lot of things.” Josh says. “I just don’t want you to get your hopes up so high only to be crushed so soon.”
At least I’ll get to experience love, even if it is for a short amount of time. There’s quite a few things I’ll be experiencing for only a short time before we get sent back to Mars and go right back to how things were before. But I didn’t want to think about going back, not just yet. I want to focus on what’s coming up now. And I’m definitely looking forward to sleeping in a real bed again.
We’re basically tied down, or in this case, we’re wrapped in a cocoon of a sleeping bag. I turn over on the bed and stare at the blank ceiling. Rolling back over onto my stomach, I glance out the porthole style window and out into the open space around us. Stars still flash. Earth is getting closer but not close enough.
Damn, I wish we were going faster.
I videoed Marlie again. This time she was in a pair of red pajamas. I must’ve woken her up but she keeps denying it.
“How much longer now?” She asks.
“Less than two weeks,” I told her. “I’ll let you know when we get to the moon.”
“Never thought I’d ever hear those words being uttered out of someone’s mouth.” She says.
“Can I be honest about something?” I ask.
“I’m a little nervous,” I say.
“Makes two of us,” She says. “But it’s a good kind of nervous. You know, the giddy feeling where you when you think about the situation, you can’t help but to smile and you want to giggle and kick your feet.”
“I’m so nervous, I feel like I might vomit.”
She giggles and shakes her head. “You’ll be fine! And you better pass the twenty-four hour hold. I rented a cute little beach house, to give you a little taste of the beach before we go looking for your dad.”
I had been so focused on getting to Marlie that I forgot entirely about our dad. At first Josh called me crazy again for thinking something was going on, until I told him that I knew dad was home. Mom was lying. He isn’t on a trip. He’s home.
“You hacked into his phone?!” Josh whispers in a slightly raised voice. “Are you insane?”
“No.. But mom warned him that we’re coming to Earth and that we want to see him. She told him to leave and to take Sam with him.”
“Sam?” Josh’s face recoils. “Who’s Sam?”
“Hell if I know..” I say, shrugging my shoulders.
“Do you think they had a secret kid while Mom was away?” Josh ponders.
“Could explain why Dad “failed” his tests to come up to Mars for a visit.”
“Yeah, because he was busy raising another kid.”
I scoff, shaking my head. “Why wouldn’t they just tell us?”
We’ll be on Earth in less than two weeks and now I kind of don’t want to see him. He chose to stay on Earth to raise a child versus coming up to Mars to raise us. He chose whoever this ‘Sam’ is over his own two sons already growing up with a father, and mostly a mother. All I felt towards him now was resentment. They could have told us. They could have brought Sam with them to live with us. We could have been a real family living together. Josh and I wouldn't feel alone. Instead they chose to keep us separated and Dad chose to stay on Earth.
All that mattered to me now was getting to Marlie and experiencing Earth with her with whatever amount of time that I had. Josh can do whatever he pleases, he can see Dad and meet this Sam for all I care. I don’t want to know this person nor do I want to meet them. And if they knew about us this whole time, then I wouldn't know how to react.
Marlie: Are you ready to talk yet?
I just stare at the computer screen unable to type back a response.
Marlie: I take your silence as a no.
Jake: I’m still angry.
Marlie: You have every right to be. Just don’t push me out.
I’ve never done this before. I don’t know how a relationship is even supposed to work, if you can even call this a relationship yet.
Jake: I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that we have another sibling. Nor can I believe that our parents chose to keep them a secret.
Jake: But it also hurts because our dad chose to stay on Earth to raise them. He chose them over us.
Marlie: You keep saying ‘them’..
Jake: We don’t know what they are to us. A brother? A sister? All I know from our parents’ files is that they’re listed under the name Sam. I’m afraid of how I’ll react if Sam is our brother.
Marlie: Afraid you’ll be angry even more knowing that your dad chose him over the two of you?
Jake: Yeah… He has two sons already that needed a father and he didn’t even make an effort..
Jake: Ever since finding out this information, all I can feel is regret wanting to come to Earth.. And I shouldn’t.. Because aside from them, I have you.. I want to see you, I want to hold you, I want to kiss you..
Marlie: You had me worried there for a second.. I was about to start yelling at you.
I can’t fight the smile as it graces my face. I could never regret her. She’s made this past year bearable back on Mars, even if we were millions of miles apart. For six months, I only knew her as Star. She told me that whenever I look at the stars, I think of her. And I do. I still do. Every time a star passes by the cruiser, my heart races when she appears in my thoughts.
I have a crush on her, sure. But truthfully, I’m falling in love with her.
Jake: I could never regret you.
The two weeks seemed to go by quickly and soon we found ourselves just twenty feet from the landing pad outside of headquarters. Unbuckling ourselves when the time is right, we make our way towards the exit of the cruiser. As soon as my foot touches the ground from the last step, I begin to feel the heaviness on my body. My lungs struggle to expand but I’m sure that in time I will grow used to the gravity on this planet and I won’t struggle as much.
Once we were inside the base, Josh and I were immediately escorted to a separate facility where we were hooked up to IV bags and oxygen masks. “I feel silly..” Josh speaks, his voice muffled by the oxygen mask.
“Is this really necessary?” I ask the medical staff as he takes down our vitals.
“It is,” He says. “We must get your body accustomed to these new conditions.”
“How long will it take? I have places to be.”
“The normal twenty-four hour hold that everyone must go through after spending time in lighter conditions.” He finishes taking Josh’s vitals before closing his clipboard and leaving the room.
“This is going to be the longest twenty-four hours ever…” Josh grumbles.
Time kept in isolation from all other people, we were finally released. We were given clean clothes to change into before we were escorted into a different area.
Screens littered the walls, monitoring different things and showing videos of something else. “Joshua and Jacob Kiszka. It is quite the honor to be in the presence of you two.” A man says as he weaves his way around tables and desks. “Welcome to Earth.”
“Way to not make us feel like aliens,” Josh says. I crack a smile and stuff my hands into the pockets of my pants.
“I am Walter Camens, the CEO of Explore Tech.” The man says holding his hand for us to shake. I keep mine in my pockets but Josh is kind of enough to outstretch his hand to Walter. After shaking Josh’s hand, Walter turns his attention to me. “Jacob, I must commend you on your ability to sneak aboard the cruiser. I admit that I underestimated your abilities.”
I’m not sure if I should thank him or if I should stay quiet. I chose to stay quiet, still not fully trusting him.
“It has always been his dream to come to Earth,” Josh says.
“Well you have made it.”
“We were hoping that we would be given time to meet our family,” Josh continues. “Our dad lives in Dallas with our sibling, Sam. A-And Jake has a friend that he would like to meet with.”
“I am afraid that we cannot let the two of you leave,” Walter says. “We do not yet know if your bodies can withstand Earth gravity.”
“Well we are your guinea pigs,” I say, a smirk growing on my face. “No?”
“We can’t risk it.”
“We risked coming here,” I say as I remove my hands from my pockets. “And we survived. Least you can do is let us try.”
“I am sorry.. Per your mother’s request, you are to remain here until the next transport back to Mars.”
“What? No!” I shout, my voice bouncing off the walls.
“I’m sorry, but we cannot risk your lives any further..” He waves his hand, signaling to someone behind us. “Please take them back to their room where they will stay for the duration of their stay.”
I feel a pair of hands grab hold my arms and I turn my head to see two security guards ready to escort us out. “No!” I shout again as I struggle to free myself. “You can’t do this! We have a right to be here! Let go!”
Back into the same room we go and the door is latched behind us. I curse and bang on the door because that’s all I can do. We made it this far, it won’t end here.
“It’s no use, Jake..” Josh says as he leans against the wall. “We can’t go out there..”
“We will get out of here. I didn’t come all this way just for it to end here.”
Nightfall came and I eventually gave up, dozing on and off again against the wall beside the door. All I could think about was Marlie. She knows we’re here and yet nothing can be done about it.
As my eyes start to droop closed, I hear the latch on the door unlock. I perk up and look over towards one of the beds only to find them empty. Where was Josh? The door begins to open and Josh peeks his head around it.
“Oh good, you’re awake,” He says.
“How did you-”
“I’ll explain later but security is currently changing so we have about five minutes to get away from here before the new shift comes in.”
I quickly follow behind him as he brings the two of us through empty corridors. We begin to hear voices and he pushes us both against the wall. A couple guards walk past, going down the adjacent hallway, not even noticing us in the process. Josh slowly peers around the corner before grabbing my arm and pulling me along with him down the hallway.
“How do you know where to go?” I ask from behind him.
“I said I would explain later.. Now be quiet..”
Coming to the end of the hallway, he pulls out a keycard and swipes it and the door unlocks. He gets us both through it and suddenly I’m blasted with the dry heat of Texas. It’s still dark out but there’s plenty of lights. He pushes me behind a large metal container.
“There’s a gate just over on the other side where trucks come in and out frequently.” He pulls me over to the side of the container and points to a truck on the loading dock. “That one there is leaving in approximately five minutes, so we have to get on that one in order to get the hell out of here.”
“Do you even know where it's going?”
“Last I heard was Dallas which is where we need to be.” He slowly stands to his feet, still keeping to a low crouched position. “Ready to run?”
“Let’s go..”
On his call, we race across the lot and towards the truck where we climb in and hide in the very back, hidden behind all of the boxes. We can hear a couple men speaking as they load more boxes.
“I think we’re good,” One of them says.
“Alright let’s head out.” The other says before he’s pulling down the hatch and locking it.
I hadn’t realized that I had fallen asleep until Josh was shaking me awake. “Wake up, they stopped.” He whispers.
The back of the truck is being unlatched and the hatch is pulled open. “Let’s head in first to grab the lift.” Once Josh deemed that the coast was clear, we quickly made a run for it across the different parking lots and towards the gates. Gravity is so much different making it slightly more difficult for us to run.
What felt like hours of walking, Josh made the decision to finally stop and rest for a minute to catch our breath. We had no idea where we were supposed to go and no idea where we currently were. Josh had remembered Dad’s address from the files and wanted to find our way there, but I wanted nothing to do with that.
“You don’t even have to talk to him,” Josh says. “But we need somewhere to stay.” Even though I know he’s right and that we do need to find a place to stay, I just don’t want it to be at Dad’s place. But I give in anyway and Josh hails down a taxi.
“You think you’re the only one who watches movies?” He says as a taxi pulls up to the side of the road. We get in and he gives the driver the address.
As the taxi pulls up in front of the house and both of our jaws drop open. This house is huge. What are they–rich? We climb out of the taxi and Josh promises a form of payment before we’re walking up the walkway to the front door. I can’t even begin to describe this house. Think of the houses you see on those reality tv shows where they sell multi-million dollar homes and this would be it.
Josh reaches for the doorbell and presses it. We waited a couple minutes. Would take a while considering the size of this place. But when the door opens we’re greeted with a woman.
“Can I help you?” She asks.
“We’re here to see Paul..” Josh says. “Our father..”
The woman’s jaw falls open as she looks at us in disbelief. “I was unaware that he had more than one son.”
Ah, Sam. Turns out he is our brother.
The taxi driver honks the horn and the woman looks around us. “Please come in.. I will handle the driver..” She says as she ushers us inside while she steps out.
We find that inside is a lot more spacious. The ceiling has to at least be between twelve and fifteen feet high. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling. There’s glass everywhere. Nothing is opaque. A floating staircase leads up to a second floor landing while a different one goes downstairs. Off to our right is a sitting room and to our left is an office, presumably Dad’s. Floor to ceiling windows are more common in this place than actual windows apparently. Doesn’t seem very..private.
“Darlene?” We hear a man’s voice call from the second floor. “Who’s at the–” He stops talking when he appears around the corner. He’s tall, most likely taller than us. His hair is about as long as mine and he sports more facial hair than me and Josh put together. He’s more slender than we are and his face is more long vertically versus our somewhat more rounder features. He does have the same brown eyes as us. “Who are you?”
“We could ask you the same question..” I say, earning Josh’s elbow into my side. I glare at him and he gives me his “Knock it off” look.
He clears his throat and looks back at the man standing on the second floor landing. “We’re uh.. Geez, I’m not entirely sure how to say this.. We’re your brothers.. I’m Josh and he is Jake.. We’re twins.”
“Don’t think he cares about that detail..” I mutter to him.
“My brothers..” The man states. “I don’t have brothers.. I’m an only child.”
Mmm, seems someone else has been lied to too.
“You are Sam, no?”
“I am..” He says. “But I don’t know you..”
“Why would you?” Josh awkwardly laughs. “We were born on Mars,” He adds, peeking Sam’s interest by the way his eyebrows raise. “Long story..”
Sam slowly walks towards the stairs but stops in front of the top step. “I’ve heard stories of two kids being born on Mars,” He begins to say. “But how would you be my brothers? I’ve been an only child my whole life, never once was I ever told that I have siblings.”
He slowly walks down the stairs, as if he’s afraid of us. Can’t say that I blame him. I’d probably be feeling the same if I were in his shoes. Oh wait.. I am.. Just feeling anger and resentment. He got to grow up with our father, he got to have a normal relationship with him. He was chosen over us.
“Are either of you thirsty? Hungry?” He asks once he reaches the bottom step. He leads us around the corner through the sitting room and into a modern and open kitchen.
“Water’s fine.. Kind of parched..” Josh says. “We’ve had quite a day.”
“It’s only noon.” Sam says.
“Again.. Long story..”
I roll my eyes and stay off to the side of the room and lean against the wall. Sam reaches into a cupboard and pulls out a couple glasses and fills them with water from the fridge. He sets them on the counter and Josh gladly takes his, whereas I just stare at mine.
“Sam?” Another man calls out from somewhere in the house. Definitely does not sound like Dad.
“Kitchen!” Sam calls back.
In walks a man, just as tall as Sam but more fit and slightly more muscular. His hair is in curls and stops at his shoulders. His face is more slender and his nose is kind of..big. He stares at the both of us in confusion as he walks over to Sam.
“Oh uh, my brothers–apparently..” Sam says, motions his hands out towards us. “That one is Josh and Mr. Broody over there is Jake.”
Mr. Broody–nice nickname little brother. I give him a smug smile and cross my arms over my chest.
“Brothers? You have..brothers?”
“Seems so,” Sam inhales sharply. “They are the two kids that were born on Mars nearly thirty years ago. Josh, Jake–this is Danny, my childhood friend.”
“Woah.. Wait.. Mars?!” Excitement fills his eyes and all I want to do is burst his little bubble of joy. Not as glamorous or fun as he thinks it might be. “Oh my god, I remember learning about you guys in like third grade science! I always thought it would be so cool to live on another planet! I’ve been training with Explore Tech.. Hoping to get up there on the next transport.”
“Would be cool to have someone around our age up there,” Josh says. “We’re literally surrounded by middle aged people.”
“Don’t get your hopes up though,” I say. “It’s not as cool as you might imagine.. Do you have a phone that I could use? I need to make a call.”
“Yea, here!” Danny says as he hands over a small looking tablet. “You don’t have cell phones up there, do you?”
“Like I said, not as cool.” I say as I watch him type in a passcode and pull up a keypad. He hands it over and I briefly thank him before leaving the kitchen.
“Marlie..” I sigh.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“Oh my god! Where are you?! I saw on the news that the cruiser landed yesterday and I hadn’t heard from you yet! I was worried something happened..”
“I’m fine–we’re fine..” I look over my shoulder at them behind me only to find Sam staring at me. I turned back around before continuing, “We uh, we snuck out of Headquarters–stowed away in the back of a transport truck that was headed here to Dallas.”
“Do you need me to come to you guys? Where are you?”
“We’re at my dad’s, I’ll text you the address.”
“Please do, I want to see you.”
I smile and run a hand over the back of my neck. “I want to see you too.”
“Text me the address and I’ll be there soon.”
We both hung up and I sent her the address. Once I saw the word ‘delivered’ pop up beneath the message, I quickly deleted the thread before closing out of the messages and locking the phone. Before I even could turn around, I heard something click behind me. “Don’t..move.” Sam says behind me.
Apologies in advanced with this taglist, I have recently been having problems with it!
@watchingover-hypegirl @losfacedevil @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @writingcold (more tags in comments)
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felixsramen · 1 year
Rainy Days
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Link to my master list for Mommy May: Mommy May
Warnings: grinding, blow jobs, fucking, Soft Dom Mommy Yunho, Hard Dom Mommy Hongjoong, Consent, Breeding kink, aftercare, I may be missing more if I am please let me know in the comments and I'll fix it
Pairing: Mommy Hongjoong x Mommy Yunho x Reader
Synopsis: You wake up to a rainy day by yourself neither of your boyfriends in sight. They leave a note saying they went to the grocery store. When they return they decide they should make it up to you.
How do you tell the difference Yunho refers to reader as baby Hongjoong refers to reader as Princess
It was always nice sitting by the window listening to the rain hit the glass softly. The thunder making you feel safe. Yet currently the storm wasn't comforting with both of your boyfriends gone out today. A note sits on the fridge signed prettily in one of your boyfriends handwriting. Probably Hongjoongs.
"You were sleeping so peacefully we didn't want to wake you up. We're off to the grocery store to get stuff for the house. We may not be back for a while if the storm gets worse. We love you princess." Read the note.
You had waken up to a cold empty bed. You had walked out the room and had seen no sign of Yunho or Hongjoong. You had finally noticed the tiny paper stuck to the fridge.
You currently were sitting beside the window head on your knees blanket wrapped around you staring out the window.
2 hours now you've sat by the window listening to the rain hoping your boyfriends will be back soon.
You started getting sleepy eyes barely open to see anything. Before you know it your eyes are heavier than you know and you slip into the dream world.
Suddenly a car door shuts. You jump slightly but relax seeing the familiar black hoodies you had gotten them for Christmas.
Both boys grab the groceries quickly. You get up unlocking the door and opening it. You're met with both boys drenched and grocery bags in hand and they head to the kitchen setting the groceries down. You close the door locking it. You walk into the kitchen behind your boyfriends.
Yunho and Hongjoong both take their hoods off. Yunho lets out a sigh.
"That rain is cold." Your tall boyfriend says.
You laugh at both boys who's hair is somehow soaked.
"What are you laughing at?" Hongjoong says eyebrow raised smiling.
"You look like a drenched guinea pig." Yunho says beside him laughing.
Hongjoong rolls his eyes smiling. "You look like a drenched dog so I don't know why you're talking." He says looking at his tall shared boyfriend.
"Oh yeah?" Yunho says smirking. He then shakes his hair swinging the droplets of water everywhere.
"Yunho!" You shriek laughing.
Yunho finally stops shaking his head smiling.
"Sorry baby." Yunho says.
Hongjoong glares at his boyfriend playfully.
Hongjoong walks up to you and you wrap your hands around his waist and lean your head on his shoulder. Yunho goes to putting stuff up.
"I missed you both." You say sighing finally back in the arms of one of your two lovers.
Hongjoong chuckles. "We were only gone a few hours." He says one hand going to your back to stroke it.
You finally pull away and intertwine your fingers together. You look at the black nail polish on his fingers some chipped away.
"We got to paint his nails again Yunho." You say looking to your taller boyfriend who puts the last of the groceries away.
"Do we? I thought we just painted them like 3 days ago." Yunho says coming over to you both. He grabs one of Hongjoongs hands looking at the nail polish.
"You guys painted them like a week ago." Hongjoong says one of his hands in yours and the other in Yunhos.
"We do need to paint them again." Yunho mutters softly inspecting them.
"How'd both of your hair get wet?" You say looking up at Hongjoong.
"Ask Yunho." Hongjoong says cutting his eyes at him.
"I said I was sorry." Yunho says pouting.
"What'd you do?" You say curiously.
"It stopped raining and so we took off our hoodies. Hongjoong told me to hold onto them in case it rains again. Well I kind of accidentally left them in the car. So we had to run to the car without hoodies." Yunho says scratching the back of his neck.
You laugh at your forgetful boyfriend.
"I love you, you know that right?" You say smiling at him.
He smiles back down at you. "I love you too." He says leaning down and kissing you.
He pulls away too early for your liking. You pout at him. He laughs softly and kisses you again. You hold onto his hoodie and deepen the kiss.
Yunho pulls away softly. "Want both of my mommy's." You say hands still curled against his hoodie keeping him close.
Yunho smirks. He looks over to Hongjoong who's also smirking.
"You want mommy?" Yunho says eyes not leaving yours. Suddenly you feel another pair of hands from behind.
"You heard our baby." Hongjoong says as he kisses your neck. You move your head so he has more access.
"She wants us to fuck her dumb." Hongjoong says hands roaming your body.
"Where do you want to do it baby?" Yunho says asking you. Yunho was always softer than Hongjoong but you loved both of your mommy's equally.
"Don't care just want Mommys to fuck me." You say as Hongjoong keeps leaving kisses on your neck. He stops and smirks after a minute.
"How about the living room so you can relax some." Yunho says suggesting it more to Hongjoong than you.
Hongjoong nods.
Hongjoong moves away from you but quickly grabs your waist again when he notices your knees start to give out.
"Can't even walk right?" Hongjoong says laughing.
"I'm sorry Mommy." You say quietly and look down.
Yunho lifts your face to look at him. "It's okay baby Hongjoong is just teasing isn't that right?" Yunho says looking at him.
"Mhmm." Hongjoong says holding onto your waist.
"Mommy will carry you baby." Yunho says and Hongjoong lets you go when Yunho gets a grip on you and picks you up.
He walks you to the living room. It's still raining but the rain is comforting and safe with your mommy's beside you.
Yunho sits on the couch and has you facing him on his lap.
"You going to grind against mommy's cock?" Yunho says hands resting on your hips. You bite your lip and nod.
Hongjoong sits beside you watching you and Yunho's every move.
"You're going to grind on one of your mommy's cock like a slut huh?" Hongjoong says teasing you even more.
You whine tucking your head into Yunho's neck embarrassed.
Yunho moves you out of his neck and forces you to look at him.
"Are you going to answer mommy's question?" Yunho said.
"Yes going to grind against Mommy's cock like a slut." You say answering your other Mommy.
"Good job baby." He says smiling at you.
Yunho hands stay on your hips. He nods telling you you could move now.
You slowly moving against his clothed cock. You moan at the friction of your thin shorts and Yunho's sweatpants.
"Mommy." You say.
Yunho smiles at you. "What does my baby want? He says acting as if you grinding against his hard on wasn't driving him crazy.
"Mommy wanna feel you." You say whining between your moans.
"Is that right? Do you think my baby should?" Yunho says asking Hongjoong.
Hongjoong pretends to think about it but in reality he already had his mind made up.
"I don't think our princess has worked hard enough for it." Hongjoong says smirking at you.
You start crying frustrated. "Look at that Yunho our princess is crying because we aren't giving in." He says fake pouting.
"Our baby just wants to be fucked dumb." Yunho says smiling at you.
"Please Mommy." You say pleading with both males.
Yunho looks at Hongjoong who's just smirking.
"Okay baby." Yunho says giving in. You could always count on Yunho to give in to you.
"But first got to do Mommy Joong a favor." Yunho says. You nod shaking your head as quickly as the words that came out of his mouth. At this point it didn't matter what he wanted you to do you just wanted to be fucked.
Hongjoong laughs at you. "Look at our princess so quick to agree to anything just to be fucked dumb."
"Please Mommy I'll be a good girl for you." You say begging at this point.
Hongjoong could've cum right then from you begging. "Yeah. Is that right?" He says watching you.
"Yes Mommy." You say.
"Mommy wants you to suck him off." Yunho says as he rubs your back calming you.
"You okay with that princess?" Hongjoong says softly. He was always the rougher of the two but he could always be gentle.
"Yes Mommy." You say taking a deep breath before.
Yunho smiles at you sweetly.
He grabs your hand as you slowly move onto the floor. Hongjoong grabs a pillow from the couch and puts it on the ground in front of him.
You gently place your knees on the pillow.
"Pretty baby." Yunho says eyes filled with love.
You look up to Hongjoong who has the same look in his eyes.
"You know the system princess. Tap once for me to continue. Tap twice for me to slow down. Tap three times for me to stop." Hongjoong says.
You nod and Hongjoong lets you get away with it this time. He knew you weren't completely there with him so he let you go.
He pushes down his pants and boxers releasing himself from the confined space.
He guides his dick to your mouth which you open.
Hongjoong groans as your warm mouth meets his dick. It takes all of his self control to not fuck your mouth instantly.
"Fucking hell princess." Hongjoong says as he bottoms out in your throat.
"I'm going to fuck your throat Princess that okay?" Hongjoong asks you.
You tap his thigh once for him to continue.
Hongjoongs hand find the back of your head and runs his finger through your hair before grabbing it and pulling you off his cock. Without warning he shoved you back down.
You can't help but try to cough but Hongjoongs cock is making it hard to do that. Hongjoong pulls you off giving you time to cough and catch air.
Hongjoong looks at you with concern. Maybe he shouldn't have decided to fuck your throat. Yet when he looks back at you drool down your chin his cock can't help but twitch.
"Are you okay baby?" Yunho asks you. You nod.
"I'm okay Mommy." You say voice hoarse from the coughing fit.
"You want to continue?" Hongjoong asks you.
"Princess we don't have to continue." Hongjoong says concerned when you don't respond.
"No I want to." You say looking back at him.
Hongjoong smiles softly at you. "Mommy fuck me please." You say begging him.
"Yunho what do you think?" Hongjoong says asking his boyfriend who's been quiet this whole time.
"I think she should finish sucking you off and then you can give her a reward." Yunho says watching both of you.
"You heard that Princess?" Hongjoong says hand going under your shirt tugging at your nipples.
You arch your back into him and Hongjoong watches with amazement. Hongjoong hands leave your nipples from under your shirt.
"Y-yes Mommy." You say replying to his question.
Yunho smiles at your response.
"Good girl." Hongjoong coos at you.
"Go ahead finish sucking mommy off." Hongjoong says and you take him back in your mouth.
Hongjoong groans as you bob your head up and down his dick. "Fuck Princess you're doing so well." Hongjoong says.
Yunho's lips meet Hongjoongs neck kissing it. He slowly starts leaving hickies. Hongjoong groans even more.
"You watching our Princess suck you off good." Yunho says and Hongjoong bites his lips eyes meeting yours.
"She's doing so good isn't she?" Yunho says and leaves another hickey.
"So fucking good." Hongjoong says replying and Yunho can tell Hongjoong is close.
"Going to cum in our baby's mouth? Watch as she swallows it?" Yunho says and Hongjoong curses hips stuttering and Hongjoong cums inside your mouth grinding into your mouth as he cums down your throat.
You swallow Hongjoongs cum and release him from your mouth.
"You did so good sucking Mommy's cock baby." Yunho says cooing at you.
Hongjoong tries to catch his breath. "Princess open your mouth." Hongjoong says and you do just that.
Hongjoong groans eyes rolling to the back of his head as he sees the droplets that are left of his cum. "Going to make me cum again princess." Hongjoong says.
Yunho brings your lips to his tasting Hongjoongs cum. "Taste so good." Yunho says smirking.
"Yunho I'll fuck you right here. Don't play with me." Hongjoong says and Yunho chuckles.
"Maybe that's what I want you to do." He says and Hongjoong is ready to do exactly that.
"Mommy?" You say and both guys attention go to you.
"Would love that so much but we promised our baby she'd get fucked." Yunho says turning to you.
Yunho pulls down his shorts and boxers. "Come here baby. Mommy made a promise." Yunho says and he helps you to hover over him.
"Mommy's going to fuck you." Yunho says hand going to your back rubbing it.
"So pretty." Yunho mumbles once again.
He helps you to sink on him slowly lowering you until you bottom out on him.
You moan and Yunho does the same. "Fuck baby. You're so tight. We don't fuck you enough?" Yunho says questioning you.
You whine in response. When Yunho thinks you've adjusted he gives an experimental thrust. You moan out.
"Fuck me please Mommy." You whine out and lean your head against Yunho's shoulder.
"Whatever my baby wants." Yunho says slowly moving out and back into you. You can't help but moan at the feeling of Yunho's cock fucking into you slowly.
"Look at me baby." Yunho says and you lift your head.
"Doing so good." Comes from beside you as Hongjoong rubs your back.
"Taking me so well baby." Yunho says moaning through his words.
"Fuck look at that Princess." Hongjoong says eyes going to your stomach. You can see the outline of Yunho's cock.
"Fuck." Yunho says eyes rolling back as his eyes meet your stomach.
"Going to cum on Yunho's cock Princess?" Hongjoong says hand going to his cock.
"Please Mommy." You whine not sure why you were whining though.
"Mommy's going to fuck you full." Yunho says still moaning.
Hongjoong moans mix with yours and Yunho's.
"Going to fuck our Princess full of your cum. Get her pregnant." Hongjoong says and Yunho fucks into you faster at Hongjoongs dirty words.
"Would you like that Princess? I know Mommy would love it considering how he's fucking into you." Hongjoong says moaning at the thought of you being fucked full of both of your boyfriends cum.
"Would love it more than anything." You mumble mind gone and you're babbling at this point.
"Going to cum Mommy. Please let me cum." You say sobbing overwhelmed.
"Fuck go ahead baby." Yunho says and you cum at his permission. Your eyes roll back as you cum.
As you come down from your high Yunho is still fucking you through it. "Going to fuck you full. Get you pregnant you'd like that. Mommy getting you pregnant." Yunho says and you nod as he overstimulates you trying to fuck you towards his own orgasm.
His teeth are gritted. "Would love to be full of Mommy." You say babbling still. You were completely gone at this point.
"Fuck baby." Yunho says as he cums inside you and at the same time Hongjoong cums.
As Yunho breathes heavily you lay your head on his shoulder. You can hear Hongjoongs heavy breathing to and maybe it was yours too.
Yunhos hand goes to your back rubbing it as you both calm down in each other's hold. It could've been a minute or even 10.
You didn't even notice Hongjoong had left too busy trying to calm your breathing.
"C'mon prince and Princess." Hongjoong says and Yunho pulls out of you and you whince at the feeling of being empty.
Yunho picks you up in his arms and you cling to him as he takes you to the bathroom.
As you enter you're met with the smell of Honeysuckle. The smell calms you as Yunho enters the bathtub you in his hands. Hongjoong gets into the tub with you guys.
You were lucky to have gotten a big tub so all three of you could fit. Your back against Yunho's chest you lean into his hold.
"We're going to wash you baby." Hongjoong says and you nod sleepily.
Hongjoong grabs the loofah and pours soap into it. He lathers it up and Yunho grabs your arm and lets each by each so Hongjoong can scrub you.
Hongjoong finally gets to your pussy and you whine at the sensitivity. "I know baby I'm sorry." Hongjoong says concerned.
He finally finished and he and Yunho clean each other off. Yunho sighs knowing you guys needed to leave the bathroom soon.
"I'll go get you guys some clothes and change real quick." Yunho says and he kisses yours and Hongjoongs cheek.
Hongjoong opens his arms for Yunho to lift you into Hongjoongs grip instead.
Yunho gets out of the tub and grabs a towel and closes the door behind him walking to your room.
"How you feeling princess?" Hongjoong asks you.
"A little sore but I'm okay Mommy." You say reassuring him.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you earlier." Hongjoong says concerned and he rubs your arms.
"It's okay Mommy. I liked it." You say and Hongjoong smiles at you.
Yunho comes into the bathroom with clothes for the both of you and in his own clothes hair wet. He pulls towels out for you and Hongjoong and helps you both out of the bathtub.
Yunho helps both of you into your clothes.
"You didn't have to do that." Hongjoong says to his younger boyfriend.
"I know but you're my boyfriend I like doing that for you." Yunho says and Hongjoong looks down cheeks going red.
Yunho grabs Hongjoongs face and smiles at him and he kisses Hongjoong who kisses him back.
Yunho pulls away still smiling at him. Hongjoong smiles back. They both look at you smiling as you smile back at them.
They both kiss your cheeks at the same time mimicking each other.
"My turn to carry you." Hongjoong says and lifts you up and carries you to all of yours shared room. You giggle when he gets in the room and he kisses all over your face
"My pretty Princess. Your mommy's love you." Hongjoong says grinning at you as you stop laughing.
"I love my mommy's too." You say and Yunho and Hongjoong fall even more in love with if that was even possible.
To think you were just by yourself this morning and now you lay between the two men who care about each other and you the most.
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ornii · 2 years
Bitterly Beautiful, Part 4
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Chapter 4: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
"I just, don't think I understand her.."
(Y/n) sits, Legs crossed on the bed of Enid Sinclair as she paints his fingernails, it never bothers (Y/n) to be the Guinea Pig for Enid's ridiculous theories on color palettes and designs; he couldn't see any of it to begin with, what did help him was the ear she lent him.
"Oh (Y/n), Silly (Y/n)," Enid says, finally being coy herself. "Women are an enigma that a man simply can't understand."
"Women? You're still a Teenager Enid." He said annoyed, Enid scoffed at this.
"Am not! I have grown into a respectful and very intelligent woman."
"Enid the first time I met you I told you Santa wasn't real you cried for a week and said you'd spit on my grave.. what has changed?" He says and she rolls her eyes.
"If you could see I'm rolling my eyes right now." She says with a smile, he snickers, but sighs soon after.
"I hope you're right Enid, I think Wednesday is great, I just think she hates me."
"She hates everyone." Enid replies, "You don't have to keep up this act, be emotional, cry a little."
"I think If I cried she'd probably like it."
"No, I just think she likes seeing people miserable." (Y/n) replies and Enid waves it off.
"Not true, I bet she's trying to come up with the best way to invite you to the Rav'N." Enid says, now her turn trying to reassure her bestie.
"You think so?" He asks, and she nods.
"I know so. So, when you get the chance, tell her with confidence that you want to go to the Rav'N with her!"
The Jericho county morgue is a place housing the corpses of those who met an unfortunate passing lately. What it also held was valuable information for a certain creepy girl. Something makes its way through the ventilation shaft and drops down on a camera. Thing, who spatters black Bubblegum all over the Security camera watching the door. Thing drops down and crawls to the door, opening it via a button and Wednesday creeps in.
"Dr. Kinbott tells me I should get out more. Says I need to open my mind to new people and experiences. Who am I to argue with her professional clichés?" Wednesday says, and she and Thing enter the main room.
"While I do the autopsy, you find the files of the monster's other victims and make copies." She says to thing who taps loudly in refusal.
"Don't pout. Your scalpel skills are questionable. Do you remember my 13th birthday, when Uncle Fester gave me that cadaver? You sliced right through that man's carotid."  She says, Thing taps more and Wednesday this time halts everything.
"I did not invite (Y/n) because his indecisiveness about his feelings would slow me down. I'm not indecisive, I know what I desire." She says, Wednesday locks the door back and Thing makes a few gestures.
"No, I did not leave him back at Nevermore because I care about him, I only care about the truth." She says, Thing makes a gesture with two fingers hitting each other; almost like Kissing, Wednesday turns to him with her cold stare.
"Say that again and I'll find you a permanent slot in this Morgue."
Thing, realizing he actually prefers living quits and heads to copy, and Wednesday now heads to the chambers holding the corpses and prepares for what's ahead. Wednesday begins to open up contains corpses, absolutely unfazed by any of it.
"No. No. Magnificent hematoma. There you are." She says, and drags one out, the old man who got visions of hell tossed into his face. Dead. Wednesday begins her autopsy. Probably something she genuinely enjoys doing.
"Thursday, 7:23 p.m. The body is that of a 50-year-old male. Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands. What remains of the chest and torso indicates a frenzied attack. The subject has been almost entirely disemboweled. This is curious. The subject's left foot is missing. It appears to have been chewed off at the ankle." Wednesday begins her Analysis, but Thing comes rushing in, tapping wildly.
"Have you seen a left foot anywhere? Calm down. Who's coming?" She asks, she hears the front door open and looks around for a hiding place, unfortunately, there's no (Y/n) to hide behind this time. So she picks the perfect place. The Sherrif enters with a man of bronze-colored skin and a salt and pepper beard, obviously in his older years.
"Appreciate you coming back to the office, Doc." The Sheriff says as they enter the Morgue.
"No problem, Sheriff. Whatever I can do to help. Whatever or whoever is responsible for these killings... In all my years, I've never seen injuries like them. I thought you should see this before I issued my report on the latest victim. It's a real noodle-scratcher. The killer cut off two toes from the victim's left foot. My best guess, they used a surgical saw. The final autopsy report's still pending."
"Minute you're done, send it straight to my desk. Media blackout on the toes."
"Sure thing, Sheriff. Been a busy couple of weeks, huh? At least I'm going out in style. Friday's my last day."
"Happy retirement, Doc."
"Gonna surprise Mrs. Anwar with a four-week cruise. Excited to trade rib shears for Mai Tais. See yourself out. I'll lock up." the Doctor says, and Sheriff obliges and leaves, the Doctor noticed that the door to one of the corpses was, open, he closes it but takes one more precaution. He opens it to Wednesday, who seems as dead as most. Her skin was cold, eyes were unmoving and stiff.
"I don't remember this one coming in. Full rigor. You've been dead a while. Guess you won't mind waiting another day for me to cut you open." He says with an uncomfortable smile, he closes it back up and leaves; letting Thing escape from the cap of a skeleton anatomy diagram. He fiddles over back to the door and opens it up to a surprisingly alive Wednesday has her eyes closed, and gingerly opens them.
"Five more minutes. I was just getting comfortable."
The next morning at Nevermore, Wednesday is in her Dorm, pinning up clues and pieces to the puzzle of Nevermore, which mostly looked like crime scene photos.
"When I suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, I did not have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind," Enid said, approaching from behind to look at this odd collaboration of Gore.
"Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection," Wednesday replies looking back at Enid, who begins to question her.
"Is this why you snuck out last night?"
"Thing and I made an unsanctioned trip to the morgue to copy the files of the monster's victims."
"Okay, there are so many levels of "ew" in that statement, I don't know where to begin. (Y/n) was worried about you." Enid says, Wednesday's attitude softens a bit as if she's a bit, glad he was concerned for her, As she looks Enid up and down, again she shoves her feelings away and continues.
"I need to get inside its head. Discover any patterns or anomalies. I've already made a big discovery. Turns out all of the monster's victims have had body parts surgically removed." She begins, takes off the photos, and hands them to Enid for her to look at them but it's obvious Enid isn't taking it too well.
"The first one a kidney, the second a finger...
"Wednesday, I don't feel—"
"Third a gall bladder. And the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes. Do you understand what this means? These murders aren't mindless. He's collecting trophies like a seasoned serial killer. It's impressive." She says, she turns back around to shoe Enid more, but Enid has already hit the ground unconscious.
"It's Vasovagal syncope."
(Y/n) stands there as he picks Enid up off the ground. Wednesday watches quietly from her side of the room.
"Makes people feint at sighs like blood and gore." He says as he lays her in the bed, he combs back her hair, he looks downward at her, like a sleeping beauty.
"You seem to know much about her, what are you, her doctor?" She asks, (Y/n) turns towards her.
"I'm her friend, and who knows maybe I'll end up a pediatrician, or Veterinarian, or your therapist when you eventually wind up in the psych ward." He says sarcastically and Wednesday folds her arms.
"You're using comedy to hide your own issues."
"Oh, you think I'm funny?" He says.
"That's not what I said."
"All I heard is that you think I'm funny."
He says, he looks back at her and reaches into his pocket. He grabs a small vial of smelling salts and waves them under her nose. Her eyes open quickly as she sits up.
"Wednesday I don't think—" she begins, but sees the two look at her.
".. I fainted, didn't I?" She says sheepishly, (Y/n) just laughs and helps her up, and the only thing Miss Addams can do, is watch them. Her eyes focus right on (Y/n). He always seems so, Chummy and caring if Enid like they’re family.
"While most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sеxual trickery or deception." Miss Thornhill is giving a lecture on Carnivore plants, Wednesday sits next to Xavier, who looks a bit worse for wear. He notices Wednesdays piercing eyes glaring at him.
"I tweaked my back fencing." He says, Thornhill continues.
"The orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in. Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?" She asks:
"Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave'N." Bianca says. Which some students laugh.
"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework. But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. Anyone interested, come and see me up here."
"You're not gonna volunteer? Aren't you pumped about disco balls and spiked punch? There's even a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz."
"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes." Wednesday says with clandestine annoyance. Xavier just smirks.
"Being around blind people I thought you'd think better than that. You know, you could invite someone and have a little fun." Xavier says, Wednesday attempts to ignore his dry humor.
Wednesday seemingly leaves the classroom, and Xavier walks away, little does he know, a sly Black cat follows him, Wednesday. She stays a steady distance away to avoid detection, she watches him enter a building, it was dark and out of eye of most people, he was there only a few minutes before departing out of it. Wednesday creeps inside.
"Xavier didn't get those scratches from fencing. He's hiding something." She says: and turns out the light, she was quickly enriched with paintings of a, large eyed monster. Which seem so, real..
"I suppose every artist needs a muse. Xavier, you just became that much more interesting." Wednesday takes a drawing for herself and leaves, but didn't check everything.
"Wednesday." A voice calls out. She halts in her steps and turns around to Xavier.
"Xavier. Hello." She says, caught off guard.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"Nothing. I just saw you come out this way. What is this place?"
"It's kind of my private art studio. I cleared it out, fixed it up, so Weems let me use it."
"How very entrepreneurial. I would love to see inside. Why don't you give me a tour?"
"Not right now. It's a total mess."
"I shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer. I'm not easily fazed."
"Maybe another time. Why were you looking for me?"
"I wanted to go over Ms. Thornhill's homework assignment." Wednesday said, "She didn't give us homework. Remember?" Xavier responds, catching her in a lie. "Why are you really out here? Is this about a certain dance that makes you want to poke needles into your eyes, perhaps? I'm all ears."
"Sometimes intentions melt in the face of unexpected opportunity. If this was my chance to get up close and personal with a potential serial killer, how could I refuse?" Wednesday thinks to herself.
"Are you really going to make me ask?" She says, and he nods.
"Oh, absolutely." he responds, Wednesday sighs, and curses to herself. "Would you... Would... Would you possibly consider going to the Rave'N dance with a certain... Would... Would you go to the dance with me?" Wednesdays finally builds up the nerve to ask, and Xavier smiles.
"Yes, Wednesday, I would love to go to the dance with you. I thought you'd never ask."
"Neither did I." She says gritting her teeth. Wednesday informs Enid her outing at the Rav'N
"Oh my God! Wednesday Addams is going to the Rave'N. My whole world is tilted! You know what you need?"
"A bullet to the head?"
"A dress."
"I already have one."
"Not the one you showed up here in! That thing was a fashion emergency not even lightning could resuscitate. Thing, back me up here. You need something that screams, "First date. Stand back, bitches! I have arrived!" And I know just the place!" Enid says smiling, and Wednesday can only imagine the form of torture she has in store.
"Hawte Kewture" the Most, explosive in color and fashion for all the girls of Nevermore, except Wednesday.
"What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?"
"Our first roomie shopping spree! The dance committee's suggesting all white to match the theme, but that's not gonna fly with us."
"I have more pressing business than to worry about a dress for a dance I don't want to attend.
"But I thought we were bonding." Enid says, a bit saddened.
"I feel I'll only slow you down. You're a gazelle. I'm a wounded fawn. Cut me loose and go run with the pack." Wednesday says.
"Are you sure?" Enid says, but Wednesday is pretty sure.
"I'm going to see Galpin." She replies, and Leaves to the Sheriff, who isn't very fond of her to begin with. His fondness for her dissipates even more as Wednesday Addams enters his Office.
"We both know that there's a monster out there. If we're going to stop it, I think it's time we put our differences aside and work together." Wednesday says to the Sheriff, who just looks at her; before she hands him Xavier's drawing, and he compares it to a photo of said monster, both heaving a, striking resemblance to each other.
"And this is your stake for me to deal you in? I'm sorry, you gotta do better than that. You got some nice detail though."
"I didn't draw it."
"I need to know who did."
"Unless we're exchanging intel, I'm not at liberty to say."
"Why would I share information about an ongoing murder investigation with a high school kid?"
"Because I go to Nevermore and you don't. Don't you want eyes and ears behind those ivy-covered walls?" Wednesday says offering a dead Oliver branch.
"Listen, Velma, why don't you and the Scooby gang stick to your homework and leave investigating to the professionals." The sheriff replies, but he gets phone call.
"What?" He says answering it.
"Mayor Walker's on line two. He's looking for an update." She says, he puts the phone says and turns his attention back to Wednesday.
"Hey, Addams. Let me see that sketch again." He says and she shows him, he looks at it once more, and caves in.
"The person who drew this, that your suspect? When you bring me some concrete evidence, maybe we'll talk." He says before Wednesday leaves. She continues down the road before the Caw of a crow stops her, she sighs and speaks.
"You can stop following me." She says, she turns around to (Y/n), standing there as he awkwardly rubs the back of his head.
"Yeah, my bad." He says, before remembering the conversation he and Enid had and takes a deep breath. So, you know we have the Rave'N this weekend, right?" He says, and Wednesday folds her arms.
"It was all the buzz at the Weathervane today. I must be the only one not obsessed with this stupid dance." She said, he tries to keep his calm composure.
"Right, So, you're not going?" He asks.
"Actually, I was forced to ask someone as an act of self-preservation." Wednesday admits, and (Y/n)'s hope shattered like glass.
"Oh...So, who is it?" He asks
"Xavier." She says, (Y/n)'a frown could nor be hidden and he just nods. "Well, enjoy yourself I suppose." He says and walks off.
"I'm not sure why you're upset." Wednesday said, (Y/n) stopped and turned around.
"I don't know it's this feeling called.. being upset, it's natural to feel this way." He says.
"It's not my fault I can't interpret your emotional brail." Wednesday fires back and he grips his cane a bit harder.
"Right, because why would I expect Wednesday Addams to know how feelings work, why am I surprised. I just, thought you and I got along a hell of a lot better than Xavier of all people."
"I'm just dealing with a lot right now. I need to prioritize." Wednesday replies, and (Y/n) just scoffs.
"Right, Priorities.. Prioritizing Xavier before me, not to sound selfish but I think you have your priorities a bit mixed, but I guess I have to be the bigger man in this situation right? I hope you two have fun at the Rav'N." He says before walking away. Wednesday opens her mouth to call out to him; but she stops herself, she can only watch him walk off, Thing Crawls from her backpack to say something, but Wednesday cuts him off.
"Not one word." she says, and begins to stew in her anger. Returning to the Bee Keeping station, she brings her Ted Bundy Pinterest to Eugene.
"Enid wouldn't let me keep this in our dorm." Wednesday said.
"No worries. Mi colmena es su colmena. I assume this is the creature that's been rampaging in the woods." Eugene says, looking at the photo.
"You've heard about it before?" She asks.
"Rumors. Mr. Fitts banned me from bug-hunting until further notice. Claimed a bear was on the loose, which I knew was a lie. Didn't match their hibernation schedules. Speaking of monsters with sharp claws, could you give this to your roomie?" Eugene grabs a Jar of sweet honey.
"Put in a good word for me? I hear she's still sans date for the Rave'N." He says, Wednesday decides now is probably the best time to shatter his dreams.
"I know the chances of her asking me are next to zero, but I don't care. I'll keep putting myself out there until Enid finally... sees me." Eugene says.
"And if she never does?"
"She will. I'm playing the long game. My moms say people will appreciate me when I'm older. They're probably just trying to make me feel better, but—"
"Listen, people like me and you, we're different. We're original thinkers, intrepid outliers in this vast cesspool of adolescence. We don't need these inane rites of passage to validate who we are." Wednesday said, giving Eugene advice.
"So you're not going to the Rave'N either?" He asks, and Wednesday begrudgingly shakes her head.
"Actually, I am. With Xavier." She says, and Eugene looks a bit surprised.
"I see." He says, "It's not like I like Xavier. I just have ulterior motives." Wednesday explains.
"No I was just thinking, you don't.. have Ulterior motives with (Y/n) do you?" Eugene asks, and Wednesday scowls at him.
"I just don't want my home slice getting played." Eugene says trying to sound "Hip."
"...Anyway, Sketches are the closest thing I have to a lead to try and stop this thing." Wednesday continues, showing Eugene, which one photo piques his interest.
"That circle...I've heard about it." He says, Wednesday turns to him quickly.
"Who told you about it?" She asks, and Eugene shows her to the man. Who just so happens to be in a smaller room in Nevermore, a sculpting room for pottery, sculpting with dark black clay for pottery. His hands feeling along the molded clay. His coat was off and his sleeves were rolled up to avoid messes. He stops sculpting to reach for more clay, he grabs a handful and goes back, and a Wild Wednesday appears in front of (Y/n), Eugene also struts over.
"... What do you want?" He asks, and Eugene steps up.
"You remember what cave you told me about? The spiral?" He asked and (Y/n) nods, he reaches for a towel to clean his hands.
"Yeah, it's in the forest.. why?" He asks.
"There's a high chance it has something to do with what you and I are investigating." Wednesday says, and (Y/n) now looks more interested. "I found a drawing that is close in resemblance to the cave." She explains, (Y/n)s brow furrowed at this, he stands up, cleaning his hands off.
"...Okay, let's check it out then." He says, the trio stand before the Cave. (Y/n) feels the side of it.
"It's nice to search for uniquely shaped things, I guess it's a way to pass time for me. I came across this cave but Decided against it." (Y/n) said.
"It's definitely a match." Wednesdays says. "You think it's in there?" Eugene asks Wednesday and (Y/n), "It's.. possible." (Y/n) says, which makes him a bit concerned for Wednesday and Eugene.
"I'll go first." (Y/n) says, he heads in, cane clenched. Wednesday turns to Eugene. “If I die, well just tell Enid she’ll plan the funeral I guess.” He trudged in slowly, trying to sense any unorthodox sensations.
"If you hear me screaming bloody murder, there's a good chance I'm just enjoying myself." she says before following (Y/n) into the darkness, they encroach upon bones.
"This is definitely its lair." Wednesday said. (Y/n) kneels down and takes the bones.
"Are these human?"
"No, I think it's got a taste for venison." Wednesday grabs a deer skull. (Y/n) picks up the sound of something and he walks to the wall.
"Wednesday, Check this out." He says grabbing something, a chain, not just chains but lend attached to shackles. (Y/n) turns towards her.
"You were right, this must be it's lair, where did you get this drawing from?" He asks, Wednesday continues to ponder but says nothing, now needing more proof of what connects. She kneels down, seeing something jammed into the ground, grabbing it, she pulls it from the ground, it's a claw. Perhaps the owner of this claw was said monster. But she needed hard evidence.
She returns back to Xavier's art house, now with Thing in tow.
"All right, I won't be long. I just need to find something to match against the claw's DNA." Wednesdays and thing enter the room, but Xavier was quick to show up.
"What are you doing?" He asks accusingly.
"How do you know what the monster looks like? Or are these all just self-portraits?"
"What, you think it's me? I saved your life."
"So did the monster. Or was that you the night Rowan was killed?"
"You so are out of line now."
"I'm trying to uncover the truth. And your art seems to have a recurring motif." Wednesday said, and Xavier slowly caves in.
"Yeah. This creature's been haunting my dreams for weeks. I try to block it out, but I can't. So I just... come in here and paint it. When I was painting this one, claws reached out and took a swipe at me. That's how I got these."
"I thought you were able to control your ability."
"Not when it comes to this."
"Maybe it's your guilty conscience."
"I told you I'm not the monster, okay?"
"You just happened to draw pictures of it, down to the location of its lair in the woods? Those are some pretty vivid dreams." Wednesday said, which just irks Xavier
"You were in here. Before, when I caught you outside. That's the only reason you asked me to the Rave'N? To try and cover. You are unbelievable."
"It's nothing personal."
"No, it never is with you, is it? I mean, do you even care about anyone or anything at all, Wednesday? Get out.." he says, and Wednesday slowly sees herself out, Wednesday now returns to the Sheriff, After procuring evidence from Xavier, she drops the claw, and a bloody rag.
"That's the claw of the monster and that's a dried blood sample from a potential suspect. He used it to dab scratches on his neck. Run the DNA test and see if they match."
"I'm sorry, do I work for you?" Sheriff said.
"You asked for concrete evidence. That's it."
"Where'd you get this? And who's the suspect?"
"Run the test first, then I'll explain everything."
"I'm not playing games, Addams."
"Neither am I, Sheriff."
"....Bernice, bring me a DNA authorization form, please." He says calling someone, (Y/n) is finishing up some brail work at his desk inside his dorm. as he feels a tapping on his shoulder. He turns around to no one, but thing on his shoulder.
"I'm not even going to ask how you got here.. what's up? Wednesday use you too?" He asks sadly but thing just hands him a letter. (Y/n) just looks at him.
"... You know I can't read this, right?" He says, "Just.. Go get Enid please." (Y/n) said.
Eventually, Enid is in his dorm, reading the note and is freaking the Eff out.
"Dear (Y/n), I, Wednesday Addams, cordially invite you, YOU (Y/n) Healy to the Rav'N tonight! I await your arrival in my dorm! O M Gee! This is so her! Even the ink smells of Goth And Glamour!" Enid says, so happy for her Bestie. (y/n) was a bit shocked by this.
"She wants to go with me? I thought she was going with Xavier, guess that fell though.." (Y/n) says sarcastically,
"Or." Enid begins "She realized just how perfect you two would be and knew you were always the best choice! Don't worry I'm going to hell you get dressed, you strut your stuff like the beautiful magic demon peacock you are! And you'll steal her black heart!" Enid says, almost fantasizing about it.
"You want to plan our wedding too?" He says sarcastically.
"Promise?" She asks, which scares him a bit, he stands up. "Just.. whatever you think is best." He says, and Enid smirked, ready to turn (Y/n) into a perfect Victor van Dort.
Later in the night, Wednesday prepares herself for an outing with Eugene. And there's a knock at the door and she heads to open it.
"I'm coming, Eugene! Hey, did you grab any extra batteries for the flash—"
Wednesday opens the door to someone she was not expecting. A tall, handsome figure dresses head to toe, a pair of Dapper wingtip shoes, socks to boot, a sleek Velveteen White suit, a pearly white shirt and a hefty black vest combo. And a perfect black bow tie to boot, his hair slightly combed back and he cologne, the scent of Black Rose and Vile Thron fills Wednesdays nose and for the moment she thought she actually died and met her Corpse Groom. He tips his glasses and smiles.
"I got your invite. Guessing you had Thing being it to me." He says, and Wednesday was, for the first time in a while, at a loss for words. She was either so angry or absolutely smitten, probably the first.
"After our last conversation, I thought I really messed up and I wanted to apologize too, but before I could I got your note, it was.. really honest and sweet." He says, but Wednesday continues to just stare at him, absolutely at a loss. "You need a few minutes?" (Y/n) asks before she shuts the door in his face and storms over to Thing.
"Honest and sweet?" How could you do this to me? That weird feeling In my chest is happening again! I swear I am going to hang you by your fingernails—" Wednesday begins, but stops as she sees a dress lying on her bed, and it was grandios, antique, so, darkly beautiful.
"How'd you pay for it? Five-finger discount, of course...Thing, don't look." She says and gets dressed, (Y/n) waits downstairs, for the first time in a while he's actually, nervous. The footsteps of high heels clicking sends chills down his spine. He stands up and turns to the sound and the waves create an image of, beauty. Wednesday wore a All black Lace dress, right to her calves, it had side ruffles upon the sides of her sleeves, a sleek black waist belt to finely fit every aspect of herself, even her hair, now in a upper bob, was new. (Y/n), one for jokes and teasing, was just mesmerized by her.
"Wow, you, you’re..” he begins, but Wednesday looks more annoyed to be here.
"Unrecognizable? Ridiculous? A classic example of female objectification for the male gaze?" She says, which makes him just Chuckle.
"Well you don't have to worry about that from me, these damn eyes I can't really see anything."
"Yes you can, you just have to open them, of course it would mean the death of every living being you set your eyes on." She said Dryly, he nods sadly but, with his gentlemen charm. Gives her a courtesy bow.
"Well, I'd burn this entire world to the ground just to see you." He says, and Wednesday for the moment just stares at him, unable to form a correct response to that lady killer line. He smiles and tries to be more comfortable.
"I mean it, Wednesday. You look beautiful." He says. Wednesday looks away. Showing her antisocial tendencies.
"You're Just saying that to make up for what you said."
"That, and I mean it.. you know it's rude to not look at people when you're talking to them. Cmon, look at me, please?" He asks, Wednesday, trying to not let emotion overtake her, turns to face him and he smiles.
"You really are drop dead gorgeous.." he says, there were no words exchanged, but the look Wednesday gave him spoke volumes, before she can say something, Eugene arrives.
"Wednesday, what's going on? What happened to staking out the cave?" He asks, seeing the two together.
"Sure, I get it. Guess I'll check out the woods myself."
"Don't go alone. It's too dangerous. Stand down. We'll go together tomorrow night, understood?" Wednesday says to him, and (Y/n) turns to her.
"Staking out the cave?" He asks, Wednesday walks off as (Y/n) follows to the Rav'N, who Enid has already attended with a, Normie? He looks at the Yeti statue, a bit perplexed.
"Is that an abominable snowman?" He asks.
"Oh my God! You can't say that, it's offensive! The correct name is Yeti." Enid explains.
"Oh, sorry. Do any go here?"
"Not anymore. They've been extinct since the 1950s. Our science teacher Ms. Thornhill chaired the dance committee this year. She wanted the Rave'N to feel relevant. So our theme is climate crisis meets extinction event. But in a fun way!"
He looks even more confused but accepts it, before they can continue, the couple of the century step in, the necks of many students turn their heads to see (Y/n) and Wednesday absolutely stealing the night. The murmurs of the peanut gallery come out.
"Wednesday totally busted out of her cocoon."
"Like a death's-head moth."
"(Y/n) isn't looking too bad either, he’s glowing with that smile.”
"I know like a, handsome nightlight."
"Do you see Bianca's face? She's not going to be happy."
"They're talking about us." (Y/n) says, as Wednesday analyses the room.
"Bianca's jealousy is just burning her up, seared salmon is pretty delicious." (Y/n) said as a jest.
"Hm." Wednesday had a small sound come from her lips, and (Y/n) turns to her.
"Did you just, laugh?"
"No, I don't laugh."
"Are you sure? That sounded like a chuckle..."
"No, I just found your joke about Bianca slightly humorous than all your other failed attempts."
"You just don't want to admit you find me the slightest bit funny?"
"I'd rather douse myself in gasoline before entering a burning building than do that." Wednesday replies deadpanned, which just makes (Y/n) smile more.
"Wednesday Addams." They hear Ms. Thornhill approach, "What a lovely surprise. Ms. Thornhill." Wednesday says, and Ms Thornhill looks at them.
"You two, a bunch of showstoppers! I'm so glad you decided to come along."
"It took me dragging her out of her room." (Y/n) says sarcastically, and Wednesday turns to the drinks. "I'm gonna go get us some drinks." Wednesday leaves as (Y/n) smiles, watching her go. Wednesday grabs a pair of drinks before Enid happily strolls over to her roomie.
"OMG! I love the look! Amazing choice of date too." Enid says looking at (Y/n), like a Wolf of The Wall Street. Wednesday turns to Enid.
"I'd say yours is.. more interesting." She says, as Enid tries to explain. "It's not what it looks like." She says.
"Good, because that pilgrim already is on my list." She said.
"Lucas is trying to make his ex jealous. I'm trying to make Ajax jealous. It's a win-win." She explains, and Lucas approaches, hands up.
"Wednesday, I come in peace." Lucas says.
"That's a shame. I brought my pocket mace. The medieval kind." She says, the dance continues as Wednesday watches along. (Y/n) is getting basically harassed by girls asking questions about his get up, happily directing them to Enid who did most of the work. Xavier walks up next to her,
"Can't believe you brought him."
"Why are you bringing this up? As if this dance weren't tedious enough."
"You don't know what he did to me." Xavier says, and Wednesday tilts her head a bit.
"Enlighten me."
Xavier spills his soap opera, to the slight interest of Wednesday, and now she intends to find her date, which (Y/n) was sitting down, Wednesday approached and sat next to him.
"Too man Yeti-tinis?" He asks smugly.
"Xavier told me what you did last year. How you destroyed his mural on Outreach Day." Wednesday said, and (Y/n) sighs, "Honestly? Well I guess you deserve to know the truth, last year we were part of the archery class, "Artists of Infamy." We won championships, did really well.. and In comes Bianca, she took him away from the team, started using her siren powers, he missed practice, Bombed on championship tournaments, and I.. took it out of him. And his mural." He explains, and Wednesday looks at him.
"What did you do to the mural?" Wednesday said.
"I.. might.. have sent a murder of crows to shit all over it. Weems couldn't prove it was me but, Xavier knew." He says sadly, Wednesday stares at him and sees his sadness.
"Did you think I was going to judge you over some lousy prank? I would have taken it further." She says, trying to cheer him up, but be vague about it. He just smirked and looks at her.
"I knew there was a reason I liked you." He says smiling, and Wednesday felt, happy. The odd music hits (Y/n)'s ears and he stands up.
"Is that Goo Goo Muck? I love this! Cmon we have to go dance!" He says, without much surprise he takes her hand, excited. Wednesday sees the gleam in his face and is slowly melted by his child like innocence.
"Fine.." Wednesday yanks her hand away but follows him, it's dark in the ballroom but he can see Wednesday just fine. They stand across from each other, and he begins to dance, nothing too crazy, but his focus was on Wednesday, who just stares at him.
"When the sun goes down And the moon comes up I turn into a teenage goo goo muck." Wednesday begins to, dance? It was, unique, something that only She can truly do. (Y/n) can only watch the sound waves dance like a sonar with a smile, seeing her dance. Her focus was so, straightforward on (Y/n), he began to stop dancing and just watched her, smiling.
"Yeah, I cruise through the city And I roam the streets / Looking for something That is nice to eat / You better duck / When I show up"
Wednesday disappears into the smoke, (Y/n) feels a hand tap his shoulder, he turns to Wednesday who appears behind him.
"The goo goo muck"
(Y/n) was enthralled in all of this, and has to participate; He began to dance in perfect unison with Wednesday, trying to mimic her movements down to her slightest shift in momentum. Everyone watches the two, almost like a, mating dance.
"I'm the night headhunter Looking for some head / With a way-out body Underneath that head / Yeah, I'll get you, baby With a little luck /  'Cause I'm a teenage tiger And a goo goo muck / You better duck / When I show up / The goo goo muck / Yeah, the city is a jungle And I'm a beast / I want the most But I'll take the least / 'Cause I'm a goo goo muck tiger And a teenage beast / You better duck when I show up /
It was impossible to see during the lighting, during the dancing, but Wednesday had a small smile on her face, she was, enjoying herself, her company, her friend. As the dance ends, (Y/n) laughed and took her by the hands.
"I'm so glad, so glad you came with me." He says, and Wednesday felt the feeling in her chest again. She pulled away.
"My feet are killing me, and as interesting as that would be to see, I must take these shoes off." She says and walks away. He watches, smiling. Wednesday enters the hall to sit, where Bianca was sitting.
"Whoever invented high heels clearly had a side hustle as a torturer." Wednesday sat down to take off her shoes.
"As my dear mother always says, "Fire tests gold, suffering tests a woman." Bianca replies.
"Speaking of suffering, where's your date? I didn't see you and Xavier on the dance floor."
"We had a little tiff. About you, actually. You don't know what it's like."
"Being beautiful and popular?"
"Never knowing people's true feelings. If someone likes me for me." She admits, Bianca's ability as a siren always had the possibility of putting people in a trance. Never truly knowing if their feelings for her are genuine or from her powers.
"What about your amulet?" Wednesdays looks at it, hanging around Bianca's neck.
"It's not foolproof. It's a mild prophylactic, so to speak. That's why Xavier broke up with me. He could never fully trust me. The worst part is I could never trust his feelings either. I never knew if they were real or not. You're lucky."
"Do tell." Wednesday asks for explanation.
"You don't care what people think of you." Bianca said, which Wednesday considers. "That's why he likes you so much." She says, which piques Wednesdays interest.
"(Y/n)." Wednesday said and Bianca nods.
"Like he said, force of nature." Bianca chimes in, but Wednesday isn't as proud of herself as many would think.
"Honestly, I wish I cared a little more."
"It's time for the big finish. Yo! Almost eleven o'clockity, so haul it out on the dance floor one last time before the Rave'N says "Nevermore!" The DJ yells, Wednesday stands up and calmly walks over as (Y/n) is waiting, still smiling just as brightly, he begins to dance, but Wednesday isn't as up for it as him now, but it didn't matter, as long as she was there. He stops, and gets close to her.
"I really meant what I said, you really are beautiful." He says, smiling.
"Because I don't care about what people think about me?" She says, and he laughs and nods.
"Yes! Yes! You don't care what people think about you, I saw the way you danced, you didn't give a damn about what anyone thought. The way you carry yourself, the way you act. You don't do it to be "Creepy" or "Weird". You're you, and that's what I love so much about... you that you’re…You." He says, and those words spoke volumes to Wednesday. He slowly leans in, ready to place the final bow on this perfect night, before.
It began to drip on the ground, (Y/n) felt something hit his head and he and Wednesdays look around, it began to pour, everywhere! Blood red poured from the sprinkler system. People scream, feared for their lives, and just made a mess. (Y/n) saw the horror and dismay on peoples faces, he turned to Wednesday, and he actually saw it. A smile on her face. She was, enjoying this. And he felt his heart skip a beat seeing her truly smile. She tastes the odd liquid and her scowl returns.
"They couldn't even spring for real pigs' blood. It's only paint." she says, and (Y/n) sighs with relief.
"Thank God you had nothing to do with it—" he says before people begin to bump into them. One hits (Y/n) and he falls to his knees, and another bumps into Wednesday, causing a vision possibility, he feels her stiff like a corpse and he quickly stands up to catch her, she snaps out of it and looks at him.
"Wednesday! Are you okay?" He asks, she grabs his shirt.
"Eugene is in the woods. He's in danger. She says, before running off, he chases after her, calling for Eugene.
"Eugene! Eugene?"
(Y/n) sniffs the air and picks up a scent, it wasn’t pigs blood it was.. humans blood. He rushes to the strong scent and comes across him.
"Oh no.. Wednesday! Over here!" He yells and kneels down. Wednesday rushes over "Eugene? Eugene?" She says before seeing (Y/n) kneeling down over him, Eugene, bleeding, unresponsive. They both kneel down to do whatever they can but, they're just kids, (Y/n) turns his attitude to Wednesday.
"We have to find this monster... Now."
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
Losing a bet to Law and letting him live out a fantasy of his for a day.
Waking up on the morning ot and being told to change into the outfit he's left on the bed before meeting him in his office. Previously, you'd never really pictured Law as a particularly kinky guy, but as you assess your new tiny pink and white ensemble with matching stockings and heels you realise that maybe you've been wrong the entire time.
It's a tiny nurse uniform. It hugs your curves, cinches at your waist- bend over your and almost opaque white panties are on display. It's the epitome of slutty yet it's still quite demure. You stumble into his office barely able to walk in the heels you've been given, arms tugging down the hem of your dress- you almost look like a real nervous nurse on her first day of work. (A nurse with a uniform way too small for her that is.)
Law is in scrubs and a pristine white doctors coat. He rarely wears any kind of uniform so seeing him like this is definitely unusual. He looks so hot; A surgical mask at his chin, a box of latex gloves next to him. Just the thought of him snapping a pair on is enough to make you clench your thighs together.
"Law," You call from the door. "This is kind of embarassing..."
He ignores you. "Law." You repeat, stamping your foot a little. "Law. Law, La-aw." No response.
"... Doctor?" Bingo. The moment you reach him after clumsily trotting at his call, he has you immediately pushed down onto the bed. Head down, ass up, right on your tippy toes. The shape of his dick presses against your ass through the fabric as he pushes you into the bed almost painfully, a hand tangled in your hair, forcing you to smell the clean chemical scent of the sheets. "You will call me by my title and nothing else." He murmurs, "I'll let this one time go but if I catch you showing disrespect to me again I'm pushing you to the ground and reaming your ass." He's rocking against you as he threatens your fake livelihood, his cock threatening to break you open. His chest presses against your back and the hand not holding you down is gripping your ass with his bruising strength.
" You'll be more than fired," He continues, almost growling. "You'll be in so much pain you'll have to be admitted back to me as my patient."
He's so cruel but it makes you so wet. An abusive older doctor and his hopeless assistant nurse? You're into it and you'll do your best to please him.
Little do you know: he wants you to mess up. He wants you to trip and stumble and make mistakes. He wants a reason to punish you, an excuse to turn you into his guinea pig to practice perverted gynecology exams on. Go on and slip up so he can strap you down to the stirrups and play with you inside and out. ☺️
T_T oh god, the refusing to answer to anything but "doctor" i am on my knees. he can't help but get wrapped up in the roleplay and is so. damn. mean about it, just wanting any reason, any at all to have a reason to punish you akdlkdJLKDaklj
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pearlescent-princess · 2 months
Hello sweet friend 💕 if they aren't filled up yet and you're able, could I have an energy reading please? Thank you! [And if they are I'll just have a general Princess Mononoko reading]
Hello to you! They certainly are not filled up! I'd be happy to fulfill your request c:
Millions of strands around, suspended from an unseen ceiling, ready to be plucked, played and seen. I brush my hands across a few as they vibrate and resonate with steady wiggles. My hands press gently to a large stalk of strands all intertwined and twisted together to create a column. It sings and explodes with light as it opens up a scene.
A drop spindle [bottom whorl] spins while deft hands hold onto the fiber. Actions that are obscured by dappled light as I watch. Such a rhythmic action as hands pause and pull fiber and then drop the spindle again. Over and over and over again. The person shoots their gaze upwards to who is in front of them, not at me, but another. I am unnoticed. I look to my left and see a young man with silken blond hair and youthful features. He speaks familiarly with the woman as she sets down the spindle to the table [her left]. I follow with my gaze as she exits down the short steps and into the afternoon light. The pair talks to one another as sunlight shines down at them. The imagery fades out as light overtakes my vision. I wait and let the scene unfold. I am calf deep in water as it runs around me. Quiet nighttime sounds as water rushes past and frogs sing a serenade. Branches snap as I look over my shoulder and to my left. Another young male, with hair dark and curled in the way ocean waves are, steps out of the foliage. He is looking at the woman in the brook as she waits for him. He rushes forward to embrace her. Night is for lovers, night is for them. His face nuzzles into her neck and a gentle whine leaves his mouth. There is a fierceness in this embrace as he holds her like the world cannot take her from him. I do not linger on this moment.
I blink my eyes and let myself come back to the strands. I allow myself to pluck one more strand and only one.
Greens and yellow-greens burst into my vision as treetops unfurl around me. Birch trees in the autumn, as leaves crunch around my bare feet, and more brilliant sunlight. A pair sits under a tree together. A bounty of golden apples in a basket near them. Another young man with dirty blond hair eats one of the apples with a loud crunch. The woman from before rests her head on his shoulder. Her eyes sleepy yet content. The warmth of the day is just right. Everything in the moment is pleasant. The man puts his arm around her and rubs her side. His promise is present in his actions. He will not leave, nor stray. He is there to stay. The scene fades out into a quick darkness that descends upon my eyes. The strands are there. I give a half-bow and present my gratitude for being allowed to see. I leave.
Admittedly this was.. new! I am not sure if this was easier because I know I have done ones for you over the years or if it is my technique that has changed. I hope there was something here that was of pertinence and not just story as it felt like this was. Thank you for being a guinea pig as I dip my toes back into this kind of reading!
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echo-the-great · 10 days
Arrow and Ace [part six - breaking news]
TW: swearing, mention of crime(robbery)
I hope you guys like this chapter, it’s short ik but I realized how long it was gonna be and decided to break it into multiple chapters. The next chapter will be coming soon ish but it’s gonna be longer. Also I lowkey just wanted to write about Avery’s Guinea pigs.
After we had met with Emma, we went back to my house to hang out. She seemed super nice. Axel was holding Dave, my Guinea pig, and I was holding Mike. Axel looked thoughtful as he gently pet the Guinea pig’s fur. “I wonder if your new neighbour’s kid will be at our school,” he said finally, “hopefully they’re cool.”
I shrugged, or I tried to, but I had Mike trying to climb my arm like a tree.
“Would you stop trying to climb me?” I asked. Mike simply squeaked. Not that I expected him to properly respond, of course, but given that his behaviour didn’t change after that I took it as a no. I was leaning against the wall, and Mike had decided that my sleeve was going to be his personal hidey-hole.
Dave was sitting peacefully in loaf mode, but he was far from quiet, squeaking away like he was the happiest creature on the planet. He might have been. We had already given them carrots, which they’d happily munched on. And now, they were soaking up all the attention we would give them.
I picked up my phone to take a picture of the adorable fur potatoes, when suddenly it buzzed. It was just a stupid news notification, or so I thought. I went to close it, but hesitated when I saw the headline.
I clicked on the article, and Mike found his way up my sleeve, letting out happy grunts. I let him stay. Struggling to use the phone while also trying to keep my Guinea pig from turning my arm into a backwards slide of terror, I skimmed through the article.
“Yo, battleaxe. Look at this.” Axel took the phone from me, leaving my hands free to deal with Mike, and scrolled through it.
“Damn,” he said, “millions of dollars worth of stolen property right there. They’re saying it’s probably connected somehow, but it could just be an increase in robberies.” He shrugged, tossed the phone back on the bed, and went back to petting Dave, which earned him several happy squeaks.
“Looks like we’ve got a mystery on our hands, gang,” I replied with a joking smirk. He rolled his eyes at me. I laughed, finally managing to get Mike out of my sleeve and back onto my lap. “I’m serious!” I said through laughter.
“no, you are not.” He said, grinning. I grinned back. “True,” I replied, “but when am I ever?”
He nodded, shrugging slightly. “Fair enough,” he said, lifting Dave up into his chest and holding him carefully. Dave grunted.
“it’s just weird though,” he commented, “all those robberies at once.” I nodded in agreement, watching him kiss Dave gently. “What do you think, buddy? Isn’t it strange?” Dave, of course, didn’t care, as he tends to not care about the news. Mike, however, squeaked several times, turning to face Axel.
“Really? You think?” Axel asked, not sarcastically, almost as if he was surprised by a revelation Mike had brought to his attention.
“You speak guinea pig?” I asked. “Since when?” He rolled his eyes at me and went back to petting the Guinea pigs, which they were quite pleased with.
“I’m just saying it’s weird, that’s all.” He said.
I shrugged again. “I’m not saying I disagree. But I don’t think we should worry too much about it either, what’re we gonna do, investigate it ourselves?” He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. “The answer is no. We are not.”
He nodded, then made a face. “The article was kinda vague. I mean, I’m sure they aren’t gonna give out information they don’t have, but like, that was a little weird, too.”
I just shrugged in response, deciding to change the subject. “Did you do the science homework?”
He made a face. “Shit. No, I didn’t.” Then he shrugged. “But it’s not due until Wednesday, so whatever.” Dave grunted and squeaked happily every time Axel ran his hand over his fur. “Lucky little fellas. They don’t have homework.”
It was my turn to roll my eyes, but then I laughed when I tried to imagine Mike or Dave writing an essay. “Aren’t you just the luckiest little potatoes?” I asked Mike. He squeaked at me, soaking up the undying love.
Eventually, the Guinea pigs did have to go back into their cage. I refuse to let them piss on my bed, and they were probably thirsty by then anyway.
“Should we go back to the house today?” I asked as I double checked the cage lock. I wanted to go back into the basement, more specifically the secret room, but I also wanted to check out the house itself. That had been our original plan before we were…sidetracked with all the spooky magic shit.
He opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked thoughtful for a second before shrugging and standing up. “Only if you want to, but I think it’s a good idea.” I nodded, and grabbed my phone off the desk.
“Let’s go.”
[to be continued…]
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themadsquirrel09 · 2 months
Chosen one
Fandom ☆ South Park 
Ship ☆ Creek (Craig TuckerxTweek Tweak)
Characters ☆ Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Guinea Pirate
Rating ☆ K+
Warnings ☆ None.
Summary ☆ Craig has to save the word (again), when he would have rather just walked away.
About it ☆ I wanted to write something special for this ship, exploring their dynamic in a way I usually don’t see portrayed. It is basically care, drama and fluff. They are 27 here.
☆ Words 1030 ☆
With love: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Stan
“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” 
— Jean de La Fontaine 
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My name is Craig and I am 27 years old. When I was 10, I found out I was the chosen one to save the world from the giant guinea pig invasion: I did, even if not on purpose. The leader, the Guinea Pirate, escaped and, after all this time, he is back for revenge. 
Am I really the only one who can stop him? 
I never wanted this. 
All I wanted was to go on vacation with Tweek and have a good time together. So how is it that I find myself in the middle of the Peruvian jungle, again? I try to walk away, just to end up inside that cave, facing the hieroglyphics that somehow have changed. 
“Craig, that’s you!” Tweek exclaims, as he pulls his clothes nervously.
“Yes, honey. That’s me.”
“So this happened to you when you were 10? This is insane!” He pulls his hair now.
“Yes, I know. I think it is useless, but how about we bail from all this?” He considers it.
“Well, we were supposed to be celebrating our anniversary. Let 's do it.” He smiles at me reassuringly and I grab his hand. 
“Ok. I think we went this way all those years ago. Let’s take the opposite road.”
We do and, by being there, I get memories of how it felt when I was a kid; I just wanted out. It is nicer now. Maybe the years made me care less, but I think it is mostly because Tweek is here with me. 
This was supposed to be our anniversary vacation. We weren't coming to Peru, we were going to Bali, to get away from it all just for a couple of weeks. When we ended up on the wrong flight, I got the feeling that something I didn’t like was happening. 
We decided to enjoy this place because we don’t have that much free time, went on a nature walk and somehow got separated from the group. I know by now I can’t control it: neither this prophecy, nor the power hidden in me. I squeeze Tweek’s hand.
After a couple of hours, we stop, Tweek takes out the portable coffee maker and gets it to work; then he walks towards me and puts his hands on my shoulders.
“You have to relax.” He chuckles a bit. “Sorry, it is weird that I am the one saying it, but this isn’t easy for you, is it?” I swallow hard.
“How do you do it? Relaxing.” 
“I just try to breathe deep and picture myself in a happy place. Maybe surrounded by a bunch of Stripes?” I try it and as I do, I drowse. “Does this feel good?” He massages my shoulders a bit. 
“Yes. Thank you, honey.”
After that, we keep going for a couple of hours. Suddenly, something doesn't feel right, I stop, pulling Tweek. We look at each other in some sort of instinctive panic, a low roar is heard and the ground bursts open. We try to hold onto each other, but the Guinea Pirate emerges, taking Tweek in his teeth.
“Craig.” Announces the creature. “You can’t stop me this time.”
“I won’t. I don’t want to.” I raise my hands in a defensive motion. “I promise I will just go away if you let Tweek go now.”
“You are trying to trick me, Craig, but it won’t work like the last time.” I find myself out of words, but Tweek screams and hits the monster in the nose. He is released and falls to the ground, making a pained noise. 
“Honey!” I get close and when I do, I accidentally step on one of those sacred platforms. “Oh no. It is happening again.” The power that hides in me is released as sparks shooting out of my eyes, hitting the Guinea Pirate until it is defeated.
A SWAT team shows up with tanks and helicopters.
“Take him down before he escapes!” I look around and hear Tweek exclaim: 
“Don’t worry, I’m ok!” I sigh out of relief and tiresome. I wait until it all ends and I can step off the platform. I don’t feel so good. 
“You didn’t hurt yourself, right?” He shakes his head. “Good.” I help him up.
“How about you? Are you ok?”
“I’m…” I don’t have an answer. 
“Craig?” He asks, but a member of the SWAT team intervenes and I let Tweek handle that. Meanwhile, I go to a nearby grass and lay down, then close my eyes. After a while, I hear near steps.
“Hey, it seems like we are close to a hotel,” Says Tweek. "We should—” He gasps, cutting his own phrase to exclaim. “Oh my god, you are crying! I thought you didn’t get hurt!”
“I didn't. I just,” I can’t really talk much. “I’m ok,” I get to see how he looks at me, like he doesn’t believe me. “I will be fine.” But the tears keep rolling down my expressionless face, so I just shut my eyes and let it happen. 
Tweek gets close, his movements slower than usual. I feel him sit by my side. Then he lays down too and reaches for my hand, I take it. We stay like that for a while, until I start feeling better. 
“I’m sorry.”
“It is not your fault, honey.”
“I know. But I’m sorry this happened. Again.” I look around, it seems like the SWAT team is gone with their prisoner and Tweek said there’s a hotel close by.
This is actually nice: just the two of us, in the middle of nowhere. 
“I guess it is not that bad. I’m doing what I wanted right now.” Maybe I’ll keep coming back to this place and situation, whether I want it or not, but at least now I get to do it by Tweek’s side. 
“Really, are you happy with this?” I look at his worried face and sit up just to lean and kiss him.
“Now I am. I’m soo happy.” And for that reason, I kiss him again.
────── ⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹ ──────
The end. 
────── ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ──────
Final notes 🍯
This one really makes me emotional 😅 I hope you enjoyed the read! Special thanks to the ones who voted on the poll 🌠
Fun facts:
🥠 The quote for the epigraph is also included in Kung Fu Panda.
🪐 I headcanon that Super Craig’s suit is so lazy because he knows he is a hero with no mask. 
All kinds of support are really appreciated! ♡ 
I just opened writing commissions! Click to find the details.
Here you have the info for drawing commission 🎨
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theklaapologist · 7 months
Why “moonlite” Nicole Dollanganger is the perfect Toue/Sei song
“Got you mounted on a wall in the back of my mind” ok ok let’s start from the obvious thing which is that OF COURSE TOUE WOULD HAVE SEI MOUNTED ON A WALL IN HIS MIND????? Not in the back but hear me out! What if what he had in the BACK was Sei’s HUMANITY????? Huh what about that! We know that Sei was very very important to him but we don’t know the way he saw him so like,,,,,, it’s very possible he could forget that his Guinea pig has feelings and thoughts and is a person of his own.
“He said I just can’t forget you try as I might” who can forget about sei???? Look me in the eye and tell me that someone would be able to forget sei. Also let alone forget the evil things he’s done to him.
“I’ve got this photo I’ve tried to burn but it won’t light” the photo is symbolism for sei’s innocence and humanity. Sure he’s made him do all these horrible things like brainwash people and considers him an accomplice but he also knows that sei doesn’t wanna do them so yeah he’s trying to light the photo (corrupt sei) but it won’t light or at least that’s what I’ve gotten from watching the anime and playthroughs in middle school I should rewatch the true route hm
“I stay on the drink and you stay on my mind” same as before. Here I choose to interpret the drink as a form of escapism (??? If that’s the correct word) I try to escape you and the fact that you are a human being but also you stay on my mind like a fucking person
“As you were when you were laying just like a two page spread from a magazine in a néglige on the bed” this lyric is clearly sexual but I’ll take it a step further and say spread open literally like,,, surgically open lmao. But also, sei spread open but like,,,, like an open book. He’s there for toue to see, to know. He raised him. He knows him. He can read him so well probably. Sei spread open hiding nothing I need a drink
“By the window in moonlit flesh so gaunt your skin looked blue and wet” wet pathetic meowmeow shaking crying also see above
“You were my girl my thing my pet to do anything I want with” literally tho!!! Toue created him of course sei is a possession to him! A tool to carry out his business like these are things that have already been speculated I’m not saying anything new
“I wAnNa hold you in my hands like a porcelain decanter” sei’s just so fwagiwe 🥺
“Take off the lid and fill you up with liquor” liquor is a metaphor for the medical experiments next
“Smash you against the wall let you fall to pieces in my hands” yessssss toue LITERALLT wants to see how far he can push sei physically and mentally and I think he can’t help but wait for the day sei comes tumbling down so he can fucking rest and forget about him
“He said I love you so much I can’t stand you” they love each other. It’s literally canon that they love each other in some fucking way and who would be able to stand the guilt of doing the terrible things both have done for love I’m gonna fucking kill myself. I love you so much I can’t fucking stand the hold you have on me I can’t stand the way I owe you all my life I love you so much the fact that you are an individual kills me
“And this piece of your soul caught in a 35mm slide” this is about usui. Usui is a gun. I will bite anyone who says otherwise.
“I see right through you like lace lingerie when you hold it to the light” ok but this is an interesting turn of events!!!! It could very much be read from sei’s perspective. Like y’all. Look me in the eye and tell me that sei can’t read him like an open fucking book. Sei knows what he means to toue, he knows how significant he is even if Toue’s perspective is also fucked up. Like yeah all is a game, I am a game to you too but fucking hell if I’m not your most important pawn or your favorite game. Also, sei in lace lingerie. Something to consider.
“And my girl I pray you can feel my eyes going right through you” there is no point in avoiding it, no matter how much toue denies it, tries to hide from it, Sei will see right through it. BUT if TOUE=GOD to sei then it adds a little extra tragedy or maybe it would be better to say it adds some sort of tragic irony considering how one prays to god. “I pray to you for you to see I have a far better understanding of what’s going on than you think”
“And the drunker he got the truer he spoke” if here, we take alcohol as escapism again, then it could be read as “and the more detached from the situation/ power imbalance the more clearly we’re able to see it”
“And he said I pray to god you know I keep a piece of you locked in my heart with memories I can bent into any shape I want” hello????? SEI CAN LITERALLT DO THAT. LITERALLY HE CAN BENT INTO ANY SHAPE HE WANTS IM GONNA KILL MYSELF SEI CAN CAN DO THAT. Also come on he literally said he can’t completely hate your HE LITERALLT SAID THAT TO AOBER IN HIS FINAL MOMENTS SNARLING AND GROWLING LIKE A RABID WOLF
“And I pull you over the bed or break you in half instead” this could be read from both perspectives. It’s an endless cycle really, the ouroboros or some other fancy buzzword I can add to look pretentious. It’s literally the same thing I’ve been repeating all this time. Both have power over each other and it’s like a competition to see who will do what and break who first
“Sometimes you’re my girl and sometimes bitch you’re dead” possession. I own you mind body and soul and when I don’t you’re nothing. You’re as good as a dead body.
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chromotps · 8 months
AceLu and CoraLaw interactions I think they would have if they got together + HCs (this is just for fun and these are my opinions/ideas! They're kinda like my guinea pigs now lmao- I don't post so I just send these to you- Sorry:'D I don't spam but if these asks annoy you, let me know!) + Zosan and NamiVivi because yes
[After *coughs* making out]
Cora: oh! I smeared lipstick on you. sorry, let me wipe it off-
Law: ...leave it.
Cora: what? why?
Law, instead of answering, walks away with a very obvious blush and lipstick still smeared on his lips and its corners.
(I HC that Cora still wears make-up on occasions and on random times, mostly for Law but sometimes he does like to wear it for himself. He experiments with his looks with Ikkaku. They do skincare together, Law and other crewmembers joins them sometimes)
Ace: hey farmboy.
Luffy: hi cowboy!
(Their hats. Luffy literally has a strawhat and Ace's looks like a cowboy hat. He also gives off cowboy vibes- giggles. I think this is the only nickname they'd give each other honestly. They don't look like the type to use nicknames or terms of endearment used by couples. But that's just my opinion)
Cora: I got called Donquixote six times today. And also got called 'Doflamingo's little brother' three times. The name/title itself doesn't bother me, it's just people's tones...
Law, quietly: would you like mine?
Cora: what?
Law, stammering out a 'logical' explanation: I mean, if you had someone else's last name people would be more comfortable and accepting... I think. It would make it harder for them to remember and recognise that you're a part of the Donquixote family.
Cora: oh.. makes sense.
Law: so..?
Cora, laughing: propose to me properly, at least!
(Law didn't propose to him that day of course, because 1. he didn't have a ring and 2. he wanted to do it properly. Plus he wanted to surprise Cora. So I'm thinking he probably spent 3-5 weeks waiting before he officially proposed to catch Cora off-guard. Maybe it was grand, or maybe it was on a simple night when they're out on the Polar Tang's deck while talking about everything and nothing at all. In any way I want the Heart crew to be there bc they're precious to me. They burst through the doors and tackle the fiancées to give their congratulations lol. Trafalgar D. Rosinante am I right fellas—)
Zoro, watching Sanji lift Luffy's whole body with his legs high up: flexible.
Ace, watching Luffy twist his body to reach the food Sanji is holding: I agree.
Cora, Ace, Sanji and Vivi: wife?? why am I the wife?
Law, Luffy, Zoro and Nami: because you're sweet and you look good in white.
(Them >>>)
That's all for now!
OMG I,,, love these ideas,,,, they're very fun.... I'm happy to get asks!! It's true that these ships are pretty small, especially on tumblr, so I get that it's nice to just chat about them with another fan 😭
Coraaaaa what a sweetheart, apologizing about the makeup... 😂 I bet Law was the one who started the makeout anyway!!! He planned this!!!
"FARMBOY" AND "COWBOY" THEY'RE SO CUTE. UGH. farmboy luffy and his strawhat sitting in the sunlight, or carrying a bunch of sunflowers and other things he's grown to Ace... I reeeeallllllly want a cute little AU where like, Ace is an experienced cowboy (maybe he works as a ranch hand on Whitebeard's property or something?) and then Luffy buys the open land across from him. He drops by now and then, at first to ask Ace for help with little tasks while setting up his farm (and he always offers to help Ace with his work in return), but then he starts stopping by just to chat with Ace or watch him work or slip in compliments about how cool he looks... Ace is flustered and also thrown off by Luffy's carefree attitude, and the grump inside him thinks Luffy won't last a month as a farmer. But Luffy's persistent, and (with the help of a seemingly endless list of friends) he gets a nice farm going... Maybe he even starts bringing Ace flowers from the small patch by his house................... And Ace mellows out and admits that he's sweet on him and,,,,, ahhh,,,,,
eek got carried away. I just love AUs. 😭 I agree, they don't seem like the type for petnames, at least not in canon... maybe in different settings... But wow... Luffy waking up with Ace and going "Morning, Cowboy" and Ace laughing like "I'm not even wearing the hat right now"
"would you like mine" "Trafalgar D. Rosinante" that's SO!! romantic!!!!! Law letting that offer slip like he hasn't been thinking about it for the last year... That proposal would be so cute!! Especially with his crew celebrating their captain's happiness 😭 he really did find a good bunch of weirdos as a found family 😭😭
laughing forever at one-track-mind Zoro and Ace. Sometimes... those boys are dumb. I love them. also LOVE those 4 getting called sweet, they are!!! and they would look good in white......
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bouqetofmemes · 2 years
so Are we gonna get cake still?
y’all get yo ass beat here 🧍‍♂️like kicked in the stomach beat
While everyone was playing pool you were spacing off in the garden
'If I wear a nice dress one day out of the blue, what would he think of me?' 'What if I'm not the sister he was expecting? What if I disappeared, would he even care?... I'm useless.' Y/n started letting a couple tears slip
"Mistress?" *gasp* *sniff* "Yes Sebastian?" "It is tea time." "Oh, I'm coming...."
While Sebastian was talking about the tea for the day Ciel asked Y/n a question "Y/n, where did you go earlier?" "I went to the garden." "Oh."
"Grell." "Oh, yes my lady?" "Learn something from Sebastian." "Yes." "Just look at him. I mean this physique!" Madam red started touching Sebastian's ass 🌝 "You should quit this country job and come work for me in the city!" "Pff- Madam red, you're too funny!"
"So do you believe the drug trafficker was one of your guests today?" Lau asked "Perhaps." "Why not leave the extermination to Lau?" "A rat knows best where a rats nest is, doesn't he?" "I'm but a tame Guinea pig dedicated to my lord and lady." "If they instruct me not to act, I'm bound to do nothing." Lau finished with both of his hands on your heads
"Watch it!" "You'd best keep your paws off my darling niece and nephew!" Madam red yelled at Lau "You wound me!" "I would never paw at them in they're own home, dear Madam!" "Are you saying you would elsewhere?!" Madam red yelled at Lau letting both of you to fall to the ground "Careful! Your on thin ice now sir!"
"Master, mistress?" "The rats are here..."
"IT WENT THAT WAY!" "And here too."
"...ready soon, would both of you like to eat with your guests?" "Bring it to my study, I'm done here, come Y/n." "Yes
Certainly, my lord."*huff*"Finally, some peace and quiet..."Then both of you saw black "The policeman and woman of England's underworld, two of the nobles who have done the royal family's dirty work for generations."" "the Queen Guard Dog, and Butterfly." Tasked with disposing of anyone who disagrees with her.""Just how many nicknames do you two have?""How many family's have you crushed, Ciel and Y/n Phantomhive?""I thought it would be you.""You shame your family Azzurro Vanel.""Come now, my little Lord Phantomhive.""Do you know how hard it is for the Italian mafia here?""You Englishmen have nothing but tea on the brain.""It's difficult to penetrate those small minds of yours, so we have to think outside the box to make money.""So we found the drug trade."
"CIEL!""Did you hear that!?" "The time for talk is over!"
*scream**splat*"Y/N!"Azzurro was kicking your stomach multiple times while pulling your hair"Monsters like you always wear disguises, how 'bout you turn off that porcelain face you've got heh?" He was now kicking your face as blood was coming out of your mouth and noseThe telephone rang and the man answered it, not expecting to hear Sebastian
"That's too bad..." Y/n started"Sounds like your little game of fetch is over." Ciel ended"Just shut your mouth you damn brat!""CIEL!" Azzuro hit Ciel once again"Hello?"
 Sebastian was on the phone"Woof." Ciel answered Time skip
A couple minutes later"I have no intention of fighting you. Not yet." Azzurro said to Sebastian
He then grabs your hair along with Ciel's "But you better have what I asked for!" Azzurro said while holding both of you at gun point"Yes I do, it's right here."
*gunshot*"Wha-""Sebastian, what the hell...""Aw, sorry, dandy. I really am, but this rounds mine.""There's no way I was going up against Phantomhive’s, lord and lady of games, without a trump card hidden.""I damaged the goods a little bit , but that's alright. I'm sure both of you'll fetch a pretty price, even in this condition.""I might even keep the girl here.""Im sure she'll make a fine attraction." Azzuro said darkly"Don't worry, you have so many enemies,I doubt you'll be alive for that much longer.""Alright, I'm tired of messing around." Ciel finally spoke up"How much longer are you planning to play dead.""Not long."
As Sebastian was turning into his demon form you grabbed a handkerchief and wiped off any remaining blood from both you and Ciel"Good thing we didn't get injured too much." Y/n said softly"But your stomach-""I'm fine Ciel, just a couple kicks, that's all.""Whatever, I'm having Sebastian check you for bruises and scratches.""Fine."As Sebastian was carrying Ciel and holding your arm the other servants came
"Oh, master, mistress, are you alright?" Mey-Rin asked"We were so worried, I thought you two died!" Finny said almost crying at the end"Well, at least you guys are safe and sound." Bardroy said, sounding relieved"Well, we need to get cleaned up, so please, excuse us." Y/n said worried"Do you think she's alright?" Finny asked"She's was prolly shaken up by the fact that she got kidnapped." Bardroy said"But she's safe now, maybe I can prepare a bath for 'er!" Mey-Rin said"Sure, I'll give you what's needed then you can take care of her while I tend to the master.""WAHH- S-Sebastian?""My lady.""Come in?""Mey-Rin, did you need something?""Ah- I- Uh-m, I've come to prepare a bath for you!""A bath, for me? You're far too kind Mey- Rin, there's no need for that." Y/n said, walking towards Mey-Rin"But my lady, you got kidnapped not too long ago, I bet you're shaken up a bit.""Indeed I am, fine, come, run the bath, I'll wait here.""Of course my lady." Mey-Rin said bowing
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