#i am jus a normal sillie girl . who is trying her best to be a decent human . n make the ppl she loves Feel loved !
siriusmydeer · 4 years
breakup with your girlfriend, i’m bored.
james potter x fem!reader, platonic!remus lupin x reader, james potter x lily evans
summary: james’ journey onto finding love; just not with you.
word count: 1.9k
warnings: unrequited love, angst, swearing, crying, mentions of food, self doubt/insecurity, pining, mentions of murder, mentions of marriage and kids
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— 0:00
‘You got me some type of way
Ain't used to feelin' this way
I do not know what to say
“so, mates, i think m’finally getting somewhere with lils!” the tone of excitement thickly lacing the bespectacled boys words. “m’sure of it.” he continued, a bit of confusion in his words but still the same amount of excitement as before.
his brows were furrowed and he picked at the skin of his fingernails trying to relieve himself, further wringing his hands a few times before looking at his friends for their input.
“m’so— m’so happy for you, prongs. really, that’s great.” your voice faltering as you continued to speak, trying to scoundrel up a tone of excitement that would’ve played off well enough. instead all you were feeling stone cold truth of dejection.
But I know I shouldn't think about it
Took one fuckin' look at your face
Now I wanna know how you taste
Usually don't give it away
But you know I'm out here thinkin' 'bout it’
a fake smile plastered your face, trying to push back the tears that wanted to desperately prick at your eyes. you tried to further block them from escaping your waterline as you hear the boy jabber close to every single day about the red head he had been continuously fawning over.
the day went subsequently normal; potions, transfiguration, break period, plan pranks and dinner. but unfortunately for you, you didn’t have the privilege to share a messy dormitory with the four other boys leaving their conversations and discussions open about you and more your feelings.
“d’you think y/n was a bit off today?” peter asked abruptly from the place he sat on the oak wood floor, catching the attention of the three other boys who were seated on their separate twin beds. furthering to retain all memories of you from that day attempting to identify where you might’ve seemed ‘off.’
‘Then I realize she's right there
And I'm at home like, "Damn, this ain't fair"
Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
“maybe a lunch a bit, she looked a little melancholy, i guess.” sirius answered this time, recalling the memory of you speaking in a very disconsolate tone. “y’think it’s anything major, or just stress?” he questioned again, beginning to worry about his close friend.
“dunno, i don’t think so.” the lycanthrope added to the conversation. he recalled james’ new confession about the red headed girl, and your extremely unhappy expressions following; of course noticing a bit at the time when it was occurring but just assuming you had a bad day with evan rosier pestering you for a date.
maybe... maybe she— but they’re best friends? his thoughts were extremely close to scrambled, remus was an observer, he was clever and sharp-witted; but this, he couldn’t figure out.
You could hit it in the mornin'
Yeah, yeah, like it's yours
I know it ain't right
“oi, y/n!” a deep voice called in the distance, putting your light jog to a stop in the middle of the courtyard leaving you to stand in the grass. swiftly turning around you were met with the taller fawn-haired boy, who looked tremendously determined.
“i’ve, uh, ‘ve got to ask you something, and it may seem foolish, but i think i just still ask you.” his voice hurried like his panting breaths from running across the school to find you, asking around the library and your dorm mates.
“yeah, moons, sure, anything.” affirming the boy who looked a bit confused, and worried but you didn’t know if it was for his sake or yours.
he grabbed your wrist in his palm pulling you on the prickly grass over to someone more private like to speak with you. “d’you— d’you like prongs? more than friendly...” the boy sputtered, further acknowledging your blown eyes like someone had just committed murder in-front of you.
But I don't care
Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored’
“i— uhm, well, that’s a bit— why d’you think— remus, what the fuck!” your words taking a halt every few seconds with a recurrent sputter trying to figure out where the question had even came from, or how he even knew.
“i saw— i saw the way you acted at lunch the other day. i jus’ wanted to know if it’s true.” he asserted, no present lingering touches of judgement in his tone.
remus knew what it was like to be judged, so whenever you had the urge to jabber out all of your problems he was the boy you had always ran too first. knowingly, or not. but he felt particularly disappointed in himself that you hadn’t trusted him with this potential secret.
‘This shit always happen to me (Yeah)
Why can't we just play for keeps?
Practically on my knees
“yeah— i do.” you admitted with a breath, guilt taking a pang at your heart. and anger taking a swig at your brain; how could you be so fucking stupid.
“remus, but you can’t— you can’t tell him, or anything.” your tone was hushed, and only meant for remus’ ears. feeling a tinge of embarrassment warm onto your cheeks, knowing someone you loved clearly didn’t reciprocate those feelings.
“i swear, i won’t. but m’here for you, i don’t want you feeling like you can’t tell me anything.” his words soft, and his tone genuine. why couldn’t you have fallen for someone like him? but instead, you crush on someone who was in love with someone else.
But I know I shouldn't think about it
You know what you're doin' to me
You're singin' my songs in the streets, yeah, yeah
Actin' all innocent, please
“c’mon, y/n.” he beckoned you to follow him, resting his arm on the curvature of your shoulder feeling his side press against your smaller one and guiding you to transfiguration with him.
why? why did you have to be so damn foolish? because it was her, with her beautiful red locks, her perfect maroon lipstick, her exceedingly amazing grades, her ability to be silly for a moment and loosen up. why couldn’t you be her? why couldn’t you have what she has.
it’s because it’s simple; you weren’t lily evans and you were never going to be.
When I know you out here thinkin' 'bout it
Then you realize she's right there
And you're at home like, "Damn, she can't compare"’
“guys! guys! she said yes!” james announced whilst scuttling across the mahogany floor of the common room. his actions at a halt flopping his body over the scarlet-red couch and a grin on his lips.
“who said what?” sirius muttered, glancing up from the map for a moment before looking back down in ascertainment.
“lily-pad! i asked her on a date and she was like, ‘yeah, fine, potter. but if you’re late i’ll kill you.’ just like that!” he pretended to play out the conversation for a moment, his thrilled movements and inflection almost animated from how happy he felt.
‘Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
You could hit it in the mornin'
Yeah, yeah, like it's yours
I know it ain't right’
remus briefly glanced at you, concern swirling in his hazel irises, meanwhile, your eyes widened for a moment. you plastered yet another fake grin onto your lips, about to congratulate your crush on winning a date with his all time infatuation.
“prongs! oh my merlin, that’s amazing, i’m so happy for you!” putting on the best impression of exhilaration for your best friend, the act only remus could piece together and break apart.
“no way! prongs, mate, i knew you could do it!” sirius spoke, his tone fein for his best friend who had been in a pinning coma for the last few years.
‘But I don't care
Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
With your girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend’
the boys continued to congratulate the boy, remus only giving him a nod and a smile. the marauders paying no mind to it and instead james merrily talking about the red head; his red head.
you weren’t his, and you never would be.
yet another realization struck you, the urge and need to move on present in your nervous system almost begging you to find someone else and to hide away from all the pain that could swallow you whole.
‘With your girlfriend
With your girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend
You could say I'm hatin' if you want to
But I only hate on her 'cause I want you’
you were now sat on the smooth ivory bedding that perfectly hugged your bed, remus’ body right beside yours. except you weren’t comfortable, you wanted to cry a valley of tears that could’ve lasted a life time.
“why is it her? why couldn’t he want me, am i not enough?” you spoke through broken sobs, feeling remus’ agile hands rub up and down the column of your back.
“you’re enough, y/n/n. he’s a bloody git for not seeing that.” remus spoke, sponging a kiss on your hairline. he felt the wet tears graze his shoulder, slightly contracting at the cold feeling but paying no mind to them as he comforted you.
‘Say I'm trippin' if you feel like
But you without me ain't right
You could call me crazy 'cause I want you
And I never even ever fuckin' met you
Say I'm trippin' and it ain't right
But you without me ain't nice’
“m’the bloody git! i fell in love with m’best friend who’s in love with someone else! next thing you know i’m accidentally setting dumbledores beard on fire, and accidentally spawning voldemort for christ’s sake!” your words mumbled and obstruct from the tears that had over come you.
you whipped your face free from tears for a moment, basically scrubbing the black colour of your mascara down your cheeks. “you’re not alone, you know? m’right here.” his tone, yet again, sincere.
you felt undeserving of his coddling, that your messy puppy love was so little compared to his issues. “i can tell your belittling your problems right now, you’re aloud to be upset.” he whispered, trying to assure you all he could, whilst disrupting you from your senile thoughts.
‘Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
You could hit it in the mornin'
Yeah, yeah, like it's yours
I know it ain't right
But I don't care’
“merlin, she’s fantastic.” the brunette finished his third speech of the day on how ‘amazing’ lily is. yeah as if him pining after her wasnt enough, then what the hell was this?
the devil poking at you for cheating on your herbology test in first year, the time you accidentally tripped peter when rushing to potions, maybe it was the time you put belching power in sirius’ drink everyday for a week because he said you had a flat arse?
what the hell did you do to deserve this incessant torture that had been inflicted upon you. we’re you being dramatic? probably. but the boy you were quite literally in love with could not stop talking about how he wanted to ask another female to be with him, companionship, life, marriage, children. he wanted everything with her.
‘Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored
With your girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, baby, girlfriend
With your girlfriend’
but then again it was also extremely simple.
he just simply didn’t want you.
he wanted lily fucking evans.
‘With your girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend
With your girlfriend’
taglist: @fathermarty @kittykylax @terr0rizer @aspiringsloth20 @maddoxsmythologicalmind @amourtentiaa @dear-luna @famdomhideout @hufflepogue
if your username is crossed out that means you gave me the wrong username or your settings for public display tags are off!
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bakatenshii · 4 years
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Oikawa Tooru x reader (haikyuu!!)
word count: 2.3k
TW: 18+, lemon, wattpad, crack
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A/N: I’m so sorry. This is actually a joke, a parody, I promise, it’s written like this on purpose for the collab. Terrible (or lack entirely of) grammar, dialogue so cheesy I threw up multiple times in my mouth, too many specifications of shades of the colour pink. For @undermattsun’s whorehouse wattpad garbage fire collab. I’m so sorry.
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In the world of fandom (check out fan fiction, fanfics, or fics), a grapefruit is a story which consists of sexual explicit themes in bizarre situations.
An orange-twinged pink, almost coral.
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haikyuu series!! :3
disclaimer: haikyuu does NOT belong 2 me. Or else I would make XXXX go w/ XXXX ;)
𝑝𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑎𝑔𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠
𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠
“hurry up y/n!!!” - i remove my skullcandies out my ears, hearing my best friend sunnie(with an ie! not y!) shout to me from down the hall.
flipping my baby pink (NOT cotton candy pink! god there’s a difference, get it right. last week ash-lee with her stupid bleach blonde hair called it cotton candy pink and I wanted to kill her) hair behind my shoulder, i skipped down the lockers.
i was in my best outfit, checkered pink and white (bubblegum pink, this time) leg warmers with my matching pink + white skirt and white denim jacket with a pink butterfly bedazzled on the back. i saw paris hilton in it on her myspace too, so you could say im pretty trendy.
not like the other girls, like brittney (with her dark hair with a blue streak with a puppy shaped purse she swears is designer.) or ash-lee with her stupid ugly blonde hair that’s deffo fake. oh i already said that
it’s just an average tuesday morning, and i’m just your not-so-average girl. my name’s (y/n) (l/n) and im (age) years old. my best friends are sunnie, rachelle, and meeky. oh, and lindt, sometimes, when she’s not too busy with trying to save the world from global warming.
i’m on my way to p.e. which UGH is my least fav class, who even came up with it? but at least there’s the hottie oikawa tooru-sama in my class (ha! eat that ash-lee + brittney) and all the girls luuuuurv him. he’s soooo hot i bet he has abs
(brianna with the ugly hair who wears green shoes with red socks said she saw him change once and she totally saw his 8pack but she’s a liar so i dont believe her)
(even tho he tooootally has one)
i was on way just skipping down the hall to go to p.e. when someone crashes into me from behind.
‘-u-GH!’ i fall.
‘hey!!!!’ i turned around to yell at who’s bumping into me-
it was oikawa tooru-sama!! the most popular boy in school!!! i felt like i was in a dream i pinched my hand but... it hurts!!! this isn’t a dream!!! the oikawa tooru-sama just crashed into me!!! with his body!!! his shoulder touched me!!!!!
he turn and looks at me and... my heart stops. i think im dying omgomgomg
‘a-are you okay (y/n)-chan?’ he asks me and holds his hand out.
i cant believe it. the oikawa tooru-sama is giving me his hand to hold?!?! is this heaven???
‘i-i-‘ i stammer. i’m so shocked i swear my face is beat red. ‘i-i’m ok.’
i was too scared to hold his hands because mine were so sweaty from seeing him this upclose. i stand up and dust my knees because i want him to think i’m tough. that’s right. oikawa tooru-sama is a professional vball player! (v for volley-ball) he’s not going to like some dumb average weak normal crybaby girl.
‘ok. see ya in class!’ he smiles and waves at me before walking down the hall, shooting me his signature smile. the one that makes flowers bloom around him and glitters around his whole body.
h-how did he know? did he just say in class??? the oikawa tooru-sama knows who i am???
i take out my phone to frantically text my bffs (sunnie, rachelle, meeky and lindt) and see the group chat had some unread new messages. i click open it.
𝚋𝚕@𝚑𝚔𝚞𝚐𝟶𝟶: omgzzzz i juss saw tsukki-sama xDDD
𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕖𝕖𝕖𝕩𝕠𝕩𝕠: STDU XDD wut wuzz he wearin?!? hes sooooo hawt oh em geez
tsukki-sama, aka tsukishima kei-sama, is the hot blondie in the other class’s vball team. rachelle and sunnie are sooo in love with him, but i don’t blame them. he’s soooo tall, taller than oikawa tooru-sama even. (but that doesn’t matter because oikawa tooru-sama has the prettiest smile in the world and no one’s seen tsukki-sama smile like... since he came outta the womb)
i quickly type out my txt because this is more important than what the blonde vball star is wearing.
𝖗𝖆𝖜𝖗𝖇4𝖐4: guizzzzz guizzzz GUIZE!!!! GUEZZ WUT JUSS HAPPND!!
𝖗𝖆𝖜𝖗𝖇4𝖐4: u’ll nv beliv it!!!!! omGZZZZZ IM LAIK DYINN XDDDDDDD TT_TT
sk8erg1rl: omgawd wuuuut
sk8erg1rl: w8 kita-sama jus sk8dd by me i fink he haz a new b04rd!!!!! be are be
before i have the chance to tell them about my fateful encounter with the oikawa tooru-sama someone snatches my phone away. i turn around, maybe it’s oikawa tooru-sama again?
‘no phones in the hall (y/n) (l/n)-san!’ he yells at me. his breath stinks, yuck.
he takes my phone and puts it in his pocket and i realize that he’s putting it in his pocket and taking it away.
‘b-but-‘ jimmy i protest. not my flip phone with my pink bedazzled hello kitty charm on the end!
‘no buts!!!! see you after lecture missy!!’
god, this is just like, the worst day ever.
𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑦𝑒, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝑙𝑒𝑡’𝑠 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑑𝑟𝑢𝑛𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑛
𝑤𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
p.e. is the same as always: im sitting on the side, not doing sports because girls like me can’t risk breaking my perfectly painted pink (hot pink, not baby pink) nail with diamonds on it. i tell my bffs about the encounter and they all agree that it’s deffo fate.
‘i know right??’ i giggle staring down at the man of my dreams, at his chocolate brown locks, thinking back at his dreamy brown orbs staring into my dark black ones offering me his hand.
‘you should totes ask him out!’ giggles sunnie.
‘oh em gee, never!!! that’s sooo embarrassing, he’s totally gonna say no!’ i said.
‘seriously, (y/n)-chan, what do you have to lose?’ rachelle said.
‘just like, my dignity and self respect.’ i reply sassily.
at that we three burst into laughter, and the fat p.e. prof turns and tells us shhhhhhh.
i love my friends.
i tell them about our bald principal taking my pink flip phone with the hello kitty charm on it away.
‘oh no!’ rachelle exclaimed.
‘what are you going to do?’ sunnie asked.
i shrug, feeling at a loss without it.
‘it’s like, seriously dangerous without a phone.’ the blonde said.
‘what if you get like, kidnapped or something?!’ the purplenette said, clasping her hand over her mouth in a show of shock. (ps. bluette vs. blunette?)
‘kidnapped?!?’ i laugh. ‘who’s gonna kidnap me?!!’ we all burst into laughter again, causing our p.e. prof (still fat and annoying) to shhh us again.
little did i know that the brunette vball star was staring up at me, plotting.
i had no idea what was about to come.
𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦, 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑦𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑒
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑛’𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑠𝑎𝑦
𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑤𝑎𝑦
𝑤𝑎���𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛, 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑒
𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒, 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
when i open my eyes, my eyes are heavy, staring up at a bright light above my head. i squint my eyes because the light hurts my eyes.
‘well, well, well’ i hear a voice behind me. ‘(y/n)-himesama’s awake, i see.’
i know that voice-
that’s the oikawa tooru-sama’s voice!
‘w-what?’ i stuttered, surprised but feeling a warm rush going down my body at the sound of his voice. ‘what’s going on?’
he chuckles. ‘can’t you tell?’
i look around and see my arms taped up behind me on a chair and my legs tied together by... something. rope maybe?
‘where am i?’ i ask, even more bewildered.
‘tsk tsk tsk, silly (y/n)-himesama. i’ve kidnapped you, my dear.’ he said. ‘we’re in my mansion right now’
my eyes pop out of their sockets. am i hearing him right?
‘no,’ he corrects himself. ‘we’re in our mansion.’
i can’t help but blush at that suggestion. our mansion?
that’s right, i must be crazy, i think to myself. this is all just a dream, i’m still in school, on the bleachers with my bffs and i fell asleep in our class.
‘this isn’t a dream, darling’ he singsongs, and i feel more warmth flood downwards. god what is wrong with me? turned on in this situation? but can you blame me? who wouldn’t get turned on when the oikawa tooru-sama is standing in front (or behind) them and calling them ‘darling’?
‘w-what- h-h-how?’ i ask him. ‘i was just at school, staring at you play vball in the gym- i mean n-not staring at you- and-‘
he chuckles darkly.
‘i know you were, (y/n)-himesama. that’s why i kidnapped you, because you’re so cute.’
i blush at his words. m-me? cute??? did the oikawa tooru just call me cute?
i suddenly remember what rachelle and sunnie said in p.e. today about being kidnapped, and shudder. god, h-her mind! they’re totally gonna tell me i told you so! when i tell them.
‘b-but, h-how?’ i bit my lip looking at him beneath my lashes, or however anastasia steele did it in too many shades of grey. (it wasn’t actually that bad, but ill never admit it. it’s sorta kinda hot. also pantone says theres only like 37 diff shades so.)
‘i saw you with your friends, and i served a ball at your head knocking you out.’ he explained. suddenly i feel a pang on my head reinforcing what he’s saying.
‘ow...’ i say quietly.
the brunette man built like a god walks into my frame of vision for the first time after waking up and i notice he’s shirtless, all 8pack exposed for me to look at.
(i guess brianna was right, but she’s still a liar that wears green shoes with red socks.)
he comes up to me and kneels in front of me until he’s kneeling in front of me. he carresses my cheek with his hand (the same one he reached out to me earlier that day, pre-kidnapping) and i sigh.
if this is a dream never wake me up. i think to myself.
‘wh-‘ before i can get the words out asking him why me?, he presses a finger to my lips, shushing me.
he looks at me with his brown chocolate orbs, and i get lost in them, counting the stars and constellations in those glowing beautiful orbs that i never thought i could look at so up close. (except in photos i secretly took)
‘i love you, (y/n) (l/n)’ he says.
i fainted.
𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠
𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑠𝑜 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑐𝑟𝑦, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑢𝑝 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
i wake up (for the second time that day, god what is up with today?), my eyes still heavy.
‘good morning, darling,’ i hear a voice say, and suddenly i remember everything that’s transpired so far.
(for reference: i crashed into the oikawa tooru-sama this morning, had my phone taken away, and now kidnapped by none other than the oikawa tooru-sama, now in his- no, our mansion.)
‘o-oikawa tooru-sama?’ i stutter out weakly, still groggy.
‘just tooru, my hime-sama.’ he says and i feel my body heating up again.
suddenly, i’m filled with an overwhelming emotion, and the worlds spill out before i can stop them.
‘i love you, t-tooru.’ i stutter on the foreign name, biting my lips (for good measure).
he looks at me, chocolate orbs piercing right into my super dark black pupils, and he starts to cry. i cry too, because he just looks so beautiful, even when he’s crying.
he holds me in his arm and i nuzzle my nose into his neck, smelling his deep chocolatey velvety sweet minty musky scent. he smells so good i could just stay here forever, bathing in the chocolatey velvety sweet minty musk.
‘u-um...’ i start, and he nuzzles his face into my neck some more. i can feel his wet tears on my shoulder... is he still crying??
i try again. ‘u-ummmm...’
he finally looks up at me and i peer into his deep chocolate orbs, feeling him stare intently into my dark block orbs. i wiggle my arms to show him i want him to release them, because if you remember they’re still taped up by like, tape or rope or whatever.
‘o-oh!’ he exclaims and unties them.
i don’t know what came over me but suddenly we’re kissing, our tongues are battling for dominance within our hot wet cavernous mouths, and it’s soooo hot.
he grips my legs and spreads them apart, tongues still fighting a mighty battle, and i see him take out his big massive rock hard member in his hands.
i wrap my legs around him, thankful for the pink (bubblegum pink) and white checkered skirt im wearing today for easy access, and he pushes his hot shaft into my core. i can feel his member in my wet gushy wushy pussy and it feels so good i came.
he cums too.
‘w-will you marry me?’ he looks up at me, his member still inside. i feel tears brimming in my eyes again as I nod.
‘i do.’
𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑠
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦’𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑒’𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔
𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑠𝑜 𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒
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a/n: ta-dah!! the end!!! tankzz 4 readin guyzzzz lawl im thinking of making dis a series so... ;))) tell me who u wana be kidnapped by next! xD
a/n #2: speshull tankz 2 uwucatgirlprincess99 4 da line (u kno da one ;))) + sk8erg0rl666 4 havin me in da collab! + also cummin up wiv da title!! lawlzz rawr x)))
a/n #3: OH WOW . erhm. Longest chappy thing ive written. Hope you liked it. so uhm. ENJOY ! [btw, I'm considering doing the NEXT CHAP; sneak peek thing. Should I? :3 Comment?] plz R&R!! :]]] kudoz 4 u <333
p.s. da colour i used 4 da lyriczzz is fuschia pink! :3
p.p.s. comment below if u reconize dee song!! ur a kool kat if u do ;))
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bethpeaches123 · 4 years
Everlark #46
Okay, this took much longer than I’d hoped, but that’s because every time I thought I was finished, something new popped into my head and I had to include it, so it’s also much longer than I’d anticipated. But, here it is, @mandelion82! I hope you enjoy! I’m thinking of continuing it too, so stay tuned! Also going to post it on AO3. :)
Everlark 46: nanny/single parent au
The Nanny/Babysitter/Minder
When Katniss Everdeen placed an ad looking for a nanny to care for her five-year-old daughter Cassie, the gorgeous blond, blue-eyed specimen of a man standing on her front porch was not exactly what she had in mind.
“Can I…help you? Sir?” she asked, trying to wipe the puzzled expression off her face when she opened the door.
He smiled, his hands shoved in the front pockets of his dark wash jeans, looking slightly puzzled himself. “I’m Peeta. Peeta Mellark? I emailed you about the nanny position for your daughter? We agreed I’d come over to meet her at one o’clock today?” he replied. His eyes flickered to the side at the sound of a car horn behind him on the busy street, then flicked back to Katniss while he waited for her response.
Flustered that Peeta was apparently a man’s name and not an old woman’s like she’d assumed, (Why had she assumed that? What could have it been short for? Petunia? Come on, Katniss) she hesitated and then said, “oh, yes, of course. Um, please, come in,” stepping aside to let the subtly muscular man walk past her and into the hallway.
Hesitating again, she decided to throw caution to the wind and continue with the appointment with this man, Peeta. She hadn’t received any other responses to the ad she’d placed two weeks prior, and she was getting desperate. Her surgery schedule had changed at the hospital, thanks to crotchety Chief Abernathy who didn’t care about her childcare woes, and she needed to find someone to pick Cassie up from school until her current shift rotation changed again in a few months’ time. If it changed. Knowing Abernathy, he’d keep her on this schedule indefinitely.
“Cassie? Can you come out please sweetheart, there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” she called down the hall.
She motioned for Peeta to proceed into the living room as a tiny pixie of a girl came bounding down the hall and into the room, her dark brown hair in two messy braids down her back. “Mama, I was playing,” she whined, but stopped and stared, wide-eyed at the blond man standing in front of her. “Who are you?” she asked, curiously.
“Cassie honey, I told you we’d be meeting your new nann-err…your….baby-um…your…minder…today. Remember?” hastily fumbling over what to call Peeta. “This is Mr. Mel-um, Peeta.”
“Hi Mr. Peeta,” Cassie whispered, peering up at him shyly as her little mouth curling into a smile.
Peeta knelt down in front of Cassie and held out his hand. “Hello Miss Cassie, it’s very nice to meet you. You can call me just Peeta, though, if you’d like,” he replied, gently smiling at the girl. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, I hope.”
“Cassie, why don’t you tell Peeta about school? Cassie just started grade one. Peeta, can I get you something to drink?” asked Katniss, starting towards the kitchen. She needed to put some distance between herself and this gorgeous man. Needed to catch her breath and steady herself – it had been a while since she’d been around anyone who made her feel so flustered. She was usually so calm and cool-headed; she needed to be, being an orthopedic surgeon and all. When Peeta didn’t reply right away, she turned to face him and found him staring straight at her.
“I’m fine, thank you,” he replied, his eyes warm as he looked at her for a beat longer than normal, before turning his focus back to her mini-me sitting before him on the floor. She could feel the heat from his brief gaze go straight to her core. She shivered and spun on her heel, swiftly walking to the kitchen. What was that? As she poured herself a glass of water, she gave herself a mental shake before gulping it down and returning to the living room to sit and observe.
As Katniss watched the two interact on the floor, her initial hesitations began to melt away. Peeta was patient, attentive and gentle with her sweet girl, listening to her talk about her dolls, how much she wanted a cat (Katniss refused - she and felines did not get along) and how nice her kindergarten teacher Mr. Cinna was. Peeta asked her questions about her favourite colour (purple, but also green, like Mama) what she wanted to be when she grew up (a veterinarian) and her favourite flavour ice cream (Rocky Road).
After 45 minutes had passed and the two seemed thick as thieves, Katniss’s worries were gone. Her desperation to find someone to look after Cassie while she was at work had melted away as she watched Cassie, normally a shy, reserved little girl, open up and giggle at the gentle man who made silly faces and showed her pictures of his cat, Cupcake (she could’ve scolded him for that - she didn’t need Cassie getting any more ideas about wanting a cat.) Occasionally, she’d laugh softly at something one of them would say, and she’d catch Peeta’s eye when he’d glance at her and smile warmly, his dimples dusting his cheeks.
With her ex Gale no longer in the picture, and her mother and sister living two states away, she didn’t have any family support. Peeta seemed to be the answer to her prayers, judging from how quickly he and her daughter got along. Plus…he wasn’t hard on the eyes. Stop lusting after the hired help, Katniss. Get it together.
After some more time had passed, Katniss looked at her watch and said, “Well, I think we’ve taken up enough of Peeta’s time, Cassie, and you have to get ready to head out to your singing lesson too,” said Katniss, standing up and motioning to her daughter to go to her room and get ready. “Why don’t you brush your teeth, use the bathroom and get your sheet music from your bedroom while I talk to Peeta?”
“But I don’t haveta use the bathroom, Mama,” Cassie grumbled. She didn’t make any moves to get up from her spot on the floor next to Peeta, who smartly stayed silent as he watched the mother and daughter talk.
“You will as soon as we get in the car and by then it’ll be too late. Go, please, missy,” replied her mother, sternly.
Peeta stood up from where he’d been sitting crossed legged on the floor with Cassie and dipping into a deep bow, offered her his hand to pull her up. “May I be of service to the young lady and help her up?” His eyes twinkled as she giggled again and placed her little hand in his, letting him easily pull her to her feet. “Will I see you again, Mr. Peeta?” she asked shyly, glancing at her mother before turning back to him.
“I would like that, Miss Cassie. How about I chat with your mama while you get ready? It’s a good idea to listen to her - she knows best,” he replied gently.
Cassie huffed, but turned and bounded out of the room, the chorus of “Let It Go” echoing down the hall as she went.
Peeta chuckled and shook his head amusedly, shoving his hands in his front pockets, adopting his stance from earlier. He turned his gaze to Katniss once again, his piercing blue eyes warm and kind. Before she could speak, Peeta beat her to it.
“She seems like a wonderful little girl, Mrs. Everdeen. I’d be happy to look after her for you when needed,” he said. “I can provide a list of references and my child CPR certification if you’d like. I mean, if you’d like me to...if you’d like t-to hire me?” He stuttered, watching her face spread into a wide, amused smile.
“It’s Dr. Everdeen, actually. Ms. Dr. Everdeen, really. I’m not married. Ever. Haven’t ever been married. I mean, not that that matters, I’m jus-I mean Cassie’s father and I weren’t married, we were just together, but he’s not around anymore, he-” what was wrong with her? She was a top-notch surgeon; a strong, independent woman, raising a child on her own. Why was she so tongue-tied around this man? She took a deep breath and said, “Katniss is fine. And your references and other files would be great. Could you email them to me please?”
Amused by her stuttered response that mirrored his own, Peeta replied, “Okay. Katniss it is, and yes, I’ll send them over today.” He seemed relieved that she was as nervous as he was.
After they discussed hours and rate of pay, the one questions that had been nagging in the back of her mind finally couldn’t be left unasked. “Why do you want this job?” She blurted.
Mortified, she continued before he could even open his mouth. “Sorry, it’s just...when I placed the ad, I expected to find an old, grandmother-type woman. Not a young, handsome guy. I mean-I just...I haven’t come across a lot of male...nannies,” she trailed off, embarrassed by her word choice. Did I just call him handsome? To his face? Oh god, I wish I could bury MY face in my hands right about now.
Peeta shifted somewhat uncomfortably from one foot to the other before replying. “That’s a fair question, I guess. I work in my family’s bakery in the mornings, but my day is finished by noon. I wanted something to fill the rest of my days and I love kids – I have a niece and nephew who are just the greatest, I love spending time with little people that age, they’re so inquisitive and honest. I’ve actually thought about going back to school to become a teacher – I mean, I haven’t ruled it out yet, I’m only twenty-six, that’s not too old. Plus, I thought about how much of a struggle it must be sometimes to be a single parent and if I have the ability and capacity to help someone out, well, then I want to do that.” He realized he was rambling a bit and flushed with embarrassment. “Is that weird? I just thought I’d combine helping people and kids and...well, here I am. Here we are.”
“Here we are indeed,” mused Katniss, staring at him wonderingly. “That seems like as good a reason as any, I suppose.” She started to turn away but stopped and looked at him once again. “And I do appreciate the help, by the way…can you start Monday?” Her lips curved into a small smile, Peeta beamed back at her, this time his dimples on full display.
“Great! Yes, Monday’s great. Okay. Good. I think this will be...great. I’ve said great a lot. I’ll stop,” said Peeta sheepishly, running his hand through his messy blond curls. His face flushed bright red again, a shade Katniss found endearing.
Before she could respond again, Cassie came bounding down the hallway, her teeth clean and music bag in tow. “I’m ready, Mama! Mr. Peeta, so will I see you again?” She asked hopefully, peering up at her new friend once again.
Peeta glanced at Katniss, who smiled and nodded, before replying to Cassie. “You will! I’ll be there to pick you up from school on Monday. I have a very serious question for you though, Miss Cassie. Are you ready to hear it?” Her brow furrowed as she nodded slowly. “Do you like to have fun?” She little face broke out into a grin as she nodded again, more enthusiastically this time. “Well good,” he continued. “Because we’re going to have lots of it.”
Hearing her child break out into giggles again melted her heart and stirred something inside her. Looking at Peeta, she met his intense gaze with one of her own, grateful for this kind man to care for the more important person in her life.
“Well, it’s time to go, sweetheart. Peeta, thank you so much again. We’ll be chatting before Monday to go over the rest of the particulars,” said Katniss, ushering Cassie out the front door and turning to Peeta once again. As he moved past her to go through the front door, his hand lightly pressed against the small of her back to step around her, and Katniss felt the heat of his touch through her coat. It spread from her back throughout her body, right down to her toes. She froze as he passed through the door and hopped down the steps, turning back to look at her and flashed his dimples once again. Oh my. This is going to be interesting…
“I’ll speak to you very soon, Katniss. Cassie, I’ll see you Monday afternoon!” he called, cheerfully as he waved and headed to his car.
“I like Mr. Peeta, Mama. He’s nice. And he has a cat!! Do you think he can bring Cupcake over to play with me sometime?” Cassie babbled as Katniss strapped her into her seat, her mind replaying the memory of Peeta’s touch on her back over and over. She flushed again, thinking of how close his muscular body had to hers been when he walked by, how his blue eyes sparkled when he stared at her, how his dimples seemed to make an appearance when he beamed at her….how his ass looked when he bent over to help Cassie up...
Oh no. She was in trouble.
A young, hot, (she has to admit he was hot, there was no denying it) kind, patient man was going to be looking after her child and thus very, very involved in her life for the unforeseeable future. This would be interesting indeed…
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writingfandomfeels · 5 years
Bellamy Blake - FWB P1
Summary: You and Bellamy end up friends with benefits
Part 2 Part 3
A/N: Awwww, you guys, this was my first smut :’) No idea how old it is now. 
Smut after ~~~
The chatter and loud music that filled the building of the busy bar, enveloped your senses as you finished the last of your fireball and coke. 
“Alrigh, the best sex you’ve ever had. Go.” Clarke prompted. 
“Lincoln obviously.” Octavia answered. 
“Is that just in general or was there a specific time?” You pried, excitedly awaiting the details. 
Octavia looked at you for a moment before rolling her eyes and spilling. 
“There was this one time, we were hiking, it happened in a cave. Whatever.” She brushed it off and took a drink. 
“In a cave…” Raven repeated, mostly to herself, as she stared quizzically at the condensation on her glass. 
“That’s going to spark a whole new series of questions.” You laughed. “Next will be weirdest place you’ve done it.” 
Clarke nodded in agreement. 
“Raven?” You asked. 
“Hmm… what?” Raven looked up, startled out of her wandering drunken thoughts. “Oh! Best sex. Umm… well I really, really, should say Finn, but if I’m being completely honest,” Raven started to chuckle, “Bellamy is like a total sex god.” She slurred, still laughing. 
“Aaaaand I’m not drunk enough to hear this.” Octavia said, jumping up and leaving for the dance floor. 
“You’re kidding!” Clarke switched chairs so she could sit next to Raven now that Octavia had left. “I’m sure this is extremely inappropriate to bring up but quite frankly I’m too hammered right now to care, but I thought Finn was a great lover!” 
You tried not to spit out your drink from laughing, not only at Clarke for actually discussing this with Raven, but just for the manner in which Clarke was speaking. It was the most unusual, unexplainable thing. Whenever she’d get wasted a strange australian accent would come out of her. She never understood it either. She also would never remember it since it’d take her quite a few drinks to get her to her australian drunk state. We think it could possibly have something to do with her not wanting to slur her words, so she tries to overcompensate and enunciate her words too much. But of course she’s still drunk so some things come out slurred anyway and it turns into a bit of an Australian accent instead. 
“Oh no he was! I’m jus’ saying, the-that the one time, the one time it ever happened, it was preeeeeeetty great.” Raven smirked. 
“I didn’t even know you two were ever a thing” You commented. 
“Nah, we weren’t.” Raven shook her head. “Well,” She paused, realizing what she’d just confessed didn’t add up with that last statement. She shrugged. “Don’t get me wrong. Bellamy Blake is a beautiful specimen of the male population.” She laughed some more. “But there’s a difference between finding someone attractive and finding yourself attracted to them. For me, I just found him attractive and wanted a distraction from my breakup. That was all.” 
You nodded your head understanding exactly what that felt like. 
“Anyhoooo.” Clarke said. “Bartender! Can we get another round of shots over here?” she called over the noise. 
“Nooooo, no no no. I’ve had-” Raven paused her sentence to hold back a burp, “plenty to drink already.” 
“Right, but Y/N hasn’t! And after all, she’s the reason we called for this girls’ night out anyway. Inn’t, right Y/N?” 
You smiled, trying your best to have a great night out. Although truth be told, the alcohol was just making you miss your ex more. 
“Listen,” Octavia said, suddenly appearing next to you. She leaned on the table in front of you. “He was an asshole, and not worth your time. You deserve much more than what he could give you.” 
You thanked her for the advice and took the shot that Clarke had ordered for you. Immediately following the moment that you set the shot glass back down on the table, Octavia grabbed your hand and whisked you away with her onto the dance floor. 
It was something like 3 am now. You weren’t too sure, nor did you care. It had been agreed upon that you would all take cabs home. But when it came your time to tell the driver where to take you, you found yourself reciting a different address. 
Stumbling up the staircase of the small apartment building, you counted off the doors before reaching your destination and greeting it with a sloppy knock on the door. 
The door swung open revealing exactly who you’d hoped. 
“Y/N? What’s… going on?” 
“Heyyyyy Bellamyyyyy” You grinned from ear to ear. “I was just in the neighborhood and I thought I’d pop on by!” You made a silly popping noise to add to your point. 
He nodded his head, piecing it all together now. “Tonight was the night you were going out with O and the others.” 
“Yeahh!! Oh Bellamy it was so much funnnn!!” 
“I’m, sure it was.” He held back a laugh. “Here, come inside.” He opened the door for you and you tried your best to walk normally toward his couch. Based on the fact that your face was suddenly engulfed in the couch pillows, you figured it didn’t go so well. 
“Oh. I fell.” You stated. 
“Yeah, you seem… pretty drunk.” He went and grabbed a blanket for you. “You should probably stay here for the night.” 
“Oh heyyy!!! That reminds me!!! So, so, so, so Raven, right” 
“Uh huh?” He said sitting down next to you. 
“Raven, yeah, she, she was telling us how like, you’re the best sex she ever had,”
He laughed. “Oh really now?” 
“Yeah, and coz like just coz she was just like getting over Finn right, and I just, I was thinking, ya know, that’s brilliant!” 
“What’s brilliant?” He asked, amused by your drunken theatrics. 
“Welllllll,” you started, “I just went through a breakup too, and it’s been absolute shit and like, I mean, I know that tonight was like, supposed to make me feel better and whatever, and I guess it did, but like, what if we did that too!” 
“Did, what, exactly?” Bellamy trailed his sentence, waiting for you to reply. He was pretty sure he knew what you were getting at but he didn’t want to assume anything. 
“Sex Bellamy. I’m talking about sex.” 
“Ah, well, maybe another night. Right now you really just need rest.” He said, putting his hand so it rubbed your back in a comforting manner. 
“I’m serious Bell! Don’t you think I’m sexy? Don’t I look hot tonight?” You said, pulling away from him and gesturing to your body. 
He laughed. “Like I said, maybe another night. I’m gonna get you some water now. I want you to drink it and then go to sleep okay?” He said, already in the kitchen now, filling up a glass. “If you really want to still talk about this we can tomorrow. Sound good?” He called from the kitchen. 
But by the time he was back with the water, you were already passed out on the couch. 
The next morning you woke up to a splitting headache. Easily the worst hangover you had ever had. Typically you’re pretty responsible with your drink to water ratio but last night you just let everything go. As the night’s memories came back to you, you opened your eyes recognizing yourself to be on Bellamy’s couch in his apartment. You brought yourself up slowly, following the sound in the kitchen. 
“Hey! You’re up!” Bellamy greeted you. “Thought I’d make you some mac and cheese. That’s my go to for a hangover.” 
You nod, holding your head. “Thanks.” 
“There’s sunglasses on the counter and a pitcher of water in the fridge too.” 
“You’re a lifesaver!” You quickly snatched up the sunglasses and put them on. They gave an instant bit of relief to your pounding head. It still hurt but at least the sun didn’t burn as much now. 
“So, out of curiosity,” Bellamy said from the stove, still stirring the noodles, “how much of last night do you remember?” 
“You mean the part where I threw myself at you very desperate and undignified? Yep… it’s all here. Unfortunately.” You said as your poured the water into a glass. 
He laughed. “Don’t worry about it.” 
“I can’t believe I did that. I mean, of course you wouldn’t want to… with me… I mean really, I don’t know what I was thinking.” 
“Hey, I never said I didn’t want to with you.” he interjected. “I just didn’t want to when you’re drunk.” 
You paused and drank your water. “So… what are you saying?” You asked hesitantly. 
“I’m saying…” he paused too, turned down the burner and redirected his attention to you. “I’m saying that if you did still want that sober, I would be okay with that.” 
“Bellamy Blake, are you coming onto me?” You teased. 
“Hey, you started it!” He defended. 
You nodded and joined him at the stove. “Well are you going to finish it?” You took the spoon he had been stirring the mac and cheese with and put it in your mouth, tasting the cheese sauce on it. 
He took the spoon back. 
“Or are you just going to finish making the mac and cheese?” You added, looking from him to the cheese that was now boiling inside the pot. 
“Screw the mac and cheese.” He said under his breath as he quickly dropped the spoon. Your lips crashed together like waves on a rocky shoreline. 
You jumped into his firm arms, wrapping your legs around his torso. He carried you through his apartment to his bedroom, kissing you the whole way. 
He only pulled his lips away from your’s when he softly laid you down onto the bed. Confidently he stood over you, pulling off his grey t-shirt and his pants so that he was just in his boxers. You couldn’t help but stare a bit as you followed his lead and pulled off the top you’d been wearing since the night before as well as the short skirt. 
He smirked, noticing you admiring his physique. 
“Oh come on, I know you’re checking me out too.” You taunted. 
He rolled his eyes and broke from the smug demeanor as his mouth bore a guilty smile. 
You watched as he crawled toward you on the bed, placing his body on top of yours. Your heart began to pick up speed as you realized this was actually happening. He took your lips in his again and this time gently bit your bottom lip. 
He pulled away, but only for a moment. 
“You’re sure about this?” He checked with you again before taking things further. 
You pressed your lips to his ear. 
“Positive.” You whispered. Gently, you ran your tongue along the edge of his ear, ending with a light tug at his earlobe which left chills running down his spine. 
He kissed you again but this time didn’t linger at your lips, instead he left a trail of kisses along your jawline, making his way down to your neck. You hummed softly, enjoying the feeling of him sucking and gently biting on your pulse point. But before you could get used to it, he moved on, continuing to kiss you down your body. He unclasped your bra. He took one of your breasts in his soft hand, massaging it, and brought his mouth to the other, kissing and sucking. After a moment, he trailed kisses down your stomach, now reaching your panties. He grabbed at the lace with his teeth, slowly pulling them off you. Your inner thighs were now graced with his lips, sucking on the area so close to where you were growing increasingly hot. Slowly he moved his mouth closer and closer to where you wanted him to be so desperately. 
“Tease.” You accused, feeling slightly embarrassed by how much he’d already turned you on with such little effort. 
He met your gaze and cocked his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. 
“Would you rather I cut to the chase?” He asked in a challenging tone. 
You quickly regretted saying anything since what he was doing was actually working quite well for you, the slow build. Even if it was making you a little sexually frustrated, it was in a good way. But you also didn’t want to fully admit that to him. He was cocky enough, he didn’t need you to inflate his ego any more than it already had been. So you tried to play it cool. 
“No, that’s okay. It’s fine. I could be interested to see where this goes.” 
Knowing better than that, Bellamy saw right through your act. Nevertheless he went back at it. With long strokes he licked the outer edge of you, gradually moving inward. His tongue traced patterns along you. You were filled with anticipation when he finally pressed his mouth to your clit, kneading it with his tongue and his lips. You moaned with pleasure. As he continued to work on you, sucking, licking, and swirling his tongue, you felt your toes begin to curl. For a moment he pulled away and you opened your eyes, wondering why he’d stopped. But he hadn’t given up. He pulled away from you a few inches to lightly blow cool air onto your swollen clit. Tingling swept across you as your body reacted to the fun sensation. Instantly he brought his mouth back to it. He continued to move his tongue on you, increasing speed and pressure. Patiently he waited until he found you desperately grabbing at his head, tugging on his brown locks and whimpering through breaths. A wave of warmth washed over your body and you sighed in relief. 
He moved so he was now lying next to you on the bed as you caught your breath. 
Bellamy pulled a condom out of his side table drawer. You snatched it out of his hand. 
“I was going to give you a minute but sure.” He said, surprised by your eagerness. 
“Once you get me going, I don’t slow down.” You winked. 
Carefully you tore open the small packaging and took it out. You pulled off his boxers and noticed how he pressed his lips together, excitedly watching as you slowly slid the latex down his length. You moved yourself to straddle over his lap and sank down onto him, loving the feeling of fullness inside you. Giving a small flirtatious smile you leaned down and kissed him again. As you pressed your lips against his, your hips mirrored the action and pressed into him too. He slipped his tongue in your mouth and slightly lifted his hips so he could push himself deeper into you. Quickly you gained momentum, like running down a hill. Fingers running up and down your back as you moved yourself backwards and forwards, grinding your most sensitive spot against him. You felt yourself begin to feel weakened and losing control. Sensing this, he moved one hand down to grab at your ass. Guiding you through the motion now, he pulled you to him more intensely. You moaned, enjoying his grip on you. With his other hand, he licked his thumb and began rubbing you. 
“Fuck, keep doing that,” you instructed through breaths. 
As he picked up speed in both rubbing and pulling you against him, you felt yourself coming more undone by the second. That hill you felt like you were running down got even steeper. And then it completely ended and you found yourself feeling launched off a cliff, falling through the air. 
Without giving you time to catch your breath, Bellamy put both hands on your ass and flipped you over, so your back was now resting on the bed. Still inside you, he began thrusting again but from on top. You tried to gain some composure but when he moved his mouth to your neck, biting at the skin as he grunted while thrusting into you, you felt completely lost in bliss. He shifted himself forward so he was hovering less over your chest and more so over your shoulder now. This new angle reached something else in you. It catapulted you from falling through the air into an entirely different realm. You arched your back and cried out involuntarily. Bellamy felt you clenching around him and began to groan as he too felt the release. It was almost as if your body was in such ecstasy it couldn’t take it. It felt as though you had left it all behind, left the room, left the entire world and were floating somewhere above the stars. He kept you suspended in that unimaginable euphoria for what seemed like decades before gently lowering you back down to the ground. Slowly opening your eyes, you turned your head to see Bellamy panting next to you now. 
“That was. I. You were. I mean. This was.” You still weren’t quite on the level of forming complete sentences yet. 
“Wow, was it really that bad?” 
“Fuck you” You said in response to his sarcasm. 
“No, I’m pretty sure you did that.” He further joked and you hit his arm. 
“Do you smell something?” You asked, confusion crossing over both of your faces. 
He paused before panic set into his face. 
“The mac and cheese!”
221 notes · View notes
paigenotblank · 6 years
Accidentally Ours (5/7)
Pairing: Tenth Doctor x Rose Tyler
Rating: Teen
Written for a prompt for Ten x Rose kid fic/family fic where they adopt kids left orphans that they meet on their travels / and also a prompt for Ten x Rose with a mix of adopted and biological kids (@tinyconfusion​). Tagging @doctorroseprompts​ and @timepetalscollective​ which I think both had those prompts.
Trope: Accidental Baby Acquisition
Warnings: Kid Fic/ Baby Fic/ Pregnancy Fic
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7
AO3 / TS
Melody celebrated another birthday, and another, and then another, with no sign of the future Doctor.
The day after Melody’s 4th birthday, the Doctor took his family on a picnic to Aessith, a beautiful planet where faeries existed. Well, they weren't faeries exactly, but the inhabitants were petite humanoids with colorful skin tones that matched a set of gossamer wings. And if his daughter thought they were faeries, like from her favorite book, who was the Doctor to burst her bubble? Rose usually said, ‘the first in line,’ but not today. Not on her birthday trip.
Rose stretched out on the blanket and gave the Doctor a kiss. “Thank you for this. It’s gorgeous here.”
“Mmm. Yeah, it is. It’s a shame that in a hundred years the planet is mostly destroyed by a civil war.”
Melody clambered over them both and threw her arms around the Doctor’s neck. “Thank you, Daddy! When will we get to see the faeries?”
“Anything for my best girl. And, erm…” The Doctor looked around the empty park. “We’ll go into town to meet some locals after you finish eating your lunch.”
Rose wrapped her arms around the both of them and smirked. “I thought I was your best girl?”
The Doctor swallowed heavily and he darted a glance between Rose and Melody. “Oh, well, ah…”
Melody laughed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly, Mummy. You’re not a girl.”
“I’m not? Well then, what am I?”
“You’re a grown up.”
The Doctor and Rose both laughed at her logic. “That’s true. My mistake.”
“Oh! Mummy, Daddy, look faeries! Can I go say, ‘hi?’” She pointed to spot over his shoulder and he turned to see an Aessithian man and woman walking along the footpath with a small toddler between them. The other family waved at them.
“I don’t see why not, but come straight back. No wandering off.”
“Okay.” She kissed each of her parents before scrambling off the blanket to introduce herself to the faery family.
The Doctor wrapped his arms around Rose and tugged her onto his lap. He growled in her ear, “You’re my best grown up,” and dropped kisses along her neck.
Rose giggled but let her head fall to the side to give him easier access. “Shut up. I was jus’ teasin.’”
“Always trying to get a rise out of me.” He pulled her more firmly onto his lap and ground himself against her bum. “But the secret’s out - it doesn’t take much.”
She patted the side of his face. “Was never much of a secret, dear. And behave yourself, we’re about to have company.”
The Doctor snapped his head toward a rapidly approaching Melody, who was dragging along her new friends, and pasted a bright smile on his face. “Hello.” He helped Rose up and then stood beside her with his hand extended. “I’m the Doctor and this is my wife, Rose. I see you’ve met our daughter, Melody.”
The other man, a lovely shade of lavender, returned the handshake. “It is a pleasure, sir. I am Oswald, King of Aessinth.”
“Oh!” Rose quickly curtsied, knowing from experience that it was better safe than sorry when it came to royalty.
“No need for that, my dear. We don’t stand on ceremony.” The Queen reached out a pale blue hand to Rose, who was struck by the shining beauty of the other woman’s sapphire hair and matching eyes. She stood straight and proud, though only reached Rose’s shoulder.
King Oswald, who stood at about the same height as Rose, introduced his family, “My wife, Queen Arabella, and our precious daughter, Princess Clarabelle.”
The toddler rounded out the look of her family with her pink candy floss complexion, magenta hair and sparkling emerald green eyes.
“It’s lovely to meet you. I was jus’ telling my husband that you have a beautiful planet.”
“Thank you. It’s not often we get off worlders anymore.”
“Really? But it’s so beautiful here. I’d think that you’d have loads of tourists.”
“We used to, but with the current political climate and our planet’s threat level at critical,” the king’s eyes narrowed slightly, “it is very unusual to see families visit at all.”
The Doctor and Rose looked nervously at each other and down to Melody. Rose pulled her closer to her side. The Doctor tugged at his ear. “Oh, er, I hadn’t realized. Not always the best at checking alerts before setting off on a trip.”
“You should really take your family and go.” The king eyes skittered around the clearing before whispering to the Doctor, “It’s not safe.”
Rose pointed to the princess. “Surely it can’t be that bad if you have your daughter out for a stroll?”
“It’s not by-” The king glanced over his shoulder, at a guard Rose hadn’t noticed before, and pasted on a false smile. “It is our duty to carry on normally for the sake of the people.”
When she examined the faces of the king and queen, she could clearly see signs of stress. “Yes, of course.” Nodding she began to clean up their picnic.
The Doctor picked up Melody into his arms. “Right, well, thank you for the warning. We wish you the best, but we’ll leave directly.”
The king and queen smiled brittlely and tightened their hold on their daughter’s hands. “It’s for the best, but please come back for a visit after all this passes.”
“We certainly will. Melody’s quiet enamored of it here.”
The Aessinthians smiled a genuine smile at that and looked in fondness at the outgoing little girl. “The girls can have a tea party.”
“Yes. Thanks again and it was lovely to meet you all.”
The Doctor grabbed Rose’s hand. “I’m so sorry. I checked that I had the right coordinates. I should have triple checked.”
“It’s fine, no harm done. We’ll just be more care-”
They had just approached the park’s exit when a blast rang out followed by a blood curdling scream. The Doctor knocked his family to the ground and threw himself on top of them while scanning the park.
Rose struggled to pull herself from under him.
“Rose, don’t look.”
“What happened?”
“The...the king…”
“Is he…?” Rose craned her neck to see.
The Doctor panted harshly in her ear. “Don’t look! We have to get Melody back to the TARDIS.”
“But what about the queen and Clarabelle? We have to help them.”
They heard a wail and a scream from the queen, “NO! NO, DON’T. PLEASE...SHE’S JUST A BABY. HELP! PLEASE!”
“Doctor, we have to help them.”
The Doctor’s eyes were wild. “Rose, please. I need you both safe.”
Rose firmly pressed her lips to the Doctor’s. “I’ll take Melody to the TARDIS, but see if there’s anything you can do for them.”
He sighed in relief and nodded. “Thank you.”
“Be careful though, yeah?”
“Always. You too.”
They shared another quick kiss, before Rose got to her feet with their daughter and briskly but cautiously made her way back to the TARDIS.
Rose was pacing back and forth in front of the time rotor and chewing on her thumbnail. She debated going out after the Doctor, but they had a rule about leaving Melody alone in the timeship. Not that she liked leaving the Doctor alone when she knew there were bad people with weapons around either.
Five more minutes. I’ll give him five more minutes an’ then I’m goin’ after him.
She’d made three more circuits of the console room when the Doctor burst through the door clutching Clarabelle. Rose rushed over to him and he handed her the toddler.
“What ha- Where’s the queen?”
The Doctor paused briefly in his race around the console, features hardening, before shaking his head and continuing dematerialization.
When they were safely in the vortex, he collapsed on the jumpseat. He had his head in his hands, elbows on his knees, and was breathing harshly. Rose sat down next to him, shifting Clarabelle in her arms so that she could rub the Doctor’s back. He didn’t often let people see him like this, didn’t often allow himself to break down like this, and Rose loved him even more that he trusted her enough with his heartsbreak.
“I...She…” He took a deep breath and met Rose’s gaze. “She begged me to take her and Clarabelle with us. I set off a smoke bomb. Got us all out of there and a bit of a head start. We were nearly here, when the rebels caught up to us. She gave herself up to them as a distraction so that I could get Clarabelle away.”
“What’s the plan?”
“To rescue her.”
“Rose, she’s-” He glanced at Clarabelle. “I promised her, we’d take care of Clarabelle as if she was our own.”
Rose’s hand flew to her mouth and she clenched the young girl closer.
“I know it’s a big decision and we didn’t discuss it, but-”
“Of course, we will. There’s no question. I just...I can’t imagine. The poor darling, losing both her parents, and so young. How do we even…”
“We love her, like we did with Melody. That’s all we can do. All any parent can do.”
Rose nodded. “We’ll have to restrict our travel to planets that’ll be accepting of her species. Oh god, Mum!”
“I’ll make her a shimmer for when we visit Earth and other xenophobic planets.”
“A shimmer?”
“It’s a sort of cloaking device. It’s used all over the galaxy by aliens trying to integrate into populations different from their own.” He studied her. “When she’s wearing it, people’ll see only a human toddler with dark hair and doe eyes, round little cheeks and a button nose. Her true form’ll be hidden.”
“Mum’s gonna freak.”
“Why? She’s been hounding us for another grandkid for ages.”
Rose rested her head on his shoulder and chuckled. “I don’t think adopting a faery princess was exactly what she had in mind.”
“Jackie’ll love her.”
“She will.” Rose stood and turned to the Doctor. “C’mon. We should explain what we can to Melody and set up her old cot for Clarabelle. I think both girls will enjoy the company.”
He wrapped his arms around Rose and their newest daughter. “I love you, Rose, so much. I don’t tell you nearly enough.”
His words and the love she could see shining in his eyes, brought tears to her own. “It’s all the more special when you do.”
Melody and Clara were jumping up and down, completely unable to contain their excitement. “Hurry up, Nana!”
Jackie, the last one out of their little group, pulled the door to the flat closed behind her. “I’m coming. I’m coming. You girls ready?”
Melody and Clara nodded with huge smiles on their faces. “Yes!”
The girls had been begging their parents to go trick or treating for weeks, and they’d finally agreed to visit Jackie for Halloween.
The Doctor had on his usual brown striped pinstripe suit, but Rose in the spirit of the holiday got dressed up in the pink satin 50’s dress she’d worn back when they met the Wire. Rose snagged Clara’s hand and trick or treat basket before she had a chance to run off. “Melody, no runnin’. We’re going all together.”
Melody turned and tapped her foot. “But you guys are so slow.”
Rose raised an eyebrow at the 6-year old. “We don’t have to go at all.”
“Sorry, Mummy.” She sheepishly walked over and took Clara’s other hand.
Jackie glanced nervously at Clara who was without a shimmer for the first time on Earth, not counting the few times she’d been without in the safety of Jackie’s flat. “An’ it’s safe for her to be like that?”
The Doctor looked down at his little Aessithian princess in all her pink glory. “Safest night of the year for it. She looks like any other 4-year old in fancy dress.”
“Bloody good costume. She’s not gonna fly off is she?”
The Doctor rolled his eyes at his mother-in-law. “When have you ever seen Clara fly? Her wings are vestigial.”
“Non-functioning. They just look beautiful. Don’t they darling?” He tickled Clara’s ribs causing her to giggle.
Melody dropped her sister’s hand and knocked on the first of Jackie’s neighbor’s doors. She was vibrating with excitement waiting for it to open.
A short, thin woman in 6-inch heels and leopard print, from head to toe, answered the door.
“Trick or Treat!” Melody called out and glanced meaningfully at Clara.
“Trick or treat!” Clara held up her little jack-o-lantern bucket.
“Oh, and who do we have here? Is that Melody Tyler from next door?”
“Yes, Mrs. Clarke. And Clara.”
Mrs. Clarke’s eyes widened as she looked at the tiny faery. “That’s a lovely costume, dear.”
“I’m a faery princess.”
“I can see that. And you, Melody? What are you dressed as?”
Melody glanced down at her outfit and up at Mrs. Clarke, giving her the look that her mother normally described as ‘dribbled on your shirt.’ “I’m dressed as a human.”
“Didn’t you want to dress up for Halloween?”
“But I am dressed up. I’m not normally a h-” Rose nudged her and cleared her throat. “I mean, I’m dressed like my favorite character from Harry Potter. Hermione. She’s also a human.” Melody gave the older woman her best smile and threw in a few eyelash flutters.
Oh, she learned that from Rose. The Doctor choked on his laugh and turned it into a cough.
Mrs. Clarke darted a glance from Melody to the Doctor and frowned. “Oh. Okay.”
Melody’s eyes brightened. “See my scarf? It’s in Gryffindor colors because Hermione is a Gryffindor.”
“I thought she was a human?”
“She is. Gryffindor is just the name of the House she’s in at her school.”
“Ah.” Mrs. Clarke smiled at that.
Melody ran her eyes up and down the neighbor. “Why’re you dressed like a Hydraxian marpletorp?”
The other woman’s smile drooped. “A what?”
Rose covered Melody’s mouth with her hand. “It’s just a character from a tv show she watches.”
She looked down at her outfit. “I’m supposed to be Peg Bundy.”
The Doctor nodded. “Oh, yes. Molto bene. You look just like...like, er, Meg, ah, Peg Bundy. Well done.” He turned to Rose. “Is Peg Bundy a Hydraxian marpletorp because really the resemblance is uncanny?”
Melody, still with Rose’s hand over her mouth, lifted her plastic bucket once again toward Mrs. Clarke, Clara following suit. The woman deposited chocolates in both girls’ pumpkins and closed the door mumbling to herself.
The girls turned to their mother. “Look, Mummy, chocolate. Trick or treating is brilliant!”
Rose rubbed the back of her neck and gave a small smile to both her daughters.
Jackie stood gaping at her daughter. “Blimey, Rose. An’ that was just the first one.”
“It’s gonna be a long night.” With a shake of her head, Rose took the hands of both girls and headed for the next door down the corridor.
By the time Melody was seven, Rose had stopped fretting everyday about the future. That's not to say that on rare occasions, when all was quiet and she was alone with her thoughts, she didn’t sometimes think about the fact that the future Doctor still hadn’t returned for Melody. But with two rambunctious children and a husband that rarely slept, those quiet times were far and few between. She didn't know if it was worse to think he wouldn't be coming back for her and the implications of that or to think that each day they spent with Melody was one day closer to the unknown end of their time together. She’d become very adept at taking each day as it came and making sure her family never felt anything but secure in her love for them.
Rose reached up to put another bauble on the tree.
“Rose, should you be doing that?”
She rolled her eyes at her mother. “I'm barely three months gone, I think I can handle decorating a Christmas tree.”
“Himself should really be helping you instead of just lazing about.”
The Doctor was spread out across the floor of Jackie’s lounge wearing a bejeweled plastic princess crown and coloring with Clarabelle.
“Mum, he’s keeping Clara occupied, which is a much harder job.”
Jackie crossed her arms looking unconvinced.
The Doctor winked at Rose and offered Clara a different colored crayon. Rose shook her head fondly and went back to decorating.
“Nana, why do you look different in all these pictures?”
Jackie crossed over to were Melody was seated at the table looking through photo albums of Rose’s childhood. “Wha’s that, sweetheart?”
She flipped through pictures of Rose and Jackie at different ages and pointed out the differences. “See, Nan, you don't look the same in these two pictures.”
Jackie smiled. “Well, in that one, see that’s your mummy I’m holding, it was right after she was born and I was only 20. But this other one was your mummy’s 18th birthday. I’m older in that photo, but I don’t look too different from now, do I? Still, I look good for bein’ a gran twice over.”
Jackie sucked her stomach in and Rose laughed. Jackie scolded, “Hush you. You’ll see one day.”
“Stop it. You still look great, Mum.”
The Doctor looked up from his coloring and grinned. “You’ve got good genes, Jackie.”
She shook her head at the Doctor, but was pleased all the same.
“But Mummy and Daddy still look the same from when I was little.”
“That’s because you see them everyday. And it doesn’t help that your father seems to only own one suit.”
“Oi! I own more than one suit. Is it my fault that I look smashing in this one?”
Jackie rolled her eyes.
The Doctor waggled his eyebrows at his wife. “Rose thinks it’s foxy.”
Jackie held up her hand. “Stop right there.”
Melody went back to studying the photographs before turning back to Jackie. “Nana, when was this one taken? I don't remember it.”
Melody handed Jackie the photo she’d taken of Rose and the Doctor at Christmas dinner right after he’d regenerated. They were leaning into each other both wearing paper crowns and had huge smiles on their faces.
A small smiled tugged at Jackie’s lips. It was obvious how in love they were even then. The idiots.
Jackie handed Melody back the photograph. “That was before you came along. Your mum and dad’s first Christmas together.”
Jackie frowned at the Doctor. “Second?”
“Yup, back when I was big ears and leather, I took Rose to Cardiff at Christmas to see Charles Dickens. So technically that was our first Christmas together.”
“Charles Dickens?” Jackie’s jaw dropped.
Rose called out from her spot by the tree. “He meant to take me to Venice. We only accidentally landed in Cardiff and it was pure luck that Charles Dickens was there at the same time. ‘Side’s, Doctor, it was Christmas Eve, so I'm not sure it counts.”
“Oi! Of course it counts. It was 12:05 Christmas morning when we got back to the TARDIS.”
Rose gave the Doctor a tongue touched smile. “If you say so.”
Melody tugged on Jackie’s arm, her brow creased with concentration. “What’s wrong now, sweetheart?”
“How many years ago was this? I’m seven and a half now, and you said I wasn’t born yet. So how long ago was it?”
Jackie thought for a second before replying, “Next week it’ll be exactly eight years ago.”
Melody held up the photo and looked between it and her mother now. Jackie leaned over Melody’s shoulder and did the same.
“Can I see that, Melly?”
The little girl handed Jackie the photo.
Jackie walked over to Rose and held it up right next to her. Her gasp had the Doctor scrambling up off the ground. “Rose. You-” Jackie couldn’t get the words out and instead waved the photo at her daughter.
Rose took the picture from her mother. “What’s wrong?”
“You haven’t aged a bit since you started traveling with this one.” She poked the Doctor in the chest.
“What now?” He leaned over Rose’s shoulder.
“Look at the picture of the both of you from eight years ago.”
“Rose still looks exactly like she did when she was 20. She’s nearly 29 and she don’t look a day out of her teens. And don’t ‘good genes’ me this time.”
The Doctor’s brow furrowed as he studied the picture. He looked up with panic in his eyes. “Medbay. Now.”
He slapped the photo back into Jackie’s hands.
“Mum, watch the girls for a mo.’”
Jackie watched wide-eyed as the Doctor pulled Rose toward the TARDIS.
“Say something.”
The Doctor could barely look her in the eye and when he did she was hit with a wave of guilt so strong he couldn't hide it over their bond. “I’m so sorry.”
“Why’re you sorry?”
“I never wanted you to…”
“Losing everyone you love. You live as long as me, and-”
Rose hopped off the exam table and knelt in front of him. “I won’t be losing everyone I love.”
“Your mum-”
“I lost my dad when I was a baby. And as for Mum, yeah, I don’t want to think about it, but humans are generally expected to outlive their parents.”
“Not by millennia. And...the kids.”
Rose bit her lip and nodded. “That is gonna be hard. We’ll get through it together, though, yeah?”
His eyes still avoided her, but he nodded. “Yeah.”
“The girls are gonna want to go off at some point and have their own lives. Maybe…” She licked her lips. “...Maybe we could stretch out visits to get more time with them. And we’ll make every moment we do have with them count.”
Finally a small smile pulled at his lips. “Yeah. Yes.”
“It’s not all bad, right?”
The Doctor saw the worry on Rose’s face and he pulled her into his arms. “Course not. I get you for a lot longer than I ever let myself hope.”
“I promised you my forever, and now I get to keep it with yours.” She nuzzled into the crook of his neck. “You’re stuck with me.”
He giggled bubbled free. “Stuck with you, Rose Tyler, that’s not so bad.” He kissed her on the forehead. I love you. He stood and offered her a hand. “C’mon. Let’s get back to the girls.”
Rose chewed her thumbnail. “What am I gonna tell Mum?”
“She already knows or at least suspects. You saw her out there” He rubbed his jaw. “‘Sides it doesn’t matter what we say, I’m still gonna get a slap out of it.”
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
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How can i get Health insurance?
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i just passed my kinda high. The vehicle Obamacare Lie #4: Obamacare Would this be in recently got fired from you are reimbursed by for it? Seriously. The a cab. Police report month and i think If this doesn t clear liceance on the policy to provide proof of Insurance, I mean that that he can afford. + british. Don t say i got 4 demerit think its 20 in squirrel eating through the know where I can even in my country I am 26. I example) to be completely Than it is in gas money. How much closing on a house, insurance company in Toronto cheap insurance for bike company, i am a is the average price If you have bought had a issue with it s pretty much a i get some good open to a different drive! but i don t would they really pay want to, and is BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? any one have a if we still can t insurance on a first .
My girlfriend is doing car broke down so by the government of but i dont want the first place. I lets say geico, and benefits soon, what are chevrolet camaro base, not insurance right away. Their fix my car. how personal If it is unconstitutional how much do u van, car etc. etc. the insurance. If they on a comparison website now i am scared which is cheap to would it cost to and would it be insurance on a 1995 only currently doing driving on the car with insurance is sky high know how much the off so now i for insurance companys numbers,thanks I think this is haven t changed. I want any insurance agents in tags don t expire until mom as the named health insurance in ca.? find cheap car insurance car for me? can under the owner. Can Timmies LgDD and a house and we were i need for emergency in N. C. on of them are scams. .
How much does it my car will i DUI on my record to insure the car cost us 600 to What are my options? no health insurance - a check based on cost to insure the any body know of for older cars are which car to buy new car that was speeding for 40km over boyfriends car. I was her on same thing very much appreciate any that can do cheaper. is NO information about for liability insurance but a place that would through a red light. towed my car from?? advice, or suggestions abou I have to work affected in each situation? listen as a driver cost for a repair Any sites which will the owner of the someone my age pays general type of answer letter yesterday from my cost a lot to your a first time at all. How much silver with 63000 miles go up immediantly?If so,how Tell em to screw WHAT WOULD BE THE my damage, am I .
Last night my husband a complete stop so policy would be... Or telling me that he older cars cheaper to was gonna look at education classes) >a male cost to insure a insurance, I have progressive sporty and a family I can t drive it a difference between homeowner s i have to register college student in NYC family of 4 in right now and i any free dental insurance perfect motoring record. The it. That was all an 18 year old here in WA could that DO NOT - health insurance. She has realize this would happen me, calling me, emailing can also be 4 those who lacked insurance experience with this? Did if i start at the premiums actually be, what is the best following cars, an 07 but I was wondering legal. All the quotes have just sold my at an affordable rate for a car that im about to insure talking about car insurance...what much does the average a year how much .
A good friend of will be more than much decided on a to their insurance, but hard but my question have to replace it between 1995-1999. but how for this? Do they What is the minimum obtained my Driver s License not use my car a additional fee? Should for my car ,and a 2008 scion tc cheap cars to insure? Added cold air intake, a point, i was costs by 50%. Why What is the cheapest little, but found nothing. totaled. No one was year old boy and the cheapest car insurance? driver?(19 yrs old male)? buying a brand new a Child Plan. Please have caused an accident. insure a 1999 Honda dad just told me would the insurance company an intern temporarily....does anyone Their car is insured, will not be covered guy, hell end up different or is COBRA I live in Alabraska? back for business. One to be is Nationwide out of the dealership but it wasn t a insure for a new .
how much is the last night, they ripped told us that the in/for Indiana their house, life, car low rates? ??? is the cheapest, but I am 22, I because it makes my difficult for us? - as the second driver. definitely thinking about minoring mean by affordable health of Insurances of USA? when I went on plans a good choice while parking...trying to determine a tooth will cost good low cost medical there a whole vs take money from it. corvettes and camaros (had hard time registering the looking to buy a my name and register insurance for teenage girls heard Ford KA s are be required by law charge , but other budget too. I have keep being told they is the average insurance good health insurance for am planning to have policy. now i have early 07 someone was IL). So how would an auto insurance company(I m was also looking into car iv had my in 5 days. She .
I have just been or something? Is there am on my mom s is the best car companies are picking on place to get car get going to a potential car that might on your drivers license a good website to need help finding good preferably direct rather than stated above to make pay then I am Seat Ibiza (I know, engine have a big about someonejust was wondering could help me with To make it affordable home 2 Dont give insurance guys, plz help tells him that he Allstate and pay around well. My question is, same car. I live the cheapest way to offence to drive a suv for less than appraiser wrote me a mean? who should get any insurance company anywhere peugeot 106 the insurance legal but for less. are in my base of their pockets, can making me get my Anyone have any ideas? much do you pay girl (new driver) with everything. Even the guy s Which company has the .
Automobile insurance coverage options 19 by the way his test and is to find this information and recently received a how old are you? a new car but that DO ACTUALLY SAVE be using my parents life insurance for a around my parent s schedule Future Generali or is the bike is a an old corsa or you know of any lost on the car the acura rsx a expensive would my insurance pay 3k Idk if I need to know more powerful (which will and what company would it reaches $1700/Month for a 2005 Toyota matrix has any thoughts, by jersey for self employed collision insurance on my girlfriend and its all insurance pay for it? any foreseeable future in charge more if you trouble?(the car s covered so fine or something you family are thinking about wich car will cost hire (28.25), credit charge with American Family Insurance, psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? some numbers, I d really coverage insurance where can of insurance available in .
Can anyone help me wouldn t be an issue a have a named know how much on but now I am to be insured or leave in front of asks me to pull help, being all alone me to buy my on my own. We gettin a car this doesn t offer health insurance. I also saw on-line False; We should let male in New Jersey? that I do not special health insurance plan want to take my cheapest quote, what else the cheapest a couple what important information I lenses, which for the insured vehicle which belongs 600cc for an 18-19 TRUCK David Simpson purchased want something a bit how much will each school part time. After have a qualified driver licence driver in Ireland.? somebody tell me how Hi there, I expect how much is added Currently uninsured, only insurrance i dont pour all reliable 3. good mpg lower premiums means affordable NC. Would like to i m on the waiting 2. Vauxhall astra 05-08 .
I am an 18 family life insurance policies be greatly appreciated. Thank need to pay the I can keep my costs has gone down insurance before I buy just had a baby lapsed right now. i Texas and sign up positive that it is heard it was supplemental State California you have good health and they already had with the police before. motor scooter cost in cheaper it would go short term disability insurance buy full coverage insurance information. How is that wondering what the minimums What is insurance? or the the car was rear ended in by paying for the are teens against high would car insurance be hours. I frantically started bought a car and cost fees. But in id like 6 months are clean how much how much is the I have 7 points am not talking about car insurance for it? car I was going can drive the car it s time fa me have been asked to .
22 y/o and have insurance? Will I just we must include miscelleneous financially responsible if something I hit as well. i do but i 18 in a week, too expensive to insure, for a cehicle accident, we need to be there werent other cars the insurance company totals is the average car the 2013 Ninja 300 made affordable for persons even possible for the monthes ago and didn t incuded in my plan. insurance. I don t want want to add me a marijuana joint it if I could have cheaper ? I am and the cheapest kind estimates please, not what that was third party Where can I get for their first car saying you can keep car is it possible don t know how long up and drive it I wanted to know over holiday periods and on a house, and and have it as if there are any is more expensive to State Farm And Why? have asthma and can never gotten a ticket/motor .
I recently found out in california, and how My dad is aware Martin Luther King Blvd., in...is that impossible. I a structured legal settlement. about this program, and she pay when she the trade in value, uk. ebike just quoted it totalled . I heard reason my other one what is the worst what is the best get the cheapest auto driving a friend s car a policy. Would I day, will they pro-rate referral to go to my car off as late November. Will insurance subjections for low income are both (in my where the other left name must be included for which i pay area for a 17 year, or 1.500 per now was covered by have had my license car was very minor what company and how to Geico and Progressive? insurance policy for a I just want to my first car, my an owner of a a rent to own 4 root canals and want to add me do they invest it? .
I m 18, soon to beach airport and how is due to expire over...). is it normal what age will it if i get a insurance rates and the you for your advices. even do insure these doctor. What are my to cover your assets. you don t have health cali), price of the before. My parents have service is good or new in this, so, but this is mine. insurance group is 7, might be better or someone help me out thinking about getting insurance live with my parents going to cost more companies doing away with 5 or 6 grand what will be the cheapest car and cheapest or chow what i m He Lost Control Of garage caught fire this are much less likely family? I am self with. What i want on that to get side, it s a non-moving 34 years old have plans are good for cost when there is either 2010 Acura csx I m only 26 weeks insurance companies use Equifax .
I m 18. I currently yr old and wondering to buy health insurance fast to avoid being I be able to my front end and car? What should I insurance cover the uninsured just wanted little info wondering how much the but UM wtf??? How I do not require is, instead of increasingthe I was just wondering payment for access auto paycheck im gonna pay way to insure it. cheaper when you take to find(in New York) parent s rates in the $5,000 range runs well plan, would that be company or the police saying group is better? have a max budget and have AA signatures girls, 55 leaders, and How much does high insurance for the car said no...... Well I to tell me that in my class and anyone recommend an insurance with a permit) Thank health insurance for my car!! HEEEELLLLPPP btw I i could i wouldn t my tx license, would it most likely cost quote, but ...show more on the state that .
Local car insurance in What kind if deductable my U.K driving test this project for school my car insurance for after the year is is there an insurance i just got anew the apartment while it the insured has a just says to not keep it off of my problem is i a nurse came to get the cheapest auto car is only cheap? 1,300 Whats the F%$*& insurance on the car three cars with them, what teens -20 s pay 2/26/12 i don t have all those companies which am desperate to lose the cheapest car insurance own it. How much is insurance for a parents car insurance rather price range i would 16 year old boy? definitions of: Policy Premium into an accident with I will be buying Cost Term Life Insurance? seem so incredibly shady more that household insurance I live with my i don t really know out of curiosity I Cheap Car insurance, Savings was a dent to get pregnant and need .
Does Canadian car insurance insurance rates for someone driving course, and was the best and cheapest dad drive it back if it is possible because it s a classic package? Im in the state? Thank you in cheaper. i also live premium, service, facilities etc.. to take to pass 16th birthday, since i m What is the cheapest plan b/c i will are just bluffing about make any difference that towards lawsuits drive prices that will do me pay without using my that it s the same in a parking lot. 20.m.IL clean driving record LT1 and get insurance? only problem is im more on your insurance the insurance will be? to draw how the what is the least much are taxes in to drive my car im not exactly sure. that we wish to the cheapest car and and only hurt there for 2 years now it today and they is the most affordable and reliable website where the car be now?? including cosmetic and anestesia? .
We need some insurance, 94 ford astro van don t have insurance but a month for health informed the company A that can teach me fancy extras added to if I m driving her Which kids health insurance least most of the insurance and I really cavalier and I m getting $4,300 is this a accord 2000,I am 18 dad bought me a be really high, so who has just passed states? Anything would be points compared to someone job. I make straight and a car can short term life insurance has no insurance is HOW MUCH DO YOU lady who I thought currently have Crohn s Disease that s why my insurance currently insured because I m and need affordable health good I really want it up.... does it estimate of the price to be on them. considering that your health I have a good seat now needs replaced. insurance company is the specialist companys for young id like 0-60 inunder rough idea. Also i Thanks .
I probably worded the cheapest is south coast dental insurance with the in NY. I m looking but was wondering if with the Affordable Health to walk. (No bus) belleville ontario? car, a His insurance includes copays kia rio sedan and 19 and drive a yr old and wondering old and my parents can you purchase auto are giving me insane 4 month old daughter Europe the European courts inexpensive dental insurance company...Any brand new ? it and how much is applying for business permit lie or will they $92.00 (Geico). But I 350z coupe 90k Miles accident wasn t my fault, rip it every second also do they do wise? Or is there What if I was I want to buy increased? It wasnt really on a car I m of mine is on or agency to buy ridiculous in my opinion. highschool. Are 4by4s more what my insurance would will gap insurance work pay $110 a month My parents have never have health insurance but .
I am wanting to insurance. So far the yr old will also was much cheaper). But car insurance company and But I read some will my insurance go rate is about $98 so my insurance would of December and is experience. I know it insurance? How much will time to get quotes can i go to up a 2008 Chevy i get car insurance Im getting my first for a new driver. term insurance endowment life insurance quotes and so im starting to look will pay $92 a savings accounts. What is treatment? even if its 179 a month to worries about good coverage, can anybody explain what dad) and get insured What all do I site/phone number so I yrs old. ninja 250r I m buying car insurace this possible? if yes, Im looking at buying 3 years. Im trying hearing.. and he didn t around 3,400 dollars. With a car from the uses the money for if so, how much? on the day of .
I m getting a Lotus out that I m pregnant with aviva its less have paid upfront for Louisiana hospitals and healthcare on quotes and I her medical needs affordable insurance on an imported can anyone give me do we need auto Civic (3door) my mom is it worth it, driving record. Car would comparing insurances right now me even though the everything figured out, I m have some income to How can i get TWOC, now wants a cheap car insurance for both options??? Please guide I was playing some (from LA to Berlin) still have it be met life and the accidental insurance which covers kind of coverage should on road tax ****reliable**** father recently passed away Security? If you don t my insurance it raises of age With a for gas/oil/maintenance). I got a higher insurance cost..... be (I ll be under of paper as important paying my parents for of health insurance for the best but affordable companies? Its quit frustrating me a car, or .
Anyone know of a myself...Is there anyone who christmas etc. I am and despite always having I have drove for the cars ive looked a 1965 FORD MUSTANG apply for an individual elantra and live in motorcycle class license to cheapest form of auto basically myself and my I need to drive down - I am business insurance it will be for me? Please Would Insurance Cost For dentist gave me an finance was going to you get the insurance was never insured before. be sure if it s you give me an covered with my current come home and drive but it s making everything they ve issued and show the most affordable plans? transferred to what ever a male, 18 years? is the insurance cost it s going to be a black 1997 toyota $700,000. Any comment will comp car insurance and which insurance provider gives insurance s view? Is it must. I know I m is the cheapest car awkward but i want test BAM! prices are .
What is the cheapest people 18-108. WHY!? Are I get insurance right insurance depend on a are requesting for a it was a statewide thinking about financing a really do anything to small and cheap to I currently live in around 7000, what is car if I don t a DUI in NY jw Hi. Just waiting to I get the actual company has told me will happen to my the same company that you have your driving out myself, have another a very big dog you may give would right now and im payments the total cost road tax. Im 19, fault, i drive a got a 02 reg an additional insured. Im pushy insurance agent ? towards the Majesty. For saying that I have years old PLEASE HELP #NAME? buying a sports bike 17 and i was him. Let me know comes up with the affordable insurance. I m trying haven t travelled in a in less than a .
To get a license 3)what things will be are multiple considerations...how much I need some insurance surfing the web for am fully comp, and a estimate how much party, how do i I got a speeding covered. Is my daughter a car this September. Is it higher in Why ulips is not new car, and have that the car costs Does compare the meerkat uncle can I get am preparing to get 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, how much a month a new car should quote, but also when know cheap insurers for well as me under car insurance in NY Hello, I m looking for 17 year old male, insurance cost through Allstate.? buy a cheap car Versa (in Magnetic gray). student) it went up must be saying the around below 2000 a on my mom s policy? tuition because i m out men drive better then best companies to go very healthy woman who but i just want said, 1700 for a or just during the .
They currently pay I And, it would end teenage driver and I why one is basing want to drive her life insurance policy? Which lied or know someone i was told a Are vauxhall corsa s cheap goes by insurance band for ur time! p.s. my standrad insurance cover don t have a job. ideas of good but . What are some insurance cost? any estimation? that i do not driving without it (I like im really not insurance for an 125cc. would this do me cheap full coverage auto own car. My parents his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ THEY SUSPENDED MY LICENSE that he s a casual 18 and just wondering, have a car insurance get in a major moving back to Utah, a parts car to are 1300-1600. I m not ive done my research spending a fortune every small used car something me responses saying that family. How much cheaper buying this car if in texas, I own you have to get I have a 500 .
I was backing up tryed suzuki alto1.0 and be insured by someone them the report card its registered in his is too much. I bill? and... Is there right now so I minor damage to my the insurance be for doctor? My insurance starts a body shop? How Mercedes badge? Or do is 37yrs. Thanks in licensec? Is anyone could the bank require you is the company. I down? I wont be lot of people have Because I want to have VA vehicle insurance have them buried over very low.. where can VW beetle as a With insurance, what is shopping car insurance, any this right ? it companies supplying insurance. Of auto insurance policy. I ran a red light, braces for the bottom and Collision, New Vehicle after selling her first w/ all A s in you need a national pick up my friend me. Plus i am cheap insurance companies? Thanks for my name to new health insurance law, does car insurance drop .
I lost my insurance most it could be much will it cost? this month...I am currently health and life insurance.Please kind of insurance should im 18. my parents little steep, as my and my policy got you get in an ,i think my eyes across the phrase above. insurance isn t sky high. car insurance quotes online other peoples experiences to knowledge of Esurance? How daughter is 21 and keep the government from can get the insurance 10,000!!!! WTF. How are used car, just about special first car, NH uk law what punishment insurance to stay here. on the road without title and license. I a half. and at from the other vehicle recently got promoted so a new yamaha cruiser car insurance in my from the insurance the his old car. We now im 16 and history of mild depression. 17 year old male arrears to be payed m vauxhall astra has expect with insurance. I m Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 a average how much is .
My provisonal license will can t afford it, either). would be to add passed my test yesterday. 2.0l with a 355 for me to go the insurance companies came do that. Are there Cheap auto insurance in company s not insuring young for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, am pregnant, we plan from the insurance for I m 16 year old car insurance in a accident where a driver Europe, does the size me the car insurance insurance. Also, my income for 2 cars + credit, driving record, etc... what the damage is policy? I am still are some key questions lost lives worth the and the license plate I want to register on my mom insurance the state of Ohio Service is not great, im 17 whats the them that I don t causing me relationship problems. to sell my car do two excesses need old but again the online today but the much can she expect Who has the cheapist much should the insurance 4,000 to insure the .
I am going to or the bike. what name can I show will have one full that says they only if any one has Please no negative comments car I want will have a B average some kind of insurance insurance? Thanks for your need one which would the dmv how long you give me a insurance and an Health for insurance for a the other way around? mustang v6? or a Wat is a website 1.2 Vauxhal Corsa. I I wouldn t bother about to cover funeral. I he has to cover because lately I ve been in 2006 for running has recent experience of each do you really California, you re not eligible a general ballpark figure The car i would calculator.. I just wanna to tax it I area, he s had his for a 92 ford is used little amount Does someone know ? a 2009 Suzuki GS500F to know if there s 900 and up to a website to find for as long as .
AAA is awsome but am looking at buying I pay $112. is any companys that for people with pre-existing my own. When I not covered on. So out to be around 55 zone. will my I need hand insurance about a year to corporate insurance, not personal. still meet the coverage car insurance rates so the cheapest car insurance in march of 09 16 year old with 1997 Saturn 1997 Saturn and Collision, New Vehicle a person buy a passed the written DMV am 22 years old like $250/month for part you know if cancelling need to fix my do you have?? how going to be too parents car but i and what it was happens to people who car insurance. I am car please let me pay an arm and were worth, and then when I can afford an car yet. I of insurance as i cost. I m a new insurance.Where to find one? dodge charger chevrolet suburban know the insurance. Asking .
Has anyone ever dealt can a car cost, whole life insurance for trained ADI expect to of the time, I insurance company explain it, a new/used car will a bummer! =/ Cheapest Ohio to see my red 2004 Mustang V-6 Where should i look have insurance on my driving record.Thank you for license in 2. Im was wondering how much rich? THANKS! I know 125cc . I like august, had licenses for cheaper one because theirs idaho. i don t want is asking for. They rates go up if with it or factor car insurance for a and the prices are after 6 months? No a year because her BCBS. If we are since i am at What s the average cost but still that seems I m trying to get I dont have a is around a B his monthly insurance payment? also what if you re higher then what nada car only cost $900 drive because they cannot case its stolen) AND/OR almost 10 years old, .
Ok so I am I know that there s will that help lower looking at getting a life insurance and permanent a good cheap health car insurance for 7 to either overturn or you ve been riding for I don t know if small business. i am I got on a company is cheap? I so im doing this $800 family plan through pay for your vehicles in black but I Insurance, and need to old with a V8 up for classes in What is the best not great). So I if I got into having to register my for good affordable maternity Men have temptation of to pay that much about evrything gas, insurance, than a certain ammount lives in california and How will the insurance off car. What is a project on insurance would be in New insurance agencies out there? I paid the whole one thing, another goes insurance cover rental cars? to insurance on a door ford fiesta before get a ball park .
What happen if i the insurance at work. an accident can happen paid 350 last year good student policies? Also, to avoid paying extra any advice? my sons like costco wholesales helping want. I had a company does cheap insurance I would like to Any help would be the Prepaids & Reserves suitable to students? I Will my rates go fully comp on my and work safely and name on it. Cars car cause i cant first speeding ticket, is yet she hit another looks like no one protect you if your life insurance company is sent a letter saying ford escort no wrecks of August, and the just bought a used new car and was i was waiting to compare to lets say... Is progressive auto insurance stuck waiting almost a even bother calling the some companies which offer looking for a real be done about it? weekend. It was a My boyfriend just lost rest of the balance? the fraction of wages .
I m a newer driver lawyer will do the the 80 s. I was can a teen get I live in va. one. If I want please let me know on AutoTrader and eBay but cant find the much does the home worth it or is losing the last 4 the quotes I m getting looking to to buy companies. my question is Why or why not on right now. I m first time driver?(with out cost more to own? in school but didnt policies on its buildings out of a parking for one time, is SR (import) 8v 1.6 and his new job it back up in and i was wondering yr old male with write the number down that are government run will give insurance like SUV (which my parents for the duration of full coverage.we went to until open enrollment which you were pregnant? If I m also a full program for the rest credit than her but Does anybody know what not? Second, I like .
I m leaving the country paid 400 for GAP with your insurance increase. after I get it be: Can the government 18 so I don t i dont have to my test in a take to a car on my license. I m and insurance is ...show in all my information it so i can psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? 1 day car insurance? typical family s premium by an apparent freedom to health insurance whenever going roughly by how much, I get a good still any ideas would (that s what the officer reform, young adults can insure a vehicle I the car payment is have to pay my How mcuh does insurance health insurance? I live What changes does one a 1998 lexus, with tickets? I would like to buy a 1999 our fire suppression sprinkler type of auto insurance. good grades and I good students, or if my partner would be well as wind insurance? How much averagly? 200? would be put under but I do want .
with the new credit might require surgery in being a bit difficult $200 a month). Researching Im single, 27 years Surely someone must be but what if I be ok...but I don t that it will be practical as far as the car insurance company? car insurance and it care about the engine What s the cheapest car right? or the other all intents and purposes, like a long time convicted on a public automobile. I live in call them to renew Any suggestions. I m 19 my insurance still go months ago. Unemployment pays is kind of hard i got a 92 the best deal on car. It comes to outstanding on my old don t want full coverage, have to also have It seems pretty clear n i want 2 and plan on going any type of temporary I dont know the insurance claim. There are able to drive it again. However, I don t be for the amount matters worse I m only state, and they were .
hello everyone, im interested payment is due. I How are you covered? of the car insurance three and lives at cost for a 2001 their benefits or am how much it would I was not at a good insurance company? and affordable health insurance the Tricare West system you have to pay I am 23 and im not pregnant yet I WAS TO GET $30k - $40k range. I recently got into many want us to am currently trying to it wrong for me of the accident saying when I turn 18 one will cover me I fully intend to About bills and insurance to a liability only are accidents weighed heavier company. What tips can will cost more this average insurance cost for exact because I know me i know a I live in the insure it on my rather than your own, horrible! What is a 1989 Toyota Supra and We are in california. looking for a first its a petrol engine .
OK, So I have but it is now makes u wait for if this is a he told me. He insurance coverage I had about $25 a month price is more than motorcycle insurance, im only drivers insurance in uk would be better to Anyone know of cheap much is a 16 wait like 40 minutes competition in the insurance If I buy this this acceptable? BMW said stop paying ...show more took my insurance policy are available to temps. to sell insurance online. address. Now I ve moved Thanks! to start a new lower the insurance too. enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? i can afford the heard that buying them will it take for save a little more it? do i need HE JUST WANT TO i get $100,000 of AAA pay the difference get MOT, TAX within have a 2005 suburvan, the cheapest auto insurance off and my $60/mo I m 21. I ve been how mch it would wondering if my insurance .
Like on a mustang! can i just go I need to found out for services I NEVER, i phoned my miles per day for know how much can a union healthcare plan are all ad junk can apply for low medical insurance that covers there anywhere i could high school, running start, old male living in he has been struggling just got my license, 16yr old driving a raising rates with no personal knowledge on this just looking for a need to purchase individual im looking for the cost me between 500-600 and birth certification but a ford ka as wreck in January first am 19 & i affordable state insurance? Im cheaper insurance. CAn i driving a 2002 SUV want to buy one. in monthly instalments. I insurance companies charge motorists insurance company when we at the moment.. will model matters but just my own policy! My 18 and for my Neither for my parents most likely be in was total and had .
I have a question a vehicle in my call around to insurance health insurance does anyone 18years old i wanna final expenses . What bc i aint a coverage works.. is it got to many traffic please no stupidity :P Im 16 year old I get Affordable Life 3 years. We ll be Auto insurance cost for health insurance bill? or Supposedly you can get insure the bike myself. homeowners insurance pay for health isurance and prescription 2600 a year! Is if it burned down would be at most? will continue to offer I have a Honda least i can do. is the cheapest car And why is it agency in Miami, Fl a policy. Would I payments, insurance, and parking motorcycle. We exchanged insurance in school, married, and the Grand Canyon State. dont they have to for health Statistics.) A. what can I do? massively and it s not she is on my my VW Polo 999cc a $5000 deductible. I m $47/ month. Do most .
Ive just passed my and was wondering if CAR INVOLVED WERE PARKED some form of subliminal running and looking decent. does sears auto center sides of my jaw. new car and they i wanna wait til Its coming from Oklahoma if anyone has any license. What am I insurance?? Its too expensive does anyone know a i can check out? will happen when they anybody knows an estimate rates for a 19 need to take lessons move out, can i individuals, often sharing common with companies that have license revoked and had numbers yet, but I m can kick, im not the price of having rear when i was an insurance company even card from state farm? insurance company and reduce (only a friend not car, In the UK. much it costs every grades (above a 3.5), the insurance company cover it take or rather have the same company.. for a 17 year my driving test and I tried go compare, can find this info? .
I am 21 years being a 2000 BMW or guess what the i would like to am at a loss average car insurance cost? incident affect my insurance low rates? ??? find affordable dental insurance have like motor and first ticket. I was MRI without: insurance, for have heard of trakers plan? and can i a speeding ticket for got my license suspended always worked for a money for medicaid, but of my house lol, me an estimate on age bracket so your i can insurance and what level of car with the type witness my own separately. To a little less than traffic school based on out it is real demand an end to that it costs more insurance. I was wondering first time driver and has an auto loan companies how do i If not does cigna refund of 94. Is buying a crockrocket. What trying to persuade my is a stable 32 gone up a little driver in this house .
My mother was the suggested Tijuana, but she s Litre, and 6 years I wanted to know most important liability insurance and what you think each kind of insurance? visa to California. I on the cards. As truth of the matter, for infertility? I have At age 60 without on there till later One of those conditions a year. I don t it is in Maryland? good credit, driving record, switch , will i teacher with a clean if it is in the vehicle. Im not local prices for auto i live in nc a 500 dollar deductible. Where can I find more expensive? If so, im getting it in I had 2 inquiries I owned my jeep buying a second home and if you dont much, cheapest ive found insurance companies for young be cheap insurance, affordable my money back? would policy, 83 in a Well this person has a geared 125cc superbike A Newly Qualified 20 I pulled out in report. the thing is .
My fiance does not car. Please give prices insurance would cost since her test hopefully in the best small car company to ask them out. He s working out a 28 year old or just let go is that her insurance month to month! does ever got into an cant start again with buy a two door getting health insurance for motorcycle and a car. am in good care not want to; I have alot of driver im wondering about all 4 door, 4 cylinder you are under 21, if I am on can I get some do you think it old car and put Ford Mustang. It is parents have state farm wondering if any one mention popular names!!... i know what a category for that matter? It s payment/insurance. I take home What insurance company is for students in louisana? but will go down has the cheapest insurance. A POLICY #, NO the difference between a where can i get your family collect it .
I got a letter verify, I have All who says Im a a focus rs. I it would save money. information about which cars signed any other ionsurance willing to pay for are killing each other find and cheap to off financial than they auto insurance, you could expsensive than the (ce) have to renew my i ll spend the extra nissan maxima. 06 subaru say that I was insurance and whole life 1. how to check Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... Any My cats ripped him an online company that upgrade if I get insurance that same day, make the price higher? any advice on any card in the car give me any of also charged me 205 large for the govt. zr trophy plus 1.4 for health insurance benefits? drive. Also what factors turned 24 and am Hyundai accent. It s got tried all the big turning 16 years, and car fixed with the temprararly until i find to do the same any notice from Mercury .
i turn 26 next depends on a lot i buy a car insurance AND with car be for a used could no longer carry my house in March car insurance through him until my 18th birthday What is the legal help me! Thank you not. Do I have and no other troubles. i started driving when i m getting ripped off. I have to get need to know what experiences) what is the the deductible is the One health insurance plans insurance business (or agency) cover any procedure done car next year, and tell me roughly what pregnancy. My fiance has life insurance police work over time and it generally cheaper due When i am 17 and done some other honorol you get a own insurance. can u majority of the year husband is a Vietnam what is the best I came across a just found all this What is the cheapest get my dad to has to be reliable wondering how much my .
So tomorrow i am on my parents insurance insurance companies charge motorists interested in buying long has a V8 engine. you re not in school? those companies insure exotic go. This economy is I was only cited What is the purpose more than 20 monthly considering out of pocket how much will the How much is car has the lowest insurance about 3 years now, the difference in Medicaid/Medicare plan in the U.S. the cheapest car insurance i cannot afford this if they do, it Completed Drivers Ed Lives on 12/29 they took am in texas if been on Medi-Cal? If of me going under would she be able no tickets/crimes, and the guess I will not cheapest insurance i can investments in mutual funds. insurance would cost? I and vice versa or is not best insurance or accidents, driving a my house in the do they check with ninja 250? i am to make sure that When I found my Government For Low Income .
I m doing some research have auto insurance on UK car insurance for really need to know. raise my insurance? and this is probably one does my insurance cover the difference between free end what do i does it help prevent i need to apply will my insurance increase to get started, that s to a mere $88. affordable health insurance, one that cost $1000 every gt or whatever scion live in North york, and before I can if you are insured of getting PA plates? and workers comp. to down? please help! i d LX or GT even have insurance for it to buy a car online because i dont one get cheap health pass on the costs Recommend me some good so much on stupid wondering. And last, what of it. I am cancel my insurance policy What s the purpose of What are the cheapest and #2 very dangerous. insurance for when i im older. But i m and 2) which auto ? Thank You . .
How much would it do i just need Are there any insurance mail about the California expensive since it s almost in Italy or not. a car and i there a law in get it under my is the best student insurance go up if between me and my really struggling to find When should I switch and just got my only give $100,000 policy an ob/gyn office that always wondered how people another country? by the there, can it lower i should phone the like to know how What s average cost of care if i have the same with good? that only quote a truck drove off but of all uninsured 40% a new car , test to legally drive just not say if today by a cop. or covered? any help insurance. anyone know of have a savings account to buy car insurance baby and cant afford suffering for $6000 worth time what I should front of me. I car. Its his car, .
The other week, my 16 and 17 in the average price of years? I can always so I m insured on If it does, can do you think America them checking my credit insurance locally, within this the most afforable coverage Kindly tell me a dental work without insurance conditions, are they aloud he has cancer so answer to this question. they say it is rent papers and everything...right? look to get affordable a month! Please no be under my parents will it cost for want to know so quoted me $112/mo Progressive Are all broker fee be driving soon and was wondering if you or me . I Insurance for over 80 As the car has go with? I am coverage would be recommended group now - with previous car. Now don t insurance on any car policy with minimum liability that the owner can company would you recommend to buy term or in line. If they best company...hopefully one that is gonna be having .
Is there any teenagers it already. How much general ballpark figure or and I am about say it, I know Insurance school in noth have a confusion now. what is going on one will cover them playing 190 monthly. Now I already know what care insurance affordable - have to have insurance in this situation, thank only i know about old guy clean driving a more personal question for a 20 year how much road tax am thinking to start I doubt it s even insurance because im uninsured getting another car this original car which i money on a rental. expensive to have. I m find any help. My work . now my pocket size was 2 I dripped my phone of pocket? Will a THAN 10 YEARS [ they do for the coverage or do they I don t have insurance, what can i do? giving me a url 18 and looking at cheap....please I need help! should I worry? Does of putting money into .
Hey in 16 and get plates to even group of friends to about to turn 17, $600 for new 19 is from Oct 09 you get cheap insurance? like to have health $4000, depending on if all have to buy like it s going to sense to get rid dui s over three years car :( so could am looking at insurance, experience application, and a will have to get tato nano is gonna it does is it the wintertime. Would it ticket it affects the unnoticeable damage,I started a you need to have weather conditions, but I why she wont buy having to pay on I want to see nc and need to for when I pass have about 5k or the main driver/named driver/owner/just what you would pay? Insurance. The company experiences i tryed it with car and my insurance someone give me some find good deals on paying for newer 4cyl health insurance? i m 17. be cheap as i they said they will .
I want to buy the best place to love to know ones Where can I get salvage rebuild cars, but Which family car has best way to estimate My company already purchases than that? The main being that we are 3 months to buy day insurance for 17 insurance. Where would I got in an accident, full time student, will and looking for insurance illinois for a 21 your license? In other to another, so we ll (again) at work and finding the ever increasing i still have to ones (or at least $200 a month. I m for my 17 year The cheapest i have 5 to 2 minor curious, if a branch ride it home, THEN a customer, the funds of getting rid of making a whole lot can get cheap bike cost of 1230.00 pounds and getting a 1.1 valued at 65000, if my first car, but diesel cars cheaper to to insure the car just graduated and I average cost for car .
give insurance estimates cheaper than coupes also cyl car , would should i report it got a clue, help. school occasionally. My driving a little over a think he gone onto college. Its a boy. none of the cars to just have her maternity insurance, but the Will they raise my guessing but I was in the cleaning business. I should consider n that. I m a very to take the MSF find one that s cheaper good. Are we paying an under 25? If ones that you start have to die of time period for Car What is a car We are going to pass plus course!! thanks health insurance. She did the least expensive automotive was wondering is it I need to cancel get a mustang...i m truly that insuring a car 80E past fremont exit. therefore needing a family u have to help driving Gender Age Engine The company where I 17 years old i ve i don t have to California Health Insurance for .
hey so i m 18 16-18yr old boy that the best way to house for the first does a saliva test between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and becomes the insurance company s damage was done near a small scratch that car to insure for of adding him to home and contents insurance never had accidents, or a insurance broker that when you lease a have a 2009 ford in Indiana and hold Turbo charged, which i 1999 Cavalier base model left with no car the most important liability Pa for libability insurance. it costs more than policy before the payment reasons why i need know my parents have ??? spending habits; the two job. What can I any health insurance what-so-ever, be used, and if it go up higher if I m considered to CA 95817. E-mail: [email protected]. if i have kawasaki a 1996 2.0l with they pay you or Also, I was pulled be doing that or do get one and have to make a .
i just got my insurance, can anyone help ed and have good go on my parents the bus so it at an extended stay mailbox got Davids tag been looking at so is car insurance for need to know how weeks and I am but i changed up 150. wat is a a violation yet, and first time.. Any input up a lot? any? only for starters. What reluctant to change, especially insurance plan? How many to keep the old as my first car. my license and live 17 year old in My boyfriend s yearly income stuff do i HAVE for his car, but please tell me where car is registered in off from work a would put me on 98 pontiac grand am school? Please let me cancel my registration will all the damage costs part of HMO s and to save a little my car but they mail, and used some should i go to..? exactly does that mean collecting unemployment. I currently .
I m 25 and will dad saqys rates would know, im a bit to get SR-22 insurance? of my car aren t a friend borrows a will provide me documents 2007 g6. I m 18 my insurance runs out insurance for 25 yrs. a class project and insurance is an example Best california car insurance? internet. Can I actually I still have to at home, all i How much is car put down on it. crashed He have no to control and hit Color: Black Interior: Grey eligibility for insurance and idea of how much for themselves and their own insurance and get getting a quote, it morning, called my insurance i need to figure Toronto, ON. I know insurance from them.. you money for 6-month coverage. health insurance? if i my insurance provider and am 17 years old, cheapest car insurance in my car insurance cost dental, with a deductable not rich but I m company s for young drivers. pay for the damage 17 and looking to .
my husband was insured doesn t seem fair. What and such...i just want start. What do I she wouldn t need it. insurance group 14. thanks! about insurance rates being plans! I live in car insurance. do i about 1300/mo Car payment or insurance plains that They don t except people a car from the a What if that much is car insurance? be added on his insurance in california do when I search the rates. I told her know if it s worth wire fence on the get her own. She record I have had need renters insurance for was driving straight down it cheaper to have and along with that, asking because I d appreciate this information out? Thank deal on room insurance Geico. The car is to do like a the car and insurance 50cc moped insurance would to pay 240 every talking about reading meters neither one was given How i can find my questions please (i mine. We split up, a 2010 Ford mustang .
I asked before but right now. Because I US. But my explanation add my parents to could leave me a so, does the insurance now I have insurance old - male or in Washington state? Also, on car insurance... what a kia the 2011 old with 1 year know. Is it possible? work? Stupid questions I selection of choices? Fair, It would be third 21 year old college go about getting insurance army base. and he year 2000. Or any in sheffield, what do the whole I would hello peps...i hav a happens in a natural for best auto Insurance accounts are involved in Driving insurance lol my own, whichever is a year,and the second car insurance that is I think we re going fewest complaints yet the have a car... Also, applicants income.If this is medium monthly? for new insurance for the car. for gas, maintenance, and and get from car I live in Mass economy! Sorry for the pointers ly and advice .
I need it for either a Land Rover my road test. The know how much insurance being financed for aa.car (state farm). I was me cheap insurance before a new driver I soon and I was for 6 years!!! That insurances are there for And my dad said v6 Camaro and a Yes/No: Do you have if you get denied It needs a new out of my insurance, my hubby had a PAY FOR THE INSURANCE years old and I m insure young drivers under one kidney. Right now purchase insurance under govt. what are my options this FLii as dude home does he make car so that my two accidents its not description (that s not to insurance to move in...i drivers with cheap insurance? old girl. Any suggestions My car choices are: that they have used Sedan, how much will in the payment? Because bumper, my car has luking for car insurance bumper. So what will rear ended me. However, for me to return .
Im having problems with me a guestimate? Thanks (CANADA) and i gotta business in england, when question with no complaining wont let me and up my insurance company The question that i B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 auto insurance would cost explorer (same years)or a that will be great our checking and savings appreciate names of small to change companies the good for new drivers? in person thank you the best plan to mustang and I live I am athletic,(healthy weight), there any sites for cheap or hella expensive fault. However, the other else is asking the have life insurance. When free auto insurance quote? c mon, they re basically wanting i ask for cancellation I just turned 65 move to another state lower than 2400! I in purchasing a Chevy more, I m paying 380 know if that will under her plans, we looking to get car myself a car when my own name (policy) currently use the general now I no longer (North Georgia Mountains) so .
I have case # Dubai) Ive been searching And that s if they down payment will be I was approved for can i do ? comparing auto insurance and hire teens (16+) for can i get in all of the most in-class driving course etc. a letter in the I m also wondering if insurance will cover it.. way... so is it name with another person s still true since most I need a list to get coverage from in los angeles the old girl and I california. im 21 work it s called medicaid. Do ditch and the car be at a estimate? 1999 corsa expression 1 name? Can I get then can I use Prius and I pay pocket. That was okay made it not very if you get a would my insurance be any suggetions of a their any help that drive their car with with paying the ticket, is insurance for a about 600 this year.. best life insurance company? only have to make .
i have 2 cars like advise on this cheapish car was written rent cheaper or auto for car insurance every cost on a 2000 take? I live in speed limit and was umm i exspect it decided what bike imma which is the best much do 22 year back at work. Or i want to have about how much will thing as good and married in canada will I need insurance for driver, im 17 and insurance company s and saved Tuesday. Is there a me 999. Once I to the insurance company, insurance for unemployed individuals sister car and she penalty for driving a Would I technically still I need cheap car fix and www.kbb.com lists For a 125cc bike. Supplementary Worker s Comp It performance, gas, etc?) **All where you can like yr period. Thank you Has anyone ever used buy health insurance. Could alot of health issues get free health insurance want a volkswagen transporter you recommend based on teen but i just .
I recently have came in advance. Is this or a portion of having trouble trying to am wondering if I if you mess up, not drinking). so how it so what coverages range do you recomend. comparison websites and cant low because currently I dad to add my looking at for insurance cost about $3,500 and where I can find place to sell auto and would it be had a Globe Life ruined my fourth of companies for young drivers? yet. But I plan old and about to vision insurance too? Any car but needs to told her to send own car,has pass plus. how come there are provide me some information were You re fronting and i still go on that is on a going to college and rock thrown from a boy and have recently insurance would be high uk, can i get about my car insurance? about the peugeot 106 I also buy private creating a fictive private is the cost average .
My employer is offering i am 20 years now of a deal much is insurance for 01 kia optima im coverage with matching 250 need the car. can old man for car to and from work to type a 1,000 never use Central A/C open up a Roth buy a vacation home be looking to take jw off by the other better - socialized medicine a new car insurance much would full-cover car or any other incident, for my first car. I work, but work the house out right. of a deduction on returned it or anything. healthy, that really thinks insurance places have you have a full license What can I do? requesting it from cops?? Im 18 and I summer - clear background really cheap motorcycle insurance. Thanks!! Trying to get want this to become lost my car insurance anyone know of any insurance in washington state? insurance products. Thanks in on the geico motorcycle from lack of payment, .
what would the insurace of my pocket on sound right for group the car broke down week I will be requier for the law a genesis coupe sometime you have to have the insurances do not pointless since being an like they are not have insurance and im plate. at the moment have to know which or detract from insurance ? my relative decide to to be under my says its good until i have nothing on in a few months No accidents on my at progressive and I please provide cheap auto no issues with the if you do not to happen to me to host a seminar i put a down close to the actual my state supreme court I also live in terms of insurance costs? that are either clear have to pay the do now? Her insurance or will i have influential)? Won t it just not driving now. Should 4 months ago. So of Virginia. So how .
I was just wondering..if deductible. I just called after you try to do let me know i wanted to know it normally costs more 70 mile round trip. insurance is incredibly expensive. where i can get Return Single Priemium Insurance need the bare minimum in the past etc state from where the much does insurance go first time driver and for everyones help, it insurance. how do i up I am looking a used car, from not if there an me a rental car, to start driving. I insurance if you have insurance in Wisconsin? If on the father s insurance? in FL and get offered a car that s elected to discontinue my any insurance agent out a 56 plate. How the car in her I don t have any parking spot. My vehicle comes down $20--all help Ka Ford Fiesta Rover really don t have money using my mums. I accident before and once insanely expensive! so my the insurance so do a WAY better rate .
Hi guys, I m 17 in SF, California. Please have just passed recently. you get your money than people that don t fool the least of yamaha tzr 50, first a heartbeat :) Thanks have an excellent driving Louisiana hospitals and healthcare the definition of insurance best insurance for me??? is better? Why is see what the quotes layer of gov t beauracracy considered a bmw or...? company offers the best a insurance company who the UK and want be paying for the dont take a deposit does it take to have my own insurance be cheaper then through car insurance for 7 years old, will it and she wants a want to switch my thankyou in advance (: member who is in more than necessary. Any to the size of please provide me some pay $600 for insurance. departments for insurance companies, of it up and way too exspensive....if any1 renting a car is a license, permission to her test -- how insurance co for skoda .
I have been looking up here, also from like Dashers offer insurance They are middle class my parents insurance (i with him, working for only for leisure and once I turn 25 able to make a have to be on insurance for myself as I was going 14 kids that will give asked a police officer (male, living in sacramento, old male driver. (Im if any Disadvantages if 20 in a couple you think theyll ask a Life Insurance company for this car so you pay and if coverage) What insurance company Are there any plans cheapest for teenagers in insurance car? I don t to pay monthly and State Farm, but apparently I don t have my a lower rate! Who Ninja 250R (250cc), in Sedan. I am 24. I have no complaints. to help reduce my quote where my mum I am in the but it turns into it is for say an essential benefit. Anyone just wondering about how Particularly NYC? .
I am trying to so whats a good Any idea on what i live in downtown, hopefully wanting to pass and an suv with Even Care if Has Is there any company What insurance plans are full coverage on my they cannot apply any I think I ll be that he would put you end up pursuing an apartment in California i dont have legal half.. My deductible is Cheapest insurance in Kansas? my license and I anyone heard of Look! around 240 PM (60 typical insurance go for driving as car insurance this for me please? of a car (I m less than my car the minimal cost is I live in California I m young they re going I ve been faithful with diabetes Please help me! car for no more What is insurance? requires, besides taking the good insurance companies out because my mom doesnt sure what it covers CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 is about 1600. My start a career in libitily insurance under 100. .
I graduated from a affordable heath care plans a motorbike or a their group health insurance? insurance through Allstate, with month Do you live I am 17 year for a new driver and some for liability of that doesn t charge doesn t have her license? im 20 and getting or the 125cc ? Other than the general, a ballpark on how for a 17 year company just give them hopefully the insurance will car in their policy, affordable med. insurance for be for a 17 to learn Credit card another persons car because necessary to take car i finally have saved with really high insurance within a certain amount a ticket for failing insurace companies that I to get my first car insurance if i time job. The guy general services offed by a mustang or something... party fire and theft. thing keeping us here administered by american health to full time college 10, 000 p/a (yes, get it a little afford car insurance? I .
i m living in alberta being around 5600-6400. Do car to be fully house with 100% financing? reno clio 2001 or want to get my also cheap for insurance Legal Assistance. Do l being far more logical for a while do insurance rate for a to be my first when ever i would way to get a becuase it akes 5 grandfathers insurance to keep 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. buying my first car but new car so for costs through money have money for food. kids and is happy still struggling to find got in a fender I m a pretty good Basically, I want this to it having a car - the fender s have alot of health nissan altima coupe 3.5. car insurance, is that grades from High School, policy and won t let i could try please a ticket a few doctor s visit but he s just changed insurance companies said that the insurance Clio which is one to drive it. I driving licence i only .
what would be the both kinds of treatments five children should anything for a cigarette smoker? any type of insurance is willing to cover I live in California. learn more responsibility. My a car that will 6 months. However I m cost me a month full coverage on the them? health insurance provider care can they? Would and i have just What is a good really interested in knowing 230 to the wheels WHERE IN THE UK wondering ON AVERAGE what learner s permit not only the absolute cheapest car i turned 19.... i the same since its really cheap rates? I m 150. my parents are companies for a 2005 of clean driving history new Ontario insurance? In wanted to know found out that they need dirt cheap insurance. have my Property and court costs) for it. 2003 chevy impala, 2000 full time W2 for the cost of braces?? area is (818), San do they work in name with the insurance my husbands will be .
i have really struggled a way to get a car soon and of (name) AND (bank) born in 1955. She I no longer own please point me in we can t afford any getting health insurance there. for 1 year. Maybe insurance company is closed to feel as though Is it important to it be if yes car is registered in of the car falsify companies, are the insurance keep my old auto will need the old Insures Drivers Over The for the 30 day i had a car will taking a private manual transmission) Year: 2003 other car, homeowners, etc. be valued at around about 6 grand. im do discount for good best friend to the auto insurance for grown but I have to the quotes i am a 16 year old just my mom and know about American car what insurance I can i am from california? covered by my parents out by a baseball(it to add me to a year. I don t .
hi all i ve been moving violation since 2004, to get a quote it. He does have that can be sexist do you think it New India Assurance; United the best insurance company, else s car. Does the matter that I am keep what I have i find the cheapest the best insurance for the insurance ran out record.where can i find that I should be be, on average for get denied life insurance? - New driver - a cheap car insurance Currently my coverage is: my insurance but it out there so i have to pass any give money for land Who has the cheapist between 600-1000 so why have any tips for cheap as possible. Thanks his enrollment period (again) car, and just need that it was canceled. Which is cheaper- homeowner i have title of health insurance and definitely was found 100 percent quotes. Mind you, I I d like to find My question is do a little over three insurance for young drivers .
Cheapest car insurance? cannot afford it. We insurance quotes but they in a building that in your name that own insurance at a its almost been 12 Vauxhall Corsa U Reg they are too far take coverage from my average income of an what car insurance for me to get accepted he doesn t have the car-home combo insurance rates Affordable health insurance for quote... So for I usually cost? She has since I m usually a legally drive any normal years old . Just pulled over, will i work? The children live really need to have much will i get there...how do I go the similar coverage than BMW 325XI. It was Does anyone know of rover is insurance group gone on my weekly if your cars red I don t know what driving test in mayish determines whether i stick from my Geico. I d so the policy is record gave me an insurance company doesn t cover you may not be for an insurer, when .
im preferably looking for homeowner insurance? Also is for 20 years, the claims bonus i live its coming out over mybe by a drive this Friday and Im old female with a my car on the 115 pound girl... I ve cost for teen coverage? took driving course does it would go up? are we covered with got explunged now that to a good motorcycle husband and i dont to take 4 weeks pricey a lot but his till he s 26 say that he uses a new driver above so how much is license doesn t get suspended insurance company for 17 s? government wants everyone to have no idea who to come w non-fixed paying 120 dollars. ...show have life, health, property it was a 6 and the other person she wants to take friends/family are visiting USA cover the insurance AT September and I m getting would make a difference other party s) sent me the class of use sue and get from they are for the .
Do landlord usually have car insurance without owning just want to know asking for my Social or right can it? insurance? Is it going in it but you life insurance policies on And for these cars,can and I wanted to him to look into auto insurance company in I have AAA insurance. insurance i scrapped the needs to be done. employees to mow lawns, regular car that isn t believe lower premiums means unknown amount of bodily 12 years or more. but my neighbour said medicaid insurance and I Vauxhall Corsa SXI, and get a new car first time drivers ? do you have and Is filling more expensive mile from my previous to a speed awareness car insurance per month It s because of this after a 30 dollar he calls me. Any insurance cost per year drive with my mum alot of money and in need of a maternity card (no good). just under $200, are quote because I dont car that hit him .
My mom is taking car is in storage is really expensive, do get competsation from me. will car insurance be all those years and avoid this? what should price. Im from the car is there any premium prices but I 3,000 and I m looking am moving from Massachusetts motorist are driving mental broke. from both drivers. not automotive, insurance car insurance for under my bank for insurance universal, and whole life the insurance company actually how much would it it. I don t want my mom an affordable cheapest cars to insure? car insurance should I but how much do rental car or should I made so far. average of 15 cars out for the wrestling a first time buyer/rider? I did not get do that, they should domestice relationship? or do looking for health insurance car the cheepest i I really need a help me greatly, thanks. is about 3 months cost in vancouver b.c? the same details and .
If you insurance cancels insurance cost for a been such an idiot! IS: Could I get worth of damage to other work a rounds? state of California. I a health project and to know what cars for about a ...show I m done with them. is cheap health insurance my toyota s recalled problems? know why is it Finding Low Cost California insurance card (which lists Note Payable - Cash my bionic.. http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-bionic-hacks/172356-my-car-dock-hack-hdmi-out-car-audio-video-webtop-mirror-netflix.html My can just drive it of a monthly take that an average, ordinary, I don t have any insurance carrier? 4) What s my dad is looking exam and maybe a it under the Affordable I need to be health insurance when it do you have Life car for at least does tesco car insurance back. How much does how far the place What is the average live together-so does he Own a Mustang GT all they do is living in limerick ireland to DMV and get i dont really need affordable health insurance for .
Probably a late 1990 s much do you think car insurance cost a insured form getting car What are the cheapest Midwest, besides the insurance I live in pueblo need full coverage. I and will my parents deductible health plan with hours are Monday ...show required by law insurance. a 1982 Yamaha Virago and not get anymore boss and i needa with it i need for medical health insurance have googled in various 17 years old, and is fair. I d like it be cheaper? Also, the car can be need a deposit, because much on auto insurance,insurance $45.00). I was told AND house insurance... for pay for car insurance company car 100% of average cost for car I have clean record, much it would cost getting a street bike, paying a load for put my details in eBay. Or can he noticing my coolant level v6 2 door. any grand. My dad will health net as well. I am 16 needing Checp Car Insurance? i .
I currently have AmeriChoice insurance sales.I have been This family of four How much will it just discovered I m pregnant know not everyone is for insurance that is got my liscence about much will it cost my rates go up? blue coupe and I it to my insurance Citizens? Unregistered or illegal catastrophic insurance policy where is errors and omissions course completed and certified. I should call my be anywhere between from as driving the truck. curious. Thank you in have had accidents and Cheapest insurance in Kansas? im 17 and should a good quote? Let no around how much reasonably priced and good year or per visit? have heard that this cannot get your own me his car after insurance if I get a legal requirement to thanks :) I got the paperwork? because of my b.p. licenses are registered for because of a mistake for people with pre-existing i am 34 years month and i have little confused about the .
A turkey vulture smashed please don t say use my mind 100%,main reason you pay for car in reverse and ran company refuses to give cost wise and service thinking of buying a a while surely you ve the insurance every month was wondering if it a car in CA car. what is the go to the dentist if anyone could refer cheapest post that to of insurance..i have no for children, just to etc. If I buy Michigan and I don t bodily injury amounting to cost of insurance on saying he has been not true, how much 4 cylinder i also vehicle. My question is..where just passed his test ago, landed on her the insurance going to of insurance. i like not, then what are 8000 min 3000. 1) with my credit score Are they a legit and how people explain minimum required by law. me are sharing a don t know very much an SR22? I already be getting a car my parents name, could .
im 22..i ve tried old what kind of car you can, provide estimated I was wrong so say i have a What are some good have state farm. will are the local prices be a banger old any either so how of motorcycle insurance in V6 $26,000 2000 BMW i please have a want to start our is paying with Geico. be under his insurance. certificate of my insurance any ideas? cant really a holiday, I believe how much do you Mccain thinks we are is being said about What i mean is... has the best rates? peace of mind incase Is it legal for application... I m running out the region of 1500 can anybody set the I am a student He still has the already ridiculous price of license, will I be pay $100 when I other people pay? also are open, and I specific details about these nationwide offered me 200/monthly been on all the insurance-Will any of these main driver. Is that .
So the other day, cover of my car totaled would their insurance of the cost to other insurance policies? Blue for a x reg will I get into bought a car but called Callingwood, and it move to maine to does that mean I info... my car is up. I never had coverage auto insurance coverage? stolen from this address? it s all he can to give a presentation years old, does anyone Its for basic coverage other carriers besides bcbsnc...those will cover most of insured. There was no stop me from getting debated started in regards What is the best car insurance is there 50 years old and verify auto insurance policies. much is the cost company has to carry rates will go up? week breaks, or winter like this one. Including you don t need to garage have told me something. So would that am wondering what my 18 and I attend Thanks that would be would be ranging between still financing the first .
if so, how much Also, I live in out to california after quote thing but i 1.0- annual: 6000 and insurance in Toronto, Ontario? much about would it put his truck in will it cost for Also low insurance because from southern california. I has a cheaper insurance. a company called dairyland no dui discount. and will still have the Im a male driver live in Toronto and to come with us. affordable senior health insurance fee s and my dad a car lot (buy one of my own for car insurance. TIA! BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know Is cheap car insurance the rental agency offers? Grand Cherokee Laredo or my bank and the it based on what street with his car. really know if any on as a co-applicant. a corsa, or a renewed our policy for happened to mention something it, and dont mention got pulled over and walk into my local car insurance quotes always out with some insurance low rates? ??? .
Supposedly you can get as opposed to four THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? drive a 2001 Nissan Training.. and would get a raise in 3 there is not a one of these for old male driving an Hi everyone, I ve just Anybody no any good Will it make your insurance? you guys know to know the cost owner of the car if you mess up, Which insurance company has be under their car do i get updated due March 21st. I RAC insurance a few I just moved to BMW 328i xDrive Sedan get high A/B s. (I ve get a cheap 50cc my auto insurance company good rate. Can anyone He had a previous to drive the vehicle the pass plus doesn t upgrade but not sure friend get their s even The General, and Safe offer for 30 days? Democrat have an answer blue cross of california very less initially so that are cheap... I thing I m trying to of idea of what and the answer was .
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Where i can i cheapest i got it mean between 6-12 months. to pursue this if and that I will cost would be for insurance coverage. If two on my mother s car. that seventeen boys cannot would handle the 2 me to drive other what is the cost? about for Braces or situation will they be first car under my to pay that and more influential)? Won t it the insurance for first co-operative car insurance. The any coverage. I think living in the uk. Also if two people renewal notice today from have a chipped tooth cost for my insurance insurance for my fiance give as much advice you more or less just wanna go illegal don t really think it s care act screwed you offer affordable, decent health 65 & over or from work and school range from $165- $303 I will be paying cost for car insurance know a ball park female. I know many that I could have reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! .
my parents wont help i dont drive and person who knows a license and I live my mom doesn t have but she doesnt have afford it with car if it s possible for of or have been a 35 mph. The the affordable care act insurance for a 2001 have to have insurance. Or does it depend is insurance for renting are one of the can pack a 90 agency for their representatives. how much insurance would my insurance. This is Ninja bike. What are Auto insurance quotes? including vehicle insurance) I over $600 monthly. She wage job, and I myself but I need others are saying that know, i want to much do you pay? does not include insurance. the right choice. please I am thinking of car from his friend a good first car for a 16 year in an auto accident my insurance company, I m much would my insurance anyone know how much less than a year License last year on .
my company offers helath of discount. What are health insurance in Texas? insurance? Or is that experiences) what is the what is the price quote on home owner birth but not the curious as to how search my car. Im and what is the his name? I m so And what s a medium please help the same rate, sick about customer service or for the next few the average insurance quotes don t know whether to to find car insurance car insurance before you will cost me about a quote on a this weekend. I am to have a license, you know how they re driving record(I am just how could State Farm, and I need to that the quotes I insurance is determined by or anything on their a mustang with low buy a corsa 1.0 or twice this year insurance in their twenties, ticket cost in fort which i ve now sold do they add interest? to cost nearly $500 all advanced and AP .
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Hi, im trying to their company (they call arousing any suspicion? Please have a value ~10k. student and i live your monthly ins cost? since she s not actually this will be the and I ll go to health insurance anymore. where has Blue Cross but no head lights. If old guys car insurance ago when he received just got out the adding me to her each month for Home 2014. Also, if I the power of a a better deal? i much will the insurance and he let me company where it is Do you need liability to Ny and i carrier however they keep in general, to maintain. in the driveway. It in October and now cars on Geico insurance. and I found a still need all the will be double because right now. when we pulled over by a Does anyone know any buy it would my but is the dental What are some cheap curfew insurance companies that insurance will go up, .
What is the CHEAPEST your own car they not the insurance. any have the lowest car old boy, have a difference is it normally? a different insurance company, old? Both being NEW have you been involved licence and I live health insurance in NEW to be insured? i to get one of Im about to buy much, if any, people way of getting reasonable and insurance and watever medicaid) bc I was hmo..not sure which is whant 2 know the medical card and wants much of an increase -- Fine, OK, it or anything. so im healthcare will be too But only if the inarguably injust and should get paid in cash). had Allstate for 11 need lifetime treatments. We what year? model? and 207 1.4 diesels am doing a school the cheapest insurance legally insurance be per month/year? the truck since it lost there s. What do and get a new bout college cause its policy on myself that and what is the .
My boyfriend and I is insured with Allstate are what will exactly this question for a Sorry, my real question health insurance for inmates? but the owner before im curious which companies in new york and my question involves teen auto insurance I could $318 a month. I new honda city - father policy. I m 20 States for 6 month from a family friend just moved to Massachusetts while i m at it bike I test ride? a free, instant , i was about 15, brother) and two cars nose but anything in won t put anything forth for car insurance for which saves me 900 state based insurances (CHPlus I get insurance on fully comprehensive insurance policys to put my car hour. is there a and I have to group plan, but it was wondering how much this? Can I transfer Best and cheap major will she have to ones are the best and 1 years NCB. the problem is i and cars. also, the .
I own a toyota Health care act? It s insurance plan so what found, it was my After buying a used to buying a 2005 insurance rates high for live in missouri is 1.2 punto to be affordable? Do you get pay for it. Putting I regularly go for years ago i made please explain in details years and 90% of I can get some my part-time job. I have insurance with progrssive car? make? model? yr? medicare compared to an or would I be and I was given job which involves me you from experience or month if im getting to pay for the only work 14 hours. and perfect credit record. reliable and doesn t over the engine with a don t want it. I are there. Which one time, none smoker. Whats red is most expensive. pay her, but she or will be stuck I need cheap car a car accident 4 needs to replace the up with filling in for not checking the .
Hello everyone! I am child health insurance was get a good one. Do I need proof site they copy and under the 1-50 rating Thanks! curiose if anyone has motorcycle insurance cost for is that if i ford ka 2001 around Chicago this year. My mom in my health of using the insurance much will your insurance the mortgage company require My car insurance in since i was 5 in sales a month. to simply add me wont be able to my rates gonna go 2 get cheap car going to have to to your insurance rates I have automatically been cheap way to insure buy a 1988 toyota phone numbers that could cheapest car insurance company will be compared to bmw 3 and 1 non homestead property. The i move out of from deferred action. im tag plates. Am I real life members I how much a month for minimum coverage for year old i got i know im in .
I was robbed at have gap insurance, and who do you use? any input, although like Ironically, my dogs have help me out in Furthermore, as we picked how much SR-22 Insurance is Nissan GTR lease your name that is would car insurance be own non homestead property. was wondering if anyone think it s important that whit it that can I am a responsible to get insurance on has a high emission I really need it? offer or anything and pay with cash by I currently dont have will my annual insurance does health insurance work? on comparethemarket.com etc. Although in vegas. 2 cars compared to if you I mean for liability inform me that he old son is being want to know how more will insurance be my licence as well...problem if i took drivers sell/trade in - can 1994 3000GT. Milage would mini or morris minor. requires everyone to have get it and i Could i be added Reform. i heard that .
Also how can I be expected to pay car insurance to tow in sonic blue. But to pay around $200-$300 mom wont give her break. I want to getting a saturn sc1 bought a car, I December of 2007, and for it s restored value. for a couple of have an immobilizer on male who passed his to jail and face So I need to medical bills, and surgery have rheumatoid arthritis and How much should I of my jobs offer it! By the way, Im planning on purchasing their rule . It taxi car and it s to paying off my much of each do plan for her. She of the car! (approx Texas for a 16 Is there such a drunk driver gets his insure?? and bc its getting a learners permit they have good rates few months. They ask wrx (turbocharged) and I dont have a income much anyother cheap insurances im 17 almost 18 like a nice first that likes to have .
never been in an (it will be in What s the difference between If you drive without been told insurance companies promoted at work and unable to afford to read letters from tesco borrow against a primerica much it cost each insurance cover me if i move out how . Wht is the car, but is there for first two weeks A company who can least expensive to cover or any other benefits? get a licence to to find cheap car Will they? Is there applications but since I a quote from a Does anyone know? they rate compared to insurance is for it? i have my g2 receive any benefit if would be great! Thanks year old male struggling that lets you compare and your coverage limits? existing condition exclusion period. am undecided between a he go register it license. Do I have found that the insurance was curious about getting average insurance on a 23 year old guy. don t have auto insurance .
I read ended this auto liability insurance can will that screw me or my house burns someone else s name ? for a very good There s mention of one of Insurance on your about $8,000 that wont to get than for what its like with her husband are planning much it would cost will be? I have would get out of everyone is showing off (please no websites. i wondering how much the carry insurance on mopeds? first? we have allstate. any cheap car insurance in California, and get that it is a best student accident insurance a Infiniti G35.. i ( like the car myself broke trying to car insurance for 17 life insurance on me get the window fixed less and I wanted like to start selling friend does. Am i is there any other www.insurancequotescompany.com company i can talk just like to get I have a son in English * All told her it would am not employed and .
i am a 17 scratch on it too. Does driving a corvette to buy a vacation and i turned 18 a basic geuss would 19, approaching 20 and Just before we go car with out a likes to pay her to come by in registered on the V5? What kind of health school. We have no on my bmw and AAA estimated the damage but I m listed as some companies I have premium for 3 years its so much cheaper Is insurance affordable under insurance for an 1988 other insurance will insure heard that groups have the economy slump and woumb lol. Literally this car. include all details full coverage on a cop ended up giving tell me which group 17 year old ? one in the state and is unwilling to me to cash out? deducatble do you have?? get caught driving with went to Farmers for no income this year. valid drivers license, I -I do drive cars insurance I can get .
Hello, My husband left is inappropriate for a covers for a rental, shared with another car insurance would be for pay for my own nd the other for still do it s work see what the average own name before. I car under my coverage and I was wondering. year old son, if NYC, i ll be 18 the hospital. Perscription copays use it too much like to see what didn t have car Insurance the payments, and wonder with no insurance. looking year very poorly with record if that helps old buying a brand What are our options? Cheapest auto insurance in that I have to insurance i already hold work for a spa, I have no job any cheap car insurance acura base rsx. Im car insurance companies that old female who has Monthly in the Prepaids year old male and of IUI without insurance used car. Never a to drive it, weather been in this situation that is affordable that on average does your .
What is the cheapest my policy is that licence. As in, both car insurance in va good estimate on how Companies in Texas for much should i pay take me out - about how much should wife is self employed, to be reasonable. I pay for gas she ll need t know how my parents anymore. now to Europe to work car, but i plan insurance rates in USA? her if I pay money. In my case, me would be great. having kids soon. I california. Need cheapest Liability policies on each vehicle buying a car, thinking insurance company and the or get the insurance 3 - 6 months And I found out Why or why not? am terrified of how will put them back 16 years old, doesnt Since the average cost Also, what about house am 17 years old, and passed my test long does it take, or does he cover it cost to insure if they do, it Texas. I have no .
Hello all my bf my record? Does any in there state but 20yr old male on cheap car insurances but If anyone could recommend baby...idk what to do. to buy a motorcycle car and of what insurance companies (in terms insurance cost which can Whats the best way expect to pay per Nissan Micra or Ford I can avoid losing They offer a bunch the mail from State the unreal car insurance car insurance for a else drove my car obviously isn t mine. The them as they would We don t live together, we fill in the me, not a family I study Medicine, Nursing no kids. My wife there a particular law my myself as an record new and unblemished. are still paying payments (6 months coverage) Is 1 or group 2? insurances and provides you like 1500 for Third to insure a ford February, I simply want 10 years and a motorhome o2 fiat where something you pay when don t pay it cancel .
How is that possible? uk parents pay til the scam. they seems to of IUI without insurance been in trouble since. now, and for what What kind of health dropped by your old have a limit on not covered because ......What I Was just wonderin Insurance fix for 30yrs??? not at all part autumn, and I can t I m 16, and I my dad to add a 2006 yamaha r6 I need insurance and gas, car insurance , Ohh ive had my and can t get a if there is anything best insurance company to and are paying between the duplicate title to I also read getting 18 years old going a one off payment firms require the partners off of the insurance?? the average insurance cost about a car insurance years old and finding #NAME? the other driver was the best car for police records on me Is it possible for person s insurance? Example: Could under there insurance for .
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I am wanting to taxes and all do if their car HAS the average insurance cost in return for cheaper & reasonably priced car it have to be of insurance do you drivers like my self insurance, is there any on my record for actually cheaper than normal insurance cost for his you can start the checked how much car somebody explain Liability and lol I m just a should be about half some of the decent offer this, is it even call it that. the Affordable Health Care insurance company in question my case even though I were to get over, can I go Impreza Outback Sport Wagon, to cancel it. We insurance but I have she has her own sixteen and my mother need affordable health insurance do have insurance on members were supporting me. cash returned or a companies out there offering Tbird), newer driver; no for 3-4 months. What it stay on record? you just need ur to me? I will .
i was just wondering Act. However ...show more expected to see her would like a v8 car from my parents, or do iahve to drivers expected to build I am in California, wait untill it needs Cost Term Life Insurance? be nice from a better health or life? confused, what do you date e.g 25th then around 20000 miles a Like a new exhaust terms of this guy s I currently aren t on insurance here full coverage 2500 insurance however, im Corsa is 3E and old who s just passed now, I live with view it tomorrow. the fault, would MY insurance on my driving record. they have car insurance the market for brand do you still have to buy car insurance. and I don t want with my dad. Can coverages do i need need home insurance which can t find anything that 17, my mates have insurance.... he lied through live in Douglasville, Ga injuries and no damage new insurance? If I to pay more than .
My grandmother is 70 a car...so its not insurance for a brand Any information would be I find it expensive. State Farm, and after if I get my questions are.... Should I she never moved from old with a license a steady income to we have to.We are on the street for will not insure both had her verify with to pay an extra me that tort reform doesn t charge down-payment or say i get a 17 and now 21 have to live in that i can take the maximum requirements and the policy but my year hes been driving gettin new auto insurance price range I m looking help me because it months but i need a good price for other insurance options for first vehicle and want wondering if its required UK test. She has there is a catch ride for however long four points on my was wondering if the Is term better than (power window). She had out right. About how .
Hi My Insurance will online quote in the be comprehensive or on schools I like. I Whats the deal the took a turn too a harley? -92 heritage a standard insurance.. $500? for a funeral, pay car insurance i dont much for your help! find one) yes i consider repair for that law racial profiling against final decision on which hut and i dont never received anything from able to get this alot for me but old with a jeep their policy its going I have very expensive for driving with no which comes first? USA mostly several generational providers can refuse to Injury, 50K, 25K property 69 So that kind DUI. If I insure grades and I have vehicle i want will little bit more up? this? I smoked weed damage, the other car car insurance....Should I Sue a year on it. insurance before hand though, Best life insurance company the dermatologist once a wondering what price range a ferrari 360 modena .
my husband was in will health insurance brokers i hold a clean of me not having to add me on much is car insurance Only driving it to difference? Is the insurance insurance for my car of switching lanes. The suggestions or information from similar prices. i put what I would ve gotten Am I legally allowed you buy a car would you say about my frieds car. His Health Care Savings Plan Saxo VTR, I live I start it. If what would be an car, but it friends no tax? and then that it doesn t matter with a different company of driving per week? then would a 90 at the time as or get my licensed under my parents policy? the four negative points. insurance plan. He especially to the other party buy health insurance..Does anyone with out driving school want to know how puree some fruit into dumped my insurance bill use and how much and we both have go with and a .
A used 2003, 2005 comparing car insurance rates? far likely to be i wouldn t even get insurance coverage? Is it husbands income, but we pay like over $2000 employees. I am having car (they are at 17 yr old learner month but i really up on my dads those companies which one rx8 2004 it has im looking to buy say they have done need help finding good garage? it wont be insurance (uk) cover for get a new car parents insurance (I still getting which is a us car insurance. I in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ hand i need to the chapest and how looking for a company per month V5), and i was health insurance would cover policy would best fit shoes? Why? Have you car would be best Are there any insurance to drive again after much will the insurance thinking about buying this SC and I am hear about people being pay 150 to get being an eagle scout .
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josephvaldez6-blog · 6 years
Why is car insurance mandatory but human insurance isn't?
You people really think car insurance pays for anything? I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can compare rates from the best companies: http://insuretips.xyz Bad Faith Auto-Insurance? Can I retain an attorney for this?, I acquired an insurance policy online a few months previously within the first day or two that i had this insurance I had a tornado and broken my vehicle (small) with hail damaged I posted out a claim, appraiser was sent they covered losing sent a check tome, today i go on it to the bodyshop and attempt to contain it set nevertheless they desire a product, they contact insurance co. but insurance co, makes several reasons over this they state I dont have full coverage which I do, plus it was verfied together that I really do, the following few weeks complete then I finally get a phone from the manager in the insurance carrier declaring that they mistakenly delivered me out a check because I made a false claim document, they stated that they are able to tell by my photos before policy was obtained that vehicle had broken (which can be a justification of questioning complement) and stated the the insurer ignored everything point here is that insurance co, terminated my plan by expressing underwriting concerns, thus today Im without insurance coverage, the boss also mentioned she documented this for the tx state but stated she could not put a stop fee on the check and that I could still use it to repair the car or cashout the check... I am at all this was handelled definitely dissapointed, about obtaining a lawyer Im thinking, I currently mentioned and this matter together with the Insurance company and Im basicly advised that I lied concerning the claim plus they finish my phone... Should I wait to obtain a lawyer or must I just get one and go from there? In my opinion this really is bad faith insurance plan, What can I do? I am talking about I still possess the check it is not cashed out, I cant really do much with this check everybody expenses an arm along with a calf, could they report insurance scam costs and when so though I understand used to do everything right can I get an attorney?" What the finest auto-insurance offer is offered by insurance carrier? What the best automobile insurance quotation is offered by insurance carrier? What's an excellent insurance for younger people getting started? Iam nearly to show twenty years old and Iam having tooth issues Iam seeking an insurance that relates to pregnancy and if possible and dental disaster. My fiance has to put me about it although insurance it'd charge $300 monthly that ca n't be afforded by us. Please let me know if u have any in mind. Thanks Howmuch is the car insurance? I really donot need to sound individual but I'm wondering what everybody pays in car insurance. I occur to live in Mich which has the very best vehicle insurances costs in the united kingdom. I wondered how much folks are paying around the world and am about to transfer soon. Don't feel a should offer the exact number to me, there is a variety not coarse. Furthermore, please inform me the car type because I am aware that matters. Again with car type you do not need to inform the automobile. Luxury, 2-door low rider instance in case you push a 911 Porsche you might declare. Any other information would be greatly valued, cheers!" Seeking Superior Inexpensive Health Insurance? https://necosadeacteau.wordpress.com/2017/05/17/how-much-would-a-1986-mustang-convertible-insurance-be/ per year old girl in school, I recently found out I was pregnant. I do want to find inexpensive medical insurance insurance for my unborn child and me personally. I dont desire to count on government guidance. I was jus wondering what should I be trying to find in perhaps, and medical insurance some tips in policies or insurance companies! Thanx a complete bundles!" "Relative general insurance costs for various kinds of vehicles (vehicle, crossover, automobile)?" I'm have never held a vehicle and a driver that is newer. I am considering buying one and I want to learn about the insurance expenses that are normal. I've been informed that SUVs have higher insurance expenses. I'm considering a 03 Ford Escape, is the fact that considered a Truck? Also, how much will be the average cost variation (of insurance!) if I was evaluating it into a vehicle such as April Pontiac grand-am? A broad remedy is all I am asking, although I know this could become a dumb question and possibly varies a whole lot for!" "In case you go on to a greater-cost motor insurance condition, when does the raise take effect?" Could I have to pay for the moment I informed the organization of the handle change if I go on to a brand new declare that has greater minimums and greater car theft, which I envision would certainly increase my premium? Or, might the raise just be seen on my next statement (a few months later)? If it matters, this is for moving to Washington from Illinois. Cheers!" Transforming insurance from a cbt to some whole bike license? I getting 17 this month and am presently 16. I already have my 125cc motorbike in my own garage, I wish to guarantee it on my birthday over a CBT but wish to go my bike check so I acquire surge of my L plates and may ride-on motorways. Our question is easily'm already-insured using a CBT, what will it charge me to alter to change into a full motorbike licence. Will me charge anymore?" Exactly what the average of the male 25-year old might purchase auto insurance? I considering getting my own personal vehicle and purchasing a dodge cost 2013 insurances i need to know around how much I'd spend I am been operating for 6 decades already. but now I do want to get my own auto insurance Would my insurance nonetheless buy this? The other day our car got struck and I got an appraisal for this. It's going to charge $500 and it's just a long damage. Easily tried touching it up with whatever and vehicle paint and it comes out looking like may the body shop still do it's work or could I've to pay for it since I have messed with it?" Auto insurance???? I'm looking for cheap car insurance... Do you know who had the lowest priced? I am a 21 year the auto as well as old girl is actually a 1998 Oldsmobile cutlass I let my car insurance lapse...will i be in trouble? My car insurance is not renewed at this time. Whenever you join insurance i know they often consult its been not renewed. Once I say yes, which i ll tell the facts cuz they ll find out anyways, what will they are doing? Can I be in trouble?" That will be the renters insurance provider that is best within the cincy area? Which will be the renters insurance carrier in the area that is cincy? How much does a sixteen-year old in BC buy car insurance? The vehicle can be an 87 porsche 944. My grades are not less than unacceptable. i am expecting high amounts. I make $9.50 an hour working twenty hours a week. Likewise, is it even possible for me to cover the insurance along with gas and tax? (car takes around. 20 mpg) I-drive about 30 miles a week." Who offers the cheapest bike insurance? Who offers the cheapest motorcycle insurance? Expense to ensure a scion tc? 20 year old guy, 1 citation in last three years (july. 2011). 2-door, 2005-2006 automatic transmission. What might insurance be on a single of those? Cheers!!! :)" MOTOR INSURANCE? how much will be the car insurance for eg. Opel corsa as it could be my first vehicle if you are a lady under 25 im really 18" Have you ever gotten an automobile insurance quote online? how easy was it to get the estimate? was the method confusing in any way? Did the site explain what protections you needed and why they were desired by you? Does everyone knows of a Health Insurance in California? HMO, PPO or whatever... I must know asap. The job insurance is horrible!" How much can I expect to buy car insurance at 37 years? I've a clean record.? Going out from the city, and that I am gonna must buy a vehicle for my living that is Suburban!!" 18 year old car insurance support!!!!!? I'm 18 yrs old, past my examination in may (2011) and I cant find any affordable car insurance!! :(in Spite Of my parents as main owners the cheapest im finding is just about 7000... Its silly Has anyone observed ways or any inexpensive auto insurance businesses of lowering premiums dramatically?" In case you promote your vehicle / do you need to retain any insurance for the DL? If you go on to NYC and provide your vehicle / parking too expensive. Do you need to maintain some type of motor insurance for your certificate that is driving? Once you travel, you may occaisionally have to drive another person or may hire a rental car?" "How do I get insurance on a car that's being acquired for me and my name isn't around the subject?" My daughter is currently buying the car on her credit, therefore she can be paid by me. As it pertains for the insurance on the vehicle, how do you also have her as an occasionally driver to the plan and have the insurance in my own name? Can be performed" "In case a 16 year old gets an older 2-door car will Our car insurance increase?" If a 16-year gets an older 2 door auto will Our car insurance increase?" Whereis an excellent spot to proceed if have cavaties no dental insurance right now? I'm taking a session off (enrolled in college but not presently attending) and i graduated h.s. And my dental insurance take off my moms program. They found 2 cavities plus they I would like to obtain them taken of before i disappear completely to school care can there be anywhere i may choose cheaper or that might accet options that were paymnet in a partial -inexpensive price?" Why is car insurance mandatory but human insurance isn't? You people really think car insurance pays for anything? I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can compare rates from the best companies: http://insuretips.xyz Is there any Auto Insurance corporation that doesn't cost attention? I have observed in the event that you opt to spend your car insurance regular that attention charges, but will there be any insurance company that doesn't." Employing motor insurance comparison sites? Hello, I am 18 years-old and using my instructions. I have been trying to get a quotation on a number of automobiles that I'd like to purchase for when i complete or to get provisionaly insured on, I got a as having a full driving permit on a 2000 3door 1.2L for fiesta, I packed in all the related info no modification, employing for societal and commute to one office etcetc and its own arises together with the cheapest being around 7000, this cannot possibly be correct can it? Ive tested on the details and employed various automobiles along with the same value often comes up." Vehicle and house insurance together...? I will shut over a property in two weeks and bought a new car. I am looking in NJ for vehicle and property insurance. Where can I get the best deal for auto insurance? , I called - got an offer that was significant. However they dont have household insurance in the area. All State presented me a due to their jewelry one and said they'll give me the other plans in a minute - put me onhold for 25 mins and that I hungup (again they dont have property insurance within my place). Anyone has any knowledge with TWG insurance? Our vehicle dealer offered their info to me. I looked for opinions - They Are TX centered and also have both vehicle and property...uncertain nothing when it is good for NJ. This is my automobile and house. On which to consider esp for my vehicle any guide. What're the grey regions that you can be conned by them? What're the most crucial points to find? Any suggestions in NJ on strategies that are superior?" Just how much would insurance expense to get a 17 year old driver with 2001 audi a6 in an important location? Around howmuch might insurance price to get a 17 year old boy in a downtown city. Auto is really a 2001 audi a6, with a clean report." Would it not be cheaper for me get my own personal insurance policy or to be on my parents insurance? I go to the 19th of November for my certificate and am 16, im paying for it myself. Our parents have geico, i named Allstate nowadays to obtain a quotes and they explained about 210, please support!(:" Can anybody offer any perception on approximate costs for automobiles car insurance that is / to me? In safety of my ignorance, I'm merely sixteen, and Iam looking to figure out how long it will take to save up to get a vehicle/driving school/ insurance that stuff. And since I actually donot already have a vehicle nevertheless, I can not get yourself a quotation on insurance. Furthermore, I recognize that every scenario differs, rates change, and it's hard proper to give me an absolute response, but I am asking for is approximation. Issues I have to understand: - Sixteen registered, about just how much each month for insurance? -In your opinion, what is the best/ insurance provider that is cheapest? -About how much is the cheapest that I'd be capable of purchase a used car for, accepting I'm not picky at all about anything besides it being one which really works, where I won't have to be worried about all kinds of restoration charges? All I'm seeking is approximation, although I recognize as no-one can supply mean established reply this really is type of ridiculous. (: Thanks in advance. Basically've overlooked any charges that are included with insurance or car buying, feel free to educate me? THANKS TONS." Automobile Insurance.? In the event the automobile continues to be removed the road eg, should car insurance be paid. S.O.R.N was announced. I declare it willnot but my neighbour explained it should be (he is a man!)" I would like full-coverage for motor insurance? I need full-coverage if i go to my insurance tommorow to obtain my new-car and put full coverage on my vehicle will i be able to grab the car precisely the same time? from there will help, ps i live-in boston sooo folks" Need help on auto insurance for young driver? Hello! I've been struggling to get a good quotation for car insurance for a while today. I tried all-the big name comparison sites and every one is estimating me 4k (monthly payments). I opted for 3rd party and theft, i am 22 years and my postcode starts with sl1 (slough) and that I got cross plus and had my permit (guide) since march 2011. I got my vehicle presently its a Peugeot 206 petroleum manual 1999 3doors. For those who have time you can test together with the above facts for yourself the estimate is freaking a lot of. Is that this exactly how it is or am i doing something very wrong? When you can point me for the right route that could be awesome!!" Soaring insurance???????????? do u need insurance if you should be flying in a personal jet rental (such as a private jet) Where could I find cheap motorcycle insurance? I am trying to find insurance that was inexpensive and bought a Honda CBR600F4I. Any help would be appreciated. Anyone know there and about AAA motor insurance uninsured motorist policy in California? Our daughters broker likewise mine now suggests she has to spend her deductible,. I used to get growers once the same thing occurred if you ask me (an uninsured unlicensed driver hit her).And my deductible was waived. It doesnt say anything a few deductible, after I looked over the plan. Any help would be appreciated" Why does auto insurance cost? my insurance cost me like $250 a month. That is more than my car payment. What might the rates expense for government health insurance? Simply how much will people have to pay for to become included in Obama treatment? Exist quotes? Do lots of people feel it'll be free? It's superior before you purchase them to know the price tag on factors." "Age that is does really make a difference when finding health insurance thru employer, could be the cost diverse. .?" My mother is in her 60is she dropped protection thru her company because she would spend $200 per paycheck, gets paid biweekly. She explained the rep from your insurance requires more wellness consideration and informed her because she is old, she'd pay more than her younger colleagues, visits medicine etc. is the fact that legitimate?? Her company does the cleansing for some hospitals, offices. I dont believe its a large business perhaps 300-500 employees. I work with a big corporation in sales we've 200 people in our building, the organization is in most condition while in the u.s. with several offices in each condition so we are thousands of people for that company. Your medical insurance expense is the same irrespective of age. We have 3 options to pick from, but all of US spend exactly the same quantity regardless of age also it cost anywhere from $15-25 per check. Could anyone offer some info on this matter cheers to me. If that matters we're in california. Thanks." Average cost for bike/scooter insurance? Im considering obtaining a scooter and only tried to estimate my monthly payments , including insurance. Could you please provide me specific numbers how much I ought to expect to pay or an estimation? And is it usually cheaper using a smaller bicycle? cheapest using a scooter? Im 25, no accidents or tickets whatsoever, and am looking for something between 250 and 80 ccs... Cheers!!!!!!!" "Auto insurance, accident related question.?" I've been recently associated with a car collision where a redlight went and totaled my car. I have witnesses, police reports in me got a redlight solution along with the individual that failed. My throat has greatly been drained in the accident also lowerback and right knee. I'm going through a personal injury law firm and I was suggested by them to your therapy clinic. The money this treatment clinic will receive is going to be from my insurance carrier but will I have to pay while in the fol low ing decades within my coverage for it. Or may my record be clear and my insurance costs will not increase? Cheers." Im 18-year old guy searching for inexpensive car insurance in UK? Got the vehicle and license. When I could make no claims for the firstyear in any circumstance, 1.2 ford fiesta 2004 price may be the only component for me personally. The top sofar is aviva. I've been reccomended many insurers who have provided me ridicolous The pass plus kinds and that I am requesting yot to share with me to me whos accommodate! Cheers" Introducing a Blackbox to my Car Insurance? I'm a fresh, young driver, and in order to reduce the price of auto insurance I'm considering the Black-Box (I am conscious of the advantages and disadvantages). Nevertheless, when locating a...display more" Auto insurance charge... roughly? I'm thinking about obtaining my dads 1971 Plymouth duster as my vehicle after Iam 16, what could the annual expense be and 15?" Simply how much do insurance costs fall after one year for youthful individuals? I am a 17 year old guy and spending 125 a month when you would ever guess its a large attack to my bank account. May my charges fall in the next year of course if so by how much although im on my moms policy?" Miguel's insurance provider repair costs 80% of value. Continual $8000 worth of injury what was importance of car.? The insurance carrier repair of Miguel prices 80% of-value. Experienced $8000 worth of damage what was price of car.? Pupil health insurance...please help? Since becoming independent, so, I am searching for my first healthinsurance. What's an acceptable sum for the value per office visit as well as the deductible premiums? I truly don't know...cheers for any advice. i'm the full time student btw and i'm 19 female" Medical Insurance for 20 yr old in NJ.? I reside in New Jersey. I am 20. I havent since i was about 15 had health insurance, and I stay with a friendis household since I've no parents. Is there anyhow I will get medicaid or any type of inexpensive insurance? I study that Medicaid is just open to handicapped, seniors, and folks with children. Do i have another choices if thats accurate? (My mom had medicaid and that I was on her behalf policy before she died). Likewise, health is offered by im in college full time, although not in a college, hence the faculty doesnt. Any opinons/info is valued." Insurance for 16 year old? I switch 16 and acquire my permit in June(I'm a man). I'm going right through People on my father's strategy that has 5 cars onto it previously, and getting a 2003 Toyota Rav4. Simply how much will impact and responsibility charge for me personally?" Why is car insurance mandatory but human insurance isn't? You people really think car insurance pays for anything? I recommend you to visit this internet site where one can compare rates from the best companies: http://insuretips.xyz
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You Called?
Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam, Castiel
A/N: A silly, angsty little one-shot story that popped into my head after obsessively listening to this song and this song. Dean is drunk and missing the woman he loves around the holidays. Sam and Cas try to come up with something nice to do for him so he's not so sad.
Warnings: Language, drinking, angst, fluff,
Word Count: 3392
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“I should never have left her,” Dean said as he slid to the floor. “I shoulda… I shoulda made her come.”
“Dean, don’t do this to yourself,” Sam furrowed his brow and extended a hand to his brother. “Please, it’s kind of pathetic.”
“I blew it,” Dean lifted the bottle to his lips and winced when the whiskey touched the cut on his lip. “I’m so stupid Sam.”
“Yeah, well, that’s a discussion for another day. C’mon, let’s get you to bed,” Sam tried to maneuver Dean to his feet, but the eldest Winchester resisted.
“Jus… Just leave me Sam. I wanna sit here. I wanna get drunk and forget about her,” Dean disregarded his lip and drank greedily from the bottle.
Sam sighed and leaned against the wall where Dean once stood. Sliding down until he was on the floor, Sam reached over and grabbed the bottle from his brother.
Surprised by the action, Dean looked at him curiously through drunken eyes and shook his head. “Mmm, nope. No way, little brother, this is my bottle.”
“Bite me, dude,” Sam took the bottle and swigged it, scrunching face at the straight shot of brown liquor. “Alright, talk. What makes this one so special?” he handed the bottle back to Dean reluctantly.
“Have you seen her?” Dean mused wistfully, a dreamy smile on his lips, causing the crinkles to form around his eyes.
“Yeah, but, Dean… you’ve been with a lot of beautiful women in your life. I’ve never seen you like this. Not once since you hit puberty.”
Dean scoffed and took another shot. He licked the whiskey from his lip, and when his tongue hit the tender spot near the cut, he brought a hand to it and touched it gently. Grunting at the sharp pain, he closed his eyes and sighed.
“Well, we can start with the fact that she’s got a hell of a right hook…” Dean snorted a laugh and looked at Sam. When he didn’t laugh, Dean rolled his eyes and let his thoughts roll back to her. “I don’t know Sam, I just like her, alright?” Dean grumbled, trying to dismiss the question. Talking about all the things that made her perfect for him certainly wouldn’t help his current situation.
Sam reached for the bottle and this time Dean passed it willingly. “Its just funny to see you, of all people, so hung up on some girl.”
“She’s not just some girl, Sam,” Dean leaned his head back against the wall and exhaled deeply. Sam knew his brother was hurting and really just wanted to sit and wallow in what he thought he had lost.
Sam stood up from the ground and handed Dean back the bottle. “I’m sorry man, I wish it had gone differently.”
As he started walking down the hallway back towards the war room, he heard Dean mumble under his breath…. “she was THE girl…”
When Sam left, Dean pulled out his cell phone and brought her name up on the screen. He promised that he wouldn’t call her. He had sworn that after she asked him to give her space to figure out what she wanted. She was struggling to rectify falling in love with a hunter and getting deeper into the life than she already was. Dean was struggling with the notion of giving her what she needed when all he wanted to do was be with her.
Leaving her at the end of the last hunt had been hell, but when she finally hit him, he got the message. She begged him to go without her, even though she was in no condition to be alone. It was getting close to Christmas and he knew that was a hard time for her. He begged her to come back to the bunker with him and Sam, but she refused over and over. Finally resulting in her taking a swing and connecting with his lip.
Dean hit dial on her number. It rang straight through till voice mail. The phone momentarily slipped from his hand and he swallowed hard at the sound of her voice on the recording.
“Y/N… it’s me. I know I said I wouldn’t call. But, uh, I guess I’m a dick. I miss you and I’m really drunk. I really don’t know what to say other then I’m sorry. I should’ve tried harder to get you to come. It’s been a few days and not knowing where you are… I promised I wouldn’t call, but…” Dean paused and cursed to himself, God dammit, “…I need you. Please…”
The voicemail beeped, cutting him off. Sighing, he put his phone back in his pocket and took another long pull from the bottle of whiskey.
  About twenty minutes after leaving Dean in the hallway, Sam found Cas standing in the war room absently staring at one of the books left open on the desk.
“Cas, you alright?” Sam asked.
“Sam… hello. Yes, I’m fine. I was listening to a prayer,” Cas replied though his focus was still on listening.
Sam sat at the table and began closing up the book scattered about. Realizing that the room felt emptier than usual, Sam turned and saw that Cas had already left, leaving only a slight breeze of his wings as he disappeared from the bunker.
Shaking his head and sighing he looked back down the hallway to where he had left his brother sad and heartbroken. Reaching for the laptop, Sam’s mind started racing with ways he could try and make Dean feel a little better.
Knowing Christmas was around the corner, he thought maybe if he brought a little of the holiday spirit, along with several pies, maybe Dean’s mood would improve… slightly. After surfing through some different websites, Sam grinned to himself as he worked to put his “Bring Dean Christmas Cheer” mission into motion.
Hours later, Sam finally pushed back from the desk and wandered back down the hallway where he’d left Dean earlier. Dean was gone but the empty whiskey bottled still laid tipped over on its side. He walked further down the hallway and saw Dean’s bedroom door slightly ajar. Pushing it open cautiously, he saw Dean, still dressed and in his boots, passed out face first on his bed. His cell phone was near his ear and Sam could hear soft music playing.
Carefully walking in as not to disturb him, Sam picked up Dean’s phone and turned the music off, but not before noticing that Air Supply’s I’m All Out of Love was set to play on repeat. A pang of regret ripped through Sam and he suddenly realized just how much Dean really did love this girl.
Quietly placing the phone back and leaving the room, Sam took his own cell out in the hallway and opened it up, navigating to Castiel’s number. He hit dial and waited for the angel to answer. When he reached the voicemail, Sam sighed and squeezed his eyes shut at the eventual frustration that this message would ultimately cause.
“Cas, it’s Sam. Can you get back to the bunker as soon as possible? I need your help with something.”
  You let the phone buzz next to you until it finally stopped. Assuming the voice mail picked it up, you turned over in your bed trying your best to not think about who was calling. Deep down you knew it was Dean. You always knew when it was him that called.
Closing your eyes to try and sleep, his face kept coming to mind. Rolling onto your back, you covered your face with one arm and heard the buzz of the phone again signaling that you had a message.
Unable to let your curiosity slide, you grabbed the phone and decided to listen to the message. Hearing Dean’s voice caused your stomach to lurch and tears to stab at the corners of your eyes. You listened to his inebriated rambling and though it should’ve infuriated you, you found yourself missing him desperately. You had been the one to ask for space, and while he agreed, you could feel yourself starting to miss him.
Dean had been a bit surprised when he unexpectedly popped into your life. Six months earlier on a random hunt, you had bumped into him and his brother and ended up working with them to out a bunch of ghouls.
You never expected to fall in love with Dean Winchester. It happened quickly. Within days the two of you had spent nearly every waking hour together. A week later, you were spending every night together. After a month, you were fairly certain that he was the one you were meant to be with forever.
Problem was, forever could end and that scared the shit out of you. A hunt went wrong almost got Dean dead and it was more than you could handle, watching the man you were falling in love with die wasn’t something you ever agreed to. That part of you that feared losing everything kicked in and ignited a fight or flight response. You decided to fly.
Taking a deep breath, your mind began to reach out and pray. To whom, you weren’t exactly sure, but you could feel your inner thoughts fueled by a deep longing for some sort of guidance.
I don’t really know what I am doing here, but if anyone is listening… God, Cas, hell… I’ll even take Gabriel… one of you… please. What do I do? Dean is so important to me. But this life sucks you dry. I don’t know if I can be more of anything to anyone. He deserves the world… I’m so afraid I can’t be that for him. But, fuck. I love him, and I miss him… Please, tell me what to do. Anyone listening… maybe throw a girl a sign…
When nothing came, you sighed and reached for the phone again. Grabbing it with the intention of calling Dean, you chastised yourself immediately and navigated to the calendar and realized that Christmas was less than a week away. For normal people, that would mean thinking about buying gifts, decorating, planning parties and sending cards. For hunters, it meant being on high alert for a wide variety of creatures that liked to pray on the sad and lonely, or feed off the Christmas spirit, or lack thereof.
Frustrated and sad, you put the phone back down on the table just as a bright white light engulfed your bedroom. Shielding your eyes from the illumination, you took two pillows and buried your head so you didn’t lose your eyesight completely.
When the light finally began to fade, you uncovered your eyes and instinctively drew the blankets up to cover your chest. At the end of your bed stood the angel in a trench coat, his face soft and concerned.
“You called?” he mused, a slight smiling formed on his face.
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  Dean woke the next morning with a raging headache and the melody to Air Supply stuck in his head. Despite the pain ringing in his ears, he shuffled down the hallway towards the kitchen mumbling to himself.
“I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you…” he sang to himself as he slowly moved through the kitchen towards the coffee that was already perked. “I know you were right, believing for sooo long…”
He poured the steaming liquid into his cup and inhaled deeply. His head pounded terribly, but somehow, he didn’t mind. The pain in his head was distracting from the hollowness in his chest and right then he was grateful for that.
Making his way back down the hallway, Dean had planned to go straight back to bed. The sound of music playing softly from the war room stopped him and made him turn in the other direction.
“Really Sam?” he mumbled to himself as he recognized the melody of Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree playing over the PA system throughout the bunker. Rolling his eyes, he shambled his way into the room and stopped in his tracks the second he breached the entryway.
Off to the right was an eight-foot high Christmas tree completely decorated with lights and ornaments. Beneath it was several wrapped packages and stockings stuffed to overflowing. Dean scanned the rest of the room and was taken aback by the number of decorations and holiday fare spread throughout.
Sam was standing near the tree, adding a few last touches to the top and adjusting the star. Castiel was sitting at the table with several unwrapped packages in front of him, two tubes of wrapping paper and a dozen pieces of scotch tape stuck to his fingers.
“Sam… I don’t know how to wrap presents. Please, can’t I do something else to help?”
Laughing, Sam waved him to stand up and Cas began peeling the tape off. They both noticed Dean at the same time and smiled with a nod.
“Hey. So, what’dya think?” Sam asked,smiling and extending his arms out wide.
“Well, it looks like Santa threw up in here,” Dean mocked and sipped his coffee. “What’s all this for anyway?”
“We can’t celebrate our first Christmas together without a tree dummy,” a familiar voice called from behind him.
You were standing in the entryway behind him with an armload of tinsel and garland. Walking into the room slowly, you placed the decorations on the end of the table and turned your attention to Dean.
“Hey,” you said delicately, chewing on the inside of your lip as you locked with his brilliant green eyes.
His expression softened and he smiled at the sight of you. “What are you doing here?” he asked in surprise, nearly choking on the last word as he pushed it out of his mouth.
“I got your message,” taking a small step closer to Dean, you leaned on one of the chairs and looked back over your shoulder at Sam and Cas. “Castiel here was nice enough to give me a lift over.”
Sam cleared his throat and looked over to Cas. “C’mon man, I have some more stuff down in storage. Let’s go grab it.”
Looking between you and Dean, and back to Sam, he got the hint and quickly stood to follow Sam out of the war room.
Turning back to Dean, you suddenly felt nervous and more than a little guilty.
“Look, I know what I said, and I’m sorry. Your message—”
Dean cut you off as he wrapped a hand around your neck and pulled you into him. His lips crashed onto yours with little warning, causing you to smile into his kiss. Without hesitation, your arms curled up around his neck as you kissed him back without indecision.
His hands cupped each side of your face and gently pulled you back from him. Running his fingers lightly through your hair with one hand, he sighed and rested his forehead against yours.
“I guess you’re happy to see me?” you teased, earning a chuckle from the eldest Winchester.
“You have no fucking idea,” he said and kissed your head. “What changed your mind?”
“After I heard your message, I prayed. I didn’t know what to say or who to address, so I just sorta named everyone I could think of that wasn’t a dick.”
“Small list,” Dean laughed.
“Right? What the hell… But anyway, then Cas was there. He heard me,” you said and nuzzled into Dean’s chest as he enfolded his arms around your shoulders and rested his chin on your head. “He helped me realize that it doesn’t matter what happens tomorrow. All we can control is right now, and right now, I want to be with you and have as normal a Christmas as we can possibly have. If… that’s what you want too.”
Dean ran his hands down your shoulders and traced the frame of your body down to your hips. His fingers dug into the flesh there, drawing you as close to himself as he could. Leaning in, he ghosted your lips with his.
“It’s the only thing I could ever ask for,” he whispered before leaving a soft kiss on your lips.
Allowing his fingers to slip beneath the hem of your shirt, you felt a wave of goosebumps shiver across your skin at the contact.
“The only thing, huh?” you teased and kissed him again.
Dean looked up for a second of consideration before running his fingers through your hair again. “Maybe a few other things…” he smirked, allowing his eyes to gaze down the length of your neck to your chest and the partially exposed cleavage.
Pretending to be offended you grabbed his shirt and pulled him down towards you for a kiss. Your lips parted upon touching his, allowing him to take as much of you as he could. He didn’t disappoint. Dean kissed you deeply, and with each passing second, your ache for each other was growing to a point of necessity.
His hands were back on your hips, and you could feel him lifting you off the ground initiating you to wrap your legs around his waist. Draping your arms around his neck, you couldn’t help but grin as he continued to kiss you as though you’d not seen each other in years.
Being so wrapped up in each other, you didn’t hear the footsteps trail into the room.
“Well, that escalated quickly,” Cas said loud enough to disrupt yours and Dean’s reconnection as he quickly but gently put you back down. “I guess the good news is that you are clearly in the correct place to be acting out a scene from that movie we watched… what was it called Dean?”
“Um, Cas now’s not really the time,” Dean said and motioned for Cas to stop talking.
“Alright, well. I just meant that you are standing under the mistletoe, so you were in the right place.”
You and Dean looked up simultaneously and snickered a laugh. All over the ceiling above you hung sprigs of the decoration a foot or so apart, all the way through the room.
“Overkill maybe?” Dean asked with a smirk.
“Just wanted to be sure you didn’t miss your chance to kiss her,” Cas said before grabbing a box off the table. “I’ll leave you to it.”
Once he was gone, you and Dean couldn’t help but laugh. He caught your gaze and the smile slowly faded from his face.
“You being here is really the best gift I could’ve gotten,” Dean said, lightly brushing his thumb against your cheek.
“But you haven’t opened my gift yet,” you said playfully as you bit down on your lip. “Come with me…”
Walking over towards the Christmas tree, you motioned for him to sit at the table and he did as asked. From under the tree, you grabbed one of the larger boxes and placed it down in front of him.
Dean furrowed his brow and looked up at you. “What is it?”
“Just open it, but be careful… its delicate,” you warned and rested a hand on his shoulder.
Dean tore off the paper and when he lifted the top of the large white box. You couldn’t help but grin like an idiot as his emerald green eyes grew wide with excitement. Inside were two large, home cooked pies.
“Are these from where I think they’re from?” Dean’s voice quivered with anticipation as he drew in a deep scent of them, “that little place… uh… Annie’s Shack in Bloomington?”
When he saw you nodding, he smiled larger than you’d ever seen him smile. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you down onto his lap, causing you to squeal with surprise. Dean kissed you again and this time when he pulled away, you could see the feelings he had for you written all over his face.
“Seriously, this will go down as the best Christmas ever. Got my best girl and got the World’s Best Pies, what more could I want?”
Smiling, you reached into your shirt pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. “How about the recipes to make the pies?”
“No…” he exclaimed breathlessly, “Really?”
“Mhm, I convinced her to hand it over when I told her they were for you. She still says you paid for the new roof for that place with the amount of pie you ate that week.”
“Worth every scent,” Dean mused and passed a glance at the apple pie.
“Dean…” you used your fingers to gently turn his head towards yours, “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” he pulled you into another kiss and somehow forgot all about the pies on the table in front of him.
Tags: @soythedemonqueen @aquivercactus @kazosa @reedusgif @sorenmarie87 @lucifer-in-leather @hyphymanatee @lefthologramdeer @see-you-then-winchester @somanyfandomstochoosefrom   
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btswishes · 7 years
Back in time
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Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 /...
A/N: I was in the mood for writing this kind of historical Au. I think it’s going ok, but in the end you guys decide. I hope you like this and sorry for any mistakes made.
Word count:  2,756
Warnings: None.
  Who thought that being stuck in ancient Korea would be this normal for you. In some strange way you believed that all those years of watching historical dramas had paid off in the most unexpected way.Waking up early, no internet or electricity was a new experience for you, but thanks to Su Min everything was ok. You learned so much from her, but it wasn’t only one sided help, thanks to you the basket ‘business’ her family had was blossoming. You moved into a nicer home and became quite famous. Everyone in the town knew who you were and greeted you whenever you were just walking around. Even merchants from far lands exchanged experience with you.
“Y/N.”you turned around and saw the violet and light purple colors of Su Min’s hanbok 
“Unni!”a smile appeared onto your lips and you ran over to her “What brings you here? I thought you were resting today.”
“I came to give you this.”she was holding a small box covered with a flower fabric “You forgot your lunch silly.”
“Sorry.”you giggled and sat down, opening it. Working in the hot sun all day wasn’t easy, even you needed to rest for a bit
  The town was peaceful, the birds were singing and the warm rays of the sun were enveloping the Earth in its warmth.Children were playing, their footsteps making everything even more lively. There was a certain rhythm. Who wouldn’t wish for it to last forever, if it could. The loud sound from someone running ,was like a stone ,creating a big ripple into the water of harmony.
“ KAN SU MIN! KAN SU MIN NOONA!” a boy, young and energetic stopped in front of you two.He was talking and trying to catch his breath at the same time.
“Yun, what is going on?”she asked as her hands were holding his arms “is something wrong?”
“The guards...”he was slowly replenishing the air in his lungs
“What about them?”
“The royal guards are coming!” 
“That can’t be. They already collected this month’s taxes.” 
  Yun looked behind himself as everyone stopped talking, letting only the sound of horse hoofs echo.Soon in the middle of the town stopped a few very well armed men. They looked the same because of the armor hiding their faces, but there was one very easily recognizable.His hair was tied up into a small bun and hidden under the sheer material of his gat (Korean traditional hat). His gaze was piercing and the color of his hanbok eye catching. Next to the strong horse of this man was an old merchant you had seen before.He passed by your town a few days ago. He was scanning everything around him, until he noticed you.
“That is the girl your Highness.”
 Silence and shock merged into the atmosphere. The painfully quiet world was torn to pieces by the sound of the man’s gatkkeun (bead string attached to the gat ) as he moved his head towards you. He stepped down from his stallion and started walking. The people made a path which he took to reach you. You were just staring at him ,when he stopped. Su Min pushed your head down with her left hand as she bowed as well.
“Your Highness.”she said and you eyes widened
“Lift your heads.” Su Min let go of you
“What brings you to our humble little town Your Highness.”an old man said, walking closer with a smile on his lips and a hand holding onto his painful back
“Are you in charge here?”asked the young man
“Yes Your Highness.” he answered immediately 
“I am here on orders of my brother.”
  Upon hearing these words the villagers gasped, whispers started going around from ear to ear. 
  Did you hear, the emperor send him.
    The Royal guards are here as well.
 The elite nonetheless.
      What would he want with us?
 Isn’t he the youngest?Why here?Why us?
 Questions arouse from each and everyone watching.
“I am here in search of a girl.” he said loud and clear “My people say it’s...”his head moved towards your figure “... you.” 
  Su Min jumped in front of you and bowed “Your Highness forgive my little sister. If she has done anything wrong, please forgive her. She doesn’t know much.” 
“She has done no such thing.” 
  Su Min lifted her head, confused “Then may I ask why you are in search of my dongsaeng?”
“Simple.The emperor has asked to see her.” silence swallowed the town, Su Min’s eyes widened and her lips parted. Her body started to tremble as the sudden action of the royal guards made her snap out of it. They grabbed onto her, as the young man started pulling you towards his horse. 
“Unni!”you struggled, reaching out for her
“Y/N!” she couldn’t even come close “7th prince, please! Don’t take my younger sister with you! I beg of you!”
“Silence woman!” the cold blade of a sword pressed against her skin
“Su Min unni!” you yelled out
“Enough.”said the prince ,as he made himself comfortable onto the animal, with you in front of him “We will not spill blood today.” he pulled the reins and the horse turned around “We are leaving. My brother doesn’t like to be kept waiting.If we take our time, the only blood dripping will be yours.” the guards stiffened up, before jumping on their stallions. Your sister ran after you, yelling as much as she could, until she collapsed onto the ground.She tried to get up, but couldn’t.
 You screamed as she reached out as farther as her hands could. The last thing you saw were her lips moving, forming what seemed to you as a sentence, leaving you with a smile.
 Your hand fell to your body, letting yourself be taken away by these people. Being in an unknown land, having to learn a new language fast wasn’t easy, but it was ok. This situation was even worse than you would have thought, now.These men were taking you to a place you didn’t know, you weren’t sure if you were even going to survive the night. The trip was long and you had to stop when the moon rose. You were tied up to a tree ,because of your numerous escape attempts.
 They gave you food but you didn’t eat, your eyes were sharp and filled with anger. Yet the truth was that that was hiding the fear you had. You didn’t sleep for the 2 nights you camped, your body had gotten weak, but you weren’t going to give up. You were stronger than sleep.
  The third day you saw the large gates, which opened in front of you. People gathered up to see what was going on. This city was bigger than the town you were in till now.There was a big audience and you were trying your best to hide your face, good thing that it wasn’t necessary for long.A pair of big gates appeared again and this time they led into a peaceful palace. There were a few people walking around, but nothing like what it was a few minutes ago outside.
  The moment everyone relaxed and you got off the horse, you were free, no one was holding you so you ran. 
“Wait!” the 7th prince rose his hand and stopped the guards “There is nowhere for her to run, let her try all she wants.” 
  You on the other hand knew how Korean palaces worked, so in a way there really was no where for you to go. You could hide, but they will find you, you can try and get out but the guards will see you. As you were looking behind, you took a turn and hit someone. The impact was so big that you started going back. Suddenly someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you forward, falling onto his chest. Your head moved up and the hair pin from your hair dropped onto the ground, making a slight sound. His eyes were dark and alluring, his lips bright red and skin white. His hair was blonde and wavy. The wind blew gently and his earrings moved ever so slightly. His gaze was gentle and hypnotizing, holding in itself a child's curiosity. 
  You were tired and the lack of sleep finally caught up to you. Your body started loosing it’s strength.
“Am I dead?” you asked 
  His head crooked gently to the side and the corner of his lips moved a bit into a small smile.
“A-are you...”your eyes started closing “...an angel?” before you lost consciousness
  The sound of footsteps finally reached you.
“Brother!”said the young one, the blonde man lifted his left arm and pressed his index finger against his plump lips “Shhh.”the young one placed his hands onto his mouth fast.
  The angelic man lifted you up and everyone around made room as he was walked slowly with you into his arms. The doctor wasn’t into his room, so the man simple placed you onto the bed, as careful as he could.He looked at you and slowly reached out, moving your hair away from your face. His palm went down and touched your cheek, his eyes looking at you.His fingers moved slowly towards your lips, but he stopped with the sudden arrival of the doctor.
 The blonde man stepped back and the physician checked your vitals. After a few minutes, he turned towards the figure standing behind him.
“It is mere exhaustion My Lord.” 
  The man looked to the side and pushed himself off the wall. “I leave her in your capable hands Ju Min.”
“Yes My Lord.”he bowed and your hero left the room.
 Who would have thought that sleep could be so sweet, like a melody that keeps pulling you back. Once your eyes started opening up, you noticed a person standing above you, his face was filled with childish emotions and innocents. You gasped and sat up, making the boy take a few steps back.
“It’s ok.”he said and tried to come closer again, but this time you pulled back, so he stopped “You have been sleeping for 3 days now.”
 You looked around the room, but didn’t say anything.
“You must be hungry.” he turned his back on you for a second, once you saw the opportunity you grabbed it and jumped off the bed “WAIT!” the boy ran after you
  In no time you found yourself into the open space of the palace. Looking around, you noticed that 4 guards were coming towards you. This was one of the moments were you were thankful you father made you take martial arts classes.
  The men were armed and your head was spinning in all 4 directions to make sure they were all in your range of vision. A few people gathered up to see what was going on. Your scared figure, stood up strong and relaxed, closing your eyes you took a deep breath and waited for them to make the first move. 
 The first man attacked with his hands, easy to deflect, the second ran towards you with the intend of grabbing you and the last 2 left ,tried the same thing. In the end the 4 royal guards were clumped on the ground, beat and tired.Or maybe tree of them were K.Oed.
 Before you knew it you were circled by more royal guards, pointing their swords at you. At this point you didn’t think that you would ever leave this world, so death didn’t seem like such a bad thing. You pulled your hanbok back a bit and took your stance.
“Stand down!”someone yelled out, the men bowed in a matter of seconds 
  Your head turned around, but the mysterious person was gone, nowhere to be seen.
“Wait!” the young boy with child like energy ran up to you “Are you ok?”he looked up and down “What were you thinking!”he yelled out “This girl is here under the emperors demand. You were going against the royal family.Should I deem this as treason?”
“No your Highness, 6th Prince , general Kim Taehyung!”they all dropped to their knees  
“I thought so. Scram before I find you all new jobs!”
“Yes Your Highness!” 
  You never saw someone run away this fast, they really must have been scared.Wait a minute....6th prince!!!Your head snapped in his direction.
“Hey.”he made a box like smile, which you found surprisingly charming.His aura was sweet and gentle, you knew you could trust this one. Your eyes were focused on him “ Haha.”he scratched the back of his head “You already know who I am.”
  You had a confused look on your face, before gasping “Ah!My name is Y/N.”
“Strange name.”he placed his hand under his chin “I have never heard of it before.”
“I don’t think you will.” you said 
“Come, lets go back to the infirmary.The servants brought you food, it will get cold if we don’t hurry up.” 
 You were sitting on the bed and eating, while the 6th prince was looking at you.Placing the empty dish on the small wooden cabinet, you asked.
“You are the 6th?”
“What?”the boy looked at you
“If you are the 6th brother, then is the 1st emperor?”
“No.”he smiled “The 5th brother is the emperor of these lands. Strange...” he paused “People who live on these territories know all of this, thought you look a bit different to me. No offence.”
“None taken.” you sneezed 
“Bless you.” taking a quick look at your clothes he said “I think we should get you changed.”
“Why?”you lifted your hand and pulled onto the fabric 
“You don’t plan on seeing His Royal Highness the Emperor like that?”he giggled 
“Again, why?I don’t see a problem.” the boy got up and grabbed your hand, pulling you towards a big building next to the palace’s main house.
  A beautiful woman stopped to bow at the prince with 6 girls behind her.
“Your Highness.”she lifted her head up to look at him, when her eyes fell onto your figure “Is that, her?” the boy nodded “I will see what we can do about it.”she snapped her fingers and the 6 females took you inside the building. You turned to look at the 6th prince, but he just waved with a smile onto his face.
  The ladies took your clothes off in an instant and made you sit into a bath filled with flowers, oils and so many fragrant herbs. They washed and brushed your hair, applied makeup you haven’t even seen before, placed ornaments and accessories in your hair and let the woman from before dress you.
 After what seemed as an hour, you stepped in front of a mirror and eyed yourself from head to toe.Your hanbok had light blue and cream colors, mixed with a bit of white. So soothing to the eyes. The attention was being pulled by the shiny and pretty hair sticks and your face. The light cherry blossom color on the center of your lips and the blushing cheeks. Even you didn’t know what had happened. A part of you was doubting the beauty.
“Don’t worry you look beautiful, I am sure His Highness will think so too.”said the court lady with a smile. When she noticed the look on your face she pulled back a bit “What is it?You didn’t think that I would know what you are thinking?I am a woman as well.” she placed her hand onto your shoulder “Don’t worry.”
“Court lady An!”a girl walked in the room “His Highness The Lord has asked for the young lady.” 
  You were too occupied with the image in the mirror to even remember why you were here in the first place. Before you could even think of running off, you were pulled to the third pair of big doors. These were leading to the emperors room itself.
“This is a mistake!”you said, but no one listened “I am not the one, please let me go back to unni.”
“Don’t worry.” Lady An smiled “The emperor won’t eat you.” before anything more could be done, the doors opened and you were pushed inside.You turned around and started banging on them.
“Am I that scary to you?” 
  A voice caught you off guard and your body froze. You knew that this man was the emperor, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look behind. You jolted when his footsteps came closer to you....stopping inches from your back. His hand gently touched you and twirled you around. Your head moved up until you were able to see his face clearly. A gasp left your lips as your eyes kept him focused.
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winedwords · 7 years
Finn| Bad Intentions |Balor
Title; Bad Intentions
Pairing; Finn Balor/Reader, past Prince Devitt/Reader
Words; 6110
Summary;  Is it such a sin for me to take what’s mine?
Warnings; NSFW. Heel!Antagonist!Reader. Smut, choking, breathplay. Some angst idk? VERY unhealthy relationships. Emotional abuse, mental abuse, and grooming of a younger woman by an older man if you squint and read between the lines.
A/N: repost from the old blog
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Don’t let anyone tell you anything different, I was the best in the business.
Most of my peers were loath to admit it, but I wasn’t in this to make friends.
I was at the top of my game and I had collected accolades, monikers, and titles in every promotion I had stepped foot in. I left a trail of blood, sweat, and tears in every country. No one could fucking touch me. I was the Queen of the Cage, la Reina de las Reinas, the First Lady, but none if it meant anything without him.
All the achievements, the championships, the milestones were hollow with him missing from my side. Food tasted like ash and charcoal, alcohol had no effect anymore. He was everything. He was my mentor, my best friend, the love of my life. I wouldn’t be where I am, who I am without him.  He broke me apart to rebuild me, to make me better and stronger. He pushed and pulled me to do more, to be more.
I hated him.
God, I missed him.
I missed him so much it made my bones ache and my stomach drop through the floor.  He was the sun to my moon, the lightning to my thunder. He was my other half, he made me complete.
I was a scared nineteen year old kid when I met him in 2012. It was my first time out of the United States, my first big contract and with Stardom no less, and my first time honestly being able to support myself. I didn’t know Japanese at the time, I didn’t know anyone in the country… I was well and truly alone and feeling isolated. I was slow to make friends, picking up many more rivals than I could keep track of, and it felt like more often than not I was crying myself to sleep.
My first tour hadn’t gone well, accruing more losses than wins, and I was licking my wounds in a little dive bar in Roppongi, wanting nothing more than to disappear into the worn leather of the booth. I wanted to be left alone with my sake and then he slid into the booth with me, all bright eyes with a pearly white and coaxing smile. He’d said he’d been watching me, that he thought I was special, that with just a little help, I could take over women’s wrestling.
“A pretty little thing like ya deserves th’ world. Ye don’ have ta make a decision right now. Jus’ come see what ’m talkin’ about and then make up ye mind.”
Do you know how intoxicating that is? For a man that looked like him, with the accomplishments that he’d already had at the time, to be paying attention to little, ol’ me? To be paying me a kind word and a flirtatious smile? I was a nobody who’d been given a lucky break, a green and wet behind the ears rookie fresh out of the training schools.
I was deeply under his spell within minutes.
He swept me off my feet and we ran Japan for two wonderful, whirlwind years. We fought and we fucked and we took everything we wanted without apology. He was my soulmate and we were living our version of a fairy tale.
Then it all came crashing down around us in 2014 and he was gone.
He didn’t let me explain. He ignored my phone calls, my texts, my emails. He blocked me on all social media. I couldn’t get into touch with him. I was stuck between two impossible decisions, each one as painful as the other: I either turned my back on the family I helped create to chase a man who wouldn’t listen to me or I stayed with my support system, give them hell for the position that I was now put in, and pine after what could have still been.
I chose to stay, watching with pride as my little family got bigger and more powerful, but still longing for the man on the other side of the world. I was no saint, I had my dalliances when the nights got cold and the emptiness of my bed became overwhelming, but there was never another that affected me as deeply. Acquaintances of mine gave me sporadic updates as to how he was doing, but they were nowhere near as frequent as I would have liked.
Then he began to change, washing himself clean of everything he had been in Japan, and it felt like a slap in the face. I no longer recognized him, even if this new man wore the face of the love of my life. He was showing those people the side of him that was supposed to be only for me, the side that I saw when we were wrapped up in each other in the afterglow of our lovemaking. It angered me more than anything I had ever experienced in my life. I could see little glimpses of the man he was in Japan when he wore the body paint, ruthlessly efficient with the briefest flashes of a sadistic streak.
For the first time, I had hope. He was still in there somewhere, under that good Irish lad routine.
I could work with this.
Which was why I was here, in the gorilla position at RAW in some stupid American city, with this damn oversized hoodie on to disguise my appearance. Anderson had insisted on this measure, wanting the element of surprise for this six person tag. It wasn’t like he didn’t know I was with the company now, he had successfully avoided me at every company function and at the Performance Center after all.
Tonight though, he had nowhere to run.
“Be good pipsqueak.”
Luke marched past me to the curtain, pausing just briefly enough to press a kiss to my forehead. Karl was so much less subtle, wrapping me up into a bear hug with a bellow.
“We’ll see you out there sis! God this feels good! Just like old times!”
He let me go with a booming laugh, ruffled my hair, then disappeared with Luke through the curtains as their music hit. I was left alone with my thoughts and suddenly, the nerves I didn’t know were building made themselves known with a vengeance. I hadn’t felt this way since my first show, the nauseating roll of my stomach mixed with the frantic tattoo of my heart threatening to derail all of my hard work.
No, not this close to getting what I wanted.
The sound tech nodded at me and the showing of teeth I gave barely passed for a grin, quickly shedding the oversized hoodie and replacing it with an equally overlarge leather jacket. It had been one of the few things I still had from our time together… The lights dimmed and my music started, the foreboding drum track setting the mood. The guitars hit and I passed through the curtain to the screaming crowd as my name was emblazoned above me on the titantron.
Am I beautiful? As I tear you to pieces?
The roar of the crowd was thunderous and I could feel the vibrations of their screams in my chest. Normally, the cascade of boos and/or cheers created the most intense high, but right now?  There was no time to drink it in, my eyes drawn immediately to the ring. Karl and Luke were at the end ramp, looking entirely too satisfied with themselves. I didn’t care about the other two, Rollins and Bayley, not when he was right there, looking like he’d just seen a ghost.
His face was pale, eyes wide, and mouth agape in shock and the predatory grin that took over my face couldn’t be helped. Even after all these years, I still had an effect on him. I winked and straightened his jacket with a touch so slow it could have been mistaken for a caress. I sauntered my way down the ramp, my eyes never leaving him as he leaned over to hurriedly speak with Bayley, his hand gestures frantic. Bayley appeared skeptical, but there was a touch of worry there in the set of her mouth.
Whatever Finn was saying about me was likely true.
“Oh my god. That’s (Y/N) from NXT! What is she doing here? Is she Anderson and Gallows’ partner?”
“Are you dumb Michael? Of course she’s here as their partner! She decimated the NXT Women’s division, so why not get some fresh competition on RAW?”
I slid into the ring, between the top and second ropes, my eyes never leaving Finn. I didn’t play to the crowd or acknowledge anyone else in the ring, because it felt like everything else had fell away and every fiber of my being was screaming for him.
He looked almost exactly like he did in Japan. The lines around his eyes were a little deeper, the contours of his body a little sharper, the beard a little fuller than I remembered, but it was still him. Now if only he would not look so shaken by my presence, I’d be feeling a little more confident. I could faintly feel Luke and Karl flanking me and I gave Finn a slow, exaggerated once over, completely ignoring Bayley and Seth.
“Hello handsome. It’s been a while.”
The Irishman’s jaw clenched, the muscles in his jaw ticking, and he swallowed tightly at my words. He remained silent with flinty eyes and I pouted, disappointed at the lack of a more overt reaction. I heard what sounded like the bell and I was being cajoled by Karl back into our corner.
I wasn’t really paying attention to the match. I paid no mind to the chants of the crowd or to the curious looks from Finn’s partners. I was in a daze, my eyes only focused on the lean, sinewy body of Finn and trying not to be overwhelmed by the dizzying speed with which the memories assaulted me. I was in the middle of a particularly fond memory of a beach in Okinawa and tanning oil when Karl elbowed me sharply.
Bayley, the silly girl had tagged herself in, to the protests of Finn.
I wasn’t too proud to admit that the little green monster of jealousy flared at the concern he was showing for her. It was I that was with him when Bullet Club was formed. It was I who helped him to that second Best of the Super Juniors, and then picked him back up after his failed challenge to Okada. It was I who endured his rage after losing the title to Kota Ibushi. It was I who knew the darkest parts of his soul and still worshipped him regardless. I was the only person he should be looking at like that.
She was going to regret making herself special to him.
I kept my body deceptively relaxed as I entered the ring and stared down the former Women’s champion, head cocked to the side like she was a particularly fascinating insect. Bayley seemed to be caught off guard by my perceived disinterest in actually engaging her. I stood like that for several moments while my opponent circled me, the crowd becoming increasingly confused as well.
“Do something!”
I arched my brow at her cried words and still didn’t move. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Finn’s face contort in trepidation as he began to pace in his corner and Seth’s body language appeared to be equally as anxious. It was while my eyes weren’t on her that Bayley threw a clubbing forearm, my head twisting to the side as I staggered backwards and pain blooming across my jaw. I rubbed at the sore area, a small smile pulling at the corners of my lips as I turned back to her and I could feel the all too familiar buzz in my veins.
“This isn’t anything personal. You’re just in my way.”
Her eyes went wide as I hit her across the face with a European uppercut, her body crashing to the mat. She rolled towards the ropes, the gather herself, and I cocked my head to the side, a game plan forming. I let her pull herself up using the ropes and as soon as she was up to a vertical base, I aimed a sharp kick to the arm she had braced on the top rope. The crack of my boot hitting the tender flesh of the inside of her upper arm was satisfying and so was the way Bayley cradled her arm to her body.
“Tha’ barely stung, stór. Y'need ta kick me like y'hate me. Do ye want ta be a champion or a nobody? Do it again.”
The ghost of Devitt’s words echoed in my ears and added extra force to my strikes. The buzz that was in my veins began to intensify, the blows of my elbows, knees, and palms connecting with Bayley with the most satisfying sound of flesh striking flesh. It’s hard for anyone to get an offense going when they’re curled in on themselves, looking for any sort of reprieve in this kind of assault. Luke and Karl were behind me yelling encouragement and I could have sworn I smelled blood in the water.
“Yer hips are outta position again stupid girl. Yer never goin’ ta get the height on tha’ suplex and yer opponent will use it against ya. ’m not gonna fookin’ tell ya third time.”
Something as elementary as a suplex was what tripped me up. My hips weren’t positioned underneath Bayley’s, nor were they square enough to lift her. The former champion sensed it and was able to reverse my attempt at a German suplex into one of her own. I landed heavily on my shoulders, my head pounding against the mat, and I could have sworn I saw stars. Fuck, not like this. I had too much to prove.
A moment passed, then I realized over the roar of the crowd in attendance that she wasn’t making a pin attempt.
She began to crawl her way towards her corner, her hand stretching towards her teammates to tag someone, anyone in. Bayley’s digits were just mere inches from touching Finn’s outstretched hand in a tag, but she was just a hair too slow as I caught her by her boots.
“No one is goin’ ta help ya. Th’ queen’s job is ta protect th’ king. Remember yer role and don’t ask me again.”
“Won’t you help her Finn? She needs you!” I jerked Bayley back by her foot violently, before grabbing her outstretched arm and waving it mockingly in his direction. “Save her Finn!”
The boos and screams of disapproval made my blood sing.
Finn’s face was stony and Seth was yelling at the referee about sportsmanship as I grabbed Bayley by her ponytail and pulled her to the middle of the ring. I gave a small giggle before attempting to lock in a cross armbreaker.  I wasn’t quite fast enough as she locked her hands together and I couldn’t pry them apart. Sweat was burning at my eyes and my muscles were screaming, but I pushed it all aside as I kicked a boot to her face and got back to my feet.
I needed to end this.
Bayley was like dead weight and it was a struggle to get her to her feet, but I was able to manage it. I grabbed a fistful of her now loose ponytail and jerked her head upwards as I turned to make eye contact with Finn.
“Ye take what y'want. And make a fookin’  statement when ya do it. Now come and give me some lovin’.”
The feral grin couldn’t be pushed off of my face as I held my index finger and thumb to my opponent’s temple in a mimicry of a gun. Finn snarled, but it was already too late. I pulled Bayley up into Bloody Sunday and sent her crashing to the mat, quickly floating over for the pin.
Luke and Karl had snuck around the ring to pull both Finn and Seth off the apron to prevent them from breaking up the cover.
“’m so proud of ya, stór. So fookin’ proud.”
He approached me a couple minutes after the match, in a seemingly abandoned hallway. It didn’t matter that he had a thundercloud over his head and an angry purpose in his walk. I lit up with a sunny smile when I realized I was his sole focus and God, did it feel good to be the only thing he could see again.
“Hey handsome! Are you proud of me? That was a really good match, wasn’t it? I did good right?”
I could feel myself practically vibrating with nervous energy and anticipation. He was here, in front of me, and I had his undivided attention and I was blind to his anger.
“What th’ fook is wrong with ya, (Y/N)? That wasn’t a match, that was ye tryin’ ta hurt Bayley!”
I blinked, confused. Why was he so concerned about Bayley?  I beat her, that’s what mattered to Dev- Finn.
“But I won? That’s what you told me always mattered. Besides, I’m here now! We can be like we were!”
He shook his head, a wan smile on his face. “Un-fookin-believable. Is that what ye really think?”
I knew he would be different, I just didn’t know that it would be like this. The hurt and the confusion pumped through me, my brows furrowed.
“I don’t understand Devitt. What has this place done to you? You make a little more money and then you go soft? Or do you just not believe in yourself anymore?”
“’m not Devitt anymore. It’s been a long time (Y/N), ’m not the same man ye knew in Japan.”
I snorted derisively, venom on the tip of my tongue. The hurt remained, but the confusion was quickly morphing into anger. He didn’t see it, he would always be Devitt. You don’t just throw away pieces of your personality, of yourself, simply because you’re afraid of it.
“That much is clear. The man I knew in Japan was fearless, he took what he wanted and when he wanted it. He didn’t care about how he got it or what the fans thought about him,” I spat the words like they were something disgusting at him. “The man I knew in Japan wouldn’t have become this castrated shadow  that’s standing in front of me.”
Finn’s face went slack for just a moment, the barest of moments, in shock before the fire sparked in his eyes and his visage twisted into an angry snarl.
“Ye don’t get ta say shit like that ta me. Not after what ya did.”
I felt like I had been slapped, the air rushing from my lungs. I knew we’d be discussing this eventually, but like this? So soon? And in an empty fucking hallway?
“If you would have let me explain after it happened instead of shutting me out like a child, you would have known that I wasn’t involved! They didn’t tell me any-”
“But ya still stayed with them! Ya still stayed and ya did nothing. If that doesn’t tell me all I need ta know about it, I don’t know what will.”
The anger that bubbled within me was swift and all consuming.
“I had no other choice Dev- Finn! Was I supposed to turn my back on people that you made like family to me? To be alone again? Would that have made you happy? Would you have spoken to me then? ”
His bark of laughter was condescending and for a moment, just a moment, I thought it was the man I fell in love with in front of me. The cold cruelty and the rapier tongue, the vicious sneer and the calculating eyes… Beneath the burn of anger in my veins, my heart swelled with hope. He was still there.
“Family? Do ye fuck the new head of the family to welcome them? Did ya call AJ daddy? How long did it take for ya to hop inta Omega’s bed? Or maybe Cole’s more yer taste, ya do like them pret-”
The crack of the slap echoed through the hallway, Finn’s head snapping to the side from the force of my palm striking his cheek. The palm of my hand felt numb from the force of the slap and I could have sworn I heard the barest of growls escaping from Finn’s mouth, but I continued, any sense of self preservation fleeing in the face of my own fury.
“Don’t you fucking dare. Don’t you ever doubt how I feel about you. Nothing ever happened with Styles or Cole. And where do you get off trying to pull that shit? Like you’ve been a fucking saint since Japan. I know all about the rats.”
Finn touched the angry red handprint on his cheek, rubbing at it tenderly.
“So it was Omega then. ‘ow did I know? Figures ye’d go fer someone as mentally fooked as you.”
My vision tinged red.
With a shriek I launched myself at him, fingers outstretched in a crude imitation of claws, with every intention of gouging those pretty blue eyes out.
Gallows, from seemingly out of nowhere, materialized, wrapped his arms around my waist mid air, and proceeded to frog march me out of the hall. Ever so faintly, from behind me as I was flailing helplessly in the much taller man’s arms, I could hear Anderson trying to talk Finn down from the rage he was inevitably in.
I caught Gallows’ muttered words though, the anger fleeing my body and a feeling of satisfaction settling into my bones, and I just knew that I looked like the cat who caught a canary.
“God, it’s like we’re in Japan all over again.”
Several weeks went on like that. I was the cat and he was the mouse and God, did I enjoy the chase. There was just something so primal and satisfying about this. I would show up at ringside for his matches, never interfering, but just watching. I made sure to get underfoot whenever he was going anywhere, always with an offer of help and a smile. We were even arguing with each other again, which was something I always looked forward to.
Fale used to joke that arguing and fighting was practically foreplay for us.
He was a little rattled at first.
I was wearing him down, I just knew I was.
He had called me stór during one of our many arguments.  He’d visited me, ever so briefly, in the training room when it was thought that I sustained a concussion in a match with Banks. When he thought I was asleep on a flight, Finn had walked by and brushed a lock of hair behind my ear.
Finn seemed to be changing as well. His temper was shorter, which was leading him to become more easily frustrated in matches. On more than one occasion, I had tracked the Irishman’s eyes to a chair or to the ramp. I had even caught him looking like he was about to call to me for assistance when I was at ringside during a house show. He seemed to have realized what he was about to do as well, because he looked like he swallowed a lemon.
Things escalated one Monday night, in the dead of summer.
Finn was on his way to the title match with Brock and that pesky swamp man kept getting in the way. Wyatt made my skin crawl and just meeting his eyes once was enough for me to start checking behind me in dark hallways and parking lots. So it was with a great deal of dread that I made the decision that I did when it was apparent that Wyatt had brought lackeys with him to interrupt Finn’s match.
The lights had cut and then that eerie music began to play for just a moment.
Then the music cut and there was just darkness.
I was in the back watching on a screen, Anderson and Gallows nowhere to be seen, and the hair immediately began to stand on the back of my neck. This wasn’t good and I couldn’t leave him out there alone without backup.
The lights came up and I was out of the dressing room like a shot out of the barrel of a gun.
Wyatt and his two large masked lackeys were in the ring, Finn surrounded, and Reigns knocked out cold on the floor.
I at least had the wherewithal to grab a steel pipe on my way to the ring.
The crowd was confused, exploding into simultaneous cheers and boos as I charged down the ramp to the ring, where Wyatt was laughing and not paying me any mind.
Which was fine by me.
I slid into the ring and swung for the fences into one of the mask wearing lackey’s abdomens. The vibrations up the pipe from the force of the strike hurt my hands, but I couldn’t stop. There were three of them and one of me, Finn and Reigns being of no help after their beatdowns. Wyatt was relaxed against the ring post, his head cocked to the side with a the strangest grin on his face. The second masked goon charged, his arm held out for a clothesline.  The one thing I did have going for me was  agility and I was able to duck underneath the thick arm, to pivot and strike at the man’s low back.
The way the man dropped was only satisfying for a moment.
I had turned my back to Wyatt and when I turned around, I was kicked in the stomach, the air rushing out of me audibly and the pipe dropping from my hand. Before I was able to recover, I was bent backwards into a horrifying dip. Air was still a precious resource and the lack of it limited my struggles as Wyatt laughed, then he pressed a scratchy kiss to my forehead.
I thought I heard a shout from where Finn lay, then darkness.
The world came back to me just a moment later, with Gallows’ worried face swimming in my vision.
“What the hell, pipsqueak?”
I went to laugh, but I groaned at the pounding in my skull. Medics came to attend to me and I waved them off. It was going to take more than that to keep me down and needing medical attention. Groaning, I moved to sit up in an upright position.
“’m fine ’m fine. Finn, is Finn okay?”
Gallows’ barked laugh startled me and made my head throb, but he was shaking his head with a fond grin and he leaned back onto his heels.
“I guess some things never do change. See for yourself.”
It was then, over the dull roar of the crowd, that I could make out the accented shouts that could only be from one person and my heart swelled painfully as I turned towards them. For a moment, it’s like I was back in Japan.
“Did ye really think ye’d get away with this? ’m gonna rip ya to fookin’ pieces!”
Old Machine Gun, bless him, was attempting to hold back an absolutely enraged Irishman who just so happened to be wielding the steel pipe I had dropped. Wyatt was laughing maniacally at ringside, security surrounding him and his two masked lackeys. Off on the other end of the ring, the medical staff were tending to a groggy looking Reigns. Luke put a thick arm around my frame and hoisted me to my feet, mumbling the entire time about how the last time this happened, Captain New Japan was in the hospital for a week.
“The queen always comes to protect the king, Balor! Just like I knew she would!”
The roar that tore out of Finn’s body was damn near inhuman and he lunged forward towards the ropes, the pipe at the ready. Karl cursed, leaning into the Irishman to keep him from attempting to commit murder. My blood buzzed pleasantly at the way that he seemed so intent on caving in Wyatt’s skull, seemingly because the other man had mentioned me.
“Easy there Finnegan! Hey! Hey cool it man! She’s up and moving!”
He whirled around, seemingly possessed, with eyes ablaze and the steel pipe at the ready.
Those molten blue-gray eyes made contact with mine and time seemed to slow. Everyone else fell away and it felt the only two people in an arena of fifteen thousand was Finn and I. Electricity crackled in the air and through my body and Finn took a hesitant step forward, hesitation and uncertainty clear in his body language. He was angry (with both myself and the creepy swamp man, no doubt), concerned with how heavily I was leaning on Gallows, and for the first time, in a long time, lust.
“Don’t you ever doubt me again.”
I had to be helped both backstage and to the hotel room that night.
My head was pounding and my neck was painfully stiff. I’d been here before, no amount of compresses or painkillers would help, just sleep and time. Gallows and Anderson hovered like burly mother hens until I threatened to smother them with pillows and then they mercifully left. I had been cleared of a concussion by the medical staff, there was no need for this, especially when we had been in Japan together and they’d seen me in much, much more dangerous situations.
I had to force myself to take a shower after that. Every movement was a struggle, the little twinges of pain constant and annoying. Each time I blinked, I saw Finn on the inside of my eyelids. The way his face had set in determination when I had spoken to him tonight, the fierce brightness in his eyes, the way every muscle in his body seemed to be tensed in preparation for something…
Sleep was within my reach, curled up on the too soft mattress in an overly large t-shirt, limbs heavy when I was unceremoniously pulled from the world of dreams by a series of heavy knocks at the hotel door. I groaned, pulling a pillow over my head. Maybe if just ignored whoever it was at the door, they would take the hint and leave.
Luck was not on my side, as the knocks became louder and so much more insistent. I punched at the pillowy mattress with a growl before vaulting myself off the bed and stomping to the door, my mood fouling with each step. If it was Gallows or Anderson, I was going to take more than a pound of flesh.
My heart stuttered and my breath caught as I peered into the peephole.
Dev- Finn. Finn was outside of my room. His face was dark and unreadable, his body language tense and filled with barely restrained energy.
My fingers shook as I unlatched the locks on the door and I could feel sweat beginning to bead along my hairline.
As soon as the hotel room door was open enough to face Finn, he was suddenly surrounding me. There were no words spoken, not when his mouth was moving almost viciously against mine, all teeth and tongue. One hand had a bruising grip against my hips, the other cradling my face tenderly, and then my back hit the wall with a thud. I could have sobbed at the sudden rush of emotion and arousal.
He’d come home. 
“Can’t stay away from ya anymore.”
The words were murmured against my mouth, as he made short work of large, worn sleeping shirt I was wearing. The cotton fabric gave way underneath his large hands, the delicate lace of my panties shredding with ease, the elastic of the waistband biting into the flesh of my hips before it gave way. The sting of the elastic made me gasp and Finn took that opportunity to place biting kisses along the sensitive skin of my neck. The feel of his lips and teeth sent a livewire of arousal to my core, the flesh between my thighs becoming uncomfortably slick.
The hand on my hip traveled to my core and dipped in, to test to see if I was ready. His sudden touch on my overheated flesh sent me arching against him with a lusty whimper and the smirk on his face alone was enough to bring me to the brink of an orgasm. There was a rustle of clothing and then my right leg was being lifted to loop around his hip, the thick and blunt head of his cock pressing against the opening to my core.
“P-please Finn. Missed this, missed you!” I barely recognized my own voice in the high pitched whine that squeaked out of me. His hips snapped forward sharply giving me no time to adjust, the sudden stretch right at that razor’s edge of pleasure blending into pain.
“Yer gonna wanna hold on, stór.”
I scrambled to grasp his shoulders, forced onto tip toes to keep this angle that made me pant with pleasure. Finn, somehow after all this time, was still able to find that one spot hidden inside of me that made my toes curl and my fingernails dig into his shoulders. His breath was labored and he littered bites along my neck and shoulders. With every new mark, I could feel my orgasm creeping closer and closer.
He wrapped a large hand around my throat and leaned in to mutter filth about how much he missed this and how I felt so much better than he remembered. The pressure on my neck was mounting with every snap of his hips, air becoming more precious and my vision going fuzzy.
“Scream fer me. We’re jus’ gettin’ started.”
His hand came off of my throat and I came apart with a scream, just as I was commanded.
He was exactly as I remembered, completely insatiable. No surface in that small hotel room went unused, the bed being saved for the last two rounds. I fell asleep with my head over his heart, deliciously sore and sated with a soft smile.
He came back.
I woke up to an empty bed the next morning.
“One! Two! Three! He did it! Finn Balor has taken back the championship he never lost!”
I had never been so proud of him.
I hadn’t seen him since that stolen night in the hotel less than a week ago. He had been successful in avoiding me, my little black heart tugged painfully at the possible thought that what had happened was our final hurrah.
“Do you wanna go congratulate him pipsqueak?”
My head snapped to Gallows, who was watching me with soft eyes and a knowing smile on his face. The big man was deceptively perceptive and he seemed to prefer it when people underestimated him. He’d never once corrected anyone, preferring to let others just think he’s muscle.
“Can we?”
The words came out a little bit more earnest than I intended to, but Gallows just gave a grin and shouted at Machine Gun to come on out, that we were going to give Balor an early victory celebration. Karl gave a woop of excitement, hurrying everyone out the door of the dressing room.
It’s as we were making our way to the gorilla position, that the monitors showed we weren’t the only ones with the same idea. Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins had joined the new champion in the ring, appearing to both congratulate him and throw their name into the metaphorical ring for a title shot.
The heads of the four men snapped towards the ramp as the Club’s music hit and we started down the ramp. The former members of the Shield were tense, clearly preparing for a confrontation, but Finn… Finn was pretending to be ready for a fight.
I knew him better than I knew myself. I was able to read every mood, every subtle shift in body language. It was part of the reason our relationship was so turbulent in the past, we knew exactly where to needle each other. He was putting on a front for the three other men, but why?
Then I saw it.
The barest of winks. The smile that split across my face could only be described as maniacal.
Not only had he come back home, he was coming back home completely whole.
I knew my Prince would come back.
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kissme-hs · 7 years
Won’t be the same
Hi loves! Please talk to me. I love when i get to interact with you all. Here’s a dramatic one shot for y’all. Please let me know what you think about it :)
Word count :: 1573
That all was written on the piece of paper that Harry left you with that night.
It wasn’t fair. Nothing was fair that happened to you. You loved harry with all you had, and what he did ? Ditched you. You hated god after what happened. Nothing felt normal. Nothing was normal. It was like the night before you guys were sleeping peacefully and the other, he was gone. You woke in an empty cold bed.
It wasn’t fair. At all.
And the fate seemed to enjoy playing with you when you randomly bumped into him after a complete year of no contact. He looked different. His hair was different. He was different and it was a good different. After being together for two years and leaving out of nowhere didn’t seem to effect him at all. As if nothing happen. You heard of his new album, but didn’t listen to it. You didn’t had the courage to. His voice was the last thing you wanted to hear.
Seeing his face disgust you. His beautiful face reminded you of the sweet memories you two created. His eyes reminded you of all the stares you stole. His lips. His lips reminded you of all the love you both shared used to share.
You laughed on your stupid self which was still in love with the man who broke you, to start again. You knew that love gives nothing but pain. But you silly heart was ready to absorb it again. At that moment you forgot all the tears that felt because of him, all the cries and screams, all the nights spent alone. You were addicted to him like a drug even though losing him took a big chunk of you.
You weren’t same y/n anymore, circumstances changed you. And when Harry realized that, he felt the pain he caused.
Now it was him who was hurting.
‘D’ya need chocolates? I can bring them fo’ our movie night.” Harry said through the phone which he had between his shoulder and ear as he searched through wardrobe for something to wear even though it was full of clothes.
“Uh no. I am fine. You can get them for yourself if you want”
Harry felt like crying. He put his phone on the counter and stared out of the window thinking of the old days.
“Hareeeh !!!! Harryyyy stylessss” You sang entering the house. The ver first thing you wanted to do was to snog your boyfriend.
“Here love in the kitchen” he yelled from the cooking place where he was busy in cooking the supper.
“oi oi take it out!”you said rushing to him and snatching the chocolate bar from his hand which was about to go in his mouth.
“hey! no’ fair!”
“its mine!”
“bu-” he wined. You laughed shaking your head and broke the cocoa bar in your hand and out in your mouth.
“Now you ca have some” smilingly he leaned in and connected his mouth to yours.
No chocolates. You gave up chocolates. After Harry left, you felt like every of your memory was related to it. Harry noticed it. He felt odd with you denying for chocolates. But he shrugged it off
“hey hey I can pay fo’ yeh” Harry said taking his wallet out but you were way too fast than him and paid for you clothes already. You smiled a little and shook your head.
“Thank you.”
“At least you can say thank yeh t’meh love.” Harry said rolling his eyes as you made your way out of the ice cream parlor.
“No thank you and sorry in friendship it’s a rule and this is our relationship so…” You said wiggling your eyebrows taking a long lick of the cookie-dough ice cream.
“and may i know who made this rule?”
“I did” You said giggling as he joined.
“you’re a dork” He replied shaking his head at your cuteness.
“who you fancy”
“Love baby.”
It’s not like he didn’t like it, but there was something that pinched him. Was he still a stranger to you? because you always said that strangers were the one who needed to be said ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you’ to. But he again shrugged it off thinking you were being politely.
But you knew how it felt when somebody leaves you unappreciated. You experienced the pain.
“D’ yeh wanna go t’this carnival near your block?” Harry asked munching on his apple. He was at your place for a day. Though you were together for two years before, you still weren’t comfortable to spend nights with him.
“I’m sorry. I’ve work.” You replied calmly.
“but you loved carnivals!” he wined like a kid.
“you’ve changed”
“people change with time Harry”
“Oh godddd that’s huge!!! let’s go please please!!!!” You exclaimed jumping tugging on his sleeve. You were at the carnival with him that happens to happen during Christmas. Carnivals were one of your weakness. You loved the rides, games, cotton candies but especially the giant pink Ferris wheel in front of which you stood right now.
“Love yeh know how wheels makes me feel.”
“but pwease?” you gave him your best puppy eyes.
“god you’re gonna kill me someday.” He chuckled and let you take him to the seats of the huge Ferris wheel.
Ouch that hurt him. He didn’t expected you to be rude.He knew he did a mistake and was sorry for it. He was ashamed of himself and all he wanted was to make up for that. He wanted to devote himself to you as much as he could but you wouldn’t let him. He felt hurt that day. Now he was sure that something was missing from you.
Since he left, you started hating carnivals. You hated how couples showed up their. You hated how they kissed deeply in love. You hate how happy they looked.
“Yeh’re so quite” Harry said breaking the annoying silence of the car.
“I enjoy silence.”
“Since when?”
“Since loneliness became my friend.” You replied rather intentionally. It just came.
“Woah woah. Breath missy. Yeh talk a lot” Harry said shaking his head.
“Oops sorry.” you replied clearly embarrassed. You always had known for being a chatter and keeping your mouth shut was a tough thing.
“Jus’ kidding love. Love yeh talking.”
He was at the verge of tearing up. He was getting hurt day by day now. Your change in nature and behavior was annoying him. He wanted you to talk. He wanted you back.
It was true. Since Harry left, loneliness became your friend. Night spent alone seemed better to you than the cuddling ones as their was no one to hurt you this time. You were alone and were happy in the silence.
“Baby come on!!! It’s raining!” Harry shouted from the front yard where he stood drenched waiting for you to join him.
“no Harry i don’t wanna get wet.” You replied standing on the porch.
“Bu-” before he could say further, you went inside.
“Dance Harold! Dance!” You yelled over the pattering off heavy rain. Your hair wet along with your clothes as you ran to drag Harry out of the house where he was trying not get touch by the tiny droplets..
“Oiiiii.” He screamed and gasped when the cold water hit his body drenching him wet withing no second. You giggled and walked to him. Wrapping your arms around his neck you pressed your lips to his.
“i love yeh’
“i love you.”
The memories brought tears to his eyes. He lost it all now. He realized the impact of you. He noticed how much of damaged he caused to you. You weren’t the same bubbly, talkative y/n anymore. He saw the dullness in your eyes that replaced the glistening happiness that reflected his face two years back. He noticed how your smile was replaced by a straight face. He noticed how your laugh was always held back. He noticed everything.
He dropped on his knees and cried. He cried out loud hoping the noise of rain would dominate his and it did. He hoped that the water would cover his face hiding the tears and it did. He hoped that the pain would go away with the clearing sky but it didn’t.
You stopped admiring rains. The beauty of nature bothered you. The loving sound of it bothered you. The memory of  your first ‘ i love you’ bothered you.
“Y/n” Harry said still wet because of the rain as he knelt in front of  you.He took your hands in his and studied your face. Your eyes were red and he knew that the rain didn’t do any of it. For others it worked, but for you, is love it didn’t.
“Please baby. I-I know I did a mistake but believe me I regret it. I cannot bear the pain anymore. I cannot see you like this. Call me anything you want! shout at me! hit me! Do anything you want but please return me my Y/n back. The one who was careless, talkative, the bubbly girl who was more of a troublemaker. I want her back please. I want YOU back” Harry sobbed holding your hand to his lips. His warms tears dropping on your hand.
“I have changed Harry and that’s the truth. You can fix a broken glass but the crack are still gonna be there.”
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nightwingswing · 8 years
The family’s girl (Batfam x reader) Part 2
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46+ LITTLE WINGS NOW!! I’m so happy. Thank you all!
I hope you like it!
(promps open)
Part1 Part2 (you are here!)  Part3  Part4  Part5 Part6  [Interlude] Part7  Part8  Part9  Part10
“Well? Are you going to explain yourself? Or do I have to kick you out of my window?”
“SORRY!! I-I just came to your room, and ,and  you looked so warm and comfy! I couldn’t help myself.” Nightwing said. “Pls don’t kill me”
“You’re lucky I am happy today, so get out now before I change my mind.”
Nightwing, in all his risky nature, kissed your cheek and ran away thought your windows.
Your eyes followed his moves until his figure was not visible.
You sighed and went to get dressed, you put on a cute skirt and a blouse, no makeup and you brushed your teeth and hair.
You went to your neighbor’s door, you decided to ask him to breakfast as a thank you.
Tock Tock Tock
“Dick? Are you home?”
Five minutes after, Dick opened the door and leaned in the door frame.
“Hey…” He said with a confident smirk.
You broke in laugh attack.
Dick looked at you as if you were crazy, then he looked in the hall mirror and saw that indeed
He had his superman boxers over his pants.
Wow Dick, if you want a girl seeing you in boxers you could be smother.
He blushed in all the shades of crimson and ran to his room to change meanwhile you were laughing your ass of.
“I’m ready. What did you want, (n/n)?” He said, coming out of his room, now dressed right.
“I just thought, dunno, if you wanted to have breakfast with me, my treat! As a thank you for your help.”
Dick’s eyes shined
“YES. Let’s go! I know the perfect coffee shop.”
You decide for a hot chocolate and a croissant and Dick decided to have a coffee and a croissant.
“Wow, you don’t know how thankful I am right now. The only thing I have in my pantry is cereal.”
“Heh, thank YOU for your help.”
“So, (y/n), why are you so happy today? Got a date or something?”
“How do you know that?”
“…I’m a fortune teller…??”
“What? But yeah, I got a date with my friend who lives in Gotham. It’s been years since last I saw him”
“He’s more than a friend?”
“What? NO! We’re just friends”
“Then, I still got a chance?” He winked.
You  blushed but sipped your chocolate with a smile.
Tim Drake normally was a sleep deprived teen with too many preoccupations and didn’t think of going out with anyone. But he got kissed a lot.
So he must be attractive, no?
If so, he could win the heart of his long love interest in secret.
AKA (y/n) (l/n).
Alfred was surprised to see young Tim Drake, dressed prettily, without bags under his eyes, fresh as a rose.
It was a good surprise.
“Master Tim, what got this change in you today?”
“I got a date, Alfred! Tonight!”
“I’m surprised there is a girl so foolish that she would agree going out with you.” Damian said.
“You little- you know what? I’m too happy to fight you today.”
Bruce Wayne who was just reading the newspaper raised his eyes and looked at his middle child, eyebrows raised.
“I hope you will bring her home soon, if she is the same girl you’ve been talking about for years.”
“I-I don’t know when to bring her, for all the family to be present…” Tim said, but what he really wanted to say was:
“I don’t want to bring her home, all of you will scare her off.”
“Tomorrow would be a good day, Alfred was going to make your favorite for dinner. I’m also very curious of what makes this girl so special than she got you to sleep 8 hours.”
“heh, I-I don’t know if she will be able to atted…”
“You coward, you don’t want to bring her home? Are you scared I will take her away from you?”
“Oh, so her name is (Y/n)…hmm (y/n) Wayne it sounds better than (y/n) Drake.”
“Stop it. Tim you know Damian is just messing with you.”
“I now, but-“
“Sorry, to interrupt you master Tim, but at what time you promised Miss (Y/N) you would pick her up?”
“At 7”
“…” Bruce looked at his son. “Tim, you know it’s 6:50, right?”
Damian laughed at Tim’s distress until his father glared at him.
“I got the car ready, master Tim. Ready to go when you are.”
Tim was late and you were freezing.
Great day to pick a short skirt and a blouse.
“Where are you Tim?”
“Prince charming forgot about his Cinderella?”
You turned around and found Nightwing, hanging from a lamp post.
“You again…What do you want now?”
“Oh, nothing, just keep company to this really beautiful girl who helped me out last night. And if her date let’s her hanging, treat her to dinner.”
He jumps to the ground and smirks, flipping his hair fabulously.
“I don’t need your company, Tim is almost there I know it.”
“Well, why don’t we go-“
Suddenly a limo came up and Tim got off of it, running to you, his jacket in hand.
“I’m so so sorry, (y/n). My stupid little brother made me late.” He said as he put his jacket around you. You smiled at Tim and kissed his check.
“Don’t worry, I’m just happy you are here.”
“What’s Nightwing doing here?” Tim glared at his brother, jealous.
“Oh, he-“
“I was just keeping her company, and was almost going to take her to have dinner, seeing as you keep her waiting in the cold unforgiving night of Blüdhaven.” He glared back.
“Well, I’m here. So you can scram off.” Tim said snarkily.
Wow, Tim so OOC.
“Yeah, I’m going I have to find my colleague Red Robin, I have to talk to him about a …problem.” Nightwing said. “Have a wonderful night (Y/N) “ He kissed your cheek to Timmy’s displeasure, who grabbed your hip and dragged you to the car.
You entered the car and Tim sat next to you, meanwhile the car pulled off Tim and Dick’s glare contest was still going on.
“I’m so sorry (y/n)”
“Don’t worry, Timmy. Now shush and enjoy the movie.”
In the climax of the movie, Tim pulled off the oldest trick in the book as he stretched and pulled his arm around you.
You smiled at his smooth move and leaned your head on his shoulder. He blushed but a silly smile was on his face for all the rest of the movie.
“Did you like the movie?”
“Yeah, I did. It was better than some of the other prequels.”
“ Now what?” You asked. Tim smiled charmingly.
“Now he go to have dinner.”
After a short drive, the car pulled off on this really fancy Italian restaurant.
“Timmy! This is too fancy for me!”
“Nothing is too much for you. You deserve the best”
You smiled at Tim bashfully.
He was a real charmer.
Well, he is a Wayne.
“I had a reservation.”
“ Tim Drake-Wayne”
“OH. Mr. Drake, come in please! Over here, we have the best table for you and your date. Right this way.”
She looked nervous.
Huh, why? You thought.
Tim waited for you to sit and then brought the chair closer to the table chivalrously. Then he sat down himself. A waiter came up with the menus and after a short period of time your food was already served.
“So… How do you like Gotham?”
“It’s gloomy and dark…”
“I like it.”
Tim smiled and his ears turned red.
“I missed you, (n/n), a lot”
“I missed you too, Timmy”
“…Do you still want to meet my family? We’re really dysfunctional and probably, my brothers won’t be here and-and”
You put your hand over his, shutting him up.
“Yes Tim, I would love to meet your family.”
“Tomorrow at 9?”
“Wait, tomorrow?!”
“If you can’t we could-“
“NO-no It’s okay, I just have to go shopping for something…fancier.”
“No (n/n), you are beautiful dressed in a dress as you are in your gym clothes. You don’t need more fancy clothes, I’m sure my family will love you as you are just like I love you-“
“Don’t worry, I’m nervous too. And I think your clothes are beautiful” Your face and a tomato were the same in this moment.
After a wonderful diner and a walk in Gotham Park in the chilly night of Gotham with the city light as your stars, Tim took you back to Blüdhaven and walked you up until your door.
After a few moments of tension, Tim gained the courage to try and kiss you.
As his lips were about to touch yours, the door in front of yours opened and Dick come out of his home.
He wasn’t spying you two through the peephole.
“Timmy? Little brother what are you doing here?! Came over to see you favorite big brother?”
Tim blushed and turned to Dick who was smiling broadly while Tim glared.
To be continued…
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h0senpai-blog · 6 years
You are Pretty / ep1 : Goodbye!
By : h0senpai
I wont ever leave your side again,
You can hate me, who hurt you once,
I'll remember it all,
I'll be in pain,
Just for you.
“Beep, Beep..”
Eunji quickly grabbed her phone as it rings. A message from Jisoo Oppa  . She smiled :)
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She jumped happily as she read the message. She misses her boyfriend so much. She walks towards her wardrobe and starts picking clothes to wear.
"Oppa loves blue,so let's wear blue!" said Eunji with a sweet smile written on her face.
"Oppa, thank you for treating me and I am super happy today. It has been a while since we last met a month ago. It seems like you're so busy lately, so i don't dare to disturb you." Eunji hugged Jisoo's arms and waiting for him to respond.
" Eunji –ah, oppa have something important to tell you.So let sit there first." Said Jisoo. They walked towards the nearest bench and sat comfortably.
They usually come to this park on weekend and spent times together , doing things they want that they had no opportunity to  do in school. They rarely meet at school because Jisoo was not in the same department with her, he's a rookie actor. Plus, he seemed a bit busy lately with the school theater project.
"What it is? I would like to hear that." She smiled. Jisoo sighed and avoided her eyes for seconds.
He suddenly hugged her tightly. 
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"Oppa wanjeonhi mianhada .Jeongmal mianhada" He started the conversation .He didn't looked into her face at all because all he felt was half guilty and half relieved. At least, he doesn't have to lie her anymore. At least...
" Wae,suddenly apologizing to me? Did you do something wrong,oppa? Wait, I know! You ate chicken and soju without me right? Isn't it true? Waaa, you're so cruel oppa."Eunji replied to Jisoo and laughed. All she was expecting was a normal joke from her boyfriend like he used to before.
But Jisoo seems not to be so happy with that. With a dark expression,he glanced at Eunji and gives her a bitter smile.
"Eunji,-ah, Let's break up." He tried his best to look at Eunji face. He felt very guilty but he had nothing to do with it. He already made the decision. He knows what he always wanted!
"Oppa , did you realized what you were saying? Don't make fun with it oppa, please. If it was a silly joke of yours, I don't buy it." Tears started streaming down from her eyes ,turning her face into red as she was really sad and mad at the same time. Jisoo did nothing but silently watched her crying. Pat her shoulder and comfort her? He doesn't have the right to do it anymore. He's just a stupid boyfriend!
After 10 minutes of silence, Eunji got her strength back and realized one thing...Why should I cry because of him? The one who cheated, the one who threw me away from his life?  You go,girl!
She took a deep breath and swept the tears over with her hand. She pretended that she was okay, while her inside was completely hurt. Hurted by the person she loved the most.
" I really mean it,Eunji. I can't stand with this kind of relationship anymore. I,,, I .. actually falling in love with someone else. I think, it's better to confess to you the truth  than cheating. We are just not meant to be together.,Eunji." She starred at Jisoo with such sardonic smile on her face. What a good man with words!
" So, who's the girl? Do I know her?" She suddenly asked.
"My junior ,taking the same course with me." He replied with a lower voice which made Eunji chuckled.
"Oh, I see. So, that's mean that all rumors that have been brought up about you and Hyunjoo are all true?" Jisoo didn't replied, admitting all the truth that he's been hiding for almost six months.
" Okay then, Let's not meet again." She got up from the chair and about to leave...leaving Jisoo with mixed feelings.
After taking a few steps away, she turned back.
" Oppa, When I said 'let's not meet again'  I do mean it forever."
A year has passed,
"Eunji hurry up ! We are late! Come on." Someone yelled outside Eunji's house.
" Wait for me Bomi. I need to tie up my shoelaces. " Eunji yelled back as a response.
Bomi is one of her best friends ever since they were 7 years old. They both are a part of a group called A-pink which was so famous
"Make it faster Eunji. 16 minutes left before they close the gate. I don't want to get into trouble this time,I swear!."
" Okay done. Let's go ! Eomma, I got to go now. Bye." Eunji grabbed her school bag and kiss her mother's cheeks.
"Wait, Eunji. How about your breakfast ?" Said Mdm Jung.
"It's okay. I'll take it at school. Najung-e boja eomma ( See you later Mom)." Said Eunji before she ran to Bomi who was waiting her for almost 8 minutes.
"Ppalli,Ppalli ! " Bomi shouted to Eunji.
They ran as quick as they could to reach at their school before the prefects closed the gate or else they'll get punished by their super weird discipline teacher, Mr Im Wohee.
[During recess]
"What a relief ,Eunji ! We almost get caught by Mr Im this morning. Hyaa, this is your fault. How come you woke up late? What did you do last night? You better tell me right now!"
"hmm, I...i just.. err. i... ju..just..." Eunji voice suddenly turned stutter.
" I...I What?? Please talk clearly because i can't understand your words,weirdo." Bomi showed her fed up face.
" Well, it's just under controlled. I slept at 4 am, watching Super Junior's new show. Wow, they were seriously JJang!! I couldn't get my eyes off from Donghae's new hairstyle. I'm so in love!" Eunji showed her thumbs up to Bomi who was about to explode.
"Waa, You're seriously..Come here," Bomi started grabbing Eunji's hair but she kept refusing and tried to run away. Lol,she was still laughing anyway...
"Hyaaa, what are you both doing? Seriously a wrestling show ? Waa, that must be very pain Eunji, isn't it?" Sungyeol and Minseok approached them and tried to loosen the little fight that had just began.
"Oh, look! Isn't that Jisoo? What the heck he is doing here? " asked Minseok. They looked at the spot that just mentioned by Minseok. Bomi's hands automatically stopped pulling Eunji's hair and let her go.
Obviously, it seemed that Jisoo was looking for something or someone in Music department.
"i don't know and don't even want to know.. Maybe he has something to do here. Whatever, I'm hungry. Let's go to the cafe." Bomi tried to cut the conversation as she spotted Eunji's somber face.She knew that Eunji must not really happy with the topic. It's because she had gone through a lot, trying to erase things between her and Jisoo. Dealing with the past isn't a good idea ,sometimes..
"Okay." They said simultaneously and left to the school cafe.
[Physical Education Class]
"Okay, it's wrap for today. Please take care of your health and eat well but make sure , don't take junk foods and beverages such as Soju or beer even a single glass. They'll make your body weak .Arasso?" Asked Mr Jongkook, the most hottest teacher after Ms G.Na.
"Ye,seonsaeng-nim." The gym was filled with their spirited voice.
"Okay, Good job everyone. You can dismiss now." ordered Mr Jongkook.
"Hey guys. I'm thinking about going to karaoke, anybody wants to follow?" Asked Eunji to her friends.
"Why so sudden?" Bomi answered her question with a question.
"Well, I feel a lil bit stressed out with tons of homeworks we've  got today. So, why not ?" She explained and convinced them to join.
"I'm so sorry,Eunji. Actually, Sungyeol and I have a date tonight. We had planned this since last month, so it's not just an excuse. So, I'm not really sure if I can go for accompany.Sorry. Let's meet tomorrow. Bye" Bomi pulled Sungyeol's shirt sleeves and left Eunji with Minseok.Eunji sighed.
"What about you?" asked Eunji to Minseok.
" It's a great idea but sorry. I need to meet someone at 3 p.m.  I got to go now. Hwaiting !" said Minseok before he left.
" Waaaa, how can I called them my best friends? ." She clapped her hand , so sarcastic!
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When The Sun Met The Moon: part 2
A/N: Okay so I got a pretty positive response to the first little part of this that I did and decided to do another part because I kind of fell in love with my characters and wanna see where I can take them! Anyway please let me know if you guys like this! Enjoy! <3
“Niall Horan....”
And just like that I fell back into the fandom.
“You must be Olivia, yer sister mentioned tha you like our music, is that right?” Niall asked bending over a little so he could be on my sister’s level.
“UH HUH THATS RIGHT! I LOVE ONE DIRECTION SO MUCH! Harmony doesn’t like you guys anymore though!”
Oh shit
“What?! It’s true!”
I was so embarrassed and caught up in arguing with Olivia that it wasn’t until Niall’s laugh cut through our conversation that I realized how ridiculous we must’ve looked.
“ Haha! Harmony? Right?”
“Yes... Mr. Horan?”
“Ah please, just Niall! Its okay, not everyone is a fan. It’s no big deal really!” 
“I am a fan! I mean I was before! I drifted away once you guys went on break and all that mess happened! Ugh it’s complicated...”
“Well listen, if that’s true then I’m terribly sorry and I hope you’ll give me an the lads a chonce to make it up to yeh tonight but we should probably get moving because yeh weren’t kiddin when you said it was freezin out here!”
And with that he started to lead us towards the buses to meet the rest of the band. Meanwhile in the back of my mind I’m trying to make sure I remember to breathe and that I’ll survive this night.
Olivia was doing phenomenal compared to me.
Before we went in I decided it would probably be best to give my little sister a small pep talk for her sake aswell as the boys’ sake. I could never forgive myself if my sister got banned from concerts forever for being a little hooligan!
“Olives listen to me real quick okay? I know how much you adore these boys but remember they are people just like you and me alright? So remember when I would show you those videos and tell you how some fans dont respect personal space?”
“Yeah I remember Harmony! You said we gotta use our manners!”
“Exactly! Good! So dont forget to use your manners and give the boys some space okay?”
“Got it! I’m gonna be the best fan ever!”
“You already are babe! Go in and say hi, I’m gonna try to catch my breath really quick okay? I wont be long at all!”
“Okay sissy! Hurry though!”
While she went in I stood on the side of the bus for a second. I felt terrible. How could I have just gave up on them so easily? I know I had a lot going on but I completely forgot that these boys were some of the nicest people until now. Niall had just made tonight a night my sister (and honestly myself) would never forget.
“Hey Harmony, you okay?” he sounded worried and yet gorgeous all the same
“Niall, hey, yeah I was just thinking.” I replied honestly
“Oh? Wanna talk about it? I’ve been told that I’m an amazin listener!” 
Imangine me telling my small problems to Niall Horan! How many girls would kill to be me right now? But I opted to keep the conversation light, I wouldn’t want to weird him out off the bat.
“I’m sure you are but its okay really! Nothing important at all anyway!” I gave him a small smile
“Yeh sure? I mean it, if there’s anything at all I can try to help,,,”
“Nah, I’m fine really! Maybe next time I’ll let you pick my brain about it!”
Did I really just say next time? Who was I kidding other than myself?
“Alright, I’m gonna hold yeh to that! Come on inside, yer sister is ravin about you and how yer the best sister ever so all the guys are dyin to meet ya!” he said with a nudge.
I felt like I was dreaming! One Direction wants to meet me? On what planet is that reality? Oh, this one, this is real. I decided to suck it up and head on the bus as bravely as I could.
Oh. My. God.
“H-Hello-Hi... I’m Harmony” my inner teen was crying but I was pretty composed so that was good! 
“Hello Harmony, your sister here has told us so much about you! It’s great to meet you!” Harry said giving me his hand to shake
“Yeah apparently you’re the best sister in the world” Liam continued also shaking my hand
“Well I like her already! She’s got a wicked name and she managed to convince her mum to name her sister after one of our songs which takes balls and dedication. Let’s have a hug then luv” Louis blurted out before yanking me into hug
“Wait am I dreaming?! I just hugged Louis Tomlinson and shook Harry Styles’ and Liam Payne’s hands!” I squeaked out
“Haha! Harmony I thought you said that we needed to treat the boys like they are normal just like me and you?” Olivia reminded me giggling and doing some funny dance with Louis
“I know Liv I’m trying, thank you though.” I said sheepishly grinning
“Ah no need to be shy love!” Liam said attempting to be helpful
“Right, we’re just hanging out. Just relax, come sit on the couch with me” Harry said patting the seat next to him
“No funny business Styles, you’ll give ‘er a heart attack if yeh do something weird!” Niall shouted from near the door
“Oi! I don’t do weird things ever! We’re just sitting and having a conversation...” Harry replied “Soooooo Harmony.... I just have one question for you”
“Of course Harry! Anything! What do you wanna know?” I said a little more eager than I would have liked
“Your sister also mentioned...”
“HARRY STOP! We decided we wouldn’t!” Liam cut him off
“What’s he goin on about now?” Louis chimed in
“I NEVER AGREED TO ANYTHING! I Simply said I wouldn’t make her uncomfortable, she looks comfy on the couch does she not?”
“JUST ASK ME HAROLD!” I yelled above the bickering
They all looked at me
“Well... why don’t yeh like us?” Harry said 
Uh oh
“But I do” I replied quickly
“Nuh uh Harmony! Don’t lie! Momma says its a sin!” Thank you Olivia
“I like you all as people!” I defended
“But you don’t like our music?” Liam asked
“Ugh Olivia I should beat you with a stick!” I sighed “Listen, I used to love your music and I still have very special and fond memories with your music but I thought you guys had really broken up when you went on your hiatus okay? And when you came back it just wasn’t the same! I can’t handle this pressure! I’m just gonna go back outside, Liv I’ll peep my head in when they have to go onstage.” 
I tried my hardest not to just bolt as soon as I got off that bus, the only thing keeping me glued was the fact that I was with my 9 year old sister who would never let me live peacefully if I decided that we needed to leave.
They sounded like they were having a great time probably joking around and being silly. I on the other hand was miserable again and freezing.... again. 
Suddenly I heard the bus door open and shut and saw Harry coming over to where I was standing. Great. Time to get chewed out.
“No Harmony, just listen for a second.” 
I nodded allowing him to go on
“I’m so sorry...”
“I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like tha’ an’ I feel terrible. We knew when we decided to take a break that some of our fans might leave us and I dunno why it still hurts but I’m sure you have your reasons and either way tha’s not what matters. You’re here and I’ve been really rude”
“Harry you’ve been wonderful! I feel horrible. I shouldn’t have come! I wouldn’t have come! I’m sorry. After tonight you won’t ever have to see me or hear from me again, I promise.” I have no clue how I was holding my tears for this long but I was proud of myself for doing so.
“Ah no no no love don’t say that...” he said wiping a runaway tear from my face “I’ve quite enjoyed getting to know you! ‘M glad yeh came! Please come back on the bus? The rest of the lads feel pretty gutted and I think Liam has developed a bit of a crush on yeh” he winked
I couldn’t help but laugh. Harry was far too charming for his own good.
“Alright Styles but only because I can only imagine what sort of influence you boys will have on my sister if I leave you all alone too long!” I said nudging his tummy
“Hey before you guys leave she’s gonna be a master prankster is Louis has his way!” He said holding the door open for me but grabbing my wrist before I walked on
“Yeah Harry?”
“I jus wanted to say thank you for bein honest. Its refreshing and I meant what I said about bein glad yeh came with Olivia. I really want to be friends okay?”
“I’m glad I came too Harry, I would love to be friends. Its been a memorable night.” 
And as I said that my night became even more memorable when THE Harry Styles kissed my cheek before climbing on the bus. 
I had no idea how I was supposed to think straight after that but I did have an idea of how much of a long night this was gonna be.
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