#i am literally obsessed with this
malewifemanhunter · 11 months
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he's so delicate and dainty and coquette, look at him shyly drawing patterns on the bar and looking at charlie from under his lashes, so babydoll of him honestly, so nymphet and sweet and lovely, i could put him in the cup of my hands and drink him whole
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indigo6f00ff · 9 months
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need to share an experience i had 30 minutes ago
(edit: thanks to @walks-the-ages for providing and reminding me to put alt text, sorry it slips my mind alot lol)
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insertcommonnoun · 3 months
Hey everyone I am really sick so made the alphabet in Spore
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let me know your favourite and like & subscribe for more Spore
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transjudas · 7 months
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is that a pack of cigarettes under your skirt or are you--
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cabinette · 1 month
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They go way back.
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books-and-catears · 2 months
I am once again filled with sadness and I might implode in this cold office cubicle if I don't let it out immediately.
Solomon x MC and this quote. That's it.
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Solomon who will go to unnecessary and ridiculous lengths to have you close to him, to show his affection, to have just a minute of your time even though it's probably wasted on him and you have better people to be with.
In a world which has labelled him as a demon, you are the sole reminder of his humanity. A reminder that he's not alone.
You are his favourite apprentice because you remind him of everything that is good about humans and why he spent his whole life protecting them. You make his purpose worth it.
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And MC who acts as the best friend he never had, who tends to his inner child so desperately in need of healing, who holds him on his worst nights to show him he's no longer alone.
MC who was the catalyst that showed him that the demons he regarded as contracts could be potential friends too. MC who looks after him and willingly agrees to help him protect the world.
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
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asexualenjolras · 20 days
I need to talk about Charles Rowland and his love for Edwin Payne.
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Charles saying he can't say he's in love with Edwin back doesn't mean he isn't in love with Edwin, and it doesn't mean he doesn't love Edwin in the same way that Edwin loves him.
He is just saying he needs to work out what he does feel.
Charles died when he was 16. He's still a child. Nobody at 16 knows what it means to be in love.
And, on top of that, he grew up in an abusive household with a warped understanding of what love means. His dad was abusive to his mum, so he wouldn't understand what being "in love" is compared to someone that grew up within a stable household. He's never had the time to unpack what that means about his ability to love. He's worried that he might end up like his dad, and he absolutely would never want to hurt Edwin like his dad hurts his mum.
Charles has a lot of confusion about love. He loves his mum, he knows that, and he loves his dad, despite everything he put him and his mum through.
And, on top of all of this, he grew up during a difficult period in history. He was a teenager in Britain in the 80's. The 80's were a notoriously homophobic period of time, and I'm not saying that Charles is dealing with internalised homophobia but growing up during a period of time where the homophobic rhetoric was rife would have an impact on anyone. Especially a confused 16 year old boy who didn't know much kindness in life.
Charles knows he loves Edwin more than anything and anyone else in his life, and he knows the love he feels for him is different to the love he feels for his mum. He just doesn't know whether what he feels for Edwin constitutes as being "in love" with him.
And he needs time to figure that out. That's what he is telling Edwin: he's telling him that he is the most important person in the world to him and that he does love him but he needs to work out what that means. And Edwin completely understands that because Charles put it so eloquently and in a way that Edwin could understand. This isn't the usual unreciprocated love trope. They are each other's person, and they're trying to navigate what that means for each of them.
Overall, Charles loves Edwin and Edwin loves Charles. And they're going to figure out what that means together in time. Because that's what they always do: they figure things out.
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comradekatara · 2 months
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ily king on god we’re gonna get u a razor
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wistfulwatcher · 27 days
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sunnyyyteaaa · 10 months
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🌻 some cass apocalyptic fanart I did on an aggie with a couple other friends!! the latest update destroyed me..
au made by @/somerandomdudelmao
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sehaniine · 4 months
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did you miss me?
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siriuslysirius05 · 24 days
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Me when any of my friends (irl or not) even mention TopGun, fighter planes, Maverick, Phoenix my beloved wife, or miles teller.
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sketchy--akechi · 1 year
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his prince ( ˘ ³˘)♥
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
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summer '93
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philocalistwrites · 5 months
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