#i am not a witch so i have no clue if this is of any use to the community but thought i'd just share :)
geschiedenisish · 10 months
Dutch 1500s witchcraft
I saw a lot of satanic posts on my feed today, so I thought I'd just drop this Dutch prayer here I found in a 1500s book;
“I adjure you, Ashtaroth, by the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and by the Virgin Mary and by holy obedience, etc., that as long as this candle burns, through the fire, N., the daughter of N. becomes inflamed and burns with love and desire for me, so that she neither wakes nor sleeps nor eats nor drinks nor does anything until she has submitted herself to my will.” (In the places of N you need to fill in the relevant names.)
“Ik bezweer u, Astaroth, by de Vader en de Zoon en de H. Geest, en by de Maagd Maria en by de heilige gehoorzaamheid enz. dat, zolang deze kaars brandt door het vuur, N., de dochter van N. ontstoken wordt en brandt van liefde en begeerte voor my, zodat ze niet waakt of slaapt, eet of drinkt, of wat anders doet totdat ze zich aan myn wil heeft onderworpen.”
Source; "Middeleeuwse witte en zwarte magie in het Nederlands taalgebied" (Medieval white and black magic in the Dutch language area) written in 1997 by historian Willy L. Braekman.
The book is full of examples of how Dutch witchcraft was truely practised in the Mediaeval and Early Modern Netherlands. (The book is in Dutch, but is fully in txt form so you can easily put Google Translate on it.) So not the stuff that innocent women were accused of, but how people truely used magic to improve their lives.
Most of it is little things against small pains, finding lost things or stuff like that. But one of the biggest claims was the above prayer that can get you a girl. (Or a boy of course. Just replace 'daughter' with 'son'.)
Hope y'all can enjoy it and put some use out of it! :)
Also out of the book as a whole! I highly recommend the book to anyone interested in witchcraft and how our ancestors truely practised it in the past. <3 (It was more nuanced and interesting than the outrageous accusations thrown at innocent women.)
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prythianpages · 3 months
Outta My Mind | Cassian
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cassian x love witch reader | summary: Cassian has not been able to get you out of his mind and after receiving a gift, he decides to finally visit your shop and take you up on a love reading.
warnings: tarot reading, fluff
word count: roughly around 3,700
a/n: I am not experienced in tarot reading (I've only been on the receiving end and even then, it's been virtual) so I just pulled from google and what I've seen on tiktok. I apologize for any mistakes there and will happily fix them!
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As Cassian has breakfast with his family at the Riverhouse, the usual lively chatter fills the room. Feyre was talking about Nyx’s reaction to soft foods, Mor cooing after him and Azriel laughing when Nyx pulled her hair. Rhysand had gone to check who had rung the doorbell. Cassian’s mind was elsewhere, lost in thoughts of a mysterious witch.
It was bewildering, really. 
The way he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you, despite barely knowing you. Since he first set his eyes upon you at the bar, he felt something. He couldn’t pinpoint the feeling but after you crashed into him, it all seemed to click into place.
You, a love witch, had found him.  
Just two weeks ago, he had been wishing upon the stars for love, and there you were, shining brightly with promise.
Your business card has been sitting on his nightstand since the night he met you. The pink card is like a night light, its shimmer never fading. He stared at it every night before drifting off, torn between fear and hope, wondering whether he should take you up on your offer for a love reading.
Yet, you had failed to fulfill one of the promises you made—buying him a shirt to replace the one you had stained. He could care less about the shirt, though. A part of him had been hoping you’d find him again, stumble upon him like you did at Rita’s. Because now that you held the answers to his questions, a deep anxiety gnawed at him. What if what you had to say wasn’t what he wanted to hear?
Fate was a fickle thing. What if it wasn’t in his destiny to have a mate? To have love? What if the stars had sent you to pull him out of his delusion and deliver bad news?
“Looks like someone got a present,” Rhysand says as he walks into the dining room with a handful of mail and another holding a package. He waves the bright pink package, ears straining to hear the sound it gives for a clue.
“Oh, they shouldn’t have bothered!” Mor quips, leaning forward in her seat with a grin.
But Rhysand places the package in front of Cassian, shoving his empty breakfast plate aside. The clinking of silverware against porcelain makes Cassian blink, snapping out of his trance.
“You?” Mor says in disbelief, eyes widened slightly.
Everyone turns their head toward Cassian, his red siphons gleaming under the sudden attention. He stares at the package, feeling the weight of everyone’s curiosity.
“Well?” Feyre urges, shifting Nyx in her arms to lean over too. “What are you waiting for?”
“Who’s it from?” Azriel asks, his shadows fluttering toward him, also curious. Mor stands from her seat to peek at the name, frowning when she finds nothing but Cassian’s name on the package. Feyre and Rhysand exchange a glance, the latter shrugging in response.
Cassian swats at the nosey shadows. There’s no indication of the sender. Yet, he has an inkling, the color of the package nearly screaming it at him. Knowing the others would simply follow him to his room if he chose to open it in private, he unties the red bow. There’s a nervous flutter of excitement in his stomach as he opens it.
Inside, he finds three neatly folded white dress shirts. The first two were silky and almost identical to the one you had accidentally stained. The third shirt was different. Bold. It was a short-sleeve, sheer mesh shirt that glimmered in the light. A shirt he’d never buy himself but felt inclined to try on. 
“Shirts?” Rhysand questions with an amused chuckle.
As Cassian unfolds the shirts, he notices that all of them have carefully placed slits on the back to accommodate his wings, as if they’ve been tailored after being bought. His family watches, intrigued and amused. 
“Well, come on, Cas. Who’s it from?” Feyre prompts and the babe in her lap babbles as if asking the same question, his tiny hands smacking the table in delight.
The room seems to hold its breath as Cassian runs his fingers over the fabric. He feels the subtle hum of magic beneath his fingertips. “Someone,” he says, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. 
“Someone I need to go see.”
˗ˏˋ ★ ★ ˏˋ˗ 
Cassian ignores his family’s protest as he rises from his seat. Strengthening the shields of his mind, he thought he heard a hint of disappointment from Feyre. He didn't want to tell them about you. Doing so would only invite more questions—questions he wasn't ready to answer, as he was unsure of them himself.
He doesn’t need to return to the House of Wind for your business card, the address of your shop engraved into his heart after reading it so many times. As he makes his way to you, there’s that nervous flutter in his stomach again. It accompanies him all the way to your shop, threatening to burst when he finally stands in front of the door.
The words “Moonlight Spellcrafts” on the sign above shimmered softly, beckoning him inside with an irresistible allure. Bells chimed as he pushed open the door, and inside, he was greeted by a sharp “meow.”
A fluffy white cat with the brightest of blue eyes and pink bow around its neck blinks up at him before darting away and chasing after something unseen to Cassian’s eyes. His gaze follows the cat's movement, lifting to find you.
A vision in pink like clouds at the break of dawn. 
You wore a halter top that offered teasing glimpses of constellations etched onto your back, while your bell-bottom pants flared out with fluffy trimmings, resembling wisps of cotton candy that swayed with every step. Your platform heels tapped softly on the polished wooden floor as you guided a customer toward the wall of potions.
You pause, most likely from the sound of the bells, and just as you turn your head, Cassian swiftly ducks out of view. He hides behind a shelf—a challenging feat given his size and stature. He folds his wings tightly against his back to make himself as small as possible. He carefully walks around your shop, stealing glances at you every time he can.
He tells himself it’s to walk off the nerves.
Much like you, your store is bathed in hues of pink as well as reds and deep purples. Shelves line the walls adorned with an array of mystical books, each tome brimming with ancient wisdom and spells of the heart. Tarot cards of all designs are on display and glittering crystals sparkle under the soft lights. They cast a warm, inviting glow over the array of potions you are still showing the customer.
Heart-shaped mirrors with gilded frames adorn one of the walls and when he catches a glimpse of himself, he hastily fixes his hair. The fluffy white cat from before pops out of nowhere, startling him. It watches him intently, as if sizing up the tall, Illyrian male before it. Had it been following him the entire time?
“Honey!” A voice cooes. 
Not yours.
He follows the voice anyway and meets the gaze of a young fae. Her skin is a soft green, intricate lines adorning her face. Dark hair, painted with bright fuchsia at the ends, seems to glow as she stares back at Cassian from behind the counter, raising her eyebrows inquisitively.
Cassian manages a small smile before quickly turning away, avoiding any further interaction. He finds himself along a back corner where rare herbs and jars of unknown substances are meticulously organized. The air there is thick with mingling scents of rose, lavender, and sandalwood, teasing his senses and lingering in his nose until he sneezes.
Loudly. Obnoxiously. He swears he hears a startled cry from one of the customers inside the shop.
His wings flare slightly, stirring the jars behind him. Eyes widening, he turns to stabilize them, only to accidentally knock over other jars with his wings. He winces at the clatter and the subsequent sound of your approaching footsteps.
˗ˏˋ ★ ★ ˏˋ˗ 
“Are you alright?”
Shards of glass scatter across the wooden floor, the moonwater inside splashing out and spreading in a widening pool that stops at your feet. But your attention is focused on the hunched over Illyrian male.
Cassian stands up straight, hints of scarlet painting his cheeks, his broad shoulders tensing. “I’m sorry. I can pay for this.”
Amusement dances in your eyes, finding this situation all too familiar. “You’ll have to take me to the moon.”
He nods, the sincerity in his expression making the corner of your lips quirk up. He has no clue over the contents he just spilled.
“Just kidding,” you say, giggling at the look of relief that flashes across his face. “It’s just moonwater. I can easily make more next full moon. We really have to stop meeting this way, though. It’s a bit too messy for my liking.”
At your words, Cassian moves to clean up the mess but you stop him by raising your hand. Pink stardust flares out from your other hand as you summon a broom. You lean it against your hip, hesitating for a bit. With a hopeful look in your eyes, you snap your fingers, bracing yourself. Just in case.
Cassian can't help but take a step back. Also just in case as he recalls the way your magic had failed in cleaning up the stain on his shirt. But much to your relief, the spilled moon-water magically disappears. "Oh, thank The Cauldron," you murmur, sweeping the glass shards into one small pile before snapping that away too.
The sigh that leaves your lips is one of great relief. You wipe at the nonexistent sweat from your forehead. With a sweet smile, you look back at Cassian.
“I’m assuming you got my gift.”
“You didn’t have to, you know. I was also joking.”
“I wasn’t." Your smile falters. "I take fashion very seriously here, General.”
Cassian looked over your pink outfit again, trying his best to ignore the flutter in his stomach at the way you said his title. “Clearly,” he replies. “How did you know where to find me?”
“Magic.” You grin up at him, waving your fingers at him in a teasing manner.
His gaze narrows skeptically and you shrug in response. “Your wings and siphons gave you away. There’s not many Illyrians here in Velaris. Just the High Lord, the Shadowsinger and the Lord of Bloodshed. And given that the High Lady was not with you and the lack of shadows around you and the way red suits you, I took an educated guess. It was easy to find you then.”
“Where’d you find the shirts?” He asks, giving into his curiosity. Though, he really wanted to ask how you knew they would fit. Not just his broad frame but his wings as well.
“Another perk of there being a few Illyrians in Velaris. I bought the shirts from a boutique up the street and then I visited a couple of tailor shops until I found the one familiar with dressing certain Illyrians. That’s why it took me a bit to get them to you. I do hope you like the third one. A little bold but I think you’d look great in it.”
Cassian’s gaze softens, touched by the lengths you went to keep your promise. “Cassian,” he says after a moment. “You can call me Cassian.”
“Okay, Cassian,” you beam, feeling a warmth spread through you at his name on your lips. “You can call me y/n, dear, spell-slingin’ sweetheart or just sweetheart. Whatever tickles your fancy.”
“Just don’t call me bewitching babe,” you add as an afterthought, nose scrunching up in a small grimace. “Or I’ll have to hex you.”
Cassian’s brows raise slightly, interest piqued, wondering how someone could ever get on your bad side. “Noted, y/n, ” he nods and you give an appreciative grin.
“I believe I also promised you a love reading, didn't I?"
You point your hand up and to the right, Cassian’s eyes following the movement to a vibrant neon sign that reads, “Love This Way.” The words are written in cursive, each letter beholding a string of small, glowing bulbs that twinkle like enchanted stars. The phrase is flanked by a trio of heart-shaped neon lights, each one pulsing and pointing toward dark, red curtains.
˗ˏˋ ★ ★ ˏˋ˗ 
Right. The reason why he came to you. Well, one of them, at least. The longer he lingers in your presence, the stronger the pull he feels towards you, blurring the line of reason. 
“Come on,” you beckon him to follow you but Cassian can’t bring himself to move. 
Sensing his hesitation, you pause, turning your head to look back at him from over your shoulder. “I don’t bite. Unless you ask me to.”
An odd yet thrilling shiver runs up Cassian’s side. His lips twitch upwards, indulging in the foreign sensation and then he’s following after you, careful to not knock anything else over.
"Can't say the same for the lovebugs that dwell in this place, though. Those sneaky little things love the element of surprise. They say it's luck if you're bitten by them. Means you've met your true love..."
As he walks behind you, he notices small altars dedicated to different aspects of love. Romantic love, self-love, platonic-love, erotic love... The flames dancing from the candles seem to burn with a life of their own, the ones from the passionate love alter swaying his direction as he walks past it.
You move gracefully, your presence as enchanting as your shop. There’s a pause in your step, the two of you reaching the dark, starry curtains. “Be a doll for me and tend to the front, will you, Moxie?” You call out, pointed ear twitching as you await a response.
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” Cassian hears the young fae from earlier grumble.
As you lean in close to Cassian, standing on your tip-toes, even in heels, he's reminded of just how much he towers over you. Your hair brushes against his leathers, red siphons softly glowing as he’s suddenly overwhelmed with the scent of roses and vanilla.
“She’s my little apprentice and a little upset that her spell went haywire and turned her hair fuschia instead of magenta.”
Cassian’s brows knit together. “What’s the difference?”
“I cannot believe you just said that!” You gasp in mock horror yet Cassian detects a subtle hint of sincerity in your tone.
“I can hear you, you know!”
You mouth a “whoops” to Cassian before exclaiming: “I’ll be in the back! Love you, my dearie!” 
Cassian watches in a curious, fascinated manner as you blow a kiss toward Moxie. Pink stardust glimmers and shimmers as it floats in the air, fluttering toward the young face. It meets her cheek with a small "mwah" and there's a softness on your features despite Moxie's groan that melts away at Cassian's earlier reservations.
His heart flutters in anticipation when you reach for his hand. Your fingers ghost over his wrist, sending a spark rushing through him, as you guide him forward while your other hand pushes the grand curtains back. 
“Don’t worry. This room is sound-proof,” you tell him. “Whatever you ask or speak will remain confidential. Cross my heart!”
Cassian’s eyes widen as he takes in the room that is also bathed in a palette of vibrant pinks and soft pastels. Yellow, glowing lights shaped like stars dangle from the ceiling and quotes of affirmations are framed along the walls. Two luxurious, bubblegum-pink sofas face each other, adorned with an assortment of colorful cushions in shades of turquoise, lavender, and blush. Between them, a low table draped with a velvet cloth holds an array of tarot cards, crystals, and other mystical tools, ready for the next reading.
“Have a seat,” you say, letting go of his wrist to seat yourself on the plush carpet. 
You had gestured to one of the sofas but Cassian follows after you, seating himself across from you. His large frame makes the small table look even smaller and there's a coy smile on your face. He wonders if you're thinking the same as him.
Dressed in black leathers with siphons and daggers hilted at his waist, Cassian sticks out like a sore thumb. Yet, despite his dark attire and rugged appearance, there’s an undeniable allure about him that seems to complement your ambiance.
Your eyes, wide and knowing, meet his. He swears for a moment your pupils formed a heart shape, but when he blinks, he finds them dilated into round circles. The star-shaped lights reflect in them, and he finds himself unable to look away.
“Is this your first time?”
“Is there anything in particular you’d like to know?”
You give him a skeptical look, sensing the lie simmering beneath his calm facade. You may just be able to hear his racing heart.  “Are you scared?”
“Don’t be scared.”
“I’m not,” Cassian insists, though his heart is ringing in his ears.
Humor twinkles in your eyes as you easily see through his lie.
“I’ll go slow and talk you through it,” you say, your voice teasing yet reassuring. “I'd offer to hold your hand too, but unfortunately, I require both for this,” you add, reaching for the deck of cards. “We can do a broad reading.”
The sound of shuffling draws his gaze from your eyes to your hands. He watches, mesmerized by the fluidity of your movements. The cards seemed to whisper secrets only you can hear, the loose locks of your hair swaying gently from an invisible breeze. One card flies from your hands, and you catch it mid-air between two fingers.
You lay it before him with a raised brow. The Lovers.
"It seems you are destined for a profound connection. Something tells me it will be unexpected but undeniable.” 
A wave of relief washes over him, lifting a weight from his chest. There’s a small part of him that remains skeptical. It seemed too coincidental for you to pull that card during a love reading. The way he leaned forward slightly betrayed his doubt. 
He barely knew you, but he already found himself trusting you. There was something about you that was inherently relaxing, almost comforting—like the feeling of being at home. You sure were a master of creating a wonderful ambiance.
As you continued to lay out the cards that fly out, each one seemed to weave a story of passion and a deep bond. Cassian finds himself drawn into the narrative you’re spinning.
"Who is she?" he asks, his voice softer, more serious.
"Usually I can gather some general characteristics. I fear I'm at a blank here. But..." Your gaze narrows at the cards, studying them intently.  "She is someone who will challenge you, make you see the world differently. She'll walk you through all aspects of love. Someone who is closer than you think...” 
A shudder runs through you, those heart-shaped pupils returning for a brief moment. "You'll never feel alone again," you add, voice a mere whisper and tinged with a wistful longing.
Cassian feels a strange flutter in his chest, an unfamiliar sense of anticipation and yearning. "And when will I meet her?"
You draw the final card, lips curving into a pensive frown. “It's a little unclear. You may or may not have already met her.”
Cassian visibly relaxes, leaning backwards, his wings meeting the sofa behind him. At least it has been confirmed that there is someone for him. That's what had mattered the most to him.
His thoughts drift back to the days before in deep wondering. Could it have been the pretty fae at the bakery who had slipped an extra croissant in his order? No, she’s married... Maybe, it was the friend Emerie had brought to Valkyrie training yesterday morning…
You must sense the thoughts racing through his mind. “What’s your type?”
The question throws him off guard. He tilts his head thoughtfully. “I don’t have one.”
“What of your past lovers?”
“I fear there’s too many to recount them all. Do you remember yours?”
“It’s kind of in my nature to,” You laugh softly, a sound laced with a subtle bitterness that matches the distant look in your eyes. “There must have been important lovers in your life, though. Ones that lingered in your heart, beheld the title of something more…”
“My first girlfriend was a Valkyrie. She died in the great war.”
Your eyes glistened with sympathy and he hesitates, a mixture of contemplation and something unreadable flickering across his face before he continues. “My second girlfriend was strangely also a valkyrie. I trained her, taught her everything she knows. But it didn’t work out, she didn’t choose me…”
“It sounds like you do have a type to me,” you say, trying to lighten the situation. 
Judging by the look in your eyes, he knows you’re also familiar with the heartache that comes with past relationships. He catches the way your gaze flickers down to your soft, manicured hands, noting the fleeting light of wistfulness that crosses your features. 
You blink and suddenly your face lights up, beaming with hope. “Third time's a charm,” you remind him of the old saying and suddenly your entire face lights up, eyes beaming like a beacon of hope. You jump to your feet.
“Sizzling Cauldron!”
Cassian startles at your sudden outburst. He watches you as you begin to pace back and forth, murmuring to yourself. His ears strain to catch the words slipping from your glossy lips but he only catches “stars” and “wishes.” 
You look at him, eyes still shining bright.
“We were meant to be!”
Cassian’s heart skips a beat, his wings fluttering as he looks up at you. “What?”
“I was meant to find you–to help you find love.” You clarify, pointing a finger at him before letting out a delighted squeal. “I’ll be your wingwoman–well, wingless wingwoman, ha! This is going to be just wonderful!”
Cassian rises to his feet, watching as you continue to pace back and forth, moving your hands animatedly. He's sure you're burning a hole into the plush carpet. He looks at you in slight concern when you suddenly begin to speak in riddles, gaze flickering to the curtains behind you, contemplating if he should sneak out. Surely, you wouldn't notice in your current state...
"In a quest to help you find true love, I heed the guidance from the stars above. The Cauldron's blessing and The Mother’s gentle kiss I shall earn. And with my magic, I shall return. Once my strength begins to grow…what I seek, I too shall know!”
Cassian makes a face. “I’m not sure we’re speaking the same language here…” he trails off. But your excitement and joy are contagious.
“Help me, help you,” you clarify again, your pacing feet coming to a stop. The room seems to buzz with the energy of your determination.
You turn your body to face his, outstretching a hand. He eyes it for a moment. A jolt of energy passes between you two when he takes your hand in his, the red magic from his siphons dancing with your pink magic.
Your eyes lock, and for a moment, Cassian feels a deep, inexplicable connection.
 “So...what now? ” He asks, shaking off that feeling as he shakes your hand. It has to just be your power charming him, you're practically glowing. "Does this make us friends?"
You give his hand a squeeze, mirroring the hope that had tightened in his chest.
“The best of friends.”
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a/n: Little do you know that the true love you're meant to help him find is literally you lol. I live for the irony in this. Also, hope Cas isn't too out of character. I just needed him to vibe with love witch in the beginning of this au. She's a little delulu but I hope you love it as much as I love writing it <3
Since I live for the aesthetic of this au, I put the pictures I used for inspo for love witch's shop below.
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yeonzzzn · 4 months
the ending: park jongseong
a break the chain series: seven / seven
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pairing: jay x afab!reader word count: 5.2k
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synopsis: with the two youngest in danger, the pack fights to find them and push out the traitors to end this war once and for all.
genre: established relationship, vampire!jay, vampire!reader
warnings: swearing, blood + d!!th, that’s about it??
prt 1: vampires bleeding | prt 2: you complete me
☾ heeseung(1) | jake (2) | jungwon(3) | sunghoon(4) | sunoo(5) | niki(6) | jay(7) ☽
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Heeseung hoped the traitors had no clue he was awake and had Jay communicate down the bond for everyone to meet in secret and quickly. Thankfully the traitor’s power of reading what is said down bonds only works when they are near everyone. 
And Heeseung knew exactly where they were. 
Everyone was already waiting when Jay and Heeseung arrived, the queen was pacing back and forth in the small cellar room, stopping in her tracks to see Heeseung awake and alive. 
“Oh, Hee!” she cried, rushing to her husband and embracing him in her arms, tears streaming down her face, “Don’t ever scare me like that again!” 
Heeseung pulled his mate back and cupped her face, kissing her tenderly, “I’m so sorry baby,” he whispered after pulling his lips from hers. 
You quickly ran to Jay’s side, his arms already opening to embrace you, “What happened with Lilly?” 
Jay glanced at the king and you followed his eyes, seeing the blood that stained his face. Heeseung killed her. 
“They were going to kill her anyways,” the king mumbled, pulling his mate to his side and standing up straighter, “If we kept her alive her enemies would have continued fighting us,” he looked at every single person in the room, “We need to get our kids back.” 
The witch fumbled with the rings on her fingers, “What do you suggest we do? The traitors have them and will cut communications between the twelve—thirteen including Archer—of us off the minute we confront them.” 
Sunghoon took her fidgeting hands in his, rubbing thumbs over her palms in hopes of calming her down, “We will get them back,” he promised, “There’s thirteen of us, we are unstoppable.”
Heeseung agreed, “The traitors only have a small circle, the rest of the royal guard follows me.” 
“And how are you so sure?” Archer said as he kept his arms crossed and leaned against the wall, “From what Jay said down the bond and word passed to me, they have been watching your every move. How are we so sure they aren’t playing both sides to deceive you in the end?” 
“Archer!” his twin sister snapped, “Do you have doubts about his words?” 
“Hey, now,” Jake said, pulling her to him, “Baby, let’s not assume everything, okay?” 
Archer just shrugs, “Heeseung, I am on your side, always. But I don’t want to step out of this room and be blindsided.” 
The room fell silent and all eyes were on the king. 
“Want to know how we know?” Jungwon spoke up, stepping up beside the king, “As the second in command, I did digging. Watching when everyone thought I wasn’t.” 
Jungwon’s mate whistled, “Leader, second in command, and a spy? What can’t you do?” 
Jungwon just smirks at her then continues talking, “It wasn’t hard to figure out who was and wasn’t with us.” 
Jay furrowed his brows, hand squeezing tighter at your hip, “So you knew this entire time along with Heeseung and never said anything?!” 
Both Heeseung and Jungwon slightly looked at him, their faces filled with guilt and regret.
“I told you,” Heeseung sighed, “I had people up my ass twenty-four-seven, it was kind of hard to give out any information.” 
“When Heeseung first suspected a traitor and that our bond was being cut, he wrote it out to me on a paper secretly, and we started to test it out,” Jungwon held Jay’s stare, “It didn’t take long to figure out this person had that kind of power.” 
“If I could have told you all,” Heeseung said, looking every person in his pack in the eyes, “I would have the minute I knew.” 
“We understand,” Sunoo nodded, “Just tell us what we can do to get Niki and __ back and end this war.” 
Heeseung nodded. This wouldn’t be an easy fight, some would get hurt, but in the end, once it was over, it would be all worth it. 
The witch will keep hold in the cellar with her magical items to search where they are keeping the kids while the elf will be at her side and holding up a barrier of protection on everyone, she wouldn’t be able to hold it for long, so the window for the rest to end the traitors was small, every second counted. 
Archer and his twin sister will be at the rear, since they are skilled with bows and arrows, they will use their weapons to support at the back. 
Jake and Sunghoon will be a unit off to the left of Jay and Heeseung, and the queen, while Jungwon and Sunoo are to the right. 
You and Jungwon’s mate were to be in the middle. With her electricity powers, the witch gave her the crystal that suppressed a fraction of her power inside it and was told to only break it if needed. She was also given a crystal to amplify the power. She was a walking unit of her own. Considering the fact Jungwon was the one who turned her and he was already a unit himself, it only made sense she would be just as powerful as him. 
But you? You felt helpless. Sure you had super speed and vampire strength and were able to learn how to dual wield some daggers, but you had nothing else to bring to the table. You were surrounded by powerful beings. Each of them had something so special, so many gifts. 
Jay stood at Heeseung’s side, listening carefully to the plan he had in mind. His eyes drifted to you, taking notice of how you backed yourself away from the group and stared down at the floor. He could read it all over your face, the way you were doubting yourself. 
Jay stepped back, “YN,” he softly said, his fingers twisting themselves with yours, “What are you thinking?” 
You kept your gaze down on his boots, “I can’t help, not the way I want to.” 
His hands were now cupping your face and lifting it up to look at him, “Why are you talking this nonsense?” 
You cupped your hands over his, “Dorian almost killed me,” Jay winced at the memory of seeing Dorian push you off that cliff, watching your body fall into the water, remembering how pale you looked, and how cold your body was. He hated remembering it. Hated Dorian for what he did to you and gave you the scar he did until it thankfully went away after Jay turned you, “What makes me think I could be strong enough to fight this enemy when I was powerless against Dorian?” 
Jay pinched your cheeks, “Don’t talk like that!” he softly hissed, “You were human when Dorian…” Jay sighs and shakes his head, “You’re stronger now, powerful in your own way. I’ve seen you use those daggers. Baby, you’re so strong.” 
You wanted to believe him. Truly wanted to believe him. 
Jay rubbed his thumbs against your cheekbones, “I love you,” he placed a kiss on your forehead, “So goddamn much it drives me insane.” 
Jay wished he could give you the confidence you were looking for. But he’s still how you fight, the drive you have, and even how stubborn you are. You’ve made a fine vampire and will continue to be a great one. He just wants you to see it. 
“Jay,” Heeseung called him back over, “You and YN get back over here, it’s almost time.” 
Jay quickly pressed a couple of kisses to your lips and pulled you back towards the group. He’ll do everything in his power to get you to see how amazing and strong you are. 
Everyone walked to the lobby. Sunoo’s elf already started the protection barrier and Sunghoon’s mate sat in the cellar surrounded by her magic items and drew out a circle on the floor to look for the kids. 
Heeseung leads the pack, quickly stopping and holding his arm out. 
“You’re awake, my king,” E said with a smile, “Welcome back.” 
Heeseung tilted his head, not saying a word. 
E chuckled, “I’m assuming you had fun with our Lilly,” he held his arms behind his back, “I can smell her blood that’s still plastered over your face and clothes.” 
Heeseung was the one smirking now, feeling her now dried and crusted blood cracking against his skin, “She welcomed it. Should have seen the look she gave me, begging me to kill her.” 
E hummed, “It’s better this way, she tried to kill you after all,” Jay scoffed, causing E’s eyes to shift to him, “I suggest you watch your tone, false king.”
Jay took a step in front of Heeseung, “Or what?” 
“Jay, stop!” you tried to shout down the bond, only for it to not reach him. Your hands trembled, this was it. Everything was about to start. 
The queen stood a bit behind Heeseung, her eyes glowing crimson, “You will not speak to him that way.” 
E tilted his head, eyes glaring at her. 
Before any more could be said, M came running from the side room, “Oh King Heeseung!” she shouted, “You’re awake! Oh good heavens—“ 
Jungwon moved fast, his hands gripping the side of her face and twisting it, the crack echoing in the lobby. Jake and Sunghoon were at his sides, grabbing a hold of her arms and pulling, the limbs detaching from her body and Jungwon pulling his blade out and cutting deep into her throat, pushing through until her head was no longer attached to her body. Blood spilled across all three men’s faces and clothes, dropping M’s body to the floor. 
E stood up straighter, gripping his hands tightly, eyes flickering crimson, “Now, was that so necessary?”
Heeseung laughed, his blades appearing in his hands as he pointed one at E, “You don’t take me for a fool, do you? I know you cut off our bond and she could read anything that was said down it,” Heeseung tilted his head to the other side and down, eyes piercing into E, “I caught along a long time ago, traitors.” 
The only sound that could be heard was E’s laughter echoing the castle. You clenched your hands into fists, anger boiling your blood as seeing the man who was supposed to help protect the king, laugh his ass off. 
“I knew you were a good one,” he said, starting to walk back and forth in a pacing manner, “I’ve told you that since the beginning.” 
Heeseung narrowed his eyes, remembering all that time ago when E told him he knew Heeseung would be king and make a fine one. But nothing made sense, not when E wanted him dead. 
“Spill,” Jay snapped, his own weapons appearing, “We aren’t playing these mind games anymore!” 
E stopped pacing and glared at your mate, “Lilly told you everything.” Jay snarled at him, and E just chuckled, “It’s all true. I want Heeseung fucking dead!” 
The rest of the males pulled their weapons free, inching themselves closer to their king. 
“Looks like you’ve failed, obviously,” Heeseung smirked, “Your pons kind of suck.” 
“Dorian was trial and error,” E waved off, “I had faith but not a lot. And Lilly? She was so close yet so far.” 
“Why?” the queen snapped, “What did Heeseung do to you to deserve this?!” 
E smiled, “Why my dear queen,” he leaned forward, “He killed the king. That’s the whole problem.” 
Your body tensed, E was pissed off that Heeseung killed the previous king??
E continued his pacing, “I had a plan, you see, to take out the previous king so I can finally have the throne. But then poor, poor Heeseung’s dear friend had to act out and get murdered by the king.” 
Heeseung gritted his teeth, “Don’t speak of Alannah like that!” 
E ignored Heeseung’s outburst and continued, “As I’ve said before, you’ve had a fire burning in you the moment the previous king dragged your ass in here, so ready for a war that hadn’t happened.” 
The queen placed a hand on her mate's forearm, hoping to keep him calm. 
E continued, “I had everything lined up perfectly on how I would kill the king and take the throne. I didn’t even want to change how he was doing things around here,” E stopped pacing and looked Heeseung deep in the eyes, “I just wanted to be king.”
Jay was gritting his teeth and clenching his hands, E didn’t give a shit about making changes around here. He wanted to rule. Jay, Jake, and Heeseung went through hell and back and more because of the previous king and all E wanted to do was continue that pain and suffering. Jake was also clenching his fists tightly, Sunghoon inching himself closer to his best friend. 
“But you,” E pointed at Heeseung, “You just had to get angry over Alannah’s death and take revenge that night. I watched you steal from the armory and make your way to the study. I watched the fire set ablaze in your eyes as you sliced his neck and severed his head from his body,” E was now clenching his jaw, “It was too late to stop you after you tossed his damn head into the fireplace and dragged his body out to the yard. I do have to say, it was a powerful move on your end to make it a public execution of the remainder of his body.” 
Jay glanced over at Heeseung, the memory of barely running out of the castle with Jake at his side to see Heeseung tossing the remnants of the previous king’s body into the fire. Watching the power transfer to Heeseung and seeing the change of his crimson eyes burning their gold. It was the start of the three of them escaping this place and never looking back until now. 
“It was hard to track you down after the three of you escaped,” E continued with a shrug, “But once I found you and saw you created a pack,” he sighed, “I had to create an army myself to take you out.” 
Heeseung was now laughing, throwing his head back and letting out an exhale. He flung his head back forward, eyes now golden, “Where are my kids?” 
E chuckled, “I poured my heart out and this is what you have to say?” 
Heeseung’s fangs grew to their point and Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon, the queen, __, and yourself all let your eyes glow crimson, feeling the power Heeseung was radiating and passing on between everyone. Archer and __’s bows drew back, E only being able to see their crimson eyes from the distance they were in. 
“I’ll ask one more time,” Heeseung warned, “Where is Niki and __?” 
E just smirked. 
A small sparkle of light came into view and stopped in front of Heeseung. Sunghoon smirked, “My mate found them.” 
E’s smirk dropped, his body tensing and preparing for what was to come. Heeseung’s smirk at the globe of light and the way his eyes flickered to E told him everything. War was officially about to be unleashed. With a whip of his hand, he signaled for his army to come to his aid, Heeseung and the rest of the pack were already on the move towards him. 
They knew where their kids were and now it was time to end this. 
Heeseung shifted to make a move at E, but he blocked it. But Heeseung didn’t stop. Shoving his body fully against the courtier and breaking through the doors of the castle, the night sky came into their view. 
The rest of the pack ran right behind them. E’s army surrounds them. 
“I love you,” Jay said down the bond to you. Your heart raced. E must have been caught so off guard he dropped his powers for enough time. 
“I love you, too,” you said back, and you could feel the smile Jay had even with you running behind him. 
“Let’s fucking end thi—“ Heeseung barely was able to say down the bond before E cut it back off. Now shoving Heeseung off him and jumping away, pulling his sword out of thin air. 
The males surrounded E, arrows flying left and right from the dhampir and Archer, targeting E’s army. Jungwon’s mate was quick to break both crystals, her electricity flowed throughout her body, the yellow aura radiating around her as she sped through the army, sending shockwaves their way. 
The army on Heeseung’s side finally showed up, helping you all take care of the others. 
You held your own against the enemy, dodging and turning just how you were taught in training, how Jay showed you. You could feel his hands against your skin as he showed you how to use the daggers, and how he moved your body. It replayed like fire on your skin as you shoved the dagger into the enemy’s chest, using the other to cut through his neck, taking his head clean off and his blood coating your face and clothes. 
Your eyes burned their crimson as you continued to fight your way through E’s army with the help of __ electrocuting them as she went. You rush right behind her. Jay’s words of encouragement from earlier spun around in your head like a web, you weren’t useless. You are powerful in your own way and the way you played the battlefield was proof. 
Jay and Heeseung tagged teamed E, taking turns rushing him back to back to not let him have any time to think or react. And the time either of them failed to make a move, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, or Jungwon made up for it. E was strong, a lot stronger than what Lilly was. Which made sense considering E has been alive a lot longer than all the boys combined. His stamina and speed were like nothing Jay had ever gone up against. Same with the other males. E recovered and healed fast, making it harder to take him down. Along with the army of his that was attacking at the same time, this seemed impossible. 
With their communications down and not being able to coordinate when to strike, this fight was going to drag out longer than they wanted.
Jay gritted his teeth as he lashed forward, swinging his blades quickly, but E moved just as fast, shielding himself with his arms and Jay’s blade slashing through them. 
No moves were working. No amount of swinging their blades worked. The males grew tired and the lack of not being able to drink blood before this fight was starting to wear them down. 
All six males had injuries. Their breaths are uneven. Arrows stopped flying across the sky signaling that Archer and __ were out. 
They surrounded E, circling him and catching their breaths. E just chuckled, “Have had enough yet?” 
Jay locked his jaw tighter, twirling his blades, “When are you going to give up?” 
E laughed, shooting his eyes over to Heeseung, “Not until he’s dead and I’m king!” 
You and Jungwon’s mate finished off a circle of enemies, looking over to the boys, “They need blood,” you said, eyes scanning your mate up and down, seeing the exhaustion weighing him down. 
She nods, voice shaking, “I don’t know what to do…” 
A sparkle of light came into both of your views, it flickering, “Go to them quickly,” the witch whispered through the orb, “E has more of his army coming. The boys need blood. Now.” 
“How—“ __ started to say.
“Your blood. You both may be vampires, but your blood is still very much human circulating your veins until it exceeds out.” 
“What about you, __ and __?? Sunghoon, Jake, and Sunoo will need blood too!” you quickly said, worried about your other pack members. 
A chuckle came from the orb, “Don’t worry, it’s all handled.” 
You and Jungwon’s mate looked at each other quickly then back at the orb, seeing it disappear. 
You then see Jake’s mate running towards you, Archer, the witch, elf, Niki, and his mate right behind them. You could have cried from happiness. The whole pack was here together. They could end this right now. 
You ran with the others, “Do the boys know?” 
The witch smiled, sweat dripping down her face, “More and then some. My magic is running out, I have only so much left. But everything is coming to plan.” 
You didn’t question it, just nodding and rushing to your mate. 
E’s smirk dropped seeing Niki and his mate join in, and then frowned seeing each female stand by their mate. 
“What are you plotting?!” he snapped, eyeing down Heeseung as the queen pressed her back to her king’s chest. 
“What?” Heeseung smirked, wrapping his hand to the front of his mate's neck and tilting her head to the side, exposing her neck and leaning down, “You think we don’t have anyways to communicate?” 
E whipped his head around to Sunghoon and the witch, smirked lined both their faces as Sunghoon’s hand tilted his mate's head to the side, his fangs coming to a point, “We always find a way,” he said, then sank his teeth into his mate's neck, her lips parting from the pressure of his fangs digging in, his free hand gripping her waist as he sucked in her blood. 
Jay pressed your back to his chest, one hand on your jaw and the other on your hip. His mouth watered at the very thought of drinking your blood again, eyes crimson and fangs fully pointed, “I love you,” he whispered into your ear then pierced your skin, squeezing you tightly as he inhaled your blood. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,” he repeated over and over to himself, wishing he could repeat it down the bond or verbally to you. But you knew, you could feel it in the way he held you close. 
Each male one by one bit into their mate's neck, every female glaring E down as the males regained their strength. 
Heeseung finished first, exhaling with pleasure as he licked the dripping blood from his mate's wounds before they closed up. His eyes are now burning holes into E. 
“Ha! What do you think drinking from your mates will do?” E snapped. 
Niki cracked his knuckles, “Gives me plenty of strength to beat your ass for locking us ten feet under the damned castle.” 
“It’s not just drinking from our mates,” Heeseung said, twirling his blades, “You really need to stop dismissing our magic users.” 
E narrows his eyes, slowly turning to look at the witch and elf, both females snapping their fingers, colorful auras surrounding each of the boys. 
“What did you girls do?” E snarled. 
The witch looks up at Sunghoon, ice crystals forming at his hands, “We gave them a power boost,” she said. 
The elf leaned against Sunoo, his index fingers twirling in a circle, and rocks from the ground started floating up and circling his fingers, “After our second in command’s mate showed off her new abilities, we decided to do research and dig deep into our mate’s auras and gave them a boost.” 
Jake snapped his fingers and fire flicked from the tip of his index finger, a chuckle leaving his lips, “Always knew I had a fire within me.” His dhampir mate rolled her eyes but kept herself pressed against him anyway, a massive smile on her face. 
Niki unfolded his hands, palming facing the sky as darkness floated out of it, his eyes locked on E. 
Jay flexed his hands, a smirk spreading on his lips. He was stronger. So much stronger. 
E fixed his eyes between Jungwon and Heeseung, then laughed, “Guess the two of you aren’t so special huh?” 
Heeseung smiled and placed his index and middle finger on his temple, “Jungwon?” 
Jungwon was immediately at his king’s side in a flash. It was so fast you didn’t even see him move. Vampires already have super speed, but now Jungwon topped that speed. Even E was in shock, his eyes widening now seeing Jungwon resting his arm on Heeseung’s shoulder. 
His eyes locked onto Heeseung, “I am assuming you can communicate with them now.” 
Keeping his fingers to his temple, he cocked his head to the side, glancing at his pack members one by one, “Let’s end him.” 
E wasn’t ready for the rush of all fourteen of you. Each of the male’s powers threw him off along with the leftover magic both the witch and elf had that they were sending his way. You, the dhampir, Archer, Niki’s mate, and the queen rushed him too, swinging your weapons left and right at him in turns with the boys. E was panicking, and it was going to be his downfall. 
E wasn’t expecting this. His whole plan was to tire them out and pick’em off one by one. He already knew Heeseung had guards in his corner. But he figured with the youngest ones not around they would falter and break. But that wasn’t the case. 
He couldn’t keep up with their blows. With the ice, fire, darkness, strength, speed, gravity, their weapons, magic, and Heeseung leading them telepathically. All he could do was smirk, he underestimated the king and his pack. 
Heeseung’s pack was already known to other packs on how powerful they were when it was just the seven of them. E knew the truth all along that it was because Heeseung was secretly the king. But now seeing how unified this pack was with their new powers and mates, they being a powerhouse still holds true. Even if Heeseung wasn’t king, these fourteen would still be the most powerful. 
And he was an idiot to think he could break them one by one. 
But he kept fighting anyway, praying for that small ounce of hope that he’d come out on top. That little confidence landed his hand on your neck, squeezing tightly and digging his nails into your skin. 
The world seemed to have slowed down for Jay, his heart rate racing at seeing E’s grip on you and the way he lifted you up in the air. 
“You’re the one Dorian almost killed,” E laughed with a tilt of his head, “Even with the scars gone I can still see them burning deep within.” 
You gripped your hands onto his wrist, clawing at his skin in hopes of breaking free. You were losing oxygen and fast, gasping for air while fighting against him. 
Jay’s jaw locked, feeling that string of fate connected to you loosening. 
“Jay,” Heeseung warned, “Don’t do anything stupid!” 
“He has my mate!” Jay snapped and without a second thought, he rushed forward. 
E laughed, moving quickly in time with Jay. 
The only thing that could be heard now was your screams as E’s sword split down Jay’s chest and exited his back. 
Blood dripped down his body and out his mouth, but Jay kept his eyes locked on E, “You’re the cause of my mate almost dying!” Jay screamed, using his strength to break the sword in half and swing his blade to completely cut E’s arm off. 
The pain of losing his limb forced his grip on you to drop, sending you back to the ground and hands reaching for your throat to regain air. 
One moment you were beside them, and the next you were away, Jungwon handing you over to the queen and rushing back, “Jay!!” you tried to scream, seeing your mate drop to one knee as he gripped the blade of the sword and pulled it out of his body. 
Jungwon grabbed E’s remaining arm and pulled it, breaking it out of his socket. E’s screams now fill the battlefield. 
Sunghoon slammed his fists to the ground, freezing E’s knees down to keep him from moving. Niki stood behind him, placing his hands to the side of his face and pressing the darkness against his senses, him losing sight. 
Heeseung rushed over, blade in hand, and shoved it into E’s chest, “This is for forcing my pack and me out of hiding,” he pulled the blade out and thrust it back in, “This is for when Dorian almost killed YN,” he repeated the actions, listing off each thing E has caused towards his pack. Each thing that led to the events of today. One by one getting his revenge in. 
Jay pulled himself to his feet, taking Heeseung’s other blade and pressing it to E’s neck, the sizzling of his skin being music to Jay’s ears, “This is for almost killing my brothers and putting my mate through the bullshit she had to go through.” 
E just smirked through the pain, “Haaaaa, what do you plan to do now that you’ve killed the entirety of the royal guard beside the small amount that follows you, false king?” 
Jay looked at Niki, signaling him to remove the darkness from E’s eyes, forcing him to look at him, “We will remain as the strongest pack, keeping Heeseung in power.” 
E laughed again, “That will only go so far.” 
Jay shrugged, pressing the blade deeper into his skin, “We will break the chain you all created.” 
E’s smirk fell and it was such a sight to see from Jay. And Jay’s face would be the last thing E will ever see. Using his strength, Jay sent the blade through, gripping the top of E’s head and ripping it from his body.
“Jake!” Heeseung commend. Jake throws a ball of flames at the body. The fourteen of you watching it burn to ashes. Jay took a final look at E’s head and then tossed it into the flames. 
It was over. 
It was all over. 
Jay fell back to his knees, head spinning from the blood loss from the wounds. You were at his side immediately, screaming for the witch and elf and Heeseung to do something quickly.
The three of them patched Jay up while the remaining of the royal guard killed off the rest of E’s army, leaving an abundance of vampire bodies on the castle grounds. 
You held Jay close, “You did it, Jongseong.” 
He cupped your face and gave you a weak smile, “It’s over.” 
“Not yet,” the king said, looking over the dead bodies, “We need to take care of this mess and fast.” 
Jake smirked, “Leave it to me.” 
The bodies were piled into the castle, Jake unleashing flames from both hands as he set the castle ablaze. Not leaving a single part untouched by his flames. 
The fourteen of you watched the castle burn. The males held onto their mates tightly. 
Heeseung, Jay, and Jake felt nothing as they watched the castle that completely ruined their lives burn into rumble. Nothing but terrible fucking memories lay there. They can all burn. Completely burn. 
Jay finally took his eyes off the burning castle and looked down at you, staring at the part of your neck Dorian once sunk his teeth into, draining you completely of life before tossing you over that cliff. In a way, Jay was thankful the world turned out the way it did because he got you out of it. He’d still watch the world burn for what it did to you. But he had you for forever, and for that he was happy. 
He pulled you closer to him, pressing his lips to your head. 
“What now?” the queen asked, folding her arms on top of Heeseung’s that were wrapped around her.
Heeseung looked at the burning castle, then up at the sky, seeing the beautiful orange that came through from the rising sun, “I have an idea.”
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—perm tlist: @alvojake @ikeuverse @woniebae @shawnyle
@jwnghyuns @in-somnias-world @zyvlxqht @aaa-sia
@wonniethepoo @addictedtohobi @eneiyri @skzenhalove
@fakeuwus @cherry-park @vousty @ladyartemesia @criminalyun
@cmoundiamante @enhaverse713586 @wondipity @lhsvibez
@jaeyunq @rikizm @kaykay11sworld @pockettwinzz @vixialuvs
@seunghancore @enha-cafe @ppanghoon @sunpov @zeeloveshee
@hxxsxxng @moonrisearies @brownsugarbaybee @nshmrarki
@vveebee @teddybeartaetae @kookify @abysofsteel
@aileeeeeeeeeeeee @hee-lvrr @lilyuwon @1309zip
—taglist: @jwnghyuns @en-happiness @honeybunnee @jaklvbub
167 notes · View notes
melefim · 1 month
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Fuck
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Fuck was said a total of 90 times, in all 8 episodes and by 15 different characters.
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Uses Per Episode:
Fuck is said in all 8 episodes of the show, one of only 4 words to do so.
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Episode 1: 7
Episode 2: 5
Episode 3: 13
Episode 4: 5
Episode 5: 8
Episode 6: 13
Episode 7: 16
Episode 8: 23
Uses Per Character:
Fuck is said by 15 different characters, more than any other word.
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Edwin: 2
Charles: 5
Crystal: 20
Jenny: 18
David: 12
Esther: 6
The Cat King: 6
Tabby Cat: 2
Calico Cat: 1
Litty: 8
Kingham: 5
Brad: 2
Hunter: 1
Twitchy Richie: 1
Girl in Crystal’s Memory 2 (Club Fight): 1
Percent of Total:
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Fuck is used 90 times, which is 27.9% of cursing in the show.
There are 7 variations of the word used in the show, with the most popular being Fuck, which was used 42 times.
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Fuck: 42
Fucking: 37
Fucked-up: 7
Fucked: 1
Fucker: 1
Fuckboy: 1
Mindfuck: 1
Total Uses: Fuck comes in first for total uses, being said 90 times.
Number of Episodes: Fuck is one of only four curse words that is said in all 8 episodes- the others are Shit, Ass, and God.
Most Uses of a Word in a Single Episide: Fuck holds 5 of the top 11 spots.
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Most Uses of a Word by a Single Character in One Episode: Fuck took the title here as well, being said 10 times by Jenny in episode 8.
Total Characters: Fuck comes in first for number of characters to say it, with 15 using it throughout the show.
It is one of only two words said by the main trio of Edwin, Charles, and Crystal, the other being Damn.
It is one of only four words said by both Edwin and Charles—the others being Damn, Bloody, and Bloody Hell.
Favorite Word: Fuck is the favorite word of 7 different characters: Jenny (18), David (12), Litty (8), The Cat King (6), Kingham (5), Tabby Cat (2), and Brad (2).
Curse Word Variations: It comes in first for most variations, with 7.
Episode 1:
Charles: Edwin, hurry the fuck up!
David: I'll fucking gut you! (x2 while possessing Crystal)
Crystal: It's just a stupid fucking name.
Tabby Cat: Fuck you. I'm not telling you nothing about that house or the witch inside.
Crystal: So maybe he's our fucking demon now!
Edwin: Police don't know what to do with a fucking witch!
Episode 2:
Litty: Little ghost fucker!
Litty: I'm gonna tell you something, because I think you really need to hear it, okay? You should go fuck yourself.
Litty: You know what? You can take that sweater and you can shove it up your ass. Do you have any clue how powerful we are? We are fucking gods!
Kingham: You better hope we never get out of here or we are going to fuck you up, like 'brass knuckles and mace' fuck you up!
Episode 3:
Jenny: It's a super fucked-up story so I'm gonna need some coffee
Crystal: What the actual fuck?
Calico Cat: At least we don't have to go inside. This house is fucked up.
Crystal: Just what the fuck is it?
Litty: Looks like they left you behind because you fucking suck.
Litty: They're all gonna fucking die.
Litty: We were fucking kidding, can't you take a fucking joke?
Litty: Stupid fucking bitch!
Charles: I'm just sick of watching this asshole kill his family a million times for no fucking reason. Tried it your way, and it did nothing. Sod it. Let's try mine. (x2 due to time loop)
Charles: His dad was bad, Edwin. Royally fucked-up bad.
Crystal: I am done wasting my energy on your fuckboy bullshit.
Episode 4:
Jenny: Ok, so you're what? You're just, you're not gonna leave until I explain this even though it's private and go the fuck away?
Tabby Cat: Fuck off. The kid had a sardine.
Crystal: You fucked with my head, I'm gonna fuck with yours.
Charles: Every day, I'm fucking smiling.
Episode 5:
Twitchy Richie: The fuck is this?
Jenny: Oh my fuck.
Crystal: You walk around acting like the sun always shines, and then you lost your shit while beating the Night Nurse. Edwin and I are walking on eggshells around you instead of just saying 'what the actual fuck?'
Jenny: What the fuck, Maxine?
Hunter: Oh, fuck that, you whiny little bitch.
Brad: It's a fucking tragedy that we died, okay?
Brad: What the fuck does that mean?
David: I'm a demon! And I always get what I fucking want!
Episode 6:
Crystal: I want to keep this demon the fuck out.
Jenny: Just like whatever the fuck I am doing is none of yours.
Crystal: It's like he's fucking haunting me.
David: Oh no, I'm so fucking scared.
Charles: Don't listen to him Crystal, it's just some sort of a mindfuck, innit?
David: Why the fuck do you smell so weak?
David: What the fuck did you do?
Crystal: I gave up my powers, OK? I got you out of my fucking head.
David: Now, she's just another fucking terrified lump of human flesh!
Crystal: I am nothing special, So why don't you just leave me the fuck alone?
David: Did you really think that you could beat me with a fucking cricket bat?
The Cat King: Do you hear me? I will stop fucking playing nice!
Esther: Teeth Face, what the fuck?
Episode 7:
The Cat King: Why the fuck are you here?
Esther: I know you blew up Monty's spot, you little fucking snitch.
The Cat King: I don't give a fuck, OK? End of audience.
The Cat King: That was my third life, you bitch. I only get nine. Would you fuck off? Fuck!
Crystal: Fucking bullshit, like I can't help.
Crystal: God, that's fucking insane.
Jenny: Fucking kid.
Jenny: What the fuck?
David: Why the fuck would you even want that?
David: What the fuck did you do? Where are we?
David: Maybe I was just fucking with you.
David: Fuck! Fine, you got your memories back.
Jenny: What the fuck was that?
Esther: You, you.. you think that you're the only one who's ever been screwed over? You're not. I fucking deserve this!
Edwin: That is so fucking stupid, It's unbelievable!
Episode 8:
Girl in Crystal’s Memory 2 (Club Fight): Get your fucking hands off my boyfriend, you slut!
Crystal: Oh, my God. Oh, I'm a fucking awful person. Oh, God, I'm the worst.
Jenny: What the actual fuck?
Jenny: And why the ever-loving fuck is my hair braided?
Jenny: Fuck that! That is bullshit!
Jenny: No fucking way.
Kingham: "No fucking way" to you. "No fucking way" to that side braid. What the fuck is that?
Jenny: Fucking fuck!
Jenny: Screw it. I'd rather know my own life, no matter how fucked-up.
Jenny: Jesus, fuck!
Crystal: Fuck! (Esther has the boys)
Jenny: I figure a meat cleaver can cut up a witch, but what the fuck do I know anymore?
Crystal: Because whatever fucked-up little thing you have going on with Edwin, you must care about him a little.
The Cat King: Fuck me. Did you even listen to my story?
Esther: Oh my God, my own sacrificial knife? I'm impressed. But I'm not fucking around that you're also gonna patch that wall before you die too.
Esther: Who the fuck are you?
Esther: What the fuck? Hey hey hey no! What did you just do?
Jenny: God, that sounds so fucking procedural.
Crystal: I don't have to give up my new fucked-up life while I'm trying to sort out my old fucked-up life.
Not included:
In episode 1, Crystal flips off Edwin in the malt shop.
In episode 2, Litty flips off Charles, Edwin, and Crystal with both hands, and then later Kingham and Litty both flip off Edwin.
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More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by Episode
Swearing by Character
Swearing by Word
All Swearing Posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress
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writing-in-the-impala · 7 months
Secret Smokes (Part 11)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, drinking, teacher-student relationship, angst, jealousy, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 4495
A/N: Yes I did drop off the face of the earth for a bit but can I make it up to you with an extra long chapter?
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 11, Next Chapter
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Your fight was the last time you saw Remus Lupin that week, the next lesson you had with Lupin was taken over by Snape, even your tutoring was now with McGonagall. Lupin returned on Friday evening, you saw him in the great hall during dinner, and that's when you received an owl from him which was rare during dinner. He didn't pay you any attention, so you decided to take the letter to the lake and read it by yourself so no one could interrupt you and he couldn't watch or analyse you open it. You sat down by the water and opened it.
"My dearest, Y/N,
Oh how I've fucked up, in life constantly but with you in more ways than one. I don't know how to express my words in person I've never been good at words when it came to the important things like people. This is version five of this letter.
I traveled home after Monday. I couldn't bare to look at that desk, I couldn't go to Sirius as his home will forever smell like the first time I kissed you. When I arrived I found your letters, they made me realise you left to protect us from ending up in this very situation, I thought it was from fear of getting told off for being home late but really you knew that Percy was looking for clues. Unfortunately his letter found me first and convinced me to push you away, that I was risking too much by risking your schooling, I don't care about my career, what's life if you only live for a job but I don't want to mess up your future. I take my job very seriously but life is  more important.
You were right when you said I'm scared of having something good, however you were wrong when you said you were convenient. You're far from it. I might be lonely but that's not why I'm drawn to you, I'm drawn to your wit, I'm drawn to your smile and I'm drawn to your world. If we could spend forever sitting on my sofa listening to music and talking I would die a happy man.
I don't know what my feelings for you are but they are strong and they scare me, you're much more important to me than anyone else I know and I fear to admit it. New Year's Eve I messed up, if we were ever going to kiss I wanted it to be after a date where I show you how you're meant to be loved and offer you the world not drunk on the steps of my best friends house.
I don't know how you feel about me and if I hurt you too much, if that's the case I am terribly sorry I wish I could make it right. If an inch of you still thinks I'm a decent man I have two offers for you.
A. If you want to remain friends and go back to last year's rules "no dear, no alcohol and no kissing" meet me tomorrow evening in my office for tea and tunes, or let me know in your own way
B: If you are up for an adventure my dear and willing to see what happens if we risk it and you still feel any attraction after my poor behaviour: Meet me tomorrow morning at 9am in Hogsmeade, next to the three broomsticks.
C: if you simply hate me like you said (at least 4 times using my full name I'm glad you don't know my middle name) all I ask is show up to my lessons, we can arrange another teacher to take over you 1-on-1 schooling but please show up. I promise to pretend I don't think you're the most amazing witch and woman I've ever met. Please don't let me ruin your exams or future.
Yours, Remus John Lupin.
P.S. To answer the question in your original letters from the 1st of January keep my sweater, it will simply be a painful memory if you choose C and I like the way it looks on you if you choose B ."
You felt a mixture of excitement and relief with his letter, it felt like everything has magically explained itself. Remus was an anxious writer with a tendency to sabotage his own happiness but he was trying. He was trying for you.
The next morning you woke up early to get ready to see Remus, you didn't know what to expect but you were excited. You arrived in Hogsmeade early knowing Remus as someone extremely punctual you were shocked to find Remus wasn't there. You waited until 9:05 but nothing, so you began to walk back at towards the castle. "Wait!" Remus said and you turned around to see him holding two cups of coffee, one of which had obviously slightly spilled on him. "It's with milk!" He said holding a coffee forward towards you.
"Thank you." You said grabbing it.
"I'm glad you came." He said softly.
"I'm glad you sent that letter." You replied. "You have coffee on your sweater." You pointed out reaching in your pocket for a tissue.
"I didn't think through apparating with two cups of coffee.' He admitted with a shy smile as you dabbed his jumper dry. "Thank you dear." He continued softly.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked.
"London, grab my hand and hold your coffee tight." He said reaching out a hand and you took hold of it and you appeared in Holborn, London.
"I thought that wasn't possible in Hogwarts." You admitted.
"That's why we met in Hogsmeade dear, sorry about being late, there was a queue." He admitted showing you the coffee.
"I thought you may have changed your mind." You admitted.
"I was scared you wouldn't come." He admitted.
"Liar you got two cups of coffee." You pointed out.
"I had a feeling you'd show up, now dear, see today as my way of apologising to you. I have a small plan but if you want to do anything just tell me." He said and at that moment you turned the corner to the British Museum. "Have you been here before?" He asked.
"Maybe once or twice as a kid."
"Okay but have you ever had a magic tour of this place?" He questioned and you shook your head. "Great." Remus led you into the British museum, he looked quite excited and more young now than ever. "Now not everyone knows that many treasures in this building are actually artefacts from great magicians."
"So they stole from wizards too?" You asked and Remus laughed.
"They sure did, now not many people know how some of these great people used magic to help muggles and how some of this stuff is either cursed or enchanted." Remus continued as you walked through the beautiful foyer.
"But I'm sure you do." You said teasing him and he nodded.
"I'm not just a pretty face, unlike you I spent a lot of time in libraries."
"Are you saying I don't study? I spend a lot of time in my professors office."
"You spend a lot of time listening to music and distracting me while I try to mark work, dear." He shot back and you laughed. "Now as I was saying, I may not be a rich man or have much to offer but I have a lot of knowledge."
"You should be a teacher." You said with a wink.
"You should be a comedian. Now enough talking watch this." He said and then one of the Egyptian statues moved and stood up.
"Holy shit, are you allowed to do that?" You asked looking around.
"Don't worry no one will notice." He said
"What was that?" You asked.
"It's a Pharos tomb guard, they're enchanted to stand when an attacker approaches, they have a lot of ancient magic in here."
"So why didn't they do that when they were removed from the tomb?" You asked as you and Remus continued to walk and look at the different statues.
"They did, they did for a very long time, however when dark wizards realised there's money in helping archaeologists they helped lift curses or limit enchanted objects. Those guards were stopped from being the soldiers they were, the only thing left is the command to stand when you summon them." Remus explained, you were impressed by his knowledge. You walked through  the ancient Egyptian part for another few minutes before Remus took hold of your hand and hurried you to the Ancient Greek part. "This bits my favourite, sorry is it okay if I do that?" He asked gesturing to your hand.
"It's encouraged." You blushed.
"Tell me when I cross a line Y/N, we still need to talk about us but first I want to hold my part of the deal, showing you who I actually am."
"And who are you profesor?"
"A lonely bookworm with a furry problem and a teaching job to pay the bills."
"Don't forget the cottage." You winked making him laugh.
"Now these are the Parthenon marbles, the Parthenon was being used as a base to store ammunition by the Ottomans and some idiot messed up and blew up the whole thing."
"Some idiot is that the technical term profesor?" You poked him in the arm and he rolled his eyes. You found him very attractive when he was more casually dressed, with his jacket drooped over his arms and a warm sweater on.
"It is now." He replied. "Long story short some guy named Lord Elgin went to Greece and asked the Ottomans can I have this? And they said sure and he took it, as lords usually do. It's missing a lot of parts as they're back where they belong but a small part of me feels lucky to have them here as they tell a story. You see if you come over here you'll see the Centaur." He led you over to the far wall. "He tells a story of the battle between Centaurs and Lapiths at the marriage feast of Peirithoos. And if you do this even with it's missing parts you get to watch it." He lifted his wand and the marble moved. It began plaything the story throughout the panels as if they were alive just like the paintings in Hogwarts. "And if you think that is cool look behind you." You turned around and the main sculptures were all moving, they were missing parts but they felt human.
"That's incredible, show me more." You expressed with a big smile and Remus couldn't help but smile back. "Come on." He said putting one arm around you while his other arm still had his jacket drooped over it. And like that, he led you through the museum holding your waist and making your heart flutter at his actions and brain amazed at the world of knowledge he was sharing with you.
It was one of the few times you saw Remus truly happy as he immersed himself in history. It was beautiful to see him care free not putting himself down, not talking about his condition just being himself. As you walked out the museum hours later he still had a hand around your waist. "Now dear what would you like to do?"
"Should we go get some food?"
"What a wonderful idea, there's a great pub not too far from here, only thing I need to get some cash out as I'm low on muggle money." He explained.
"I can pay."
"I'm sure you can but you won't I'm taking you out on a date it's my treat." He said as he rushed in front of you to the cash machine. "Okay" he said looking at it. "Okay, okay." He continued looking for where to insert his card. "Just a moment." He said after inserting it and just starring at all the options on the screen. "Merlin." He whispered quietly while pressing random buttons.
"You do know how to use it?" You asked suggestively.
"Of course I do." He said but he was obviously struggling.
"Here let me help you." You stood alongside him pressing the buttons for him. "How much do you want to withdraw?"
"£20?" He said hesitantly.
"£20?" You confirmed.
"£50 are you sure?" You asked in disbelief.
"I'm not good with this, I haven't been in a muggle pub in forever I don't know the prices these days. I'm sorry, get however much you think it'll cost for us to have food. This is so embarrassing." He admitted.
"£50 it is, Remus the muggle world is my world it's okay to ask for help, I literally didn't know you could aparate in Hogsmeade." You calmed him while you finished the transaction.
"Yeah that was silly, everyone knows-"
"You don't know how to use a cash machine Remus!" You interrupted.
"I'll shut up. Now off to the pub, thank you for your help." He took your hand and lead the way. The pub was quite busy but you expected it as it was lunchtime on a Saturday. It was nice to sit opposite Remus having a meal, flirting, chatting and being yourselves. You didn't feel anxious like you did sometimes on dates, you felt like you were hanging out with a friend that you had a crush on, he would make you blush a lot with his words but he was also clumsy and stumbled a lot, something you never saw in him at Hogwarts. He ordered fish and chips and knocked over the sauces with his hand, when he went to pick them up, he hit his head on the edge of the table, you found it all cute and amusing but he was obviously embarrassed. "Am I making you slowly think I'm an idiot?" He asked after the incident and you simply replied with. "Only a little bit, makes you less intimidating."
"Am I intimidating?" He asked.
"Not at all." You said and he shook his head while laughing. After you ate you decided to take a walk along the river at first you began to talk about meaningless stuff like how you missed the Christmas lights or how Remus enjoyed the fact you can find oyster shells and old pipes on the rivers edge from the Victorian era. However the conversation changed when Remus asked. "What do you see us as?"
"I don't know." You admitted a bit of anxiety started to grow inside you.
"I don't know either, but I think we need to set some ground rules."
"What do you suggest?"
"Defining what's okay, like for example I think if either of us is developing strong feelings like love for the other we should cut it off as we don't want to hurt each other and with our current position we can't be in a relationship and be student and teacher." He said his eyes moving all over the place but avoiding you and he used his hands to emphasise what he was saying.
"How come?"
"Well for starters we can't do this all the time, if I was in love I would like to offer that person all my love, I would like to take them on dates, I would like to walk around and hold their hand, I would like to bring them to see my friends and so on... we can't do that, it will hurt to love someone but not be able to live in public, I don't want to risk the pain for either of us." He explained and you nodded.
"So what can we do?"
"What do you want to do?"
"I want to continue to relax in your office with you." You began and he nodded. "I want to be able to kiss you, I want to be myself with you, I want to smoke on the bridge with you and when no one is watching I want to be held by you."
"And we can do that we can just not love each other, and give each other a relationship that's the line."
"So we can see other people?" You questioned him and he looked puzzled.
"I would prefer not, I can't stop you but I may not feel comfortable with sleeping with you if you're kissing other men." He admitted.
"I'd prefer if you weren't kissing anyone else either... Can we do this sometimes?"
"Of course dear, however not as much as either of us would like to, maybe once a month or every so often not to raise suspicions."
"But I can come see you in your office every night?"
"My door is always open for you dear."
"Can I sleep in your office?"
"Where on the desk?" He remarked in a snarky way.
"Is that where you want to fuck me?" You matched his energy y.
"Well it's not for sleeping." He winked and the grabbed your hand."Enough serious conversations, let's just live a little before we have to worry about rules. Today, exists in a world of its own, what do you want to do?" He asked with a cheery tone.
"I mean checking out that desk sounds fun but maybe before that we should enjoy London."
"I'm already enjoying it right here." Remus said stopping and pulling you in closer, putting his arms around your waist. "I think I like London." He said looking at your lips.
"Oh really." You stood on your toes to get closer to him and he leaned down and kissed you lightly.
"Alright let's go I have an idea." He said once again grabbing your hand and leading the way. You walked into a small cosy record shop. You both started looking through the shelves showing each other records you thought the other would life and either replying with a "yes" or "not my style" once the yes like became tall enough you walked over to the record played and started listening to them, there was only one pair of headphones so you had to share, bringing in your heads close as you listened to the music. "Oh listen to that trumpet." You said listening to a Chet Baker vinyl. "Do you like it?"  Remus asked and you nodded. "This is one of my favourite songs, the earnest vocals, I fall in love too terribly fast, for it to ever last..." you began to sing along to the song and Remus smiled warmly at you, he couldn't help but kiss you on the cheek. "Let's buy it." He said.
"What Remus it's quite expensive?"
"That doesn't matter today dear." He said putting it back in the vinyl sleeve and taking it to the till. "Besides there's nothing more I want to do than lay in bed with you and listen to this here vinyl." He said while paying for the vinyl, he thanked the cashier a grumpy old man who didn't seem to care about your conversation. You continued to walk through London for a bit longer but it started to get colder and you both decided it was time to head home. "Okay, we need to aparate back separately as it may be busy with people at this time." He began. "You'll go first and I'll follow, I don't want to leave you alone back here, I'm sure you'll be okay but I don't want the stress." You nodded in reply. "Okay dear, once you are back it would be a good idea for you to go to your dorm or walk around somewhere far from my office, and in about thirty minutes from now come to my office and we can continue this evening." You nodded in reply and that's when he gave you a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll see you soon my dear." He said and you left. As you walked back to Hogwarts all the emotions rushed in, the excitement, the love you felt but shouldn't, the confusion from the conversation about not falling in love. You felt very overwhelmed but you also felt so many positive emotions that you couldn't wait to go visit Remus in his office. It was weird not being able to travel back with him after you were able to spent so long acting like a couple but it made sense you just wished it could be different. You walked back to your dorm room where Percy was sitting on the chair. "Hi Y/N." He said as he saw you coming in, you didn't reply. "Still giving me the silent treatment? You know I haven't done anything wrong all I wanted to do is spend time with my friend." He continued as you walked away.
"Our dear brother causing you trouble?" Fred asked as you walked past him.
"I'm going to hex him." You replied as your turned to the girls chambers.
"Be our guest." George said before you went into your chambers. It was good that Percy saw you, helps avoid his suspicions. You waited the thirty minutes before heading straight to Lupins office, just in case you checked if Percy followed you but he didn't so you were in the clear to go meet Remus. You walked through the corridors with a hint of excitement as you approached his office, you knocked on the door and Remus opened it almost immediately. "Hey you." He said with a smile letting you in and checking behind you if anyone was in the corridor, he closed the door and turned the lock before leading the way upstairs to his office where he also locked the door after you came in. "Hungry?" He asked as you sat down on the sofa.
"More peckish."
"Perfect, I have some cheeses here and some bread."
"How fancy." You pointed out looking at the small charcuterie board he prepared.
"Only the best for you." He said as he sat down beside you, a record he already had playing way playing in the background as you both sat their indulging into the different flavours. "Thank you for joining me today." Remus suddenly changed the subject.
"Thank you for showing me everything, and for the food and the vinyls, everything." You said a bit overwhelmed by his generosity.
"Come here." He gestured for you to come in closer, you lay on the sofa with your head on his crotch and he stroked your head lovingly, slowly playing with you hair. "I love how soft you hair is." He pointed out as he continued to stoke your hair. A few minutes later the vinyl playing finished and Remus gestured for you to sit up so he could change the music. "How about we try this one out dear." He said pulling out the new Chet Baker vinyl and your heart warmed. "Anything to drink? I've got a nice bottle of wine I've been thinking about opening."
"That sounds great."
"The music or the wine?" He clarified.
"White or red dear?" He asked while opening a cabinet.
"What do you prefer? Maybe red?"
"Red it is." He pulled the bottle out and began to open it placing two glasses on the table in front of you and filling them up. "To wonderful day." He said raising his glass as he sat down. You rested your head against his shoulder as you sat in comfortable silence.
"You know moony, I prefer this when we're allowed to cuddle on the sofa and kiss sometimes." You broke the silence.
"Me too dear." He bought his hand up to your cheek and pecked your lips slightly before going back to the resting position. "I craved this every time you sat here and I sat at my desk aching to kiss you." He admitted. This was peace, you were in your safe place.
"Are you aching to kiss me now?" You asked quietly.
"Always." He whispered into your ear placing his glass down on the small table in front of you and then taking yours to do the same for you. He leaned in to kiss you, as the kiss depended you ended up laying on the sofa. He was above you his lips and your lips colliding as you both struggled to catch a breath. You felt him getting hard as he slowly moved his body up and down over you, you reached up for his shirt unbuttoning it and pushing it off his shoulders. "You're not wasting any time." He said between the kisses. His arms moved under your ass and he scooped you up in one movement so you were now straddling him, he pulled your shirt up and unclasped your bra as you began to grind on him making him harder and harder. He pulled away from your lips to suck on your nipples, the sensation made you moan in reply he grabbed your hair and pulled it down roughly making your head tilt back as he continued to worship your body. "Let's take this somewhere more comfortable." He said lifting you up and carrying you.
"You don't want to do it on your sofa?" You asked curiously.
"Oh I do, and my desk and every wall however today I will show you how you're meant to be loved not fucked." He said while pushing the door to his bedroom open and throwing you down on his bed. He unbuttoned your trousers and pulled them off along with your underwear, getting down on his knees and kissing your legs all the way up to your pussy. His hand reached up to your breasts where he started massaging them as his tongue flicked your clit making you moan. As he continued this movement with his tongue he moved his hand to slowly slip his fingers inside you pulling in and out while starting to alternate between sucking and licking. "Merlin you're either so wet or I'm drooling like a dog over how good you taste." He went straight back in and continued until you started begging for him as you felt yourself getting close. "Beg for me again." He growled as he moved to be just above you.
"Please." You barely whispered and he smashed his lips into yours, unbuckling his own trousers and taking them off while still keeping his lips on yours. You felt him thrust inside you leaving time for you to adjust, even though you remembered his size it shocked you how deep he filled you. "Are you okay dear?" He whispered checking in on you. "Mmhm." You confirm and he picked up the speed. He kissed you while going faster and started to slowly move his kisses down to your neck and breasts. You felt yourself get close as he ramped up the speed. "Cum for me dear, I want you to feel how good I make you feel." He said kissing his breath a bit. You couldn't hold it any longer and came which made him cum in you, you felt the warmth inside you as he slowed his pace and rested more of his body weight while moaning into your lips. He kissed you deeply once more before pulling out and laying down beside you. You were both panting as you lay there, Remus moved the covers and covered both of your bodies and kissed your forehead. "Good night dear." He whispered and you placed your head on his chest hugging him as his arm was around you. "Good night, Moony."
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NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
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heartlilith · 10 months
Drunk Confessional (Personal Astrology Observations)
Here are some of my observations and opinions on various placements while sipping on some dranks ;)))
🍻My Sun, Venus, and Mars are in my 8th house using Whole Sign System and using Placidus I have Moon and Venus in the 8th house. Any other 8th housers especially attracted to what others deem creepy/weird/dangerous? Whether it's people, topics of conversation, music taste, or superstitions. When I talk to my boyfriend about what happens after we die, he WON'T hear it. I got an Ouija board for Christmas one year and he wouldn't summon demons with me :( he's so scared lmfaooo. Also, my boyfriend has been to jail, has face tattoos, and is the embodiment of controversial. Any other 8th housers relate? No? Okay.
🍻Going off of ^^^. I met this girl one time at a ... facility ... and she went by the name Lilith; she's instagram famous, goth, loves witch shit, she's a satanist and basically she was everything that people side eyed. When I tell you I LOVED THIS GIRL. I wish we kept in contact, I swear I had heart eyes and I'm straight af. She was so intriguing and we became such good friends... I miss her. She was an Aries Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising. The coolest chick.
🍻I have 12th Pluto and Chiron (whole sign) and in the 11th house (Placidus) and I ghost everyone. Most times it's unintentional. Due to some issues at home, I up and left my hometown in the middle of the night to live with my boyfriend a couple states away and the next day my friends were like "Wtf? Where are you?".
🍻Guys I am the queen of running away when things get hard. Even when I was young. I'm not really sure what would indicate this? Maybe Uranus/Neptune in the 1st? 12th house Sagittarius? No clue. I'm a master escapist physcially, mentally, substance-ly ;).
🍻I have never had a "dream job" (Sun and Neptune square MC). All I know is I will be rich. I know it in my heart. I fucking better be.
🍻Actually ^ not true I wanted to be an Astronaut when I was like 5. URANUS IN THE 1ST... I am one with the aliens. This works for Aquarius rising, Uranus/Aquarius Dominant.
🍻Capricorn Rising/Saturn in the 5th house here and for all of you that claim prominent Capricorn placements are boring... let me tell you something... we are busy getting rich so fuck you
🍻I think prominent Earth placements (esp Cap), it's not the materialism that comes with being rich that we want... its the security. Like if life goes wrong in anyway, at least we have the resources to somehow make it better. It's a security blanket. I'd rather be crying in a mansion than crying in a shack. ALSO, most of us know what it's like to grow up poor or below the middle class line.
🍻So my placements - Lilith in the 1st house especially. I'm always reading posts about being sexually wanted or some version of that. Let me tell you I wear sweatpants and sweatshirts most of the time. That profile pic over there? Yeah I don't look like that most days. I feel like since this placement gets sexualized a lot and gets exposed sexually at a young age ... it results in this. Male attention? I used to need that, now I hate men (at least most of them). Scorpio MC and Lilith in Capricorn too.
🍻Scorpio MC - yes I want to be feared. I want to hold power over people that makes them think twice about fucking with me. But not feared in a way that they think I'm mean or rude... feared as in powerful, like a boss type of way. In reality, I run from confrontation and am too scared to stick up for myself but WE ARE WORKING ON IT. Check back in 10 years. I feel like Sun/Lilith in the 10th house, prominent Capricorn placements, prominent Scorpio placements, Aries placements, and Leo placements feel this too.
🍻I have Mars in the 7th house and in terms of romantic relationships, yes I am the problem.
🍻Aries in the 3rd house and the only person I've physcially fought is my sister. I beat the hoe.
🍻MY SISTER ... OK, HOLD ON NOW. SIT DOWN FOR THIS ONE. Let me know WHY this girl is a Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, Aries Mercury, Taurus Venus, Virgo Mars... (I think her rising is Virgo but not confirmed) ... she goes into work one day, 2 hours late cause she overslept and when her boss confronted her she said "I don't believe in the concept of time" WTF. This is the only thing that makes me doubt astrology. Just kidding, I guess its all the Taurus but ??? Still I'm confused.
🍻Since she was Earth dominant ^, she never had to study for tests in school. She had an almost perfect average and never studied. Meanwhile my ADHD ass (Moon square Jupiter, Sun/Mars (3rd house ruler) opposition Neptune, Neptune in the 1st, Sun opposition Uranus) struggled with a 2.8 in high school.
🍻My mom is a Taurus Sun Libra Moon and my dad is a Scorpio Sun Sagittarius Moon. They aren't together anymore, but when I tell you they're children in old people bodies... me and my parents are more like friends if anything. I was never grounded, never in trouble for what other people my age were in trouble for, and my friends liked them more than me I swear.
🍻Having a lot of Leo in the chart mixed with a healthy scoop of Cancer may make someone kind of dramatic... but it's how I really feel guys ok? Yes, the fact that I have to wake up tomorrow at 8am is sending me rn. Off a ledge. Into a river. Never to return. I would rather eat dirt.
🍻12th house profection year and I never want to go to bed. I never want the day to end. Sleep is a bummer right now. Even when I do sleep I wake up like 100 times. Mostly cause my cat needs pets and who am I to deny him?
🍻ANYONE WITH AN EARTH MOON, ESPECIALLY VIRGO LIKE ME OR 6TH HOUSE. Get a pet. Get one. They rely on you and need you and love you to death. Someone/something NEEDING an Earth/Virgo Moon?! A dream. I love to be needed. I have a dog (1 year) and two kitties (7 months)... they are my literal children that I birthed.
🍻My boyfriend is a Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Mercury & Venus, and Libra Mars... I would pay money to see the female version of him. He's such a brat. BUT he is so fun to be around and is my best friend. His moon is in my 1st house, Sun in my 7th, Venus in my 8th and Mars in my 9th.
🍻Speaking of Aquarius Moon... I've met people with this moon sign and all of them have a detached sense of family in some way or another. Whether they don't have a close relationship with them or they're super independent. My boyfriend was adopted!
That's all for tonight folks xoxo
If I offended you in anyway, no I didn't.
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grimoireofhayley · 1 year
Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
WARNINGS: Graphic content, eventual Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA (rape), Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ content, Stalking, Jealousy, Angst, Possessiveness, (let me know if there’s more that needs to be added!)
Word Count: 1.02k
Tag List: @ev3ningrain @nerdytif @m-the-little-witch
A/N: Ah, I hope y’all feel lucky. Two chapters in one day! I hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope I captured Randy, Billy, and Stu’s personality correctly. Thank you so much for reading! I’m hoping I’d get an update out tomorrow, but if not, it should be up later on this week at some point so keep an eye open. I also wrote this on my iPad, so I apologize if there’s any grammatical errors. I’ll proofread again tomorrow and put out an updated version. Oh, again, if you wanna be added to the tag list, just comment down below. Thank you :)
All chapter links! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
OF&H Masterlist
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Chapter 3
“Remember, your principal loves you, and I want you to be safe. All students are encouraged to return to their homes promptly from school grounds…” The principal spoke over the PA, “Avoid strangers, walk in twos and threes—“
You pinched the bridge of your nose, visibly stressed from all the questioning. You haven’t a clue why you were so upset about everything, you weren’t the killer, but for some reason it felt like you were. Maybe you should’ve lied? Twisted the story a bit so you didn’t reveal you were a mistress at some point in your life.
“I am a slut..” You mumbled, dragging your fingers down your face, causing your eyes to droop. “Now Brooke is definitely going to find out, how am I to confront her on that?” You asked no one in particular.
You stared at the vibrant blue sky, squinting when the sun flashed your eyes. “Have mercy on me, please?” You begged the man upstairs, not expecting an answer in return.
“What kind of questions did they ask you, Sid?” You heard Tatum’s voice in the distance.
You blew a raspberry, putting your brave face on and sauntered over to your friend group at the fountain.
“They asked if I knew Casey…” Sidney’s voice soon followed.
“Hi, guys!” You chirped, sitting in front of Stu, Billy, Tatum and Sidney, unintentionally stopping their conversation.
“Hello, Sweetcheeks!” Stu blurted, eyes glazing over you, a small smirk planted on his lips. “What took you so long?” He groaned, “It’s always so boring when you aren’t here!” He frowned, tossing his head back.
“Gee, thanks Stu..” Tatum snipped, causing you to giggle.
You looked over to Billy, seeing Sidney leaning against his legs, your face contorting in disgust as jealousy was creeping up on you. You mentally slapped yourself, looking away and back at Stu.
“Uh, they had me stay longer for questioning…” You admitted, leaning back against your bag, stretching out your legs.
“Huh? Why?” Billy asked, curiously.
“Yeah, why’s that?” Sidney mumbled.
You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat.
“Just reasons, I guess.”
“Speaking of questioning, did they ask if you like to hunt?” Stu looked at Billy and Randy who seemed to have shown up out of nowhere.
“Yeah, they did. Did they ask you?” Billy answered and probed, Randy nodded in agreement.
“Hunt? Why would they ask you if you liked to hunt?” Tatum voiced.
“Because their bodies were gutted.” Randy spoke up, shoving a peanut in his mouth.
“They didn’t ask me if I liked to hunt…” both Sidney and Tatum declared.
Stu looked around, but his eyes always seemed to land on you, which caused you to blush, and chew on your fingernail.
“‘Cause there’s no way a girl could’ve killed ‘em..” Stu laughed.
“That’s bullshit. The killer could easily be female, basic instinct.”
“That was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing…” Randy butted in.
“Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. And the fact is, it takes a man to do something like that.” Stu grinned, still staring at you without realizing it.
You leaned in, placing your chin on the palm of your hand. “Really now? If that’s so, then why did they ask me if I liked to hunt, Stu?” You smirked, catching all of them off guard. “Like Tatum said, the killer could easily be a girl. Though, with how they were killed it was clearly a man. They’re all the same, messy. They like to play with their prey. A woman on the other hand, knows how to get things done, swiftly and cleanly. Why do you think they don’t get caught as easily?” You finished your statement. Drumming your fingers across your lap in triumph.
“That was— I was not expecting that.” Stu laughed loudly, bewilderment lingering around him like an aroma of some sorts. Billy was just as shocked, but more amused.
However, Sidney wasn’t having it. “How… How do you gut someone?” She asked.
“You take a knife—“ Stu started and Billy looked up from his lunch. “And you slit ‘em from the groin to the sternum..”
“Hey.” Billy cut Stu off, glaring at him. “It’s called tact, you fuckrag.”
You sighed, shaking your head.
“Hey, (Y/n)..” Sidney asked, ignoring Billy and Stu’s former conversation.
Your ears perked and you looked at her confused.
“Didn’t you used to date Steve Orth?”
‘Now how in the fuck could she have possibly known that…’ You thought, your ears turning red from anger and you clenched your fist.
“Yeah, for like a couple of months..”
“Hold up, did I miss a chapter or something? When the hell did you date him?” Billy asked, looking somewhat pissed.
“Uh, yeah, I have to agree with Billy here.. when the hell did that happen?” Tatum’s eyes widened, she felt betrayed.
“Jesus, guys, it was only a couple of months, I don’t even know how Sidney found out.” You started, shooting Sidney a glare.
“Can we change the subject, please?”
“Did you sleep with him?” Stu mumbled, starting to get irritated as well.
“All of you, please just shut up. It is not a big deal.” You demanded.
“Are the police aware that you dated the victim?” Randy asked, ignoring your pleas.
“Hey, what are you saying? That I killed both Casey and Steve?” Your mouth gaped at the accusation.
“It just makes sense, ex-girlfriend not over the relationship, gets jealous seeing her lover with someone else… You know, the scorned ex who kills for revenge!” Randy shouted, earning a few stares in the process from passersby’s.
“(Y/n) was with me last night, okay?” Billy spoke, winking at you from behind Sidney.
“Yeah, I was…” You stated, catching Sidney’s eyes darting your way.
“Was that before or after you sliced them up?”
“Hold on, you went to (Y/n)‘s after you came by my place? You said you were going to Stu’s!” Sidney flared her nostrils, anger bubbling to the surface.
“Oh, brother…” You whispered, face-palming. Seeing Sidney hurriedly packing up her things, she didn’t give neither you or Billy time to explain...
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forever-rogue · 11 months
Hi lovely, idk if you're still taking requests from Joel but in case you are, something with the prompt “If we’re both single next Halloween, you’re allowed to put a curse on me." perhaps?
Probably a little costume party in Jackson, whatever you want. Thank you <3
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AN | Okay, but this is sweet, Halloween-y goodness💕
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Mild Language
Word Count | 2.1k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
One Year Ago
You spotted him standing near the door, seemingly camped out near the punch bowl with a cup in hand and an unreadable expression. You turned to May and Daisy, excusing yourself as you made your way over to him.
At first Joel didn't even look your way, pointedly keeping his gaze away from you and everyone else. You definitely weren't having that.
"Joel Miller," your voice was honey sweet as you stopped in front of him, a soft smile on your face. He seemed to stiffen for a moment before allowing himself to look at you, "are you just going to stand here all night and scowl at everything?"
"I am not scowling," he huffed, waving a hand as if to prove his point. You rocked back and forth on your heels and looked at him expectantly, "and I haven't just been standing here."
"Hmm…" you helped yourself to a fresh cup of punch and sipped on it slowly, "kinda seems like what you've been doing, honey."
Honey. He could have died and gone to heaven from how sweet your voice sounded. And yet you had no clue as to the effect you had on him.
"I'm just…I didn't really want to be here," he allowed himself to meet your eyes and instead of finding any sort of judgment, he found nothing but curiosity, "but, ugh, I kinda felt forced to be here. So."
"So," you teased gently, "let me guess, Tommy and Ellie?"
"Naturally," he sighed lightly as you giggled softly. It really might have been his favorite sound in the world. It was ridiculous how addicted he was to everything you did, "I realize I'm a downer…I was just getting ready to leave."
"You're not a downer," you put your hand on his forearm and gave him a gentle squeeze, "parties aren't for everyone. Honestly, I don't like them most of the time either but it's my favorite holiday so I couldn't say no."
"Halloween is your favorite holiday?" He quirked a brow at that as you nodded eagerly, "tell me why I am not surprised in the slightest."
"It is very predictable, isn't it?" You gestured to your body - you had gone all out with your witch costume. You looked insanely good but somehow he doubted that you knew that - which was ludicrous by the way. He swallowed thickly as he tried to keep his mind from going directly into the gutter, "have I bewitched you?"
Joel couldn't hold back his snort of amusement as you beamed at him. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to think of a good comeback. Unfortunately he found none and ended up blurring out, "pretty! You look pretty."
"Oh," your entire face flushed with warmth as you bit your lip and looked away for a moment, "what are you supposed to be? Weird guy at a party?"
"Something like that," he was dressed in regular clothes. Just because Ellie made him come didn't mean he was going to dress up.
"Well, whatever you want to call it, you still look handsome," you weren't sure what possessed you to be so bold but you just had to throw it out, "you're a catch, Miller. Even if no one else sees it. Don't even know how you're still single."
"Alright, alright," his cheeks tinged a pretty shade of pink as you nudged him with your elbow, "you can calm down and don't need to flatter me."
"It's not flattery if it's true-"
"Well then, what's your excuse for still being single?"
"I dunno," you tapped your lip thoughtfully, confidence and excitement flooding your veins, "maybe the right one just hasn't shown up yet. Or they're...afraid. who knows."
"How about this little witch," he tapped the edge of your hat, "if we're both still single next Halloween, you can put a curse on me."
"Is that a promise?" You asked as he nodded. You held up your pinkie and gave him a thoughtful look, "better make it a pinkie promise so we know it's real."
"You've got yourself a deal," he hooked his finger around yours, the two of you grinning at each other like fools, "and we'll see what happened next Halloween."
"You're on, Miller. So on."
Next Halloween couldn't come fast enough.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Present Day
The past year has gone by in a blur. It was hard to believe that Halloween had already happened a year ago. It was even harder to believe that Joel was still single…to your knowledge anyway. You were going to be confirming that soon enough.
The two of you were good friends and often spent time together but the past few months had felt…different. You weren't sure quite how to put it into words but it was different - different but good. You thought he might have been flirting with you but it was hard to tell, Joel was a tough nut to crack after all, and you didn't want to be presumptuous either. Imagining how foolish you would have looked if you made a move on him and he didn't feel the same way was enough to put the idea out of your head. 
Instead you were set on enjoying his company and let things happen as happened. But then you remembered - it was Halloween. A whole year since you'd made your little bet with Joel. Which meant…something was going to change between the two of you. One way or another, you knew that something was going to happen.  
You were planning on going over to Joel's house to see what he was up to, but he definitely beat you to the punch. It came in the form of loud, rhythmic knocking on your front door. It was with a huff as you ran down the stairs, half in your costume. 
"Hello?" You were breathless when you answered the door, still deciding on if you were going to chastise whoever was it was or welcome them into your home.
"Hi," and there stood Joel Miller, smug little smile on his face and arms crossed over his chest. The man was dressed as a cowboy and for some reason that was doing something for you.
"Joel," his name was breathy off your lips as you tried not to stare at him too intently. You knew that man could read you like a book, "what are you doing here?"
"Came to see my favorite little witch," he looked you up and down, amused by your current state of dress - or lack thereof. Your entire face felt like it was on fire as you shifted to attempt to cover up your top half. You were only in a bra with a sheer layer on top, "wanted to see if you needed any help with anything."
"I, ugh, umm…sure?" You weren't sure what you needed help with but you definitely didn't want to let him leave. Not yet and not if he went somewhere else and other women got to oogle him. You stepped aside and motioned for him to come in, "I'm sure there's…something."
The man trailed after you, closing the door sharply as he leaned against it. You raised an eyebrow at him but he just continued his quiet and calm stare down. You swore that man could see right into your soul and knew all of your deepest and darkest secrets. You swallowed thickly as you waited with baited breath for what he had to say, "you remember last Halloween?"
"Of course I do," as if you could even forget that night, "what about it?"
"Aren't you going to ask me?"
"Ask what?"
"Don't play coy with me, sweetheart," ugh. Why did he have to sound like that when he called you such sweet things? It should have been illegal, "ask me."
"Are you, Joel Miller…single?" Your heart skipped a few beats as you waited for his response. You were almost positive you knew his answer but still - you could never be positive. He came a step closer and left a much smaller gap between the two of you. You could smell the hints of his soap and aftershave and it sent shivers down your spine.
"I am," he admitted softly, the corners of his mouth ticking up in a smile, "but I think that I don't want to be. So I guess depending on your next answer, mine might change."
Butterflies exploded in your tummy as you tried to read between the lines. Not that that was incredibly hard but you never knew.
"W-what is your next question?" Your voice sounded small as you found it hard to meet his pretty brown eyes. Joel reached over and gently put his finger under your chin and turned your face up to his. His touch was so tender that you almost melted, "Joel?"
"May I kiss you?"
Yeah…you'd been expecting that and not expecting it at all. You allowed yourself to meet his eyes, trying to make sure you'd heard him correctly. Judging from the look on his face, you'd definitely heard correctly. You nodded in response, not trusting your voice at all.
"Need to hear you say it, sweetheart…"
"Yes," you moved closer, "please kiss me."
It took Joel a moment to close the small space remaining between your bodies. One hand settled on your waist while the other cupped your cheek. He pulled you into him and then softly and slowly kissed you. 
It wasn't much at first, a gentle and tentative testing of the waters to make sure you were both on the same page. When you realized, in a moment of bliss, that you both desperately wanted this, you went all in. Kissing Joel felt like nothing you'd ever experienced before you and you couldn't help but want more, more, more. When Joel answered your call with just as much hunger and intensity, you knew this was it.
 Both of you refused to pull away until you were desperately in need of air. For two people that had just been incredibly bold, you were both looking at each other shyly. 
"Are you single?" He asked you in between a few more kisses, craving the touch and taste of your lips.
 "Mhmm," you hummed back contentedly, "but I don't wanna be."
"What do you want then, sweetheart?" He had to be doing this on purpose. But as much as you wanted to say it, he needed to hear it. Needed to know that he wasn't just crazy and imagining all the feelings that had been flowing between the two of you.
"You," you whispered against his lips, "I want you, Joel."
"You have me," he promised as you relaxed and let yourself melt into him completely, "have since I met you."
"Oh. Oh," your eyes grew wide as he took your face in his hands, thumb brushing over your cheek, "its been a long time."
"Yeah," he agreed, "it has been."
"I-I've liked you too," you admitted sheepishly, "for a long time. I've just never…none if you felt the same."
"And here I was thinking that I was being so obvious," he tutted softly, "I'll have to try and be more clear in my intentions. If you'll let me."
"Mhmm," every part of your body felt like it was on fire, "I'd like that."
"Good," he beamed at you before pressing kisses to your forehead, cheeks and stopping at your lips, "what do you say we go to that Halloween party tonight? Together?"
"I'd love to," you could barely contain your giggles as he scooped you up and started to carry you upstairs, "what are you doing?"
"Going to help you finish getting ready," he grinned at you, "among other things. Plus I'm the only one that gets to see you like this, yeah?"
"Yes," you were excited at the prospect of everything that was to come. Everything felt like it was starting to come up roses. Who would have thought that one silly little Halloween promise would have led to all of this? Best Halloween ever - well maybe with the exception of what to come tonight, "yes."
"Happy Halloween, sweetheart."
"Happy Halloween, Joel."
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zot3-flopped · 6 months
Two months prior to its release, would-be doyens of Swift’s Tortured Poets Department have taken its barbed track listing very literally, leading to intense, often nefarious speculation regarding Swift’s six-year relationship with the British actor Joe Alwyn, which seemingly ended in early 2023.
The album’s title, revealed onstage at the Grammy awards, was quickly linked to a December, 2022 interview with Alwyn and Paul Mescal in which they revealed that Andrew Scott started their group chat, the Tortured Man Club. (“It hasn’t had much use recently,” Alwyn said: you wonder if it’s undergone a recent revival.) Swift revealed the leading track list a day later: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, So Long, London, I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, to name a few, sending fans wild with speculation.
Swift, obviously, has every right to sing about her relationships however she wants to (no apologies to Eamonn Holmes). But in the absence of any music, some fans have spread baseless, dangerous and even libellous allegations about Alwyn’s conduct (which, for obvious reasons, I can’t repeat).
Last month, a brief fan-shot video of them dining in a New Orleans restaurant in December, 2022 was recirculated online with AI-doctored audio that made it sound as though Alwyn is saying “you don’t get to tell me about sad,” a line printed on the back of one of the new album’s four physical editions.
When Swift recently told a crowd that she was “lonely” when writing her 2020 album Folklore – some of which was co-written with Alwyn during the pandemic, a lonely time for most – fans took that as further confirmation of their theories. A live medley of three songs that all appear to reference cheating threw petrol on the fire.
Swift could make this stop. She is no stranger to airing her displeasure with the likes of Ticketmaster, Scooter Braun, Spotify and Apple Music, and, occasionally, politicians. Before she released Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) last year, she gave a veiled speech at one Eras tour date effectively asking fans not to go after John Mayer, whom she dated when she was 19 and he was 32 and is understood to be the subject of that album’s Dear John.
“I am not putting this album out so you should feel the need to defend me on the internet against someone you think I wrote a song about 14m years ago when I was 19,” she said in Minneapolis.
But for whatever reason – and obviously, no member of the public has any idea what transpired between her and Alwyn so far – this time she has opted to stay quiet.
Establishing a baseline for conduct is neither commercially risky nor unprecedented: just last week, Ariana Grande said, after the release of her post-divorce album Eternal Sunshine: “Anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what I would ever encourage”.
It feels like the endgame of a cat-and-mouse act that’s gone too far. Swift’s gestures towards meaning have led every single thing she does to be considered a kind of marketing, a clue to be solved. It leaves a superstar who’s usually hot on her messaging open to misinterpretation: hints about her personal life are turned by some fans into witch-hunts for anyone perceived to have wronged her; her current silence on politics allows politicians to invoke her name, from the New South Wales police commissioner quoting Swift’s anti-haters lines while defending police to Joe Biden joking that the matter of her apparently much sought-after endorsement is “classified” on Late Night With Seth Meyers.
When Swift made a blandly neutral handwritten post encouraging US citizens to register to vote on Super Tuesday, some fans speculated that her unusual left-leaning handwriting was the real indication of her loyalties – suggesting they’re so starved of substance that they’re reading into empty messages because of this dynamic she has established. (The more likely explanation is the insane way she holds a pen.)
For Swift to only direct fans as to her wishes when it suits her, it weakens her status as a truth-teller. If the comparisons with Dickinson mean anything, she might remember that nothing in the world has as much power as a word feels like the endgame of a cat-and-mouse act that’s gone too far.
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scrubbinn · 2 months
_____ HRT: 14 months “_____”
Cw: strong language
“Hello? Hello- ah, you must be Ms. Abigail, you called about Ms. Mulberry being in an unusual condition? I don't normally do house calls, but after T.H.E.M.S contacted me specifically, I assume it's something urgent.”
“Yeah. Urgent is a word you could use. You're Dr. Erian right? May's told me a lot about you. She's in her room right now. I don't know what you gave her exactly, but now you're going to fix it.”
“There's no need to get abrasive. Now let's all calm down and I'll take a look at the situation……… That's a cocoon… I believe I see why I was called.”
“What. The fuck. Did you give her?” A fucking cocoon?! Why would a slime go into a cocoon?! Why don’t you try explaining it to me, because right now, I don’t know whether to sue you, or beat you! You dumb, dumb, dumb old… AUGHHHH FIX IT ALREADY!”
“Look Ms. Abigail, I understand you’re upset, but threats are not appreciated, and what I would appreciate is a bit of respect for what I do. Now then, everything will be alright. It will just take some time while I figure out what is wrong.”
“What’s wrong? It’s your insane medication, that’s what’s wrong! I think it’s obvious as to what the problem is! May was right. You are a quack doctor. You just say whatever pops into your head! Slimes don’t do this! They don’t just go into a cocoon! I literally checked. No one has a clue what the hell this is! Not another slime, not even the other doctors! I’ve asked everywhere I could. Now tell me already, what the hell did you give her?”
“Please tell me you didn’t send out pictures of this. Ms. Abigail, this is a grave breach of trust. You can’t share this sort of thing around. This is simply a job for professionals. Asking around is simply an awful idea that could lead you towards a rash decision. It’s also not something I can readily reveal to you. Even if you are close to Ms. Mulberry. It would be best if you deleted any messages or photos you sent out.”
“Why should I? I’ve heard what’s been going on with her. Directly from her. You’re not giving her the standard medication are you! She lets me listen to her recordings, all of them. I have the last one saved and I’m going to send it out to every news outlet in hyper city if you don’t explain yourself, and yes, I am blackmailing you. So start talking!”
“...That’s quite a threat… What I’m about to tell you must never leave this room Ms. Abigail. Do you understand me?”
“Oh, sure, uh huh. Yeah ok.”
“I am quite serious. If anyone finds out, gods forbid that witch finds out… She would, well I could stand to lose a lot more than just my job… Look, when I started this path, I did it with noble intentions. Sure it was a lucrative untapped market, but there were other reasons too. I chose this career because I truly believe it makes people happy. When Mayday, or anyone else arrives, I see someone who needs help. That is what I do. That is-”
“Get to the point, don’t give me your bullshit.”
“Sigh… When Mayday requested a type of slime with color and texture changing, well that sort of thing requires a control that slimes just don’t have, I attempted to tell her this, but you must understand, she was insistent on this. I knew the normal medication wouldn’t give her the happiness she was looking for, so I, changed, the medication myself to something else. I’ve studied our medication long enough to create my own recipes, and I already had every ingredient I needed. There were some initial tests that looked promising. Of course, Mayday was the first human to test it. But you se-”
“YOU WHAT?!!! You gave her something you had no clue about!!? WHY??”
“You wouldn’t understand Ms. Abigail. When someone is suffering you help them. I know for a fact my own formula is stable, whatever is happening to Ms. Mulberry is simply part of the process. The memory problems were, unexpected, but continuing the medication was her idea, not mine. I simply wasn’t given enough time.”
“Then why didn’t you ask for some time? Or you could have asked someone else, you mentioned like a witch or something, you could have asked her. Or something!”
“Ms. Abigail, you don’t under-
“NO! You don’t understand! You talk about being kind and helping others, but all you’ve done is take shortcuts! You don’t even have the energy to care about the people you apparently want to see happy! You just treat it like it’s another day of your crummy work where you sit around and make people feel like they’re freaks! Do you know what Mayday goes through every time she visits you? Every single time she has an appointment with you! I get a phone call from her crying, feeling disgusting, feeling like she’s worthless and invalid. Do you know what it’s like for the people you supposedly care so much about helping? Do you think they walk out of there thanking you? …Just get out, this was a waste of time. We’ll figure something else out without you, and if you want to be useful. You’ll actually talk to people for once, and you’ll ask for help, rather than trying to validate whatever sick ego you have!”
“I see… Perhaps I’ll have something to think about on the walk back. If Ms. Mulberry still wishes to take her medication when she meets the waking world again, I will do my… I will do better, for the both of you. I wish you both the best of luck. Goodbye, Ms. Abigail. Perhaps we can meet under those better circumstances. In the meantime, I think I have to make a few calls. Do what you will with that recorder, and I hope you’ll see that despite my flaws, I am trying.”
“Yeah. We all are.”
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Mention list: @a-shramp, @calliecwrites, @be702, @respectfulevil, @hyacinthdoll1315, @aster-is-confused, @bloodandbrandywine
Hey! Guess who finishes the next part way too early! It's us! Hope you're enjoying Slime HRT, though I guess it's slowly no longer just Slime HRT is it. If you can guess the twist, you'll get a virtual cookie!
Either way, we really hope you enjoy. This is the first part that was almost entirely written by someone who isn't Navi. So hope you enjoy! I hope to help out writing more of the story. Love you all for supporting us and hope you'll continue reading!
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quilteddreamz · 6 days
Halloween Fic!
I've had a few horrifyingly wonderful ideas this year, but I'm curious: WITCH fic would you like to see?
Reblog this to friends! I want as many opinions as I can get!
Synopsis for each fic:
Witch Au (Comedy/Fluff/Horror) - You stumble upon a witch's cottage in the woods. Enthralled by there magic, you desire to learn it. In the midst of learning, a cave catches your eye. It holds no sparkle or glamour. Thick mist weeps from it's maw. You feel the same pull, but the witch's forbid it. (Sun & Moon x Reader)(Eclipse x Reader)
Vampire Au (Comedy/Horror) - "Don't Feed The Bats" Feeling sorry for the hungry bat on your porch, you gave it a little bite to eat. You never expected it to come back-- or it would bring friends. (Sun & Moon & Eclipse X Reader)
Demon - Chained to a tree as a sacrifice, your options are limited. When the demon arrives with a twisted grin, your knees shake. You gulp as he offers you servitude or death-- neither sound pleasent.
Y/N Frankinsteins Monster Au (Heavy Comedy) - "You've done it! You've created life! Know all you have to do is teach it how to live...and keep it away from fire." (DCA x Reader)
Orphanage AU (Horror/Alice in wonderland vibes) - "Your sister is gone. Spirited away but some gangly monster. Sprinting off into the chilled night, you follow to find a decrepit orphanage...but your town never had an orphanage."
(^^ This is my favourite story for reasons I can't say. The romance won't be a lot - or it will be heavily one sided - but plot wise I already know how it goes-- in fact if I enjoy writing it enough the sequal is already scripted. It's fun. This story will contain the Puppet, the dca(split apart), all the glamrocks, william afton and a few other fnaf characters.)(If you want horror horror, pick this)
Gods Au - "Death's Debt/Till death do us part" You've evaded death for too long. The heavy amulet around your neck keeping you from him. But what are you to do when he comes to collect what's his? (Death!Eclipse x Immortal!Reader)
COTL X FNAF Au - "Cult of The Eclipse" Saved from death by two celestial beings, your gobsmacked by there beauty-- and there offer.
Mer/Siren Au (Horror) - A party by the lakeside sounded fun. The blood-curdling boomed otherwise. A week later you still hear them-- and see that bloody grin. Sirens killed two of your friends. Yet you return to the lake regardless to get your scattered belongings. If only it were that easy.
A Jack'O Moon fic - I'll be honest, I have no clue what a fic like this would consist of, but it would be a crime not to include him for halloween.
Keep in mind I may go with a completely different option than what is most liked. It is my fic after all. I'm just curious which would best scratch everyones brains.
Edit: Just noticed two of the polls are for the same fic-
Edit 2: You can't edit polls ;-;
If you would like to support the writing of this halloween fic feel free to support me on patreon or Ko-Fi!
Normally I would not promote this, but money is tight. Writing such a long fic will take up a good handful of my time when I should be doing other things. However I really want to write this fic so I'm going to challenge myself!
Please do not feel pressured to give any sort of payment due to my words above. Regardless of money I am writing this fic! I just want to give something for you all to enjoy with me :3
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staytinyville · 1 year
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About Me
23 / ENFJ
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Ko-Fi : kkallyya
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Please keep in mind that I write either OC or reader stories. If you want to see your OC in the story feel free to tell me all about them! I love hearing them. If not you can request xreader.
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Stay Alive
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This Isn’t Grey’s Anatomy’s ✨ (Seungmin x Reader) NSFW (mdni), idol!au , hospital!au ,
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Kiss A Girl ✨ (Bang Chan x Reader) Idol!au, foreigner!reader
Who's Your Daddy? ✨ (Yunho x Reader) NSFW (mdni), Idol!au, Give Me Some Sugar Event,
BDE ✨ (WooSanSang) NSFW (mdni), idol!au, background Poly ATEEZ!au, foursome,
Twin Flames✨ (Seonghwa x Reader) Vampire!Seognhwa, Original Story, Secret Admirer Event, Witch!Reader
LALALA ✨ (Stray Kids x Reader) MEGAVERSE!au
Burn It Pt 1 , Pt 2 , Pt 3 , Pt 4 ✨ (Min Yoongi x Reader , slight!OT7 x Reader) historical!au , Queen!reader , tyrant!family , Guard!Yoongi
Lollipop ✨ (Seonghwa x Reader) NSFW (MDNI)
Cruel Summer ✨ (Yoon Jeonghan x Reader ) NSFW (MDNI) , Idol!au , Taylor Swift Event , angst
Ride It Like Hydraulics ✨ ( Hoshi x Reader ) NSFW (MDNI) , Idol!au , CEO!Reader , sugar baby!au
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inthefightgarden · 5 months
so umm i just finished mother of learning in like 5 days, and my brain is now full of wriggling squiggling worms. i'm also just starting a re-read with the audiobook and it is already giving me even more questions and ideas! so here i am to share my wormy burden ^_^
anyway, here's something chapter 1 started me thinking about...
do you think zorian's mother knows about their bloodline? (also her name is cikan. i had to look it up, so saying it here incase anyone else needed reminding)
we know that cikan really hated being associated with zorian's grandmother, but she was still immersed in witch culture at least somewhat in her home life. we don't really know how old she was when she first started to reject those practices, so it's hard to judge how much she would have learned before she went out of her way to avoid it, and we also just don't have enough context about the witches' traditions for raising their kids to make guesses about her knowlege level.
we do see later on in the series (what comes to mind is the confrontation in koth) that cikan doesn't have much knowlege about magic as zorian knows it (eg. what you can expect from certain spells used for travel), but given that the witches are an separate spellcasting tradition from the ikosians that doesn't necessarily tell us loads about what she might have picked up from her mother.
also, knowing you have a bloodline is pretty important information to have, so even with the antagonism you'd think zorian's grandmother would've at least made sure cikan knew about that... if SHE knew, anyway, cause that's also not something we can really take for granted is it? there are a few ways i can picture it being
option 1. most of what we see in the series is not typical from an empathy bloodline. archmage zorian is an outlier and should not be counted. and even daimen, the more "normal" natural mind mage is still a whole magical prodigy, which isn't exactly baseline for most people with empathy either. so yeah... zorian's grandmother may not have known that she had a empathy in her family in the first place.
option 2. we do hear (i don't remember when or who from. maybe one of the teachers? was it ilsa? idk) that empathy is a pretty common form of natural magical ability, and it's kind of a mild plot twist that it's a bloodline thing if i remember correctly. so even if zorian's grandmother knew about an empath in her family history she might not have known that meant it could pass down.
option 3. part of the reason in world that empathy isn't usually thought of as a bloodline thing (again, if i'm remembering right) is because it's so comparatively common, so it's entirely possible that empathy bloodlines (and possibly to a lesser extent bloodlines in general) are just quite common for witches to the extent that it's not really something that needs to be said explicitly, or at least wouldn't have been if cikan hadn't done so much to assimilate with the dominant culture and distance herself from witch tradition and knowlege
BUT, those options are thinking about the reasons cikan might NOT know about their bloodline... so again, does she know? even if she doesn't think of it as a bloodline she might be aware that her family has a history of empathy. so now for some thoughts on what the situation might be if she IS aware of the family history.
(note. i'm pretty damn sure cikan herself isn't an empath. zorian would be able to tell if she was "open", and she just doesn't have that understanding of how other people feel. but if you think otherwise, or just want to think about a "what if", i'd love to hear about it ^-^)
(oh and same goes for kiri and fortov)
cikan might know that there's a family history, but not really know what that means in practise. as i mentioned earlier she doesn't seem very knowlegable on magic, so she might not have any clue about the signs and how it typically presents.
she also might be in denial about the possibility that her kids inherited something like that from her, given what we've seen of how she thinks about her heritage. or she might have focused any concern about the possibility onto kirielle, who seems to be where much of her trauma goes, and not considered that the boys might get it. especially considering the witches' beliefs about sex and magical lineage.
but she also might know or suspect that zorian and/or daimen is an empath. which if nothing else is certainly the option with the most potential drama.
personally, i doubt she knows that daimen is an empath. he put a lot of work into hiding it, and i feel like it would probably affect how he sees him. given how much baggage she has about her witch heritage i just can't see that knowlege not somewhat tainting her golden boy, you know? like i know she's fine with him being a mage and really proud of his prodigy status, but i just can't envision her seeing empathy the same way, and i think it would come through in a slightly colder attitude to daimen. especially given the cultural stigma against mind magic when she's worked so hard to become socially acceptable.
but i'm just not sure whether she knows about zorian or not! on the one hand i could totally see her just being oblivious, in denial, not having the right context, whatever, but I can also kind of see the way she treats him (specifically in relation to him socialising and stuff), through the lense of knowing he's an empath.
like he straight up told her as a child that crowds caused him physical pain. he had tp stop going to church because it made him actually pass out! that is some pretty intense stuff to just ignore... we're never told that he saw a doctor or anything about this via his parents (as far as i remember, please let me know if i'm missimg something!) so did she have some idea about what was going on or was it just plain neglect?
and if she did have some understanding of the situation, how did that affect her behaviour? did she think if she ignored it he'd just adjust and never find out? did she just not want it to be associated with her family history if/when he did find out? did she think that if she forced him into triggering situations he'd eventually realise? or that he'd learn to control it subconciously? or did it just not matter how he felt as long as he was still functional when it came to his political use? did she hide it more out of personal shame, or a legitimate conviction that she was protecting him like with kiri?
like i said, i'm not sure what my headcannon is, but the topic fascinates me. as you can probably tell from how long and rambly this got. sorry ^_^'
but yeah, i'd love to hear what other people think!
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roachymochi · 3 months
Study of the pattern variations on the wings of bats from the Lands between : an attempt at a comprehensive history of Marika
very long post ahead.
Among the many stupid details from Elden Ring, i was always interested in the "hidden meaning" behind the patterns on the underside of the bats wings :
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This pattern right here. it's a bright orangish-red with many yellow-ish eyespots. I used to think it is quite similar to the visuals of the flame of the fell god, with the many swirling black spots.
Searching for a meaningful connection, i noticed a peculiarity in some bats. Near the stargazer ruin, around the sister's grave, there is a colony of bats with a different pattern : The entire wing is black, but edges are lined with many eyespot. These eyespotes look a lot like actual human eyes, the pupil is a dark purple-red and the iris is a bright yellow (I sadly have a trash setup and can't take a screenshot of this).
It looks a lot like a frenzied flame design. but why such a design ? and why only in this place ?
Searching for clues
Stargazer ruin is the place where we can find the Primal Glintstone Blade. Please not the dark fiber around the blade . Is that fabric, or maybe a lock of black wavy hair?
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For context, the ritual evoked in this description is the same one that was accomplished by Sellen, probably several times. As seen on Sellen's Primal Glintstone :
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So the Frenzy-patterned bats live near the place where a bloody body stealing ritual happened. This a nothing to do with Sellen, but is there any Sorcerer we know about that has an experience with the Frenzied flame ?
The history of Midra's Manse
(trust me i am getting somewhere)
Very short summary of what is known about Midra's Manse :
Midra and Nanaya where a couple, they probably expected a child at some point.
They had an incredible amount of Knowledge
The manse used to be a nice and flowery place, reminiscent of the shaman village.
They dabble in forbidden knowledge about the frenzied flame.
The Hornsent inquisition learned about it and slaughtered everyone.
Nanaya begged Midra to endure his torment
When we attack him, he succumb to the frenzied flame.
Nanaya is a mysterious figure in this story. We know very little about her. She's not a Hornsent, but not a Shaman either. Her words to Midra where either a lover's prayer or a witch's curse. And since she's already dead when we meet her, how can we deduce anything ?
By looking at her corpse.
Crime scene investigation
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Two things are important here :
Nanaya's hair were a deep black and and slightly wavy. Not only are they similar to those found around the primal glinstone blade, they are also a distinguishing feature of the Carian Royal family. Please remember that the ancestor of the Carian Dinasty came from the mountaintop of the giants, as told on the stargazer heirloom (a link to stargazer ruins!)
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2. For how horrific the inquisition purge seems to have been, her body seems fine ? You'd expect to see her maimed or tortured or something, but her body is just like there, like she is sleeping. in Elden ring's forensic science, this it is a soulless. Not like Godwyn, but like all the puppet's, and Sellen's body after you take the her primal glintstsone out of it, or maybe Irina who later became inhabited by Hyetta.
So Nanaya is of Astrologer descent, studied the frenzied flame, and add her soul extracted from her dead body at some point. At stargazer ruin,we find a soul extracting blade with a lock of hair similar to Nanaya's around it, and bats patterned with frenzied-flame imagery near it. For Elden Ring lore, this quite conclusive evidence that the two situation are linked.
But who could have Nanaya switched soul with ? and why ?
Interlude : Mithra and Nanaya in mythology.
Midra and Nanaya's names come from two real life gods, here is a quick summary of their thematic significance.
Nanaya : Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and sensuality. Her blessings bring luck, health, fertility and a long life. In an hymn singing her praise, she is described both as the "sun of her people", and "with the beauty of the moon". She was raised to the status of radiant sun goddess by her father. She is over all themed around the sun, it's light, it's fire as a source of warmth, and life, and joy, and motherhood.
Mithra (or Mitra) is an indo-persian god. He is a god of contract's, and the aspects of the sun, they day sky, and some aspects of war and royalty. He is often described as slaying a bull to bring regeneration to the world. He is associated in vast pasture in some text.
From here, we enter wild speculation territory
The place of the Manse, and it's master, in Shadowland History. (Speculations)
From the size of the manse, and the amount of knowledge stored inside, Midra used to be at least extremely wealthy. But he was also very wise, as seen in a few item description. Given that his name is referencing an ancient god of contract, and royalty and wealth, Midra was most likely a lord of some kind. Not a warlord, but a wise king who knew navigate tricky politics to ensure the peace of his people.
Taking the painting of the manse before the tragedy at face value, and the "vast pasture" part of Mithra's legend, we can guess Midra's domain was a verdant and flowery land. Maybe the shaman village used to be a part of it, considering the similarities in vegetation.
It is also likely that his domain was linked to the fingers, considering the three finger ruins are surrounding it (also note that it is three fingers, i'll come back to it)
Was Midra a hornsent ? Or was he just the lord of another country, forgotten in history ? Who knows. But what is certain is that the hornsent government was a violent one, and sooner or later they came to take what they wanted.
And Midra was no warlord. The flowery meadow aesthetic of his land does not bring to mind a people trained in the art of war. At the very least, if war broke out, they had no chance to win against the hornsent and their divine beasts.
So Midra, the wise, had to negociate for peace. He had to compromise. Maybe he could keep the peace in his domain, in exchange for a regular tribute of gold ? Maybe the many could still live, if just a few at to be sacrificed ?
So Midra took a hard decision. He sent out a few chaman's to the hornsent to keep the piece of his sunny realm. Maybe he knew what the hornsent did to his tributes. Maybe he didn't. (Please notes how Bonny village is build right next to Midra's domain).
It didn't matter. Because when the hornsent came back, asking for more ? What could Midra do ? Refuse, and see everything destroyed by an imperialist army ?
So he kept giving tributes to the hornsent. And none ever came back.
He probably comply entirely though. With all his knowledge he tried to find a way to turn the fate of his people. Maybe there was a prayer, a spell to save this sun blessed land ? To protect it's warmth, it's light, it's life ?
That is when a stranger, a young woman from the land of the fire giants, came to him with a solution.
Marika's role in all this
( Please take into consideration the fact that the Shadowland used to be at the center of the Land's between before it was sealed away by the Scadu Tree. Notice how the Chaman village, and the finger ruins near it, are neighboors to the mountain of the fire giant. )
Around that time, Chaman where slowly dying in the to-be-Shadowland. One of them, known by us as Marika, came into contact with the fingers, who told her of the greater will and gave her a mission, a way to get the power to change the world. (Please note that while Marika was supposedly in contact with the Two Fingers, we never see her set anywhere in the game).
From the description of the Furnace Visage, we learn the one thing that the hornsent feared.
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"The fell god of fire haunts the sagas of the hornsent". Close to Marika's home town lies the land of the fire giants, who bear the flame of the fell god. So she traveled there, in hope that she could learn their secrets.
Things went quite badly at first. the fire giants wouldn't share the secret of their flame. but Marika met the Stargazer, and learned many things from them. About the stars, the moon, and the sun and how to harness their power. Via Metyr, Marika saw the Microcosm, and glanced at the truth within.
She also learned about the Primal Glintsone ritual. That is where she knew what she had to do. A way to get both the power the heal her land, bathed in rays of gold, and burn to the ground the empire of her tormentors.
She stole the body of Nanaya (or maybe disguised as her with the Mimic veil, also known as Marika's Mischief), and went on to get power from a sun-blessed land.
The seduction
disguised as Nanaya Marika managed to come back to her land and reach the manse of Midra the wise without getting caught by hornsent. She met the lord of this land, now old and withered by worry and despair. She shared with him what she learned about the star, and how to harness they power. There IS a way, she ensured him, to harness the power of the sun to save this land.
Together, they combined their knowledge to search for the proper ritual. For a way to grab the power of the fire star, and divide it, separating it's blessings and it's curse.
With time, they became lover, and Nanaya got pregnant with a child. However, there was a thing Midra never knew. About the peculiar flesh of his bride of shaman descent.
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Please not that in the japanese text of the game, shamans like Marika are referred to as miko.
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Before the shamans where slaughtered by the hornsent, their flesh used to be a blessing, allowing them to channel the gods and their power into their flesh. We see this with all of Marika's children, who's body are marked by the gods.
But let's come back to Marika-Nanaya and Midra. to accomplish their vision, they had to birth an heir. An heir worthy to be a lord, who could bear the power of the sun's fire. So, just has Marika bore the child Midra-lord-of-the-manse, she also bore the child of Midra-the-sun-god. She, litteraly, bore the power of the sun god melded harmoniously in her flesh.
Childrens of fire.
They had two childrens.
Each of them, made from the flesh and Marika. And for each of them, she abandoned a part of her flesh, and with it a part of the flame's power.
Because Marika had two goals.
She had to give birth to an heir of fire, to bring vengeance and destruction to the hornsent. But this fire could bear no light and no joy. So she had to separate the fire greatest curse from the rest.
She had to bring back her land to life. This fire had to bright endless warmth, and life, and delight. So she had to separate the fire greatest blessing.
Her first child was Messmer. His flame was certainly a flame of destruction. The dark fire of war and death, turning everything into ashes. But Messmer was also cursed by the base serpent who dwelled inside him.
Her second child was Melina. She to bore a vision of fire. But her flesh was too weak, and had no way to support the power of the flame. Her infant body was consumed alive,leaving only a small spine. Marika managed to save her spirit in someway, so she could still exist, burned and bodyless.
This utterly broke the couple.
Marika's fingers
Three times the Shadowland was blessed by the Greater will. Three time it send stars, and three time they came with the Fingers. Marika, chosen by the Greater Will, naturally was in contact with the three fingers, before they were cursed.
So, when Marika/Nanaya and Midra's children were born cursed, and they fell into despair, they pleaded the three fingers for help. Maybe Marika knew what would happen, maybe she didn't.
But this despair, the three fingers guidance, and Marika's determination to do anything to accomplish her goal, gave birth to an new kind of flame. A yellow flame of madness, born not from the desire for a cruel vengeance, but from the desire to destroy this unjust world in it's entirety.
A sickly yellow flame, color of the greater will itself, slowly burning a dark hole, the microcosm itself.
The coming of the frenzied flame to the manse was most likely very gradual and slow. But it grew out of control anyway. When the three finger, now smouldering with the vicious flame, gave their direct "blessing" to the untouchable, something add to be done.
The betrayal
The hornsent learned about this one way or another. They definitely couldn't let that pass, so they sent the inquisition to wipe out any trace of this curse and to make sure it didn't spread any further. They slaugthered everyone in the manse and inflicted hell upon Midra for his treason.
Nanaya was unharmed, not because of any kindness from the hornsent, but because Marika had already left this body, with the help of Messmer, to escape.
Maybe Marika alerted the hornsent herself, maybe not. What is certain however, is that she abandoned Midra, her lover, to endless torment, and cursed him to endure all of it.
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leaving him to suffer alone could definitely be the betrayal we know she did from the story trailer. Or, it could be linked to her ascension to the summit of Enir-Ilim.
Marika's ascension to godhood
Despite all this suffering, Marika still had achieved part of her plan. She had abandoned all the parts of herself that could have stopped her. To her children, and to the manse, she gave all of the curses of the fire, all black and red and deadly. All the power she had left in herself was a blessing. Of warmth, of life, of joy, of abundance and eternity. Only the softest light of the fire, bathing it's surrounding in the purest rays of gold.
She was ready to cross the gate and become a god. And so she did.
There is no clear explanation to how she reached the top of the hornsent capital. Maybe it was a war, maybe she sneaked in disguised as someone else. Maybe she was caught, ready to be sacrificed to the gate with all the other shamans.
Once the gate was closed, she started building her kingdom of gold and abundance, of endless life devoid of death. Then, she only had to bring vengeance to the hornsent with the help of Messmer, and to clean up behind her so this cursed past could be forgotten.
Political cleanup
the Shadowlands in its entirety : This entire land was damned, and their were to many clue about Marika true history their. She couldn't take the risk to have people learn about her humanity and her flaws. Marika sealed the entire land behind a veil.
Leyndell's undeground : the omens. Omens are a cursed placed on her bloodline by the hornsent. Due to hatred or to fear of seeing her realm crumble, she had all of them killed or imprisoned where nobody could witness them.
Leyndell's underground : the nomads.
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the nomads are a tribe from a far away land cursed with the frenzied flame. There is no way for them to go back to their homeland so they roam the Lands Between. Please not the finger imagery on their instrument, with a little hand at the tip. With all we know about them I think it is most likely that their homeland is the domain of Midra, blessed by the fingers then source of the frenzied flame, and doubly sealed by the inquisition and by the Scadu Tree. Living proof of Marika's biggest failure, likely witness of her true nature, and infected with a terrifying disease, Marika sealed them away under Leyndell to save her empire of gold.
Leyndell's underground : the three finger. They once guided here, but are now the reminder of her greatest sin and her greatest fear. Maybe the first thing she sealed off under the world. Please note how the deepest thing under Leyndell are probably the first to be imprisoned. Newer prisoner sent to higher layers of the Underground as the city was build.
Messmer : Marika did everything she could to save him, but could not. As an agent of her cruelty, and a living proof that she could not save everyone, she had to hide him in shame.
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melefim · 26 days
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Ass
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Ass was said 14 times, in all 8 episodes, by 5 different characters.
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Uses Per Episode:
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Episode 1: 1
Episode 2: 3
Episode 3: 4
Episode 4: 1
Episode 5: 2
Episode 6: 1
Episode 7: 1
Episode 8: 1
Uses Per Character:
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Charles: 2
Crystal: 5
Jenny: 3
Litty: 2
Kingham: 2
Percent of Total:
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Ass was said 14 times, which is 4.3% of cursing in the show.
There are 4 variations of the word Ass used in the show, with Asshole being the most popular with 10 uses.
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Asshole: 10
Ass: 2
Assholes: 1
Grotty-Ass: 1
Total Uses: Ass comes in 5th place with 14 uses.
Number of Episodes: Ass is one of only 4 curse words used in all 8 episodes, so it’s tied for 1st with Fuck, Shit, and God.
Total Characters: Ass and Jesus are tied for 6th place, being said by 5 characters each. 
Curse Word Variations: With 3 variations, Ass is tied for 5th with Damn and Screw.
Episode 1:
Crystal: He's still a stalker, still an asshole. But I am going to get my memories back.
Episode 2:
Kingham: Baby trapping asshole!
Kingham: What gives, asshole?
Litty: You know what? You can take that sweater and you can shove it up your ass. Do you have any clue how powerful we are? We are fucking gods!
Episode 3:
Jenny: He killed the mom and daughters while they were watching tv. Asshole.
Crystal: Good luck finding it now, asshole.
Charles: I'm just sick of watching this asshole kill his family a million times for no fucking reason. Tried it your way, and it did nothing. Sod it, let's try mine.
Charles: I'm just sick of watching this asshole kill his family a million times for no fucking reason. Tried it your way, and it did nothing. Sod it. Let's try mine.
Episode 4:
Crystal: Niko- thanks for like, saving my ass today.
Episode 5:
Litty: Is it the mystery of smelling like a grotty-ass fish?
Jenny: It wasn't my finest moment, but the guys at the fish market can be real assholes.
Episode 6:
Crystal: You can't get in anymore, asshole!
Episode 7:
Crystal: These are mine, asshole.
Episode 8:
Jenny: Esther's a witch? I thought she was just an asshole.
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poeticpains · 9 months
Does anyone else ever think about how fucked up it is that the setup of Escape the Night has us talking about who "deserved" it?
You see it in the fandom, and in the show itself, too — where there's discussions about who "pulled their weight" or who did the most for the team, with the implication that those who didn't deserve...what? A horrible, lonely death? To never see their families and loved ones again?
"I'm going to vote for [X], because they didn't pull their weight," is literally saying that someone being foolish, oblivious, and/or lazy is a mistake that should be punished by death.
Or the fandom, as they say that, "[X] wasn't doing very well, so they deserved to be put into that challenge."
And, look, I do not legitimately believe that anyone in the fandom or the show would ever be okay with someone dying because they couldn't figure out a riddle — I'm one of the ones screeching about how your fannish participation is not morality, and what you enjoy in fandom, or say about fictional characters (or fictional personas of real people) is not, in any way, reflective of your actual beliefs. Let me be abundantly clear: it doesn't matter to me who you think "deserved" to die, because nobody died, and at the end of the day, it's a fake web series.
...But that doesn't change that I think Escape the Night is a perfect encapsulation of the way that manipulation works on humans. As they say,
“1. Man is a MORAL animal. 2. You can get human beings to do anything — IF you convince them it is moral. 3. You can convince human beings anything is moral.” — Frank Bidart
In ETN, and especially in Season 3, the guests were convinced that voting people to die was the morally correct option. After all, world annihilation (and their own life) was on the line. Isn't that worth a little blood on your hands?
But it's hard to convince your average person that killing other people (or sentencing them to death, I suppose), if those people are otherwise innocent of severe crimes, is moral. So the situation sets it up using two things that are highly prized: merit and fear.
The fear is the easier option to discuss; it's the same point I made earlier regarding world annihilation and their own lives. (And, of course, it's easier to control scared people than it is to control people who have their wits about them. Manipulation 101.)
Merit, of course, is the entire point of this post. Many of us, I would hazard a guess, grew up with the American justice system, wherein death is an appropriate punishment for certain things. In ETN, that category is just stretched a little wider. Someone missed a clue? Well, they must be stupid — so they deserve to die.
And yes, I am defining voting someone in as tacitly saying that they deserve to die, because that is the unspoken consequence that could happen to anyone who was voted in.
Anyways, back to merit. Before every death challenge, barring the special ones, like the Witch's Challenge in S3, there's literally a discussion where the guests are supposed to defend themselves and prove that they helped. And if the court of public opinion decides you didn't? Well, off to the chopping block with you, my friend — your performance was unsatisfactory, and therefore you deserve to be beaten to death/buried alive/whatever terrible fate awaits them that episode.
But isn't that absurd, when you think about it like that? It's like having a shitty coworker that never responds to emails and takes 45 minute lunches. That's basically it. That's what these people are dying for.
Literally everyone on the show is guilty of this, even fan favorites like Matthew, so it's not like I'm trying to call guests out, or anything. I just think it's a really fascinating look into the way that humans can be manipulated into being willing to kill other humans.
Maybe someday I'll write something more in-depth on this.
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