#i am not livin la vida loca man.
gongedtornado · 1 year
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
why does commander wolffe have two f's in his name. like what the fuck is with that. was he just trying to be quirky and different? is it because all the clones went through a phase in their teenage years where they wanted to be cool badasses with super edgy names and there were so many that he had to distinguish himself somehow? is it like how if you're making a username and it's already in use so you have to make very slight changes and make the "e" a "3" or something? is it like that?? are there just 2000 other clones out there all named "wolf" but with the dumbest spellings you've ever seen??? i don't need sleep i need answers
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bucketofcowboys · 1 year
i havent seen u on today and i go into !!! Wheres friend !!! Wheres buddy !!! mode when i dont see u in my notes so PLSSS PLSS HELLOO??? R U THERE ???? HELLOOOOO *bites u and shakes u around like a chew toy*
Been busy recently. Not like bad busy but good busy. I've been hanging out with my friends a lot so I haven't been on tumblr much. IM SORRY AND I LOVE YOU ❤️
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traggalicious · 1 year
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Side view and both together! Yayyyy
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no-face-no-shame · 2 years
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2old2swiftie · 2 months
Just a note for the Gaylors and Bi-lors out there:
I'm really old-- like, I could easily be your mom, and for some, I could even be your grandma-- and I've consumed a lot of media. I'm Gen-X, so I remember the day MTV premiered. I remember when the internet was 2800 baud dial-up. Urban legends couldn't be debunked without a lot of time in a library, and if you missed an episode or a performance, you might never get to see it again.
We had the same "feelings" about some celebrities: our "gaydar" pinged loudly on some people and we knew in our guts they were LGBT, no matter how the media presented them.
Jodie Foster? I knew when she was in Candleshoe and Freaky Friday (the one BEFORE Lindsey Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis)
Rick Martin, soap opera hunk in the 90s? Livin' la Vida Loca in 1999? I called him as gay when I first saw him on General Hospital. He didn't come out until 2010.
George Michael. 1984 "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"? Same. No straight man wears stubble like that.
Tracy Chapman. Knew it.
I remember getting my first earful of Melissa Etheridge in 1988. I knew she was a lesbian the first time I heard her lyrics, but Melissa didn't decide to come out until 1993 with Yes, I Am.
[I lucked out on that one: My office mate in grad school was a glorious flaming fag from Leavenworth KS, Etheridge's hometown, and he came back from Christmas break in 1989 to tell me, "One of my lesbian friends showed me a videotape: it was her ex, Missy, appearing on The Tonight Show!! It was that rocker chick you've been obsessed with: Melissa Etheridge."]
You're not wrong. You're not crazy. You're not projecting.
What you see, over and over, is an issue that Taylor can't keep out of her art. She may never reveal it fully; she may never choose to come out. She may marry 🏈 and have 57 little tight ends.
But what you see is NOT a projection. You're not making it up.
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callmemaeverick · 2 months
Livin’ La Vida Loca - A. Aretas
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Pairing: Armando x f!Reader Summary: Armando was doing Armando stuff, brooding and minding his own business, when someone jumped on his bike and told him to go. (This man got me writing again, but I needed to start slow. Then I saw this reverse trope thing about accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss, and well this happened)
WC: 600 TW: Gun. Senior Aretas
Armando kicked up his bikestand and revved his engine, his head in turmoil. He almost had him, the detective, but he could not bring himself to pull the trigger.
And something was not right with his mother and he was more than a little confused with her motives. She was hiding something from him and despite all that he did for her, she won't tell him everything. He had done all that she asked of him and he did it with little to no help. Sure, he had people working for him, but he hired these people not a few months before and all of them through fear and intimidation. He was alone. He had no one to trust.
He was about to take off, when all of a sudden, his bike rocked as a weight landed behind him. Hands wrapped around his middle and instantly, his gun was in his grasp.
"What the fuck?!" He exclaimed and turned as far as he could. All he saw was a pair of panicked eyes.
"Go, dammit! Go!"
One day, when he looked back on this day, he'd wonder what made him did what he did. But he was glad for it.
He holstered his weapon, shifted into gear and drove off. Within seconds he had reached a speed that was way too fast for riding by the pier, but that was not what was on his mind then. The hand around his middle clutched at his jacket, making it tighter around his torso and a glance downward showed Armando that the fingers had dug deep into the leather.
"What the fuck happened to her?" He wondered.
He drove fast, weaving between cars ad buildings until the harsh breathing behind him calmed somewhat. When he found a less busy street, he pulled over.
The weight behind him shifted and then she was beside him, trying to tame her winblown hair. But what struck him, was that she was smiling.
"Wheew," You whooped as you got off the bike to face its rider, pushing your hair from your face. "That was fun! I don't know if I would've gotten outta there if I hadn't seen you. So, thank you. You saved my life.”
The man was looking at you through the visor of his helmet, you were sure of it. You could sense his confusion, though you could not see his face.
"Right, I guess I owe you an explanation." You felt self-conscious, and slighty embarrassed. Now that you think about it, what you did was stupid and reckless. "It was nothing bad, I swear, though with us being strangers and all, what good is my word right? I mean, for all you know I could be a criminal."
Dammit, stop rambling.
Suddenly the bike was shut off and the rider straightened before he pulled his helmet off. And you stood stunned at the beauty that graced you.
"Oh, wow, you're..." You trailed off and he quirked an eyebrow.
"Yes?" Even his voice was hot.
"Nothing," You said quickly. "As I was saying, I wasn't doing anything bad. We were just protesting peacefully, you know, for the turtles."
An incredulous smile appeared. "Las tortugas?"
"Y-yeah, the turtles. We were by the beach when these police guys came trying to break it up. So we made a break for it.”
The handsome man in front of you chuckled and shook his head. "Esta loca,"
"I am not crazy, okay," You argued back, but there was no heat in it. He was at least a little bit correct. Not that you’d admit it. Instead, you held out your hand and introduced yourself.
He looked at it for a second, the back up to your face, as if hesistating.
"What? Scared?" The challenged seemed to spur him on as the rider smirked and took your hand in his.
"Alright, well, thank you for the assist, Armando. Don't be a stranger, alright?" You released his hand and walked away, feeling his eyes on you until you turned the corner.
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freyito · 10 months
Can write bi-han and syzoth x stressed reader like with what you did wuth Johnny and kenshi please? But the reader is usually a soft and kind person, who's on the verge of a mental breakdown? 😓
lowkey need this AGAIN and who better than these two. livin la vida loca (i am under immense pressure and will break soon el oh el) ANYWAYS...
cw: gn reader, just fluff, not proofread
ʙɪ-ʜᴀɴ & ꜱʏᴢᴏᴛʜ + ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴇꜱꜱᴇᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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Bi-Han normally keeps his distance when you are stressed. He does not mean to leave your side, no, he simply wants you to have space if you need it. Seeing as he normally seeks out space and isolation when he is stressed, he kind of applies this to you, as well.
But, oh, how he has misjudged this situation. You look at him with such a broken spirit, your normally warm eyes are now dull. It's enough to make a grown man cry. Your once inviting presence has now become a void, it feels like he has lost a piece of his heart.
So, he's on the move. Not a moment after he notices that look in your eye, he sweeps you off your feet and whisks you away to the bedroom. He does not allow you time to protest. You are tucked in quickly, and he is gone, once more.
You can only lay there in disbelief. Bi-Han finds it hard to show proper, genuine affection for you in front of anyone. Simply knowing that the Lin Kuei understand that you are his is enough. Hell, sometimes it's a battle to hold his hand in public. So for him to carry you, bridal style, to your room? Damn.
He returns, with a plate of green tea. Freshly made. In a short amount of time. His ever-present scowl may betray his feelings for you, but he is going to try anything and everything within his power to relieve your stress. He starts out with the little things, the tea, then a nice and firm massage, maybe even a walk if you so wish.
Bi-Han leaves all that grandmaster, sub-zero, earthrealm's defender talk at the door, as well. He's quite sweet with you- as he often is behind closed doors. This time, however, he's... warm. He speaks with such an understanding and genuine worry for you, and he holds you close all night long.
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Syzoth can sense your stress, even before you become aware of it. I'd say it's inhuman, but... He's a bit conflicted, actually. Suddenly, his precious light has dimmed, and you are sulking around. He's still iffy on the human condition specifically, so he doesn't quite know if you want space or if you want cuddles.
He follows his heart, however. He does not want you to be alone, and his heart breaks for you. So he wraps himself around you at the earliest opportunity, running his hands through his hair and even... giggling.
He may not have much he can give you, like tea or something. But he knows a nice long, scaly embrace normally helps him level out. And it works. Sort of. Syzoth loves to just hold and hold and hold you. There are times where he has to be pried off of you. Not that you mind.
And now, Syzoth absolutely refuses to leave your arms. It's actually so much of a struggle that it gets your mind off of things. Now, your new goal is to escape your boyfriends loving embrace. He thinks it's a game. Well, he makes you think he thinks it is. He's relatively playful when it comes to times of stress.
He doesn't much care that your stuck on an un-comfy bedroll. Your in his arms, and your hurting, and he's going to make it better. Just so happens that this was the place he found you. Once you stop struggling to get out of his embrace, he runs his hands through your hair, sometimes scratching your scalp. He peppers your face in kisses periodically, as well.
And once Syzoth is so sure your all tuckered out from that fighting and lovin', he loosens up. Just a little. Enough for you to sleep comfortably. But he's still by your side. All night, all day. He doesn't let you leave the bedroll except maybe to eat and drink, amongst other things. And even then, he's following you around. His pinky intertwined with yours. He doesn't let up until he is absolutely SURE you're in a much better mood.
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© freyito, 2023 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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respectthepetty · 9 months
I need to stress something somewhere. And I know you will be able to help or even help be observe but, I have a haunting feeling that in the clips we have of Mork reading to Day, is in the future and….Mork isn’t actually there anymore . … many reasons with the scenes set up but the main things for me is the fish. There is only one in the rank now in that scene. And the book marks in the book. 1 fish bookmark, the other an avocado? And their legs are covered with a blanket. So no 2 slippers of fish is shown……am I creating narrative things that are not there or seeing things wrong? it just feels almost a melancholy scene set up in front of the tank…… and I’m scared!!
What are your thoughts pretty please?!
Anon, I'm choosing violence first, then I'll be kind.
On Spanish TikTok, or as I like to call it Tea Talk, someone stated they saw the book's ending, and it ended with Mork dying and donating his eyes to Day.
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The people of Tea Talk ripped that video to shreds. The comments section was not pleased with the mentiras (lies), and Indonesian TikTok even showed up in the fray with the actual book to prove the original poster was "Livin' La Vida Loca."
I don't know how this cookie will crumble, but let me remind you of two things:
#1 - This is GMMTV.
It gave us The Shipper in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, and I think it has been correcting that wrong since.
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And it gave us Only Friends in 2023.
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I wanted murder and mayhem. Instead it gave everyone happy endings except the slut because apparently he had too many "happy endings" and *morality* or some bullshit.
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If you are watching Playboyy, it's what Only Friends could have been if Disney BL hadn't produced it.
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I might sound salty (because I am), but I'm really just trying to emphasize that GMMTV wouldn't. Period. Full stop. GMMTV wouldn't give us a sad ending to a branded pair. It will kill a mom quick, but sad times for a branded pair? ¡Nunca! For example, how did we all know Palm x Nueng were gonna be safe and sound in Never Let Me Go? Our Skyy 2. Can't have Our Skyy 3 if it kills a ship now can it?
#2 - This is Aof
The director, producer, and screenwriter extraordinaire shot Pat (Ohm) on Christmas Eve.
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He killed Papang!
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Hell, he killed Singto before the series even started!
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Mork (NOT GAWIN, NO!) got beat up and was hospitalized!
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And yet, we got a happy ending each time.
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The man wants to make use cry, but he has never ended with queer trauma to do so.
Which is why there are still two fish in that tank.
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And I think the avocado is a shout out to Jimmy's love of them (because who doesn't love avocados, am I right?).
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So as much as I do not think the reading scenes we keep getting are set in the present,
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I don't think they are setting us up for a sad future, especially because Korea already did this trick.
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If you watched To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories last year, you know that shit hurt, every, single, episode,
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and because it hurt, we were too blinded by the pain to notice the happiness sprinkled throughout.
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The happiness we were seeing wasn't flashbacks of their past relationship or even snippets of their current one.
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Korea gave us The Eighth Sense and Strongberry's Choco Milk Shake, both which had the perfect premises to fuck us over, and yet my only complaint was NO POLY!
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If Korea can delivery happy endings, Disney BL can too (but not the kind it punished Boston for. Never those kind). It isn't Taiwan, and it certainly isn't Japan who is ALWAYS itching to give maximum pain. This is "soft power" Thailand, GMMTV, Aof, and a branded pair. If GMMTV brought out Gawin to get Krist and Joss back to kiss a homie, I greatly doubt it would tank the JimmySea ship for a sad ending (did you get the pun?). If there is one thing I can count on GMMTV for, it's to secure the bag. Sell merch. Sell novels. Sell a special box edition of the series. Sell the ship. That won't happen if this is sad.
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Also, color-coded boys in love get happy endings.
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It's science.
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neoflames · 9 months
Kiara please talk to me about GriDoc those two are just. like. you know how it is.
i am so ill about them. they are just the cuties. they either hate each other & love each other or just love each other. my guys.
btw listen to livin’ la vida loca if you want a GriDoc anthem, that song works so well. change a few lyrics, make a joke or two, bang!
i also formatted this ask so that the only things capitalized are your name and GriDoc because those are the only things that deserve proper grammar. in my current state of deranged GriDoc creature i do not deserve le capitalization.
Autism numero uno ‼️‼️‼️
Anyways yeah they’re very cool. They’re also just funny to me like
‘Hey I covered up your entire base’
‘What the fuck man’
‘Can we kiss :>’
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gummybugg · 1 year
🗡️Writeblr Battle Royale!💥
Super glad I to got to work with @quisyop on this battle scene between my oc Blair (from Crater City) and their oc Io (from Orbit of Thieves)! Thanks @writeblrbattleroyale for hosting this event! Really enjoyed it and yall should Really check out the other opponents' fights :'D
Without further ado, welcome to the violence and gore of the battle between Blair vs Io! 🎉⚔️
POV: 1st person, Blair
Warning: mentions of blood and gore
I woke up with a splitting headache that would put jackhammers to shame. I must have had a massive hangover.... Except, I found myself in a place I had never been before. 
Somewhere vast but enclosed. Somewhere bright but also dark. Somewhere starch but gruesome. Reminded me of the dentist’s. It sent shivers down my spine. 
Maybe I really had blacked out drunk. I was in some sort of stadium like I’d seen in an old gladiator movie. Man, do I really gotta fight a lion?
Someone overhead was speaking, interrupting my thoughts, but I couldn't make out all the words due to its intense reverb. Looks like someone needs to get their speakers checked. I would have offered to take a look at them with no extra charge, except I didn’t take this whole killing-game-thing too lightly.
"Welcome to the battle my...contestants. Welcome to....bloodshed. I am M, your humble game master. In front of me are our contenders....The only way out is either killing your opponent or dying. These two are a...interesting duo! I just can’t wait for the show!" 
Soon, "Livin' la Vida Loca" by Ricky Martin began playing in the overhead speakers. Well, at least they have good music taste.
I wonder what M stands for. Maybe their name is so embarrassing that they only want to be known by a single letter. Or maybe if you utter their name you'll get cursed. Or die. Or summon Satan! Gah, focus on the task at hand, Blair, your life is at stake! 
I saw Elijah in the stands among a sea of blank faces. I waved back, but he didn't seem so enthused. He yelled something at me but I couldn’t really make it out too well.
M announced my name and the name of my opponent. I couldn't exactly hear what their name was or see what they looked like so far away (about 50 feet, more or less), so I decided to go and ask them.
Surely they don't take that ego-inflated asshat M that seriously. Battle to the death? Come on, I have better things to spend my time on. Like running from authorities. 
"Hey, dude!" I waved at the figure in the distance that seemed unmoving. 
As I approached him, I began to piece together a better picture: this guy was much taller than me. He had a dark complexion, gray hair, and a serious vibe. And he was wearing formal attire. Why didn't anyone tell me this was a formal event? I looked down. Yep, I was still in my t-shirt and cargo shorts. How terribly underdressed!
There was no response from the man, even though we were six feet apart at this point. 
"Hi, so–" I kept my hands visible. 
Then he performed one of those roundhouse kicks and made me fall on my ass! My croc flew up in the air. I grabbed it before it hit the ground, then proceeded to bat his face as he attempted to strangle me. 
"Io knocks Blair down and strangles him!" The speakers blare. 
"What is wrong with you? Are you irradiated or something?" I gasped, struggling to get back on my feet.
"Stay still!" He clocked my jaw with the hilt of his gun, then placed his hands around my neck, "I said, stay still!"
"Why are you so mean?" I spit out a tooth. Metallic fluids filled in the gap. 
I wedged my hands between his grip on my neck, pulling him down for a kick in the chest. This didn't seem to slow him down because he lunged at me again. I dodged in an effort to slash his arm with my balisong. But he was too slippery! I couldn't even grace the hairs on his body!
"Wait, you can't kill me! I don't even know your name!" I called, wiggling around him. I clawed at his face to unsteady his aim.
Then a gunshot sounded. 
I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. Blood soaked through my shirt. Something must have grazed my shoulder…? Well, at least it blends in, I reasoned.
Oh, shit. Wait, he really does have a gun, doesn’t he?
"Hey, what was that for, man?" I beat him with my croc, the jagged jibbitz drawing blood on his cheek. I peeled back a small chunk of his eye with the edge of a heart charm. 
"You bastard, get that shoe–" He took my croc and tossed it across the stadium "–outta my face!"
"Hey, you owe me 60 credits for that!”
Then he aimed a gun at my face. 
“And you owe me your life. Goodbye, Blair." He sneered, running a hand through his perfectly styled hair. 
Oh, I don’t like it when they sneer. 
With record speed, I swung open my balisong. A few tricks ought to knock his ego down a few pegs! I decided to perform a classic: the old Van Gogh trick. A toss of the knife up in the air to be snatched next to my ear. 
But before the knife could slip comfortably into the crook of my neck, a bullet ricocheted off the blade midair and right into some guy’s head in the audience. His head exploded like a piñata, showering those behind him in red. The crowd cheered. Well, except the dead guy. 
My knife clattered to the ground.
“Io’s bullet ricochets off of Blair’s blade!” M announced. 
Oh, so that’s what his name is. And what was with the old-timey ammo? Didn't everyone use electric weapons these days? Well, at least he’s human and not a droid. Right? I'm at least 80% sure he's human. 
“How did you…?" Io narrowed his eyes, shifting his weight. I wasn't sure how I pulled off that stunt either, but I wasn't gonna tell him that. "Doesn't matter," he positioned his aim. The ground pulsed dramatic shades, syncing to the beat of the song. It was like some sick and twisted dance battle to the death.
Click. Click. Click.
The sweet sound of an empty gun. 
"Uh-oh! Seems Io has run out of ammo!" M inserted himself. The crowd gasped.
"Shit!” He rubbed his temple. 
My eyes caught the large crates in the distance behind Io, who fumbled with his gun for a moment. They were probably chock-full of that precious old-school ammo. 
But Io didn't take his eyes off of me. In fact, he raised a brow at me. But just before he could follow my gaze, I pulled a fast one. I grabbed my knife.
It spun swiftly around my finger, flicking upward in a triple somersault. But gravity wasn't on my side, since it launched the first two joints from my left pinkie at Io's face. 
Well, you win some, you lose some. 
"What the–did you just throw your finger at me?"
"And Blair uses a secret family technique: confuse-your-opponent-by-slinging-a-severed-finger-at-them!" M announced as the crowd oohed and ahhed.
The look on Io's face was horrifying. Truly a look of pure bloodlust. He wiped the severed finger off with the back of his hand as if it were a chip crumb. My finger lay on the ground in a small pool of red, all alone. 
"Uh, oh."
I booked it to the large, wooden crates, which sat on the other side of the stadium. I had to get there before he did, or else I’d turn into Piñata Man. Thankfully my years of running from the law finally paid off. Suddenly I was the poster boy for the Presidential Challenge, and no one could stop me! 
"Come over here, you slippery bastard!" Io swung his gun at my head as he got closer and closer. He was definitely a fast one. 
"Yeah, for you to turn me into swiss cheese? Everyone knows string cheese solos!" I called into the wind. Whether or not he heard what I said was out of my control. I had a pile of crates waiting for me to guard!
Along the curved wall of the stadium were ads for movies I had never heard of before: Chess vs Brooke, Mary vs Ametrine, Herschel vs Jackson… Then I saw our reflections bounce off the reflective gaps in between each poster. Io ran with the speed and grace of a gazelle before being attacked by prey. Except I was the poor excuse of a bush that he was chasing after. 
"And Io and Blair are racing to the crates! Who will get there first?" The speakers announced. "It was about time they noticed. I thought the materials were going to go to waste…"
Io finally threw his gun at my head, but missed due to my tendency to run in a zigzagging motion. 
From the sidelines, Elijah cheered me on, a stained paper bag in hand: "You better not die, Blair!" 
"Not in the plans!" I shouted back. 
I was about as nimble as a baby hippo, but used this feature to my advantage–suddenly stopping, dropping, and rolling to catch Io by surprise–causing him to trip. I rolled back, putting all my weight on his spine, planting his face on the ground. Quickly, I pinned one arm with my knee and one right arm with my hand. 
"You don't know what you're doing, Blair!" He wriggled like a worm in a petri dish. Probably because the ground tasted like ass. I held the blade of my balisong to his neck. 
Io seemed confused at my special fighting techniques I picked up from the city streets because he mentioned something about my freakish skills and complete lack of self-regard. I shrugged it off; it was just a couple of flesh wounds. The pain was just now setting in, though, so I was getting a bit antsy.
"In a shocking turn of events, Blair has Io pinned!" M sounded as if he were smiling. At least someone got a kick out of our pain. "Will this be Io's last few moments?"
"Get off of me!" Io wriggled more viciously. 
"Listen, I really don't want to kill you," I pressed the blade into his skin. "But your attitude is telling me to reconsider." 
"I don't need your pity." He spat on my croc. "Eat shit."
This felt…too easy.
But I couldn't just release him. No, this man was even more unpredictable than me. I couldn't take any chances. 
It wasn't like I enjoyed any of this. Just yesterday I took Elijah to his favorite restaurant after news of a new lead. Info on the guy who tried to kill him for his debt that one night. I'd get to avenge Elijah, finally. I was so close. We were so close.
Is this what my life has come to? Fighting violence with more violence? Am I really as heartless and impulsive as they tell me?
It’s not supposed to end this way.
I dug the blade deep into Io's neck with a sickening squelch, watching the blood pool around his head in the shape of a halo. Reflecting back was the blank stare of a cold-blooded killer. I pressed harder into the wound my hands had inflicted.
My blood–no, Io’s blood–sputtered on the arm that pinned him down. My eyes were unmoving. They did not look away until the pressure of the liquid calmed. 
There was not a single twitch. No retort. No fighting back.
Maybe there really is no other way to save things. I am doomed to repeat these violent tendencies.
"It seems Blair has delivered the final blow! What a conclusive ending to such a speedy battle!" M's voice echoed in stereo, the audience absolutely losing their minds. 
I don't think I like this anymore…Does this make me a monster? I was just doing what I had to do to survive. What does Elijah think of it all? My thoughts spun faster and faster. 
I turned to the crowd, but his face was nowhere to be seen. Had I just imagined it? Was he ever there to begin with? 
I looked down at Io's lifeless body. Nothing had changed. He was still dead, and my hands were still connected to the weapon.
The crowd cheered my name. My name. The name of a murderer. 
I released the balisong from my grip. Io's sticky blood coated each finger like a coat of cheap paint, the same way kids play with red paint when pretending to be a vampire. But I wasn't a kid, this was real life. I wasn’t a vampire, but a murderer. 
“Congratulations, Blair, you have made it to the second round!” M roared, the crowd continuing to chant my name. The stadium lit up in an array of bright colors, and confetti poured down from the invisible ceiling. Cannons and fireworks went off, making me jump. Their popping sounded similar to that of a gun firing. 
I buried my face in my hands. They smelled of metal. They stained my lips. I saw red through my fingers as I tilted my head up to the source of M's voice. 
What has he done to me? 
Why did I let him get to me?
🚗 Want to rot your brain with each sporadic Crater City post? Join the taglist! Maybe I'll finish this wip someday, who knows! (ask to be added/removed): @writeouswriter @lyra-brie @digitalsatyr23
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where-dreamers-go · 2 years
Dialogue Writing Prompts 3
(A/N: Free to use, reblog, and have fun writing with. There are a couple of movie quotes, other quotes, and song lyrics in there.)
“Please don’t refer to me as a breakfast pastry.”
“There’s too much noise. Too much all going on. It’s loud.”
“Society here has taught us to hate ourselves. That’s a load of crap.”
“Do you want to build a blanket fo—?” “Yes.”
“All of us are on your side.”
“You’re self-narrating again.”
“…I told you that…you weren’t listening.”
“Now, kiss me, dammit.”
“I could just kiss you.”
“I want what I deserve.”
“You’re the one I want to hold.”
“I don’t want to waste your time.”
“Remember me.”
“Think of me.”
“I’m finally comfortable. I’m not getting up now.”
“It’s okay. You can go now.”
“Keep fighting.”
“What were you doing up at 4AM?” (“Not sleeping.”)
“I’m guessing that’s significant.”
“I’ll never join you.”
“I thought I said no wild parties.”
“I know NOTHING.”
“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
“My mind is blank.”
“I hope it’s you.”
“How did you get past the guards?”
“They think of everything.”
“I’ve always liked you in basic black.”
“Are you offering?”
“Are you kidding me?” (“…No.”)
“Why should I hurt my own feelings?”
“I do wish there was something between us.” “Really?” “Yes, a continent.”
“Impossible!” “Actually it’s possible.”
“Livin’ la vida loca.”
“Laters gators.”
“I really hate that man.”
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sonny-d · 1 year
yes i cried over merlin s2ep9 and i will admit it bc i need to talk abt it to express just how much it was bc im so emotionally traumatized that there are only two things that will make me cry literally only two in very extreme amount but this shit right here did it for me anyway
i saw somebody a while ago say smth abt merlin definitely actually wanting to leave a few times freya being one of them bc hes been so repressed that just being allowed to be himself without hiding anything makes him fall in love with a girl in two days so much that hes gonna abandon his destiny and his friends to go live with her and be who he is, they are the ‘holy shit for the love of jesus christ our lord and savior get me the fuck out of here’ to each others ‘literally please im so lonely im surrounded by ppl but they all would want me dead if they knew’ and that is just beautiful it is a whole new level of crazy to someones crazy it is going insane to someones going insane and that is magnificent
also the part where she recognizes him while shes a beast tormenting the town that she runs away they need to save each other so bad that it can fuck up some old roach’s curse
AND THEN thats right im not done AND FUCKING THEN at the lake when merlins holding her and shes all like “oh u save me i am loved now i die good ehe” then she dies like that its so heartbreaking bc its like yeah she got saved bc she got to die with that but what abt him she just fucking left him like that to keep livin la vida loca (bad) with all the shit he almost managed to run away from
AND THEN (last one) when merlins doing stuff for arthur and he walks in and sits next to him to see whats up (literally beautiful that a prince would sit his royal ass on that floor next to his servant to make sure hes ok) and he has no idea abt freya so he treats it like a normal ass situation so merlin kinda acts different then falls into normal rhythm
(new paragraph it woulda been too long i have so much to say abt this) i was thinking abt how merlin handles certain situations bc like how is he not literally imploded rn then i realized the way id handle that shit is sit and think abt it but he doesnt do that, hes actually rly rly smart he just goes thru too much shit to actively and consistently be smart so he does like he did in this one and falls into a routine so that he doesnt think he just goes and keeps livin la vida loca and doesnt even worry abt it cuz hes not thinking abt it bc thats how he copes is not thinking abt it cuz hes smart
so i think arthur unconsciously knows this which is why he just comes in and fucks with merlin a lil bit then lists off the things to do so merlin definitely feels better bc it helps him not think but at the end when hes like deciding a facial expression hes thinking then and hes thinking “shit man im never getting out of here i gotta fuckin live like this goddamn that sucks ass” bc he knows its gonna be years till uther dies and years after that till arthur accepts magic and all that time he has to keep hunting his own kind and being an ally in the war literally against what he is and keep being praised for it (reference to s2ep8) and doesnt have a choice bc as hes recently learned fate will not let him run away with a girl and give up his destiny so he can live a good healthy life
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muffinmonstah-art · 2 years
Lately I’ve gotten back on the Jaybabs ship thanks to things like the 3 Jokers comic storyline as well as Gotham Knights and man am I itching for some Gotham Knights-verse Jaybabs content. I’m most likely in the minority when I say that I like Jason’s design in this game because it makes him more distinguished when put next to the other Robin characters, and stuff like the character cutscenes where they interact are just so wholesome to me along with the voice lines and emails where they discuss stuff like therapy. In fact, the first times (In a row) I had a random player join my game was when I was playing as Red Hood and the player came in as Batgirl (coincidence, I think not). So now I’m wondering if you’re going to do some Jaybabs art or fanfics based in Gotham Knights?
Yes, I think you're really in the minority when it comes to liking Gotham Knights lmao
That game is a mess, bro. There's fanservice for us the Batfam fandom to like, sure, but the game is terrible. The characterizations for the characters are weak as fuck. Jason is the worst of them all.
To be fair I think Jason's design is the least of the problems regarding the elements in the game. It kinda growed on me too. The main problem is that the combat in the game is trash and they really did Jason dirty in that regard. He is the slowest and his mystical powers are not properly justified nor explored in the narrative. He also doesn't have an arc.
These devs talked too much on interviews about how their Jason went to therapy and shit before the events of the game, but his actions and dialogues in-game are contradictory with that exposition info. He behaves like the loner agressive Robin that resents working on a team and there is a tension with Dick at the beginning of the game that doesn't go anywhere after that. He also talks like his death was recent?? If he died so recently then when in the hell he had time to go to therapy?? Also if he went to therapy before the game then his friendly behaviour in the later cinematics doesn't feel earned nor like a natural progression, because his mind was already "fixed" off-screen.
I don't know, there's too much exposition refering off-screen previous history to set up these characters and that's a major flaw in my opinion. Their relationships with each other are not properly fleshed out. They rely too much on exposition and there is not enough progression in the few cutscenes each of they have, not even to learn more about who each of these characters are. Jason and Barbara don't even have too much interaction to begin with. They don't even talk about what both of them went through with the Joker. I don't understand how can you write interactions between these characters and miss THAT.
The only dynamic that feels like there was some actual effort put in to flesh it out is Jason & Dick. It's not much but at least they have the most number of interactions in cutscenes and there is some variation between the emotion they show to each other. They could have made the game about only Jason and Dick by that regard.
And I'm not even talking about the 30 fps issue, the lame RPG elements, the dumb Knighthood system where you have to unlock each hero's unique traversal by completing boring dumb challenges, the generic and boring open world, the lack of a conter-system to flesh out the basic combat, the bland use of the side villains, the waste of the Court of Owls as a main threat, the conflicting tones while trying to mix the horror and mystery with the goofy moments like the livin' la vida loca cover during the infiltration on the Blackgate prison, etc.
Gotham Knights as a whole is a very dissapointing game for me. This isn't the game I wanted, to begin with. I wanted a game made by Rocksteady and set in the Arkhamverse, after the events of Arkham Knight starring the Batfam of THAT universe. Instead we got this mediocre reboot of Arkham made by the support B Studio.
I think Warner Bross shouldn't allow any other studio than Rocksteady to carry on the Batman mythos and the making of Batman games. The Arkham franchise is fantastic. They nailed the characterizations, the dialogues, the designs, the voice acting, the humor perfectly mixed with the dark and gritty themes, the graphics that to this day look amazing, the combat!
Have you ever heard the audio logs from Arkham Knight's Jason? The exchange between that Jason and Barbara have more emotional impact than all GK's cutscenes in my opinion.
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aegis-shield · 3 years
So I just discovered that I've been pronouncing mocha incorrectly my whole life but I'm being very brave about it. Anyway shoutout to the people at the coffee shop I used to go to for letting me order a duo choc mocha once a week for four years and being too nice to correct me
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Marvel characters as Twitter quotes part 3
Sam: I hate flying insects man, you can fly FOR FREE. You could fly to any holiday destination of your choice but here you are in my face.
Bucky: All I ask is that you get to know me on a deep, intimate level while I resist and obstruct your every attempt to do so.
Stephen: Proud to announce that I am making a bad decision but I’m not y’all what it is so you can’t stop me.
Wanda: Raising awareness about mental health! Mine is very, very bad. Thank you for listening.
Steven grant: Bro I am straight up not livin la vida loca right now.
Rhodey: Sorry for commenting “CURSED IMAGE” under the photo of your baby.
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