#i am once again asking people to look up harry allen
chopchopmcgee33 · 2 years
I'm sick to death of this from going to get off my chest. In some cases, more than people think a dad can be a better parent than a mother, but not one single caught in this country or judge have not dropped the bottle or or convictions to do the right thing. And I am so frustrated with this. I have worked all my life at the moment. I want disability benefits. Unable to work. Failed to universal credit to work assistant to and now I get help with my rent. Don't like you. It's not sitting well with me at all and now people look at me different around here thinking I'm a wife beat her control freak and now I'm a child beta. What's next? Peugeot file and in this teenage no one would just come to you and ask you never happens. Do you know why? Manners respect even the police and not what they used to be. I've seen it first time. Little kids images 10 to 15 I got set to do in prison once for 6 months. Never never again s*** me straight Pro Utica torax out there. Ages 11 to 17 is always someone bigger. As well as artists in you. There's two sides to be in. Mr big is always someone bigger than artists in you can't do one. Don't do the f****** other Harry was told by my granddad and well calling dad as well. Always someone bigger than outing you on the corner. Sometimes son. You need to hear something you don't want to hear. Are you a big enough man to take them words on board but the most important thing I can tell you is go out, make mistakes. Have fun but if you get caught and it's your phone the best thing you can do for everybody and son. Definitely for your house. Do you know what? I think people think more of you. If it's your fault. Take it on the chin. For example, I left my next wife. 5 or 6 years ago had a good conversation by the way. With Terry, not that used to be your neighbours. That's one who told me about Joanna and Allen Allen Street navy fall with me and then I still like to accept charges even though that wasn't my fault as well as Allen nose. He was there. Never shouted or set the f word or anything of the salt. I was upset because she was having strangest pitching up through. To be honest I look good for
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Day 43: Truth or Dare
“Truth or Dare, or Drink," Ron shouted as he threw himself down on the sofa next to Potter.
Honestly, Draco could scarcely believe he was here. Sitting in Potter's house sipping a bottle of beer (thank Circe his mother couldn't see him). It had been a moment of weakness, Ron's arm around his shoulders as he told him he'd done a brilliant job on the case today, and invited him back to his house for a drink with all of the other first year aurors.
It would be fine. No one knew about his crush on Potter and he'd never pick truth so no one had to know.
Hw watched with bemused confusion as Weasley lined up shot glasses on the coffee table.
"If you want out of the truth or dare you can take a shot," Potter said just behind him, his breath ghosting over Draco's ear and sending a shiver up his spine. "I learned the hard way not to say truth," he added as Draco turned to look at him. "They are ruthless and will want to know your darkest secrets."
"Not just darkest," Finnegan called, "I'll settle for dirtiest most of the time."
Dean shoved him, "You're disgusting. I can't believe that I am dating your sorry arse," he added, but a laugh as Finnegan tugged him in to plant a kiss on his cheek rather ruined the effect.
"Alright, settle down, you lot," Ron called. "Here is the bowl that my brilliant girlfriend charmed to keep everything fair," he said, setting the bowl behind the row of shots, "And here are everyone's names," he added, dumping in the scraps of parchment.
"Seamus, you should do the honors of starting us off since you were the last to go last time," Potter called.
Finnegan gave a little bow and stepped up to the bowl, "Harry," he said, with a wicked little grin.
"This is what I get for trying to be kind," Potter laughed. "I will take a dare, obviously."
"Kiss Malfoy," he said without missing a beat.
Draco promptly choked on his beer and very nearly spit it out. "You don't do things by half, do you?" he managed.
Potter, who had ended up sitting next to him, turned and pressed a kiss to his cheek, his lips soft and dry. Draco stopped himself from reaching up and letting his fingers brush over that spot on his cheek, but only just.
"Boo!" Seamus called. "That wasn't a real kiss."
The other man grinned widely at Finnegan, "You didn't say it had to be a real kiss. You've got to be more specific," he added before taking a sip of his beer. And Draco was almost impressed by his cunning.
He watched as names were drawn and challenges were offered, so far no one had chosen to take a shot. Jensen pulled Draco's name, he grinned, "I dare you to kiss Harry. On the lips."
Draco looked over a Potter, who just smiled warmly at him, "Come on," he said. "I won't bite." Then the corner of his mouth tipped up putting that dimple that made Draco's knees feel like jelly on prominent display, "Unless you're into that."
The room erupted in cheers and catcalls and Draco rolled his eyes, leaning in to press a quick peck to Potters full, soft lips.
Potter's lips caught and held his for a moment before Draco drew back. He could feel his cheeks and neck flushing as the room demanded a 'real' kiss.
"Leave him alone," Potter called, waving them off, "It's his first night here. Don't hassle him."
The game continued and Draco watched as other people ended up kissing, as shirts got stripped out of, and as Dean took a shot rather than kiss Ron.
Potter got called next and Dean seemed to take pity on him, "Shirt off, Harry."
He laughed and stood so he'd have enough room to take it off. As he pulled the worn, grey fabric over his head, Draco was treated to the view of his back and shoulder muscles flexing. Salazar, Potter was beautiful, his dark skin turned bronze in the light of the fire, broad shoulders tapered to a narrow waist.
He snapped his gaze away before he could get any more invested in looking at the other man.
Potter drew Allen's name, Allen drew Finnegan, and then Finnegan drew Draco. His face lit up, "Excellent. Give Harry a proper kiss," he said.
Swallowing down the unexpected excitement that his partially-inebriated mind insisted was warranted, Draco turned to Potter. The other man reached over and cupped Draco's cheek in his palm, searching his eyes for a moment before leaning in kissing him.
His mouth moved slowly, sinuously over Draco's for a long moment, and fingers slid back into Draco's hair as he sucked his lower lip into his mouth, scraping his teeth over it. Draco held back a whimper, but only just, as Potter pulled back with one last flicker of tongue.
Someone whistled and Potter laughed, Draco's eyes flew open and he put his beer to his lips once more just to have something to do.
Draco's name got drawn again two names later, "Sit in Harry's lap," Ron dared, taking his vengeance on Potter for his earlier dare.
Potter laughed and sat up a bit straighter to allow Draco enough room.
"For how long?" Draco asked.
"Until the next time one of you gets picked," Ron replied.
Potter gave him a little smile and Draco stood up, and carefully positioned himself on Potter's lap. The other man's hand wrapped around Draco's hip, steadying him, and Draco felt it like a brand through the layers of fabric he was wearing.
He squirmed a bit and Potter chuckled, his breath warm on Draco's neck, "Comfortable?"
"Not especially," Draco said, which was true only because his body seemed to think this was the most ideal position it had ever found itself in.
Potter's thumb brushed back and forth over his hip. It was both oddly soothing and erotic at the same time. He didn't ask him to stop.
The game continued and neither of them got picked for a little while, but then Draco's name got called again.
"Might as well just turn around and kiss Harry again, don't you think?" Will asked.
Draco huffed, "Is that really what all of you are going to keep doing all night."
"Yes," multiple people replied.
He sighed and turned around, straddling Potter's lap and trying not to think about it too much. Bracing his hands on Potter's bare chest, the heat of his body searing Draco's skin, he leaned in and pressed his lips to Harry's.
Harry sighed and wrapped his hands around Draco's waist, drawing him nearer until their bodies were pressed together. The other man's tongue flicked out along Draco's bottom lip and Draco opened for him, allowing him to curl their tongues together.
After a moment, Draco broke off, his breath coming a bit faster than it ought to, his heart thundering against his ribs. Harry's eyes were on him, taking in every minute detail as his hands trailed slowly up and down Draco's sides; his gaze split Draco open leaving him even more breathless.
"Err, Draco?" Ron said, "You're up mate."
"Right," Draco said, shaking his head and climbing off of Harry's lap to draw a name.
He drew Ron, who drew Dean, who drew Harry.
Dean stared at him contemplatively for a moment and Draco felt uncomfortable on Potter's behalf, in spite of the fact that the other man seemed nonplussed by the whole ordeal. Bloody Griffyndors.
"Kiss Draco somewhere that is not his lips, but is equally intimate."
Murmurs erupted around the room but Harry turned to him, calmly took Draco's hand in his, and turned it over to expose his wrist. His eyes held Draco's as he lowered his lips to his pulse point and caressed the delicate skin there.
Pleasure raced up Draco's spine, sending light bursting through every synapse in his brain. There was no reason that lips touching his wrist should feel that good.
All too soon the other man pulled away and the game continued.
Over the next half an hour, the game started to taper off as people began heading home and it wasn't too long until Draco found himself with only Harry and Ron and the dares turned silly. Shortly after the floo opened and Hermione stepped out. "Ah," she said, surveying the room, "Truth or Dare, I see." She glanced over the three of them, then very abruptly said, "Ronald, I'm exhausted. Time for bed for the two of us, I think."
"Right," Ron said, nodding, "Last one, then." He pulled out a name, "Harry."
Harry stared at him for a long moment then surprised Draco completely by saying, "Truth."
Ron grinned at him, "Tell Draco how you really feel about him," he said as he stood up and clapped Harry on the shoulder before heading off to bed.
Harry was quiet for a long moment, staring ahead into the fire, before he said, "I really like you, Draco."
Draco's breath caught in his chest.
"Like a lot," Harry continued, "It's why they were after the two of us all night," he confessed. "I chose 'truth' with Seamus once and he asked, so here we are."
He couldn't unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth, and frankly even if he could have managed it, he had no idea what he would have said.
"And I know," Harry went on without looking at him, "That it's ridiculous to even hope that someone like you could like someone like me-"
"Sorry," he interrupted, snapped out of his confusion by whatever Potter was trying to insinuate. "Someone like you?" he asked. "There is literally no one else like you."
Harry finally looked over at him, "There's no one like you either."
"Harry," he whispered.
He cleared his throat, why was he nervous? Potter had literally already said he liked him. "I like you, too," he said.
Nodding, he said, "I thought that would have been abundantly clear after tonight. I think their dares were about both of us, not just you."
"Thank Merlin for that," Harry said as he lunged at Draco, pinning him on his back on the sofa and kissing him quite thoroughly.
Draco threaded his fingers through Harry's hair, tugging him down until the weight of his body pressed him into the couch. Fingers slipped under the hem of his shirt and Draco let out a whimper.
"You feel so good," Harry murmured against his mouth before trailing kisses along Draco's jaw and neck. "Stay tonight," he murmured. "I promise to behave," he added, sitting up slightly, "Just let me hold you and kiss you."
"I'd like that," Draco replied, smiling up at him.
Harry grinned back, "Come on," he said, standing up and tugging Draco up with him. "The best thing about staying over on Fridays is that Ron always make pancakes on Saturday morning."
Draco hummed at that, slipping his fingers through Harry's as the other man started walking toward a bedroom. "I might just have to always stay on Friday nights."
"Or," Harry said as he pushed open the door to his room and gestured toward the bed, "You could just always stay. Period."
"Ask me again in the morning," Draco said with a little smile, "When we haven't been drinking, and I'll say yes."
"Alright," Harry said, folding down the covers and inviting Draco into the bed, "I'll hold you to it."
And when they woke up the next morning, Harry asked him to move in and Draco said yes to always.
Day 42: Sensitive | Day 44: You're Waddling Like A Cute Duck
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1,500 Followers Challenge!
The Title/Trope Challenge!
Again, thank you all for all your support!  You are all amazing and I truly cannot thank you enough for helping me get this far.  It’s certainly a milestone that I never thought I’d see.
Straight to the challenge!
Basic rules apply ~ there are 30 songs and 30 quotes posted below, pick one from your fandom with your character.  This will be open for a while as 2 requests per song/quote.  The only rule is here is, is that the requests cannot be from the same fandom.  I will try and keep the lists as updated as I can to try and avoid cross overs!
The extra - This time around, send me either a title and/or a trope to base to the fic on.  They can be as weird and wonderful as you want, or something simple.  In your ask, just specify which you are sending me and I’ll do the rest from there!
Send me an ask with your request
Include your fandom and character
Choose a song and quote
Give me a title and/or a trope to base the fic on!
In saying that, please remember that this is all just a bit of fun, I’m sure you can have a laugh at some of the quotes below (based off of some of my favourite movies).  Please send all requests through asks, it’s easier for me to keep track of, and let me know of any questions!  It is, of course, okay to request more than once!
For now, there is no closing date, we will just keep going until all the requests are full!  Requests will be closing 1st May.
Further info below the cut.
Evermore  ~ Dan Stevens (Beauty and the Beast) - Lord of the Rings
Protector  ~ City Wolf - Supernatural and The Hobbit
I  See the Light ~ Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi (Tangled) - Lord of the Rings
I'd  Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That) ~ Meat Loaf - Marvel and Supernatural
Bloodshot  ~ Sam Tinnesz
Let’s  Hear It For The Boy ~ Deniece Williams
All  Eyes On You ~ Smash Into Pieces
Feel  Invincible ~ Skillet
Natural  ~ Imagine Dragons - Lord of the Rings
Wrong  Side Of Heaven ~ Five Finger Death Punch
Shatter  Me ~ Lindsey Stirling Ft. Lzzy Hale - Supernatural
Feeling  Good ~ Nina Simone - The Hobbit and Marvel
Somebody  To Love ~ Queen - The Hobbit and The Witcher
Hurricane  ~ Thirty Seconds to Mars
You  Give Love A Bad Name ~ Bon Jovi - The Hobbit
Girls  Just Wanna Have Fun ~ Cyndi Lauper - Supernatural
Total  Eclipse of the Heart ~ Bonnie Tyler - The Hobbit
Don’t  You (Forget About Me) ~ Simple Minds
Hell  Ain’t a Bad Place to Be ~ AC/DC
Love  Is A War ~ Jeremy Renner
A  Reason to Fight ~ Disturbed - The Witcher
True  Love ~ P!nk ft. Lily Allen - Marvel and Supernatural
Poison  ~ Alice Cooper
Sucker  for Pain ~ Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons w/ Logic & Ty  Dolla $ign ft X Ambassadors (Suicide Squad)
Hello  Hello ~ Elton John ft. Lady Gaga (Gnomeo and Juliet) - Lord of the Rings and Supernatural
I’m  Gonna Be (500 Miles) ~ The Proclaimers - Marvel and Lord of the Rings
I Will Always Love You ~ Whitney Houston  (The Bodyguard) - Supernatural and Lord of the Rings
When You Wish Upon A Star ~ Cliff Edwards  (Pinocchio) - The Hobbit
Raise Hell ~ Dorothy
Leave Me Lonely ~ Imelda May
I mean, those people aren't exactly our regular customers. (Legion)
I would not have shown you such mercy. (Legion) - Lord of the Rings
When you hesitate, people die. (Doom)
Yeah, I was thinking about it. (Doom)
Will you please get this child off my leg? (Bedknobs and Broomsticks) - Supernatural
Do you poison the dragon or just the liver? (Bedknobs and Broomsticks)
I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering. (The Music Man) - Supernatural and Lord of the Rings
A man can't turn tail and run just because a little personal risk is involved. (The Music  Man) - Marvel
You idiots! You fools! You imbeciles! (101 Dalmatians) - Supernatural
It was a beautiful spring day. Tedious time of the year for bachelors. (101  Dalmatians) - Marvel
I think I am familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this problem until it  swims up and bites you in the ass. (Jaws) - Lord of the Rings
Smile you son of a bitch! (Jaws)
You never have control, that’s the illusion! (Jurassic Park) - The Hobbit
Boy, do I hate being right all the time.  (Jurassic  Park) - The Witcher
The suspense is terrible.  I hope it'll last. (Willy  Wonka and The Chocolate Factory) - Lord of the Rings
So shines a good deed in a weary world. (Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory)
That was naughty. (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) - The Hobbit and Supernatural
You broke my heart once. This time you missed. (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
You know, he looks heroic and he walks fast, but he’s kind of got a negative attitude.  (The Meg) - The Lord of the Rings
Yeah, well, I’m not crazy, I’ve just seen things no one else has. (The Meg) - Marvel
Eight years is a long time. Can I make you a cup of tea? (Godzilla) - Marvel
As far as he's concerned, you're just a pair of breasts that talk. (Godzilla) - The Hobbit
Afraid? You don't know what afraid is. You will not last five minutes without me.  (Jumanji) - The Hobbit
Oh, okay, honey. Well, that would be cheating. (Jumanji) - The Hobbit
Carrots? Why is it always carrots? I didn't even eat carrots! (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - Supernatural
I know what you seek, and you will not find it here. (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - Supernatural and The Witcher
No. I can't do that, and if you were in my position, you'd do the same. (Alien)
When I give an order I expect to be obeyed. (Alien)
I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier.  (Dogma) - Lord of the Rings
Well, I say we get drunk, because I'm all out of ideas. (Dogma) - Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit
Characters I will write for:
The Hobbit – Thorin, Fili, Kili, Dwalin, Bofur, Nori, Gloin (friends only), Frerin, Thranduil, Bard, Legolas, Bilbo, Lindir, Beorn
The Lord of the Rings – Aragorn, Boromir, Eomer, Faramir, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Elrond, Haldir
Supernatural – Sam, Dean, Castiel, Crowley, Gabriel, Lucifer, Benny, Balthazar, Chuck, Garth, Mick, Gadreel, Charlie, Bobby
Marvel – Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Loki, Thor, Peter Quill, Logan, Stephen Strange, Carol Danvers, Sam Wilson, Heimdall
Dragon Age – Alistair, Anders, Cullen, Morrigan, Zevran, Leliana, Fenris, Sebastian, Iron Bull, Dorian, Cassandra, Blackwall, Varric
Harry Potter – Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Neville, Remus, Sirius, Fred, George
Star Trek (Newer Films) – Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty
The Witcher (TV Series) – Geralt, Yennefer, Jaskier
Of course, this list isn’t a final thing, if you feel I could write a character, please just send me a message and I’ll let you know if I’m comfortable with it or not.
Please of course note that all drabble requests are reader insert.  I will not do character pairings, but I will change to first/third person if you prefer reading that way.  Y/N will be the standard name though and remain that way.
For any Dragon Age requests, if you wish to appear as a certain race, please let me know.
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hedgiwithapen · 3 years
How about the Leverage Crew arriving in Central City in time for the that time Barry got accused of murdering DeVoe. Basically, Leverage Crew (Classic or Redeption is your choice) meddling in that plan. Because screw DeVoe. Can be in the same universe as The Central City job, or a brand new AU; your choice.
this one Long The courthouse was packed when a sleek black van pulled up to a loading zone. Nathan Ford turned from the passenger seat. “You all know the play?” “Mm, yup,” Parker said, clipping a badge to her blazer pocket. “The Boston skip.” “It’s not the Boston Skip,” Hardison snapped, fussing with his tie.. “You’re just grumpy because you have to play the lawyer again.” Eliot smirked. “Hey, you said only if it comes to a cross examine, I did my job, if you all do your jobs right and it doesn’t come to that,” Hardison’s voice pitched upwards. “If?” Sophie put on the emergency break. “If? Hardison, I’m hurt.” “Soph,” Nate sighed. “Let it go.” “For now. We’re having words later,” Sophie insisted. “Can we just get this over with?” Eliot asked, maneuvering to take the driver’s seat. “ you know I don’t like us splitting up like this.” “It’ll only be for a bit,” Parker said, squeezing his hand. “ We’ll be fine.” They left the van in twos, first Parker and hardison, briefcase and extraneous computer in hand, and a minute or two later Sophie and Nate followed-- and Nate with a plain folder tucked under his arm. Eliot drove in the direction of the police station, ready for the next phase of the plan. They hadn’t exactly called ahead, but that wasn’t going to be much of a problem. Cisco Ramon was the first to spot them. He goggled a bit. “What are you doing here?” he asked as Hardison approached the bench where Team Flash had congregated. Hardison smiled, knowing the prosecutor was watching. “I came to offer my services,” he said, sending a quick text with a thought. “ Where is Ms Horton?” “Here,” the short woman said, her eyes cutting between the two as Cisco checked his phone. “ Who are you? Cisco, who is--” Cisco looked up from the message--you didn’t see us coming?-- and relaxed slightly for the first time in weeks. “I’m part of Mr. Allen’s legal team,” Hardison smiled wide. “He’s ok, Cecile,” Cisco vouched. “ He and his, uh, coworkers have helped us in the past. With Z--wait, that was before you. Um.” “My firm helped get Henry Allen some money, after that unfortunate mess. And we’re here to see justice through again.” He hesitated. “ Or pick up where it leaves off,” he said under his breath. Cecile took in a sharp breath. “When did we hire you?” “Uh--” “Cecile, it’s really ok,” Caitlin joined the cluster. “They know about STAR. And apparently about the recent… developments.” “You think we don’t keep tabs on your crazy city? Now, Ms. Horton, as your co-lawyer, we need to discuss strategy. I’ve got some character witnesses I’d like to introduce, some crucial evidence that needs to be submitted, is there an office we might use?” He steered her away, nodding to Parker, deep in conversation with the prosecutor.
“You let that jerk stick around?” Iris jumped when she heard the voice in her ear. Turning she sighed with recognition. “ Lilli--Sophie?” “In the flesh.” She smiled. “I can’t stay long, but Eliot wanted me to ask.” Iris sighed. “If it’s Eliot asking, I guess you mean Harry. He’s been a lot better since Eliot kicked his ass, that’s for sure. And he has been helpful.” “I’m sure,” Sophie sounded anything but sure. “Listen, we’ve got this pretty well handled, but you and your friends may wish to be ready in case of reprisals. Have you upgraded security lately?” “Cisco’s worked on it,” Iris confirmed. “Good. Hardison would love to take a look, later. We’re probably going to be in the area, we’ve had word something’s fishy at that prison of yours.” When Iris opened her mouth Sophie shook her head. “Iron Heights. Point is, we’ll be around should you need anything.” “Thank you for the offer,” Iris said. She shook her head. “ These people are smart, Sophie. Dangerous.” “Not compared to my team,” Sophie smiled. “Save your worry. Look, see? Hardison’s in place, and Parker’s in the wings. I’ve got to go take care of my part. If you see your husband, let him know, will you?” “I-- sure,” Iris said, and she watched as Sophie stood and walked into a crowd. An entirely different person made her way past a bailiff and into the Juror’s box, leaning over to the man beside her and nodding in the direction of the door Barry Allen had just been escorted through. As Iris stood to take his hand across the gap between his seat and the benches, Sophie gave a little nod to the two of them. “It is strange,” the man said. “But I don’t think we’re meant to discuss the case until we’re in the back.” “Of course not,” Sophie said. “I was just thinking about it, is all. If it were a scene in a mystery novel, I’d call it too obvious.” “You do have a point,” the man agreed. “I’m actually a novelist myself.” “You don’t say,” Sophie smiled. “Classic red herring, am I right? And what a story. Two men in the same family accused of nearly identical murders…” She tapped her com, giving a quick signal. Nate was up. “Ah, a quick word?” Nate stepped away from the wall, flagging down Mrs. DeVoe and her companion. “No,” she snapped, putting on what Nate could see was a reasonably convincing mask of Grieving Widow. Convincing to a mark, maybe. But the Mako was right--you can’t con a conman. “Vultures, all of you.” “Oh, I’m not a reporter.” Nate said easily. He nodded to the tall man at Marlize’s Elbow. “Mr. DeVoe, I’m sure you’ll want to hear what I have to say.” He was pleased to see shock cross the face of Dominic Lanse. The man grabbed him by the arm, yanking him into an empty room. Mrs. DeVoe followed, locking it behind her. “Just so you are aware, there is video footage of you dragging me in here,” Nate said in his most helpful voice. “In case you decide to kill me here, probably not your smartest move.” he glanced around. “Private, though. Good.” He gave his signature infuriating grin. “Make this quick,” Clifford said in Dominic’s voice. “Court begins soon.” “Right, well, that’s going to be your problem.” Nate shrugged. “ Let’s skip the pleasantries. I know everything, about your plan at least. Your computer banks! Normal people couldn’t even find them, so you’ve got that going for you, though the security is lacking once you get past that, so B+. I am not Normal People. I have the best hacker in the multiverse, though, so,” he clicked his tongue in mock dismay, “like I said, my team and I --I’m sure you’re trying to think of who we are right now--know everything.” Marlize glanced at her silent watch, frowning. “Oh, no, no, I’m not a meta.” Nate shook his head. “But the thing is, I don’t have to be to destroy you.” “What--” “Again. I know everything, Thinker. Your basement prison, your hidden files, what you want with that satellite… you really shouldn’t have written everything down… twice even.” He fished a small book out of his pocket, and let them see the plain cover. Clifford’s eyes darkened. “That’s mine.” “Yeah, well, I also have the
multiverse’s greatest thief.” “Our home is under police protection and surveillance. There are officers--” “There right now, I’m aware.” Eliot Spencer, clutching a cup of coffee in one hand, flashed a badge at the pair of officers standing by a door. “Any trouble?” “Nope. She just left for the courthouse. Some work, huh? Just standing here.” “Hmm.“ Eliot agreed. “Though I guess if something did happen, the Flash would swoop in.” “Nine times out of ten,” the first officer agreed. “Or one of his buddies. “ “Maybe 8 times,” the second officer shrugged. “ You new?” “Just transferred from Keystone.” Eliot said. “Not so much nonsense there.” “I hear that. Good to have the backup though.” Eliot nodded. “ You do a walk through?” “Uh, no…. Like I said, no trouble, officer-- “Ted Crichton,” Eliot interrupted. “You haven’t walked through? What if someone’s in there, waiting to assault Mrs. DeVoe when she gets back?” “Well, uh, we don’t have a warrant--” “For crying out loud--” Eliot pulled a paper from his pocket. “See? Now let's go. You stay out here. Who has the back-- does no one have the back door? “ The officers hurried inside. “Don’t forget to check the closets,” Eliot called. -- “ Like I said. Best thief. Best hacker. Now, honestly--and you can run the numbers-- your best bet would be to cut your losses right here, right now. You’re already lying on the stand, so say you were coerced into implicating Mr. Allen--if you need someone to blame I do have a list of patsys that really need the jail time. You do that, put your little plan,” he waggled the book “ back in the box or write it up as the next dystopian best seller for High School English classes to dissect for decades to come, and you can walk away from this.” A laugh. “No one will believe anything you say. That book can’t be traced to me, and even if it could be, it doesn’t prove anything. So someone thinks I’m a supervillain. I’m dead. You have nothing that proves Mr. Allen innocent. You’re out of your mind, Mr. Ford.” “Oh good, you know who I am. Think a little harder.” “As threats go, it’s half baked,” Marlize challenged. “What are you going to do if we refuse? Break Allen out of jail so he can be a fugitive? He’d never go along with it. And the Flash can’t stop us.” “I’d run those numbers again, you’ve left out quite a few variables. But no.” “No?” “If you refuse, if you keep up your little game, lie on the stand, sell that sob story, maybe you're right and the Flash can’t stop you. But he doesn’t need to. I’ll destroy you.” “You.” It was not a question. “For someone claiming to be the smartest man in the world, I’m a bit worried about your memory. I said it already--I’m not here alone. But be my guest. Tell your lies. Right about now the Jury is thinking about what an embarrassment to the city Henry Allen’s trial was and how closely this resembles it… the similarities, the way the timelines don’t quite match up… “ “Really? You’re trying to convince the jury to ignore evidence and go with their hearts? A pathos appeal? That’s not going to work. There’s less than a 3% chance of that even ending in a mistrial, much less acquittal.” “I’m sure that’s what your numbers said,” Nate smiled yet again, this time sharklike. “Cute. I bet you think it’s difficult to get assigned jury duty. “ “It-- we checked all the names. We know--” “You know who they are, yes, yes. But you don’t know who we are. Another sloppy mistake. Now, the jury’s, you're right, not a total slam dunk. So, right now the prosecutor is getting word of some new evidence from a very well respected FBI agent about how helpful the Flash and Mr Allen have both been in assisting with a case against a known human trafficker--you know her, Ammunet Black. The one you bought your puppet from. FBI picked her up…mmm, ten minutes ago? And she had some very interesting things to say. You can guess what they were. Add to that the evidence--” “What evidence?” “The wire transfers between you and Ms. Black. In December and a few days ago. We didn’t even have to fake that first one, but even if the second
one looks a little fishy, the fact that--” “Nate, we got him,” crackled Eliot’s voice in his ear. “--the police just found a metahuman locked in your hall closet--Weeper, I think is what Ms. Black called him-- should make things clear. He wasn’t thrilled about having to stick around much longer but your basement is pretty hard for normal people to find so we had to nudge that a bit. But hey, you’re all for planting evidence. Anyways, court’s in ten minutes…. but the police will be arresting you in about three, if my math’s right-- care to check?-- so I can make this very quick. We have video of you threatening the Flash, holding him prisoner the same night as that wire transfer, proof of Dominic’s powers and sale--my hacker thanks you for all those cameras and bugs, by the way, made his job much easier-- and you add that all up and it sure looks like you got upset at the Flash and Allen for poking into your meta trafficking and decided a frame up was in order.” Nate hefted the folder, “and then there’s this.” “And what,” Marlize asked, shaking with rage, “ is that?” “A copy of files that will be delivered to the FBI, NSA and Dean of Husdson University if you don’t admit to the frame up.” Nate said, thumbing through them. “Proof that you, Mrs. DeVoe, fed information to certain entities across Africa and the Middle East where you were doing your research and aid work to assist in their terror attacks and human trafficking--ties in quite nicely to your work with Ammunet, if I do say so myself. And proof that the “late” Mr. DeVoe plagiarized his thesis, his dissertation, even the syllabi for his classes.” “Lies. No one will believe any of--” “Oh, it’s all very well forged. Except for the bit about the Syllabi. For shame.” Nate tutted. “And part of the dissertation. Can they take away a PH.d posthumously? Anyways, even if it wasn’t, do you really think that no one would believe a man who thinks that giving everyone on the planet late stage Alzheimer’s is going to solve famine and illness? What kind of legitimate history teacher doesn’t know about cholera or the effects of the agricultural revolution? Every lie has a kernel of truth to it.” Nate glanced at the clock on the wall. “Well, that certainly was enlightening. And before you decide to simply kill me, run your little calculations with one more variable: Eliot Spencer.” DeVoe’s brow furrowed and what little color he had drained from his face. “ That’s what I thought. Three.. Two.. one.” Nate raised his voice. “ Help! I’m in here!” The door crashed from its hinges. “The Gloat is the best part,” Parker, FBI badge swinging, put an arm over Barry’s shoulders. He stood with Iris next to her and Eliot as the DeVoes were hauled away. “You know, I think I might have to agree,” Iris said, squeezing Barry’s hand. “Or second best, at least,” she added meaningfully. “So… what now?” Joe asked. “I mean, there’s still… the red tape, but… do we need to be worried? Don’t they still have--” “Oh, that sick chair and computer set up?” Hardison asked with a smirk. “I want it.” Harry announced. “When did you get here?” Hardison asked, affronted. -- Parker held up her badge as she pushed the crate up a ramp into Lucille. “Special Agent Hagen! Let me help you with that,” Agent McSweeten said, taking the dolley handle from her. Parker beamed, patting the side, careful not to dislodge the panel on the side. “Thanks!” -- “Anyways, you can’t just call dibs. You’re too late,” Hardison added, giving Parker a fistbump. “We stole it.”
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psychewithwings · 4 years
Pregnant s/o hcs: Mirio, Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Tamaki
SFW, just super fluffy 
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If you don’t think this man is tearing up when you tell him... uhhh you’d be wrong
He is crying over you and so happy, will kneel and just kiss your tummy 
And when you’re in bed that night going to sleep, every few minutes he will nuzzle in closer and whisper, “hey guess what? We’re gonna have a baby” 
Anytime he says he loves you now he says it to your tummy too 
“I love you Y/n, I love that you are mine and I love that you’re going to be the mother of my child” *bends down* “And I love you too baby” 
He will have a really hard time waiting until the second trimester to tell anyone but once he is able, everyone will know, and he’s going to have a party in your honor. 
He will treat you like a queen, back rubs and foot rubs...
I feel like when you first tell him you’re pregnant he will come home a few days later with a box... when you open it, it’s a maternity dress, and its actually really pretty, with lace and silk, and nice and stretchy... 
“I know you don’t need it now, but I saw it when I was out and thought it would look perfect on you...”
He will compliment you every second of every day, will trace your stretch marks and tell you they make you beautiful because it’s all part of you becoming a mother, it’s a natural tattoo, a reminder of how you’re growing a life inside you
He will want to throw a gender reveal party 
And no, it can’t be as simple as balloons popping out of a box, he’s gotta have something extravagant to celebrate like fireworks, monster trucks, or a paid actor dressed as a baby
You’re having his baby! This is a pinnacle moment in his life and he is not about to have some basic ass party
Mirio is definitely the kind of guy who thinks you can’t have sex because it could hurt the baby, you will have to make a very embarrassing call to your doctor about that... 
He is looking forward to owning dad sandals (who are we kidding he prolly already does)
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This man will shit himself, make sure he is sitting down
“Bakugo... I’m pregnant”
“I’m having a baby! You’re gonna be a dad”
He’s really happy and excited, he has no doubt you’ll be an amazing mom but he’s kinda worried about him being a dad... 
Am I fit to raise a kid? Will I be a good dad?
He will probably start working more and almost go on over drive... He will start coming home later, picking up earlier shifts... And when you ask him, “Katsuki, are you not happy about the baby?”  He will kinda break down and tell you “No of course I’m fucking happy about the baby, I just want the world to be safe for our kid... and I only have 8 months till then and-” He drops to his knees in front of you and he’s tearing up. You’ll get onto your knees too and just hug him, “Katsuki, you can’t fix the world before we have our baby,” you’ll look at him lovingly as he realizes how absurd he was being. “But we can prepare to be the best parents we can be...” “Prepare? We’re already gonna be the best parents.”
Okay, Bakugo hypes up the baby too, like...
“Katsuki, come here! The baby is kicking!” *he puts his hand on your tummy* “Baby’s so strong, just like us,” *grabs you and kisses you* “I knew we made a fucking perfect kid”
He will try kill anyone who oversteps the boundary with the bump (like touching the bump without asking)
“OI EXTRA, you wanna take your fucking hands off my woman and my kid or do  I have to do that for you...” 
Bakugo would be very unnecessarily competitive in birthing class
Will wake you up in the middle of the night at least once, he’s just laying on his back staring wide eyed at the ceiling... “What if I explode the baby?”
You’ll roll over and look at him annoyed, “you won't explode the baby,” 
He will settle again once you give him cuddles 
You cannot tell me that he would not be your biggest cheerleader when you’re actually giving birth, “PUSH, FUCKING PUSH DUMB ASS!” 
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This man freaks out for a sec... cuz daddy issues. But he has a strong resolve so he will come out of it quickly and decide how to 
“Shoto, you aren’t anything like Endeavor, you’re going to be an amazing dad”
He will be extremely happy, but his excitement will be softer
Everyday after you tell him he says you’re glowing
He will want to cook you special things because it’s healthy for the baby, or so his mother told him
Speaking of his mother, she taught him how to knit when he went to visit her in the hospital so you’ll find him knitting little hats and bootie and jackets for the baby
He will nest just as much, if not more than you do
You’ll find him awake at 3AM trying to put together some bullshit ikea thing for the baby with the tiny allen wrench they give you for free. “Shoto, come back to bed... we can do that in the morning” “But the baby needs somewhere to sleep,” “Yes, and I’m not due for another two months”
Shoto is already so soft but I think he would be softer
Like when you fall asleep on the couch, he gets home and just cuddles up to you and asks your bump how it’s day was. He will talk to the bump until you wake up and then he just pepper your face with kisses.  
He is the only one of all these men who doesn’t shit himself and die when watching the birthing tape. I think he would be calm and say something like “a woman’s body is made to carry and deliver a child, there’s nothing to be frightened of.”
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When you tell him, he’s gonna cry
He will want to call his mom right away  
Midoriya is the kinda guy to have a box of his things from when he was a kid stored away to give to his child (it’s all All Might merch but, ya know)
He definitely panics and worries if he is going to be a good father but he takes all that anxiety and just turns it into energy to care for you with
He is already signing you up for birthing classes 
This man would take you to all your doctors visits, acupuncture appointments, prenatal massages, and even a strange healing session done in the back room of a health good shop (don’t worry, he checked google reviews, 346 people, and 5 stars) (You weren't sure about it at first, but you felt very at peace afterwards, def worth the 5 star review)
He just really wants you to be happy and healthy
It would be understatement to say he treats you like a queen... he treats you like a goddess, and he tells you everyday how grateful he is that you’re his love and giving him a baby. Especially when you feel insecure about how your body is changing
He will want to make the nursery Hero themed... with an All Might wall decal... you’ll eventually opt for something a little less... exuberant like jungle animals or something. But the compromise is the All Might mobil that spins and says “I am here” while playing twinkle twinkle little star.
He will read to the bump, and sing to it because he wants the baby to know his voice
Will make a ‘goodnight’ song with you for the baby to sing to it every night 
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Tenya is so excited and immediately starts thinking of things he needs to do for you and baby
The day after he will come home with a bag from the store full of prenatal vitamins and herbal teas that are safe to drink 
“My love! I have brought you Evening Primrose supplements, it’s supposed to help with your delivery.” 
I think he has name ideas picked out already and is very excited to show them to you. They are all related to the Iida family.
He would ask his brother for advice and would be so excited to tell him when it’s time. 
Don’t even worry about pregnancy brain. Iida’s got you, he will help you remember everything you need to know and he will be patient with your cloudy thoughts. 
Iida is so matter of fact tho, I can see it coming off as insensitive, especially when you’re dealing with mood swings.
“Darling, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you it’s just that those chips make your stomach hurt and I was only trying to-” “YOU JUST DONT WANT ME TO BE HAPPYYYY!!!!!!” “My darling, I want all the happiness in the world for you, you are the mother of my child, I- please don’t cry” 
He really loves you a lot and he will learn to be a little gentler with you during this phase of the pregnancy
Braxton hicks contractions (the little fake contractions you get during the third trimester, closer to the due date) will send him into panic mode. 
But he is also so organized that he is R E A D Y 
You clutch your stomach and inhale sharply and sit down, he’s already running to get the hospital bag and getting the keys for the car. 
(The hospital bag includes, diapers, baby clothes, blankets, stress balls for you to squeeze during contractions and a birth mix which includes mostly Baroque composers but theres a few taylor swift and harry styles songs because he thinks it would be cool if the baby was born to Adore You, because Iida adores you and that baby so much)
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He is terrified
But ultimately knowing that he has a child on the way actually does wonders for his confidence because he wants his child to have a good example and he doesn’t want the child to inherit his crippling shyness
He really is there for you and much like Shoto, shows it in a soft way
Tamaki is so food oriented already that he is especially considerate of your cravings and would probably try them, no matter how weird they are
Pregnancy makes you super hungry but thats okay because Tamaki is a brilliant cook
Tamaki is also very sensitive to the knowledge that it will change after the baby is born and that he has you all to himself for just a little while longer
He is going to take you on special weekend trips, like a sleepy beach town to just relax and eat good food
He will also take you on extra dates because he just wants to soak up your time together as a couple
He is very aware of how much work you’re doing constantly to carry his child and he will want to spoil you 
“Y-you’re just so beautiful, a-and you chose me, and now you’re carrying my child...I just... I love you so much and thank you for letting me be yours b-because you make me so happy.” 
He will freak out when he sees the birthing tape
“I-I am so sorry, I can’t believe I’ve put you through this... you’re- you-  This is all my fault...” *panic panic panic*
But when you’re actually in labour he is very supportive, he will just apologize while you’re screaming in agony and wish there was something else he could do other than bring you ice chips...
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Harry Wells x Witch Reader (Flash) Short Story: Chapter 1
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“Harry get down!” The male ducked at Iris’s words, and Iris flinched, barely dodging the blaze of fire that blasted in her direction.
“Whooo! Next time make sure those cuffs are on!!” Their present metahuman had not very safe fire wielding powers. After just barely stopping him from blowing up his old job building, they were now struggling to contain him. Barry was dealing with another situation, so they were fighting to hold their own.
“Killer frost would come in handy right about now.” Iris squealed, ducking behind an overturned table, and Harry frowned, jumping to the same location. Without his gun he was a sitting duck.
“What’s the plan?” Harry asked.
“Wait it out.” she advised. They couldn’t exactly face him off. Harry raised his head to glimpse the spot of his weapon. It was on the other side of the room. If he was fast enough, he could make a break for it. Iris followed his gaze. “Harry no, we wait for Barry and the others. I don’t want to explain why you got barbecued!!”
The laughter of their assailant wasn’t very comforting.
“Come on old man, let’s see if you can outrun my flames.” He challenged. Harry’s mood was quickly depleting.
“Ready or no-” The bright flash of a light temporarily blinded the meta, and both Harry and Iris turned in the direction. She sighed in relief, assuming it was Cisco vibing in, but was surprised when a young woman jumped through the circular portal. Sporting a duffle bag too. It disappeared almost as quick as it appeared, and now all the attention shifted.
“What do we have here?” the male snickered, raising his hands as flames erupted.
“W-Watch out!” Iris yelled.
Your eyes shifted between the man standing in front of you and the two people hiding behind a desk.
“You’re kinda cute, might not set you on fire.” He spoke. Harry thought for sure you would at least react to the man that was holding fire in his palms, then again, you’d just jumped through a portal from who knows where.
“Damn it, so much for a vacation, I was so ready to kick back and relax, now I gotta deal with this.” you dropped the bag, stretching your limbs. The meta raised an eyebrow, a bit annoyed at your reaction.
“Hey! Don’t you realize you’re in some real danger. Don’t ignore me you bi-”
“Somnum.” As soon as the words left your lips his eyes shined blue, and he fell to the ground, unmoving. Iris and Harry released a breath, now they were facing an entirely different problem. When you saw the guarded way they were looking at you, you waved your hands around.
“O-Oh shit no I didn’t kill him or anything, he’s just asleep!” you said hurriedly, running over and flipping him unto his back. Iris felt a bit more reassured when she saw the steady rise and fall of his chest. “See, completely fine. Maybe a moron but fine.” you grinned, and Iris picked herself from behind the desk. Harry wasn’t as welcoming. He squinted, taking slow steps to his gun, just in case.
“You really saved us there. Thank you.” Iris moved closer with a friendly smile which you returned. “Of course, fighting demons is sort of my thing.” Iris’s brows furrowed. “Demons?” you nod. “Yeah, what else could he be. Humans don’t exactly have magic powers am I right?” you laughed at your own joke, and Iris realized at that moment that maybe she didn’t really understand this. She thought for sure you were a meta. “He..he wasn’t a demon, he’s a meta.”
“A what now? “
You had no idea what metahumans were, so the theory of you being one was completely off.
Harry grabbed his gun, charging it up and pointing it at you.
“Who are and what do you want!”
“Harry!” Iris scolded.
“What, she just pops up from a circle light and knocks that meta out without so much as a flinch. I think we should be a little more cautious. “
You were still smiling widely at Harry. He didn’t know what was more unsettling, the fact that you didn’t look the least bit intimidated, or the way your smile directed at him was giving him weirdly calming vibes.
“I’m a witch!” you chirped.
“Come again?” Harry spoke.
“Witch, you know, magical powers, fighting demons and other evil magical creatures. I know what you’re thinking, brooms and pointing hats which personally I’d like to say is a bit offensive if you really think about it and-” The whiplash of wind smacked into your face and your eyes widen at the man now standing at the dark skinned women’s side. He was wearing a suit and all.
“Woah, that’s a lot of red..”
“Iris are you okay, what happened? I got a notification that the lab was under attack. “ He seemed distracted with his worry for the woman, and she quickly reassured him.
“I’m good Barry, after you guys dropped that meta off he kind of went on a rampage. The cuffs got loose.” Barry looked over, now noticing the way Harry was still holding a gun, when he followed he saw the very unconscious male, and an unfamiliar woman.
“Uh, hi.” he said a bit awkwardly.
“Sup.” you greeted.
“Who umm, who is this?” he inquired.
“(Y/N), (L/N) at your service. Full fledged witch.”
“Yep! So you guys get any food around here. Been travelling for a while. “ you just started walking around, in search of a fridge it would seem. Barry’s brows knitted and Iris sighed.
That was an understatement.
“So while we were out superheroing, you guys found a wizard?” Cisco voiced.
“Witch.” you corrected, munching on your fries.
“Well, I’m just glad you came in when you did, you really saved us.” Iris thanked.
“We had it handled.” Harry groused from his side. He was messing with some type of machine, and you just scrunched your nose at him. In which he blinked in confusion. “Please tell me why again we’re entertaining this kid.”
“Excuse me I’m thirty-five! Although I’m flattered by your compliment.”
“You’re older than me?” Barry asked in confusion. You nod. “What, do I really not look like it.” It did make sense why those bouncers always asked you for ID before entering.
“What can I say, got good genes.”
Iris was still watching you with a little smile. You smiled back of course, a bit confused, but still happy that she wasn’t as mean as Harry. Barry noticed, and he had a feeling he knew why his wife was looking at you so fondly. He reached over, giving her arm a squeeze, and she looked up at him, glowing. There was a secret exchange between the both of them.
“Can I just comment that you guys are so cute, kind of remind me of Harry and Macy, if they ever stop avoiding the obvious that is.”
“Wait, there’s a Harry in your world too?”
“Well yeah, but he isn’t like Mr. Grumpy over there. Plus he british. He’s a whitelighter.”
“What’s that?” Cisco was as expected curious about all you had to offer. He’d been quizzing you since he got back from as he phrased ‘superheroing.’
“They're like guardians, they protect witches like me. Macy and her sisters, their witches like me. I needed to take a break from the whole helping save the world thing. It seemed safe now so I thought I’d do a little universe jumping. My day job was getting a little stressful too. My brother thought I could use the relaxation so he’s running our business right now. I wonder sometimes if we’re even related because the guy loves working. Guess you get that way when you work long enough and I feel like I’m rambling, am I rambling?”
“Annoyingly.” came Harry’s flat response.
“Kay..so do you guys mind if I stick around town for a while. I can even help with your little meta problem which is even crazier than fighting demons every once in a while. “
You were grinning so widely, Barry didn’t really have the will to turn you down.
“S-Sure why not.”
“Are you serious Allen, for all we know this whole story could be made up. Witches, really? What if she’s just some psychopathic meta.”
“First of all, ouch, I’m not some psycho.” he looked utterly unimpressed.
“Is it really that hard for you to believe in magic, you fight superhuman people on the daily. “
“They were brought about by science, logical explanation. Magic isn’t real. No proof, no logic.”
You shifted from your seat, dusting your hands. Stepping closer, you stopped when you were face to face with him. He was pretty tall now that you were closer.
He was still somewhat glaring at you, and the others in the room were watching in anticipation.
“Let our eyes reveal what cannot be seen, and show those what seems make believe.” you turned your palm, and Harry’s gaze shifted to the pink light now emitting from your hand.
“Terra, ventus, ignis, aqua.” 
Right before his eyes, he could see the elements swerving in your hand. The four major elements connected, right before they rose, in seconds the light from you dissipated, flashing quick and evaporating, leaving nothing but bright specs of what appeared to be crystals. Harry gaped.
“Awesome…” Cisco muttered.
“Somethings in life aren’t logical Harrison, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Love, fear, hope...these are all things that exist, but we can’t see it, touch it, does that deter the belief in its existence?”
Harry was speechless. This time when you watched him, you were just beaming, and he couldn’t comprehend why it erupted a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. You just stared at each other, after a few silent moments, Harry moved his gaze to the floor, clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses. Without another word he was walking off. You watched him until he made it around the counter.
“I think he likes me.”
Cisco laughed, and so did everyone else in the room.
40 notes · View notes
cinematicnomad · 4 years
1, 7, 25 for the fanfic end of year ask :)
001. favorite fic you wrote this year i have a soft spot for take my hand (take my everything) which was the first fic i wrote this year! and kind of the first step back into writing creatively on something new that wasn’t the 7 year monster sterek fic. also my first foray into 9-1-1 fic and was just a lot of fun! 
007. longest completed fic you wrote this year the longest fic i wrote was my second for the year! so show me (family) wound up being around 16k+ for 9-1-1 which kind of burst out of me over the course of one 48 hour window unlike take my hand which took a few weeks to crank out. 
025. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read SO MANY FICS DUDE!!! i’m gonna rec a couple, some that i re-read this year and some that i discovered for the first time, all from a variety of fandoms. BUT heads up, you didn’t specify a fandom so it’s gonna be a little scattered. also someone else sent me this same question but specified 9-1-1, so i’m gonna reserve those recs for that ask. GET READY!!
and this, your living kiss by opal_bullets (7/7 | 84k+ | M) destiel; AU: college/university; john winchester’s A+ parenting; angst with a happy ending
only a very few people in the world know that the celebrated and reclusive poet jack allen is just kansas mechanic dean winchester, a high school dropout with a few bucks to his name. not that it matters anymore; life has left him so wrung out he never wants to pick up another pen.
until, that is, a string of coincidences leads dean to auditing a poetry course with one dr. castiel novak. the professor is wildly intelligent, devastatingly handsome...and just so happens to be academia’s foremost expert on the poetry of jack allen.
note: i discovered this fic back in the pre-pandemic times of feb 2020 and i’ve read this fic TWICE since, leaving a lengthy comment each time. the poetry in the fic itself is stunningly gorgeous and i have a habit of reading it out loud to myself while reading bc it begs to be heard. this fic is seriously beautiful and makes me want to read all the poet!dean au’s out there in the world. unfortunately there aren’t that many so i just keep coming back to this well. i don’t think i can express enough how much i love this fic. 
lost time by ARCurren (105/105 | 350k+ | T)  bransonxsybil; AU: canon divergent; outsider POVs; original characters; slow burn
the story of a free spirit who was asked to give up the man she loved for a system she didn’t believe in and what happened next. AU after 3.04. 
note: did i think, when i stumbled across this fic years ago, that it would wind up being one of my all time favorites that i return to time and again to re-read? never. did i re-read it for like the dozenth time this year?? 110%. this fic is everything i want from fanfiction—it’s beautifully written, expands on canon, and shows me all the hidden moments the cameras never did (not to mention it’s historically accurate and delves deep into irish politics of the time). the first third or so of this fic is all about tom and sybil’s slow burn romance at downton, but the fic really bursts into its own when we follow the two to dublin and get introduced to all of the author’s deliciously detailed oc’s. heads up warning: this fic was never officially completed, though the final chapter is a beautifully written summary of the final arc of the fic. even so, it’s fucking worth it. 
misfire by mothlights & unpossible (6/6 | 28k+ | T) sterek; time travel; angst with a happy ending; alive hale family; magic; alternating POV
“the debt must be repaid,” she says, and it has the weight of a vow. the words resonate through him, ringing through his ribcage and the bones of his jaw, and stiles loses his breath and maybe his grip on reality because she draws herself upright and where there had once stood a supermodel-level MILK now there is galadriel’s much hotter older sister, a presence of unmistakable power in their ordinary, smells-vaguely-of-thai-takeout hallway. 
“oh shit,” stiles says. 
note: this fic is the first in the misfire ‘verse and i need you to understand that it literally broke me when i binge read these fics a month or so ago. i am a sucker for a solid time travel fic especially bc there are such few good ones in fandom. but this gets at the heart of it all by exploring the idea of stiles getting the chance to save derek’s family and taking it...after he and derek are romantically together in his true timeline and then actually dealing with the ramifications of how that alters everything and how stiles survives in this new present where he and derek are virtual strangers. everyone should definitely read this, but you should also know that i fucking sobbed while reading the sequel (which also has a happy ending, but really digs deep into the nitty gritty angst of the repercussions). 
map of the world by seperis (11/11 | 154k+ | M)  destiel; end!verse; alternate universe; canon divergent; original characters; slow burn
the world’s already over and they’re already dead. all they’re doing now is marking time until the end. 
note: look, if you don’t know about down to agincourt by @seperis, what are you doing with your life?? the series is over 1M+ words so far, the fic author is on book 4 out of a planned 8, and it’s fucking phenomenal. i know i’ve tagged a couple of these recs as slow burn but...this is the slowest slow burn to ever burn. canon!dean travels back into the end!verse timeline just as lucifer kills dean and somehow cas made it out alive and has to keep dean safe while he learns to become his end!verse counterpoint. the world building in this series is intense and i cannot recommend it enough. i’m still in the midst of my re-read bc it’s SUCH an endeavor but i highly recommend it to everybody. 
invictus by ellanasan (116/116 | 355+ | M) hayffie; au: alive abernathy family; pre-hunger games; canon prostitution; slow burn
“so then, before i can even think about doing something stupid like trying to stab him with his fucking golden paperknife, he gives me a choice, see?” haymitch continued, almost detached. “either i play nice like all the other victors or he’ll kill my family. i could either become his puppet—greatest punishment he could give me, according to him—or i could become the example.”
AU in which haymitch’s family lives.
note: hello, have you ever wondered what the hunger games series would be like if haymitch’s family were alive? i fucking hadn’t until 2 years ago when i stumbled across this fic and fell head over heels in love with this ship. @ellanainthetardis is my go to hunger games fic writer for anything exploring canon and i’m obsessed with anything she writes about the OG victors pre-canon (finnick, joanna, chaff, etc). this fic is just 300k+ exploring that world and all the intricate details of how cruel the games could really be. HIGHLY recommend. i definitely re-read it this fall when i needed a pick me up.
don’t know what i’m supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you) by crazyassmurdererwall (1/1 | 30k+ | T) sterek; canon divergent; angst with a happy ending; ghosts; stiles POV
stiles sees dead people. yep. seriously.
(he’s got this. he’s totally got this. so what if one of them is derek’s mom?)
note: did you know that @crazyassmurdererwall is one of my all time favorite people? and that she’s wicked talented? and that in our spare time she’ll send me a billion fic ideas that are amazing and i get to hear all the intricate details of her plot bunnies? but i digress. this fic is one of my all time fave sterek fics i’ve re-read it sooo many times. there’s just something about the heartache and stiles’ insecurity and the way he tries to shoulder it all on his own. and then there’s alli’s brilliant writing, the way she weaves through a scene and paints a picture just so and manages to tug at your heart strings with her precise word choice. there’s some amazing world building in this fic as it explores this other facet of the supernatural that canon teen wolf never touched upon, and i’m so grateful for that bc alli is the only one who should be allowed to write about ghosts and teen wolf together. 
lagavulin and guinness by snarfle (10/10 | 163k+ | explicit) hartwin; slow burn; PTSD; suicidal thoughts; graphic depictions of violence; domestic abuse
plenty of people had looked down on eggsy throughout his life. he had gotten fairly used to it. didn’t mean it was fair, but he knew how these things worked. what really sucked was that the new arthur was worse than the old one.
“eggsy grimaced. he didn’t know how to explain to harry—who seemed like he hadn’t been discriminated against a day in his life—that the new arthur kept giving him what amounted to suicide missions, and that he was currently bleeding out in a warehouse because of the deliberately bad intel she had given him.”
also featuring: dean is harder to get rid of than eggsy thought, his mum is going off the deep end, there are way too many nefarious plots in play, and eggsy is really beginning to wish that harry would stop holding his hand and kiss him instead.
note: look, i know i recced this literally less than a week ago but i ALSO stayed up til 5AM re-reading this last night and it was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. i was on a bit of a kingsman kick earlier this year, so i’ve actually re-read this fic TWICE so far in 2020. i will give you a serious warning in that this fic delves deep into domestic abuse through the lens of a variety of different relationships. it also explores the potential for abuse in hartwin, bc this fic is one of the few that actually commits to the fact that they’re literal spies who murder people. actively. a lot. but seriously, this fic is one of my fave in the fandom and i STRONGLY recommend it. 
waste of breath by bryrosea (1/1 | 22k+ | M) loganxveronica; canon compliant; missing scenes; navy; past child abuse
logan echolls, the nine years, and the navy.
note: bryrosea has an obscene number of amazing logan and veronica fics (her canon divergent series stay with me is another i re-read this year), but i’ve found myself returning to this fic a lot over the years. i’m a sucker for canon compliant fics that explore the missing scenes in between canon and this fic hits all the right buttons by diving deep into how logan echolls went from being a trash fire at hearst college at the end of s3 to being a decorated navy pilot by the movie. it explores logan seeking out therapy and making a life for himself that he can be proud of, all while pining after the girl who got away. and bc this author is amazing, she followed it up with a sequel from veronica’s point of view in the series done by only me. 
the law of equivalent exchange by awed_frog (8/8 | 60k+ | M) destiel; POV castiel; pre-canon; post-canon; canon compliant; immortality; reincarnation
“and what’s the point of it?”
“of love? there isn’t one. loving is its own purpose.” 
note: i mean??? i don’t really know what to say except that this is one of the truly most beautiful fics i have ever read. it follows castiel through time as he meets different reincarnations of sam and dean across history and falls ever more deeply in love. it is achingly tender and so ecstatically written that i die just thinking about it. and that summary? i mean. holy fuck break my heart why don’t you? i don’t know how i missed out on this fic for so long since it was published in 2015 but i only learned about it for the first time back in july and it was. life changing?? when the fic finally reaches the canon timeline and he meets THIS dean it’s peak yearning. 10/10 will read again.
ahead in the count by elisela (17/17 | 50k+ | E) sterek; AU: sports; pitcher!stiles; teacher!derek; long distance relationship; getting together
“yankee fan,” derek says, laughing when stiles makes a disgusted face. “the bronx bombers, stiles, you can’t be a new yorker and—”
“stop talking right now,” stiles sighs, shaking his head. “i can’t believe i still want to kiss you after that,” he says, pulling derek in by his coat. “this is making me rethink everything.” 
“i’ll never watch them again,” derek promises, and stiles laughs against his mouth. 
or: stiles is a starting pitcher for the NY mets when he meets and falls in love with derek. derek doesn’t know. 
note: i read SO MANY of @elisela’s 911 fics this summer, which i loved, and then she got into teen wolf and started writing sterek and i just about died. this fic is amazing, one of my fave sterek AU’s that i’ve read in years. it’s just the right amount of drama and angst and fluff filled with all the joys of miscommunication and character relationships that makes reading sterek such a joy. reading this fic and finding out eli needed fic recs pushed me to dive back in to reading sterek fics for a bit this fall so i can say with the utmost authority that this is one of the best i’ve read in a long time. 
i used to think one day we’d tell the story of us by notequitegucci (2/2 | 32k+ | M) gendrya; alternate universe—modern setting; outsider POV; friends to lovers; friends to lovers
9 times a stark encounters gendry + 1 time he meets the starks.
note: again, this is the first in a 2 part series titled love me like you do that explores arya and gendry’s dynamics together through the point of view of her family. game of thrones ended last year with a whimper but i keep returning to the gendrya tag on ao3 to seek out new, amazing content and also to re-read some old favorites. i can’t remember if i came across this for the first time last year or this one, but i’ve read it and re-read it more times than i can count since and i love it more than i can describe. i’m a total sucker for outsider POV fics and my biggest pet peeve in canon is the fact that none of the stark’s ever found out that arya and gendry had a history together. this modern au fic almost makes up for it by giving me a gendry encounter with every family member and then the big reveal. it’s peak content. 
theeeeeeese recs got a little away from me. i wasn’t originally intending on adding lengthy notes to each entry but ... oh well!! these are all amazing so please enjoy. 
fanfic end of the year asks
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1. Reblog this post (You don’t have to be following me to participate (but I’d appreciate it), I just would like this on your page 😊)
2. Send me an ask (not into my messages because they will get lost) with the name of the person you want to write for as well as the prompt you choose from below (Limit 2 people per prompt and 2 prompts per person) (First come, first serve by asks)
a. I’ll cross out prompts that are unavailable if people choose them, so always look for the most updated version of this post.b. If your writing account isn’t the one you’ve send an ask with, please include the name of your account at the end of the ask!
3. Use the hashtag #Riaswritingchallenge and tag me so I can see what you created! (make sure you use the correct tag because that will be how I am looking for posts)
a. I will reblog all the posts you write and if I don’t reblog within 3 days, send me an ask to make sure I see it
4. If it’s more than 1.5K (no word limit, go for it), add a keep reading option please so we don’t have pages and pages of pieces
a. If you can’t, that’s fine, I don’t think you can on the mobile
5. Don’t Stress and Have Fun! We aren’t comparing works to anyone; we’re just sharing what we wrote!
6. I’m not putting an end date on this challenge until I see activity! I’ll reblog with a date when I have one.
EDIT: So I’ve decided not to take requests for myself off this list and just leave these prompt to you guys, SO PLEASE DON’T SEND ME REQUESTS FROM THESE LISTS! CHOOSE ONES FOR YOU TO WRITE! 😊 Thank you!
Characters (Pick ANY character from a fandom):
The 100• Marvel• Harry Potter• Flash• Walking Dead• <- those are examples, choose what ever you’d like!
Prompts (specify which list in ask):
1. “Just hold me close and never let go.”
The One by @with1love1anu (Sirius Black x Reader)
2. “You may be good, but I’m better.” 
@abysshaven (Draco Malfoy x reader)
3. “You know, I’d go through hell for you.” “Really?” “Yeah, or well, really hot weather.”
@abysshaven (Draco Malfoy x reader)
@fridasfantasy (Zuko x Reader)
4. “Well you’re fun.” “And you’re annoying.”
Sirius Black x Reader by @valiantartwritingweasel
Just my Type by @writeseasonally (Fred Weasley x Reader)
5. “You’re drunk.” “I’m not drunk.” “Then what are you?” “…I’m not dead, right?”
@nekoannie-chan (Brock Rumlow x Reader)
Truth under Moonlight by @approved-by-dentists (Sirius Black x Reader)
6. “You’re a lot more interesting in my head.”
Hoax by @seiraswriting (Hermione Granger x Reader)
7. “You just have to trust me.”
Proud of you by @fandomscombine (George Weasley x Reader)
8. “Time flies when you’re a prisoner.”
9. “You’re my home.”
Home by @capsheadquaters (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
10. “Thanks for not killing me.”
@wonderful-writer​ (Sirius Black x Reader)
11. “I’m going to choose to take pride in that.”
Freedom of Innocence by @summer-writes (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
Gone by @moony-writes-stuff​ (George Weasley x Reader)
12. “You’re my second chance.”
@bad268 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
Second Chances by @shaynawrites23 (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
13. “Take me by the hand and hold me tight.”
If it Hurts by @oingo233 (Daryl Dixon x reader)
14. “I’m proud of us.”
15. “Will you get off me?”
Snowscape by @kalimagik (Fred Weasley x Reader)
16. “I didn’t think it was possible, but I just fell more in love with you.”
@they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon (Remus Lupin x Reader)
I Love you by @theonly1outof-a-billion​​ (Mob!Tom Holland x Reader)
17. “You are everything I dreamed of.”
@the-moon-and-the-book​ (Remus Lupin x Reader)
18. “Here, let me help you.”
@dreamer821 (Sirius Black x Reader)
19. “Can I have a kiss? Please?”
Can I kiss you? by @bad268 (Julian Albert x Reader)
20. “Your hand is so soft.”
Gentle Hands by @johnmurphyisbisexual (John Murphy x Reader)
21. “I’ve been thinking-“ “uh oh.”
A Beautiful Dream by @missmulti (Remus Lupin x Reader)
22. “But you love me anyways.”
@leah-ravenanne (James Potter x Reader)
Secret Admirer by @shaynawrites23 (Sirius Black x Reader)
23. “Want a back rub?”
24. “Can we cuddle?”
Gentle Hands by @johnmurphyisbisexual (John Murphy x Reader)
25. “You realize how insane you sound, right?”
Crazy for You by @writeroutoftime (Sirius Black x Reader)
@wonderful-writer​ (Sirius Black x Reader)
26. “Stop making that face. It’s too cute.”
Proud of you by @fandomscombine (George Weasley x Reader)
27. You are perfect for me.”
Party Revelations by @angelinathebook (Sirius Black x Reader)
28. “You’re so warm.”
Snowscape by @kalimagik (Fred Weasley x Reader)
29. “I love you more every day.”
30. “Where’s my morning kisses?”
31. “Wanna go for a walk?”
Comfort by @iliveiloveiwrite (Sirius Black x reader)
32. “I’m here when you’re ready to talk.”
Comfort by @iliveiloveiwrite (Sirius Black x Reader)
33. “Stop stealing my food.”
34. “Wow, I almost forgot how beautiful you were.”
@hollands-weasley (Fred Weasley x Reader)
35. “There’s an open seat on my lap.”
Party Revelations by @angelinathebook (Sirius Black x Reader)
@stiles-o-dylan24 (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
36. “Please just look at me.”
@horsegirly99 (Remus Lupin x Reader)
37. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Star Crossed Lovers by @missmulti (James Sirius Potter x Reader)
@horsegirly99 (Remus Lupin x Reader)
38. “Netflix and cuddle?”
39. “I can count to ten.” “You can barely get to 3.”
40. “My best friend is an idiot. Awesome.”
1. “Despite everything, I still care about you.”
Blind Love by @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
2. “I should go…”
Never Leave Me Again by @with1love1anu (George Weasley x Reader)
@they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon (Remus Lupin x Reader)
3. “Joke’s on me, right?”
To Love and Be Used by @the-moon-and-the-book (James Potter x Reader)
4. “Break my heart, I’ll break your face.”
5. “Fuck you and your promises.”
Promises by @masterofthedarkness (Fred Weasley x Reader)
6. “Remember when I asked for your opinion? No? Me neither.”
7. “I’m not worth dying for.”
A Beautiful Dream by @missmulti (Remus Lupin x Reader) 
8. “There’s still good in you.”
All for You by @blisfvll (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
9. “I thought you died.”
Home by @capsheadquaters (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
@screennamealreadyused (Jason Todd x Reader)
10. “Don’t touch me.”
@screennamealreadyused (Jason Todd x Reader)
11. “I’m fine.” *Passes out*
Can I kiss you? by @bad268 (Julian Albert x Reader)
@dreamer821 (Sirius Black x Reader)
12. “I was hoping you’d save us both.”
Never Leave Me Again by @with1love1anu (George Weasley x Reader)
13. “I’m invisible.”
14. “I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
To Love and Be Used by @the-moon-and-the-book (James Potter x Reader)
15. “You’re not you.”
16. “What do you want me to say? That I’m sorry? I’m not.”
@novellaquill (Barry Allen x reader, The originals crossover)
17. “Okay, fuck you.”
18. “You wanna play hero? Be my guest.”
Drama by @obsessedwithrandomthings (Remus Lupin x Reader)
19. “You’re an asshole.”
20. “I hope it was worth it.”
21. “Trust me, it could get a whole lot worse.”
22. “The only mistake I made was you.”
@acciomarauders (Regulus Black x Reader)
23. “Prove to me you’re different, then I’ll believe you.”
@stiles-o-dylan24 (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
24. “No one blames you.” “I do.”
All for you by @blisfvll (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
25. How come you’re still here?”
26. “This is when you stop talking.”
27. “How am I supposed to say goodbye to you?”
@novellaquill (Barry Allen x reader, The originals crossover)
28. “God, just let me fall apart.”
Gone by @moony-writes-stuff​ (George Weasley x Reader)
29. “Just let me die.”
John Murphy x Reader by @johnmurphyisbisexual
Duelled by @teheharrypotter (Sirius Black x Reader)
30. “You got to let go.”
Star Crossed Lovers by @missmulti (James Sirius Potter x Reader)
31. “Why can’t you look at me like you look at her?”
Fool’s Gold by @marauderswhisperer (James Potter x Reader)
32. “You don’t get to die today.”
If it Hurts by @oingo233 (Daryl Dixon x reader)
33. “I’m spiraling and I can’t make it stop.”
John Murphy x Reader by @johnmurphyisbisexual
34. “You’re never too broken to be fixed.”
She’s a Survivor by @eleven-times-lively (Remus Lupin x Reader)
35. “Fun? Is that all I am to you? Fun?”
36. “I would’ve given my life up for you, but now? Now I don’t even know you.”
@shatteredlovesick (Steve Rogers x reader)
37. “I haven’t been the same since you left me.”
Charm-ed by @nekoannie-chan (Steve Rogers x Reader)
38. “You were supposed to protect me.”
39. “You gave me the world, but it wasn’t enough.”
40. “Give me another chance to prove I am still in love with you.”
(Sorry I couldn’t find or come up with more smut ones lol)
1. “Ruin me.”
2. “Lose the shirt.”
3. “You know we’re in public, right?”
4. “Be good.” “Or what, you’ll punish me?”
5. “I can’t wait to get you alone tonight.”
6. “Spread your legs for me.”
7. “Remember. You’re mine.”
8. “Stop the lip biting, you’re driving me crazy.”
9. “Tonight, you’re in control.”
10. “I’m not wearing anything under this.”
11. “Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?”
Learned your Lesson by @johnmurphyisbisexual (John Murphy x Reader)
12. “Aw, is somebody jealous?”
13. “If you wanna fuck, just say the words.”
14. “I forgot how much I missed seeing you beneath me.” 
@shatteredlovesick (Steve Rogers x Reader)
15. “Oh, fuck you!” “Your place or mine?”
16. “Was the sex really that good?”
17. “Like what you’re seeing?”
18. “On your knees.”
19. “Handcuffs? Sounds fun.”
20. “Touch yourself for me.”
Learned your Lesson by @johnmurphyisbisexual (John Murphy x Reader)
21. “Try not to ruin the sheets, I just cleaned them.”
22. “Why is your dick out?”
23. “Boobies!”
24. “I think the condom broke.”
Oh, baby by @grounderxbellamy (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
25. “Cute underwear.”
165 notes · View notes
bellablue42 · 4 years
Myself as a writer and Death of the Author
I’m trying to write a novel, and it’s really hard. I feel like I’m not getting anywhere, I’m on my fifth draft and trying to create a lengthy enough narrative that doesn’t feel like filler. It is difficult, to say the least, and I really admire people with the ability to write quickly and well. 
But there’s a lot about She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named going around again, and it made me think. We all know that she’s not the best person, but she is a writer, and she is a creator, and her works are widespread. And that... causes problems.
Is it ok to consume her work? How much do her opinions reflect in her work, and can we spot it? I have no idea, but here’s my best shot, as an aspiring writer and a high-school literature student.
Please be warned I have no experience, and I’m kind of making this up as I go along, but here we go.
Last year, at the start of the school year, in Literature, my class watched Midnight in Paris. The movie was written and directed by Woody Allen, who is... well-known for all the wrong reasons, namely allegedly assulting seven-year-old Dylan Farrow. One of the girls in my class pointed out this fact, and my teacher nodded and said that we were discussing Death of the Author.
Death of the Author is an interesting topic. It holds that an author’s intentions and background should have no impact on interpreting a text. It is interesting, and it is really bloody hard to do.
Keep in mind that if you pick up a book by a relatively famous author, you will know something about them. If you take Mrs Dalloway, for example, if you’ve ever heard of Virginia Woolf, you will doubtless know that she was a writer and that she committed suicide, even if you know nothing else. The fact that she did commit suicide will influence the way you read Mrs Dalloway.
If you read Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath, for example, you will probably know that Plath was not mentally healthy and committed suicide by sticking her head in an oven. And that will influence the way you read Lady Lazarus. If you read any of Lovecraft’s work, you will come to the conclusion that he is a racist. It’s not hard to figure out.
Death of the Author means separating these facts from the way you interpret a work. It is really hard, trust me.
Because we look for links, everywhere we look for these links. We know that Sylvia Plath committed suicide, so when you read Lady Lazarus, you make connections. Go read Lady Lazarus now, go read it knowing that Plath committed suicide, and keep that fact in mind. Here’s the link: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/49000/lady-lazarus
Now read it again, and try to forget it, all the connections you made knowing that Plath stuck her head in an oven. It is really hard to do, because you know, and you remember. Death of the Author is forgetting the context of the author, forgetting their impact on the text.
Here’s a thing, I write a lot. Like, a lot. Not published, obviously, but I write about as much as I read, and that is a lot. And I believe, that when you write, you put a bit of yourself into it. It doesn’t have to be obvious, maybe just the way you connect to a character, or your views on a topic. I can’t say I don’t do this - my main character is an asexual lesbian who panics a lot and loves her girlfriend. Her competence doesn’t come from me, but the gender, the sexuality, the panic? All of that is inspired by, you know, me. My experiences, my opinions. I am conscious in my word choices, I’m trying not to use gendered language for the soldiers, because they are men, women, non-binary, genderfluid and others, all together, so my main character can’t call them her men, they are her soldiers. It’s hard. I’m aware that I have biases, and my reading experiences are usually texts that ... do not do this. 
Sorry, I’m rambling, and no-one wants to know. 
But I as a writer, put a bit of myself in my work. And I think that’s what makes Death of the Author so hard to do, so hard to remember. 
And now onto HER. I can’t remember what brought my attention to her in the first place, maybe a post about a Harry Potter tv show?
The problem about JK Rowling is that she wrote Harry Potter. And Harry Potter is... huge. The problem is that we grew up on Harry Potter. 
Looking back, there are big problems with the series; plot holes bigger than my fist, a lack of original plot lines, and little creativity. Harry Potter is a mishmash of already well-established genres and archetypes, and it... doesn’t fit together particularly well. 
(Take Dumbledore, at once the mentor archetype from the fantasy genre and the authority figure in the boarding school genre. The problem is that being both causes a bit of dissonance. He mimics the typical ‘wise old mentor wizard’ from fantasy, like Gandalf, but he is also a school headmaster. He is a grandfatherly teacher who takes an interest in the son of two of his past students, nothing particularly new, but at the same time, he’s a figure out of legend, an incredibly powerful man, both magically and politically. It is hard for my brain to fit them together well because they are two different archetypes and they don’t mesh. They belong in different genres, because the way he is written can’t seem to decide which one he is. I might write more on this later if anyone’s interested)
But Rowling’s a TERF. And she’s been on Twitter and said all sorts of bizarre things about the odd mish-mash of genres she’s created. I’m not really a fan of Harry Potter anymore, I grew up with it. I have seven books in a shoebox under my bed. I have read far better books, I have read many, many books with more interesting stories, better internal consistency and characters with actual depth, who don’t need fandom to be interesting. 
And yet I still have all seven books in a shoebox under my bed. It’s hard. I genuinely liked the books - when I was twelve. I’d sooner recommend the Discworld books by the late great Sir Terry Pratchett than Harry Potter, and not just because of HER. They’re better books. Harry Potter is average. 
But we loved them. 
And Rowling’s a TERF. Her views on trans people are... not okay, by any measure. I don’t have words for ... how great the cognitive dissonance is. She wrote a series, a seven-book, eight-movie series, about the power of unconditional love. Over a million words, just under 20 hours about acceptance and tolerance. And yet she doesn’t believe that trans women are women. 
The problem is that it is hard to apply Death of the Author. Once you know that JK discriminates against transgender people, it is hard to read Harry Potter without remembering that. 
Then you get into other issues about how all of the endgame couples are straight. And Dumbledore’s only gay when the series is ended. And there’s a lack of diversity in the books and the movies. And once you start reading into it, it gets ... iffy. Because it’s not meant to be read into, not meant to be analysed. It’s a children’s series. But it’s problematic, not for the things it says, but fo the things it doesn’t say.
The thing is that SHE is impressive. As a writer, at least, not as a person. Because it is hard to write, and she managed an extensive, relatively-coherent storyline across seven books, released over ten years. But her first book got rejected, again and again. 
Her net worth is somewhere between 650 million and 1.2 billion. And she earns all that money off a book series whose main themes are friendship and love. And she’s a TERF.
I can’t say I hate her - I don’t know her. She might be a genuinely nice person, but she’s a TERF. She doesn’t believe that trans people are the gender that they say they are. I cannot understand how you can believe that, but. She does, apparently. She wrote so much about love conquering all evil, and friendship saving the day, but she doesn’t think that trans women should be allowed into female bathrooms.
I hate her ideology. 
Go read Discworld instead. Think about Death of the Author, then read Night Watch. It’s a great book. Or go read Good Omens, because Pratchett co-wrote that. 
The thing about Discworld is that you can tell what Pratchett thinks is worth paying attention to. Small Gods is primarily about religion, about belief, and about people. The last one is the most important, because Pratchett believed that the greatest thing you can be is human and kind, and he’s right. The witches on the Discworld are... perhaps not nice, but they are decent, and they are fundamentally people. They are human, and they are kind, and that is what makes them good people. 
The thing about Harry Potter is that “Muggle” sounds like a slur. There’s all this attention paid to the whole “mudblood” thing that people forget that behind all the blood purity nonsense - which sounds a lot like eugenics - the purebloods, the rich entitled kids, believe that non-magical people are less than animals. The Wizarding world is stuck in the Middle Ages, not even the bloody Renaissance. Human history has passed them by. It is so hard now to read Harry Potter without finding problems, like how all the magicals are fundamentally stupid, how a literal one-year-old is praised for supposedly killing an extremely powerful mass-murdering psycopath. A one-year-old. The Wizarding World is not a functional society, and it’s not meant to be. It’s not meant to hold up to scrutiny.
Look, Harry Potter is average, at best. Ask me for good kids books and I will point you in a dozen different directions, and I will point you in a dozen different directions - but not there. 
Because Death of the Author is hard. Not taking the creator’s intentions and background into account when interpreting a work is hard. You can know that an author is queer, or a person of colour, or of a certain religion, but once you know it, it is hard to not see it. 
You see, all the main characters in Harry Potter are white. They’re also all straight. Everyone not Harry Potter is flat. There is very little depth to anyone in those books, because they don’t matter. Hermione is defined by her relationship with Ron because her relationship is the most debated part of her character. Ron - in the movies at least - is seen as stupid because he is written stupid, he is written as comic relief. Book-verse Ron is a strategist, but that’s only really shown in the first two books. They’re not written with depth, they don’t need it. Harry’s the protagonist, Hermione’s the smart one, Ron’s the dumb-but-loyal comic-relief best friend. Ginny is the love interest, Luna’s the crazy one, the twins are comic-relief pranksters. Draco is the racist antagonist, Voldemort is a more extreme mass-murdering version. There are exactly zero trust-worth adults in a whole seven-book series, there are three? characters with depth in the whole series, everyone else is defined by a role and a single characteristic.
It is so hard to look critically at Harry Potter and not see everything that relates to Rowling. It is problematic as a series, and problematic as content created by a TERF. It is problematic as literature in the first place. It’s written as a kids book, but for all its ‘adult’ themes, it can’t stand up to scrutiny.
This got long - I got a bit carried away. Sorry.
Tell me what you think, tell me your opinion. I’d love to discuss this with you because it so hard to write about. Argue with me, tell me I’m wrong. Tell me I’m right if you think I am. Have I said anything problematic? Please lets start talking about this because it’s interesting and a difficult topic, and I think we need to start looking closer at authors and content creators. 
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Rise Up
Ch.8: Losing My Head
Previous Story: It Had To Be You || Current Masterlist
Pairings: Barry Allen x OFC
Chapter Summary: Belén discovers the recent string of robberies Datura and Poison Ivy have been doing. She spends a lot of time trying to figure out what the purpose of the robberies could be for, so much that it puts her out of sync with the rest of the team, including Barry.
Pronunciation of OC: Bell-en. The last syllable has an emphasis so it’s not pronounced like ‘Helen’ would be.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog​ @maaaaarveeeeel​
[If you’d like to be part of this OC’s taglist, let me know!]
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Out in the reserved training area of STAR Labs, Cisco stood at a safe distance from Belén, holding a tablet in both hands. His fingers danced over the screen while his eyes flickered from it to the targets he'd set up for his friend to hit.
"Ready?" he called.
Belén nodded her head. "Bring it, Cisco."
With a small shrug, Cisco activated said targets. The three targets released several tendrils of vines that shot with rapidness to get her. Belén did her best to dodge them all and send back her own vines. However, being so focused on the vines she forgot the most important detail of fighting Datura.
She had more than one power.
One target shot electricity that blasted Belén a good amount back. Her body came to a stop eventually, but when she raised her head off the cement she looked close to screaming in frustration.
"Sorry!" called Cisco who quickly turned everything off.
"That's the fourth time!" Belén exclaimed, smacking a hand on the ground before she got up. "Clearly, I'm not getting this!"
Cisco sprinted towards her with the intention of calming her down. "Hey, we've been at this for a while now-"
"-two hours," Belén bitterly said. "And we've been doing this for a while now so why the hell am I not getting it? Datura's going to kick my ass - again - in 10 seconds flat if I keep this up."
"You can't expect to have this in a week, Bells," Cisco said softly. "You just need to keep training."
"But will it really be enough?" Belén folded her arms, eyes darting to the side. "I only fought Datura once and it was only because she decided to go that I'm still living, technically. What's going to happen the next time she comes?"
"You'll fight her with everything you've got," Cisco answered.
"But if this is all I've got then I might as well just let her stab me."
"Bells, you're just tired. You've been helping Barry and not sleeping like he and the rest of us asked you to-"
Belén raised a hand to stop him from talking. "The fact you all thought I would leave Barry while he's literally getting back on his feet is still hilarious to me," she said so deadly serious it was almost scary. "Though I should be more offended."
"I'm just saying, and I think I speak on behalf of the others, including Barry, it's okay to take some time for yourself," Cisco took a step back for good measure. No one had been brave enough to say it to Belén to her face.
Belén opened her mouth when they both heard their phones going off back at the table. Belén immediately assumed it had to do with Barry and his progress. "Can't do that," she told Cisco before darting for the table.
~ 0 ~
Barry knew that everyone around him was just trying to help him, but it really didn't make it better when they were all crowded around him like hawks as they watched him struggle to take a decent step. He held that in while Joe helped him take his first step down the cortex. But he felt like a goddamn child, and not even a self-sufficient one at that.
"All right, I got you," Joe reached for the cane given to Barry for support until he could walk on his own. Barry wearily let go of the cane and took a deep breath to begin his steps on his own.
He pushed his feet forwards and swallowed down a mild jab of pain he felt shooting up his legs. The third step was the last step he felt he could take. "Okay, I can't do it right now, all right?" he let himself fall on Thawne's old wheelchair with a big sigh.
"Hey guys," Belén walked in a moment afterwards. Cisco came right behind with a small greet. "How are we doing with the walk?" Belén came straight to Barry.
"We're making so much progress," Iris answered first and ignored the sour face Barry was making behind. "Right?" she looked to Caitlin for some backup.
"We are," Caitlin nodded, hoping to encourage Barry.
Of course, their words were cancelled out when Barry spoke up using full sarcasm to ridicule his own progress. "Yep, six whole steps. Someone get me a Bozo button."
"Hey, give yourself some credit. You just broke your back," Cisco thought he needed a reminder of the gravity of his situation.
"Yeah, a normal person would've been paralyzed the rest of his life," Belén reached for Barry's hand. "You're doing amazing."
Barry found that hard to believe. It had been days since he fought Zoom and while he was somewhat back on his feet he knew there were already some losses that he could never get over. Yet, no one was - ironically - mentioning anything from that part. "How long until I'm fully healed?" he asked from Caitlin.
Caitlin went behind the desk to pull his x-ray scans up on the screens of the walls. She thought if he saw his progress he would be less hard on himself. "The initial MRI I took a week ago showed a complete dislocation at the T12-L1 interspace of the thoracolumbar junction. But that's the MRI I took this morning. It's remarkable, but you're almost completely healed."
"I'm still having trouble breathing…"
"That's totally normal with a spinal injury. It should clear up soon."
Barry looked back at his suit sitting on display. Belén knew where his thoughts laid and gripped his hand in hers. "You'll be back in that suit in no time, just watch." Her words didn't seem to make an effect on him.
"What are we gonna do about Zoom?" he asked instead.
"No sign of him since Cisco nailed him with that tranq dart," Joe said rather happy about it.
"And I haven't vibed since then. Maybe Zoom's not coming back," Cisco's eyes drifted to the rest of the group. They all knew the chances of that happening were slim.
"I highly doubt that," Harry came into the cortex with his jacket on and gun in hand. "Which is why I'm gonna go do something about it."
"And what, pray tell, does that mean?" Belén wearily glanced at the man. Instead of helping them out with Barry's situation, Harry had decided to be reclusive and bitter.
"I need access to your breach room and your speed cannon," Harry declared, mildly surprising the others.
"Why is that?" asked Barry.
"Because, Barry, it's time to go home."
Joe shot Harry an incredulous look. "So, you show up on our Earth, you screw everything up, and now you want to go home? Sounds very familiar."
"Again, that wasn't me. I need to go take care of Zoom once and for all before anyone else gets killed."
"Exactly how do you plan on doing that?" Belén didn't want to be rude and remind him that he was only there in the first place because he hadn't figured a way out to stop Zoom in his own. She hoped she would be subtle.
"I'll think of something. Ramon, if you'll escort me to the speed cannon," Harry didn't wait for an answer and started out of the room. He had enough of this wallowing in grief stuff. Datura was waiting for him to deliver Belén's suit tracker and since he wasn't going to actually do it, he needed to get the hell out of Earth 1 before she returned. At least on Earth 2, she couldn't force him to continue sneaking around Earth 1 STAR Labs.
"No, no, you can't go through the breach!" Caitlin hurried to stop Harry, not that the man seemed any less inclined to slow down.
"Yeah, he can," Joe said, forcing Caitlin to pause and turn back. "Jay taught us how to send people."
"That's not what I mean," Caitlin warned them to be quiet for a moment and then looked up to Harry.
Cisco shot Caitlin a confused look. "What are you doing? If Harry wants to go...bye," he wiggled his fingers.
"Look, like it or not, Cisco, we need his help."
Joe was quick to disagree. "I'm not sure another plan from Wells is what we need."
"Yeah, I mean, the last bright idea he had nearly got Barry killed," Iris didn't think they needed a repeat of that.
"I know, but Jay's gone, and Dr. Wells knows Zoom better than anyone, so until Barry is back on his feet again, we need to keep Wells around in case Zoom returns."
"Caitlin, if he doesn't want to be here, then we're better off without him," Barry shrugged. "Let him go."
Belén dreaded to voice her opinion that she actually agreed with Caitlin. As much as they hated to admit it, Harry was the only one left who knew everything about Zoom and Datura, not to mention Harry was frikin brilliant. Caitlin, on the other hand, would not hide hers.
"I can't do that. Not yet," she shook her head and walked out.
Soon as she walked out, an alarm went off.
"Oh, snap, metahuman attack!" Cisco broke into a run for the desk. However, the alarm turned out to be nowhere near what they believed. "Nope, nope, my bad, that is just an alert for me," Cisco apologized with a meek smile.
"What?" Belén frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, it's just a reminder. I have a date in an hour, so…"
"Oh, with who?" Iris asked, still in the dark of Cisco's newest girl.
A great big smile broke across Cisco's face as he replied, "With the lovely Kendra Saunders, the barista at Jitters. Oh, she makes a mean latte. I think we're gonna go out for dinner and a movie, and then, I don't know-" he coughed and mumbled, "-maybe some breakfast."
"Wait, breakfast?" Barry played dumb, even putting on the best face of confusion that he could. "Why breakfast? I don't…"
Cisco's smile faded as he bought into the entire ruse. "Yeah...cause, you know, you go home…'' he would think he wouldn't need to explain this.
"Cisco…" Belén smiled a bit at the cluelessness of her friend. He was probably so smitten with Kendra he couldn't pick up on anything else right now.
"He's messing with you," Joe was close to laughing as well. Iris was being polite by looking away to laugh.
Cisco narrowed his eyes on Barry who was smiling rather cheekily. "Oh," Cisco frowned. "Not cool dude!"
"It's okay Cisco," Belén couldn't help but go in and defend him, at least this one time. "Barry probably did need an explanation because he wouldn't know anything about having 'breakfast' so…"
It seemed to help Cisco alright.
"Wha - Belén!" Barry gaped at her completely, his face already flushing red.
"Hm," Cisco strode out with a great, big smirk on his face.
"You had it coming," Belén turned to him with arms crossed. "Don't mess with poor Cisco like that right before his first date with a cute girl."
"Yeah, alright, but did you really have to go there? In front of...?" Barry made a not-so-subtle nod towards Iris and Joe, both of whom were still struggling not to laugh out loud.
Suddenly, a second alarm started blaring in the room, those remaining collectively rolled their eyes thinking it was another of Cisco's "date" reminders.
"Anyone know how to turn that feature off?" Iris decided to ask for future references.
Belén scoffed as she moved for the desk. "I don't think that'll be enough to stop him - oh my God it's not a date reminder it's an actual alarm!"
"Where?" Barry decided to move quicker than he was physically able to and suffered the consequences. His groan echoed in the room and before he could keel over, Joe caught him. "I'm fine! I'm fine!" Barry angrily waved a hand to shoo Joe away.
"Please don't do that again," Belén warned while she located their newest meta. "Not until Caitlin says you can at least."
"So, where's the meta and what's it doing?" Iris positioned herself beside Belén.
"It's a break-in at Mercury Labs," Belén said with a frown. "And that's a bit confusing because, no offence, but, most of our criminal metas are idiots."
"With the exception for a few," Barry's words carried a significant meaning. "Who is it?"
"I don't know," Belén left Iris at the computers. "But I'll let you know in a bit." She then looked at Iris. "Keep Nina on standby just in case."
Iris nodded. "On it."
Belén hurried towards her suit but stopped by Barry to kiss his cheek. "I'll be right back."
"Please be careful," he said, wishing he could be more useful to help her. The city had been solely relying on her for all their trouble and that was a load to carry, he would know. But, with his legs just barely able to sustain him he'd only get in the way.
The scene at Mercury Labs was a usual one when it was under fire. The first floor was a mess, furniture turned over and a couple shattered windows on the ground. What wasn't so usual were the two culprits standing at the center not doing anything.
Until they heard the steps they wanted. The Azalea had arrived.
The brunette first looked over her shoulder before making a motion for the ginger to go forwards. She then turned around completely to give full display of her smugness that shined even under her mask. "Do you honestly think you're ready for round 2?"
Belén raised her head in silence. She'd honestly been expecting this to just be a regular robbery, but that wasn't the case with Datura. It could never be.
"Belén?" she started to hear Iris' through the comm. in her ear. "It's her, isn't it? Datura?"
"Bells…" Barry's voice was full of concern.
"I'm fine," Belén said in an almost mumble.
Datura chuckled from her spot. "Let me guess, they're worried about you? Well, I mean, they should be."
"What do you want from this place?" Belén decided to go in a different alternative. She knew that if she listened to Datura's mocks it would only make her doubt herself even more.
"Things," answered Datura. "But I have to say I'm a little disappointed in how little advanced Mercury Labs is here."
"Sorry, next time I'll let them know we need better equipment for you to steal," Belén found herself being easily sarcastic.
"That's all I'm asking for," Datura went with it and even did a mock bow for show. However, just as she raised her head she struck a hand forwards, firing a deadly red energy that threw Belén backwards against the open entrance door. Datura's eyes flashed a golden yellow as she watched Belén pick herself up with wobbly legs. "You should always expect the unexpected," Datura's voice was overlapped with a second one, both terribly snappy.
Belén tried not to groan as she picked her head up from the ground, but that really did hurt. That bitch. And the fact Datura was smirking so smugly wasn't helping either. Belén planted a hand on the floor and let thin vines creep underground until they were directly underneath Datura's feet. Datura didn't feel the vines attack her ankles until they slammed her flat on the ground. Now it was Belén's turn to smirk. "You're right, you should always expect the unexpected," Belén got up and raised her hands to lift the glasses from the entrance door to start throwing at Datura.
Datura rolled to the side and shot Belén a glare. "The hero trying to cut me with glass? That's really unexpected."
"Shut the hell up!" Belén had no interest in playing Datura's game. Yes, she was mad at hell because Datura knew exactly how to press her buttons. The mere presence of the woman reminded Belén how she'd lost so easily against the Earth 2 metahuman. So yeah, maybe she was trying to play the game like Datura was.
Datura briefly smirked before charging for Belén. Her eyes glowed a piercing white before firing lasers from them.
"Belén?" called Barry through the comms, but of course all he and Iris heard were the crashes and groans from the two women. "We're calling Nina-"
"-no!" Belén managed to say while avoiding one of Datura's lasers from cutting through her leg. "I can - OW!"
Datura had caught her thigh and that hurt. Belén looked down at the opened wound and scowled at the culprit. Datura smirked and tossed a sphere of white energy between her hands. "You can't beat me."
It was just four words, four words, and they had that added that much more anger to what Belén was already feeling. Frustrated, Belén ran towards Datura with all powers ready to go. The spheres of energy dissipated from Datura's hands in time for the woman to combat Belén. The two went at it and as much as Belén hated to admit, Datura seemed to either be on the same level as her or was better than her.
"Belén!" Barry called, or shouted, in vain. He tried rigging up the security feed to see exactly what was going on. "Iris, hit that one!" he frantically pointed to the keyboard at the edge of the desk. Iris scrambled to do the task and seemed to do it on time.
Datura was catching Belén's hands each time the latter attempted to strike. Datura smirked as she got to see a close up on Belén's frustration. The ombre-blonde was close to snapping or crying out of pure frustration. And yet, it was no surprise for Datura. She knew this would happen and she would enjoy every minute of it.
"Datura, let's go!"
Well, almost every minute of it. Datura pushed Belén away from her and threw Poison Ivy an irritated look. "Seriously? Now!?"
Poison Ivy held a couple devices in her hands and she merely raised them to remind Datura why they'd come to Mercury Labs in the first place. "Let's go! Now!"
Datura groaned. "Fine! Until next time, Azalea."
Belén glared at Datura. Her entire body ached and she was frankly out of breath. Even as she raised her hand to attempt at stopping them, her powers didn't release as they usually did. Datura and Poison Ivy made another clean escape.
~ 0 ~
"Well this is really great," Cisco sarcastically went on with gestures going between Belén and Barry, "Not only is our speedster down, but our Azalea is too."
If it was possible to kill with a look, Belén would have murdered Cisco in that moment. She sat on the edge of the medical bed while they waited for Caitlin to stitch up an open wound on her neck. She'd already stitched up the wound on Belén's thigh. Yup, there were multiple stitches this time.
"I'm not down, Cisco," Belén said in what sounded more like a warning for Cisco to stop with that.
"Belén, could you stop..." Caitlin trailed off and nodded down to Belén's hands. The latter realized she was gripping the edges and adding on pressure to her neck.
"Sorry," Belén mumbled as she let go. She put her hands - which had some red spots on her knuckles - on her lap and kept quiet while the others went on.
"What was Datura looking for at Mercury Labs?" Iris asked her father since the CCPD had already visited the scene.
"They took some prototypes of a few devices," Joe answered, "But the odd part was they were all being used to alleviate sleep and dreams. Some new market McGee was trying to get at."
"Sleep and dreams?" Barry repeated, frowning, as were the others. "What does she want to do with that?"
"Give us wicked nightmares, I bet," Cisco said with widened eyes, already terrified at the thought. "Because she isn't already giving it to us in real life."
"She's not going to win for long," Belén scooted off the bed once Caitlin was finished. "I'm going to get her."
"You need to take it easy," Caitlin told her in that doctor-ly tone that left no room for arguments. "You have multiple bruises - I just stitched up two decently wide, open wounds - and look at your hands? You're lucky you don't have a concussion."
"I get it, she kicked my ass," Belén snapped, though not specifically at Caitlin. She was just upset in general. "Again."
Caitlin sighed. "That's not what I meant to say-"
"-I know," Belén moved to leave.
"Belén, where are you going?" called Barry, wishing he could catch up with her but he was lucky if he could spring two steps without falling on his face. Perhaps that was the reason she stopped and turned back.
"To train, where else?" she, again, snapped. "You saw what she did to me!"
"Yeah, but you heard Caitlin-"
"-and you heard the part where Datura won again, right?"
"We don't know where they are anyways," Cisco chimed in to take some of the tension away. "Even if you train right now, it won't make much of a difference. And, hello, you need to rest!"
Belén cringed with frustration. "I'M NOT -" but she stopped midway with her hands in the air. Slowly, she brought them down and un-clenched them. "If I keep letting Datura get away, she'll just keep hurting people and stealing things. I have to do something." She dared them all with a look to say she was wrong. When no one said anything, she tilted her head as an indication of 'I thought so' and left the room.
"Someone's gotta keep an eye on her," Barry rubbed his face, probably just as frustrated as Belén was. "I'd do it, but..." he made a languid gesture at his legs. He really felt so useless and it just kept getting worse and worse.
~ 0 ~
When Belén went to pick up her nephew from preschool, she was surprised to find her mother already in custody of Axel by the front gate of the school. Not wanting to cause a scene, especially in front of Axel, Belén came up to the two with a polite smile across her face.
"Mom, you're here...what a surprise," she said in mildly strained tone.
"Auntie Belén!" Axel excitedly hugged her, completely missing the flinch his aunt did.
"What's happened to you?" Veronica didn't miss anything. She was appalled to see her daughter's hands red and the clear stitches across Belén's neck made nothing better. "Are you okay!?"
"I thought we agreed I would pick Axel up today," Belén attempted to go down the road of ignorance. She didn't want her mother hassling her for answers.
"Calm down, I only came to find you," Veronica raised her hands to show she'd come in a peaceful stance. "But that was before I saw...you. Belén, honey, you have to tell me what happened to you. Did someone hit you? Was it Ba-"
"Mom, for the love of God, don't finish that sentence," Belén wearily pleaded.
Veronica pursed her lips together. She had to agree silently that Barry didn't look like the abusive type. But that still left the question of who was hurting her daughter. The bubbling rage she felt under her skin got no better with Belén's evasiveness. "Belén, I am begging you to tell me what is going on. Please. I know we have our differences but...honey, someone is hurting you. They're causing you physical pain and I want them brought in."
Belén felt her shoulders shake. Crying was not an option. No sir. "I can't, Mom. Was there a reason you came here?"
"Why can't you just be honest with me?" Veronica asked in a hurt manner.
"Because I can't. And it's not because I'm mad with you, it's just that I really can't. It's better this way." And yet somehow, Belén wasn't entirely sure that was truth anymore. Would it be better to keep her mother away from all this metahuman stuff?
Veronica shook her head. "It's things like these that don't make me stop my investigation, Belén. Because you can deny it all you want but we both know there is something going on that you're not telling me." Veronica allowed her words to sink in Belén's mind before adding on. "And I know that Joe and Barry are involved in this, so don't think this is over. I do love you, you know, and I just want to know what's going on in your life. So if you won't tell me, I'm just going to keep looking until I get the answers I need."
"Auntie Belén," Axel tugged on Belén's purse once Veronica had gone. "Why do you and grandma fight a lot?"
Belén should've known that by now Axel would catch on to the fact neither she nor his grandmother were getting along so well. She took Axel by the hand and started walking in the opposite direction where she parked her car.
"Um...your grandma and I...are just...having little problems. But you don't have to worry, sweetie."
"Okay," Axel shrugged it off like any four year old would. "Are we going to STAR Labs today? I wanna throw things into the holes!"
"Dammit Cisco," Belén mumbled under her breath.
"Can we!? Can we!?" Axel grew more excited by the minute.
"No more throwing things into holes, first of all," Belén clarified. "And right now isn't a good time to go."
"Why not?" Axel stopped his hops and frowned.
"Because, well…" Belén thought of the simplest way to put it, "...Barry is a little bit...sick, and…"
Axel gasped and covered his mouth. "Oh no! Are you going to be sick too?"
Belén chuckled at his thoughts. "No, Axel, I'm not. It's not contagious, I promise. So, what do you want to do today? We don't have to be back at grandma's until eight."
Axel grinned slowly as he got an idea.
"It's been a while since you visited, Belén," Dr. Baeva offered the young woman a kind smile. By the looks of Belén's appearance, she could use one.
"Lot's happened," Belén made a weak gesture at herself, not that she wasn't aware Dr. Baeva hadn't taken her appearance in. "I've been a bit busy dealing with our city's newest metas."
"Oh yes," nodded Dr. Baeva. "I've seen them on the television. How's our Flash doing?"
Belén's face wasn't a readable one. "Physically, he's getting better. Mentally...well, that's another thing. But I'm sure you know that."
Dr. Baeva nodded again. "And how are you, Belén?"
Belén automatically heaved a heavy sigh. "Not well. Long story short, I keep getting my ass handed to me by Datura, featuring Poison Ivy on occasion. And then to top it off, my mom and I are still not getting along. And it's not even because of our mother-daughter relationship it's because of all this secret meta stuff I'm dealing with." She took in another deep breath after her long ramble. "So, no, I'm not doing well."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Dr. Baeva said. "Would you like to expand on those things? I think taking it piece by piece would be a good idea to prioritize between the bigger problems and the small ones."
At this point, Belén was ready to try anything. "I mean, the Datura problem is a really big one. She can travel between worlds at her beck and call and...Dr. Baeva, she's a siphoner. She has countless powers at her fingertips and she can alternate between them."
"She sounds incredibly strong," Dr. Baeva agreed based on the facts presented. "But I have reason to believe so is the Azalea."
But at that comment, Belén scoffed loudly. "See this?" she pointed at her exposed neck stitches. "She did that. And I have another one on my thigh. I have multiple bruises on my body and look at my hands!" she turned her hands over and over.
"Belén, I'm going to ask that you take a deep breath," Dr. Baeva calmly requested. "Your rambles can turn into anxiety."
Belén took several breaths until she felt confident enough to speak at a normal pace that didn't involve so many hand gestures. "Datura...is a big problem," she began again. "I've fought her several times now and she keeps beating me. If I don't come up with something soon, she's going to kill me. So, yeah, I'm prioritizing her as a huge problem, actually."
"The good thing is, Belén, that you don't work alone. Your team members can offer new ideas and perspectives that you haven't thought of."
"I know, but...I can't help feel like it's all on me, you know? Datura is coming for me, so I should be able to handle it. I should be able to handle her on my own."
"I have to ask if that's the same for the Flash? Is Zoom something he needs to take care of on his own?"
"Well, of course not, but..." Belén paused and watched Dr. Baeva smile at her, "Okay, I get what you mean by that. Maybe Datura isn't my problem, but...I'm the one who has to fight her."
"Yes, but everything you do to fight her is not solely dependent on you. Your team is there to advice you. Don't forget that."
Belén nodded slowly. "Okay. Still a huge problem, though."
"And what about your mother?"
Belén pursed her lips together while she thought of all the disagreements she had with her mother so far. "It started out with Axel's custody. I gave it to her and we were doing fine until she met my boyfriend. She didn't like him because he broke up with me and all, but once she got over that...she started to notice all these secrets of mine."
"The metahuman side of you, you mean?"
"Yeah. She's suspecting and I have to give her that I would do the same in her place. But telling my mom that I'm the Azalea...that seems like a bad idea."
"Can I ask why?"
"Because it would put her in danger," Belén said automatically. "I've seen what this life can do. I don't think my mom is cut out for that."
"She's not, or you aren't ready for her to join you at STAR Labs?" asked Dr. Baeva with a knowing smile on her face. "It's completely normal. You have been estranged from your mother for a good part of your life. Letting her into the deep part of your life is not something that comes easily."
"I can't be sure," Belén answered honestly. "And therefore, I can't say if it's a big problem or not. I love my Mom, however weird relationship we have, I do...but I don't know what to do on this one."
~ 0 ~
Barry could say that he could at least now attempt to run on a treadmill. With the passing of the days, he had more endurance and definitely more strength to keep himself from falling. The only problem now was that every time he tried to push himself more on the treadmill, he would start remembering his last encounter with Zoom. Once he heard the crack of his spine he felt it was over again.
"You done for the day?"
Barry stopped drinking water and put the lid over his bottle. He turned back and saw Belén standing at the doorway, holding two bags of Big Belly Burger.
"Peace offering?" she put on her best smile, hoping it was enough to at least get into the room.
Barry smiled at her. "You know that's like a snack for me, right?" He ate way more than 2 bags and she knew it.
"I forgot my credit card at home," she shrugged and came in. "That or Axel hid it from me 2 days ago. I'm sure it'll pop up somewhere around here."
"Is he with your Mom, tonight?"
Belén nodded her head. "Yup. I think one afternoon in STAR Labs is more than enough for him, don't you think?"
Barry chuckled. Having Axel around was definitely a mood lifter. Cisco sure seemed to love the kid being around. "You should see what he drew for me." He moved towards the table against the wall and picked up a piece of paper.
"Oh my God," Belén laughed at Axel's scribbles that did have a shape of a person.
"It's supposed to be me, the Flash, running," Barry pointed at the red blob representing himself. It warmed his heart when Axel gave it to him, especially when it came with the four year old's "You're still a hero" comment.
"He drew that with me in the afternoon when I brought him here," Belén remembered it as one of the dozens of pictures she and Axel did together. "I just wasn't sure which ones I threw away and which ones I didn't."
"I love it," Barry put the paper down on the table. "At least someone still sees me as a hero."
"Not true," Belén levelled him with a look. "I do too. And everyone else here too."
"Yeah but the city's another thing..."
"And I think they're way more afraid of Zoom so trust me, they really want you back." Belén handed him the bags of food. "And I'm sorry for not being there to remind you of this."
"You don't need to apologize, Bells," Barry put the bags on the table in order to take Belén's hands. "I know you've been dealing with other things too and I'm sorry I haven't been able to help you."
"I think we've both been a little bit out of sync, huh?" Belén offered one weak smile for their troubles. Barry had to agree. It wasn't that they were angry with each other, but it was the same frustration each felt that kept them apart for a while. In a sense, they were mad at the world.
The two took a seat on the edge of the treadmill, forgetting dinner while they talked.
"Datura has kicked my ass twice, and she's made it seem like she didn't break a sweat," Belén lowered her gaze to the floor.
"Believe me, that's not what Iris and I saw," Barry had to disagree there. "You guys were following each other's moves."
"But that's the thing," Belén raised her head to sigh, "It's like no matter what I pulled, what I strategy I used, Datura knew it. It's like she expected each of my moves. I couldn't best her."
"And she couldn't best you at times," Barry once again added.
"But I didn't know what moves she would use. I got lucky. And it kills me that she knows she can one-up me each time."
"I know," Barry nodded. "Zoom knows that about me too. He practically destroyed me. He showed everyone in Central City what he could do, and that I'm powerless to stop him," Barry shook his head. "They gave me a key to this city! I'm supposed to be their hero. I'm supposed to be the guy that can protect them from something as evil as that, and I failed in front of all of them." And that was the image that tan over and over in his head. Because, of course the news had spread throughout the city that the Flash practically was nothing. "When they think of the Flash, all they see now is someone not strong enough to protect them."
"Not true," Belén could say honestly. "I think they see someone who will fight for them. But I get what you mean. Our self esteems aren't very high at the moment, but maybe that's what they want." She knew Datura was playing a mind game with her. It was clear in her smugness and her taunts. She knew she was the better fighter, but perhaps that wasn't always going to be the same. Of course if Belén continued to think Datura was better, she would be better and thus give Datura the clear shot to win.
"Guys!? Hello!?" Cisco's urgent voice blared from the speakers. "Guys! We have a problem!"
Belén and Barry looked at each other with the same curiousness. They needed to get back to the cortex and see what else had gone wrong with their group. Once they arrived, Cisco told them (in a quick ramble of panic) that Caitlin had punched him in the face and walked out like nothing. It only took him a couple minutes to realize she must have been mind controlled, and the only one with those types of powers was...
"I can't believe we have to deal with that gorilla again," Belén scowled.
Cisco looked up from the computers where he was currently conducting multiple searches for Grodd's possible whereabouts. "There's nothing on Caitlin or Grodd."
"Okay, so...are there any ideas on why Grodd would come back from the dead just to take Cait?" Barry tried to think on his own but he couldn't find a good reason for the sudden return of Grodd.
"I don't know," Cisco replied. "It doesn't make any sense. She was always so nice to him."
"Yeah but remember what Joe said," Barry said, reminding them that the CCPD had already found several leads on the return of the gorilla from the previous days. "Grodd mind-controlled two lab technicians to steal chemicals that enhance intelligence. He wants her for something."
"He wants to make something," Belén shrugged, finding it the most logical reason. "Caitlin is pretty good at that."
"Well, looks like he left his bachelor pad in the sewers," Cisco gave up on searching through the sewer cameras.
"Right, but it's not like Grodd can just waltz through downtown in the middle of the day without anybody noticing," Belén gestured with a hand. "Someone had to see him at some point...right?" her eyes flickered from Cisco to Barry for some confirmation she was on the right track.
"Right," Cisco snapped his fingers at her, making her beam, "And if there's been sightings, then we might be able to approximate his location."
"We can get the CCPD's help with that," Barry thought of. "I'll call Joe."
"Good," Cisco nodded. "We gotta get her back."
But unfortunately, their night would not bring them any successful results. Caitlin wasn't anywhere in the city streets, and it didn't appear like she would be coming out any time soon.
The next day, Barry had woken himself up to begin another session of running. If Caitlin was at the hands of Grodd, he needed to get back in the field. He felt that if he wasn't at least trying to get a little better at running then he was wasting time. But then when he was running, like he was at the moment on the treadmill, he would get the images of his failed fight against Zoom and suddenly everything became senseless to him. What was the point to keep fighting if he knew he would lose?
Barry reached to the side and turned off the treadmill. He'd gotten to that 'it's senseless' part again.
"Keep that chin down, slugger," he heard a familiar voice behind.
Barry turned around to find Henry coming into the room. "Dad!" he came rushing off the treadmill to hug his father, not realizing till that moment how much he needed his father.
After getting up to speed, as much as was possible anyways, Henry took a good study of his son's records from the accident. As he pulled several exams on the screens, he was easily able to conclude there was really no problem anymore - physically. He didn't have to be a genius to know where the problem was coming from. Behind him, Barry sat on a stool watching the records he himself had gone over countless times.
"No spinal cord edema. I don't see any subacute hemorrhaging. Bone fused beautifully. You're all good, Barry," Henry finally said and turned sideways to see his son who was looking more or less displeased. "I'd give you some physical therapy, but you don't need it."
Barry acknowledged the words but didn't want to keep talking about it. "I'm really glad you're here, Dad."
Henry smiled. "Me too. You know, I tried to call, but you can't a cell in Granite Peak National Park, so…"
"Granite Peak... what are you... You went camping by yourself?" Barry was truly surprised seeing as his father hadn't been one to camp.
"Yeah, yeah, I got a tent. I went fishing every day. I have had my fill of largemouth bass for a while," Henry chuckled. "Sometimes you just have to slow down to get back to where you want to be."
"Yeah. Look, Dad…" Barry began but really didn't have the right words to explain himself. Luckily for him, someone came into the room. He was relieved to see that it was Belén, whom he'd hadn't seen since yesterday despite her promise to be back from wherever she had to go.
Belén was surprised to find Barry with his father and immediately felt like she'd interrupted. "Oh, I'm so sorry…" she grabbed her purse from the desk after a second of putting it down. "I thought...there was...no one, but - I'll just find Cisco!"
"Bells!" Barry went after her (as best as possible on his slow pace) while Henry called 'it's fine!' to her. Belén was stopped by Barry just by the threshold. "Hey, it's fine, really," Barry took her by the hand and led her back inside the room.
"I'm sorry," Belén sheepishly told Henry once they were face to face. "I-I didn't know you were going to be in the city."
"Iris called me in and explained the situation to me," Henry explained. "I couldn't just ignore it."
Belén's eyebrows raised together, suddenly remembering that she had meant to help Iris come up with a decent solution to Barry's problem. How could she forget that? "I'm happy she did that," Belén smiled lightly, truly meaning those words. She was only upset that she'd not helped like she was meant to. Where was her head lately?
Cisco came in hollering something about finding Caitlin. "I don't know why I didn't think of it before," he said as he fiercely got into the computers. "It's so King Kong!"
"Cisco, no offence, but what the hell are you talking about?" Belén came up beside him, dreary looking.
"I'm ignoring that because we don't have the time," Cisco responded calmly and gave a 'yahoo!' when he pulled up three different belltowers in the city. "Grodd has to be in one of these bell towers. The only reason we couldn't find him on any cameras underneath the city before was because he upgraded from a bachelor pad to a penthouse, like a baller."
"Okay, so we know where he is," Barry slowly joined him and Belén. "We still don't know how to get her."
A wide smile spread across Cisco's face, signaling that the second part of the plan had already been thought of. "We got a plan for you."
"That smile means it's something stupid or just...plain wrong," and for that, Belén took one step away from Cisco.
"What's the plan?" Barry asked.
Cisco did not answer as Wells came into the room, dressed as the Reverse Flash. "We use me."
Barry did not attempt to control himself and sped Wells out of the cortex and right against a wall.
"No, Barry! That's Harry!" Cisco went after the two. Belén and Henry did the same, but both were just as confused as Barry. "That's the other Wells! Barry. Let him go!"
It took a moment for Barry to grasp the concept of the idea. He awkwardly let go of Harry and took a step back, hand in his hair. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"You're still here," Belén blinked at Harry. "I thought you were going home."
Harry kept silent because he didn't really have a response for that. One moment he was sure of what he needed to do - which was to leave - and then the next Caitlin comes in with words that made him doubt where his place was.
"We found another suit in the Time Vault," Cisco moved beside Harry.
"Bit sinister, don't you think?" Belén could not stop staring at Harry and think about Eobard. It gave her shivers.
"I thought he was dead," came Henry's input which reminded everyone that he was not up to speed with the situation.
"He's dead," Barry made sure to clarify. "This is... this is Harrison Wells from Earth-2."
Henry was still just lost. "Earth-2?"
"Whole other story that includes multiple universes," Belén briefly explained.
"If we can get Harry to convince Grodd that he's Wells, that he's his father, maybe we can convince him to let Caitlin go," Cisco finally just shared the entire plan.
"I'm not gonna be able to help if anything goes wrong," Barry needed Harry to understand that. They needed to get Caitlin back but everyone needed to be on the same page of the risks.
"That's a chance I'm willing to take," Harry nodded.
"If worst comes to worst, I'll go," Belén volunteered, earning herself a very dreadful look from Barry. She met his gaze with a small smile. "I'm not going to hide when people need my help."
"We won't need you," it was Harry who had spoken up this time. Belén threw him an incredulous glance, probably confounded with his risky choice. Harry just thought that maybe if she didn't use her suit, he might be able to extract the suit tracker and make another one identical to it without use. Let's see Datura do her plan with that.
~ 0 ~
However odd and risky their plan was...it worked. And that came as a shock because of the aforementioned details. Grodd had been subdued and would be relocated somewhere to be determined.
Caitlin, who'd remained completely unharmed, tended to Harry who hadn't had the same luck. She worked to wrap a gauze on the side of Harry's stomach in one of the side rooms.
"Thank you for rescuing me by the way," Caitlin said to him, thinking he had it very well deserved. Despite having problems amongst the team, at least they could say Harry was truly on their side.
"Well, we're a team, right?" Harry gave a tiny smile through his sore limbs.
"I'm impressed," Cisco came into the room, along with the rest.
"I think we all are," Belén corrected, patting him on the arm as she walked in.
"Yeah, well, we need to do something about Grodd," Joe got them moving along to the problem.
"Like what?" Caitlin asked.
"Like get rid of him for good."
Caitlin finished her work in time to freeze in her spot. "You want to kill him?" she blinked, clearly surprised.
"Considering how many people he's killed, yeah."
Caitlin looked at the rest for some help. "This isn't Grodd's fault. He's only like this because Wells made him this way."
Barry could understand that her affection for the animal may have been a contributing factor for her opposition, so he tried being as kind as possible to make her see the issue. "Yes, but, Cait, he kidnapped you and you could have died."
"You didn't see what I saw. Grodd's getting smarter. He's lonely and sad," Caitlin argued softly. "He wants more apes like him."
"What are you saying? He wants kids?" Cisco made a face stricken with horror. "Cause I'm pretty sure one telepathic Grape Ape is more than enough for this city."
"I can see where you're coming from, Cait, but...you can't make more smart gorillas," Belén said, but then paused to think, "...can you?"
"No," Joe said sharply, hoping that no one got on that idea.
"I know somewhere we could send him," Harry suddenly said, getting up from the bed. "When the singularity exploded and I discovered the breach in S.T.A.R. Labs, I ran similar tests and discovered the same thing, 51 additional breaches." He made a beeline for the desks in the cortex and started up one of the computers. "The difference being the breaches in Central City are scattered all throughout the city whereas counterparts in my world most definitely are not."
"And you know where they lead?" asked Barry.
"Well, I was in the process of figuring all that out when Dr. Snow so gallantly convinced me to stay, but if I am correct, this breach-" Harry pulled one specific breech profile up on screen for them to see, "-is gonna get Grodd as close to home as he's ever likely to get."
"Okay, even if you're right, how do we bait Grodd to go through it?" Joe knew that the police were definitely out of this mission.
"My son'll do it," Henry answered, startling everyone but no one more than Barry. "Won't you, Flash?"
Barry's eyes widened and for the first couple of minutes he said nothing.
Belén cleared her throat quietly. "We could always, also, call in Nina. I figure she'd probably be more useful than me."
Barry swallowed and shook his head. "No. Grodd is going to have to face me now. It's about time."
~ 0 ~
It didn't take much to bring Harry's plan to life. In a couple of hours, they were ready to go to bring Grodd into the new world.
"Cisco's at the spot," Iris reported from the desk and looked up Barry who was, after many days, finally back in his Flash suit. "You ready?"
"Caitlin, just be careful," Belén said for the third time to the brunette. She felt it was too early for Caitlin to get back in the field, and so close to Grodd. "And Barry, please, please, be careful too."
Barry gave a small nod. "I will be back in one piece, you'll see."
"You better," Belén meant to be warning but her concern didn't allow for that.
"I will," Barry promised, slightly amused, and moved to Caitlin. "Ready to go, then?"
"Yeah," Caitlin spared her friends another look then let Barry take her away.
Belén then hurried to the desk where Iris was. When Joe and Henry rejoined them, Barry had already begun the game of chase with Grodd.
"How's it going?" Joe asked the two women, peering between them to get a look at the computers.
"Caitlin's safe and Barry is currently running away from Grodd," Belén replied.
"So Barry's gonna lure Grodd in front of the breach?" Henry asked just to be sure he understood the plan of the group.
"Yep, and once he gets him to the right spot, Cisco's gonna blast him into Earth-2 with his…" Iris failed to come up with the right word to describe Cisco's device.
"Thingamajig," her father finished for her, and the four had a small laugh.
"I think he said it was a speed canon," Belén tilted her head in thought. "He hates when we don't remember the names of his devices."
"Well, things have gotten a lot more complicated since I got out of prison," Henry remarked, giving a shake of his head.
"Mm-hmm. Man, you have no idea," Joe agreed with a hum.
They waited a couple of more minutes then switched to the street footage where they could see the breach Grodd was meant to go into. Grodd soon caught up with Barry and immediately inflicted his telepathic powers on the speedster. He effortlessly threw Barry across the street.
"Oh, my God!" Iris gasped, everyone beside her doing the same.
"I should have gone," Belén told herself repeatedly.
Henry took the comm. Microphone between her and Iris. "Get up, Barry. Now!"
They could see Barry was indeed doing his best to get back on his feet. However, it was a loss when Grodd put one of his heavy foot over Barry.
"You need to let him go, Grodd!" Caitlin's voice managed to draw the gorilla's attention for a moment. She was standing in a precise location - a spray-painted white circle.
"Flash is my enemy. Now you, too," Grodd declared, but Caitlin didn't falter.
"No. He was trying to save me from you. We didn't understand what you wanted, but now we do. I can give you what you want. I can give you a home. You just have to trust me."
Grodd lifted his foot off Barry and started coming at Caitlin. As soon as he was within the circle, Cisco activated the breech and Barry sped Caitlin out of the circle. Grodd was somewhat trapped by the breeches' force but there wasn't enough strength to snatch him entirely.
"Guys, what's going on with that full power switch?" Belén called to Cisco and Harry. "Two smart guys didn't think to invent that?"
"Uh, I'll have you know it is at full power," came Cisco's indignant response.
Henry took the microphone again. "Barry, you can't let Grodd get free. Conquer your fears, son. Believe in yourself."
"Did I mention I'm like really glad you're here?" Belén looked up at the man. Henry smiled back at the woman.
Barry had performed his famous sonic punch which was enough to push Grodd into the breech and leave him trapped on Earth 2 for the time being.
~ 0 ~
After everything, the Reverse Flash's suit remained intact and literally standing on its own inside the cortex.
"That is just creepy," Belén said from the main desk, preferring to be far away from said yellow suit. "Make it go away." At the same moment she spoke, her phone vibrated in her pocket. Silently, she took it out to see a text.
"Before we do anything, maybe we can see how to get it back in the ring first," Barry dropped the old ring of their Wells into Cisco's palm. It would be a very useful thing to learn that trick. "Might be nice to have something like that instead of carrying around a bag all the time."
"I can help you with that," Harry raised a finger and immediately got all the looks from the group. "What? I know a thing or two about micro-technology."
Cisco shook his head. "Yeah, you know a thing or two about a lot of things."
Henry moved up the man in question, looking truly grateful. "Well, as long as what he knows keeps my son and these good people safe, the more you know, the better. Pleasure to meet you, Harrison. Again."
Harry shook hands with him. "Dr. Allen."
"Good to see you," Henry then said to Caitlin and Cisco.
"Let's go," Barry motioned to his father to lead the way out. On his way, he stopped by Belén to see if she was ready as well.
"Hm?" Belén quickly lowered her phone, an action that Barry didn't miss.
"You said you would come to lunch," Barry reminded, eyeing her phone suspiciously. "Are you okay?"
Belén nodded her head and put her phone away. Her mother was really a relentless woman. "Yes, of course. Lunch, then?" she pointed and started walking as well.
~ 0 ~
After making sure her phone was completely off, Belén allowed herself to enjoy a nice lunch in the West residence along with Barry and his father. She even became more upbeat when Iris got sly and whipped out old albums of young Barry Allen throughout his years.
Henry had himself a good laugh after picking up a picture of a pre-teen Barry with some sort of experiment behind him. "Oh, this one is definitely a keeper!"
"Oh my God, what is that?" Belén tried making out said experiment and fully failed.
"Oh, yeah," Joe laughed as the memory came back to him. "He could've done your standard vinegar and baking soda volcano, but no, Barry wanted to do a molecular structure of chocolate and nougat."
"What the hell is that?" Belén shot Barry a weird look.
"My favorite candy bar, that's what," Barry responded. "Make a mental note of that, okay?"
But Belén only made a face that had Iris laughing. "How you manage to keep me I have no idea," Belén promptly said then reached for another album nearby. Iris needed to laugh louder. "Honestly, who does this stuff?"
"Why, a true science nerd," Henry added on, making both women laugh. "Like father, like son, I suppose."
"You mean it's heritable?" Iris nudged Belén on the side. "I feel for your kids."
While the idea had both Belén and Barry sporting blush faces, Belén still had courage for a loud scoff. "My kids will be adorable."
"What - hey!" came Barry's fully offended input.
"They are," Belén gave a shrug of her shoulders. "Because they're my kids."
Barry thought about it for a second and started to smile. "Yeah, if they're yours then they would be."
Belén smiled and passed another page of the album before suddenly gasping. "Oh! Do you know what you haven't seen yet?" she looked at Henry. "Your son is actually really good at karaoke singing!"
It took less than a second for Barry to become terrified.
Henry laughed at the idea. "Is he now?"
"Yes! Oh my God, I have the video if you want to see it!" Belén started reaching for her purse when Barry lunged for said purse and stuffed it behind his back.
"Dad, I think it's time to go," he then said promptly.
"Yeah," Henry agreed through his second laugh. "Joe, can I have…?" he raised the picture he'd kept of Barry's middle school experiment.
"Yeah," Joe of course agreed.
"Thanks," Henry got up and began to say his goodbyes. "Iris, thank you so much for reaching out to me. I am so glad you did."
Belén's upbeatness temporarily faded as she remembered how it had been Iris who'd done the right thing and call Henry in. Belén blamed herself for not being more attentive, but she would never hold it against Iris.
"Me, too," Iris smiled.
"Joe, there are no words, man. Thanks," Henry gave a hug to Joe right after Iris. "And Belén, really nice seeing you again."
"You should come by more often," Belén moved up and gave him a hug. "Then I could show you the video," she whispered.
"Belén!" Barry exclaimed.
"In secret," Belén added and sent a smirk towards her boyfriend.
"Bells," Barry handed Belén her purse back, now serious, "Mind if I stop by your place tonight after I catch up with some of my work?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," Belén agreed though wondered if it was really for the best. There were so many things going on with her she doubted if she would be able to keep it all in for another night.
"Great, I'll see you later, then," Barry gave her a chaste kiss on the lips and got going with his father.
"I have to go too," Belén slung her purse over her arm and helped stock the albums on the coffee table. "Need to have a talk with a mom."
"Still having problems, then?" Iris asked, and with a sigh Belén gave a nod.
"I have to figure something out or else she's going to keep sticking her nose in things and figure out secrets. Which reminds me," Belén turned to Joe, "she keeps looking into cases that you and Barry have had a handle on."
"By those I assume you mean metahuman cases?"
"Yeah. She's convinced there's something fishy about them. She's gone as far as getting Patty involved."
"Is that why she's so jumpy?" Joe chuckled.
"Working for Veronica Green does that to you," Belén shook her head.
"She can look into the cases all she wants but she's not going to find anything wrong with that. I promise," Joe raised a hand.
"I've no doubt about that, but thank you for telling me," Belén gave a warm smile to the two and took her leave.
~ 0 ~
As Barry had promised, he stopped by Belén's apartment later that night. She was already dressed in her pajamas, in case she fell asleep somewhere that wasn't her bed.
"You look extra tired," Barry had to remark once he got a good look at her.
"I feel like it," she shrugged and let herself drop onto the couch. "So many things..."
"I know," Barry took a seat next to her. "Joe told me about your Mom? Is she really that suspicious about our meta cases?"
"That and pretty much everything else," Belén sighed and brought a hand to rub her forehead. "My head's spinning and it's not leaving room for anything else. That's why it had to be Iris who thought to bring in your father. I was too busy and forgetful that Iris needed to fulfill my duties of your girlfriend."
Had it been any other moment, Barry would have laughed at that logic. Seeing Belén was truly upset thinking she somehow messed up, he knew he needed to deal with this delicately. "You can't always ignore your issues and your necessities."
Belén nodded her head to show she was understanding his points, but her face scrunched up with clear guilt. "But I love you, and I always want to be the one that helps you."
"I know that - believe me, I know know," Barry cupped her face. "But you should never have to feel like your things come after mine. Talk to me. Tell me what's going on in your life and let me me try to help you like you want to help me."
"She's my mom, I should be able to handle her," Belén shook her head and pushed Barry's hands off her face. "But it's difficult when she doesn't understand you. She wants to know things about me that I can't share."
"You know, if it's about...the Azalea...you can can tell her," Barry wanted to make sure that Belén didn't feel like she needed to hide all about STAR labs from her mother. He knew well how that made people feel, as well as how it ended when the person figured things out. "You can tell her about you, about STAR Labs, about me, anything."
"Thank you," Belén said first then sighed. "But I'm not sure I can. I'm just not sure how she'd take it."
"Okay, but in the meantime, what do you want to do? She's not going to stop asking questions…"
"I know…" Belén trailed off, hoping to come up with a solution to all her problems right there and then. "But I don't know," she croaked her last words before her emotions caught up with her. "I don't know anything except that I feel like I'm drowning."
"It's okay," Barry had pulled her into a hug. "We'll figure it out, I promise." Belén nodded but kept her head buried in his chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around her and kissed her hair. "Let's get you some sleep tonight and then...we'll start working on it." He knew that a full rest would definitely help bring up Belén's spirits.
It was a start.
~ 0 ~
Datura brought to life one of the small devices she'd taken from Mercury Labs. It sparkled white that could blind one if used properly. But, this time, Datura wasn't looking to kill. That wasn't the purpose her newest idea.
"You should have seen it," Poison Ivy sat at the edge of a rusty table. "They went up against one of those sentient gorillas."
Datura rolled her eyes. "They have those here too? Annoying. How'd Belén do?"
"Don't know. She didn't fight," Poison Ivy smirked when Datura stopped working to look back. "Yeah, she wasn't there."
"Hmm, maybe my game is working faster than I thought," Datura smiled to herself. "I can play some good mind games and she probably already knows it. Though the poor idiot probably doesn't even understand why I can play these games so easily with her."
"If she has half a brain then she must already suspect," Poison Ivy's remark didn't affect Datura in the least.
"Please, she'd never guess," Datura took in a deep breath and pulled her hair behind her shoulders. She took off her mask and chucked it to the side. "Now come help me finish this damn thing already. I want it done as soon as possible."
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meredithstanien · 4 years
me and my thoughts ab homecoming
feel free to ignore i'm just rambling about how much i love everyone in starkid (please dont reblog this haha)
- jaAIME thank you maam for your service
- is jeff blim wearing eyeliner? thank you king
- sometimes i understand why all of you are simping for white boy manion and show stopping number is one of them. hips!
- personally i will simp for mariah though i hope you dont mind
- i want bhol's shirt. honestly i would wear his whole outfit
- brb simping for meredith.... leather jacket.....
- also lauren that fit is beautiful
- rachael soglin i love you also she has such a wonderful voice
- TOGETHER!!!!! i love everyone looking at meredith and lauren Like That
- "we are womankind" *meredith thumbs up and :)
- lowkey wish we had more lauren walker during this
- okay. tto songs slap so hard and i'm also bopping
- wait how have i not said anything about jeff's outfit yet??? i love the vest so much
- okay they kept the audience participation for tto in this and i love it so much
- SPEEDRUN thank you for letting rachael bless us, i thought they were just gonna do tto and naked in a lake and i was gonna be so sad
-i'm crying over jeff's bowlegged step in place
- i love this four person crew for ani, i was wondering what they were gonna do for this since it was a traditional musical
- why dont people simp for clark? look at this man he's so fine
- HOW DID I NOT KNOW THAT CHRIS ALLEN ALSO PLAYED DUDER IN LITTLE WHITE LIE? i never made that made that connection because i only watched lwl once
- jim povolo makes an appearance i love xem
- the cheers during no one remembers achmed... me too.
- denise and meredith sharing a mic and having the time of their lives doing it brings me joy
- lowkey was stoked for a meredith-dylan duet for 1001 nights but britney and carlos gave us so much more than we deserved
- okay as a meredith stan i am very sad about the lack of a meredith solo in the twisted medley i will not lie to you guys
- the hmb lighting.... thank you to the lightning designer i will have to check the credits.... AND THE SOUND DESIGNER the echoes are so cool
- gotta say i am so happy about the variety of funky outfits onstage today
- ROGUES jaime kills that one part. yall know the part
- literally any part with denise singing makes me so happy i cant wait for starship
- the audience clapping made me so nervous at the end of super friends bc for a second it sounded like it was throwing off the orchestra and making them speed up without realizing
- craving some commissioner gordon right about now
- ms donovan knows what she's talking about, thank you denise's mom we are dreamers
- i love that theyre giving solos to people who didn't get them in other medleys because i needed this. starkid women are so talented
- i feel so bad for not knowing everyone's names. theyre so amazing and i cant even name them
- JUNIOR STARSHIP i simp for bhol specifically as junior
- BRANT COX THE BUG MAN I LOVE YOU i love starship and i love him, i wish he had been in more shows
- joey your cue!!!!
- where is the way i do? i pass away
- "please enjoy some songs from 'me and my- ...." goodbye brian
- mamd is highkey problematic but that doesnt stop ready to go from being a bop
- brian and meredith standing together 🥺
- i love brian and nick lang awkwardly asking if everyone is having fun
- nick is so wonderful i love him
- the strings sound SO cool with comin back to hogwarts i love cellos
- the screams over the glasses, i love this audience
- i love the audience singing along and saying the lines along with the music, i bet the energy in that theatre was fucking amazing
- joey and darren just going "whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa" over bonnie!
- ms. lopez... the BOOTS again. lauren lopez as draco malfoy does things to me
- DYLAN COMING FROM THE AUDIENCE that is my favorite gag
- the people in the audience as dylan is coming through look so excited
- meredith dances like a cartoon character it's so cute i love her
- tbh the whole second act has me smiling constantly i dont have much to say bc it just makes me so happy
- not even gonna lie ive never been a huge fan of avps or avpsy but the energy here makes up for it
- darren where is your fit you are harry freakin potter all the other men here are showing you up, you are wearing a black t shirt
-[yeah at thsi point a bunch of my thoughts ab the second act got deleted bc tumblr sucks and didnt save this draft but whatever i loved it]
- i'm gonna cry, the way the orchestra the end of days of summer became a slow version of back to hogwarts
- this is so sad. this is so happy but so sad.
- darren this is the sweetest thing
- "enthusiastic, but sometimes questionable fan art" i'd like to formally apologize to starkid for whatever they may have seen.
- joey in the background making faces as darren talks about loving your friends
- yo i didnt expect to get so emo over this but them finishing out with back to hogwarts really did me in, plus everyone onstage wiping away tears
- what a stupidly wonderful way to finish this show
- joey carrying out walker and brosenthals jackets
- oh the classic disconnected and off timing theatre kid bow to end the show
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pufflyhallows · 5 years
Tumblr media
Gif not mine
Pairing: Oliver Wood x reader
Summary: Oliver is feeling down with the result of the last game, so the Hogsmeade trip doesn’t seem too exciting until his friend takes him to an interesting shop.
a/n: I realized I had never written anything with a Hufflepuff reader, which is absurd! XD
Warnings: language
Word count: 2,412
Oliver was not happy. 
Harry Potter had been unconscious in the hospital wing for the recent Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw match, in which Gryffindor suffered their worst defeat in three hundred years.
Of course Oliver worried about his friend’s health and he was glad that Harry was perfectly fine now, but the weight of the defeat upon his shoulders was too much. He was the captain, after all. He knew he was the first one to blame and he knew everyone in Hogwarts was talking about it, especially the Slytherins.
For that reason, he wasn’t too excited about the last Hogsmeade trip of the year, unlike his friends, who couldn’t stop talking about it in the common room as they got ready to go out.
“I’m gonna buy as many boxes of Chocolate Frogs as possible,” Noah said as he counted his money, “I don’t wanna wait the entire summer to eat those again.”
“Sometimes I forget you’re a muggleborn,” Riley thought out loud.
“I can send you more if you run out,” Leo patted Noah on the shoulder.
“Thanks, mate.”
“Can we go now?” Oliver asked impatiently.
Noah and Leo looked at each other finding strange their friend’s behavior, but Riley understood very well why Oliver wasn’t quite happy that day.
“Yes, we can,” she replied, standing up and motioning for the boys to go with her. And they did.
Hogsmeade looked just the same as it did on their previous visit. Nothing had really changed, except maybe for the weather. It was slightly hotter now.
“There he goes,” Leo pointed discretely at Percy, who had just entered Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop with his girlfriend Penelope.
Noah smirked, shaking his head. “That’s why he was in such a hurry.”
“Let the boy live,” Riley chuckled, “Where do you guys wanna go first?”
“Honeydukes! I need my Chocolate Frogs,” Noah patted on his pocket, where his money was.
Riley thought Oliver would protest, but the boy didn’t seem to be on the same planet as them. She knew where his mind was and she felt bad for him, hoping the crowded shop would cheer him up somehow.
But it didn’t.
“Where do we go now?” Noah asked with a full mouth as the four friends left Honeydukes.
“Zonko’s?” Leo proposed.
“Oh, I actually want to go to Tomes and Scrolls,” Riley said, pointing at the bookstore across the street.
“I can go with you,” Oliver offered, finally saying something since they got there and making Riley a little bit more optimistic.
“He can go with you,” Leo repeated, “Noah and I will meet you there later. It might take a while, though.”
“It’s okay. See you later then,” the girl waved and the two boys left towards the joke shop, leaving her alone with Oliver. “Let’s go?”
He nodded, following her to the store he had never paid attention to before. 
As they got in, Oliver realized it was way bigger than what it looked like from outside. The shop was completely filled with books of all kinds, shapes and colors. Of course his eyes landed on Quidditch Through The Ages, exposed on a shelf by the door. He inevitably sighed, looking away from it and going further into the store. He did not need a reminder of his failure at that moment.
Riley wasn’t searching for anything specific, she said. She liked to just go there and walk around until something caught her attention, so Oliver decided to do the same. 
They parted ways, each of them heading to a different side of the store, and the boy started reading the books’ titles as he walked through the tall shelves, hoping something interesting would come into sight.
He could understand why he had never paid attention to that store before or why it wasn’t as full as Honeydukes. Unfortunately, despite having a nice variety of books, that shop looked abandoned and slightly dirty. But he could also understand why Riley liked it so much. It strangely felt like home.
A bell rang from the entrance, announcing that someone had just come in. Oliver looked at the door curiously, feeling instantly glad he had done so. Standing by the first shelves, two girls talked to each other quietly as one of them pointed at a book with a yellow cover. Oliver’s eyes could not drift away from the girl on the left, wearing a navy blue coat and nodding at whatever her friend was saying about the yellow book. Her beauty illuminated the dusty, sad environment, bringing back the life Oliver knew it once had. 
He gulped, his heart growing a warm feeling. The girl was holding a small package in her hands, which he could bet was a chocolate bar from Honeydukes, and he suddenly felt the urge to know what she liked to do in her free time, what was her favorite Quidditch team (if she even liked the sport at all), favorite book genre, favorite drink, her favorite song, her name... Who was that girl?
When the two new visitors started walking further into the shop, consequently closer to where he was, Oliver grabbed the first book he saw and opened it at a random page, pretending to be highly interested in the words written there.
The navy blue coat girl waved at someone behind him, a shy smile on her face that made Oliver’s cheeks heat up. He turned around slowly and a mixture of euphoria with total shock took over him as he saw Riley waving back. 
He did not waste a second before walking up to her. 
“Who is that girl?” he asked urgently, not caring if he sounded too demanding.
“She’s a Hufflepuff, a year below us. Why?” Riley frowned at her friend’s urgency.
“How do you know her?”
“She helped me in the bathroom once if you know what I mean. Kindest person I’ve ever met, to be honest.”
“What’s her name?”
“I’m not sure, but I think it’s Y/N.”
“You’re not sure?!”
“It was a long time ago, Oliver. Why are you asking me all these questions?” she raised an eyebrow at him.
“How have I never seen her before?” 
“I don’t know,” Riley shrugged, “But you didn’t answer me.”
“She’s...” Oliver looked at the other side of the store, where Y/N was. “She’s so beautiful.”
“Ohh...” Riley smirked, “I see.”
Oliver kept staring at the girl with a dreamy look on his face, making Riley laugh. That was completely adorable. And new! She had never seen him like that before.
“Let’s go talk to her,” she proposed.
“What?!” he looked at his friend, “No way.”
“Why not?!”
“What am I going to say?”
“’Hi, my name is Oliver, nice to meet you?’” 
“Then what?”
“I’ll help you, c’mon.”
“Come on.”
Riley pulled her friend gently by the arm towards the two girls on the other side of the store. Oliver felt his heart race increase instantly and his stomach get cold. He hoped his face wasn’t red, but it probably was.
“Hey, Y/N,” Riley risked, praying she had gotten the name right. The navy blue coat girl turned around and smiled.
“Hey, Riley! It’s been a while, how are you?”
“I’m good! I’ve heard about your dad’s promotion on the Ministry. Congrats!”
“Thank you! We’re really happy,” Y/N blushed slightly. “Oh, this is my friend Jade.”
The other girl held out her hand with a polite smile, “Nice to meet you, Riley.”
“Nice to meet you too, Jade,” Riley shook her hand, “This is Oliver.” 
“Hi,” he said, shaking Jade’s hand as well.
“Oh, we know Oliver,” Y/N said, making his heart stop completely as he and Riley shared a surprised look. “You’re the Gryffindor captain, right? We watched the game last week.”
Oh no. Riley bit her lower lip nervously.
“Yes, I am,” he nodded, “And I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“Well, you guys made history,” Jade said. 
“Jade,” Y/N elbowed her friend discretely.
“It’s okay,” Oliver reassured Y/N, “She’s right, we did.”
“Miss Allen?” the owner of the shop called from behind the counter. 
“That’s me,” Jade explained, “Excuse me.”
As the girl left towards the man who had called her, Riley saw the opportunity to give Oliver a little push. 
“Oh, I didn’t know Mr. Bennett was here today. I’ll be right back.”
And she headed to the counter as well, leaving Oliver completely alone with Y/N.
“So...” he said, clearing his throat, “You come here often?”
Fucking hell, man. She was probably going to think that was a pick-up line.
...would it be so bad, though?
“I do, actually,” she held the small package against her chest and looked around, “This is my favorite shop in Hogsmeade. It might sound strange, but-”
“It feels like home.”
She looked at him, slightly stunned.
“Exactly,” the girl nodded.
“I get it, even though this is my first time here. It’s a pity I took this long to notice it.”
“Well, it does have a discrete facade,” she smiled kindly at the thought of Mr. Bennett decorating it.
“Yeah,” was all Oliver managed to say. He felt completely lost in her smile and didn’t seem to be able to form any more words.
Y/N noticed the small pause, but the cause of it was unknown to her. 
“So, how’s Harry Potter?” she asked to break the silence, “Is he still in the hospital wing?”
“Um... Yes. But he’s okay now, he’s awake. He’ll stay there for just a few more days.”
“I’m glad to hear that. The news scared us all, but I can only imagine what it was like for you and all of his friends. It’s very understandable what happened on the match. You guys were probably still shaken with his situation.”
“Y-Yes. We were,” Oliver agreed, surprised to find sympathy after a week of disapproval. “He was still unconscious when we played.”
“And yet, you guys gave your best. That’s admirable.”
“Thank you. Not many people seem to take that into account.”
“Well, I can’t speak for the entire school, but I can assure you that the Hufflepuffs do. Cedric even had a speech about it,” she chuckled, “Some boys were being... you know.”
“Thank you. Really,” Oliver sighed, feeling like a giant burden had been lifted from his shoulders. It was very good to know that not everyone blamed him. “You have no idea of how much I needed to hear this.”
“I do,” she put a hand on his upper arm and squeezed it gently, “But it’ll be alright. You’ll see.”
If he hadn’t been able to speak when she smiled, he wasn’t able to even breathe now that she had touched him. The feeling of it was so surreal, he couldn’t believe she existed.
“Oh, and Cedric has said countless times that the Gryffindor team is the second best in Hogwarts,” Y/N added, “After Hufflepuff, of course.”
“Of course,” Oliver chuckled, being followed by Y/N. Usually, he would disagree, but this time he let it pass. The sound of her laugh was too sweet to be interrupted.
“What I mean is that this last game won’t change the fact that you guys are really talented,” she explained, “Don’t listen to the Slytherins, you know that’s an old house rivalry.”
“Yeah...” he looked down, “I know.” 
“Can you believe they had a delay and it’s going to take another week?” Jade complained as she approached her friend.
“Oh no. And how are you going to pick it up?” Y/N asked.
“Mr. Bennett wanted to send it to me for free, but I said no. I’ll pay for the delivery, it’s not his fault,” Jade sighed, “But I wanted it now! That was the whole point of ordering it here, instead of buying it at Flourish and Blotts.”
“Yeah, that’s a shame.”
“So, let’s go?” 
“Sure,” Y/N nodded, “It was nice meeting you, Oliver. See you around?”
“Um... Actually, are you busy right now?” the boy inevitably held his breath as he took his shot.
“I’m afraid so...” Y/N looked hesitantly at Jade, who seemed like she was trying to hide a smirk. “We had planned to go to The Magic Neep now and then to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop.”
“I can go to Scrivenshaft’s by myself, Y/N,” Jade tilted her head slightly, “You’ll be totally free after The Magic Neep.”
Oliver didn’t say anything as he waited for the two friends to come to an agreement. Y/N took a while before replying. 
“You’re right,” and she turned to face Oliver, “I’ll be free after I visit the greengrocer down the street. Why?”
“Well,” he cleared his throat, “I was thinking that maybe we could go to The Three Broomsticks to have a butterbeer and... talk. What do you think?”
Y/N gave her friend a glance, but the girl smiled encouragingly. Oliver couldn’t help but notice the light pink color that Y/N’s cheeks had suddenly acquired.
“That sounds nice,” she answered shyly, “I’d love to.”
“Great! So, see you in...?”
“Half an hour.”
“I’ll be there,” the boy smiled.
“Now, we should get going,” Jade said, “See you around, Oliver.”
“Bye,” Y/N waved at him and followed her friend outside the bookstore.
“Bye,” he whispered as he watched them leave. 
He could not describe what he was feeling at that moment. How could a girl turn a boring day into the best one he had had in a week?
He jumped on the spot with the sudden voice behind him. He turned around to meet the eyes of a very excited and curious Riley.
“How was it?!”
“I have a date,” he smiled.
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Murdering Mister Starr
In the broad daylight of a bright sunny afternoon, you would never expect assassins to show up out of nowhere. But two of them drove up in a dark sedan outside of a fancy white-painted house. The driver cut the engine and the vehicle rolled to a stop just in the driveway of the luxurious home. Gravel crunched underneath the wheels.
Without exiting the car, they watched the house for a solid minute. No sign of anybody home. Just as planned. Two figures in black suits got out of the car. With their sunglasses, silky leather gloves, and nondescript features, they might have even passed as security or bodyguards to any onlookers.
The home of Mister Starr stood alone, surrounded by walls of trees and other lush vegetation, isolated in a quiet, wealthy neighborhood. Not the big enough sort of money to be isolated from the world, but sufficient for what a well-paying lawyer could earn to comfortably live with.
The two men straightened their suit jackets and approached the front door. In a subtle flash, one of them produced a small pouch with lockpicks. The other slung out a small sleek electronic device upon which he pressed a little red button.
They paused at the front door, staring at it in disbelief. The two killers exchanged confused glances. One of them cautiously reached out to the door’s handle. Twisted. Pushed.
The door opened, putting up no resistance. The two men swiftly stepped inside and looked around. Bright walls, lots of light flooding inside through large canopy windows.
“Alarm was never online,” the tall one—Barker—commented.
“Who the fuck doesn’t lock their house?” asked the other one—Allens.
He shut the door behind them and they pocketed their breaking-and-entry tools. In their place, both of the two men whipped out a pistol from a concealed holster each.
Even without any artificial lights on, the afternoon sun shone at them through the multitude of windows all over the Starr residence, painting the place in a stark contrast of glaring brightness.
The two hit men swept through the first floor, room by room. Arms at the ready, guns pointed ahead of them, scanning across every chamber, around every corner, looking into every nook and expecting someone, anyone to jump out at them.
“Well, at least nobody’s here,” Barker said.
“Not a good god-damned soul. Alright, I’ll be right back.”
Allens holstered his firearm in a fluid motion. Barker kept his gun in hand and nodded at him.
While Allens left the Starr house through the front door again, Barker began to look around more carefully. His gaze continued over all manner of electronic devices in the living room. Cutting edge, expensive audio systems attached to a wall—a wall that was, in fact, a gigantic television screen. Barker marveled at how Starr must have put most of his wealth into these multimedia toys, rather than the house he lived in.
Or security.
Just when the engine of the car outside sprung back into life and Allens drove off with their car to park it in a different location, Barker looked around for a remote control. He could not help but satisfy his curiosity to see what a screen this big looked like in action.
Before he could find anything, the TV sprung to life on its own. Instead of the regular entertainment program he expected to see, it displayed a hallway littered with doors. The image stood still, but slight errors in it and mild static revealed to him that it was not a still image, but rather a live camera feed.
Barker pushed his shades down his nose to look over their brim and squint at the gigantic screen. Within a few heartbeats, it dawned on him that the camera displayed the upper floor of the house. He let Allens sweep that area, but had only glimpsed it in passing.
One of the doors in the hallway opened up without revealing who stood behind the opening, allowing an intense crimson glow to pour out into the hall.
Someone else was in the house.
Barker drew his gun again. He was ready to go and ready to shoot, but not ready for the figure who had snuck up behind him.
When Allens returned, he found the front door ajar. Knowing fully well that he had left it closed, he looked around with a growing sense of dread, then stepped inside. His gun was out before he closed the front door behind him.
He stood in the foyer for several moments, hearing only his own breathing and the rushing of blood in his own ears. Gun held tightly in his hands, finger curled around the trigger, ready to blaze away.
Only with delay did he begin to perceive strange sounds coming from upstairs. Pistol pointed up and out in front of him, he cautiously ascended the wide stairwell, ready for anybody to leap out of a corner at him.
He entered the long hallway with the many doors, where the sounds echoed from. Muffled groans. Something like whipping sounds, or like wet bags of raw meat getting slapped against a hard marble counter.
One of the doors stood open. Red light flooded out from it, standing out against the bright white light that entered the Starr house through its many windows.
He approached it with careful steps, inching towards the mysterious red-glowing doorway. The sounds stopped when he made it halfway there.
But Allens had a job to do and he had been in worse pickles before. If Barker was dead and he had to kill more people than he had bargained for, he could always talk about better pay on the next hit if he made it out alive. Maybe he could even argue to cash in on Barker’s cut for himself, as well.
When he finally arrived at the red glow from that open door, it bathed him in its fiery crimson light. Allens’ eyes went blank at the sight there. He slowly lowered the pistol, incapable of tearing his gaze away from what he beheld inside that room.
Instead of shooting, or uttering any words of protest, or doing anything else, he leaned forward, grabbed the doorknob, and pulled the door shut. Stepped away once it engaged into the frame with an audible “click” and the closed door prevented any more of the red light from spilling out.
Allens’ visage had turned white as a sheet; all the blood had drained from it. He swallowed and struggled to negotiate with his brain what he had just seen. He refused to acknowledge it and wanted to just pretend it didn’t exist.
So he left, went downstairs and sat down on one of the chairs in the dining room. He placed the gun on the table in front of him and buried his face in his hands as he recovered from the harrowing sight, doing his damnedest to forget it.
The next moment he looked up, another man pointed a gun at him. Dressed similarly, it took him only seconds to recognize the contours of this man’s face.
The other man standing there—Carson—also wore a three-piece suit and sunglasses. Once he, too, recognized Allen, he lowered the gun.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Carson asked.
“The fuck do you think?” Allens countered.
“You were here to whack Starr as well?”
“Together with Barker, yeah. Didn’t Harry tell you?”
“No,” muttered Carson. He looked around with his brow arched and a face contorted in confusion.
“Where’s Barker now?”
Allens just stared at him—through him—and the blood drained from his face once more.
“I—I don’t know.”
“Whaddya mean you don’t know?”
Allens sighed deeply. To Carson, he simultaneously looked both like he had seen a ghost and like he was a ghost.
“I can show you,” Allens said. His voice shook.
Carson’s cheek twitched at the sight of him. Allens looked broken. The cockiest hit man that their handler ever handled, and this guy looked like he was about to walk into his own execution without any intention of putting up a fight.
Allens got up from his seat and led Carson upstairs. Down the hall. All the way to that damned door. He paused in front of it and Carson stared at him in disbelief as the seconds dragged on while Allen stood there, motionlessly.
“Well, what? Open the fucking door!”
Instead of turning to look at him, or say something, or do anything whatsoever, Allens shook his head. He swallowed a few times and edged away from the door—one step backwards, then another.
Carson’s patience wore out and he lurched forward to grasp the doorknob. He twisted, and pushed the door inside. Had all the energy to barge right on in and fire several rounds into the room at whoever awaited him there. But he paused abruptly, mid-motion. Froze.
Powerful red light engulfed him, pouring out of the door into the hallway. Carson’s jaw dropped and he stared through the door, dumbfounded.
After several seconds, Carson finally closed the door. Stepped away and rubbed his eyes.
“Is that what I think it is?”
“I think so,” Allens said, croaking out the words in a coarse whisper.
“Is Mister Starr the fucking devil?”
“Not really,” said a third voice. Posh British accent.
Carson’s dread fueled his panicked and split-second reaction. He spun around, pointing the gun at the third person who had spoken behind him.
This man, too, was dressed in a suit, albeit a bright white one. Slumped shoulders and bad posture. The corners of his mouth twitched with an awkward smile.
Neither Allens nor Carson recognized the man in white. He almost blended in with all the bright light flooding in through the windows.
“And just who are you, now?” Carson asked him. The gun in his hand trembled ever so slightly as his finger curled more tightly around the trigger.
The man in white cleared his throat and the smile faded from his face.
“Well, I am not a murderer like you gentlemen, nor did I come here with any intent of murdering Mister Starr. Any good guesses as to who I am?”
Wordlessly, Allens and Carson stared at him. Allens drew his pistol as well, now with both assassins aiming at the man in white.
“Boys—are you really sure you want to do this? You can always walk right into that door over there if you want to fast-track things. Barker had it long coming. You still have a little time left,” said the man in white. His voice gained in melody, almost turned into delighted singing, the more he spoke.
The two hit men remained silent.
“You wouldn’t dare pull those triggers now, would you?” asked the man in white with a chuckle. “Come now, get lost. We all have better things lined up for today, don’t we? You have a mob to run from for failing at your job, and I have other business to attend to.”
Carson and Allens exchanged a nervous glance between each other. Then they started moving. Despite keeping their guns trained on the man in white, they gave him a wide berth and walked around him in the hallway. They never dared turn their backs on him.
The two assassins picked up the pace and disappeared around the corner, making their way out to escape from Mister Starr’s strange home.
“Oh, and drive carefully, boys! Wouldn’t want any innocent people to get killed in traffic accidents—they’re of no use to me,” the man in white shouted after them.
He smiled. All to himself.
The man in white turned to the door and opened it again. Red light flooded out and his feeble smile grew wide. Toothy. But his eyes were dead. Malevolent. The groans of pain from whatever awaited beyond that door were music to his ears while he stayed deaf to any pleas of mercy.
“Oh, Mister Barker. You’ve been a very naughty boy. What ever shall we do with you?”
He laughed as he entered.
The door slammed shut behind him, swallowing the red light.
—Submitted by Wratts
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singledarkshade · 4 years
Summary: It's the opening night of John's newest nightclub. Author’s Note: Set after the original story Protection and the story New Recruit in the Legends Security Series, I intend to do another big story in this universe but until then, just another small foray. Enjoy.                                ********************************************* “I know I told you this the last time,” Caitlin Snow said as she wrote up the chart, “But I don’t want to see you back here again.”
Rip smiled at the woman who had saved his life, “And I definitely intend never to be.”
Caitlin chuckled softly, “Okay, everything looks great. Your shoulder has healed beautifully and, as long as you keep up the physio for a few more weeks, you should be as good as new.”
“Does that mean he can start participating in all activities?” Gideon asked from his side.
Rip closed his eyes while Caitlin laughed.
“As long as he doesn’t overexert himself,” Caitlin said, the smirk evident in her voice, “I don’t see any activities that are excluded.”
Gideon beamed at him, “That’s very good to know.”
Rolling his eyes, Rip slipped his hand in Gideon’s and nodded to Caitlin, “Thank you. Are you coming to John’s party tonight?”
Caitlin laughed, “Yes. He wore me down.”
“Well, he’s annoyingly excited about this new club,” Rip smiled fondly.
“You should still abstain from alcohol for now,” Caitlin noted.
Gideon squeezed his hand, “I will make sure of that. We’ll see you tonight.”
Rip winced slightly as he pulled a clean shirt on, although he was free of the sling his shoulder was still tender. Part of him really wanted to stay at home tonight, to curl up with Gideon and watch a movie. Maybe move their relationship on slightly further now he was able to.
But he knew he couldn’t.
John had put a lot of work into his new club, fixing it to his standards and Rip had to be there for the opening. Checking his watch, he sighed, they had to leave soon.
“Gideon?” he called, “Are you almost ready?”
“I have been ready for the last ten minutes,” she said appearing from the other room, “And waiting for you.”
Rip stared at her for several seconds, she was wearing a figure-hugging red and black dress that sparkled with every movement she made. As with all Gideon’s ‘night out’ clothes, this had been designed by Nora Darhk.
“You look amazing,” Rip told her.
Gideon kissed him softly, “I wasn’t sure when Nora gave me this dress, but it fits nicely.”
“I think she designs almost everything for you,” Rip noted.
Laughing she shrugged, “I was the one she always used as a model when she started.” She grabbed his hand, “Now, let’s go and support your brother.”
Grabbing his jacket and keys, Rip wrapped his arm around her, and they headed to the car.
  Inferno was completely different from John’s other three clubs. Living up to its name, every wall and floor had coloured glass that, when the lights were on, made them looked as though they were on fire. There was a walkway that went all around the room, at the back wall it extended out as a stage, which was how it was currently sitting waiting for the band.
“So,” Rip said as he reached his brother, “Understated as always.”
John turned and hugged him, relieved that Rip was finally there, “What took you so long?”
“Rip had to fix his hair,” Gideon teased.
Chuckling John hugged the beautiful woman who in the past few months had gone from client to friend, “And he still needs a few hours to reach your level of gorgeous.”
Gideon gave him a smile, while Rip rolled his eyes.
“I am going to get us something to drink,” Gideon told them, “John?”
“Scotch please,” he smiled.
“Am I getting asked,” Rip demanded amused.
Gideon rolled her eyes, “Since you’re not allowed to drink yet, I assume water as that’s what you always drink. Or should I get you some soda?”
“Water please.”
Chuckling, Gideon kissed him, “I won’t be long.”
John watched Gideon head to the bar for a moment before turning to Rip, “Seriously, marry that girl.”
“Give us a little time to get to know one another,” Rip said softly.
John rested his hand on Rip’s good shoulder, “I’m just happy you didn’t get in your own way.”
 Gideon leaned against her boyfriend as they sat in one of the booths on the top level of the club where John had set aside a VIP area for the evening. Although they’d not known one another as long as most people thought, because of Rip’s injury they hadn’t been able to be as intimate as they wanted so their relationship had deepened in a way it wouldn’t have under normal circumstances.
The first chord made her turn and Gideon joined in the cheering at the band arriving on stage.
“How did you manage to get them?” Rip demanded of his brother as the Flash waved to the crowds.
“Considering how much they like our security company,” John said, “They were more than happy to play a set for me tonight.”
As soon as the music began, their most famous song ‘Lightening’, the entire club started to dance. Gideon tugged Rip up to dance with her, smiling that he joined her.
The band played several of their up-tempo numbers, before beginning one of their ballads. Gideon smiled as Rip wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close. She remembered the first time they danced together, how it was simply for show as though they were in a relationship at the time. It had surprised Gideon how much she enjoyed being wrapped in his arms, how comfortable she felt being close to him when they barely knew one another.
Rip kissed her as the song ended, and Gideon smiled when they broke apart.
“Tonight,” she murmured, “I think we should try some other activities.”
He smiled at her, “Sounds like a good plan.”
“Hi,” Barry Allen, the lead singer said breaking the mood between them, “When John asked us to play his new club, we couldn’t say no and when we set up this afternoon we were inspired.”
Rip glanced over at John who had a smirk on his face before turning his attention back to the stage.
“This is a new song we wrote for tonight,” Barry continued, “Called Inferno.”
They began to play, and the entire room began to dance. Rip laughed. A new song from one of the hottest bands in the country at John’s club opening, inspired by his club, was the best endorsements he could ever get.
Shaking his head, Rip danced with Gideon. When the song reached its final chorus, Rip caught John’s pressing the button on a remote control and the entire room lit up. The fire effect rippled around as smoke machines pumped out coloured smoke from all corners of the room.
The crowd cheered and screamed as the band finished their set.
  The night continued to be a great one. After their set Barry and the band joined them in the VIP area along with Caitlin who John enthusiastically introduced to everyone to the amazing surgeon who’d saved Rip’s life.
But the evening had to come to an end.
Rip hugged his brother, “This was fantastic. You outdid yourself getting the band to play for you.”
John shrugged, “Well, Harry and I were talking a few weeks ago. I told him about the club and the theme, he spoke to the band and they offered to do a set.”
“Well, I have a feeling their song is going to make the club the place to be,” Rip noted.
John grinned, “I know. Couldn’t believe when Barry told me they’d written the song.”
Rip laughed.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” John told him, “I am going to close up and chase everyone. Take Gideon home.”
Rolling his eyes Rip hugged the man he called his brother once more, “See you tomorrow.”
Rip joined Gideon who was talking with Caitlin, smiling when Gideon took his hand.
“Are you ready?”
She nodded, “Goodnight, Caitlin.”
“Goodnight,” Caitlin replied, giving Rip a sly smirk.
  Rip wrapped his arm around Gideon as they stepped into the elevator of his apartment building. They’d come to his apartment as it was closer to the club and Gideon was completely in love with the view of the harbour he had.
The moment they were inside Rip pressed a soft kiss to Gideon who wrapped her arms around him. The kiss deepened and he felt her begin to undo his shirt.
Rip pulled back and looked at her, “Are you ready for this?”
Gideon nodded before asking, “Are you?”
“Yes,” he breathed, “I love you.”
A sweet smile touched her lips, “I love you too.”
Taking his hand, Gideon led Rip into his bedroom.
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Earth 2 Harrison Wells x Reader- Chapter 3
“So you’re a metahuman too?” 
Caitlin made a weird face. “I’m more like an experiment that my dad did. But my powers are similar to that of metahumans.“ 
“Well okay.” you were still trying to wrap your head around everything. After meeting them you made regular visits to S.T.A.R. Labs, especially after finding out they worked with the Flash. You wanted to help in any way you could. So whenever you were off at the hospital you’d drop by. 
Harry strutted in with his head buried in a book. “Ramon I need you to-” his head raised upon entrance, catching sight of you. “(Y/N).” you brightened.
“Hi Harry.” Caitlin watched the exchange in silence. She couldn’t help but smile at how you always glowed when Harry entered the building. Maybe you didn’t even realize. There was also a different gleam in Harry’s eyes when he saw you. One of respect, that was for sure, but there was something else. Something she thought almost impossible for Harry to show. 
“What were you asking for?” Cisco interrupted. His eyes were looking on the screen as he twirled a lollipop in his fingers. 
“You know Cisco, your daily intake of candy is really high. According to my observations if you keep it up you’ll have-”
“Nope! Not listening, not listening!!” he shouted, popping the sweet back in his mouth as he plugged his ears. 
“I’m just saying.” you mumbled. Caitlin gave a pat. “Trust me I’ve tried.“ 
“You seem to be coming by more and more. Surely the hospital isn’t that boring.” Harry observed. 
You wanted to be an asset to Team Flash, that was for sure. But there were ulterior motives behind your visits. Ones you’d never disclose to Harry. 
Before he could question further someone came running in. You were almost thrown off your feet at the force of the wind. Whoever it was grabbed you, taking off. When your feet hit the ground again you almost fell. The person grabbed your shoulders keeping you upright. 
“Woah, sorry about that. I guess I should have given you some warning but this was urgent.” You turned to the scarlet speedster with a smile. “At least now I can say I rode with the Flash at least once.” he led you to where he said there was someone injured. You noticed the girl that wasn’t moving, you couldn’t even tell if she was breathing. 
“I was coming back from my patrol and I just found her in this alley. I have no idea what’s wrong. I know I should have gone to the hospital first but if it turned out to be something they couldn’t handle it would be hard for you to get close without others seeing you use your powers. “ You understood. When you were close, you kneel in front of her. You did a preliminary check first, looking for open wounds, bumps or bruises. When you couldn’t find any you held your hands over her body. They glowed and eventually a golden energy seeped from her body into yours. You grunted when you felt a burning in your chest. You lungs felt like they were being squeezed. 
“Asthma! “ you gasped out. It didn’t take long for the girl to start breathing normally again. She coughed, groaning as she started to sit up. Barry looked back at you worried when he saw you struggling to breath. You waved your hand, telling him to get her to the hospital. He was gone in a gust of wind. You sat there trying to regain your breath. Your airways felt like they were closing in on you. When the familiar feel of wind hit your face you looked up. Barry lifted you off the ground, taking off with you. 
In a matter of seconds you were back in the cortex. He placed you on a bed and everyone rushed to your side. 
“What did you do Allen!” Harry accused. Barry shook his head. 
“S-She helped a girl with asthma. Now she’s like this. I had no idea what it was so I asked (Y/N) to help her.” 
Caitlin started plugging machines to your body. You pushed her away. After a few moments you started to let out regular breaths. “I’m fine.” you sighed out pressing a hand to your chest. 
Harry looked pissed. “You can’t just go around blindly healing others. I told you metas have limits. What good can you do if you’re dead!” 
His tone made you a bit angry. “It’s my choice what I choose to do with these powers! You can’t tell me what I can and cannot do!!” you were furious. 
“You’re a doctor (Y/N), I’m sure you know what happens when the body is constantly placed under stress. “
“Because I am a doctor I also know that when the body is introduced to a certain amount of pain constantly it adjusts. How do you think people improve when exercising? Our body is built to handle a certain amount of pressure. That’s how athletes condition themselves. It’s the same with me. You think I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve been at this longer than you think. I’ve run every test, every experiment. So don’t stand there telling me what I’m capable of!!” you and Harry were full on screaming now. The three other people present in the room were a bit terrified to get involved.
“That doesn’t mean you aren’t getting affected just listen to me!!” He bellowed.
“BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU!!” you froze at his words. He took off his glasses, looking to the side as he massaged his temple. 
“W-We’ll just go, you guys look like you have a lot to talk about.” Cisco said awkwardly. He didn’t even use the exit. He opened a breach and Barry and Caitlin followed jumping in without a word. When they were gone you looked back at Harry. He still wouldn’t look you in the eyes.
“In the short time that I’ve known you, I’ve come to regard you dearly. It’s admirable what you do.” His words warmed your heart. From the moment you met him you felt like he understood what you’d been going through. Even that story about your past. You didn’t make a habit of telling strangers about yourself, yet something in those blue eyes made you want to place your trust in him. 
You walked over, placing your hands on his cheeks as you raised his head to look at you. You could see the worry, the dread in his orbs. As much as he liked to put up a tough front you could tell. He’d lost people too. He knew what it was like. Maybe that’s why you both were drawn to each other. 
“I can’t promise you that I’ll ever stop helping people Harry. It’s been graded into me, that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. What I can promise is that I’ll be careful. From now on I’ll try to limit how regular I use my abilities if it can be avoided. Sarah is almost completely recovered. When she is I’ll take a break and let my medical degree do the work.” he smiled at that. 
“I feel as though that would be a challenge in itself.” you giggled. 
“It will be, but I have to try. So don’t look so worried.” He closed his eyes for a moment, just relishing in the feel of your palms on his skin. 
“I guess I can live with that.” he mumbled. 
“By the way, what you said earlier sounded strangely like a confession. Did you have a crush on me this entire time.” He pulled back with a scoff.
“I’m Harrison Wells, I don’t get crushes.” You laughed. “That’s too bad, guess I’ll just have to give this kiss to a Harrison Wells that does get crushes.” He blinked. 
“I mean..I’ll admit to having strong feelings towards you..” he bargained. You just giggled. He really was too proud for his own good sometimes. You leaned up on your toes pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“I’ll take it. “
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borhapparker · 5 years
ambs’ writing challenge!
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we reached a milestone!! yaay! thank you guys so much, oh my gosh! since this is a new follower milestone, i want to do something with you guys. i’m doing a writing challenge, and feel free to join in! i’m super excited about this and i’ve been working on it for a while now! it does have new characters/actors you guys can write for and choose. prompts are below the cut, but these are the rules!
rules: - must be following (it is a follower celebration) - reblog this post to spread the word - three people per dialogue prompt, two people per song prompt - you can only choose characters/actors from the list i share, its just easier for me to read from fandoms/characters/actors i regularly write for - the deadline will be december 23, 2019 (so everyone has time to actually write and post their stories!) - no smut is allowed! - can be a one shot or a series - use the read more for anything longer than 500 words - send an ask with which prompt you’d like and who you’re writing for - add any warnings that apply - tag your entry with #ambswritingchallenge - tag me as well and i will add it to the masterlist! (and i’ll actually keep track of it this time, i promise) - no first person - characters you can write for: bucky, peter parker, aladdin (new live-action), roger taylor, brian may, warren worthington iii, barry allen, charlie nelson - actors you can write for: ben hardy, tom holland, sebastian stan, mena massoud, gwilym lee, grant gustin, sam holland, harry holland, harrison osterfield
prompts and tags can be found below! good luck!
dialogue prompts:
“isn’t the idea supposed to be you saved my life, now i owe you a debt?” “nope. other way around. you saved my life, so now i’m your problem. if you don’t like it, then kill me.”
“is it true?” “according to some sources.” “it was your wedding!”
“see, this is why we don’t kill our friends.” - @honeybucks w/bucky barnes, 
“you have no reason to be mad at me, you broke my heart.”
“oh my god, you’re in love.” - @strangertingle w/bucky barnes, 
“what the hell is wrong with you?”
“i can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.” - @funkytalia w/roger taylor, 
“don’t close your eyes! stay with me!”
“i shouldn’t be in love with you.”
“were you ever going to tell me?”
“i-is that... a blood stain?” - @spidergirlwanab w/ peter parker, 
“go ahead, hit me.”
“what if one day i wake up, and you don’t?”
“look me in the eye, and tell me that this meant nothing to you.” - @funkytalia w/roger taylor, 
“this isn’t what i wanted.”
“i wasn’t lying when i said i loved you. please don’t do this.” - @awkwardfangirl2014 w/ bucky barnes, 
“i told you not to fall in love with me.”
“can we just pretend like we’re normal for once?”
“it serves me right for wishing on a star.”
“my dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.”
“how dare you? all of you! standing around deciding my future? i am not a prize to be won!” - @harringtonsbaseballbat w/ warren worthington iii, 
“the rest of the world may follow the rules but i must follow my heart.” - @blissfulparker w/tom holland, 
“d-a-n-g-e-r. shortcut!”
“you’re the best thing i never knew i needed.”
song prompts:
a whole new world by mena massoud, naomi scott
ocean eyes by billie elish
don’t stop me now by queen
all for us by zendaya, labrinth
don’t you worry child by swedish house mafia
alive by pearl jam
crazy little thing called love by queen
what do i know? by ed sheeran
see you again by charlie puth, wiz khalifa
who do you love by 5 seconds of summer, the chainsmokers
lover by taylor swift - @mamaskillerqueen w/ ben hardy, 
graveyard by halsey
circles by post malone
truth hurts by lizzo
don’t call me angel by ariana grande, miley cyrus, lana del rey
teeth by 5 seconds of summer
sucker by jonas brothers
@darling-marvel @hollandroos @madmadmilk @bens-hardy @grandmascottlang @underoosstark @strangertingle @peteparkrrs @spiderboytotherescue @peachyhollands @bi-writes @spiderrrling @blissfulparker @boohooiamthefool @deacydarling @spidergirlwanab @fanboy-tom @fanasiana @mrshazosterfield @fairytaleparker
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