#i am such a sucker for voices and for what. to DIE HERE
loving-barnes · 1 month
A/N: Guys, it's happening! It's here! Old man Logan story for you! I don't know if you'll like it. This is what I always imagined after seeing "Logan" movie. I am a sucker for happy endings, I guess. Let me know what you think. I tried my best.
Pairing: Old man Logan Howlett x Mutant! female reader
Warning: angst, some fluff, nudity, extremely light smut
Words: 6800+
Important notes: Hugh Jackman!Wolverine | Inaccurate information from the movie. I just wanted to write my own thing, so just be aware of that.
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Shitty year. Shitty life. The only thing that eased the pain and his thoughts was the booze. He was able to get drunk. Fucking finally. No one stopped him from the liquid poison. Why would they? No one was alive. Everyone was dead, under the daisies. Sniffing them with their skeletons. All thanks to Charles. Now, that old senile fuck wouldn’t die no matter what. Fucking telepath. 
Logan threw another empty bottle on the dusty ground, snarling as he limped back to the driver’s seat of the limo. His phone had been ringing for some time now. It meant another job for him. He took a minute to collect himself to look at the notification. He hoped to call it a day. That dream died sooner than his appetite for alcohol.
One passenger, long ass drive around El Paso. Fucking rich people that don’t know what to do with their money, he thought. Last night, he drove a bunch of drunk chicks from a bachelorette party, showing him their tits. At least some fun, nice round things to look at. Tonight, it wouldn’t be as entertaining.
Touching the screen, he accepted the offer and put the phone into a holder. His eyes found another empty bottle on the passenger’s seat. Logan threw it out the window. He drove off the side road and headed to pick up the next customer. He hoped it would be someone calm. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with drunks and skanks. 
God he wished the day would end soon -  well, night. He was tired, hungry and was already in need of booze to ease his mind and pain. This life sucked. Ever since Charles managed to kill everyone over a year ago, living in this world has been a nightmare. Instinctively, he patted the spot on his jacket where he carried an adamantium bullet. Logan kept it with him, to end his life once he felt like it wasn’t worth living anymore. 
When he came to the pick-up spot, he frowned. There was one person, as expected. He pictured a guy standing there, like the one he drove to a hotel a week ago. This was a woman. She was dressed in all black, with a big black hat and massive sunglasses. Snobby girl using daddy’s money, he thought. Besides, who the fuck wears sunglasses in the evening?
Logan was ready to leave the limo and open the door for her. However, the woman was faster. She got inside on her own. At least she was capable of doing that. 
He drove away, heading to… wait, where were they headed? He grabbed his phone to look at the final destination. There was none. He noticed a note: Please drive around the city. Fuck, he wasn’t going to do that. He wanted to go back home. 
Logan rolled down the partition, mouth open to ask the question. But he was met with the woman sitting right behind him as if she was waiting for him to address her. Something inside told him to be careful. Goose bumps ran through his devastated body. 
“Where to, miss?” was all he asked. 
Her head turned to the side. Logan noticed the shape of her lips covered in crimson-red lipstick. To him, they reminded him of someone. His mind went instantly back to the days when everyone was alive. There was one person he missed the most. She used to wear a colour like that on her lips. God, he hated thinking about her. It was too painful.
“Just keep driving,” the woman replied. 
That voice. Holy fuck, how sweet and familiar it was. The booze was playing tricks on him, he was sure of it. No, she was dead. Everyone was dead. Charles killed almost all X-men with his seizure-inducted psychic attack. 
He took a deep breath to calm down. When a familiar scent hit his nostrils, he squinted at the woman. What the fuck was this? This was just some mind game of his brain. “That’s not how things work, miss.” 
She chuckled and took off her sunglasses. When her eyes met his, Logan jumped on the brakes and the limo halted abruptly. One hand rested on the steering wheel while the rest of his body turned around to look better into her face. What the fuck was happening?
“Hey, Logan,” the woman said his name. It sounded like the most beautiful melody that hit his ears.
“Y/N?” he whispered her name. 
The cars behind them started to honk aggressively. The limo was in their way, slowing the traffic down. It wasn’t wise to stand in the middle of the street. Logan cursed and started to drive again, his eyes watching Y/N through the rear-view mirror like a hawk. He feared that one blink later she’d be gone. 
He drove them to a silent street, where he knew they’d be alone, without anyone snooping around. The shock was replaced by anger and betrayal. How the fuck was she alive after everything that happened? 
Logan parked the car, his body turned back to face her. She should be glad there was the fucking partition separating them. His emotions were running wild. He’d be able to grab her by the neck and choke the truth out of her. “Fucking sing, right now woman. How the fuck are you alive?” 
“You sure this is safe?” she pointed at the outside. 
“Fuck, talk!” he raised his voice at her. “You’re supposed to be dead. How the fuck are you alive? Explain yourself before I do something I’ll regret for the rest of my miserable life.” Logan was fuming. It was like a wicked mind game. 
“I don’t know.”
He laughed. What a pathetic reply. “I should believe that?” 
Huffing, she moved to the door and stepped out of the limo. Logan got out a second later, limping towards her as fast as he could. With a painful grunt, he took the claws out of his right hand and grabbed her by the top of her long jacket. He pressed her against the vehicle. 
Y/N’s eyes locked with his. There wasn’t a hint of fear inside her. She remained calm. She expected this reaction, the distrust. Anyone would react this way. 
Her breathing was slow, even. “I can explain everything.” 
“You have one fucking minute,” he snarled.
“I’m gonna need more than that,” she said. 
He cursed under his nose. Logan let her go and stepped back to breathe. He was spiralling. Was this happening? This was a hallucination, he was sure of it. None of it was real. “Fuck, fuck! I mourned you. You’re supposed to be fucking dead like the rest of them!” He coughed.
It was painful to see him like this. One year could do a lot of damage - physical and mental. The man she once knew was broken and bruised. Carefully, her hand lifted to his face. She pressed the palm on his grey-brown beard-covered cheek. “Logan,” she said his name. “I’m so sorry for everything that happened.” 
“Shut up.” 
“So many lost, dead because of what Charles’s power did,” she continued. “I’m really sorry about this.”
As she was about to retract her hand, he grabbed her with his left one and pressed his lips on top of it. He inhaled her scent, felt the soft skin with his lips. Logan needed to be sure she was real and not just a figment of his imagination. “How?” he grunted. ���How is this possible? I mourned you, Y/N,” he repeated.
She nodded, understanding. “There is a lot to discuss,” she said. “We need to go somewhere where we can talk. That’s why I wanted you to drive around. Standing here, where anyone can see us is dangerous.” 
Logan let her go. He huffed and wiped his face with a hand. The claws on the right hand were long gone. “Get in the car,” he ordered. “I know a place.”
She didn’t have to be told twice. Y/N sat on the passenger’s seat and Logan drove them away. Both of them made sure there weren’t any suspicious vehicles following them. El Paso was a big city, lightened up with many lights like Vegas. The city woke up for the night as the temperatures got acceptable to humans. 
“Is anyone else alive?” Logan asked after a while. His voice got softer. He was able to process the initial shock.
“No,” she shook her head. “Everyone’s dead. I should have been dead too.” 
“How come you are not?” 
She took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts. “I think my mutation saved me. It got enhanced with Charles’s psychic attack, or what the hell that was. My mutation was always a protective one. I believe it helped me survive and regenerate. As if that whole situation unlocked something new inside me.” 
“Shit,” he gasped. “Is that even possible?”
She shrugged. “I recall something that Charles taught back at the school. High-stress situations can unlock mutant powers. Usually, it happens to teens and children. But, it’s not rare for mutant adults to have their mutation enhanced by stress, which can potentially bring out more powers.” 
Y/N reached into her boot and took out a pocket knife. As Logan stopped the limo at the red light, she showed him her forearm. “Look.” With one precise move, she cut her skin. Some blood dripped down her arm and onto her clothes. Next, it was sealed with a white light. The skin was nice and clean as if she never cut herself. 
Shit, she could regenerate now. It made sense she survived. “Damn. That didn’t happen before,” Logan commented. He thought back to the days when they were at the mutant school. She could get hurt like anyone else. Bleed like any mortal. “Just… tell me why did you decide to show up now? Why not when you woke up after that incident?” 
Logan drove them to the parking lot inside a building. It was big enough for the limo to fit through the driveway. Once he parked on the second level, he turned the gas off. 
“I didn’t know where you were or who was left alive,” she said. 
“A year, Y/N,” he glared at her. Logan’s eyes were red. He had bags under them, signalling the lack of sleep, the tiredness. “What the hell were you doing during that time?” 
The silence inside the car got heavy. This was a question she knew he’d ask. It was time to tell him everything that happened. 
Y/N turned her body to face him. Her eyes found his shaky hands. “I remember… the pain. A lot of it. My head was about to explode. There was a ringing sound in my ears. The ground was shaking. I could see our friends, the students, on the ground, yelling and gasping for air.
Then it was followed by darkness. When I woke up, I was in a morgue. There were so many of us, lying on cold tables. I was the only one alive. They were all dead.” She took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. “I went through all the tables, saw all the dead faces of our friends and family.” 
Her voice broke. It was too painful to talk about what she went through when she woke up. How fast the world changed. Her hands trembled. “I went through all bodies,” she sobbed. “I saw all the lifeless faces. I cried my eyes out and mourned them. In the end, I realised two people were missing - you and Charles.” 
Logan’s expression softened. He was consumed by his anger and confusion. She came back to his life when he thought she was dead. He should consider it a blessing. A light came back into his dark life. Now, he learnt that her second chance at life was a complete disaster. Pain and death. 
“It took me some time to start again, trust the people around me. Afterwards, I started to look for you. I knew, deep inside, that you were alive somewhere. I made a plan, created a safe place for us once I’d find you. It took me half a year to get an intel that you were alive, here in El Paso.” 
Logan’s hand reached her face and wiped away the tears that ran down her cheeks. After all this time, he still had a soft spot for her. He always did. 
“It wasn’t easy to get here,” she continued. “Luckily, I had people from the past who owed me a couple of favours. I collected information about you. It was easy to discover you got Charles with you. I got intel about his state or how you’ve been trying to get meds for him. When possible, I’d arrange for extra medication for him.”
Logan sighed. “That was you?” 
She nodded. “Yeah. It wasn’t always possible. I tried my best to help you while I prepared for the whole plan I made.” 
He huffed. “Shit, I appreciate it, darlin’.” 
Y/N smiled at him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner. I’m sorry I couldn’t…” 
“That’s okay-”
She grabbed his hand. Her fingers trailed the scars on it. They hid under the sleeves of his black jacket. “Do you… Do you know what’s happening to you?” she had to ask. “I can see you’ve changed, Logan.” 
“I’m an old man now,” he said. “I’m in constant pain, healing slowly but not fully. It’s clear I finally have my expiration date. I’ve been alive for almost 200 years. I’ve been through a lot of shit, good and bad.” 
“So,” she cleared her throat. “You feel like it’s your time to go?”
“I didn’t have a reason to live,” Logan admitted. He couldn’t look at her. His eyes were locked on the front window, watching the outside. “The X-men dead, no school, no mutants. I ended up taking care of Charles, who doesn’t want to die,” he grunted, frustrated. He smashed his hands against the steering wheel. 
Logan left the car abruptly. He needed to breathe, to move around and calm down. Charles once gave him a second chance at life. He welcomed him into the mutant school. Now, Logan wanted him to finally die. It was too much responsibility. And he was exhausted.
Y/N appeared before him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Logan,” she whispered his name. Her mouth opened to say some reassuring words when he pressed her against the limo. His big hands grabbed her by her face and pressed his lips to hers. 
It’s been a year since he last kissed her. She used to be his anchor, the love of his life. It got destroyed when everyone died - when he thought she died. And now, being here with her a year later, the need was back. Their lips moved in sync in a hungry kiss filled with sorrow. His tongue demanded entrance for further exploration. 
Y/N grabbed him by the white button-up. She missed his kisses, his touch. However, it felt different. The time apart made it feel a bit foreign and sad. Her heart wanted to explode.
Logan pushed away, breathing heavily. “Sorry,” he sighed. “I shouldn’t have done that.” 
“It’s okay,” Y/N quickly found his shoulders. “It’s been a fucked up year.” 
He pulled her into his arms, hiding her in a tight embrace. “With you here, back in my life, it changes everything,” he admitted. 
There was a short silence before Y/N told him something he didn’t know. “I know what’s happening to you, Logan.” 
They looked at each other. His brow lifted. “What?” His arms remained on her waist.
“It’s the adamantium,” she said. “It’s poisoning you, slowing down your healing factor and killing you.” 
“How do you know?”
She told him the story of how her trusted friend from the past was able to get to Logan’s blood sample from the time when he agreed to get the adamantium. They ran some tests and even got their hands on some of his bloody clothes from a few months back when he got shot by some men in a parking lot.
“With his help, we were able to do a full analysis and figure out that the adamantium would attack your cells more with time. It’s a toxic substance released from the metal that is killing you from the inside. It’s a whole complex situation. But,” she sighed, “he was able to figure it all out.” 
He huffed. “Well, there you go, darlin’. My time is running out. Fast.”
“What if…” she whispered. “What if there was a way to heal you? Would you want that?” 
This time, they parted away to have a better look at each other. “That’s a difficult one, Y/N. I know things won’t be the same as they were a year ago.”
The sadness appeared in her eyes and he noticed. “Oh…”
“I know things are so fucked up. No more mutants are being born. If there are any left, which I highly doubt, they are all hiding.” 
“You,” she started. “You wouldn’t want me back?” Y/N had to ask. She needed to know to move on. After everything, her heart belonged to him. 
Logan closed his eyes and thought about his reply. “I will want you until the day I die. And that’s the thing. My days are coming to an end. Look what happened to me. I’m an old fuck, who could be your fucking grandfather now.” 
“I still love you,” she said looking away. “I don’t care about any of it. You are my Logan. The one who protected me, helped me grow and made me a better person. Fuck, there was always a gigantic age gap between us. Do you think, just because you have grey hair and scars, will make me love you less?” 
Logan shook his head in disbelief. “I always knew you were too good for me. Even now, you’ve been helping me while I had no idea you were alive. Shit. Such an angel in disguise.” 
Y/N swallowed hard. A lump formed in her throat. “I have an antidote for you,” she blurted out. “If you want it. If you want a better life… with me.” She knew damn well how selfish and stupid it sounded. 
She nodded. “I know, it’s crazy. I know you have no reason to trust me after being separated for a year, while you believed I was dead.” Her hands started to shake. The desperation was evident. She wanted him, needed him back in her life. “It’s up to you, Logan. I have it. If you want it.” 
His phone started to ring. Logan’s eyes moved to the car, seeing the phone still in the holder vibrating. It had to be Caliban. “Shit, I need to head back home.” 
Y/N’s heart dropped. Was this the end of it all? He didn’t want the antidote. He didn’t want her or another chance at life. “I understand.” 
Logan reached for her hand. “You are coming with me, darlin’. We are not done with this conversation. I am not fucking done with you.” He brought the hand to his lips and kissed it. “Get in the car.” 
“No,” he shook his head. “You’re coming with me. Don’t you dare jump to conclusions, Y/N. We have a lot to discuss. And believe me, I’m not fucking letting you go.” 
A warm smile appeared on her face. “Okay.”
“I just fucking hope you don’t have to leave now.”
“No,” she smiled at him. “I’m staying. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll keep you safe, I swear on my life. I’ll get you out of here. Like I said, I already have a plan.” 
Logan helped her get inside the vehicle. He drove them out of El Paso to a place he now called home. It wasn’t much, but it was a place where they could hide and survive. It was located near the US/Mexican borders, in the middle of a dusty nowhere. 
Y/N watched his face the whole drive. She could see how he squinted, frowned out of nowhere. The smile that was on his face turned into a painful scowl. He was in pain. It was a moment like this when she wished she could heal other people with a simple touch. That’s not how her mutation worked. 
When they arrived at an old abandoned smelting plant, the air was warm. Dust and dry land hit her nostrils once she got out of the limo. 
“One more thing,” Logan said and coughed. “We have another mutant here. His name is Caliban.” 
She frowned at him. Everyone knew Caliban. “If I were you, I’d kill him for what he had done in the past. Fucker used to help Transigen for a long time, tracking mutants for them. You were too kind to take him in.”
Logan huffed. He reached his hand towards her. She approached him, taking his hand into his. He got her inside the rusty old building. Together, they walked into a section that could be called ‘the kitchen’. 
Y/N’s eyes wandered around, seeing all the empty bottles of alcohol. Old long rags hung from the walls. It was like a workroom. The smell of steel and ore. At least this was a safe place where they could sleep and eat. 
“Logan?” Y/N turned to the sound to meet Caliban. She noticed how his eyes widened when they landed on her. “Shit, you are alive.” 
“So are you,” she glared at him. 
He took a sniff, frowning. “If I had known you’re alive, I’d have smelt you. I would have known about your presence. Something is different about you. I can’t smell the mutation on you.” 
“Maybe it’s your own mutation weakening,” she growled at him. 
“Mind your own fucking business,” Logan glared at Caliban. 
“Don’t you find it odd that she’s alive?” he raised his voice, finger pointing at the woman. “How is that fucking possible? How come she doesn’t smell like one of us?” 
She crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t have to explain myself to you, Caliban. Also, I don’t care if you don’t trust me, because I certainly don’t trust you.” 
Logan’s lips turned into a smirk. He took off his black jacket and threw it on the wooden table. He rolled up the sleeves of his white button-up. There were scars over his forearms, even old bullet wounds that didn’t properly heal. He could feel her eyes on them. 
“Come on, darlin’. I’ll take you to see Charles.” 
Y/N made a face while looking at the albino mutant. With Logan, they left the kitchen area and headed to the back door. He took her into a different section of the lot, through a crooked door. The inside of the space was dark until Logan turned on a small light. 
A movement came out of an old bed. “Who’s there?” Charles’s voice echoed around. 
“I brought you, someone,” said Logan. “Someone you know very well. It might lift your spirits.” 
Y/N had to smile when she heard Logan’s softer, calmer voice. Her hand gently brushed against his lower back when she walked closer to the old man. Her legs stopped at the edge of the bed where she saw a very old Charles Xavier with white longer hair and a stubble. 
“Professor,” her voice was a mere whisper. 
His eyes found her, eyeing her face and hair to the clothes and hands. He lost his breath for a moment. As if a ghost was standing in front of him. “Y/N?” he gasped. “Is that you?” 
She nodded, smiling. “Yeah, Professor. It’s me.” 
Her lips opened, ready to tell him to read her mind. She immediately halted. Y/N knew his powers were not what they used to be. “My mutation saved me,” she gave him the simplest answer. “It evolved, like you taught us back at the school.” 
Professor’s eyes moved from her to the man standing in the back. “You did at least something right,” he said to Logan. “You became such a disappointment. At least this-” 
Y/N’s eyes widened in shock. “Professor,” she scolded him. She never imagined these words escaping Professor’s lips. 
She turned to Logan. He had a plastic case in his hands. Then he handed two pills to Charles. “Take them, now,” he said gruffly. “Come on.”
Charles did as told, swallowing the pills and sticking out his tongue at Logan like a child. 
“We’ll let you rest,” Y/N said, smiling weakly at the old man. “I’ll see you again tomorrow.” 
“You are staying?” he asked. He received a simple nod from her and it made him smile. 
Logan brought her to a room with one bed. There were several empty bottles of liquor, cigar butts and other shit. It was spacious, smelled like alcohol, cigars and Logan. This was all he had. At least some privacy, a place to sleep. Those days of living in luxury were long gone. 
He turned on the light. It was yellow, illuminating the place enough for them to see. “You can take the bed,” he said, breaking her thoughtfulness. 
Y/N glared at them. “And where will you sleep?” 
He opened and closed his mouth. There were many options, including the damn limo. But he wished to sleep next to her like they used to before as a couple. Logan huffed. 
“You know, you look very handsome in those formal clothes,” she said. “Sexy, dare I say.” 
“Those were the days when I was,” he scoffed. “Now, I’m basically a fossil.” 
Y/N slowly took off her long jacket. She put her hand into her pocket, feeling the glass vial. Her hand let loose and draped the piece of clothing over a chair - or something that looked like it. The hat was long forgotten in the back seats of the limo. Then, she approached him, carefully resting her hands on his chest. When he didn’t move, she gently unbuttoned the white shirt for him. 
“Y/N,” he sighed her name. 
“Will you let me do this?” she asked, her voice soft and sweet. “Will you let me show you, that in my eyes you are still the handsome man I still love?” 
She helped him take off the button-up and let it fall on the dirty ground. “Fuck,” his breath hitched. “Darlin’.” 
Her hands moved up, gently stroking the skin on his neck until she reached his bearded face. “The beard suits you. Miss the mutton chops, though,” the left side of her lips curled up. 
Logan couldn’t resist. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. One, two and then his tongue asked permission to enter to which she obliged. His big hands slid down her back to her ass, taking a handful of it. “I missed you,” he admitted between the kisses. 
“Missed you too,” she nodded. When their lips disconnected, she grabbed him by the white tank top he wore and dragged it out of his pants. Y/N helped him get rid of it. She could sense the hesitation from him. 
Once it was off, her hands gently stroked his hard chest. Her fingers delicately brushed all the scars that littered his still muscular body. The regeneration was barely working. There was a day-old wound. Someone fucking shot him a day ago and the wasn’t there to protect him. Without thinking, Y/N pressed her lips on his left pectoral, right above his nipple and a scar he had there. 
“Why are you doing this?”
Her hands slipped to the belt of his pants. “To show you that I love you the way you are,” she admitted. “That I want you no matter what.” 
Logan stopped her by grabbing her wrists and pressing them back to his chest. He didn’t let her go. “I don’t deserve you.” 
“I…” she closed her eyes and pressed her ear against his beating heart. The sound soothed her. It was a sign he was here and alive. “I want to show you, that I do want you whether you are old or young. I want you to know, that even if you don’t want the antidote, I’m here with you until…” her voice broke. The thought of him dying was terrifying. 
“The antidote,” he sighed. Honestly, he forgot about it. The conversation before was short.
“It’s okay if you don’t want it…”
Logan helped her sit on the bed. Their knees touched. His big hands held her smaller ones. He remained close to her. “I need you to tell me more about it. All I know is that you have it and it has to do something with the adamantium poisoning my body.” 
“All I know is this: The antidote will stop the poisoning and stop the dying process. A friend of mine was able to make a new element that successfully fought the molecules of the adamantium. Many outcomes may happen once you take the antidote. There is only a 1% chance of side effects. Hell, even less than that.” 
“What are some of the outcomes?” he asked. 
“Either it’ll only cure you and stop the ageing and dying process. Or the regenerating factor will kick in and heal the scars and wounds littering your body,” she named a few. 
Logan shook his head. “So, no matter what, I’ll be stuck in this old body.” He winced when a wave of pain hit his body. His hand reached for the first bottle he found, drinking the alcohol like a lemonade. 
“Sexy old body,” she grinned at him. “Would it matter?” she raised her brows. “You’ll be strong again. No more pain. No more booze as painkillers.” Y/N reached for the bottle and took it away from his hands. “I’m here, with you, Logan. You don’t have to do this alone.” 
The next words he said were something he’d never imagined he would say to anyone. “I’m scared, Y/N. There is this fear inside of me that life will suck for another two hundred years. And now, here, with you, I fear that I’m gonna lose you again. It was painful the first time. I’m not gonna be able to do it again.” 
Carefully, she climbed onto his lap. He put her hands on her waist while Y/N buried her fingers into his hair. “That’s how I feel now. I feel I’m going to lose you just when I was able to get to you.” She then brushed the tired skin under his eyes with a thumb. “I don’t want to lose you, but I will if you won’t take the antidote. Fuck, I want to be so selfish and convince you to take it. However, the choice is yours.” 
Hot tears spilt from her eyes. The choked sobs made Logan clench his heart. He knew his girl would never force him even when she wanted to. She was never selfish. It was his choice. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, inhaling her sweet scent. Damn, she smelled better than he remembered. 
“I want to sleep on that,” he said. “I’m so fucking tired. I should take a shower.” 
She tilted her head and smiled suggestively at him. “How about we take it together?” she asked, voice innocent and sweet. 
“Hm, you really wanna get inside my pants,” he laughed which made him cough. 
Y/N glared at him. “You make me look like a perv,” she said. 
“Who was undressing me minutes ago?”
“Who let me and didn’t stop me at the beginning?” she asked back. 
Logan patted her ass cheeks. “Come on, darlin’. I’ll show you the hole I shower in. At least we’ll save some water.” 
They got off the bed. First, Logan walked to an old wardrobe where he took out a simple t-shirt and some boxers he rarely used. He handed them to Y/N. “Something to wear afterwards,” he said. 
Like Logan said, it was a hole where he usually showered. It was big enough for two, even three people at the same time. It had hot and cold water. He had a soap and a shower gel. Hell, he had a spare towel, a smaller one, for Y/N. 
He leaned against a washbasin when his eyes locked on Y/N’s body. He watched her like a hawk as she undressed from her all-black attire. Over a year had passed since he saw her like this - exposed to his hungry eyes. She was right there, showing him her gorgeous body. No shame, no need to cover herself up. Only a gentle smile tugged at her lips. 
Y/N called him in. She put her body under the warm stream of water. This time it was her turn to watch him undress from the pants. And, like before, he didn’t wear any underwear. Her eyes were met with his semi-hard member. 
More scars littered his thick thighs. Mostly slashes from knives. And yet, he was still beautiful. A sexy man who had her heart for a very long time. 
His lips pressed into the back of her neck once he stepped inside the shower. His strong arms wrapped around her middle, pulling her back to his chest. 
Logan’s hands caressed her body. He felt every curve, exploring her as if it was for the first time. Her body was soft and warm. When one of the hands brushed up through her navel to the left breast, he squeezed it and then moved up and wrapped it around her neck. “So pretty, all mine.” 
They couldn’t resist each other. Logan had her pressed against a cold wall in no time, slowly filling her up with his cock. He enjoyed every push, every clench. He muttered sweet nothings into her ear as she moaned his name. Slow, sexy and filled with love. No, he wasn't fucking her like in the past - hard, rough. This was lovemaking. Emotions played the main role here. 
After the shower, and a long soft make-out session, they returned to the old bed. Logan put her body over his. Like this, they could sleep on the bed until the very morning. Or at least Y/N did. 
Logan kept thinking most of the night about the person in his arms. Some higher force brought them back together. In the past, he lost everyone he loved. When Y/N came into his life, he hesitated to let her in. That woman swallowed his heart and made him feel things he never knew were possible. When he lost her again, and the rest of his X-men family, he was ready to end it all and die. Not anymore.
This was the first time Logan used this pet name since reuniting. Y/N’s eyes opened immediately, her head tilting up at Logan. Was something happening? “Everything okay?” she asked. 
Logan brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes were small, tired. But they sparkled when he looked closer. “I’ll take the antidote.”
He kissed the tip of her nose. “I have you now. I have something worth living. I thought about your survival and your mutation. Shit, you can heal now, Y/N. It’s giving me hope that I’ll be able to spend many more years with you.” 
Y/N climbed up his body to press her lips onto his. It was a sweet, short peck. “Are you sure about this? I don’t want to force you or anything. This is purely your choice.” 
He grabbed her face into his hands, staring into her eyes. “I love you,” he said. “Let’s do this now.” 
“Oh, okay!”
While she went into her jacket to get the antidote and an injection, Logan sat up and cracked his fingers. His hands were shaking. A painful groan escaped his throat when he felt another wave of pain. He longed to take a bottle that called his name and drink it in one go. 
Logan’s red, tired eyes rather moved to the sweet ass of his woman. The view was nice, distracting. A smile formed behind his thick beard as he memorised it. 
Y/N got back to the bed and prepared the blue liquid. “One more thing,” she sighed. “We don’t know whether the healing process will be painful or not. I’ll be with you the entire time.” 
“I’ll manage. I’ve been through a lot of shit. It’s not gonna be painful as the damn application of adamantium into my bones. Or the feeling when I thought I lost you.” He stretched his left arm, showing her the big vein popping out. 
She took a deep breath through her nose and lowered the needle to his skin until it penetrated it. She injected the antidote into the vein and took the needle out. The tiny wound instantly closed. 
Logan’s breathing sped up. He frowned, gasped for air and grunted. He was in a lot of pain. The effect started fast. Y/N dropped the empty injection on the ground. She jumped up, grabbing Logan by his wide shoulders. “Breathe,” she told him. His body was hot, sweating. “Logan, breathe.” 
A scream erupted from his throat. His fists clenched, eyes closed shut. It was evident the pain was unbearable. The roaring brought Caliban into his room. His mutant eyes wide as he watched Logan rolling on the bed in excruciating pain. 
“What the fuck have you done to him?” he shouted at Y/N. 
She didn’t know what to do or what to say. “Wait!” she yelled at Caliban, raising a hand not to intervene. 
That’s when she noticed that every wound, every ugly scar started to disappear, leaving the skin nice and smooth. It was working. She felt some relief inside her soul. 
Logan’s chest was heaving. Grunts and snarls came out of his mouth. Luckily, the shouting was done. He was calming down. All those voices and pain turned into heavy breathing. 
“Logan?” Y/N appeared above him. She scanned his face and moved downwards his body to his rising and falling chest. 
“Holy shit,” he gasped. “Did it work?” 
Caliban appeared above him. “What the hell? How is this possible?” 
“Yes, it did,” Y/N smiled. 
Logan’s body healed. Every wound, scar or pain he felt minutes ago was gone. Even his eyes looked brighter. The redness was gone as well as the dark bags under them. 
He lifted his body from the bed and found Y/N’s face. Both hands pressed to her cheeks and then moved down her neck. “Fuck, you look so damn beautiful. I can fucking see. My vision was fucked. I had to wear reading glasses.” 
“Hey,” Caliban reminded them he was present in the room. “What have you done to him?” 
“I cured him,” she said. 
“How’s that possible?”
“I have my ways,” she replied, eyes never leaving Logan’s face. A smile played on her lips. She couldn’t stop staring into his pretty face. Well, he was handsome even before she gave him the antidote. “How do you feel?” 
Logan pressed a kiss to her lips, hugging her body as he pulled her into his lap. He was never fond of PDA, but now, he didn’t give a shit about it. If it made Caliban uncomfortable, good. At least that fucker would leave his room and give them some privacy.
The kiss ended. “I feel reborn. I don’t feel any pain. I can see clearly. Like a goddamn miracle.” Logan put her down on the bed next to him and walked to a mirror he had in the room. “Fuck!” he gasped. He stared at his reflection. 
He kept searching for the scars on his shoulders and his face. Or the one over his ribs. There was nothing. What remained was the grey-brown short hair or the thick beard. His fingers touched every part of his face, just to be sure it wasn’t an illusion.
“At least I don’t have to watch the puss on his knuckles,” Caliban commented. “By the way, it’s time to give Charles his medication. Since you are all cheerful and healthy, it’s your turn. I had a rough night,” he said grumpily. 
Logan glared at the mutant. “Fine.” 
Once Caliban was out of the room, Y/N walked to Logan. He wrapped his right arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Thank you, darlin’.” 
“Anything for you. Now, it’s time to move to the rest of my plan,” she said. “I have a safe place for us. It’s gonna be a long drive to Canada, but everything is set and ready. And by us, I also included Charles. We need to take care of him. He once welcomed us to the mutant school. It’s our turn to do the same.” 
He shook his head in disbelief. “Always the one with a plan. What about Caliban?” 
“Sorry, not included,” she said. “He did a lot of shit in his life. I can arrange some supplies for him once we leave, but that’s it.” 
“When do we leave?” 
“As soon as we can. Let’s give Charles his meds, pack everything you need and leave,” said Y/N. 
Logan took a deep breath. “Come here,” he whispered. He needed to kiss her. It was like sealing a deal with Y/N, that this was the new beginning, a new chance to have a better life. Was this finally his happy ending? 
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kkvqwrites · 1 year
Bedside Manner
Reader goes into labor while Simon's away and calls the first person she can think of. The task force (and some other friends in high places) rally around the couple on the most important day of their lives.
Word Count: 2,587
Characters (in order of appearance): fem!Reader (no use of y/n), Capt. John Price, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, Kate Laswell
CW: childbirth, hospital setting, medical procedures
A/N: Am I a Ghost girlie? Absolutely. Am I also a sucker for the found family trope? Til I die. This idea wouldn't leave me alone and I'm so glad I stuck with it. I love the way this came out and hope you like it!
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"Dear? Everything okay?"
The captain's voice on the other end of the line sounded worried. Both he and Simon had drilled it into you to never hesitate to call Price if you needed anything while your husband was away, but you couldn't help feeling a bit guilty.
"Um, I think so," you began, willing your voice to stay level and upbeat. "I think I just - oof.." Another contraction hit, stealing the air from your lungs. They were coming more consistently now, and hard enough to stop you in your tracks.
This could not be happening.
"What's wrong? Are you alright? Are you hurt?" You could hear movement in the background, him gathering his things to be out the door and on his way to you.
"I'm fine, John. I just didn't know who else to call. I think the baby might be coming?" The words came out pinched as you worked through the tail end of the contraction. The captain swore loudly.
"Stay put, love. I'm on the way - everything will be alright. Want me to stay on the phone with you?"
"No, no, that's fine. Stay safe and I'll see you when you get here." You hung up before he could argue and fuss like a mother hen.
The knock at the door startled you. You looked at the clock - surely that couldn't be John already. The man lived across town. Not trusting yourself to make it to the door, you called out.
"It's open!"
Turns out it wasn't Price, but Gaz, who stepped into your living room and began taking in the scene. It was a sight to be sure: you, doubled over sitting on your yoga ball, rocking back and forth to try to alleviate some of the pressure in your hips, towel around your neck because you were sweating like a pig, ambient white noise filtering through the bluetooth speaker to keep you calm. For all his usual swagger and poise, Gaz looked a bit frightened.
"Kyle, did John call you? I'm so sorry - I'm sure you were busy-"
"Not at all, I rushed over as soon as I got word." The sergeant came to your side and knelt until he was eye level. "The captain's on his way but I was closer. We didn't want you to be alone any longer than necessary."
"You and your task force are worse than a quilting circle." The jab came with a joking smile, but the smile was cut short by the stab of another contraction. At the sight of your face screwing up in pain, Kyle's eyes got big.
"Can I do something? Do you need anything?" He wrung his hands as he fussed, seemingly unsure whether to touch you or whether you'd bite him if he tried. Admittedly, you weren't too sure yourself.
"Need you to reset - the timer." The words came out through clenched teeth as your muscles tensed and screamed. "Contractions - need to time them."
"The timer - right." He sprung into action, undoubtedly happy to have a defined task to accomplish. As he was fiddling with the device, Price stormed through the door, his demeanor all-business.
"Gaz? What's the situation?" The sergeant hopped to attention as if he was at roll call.
"Got here not long ago myself, Cap. Just reset the timer for contractions."
"Where are we at?"
"Thirteen minutes, sir."
The captain turned to you, assessing you from top to bottom. His expression and his voice softened considerably as he spoke.
"Ready to get to the hospital, love?"
"Can't - they told me to wait until they're five minutes apart." The man looked bewildered.
"And just let you sit here and suffer? Not on my watch. Gaz, grab my keys - "
"John," you interrupted. "I already called. They won't admit me yet. We just need to wait it out."
"Nonsense, love. You wait til I get someone's ear over there. Five minutes my arse." He moved to help you stand, but stopped in his tracks as he took in your face, your lip trembling. "Is there something else?" As if on cue, a fat tear rolled down your cheek, the first of its kind since the pains began.
"This isn't supposed to be happening," you squeaked out. "Not for a few more weeks. Simon's supposed to be here."
The men shared a glance, looking stricken. Price leaned down next to you, a broad hand gently squeezing your shoulder. His voice was soft when he spoke, a renewed slowness replacing his prior rushed pace.
"I know, love. I know it's not ideal, and I know you're scared. I know Simon would give anything to be here, that he'd split heaven and earth to be with you right now. But I also know he'd want you and your little one taken care of, yeah? He wouldn't want you to wait."
You nodded, despite more tears threatening. "Doesn't change the fact they won't admit me yet."
The captain's mouth quirked defiantly. "You let me worry about that. Gaz, help her up. I'll drive."
Simon was tired down to his bones, feeling like a wrung out rag after the most recent mission. Despite that, the man was a ball of energy as he hopped off the plane, desperate to get back to you.
"Someone's antsy," Soap drawled, taking a more leisurely pace. He slid his sunglasses on as Simon switched on his cell phone anxiously. "Got somewhere to be, LT?"
"'Matter of fact I do - home." Simon impatiently hiked his duffel bag higher on his shoulder. "See my wife, eat a real meal. Finally build that godforsaken changing table. Who knew a baby needs so much furniture?"
Soap barked a laugh, but Simon tuned him out as he put his phone to his ear. He'd gotten a voicemail from you, and everything else ceased to matter.
"Hey babe, it's me. I'm not sure when you'll get this, and I hate to worry you. I'm sure it's fine. It's just... I've been feeling some contractions-"
Simon didn't hear the rest, nearly dropping his phone as he broke into a run.
True to his word, Price argued with the hospital staff until you were taken up to a room. You were sure he must have pulled rank, threatened to call people, but he refused to let you worry about it.
The ride had been smooth, despite John driving like a bat out of hell. Gaz stayed in the back seat with you, clinging to your hand and fussing. Later, you'd think it was funny how he seemed to need more encouragement and support than he offered, but at that moment very little was funny.
You had been able to stay in denial for an admirably long time. The past few days, you were able to tell yourself it was just Braxton-Hicks contractions, not the real thing. That even when it became evident the real thing was starting, that it wouldn't progress quickly. That even though it was progressing, that Simon would walk in the door just at the right moment and sweep you into the car and off to the hospital and all would be well. Even when your gut told you to pick up the phone and call the captain, you had managed to make yourself believe that you were wrong, that it was a false alarm, that you still had more time.
Now, here you were, connected to monitors and being poked and prodded by nurses. Medical history, allergies, birth plan, you felt like you were in interrogation rather than a patient receiving care. And if it wasn't the nurses it was the two men standing off to the side, one wringing his hands in worry and one watching the nurses like a hawk and barking questions. The contractions were closer to eight minutes apart now, progressing quickly. Now the situation was very real, and as thankful as you were from the support from Price and Gaz, your heart threatened to shatter at the absence of the one person who mattered most.
"Bloody fuckin' hell, no one will answer their phone!" Ghost barked, ready to throw his out the window. He'd had radio silence other than a second voicemail, this one from the Captain:
"Simon, Price here. Just got word from the missus that the baby's on the way. I'm headed there now. I don't want you to worry about a thing, I won't leave her side. I'll update you as I'm able."
"She knew to call the captain; he's probably with her now," Soap offered from the driver's seat. He'd practically had to arm wrestle Simon for the keys, but ended up convincing him that he'd be able to call for updates if he wasn't worried about driving. Silently, he thanked the saints Simon had agreed; who knows what carnage he'd unleash on the roads as worked up as he was.
"He better be, or I'll - not now, Laswell!" Simon rejected the third call from the station chief since landing and tried Price again. He was sure he'd hear about it for skipping debrief and jumping in the car, but right now he couldn't bring himself to give a shit. When Price's phone again went to voicemail, he was about to go nuclear when the car's Bluetooth lit up with Laswell's number.
"Shite; let me answer it LT." Soap pushed the button. "Laswell, it's Soap. Here with Ghost."
"I know," she said impatiently, her voice filling the space. "I've been trying to call all afternoon. I know what's happening and I'm here to help."
"What? How do you know?"
"Price called me as soon as he got word, asked me to find you. Anyway, you're wasting time heading in that direction; there's a lane closure ahead and you're about to be neck deep in traffic. I've mapped an alternate route for you. Take the next left."
The two men looked at each other in confusion before both starting to speak at the same time.
"Left? That takes us the wrong way-" "How do you know where we're at?"
"Boys! Boys, listen," she continued, exasperated. "Don't worry about how I know, just do as I say. We're gonna get you there as fast as possible. Now turn left!"
Soap cut the car to the left, ignoring the indignant honks of other drivers as he began to cut through the city under Laswell's watchful eye.
"The doctor says you'll be ready to start pushing soon. How are you feeling?" The nurse was genuinely trying to be nice, so you bit back on your retort of how the fuck does it look like I'm feeling? My insides are exploding! and instead chose a weak smile and a head nod.
Once the nurse whisked away, Price was back at your side. You could tell by his expression he wanted to give you a pep talk like you were one of his soldiers about to head into battle, but he was searching for the right thing to say. You broke the silence first.
"I'm scared." Your voice sounded small, the words escaping almost of their own volition. The captain took your hand, blessedly avoiding sugarcoating the situation.
"I know. But you're doing great - a real trooper. Even with the needle in the back! Simon's gonna be so proud of you, love. And Gaz and I are gonna be right here. Right Gaz?"
"Right, Cap." The sergeant slid back into the room, cup of ice in hand. While the captain had taken point and begun advocating for you with the hospital staff and asking a million questions, Gaz had been dutifully making sure you were comfortable. Anything from getting you an extra pillow for your back, to helping you tie your hair back, to getting you ice chips since you couldn't have food or drink during labor, he was on it. If either man was uneasy about what was about to happen, they dutifully kept it under wraps and maintained their game faces.
One by one, the care team took up positions around you to get started. Price and Gaz got next to you, each taking one of your hands, ready to offer what support they could. You shamed yourself, one last time, for being ungrateful for their presence. A lot of people give birth with less, you tried to tell yourself. He’d be here if he could. 
 The doctor walked in, donning gloves and getting a quick status update from one of the nurses before meeting your eyes. “Evening, ma’am. We’re going to-” 
Her words were cut off by a commotion in the hall, a door slamming and what sounded like some raised voices. Everyone in the room exchanged confused glances, and Price motioned for Gaz to go investigate. He poked his head out into the hall for only a moment before returning with a big grin.
“You’re not gonna believe who’s here."
Then your husband was in the doorway, and then he was at your side, and suddenly those honey brown eyes drowned out every ounce of pain and fear you’d been holding onto, and that warm, calloused hand took yours, and you were ready.
You would have thought it would be difficult to fall asleep under fluorescent lights, with monitors beeping and staff bustling around. But you had never known tiredness like this, and wanted to take the nurse’s advice and rest while the pain meds were still working their magic. The delivery had been uneventful once the show was on the road, and Simon never left your side, his steady presence grounding and his voice in your ear keeping you calm. Then there she was, a baby girl, the most precious tiny thing you’d ever laid eyes on. You’d stared at her and cried for hours, stroking her tiny hand and welcoming her to the world until you could barely keep your eyes open. And so, with a squeeze of your hand and a kiss on your forehead from Simon, you found yourself drifting off. You were aware, as you floated off, of his slow pacing back and forth with your newborn daughter in his arms, of his whispers to her that were too low for you to hear. Of the guys popping in, as unobtrusively as possible lest the lieutenant tear them limb from limb for disturbing you and the baby, bringing him food and coffee and admiring the bundle of joy.
“Doesn’t look a thing like you, Simon,” said Soap.
“Thank God for that,” he replied.
“You should have seen it, Simon really - needle this long, right in the spine!” Price remarked, not for the first time. “She didn’t even flinch.”
“I’m just glad you made it for the gross stuff,” mumbled Gaz.
“Kyle, you’re in the military. You’ve seen arms and legs blown off.”
“Completely different, Johnny. Not the same at all.”
On and on they bantered, brothers in arms stepping into their role as uncles for your baby girl with delight. One of the last things you heard was Simon, his voice thick with emotion.
“Thank you, all of you, for being here. For today.”
“Oh come off it Simon,” replied the Captain. “These girls mean something to you, so they mean something to us. That’s what a family is. Now quit hogging her and let Uncle John have a turn.”
You wouldn’t remember this conversation when you woke up, wouldn’t be able to articulate where it came from, but you’d carry with you the bone-deep feeling of connection with this little makeshift family forever.
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gomu-fer · 5 months
Law + mexican s/o
I am a believer that Skypiea was 100% supposed to represent Mexico I mean… the whole history and design of the island screamed Tenochtitlán to me. Also I am Mexican so I gotta represent am I right? 🇲🇽🦅🦅🦅
Pt. 2
If your name is specifically very noticeably Mexican, he’d be very curious and ask the meaning and the proper pronunciation
Obsessed with your accent and loves when it slips out
He would never forget the first time you made him chilaquiles he literally ascended to heaven
Definitely would ask you to cook him your traditional meals, probably fell in love with the cuisine and he can’t live without it now
A sucker for tamales
The day you made pozole, everyone begged you to never leave the crew and keep on making it for them
“You better treat them right Captain” said Penguin as he served his 4 plate of pozole
And don’t get me started on tacos… you are legally obligated to cook tacos at least once a week
Bepo would help you make tortillas and die happy if you let him eat the first one
Law’s mortal enemy is el mazapán, he almost fainted when you made him eat it, he thinks it’s the most disgusting thing on this earth
He finds it kinda amusing how your voice changes when speaking spanish, also would beg for you you teach him because he feels left out and wants to understand what you say
100% would get mad if you start speaking spanish and won’t translate afterwards. What if you’re talking shit and he doesn’t know it? FOMO (even if it’s about him)
The kind of guy to find the fact that you’re bilingual extremely attractive, you’re so smart
Would tease you if you forget words or don’t understand certain slang, but would always translate/explain it to you he doesn’t want to make you feel left out
Loves to swear in spanish, like the most mexican curses
His favorite one is chinga tu madre
One of his favorite activities is cuddling while you whisper sweet nothings in spanish to him
You once told him that even though names can’t be translated, he would probably be called Lorenzo and he hated it and of course you call him that to rile him up because its hilarious
100% bought a book to also teach himself some more spanish and impress you
You once wore a traditional outfit for a banquet and absolutely loved it he couldn’t stop complimenting you and eventually you gifted him a handmade shirt that he treasures
You gifted him some nice boots too and he wears them religiously
He noticed every time November would roll by, you’d buy flowers that’d sit under some pictures, and would also make some decorations with skeletons on them. When you explained what Día de Muertos was and that those were pictures of your loved ones that had passed away, he was so amazed and next November he’d add a picture of Corazón in your altar and bought stuff you were missing to complete it
Eventually the tradition was embraced by the whole crew and everyone would participate putting together a bigger altar on display for everyone
You’d paint everyone as catrines and best believe everyone is exited to be part of it, celebrating your culture and those that are not here is so precious to the crew
Viernes de carne asada at the submarine
There would probably be some cultural differences between you and Law; for example he probably thought you were so damn loud (a lot of ppl had told me we are very loud?) or wouldn’t get your sense of humor at first
Confused on why you keep every damn plastic bag inside another bag
Home remedies scare him, what do you mean you’re putting lemon on your cut? Would accept some sore throat drink tho
Freaked out the first time you did a limpia on him but he’s used to it now, still thinks it’s stupid tho and he’ll roll his eyes and grumble
He. Loves. Vaporub
When you proclaimed it was absolutely magical he laughed, but when then witnessed its power now he always has some on him
When he hears your music blasting in the morning he knows you’re on cleaning duty
He would probably listen to spanish rock and would ask you to translate the lyrics
When you moved in to a shared room with Law, he noticed how a lot of the decorations were so colorful it was comical how contrasting it was from his personal style. You were adding color to his life, literally and metaphorically
Noche de loteria once a month everyone plays and sometimes it gets out of hand, Law is so competitive he is winning no matter what
You asked Law to dress as a charro for your birthday. At first he acted like it was annoying but honestly he liked the all black outfit and ended up loving it
He’d wear it around to fluster you
Would bend whenever you call him “mi vida” or “mi amor” but would get mad if you do it in front of others, that’s for his ears only also hates pda
Honestly he loves everything about you and understands how your culture is a huge part of who you are, so he is eager to learn about and connect with it, but most importantly to allow you to embrace it, after all the heart pirates are your family
Might make this a series with other characters feel free to request
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Pt 0 good omens i make predictions for season 3 after watching three episodes of S1
First, because I am a messenger of Apollo, I am compelled to write cryptic verse before I explain it to you, so take what the Voice of Delphi speaks to me:
When the anticipated arrives
An embrace is born, the love shall thrive
The angel will repay his demon's kiss
A bird will sing, a child will be missed
Heaven recedes like an evening tide
Led with pen by a wordsmith-guide
The home on earth more holy than above
Pain will strike, the panacea is love.
Now, because we are not in ancient Greece and I am not as cruel as you, I will explain as best as I can. You wanted to know if we will find salvation in season 3. Like Edgar Allan Poe, you asked me, is there, is there balm in Gilead (season 3)? Unlike the raven I will not say nevermore, but here:
We all know Crowley and Aziraphale will get together, but I'd advise you that the smell of angst is in the air. I say this as both prophet and writer, but for the story to end happily and still keep us suckers glued, it will drag Aziraphale and Crowley through the dirt to get there. You will get the happy ending, but at an emotional price that even season 2 did not prepare you for.
The fucking apocalypse plotline is going sneak in again, I smell it like ice on mountain air and fungus in a moist cave. Mostly the fungus metaphor.
Aziraphale will kiss Crowley first in this season. It is only fair.
There will be a hug. An Aziraphale-Crowley hug. Who hugs whom? Delphi has not spoken to me of that in detail, but a wee little nightingale told me it is a possibility they will both fall into the hug and we will know they needed it like they needed breathing and it wasn't planned but it was inevitable. The whole fandom can then sleep again.
I expect at least two more ineffable husbands breakups. But you guys survived season 2 (I haven't yet. If I die, can someone reblog this with 'he told us so!' when season 3 finally comes out?) so I have faith in you, war veterans.
Crowley will know, finally, that he is more than forgiven. He is loved. Aziraphale will know, finally, that the real heaven was the home he found with Crowley. Heaven and god will retreat. It's okay, guys, it'll take time but it will happen.
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purelyfiction · 7 months
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is it too soon to do this yet? - jake 'hangman' seresin x f!reader
Word Count: 1,977 words
Summary: this aint for the best, my reputation's never been worse so, you must like me for me. we can't make any promises now can we babe? // is it cool that i said all that? is it chill that you're in my head? cause i know that it's delicate. is it cool that i said all that? is it too soon to do this yet? 'cause i know that it's delicate.
Content Warning: fluff!! possibly insta-love for those put off by that.
Author Note: first: i wrote something?? on time??? second: for @ohtobeleah 's galentines writings :))) unedited/unbetaed we die like idiots
you had been here for a good time. your friend was getting married and her bachelorette was taking place in this quiet coastal town near a naval base. had that been part of the appeal? absolutely. who didn't want to watch a bunch of walking red flags as they did their daily trainings on the beach?
a little dive bar friday night with a shoddy jukebox, cheap beer and countless sailors - it had been the most fortunate surprise when you'd walked in with no other plans but to show off your sashed friend.
luckily for your group, sailors were suckers for a good bride to be and her girl crew. even luckier for you since you'd been playing DD for the last three days of the five day trip and you were finally able to take a damned sip of alcohol, which you rightfully deserved. glass in hand, you approach the jukebox to survey the music choices as the other girls were served shots (you wanted a drink not a hangover). you're about to pick out a song when you realize the machine hadn't been modernized and it still took cash. sadly, you spin back to the bar but not before dousing the man behind you in the makings of your whiskey sour.
"fuck, i am so sorry-" a hand grips your arm and he shakes his head.
"no, no, don't worry, i'm just upset on your behalf. what a waste of good whiskey." you look up, green eyes charming their way into easing your guilt. "I was gonna offer you a song, but ugh- maybe i ought to offer you a drink instead?"
he ends up buying both.
and as your friends sing along to the ancient song on the jukebox, you sit with this lone aviator and get to know him. long after your friends have retreated to the airbnb.
it was funny to think that was almost a six weeks ago. you'd flown to california for one week of fun and never went back, thanks to a rouge cowboy with eyes that matched the jumpsuit he donned to work each day.
you'd been crashing at an short-term rental since your friend's bachelorette, save for the weekend of the actual wedding, when jake had been your plus-one. everyone had relished in how the string of fate had connected you like this.
they'd also spoken of how insane you were. to uproot your entire life for the sake of what was supposed to be a one night fling. but it didn't bother you. not when the expansive reach of his hand had guided you through crowds that night. had danced with you and made a part fool of you both. i am a fantastic dancer, i have no idea where these guys are getting the idea i'm a trainwreck. his voice so easy and content on the drive back to the hotel that night.
now here you were, cooking for the two of you in his apartment as you waited on your boyfriend to get back from work. the label was maybe a week old at this point, but it fit him like a damn glove. so much so you'd started reaching out to potential leasers to sublet your apartment back home. maybe you were rushing into this. your job had been fine with you staying out in california longer - you were remote anyways, that had been the main perk of the job. but moving? for a man you'd known maybe a month?
the door slams shut and the entire apartment shakes. jake's place was small, tiny even, so you're greeted with his tense expression the minute you look up from your spot at the kitchen counter. "hey baby, how was-"
"fine." he grits the word out, dropping his duffel to the floor and disappearing down the hall. the bedroom door shuts with a click instead of a bang this time.
this wasn't boding well for you. you had a grand plan to make dinner, watch movies and have a nice and easy night in together, maybe talk for a bit. you'd wanted to discuss going to see an apartment this weekend. you didn't want to move in together, but you needed to look for a place of your own instead of crashing here so much. if this was going down that road. yet, the pilot seems to be in the worst mood to have that kind of discussion.
when he finally comes back to the kitchen, he slinks in behind you and presses a quick kiss to your head. "how was that call you were dreading." he's changed out of his uniform, a pair of sweatshorts on his waist, a dark t-shirt on his shoulders as he glides to the fridge. the tension is still carried in his frame even if he isn't outwardly acting as if there is something bothering him.
"ugh, it was - it was fine." now you're shutting off just like he was. it might be just you mirroring his actions, or maybe it was more. uncertainty? uneasiness? doubt?
the crack of teeth on an apple pulls you from your mind. you look to the fruit in his hand as he steps out to the living room on the opposite side of the kitchen wall. "i- dinner is almost ready, you know."
the tv stirs to life, echoing off the walls of the bachelor pad. the lack of decorations or real furnishings had been one of your reasons for wanting to pull the trigger on the move. to have some of your belongings back in your life, some familiarity.
"yeah, i'll eat." finally you're over it. you're not taking this from him, not when you had shit on your own mind that needed to be addressed. turning the burner off you step out of the kitchen, coming to the coffee table and snagging the remote. with it switched off, he looks at you with offense. "i said i'd eat what is the big deal?"
"what is going on with you?" your hands come across your chest as hangman snags the apple with his teeth as he dives into his pocket for his phone.
"nut-ing" the word comes out odd since his jaw is unable to move. you raise your eyebrows at him, which earns a similar reaction from the blonde. groaning he pulls the apple from his mouth. "rough day at work. got my ass handed to me by my superior, everyone talking shit because i flew better than anyone else- just in a piss poor mood. i'm sorry." you stare at him with concern now. it was just a bad day? then why was he suddenly as secure as a vault? locked away with high tech security and an obnoxiously long passcode.
"that's not all of it." you pry, slowly coming to sit down next to him. but when you do, he immediately stands up.
"yeah it is." he moves over to the kitchen again, tossing the apple core away. frustration eats at you again, tilting your head as your tone sharpens as he starts to step down the hallway.
"are you going to talk to me like your girlfriend or just like some bitch you're keeping around? cause right now it feels more like the second one." he freezes and his head drops back.
"look, i don't do the talking about emotions thing, i don't do the-"
"oh bullshit." you stand and march down the hallway, coming to stand behind him as his head sinks. "you put your heart on your sleeve when i saw you cry at dane and avery's wedding. and when you laughed to me about your childhood dog when you were drunk the night before at the rehearsal. or how you just seemed to stare at me with no concern in the world when we went out for ice cream last week - you do emotions. you do them and you feel them more heavily than most people i know." he slowly spins to look at you. "so start talking." the command is softer than the rest of your words.
finally, he relents. you sit on the couch with bated breath as he explained that he doesn't have the social life he had presented to you that first night. that his coworkers all think he's an asshole, that he's a dick and he isn't the kind of person to be friends with. "up until now, i didn't think i was the kind of person to be a boyfriend, let alone a friend."
it stung a little. jake as little as you had known him, had been one thing - confident. reassured in his personality and his work. he had this charisma around him that lured you in without him needing to really try. "i don't know how you believe that." you speak softly, pushing hair out of his face as it falls, gel from this morning weak from the impact of G-force pressures and california humidity. "you're a fun guy. you always make me laugh. i feel so.. safe around you. it's hard to imagine anyone else not appreciating that like i do."
jake's laid back on the couch now, looking up at you before looking at the ceiling. "yeah, well i guess the reality is that i'm easy to hate, hard to love. an acquired taste."
"that couldn't be further from the truth." it slips out so easily. green eyes perk up in curiosity.
"angel, i'm- to make it quick, i'm a menace. people know my callsign and they know my reputation. a selfish dick looking to get to the top and on top of women. hell, i don't know why you've stuck around as long as you have, so clearly somehow i've rubbed off on you."
your legs shift as you try to adjust on the couch to look at him better. "jake, i'm not going to be that girl. it would be a little weird if i was that girl, i mean, it's been what, a month?" he's slowly raising onto his elbows when you start in your ramblings, "but, you just- you take me by surprise in the best way, at every turn. yeah, sure they have some idea of you but it's not jake. it's not the guy who's impulsively buying karaoke machines to have idiotic nights in, or the guy who's sneaking pictures before anyone can notice because you're sentimental. or even the guy who hides the tears in his eyes at the end of how to train your dragon-"
he points at you with an amused expression, "you saw the way that dragon curls around him, he saved him." you can't hold back the laugh.
"my point is: hangman is so, so far from jake. cause i mean, i love jake, he's... he's my guy. and i don't get what's so hard to love about that." you give a small smile until it computes in your head what you've said. "i ugh..." jake keeps a coy grin on his features, leaning into his chin now that he's rolled onto his stomach, knowingly catching onto what you've said. "is it cool that i said that? i mean i- we can pretend that i didn't and forget this ever happened-"
he cuts you off with a soft press of lips to your own. the taste of apple juice still lingers on his chapped skin, before he pulls away. "it's cool." he offers, a hand coming to take your own.
"i promise i won't say it again." there's a mad blush on your face and jake just laughs.
"ah, don't you go promising nothing. let's just go finish dinner, yeah?"
and jake takes his rightful place next to you at the stove, towering over you as his head bounces along to the music you've put on, glancing at apartment listings that you pull up.
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redsaurrce · 7 days
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Synopsis : Caught up in the mess of Jungkook and his brother Taehyung, how will you come out of the mesh? When both of them have taken a liking to you in not so upright way, can you teach them a lesson?
Pairing : YandereTeacher!jungkook x bully student fem!reader, slight student!Taehyung x reader
Genre : high school au, mafia au
Word count : 3.8 K
Warnings : Y/N REVENGE ARC MUAHAHAHA, profanity, forced proximity, multiple mentions of death, gun shots, mommy and daddy issues, family trauma, mentions of betrayal
Taglist : @darkuni63 @jeonswifey @laylasbunbunny @hey-syia @pandalove03 @kooliv @radcustoms @ysk101 @mageprincess7 @hoeshii @bangtanxcoffee @acnetrone @1-in-abillion @stuffy16 @halloweeninapril @hoseokgrecns @hoseoksluv89 @143sthings @bangtans-momma @jxeon @xicanacorpse @jungkookian1997 @ttanniett @jxeonlux @xellainne
A/N : so after finally after 8 months we will witness Y/N finally standing up against jk and hell will break loose haha suffer suckers
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"It's dark." The last thing you remembered was falling off the cliff and falling into the deep sea. You were convinced you were going to die or is it the afterlife?
You slowly opened your eyes and saw someone staring at you. You immediately made an attempt to get up but the man's deep voice caught you off guard, "Rest a bit more, you have broken limbs."
BROKEN WHAT!?? You gasped out loud in shock and started looking for your hands and legs. "Calm down young girl I'm kidding." He chuckled. You frowned, "Who are you.. and where am I?"
"I'm Kim Taesung. Pleased to meet you Y/N." Kim Taesung? You tried to rack your brain to recall anyone with that name. Why does it sound so familiar though? You wondered.
"I assume you are my son's close friend?" The man spoke making you even more confused - wait! was he-
He looked at your face and smiled, "Yes you connected the dots right! my son is Kim Taehyung." Your eyes widened- was he being real!?
"what!? But why did you try to kill me then!??" You asked the man. He looked like he was in his mid forties. He had a big fierce build- definitely suiting the aura of a mafia leader.
"Well you see, I was surprised to know someone else other than me and my son knew about his nickname, at first I wanted to meet you immediately but on a second note I thought - what if it was a trap? You know.. if someone was trying to lure me out by using that name? That's why I set up all that act.."
"Act?" Then again ofcourse it had to be an act or else you'd been dead by now. You wondered how you got saved though and most importantly what the hell was Jungkook doing there!?
"If you really were from an enemy gang then when everyone pointed their guns towards you, the men from that gang would have popped up to save you." He explained further.
"Then what about the gun shot? Wasn't I shot by a gun?" You frowned and tried to search for any bullet marks on your body.
"That was a false one, there was only noise of shooting .. no bullet came out of it so you weren't really shot. And yeah the noise scared you so you lost your balance and.. fell." He cleared your confusion.
"it's my turn to question you- what brings you here?" He asked you with a piercing gaze.
You gulped. "I wanted to learn investment from you.. but.. I think I achieved something even better."
His eyebrows perked up, "And that is?"
"Sir, does anyone else know that it was a trap and I'm not dead?" You asked earnestly.
"No one except me and my secretary who told you he was going to escort you to me... know about this ordeal. I don't trust my boys with the acting skills so to make all that real I had to hide this secret from them." You nodded at his words.
"Actually.. out of your men, one of them happens to be my fiancé. And i- where should I begin all of this." You licked your dry lips.
He sighed. "Take your time I'm listening."
And so you unfolded your history with Jungkook and Taehyung and how you were kicked out of the house and now this was your last straw to survive.
You happened to take a glance at his hands- they were red from fisting so tightly. Was this man angry on your behalf? You were moved.
"And that's why I came looking for you, sir. I have no plans to marry any of them and at this point I only want to survive." You said.
"No." He said firmly, "You should take your revenge. I'll accept you as my student but on one condition."
You waited with bated breath.
"Be my daughter."
Three years later.
Jungkook had succeeded as CEO and took the business world by storm, you were updated about his every move via his kingmaker or your now dad. There were no adoption papers to begin with but you had accepted him as your father with your whole heart a year ago.
You knew about Jungkook's achievements but what you didn't know was how he longed for you thinking you were dead. He was angry with one thing though- his marriage with Na Ji-won. How could you? He loved you so much but you tricked him into marrying another woman!??
Seeing Jungkook's marriage ceremony on television gave you immense joy. You were ecstatic to say the least.
You didn't know about your family though - not like you bothered to know about them but what you didn't know was how they reacted to your news being dead. Jungkook told them he saw with his own eyes how you fell down a cliff to your death.
Your father couldn't sleep for weeks, blinded by success and passion he failed to be a good father. Perhaps what drove you to your death wasn't the men in black but the negligence he showed towards you. He was deeply ashamed and broken hearted for losing his daughter whom he couldn't even embrace for the last time.
Your mother tried to be unaffected by this since she knew you were an illegitimate child but yet- all she felt was grief. It wasn't your fault that you were born unlucky. She cried and cried because maybe somewhere in her heart- even if she tried to deny it.. you made a place for yourself before she even realised it.
She remembered how you always praised her even for the tiniest efforts she made, you were a child after all. You wanted affection too- WHY? Why didn't she realise earlier and accept you as her own. Even though your father tried to kick you out that night, she should've stopped him.
She believed you were a clever girl so you'd survive no matter what happened. She failed to realise that you were a child after all. A child who died in the end.
Your sister, Han Yoo-in, blamed all of this on herself. She despises herself the most- she loved you so much.. she had no reason to hurt you like this. She shouldn't have said those things and she misses you every single day. Bringing the top scores in CSAT didn't give her even the slightest bit of joy.. she wanted you to congratulate her instead.
She wanted you back.
She isolated herself in her room on the day of the result and kept staring at her phone, hoping to get a call from you. But you never called.
Taehyung was devastated to say the least, he lost the one and only person he was comfortable to be around. You were gone. Forever. It was painful to accept it but he couldn't move on. He wonders though, how did you die- why did you go to New York, he had so many questions.. but all of them were now together with the dust.
"Y/N-ah!" You heard your dad call you.
Three years worth of hard work was about to come to full swing the next month and you couldn't wait to go back to Korea to officially announce yourself as one of the major shareholders of Ji-won's father's company.
And you definitely couldn't wait to make a comeback as a successful owner of Yooshin textiles, a franchise under Kim Taesung's chain of businesses. It was a test from him to prove if you were worthy to be an owner and you for sure- did not disappoint. Your mind was quick and calculative, a great asset to a business owner.
"Yes dad." You gleefully called him back. Even though he was scary and intimidating, you found him to be the sweetest man ever. Sometimes it made you wonder if he was even real because all the men you've had in your life were nothing but jerks!
Your dad gave you the result of the CSAT exam that you took this year after studying honestly with hard work beside learning all about businesses - well yeah your father played a huge part in it since he made sure you get the best tutors in the country to give you private tuition under tight security.
But in the end it was your own determination and hard work - is what he said. Well .. you believe him, as a student with poor grades who had been constantly compared with your sister the entire life, it was refreshing to see and believe that you could do it too!
"You have officially graduated high school Y/N! Congrats on your achievement." He also gave you a congratulatory bouquet. You smiled widely, "Thanks dad." You hugged him.
His heart filled with warmth and pride, he felt so good to have such a hardworking daughter. He's willing to do everything for you.
"So we're finally going to Korea next month." He smiled.
Jungkook was getting ready for the meeting, being the husband of Na Ji-won and son-in-law of the NaDo enterprises' owner, it was not a surprise for him to succeed the company.
Today was the day he was going to announce the merger of his company and NaDo and that's why the meeting was being held.
"I wonder if Miss K will attend the meeting this time, she's one of the biggest stock holders of your father's company." Jungkook said while Ji-won fixed his tie.
She said nothing, given how those stocks were the ones she actually gave to you without Jungkook's knowledge to get him. But that was in the past, she wanted to know herself as well.. who on earth was Miss K who had your stocks. Did you hand them over to her before you died?
No matter how much she tried racking her brains, nothing was fruitful.
"All done." She muttered. And with that Jungkook left. He wasn't a bad husband per se but the lack of affection was killing her. "It's already been three years, how long should i wait for him." Ji-won said to herself, biting her lip in agony.
"You're gonna do great, my dear daughter." Taesung hugged one last time before you were ready to step inside the meeting hall.
"Thanks, dad!" You smiled and broke the hug.
With confidence stirring inside you, the massive doors opened and you took your steps inside the hall. All the murmurs and chatters were now dead silent at your entrance. You were in a blazer and suit all buttoned up like a classic rich businesswoman.
Everyone started to continue chattering about who you were but the most surprised of them all was .. Jungkook.
"Y/N?" His eyes were ready to pop out of their sockets.
The entire hall was silent yet again on Jungkook's abrupt outburst.
"Is that really you? Han Y/N?" You turned towards him. You loved his expression so much that you wanted someone to take a pic of him and give it to you as a laminated photograph.
Just then a voice boomed throughout the entire hallway, "Welcome everyone.. it looks like our anonymous stock holder has finally decided to show up. Welcome Miss Kim Y/N." The man greeted and everyone started clapping for you.
"K-Kim??" Jungkook contorted his eyebrows.
You stood up, "Thankyou for the warm welcome everyone. I'm Kim Y/N. Pleasure to meet you all." You smiled boldly.
Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes at all, first of all you were alive?? Why did he never get to know this?? And what's with the surname? Kim!??
One of them spoke, "But.. weren't you the younger daughter of Han Pilwon? Or am I remembering you wrong?"
You smiled a bit, "That's right uncle, you've seen me every time you had dinner at the Han's house. I.. actually I am no longer a part of the Han family. I have a different father now." You said proudly.
"Different father?" Jungkook was surprised.
"Yes. Now.. shall we start with the meeting?" You said, your gaze going back to the owner of NaDo.
As the meeting commenced, Jungkook just couldn't stop fidgeting, as if all of this was just a dream. He couldn't believe his eyes.
You were alive, sitting in front of him.
Then why did Taesung's secretary tell everyone that you couldn't survive the fall? Was it all a scheme? No matter what, he couldn't understand your comeback at all.
After the meeting was over, you were going back to your father but just then someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you aside.
Your eyes went wide, not that you didn't expect him.. it just caught you off guard.
He quickly took you in his embrace tightly, you tried to fight away from his grip but he kept on squeezing. "I'm afraid once I let you go, you'll disappear again. I missed you Y/N. I missed you so so much." He muttered through your hair.
You felt disgusted, "Let me go Jungkook. We're not engaged anymore, you have a wife now- You have no reason to miss me."
He snapped his head back to face you, enraged he said, "Really? And why did I have to go through the marriage in the first place? Did you already forget Y/N?? You tricked me." His voice cracked.
You scoff, "Do you even realise what you're saying? Yes- yes I did trick you but you had all the means to nullify the marriage as well. You could've said you were forced or whatever I don't know. You saw I was dead and NaDo was a good deal so you went ahead with the marriage. And I don't even blame you for it so stop with your fucking crap and get lost!" You said with eyes literally blazing up.
He looked at you with a pause as his eyes began to darken, "You are coming back with me." He emphasized each and every word.
You seriously wanted to hit this man, "Or else? You can't do anything to me anymore Jungkook. I'm not the same Han Y/N you remember, the one who only knew to cause troubles or the one who'd swallow up every shit you threw at her. I'm not her anymore. I'm Kim Y/N, you can't mess with me Jeon Jungkook. So fuck off!"
"Hah!" He poked his cheek with his tongue, "Ah that reminds me, what's with you being a Kim now? Changed families huh? I don't care, I don't care about anything else.. you'll be Jeon Y/N in the end anyway.. so none of this matters anymore." He laughed, insanity oozing.
"Are you sick in the head? What makes you think I'll come back to you? This is my last warning Jungkook. Leave or else you'll pay the price." You were trying your best to push him away.
But he didn't budge an inch, if anything he pinned you against the wall and his hands started snaking around your waist.
Your breath hitched.
"Yes, I have lost my mind. After years of yearning for you.. not being able to come in terms with your death, I've tormented myself to the point I've become insane. Now that you really are back, I won't let you go. You leave me with no choice Y/N." He leaned closer, "I still have the video recordings with me."
You felt your stomach drop.
"Come with me or I'll upload that on NaDo's forum." He said with an evil grin.
You started laughing.
You were.. laughing?
You started to laugh even more hysterically. "Don't tell me I didn't warn you. GAURDS!" You screamed and at once men in black attire surrounded you both.
Jungkook was caught in surprise because he was too familiar with this uniform.. but what surprised him even more was the man that walked towards him like a towering beast in a cape.
"B-boss?" Jungkook let go of you. "What brings you here?"
"You dog!" Taesung grabbed Jungkook's chin and threw him on the ground like he was a toy.
"How dare you harass my daughter!?" He growled.
"d-daughter?" He looked in confusion.
Kim Y/N- Kim Taesung!? He connected the dots.
Taesung wasted no more breath and ordered his men to drag him away.
"Ugh leave me! Leave me you assholes!" He kept shouting but the strong men dragged him away.
"We'll beat him to a pulp until he confesses and deletes the footages and make sure he never bothers you again." He assured you.
His words felt like breathing again.
It was so scary, all of this was so scary.
You hugged him at once and finally broke down in his embrace. Your muffled cries broke him. He was waiting for this day ever since you had told him about your estranged relationship with Jungkook.
He will make sure Jungkook will never even dare to look in your direction. After all.. what Jungkook is today is thanks to Taesung's genius mind and cooperation.
"Dad?" You heard a familiar voice from your father's back. Both of you turned towards the source of the voice and saw Taehyung standing at a distance.
But as soon as he saw you, his mind went blank. "Y/N?? Am i dreaming!?"
You screamed, "Taehyung I brought your dad back!" You gave a toothy smile.
"Son!" Taesung called out to him, his voice filled with warmth. Taehyung's attention shifted to his dad; he- at once ran to his dad and jumped into a tight hug. "I missed you so much dad. I missed you." He started to cry.
"I missed you too son." He said longingly.
You thought to give them some space for reunion but just then your dad called out to you, "Y/N come here. Taehyung i know you are already close with her, she's your sister from now on."
Taehyung physically stumbled back in surprise, "WHAT!?"
"But f-first all of all you were alive!??" He broke his hug with his dad and hugged you too. "Were in New York all this while, Y/N? You should have told me atleast that you were alive. Ugh you know how much I missed you!??? But wait- what's up with dad calling you my sister!?" He was so surprised that he started stuttering at the end.
You sheepishly smiled. "Well... It just happened to be that way."
Taehyung gulped and kept looking at both of you back and forth, "What in the world?? None of you have any matching features??"
Taesung lightly smacked his son's head, "idiot! I adopted her."
"oh .. how come you never told me you adopted her .. you could have told me through the books you know?" He pouted in betrayal.
"well we had to keep all of this absolutely a secret, please understand my intentions son." He pleaded.
"Then make me understand." He sulked. It was annoying enough that his dad adopted another child behind his back.. but out of all people.. it had to be you?? The one he had a crush on!? How humiliating! Guess he needs to let go of his crush now.
he sighed.
"Cheer up lad, come I'll tell you everything." You grinned at his remark and started walking away but just then you saw a few people run towards you and stopped at a distance.
"Yoo-in? Mother?.. father?" You felt a lump in your throat as soon as you saw them.
"My child! You're alive!!" Your mother ran towards you and hugged you at once. "How are you dear? where were you all this while?"
You saw her eyes well up, you were flabbergasted, you were on the verge of tears too. Why now? "Why do you wanna know? You didn't care where I'd be sleeping that day when you kicked me out of your house.. why do you wanna know where was I? Weren't you happy when you got the news of my demise? Wasn't that what you've always wanted?" You gulped so hard.
"Y/N! I-I never thought any of that! I-" Her breathing started pacing faster, "Im sorry Y/N, I'm so sorry. I'm so ... sorry." She fell down on her knees crying, the sight was heartbreaking but this was the same woman who showed you no affection at all in your entire life. "Your sorry .. it means nothing to me now." You said, your heart aching over and over again.
Your mother was a mess. Your father said nothing and stood there with head held low.
"Han Y/N we're really sorry .. please don't do this my sister, come back to us.. please." Your sister pleaded.
"I won't. Thankyou for making my life as a Han bearable innie- I mean- Han Yoo-in but I'm not a Han anymore. You're not my family so I have no reason to come back to you." You said, tears continuously dropping to the ground just like the day when you were shut down by her.
"What do you mean-" "Dear daughter let's go!" Taesung came and held your hand.
"Who are you??" Pilwon, your father's voice echoed.
"Me? I'm a father who actually cares for his children. Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Taesung, Kim Y/N's dad." He said with an intimidating aura.
"Shut the trap, she's my daughter!" He spoke enraged.
"Tch, but your daughter doesn't want you as her father. You were never there for her anyways, what gives you the right to call her your daughter huh?" He said as if a lawyer was defending his client.
"Dad." Both of them looked at you; you chuckled, "I mean my dad, let's go.. I don't want to see them anymore."
"Sure thing sweetheart."
That said you left them behind, your past traumas and the bad memories.. all of them.
As you walked away, you felt like beginning afresh. Hope all this was a good lesson to everyone who once broke you.
You were heading towards a new chapter of your life. What will be the lesson this time?
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probably-impossible · 2 years
pls pls pls pls give us headcanons about the scara x katheryne crack ship or i will literally die bc i am a sucker for robot love too and i need this in my life :D
Okay so... I may have actually gotten way too invested in this and started writing a fic about it. 😅 But just in case that never comes to fruition, here's my more in-depth, canon-compliant(ish) thoughts:
The Katheryne in Sumeru was possessed by Nahida enough times that some of Irminsul's influence rubbed off on her and made her sentient. This only began to manifest after she was skewered by the Eremites, repaired, and then sent back to her normal Guild duties.
Scara visits the Adventurers' Guild for one reason or another and makes one of his usual snarky remarks, then is surprised when Katheryne briefly breaks character to snark back at him. Intrigued and slightly annoyed by the fact that a supposedly non-sentient "inferior" puppet has roasted him, he resolves to keep observing Katheryne and find out what's going on.
Meanwhile, Katheryne is new to this whole sentience thing and isn't quite sure what to do about it. She tries extra hard to go about her job as usual but finds that some weirdo in a big hat is always hanging around & disturbing her for some reason. She resolves to find out what his deal is and why he gives her pesky feelings in her chest sometimes.
Cue shenanigans, bonding over puppet troubles, themes of figuring out together how to make their own purpose in this world, etc. etc.
My headcanon for Katheryne's personality is that she has spent her entire existence working in customer service and has Seen Some Shit. As a result, she is usually unflappable, but can be taken aback by new or strong feelings. She's also very attached to / protective of the Adventurers' Guild and its members.
By contrast, Scara has the emotional fortitude of a wet paper bag, but he is technically more experienced with having feelings (and he has Nahida as his personal therapist). So he's able to help Katheryne adjust to being her own person & get her to explore the world a little more.
Also Scara's tsundere shit totally fails to land with Katheryne. He'll be like "Tch. As if I could ever do anything as embarrassing as spend time with you," and she'll just say "Okay, goodbye. :)"
I feel like Nahida would know exactly what's going on and would be bemused by it at first, then start actively trying to get them together. At some point she would definitely tell the Traveler to sub in for Katheryne at the Adventurers' Guild one day so Katheryne and Scara can hang out. (Of course the Traveler would be comedically overwhelmed and this arrangement would never happen again.)
If Katheryne gets a Vision in this version of events it would probably be Dendro. Her voice lines in combat would be variations on her standard canon dialogue, ex. "Compliments of the Adventurers' Guild!" or "Here is your reward!" while beating the living daylights out of some Hilichurl.
That's my take on it, anyway! There may or may not eventually be more from me on this because people seem to like it way more than I expected, ha ha 😂
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volturiprincess · 4 months
Hello can you write about getting into a relationship with volturi guard? How is that process would be like? Thank you💗
Getting into a relationship with them (HC)
A/N: Sorry it took a while to get out 😅. Hope you like it 💙 (I noticed a certain familiar name for the GIF of Alec😁)
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You know that phrase “Right time, right place”?
Well you were in the middle of your Junior abroad trip in Barcelona, when you decided instead of going to the beach like your peers were you headed to the library called “Biblioteca Publica Arus” 
You were skimming through the bookcases not really paying attention to anything but the books when you bumped into something, well more like someone 
About to apologize you were caught off guard by how tall he was, mouth was hanging slightly open and eyes widen kind of deal
How the fuck can he be so tall….and so handsome!? Wait? Red Eyes???
“Ay perdón, no estaba prestando atención a lo que me rodeaba.” (Omg sorry, I was not paying attention to my surroundings)
Not expecting him to have such an irresistible deep voice with an accent that left you feeling weak in the knees he answer “No te preocupes hermosa, debería ser yo quien te diga lo siento, claramente estás en tu área de interés y te interrumpí.” (“Don't worry beautiful, I should be the one saying sorry to you, your clearly in your area of interest and I disrupted you”) and he finished that off with a wink
That wink had your mind going in an overload of emotions
You guys introduce yourselves and he took you out for Crema Catalana 
He didn't eat any which you found odd but none of that mattered when you were with him
There was just something about him that made you feel so attracted to him, it's an indescribable feeling but all you knew is you wanted to be with him forever 
He was absolutely a sweetheart with you, held the doors open for you, would listen to you when you would ramble about your studies and your hometown, he also shared about his life and said he was just passing through 
It was like that for a couple of week when you have time off from your studies until you had to go back to your university, you feel for him hard 
He offered you to come with him back to Italy and you could go to a school that is nearby, all expenses paid and you would get to live with him 
You would be crazy not to take the offer so you did
Now skip to a year, obviously you know about him being a Vampire and have meet the other guards, but you have never felt so happy 
He told you about the mate bond (which made so much sense now), and your changed date was set after you graduate 
If you never went to that library who knew if you would of ever meet your hunk of a mate 
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It was feeding time for the Volturi, and you happened to be one of the unfortunate souls so be part of the group 
You can't be blamed with this, you got convinced to take this tour by a beautiful goddess who could probably convince you to do anything if she wanted 
So here you were admiring the interior design on this ancient castle, you were a sucker for this type of architecture 
The tour ‘ended’ in a throne-like room, it was gorgeous in there, but wait…is that a drain? Or two? Why are we surrounded by what you can describe as beautiful beings who are too beautiful to be humans?
Oh shit! Am I going to die? This is what I get for following my love for women and exquisite architecture mindlessly 
As if on cue the beautiful beings around the room come at the group and you witness so much blood and screams 
Vampires!? Soon after that realization you spot one stalking towards you like a predator does to a prey, he’s beautiful with his brown locks and burgundy eyes maintaining his eyes on you 
Before he even gets to you, you feel someone grab you and pull against their chest with covering your mouth, you try to fight but you hear a husky seductive voice whisper into your ear “Relax gorgeous face, i'm not going to let you get hurt, trust me”
He took you to a room and said he will be back later 
He came back and oh dear gosh he is beautiful
He revealed his identity and why he saved you 
From that day your destiny was to live with Demetri and one day become a Vampire like him
Of course it took you a while to get used to be with everyone else but with time you grew close to them 
You later found out the one who was about to drain you dry that fateful day was Alec (he of course apologize, but you always kept an eye on him)
With Demetri it took you a solid 2 weeks when you gave him a kiss, he was patient with you and he wanted you to make the moves or waited for you to give him permission to do other things 
He was easy to be around, you guys would talk about anything, and he would take you out to the most romantic or cutest dates, there was no inbetween
The relationship just happened to become so natural, almost like you knew each other since forever 
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Boy oh boy are you for a ride 
You happen to meet to be a witness for the Cullens for the whole ‘immortal child’ fiasco, you knew Carlisle since he was turned so you were really good friends
When the Volturi arrived, you got a weird feeling, your initial thought was a bit of fear and panic when you saw the whole coven but then it quickly turned to “Mate!?”
You looked at each member trying to identify who it was until you saw him
Oh gosh, of course it had to be one of the infamous intimidating twins 
He is breathtaking, and those eyes, they were your favorite color, burgundy
Just the thought makes you want to run your hands through his dark locks, wtf are these thoughts, well you did just find your mate so it's not your fault 
As if he knew someone was looking at him, his gaze snapped to you 
The eye contact was filled with tension and what you can tell as yearning
He quickly looked away and you also 
When the whole drama was finished and Marcus confirmed the bond, you ended up going with the Volturi back to Italy 
But this is the interesting part, he avoided you for a while 
Like you tried to approach him but he would vanish, Jane would just give you the death glare, and frankly you do not want to feel her wrath 
Marcus was the one who basically ‘locked’ you guys in a room and that is where hell broke loose 
Harsh words were said, venom in eyes, but then he said “I do not mind you, I think I can get used to having you as a mate, but friends first “ which you agreed with
And soon a beautiful friendship was created 
Took almost a year of building up his trust and Jane’s 
He was the who showed affection first, he held your hand one time in a meeting with the kings 
And then you guys had your first kiss on your first date in the gardens 
Then the rest is history 
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She’s a tough cookie 
She meet you when you were brought in by Felix and Demetri to the Kings 
You were brought in for the reason of your ability, you were able use an invisible hand that can hold your victim in place, you could even crush them if you wanted to (You could imagine the excitement in Aro’s eyes when he heard about your ability)
A bit like the Alec’s encounter, you two made eye contact and the intensity was so strong 
But even if Marcus confirmed your mate bond, she wanted no sort of relationship with you, heck the looks she would give you left you scared for your life 
Obviously you do not fear her, but what she can do left you always on high alert 
You gave her space, not wanting to force this bond, and not wanting to anger her either 
She didn't speak a word to you for 5 months, when she did it was simply “I was reading that book” (it was about flowers)
You responded with a simple “oh i'm sorry my little death flower”
The look she gave you was unexpected, her eyes widened slightly and her mouth opened slightly basically this was her reaction: 👁️👄👁️
Same with Alec, it took a year from that day for her to be with you
You were the one to make a move, when you were both reading her hand was in reach and you held it, her head snap to you but you focused on the book, you only squeezed her hand but she did not pull away or anything on the contrary she scooted slightly closer to you 
There was another time she laid her head on your shoulder suddenly but you didn't say anything 
Until when you asked her out to a date and well that was the best decision you ever made 
You took her out on ‘picnic date’, which only involved blood with wine
The sun was already setting and you both turned to each other and leaned in and shared a kiss, the bond from there only got stronger since then 
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katsuma6 · 1 year
I just want to headcannon Dabi for a second.
I'm having an insane hyperfixation and cannot stop. Also I'm sick and just want to be babied so leave me alone.
I can imagine Dabi hates everything and doesn't have a soft spot for anyone. Sure he cares about the LOV but, not in a way that means something. He would gladly watch the world burn with a smile on his face.
But something about you.
He handles you like glass.
The LOV is plotting a big mission and you can't focus on anything Shigaraki is saying. You're usually excited and looking forward to being apart of the plans but, not today. You're spacing out and your eyes are darker than normal.
Dabi takes note of that. He's always watched you from a far. Ever since you joined the League. Once Shigaraki was done talking, everyone got ready to leave for the mission.
You were walking slow in the hallway and suddenly your feet get swept up. Dabi grabbed you and held you bridal style.
"You're too slow."
You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm but, melted into his arms and he's a fucking sucker for that. He loves how just one touch from him has such a strong and overwhelming affect on you.
He doesn't take you to your room. Instead he carries you to his. He shuts the door behind him by pushing against it with his back.
"Wait here. Don't move."
He spoke lowly and calmly while placing your aching body on the bed. You're too tired to question his actions. Having your eyes shut you almost drifted off to sleep but, a gentle touch woke you up.
"C'mere love."
The sound of his calm voice calling you a nickname make your heart flutter. You took his extended hand to help pull yourself up in a seated position and slowly followed him to the bathroom where he ran a hot bath. Your eyes widened with surprise.
"You didn't have to-"
"It should help relax your aching muscles."
He interrupted before you could finish. Dabi knows aches and pains. He's way too familiar with it and seeing his partner in any type of discomfort is gut-wrenching.
Suddenly heavy heat reaches your cheeks as you cling to your shirt. Dabi cocks a brow.
"How many times have I seen you naked, doll?"
"This is different!" You try and argue but it's pointless. His rough hands gently grip your shirt, pulling it over your head and arms.
He places a finger to your lips and continues to help you undress. You finally sit down in the steaming water. Dabi folds the toilet seat down and takes a seat beside you. You feel embarrassed but also calm and relaxed. This was really nice and definitely out of character.
After about 30 minutes you decided you were done and wrapped yourself in a towel. Dabi had went to a different room to get something so you curled into his bed not worrying about getting dressed.
The door opens and cerulean orbs find you. He sees your body wrapped in a blanket and lays down beside you pulling you into his embrace.
Dabi LOVES to cuddle. As someone who grew up with no affection it makes him feel incredibly good. His finger brushed through your wet hair.
Dabi is the kind of guy that no matter what you need he will make it happen or die trying. Behind closed doors or in private he's such an affectionate partner.
Now if you went and told anyone about these soft moments he would light you on fire. (Not really. Well maybe...)
He makes sure you take your medicine and he's also good about making sure you drink plenty of water.
"Am I going to have to make up for this?"
Dabis eyes go half lidded with a small snicker.
"Oh, I'm sure you'll figure out how to make it up to me when you're feeling better."
He's only half joking...
He'd do anything for you not expecting anything in return but, if you're willing to get on your knees while he grabs handfuls of your hair bobbing you up and down on his cock he'll never say no.
After all he can't play with his doll if she's not in tip top shape.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
im a sucker for lockwood x reader angst and i mean angry confessions, miscommunication and the “go ahead and leave then. everyone does, it wouldnt be a surprise if u did too” 😩😩😩
a/n: AHHHHH yes!! i'm so sorry this has taken so long to be written, and the fact I've been inactive for a week or two - it's been assignment week so i needed to focus on that unfortunately, but i hope you enjoy this! angst is my favourite thing to write lol. unfortunately, there's not much miscommunication in this, but i hope I've ticked the other boxes :)
warnings: angst, language gn reader
"Will you say something?"
You keep your head turned, staring out of the night cab's rain-covered window. Your heart is pounding, filled with rage, and you're worried that if you open your mouth, it'll come spilling out and you'll say something you'll either regret or get fired for.
Lockwood was an idiot during your case. He was reckless and impulsive, and it meant that the two of you narrowly finished it with your lives and all of your limbs in good health. You would've forgiven him if it had been a one-off, but he does this almost every single time, and it's becoming a big issue.
So here you sit, arms crossed over your chest as the cab speeds along, biting your tongue. Lockwood sits across from you, watching you with those dark eyes of his while a cut oozes blood on his forehead. Any other day, you would've patched it up immediately, but tonight he'll have to cope. You've had enough.
It doesn't take long to reach Portland Row and the taxi has barely stopped when you jump out and storm off towards the house. Lockwood is delayed a few seconds, having to pay the cabbie, but he catches up easily.
"(name), come on. Talk to me."
Wordlessly, you unlock the front door, half tempted to slam it shut in his face, but this is his house. He's got more right to be here than you.
You make to angrily climb the stairs and hide out in the attic to await Lucy's return and rant to her about Lockwood, but his hand wraps around your wrist as you reach the second step, stopping you.
"Please, (name). I can't stand it."
For a minute, you just stare at him. The blood from his cut has been smeared across his forehead, and the bags under his eyes have become a little more pronounced, but your usual sympathy has disappeared, eaten away by fury.
"What do you want me to say, Lockwood? Oh, it's okay that you almost killed yourself being so reckless tonight. You're my knight in shining armour. Or, how about: I know you promised to be reasonable tonight to make amends for all the other times you've almost killed yourself, and you didn't end up being reasonable, but I forgive you."
He looks at you, his gaze soft. His eyes are desperate, but he's got you talking which was his goal. It seems that the context of the conversation doesn't matter all that much to him.
But you don't care.
"Every single case," you say, trying to keep yourself from raising your voice, "has ended the same. We almost die or get seriously injured because you get reckless. I get it. You're trying to save us, and, believe me, Lockwood, I'm grateful for that, but what would happen if you died? Who would protect us then? Because all of this - you throwing yourself in the face of danger for us - will mean nothing if you die."
"I'm not going to let you guys get hurt," Lockwood says, and there's an undertone in his voice that gives you a clue to how he's feeling. He's getting irritated.
"And I thank you for that," you say. "But this is constant. Do you ever stop to think what we'd feel if you died? We'd be lost, Lockwood. Not to mention jobless."
"What am I meant to do? Let you get hurt? Not a chance!"
His rising anger is feeding into yours, and soon it'll be a raging fire, ready to burn everything in its wake. You have half a mind to let it loose, to tell him exactly how you feel about his stupidity, but you reign it in for now.
"Don't you hear me? I said I'm grateful that you try to keep us safe, but not at the cost of your own life!" You tear your wrist out of his grasp, breathing heavily. "Just take a minute to imagine this: you die on a case, and we have to deal with the body. We have to watch you die, and then we have to ignore the grief to not only finish the case but also make sure your body is taken away safely, that you're given a funeral. After that, a lifetime of grief and regret and denial, hoping you step through that fucking door one more time! Of all people, I thought you'd know what that kind of thinking does to a person."
His gaze hardens. "Watch yourself."
The laugh that escapes your lips is humourless. "Right, okay. I forgot. We don't talk about that topic because you're not ready, and that's fine. But it'll be me that has the burden when you die. Then George and Lucy will have to figure out how to cope, too. But we don't have a room to hide your memories away in, Lockwood. We live in a house surrounded by you."
You climb up a few stairs and point at a photo on the wall. "These pictures? They can be stashed away, but the feeling of you can't. Your soul has practically been embedded into the walls, the floor, the ceiling. Nowhere we go in this house will allow us to escape the memory of you."
His face is a little red as he watches you. He's angrier than you've ever seen him.
"So leave then."
The words feel like a punch to the stomach. "What?"
"If you're so sick of it, if the thought of my possible death is too much, then leave. Everyone does. It wouldn't surprise me if you did."
It takes all of your willpower not to scream at him. Instead, chest filled with the pressure of your fury, you make your way back down the stairs until you're eye to eye with Lockwood. He's breathing heavily now, too, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he watches you, eyes blazing with anger but also something else... Guilt?
"You don't get to say that," you growl. "I have been here for you since the beginning. I helped you set this company up. I helped you get it licenced, and I was the one who sweet-talked our way into getting full DEPRAC insurance. I have supported every stupid decision you've made. I've questioned you, but I never pushed. And yet, you still have the gall to say that you wouldn't be surprised by me leaving?"
The anger is so strong that tears threaten to cloud your eyes, but you push them down. You will not cry.
"I've tried my hardest to make sure you stay alive." The waver in your voice is embarrassing, but something in Lockwood cracks at the sound of it. "All I do is make sure you stay alive because you're all I've had for years. I've always cared for you. I've sat and patched you up night after night because I care about you - shit, I love you, Lockwood! I always have! So, don't you even dare suggest that I would ever leave. It's as good as insulting my parents' graves."
At that, you turn on your heel and storm up the stairs, leaving Lockwood standing at the bottom.
It takes a while for you to calm down.
After cleaning yourself of all specks of blood and dirt, you change into clean clothes and sink down onto your bed, closing your eyes and trying to slow the thrumming of your heart. Your hands are shaking from a mix of rage and sadness, but they lie on your chest, easing as your heart rate slows.
It takes all of your willpower to try and not think about one of the last things you said to Lockwood - that you love him - but it proves to be harder than it should be. You didn't lie. In your years of knowing Lockwood, you've grown close to him, something that had been hard originally because of your lack of trust in people, but he charmed his way right into your life. Every smile, every touch of your fingers left your heart racing and your mind hoping, begging, that he felt the same.
Now, though, after that argument, you're almost entirely convinced that he doesn't.
When George and Lucy arrive back at the house, you trudge downstairs to the kitchen where everyone awaits to discuss the cases. Lucy's already made you a cup of tea that you accept gratefully as you sit down at the far end of the table.
Away from Lockwood.
The change in your seating is noted by everyone, your usual chair left empty beside Lockwood's at the head of the table. George frowns, glancing between you and Lockwood, and Lucy gives you a look that you ignore.
"It was a phantasm where we were," you say, scribbling away at the thinking cloth. "Well, there was that, and then there was a very angry Wraith as well. Murder victims. We dealt with them quickly."
George's eyes find the plaster on Lockwood's head, much less neatly applied than it would've been had you patched him up.
"Rawbones for us," Lucy says, sipping her tea. There's a patch on the sleeve of her jacket that smokes slightly, burned by plasm. "George found the source - a manky old mug. Made no sense. Skull was no use, either. I think he's mad at me."
"Again?" Lockwood asks. His voice isn't entirely there. "What did you do this time?"
"I didn't do anything. He's just a little prick."
You bite your tongue to stop yourself from making a snide comment. The others are watching you carefully, easily picking up on your mood, but they don't bring it up.
Lockwood's eyes haven't left you this entire time. He's trying to communicate in that silent way you both developed after years of friendship, but you tear your gaze away from his, pushing down the re-emerging fury in your chest.
"Well, we're all alive," Lockwood says, laying emphasis on the final word. "Let's get a good night's sleep. We've got a meeting tomorrow with another client."
Lucy and George get up immediately as if they were waiting for a cue to leave. They're gone in seconds, closing the kitchen door behind them. It makes no difference. You silently sip your tea, still scribbling away. Your little mess of lines has turned into an angry face.
"(name) -"
You stand, making to leave the kitchen with your mug in hand, but Lockwood blocks the door.
Staring up at him, you scowl. "Excuse me, Anthony."
There's a little smirk playing on his lips. "Using my first name? I suppose I am in trouble."
"It's nice that you think this is funny, but I certainly don't. Now, let me get past so I can go to bed. I've had enough of today."
"Please, wait." He looks down at you, his eyes soft. He doesn't seem angry anymore - that makes one of you. "Can we just... talk?"
Against your better judgement, you turn and sit back in your seat, placing one of your feet on the seat and resting your head on your knee. You're tired. Not just from the case, but from being angry.
"I'm sorry, okay?" Lockwood says, and you know he's genuine. "I saw that Wraith coming for you, and I couldn't just stand there and let you get hurt."
You sigh, more exhausted than mad now. "That's not the problem, Lockwood. You do this in every single case, even when there's no need to. Half the time, I'm not sure whether it's because you want to protect us or if it's because you want an excuse to die." Your voice catches a little.
He falters, not expecting that. Part of you wants to feel good about catching him off guard, but the topic quenches any of it. You've spent countless nights worrying that you would get up in the morning only to find Lockwood not there or scared that you'd end a case leaning over his dead body.
No one should ever have to think like that.
"I care about you a lot," you say, running a hand over your face. "You know that. But I don't think it has ever occurred to you how badly it'd affect me if you died. And, I know, I'm being selfish, but I don't want to have to live in a world without you in it."
He's silent for a moment. "I'm sorry - about what I said earlier. I didn't mean it."
You barely have the willpower to shrug. "We were both angry. People say stuff they don't mean when they'd angry."
"So, you don't mean what you said? About loving me?"
It's hard to not look at him, but you focus your gaze on the thinking cloth, tracing the messy writing and doodles with your fingers. There are a few coffee and tea stains covering it.
"I meant it." Your mouth feels dry, so you take another sip of your tea. "I meant everything."
The only sound is of both of your breathing and Lockwood's foot tapping rhythmically on the tiled floor. He's nervous.
"I don't expect you to feel the same," you clarify. "To be honest, I hadn't meant to say it right then. If I had my way, I wouldn't have said it at all unless I was sure you felt the same. But, it's out there now."
Lockwood's chair screeches against the floor and, suddenly, he's kneeling beside you, moving so that he can catch your eyes. That stupid grin of his has parted his lips. His hand grasps yours softly, and you can feel his pulse faintly. It's faster than it should be.
"Don't look so smug," you grumble. "I don't forgive you, so I don't see what you have to be cocky about."
His grin only widens. "I'll show you what."
And then his lips have captured yours.
It's a short kiss, no longer than a few seconds, but it's enough to have your stomach performing a whole gymnastics routine. The anger in your chest slowly fades away until it's nothing but a small prickle, still there but nowhere near as powerful as it was.
His lips are startlingly soft, but, really, you wouldn't put it past him to be applying chapstick every waking second. He always wants to be camera-ready. Your eyes have fluttered shut, and, by the feeling of his lashes brushing your cheeks, it seems his have also. You wonder if his brain is throwing a party, too.
When he pulls away, you find yourself wanting more. Instead, you press your forehead against his, shutting your eyes tightly for a moment.
"If that wasn't enough to convince you to stop being so self-sacrificing on cases, I honestly don't know what will."
He laughs, and the sound has your heart soaring. "I'll try my best, but if you need saving, I'll most definitely come to save you. I am your 'knight in shining armour' after all."
His gaze is already locked on yours when you open your eyes again. The darkness of his eyes entraps you, and it's impossible to look away.
"Will you forgive me?"
A sly smile curves your lips. "Maybe if you kiss me more."
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the-amazing-boop · 1 year
My track by track first impressions for Unreal Unearth (with some contextualized thoughts of the singles)
De Selby Part 1 - straight into the lullabies playlist. Just perfect.
De Selby Part 2 - perfect fade in from Part 1. I couldn't have dreamt up a better, more subtle transition. Still my current creature comfort.
First Time - oh, ffs, it's bluesy and sad. Lethal combination. This might be another one on repeat later. Ow. Ouch, ow. THE FINAL TIME YOU CALLED ME "BABY". Wtf. I see why some of y'all were cussing him out on here.
Francesca - my beloved. Brutal to have this follow First Time, though. Mentally two-stepping through the tears. The bellowing at the outro still has the power to ascend me despite my replaying.
I,Carrion - another certified heartbreaker for the lullabies playlist. She's Greek, she's cosmic, she's pure love.
Eat Your Young - I am once again solidified in my conviction to refuse having children in this fucked up world. Y'all be safe.
Damage Gets Done (feat. Brandi Carlile) - Okay guitar lick! Oh the voices belting together in harmony is hitting me. I'm getting really 2010s feelings I haven't felt in forever. I feel the sudden urge to forgive myself. He's back at it again with the choral work, CAN I LIVE??
Who We Are - and just like that, I'm back on my emo shit. He really went for emotional whiplash in terms of song ordering, huh? Not me literally listening to this while engulfed in a dark room as well. Another one I'll have to repeat, I fear.
Son of Nyx - oh fuck. Oh no. Not the piano dragging along. And no words. THE CUTOFF. THE STRINGS. THE VOCALIZATIONS. It's definitely a warning. Shit's about to start hurting for real. It's so haunting and gorgeous.
All Things End - Hello, old friend, my first favorite. I'm terrified of what follows you. It was bad enough watching the man "die" on the table (my hands are in the air to receive the gospel).
To Someone From A Warm Climate (Uiscefhuarithe) - fucking hell. Just devastating. Idk how much more I can take.
Butchered Tongue - this hits like crazy if you have any connection to a diaspora that was nearly erased or just have ancestry DEEPLY rooted oppression and the like. Ffs, I'm gonna need stitches for a cut that deep.
Anything But - and then this happy shit. Back at it again with the whiplash, the bastard. I love it though! This is going on the light and bright playlist. I'm a sucker for sad lyrics dressed in bright colors. And the vocals?? Come on, now.
Abstract (Psychopomp) - I was right. Everything following Son of Nyx just hurts differently. Dare I say worse than the first half of the album. I really shouldn't get into how I relate OFTEN to the poor roadkill creatures in my area.
Unknown/Nth - a nice and plentiful helping of stake through the heart, as usual. The briiidge. I drown in it every time.
First Light - I'm gonna say it's an instant classic. The imagery. The love on love on love. The catharsis. The drumsss. Oh! The acoustic fade out.
Overall, he didn't bother not once to lift his heel on this album. He's outdone himself. No skips. I am foaming at the mouth, waiting for my vinyl to come in. All get 10s across the board from me. 16 works of art. I really wish I could lock myself in a room for three days to really digest this album.
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bossbtch1 · 10 months
HI! I just wanna say I lovee ur stories, but I was wondering if you could do a Loki x reader shadow play smut, with content.
I loved the other one u did... but I'm a sucker for smut 😭😌
Hey there! So, in the previous story, there's smut involved (dark story). But maybe the shadow play in the last scene isn't cutting it. No worries, here's another scenario for you! Thanks for the request, it's been a blast to write. It's weirdly amusing, I don't know why, but I hope you enjoy it! 😄
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Summary : Loki sought revenge after you left him in prison, tormenting you with shadows and magic. Strangely, you found yourself caught between arousal and fear, oblivious to the fact that it was him all along.
Pairing : Loki Laufeyson x f!Reader
General tags : SMUT, 18+, Dark Fic
Trigger Warnings: Masturbating, Fingering, Dubious Consent, Magic
Words : 3.2k (shortest fic I've ever written lol)
A/N : Well, that shadow scene had us all on a chokehold, and, of course, I couldn't resist writing another one for it. Thank you @holabicth for the request once again!
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The door closed behind Loki with a quiet thud. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Loki said, stepping towards the cell that was holding you. "A little mortal, lost in a big, bad world."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, not bothering to move from where you were sitting, cross-legged, against the wall. "You're one to talk." You retorted, raising an eyebrow at him. "Considering you're in the exact same predicament."
"Am I now?" Loki asked, raising his own eyebrow in response. He took another step closer to your cell, looking down at you. You were still sitting there, looking up at him with an eyebrow raised. "Because it seems to me, that if I wanted to, I could easily just-" Loki paused as he suddenly appeared inside of your cell, standing in front of you. "Leave."
You rolled your eyes again. "Yeah, yeah. Big deal. You can teleport. Congrats." You muttered, moving to stand up.
Loki put his foot out and kicked your shoulder, forcing you to stay sitting on the floor. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" Loki asked, bending over slightly to look at you.
You turned your head to the side to glare up at him, and then brought your fist forward to hit him right in the groin. Loki gasped, taking a step back, and then groaned in pain, leaning forward slightly. You were surprised he didn’t see that coming or it was really him instead of some kind of projection.
"Yeah, I said you're a fucking dickhead." You snapped, using the wall to help you stand. Loki groaned in response, still doubled over in pain. You walked around him and stepped out of the cell, turning around to face him. "Have fun rotting away in there." You smirked, waving at him as the cell's walls started to close in around him.
Loki's head shot up as the walls moved closer. "No! Wait!" He shouted, but it was too late. The walls closed in on him, making him press up against the glass.
You sighed and shook your head, turning around to head for the elevator. "Y/N!" Loki shouted, his voice slightly muffled by the cell walls. "You can't leave me like this!"
"And why not?" You asked, not even bothering to turn around. You reached the elevator and stepped inside, pushing the button for the lobby.
"Because, if you leave me here, I'll die!" Loki shouted, his hands and face pressing against the glass.
"And why should that concern me?" You asked, pausing the doors from closing.
Loki groaned and banged on the glass, "You will pay for this!"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," you muttered, rolling your eyes. "Bye! Have fun rotting away, dickhead!" With an almost nonchalant wave, you watched as the elevator doors slowly closed, leaving him alone in the dimly lit cell.
The dull hum of the descending elevator mingled with Loki's muffled protests, creating a haunting symphony of abandonment as you left him behind.
You were heading towards the door, ready to get out of this place, when you stopped. 'Should I really just leave him here?' You thought to yourself, sighing as you turned around. 'Oh, fuck it. Might as well make the most of this.'
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Years after what happened you managed to escape from that prison, you were a free woman and no one could hold you back, even though they were trying. You had your freedom, and no one could take it away. You moved to a new country, changed your identity to make you unrecognizable and it worked. No one had recognized you.
Life was good, and started your life anew, forgetting all about your past. You were finally happy, and everything was going great.
But it felt surreal, you still could feel his hands on your body. You were starting to panic, wondering what was happening, you couldn't understand it. You didn't drink tonight, and you were sure you were sober when you went to bed, so this didn't make any sense.
One night when you were sleeping, you were dreaming of making out with a guy, his face was blurry so you didn't know who it was. His hands were touching all the right places, and you were getting into the moment, his lips felt amazing against yours. But then he was kissing your neck and you realized you could feel everything, the warmth of his tongue, the roughness of his stubble, the tickle of his breath.
His hand moved lower to your collarbone and down to your breast, and you were enjoying it. The guy seemed to know what he was doing, when suddenly, he squeezed a little harder, causing you to moan in surprise. It felt so real, that you were starting to think that you weren't dreaming, and that someone was in your room, touching you.
"Do you like that, Y/N?" The guy whispered and bit your earlobe making you shiver.
That made your eyes shot open and you sat up in shock. Looking around, you saw no one there. Your room was pitch black, except for a small ray of light coming from under the door. You must have been dreaming. But it felt so real. "Did I dream it or someone is really here?" You wondered, but couldn't find anything.
You looked down and saw that you were sweating and you could see your hardened nipples poking through your tank top. You saw your tank top was ridden up just like the guy did in your dream.
You pulled your shirt back down, and laid down again. The whole time you couldn't shake the feeling that someone was touching you. It felt surreal, you still could feel his hands on your body. You were starting to panic, wondering what was happening, you couldn't understand it. You didn't drink tonight, and you were sure you were sober when you went to bed, so this didn't make any sense.
Even though, you were panicking, your mind drifted to the man in your dream. How he knew your name, and how hot he sounded. You didn't understand how a dream could be so vivid and detailed.
You were getting turned on, the feeling of his lips on yours, and the way his hands were on your body. You didn't even know who this guy was, and you were already starting to masturbate. you felt embarrassed thinking about what you were dreaming about, and how wet you were. You didn't even know what time it was, but you felt like you needed to take care of yourself before you went back to sleep.
You started to slide your hands up and down your body, the feeling of his lips and stubble still lingering on your neck. You were so wet, the only thing that could satisfy right now was your fingers.
"Mmmm..." You moaned, as you imagined his face looking down at you, while his hands were touching you.
You were close to an orgasm, and you felt like you were going crazy. The pleasure felt unreal.
"Ohhhh... fuck," You whispered as you came.
You laid there for a few minutes, trying to catch your breath. You felt exhausted, but you couldn’t go back to sleep. You felt weird and confused, wondering what the hell was wrong with you. You shrugged it off, maybe it was nothing, and just got up from the bed, ready to start the day.
You didn't realize that this was only the beginning of the things that will happen, and that everything was only getting started.
"What a fucking asshole!" You grumbled angrily, kicking a trashcan, which sent the garbage flying. It didn't help that a group of kids were watching you and laughing at your anger.
"What did the trashcan ever do to you?" One kid asked, his friends giggling in the background. You turned your glare towards them, and the kids stopped laughing. They slowly backed away and ran off, not wanting to face your wrath.
You sighed and shook your head, turning back to the sidewalk. You were supposed to be at work, but you were late and had a pretty good excuse, a.k.a. the fact that some asshole had decided to break into your house and steal your car.
"Stupid car. Stupid, fucking asshole." You muttered, continuing to walk down the street. "Stupid, stupid, stupid..." You groaned and shook your head, running your hands through your hair.
You stopped and looked at the building across the street. 'Maybe I can call someone to pick me up? Like my parents?' You thought to yourself, shaking your head and laughing. "They probably won't answer anyway. Because I’m dead to them.’ You muttered, sighing as you crossed the street, heading for the building.
At work, you were still mad about your car being stolen, and were wondering how long it would take for the police to notice and return it to you. You couldn’t focus on your job. "Y/N, get back to work!" Mr. D's stern voice cut through your thoughts, and you reluctantly tore your gaze away from the cereal box in your hands. Sighing heavily, you nodded in acknowledgment.
"Sorry, Mr. D. Won't happen again," you mumbled, mustering a forced smile.
It had been couple of days since your car got stolen and you hadn’t received any information from the police, making you taking the bus from getting and going off from work. You were always late because of the traffic and your boss wasn't happy that you were late, and even threatened to fire you if you were late again. It wasn't your fault though, but no one would listen. You were pissed off and wanted to punch someone.
Days had passed since the incident, and the absence of any information from the police gnawed at your patience. Forced to rely on buses to commute, you found yourself consistently late due to the unpredictability of traffic. Your boss, oblivious to your tardiness, had threatened to fire you if you were late again.
It wasn't your fault, you were a victim of circumstances beyond your control. The injustice of it all made your blood boil, and the temptation to vent your frustration physically lingered at the edges of your consciousness. Yet, you held back, knowing that punching someone wouldn't solve anything.
As you continued stacking cans on the shelves, the rhythm of your movements betrayed the underlying tension. Each clink of metal against metal mirrored the ticking clock, a constant reminder of the stolen moments and the stolen car that dangled over your daily existence.
Suddenly, you slammed a can onto the shelf, drawing the attention of everyone around. Some flinched, eyes turning towards you. "Sorry, sorry. Just having a rough day. No need to look at me like that." you apologized, and the customers resumed their activities.
Your daily routine had become a struggle since the loss of your car. Apologies became a routine, just like the late hours you now kept. Affording a new vehicle was out of the question. The bus stop was distant from your apartment, pushing you to discover a shortcut through a creepy alley a couple of days ago. You didn't trust the alley, but you had no choice, you a quicker route home.
So, there you were, standing outside the alley, contemplating if it was a good idea or not. It was scary and dark, and you didn't know what was in there. You gulped and stepped into the alley, deciding to just suck it up and go through. You didn't want to walk all the way to your apartment building, and this was faster.
"Fuck it" you muttered to yourself, you prepared taser gun and pepper spray, and slowly walked into the alley. You were tense, and felt your heart beat faster, but you told yourself that everything would be alright. The alley wasn't very long, so you were relieved, but that feeling quickly left when you heard a sound behind you.
Turning around, you saw only homeless people, nothing out of the ordinary. "Probably just rats or something," you thought, attempting to calm your nerves. The rest of the walk remained uneventful. As you exited the alley, you sighed in relief, continuing your journey towards the apartment building.
You walked through that alley a couple more times since that day, and nothing unusual ever happened, but today, you felt as if someone was watching you, so you decided to look behind you.
But no one was in sight, not even the homeless people. You found it a bit odd but decided to ignore it and focusing on getting home. "Probably imagining it, it's nothing." You muttered to yourself, as you kept walking faster.  You clenched your taser gun tightly, ready to use it in case something did happen.
You heard footsteps approaching but when you turned around there was no one. You froze, your breath caught in your throat. You clenched your taser gun, the only weapon you had with you, and quickened your pace.
You heard it again, it sounded closer, but still far away. You slowly turned around, trying to keep calm, but you couldn't. The noise started again, this time closer, and louder. You spun around, holding the gun up and ready to fire. But no one was there.
Suddenly you were being pulled back and slammed into the wall behind you, and then you were being choked. Your eyes widened as you struggled against the grip, your hands pulling at the hand around your neck.
Your hands were suddenly being stretched apart, the gun falling out of your grip and clattering to the ground. Your legs flailed, your lungs desperate for air, but the hand stayed firm. No one was there, you didn't know what was happening. You were scared, no one was there, you didn’t know who or what attacked you.
Your vision started to fade, and everything was starting to get darker and darker. Right before everything faded away, the grip on your throat was released. You were coughing and gasping for air. You were still bound against the wall, not knowing what was going on. You looked around, and saw no one, no one except shadows on the wall.
"Who are you?" You asked, your voice hoarse from the lack of air. There was no response, and you felt like someone was there, but you didn't see anyone. "This isn't funny!" You spoke to whoever or something. You didn't believe in ghost, never did. You didn't think you were going crazy. You just assumed it was just your mind playing tricks on you, making you hallucinate.
"Show yourself!" You growled, trying to act tough. Still no response. "Fuck off. Leave me alone!" You grumbled, and kicked the wall behind you, but your legs hit nothing. Your brows furrowed, and you were confused. But you could feel something restraining you, and it was solid. You tried moving again, but the invisible force held you tightly.
As realization dawned, you discerned the silhouette of a shadow adorned with menacing horns that clung to you. "What the fuck!" you exclaimed.
"To make you mine." A deep voice spoke, echoing throughout the alley. You felt shivers down your spine, and fear creeped its way inside of you. You didn't understand what was happening. Your breathing was ragged, and you felt yourself become panicked.
Then you felt something caressing your legs as if a hand was slowly travelling up the length of them. You tried to struggle but the bounds held you tight, you were completely powerless. Your breath hitched when you felt fingers brush against the skin between your thighs and up.
Your legs were being forced open, "Ah! What are you doing!?" You shouted, not knowing what was happening as a finger slowly rubbed against your pussy.
"Stop!" You shouted, still struggling against the binds. But the thing didn't listen and was suddenly rubbed your clit, your hips involuntarily jerked at the sensation, and a small moan escaped your mouth.
"W-What is happening?" You whimpered, the fear mixed with pleasure was overwhelming. Your head fell back against the wall and a louder moan left your lips, you wanted to stop it, but you couldn't, and it felt too good.
You tried to focus on anything but the sensations, and you heard someone whisper something, but you couldn't understand what was being said. You tried to listen, but it was useless. The hand between your legs slipped into your panties and started to rub at your folds. The pleasure was too intense, and you cried out, your whole body trembling.
"Fuck." You breathed, and tried to control your breathing, but it was hard. Your whole body was shaking, and your mind was blank. You couldn't believe you were getting turned on by being assaulted by an unknown entity, but you were. "No! Stop it!" You struggled, the thing didn't stop.
You felt the shadow enter you as if a finger inserted itself into you, "Ah!" You moaned, you could feel the finger moving inside you, thrusting in and out of you. "N-no, stop."
The finger kept going in and out of you, then another joined it, making you moan and gasp. Your moans filled the empty alley, the sound of your moans echoed off the walls, but the pleasure you were feeling was great.
Then the fingers were removed, and then a hand was wrapped around your throat, squeezing lightly. You gasped and tried to pull the hand away, but the hand was unmovable. The finger kept going in and out of you, then another joined it, making you moan and gasp.
Fuck, why did a shadow could make you feel so good? The fingers kept moving in and out of you and a third joined, stretching you further. You were feeling too good, too aroused. You didn't even try to get away from it anymore. You couldn't believe you were turned on by a ghost or whatever this shadow-like creature.
"Yes! Yes! Ah!" You moaned. Your body felt hot, really hot. Your heart was racing, pounding against your chest, it was a good thing that no one could see you like this, getting fingered by a ghost.
You moaned again as the fingers thrusting in and out of you increased in speed, they were going fast. You wanted to scream, shout, moan, but you were only able to do one of them. "Yes! Ah! YES!" You screamed as your climax neared, "F-faster! Fuck me faster! Make me come!"
The fingers kept moving in and out of your dripping entrance and they increased their pace, fucking you faster and faster, your screams were louder.
"Yes! I'm cumming!" You screamed and arched your back as your orgasm hit, your juices ran down to your thighs, the fingers slowed down, letting you ride out your orgasm.
Then the fingers were gone, the sensation disappeared. The shadow finally released its grip, and you collapsed to the ground. You were left there, breathing hard, and confused. “What the fuck was that?” You talked to yourself.
While still trying to make sense of what just happened, you noticed two feet in front of you. Looking up, your eyes met Loki's. Suddenly, he seized your hair, compelling you to stand. "You!" you hissed, but he remained silent, his grip tightening.
A smirk played on his lips, and his eyes glowed with an unsettling green hue. Frustration and anger welled up within you as you attempted to retaliate, yet his hand held you firmly. "All this time, it was you, wasn't it? You were the one who assaulted me while I was sleeping, weren’t you?" you spat, your glare fixed on him.
He offered no response, only a sinister smirk, and then everything went black.
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prickly-paprikash · 9 months
Don't you just hate it when one of the biggest grifters online decides to like a piece of media you like?
Gatekeeping is wrong. Forcing someone to like something in the specific way I interact and consume a piece of media is wrong. Art is meant to be viewed through a multitude of lenses, and each individual will have their own way of interpreting that creation. And that's good. That's fine. That's human.
But when an Anti-Woke Grifter who thinks alcoholism is a really cool personality trait and decides to brand everything about themselves as that; who has historically engaged and criticized films and shows and games and books in bad faith; who has put down women and POC's and Queer representation in media; who is one of the biggest dicks in the online space decides to actually pay attention to an art that is pretty much dipped, coated, laminated, and injected with fucking GAY, ANTI-PATRIARCHAL ENERGY—that's when I get mad.
For those not in the know, Critical Drinker has posted a review for Blue Eye Samurai, saying he likes it.
You know... Blue Eye Samurai?
The show that oozes Queer Wrath? Feminine Rage? Curb-Stomping Toxic Masculinity and the Patriarchy whenever and wherever it can? That Blue Eye Samurai?
See, he's done this before with Arcane.
He says he likes it. Him and his ilk say that, "Finally, the wokies have done something actually good!" and point to Vi and Jinx as strong female characters written well!
But they also say, dang, feels like all the men in that show are idiots and that they had to be dumbed down to make room for the rainbow-haired girlies brigade. Who have all remarked that Vi and Caitlyn's relationship is forced and being shoved down our throats because god forbid women like women!
I got sick of watching his Arcane review halfway, and this was before I knew what a douche Critical Sucker was.
So I ain't watching his Blue Eye Samurai review. Why?
His Glass Onion review was done in bad faith.
I didn't like She-Hulk, but that's because that show was a byproduct of abused VFX animators, creatively bankrupt executives, and writers desperately trying to manage a convoluted shared universe that continues to buckle under its own weight. Political Stinker over here thinks that it's pandering, stupid, feminist garbage. He is one of the biggest Anti-Feminist voices in Youtube.
Him and his incel brigade have an obsession over hating Captain Marvel and Brie Larson. These basement dwelling cucks rant and rave over a mediocre duology and an actress that just lives in their tiny heads rent-free.
He says that they are removing men from leading roles and roles of great importance!
So why would I want to listen to an inebriated libertarian's opinions on a show that has become the show for lesbians, trans mascs, and other lovely brands of gay and feminism that he oh so despises? He'll most likely praise the action and violence and shit like that, then probably say that Mizu and Taigen's homoerotic rivalry isn't gay actually. Or that Mizu and Akemi's narrative foils don't scream enemies-to-sapphics. Or that Mizu, WHO'S NAME MEANS WATER AND HER ENTIRE CHARACTER REVOLVES AROUND FLUIDITY ISN'T IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM FLUID IN HER GENDER AND SEXUALITY.
Fuck. I'm sorry. I don't even care if he doesn't say that. He's made so many disgusting, disparaging remarks about any piece of media that shows an inkling of progressive themes that what else am I supposed to expect?
If anyone watches it and sees this, lemme know. Watching an Anti-Woke bullshit video with just myself is just straight up wading through the desert without proper protection. No thanks.
Anyway watch Blue Eye Samurai again. Because I know you watched it. Watch it again. And again. And when you're done, watch Arcane. Watch She-Ra. Watch Dragon Prince. Castlevania. Watch anything "woke". Consume trans-positive shows. Make all the haters and even the ones who like it but have no ounce of media literacy irrelevant. Let them dry out and die, please.
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thelunarbar · 3 months
I hate Kate with every fiber of my being 🤮
I’m sorry would firing off a weapon at random in the middle of the not being the police?
Turns out I don’t remember this real well so that’s interesting
I appreciate that Chris is at least semi sensible even if he is actively trying to kill Derek and Scott
The cgi or whatever on Derek’s not normal bullet wound is so bad 😂
Oh yeah grabbing her hand and defensively yelling no is so subtle
Ooh caught in a lie. Shoulda got their story straight before Allison woke up. Tsk tsk
Scott knows nothing. Typical.
“Studying with Allison” yeah right
Dylan O’Brien has pretty eyes
I wanna punch Jackson
Derek (literally dying) goes totally unnoticed in a highschool are there no teachers or curious students??? Are they all that self involved???
Also Derek (still literally dying) gets jump scared by the bell love it
How did stiles not see Derek at some point while he was in the hallway?
And then Derek collapses in the parking and still no one notices him
“A silver bullet?”
“No you idiot.” Even dying Derek is not putting with stiles shit
Derek (literally dying) (going to help Scott even tho he has absolutely no reason to) needs Scott’s help
Scott grudgingly agrees to help the dying man what a saint
And then promptly gets distracted by Allison shocker
Ik Scott is like what 15 here but c’mon man someone is literally dying and counting on you to save him and all you can think about is getting in Allison’s pants
Oh good more cringey make outs. These are supposed to be teenagers I do not want to watch them make out 🤮
Am I old? I feel like that makes me sound like an old lady but it’s true
I love that somehow while still in town it looks like they’re almost to Derek’s house which is deep in the woods? Yes yes that tracks
“In fact I think if I wanted to I could drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead.”
“Start the car or I’m gonna rip your throat out with my teeth.” Yes threatening the guy trying to keep you alive is great.
Fuck Scott. Honestly. They’re are more important things in life than getting your dick wet
Archery how quirky
Ik it’s like a family thing but still
Cock block chris love it
Ooh awkward family dinner with the gfs family always fun sucker
Why do parent in tv shows offer teenagers alcohol as like a test??? So dumb
“Hockey on grass is called field hockey.” 😂
Poor stiles and poor Derek
“He’s starting to smell.”
“Like what?”
“Like death!”
Yeah let Derek die bc you’d rather not leave your gf. Can we say hero 🙄
Fortunately the bullet he’s looking just happens to be in a special box bc ofc and I get for plot reasons but still
Derek never loses his drama even when dying
I’m with stiles on the whole cutting off Derek’s arm
Love that this whole thing literally couldn’t not matter less to Scott 🙄
I read a couple great fics abt stiles actually cutting off Derek’s arm bc Scott was late that I still think about to this day. I reread them quite a bit
I hate Kate so fucking much even tho he did actually take smth from her
Allison whipping out that condom is probably her best moment ngl 😂
“You faint at the sight of blood?”
“No but I might at the sight of chopped off arm!”
I am so with stiles on this whole cutting off body parts thing
Derek’s Batman voice is really funny to me.
I get why the first idea is to stick your fingers through the grate but I’m pretty sure those things pop out at least generally speaking
Love that stiles punched Derek in the face. Pretty sure he nearly does it again later on in the show
Where did Derek get the lighter? Did he just have that on him? Also so did not wanna watch him stick his finger in his wound gross
Ah teenage stupidity. Gotta hate it.
Ohhhh we finally met Peter! I don’t like him for obvious reasons but later on he’s so sassy and it’s hard not to like him
Knowing what the argents did makes me hate Kate even more and love that Chris broke free of that.
Ofc Scott would defend the argents 🙄 again teenage stupidity
Poor Derek he deserved better
How was there still a lil shard of glass from Kate’s broken window on the edge of the car door??? That seems unlikely
I appreciate that Chris at least had some standards even they still sucked.
Kate throwing the match into the fireplace was sooooooo foreshadowing at the truth to be learned down the road and I do like that
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sokonoi · 2 years
praise kink — kinkology 101
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ft. hanataro, hisagi, ulquiorra, kenpachi
contents. fem!reader d/s undertones. praise. enthusiastic consent. begging. whimpering. strap-on. usage of sir. spanking. punishment
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#1 hanatarō yamada
he knows it. you know it. he has a dainty little waist, dainty little fingers & those pretty doll eyes. you fill his head up when you praise him. makes him feel so superior. he’s your loveslave simple as that & everybody knows it.
usually hanataro was patient and kind. emphases on usually. today his legs quiver as you play with his puckered hole. he’s in a storage closet due to his own untamed lust. its all your fault though, wearing basically nothing under your long mink coat. gooddam it! “please y/n,” he whines. only for you to grasp harder at his hips. “know your gonna take it so well,” you pant as you finally sheath you pretty pink cock strap inside him. his voice threatens to grow louder. his fingers come up to his mouth, you kiss his spine. "that's it. just like that."
#2 shūhei hisagi
he wants praise. needs it. lives of off it. he’ll die if he doesn’t have it. he’s usually the dominant in most situations. even so he requires praise he needs to know you like it.
your folded over his lap, that's nothing new. he's upset though. he saw you innocently talking to kazeshini and... well your not sure after that. since shuhei gives you another painful spank. “please sir,” you plead pathetically. against the contrary the pain seems to fuel on your leaking pussy. “nah, don’t think I will until you tell me i’m the best.” you know what that means. “your the best sagi, love it when you make me cum. i love you..” your praise continues on as his fingers find your wet hole. playing with the perimeter of it before entering you ever so slowly. “treat me better than anyone.” the finger sheath you ever so slight. pussy gripping onto the tips of them, “make me feel so pretty always.” he fully begins fucking you with his fingers & all you can think is what a sucker, but he’s your sucker.
#3 ulquiorra cifer
denial, but for a different reason. he doesn’t understand what it is he’s feelings. he wants you a ttention on him at all times though.
he’s eating you out, surprise!!! it’s your birthday and he wanted to give you a present per grimmjow advice. “girls love it when you eat them out. you should try it, before you relationship gets stale.” now he’s here on all fours. trying his best. he’s clumsy with his movements sticking you with his tongue quite literally. it isn’t until he finds that frustrated nub. he begins to suck on it enthusiastically. your eyes began to water & mouth growing dry, “please don’t stop.” his eyes darken at the newly found desire to get you to come undone this way.
#4 kenpachi zaraki
denial, denial, and more denial. doesn’t believe he has one. he’s the top your the bottom. period. but still he can’t help the way excited trills through him as you praise. tell him how much better he is. how strong he is.
he’s a brute, we know this. you know this. he’s ruined you for anyone else. that was proven as you completely lose your mind against the wall. he’s got a tight grip on your ass, fingers digging into the plush pillows. his thrust are steady and powerful. this does nothing but make your sanity crumble. you work up the nerve to ask, “harder,” you squeak out. his eye light up as he picks up the pace. that’s not good enough though, kenpachi is surprised as your hungry pussy sucks him in further. “please harder ken.” he’s hesitant, but complies. his heavy cock practically kisses your womb. there it was, the crest of your orgasm. “fuck! just like that.”
your whimpers carry up to his ears. your hands grab up against his neck, the coil in your stomach is unbearable. “how am i making you feel honey,” he asks a playful tone in his voice, already knowing the answer. “just perfect,” you hum. your too cock drunk to notice he’s already spilled his cum in you & his thighs tremble against you.
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sokonoi ─‌ like or reblog.
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boygiwrites · 3 months
Harley D. Dixon 36
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Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board!
Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
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Merle. It's Merle!
My voice comes out as a screeching cry — "Merle!" — like I've just watched him get shot at the climax of some dramatic movie, before I'm breaking free of Glenn and crashing into my Uncle's arms, and he's warm like the Georgia sun around me and he's alive.
"Holy shit," I hear him rasp in my ear as he hugs me tight. I'm thinkin' the exact same thing! Holy shit!
"You're al— You're a—," I blubber, pulling my face away from his neck to look him in the eye. "You're alive!"
It's been a whole year since I last saw him, but almost nothing about him has changed. His face is broad and wrinkled by the sun, nose ugly and crooked from all those bar fights, and he's still got that look of a brute about him that my Dad never quite mastered.
He didn't die in Atlanta. He didn't die anywhere. He weren't layin' out on the concrete roof of a skyscraper, slathered in sweat and blood as the dead tore into him with wet fingers like greedy kids at a barbeque — Not like he was during so many late nights, dyin' over and over again in my nightmares — because he lived. I got no idea how, and I sure don't got no idea how I ever doubted him, neither.
"I sure am," He smirks, his dark blue eyes tinged with adrenaline.
He glances over my shoulder at Dad, chuckling to himself at the sight.
Dad hasn't moved. Not even an inch. He stands there, staring at us with that same look on his face as when he watched me step onto that frozen river last year, afraid for my life but without anything he could do to save me, help me, pull me back into safety.
His gaze darts between Merle's face and mine over and over again, as if he can't decide who to look at.
Why ain't he happy to see him?
Merle's chuckle dies away, leaving us in a terrible silence. I can't figure out what's wrong.
"I asked you nicely to drop yer shit," One of Merle's friends warns them. "Or did you forget?"
Reluctantly, Dad and Glenn throw their weapons aside, lifting their hands in surrender.
"Merle," Dad eventually says in greeting, tense and unfeeling, glancing at me once again. "Long time."
"Forever," He agrees. "And Harley's barely grown a hair's width, haven't ya, princess? Woof. What the Hell happened to yer hair?"
"It got a bunch'a blood in it, so I cut it all off and now I just keep it short. Daddy helps me." I giggle as he ruffles my hair, my gaze dropping down to his other hand — Or, well — Blade. He ain't got no hand at all. I gasp, "What the Hell happened to yer arm?"
"You like it, huh?" He lifts it up, the metal glinting just a few inches from my eye. "Fixed it up myself."
"Woah," I breathe, looking into my own pupil in the reflection.
"You can tell her all about it back in town," His friend with the brown skin angrily butts in. He shoves his gun at Dad and Glenn, his wavy, black hair suckered to his forehead with sweat as he sneers at them. "I know a few guys who'll wanna have a chat with these fucks!"
Merle lowers his blade as he stands to his full height. "Hold up, India. You're really gonna ruin my nice family reuni—?"
"I don't give a shit if it was Christmas, Merle. They gotta pay."
"Arjun's right." The other man steps forward, snatching the gun and knife from my holster and throwing them aside, making Dad and Glenn tense up, relaxing only slightly when he steps back. "They're comin' back with us. Frankly, whether you like it or not."
I don't know why, but I back away from Merle, slowly at first but then I'm running to hide behind my Dad.
What? Coming back with them?
Back, where?
I thought it was all just a big misunderstanding, and that now I got my Uncle here, everything's alright?
Uneasy, I glance at the dead man laying off to the side. His vacant eyes stare at the sky as his blood trickles out from around the bolt lodged between his eyebrows, slowly dripping into a big puddle on the tarmac. Eric, I think they called him.
"Are you serious?" Glenn exclaims in outrage. "We've got a kid! Merle, that's your niece!"
"Wanna tell me where you're holed up?" Merle asks, and when Glenn's stammering is met with a smug look of indifference, almost like he's bored, I realize he's not going to save us from this. This isn't a reunion anymore. "Didn't think so. Wherever you're set up, I'll bet'chu my other arm our place is ten times the fuckin' paradise. Just make this easy for us, man. Harley won't be in no typa trouble."
Peeping around my Dad, I look up at his face. "Daddy, what's goin' on?"
I don't wanna go nowhere with these people when the invite's like this. They're angry with us — Real angry.
Dad looks like he's about to explode. "Merle—"
"It's either that or the Indian and the fat-ass shoot us all in the head right now," He deadpans. "And while I wouldn't be too sad about Glenny here gettin' his shit rocked, I don't fancy it happening to you or Harley. Okay? C'mon. This is a favor, brother."
I look up at Dad again, but he's silent. What's gonna happen to us at Merle's paradise town?
Glenn takes a step forward. "You can't do thi—"
His hands fly to his thigh. "Fuck!"
As Dad gasps, I squeal, "Glenn!"
He shot him!
"I'm not messin' around, cowboy," The white man snarls, marching forward and grabbing Glenn's arm. "Get movin'!"
We're leaving with them. We really are.
Dad quickly picks me up and protectively cups my head to his shoulder, his grip on me tight. I wrap my legs around his waist, not realizing how much I'd been wanting to be in his arms. Oh, my God. I know we killed their friend, but can't we just tell them we're sorry? It was in self-defence, and nobody alive this far into the end of the world ain't done it at least once. We were only here for baby formula.
Dad grunts as the Indian man shoves us forwards with his gun, the sound of Glenn struggling to walk behind us.
He needs a doctor. We can't run away even if we wanted to, not when he's like this. That man knew that when he shot him.
Merle's laughing his ass off. "Holy shit, Boyd! Ya ain't have to shoot him!"
"Whatever, Merle. Just get the keys outta my pocket 'fore I shoot you, too. You're drivi— Shit!"
Mouse suddenly lunges at him, biting onto his ankle and shaking his head from side to side, growling nastily.
"Shit! Shit, get him off!" He cries out as Merle rears his leg back and kicks the dog in the face.
Yelping, Mouse backs off before a couple gunshots split the tarmac around him and he turns on his heel, scampering away through the trash and litter. My heart jumps and sinks at the same time, watching him disappear into the trees with his tail tucked.
I feel Dad's muscles tense under me.
Lowering his gun, Merle calls out after him, "Scram, poochie!"
"Shit, that hurts," Boyd winces down at his blood-soaked jeans, shoving Glenn forward. "Hurry it up. I got a date with the med bay."
"It's gonna be okay, chicken," My Dad's mumbling into my ear as we all make our way across the parking lot, fingers squeezing the back of my neck. "I can feel yer little heart racin'. It's gonna be okay. Me and Glenn and Merle ain't gonna let nothin' happen to you."
Merle said this was a favor. If we told them where the prison was, we'd be leading a bunch of angry people right to our family, and they might want to take our food or our beds or even our lives, just like those people that Jim was with who threatened the Greene farm. If we just let them take us to their paradise instead, then maybe— Maybe they can sort this out? They won't shoot us all in the head?
"Where are we goin'?" I mumble into my Dad's shirt, watching the forest shrink behind us. "I don't wanna go."
"I know ya don't, chicky. Me, neither." He steps up onto the curb of the pavement, then back down on the other side and through the main parking lot, approaching their car. The man keeps his gun on us as he pulls the passenger door open. "But it's gon' be okay."
"Shut up and take shotgun," The man nods at the seat. "Your kid can sit in your lap."
Without answering, Dad climbs into the car, door slamming shut behind us. I watch over his shoulder as Glenn is forced into the middle of the back seats, his face wrung in pain, his fingers curled around the blood gushing from his thigh. Arjun and Boyd take a seat on either side of him, the fatter man shoving him upright before pointing his gun at the back of Dad's head, scaring me into looking away.
"We're gonna take a little drive," Merle sighs as he swings into the driver's seat and pulls his door shut.
He twists the keys into the ignition, engine rumbling to life.
As he peels outta the car park, Glenn's pained groans growing louder by the second, I wonder where that beetle went.
We end up at a checkpoint gate.
Merle's got his window rolled down and he's chatting it up with another one of his scary-lookin' friends, who I guess is a guard. They're talking about work schedules and other gossip, until Glenn makes a loud noise and he bothers to ask who we are. Oh, that's the guy from my old group up in Atlanta, he's telling him, And my brother and his daughter. My niece. I told you about her. Can you believe it? I ain't really listenin'. I'm looking out at the tall walls of sheet-metal, the barbed wire curled along the top of it, the people holding big guns up in the tower, spitting on the ground and smoking while they stare down at us with loose smirks. Somehow, it feels a little like the prison.
"No shit?" The guard eventually exclaims with a grin. "Hey, congrats, man. That's some crazy luck you got."
As he looks us over, twiddling his fingers in greeting, I feel my Dad's grip on me tighten before Merle pulls his attention back. "You're tellin' me, man. But listen. We gotta head on down to the blocks — Tell ya about it later — so get Philip for me, will ya?"
"Sure. I'll radio him," He nods. "But, yo? Where's Eric at?"
"Just open the fuckin' gates, Mendoza," Boyd snaps, pressing his gun harder to Glenn's temple. "I'm gettin' impatient."
The guard makes a shrugging gesture before he takes a step back, whistling sharply at somebody. "Open up! They're good!"
"What the Hell are, 'the blocks', Merle?" Dad grits as the guards begin to pull the gate open and Merle drives through. All the barbed wire and metal walls fall away, revealing pretty town houses and flower beds lining the streets. Merle weren't lyin'. This place looks like— Well, it looks like paradise. It feels like we've gone back in time, to before all the blood and death and walkers. "What's the plan?"
"The blocks are where we put the undesirables." We pass a woman and a man walking together with a baby stroller and a cute little dog on a leash, and they're happy and clean, and I wonder if they know what 'the blocks' are. They look like all they gotta worry about is what they're gonna have for lunch. I also wonder where Mouse is right now. Poor little guy. "They're gonna question you and the Asian."
"His name is Glenn," I mumble unhappily, knowing nobody gives a shit. They shot him.
Dad scoffs. "Should'a known you wasn't gonna send him to a doctor. Y'all ain't the special-treatment type, is ya?"
"Fuck you, Merle," Glenn whines from the backseat. "Fuck you."
"W-wait," I frown. "Ya can't leave him like this, Merle. Herschel says it ain't right."
Merle shrugs. "Who's Herschel?"
"He's an animal doctor. And he says you always gotta take the bullet out, or it might not get better. Please?"
"Princess, I think what you're sayin' is adorable," He says as we turn a corner, the streets suddenly becoming a little duller — No flowers, less people, open dumpsters and construction cones lining the curb. "And I get it, but it's outta my hands, okay?"
"Well, can't ya at least give him a bandage?"
"What about Harley?" Dad cuts me off before I can argue any more. "She sure ain't goin' to no, 'block'."
"Hey. I'm stayin' with you," I turn to face him. If that's where he and Glenn are goin', that's where I'm goin'. I'on care if the blocks is where they put their 'undesirables'. I'll be an undesirable with them. I can't be on my own. "Daddy, I gotta stay with you."
He ignores me. "Merle?"
"I know she ain't. Don't worry," He reassures him, pulling in next to a half-built house. "She can stay in my apartment."
"Good," Dad slowly nods, but it's not good at all.
"No. Dad, don't leave m—"
"It's better this way. Okay?" He scolds me, brows raised as he waits for me to answer, but I know that look in his eyes. I know why his fingers are shaking. He's scared. I give nod, before he pulls me in for a hug. "Okay. So, shut up and give yer Dad a hug."
Merle cuts the engine off.
"We're here. Get out." Arjun shoves his door open and climbs out, pulling on Glenn's shirt. "I said, 'Get out'. Come on."
"Fuck you," He whines again.
Dad places a kiss to my hair, pulling away as Boyd rips our door open. "It's gonna be okay. I'mma see you soon."
I shake my head. "How you know?"
"I'mma make 'em."
"What's the matter, asshole?" Boyd taunts as Dad reluctantly climbs out, leaving me in his seat. "Never been to prison before?"
"Sure," Dad jokes, pinning the man with a unamused look. "I'm gettin' fuckin' deja vu."
The door slams in my face.
"Come along, then, tough guy."
It's gonna be okay, I repeat in my head as he shoves my Dad forward with his gun. I'mma see you soon.
I watch them go. I want so bad to run out and cling to my Dad's leg, so tight they'll have to let me stay with him, but I remember what he's always told me. Sometimes, little girls don't get what they want. It's always for my own good, so I bite my tongue as he and Glenn hobble down the steps of the building's cellar door, a cold sense of grief washing over me as the top of their heads disappear.
It's only now that I realize I don't even know where I am.
"You heard yer old man," Merle says to break the silence. "It's better this way."
It's like I'm back in the parking lot at Arrendale State Prison, sitting on Merle's hip while they take my Daddy away. That jury was just a bunch of pansies, princess, he told me, They don't get what it means to be a Dad. He's innocent.
"They're just gonna ask him a few questions," He tells me now. "Nothin' he can't handle."
"I wanna go with 'em," I murmur to myself, staring longingly at the closed cellar doors.
If it's just questioning, why can't I go, too?
"No, ya don't," He laughs a bit, twisting the keys into the ignition. "C'mon. Let's go kick back at Uncle Merle's place, huh? Like old times?"
I say nothing as he pulls into the street.
"It'll be fun. Ya still like Twinkies?"
The door to Merle's apartment closes behind me.
Dumping his backpack on the floor, Merle stretches his arms over his head, groaning as he meanders up to his kitchen cabinets.
"Got 'em stashed away up here somewhere."
"Woah," I mumble, looking around. "You live here?"
"Welcome to my humble abode," He chuckles to himself. "It ain't too big, but you won't hear me complainin'."
We ain't never had no apartment. Apartments are for hipsters and rich kids, as Dad liked to say, but it looks like Merle's been living it up since the world ended. I'm kinda jealous, but it ain't his fault I sleep in a cell and had to eat mushrooms for four months.
As he paws through his groceries, I head over to the lounge area, picking up the magazine laid out on the coffee table. The shiny lady on the cover smirks at me, and when I notice how she got no clothes on, I quickly drop her back down. The cashews scattered at my feet and the empty bag of crisps shoved under the sofa suddenly seem very interesting, and also the baseball bat laying across the cushions. Merle was never very good at cleaning up after himself. Turning away, I pass the dining table, approaching the open window.
Sunshine sweeps over me as I push the curtains aside. The street below is loud, busy, normal. A pair of ducks wade around in the still, green water of a stagnant fountain in the nearby gardens, one dunking its head under as an armoured truck drives by.
"There they are."
If Dad was here, he'd prolly tell me that joke about ducks I like — What time does a duck wake up? At the quack of dawn. We read that in a fortune cookie when he ordered Chinese food one night. I hope he and Glenn are alright, but I ain't so sure.
Merle drops the box of Twinkies on the table. "Here we go, princess. Sit down."
Turning away from the window, I take a seat opposite of him.
"Are those real?" I ask. "No way."
"You know you sound like some sorta feral animal, askin' all these questions." He throws one to me. "Yeah, they're real."
"Thanks, Uncle Merle."
"We got a lotta catchin' up to do. You gotta be nine by now, right?"
"Yeah, I think so!"
"So, little miss nine-years-old, wanna hear the rest of that story?" He grins, taking a Twinkie for himself.
Tearing the plastic open, I nod, taking a bite. "We all thought you was dead."
"So did I, girl." He jokes, shaking his head. "Oh, man, I thought I was dead. Weren't no way any old Joe was gonna get himself outta that pickle, but I ain't any old Joe, am I? Nah. I thought of you, I thought of yer Daddy, and I cut myself outta them cuffs."
"That's how ya lost yer hand?" I giggle in disbelief, earning myself a nod. "You crazy, Merle. Did it hurt?"
"'Course it hurt. But I got it cauterized, got it all bandaged up with my shirt. You know, y'all was gone, time I got back."
"Wait, what? So, we missed ya?"
"By at least a day, is my guess. Fires were cold. I found one of yer socks on the ground. Kept it with me for weeks."
Oh. My Uncle is a real asshole — He's exactly the typa person he used to pride himself on protecting me from — but I know he loves me. To think, if we'd left just a few days later than we did, he could'a been with us this whole time. I used to think about that every day. Things prolly would'a been worse with him around, sure, but he's family. You're supposed to stick around when things get worse.
"Sorry, Merle," I sigh, fiddling with the crumbs on the table. "We didn't wanna leave. Really. But we had to."
"Yeah," He sneers. "Was it Officer Friendly?"
"Nah, it was me." I admit. "I got real sick. We thought I got scratched by a walker and we went to the CDC."
He deflates a little. "Well, shit, huh? What happened?"
"It was like I was dyin'. Dad was angry at everybody. He broke a walkie. Turns out, I just had food poisonin' from some bad jerky Glenn made. Ain't nobody ever taught him how to cure meat properly, you know. After that, he was kind of our only friend."
"What, y'all like that little twerp, now?" He chuckles awkwardly, taking another bite of his Twinkie.
"Merle," I pause, a little embarrassed I have to say it out loud. "Merle, I like all of 'em, now."
It's been a year — A year.
I like Officer Friendly. His woman, Lori. I like the Asian, and the housewife, Carol. I like all of 'em. I don't know when it happened, or if I really had a choice in it, but everything is different now. Even if some things are still the same, like Merle.
That group is my family, but he don't need to know that. I know he'll just say call me brainwashed.
"And to be real honest," I reluctantly add, "They're prolly wonderin' where we are right now. Y'know?"
This Twinkie is nice and all; I'm finally back with my Uncle again. I even saw a dog on a leash. But I hope he don't think I want to stay here. It ain't really a paradise if my family ain't here with me, or if my Dad and my friend are locked up in a cellar right now, being questioned. I gotta go back to my real home sometime. I don't belong here. Ya don't belong in a place that you got taken to at gunpoint.
Merle looks down at his empty wrapper, wordlessly crumpling it in his hand. I can tell he's pissed off.
"How much do you like it here?" I ask, suggesting, "I know you got new friends and all, but what if you came back with us?"
"Baby, I got an inklin' that's not how any of this is gonna go down," Merle scoffs lightly. "I'm sorry, but it ain't."
"I—? I don't get it. Why not?"
Don't he wanna be with me and Dad?
"Think about what yer Dad said just now." He straightens, his metal blade clanking as he lays his arms on the table. "Things are better this way. We got running water here. Plumbing. Electricity. Hell, girly, I can even get'chu some of them Disney movies you like."
"I don't—"
"What was it again? Fox and the somethin'? Fox and the Hound? I can trade Patty for it. We can watch it tonight."
Swallowing the stale glob of Twinkie in my mouth, feeling it slide down my throat like tacky glue, I leave the last bite on the table.
"I don't know, Merle," I guiltily shrug. After a long, uncomfortable silence, I ask, "Can I have some water?"
He relents, sighing. "Sure, baby. Hang tight."
As he stands up to go back into the kitchen, I forget all about his promises of snacks and movies, thinking of my group back at the prison instead. They don't got no Twinkies, or TV, or my favorite movies, or even electricity, but I would still rather be there than here. There's gotta be some way I can convince Merle to leave this place with us. He must love us more than he loves his apartment.
I begin to wonder when we are actually leaving. They can't make us stay here, can they? This is just a visit?
Dad and Glenn are gonna get questioned for killing that man, Eric, and then Merle will vouch for us?
Either way, everybody must be worried about us. If not now, then definitely in a few hours from now when they realize we ain't came back. That trip never takes more than an hour. They'll wait for us, and then they'll wait just little longer, and then Rick will grab his gun and come looking, but he'll find nothing but mine, Dad, and Glenn's weapons laying next to a body in the abandoned parking lot.
We only drove for about ten minutes to get to this town. We never ran into it, but it can't be so hard to miss.
I really hope we ain't stuck here long enough for it to come to that. I just wanna go home.
The sound of a walkie chiming makes me jump.
Putting the cup down next to the sink, Merle groans to himself and digs into his backpack. "Shit."
"What is it?"
"It's gonna be Mendoza," He complains, before he presses the button down and there's a voice the other end. "Hear that?"
I shake my head. "I can't hear so well, now."
He pulls a face at me. "How ya mean?"
Instead of explaining myself, I just push my hair back from my ear, revealing my hearing aid before smoothing it back down.
"You got a hearin' aid?"
"I got two. Without 'em, I basically can't hear nothin', and with 'em, it's kinda hard to hear fuzzy things, or faraway things, but it's mostly like it was before," I say timidly. "Shane accidently shot my ear off last Fall. Messed me up good and proper."
"Shane," Merle sneers, laughing to himself. "Shane Walsh. I'll kill that motherfuc—"
"Dad already did."
"Oh," He chirps, sounding pleased. "Well, that works out, then, doesn't it? How?
"Beat him and kicked him 'til he ain't never got up again."
"Good to hear yer Daddy's still got his balls intact. What, so you know sign language and shit now?"
"Sure. So, what'd the radio say?"
With a sound of annoyance, he grabs his keys from his backpack and shoves them in his pocket. "I gotta go help out with sum', and I wanna see yer Dad down at the blocks soon, anyway, do some catchin' up. I'll prolly see you in a few hours."
I perk up. "Can I co—"
"No, ya can't come," He deadpans, opening the door. "I'mma lock this behind me. Don't open it for nobody."
"O-okay," I nod, obedient.
"Help yourself to anythin' you want, princess. See ya later."
The door slams shut, the lock clicking loudly — SNAP — before his footsteps retreat down the corridor.
Letting out a breath, I slump against the table.
Old times. 
Lucky me.
Merle's got a big collection of movies.
While the fiery colours of a cool gunfight flash over me, voices shouting war cries, I flip the cover of a different CD over in my hands. I figure I gotta keep myself occupied while Merle's gone, and he did say I could help myself to anything I want.
"Tom and Jerry," I read aloud to myself, smiling at the cartoon animals and shrugging.
The movie cuts out when I press the eject button, and the disc comes sliding out. I take it, replacing it with the new one.
A colourful menu pops up on the screen. Aw, cute!
I find myself grinning up at it like a monkey who's discovered electricity for the first time, pressing play on the remote and absentmindedly watching as the episode plays out in front of me. I'm surprised I even remember how a TV works. It feels like I've snuck outta my bedroom in the middle of the night, snacking on ice cream straight outta the tub while everyone else sleeps. I feel naughty.
I wish I could share this with the rest of the group, especially Carl. Ain't none of us watched TV in forever.
Jerry the mouse is slapping Tom the cat in the face with a banana peel when there's a knock on the door.
Flinching, I turn around.
I wait a moment, watching the door, making sure I really heard it. If it was Merle, he'd probably just open—
That's not Merle.
I press the eject button, and the silly noises and bright colours cut out.
"I don't think you should've done that," The man behind the door muses in the silence that follows, his voice calm, amused, like he's talking to somebody he knows, but I don't recognise the sound of it. "See, now I know you're in there. It was a bad move."
I really wish I had my knife or my gun on me.
Who the Hell is that? Wh— Who would want to talk to me?
"Now I think it would make sense if you would come and open the door for me. No point in hiding, Harley."
I can't help it — A sharp gasp leaves me.
"Yes, that's right. I know your name," He laughs, sounding almost fond, as I slowly rise from my position on the rug and creep over to the door, pressing my ear against the wood to hear him better. "My name is Philip, but people call me the Governor."
Phil. Merle mentioned that name at the gates.
A friend of his?
"Your Uncle Merle probably told you not to open the door for strangers, but we're not strangers any more, are we?"
How do I make him go away?
"I know your name," He muses boredly. "You know mine. If you want, I'll even tell you my favourite colour. It's green."
I don't give a shit what his favourite colour is.
Maybe if I just keep quiet, he'll think the TV is broken, or that he made a mistake — There ain't no little girl named Harley in here. Because there's no way in Hell I'm opening this door for anybody, even if I know their name and their favorite colour.
My heartbeat hammer, hammer, hammers against the door. Please go away. Please.
After a long pause, I hear him laugh to himself again. "You're not going to open the door, are you?"
No, I ain't.
"Smart girl."
Suddenly, I hear the sound of keys jingling.
My blood runs cold.
I jump back as the doorknob rattles in front of my face, watching it turn, gasping as the door opens. He had keys the whole time?
The man lets himself in and closes the door behind him like he owns the place, like I ain't just gave him a very clear message I don't want him in here, walking past me and coming to a stop in the middle of the room with his hands in the pockets of his grey slacks, smiling quaintly at me. He looks like an office worker, a harmless one, his clothes ironed and clean, hair damp and combed to the side.
I stare at the stranger — because that's what he is — horrified, violated, wanting to jump out the window. 
"Who are you?" I frown with my chest puffed out, trying my best to sound confident.
"Well, I just told you," He jokes, nonchalant. "My name is Philip."
"You ain't supposed to be in here, Philip," I warn him. "My Uncle, he's gonna kill you."
"Oh, I doubt that very much," The man chuckles to himself, like I've just made a very funny joke. "Mind if I sit, honey?"
I do, but that don't seem to matter.
He rounds the sofa and carefully dusts the crumbs off the cushions before taking a seat, gesturing for me to do the same.
"Come on," He beckons nicely. "Sit where you like. Don't be scared."
"I really don't think—"
His face hardens. "Don't be rude, either."
Shit, this is bad. What the Hell do I do?
I glance at the front door. I could make a run for it, but it might be better to pretend everything's okay. I don't wanna make him mad, and I definitely don't wanna get lost out there, so I shuffle my way over to the lounge area and sit on the rug again.
When my eyes dart to the baseball bat laying next to him, his smile returns. I think he likes that I'm scared.
"I'm going to confess something," He decides.
Too afraid to speak, I keep my mouth shut.
"Before I came here, I'd planned to promise you I would take you back to wherever your group is. Get you to tell me where they were that way," He explains, lacing his fingers in his lap as if he's in a business meeting. "But I realize you wouldn't fall for that."
He's right. I wouldn't.
I guess that's why he's here. He wants to know where my group is. "You ain't here 'cause you're mad about Eric?"
"Did you kill him?"
I shake my head.
"Then, no," He simply says. "I hope you're good at keeping secrets, because between you and me — I never liked him."
"Well, I sure as Hell ain't tellin' you nothin'," I say bravely, thinking of baby Judith. "I ain't even told my own Uncle."
"I know that." He continues smiling at me in a way that makes me wonder if his face is stuck like that permanently. "I could also tell you that the only reason I'm asking is to help your people out, share our resources. But you wouldn't fall for that, either."
Where is he going with this?
"So," He says patiently, "It turns out I'm not going to do either of those things. Do you know what I do here?"
"You're the president," I guess.
"That's cute." His smile lifts into a smirk for a moment, before he shakes his head. "No. I'm Woodbury's leader. 'Governor', remember? Everything I do is in my people's interests, just like I'm sure your Dad does everything in yours. When I start hearing that there's a new group around, I think of what that might mean for us. Have you ever had something like that happen? A new threat?"
"There were people who wanted our farm," I hesitate to admit. "And no, that ain't where we're livin' now."
"I didn't think so. What did you do about it?"
"We hung one of their guys in a barn. He was our friend, but... Sometimes, you gotta kill yer friends."
Philip is still smiling at me, but his eyes are all empty, like they're not really his. I've seen those eyes on dead people.
"I'm glad we have an understanding," He nods slowly. "In the past, I've had to kill my friends, too."
"Good for you."
For the first time since he opened that door, his smile completely drops. "You know who else I'm prepared to kill?"
My heart beat starts to hammer, hammer, hammer against my ribs again.
"Your Daddy," He says with that expressionless look on his face. He don't look so much like an office worker no more. He's a killer in fancy britches, with the blood freshly washed off his forearms. He's a wolf and I'm the little piggy, and I made a mistake when I didn't run away. My fingers tighten around my knees, the sweat hot and slippery on my skin. "If you don't tell me where your group is, I will cut your Daddy's throat open and make my apologies to the unlucky fool who has to clean up all the blood he leaves behind."
I can't speak. I can't. The words are congealed somewhere at the back of my throat, making it very hard to swallow.
"I wouldn't even have to kill the other one," He smirks a little. "I'm sure that gunshot will do it for me. Sepsis is nasty stuff."
Dad and Glenn. Oh, God, I knew it. We didn't question Jim when he was our prisoner, so why would they question them?
Of course Dad didn't want me there with them. They're in danger. They're in danger, and I'm up here in this apartment, eating snacks and watching cartoons and that's all I'll be doing when they cut their throats open or hang them from the ceiling.
"Oh, ple— Please don't," I huff, grabbing my belly so I don't throw up on Merle's rug. "Please don't."
Lifting his hands up, the man makes a gesture of peace, his smirk widening before he drops them in his lap. "Oh, I won't. I haven't exhausted all my options, yet, honey. It wouldn't be wise to kill your Dad right now. This is just something to think about."
I hug myself tighter as he stands from the sofa.
"For when I come back," He adds, staring down his nose at me, cowering at his feet in a ball.
I don't have it in me to glare at him.
All I want is to go home with Dad and Glenn and Mouse and never step foot in another paradise again.
Smiling that stupid, empty smile of his, Philip steps past me and crouches down next to the TV, picking up the Tom and Jerry cover. He chuckles to himself at the picture on it, before putting it back down and pressing the disc back into the player.
On the screen, Jerry starts hitting Tom with the banana peel again, but it's not so funny any more.
"Enjoy your cartoons, honey," He says oddly sincerely.
I watch him stand back up and make his way to the door, not sparing me a backwards glance as he closes it behind him. A grating burst of laughter comes from the TV, and before I can stop myself, I cry out — "Ugh, shut up!" — and punch it hard.
The disc slides back out, silently landing on the rug.
"I wanna go home," I whine to nobody.
Author's Note.
This chapter took a while to come out, but I hope the wait was worth it!
I can't believe I finally get to write Merle! Harley is very glad to see him again, even if she knows he isn't perfect. Meanwhile, Daryl isn't too pleased. Things have definitely changed.
Writing the Governor was SO fun. He's very creepy. Whenever there's I have a character who's really smart or has a way of dictating a conversation, it's always humbling when I remember that means I have to be those things in order to write them lmao. I hope I'm doing him justice.
Also hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you in the next one!
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