#i am urban
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Richard as Chop in I Am Urban.
📸: I Am Urban
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riepu10 · 4 months
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@RCArmitage I Am Urban is now available to stream in the UK on Sky Store, Apple TV, Google Play, Amazon Prime
Bernard Hare’s Orwell Prize-nominated memoir about the relationship between ‘Britain’s most runaway child’, eleven-year-old Urban Grimshaw, and a disillusioned former social worker known as Chop, @annafriel, who plays Greta Urban’s mum @fraserpatrickkelly plays Urban. (X)
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guylty · 4 months
#IAmUrban Goes iTunes - and Richard aims for the West End in Early 2025
Finally one of Richard‘s works is available for everyone! As producer Matthew Mitchell told us last year, I am Urban has made it to streaming. I have already located the film on iTunes where you can rent or buy it. I think it is also available on YouTube Movies and the Google Play store. So hopefully access is now for everyone. On the occasion of Urban going to streaming, Richard was interviewed…
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amazingactorarmitage · 7 months
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mezzmerizedbyrichard · 9 months
This is looking promising!
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selenekallanwriter · 2 months
Person: What's your book about?
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I'm both somehow 🙃
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laurasimonsdaughter · 6 months
Picture this: Dragons using their caves to age cheese. Dragon Cheesemakers!!
The dragon coiled his enormous body, completely blocking the entrance of the tunnel that lead to the caves.
“No,” he snarled, smoke pluming from his nose.
The cheesemonger pinched the bridge of her own nose. “Look, I explained this to you at the start,” she tried once more. “I make cheese.”
“Yes,” the agreed, nodding his scaly head.
“Then I bring the cheese here.”
“Then you store all the cheese in your cave, keeping it at the perfect temperature and humidity.”
“Yes.” He sounded particularly proud of this part.
“And then when the cheese has ripened,” she concluded. “I come to pick the cheese up again.”
A thunderous scowl clouded his maw. “No.”
“But that’s how it works!” she cried in exasperation. “I make the cheese, you store the cheese, I sell the cheese, I make more cheese!” She peered up at him. “You do realise I cannot bring you new cheese until I have sold this cheese.”
The dragon considered this for a moment. “Ah, but what if—” he began. “What if you go and make more cheese. And bring me the cheese. And I put it in my cave, with the rest of the hoard. And then I keep it there forever.”
“No,” she said flatly.
It was remarkable how much a dragon could look like it had just swallowed a lemon.
“You can’t keep cheese forever,” she insisted. “It will spoil and go bad!”
“You said it would get better and better!” the dragon roared indignantly. “And I take good care of them! With the air flow and the humidity and the temperature!”
“And that is great,” she said, trying to smile through her frustration. “But when a cheese is ripe, it’s ripe! Then you should not be kept anymore, it should be eaten.”
The dragon scraped it’s formidable claws against the stony ground and sulked.
“Look…” The cheese mongering business did not tend to require a lot of sweet-talking, but she was making an effort. “I’m sure the cheeses that aged in your cave are the best cheeses people have ever tasted. When they find out how delicious they are they will want us to make loads more. Maybe several caves’ worth!”
The reptilian eyes stared at her with disgruntled, reluctant interest. “Several caves?”
“If we’re lucky! And I could make so much cheese that I could bring you new cheese as soon as I pick up the aged cheese. Your cave would never even be empty!”
This seemed to strike a chord. The dragon lifted his head a little.
“And that would really be much better for the rest of your hoard,” she continued with fresh inspiration. “Because if you leave cheese too long, it might go bad and spoil the cheeses next to it too!”
A nervous ripple went through the beast’s scaly body, but he clearly was not convinced just yet. “But what sort of a hoard is it if I have to give it away,” he complained.
“Well! Cheese is not just any old hoard! It’s a developing creation! And you will have a hoard that is constantly developing too. Constantly changing, but, if we do this right, never shrinking.”
The dragon looked at her solemnly, wavering with uncertainty. Perhaps she shouldn’t hold it against the poor thing, it must be a difficult concept to wrap his head around.
“And I will tell you what,” she said encouragingly. “If business is good, I can start investing in some really good crumbly cheeses. You can keep those in your cave for five whole years!”
“That is quite a long time for humans, is it not?” he said, sounding a little more cheerful.
“Very long. Especially when it comes to cheese. Cheeses that have been aged that long are very expensive.”
In retrospect, she should perhaps have led with that. Gourmand or not, a dragon was still a dragon after all. A glittering, toothy grin appeared on her recalcitrant business partner’s shout and he moved just enough for her to move past him into the mountain.
“Tell me more about this expensive cheese that crumbles.”
She hid a smirk. “If you help me carry some of the current ones out, it would be my pleasure.”
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writeouswriter · 2 years
Broke: Acknowledging that a character who is an objectively terrible person is also a complex and intentionally well thought out individual with different levels of nuance you can empathize with in some ways while not in others is immediately “woobifying” or “poor little meow meowifying” them.
Woke: “This character is a bad person” and “this character is still a person” are two statements that can, should and do coexist and admitting that they exhibit nuance and depth and are more than just their bad actions doesn’t immediately excuse or condone their bad actions or mean that you’re ignoring or trying to soften the canonical version of the character.
Bespoke: That’s the whole point, that’s always been the point, to be made to empathize with horrible people so you can understand that they can be anyone, that bad people can be likeable, can be interesting, can be human, are human, and it’s scary to think about all the ways they’re just like you and all the ways they’re just like everything you hate, forcing the use of critical skills in media analysis, forcing a confrontation of the duality of man.
Whatever Level is Above Bespoke: But sometimes, yeah, sure, maybe they are a poor little meow meow, what are you gonna do, get a lawyer
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ruuinxs · 6 months
i think saiki is so bad at making passwords. he’s probably sitting there at his computer like “123four56#” and the rest of his friend group watches him type it in and they’re shocked. jaw dropped. and he’s like. what’s the point of a password. if someone steals my laptop i will simply kill them.
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trek-tracks · 5 months
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Theory 1: Karl Urban just really enjoys being banished from large tracts of land
Theory 2: Grima Wormtongue is Bones' ex-wife
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New interview with Richard for Radio Times.
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riepu10 · 2 years
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Chop & Urban I am Urban - official trailer
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guylty · 8 months
"Richard was ideal for Chop" 
What you see there in the headline of this post is high praise, straight from someone who has worked with Richard. This is the continuation of my Q&A with Matthew Mitchell, producer of I am Urban. After covering production, casting and plans for the film, I asked Matthew specifically about Richard’s contribution on set and how he came to be involved in the project. So here is what you have been…
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karlmarxmaybe · 11 months
The Purge but everyone stays at home bc they're scared except Gen z who go out bc they have no will to live and when they notice it's all empty they take the chance to party in the street and be queer in public spaces
(Fourteen-year old boys ransacking Gucci and running around the street in stolen 5000 dollar dresses)
(Trans kids taking over the deserted malls and cheaply recreating 90's music videos)
(The autistics climbing buildings)
(Older teen lesbian weddings in the empty church)
(The Minecraft kids make makeshift spears and go hunt boars. They manage to hunt zero boars but have a hell of a good time)
(Teen girls forsake gender-imposed dress code and wear whatever. Some people are just naked cuz it's warm)
(At least 1 mormon church is set ablaze)
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hollymacycomic · 4 months
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Holly & Macy and Everyone Else
Chapter 4: Page 47
Start at the Beginning | About the comic | Tip-jar 
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Holly & Macy will update twice this week. Check back on Saturday for page 48.
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selenekallanwriter · 4 months
Every single time
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